[pktools] 284/375: implemented both forward and backward kalman filter

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Dec 3 21:54:22 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream-master
in repository pktools.

commit 8f2e83e32dbfc11c91e698a2d5cc3e60e583d9eb
Author: user <user at osgeolive.(none)>
Date:   Thu Jun 12 00:13:13 2014 +0200

    implemented both forward and backward kalman filter
 src/apps/pkkalman.cc | 495 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 356 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/apps/pkkalman.cc b/src/apps/pkkalman.cc
index 75ada00..f858826 100644
--- a/src/apps/pkkalman.cc
+++ b/src/apps/pkkalman.cc
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ along with pktools.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 #include <sstream>
 #include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
 #include "base/Optionpk.h"
 #include "base/Vector2d.h"
 #include "imageclasses/ImgReaderGdal.h"
@@ -31,15 +32,17 @@ using namespace std;
   Main procedure
 int main(int argc,char **argv) {
+  Optionpk<string> direction_opt("dir","direction","direction to run model (forward|backward)","forward");
   Optionpk<string> model_opt("mod","model","model input datasets, e.g., MODIS (use: -mod model1 -mod model2 etc.");
   Optionpk<string> observation_opt("obs","observation","observation input datasets, e.g., landsat (use: -obs obs1 -obs obs2 etc.");
-  Optionpk<int> tobservation_opt("tobs","tobservation","time sequence of observation input (sequence must have exact same length as observation input)"); 
+  Optionpk<int> tmodel_opt("tmod","tmodel","time sequence of model input. Sequence must have exact same length as model input. Leave empty to have default sequence 0,1,2,etc."); 
+  Optionpk<int> tobservation_opt("tobs","tobservation","time sequence of observation input. Sequence must have exact same length as observation input)"); 
   Optionpk<string> output_opt("o", "output", "Output raster dataset");
   Optionpk<float> threshold_opt("th", "threshold", "threshold for selecting samples (randomly). Provide probability in percentage (>0) or absolute (<0).", 0);
   // Optionpk<double> modnodata_opt("modnodata", "modnodata", "invalid value for model input", 0);
   Optionpk<double> obsnodata_opt("obsnodata", "obsnodata", "invalid value for observation input", 0);
   Optionpk<double> eps_opt("eps", "eps", "epsilon for non zero division", 0.00001);
-  Optionpk<double> uncertModel_opt("um", "uncertmodel", "Multiply this value with std dev of first model image to obtain uncertainty of model");
+  Optionpk<double> uncertModel_opt("um", "uncertmodel", "Multiply this value with std dev of first model image to obtain uncertainty of model",2);
   Optionpk<double> uncertNodata_opt("unodata", "uncertnodata", "Uncertainty in case of no-data values in observation", 10000);
   Optionpk<int> down_opt("down", "down", "Downsampling factor for reading model data to calculate regression", 9);
   Optionpk<string>  oformat_opt("of", "oformat", "Output image format (see also gdal_translate). Empty string: inherit from input image","GTiff",2);
@@ -48,8 +51,10 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) {
   bool doProcess;//stop process when program was invoked with help option (-h --help)
-    doProcess=model_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
+    doProcess=direction_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
+    model_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
+    tmodel_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
@@ -84,6 +89,15 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) {
       errorStream << "Error: sequence of models should be larger than observations" << endl;
+    if(tmodel_opt.size()!=model_opt.size()){
+      if(tmodel_opt.empty())
+	cout << "Warning: time sequence is not provided, self generating time sequence from 0 to " << model_opt.size() << endl;
+      else
+	cout << "Warning: time sequence provided (" << tmodel_opt.size() << ") does not match number of model raster datasets (" << model_opt.size() << ")" << endl;
+      tmodel_opt.clear();
+      for(int tindex=0;tindex<model_opt.size();++tindex)
+	tmodel_opt.push_back(tindex);
+    }
       errorStream << "Error: time sequence for observation must match size of observation dataset" << endl;
@@ -120,7 +134,6 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) {
   int obsindex=0;
-  //forward step
   const char* pszMessage;
   void* pProgressArg=NULL;
