December 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Dec 1 08:01:17 UTC 2014
Ending: Wed Dec 31 20:24:59 UTC 2014
Messages: 1367
- Bug#773505: python-descartes/1.0.1-1 [ITP]
Riley Baird
- #900353221
Hellenic Bank
- Bug#656586: routino-www: fails to purge - command in postrm not found
Adam D. Barratt
- Bug#771705: osm2pgsql: Import fails in PolygonBuilder.cpp:261
Daniel Baur
- Comments regarding spatialite_4.2.1~rc1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Ansgar Burchardt
- [spatialite] tag debian/debian/3.0.0_beta20110817-2 deleted (was 81135bc)
Bas Couwenberg
- [spatialite-tools] tag debian/4.2.1%7Erc1-1%7Eexp1 created (now 31bae9f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [librasterlite2] tag debian/1.0.0_rc0.exp1 created (now 549bbc2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (0b8fa4e -> 636bfd8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Add Brazilian translation by José de Figueiredo. Closes: #771782.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] branch master updated (115dcce -> 9e1351d)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 2.6.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] branch pristine-tar updated (c785403 -> bcdb9d2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.6.1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 03/04: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 04/04: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qgis_2.6.1.orig.tar.bz2
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] branch upstream updated (c8a6f51 -> 1d1ecb0)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] annotated tag upstream/2.6.1 created (now d5e6425)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch master updated (f565262 -> 29603d2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 2.6.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/2.6.1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 03/05: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch pristine-tar updated (2664bb0 -> f4c8ef8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch upstream updated (7da1b47 -> 06f80f8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 04/05: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 05/05: Remove libbase package, library no longer installed.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pktools_2.6.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch upstream-master created (now 36cdcc9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/375: Initial import
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 02/375: versions automatically extracted from config and support for mask values in pkinfo min/max values
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 03/375: support for mask values in pkinfo min/max values
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 04/375: support Optionpk without default value
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 05/375: support ratio in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 06/375: introduced --enable-las and --enable-fann in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 07/375: support spectral filtering in pkfilter using tapz option
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 08/375: support spectral filtering in pkfilter using tapz option
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 09/375: support spectral filtering in pkfilter using tapz option
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 10/375: introduced --enable-nlopt in and pkgetchandlier and pksetchandelier in src/apps
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 11/375: support of angles in morphological filter
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 12/375: support of osavi, mcari and tcari in pkndvi
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 13/375: increased version to 2.3
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 14/375: findSubstring in Optionpk.h and default interleave from input image
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 15/375: before changes at home
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 16/375: pkclassify_svm is working
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 17/375: smv is installed per default (no need to enable in configure script), update README, SVM_COPYRIGHT
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 18/375: added and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 19/375: support of nodata in pkinfo when calculating histogram
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 20/375: updates in Changelog
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 21/375: added pkascii2ogr, SensorModel.h and pksensormodel
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 22/375: included matrix_vector_operations.h in SensorModel
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 23/375: included matrix_vector_operations.h in SensorModel
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 24/375: VERSION in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 25/375: VERSION in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 26/375: before xmas holidays, see Changelog
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 27/375: added feature selection
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 28/375: cross validation for pkclassify_nn
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 29/375: feature selection with automatic detection of optimal number of features in pkfs_svm and pkfs_nn
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 30/375: added OptFactory.h and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 31/375: added OptFactory.h and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 32/375: added and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 33/375: added UA and PA in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 34/375: reclass function in and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 35/375: string map in pkclassify_nn.c and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 36/375: small changes in pkinfo, see Changelog
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 37/375: before doxygen
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 38/375: added doxygen config file
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 39/375: see Changelog
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 40/375: changed help info in OptionPk to Markdown format
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 41/375: doxygen help format in Optionpk.h, example for, other apps to be done
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 42/375: support of polygons in ImgReaderOgr::readData and in pkclassify_svm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 43/375: converted all apps for new Optionpk.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 44/375: error in pkclassify_svm when aggregation_opt is 0
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 45/375: minor changes to pkclassify_svm, removed empty default string in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 46/375: confusion matrix supports bagging for, balancing and bagsize for each class. Still to be implemented for
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 47/375: adapted for balancing and bagging similar to and added
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 48/375: added as main page for pktools via doxygen
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 49/375: doxygen adapted, todo: remove doubles in related pages
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 50/375: added doc
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 51/375: added mainpage.dox and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 52/375: added mainpage.dox, see Changelog
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 53/375: explanation how to update repository home page in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 54/375: before weekend
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 55/375: worked on documentation in petit Paris
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 56/375: worked on documentation in petit Paris
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 57/375: pkinfo all visible help info
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 58/375: added active learning functionality in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 59/375: set probability svm to true when active learning is selected
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 60/375: removed debug info from pkeditogr
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 61/375: small change in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 62/375: removed reclassification from, still todo for
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 63/375: introduced FileReaderAscii.h and updated
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 64/375: renamed Histogram to StatFactory
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 65/375: spectral filtering
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 66/375: Filter1d and Filter2d with getFilterType returning enum FILTER_TYPE in function of string
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 67/375: re-implemented reclassification in still todo for
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 68/375: moved SensorModel.h from algorithms to models and introduced Prospect model
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 69/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 70/375: added libraries for prospect
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 71/375: adapted models/ for local libf95.a
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 72/375: supports fwhm and srf filtering
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 73/375: error in classValueMap when class name and value option not provided
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 74/375: added logo, self sufficient prospect model
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 75/375: adapted logo
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 76/375: support priorm imagein (prepare for Markov Random Field)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 77/375: added missing files for prospect and pk[gs]chandelier
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 78/375: added Markov Random Field to and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 79/375: debug mrf
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 80/375: removed configure, and some other object files from repository
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 81/375: filter and pkclassify_svm at work
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 82/375: moved non templated functions to newly created FileReaderAscii.c and added new functionality
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 83/375: wrong throw case in FileReaderAscii.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 84/375: call by reference in applySrf
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 85/375: adapted mrf in after personal communication with Guy Thoonen
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 86/375: corrected mrf in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 87/375: Filter.h: changed boundary for applyFwhm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 88/375: use mask value itself for flag in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 89/375: FileReaderAscii.h: support scale and offset in readData
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 90/375: pkclassif_svm, pkopt_svm and pkfs_svm all identical for class and reclass
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 91/375: FeatureSelector.h: introduced epsilon to exclude rat race in sffs
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 92/375: FeatureSelector.h: introduced epsilon to exclude rat race in sffs
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 93/375: pkclassify_nn and pkfs_nn adapted for classvaluemap and independent test set similar to svm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 94/375: added Savannah to mainpage.dox
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 95/375: added examples and faqs for apps
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 96/375: corrected include SensorModel.h in models and not in algorithms
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 97/375: bring result to scale [0:1]
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 98/375: bring result to scale [0:1]
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 99/375: removed dependency of gslwrap: replaced gslwrap with armadillo in SensorModel.h and pksensormodel, replaced gslwrap with stl::vector and Vector2d
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 100/375: geotransfer problem solved in pkfilter, directional morphology improved in Filter2d
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 101/375: Changelog update
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 102/375: some small corrections in Makefiles and defined static member variable in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 103/375: support negative weights in pkmosaic
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 104/375: comment in how to change fields with ogr2ogr using -sql option
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 105/375: added step for GRID search in pkopt_svm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 106/375: pkeditogr stringent option for selecting features
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 107/375: removed vito related code from master
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 108/375: created separate directory lasclasses for liblasClasses
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 109/375: conditional Makefile for las
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 110/375: with conditional build for lasclasses
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 111/375: string option for
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 112/375: sorting classes numerically in confusion matrix
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 113/375: pkextract assert class_opt can be empty when extracting ogr vector sample
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 114/375: variance should be var in pkfilter, include for gdal without path in Optionpk.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 115/375: adapted string options in svm related tools
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 116/375: default option -pe true and not visible in svm tools
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 117/375: added and
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 118/375: added support for discrete wavelet transform in filters
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 119/375: added pkenhance
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 120/375: added logo.png
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 121/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 122/375: version 2.4.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 123/375: and added ohloh in Mainpage.dox
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 124/375: priors in classification of vector files
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 125/375: bug fix in pktools for -min and -max
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 126/375: support scramble and shift in pkfilter clean up of using namespace std in header files
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 127/375: added faq_pksetmask.dox with question from Giuseppe on 20130814
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 128/375: corrected errors in FileReaderAscii
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 129/375: include path lasclasses for FileReaderLas.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 130/375: include path lasclasses
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 131/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 132/375: corrected min max for pkinfo -hist, thanks to Giuseppe for noticing
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 133/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 134/375: support for even kernel size in Filter2d
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 135/375: getminmax before calc histogram in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 136/375: pkfillnodata: changed default value for max distance from 3 to 0 (infinity)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 137/375: central wavelength SRF in Filter.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 138/375: moved to
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 139/375: removed extra space in output of min in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 140/375: cv_opt must be above 1
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 141/375: introduced line features in Filter2d and pkfilter
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 142/375: floating point for accuracy in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 143/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 144/375: update Changelog vito
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 145/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 146/375: replace projection option by a_srs
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 147/375: --projection to -a_srs in pkinfo result
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 148/375: retain color table after pksieve
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 149/375: replaced empty string with empty vector in options
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 150/375: replaced empty string with empty vector in options
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 151/375: centre->center in help info
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 152/375: version 2.4.3 with nodata values
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 153/375: changed option mr (mosaic rule) to cr (composit rule) in pkmosaic and removed valid rule (should be same as overwrite)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 154/375: update examples in doc
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 155/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 156/375: changed examples in doc and some msknodata options
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 157/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 158/375: bug for output file in pklas2img
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 159/375: hide some options in pkdiff
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 160/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 161/375: pkfilter 2d wavelet forward and inverse, pkinfo hist when min=max
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 162/375: worked on pkfilter, changed some filter name to dwtz[i|_cut]
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 163/375: redesign of geotransform in ImgReaderGdal and ImgWriterGdal
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 164/375: version 2.5
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 165/375: DWT in pkfilter automatically in spectral domain if dz>0
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 166/375: verbose information for dwt in spectgral domain
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 167/375: moved readDataImageShape to ImgReaderOgr.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 168/375: check of mandatory options are present
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 169/375: support of ogr formats in apps with ogr writer
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 170/375: adfgeotransform gt[5]=-dy in pkcrop and pkmosaic
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 171/375: support for non shape files extended, problem in pkdiff when output is defined remains...
