Bug#309530: mozilla-firefox: emacs key shortcuts not recognized

Loïc Minier Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>, 309530@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 20 May 2005 23:28:19 +0200

tags 309530 + pending


On Fri, May 20, 2005, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> This isn't very useful if one is used some of the time, and the other i=
> used other times, and the difference is something that is invisible to
> the user (whether gnome-session-daemon is running).  Really, this is a
> terrible user experience.  Besides, the gtkrc-2.0 settings have been
> documented for some time, and since they are explicitly entered, they
> should override any default gnome-sesson-daemon settings.

 This is a point of view, I can't talk for the intentions of upstream,
 but you might consider the fact that a GConf override might be easier
 to implement in a large workstations parc.

> I make a quick test, and changing the setting with gconf-editor (as
> described on that page) it does fix the keybindings.  However,
> gnome-settings-daemon still breaks my keyboard configuration when it
> starts, because it (seemingly) reasserts my XKB settings, overwriting
> the changes I added with xmodmap.  I can see no way to turn this off.
> So the real "solution" for me is preventing gnome-settings-daemon from
> running.

 I think you refer to a different bug here, related to your XKB
 configuration under GNOME, is this correct?

> >  If it did, I would be glad to complement the README.Debian of
> >  libgtk2.0-0 and eventually will suggest Gtk 2 apps getting report of
> >  the problem to link to this file.
> Yes, that would be good.

 This should be fixed in the next package, I made the changes.

Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."