@@ -134,171 +147,375 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv) {
   double c1obs=0;
   double errObs=uncertNodata_opt[0];//start with high initial value in case we do not have first observation at time 0
-  //initialization
-  string output;
-  if(output_opt.size()==model_opt.size())
-    output=output_opt[0];
-  else{
-    ostringstream outputstream;
-    outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_0.tif";
-    output=outputstream.str();
-  }
-  imgWriterEst.open(output,ncol,nrow,2,GDT_Float32,imageType,option_opt);
-  imgWriterEst.GDALSetNoDataValue(obsnodata_opt[0]);
-  if(tobservation_opt[0]>0){//initialize output_opt[0] as model[0]
-    //write first model as output
-    imgReaderModel1.open(model_opt[0]);
-    //calculate standard deviation of image to serve as model uncertainty
-    GDALRasterBand* rasterBand;
-    rasterBand=imgReaderModel1.getRasterBand(0);
-    double minValue, maxValue, meanValue, stdDev;
-    void* pProgressData;
-    rasterBand->ComputeStatistics(0,&minValue,&maxValue,&meanValue,&stdDev,pfnProgress,pProgressData);
-    for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
-      vector<double> buffer;
-      imgReaderModel1.readData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
-      imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
-      for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol)
-	buffer[icol]=uncertModel_opt[0]*stdDev;
-      imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
-    }
-    imgReaderModel1.close();
-    imgWriterEst.close();
-  }
-  else{//we have an observation at time 0
-    imgReaderObs.open(observation_opt[0]);
-    imgReaderObs.setNoData(obsnodata_opt);
-    for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
-      vector<double> buffer;
-      imgReaderObs.readData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
-      imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
-      for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol){
-	if(imgReaderObs.isNoData(buffer[icol]))
-	  buffer[icol]=uncertNodata_opt[0];
-	else
-	  buffer[icol]=0;
-      }
-      imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
-    }
-    imgReaderObs.close();
-    imgWriterEst.close();
-  }
   //todo: map modindex to real time (e.g., Julian day)
+  vector<int> relobsindex;
+  // cout << tmodel_opt << endl;
+  // cout << tobservation_opt << endl;
-  for(int modindex=0;modindex<model_opt.size()-1;++modindex){
+  for(int tindex=0;tindex<tobservation_opt.size();++tindex){
+    vector<int>::iterator modit;
+    modit=lower_bound(tmodel_opt.begin(),tmodel_opt.end(),tobservation_opt[tindex]);
+    int relpos=modit-tmodel_opt.begin()-2;
+    if(relpos<0)
+      relpos=0;
+    relobsindex.push_back(relpos);
-      cout << "processing time " << modindex << endl;
+      cout << "tobservation_opt[tindex] " << tobservation_opt[tindex] << " " << relobsindex.back() << endl;
+  }
+  if(direction_opt[0]=="forward"){
+    ///////////////////////////// forward model /////////////////////////
+    obsindex=0;
+    if(verbose_opt[0])
+      cout << "Running forward model" << endl;
+    //initialization
     string output;
-      output=output_opt[modindex+1];
+      output=output_opt[0];
       ostringstream outputstream;
-      outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << modindex+1 << ".tif";
+      outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << tmodel_opt[0] << ".tif";
-    //two band output band0=estimation, band1=uncertainty
+    if(verbose_opt[0])
+      cout << "Opening image " << output << " for writing " << endl;
-    //calculate regression between two subsequence model inputs
-    imgReaderModel1.open(model_opt[modindex]);
-    imgReaderModel2.open(model_opt[modindex+1]);
-    //calculate regression
-    //we could re-use the points from second image from last run, but
-    //to keep it general, we must redo it (overlap might have changed)
-    pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
-    double c0mod=0;
-    double c1mod=0;
-    double errMod=imgreg.getRMSE(imgReaderModel1,imgReaderModel2,c0mod,c1mod,verbose_opt[0]);
+    if(relobsindex[0]>0){//initialize output_opt[0] as model[0]
+      //write first model as output
+      imgReaderModel1.open(model_opt[0]);
+      //calculate standard deviation of image to serve as model uncertainty
+      GDALRasterBand* rasterBand;
+      rasterBand=imgReaderModel1.getRasterBand(0);
+      double minValue, maxValue, meanValue, stdDev;
+      void* pProgressData;
