
Mathieu Malaterre malat at debian.org
Mon Apr 7 16:28:39 UTC 2014

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 6:17 PM, Pino Toscano <pino at debian.org> wrote:
> On 2014-04-07 18:00, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>> Control: reassign -1 evince
>> Control: found -1 3.4.0-3.1
>> Control: severity -1 important
>> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Pino Toscano <pino at debian.org> wrote:
>>> On 2014-04-07 11:09, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>>>> Control: severity -1 grave
>>>> Control: found -1 0.18.4-6
>>> This "found" contraddicts what the reporter says in message #15, so
>>> either you are trying with a different document or the reporter is not
>>> providing correct information.
>> OP is not very clear either. Apparently the bug would be fixed with
>> '0.18.4-6' on 'jessie'.
> Well, I don't care much about names, but about versions.
>> What I can tell, is that the bug is present on default wheezy
>> installation (x86_64). I saw the corruption of my PDF generated bank
>> account (OP is using the same bank online service)
> Well, so far you have not provided enough information to even say that
> your problem is the one that was reported here in #698456.
> - can you reproduce the issue reported with the *provided* PDF document?

Yes. I would not have tweak an existing bug otherwise. I also had the
same issue as OP, since it is my banking account, I was glad to see
someone spend quite some time to provide a very decent bug report.

> - can you please run evince from command line, and paste as-is the
>   output you get from it when opening your document?

I used this output to actually find this bug report. Anyway here it is:

$ evince edited-file-showing-black-squares.pdf
Error: PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table...
Error: FoFiType1::parse a line has more than 255 characters, we don't
support this
Error: FoFiType1::parse a line has more than 255 characters, we don't
support this
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support this
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support this
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support this
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support this
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support this
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support this
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support this
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support this
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Error: FoFiType1::parse a line has more than 255 characters, we don't
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Error: FoFiType1::parse a line has more than 255 characters, we don't
support this

> - can you please provide (if possible) a screenshot of evince opening
>   your document?

Not my document, but OP's one. Mine is also showing those black area
(please do trust me on that). See attachement.

>> I do not believe the issue lie within the poppler code base since
>> `pdftoppm` behave as expected. So the rendering issue should (must?)
>> be within evince codebase. Thus re-assigning.
> Sigh, no. Evince renders documents using poppler-glib, which uses the
> cairo-based rendering backend of Poppler. So your reassign is wrong.
> (You can check yourself with other PDF viewers using poppler-glib, for
> example apvlv, epdfview, gpdftext.)

Please apologize. Since you were not seeing this issue, I -wrongly-
assumed this was outside the scope of poppler, and thus could only lie
within evince scope.

> Mathieu, I understand you care about solving the issue with your PDF
> document, being able to view it on your Wheezy installation.
> But please, provide *all* the information you can and let maintainers
> look into it, instead of just telling "my document does not work",
> changing the priority and randomly the product as well.

>From my point of view, I thought the original report had everything to
reproduce the actual issue.

Again, I am sorry if my extra steps made the inital clear report, a
little less clear.

Ps: feel free to re-assign to whatever package you think is more
appropriate, I could not see anything wrong using
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