
Pino Toscano pino at debian.org
Mon Apr 7 16:17:28 UTC 2014

On 2014-04-07 18:00, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Control: reassign -1 evince
> Control: found -1 3.4.0-3.1
> Control: severity -1 important
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Pino Toscano <pino at debian.org> wrote:
>> On 2014-04-07 11:09, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>>> Control: severity -1 grave
>>> Control: found -1 0.18.4-6
>> This "found" contraddicts what the reporter says in message #15, so
>> either you are trying with a different document or the reporter is 
>> not
>> providing correct information.
> OP is not very clear either. Apparently the bug would be fixed with
> '0.18.4-6' on 'jessie'.

Well, I don't care much about names, but about versions.

> What I can tell, is that the bug is present on default wheezy
> installation (x86_64). I saw the corruption of my PDF generated bank
> account (OP is using the same bank online service)

Well, so far you have not provided enough information to even say that
your problem is the one that was reported here in #698456.

- can you reproduce the issue reported with the *provided* PDF 

- can you please run evince from command line, and paste as-is the
   output you get from it when opening your document?

- can you please provide (if possible) a screenshot of evince opening
   your document?

> I do not believe the issue lie within the poppler code base since
> `pdftoppm` behave as expected. So the rendering issue should (must?)
> be within evince codebase. Thus re-assigning.

Sigh, no. Evince renders documents using poppler-glib, which uses the
cairo-based rendering backend of Poppler. So your reassign is wrong.
(You can check yourself with other PDF viewers using poppler-glib, for
example apvlv, epdfview, gpdftext.)

Mathieu, I understand you care about solving the issue with your PDF
document, being able to view it on your Wheezy installation.
But please, provide *all* the information you can and let maintainers
look into it, instead of just telling "my document does not work",
changing the priority and randomly the product as well.

Pino Toscano

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