[pycoast] 01/06: Imported Upstream version 0.5.4
Antonio Valentino
a_valentino-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 3 08:04:38 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
a_valentino-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pycoast.
commit 170a21915a074f94fe0e86b9fbbfa0fc33f92d94
Author: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
Date: Sat Jul 2 17:58:49 2016 +0000
Imported Upstream version 0.5.4
.gitignore | 62 +
.travis.yml | 13 +
PKG-INFO | 16 -
changelog.rst | 247 +
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.../_images/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png | Bin 0 -> 691429 bytes
docs/build/html/_images/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 57749 bytes
docs/build/html/_images/euro_coast.png | Bin 0 -> 678993 bytes
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docs/build/html/_images/euro_grid.png | Bin 0 -> 680552 bytes
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.../build/html/_images/geos_coast.png | Bin
.../build/html/_images/geos_coast_agg.png | Bin
docs/build/html/_images/grid_geos_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 80862 bytes
docs/build/html/_images/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 133923 bytes
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docs/build/html/_images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 185922 bytes
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docs/build/html/_sources/shapefiles.txt | 44 +
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docs/build/html/_sources/usage.txt | 72 +
.../_static/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png | Bin 0 -> 691429 bytes
docs/build/html/_static/ajax-loader.gif | Bin 0 -> 673 bytes
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docs/build/html/_static/default.css | 256 +
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docs/build/html/_static/euro_coast_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 693906 bytes
docs/build/html/_static/euro_coast_grid_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 730830 bytes
docs/build/html/_static/euro_grid.png | Bin 0 -> 680552 bytes
docs/build/html/_static/euro_grid_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 726823 bytes
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.../build/html/_static/geos_coast.png | Bin
.../build/html/_static/geos_coast_agg.png | Bin
docs/build/html/_static/grid_geos_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 80862 bytes
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docs/build/html/api.html | 113 +
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docs/build/html/searchindex.js | 1 +
docs/build/html/shapefiles.html | 144 +
docs/build/html/test.html | 117 +
docs/build/html/usage.html | 168 +
docs/source/api.rst | 12 +
docs/source/conf.py | 5 +-
docs/source/config.rst | 25 +
docs/source/graticule.rst | 98 +
docs/source/high_quality_contours.rst | 57 +
docs/source/images/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 57749 bytes
docs/source/images/nh_polygons_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 179660 bytes
docs/source/images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 185922 bytes
docs/source/index.rst | 253 +-
docs/source/installation.rst | 29 +
docs/source/polygons_and_lines.rst | 42 +
docs/source/shapefiles.rst | 44 +
docs/source/test.rst | 10 +
docs/source/usage.rst | 72 +
pycoast.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 16 -
pycoast.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 39 -
pycoast.egg-info/dependency_links.txt | 1 -
pycoast.egg-info/not-zip-safe | 1 -
pycoast.egg-info/requires.txt | 2 -
pycoast.egg-info/top_level.txt | 1 -
pycoast/__init__.py | 1343 +-
pycoast/cw_agg.py | 721 +
pycoast/cw_base.py | 1035 +
pycoast/cw_pil.py | 468 +
pycoast/errors.py | 28 +
pycoast/tests/__init__.py | 0
pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles.png | Bin 0 -> 8732 bytes
pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 39047 bytes
{test => pycoast/tests}/contours_europe.png | Bin
{test => pycoast/tests}/contours_europe_agg.png | Bin
{test => pycoast/tests}/contours_geos.png | Bin
{test => pycoast/tests}/contours_geos_agg.png | Bin
pycoast/tests/dateline_boundary_cross.png | Bin 0 -> 28162 bytes
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pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 245291 bytes
pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg_txt.png | Bin 0 -> 250001 bytes
{test => pycoast/tests}/grid_geos.png | Bin
{test => pycoast/tests}/grid_geos_agg.png | Bin
pycoast/tests/grid_nh.png | Bin 0 -> 36520 bytes
pycoast/tests/grid_nh_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 161608 bytes
pycoast/tests/nh_polygons.png | Bin 0 -> 18691 bytes
pycoast/tests/nh_polygons_agg.png | Bin 0 -> 115949 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/DejaVuSerif.ttf | Bin 0 -> 328908 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/README | 5 +
pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.dbf | Bin 0 -> 61766369 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.prj | 1 +
pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shp | Bin 0 -> 600392 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shx | Bin 0 -> 171612 bytes
.../test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.dbf | Bin 0 -> 61954404 bytes
.../test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.prj | 1 +
.../test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shp | Bin 0 -> 601176 bytes
.../test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shx | Bin 0 -> 171836 bytes
.../test_data/cities/cities_1500_alternativ.txt | 21468 +++++++++++++++++++
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L1.dbf | Bin 0 -> 1248300 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L1.prj | 1 +
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L1.shp | Bin 0 -> 1251340 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L1.shx | Bin 0 -> 46540 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L2.dbf | Bin 0 -> 943000 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L2.prj | 1 +
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L2.shp | Bin 0 -> 723052 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L2.shx | Bin 0 -> 35180 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L3.dbf | Bin 0 -> 107940 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L3.prj | 1 +
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L3.shp | Bin 0 -> 64332 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L3.shx | Bin 0 -> 4108 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L4.dbf | Bin 0 -> 2590 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L4.prj | 1 +
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L4.shp | Bin 0 -> 1516 bytes
.../test_data/gshhs/GSHHS_shp/l/GSHHS_l_L4.shx | Bin 0 -> 188 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L1.dbf | Bin 0 -> 41047 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L1.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L1.shp | Bin 0 -> 59012 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L1.shx | Bin 0 -> 3700 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L2.dbf | Bin 0 -> 58064 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L2.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L2.shp | Bin 0 -> 71036 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L2.shx | Bin 0 -> 5196 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L3.dbf | Bin 0 -> 3464 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L3.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L3.shp | Bin 0 -> 4572 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L3.shx | Bin 0 -> 396 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L01.dbf | Bin 0 -> 5102 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L01.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L01.shp | Bin 0 -> 11548 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L01.shx | Bin 0 -> 540 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L02.dbf | Bin 0 -> 215858 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L02.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L02.shp | Bin 0 -> 210476 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L02.shx | Bin 0 -> 19068 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L03.dbf | Bin 0 -> 401407 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L03.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L03.shp | Bin 0 -> 391108 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L03.shx | Bin 0 -> 35380 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L04.dbf | Bin 0 -> 682506 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L04.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L04.shp | Bin 0 -> 664988 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L04.shx | Bin 0 -> 60092 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L05.dbf | Bin 0 -> 812090 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L05.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L05.shp | Bin 0 -> 788668 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L05.shx | Bin 0 -> 71484 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L06.dbf | Bin 0 -> 22301 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L06.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L06.shp | Bin 0 -> 21748 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L06.shx | Bin 0 -> 2052 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L07.dbf | Bin 0 -> 79540 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L07.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L07.shp | Bin 0 -> 77532 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L07.shx | Bin 0 -> 7084 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L08.dbf | Bin 0 -> 87821 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L08.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L08.shp | Bin 0 -> 85300 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L08.shx | Bin 0 -> 7812 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L09.dbf | Bin 0 -> 9652 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L09.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L09.shp | Bin 0 -> 9340 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L09.shx | Bin 0 -> 940 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L1.dbf | Bin 0 -> 28517 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L1.shp | Bin 0 -> 210476 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L1.shx | Bin 0 -> 19068 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L10.dbf | Bin 0 -> 8469 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L10.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L10.shp | Bin 0 -> 8212 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L10.shx | Bin 0 -> 836 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L11.dbf | Bin 0 -> 21937 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L11.prj | 1 +
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L11.shp | Bin 0 -> 21348 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L11.shx | Bin 0 -> 2020 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L2.dbf | Bin 0 -> 52997 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L2.shp | Bin 0 -> 391196 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L2.shx | Bin 0 -> 35388 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L3.dbf | Bin 0 -> 90053 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L3.shp | Bin 0 -> 664988 bytes
.../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L3.shx | Bin 0 -> 60092 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.dbf | Bin 0 -> 136 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.mxd | Bin 0 -> 268288 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.prj | 1 +
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.sbn | Bin 0 -> 236 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.sbx | Bin 0 -> 132 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp | Bin 0 -> 1172 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shx | Bin 0 -> 180 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/README | 3 +
.../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.dbf | Bin 0 -> 1129 bytes
.../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.shp | Bin 0 -> 150884 bytes
.../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.shx | Bin 0 -> 316 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Capitais.dbf | Bin 0 -> 854 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Capitais.shp | Bin 0 -> 1828 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Capitais.shx | Bin 0 -> 316 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.dbf | Bin 0 -> 78 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.shp | Bin 0 -> 61280 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.shx | Bin 0 -> 108 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.dbf | Bin 0 -> 393 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp | Bin 0 -> 94208 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shx | Bin 0 -> 140 bytes
.../shapes/divisao_politica/divisao_politica.txt | 40 +
.../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/leia.txt | 9 +
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.gsf | Bin 0 -> 2048 bytes
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl | 21 +
pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl.info | 25 +
{test => pycoast/tests}/test_pycoast.py | 410 +-
pycoast/version.py | 2 +-
setup.cfg | 8 +-
setup.py | 14 +-
test/dateline_boundary_cross.png | Bin 28250 -> 0 bytes
test/dateline_cross.png | Bin 28871 -> 0 bytes
test/grid_europe.png | Bin 32942 -> 0 bytes
test/grid_europe_agg.png | Bin 259673 -> 0 bytes
test/grid_europe_agg_txt.png | Bin 264540 -> 0 bytes
test/grid_nh.png | Bin 36665 -> 0 bytes
test/grid_nh_agg.png | Bin 161605 -> 0 bytes
254 files changed, 40120 insertions(+), 1799 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09ba14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi)
+### Python template
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aab1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+language: python
+- '2.6'
+- '2.7'
+sudo: false
+- pip install git+git://github.com/mraspaud/aggdraw.git
+- python setup.py install
+- pip install coveralls
+script: coverage run --source=pycoast setup.py test
+after_success: coveralls
+ slack: pytroll:96mNSYSI1dBjGyzVXkBT6qFt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d9b2b..0000000
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
-Name: pycoast
-Version: 0.5.2
-Summary: Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
-Home-page: UNKNOWN
-Author: Esben S. Nielsen
-Author-email: esn at dmi.dk
-License: UNKNOWN
-Description: UNKNOWN
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
-Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
diff --git a/changelog.rst b/changelog.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..584d68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+v0.5.4 (2016-02-21)
+- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bump version: 0.5.3 → 0.5.4. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'pre-master' [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'pre-master' of github.com:pytroll/pycoast into pre-
+ master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add missing import of ConfigParser. [Panu Lahtinen]
+- Remove skipping shapefiles crossing dateline, fixes global overlays.
+ [Panu Lahtinen]
+- Update test reference images with ones made in Ubuntu so automatic
+ testing might work in Travis. [Panu Lahtinen]
+v0.5.3 (2016-02-21)
+- Bugfix: The section is called "coasts", plural... [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bugfix: the refactoring used only coastal style. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Bump version: 0.5.2 → 0.5.3. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'master' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+ Conflicts:
+ .gitignore
+ setup.py
+- Add a gitignore file. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge pull request #2 from mitkin/master. [Martin Raspaud]
+ Update setup.py
+- Update setup.py. [Mikhail Itkin]
+- Fix pyproj missing dependency. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Move the test directory to pycoast.tests (for consistency) [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+- Fix .travis.yml to install aggdraw first. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'restructure' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Split different readers out of __init__.py, adjust __init__.py so that
+ everything still works in the same way as previously. [Panu Lahtinen]
+- More generic ignores. [Panu Lahtinen]
+- Add a test suite and .travis file for ci. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Update the reference images to make the test pass with pillow/aggdraw.
+ [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add numpy to the list of dependencies. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Added documentation about configuration files for pycoast. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+- Add setup.cfg for easy rpm generation. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Some refactoring and pep8. [Martin Raspaud]
+- _add_shapefile_shape bug fixed. [s.cerino]
+- Merge branch 'master' into pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Add configuration file reading feature. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/pycoast. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+- Fixed (sometimes fatal) ImageDraw import. [Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson]
+ ImageDraw and other PIL modules should be imported
+ directly from prevailing PIL package.
+- Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/pycoast. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/pycoast. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+- Merge branch 'master' of https://code.google.com/p/pycoast. [Martin
+ Raspaud]
+ Conflicts:
+ pycoast/__init__.py
+- Removing the rounding of the pixel indices. (Works with AGG and
+ without). [Martin Raspaud]
+- Docbuilds. [Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson]
+ docbuilds
+- Added documentation for polygons and shapefile methods. [Hrobjartur
+ Thorsteinsson]
+ Added documentation for polygons and shapefile methods.
+- Add_polygon and add_shapefile_shape(s) integration testing.
+ [Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson]
+ add_polygon and add_shapefile_shape(s) integration testing.
+ Also included preliminary test data.
+- Work in progress setting up shape and cities support. [Hrobjartur
+ Thorsteinsson]
+ Work in progress setting up shape and cities support
+- Removed print line from add_shape routine. [Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson]
+ removed print line from add_shape routine
+- Make pillow a dependency if PIL is not already there. [Martin Raspaud]
+- Fixed fata ImageDraw import. [Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson]
+ Fixed importing conflict, affecting some users
+ seemingly with mixed installations of PIL/Pillow.
+ all PIL imports should be from same package.
+ made "from PIL import ImageDraw"
+- Adding appertizer image at the front. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Rearranging documentation, and minor editorial stuff. [Adam Dybbroe]
+- Bug fix: add_line / add_polygon. [Hrobjartur Thorsteinsson]
+ Minor bug fix: add_line / add_polygon exception.
+- Added custom shapefile and shape draw routines. [Hrobjartur
+ Thorsteinsson]
+ custom shapefile and shape draw routines.
+ add_shapefile_shape(...)
+ add_shapefile_shapes(...)
+ add_line(...)
+ add_polygon(...)
+- Built docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Hrobs changes and FFT metric for unit test. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Flexible grid labeling and placement implemented. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Lon markings now account for dateline too. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Updated doc image. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Updated docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Test updated. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Implemented correct dateline handling and updated tests. [Esben S.
+ Nielsen]
+- Added all of docs/build/html. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Modified comment. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added graticule computation from Hrob. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected bug in add_coastlines_to_file. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Bugfixing to improve accuracy. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added testing. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected git doc mess. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Updated docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added possiblility to use AGG. Changed API slightly. [Esben S.
+ Nielsen]
+- Docs messed up by git. Trying to clean. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added missing build doc files. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected invalid reprojection issue for projections like geos. [Esben
+ S. Nielsen]
+- Rebuild docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Bumped up version. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Corrected south pole filtering bug. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Changed link to SOEST. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Documented project. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added license and docs. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Now handles poles. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added docstrings. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added test. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Created package. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Restructured pixel index calculation. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- Added borders and rivers. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- First version. [Esben S. Nielsen]
+- First version. [Esben S. Nielsen]
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+# Sphinx build info version 1
+# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
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similarity index 100%
copy from test/contours_geos.png
copy to docs/build/html/_images/geos_coast.png
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similarity index 100%
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copy to docs/build/html/_images/geos_coast_agg.png
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+The :mod:`pycoast` API
+.. automodule:: pycoast
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Adding graticule to images
+Pycoast can be used to add graticule to images. For PIL_:
+ >>> from PIL import Image, ImageFont
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf",16)
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font,fill='blue',
+ ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue')
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/euro_grid.png
+The font argument is optional for PIL if it is not given a default font will be used.
+and for AGG:
+ >>> from PIL import Image, ImageFont
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> import aggdraw
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> font = aggdraw.Font('black', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf',
+ ... opacity=127, size=16)
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0),font,
+ ... outline='blue',outline_opacity=175,width=1.0,
+ ... minor_outline='lightblue',minor_outline_opacity=200,minor_width=0.5,
+ ... minor_is_tick=False)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/euro_grid_agg.png
+Note the difference in the optional font argument for PIL and AGG. With AGG the
+font argument is mandatory unless the keyword argument :attr:`write_text=False`
+is used.
+From v0.5.0 the graticule is also usable for globe projections:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), fill='blue',
+ ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue', write_text=False)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/grid_geos_agg.png
+The lon and lat labeling is shown where the lines intersect the image border.
+By default the lon intersections with top and bottom and the lat intersections with left and right border are displayed .
+The placement behaviour can be controlled with the :attr:`lon_placement` and :attr:`lat_placement` keyword variables.
+The placement specifier is a string containing the desired placement where 't' is top, 'b' bottom, 'l' left and 'r' right.
+E.g. :attr:`lon_placement='tl'` will make the lon labels display at the top and left border.
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> import aggdraw
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='c', level=4)
+ >>> font = aggdraw.Font('blue', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf', size=10)
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
+ ... lon_placement='tblr', lat_placement='')
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png
+Tip: If the adding graticule with AGG fails with something like:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "grid_demo_AGG.py", line 13, in <module>
+ font=aggdraw.Font("blue", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf", size=16)
+ IOError: cannot load font (no text renderer)
+make sure the FREETYPE_ROOT in setup.py of aggdraw points to the correct location e.g. set *FREETYPE_ROOT = "/usr"*
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/high_quality_contours.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+High quality contours using AGG
+The default plotting mode of pycoast uses PIL_ for rendering of contours. PIL
+does not support antialiasing and opacity. The AGG engine can be used for
+making high quality images using the aggdraw_ module.
+First install the aggdraw_ module.
+Tip: if the building of aggdraw fails with:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ agg_array.h:523: error: cast from ‘agg::int8u*’ to ‘unsigned int’ loses precision
+.. code-block:: bash
+ export CFLAGS="-fpermissive"
+before building.
+Using pycoast with AGG for making antialiased drawing:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, (proj4_string, area_extent), resolution='l', width=0.5)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/geos_coast_agg.png
+and making the not-so-nice image from the first example nice:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue', width=0.5, outline_opacity=127)
+ >>> cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=3, outline_opacity=32)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/euro_coast_agg.png
+See docstrings of :attr:`ContourWriterAGG` methods for argument descriptions.
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
+.. _aggdraw: http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm
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+.. pycoast documentation master file, created by
+ sphinx-quickstart on Thu Sep 22 15:38:22 2011.
+ You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+ contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Pycoast is a Python package to add coastlines, borders and rivers to raster
+images using data from the GSHHS and WDBII datasets
+.. image:: images/euro_coast_agg.png
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ installation
+ usage
+ high_quality_contours
+ graticule
+ polygons_and_lines
+ shapefiles
+ test
+ api
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_sources/installation.txt b/docs/build/html/_sources/installation.txt
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/installation.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Pycoast depends on pyshp_ and PIL_.
+Install pycoast and dependencies.
+Download the zipped GSHHS and WDBII Shapefiles from SOEST_.
+Unzip the files to a data directory (hereafter called *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT*).
+The structure of *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT* should now be::
+ .
+ ├── GSHHS_shp
+ │ ├── c
+ │ ├── f
+ │ ├── h
+ │ ├── i
+ │ └── l
+ └── WDBII_shp
+ ├── c
+ ├── f
+ ├── h
+ ├── i
+ └── l
+Where each dir on the lowest level contains Shapefiles like *GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp*
+.. _SOEST: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
+.. _pyshp: http://code.google.com/p/pyshp/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/polygons_and_lines.txt
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+Custom shapes and lines
+Pycoast can add custom polygons and lines, useful for outlining
+special target areas. The following example shows how we might
+use the :attr:`add_polygon` method to highlight the Reykjavik Air Traffic Control
+area and an additional filled box around Iceland.
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (600, 600))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ ...
+ >>> REYKJAVIK_ATC = [(0.0,73.0),(0.0,61.0),(-30.0,61.0),(-39,63.5),(-55+4/6.0,63.5),(-57+45/60.0,65),(-76,76),(-75,78),(-60,82),(0,90),(30,82),(0,82)]
+ >>> ICELAND_BOX = [(-25,62.5),(-25,67),(-13,67),(-13,62.5)]
+ >>> cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, REYKJAVIK_ATC, outline='red',width=2)
+ >>> cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, ICELAND_BOX, outline='green', fill='gray', width=2)
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/nh_polygons_agg.png
+The :attr:`add_polygon` method accepts a list of longitude, latitude pairs.
+An equivalent :attr:`add_line` method is also available which does not tie
+the first and last coordinates in the list.
+Now we can plot some air traffic routes from Keflavik to Seattle, Moscow and Beijing,
+ >>> ROUTE_KEF_MOS = [(-22.6056, 63.985), (-19.046655824698217, 64.2936159845089), (-15.41883293246517, 64.51404924194419), (-11.744200494490052, 64.64399069686961), (-8.046778033221322, 64.6820416591038), (-4.351563677581442, 64.62778714494442), (-0.6834599011921236, 64.48181810544278), (2.9337905930008565, 64.24569983825512), (6.478548138904879, 63.92189044240429), (9.932010650466118, 63.513618932636106), (13.278688573156892, 63.02473642018875), (16.506610526365268, 62.4595550541191 [...]
+ >>> ROUTE_KEF_SEA = [(-22.6056, 63.985), (-28.15308892820336, 65.36580325755281), (-34.26244035327647, 66.52172028653052), (-40.896187287785146, 67.41807846160079), (-47.960443294166176, 68.02301075853937), (-55.302469834902446, 68.31206181696378), (-62.72513195737088, 68.27259499211274), (-70.01742497152813, 67.90637421611629), (-76.99054572503543, 67.22919099479928), (-83.50520476774184, 66.26770704836584), (-89.48175180569157, 65.05485573003652), (-94.89452260904564, 63.6253937485 [...]
+ >>> ROUTE_KEF_BEI = [(-22.6056, 63.985), (-17.489150553128045, 67.07686353046147), (-10.93541135202904, 69.95803521761742), (-2.422591560170639, 72.52376059083646), (8.601530816977142, 74.6151942209109), (22.350514164676376, 76.01770036199035), (38.03768523094268, 76.51449133498859), (53.7147372147881, 76.00872266593849), (67.44042282956654, 74.598879606615), (78.43970951791597, 72.50222030140003), (86.9320528199369, 69.93299364768527), (93.47049967796295, 67.04949777818322), (98.575 [...]
+ >>> cw.add_line(img, area_def, ROUTE_KEF_MOS, outline='yellow',outline_opacity=180,width=3)
+ >>> cw.add_line(img, area_def, ROUTE_KEF_SEA, outline='yellow',outline_opacity=180,width=3)
+ >>> cw.add_line(img, area_def, ROUTE_KEF_BEI, outline='yellow',outline_opacity=180,width=3)
+.. image:: images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_sources/shapefiles.txt b/docs/build/html/_sources/shapefiles.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f45b6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/shapefiles.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Shapes from ESRI shape files
+Pycoast supports plotting of polygons and polylines from ESRI shapefiles,
+currently only in lonlat coordinates format.
+In the following example we use :attr:`add_shapefile_shapes` method to plot all line shapes
+found in the file Metareas.shp. We then use the :attr:`add_shapefile_shape` (notice the singular)
+to plot only the 3rd and 4th shape_id within the file BR_Regioes.shp.
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (600, 600))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=merc +lon_0=-60 +lat_ts=-30.0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ >>> area_extent = (-2000000.0, -5000000.0, 5000000.0, 2000000.0)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
+ ...
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_shapefile_shapes(img, area_def,
+ 'test/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp',
+ outline='red',width=2)
+ >>> cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ 'test/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp',
+ 3, outline='blue')
+ >>> cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ 'test/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp',
+ 4, outline='blue', fill='green')
+.. image:: images/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png
+If your shapefile is not in lonlat coordinates, then you can re-project your shape file using
+:attr:`ogr2ogr` (part of GDAL_ tools), e.g.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ ogr2ogr original.shp lonlat.shp -t_srs "+proj=latlong"
+This should work if you have all the extra meta-files original.* included with your original.shp.
+Please refer to the OGR_ documentation for more information.
+.. _OGR: http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html
+.. _GDAL: http://www.gdal.org/
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+The tests can be run using nosetest:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd <pycoast_dir>
+ $ nosetests tests/
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+++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/usage.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Pycoast can be used to add coastlines, borders and rivers to a raster image if
+the geographic projection of the image and the image extent in projection
+coordinates are known
+.. image:: images/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png
+Pycoast can add contours to either a PIL image object:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
+ >>> cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
+ >>> img.show()
+or to an image file:
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_rivers_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
+ >>> cw.add_borders_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
+Where the :attr:`area_extent` is the extent of the image in projection
+coordinates as (x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, x_ur) measured at pixel edges.
+The argument to :attr:`ContourWriter` must be replaced with your *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT*.
+.. image:: images/euro_coast.png
+The resulting (not so pretty) image shows the effect of the various
+arguments. The :attr:`resolution` keyword argument controls the resolution of
+the dataset used. It defaults to 'c' for coarse. Increasing the resolution also
+increases the processing time. The :attr:`level` keyword argument controls the
+detail level of the dataset used. It defaults to *1* for the lowest detail
+Instead of a tuple for :attr:`area_def` a pyresample_ :attr:`AreaDefinition`
+object can be used.
+See method docstrings for information about possible argument values see method
+Creating an image with coastlines only:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/geos_coast.png
+.. _pyshp: http://code.google.com/p/pyshp/
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
+.. _pyresample: http://code.google.com/p/pyresample/
+.. _aggdraw: http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png differ
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+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
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+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * Sphinx stylesheet -- default theme.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
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+div.topic {
+ background-color: #eee;
+div.warning {
+ background-color: #ffe4e4;
+ border: 1px solid #f66;
+p.admonition-title {
+ display: inline;
+p.admonition-title:after {
+ content: ":";
+pre {
+ padding: 5px;
+ background-color: #eeffcc;
+ color: #333333;
+ line-height: 120%;
+ border: 1px solid #ac9;
+ border-left: none;
+ border-right: none;
+tt {
+ background-color: #ecf0f3;
+ padding: 0 1px 0 1px;
+ font-size: 0.95em;
+th {
+ background-color: #ede;
+.warning tt {
+ background: #efc2c2;
+.note tt {
+ background: #d6d6d6;
+.viewcode-back {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+div.viewcode-block:target {
+ background-color: #f4debf;
+ border-top: 1px solid #ac9;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ac9;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/doctools.js b/docs/build/html/_static/doctools.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4619fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/doctools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * doctools.js
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * Sphinx JavaScript utilities for all documentation.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+ * select a different prefix for underscore
+ */
+$u = _.noConflict();
+ * make the code below compatible with browsers without
+ * an installed firebug like debugger
+if (!window.console || !console.firebug) {
+ var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir",
+ "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace",
+ "profile", "profileEnd"];
+ window.console = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
+ window.console[names[i]] = function() {};
+ */
+ * small helper function to urldecode strings
+ */
+jQuery.urldecode = function(x) {
+ return decodeURIComponent(x).replace(/\+/g, ' ');
+ * small helper function to urlencode strings
+ */
+jQuery.urlencode = encodeURIComponent;
+ * This function returns the parsed url parameters of the
+ * current request. Multiple values per key are supported,
+ * it will always return arrays of strings for the value parts.
+ */
+jQuery.getQueryParameters = function(s) {
+ if (typeof s == 'undefined')
+ s = document.location.search;
+ var parts = s.substr(s.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
+ var result = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+ var tmp = parts[i].split('=', 2);
+ var key = jQuery.urldecode(tmp[0]);
+ var value = jQuery.urldecode(tmp[1]);
+ if (key in result)
+ result[key].push(value);
+ else
+ result[key] = [value];
+ }
+ return result;
+ * small function to check if an array contains
+ * a given item.
+ */
+jQuery.contains = function(arr, item) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ if (arr[i] == item)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * highlight a given string on a jquery object by wrapping it in
+ * span elements with the given class name.
+ */
+jQuery.fn.highlightText = function(text, className) {
+ function highlight(node) {
+ if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+ var val = node.nodeValue;
+ var pos = val.toLowerCase().indexOf(text);
+ if (pos >= 0 && !jQuery(node.parentNode).hasClass(className)) {
+ var span = document.createElement("span");
+ span.className = className;
+ span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos, text.length)));
+ node.parentNode.insertBefore(span, node.parentNode.insertBefore(
+ document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos + text.length)),
+ node.nextSibling));
+ node.nodeValue = val.substr(0, pos);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!jQuery(node).is("button, select, textarea")) {
+ jQuery.each(node.childNodes, function() {
+ highlight(this);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ highlight(this);
+ });
+ * Small JavaScript module for the documentation.
+ */
+var Documentation = {
+ init : function() {
+ this.fixFirefoxAnchorBug();
+ this.highlightSearchWords();
+ this.initIndexTable();
+ },
+ /**
+ * i18n support
+ */
+ PLURAL_EXPR : function(n) { return n == 1 ? 0 : 1; },
+ LOCALE : 'unknown',
+ // gettext and ngettext don't access this so that the functions
+ // can safely bound to a different name (_ = Documentation.gettext)
+ gettext : function(string) {
+ var translated = Documentation.TRANSLATIONS[string];
+ if (typeof translated == 'undefined')
+ return string;
+ return (typeof translated == 'string') ? translated : translated[0];
+ },
+ ngettext : function(singular, plural, n) {
+ var translated = Documentation.TRANSLATIONS[singular];
+ if (typeof translated == 'undefined')
+ return (n == 1) ? singular : plural;
+ return translated[Documentation.PLURALEXPR(n)];
+ },
+ addTranslations : function(catalog) {
+ for (var key in catalog.messages)
+ this.TRANSLATIONS[key] = catalog.messages[key];
+ this.PLURAL_EXPR = new Function('n', 'return +(' + catalog.plural_expr + ')');
+ this.LOCALE = catalog.locale;
+ },
+ /**
+ * add context elements like header anchor links
+ */
+ addContextElements : function() {
+ $('div[id] > :header:first').each(function() {
+ $('<a class="headerlink">\u00B6</a>').
+ attr('href', '#' + this.id).
+ attr('title', _('Permalink to this headline')).
+ appendTo(this);
+ });
+ $('dt[id]').each(function() {
+ $('<a class="headerlink">\u00B6</a>').
+ attr('href', '#' + this.id).
+ attr('title', _('Permalink to this definition')).
+ appendTo(this);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * workaround a firefox stupidity
+ */
+ fixFirefoxAnchorBug : function() {
+ if (document.location.hash && $.browser.mozilla)
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ document.location.href += '';
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ /**
+ * highlight the search words provided in the url in the text
+ */
+ highlightSearchWords : function() {
+ var params = $.getQueryParameters();
+ var terms = (params.highlight) ? params.highlight[0].split(/\s+/) : [];
+ if (terms.length) {
+ var body = $('div.body');
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ $.each(terms, function() {
+ body.highlightText(this.toLowerCase(), 'highlighted');
+ });
+ }, 10);
+ $('<p class="highlight-link"><a href="javascript:Documentation.' +
+ 'hideSearchWords()">' + _('Hide Search Matches') + '</a></p>')
+ .appendTo($('#searchbox'));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * init the domain index toggle buttons
+ */
+ initIndexTable : function() {
+ var togglers = $('img.toggler').click(function() {
+ var src = $(this).attr('src');
+ var idnum = $(this).attr('id').substr(7);
+ $('tr.cg-' + idnum).toggle();
+ if (src.substr(-9) == 'minus.png')
+ $(this).attr('src', src.substr(0, src.length-9) + 'plus.png');
+ else
+ $(this).attr('src', src.substr(0, src.length-8) + 'minus.png');
+ }).css('display', '');
+ togglers.click();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * helper function to hide the search marks again
+ */
+ hideSearchWords : function() {
+ $('#searchbox .highlight-link').fadeOut(300);
+ $('span.highlighted').removeClass('highlighted');
+ },
+ /**
+ * make the url absolute
+ */
+ makeURL : function(relativeURL) {
+ return DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT + '/' + relativeURL;
+ },
+ /**
+ * get the current relative url
+ */
+ getCurrentURL : function() {
+ var path = document.location.pathname;
+ var parts = path.split(/\//);
+ $.each(DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT.split(/\//), function() {
+ if (this == '..')
+ parts.pop();
+ });
+ var url = parts.join('/');
+ return path.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, path.length - 1);
+ }
+// quick alias for translations
+_ = Documentation.gettext;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ Documentation.init();
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/down-pressed.png b/docs/build/html/_static/down-pressed.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f7ad78
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/down-pressed.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3003a88
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/down.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987074e
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/euro_coast.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b945ebb
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/euro_coast_agg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d466e
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/euro_coast_grid_agg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a034ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/euro_grid.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d1bed
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/euro_grid_agg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d18082e
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/file.png differ
diff --git a/test/contours_geos.png b/docs/build/html/_static/geos_coast.png
similarity index 100%
copy from test/contours_geos.png
copy to docs/build/html/_static/geos_coast.png
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similarity index 100%
copy from test/contours_geos_agg.png
copy to docs/build/html/_static/geos_coast_agg.png
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab77f41
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/grid_geos_agg.png differ
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/jquery.js b/docs/build/html/_static/jquery.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2efc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/jquery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9404 @@
+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.7.2
+ * http://jquery.com/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011, John Resig
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * Includes Sizzle.js
+ * http://sizzlejs.com/
+ * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *
+ * Date: Fri Jul 5 14:07:58 UTC 2013
+ */
+(function( window, undefined ) {
+// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
+var document = window.document,
+ navigator = window.navigator,
+ location = window.location;
+var jQuery = (function() {
+// Define a local copy of jQuery
+var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
+ // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
+ return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
+ },
+ // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
+ _jQuery = window.jQuery,
+ // Map over the $ in case of overwrite
+ _$ = window.$,
+ // A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
+ rootjQuery,
+ // A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
+ // Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
+ quickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,
+ // Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it
+ rnotwhite = /\S/,
+ // Used for trimming whitespace
+ trimLeft = /^\s+/,
+ trimRight = /\s+$/,
+ // Match a standalone tag
+ rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
+ // JSON RegExp
+ rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
+ rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
+ rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,
+ rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
+ // Useragent RegExp
+ rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
+ ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
+ rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/,
+ rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/,
+ // Matches dashed string for camelizing
+ rdashAlpha = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig,
+ rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
+ // Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
+ fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
+ return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase();
+ },
+ // Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser
+ userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
+ // For matching the engine and version of the browser
+ browserMatch,
+ // The deferred used on DOM ready
+ readyList,
+ // The ready event handler
+ DOMContentLoaded,
+ // Save a reference to some core methods
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ push = Array.prototype.push,
+ slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+ trim = String.prototype.trim,
+ indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
+ // [[Class]] -> type pairs
+ class2type = {};
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+ constructor: jQuery,
+ init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) {
+ var match, elem, ret, doc;
+ // Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
+ if ( !selector ) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Handle $(DOMElement)
+ if ( selector.nodeType ) {
+ this.context = this[0] = selector;
+ this.length = 1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
+ if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) {
+ this.context = document;
+ this[0] = document.body;
+ this.selector = selector;
+ this.length = 1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Handle HTML strings
+ if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+ // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
+ if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
+ // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
+ match = [ null, selector, null ];
+ } else {
+ match = quickExpr.exec( selector );
+ }
+ // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
+ if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
+ // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
+ if ( match[1] ) {
+ context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
+ doc = ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document );
+ // If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag
+ // just do a createElement and skip the rest
+ ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector );
+ if ( ret ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
+ selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+ jQuery.fn.attr.call( selector, context, true );
+ } else {
+ selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
+ selector = ( ret.cacheable ? jQuery.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment ).childNodes;
+ }
+ return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+ // HANDLE: $("#id")
+ } else {
+ elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
+ // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+ // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+ if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+ // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+ // by name instead of ID
+ if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) {
+ return rootjQuery.find( selector );
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
+ this.length = 1;
+ this[0] = elem;
+ }
+ this.context = document;
+ this.selector = selector;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
+ } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
+ return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector );
+ // HANDLE: $(expr, context)
+ // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
+ } else {
+ return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
+ }
+ // HANDLE: $(function)
+ // Shortcut for document ready
+ } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
+ return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
+ }
+ if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) {
+ this.selector = selector.selector;
+ this.context = selector.context;
+ }
+ return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
+ },
+ // Start with an empty selector
+ selector: "",
+ // The current version of jQuery being used
+ jquery: "1.7.2",
+ // The default length of a jQuery object is 0
+ length: 0,
+ // The number of elements contained in the matched element set
+ size: function() {
+ return this.length;
+ },
+ toArray: function() {
+ return slice.call( this, 0 );
+ },
+ // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
+ // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
+ get: function( num ) {
+ return num == null ?
+ // Return a 'clean' array
+ this.toArray() :
+ // Return just the object
+ ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] );
+ },
+ // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
+ // (returning the new matched element set)
+ pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
+ // Build a new jQuery matched element set
+ var ret = this.constructor();
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
+ push.apply( ret, elems );
+ } else {
+ jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
+ }
+ // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
+ ret.prevObject = this;
+ ret.context = this.context;
+ if ( name === "find" ) {
+ ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector;
+ } else if ( name ) {
+ ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
+ }
+ // Return the newly-formed element set
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
+ // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
+ // only used internally.)
+ each: function( callback, args ) {
+ return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
+ },
+ ready: function( fn ) {
+ // Attach the listeners
+ jQuery.bindReady();
+ // Add the callback
+ readyList.add( fn );
+ return this;
+ },
+ eq: function( i ) {
+ i = +i;
+ return i === -1 ?
+ this.slice( i ) :
+ this.slice( i, i + 1 );
+ },
+ first: function() {
+ return this.eq( 0 );
+ },
+ last: function() {
+ return this.eq( -1 );
+ },
+ slice: function() {
+ return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ),
+ "slice", slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+ },
+ map: function( callback ) {
+ return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
+ return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
+ }));
+ },
+ end: function() {
+ return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
+ },
+ // For internal use only.
+ // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
+ push: push,
+ sort: [].sort,
+ splice: [].splice
+// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
+jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+ var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
+ target = arguments[0] || {},
+ i = 1,
+ length = arguments.length,
+ deep = false;
+ // Handle a deep copy situation
+ if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
+ deep = target;
+ target = arguments[1] || {};
+ // skip the boolean and the target
+ i = 2;
+ }
+ // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
+ if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
+ target = {};
+ }
+ // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+ if ( length === i ) {
+ target = this;
+ --i;
+ }
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+ if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
+ // Extend the base object
+ for ( name in options ) {
+ src = target[ name ];
+ copy = options[ name ];
+ // Prevent never-ending loop
+ if ( target === copy ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
+ if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
+ if ( copyIsArray ) {
+ copyIsArray = false;
+ clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
+ } else {
+ clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
+ }
+ // Never move original objects, clone them
+ target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
+ // Don't bring in undefined values
+ } else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
+ target[ name ] = copy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the modified object
+ return target;
+ noConflict: function( deep ) {
+ if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
+ window.$ = _$;
+ }
+ if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) {
+ window.jQuery = _jQuery;
+ }
+ return jQuery;
+ },
+ // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
+ isReady: false,
+ // A counter to track how many items to wait for before
+ // the ready event fires. See #6781
+ readyWait: 1,
+ // Hold (or release) the ready event
+ holdReady: function( hold ) {
+ if ( hold ) {
+ jQuery.readyWait++;
+ } else {
+ jQuery.ready( true );
+ }
+ },
+ // Handle when the DOM is ready
+ ready: function( wait ) {
+ // Either a released hold or an DOMready/load event and not yet ready
+ if ( (wait === true && !--jQuery.readyWait) || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) {
+ // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+ if ( !document.body ) {
+ return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
+ }
+ // Remember that the DOM is ready
+ jQuery.isReady = true;
+ // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
+ if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If there are functions bound, to execute
+ readyList.fireWith( document, [ jQuery ] );
+ // Trigger any bound ready events
+ if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) {
+ jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).off( "ready" );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ bindReady: function() {
+ if ( readyList ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ readyList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" );
+ // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
+ // browser event has already occurred.
+ if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+ // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
+ return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
+ }
+ // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
+ if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+ // Use the handy event callback
+ document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
+ // If IE event model is used
+ } else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+ // ensure firing before onload,
+ // maybe late but safe also for iframes
+ document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
+ // If IE and not a frame
+ // continually check to see if the document is ready
+ var toplevel = false;
+ try {
+ toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
+ doScrollCheck();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
+ // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
+ // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
+ isFunction: function( obj ) {
+ return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
+ },
+ isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
+ return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
+ },
+ isWindow: function( obj ) {
+ return obj != null && obj == obj.window;
+ },
+ isNumeric: function( obj ) {
+ return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj );
+ },
+ type: function( obj ) {
+ return obj == null ?
+ String( obj ) :
+ class2type[ toString.call(obj) ] || "object";
+ },
+ isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
+ // Must be an Object.
+ // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
+ // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
+ if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ // Not own constructor property must be Object
+ if ( obj.constructor &&
+ !hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
+ !hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
+ // if last one is own, then all properties are own.
+ var key;
+ for ( key in obj ) {}
+ return key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );
+ },
+ isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
+ for ( var name in obj ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ error: function( msg ) {
+ throw new Error( msg );
+ },
+ parseJSON: function( data ) {
+ if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
+ data = jQuery.trim( data );
+ // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
+ if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
+ return window.JSON.parse( data );
+ }
+ // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
+ // Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
+ if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" )
+ .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" )
+ .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
+ return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )();
+ }
+ jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
+ },
+ // Cross-browser xml parsing
+ parseXML: function( data ) {
+ if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var xml, tmp;
+ try {
+ if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard
+ tmp = new DOMParser();
+ xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" );
+ } else { // IE
+ xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
+ xml.async = "false";
+ xml.loadXML( data );
+ }
+ } catch( e ) {
+ xml = undefined;
+ }
+ if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
+ jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data );
+ }
+ return xml;
+ },
+ noop: function() {},
+ // Evaluates a script in a global context
+ // Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
+ // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context
+ globalEval: function( data ) {
+ if ( data && rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
+ // We use execScript on Internet Explorer
+ // We use an anonymous function so that context is window
+ // rather than jQuery in Firefox
+ ( window.execScript || function( data ) {
+ window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
+ } )( data );
+ }
+ },
+ // Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
+ // Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
+ camelCase: function( string ) {
+ return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
+ },
+ nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
+ return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
+ },
+ // args is for internal usage only
+ each: function( object, callback, args ) {
+ var name, i = 0,
+ length = object.length,
+ isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction( object );
+ if ( args ) {
+ if ( isObj ) {
+ for ( name in object ) {
+ if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( ; i < length; ) {
+ if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
+ } else {
+ if ( isObj ) {
+ for ( name in object ) {
+ if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( ; i < length; ) {
+ if ( callback.call( object[ i ], i, object[ i++ ] ) === false ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ },
+ // Use native String.trim function wherever possible
+ trim: trim ?
+ function( text ) {
+ return text == null ?
+ "" :
+ trim.call( text );
+ } :
+ // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
+ function( text ) {
+ return text == null ?
+ "" :
+ text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" );
+ },
+ // results is for internal usage only
+ makeArray: function( array, results ) {
+ var ret = results || [];
+ if ( array != null ) {
+ // The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
+ // Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
+ var type = jQuery.type( array );
+ if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) {
+ push.call( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ jQuery.merge( ret, array );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ inArray: function( elem, array, i ) {
+ var len;
+ if ( array ) {
+ if ( indexOf ) {
+ return indexOf.call( array, elem, i );
+ }
+ len = array.length;
+ i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0;
+ for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+ // Skip accessing in sparse arrays
+ if ( i in array && array[ i ] === elem ) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ merge: function( first, second ) {
+ var i = first.length,
+ j = 0;
+ if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+ first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
+ first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
+ }
+ }
+ first.length = i;
+ return first;
+ },
+ grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
+ var ret = [], retVal;
+ inv = !!inv;
+ // Go through the array, only saving the items
+ // that pass the validator function
+ for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+ retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i );
+ if ( inv !== retVal ) {
+ ret.push( elems[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // arg is for internal usage only
+ map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
+ var value, key, ret = [],
+ i = 0,
+ length = elems.length,
+ // jquery objects are treated as arrays
+ isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ( ( length > 0 && elems[ 0 ] && elems[ length -1 ] ) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) ;
+ // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+ if ( isArray ) {
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
+ if ( value != null ) {
+ ret[ ret.length ] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ // Go through every key on the object,
+ } else {
+ for ( key in elems ) {
+ value = callback( elems[ key ], key, arg );
+ if ( value != null ) {
+ ret[ ret.length ] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Flatten any nested arrays
+ return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
+ },
+ // A global GUID counter for objects
+ guid: 1,
+ // Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
+ // arguments.
+ proxy: function( fn, context ) {
+ if ( typeof context === "string" ) {
+ var tmp = fn[ context ];
+ context = fn;
+ fn = tmp;
+ }
+ // Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
+ // this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
+ if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // Simulated bind
+ var args = slice.call( arguments, 2 ),
+ proxy = function() {
+ return fn.apply( context, args.concat( slice.call( arguments ) ) );
+ };
+ // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
+ proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++;
+ return proxy;
+ },
+ // Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection
+ // The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
+ access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, pass ) {
+ var exec,
+ bulk = key == null,
+ i = 0,
+ length = elems.length;
+ // Sets many values
+ if ( key && typeof key === "object" ) {
+ for ( i in key ) {
+ jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], 1, emptyGet, value );
+ }
+ chainable = 1;
+ // Sets one value
+ } else if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ // Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
+ exec = pass === undefined && jQuery.isFunction( value );
+ if ( bulk ) {
+ // Bulk operations only iterate when executing function values
+ if ( exec ) {
+ exec = fn;
+ fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
+ return exec.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
+ };
+ // Otherwise they run against the entire set
+ } else {
+ fn.call( elems, value );
+ fn = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( fn ) {
+ for (; i < length; i++ ) {
+ fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
+ }
+ }
+ chainable = 1;
+ }
+ return chainable ?
+ elems :
+ // Gets
+ bulk ?
+ fn.call( elems ) :
+ length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet;
+ },
+ now: function() {
+ return ( new Date() ).getTime();
+ },
+ // Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon.
+ // More details: http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.browser
+ uaMatch: function( ua ) {
+ ua = ua.toLowerCase();
+ var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) ||
+ ropera.exec( ua ) ||
+ rmsie.exec( ua ) ||
+ ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) ||
+ [];
+ return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" };
+ },
+ sub: function() {
+ function jQuerySub( selector, context ) {
+ return new jQuerySub.fn.init( selector, context );
+ }
+ jQuery.extend( true, jQuerySub, this );
+ jQuerySub.superclass = this;
+ jQuerySub.fn = jQuerySub.prototype = this();
+ jQuerySub.fn.constructor = jQuerySub;
+ jQuerySub.sub = this.sub;
+ jQuerySub.fn.init = function init( selector, context ) {
+ if ( context && context instanceof jQuery && !(context instanceof jQuerySub) ) {
+ context = jQuerySub( context );
+ }
+ return jQuery.fn.init.call( this, selector, context, rootjQuerySub );
+ };
+ jQuerySub.fn.init.prototype = jQuerySub.fn;
+ var rootjQuerySub = jQuerySub(document);
+ return jQuerySub;
+ },
+ browser: {}
+// Populate the class2type map
+jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
+ class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
+browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent );
+if ( browserMatch.browser ) {
+ jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true;
+ jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version;
+// Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead
+if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) {
+ jQuery.browser.safari = true;
+// IE doesn't match non-breaking spaces with \s
+if ( rnotwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) {
+ trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
+ trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/;
+// All jQuery objects should point back to these
+rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
+// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
+if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+ DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+ document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+ jQuery.ready();
+ };
+} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+ DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+ // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+ if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+ document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
+ jQuery.ready();
+ }
+ };
+// The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer
+function doScrollCheck() {
+ if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
+ // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+ document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+ } catch(e) {
+ setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 );
+ return;
+ }
+ // and execute any waiting functions
+ jQuery.ready();
+return jQuery;
+// String to Object flags format cache
+var flagsCache = {};
+// Convert String-formatted flags into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
+function createFlags( flags ) {
+ var object = flagsCache[ flags ] = {},
+ i, length;
+ flags = flags.split( /\s+/ );
+ for ( i = 0, length = flags.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+ object[ flags[i] ] = true;
+ }
+ return object;
+ * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
+ *
+ * flags: an optional list of space-separated flags that will change how
+ * the callback list behaves
+ *
+ * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
+ * "fired" multiple times.
+ *
+ * Possible flags:
+ *
+ * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
+ * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
+ * values (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
+ *
+ * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false
+ *
+ */
+jQuery.Callbacks = function( flags ) {
+ // Convert flags from String-formatted to Object-formatted
+ // (we check in cache first)
+ flags = flags ? ( flagsCache[ flags ] || createFlags( flags ) ) : {};
+ var // Actual callback list
+ list = [],
+ // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
+ stack = [],
+ // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
+ memory,
+ // Flag to know if list was already fired
+ fired,
+ // Flag to know if list is currently firing
+ firing,
+ // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
+ firingStart,
+ // End of the loop when firing
+ firingLength,
+ // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
+ firingIndex,
+ // Add one or several callbacks to the list
+ add = function( args ) {
+ var i,
+ length,
+ elem,
+ type,
+ actual;
+ for ( i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+ elem = args[ i ];
+ type = jQuery.type( elem );
+ if ( type === "array" ) {
+ // Inspect recursively
+ add( elem );
+ } else if ( type === "function" ) {
+ // Add if not in unique mode and callback is not in
+ if ( !flags.unique || !self.has( elem ) ) {
+ list.push( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Fire callbacks
+ fire = function( context, args ) {
+ args = args || [];
+ memory = !flags.memory || [ context, args ];
+ fired = true;
+ firing = true;
+ firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
+ firingStart = 0;
+ firingLength = list.length;
+ for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
+ if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( context, args ) === false && flags.stopOnFalse ) {
+ memory = true; // Mark as halted
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ firing = false;
+ if ( list ) {
+ if ( !flags.once ) {
+ if ( stack && stack.length ) {
+ memory = stack.shift();
+ self.fireWith( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ } else if ( memory === true ) {
+ self.disable();
+ } else {
+ list = [];
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Actual Callbacks object
+ self = {
+ // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
+ add: function() {
+ if ( list ) {
+ var length = list.length;
+ add( arguments );
+ // Do we need to add the callbacks to the
+ // current firing batch?
+ if ( firing ) {
+ firingLength = list.length;
+ // With memory, if we're not firing then
+ // we should call right away, unless previous
+ // firing was halted (stopOnFalse)
+ } else if ( memory && memory !== true ) {
+ firingStart = length;
+ fire( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Remove a callback from the list
+ remove: function() {
+ if ( list ) {
+ var args = arguments,
+ argIndex = 0,
+ argLength = args.length;
+ for ( ; argIndex < argLength ; argIndex++ ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( args[ argIndex ] === list[ i ] ) {
+ // Handle firingIndex and firingLength
+ if ( firing ) {
+ if ( i <= firingLength ) {
+ firingLength--;
+ if ( i <= firingIndex ) {
+ firingIndex--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the element
+ list.splice( i--, 1 );
+ // If we have some unicity property then
+ // we only need to do this once
+ if ( flags.unique ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Control if a given callback is in the list
+ has: function( fn ) {
+ if ( list ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ length = list.length;
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ if ( fn === list[ i ] ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ // Remove all callbacks from the list
+ empty: function() {
+ list = [];
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Have the list do nothing anymore
+ disable: function() {
+ list = stack = memory = undefined;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Is it disabled?
+ disabled: function() {
+ return !list;
+ },
+ // Lock the list in its current state
+ lock: function() {
+ stack = undefined;
+ if ( !memory || memory === true ) {
+ self.disable();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Is it locked?
+ locked: function() {
+ return !stack;
+ },
+ // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
+ fireWith: function( context, args ) {
+ if ( stack ) {
+ if ( firing ) {
+ if ( !flags.once ) {
+ stack.push( [ context, args ] );
+ }
+ } else if ( !( flags.once && memory ) ) {
+ fire( context, args );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
+ fire: function() {
+ self.fireWith( this, arguments );
+ return this;
+ },
+ // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
+ fired: function() {
+ return !!fired;
+ }
+ };
+ return self;
+var // Static reference to slice
+ sliceDeferred = [].slice;
+ Deferred: function( func ) {
+ var doneList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
+ failList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
+ progressList = jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ),
+ state = "pending",
+ lists = {
+ resolve: doneList,
+ reject: failList,
+ notify: progressList
+ },
+ promise = {
+ done: doneList.add,
+ fail: failList.add,
+ progress: progressList.add,
+ state: function() {
+ return state;
+ },
+ // Deprecated
+ isResolved: doneList.fired,
+ isRejected: failList.fired,
+ then: function( doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks ) {
+ deferred.done( doneCallbacks ).fail( failCallbacks ).progress( progressCallbacks );
+ return this;
+ },
+ always: function() {
+ deferred.done.apply( deferred, arguments ).fail.apply( deferred, arguments );
+ return this;
+ },
+ pipe: function( fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress ) {
+ return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
+ jQuery.each( {
+ done: [ fnDone, "resolve" ],
+ fail: [ fnFail, "reject" ],
+ progress: [ fnProgress, "notify" ]
+ }, function( handler, data ) {
+ var fn = data[ 0 ],
+ action = data[ 1 ],
+ returned;
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
+ deferred[ handler ](function() {
+ returned = fn.apply( this, arguments );
+ if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
+ returned.promise().then( newDefer.resolve, newDefer.reject, newDefer.notify );
+ } else {
+ newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === deferred ? newDefer : this, [ returned ] );
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ deferred[ handler ]( newDefer[ action ] );
+ }
+ });
+ }).promise();
+ },
+ // Get a promise for this deferred
+ // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
+ promise: function( obj ) {
+ if ( obj == null ) {
+ obj = promise;
+ } else {
+ for ( var key in promise ) {
+ obj[ key ] = promise[ key ];
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ },
+ deferred = promise.promise({}),
+ key;
+ for ( key in lists ) {
+ deferred[ key ] = lists[ key ].fire;
+ deferred[ key + "With" ] = lists[ key ].fireWith;
+ }
+ // Handle state
+ deferred.done( function() {
+ state = "resolved";
+ }, failList.disable, progressList.lock ).fail( function() {
+ state = "rejected";
+ }, doneList.disable, progressList.lock );
+ // Call given func if any
+ if ( func ) {
+ func.call( deferred, deferred );
+ }
+ // All done!
+ return deferred;
+ },
+ // Deferred helper
+ when: function( firstParam ) {
+ var args = sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ),
+ i = 0,
+ length = args.length,
+ pValues = new Array( length ),
+ count = length,
+ pCount = length,
+ deferred = length <= 1 && firstParam && jQuery.isFunction( firstParam.promise ) ?
+ firstParam :
+ jQuery.Deferred(),
+ promise = deferred.promise();
+ function resolveFunc( i ) {
+ return function( value ) {
+ args[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ) : value;
+ if ( !( --count ) ) {
+ deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args );
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function progressFunc( i ) {
+ return function( value ) {
+ pValues[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ) : value;
+ deferred.notifyWith( promise, pValues );
+ };
+ }
+ if ( length > 1 ) {
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ if ( args[ i ] && args[ i ].promise && jQuery.isFunction( args[ i ].promise ) ) {
+ args[ i ].promise().then( resolveFunc(i), deferred.reject, progressFunc(i) );
+ } else {
+ --count;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !count ) {
+ deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args );
+ }
+ } else if ( deferred !== firstParam ) {
+ deferred.resolveWith( deferred, length ? [ firstParam ] : [] );
+ }
+ return promise;
+ }
+jQuery.support = (function() {
+ var support,
+ all,
+ a,
+ select,
+ opt,
+ input,
+ fragment,
+ tds,
+ events,
+ eventName,
+ i,
+ isSupported,
+ div = document.createElement( "div" ),
+ documentElement = document.documentElement;
+ // Preliminary tests
+ div.setAttribute("className", "t");
+ div.innerHTML = " <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='top:1px;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
+ all = div.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
+ a = div.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[ 0 ];
+ // Can't get basic test support
+ if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ // First batch of supports tests
+ select = document.createElement( "select" );
+ opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
+ input = div.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
+ support = {
+ // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
+ leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ),
+ // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
+ // IE will insert them into empty tables
+ tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
+ // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
+ // This requires a wrapper element in IE
+ htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
+ // Get the style information from getAttribute
+ // (IE uses .cssText instead)
+ style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
+ // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
+ // (IE normalizes it by default)
+ hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute("href") === "/a" ),
+ // Make sure that element opacity exists
+ // (IE uses filter instead)
+ // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
+ opacity: /^0.55/.test( a.style.opacity ),
+ // Verify style float existence
+ // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
+ cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat,
+ // Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
+ // that it defaults to "on".
+ // (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
+ checkOn: ( input.value === "on" ),
+ // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
+ // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
+ optSelected: opt.selected,
+ // Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7)
+ getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t",
+ // Tests for enctype support on a form(#6743)
+ enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype,
+ // Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems
+ // Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works
+ html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>",
+ // Will be defined later
+ submitBubbles: true,
+ changeBubbles: true,
+ focusinBubbles: false,
+ deleteExpando: true,
+ noCloneEvent: true,
+ inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
+ shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
+ reliableMarginRight: true,
+ pixelMargin: true
+ };
+ // jQuery.boxModel DEPRECATED in 1.3, use jQuery.support.boxModel instead
+ jQuery.boxModel = support.boxModel = (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat");
+ // Make sure checked status is properly cloned
+ input.checked = true;
+ support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
+ // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
+ // (WebKit marks them as disabled)
+ select.disabled = true;
+ support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
+ // Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
+ // Fails in Internet Explorer
+ try {
+ delete div.test;
+ } catch( e ) {
+ support.deleteExpando = false;
+ }
+ if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
+ div.attachEvent( "onclick", function() {
+ // Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
+ // bound event handlers (IE does this)
+ support.noCloneEvent = false;
+ });
+ div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent( "onclick" );
+ }
+ // Check if a radio maintains its value
+ // after being appended to the DOM
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.value = "t";
+ input.setAttribute("type", "radio");
+ support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
+ input.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
+ // #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
+ input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
+ div.appendChild( input );
+ fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ fragment.appendChild( div.lastChild );
+ // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
+ support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
+ // Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked
+ // value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7)
+ support.appendChecked = input.checked;
+ fragment.removeChild( input );
+ fragment.appendChild( div );
+ // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
+ // http://perfectionkills.com/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
+ // We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
+ // are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
+ // avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
+ // to go haywire. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP
+ if ( div.attachEvent ) {
+ for ( i in {
+ submit: 1,
+ change: 1,
+ focusin: 1
+ }) {
+ eventName = "on" + i;
+ isSupported = ( eventName in div );
+ if ( !isSupported ) {
+ div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" );
+ isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" );
+ }
+ support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported;
+ }
+ }
+ fragment.removeChild( div );
+ // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
+ fragment = select = opt = div = input = null;
+ // Run tests that need a body at doc ready
+ jQuery(function() {
+ var container, outer, inner, table, td, offsetSupport,
+ marginDiv, conMarginTop, style, html, positionTopLeftWidthHeight,
+ paddingMarginBorderVisibility, paddingMarginBorder,
+ body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+ if ( !body ) {
+ // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body
+ return;
+ }
+ conMarginTop = 1;
+ paddingMarginBorder = "padding:0;margin:0;border:";
+ positionTopLeftWidthHeight = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;";
+ paddingMarginBorderVisibility = paddingMarginBorder + "0;visibility:hidden;";
+ style = "style='" + positionTopLeftWidthHeight + paddingMarginBorder + "5px solid #000;";
+ html = "<div " + style + "display:block;'><div style='" + paddingMarginBorder + "0;display:block;overflow:hidden;'></div></div>" +
+ "<table " + style + "' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" +
+ "<tr><td></td></tr></table>";
+ container = document.createElement("div");
+ container.style.cssText = paddingMarginBorderVisibility + "width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:" + conMarginTop + "px";
+ body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
+ // Construct the test element
+ div = document.createElement("div");
+ container.appendChild( div );
+ // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
+ // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
+ // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
+ // determining if an element has been hidden directly using
+ // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
+ // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
+ // (only IE 8 fails this test)
+ div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='" + paddingMarginBorder + "0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
+ tds = div.getElementsByTagName( "td" );
+ isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
+ tds[ 0 ].style.display = "";
+ tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none";
+ // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
+ // (IE <= 8 fail this test)
+ support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
+ // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
+ // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
+ // info see bug #3333
+ // Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
+ // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
+ if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ marginDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
+ marginDiv.style.width = "0";
+ marginDiv.style.marginRight = "0";
+ div.style.width = "2px";
+ div.appendChild( marginDiv );
+ support.reliableMarginRight =
+ ( parseInt( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || { marginRight: 0 } ).marginRight, 10 ) || 0 ) === 0;
+ }
+ if ( typeof div.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
+ // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
+ // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
+ // them layout
+ // (IE < 8 does this)
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ div.style.width = div.style.padding = "1px";
+ div.style.border = 0;
+ div.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ div.style.display = "inline";
+ div.style.zoom = 1;
+ support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 );
+ // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
+ // (IE 6 does this)
+ div.style.display = "block";
+ div.style.overflow = "visible";
+ div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:5px;'></div>";
+ support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 );
+ }
+ div.style.cssText = positionTopLeftWidthHeight + paddingMarginBorderVisibility;
+ div.innerHTML = html;
+ outer = div.firstChild;
+ inner = outer.firstChild;
+ td = outer.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
+ offsetSupport = {
+ doesNotAddBorder: ( inner.offsetTop !== 5 ),
+ doesAddBorderForTableAndCells: ( td.offsetTop === 5 )
+ };
+ inner.style.position = "fixed";
+ inner.style.top = "20px";
+ // safari subtracts parent border width here which is 5px
+ offsetSupport.fixedPosition = ( inner.offsetTop === 20 || inner.offsetTop === 15 );
+ inner.style.position = inner.style.top = "";
+ outer.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ outer.style.position = "relative";
+ offsetSupport.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = ( inner.offsetTop === -5 );
+ offsetSupport.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== conMarginTop );
+ if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
+ div.style.marginTop = "1%";
+ support.pixelMargin = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { marginTop: 0 } ).marginTop !== "1%";
+ }
+ if ( typeof container.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
+ container.style.zoom = 1;
+ }
+ body.removeChild( container );
+ marginDiv = div = container = null;
+ jQuery.extend( support, offsetSupport );
+ });
+ return support;
+var rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/,
+ rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
+ cache: {},
+ // Please use with caution
+ uuid: 0,
+ // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
+ // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery
+ expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
+ // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
+ // attempt to add expando properties to them.
+ noData: {
+ "embed": true,
+ // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
+ "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
+ "applet": true
+ },
+ hasData: function( elem ) {
+ elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+ return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem );
+ },
+ data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+ if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var privateCache, thisCache, ret,
+ internalKey = jQuery.expando,
+ getByName = typeof name === "string",
+ // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7
+ // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary
+ isNode = elem.nodeType,
+ // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is
+ // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically
+ cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
+ // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows
+ // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache
+ id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey,
+ isEvents = name === "events";
+ // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an
+ // object that has no data at all
+ if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!isEvents && !pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !id ) {
+ // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data
+ // ends up in the global cache
+ if ( isNode ) {
+ elem[ internalKey ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid;
+ } else {
+ id = internalKey;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
+ cache[ id ] = {};
+ // Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object
+ // is serialized using JSON.stringify
+ if ( !isNode ) {
+ cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop;
+ }
+ }
+ // An object can be passed to jQuery.data instead of a key/value pair; this gets
+ // shallow copied over onto the existing cache
+ if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) {
+ if ( pvt ) {
+ cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name );
+ } else {
+ cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name );
+ }
+ }
+ privateCache = thisCache = cache[ id ];
+ // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data
+ // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined
+ // data.
+ if ( !pvt ) {
+ if ( !thisCache.data ) {
+ thisCache.data = {};
+ }
+ thisCache = thisCache.data;
+ }
+ if ( data !== undefined ) {
+ thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data;
+ }
+ // Users should not attempt to inspect the internal events object using jQuery.data,
+ // it is undocumented and subject to change. But does anyone listen? No.
+ if ( isEvents && !thisCache[ name ] ) {
+ return privateCache.events;
+ }
+ // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names
+ // If a data property was specified
+ if ( getByName ) {
+ // First Try to find as-is property data
+ ret = thisCache[ name ];
+ // Test for null|undefined property data
+ if ( ret == null ) {
+ // Try to find the camelCased property
+ ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = thisCache;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+ if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var thisCache, i, l,
+ // Reference to internal data cache key
+ internalKey = jQuery.expando,
+ isNode = elem.nodeType,
+ // See jQuery.data for more information
+ cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
+ // See jQuery.data for more information
+ id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : internalKey;
+ // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no
+ // purpose in continuing
+ if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( name ) {
+ thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data;
+ if ( thisCache ) {
+ // Support array or space separated string names for data keys
+ if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) {
+ // try the string as a key before any manipulation
+ if ( name in thisCache ) {
+ name = [ name ];
+ } else {
+ // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists
+ name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
+ if ( name in thisCache ) {
+ name = [ name ];
+ } else {
+ name = name.split( " " );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ delete thisCache[ name[i] ];
+ }
+ // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue
+ // and let the cache object itself get destroyed
+ if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // See jQuery.data for more information
+ if ( !pvt ) {
+ delete cache[ id ].data;
+ // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object
+ // had been the only thing left in it
+ if ( !isEmptyDataObject(cache[ id ]) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Browsers that fail expando deletion also refuse to delete expandos on
+ // the window, but it will allow it on all other JS objects; other browsers
+ // don't care
+ // Ensure that `cache` is not a window object #10080
+ if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando || !cache.setInterval ) {
+ delete cache[ id ];
+ } else {
+ cache[ id ] = null;
+ }
+ // We destroyed the cache and need to eliminate the expando on the node to avoid
+ // false lookups in the cache for entries that no longer exist
+ if ( isNode ) {
+ // IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes,
+ // nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes;
+ // we must handle all of these cases
+ if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando ) {
+ delete elem[ internalKey ];
+ } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+ elem.removeAttribute( internalKey );
+ } else {
+ elem[ internalKey ] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // For internal use only.
+ _data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+ return jQuery.data( elem, name, data, true );
+ },
+ // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
+ acceptData: function( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeName ) {
+ var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+ if ( match ) {
+ return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ data: function( key, value ) {
+ var parts, part, attr, name, l,
+ elem = this[0],
+ i = 0,
+ data = null;
+ // Gets all values
+ if ( key === undefined ) {
+ if ( this.length ) {
+ data = jQuery.data( elem );
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) {
+ attr = elem.attributes;
+ for ( l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ name = attr[i].name;
+ if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
+ name = jQuery.camelCase( name.substring(5) );
+ dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
+ }
+ }
+ jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true );
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ // Sets multiple values
+ if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.data( this, key );
+ });
+ }
+ parts = key.split( ".", 2 );
+ parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
+ part = parts[1] + "!";
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+ if ( value === undefined ) {
+ data = this.triggerHandler( "getData" + part, [ parts[0] ] );
+ // Try to fetch any internally stored data first
+ if ( data === undefined && elem ) {
+ data = jQuery.data( elem, key );
+ data = dataAttr( elem, key, data );
+ }
+ return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
+ this.data( parts[0] ) :
+ data;
+ }
+ parts[1] = value;
+ this.each(function() {
+ var self = jQuery( this );
+ self.triggerHandler( "setData" + part, parts );
+ jQuery.data( this, key, value );
+ self.triggerHandler( "changeData" + part, parts );
+ });
+ }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, false );
+ },
+ removeData: function( key ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.removeData( this, key );
+ });
+ }
+function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
+ // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
+ // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
+ if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+ data = elem.getAttribute( name );
+ if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+ try {
+ data = data === "true" ? true :
+ data === "false" ? false :
+ data === "null" ? null :
+ jQuery.isNumeric( data ) ? +data :
+ rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
+ data;
+ } catch( e ) {}
+ // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
+ jQuery.data( elem, key, data );
+ } else {
+ data = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+// checks a cache object for emptiness
+function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) {
+ for ( var name in obj ) {
+ // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty
+ if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( name !== "toJSON" ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, src ) {
+ var deferDataKey = type + "defer",
+ queueDataKey = type + "queue",
+ markDataKey = type + "mark",
+ defer = jQuery._data( elem, deferDataKey );
+ if ( defer &&
+ ( src === "queue" || !jQuery._data(elem, queueDataKey) ) &&
+ ( src === "mark" || !jQuery._data(elem, markDataKey) ) ) {
+ // Give room for hard-coded callbacks to fire first
+ // and eventually mark/queue something else on the element
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ if ( !jQuery._data( elem, queueDataKey ) &&
+ !jQuery._data( elem, markDataKey ) ) {
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, deferDataKey, true );
+ defer.fire();
+ }
+ }, 0 );
+ }
+ _mark: function( elem, type ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ type = ( type || "fx" ) + "mark";
+ jQuery._data( elem, type, (jQuery._data( elem, type ) || 0) + 1 );
+ }
+ },
+ _unmark: function( force, elem, type ) {
+ if ( force !== true ) {
+ type = elem;
+ elem = force;
+ force = false;
+ }
+ if ( elem ) {
+ type = type || "fx";
+ var key = type + "mark",
+ count = force ? 0 : ( (jQuery._data( elem, key ) || 1) - 1 );
+ if ( count ) {
+ jQuery._data( elem, key, count );
+ } else {
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, key, true );
+ handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "mark" );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
+ var q;
+ if ( elem ) {
+ type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
+ q = jQuery._data( elem, type );
+ // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
+ if ( data ) {
+ if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
+ q = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
+ } else {
+ q.push( data );
+ }
+ }
+ return q || [];
+ }
+ },
+ dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
+ type = type || "fx";
+ var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
+ fn = queue.shift(),
+ hooks = {};
+ // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
+ if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
+ fn = queue.shift();
+ }
+ if ( fn ) {
+ // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
+ // automatically dequeued
+ if ( type === "fx" ) {
+ queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
+ }
+ jQuery._data( elem, type + ".run", hooks );
+ fn.call( elem, function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
+ }, hooks );
+ }
+ if ( !queue.length ) {
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue " + type + ".run", true );
+ handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "queue" );
+ }
+ }
+ queue: function( type, data ) {
+ var setter = 2;
+ if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+ data = type;
+ type = "fx";
+ setter--;
+ }
+ if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
+ return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
+ }
+ return data === undefined ?
+ this :
+ this.each(function() {
+ var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
+ if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ dequeue: function( type ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ });
+ },
+ // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
+ // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
+ delay: function( time, type ) {
+ time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
+ type = type || "fx";
+ return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
+ var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
+ hooks.stop = function() {
+ clearTimeout( timeout );
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ clearQueue: function( type ) {
+ return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+ },
+ // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
+ // are emptied (fx is the type by default)
+ promise: function( type, object ) {
+ if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+ object = type;
+ type = undefined;
+ }
+ type = type || "fx";
+ var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
+ elements = this,
+ i = elements.length,
+ count = 1,
+ deferDataKey = type + "defer",
+ queueDataKey = type + "queue",
+ markDataKey = type + "mark",
+ tmp;
+ function resolve() {
+ if ( !( --count ) ) {
+ defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
+ }
+ }
+ while( i-- ) {
+ if (( tmp = jQuery.data( elements[ i ], deferDataKey, undefined, true ) ||
+ ( jQuery.data( elements[ i ], queueDataKey, undefined, true ) ||
+ jQuery.data( elements[ i ], markDataKey, undefined, true ) ) &&
+ jQuery.data( elements[ i ], deferDataKey, jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), true ) )) {
+ count++;
+ tmp.add( resolve );
+ }
+ }
+ resolve();
+ return defer.promise( object );
+ }
+var rclass = /[\n\t\r]/g,
+ rspace = /\s+/,
+ rreturn = /\r/g,
+ rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
+ rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
+ rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
+ rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
+ getSetAttribute = jQuery.support.getSetAttribute,
+ nodeHook, boolHook, fixSpecified;
+ attr: function( name, value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
+ },
+ removeAttr: function( name ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
+ });
+ },
+ prop: function( name, value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
+ },
+ removeProp: function( name ) {
+ name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+ return this.each(function() {
+ // try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window)
+ try {
+ this[ name ] = undefined;
+ delete this[ name ];
+ } catch( e ) {}
+ });
+ },
+ addClass: function( value ) {
+ var classNames, i, l, elem,
+ setClass, c, cl;
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function( j ) {
+ jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
+ classNames = value.split( rspace );
+ for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[ i ];
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ if ( !elem.className && classNames.length === 1 ) {
+ elem.className = value;
+ } else {
+ setClass = " " + elem.className + " ";
+ for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+ if ( !~setClass.indexOf( " " + classNames[ c ] + " " ) ) {
+ setClass += classNames[ c ] + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ removeClass: function( value ) {
+ var classNames, i, l, elem, className, c, cl;
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function( j ) {
+ jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
+ classNames = ( value || "" ).split( rspace );
+ for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[ i ];
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
+ if ( value ) {
+ className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace( rclass, " " );
+ for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+ className = className.replace(" " + classNames[ c ] + " ", " ");
+ }
+ elem.className = jQuery.trim( className );
+ } else {
+ elem.className = "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
+ var type = typeof value,
+ isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function( i ) {
+ jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
+ });
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ if ( type === "string" ) {
+ // toggle individual class names
+ var className,
+ i = 0,
+ self = jQuery( this ),
+ state = stateVal,
+ classNames = value.split( rspace );
+ while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
+ // check each className given, space seperated list
+ state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
+ self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
+ }
+ } else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
+ if ( this.className ) {
+ // store className if set
+ jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className );
+ }
+ // toggle whole className
+ this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ hasClass: function( selector ) {
+ var className = " " + selector + " ",
+ i = 0,
+ l = this.length;
+ for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ val: function( value ) {
+ var hooks, ret, isFunction,
+ elem = this[0];
+ if ( !arguments.length ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+ if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = elem.value;
+ return typeof ret === "string" ?
+ // handle most common string cases
+ ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
+ // handle cases where value is null/undef or number
+ ret == null ? "" : ret;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
+ return this.each(function( i ) {
+ var self = jQuery(this), val;
+ if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( isFunction ) {
+ val = value.call( this, i, self.val() );
+ } else {
+ val = value;
+ }
+ // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
+ if ( val == null ) {
+ val = "";
+ } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
+ val += "";
+ } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
+ val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) {
+ return value == null ? "" : value + "";
+ });
+ }
+ hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+ // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
+ if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
+ this.value = val;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ valHooks: {
+ option: {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
+ // uses .value. See #6932
+ var val = elem.attributes.value;
+ return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ var value, i, max, option,
+ index = elem.selectedIndex,
+ values = [],
+ options = elem.options,
+ one = elem.type === "select-one";
+ // Nothing was selected
+ if ( index < 0 ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Loop through all the selected options
+ i = one ? index : 0;
+ max = one ? index + 1 : options.length;
+ for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
+ option = options[ i ];
+ // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
+ if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
+ (!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
+ // Get the specific value for the option
+ value = jQuery( option ).val();
+ // We don't need an array for one selects
+ if ( one ) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Multi-Selects return an array
+ values.push( value );
+ }
+ }
+ // Fixes Bug #2551 -- select.val() broken in IE after form.reset()
+ if ( one && !values.length && options.length ) {
+ return jQuery( options[ index ] ).val();
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ var values = jQuery.makeArray( value );
+ jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() {
+ this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
+ });
+ if ( !values.length ) {
+ elem.selectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ attrFn: {
+ val: true,
+ css: true,
+ html: true,
+ text: true,
+ data: true,
+ width: true,
+ height: true,
+ offset: true
+ },
+ attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
+ var ret, hooks, notxml,
+ nType = elem.nodeType;
+ // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
+ if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) {
+ return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value );
+ }
+ // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
+ if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined" ) {
+ return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
+ }
+ notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
+ // All attributes are lowercase
+ // Grab necessary hook if one is defined
+ if ( notxml ) {
+ name = name.toLowerCase();
+ hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
+ }
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ if ( value === null ) {
+ jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
+ return;
+ } else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );
+ return value;
+ }
+ } else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ ret = elem.getAttribute( name );
+ // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
+ return ret === null ?
+ undefined :
+ ret;
+ }
+ },
+ removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
+ var propName, attrNames, name, l, isBool,
+ i = 0;
+ if ( value && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ attrNames = value.toLowerCase().split( rspace );
+ l = attrNames.length;
+ for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+ name = attrNames[ i ];
+ if ( name ) {
+ propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+ isBool = rboolean.test( name );
+ // See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal)
+ // Do not do this for boolean attributes (see #10870)
+ if ( !isBool ) {
+ jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" );
+ }
+ elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName );
+ // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes
+ if ( isBool && propName in elem ) {
+ elem[ propName ] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ attrHooks: {
+ type: {
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ // We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
+ if ( rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
+ jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
+ } else if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) {
+ // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9
+ // Reset value to it's default in case type is set after value
+ // This is for element creation
+ var val = elem.value;
+ elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
+ if ( val ) {
+ elem.value = val;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Use the value property for back compat
+ // Use the nodeHook for button elements in IE6/7 (#1954)
+ value: {
+ get: function( elem, name ) {
+ if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
+ return nodeHook.get( elem, name );
+ }
+ return name in elem ?
+ elem.value :
+ null;
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+ if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
+ return nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
+ }
+ // Does not return so that setAttribute is also used
+ elem.value = value;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ propFix: {
+ tabindex: "tabIndex",
+ readonly: "readOnly",
+ "for": "htmlFor",
+ "class": "className",
+ maxlength: "maxLength",
+ cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
+ cellpadding: "cellPadding",
+ rowspan: "rowSpan",
+ colspan: "colSpan",
+ usemap: "useMap",
+ frameborder: "frameBorder",
+ contenteditable: "contentEditable"
+ },
+ prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
+ var ret, hooks, notxml,
+ nType = elem.nodeType;
+ // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
+ if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
+ if ( notxml ) {
+ // Fix name and attach hooks
+ name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+ hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
+ }
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return ( elem[ name ] = value );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return elem[ name ];
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ propHooks: {
+ tabIndex: {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
+ // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
+ var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
+ return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
+ parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) :
+ rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
+ 0 :
+ undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Add the tabIndex propHook to attrHooks for back-compat (different case is intentional)
+jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex = jQuery.propHooks.tabIndex;
+// Hook for boolean attributes
+boolHook = {
+ get: function( elem, name ) {
+ // Align boolean attributes with corresponding properties
+ // Fall back to attribute presence where some booleans are not supported
+ var attrNode,
+ property = jQuery.prop( elem, name );
+ return property === true || typeof property !== "boolean" && ( attrNode = elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) && attrNode.nodeValue !== false ?
+ name.toLowerCase() :
+ undefined;
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+ var propName;
+ if ( value === false ) {
+ // Remove boolean attributes when set to false
+ jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
+ } else {
+ // value is true since we know at this point it's type boolean and not false
+ // Set boolean attributes to the same name and set the DOM property
+ propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+ if ( propName in elem ) {
+ // Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element
+ elem[ propName ] = true;
+ }
+ elem.setAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() );
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+// IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute
+if ( !getSetAttribute ) {
+ fixSpecified = {
+ name: true,
+ id: true,
+ coords: true
+ };
+ // Use this for any attribute in IE6/7
+ // This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue
+ nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
+ get: function( elem, name ) {
+ var ret;
+ ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
+ return ret && ( fixSpecified[ name ] ? ret.nodeValue !== "" : ret.specified ) ?
+ ret.nodeValue :
+ undefined;
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+ // Set the existing or create a new attribute node
+ var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
+ if ( !ret ) {
+ ret = document.createAttribute( name );
+ elem.setAttributeNode( ret );
+ }
+ return ( ret.nodeValue = value + "" );
+ }
+ };
+ // Apply the nodeHook to tabindex
+ jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex.set = nodeHook.set;
+ // Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 )
+ // This is for removals
+ jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
+ jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ if ( value === "" ) {
+ elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" );
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429)
+ // Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value
+ jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = {
+ get: nodeHook.get,
+ set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+ if ( value === "" ) {
+ value = "false";
+ }
+ nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
+ }
+ };
+// Some attributes require a special call on IE
+if ( !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized ) {
+ jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
+ jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
+ return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+if ( !jQuery.support.style ) {
+ jQuery.attrHooks.style = {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ // Return undefined in the case of empty string
+ // Normalize to lowercase since IE uppercases css property names
+ return elem.style.cssText.toLowerCase() || undefined;
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ return ( elem.style.cssText = "" + value );
+ }
+ };
+// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
+// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
+if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
+ jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent ) {
+ parent.selectedIndex;
+ // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
+ if ( parent.parentNode ) {
+ parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+// IE6/7 call enctype encoding
+if ( !jQuery.support.enctype ) {
+ jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding";
+// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
+if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
+ jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
+ jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
+ get: function( elem ) {
+ // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
+ return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
+ jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], {
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
+ return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
+ rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/,
+ rhoverHack = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+)?\b/,
+ rkeyEvent = /^key/,
+ rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,
+ rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
+ rquickIs = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/,
+ quickParse = function( selector ) {
+ var quick = rquickIs.exec( selector );
+ if ( quick ) {
+ // 0 1 2 3
+ // [ _, tag, id, class ]
+ quick[1] = ( quick[1] || "" ).toLowerCase();
+ quick[3] = quick[3] && new RegExp( "(?:^|\\s)" + quick[3] + "(?:\\s|$)" );
+ }
+ return quick;
+ },
+ quickIs = function( elem, m ) {
+ var attrs = elem.attributes || {};
+ return (
+ (!m[1] || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m[1]) &&
+ (!m[2] || (attrs.id || {}).value === m[2]) &&
+ (!m[3] || m[3].test( (attrs[ "class" ] || {}).value ))
+ );
+ },
+ hoverHack = function( events ) {
+ return jQuery.event.special.hover ? events : events.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1" );
+ };
+ * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
+ * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
+ */
+jQuery.event = {
+ add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
+ var elemData, eventHandle, events,
+ t, tns, type, namespaces, handleObj,
+ handleObjIn, quick, handlers, special;
+ // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (allow plain objects tho)
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !types || !handler || !(elemData = jQuery._data( elem )) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
+ if ( handler.handler ) {
+ handleObjIn = handler;
+ handler = handleObjIn.handler;
+ selector = handleObjIn.selector;
+ }
+ // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
+ if ( !handler.guid ) {
+ handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
+ }
+ // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
+ events = elemData.events;
+ if ( !events ) {
+ elemData.events = events = {};
+ }
+ eventHandle = elemData.handle;
+ if ( !eventHandle ) {
+ elemData.handle = eventHandle = function( e ) {
+ // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
+ // when an event is called after a page has unloaded
+ return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ?
+ jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
+ undefined;
+ };
+ // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
+ eventHandle.elem = elem;
+ }
+ // Handle multiple events separated by a space
+ // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
+ types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack(types) ).split( " " );
+ for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
+ tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
+ type = tns[1];
+ namespaces = ( tns[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
+ // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
+ type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
+ // Update special based on newly reset type
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ // handleObj is passed to all event handlers
+ handleObj = jQuery.extend({
+ type: type,
+ origType: tns[1],
+ data: data,
+ handler: handler,
+ guid: handler.guid,
+ selector: selector,
+ quick: selector && quickParse( selector ),
+ namespace: namespaces.join(".")