+      rasterBand->ComputeStatistics(0,&minValue,&maxValue,&meanValue,&stdDev,pfnProgress,pProgressData);
-    bool update=(tobservation_opt[obsindex]==modindex);
-    if(update){
-      if(verbose_opt[0])
-	cout << "***update " << tobservation_opt[obsindex] << " = " << modindex << " ***" << endl;
-      imgReaderObs.open(observation_opt[obsindex]);
+      for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
+	vector<double> buffer;
+	imgReaderModel1.readData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol)
+	  buffer[icol]=uncertModel_opt[0]*stdDev;
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+      }
+      imgReaderModel1.close();
+      imgWriterEst.close();
+    }
+    else{//we have an observation at time 0
+      imgReaderObs.open(observation_opt[0]);
-      //calculate regression between model and observation
-      errObs=imgreg.getRMSE(imgReaderModel1,imgReaderObs,c0obs,c1obs,verbose_opt[0]);
+      for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
+	vector<double> buffer;
+	imgReaderObs.readData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol){
+	  if(imgReaderObs.isNoData(buffer[icol]))
+	    buffer[icol]=uncertNodata_opt[0];
+	  else
+	    buffer[icol]=0;
+	}
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+      }
+      imgReaderObs.close();
+      imgWriterEst.close();
+    }
+    for(int modindex=0;modindex<model_opt.size()-1;++modindex){
+      if(verbose_opt[0]){
+	cout << "processing time " << modindex << endl;
+	cout << "last observation " << relobsindex[obsindex] << endl;
+      }
+      string output;
+      if(output_opt.size()==model_opt.size())
+	output=output_opt[modindex+1];
+      else{
+	ostringstream outputstream;
+	outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << tmodel_opt[modindex+1] << ".tif";
+	// outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << modindex+1 << ".tif";
+	output=outputstream.str();
+      }
+      //two band output band0=estimation, band1=uncertainty
+      imgWriterEst.open(output,ncol,nrow,2,GDT_Float32,imageType,option_opt);
+      imgWriterEst.GDALSetNoDataValue(obsnodata_opt[0]);
+      //calculate regression between two subsequence model inputs
+      imgReaderModel1.open(model_opt[modindex]);
+      imgReaderModel2.open(model_opt[modindex+1]);
+      //calculate regression
+      //we could re-use the points from second image from last run, but
+      //to keep it general, we must redo it (overlap might have changed)
+      pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
+      double c0mod=0;
+      double c1mod=0;
+      double errMod=imgreg.getRMSE(imgReaderModel1,imgReaderModel2,c0mod,c1mod,verbose_opt[0]);
+      bool update=(relobsindex[obsindex]==modindex);
+      if(update){
+	if(verbose_opt[0])
+	  cout << "***update " << relobsindex[obsindex] << " = " << modindex << " ***" << endl;
+	imgReaderObs.open(observation_opt[obsindex]);
+	imgReaderObs.setNoData(obsnodata_opt);
+	//calculate regression between model and observation
+	errObs=imgreg.getRMSE(imgReaderModel1,imgReaderObs,c0obs,c1obs,verbose_opt[0]);
+      }
+      //prediction (also to fill cloudy pixels in update mode)
+      string input;
+      if(output_opt.size()==model_opt.size())
+	input=output_opt[modindex];
+      else{
+	ostringstream outputstream;
+	outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << tmodel_opt[modindex] << ".tif";
+	input=outputstream.str();
+      }
+      ImgReaderGdal imgReaderEst(input);
+      vector<double> obsBuffer;
+      vector<double> estReadBuffer;
+      vector<double> uncertReadBuffer;
+      vector<double> estWriteBuffer(ncol);
+      vector<double> uncertWriteBuffer(ncol);
+      for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
+	assert(irow<imgReaderEst.nrOfRow());
+	imgReaderEst.readData(estReadBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	imgReaderEst.readData(uncertReadBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+	if(update){
+	  imgReaderObs.readData(estWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
+	}
+	for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol){
+	  double kalmanGain=0;
+	  double estValue=estReadBuffer[icol];
+	  double uncertValue=uncertReadBuffer[icol];
+	  if(update){//check for nodata in observation
+	    if(imgReaderObs.isNoData(estWriteBuffer[icol])){
+	      kalmanGain=0;
+	      // uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=0;
+	    }
+	    else
+	      kalmanGain=1;
+	    //todo: introduce gains between 0 and 1 in case of uncertain observations (SLC, potentially cloudy, etc.