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 172/375: fixed pkedit output for non shape OGR files
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 173/375: support multiple layers in pkdiff and pkextract
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 174/375: support multi layers in ImgReaderOgr::readDataImageShape (for pkclassify_svm and pkclassify_nn)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 175/375: redundant ilayer loop in readDataImageShape in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 176/375: added footer for Google analytics
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 177/375: setGeoTransform in pklas2img and pkascii2img must have negative dy
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 178/375: Filter2d.h: bug in m_nodata and pklas2img: did not take into account hthreshold in iteration
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 179/375: geotransform should be correct for both projected and not-projected raster images. removed dependence of isGeoRef() in applications
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 180/375: moved post filter from pklas2img to pkfilterdem
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 181/375: hist in StatFactory
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 182/375: coding in Enschede, down in pkfilter
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 183/375: pkcrop corrected bounding box in case of user defined dx dy, support crop for non-georeferenced i mages
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 184/375: added comment on md5 checksum on main page
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 185/375: pkinfo hist bin for integers
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 186/375: support median filter in pkextract
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 187/375: minor
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 188/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 189/375: retain nodata in pksieve when mask is set
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 190/375: error in hist in StatFactory
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 191/375: porting to windows, solving compilation issues with Visual Studio, added for template specialization
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 192/375: porting to windows from linux
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 193/375: porting to windows via Visual Studio 2010 Express using git for windows
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 194/375: merged win to linux, commit from linux
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 195/375: commit from branch
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 196/375: removed
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 197/375: commit from pktools
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 198/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 199/375: Ignore *.user
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 200/375: from windows
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 201/375: from linux
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 202/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 203/375: from home before merge
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 204/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 205/375: value in percentiles in StatFactory based on maximum instead of median
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 206/375: change include path in installation according to comments of Francesco P. Lovergine
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 207/375: version 2.5.2 with library version control
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 208/375: fine tuning on distro
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 209/375: working on qt for SVM classifier
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 210/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 211/375: config.h now in /usr/local/lib/pktools/include
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 212/375: ;max->mymax in StatFactory
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 213/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 214/375: add, renamed pkcomposit to pkcomposite
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 215/375: support layer name in read training data in ogr
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 216/375: support of layer names
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 217/375: added dox for pkcomposite and pksvm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 218/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 219/375: debug ilayer in ogrWriter, copyFields should have two layers: one for read, one for write
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 220/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 221/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 222/375: added pksvm_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 223/375: added pkextract_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 224/375: clear input and output console at begin of run
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 225/375: clear input and output console at begin of run in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 226/375: resize pkextract.ui, still need t include layouts...
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 227/375: layout for pkextract_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 228/375: layout for pksvm_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 229/375: added pkcomposite_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 230/375: combo boxes and input list in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 231/375: resample option in pkcomposite similar to pkcrop
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 232/375: empty combobox means default in pkcomposite_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 233/375: added pkcrop_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 234/375: added band list in pkcrop_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 235/375: input bands in pkcrop_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 236/375: pkdiff copyFields with dst layer
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 237/375: working on gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 238/375: balance in pksvm_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 239/375: tool tips in qt
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 240/375: update new utility names in comments in headers
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 241/375: gdal>=1.10.0
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 242/375: support laz files in pklas2img
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 243/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 244/375: info in Doxyfile
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 245/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 246/375: removed options in pklas2img
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 247/375: pkcrop-gui band selection
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 248/375: delete bands and inputs in pkcomposite_gui and pkcrop_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 249/375: gui: clear input/output when reset defaults
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 250/375: added polygon threshold for pkextract
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 251/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 252/375: cleaned pkextract with added functionality, vito dsm2dtm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 253/375: implementing vito dsm2dtm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 254/375: long options pkinfo and worked on dsm2dtm vito
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 255/375: qt: added rules for pkextract and changed defaults for cost and gamma in pksvm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 256/375: working on dsm2dtm in Filter2d.h, error for south to north...
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 257/375: added pkdiff_gui, not tested
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 258/375: check boundaries for imgreadergdal
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 259/375: pkextract_gui default sample
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 260/375: fixed conflict
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 261/375: no need for if(geo) in geo2img in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 262/375: cap boundary of polygon enveloppe when reading datablock for
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 263/375: cap both ul and lr pixel when reading block in pkextract
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 264/375: pkextract_gui added single threshold
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 265/375: removed support for masking in pkexract, introduced srcnodata and bndnodata
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 266/375: changed kde type to bool and rely on Silvernman's rule of thumb in pkstatogr and pkstatascii
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 267/375: simplify options for pksvm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 268/375: default SQLite in pkdiff
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 269/375: debug: write centroid instead of polgon feature for maxvote in case polygon_opt is false
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 270/375: pkdiff with layer names
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 271/375: qt gui, nodata pkdiff_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 272/375: new method countid for Giuseppe in and Filter2d
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 273/375: ConfusionMatix: must find exact match in getClassIndex, pkfssvm and pkfsann: confusion matrix global for class names
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 274/375: working on pkfssvm, label names via global ConfusionMatrix seems not to work
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 275/375: working on feature selection. todo: create class and pass instead of function
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 276/375: fixed conflict in, stil need to replace getCost function with class
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 277/375: changed option from rb to cb in pkcomposite
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 278/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 279/375: added autoreconf -i to INSTALL
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 280/375: added
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 281/375: added class ImgRegression
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 282/375: drafted, not tested
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 283/375: first working version
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 284/375: implemented both forward and backward kalman filter
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 285/375: implemented smoothing kalman filter
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 286/375: redesigned forward kalman filter, todo: backward
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 287/375: debugged forward and backward
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 288/375: added support for uncertainty as second band in observation image for
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 289/375: pkkalman, back from the states
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 290/375: pkkalman with uncertainty band in observation input
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 291/375: working on pkfssvm, linker error
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 292/375: added CostFactory.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 293/375: working on pkfssvm, linking, but not correctly working
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 294/375: implemented pkfsann with ConfusionMatrix as in pkfssvm (not tested yet)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 295/375: segmentation fault in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 296/375: worked on pkkalman, supporting different spatial resolutions for model and observation
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 297/375: added pkfssvm.h and pkfsann.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 298/375: support for nodata in model
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 299/375: in pkfsann should be in bin_PROGRAMS only if USE_FANN
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 300/375: added visual studio files
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 301/375: made CostFactory::getCost a pure virtual function
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 302/375: conflict resolved in CostFactory.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 303/375: added vis_studio specific .gitignore
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 304/375: changes in help info while reviewing pktools in book
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 305/375: bug in pkkalman (irow->modRow)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 306/375: git pushMerge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 307/375: support different bounding box in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 308/375: pkkalman
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 309/375: bug fix #42951 (liblas 1.8 support)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 310/375: Fix build failure on ARM due to va_list usage in myfann_cpp.h
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 311/375: help info in pkcomposite
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 312/375: pkfssvm and pktoptsvm update, make use of CostFactory class
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 313/375: added CostFactorySVM
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 314/375: documentation and pkcrop_gui error message
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 315/375: merge after conflict in pkcrop_gui
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 316/375: support multiple bands for statistics in pkinfo
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 317/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 318/375: explicit libgsl in src/apps/
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 319/375: small changes
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 320/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 321/375: trying overwrite in createLayer in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 322/375: pkkalman bug: upsample coarse res image if no observation at initial time
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 323/375: working on filter in spectral domain
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 324/375: working on filter in spectral domain
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 325/375: working on filter in spectral domain
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 326/375: fixed bug in for proportion rule
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 327/375: corrected 1d filter of dimz>1 in in plane
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 328/375: ImgWriterOgr: always overwrite
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 329/375: pkextract support statistics and polygon output for point sample vector datasets
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 330/375: increased so version
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 331/375: increased base version
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 332/375: changelog for ImgWriterOgr overwrite
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 333/375: buffer for points in pkextract
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 334/375: working on pkextract with random sample generation
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 335/375: support for simple random and systematic grid
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 336/375: removed assert in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 337/375: replaced options start and end with bstart and bend in pksvm and pkann
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 338/375: filebuffer for ndvi in pkcomposite