+ }, handleObjIn );
+ // Init the event handler queue if we're the first
+ handlers = events[ type ];
+ if ( !handlers ) {
+ handlers = events[ type ] = [];
+ handlers.delegateCount = 0;
+ // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false
+ if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
+ // Bind the global event handler to the element
+ if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
+ elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
+ } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
+ elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( special.add ) {
+ special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
+ if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
+ handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
+ if ( selector ) {
+ handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
+ } else {
+ handlers.push( handleObj );
+ }
+ // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
+ jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
+ }
+ // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
+ elem = null;
+ },
+ global: {},
+ // Detach an event or set of events from an element
+ remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
+ var elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ),
+ t, tns, type, origType, namespaces, origCount,
+ j, events, special, handle, eventType, handleObj;
+ if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
+ types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack( types || "" ) ).split(" ");
+ for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
+ tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
+ type = origType = tns[1];
+ namespaces = tns[2];
+ // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
+ if ( !type ) {
+ for ( type in events ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ type = ( selector? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
+ eventType = events[ type ] || [];
+ origCount = eventType.length;
+ namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+ // Remove matching events
+ for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
+ handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+ if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
+ ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
+ ( !namespaces || namespaces.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
+ ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
+ eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+ if ( handleObj.selector ) {
+ eventType.delegateCount--;
+ }
+ if ( special.remove ) {
+ special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
+ // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
+ if ( eventType.length === 0 && origCount !== eventType.length ) {
+ if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces ) === false ) {
+ jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
+ }
+ delete events[ type ];
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the expando if it's no longer used
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
+ handle = elemData.handle;
+ if ( handle ) {
+ handle.elem = null;
+ }
+ // removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty
+ // so use it instead of delete
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, [ "events", "handle" ], true );
+ }
+ },
+ // Events that are safe to short-circuit if no handlers are attached.
+ // Native DOM events should not be added, they may have inline handlers.
+ customEvent: {
+ "getData": true,
+ "setData": true,
+ "changeData": true
+ },
+ trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
+ // Don't do events on text and comment nodes
+ if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Event object or event type
+ var type = event.type || event,
+ namespaces = [],
+ cache, exclusive, i, cur, old, ontype, special, handle, eventPath, bubbleType;
+ // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
+ if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( type.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) {
+ // Exclusive events trigger only for the exact event (no namespaces)
+ type = type.slice(0, -1);
+ exclusive = true;
+ }
+ if ( type.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) {
+ // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
+ namespaces = type.split(".");
+ type = namespaces.shift();
+ namespaces.sort();
+ }
+ if ( (!elem || jQuery.event.customEvent[ type ]) && !jQuery.event.global[ type ] ) {
+ // No jQuery handlers for this event type, and it can't have inline handlers
+ return;
+ }
+ // Caller can pass in an Event, Object, or just an event type string
+ event = typeof event === "object" ?
+ // jQuery.Event object
+ event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
+ // Object literal
+ new jQuery.Event( type, event ) :
+ // Just the event type (string)
+ new jQuery.Event( type );
+ event.type = type;
+ event.isTrigger = true;
+ event.exclusive = exclusive;
+ event.namespace = namespaces.join( "." );
+ event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+ ontype = type.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ? "on" + type : "";
+ // Handle a global trigger
+ if ( !elem ) {
+ // TODO: Stop taunting the data cache; remove global events and always attach to document
+ cache = jQuery.cache;
+ for ( i in cache ) {
+ if ( cache[ i ].events && cache[ i ].events[ type ] ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, cache[ i ].handle.elem, true );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Clean up the event in case it is being reused
+ event.result = undefined;
+ if ( !event.target ) {
+ event.target = elem;
+ }
+ // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
+ data = data != null ? jQuery.makeArray( data ) : [];
+ data.unshift( event );
+ // Allow special events to draw outside the lines
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+ if ( special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
+ // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
+ eventPath = [[ elem, special.bindType || type ]];
+ if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+ bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
+ cur = rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ? elem : elem.parentNode;
+ old = null;
+ for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
+ eventPath.push([ cur, bubbleType ]);
+ old = cur;
+ }
+ // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
+ if ( old && old === elem.ownerDocument ) {
+ eventPath.push([ old.defaultView || old.parentWindow || window, bubbleType ]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Fire handlers on the event path
+ for ( i = 0; i < eventPath.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
+ cur = eventPath[i][0];
+ event.type = eventPath[i][1];
+ handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" );
+ if ( handle ) {
+ handle.apply( cur, data );
+ }
+ // Note that this is a bare JS function and not a jQuery handler
+ handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
+ if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ event.type = type;
+ // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
+ if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+ if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) &&
+ !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+ // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
+ // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test.
+ // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
+ // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486)
+ if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || event.target.offsetWidth !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+ // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
+ old = elem[ ontype ];
+ if ( old ) {
+ elem[ ontype ] = null;
+ }
+ // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
+ jQuery.event.triggered = type;
+ elem[ type ]();
+ jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
+ if ( old ) {
+ elem[ ontype ] = old;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return event.result;
+ },
+ dispatch: function( event ) {
+ // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
+ event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
+ var handlers = ( (jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || []),
+ delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
+ args = [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ),
+ run_all = !event.exclusive && !event.namespace,
+ special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {},
+ handlerQueue = [],
+ i, j, cur, jqcur, ret, selMatch, matched, matches, handleObj, sel, related;
+ // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
+ args[0] = event;
+ event.delegateTarget = this;
+ // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
+ if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Determine handlers that should run if there are delegated events
+ // Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
+ if ( delegateCount && !(event.button && event.type === "click") ) {
+ // Pregenerate a single jQuery object for reuse with .is()
+ jqcur = jQuery(this);
+ jqcur.context = this.ownerDocument || this;
+ for ( cur = event.target; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
+ // Don't process events on disabled elements (#6911, #8165)
+ if ( cur.disabled !== true ) {
+ selMatch = {};
+ matches = [];
+ jqcur[0] = cur;
+ for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
+ handleObj = handlers[ i ];
+ sel = handleObj.selector;
+ if ( selMatch[ sel ] === undefined ) {
+ selMatch[ sel ] = (
+ handleObj.quick ? quickIs( cur, handleObj.quick ) : jqcur.is( sel )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( selMatch[ sel ] ) {
+ matches.push( handleObj );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( matches.length ) {
+ handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, matches: matches });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
+ if ( handlers.length > delegateCount ) {
+ handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, matches: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) });
+ }
+ // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
+ for ( i = 0; i < handlerQueue.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
+ matched = handlerQueue[ i ];
+ event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
+ for ( j = 0; j < matched.matches.length && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); j++ ) {
+ handleObj = matched.matches[ j ];
+ // Triggered event must either 1) be non-exclusive and have no namespace, or
+ // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
+ if ( run_all || (!event.namespace && !handleObj.namespace) || event.namespace_re && event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+ event.data = handleObj.data;
+ event.handleObj = handleObj;
+ ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
+ .apply( matched.elem, args );
+ if ( ret !== undefined ) {
+ event.result = ret;
+ if ( ret === false ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
+ if ( special.postDispatch ) {
+ special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
+ }
+ return event.result;
+ },
+ // Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
+ // *** attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement are not normalized, non-W3C, deprecated, will be removed in 1.8 ***
+ props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),
+ fixHooks: {},
+ keyHooks: {
+ props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
+ filter: function( event, original ) {
+ // Add which for key events
+ if ( event.which == null ) {
+ event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;
+ }
+ return event;
+ }
+ },
+ mouseHooks: {
+ props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
+ filter: function( event, original ) {
+ var eventDoc, doc, body,
+ button = original.button,
+ fromElement = original.fromElement;
+ // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+ if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) {
+ eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
+ doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
+ body = eventDoc.body;
+ event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
+ event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 );
+ }
+ // Add relatedTarget, if necessary
+ if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) {
+ event.relatedTarget = fromElement === event.target ? original.toElement : fromElement;
+ }
+ // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
+ // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
+ if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) {
+ event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
+ }
+ return event;
+ }
+ },
+ fix: function( event ) {
+ if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
+ return event;
+ }
+ // Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
+ var i, prop,
+ originalEvent = event,
+ fixHook = jQuery.event.fixHooks[ event.type ] || {},
+ copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props;
+ event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
+ for ( i = copy.length; i; ) {
+ prop = copy[ --i ];
+ event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
+ }
+ // Fix target property, if necessary (#1925, IE 6/7/8 & Safari2)
+ if ( !event.target ) {
+ event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || document;
+ }
+ // Target should not be a text node (#504, Safari)
+ if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
+ event.target = event.target.parentNode;
+ }
+ // For mouse/key events; add metaKey if it's not there (#3368, IE6/7/8)
+ if ( event.metaKey === undefined ) {
+ event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
+ }
+ return fixHook.filter? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event;
+ },
+ special: {
+ ready: {
+ // Make sure the ready event is setup
+ setup: jQuery.bindReady
+ },
+ load: {
+ // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
+ noBubble: true
+ },
+ focus: {
+ delegateType: "focusin"
+ },
+ blur: {
+ delegateType: "focusout"
+ },
+ beforeunload: {
+ setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+ // We only want to do this special case on windows
+ if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
+ this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
+ }
+ },
+ teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+ if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
+ this.onbeforeunload = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) {
+ // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
+ // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
+ // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
+ var e = jQuery.extend(
+ new jQuery.Event(),
+ event,
+ { type: type,
+ isSimulated: true,
+ originalEvent: {}
+ }
+ );
+ if ( bubble ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem );
+ } else {
+ jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e );
+ }
+ if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+// Some plugins are using, but it's undocumented/deprecated and will be removed.
+// The 1.7 special event interface should provide all the hooks needed now.
+jQuery.event.handle = jQuery.event.dispatch;
+jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
+ function( elem, type, handle ) {
+ if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
+ elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
+ }
+ } :
+ function( elem, type, handle ) {
+ if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
+ elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle );
+ }
+ };
+jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
+ // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
+ if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) {
+ return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
+ }
+ // Event object
+ if ( src && src.type ) {
+ this.originalEvent = src;
+ this.type = src.type;
+ // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
+ // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
+ this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
+ src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse;
+ // Event type
+ } else {
+ this.type = src;
+ }
+ // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
+ if ( props ) {
+ jQuery.extend( this, props );
+ }
+ // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
+ this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now();
+ // Mark it as fixed
+ this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
+function returnFalse() {
+ return false;
+function returnTrue() {
+ return true;
+// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
+jQuery.Event.prototype = {
+ preventDefault: function() {
+ this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+ var e = this.originalEvent;
+ if ( !e ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
+ if ( e.preventDefault ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
+ } else {
+ e.returnValue = false;
+ }
+ },
+ stopPropagation: function() {
+ this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+ var e = this.originalEvent;
+ if ( !e ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
+ if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
+ e.cancelBubble = true;
+ },
+ stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
+ this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+ this.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
+ isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
+ isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
+// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
+ mouseenter: "mouseover",
+ mouseleave: "mouseout"
+}, function( orig, fix ) {
+ jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
+ delegateType: fix,
+ bindType: fix,
+ handle: function( event ) {
+ var target = this,
+ related = event.relatedTarget,
+ handleObj = event.handleObj,
+ selector = handleObj.selector,
+ ret;
+ // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
+ // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
+ if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) {
+ event.type = handleObj.origType;
+ ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
+ event.type = fix;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };
+// IE submit delegation
+if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) {
+ jQuery.event.special.submit = {
+ setup: function() {
+ // Only need this for delegated form submit events
+ if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted
+ jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) {
+ // Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807)
+ var elem = e.target,
+ form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined;
+ if ( form && !form._submit_attached ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) {
+ event._submit_bubble = true;
+ });
+ form._submit_attached = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // return undefined since we don't need an event listener
+ },
+ postDispatch: function( event ) {
+ // If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree
+ if ( event._submit_bubble ) {
+ delete event._submit_bubble;
+ if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) {
+ jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ teardown: function() {
+ // Only need this for delegated form submit events
+ if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" );
+ }
+ };
+// IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix
+if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) {
+ jQuery.event.special.change = {
+ setup: function() {
+ if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) {
+ // IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click
+ // after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle.
+ // This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur.
+ if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) {
+ if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) {
+ this._just_changed = true;
+ }
+ });
+ jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) {
+ if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) {
+ this._just_changed = false;
+ jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs
+ jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) {
+ var elem = e.target;
+ if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !elem._change_attached ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) {
+ if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) {
+ jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true );
+ }
+ });
+ elem._change_attached = true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ handle: function( event ) {
+ var elem = event.target;
+ // Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above
+ if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) {
+ return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
+ }
+ },
+ teardown: function() {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" );
+ return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
+ }
+ };
+// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
+if ( !jQuery.support.focusinBubbles ) {
+ jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
+ // Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout
+ var attaches = 0,
+ handler = function( event ) {
+ jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true );
+ };
+ jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
+ setup: function() {
+ if ( attaches++ === 0 ) {
+ document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+ }
+ },
+ teardown: function() {
+ if ( --attaches === 0 ) {
+ document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) {
+ var origFn, type;
+ // Types can be a map of types/handlers
+ if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
+ // ( types-Object, selector, data )
+ if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { // && selector != null
+ // ( types-Object, data )
+ data = data || selector;
+ selector = undefined;
+ }
+ for ( type in types ) {
+ this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one );
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if ( data == null && fn == null ) {
+ // ( types, fn )
+ fn = selector;
+ data = selector = undefined;
+ } else if ( fn == null ) {
+ if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+ // ( types, selector, fn )
+ fn = data;
+ data = undefined;
+ } else {
+ // ( types, data, fn )
+ fn = data;
+ data = selector;
+ selector = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( fn === false ) {
+ fn = returnFalse;
+ } else if ( !fn ) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ if ( one === 1 ) {
+ origFn = fn;
+ fn = function( event ) {
+ // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
+ jQuery().off( event );
+ return origFn.apply( this, arguments );
+ };
+ // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
+ fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ );
+ }
+ return this.each( function() {
+ jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector );
+ });
+ },
+ one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
+ return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 );
+ },
+ off: function( types, selector, fn ) {
+ if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
+ // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event
+ var handleObj = types.handleObj;
+ jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
+ handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
+ handleObj.selector,
+ handleObj.handler
+ );
+ return this;
+ }
+ if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
+ // ( types-object [, selector] )
+ for ( var type in types ) {
+ this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
+ // ( types [, fn] )
+ fn = selector;
+ selector = undefined;
+ }
+ if ( fn === false ) {
+ fn = returnFalse;
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
+ });
+ },
+ bind: function( types, data, fn ) {
+ return this.on( types, null, data, fn );
+ },
+ unbind: function( types, fn ) {
+ return this.off( types, null, fn );
+ },
+ live: function( types, data, fn ) {
+ jQuery( this.context ).on( types, this.selector, data, fn );
+ return this;
+ },
+ die: function( types, fn ) {
+ jQuery( this.context ).off( types, this.selector || "**", fn );
+ return this;
+ },
+ delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
+ return this.on( types, selector, data, fn );
+ },
+ undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
+ // ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] )
+ return arguments.length == 1? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector, fn );
+ },
+ trigger: function( type, data ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
+ });
+ },
+ triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
+ if ( this[0] ) {
+ return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], true );
+ }
+ },
+ toggle: function( fn ) {
+ // Save reference to arguments for access in closure
+ var args = arguments,
+ guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++,
+ i = 0,
+ toggler = function( event ) {
+ // Figure out which function to execute
+ var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
+ jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
+ // Make sure that clicks stop
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // and execute the function
+ return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
+ };
+ // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
+ toggler.guid = guid;
+ while ( i < args.length ) {
+ args[ i++ ].guid = guid;
+ }
+ return this.click( toggler );
+ },
+ hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
+ return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
+ }
+jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
+ "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
+ "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
+ // Handle event binding
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
+ if ( fn == null ) {
+ fn = data;
+ data = null;
+ }
+ return arguments.length > 0 ?
+ this.on( name, null, data, fn ) :
+ this.trigger( name );
+ };
+ if ( jQuery.attrFn ) {
+ jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true;
+ }
+ if ( rkeyEvent.test( name ) ) {
+ jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.keyHooks;
+ }
+ if ( rmouseEvent.test( name ) ) {
+ jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.mouseHooks;
+ }
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
+ * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ * More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+ expando = "sizcache" + (Math.random() + '').replace('.', ''),
+ done = 0,
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ hasDuplicate = false,
+ baseHasDuplicate = true,
+ rBackslash = /\\/g,
+ rReturn = /\r\n/g,
+ rNonWord = /\W/;
+// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
+// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
+// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
+// Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
+[0, 0].sort(function() {
+ baseHasDuplicate = false;
+ return 0;
+var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+ results = results || [];
+ context = context || document;
+ var origContext = context;
+ if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i,
+ prune = true,
+ contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ),
+ parts = [],
+ soFar = selector;
+ // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
+ do {
+ chunker.exec( "" );
+ m = chunker.exec( soFar );
+ if ( m ) {
+ soFar = m[3];
+ parts.push( m[1] );
+ if ( m[2] ) {
+ extra = m[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while ( m );
+ if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
+ if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+ set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context, seed );
+ } else {
+ set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+ [ context ] :
+ Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ selector = parts.shift();
+ if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
+ selector += parts.shift();
+ }
+ set = posProcess( selector, set, seed );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+ // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
+ if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
+ Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
+ ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
+ context = ret.expr ?
+ Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] :
+ ret.set[0];
+ }
+ if ( context ) {
+ ret = seed ?
+ { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+ Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
+ set = ret.expr ?
+ Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) :
+ ret.set;
+ if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+ checkSet = makeArray( set );
+ } else {
+ prune = false;
+ }
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ cur = parts.pop();
+ pop = cur;
+ if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+ cur = "";
+ } else {
+ pop = parts.pop();
+ }
+ if ( pop == null ) {
+ pop = context;
+ }
+ Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
+ }
+ } else {
+ checkSet = parts = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ checkSet = set;
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ Sizzle.error( cur || selector );
+ }
+ if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ if ( !prune ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+ } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ makeArray( checkSet, results );
+ }
+ if ( extra ) {
+ Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
+ Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+ if ( sortOrder ) {
+ hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
+ results.sort( sortOrder );
+ if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+ for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) {
+ results.splice( i--, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) {
+ return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
+ return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0;
+Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) {
+ var set, i, len, match, type, left;
+ if ( !expr ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ for ( i = 0, len = Expr.order.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+ type = Expr.order[i];
+ if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+ left = match[1];
+ match.splice( 1, 1 );
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+ match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace( rBackslash, "" );
+ set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
+ if ( set != null ) {
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !set ) {
+ set = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ?
+ context.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) :
+ [];
+ }
+ return { set: set, expr: expr };
+Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) {
+ var match, anyFound,
+ type, found, item, filter, left,
+ i, pass,
+ old = expr,
+ result = [],
+ curLoop = set,
+ isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] );
+ while ( expr && set.length ) {
+ for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
+ if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
+ filter = Expr.filter[ type ];
+ left = match[1];
+ anyFound = false;
+ match.splice(1,1);
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( curLoop === result ) {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+ match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
+ if ( !match ) {
+ anyFound = found = true;
+ } else if ( match === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( match ) {
+ for ( i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( item ) {
+ found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
+ pass = not ^ found;
+ if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+ if ( pass ) {
+ anyFound = true;
+ } else {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( pass ) {
+ result.push( item );
+ anyFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( found !== undefined ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ curLoop = result;
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ if ( !anyFound ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Improper expression
+ if ( expr === old ) {
+ if ( anyFound == null ) {
+ Sizzle.error( expr );
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ old = expr;
+ }
+ return curLoop;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+ throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
+ * Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+ * @param {Array|Element} elem
+ */
+var getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
+ var i, node,
+ nodeType = elem.nodeType,
+ ret = "";
+ if ( nodeType ) {
+ if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
+ // Use textContent || innerText for elements
+ if ( typeof elem.textContent === 'string' ) {
+ return elem.textContent;
+ } else if ( typeof elem.innerText === 'string' ) {
+ // Replace IE's carriage returns
+ return elem.innerText.replace( rReturn, '' );
+ } else {
+ // Traverse it's children
+ for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
+ ret += getText( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
+ return elem.nodeValue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
+ for ( i = 0; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
+ // Do not traverse comment nodes
+ if ( node.nodeType !== 8 ) {
+ ret += getText( node );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+ match: {
+ ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
+ NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+ ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/,
+ TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/,
+ POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
+ PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+ },
+ leftMatch: {},
+ attrMap: {
+ "class": "className",
+ "for": "htmlFor"
+ },
+ attrHandle: {
+ href: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.getAttribute( "href" );
+ },
+ type: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.getAttribute( "type" );
+ }
+ },
+ relative: {
+ "+": function(checkSet, part){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+ isTag = isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ),
+ isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
+ if ( isTag ) {
+ part = part.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
+ while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
+ elem || false :
+ elem === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ },
+ ">": function( checkSet, part ) {
+ var elem,
+ isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+ i = 0,
+ l = checkSet.length;
+ if ( isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
+ part = part.toLowerCase();
+ for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+ elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+ elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
+ elem.parentNode :
+ elem.parentNode === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStr ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var nodeCheck,
+ doneName = done++,
+ checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
+ part = part.toLowerCase();
+ nodeCheck = part;
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
+ },
+ "~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) {
+ var nodeCheck,
+ doneName = done++,
+ checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
+ part = part.toLowerCase();
+ nodeCheck = part;
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
+ }
+ },
+ find: {
+ ID: function( match, context, isXML ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+ // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+ return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+ }
+ },
+ NAME: function( match, context ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
+ var ret = [],
+ results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] );
+ for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
+ ret.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
+ }
+ },
+ TAG: function( match, context ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+ return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ preFilter: {
+ CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
+ match = " " + match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ) + " ";
+ if ( isXML ) {
+ return match;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push( elem );
+ }
+ } else if ( inplace ) {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ID: function( match ) {
+ return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" );
+ },
+ TAG: function( match, curLoop ) {
+ return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ).toLowerCase();
+ },
+ CHILD: function( match ) {
+ if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
+ if ( !match[2] ) {
+ Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+ }
+ match[2] = match[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, '');
+ // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
+ var test = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec(
+ match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+ !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+ // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
+ match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+ match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+ }
+ else if ( match[2] ) {
+ Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+ }
+ // TODO: Move to normal caching system
+ match[0] = done++;
+ return match;
+ },
+ ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
+ var name = match[1] = match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" );
+ if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+ match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+ }
+ // Handle if an un-quoted value was used
+ match[4] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( rBackslash, "" );
+ if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+ match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) {
+ if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+ // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
+ if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
+ match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+ } else {
+ var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push.apply( result, ret );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ POS: function( match ) {
+ match.unshift( true );
+ return match;
+ }
+ },
+ filters: {
+ enabled: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+ },
+ disabled: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.disabled === true;
+ },
+ checked: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.checked === true;
+ },
+ selected: function( elem ) {
+ // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+ // options in Safari work properly
+ if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+ elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ return elem.selected === true;
+ },
+ parent: function( elem ) {
+ return !!elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ empty: function( elem ) {
+ return !elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ has: function( elem, i, match ) {
+ return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+ },
+ header: function( elem ) {
+ return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
+ text: function( elem ) {
+ var attr = elem.getAttribute( "type" ), type = elem.type;
+ // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
+ // use getAttribute instead to test this case
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "text" === type && ( attr === type || attr === null );
+ },
+ radio: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "radio" === elem.type;
+ },
+ checkbox: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "checkbox" === elem.type;
+ },
+ file: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "file" === elem.type;
+ },
+ password: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "password" === elem.type;
+ },
+ submit: function( elem ) {
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "submit" === elem.type;
+ },
+ image: function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "image" === elem.type;
+ },
+ reset: function( elem ) {
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "reset" === elem.type;
+ },
+ button: function( elem ) {
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ return name === "input" && "button" === elem.type || name === "button";
+ },
+ input: function( elem ) {
+ return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
+ focus: function( elem ) {
+ return elem === elem.ownerDocument.activeElement;
+ }
+ },
+ setFilters: {
+ first: function( elem, i ) {
+ return i === 0;
+ },
+ last: function( elem, i, match, array ) {
+ return i === array.length - 1;
+ },
+ even: function( elem, i ) {
+ return i % 2 === 0;
+ },
+ odd: function( elem, i ) {
+ return i % 2 === 1;
+ },
+ lt: function( elem, i, match ) {
+ return i < match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ gt: function( elem, i, match ) {
+ return i > match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ nth: function( elem, i, match ) {
+ return match[3] - 0 === i;
+ },
+ eq: function( elem, i, match ) {
+ return match[3] - 0 === i;
+ }
+ },
+ filter: {
+ PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
+ var name = match[1],
+ filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+ } else if ( name === "not" ) {
+ var not = match[3];
+ for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+ if ( not[j] === elem ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ Sizzle.error( name );
+ }
+ },
+ CHILD: function( elem, match ) {
+ var first, last,
+ doneName, parent, cache,
+ count, diff,
+ type = match[1],
+ node = elem;
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case "only":
+ case "first":
+ while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( type === "first" ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ node = elem;
+ /* falls through */
+ case "last":
+ while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "nth":
+ first = match[2];
+ last = match[3];
+ if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ doneName = match[0];
+ parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent && (parent[ expando ] !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
+ count = 0;
+ for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ node.nodeIndex = ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ parent[ expando ] = doneName;
+ }
+ diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
+ if ( first === 0 ) {
+ return diff === 0;
+ } else {
+ return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ID: function( elem, match ) {
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+ },
+ TAG: function( elem, match ) {
+ return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || !!elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
+ },
+ CLASS: function( elem, match ) {
+ return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
+ .indexOf( match ) > -1;
+ },
+ ATTR: function( elem, match ) {
+ var name = match[1],
+ result = Sizzle.attr ?
+ Sizzle.attr( elem, name ) :
+ Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
+ Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
+ elem[ name ] != null ?
+ elem[ name ] :
+ elem.getAttribute( name ),
+ value = result + "",
+ type = match[2],
+ check = match[4];
+ return result == null ?
+ type === "!=" :
+ !type && Sizzle.attr ?
+ result != null :
+ type === "=" ?
+ value === check :
+ type === "*=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ type === "~=" ?
+ (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ !check ?
+ value && result !== false :
+ type === "!=" ?
+ value !== check :
+ type === "^=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+ type === "$=" ?
+ value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+ type === "|=" ?
+ value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+ false;
+ },
+ POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
+ var name = match[2],
+ filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var origPOS = Expr.match.POS,
+ fescape = function(all, num){
+ return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);
+ };
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+ Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) );
+ Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) );
+// Expose origPOS
+// "global" as in regardless of relation to brackets/parens
+Expr.match.globalPOS = origPOS;
+var makeArray = function( array, results ) {
+ array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
+ if ( results ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, array );
+ return results;
+ }
+ return array;
+// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
+// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
+// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
+// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
+try {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
+// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
+} catch( e ) {
+ makeArray = function( array, results ) {
+ var i = 0,
+ ret = results || [];
+ if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+var sortOrder, siblingCheck;
+if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( a === b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+ };
+} else {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ // The nodes are identical, we can exit early
+ if ( a === b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ return 0;
+ // Fallback to using sourceIndex (in IE) if it's available on both nodes
+ } else if ( a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex ) {
+ return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+ }
+ var al, bl,
+ ap = [],
+ bp = [],
+ aup = a.parentNode,
+ bup = b.parentNode,
+ cur = aup;
+ // If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check
+ if ( aup === bup ) {
+ return siblingCheck( a, b );
+ // If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected
+ } else if ( !aup ) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if ( !bup ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need
+ // to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison
+ while ( cur ) {
+ ap.unshift( cur );
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ }
+ cur = bup;
+ while ( cur ) {
+ bp.unshift( cur );
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ }
+ al = ap.length;
+ bl = bp.length;
+ // Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+ for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) {
+ if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) {
+ return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ // We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check
+ return i === al ?
+ siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) :
+ siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 );
+ };
+ siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) {
+ if ( a === b ) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ var cur = a.nextSibling;
+ while ( cur ) {
+ if ( cur === b ) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cur = cur.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ };
+// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
+// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
+ // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
+ var form = document.createElement("div"),
+ id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(),
+ root = document.documentElement;
+ form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";
+ // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
+ root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+ // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
+ // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
+ if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+ Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ?
+ m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ?
+ [m] :
+ undefined :
+ [];
+ }
+ };
+ Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) {
+ var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+ };
+ }
+ root.removeChild( form );
+ // release memory in IE
+ root = form = null;
+ // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
+ // when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
+ // Create a fake element
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+ // Make sure no comments are found
+ if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+ Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) {
+ var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
+ // Filter out possible comments
+ if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+ var tmp = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ tmp.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ results = tmp;
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ }
+ // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
+ div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+ if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
+ div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
+ Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) {
+ return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
+ };
+ }
+ // release memory in IE
+ div = null;
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
+ (function(){
+ var oldSizzle = Sizzle,
+ div = document.createElement("div"),
+ id = "__sizzle__";
+ div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";
+ // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
+ // in quirks mode.
+ if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) {
+ context = context || document;
+ // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
+ // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
+ if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) {
+ // See if we find a selector to speed up
+ var match = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec( query );
+ if ( match && (context.nodeType === 1 || context.nodeType === 9) ) {
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
+ if ( match[1] ) {
+ return makeArray( context.getElementsByTagName( query ), extra );
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
+ } else if ( match[2] && Expr.find.CLASS && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
+ return makeArray( context.getElementsByClassName( match[2] ), extra );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) {
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle("body")
+ // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
+ if ( query === "body" && context.body ) {
+ return makeArray( [ context.body ], extra );
+ // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
+ } else if ( match && match[3] ) {
+ var elem = context.getElementById( match[3] );
+ // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+ // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+ if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+ // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+ // by name instead of ID
+ if ( elem.id === match[3] ) {
+ return makeArray( [ elem ], extra );
+ }
+ } else {
+ return makeArray( [], extra );
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+ } catch(qsaError) {}
+ // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+ // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+ // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+ // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+ } else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+ var oldContext = context,
+ old = context.getAttribute( "id" ),
+ nid = old || id,
+ hasParent = context.parentNode,
+ relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test( query );
+ if ( !old ) {
+ context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+ } else {
+ nid = nid.replace( /'/g, "\\$&" );
+ }
+ if ( relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent ) {
+ context = context.parentNode;
+ }
+ try {
+ if ( !relativeHierarchySelector || hasParent ) {
+ return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "[id='" + nid + "'] " + query ), extra );
+ }
+ } catch(pseudoError) {
+ } finally {
+ if ( !old ) {
+ oldContext.removeAttribute( "id" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+ };
+ for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
+ Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
+ }
+ // release memory in IE
+ div = null;
+ })();
+ var html = document.documentElement,
+ matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector;
+ if ( matches ) {
+ // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
+ // on a disconnected node (IE 9 fails this)
+ var disconnectedMatch = !matches.call( document.createElement( "div" ), "div" ),
+ pseudoWorks = false;
+ try {
+ // This should fail with an exception
+ // Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+ matches.call( document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" );
+ } catch( pseudoError ) {
+ pseudoWorks = true;
+ }
+ Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
+ // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+ expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
+ if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) {
+ try {
+ if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) {
+ var ret = matches.call( node, expr );
+ // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
+ if ( ret || !disconnectedMatch ||
+ // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
+ // fragment in IE 9, so check for that
+ node.document && node.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
+ return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0;
+ };
+ }
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
+ // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+ // Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
+ if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
+ div.lastChild.className = "e";
+ if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+ Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+ }
+ };
+ // release memory in IE
+ div = null;
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var match = false;
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
+ elem[ expando ] = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var match = false;
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ if ( !isXML ) {
+ elem[ expando ] = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+ if ( elem === cur ) {
+ match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+if ( document.documentElement.contains ) {
+ Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
+ return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
+ };
+} else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
+ return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
+ };
+} else {
+ Sizzle.contains = function() {
+ return false;
+ };
+Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+ // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+ // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+ var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
+ return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+var posProcess = function( selector, context, seed ) {
+ var match,
+ tmpSet = [],
+ later = "",
+ root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
+ // Position selectors must be done after the filter
+ // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
+ while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
+ later += match[0];
+ selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
+ }
+ selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet, seed );
+ }
+ return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
+// Override sizzle attribute retrieval
+Sizzle.attr = jQuery.attr;
+Sizzle.selectors.attrMap = {};
+jQuery.find = Sizzle;
+jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
+jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters;
+jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
+jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
+jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
+jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
+var runtil = /Until$/,
+ rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
+ // Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle
+ rmultiselector = /,/,
+ isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
+ slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+ POS = jQuery.expr.match.globalPOS,
+ // methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
+ guaranteedUnique = {
+ children: true,
+ contents: true,
+ next: true,
+ prev: true
+ };
+ find: function( selector ) {
+ var self = this,
+ i, l;
+ if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return jQuery( selector ).filter(function() {
+ for ( i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ),
+ length, n, r;
+ for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ length = ret.length;
+ jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret );
+ if ( i > 0 ) {
+ // Make sure that the results are unique
+ for ( n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) {
+ for ( r = 0; r < length; r++ ) {
+ if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) {
+ ret.splice(n--, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ has: function( target ) {
+ var targets = jQuery( target );
+ return this.filter(function() {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ not: function( selector ) {
+ return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector);
+ },
+ filter: function( selector ) {
+ return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
+ },
+ is: function( selector ) {
+ return !!selector && (
+ typeof selector === "string" ?
+ // If this is a positional selector, check membership in the returned set
+ // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
+ POS.test( selector ) ?
+ jQuery( selector, this.context ).index( this[0] ) >= 0 :
+ jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0 :
+ this.filter( selector ).length > 0 );
+ },
+ closest: function( selectors, context ) {
+ var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0];
+ // Array (deprecated as of jQuery 1.7)
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) {
+ var level = 1;
+ while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( jQuery( cur ).is( selectors[ i ] ) ) {
+ ret.push({ selector: selectors[ i ], elem: cur, level: level });
+ }
+ }
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ level++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // String
+ var pos = POS.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ?
+ jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) :
+ 0;
+ for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ cur = this[i];
+ while ( cur ) {
+ if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) {
+ ret.push( cur );
+ break;
+ } else {
+ cur = cur.parentNode;
+ if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context || cur.nodeType === 11 ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
+ return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors );
+ },
+ // Determine the position of an element within
+ // the matched set of elements
+ index: function( elem ) {
+ // No argument, return index in parent
+ if ( !elem ) {
+ return ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) ? this.prevAll().length : -1;
+ }
+ // index in selector
+ if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
+ return jQuery.inArray( this[0], jQuery( elem ) );
+ }
+ // Locate the position of the desired element
+ return jQuery.inArray(
+ // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
+ elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this );
+ },
+ add: function( selector, context ) {
+ var set = typeof selector === "string" ?
+ jQuery( selector, context ) :
+ jQuery.makeArray( selector && selector.nodeType ? [ selector ] : selector ),
+ all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set );
+ return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ?
+ all :
+ jQuery.unique( all ) );
+ },
+ andSelf: function() {
+ return this.add( this.prevObject );
+ }
+// A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected
+// from a document (should be improved, where feasible).
+function isDisconnected( node ) {
+ return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
+ parent: function( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+ },
+ parents: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
+ },
+ parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
+ },
+ next: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" );
+ },
+ prev: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" );
+ },
+ nextAll: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
+ },
+ prevAll: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
+ },
+ nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
+ },
+ prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+ return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
+ },
+ siblings: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem );
+ },
+ children: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
+ },
+ contents: function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
+ elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
+ jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes );
+ }
+}, function( name, fn ) {
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
+ var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
+ if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
+ selector = until;
+ }
+ if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
+ ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );
+ }
+ ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
+ if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
+ ret = ret.reverse();
+ }
+ return this.pushStack( ret, name, slice.call( arguments ).join(",") );
+ };
+ filter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
+ if ( not ) {
+ expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+ }
+ return elems.length === 1 ?
+ jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] :
+ jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
+ },
+ dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
+ var matched = [],
+ cur = elem[ dir ];
+ while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) {
+ if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ matched.push( cur );
+ }
+ cur = cur[dir];
+ }
+ return matched;
+ },
+ nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) {
+ result = result || 1;
+ var num = 0;
+ for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) {
+ if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return cur;
+ },
+ sibling: function( n, elem ) {
+ var r = [];
+ for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
+ r.push( n );
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
+function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) {
+ // Can't pass null or undefined to indexOf in Firefox 4
+ // Set to 0 to skip string check
+ qualifier = qualifier || 0;
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
+ return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+ var retVal = !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem );
+ return retVal === keep;
+ });
+ } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
+ return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+ return ( elem === qualifier ) === keep;
+ });
+ } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
+ var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) {
+ return elem.nodeType === 1;
+ });
+ if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
+ return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep);
+ } else {
+ qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered );
+ }
+ }
+ return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+ return ( jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0 ) === keep;
+ });
+function createSafeFragment( document ) {
+ var list = nodeNames.split( "|" ),
+ safeFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ if ( safeFrag.createElement ) {
+ while ( list.length ) {
+ safeFrag.createElement(
+ list.pop()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return safeFrag;
+var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|" +
+ "header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video",
+ rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
+ rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
+ rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
+ rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
+ rtbody = /<tbody/i,
+ rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
+ rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style)/i,
+ rnocache = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i,
+ rnoshimcache = new RegExp("<(?:" + nodeNames + ")[\\s/>]", "i"),
+ // checked="checked" or checked
+ rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
+ rscriptType = /\/(java|ecma)script/i,
+ rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|\-\-)/,
+ wrapMap = {
+ option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ],
+ legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ],
+ thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ],
+ tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ],
+ td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ],
+ col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ],
+ area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ],
+ _default: [ 0, "", "" ]
+ },
+ safeFragment = createSafeFragment( document );
+wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
+wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
+wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
+// IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally
+if ( !jQuery.support.htmlSerialize ) {
+ wrapMap._default = [ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ];
+ text: function( value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+ return value === undefined ?
+ jQuery.text( this ) :
+ this.empty().append( ( this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document ).createTextNode( value ) );
+ }, null, value, arguments.length );
+ },
+ wrapAll: function( html ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ jQuery(this).wrapAll( html.call(this, i) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( this[0] ) {
+ // The elements to wrap the target around
+ var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true);
+ if ( this[0].parentNode ) {
+ wrap.insertBefore( this[0] );
+ }
+ wrap.map(function() {
+ var elem = this;
+ while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ elem = elem.firstChild;
+ }
+ return elem;
+ }).append( this );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ wrapInner: function( html ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ jQuery(this).wrapInner( html.call(this, i) );
+ });
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var self = jQuery( this ),
+ contents = self.contents();
+ if ( contents.length ) {
+ contents.wrapAll( html );
+ } else {
+ self.append( html );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ wrap: function( html ) {
+ var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( html );
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ jQuery( this ).wrapAll( isFunction ? html.call(this, i) : html );
+ });
+ },
+ unwrap: function() {
+ return this.parent().each(function() {
+ if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) {
+ jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes );
+ }
+ }).end();
+ },
+ append: function() {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
+ if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ this.appendChild( elem );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ prepend: function() {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
+ if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild );
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ before: function() {
+ if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this );
+ });
+ } else if ( arguments.length ) {
+ var set = jQuery.clean( arguments );
+ set.push.apply( set, this.toArray() );
+ return this.pushStack( set, "before", arguments );
+ }
+ },
+ after: function() {
+ if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+ return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling );
+ });
+ } else if ( arguments.length ) {
+ var set = this.pushStack( this, "after", arguments );
+ set.push.apply( set, jQuery.clean(arguments) );
+ return set;
+ }
+ },
+ // keepData is for internal use only--do not document
+ remove: function( selector, keepData ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) {
+ if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
+ jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] );
+ }
+ if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+ elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ empty: function() {
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
+ }
+ // Remove any remaining nodes
+ while ( elem.firstChild ) {
+ elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) {
+ dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents;
+ deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents;
+ return this.map( function () {
+ return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents );
+ });
+ },
+ html: function( value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+ var elem = this[0] || {},
+ i = 0,
+ l = this.length;
+ if ( value === undefined ) {
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 ?
+ elem.innerHTML.replace( rinlinejQuery, "" ) :
+ null;
+ }
+ if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test( value ) &&
+ ( jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value ) ) &&
+ !wrapMap[ ( rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase() ] ) {
+ value = value.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>" );
+ try {
+ for (; i < l; i++ ) {
+ // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
+ elem = this[i] || {};
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) );
+ elem.innerHTML = value;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = 0;
+ // If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
+ if ( elem ) {
+ this.empty().append( value );
+ }
+ }, null, value, arguments.length );
+ },
+ replaceWith: function( value ) {
+ if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+ // Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted
+ // this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ var self = jQuery(this), old = self.html();
+ self.replaceWith( value.call( this, i, old ) );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( typeof value !== "string" ) {
+ value = jQuery( value ).detach();
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var next = this.nextSibling,
+ parent = this.parentNode;
+ jQuery( this ).remove();
+ if ( next ) {
+ jQuery(next).before( value );
+ } else {
+ jQuery(parent).append( value );
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ return this.length ?
+ this.pushStack( jQuery(jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value), "replaceWith", value ) :
+ this;
+ }
+ },
+ detach: function( selector ) {
+ return this.remove( selector, true );
+ },
+ domManip: function( args, table, callback ) {
+ var results, first, fragment, parent,
+ value = args[0],
+ scripts = [];
+ // We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit
+ if ( !jQuery.support.checkClone && arguments.length === 3 && typeof value === "string" && rchecked.test( value ) ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ jQuery(this).domManip( args, table, callback, true );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+ return this.each(function(i) {
+ var self = jQuery(this);
+ args[0] = value.call(this, i, table ? self.html() : undefined);
+ self.domManip( args, table, callback );
+ });
+ }
+ if ( this[0] ) {
+ parent = value && value.parentNode;
+ // If we're in a fragment, just use that instead of building a new one
+ if ( jQuery.support.parentNode && parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === this.length ) {
+ results = { fragment: parent };
+ } else {
+ results = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this, scripts );
+ }
+ fragment = results.fragment;
+ if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
+ first = fragment = fragment.firstChild;
+ } else {
+ first = fragment.firstChild;
+ }
+ if ( first ) {
+ table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" );
+ for ( var i = 0, l = this.length, lastIndex = l - 1; i < l; i++ ) {
+ callback.call(
+ table ?
+ root(this[i], first) :
+ this[i],
+ // Make sure that we do not leak memory by inadvertently discarding
+ // the original fragment (which might have attached data) instead of
+ // using it; in addition, use the original fragment object for the last
+ // item instead of first because it can end up being emptied incorrectly
+ // in certain situations (Bug #8070).
+ // Fragments from the fragment cache must always be cloned and never used
+ // in place.
+ results.cacheable || ( l > 1 && i < lastIndex ) ?
+ jQuery.clone( fragment, true, true ) :
+ fragment
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( scripts.length ) {
+ jQuery.each( scripts, function( i, elem ) {
+ if ( elem.src ) {
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ global: false,
+ url: elem.src,
+ async: false,
+ dataType: "script"
+ });
+ } else {
+ jQuery.globalEval( ( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" ).replace( rcleanScript, "/*$0*/" ) );
+ }
+ if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+ elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+function root( elem, cur ) {
+ return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") ?
+ (elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
+ elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) :
+ elem;
+function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) {
+ if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.hasData( src ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var type, i, l,
+ oldData = jQuery._data( src ),
+ curData = jQuery._data( dest, oldData ),
+ events = oldData.events;
+ if ( events ) {
+ delete curData.handle;
+ curData.events = {};
+ for ( type in events ) {
+ for ( i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ jQuery.event.add( dest, type, events[ type ][ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // make the cloned public data object a copy from the original
+ if ( curData.data ) {
+ curData.data = jQuery.extend( {}, curData.data );
+ }
+function cloneFixAttributes( src, dest ) {
+ var nodeName;
+ // We do not need to do anything for non-Elements
+ if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // clearAttributes removes the attributes, which we don't want,
+ // but also removes the attachEvent events, which we *do* want
+ if ( dest.clearAttributes ) {
+ dest.clearAttributes();
+ }
+ // mergeAttributes, in contrast, only merges back on the
+ // original attributes, not the events
+ if ( dest.mergeAttributes ) {
+ dest.mergeAttributes( src );
+ }
+ nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ // IE6-8 fail to clone children inside object elements that use
+ // the proprietary classid attribute value (rather than the type
+ // attribute) to identify the type of content to display
+ if ( nodeName === "object" ) {
+ dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML;
+ } else if ( nodeName === "input" && (src.type === "checkbox" || src.type === "radio") ) {
+ // IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox
+ // or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element
+ // a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set
+ if ( src.checked ) {
+ dest.defaultChecked = dest.checked = src.checked;
+ }
+ // IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned
+ // checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on"
+ if ( dest.value !== src.value ) {
+ dest.value = src.value;
+ }
+ // IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected
+ // state when cloning options
+ } else if ( nodeName === "option" ) {
+ dest.selected = src.defaultSelected;
+ // IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when
+ // cloning other types of input fields
+ } else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) {
+ dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue;
+ // IE blanks contents when cloning scripts
+ } else if ( nodeName === "script" && dest.text !== src.text ) {
+ dest.text = src.text;
+ }
+ // Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando
+ // gets copied too
+ dest.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+ // Clear flags for bubbling special change/submit events, they must
+ // be reattached when the newly cloned events are first activated
+ dest.removeAttribute( "_submit_attached" );
+ dest.removeAttribute( "_change_attached" );
+jQuery.buildFragment = function( args, nodes, scripts ) {
+ var fragment, cacheable, cacheresults, doc,
+ first = args[ 0 ];
+ // nodes may contain either an explicit document object,
+ // a jQuery collection or context object.
+ // If nodes[0] contains a valid object to assign to doc
+ if ( nodes && nodes[0] ) {
+ doc = nodes[0].ownerDocument || nodes[0];
+ }
+ // Ensure that an attr object doesn't incorrectly stand in as a document object
+ // Chrome and Firefox seem to allow this to occur and will throw exception
+ // Fixes #8950
+ if ( !doc.createDocumentFragment ) {
+ doc = document;
+ }
+ // Only cache "small" (1/2 KB) HTML strings that are associated with the main document
+ // Cloning options loses the selected state, so don't cache them
+ // IE 6 doesn't like it when you put <object> or <embed> elements in a fragment
+ // Also, WebKit does not clone 'checked' attributes on cloneNode, so don't cache
+ // Lastly, IE6,7,8 will not correctly reuse cached fragments that were created from unknown elems #10501
+ if ( args.length === 1 && typeof first === "string" && first.length < 512 && doc === document &&
+ first.charAt(0) === "<" && !rnocache.test( first ) &&
+ (jQuery.support.checkClone || !rchecked.test( first )) &&
+ (jQuery.support.html5Clone || !rnoshimcache.test( first )) ) {
+ cacheable = true;
+ cacheresults = jQuery.fragments[ first ];
+ if ( cacheresults && cacheresults !== 1 ) {
+ fragment = cacheresults;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !fragment ) {
+ fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+ jQuery.clean( args, doc, fragment, scripts );
+ }
+ if ( cacheable ) {
+ jQuery.fragments[ first ] = cacheresults ? fragment : 1;
+ }
+ return { fragment: fragment, cacheable: cacheable };
+jQuery.fragments = {};
+ appendTo: "append",
+ prependTo: "prepend",
+ insertBefore: "before",
+ insertAfter: "after",
+ replaceAll: "replaceWith"
+}, function( name, original ) {
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) {
+ var ret = [],
+ insert = jQuery( selector ),
+ parent = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode;
+ if ( parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === 1 && insert.length === 1 ) {
+ insert[ original ]( this[0] );
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = insert.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elems = ( i > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this ).get();
+ jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems );
+ ret = ret.concat( elems );
+ }
+ return this.pushStack( ret, name, insert.selector );
+ }
+ };
+function getAll( elem ) {
+ if ( typeof elem.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+ return elem.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
+ } else if ( typeof elem.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ) {
+ return elem.querySelectorAll( "*" );
+ } else {
+ return [];
+ }
+// Used in clean, fixes the defaultChecked property
+function fixDefaultChecked( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.type === "checkbox" || elem.type === "radio" ) {
+ elem.defaultChecked = elem.checked;
+ }
+// Finds all inputs and passes them to fixDefaultChecked
+function findInputs( elem ) {
+ var nodeName = ( elem.nodeName || "" ).toLowerCase();
+ if ( nodeName === "input" ) {
+ fixDefaultChecked( elem );
+ // Skip scripts, get other children
+ } else if ( nodeName !== "script" && typeof elem.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+ jQuery.grep( elem.getElementsByTagName("input"), fixDefaultChecked );
+ }
+// Derived From: http://www.iecss.com/shimprove/javascript/shimprove.1-0-1.js
+function shimCloneNode( elem ) {
+ var div = document.createElement( "div" );
+ safeFragment.appendChild( div );
+ div.innerHTML = elem.outerHTML;
+ return div.firstChild;
+ clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) {
+ var srcElements,
+ destElements,
+ i,
+ // IE<=8 does not properly clone detached, unknown element nodes
+ clone = jQuery.support.html5Clone || jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) || !rnoshimcache.test( "<" + elem.nodeName + ">" ) ?
+ elem.cloneNode( true ) :
+ shimCloneNode( elem );
+ if ( (!jQuery.support.noCloneEvent || !jQuery.support.noCloneChecked) &&
+ (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) {
+ // IE copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode.
+ // Calling detachEvent on the clone will also remove the events
+ // from the original. In order to get around this, we use some
+ // proprietary methods to clear the events. Thanks to MooTools
+ // guys for this hotness.
+ cloneFixAttributes( elem, clone );
+ // Using Sizzle here is crazy slow, so we use getElementsByTagName instead
+ srcElements = getAll( elem );
+ destElements = getAll( clone );
+ // Weird iteration because IE will replace the length property
+ // with an element if you are cloning the body and one of the
+ // elements on the page has a name or id of "length"
+ for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) {
+ // Ensure that the destination node is not null; Fixes #9587
+ if ( destElements[i] ) {
+ cloneFixAttributes( srcElements[i], destElements[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the events from the original to the clone
+ if ( dataAndEvents ) {
+ cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone );
+ if ( deepDataAndEvents ) {
+ srcElements = getAll( elem );
+ destElements = getAll( clone );
+ for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) {
+ cloneCopyEvent( srcElements[i], destElements[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ srcElements = destElements = null;
+ // Return the cloned set
+ return clone;
+ },
+ clean: function( elems, context, fragment, scripts ) {
+ var checkScriptType, script, j,
+ ret = [];
+ context = context || document;
+ // !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object'
+ if ( typeof context.createElement === "undefined" ) {
+ context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( typeof elem === "number" ) {
+ elem += "";
+ }
+ if ( !elem ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Convert html string into DOM nodes
+ if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
+ if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) {
+ elem = context.createTextNode( elem );
+ } else {
+ // Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
+ elem = elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
+ // Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
+ var tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase(),
+ wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default,
+ depth = wrap[0],
+ div = context.createElement("div"),
+ safeChildNodes = safeFragment.childNodes,
+ remove;
+ // Append wrapper element to unknown element safe doc fragment
+ if ( context === document ) {
+ // Use the fragment we've already created for this document
+ safeFragment.appendChild( div );
+ } else {
+ // Use a fragment created with the owner document
+ createSafeFragment( context ).appendChild( div );
+ }
+ // Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
+ div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2];
+ // Move to the right depth
+ while ( depth-- ) {
+ div = div.lastChild;
+ }
+ // Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments
+ if ( !jQuery.support.tbody ) {
+ // String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody>
+ var hasBody = rtbody.test(elem),
+ tbody = tag === "table" && !hasBody ?
+ div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes :
+ // String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot>
+ wrap[1] === "<table>" && !hasBody ?
+ div.childNodes :
+ [];
+ for ( j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j ) {
+ if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length ) {
+ tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used
+ if ( !jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) {
+ div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec(elem)[0] ), div.firstChild );
+ }
+ elem = div.childNodes;
+ // Clear elements from DocumentFragment (safeFragment or otherwise)
+ // to avoid hoarding elements. Fixes #11356
+ if ( div ) {
+ div.parentNode.removeChild( div );
+ // Guard against -1 index exceptions in FF3.6
+ if ( safeChildNodes.length > 0 ) {
+ remove = safeChildNodes[ safeChildNodes.length - 1 ];
+ if ( remove && remove.parentNode ) {
+ remove.parentNode.removeChild( remove );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Resets defaultChecked for any radios and checkboxes
+ // about to be appended to the DOM in IE 6/7 (#8060)
+ var len;
+ if ( !jQuery.support.appendChecked ) {
+ if ( elem[0] && typeof (len = elem.length) === "number" ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < len; j++ ) {
+ findInputs( elem[j] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ findInputs( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType ) {
+ ret.push( elem );
+ } else {
+ ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( fragment ) {
+ checkScriptType = function( elem ) {
+ return !elem.type || rscriptType.test( elem.type );
+ };
+ for ( i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) {
+ script = ret[i];
+ if ( scripts && jQuery.nodeName( script, "script" ) && (!script.type || rscriptType.test( script.type )) ) {
+ scripts.push( script.parentNode ? script.parentNode.removeChild( script ) : script );
+ } else {
+ if ( script.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ var jsTags = jQuery.grep( script.getElementsByTagName( "script" ), checkScriptType );
+ ret.splice.apply( ret, [i + 1, 0].concat( jsTags ) );
+ }
+ fragment.appendChild( script );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ cleanData: function( elems ) {
+ var data, id,
+ cache = jQuery.cache,
+ special = jQuery.event.special,
+ deleteExpando = jQuery.support.deleteExpando;
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ id = elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+ if ( id ) {
+ data = cache[ id ];
+ if ( data && data.events ) {
+ for ( var type in data.events ) {
+ if ( special[ type ] ) {
+ jQuery.event.remove( elem, type );
+ // This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead
+ } else {
+ jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
+ }
+ }
+ // Null the DOM reference to avoid IE6/7/8 leak (#7054)
+ if ( data.handle ) {
+ data.handle.elem = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( deleteExpando ) {
+ delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+ } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+ elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+ }
+ delete cache[ id ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
+ ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
+ // fixed for IE9, see #8346
+ rupper = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g,
+ rnum = /^[\-+]?(?:\d*\.)?\d+$/i,
+ rnumnonpx = /^-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+(?!px)[^\d\s]+$/i,
+ rrelNum = /^([\-+])=([\-+.\de]+)/,
+ rmargin = /^margin/,
+ cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
+ // order is important!
+ cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ],
+ curCSS,
+ getComputedStyle,
+ currentStyle;
+jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, name, value ) {
+ return value !== undefined ?
+ jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) :
+ jQuery.css( elem, name );
+ }, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
+ // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
+ // behavior of getting and setting a style property
+ cssHooks: {
+ opacity: {
+ get: function( elem, computed ) {
+ if ( computed ) {
+ // We should always get a number back from opacity
+ var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity" );
+ return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
+ } else {
+ return elem.style.opacity;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Exclude the following css properties to add px
+ cssNumber: {
+ "fillOpacity": true,
+ "fontWeight": true,
+ "lineHeight": true,
+ "opacity": true,
+ "orphans": true,
+ "widows": true,
+ "zIndex": true,
+ "zoom": true
+ },
+ // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
+ // setting or getting the value
+ cssProps: {
+ // normalize float css property
+ "float": jQuery.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
+ },
+ // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
+ style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
+ // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
+ if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make sure that we're working with the right name
+ var ret, type, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
+ style = elem.style, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
+ name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
+ // Check if we're setting a value
+ if ( value !== undefined ) {
+ type = typeof value;
+ // convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345
+ if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) {
+ value = ( +( ret[1] + 1) * +ret[2] ) + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) );
+ // Fixes bug #9237
+ type = "number";
+ }
+ // Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116
+ if ( value == null || type === "number" && isNaN( value ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
+ if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) {
+ value += "px";
+ }
+ // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
+ if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) {
+ // Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided
+ // Fixes bug #5509
+ try {
+ style[ name ] = value;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
+ if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Otherwise just get the value from the style object
+ return style[ name ];
+ }
+ },
+ css: function( elem, name, extra ) {
+ var ret, hooks;
+ // Make sure that we're working with the right name
+ name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
+ hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ];
+ name = jQuery.cssProps[ name ] || name;
+ // cssFloat needs a special treatment
+ if ( name === "cssFloat" ) {
+ name = "float";
+ }
+ // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
+ if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) {
+ return ret;
+ // Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
+ } else if ( curCSS ) {
+ return curCSS( elem, name );
+ }
+ },
+ // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations
+ swap: function( elem, options, callback ) {
+ var old = {},
+ ret, name;
+ // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
+ for ( name in options ) {
+ old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
+ elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
+ }
+ ret = callback.call( elem );
+ // Revert the old values
+ for ( name in options ) {
+ elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// DEPRECATED in 1.3, Use jQuery.css() instead
+jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css;
+if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
+ getComputedStyle = function( elem, name ) {
+ var ret, defaultView, computedStyle, width,
+ style = elem.style;
+ name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+ if ( (defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) &&
+ (computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) {
+ ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name );
+ if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
+ ret = jQuery.style( elem, name );
+ }
+ }
+ // A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards"
+ // WebKit uses "computed value (percentage if specified)" instead of "used value" for margins
+ // which is against the CSSOM draft spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#resolved-values
+ if ( !jQuery.support.pixelMargin && computedStyle && rmargin.test( name ) && rnumnonpx.test( ret ) ) {
+ width = style.width;
+ style.width = ret;
+ ret = computedStyle.width;
+ style.width = width;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) {
+ currentStyle = function( elem, name ) {
+ var left, rsLeft, uncomputed,
+ ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ],
+ style = elem.style;
+ // Avoid setting ret to empty string here
+ // so we don't default to auto
+ if ( ret == null && style && (uncomputed = style[ name ]) ) {
+ ret = uncomputed;
+ }
+ // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
+ // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291
+ // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
+ // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
+ if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) ) {
+ // Remember the original values
+ left = style.left;
+ rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle && elem.runtimeStyle.left;
+ // Put in the new values to get a computed value out
+ if ( rsLeft ) {
+ elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
+ }
+ style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : ret;
+ ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";
+ // Revert the changed values
+ style.left = left;
+ if ( rsLeft ) {
+ elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret;
+ };
+curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle;
+function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) {
+ // Start with offset property
+ var val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight,
+ i = name === "width" ? 1 : 0,
+ len = 4;
+ if ( val > 0 ) {
+ if ( extra !== "border" ) {
+ for ( ; i < len; i += 2 ) {
+ if ( !extra ) {
+ val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
+ }
+ if ( extra === "margin" ) {
+ val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
+ } else {
+ val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return val + "px";
+ }
+ // Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary
+ val = curCSS( elem, name );
+ if ( val < 0 || val == null ) {
+ val = elem.style[ name ];
+ }
+ // Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return.
+ if ( rnumnonpx.test(val) ) {
+ return val;
+ }
+ // Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra
+ val = parseFloat( val ) || 0;
+ // Add padding, border, margin
+ if ( extra ) {
+ for ( ; i < len; i += 2 ) {
+ val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
+ if ( extra !== "padding" ) {
+ val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0;
+ }
+ if ( extra === "margin" ) {
+ val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ]) ) || 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return val + "px";
+jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) {
+ jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
+ get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
+ if ( computed ) {
+ if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) {
+ return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
+ } else {
+ return jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
+ return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ return rnum.test( value ) ?
+ value + "px" :
+ value;
+ }
+ };
+if ( !jQuery.support.opacity ) {
+ jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
+ get: function( elem, computed ) {
+ // IE uses filters for opacity
+ return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "" ) ?
+ ( parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) / 100 ) + "" :
+ computed ? "1" : "";
+ },
+ set: function( elem, value ) {
+ var style = elem.style,
+ currentStyle = elem.currentStyle,
+ opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "",
+ filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || "";
+ // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
+ // Force it by setting the zoom level
+ style.zoom = 1;
+ // if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652
+ if ( value >= 1 && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" ) {
+ // Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText
+ // if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this
+ // style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path...
+ style.removeAttribute( "filter" );
+ // if there there is no filter style applied in a css rule, we are done
+ if ( currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // otherwise, set new filter values
+ style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ?
+ filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) :
+ filter + " " + opacity;
+ }
+ };
+jQuery(function() {
+ // This hook cannot be added until DOM ready because the support test
+ // for it is not run until after DOM ready
+ if ( !jQuery.support.reliableMarginRight ) {
+ jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = {
+ get: function( elem, computed ) {
+ // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
+ // Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block
+ return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, function() {
+ if ( computed ) {
+ return curCSS( elem, "margin-right" );
+ } else {
+ return elem.style.marginRight;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ }
+if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
+ jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
+ var width = elem.offsetWidth,
+ height = elem.offsetHeight;
+ return ( width === 0 && height === 0 ) || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
+ };
+ jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
+ return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
+ };
+// These hooks are used by animate to expand properties
+ margin: "",
+ padding: "",
+ border: "Width"
+}, function( prefix, suffix ) {
+ jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = {
+ expand: function( value ) {
+ var i,
+ // assumes a single number if not a string
+ parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ],
+ expanded = {};
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] =
+ parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ];
+ }
+ return expanded;
+ }
+ };
+var r20 = /%20/g,
+ rbracket = /\[\]$/,
+ rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
+ rhash = /#.*$/,
+ rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE leaves an \r character at EOL
+ rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
+ // #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection
+ rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
+ rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
+ rprotocol = /^\/\//,
+ rquery = /\?/,
+ rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
+ rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
+ rspacesAjax = /\s+/,
+ rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
+ rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/,
+ // Keep a copy of the old load method
+ _load = jQuery.fn.load,
+ /* Prefilters
+ * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example)
+ * 2) These are called:
+ * - BEFORE asking for a transport
+ * - AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true)
+ * 3) key is the dataType
+ * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
+ * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed
+ */
+ prefilters = {},
+ /* Transports bindings
+ * 1) key is the dataType
+ * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
+ * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed
+ */
+ transports = {},
+ // Document location
+ ajaxLocation,
+ // Document location segments
+ ajaxLocParts,
+ // Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression
+ allTypes = ["*/"] + ["*"];
+// #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing
+// a field from window.location if document.domain has been set
+try {
+ ajaxLocation = location.href;
+} catch( e ) {
+ // Use the href attribute of an A element
+ // since IE will modify it given document.location
+ ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" );
+ ajaxLocation.href = "";
+ ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href;
+// Segment location into parts
+ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ) || [];
+// Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport
+function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) {
+ // dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*"
+ return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) {
+ if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) {
+ func = dataTypeExpression;
+ dataTypeExpression = "*";
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) {
+ var dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ),
+ i = 0,
+ length = dataTypes.length,
+ dataType,
+ list,
+ placeBefore;
+ // For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression
+ for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+ dataType = dataTypes[ i ];
+ // We control if we're asked to add before
+ // any existing element
+ placeBefore = /^\+/.test( dataType );
+ if ( placeBefore ) {
+ dataType = dataType.substr( 1 ) || "*";
+ }
+ list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || [];
+ // then we add to the structure accordingly
+ list[ placeBefore ? "unshift" : "push" ]( func );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// Base inspection function for prefilters and transports
+function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR,
+ dataType /* internal */, inspected /* internal */ ) {
+ dataType = dataType || options.dataTypes[ 0 ];
+ inspected = inspected || {};
+ inspected[ dataType ] = true;
+ var list = structure[ dataType ],
+ i = 0,
+ length = list ? list.length : 0,
+ executeOnly = ( structure === prefilters ),
+ selection;
+ for ( ; i < length && ( executeOnly || !selection ); i++ ) {
+ selection = list[ i ]( options, originalOptions, jqXHR );
+ // If we got redirected to another dataType
+ // we try there if executing only and not done already
+ if ( typeof selection === "string" ) {
+ if ( !executeOnly || inspected[ selection ] ) {
+ selection = undefined;
+ } else {
+ options.dataTypes.unshift( selection );
+ selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
+ structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, selection, inspected );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're only executing or nothing was selected
+ // we try the catchall dataType if not done already
+ if ( ( executeOnly || !selection ) && !inspected[ "*" ] ) {
+ selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
+ structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, "*", inspected );
+ }
+ // unnecessary when only executing (prefilters)
+ // but it'll be ignored by the caller in that case
+ return selection;
+// A special extend for ajax options
+// that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended)
+// Fixes #9887
+function ajaxExtend( target, src ) {
+ var key, deep,
+ flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
+ for ( key in src ) {
+ if ( src[ key ] !== undefined ) {
+ ( flatOptions[ key ] ? target : ( deep || ( deep = {} ) ) )[ key ] = src[ key ];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( deep ) {
+ jQuery.extend( true, target, deep );
+ }
+ load: function( url, params, callback ) {
+ if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
+ return _load.apply( this, arguments );
+ // Don't do a request if no elements are being requested
+ } else if ( !this.length ) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ var off = url.indexOf( " " );
+ if ( off >= 0 ) {
+ var selector = url.slice( off, url.length );
+ url = url.slice( 0, off );
+ }
+ // Default to a GET request
+ var type = "GET";
+ // If the second parameter was provided
+ if ( params ) {
+ // If it's a function
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
+ // We assume that it's the callback
+ callback = params;
+ params = undefined;
+ // Otherwise, build a param string
+ } else if ( typeof params === "object" ) {
+ params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional );
+ type = "POST";
+ }
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ // Request the remote document
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ url: url,
+ type: type,
+ dataType: "html",
+ data: params,
+ // Complete callback (responseText is used internally)
+ complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) {
+ // Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object
+ responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
+ // If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
+ if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) {
+ // #4825: Get the actual response in case
+ // a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings
+ jqXHR.done(function( r ) {
+ responseText = r;
+ });
+ // See if a selector was specified
+ self.html( selector ?
+ // Create a dummy div to hold the results
+ jQuery("<div>")
+ // inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
+ // to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
+ .append(responseText.replace(rscript, ""))
+ // Locate the specified elements
+ .find(selector) :
+ // If not, just inject the full result
+ responseText );
+ }
+ if ( callback ) {
+ self.each( callback, [ responseText, status, jqXHR ] );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ serialize: function() {
+ return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() );
+ },
+ serializeArray: function() {
+ return this.map(function(){
+ return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray( this.elements ) : this;
+ })
+ .filter(function(){
+ return this.name && !this.disabled &&
+ ( this.checked || rselectTextarea.test( this.nodeName ) ||
+ rinput.test( this.type ) );
+ })
+ .map(function( i, elem ){
+ var val = jQuery( this ).val();
+ return val == null ?
+ null :
+ jQuery.isArray( val ) ?
+ jQuery.map( val, function( val, i ){
+ return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
+ }) :
+ { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
+ }).get();
+ }
+// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
+jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split( " " ), function( i, o ){
+ jQuery.fn[ o ] = function( f ){
+ return this.on( o, f );
+ };
+jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) {
+ jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) {
+ // shift arguments if data argument was omitted
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+ type = type || callback;
+ callback = data;
+ data = undefined;
+ }
+ return jQuery.ajax({
+ type: method,
+ url: url,
+ data: data,
+ success: callback,
+ dataType: type
+ });
+ };
+ getScript: function( url, callback ) {
+ return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" );
+ },
+ getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
+ return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" );
+ },
+ // Creates a full fledged settings object into target
+ // with both ajaxSettings and settings fields.
+ // If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings.
+ ajaxSetup: function( target, settings ) {
+ if ( settings ) {
+ // Building a settings object
+ ajaxExtend( target, jQuery.ajaxSettings );
+ } else {
+ // Extending ajaxSettings
+ settings = target;
+ target = jQuery.ajaxSettings;
+ }
+ ajaxExtend( target, settings );
+ return target;
+ },
+ ajaxSettings: {
+ url: ajaxLocation,
+ isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ),
+ global: true,
+ type: "GET",
+ contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
+ processData: true,
+ async: true,
+ /*
+ timeout: 0,
+ data: null,
+ dataType: null,
+ username: null,
+ password: null,
+ cache: null,
+ traditional: false,
+ headers: {},
+ */
+ accepts: {
+ xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
+ html: "text/html",
+ text: "text/plain",
+ json: "application/json, text/javascript",
+ "*": allTypes
+ },
+ contents: {
+ xml: /xml/,
+ html: /html/,
+ json: /json/
+ },
+ responseFields: {
+ xml: "responseXML",
+ text: "responseText"
+ },
+ // List of data converters
+ // 1) key format is "source_type destination_type" (a single space in-between)
+ // 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used for source_type
+ converters: {
+ // Convert anything to text
+ "* text": window.String,
+ // Text to html (true = no transformation)
+ "text html": true,
+ // Evaluate text as a json expression
+ "text json": jQuery.parseJSON,
+ // Parse text as xml
+ "text xml": jQuery.parseXML
+ },
+ // For options that shouldn't be deep extended:
+ // you can add your own custom options here if
+ // and when you create one that shouldn't be
+ // deep extended (see ajaxExtend)
+ flatOptions: {
+ context: true,
+ url: true
+ }
+ },
+ ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ),
+ ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ),
+ // Main method
+ ajax: function( url, options ) {
+ // If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature
+ if ( typeof url === "object" ) {
+ options = url;
+ url = undefined;
+ }
+ // Force options to be an object
+ options = options || {};
+ var // Create the final options object
+ s = jQuery.ajaxSetup( {}, options ),
+ // Callbacks context
+ callbackContext = s.context || s,
+ // Context for global events
+ // It's the callbackContext if one was provided in the options
+ // and if it's a DOM node or a jQuery collection
+ globalEventContext = callbackContext !== s &&
+ ( callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext instanceof jQuery ) ?
+ jQuery( callbackContext ) : jQuery.event,
+ // Deferreds
+ deferred = jQuery.Deferred(),
+ completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
+ // Status-dependent callbacks
+ statusCode = s.statusCode || {},
+ // ifModified key
+ ifModifiedKey,
+ // Headers (they are sent all at once)
+ requestHeaders = {},
+ requestHeadersNames = {},
+ // Response headers
+ responseHeadersString,
+ responseHeaders,
+ // transport
+ transport,
+ // timeout handle
+ timeoutTimer,
+ // Cross-domain detection vars
+ parts,
+ // The jqXHR state
+ state = 0,
+ // To know if global events are to be dispatched
+ fireGlobals,
+ // Loop variable
+ i,
+ // Fake xhr
+ jqXHR = {
+ readyState: 0,
+ // Caches the header
+ setRequestHeader: function( name, value ) {
+ if ( !state ) {
+ var lname = name.toLowerCase();
+ name = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] || name;
+ requestHeaders[ name ] = value;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Raw string
+ getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
+ return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null;
+ },
+ // Builds headers hashtable if needed
+ getResponseHeader: function( key ) {
+ var match;
+ if ( state === 2 ) {
+ if ( !responseHeaders ) {
+ responseHeaders = {};
+ while( ( match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString ) ) ) {
+ responseHeaders[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ match = responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ];
+ }
+ return match === undefined ? null : match;
+ },
+ // Overrides response content-type header
+ overrideMimeType: function( type ) {
+ if ( !state ) {
+ s.mimeType = type;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Cancel the request
+ abort: function( statusText ) {
+ statusText = statusText || "abort";
+ if ( transport ) {
+ transport.abort( statusText );
+ }
+ done( 0, statusText );
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ // Callback for when everything is done
+ // It is defined here because jslint complains if it is declared
+ // at the end of the function (which would be more logical and readable)
+ function done( status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers ) {
+ // Called once
+ if ( state === 2 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // State is "done" now
+ state = 2;
+ // Clear timeout if it exists
+ if ( timeoutTimer ) {
+ clearTimeout( timeoutTimer );
+ }
+ // Dereference transport for early garbage collection
+ // (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used)
+ transport = undefined;
+ // Cache response headers
+ responseHeadersString = headers || "";
+ // Set readyState
+ jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0;
+ var isSuccess,
+ success,
+ error,
+ statusText = nativeStatusText,
+ response = responses ? ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) : undefined,
+ lastModified,
+ etag;
+ // If successful, handle type chaining
+ if ( status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304 ) {
+ // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
+ if ( s.ifModified ) {
+ if ( ( lastModified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Last-Modified" ) ) ) {
+ jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] = lastModified;
+ }
+ if ( ( etag = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Etag" ) ) ) {
+ jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] = etag;
+ }
+ }
+ // If not modified
+ if ( status === 304 ) {
+ statusText = "notmodified";
+ isSuccess = true;
+ // If we have data
+ } else {
+ try {
+ success = ajaxConvert( s, response );
+ statusText = "success";
+ isSuccess = true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ // We have a parsererror
+ statusText = "parsererror";
+ error = e;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We extract error from statusText
+ // then normalize statusText and status for non-aborts
+ error = statusText;
+ if ( !statusText || status ) {
+ statusText = "error";
+ if ( status < 0 ) {
+ status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set data for the fake xhr object
+ jqXHR.status = status;
+ jqXHR.statusText = "" + ( nativeStatusText || statusText );
+ // Success/Error
+ if ( isSuccess ) {
+ deferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ success, statusText, jqXHR ] );
+ } else {
+ deferred.rejectWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText, error ] );
+ }
+ // Status-dependent callbacks
+ jqXHR.statusCode( statusCode );
+ statusCode = undefined;
+ if ( fireGlobals ) {
+ globalEventContext.trigger( "ajax" + ( isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error" ),
+ [ jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error ] );
+ }
+ // Complete
+ completeDeferred.fireWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText ] );
+ if ( fireGlobals ) {
+ globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [ jqXHR, s ] );
+ // Handle the global AJAX counter
+ if ( !( --jQuery.active ) ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Attach deferreds
+ deferred.promise( jqXHR );
+ jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done;
+ jqXHR.error = jqXHR.fail;
+ jqXHR.complete = completeDeferred.add;
+ // Status-dependent callbacks
+ jqXHR.statusCode = function( map ) {
+ if ( map ) {
+ var tmp;
+ if ( state < 2 ) {
+ for ( tmp in map ) {
+ statusCode[ tmp ] = [ statusCode[tmp], map[tmp] ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ tmp = map[ jqXHR.status ];
+ jqXHR.then( tmp, tmp );
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ // Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion)
+ // Add protocol if not provided (#5866: IE7 issue with protocol-less urls)
+ // We also use the url parameter if available
+ s.url = ( ( url || s.url ) + "" ).replace( rhash, "" ).replace( rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] + "//" );
+ // Extract dataTypes list
+ s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax );
+ // Determine if a cross-domain request is in order
+ if ( s.crossDomain == null ) {
+ parts = rurl.exec( s.url.toLowerCase() );
+ s.crossDomain = !!( parts &&
+ ( parts[ 1 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 2 ] ||
+ ( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) !=
+ ( ajaxLocParts[ 3 ] || ( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) )
+ );
+ }
+ // Convert data if not already a string
+ if ( s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string" ) {
+ s.data = jQuery.param( s.data, s.traditional );
+ }
+ // Apply prefilters
+ inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters, s, options, jqXHR );
+ // If request was aborted inside a prefilter, stop there
+ if ( state === 2 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We can fire global events as of now if asked to
+ fireGlobals = s.global;
+ // Uppercase the type
+ s.type = s.type.toUpperCase();
+ // Determine if request has content
+ s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test( s.type );
+ // Watch for a new set of requests
+ if ( fireGlobals && jQuery.active++ === 0 ) {
+ jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
+ }
+ // More options handling for requests with no content
+ if ( !s.hasContent ) {
+ // If data is available, append data to url
+ if ( s.data ) {
+ s.url += ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + s.data;
+ // #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry
+ delete s.data;
+ }
+ // Get ifModifiedKey before adding the anti-cache parameter
+ ifModifiedKey = s.url;
+ // Add anti-cache in url if needed
+ if ( s.cache === false ) {
+ var ts = jQuery.now(),
+ // try replacing _= if it is there
+ ret = s.url.replace( rts, "$1_=" + ts );
+ // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
+ s.url = ret + ( ( ret === s.url ) ? ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + ts : "" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the correct header, if data is being sent
+ if ( s.data && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType ) {
+ jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", s.contentType );
+ }
+ // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
+ if ( s.ifModified ) {
+ ifModifiedKey = ifModifiedKey || s.url;
+ if ( jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] ) {
+ jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] );
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] ) {
+ jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] );
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
+ jqXHR.setRequestHeader(
+ "Accept",
+ s.dataTypes[ 0 ] && s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] ?
+ s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] + ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "" ) :
+ s.accepts[ "*" ]
+ );
+ // Check for headers option
+ for ( i in s.headers ) {
+ jqXHR.setRequestHeader( i, s.headers[ i ] );
+ }
+ // Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
+ if ( s.beforeSend && ( s.beforeSend.call( callbackContext, jqXHR, s ) === false || state === 2 ) ) {
+ // Abort if not done already
+ jqXHR.abort();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Install callbacks on deferreds
+ for ( i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 } ) {
+ jqXHR[ i ]( s[ i ] );
+ }
+ // Get transport
+ transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( transports, s, options, jqXHR );
+ // If no transport, we auto-abort
+ if ( !transport ) {
+ done( -1, "No Transport" );
+ } else {
+ jqXHR.readyState = 1;
+ // Send global event
+ if ( fireGlobals ) {
+ globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxSend", [ jqXHR, s ] );
+ }
+ // Timeout
+ if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) {
+ timeoutTimer = setTimeout( function(){
+ jqXHR.abort( "timeout" );
+ }, s.timeout );
+ }
+ try {
+ state = 1;
+ transport.send( requestHeaders, done );
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Propagate exception as error if not done
+ if ( state < 2 ) {
+ done( -1, e );
+ // Simply rethrow otherwise
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return jqXHR;
+ },
+ // Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
+ // key/values into a query string
+ param: function( a, traditional ) {
+ var s = [],
+ add = function( key, value ) {
+ // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
+ value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : value;
+ s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value );
+ };
+ // Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
+ if ( traditional === undefined ) {
+ traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
+ }
+ // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) {
+ // Serialize the form elements
+ jQuery.each( a, function() {
+ add( this.name, this.value );
+ });
+ } else {
+ // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
+ // did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
+ for ( var prefix in a ) {
+ buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], traditional, add );
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the resulting serialization
+ return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" );
+ }
+function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) ) {
+ // Serialize array item.
+ jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
+ if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) {
+ // Treat each array item as a scalar.
+ add( prefix, v );
+ } else {
+ // If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its
+ // numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues.
+ // Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize
+ // nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause
+ // a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's
+ // deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag
+ // to force array serialization to be shallow.
+ buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add );
+ }
+ });
+ } else if ( !traditional && jQuery.type( obj ) === "object" ) {
+ // Serialize object item.
+ for ( var name in obj ) {
+ buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Serialize scalar item.
+ add( prefix, obj );
+ }
+// This is still on the jQuery object... for now
+// Want to move this to jQuery.ajax some day
+ // Counter for holding the number of active queries
+ active: 0,
+ // Last-Modified header cache for next request
+ lastModified: {},
+ etag: {}
+/* Handles responses to an ajax request:
+ * - sets all responseXXX fields accordingly
+ * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType)
+ * - returns the corresponding response
+ */
+function ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) {
+ var contents = s.contents,
+ dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
+ responseFields = s.responseFields,
+ ct,
+ type,
+ finalDataType,
+ firstDataType;
+ // Fill responseXXX fields
+ for ( type in responseFields ) {
+ if ( type in responses ) {
+ jqXHR[ responseFields[type] ] = responses[ type ];
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process
+ while( dataTypes[ 0 ] === "*" ) {
+ dataTypes.shift();
+ if ( ct === undefined ) {
+ ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "content-type" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if we're dealing with a known content-type
+ if ( ct ) {
+ for ( type in contents ) {
+ if ( contents[ type ] && contents[ type ].test( ct ) ) {
+ dataTypes.unshift( type );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType
+ if ( dataTypes[ 0 ] in responses ) {
+ finalDataType = dataTypes[ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ // Try convertible dataTypes
+ for ( type in responses ) {
+ if ( !dataTypes[ 0 ] || s.converters[ type + " " + dataTypes[0] ] ) {
+ finalDataType = type;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( !firstDataType ) {
+ firstDataType = type;
+ }
+ }
+ // Or just use first one
+ finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType;
+ }
+ // If we found a dataType
+ // We add the dataType to the list if needed
+ // and return the corresponding response
+ if ( finalDataType ) {
+ if ( finalDataType !== dataTypes[ 0 ] ) {
+ dataTypes.unshift( finalDataType );
+ }
+ return responses[ finalDataType ];
+ }
+// Chain conversions given the request and the original response
+function ajaxConvert( s, response ) {
+ // Apply the dataFilter if provided
+ if ( s.dataFilter ) {
+ response = s.dataFilter( response, s.dataType );
+ }
+ var dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
+ converters = {},
+ i,
+ key,
+ length = dataTypes.length,
+ tmp,
+ // Current and previous dataTypes
+ current = dataTypes[ 0 ],
+ prev,
+ // Conversion expression
+ conversion,
+ // Conversion function
+ conv,
+ // Conversion functions (transitive conversion)
+ conv1,
+ conv2;
+ // For each dataType in the chain
+ for ( i = 1; i < length; i++ ) {
+ // Create converters map
+ // with lowercased keys
+ if ( i === 1 ) {
+ for ( key in s.converters ) {
+ if ( typeof key === "string" ) {
+ converters[ key.toLowerCase() ] = s.converters[ key ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the dataTypes
+ prev = current;
+ current = dataTypes[ i ];
+ // If current is auto dataType, update it to prev
+ if ( current === "*" ) {
+ current = prev;
+ // If no auto and dataTypes are actually different
+ } else if ( prev !== "*" && prev !== current ) {
+ // Get the converter
+ conversion = prev + " " + current;
+ conv = converters[ conversion ] || converters[ "* " + current ];
+ // If there is no direct converter, search transitively
+ if ( !conv ) {
+ conv2 = undefined;
+ for ( conv1 in converters ) {
+ tmp = conv1.split( " " );
+ if ( tmp[ 0 ] === prev || tmp[ 0 ] === "*" ) {
+ conv2 = converters[ tmp[1] + " " + current ];
+ if ( conv2 ) {
+ conv1 = converters[ conv1 ];
+ if ( conv1 === true ) {
+ conv = conv2;
+ } else if ( conv2 === true ) {
+ conv = conv1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we found no converter, dispatch an error
+ if ( !( conv || conv2 ) ) {
+ jQuery.error( "No conversion from " + conversion.replace(" "," to ") );
+ }
+ // If found converter is not an equivalence
+ if ( conv !== true ) {
+ // Convert with 1 or 2 converters accordingly
+ response = conv ? conv( response ) : conv2( conv1(response) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return response;
+var jsc = jQuery.now(),
+ jsre = /(\=)\?(&|$)|\?\?/i;
+// Default jsonp settings
+ jsonp: "callback",
+ jsonpCallback: function() {
+ return jQuery.expando + "_" + ( jsc++ );
+ }
+// Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests
+jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "json jsonp", function( s, originalSettings, jqXHR ) {
+ var inspectData = ( typeof s.data === "string" ) && /^application\/x\-www\-form\-urlencoded/.test( s.contentType );
+ if ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" ||
+ s.jsonp !== false && ( jsre.test( s.url ) ||
+ inspectData && jsre.test( s.data ) ) ) {
+ var responseContainer,
+ jsonpCallback = s.jsonpCallback =
+ jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback,
+ previous = window[ jsonpCallback ],
+ url = s.url,
+ data = s.data,
+ replace = "$1" + jsonpCallback + "$2";
+ if ( s.jsonp !== false ) {
+ url = url.replace( jsre, replace );
+ if ( s.url === url ) {
+ if ( inspectData ) {
+ data = data.replace( jsre, replace );
+ }
+ if ( s.data === data ) {
+ // Add callback manually
+ url += (/\?/.test( url ) ? "&" : "?") + s.jsonp + "=" + jsonpCallback;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s.url = url;
+ s.data = data;
+ // Install callback
+ window[ jsonpCallback ] = function( response ) {
+ responseContainer = [ response ];
+ };
+ // Clean-up function
+ jqXHR.always(function() {
+ // Set callback back to previous value
+ window[ jsonpCallback ] = previous;
+ // Call if it was a function and we have a response
+ if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction( previous ) ) {
+ window[ jsonpCallback ]( responseContainer[ 0 ] );
+ }
+ });
+ // Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution
+ s.converters["script json"] = function() {
+ if ( !responseContainer ) {
+ jQuery.error( jsonpCallback + " was not called" );
+ }
+ return responseContainer[ 0 ];
+ };
+ // force json dataType
+ s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json";
+ // Delegate to script
+ return "script";
+ }
+// Install script dataType
+ accepts: {
+ script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
+ },
+ contents: {
+ script: /javascript|ecmascript/
+ },
+ converters: {
+ "text script": function( text ) {
+ jQuery.globalEval( text );
+ return text;
+ }
+ }
+// Handle cache's special case and global
+jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "script", function( s ) {
+ if ( s.cache === undefined ) {
+ s.cache = false;
+ }
+ if ( s.crossDomain ) {
+ s.type = "GET";
+ s.global = false;
+ }
+// Bind script tag hack transport
+jQuery.ajaxTransport( "script", function(s) {
+ // This transport only deals with cross domain requests
+ if ( s.crossDomain ) {
+ var script,
+ head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement;
+ return {
+ send: function( _, callback ) {
+ script = document.createElement( "script" );
+ script.async = "async";
+ if ( s.scriptCharset ) {
+ script.charset = s.scriptCharset;
+ }
+ script.src = s.url;
+ // Attach handlers for all browsers
+ script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function( _, isAbort ) {
+ if ( isAbort || !script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test( script.readyState ) ) {
+ // Handle memory leak in IE
+ script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
+ // Remove the script
+ if ( head && script.parentNode ) {
+ head.removeChild( script );
+ }
+ // Dereference the script
+ script = undefined;
+ // Callback if not abort
+ if ( !isAbort ) {
+ callback( 200, "success" );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
+ // This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378).
