Bug#1087442: gnome-initial-setup: started by gdm after an (dist-)upgrade and a reboot

Patrice Duroux patrice.duroux at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 18:56:28 GMT 2024

Le mer. 13 nov. 2024 à 18:58, Jeremy Bícha
<jeremy.bicha at canonical.com> a écrit :

> You could try uninstalling gnome-initial-setup. Debian packages only
> Recommend it, not Depend on it.

I will do this.
Sorry for my curiosity but:
1. Will any new users lose the feature to parameter their (GNOME)
session on a first togin? or this is another tool?
2. Is there a "root" process to kill before? Or removing the package
and then restarting gdm service will do nicely the job?
And then,  maybe, reinstall it for my point 1. for any new user? ;-)

root        1956  0.0  0.0 310780  8892 ?        Ssl  13:04   0:00
root        1968  0.0  0.0 238408  9528 ?        Sl   13:04   0:00
gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-launch-environment]
gnome-i+    1981  0.0  0.0  21608 12536 ?        Ss   13:04   0:00
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user

Many thanks for your consideration

ps: this feature is running a lot of GNOME session services, all are expected?
$ ps -u gnome-initial-setup -l | wc -l

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