Bug#305554: marked as done (gnome-search-tool fails to open
folder with "nautilus not running")
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Thu Nov 17 23:18:08 UTC 2005
Your message dated Thu, 17 Nov 2005 21:13:11 -0200
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From: David Hugh-Jones <davidhughjones at gmail.com>
Reply-To: David Hugh-Jones <davidhughjones at gmail.com>
To: submit at bugs.debian.org
Subject: gnome-search-tool fails to open folder with "nautilus not running"
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Version: 2.8.1-1
To reproduce:
1. start gnome-search-tool and find a file with it.
2. right-click on the file and select "open folder"
What happens: I get an error message with "could not open folder
'xxx'. The Nautilus file manager is not running".
What should happen: the folder should open.
Running "testing".=20
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Subject: Problem is no more on gnome-utils >= 2.10
From: Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>
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Source-Version: 2.10.1
I've tried to reproduce this problem with gnome-utils 2.8.1-1, on
stable, and was able to. The problem does not happen on the versions of
gnome-utils which are available on unstable or experimental, though.
The upstream NEWS.gz file mentions some changes to gnome-search-tool
which may be the cause of the problem being gone, like avoiding
deprecated gnome-vfs functions.
kov at debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian: <http://www.debian.org> * <http://www.debian-br.org>
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