Bug#481119: gnome-screensaver: cannot unlock screen after upgrade

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña jfs at computer.org
Tue May 13 20:02:18 UTC 2008

Package: gnome-screensaver
Version: 2.22.2-1
Priority: serious

After upgrading from gnome-screensaver version  2.20.0-2+b1 to 2.22.2-1
I've found that whenever the screensaver starts up (due to the timeout
defined) and locks the screen I'm not presented the unlock dialog.

All I can see is (temporarily) the mouse but the screen remains blank. No
change (save disabling locking) in gnome-screensaver's preference tool has
been able to fix this issue.

When I've found the screen to be disabled I have only been able to unlock it
by going from the X session to a VTY session and manually killing the
screensaver process. Of course, a user that has no such knowledge can only
"fix" this situation by killing (Ctrl+Alt+Del) the X session altogether and
potentially losing all his data.

I've poked into Gnome's registry and changed the value of
/apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_dialog_theme from 'default' (which I understand
from the schema that is the default value) to a blank value and *then* I'm
presented a dialog to unlock the screen. I've tried changing it to 'system'
and the dialog is also presented.. I'm not sure, however, if this is the proper
fix for this issue.

I think this behaviour (which probably only happens on upgrades) is
completely unacceptable. If the default value of any of the keys in
gnome-screensaver has been changed so as to make previous values incorrect
then the program should detect this and (transparently to the user) fix the
issue. Thus the 'serious' severity.
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