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 339/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 340/375: sensor regression based on model data input
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 341/375: worked on pkkalman
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 342/375: update of Changelog
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 343/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 344/375: fixed bug #43500, Unsigned 16-bit tifs with pkfilter
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 345/375: working on documentation
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 346/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 347/375: added examples usages for documentation
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 348/375: added examples_pkdumpimg.dox
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 349/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 350/375: working on documentation, still need to (re-)do the full description
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 351/375: added descriptions for utilities
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 352/375: links on home page
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 353/375: worked on descriptions in documentation
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 354/375: worked on descriptions in documentation
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 355/375: added installation script
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 356/375: options in installer
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 357/375: solved problem for liblas in installer
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 358/375: switched back from -bs and -be to -s and -e in svm and ann
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 359/375: documentation for start and end bands in svm and ann
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 360/375: libbase has no src files
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 361/375: ref option in pkegcs
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 362/375: worked on descriptions
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 363/375: completed descriptions
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 364/375: minimum GDAL version is 1.10
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 365/375: install script requires GDAL>=1.10
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 366/375: nodata values for spectral/temporal filtering
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 367/375:
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 368/375: Merge branch 'master' of
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 369/375: debug pkextract: first SetGeometry, then SetFrom
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 370/375: exceptions in pkextract
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 371/375: working on geo mask in pksvm
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 372/375: mask in geo coordinates for pksvm and pkann
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 373/375: pkextract: removed redundancy in SetFrom and SetGeometry, pkkalman: introduced negative deltaObs
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 374/375: replaced array with vector in myfann_cpp.h for visual studio compiler
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 375/375: Merge branch 'master' of Merge after edit in myfann_cpp.h in Windows
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] annotated tag upstream/2.6.1 created (now 4ae2ff6)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch upstream-master deleted (was 36cdcc9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] branch master updated (ab3da29 -> ab5cf11)
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 01/03: Incorporate changes from 2.7-1.1 NMU.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 02/03: Incorporate changes from 2.7-1.2 NMU.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 03/03: Set Debian GIS Project as Maintainer, move Thibaut Gridel to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] branch pristine-tar created (now 3960be8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 01/09: pristine-tar data for routino_1.5.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 02/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.1.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 03/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.1.2.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 04/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.2.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 05/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.3.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 06/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.3.2.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 07/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.4.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 08/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.7.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 09/09: pristine-tar data for routino_2.7.2.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] branch master updated (ab5cf11 -> 07d4273)
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 01/04: Incorporate changes from NMUs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 02/04: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 03/04: Add prerm for routino-www to remove the Apache configuration.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 04/04: Verified that apache configuration works with Apache 2.4.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch master updated (29603d2 -> e94c79a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/06: Add man page for pkann.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 02/06: Add man page for pkascii2img.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 03/06: Add man page for pkascii2ogr.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 04/06: Add man page for pkcomposite.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 05/06: Add man page for pkcreatect.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 06/06: Add man page for pkcrop.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] branch master updated (07d4273 -> 2c57673)
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 01/07: Finalize changelog from tpu upload.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 02/07: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 03/07: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 04/07: Use canonical Vcs-* URLs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 05/07: Add patch to use hardening build flags.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 06/07: Remove period from package description.
Bas Couwenberg
- [routino] 07/07: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772230: RFS: routino/2.7.2-3
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch master updated (03ffb2e -> 9027862)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/01: Add patch to fix negative exit status in
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch master updated (e94c79a -> f79fa2f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/06: Add man page for pkdiff.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 02/06: Add man page for pkdsm2shadow.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 03/06: Add man page for pkdumpimg.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 04/06: Add man page for pkdumpogr.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 05/06: Add man page for pkegcs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 06/06: Add man page for pkextract.
Bas Couwenberg
- [prepair] tag debian/0.7-1 created (now 21af348)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pprepair] tag debian/0.0.20140611-c70373b-1 created (now 065d63d)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj-rdnap] tag debian/2008-1 created (now d001767)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch master updated (f79fa2f -> f990fb3)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/07: Add man page for pkfillnodata.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 02/07: Add man page for pkfilterascii.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 03/07: Add man page for pkfilter.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 04/07: Add man page for pkfilterdem.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 05/07: Add man page for pkfsann.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 06/07: Add man page for pkfssvm.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 07/07: Add man page for pkgetmask.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmctools] branch master updated (11b6ecb -> 408d15a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmctools] 01/01: Add dependency on wget required by osmupdate.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772614: RFS: qgis/2.6.1-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] branch master updated (9e1351d -> e8b4f21)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 01/04: Update symbols for amd64.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 02/04: Replace qgis-mapserver by qgis-server using Provides/Conflicts/Replaces.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 03/04: Add patch from release-2_6 branch to fix layer selection issue.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] 04/04: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (1f11718 -> 6697eb4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/09: Update watch file to rename downloaded tarball.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 02/09: Imported Upstream version 0.87.0
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 03/09: Merge tag 'upstream/0.87.0'
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 04/09: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 05/09: Add Boost build dependencies for C++ build.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 06/09: Enable verbose test output.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 07/09: Ignore test failures, some tests require a configured postgres database.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch pristine-tar updated (619e6de -> f80df77)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 08/09: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 09/09: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch upstream updated (35be4b4 -> 1ba4091)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/01: pristine-tar data for osm2pgsql_0.87.0.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] annotated tag upstream/0.87.0 created (now 663dfdb)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772751: RFS: osm2pgsql/0.87.0-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch master updated (fe0ea99 -> a4fd4f7)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn30838
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn30838'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 03/05: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 04/05: Fix version in dch example to include epoch.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch pristine-tar updated (6f34961 -> 967c10a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch upstream updated (29f77d0 -> 3d8b9ea)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 05/05: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.svn30838.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn30838 created (now a692885)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch master updated (71d5117 -> 3df78bc)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/06: Add upstream metadata.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 02/06: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn7778+dfsg1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 03/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn7778+dfsg1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 04/06: New tested snapshot (7777) + next revision to include logo fix for Linux.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 05/06: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 06/06: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch pristine-tar updated (d2cd371 -> 9d5090f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for josm_0.0.svn7778+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch upstream updated (1c9e7eb -> 94c0380)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn7777+dfsg1 created (now 9aa5cd1)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn7777+dfsg1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn7778+dfsg1 created (now ba391a8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn7777+dfsg1 deleted (was 9aa5cd1)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch master updated (a5f7cb6 -> a09125a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 01/07: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn30838+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn30838+ds1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 03/07: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 04/07: Bump JOSM dependency to 7778.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 05/07: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 06/07: Use same license as JOSM for build-common.xml.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 07/07: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch pristine-tar updated (6cd2368 -> d159ebd)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch upstream updated (f49c5ab -> 8443780)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 01/01: pristine-tar data for josm-plugins_0.0.svn30838+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn30838+ds1 created (now adce28b)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772768: RFS: josm/0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772769: RFS: josm-plugins/0.0.svn30838+ds1-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772770: RFS: openstreetmap-map-icons/1:0.0.svn30838-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qgis] tag debian/2.6.1-1.exp1 created (now e8b4f21)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] tag debian/0.87.0-1.exp1 created (now 6697eb4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] tag debian/0.0.svn30838-1.exp1 created (now a4fd4f7)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] tag debian/0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1.exp1 created (now 3df78bc)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] tag debian/0.0.svn30838+ds1-1.exp1 created (now a09125a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (6697eb4 -> db21b00)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/02: Add patch to not use Boost lockfree queues even for Boost >= 1.53.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 02/02: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772895: RFS: osm2pgsql/0.87.0-1~exp2
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] tag debian/0.87.0-1.exp2 created (now db21b00)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] branch master updated (f990fb3 -> 13b122c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 01/15: Add man page for pkinfo.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 02/15: Add man page for pklas2img.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 03/15: Add man page for pkoptsvm.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 04/15: Add man page for pkpolygonize.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 05/15: Add man page for pkregann.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 06/15: Add man page for pksetmask.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 07/15: Add man page for pksieve.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 08/15: Add man page for pkstatascii.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 09/15: Add man page for pkstatogr.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 10/15: Add man page for pksvm.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 11/15: Mark equation as literal in man pages.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 12/15: Mark numbers as literal in man pages.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 13/15: Make data type list line breakable.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 14/15: Fix reference typo.
