Bug#339685: glib2.0: Not binNMU-able using + notation.

Kurt Roeckx kurt at roeckx.be
Thu Nov 17 23:01:30 UTC 2005

Package: glib2.0
Severity: important


You have the following in your debian/rules file:
version=$(shell echo ${debversion} | sed -e 's/-[A-Za-z0-9\.]*$$//g' -e 's/+[A-Za-z0-9\.]*$$//g')

And then use that version for a few things (like replacing
debian/*.in).  This is causing a build failure when you want to
do a binNMU as 2.8.4-1+b1.  It will suddenly look for the dir
2.8.4-1 instead of 2.8.4.  Adding a \+ to the first expression
fixes this.

I have to wonder why you have to make it so complex to get the
upstream version.  I don't see why you need two expressions, the
first with the \+ added should be enough.  And if you assume the
upstream version doesn't have a '-' in it you could even make it

You also have a TAR_DIR variable, which you're also seem to be
using for the same thing.  I think it's better to stick to 1
variable to get your name of your dirs.

Also, libglib2.0-data isn't installable because of a too strict
version dependency, but nothing seems to depend on it.

PS: At some point '~' might also need to be added to your


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