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]*=kalmanGain;
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]+=(1-kalmanGain)*estReadBuffer[icol];
+	    uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=uncertReadBuffer[icol]*(1-kalmanGain);
+	  }
+	  else{//time update
+	    double estValue=estReadBuffer[icol];
+	    double certNorm=(errMod*errMod+errObs*errObs);
+	    double certMod=errObs*errObs/certNorm;
+	    double certObs=errMod*errMod/certNorm;
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]=(c0mod+c1mod*estValue)*certMod;
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]+=(c0obs+c1obs*estValue)*certObs;
+	    double totalUncertainty=0;
+	    if(errMod<eps_opt[0])
+	      totalUncertainty=errObs;
+	    else if(errObs<eps_opt[0])
+	      totalUncertainty=errMod;
+	    else{
+	      totalUncertainty=1.0/errMod/errMod+1/errObs/errObs;
+	      totalUncertainty=sqrt(1.0/totalUncertainty);
+	    }
+	    uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=totalUncertainty+uncertReadBuffer[icol];
+	  }
+	}
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(estWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(uncertWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+	progress=static_cast<float>((irow+1.0)/imgWriterEst.nrOfRow());
+	pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
+      }
+      imgWriterEst.close();
+      imgReaderEst.close();
+      if(update){
+	imgReaderObs.close();
+	++obsindex;
+      }
+      imgReaderModel1.close();
+      imgReaderModel2.close();
-    //prediction (also to fill cloudy pixels in update mode)
-    string input;
+  }
+  else{
+    obsindex=relobsindex.size()-1;
+    ///////////////////////////// backward model /////////////////////////
+    if(verbose_opt[0])
+      cout << "Running backward model" << endl;
+    //initialization
+    string output;
-      input=output_opt[modindex];
+      output=output_opt.back();
-      ostringstream outputstring;
-      outputstring << output_opt[0] << "_" << modindex << ".tif";
-      input=outputstring.str();
+      ostringstream outputstream;
+      outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << tmodel_opt.back() << ".tif";
+      output=outputstream.str();
-    ImgReaderGdal imgReaderEst(input);
-    vector<double> obsBuffer;
-    vector<double> estReadBuffer;
-    vector<double> uncertReadBuffer;
-    vector<double> estWriteBuffer(ncol);
-    vector<double> uncertWriteBuffer(ncol);
-    for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
-      assert(irow<imgReaderEst.nrOfRow());
-      imgReaderEst.readData(estReadBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
-      imgReaderEst.readData(uncertReadBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
-      if(update){
-	imgReaderObs.readData(estWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
+    if(verbose_opt[0])
+      cout << "Opening image " << output << " for writing " << endl;
+    imgWriterEst.open(output,ncol,nrow,2,GDT_Float32,imageType,option_opt);
+    imgWriterEst.GDALSetNoDataValue(obsnodata_opt[0]);
+    //todo: check if correct...