+ head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
+ },
+ abort: function() {
+ if ( script ) {
+ script.onload( 0, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+var // #5280: Internet Explorer will keep connections alive if we don't abort on unload
+ xhrOnUnloadAbort = window.ActiveXObject ? function() {
+ // Abort all pending requests
+ for ( var key in xhrCallbacks ) {
+ xhrCallbacks[ key ]( 0, 1 );
+ }
+ } : false,
+ xhrId = 0,
+ xhrCallbacks;
+// Functions to create xhrs
+function createStandardXHR() {
+ try {
+ return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
+ } catch( e ) {}
+function createActiveXHR() {
+ try {
+ return new window.ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
+ } catch( e ) {}
+// Create the request object
+// (This is still attached to ajaxSettings for backward compatibility)
+jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = window.ActiveXObject ?
+ /* Microsoft failed to properly
+ * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files),
+ * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
+ * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so
+ * we need a fallback.
+ */
+ function() {
+ return !this.isLocal && createStandardXHR() || createActiveXHR();
+ } :
+ // For all other browsers, use the standard XMLHttpRequest object
+ createStandardXHR;
+// Determine support properties
+(function( xhr ) {
+ jQuery.extend( jQuery.support, {
+ ajax: !!xhr,
+ cors: !!xhr && ( "withCredentials" in xhr )
+ });
+})( jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr() );
+// Create transport if the browser can provide an xhr
+if ( jQuery.support.ajax ) {
+ jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) {
+ // Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest
+ if ( !s.crossDomain || jQuery.support.cors ) {
+ var callback;
+ return {
+ send: function( headers, complete ) {
+ // Get a new xhr
+ var xhr = s.xhr(),
+ handle,
+ i;
+ // Open the socket
+ // Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865)
+ if ( s.username ) {
+ xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password );
+ } else {
+ xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async );
+ }
+ // Apply custom fields if provided
+ if ( s.xhrFields ) {
+ for ( i in s.xhrFields ) {
+ xhr[ i ] = s.xhrFields[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+ // Override mime type if needed
+ if ( s.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) {
+ xhr.overrideMimeType( s.mimeType );
+ }
+ // X-Requested-With header
+ // For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are
+ // akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure.
+ // (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup)
+ // For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided.
+ if ( !s.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"] ) {
+ headers[ "X-Requested-With" ] = "XMLHttpRequest";
+ }
+ // Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3
+ try {
+ for ( i in headers ) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] );
+ }
+ } catch( _ ) {}
+ // Do send the request
+ // This may raise an exception which is actually
+ // handled in jQuery.ajax (so no try/catch here)
+ xhr.send( ( s.hasContent && s.data ) || null );
+ // Listener
+ callback = function( _, isAbort ) {
+ var status,
+ statusText,
+ responseHeaders,
+ responses,
+ xml;
+ // Firefox throws exceptions when accessing properties
+ // of an xhr when a network error occured
+ // http://helpful.knobs-dials.com/index.php/Component_returned_failure_code:_0x80040111_(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)
+ try {
+ // Was never called and is aborted or complete
+ if ( callback && ( isAbort || xhr.readyState === 4 ) ) {
+ // Only called once
+ callback = undefined;
+ // Do not keep as active anymore
+ if ( handle ) {
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop;
+ if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) {
+ delete xhrCallbacks[ handle ];
+ }
+ }
+ // If it's an abort
+ if ( isAbort ) {
+ // Abort it manually if needed
+ if ( xhr.readyState !== 4 ) {
+ xhr.abort();
+ }
+ } else {
+ status = xhr.status;
+ responseHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
+ responses = {};
+ xml = xhr.responseXML;
+ // Construct response list
+ if ( xml && xml.documentElement /* #4958 */ ) {
+ responses.xml = xml;
+ }
+ // When requesting binary data, IE6-9 will throw an exception
+ // on any attempt to access responseText (#11426)
+ try {
+ responses.text = xhr.responseText;
+ } catch( _ ) {
+ }
+ // Firefox throws an exception when accessing
+ // statusText for faulty cross-domain requests
+ try {
+ statusText = xhr.statusText;
+ } catch( e ) {
+ // We normalize with Webkit giving an empty statusText
+ statusText = "";
+ }
+ // Filter status for non standard behaviors
+ // If the request is local and we have data: assume a success
+ // (success with no data won't get notified, that's the best we
+ // can do given current implementations)
+ if ( !status && s.isLocal && !s.crossDomain ) {
+ status = responses.text ? 200 : 404;
+ // IE - #1450: sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204
+ } else if ( status === 1223 ) {
+ status = 204;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch( firefoxAccessException ) {
+ if ( !isAbort ) {
+ complete( -1, firefoxAccessException );
+ }
+ }
+ // Call complete if needed
+ if ( responses ) {
+ complete( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders );
+ }
+ };
+ // if we're in sync mode or it's in cache
+ // and has been retrieved directly (IE6 & IE7)
+ // we need to manually fire the callback
+ if ( !s.async || xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
+ callback();
+ } else {
+ handle = ++xhrId;
+ if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) {
+ // Create the active xhrs callbacks list if needed
+ // and attach the unload handler
+ if ( !xhrCallbacks ) {
+ xhrCallbacks = {};
+ jQuery( window ).unload( xhrOnUnloadAbort );
+ }
+ // Add to list of active xhrs callbacks
+ xhrCallbacks[ handle ] = callback;
+ }
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = callback;
+ }
+ },
+ abort: function() {
+ if ( callback ) {
+ callback(0,1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ });
+var elemdisplay = {},
+ iframe, iframeDoc,
+ rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
+ rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i,
+ timerId,
+ fxAttrs = [
+ // height animations
+ [ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
+ // width animations
+ [ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
+ // opacity animations
+ [ "opacity" ]
+ ],
+ fxNow;
+ show: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+ var elem, display;
+ if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
+ return this.animate( genFx("show", 3), speed, easing, callback );
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[ i ];
+ if ( elem.style ) {
+ display = elem.style.display;
+ // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
+ // being hidden by cascaded rules or not
+ if ( !jQuery._data(elem, "olddisplay") && display === "none" ) {
+ display = elem.style.display = "";
+ }
+ // Set elements which have been overridden with display: none
+ // in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is
+ // for such an element
+ if ( (display === "" && jQuery.css(elem, "display") === "none") ||
+ !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
+ jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop
+ // to avoid the constant reflow
+ for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[ i ];
+ if ( elem.style ) {
+ display = elem.style.display;
+ if ( display === "" || display === "none" ) {
+ elem.style.display = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ) || "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+ if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
+ return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback);
+ } else {
+ var elem, display,
+ i = 0,
+ j = this.length;
+ for ( ; i < j; i++ ) {
+ elem = this[i];
+ if ( elem.style ) {
+ display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" );
+ if ( display !== "none" && !jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ) ) {
+ jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", display );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the display of the elements in a second loop
+ // to avoid the constant reflow
+ for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
+ if ( this[i].style ) {
+ this[i].style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ // Save the old toggle function
+ _toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,
+ toggle: function( fn, fn2, callback ) {
+ var bool = typeof fn === "boolean";
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ) {
+ this._toggle.apply( this, arguments );
+ } else if ( fn == null || bool ) {
+ this.each(function() {
+ var state = bool ? fn : jQuery(this).is(":hidden");
+ jQuery(this)[ state ? "show" : "hide" ]();
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.animate(genFx("toggle", 3), fn, fn2, callback);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) {
+ return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end()
+ .animate({opacity: to}, speed, easing, callback);
+ },
+ animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
+ var optall = jQuery.speed( speed, easing, callback );
+ if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ) ) {
+ return this.each( optall.complete, [ false ] );
+ }
+ // Do not change referenced properties as per-property easing will be lost
+ prop = jQuery.extend( {}, prop );
+ function doAnimation() {
+ // XXX 'this' does not always have a nodeName when running the
+ // test suite
+ if ( optall.queue === false ) {
+ jQuery._mark( this );
+ }
+ var opt = jQuery.extend( {}, optall ),
+ isElement = this.nodeType === 1,
+ hidden = isElement && jQuery(this).is(":hidden"),
+ name, val, p, e, hooks, replace,
+ parts, start, end, unit,
+ method;
+ // will store per property easing and be used to determine when an animation is complete
+ opt.animatedProperties = {};
+ // first pass over propertys to expand / normalize
+ for ( p in prop ) {
+ name = jQuery.camelCase( p );
+ if ( p !== name ) {
+ prop[ name ] = prop[ p ];
+ delete prop[ p ];
+ }
+ if ( ( hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] ) && "expand" in hooks ) {
+ replace = hooks.expand( prop[ name ] );
+ delete prop[ name ];
+ // not quite $.extend, this wont overwrite keys already present.
+ // also - reusing 'p' from above because we have the correct "name"
+ for ( p in replace ) {
+ if ( ! ( p in prop ) ) {
+ prop[ p ] = replace[ p ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( name in prop ) {
+ val = prop[ name ];
+ // easing resolution: per property > opt.specialEasing > opt.easing > 'swing' (default)
+ if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
+ opt.animatedProperties[ name ] = val[ 1 ];
+ val = prop[ name ] = val[ 0 ];
+ } else {
+ opt.animatedProperties[ name ] = opt.specialEasing && opt.specialEasing[ name ] || opt.easing || 'swing';
+ }
+ if ( val === "hide" && hidden || val === "show" && !hidden ) {
+ return opt.complete.call( this );
+ }
+ if ( isElement && ( name === "height" || name === "width" ) ) {
+ // Make sure that nothing sneaks out
+ // Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not
+ // change the overflow attribute when overflowX and
+ // overflowY are set to the same value
+ opt.overflow = [ this.style.overflow, this.style.overflowX, this.style.overflowY ];
+ // Set display property to inline-block for height/width
+ // animations on inline elements that are having width/height animated
+ if ( jQuery.css( this, "display" ) === "inline" &&
+ jQuery.css( this, "float" ) === "none" ) {
+ // inline-level elements accept inline-block;
+ // block-level elements need to be inline with layout
+ if ( !jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || defaultDisplay( this.nodeName ) === "inline" ) {
+ this.style.display = "inline-block";
+ } else {
+ this.style.zoom = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( opt.overflow != null ) {
+ this.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ }
+ for ( p in prop ) {
+ e = new jQuery.fx( this, opt, p );
+ val = prop[ p ];
+ if ( rfxtypes.test( val ) ) {
+ // Tracks whether to show or hide based on private
+ // data attached to the element
+ method = jQuery._data( this, "toggle" + p ) || ( val === "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : 0 );
+ if ( method ) {
+ jQuery._data( this, "toggle" + p, method === "show" ? "hide" : "show" );
+ e[ method ]();
+ } else {
+ e[ val ]();
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts = rfxnum.exec( val );
+ start = e.cur();
+ if ( parts ) {
+ end = parseFloat( parts[2] );
+ unit = parts[3] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ p ] ? "" : "px" );
+ // We need to compute starting value
+ if ( unit !== "px" ) {
+ jQuery.style( this, p, (end || 1) + unit);
+ start = ( (end || 1) / e.cur() ) * start;
+ jQuery.style( this, p, start + unit);
+ }
+ // If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
+ if ( parts[1] ) {
+ end = ( (parts[ 1 ] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end ) + start;
+ }
+ e.custom( start, end, unit );
+ } else {
+ e.custom( start, val, "" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // For JS strict compliance
+ return true;
+ }
+ return optall.queue === false ?
+ this.each( doAnimation ) :
+ this.queue( optall.queue, doAnimation );
+ },
+ stop: function( type, clearQueue, gotoEnd ) {
+ if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+ gotoEnd = clearQueue;
+ clearQueue = type;
+ type = undefined;
+ }
+ if ( clearQueue && type !== false ) {
+ this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+ }
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var index,
+ hadTimers = false,
+ timers = jQuery.timers,
+ data = jQuery._data( this );
+ // clear marker counters if we know they won't be
+ if ( !gotoEnd ) {
+ jQuery._unmark( true, this );
+ }
+ function stopQueue( elem, data, index ) {
+ var hooks = data[ index ];
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, index, true );
+ hooks.stop( gotoEnd );
+ }
+ if ( type == null ) {
+ for ( index in data ) {
+ if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop && index.indexOf(".run") === index.length - 4 ) {
+ stopQueue( this, data, index );
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( data[ index = type + ".run" ] && data[ index ].stop ){
+ stopQueue( this, data, index );
+ }
+ for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) {
+ if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && (type == null || timers[ index ].queue === type) ) {
+ if ( gotoEnd ) {
+ // force the next step to be the last
+ timers[ index ]( true );
+ } else {
+ timers[ index ].saveState();
+ }
+ hadTimers = true;
+ timers.splice( index, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ // start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced
+ // timers currently will call their complete callbacks, which will dequeue
+ // but only if they were gotoEnd
+ if ( !( gotoEnd && hadTimers ) ) {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+// Animations created synchronously will run synchronously
+function createFxNow() {
+ setTimeout( clearFxNow, 0 );
+ return ( fxNow = jQuery.now() );
+function clearFxNow() {
+ fxNow = undefined;
+// Generate parameters to create a standard animation
+function genFx( type, num ) {
+ var obj = {};
+ jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply([], fxAttrs.slice( 0, num )), function() {
+ obj[ this ] = type;
+ });
+ return obj;
+// Generate shortcuts for custom animations
+ slideDown: genFx( "show", 1 ),
+ slideUp: genFx( "hide", 1 ),
+ slideToggle: genFx( "toggle", 1 ),
+ fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
+ fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
+ fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
+}, function( name, props ) {
+ jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+ return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback );
+ };
+ speed: function( speed, easing, fn ) {
+ var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend( {}, speed ) : {
+ complete: fn || !fn && easing ||
+ jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
+ duration: speed,
+ easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction( easing ) && easing
+ };
+ opt.duration = jQuery.fx.off ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration :
+ opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default;
+ // normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx"
+ if ( opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true ) {
+ opt.queue = "fx";
+ }
+ // Queueing
+ opt.old = opt.complete;
+ opt.complete = function( noUnmark ) {
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) {
+ opt.old.call( this );
+ }
+ if ( opt.queue ) {
+ jQuery.dequeue( this, opt.queue );
+ } else if ( noUnmark !== false ) {
+ jQuery._unmark( this );
+ }
+ };
+ return opt;
+ },
+ easing: {
+ linear: function( p ) {
+ return p;
+ },
+ swing: function( p ) {
+ return ( -Math.cos( p*Math.PI ) / 2 ) + 0.5;
+ }
+ },
+ timers: [],
+ fx: function( elem, options, prop ) {
+ this.options = options;
+ this.elem = elem;
+ this.prop = prop;
+ options.orig = options.orig || {};
+ }
+jQuery.fx.prototype = {
+ // Simple function for setting a style value
+ update: function() {
+ if ( this.options.step ) {
+ this.options.step.call( this.elem, this.now, this );
+ }
+ ( jQuery.fx.step[ this.prop ] || jQuery.fx.step._default )( this );
+ },
+ // Get the current size
+ cur: function() {
+ if ( this.elem[ this.prop ] != null && (!this.elem.style || this.elem.style[ this.prop ] == null) ) {
+ return this.elem[ this.prop ];
+ }
+ var parsed,
+ r = jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop );
+ // Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0,
+ // complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as is,
+ // simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float.
+ return isNaN( parsed = parseFloat( r ) ) ? !r || r === "auto" ? 0 : r : parsed;
+ },
+ // Start an animation from one number to another
+ custom: function( from, to, unit ) {
+ var self = this,
+ fx = jQuery.fx;
+ this.startTime = fxNow || createFxNow();
+ this.end = to;
+ this.now = this.start = from;
+ this.pos = this.state = 0;
+ this.unit = unit || this.unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ this.prop ] ? "" : "px" );
+ function t( gotoEnd ) {
+ return self.step( gotoEnd );
+ }
+ t.queue = this.options.queue;
+ t.elem = this.elem;
+ t.saveState = function() {
+ if ( jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop ) === undefined ) {
+ if ( self.options.hide ) {
+ jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop, self.start );
+ } else if ( self.options.show ) {
+ jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop, self.end );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( t() && jQuery.timers.push(t) && !timerId ) {
+ timerId = setInterval( fx.tick, fx.interval );
+ }
+ },
+ // Simple 'show' function
+ show: function() {
+ var dataShow = jQuery._data( this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop );
+ // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+ this.options.orig[ this.prop ] = dataShow || jQuery.style( this.elem, this.prop );
+ this.options.show = true;
+ // Begin the animation
+ // Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any flash of content
+ if ( dataShow !== undefined ) {
+ // This show is picking up where a previous hide or show left off
+ this.custom( this.cur(), dataShow );
+ } else {
+ this.custom( this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur() );
+ }
+ // Start by showing the element
+ jQuery( this.elem ).show();
+ },
+ // Simple 'hide' function
+ hide: function() {
+ // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+ this.options.orig[ this.prop ] = jQuery._data( this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop ) || jQuery.style( this.elem, this.prop );
+ this.options.hide = true;
+ // Begin the animation
+ this.custom( this.cur(), 0 );
+ },
+ // Each step of an animation
+ step: function( gotoEnd ) {
+ var p, n, complete,
+ t = fxNow || createFxNow(),
+ done = true,
+ elem = this.elem,
+ options = this.options;
+ if ( gotoEnd || t >= options.duration + this.startTime ) {
+ this.now = this.end;
+ this.pos = this.state = 1;
+ this.update();
+ options.animatedProperties[ this.prop ] = true;
+ for ( p in options.animatedProperties ) {
+ if ( options.animatedProperties[ p ] !== true ) {
+ done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( done ) {
+ // Reset the overflow
+ if ( options.overflow != null && !jQuery.support.shrinkWrapBlocks ) {
+ jQuery.each( [ "", "X", "Y" ], function( index, value ) {
+ elem.style[ "overflow" + value ] = options.overflow[ index ];
+ });
+ }
+ // Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
+ if ( options.hide ) {
+ jQuery( elem ).hide();
+ }
+ // Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown
+ if ( options.hide || options.show ) {
+ for ( p in options.animatedProperties ) {
+ jQuery.style( elem, p, options.orig[ p ] );
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, "fxshow" + p, true );
+ // Toggle data is no longer needed
+ jQuery.removeData( elem, "toggle" + p, true );
+ }
+ }
+ // Execute the complete function
+ // in the event that the complete function throws an exception
+ // we must ensure it won't be called twice. #5684
+ complete = options.complete;
+ if ( complete ) {
+ options.complete = false;
+ complete.call( elem );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // classical easing cannot be used with an Infinity duration
+ if ( options.duration == Infinity ) {
+ this.now = t;
+ } else {
+ n = t - this.startTime;
+ this.state = n / options.duration;
+ // Perform the easing function, defaults to swing
+ this.pos = jQuery.easing[ options.animatedProperties[this.prop] ]( this.state, n, 0, 1, options.duration );
+ this.now = this.start + ( (this.end - this.start) * this.pos );
+ }
+ // Perform the next step of the animation
+ this.update();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, {
+ tick: function() {
+ var timer,
+ timers = jQuery.timers,
+ i = 0;
+ for ( ; i < timers.length; i++ ) {
+ timer = timers[ i ];
+ // Checks the timer has not already been removed
+ if ( !timer() && timers[ i ] === timer ) {
+ timers.splice( i--, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !timers.length ) {
+ jQuery.fx.stop();
+ }
+ },
+ interval: 13,
+ stop: function() {
+ clearInterval( timerId );
+ timerId = null;
+ },
+ speeds: {
+ slow: 600,
+ fast: 200,
+ // Default speed
+ _default: 400
+ },
+ step: {
+ opacity: function( fx ) {
+ jQuery.style( fx.elem, "opacity", fx.now );
+ },
+ _default: function( fx ) {
+ if ( fx.elem.style && fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] != null ) {
+ fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] = fx.now + fx.unit;
+ } else {
+ fx.elem[ fx.prop ] = fx.now;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Ensure props that can't be negative don't go there on undershoot easing
+jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply( [], fxAttrs ), function( i, prop ) {
+ // exclude marginTop, marginLeft, marginBottom and marginRight from this list
+ if ( prop.indexOf( "margin" ) ) {
+ jQuery.fx.step[ prop ] = function( fx ) {
+ jQuery.style( fx.elem, prop, Math.max(0, fx.now) + fx.unit );
+ };
+ }
+if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
+ jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) {
+ return elem === fn.elem;
+ }).length;
+ };
+// Try to restore the default display value of an element
+function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) {
+ if ( !elemdisplay[ nodeName ] ) {
+ var body = document.body,
+ elem = jQuery( "<" + nodeName + ">" ).appendTo( body ),
+ display = elem.css( "display" );
+ elem.remove();
+ // If the simple way fails,
+ // get element's real default display by attaching it to a temp iframe
+ if ( display === "none" || display === "" ) {
+ // No iframe to use yet, so create it
+ if ( !iframe ) {
+ iframe = document.createElement( "iframe" );
+ iframe.frameBorder = iframe.width = iframe.height = 0;
+ }
+ body.appendChild( iframe );
+ // Create a cacheable copy of the iframe document on first call.
+ // IE and Opera will allow us to reuse the iframeDoc without re-writing the fake HTML
+ // document to it; WebKit & Firefox won't allow reusing the iframe document.
+ if ( !iframeDoc || !iframe.createElement ) {
+ iframeDoc = ( iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument ).document;
+ iframeDoc.write( ( jQuery.support.boxModel ? "<!doctype html>" : "" ) + "<html><body>" );
+ iframeDoc.close();
+ }
+ elem = iframeDoc.createElement( nodeName );
+ iframeDoc.body.appendChild( elem );
+ display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" );
+ body.removeChild( iframe );
+ }
+ // Store the correct default display
+ elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display;
+ }
+ return elemdisplay[ nodeName ];
+var getOffset,
+ rtable = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
+ rroot = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
+if ( "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ) {
+ getOffset = function( elem, doc, docElem, box ) {
+ try {
+ box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+ } catch(e) {}
+ // Make sure we're not dealing with a disconnected DOM node
+ if ( !box || !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) {
+ return box ? { top: box.top, left: box.left } : { top: 0, left: 0 };
+ }
+ var body = doc.body,
+ win = getWindow( doc ),
+ clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0,
+ clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
+ scrollTop = win.pageYOffset || jQuery.support.boxModel && docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop,
+ scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset || jQuery.support.boxModel && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft,
+ top = box.top + scrollTop - clientTop,
+ left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;
+ return { top: top, left: left };
+ };
+} else {
+ getOffset = function( elem, doc, docElem ) {
+ var computedStyle,
+ offsetParent = elem.offsetParent,
+ prevOffsetParent = elem,
+ body = doc.body,
+ defaultView = doc.defaultView,
+ prevComputedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) : elem.currentStyle,
+ top = elem.offsetTop,
+ left = elem.offsetLeft;
+ while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== body && elem !== docElem ) {
+ if ( jQuery.support.fixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ computedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) : elem.currentStyle;
+ top -= elem.scrollTop;
+ left -= elem.scrollLeft;
+ if ( elem === offsetParent ) {
+ top += elem.offsetTop;
+ left += elem.offsetLeft;
+ if ( jQuery.support.doesNotAddBorder && !(jQuery.support.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && rtable.test(elem.nodeName)) ) {
+ top += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth ) || 0;
+ left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
+ }
+ prevOffsetParent = offsetParent;
+ offsetParent = elem.offsetParent;
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.support.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== "visible" ) {
+ top += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth ) || 0;
+ left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
+ }
+ prevComputedStyle = computedStyle;
+ }
+ if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "relative" || prevComputedStyle.position === "static" ) {
+ top += body.offsetTop;
+ left += body.offsetLeft;
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.support.fixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
+ top += Math.max( docElem.scrollTop, body.scrollTop );
+ left += Math.max( docElem.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft );
+ }
+ return { top: top, left: left };
+ };
+jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
+ if ( arguments.length ) {
+ return options === undefined ?
+ this :
+ this.each(function( i ) {
+ jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
+ });
+ }
+ var elem = this[0],
+ doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument;
+ if ( !doc ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ( elem === doc.body ) {
+ return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem );
+ }
+ return getOffset( elem, doc, doc.documentElement );
+jQuery.offset = {
+ bodyOffset: function( body ) {
+ var top = body.offsetTop,
+ left = body.offsetLeft;
+ if ( jQuery.support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset ) {
+ top += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0;
+ left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
+ }
+ return { top: top, left: left };
+ },
+ setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) {
+ var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" );
+ // set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
+ if ( position === "static" ) {
+ elem.style.position = "relative";
+ }
+ var curElem = jQuery( elem ),
+ curOffset = curElem.offset(),
+ curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ),
+ curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ),
+ calculatePosition = ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) && jQuery.inArray("auto", [curCSSTop, curCSSLeft]) > -1,
+ props = {}, curPosition = {}, curTop, curLeft;
+ // need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed
+ if ( calculatePosition ) {
+ curPosition = curElem.position();
+ curTop = curPosition.top;
+ curLeft = curPosition.left;
+ } else {
+ curTop = parseFloat( curCSSTop ) || 0;
+ curLeft = parseFloat( curCSSLeft ) || 0;
+ }
+ if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) {
+ options = options.call( elem, i, curOffset );
+ }
+ if ( options.top != null ) {
+ props.top = ( options.top - curOffset.top ) + curTop;
+ }
+ if ( options.left != null ) {
+ props.left = ( options.left - curOffset.left ) + curLeft;
+ }
+ if ( "using" in options ) {
+ options.using.call( elem, props );
+ } else {
+ curElem.css( props );
+ }
+ }
+ position: function() {
+ if ( !this[0] ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var elem = this[0],
+ // Get *real* offsetParent
+ offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
+ // Get correct offsets
+ offset = this.offset(),
+ parentOffset = rroot.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();
+ // Subtract element margins
+ // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
+ // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
+ offset.top -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop") ) || 0;
+ offset.left -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
+ // Add offsetParent borders
+ parentOffset.top += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth") ) || 0;
+ parentOffset.left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth") ) || 0;
+ // Subtract the two offsets
+ return {
+ top: offset.top - parentOffset.top,
+ left: offset.left - parentOffset.left
+ };
+ },
+ offsetParent: function() {
+ return this.map(function() {
+ var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.body;
+ while ( offsetParent && (!rroot.test(offsetParent.nodeName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") ) {
+ offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+ }
+ return offsetParent;
+ });
+ }
+// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
+jQuery.each( {scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset"}, function( method, prop ) {
+ var top = /Y/.test( prop );
+ jQuery.fn[ method ] = function( val ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, method, val ) {
+ var win = getWindow( elem );
+ if ( val === undefined ) {
+ return win ? (prop in win) ? win[ prop ] :
+ jQuery.support.boxModel && win.document.documentElement[ method ] ||
+ win.document.body[ method ] :
+ elem[ method ];
+ }
+ if ( win ) {
+ win.scrollTo(
+ !top ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollLeft(),
+ top ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollTop()
+ );
+ } else {
+ elem[ method ] = val;
+ }
+ }, method, val, arguments.length, null );
+ };
+function getWindow( elem ) {
+ return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ?
+ elem :
+ elem.nodeType === 9 ?
+ elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow :
+ false;
+// Create width, height, innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
+jQuery.each( { Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function( name, type ) {
+ var clientProp = "client" + name,
+ scrollProp = "scroll" + name,
+ offsetProp = "offset" + name;
+ // innerHeight and innerWidth
+ jQuery.fn[ "inner" + name ] = function() {
+ var elem = this[0];
+ return elem ?
+ elem.style ?
+ parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, type, "padding" ) ) :
+ this[ type ]() :
+ null;
+ };
+ // outerHeight and outerWidth
+ jQuery.fn[ "outer" + name ] = function( margin ) {
+ var elem = this[0];
+ return elem ?
+ elem.style ?
+ parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, type, margin ? "margin" : "border" ) ) :
+ this[ type ]() :
+ null;
+ };
+ jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( value ) {
+ return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, type, value ) {
+ var doc, docElemProp, orig, ret;
+ if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+ // 3rd condition allows Nokia support, as it supports the docElem prop but not CSS1Compat
+ doc = elem.document;
+ docElemProp = doc.documentElement[ clientProp ];
+ return jQuery.support.boxModel && docElemProp ||
+ doc.body && doc.body[ clientProp ] || docElemProp;
+ }
+ // Get document width or height
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) {
+ // Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater
+ doc = elem.documentElement;
+ // when a window > document, IE6 reports a offset[Width/Height] > client[Width/Height]
+ // so we can't use max, as it'll choose the incorrect offset[Width/Height]
+ // instead we use the correct client[Width/Height]
+ // support:IE6
+ if ( doc[ clientProp ] >= doc[ scrollProp ] ) {
+ return doc[ clientProp ];
+ }
+ return Math.max(
+ elem.body[ scrollProp ], doc[ scrollProp ],
+ elem.body[ offsetProp ], doc[ offsetProp ]
+ );
+ }
+ // Get width or height on the element
+ if ( value === undefined ) {
+ orig = jQuery.css( elem, type );
+ ret = parseFloat( orig );
+ return jQuery.isNumeric( ret ) ? ret : orig;
+ }
+ // Set the width or height on the element
+ jQuery( elem ).css( type, value );
+ }, type, value, arguments.length, null );
+ };
+// Expose jQuery to the global object
+window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
+// Expose jQuery as an AMD module, but only for AMD loaders that
+// understand the issues with loading multiple versions of jQuery
+// in a page that all might call define(). The loader will indicate
+// they have special allowances for multiple jQuery versions by
+// specifying define.amd.jQuery = true. Register as a named module,
+// since jQuery can be concatenated with other files that may use define,
+// but not use a proper concatenation script that understands anonymous
+// AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust way to register.
+// Lowercase jquery is used because AMD module names are derived from
+// file names, and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase file name.
+// Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants to call
+// noConflict to hide this version of jQuery, it will work.
+if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery ) {
+ define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } );
+})( window );
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/minus.png b/docs/build/html/_static/minus.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1c562
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/minus.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa1bc5
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df676ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/nh_polygons_agg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b9743
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3cb374
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/plus.png differ
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/pygments.css b/docs/build/html/_static/pygments.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79caa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/pygments.css
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
+.highlight { background: #eeffcc; }
+.highlight .c { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment */
+.highlight .err { border: 1px solid #FF0000 } /* Error */
+.highlight .k { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
+.highlight .o { color: #666666 } /* Operator */
+.highlight .cm { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */
+.highlight .cp { color: #007020 } /* Comment.Preproc */
+.highlight .c1 { color: #408090; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */
+.highlight .cs { color: #408090; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
+.highlight .gd { color: #A00000 } /* Generic.Deleted */
+.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
+.highlight .gr { color: #FF0000 } /* Generic.Error */
+.highlight .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */
+.highlight .gi { color: #00A000 } /* Generic.Inserted */
+.highlight .go { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Output */
+.highlight .gp { color: #c65d09; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Prompt */
+.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */
+.highlight .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Subheading */
+.highlight .gt { color: #0044DD } /* Generic.Traceback */
+.highlight .kc { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
+.highlight .kd { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
+.highlight .kn { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
+.highlight .kp { color: #007020 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
+.highlight .kr { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
+.highlight .kt { color: #902000 } /* Keyword.Type */
+.highlight .m { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number */
+.highlight .s { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String */
+.highlight .na { color: #4070a0 } /* Name.Attribute */
+.highlight .nb { color: #007020 } /* Name.Builtin */
+.highlight .nc { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
+.highlight .no { color: #60add5 } /* Name.Constant */
+.highlight .nd { color: #555555; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Decorator */
+.highlight .ni { color: #d55537; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Entity */
+.highlight .ne { color: #007020 } /* Name.Exception */
+.highlight .nf { color: #06287e } /* Name.Function */
+.highlight .nl { color: #002070; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Label */
+.highlight .nn { color: #0e84b5; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
+.highlight .nt { color: #062873; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
+.highlight .nv { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable */
+.highlight .ow { color: #007020; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */
+.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
+.highlight .mf { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Float */
+.highlight .mh { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
+.highlight .mi { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
+.highlight .mo { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
+.highlight .sb { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
+.highlight .sc { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
+.highlight .sd { color: #4070a0; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */
+.highlight .s2 { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
+.highlight .se { color: #4070a0; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */
+.highlight .sh { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
+.highlight .si { color: #70a0d0; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
+.highlight .sx { color: #c65d09 } /* Literal.String.Other */
+.highlight .sr { color: #235388 } /* Literal.String.Regex */
+.highlight .s1 { color: #4070a0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
+.highlight .ss { color: #517918 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
+.highlight .bp { color: #007020 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
+.highlight .vc { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
+.highlight .vg { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
+.highlight .vi { color: #bb60d5 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
+.highlight .il { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/searchtools.js b/docs/build/html/_static/searchtools.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b85cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/searchtools.js
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+ * searchtools.js_t
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * Sphinx JavaScript utilties for the full-text search.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+ * helper function to return a node containing the
+ * search summary for a given text. keywords is a list
+ * of stemmed words, hlwords is the list of normal, unstemmed
+ * words. the first one is used to find the occurance, the
+ * latter for highlighting it.
+ */
+jQuery.makeSearchSummary = function(text, keywords, hlwords) {
+ var textLower = text.toLowerCase();
+ var start = 0;
+ $.each(keywords, function() {
+ var i = textLower.indexOf(this.toLowerCase());
+ if (i > -1)
+ start = i;
+ });
+ start = Math.max(start - 120, 0);
+ var excerpt = ((start > 0) ? '...' : '') +
+ $.trim(text.substr(start, 240)) +
+ ((start + 240 - text.length) ? '...' : '');
+ var rv = $('<div class="context"></div>').text(excerpt);
+ $.each(hlwords, function() {
+ rv = rv.highlightText(this, 'highlighted');
+ });
+ return rv;
+ * Porter Stemmer
+ */
+var Stemmer = function() {
+ var step2list = {
+ ational: 'ate',
+ tional: 'tion',
+ enci: 'ence',
+ anci: 'ance',
+ izer: 'ize',
+ bli: 'ble',
+ alli: 'al',
+ entli: 'ent',
+ eli: 'e',
+ ousli: 'ous',
+ ization: 'ize',
+ ation: 'ate',
+ ator: 'ate',
+ alism: 'al',
+ iveness: 'ive',
+ fulness: 'ful',
+ ousness: 'ous',
+ aliti: 'al',
+ iviti: 'ive',
+ biliti: 'ble',
+ logi: 'log'
+ };
+ var step3list = {
+ icate: 'ic',
+ ative: '',
+ alize: 'al',
+ iciti: 'ic',
+ ical: 'ic',
+ ful: '',
+ ness: ''
+ };
+ var c = "[^aeiou]"; // consonant
+ var v = "[aeiouy]"; // vowel
+ var C = c + "[^aeiouy]*"; // consonant sequence
+ var V = v + "[aeiou]*"; // vowel sequence
+ var mgr0 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C; // [C]VC... is m>0
+ var meq1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + "(" + V + ")?$"; // [C]VC[V] is m=1
+ var mgr1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + V + C; // [C]VCVC... is m>1
+ var s_v = "^(" + C + ")?" + v; // vowel in stem
+ this.stemWord = function (w) {
+ var stem;
+ var suffix;
+ var firstch;
+ var origword = w;
+ if (w.length < 3)
+ return w;
+ var re;
+ var re2;
+ var re3;
+ var re4;
+ firstch = w.substr(0,1);
+ if (firstch == "y")
+ w = firstch.toUpperCase() + w.substr(1);
+ // Step 1a
+ re = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/;
+ re2 = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/;
+ if (re.test(w))
+ w = w.replace(re,"$1$2");
+ else if (re2.test(w))
+ w = w.replace(re2,"$1$2");
+ // Step 1b
+ re = /^(.+?)eed$/;
+ re2 = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/;
+ if (re.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re.exec(w);
+ re = new RegExp(mgr0);
+ if (re.test(fp[1])) {
+ re = /.$/;
+ w = w.replace(re,"");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (re2.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re2.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1];
+ re2 = new RegExp(s_v);
+ if (re2.test(stem)) {
+ w = stem;
+ re2 = /(at|bl|iz)$/;
+ re3 = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$");
+ re4 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$");
+ if (re2.test(w))
+ w = w + "e";
+ else if (re3.test(w)) {
+ re = /.$/;
+ w = w.replace(re,"");
+ }
+ else if (re4.test(w))
+ w = w + "e";
+ }
+ }
+ // Step 1c
+ re = /^(.+?)y$/;
+ if (re.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1];
+ re = new RegExp(s_v);
+ if (re.test(stem))
+ w = stem + "i";
+ }
+ // Step 2
+ re = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/;
+ if (re.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1];
+ suffix = fp[2];
+ re = new RegExp(mgr0);
+ if (re.test(stem))
+ w = stem + step2list[suffix];
+ }
+ // Step 3
+ re = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/;
+ if (re.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1];
+ suffix = fp[2];
+ re = new RegExp(mgr0);
+ if (re.test(stem))
+ w = stem + step3list[suffix];
+ }
+ // Step 4
+ re = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/;
+ re2 = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/;
+ if (re.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1];
+ re = new RegExp(mgr1);
+ if (re.test(stem))
+ w = stem;
+ }
+ else if (re2.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re2.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1] + fp[2];
+ re2 = new RegExp(mgr1);
+ if (re2.test(stem))
+ w = stem;
+ }
+ // Step 5
+ re = /^(.+?)e$/;
+ if (re.test(w)) {
+ var fp = re.exec(w);
+ stem = fp[1];
+ re = new RegExp(mgr1);
+ re2 = new RegExp(meq1);
+ re3 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$");
+ if (re.test(stem) || (re2.test(stem) && !(re3.test(stem))))
+ w = stem;
+ }
+ re = /ll$/;
+ re2 = new RegExp(mgr1);
+ if (re.test(w) && re2.test(w)) {
+ re = /.$/;
+ w = w.replace(re,"");
+ }
+ // and turn initial Y back to y
+ if (firstch == "y")
+ w = firstch.toLowerCase() + w.substr(1);
+ return w;
+ }
+ * Search Module
+ */
+var Search = {
+ _index : null,
+ _queued_query : null,
+ _pulse_status : -1,
+ init : function() {
+ var params = $.getQueryParameters();
+ if (params.q) {
+ var query = params.q[0];
+ $('input[name="q"]')[0].value = query;
+ this.performSearch(query);
+ }
+ },
+ loadIndex : function(url) {
+ $.ajax({type: "GET", url: url, data: null,
+ dataType: "script", cache: true,
+ complete: function(jqxhr, textstatus) {
+ if (textstatus != "success") {
+ document.getElementById("searchindexloader").src = url;
+ }
+ }});
+ },
+ setIndex : function(index) {
+ var q;
+ this._index = index;
+ if ((q = this._queued_query) !== null) {
+ this._queued_query = null;
+ Search.query(q);
+ }
+ },
+ hasIndex : function() {
+ return this._index !== null;
+ },
+ deferQuery : function(query) {
+ this._queued_query = query;
+ },
+ stopPulse : function() {
+ this._pulse_status = 0;
+ },
+ startPulse : function() {
+ if (this._pulse_status >= 0)
+ return;
+ function pulse() {
+ Search._pulse_status = (Search._pulse_status + 1) % 4;
+ var dotString = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < Search._pulse_status; i++)
+ dotString += '.';
+ Search.dots.text(dotString);
+ if (Search._pulse_status > -1)
+ window.setTimeout(pulse, 500);
+ };
+ pulse();
+ },
+ /**
+ * perform a search for something
+ */
+ performSearch : function(query) {
+ // create the required interface elements
+ this.out = $('#search-results');
+ this.title = $('<h2>' + _('Searching') + '</h2>').appendTo(this.out);
+ this.dots = $('<span></span>').appendTo(this.title);
+ this.status = $('<p style="display: none"></p>').appendTo(this.out);
+ this.output = $('<ul class="search"/>').appendTo(this.out);
+ $('#search-progress').text(_('Preparing search...'));
+ this.startPulse();
+ // index already loaded, the browser was quick!
+ if (this.hasIndex())
+ this.query(query);
+ else
+ this.deferQuery(query);
+ },
+ query : function(query) {
+ var stopwords = ["a","and","are","as","at","be","but","by","for","if","in","into","is","it","near","no","not","of","on","or","such","that","the","their","then","there","these","they","this","to","was","will","with"];
+ // Stem the searchterms and add them to the correct list
+ var stemmer = new Stemmer();
+ var searchterms = [];
+ var excluded = [];
+ var hlterms = [];
+ var tmp = query.split(/\s+/);
+ var objectterms = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
+ if (tmp[i] != "") {
+ objectterms.push(tmp[i].toLowerCase());
+ }
+ if ($u.indexOf(stopwords, tmp[i]) != -1 || tmp[i].match(/^\d+$/) ||
+ tmp[i] == "") {
+ // skip this "word"
+ continue;
+ }
+ // stem the word
+ var word = stemmer.stemWord(tmp[i]).toLowerCase();
+ // select the correct list
+ if (word[0] == '-') {
+ var toAppend = excluded;
+ word = word.substr(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ var toAppend = searchterms;
+ hlterms.push(tmp[i].toLowerCase());
+ }
+ // only add if not already in the list
+ if (!$.contains(toAppend, word))
+ toAppend.push(word);
+ };
+ var highlightstring = '?highlight=' + $.urlencode(hlterms.join(" "));
+ // console.debug('SEARCH: searching for:');
+ // console.info('required: ', searchterms);
+ // console.info('excluded: ', excluded);
+ // prepare search
+ var filenames = this._index.filenames;
+ var titles = this._index.titles;
+ var terms = this._index.terms;
+ var fileMap = {};
+ var files = null;
+ // different result priorities
+ var importantResults = [];
+ var objectResults = [];
+ var regularResults = [];
+ var unimportantResults = [];
+ $('#search-progress').empty();
+ // lookup as object
+ for (var i = 0; i < objectterms.length; i++) {
+ var others = [].concat(objectterms.slice(0,i),
+ objectterms.slice(i+1, objectterms.length))
+ var results = this.performObjectSearch(objectterms[i], others);
+ // Assume first word is most likely to be the object,
+ // other words more likely to be in description.
+ // Therefore put matches for earlier words first.
+ // (Results are eventually used in reverse order).
+ objectResults = results[0].concat(objectResults);
+ importantResults = results[1].concat(importantResults);
+ unimportantResults = results[2].concat(unimportantResults);
+ }
+ // perform the search on the required terms
+ for (var i = 0; i < searchterms.length; i++) {
+ var word = searchterms[i];
+ // no match but word was a required one
+ if ((files = terms[word]) == null)
+ break;
+ if (files.length == undefined) {
+ files = [files];
+ }
+ // create the mapping
+ for (var j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
+ var file = files[j];
+ if (file in fileMap)
+ fileMap[file].push(word);
+ else
+ fileMap[file] = [word];
+ }
+ }
+ // now check if the files don't contain excluded terms
+ for (var file in fileMap) {
+ var valid = true;
+ // check if all requirements are matched
+ if (fileMap[file].length != searchterms.length)
+ continue;
+ // ensure that none of the excluded terms is in the
+ // search result.
+ for (var i = 0; i < excluded.length; i++) {
+ if (terms[excluded[i]] == file ||
+ $.contains(terms[excluded[i]] || [], file)) {
+ valid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we have still a valid result we can add it
+ // to the result list
+ if (valid)
+ regularResults.push([filenames[file], titles[file], '', null]);
+ }
+ // delete unused variables in order to not waste
+ // memory until list is retrieved completely
+ delete filenames, titles, terms;
+ // now sort the regular results descending by title
+ regularResults.sort(function(a, b) {
+ var left = a[1].toLowerCase();
+ var right = b[1].toLowerCase();
+ return (left > right) ? -1 : ((left < right) ? 1 : 0);
+ });
+ // combine all results
+ var results = unimportantResults.concat(regularResults)
+ .concat(objectResults).concat(importantResults);
+ // print the results
+ var resultCount = results.length;
+ function displayNextItem() {
+ // results left, load the summary and display it
+ if (results.length) {
+ var item = results.pop();
+ var listItem = $('<li style="display:none"></li>');
+ // dirhtml builder
+ var dirname = item[0] + '/';
+ if (dirname.match(/\/index\/$/)) {
+ dirname = dirname.substring(0, dirname.length-6);
+ } else if (dirname == 'index/') {
+ dirname = '';
+ }
+ listItem.append($('<a/>').attr('href',
+ highlightstring + item[2]).html(item[1]));
+ } else {
+ // normal html builders
+ listItem.append($('<a/>').attr('href',
+ highlightstring + item[2]).html(item[1]));
+ }
+ if (item[3]) {
+ listItem.append($('<span> (' + item[3] + ')</span>'));
+ Search.output.append(listItem);
+ listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
+ displayNextItem();
+ });
+ $.ajax({url: DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT + '_sources/' + item[0] + '.txt',
+ dataType: "text",
+ complete: function(jqxhr, textstatus) {
+ var data = jqxhr.responseText;
+ if (data !== '') {
+ listItem.append($.makeSearchSummary(data, searchterms, hlterms));
+ }
+ Search.output.append(listItem);
+ listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
+ displayNextItem();
+ });
+ }});
+ } else {
+ // no source available, just display title
+ Search.output.append(listItem);
+ listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
+ displayNextItem();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // search finished, update title and status message
+ else {
+ Search.stopPulse();
+ Search.title.text(_('Search Results'));
+ if (!resultCount)
+ Search.status.text(_('Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you\'ve selected enough categories.'));
+ else
+ Search.status.text(_('Search finished, found %s page(s) matching the search query.').replace('%s', resultCount));
+ Search.status.fadeIn(500);
+ }
+ }
+ displayNextItem();
+ },
+ performObjectSearch : function(object, otherterms) {
+ var filenames = this._index.filenames;
+ var objects = this._index.objects;
+ var objnames = this._index.objnames;
+ var titles = this._index.titles;
+ var importantResults = [];
+ var objectResults = [];
+ var unimportantResults = [];
+ for (var prefix in objects) {
+ for (var name in objects[prefix]) {
+ var fullname = (prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + name;
+ if (fullname.toLowerCase().indexOf(object) > -1) {
+ var match = objects[prefix][name];
+ var objname = objnames[match[1]][2];
+ var title = titles[match[0]];
+ // If more than one term searched for, we require other words to be
+ // found in the name/title/description
+ if (otherterms.length > 0) {
+ var haystack = (prefix + ' ' + name + ' ' +
+ objname + ' ' + title).toLowerCase();
+ var allfound = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < otherterms.length; i++) {
+ if (haystack.indexOf(otherterms[i]) == -1) {
+ allfound = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!allfound) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ var descr = objname + _(', in ') + title;
+ anchor = match[3];
+ if (anchor == '')
+ anchor = fullname;
+ else if (anchor == '-')
+ anchor = objnames[match[1]][1] + '-' + fullname;
+ result = [filenames[match[0]], fullname, '#'+anchor, descr];
+ switch (match[2]) {
+ case 1: objectResults.push(result); break;
+ case 0: importantResults.push(result); break;
+ case 2: unimportantResults.push(result); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // sort results descending
+ objectResults.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return (a[1] > b[1]) ? -1 : ((a[1] < b[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ });
+ importantResults.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return (a[1] > b[1]) ? -1 : ((a[1] < b[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ });
+ unimportantResults.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return (a[1] > b[1]) ? -1 : ((a[1] < b[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ });
+ return [importantResults, objectResults, unimportantResults]
+ }
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ Search.init();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/sidebar.js b/docs/build/html/_static/sidebar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a45e192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/sidebar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * sidebar.js
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * This script makes the Sphinx sidebar collapsible.
+ *
+ * .sphinxsidebar contains .sphinxsidebarwrapper. This script adds
+ * in .sphixsidebar, after .sphinxsidebarwrapper, the #sidebarbutton
+ * used to collapse and expand the sidebar.
+ *
+ * When the sidebar is collapsed the .sphinxsidebarwrapper is hidden
+ * and the width of the sidebar and the margin-left of the document
+ * are decreased. When the sidebar is expanded the opposite happens.
+ * This script saves a per-browser/per-session cookie used to
+ * remember the position of the sidebar among the pages.
+ * Once the browser is closed the cookie is deleted and the position
+ * reset to the default (expanded).
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+$(function() {
+ // global elements used by the functions.
+ // the 'sidebarbutton' element is defined as global after its
+ // creation, in the add_sidebar_button function
+ var bodywrapper = $('.bodywrapper');
+ var sidebar = $('.sphinxsidebar');
+ var sidebarwrapper = $('.sphinxsidebarwrapper');
+ // for some reason, the document has no sidebar; do not run into errors
+ if (!sidebar.length) return;
+ // original margin-left of the bodywrapper and width of the sidebar
+ // with the sidebar expanded
+ var bw_margin_expanded = bodywrapper.css('margin-left');
+ var ssb_width_expanded = sidebar.width();
+ // margin-left of the bodywrapper and width of the sidebar
+ // with the sidebar collapsed
+ var bw_margin_collapsed = '.8em';
+ var ssb_width_collapsed = '.8em';
+ // colors used by the current theme
+ var dark_color = $('.related').css('background-color');
+ var light_color = $('.document').css('background-color');
+ function sidebar_is_collapsed() {
+ return sidebarwrapper.is(':not(:visible)');
+ }
+ function toggle_sidebar() {
+ if (sidebar_is_collapsed())
+ expand_sidebar();
+ else
+ collapse_sidebar();
+ }
+ function collapse_sidebar() {
+ sidebarwrapper.hide();
+ sidebar.css('width', ssb_width_collapsed);
+ bodywrapper.css('margin-left', bw_margin_collapsed);
+ sidebarbutton.css({
+ 'margin-left': '0',
+ 'height': bodywrapper.height()
+ });
+ sidebarbutton.find('span').text('»');
+ sidebarbutton.attr('title', _('Expand sidebar'));
+ document.cookie = 'sidebar=collapsed';
+ }
+ function expand_sidebar() {
+ bodywrapper.css('margin-left', bw_margin_expanded);
+ sidebar.css('width', ssb_width_expanded);
+ sidebarwrapper.show();
+ sidebarbutton.css({
+ 'margin-left': ssb_width_expanded-12,
+ 'height': bodywrapper.height()
+ });
+ sidebarbutton.find('span').text('«');
+ sidebarbutton.attr('title', _('Collapse sidebar'));
+ document.cookie = 'sidebar=expanded';
+ }
+ function add_sidebar_button() {
+ sidebarwrapper.css({
+ 'float': 'left',
+ 'margin-right': '0',
+ 'width': ssb_width_expanded - 28
+ });
+ // create the button
+ sidebar.append(
+ '<div id="sidebarbutton"><span>«</span></div>'
+ );
+ var sidebarbutton = $('#sidebarbutton');
+ light_color = sidebarbutton.css('background-color');
+ // find the height of the viewport to center the '<<' in the page
+ var viewport_height;
+ if (window.innerHeight)
+ viewport_height = window.innerHeight;
+ else
+ viewport_height = $(window).height();
+ sidebarbutton.find('span').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'margin-top': (viewport_height - sidebar.position().top - 20) / 2
+ });
+ sidebarbutton.click(toggle_sidebar);
+ sidebarbutton.attr('title', _('Collapse sidebar'));
+ sidebarbutton.css({
+ 'color': '#FFFFFF',
+ 'border-left': '1px solid ' + dark_color,
+ 'font-size': '1.2em',
+ 'cursor': 'pointer',
+ 'height': bodywrapper.height(),
+ 'padding-top': '1px',
+ 'margin-left': ssb_width_expanded - 12
+ });
+ sidebarbutton.hover(
+ function () {
+ $(this).css('background-color', dark_color);
+ },
+ function () {
+ $(this).css('background-color', light_color);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function set_position_from_cookie() {
+ if (!document.cookie)
+ return;
+ var items = document.cookie.split(';');
+ for(var k=0; k<items.length; k++) {
+ var key_val = items[k].split('=');
+ var key = key_val[0];
+ if (key == 'sidebar') {
+ var value = key_val[1];
+ if ((value == 'collapsed') && (!sidebar_is_collapsed()))
+ collapse_sidebar();
+ else if ((value == 'expanded') && (sidebar_is_collapsed()))
+ expand_sidebar();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ add_sidebar_button();
+ var sidebarbutton = $('#sidebarbutton');
+ set_position_from_cookie();
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/underscore.js b/docs/build/html/_static/underscore.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a12f0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/underscore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+// Underscore.js 1.4.4
+// http://underscorejs.org
+// (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
+// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
+(function() {
+ // Baseline setup
+ // --------------
+ // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `global` on the server.
+ var root = this;
+ // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
+ var previousUnderscore = root._;
+ // Establish the object that gets returned to break out of a loop iteration.
+ var breaker = {};
+ // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
+ var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
+ // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
+ var push = ArrayProto.push,
+ slice = ArrayProto.slice,
+ concat = ArrayProto.concat,
+ toString = ObjProto.toString,
+ hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
+ // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
+ // are declared here.
+ var
+ nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach,
+ nativeMap = ArrayProto.map,
+ nativeReduce = ArrayProto.reduce,
+ nativeReduceRight = ArrayProto.reduceRight,
+ nativeFilter = ArrayProto.filter,
+ nativeEvery = ArrayProto.every,
+ nativeSome = ArrayProto.some,
+ nativeIndexOf = ArrayProto.indexOf,
+ nativeLastIndexOf = ArrayProto.lastIndexOf,
+ nativeIsArray = Array.isArray,
+ nativeKeys = Object.keys,
+ nativeBind = FuncProto.bind;
+ // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
+ var _ = function(obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof _) return obj;
+ if (!(this instanceof _)) return new _(obj);
+ this._wrapped = obj;
+ };
+ // Export the Underscore object for **Node.js**, with
+ // backwards-compatibility for the old `require()` API. If we're in
+ // the browser, add `_` as a global object via a string identifier,
+ // for Closure Compiler "advanced" mode.
+ if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ exports = module.exports = _;
+ }
+ exports._ = _;
+ } else {
+ root._ = _;
+ }
+ // Current version.
+ _.VERSION = '1.4.4';
+ // Collection Functions
+ // --------------------
+ // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
+ // Handles objects with the built-in `forEach`, arrays, and raw objects.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `forEach` if available.
+ var each = _.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ if (obj == null) return;
+ if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) {
+ obj.forEach(iterator, context);
+ } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (_.has(obj, key)) {
+ if (iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Return the results of applying the iterator to each element.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `map` if available.
+ _.map = _.collect = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ var results = [];
+ if (obj == null) return results;
+ if (nativeMap && obj.map === nativeMap) return obj.map(iterator, context);
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ results[results.length] = iterator.call(context, value, index, list);
+ });
+ return results;
+ };
+ var reduceError = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value';
+ // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
+ // or `foldl`. Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduce` if available.
+ _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
+ var initial = arguments.length > 2;
+ if (obj == null) obj = [];
+ if (nativeReduce && obj.reduce === nativeReduce) {
+ if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
+ return initial ? obj.reduce(iterator, memo) : obj.reduce(iterator);
+ }
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ if (!initial) {
+ memo = value;
+ initial = true;
+ } else {
+ memo = iterator.call(context, memo, value, index, list);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!initial) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
+ return memo;
+ };
+ // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduceRight` if available.
+ _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
+ var initial = arguments.length > 2;
+ if (obj == null) obj = [];
+ if (nativeReduceRight && obj.reduceRight === nativeReduceRight) {
+ if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
+ return initial ? obj.reduceRight(iterator, memo) : obj.reduceRight(iterator);
+ }
+ var length = obj.length;
+ if (length !== +length) {
+ var keys = _.keys(obj);
+ length = keys.length;
+ }
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ index = keys ? keys[--length] : --length;
+ if (!initial) {
+ memo = obj[index];
+ initial = true;
+ } else {
+ memo = iterator.call(context, memo, obj[index], index, list);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!initial) throw new TypeError(reduceError);
+ return memo;
+ };
+ // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
+ _.find = _.detect = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ var result;
+ any(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ if (iterator.call(context, value, index, list)) {
+ result = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ };
+ // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `filter` if available.
+ // Aliased as `select`.
+ _.filter = _.select = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ var results = [];
+ if (obj == null) return results;
+ if (nativeFilter && obj.filter === nativeFilter) return obj.filter(iterator, context);
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ if (iterator.call(context, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
+ });
+ return results;
+ };
+ // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
+ _.reject = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ return _.filter(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ return !iterator.call(context, value, index, list);
+ }, context);
+ };
+ // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `every` if available.
+ // Aliased as `all`.
+ _.every = _.all = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
+ var result = true;
+ if (obj == null) return result;
+ if (nativeEvery && obj.every === nativeEvery) return obj.every(iterator, context);
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ if (!(result = result && iterator.call(context, value, index, list))) return breaker;
+ });
+ return !!result;
+ };
+ // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `some` if available.
+ // Aliased as `any`.
+ var any = _.some = _.any = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
+ var result = false;
+ if (obj == null) return result;
+ if (nativeSome && obj.some === nativeSome) return obj.some(iterator, context);
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ if (result || (result = iterator.call(context, value, index, list))) return breaker;
+ });
+ return !!result;
+ };
+ // Determine if the array or object contains a given value (using `===`).
+ // Aliased as `include`.
+ _.contains = _.include = function(obj, target) {
+ if (obj == null) return false;
+ if (nativeIndexOf && obj.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return obj.indexOf(target) != -1;
+ return any(obj, function(value) {
+ return value === target;
+ });
+ };
+ // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
+ _.invoke = function(obj, method) {
+ var args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ var isFunc = _.isFunction(method);
+ return _.map(obj, function(value) {
+ return (isFunc ? method : value[method]).apply(value, args);
+ });
+ };
+ // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
+ _.pluck = function(obj, key) {
+ return _.map(obj, function(value){ return value[key]; });
+ };
+ // Convenience version of a common use case of `filter`: selecting only objects
+ // containing specific `key:value` pairs.
+ _.where = function(obj, attrs, first) {
+ if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? null : [];
+ return _[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](obj, function(value) {
+ for (var key in attrs) {
+ if (attrs[key] !== value[key]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ };
+ // Convenience version of a common use case of `find`: getting the first object
+ // containing specific `key:value` pairs.
+ _.findWhere = function(obj, attrs) {
+ return _.where(obj, attrs, true);
+ };
+ // Return the maximum element or (element-based computation).
+ // Can't optimize arrays of integers longer than 65,535 elements.
+ // See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80797
+ _.max = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj) && obj[0] === +obj[0] && obj.length < 65535) {
+ return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
+ }
+ if (!iterator && _.isEmpty(obj)) return -Infinity;
+ var result = {computed : -Infinity, value: -Infinity};
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ var computed = iterator ? iterator.call(context, value, index, list) : value;
+ computed >= result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
+ });
+ return result.value;
+ };
+ // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
+ _.min = function(obj, iterator, context) {
+ if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj) && obj[0] === +obj[0] && obj.length < 65535) {
+ return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
+ }
+ if (!iterator && _.isEmpty(obj)) return Infinity;
+ var result = {computed : Infinity, value: Infinity};
+ each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ var computed = iterator ? iterator.call(context, value, index, list) : value;
+ computed < result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
+ });
+ return result.value;
+ };
+ // Shuffle an array.
+ _.shuffle = function(obj) {
+ var rand;
+ var index = 0;
+ var shuffled = [];
+ each(obj, function(value) {
+ rand = _.random(index++);
+ shuffled[index - 1] = shuffled[rand];
+ shuffled[rand] = value;
+ });
+ return shuffled;
+ };
+ // An internal function to generate lookup iterators.
+ var lookupIterator = function(value) {
+ return _.isFunction(value) ? value : function(obj){ return obj[value]; };
+ };
+ // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator.
+ _.sortBy = function(obj, value, context) {
+ var iterator = lookupIterator(value);
+ return _.pluck(_.map(obj, function(value, index, list) {
+ return {
+ value : value,
+ index : index,
+ criteria : iterator.call(context, value, index, list)
+ };
+ }).sort(function(left, right) {
+ var a = left.criteria;
+ var b = right.criteria;
+ if (a !== b) {
+ if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
+ if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
+ }
+ return left.index < right.index ? -1 : 1;
+ }), 'value');
+ };
+ // An internal function used for aggregate "group by" operations.
+ var group = function(obj, value, context, behavior) {
+ var result = {};
+ var iterator = lookupIterator(value || _.identity);
+ each(obj, function(value, index) {
+ var key = iterator.call(context, value, index, obj);
+ behavior(result, key, value);
+ });
+ return result;
+ };
+ // Groups the object's values by a criterion. Pass either a string attribute
+ // to group by, or a function that returns the criterion.
+ _.groupBy = function(obj, value, context) {
+ return group(obj, value, context, function(result, key, value) {
+ (_.has(result, key) ? result[key] : (result[key] = [])).push(value);
+ });
+ };
+ // Counts instances of an object that group by a certain criterion. Pass
+ // either a string attribute to count by, or a function that returns the
+ // criterion.
+ _.countBy = function(obj, value, context) {
+ return group(obj, value, context, function(result, key) {
+ if (!_.has(result, key)) result[key] = 0;
+ result[key]++;
+ });
+ };
+ // Use a comparator function to figure out the smallest index at which
+ // an object should be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
+ _.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator == null ? _.identity : lookupIterator(iterator);
+ var value = iterator.call(context, obj);
+ var low = 0, high = array.length;
+ while (low < high) {
+ var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
+ iterator.call(context, array[mid]) < value ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
+ }
+ return low;
+ };
+ // Safely convert anything iterable into a real, live array.
+ _.toArray = function(obj) {
+ if (!obj) return [];
+ if (_.isArray(obj)) return slice.call(obj);
+ if (obj.length === +obj.length) return _.map(obj, _.identity);
+ return _.values(obj);
+ };
+ // Return the number of elements in an object.
+ _.size = function(obj) {
+ if (obj == null) return 0;
+ return (obj.length === +obj.length) ? obj.length : _.keys(obj).length;
+ };
+ // Array Functions
+ // ---------------
+ // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
+ // values in the array. Aliased as `head` and `take`. The **guard** check
+ // allows it to work with `_.map`.
+ _.first = _.head = _.take = function(array, n, guard) {
+ if (array == null) return void 0;
+ return (n != null) && !guard ? slice.call(array, 0, n) : array[0];
+ };
+ // Returns everything but the last entry of the array. Especially useful on
+ // the arguments object. Passing **n** will return all the values in
+ // the array, excluding the last N. The **guard** check allows it to work with
+ // `_.map`.
+ _.initial = function(array, n, guard) {
+ return slice.call(array, 0, array.length - ((n == null) || guard ? 1 : n));
+ };
+ // Get the last element of an array. Passing **n** will return the last N
+ // values in the array. The **guard** check allows it to work with `_.map`.
+ _.last = function(array, n, guard) {
+ if (array == null) return void 0;
+ if ((n != null) && !guard) {
+ return slice.call(array, Math.max(array.length - n, 0));
+ } else {
+ return array[array.length - 1];
+ }
+ };
+ // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail` and `drop`.
+ // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **n** will return
+ // the rest N values in the array. The **guard**
+ // check allows it to work with `_.map`.
+ _.rest = _.tail = _.drop = function(array, n, guard) {
+ return slice.call(array, (n == null) || guard ? 1 : n);
+ };
+ // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
+ _.compact = function(array) {
+ return _.filter(array, _.identity);
+ };
+ // Internal implementation of a recursive `flatten` function.
+ var flatten = function(input, shallow, output) {
+ each(input, function(value) {
+ if (_.isArray(value)) {
+ shallow ? push.apply(output, value) : flatten(value, shallow, output);
+ } else {
+ output.push(value);
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ };
+ // Return a completely flattened version of an array.
+ _.flatten = function(array, shallow) {
+ return flatten(array, shallow, []);
+ };
+ // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
+ _.without = function(array) {
+ return _.difference(array, slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ };
+ // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
+ // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
+ // Aliased as `unique`.
+ _.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted, iterator, context) {
+ if (_.isFunction(isSorted)) {
+ context = iterator;
+ iterator = isSorted;
+ isSorted = false;
+ }
+ var initial = iterator ? _.map(array, iterator, context) : array;
+ var results = [];
+ var seen = [];
+ each(initial, function(value, index) {
+ if (isSorted ? (!index || seen[seen.length - 1] !== value) : !_.contains(seen, value)) {
+ seen.push(value);
+ results.push(array[index]);
+ }
+ });
+ return results;
+ };
+ // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
+ // the passed-in arrays.
+ _.union = function() {
+ return _.uniq(concat.apply(ArrayProto, arguments));
+ };
+ // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
+ // passed-in arrays.
+ _.intersection = function(array) {
+ var rest = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return _.filter(_.uniq(array), function(item) {
+ return _.every(rest, function(other) {
+ return _.indexOf(other, item) >= 0;
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ // Take the difference between one array and a number of other arrays.
+ // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
+ _.difference = function(array) {
+ var rest = concat.apply(ArrayProto, slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.contains(rest, value); });
+ };
+ // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
+ // an index go together.
+ _.zip = function() {
+ var args = slice.call(arguments);
+ var length = _.max(_.pluck(args, 'length'));
+ var results = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ // Converts lists into objects. Pass either a single array of `[key, value]`
+ // pairs, or two parallel arrays of the same length -- one of keys, and one of
+ // the corresponding values.
+ _.object = function(list, values) {
+ if (list == null) return {};
+ var result = {};
+ for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (values) {
+ result[list[i]] = values[i];
+ } else {
+ result[list[i][0]] = list[i][1];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ // If the browser doesn't supply us with indexOf (I'm looking at you, **MSIE**),
+ // we need this function. Return the position of the first occurrence of an
+ // item in an array, or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `indexOf` if available.
+ // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
+ // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
+ _.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) {
+ if (array == null) return -1;
+ var i = 0, l = array.length;
+ if (isSorted) {
+ if (typeof isSorted == 'number') {
+ i = (isSorted < 0 ? Math.max(0, l + isSorted) : isSorted);
+ } else {
+ i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
+ return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item, isSorted);
+ for (; i < l; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+ return -1;
+ };
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `lastIndexOf` if available.
+ _.lastIndexOf = function(array, item, from) {
+ if (array == null) return -1;
+ var hasIndex = from != null;
+ if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) {
+ return hasIndex ? array.lastIndexOf(item, from) : array.lastIndexOf(item);
+ }
+ var i = (hasIndex ? from : array.length);
+ while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+ return -1;
+ };
+ // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
+ // the native Python `range()` function. See
+ // [the Python documentation](http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#range).
+ _.range = function(start, stop, step) {
+ if (arguments.length <= 1) {
+ stop = start || 0;
+ start = 0;
+ }
+ step = arguments[2] || 1;
+ var len = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
+ var idx = 0;
+ var range = new Array(len);
+ while(idx < len) {
+ range[idx++] = start;
+ start += step;
+ }
+ return range;
+ };
+ // Function (ahem) Functions
+ // ------------------
+ // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
+ // optionally). Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if
+ // available.
+ _.bind = function(func, context) {
+ if (func.bind === nativeBind && nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func, slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ var args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ return function() {
+ return func.apply(context, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));
+ };
+ };
+ // Partially apply a function by creating a version that has had some of its
+ // arguments pre-filled, without changing its dynamic `this` context.
+ _.partial = function(func) {
+ var args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function() {
+ return func.apply(this, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)));
+ };
+ };
+ // Bind all of an object's methods to that object. Useful for ensuring that
+ // all callbacks defined on an object belong to it.
+ _.bindAll = function(obj) {
+ var funcs = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ if (funcs.length === 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
+ each(funcs, function(f) { obj[f] = _.bind(obj[f], obj); });
+ return obj;
+ };
+ // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
+ _.memoize = function(func, hasher) {
+ var memo = {};
+ hasher || (hasher = _.identity);
+ return function() {
+ var key = hasher.apply(this, arguments);
+ return _.has(memo, key) ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
+ };
+ };
+ // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
+ // it with the arguments supplied.
+ _.delay = function(func, wait) {
+ var args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ return setTimeout(function(){ return func.apply(null, args); }, wait);
+ };
+ // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
+ // cleared.
+ _.defer = function(func) {
+ return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(slice.call(arguments, 1)));
+ };
+ // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
+ // during a given window of time.
+ _.throttle = function(func, wait) {
+ var context, args, timeout, result;
+ var previous = 0;
+ var later = function() {
+ previous = new Date;
+ timeout = null;
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ };
+ return function() {
+ var now = new Date;
+ var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
+ context = this;
+ args = arguments;
+ if (remaining <= 0) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = null;
+ previous = now;
+ result = func.apply(context, args);
+ } else if (!timeout) {
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ };
+ // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
+ // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
+ // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
+ // leading edge, instead of the trailing.
+ _.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
+ var timeout, result;
+ return function() {
+ var context = this, args = arguments;
+ var later = function() {
+ timeout = null;
+ if (!immediate) result = func.apply(context, args);
+ };
+ var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
+ if (callNow) result = func.apply(context, args);
+ return result;
+ };
+ };
+ // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
+ // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
+ _.once = function(func) {
+ var ran = false, memo;
+ return function() {
+ if (ran) return memo;
+ ran = true;
+ memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
+ func = null;
+ return memo;
+ };
+ };
+ // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
+ // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
+ // conditionally execute the original function.
+ _.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
+ return function() {
+ var args = [func];
+ push.apply(args, arguments);
+ return wrapper.apply(this, args);
+ };
+ };
+ // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
+ // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
+ _.compose = function() {
+ var funcs = arguments;
+ return function() {
+ var args = arguments;
+ for (var i = funcs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ args = [funcs[i].apply(this, args)];
+ }
+ return args[0];
+ };
+ };
+ // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
+ _.after = function(times, func) {
+ if (times <= 0) return func();
+ return function() {
+ if (--times < 1) {
+ return func.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ // Object Functions
+ // ----------------
+ // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
+ // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
+ _.keys = nativeKeys || function(obj) {
+ if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
+ var keys = [];
+ for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) keys[keys.length] = key;
+ return keys;
+ };
+ // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
+ _.values = function(obj) {
+ var values = [];
+ for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) values.push(obj[key]);
+ return values;
+ };
+ // Convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs.
+ _.pairs = function(obj) {
+ var pairs = [];
+ for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) pairs.push([key, obj[key]]);
+ return pairs;
+ };
+ // Invert the keys and values of an object. The values must be serializable.
+ _.invert = function(obj) {
+ var result = {};
+ for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) result[obj[key]] = key;
+ return result;
+ };
+ // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
+ // Aliased as `methods`
+ _.functions = _.methods = function(obj) {
+ var names = [];
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
+ }
+ return names.sort();
+ };
+ // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
+ _.extend = function(obj) {
+ each(slice.call(arguments, 1), function(source) {
+ if (source) {
+ for (var prop in source) {
+ obj[prop] = source[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ };
+ // Return a copy of the object only containing the whitelisted properties.
+ _.pick = function(obj) {
+ var copy = {};
+ var keys = concat.apply(ArrayProto, slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ each(keys, function(key) {
+ if (key in obj) copy[key] = obj[key];
+ });
+ return copy;
+ };
+ // Return a copy of the object without the blacklisted properties.
+ _.omit = function(obj) {
+ var copy = {};
+ var keys = concat.apply(ArrayProto, slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (!_.contains(keys, key)) copy[key] = obj[key];
+ }
+ return copy;
+ };
+ // Fill in a given object with default properties.
+ _.defaults = function(obj) {
+ each(slice.call(arguments, 1), function(source) {
+ if (source) {
+ for (var prop in source) {
+ if (obj[prop] == null) obj[prop] = source[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ };
+ // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
+ _.clone = function(obj) {
+ if (!_.isObject(obj)) return obj;
+ return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
+ };
+ // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
+ // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
+ // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
+ _.tap = function(obj, interceptor) {
+ interceptor(obj);
+ return obj;
+ };
+ // Internal recursive comparison function for `isEqual`.
+ var eq = function(a, b, aStack, bStack) {
+ // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
+ // See the Harmony `egal` proposal: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal.
+ if (a === b) return a !== 0 || 1 / a == 1 / b;
+ // A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`.
+ if (a == null || b == null) return a === b;
+ // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
+ if (a instanceof _) a = a._wrapped;
+ if (b instanceof _) b = b._wrapped;
+ // Compare `[[Class]]` names.
+ var className = toString.call(a);
+ if (className != toString.call(b)) return false;
+ switch (className) {
+ // Strings, numbers, dates, and booleans are compared by value.
+ case '[object String]':
+ // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is
+ // equivalent to `new String("5")`.
+ return a == String(b);
+ case '[object Number]':
+ // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. An `egal` comparison is performed for
+ // other numeric values.
+ return a != +a ? b != +b : (a == 0 ? 1 / a == 1 / b : a == +b);
+ case '[object Date]':
+ case '[object Boolean]':
+ // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their
+ // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations
+ // of `NaN` are not equivalent.
+ return +a == +b;
+ // RegExps are compared by their source patterns and flags.
+ case '[object RegExp]':
+ return a.source == b.source &&
+ a.global == b.global &&
+ a.multiline == b.multiline &&
+ a.ignoreCase == b.ignoreCase;
+ }
+ if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') return false;
+ // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
+ // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
+ var length = aStack.length;
+ while (length--) {
+ // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
+ // unique nested structures.
+ if (aStack[length] == a) return bStack[length] == b;
+ }
+ // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
+ aStack.push(a);
+ bStack.push(b);
+ var size = 0, result = true;
+ // Recursively compare objects and arrays.
+ if (className == '[object Array]') {
+ // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.
+ size = a.length;
+ result = size == b.length;
+ if (result) {
+ // Deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties.
+ while (size--) {
+ if (!(result = eq(a[size], b[size], aStack, bStack))) break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s
+ // from different frames are.
+ var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor;
+ if (aCtor !== bCtor && !(_.isFunction(aCtor) && (aCtor instanceof aCtor) &&
+ _.isFunction(bCtor) && (bCtor instanceof bCtor))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Deep compare objects.
+ for (var key in a) {
+ if (_.has(a, key)) {
+ // Count the expected number of properties.
+ size++;
+ // Deep compare each member.
+ if (!(result = _.has(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))) break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties.
+ if (result) {
+ for (key in b) {
+ if (_.has(b, key) && !(size--)) break;
+ }
+ result = !size;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
+ aStack.pop();
+ bStack.pop();
+ return result;
+ };
+ // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
+ _.isEqual = function(a, b) {
+ return eq(a, b, [], []);
+ };
+ // Is a given array, string, or object empty?
+ // An "empty" object has no enumerable own-properties.
+ _.isEmpty = function(obj) {
+ if (obj == null) return true;
+ if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
+ for (var key in obj) if (_.has(obj, key)) return false;
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Is a given value a DOM element?
+ _.isElement = function(obj) {
+ return !!(obj && obj.nodeType === 1);
+ };
+ // Is a given value an array?
+ // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
+ _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
+ return toString.call(obj) == '[object Array]';
+ };
+ // Is a given variable an object?
+ _.isObject = function(obj) {
+ return obj === Object(obj);
+ };
+ // Add some isType methods: isArguments, isFunction, isString, isNumber, isDate, isRegExp.
+ each(['Arguments', 'Function', 'String', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp'], function(name) {
+ _['is' + name] = function(obj) {
+ return toString.call(obj) == '[object ' + name + ']';
+ };
+ });
+ // Define a fallback version of the method in browsers (ahem, IE), where
+ // there isn't any inspectable "Arguments" type.
+ if (!_.isArguments(arguments)) {
+ _.isArguments = function(obj) {
+ return !!(obj && _.has(obj, 'callee'));
+ };
+ }
+ // Optimize `isFunction` if appropriate.
+ if (typeof (/./) !== 'function') {
+ _.isFunction = function(obj) {
+ return typeof obj === 'function';
+ };
+ }
+ // Is a given object a finite number?
+ _.isFinite = function(obj) {
+ return isFinite(obj) && !isNaN(parseFloat(obj));
+ };
+ // Is the given value `NaN`? (NaN is the only number which does not equal itself).
+ _.isNaN = function(obj) {
+ return _.isNumber(obj) && obj != +obj;
+ };
+ // Is a given value a boolean?
+ _.isBoolean = function(obj) {
+ return obj === true || obj === false || toString.call(obj) == '[object Boolean]';
+ };
+ // Is a given value equal to null?
+ _.isNull = function(obj) {
+ return obj === null;
+ };
+ // Is a given variable undefined?
+ _.isUndefined = function(obj) {
+ return obj === void 0;
+ };
+ // Shortcut function for checking if an object has a given property directly
+ // on itself (in other words, not on a prototype).
+ _.has = function(obj, key) {
+ return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
+ };
+ // Utility Functions
+ // -----------------
+ // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
+ // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
+ _.noConflict = function() {
+ root._ = previousUnderscore;
+ return this;
+ };
+ // Keep the identity function around for default iterators.
+ _.identity = function(value) {
+ return value;
+ };
+ // Run a function **n** times.
+ _.times = function(n, iterator, context) {
+ var accum = Array(n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) accum[i] = iterator.call(context, i);
+ return accum;
+ };
+ // Return a random integer between min and max (inclusive).
+ _.random = function(min, max) {
+ if (max == null) {
+ max = min;
+ min = 0;
+ }
+ return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
+ };
+ // List of HTML entities for escaping.
+ var entityMap = {
+ escape: {
+ '&': '&',
+ '<': '<',
+ '>': '>',
+ '"': '"',
+ "'": ''',
+ '/': '/'
+ }
+ };
+ entityMap.unescape = _.invert(entityMap.escape);
+ // Regexes containing the keys and values listed immediately above.
+ var entityRegexes = {
+ escape: new RegExp('[' + _.keys(entityMap.escape).join('') + ']', 'g'),
+ unescape: new RegExp('(' + _.keys(entityMap.unescape).join('|') + ')', 'g')
+ };
+ // Functions for escaping and unescaping strings to/from HTML interpolation.
+ _.each(['escape', 'unescape'], function(method) {
+ _[method] = function(string) {
+ if (string == null) return '';
+ return ('' + string).replace(entityRegexes[method], function(match) {
+ return entityMap[method][match];
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ // If the value of the named property is a function then invoke it;
+ // otherwise, return it.
+ _.result = function(object, property) {
+ if (object == null) return null;
+ var value = object[property];
+ return _.isFunction(value) ? value.call(object) : value;
+ };
+ // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object.
+ _.mixin = function(obj) {
+ each(_.functions(obj), function(name){
+ var func = _[name] = obj[name];
+ _.prototype[name] = function() {
+ var args = [this._wrapped];
+ push.apply(args, arguments);
+ return result.call(this, func.apply(_, args));
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
+ // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
+ var idCounter = 0;
+ _.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
+ var id = ++idCounter + '';
+ return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
+ };
+ // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
+ // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
+ _.templateSettings = {
+ evaluate : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
+ interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
+ escape : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
+ };
+ // When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an
+ // interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is
+ // guaranteed not to match.
+ var noMatch = /(.)^/;
+ // Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a
+ // string literal.
+ var escapes = {
+ "'": "'",
+ '\\': '\\',
+ '\r': 'r',
+ '\n': 'n',
+ '\t': 't',
+ '\u2028': 'u2028',
+ '\u2029': 'u2029'
+ };
+ var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;
+ // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
+ // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
+ // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
+ _.template = function(text, data, settings) {
+ var render;
+ settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings);
+ // Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation.
+ var matcher = new RegExp([
+ (settings.escape || noMatch).source,
+ (settings.interpolate || noMatch).source,
+ (settings.evaluate || noMatch).source
+ ].join('|') + '|$', 'g');
+ // Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately.
+ var index = 0;
+ var source = "__p+='";
+ text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) {
+ source += text.slice(index, offset)
+ .replace(escaper, function(match) { return '\\' + escapes[match]; });
+ if (escape) {
+ source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'";
+ }
+ if (interpolate) {
+ source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'";
+ }
+ if (evaluate) {
+ source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='";
+ }
+ index = offset + match.length;
+ return match;
+ });
+ source += "';\n";
+ // If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope.
+ if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n';
+ source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," +
+ "print=function(){__p+=__j.call(arguments,'');};\n" +
+ source + "return __p;\n";
+ try {
+ render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
+ } catch (e) {
+ e.source = source;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ if (data) return render(data, _);
+ var template = function(data) {
+ return render.call(this, data, _);
+ };
+ // Provide the compiled function source as a convenience for precompilation.
