FW: R.I for Account confirmation

Z.H.U Int'l Ind Co LLC زو ليك elainazhu9 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 09:49:55 UTC 2017


Trust you are well. 

Please note that we are trying to connect to our server, but its coming
as 'not available'. 

Sorry I am writing with my alternative email, our server is undergoing a
routine maintenance checkup and not able to send or receive mails at the

With reference to my previous mail on outstanding transaction, kindly
note that we discovered a change on the bank details. 

Please check the details of the new bank account on the attached revised
invoice and revert to confirm and settle payment ASAP. 

Kind Regards, 


+1 310- 816 - 4092 

Accounts Payable.  

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