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] 15/15: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772970: RFS: pktools/2.6.1-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [pktools] tag debian/2.6.1-1.exp1 created (now 13b122c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch master updated (cdadcf6 -> 3d317f4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/13: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 02/13: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 03/13: Imported Upstream version 1.04+dfsg
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 04/13: Merge tag 'upstream/1.04+dfsg'
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 05/13: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 06/13: Drop 04-bing-logo.patch, applied upstream.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 07/13: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch pristine-tar updated (e7d4007 -> 8097374)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 08/13: Update Vcs-Browser URL for cgit.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 09/13: Add upstream metadata.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 10/13: Drop no-upstream-changelog lintian override, shouldn't override pedantic tags.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 11/13: Add lintian override for incompatible-java-bytecode-format, JDK 7 is required.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 12/13: Update license shortname for BSD-2-Clause to match SPDX.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 13/13: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch upstream updated (dbc1d71 -> efa0a85)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jmapviewer_1.04+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] annotated tag upstream/1.04+dfsg created (now f2624b4)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#772999: RFS: jmapviewer/1.04+dfsg-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] tag debian/1.04+dfsg-1.exp1 created (now 3d317f4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch master updated (3d317f4 -> 46e19e2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/01: Don't hardcode upstream version, extract from changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773037: RFS: qmapshack/0.8.2-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch master updated (873c719 -> 5cb5daa)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 01/11: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 02/11: Imported Upstream version 0.8.0
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 03/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0'
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 04/11: Imported Upstream version 0.8.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 05/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 06/11: Imported Upstream version 0.8.2
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch pristine-tar updated (772e7e2 -> 68778df)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 07/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.2'
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 08/11: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 09/11: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 10/11: Remove icons before regenerating in d/rules instead of d/clean.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 11/11: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 01/03: pristine-tar data for qmapshack_0.8.0.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 02/03: pristine-tar data for qmapshack_0.8.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 03/03: pristine-tar data for qmapshack_0.8.2.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch upstream updated (77575ed -> dd602b9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] annotated tag upstream/0.8.0 created (now 685ae45)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] annotated tag upstream/0.8.2 created (now d3bbde8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] annotated tag upstream/0.8.1 created (now 0f0d942)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch master updated (46e19e2 -> d2d0b13)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/01: Add alternative dependency on the minimum required JRE.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch master updated (a09125a -> 69bfb68)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 01/01: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch master updated (3df78bc -> e5c2796)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/02: Add alternative dependency on minimum required JRE.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 02/02: Update Vcs-* fields to use pkg-grass instead of pkg-osm, and cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773047: RFS: jmapviewer/1.04+dfsg-1~exp2
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch master updated (d2d0b13 -> 8745332)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/01: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [grass] branch master updated (455a015 -> 59571cc)
Bas Couwenberg
- [grass] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (636bfd8 -> 4be212c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapcache] branch master updated (e70a685 -> 01a059f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapcache] 01/02: Update Source URL for GitHub in copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mapcache] 02/02: Update Homepage URL, strip en/ from path.
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] branch experimental updated (f0503f9 -> b3b4fcd)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] branch master updated (1a05687 -> 5863bc1)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geos] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libgeotiff-dfsg] branch master updated (a2c7a0e -> ac2d16c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [libgeotiff-dfsg] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libgeotiff-epsg] branch master updated (151a02e -> c83f8a8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [libgeotiff-epsg] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch master updated (9027862 -> 4c43782)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] branch experimental updated (adfd832 -> 02d6fdd)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj] 01/01: Disable Bug-Submit in metadata, requires login.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] tag debian/0.8.2-1.exp1 created (now 0376cdb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 01/01: releasing package qmapshack version 0.8.2-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch master updated (5cb5daa -> 6948089)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 01/01: Revert "releasing package qmapshack version 0.8.2-1~exp1"
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] annotated tag debian/0.8.2-1.exp1 updated (0376cdb -> 42e48c6)
Bas Couwenberg
- [prepair] branch master updated (21af348 -> 5d91964)
Bas Couwenberg
- [prepair] 01/01: Fix multiple Reference entries in upstream metadata.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch master updated (e5c2796 -> b6d254a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/01: Disable FTBFS causing translation in d/rules instead of removing it in d/clean.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] tag debian/1.04+dfsg-1.exp2 created (now 8745332)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch master updated (b6d254a -> 4d9600f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/01: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773109: RFS: josm/0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1~exp2
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch master updated (a4fd4f7 -> 7fee3f6)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 01/01: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773116: RFS: mkgmap/0.0.0+svn3366-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch master updated (002192e -> 54e6973)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 01/14: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 02/14: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 03/14: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 04/14: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 05/14: Imported Upstream version 0.0.0+svn3366
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch pristine-tar updated (a9e1f46 -> 3417303)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 06/14: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.0+svn3366'
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 07/14: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 08/14: Add Upstream-Contact header to copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 09/14: Add patch to fix 'completely' typo in man page.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 10/14: Add patch to fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign in man page.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 11/14: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 12/14: Add list of main features to extended description.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 13/14: Add lintian override for incompatible-java-bytecode-format, OpenJDK 7 is preferred.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 14/14: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch upstream updated (2082d6a -> 31ade85)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3366.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] annotated tag upstream/0.0.0+svn3366 created (now 3a906f7)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] branch master created (now f9d3648)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 01/38: Imported Upstream version 1.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 02/38: Init debian directory via dh_make.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 03/38: Remove Debian templates that are not going to be used.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 04/38: First changes to get build success.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 05/38: Add main class to jh_build.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 06/38: Add a wrapper script to tell mkgmapgui where mkgmap is.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 07/38: Remove generated jar when cleaning.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 08/38: Update debian/control to right values.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 09/38: Update debian/menu to right values.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 10/38: Remove watch file: upstream doesn't have the number of the version in the file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 11/38: Fix arquitecture.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 12/38: Add a missing \ to break the line.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 13/38: Update debian/copyright to right values. Author/copyright is missing, we should find out who is.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 14/38: Remove the initial article in short description.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 15/38: Add ITP number to changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 16/38: Add a basic manpage.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 17/38: Add upstream readme to docs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 18/38: Explain howto get the repackaged file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 19/38: Fix syntax in manpage.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 20/38: Fix git repository URL .