+ template.source = 'function(' + (settings.variable || 'obj') + '){\n' + source + '}';
+ return template;
+ };
+ // Add a "chain" function, which will delegate to the wrapper.
+ _.chain = function(obj) {
+ return _(obj).chain();
+ };
+ // OOP
+ // ---------------
+ // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
+ // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
+ // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
+ // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
+ var result = function(obj) {
+ return this._chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
+ };
+ // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
+ _.mixin(_);
+ // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
+ each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
+ var method = ArrayProto[name];
+ _.prototype[name] = function() {
+ var obj = this._wrapped;
+ method.apply(obj, arguments);
+ if ((name == 'shift' || name == 'splice') && obj.length === 0) delete obj[0];
+ return result.call(this, obj);
+ };
+ });
+ // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
+ each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
+ var method = ArrayProto[name];
+ _.prototype[name] = function() {
+ return result.call(this, method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments));
+ };
+ });
+ _.extend(_.prototype, {
+ // Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
+ chain: function() {
+ this._chain = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
+ value: function() {
+ return this._wrapped;
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/up-pressed.png b/docs/build/html/_static/up-pressed.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd587a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/up-pressed.png differ
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/up.png b/docs/build/html/_static/up.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b946256
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/build/html/_static/up.png differ
diff --git a/docs/build/html/_static/websupport.js b/docs/build/html/_static/websupport.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9bd1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/html/_static/websupport.js
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+ * websupport.js
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * sphinx.websupport utilties for all documentation.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+ $.fn.autogrow = function() {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var textarea = this;
+ $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea);
+ $(textarea)
+ .focus(function() {
+ textarea.interval = setInterval(function() {
+ $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea);
+ }, 500);
+ })
+ .blur(function() {
+ clearInterval(textarea.interval);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $.fn.autogrow.resize = function(textarea) {
+ var lineHeight = parseInt($(textarea).css('line-height'), 10);
+ var lines = textarea.value.split('\n');
+ var columns = textarea.cols;
+ var lineCount = 0;
+ $.each(lines, function() {
+ lineCount += Math.ceil(this.length / columns) || 1;
+ });
+ var height = lineHeight * (lineCount + 1);
+ $(textarea).css('height', height);
+ };
+(function($) {
+ var comp, by;
+ function init() {
+ initEvents();
+ initComparator();
+ }
+ function initEvents() {
+ $('a.comment-close').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ hide($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.vote').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ handleVote($(this));
+ });
+ $('a.reply').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ openReply($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.close-reply').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ closeReply($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.sort-option').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ handleReSort($(this));
+ });
+ $('a.show-proposal').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ showProposal($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.hide-proposal').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ hideProposal($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.show-propose-change').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ showProposeChange($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.hide-propose-change').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ hideProposeChange($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.accept-comment').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ acceptComment($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.delete-comment').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ deleteComment($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ $('a.comment-markup').live("click", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ toggleCommentMarkupBox($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set comp, which is a comparator function used for sorting and
+ * inserting comments into the list.
+ */
+ function setComparator() {
+ // If the first three letters are "asc", sort in ascending order
+ // and remove the prefix.
+ if (by.substring(0,3) == 'asc') {
+ var i = by.substring(3);
+ comp = function(a, b) { return a[i] - b[i]; };
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise sort in descending order.
+ comp = function(a, b) { return b[by] - a[by]; };
+ }
+ // Reset link styles and format the selected sort option.
+ $('a.sel').attr('href', '#').removeClass('sel');
+ $('a.by' + by).removeAttr('href').addClass('sel');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a comp function. If the user has preferences stored in
+ * the sortBy cookie, use those, otherwise use the default.
+ */
+ function initComparator() {
+ by = 'rating'; // Default to sort by rating.
+ // If the sortBy cookie is set, use that instead.
+ if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
+ var start = document.cookie.indexOf('sortBy=');
+ if (start != -1) {
+ start = start + 7;
+ var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", start);
+ if (end == -1) {
+ end = document.cookie.length;
+ by = unescape(document.cookie.substring(start, end));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setComparator();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Show a comment div.
+ */
+ function show(id) {
+ $('#ao' + id).hide();
+ $('#ah' + id).show();
+ var context = $.extend({id: id}, opts);
+ var popup = $(renderTemplate(popupTemplate, context)).hide();
+ popup.find('textarea[name="proposal"]').hide();
+ popup.find('a.by' + by).addClass('sel');
+ var form = popup.find('#cf' + id);
+ form.submit(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ addComment(form);
+ });
+ $('#s' + id).after(popup);
+ popup.slideDown('fast', function() {
+ getComments(id);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hide a comment div.
+ */
+ function hide(id) {
+ $('#ah' + id).hide();
+ $('#ao' + id).show();
+ var div = $('#sc' + id);
+ div.slideUp('fast', function() {
+ div.remove();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform an ajax request to get comments for a node
+ * and insert the comments into the comments tree.
+ */
+ function getComments(id) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: opts.getCommentsURL,
+ data: {node: id},
+ success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+ var ul = $('#cl' + id);
+ var speed = 100;
+ $('#cf' + id)
+ .find('textarea[name="proposal"]')
+ .data('source', data.source);
+ if (data.comments.length === 0) {
+ ul.html('<li>No comments yet.</li>');
+ ul.data('empty', true);
+ } else {
+ // If there are comments, sort them and put them in the list.
+ var comments = sortComments(data.comments);
+ speed = data.comments.length * 100;
+ appendComments(comments, ul);
+ ul.data('empty', false);
+ }
+ $('#cn' + id).slideUp(speed + 200);
+ ul.slideDown(speed);
+ },
+ error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+ showError('Oops, there was a problem retrieving the comments.');
+ },
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a comment via ajax and insert the comment into the comment tree.
+ */
+ function addComment(form) {
+ var node_id = form.find('input[name="node"]').val();
+ var parent_id = form.find('input[name="parent"]').val();
+ var text = form.find('textarea[name="comment"]').val();
+ var proposal = form.find('textarea[name="proposal"]').val();
+ if (text == '') {
+ showError('Please enter a comment.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Disable the form that is being submitted.
+ form.find('textarea,input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ // Send the comment to the server.
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: opts.addCommentURL,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: {
+ node: node_id,
+ parent: parent_id,
+ text: text,
+ proposal: proposal
+ },
+ success: function(data, textStatus, error) {
+ // Reset the form.
+ if (node_id) {
+ hideProposeChange(node_id);
+ }
+ form.find('textarea')
+ .val('')
+ .add(form.find('input'))
+ .removeAttr('disabled');
+ var ul = $('#cl' + (node_id || parent_id));
+ if (ul.data('empty')) {
+ $(ul).empty();
+ ul.data('empty', false);
+ }
+ insertComment(data.comment);
+ var ao = $('#ao' + node_id);
+ ao.find('img').attr({'src': opts.commentBrightImage});
+ if (node_id) {
+ // if this was a "root" comment, remove the commenting box
+ // (the user can get it back by reopening the comment popup)
+ $('#ca' + node_id).slideUp();
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+ form.find('textarea,input').removeAttr('disabled');
+ showError('Oops, there was a problem adding the comment.');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively append comments to the main comment list and children
+ * lists, creating the comment tree.
+ */
+ function appendComments(comments, ul) {
+ $.each(comments, function() {
+ var div = createCommentDiv(this);
+ ul.append($(document.createElement('li')).html(div));
+ appendComments(this.children, div.find('ul.comment-children'));
+ // To avoid stagnating data, don't store the comments children in data.
+ this.children = null;
+ div.data('comment', this);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * After adding a new comment, it must be inserted in the correct
+ * location in the comment tree.
+ */
+ function insertComment(comment) {
+ var div = createCommentDiv(comment);
+ // To avoid stagnating data, don't store the comments children in data.
+ comment.children = null;
+ div.data('comment', comment);
+ var ul = $('#cl' + (comment.node || comment.parent));
+ var siblings = getChildren(ul);
+ var li = $(document.createElement('li'));
+ li.hide();
+ // Determine where in the parents children list to insert this comment.
+ for(i=0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
+ if (comp(comment, siblings[i]) <= 0) {
+ $('#cd' + siblings[i].id)
+ .parent()
+ .before(li.html(div));
+ li.slideDown('fast');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we get here, this comment rates lower than all the others,
+ // or it is the only comment in the list.
+ ul.append(li.html(div));
+ li.slideDown('fast');
+ }
+ function acceptComment(id) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: opts.acceptCommentURL,
+ data: {id: id},
+ success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+ $('#cm' + id).fadeOut('fast');
+ $('#cd' + id).removeClass('moderate');
+ },
+ error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+ showError('Oops, there was a problem accepting the comment.');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function deleteComment(id) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: opts.deleteCommentURL,
+ data: {id: id},
+ success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+ var div = $('#cd' + id);
+ if (data == 'delete') {
+ // Moderator mode: remove the comment and all children immediately
+ div.slideUp('fast', function() {
+ div.remove();
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ // User mode: only mark the comment as deleted
+ div
+ .find('span.user-id:first')
+ .text('[deleted]').end()
+ .find('div.comment-text:first')
+ .text('[deleted]').end()
+ .find('#cm' + id + ', #dc' + id + ', #ac' + id + ', #rc' + id +
+ ', #sp' + id + ', #hp' + id + ', #cr' + id + ', #rl' + id)
+ .remove();
+ var comment = div.data('comment');
+ comment.username = '[deleted]';
+ comment.text = '[deleted]';
+ div.data('comment', comment);
+ },
+ error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+ showError('Oops, there was a problem deleting the comment.');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function showProposal(id) {
+ $('#sp' + id).hide();
+ $('#hp' + id).show();
+ $('#pr' + id).slideDown('fast');
+ }
+ function hideProposal(id) {
+ $('#hp' + id).hide();
+ $('#sp' + id).show();
+ $('#pr' + id).slideUp('fast');
+ }
+ function showProposeChange(id) {
+ $('#pc' + id).hide();
+ $('#hc' + id).show();
+ var textarea = $('#pt' + id);
+ textarea.val(textarea.data('source'));
+ $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea[0]);
+ textarea.slideDown('fast');
+ }
+ function hideProposeChange(id) {
+ $('#hc' + id).hide();
+ $('#pc' + id).show();
+ var textarea = $('#pt' + id);
+ textarea.val('').removeAttr('disabled');
+ textarea.slideUp('fast');
+ }
+ function toggleCommentMarkupBox(id) {
+ $('#mb' + id).toggle();
+ }
+ /** Handle when the user clicks on a sort by link. */
+ function handleReSort(link) {
+ var classes = link.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
+ for (var i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
+ if (classes[i] != 'sort-option') {
+ by = classes[i].substring(2);
+ }
+ }
+ setComparator();
+ // Save/update the sortBy cookie.
+ var expiration = new Date();
+ expiration.setDate(expiration.getDate() + 365);
+ document.cookie= 'sortBy=' + escape(by) +
+ ';expires=' + expiration.toUTCString();
+ $('ul.comment-ul').each(function(index, ul) {
+ var comments = getChildren($(ul), true);
+ comments = sortComments(comments);
+ appendComments(comments, $(ul).empty());
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to process a vote when a user clicks an arrow.
+ */
+ function handleVote(link) {
+ if (!opts.voting) {
+ showError("You'll need to login to vote.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var id = link.attr('id');
+ if (!id) {
+ // Didn't click on one of the voting arrows.
+ return;
+ }
+ // If it is an unvote, the new vote value is 0,
+ // Otherwise it's 1 for an upvote, or -1 for a downvote.
+ var value = 0;
+ if (id.charAt(1) != 'u') {
+ value = id.charAt(0) == 'u' ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ // The data to be sent to the server.
+ var d = {
+ comment_id: id.substring(2),
+ value: value
+ };
+ // Swap the vote and unvote links.
+ link.hide();
+ $('#' + id.charAt(0) + (id.charAt(1) == 'u' ? 'v' : 'u') + d.comment_id)
+ .show();
+ // The div the comment is displayed in.
+ var div = $('div#cd' + d.comment_id);
+ var data = div.data('comment');
+ // If this is not an unvote, and the other vote arrow has
+ // already been pressed, unpress it.
+ if ((d.value !== 0) && (data.vote === d.value * -1)) {
+ $('#' + (d.value == 1 ? 'd' : 'u') + 'u' + d.comment_id).hide();
+ $('#' + (d.value == 1 ? 'd' : 'u') + 'v' + d.comment_id).show();
+ }
+ // Update the comments rating in the local data.
+ data.rating += (data.vote === 0) ? d.value : (d.value - data.vote);
+ data.vote = d.value;
+ div.data('comment', data);
+ // Change the rating text.
+ div.find('.rating:first')
+ .text(data.rating + ' point' + (data.rating == 1 ? '' : 's'));
+ // Send the vote information to the server.
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: opts.processVoteURL,
+ data: d,
+ error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+ showError('Oops, there was a problem casting that vote.');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open a reply form used to reply to an existing comment.
+ */
+ function openReply(id) {
+ // Swap out the reply link for the hide link
+ $('#rl' + id).hide();
+ $('#cr' + id).show();
+ // Add the reply li to the children ul.
+ var div = $(renderTemplate(replyTemplate, {id: id})).hide();
+ $('#cl' + id)
+ .prepend(div)
+ // Setup the submit handler for the reply form.
+ .find('#rf' + id)
+ .submit(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ addComment($('#rf' + id));
+ closeReply(id);
+ })
+ .find('input[type=button]')
+ .click(function() {
+ closeReply(id);
+ });
+ div.slideDown('fast', function() {
+ $('#rf' + id).find('textarea').focus();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the reply form opened with openReply.
+ */
+ function closeReply(id) {
+ // Remove the reply div from the DOM.
+ $('#rd' + id).slideUp('fast', function() {
+ $(this).remove();
+ });
+ // Swap out the hide link for the reply link
+ $('#cr' + id).hide();
+ $('#rl' + id).show();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively sort a tree of comments using the comp comparator.
+ */
+ function sortComments(comments) {
+ comments.sort(comp);
+ $.each(comments, function() {
+ this.children = sortComments(this.children);
+ });
+ return comments;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the children comments from a ul. If recursive is true,
+ * recursively include childrens' children.
+ */
+ function getChildren(ul, recursive) {
+ var children = [];
+ ul.children().children("[id^='cd']")
+ .each(function() {
+ var comment = $(this).data('comment');
+ if (recursive)
+ comment.children = getChildren($(this).find('#cl' + comment.id), true);
+ children.push(comment);
+ });
+ return children;
+ }
+ /** Create a div to display a comment in. */
+ function createCommentDiv(comment) {
+ if (!comment.displayed && !opts.moderator) {
+ return $('<div class="moderate">Thank you! Your comment will show up '
+ + 'once it is has been approved by a moderator.</div>');
+ }
+ // Prettify the comment rating.
+ comment.pretty_rating = comment.rating + ' point' +
+ (comment.rating == 1 ? '' : 's');
+ // Make a class (for displaying not yet moderated comments differently)
+ comment.css_class = comment.displayed ? '' : ' moderate';
+ // Create a div for this comment.
+ var context = $.extend({}, opts, comment);
+ var div = $(renderTemplate(commentTemplate, context));
+ // If the user has voted on this comment, highlight the correct arrow.
+ if (comment.vote) {
+ var direction = (comment.vote == 1) ? 'u' : 'd';
+ div.find('#' + direction + 'v' + comment.id).hide();
+ div.find('#' + direction + 'u' + comment.id).show();
+ }
+ if (opts.moderator || comment.text != '[deleted]') {
+ div.find('a.reply').show();
+ if (comment.proposal_diff)
+ div.find('#sp' + comment.id).show();
+ if (opts.moderator && !comment.displayed)
+ div.find('#cm' + comment.id).show();
+ if (opts.moderator || (opts.username == comment.username))
+ div.find('#dc' + comment.id).show();
+ }
+ return div;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A simple template renderer. Placeholders such as <%id%> are replaced
+ * by context['id'] with items being escaped. Placeholders such as <#id#>
+ * are not escaped.
+ */
+ function renderTemplate(template, context) {
+ var esc = $(document.createElement('div'));
+ function handle(ph, escape) {
+ var cur = context;
+ $.each(ph.split('.'), function() {
+ cur = cur[this];
+ });
+ return escape ? esc.text(cur || "").html() : cur;
+ }
+ return template.replace(/<([%#])([\w\.]*)\1>/g, function() {
+ return handle(arguments[2], arguments[1] == '%' ? true : false);
+ });
+ }
+ /** Flash an error message briefly. */
+ function showError(message) {
+ $(document.createElement('div')).attr({'class': 'popup-error'})
+ .append($(document.createElement('div'))
+ .attr({'class': 'error-message'}).text(message))
+ .appendTo('body')
+ .fadeIn("slow")
+ .delay(2000)
+ .fadeOut("slow");
+ }
+ /** Add a link the user uses to open the comments popup. */
+ $.fn.comment = function() {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var id = $(this).attr('id').substring(1);
+ var count = COMMENT_METADATA[id];
+ var title = count + ' comment' + (count == 1 ? '' : 's');
+ var image = count > 0 ? opts.commentBrightImage : opts.commentImage;
+ var addcls = count == 0 ? ' nocomment' : '';
+ $(this)
+ .append(
+ $(document.createElement('a')).attr({
+ href: '#',
+ 'class': 'sphinx-comment-open' + addcls,
+ id: 'ao' + id
+ })
+ .append($(document.createElement('img')).attr({
+ src: image,
+ alt: 'comment',
+ title: title
+ }))
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ show($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ })
+ )
+ .append(
+ $(document.createElement('a')).attr({
+ href: '#',
+ 'class': 'sphinx-comment-close hidden',
+ id: 'ah' + id
+ })
+ .append($(document.createElement('img')).attr({
+ src: opts.closeCommentImage,
+ alt: 'close',
+ title: 'close'
+ }))
+ .click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ hide($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ };
+ var opts = {
+ processVoteURL: '/_process_vote',
+ addCommentURL: '/_add_comment',
+ getCommentsURL: '/_get_comments',
+ acceptCommentURL: '/_accept_comment',
+ deleteCommentURL: '/_delete_comment',
+ commentImage: '/static/_static/comment.png',
+ closeCommentImage: '/static/_static/comment-close.png',
+ loadingImage: '/static/_static/ajax-loader.gif',
+ commentBrightImage: '/static/_static/comment-bright.png',
+ upArrow: '/static/_static/up.png',
+ downArrow: '/static/_static/down.png',
+ upArrowPressed: '/static/_static/up-pressed.png',
+ downArrowPressed: '/static/_static/down-pressed.png',
+ voting: false,
+ moderator: false
+ };
+ if (typeof COMMENT_OPTIONS != "undefined") {
+ opts = jQuery.extend(opts, COMMENT_OPTIONS);
+ }
+ var popupTemplate = '\
+ <div class="sphinx-comments" id="sc<%id%>">\
+ <p class="sort-options">\
+ Sort by:\
+ <a href="#" class="sort-option byrating">best rated</a>\
+ <a href="#" class="sort-option byascage">newest</a>\
+ <a href="#" class="sort-option byage">oldest</a>\
+ </p>\
+ <div class="comment-header">Comments</div>\
+ <div class="comment-loading" id="cn<%id%>">\
+ loading comments... <img src="<%loadingImage%>" alt="" /></div>\
+ <ul id="cl<%id%>" class="comment-ul"></ul>\
+ <div id="ca<%id%>">\
+ <p class="add-a-comment">Add a comment\
+ (<a href="#" class="comment-markup" id="ab<%id%>">markup</a>):</p>\
+ <div class="comment-markup-box" id="mb<%id%>">\
+ reStructured text markup: <i>*emph*</i>, <b>**strong**</b>, \
+ <tt>``code``</tt>, \
+ code blocks: <tt>::</tt> and an indented block after blank line</div>\
+ <form method="post" id="cf<%id%>" class="comment-form" action="">\
+ <textarea name="comment" cols="80"></textarea>\
+ <p class="propose-button">\
+ <a href="#" id="pc<%id%>" class="show-propose-change">\
+ Propose a change ▹\
+ </a>\
+ <a href="#" id="hc<%id%>" class="hide-propose-change">\
+ Propose a change ▿\
+ </a>\
+ </p>\
+ <textarea name="proposal" id="pt<%id%>" cols="80"\
+ spellcheck="false"></textarea>\
+ <input type="submit" value="Add comment" />\
+ <input type="hidden" name="node" value="<%id%>" />\
+ <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="" />\
+ </form>\
+ </div>\
+ </div>';
+ var commentTemplate = '\
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+ <div class="section" id="adding-graticule-to-images">
+<h1>Adding graticule to images<a class="headerlink" href="#adding-graticule-to-images" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Pycoast can be used to add graticule to images. For <a class="reference external" href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/">PIL</a>:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ImageFont</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">3363403.31</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">2291879.85</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2630596.69</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2203620.1</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">font</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ImageFont</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">truetype</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf"</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">16</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">open</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_grid</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">),</span> <span clas [...]
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">minor_outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/euro_grid.png" src="_images/euro_grid.png" />
+<p>The font argument is optional for PIL if it is not given a default font will be used.</p>
+<p>and for AGG:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ImageFont</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">import</span> <span class="nn">aggdraw</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">3363403.31</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">2291879.85</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2630596.69</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2203620.1</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">font</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">aggdraw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">Font</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'black'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="s">'/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf'</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">opacity</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">127</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">size</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">16</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">open</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_grid</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">),</span><span class [...]
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">outline_opacity</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">175</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">width</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mf">1.0</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">minor_outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'lightblue'</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">minor_outline_opacity</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">200</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">minor_width</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mf">0.5</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">minor_is_tick</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="bp">False</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/euro_grid_agg.png" src="_images/euro_grid_agg.png" />
+<p>Note the difference in the optional font argument for PIL and AGG. With AGG the
+font argument is mandatory unless the keyword argument <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">write_text=False</span></tt>
+is used.</p>
+<p>From v0.5.0 the graticule is also usable for globe projections:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">new</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'RGB'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5570248.4773392612</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5567248.074173444</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5567248.074173444</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5570248.4773392612</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">gshhs_root_dir</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_grid</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">),</span> <span clas [...]
+<span class="gp">... </span><span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">minor_outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">write_text</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="bp">False</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/grid_geos_agg.png" src="_images/grid_geos_agg.png" />
+<p>The lon and lat labeling is shown where the lines intersect the image border.
+By default the lon intersections with top and bottom and the lat intersections with left and right border are displayed .
+The placement behaviour can be controlled with the <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">lon_placement</span></tt> and <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">lat_placement</span></tt> keyword variables.
+The placement specifier is a string containing the desired placement where ‘t’ is top, ‘b’ bottom, ‘l’ left and ‘r’ right.
+E.g. <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">lon_placement='tl'</span></tt> will make the lon labels display at the top and left border.</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">import</span> <span class="nn">aggdraw</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">new</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'RGB'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'c'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">font</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">aggdraw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">Font</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="s">'/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">size</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">10</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_grid</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">10.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2.0</span><span class="p">),</span> <span clas [...]
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">minor_outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="gp">... </span> <span class="n">lon_placement</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'tblr'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">lat_placement</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">''</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png" src="_images/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png" />
+<p>Tip: If the adding graticule with AGG fails with something like:</p>
+<div class="highlight-bash"><div class="highlight"><pre>Traceback <span class="o">(</span>most recent call last<span class="o">)</span>:
+ File <span class="s2">"grid_demo_AGG.py"</span>, line 13, in <module>
+ <span class="nv">font</span><span class="o">=</span>aggdraw.Font<span class="o">(</span><span class="s2">"blue"</span>, <span class="s2">"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf"</span>, <span class="nv">size</span><span class="o">=</span>16<span class="o">)</span>
+IOError: cannot load font <span class="o">(</span>no text renderer<span class="o">)</span>
+<p>make sure the FREETYPE_ROOT in setup.py of aggdraw points to the correct location e.g. set <em>FREETYPE_ROOT = “/usr”</em></p>
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+ <div class="section" id="high-quality-contours-using-agg">
+<h1>High quality contours using AGG<a class="headerlink" href="#high-quality-contours-using-agg" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>The default plotting mode of pycoast uses <a class="reference external" href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/">PIL</a> for rendering of contours. PIL
+does not support antialiasing and opacity. The AGG engine can be used for
+making high quality images using the <a class="reference external" href="http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm">aggdraw</a> module.</p>
+<p>First install the <a class="reference external" href="http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm">aggdraw</a> module.</p>
+<p>Tip: if the building of aggdraw fails with:</p>
+<div class="highlight-bash"><div class="highlight"><pre>agg_array.h:523: error: cast from ‘agg::int8u*’ to ‘unsigned int’ loses precision
+<div class="highlight-bash"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="nb">export </span><span class="nv">CFLAGS</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s2">"-fpermissive"</span>
+<p>before building.</p>
+<p>Using pycoast with AGG for making antialiased drawing:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">new</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'RGB'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5570248.4773392612</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5567248.074173444</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5567248.074173444</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5570248.4773392612</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">width</span><span [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/geos_coast_agg.png" src="_images/geos_coast_agg.png" />
+<p>and making the not-so-nice image from the first example nice:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">open</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">3363403.31</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">2291879.85</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2630596.69</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2203620.1</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_rivers</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">5</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">width</s [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_borders</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">255</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">),</span> <span clas [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/euro_coast_agg.png" src="_images/euro_coast_agg.png" />
+<p>See docstrings of <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">ContourWriterAGG</span></tt> methods for argument descriptions.</p>
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+<h1>Pycoast<a class="headerlink" href="#pycoast" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Pycoast is a Python package to add coastlines, borders and rivers to raster
+images using data from the GSHHS and WDBII datasets</p>
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+<h1>Installation<a class="headerlink" href="#installation" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Pycoast depends on <a class="reference external" href="http://code.google.com/p/pyshp/">pyshp</a> and <a class="reference external" href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/">PIL</a>.</p>
+<p>Install pycoast and dependencies.</p>
+<p>Download the zipped GSHHS and WDBII Shapefiles from <a class="reference external" href="http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html">SOEST</a>.
+Unzip the files to a data directory (hereafter called <em>GSHHS_DATA_ROOT</em>).
+The structure of <em>GSHHS_DATA_ROOT</em> should now be:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><pre>.
+├── GSHHS_shp
+│ ├── c
+│ ├── f
+│ ├── h
+│ ├── i
+│ └── l
+└── WDBII_shp
+ ├── c
+ ├── f
+ ├── h
+ ├── i
+ └── l</pre>
+<p>Where each dir on the lowest level contains Shapefiles like <em>GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp</em></p>
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+<h1>Custom shapes and lines<a class="headerlink" href="#custom-shapes-and-lines" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Pycoast can add custom polygons and lines, useful for outlining
+special target areas. The following example shows how we might
+use the <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">add_polygon</span></tt> method to highlight the Reykjavik Air Traffic Control
+area and an additional filled box around Iceland.</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">new</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'RGB'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">600</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">600</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5326849.0625</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">...</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">REYKJAVIK_ATC</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[(</span><span class="mf">0.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">73.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="mf">0.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">61.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">30.0</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">61.0</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="o">-</span><spa [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">ICELAND_BOX</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">25</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">62.5</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">25</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">67</span><span class="p">),(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">13</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">67</span><span class="p"> [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_polygon</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">REYKJAVIK_ATC</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'red'</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">width</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="m [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_polygon</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ICELAND_BOX</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'green'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">fill</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/nh_polygons_agg.png" src="_images/nh_polygons_agg.png" />
+<p>The <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">add_polygon</span></tt> method accepts a list of longitude, latitude pairs.
+An equivalent <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">add_line</span></tt> method is also available which does not tie
+the first and last coordinates in the list.</p>
+<p>Now we can plot some air traffic routes from Keflavik to Seattle, Moscow and Beijing,</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">ROUTE_KEF_MOS</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">22.6056</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">63.985</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">19.046655824698217</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">64.2936159845089</span><span class="p">),< [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">ROUTE_KEF_SEA</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">22.6056</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">63.985</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">28.15308892820336</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">65.36580325755281</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><sp [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">ROUTE_KEF_BEI</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">[(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">22.6056</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">63.985</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">17.489150553128045</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">67.07686353046147</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><s [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_line</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ROUTE_KEF_MOS</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'yellow'</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">outline_opacity</span><span class="o">=</span><spa [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_line</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ROUTE_KEF_SEA</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'yellow'</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">outline_opacity</span><span class="o">=</span><spa [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_line</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">ROUTE_KEF_BEI</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'yellow'</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="n">outline_opacity</span><span class="o">=</span><spa [...]
+<img alt="_images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png" src="_images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png" />
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+<h1>Shapes from ESRI shape files<a class="headerlink" href="#shapes-from-esri-shape-files" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Pycoast supports plotting of polygons and polylines from ESRI shapefiles,
+currently only in lonlat coordinates format.
+In the following example we use <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">add_shapefile_shapes</span></tt> method to plot all line shapes
+found in the file Metareas.shp. We then use the <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">add_shapefile_shape</span></tt> (notice the singular)
+to plot only the 3rd and 4th shape_id within the file BR_Regioes.shp.</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">new</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'RGB'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">600</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">600</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=merc +lon_0=-60 +lat_ts=-30.0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">2000000.0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5000000.0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5000000.0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">2000000.0</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriterAGG</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">gshhs_root_dir</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">...</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_shapefile_shapes</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="go"> 'test/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp',</span>
+<span class="go"> outline='red',width=2)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_shapefile_shape</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="go"> 'test/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp',</span>
+<span class="go"> 3, outline='blue')</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_shapefile_shape</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span>
+<span class="go"> 'test/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp',</span>
+<span class="go"> 4, outline='blue', fill='green')</span>
+<img alt="_images/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png" src="_images/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png" />
+<p>If your shapefile is not in lonlat coordinates, then you can re-project your shape file using
+<tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">ogr2ogr</span></tt> (part of <a class="reference external" href="http://www.gdal.org/">GDAL</a> tools), e.g.</p>
+<div class="highlight-bash"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="nv">$ </span>ogr2ogr original.shp lonlat.shp -t_srs <span class="s2">"+proj=latlong"</span>
+<p>This should work if you have all the extra meta-files original.* included with your original.shp.
+Please refer to the <a class="reference external" href="http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html">OGR</a> documentation for more information.</p>
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+<h1>Usage<a class="headerlink" href="#usage" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Pycoast can be used to add coastlines, borders and rivers to a raster image if
+the geographic projection of the image and the image extent in projection
+coordinates are known</p>
+<img alt="_images/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png" src="_images/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png" />
+<p>Pycoast can add contours to either a PIL image object:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">open</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">3363403.31</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">2291879.85</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2630596.69</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2203620.1</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_rivers</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">5</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_borders</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">255</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<p>or to an image file:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">3363403.31</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">2291879.85</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2630596.69</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mf">2203620.1</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines_to_file</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">4</ [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_rivers_to_file</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">level</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="mi">5</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'blue'</span [...]
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_borders_to_file</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">outline</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">255</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">0</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class [...]
+<p>Where the <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">area_extent</span></tt> is the extent of the image in projection
+coordinates as (x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, x_ur) measured at pixel edges.</p>
+<p>The argument to <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">ContourWriter</span></tt> must be replaced with your <em>GSHHS_DATA_ROOT</em>.</p>
+<img alt="_images/euro_coast.png" src="_images/euro_coast.png" />
+<p>The resulting (not so pretty) image shows the effect of the various
+arguments. The <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">resolution</span></tt> keyword argument controls the resolution of
+the dataset used. It defaults to ‘c’ for coarse. Increasing the resolution also
+increases the processing time. The <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">level</span></tt> keyword argument controls the
+detail level of the dataset used. It defaults to <em>1</em> for the lowest detail
+<p>Instead of a tuple for <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">area_def</span></tt> a <a class="reference external" href="http://code.google.com/p/pyresample/">pyresample</a> <tt class="xref py py-attr docutils literal"><span class="pre">AreaDefinition</span></tt>
+object can be used.</p>
+<p>See method docstrings for information about possible argument values see method
+<p>Creating an image with coastlines only:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PIL</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Image</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">pycoast</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">new</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'RGB'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mi">425</span><span class="p">))</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">proj4_string</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="s">'+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_extent</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5570248.4773392612</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mf">5567248.074173444</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5567248.074173444</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="mf">5570248.4773392612</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">area_def</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">proj4_string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_extent</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">ContourWriter</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'/home/esn/data/gshhs'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">cw</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">add_coastlines</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">img</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">area_def</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">resolution</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s">'l'</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">img</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">show</span><span class="p">()</span>
+<img alt="_images/geos_coast.png" src="_images/geos_coast.png" />
+ </div>
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aceeba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/api.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+The :mod:`pycoast` API
+.. automodule:: pycoast
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index 9491241..39a9b63 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ import imp
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-extensions = []
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest',
+ 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.coverage']
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ html_theme = 'default'
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
+html_static_path = ['images']
# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
# using the given strftime format.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/config.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Pycoast from a configuration file
+If you want to run to avoid typing the same options over and over again, of if
+caching is an optimization you want, you can use a configuration file with the
+pycoast options you need:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [cache]
+ file=/var/run/satellit/white_overlay
+ [coasts]
+ level=1
+ width=0.75
+ outline=white
+ fill=yellow
+ [borders]
+ outline=white
+ width=0.5
+Then, you can just call:
+ >>> cw.add_overlay_from_config("my_config.cfg", area_def)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0aadff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/graticule.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Adding graticule to images
+Pycoast can be used to add graticule to images. For PIL_:
+ >>> from PIL import Image, ImageFont
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf",16)
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font,fill='blue',
+ ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue')
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/euro_grid.png
+The font argument is optional for PIL if it is not given a default font will be used.
+and for AGG:
+ >>> from PIL import Image, ImageFont
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> import aggdraw
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> font = aggdraw.Font('black', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf',
+ ... opacity=127, size=16)
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0),font,
+ ... outline='blue',outline_opacity=175,width=1.0,
+ ... minor_outline='lightblue',minor_outline_opacity=200,minor_width=0.5,
+ ... minor_is_tick=False)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/euro_grid_agg.png
+Note the difference in the optional font argument for PIL and AGG. With AGG the
+font argument is mandatory unless the keyword argument :attr:`write_text=False`
+is used.
+From v0.5.0 the graticule is also usable for globe projections:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), fill='blue',
+ ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue', write_text=False)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/grid_geos_agg.png
+The lon and lat labeling is shown where the lines intersect the image border.
+By default the lon intersections with top and bottom and the lat intersections with left and right border are displayed .
+The placement behaviour can be controlled with the :attr:`lon_placement` and :attr:`lat_placement` keyword variables.
+The placement specifier is a string containing the desired placement where 't' is top, 'b' bottom, 'l' left and 'r' right.
+E.g. :attr:`lon_placement='tl'` will make the lon labels display at the top and left border.
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> import aggdraw
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='c', level=4)
+ >>> font = aggdraw.Font('blue', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf', size=10)
+ >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
+ ... lon_placement='tblr', lat_placement='')
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png
+Tip: If the adding graticule with AGG fails with something like:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "grid_demo_AGG.py", line 13, in <module>
+ font=aggdraw.Font("blue", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf", size=16)
+ IOError: cannot load font (no text renderer)
+make sure the FREETYPE_ROOT in setup.py of aggdraw points to the correct location e.g. set *FREETYPE_ROOT = "/usr"*
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
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index 0000000..0f78c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/high_quality_contours.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+High quality contours using AGG
+The default plotting mode of pycoast uses PIL_ for rendering of contours. PIL
+does not support antialiasing and opacity. The AGG engine can be used for
+making high quality images using the aggdraw_ module.
+First install the aggdraw_ module.
+Tip: if the building of aggdraw fails with:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ agg_array.h:523: error: cast from ‘agg::int8u*’ to ‘unsigned int’ loses precision
+.. code-block:: bash
+ export CFLAGS="-fpermissive"
+before building.
+Using pycoast with AGG for making antialiased drawing:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, (proj4_string, area_extent), resolution='l', width=0.5)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/geos_coast_agg.png
+and making the not-so-nice image from the first example nice:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue', width=0.5, outline_opacity=127)
+ >>> cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=3, outline_opacity=32)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/euro_coast_agg.png
+See docstrings of :attr:`ContourWriterAGG` methods for argument descriptions.
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
+.. _aggdraw: http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png differ
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 1d3701a..d082499 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -5,249 +5,22 @@
-Pycoast is a Python package to add coastlines, borders and rivers to raster images using data from the GSHHS and WDBII datasets
-Pycoast depends on pyshp_ and PIL_.
-Install pycoast and dependencies.
-Download the zipped GSHHS and WDBII Shapefiles from SOEST_.
-Unzip the files to a data directory (hereafter called *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT*).
-The structure of *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT* should now be::
- .
- ├── GSHHS_shp
- │ ├── c
- │ ├── f
- │ ├── h
- │ ├── i
- │ └── l
- └── WDBII_shp
- ├── c
- ├── f
- ├── h
- ├── i
- └── l
-Where each dir on the lowest level contains Shapefiles like *GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp*
-Pycoast can be used to add coastlines, borders and rivers to a raster image if the geographic projection of the image and the image extent in projection coordinates are known
-.. image:: images/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png
-Pycoast can add contours to either a PIL image object:
- >>> from PIL import Image
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
- >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- >>> cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
- >>> cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
- >>> img.show()
-or to an image file:
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- >>> cw.add_rivers_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
- >>> cw.add_borders_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
-Where the :attr:`area_extent` is the extent of the image in projection coordinates as (x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, x_ur) measured at pixel edges.
-The argument to :attr:`ContourWriter` must be replaced with your *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT*.
-.. image:: images/euro_coast.png
-The resulting (not so pretty) image shows the effect of the various arguments. The :attr:`resolution` keyword argument controls the resolution of the dataset used. It defaults to 'c' for coarse. Increasing the resolution also increases the processing time. The :attr:`level` keyword argument controls the detail level of the dataset used. It defaults to *1* for the lowest detail level.
-Instead of a tuple for :attr:`area_def` a pyresample_ :attr:`AreaDefinition` object can be used.
-See method docstrings for information about possible argument values see method docstrings.
-Creating an image with coastlines only:
- >>> from PIL import Image
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
- >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
- >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
- >>> img.show()
-.. image:: images/geos_coast.png
-High quality contours using AGG
-The default plotting mode of pycoast uses PIL for rendering of contours. PIL does not support antialiasing and opacity. The AGG engine can be used for making high quality images using the aggdraw_ module.
-First install the aggdraw_ module.
-Tip: if the building of aggdraw fails with:
-.. code-block:: bash
- agg_array.h:523: error: cast from ‘agg::int8u*’ to ‘unsigned int’ loses precision
-.. code-block:: bash
- export CFLAGS="-fpermissive"
-before building.
-Using pycoast with AGG for making antialiased drawing:
- >>> from PIL import Image
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
- >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, (proj4_string, area_extent), resolution='l', width=0.5)
- >>> img.show()
-.. image:: images/geos_coast_agg.png
-and making the not-so-nice image from the first example nice:
- >>> from PIL import Image
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- >>> cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue', width=0.5, outline_opacity=127)
- >>> cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=3, outline_opacity=32)
- >>> img.show()
+Pycoast is a Python package to add coastlines, borders and rivers to raster
+images using data from the GSHHS and WDBII datasets
.. image:: images/euro_coast_agg.png
-See docstrings of :attr:`ContourWriterAGG` methods for argument descriptions.
-Adding graticule to images
-Pycoast can be used to add graticule to images. For PIL:
- >>> from PIL import Image, ImageFont
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf",16)
- >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font,fill='blue',
- ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue')
- >>> img.show()
-.. image:: images/euro_grid.png
-The font argument is optional for PIL if it is not given a default font will be used.
-and for AGG:
- >>> from PIL import Image, ImageFont
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- >>> import aggdraw
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> font = aggdraw.Font('black', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf',
- ... opacity=127, size=16)
- >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0),font,
- ... outline='blue',outline_opacity=175,width=1.0,
- ... minor_outline='lightblue',minor_outline_opacity=200,minor_width=0.5,
- ... minor_is_tick=False)
- >>> img.show()
-.. image:: images/euro_grid_agg.png
-Note the difference in the optional font argument for PIL and AGG. With AGG the font argument is mandatory unless the keyword argument :attr:`write_text=False` is used.
-From v0.5.0 the graticule is also usable for globe projections:
- >>> from PIL import Image
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
- >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
- >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), fill='blue',
- ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue', write_text=False)
- >>> img.show()
-.. image:: images/grid_geos_agg.png
-The lon and lat labeling is shown where the lines intersect the image border.
-By default the lon intersections with top and bottom and the lat intersections with left and right border are displayed .
-The placement behaviour can be controlled with the :attr:`lon_placement` and :attr:`lat_placement` keyword variables.
-The placement specifier is a string containing the desired placement where 't' is top, 'b' bottom, 'l' left and 'r' right.
-E.g. :attr:`lon_placement='tl'` will make the lon labels display at the top and left border.
- >>> from PIL import Image
- >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- >>> import aggdraw
- >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
- >>> proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
- >>> area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
- >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
- >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
- >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='c', level=4)
- >>> font = aggdraw.Font('blue', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf', size=10)
- >>> cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
- ... outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
- ... lon_placement='tblr', lat_placement='')
- >>> img.show()
-.. image:: images/nh_grid_coarse_agg.png
-Tip: If the adding graticule with AGG fails with something like:
-.. code-block:: bash
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "grid_demo_AGG.py", line 13, in <module>
- font=aggdraw.Font("blue", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf", size=16)
- IOError: cannot load font (no text renderer)
-make sure the FREETYPE_ROOT in setup.py of aggdraw points to the correct location e.g. set *FREETYPE_ROOT = "/usr"*
-The tests can be run using nosetest:
-.. code-block:: bash
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
- $ cd <pycoast_dir>
- $ nosetests tests/
+ installation
+ usage
+ high_quality_contours
+ graticule
+ config
+ polygons_and_lines
+ shapefiles
+ test
+ api
-.. _pyshp: http://code.google.com/p/pyshp/
-.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
-.. _SOEST: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html
-.. _pyresample: http://code.google.com/p/pyresample/
-.. _aggdraw: http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm
diff --git a/docs/source/installation.rst b/docs/source/installation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd5bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/installation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Pycoast depends on pyshp_ and PIL_.
+Install pycoast and dependencies.
+Download the zipped GSHHS and WDBII Shapefiles from SOEST_.
+Unzip the files to a data directory (hereafter called *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT*).
+The structure of *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT* should now be::
+ .
+ ├── GSHHS_shp
+ │ ├── c
+ │ ├── f
+ │ ├── h
+ │ ├── i
+ │ └── l
+ └── WDBII_shp
+ ├── c
+ ├── f
+ ├── h
+ ├── i
+ └── l
+Where each dir on the lowest level contains Shapefiles like *GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp*
+.. _SOEST: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/index.html
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
+.. _pyshp: http://code.google.com/p/pyshp/
diff --git a/docs/source/polygons_and_lines.rst b/docs/source/polygons_and_lines.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595bb63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/polygons_and_lines.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Custom shapes and lines
+Pycoast can add custom polygons and lines, useful for outlining
+special target areas. The following example shows how we might
+use the :attr:`add_polygon` method to highlight the Reykjavik Air Traffic Control
+area and an additional filled box around Iceland.
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (600, 600))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ ...
+ >>> REYKJAVIK_ATC = [(0.0,73.0),(0.0,61.0),(-30.0,61.0),(-39,63.5),(-55+4/6.0,63.5),(-57+45/60.0,65),(-76,76),(-75,78),(-60,82),(0,90),(30,82),(0,82)]
+ >>> ICELAND_BOX = [(-25,62.5),(-25,67),(-13,67),(-13,62.5)]
+ >>> cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, REYKJAVIK_ATC, outline='red',width=2)
+ >>> cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, ICELAND_BOX, outline='green', fill='gray', width=2)
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/nh_polygons_agg.png
+The :attr:`add_polygon` method accepts a list of longitude, latitude pairs.
+An equivalent :attr:`add_line` method is also available which does not tie
+the first and last coordinates in the list.
+Now we can plot some air traffic routes from Keflavik to Seattle, Moscow and Beijing,
+ >>> ROUTE_KEF_MOS = [(-22.6056, 63.985), (-19.046655824698217, 64.2936159845089), (-15.41883293246517, 64.51404924194419), (-11.744200494490052, 64.64399069686961), (-8.046778033221322, 64.6820416591038), (-4.351563677581442, 64.62778714494442), (-0.6834599011921236, 64.48181810544278), (2.9337905930008565, 64.24569983825512), (6.478548138904879, 63.92189044240429), (9.932010650466118, 63.513618932636106), (13.278688573156892, 63.02473642018875), (16.506610526365268, 62.4595550541191 [...]
+ >>> ROUTE_KEF_SEA = [(-22.6056, 63.985), (-28.15308892820336, 65.36580325755281), (-34.26244035327647, 66.52172028653052), (-40.896187287785146, 67.41807846160079), (-47.960443294166176, 68.02301075853937), (-55.302469834902446, 68.31206181696378), (-62.72513195737088, 68.27259499211274), (-70.01742497152813, 67.90637421611629), (-76.99054572503543, 67.22919099479928), (-83.50520476774184, 66.26770704836584), (-89.48175180569157, 65.05485573003652), (-94.89452260904564, 63.6253937485 [...]
+ >>> ROUTE_KEF_BEI = [(-22.6056, 63.985), (-17.489150553128045, 67.07686353046147), (-10.93541135202904, 69.95803521761742), (-2.422591560170639, 72.52376059083646), (8.601530816977142, 74.6151942209109), (22.350514164676376, 76.01770036199035), (38.03768523094268, 76.51449133498859), (53.7147372147881, 76.00872266593849), (67.44042282956654, 74.598879606615), (78.43970951791597, 72.50222030140003), (86.9320528199369, 69.93299364768527), (93.47049967796295, 67.04949777818322), (98.575 [...]
+ >>> cw.add_line(img, area_def, ROUTE_KEF_MOS, outline='yellow',outline_opacity=180,width=3)
+ >>> cw.add_line(img, area_def, ROUTE_KEF_SEA, outline='yellow',outline_opacity=180,width=3)
+ >>> cw.add_line(img, area_def, ROUTE_KEF_BEI, outline='yellow',outline_opacity=180,width=3)
+.. image:: images/nh_polygons_lines_agg.png
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
diff --git a/docs/source/shapefiles.rst b/docs/source/shapefiles.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f45b6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/shapefiles.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Shapes from ESRI shape files
+Pycoast supports plotting of polygons and polylines from ESRI shapefiles,
+currently only in lonlat coordinates format.
+In the following example we use :attr:`add_shapefile_shapes` method to plot all line shapes
+found in the file Metareas.shp. We then use the :attr:`add_shapefile_shape` (notice the singular)
+to plot only the 3rd and 4th shape_id within the file BR_Regioes.shp.
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (600, 600))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=merc +lon_0=-60 +lat_ts=-30.0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ >>> area_extent = (-2000000.0, -5000000.0, 5000000.0, 2000000.0)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
+ ...
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_shapefile_shapes(img, area_def,
+ 'test/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp',
+ outline='red',width=2)
+ >>> cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ 'test/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp',
+ 3, outline='blue')
+ >>> cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ 'test/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp',
+ 4, outline='blue', fill='green')
+.. image:: images/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png
+If your shapefile is not in lonlat coordinates, then you can re-project your shape file using
+:attr:`ogr2ogr` (part of GDAL_ tools), e.g.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ ogr2ogr original.shp lonlat.shp -t_srs "+proj=latlong"
+This should work if you have all the extra meta-files original.* included with your original.shp.
+Please refer to the OGR_ documentation for more information.
+.. _OGR: http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html
+.. _GDAL: http://www.gdal.org/
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
diff --git a/docs/source/test.rst b/docs/source/test.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa185f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/test.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+The tests can be run using nosetest:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd <pycoast_dir>
+ $ nosetests tests/
diff --git a/docs/source/usage.rst b/docs/source/usage.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd1315
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+++ b/docs/source/usage.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Pycoast can be used to add coastlines, borders and rivers to a raster image if
+the geographic projection of the image and the image extent in projection
+coordinates are known
+.. image:: images/BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png
+Pycoast can add contours to either a PIL image object:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> img = Image.open('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png')
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
+ >>> cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
+ >>> img.show()
+or to an image file:
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
+ >>> area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ >>> cw.add_rivers_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
+ >>> cw.add_borders_to_file('BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png', area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
+Where the :attr:`area_extent` is the extent of the image in projection
+coordinates as (x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, x_ur) measured at pixel edges.
+The argument to :attr:`ContourWriter` must be replaced with your *GSHHS_DATA_ROOT*.
+.. image:: images/euro_coast.png
+The resulting (not so pretty) image shows the effect of the various
+arguments. The :attr:`resolution` keyword argument controls the resolution of
+the dataset used. It defaults to 'c' for coarse. Increasing the resolution also
+increases the processing time. The :attr:`level` keyword argument controls the
+detail level of the dataset used. It defaults to *1* for the lowest detail
+Instead of a tuple for :attr:`area_def` a pyresample_ :attr:`AreaDefinition`
+object can be used.
+See method docstrings for information about possible argument values see method
+Creating an image with coastlines only:
+ >>> from PIL import Image
+ >>> from pycoast import ContourWriter
+ >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ >>> proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
+ >>> area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
+ >>> area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ >>> cw = ContourWriter('/home/esn/data/gshhs')
+ >>> cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
+ >>> img.show()
+.. image:: images/geos_coast.png
+.. _pyshp: http://code.google.com/p/pyshp/
+.. _PIL: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
+.. _pyresample: http://code.google.com/p/pyresample/
+.. _aggdraw: http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm
diff --git a/pycoast.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/pycoast.egg-info/PKG-INFO
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index b8d9b2b..0000000
--- a/pycoast.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
-Name: pycoast
-Version: 0.5.2
-Summary: Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
-Home-page: UNKNOWN
-Author: Esben S. Nielsen
-Author-email: esn at dmi.dk
-License: UNKNOWN
-Description: UNKNOWN
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
-Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
diff --git a/pycoast.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/pycoast.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b89e5ef..0000000
--- a/pycoast.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pycoast.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/pycoast.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/pycoast.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/pycoast.egg-info/not-zip-safe b/pycoast.egg-info/not-zip-safe
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/pycoast.egg-info/not-zip-safe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/pycoast.egg-info/requires.txt b/pycoast.egg-info/requires.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 450bb84..0000000
--- a/pycoast.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pycoast.egg-info/top_level.txt b/pycoast.egg-info/top_level.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a17b6..0000000
--- a/pycoast.egg-info/top_level.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/pycoast/__init__.py b/pycoast/__init__.py
index 6cf628c..c4d3101 100644
--- a/pycoast/__init__.py
+++ b/pycoast/__init__.py
@@ -1,1337 +1,10 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
-#Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Esben S. Nielsen
-# 2012 Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#(at your option) any later version.
-#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#GNU General Public License for more details.
-#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import os
-import numpy as np
-from PIL import Image, ImageFont
-import ImageDraw
-import shapefile
-import pyproj
+# Import all the classes so that usage stays the same as previously.
+# Default to PIL based ContourWriter in case the import of aggdraw or
+# cairo fail.
-class ShapeFileError(Exception):
- """Class for error objects creation"""
- pass
-class ContourWriterBase(object):
- """Base class for contourwriters. Do not instantiate.
- :Parameters:
- db_root_path : str
- Path to root dir of GSHHS and WDBII shapefiles
- """
- _draw_module = None
- # This is a flag to make _add_grid aware of which draw.text subroutine,
- # from PIL or from aggdraw is being used (unfortunately they are not fully
- # compatible).
- def __init__(self, db_root_path):
- self.db_root_path = db_root_path
- def _draw_text(self, draw, position, txt, font, align='cc', **kwargs):
- """Draw text with agg module
- """
- txt_width, txt_height = draw.textsize(txt, font)
- x_pos, y_pos = position
- ax, ay = align.lower()
- if ax == 'r':
- x_pos = x_pos - txt_width
- elif ax == 'c':
- x_pos = x_pos - txt_width / 2
- if ay == 'b':
- y_pos = y_pos - txt_height
- elif ay == 'c':
- y_pos = y_pos - txt_width / 2
- self._engine_text_draw(draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs)
- def _engine_text_draw(self, draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError('Text drawing undefined for render engine')
- def _draw_grid_labels(self, draw, xys, linetype, txt, font, **kwargs):
- """Draw text with default PIL module
- """
- placement_def = kwargs[linetype].lower()
- for xy in xys:
- # note xy[0] is xy coordinate pair,
- # xy[1] is required alignment e.g. 'tl','lr','lc','cc'...
- ax, ay = xy[1].lower()
- if ax in placement_def or ay in placement_def:
- self._draw_text(draw, xy[0], txt, font, align=xy[1], **kwargs)
- def _find_line_intercepts(self, xys, size, margins):
- """Finds intercepts of poly-line xys with image boundaries
- offset by margins and returns an array of coordintes"""
- x_size, y_size = size
- def is_in_box((x, y), (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)):
- if x > xmin and x < xmax and y > ymin and y < ymax:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def crossing(x1, x2, lim):
- if (x1 < lim) != (x2 < lim):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- # set box limits
- xlim1 = margins[0]
- ylim1 = margins[1]
- xlim2 = x_size - margins[0]
- ylim2 = y_size - margins[0]
- # only consider crossing within a box a little bigger than grid boundary
- search_box = (-10, x_size + 10, -10, y_size + 10)
- # loop trought line steps and detect crossings
- intercepts = []
- align_left = 'LC'
- align_right = 'RC'
- align_top = 'CT'
- align_bottom = 'CB'
- prev_xy = xys[0]
- for i in range(1, len(xys) - 1):
- xy = xys[i]
- if is_in_box(xy, search_box):
- # crossing LHS
- if crossing(prev_xy[0], xy[0], xlim1):
- x = xlim1
- y = xy[1]
- intercepts.append(((x, y), align_left))
- # crossing RHS
- elif crossing(prev_xy[0], xy[0], xlim2):
- x = xlim2
- y = xy[1]
- intercepts.append(((x, y), align_right))
- # crossing Top
- elif crossing(prev_xy[1], xy[1], ylim1):
- x = xy[0]
- y = ylim1
- intercepts.append(((x, y), align_top))
- # crossing Bottom
- elif crossing(prev_xy[1], xy[1], ylim2):
- x = xy[0] # - txt_width/2
- y = ylim2 # - txt_height
- intercepts.append(((x, y), align_bottom))
- prev_xy = xy
- return intercepts
- def _add_grid(self, image, area_def,
- Dlon, Dlat,
- dlon, dlat,
- font=None, write_text=True, **kwargs):
- """Add a lat lon grid to image
- """
- try:
- proj4_string = area_def.proj4_string
- area_extent = area_def.area_extent
- except AttributeError:
- proj4_string = area_def[0]
- area_extent = area_def[1]
- draw = self._get_canvas(image)
- is_agg = self._draw_module == "AGG"
- # use kwargs for major lines ... but reform for minor lines:
- minor_line_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
- minor_line_kwargs['outline'] = kwargs['minor_outline']
- if is_agg:
- minor_line_kwargs['outline_opacity'] = \
- kwargs['minor_outline_opacity']
- minor_line_kwargs['width'] = kwargs['minor_width']
- # set text fonts
- if font == None:
- font = ImageFont.load_default()
- # text margins (at sides of image frame)
- y_text_margin = 4
- x_text_margin = 4
- # Area and projection info
- x_size, y_size = image.size
- prj = pyproj.Proj(proj4_string)
- x_offset = 0
- y_offset = 0
- # Calculate min and max lons and lats of interest
- lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = \
- _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj)
- # Handle dateline crossing
- if lon_max < lon_min:
- lon_max = 360 + lon_max
- ## Draw lonlat grid lines ...
- # create adjustment of line lengths to avoid cluttered pole lines
- if lat_max == 90.0:
- shorten_max_lat = Dlat
- else:
- shorten_max_lat = 0.0
- if lat_min == -90.0:
- increase_min_lat = Dlat
- else:
- increase_min_lat = 0.0
- # major lon lines
- round_lon_min = (lon_min - (lon_min % Dlon))
- maj_lons = np.arange(round_lon_min, lon_max, Dlon)
- maj_lons[maj_lons > 180] = maj_lons[maj_lons > 180] - 360
- # minor lon lines (ticks)
- min_lons = np.arange(round_lon_min, lon_max, dlon)
- min_lons[min_lons > 180] = min_lons[min_lons > 180] - 360
- # Get min_lons not in maj_lons
- min_lons = np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d(min_lons, maj_lons)
- # lats along major lon lines
- lin_lats = np.arange(lat_min + increase_min_lat,
- lat_max - shorten_max_lat,
- float(lat_max - lat_min) / y_size)
- # lin_lats in rather high definition so that it can be used to
- # posituion text labels near edges of image...
- ##### perhaps better to find the actual length of line in pixels...
- round_lat_min = (lat_min - (lat_min % Dlat))
- # major lat lines
- maj_lats = np.arange(round_lat_min + increase_min_lat, lat_max, Dlat)
- # minor lon lines (ticks)
- min_lats = np.arange(round_lat_min + increase_min_lat,
- lat_max - shorten_max_lat,
- dlat)
- # Get min_lats not in maj_lats
- min_lats = np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d(min_lats, maj_lats)
- # lons along major lat lines
- lin_lons = np.arange(lon_min, lon_max, Dlon / 10.0)
- # create dummpy shape object
- tmpshape = shapefile.Writer("")
- ##### MINOR LINES ######
- if not kwargs['minor_is_tick']:
- # minor lat lines
- for lat in min_lats:
- lonlats = [(x, lat) for x in lin_lons]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
- area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- del is_reduced
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the tick line...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **minor_line_kwargs)
- # minor lon lines
- for lon in min_lons:
- lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in lin_lats]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
- area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the tick line...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **minor_line_kwargs)
- # major lon lines and tick marks:
- for lon in maj_lons:
- # Draw 'minor' tick lines dlat separation along the lon
- if kwargs['minor_is_tick']:
- tick_lons = np.arange(lon - Dlon / 20.0,
- lon + Dlon / 20.0,
- Dlon / 50.0)
- for lat in min_lats:
- lonlats = [(x, lat) for x in tick_lons]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = \
- _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
- area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the tick line...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **minor_line_kwargs)
- # Draw 'major' lines
- lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in lin_lats]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape, area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the lines...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **kwargs)
- # add lon text markings at each end of longitude line
- if write_text:
- if lon > 0.0:
- txt = "%.2dE" % (lon)
- else:
- txt = "%.2dW" % (-lon)
- xys = self._find_line_intercepts(index_array, image.size,
- (x_text_margin, y_text_margin))
- self._draw_grid_labels(draw, xys, 'lon_placement', txt, font, **kwargs)
- # major lat lines and tick marks:
- for lat in maj_lats:
- # Draw 'minor' tick dlon separation along the lat
- if kwargs['minor_is_tick']:
- tick_lats = np.arange(lat - Dlat / 20.0,
- lat + Dlat / 20.0,
- Dlat / 50.0)
- for lon in min_lons:
- lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in tick_lats]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = \
- _get_pixel_index(tmpshape, area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the tick line...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **minor_line_kwargs)
- # Draw 'major' lines
- lonlats = [(x, lat) for x in lin_lons]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape, area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the lines...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw, index_array.flatten().tolist(), **kwargs)
- # add lat text markings at each end of parallels ...
- if write_text:
- if lat >= 0.0:
- txt = "%.2dN" % (lat)
- else:
- txt = "%.2dS" % (-lat)
- xys = self._find_line_intercepts(index_array, image.size,
- (x_text_margin, y_text_margin))
- self._draw_grid_labels(draw, xys, 'lat_placement', txt, font, **kwargs)
- # Draw cross on poles ...
- if lat_max == 90.0:
- crosslats = np.arange(90.0 - Dlat / 2.0, 90.0,
- float(lat_max - lat_min) / y_size)
- for lon in (0.0, 90.0, 180.0, -90.0):
- lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in crosslats]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
- area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the lines...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **kwargs)
- if lat_min == -90.0:
- crosslats = np.arange(-90.0, -90.0 + Dlat / 2.0,
- float(lat_max - lat_min) / y_size)
- for lon in (0.0, 90.0, 180.0, -90.0):
- lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in crosslats]
- tmpshape.points = lonlats
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
- area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # make PIL draw the lines...
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **kwargs)
- self._finalize(draw)
- def _add_feature(self, image, area_def, feature_type,
- db_name, tag=None, zero_pad=False, resolution='c',
- level=1, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, **kwargs):
- """Add a contour feature to image
- """
- try:
- proj4_string = area_def.proj4_string
- area_extent = area_def.area_extent
- except AttributeError:
- proj4_string = area_def[0]
- area_extent = area_def[1]
- draw = self._get_canvas(image)
- # Area and projection info
- x_size, y_size = image.size
- prj = pyproj.Proj(proj4_string)
- # Calculate min and max lons and lats of interest
- lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = \
- _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj)
- # Iterate through detail levels
- for shapes in self._iterate_db(db_name, tag, resolution,
- level, zero_pad):
- # Iterate through shapes
- for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
- # Check if polygon is possibly relevant
- s_lon_ll, s_lat_ll, s_lon_ur, s_lat_ur = shape.bbox
- if lon_min > lon_max:
- # Dateline crossing
- if ((s_lon_ur < lon_min and s_lon_ll > lon_max) or
- lat_max < s_lat_ll or lat_min > s_lat_ur):
- # Polygon is irrelevant
- continue
- pass
- elif (lon_max < s_lon_ll or lon_min > s_lon_ur or
- lat_max < s_lat_ll or lat_min > s_lat_ur):
- # Polygon is irrelevant
- continue
- # Get pixel index coordinates of shape
- index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(shape,
- area_extent,
- x_size, y_size,
- prj,
- x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- # Skip empty datasets
- if len(index_arrays) == 0:
- continue
- # Make PIL draw the polygon or line
- for index_array in index_arrays:
- if feature_type.lower() == 'polygon' and not is_reduced:
- # Draw polygon if dataset has not been reduced
- self._draw_polygon(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **kwargs)
- elif feature_type.lower() == 'line' or is_reduced:
- # Draw line
- self._draw_line(draw,
- index_array.flatten().tolist(),
- **kwargs)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown contour type: %s'
- % feature_type)
- self._finalize(draw)
- def _iterate_db(self, db_name, tag, resolution, level, zero_pad):
- """Iterate trough datasets
- """
- format_string = '%s_%s_'
- if tag is not None:
- format_string += '%s_'
- if zero_pad:
- format_string += 'L%02i.shp'
- else:
- format_string += 'L%s.shp'
- for i in range(level):
- # One shapefile per level
- if tag is None:
- shapefilename = \
- os.path.join(self.db_root_path, '%s_shp' % db_name,
- resolution, format_string %
- (db_name, resolution, (i + 1)))
- else:
- shapefilename = \
- os.path.join(self.db_root_path, '%s_shp' % db_name,
- resolution, format_string %
- (db_name, tag, resolution, (i + 1)))
- try:
- s = shapefile.Reader(shapefilename)
- shapes = s.shapes()
- except AttributeError:
- raise ShapeFileError('Could not find shapefile %s'
- % shapefilename)
- yield shapes
- def _finalize(self, draw):
- """Do any need finalization of the drawing
- """
- pass
-class ContourWriter(ContourWriterBase):
- """Adds countours from GSHHS and WDBII to images
- :Parameters:
- db_root_path : str
- Path to root dir of GSHHS and WDBII shapefiles
- """
- _draw_module = "PIL"
- # This is a flag to make _add_grid aware
- # of which text draw routine from PIL or
- # from aggdraw should be used (unfortunately
- # they are not fully compatible)
- def _get_canvas(self, image):
- """Returns PIL image object
- """
- return ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- def _engine_text_draw(self, draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs):
- draw.text((x_pos, y_pos), txt, font=font, fill=kwargs['fill'])
- def _draw_polygon(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
- """Draw polygon
- """
- draw.polygon(coordinates, fill=kwargs['fill'],
- outline=kwargs['outline'])
- def _draw_line(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
- """Draw line
- """
- draw.line(coordinates, fill=kwargs['outline'])
- def add_grid(self, image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
- font=None, write_text=True, fill=None, outline='white',
- minor_outline='white', minor_is_tick=True,
- lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
- """Add a lon-lat grid to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
- Major grid line separation
- (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
- Minor grid line separation
- font: PIL ImageFont object, optional
- Font for major line markings
- write_text : boolean, optional
- Deterine if line markings are enabled
- fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Text color
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Major line color
- minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Minor line/tick color
- minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
- Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
- """
- self._add_grid(image, area_def, Dlon, Dlat, dlon, dlat, font=font,
- write_text=write_text, fill=fill, outline=outline,
- minor_outline=minor_outline, minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
- lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
- def add_grid_to_file(self, filename, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
- font=None, write_text=True, fill=None, outline='white',
- minor_outline='white', minor_is_tick=True,
- lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
- """Add a lon-lat grid to an image file
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
- Major grid line separation
- (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
- Minor grid line separation
- font: PIL ImageFont object, optional
- Font for major line markings
- write_text : boolean, optional
- Deterine if line markings are enabled
- fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Text color
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Major line color
- minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Minor line/tick color
- minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
- Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_grid(image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat), font=font,
- write_text=write_text, fill=fill, outline=outline,
- minor_outline=minor_outline,
- minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
- lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
- image.save(filename)
- def add_coastlines(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- fill=None, outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add coastlines to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
- Detail level of dataset
- fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Land color
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'polygon', 'GSHHS',
- resolution=resolution, level=level,
- fill=fill, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- def add_coastlines_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c',
- level=1, fill=None, outline='white',
- x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add coastlines to an image file
- :Parameters:
- filename : str
- Image file
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
- Detail level of dataset
- fill : str or (R, G, B)
- Land color
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_coastlines(image, area_def,
- resolution=resolution, level=level,
- fill=fill, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- image.save(filename)
- def add_borders(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add borders to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Border color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII',
- tag='border', resolution=resolution, level=level,
- outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- def add_borders_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add borders to an image file
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- Image file
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Border color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_borders(image, area_def, resolution=resolution,
- level=level, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- image.save(filename)
- def add_rivers(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add rivers to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- River color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII',
- tag='river', zero_pad=True, resolution=resolution,
- level=level, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- def add_rivers_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add rivers to an image file
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- Image file
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- River color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_rivers(image, area_def, resolution=resolution, level=level,
- outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset)
- image.save(filename)
-class ContourWriterAGG(ContourWriterBase):
- """Adds countours from GSHHS and WDBII to images
- using the AGG engine for high quality images.
- :Parameters:
- db_root_path : str
- Path to root dir of GSHHS and WDBII shapefiles
- """
- _draw_module = "AGG"
- # This is a flag to make _add_grid aware of which text draw routine
- # from PIL or from aggdraw should be used
- # (unfortunately they are not fully compatible)
- def _get_canvas(self, image):
- """Returns AGG image object
- """
- import aggdraw
- return aggdraw.Draw(image)
- def _engine_text_draw(self, draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs):
- draw.text((x_pos, y_pos), txt, font)
- def _draw_polygon(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
- """Draw polygon
- """
- import aggdraw
- pen = aggdraw.Pen(kwargs['outline'],
- kwargs['width'],
- kwargs['outline_opacity'])
- if kwargs['fill'] is None:
- fill_opacity = 0
- else:
- fill_opacity = kwargs['fill_opacity']
- brush = aggdraw.Brush(kwargs['fill'], fill_opacity)
- draw.polygon(coordinates, pen, brush)
- def _draw_line(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
- """Draw line
- """
- import aggdraw
- pen = aggdraw.Pen(kwargs['outline'],
- kwargs['width'],
- kwargs['outline_opacity'])
- draw.line(coordinates, pen)
- def _finalize(self, draw):
- """Flush the AGG image object
- """
- draw.flush()
- def add_grid(self, image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
- font=None, write_text=True, fill=None, fill_opacity=255,
- outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
- minor_outline='white', minor_width=0.5,
- minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_is_tick=True,
- lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
- """Add a lon-lat grid to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
- Major grid line separation
- (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
- Minor grid line separation
- font: Aggdraw Font object, optional
- Font for major line markings
- write_text : boolean, optional
- Deterine if line markings are enabled
- fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of text
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Major line color
- width : float, optional
- Major line width
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of major lines
- minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Minor line/tick color
- minor_width : float, optional
- Minor line width
- minor_outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of minor lines/ticks
- minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
- Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
- """
- self._add_grid(image, area_def, Dlon, Dlat, dlon, dlat,
- font=font, write_text=write_text,
- fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, outline=outline,
- width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
- minor_outline=minor_outline, minor_width=minor_width,
- minor_outline_opacity=minor_outline_opacity,
- minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
- lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
- def add_grid_to_file(self, filename, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
- font=None, write_text=True,
- fill=None, fill_opacity=255,
- outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
- minor_outline='white', minor_width=0.5,
- minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_is_tick=True,
- lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
- """Add a lon-lat grid to an image
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
- Major grid line separation
- (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
- Minor grid line separation
- font: Aggdraw Font object, optional
- Font for major line markings
- write_text : boolean, optional
- Deterine if line markings are enabled
- fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of text
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Major line color
- width : float, optional
- Major line width
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of major lines
- minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Minor line/tick color
- minor_width : float, optional
- Minor line width
- minor_outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of minor lines/ticks
- minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
- Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_grid(image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
- font=font, write_text=write_text,
- fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
- outline=outline, width=width,
- outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
- minor_outline=minor_outline,
- minor_width=minor_width,
- minor_outline_opacity=minor_outline_opacity,
- minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
- lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
- image.save(filename)
- def add_coastlines(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- fill=None, fill_opacity=255, outline='white', width=1,
- outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add coastlines to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
- Detail level of dataset
- fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Land color
- fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of land color
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Coastline color
- width : float, optional
- Width of coastline
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'polygon', 'GSHHS',
- resolution=resolution, level=level,
- fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
- outline=outline, width=width,
- outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- def add_coastlines_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c',
- level=1, fill=None, fill_opacity=255,
- outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
- x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add coastlines to an image file
- :Parameters:
- filename : str
- Image file
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
- Detail level of dataset
- fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Land color
- fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of land color
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Coastline color
- width : float, optional
- Width of coastline
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_coastlines(image, area_def, resolution=resolution,
- level=level, fill=fill,
- fill_opacity=fill_opacity, outline=outline,
- width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
- x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset)
- image.save(filename)
- def add_borders(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
- x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add borders to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Border color
- width : float, optional
- Width of coastline
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII', tag='border',
- resolution=resolution, level=level, outline=outline,
- width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
- x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset)
- def add_borders_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c',
- level=1, outline='white', width=1,
- outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add borders to an image file
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- Image file
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- Border color
- width : float, optional
- Width of coastline
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_borders(image, area_def, resolution=resolution, level=level,
- outline=outline, width=width,
- outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- image.save(filename)
- def add_rivers(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
- x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add rivers to a PIL image object
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- PIL image object
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- River color
- width : float, optional
- Width of coastline
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII', tag='river',
- zero_pad=True, resolution=resolution, level=level,
- outline=outline, width=width,
- outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- def add_rivers_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
- outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
- x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Add rivers to an image file
- :Parameters:
- image : object
- Image file
- proj4_string : str
- Projection of area as Proj.4 string
- area_extent : list
- Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
- resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
- Dataset resolution to use
- level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
- Detail level of dataset
- outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
- River color
- width : float, optional
- Width of coastline
- outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
- Opacity of coastline color
- x_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in x direction
- y_offset : float, optional
- Pixel offset in y direction
- """
- image = Image.open(filename)
- self.add_rivers(image, area_def, resolution=resolution, level=level,
- outline=outline, width=width,
- outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
- y_offset=y_offset)
- image.save(filename)
-def _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj):
- """Get extreme lon and lat values
- """
- x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, y_ur = area_extent
- x_range = np.linspace(x_ll, x_ur, num=x_size)
- y_range = np.linspace(y_ll, y_ur, num=y_size)
- lons_s1, lats_s1 = prj(np.ones(y_range.size) * x_ll, y_range, inverse=True)
- lons_s2, lats_s2 = prj(x_range, np.ones(x_range.size) * y_ur, inverse=True)
- lons_s3, lats_s3 = prj(np.ones(y_range.size) * x_ur, y_range, inverse=True)
- lons_s4, lats_s4 = prj(x_range, np.ones(x_range.size) * y_ll, inverse=True)
- angle_sum = 0
- prev = None
- for lon in np.concatenate((lons_s1, lons_s2, lons_s3[::-1], lons_s4[::-1])):
- if prev is not None:
- delta = lon - prev
- if abs(delta) > 180:
- delta = (abs(delta) - 360) * np.sign(delta)
- angle_sum += delta
- prev = lon
- if round(angle_sum) == -360:
- # Covers NP
- lat_min = min(lats_s1.min(), lats_s2.min(),
- lats_s3.min(), lats_s4.min())
- lat_max = 90
- lon_min = -180
- lon_max = 180
- elif round(angle_sum) == 360:
- # Covers SP
- lat_min = -90
- lat_max = max(lats_s1.max(), lats_s2.max(),
- lats_s3.max(), lats_s4.max())
- lon_min = -180
- lon_max = 180
- elif round(angle_sum) == 0:
- # Covers no poles
- if np.sign(lons_s1[0]) * np.sign(lons_s1[-1]) == -1:
- # End points of left side on different side of dateline
- lon_min = lons_s1[lons_s1 > 0].min()
- else:
- lon_min = lons_s1.min()
- if np.sign(lons_s3[0]) * np.sign(lons_s3[-1]) == -1:
- # End points of right side on different side of dateline
- lon_max = lons_s3[lons_s3 < 0].max()
- else:
- lon_max = lons_s3.max()
- lat_min = lats_s4.min()
- lat_max = lats_s2.max()
- else:
- # Pretty strange
- lat_min = -90
- lat_max = 90
- lon_min = -180
- lon_max = 180
- if not (-180 <= lon_min <= 180):
- lon_min = -180
- if not (-180 <= lon_max <= 180):
- lon_max = 180
- if not (-90 <= lat_min <= 90):
- lat_min = -90
- if not (-90 <= lat_max <= 90):
- lat_max = 90
- return lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max
-def _get_pixel_index(shape, area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj,
- x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
- """Map coordinates of shape to image coordinates
- """
- # Get shape data as array and reproject
- shape_data = np.array(shape.points)
- lons = shape_data[:, 0]
- lats = shape_data[:, 1]
- x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, y_ur = area_extent
- x, y = prj(lons, lats)
- # Handle out of bounds
- i = 0
- segments = []
- if 1e30 in x or 1e30 in y:
- # Split polygon in line segments within projection
- is_reduced = True
- if x[0] == 1e30 or y[0] == 1e30:
- in_segment = False
- else:
- in_segment = True
- for j in range(x.size):
- if (x[j] == 1e30 or y[j] == 1e30):
- if in_segment:
- segments.append((x[i:j], y[i:j]))
- in_segment = False
- elif not in_segment:
- in_segment = True
- i = j
- if in_segment:
- segments.append((x[i:], y[i:]))
- else:
- is_reduced = False
- segments = [(x, y)]
- # Convert to pixel index coordinates
- l_x = (x_ur - x_ll) / x_size
- l_y = (y_ur - y_ll) / y_size
- index_arrays = []
- for x, y in segments:
- n_x = ((-x_ll + x) / l_x) + 0.5 + x_offset
- n_y = ((y_ur - y) / l_y) + 0.5 + y_offset
- index_array = np.vstack((n_x, n_y)).T
- index_arrays.append(index_array)
- return index_arrays, is_reduced
+from .cw_pil import ContourWriter
+ from .cw_agg import ContourWriterAGG
+except ImportError:
+ ContourWriterAGG = ContourWriter
diff --git a/pycoast/cw_agg.py b/pycoast/cw_agg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a68834b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/cw_agg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2015
+# Esben S. Nielsen
+# Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson
+# Stefano Cerino
+# Katja Hungershofer
+# Panu Lahtinen
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#(at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+import logging
+import aggdraw
+from cw_base import ContourWriterBase
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ContourWriterAGG(ContourWriterBase):
+ """Adds countours from GSHHS and WDBII to images
+ using the AGG engine for high quality images.
+ :Parameters:
+ db_root_path : str
+ Path to root dir of GSHHS and WDBII shapefiles
+ """
+ _draw_module = "AGG"
+ # This is a flag to make _add_grid aware of which text draw routine
+ # from PIL or from aggdraw should be used
+ # (unfortunately they are not fully compatible)
+ def _get_canvas(self, image):
+ """Returns AGG image object
+ """
+ return aggdraw.Draw(image)
+ def _engine_text_draw(self, draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs):
+ draw.text((x_pos, y_pos), txt, font)
+ def _draw_polygon(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw polygon
+ """
+ pen = aggdraw.Pen(kwargs['outline'],
+ kwargs['width'],
+ kwargs['outline_opacity'])
+ if kwargs['fill'] is None:
+ fill_opacity = 0
+ else:
+ fill_opacity = kwargs['fill_opacity']
+ brush = aggdraw.Brush(kwargs['fill'], fill_opacity)
+ draw.polygon(coordinates, pen, brush)
+ def _draw_rectangle(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw rectangle
+ """
+ pen = aggdraw.Pen(kwargs['outline'])
+ fill_opacity = kwargs.get('fill_opacity', 255)
+ brush = aggdraw.Brush(kwargs['fill'], fill_opacity)
+ draw.rectangle(coordinates, pen, brush)
+ def _draw_ellipse(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw ellipse
+ """
+ pen = aggdraw.Pen(kwargs['outline'])
+ fill_opacity = kwargs.get('fill_opacity', 255)
+ brush = aggdraw.Brush(kwargs['fill'], fill_opacity)
+ draw.ellipse(coordinates, brush, pen)
+ def _draw_text_box(self, draw, text_position, text, font, outline, box_outline, box_opacity):
+ """Add text box in xy
+ """
+ if box_outline is not None:
+ text_size = draw.textsize(text, font)
+ margin = 2
+ xUL = text_position[0] - margin
+ yUL = text_position[1]
+ xLR = xUL + text_size[0] + (2 * margin)
+ yLR = yUL + text_size[1]
+ box_size = (xUL, yUL, xLR, yLR)
+ self._draw_rectangle(
+ draw, box_size, fill=box_outline, fill_opacity=box_opacity,
+ outline=box_outline)
+ self._draw_text(draw, text_position, text, font, align="no")
+ def _draw_line(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw line
+ """
+ pen = aggdraw.Pen(kwargs['outline'],
+ kwargs['width'],
+ kwargs['outline_opacity'])
+ draw.line(coordinates, pen)
+ def _finalize(self, draw):
+ """Flush the AGG image object
+ """
+ draw.flush()
+ def add_shapefile_shapes(self, image, area_def, filename, feature_type=None,
+ fill=None, fill_opacity=255, outline='white',
+ width=1, outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0,
+ y_offset=0):
+ """Add shape file shapes from an ESRI shapefile.
+ Note: Currently only supports lon-lat formatted coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ filename : str
+ Path to ESRI shape file
+ feature_type : 'polygon' or 'line',
+ only to override the shape type defined in shapefile, optional
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Polygon fill color
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of polygon fill
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ width : float, optional
+ line width
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of lines
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_shapefile_shapes(image=image, area_def=area_def,
+ filename=filename, feature_type=feature_type,
+ x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset,
+ fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity)
+ def add_shapefile_shape(self, image, area_def, filename, shape_id,
+ feature_type=None,
+ fill=None, fill_opacity=255, outline='white',
+ width=1, outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0,
+ y_offset=0):
+ """Add a single shape file shape from an ESRI shapefile.
+ Note: To add all shapes in file use the 'add_shape_file_shapes' routine.
+ Note: Currently only supports lon-lat formatted coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ filename : str
+ Path to ESRI shape file
+ shape_id : int
+ integer id of shape in shape file {0; ... }
+ feature_type : 'polygon' or 'line',
+ only to override the shape type defined in shapefile, optional
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Polygon fill color
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of polygon fill
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ width : float, optional
+ line width
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of lines
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_shapefile_shape(image=image,
+ area_def=area_def, filename=filename,
+ shape_id=shape_id,
+ feature_type=feature_type,
+ x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset,
+ fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity)
+ def add_line(self, image, area_def, lonlats,
+ fill=None, fill_opacity=255, outline='white', width=1,
+ outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add a user defined poly-line from a list of (lon,lat) coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ lonlats : list of lon lat pairs
+ e.g. [(10,20),(20,30),...,(20,20)]
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ width : float, optional
+ line width
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of lines
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_line(image, area_def, lonlats, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset, fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity)
+ def add_polygon(self, image, area_def, lonlats,
+ fill=None, fill_opacity=255, outline='white', width=1,
+ outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add a user defined polygon from a list of (lon,lat) coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ lonlats : list of lon lat pairs
+ e.g. [(10,20),(20,30),...,(20,20)]
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Polygon fill color
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of polygon fill
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ width : float, optional
+ line width
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of lines
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_polygon(image, area_def, lonlats, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset, fill=fill,
+ fill_opacity=fill_opacity, outline=outline,
+ width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity)
+ def add_grid(self, image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
+ font=None, write_text=True, fill=None, fill_opacity=255,
+ outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
+ minor_outline='white', minor_width=0.5,
+ minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_is_tick=True,
+ lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
+ """Add a lon-lat grid to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
+ Major grid line separation
+ (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
+ Minor grid line separation
+ font: Aggdraw Font object, optional
+ Font for major line markings
+ write_text : boolean, optional
+ Deterine if line markings are enabled
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of text
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Major line color
+ width : float, optional
+ Major line width
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of major lines
+ minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Minor line/tick color
+ minor_width : float, optional
+ Minor line width
+ minor_outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of minor lines/ticks
+ minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
+ Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
+ """
+ self._add_grid(image, area_def, Dlon, Dlat, dlon, dlat,
+ font=font, write_text=write_text,
+ fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, outline=outline,
+ width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
+ minor_outline=minor_outline, minor_width=minor_width,
+ minor_outline_opacity=minor_outline_opacity,
+ minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
+ lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
+ def add_grid_to_file(self, filename, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
+ font=None, write_text=True,
+ fill=None, fill_opacity=255,
+ outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
+ minor_outline='white', minor_width=0.5,
+ minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_is_tick=True,
+ lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
+ """Add a lon-lat grid to an image
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
+ Major grid line separation
+ (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
+ Minor grid line separation
+ font: Aggdraw Font object, optional
+ Font for major line markings
+ write_text : boolean, optional
+ Deterine if line markings are enabled
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of text
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Major line color
+ width : float, optional
+ Major line width
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of major lines
+ minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Minor line/tick color
+ minor_width : float, optional
+ Minor line width
+ minor_outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of minor lines/ticks
+ minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
+ Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_grid(image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
+ font=font, write_text=write_text,
+ fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
+ minor_outline=minor_outline,
+ minor_width=minor_width,
+ minor_outline_opacity=minor_outline_opacity,
+ minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
+ lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def add_coastlines(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ fill=None, fill_opacity=255, outline='white', width=1,
+ outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add coastlines to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Land color
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of land color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Coastline color
+ width : float, optional
+ Width of coastline
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'polygon', 'GSHHS',
+ resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ fill=fill, fill_opacity=fill_opacity,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ def add_coastlines_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c',
+ level=1, fill=None, fill_opacity=255,
+ outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add coastlines to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ filename : str
+ Image file
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Land color
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of land color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Coastline color
+ width : float, optional
+ Width of coastline
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_coastlines(image, area_def, resolution=resolution,
+ level=level, fill=fill,
+ fill_opacity=fill_opacity, outline=outline,
+ width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
+ x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def add_borders(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add borders to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Border color
+ width : float, optional
+ Width of coastline
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII', tag='border',
+ resolution=resolution, level=level, outline=outline,
+ width=width, outline_opacity=outline_opacity,
+ x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset)
+ def add_borders_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c',
+ level=1, outline='white', width=1,
+ outline_opacity=255, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add borders to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ Image file
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Border color
+ width : float, optional
+ Width of coastline
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_borders(image, area_def, resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def add_rivers(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add rivers to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ River color
+ width : float, optional
+ Width of coastline
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII', tag='river',
+ zero_pad=True, resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ def add_rivers_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', width=1, outline_opacity=255,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add rivers to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ Image file
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ River color
+ width : float, optional
+ Width of coastline
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_rivers(image, area_def, resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ outline=outline, width=width,
+ outline_opacity=outline_opacity, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def _get_font(self, outline, font_file, font_size):
+ """Return a font."""