+    if(relobsindex.back()<model_opt.size()-1){//initialize output_opt[0] as model[0]
+      //write last model as output
+      imgReaderModel1.open(model_opt.back());
+      //calculate standard deviation of image to serve as model uncertainty
+      GDALRasterBand* rasterBand;
+      rasterBand=imgReaderModel1.getRasterBand(0);
+      double minValue, maxValue, meanValue, stdDev;
+      void* pProgressData;
+      rasterBand->ComputeStatistics(0,&minValue,&maxValue,&meanValue,&stdDev,pfnProgress,pProgressData);
+      for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
+	vector<double> buffer;
+	imgReaderModel1.readData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol)
+	  buffer[icol]=uncertModel_opt[0]*stdDev;
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
-      for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol){
-	double kalmanGain=0;
-	double estValue=estReadBuffer[icol];
-	double uncertValue=uncertReadBuffer[icol];
-	if(update){//check for nodata in observation
-	  if(imgReaderObs.isNoData(estWriteBuffer[icol])){
-	    kalmanGain=0;
-	    // uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=0;
-	  }
+      imgReaderModel1.close();
+      imgWriterEst.close();
+    }
+    else{//we have an observation at end time
+      imgReaderObs.open(observation_opt.back());
+      imgReaderObs.setNoData(obsnodata_opt);
+      for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
+	vector<double> buffer;
+	imgReaderObs.readData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol){
+	  if(imgReaderObs.isNoData(buffer[icol]))
+	    buffer[icol]=uncertNodata_opt[0];
-	    kalmanGain=1;
-	  //todo: introduce gains between 0 and 1 in case of uncertain observations (SLC, potentially cloudy, etc.
-	  estWriteBuffer[icol]*=kalmanGain;
-	  estWriteBuffer[icol]+=(1-kalmanGain)*estReadBuffer[icol];
-	  uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=uncertReadBuffer[icol]*(1-kalmanGain);
+	    buffer[icol]=0;
+	}
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(buffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+      }
+      imgReaderObs.close();
+      imgWriterEst.close();
+    }
+    for(int modindex=model_opt.size()-1;modindex>0;--modindex){
+      if(verbose_opt[0]){
+	cout << "processing time " << modindex << endl;
+	cout << "last observation " << relobsindex[obsindex] << endl;
+      }
+      string output;
+      if(output_opt.size()==model_opt.size())
+	output=output_opt[modindex-1];
+      else{
+	ostringstream outputstream;
+	outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << tmodel_opt[modindex-1] << ".tif";
+	// outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << modindex+1 << ".tif";
+	output=outputstream.str();
+      }
+      //two band output band0=estimation, band1=uncertainty
+      imgWriterEst.open(output,ncol,nrow,2,GDT_Float32,imageType,option_opt);
+      imgWriterEst.GDALSetNoDataValue(obsnodata_opt[0]);
+      //calculate regression between two subsequence model inputs
+      imgReaderModel1.open(model_opt[modindex]);
+      imgReaderModel2.open(model_opt[modindex-1]);
+      //calculate regression
+      //we could re-use the points from second image from last run, but
+      //to keep it general, we must redo it (overlap might have changed)
+      pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
+      double c0mod=0;
+      double c1mod=0;
+      double errMod=imgreg.getRMSE(imgReaderModel1,imgReaderModel2,c0mod,c1mod,verbose_opt[0]);
+      bool update=(relobsindex[obsindex]==modindex);
+      if(update){
+	if(verbose_opt[0])
+	  cout << "***update " << relobsindex[obsindex] << " = " << modindex << " ***" << endl;
+	imgReaderObs.open(observation_opt[obsindex]);
+	imgReaderObs.setNoData(obsnodata_opt);
+	//calculate regression between model and observation
+	errObs=imgreg.getRMSE(imgReaderModel1,imgReaderObs,c0obs,c1obs,verbose_opt[0]);
+      }
+      //prediction (also to fill cloudy pixels in update mode)
+      string input;
+      if(output_opt.size()==model_opt.size())