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 21/38: Fix location of mkgmapgui.jar in wrapper script.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 22/38: Fix copyright author.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 23/38: Add a commented watch file to document why we can't use uscan.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 24/38: Improve wrapper script: now it's based on josm wrapper script. Add -Xmx512M option.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 25/38: Improve the long description.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 26/38: Fix wrapper script to look for generic OpenJDK (Closes: #668283)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 27/38: Updated debian/copyright
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 28/38: Standards-Version bumped to 3.9.3, no changes needed
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 29/38: Re-indentation
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 30/38: Updated Mònica's e-mail address
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 31/38: Releasing to sid
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 32/38: Switch Maintainer from Debian OpenStreetMap Team to Debian GIS Project.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 33/38: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 34/38: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 35/38: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 36/38: Bump debhelper compatibility to 9.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 37/38: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, changes: canonical Vcs-* URLs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] branch upstream created (now daa509f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] branch pristine-tar created (now c055887)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 38/38: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 01/02: pristine-tar data for mkgmapgui_1.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 02/02: Rename pristine-tar files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] annotated tag upstream/1.1 created (now c11a98a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] annotated tag debian/1.1.ds-1 created (now 2325a9a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] annotated tag debian/1.1.ds-2 created (now 84ed342)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] branch master updated (f9d3648 -> 89307ad)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 01/01: Add Upstream-Contact header to copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773122: RFS: mkgmapgui/1.1.ds-3~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] branch master updated (13d0c9b -> 32a0f31)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 01/13: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 02/13: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes required.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 03/13: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 04/13: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 05/13: Use Files-Excluded in copyright file to repack the upstream tarball.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 06/13: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0c
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 07/13: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0c'
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 08/13: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 09/13: Drop lintian override for no-upstream-changelog, shouldn't override pedantic tags.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] branch pristine-tar updated (4b2f767 -> 9f60049)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 10/13: Also drop lintian override for duplicate-files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 11/13: Drop unused substitution variable from libreadosm1-dbg.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 12/13: Remove .la files & useless autogenerated doxygen files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 13/13: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for readosm_1.0.0c.orig.tar.xz
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] branch upstream updated (140e03e -> 96442aa)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0c created (now 4c4a5b6)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773132: RFS: readosm/1.0.0c-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] tag debian/0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1.exp2 created (now 4d9600f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] tag debian/0.0.0+svn3366-1.exp1 created (now 54e6973)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] tag debian/1.0.0c-1.exp1 created (now 32a0f31)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] branch master updated (4c43782 -> 935760e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osmosis] 01/01: Mark 07-bashism.patch as Applied-Upstream.
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] branch master updated (762bb49 -> 2adc68d)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] 01/01: Add geopandas & descartes to workstation task.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] branch master updated (2d72072 -> d2d8f47)
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 01/11: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 02/11: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0h
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 03/11: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0h'
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 04/11: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 05/11: Update copyright file, document autotools files & licenses.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 06/11: Don't set default hardening options manually.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] branch pristine-tar updated (f97b63f -> 49b5e63)
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] branch upstream updated (c7780f8 -> 5f5c322)
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 07/11: Don't append -lm to LDFLAGS, upstream does it since 1.0.0g.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 08/11: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 09/11: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 10/11: Drop lintian overrides, shouldn't override pedantic tags.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 11/11: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] 01/01: pristine-tar data for freexl_1.0.0h.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0h created (now 55ed316)
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] tag debian/1.0.0g-1 created (now 9c2bca3)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773482: RFS: freexl/1.0.0h-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [freexl] tag debian/1.0.0h-1.exp1 created (now d2d8f47)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773510: RFS: readosm/1.0.0d-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] branch master updated (32a0f31 -> 0e88db0)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 01/06: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0d
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] branch upstream updated (96442aa -> 9dcbd00)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] branch pristine-tar updated (9f60049 -> bdbe0bd)
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0d'
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 03/06: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 04/06: Update copyright file, update Autotools files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 05/06: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 06/06: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for readosm_1.0.0d.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0d created (now eec26b9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch master updated (54e6973 -> 7bcf28f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 01/07: Mangle upstream version in watch file to properly rename orig.tar.gz.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 02/07: Imported Upstream version 0.0.0+svn3383
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 03/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.0+svn3383'
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 04/07: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 05/07: Drop man page patches, applied upstream.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch pristine-tar updated (3417303 -> 43c1f0e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 06/07: Simplify docs file with wildcards.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 07/07: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3383.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch upstream updated (31ade85 -> 82a85d8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] annotated tag upstream/0.0.0+svn3383 created (now ed36cc2)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773516: RFS: mkgmap/0.0.0+svn3383-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [readosm] tag debian/1.0.0d-1.exp1 created (now 0e88db0)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] tag debian/0.0.0+svn3383-1.exp1 created (now 7bcf28f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (4be212c -> 40d4e42)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/07: Fix get-orig-source patch in watch file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 02/07: Add pt_BR translation file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 03/07: Imported Upstream version 2.1.5+dfsg
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 04/07: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.5+dfsg'
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 05/07: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 06/07: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 07/07: Drop enable-ppc64el.patch, applied upstream. Refresh remaining patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch pristine-tar updated (1a1e45c -> 5ffefca)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: pristine-tar data for postgis_2.1.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch upstream updated (7bed334 -> fb991b4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] annotated tag upstream/2.1.5+dfsg created (now 8283380)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (40d4e42 -> 69d0152)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Fix typo in changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] branch master updated (58d0f84 -> db2f6d9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 01/12: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 02/12: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 03/12: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 04/12: Use canonical Vcs-* URLs
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 05/12: Add build dependency on python-pkg-resources.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 06/12: Add build dependency on dh-python.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 07/12: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 08/12: Expand extended description to include TileStache features.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 09/12: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, changes: Vcs-* URLs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 10/12: Use pybuild build system.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 11/12: Remove duplicate from list of binaries to rename.
Bas Couwenberg
- [tilestache] 12/12: Change build dependency from python to python-all. Add build dependency on python-setuptools.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (69d0152 -> 2ea788e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (2ea788e -> d0b8745)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Update symbols for liblwgeom-2.1.5.
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] tag debian/2.1.5+dfsg-1.exp1 created (now 2ea788e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] branch master updated (d0b8745 -> 884bcd4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [postgis] 01/01: Update Homepage URL from to
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch master updated (6948089 -> 807a60c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 01/07: Imported Upstream version 0.9.0
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.0'
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 03/07: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 04/07: Update Source URL in copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 05/07: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 06/07: Use cgit instead of gitweb for Vcs-Browser URL.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 07/07: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch pristine-tar updated (68778df -> 1175fde)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] branch upstream updated (dd602b9 -> 3db9961)
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qmapshack_0.9.0.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] annotated tag upstream/0.9.0 created (now 66e757d)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773918: RFS: qmapshack/0.9.0-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [qmapshack] tag debian/0.9.0-1.exp1 created (now 807a60c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] tag debian/1.1.ds-3.exp1 created (now 89307ad)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] tag debian/1.1.ds-3.exp1 updated (89307ad -> b407871)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773928: RFS: mkgmap/0.0.0+svn3392-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch master updated (7bcf28f -> e7c4ad2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 01/06: Imported Upstream version 0.0.0+svn3392
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.0+svn3392'
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 03/06: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch upstream updated (82a85d8 -> 04b4e0a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] branch pristine-tar updated (43c1f0e -> ff755b4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 04/06: Change alternative dependency on openjdk-7-jre to java7-runtime.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 05/06: Also suggest qmapshack beside qlandkarte.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 06/06: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3392.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] annotated tag upstream/0.0.0+svn3392 created (now a4f1f4b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [mkgmap] tag debian/0.0.0+svn3392-1.exp1 created (now e7c4ad2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] branch master updated (8e00088 -> 0ec376c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 01/01: Update watch file to support pre-releases.
