Bug#517333: gconf2: Stops working after a while
Josselin Mouette
joss at debian.org
Fri Feb 27 00:41:39 UTC 2009
Le vendredi 27 février 2009 à 00:35 +0000, Sam Morris a écrit :
> Please note: I don't really know which package to file this bug against, so
> bear with me. ;)
> Since upgrading to 2.24, I have noticed that programs no longer receive
> notifications about settings being changed after I have been logged in for
> a while.
> For example, changing my desktop background or font preferences has no effect.
> Another thing I have noticed is that I can't put new items on panels (though
> new items do show up after a logout/login cycle).
OK, some questions to narrow this down:
* is the gconfd-2 daemon restarted when this happens? i.e. does
the startup time still correspond to the one of the session?
* If, when this happens, you kill the gconfd-2 process, do
notifications start to happen again?
* If, when notifications are still working, you kill the gconfd-2
process, do they stop working?
.''`. Debian 5.0 "Lenny" has been released!
: :' :
`. `' Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told
`- me that if you don't install Lenny, he'd melt your brain.
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