+ return aggdraw.Font(outline, font_file, size=font_size)
+def _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj):
+ """Get extreme lon and lat values
+ """
+ x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, y_ur = area_extent
+ x_range = np.linspace(x_ll, x_ur, num=x_size)
+ y_range = np.linspace(y_ll, y_ur, num=y_size)
+ lons_s1, lats_s1 = prj(np.ones(y_range.size) * x_ll, y_range, inverse=True)
+ lons_s2, lats_s2 = prj(x_range, np.ones(x_range.size) * y_ur, inverse=True)
+ lons_s3, lats_s3 = prj(np.ones(y_range.size) * x_ur, y_range, inverse=True)
+ lons_s4, lats_s4 = prj(x_range, np.ones(x_range.size) * y_ll, inverse=True)
+ angle_sum = 0
+ prev = None
+ for lon in np.concatenate((lons_s1, lons_s2, lons_s3[::-1], lons_s4[::-1])):
+ if prev is not None:
+ delta = lon - prev
+ if abs(delta) > 180:
+ delta = (abs(delta) - 360) * np.sign(delta)
+ angle_sum += delta
+ prev = lon
+ if round(angle_sum) == -360:
+ # Covers NP
+ lat_min = min(lats_s1.min(), lats_s2.min(),
+ lats_s3.min(), lats_s4.min())
+ lat_max = 90
+ lon_min = -180
+ lon_max = 180
+ elif round(angle_sum) == 360:
+ # Covers SP
+ lat_min = -90
+ lat_max = max(lats_s1.max(), lats_s2.max(),
+ lats_s3.max(), lats_s4.max())
+ lon_min = -180
+ lon_max = 180
+ elif round(angle_sum) == 0:
+ # Covers no poles
+ if np.sign(lons_s1[0]) * np.sign(lons_s1[-1]) == -1:
+ # End points of left side on different side of dateline
+ lon_min = lons_s1[lons_s1 > 0].min()
+ else:
+ lon_min = lons_s1.min()
+ if np.sign(lons_s3[0]) * np.sign(lons_s3[-1]) == -1:
+ # End points of right side on different side of dateline
+ lon_max = lons_s3[lons_s3 < 0].max()
+ else:
+ lon_max = lons_s3.max()
+ lat_min = lats_s4.min()
+ lat_max = lats_s2.max()
+ else:
+ # Pretty strange
+ lat_min = -90
+ lat_max = 90
+ lon_min = -180
+ lon_max = 180
+ if not (-180 <= lon_min <= 180):
+ lon_min = -180
+ if not (-180 <= lon_max <= 180):
+ lon_max = 180
+ if not (-90 <= lat_min <= 90):
+ lat_min = -90
+ if not (-90 <= lat_max <= 90):
+ lat_max = 90
+ return lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max
+def _get_pixel_index(shape, area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Map coordinates of shape to image coordinates
+ """
+ # Get shape data as array and reproject
+ shape_data = np.array(shape.points)
+ lons = shape_data[:, 0]
+ lats = shape_data[:, 1]
+ x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, y_ur = area_extent
+ x, y = prj(lons, lats)
+ # Handle out of bounds
+ i = 0
+ segments = []
+ if 1e30 in x or 1e30 in y:
+ # Split polygon in line segments within projection
+ is_reduced = True
+ if x[0] == 1e30 or y[0] == 1e30:
+ in_segment = False
+ else:
+ in_segment = True
+ for j in range(x.size):
+ if (x[j] == 1e30 or y[j] == 1e30):
+ if in_segment:
+ segments.append((x[i:j], y[i:j]))
+ in_segment = False
+ elif not in_segment:
+ in_segment = True
+ i = j
+ if in_segment:
+ segments.append((x[i:], y[i:]))
+ else:
+ is_reduced = False
+ segments = [(x, y)]
+ # Convert to pixel index coordinates
+ l_x = (x_ur - x_ll) / x_size
+ l_y = (y_ur - y_ll) / y_size
+ index_arrays = []
+ for x, y in segments:
+ n_x = ((-x_ll + x) / l_x) + 0.5 + x_offset
+ n_y = ((y_ur - y) / l_y) + 0.5 + y_offset
+ index_array = np.vstack((n_x, n_y)).T
+ index_arrays.append(index_array)
+ return index_arrays, is_reduced
diff --git a/pycoast/cw_base.py b/pycoast/cw_base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa0a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/cw_base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2015
+# Esben S. Nielsen
+# Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson
+# Stefano Cerino
+# Katja Hungershofer
+# Panu Lahtinen
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#(at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import shapefile
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image, ImageFont
+import pyproj
+import logging
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+from .errors import *
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ContourWriterBase(object):
+ """Base class for contourwriters. Do not instantiate.
+ :Parameters:
+ db_root_path : str
+ Path to root dir of GSHHS and WDBII shapefiles
+ """
+ _draw_module = None
+ # This is a flag to make _add_grid aware of which draw.text
+ # subroutine, from PIL, aggdraw or cairo is being used
+ # (unfortunately they are not fully compatible).
+ def __init__(self, db_root_path=None):
+ if db_root_path is None:
+ self.db_root_path = os.environ['GSHHS_DATA_ROOT']
+ else:
+ self.db_root_path = db_root_path
+ def _draw_text(self, draw, position, txt, font, align='cc', **kwargs):
+ """Draw text with agg module
+ """
+ txt_width, txt_height = draw.textsize(txt, font)
+ x_pos, y_pos = position
+ ax, ay = align.lower()
+ if ax == 'r':
+ x_pos = x_pos - txt_width
+ elif ax == 'c':
+ x_pos = x_pos - txt_width / 2
+ if ay == 'b':
+ y_pos = y_pos - txt_height
+ elif ay == 'c':
+ y_pos = y_pos - txt_width / 2
+ self._engine_text_draw(draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs)
+ def _engine_text_draw(self, draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError('Text drawing undefined for render engine')
+ def _draw_grid_labels(self, draw, xys, linetype, txt, font, **kwargs):
+ """Draw text with default PIL module
+ """
+ placement_def = kwargs[linetype].lower()
+ for xy in xys:
+ # note xy[0] is xy coordinate pair,
+ # xy[1] is required alignment e.g. 'tl','lr','lc','cc'...
+ ax, ay = xy[1].lower()
+ if ax in placement_def or ay in placement_def:
+ self._draw_text(draw, xy[0], txt, font, align=xy[1], **kwargs)
+ def _find_line_intercepts(self, xys, size, margins):
+ """Finds intercepts of poly-line xys with image boundaries
+ offset by margins and returns an array of coordintes"""
+ x_size, y_size = size
+ def is_in_box((x, y), (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)):
+ if x > xmin and x < xmax and y > ymin and y < ymax:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def crossing(x1, x2, lim):
+ if (x1 < lim) != (x2 < lim):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ # set box limits
+ xlim1 = margins[0]
+ ylim1 = margins[1]
+ xlim2 = x_size - margins[0]
+ ylim2 = y_size - margins[0]
+ # only consider crossing within a box a little bigger than grid
+ # boundary
+ search_box = (-10, x_size + 10, -10, y_size + 10)
+ # loop trought line steps and detect crossings
+ intercepts = []
+ align_left = 'LC'
+ align_right = 'RC'
+ align_top = 'CT'
+ align_bottom = 'CB'
+ prev_xy = xys[0]
+ for i in range(1, len(xys) - 1):
+ xy = xys[i]
+ if is_in_box(xy, search_box):
+ # crossing LHS
+ if crossing(prev_xy[0], xy[0], xlim1):
+ x = xlim1
+ y = xy[1]
+ intercepts.append(((x, y), align_left))
+ # crossing RHS
+ elif crossing(prev_xy[0], xy[0], xlim2):
+ x = xlim2
+ y = xy[1]
+ intercepts.append(((x, y), align_right))
+ # crossing Top
+ elif crossing(prev_xy[1], xy[1], ylim1):
+ x = xy[0]
+ y = ylim1
+ intercepts.append(((x, y), align_top))
+ # crossing Bottom
+ elif crossing(prev_xy[1], xy[1], ylim2):
+ x = xy[0] # - txt_width/2
+ y = ylim2 # - txt_height
+ intercepts.append(((x, y), align_bottom))
+ prev_xy = xy
+ return intercepts
+ def _add_grid(self, image, area_def,
+ Dlon, Dlat,
+ dlon, dlat,
+ font=None, write_text=True, **kwargs):
+ """Add a lat lon grid to image
+ """
+ try:
+ proj4_string = area_def.proj4_string
+ area_extent = area_def.area_extent
+ except AttributeError:
+ proj4_string = area_def[0]
+ area_extent = area_def[1]
+ draw = self._get_canvas(image)
+ is_agg = self._draw_module == "AGG"
+ # use kwargs for major lines ... but reform for minor lines:
+ minor_line_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
+ minor_line_kwargs['outline'] = kwargs['minor_outline']
+ if is_agg:
+ minor_line_kwargs['outline_opacity'] = \
+ kwargs['minor_outline_opacity']
+ minor_line_kwargs['width'] = kwargs['minor_width']
+ # set text fonts
+ if font == None:
+ font = ImageFont.load_default()
+ # text margins (at sides of image frame)
+ y_text_margin = 4
+ x_text_margin = 4
+ # Area and projection info
+ x_size, y_size = image.size
+ prj = pyproj.Proj(proj4_string)
+ x_offset = 0
+ y_offset = 0
+ # Calculate min and max lons and lats of interest
+ lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = \
+ _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj)
+ # Handle dateline crossing
+ if lon_max < lon_min:
+ lon_max = 360 + lon_max
+ # Draw lonlat grid lines ...
+ # create adjustment of line lengths to avoid cluttered pole lines
+ if lat_max == 90.0:
+ shorten_max_lat = Dlat
+ else:
+ shorten_max_lat = 0.0
+ if lat_min == -90.0:
+ increase_min_lat = Dlat
+ else:
+ increase_min_lat = 0.0
+ # major lon lines
+ round_lon_min = (lon_min - (lon_min % Dlon))
+ maj_lons = np.arange(round_lon_min, lon_max, Dlon)
+ maj_lons[maj_lons > 180] = maj_lons[maj_lons > 180] - 360
+ # minor lon lines (ticks)
+ min_lons = np.arange(round_lon_min, lon_max, dlon)
+ min_lons[min_lons > 180] = min_lons[min_lons > 180] - 360
+ # Get min_lons not in maj_lons
+ min_lons = np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d(min_lons, maj_lons)
+ # lats along major lon lines
+ lin_lats = np.arange(lat_min + increase_min_lat,
+ lat_max - shorten_max_lat,
+ float(lat_max - lat_min) / y_size)
+ # lin_lats in rather high definition so that it can be used to
+ # posituion text labels near edges of image...
+ # perhaps better to find the actual length of line in pixels...
+ round_lat_min = (lat_min - (lat_min % Dlat))
+ # major lat lines
+ maj_lats = np.arange(round_lat_min + increase_min_lat, lat_max, Dlat)
+ # minor lon lines (ticks)
+ min_lats = np.arange(round_lat_min + increase_min_lat,
+ lat_max - shorten_max_lat,
+ dlat)
+ # Get min_lats not in maj_lats
+ min_lats = np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d(min_lats, maj_lats)
+ # lons along major lat lines (extended slightly to avoid missing the
+ # end)
+ lin_lons = np.arange(lon_min, lon_max + Dlon / 5.0, Dlon / 10.0)
+ # create dummpy shape object
+ tmpshape = shapefile.Writer("")
+ ##### MINOR LINES ######
+ if not kwargs['minor_is_tick']:
+ # minor lat lines
+ for lat in min_lats:
+ lonlats = [(x, lat) for x in lin_lons]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ del is_reduced
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the tick line...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **minor_line_kwargs)
+ # minor lon lines
+ for lon in min_lons:
+ lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in lin_lats]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the tick line...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **minor_line_kwargs)
+ # major lon lines and tick marks:
+ for lon in maj_lons:
+ # Draw 'minor' tick lines dlat separation along the lon
+ if kwargs['minor_is_tick']:
+ tick_lons = np.arange(lon - Dlon / 20.0,
+ lon + Dlon / 20.0,
+ Dlon / 50.0)
+ for lat in min_lats:
+ lonlats = [(x, lat) for x in tick_lons]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = \
+ _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the tick line...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **minor_line_kwargs)
+ # Draw 'major' lines
+ lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in lin_lats]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape, area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the lines...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ # add lon text markings at each end of longitude line
+ if write_text:
+ if lon > 0.0:
+ txt = "%.2dE" % (lon)
+ else:
+ txt = "%.2dW" % (-lon)
+ xys = self._find_line_intercepts(index_array, image.size,
+ (x_text_margin, y_text_margin))
+ self._draw_grid_labels(draw, xys, 'lon_placement',
+ txt, font, **kwargs)
+ # major lat lines and tick marks:
+ for lat in maj_lats:
+ # Draw 'minor' tick dlon separation along the lat
+ if kwargs['minor_is_tick']:
+ tick_lats = np.arange(lat - Dlat / 20.0,
+ lat + Dlat / 20.0,
+ Dlat / 50.0)
+ for lon in min_lons:
+ lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in tick_lats]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = \
+ _get_pixel_index(tmpshape, area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the tick line...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **minor_line_kwargs)
+ # Draw 'major' lines
+ lonlats = [(x, lat) for x in lin_lons]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape, area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the lines...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw, index_array.flatten().tolist(), **kwargs)
+ # add lat text markings at each end of parallels ...
+ if write_text:
+ if lat >= 0.0:
+ txt = "%.2dN" % (lat)
+ else:
+ txt = "%.2dS" % (-lat)
+ xys = self._find_line_intercepts(index_array, image.size,
+ (x_text_margin, y_text_margin))
+ self._draw_grid_labels(draw, xys, 'lat_placement',
+ txt, font, **kwargs)
+ # Draw cross on poles ...
+ if lat_max == 90.0:
+ crosslats = np.arange(90.0 - Dlat / 2.0, 90.0,
+ float(lat_max - lat_min) / y_size)
+ for lon in (0.0, 90.0, 180.0, -90.0):
+ lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in crosslats]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the lines...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ if lat_min == -90.0:
+ crosslats = np.arange(-90.0, -90.0 + Dlat / 2.0,
+ float(lat_max - lat_min) / y_size)
+ for lon in (0.0, 90.0, 180.0, -90.0):
+ lonlats = [(lon, x) for x in crosslats]
+ tmpshape.points = lonlats
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(tmpshape,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # make PIL draw the lines...
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ self._finalize(draw)
+ def _find_bounding_box(self, xys):
+ lons = [x for (x, y) in xys]
+ lats = [y for (x, y) in xys]
+ return [min(lons), min(lats), max(lons), max(lats)]
+ def _add_shapefile_shapes(self, image, area_def, filename,
+ feature_type=None, **kwargs):
+ """ for drawing all shapes (polygon/poly-lines) from a custom shape
+ file onto a PIL image
+ """
+ sf = shapefile.Reader(filename)
+ for i in range(len(sf.shapes())):
+ self._add_shapefile_shape(image, area_def, filename, i,
+ feature_type, **kwargs)
+ def _add_shapefile_shape(self, image, area_def, filename, shape_id,
+ feature_type=None, **kwargs):
+ """ for drawing a single shape (polygon/poly-line) definiton with id,
+ shape_id from a custom shape file onto a PIL image
+ """
+ sf = shapefile.Reader(filename)
+ shape = sf.shape(shape_id)
+ if feature_type is None:
+ if shape.shapeType == 3:
+ feature_type = "line"
+ elif shape.shapeType == 5:
+ feature_type = "polygon"
+ else:
+ raise ShapeFileError("Unsupported shape type: "
+ + str(shape.shapeType))
+ self._add_shapes(image, area_def, feature_type, [shape], **kwargs)
+ def _add_line(self, image, area_def, lonlats, **kwargs):
+ """ For drawing a custom polyline. Lon and lat coordinates given by the
+ list lonlat.
+ """
+ # create dummpy shapelike object
+ shape = type("", (), {})()
+ shape.points = lonlats
+ shape.parts = [0]
+ shape.bbox = self._find_bounding_box(lonlats)
+ self._add_shapes(image, area_def, "line", [shape], **kwargs)
+ def _add_polygon(self, image, area_def, lonlats, **kwargs):
+ """ For drawing a custom polygon. Lon and lat coordinates given by the
+ list lonlat.
+ """
+ # create dummpy shapelike object
+ shape = type("", (), {})()
+ shape.points = lonlats
+ shape.parts = [0]
+ shape.bbox = self._find_bounding_box(lonlats)
+ self._add_shapes(image, area_def, "polygon", [shape], **kwargs)
+ def _add_shapes(self, image, area_def, feature_type, shapes,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0, **kwargs):
+ """ For drawing shape objects to PIL image - better code reuse of
+ drawing shapes - should be used in _add_feature and other methods of
+ adding shapes including manually.
+ """
+ try:
+ proj4_string = area_def.proj4_string
+ area_extent = area_def.area_extent
+ except AttributeError:
+ proj4_string = area_def[0]
+ area_extent = area_def[1]
+ draw = self._get_canvas(image)
+ # Area and projection info
+ x_size, y_size = image.size
+ prj = pyproj.Proj(proj4_string)
+ # Calculate min and max lons and lats of interest
+ lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = \
+ _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj)
+ # Iterate through shapes
+ for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
+ # Check if polygon is possibly relevant
+ s_lon_ll, s_lat_ll, s_lon_ur, s_lat_ur = shape.bbox
+ if lon_min > lon_max:
+ pass
+ # # Dateline crossing
+ # if ((s_lon_ur < lon_min and s_lon_ll > lon_max) or
+ # lat_max < s_lat_ll or lat_min > s_lat_ur):
+ # # Polygon is irrelevant
+ # continue
+ elif (lon_max < s_lon_ll or lon_min > s_lon_ur or
+ lat_max < s_lat_ll or lat_min > s_lat_ur):
+ # Polygon is irrelevant
+ continue
+ # iterate over shape parts (some shapes split into parts)
+ # dummy shape part object
+ shape_part = type("", (), {})()
+ parts = list(shape.parts) + [len(shape.points)]
+ for i in range(len(parts) - 1):
+ shape_part.points = shape.points[parts[i]:parts[i + 1]]
+ # Get pixel index coordinates of shape
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(shape_part,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # Make PIL draw the polygon or line
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ if feature_type.lower() == 'polygon' and not is_reduced:
+ # Draw polygon if dataset has not been reduced
+ self._draw_polygon(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ elif feature_type.lower() == 'line' or is_reduced:
+ # Draw line
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown contour type: %s'
+ % feature_type)
+ self._finalize(draw)
+ def _add_feature(self, image, area_def, feature_type,
+ db_name, tag=None, zero_pad=False, resolution='c',
+ level=1, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, **kwargs):
+ """Add a contour feature to image
+ """
+ try:
+ proj4_string = area_def.proj4_string
+ area_extent = area_def.area_extent
+ except AttributeError:
+ proj4_string = area_def[0]
+ area_extent = area_def[1]
+ draw = self._get_canvas(image)
+ # Area and projection info
+ x_size, y_size = image.size
+ prj = pyproj.Proj(proj4_string)
+ # Calculate min and max lons and lats of interest
+ lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = \
+ _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj)
+ # Iterate through detail levels
+ for shapes in self._iterate_db(db_name, tag, resolution,
+ level, zero_pad):
+ # Iterate through shapes
+ for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
+ # Check if polygon is possibly relevant
+ s_lon_ll, s_lat_ll, s_lon_ur, s_lat_ur = shape.bbox
+ if lon_min > lon_max:
+ pass
+ # # Dateline crossing
+ # if ((s_lon_ur < lon_min and s_lon_ll > lon_max) or
+ # lat_max < s_lat_ll or lat_min > s_lat_ur):
+ # # Polygon is irrelevant
+ # continue
+ elif (lon_max < s_lon_ll or lon_min > s_lon_ur or
+ lat_max < s_lat_ll or lat_min > s_lat_ur):
+ # Polygon is irrelevant
+ continue
+ # Get pixel index coordinates of shape
+ index_arrays, is_reduced = _get_pixel_index(shape,
+ area_extent,
+ x_size, y_size,
+ prj,
+ x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ # Skip empty datasets
+ if len(index_arrays) == 0:
+ continue
+ # Make PIL draw the polygon or line
+ for index_array in index_arrays:
+ if feature_type.lower() == 'polygon' and not is_reduced:
+ # Draw polygon if dataset has not been reduced
+ self._draw_polygon(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ elif feature_type.lower() == 'line' or is_reduced:
+ # Draw line
+ self._draw_line(draw,
+ index_array.flatten().tolist(),
+ **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown contour type: %s'
+ % feature_type)
+ self._finalize(draw)
+ def _iterate_db(self, db_name, tag, resolution, level, zero_pad):
+ """Iterate trough datasets
+ """
+ format_string = '%s_%s_'
+ if tag is not None:
+ format_string += '%s_'
+ if zero_pad:
+ format_string += 'L%02i.shp'
+ else:
+ format_string += 'L%s.shp'
+ for i in range(level):
+ # One shapefile per level
+ if tag is None:
+ shapefilename = \
+ os.path.join(self.db_root_path, '%s_shp' % db_name,
+ resolution, format_string %
+ (db_name, resolution, (i + 1)))
+ else:
+ shapefilename = \
+ os.path.join(self.db_root_path, '%s_shp' % db_name,
+ resolution, format_string %
+ (db_name, tag, resolution, (i + 1)))
+ try:
+ s = shapefile.Reader(shapefilename)
+ shapes = s.shapes()
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise ShapeFileError('Could not find shapefile %s'
+ % shapefilename)
+ yield shapes
+ def _finalize(self, draw):
+ """Do any need finalization of the drawing
+ """
+ pass
+ def add_overlay_from_config(self, config_file, area_def):
+ """Create and return a transparent image adding all the
+ overlays contained in a configuration file.
+ :Parameters:
+ config_file : str
+ Configuration file name
+ area_def : object
+ Area Definition of the creating image
+ """
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ with open(config_file, 'r'):
+ logger.info("Overlays config file %s found", str(config_file))
+ config.read(config_file)
+ except IOError:
+ logger.error("Overlays config file %s does not exist!",
+ str(config_file))
+ raise
+ except NoSectionError:
+ logger.error("Error in %s", str(config_file))
+ raise
+ # Cache management
+ cache_file = None
+ if config.has_section('cache'):
+ config_file_name, config_file_extention = \
+ os.path.splitext(config_file)
+ cache_file = (config.get('cache', 'file') + '_'
+ + area_def.area_id + '.png')
+ try:
+ configTime = os.path.getmtime(config_file)
+ cacheTime = os.path.getmtime(cache_file)
+ # Cache file will be used only if it's newer than config file
+ if configTime < cacheTime:
+ foreground = Image.open(cache_file)
+ logger.info('Using image in cache %s', cache_file)
+ return foreground
+ else:
+ logger.info("Cache file is not used "
+ "because config file has changed")
+ except OSError:
+ logger.info("New overlay image will be saved in cache")
+ x_size = area_def.x_size
+ y_size = area_def.y_size
+ foreground = Image.new('RGBA', (x_size, y_size), (0, 0, 0, 0))
+ # Lines (coasts, rivers, borders) management
+ x_resolution = ((area_def.area_extent[2] -
+ area_def.area_extent[0]) /
+ x_size)
+ y_resolution = ((area_def.area_extent[3] -
+ area_def.area_extent[1]) /
+ y_size)
+ res = min(x_resolution, y_resolution)
+ if res > 25000:
+ default_resolution = "c"
+ elif res > 5000:
+ default_resolution = "l"
+ elif res > 1000:
+ default_resolution = "i"
+ elif res > 200:
+ default_resolution = "h"
+ else:
+ default_resolution = "f"
+ DEFAULT = {'level': 1,
+ 'outline': 'white',
+ 'width': 1,
+ 'fill': None,
+ 'fill_opacity': 255,
+ 'outline_opacity': 255,
+ 'x_offset': 0,
+ 'y_offset': 0,
+ 'resolution': default_resolution}
+ SECTIONS = ['coasts', 'rivers', 'borders', 'cities']
+ overlays = {}
+ for section in config.sections():
+ if section in SECTIONS:
+ overlays[section] = {}
+ for option in config.options(section):
+ overlays[section][option] = config.get(section, option)
+ is_agg = self._draw_module == "AGG"
+ # Coasts
+ for section, fun in zip(['coasts', 'rivers', 'borders'],
+ [self.add_coastlines,
+ self.add_rivers,
+ self.add_borders]):
+ if overlays.has_key(section):
+ params = DEFAULT.copy()
+ params.update(overlays[section])
+ params['level'] = int(params['level'])
+ params['x_offset'] = float(params['x_offset'])
+ params['y_offset'] = float(params['y_offset'])
+ params['width'] = float(params['width'])
+ params['outline_opacity'] = int(params['outline_opacity'])
+ params['fill_opacity'] = int(params['fill_opacity'])
+ if section != "coasts":
+ params.pop('fill_opacity', None)
+ params.pop('fill', None)
+ if not is_agg:
+ for key in ['width', 'outline_opacity', 'fill_opacity']:
+ params.pop(key, None)
+ fun(foreground, area_def, **params)
+ logger.info("%s added", section.capitalize())
+ # Cities management
+ if overlays.has_key('cities'):
+ DEFAULT_OUTLINE = "yellow"
+ citylist = [s.lstrip()
+ for s in overlays['cities']['list'].split(',')]
+ font_file = overlays['cities']['font']
+ font_size = int(overlays['cities'].get('font_size',
+ outline = overlays['cities'].get('outline', DEFAULT_OUTLINE)
+ pt_size = int(overlays['cities'].get('pt_size', None))
+ box_outline = overlays['cities'].get('box_outline', None)
+ box_opacity = int(overlays['cities'].get('box_opacity', 255))
+ self.add_cities(foreground, area_def, citylist, font_file,
+ font_size, pt_size, outline, box_outline,
+ box_opacity)
+ if cache_file is not None:
+ try:
+ foreground.save(cache_file)
+ except IOError as e:
+ logger.error("Can't save cache: %s", str(e))
+ return foreground
+ def add_cities(self, image, area_def, citylist, font_file, font_size,
+ ptsize, outline, box_outline, box_opacity):
+ """Add cities (point and name) to a PIL image object
+ """
+ try:
+ proj4_string = area_def.proj4_string
+ area_extent = area_def.area_extent
+ except AttributeError:
+ proj4_string = area_def[0]
+ area_extent = area_def[1]
+ draw = self._get_canvas(image)
+ # Area and projection info
+ x_size, y_size = image.size
+ prj = pyproj.Proj(proj4_string)
+ # read shape file with points
+ # Sc-Kh shapefilename = os.path.join(self.db_root_path,
+ # "cities_15000_alternativ.shp")
+ shapefilename = os.path.join(
+ self.db_root_path, os.path.join("CITIES",
+ "cities_15000_alternativ.shp"))
+ try:
+ s = shapefile.Reader(shapefilename)
+ shapes = s.shapes()
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise ShapeFileError('Could not find shapefile %s'
+ % shapefilename)
+ font = self._get_font(outline, font_file, font_size)
+ # Iterate through shapes
+ for i, shape in enumerate(shapes):
+ # Select cities with name
+ record = s.record(i)
+ if record[3] in citylist:
+ city_name = record[3]
+ # use only parts of _get_pixel_index
+ # Get shape data as array and reproject
+ shape_data = np.array(shape.points)
+ lons = shape_data[:, 0][0]
+ lats = shape_data[:, 1][0]
+ try:
+ (x, y) = area_def.get_xy_from_lonlat(lons, lats)
+ except ValueError, exc:
+ logger.debug("Point not added (%s)", str(exc))
+ else:
+ # add_dot
+ if ptsize is not None:
+ dot_box = [x - ptsize, y - ptsize,
+ x + ptsize, y + ptsize]
+ self._draw_ellipse(
+ draw, dot_box, fill=outline, outline=outline)
+ text_position = [x + 9, y - 5] # FIX ME
+ else:
+ text_position = [x, y]
+ # add text_box
+ self._draw_text_box(draw, text_position, city_name, font,
+ outline, box_outline, box_opacity)
+ logger.info("%s added", str(city_name))
+ self._finalize(draw)
+def _get_lon_lat_bounding_box(area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj):
+ """Get extreme lon and lat values
+ """
+ x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, y_ur = area_extent
+ x_range = np.linspace(x_ll, x_ur, num=x_size)
+ y_range = np.linspace(y_ll, y_ur, num=y_size)
+ lons_s1, lats_s1 = prj(np.ones(y_range.size) * x_ll, y_range, inverse=True)
+ lons_s2, lats_s2 = prj(x_range, np.ones(x_range.size) * y_ur, inverse=True)
+ lons_s3, lats_s3 = prj(np.ones(y_range.size) * x_ur, y_range, inverse=True)
+ lons_s4, lats_s4 = prj(x_range, np.ones(x_range.size) * y_ll, inverse=True)
+ angle_sum = 0
+ prev = None
+ for lon in np.concatenate((lons_s1, lons_s2, lons_s3[::-1], lons_s4[::-1])):
+ if prev is not None:
+ delta = lon - prev
+ if abs(delta) > 180:
+ delta = (abs(delta) - 360) * np.sign(delta)
+ angle_sum += delta
+ prev = lon
+ if round(angle_sum) == -360:
+ # Covers NP
+ lat_min = min(lats_s1.min(), lats_s2.min(),
+ lats_s3.min(), lats_s4.min())
+ lat_max = 90
+ lon_min = -180
+ lon_max = 180
+ elif round(angle_sum) == 360:
+ # Covers SP
+ lat_min = -90
+ lat_max = max(lats_s1.max(), lats_s2.max(),
+ lats_s3.max(), lats_s4.max())
+ lon_min = -180
+ lon_max = 180
+ elif round(angle_sum) == 0:
+ # Covers no poles
+ if np.sign(lons_s1[0]) * np.sign(lons_s1[-1]) == -1:
+ # End points of left side on different side of dateline
+ lon_min = lons_s1[lons_s1 > 0].min()
+ else:
+ lon_min = lons_s1.min()
+ if np.sign(lons_s3[0]) * np.sign(lons_s3[-1]) == -1:
+ # End points of right side on different side of dateline
+ lon_max = lons_s3[lons_s3 < 0].max()
+ else:
+ lon_max = lons_s3.max()
+ lat_min = lats_s4.min()
+ lat_max = lats_s2.max()
+ else:
+ # Pretty strange
+ lat_min = -90
+ lat_max = 90
+ lon_min = -180
+ lon_max = 180
+ if not (-180 <= lon_min <= 180):
+ lon_min = -180
+ if not (-180 <= lon_max <= 180):
+ lon_max = 180
+ if not (-90 <= lat_min <= 90):
+ lat_min = -90
+ if not (-90 <= lat_max <= 90):
+ lat_max = 90
+ return lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max
+def _get_pixel_index(shape, area_extent, x_size, y_size, prj,
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Map coordinates of shape to image coordinates
+ """
+ # Get shape data as array and reproject
+ shape_data = np.array(shape.points)
+ lons = shape_data[:, 0]
+ lats = shape_data[:, 1]
+ x_ll, y_ll, x_ur, y_ur = area_extent
+ x, y = prj(lons, lats)
+ # Handle out of bounds
+ i = 0
+ segments = []
+ if 1e30 in x or 1e30 in y:
+ # Split polygon in line segments within projection
+ is_reduced = True
+ if x[0] == 1e30 or y[0] == 1e30:
+ in_segment = False
+ else:
+ in_segment = True
+ for j in range(x.size):
+ if (x[j] == 1e30 or y[j] == 1e30):
+ if in_segment:
+ segments.append((x[i:j], y[i:j]))
+ in_segment = False
+ elif not in_segment:
+ in_segment = True
+ i = j
+ if in_segment:
+ segments.append((x[i:], y[i:]))
+ else:
+ is_reduced = False
+ segments = [(x, y)]
+ # Convert to pixel index coordinates
+ l_x = (x_ur - x_ll) / x_size
+ l_y = (y_ur - y_ll) / y_size
+ index_arrays = []
+ for x, y in segments:
+ n_x = ((-x_ll + x) / l_x) + 0.5 + x_offset
+ n_y = ((y_ur - y) / l_y) + 0.5 + y_offset
+ index_array = np.vstack((n_x, n_y)).T
+ index_arrays.append(index_array)
+ return index_arrays, is_reduced
diff --git a/pycoast/cw_pil.py b/pycoast/cw_pil.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f1b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/cw_pil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2015
+# Esben S. Nielsen
+# Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson
+# Stefano Cerino
+# Katja Hungershofer
+# Panu Lahtinen
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#(at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from PIL import Image, ImageFont
+from PIL import ImageDraw
+import logging
+from cw_base import ContourWriterBase
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ContourWriter(ContourWriterBase):
+ """Adds countours from GSHHS and WDBII to images
+ :Parameters:
+ db_root_path : str
+ Path to root dir of GSHHS and WDBII shapefiles
+ """
+ _draw_module = "PIL"
+ # This is a flag to make _add_grid aware of which text draw
+ # routine from PIL or from aggdraw should be used (unfortunately
+ # they are not fully compatible)
+ def _get_canvas(self, image):
+ """Returns PIL image object
+ """
+ return ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+ def _engine_text_draw(self, draw, (x_pos, y_pos), txt, font, **kwargs):
+ draw.text((x_pos, y_pos), txt, font=font, fill=kwargs['fill'])
+ def _draw_polygon(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw polygon
+ """
+ draw.polygon(coordinates, fill=kwargs['fill'],
+ outline=kwargs['outline'])
+ def _draw_ellipse(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw ellipse
+ """
+ draw.ellipse(coordinates, fill=kwargs['fill'],
+ outline=kwargs['outline'])
+ def _draw_rectangle(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw rectangle
+ """
+ draw.rectangle(coordinates, fill=kwargs['fill'],
+ outline=kwargs['outline'])
+ def _draw_text_box(self, draw, text_position, text, font, outline,
+ box_outline, box_opacity):
+ """Add text box in xy
+ """
+ if box_outline is not None:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Box background will not added; please install aggdraw lib")
+ self._draw_text(
+ draw, text_position, text, font, align="no", fill=outline)
+ def _draw_line(self, draw, coordinates, **kwargs):
+ """Draw line
+ """
+ draw.line(coordinates, fill=kwargs['outline'])
+ def add_shapefile_shapes(self, image, area_def, filename, feature_type=None,
+ fill=None, outline='white',
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add shape file shapes from an ESRI shapefile.
+ Note: Currently only supports lon-lat formatted coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ filename : str
+ Path to ESRI shape file
+ feature_type : 'polygon' or 'line',
+ only to override the shape type defined in shapefile, optional
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Polygon fill color
+ fill_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of polygon fill
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ outline_opacity : int, optional {0; 255}
+ Opacity of lines
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_shapefile_shapes(image=image, area_def=area_def,
+ filename=filename, feature_type=feature_type,
+ x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset,
+ fill=fill,
+ outline=outline)
+ def add_shapefile_shape(self, image, area_def, filename, shape_id,
+ feature_type=None,
+ fill=None, outline='white',
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add a single shape file shape from an ESRI shapefile.
+ Note: To add all shapes in file use the 'add_shape_file_shapes' routine.
+ Note: Currently only supports lon-lat formatted coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ filename : str
+ Path to ESRI shape file
+ shape_id : int
+ integer id of shape in shape file {0; ... }
+ feature_type : 'polygon' or 'line',
+ only to override the shape type defined in shapefile, optional
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Polygon fill color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_shapefile_shape(image=image,
+ area_def=area_def, filename=filename,
+ shape_id=shape_id,
+ feature_type=feature_type,
+ x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset,
+ fill=fill,
+ outline=outline)
+ def add_line(self, image, area_def, lonlats,
+ fill=None, outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add a user defined poly-line from a list of (lon,lat) coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ lonlats : list of lon lat pairs
+ e.g. [(10,20),(20,30),...,(20,20)]
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ width : float, optional
+ line width
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_line(image, area_def, lonlats, x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset,
+ fill=fill, outline=outline)
+ def add_polygon(self, image, area_def, lonlats,
+ fill=None, outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add a user defined polygon from a list of (lon,lat) coordinates.
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ area_def : list [proj4_string, area_extent]
+ | proj4_string : str
+ | Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ | area_extent : list
+ | Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ lonlats : list of lon lat pairs
+ e.g. [(10,20),(20,30),...,(20,20)]
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Polygon fill color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ line color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_polygon(image, area_def, lonlats, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset, fill=fill, outline=outline)
+ def add_grid(self, image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
+ font=None, write_text=True, fill=None, outline='white',
+ minor_outline='white', minor_is_tick=True,
+ lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
+ """Add a lon-lat grid to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
+ Major grid line separation
+ (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
+ Minor grid line separation
+ font: PIL ImageFont object, optional
+ Font for major line markings
+ write_text : boolean, optional
+ Deterine if line markings are enabled
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Text color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Major line color
+ minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Minor line/tick color
+ minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
+ Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
+ """
+ self._add_grid(image, area_def, Dlon, Dlat, dlon, dlat, font=font,
+ write_text=write_text, fill=fill, outline=outline,
+ minor_outline=minor_outline, minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
+ lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
+ def add_grid_to_file(self, filename, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat),
+ font=None, write_text=True, fill=None, outline='white',
+ minor_outline='white', minor_is_tick=True,
+ lon_placement='tb', lat_placement='lr'):
+ """Add a lon-lat grid to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ (Dlon,Dlat): (float,float)
+ Major grid line separation
+ (dlon,dlat): (float,float)
+ Minor grid line separation
+ font: PIL ImageFont object, optional
+ Font for major line markings
+ write_text : boolean, optional
+ Deterine if line markings are enabled
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Text color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Major line color
+ minor_outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Minor line/tick color
+ minor_is_tick : boolean, optional
+ Use tick minor line style (True) or full minor line style (False)
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_grid(image, area_def, (Dlon, Dlat), (dlon, dlat), font=font,
+ write_text=write_text, fill=fill, outline=outline,
+ minor_outline=minor_outline,
+ minor_is_tick=minor_is_tick,
+ lon_placement=lon_placement, lat_placement=lat_placement)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def add_coastlines(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ fill=None, outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add coastlines to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ fill : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Land color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'polygon', 'GSHHS',
+ resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ fill=fill, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ def add_coastlines_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c',
+ level=1, fill=None, outline='white',
+ x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add coastlines to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ filename : str
+ Image file
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ fill : str or (R, G, B)
+ Land color
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Coastline color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_coastlines(image, area_def,
+ resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ fill=fill, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def add_borders(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add borders to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Border color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII',
+ tag='border', resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ def add_borders_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add borders to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ Image file
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ Border color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_borders(image, area_def, resolution=resolution,
+ level=level, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def add_rivers(self, image, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add rivers to a PIL image object
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ PIL image object
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ River color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ self._add_feature(image, area_def, 'line', 'WDBII',
+ tag='river', zero_pad=True, resolution=resolution,
+ level=level, outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset,
+ y_offset=y_offset)
+ def add_rivers_to_file(self, filename, area_def, resolution='c', level=1,
+ outline='white', x_offset=0, y_offset=0):
+ """Add rivers to an image file
+ :Parameters:
+ image : object
+ Image file
+ proj4_string : str
+ Projection of area as Proj.4 string
+ area_extent : list
+ Area extent as a list (LL_x, LL_y, UR_x, UR_y)
+ resolution : str, optional {'c', 'l', 'i', 'h', 'f'}
+ Dataset resolution to use
+ level : int, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
+ Detail level of dataset
+ outline : str or (R, G, B), optional
+ River color
+ x_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in x direction
+ y_offset : float, optional
+ Pixel offset in y direction
+ """
+ image = Image.open(filename)
+ self.add_rivers(image, area_def, resolution=resolution, level=level,
+ outline=outline, x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=y_offset)
+ image.save(filename)
+ def _get_font(self, outline, font_file, font_size):
+ """Return a font."""
+ return ImageFont.truetype(font_file, font_size)
diff --git a/pycoast/errors.py b/pycoast/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffbeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2015
+# Esben S. Nielsen
+# Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson
+# Stefano Cerino
+# Katja Hungershofer
+# Panu Lahtinen
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#(at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+class ShapeFileError(Exception):
+ """Class for error objects creation"""
+ pass
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/__init__.py b/pycoast/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles.png b/pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..461009b
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffc57a
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/brazil_shapefiles_agg.png differ
diff --git a/test/contours_europe.png b/pycoast/tests/contours_europe.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/contours_europe.png
rename to pycoast/tests/contours_europe.png
diff --git a/test/contours_europe_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/contours_europe_agg.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/contours_europe_agg.png
rename to pycoast/tests/contours_europe_agg.png
diff --git a/test/contours_geos.png b/pycoast/tests/contours_geos.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/contours_geos.png
rename to pycoast/tests/contours_geos.png
diff --git a/test/contours_geos_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/contours_geos_agg.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/contours_geos_agg.png
rename to pycoast/tests/contours_geos_agg.png
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/dateline_boundary_cross.png b/pycoast/tests/dateline_boundary_cross.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ff7e5
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/dateline_boundary_cross.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/dateline_cross.png b/pycoast/tests/dateline_cross.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de14b35
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/dateline_cross.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/grid_europe.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_europe.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5b6e89
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/grid_europe.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0048ab2
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg_txt.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg_txt.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a494e23
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/grid_europe_agg_txt.png differ
diff --git a/test/grid_geos.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_geos.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/grid_geos.png
rename to pycoast/tests/grid_geos.png
diff --git a/test/grid_geos_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_geos_agg.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/grid_geos_agg.png
rename to pycoast/tests/grid_geos_agg.png
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/grid_nh.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_nh.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d64e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/grid_nh.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/grid_nh_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/grid_nh_agg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83692c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/grid_nh_agg.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/nh_polygons.png b/pycoast/tests/nh_polygons.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e912e42
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/nh_polygons.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/nh_polygons_agg.png b/pycoast/tests/nh_polygons_agg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdb19e5
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/nh_polygons_agg.png differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/DejaVuSerif.ttf b/pycoast/tests/test_data/DejaVuSerif.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9d7590
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/DejaVuSerif.ttf differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/README b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a003899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Data provided by http://www.geonames.org/
+This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License,
+see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
+The Data is provided "as is" without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness.
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.dbf b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.dbf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5929b12
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.dbf differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.prj b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f45cbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.prj
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shp b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad74b77
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shp differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shx b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0338d
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000.shx differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.dbf b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.dbf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..121890c
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.dbf differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.prj b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f45cbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.prj
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shp b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c99f0a
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shp differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shx b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5a162
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_15000_alternativ.shx differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_1500_alternativ.txt b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_1500_alternativ.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7ffbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/cities/cities_1500_alternativ.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21468 @@
+OID GEONAMID name asciiname LATI LONGI feature1 featire2 countrycode cc2 admin1 admin2 admin3 admin4 pop elev gtopo30 timezone mode
+ 1 3040051 les Escaldes les Escaldes 42.5072869554153 1.53413772583008 P PPLA AD 08 15853 1350 Europe/Andorra 2008-10-15
+ 2 3041563 Andorra la Vella Andorra la Vella 42.5051514333831 1.51506185531616 P PPLC AD 07 20430 1011 Europe/Andorra 2009-04-13
+ 3 290594 Umm al Qaywayn Umm al Qaywayn 25.5652778 55.5533333 P PPLA AE 07 44411 8 Asia/Dubai 2008-10-01
+ 4 291074 Ra's al Khaymah Ra's al Khaymah 25.7911111 55.9427778 P PPLA AE 05 115949 27 Asia/Dubai 2008-10-01
+ 5 291696 Khawr Fakkān Khawr Fakkan 25.3391667 56.3561111 P PPL AE 06 33575 5 Asia/Dubai 2006-01-27
+ 6 292223 Dubai Dubai 25.2522222 55.28 P PPLA AE 03 1137347 9 Asia/Dubai 2008-10-01
+ 7 292239 Dibā Diba 25.6166667 56.2666667 P PPL AE AE 06 26395 19 Asia/Dubai 2009-09-02
+ 8 292672 Sharjah Sharjah 25.3622222 55.3911111 P PPLA AE 06 543733 18 Asia/Dubai 2008-10-01
+ 9 292878 Al Fujayrah Al Fujayrah 25.1230556 56.3375 P PPLA AE 04 62415 15 Asia/Dubai 2008-10-01
+ 10 292913 Al `Ayn Al `Ayn 24.1916667 55.7605556 P PPL AE 01 408733 280 Asia/Dubai 2007-02-18
+ 11 292932 `Ajmān `Ajman 25.41110530265 55.435037612915 P PPLA AE 02 226172 16 Asia/Dubai 2009-03-03
+ 12 292968 Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 24.4666667 54.3666667 P PPLC AE 01 603492 14 Asia/Dubai 2007-02-17
+ 13 1123004 Taloqan Taloqan 36.736051108206 69.5345091819763 P PPL AF 26 64256 788 Asia/Kabul 2009-02-17
+ 14 1125155 Šīndand Sindand 33.3 62.14 P PPL AF 11 29264 1071 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 15 1125444 Sheberghān Sheberghan 36.6672222 65.7536111 P PPL AF 31 55641 362 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 16 1125896 Shāhrag Shahrag 34.1083333 64.3033333 P PPL AF 09 15967 2393 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 17 1127110 Sar-e Pol Sar-e Pol 36.2155556 65.9363889 P PPL AF 33 52121 629 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 18 1127628 Sang-e Chārak Sang-e Charak 35.8497222 66.4369444 P PPL AF 33 15377 1547 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 19 1127768 Samangān Samangan 36.2652778 68.0166667 P PPL AF 32 47823 960 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 20 1128265 Rostāq Rostaq 37.1275 69.8305556 P PPL AF 26 25636 1323 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 21 1129516 Qarqīn Qarqin 37.4127778 66.0472222 P PPL AF 31 15018 250 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 22 1129648 Qarāvol Qaravol 37.2211111 68.78 P PPL AF 24 24544 327 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 23 1130490 Pol-e Khomrī Pol-e Khomri 35.9425 68.7191667 P PPLX AF 03 56369 832 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 24 1131316 Paghmān Paghman 34.5875 68.9533333 P PPL AF 13 49157 2276 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 25 1132495 Nahrīn Nahrin 36.0652778 69.1338889 P PPL AF 03 22363 1156 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 26 1133574 Mehtar Lām Mehtar Lam 34.6713889 70.2094444 P PPL AF 35 17345 768 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 27 1133616 Mazār-e Sharīf Mazar-e Sharif 36.7069444 67.1122222 P PPL AF 30 303282 369 Asia/Kabul 2007-02-17
+ 28 1134720 Nawab City Nawab City 31.58 64.36 P PPL AF 10 43934 775 Asia/Kabul 2007-10-03
+ 29 1135158 Kūshk Kushk 33.2961111 61.9527778 P PPL AF 11 16952 1126 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 30 1135689 Kondūz Konduz 36.72 68.86 P PPL AF 24 161902 394 Asia/Kabul 2007-02-17
+ 31 1136469 Khōst Khost 33.3380556 69.9202778 P PPL AF 37 96123 1178 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 32 1136575 Tāshqorghān Tashqorghan 36.6952778 67.6980556 P PPL AF 30 64933 460 Asia/Kabul 2006-11-15
+ 33 1136863 Khāsh Khash 31.5291667 62.7925 P PPL AF 19 15133 578 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 34 1137168 Khanabad Khanabad 36.68 69.11 P PPL AF 24 71531 490 Asia/Kabul 2009-03-03
+ 35 1137807 Karokh Karokh 34.4791667 62.5869444 P PPL AF 11 17484 1309 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 36 1138336 Kandahar Kandahar 31.61 65.7 P PPL AF 23 391190 1015 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 37 1138958 Kabul Kabul 34.5166667 69.1833333 P PPLC AF 13 3043532 1808 Asia/Kabul 2007-02-17
+ 38 1139715 Jalalabad Jalalabad 34.42 70.45 P PPL AF 18 200331 573 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 39 1139807 Jabal os Saraj Jabal os Saraj 35.118333 69.237778 P PPL AF 22 15032 1575 Asia/Kabul 2009-03-03
+ 40 1140026 Herat Herat 34.34 62.19 P PPLX AF 11 272806 927 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 41 1141269 Ghazni Ghazni 33.5535554007418 68.4268856048584 P PPL AF 08 141000 2175 Asia/Kabul 2008-04-09
+ 42 1141540 Gereshk Gereshk 31.8188889 64.5647222 P PPL AF 10 43588 844 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 43 1141857 Gardez Gardez 33.59 69.22 P PPL AF 36 103601 2279 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 44 1142170 Feyẕābād Feyzabad 37.1175 70.5797222 P PPL AF 01 40276 1235 Asia/Kabul 2007-03-19
+ 45 1142264 Farakh Farakh 32.37 62.11 P PPL AF 06 43561 653 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 46 1142404 Eslām Qal`eh Eslam Qal`eh 34.6666667 61.0666667 P PPL AF 11 18086 721 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 47 1145352 Charikar Charikar 35.013611 69.171389 P PPL AF 22 53676 1534 Asia/Kabul 2009-03-03
+ 48 1147066 Barakī Barak Baraki Barak 33.9675 68.9486111 P PPL AF 17 22305 1937 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-17
+ 49 1147290 Balkh Balkh 36.7586111 66.8961111 P PPL AF 30 114883 328 Asia/Kabul 2007-02-17
+ 50 1147540 Baghlan Baghlan 36.12 68.7 P PPL AF 03 108449 565 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 51 1148106 Āt Khvājeh At Khvajeh 37.0841667 69.4805556 P PPL AF 26 18623 474 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 52 1148205 Asmar Asmar 35.03 71.35 P PPL AF 34 15708 934 Asia/Kabul 2007-06-20
+ 53 1148658 Andkhvoy Andkhvoy 36.9525 65.1236111 P PPL AF 07 29208 319 Asia/Kabul 2006-01-27
+ 54 1469706 Āchīn Achin 34.12 70.7 P PPL AF 18 15098 997 Asia/Kabul 2006-08-24
+ 55 6692413 Cool űrhajó Cool urhajo 34.2654451599764 67.3451614379883 P PPL AF 05 58525 2733 Asia/Kabul 2008-05-19
+ 56 3576022 Saint John's Saint John's 17.1166667 -61.85 P PPLC AG AG 04 24226 1 America/Antigua 2008-02-26
+ 57 3573374 The Valley The Valley 18.2166667 -63.05 P PPLC AI 00 1378 1 America/Anguilla 2007-02-17
+ 58 363243 Sarandë Sarande 39.8755556 20.0052778 P PPL AL 51 15147 170 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 59 782661 Kukës Kukes 42.0769444 20.4219444 P PPLA AL 47 17832 339 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-18
+ 60 782756 Korçë Korce 40.6186111 20.7808333 P PPLA AL 46 58259 876 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 61 783148 Gjirokastër Gjirokaster 40.0758333 20.1388889 P PPLA AL 45 23437 213 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 62 783263 Elbasan Elbasan 41.1125 20.0822222 P PPLA AL 43 100903 126 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-08
+ 63 783493 Burrel Burrel 41.6102778 20.0088889 P PPL AL 41 15405 196 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-18
+ 64 3183719 Vlorë Vlore 40.4666667 19.4897222 P PPLA AL 51 89546 58 Europe/Tirane 2008-11-28
+ 65 3183875 Tirana Tirana 41.3275 19.8188889 P PPLC AL 50 374801 103 Europe/Tirane 2007-01-25
+ 66 3184081 Shkodër Shkoder 42.0682828884085 19.5125770568848 P PPLA AL 49 88245 17 Europe/Tirane 2008-11-28
+ 67 3184517 Patos Fshat Patos Fshat 40.6427778 19.6508333 P PPL AL 44 22679 118 Europe/Tirane 2006-01-17
+ 68 3184862 Lushnjë Lushnje 40.9419444 19.705 P PPL AL 44 41469 81 Europe/Tirane 2006-01-17
+ 69 3184935 Lezhë Lezhe 41.7836111 19.6436111 P PPLA AL 48 18695 82 Europe/Tirane 2006-11-15
+ 70 3185012 Laç Lac 41.6355556 19.7130556 P PPL AL 48 24825 89 Europe/Tirane 2006-01-17
+ 71 3185060 Kuçovë Kucove 40.8002778 19.9166667 P PPL AL 40 18166 95 Europe/Tirane 2006-01-17
+ 72 3185082 Krujë Kruje 41.5091667 19.7927778 P PPL AL 42 21286 870 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 73 3185211 Kavajë Kavaje 41.1855556 19.5569444 P PPL AL 50 29354 10 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 74 3185670 Fier-Çifçi Fier-Cifci 40.7166667 19.5666667 P PPLX AL 44 60995 7 Europe/Tirane 2007-05-30
+ 75 3185728 Durrës Durres 41.3230556 19.4413889 P PPLA AL 42 122034 -9999 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 76 3186084 Berat Berat 40.7058333 19.9522222 P PPLA AL 40 46866 69 Europe/Tirane 2007-02-17
+ 77 174875 Kapan Kapan 39.2011111 46.415 P PPLA AM 08 33160 822 Asia/Yerevan 2006-11-15
+ 78 174895 Goris Goris 39.5077778 46.3386111 P PPL AM 08 20379 1363 Asia/Yerevan 2006-01-17
+ 79 174972 Hats'avan Hats'avan 39.4627778 45.9730556 P PPL AM 08 15208 1682 Asia/Yerevan 2006-01-17
+ 80 174979 Artashat Artashat 39.9538889 44.5505556 P PPLA AM 02 20562 837 Asia/Yerevan 2006-01-17
+ 81 174991 Ararat Ararat 39.8302778 44.7025 P PPL AM 02 28832 813 Asia/Yerevan 2008-05-13
+ 82 616052 Yerevan Yerevan 40.1811111 44.5136111 P PPLC AM 11 1093485 1002 Asia/Yerevan 2007-09-25
+ 83 616062 Ejmiatsin Ejmiatsin 40.1727778 44.2925 P PPL AM 03 49513 879 Asia/Yerevan 2008-11-25
+ 84 616199 Spitak Spitak 40.8372222 44.2675 P PPL AM 00 15059 1543 Asia/Yerevan 2006-01-17
+ 85 616250 Sevan Sevan 40.555 44.9536111 P PPL AM 04 17083 1905 Asia/Yerevan 2006-08-09
+ 86 616435 Masis Masis 40.0672222 44.4361111 P PPL AM 02 18911 843 Asia/Yerevan 2007-04-24
+ 87 616530 Vanadzor Vanadzor 40.8127778 44.4883333 P PPL AM 06 101098 1320 Asia/Yerevan 2007-02-17
+ 88 616599 Gavarr Gavarr 40.3588889 45.1266667 P PPLA AM 04 21680 1982 Asia/Yerevan 2006-08-09
+ 89 616629 Hrazdan Hrazdan 40.5016667 44.7547222 P PPL AM 05 40795 1735 Asia/Yerevan 2007-03-03
+ 90 616631 Armavir Armavir 40.1522222 44.0308333 P PPLA AM 03 25963 878 Asia/Yerevan 2006-08-09
+ 91 616635 Gyumri Gyumri 40.7894444 43.8475 P PPLA AM 07 148381 1545 Asia/Yerevan 2008-11-25
+ 92 616877 Ashtarak Ashtarak 40.3016667 44.3591667 P PPLA AM 01 18779 1190 Asia/Yerevan 2007-04-21
+ 93 617026 Abovyan Abovyan 40.2691667 44.6244444 P PPL AM 05 35673 1408 Asia/Yerevan 2007-04-09
+ 94 3513090 Willemstad Willemstad 12.1 -68.9166667 P PPLC AN 00 125000 1 America/Curacao 2009-03-31
+ 95 145531 Saurimo Saurimo -9.65 20.4 P PPLA AO 18 40498 1041 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-15
+ 96 145724 Lucapa Lucapa -8.4166667 20.75 P PPLA AO 17 20115 929 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-15
+ 97 876177 Luau Luau -10.7 22.2333333 P PPL AO 14 18465 1109 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 98 2236568 Uíge Uige -7.6166667 15.05 P PPLA AO 15 60008 859 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-15
+ 99 2236967 Soyo Soyo -6.1333333 12.3666667 P PPL AO 16 67491 6 Africa/Luanda 2007-05-01
+ 100 2239001 N'zeto N'zeto -7.2333333 12.8666667 P PPL AO 16 18352 8 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-27
+ 101 2239520 M'banza Congo M'banza Congo -6.2666667 14.25 P PPLA AO 16 24220 409 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-27
+ 102 2239862 Malanje Malanje -9.5447222 16.3452778 P PPLA AO 12 87046 1156 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 103 2240449 Luanda Luanda -8.8383333 13.2344444 P PPLC AO 10 2776168 6 Africa/Luanda 2007-02-17
+ 104 2242001 Caxito Caxito -8.58 13.6641667 P PPLA AO 19 28224 84 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 105 2243271 Cabinda Cabinda -5.55 12.2 P PPLA AO 03 66020 1 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 106 3346015 Sumbe Sumbe -11.2 13.8333333 P PPLA AO 06 33277 -9999 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-15
+ 107 3347019 Namibe Namibe -15.1961111 12.1522222 P PPLA AO 13 80149 9 Africa/Luanda 2007-02-18
+ 108 3347719 Luena Luena -11.7833333 19.9166667 P PPLA AO 14 21115 1330 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 109 3347762 Lubango Lubango -14.9166667 13.5 P PPLA AO 09 102541 1719 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-15
+ 110 3347853 Longonjo Longonjo -12.9066667 15.2533333 P PPL AO 08 24346 1402 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 111 3347939 Lobito Lobito -12.3480556 13.5455556 P PPL AO 01 207932 14 Africa/Luanda 2007-02-18
+ 112 3348078 Kuito Kuito -12.3833333 16.9333333 P PPLA AO 02 113624 1631 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-15
+ 113 3348313 Huambo Huambo -12.7761111 15.7391667 P PPLA AO 08 226145 1723 Africa/Luanda 2006-11-05
+ 114 3350246 Catumbela Catumbela -12.4313889 13.5472222 P PPL AO 01 16977 31 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 115 3350372 Catabola Catabola -12.15 17.2833333 P PPL AO 02 18855 1524 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 116 3351014 Camacupa Camacupa -12.0166667 17.4833333 P PPL AO 02 19150 1475 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 117 3351024 Caluquembe Caluquembe -13.7833333 14.6833333 P PPL AO 09 30300 1769 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 118 3351500 Caála Caala -12.8525 15.5605556 P PPL AO 08 21205 1747 Africa/Luanda 2006-01-17
+ 119 3351663 Benguela Benguela -12.5783333 13.4072222 P PPLA AO 01 151226 30 Africa/Luanda 2007-02-17
+ 120 3427213 Zárate Zarate -34.0922222 -59.035 P PPL AR 01 88781 27 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-15
+ 121 3427833 Tandil Tandil -37.3166667 -59.15 P PPL AR 01 104325 189 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 122 3428759 San Lorenzo San Lorenzo -28.1333333 -58.7666667 P PPL AR 06 47626 70 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 123 3429577 Resistencia Resistencia -27.45 -58.9833333 P PPLA AR 03 387158 48 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-17
+ 124 3429594 Reconquista Reconquista -29.15 -59.65 P PPL AR 21 90184 32 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-05-19
+ 125 3429652 Quilmes Quilmes -34.7202778 -58.2694444 P PPL AR 01 518788 19 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2008-10-27
+ 126 3429777 Puerto Iguazú Puerto Iguazu -25.5991156963377 -54.5735549926758 P PPL AR AR 14 32038 183 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2008-09-29
+ 127 3429886 Posadas Posadas -27.3833333 -55.8833333 P PPLA AR 14 312060 54 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-17
+ 128 3430340 Oberá Obera -27.4833333 -55.1333333 P PPL AR 14 56528 302 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 129 3430443 Necochea Necochea -38.55 -58.75 P PPL AR 01 80478 31 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-05-19
+ 130 3430708 Mercedes Mercedes -34.6544444 -59.4344444 P PPL AR 01 52949 40 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 131 3430709 Mercedes Mercedes -29.2 -58.0833333 P PPL AR 06 30649 85 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 132 3430863 Mar del Plata Mar del Plata -38.0 -57.55 P PPL AR 01 553935 39 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2007-02-17
+ 133 3430988 Luján Lujan -34.5702778 -59.105 P PPL AR 01 81749 22 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-15
+ 134 3432043 La Plata La Plata -34.9313889 -57.9488889 P PPLA AR 01 694167 29 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2007-02-17
+ 135 3433658 Gualeguaychú Gualeguaychu -33.0102778 -58.5141667 P PPL AR 08 78676 15 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-08
+ 136 3433663 Gualeguay Gualeguay -33.1444444 -59.3291667 P PPL AR 08 33120 15 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 137 3433715 Goya Goya -29.1333333 -59.2666667 P PPL AR 06 70245 23 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-11-15
+ 138 3433899 Formosa Formosa -26.1833333 -58.1833333 P PPLA AR 09 221383 55 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-17
+ 139 3435038 Dolores Dolores -36.3333333 -57.6666667 P PPL AR 01 25190 9 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 140 3435217 Corrientes Corrientes -27.4666667 -58.8333333 P PPLA AR 06 339067 52 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-17
+ 141 3435261 Concordia Concordia -31.4 -58.0333333 P PPL AR 08 145210 22 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-18
+ 142 3435264 Concepción del Uruguay Concepcion del Uruguay -32.4833333 -58.2283333 P PPL AR 08 67895 3 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-11-15
+ 143 3435356 Colegiales Colegiales -34.5833333 -58.45 P PPLX AR 07 57000 21 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2008-06-12
+ 144 3435810 Campana Campana -34.1769444 -58.9208333 P PPL AR 01 81612 3 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-15
+ 145 3435910 Buenos Aires Buenos Aires -34.5761256318848 -58.4088134765625 P PPLC AR 07 13076300 13 America/Argentina/San_Luis 2008-06-01
+ 146 3436199 Azul Azul -36.7833333 -59.85 P PPL AR 01 53941 137 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 147 3832694 Villa María Villa Maria -32.4166667 -63.25 P PPL AR 05 92453 187 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-05-19
+ 148 3832778 Villa Constitución Villa Constitucion -33.2333333 -60.3333333 P PPL AR 21 44271 50 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 149 3832791 Villa Carlos Paz Villa Carlos Paz -31.4 -64.5166667 P PPL AR 05 69451 686 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-11-15
+ 150 3832899 Viedma Viedma -40.8 -63.0 P PPLA AR 16 48940 12 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2007-02-18
+ 151 3832934 Victoria Victoria -32.6184122411498 -60.1547813415527 P PPL AR 08 25139 36 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-03-25
+ 152 3833062 Venado Tuerto Venado Tuerto -33.7497222 -61.9669444 P PPL AR 21 72340 109 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-11-15
+ 153 3833112 Veinticinco de Mayo Veinticinco de Mayo -35.4280556 -60.1741667 P PPL AR 01 24668 59 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 154 3833367 Ushuaia Ushuaia -54.8 -68.3 P PPLA AR 23 58028 -9999 America/Argentina/Ushuaia 2007-02-17
+ 155 3833859 Tres Arroyos Tres Arroyos -38.3833333 -60.2833333 P PPL AR 01 47136 100 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 156 3833883 Trelew Trelew -43.248953896869 -65.3050518035889 P PPL AR 04 93442 10 America/Argentina/Catamarca 2007-02-18
+ 157 3834601 Tartagal Tartagal -22.5333333 -63.8166667 P PPL AR 17 60819 468 America/Argentina/Salta 2006-01-17
+ 158 3835869 Santiago del Estero Santiago del Estero -27.7833333 -64.2666667 P PPLA AR 22 354692 180 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-18
+ 159 3835994 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa -36.6166667 -64.2833333 P PPLA AR 11 111424 176 America/Argentina/Salta 2007-02-18
+ 160 3836277 Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz -31.6333333 -60.7 P PPLA AR 21 489505 20 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2009-07-03
+ 161 3836564 San Salvador de Jujuy San Salvador de Jujuy -24.1833333 -65.3 P PPLA AR 10 305891 1206 America/Argentina/Jujuy 2007-02-17
+ 162 3836620 San Ramón de la Nueva Orán San Ramon de la Nueva Oran -23.1322304487324 -64.3259811401367 P PPL AR 17 74059 357 America/Argentina/Salta 2007-06-02
+ 163 3836669 San Rafael San Rafael -34.6 -68.3333333 P PPL AR 13 109163 691 America/Argentina/Mendoza 2006-01-17
+ 164 3836772 San Pedro San Pedro -24.2333333 -64.8666667 P PPL AR 10 58430 563 America/Argentina/Jujuy 2006-01-17
+ 165 3836846 San Nicolás de los Arroyos San Nicolas de los Arroyos -33.3302778 -60.2269444 P PPL AR 01 127742 6 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-15
+ 166 3836873 San Miguel de Tucumán San Miguel de Tucuman -26.8166667 -65.2166667 P PPLA AR 24 781023 437 America/Argentina/Tucuman 2009-08-10
+ 167 3836992 San Martín San Martin -33.0666667 -68.4666667 P PPL AR 13 82549 656 America/Argentina/Mendoza 2006-01-17
+ 168 3837056 San Luis San Luis -33.3 -66.35 P PPLA AR 19 183982 709 America/Argentina/San_Luis 2007-02-18
+ 169 3837213 San Juan San Juan -31.5375 -68.5363889 P PPLA AR 18 447048 650 America/Argentina/San_Juan 2006-11-07
+ 170 3837675 San Francisco San Francisco -31.4333333 -62.0833333 P PPL AR 05 59062 123 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 171 3837702 San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca -28.4666667 -65.7833333 P PPLA AR 02 188812 520 America/Argentina/Catamarca 2007-02-18
+ 172 3837856 San Carlos de Bariloche San Carlos de Bariloche -41.15 -71.3 P PPL AR 16 95394 894 America/Argentina/Salta 2007-02-18
+ 173 3838233 Salta Salta -24.7833333 -65.4166667 P PPLA AR 17 512686 1171 America/Argentina/Salta 2007-02-17
+ 174 3838583 Rosario Rosario -32.9511111 -60.6663889 P PPL AR 21 1173533 11 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-17
+ 175 3838793 Río Tercero Rio Tercero -32.1833333 -64.1 P PPL AR 05 53389 365 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 176 3838859 Río Gallegos Rio Gallegos -51.6333333 -69.2166667 P PPLA AR 20 85700 13 America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos 2007-02-17
+ 177 3838874 Río Cuarto Rio Cuarto -33.1333333 -64.35 P PPL AR 05 153757 422 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-18
+ 178 3839307 Rawson Rawson -43.3 -65.1 P PPLA AR 04 26335 4 America/Argentina/Catamarca 2007-02-18
+ 179 3839479 Rafaela Rafaela -31.2666667 -61.4833333 P PPL AR 21 88713 91 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-05-19
+ 180 3839982 Punta Alta Punta Alta -38.8833333 -62.0833333 P PPL AR 01 57209 3 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 181 3840092 Puerto Madryn Puerto Madryn -42.7666667 -65.05 P PPL AR 04 64555 18 America/Argentina/Catamarca 2007-02-18
+ 182 3840300 Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña Presidencia Roque Saenz Pena -26.7833333 -60.45 P PPL AR 03 81879 87 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-05-19
+ 183 3841490 Pergamino Pergamino -33.8925 -60.5725 P PPL AR 01 87652 57 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-15
+ 184 3841956 Paraná Parana -31.7333333 -60.5333333 P PPLA AR 08 262295 68 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-18
+ 185 3842670 Olavarría Olavarria -36.9 -60.2833333 P PPL AR 01 86320 163 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-15
+ 186 3842881 Nueve de Julio Nueve de Julio -35.4541667 -60.8913889 P PPL AR 01 34718 83 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 187 3843123 Neuquén Neuquen -38.95 -68.0666667 P PPLA AR 15 242092 255 America/Argentina/Salta 2006-11-15
+ 188 3844421 Mendoza Mendoza -32.8833333 -68.8166667 P PPLA AR 13 876884 824 America/Argentina/Mendoza 2006-01-17
+ 189 3846864 Lincoln Lincoln -34.865 -61.5319444 P PPL AR 01 24798 78 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 190 3846915 Libertador General San Martín Libertador General San Martin -23.8 -64.8 P PPL AR 10 49267 473 America/Argentina/Jujuy 2006-01-17
+ 191 3848950 La Rioja La Rioja -29.4333333 -66.85 P PPLA AR 12 162620 465 America/Argentina/La_Rioja 2007-02-18
+ 192 3853354 Junín Junin -34.585 -60.9588889 P PPL AR 01 85007 77 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 193 3855065 General Roca General Roca -39.0333333 -67.5833333 P PPL AR 16 73212 232 America/Argentina/Salta 2006-11-15
+ 194 3855075 General Pico General Pico -35.6666667 -63.7333333 P PPL AR 11 57029 103 America/Argentina/Salta 2006-01-17
+ 195 3856235 Embalse Embalse -32.1833333 -64.4166667 P PPL AR 05 3863430 15900 623 530 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2009-09-04
+ 196 3859552 Cutral-Có Cutral-Co -38.9333333 -69.2333333 P PPL AR 15 47380 612 America/Argentina/Salta 2006-01-17
+ 197 3860164 Coronel Suárez Coronel Suarez -37.4666667 -61.9166667 P PPL AR 01 27000 228 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-11
+ 198 3860259 Córdoba Cordoba -31.4 -64.1833333 P PPLA AR 05 1428214 384 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-02-17
+ 199 3860443 Comodoro Rivadavia Comodoro Rivadavia -45.8666667 -67.5 P PPL AR 07 140850 18 America/Argentina/Catamarca 2006-01-17
+ 200 3861344 Chivilcoy Chivilcoy -34.9083333 -60.0305556 P PPL AR 01 54514 34 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 201 3861953 Chacabuco Chacabuco -34.6416667 -60.4738889 P PPL AR 01 34587 66 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-01-17
+ 202 3862981 Cañada de Gómez Canada de Gomez -32.8169444 -61.4008333 P PPL AR AR 21 36000 70 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2007-07-24
+ 203 3864331 Bell Ville Bell Ville -32.6166667 -62.7 P PPL AR 05 35105 123 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 204 3865086 Bahía Blanca Bahia Blanca -38.7166667 -62.2833333 P PPL AR 01 276546 21 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2006-11-05
+ 205 3866163 Alta Gracia Alta Gracia -31.6666667 -64.4333333 P PPL AR 05 40384 516 America/Argentina/Cordoba 2006-01-17
+ 206 6693230 Villa Santa Rita Villa Santa Rita -34.6147734952543 -58.4797096252441 P PPLX AR 07 34000 21 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 2008-06-12
+ 207 5881576 Pago Pago Pago Pago -14.27806 -170.7025 P PPLC AS 00 4196 2 195 Pacific/Pago_Pago 2009-03-31
+ 208 2760910 Wolfsberg Wolfsberg 46.8405556 14.8441667 P PPL AT 02 25610 555 Europe/Vienna 2006-01-17
+ 209 2761353 Wiener Neustadt Wiener Neustadt 47.8 16.25 P PPL AT 03 38481 262 Europe/Vienna 2008-11-28
+ 210 2761369 Vienna Vienna 48.2084877601653 16.3720750808716 P PPLC AT 09 900 901 1691468 171 164 Europe/Vienna 2009-09-13
+ 211 2761524 Wels Wels 48.1666667 14.0333333 P PPL AT 04 403 57946 315 Europe/Vienna 2008-01-07
+ 212 2761669 Weinzierl bei Krems Weinzierl bei Krems 48.4 15.6 P PPLX AT 03 24092 189 Europe/Vienna 2006-01-17
+ 213 2762372 Villach Villach 46.6102778 13.8558333 P PPL AT 02 58882 473 Europe/Vienna 2009-06-05
+ 214 2763423 Traun Traun 48.2166667 14.2333333 P PPL AT 04 23959 271 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-08
+ 215 2763460 Traiskirchen Traiskirchen 48.0166667 16.2833333 P PPL AT 03 16212 202 Europe/Vienna 2006-01-17
+ 216 2763795 Ternitz Ternitz 47.7166667 16.0333333 P PPL AT 03 15153 386 Europe/Vienna 2006-01-17
+ 217 2764359 Steyr Steyr 48.0427423170615 14.421272277832 P PPL AT 04 39566 290 Europe/Vienna 2008-10-17
+ 218 2764786 Spittal an der Drau Spittal an der Drau 46.8 13.5 P PPL AT 02 16363 564 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-18
+ 219 2765388 Schwechat Schwechat 48.1333333 16.4666667 P PPL AT 03 15711 167 Europe/Vienna 2008-12-12
+ 220 2766429 Sankt Pölten Sankt Polten 48.2 15.6333333 P PPLA AT 03 49001 262 Europe/Vienna 2009-01-14
+ 221 2766824 Salzburg Salzburg 47.7994056435064 13.0439901351929 P PPLA AT 05 150269 424 422 Europe/Vienna 2009-08-03
+ 222 2766922 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer 47.4166667 12.85 P PPL AT 05 16119 755 Europe/Vienna 2006-01-17
+ 223 2771335 Mödling Modling 48.0833333 16.2833333 P PPL AT 03 20710 222 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-18
+ 224 2772173 Lustenau Lustenau 47.4330556 9.65 P PPL AT 08 20218 398 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-18
+ 225 2772400 Linz Linz 48.3063888888 14.286111111 P PPLA AT 04 181162 266 263 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-27
+ 226 2772635 Leonding Leonding 48.2666667 14.25 P PPL AT 04 22736 275 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-18
+ 227 2772649 Leoben Leoben 47.3833333 15.1 P PPL AT 06 24809 552 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-17
+ 228 2773300 Kufstein Kufstein 47.5833333 12.1666667 P PPL AT 07 16115 590 Europe/Vienna 2006-11-05
+ 229 2773549 Krems an der Donau Krems an der Donau 48.4092062871808 15.6141471862793 P PPL AT AT 03 23932 192 Europe/Vienna 2007-11-29
+ 230 2773913 Klosterneuburg Klosterneuburg 48.3052063585096 16.3252222537994 P PPL AT 03 24843 153 Europe/Vienna 2007-07-10
+ 231 2774326 Klagenfurt Klagenfurt 46.6247222 14.3052778 P PPLA AT 02 90610 443 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-17
+ 232 2774773 Kapfenberg Kapfenberg 47.4333333 15.3 P PPL AT 06 21819 711 Europe/Vienna 2006-01-17
+ 233 2775220 Innsbruck Innsbruck 47.2626600380713 11.3945388793945 P PPLA AT 07 112467 570 576 Europe/Vienna 2009-04-27
+ 234 2776951 Hallein Hallein 47.6833333 13.1 P PPL AT 05 18980 450 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-18
+ 235 2778067 Graz Graz 47.0666667 15.45 P PPLA AT 06 222326 365 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-17
+ 236 2779674 Feldkirch Feldkirch 47.2330556 9.6 P PPL AT 08 29446 464 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-17
+ 237 2780741 Dornbirn Dornbirn 47.4166667 9.7330556 P PPL AT 08 43013 415 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-17
+ 238 2781503 Bregenz Bregenz 47.5031127355309 9.74710464477539 P PPLA AT 08 26928 433 Europe/Vienna 2009-01-21
+ 239 2781520 Braunau am Inn Braunau am Inn 48.2666667 13.0333333 P PPL AT 04 16403 360 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-17
+ 240 2782067 Baden Baden 48.0166667 16.2333333 P PPL AT 03 24893 289 Europe/Vienna 2007-02-18
+ 241 2782555 Amstetten Amstetten 48.1229031642636 14.8720550537109 P PPL AT 03 22832 268 Europe/Vienna 2009-01-21
+ 242 2058430 Whyalla Whyalla -33.0333333 137.5833333 P PPL AU 05 19645 1 Australia/Adelaide 2006-01-17
+ 243 2062276 Roebourne Roebourne -20.7833333 117.1333333 P PPL AU 08 19260 11 Australia/Perth 2006-01-17
+ 244 2063523 Perth Perth -31.9333333 115.8333333 P PPLA AU 08 1446704 32 Australia/Perth 2007-02-17
+ 245 2065176 Murray Bridge Murray Bridge -35.1166667 139.2666667 P PPL AU 05 18194 10 Australia/Adelaide 2008-09-02
+ 246 2065594 Mount Isa Mount Isa -20.7333333 139.5 P PPL AU 04 22549 438 Australia/Brisbane 2006-11-19
+ 247 2067119 Mandurah Mandurah -32.55 115.7 P PPL AU 08 73356 1 Australia/Perth 2006-11-15
+ 248 2068079 Kwinana Kwinana -32.25 115.7666667 P PPL AU 08 20086 24 Australia/Perth 2006-09-07
+ 249 2068823 Kalgoorlie Kalgoorlie -30.75 121.4666667 P PPL AU 08 36852 469 Australia/Perth 2006-01-27
+ 250 2070998 Geraldton Geraldton -28.7666667 114.6 P PPL AU 08 27258 2 Australia/Perth 2006-01-17
+ 251 2071059 Gawler Gawler -34.6 138.7333333 P PPL AU 05 16362 72 Australia/Adelaide 2006-01-17
+ 252 2073124 Darwin Darwin -12.4611336615902 130.841846466064 P PPLA AU 03 93080 -9999 Australia/Darwin 2008-05-02
+ 253 2075432 Bunbury Bunbury -33.3333333 115.6333333 P PPL AU 08 26369 1 Australia/Perth 2006-01-17
+ 254 2077895 Alice Springs Alice Springs -23.7 133.8833333 P PPL AU 03 26188 609 Australia/Darwin 2007-02-17
+ 255 2077963 Albany Albany -35.0169444 117.8916667 P PPL AU 08 23913 85 Australia/Perth 2006-01-17
+ 256 2078025 Adelaide Adelaide -34.9333333 138.6 P PPLA AU 05 1074159 65 Australia/Adelaide 2007-02-17
+ 257 2143285 Wodonga Wodonga -36.1166667 146.8833333 P PPL AU 07 31518 153 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 258 2144528 Warrnambool Warrnambool -38.3833333 142.4833333 P PPL AU 07 29928 1 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 259 2145110 Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga -35.1166667 147.3666667 P PPL AU 02 55381 148 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 260 2146108 Traralgon Traralgon -38.1833333 146.5333333 P PPL AU 07 18226 119 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 261 2146142 Townsville Townsville -19.25 146.8 P PPL AU 04 138954 1 Australia/Brisbane 2006-11-05
+ 262 2146219 Torquay Torquay -25.2833333 152.8666667 P PPL AU 04 47556 -9999 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-27
+ 263 2146268 Toowoomba Toowoomba -27.55 151.9666667 P PPL AU 04 92800 560 Australia/Brisbane 2006-11-15
+ 264 2147381 Taree Taree -31.9 152.4666667 P PPL AU 02 44182 56 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 265 2147497 Tamworth Tamworth -31.1 150.9333333 P PPL AU 02 38551 545 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 266 2147714 Sydney Sydney -33.8678499639382 151.207323074341 P PPLA AU 02 4394576 1 Australia/Sydney 2008-11-20
+ 267 2147849 Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise -28.0027377616665 153.42999458313 P PPL AU 04 18501 1 Australia/Brisbane 2009-02-20
+ 268 2147914 Sunbury Sunbury -37.5833333 144.7333333 P PPL AU 07 29925 197 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 269 2148997 South Grafton South Grafton -29.7 152.95 P PPL AU 02 16399 78 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 270 2149645 Shepparton Shepparton -36.3833333 145.4 P PPL AU 07 33550 132 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-27
+ 271 2151437 Rockhampton Rockhampton -23.3833333 150.5 P PPL AU 04 65850 2 Australia/Brisbane 2006-11-15
+ 272 2152286 Queanbeyan Queanbeyan -35.35 149.2333333 P PPL AU 02 32214 609 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 273 2152659 Port Macquarie Port Macquarie -31.4333333 152.9166667 P PPL AU 02 48547 -9999 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 274 2154219 Orange Orange -33.2833333 149.1 P PPL AU 02 30401 652 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 275 2154787 Nowra Nowra -34.8833333 150.6 P PPL AU 02 94781 1 Australia/Sydney 2006-11-15
+ 276 2155472 Newcastle Newcastle -32.9271483615446 151.776466369629 P PPL AU 02 497955 1 Australia/Sydney 2008-09-09
+ 277 2155542 Nerang Nerang -27.9833333 153.3333333 P PPL AU 04 17684 49 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 278 2156643 Mount Gambier Mount Gambier -37.8333333 140.7666667 P PPL AU 05 23209 82 Australia/Adelaide 2008-04-02
+ 279 2156878 Mornington Mornington -38.2166667 145.0333333 P PPL AU 07 20821 1 Australia/Melbourne 2009-02-20
+ 280 2157109 Mooloolaba Mooloolaba -26.6833333 153.1166667 P PPL AU 04 44502 -9999 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-27
+ 281 2157698 Mildura Mildura -34.2 142.15 P PPL AU 07 47867 60 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 282 2158151 Melton Melton -37.6833333 144.5833333 P PPL AU 07 32368 128 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 283 2158177 Melbourne Melbourne -37.8139965641595 144.963322877884 P PPLA AU 07 3730206 58 Australia/Melbourne 2007-05-28
+ 284 2158562 Maryborough Maryborough -25.5333333 152.7 P PPL AU 04 20678 4 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 285 2159220 Mackay Mackay -21.15 149.2 P PPL AU 04 75922 -9999 Australia/Brisbane 2006-11-15
+ 286 2160063 Lismore Lismore -28.8135437840429 153.27730178833 P PPL AU 02 31430 130 Australia/Sydney 2008-10-04
+ 287 2160517 Launceston Launceston -41.45 147.1666667 P PPL AU 06 72458 105 Australia/Hobart 2006-01-17
+ 288 2161776 Katoomba Katoomba -33.7 150.3 P PPL AU 02 18593 720 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-27
+ 289 2163137 Hornsby Hornsby -33.7 151.1 P PPL AU 02 18800 163 Australia/Sydney 2008-09-02
+ 290 2163355 Hobart Hobart -42.9166667 147.3333333 P PPLA AU AU 06 47700 151 Australia/Hobart 2008-10-23
+ 291 2164422 Griffith Griffith -34.2833333 146.0333333 P PPL AU 02 15455 117 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 292 2164837 Goulburn Goulburn -34.75 149.7166667 P PPL AU 02 20940 563 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 293 2165087 Gold Coast Gold Coast -28.0 153.4333333 P PPL AU 04 527660 1 Australia/Brisbane 2009-01-27
+ 294 2165478 Gladstone Gladstone -23.85 151.25 P PPL AU 04 30489 1 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 295 2165796 Geelong West Geelong West -38.1333333 144.35 P PPL AU 07 150437 -9999 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 296 2165798 Geelong Geelong -38.1471125837516 144.360694885254 P PPL AU 07 160991 -9999 Australia/Melbourne 2008-10-23
+ 297 2166309 Forster Forster -32.1666667 152.5166667 P PPL AU 02 17591 -9999 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-27
+ 298 2167817 Echuca Echuca -36.1333333 144.75 P PPL AU 07 19457 73 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-27
+ 299 2168305 Dubbo Dubbo -32.25 148.6166667 P PPL AU 02 29361 304 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 300 2168943 Devonport Devonport -41.1666667 146.35 P PPL AU 06 19317 1 Australia/Hobart 2006-01-17
+ 301 2169220 Deception Bay Deception Bay -27.2 153.0333333 P PPL AU 04 16090 3 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 302 2170078 Cranbourne Cranbourne -38.1 145.2833333 P PPL AU 07 39419 1 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 303 2170089 Craigieburn Craigieburn -37.6 144.95 P PPL AU 07 19728 156 Australia/Melbourne 2006-01-17
+ 304 2171085 Coffs Harbour Coffs Harbour -30.3 153.1333333 P PPL AU 02 62978 8 Australia/Brisbane 2006-11-15
+ 305 2171507 Wollongong Wollongong -34.4333333 150.8833333 P PPL AU 02 260914 26 Australia/Sydney 2006-11-05
+ 306 2171845 Cessnock Cessnock -32.8333333 151.35 P PPL AU 02 16393 152 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 307 2172517 Canberra Canberra -35.2834624726481 149.128074645996 P PPLC AU 01 327700 609 Australia/Sydney 2009-08-04
+ 308 2172710 Caloundra Caloundra -26.8 153.1333333 P PPL AU 04 38706 1 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 309 2172797 Cairns Cairns -16.9166667 145.7666667 P PPL AU 04 154225 1 Australia/Brisbane 2008-05-10
+ 310 2172832 Caboolture Caboolture -27.0833333 152.95 P PPL AU 04 21478 66 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 311 2173125 Burnie Burnie -41.0666667 145.9166667 P PPL AU 06 19972 1 Australia/Hobart 2006-01-17
+ 312 2173323 Bundaberg Bundaberg -24.85 152.35 P PPL AU 04 52472 7 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 313 2173605 Buderim Buderim -26.6833333 153.05 P PPL AU 04 15228 43 Australia/Brisbane 2006-01-17
+ 314 2173741 Brunswick Brunswick -37.7666667 144.9666667 P PPL AU 07 19867 129 Australia/Melbourne 2007-06-18
+ 315 2173911 Broken Hill Broken Hill -31.95 141.4333333 P PPL AU 02 17395 305 Australia/Broken_Hill 2006-11-16
+ 316 2174003 Brisbane Brisbane -27.4679357321901 153.028092384338 P PPLA AU 04 958504 15 Australia/Brisbane 2008-04-29
+ 317 2176187 Bendigo Bendigo -36.7666667 144.2833333 P PPL AU 07 81657 234 Australia/Melbourne 2006-11-15
+ 318 2177091 Ballarat Ballarat -37.5666667 143.85 P PPL AU 07 85109 465 Australia/Melbourne 2006-11-15
+ 319 2177671 Armidale Armidale -30.5166667 151.65 P PPL AU 02 22673 1014 Australia/Sydney 2006-01-17
+ 320 2178174 Albury Albury -36.0833333 146.9166667 P PPL AU 02 104258 170 Australia/Sydney 2006-05-19
+ 321 2207259 South Brisbane South Brisbane -27.4833333 153.0166667 P PPLX AU 04 60000 17 Australia/Brisbane 2008-03-21
+ 322 6301965 Palmerston Palmerston -12.4860236620861 130.983295440674 P PPL AU 03 25000 6 Australia/Darwin 2006-11-25
+ 323 6620339 Karratha Karratha -20.7291440924285 116.854705810547 P PPL AU 08 16796 1 Australia/Perth 2008-08-20
+ 324 3577154 Oranjestad Oranjestad 12.5166667 -70.0333333 P PPLC AW 00 29998 27 America/Aruba 2007-02-17
+ 325 3577277 Babijn Babijn 12.5333333 -69.9833333 P PPLL AW 00 40627 93 America/Aruba 2008-12-14
+ 326 3577284 Angochi Angochi 12.516667 -69.95 P PPLL AW 00 29442 49 America/Aruba 2008-12-14
+ 327 147059 Tel'mankend Tel'mankend 39.8905556 48.3858333 P PPL AZ 45 17242 2 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 328 147105 Şuşa Susa 39.7563889 46.7511111 P PPL AZ 56 18662 1172 Asia/Baku 2007-02-17
+ 329 147271 Salyan Salyan 39.595 48.9791667 P PPL AZ 49 36555 -4 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 330 147425 Neftçala Neftcala 39.3586111 49.2469444 P PPL AZ 36 18661 -7 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 331 147429 Naxçıvan Naxcivan 39.2088889 45.4122222 P PPL AZ 35 64754 890 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 332 147982 İmişli Imisli 39.8697222 48.06 P PPL AZ 24 31381 15 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 333 148290 Cǝlilabad Calilabad 39.2088889 48.4972222 P PPL AZ 15 36259 31 Asia/Baku 2006-01-27