Bas Couwenberg
- [libgeotiff-epsg] branch master updated (c83f8a8 -> 0b43ccb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [libgeotiff-epsg] 01/01: Set XZ compression level.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch master created (now 8ef5ff9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 01/41: Imported Upstream version 2.10+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 02/41: First debianization
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 03/41: Fix perms
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 04/41: Fix doc-base file
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 05/41: Uploading to NEW
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 06/41: Add Recommends on javascript-common
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 07/41: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2, no changes needed
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 08/41: Releasing to sid
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 09/41: Imported Upstream version 2.11+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 10/41: Imported Upstream version 2.11+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 11/41: Merge commit 'upstream/2.11+ds1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 12/41: New upstream release
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 13/41: Make resources available from a web browser, thanks to Andrew Harvey (Closes: #624604)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 14/41: Added README.Debian, thanks to Marcelo Jorge Vieira (Closes: #636358)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 15/41: Remove non-existant file
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 16/41: Releasing to sid
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 17/41: Add patch to improve GeoRSS parsing.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 18/41: Update changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 19/41: Fix typo in patch.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 20/41: Use uglifyjs instead of yui-compressor.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 21/41: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 22/41: Fix dependency name
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 23/41: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 24/41: Fix javascript compression
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 25/41: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 26/41: Change Maintainer from Debian OpenStreetMap Team to Debian GIS Project.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 27/41: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 28/41: Bump debhelper compatibility to 9.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 29/41: Update watch file to use GitHub releases.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 30/41: Update Homepage URL for OpenLayers 2.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 31/41: Update copyright file to use copyright-format 1.0, use Files-Excluded to repack the upstream tarball.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 32/41: Imported Upstream version 2.12+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 33/41: Merge tag 'upstream/2.12+ds1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 34/41: Imported Upstream version 2.13+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 35/41: Merge tag 'upstream/2.13+ds1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 36/41: Imported Upstream version 2.13.1+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 37/41: Merge tag 'upstream/2.13.1+ds1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 38/41: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch pristine-tar created (now 5196b4b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 39/41: Update copyright for MIT licensed files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 40/41: Update build-dependency for node-uglify.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 41/41: Also build light, lite, mobile & tests variants.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 01/06: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.10+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 02/06: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.11+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch upstream created (now a4729b0)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 03/06: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.11+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 04/06: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.12+ds1.orig.tar.xz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 05/06: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.13+ds1.orig.tar.xz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 06/06: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.13.1+ds1.orig.tar.xz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag debian/2.10+ds1-1 created (now f0a5bc2)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag debian/2.10+ds1-2 created (now 2f4f5dd)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag debian/2.11+ds1-1 created (now c36ad27)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag upstream/2.12+ds1 created (now cae336e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag upstream/2.13+ds1 created (now 3a6c215)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag upstream/2.13.1+ds1 created (now 7765386)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag upstream/2.11+ds1 created (now f113798)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag upstream/2.10+ds1 created (now cae7e56)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch master updated (8ef5ff9 -> 02990eb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 01/10: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 02/10: Change JSON-evil like description in copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 03/10: Fix useful typo in copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 04/10: Also remove Jugl.js example, no source for minified JS.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 05/10: Use uscan --force-download in get-orig-source script.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 06/10: Imported Upstream version 2.13.1+ds2
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 07/10: Merge tag 'upstream/2.13.1+ds2'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch upstream updated (a4729b0 -> 9dba62f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch pristine-tar updated (5196b4b -> 147efe7)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 08/10: New repacked upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 09/10: Remove executable bit from image files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 10/10: Remove unused file paragraph for Jugl.js from copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openlayers_2.13.1+ds2.orig.tar.xz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] annotated tag upstream/2.13.1+ds2 created (now f6658ca)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch master updated (02990eb -> 2c323c9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 01/02: Document OpenLayers variants in README.Debian.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 02/02: Add patches to fix privary breach issues in examples.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] branch master updated (2c323c9 -> 9a6ebbb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 01/03: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, changes: canonincal Vcs-* URLs.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 02/03: Don't remove doc_config on clean.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] 03/03: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773963: RFS: openlayers/2.13.1+ds2-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#773973: RM: osmosis-plugin-borderextract -- NPOASR; RC-buggy; inactive upstream
Bas Couwenberg
- [owslib] branch master updated (ca3f210 -> d109ae7)
Bas Couwenberg
- [owslib] 01/02: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- [owslib] 02/02: Add Upstream-Contact to copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers] tag debian/2.13.1+ds2-1.exp1 created (now 9a6ebbb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] branch master updated (68fe609 -> 0388c86)
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] branch pristine-tar updated (20d57ec -> 3cacd62)
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 01/08: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 02/08: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 03/08: Update watch file to mangle the filename, include the project name and not only the version.
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 04/08: Imported Upstream version 1.1.0
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 05/08: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.0'
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 06/08: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 07/08: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 08/08: Set distribution to unstable.
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-affine_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] branch upstream updated (006f8b0 -> 784c9d5)
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] annotated tag upstream/1.1.0 created (now 4b7520d)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774081: RFS: python-affine/1.1.0-1
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-affine] tag debian/1.1.0-1 created (now 0388c86)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (0ef78d6 -> 47a8662)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 01/19: Add myself to Uploaders.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 02/19: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 03/19: Imported Upstream version 1.40
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 04/19: Merge tag 'upstream/1.40'
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 05/19: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 06/19: Update copyright file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 07/19: Use upstream version for symbols.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 08/19: Install NEWS file as upstream changelog.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 09/19: Use pkgkde-gensymbols & pkgkde-symbolshelper to handle C++ symbols.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 10/19: Fix unused substitution variable warnings.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 11/19: Also remove .la files, not installed.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 12/19: Use $(RM) instead of rm in rules file.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 13/19: Sort links.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 14/19: Add lintian override for package-contains-empty-directory, the tools look for data under /usr/share/GeographicLib/ but no data is installed by the package.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 15/19: Also remove MATLAB files, not installed.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 16/19: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 17/19: Add debug package for libgeographic.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 18/19: Remove disabled dh_auto_configure override.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 19/19: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] branch pristine-tar updated (3d33a71 -> ef6c4fc)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] branch upstream updated (43c2557 -> f51e78b)
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] 01/01: pristine-tar data for geographiclib_1.40.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] annotated tag upstream/1.40 created (now f221139)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774107: RFS: geographiclib/1.40-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] branch master updated (0ec376c -> 3468f89)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 01/08: Restructure control file with cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 02/08: Remove unused get-orig-source script.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 03/08: Add package description and Homepage URL.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 04/08: Add gbp.conf to use pristine-tar by default.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 05/08: Fix dh_auto_* overrides, also override dh_auto_test.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 06/08: Add additional build dependencies.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 07/08: Add patch to use nodejs command on Debian.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 08/08: Add patch to use Debian executables instead of node_modules.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] branch master updated (12901cf -> 28ea2e5)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openlayers3] 01/01: Group node-* build dependencies and add node-async.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774112: ITP: proj4js -- JavaScript library to transform point coordinates systems
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] branch master created (now 11a23eb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 2.3.3
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] 02/02: Initial debian packaging.
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] branch pristine-tar created (now fc52d0a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] branch upstream created (now a008cd4)
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] 01/01: pristine-tar data for proj4js_2.3.3.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [proj4js] annotated tag upstream/2.3.3 created (now 6ab870c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] branch master updated (2adc68d -> 093c8e6)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] 01/01: Add proj4js to osm task.
Bas Couwenberg
- [geographiclib] tag debian/1.40-1.exp1 created (now 47a8662)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] branch master updated (093c8e6 -> 5d75d86)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] 01/01: Fix alacarte package name, add WNPP for disabiguation.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch master updated (8745332 -> b010df6)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/06: Use repacksuffix in watch file to append +dfsg for repacked tarball.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 02/06: Clean up rule files.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 03/06: Imported Upstream version 1.05+dfsg
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 04/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.05+dfsg'
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 05/06: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch pristine-tar updated (8097374 -> 42b0db9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] branch upstream updated (efa0a85 -> e97508c)
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 06/06: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jmapviewer_1.05+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] annotated tag upstream/1.05+dfsg created (now d40631e)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774168: RFS: jmapviewer/1.05+dfsg-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [jmapviewer] tag debian/1.05+dfsg-1.exp1 created (now b010df6)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch master updated (4d9600f -> 68a6eeb)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/11: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn7906+dfsg1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 02/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn7906+dfsg1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 03/11: New tested snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 04/11: Add (build) dependency on libcommons-compress-java, its bzip2 support is now used instead of Apache Ant.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 05/11: Install upstream man page.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 06/11: Also remove Windows installer from upstream tarball.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 07/11: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn7906+dfsg2
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 08/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn7906+dfsg2'
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 09/11: New repackaged tested snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch pristine-tar updated (9d5090f -> a189013)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 10/11: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 11/11: Bump minimum requires jmapviewer version to 1.05, JOSM uses the TMSFileCacheTileLoader class introduced in JMapViewer 1.05.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/02: pristine-tar data for josm_0.0.svn7906+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 02/02: pristine-tar data for josm_0.0.svn7906+dfsg2.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch upstream updated (94c0380 -> 0000e0e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn7906+dfsg2 created (now 28fa477)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn7906+dfsg1 created (now ca04e24)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch master updated (db21b00 -> 15d6fc9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 0.87.1
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0.87.1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 03/05: New upstream release.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 04/05: Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit instead of gitweb.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 05/05: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch pristine-tar updated (f80df77 -> e3af243)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] branch upstream updated (1ba4091 -> 2808848)
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] 01/01: pristine-tar data for osm2pgsql_0.87.1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] annotated tag upstream/0.87.1 created (now 25e5639)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774203: RFS: osm2pgsql/0.87.1-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-geopandas] branch master updated (67c6b06 -> 5cc2e2e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [python-geopandas] 01/01: Add additional dependencies: pyproj, shapely & pandas.
Bas Couwenberg
- [package_template] branch master updated (5304a9d -> d963c8f)
Bas Couwenberg
- [package_template] 01/01: Restructure control file like cme.
