Bug#753968: [src:gtk+3.0 ] Some sources are not included in your package
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
pochu at debian.org
Wed Aug 6 11:02:17 UTC 2014
On 06/08/14 12:47, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Jul 2014 at 19:25:53 +0000, bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
>> Your package seems to include some files that lack sources
>> in prefered forms of modification:
>> gdk/broadway/rawinflate.min.js
> This is not trivial to fix.
> The preferred form for modification appears to be found at
> https://github.com/imaya/zlib.js - our rawinflate.min.js matches
> the precompiled/minified version 0.1.6 from that repository.
> That repository contains JS source code which is compiled with the
> Google Closure Compiler (implemented in Java), a copy of which
> can be found in that repository as non-source (a precompiled
> jar file).
> The Closure compiler exists in Debian, but probably not at the same version,
> and some of the command-line syntax seems to have changed. It was not
> clear to me how to reconstruct the desired version of rawinflate.min.js
> from that repository, but that's not surprising, because I have no idea
> how Closure is meant to work in any case.
> Gtk maintainers: how important is the Broadway backend? Would it
> be reasonable to disable that backend, and remove rawinflate.min.js
> from a .dfsg repacked tarball?
I don't think dropping the broadway backend is reasonable.
> If not, I think this will require help from someone who knows the
> Javascript ecosystem, and/or Gtk upstream.
We can probably add the source to debian/ and some instructions on how the
min.js file is generated. We don't need to generate it though, shipping the
pre-generated file is fine.
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