Bug#358008: gnome-panel menu-methods should be removed or fixed.

Bill Allombert ballombe at debian.org
Mon Mar 20 18:34:48 UTC 2006

Package: gnome-panel-data
Version: 2.8.3-1
Severity: normal

Hello Debian GNOME maintainer,

gnome-panel-data include two menu-methods:


With the switch to menu-xdg, are they still necessary ?

If you remove them, since they are conffiles, make sure
they are chmod a-x or removed after the upgrade.

If you keep them, please fix the prerun command:

prerun="rm -rf " prefix() "/*" 

prerun     = "test -d " prefix() " && ("
             "find " prefix() " -type f -exec rm {} \\; ;"
             "find " prefix() " -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} \\;)";

removemenu = "test -d " prefix() " && ("
             "find " prefix() " -type f -exec rm {} \\; ;"
             "find " prefix() " -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} \\;)";

This avoids the problem of hitting 'command line too long' and this
allows to remove the menu using update-menus --remove.

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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