Bug#603623: gnome: Cant switch user

Josselin Mouette joss at debian.org
Tue Nov 16 15:32:07 UTC 2010

reassign 603623 gnome-session

Le lundi 15 novembre 2010 à 23:14 +0000, Noel David Torres Taño a
écrit :
> I'm using kdm as login manager. I login into a gnome session by chosing 
> "gnome" at the session menu, and entering my login and password. To sitch 
> users I go to "System" menu, then "Close session [login name]..." and in the 
> display I get I hit the button "Change User". Then, instead of a new kdm login 
> screen I get an error dialog with the text I said.

User switching from GNOME only works with GDM, so this is expected.

I wonder why the session manager even proposes you to switch. This is
where lies the bug, it should only offer to disconnect.

: :' :     “You would need to ask a lawyer if you don't know
`. `'       that a handshake of course makes a valid contract.”
  `-        --  J???rg Schilling

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