+ 334 148340 Bilǝsuvar Bilasuvar 39.4583333 48.545 P PPL AZ 13 18182 15 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 335 148445 Astara Astara 38.4561111 48.8786111 P PPL AZ 08 15190 -24 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 336 148565 Əli Bayramlı Ali Bayramli 39.9319444 48.9202778 P PPL AZ 07 70220 13 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 337 148619 Ağdam Agdam 39.9930556 46.9305556 P PPL AZ 03 39451 363 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 338 584596 Zaqatala Zaqatala 41.6336111 46.6433333 P PPLA AZ 70 18277 545 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 339 584614 Zabrat Zabrat 40.4872222 49.9525 P PPL AZ 09 21396 43 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 340 584649 Yevlax Yevlax 40.6172222 47.15 P PPL AZ 68 53716 15 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 341 584716 Xanlar Xanlar 40.5869444 46.3158333 P PPLA AZ 62 17816 691 Asia/Baku 2009-10-12
+ 342 584717 Xaçmaz Xacmaz 41.4708333 48.8097222 P PPL AZ 60 37175 25 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 343 584791 Ucar Ucar 40.5183333 47.6541667 P PPLA AZ 59 15741 13 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 344 584871 Tǝrtǝr Tartar 40.345 46.9288889 P PPLA AZ 57 18185 226 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 345 584923 Sumqayıt Sumqayit 40.5897222 49.6686111 P PPL AZ 54 265150 24 Asia/Baku 2006-11-15
+ 346 585103 Qaraçuxur Qaracuxur 40.3966667 49.9736111 P PPL AZ 09 72989 61 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 347 585152 Şǝmkir Samkir 40.8297222 46.0188889 P PPLA AZ 51 35421 433 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 348 585156 Şamaxı Samaxi 40.6302778 48.6413889 P PPL AZ 50 29403 637 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 349 585170 Şǝki Saki 41.1919444 47.1705556 P PPLA AZ 48 62191 606 Asia/Baku 2008-11-25
+ 350 585184 Sabunçu Sabuncu 40.4425 49.9480556 P PPL AZ 09 20996 34 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 351 585187 Sabirabad Sabirabad 40.0127778 48.4788889 P PPL AZ 46 28075 -15 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 352 585220 Qusar Qusar 41.4263889 48.4355556 P PPL AZ 44 16022 618 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 353 585221 Quba Quba 41.3597222 48.5125 P PPL AZ 42 22405 587 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 354 585225 Qazımǝmmǝd Qazimammad 40.0433333 48.9355556 P PPL AZ 23 23102 -3 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 355 585226 Qazax Qazax 41.0933333 45.3661111 P PPLA AZ 40 18903 384 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 356 585379 Hacı Zeynalabdin Haci Zeynalabdin 40.6233333 49.5586111 P PPL AZ 54 19019 -10 Asia/Baku 2006-01-27
+ 357 585514 Mingǝçevir Mingacevir 40.77 47.0488889 P PPL AZ 33 95453 32 Asia/Baku 2007-02-17
+ 358 585557 Maştağa Mastaga 40.5327778 50.0038889 P PPL AZ 09 40092 31 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 359 585568 Mǝrdǝkan Mardakan 40.4922222 50.1388889 P PPL AZ 09 15267 -4 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 360 585630 Lökbatan Lokbatan 40.3272222 49.73 P PPL AZ 09 30694 32 Asia/Baku 2006-08-08
+ 361 586427 Göyçay Goycay 40.6530556 47.7405556 P PPLA AZ 22 35348 111 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 362 586429 Hövsan Hovsan 40.3744444 50.0852778 P PPL AZ 09 36293 -18 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 363 586523 Gǝncǝ Ganca 40.6827778 46.3605556 P PPL AZ 20 303268 409 Asia/Baku 2007-02-17
+ 364 586925 Buzovna Buzovna 40.5161111 50.1163889 P PPL AZ 09 24795 -11 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 365 586968 Binǝ Bina 40.4538889 50.0763889 P PPL AZ 09 24596 14 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 366 587057 Bǝrdǝ Barda 40.3744444 47.1266667 P PPLA AZ 11 37372 82 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 367 587078 Bilǝcǝri Bilacari 40.4313889 49.8080556 P PPL AZ 09 42194 73 Asia/Baku 2006-01-27
+ 368 587084 Baku Baku 40.3952778 49.8822222 P PPLC AZ 09 1116513 30 Asia/Baku 2007-02-17
+ 369 587261 Əmircan Amircan 40.4263889 49.9836111 P PPL AZ 09 26798 56 Asia/Baku 2007-07-10
+ 370 587361 Ağsu Agsu 40.5691667 48.4008333 P PPL AZ 06 17209 114 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 371 587378 Ağdaş Agdas 40.65 47.4761111 P PPLA AZ 04 23528 42 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 372 587384 Ağcabǝdi Agcabadi 40.0527778 47.4613889 P PPLA AZ 02 34989 24 Asia/Baku 2006-08-09
+ 373 824003 Bakıxanov Bakixanov 40.4216667 49.9644444 P PPLX AZ 09 66686 43 Asia/Baku 2006-01-17
+ 374 3186573 Zenica Zenica 44.2013889 17.9063889 P PPL BA 01 164423 317 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-11-05
+ 375 3187609 Visoko Visoko 43.9888889 18.1780556 P PPL BA 01 17890 417 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-17
+ 376 3188225 Velika Kladuša Velika Kladusa 45.1894444 15.8116667 P PPL BA 01 19330 141 Europe/Sarajevo 2009-08-18
+ 377 3188582 Tuzla Tuzla 44.5427778 18.6694444 P PPL BA 01 142486 274 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-11-05
+ 378 3188893 Trebinje Trebinje 42.7119444 18.3441667 P PPL BA 02 33178 283 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-18
+ 379 3188924 Travnik Travnik 44.2266667 17.6705556 P PPL BA 01 31127 575 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-17
+ 380 3191281 Sarajevo Sarajevo 43.85 18.3833333 P PPLC BA 01 696731 545 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-03-28
+ 381 3192409 Prijedor Prijedor 44.9813889 16.7130556 P PPL BA 02 36347 134 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-17
+ 382 3194828 Mostar Mostar 43.3433333 17.8080556 P PPL BA 01 104518 55 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-11-05
+ 383 3199744 Gradačac Gradacac 44.8808333 18.4269444 P PPL BA 01 15659 165 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-01-17
+ 384 3199779 Gračanica Gracanica 44.7033333 18.3097222 P PPL BA 01 15758 277 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-01-17
+ 385 3200396 Goražde Gorazde 43.6669444 18.9763889 P PPL BA 01 17650 343 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-17
+ 386 3201984 Doboj Doboj 44.7347222 18.0877778 P PPL BA 02 27235 140 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-01-17
+ 387 3202822 Cazin Cazin 44.9669444 15.9430556 P PPL BA 01 21741 424 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-18
+ 388 3203099 Bugojno Bugojno 44.0572222 17.4508333 P PPL BA 01 41378 549 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-02-18
+ 389 3203521 Brčko Brcko 44.8727778 18.8083333 P PPL BA BD 38479 93 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-01-17
+ 390 3203653 Bosanska Krupa Bosanska Krupa 44.8825 16.1513889 P PPL BA 01 15193 151 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-01-17
+ 391 3204186 Bijeljina Bijeljina 44.7569444 19.2161111 P PPL BA 02 37692 91 Europe/Sarajevo 2008-11-05
+ 392 3204222 Bihać Bihac 44.8169444 15.8708333 P PPL BA 01 75641 218 Europe/Sarajevo 2007-04-03
+ 393 3204541 Banja Luka Banja Luka 44.7758333 17.1855556 P PPLA BA 02 221106 158 Europe/Sarajevo 2008-03-14
+ 394 3337476 Konjic Konjic 43.6519444 17.9613889 P PPL BA 01 15950 408 Europe/Sarajevo 2006-01-17
+ 395 3374036 Bridgetown Bridgetown 13.1 -59.6166667 P PPLC BB 08 98511 1 America/Barbados 2007-02-17
+ 396 1185092 Thākurgaon Thakurgaon 26.0333333 88.4666667 P PPL BD 00 71096 37 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 397 1185095 Teknāf Teknaf 20.8666667 92.3 P PPL BD 00 40557 -9999 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 398 1185098 Tungi Tungi 23.89 90.4058333 P PPL BD 81 337579 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-11-15
+ 399 1185099 Sylhet Sylhet 24.8966667 91.8716667 P PPLA BD 86 237000 9 Asia/Dhaka 2007-07-25
+ 400 1185100 Dohār Dohar 23.5883333 90.1469444 P PPL BD 81 45543 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 401 1185106 Jamālpur Jamalpur 24.9166667 89.9333333 P PPL BD 00 167900 12 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 402 1185108 Shibganj Shibganj 24.6833333 88.1666667 P PPL BD 00 35961 17 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 403 1185111 Sātkhira Satkhira 22.7166667 89.1 P PPL BD 00 128918 14 Asia/Dhaka 2008-04-08
+ 404 1185115 Sirājganj Sirajganj 24.45 89.7166667 P PPL BD 00 167481 13 Asia/Dhaka 2006-11-15
+ 405 1185116 Netrakona Netrakona 24.8833333 90.7166667 P PPL BD 81 79016 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 406 1185117 Narsingdi Narsingdi 23.9208333 90.7180556 P PPL BD 81 281080 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 407 1185120 Sandwīp Sandwip 22.4677778 91.4561111 P PPL BD 85 52152 6 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 408 1185121 Shāhzādpur Shahzadpur 24.1666667 89.6 P PPL BD 00 102420 17 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 409 1185127 Rāmganj Ramganj 23.1 90.85 P PPL BD 00 55241 3 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 410 1185128 Rājshāhi Rajshahi 24.3666667 88.6 P PPL BD 83 700133 31 Asia/Dhaka 2007-07-05
+ 411 1185138 Pirojpur Pirojpur 22.5666667 89.9833333 P PPL BD 84 54418 3 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 412 1185141 Panchagarh Panchagarh 26.3333333 88.5666667 P PPL BD 00 48531 59 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 413 1185148 Patiya Patiya 22.2947222 91.9791667 P PPL BD 84 51360 7 Asia/Dhaka 2007-02-15
+ 414 1185149 Pārbatipur Parbatipur 25.65 88.9166667 P PPL BD 00 48020 30 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 415 1185155 Nārāyanganj Narayanganj 23.6233333 90.5011111 P PPL BD 81 223622 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 416 1185156 Nālchiti Nalchiti 22.6333333 90.2833333 P PPL BD 00 38703 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 417 1185160 Nageswari Nageswari 25.9666667 89.7166667 P PPL BD 00 49425 40 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 418 1185162 Mymensingh Mymensingh 24.75 90.4 P PPL BD 00 330126 17 Asia/Dhaka 2006-11-15
+ 419 1185164 Muktāgācha Muktagacha 24.7666667 90.2333333 P PPL BD 00 24684 23 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 420 1185165 Mirzāpur Mirzapur 24.1 90.1 P PPL BD 00 41137 16 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 421 1185166 Moulvi Bāzār Moulvi Bazar 24.4833333 91.7833333 P PPL BD 86 57441 13 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 422 1185167 Morrelganj Morrelganj 22.4666667 89.85 P PPL BD 00 31647 1 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 423 1185171 Mehendiganj Mehendiganj 22.8166667 90.5333333 P PPL BD 00 39424 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 424 1185173 Mathbaria Mathbaria 22.3 89.95 P PPL BD 84 29760 7 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 425 1185181 Lālmanir Hāt Lalmanir Hat 25.9 89.45 P PPL BD 00 65127 32 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 426 1185183 Lākshām Laksham 23.2472222 91.1425 P PPL BD 85 82290 10 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 427 1185186 Comilla Comilla 23.4577778 91.2044444 P PPL BD 85 389411 12 Asia/Dhaka 2006-11-15
+ 428 1185188 Rangpur Rangpur 25.75 89.25 P PPL BD 00 285564 36 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 429 1185191 Kushtia Kushtia 23.9166667 89.1166667 P PPL BD 00 135724 26 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 430 1185199 Kālīganj Kaliganj 23.4166667 89.1333333 P PPL BD 00 45631 24 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 431 1185204 Jhikergacha Jhikergacha 23.1166667 89.1166667 P PPL BD 00 41957 11 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 432 1185206 Jaipur Hāt Jaipur Hat 25.1 89.0166667 P PPL BD 00 73068 29 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 433 1185207 Ishurdi Ishurdi 24.1333333 89.0833333 P PPL BD 00 81995 30 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 434 1185209 Habiganj Habiganj 24.3833333 91.4166667 P PPL BD 86 88760 6 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 435 1185210 Gaurnadi Gaurnadi 22.9666667 90.2333333 P PPL BD 00 40519 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 436 1185218 Gafargaon Gafargaon 24.4333333 90.5666667 P PPL BD 00 34177 13 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 437 1185224 Feni Feni 23.0186111 91.41 P PPL BD 85 84028 5 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 438 1185236 Rāipur Raipur 23.05 90.7666667 P PPL BD 00 64652 3 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 439 1185239 Sārankhola Sarankhola 22.3 89.7833333 P PPL BD 00 36470 1 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 440 1185241 Dhaka Dhaka 23.7230556 90.4086111 P PPLC BD 81 10356500 4 Asia/Dhaka 2007-04-16
+ 441 1185247 Chilmāri Chilmari 25.55 89.7166667 P PPL BD 00 49736 18 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 442 1185249 Chhāgalnāiya Chhagalnaiya 23.03 91.5069444 P PPL BD 84 39335 8 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 443 1185251 Lālmohan Lalmohan 22.3166667 90.7166667 P PPL BD 00 42220 1 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 444 1185252 Khagrāchari Khagrachari 23.1 91.9666667 P PPL BD 00 50364 48 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 445 1185254 Chhātak Chhatak 25.0333333 91.6666667 P PPL BD 00 39218 6 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 446 1185260 Abhaynagar Abhaynagar 23.0166667 89.4666667 P PPL BD 00 42653 16 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 447 1185262 Bherāmāra Bheramara 24.0333333 88.9666667 P PPL BD 00 38159 8 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 448 1185263 Bhairab Bāzār Bhairab Bazar 24.0666667 90.9666667 P PPL BD 00 105457 16 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 449 1185270 Bāndarban Bandarban 22.1980556 92.2197222 P PPL BD 84 32523 10 Asia/Dhaka 2007-02-15
+ 450 1185272 Kālia Kalia 23.05 89.6333333 P PPL BD 00 40492 14 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 451 1185274 Baniachang Baniachang 24.5166667 91.3666667 P PPL BD 00 37807 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 452 1185276 Bājitpur Bajitpur 24.2166667 90.95 P PPL BD 00 34560 10 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 453 1185283 Badarganj Badarganj 25.6666667 89.05 P PPL BD 00 32600 32 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 454 1185293 Narail Narail 23.1666667 89.5 P PPL BD 00 55112 14 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 455 1185920 Tungipāra Tungipara 22.9 89.9166667 P PPL BD 00 62210 6 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 456 1188569 Sarishābāri Sarishabari 24.7333333 89.8333333 P PPL BD 00 81325 9 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 457 1189056 Sakhipur Sakhipur 24.3 90.1833333 P PPL BD 00 40869 19 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 458 1189638 Raojān Raojan 22.5383333 91.9147222 P PPL BD 84 25708 7 Asia/Dhaka 2007-03-19
+ 459 1191139 Phultala Phultala 22.7 89.5166667 P PPL BD 00 37985 9 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 460 1191368 Pālang Palang 23.2166667 90.35 P PPL BD 00 67652 5 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 461 1192366 Pār Naogaon Par Naogaon 24.8 88.95 P PPL BD 00 192464 14 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 462 1193823 Nabīnagar Nabinagar 23.8916667 90.9733333 P PPL BD 84 31671 3 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 463 1196292 Lakshmīpur Lakshmipur 22.95 90.8333333 P PPL BD 85 61703 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 464 1197895 Kesabpur Kesabpur 22.9166667 89.2166667 P PPL BD 00 30926 14 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 465 1198503 Kaptaimukh Kaptaimukh 22.4713889 92.2322222 P PPLL BD 84 59617 18 Asia/Dhaka 2007-02-15
+ 466 1201753 Hājīganj Hajiganj 23.2511111 90.8591667 P PPL BD 84 44343 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 467 1203344 Farīdpur Faridpur 23.6 89.8333333 P PPL BD 00 112187 11 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 468 1203891 Dinājpur Dinajpur 25.6333333 88.6333333 P PPL BD 00 206234 35 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 469 1205481 Dakshin Char Fasson Dakshin Char Fasson 22.2166667 90.7333333 P PPL BD 00 48305 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 470 1205733 Chittagong Chittagong 22.3330556 91.8363889 P PPLA BD 84 Chittagong 3920222 7 Asia/Dhaka 2007-06-18
+ 471 1207047 Char Bhadrāsan Char Bhadrasan 23.3166667 90.2166667 P PPL BD 00 34423 4 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 472 1209562 Bera Bera 24.0833333 89.6166667 P PPL BD 00 39604 20 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 473 1210565 Barahānuddin Barahanuddin 22.5 90.7166667 P PPL BD 00 45670 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 474 1336133 Sātkānia Satkania 22.0755556 92.0513889 P PPL BD 84 52005 6 Asia/Dhaka 2007-02-15
+ 475 1336134 Cox's Bāzār Cox's Bazar 21.4422222 91.9780556 P PPL BD 84 253788 4 Asia/Dhaka 2007-02-15
+ 476 1336135 Khulna Khulna 22.8 89.55 P PPL BD 00 1342339 9 Asia/Dhaka 2007-02-17
+ 477 1336136 Bhola Bhola 22.6833333 90.65 P PPL BD 00 99079 1 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 478 1336137 Barisāl Barisal 22.7019444 90.3711111 P PPLA BD 85 202242 2 Asia/Dhaka 2007-07-25
+ 479 1336140 Jessore Jessore 23.1666667 89.2166667 P PPL BD 82 243987 15 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 480 1336143 Pābna Pabna 24.0 89.25 P PPL BD 00 137888 8 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 481 1336144 Tāngāil Tangail 24.25 89.9166667 P PPL BD 00 180144 13 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 482 1337239 Pīrganj Pirganj 25.8666667 88.3666667 P PPL BD 00 34606 35 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 483 1337240 Nawābganj Nawabganj 24.6 88.2833333 P PPL BD 00 142361 21 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 484 1337245 Mādārīpur Madaripur 23.1752778 90.2072222 P PPL BD 81 84789 -9999 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 485 1337248 Sherpur Sherpur 25.0166667 90.0166667 P PPL BD 81 107419 14 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-27
+ 486 1337249 Kishorganj Kishorganj 24.4333333 90.7666667 P PPL BD 81 90690 10 Asia/Dhaka 2007-04-29
+ 487 1462681 Mānikchhari Manikchhari 22.8625 91.845 P PPL BD 84 24813 42 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 488 1477498 Bhandāria Bhandaria 22.4833333 90.0666667 P PPL BD 84 30219 2 Asia/Dhaka 2006-01-17
+ 489 6414184 Fatikchari Fatikchari 22.6883333 91.7908333 P PPL BD 84 33200 9 Asia/Dhaka 2007-03-19
+ 490 6545349 Saidpur Saidpur 25.7776918455459 88.8916897773743 P PPL BD 83 199422 36 Asia/Dhaka 2007-07-05
+ 491 2783081 Zwijndrecht Zwijndrecht 51.2166667 4.3333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11056 18249 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 492 2783089 Zwevegem Zwevegem 50.8 3.3333333 P PPL BE VLG VWV 34 34042 23358 30 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 493 2783175 Zottegem Zottegem 50.8666667 3.8 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41081 24434 60 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 494 2783188 Zonhoven Zonhoven 50.9833333 5.35 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71066 19922 41 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 495 2783204 Zoersel Zoersel 51.2666667 4.7 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11055 20642 15 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 496 2783274 Zemst Zemst 50.9833333 4.4666667 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23096 21096 10 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 497 2783293 Zele Zele 51.0666667 4.0333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 42 42028 20236 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 498 2783308 Zedelgem Zedelgem 51.15 3.1333333 P PPL BE VLG VWV 31 31040 21968 9 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 499 2783310 Zaventem Zaventem 50.8833333 4.4666667 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23094 28188 51 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 500 2783416 Wuustwezel Wuustwezel 51.3833333 4.6 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11053 18117 18 Europe/Brussels 2009-09-27
+ 501 2783632 Willebroek Willebroek 51.0666667 4.3666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12040 22808 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 502 2783759 Wevelgem Wevelgem 50.8 3.1666667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 34 34041 30954 24 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 503 2783763 Wetteren Wetteren 51.0 3.8833333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 42 42025 22930 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 504 2783801 Westerlo Westerlo 51.0833333 4.9166667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13049 22579 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 505 2783820 Wervik Wervik 50.7833333 3.0333333 P PPL BE VLG VWV 33 33029 17340 16 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 506 2783941 Wavre Wavre 50.7166667 4.6166667 P PPL BE WAL WBR 25 25112 32112 54 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-16
+ 507 2783985 Waterloo Waterloo 50.7166667 4.3833333 P PPL BE WAL WBR 25 25110 28910 117 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 508 2784068 Waregem Waregem 50.8833333 3.4166667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 34 34040 35896 11 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 509 2784189 Walcourt Walcourt 50.25 4.4166667 P PPL BE WAL WNA 93 93088 17501 200 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 510 2784548 Visé Vise 50.7333333 5.7 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62108 17054 119 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 511 2784604 Vilvoorde Vilvoorde 50.9333333 4.4333333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23088 36955 16 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 512 2784821 Verviers Verviers 50.5833333 5.8666667 P PPL BE WAL WLG 63 63079 52824 250 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 513 2785141 Turnhout Turnhout 51.3166667 4.95 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13040 39654 23 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 514 2785169 Tubize Tubize 50.6833333 4.2 P PPL BE WAL WBR 25 25105 21859 70 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 515 2785341 Tournai Tournai 50.6 3.3833333 P PPL BE WAL WHT 57 57081 67721 41 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 516 2785364 Torhout Torhout 51.0666667 3.1 P PPL BE VLG VWV 31 31033 18933 18 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 517 2785389 Tongeren Tongeren 50.7833333 5.4666667 P PPL BE VLG VLI 73 73083 29816 88 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 518 2785470 Tienen Tienen 50.8 4.95 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24107 31743 57 Europe/Brussels 2008-09-10
+ 519 2785476 Tielt Tielt 51.0 3.3166667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 37 37015 19299 46 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 520 2785612 Tessenderlo Tessenderlo 51.0666667 5.0833333 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71057 16574 21 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 521 2785622 Tervuren Tervuren 50.8166667 4.5166667 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24104 20623 77 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 522 2785778 Temse Temse 51.1333333 4.2166667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 46 46025 26054 12 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 523 2786087 Stekene Stekene 51.2 4.0333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 46 46024 16989 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 524 2786229 Stabroek Stabroek 51.3333333 4.3666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11044 17294 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 525 2786344 Soumagne Soumagne 50.6166667 5.75 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62099 15237 221 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 526 2786420 Soignies Soignies 50.5790400233464 4.07129287719727 P PPL BE WAL WHT 55 55040 24869 90 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-18
+ 527 2786545 Sint-Truiden Sint-Truiden 50.8 5.2 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71053 37859 61 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 528 2786559 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Sint-Pieters-Leeuw 50.7833333 4.2333333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23077 30446 39 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 529 2786578 Sint-Niklaas Sint-Niklaas 51.1666667 4.1333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 46 46021 69010 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 530 2786641 Sint-Katelijne-Waver Sint-Katelijne-Waver 51.0666667 4.5333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12035 19487 7 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 531 2786694 Sint-Gillis-Waas Sint-Gillis-Waas 51.2166667 4.1333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 46 46020 17658 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 532 2786700 Sint-Genesius-Rode Sint-Genesius-Rode 50.75 4.35 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23101 17990 90 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 533 2786824 Seraing Seraing 50.6 5.4833333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62096 60737 96 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 534 2786963 Schoten Schoten 51.25 4.5 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11040 33622 4 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 535 2787048 Schilde Schilde 51.2333333 4.5666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11039 20373 8 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 536 2787356 Saint-Nicolas Saint-Nicolas 50.6333333 5.5333333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62093 22586 140 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 537 2787416 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain 50.4481589498269 3.8188648223877 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53070 22500 29 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-20
+ 538 2787662 Rotselaar Rotselaar 50.95 4.7166667 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24094 15007 12 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 539 2787769 Ronse Ronse 50.75 3.6 P PPL BE VLG VOV 45 45041 24204 40 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 540 2787889 Roeselare Roeselare 50.9465312558688 3.1226921081543 P PPL BE VLG VWV 36 36015 56016 19 Europe/Brussels 2008-07-26
+ 541 2787989 Rixensart Rixensart 50.7166667 4.5333333 P PPL BE WAL WBR 25 25091 21616 67 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 542 2788088 Riemst Riemst 50.8 5.6 P PPL BE VLG VLI 73 73066 15809 100 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 543 2788348 Ranst Ranst 51.2 4.55 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11035 17405 8 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 544 2788499 Quaregnon Quaregnon 50.4406706315479 3.86529922485352 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53065 18491 46 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-17
+ 545 2788506 Puurs Puurs 51.0833333 4.2833333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12030 15944 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 546 2788521 Putte Putte 51.0666667 4.6333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12029 15276 12 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 547 2788726 Poperinge Poperinge 50.85 2.7166667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 33 33021 19537 26 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 548 2788765 Pont-à-Celles Pont-a-Celles 50.5 4.35 P PPL BE WAL WHT 52 52055 15909 152 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 549 2789162 Péruwelz Peruwelz 50.5081866025905 3.59373092651367 P PPL BE WAL WHT 57 57064 16647 38 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-17
+ 550 2789232 Peer Peer 51.1333333 5.4666667 P PPL BE VLG VLI 72 72030 15551 63 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 551 2789413 Overijse Overijse 50.7666667 4.5333333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23062 23486 69 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 552 2789471 Oupeye Oupeye 50.7 5.65 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62079 23594 57 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 553 2789529 Oudenaarde Oudenaarde 50.85 3.6 P PPL BE VLG VOV 45 45035 27935 10 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 554 2789751 Oostkamp Oostkamp 51.15 3.2333333 P PPL BE VLG VWV 31 31022 21489 9 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 555 2789786 Oostende Oostende 51.2166667 2.9166667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 35 35013 69011 2 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 556 2790101 Nivelles Nivelles 50.6 4.3333333 P PPL BE WAL WBR 25 25072 24149 119 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 557 2790114 Ninove Ninove 50.8333333 4.0166667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41048 34795 19 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 558 2790135 Nijlen Nijlen 51.1666667 4.65 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12026 20792 4 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 559 2790357 Neerpelt Neerpelt 51.2166667 5.4166667 P PPL BE VLG VLI 72 72025 16122 41 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 560 2790471 Namur Namur 50.4666667 4.8666667 P PPLA BE WAL WNA 92 92094 106284 120 Europe/Brussels 2008-09-12
+ 561 2790595 Mouscron Mouscron 50.7333333 3.2166667 P PPL BE WAL WHT 54 54007 52069 40 Europe/Brussels 2008-08-20
+ 562 2790676 Mortsel Mortsel 51.1666667 4.4666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11029 24525 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 563 2790697 Morlanwelz-Mariemont Morlanwelz-Mariemont 50.45 4.2333333 P PPL BE WAL WHT 56 56087 18233 120 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 564 2790869 Mons Mons 50.4541296245289 3.95228862762451 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53053 91277 35 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-18
+ 565 2791067 Mol Mol 51.1833333 5.1 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13025 32659 23 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 566 2791194 Middelkerke Middelkerke 51.1833333 2.8166667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 35 35011 17789 1 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 567 2791315 Merelbeke Merelbeke 51.0 3.75 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44043 22047 12 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 568 2791343 Menen Menen 50.8 3.1166667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 34 34027 31916 15 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 569 2791424 Meise Meise 50.9333333 4.3333333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23050 18497 31 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 570 2791537 Mechelen Mechelen 51.0333333 4.4666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12025 77530 4 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 571 2791744 Marche-en-Famenne Marche-en-Famenne 50.2267826716323 5.34416198730469 P PPL BE WAL WLX 83 83034 16856 240 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 572 2791814 Manage Manage 50.5 4.2166667 P PPL BE WAL WHT 52 52043 22196 150 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 573 2791857 Maldegem Maldegem 51.2166667 3.45 P PPL BE VLG VOV 43 43010 22092 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 574 2791961 Maasmechelen Maasmechelen 50.8166667 5.6666667 P PPL BE VLG VLI 73 73107 36251 93 Europe/Brussels 2008-09-10
+ 575 2791964 Maaseik Maaseik 51.1 5.8 P PPL BE VLG VLI 72 72021 23684 28 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 576 2792073 Louvain-la-Neuve Louvain-la-Neuve 50.6695923385188 4.61191892623901 P PPL BE WAL WBR 25 25121 29521 131 Europe/Brussels 2008-09-07
+ 577 2792165 Londerzeel Londerzeel 51.0 4.3 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23045 17274 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 578 2792179 Lommel Lommel 51.2333333 5.3 P PPL BE VLG VLI 72 72020 31993 48 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 579 2792196 Lokeren Lokeren 51.1 3.9833333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 46 46014 37567 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 580 2792235 Lochristi Lochristi 51.1 3.8333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44034 19696 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 581 2792360 Lille Lille 51.2333333 4.8333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13019 15466 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 582 2792413 Liège Liege 50.6411875982987 5.57178497314453 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62063 182597 63 Europe/Brussels 2008-07-28
+ 583 2792482 Leuven Leuven 50.8795895885995 4.70092535018921 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24062 92892 35 Europe/Brussels 2008-07-11
+ 584 2792567 Lessines Lessines 50.7166667 3.8333333 P PPL BE WAL WHT 55 55023 17687 20 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 585 2793077 Lede Lede 50.9666667 3.9833333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41034 16813 18 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 586 2793144 Lebbeke Lebbeke 51.0 4.1333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 42 42011 17372 8 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 587 2793446 Lanaken Lanaken 50.8833333 5.65 P PPL BE VLG VLI 73 73042 24771 60 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 588 2793508 La Louvière La Louviere 50.4865657695857 4.18785095214844 P PPL BE WAL WHT 55 55022 76668 125 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 589 2794055 Kortrijk Kortrijk 50.8280325513329 3.26487064361572 P PPL BE VLG VWV 34 34022 73879 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 590 2794070 Kortenberg Kortenberg 50.8833333 4.5333333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24055 17774 51 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 591 2794117 Kontich Kontich 51.1333333 4.45 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11024 20290 14 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 592 2794166 Koksijde Koksijde 51.1 2.65 P PPL BE VLG VWV 38 38014 21027 2 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 593 2794210 Knokke-Heist Knokke-Heist 51.35 3.2666667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 31 31043 33781 5 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 594 2794663 Kasterlee Kasterlee 51.25 4.95 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13017 17765 18 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 595 2794730 Kapellen Kapellen 51.3166667 4.4333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11023 26410 8 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 596 2794788 Kalmthout Kalmthout 51.3791739632915 4.47482585906982 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11022 17485 19 Europe/Brussels 2009-10-10
+ 597 2795009 Izegem Izegem 50.9166667 3.2 P PPL BE VLG VWV 36 36008 26382 15 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 598 2795100 Ieper Ieper 50.85 2.8833333 P PPL BE VLG VWV 33 33011 35089 19 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 599 2795113 Huy Huy 50.5166667 5.2333333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 61 61031 19973 77 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 600 2795398 Hoogstraten Hoogstraten 51.4 4.7666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13014 18524 17 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 601 2795730 Hoboken Hoboken 51.1666667 4.35 P PPL BE BE VLG VAN 34443 8 Europe/Brussels 2007-11-01
+ 602 2795908 Herzele Herzele 50.8833333 3.8833333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41027 16523 60 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 603 2795912 Herve Herve 50.6333333 5.8 P PPL BE WAL WLG 63 63035 16544 266 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 604 2795930 Herstal Herstal 50.6666667 5.6333333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62051 36503 59 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 605 2796009 Herentals Herentals 51.1833333 4.8333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13011 25912 13 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 606 2796012 Herent Herent 50.9 4.6666667 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24038 19218 60 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 607 2796153 Heist-op-den-Berg Heist-op-den-Berg 51.0833333 4.7166667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12014 37873 24 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 608 2796491 Hasselt Hasselt 50.9333333 5.3333333 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71022 69222 37 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-16
+ 609 2796542 Harelbeke Harelbeke 50.85 3.3 P PPL BE VLG VWV 34 34013 25978 14 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 610 2796637 Hamme Hamme 51.1 4.1333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 42 42008 22891 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 611 2796696 Halle Halle 50.741017899342 4.23248291015625 P PPL BE WAL WHT 34479 33 Europe/Brussels 2006-09-11
+ 612 2796833 Haaltert Haaltert 50.9 4.0 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41024 17129 31 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 613 2797114 Grimbergen Grimbergen 50.9333333 4.3833333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23025 33561 42 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 614 2797638 Geraardsbergen Geraardsbergen 50.7666667 3.8666667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41018 30807 19 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 615 2797656 Gent Gent 51.05 3.7166667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44021 231493 4 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-24
+ 616 2797670 Genk Genk 50.9666667 5.5 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71016 63666 81 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 617 2797713 Gembloux Gembloux 50.5666667 4.6833333 P PPL BE WAL WNA 92 92142 21676 154 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 618 2797779 Geel Geel 51.1666667 5.0 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13008 34697 19 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 619 2798023 Frameries Frameries 50.405782416368 3.89602661132812 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53028 20598 94 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-17
+ 620 2798297 Fleurus Fleurus 50.4813774816892 4.54876899719238 P PPL BE WAL WHT 52 52021 22080 160 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 621 2798301 Fléron Fleron 50.6166667 5.6833333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62038 15994 254 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 622 2798307 Flémalle-Haute Flemalle-Haute 50.6 5.4666667 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62120 25144 69 Europe/Brussels 2008-09-10
+ 623 2798551 Evergem Evergem 51.1166667 3.7 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44019 31615 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 624 2798573 Eupen Eupen 50.6333333 6.0333333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 63 63023 18029 292 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 625 2798615 Essen Essen 51.4627240940725 4.45392608642578 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11016 16754 13 Europe/Brussels 2009-10-10
+ 626 2798987 Eeklo Eeklo 51.1833333 3.5666667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 43 43005 19116 5 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 627 2799007 Edegem Edegem 51.15 4.45 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11013 21839 18 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 628 2799090 Duffel Duffel 51.1 4.5166667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12009 16011 5 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 629 2799226 Dour Dour 50.3958252670238 3.77792358398438 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53020 16861 96 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-18
+ 630 2799365 Dilbeek Dilbeek 50.85 4.2666667 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23016 39482 68 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 631 2799369 Diksmuide Diksmuide 51.0333333 2.8666667 P PPL BE VLG VWV 32 32003 15515 12 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 632 2799397 Diest Diest 50.983424312723 5.05014896392822 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24020 22516 20 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 633 2799412 Diepenbeek Diepenbeek 50.9 5.4 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71011 17699 60 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 634 2799496 Destelbergen Destelbergen 51.05 3.8 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44013 16853 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 635 2799645 Dendermonde Dendermonde 51.0333333 4.1166667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 42 42006 43055 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 636 2799647 Denderleeuw Denderleeuw 50.8833333 4.0666667 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41011 16969 10 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 637 2799746 Deinze Deinze 50.9833333 3.5333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44011 27777 10 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 638 2800063 Courcelles Courcelles 50.4666667 4.3666667 P PPL BE WAL WHT 52 52015 29473 163 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 639 2800220 Colfontaine Colfontaine 50.4140966744236 3.85568618774414 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53082 19964 87 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-20
+ 640 2800438 Chaudfontaine Chaudfontaine 50.5833333 5.6333333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62022 20960 221 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 641 2800448 Châtelet Chatelet 50.4 4.5166667 P PPL BE WAL WHT 52 52012 35238 135 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 642 2800481 Charleroi Charleroi 50.4166667 4.4333333 P PPL BE WAL WHT 52 52011 200132 121 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 643 2800866 Brussels Brussels 50.8465974826927 4.35277462005615 P PPLC BE BRU BRU 21 21004 1019022 48 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 644 2800931 Brugge Brugge 51.2097870885244 3.22500228881836 P PPL BE VLG VWV 31 31005 116709 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-16
+ 645 2801106 Brecht Brecht 51.35 4.6333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11009 25908 23 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 646 2801117 Brasschaat Brasschaat 51.2833333 4.45 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11008 37040 4 Europe/Brussels 2009-09-27
+ 647 2801150 Braine-le-Comte Braine-le-Comte 50.6 4.1333333 P PPL BE WAL WHT 55 55004 20133 100 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 648 2801226 Boussu Boussu 50.4341652182719 3.79440307617188 P PPL BE WAL WHT 53 53014 20058 29 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-18
+ 649 2801447 Bornem Bornem 51.1 4.2333333 P PPL BE VLG VAN 12 12007 19997 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 650 2801494 Boom Boom 51.0833333 4.3666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11005 15810 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 651 2801858 Blankenberge Blankenberge 51.3166667 3.1333333 P PPL BE VLG VWV 31 31004 18230 -9999 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 652 2801922 Binche Binche 50.4 4.1666667 P PPL BE WAL WHT 56 56011 32030 148 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 653 2801924 Bilzen Bilzen 50.8666667 5.5166667 P PPL BE VLG VLI 73 73006 29622 67 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 654 2802031 Beveren Beveren 51.2166667 4.25 P PPL BE VLG VOV 46 46003 45179 5 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 655 2802170 Beringen Beringen 51.05 5.2166667 P PPL BE VLG VLI 71 71004 40930 30 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 656 2802433 Beersel Beersel 50.7666667 4.3 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23003 23228 80 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 657 2802435 Beerse Beerse 51.3166667 4.8666667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13004 16208 24 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 658 2802743 Balen Balen 51.1666667 5.15 P PPL BE VLG VAN 13 13003 19978 31 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 659 2803010 Ath Ath 50.6293744425505 3.77800941467285 P PPL BE WAL WHT 51 51004 26681 32 Europe/Brussels 2009-01-18
+ 660 2803033 Asse Asse 50.9166667 4.2 P PPL BE VLG VBR 23 23002 28985 53 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 661 2803073 Arlon Arlon 49.6833333 5.8166667 P PPL BE WAL WLX 81 81001 26179 385 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-16
+ 662 2803138 Antwerp Antwerp 51.2166667 4.4166667 P PPL BE VLG VAN 11 11002 459805 3 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-16
+ 663 2803160 Ans Ans 50.65 5.5333333 P PPL BE WAL WLG 62 62003 27297 168 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 664 2803204 Andenne Andenne 50.4833333 5.1 P PPL BE WAL WNA 92 92003 24055 140 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 665 2803429 Aarschot Aarschot 50.9833333 4.8333333 P PPL BE VLG VBR 24 24001 27656 50 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 666 2803443 Aalter Aalter 51.0833333 3.45 P PPL BE VLG VOV 44 44001 18802 12 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 667 2803448 Aalst Aalst 50.9333333 4.0333333 P PPL BE VLG VOV 41 41002 77534 17 Europe/Brussels 2008-06-15
+ 668 2353197 Zorgho Zorgho 12.2488889 -0.6158333 P PPLA BF 20 23892 300 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-01-17
+ 669 2353688 Yako Yako 12.9666667 -2.2666667 P PPLA BF 34 22904 308 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-05-10
+ 670 2354176 Tougan Tougan 13.0666667 -3.0666667 P PPLA BF 73 17590 302 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 671 2354675 Tenkodogo Tenkodogo 11.78 -0.3697222 P PPLA BF 49 37658 236 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 672 2356228 Réo Reo 12.3166667 -2.4666667 P PPLA BF 36 37535 309 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 673 2356454 Pô Po 11.1697222 -1.145 P PPLA BF 65 17924 306 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 674 2357043 Ouahigouya Ouahigouya 13.5833333 -2.4166667 P PPLA BF 76 61096 317 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-05-10
+ 675 2357048 Ouagadougou Ouagadougou 12.3702778 -1.5247222 P PPLC BF 53 1086505 307 Africa/Ouagadougou 2007-05-19
+ 676 2357163 Nouna Nouna 12.7333333 -3.8666667 P PPLA BF 58 29048 260 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 677 2358100 Manga Manga 11.6636111 -1.0730556 P PPLA BF 44 15173 284 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-01-17
+ 678 2358382 Léo Leo 11.1 -2.1 P PPLA BF 72 26884 303 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 679 2358738 Koupéla Koupela 12.1794444 -0.3516667 P PPLA BF 28 32052 301 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-01-17
+ 680 2358946 Koudougou Koudougou 12.25 -2.3666667 P PPLA BF 19 87347 271 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-05-05
+ 681 2359142 Kongoussi Kongoussi 13.3258333 -1.5347222 P PPLA BF 15 26338 304 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 682 2359227 Kombissiri Kombissiri 12.0655556 -1.3375 P PPLA BF 47 30137 304 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 683 2359317 Kokologo Kokologo 12.1897222 -1.8855556 P PPL BF 19 25958 346 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-01-17
+ 684 2359608 Kaya Kaya 13.0916667 -1.0844444 P PPLA BF 70 39229 368 Africa/Ouagadougou 2007-02-08
+ 685 2360073 Houndé Hounde 11.5 -3.5166667 P PPLA BF 74 36593 352 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 686 2360238 Gourcy Gourcy 13.2166667 -2.35 P PPLA BF 78 16765 306 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 687 2360615 Garango Garango 11.8 -0.5505556 P PPL BF 18 29076 238 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-01-17
+ 688 2360886 Fada N'Gourma Fada N'Gourma 12.0622222 0.3577778 P PPLA BF 50 33910 278 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 689 2361082 Dori Dori 14.0333333 -0.0333333 P PPLA BF 71 37806 287 Africa/Ouagadougou 2007-02-08
+ 690 2361177 Djibo Djibo 14.1022222 -1.6305556 P PPLA BF 40 22223 314 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 691 2361373 Diapaga Diapaga 12.0708333 1.7888889 P PPLA BF 42 26013 270 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 692 2361477 Dédougou Dedougou 12.4666667 -3.4666667 P PPLA BF 63 45341 296 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 693 2361946 Boulsa Boulsa 12.6675 -0.5758333 P PPLA BF 64 17489 319 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 694 2362344 Bobo Dioulasso Bobo Dioulasso 11.2 -4.3 P PPLA BF 51 360106 446 Africa/Ouagadougou 2007-02-17
+ 695 2362909 Banfora Banfora 10.6333333 -4.7666667 P PPLA BF 55 60288 302 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-11-15
+ 696 2577164 Orodara Orodara 10.9491667 -4.9341667 P PPLA BF 54 18632 549 Africa/Ouagadougou 2006-01-17
+ 697 725578 Yambol Yambol 42.4833333 26.5 P PPLA BG 65 JAM26 80116 115 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 698 725712 Vratsa Vratsa 43.21 23.5625 P PPLA BG 64 VRC10 64941 341 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 699 725905 Vidin Vidin 43.99 22.8725 P PPLA BG 63 VID09 54409 35 Europe/Sofia 2006-07-24
+ 700 725988 Velingrad Velingrad 42.0166667 24.0 P PPL BG 48 PAZ08 24036 755 Europe/Sofia 2008-06-19
+ 701 725993 Veliko Tŭrnovo Veliko Turnovo 43.0812388564044 25.6290435791016 P PPLA BG 62 VTR04 66217 162 Europe/Sofia 2007-07-01
+ 702 726050 Varna Varna 43.2166667 27.9166667 P PPLA BG 61 VAR06 312770 95 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-17
+ 703 726174 Tŭrgovishte Turgovishte 43.2591667 26.5891667 P PPLA BG 60 TGV35 37774 140 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 704 726320 Troyan Troyan 42.894265045165 24.7158908843994 P PPL BG 46 LOV34 21162 398 Europe/Sofia 2007-07-10
+ 705 726409 Tonchevtsi Tonchevtsi 42.9 25.3166667 P PPLX BG 41 59834 441 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 706 726418 Dobrich Dobrich 43.5666667 27.8333333 P PPLA BG 40 DOB28 94831 210 Europe/Sofia 2006-07-24
+ 707 726534 Svishtov Svishtov 43.6230556 25.3538889 P PPL BG 62 VTR28 32256 1 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-08
+ 708 726546 Svilengrad Svilengrad 41.7666667 26.2 P PPL BG 43 HKV28 19279 51 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 709 726848 Stara Zagora Stara Zagora 42.4327778 25.6419444 P PPLA BG 59 SZR31 143431 197 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-17
+ 710 726872 Dupnitsa Dupnitsa 42.2666667 23.1166667 P PPL BG 45 KNL48 34764 522 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 711 727011 Sofia Sofia 42.6975135281805 23.324146270752 P PPLC BG 42 SOF46 1152556 558 Europe/Sofia 2009-06-28
+ 712 727030 Smolyan Smolyan 41.5852778 24.6919444 P PPLA BG 57 SML31 32069 1131 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 713 727079 Sliven Sliven 42.6858333 26.3291667 P PPLA BG 56 SLV20 96368 281 Europe/Sofia 2008-11-06
+ 714 727221 Silistra Silistra 44.1166667 27.2666667 P PPLA BG 55 SLS31 39715 1 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 715 727233 Shumen Shumen 43.2706436600612 26.9228553771973 P PPLA BG 54 SHU30 87283 228 Europe/Sofia 2008-10-21
+ 716 727337 Sevlievo Sevlievo 43.0258333 25.1136111 P PPL BG 41 GAB29 24582 213 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 717 727447 Sandanski Sandanski 41.5666667 23.2833333 P PPL BG 38 BLG40 26459 257 Europe/Sofia 2009-07-20
+ 718 727462 Samokov Samokov 42.3333333 23.55 P PPL BG 58 SFO39 26765 961 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 719 727523 Ruse Ruse 43.8563889 25.9708333 P PPLA BG 53 RSE27 156238 30 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-17
+ 720 727696 Razgrad Razgrad 43.5333333 26.5166667 P PPLA BG 52 RAZ26 38285 190 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-03
+ 721 727791 Rakovski Rakovski 42.3 24.9666667 P PPL BG 51 PDV25 15782 181 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 722 728075 Popovo Popovo 43.35 26.2333333 P PPL BG 60 TGV24 16571 207 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 723 728193 Plovdiv Plovdiv 42.15 24.75 P PPLA BG 51 PDV22 340494 165 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-17
+ 724 728203 Pleven Pleven 43.4166667 24.6166667 P PPLA BG 50 PVN24 118675 97 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-17
+ 725 728288 Petrich Petrich 41.4 23.2166667 P PPL BG 38 BLG33 30308 168 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 726 728317 Peshtera Peshtera 42.0333333 24.3 P PPL BG 48 PAZ21 18676 433 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 727 728330 Pernik Pernik 42.6 23.0333333 P PPLA BG 49 PER32 82467 751 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 728 728378 Pazardzhik Pazardzhik 42.2 24.3333333 P PPLA BG 48 PAZ19 75977 219 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-18
+ 729 728448 Panagyurishte Panagyurishte 42.5 24.1833333 P PPL BG 48 PAZ20 19389 535 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 730 728742 Nova Zagora Nova Zagora 42.4833333 26.0166667 P PPL BG 56 SLV16 24340 127 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 731 729114 Montana Montana 43.4125 23.225 P PPLA BG 47 MON29 47445 139 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 732 729559 Lovech Lovech 43.1333333 24.7166667 P PPLA BG 46 LOV18 42211 201 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 733 729581 Lom Lom 43.8138889 23.2361111 P PPL BG 47 MON24 26594 21 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 734 729730 Kyustendil Kyustendil 42.2838889 22.6911111 P PPLA BG 45 KNL29 48286 482 Europe/Sofia 2006-11-15
+ 735 730435 Khaskovo Khaskovo 41.9402778 25.5694444 P PPLA BG 43 HKV34 79699 197 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 736 730442 Kharmanli Kharmanli 41.9333333 25.9 P PPL BG 43 HKV33 18931 61 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 737 730496 Kazanlŭk Kazanluk 42.6166667 25.4 P PPL BG BG 59 SZR12 55196 388 Europe/Sofia 2009-03-03
+ 738 730559 Karnobat Karnobat 42.65 26.9833333 P PPL BG 39 BGS09 19709 219 Europe/Sofia 2007-05-11
+ 739 730565 Karlovo Karlovo 42.6333333 24.8 P PPL BG 51 PDV13 19958 387 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-18
+ 740 731108 Gotse Delchev Gotse Delchev 41.5666667 23.7333333 P PPL BG 38 BLG11 20471 532 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 741 731233 Gorna Oryakhovitsa Gorna Oryakhovitsa 43.1277778 25.7016667 P PPL BG BG 62 VTR06 38553 117 Europe/Sofia 2009-08-12
+ 742 731549 Gabrovo Gabrovo 42.8747222 25.3341667 P PPLA BG BG 41 GAB05 66175 604 Europe/Sofia 2009-02-17
+ 743 732263 Dimitrovgrad Dimitrovgrad 42.05 25.6 P PPL BG 43 HKV09 43288 126 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 744 732452 Chirpan Chirpan 42.2 25.3333333 P PPL BG 59 SZR36 17243 183 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 745 732491 Cherven Bryag Cherven Bryag 43.2666667 24.1 P PPL BG 50 PVN37 21688 166 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 746 732770 Burgas Burgas 42.5 27.4666667 P PPLA BG 39 BGS04 195966 31 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-17
+ 747 733014 Botevgrad Botevgrad 42.9 23.7833333 P PPL BG 58 SFO07 20909 410 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 748 733191 Blagoevgrad Blagoevgrad 42.0166667 23.1 P PPLA BG 38 BLG03 71306 523 Europe/Sofia 2008-11-28
+ 749 733264 Berkovitsa Berkovitsa 43.2361111 23.1258333 P PPL BG 47 MON02 15027 369 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 750 733579 Aytos Aytos 42.7 27.25 P PPL BG 39 BGS01 20986 96 Europe/Sofia 2007-02-18
+ 751 733618 Asenovgrad Asenovgrad 42.0166667 24.8666667 P PPL BG 51 PDV01 52170 253 Europe/Sofia 2007-04-05
+ 752 290104 Sitrah Sitrah 26.1547222 50.6205556 P PPL BH 06 37657 6 Asia/Bahrain 2007-03-07
+ 753 290187 Madīnat ‘Īsá Madinat `Isa 26.173611 50.547778 P PPL BH 12 38090 5 Asia/Bahrain 2008-06-04
+ 754 290215 Jidd Ḩafş Jidd Hafs 26.2186111 50.5477778 P PPL BH 05 31735 1 Asia/Bahrain 2006-08-22
+ 755 290269 Dār Kulayb Dar Kulayb 26.0686111 50.5038889 P PPL BH 08 65466 2 Asia/Bahrain 2006-08-22
+ 756 290332 Al Muḩarraq Al Muharraq 26.2572222 50.6119444 P PPL BH 03 97458 13 Asia/Bahrain 2006-11-15
+ 757 290340 Manama Manama 26.2361111 50.5830556 P PPLC BH 02 147074 -9999 Asia/Bahrain 2007-02-17
+ 758 422232 Makamba Makamba -4.1347222 29.805 P PPLA BI 17 19642 1486 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-11-15
+ 759 423328 Bururi Bururi -3.94877266586515 29.6243762969971 P PPLA BI 10 19740 1850 Africa/Bujumbura 2008-01-16
+ 760 425378 Bujumbura Bujumbura -3.3761111 29.36 P PPLC BI 02 331700 795 Africa/Bujumbura 2008-01-16
+ 761 425551 Muramvya Muramvya -3.2680556 29.6166667 P PPLA BI 05 18041 1925 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-01-17
+ 762 426272 Gitega Gitega -3.425 29.9333333 P PPLA BI 13 23167 1850 Africa/Bujumbura 2007-02-18
+ 763 426700 Ruyigi Ruyigi -3.4763889 30.2486111 P PPLA BI 21 38458 1842 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-11-15
+ 764 430569 Ngozi Ngozi -2.9083333 29.8277778 P PPLA BI 19 21506 1824 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-11-15
+ 765 430952 Kayanza Kayanza -2.9222222 29.6222222 P PPLA BI 15 19443 1972 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-11-15
+ 766 431748 Muyinga Muyinga -2.8494444 30.3361111 P PPLA BI 18 71076 1747 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-11-15
+ 767 433635 Rutana Rutana -3.9191667 29.9936111 P PPLA BI 20 20893 1811 Africa/Bujumbura 2006-11-15
+ 768 2391377 Tchaourou Tchaourou 8.8833333 2.6 P PPL BJ 00 20971 304 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 769 2391455 Tanguiéta Tanguieta 10.6197222 1.2644444 P PPL BJ 08 19833 274 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-27
+ 770 2391893 Savé Save 8.0333333 2.4833333 P PPL BJ 00 75970 152 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 771 2391895 Savalou Savalou 7.9333333 1.9666667 P PPLA BJ 11 30187 228 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 772 2392009 Sakété Sakete 6.7166667 2.6666667 P PPLA BJ 17 30111 37 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 773 2392087 Porto-Novo Porto-Novo 6.4833333 2.6166667 P PPLC BJ 16 234168 39 Africa/Porto-Novo 2007-02-17
+ 774 2392108 Pobé Pobe 6.9666667 2.6833333 P PPL BJ 00 32983 41 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 775 2392204 Parakou Parakou 9.35 2.6166667 P PPLA BJ 10 163753 325 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 776 2392308 Ouidah Ouidah 6.3666667 2.0833333 P PPLA BJ 09 83503 66 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-05
+ 777 2392505 Nikki Nikki 9.9338889 3.2044444 P PPL BJ 10 54009 411 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 778 2392601 Natitingou Natitingou 10.3066667 1.375 P PPLA BJ 08 80892 427 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 779 2392837 Malanville Malanville 11.8613889 3.3858333 P PPL BJ 10 37117 143 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 780 2392897 Lokossa Lokossa 6.6333333 1.7166667 P PPLA BJ 15 86971 65 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 781 2393551 Kétou Ketou 7.3666667 2.6 P PPL BJ 00 22341 117 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 782 2393693 Kandi Kandi 11.1341667 2.9386111 P PPLA BJ 07 109701 304 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 783 2394545 Dogbo Dogbo 6.8166667 1.7833333 P PPLA BJ 12 41312 71 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 784 2394560 Djougou Djougou 9.705 1.6669444 P PPLA BJ 13 202810 431 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 785 2394711 Dassa-Zoumé Dassa-Zoume 7.75 2.1833333 P PPL BJ 00 21672 163 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 786 2394814 Cové Cove 7.220969942633 2.34017372131348 P PPL BJ 00 38566 76 Africa/Porto-Novo 2009-08-18
+ 787 2394819 Cotonou Cotonou 6.35 2.4333333 P PPLA BJ 14 690584 53 Africa/Porto-Novo 2007-02-17
+ 788 2394824 Comé Come 6.4 1.8833333 P PPL BJ 00 29208 64 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 789 2395049 Bohicon Bohicon 7.2 2.0666667 P PPL BJ 00 125092 180 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 790 2395182 Bembèrèkè Bembereke 10.2288889 2.6652778 P PPL BJ 10 24006 465 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 791 2395261 Bassila Bassila 9.0166667 1.6666667 P PPL BJ 00 23616 300 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 792 2395317 Banikoara Banikoara 11.3 2.4333333 P PPL BJ 10 22487 304 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 793 2395568 Aplahoué Aplahoue 6.9333333 1.6833333 P PPL BJ 00 19862 131 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 794 2395635 Allada Allada 6.65 2.15 P PPL BJ 00 20094 78 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-01-17
+ 795 2395914 Abomey-Calavi Abomey-Calavi 6.45 2.35 P PPL BJ 00 385755 55 Africa/Porto-Novo 2006-11-15
+ 796 2395915 Abomey Abomey 7.1833333 1.9833333 P PPLA BJ 18 82154 220 Africa/Porto-Novo 2007-02-17
+ 797 3579132 Gustavia Gustavia 17.8961761178488 -62.8497791290283 P PPLC BL 00 5988 1 America/Guadeloupe 2009-03-31
+ 798 3573197 Hamilton Hamilton 32.2941667 -64.7838889 P PPLC BM 03 902 1 Atlantic/Bermuda 2006-07-28
+ 799 1820071 Tutong Tutong 4.8 114.65 P PPL BN 00 19151 1 Asia/Brunei 2006-01-17
+ 800 1820187 Seria Seria 4.6166667 114.3166667 P PPL BN 00 30097 1 Asia/Brunei 2006-01-17
+ 801 1820491 Kuala Belait Kuala Belait 4.5833333 114.1833333 P PPL BN 00 31178 1 Asia/Brunei 2006-01-17
+ 802 1820906 Bandar Seri Begawan Bandar Seri Begawan 4.8833333 114.9333333 P PPLC BN 00 64409 1 Asia/Brunei 2007-02-17
+ 803 3901178 Yacuiba Yacuiba -22.0333333 -63.6833333 P PPL BO 09 82803 858 America/La_Paz 2007-02-08
+ 804 3901301 Warnes Warnes -17.5 -63.1666667 P PPL BO 08 22036 331 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 805 3901501 Villazón Villazon -22.1 -65.6 P PPL BO 07 30253 3408 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 806 3901504 Villa Yapacaní Villa Yapacani -17.4 -63.8333333 P PPL BO 08 18187 286 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 807 3901547 Villamontes Villamontes -21.25 -63.5 P PPL BO 09 18761 440 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 808 3902202 Tupiza Tupiza -21.45 -65.7166667 P PPL BO 07 22233 3097 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 809 3902377 Trinidad Trinidad -14.8333333 -64.9 P PPLA BO 03 84259 155 America/La_Paz 2006-11-05
+ 810 3903320 Tarija Tarija -21.5354857145131 -64.7295570373535 P PPLA BO 09 159269 2135 America/La_Paz 2008-02-14
+ 811 3903987 Sucre Sucre -19.0430556 -65.2591667 P PPLC BO 01 224838 2759 America/La_Paz 2007-02-17
+ 812 3904666 Santiago del Torno Santiago del Torno -17.9833333 -63.3833333 P PPL BO 08 15543 556 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 813 3904906 Santa Cruz de la Sierra Santa Cruz de la Sierra -17.8 -63.1666667 P PPLA BO BO 08 1364389 439 America/La_Paz 2007-02-17
+ 814 3905658 San Ignacio de Velasco San Ignacio de Velasco -16.3666667 -60.95 P PPL BO 08 23569 563 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 815 3905792 San Borja San Borja -14.8166667 -66.85 P PPL BO 03 19640 229 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 816 3906466 Riberalta Riberalta -10.9833333 -66.1 P PPL BO 03 74014 134 America/La_Paz 2006-11-15
+ 817 3907080 Punata Punata -17.55 -65.8333333 P PPL BO 02 15194 2553 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 818 3907584 Potosí Potosi -19.5836111 -65.7530556 P PPLA BO 07 141251 3975 America/La_Paz 2008-04-19
+ 819 3909234 Oruro Oruro -17.9833333 -67.15 P PPLA BO 05 208684 3972 America/La_Paz 2007-02-08
+ 820 3910027 Montero Montero -17.3333333 -63.25 P PPL BO 08 88616 291 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 821 3910291 Mizque Mizque -17.941011539598 -65.3401565551758 P PPL BO 02 30481 2025 America/La_Paz 2009-10-16
+ 822 3911409 Llallagua Llallagua -18.4166667 -66.6333333 P PPL BO 07 28069 3877 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 823 3911925 La Paz La Paz -16.5 -68.15 P PPLC BO 04 812799 3829 America/La_Paz 2007-02-17
+ 824 3914839 Huanuni Huanuni -18.2666667 -66.85 P PPL BO 05 15492 4180 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 825 3915350 Guayaramerín Guayaramerin -10.8 -65.3833333 P PPL BO 03 36008 120 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 826 3918937 Cotoca Cotoca -17.8166667 -63.05 P PPL BO 08 18347 400 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 827 3919968 Cochabamba Cochabamba -17.3833333 -66.15 P PPLA BO 02 900414 2574 America/La_Paz 2007-02-17
+ 828 3919998 Cobija Cobija -11.0333333 -68.7333333 P PPLA BO 06 26585 274 America/La_Paz 2006-11-15
+ 829 3922414 Camiri Camiri -20.05 -63.5166667 P PPL BO 08 27961 740 America/La_Paz 2006-01-17
+ 830 3384986 Vitória do Mearim Vitoria do Mearim -3.462222222 -44.87055556 P PPL BR 13 15775 3 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 831 3384987 Vitória de Santo Antão Vitoria de Santo Antao -8.118055556 -35.29138889 P PPL BR 30 107383 168 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 832 3385022 Viseu Viseu -1.196666667 -46.14 P PPL BR 16 18958 1 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 833 3385077 Conde Conde -7.259722222 -34.9075 P PPL BR 17 15859 26 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 834 3385088 Vigia Vigia -0.858333333 -48.14166667 P PPL BR 16 29229 1 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 835 3385106 Viçosa do Ceará Vicosa do Ceara -3.562222222 -41.09222222 P PPL BR 06 16636 613 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 836 3385109 Viçosa Vicosa -9.371388889 -36.24083333 P PPL BR 02 19573 293 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 837 3385122 Viana Viana -3.220277778 -45.00361111 P PPL BR 13 26689 20 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 838 3385467 Várzea Alegre Varzea Alegre -5.35 -40.3833333 P PPL BR 06 21841 392 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 839 3385504 Varjota Varjota -4.194444444 -40.47666667 P PPL BR 06 16462 126 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 840 3385538 Vargem Grande Vargem Grande -3.543055556 -43.91583333 P PPL BR 13 21419 39 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 841 3385592 Valença do Piauí Valenca do Piaui -6.4075 -41.74555556 P PPL BR 20 15881 313 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 842 3385742 União dos Palmares Uniao dos Palmares -9.162777778 -36.03194444 P PPL BR 02 41178 257 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 843 3385745 União Uniao -4.585833333 -42.86416667 P PPL BR 20 15677 60 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 844 3385922 Tuntum Tuntum -5.258055556 -44.64888889 P PPL BR 13 16402 124 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 845 3385935 Tucuruí Tucurui -3.766111111 -49.6725 P PPL BR 16 76337 23 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 846 3385980 Tucumã Tucuma -0.1833333 -50.05 P PPL BR 16 15030 1 America/Santarem 2006-01-17
+ 847 3386042 Trindade Trindade -7.761944444 -40.26777778 P PPL BR 30 19313 580 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 848 3386177 Trairi Trairi -3.277777778 -39.26888889 P PPL BR 06 23126 11 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 849 3386264 Toritama Toritama -8.006666667 -36.05666667 P PPL BR 30 23940 337 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 850 3386279 Tomé Açu Tome Acu -2.418888889 -48.15222222 P PPL BR 16 34053 62 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 851 3386361 Timon Timon -5.094166667 -42.83666667 P PPL BR 13 124427 65 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 852 3386372 Timbiras Timbiras -4.255277778 -43.94055556 P PPL BR 13 17875 54 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 853 3386396 Timbaúba Timbauba -7.505277778 -35.31833333 P PPL BR 30 45121 134 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 854 3386449 Tianguá Tiangua -3.732222222 -40.99166667 P PPL BR 06 45696 612 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 855 3386496 Teresina Teresina -5.089166667 -42.80194444 P PPLA BR 20 744512 58 America/Fortaleza 2007-02-17
+ 856 3386567 Tauá Taua -6.0 -40.2833333 P PPL BR 06 29188 447 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 857 3386931 Tamandaré Tamandare -8.759722222 -35.10472222 P PPL BR 30 17954 1 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 858 3387082 Tabira Tabira -7.590833333 -37.53944444 P PPL BR 30 16926 603 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 859 3387115 Surubim Surubim -7.833055556 -35.75472222 P PPL BR 30 34580 238 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 860 3387202 Sousa Sousa -6.759166667 -38.22805556 P PPL BR 17 47927 259 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 861 3387204 Soure Soure -0.716666667 -48.52333333 P PPL BR 16 18212 4 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 862 3387266 Solânea Solanea -6.755 -35.54 P PPL BR 17 17030 154 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 863 3387296 Sobral Sobral -3.686111111 -40.34972222 P PPL BR 06 157996 88 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 864 3387663 Sertânia Sertania -8.073611111 -37.26444444 P PPL BR 30 18190 564 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 865 3387786 Serra Talhada Serra Talhada -7.991944444 -38.29833333 P PPL BR 30 51203 444 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 866 3387926 Senador Pompeu Senador Pompeu -5.588055556 -39.37166667 P PPL BR 06 16515 206 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 867 3387987 Satuba Satuba -9.563333333 -35.82444444 P PPL BR 02 15887 27 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 868 3388145 São Raimundo Nonato Sao Raimundo Nonato -9.015277778 -42.69944444 P PPL BR 20 19569 366 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 869 3388269 São Miguel dos Campos Sao Miguel dos Campos -9.781111111 -36.09361111 P PPL BR 02 40890 87 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 870 3388270 São Miguel do Guamá Sao Miguel do Guama -1.626666667 -47.48333333 P PPL BR 16 28265 27 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 871 3388318 São Mateus do Maranhão Sao Mateus do Maranhao -4.041666667 -44.475 P PPL BR 13 28233 44 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 872 3388341 São Luís do Quitunde Sao Luis do Quitunde -9.318333333 -35.56111111 P PPL BR 02 20563 24 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 873 3388368 São Luís Sao Luis -2.529722222 -44.30277778 P PPLA BR 13 917237 1 America/Fortaleza 2007-02-17
+ 874 3388376 São Lourenço da Mata Sao Lourenco da Mata -8.002222222 -35.01833333 P PPL BR 30 88416 31 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 875 3388435 São José do Egito Sao Jose do Egito -7.478888889 -37.27444444 P PPL BR 30 18218 725 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 876 3388441 São José de Ribamar Sao Jose de Ribamar -2.561944444 -44.05416667 P PPL BR 13 27777 -9999 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 877 3388443 São José de Mipibu Sao Jose de Mipibu -6.074722222 -35.23777778 P PPL BR 22 15298 25 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 878 3388615 São João dos Patos Sao Joao dos Patos -6.495 -43.70222222 P PPL BR 13 19538 310 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 879 3388714 São Gonçalo do Amarante Sao Goncalo do Amarante -3.607222222 -38.96833333 P PPL BR 06 23583 28 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 880 3388847 São Félix do Xingu Sao Felix do Xingu -6.644722222 -51.995 P PPL BR 16 16477 212 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 881 3388868 São Domingos do Maranhão Sao Domingos do Maranhao -5.575833333 -44.38527778 P PPL BR 13 18275 192 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 882 3388991 São Bento Sao Bento -6.2833333 -37.75 P PPL BR 17 24749 286 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 883 3389006 São Bento Sao Bento -2.695833333 -44.82138889 P PPL BR 13 17245 17 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 884 3389321 Santa Rita Santa Rita -7.113888889 -34.97805556 P PPL BR 17 119893 24 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 885 3389353 Santarém Santarem -2.443055556 -54.70833333 P PPL BR 16 189047 20 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 886 3389358 Santa Quitéria do Maranhão Santa Quiteria do Maranhao -3.515555556 -42.54666667 P PPL BR 13 17174 13 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 887 3389361 Santa Quitéria Santa Quiteria -4.331944444 -40.15666667 P PPL BR 06 24391 284 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 888 3389384 Santana do Ipanema Santana do Ipanema -9.378333333 -37.24527778 P PPL BR 02 26146 272 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 889 3389557 Santa Luzia Santa Luzia -7.6333333 -47.2 P PPL BR 13 22909 186 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 890 3389609 Santa Inês Santa Ines -3.666666667 -45.38 P PPL BR 13 67424 42 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 891 3389622 Santa Helena Santa Helena -2.231111111 -45.3 P PPL BR 13 16045 37 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 892 3389652 Santa Cruz do Capibaribe Santa Cruz do Capibaribe -7.9575 -36.20472222 P PPL BR 30 76450 470 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 893 3389673 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz -6.229444444 -36.02277778 P PPL BR 22 27775 317 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 894 3389822 Salinópolis Salinopolis -0.613611111 -47.35611111 P PPL BR 16 40998 1 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 895 3389860 Salgueiro Salgueiro -8.074166667 -39.11916667 P PPL BR 30 42152 432 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 896 3390160 Russas Russas -4.940277778 -37.97583333 P PPL BR 06 39465 46 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 897 3390288 Rio Largo Rio Largo -9.478333333 -35.85333333 P PPL BR 02 63387 77 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 898 3390295 Rio Formoso Rio Formoso -8.663611111 -35.15861111 P PPL BR 30 15518 31 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 899 3390326 Ribeirão Ribeirao -8.514444444 -35.37777778 P PPL BR 30 29818 148 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 900 3390760 Recife Recife -8.053888889 -34.88111111 P PPLA BR 30 1478098 1 America/Recife 2007-02-17
+ 901 3390901 Quixeramobim Quixeramobim -5.199166667 -39.29277778 P PPL BR 06 34321 199 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 902 3390907 Quixadá Quixada -4.971388889 -39.01527778 P PPL BR 06 49328 476 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 903 3391220 Presidente Dutra Presidente Dutra -5.29 -44.49 P PPL BR 13 30330 113 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 904 3391360 Santana Santana -0.058333333 -51.18166667 P PPL BR 03 83927 -9999 America/Belem 2006-12-13
+ 905 3391397 Porto Calvo Porto Calvo -9.045 -35.39833333 P PPL BR 02 17346 76 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 906 3391412 Portel Portel -1.935555556 -50.82111111 P PPL BR 16 21315 1 America/Belem 2006-12-13
+ 907 3391556 Pombos Pombos -8.141388889 -35.39583333 P PPL BR 30 15894 290 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 908 3391571 Pombal Pombal -6.770277778 -37.80166667 P PPL BR 17 21751 199 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 909 3391908 Piripiri Piripiri -4.273333333 -41.77694444 P PPL BR 20 44864 178 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 910 3391991 Piracuruca Piracuruca -3.928055556 -41.70916667 P PPL BR 20 18852 85 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 911 3392054 Pinheiro Pinheiro -2.521388889 -45.0825 P PPL BR 13 38893 40 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 912 3392088 Pindaré Mirim Pindare Mirim -3.608333333 -45.34333333 P PPL BR 13 22933 22 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 913 3392126 Pilar Pilar -9.597222222 -35.95666667 P PPL BR 02 30617 101 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 914 3392167 Picos Picos -7.076944444 -41.46694444 P PPL BR 20 57495 268 America/Fortaleza 2008-09-16
+ 915 3392242 Petrolina Petrolina -9.398611111 -40.50083333 P PPL BR 30 194650 305 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 916 3392243 Jatobá Jatoba -9.183055556 -38.26888889 P PPL BR 30 20575 208 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 917 3392251 Pesqueira Pesqueira -8.357777778 -36.69638889 P PPL BR 30 41896 728 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 918 3392345 Pentecoste Pentecoste -3.792777778 -39.27027778 P PPL BR 06 19680 97 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 919 3392368 Penalva Penalva -3.294166667 -45.17361111 P PPL BR 13 17186 37 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 920 3392431 Pedro II Pedro II -4.424722222 -41.45861111 P PPL BR 20 22038 608 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 921 3392629 Pedra Branca Pedra Branca -5.454166667 -39.71722222 P PPL BR 06 20072 756 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 922 3392734 Paulo Afonso Paulo Afonso -9.406111111 -38.21472222 P PPL BR 05 85350 161 America/Bahia 2007-02-08
+ 923 3392740 Paulista Paulista -7.940833333 -34.87305556 P PPL BR 30 289971 23 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 924 3392887 Patos Patos -7.024444444 -37.28 P PPL BR 17 92575 272 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 925 3392998 Parnamirim Parnamirim -5.915555556 -35.26277778 P PPL BR 22 150343 26 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 926 3393001 Parnaíba Parnaiba -2.904722222 -41.77666667 P PPL BR 20 138008 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 927 3393008 Parintins Parintins -2.628333333 -56.73583333 P PPL BR 04 64428 12 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 928 3393017 Parelhas Parelhas -6.687777778 -36.6575 P PPL BR 22 16377 373 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 929 3393091 Paraipaba Paraipaba -3.439444444 -39.14833333 P PPL BR 06 18423 25 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 930 3393106 Paragominas Paragominas -2.9666667 -47.4833333 P PPL BR 16 69613 101 America/Santarem 2006-01-17
+ 931 3393115 Paracuru Paracuru -3.41 -39.03055556 P PPL BR 06 21196 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 932 3393264 Palmares Palmares -8.683333333 -35.59166667 P PPL BR 30 41679 116 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 933 3393400 Pacatuba Pacatuba -3.984166667 -38.62027778 P PPL BR 06 55291 131 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 934 3393409 Pacajus Pacajus -4.1725 -38.46055556 P PPL BR 06 41558 87 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 935 3393452 Ouricuri Ouricuri -7.8825 -40.08166667 P PPL BR 30 29317 552 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 936 3393465 Orós Oros -6.244444444 -38.91361111 P PPL BR 06 16328 154 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 937 3393471 Oriximiná Oriximina -1.765555556 -55.86611111 P PPL BR 16 35581 19 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 938 3393536 Olinda Olinda -8.008888889 -34.85527778 P PPL BR 30 366754 2 America/Recife 2007-02-17
+ 939 3393764 Oeiras Oeiras -7.025277778 -42.13111111 P PPL BR 20 21071 198 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 940 3393768 Ábidos Abidos -1.9175 -55.51805556 P PPL BR 16 24970 52 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 941 3393832 Nova Russas Nova Russas -4.706666667 -40.56305556 P PPL BR 06 21986 277 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 942 3393876 Nova Cruz Nova Cruz -6.478055556 -35.43388889 P PPL BR 22 23166 89 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 943 3393972 Nazaré da Mata Nazare da Mata -7.741666667 -35.22777778 P PPL BR 30 26485 124 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 944 3394023 Natal Natal -5.795 -35.20944444 P PPLA BR 22 763043 2 America/Fortaleza 2007-02-17
+ 945 3394116 Murici Murici -9.306666667 -35.94333333 P PPL BR 02 20419 149 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 946 3394453 Moreno Moreno -8.118611111 -35.09222222 P PPL BR 30 45237 64 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 947 3394500 Morada Nova Morada Nova -5.106666667 -38.3725 P PPL BR 06 37389 85 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 948 3394549 Monteiro Monteiro -7.889444444 -37.12 P PPL BR 17 17726 665 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 949 3394605 Monte Alegre Monte Alegre -2.007777778 -54.06916667 P PPL BR 16 22840 35 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 950 3394649 Mombaça Mombaca -5.743055556 -39.6275 P PPL BR 06 17065 334 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 951 3394661 Moju Moju -1.883888889 -48.76888889 P PPL BR 16 21510 18 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 952 3394682 Mossoró Mossoro -5.1875 -37.34416667 P PPL BR 22 202005 42 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 953 3394745 Mocajuba Mocajuba -2.584166667 -49.50722222 P PPL BR 16 16567 27 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 954 3395062 Maués Maues -3.383611111 -57.71861111 P PPL BR 04 22475 36 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 955 3395077 Matriz de Camaragibe Matriz de Camaragibe -9.151666667 -35.53333333 P PPL BR 02 18705 46 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 956 3395380 Mari Mari -7.06 -35.31944444 P PPL BR 17 17535 97 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 957 3395395 Marechal Deodoro Marechal Deodoro -9.710277778 -35.895 P PPL BR 02 50571 17 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 958 3395458 Maragogi Maragogi -9.012222222 -35.2225 P PPL BR 02 16066 -9999 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 959 3395473 Maracanaú Maracanau -3.876666667 -38.62555556 P PPL BR 06 193529 82 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 960 3395503 Marabá Maraba -5.368611111 -49.11777778 P PPL BR 16 145860 57 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 961 3395717 Mamanguape Mamanguape -6.838611111 -35.12611111 P PPL BR 17 27606 36 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 962 3395981 Maceió Maceio -9.665833333 -35.73527778 P PPLA BR 02 954991 1 America/Maceio 2007-02-17
+ 963 3395998 Macau Macau -5.115 -36.63444444 P PPL BR 22 18070 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 964 3396016 Macapá Macapa 0.038888889 -51.06638889 P PPLA BR 03 338936 1 America/Belem 2007-02-17
+ 965 3396048 Macaíba Macaiba -5.858333333 -35.35388889 P PPL BR 22 40015 29 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 966 3396266 Limoeiro do Norte Limoeiro do Norte -5.145555556 -38.09805556 P PPL BR 06 29449 49 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 967 3396277 Limoeiro Limoeiro -7.874722222 -35.45027778 P PPL BR 30 42328 125 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 968 3396364 Lavras da Mangabeira Lavras da Mangabeira -6.753333333 -38.96444444 P PPL BR 06 17221 218 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 969 3396496 Lajedo Lajedo -8.663611111 -36.32 P PPL BR 30 25261 705 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 970 3396601 Lago da Pedra Lago da Pedra -4.3333333 -45.1666667 P PPL BR 13 25996 105 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 971 3396769 Lagoa do Itaenga Lagoa do Itaenga -7.936111111 -35.29027778 P PPL BR 30 17719 129 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 972 3397147 Juazeiro do Norte Juazeiro do Norte -7.213055556 -39.31527778 P PPL BR 06 225230 590 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 973 3397230 José de Freitas Jose de Freitas -4.756388889 -42.57555556 P PPL BR 20 21432 154 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 974 3397277 João Pessoa Joao Pessoa -7.115 -34.86305556 P PPLA BR 17 650883 3 America/Fortaleza 2007-02-17
+ 975 3397315 João Câmara Joao Camara -5.5375 -35.81972222 P PPL BR 22 19885 154 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 976 3397665 Jaguaruana Jaguaruana -4.833888889 -37.78111111 P PPL BR 06 21790 21 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 977 3397675 Jaguaribe Jaguaribe -5.890555556 -38.62194444 P PPL BR 06 23065 114 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 978 3397838 Jaboatão Jaboatao -8.180277778 -35.00138889 P PPLL BR 30 702621 62 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 979 3397851 Itupiranga Itupiranga -5.134722222 -49.32666667 P PPL BR 16 21301 36 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 980 3397898 Itaporanga Itaporanga -7.304444444 -38.15027778 P PPL BR 17 15890 458 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 981 3397904 Itapissuma Itapissuma -7.776388889 -34.89222222 P PPL BR 30 16673 1 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 982 3397909 Itapipoca Itapipoca -3.494444444 -39.57861111 P PPL BR 06 55784 165 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 983 3397936 Itapecuru Mirim Itapecuru Mirim -3.3925 -44.35861111 P PPL BR 13 34943 14 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 984 3397941 Itapagé Itapage -3.686666667 -39.58611111 P PPL BR 06 32043 306 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 985 3397967 Itaituba Itaituba -4.276111111 -55.98361111 P PPL BR 16 64756 37 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 986 3397969 Itaitinga Itaitinga -3.969444444 -38.52805556 P PPL BR 06 30938 80 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 987 3398003 Itabaiana Itabaiana -7.328611111 -35.3325 P PPL BR 17 19100 100 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 988 3398076 Ipueiras Ipueiras -7.0333333 -40.45 P PPL BR 06 17111 585 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 989 3398105 Ipubi Ipubi -7.651944444 -40.14888889 P PPL BR 30 16424 579 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 990 3398112 Ipu Ipu -4.322222222 -40.71083333 P PPL BR 06 26678 313 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 991 3398115 Ipojuca Ipojuca -8.398888889 -35.06388889 P PPL BR 30 53364 36 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 992 3398269 Imperatriz Imperatriz -5.526388889 -47.49166667 P PPL BR 13 218106 80 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 993 3398331 Iguatu Iguatu -6.359444444 -39.29861111 P PPL BR 06 70380 198 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 994 3398343 Igarapé Miri Igarape Miri -1.975 -48.95972222 P PPL BR 16 26837 20 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 995 3398350 Igarapé Açu Igarape Acu -1.128888889 -47.62 P PPL BR 16 24136 17 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 996 3398352 Igarassu Igarassu -7.834166667 -34.90638889 P PPL BR 30 86457 5 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 997 3398379 Icó Ico -6.401111111 -38.86222222 P PPL BR 06 28323 151 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 998 3398450 Horizonte Horizonte -4.1 -38.4833333 P PPL BR 06 51171 99 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 999 3398569 Guaraciaba do Norte Guaraciaba do Norte -4.166944444 -40.7475 P PPL BR 06 18186 914 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1000 3398570 Guarabira Guarabira -6.854722222 -35.49 P PPL BR 17 43749 133 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1001 3398614 Guaiúba Guaiuba -4.039722222 -38.63722222 P PPL BR 06 21820 130 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1002 3398691 Gravatá Gravata -8.201111111 -35.56472222 P PPL BR 30 61249 457 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1003 3398706 Granja Granja -3.120277778 -40.82611111 P PPL BR 06 25879 23 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1004 3398856 Grajaú Grajau -5.819444444 -46.13861111 P PPL BR 13 30217 194 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1005 3398904 Goiana Goiana -7.560555556 -35.0025 P PPL BR 30 43980 42 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1006 3398920 Glória do Goitá Gloria do Goita -8.001666667 -35.29277778 P PPL BR 30 17374 140 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1007 3399058 Garanhuns Garanhuns -8.890277778 -36.49277778 P PPL BR 30 110085 762 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1008 3399132 Gameleira Gameleira -8.584444444 -35.38666667 P PPL BR 30 19423 144 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1009 3399415 Fortaleza Fortaleza -3.717222222 -38.54305556 P PPLA BR BR 06 2400000 1 America/Fortaleza 2007-06-18
