Processed: Re: Bug#482279: Same thing happens with python-pycurl

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Thu Jun 11 10:39:14 UTC 2009

Processing commands for control at

> clone 482279 -1
Bug#482279: libgnutls26: mutt is unable to talk with gmail with "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received." message
Bug 482279 cloned as bug 532752.

> retitle -1 firewall causing TLS problems
Bug#532752: libgnutls26: mutt is unable to talk with gmail with "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received." message
Changed Bug title to `firewall causing TLS problems' from `libgnutls26: mutt is unable to talk with gmail with "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received." message'.

> tags -1 wontfix
Bug#532752: firewall causing TLS problems
Tags were: moreinfo
Tags added: wontfix

> tags -1 -moreinfo
Bug#532752: firewall causing TLS problems
Tags were: wontfix moreinfo
Tags removed: moreinfo

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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