Bug#553343: gnome-session: after upgrading, something continuously sends data to gconfd making it occupy 100% of the CPU
Vasilis Vasaitis
v.vasaitis at sms.ed.ac.uk
Mon Nov 2 16:00:24 UTC 2009
On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 12:29:45PM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le vendredi 30 octobre 2009 à 14:26 +0000, Vasilis Vasaitis a écrit :
> > After I upgraded my sid system yesterday, and re-logged into my GNOME
> > desktop, I noticed to gconfd-2 would occupy 100% of the CPU (and it keeps
> > doing that after quite a few cycles of logging out / logging in). Checking
> > ~/.gconfd/saved_state, there seems to be this stream of commands repeating
> > over and over:
> I presume this is caused by a process being started and dying over and
> over again. Is there a process for which the PID is constantly changing
> in your process list?
Ah, good call. Yes, it appears to be metacity (which is started by
gnome-wm). Normally I'm running compiz, which in a previous version of
GNOME I had set up by removing metacity from the session and
explicitly adding "compiz --sm-disable" through
gnome-session-properties. But now from what I can gather gnome-session
is handling the window manager specially, so gnome-session launches
gnome-wm, which launches metacity, which finds compiz running and
therefore exits; over and over and over again.
If I remove compiz from my session then metacity starts and I don't
have the 100% CPU issue any more. But now I have a wrong window
manager issue.
I tried setting the WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable to
/usr/bin/compiz, as the gnome-wm manpage suggests, but it appears to
have no effect whatsoever. I also tried setting
/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager and
/apps/gnome-session/rh/window_manager to "compiz" (anything that
seemed relevant, basically), again with no effect. Any suggestions?
Vasilis Vasaitis
"A man is well or woe as he thinks himself so."
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