+ 1010 3399506 Floriano Floriano -6.766944444 -43.0225 P PPL BR 20 48587 111 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1011 3399518 Floresta Floresta -8.601111111 -38.56861111 P PPL BR 30 18100 291 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1012 3400558 Eusébio Eusebio -3.89 -38.45055556 P PPL BR 06 37289 27 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1013 3400567 Extremoz Extremoz -5.705555556 -35.30722222 P PPL BR 22 17991 13 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1014 3400617 Estreito Estreito -5.7833333 -43.25 P PPL BR 13 17647 199 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 1015 3400740 Esperantina Esperantina -3.901666667 -42.23361111 P PPL BR 20 21044 57 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1016 3400752 Esperança Esperanca -7.033055556 -35.85722222 P PPL BR 17 18817 409 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1017 3400804 Escada Escada -8.359166667 -35.22361111 P PPL BR 30 48083 144 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1018 3400969 Dom Pedro Dom Pedro -4.4833333 -44.45 P PPL BR 13 15570 102 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 1019 3401106 Demerval Lobão Demerval Lobao -5.358333333 -42.67638889 P PPL BR 20 15265 138 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1020 3401109 Delmiro Gouveia Delmiro Gouveia -9.388611111 -37.99916667 P PPL BR 02 35259 296 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1021 3401138 Custódia Custodia -8.0875 -37.64305556 P PPL BR 30 18107 719 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1022 3401148 Cururupu Cururupu -1.828333333 -44.86833333 P PPL BR 13 22007 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1023 3401283 Currais Novos Currais Novos -6.260833333 -36.51777778 P PPL BR 22 35560 474 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1024 3401340 Cupira Cupira -8.616666667 -35.95 P PPL BR 30 19096 437 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1025 3401545 Crato Crato -7.234166667 -39.40944444 P PPL BR 06 88786 729 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1026 3401548 Crateús Crateus -5.178333333 -40.6775 P PPL BR 06 52933 289 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1027 3401703 Coroatá Coroata -4.13 -44.12416667 P PPL BR 13 34129 34 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1028 3401830 Condado Condado -7.585833333 -35.10583333 P PPL BR 30 19585 74 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1029 3401845 Conceição do Araguaia Conceicao do Araguaia -8.257777778 -49.26472222 P PPL BR 16 27115 113 America/Araguaina 2006-12-13
+ 1030 3401963 Colinas Colinas -6.025833333 -44.24916667 P PPL BR 13 25158 179 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1031 3401992 Coelho Neto Coelho Neto -4.256666667 -43.01277778 P PPL BR 13 36184 42 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1032 3402000 Codó Codo -4.455277778 -43.88555556 P PPL BR 13 83288 47 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1033 3402229 Chapadinha Chapadinha -3.741666667 -43.36027778 P PPL BR 13 40804 61 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1034 3402271 Chã Grande Cha Grande -8.238333333 -35.46166667 P PPL BR 30 17112 456 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1035 3402360 Ceará Mirim Ceara Mirim -5.634444444 -35.42555556 P PPL BR 22 32667 33 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1036 3402429 Caucaia Caucaia -3.736111111 -38.65305556 P PPL BR 06 275019 20 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1037 3402465 Catolé do Rocha Catole do Rocha -6.343888889 -37.74666667 P PPL BR 17 19812 256 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1038 3402528 Catende Catende -8.666666667 -35.71666667 P PPL BR 30 23322 139 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1039 3402591 Castanhal Castanhal -1.293888889 -47.92638889 P PPL BR 16 137406 28 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1040 3402613 Cascavel Cascavel -4.133055556 -38.24194444 P PPL BR 06 52357 19 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1041 3402655 Caruaru Caruaru -8.283333333 -35.97611111 P PPL BR 30 235371 494 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1042 3402721 Carpina Carpina -7.850833333 -35.25472222 P PPL BR 30 70689 152 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1043 3402724 Carolina Carolina -7.332777778 -47.46944444 P PPL BR 13 16228 116 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1044 3403127 Capitão Poço Capitao Poco -1.746388889 -47.05944444 P PPL BR 16 32704 48 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1045 3403208 Capanema Capanema -1.195833333 -47.18083333 P PPL BR 16 47766 10 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1046 3403353 Canindé Caninde -4.358888889 -39.31166667 P PPL BR 06 42720 181 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1047 3403362 Canguaretama Canguaretama -6.38 -35.12888889 P PPL BR 22 18873 16 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1048 3403534 Campos Sales Campos Sales -7.074444444 -40.37611111 P PPL BR 06 17648 596 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1049 3403566 Campo Maior Campo Maior -4.827777778 -42.16861111 P PPL BR 20 31739 125 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1050 3403611 Campo Alegre Campo Alegre -9.781944444 -36.35083333 P PPL BR 02 16785 206 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1051 3403642 Campina Grande Campina Grande -7.230555556 -35.88111111 P PPL BR 17 348936 445 America/Fortaleza 2007-02-18
+ 1052 3403687 Camocim Camocim -2.902222222 -40.84111111 P PPL BR 06 44481 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1053 3403697 Cametá Cameta -2.244444444 -49.49583333 P PPL BR 16 45200 1 America/Belem 2006-12-13
+ 1054 3403941 Cajueiro Cajueiro -9.7166667 -36.45 P PPL BR 02 15062 294 America/Maceio 2006-01-17
+ 1055 3404020 Cajazeiras Cajazeiras -6.890277778 -38.55527778 P PPL BR 17 43913 509 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1056 3404117 Caicó Caico -6.458333333 -37.09777778 P PPL BR 22 54934 152 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1057 3404513 Cabrobó Cabrobo -8.514166667 -39.31 P PPL BR 30 16096 248 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1058 3404545 Cabo Cabo -8.2833333 -35.0333333 P PPL BR 30 143105 34 America/Recife 2006-01-27
+ 1059 3404558 Cabedelo Cabedelo -6.981111111 -34.83388889 P PPL BR 17 54839 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1060 3404722 Buriti Bravo Buriti Bravo -5.837222222 -43.83361111 P PPL BR 13 17692 210 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1061 3404766 Buíque Buique -8.623055556 -37.15583333 P PPL BR 30 20324 764 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1062 3404817 Breves Breves -1.682222222 -50.48027778 P PPL BR 16 46473 17 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1063 3404833 Brejo Santo Brejo Santo -7.493333333 -38.98722222 P PPL BR 06 27384 462 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1064 3404862 Brejo da Madre de Deus Brejo da Madre de Deus -8.145833333 -36.37111111 P PPL BR 30 27369 762 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1065 3405006 Bragança Braganca -1.053611111 -46.76555556 P PPL BR 16 57163 1 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1066 3405380 Bom Conselho Bom Conselho -9.169722222 -36.67972222 P PPL BR 30 27800 897 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1067 3405616 Boa Viagem Boa Viagem -5.1275 -39.73222222 P PPL BR 06 24671 338 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1068 3405738 Bezerros Bezerros -8.233333333 -35.79694444 P PPL BR 30 51436 457 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1069 3405792 Benevides Benevides -1.361388889 -48.24472222 P PPL BR 16 49794 26 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1070 3405812 Belo Jardim Belo Jardim -8.335555556 -36.42416667 P PPL BR 30 49922 668 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1071 3405863 Belém Belem -6.691666667 -35.53333333 P PPL BR 17 15550 158 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1072 3405870 Belém Belem -1.455833333 -48.50444444 P PPLA BR 16 1407737 1 America/Belem 2007-02-17
+ 1073 3405924 Beberibe Beberibe -4.179722222 -38.13055556 P PPL BR 06 37025 4 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1074 3405940 Bayeux Bayeux -7.125 -34.93222222 P PPL BR 17 91056 12 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1075 3405954 Baturité Baturite -4.328611111 -38.88472222 P PPL BR 06 22417 200 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1076 3406160 Barreiros Barreiros -8.818333333 -35.18638889 P PPL BR 30 35565 10 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1077 3406196 Barreirinhas Barreirinhas -2.746944444 -42.82638889 P PPL BR 13 17437 13 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1078 3406263 Barras Barras -4.244444444 -42.29444444 P PPL BR 20 21597 73 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1079 3406318 Barra do Corda Barra do Corda -5.5 -45.25 P PPL BR 13 48901 100 America/Fortaleza 2006-01-17
+ 1080 3406429 Barcarena Barcarena -1.505833333 -48.62583333 P PPL BR 16 29871 2 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1081 3406442 Barbalha Barbalha -7.311111111 -39.30416667 P PPL BR 06 33943 732 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1082 3406545 Balsas Balsas -7.5325 -46.03555556 P PPL BR 13 68056 244 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1083 3406910 Bacabal Bacabal -4.291666667 -44.79166667 P PPL BR 13 72372 38 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1084 3406961 Augusto Corrêa Augusto Correa -1.021666667 -46.635 P PPL BR 16 16279 1 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1085 3406996 Atalaia Atalaia -9.501944444 -36.02277778 P PPL BR 02 18908 152 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1086 3407194 Areia Branca Areia Branca -4.956111111 -37.13694444 P PPL BR 22 18372 11 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1087 3407216 Arcoverde Arcoverde -8.418888889 -37.05388889 P PPL BR 30 57163 761 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1088 3407243 Araripina Araripina -7.576111111 -40.49833333 P PPL BR 30 38569 613 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1089 3407258 Arari Arari -3.453611111 -44.78 P PPL BR 13 16777 5 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1090 3407327 Arapiraca Arapiraca -9.7525 -36.66111111 P PPL BR 02 166562 315 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1091 3407378 Aracati Aracati -4.561666667 -37.76972222 P PPL BR 06 44293 9 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1092 3407407 Aquiraz Aquiraz -3.901388889 -38.39111111 P PPL BR 06 65116 1 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1093 3407440 Apodi Apodi -5.664166667 -37.79888889 P PPL BR 22 16757 105 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1094 3407669 Ananindeua Ananindeua -1.365555556 -48.37222222 P PPL BR 16 433956 12 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1095 3407758 Amaraji Amaraji -8.383055556 -35.4525 P PPL BR 30 16660 338 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1096 3407797 Altos Altos -5.038055556 -42.46 P PPL BR 20 28768 187 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1097 3407882 Altamira Altamira -3.203333333 -52.20638889 P PPL BR 16 70888 47 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1098 3407884 Alta Floresta Alta Floresta -9.9 -55.9 P PPL BR 14 40466 201 America/Cuiaba 2006-01-17
+ 1099 3407903 Almeirim Almeirim -1.523333333 -52.58166667 P PPL BR 16 20464 3 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1100 3407980 Alenquer Alenquer -1.941666667 -54.73833333 P PPL BR 16 26290 48 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1101 3408100 Alagoa Grande Alagoa Grande -7.158333333 -35.63 P PPL BR 17 16406 204 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1102 3408166 Águas Belas Aguas Belas -9.111388889 -37.12305556 P PPL BR 30 22563 359 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1103 3408175 Água Preta Agua Preta -8.7075 -35.53055556 P PPL BR 30 16444 112 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1104 3408274 Afogados da Ingazeira Afogados da Ingazeira -7.750833333 -37.63916667 P PPL BR 30 25060 561 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1105 3408337 Açu Acu -5.576666667 -36.90861111 P PPL BR 22 36125 47 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1106 3408343 Acopiara Acopiara -6.095277778 -39.4525 P PPL BR 06 24561 414 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1107 3408368 Acaraú Acarau -2.885555556 -40.12 P PPL BR 06 28389 5 America/Fortaleza 2006-12-13
+ 1108 3408404 Abreu e Lima Abreu e Lima -7.911666667 -34.90277778 P PPL BR 30 81959 12 America/Recife 2006-12-13
+ 1109 3408424 Abaetetuba Abaetetuba -1.718055556 -48.8825 P PPL BR 16 78050 11 America/Santarem 2006-12-13
+ 1110 3444823 Xique Xique Xique Xique -10.82166667 -42.73111111 P PPL BR 05 35433 442 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1111 3444848 Xanxerê Xanxere -26.87694444 -52.40416667 P PPL BR 26 32957 847 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1112 3444866 Votorantim Votorantim -23.54666667 -47.43777778 P PPL BR 27 99390 607 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1113 3444876 Volta Redonda Volta Redonda -22.52305556 -44.10416667 P PPL BR 21 249580 279 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1114 3444914 Vitória da Conquista Vitoria da Conquista -14.86611111 -40.83944444 P PPL BR 05 253137 947 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1115 3444924 Vitória Vitoria -20.31944444 -40.33777778 P PPLA BR 08 312656 12 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1116 3444969 Visconde do Rio Branco Visconde do Rio Branco -21.01027778 -42.84055556 P PPL BR 15 29009 568 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1117 3444997 Viradouro Viradouro -20.87305556 -48.29694444 P PPL BR 27 17172 553 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1118 3445014 Vinhedo Vinhedo -23.02972222 -46.97527778 P PPL BR 27 56492 824 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1119 3445026 Vila Velha Vila Velha -20.32972222 -40.2925 P PPL BR 08 394930 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1120 3445126 Videira Videira -27.00833333 -51.15166667 P PPL BR 26 42440 809 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1121 3445133 Viçosa Vicosa -20.75388889 -42.88194444 P PPL BR 15 68680 654 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1122 3445153 Viana Viana -20.39027778 -40.49611111 P PPL BR 08 55122 136 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1123 3445156 Viamão Viamao -30.08111111 -51.02333333 P PPL BR 23 285269 51 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1124 3445162 Vespasiano Vespasiano -19.69194444 -43.92333333 P PPL BR 15 94749 829 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1125 3445299 Veranópolis Veranopolis -28.93611111 -51.54944444 P PPL BR 23 19861 685 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1126 3445307 Vera Cruz Vera Cruz -12.6333333 -41.0333333 P PPL BR 05 30556 605 America/Bahia 2006-01-17
+ 1127 3445348 Wenceslau Braz Wenceslau Braz -23.87388889 -49.80277778 P PPL BR 18 15726 655 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1128 3445350 Venâncio Aires Venancio Aires -29.60638889 -52.19194444 P PPL BR 23 40627 113 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1129 3445418 Vazante Vazante -17.98694444 -46.90777778 P PPL BR 15 15459 611 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1130 3445433 Vassouras Vassouras -22.40388889 -43.6625 P PPL BR 21 21174 508 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1131 3445446 Várzea Paulista Varzea Paulista -23.21138889 -46.82833333 P PPL BR 27 110936 1064 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1132 3445451 Várzea Grande Varzea Grande -15.64666667 -56.1325 P PPL BR 14 249752 142 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1133 3445459 Várzea da Palma Varzea da Palma -17.59805556 -44.73083333 P PPL BR 15 28706 538 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1134 3445487 Varginha Varginha -21.55138889 -45.43027778 P PPL BR 15 116571 897 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1135 3445500 Vargem Grande do Sul Vargem Grande do Sul -21.83222222 -46.89361111 P PPL BR 27 36213 801 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1136 3445575 Valparaíso Valparaiso -21.22777778 -50.86833333 P PPL BR 27 15938 405 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1137 3445578 Valinhos Valinhos -22.97055556 -46.99583333 P PPL BR 27 88630 760 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1138 3445596 Valença Valenca -22.24555556 -43.70027778 P PPL BR 21 61144 601 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1139 3445597 Valença Valenca -13.37027778 -39.07305556 P PPL BR 05 63231 43 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1140 3445630 Vacaria Vacaria -28.51222222 -50.93388889 P PPL BR 23 56765 948 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1141 3445679 Uruguaiana Uruguaiana -29.75472222 -57.08833333 P PPL BR 23 123480 63 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1142 3445690 Uruçuca Urucuca -14.59305556 -39.28444444 P PPL BR 05 24409 83 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1143 3445713 Uruaçu Uruacu -14.52472222 -49.14083333 P PPL BR 29 30088 545 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1144 3445746 União da Vitória Uniao da Vitoria -26.23 -51.08638889 P PPL BR 18 48741 681 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1145 3445764 Unaí Unai -16.3575 -46.90611111 P PPL BR 15 60202 607 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1146 3445781 Una Una -15.29333333 -39.07527778 P PPL BR 05 22613 11 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1147 3445782 Umuarama Umuarama -23.76638889 -53.325 P PPL BR 18 89687 416 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1148 3445831 Uberlândia Uberlandia -18.91861111 -48.27722222 P PPL BR 15 563536 690 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1149 3445839 Uberaba Uberaba -19.74833333 -47.93194444 P PPL BR 15 260843 750 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1150 3445847 Ubatuba Ubatuba -23.43388889 -45.07111111 P PPL BR 27 79007 2 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1151 3445849 Ubatã Ubata -14.21388889 -39.52277778 P PPL BR 05 15604 113 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1152 3445853 Ubaitaba Ubaitaba -14.3125 -39.32333333 P PPL BR 05 28375 45 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1153 3445859 Ubá Uba -21.12 -42.94277778 P PPL BR 15 97828 498 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1154 3445939 Tupanciretã Tupancireta -29.08055556 -53.83583333 P PPL BR 23 17488 486 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1155 3445941 Tupaciguara Tupaciguara -18.59222222 -48.705 P PPL BR 15 24398 768 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1156 3445942 Tupã Tupa -21.93472222 -50.51361111 P PPL BR 27 62035 520 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1157 3445983 Tucano Tucano -10.96305556 -38.78666667 P PPL BR 05 31203 283 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1158 3445993 Tubarão Tubarao -28.46666667 -49.00694444 P PPL BR 26 67245 51 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1159 3446038 Trindade Trindade -16.64944444 -49.48888889 P PPL BR 29 97521 831 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1160 3446065 Três Rios Tres Rios -22.11666667 -43.20916667 P PPL BR 21 71944 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1161 3446077 Três Pontas Tres Pontas -21.36666667 -45.5125 P PPL BR 15 43749 913 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1162 3446087 Três Passos Tres Passos -27.45555556 -53.93194444 P PPL BR 23 17286 345 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1163 3446098 Três Lagoas Tres Lagoas -20.75111111 -51.67833333 P PPL BR 11 78712 314 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1164 3446130 Três de Maio Tres de Maio -27.77333333 -54.24 P PPL BR 23 18278 355 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1165 3446137 Três Coroas Tres Coroas -29.51694444 -50.77777778 P PPL BR 23 21051 167 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1166 3446138 Três Corações Tres Coracoes -21.69694444 -45.25333333 P PPL BR 15 63457 911 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1167 3446194 Tremembé Tremembe -22.95833333 -45.54944444 P PPL BR 27 31719 525 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1168 3446232 Tramandaí Tramandai -29.98472222 -50.13361111 P PPL BR 23 34734 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1169 3446295 Torres Torres -29.33527778 -49.72694444 P PPL BR 23 32791 -9999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1170 3446370 Toledo Toledo -24.71361111 -53.74305556 P PPL BR 18 97845 492 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1171 3446400 Tobias Barreto Tobias Barreto -11.18388889 -37.99833333 P PPL BR 28 29740 197 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1172 3446445 Timóteo Timoteo -19.5825 -42.64444444 P PPL BR 15 91722 416 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1173 3446465 Timbó Timbo -26.82333333 -49.27166667 P PPL BR 26 33765 143 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1174 3446500 Tijucas Tijucas -27.24138889 -48.63361111 P PPL BR 26 22481 16 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1175 3446539 Tietê Tiete -23.10194444 -47.71472222 P PPL BR 27 32061 480 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1176 3446556 Teutônia Teutonia -29.44805556 -51.80638889 P PPL BR 23 21834 137 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1177 3446606 Teresópolis Teresopolis -22.41222222 -42.96555556 P PPL BR 21 123979 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1178 3446621 Teófilo Otoni Teofilo Otoni -17.8575 -41.50527778 P PPL BR 15 101170 398 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1179 3446625 Teodoro Sampaio Teodoro Sampaio -22.5325 -52.1675 P PPL BR 27 15193 305 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1180 3446652 Telêmaco Borba Telemaco Borba -24.32388889 -50.61555556 P PPL BR 18 58880 664 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1181 3446682 Taubaté Taubate -23.02638889 -45.55527778 P PPL BR 27 251641 578 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1182 3446692 Tatuí Tatui -23.35555556 -47.85694444 P PPL BR 27 93580 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1183 3446752 Taquarituba Taquarituba -23.53305556 -49.24444444 P PPL BR 27 21492 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1184 3446753 Taquaritinga Taquaritinga -21.40611111 -48.50472222 P PPL BR 27 50098 604 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1185 3446783 Taquari Taquari -29.79972222 -51.86444444 P PPL BR 23 27107 60 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1186 3446847 Taquara Taquara -29.65055556 -50.78055556 P PPL BR 23 48051 103 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1187 3446866 Tapiramutá Tapiramuta -11.84722222 -40.79138889 P PPL BR 05 16544 640 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1188 3446880 Tapes Tapes -30.67333333 -51.39583333 P PPL BR 23 18570 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1189 3446974 Tanguá Tangua -22.73027778 -42.71416667 P PPL BR 21 23740 124 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1190 3446979 Tanabi Tanabi -20.62638889 -49.64916667 P PPL BR 27 18227 475 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1191 3447005 Tambaú Tambau -21.705 -47.27444444 P PPL BR 27 19956 633 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1192 3447059 Taiobeiras Taiobeiras -15.80777778 -42.23305556 P PPL BR 15 24351 842 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1193 3447186 Taboão da Serra Taboao da Serra -23.62611111 -46.79166667 P PPL BR 27 214523 737 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1194 3447212 Suzano Suzano -23.5425 -46.31083333 P PPL BR 27 283314 704 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1195 3447259 Sumaré Sumare -22.82194444 -47.26694444 P PPL BR 27 227977 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1196 3447399 Sorocaba Sorocaba -23.50166667 -47.45805556 P PPL BR 27 558862 601 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1197 3447423 Soledade Soledade -28.81833333 -52.51027778 P PPL BR 23 24791 611 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1198 3447437 Socorro Socorro -22.59138889 -46.52888889 P PPL BR 27 24272 849 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1199 3447473 Sobradinho Sobradinho -12.8333333 -39.1 P PPL BR 05 19304 153 America/Bahia 2006-01-17
+ 1200 3447562 Simão Dias Simao Dias -10.73833333 -37.81111111 P PPL BR 28 18385 267 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1201 3447591 Silva Jardim Silva Jardim -22.65083333 -42.39166667 P PPL BR 21 16888 85 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1202 3447597 Sidrolândia Sidrolandia -20.93194444 -54.96138889 P PPL BR 11 16878 502 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1203 3447624 Sete Lagoas Sete Lagoas -19.46583333 -44.24666667 P PPL BR 15 201334 901 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1204 3447651 Sertãozinho Sertaozinho -21.13777778 -47.99027778 P PPL BR 27 99211 598 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1205 3447690 Serrinha Serrinha -11.66416667 -39.0075 P PPL BR 05 49078 307 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1206 3447718 Serra Negra Serra Negra -22.61222222 -46.70055556 P PPL BR 27 22632 1028 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1207 3447720 Serrana Serrana -21.21138889 -47.59555556 P PPL BR 27 39826 597 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1208 3447779 Serra Serra -20.12861111 -40.30777778 P PPL BR 08 394153 70 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1209 3447785 Seropédica Seropedica -22.74388889 -43.7075 P PPL BR 21 54846 58 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1210 3447839 Senhor do Bonfim Senhor do Bonfim -10.46138889 -40.18944444 P PPL BR 05 48471 540 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1211 3447854 Senador Canedo Senador Canedo -16.70805556 -49.09305556 P PPL BR 29 61800 808 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1212 3447928 Seabra Seabra -12.41861111 -41.77027778 P PPL BR 05 16764 748 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1213 3447929 Schroeder Schroeder -26.4125 -49.07305556 P PPL BR 26 15505 248 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1214 3447961 Saubara Saubara -12.7375 -38.76861111 P PPL BR 05 15662 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1215 3447969 Sarzedo Sarzedo -20.03527778 -44.14472222 P PPL BR 15 20798 810 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1216 3447997 Sarandi Sarandi -27.94388889 -52.92305556 P PPL BR 23 15158 581 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1217 3447998 Sarandi Sarandi -23.44361111 -51.87388889 P PPL BR 18 84697 484 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1218 3448011 Saquarema Saquarema -22.92 -42.51027778 P PPL BR 21 62056 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1219 3448031 Sapucaia Sapucaia -29.8333333 -51.15 P PPL BR 23 130937 59 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-08
+ 1220 3448063 Sapiranga Sapiranga -29.63805556 -51.00694444 P PPL BR 23 76051 99 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1221 3448136 São Vicente Sao Vicente -23.96305556 -46.39194444 P PPL BR 27 324457 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1222 3448207 São Sepé Sao Sepe -30.16055556 -53.56527778 P PPL BR 23 19181 129 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1223 3448219 São Sebastião do Passé Sao Sebastiao do Passe -12.5125 -38.49527778 P PPL BR 05 31049 102 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1224 3448221 São Sebastião do Paraíso Sao Sebastiao do Paraiso -20.91694444 -46.99138889 P PPL BR 15 57238 933 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1225 3448227 São Sebastião do Caí Sao Sebastiao do Cai -29.58666667 -51.37555556 P PPL BR 23 19012 95 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1226 3448257 São Sebastião Sao Sebastiao -23.76 -45.40972222 P PPL BR 27 76367 116 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1227 3448300 São Roque Sao Roque -23.52916667 -47.13527778 P PPL BR 27 50540 899 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1228 3448351 São Pedro da Aldeia Sao Pedro da Aldeia -22.83916667 -42.10277778 P PPL BR 21 55014 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1229 3448403 São Pedro Sao Pedro -22.54861111 -47.91388889 P PPL BR 27 27068 576 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1230 3448439 São Paulo Sao Paulo -23.5475 -46.63611111 P PPLA BR 27 10021295 631 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1231 3448453 São Miguel do Iguaçu Sao Miguel do Iguacu -25.34805556 -54.23777778 P PPL BR 18 15434 324 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1232 3448455 São Miguel do Araguaia Sao Miguel do Araguaia -13.275 -50.16277778 P PPL BR 29 18809 319 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1233 3448502 São Mateus do Sul Sao Mateus do Sul -25.87416667 -50.38277778 P PPL BR 18 24904 769 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1234 3448519 São Mateus Sao Mateus -18.71611111 -39.85888889 P PPL BR 08 77117 9 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1235 3448533 São Marcos Sao Marcos -28.97111111 -51.06805556 P PPL BR 23 18591 681 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1236 3448545 São Manuel Sao Manuel -22.73111111 -48.57055556 P PPL BR 27 33587 694 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1237 3448552 São Luiz Gonzaga Sao Luiz Gonzaga -28.40833333 -54.96083333 P PPL BR 23 31798 245 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1238 3448558 São Luís de Montes Belos Sao Luis de Montes Belos -16.525 -50.37222222 P PPL BR 29 23619 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1239 3448596 São Lourenço do Sul Sao Lourenco do Sul -31.36527778 -51.97833333 P PPL BR 23 25340 4 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1240 3448616 São Lourenço Sao Lourenco -22.11638889 -45.05444444 P PPL BR 15 41143 901 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1241 3448622 São Leopoldo Sao Leopoldo -29.76027778 -51.14722222 P PPL BR 23 209229 45 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1242 3448632 São José dos Pinhais Sao Jose dos Pinhais -25.53472222 -49.20638889 P PPL BR 18 124224 913 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1243 3448636 São José dos Campos Sao Jose dos Campos -23.17944444 -45.88694444 P PPL BR 27 613764 20 572 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1244 3448639 São José do Rio Preto Sao Jose do Rio Preto -20.81972222 -49.37944444 P PPL BR 27 374699 457 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1245 3448640 São José do Rio Pardo Sao Jose do Rio Pardo -21.59555556 -46.88861111 P PPL BR 27 46989 692 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1246 3448825 São Joaquim da Barra Sao Joaquim da Barra -20.58138889 -47.85472222 P PPL BR 27 42720 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1247 3448828 São Joaquim Sao Joaquim -28.29388889 -49.93166667 P PPL BR 26 16250 1286 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1248 3448846 São João Nepomuceno Sao Joao Nepomuceno -21.54 -43.01055556 P PPL BR 15 23154 484 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1249 3448877 São João de Meriti Sao Joao de Meriti -22.80388889 -43.37222222 P PPL BR 21 454849 27 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-08
+ 1250 3448879 São João del Rei Sao Joao del Rei -21.13555556 -44.26166667 P PPL BR 15 78592 915 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1251 3448902 São João da Boa Vista Sao Joao da Boa Vista -21.96916667 -46.79805556 P PPL BR 27 76540 747 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1252 3448903 São João da Barra Sao Joao da Barra -21.64027778 -41.05111111 P PPL BR 21 20606 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1253 3449045 São Jerônimo Sao Jeronimo -29.95916667 -51.72222222 P PPL BR 23 17056 13 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1254 3449053 São Gotardo Sao Gotardo -19.31111111 -46.04888889 P PPL BR 15 34145 917 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1255 3449056 São Gonçalo do Sapucaí Sao Goncalo do Sapucai -21.89222222 -45.59527778 P PPL BR 15 19487 909 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1256 3449099 São Gabriel Sao Gabriel -30.33638889 -54.32 P PPL BR 23 55434 131 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1257 3449112 São Francisco do Sul Sao Francisco do Sul -26.24333333 -48.63805556 P PPL BR 26 36224 10 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1258 3449116 São Francisco do Conde Sao Francisco do Conde -12.6275 -38.68 P PPL BR 05 24614 -9999 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1259 3449176 São Francisco Sao Francisco -15.94861111 -44.86444444 P PPL BR 15 33033 500 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1260 3449195 São Fidélis Sao Fidelis -21.64611111 -41.74694444 P PPL BR 21 27793 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1261 3449310 São Cristóvão Sao Cristovao -11.01472222 -37.20638889 P PPL BR 28 71539 3 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1262 3449319 São Carlos Sao Carlos -22.0175 -47.89083333 P PPL BR 27 205035 776 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1263 3449324 São Caetano do Sul Sao Caetano do Sul -23.62305556 -46.55111111 P PPL BR 27 136453 723 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1264 3449340 São Borja Sao Borja -28.66055556 -56.00444444 P PPL BR 23 59613 79 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1265 3449344 São Bernardo do Campo Sao Bernardo do Campo -23.69388889 -46.565 P PPL BR 27 743372 760 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1266 3449350 São Bento do Sul Sao Bento do Sul -26.25027778 -49.37861111 P PPL BR 26 77597 874 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1267 3449427 Santos Dumont Santos Dumont -21.45666667 -43.5525 P PPL BR 15 41582 890 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1268 3449433 Santos Santos -23.96083333 -46.33361111 P PPL BR 27 411403 2 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1269 3449467 Santo Estêvão Santo Estevao -12.43027778 -39.25138889 P PPL BR 05 27279 175 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1270 3449500 Santo Antônio do Monte Santo Antonio do Monte -20.08722222 -45.29361111 P PPL BR 15 22592 915 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1271 3449516 Santo Antônio do Amparo Santo Antonio do Amparo -20.94638889 -44.91888889 P PPL BR 15 16730 922 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1272 3449518 Santo Antônio de Posse Santo Antonio de Posse -22.60611111 -46.91944444 P PPL BR 27 18148 727 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1273 3449519 Santo Antônio de Pádua Santo Antonio de Padua -21.53944444 -42.18027778 P PPL BR 21 33076 137 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1274 3449521 Santo Antônio de Jesus Santo Antonio de Jesus -12.96888889 -39.26138889 P PPL BR 05 73957 173 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1275 3449529 Santo Antônio da Platina Santo Antonio da Platina -23.295 -50.07722222 P PPL BR 18 35260 635 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1276 3449696 Santo Ângelo Santo Angelo -28.29916667 -54.26305556 P PPL BR 23 64606 288 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1277 3449701 Santo André Santo Andre -23.66388889 -46.53833333 P PPL BR 27 662373 765 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1278 3449707 Santo Anastácio Santo Anastacio -21.83833333 -51.61027778 P PPL BR 27 17233 361 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1279 3449711 Santo Amaro da Imperatriz Santo Amaro da Imperatriz -27.68805556 -48.77861111 P PPL BR 26 18418 99 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1280 3449720 Santo Amaro Santo Amaro -12.54666667 -38.71194444 P PPL BR 05 46748 32 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1281 3449741 Santiago Santiago -29.19166667 -54.86722222 P PPL BR 23 46611 441 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1282 3449747 Santa Vitória do Palmar Santa Vitoria do Palmar -33.51888889 -53.36805556 P PPL BR 23 27775 14 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1283 3449793 Santa Rosa de Viterbo Santa Rosa de Viterbo -21.47277778 -47.36305556 P PPL BR 27 21473 626 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1284 3449822 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa -27.87083333 -54.48138889 P PPL BR 23 58957 270 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1285 3449847 Santa Rita do Sapucaí Santa Rita do Sapucai -22.25222222 -45.70333333 P PPL BR 15 28765 893 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1286 3449851 Santa Rita do Passa Quatro Santa Rita do Passa Quatro -21.71027778 -47.47805556 P PPL BR 27 24578 640 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1287 3449933 Santana do Paraíso Santana do Paraiso -19.36361111 -42.56861111 P PPL BR 15 25515 372 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1288 3449936 Santana do Livramento Santana do Livramento -30.89083333 -55.53277778 P PPL BR 23 89694 196 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1289 3449948 Santana de Parnaíba Santana de Parnaiba -23.44416667 -46.91777778 P PPL BR 27 98989 619 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1290 3450063 Santa Maria da Vitória Santa Maria da Vitoria -13.39472222 -44.18861111 P PPL BR 05 23488 450 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1291 3450083 Santa Maria Santa Maria -29.68416667 -53.80694444 P PPL BR 23 249219 136 America/Sao_Paulo 2008-12-10
+ 1292 3450144 Santa Luzia Santa Luzia -19.76972222 -43.85138889 P PPL BR 15 243503 807 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1293 3450157 Santaluz Santaluz -11.25583333 -39.37472222 P PPL BR 05 24739 305 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1294 3450188 Santa Isabel Santa Isabel -23.31555556 -46.22138889 P PPL BR 27 33709 740 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1295 3450206 Santa Helena de Goiás Santa Helena de Goias -17.81361111 -50.59694444 P PPL BR 29 34254 582 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1296 3450225 Santa Gertrudes Santa Gertrudes -22.45666667 -47.53027778 P PPL BR 27 18490 604 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1297 3450232 Santa Fé do Sul Santa Fe do Sul -20.21111111 -50.92583333 P PPL BR 27 25802 340 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1298 3450269 Santa Cruz do Sul Santa Cruz do Sul -29.7175 -52.42583333 P PPL BR 23 106113 152 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1299 3450272 Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo -22.89888889 -49.6325 P PPL BR 27 37336 566 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1300 3450283 Santa Cruz das Palmeiras Santa Cruz das Palmeiras -21.82694444 -47.24861111 P PPL BR 27 25800 614 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1301 3450288 Santa Cruz Cabrália Santa Cruz Cabralia -16.27805556 -39.02472222 P PPL BR 05 19545 -9999 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1302 3450376 Santa Cecília Santa Cecilia -26.96083333 -50.42694444 P PPL BR 26 15092 1202 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1303 3450554 Salvador Salvador -12.97111111 -38.51083333 P PPLA BR 05 2711840 1 America/Bahia 2007-02-17
+ 1304 3450563 Salto de Pirapora Salto de Pirapora -23.64888889 -47.57333333 P PPL BR 27 32227 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1305 3450594 Salto Salto -23.20083333 -47.28694444 P PPL BR 27 98387 589 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1306 3450671 Salinas Salinas -16.17027778 -42.29027778 P PPL BR 15 25746 595 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1307 3450759 Sacramento Sacramento -19.86527778 -47.44 P PPL BR 15 16982 893 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1308 3450832 Ruy Barbosa Ruy Barbosa -12.28388889 -40.49388889 P PPL BR 05 21093 461 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1309 3450843 Rubiataba Rubiataba -15.16444444 -49.80333333 P PPL BR 29 16128 591 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1310 3450873 Rosário do Sul Rosario do Sul -30.25833333 -54.91416667 P PPL BR 23 36721 109 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1311 3450909 Rondonópolis Rondonopolis -16.47083333 -54.63555556 P PPL BR 14 152912 255 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1312 3450963 Rolante Rolante -29.65055556 -50.57583333 P PPL BR 23 15594 138 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1313 3450964 Rolândia Rolandia -23.30972222 -51.36916667 P PPL BR 18 51004 611 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1314 3451051 Rio Verde de Mato Grosso Rio Verde de Mato Grosso -18.91805556 -54.84416667 P PPL BR 11 16613 366 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1315 3451071 Rio Real Rio Real -11.48472222 -37.93277778 P PPL BR 05 24005 152 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1316 3451102 Rio Pardo Rio Pardo -29.98972222 -52.37805556 P PPL BR 23 26998 20 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1317 3451121 Rio Negro Rio Negro -26.10583333 -49.7975 P PPL BR 18 23006 831 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1318 3451124 Rio Negrinho Rio Negrinho -26.25444444 -49.51833333 P PPL BR 26 41914 856 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1319 3451134 Rio Grande da Serra Rio Grande da Serra -23.74416667 -46.39833333 P PPL BR 27 38161 818 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1320 3451138 Rio Grande Rio Grande -32.035 -52.09861111 P PPL BR 23 187838 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1321 3451152 Rio do Sul Rio do Sul -27.21416667 -49.64305556 P PPL BR 26 51944 493 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1322 3451190 Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro -22.90277778 -43.2075 P PPLA BR 21 6023699 19 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1323 3451202 Rio das Pedras Rio das Pedras -22.84333333 -47.60611111 P PPL BR 27 23722 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1324 3451205 Rio das Ostras Rio das Ostras -22.52694444 -41.945 P PPL BR 21 46618 -9999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1325 3451234 Rio Claro Rio Claro -22.41138889 -47.56138889 P PPL BR 27 180147 614 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1326 3451241 Rio Brilhante Rio Brilhante -21.80194444 -54.54638889 P PPL BR 11 18837 303 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1327 3451242 Rio Branco do Sul Rio Branco do Sul -25.19 -49.31416667 P PPL BR 18 26441 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1328 3451261 Rio Bonito Rio Bonito -22.70861111 -42.60972222 P PPL BR 21 35997 188 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1329 3451328 Ribeirão Preto Ribeirao Preto -21.1775 -47.81027778 P PPL BR 27 551267 593 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1330 3451329 Ribeirão Pires Ribeirao Pires -23.71055556 -46.41333333 P PPL BR 27 111888 793 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1331 3451353 Ribeirão das Neves Ribeirao das Neves -19.76694444 -44.08666667 P PPL BR 15 406802 905 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1332 3451383 Ribeira do Pombal Ribeira do Pombal -10.83444444 -38.53583333 P PPL BR 05 28235 226 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1333 3451474 Riachão do Jacuípe Riachao do Jacuipe -11.80694444 -39.38555556 P PPL BR 05 16911 215 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1334 3451650 Resplendor Resplendor -19.32555556 -41.25527778 P PPL BR 15 15131 124 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1335 3451668 Resende Resende -22.46888889 -44.44666667 P PPL BR 21 111514 363 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1336 3451704 Registro Registro -24.4875 -47.84361111 P PPL BR 27 45697 48 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1337 3451709 Regente Feijó Regente Feijo -22.22138889 -51.30277778 P PPL BR 27 17218 497 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1338 3451856 Rancharia Rancharia -22.22916667 -50.89305556 P PPL BR 27 25530 524 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1339 3451931 Quirinópolis Quirinopolis -18.44833333 -50.45166667 P PPL BR 29 32104 518 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1340 3452073 Queimados Queimados -22.71611111 -43.55527778 P PPL BR 21 135741 4 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1341 3452141 Quatro Barras Quatro Barras -25.36555556 -49.07694444 P PPL BR 18 17526 904 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1342 3452179 Quaraí Quarai -30.3875 -56.45138889 P PPL BR 23 23229 129 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1343 3452216 Prudentópolis Prudentopolis -25.21305556 -50.97777778 P PPL BR 18 19611 671 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1344 3452233 Propriá Propria -10.21111111 -36.84027778 P PPL BR 28 23786 41 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1345 3452237 Promissão Promissao -21.53666667 -49.85805556 P PPL BR 27 27031 444 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1346 3452320 Presidente Venceslau Presidente Venceslau -21.87611111 -51.84388889 P PPL BR 27 34026 356 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1347 3452324 Presidente Prudente Presidente Prudente -22.12555556 -51.38888889 P PPL BR 27 209502 498 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1348 3452331 Presidente Epitácio Presidente Epitacio -21.76333333 -52.11555556 P PPL BR 27 38742 272 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1349 3452440 Prata Prata -19.30722222 -48.92416667 P PPL BR 15 19896 624 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1350 3452465 Praia Grande Praia Grande -24.00583333 -46.40277778 P PPL BR 27 250027 8 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1351 3452483 Prado Prado -17.34111111 -39.22083333 P PPL BR 05 15464 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1352 3452525 Pouso Alegre Pouso Alegre -22.23 -45.93638889 P PPL BR 15 115201 895 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1353 3452599 Posse Posse -14.09305556 -46.36944444 P PPL BR 29 20003 761 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1354 3452623 Porto União Porto Uniao -26.23805556 -51.07833333 P PPL BR 26 28907 682 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1355 3452640 Porto Seguro Porto Seguro -16.44972222 -39.06472222 P PPL BR 05 123173 -9999 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1356 3452775 Porto Ferreira Porto Ferreira -21.85388889 -47.47916667 P PPL BR 27 49127 586 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1357 3452779 Porto Feliz Porto Feliz -23.21472222 -47.52388889 P PPL BR 27 41015 539 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1358 3452925 Porto Alegre Porto Alegre -30.03305556 -51.23 P PPLA BR 23 1372741 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1359 3452982 Portão Portao -29.70166667 -51.24194444 P PPL BR 23 21051 159 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1360 3453014 Porangatu Porangatu -13.44083333 -49.14861111 P PPL BR 29 32758 652 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1361 3453060 Pontes e Lacerda Pontes e Lacerda -15.22611111 -59.33527778 P PPL BR 14 29381 289 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1362 3453078 Ponte Nova Ponte Nova -20.41638889 -42.90861111 P PPL BR 15 48187 381 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1363 3453150 Ponta Porã Ponta Pora -22.53611111 -55.72555556 P PPL BR 11 55763 667 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1364 3453171 Pontal Pontal -21.0225 -48.03722222 P PPL BR 27 32566 554 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1365 3453186 Ponta Grossa Ponta Grossa -25.095 -50.16194444 P PPL BR 18 292177 913 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1366 3453240 Pompéu Pompeu -19.22444444 -44.93527778 P PPL BR 15 25277 698 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1367 3453242 Pompéia Pompeia -22.10861111 -50.17166667 P PPL BR 27 18015 558 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1368 3453245 Pomerode Pomerode -26.74055556 -49.17694444 P PPL BR 26 21898 154 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1369 3453303 Poços de Caldas Pocos de Caldas -21.78777778 -46.56138889 P PPL BR 15 146588 1511 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1370 3453315 Poconé Pocone -16.25666667 -56.62277778 P PPL BR 14 21484 148 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1371 3453337 Poções Pocoes -14.52972222 -40.36527778 P PPL BR 05 35254 713 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1372 3453406 Poá Poa -23.52805556 -46.34472222 P PPL BR 27 107432 686 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1373 3453420 Planaltina Planaltina -15.45277778 -47.61416667 P PPL BR 29 88853 1074 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1374 3453435 Piúma Piuma -20.83777778 -40.72194444 P PPL BR 08 17634 20 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1375 3453439 Piuí Piui -20.46527778 -45.95805556 P PPL BR 15 27327 861 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1376 3453457 Pitangui Pitangui -19.68277778 -44.89027778 P PPL BR 15 18858 868 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1377 3453467 Pitangueiras Pitangueiras -21.00944444 -48.22166667 P PPL BR 27 28540 550 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1378 3453478 Pitanga Pitanga -24.75722222 -51.76138889 P PPL BR 18 18652 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1379 3453494 Piritiba Piritiba -11.73027778 -40.55527778 P PPL BR 05 16230 572 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1380 3453503 Pires do Rio Pires do Rio -17.29972222 -48.27944444 P PPL BR 29 24822 706 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1381 3453535 Piraquara Piraquara -25.44166667 -49.06333333 P PPL BR 18 41161 908 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1382 3453542 Pirapozinho Pirapozinho -22.27527778 -51.5 P PPL BR 27 21709 398 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1383 3453546 Pirapora Pirapora -17.345 -44.94194444 P PPL BR 15 51656 525 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1384 3453605 Pirajuí Pirajui -21.99861111 -49.45722222 P PPL BR 27 17503 491 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1385 3453610 Piraju Piraju -23.19361111 -49.38388889 P PPL BR 27 25270 528 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1386 3453622 Piraí do Sul Pirai do Sul -24.52611111 -49.94861111 P PPL BR 18 16409 1135 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1387 3453635 Piraí Pirai -22.62916667 -43.89805556 P PPL BR 21 19105 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1388 3453639 Pirassununga Pirassununga -21.99611111 -47.42583333 P PPL BR 27 60413 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1389 3453643 Piracicaba Piracicaba -22.72527778 -47.64916667 P PPL BR 27 342209 532 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1390 3453659 Piracanjuba Piracanjuba -17.30277778 -49.01666667 P PPL BR 29 16736 720 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1391 3453661 Piracaia Piracaia -23.05388889 -46.35805556 P PPL BR 27 26075 900 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1392 3453767 Pinheiral Pinheiral -22.51277778 -44.00055556 P PPL BR 21 19469 288 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1393 3453777 Pinhão Pinhao -25.69555556 -51.65972222 P PPL BR 18 15141 834 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1394 3453807 Espírito Santo do Pinhal Espirito Santo do Pinhal -22.11583333 -46.68277778 P PPL BR 27 37448 860 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1395 3453827 Pindobaçu Pindobacu -10.74166667 -40.36083333 P PPL BR 05 17229 469 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1396 3453837 Pindamonhangaba Pindamonhangaba -22.92388889 -45.46166667 P PPL BR 27 132218 528 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1397 3453896 Pilar do Sul Pilar do Sul -23.81305556 -47.71638889 P PPL BR 27 19107 833 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1398 3453926 Piedade Piedade -23.71194444 -47.42777778 P PPL BR 27 27912 908 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1399 3454031 Petrópolis Petropolis -22.505 -43.17861111 P PPL BR 21 272691 883 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1400 3454061 Peruíbe Peruibe -24.32 -46.99833333 P PPL BR 27 63030 -9999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1401 3454131 Pereira Barreto Pereira Barreto -20.63833333 -51.10916667 P PPL BR 27 22537 331 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1402 3454139 Perdões Perdoes -21.09083333 -45.09138889 P PPL BR 15 17821 913 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1403 3454213 Penha Penha -26.76944444 -48.64583333 P PPL BR 26 20096 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1404 3454231 Penedo Penedo -10.29027778 -36.58638889 P PPL BR 02 42097 19 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1405 3454235 Penápolis Penapolis -21.41972222 -50.0775 P PPL BR 27 54477 444 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1406 3454244 Pelotas Pelotas -31.77194444 -52.3425 P PPL BR 23 320674 7 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1407 3454358 Pedro Leopoldo Pedro Leopoldo -19.61805556 -44.04305556 P PPL BR 15 49261 861 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1408 3454407 Pedreira Pedreira -22.74194444 -46.90138889 P PPL BR 27 39198 643 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1409 3454578 Pedra Azul Pedra Azul -16.00527778 -41.29722222 P PPL BR 15 20899 612 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1410 3454620 Pederneiras Pederneiras -22.35166667 -48.775 P PPL BR 27 38020 475 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1411 3454690 Paulínia Paulinia -22.76111111 -47.15416667 P PPL BR 27 65595 609 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1412 3454763 Patrocínio Patrocinio -18.94388889 -46.9925 P PPL BR 15 71963 1003 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1413 3454783 Patos de Minas Patos de Minas -18.57888889 -46.51805556 P PPL BR 15 126234 895 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1414 3454818 Pato Branco Pato Branco -26.22861111 -52.67055556 P PPL BR 18 65754 726 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1415 3454827 Paty do Alferes Paty do Alferes -22.42861111 -43.41861111 P PPL BR 21 20659 783 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1416 3454847 Passos Passos -20.71888889 -46.60972222 P PPL BR 15 98752 774 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1417 3454857 Passo Fundo Passo Fundo -28.26277778 -52.40666667 P PPL BR 23 179529 625 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1418 3454954 Parobé Parobe -29.62861111 -50.83472222 P PPL BR 23 48559 92 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1419 3455036 Parati Parati -23.21777778 -44.71305556 P PPL BR 21 15118 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1420 3455051 Paranavaí Paranavai -23.07305556 -52.46527778 P PPL BR 18 72848 393 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1421 3455061 Paranapanema Paranapanema -23.38861111 -48.72277778 P PPL BR 27 16215 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1422 3455065 Paranaíba Paranaiba -19.67722222 -51.19083333 P PPL BR 11 32217 392 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1423 3455070 Paranaguá Paranagua -25.52 -48.50916667 P PPL BR 18 141013 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1424 3455141 Paraíba do Sul Paraiba do Sul -22.16194444 -43.29277778 P PPL BR 21 35517 113 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1425 3455152 Paraguaçu Paulista Paraguacu Paulista -22.41277778 -50.57583333 P PPL BR 27 39120 550 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1426 3455155 Paraguaçu Paraguacu -21.54722222 -45.7375 P PPL BR 15 15741 857 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1427 3455161 Pará de Minas Para de Minas -19.86027778 -44.60833333 P PPL BR 15 75786 885 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1428 3455168 Paracatu Paracatu -17.22222222 -46.87472222 P PPL BR 15 70753 688 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1429 3455170 Paracambi Paracambi -22.6086111 -43.7127778 P PPL BR 21 36098 103 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-01-17
+ 1430 3455281 Panambi Panambi -28.2925 -53.50166667 P PPL BR 23 30407 411 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1431 3455298 Palotina Palotina -24.28388889 -53.84 P PPL BR 18 23059 308 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1432 3455342 Palmital Palmital -22.78888889 -50.2175 P PPL BR 27 18539 546 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1433 3455416 Palmeira das Missões Palmeira das Missoes -27.89944444 -53.31361111 P PPL BR 23 30954 604 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1434 3455425 Palmeira Palmeira -25.42944444 -50.00638889 P PPL BR 18 18630 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1435 3455459 Palmas Palmas -26.48416667 -51.99055556 P PPL BR 18 39150 1085 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1436 3455478 Palhoça Palhoca -27.64527778 -48.66777778 P PPL BR 26 122423 13 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1437 3455553 Paiçandu Paicandu -23.4575 -52.04861111 P PPL BR 18 34365 382 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1438 3455580 Padre Bernardo Padre Bernardo -15.35 -48.5 P PPL BR 29 16118 771 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-01-17
+ 1439 3455671 Ouro Preto Ouro Preto -20.2875 -43.50805556 P PPL BR 15 63678 907 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1440 3455689 Ouro Branco Ouro Branco -20.52083333 -43.69194444 P PPL BR 15 26687 1190 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1441 3455729 Ourinhos Ourinhos -22.97888889 -49.87055556 P PPL BR 27 97799 479 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1442 3455756 Osvaldo Cruz Osvaldo Cruz -21.79666667 -50.87861111 P PPL BR 27 25746 366 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1443 3455769 Osório Osorio -29.88666667 -50.26972222 P PPL BR 23 34628 84 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1444 3455775 Osasco Osasco -23.5325 -46.79166667 P PPL BR 27 677856 633 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1445 3455784 Orleans Orleans -28.35888889 -49.29138889 P PPL BR 26 16422 143 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1446 3455785 Orlândia Orlandia -20.72027778 -47.88666667 P PPL BR 27 44766 622 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1447 3455908 Oliveira Oliveira -20.69638889 -44.82722222 P PPL BR 15 34710 936 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1448 3455923 Olímpia Olimpia -20.73722222 -48.91472222 P PPL BR 27 45199 520 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1449 3456060 Novo Horizonte Novo Horizonte -21.46805556 -49.22083333 P PPL BR 27 30158 460 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1450 3456068 Novo Hamburgo Novo Hamburgo -29.67833333 -51.13055556 P PPL BR 23 253841 97 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1451 3456102 Nova Viçosa Nova Vicosa -17.89194444 -39.37194444 P PPL BR 05 55980 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1452 3456110 Nova Venécia Nova Venecia -18.71055556 -40.40055556 P PPL BR 08 28362 133 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1453 3456125 Nova Prata Nova Prata -28.78388889 -51.61 P PPL BR 23 17943 653 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1454 3456127 Nova Petrópolis Nova Petropolis -29.37638889 -51.11444444 P PPL BR 23 16049 587 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1455 3456137 Nova Olímpia Nova Olimpia -14.79722222 -57.28805556 P PPL BR 14 19274 200 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1456 3456138 Nova Odessa Nova Odessa -22.7775 -47.29583333 P PPL BR 27 49432 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1457 3456147 Nova Lima Nova Lima -19.98555556 -43.84666667 P PPL BR 15 88399 859 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1458 3456160 Nova Iguaçu Nova Iguacu -22.75916667 -43.45111111 P PPL BR 21 1002118 154 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1459 3456164 Nova Granada Nova Granada -20.53388889 -49.31416667 P PPL BR 27 15715 437 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1460 3456166 Nova Friburgo Nova Friburgo -22.28194444 -42.53111111 P PPL BR 21 153361 932 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1461 3456176 Nova Era Nova Era -19.75 -43.0375 P PPL BR 15 15595 473 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1462 3456223 Nossa Senhora do Socorro Nossa Senhora do Socorro -10.855 -37.12611111 P PPL BR 28 163993 23 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1463 3456240 Nossa Senhora da Glória Nossa Senhora da Gloria -10.21833333 -37.42027778 P PPL BR 28 18612 273 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1464 3456283 Niterói Niteroi -22.88333333 -43.10361111 P PPL BR 21 456456 8 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1465 3456285 Niquelândia Niquelandia -14.47388889 -48.45972222 P PPL BR 29 27541 715 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1466 3456290 Nilópolis Nilopolis -22.8075 -43.41388889 P PPL BR 21 147281 55 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1467 3456322 Nerópolis Neropolis -16.40638889 -49.21861111 P PPL BR 29 21870 888 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1468 3456324 Nepomuceno Nepomuceno -21.23583333 -45.23583333 P PPL BR 15 18911 908 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1469 3456366 Nazaré Nazare -13.035 -39.01444444 P PPL BR 05 25604 121 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1470 3456368 Naviraí Navirai -23.065 -54.19055556 P PPL BR 11 36452 316 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1471 3456370 Navegantes Navegantes -26.89888889 -48.65416667 P PPL BR 26 47781 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1472 3456398 Nanuque Nanuque -17.83916667 -40.35388889 P PPL BR 15 37824 134 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1473 3456412 Muzambinho Muzambinho -21.37583333 -46.52555556 P PPL BR 15 16253 887 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1474 3456483 Muritiba Muritiba -12.9166667 -39.25 P PPL BR 05 22388 163 America/Bahia 2006-01-17
+ 1475 3456500 Muriaé Muriae -21.13055556 -42.36638889 P PPL BR 15 91173 288 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1476 3456593 Mucuri Mucuri -18.08638889 -39.55083333 P PPL BR 05 26775 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1477 3456696 Morro do Chapéu Morro do Chapeu -11.55 -41.15611111 P PPL BR 05 21670 1015 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1478 3456724 Morro Agudo Morro Agudo -20.73138889 -48.05777778 P PPL BR 27 25265 589 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1479 3456735 Morrinhos Morrinhos -17.73111111 -49.09944444 P PPL BR 29 34143 637 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1480 3456814 Montes Claros Montes Claros -16.735 -43.86166667 P PPL BR 15 332379 750 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1481 3456816 Monte Santo de Minas Monte Santo de Minas -21.18972222 -46.98027778 P PPL BR 15 16617 907 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1482 3456826 Montenegro Montenegro -29.68861111 -51.46111111 P PPL BR 23 54057 89 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1483 3456827 Monte Mor Monte Mor -22.94666667 -47.31583333 P PPL BR 27 40290 575 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1484 3456848 Monte Carmelo Monte Carmelo -18.72472222 -47.49861111 P PPL BR 15 44041 895 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1485 3456863 Monte Azul Paulista Monte Azul Paulista -20.90722222 -48.64138889 P PPL BR 27 18117 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1486 3456866 Monte Aprazível Monte Aprazivel -20.7725 -49.71416667 P PPL BR 27 16308 455 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1487 3456873 Monte Alto Monte Alto -21.26111111 -48.49638889 P PPL BR 27 41893 655 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1488 3456944 Mongaguá Mongagua -24.09305556 -46.62083333 P PPL BR 27 45930 24 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1489 3456998 Moji Mirim Moji Mirim -22.43194444 -46.95777778 P PPL BR 27 78244 671 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1490 3457000 Mogi Guaçu Mogi Guacu -22.37222222 -46.94222222 P PPL BR 27 128865 608 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1491 3457001 Moji das Cruzes Moji das Cruzes -23.52277778 -46.18833333 P PPL BR 27 325746 710 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1492 3457025 Mococa Mococa -21.46777778 -47.00472222 P PPL BR 27 59654 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1493 3457107 Mirandopólis Mirandopolis -21.13361111 -51.10166667 P PPL BR 27 23378 392 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1494 3457133 Miracema Miracema -21.41222222 -42.19666667 P PPL BR 21 26684 271 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1495 3457147 Mineiros Mineiros -17.56944444 -52.55111111 P PPL BR 29 38951 674 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1496 3457191 Miguel Pereira Miguel Pereira -22.45388889 -43.46888889 P PPL BR 21 23850 739 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1497 3457192 Miguelópolis Miguelopolis -20.17944444 -48.03194444 P PPL BR 27 18262 560 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1498 3457247 Mendes Mendes -22.52666667 -43.73277778 P PPL BR 21 17308 601 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1499 3457359 Medianeira Medianeira -25.29527778 -54.09388889 P PPL BR 18 34069 420 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1500 3457360 Medeiros Neto Medeiros Neto -17.37388889 -40.22055556 P PPL BR 05 15254 158 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1501 3457381 Mauá Maua -23.66777778 -46.46138889 P PPL BR 27 386069 763 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1502 3457393 Matozinhos Matozinhos -19.55777778 -44.08138889 P PPL BR 15 30843 852 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1503 3457484 Mateus Leme Mateus Leme -19.98638889 -44.42777778 P PPL BR 15 24890 849 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1504 3457509 Matão Matao -21.60333333 -48.36583333 P PPL BR 27 72468 600 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1505 3457528 Mata de São João Mata de Sao Joao -12.53027778 -38.29916667 P PPL BR 05 26679 52 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1506 3457566 Mascote Mascote -15.56305556 -39.3025 P PPL BR 05 18863 59 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1507 3457595 Martinópolis Martinopolis -22.14583333 -51.17083333 P PPL BR 27 18488 504 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1508 3457671 Maringá Maringa -23.42527778 -51.93861111 P PPL BR 18 311724 444 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1509 3457692 Marília Marilia -22.21388889 -49.94583333 P PPL BR 27 212218 612 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-05-17
+ 1510 3457708 Maricá Marica -22.91944444 -42.81861111 P PPL BR 21 79551 35 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1511 3457736 Mariana Mariana -20.37777778 -43.41611111 P PPL BR 15 45236 890 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1512 3457741 Marialva Marialva -23.485 -51.79166667 P PPL BR 18 26000 611 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1513 3457772 Marechal Cândido Rondon Marechal Candido Rondon -24.55611111 -54.05666667 P PPL BR 18 43028 427 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1514 3457817 Marau Marau -28.44916667 -52.2 P PPL BR 23 26860 613 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1515 3457819 Marataizes Marataizes -21.04333333 -40.82444444 P PPL BR 08 25397 -9999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1516 3457850 Maragogipe Maragogipe -12.77777778 -38.91944444 P PPL BR 05 20921 23 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1517 3457854 Maracás Maracas -13.44111111 -40.43083333 P PPL BR 05 22049 943 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1518 3457859 Maracaju Maracaju -21.61444444 -55.16833333 P PPL BR 11 22690 373 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1519 3457950 Manhumirim Manhumirim -20.35777778 -41.95805556 P PPL BR 15 15544 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1520 3457952 Manhuaçu Manhuacu -20.25805556 -42.03361111 P PPL BR 15 54607 909 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1521 3457991 Mangaratiba Mangaratiba -22.95972222 -44.04055556 P PPL BR 21 27022 96 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1522 3458049 Mandaguari Mandaguari -23.5475 -51.67083333 P PPL BR 18 38238 613 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1523 3458131 Mairiporã Mairipora -23.31861111 -46.58666667 P PPL BR 27 54415 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1524 3458132 Mairinque Mairinque -23.54583333 -47.18333333 P PPL BR 27 44456 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1525 3458147 Mafra Mafra -26.11138889 -49.80527778 P PPL BR 26 40081 832 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1526 3458211 Machado Machado -21.67472222 -45.91972222 P PPL BR 15 33002 859 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1527 3458245 Macatuba Macatuba -22.50222222 -48.71138889 P PPL BR 27 16179 576 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1528 3458266 Macaé Macae -22.37083333 -41.78694444 P PPL BR 21 143029 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1529 3458329 Luziânia Luziania -16.2525 -47.95027778 P PPL BR 29 143601 923 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1530 3458397 Lucas Lucas -16.3333333 -55.9333333 P PPL BR 14 27665 185 America/Cuiaba 2006-01-27
+ 1531 3458406 Louveira Louveira -23.08638889 -46.95055556 P PPL BR 27 31093 820 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1532 3458425 Lorena Lorena -22.73083333 -45.12472222 P PPL BR 27 76506 483 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1533 3458449 Londrina Londrina -23.31027778 -51.16277778 P PPL BR 18 471832 563 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1534 3458479 Loanda Loanda -22.92305556 -53.13722222 P PPL BR 18 18233 308 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1535 3458481 Livramento do Brumado Livramento do Brumado -13.64305556 -41.84055556 P PPL BR 05 19914 583 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1536 3458494 Lins Lins -21.67861111 -49.7425 P PPL BR 27 69451 462 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1537 3458498 Linhares Linhares -19.39111111 -40.07222222 P PPL BR 08 105075 19 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1538 3458575 Limeira Limeira -22.56472222 -47.40166667 P PPL BR 27 289665 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1539 3458632 Leopoldina Leopoldina -21.53194444 -42.64305556 P PPL BR 15 46742 333 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1540 3458645 Lençóis Paulista Lencois Paulista -22.59861111 -48.80027778 P PPL BR 27 57375 544 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1541 3458662 Leme Leme -22.18555556 -47.39027778 P PPL BR 27 81209 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1542 3458696 Lavras Lavras -21.24527778 -44.99972222 P PPL BR 15 81472 958 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1543 3458746 Laranjeiras do Sul Laranjeiras do Sul -25.40777778 -52.41611111 P PPL BR 18 18424 874 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1544 3458778 Laranjeiras Laranjeiras -10.80638889 -37.17 P PPL BR 28 23251 47 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1545 3458786 Laranjal Paulista Laranjal Paulista -23.04972222 -47.83666667 P PPL BR 27 21264 469 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1546 3458826 Lapa Lapa -25.76972222 -49.71583333 P PPL BR 18 25621 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1547 3458902 Lajinha Lajinha -20.15138889 -41.62277778 P PPL BR 15 15729 585 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1548 3458930 Lages Lages -27.81611111 -50.32611111 P PPL BR 26 164676 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1549 3459035 Lajeado Lajeado -29.46694444 -51.96138889 P PPL BR 23 65407 92 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1550 3459094 Laguna Laguna -28.4825 -48.78083333 P PPL BR 26 39711 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1551 3459126 Lagoa Vermelha Lagoa Vermelha -28.20861111 -51.52583333 P PPL BR 23 24445 776 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1552 3459138 Lagoa Santa Lagoa Santa -19.62722222 -43.88972222 P PPL BR 15 38486 920 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1553 3459251 Lagoa da Prata Lagoa da Prata -20.0225 -45.54361111 P PPL BR 15 43118 758 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1554 3459342 Lagarto Lagarto -10.91722222 -37.65 P PPL BR 28 45445 198 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1555 3459352 Ladário Ladario -19.00472222 -57.60166667 P PPL BR 11 15790 78 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1556 3459462 Jundiaí Jundiai -23.18638889 -46.88416667 P PPL BR 27 321589 1006 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1557 3459495 Júlio de Castilhos Julio de Castilhos -29.22694444 -53.68166667 P PPL BR 23 20388 529 397 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1558 3459505 Juiz de Fora Juiz de Fora -21.76416667 -43.35027778 P PPL BR 15 470193 678 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1559 3459550 Juatuba Juatuba -19.95194444 -44.34277778 P PPL BR 15 24537 764 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1560 3459667 José Bonifácio Jose Bonifacio -21.05277778 -49.68833333 P PPL BR 27 27828 456 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1561 3459712 Joinville Joinville -26.30444444 -48.84555556 P PPL BR 26 461304 167 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1562 3459785 João Pinheiro Joao Pinheiro -17.7425 -46.1725 P PPL BR 15 28080 700 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1563 3459796 João Monlevade Joao Monlevade -19.81 -43.17361111 P PPL BR 15 72762 977 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1564 3459869 Joaçaba Joacaba -27.17805556 -51.50472222 P PPL BR 26 23516 594 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1565 3459922 Jeremoabo Jeremoabo -10.075 -38.48083333 P PPL BR 05 16642 275 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1566 3459925 Jequitinhonha Jequitinhonha -16.43388889 -41.00333333 P PPL BR 15 15463 231 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1567 3459943 Jequié Jequie -13.8575 -40.08361111 P PPL BR 05 127475 201 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1568 3460005 Jaú Jau -22.29638889 -48.55777778 P PPL BR 27 119206 571 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1569 3460064 Jataí Jatai -17.88138889 -51.71444444 P PPL BR 29 76547 697 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1570 3460068 Jarinu Jarinu -23.10138889 -46.72833333 P PPL BR 27 17899 890 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1571 3460071 Jardinópolis Jardinopolis -21.01777778 -47.76388889 P PPL BR 27 34718 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1572 3460087 Jardim Jardim -21.48027778 -56.13805556 P PPL BR 11 23780 252 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1573 3460102 Jaraguá do Sul Jaragua do Sul -26.48611111 -49.06666667 P PPL BR 26 130130 217 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1574 3460107 Jaraguá Jaragua -15.75694444 -49.33444444 P PPL BR 29 30409 725 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1575 3460132 Japeri Japeri -22.64305556 -43.65333333 P PPL BR 21 95101 87 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1576 3460148 Januária Januaria -15.4833333 -44.3666667 P PPL BR 15 34811 468 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-01-17
+ 1577 3460170 Jandira Jandira -23.5275 -46.9025 P PPL BR 27 113605 709 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1578 3460172 Jandaia do Sul Jandaia do Sul -23.60305556 -51.64333333 P PPL BR 18 17507 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1579 3460174 Janaúba Janauba -15.8025 -43.30888889 P PPL BR 15 56572 607 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1580 3460186 Jales Jales -20.26888889 -50.54583333 P PPL BR 27 43831 431 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1581 3460200 Jaguariúna Jaguariuna -22.70555556 -46.98583333 P PPL BR 27 31717 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1582 3460214 Jaguariaíva Jaguariaiva -24.25111111 -49.70583333 P PPL BR 18 30626 764 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1583 3460225 Jaguarari Jaguarari -10.26388889 -40.19583333 P PPL BR 05 22612 695 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1584 3460232 Jaguarão Jaguarao -32.56611111 -53.37583333 P PPL BR 23 29613 17 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1585 3460242 Jaguaquara Jaguaquara -13.53055556 -39.97083333 P PPL BR 05 41498 765 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1586 3460267 Jacutinga Jacutinga -22.28555556 -46.61222222 P PPL BR 15 18469 785 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1587 3460344 Jacobina Jacobina -11.18055556 -40.51833333 P PPL BR 05 47637 444 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1588 3460355 Jaciara Jaciara -15.96527778 -54.96833333 P PPL BR 14 22737 300 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1589 3460362 Jacarezinho Jacarezinho -23.16055556 -49.96944444 P PPL BR 18 35090 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1590 3460370 Jacareí Jacarei -23.30527778 -45.96583333 P PPL BR 27 213110 598 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1591 3460441 Jaboticabal Jaboticabal -21.25472222 -48.32222222 P PPL BR 27 69394 607 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1592 3460484 Ivoti Ivoti -29.59111111 -51.16055556 P PPL BR 23 18171 142 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1593 3460511 Ituverava Ituverava -20.33944444 -47.78055556 P PPL BR 27 36997 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1594 3460513 Iturama Iturama -19.72805556 -50.19555556 P PPL BR 15 29805 402 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1595 3460522 Itumbiara Itumbiara -18.41916667 -49.21527778 P PPL BR 29 79582 541 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1596 3460523 Ituiutaba Ituiutaba -18.96888889 -49.465 P PPL BR 15 85345 594 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1597 3460530 Ituberá Itubera -13.73222222 -39.14916667 P PPL BR 05 19887 69 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1598 3460535 Itu Itu -23.26416667 -47.29916667 P PPL BR 27 137586 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1599 3460542 Itororó Itororo -15.11694444 -40.07027778 P PPL BR 05 17324 274 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1600 3460584 Itaúna Itauna -20.07527778 -44.57638889 P PPL BR 15 77400 898 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1601 3460594 Itatinga Itatinga -23.10166667 -48.61583333 P PPL BR 27 15696 850 797 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-11-23
+ 1602 3460598 Itatiba Itatiba -23.00583333 -46.83888889 P PPL BR 27 67934 717 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1603 3460620 Itararé Itarare -24.1125 -49.33166667 P PPL BR 27 44809 755 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1604 3460629 Itaqui Itaqui -29.12527778 -56.55305556 P PPL BR 23 34631 56 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1605 3460644 Itaquaquecetuba Itaquaquecetuba -23.48611111 -46.34833333 P PPL BR 27 336679 674 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1606 3460648 Itapuranga Itapuranga -15.56222222 -49.94861111 P PPL BR 29 19709 605 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1607 3460671 Itápolis Itapolis -21.59555556 -48.81277778 P PPL BR 27 34552 476 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1608 3460699 Itapira Itapira -22.43611111 -46.82166667 P PPL BR 27 61607 732 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1609 3460718 Itapevi Itapevi -23.54888889 -46.93416667 P PPL BR 27 201748 807 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1610 3460723 Itapeva Itapeva -23.98222222 -48.87555556 P PPL BR 27 62957 831 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1611 3460728 Itapetininga Itapetininga -23.59166667 -48.05305556 P PPL BR 27 126243 676 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1612 3460730 Itapetinga Itapetinga -15.24888889 -40.24777778 P PPL BR 05 59721 261 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1613 3460733 Itaperuna Itaperuna -21.205 -41.88777778 P PPL BR 21 84435 152 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1614 3460734 Itaperuçu Itaperucu -25.22 -49.34777778 P PPL BR 18 26546 963 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1615 3460738 Itapemirim Itapemirim -21.01111111 -40.83388889 P PPL BR 08 17536 5 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1616 3460740 Itapema Itapema -27.09027778 -48.61138889 P PPL BR 26 36761 20 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1617 3460748 Itapecerica da Serra Itapecerica da Serra -23.71694444 -46.84916667 P PPL BR 27 151605 854 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1618 3460752 Itapecerica Itapecerica -20.4725 -45.12555556 P PPL BR 15 16684 908 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1619 3460764 Itaparica Itaparica -12.88833333 -38.67861111 P PPL BR 05 20100 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1620 3460773 Itapaci Itapaci -14.95083333 -49.54944444 P PPL BR 29 16117 560 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1621 3460774 Itaocara Itaocara -21.66916667 -42.07611111 P PPL BR 21 16762 64 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1622 3460791 Itanhaém Itanhaem -24.18305556 -46.78888889 P PPL BR 27 90385 10 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1623 3460813 Itambé Itambe -15.245 -40.62444444 P PPL BR 05 23558 333 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1624 3460825 Itamarandiba Itamarandiba -17.85722222 -42.85888889 P PPL BR 15 18063 920 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1625 3460826 Itamaraju Itamaraju -17.03916667 -39.53111111 P PPL BR 05 47628 75 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1626 3460831 Itajuípe Itajuipe -14.67805556 -39.375 P PPL BR 05 15516 94 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1627 3460834 Itajubá Itajuba -22.42555556 -45.45277778 P PPL BR 15 81870 904 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1628 3460845 Itajaí Itajai -26.90777778 -48.66194444 P PPL BR 26 155716 20 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1629 3460887 Itaí Itai -23.41777778 -49.09055556 P PPL BR 27 22304 613 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1630 3460899 Itaguaí Itaguai -22.85222222 -43.77527778 P PPL BR 21 100752 24 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1631 3460949 Itabuna Itabuna -14.78555556 -39.28027778 P PPL BR 05 205660 48 America/Bahia 2007-02-18