Bas Couwenberg
- [osm2pgsql] tag debian/0.87.1-1.exp1 created (now 15d6fc9)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] branch experimental updated (b3b4fcd -> b1231cf)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gdal] 01/01: Have python*-gdal suggest gdal-bin. (closes: #774243)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] branch master updated (68a6eeb -> d87359e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] 01/01: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774245: RFS: josm/0.0.svn7906+dfsg2-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm] tag debian/0.0.svn7906+dfsg2-1.exp1 created (now d87359e)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch master updated (7fee3f6 -> 06d4385)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch pristine-tar updated (967c10a -> a5092d8)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn30893
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn30893'
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 03/04: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 04/04: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.svn30893.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] branch upstream updated (3d8b9ea -> 50d2e1a)
Bas Couwenberg
- [openstreetmap-map-icons] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn30893 created (now e8e6909)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774323: RFS: openstreetmap-map-icons/1:0.0.svn30893-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch master updated (69bfb68 -> 0ca2a2d)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 01/06: Bump JOSM dependency to 7906.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 02/06: Imported Upstream version 0.0.svn30893+ds1
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch pristine-tar updated (d159ebd -> d796c47)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] branch upstream updated (8443780 -> cab0c23)
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 03/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.svn30893+ds1'
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 04/06: New upstream SVN snapshot.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 05/06: Refresh patches.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 06/06: Set distribution to experimental.
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] 01/01: pristine-tar data for josm-plugins_0.0.svn30893+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Bas Couwenberg
- [josm-plugins] annotated tag upstream/0.0.svn30893+ds1 created (now 628f350)
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#774325: RFS: josm-plugins/0.0.svn30893+ds1-1~exp1
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] branch master updated (5d75d86 -> 0f05c11)
Bas Couwenberg
- [gis] 01/01: Add fiona to workstation task.
Bas Couwenberg
- Bug#771705: osm2pgsql: Import fails in PolygonBuilder.cpp:261
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#771782: postgis: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [routino] 01/01: add my name for upload
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#656586: routino-www: fails to purge - command in postrm not found
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#772355: osmosis: bashism in /bin/sh script
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#772536: osmctools: osmupdate needs wget
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#773505: RFS: python-descartes/1.0.1-1 [ITP]
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [owslib] tag debian/0.8.10 created (now 213fa0b)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Comments regarding spatialite_4.2.1~rc1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [mkgmapgui] 01/01: Do not mention team as Uploaders (and do a real switch of maintainer team)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [python-affine] annotated tag upstream/1.0.1 created (now b42f51c)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [owslib] annotated tag upstream/0.8.12 created (now e81ae7b)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [owslib] annotated tag upstream/0.8.12 created (now e81ae7b)
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#774243: gdal: Suggest/recommend gdal-bin in python-gdal
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#774244: gdal: Patch help/usage message to include binaries with extension
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [fiona] 03/19: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.8'
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#772980: libhdf4: FTBFS on mips64el - Assertion `sizeof(hdf_pint_t)==sizeof(void *)' failed.
James Cowgill
- Protect your POS System
EET Europarts
- Digital Signage Displays and hidden speakers
EET Europarts
- NEW! Synology DS215j finally arrived
EET Europarts
- Your subscription has ended
EET Europarts
- Bug#771782: postgis: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation
José de Figueiredo
- [hdf5] branch upstream updated (18d064c -> eb6a32d)
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 1.8.14+docs
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] branch master updated (bc0473d -> e3e87c0)
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 01/01: Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.14+docs'
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] branch master updated (e3e87c0 -> 8d9cb70)
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 01/01: First build of release 1.8.14.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] branch master updated (8d9cb70 -> 06f6b04)
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 01/01: Guard dh_makeshlibs for mpich flavor.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] branch master updated (06f6b04 -> 2680842)
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 01/07: Update symbol files - First step
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 02/07: Drop missing symbols.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 03/07: New helper script debian/make-version-scripts
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 04/07: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 05/07: Drop unwanted artifacts from version scripts.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 06/07: Fix lintian-overrides for symlink-is-self-recursive.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 07/07: Upload release 1.8.14+docs-1 to experimental.
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] branch master updated (2680842 -> 383e4f4)
Gilles Filippini
- [hdf5] 01/01: Fix debian/sort-symbols to workaround bug #773718.
Gilles Filippini
- [creepy] branch master updated (9ff7328 -> 399a519)
Ross Gammon
- [creepy] 01/01: Restructure local-config patch & add debug statements
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (b5c99fb -> a515bd9)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/02: Further tweak to symbols file
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 02/02: Begin removing diplicate files
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (a515bd9 -> 364f741)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 1.39
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.39'
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch pristine-tar updated (78d7420 -> 3d33a71)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 03/03: Begin next geographiclib version
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/01: pristine-tar data for geographiclib_1.39.orig.tar.gz
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch upstream updated (cccf5cb -> 43c2557)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] annotated tag upstream/1.39 created (now 7dbfc37)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (364f741 -> 0359daa)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/01: Refresh patches
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (0359daa -> b09ed37)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/04: Bump SONAME to 14 from 13
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 02/04: Update symbols file
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 03/04: Create -doc package as these are very large
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 04/04: Remove duplicate files and link them instead
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (b09ed37 -> 82fbe9b)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/01: Add patch to prevent remote access to CSS for html manuals
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] branch master updated (82fbe9b -> 0ef78d6)
Ross Gammon
- [geographiclib] 01/01: Update changelog
Ross Gammon
- Bug#772355: osmosis: bashism in /bin/sh script
Raphael Geissert
- LED TUBE LIGHT T8 1.2meter 120lm/W RA>85 5Yrs warranty only $7.8/pc from LED manufacturing center---Shenzhen
- [libgeotiff-dfsg] tag debian/1.4.1%7Eexp1 created (now 75abca1)
Francesco Lovergine
- [libgeotiff-epsg] tag debian/1.4.1-1%7Eexp1 created (now da09702)
Francesco Lovergine
- [spatialite] tag debian/4.2.1%7Erc1-1%7Eexp1 created (now 88b5f25)
Francesco Lovergine
- [spatialite] tag debian/debian/3.0.0_beta20110817-2 created (now 81135bc)
Francesco Lovergine
- Processing of libgeotiff-dfsg_1.4.1-1~exp1_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of libgeotiff-epsg_1.4.1-1~exp1_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- libgeotiff-dfsg_1.4.1-1~exp1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- libgeotiff-epsg_1.4.1-1~exp1_i386.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite_4.2.1~rc1-1~exp1_sourceupload.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite_4.2.1~rc1-1~exp1_sourceupload.changes REJECTED
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite_4.2.1~rc1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite_4.2.1~rc1-1~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of spatialite-tools_4.2.1~rc1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- spatialite-tools_4.2.1~rc1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of librasterlite2_1.0.0~rc0-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- librasterlite2_1.0.0~rc0-1~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- libgdal-grass_1.11.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental, experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of routino_2.7.2-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- routino_2.7.2-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into testing-proposed-updates
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of rasterio_0.15.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of proj-rdnap_2008-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- proj-rdnap_2008-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- rasterio_0.15.1-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of pprepair_0.0~20140611-c70373b-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- pprepair_0.0~20140611-c70373b-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of prepair_0.7-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- prepair_0.7-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of pycsw_1.10.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- pycsw_1.10.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of routino_2.7.2-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- routino_2.7.2-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of qgis_2.6.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of osm2pgsql_0.87.0-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- osm2pgsql_0.87.0-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- qgis_2.6.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of josm_0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.svn30838-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- josm_0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- openstreetmap-map-icons_0.0.svn30838-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of josm-plugins_0.0.svn30838+ds1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- josm-plugins_0.0.svn30838+ds1-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of osm2pgsql_0.87.0-1~exp2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- osm2pgsql_0.87.0-1~exp2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of pktools_2.6.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- pktools_2.6.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jmapviewer_1.04+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jmapviewer_1.04+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of qmapshack_0.8.2-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- qmapshack_0.8.2-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jmapviewer_1.04+dfsg-1~exp2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jmapviewer_1.04+dfsg-1~exp2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of josm_0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1~exp2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- josm_0.0.svn7778+dfsg1-1~exp2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3366-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of readosm_1.0.0c-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3366-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- readosm_1.0.0c-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- pprepair_0.0~20140611-c70373b-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- prepair_0.7-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of freexl_1.0.0h-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- freexl_1.0.0h-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of readosm_1.0.0d-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- readosm_1.0.0d-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3383-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3383-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of hdf5_1.8.14+docs-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- hdf5_1.8.14+docs-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of python-descartes_1.0.