+	input=output_opt[modindex];
+      else{
+	ostringstream outputstream;
+	outputstream << output_opt[0] << "_" << tmodel_opt[modindex] << ".tif";
+	input=outputstream.str();
+      }
+      ImgReaderGdal imgReaderEst(input);
+      vector<double> obsBuffer;
+      vector<double> estReadBuffer;
+      vector<double> uncertReadBuffer;
+      vector<double> estWriteBuffer(ncol);
+      vector<double> uncertWriteBuffer(ncol);
+      for(int irow=0;irow<imgWriterEst.nrOfRow();++irow){
+	assert(irow<imgReaderEst.nrOfRow());
+	imgReaderEst.readData(estReadBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	imgReaderEst.readData(uncertReadBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+	if(update){
+	  imgReaderObs.readData(estWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow);
-	else{//time update
+	for(int icol=0;icol<imgWriterEst.nrOfCol();++icol){
+	  double kalmanGain=0;
 	  double estValue=estReadBuffer[icol];
-	  double certNorm=(errMod*errMod+errObs*errObs);
-	  double certMod=errObs*errObs/certNorm;
-	  double certObs=errMod*errMod/certNorm;
-	  estWriteBuffer[icol]=(c0mod+c1mod*estValue)*certMod;
-	  estWriteBuffer[icol]+=(c0obs+c1obs*estValue)*certObs;
+	  double uncertValue=uncertReadBuffer[icol];
+	  if(update){//check for nodata in observation
+	    if(imgReaderObs.isNoData(estWriteBuffer[icol])){
+	      kalmanGain=0;
+	      // uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=0;
+	    }
+	    else
+	      kalmanGain=1;
+	    //todo: introduce gains between 0 and 1 in case of uncertain observations (SLC, potentially cloudy, etc.
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]*=kalmanGain;
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]+=(1-kalmanGain)*estReadBuffer[icol];
+	    uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=uncertReadBuffer[icol]*(1-kalmanGain);
+	  }
+	  else{//time update
+	    double estValue=estReadBuffer[icol];
+	    double certNorm=(errMod*errMod+errObs*errObs);
+	    double certMod=errObs*errObs/certNorm;
+	    double certObs=errMod*errMod/certNorm;
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]=(c0mod+c1mod*estValue)*certMod;
+	    estWriteBuffer[icol]+=(c0obs+c1obs*estValue)*certObs;
-	  double totalUncertainty=0;
-	  if(errMod<eps_opt[0])
-	    totalUncertainty=errObs;
-	  else if(errObs<eps_opt[0])
-	    totalUncertainty=errMod;
-	  else{
-	    totalUncertainty=1.0/errMod/errMod+1/errObs/errObs;
-	    totalUncertainty=sqrt(1.0/totalUncertainty);
+	    double totalUncertainty=0;
+	    if(errMod<eps_opt[0])
+	      totalUncertainty=errObs;
+	    else if(errObs<eps_opt[0])
+	      totalUncertainty=errMod;
+	    else{
+	      totalUncertainty=1.0/errMod/errMod+1/errObs/errObs;
+	      totalUncertainty=sqrt(1.0/totalUncertainty);
+	    }
+	    uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=totalUncertainty+uncertReadBuffer[icol];
-	  uncertWriteBuffer[icol]=totalUncertainty+uncertReadBuffer[icol];
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(estWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
+	imgWriterEst.writeData(uncertWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
+	progress=static_cast<float>((irow+1.0)/imgWriterEst.nrOfRow());
+	pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
-      imgWriterEst.writeData(estWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,0);
-      imgWriterEst.writeData(uncertWriteBuffer,GDT_Float64,irow,1);
-      progress=static_cast<float>((irow+1.0)/imgWriterEst.nrOfRow());
-      pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
-    }
-    imgWriterEst.close();
-    imgReaderEst.close();
+      imgWriterEst.close();
+      imgReaderEst.close();
-    if(update){
-      imgReaderObs.close();
-      ++obsindex;
+      if(update){
+	imgReaderObs.close();
+	--obsindex;
+      }
+      imgReaderModel1.close();
+      imgReaderModel2.close();
-    imgReaderModel1.close();
-    imgReaderModel2.close();

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/pktools.git

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