[pkg-go] Packages "confirmed" and ready for DD review/possible upload - Debian Mentors - 2024-08-27

Phil Wyett philip.wyett at kathenas.org
Tue Aug 27 14:37:15 BST 2024

Dear all DDs,

Below is the link to the page of currently "confirmed" being in good order
packages that are awaiting a DD review and possible upload. If DDs could
spare the time to pick up a package or two and finish off the package mentor
process it would be greatly appreciated.


Please check that another DD is not already involved in the package.

P.S. I have have emailed some team lists, as we have packages in a variety of
laguages and may interest DDs from these teams.




"I play the game for the game’s own sake"

Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


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