Bug#804150: gnome-flashback: windows move very slowly

Joachim Schmidt jschm1dt at arcor.de
Tue Nov 10 12:21:16 UTC 2015

Hi  Alberts Muktupāvels,

> this is not very useful... Please try to provide more info so we can
> understand what is going on.
I try to move a window to an other position on screen with left mouse 
button down. The window takes several seconds to reach the new position. 
There are no intermediate mouse positions lost.
Thats, what I meant with "the window follows very slowly the mouse"
> 1) What video card do you have / video drivers?
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV370 [Radeon X300]
> 2) Do you have same problem when you disable compositing manager?:
> gsettings set org.gnome.metacity compositing-manager false
> 3) Which version was last that did not have this problem?
stable Version - jessie I switched a few days ago
> 4) Do you have this problem only with server side decorations
> (gnome-terminal) and/or also with csd windows (nautilus)?
no, with terminal, with nautilus, with every window


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