Bug#415176: rhythmbox restarts on close unless doing "kill" on the command line

Sven Arvidsson sa at whiz.se
Sun Mar 18 15:22:00 CET 2007

On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 11:42 +0100, Martin Ketzer wrote:
>  > Can you run rhythmbox from the terminal in debug mode (rhythmbox -d) and
>  > see if you can capture any interesting error messages when you close?
>  > Keep in mind that debug mode is very verbose.
>  >
> hm, i see nothing out of the ordinary. problem is, that the "exit" of 
> rhythmbox starts a new instance (without -d). but i tried a few things.
> 1. mv /usr/bin/rhythmbox /usr/bin/rhythmbox.orig
>     and execute "rhythmbox.orig"
> results in rhythmbox exiting normally without restart
> 2. write a shell-script named "rhythmbox" that does execute
>     "rhythmbox.orig -d" and pipes the output into a file
> but that results again in rhythmbox exiting normally without restart 
> (and nothing interesting in the log again).
> after that i renamed the original rhythmbox to it's usual name the 
> restarting occurs again. odd...

Yes, I'm quite curious myself to figure out what is causing this.

The next time you close rhythmbox and the restart happens, can you run

        cat /proc/$(pidof rhythmbox)/environ
Maybe it can give a clue as to what is starting rhythmbox again. Be sure
to scan the output for any personal information before you mail it.

Sven Arvidsson
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