[pkg-go] ITP: golang-github-flynn-json5 -- Go JSON5 decoder package based on encoding/json

Raju Devidas rajudev at disroot.org
Thu Jul 26 23:26:34 BST 2018

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Raju Devidas <rajudev at disroot.org>

* Package name    : golang-github-flynn-json5
  Version         : 0.0~git20160717.7620272-1
  Upstream Author : The Go Authors, Aseem Kishore, and others.
* URL             : https://github.com/flynn/json5
* License         : BSD-3-Clause, Expat
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Go JSON5 decoder package based on encoding/json
 This is a Go package that implements decoding of JSON5 values.
 It provides various functions like Unmarshal, NewDecoder, Buffered,
Decode, UseNumber,
 Error, Float64, Int64, String, UnmarshalJSON
 Unmarshal - Itparses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result in the
value pointed to by v.
 Decoder - Itreads and decodes JSON values from an input stream.
 NewDecoder - Itreturns a new decoder that reads from r.
 Buffered - It returns a reader of the data remaining in the Decoder's
buffer. The reader is valid until the next call to Decode.
 Decode - Itreads the next JSON-encoded value from its input and stores
it in the value pointed to by v.
 UseNumber - Itcauses the Decoder to unmarshal a number into an
interface{} as a Number instead of as a float64.
 Float64 - Itreturns the number as a float64.
 Int64 - Itreturns the number as an int64.
 String - Itreturns the literal text of the number.
 UnmarshalJSON - It sets *m to a copy of data.

This package will be maintained under the Debian Go Team.
I am packaging this as a dependency for micro(#888813)

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