Gnome plans for the lenny cycle

Andreas Barth aba at
Thu Apr 19 20:59:53 UTC 2007

* Loïc Minier (lool+debian at [070419 22:36]:
>  While I don't think this is necessary for this particular point, I
>  think we should have release progress IRC meetings; some kind of
>  "release team talks with the various teams" meeting:
>  - status reports (difficulties, progress)
>  - room for discussion of particular problems, for discussing some
>    issues and perhaps come with an action plan to solve them or come to
>    a decision
>  - risk assessment for the date of the release, or the release goals, or
>    the pet release goals
>  Perhaps we need more intermediate milestones, which is something which
>  seems to be lacking in some areas (no goals for each milestone, no
>  coordination or reports from teams for intermediate steps, very few
>  intermediate steps: d-i RC1 and RC2 were quite late in the cycle)
>  What do you think?

I'm not sure which way is the best, but it seems we might need something
like that, yes. (Perhaps we can discuss about that during debconf, or


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