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- python-descartes_1.0.1-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of postgis_2.1.5+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- postgis_2.1.5+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- postgis_2.1.5+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental, experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of qmapshack_0.9.0-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- qmapshack_0.9.0-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mkgmapgui_1.1.ds-3~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mkgmapgui_1.1.ds-3~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3392-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mkgmap_0.0.0+svn3392-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of openlayers_2.13.1+ds2-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- openlayers_2.13.1+ds2-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of python-affine_1.1.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- python-affine_1.1.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of owslib_0.8.12-1~exp_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- owslib_0.8.12-1~exp_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of geographiclib_1.40-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- geographiclib_1.40-1~exp1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- python-descartes_1.0.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of jmapviewer_1.05+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- jmapviewer_1.05+dfsg-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of osm2pgsql_0.87.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- osm2pgsql_0.87.1-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of josm_0.0.svn7906+dfsg2-1~exp1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- josm_0.0.svn7906+dfsg2-1~exp1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#772536: osmctools: osmupdate needs wget
Nelson A. de Oliveira
- Bug#774243: gdal: Suggest/recommend gdal-bin in python-gdal
Nelson A. de Oliveira
- Bug#774244: gdal: Patch help/usage message to include binaries with extension
Nelson A. de Oliveira
- Bug#772833: libhdf5-dev: Cannot compile code using C++ bindings for HDF5
Patrik Schönfeldt
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.1.2-1 created (now 351e0d6)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.1.2-3 created (now 499a4a0)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.1.2-2 created (now 27edc66)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.3.2-1 created (now ec0dd99)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.1.2 created (now ab8187d)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.7-1 created (now a73848e)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.2-2 created (now 5eae9a4)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.7.2-1 created (now 670b48e)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.2-1 created (now ec207df)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.2 created (now 9b0e07c)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.4.1 created (now 414b7f4)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.7 created (now 054da92)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.3.2 created (now d301eb0)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.7.2 created (now 2300487)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] tag upstream/2.1.1 created (now 0208b8b)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag upstream/2.3.1 created (now c7f50e7)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.7.2-2 created (now 2b8be65)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 01/01: add my name for upload
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] annotated tag debian/2.7.2-3 created (now f1f6bfd)
Uwe Steinmann
- [routino] 01/01: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
Uwe Steinmann
- Processed: Re: Bug#771782: postgis: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#771705: osm2pgsql: Import fails in PolygonBuilder.cpp:261
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#771705: marked as done (osm2pgsql: Import fails in PolygonBuilder.cpp:261)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Assert still present in oldstable
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#772355: osmosis: bashism in /bin/sh script
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Additional fixed versions
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#772536: osmctools: osmupdate needs wget
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#770881: marked as done (josm: JOSM package doesn't install the appstream appdata.xml file)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: [bts-link] source package gdal
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#772833: marked as done (libhdf5-dev: Cannot compile code using C++ bindings for HDF5)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#731864: marked as done (libgeographiclib-dev: /usr/lib/libGeographic.a should be compiled with -fPIC compiler option)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: mkgmap r3333 is in Debian
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#747233: marked as done (New upstream (r3248))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#649305: marked as done (tilestache: Please update recommends to python-mapnik2)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#771782: marked as done (postgis: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#774243: gdal: Suggest/recommend gdal-bin in python-gdal
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [pycsw] branch master updated (a8db3eb -> 709f7dc)
Andreas Tille
- [pycsw] 01/01: changelog line was to long
Andreas Tille
- [mkgmapgui] branch master updated (89307ad -> b407871)
Andreas Tille
- [mkgmapgui] 01/01: Do not mention team as Uploaders (and do a real switch of maintainer team)
Andreas Tille
- [pycsw] branch master updated (0e91a31 -> a8db3eb)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [pycsw] 01/01: Set section correctly to non-free/*
Johan Van de Wauw
- [otb] branch master updated (7491ba3 -> 5abafa5)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [otb] 01/01: Update debian/copyright
Johan Van de Wauw
- Bug#773394: ITP: python-geopandas
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] branch master created (now 49483e9)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 0.1.1
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 02/03: Initial debian files
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 03/03: Delete geopandas/ on clean
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] branch pristine-tar created (now 6a08ff4)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] branch upstream created (now c79abca)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-geopandas_0.1.1.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0.1.1
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] annotated tag upstream/0.1.1 created (now 7405cd8)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] branch master updated (49483e9 -> 67c6b06)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 01/03: Set source package name correctly. Enable tests
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 02/03: enable tests
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-geopandas] 03/03: Skip geocoding tests if building on debian (no internet)
Johan Van de Wauw
- Bug#773430: ITP: python-descartes
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] branch pristine-tar created (now 0a10f37)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] branch master created (now b3a1c94)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.1
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 02/02: Initial debian files
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-descartes_1.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] branch upstream created (now 1ddbda5)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] annotated tag upstream/1.0.1 created (now 1e00877)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] branch master updated (b3a1c94 -> 307b0c9)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 01/05: Add description
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 02/05: Add more B/D
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 03/05: Set distribution to unstable
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 04/05: Add watchfile
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 05/05: set distro to unstable
Johan Van de Wauw
- Bug#773505: python-descartes/1.0.1-1 [ITP]
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] branch master updated (307b0c9 -> 9f4dc82)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 01/02: Remove
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 02/02: Add gbp.conf
Johan Van de Wauw
- Bug#773505: RFS: python-descartes/1.0.1-1 [ITP]
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] branch master updated (307c04f -> d6b7b37)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 0.16
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.16'
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] 03/03: Update changelog for 0.16
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] branch upstream updated (b544df2 -> bbdbaef)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] branch ubuntu created (now 7a87f5a)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] branch pristine-tar updated (54ce2b6 -> 9b143f4)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] 01/01: pristine-tar data for rasterio_0.16.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] 01/02: trusty build
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] 02/02: Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] annotated tag upstream/0.16 created (now ec98d3d)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [rasterio] tag ubuntugis/0.16-0_trusty created (now 7a87f5a)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] branch master updated (9f4dc82 -> 085ab52)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 01/03: Revert "Remove"
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 02/03: Set header to SPDX shortname + remove copyright symbol
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-descartes] 03/03: Fix debian-control-has-unusual-field-spacing
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] branch master updated (213fa0b -> ca3f210)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 0.8.12
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.12'
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 03/03: Set new version -> release to experimental
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] annotated tag upstream/0.8.12 created (now e81ae7b)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] tag ubuntugis/0.8.10-1_utopic created (now 0f1fcde)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] tag ubuntugis/0.8.10-1_trusty created (now b58144d)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] tag debian/0.8.10 created (now 213fa0b)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] tag debian/0.8.10-1 created (now 213fa0b)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] branch master created (now 8e00088)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 3.1.1
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] 02/03: Initial debian files
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] 03/03: Add watchfile
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] annotated tag upstream/3.1.1 created (now 901a709)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-affine] branch pristine-tar created (now 20d57ec)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-affine] branch upstream updated (e4d3a85 -> 006f8b0)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-affine] branch osgeolive created (now 68fe609)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-affine] 01/03: pristine-tar data for affine_1.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-affine] 02/03: pristine-tar data for python-affine_1.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [python-affine] 03/03: pristine-tar data for python-affine_1.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] branch pristine-tar updated (69af135 -> 54b7b9e)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 01/01: pristine-tar data for owslib_0.8.12.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] branch upstream updated (303d806 -> 58865a9)
Johan Van de Wauw
- Bug#774106: RFS: owslib/0.8.12-1~exp [put in ITP, ITA, RC, NMU if applicable]
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] branch master updated (d109ae7 -> 236b20f)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 01/03: Set version number with exp
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 02/03: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Johan Van de Wauw
- [owslib] 03/03: Add sebastic changes to mentors upload
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] branch pristine-tar created (now 2b9828a)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openlayers3_3.1.1.orig.tar.gz
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] branch upstream created (now 45087af)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] branch master updated (3468f89 -> 12901cf)
Johan Van de Wauw
- [openlayers3] 01/01: Add more B/D
Johan Van de Wauw
- [bts-link] source package gdal
bts-link-upstream at
- osmosis is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- Investieren
jessica ziegler
- Investieren
jessica ziegler
- Investieren
jessica ziegler
Last message date:
Wed Dec 31 20:24:59 UTC 2014
Archived on: Wed Dec 31 20:25:25 UTC 2014
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