+ 1632 3460950 Itaboraí Itaborai -22.74444444 -42.85944444 P PPL BR 21 182498 65 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1633 3460954 Itabirito Itabirito -20.25333333 -43.80138889 P PPL BR 15 39452 897 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1634 3460960 Itabira Itabira -19.61916667 -43.22694444 P PPL BR 15 99496 903 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1635 3460963 Itaberaí Itaberai -16.02027778 -49.81027778 P PPL BR 29 22129 779 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1636 3460966 Itaberaba Itaberaba -12.5275 -40.30694444 P PPL BR 05 47301 270 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1637 3460971 Itabaianinha Itabaianinha -11.27388889 -37.79 P PPL BR 28 17149 153 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1638 3460974 Itabaiana Itabaiana -10.685 -37.42527778 P PPL BR 28 63888 174 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1639 3461013 Irecê Irece -11.30416667 -41.85583333 P PPL BR 05 63626 733 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1640 3461017 Irati Irati -25.46722222 -50.65111111 P PPL BR 18 45830 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1641 3461055 Iracemápolis Iracemapolis -22.58055556 -47.51861111 P PPL BR 27 16795 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1642 3461090 Iporá Ipora -16.44194444 -51.11777778 P PPL BR 29 28254 562 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1643 3461124 Ipirá Ipira -12.15833333 -39.73722222 P PPL BR 05 27217 299 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1644 3461129 Ipiaú Ipiau -14.13722222 -39.73388889 P PPL BR 05 38762 106 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1645 3461134 Iperó Ipero -23.35027778 -47.68861111 P PPL BR 27 17160 548 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1646 3461144 Ipatinga Ipatinga -19.46833333 -42.53666667 P PPL BR 15 228746 213 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1647 3461151 Ipameri Ipameri -17.72194444 -48.15972222 P PPL BR 29 18607 791 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1648 3461153 Ipaba Ipaba -19.41361111 -42.41944444 P PPL BR 15 15970 262 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1649 3461194 Inhumas Inhumas -16.35777778 -49.49611111 P PPL BR 29 44058 866 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1650 3461311 Indaiatuba Indaiatuba -23.09027778 -47.21805556 P PPL BR 27 179911 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1651 3461316 Indaial Indaial -26.89777778 -49.23166667 P PPL BR 26 44359 177 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1652 3461368 Imbituva Imbituva -25.23 -50.60444444 P PPL BR 18 19671 906 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1653 3461370 Imbituba Imbituba -28.24 -48.67027778 P PPL BR 26 43450 13 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1654 3461408 Ilhéus Ilheus -14.78888889 -39.04944444 P PPL BR 05 155499 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1655 3461411 Ilha Solteira Ilha Solteira -20.43277778 -51.3425 P PPL BR 27 24997 311 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1656 3461425 Ilhabela Ilhabela -23.77805556 -45.35805556 P PPL BR 27 32892 187 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1657 3461444 Ijuí Ijui -28.38777778 -53.91472222 P PPL BR 23 71202 310 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1658 3461465 Iguape Iguape -24.70805556 -47.55527778 P PPL BR 27 23784 55 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1659 3461481 Igrejinha Igrejinha -29.57444444 -50.79027778 P PPL BR 23 28679 153 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1660 3461498 Igarapé Igarape -20.07027778 -44.30166667 P PPL BR 15 21427 791 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1661 3461499 Igarapava Igarapava -20.03833333 -47.74694444 P PPL BR 27 29057 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1662 3461501 Igaraçu do Tietê Igaracu do Tiete -22.50916667 -48.55777778 P PPL BR 27 22758 447 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1663 3461519 Içara Icara -28.71333333 -49.3 P PPL BR 26 51454 109 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1664 3461525 Ibotirama Ibotirama -12.18527778 -43.22055556 P PPL BR 05 17354 428 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1665 3461528 Ibiúna Ibiuna -23.65638889 -47.2225 P PPL BR 27 22860 902 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1666 3461550 Ibitinga Ibitinga -21.75777778 -48.82888889 P PPL BR 27 49074 468 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1667 3461563 Ibirité Ibirite -20.02194444 -44.05888889 P PPL BR 15 141374 874 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1668 3461565 Ibirataia Ibirataia -14.06694444 -39.64055556 P PPL BR 05 19942 235 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1669 3461576 Ibirama Ibirama -27.05694444 -49.51777778 P PPL BR 26 18357 268 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1670 3461588 Ibiporã Ibipora -23.26916667 -51.04805556 P PPL BR 18 44790 471 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1671 3461606 Ibicaraí Ibicarai -14.865 -39.5875 P PPL BR 05 19574 126 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1672 3461620 Ibiá Ibia -19.47833333 -46.53888889 P PPL BR 15 18428 912 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1673 3461625 Ibaté Ibate -21.95472222 -47.99666667 P PPL BR 27 29550 823 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1674 3461628 Ibaiti Ibaiti -23.84861111 -50.18777778 P PPL BR 18 25796 781 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1675 3461638 Iaçu Iacu -12.76722222 -40.21166667 P PPL BR 05 22664 241 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1676 3461655 Hortolândia Hortolandia -22.85833333 -47.22 P PPL BR 27 203533 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1677 3461680 Herval Herval -32.02361111 -53.39555556 P PPL BR 23 18063 305 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1678 3461724 Gurupi Gurupi -11.72916667 -49.06861111 P PPL BR 31 64789 366 America/Araguaina 2006-12-13
+ 1679 3461763 Guaxupé Guaxupe -21.30527778 -46.71277778 P PPL BR 15 47889 886 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1680 3461786 Guarulhos Guarulhos -23.46277778 -46.53333333 P PPL BR 27 1169577 704 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1681 3461789 Guarujá Guaruja -23.99305556 -46.25638889 P PPL BR 27 310424 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1682 3461824 Guariba Guariba -21.36 -48.22833333 P PPL BR 27 30464 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1683 3461857 Guaratuba Guaratuba -25.88277778 -48.57472222 P PPL BR 18 18906 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1684 3461859 Guaratinguetá Guaratingueta -22.81638889 -45.1925 P PPL BR 27 105880 480 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-08
+ 1685 3461871 Guararema Guararema -23.415 -46.035 P PPL BR 27 23572 597 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1686 3461874 Guararapes Guararapes -21.26083333 -50.64277778 P PPL BR 27 27557 413 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1687 3461879 Guarapuava Guarapuava -25.39527778 -51.45805556 P PPL BR 18 150850 933 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1688 3461888 Guarapari Guarapari -20.66666667 -40.4975 P PPL BR 08 100925 -9999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1689 3461910 Guaranésia Guaranesia -21.29916667 -46.8025 P PPL BR 15 17437 855 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1690 3461914 Guaramirim Guaramirim -26.47305556 -49.00277778 P PPL BR 26 21422 166 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1691 3461935 Guará Guara -20.42833333 -47.82416667 P PPL BR 27 18263 607 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1692 3461941 Guaporé Guapore -28.84555556 -51.89027778 P PPL BR 23 20050 513 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1693 3461949 Guapimirim Guapimirim -22.53722222 -42.98194444 P PPL BR 21 31202 116 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1694 3461958 Guanhães Guanhaes -18.775 -42.9325 P PPL BR 15 23727 852 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1695 3461973 Guanambi Guanambi -14.22333333 -42.78138889 P PPL BR 05 58877 541 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1696 3461995 Guaíra Guaira -20.31833333 -48.31055556 P PPL BR 27 34092 559 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1697 3462022 Guaçuí Guacui -20.77555556 -41.67944444 P PPL BR 08 19786 607 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1698 3462089 Gravataí Gravatai -29.94444444 -50.99194444 P PPL BR 23 238778 75 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1699 3462315 Governador Valadares Governador Valadares -18.85111111 -41.94944444 P PPL BR 15 250878 132 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1700 3462371 Goiatuba Goiatuba -18.0125 -49.35472222 P PPL BR 29 25925 684 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1701 3462374 Goiás Goias -15.93444444 -50.14027778 P PPL BR 29 19098 558 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1702 3462376 Goianira Goianira -16.49611111 -49.42638889 P PPL BR 29 22822 820 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1703 3462377 Goiânia Goiania -16.67861111 -49.25388889 P PPLA BR 29 1171195 790 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1704 3462378 Goianésia Goianesia -15.3175 -49.1175 P PPL BR 29 47883 875 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1705 3462535 Gaspar Gaspar -26.93138889 -48.95888889 P PPL BR 26 33658 100 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1706 3462557 Garibaldi Garibaldi -29.25611111 -51.53361111 P PPL BR 23 30364 636 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1707 3462580 Garça Garca -22.21055556 -49.65611111 P PPL BR 27 41302 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1708 3462601 Gandu Gandu -13.74388889 -39.48666667 P PPL BR 05 21565 222 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1709 3462916 Frutal Frutal -20.02472222 -48.94055556 P PPL BR 15 40931 563 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1710 3462956 Frederico Westphalen Frederico Westphalen -27.35916667 -53.39444444 P PPL BR 23 20896 337 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1711 3462964 Franco da Rocha Franco da Rocha -23.32166667 -46.72694444 P PPL BR 27 108858 941 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1712 3462980 Francisco Morato Francisco Morato -23.28166667 -46.74527778 P PPL BR 27 171790 922 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1713 3462996 Francisco Beltrão Francisco Beltrao -26.08111111 -53.055 P PPL BR 18 57618 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1714 3463011 Franca Franca -20.53861111 -47.40083333 P PPL BR 27 305041 920 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1715 3463030 Foz do Iguaçu Foz do Iguacu -25.54777778 -54.58805556 P PPL BR 18 293523 174 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-06-09
+ 1716 3463066 Forquilhinha Forquilhinha -28.7475 -49.47222222 P PPL BR 26 22998 91 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1717 3463140 Formosa Formosa -15.53722222 -47.33444444 P PPL BR 29 81232 921 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1718 3463174 Formiga Formiga -20.46444444 -45.42638889 P PPL BR 15 56404 904 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1719 3463237 Florianópolis Florianopolis -27.59666667 -48.54916667 P PPLA BR 26 412724 149 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1720 3463271 Flores da Cunha Flores da Cunha -29.02888889 -51.18166667 P PPL BR 23 20521 687 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1721 3463422 Ferraz de Vasconcelos Ferraz de Vasconcelos -23.54083333 -46.36861111 P PPL BR 27 167900 680 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1722 3463432 Fernandópolis Fernandopolis -20.28388889 -50.24638889 P PPL BR 27 61931 558 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1723 3463478 Feira de Santana Feira de Santana -12.26666667 -38.96666667 P PPL BR 05 481911 166 America/Bahia 2007-02-18
+ 1724 3463605 Farroupilha Farroupilha -29.225 -51.34777778 P PPL BR 23 57650 612 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1725 3463698 Euclides da Cunha Euclides da Cunha -10.5075 -39.01583333 P PPL BR 05 29738 584 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1726 3463762 Estrela Estrela -28.06111111 -50.93833333 P PPLL BR 23 24200 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1727 3463859 Esteio Esteio -29.86138889 -51.17916667 P PPL BR 23 84902 29 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1728 3463865 Estância Velha Estancia Velha -29.64833333 -51.17388889 P PPL BR 23 40390 149 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1729 3463900 Estância Estancia -11.26833333 -37.43833333 P PPL BR 28 55654 30 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1730 3463920 Esplanada Esplanada -11.79611111 -37.945 P PPL BR 05 18859 119 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1731 3463939 Espinosa Espinosa -14.92611111 -42.81916667 P PPL BR 15 17548 579 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1732 3464008 Esmeraldas Esmeraldas -19.7625 -44.31388889 P PPL BR 15 103206 862 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1733 3464073 Erechim Erechim -27.63416667 -52.27388889 P PPL BR 23 96087 627 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1734 3464100 Entre Rios Entre Rios -11.94194444 -38.08444444 P PPL BR 05 27405 155 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1735 3464255 Encruzilhada do Sul Encruzilhada do Sul -30.54388889 -52.52194444 P PPL BR 23 17199 313 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1736 3464274 Encantado Encantado -29.23611111 -51.86972222 P PPL BR 23 16637 111 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1737 3464304 Embu Guaçu Embu Guacu -23.83222222 -46.81138889 P PPL BR 27 76310 737 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1738 3464305 Embu Embu -23.64888889 -46.85222222 P PPL BR 27 221733 823 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1739 3464329 Elói Mendes Eloi Mendes -21.61 -45.56527778 P PPL BR 15 19413 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1740 3464374 Duque de Caxias Duque de Caxias -22.78555556 -43.31166667 P PPL BR 21 818329 7 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1741 3464460 Dourados Dourados -22.22111111 -54.80555556 P PPL BR 11 162202 359 America/Campo_Grande 2007-02-17
+ 1742 3464547 Dom Pedrito Dom Pedrito -30.98277778 -54.67305556 P PPL BR 23 36911 144 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1743 3464579 Dois Vizinhos Dois Vizinhos -25.73361111 -53.05722222 P PPL BR 18 22766 542 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1744 3464618 Dois Córregos Dois Corregos -22.36611111 -48.38027778 P PPL BR 27 20974 720 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1745 3464688 Divinópolis Divinopolis -20.13888889 -44.88388889 P PPL BR 15 193832 736 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1746 3464724 Diamantino Diamantino -14.40861111 -56.44611111 P PPL BR 14 15699 280 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1747 3464728 Diamantina Diamantina -18.24944444 -43.60027778 P PPL BR 15 37343 1200 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1748 3464739 Diadema Diadema -23.68611111 -46.62277778 P PPL BR 27 390633 723 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1749 3464809 Descalvado Descalvado -21.90388889 -47.61944444 P PPL BR 27 26137 640 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1750 3464891 Curvelo Curvelo -18.75638889 -44.43083333 P PPL BR 15 63954 613 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1751 3464974 Curitibanos Curitibanos -27.28277778 -50.58444444 P PPL BR 26 32141 939 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1752 3464975 Curitiba Curitiba -25.42777778 -49.27305556 P PPLA BR 18 1718421 913 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1753 3465038 Cuiabá Cuiaba -15.59611111 -56.09666667 P PPLA BR 14 521934 173 America/Cuiaba 2007-02-17
+ 1754 3465059 Cubatão Cubatao -23.895 -46.42527778 P PPL BR 27 118410 29 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1755 3465083 Cruzeiro do Oeste Cruzeiro do Oeste -23.785 -53.07333333 P PPL BR 18 15057 439 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1756 3465090 Cruzeiro Cruzeiro -22.57611111 -44.96277778 P PPL BR 27 72022 462 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1757 3465105 Cruz das Almas Cruz das Almas -12.67 -39.10194444 P PPL BR 05 47844 134 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1758 3465108 Cruz Alta Cruz Alta -28.63861111 -53.60638889 P PPL BR 23 65275 378 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1759 3465164 Cristalina Cristalina -16.76861111 -47.61361111 P PPL BR 29 36531 1210 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1760 3465196 Criciúma Criciuma -28.6775 -49.36972222 P PPL BR 26 161954 158 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1761 3465209 Cravinhos Cravinhos -21.34027778 -47.72944444 P PPL BR 27 32689 614 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1762 3465228 Coxim Coxim -18.50666667 -54.76 P PPL BR 11 30215 246 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1763 3465284 Cotia Cotia -23.60388889 -46.91916667 P PPL BR 27 174828 841 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1764 3465320 Cosmópolis Cosmopolis -22.64583333 -47.19611111 P PPL BR 27 47772 597 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1765 3465329 Coruripe Coruripe -10.12555556 -36.17555556 P PPL BR 02 31427 9 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1766 3465342 Corumbá Corumba -19.00916667 -57.65333333 P PPL BR 11 96520 92 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1767 3465459 Coronel Vivida Coronel Vivida -25.97972222 -52.56777778 P PPL BR 18 15841 637 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1768 3465476 Coronel Fabriciano Coronel Fabriciano -19.51861111 -42.62888889 P PPL BR 15 100916 268 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1769 3465487 Coromandel Coromandel -18.47333333 -47.20027778 P PPL BR 15 22647 917 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1770 3465512 Corinto Corinto -18.38083333 -44.45638889 P PPL BR 15 22121 612 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1771 3465524 Cordeirópolis Cordeiropolis -22.48194444 -47.45666667 P PPL BR 27 25630 621 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1772 3465527 Cordeiro Cordeiro -22.02861111 -42.36083333 P PPL BR 21 15601 616 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1773 3465624 Contagem Contagem -19.93166667 -44.05361111 P PPL BR 15 627123 878 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1774 3465644 Conselheiro Lafaiete Conselheiro Lafaiete -20.66027778 -43.78611111 P PPL BR 15 111596 922 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1775 3465671 Congonhas Congonhas -20.49972222 -43.85777778 P PPL BR 15 48819 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1776 3465713 Conde Conde -11.81361111 -37.61055556 P PPL BR 05 15557 8 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1777 3465721 Concórdia Concordia -27.23416667 -52.02777778 P PPL BR 26 55367 619 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1778 3465731 Conchal Conchal -22.33027778 -47.1725 P PPL BR 27 21351 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1779 3465748 Conceição do Coité Conceicao do Coite -11.56388889 -39.28277778 P PPL BR 05 35171 383 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1780 3465758 Conceição do Jacuípe Conceicao do Jacuipe -12.31666667 -38.76666667 P PPL BR 05 21597 156 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1781 3465764 Conceição das Alagoas Conceicao das Alagoas -19.91472222 -48.38833333 P PPL BR 15 16152 588 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1782 3465767 Conceição da Feira Conceicao da Feira -12.50583333 -38.99861111 P PPL BR 05 15834 142 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1783 3465769 Conceição da Barra Conceicao da Barra -18.59333333 -39.73222222 P PPL BR 08 19309 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1784 3465881 Colorado Colorado -22.8375 -51.97305556 P PPL BR 18 20449 348 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1785 3465927 Colombo Colombo -25.29166667 -49.22416667 P PPL BR 18 217000 927 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1786 3465944 Colatina Colatina -19.53944444 -40.63055556 P PPL BR 08 101190 107 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1787 3466041 Coaraci Coaraci -14.64083333 -39.55111111 P PPL BR 05 32344 267 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1788 3466062 Cláudio Claudio -20.44333333 -44.76583333 P PPL BR 15 21824 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1789 3466171 Cícero Dantas Cicero Dantas -10.6 -38.38333333 P PPL BR 05 18317 463 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1790 3466174 Cianorte Cianorte -23.66333333 -52.605 P PPL BR 18 55994 385 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1791 3466261 Charqueadas Charqueadas -29.95472222 -51.62527778 P PPL BR 23 32076 16 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1792 3466296 Chapecó Chapeco -27.09638889 -52.61833333 P PPL BR 26 160157 621 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1793 3466429 Cerquilho Cerquilho -23.165 -47.74361111 P PPL BR 27 35367 573 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1794 3466436 Ceres Ceres -15.30833333 -49.59833333 P PPL BR 29 18759 557 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1795 3466481 Celso Ramos Celso Ramos -27.63444444 -51.33638889 P PPL BR 26 15162 623 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1796 3466537 Caxias do Sul Caxias do Sul -29.16805556 -51.17944444 P PPL BR 23 381270 737 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1797 3466547 Caxambu Caxambu -21.97722222 -44.9325 P PPL BR 15 22701 917 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1798 3466641 Catu Catu -12.35305556 -38.37888889 P PPL BR 05 39932 94 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1799 3466692 Catanduva Catanduva -21.13777778 -48.97277778 P PPL BR 27 109612 511 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1800 3466696 Catalão Catalao -18.16583333 -47.94638889 P PPL BR 29 63544 886 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1801 3466698 Cataguases Cataguases -21.38916667 -42.69666667 P PPL BR 15 62618 310 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1802 3466704 Castro Castro -24.79111111 -50.01194444 P PPL BR 18 42091 1032 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1803 3466723 Castelo Castelo -20.60361111 -41.18472222 P PPL BR 08 20198 274 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1804 3466750 Cassilândia Cassilandia -19.11333333 -51.73416667 P PPL BR 11 18497 524 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1805 3466763 Casimiro de Abreu Casimiro de Abreu -22.48055556 -42.20416667 P PPL BR 21 19087 109 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1806 3466779 Cascavel Cascavel -24.95583333 -53.45527778 P PPL BR 18 257172 647 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1807 3466824 Casa Branca Casa Branca -21.77388889 -47.08638889 P PPL BR 27 22497 615 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1808 3466902 Carmo do Paranaíba Carmo do Paranaiba -19.00083333 -46.31611111 P PPL BR 15 26537 999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1809 3466903 Carmo do Cajuru Carmo do Cajuru -20.18416667 -44.77111111 P PPL BR 15 16332 782 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1810 3466933 Carlos Barbosa Carlos Barbosa -29.2975 -51.50361111 P PPL BR 23 19105 631 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1811 3466978 Carazinho Carazinho -28.28388889 -52.78638889 P PPL BR 23 59417 556 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1812 3466988 Caratinga Caratinga -19.78972222 -42.13916667 P PPL BR 15 60066 912 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1813 3466998 Carapicuíba Carapicuiba -23.5225 -46.83555556 P PPL BR 27 361112 630 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1814 3467012 Carangola Carangola -20.73305556 -42.02944444 P PPL BR 15 25321 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1815 3467026 Carandaí Carandai -20.95361111 -43.80638889 P PPL BR 15 16657 1054 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1816 3467081 Caraguatatuba Caraguatatuba -23.62027778 -45.41305556 P PPL BR 27 90843 51 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1817 3467197 Capivari Capivari -22.995 -47.50777778 P PPL BR 27 35518 519 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1818 3467261 Capinzal Capinzal -27.34361111 -51.61194444 P PPL BR 26 23795 573 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1819 3467272 Capim Grosso Capim Grosso -11.38111111 -40.01277778 P PPL BR 05 17322 452 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1820 3467305 Capelinha Capelinha -17.69138889 -42.51583333 P PPL BR 15 20073 913 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1821 3467319 Capela Capela -10.50333333 -37.05277778 P PPL BR 28 16023 99 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1822 3467362 Capão da Canoa Capao da Canoa -29.74555556 -50.00972222 P PPL BR 23 35896 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1823 3467371 Capâo Bonito Capao Bonito -24.00583333 -48.34944444 P PPL BR 27 37206 809 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1824 3467452 Canoinhas Canoinhas -26.17722222 -50.39 P PPL BR 26 38862 782 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1825 3467467 Canoas Canoas -29.91777778 -51.18361111 P PPL BR 23 328291 19 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1826 3467512 Canguçu Cangucu -31.395 -52.67555556 P PPL BR 23 20134 347 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1827 3467530 Canela Canela -29.36555556 -50.81555556 P PPL BR 23 33528 614 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1828 3467542 Cândido Mota Candido Mota -22.74638889 -50.38694444 P PPL BR 27 28144 533 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1829 3467550 Candelária Candelaria -29.66916667 -52.78888889 P PPL BR 23 15199 118 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1830 3467577 Canavieiras Canavieiras -15.675 -38.94722222 P PPL BR 05 26375 1 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1831 3467673 Campo Verde Campo Verde -20.4166667 -54.0666667 P PPL BR 11 22806 483 America/Campo_Grande 2006-01-17
+ 1832 3467677 Campos Novos Campos Novos -27.40166667 -51.225 P PPL BR 26 22563 843 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1833 3467680 Campos Gerais Campos Gerais -21.235 -45.75861111 P PPL BR 15 22260 902 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1834 3467684 Campos do Jordão Campos do Jordao -22.73944444 -45.59138889 P PPL BR 27 53319 1722 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1835 3467687 Campos Belos Campos Belos -13.03666667 -46.77166667 P PPL BR 29 15582 595 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1836 3467693 Campos Campos -21.75 -41.3 P PPL BR 21 387417 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-01-17
+ 1837 3467717 Campo Mourão Campo Mourao -24.04555556 -52.38305556 P PPL BR 18 75401 593 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1838 3467736 Campo Largo Campo Largo -25.45861111 -49.52833333 P PPL BR 18 94668 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1839 3467747 Campo Grande Campo Grande -20.44277778 -54.64638889 P PPLA BR 11 729151 602 America/Campo_Grande 2007-02-17
+ 1840 3467760 Campo Formoso Campo Formoso -10.5075 -40.32138889 P PPL BR 05 23920 621 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1841 3467796 Campo Belo Campo Belo -20.89722222 -45.27722222 P PPL BR 15 47491 902 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1842 3467865 Campinas Campinas -22.90555556 -47.06083333 P PPL BR 27 1031554 670 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1843 3467877 Campina Grande do Sul Campina Grande do Sul -25.30555556 -49.05527778 P PPL BR 18 31112 901 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1844 3467956 Cambuí Cambui -22.61222222 -46.0575 P PPL BR 15 21246 916 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1845 3467978 Cambé Cambe -23.27583333 -51.27833333 P PPL BR 18 91080 611 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1846 3467985 Cambará Cambara -23.04638889 -50.07361111 P PPL BR 18 21380 530 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1847 3468014 Camaquã Camaqua -30.85111111 -51.81222222 P PPL BR 23 53169 90 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1848 3468023 Camanducaia Camanducaia -22.75527778 -46.14472222 P PPL BR 15 17822 1206 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1849 3468031 Camaçari Camacari -12.6975 -38.32416667 P PPL BR 05 188758 14 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1850 3468100 Caldas Novas Caldas Novas -17.74166667 -48.625 P PPL BR 29 63675 682 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1851 3468121 Cajuru Cajuru -21.27527778 -47.30416667 P PPL BR 27 19539 803 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1852 3468157 Cajati Cajati -24.73611111 -48.12277778 P PPL BR 27 27565 118 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1853 3468158 Cajamar Cajamar -23.35611111 -46.87694444 P PPL BR 27 56682 817 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1854 3468215 Caieiras Caieiras -23.36416667 -46.74055556 P PPL BR 27 87188 945 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1855 3468317 Caetité Caetite -14.06944444 -42.475 P PPL BR 05 27187 802 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1856 3468327 Caeté Caete -19.88 -43.66972222 P PPL BR 15 33231 900 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1857 3468376 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Cachoeiro de Itapemirim -20.84888889 -41.11277778 P PPL BR 08 187019 90 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1858 3468403 Cachoeirinha Cachoeirinha -29.95111111 -51.09388889 P PPL BR 23 121084 44 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1859 3468425 Cachoeiras de Macacu Cachoeiras de Macacu -22.4625 -42.65305556 P PPL BR 21 46177 160 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1860 3468436 Cachoeira do Sul Cachoeira do Sul -30.03916667 -52.89388889 P PPL BR 23 74694 63 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1861 3468535 Cachoeira Cachoeira -12.61833333 -38.95583333 P PPL BR 05 16145 131 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1862 3468560 Caçapava do Sul Cacapava do Sul -30.51222222 -53.49138889 P PPL BR 23 17522 320 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1863 3468562 Caçapava Cacapava -23.10083333 -45.70694444 P PPL BR 27 72340 576 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1864 3468570 Caçador Cacador -26.77527778 -51.015 P PPL BR 26 63726 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1865 3468592 Cabreúva Cabreuva -23.3075 -47.13277778 P PPL BR 27 38738 652 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1866 3468615 Cabo Frio Cabo Frio -22.87944444 -42.01861111 P PPL BR 21 108239 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1867 3468704 Butiá Butia -30.11972222 -51.96222222 P PPL BR 23 19494 120 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1868 3468720 Buritizeiro Buritizeiro -17.35111111 -44.96222222 P PPL BR 15 25103 519 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1869 3468732 Buritis Buritis -15.61777778 -46.42333333 P PPL BR 15 16243 597 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1870 3468802 Buri Buri -23.7975 -48.59277778 P PPL BR 27 15958 602 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1871 3468858 Buerarema Buerarema -14.95944444 -39.29972222 P PPL BR 05 16001 132 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1872 3468879 Brusque Brusque -27.09805556 -48.9175 P PPL BR 26 88284 107 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1873 3468893 Brumado Brumado -14.20361111 -41.66527778 P PPL BR 05 41989 452 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1874 3468894 Brumadinho Brumadinho -20.14333333 -44.19972222 P PPL BR 15 27563 805 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1875 3468899 Brotas Brotas -22.28416667 -48.12666667 P PPL BR 27 18689 657 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1876 3468902 Brodósqui Brodosqui -20.99138889 -47.65861111 P PPL BR 27 18366 679 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1877 3469058 Brasília Brasilia -15.77972 -47.92972 P PPLC BR 07 2207718 1092 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-12-28
+ 1878 3469092 Bragança Paulista Braganca Paulista -22.95194444 -46.54194444 P PPL BR 27 125096 844 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1879 3469115 Braço do Norte Braco do Norte -28.275 -49.16555556 P PPL BR 26 22374 116 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1880 3469136 Botucatu Botucatu -22.88583333 -48.445 P PPL BR 27 113862 751 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1881 3469425 Bom Jesus do Itabapoana Bom Jesus do Itabapoana -21.13388889 -41.67972222 P PPL BR 21 30821 149 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1882 3469437 Bom Jesus da Lapa Bom Jesus da Lapa -13.255 -43.41805556 P PPL BR 05 40691 449 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1883 3469516 Bom Despacho Bom Despacho -19.73638889 -45.25222222 P PPL BR 15 40303 743 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1884 3469540 Boituva Boituva -23.28333333 -47.67222222 P PPL BR 27 48750 612 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1885 3469601 Bocaiúva Bocaiuva -17.10777778 -43.815 P PPL BR 15 32114 899 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1886 3469932 Boa Esperança Boa Esperanca -21.09 -45.56583333 P PPL BR 15 33840 846 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1887 3469968 Blumenau Blumenau -26.91944444 -49.06611111 P PPL BR 26 293949 136 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-17
+ 1888 3469984 Biritiba Mirim Biritiba Mirim -23.5725 -46.03861111 P PPL BR 27 26459 799 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1889 3469989 Birigui Birigui -21.28861111 -50.34 P PPL BR 27 102277 449 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1890 3470003 Biguaçu Biguacu -27.49416667 -48.65555556 P PPL BR 26 51992 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1891 3470044 Betim Betim -19.96777778 -44.19833333 P PPL BR 15 384000 800 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1892 3470073 Bento Gonçalves Bento Goncalves -29.17138889 -51.51916667 P PPL BR 23 90852 620 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1893 3470117 Belo Oriente Belo Oriente -19.22 -42.48361111 P PPL BR 15 18470 305 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1894 3470127 Belo Horizonte Belo Horizonte -19.92083333 -43.93777778 P PPLA BR 15 2373224 888 877 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-03-30
+ 1895 3470142 Belford Roxo Belford Roxo -22.76416667 -43.39944444 P PPL BR 21 466096 26 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1896 3470177 Bela Vista Bela Vista -22.10888889 -56.52111111 P PPL BR 11 18127 178 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1897 3470264 Bebedouro Bebedouro -20.94944444 -48.47916667 P PPL BR 27 71862 599 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1898 3470279 Bauru Bauru -22.31472222 -49.06055556 P PPL BR 27 335024 534 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1899 3470324 Batatais Batatais -20.89111111 -47.585 P PPL BR 27 51976 757 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1900 3470341 Bastos Bastos -21.92194444 -50.73388889 P PPL BR 27 17680 441 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1901 3470353 Barueri Barueri -23.51055556 -46.87611111 P PPL BR 27 251994 647 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1902 3470369 Barroso Barroso -21.18694444 -43.97583333 P PPL BR 15 16975 912 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1903 3470428 Barrinha Barrinha -21.19361111 -48.16388889 P PPL BR 27 26981 542 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1904 3470451 Barretos Barretos -20.55722222 -48.56777778 P PPL BR 27 101220 617 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1905 3470470 Barreiro do Jaíba Barreiro do Jaiba -15.6166667 -43.6 P PPL BR 15 18167 531 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-01-17
+ 1906 3470583 Barreiras Barreiras -12.15277778 -44.99 P PPL BR 05 158292 494 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1907 3470597 Barra Velha Barra Velha -26.63222222 -48.68472222 P PPL BR 26 17665 -9999 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1908 3470636 Barra Mansa Barra Mansa -22.54416667 -44.17138889 P PPL BR 21 164052 286 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1909 3470674 Barra dos Coqueiros Barra dos Coqueiros -10.90888889 -37.03861111 P PPL BR 28 28586 1 America/Noronha 2006-12-13
+ 1910 3470691 Barra do Piraí Barra do Pirai -22.47 -43.82555556 P PPL BR 21 87668 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1911 3470709 Barra do Garças Barra do Garcas -15.89 -52.25666667 P PPL BR 14 52398 288 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1912 3470718 Barra do Bugres Barra do Bugres -15.0725 -57.18111111 P PPL BR 14 31311 151 America/Cuiaba 2006-12-13
+ 1913 3470730 Barra de São Francisco Barra de Sao Francisco -18.755 -40.89083333 P PPL BR 08 20743 434 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1914 3470776 Barra Bonita Barra Bonita -22.49472222 -48.55805556 P PPL BR 27 37246 457 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1915 3470821 Barra Barra -11.08944444 -43.14166667 P PPL BR 05 20894 361 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1916 3470825 Bariri Bariri -22.07444444 -48.74027778 P PPL BR 27 28801 455 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1917 3470858 Barbacena Barbacena -21.22583333 -43.77361111 P PPL BR 15 122211 1169 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1918 3470878 Barão de Cocais Barao de Cocais -19.94583333 -43.48722222 P PPL BR 15 22387 902 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1919 3470912 Bandeirantes Bandeirantes -23.11 -50.3675 P PPL BR 18 29494 476 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1920 3471005 Bambuí Bambui -20.00638889 -45.97694444 P PPL BR 15 18840 855 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1921 3471039 Balneário Camboriú Balneario Camboriu -26.99055556 -48.63472222 P PPL BR 26 49100 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2009-08-24
+ 1922 3471061 Baixo Guandu Baixo Guandu -19.51888889 -41.01583333 P PPL BR 08 19292 96 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1923 3471196 Bagé Bage -31.33138889 -54.10694444 P PPL BR 23 98940 210 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1924 3471291 Avaré Avare -23.09861111 -48.92583333 P PPL BR 27 81285 780 829 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-11-23
+ 1925 3471335 Atibaia Atibaia -23.11694444 -46.55027778 P PPL BR 27 110968 788 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1926 3471368 Astorga Astorga -23.2325 -51.66555556 P PPL BR 18 20128 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1927 3471374 Assis Assis -22.66166667 -50.41222222 P PPL BR 27 87471 565 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1928 3471393 Arujá Aruja -23.39611111 -46.32083333 P PPL BR 27 72077 802 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1929 3471395 Artur Nogueira Artur Nogueira -22.57305556 -47.1725 P PPL BR 27 40403 625 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1930 3471422 Arroio Grande Arroio Grande -32.2375 -53.08694444 P PPL BR 23 16117 42 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1931 3471428 Arroio do Meio Arroio do Meio -29.40111111 -51.945 P PPL BR 23 16331 101 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1932 3471451 Arraial do Cabo Arraial do Cabo -22.96611111 -42.02777778 P PPL BR 21 26163 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1933 3471487 Armação de Búzios Armacao de Buzios -22.74694444 -41.88166667 P PPL BR 21 23463 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-06-09
+ 1934 3471683 Arcos Arcos -20.28194444 -45.53944444 P PPL BR 15 33355 871 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1935 3471691 Araxá Araxa -19.59333333 -46.94055556 P PPL BR 15 82595 1049 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1936 3471697 Araucária Araucaria -25.59305556 -49.41027778 P PPL BR 18 111302 885 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1937 3471715 Araruama Araruama -22.87277778 -42.34305556 P PPL BR 21 109637 5 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1938 3471758 Araras Araras -22.35694444 -47.38416667 P PPL BR 27 107463 614 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1939 3471772 Araranguá Ararangua -28.93472222 -49.48583333 P PPL BR 26 43444 21 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1940 3471798 Arapongas Arapongas -23.41944444 -51.42444444 P PPL BR 18 97512 630 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1941 3471830 Araguari Araguari -18.64722222 -48.18722222 P PPL BR 15 96565 914 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1942 3471840 Aragarças Aragarcas -15.8975 -52.25083333 P PPL BR 29 16781 290 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1943 3471846 Araçuaí Aracuai -16.84972222 -42.07027778 P PPL BR 15 22005 306 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1944 3471848 Aracruz Aracruz -19.82027778 -40.27333333 P PPL BR 08 58271 67 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1945 3471849 Araçoiaba da Serra Aracoiaba da Serra -23.50527778 -47.61416667 P PPL BR 27 15395 631 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1946 3471854 Araci Araci -11.33333333 -38.96666667 P PPL BR 05 15088 275 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1947 3471859 Araçatuba Aracatuba -21.20888889 -50.43277778 P PPL BR 27 170024 414 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1948 3471872 Aracaju Aracaju -10.91111111 -37.07166667 P PPLA BR 28 490175 5 America/Maceio 2006-12-13
+ 1949 3471896 Aquidauana Aquidauana -20.47111111 -55.78722222 P PPL BR 11 35303 177 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1950 3471910 Apucarana Apucarana -23.55083333 -51.46083333 P PPL BR 18 107085 721 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1951 3471927 Apiaí Apiai -24.50944444 -48.8425 P PPL BR 27 18259 919 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1952 3471940 Aparecida do Taboado Aparecida do Taboado -20.08666667 -51.09361111 P PPL BR 11 17332 340 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1953 3471949 Aparecida Aparecida -22.84694444 -45.22972222 P PPL BR 27 34237 594 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1954 3472048 Antonina Antonina -25.42861111 -48.71194444 P PPL BR 18 16152 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1955 3472138 Anicuns Anicuns -16.46111111 -49.96166667 P PPL BR 29 15684 884 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1956 3472177 Angra dos Reis Angra dos Reis -23.00666667 -44.31805556 P PPL BR 21 153635 106 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1957 3472248 Andradina Andradina -20.89611111 -51.37944444 P PPL BR 27 52406 329 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1958 3472254 Andradas Andradas -22.06805556 -46.56916667 P PPL BR 15 26772 909 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1959 3472284 Anastácio Anastacio -20.48361111 -55.80694444 P PPL BR 11 18817 187 America/Campo_Grande 2006-12-13
+ 1960 3472287 Anápolis Anapolis -16.32666667 -48.95277778 P PPL BR 29 319587 917 America/Sao_Paulo 2007-02-18
+ 1961 3472311 Amparo Amparo -22.70111111 -46.76444444 P PPL BR 27 41497 861 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1962 3472338 Américo Brasiliense Americo Brasiliense -21.72444444 -48.10166667 P PPL BR 27 34331 665 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1963 3472343 Americana Americana -22.73916667 -47.33138889 P PPL BR 27 196022 580 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1964 3472370 Amargosa Amargosa -13.03027778 -39.60472222 P PPL BR 05 22530 366 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1965 3472417 Álvares Machado Alvares Machado -22.07944444 -51.47194444 P PPL BR 27 21642 459 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1966 3472518 Almirante Tamandaré Almirante Tamandare -25.32472222 -49.31 P PPL BR 18 89499 966 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1967 3472520 Almenara Almenara -16.18361111 -40.69444444 P PPL BR 15 29333 211 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1968 3472603 Alfenas Alfenas -21.42916667 -45.94722222 P PPL BR 15 71406 843 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1969 3472609 Além Paraíba Alem Paraiba -21.88777778 -42.70444444 P PPL BR 15 33907 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1970 3472638 Alegrete Alegrete -29.78305556 -55.79194444 P PPL BR 23 87236 102 84 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1971 3472666 Alegre Alegre -20.76361111 -41.53305556 P PPL BR 08 19757 305 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1972 3472766 Alagoinhas Alagoinhas -12.13555556 -38.41916667 P PPL BR 05 122688 151 America/Bahia 2006-12-13
+ 1973 3472808 Aimorés Aimores -19.49583333 -41.06388889 P PPL BR 15 19133 89 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1974 3472825 Agudos Agudos -22.46916667 -48.9875 P PPL BR 27 30807 610 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1975 3472848 Águas Vermelhas Aguas Vermelhas -15.74722222 -41.46 P PPL BR 15 16409 751 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1976 3472869 Águas de Lindóia Aguas de Lindoia -22.47638889 -46.63277778 P PPL BR 27 18805 910 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1977 3472969 Aguaí Aguai -22.05944444 -46.97861111 P PPL BR 27 27503 659 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1978 3473157 Adamantina Adamantina -21.68527778 -51.0725 P PPL BR 27 31078 443 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1979 3473267 Abaeté Abaete -19.16 -45.44583333 P PPL BR 15 20370 613 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1980 3473964 Guaíba Guaiba -30.11388889 -51.325 P PPL BR 23 101024 1 America/Sao_Paulo 2006-12-13
+ 1981 3474574 Palmas Palmas -10.21277778 -48.36027778 P PPLA BR 31 196272 204 America/Araguaina 2006-12-13
+ 1982 3661944 Tefé Tefe -3.354166667 -64.71138889 P PPL BR 04 44942 44 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1983 3661980 Tarauacá Tarauaca -8.161388889 -70.76555556 P PPL BR 01 16526 189 America/Rio_Branco 2006-12-13
+ 1984 3662075 Tabatinga Tabatinga -4.2525 -69.93805556 P PPL BR 04 28229 84 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1985 3662155 Sena Madureira Sena Madureira -9.065555556 -68.65694444 P PPL BR 01 20516 129 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1986 3662342 São Gabriel da Cachoeira Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira -0.130277778 -67.08916667 P PPL BR 04 15231 71 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1987 3662574 Rio Branco Rio Branco -9.974722222 -67.81 P PPLA BR 01 257642 157 America/Rio_Branco 2007-02-17
+ 1988 3662762 Porto Velho Porto Velho -8.761944444 -63.90388889 P PPLA BR 24 306180 86 America/Porto_Velho 2007-02-17
+ 1989 3663517 Manaus Manaus -3.101944444 -60.025 P PPLA BR 04 1598210 37 America/Manaus 2007-02-17
+ 1990 3663529 Manacapuru Manacapuru -3.299722222 -60.62055556 P PPL BR 04 52459 27 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1991 3664078 Humaitá Humaita -7.506111111 -63.02083333 P PPL BR 04 31206 62 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1992 3664207 Fonte Boa Fonte Boa -2.513888889 -66.09166667 P PPL BR 04 16060 51 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1993 3664321 Eirunepé Eirunepe -6.660277778 -69.87361111 P PPL BR 04 17175 129 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1994 3664539 Coari Coari -4.085 -63.14138889 P PPL BR 04 50490 39 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1995 3664659 Carauari Carauari -4.882777778 -66.89583333 P PPL BR 04 18059 63 America/Manaus 2006-12-13
+ 1996 3664980 Boa Vista Boa Vista 2.819722222 -60.67333333 P PPLA BR 25 235150 76 America/Boa_Vista 2007-02-17
+ 1997 3665199 Ariquemes Ariquemes -9.913333333 -63.04083333 P PPL BR 24 58096 140 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 1998 3665202 Aripuanã Aripuana -9.1666667 -60.6333333 P PPL BR 14 26983 100 America/Cuiaba 2006-01-17
+ 1999 3924679 Vilhena Vilhena -12.74055556 -60.14583333 P PPL BR 24 63231 601 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 2000 3924877 Pôsto Fiscal Rolim de Moura Posto Fiscal Rolim de Moura -13.0833333 -62.2666667 P PPL BR 24 37949 146 America/Porto_Velho 2006-01-17
+ 2001 3924908 Pimenta Bueno Pimenta Bueno -11.6725 -61.19361111 P PPL BR 24 25762 198 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 2002 3924948 Ouro Preto do Oeste Ouro Preto do Oeste -10.74805556 -62.21583333 P PPL BR 24 26683 245 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 2003 3925040 Jaru Jaru -10.43888889 -62.46638889 P PPL BR 24 28015 192 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 2004 3925075 Guajará Mirim Guajara Mirim -10.78277778 -65.33944444 P PPL BR 24 34119 126 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 2005 3925212 Cacoal Cacoal -11.43861111 -61.44722222 P PPL BR 24 55560 199 America/Porto_Velho 2006-12-13
+ 2006 6317344 Jaboatão dos Guararapes Jaboatao dos Guararapes -8.112777778 -35.01472222 P PPL BR 30 630008 12 America/Recife 2007-06-19
+ 2007 3571824 Nassau Nassau 25.0833333 -77.35 P PPLC BS 23 227940 3 America/Nassau 2007-02-17
+ 2008 3571971 Lucaya Lucaya 26.5333333 -78.6666667 P PPL BS 25 46525 11 America/Nassau 2006-01-17
+ 2009 1252416 Thimphu Thimphu 27.4833333 89.6 P PPLC BT BT 20 98676 2320 2737 Asia/Thimphu 2009-01-27
+ 2010 1252484 Phuntsholing Phuntsholing 26.85 89.3833333 P PPL BT 06 17043 289 Asia/Thimphu 2006-01-17
+ 2011 933000 Tonota Tonota -21.4833333 27.4833333 P PPL BW 00 17759 968 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2012 933018 Thamaga Thamaga -24.7166667 25.5333333 P PPL BW 00 20756 1086 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2013 933088 Serowe Serowe -22.3833333 26.7166667 P PPLA BW 01 47419 1121 Africa/Gaborone 2006-11-15
+ 2014 933099 Selebi-Phikwe Selebi-Phikwe -21.9661111 27.9172222 P PPL BW 01 53727 862 Africa/Gaborone 2006-08-21
+ 2015 933141 Ramotswa Ramotswa -24.8666667 25.8166667 P PPL BW 00 21450 1010 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2016 933182 Palapye Palapye -22.55 27.1333333 P PPL BW 00 30650 920 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2017 933271 Mosopa Mosopa -24.8 25.3833333 P PPL BW 00 19561 1142 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2018 933305 Molepolole Molepolole -24.4166667 25.5333333 P PPLA BW 06 63248 1217 Africa/Gaborone 2006-11-15
+ 2019 933331 Mogoditshane Mogoditshane -24.6269444 25.8655556 P PPL BW 06 43394 1034 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2020 933366 Maun Maun -19.9833333 23.4166667 P PPLA BW 11 49945 929 Africa/Gaborone 2006-11-15
+ 2021 933471 Mahalapye Mahalapye -23.0666667 26.8333333 P PPL BW 00 44471 1003 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2022 933521 Lobatse Lobatse -25.2166667 25.6666667 P PPL BW 00 30883 1189 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2023 933535 Letlhakane Letlhakane -21.4166667 25.5833333 P PPL BW 00 18136 996 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-17
+ 2024 933685 Kanye Kanye -24.9833333 25.35 P PPLA BW 10 44716 1308 Africa/Gaborone 2006-11-15
+ 2025 933719 Janeng Janeng -25.4166667 25.55 P PPL BW 00 16853 1300 Africa/Gaborone 2006-01-27
+ 2026 933773 Gaborone Gaborone -24.6463889 25.9119444 P PPLC BW 09 208411 1006 Africa/Gaborone 2007-02-17
+ 2027 933778 Francistown Francistown -21.1666667 27.5166667 P PPLA BW 08 89979 1002 Africa/Gaborone 2006-11-05
+ 2028 618800 Zhodzina Zhodzina 54.0983333 28.3325 P PPL BY 06 61007 181 Europe/Minsk 2006-11-15
+ 2029 618806 Zhlobin Zhlobin 52.8922222 30.0280556 P PPL BY BY 02 73089 133 Europe/Minsk 2008-12-18
+ 2030 620127 Vitsyebsk Vitsyebsk 55.1925 30.1944444 P PPLA BY BY 07 342700 146 Europe/Minsk 2008-07-03
+ 2031 620181 Vilyeyka Vilyeyka 54.4975 26.9211111 P PPL BY BY 06 30000 149 Europe/Minsk 2009-01-05
+ 2032 620391 Vawkavysk Vawkavysk 53.1519444 24.4555556 P PPL BY 03 47300 171 Europe/Minsk 2007-04-14
+ 2033 621074 Svyetlahorsk Svyetlahorsk 52.6291667 29.7338889 P PPL BY 02 71250 136 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-09
+ 2034 621713 Smarhon' Smarhon' 54.4836111 26.4 P PPL BY BY 03 36900 158 Europe/Minsk 2009-04-16
+ 2035 621741 Slutsk Slutsk 53.0272222 27.5619444 P PPL BY 06 62228 142 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-18
+ 2036 621754 Slonim Slonim 53.0866667 25.3219444 P PPL BY 03 51434 122 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-18
+ 2037 622428 Salihorsk Salihorsk 52.8 27.5333333 P PPL BY 06 101614 134 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-18
+ 2038 622794 Rechytsa Rechytsa 52.3638889 30.3947222 P PPL BY BY 02 65400 123 Europe/Minsk 2009-07-13
+ 2039 622997 Pruzhany Pruzhany 52.5566667 24.4644444 P PPL BY 01 19135 161 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-08
+ 2040 623317 Polatsk Polatsk 55.4855556 28.8041667 P PPL BY 07 82258 118 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-17
+ 2041 623549 Pinsk Pinsk 52.1213889 26.0727778 P PPL BY 01 130777 148 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-17
+ 2042 623760 Pastavy Pastavy 55.116759492946 26.8326258659363 P PPL BY 07 20218 144 Europe/Minsk 2007-08-10
+ 2043 624034 Asipovichy Asipovichy 53.2933333 28.6422222 P PPL BY 04 34591 142 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-09
+ 2044 624079 Orsha Orsha 54.5152778 30.4052778 P PPL BY 07 125347 174 Europe/Minsk 2007-04-01
+ 2045 624784 Navapolatsk Navapolatsk 55.5333333 28.65 P PPL BY 00 100885 133 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-18
+ 2046 624785 Navahrudak Navahrudak 53.6 25.8333333 P PPL BY 03 30748 292 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-18
+ 2047 625144 Minsk Minsk 53.9 27.5666667 P PPLC BY 05 1742124 199 Europe/Minsk 2008-07-24
+ 2048 625324 Mazyr Mazyr 52.05 29.2666667 P PPL BY 02 112137 119 Europe/Minsk 2007-01-16
+ 2049 625367 Masty Masty 53.4077778 24.5327778 P PPL BY 03 16102 118 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-08
+ 2050 625409 Mar''ina Horka Mar''ina Horka 53.5166667 28.15 P PPL BY BY 06 20100 150 Europe/Minsk 2009-01-20
+ 2051 625625 Maladzyechna Maladzyechna 54.3166667 26.8497222 P PPL BY BY 06 101300 164 Europe/Minsk 2008-07-10
+ 2052 625665 Mahilyow Mahilyow 53.9138889 30.3363889 P PPLA BY BY 04 369200 187 Europe/Minsk 2008-07-14
+ 2053 625818 Luninyets Luninyets 52.2502778 26.7994444 P PPL BY BY 01 25000 142 Europe/Minsk 2009-04-10
+ 2054 626081 Lida Lida 53.8833333 25.2997222 P PPL BY 03 98036 145 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-17
+ 2055 626450 Krychaw Krychaw 53.6988889 31.7141667 P PPL BY 04 27681 154 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-09
+ 2056 627145 Kobryn Kobryn 52.2161111 24.3663889 P PPL BY 01 50691 147 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-09
+ 2057 627751 Kalinkavichy Kalinkavichy 52.1333333 29.3288889 P PPL BY 02 37190 126 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-08
+ 2058 627800 Ivatsevichy Ivatsevichy 52.7091667 25.3388889 P PPL BY BY 01 24200 178 Europe/Minsk 2009-04-10
+ 2059 627904 Hrodna Hrodna 53.6813889 23.8147222 P PPLA BY 03 317365 128 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-17
+ 2060 627905 Horki Horki 54.2833333 30.9911111 P PPL BY 04 33897 185 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-08
+ 2061 627907 Homyel' Homyel' 52.4416667 30.9833333 P PPLA BY 02 480951 138 Europe/Minsk 2007-01-25
+ 2062 627908 Hlybokaye Hlybokaye 55.1333333 27.6833333 P PPL BY BY 07 22000 164 Europe/Minsk 2008-10-27
+ 2063 628634 Dzyarzhynsk Dzyarzhynsk 53.685 27.1419444 P PPL BY 06 24609 206 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-18
+ 2064 629018 Dobrush Dobrush 52.4094444 31.3227778 P PPL BY 02 19083 116 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-09
+ 2065 629447 Bykhaw Bykhaw 53.5183333 30.2461111 P PPL BY BY 04 17500 158 Europe/Minsk 2009-02-24
+ 2066 629454 Byaroza Byaroza 52.5336111 24.9838889 P PPL BY 01 29645 153 Europe/Minsk 2006-08-08
+ 2067 629634 Brest Brest 52.1 23.7 P PPLA BY 01 300715 148 Europe/Minsk 2008-11-25
+ 2068 630376 Barysaw Barysaw 54.2255556 28.4913889 P PPL BY BY 06 100000 179 Europe/Minsk 2007-04-21
+ 2069 630429 Baranavichy Baranavichy 53.1333333 26.0333333 P PPL BY 01 168772 196 Europe/Minsk 2006-11-05
+ 2070 630468 Babruysk Babruysk 53.15 29.2333333 P PPL BY 04 220517 134 Europe/Minsk 2007-02-17
+ 2071 3581194 San Ignacio San Ignacio 17.1561111 -89.0713889 P PPL BZ 02 16812 127 America/Belize 2006-01-17
+ 2072 3581514 Orange Walk Orange Walk 18.0666667 -88.55 P PPL BZ 04 15298 32 America/Belize 2006-01-17
+ 2073 3582672 Belmopan Belmopan 17.25 -88.7666667 P PPLC BZ 02 13381 63 America/Belize 2007-02-17
+ 2074 3582677 Belize City Belize City 17.4995177315198 -88.1975555419922 P PPL BZ 01 61461 4 America/Belize 2008-07-18
+ 2075 5881791 Abbotsford Abbotsford 49.057976687 -122.252570429 P PPL CA 02 151683 128 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2076 5882799 Airdrie Airdrie 51.300112114 -114.03528302 P PPL CA 01 24673 1081 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2077 5884083 Alma Alma 48.550093141 -71.64909977 P PPL CA 10 02 29526 93 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2078 5894171 Barrie Barrie 44.400107467 -79.666337962 P PPL CA 08 182041 252 America/Toronto 2007-02-08
+ 2079 5907180 Bradford West Gwillimbury Bradford West Gwillimbury 44.116810033 -79.616327337 P PPL CA 08 18811 267 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2080 5907896 Brandon Brandon 49.846920965 -99.95306116 P PPL CA 03 26234 378 America/Winnipeg 2008-04-11
+ 2081 5907990 Brantford Brantford 43.133401472 -80.266364247 P PPL CA 08 87759 200 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2082 5909294 Brockville Brockville 44.583412394 -75.682638798 P PPL CA 08 23886 75 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2083 5909629 Brossard Brossard 45.450079492 -73.465833928 P PPL CA 10 16 69575 20 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2084 5913490 Calgary Calgary 51.050112282 -114.085285152 P PPL CA 01 1019942 1048 1052 America/Edmonton 2008-07-30
+ 2085 5914132 Campbell River Campbell River 50.016339312 -125.244587583 P PPL CA 02 33430 72 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2086 5914653 Camrose Camrose 53.016842026 -112.835253163 P PPL CA 01 15686 732 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2087 5920288 Charlottetown Charlottetown 46.2352496418139 -63.1267118453979 P PPL CA 09 42402 6 America/Moncton 2008-04-11
+ 2088 5920457 Chatham Chatham 42.4122410726889 -82.184944152832 P PPL CA 08 44553 180 America/Toronto 2009-07-31
+ 2089 5921357 Chilliwack Chilliwack 49.174681572 -121.944269292 P PPL CA 02 51942 9 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2090 5924579 Cobourg Cobourg 43.9597696404845 -78.1651496887207 P PPL CA 08 18099 87 America/Toronto 2009-07-31
+ 2091 5924618 Cochrane Cochrane 51.183408864 -114.468708725 P PPL CA 01 16365 1136 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2092 5925975 Collingwood Collingwood 44.483400662 -80.216379865 P PPL CA 08 15809 194 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2093 5926511 Conception Bay South Conception Bay South 47.499892845 -52.99806242 P PPL CA 05 17087 59 America/St_Johns 2008-04-11
+ 2094 5927969 Corner Brook Corner Brook 48.966706851 -57.948401883 P PPL CA 05 18693 -9999 America/St_Johns 2008-04-11
+ 2095 5928065 Cornwall Cornwall 45.0180929835126 -74.7281455993652 P PPL CA 08 48821 56 America/Montreal 2009-07-31
+ 2096 5930890 Courtenay Courtenay 49.682941089 -124.986133243 P PPL CA 02 32793 5 America/Vancouver 2006-01-22
+ 2097 5931800 Cranbrook Cranbrook 49.499912447 -115.768788854 P PPL CA 02 18610 984 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2098 5942845 Drummondville Drummondville 45.883364686 -72.482412376 P PPL CA 10 04 59489 82 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2099 5943865 Duncan Duncan 48.782931187 -123.702660212 P PPL CA 02 22199 61 America/Vancouver 2006-01-22
+ 2100 5946768 Edmonton Edmonton 53.550135939 -113.468712219 P PPL CA 01 712391 668 640 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2101 5955815 Fort Erie Fort Erie 42.900120853 -78.932856028 P PPL CA 08 15953 184 America/Toronto 2006-01-22
+ 2102 5955960 Fort St. John Fort St. John 56.249884439 -120.852922765 P PPL CA 02 17402 685 America/Dawson_Creek 2009-06-05
+ 2103 5957776 Fredericton Fredericton 45.945414773 -66.665581601 P PPL CA 04 52337 93 America/Moncton 2008-04-11
+ 2104 5961564 Glace Bay Glace Bay 46.19695 -59.95698 P PPL CA 07 19968 1 America/Glace_Bay 2008-08-28
+ 2105 5964215 Granby Granby 45.40007908 -72.7324275 P PPL CA 10 16 53979 116 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2106 5964347 Grande Prairie Grande Prairie 55.166673451 -118.802708223 P PPL CA 01 41462 664 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2107 5964700 Greater Sudbury Greater Sudbury 46.4900017267563 -80.9900093078613 P PPL CA 08 157857 274 America/Toronto 2009-08-27
+ 2108 5967629 Guelph Guelph 43.550096829 -80.249670076 P PPL CA 08 115760 334 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2109 5969785 Hamilton Hamilton 43.233408354 -79.949639869 P PPL CA 08 504559 208 America/Toronto 2007-05-19
+ 2110 5978765 Huntsville Huntsville 45.333407614 -79.216320106 P PPL CA 08 19579 335 America/Toronto 2009-05-19
+ 2111 5987650 Joliette Joliette 46.016771883 -73.449154902 P PPL CA 10 14 34772 46 America/Montreal 2006-01-22
+ 2112 5989045 Kamloops Kamloops 50.666476896 -120.319198099 P PPL CA 02 68714 457 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2113 5990579 Kelowna Kelowna 49.883073715 -119.485675106 P PPL CA 02 125109 352 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2114 5992500 Kingston Kingston 44.2297640782947 -76.4809799194336 P PPL CA 08 114195 70 77 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2115 5992996 Kitchener Kitchener 43.450095614 -80.482987294 P PPL CA 08 409112 334 America/Toronto 2006-11-07
+ 2116 6051123 Leamington Leamington 42.0549010885591 -82.606201171875 P PPL CA 08 30428 191 America/Toronto 2009-07-31
+ 2117 6051562 Leduc Leduc 53.266823246 -113.552009596 P PPL CA 01 15561 729 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2118 6053154 Lethbridge Lethbridge 49.699993376 -112.818557721 P PPL CA 01 70617 907 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2119 6058560 London London 42.983389283 -81.233042387 P PPL CA 08 346765 251 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2120 6064180 Magog Magog 45.266784563 -72.149090968 P PPL CA 10 05 15550 223 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2121 6071618 Medicine Hat Medicine Hat 50.050059602 -110.668342521 P PPL CA 01 63138 708 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2122 6073363 Midland Midland 44.750104163 -79.882962758 P PPL CA 08 31502 202 America/Toronto 2006-01-22
+ 2123 6076211 Moncton Moncton 46.115943434 -64.801862188 P PPL CA 04 87467 15 America/Moncton 2008-04-11
+ 2124 6077243 Montréal Montreal 45.5088375 -73.587809 P PPL CA 10 06 3268513 119 America/Montreal 2009-07-16
+ 2125 6078112 Moose Jaw Moose Jaw 50.40005283 -105.534446764 P PPL CA 11 32166 553 America/Regina 2008-04-11
+ 2126 6085772 Nanaimo Nanaimo 49.166337382 -123.936012692 P PPL CA 02 84905 19 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2127 6087579 New Glasgow New Glasgow 45.583444684 -62.648634074 P PPL CA 07 20322 12 America/Halifax 2006-01-22
+ 2128 6087844 New Westminster New Westminster 49.2067756493358 -122.910919189453 P PPL CA 02 58549 40 America/Vancouver 2007-08-16
+ 2129 6087892 Niagara Falls Niagara Falls 43.100116116 -79.066270072 P PPL CA 08 82000 159 America/Toronto 2009-06-07
+ 2130 6089404 North Battleford North Battleford 52.783437226 -108.284653266 P PPL CA 11 19440 539 America/Swift_Current 2006-01-22
+ 2131 6089426 North Bay North Bay 46.316802101 -79.466327813 P PPL CA 08 50170 221 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2132 6089661 North Cowichan North Cowichan 48.841331737 -123.685962908 P PPL CA 02 32272 61 America/Vancouver 2006-01-22
+ 2133 6090785 North Vancouver North Vancouver 49.31636194 -123.069341404 P PPL CA 02 48000 68 46 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2134 6091104 North York North York 43.766813883 -79.416304667 P PPLX CA 08 636000 180 180 America/Toronto 2009-06-05
+ 2135 6094201 Orangeville Orangeville 43.9168031 -80.09966673 P PPL CA 08 32640 426 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2136 6094325 Orillia Orillia 44.6086791932176 -79.4206809997559 P PPL CA 08 30178 257 America/Toronto 2009-07-31
+ 2137 6094578 Oshawa Oshawa 43.900120387 -78.849568878 P PPL CA 08 247989 106 America/Toronto 2006-01-22
+ 2138 6094817 Ottawa Ottawa 45.4209405046496 -75.6902861595154 P PPLC CA 08 812129 61 America/Montreal 2007-07-19
+ 2139 6095645 Owen Sound Owen Sound 44.5671743814702 -80.943489074707 P PPL CA 08 22625 182 America/Toronto 2009-07-31
+ 2140 6098642 Parksville Parksville 49.316325844 -124.319449282 P PPL CA 02 21150 46 America/Vancouver 2006-01-22
+ 2141 6100832 Pembroke Pembroke 45.816813911 -77.116155497 P PPL CA 08 15551 121 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2142 6101141 Penticton Penticton 49.4806169420038 -119.585838317871 P PPL CA 02 37721 354 America/Vancouver 2009-07-31
+ 2143 6101645 Peterborough Peterborough 44.300121277 -78.316233062 P PPL CA 08 75877 199 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2144 6111632 Port Alberni Port Alberni 49.241325105 -124.80280018 P PPL CA 02 21282 19 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2145 6113335 Prince Albert Prince Albert 53.200082031 -105.767719393 P PPL CA 11 34609 420 America/Regina 2008-04-11
+ 2146 6113365 Prince George Prince George 53.916603153 -122.753014555 P PPL CA 02 65558 568 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2147 6118158 Red Deer Red Deer 52.266817127 -113.80199658 P PPL CA 01 73593 856 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2148 6119109 Regina Regina 50.45008005 -104.61779794 P PPL CA 11 176183 573 America/Regina 2008-04-11
+ 2149 6122085 Richmond Richmond 49.1700323203353 -123.136825561523 P PPL CA 02 182000 3 America/Vancouver 2009-03-17
+ 2150 6128577 Rouyn-Noranda Rouyn-Noranda 48.2398520551447 -79.0287780761719 P PPL CA 10 08 24023 304 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2151 6138374 Saint-Hyacinthe Saint-Hyacinthe 45.616775811 -72.949136527 P PPL CA 10 16 50326 26 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2152 6138495 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu 45.316780686 -73.265856511 P PPL CA 10 16 71613 29 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2153 6138501 Saint-Jérôme Saint-Jerome 45.7803642486447 -74.0036487579346 P PPL CA 10 15 54948 92 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2154 6138517 Saint John Saint John 45.259350137 -66.037744792 P PPL CA 04 87857 -9999 America/Moncton 2008-04-11
+ 2155 6138610 Saint-Laurent Saint-Laurent 45.500079478 -73.665847178 P PPLX CA 10 77391 43 America/Montreal 2007-02-13
+ 2156 6139289 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Salaberry-de-Valleyfield 45.250083433 -74.132534352 P PPL CA 10 16 38662 43 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2157 6139416 Salmon Arm Salmon Arm 50.699804807 -119.302373631 P PPL CA 02 16205 358 America/Vancouver 2008-05-13
+ 2158 6141190 Sarnia Sarnia 42.9786557445606 -82.4040699005127 P PPL CA 08 82998 183 America/Toronto 2009-07-31
+ 2159 6141256 Saskatoon Saskatoon 52.116786331 -106.634521548 P PPL CA 11 198958 468 America/Swift_Current 2008-04-11
+ 2160 6144312 Sept-Îles Sept-Iles 50.200112466 -66.382082396 P PPL CA 10 09 22582 2 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2161 6145489 Shawinigan Shawinigan 46.566753404 -72.749128987 P PPL CA 10 04 49161 137 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2162 6146143 Sherbrooke Sherbrooke 45.400083013 -71.899077839 P PPL CA 10 05 129447 153 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2163 6146279 Sherwood Park Sherwood Park 53.516835994 -113.318701966 P PPL CA 01 55063 729 718 America/Edmonton 2007-02-13
+ 2164 6151352 Sorel-Tracy Sorel-Tracy 46.033362209 -73.115845687 P PPL CA 10 16 33591 7 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2165 6154383 Spruce Grove Spruce Grove 53.533435196 -113.918743556 P PPL CA 01 17767 703 America/Edmonton 2008-04-11
+ 2166 6157977 Stratford Stratford 43.366792788 -80.949723178 P PPL CA 08 30233 358 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2167 6162949 Terrace Terrace 54.516339971 -128.603453395 P PPL CA 02 19443 68 America/Vancouver 2006-01-22
+ 2168 6166142 Thunder Bay Thunder Bay 48.400095712 -89.316825555 P PPL CA 08 99334 215 America/Thunder_Bay 2008-04-11
+ 2169 6166739 Timmins Timmins 48.466863596 -81.333123951 P PPL CA 08 32901 322 America/Nipigon 2008-04-11
+ 2170 6167865 Toronto Toronto 43.700113788 -79.416304194 P PPL CA 08 4612191 173 America/Toronto 2007-04-04
+ 2171 6169141 Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivieres 46.350060887 -72.549118788 P PPL CA 10 04 119693 25 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2172 6169587 Truro Truro 45.366848 -63.265378307 P PPL CA 07 20650 30 America/Halifax 2006-01-22
+ 2173 6173331 Vancouver Vancouver 49.249657393 -123.119340403 P PPL CA 02 1837969 63 America/Vancouver 2007-01-26
+ 2174 6173864 Vernon Vernon 50.258088573 -119.269054389 P PPL CA 02 47274 388 America/Vancouver 2008-04-11
+ 2175 6174041 Victoria Victoria 48.432935738 -123.369299678 P PPL CA 02 289625 1 America/Vancouver 2007-02-17
+ 2176 6174151 Victoriaville Victoriaville 46.050066958 -71.96579271 P PPL CA 10 04 34426 124 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2177 6176823 Waterloo Waterloo 43.466795567 -80.516389802 P PPL CA 08 97475 331 America/Toronto 2007-06-28
+ 2178 6180550 Whitehorse Whitehorse 60.716114782 -135.053747639 P PPL CA 12 23272 707 630 America/Whitehorse 2008-04-11
+ 2179 6180961 White Rock White Rock 49.016364439 -122.802603379 P PPL CA 02 66450 -9999 America/Vancouver 2006-11-15
+ 2180 6182962 Windsor Windsor 42.300083644 -83.016543483 P PPL CA 08 278013 183 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2181 6183235 Winnipeg Winnipeg 49.884398624 -97.147044715 P PPL CA 03 632063 230 America/Winnipeg 2008-04-11
+ 2182 6184365 Woodstock Woodstock 43.133394741 -80.749703987 P PPL CA 08 33892 304 America/Toronto 2008-04-11
+ 2183 6185377 Yellowknife Yellowknife 62.455995109 -114.352546021 P PPL CA 13 15865 248 America/Yellowknife 2008-04-11
+ 2184 6185607 Yorkton Yorkton 51.21670309 -102.467656036 P PPL CA 11 15172 499 America/Regina 2008-04-11
+ 2185 6324729 Halifax Halifax 44.6453303558448 -63.5723876953125 P PPLA CA 07 359111 6 America/Halifax 2009-09-21
+ 2186 6324733 St. John's St. John's 47.5649440729204 -52.7093124389648 P PPL CA 05 99182 14 America/St_Johns 2009-09-17
+ 2187 6325494 Québec Quebec 46.8122791164294 -71.2145376205444 P PPLA CA 10 528595 47 America/Montreal 2008-09-09
+ 2188 6325521 Lévis Levis 46.8032615036038 -71.1779308319092 P PPL CA 10 12 126396 85 America/Montreal 2008-04-11
+ 2189 203717 Yangambi Yangambi 0.7833333 24.4666667 P PPL CD 00 35531 438 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2190 204283 Watsa Watsa 3.05 29.5333333 P PPL CD 00 24516 1058 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2191 204318 Wamba Wamba 2.15 28.0 P PPL CD 00 17373 792 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2192 204405 Uvira Uvira -3.4066667 29.1458333 P PPLA CD 12 170391 766 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2193 204953 Tshikapa Tshikapa -6.4166667 20.8 P PPL CD 00 267462 486 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2194 207570 Mwene-Ditu Mwene-Ditu -7.0 23.45 P PPL CD 00 189177 911 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2195 207596 Mweka Mweka -4.85 21.5666667 P PPL CD 00 50675 467 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2196 209228 Mbuji-Mayi Mbuji-Mayi -6.15 23.6 P PPLA CD 04 874761 550 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-07
+ 2197 210379 Lusambo Lusambo -4.9666667 23.45 P PPL CD 00 41416 398 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2198 210939 Luebo Luebo -5.35 21.4166667 P PPL CD 00 35183 479 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2199 211098 Lubao Lubao -5.3666667 25.75 P PPL CD 00 43068 613 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2200 211647 Lodja Lodja -3.4833333 23.4333333 P PPL CD 00 68244 451 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2201 211734 Lisala Lisala 2.15 21.5166667 P PPL CD 00 70087 410 Africa/Kinshasa 2007-05-31
+ 2202 212360 Kongolo Kongolo -5.3833333 27.0 P PPL CD 00 31943 550 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2203 212730 Kisangani Kisangani 0.5166667 25.2 P PPLA CD 09 539158 457 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-02-17
+ 2204 212902 Kindu Kindu -2.95 25.95 P PPLA CD 10 135698 505 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-02-18
+ 2205 213940 Kasongo Kasongo -4.45 26.6666667 P PPL CD 00 55118 626 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2206 214389 Kaniama Kaniama -7.5666667 24.1833333 P PPL CD 00 29412 904 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2207 214481 Kananga Kananga -5.8958333 22.4177778 P PPLA CD 03 463546 609 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-07
+ 2208 214575 Kampene Kampene -3.6 26.6666667 P PPL CD 00 37034 914 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2209 214614 Kamina Kamina -8.7386111 24.9905556 P PPL CD 05 73557 1129 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2210 214974 Kalemie Kalemie -5.94748507593361 29.1947078704834 P PPL CD 05 146974 764 Africa/Lubumbashi 2008-07-25
+ 2211 215527 Kabinda Kabinda -6.1333333 24.4833333 P PPL CD 00 59004 847 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2212 215605 Kabare Kabare -2.4683333 28.8241667 P PPL CD 12 37034 1559 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2213 215668 Kabalo Kabalo -6.05 26.9166667 P PPL CD 00 29833 531 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2214 215771 Isiro Isiro 2.7666667 27.6166667 P PPL CD 00 127076 733 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2215 215976 Ilebo Ilebo -4.3166667 20.5833333 P PPL CD 00 107093 314 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2216 216281 Goma Goma -1.6791667 29.2227778 P PPLA CD 11 144124 1503 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-02-18
+ 2217 216404 Gbadolite Gbadolite 4.2833333 21.0166667 P PPL CD 00 50493 463 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2218 216449 Gandajika Gandajika -6.75 23.95 P PPL CD 00 154425 807 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2219 217389 Demba Demba -5.51 22.2666667 P PPL CD 03 22263 612 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2220 217562 Butembo Butembo 0.15 29.2833333 P PPL CD 00 154621 1414 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2221 217570 Buta Buta 2.8 24.7333333 P PPL CD 00 45677 434 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2222 217637 Businga Businga 3.3333333 20.8833333 P PPL CD 00 28919 404 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2223 217695 Bunia Bunia 1.5666667 30.25 P PPL CD 00 96764 1305 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-04-03
+ 2224 217745 Bumba Bumba 2.1833333 22.4666667 P PPL CD 00 95520 420 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2225 217831 Bukavu Bukavu -2.5083333 28.8608333 P PPLA CD 12 225389 1518 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-02-18
+ 2226 217834 Bukama Bukama -9.2 25.85 P PPL CD 00 38770 602 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2227 218253 Bondo Bondo 3.8166667 23.6666667 P PPL CD 00 17860 471 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2228 218680 Boende Boende -0.2166667 20.8666667 P PPL CD 00 32091 372 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2229 219057 Beni Beni 0.5 29.4666667 P PPL CD 00 89648 1239 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-11-15
+ 2230 219414 Basoko Basoko 1.2333333 23.6 P PPL CD 00 43709 430 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2231 220448 Aketi Aketi 2.7333333 23.7666667 P PPL CD 00 35161 420 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2232 922704 Lubumbashi Lubumbashi -11.6666667 27.4666667 P PPLA CD 05 1373770 1209 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-02-17
+ 2233 922741 Likasi Likasi -10.9813889 26.7333333 P PPL CD 05 422414 1326 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-02-13
+ 2234 922773 Kolwezi Kolwezi -10.7166667 25.4725 P PPL CD 05 418000 1505 Africa/Lubumbashi 2007-06-19
+ 2235 922806 Kipushi Kipushi -11.7666667 27.2333333 P PPL CD 00 62332 1375 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2236 923058 Kambove Kambove -10.8763889 26.5969444 P PPL CD 05 36702 1482 Africa/Lubumbashi 2006-01-17
+ 2237 2311127 Tshela Tshela -4.9833333 12.9333333 P PPL CD 00 38845 308 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2238 2311968 Nioki Nioki -2.7166667 17.6833333 P PPL CD 00 40695 332 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2239 2312249 Mushie Mushie -3.0166667 16.9 P PPL CD 00 33062 181 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2240 2312888 Mbanza-Ngungu Mbanza-Ngungu -5.25 14.8666667 P PPL CD 00 86356 605 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-11-15
+ 2241 2312895 Mbandaka Mbandaka 0.0666667 18.2666667 P PPLA CD 02 184185 313 Africa/Kinshasa 2007-02-18
+ 2242 2313002 Matadi Matadi -5.8166667 13.45 P PPLA CD 08 180109 19 Africa/Kinshasa 2007-02-17
+ 2243 2313084 Mangai Mangai -4.05 19.5333333 P PPL CD 00 37188 288 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2244 2313762 Libenge Libenge 3.65 18.6333333 P PPL CD 00 27053 329 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2245 2314302 Kinshasa Kinshasa -4.3297222 15.315 P PPLC CD 06 7785965 224 Africa/Kinshasa 2007-02-17
+ 2246 2314705 Kikwit Kikwit -5.0386111 18.8180556 P PPL CD 01 186991 457 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2247 2315026 Kasongo-Lunda Kasongo-Lunda -6.4666667 16.8166667 P PPL CD 00 20060 547 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2248 2315057 Kasangulu Kasangulu -4.5911111 15.1708333 P PPL CD 08 27961 336 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2249 2315417 Inongo Inongo -1.95 18.2666667 P PPL CD 00 40113 336 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2250 2315728 Gemena Gemena 3.25 19.7666667 P PPL CD 00 117639 556 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-11-15
+ 2251 2316259 Bulungu Bulungu -4.55 18.6 P PPL CD 00 48344 306 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2252 2316748 Bolobo Bolobo -2.1666667 16.2333333 P PPL CD 00 27862 214 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-01-17
+ 2253 2317397 Bandundu Bandundu -3.3166667 17.3666667 P PPLA CD 01 118211 286 Africa/Kinshasa 2006-11-15
+ 2254 2593460 Masina Masina -4.3836111 15.3913889 P PPL CD 06 485167 310 Africa/Kinshasa 2007-05-31
+ 2255 237478 Mobaye Mobaye 4.3166667 21.1833333 P PPLA CF 02 19431 434 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2256 238566 Ippy Ippy 6.25 21.2 P PPL CF 00 16571 556 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2257 239899 Bria Bria 6.5333333 21.9833333 P PPLA CF 03 29027 558 Africa/Bangui 2006-05-10
+ 2258 240498 Bangassou Bangassou 4.7333333 22.8166667 P PPLA CF 08 24361 458 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2259 240604 Bambari Bambari 5.7619444 20.6672222 P PPLA CF 11 32547 465 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2260 2383119 Sibut Sibut 5.7333333 19.0833333 P PPLA CF 06 34267 400 Africa/Bangui 2006-05-10
+ 2261 2383523 Paoua Paoua 7.25 16.4333333 P PPL CF 00 18441 604 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2262 2383827 Nola Nola 3.5333333 16.0666667 P PPLA CF 16 26809 443 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2263 2384770 Mbaïki Mbaiki 3.8833333 18.0 P PPLA CF 07 67132 515 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2264 2386012 Kaga Bandoro Kaga Bandoro 6.9833333 19.1833333 P PPLA CF 15 56520 412 Africa/Bangui 2006-05-10
+ 2265 2387435 Damara Damara 4.9666667 18.7 P PPL CF 00 20093 404 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2266 2387495 Carnot Carnot 4.9333333 15.8666667 P PPL CF 00 38071 486 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2267 2387546 Bozoum Bozoum 6.3166667 16.3833333 P PPLA CF 13 40201 702 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2268 2387926 Bouar Bouar 5.95 15.6 P PPLA CF 09 28581 1047 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2269 2388036 Bossangoa Bossangoa 6.4833333 17.45 P PPLA CF 12 27428 466 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2270 2388614 Boda Boda 4.3166667 17.4666667 P PPL CF 00 16655 565 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2271 2388873 Bimbo Bimbo 4.3 18.55 P PPLA CF 17 129655 339 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2272 2389086 Berbérati Berberati 4.2666667 15.7833333 P PPLA CF 04 61815 577 Africa/Bangui 2006-11-15
+ 2273 2389691 Batangafo Batangafo 7.3 18.3 P PPL CF 00 15310 432 Africa/Bangui 2006-01-17
+ 2274 2389853 Bangui Bangui 4.3666667 18.5833333 P PPLC CF 18 542393 373 Africa/Bangui 2007-02-17
+ 2275 2255285 Sibiti Sibiti -3.6858333 13.3458333 P PPLA CG 05 19089 441 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-05-10
+ 2276 2255414 Pointe-Noire Pointe-Noire -4.7947222 11.8461111 P PPLA CG 04 659084 1 Africa/Brazzaville 2007-02-17
+ 2277 2255542 Owando Owando -0.4869444 15.9080556 P PPLA CG 13 23952 329 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-11-15
+ 2278 2255564 Ouésso Ouesso 1.6136111 16.0516667 P PPLA CG 10 23915 341 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-11-15
+ 2279 2256895 Mossendjo Mossendjo -2.9505556 12.7261111 P PPL CG 07 18231 530 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-01-17
+ 2280 2257990 Madingou Madingou -4.1536111 13.55 P PPLA CG 01 22760 191 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-01-17
+ 2281 2258261 Dolisie Dolisie -4.1997222 12.6738889 P PPLA CG 07 103894 288 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-11-15
+ 2282 2258378 Loandjili Loandjili -4.7561111 11.8577778 P PPL CG 04 23204 1 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-01-17
+ 2283 2259383 Kayes Kayes -4.1655556 13.2927778 P PPL CG 01 58737 180 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-01-17
+ 2284 2259655 Impfondo Impfondo 1.6380556 18.0666667 P PPLA CG 06 20859 327 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-11-15
+ 2285 2259947 Gamboma Gamboma -1.8763889 15.8644444 P PPL CG 08 20877 356 Africa/Brazzaville 2006-01-17
+ 2286 2260535 Brazzaville Brazzaville -4.2591667 15.2847222 P PPLC CG 12 1284609 156 Africa/Brazzaville 2007-02-17
+ 2287 2657896 Zürich Zurich 47.3666667 8.55 P PPLA CH ZH 341730 472 Europe/Zurich 2009-05-06
+ 2288 2657908 Zug Zug 47.1666667 8.5166667 P PPLA CH ZG 23435 503 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-17
+ 2289 2657941 Yverdon-les-Bains Yverdon-les-Bains 46.7785213990975 6.64114952087402 P PPL CH VD 23702 431 Europe/Zurich 2009-05-30
+ 2290 2657970 Winterthur Winterthur 47.5 8.75 P PPL CH ZH 91908 456 Europe/Zurich 2006-07-24
+ 2291 2657996 Wil Wil 47.4615225087439 9.04552459716797 P PPL CH SG 16808 575 Europe/Zurich 2006-03-11
+ 2292 2658011 Wettingen Wettingen 47.4666667 8.3166667 P PPL CH 18191 420 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2293 2658145 Vevey Vevey 46.4611567904138 6.84328079223633 P PPL CH VD 15812 412 Europe/Zurich 2007-09-04
+ 2294 2658154 Vernier Vernier 46.2170203316198 6.0849666595459 P PPL CH GE 30086 421 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-23
+ 2295 2658216 Uster Uster 47.3471259830111 8.72091153114829 P PPL CH ZH 109 198 23279 478 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2296 2658377 Thun Thun 46.75 7.6166667 P PPL CH BE 42136 560 560 Europe/Zurich 2008-05-11
+ 2297 2658494 Steffisburg Steffisburg 46.7833333 7.6333333 P PPL CH 15191 589 Europe/Zurich 2006-11-19
+ 2298 2658576 Sion Sion 46.2333333 7.35 P PPLA CH VS 28045 496 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-17
+ 2299 2658656 Zürich (Kreis 11) / Seebach Zuerich (Kreis 11) / Seebach 47.4218142271393 8.54779137146567 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 17851 430 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2300 2658761 Schaffhausen Schaffhausen 47.7 8.6333333 P PPLA CH SH 33863 399 Europe/Zurich 2009-08-18
+ 2301 2658822 Sankt Gallen Sankt Gallen 47.4297130776556 9.37614440917969 P PPLA CH SG 70572 671 Europe/Zurich 2008-07-25
+ 2302 2659070 Renens Renens 46.5333333 6.5833333 P PPL CH VD 17811 411 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-04
+ 2303 2659099 Rapperswil Rapperswil 47.2255721988597 8.82227897644043 P PPL CH SG 34776 414 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-18
+ 2304 2659127 Pully Pully 46.5102667842487 6.66183471679688 P PPL CH VD 16263 448 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-04
+ 2305 2659296 Onex Onex 46.1833333 6.1 P PPL CH GE 17302 395 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2306 2659297 Olten Olten 47.35 7.9166667 P PPL CH 16411 459 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-18
+ 2307 2659310 Zürich (Kreis 11) / Oerlikon Zuerich (Kreis 11) / Oerlikon 47.408226890159 8.5425759152875 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 17922 458 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2308 2659422 Nyon Nyon 46.3831754031185 6.23954772949219 P PPL CH VD 16797 370 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-04
+ 2309 2659496 Neuchâtel Neuchatel 46.9917870407831 6.93099975585938 P PPLA CH NE 31270 463 Europe/Zurich 2009-05-30
+ 2310 2659522 Muttenz Muttenz 47.5227073092477 7.64511108398438 P PPL CH BL 1301 16927 363 Europe/Zurich 2008-07-18
+ 2311 2659601 Montreux Montreux 46.4330064251585 6.91143035888672 P PPL CH VD 22897 394 Europe/Zurich 2008-07-03
+ 2312 2659613 Monthey Monthey 46.25 6.95 P PPL CH 15106 466 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2313 2659667 Meyrin Meyrin 46.2284217819417 6.07097625732422 P PPL CH GE 19772 435 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-01
+ 2314 2659811 Luzern Luzern 47.0504758054693 8.30635070800781 P PPLA CH LU 57066 435 Europe/Zurich 2008-05-04
+ 2315 2659836 Lugano Lugano 46.0100778450283 8.96003723144531 P PPL CH TI 26365 315 Europe/Zurich 2006-11-05
+ 2316 2659873 Littau Littau 47.05 8.25 P PPL CH 16121 616 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2317 2659977 Le Châtelard Le Chatelard 46.45 6.9166667 P PPL CH 23192 822 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2318 2659994 Lausanne Lausanne 46.5159963488544 6.6328239440918 P PPLA CH VD 116751 429 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-17
+ 2319 2660076 La Chaux-de-Fonds La Chaux-de-Fonds 47.0999278405134 6.82585716247559 P PPL CH NE 36825 1034 Europe/Zurich 2008-07-18
+ 2320 2660104 Kriens Kriens 47.0333333 8.2833333 P PPL CH LU 25010 474 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2321 2660108 Kreuzlingen Kreuzlingen 47.65 9.1833333 P PPL CH 17655 407 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-18
+ 2322 2660119 Köniz Koniz 46.924358817181 7.41456985473633 P PPL CH BE 37196 606 Europe/Zurich 2006-12-27
+ 2323 2660127 Kloten Kloten 47.4515162418534 8.58490690686724 P PPL CH 62 16289 450 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-18
+ 2324 2660221 Jona Jona 47.229827110589 8.83884429931641 P PPL CH SG 17655 417 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-25
+ 2325 2660305 Horgen Horgen 47.2557904535145 8.60027185709557 P PPL CH 133 15973 425 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2326 2660306 Zürich (Kreis 10) / Höngg Zuerich (Kreis 10) / Hoengg 47.4031286824911 8.49710428371219 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 17117 504 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2327 2660365 Herisau Herisau 47.3861470920814 9.27915573120117 P PPLA CH AR 15438 804 Europe/Zurich 2007-07-05
+ 2328 2660512 Grenchen Grenchen 47.1921038676895 7.39585876464844 P PPL CH SO 15927 465 Europe/Zurich 2008-03-25
+ 2329 2660549 Gossau Gossau 47.4166667 9.25 P PPL CH 17043 669 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2330 2660646 Genève Geneve 46.2022156980098 6.14569187164307 P PPLA CH GE 183981 375 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-04
+ 2331 2660718 Fribourg Fribourg 46.8023655344308 7.15128421783447 P PPLA CH FR 32827 543 Europe/Zurich 2009-05-30
+ 2332 2660727 Frauenfeld Frauenfeld 47.55 8.9 P PPLA CH TG 21979 478 Europe/Zurich 2006-11-15
+ 2333 2660911 Emmen Emmen 47.0833333 8.3 P PPL CH 26889 433 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2334 2660971 Dübendorf Dubendorf 47.39724275143 8.61871586517036 P PPL CH ZH 109 191 19882 440 Europe/Zurich 2008-03-17
+ 2335 2661015 Dietikon Dietikon 47.401653814419 8.40014588165869 P PPLX CH ZH 111 243 20893 386 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2336 2661169 Chur Chur 46.8498606898684 9.53287124633789 P PPLA CH GR 32429 631 Europe/Zurich 2009-07-14
+ 2337 2661265 Carouge Carouge 46.1809595456543 6.13921165466309 P PPL CH GE 19344 412 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-04
+ 2338 2661513 Biel Biel 47.1324032424812 7.24411010742188 P PPL CH BE 48614 433 Europe/Zurich 2006-11-05
+ 2339 2661552 Bern Bern 46.9480943365053 7.44744300842285 P PPLC CH BE 203 121631 527 Europe/Zurich 2007-11-12
+ 2340 2661567 Bellinzona Bellinzona 46.1927843878363 9.01702880859375 P PPLA CH TI 16572 228 Europe/Zurich 2008-06-29
+ 2341 2661604 Basel Basel 47.5666667 7.6 P PPLA CH BS 164488 257 Europe/Zurich 2007-02-17
+ 2342 2661646 Baden Baden 47.4733300548052 8.30592155456543 P PPL CH AG 16118 369 Europe/Zurich 2008-09-01
+ 2343 2661653 Baar Baar 47.2 8.5166667 P PPL CH 20546 445 Europe/Zurich 2006-01-17
+ 2344 2661666 Zürich (Kreis 4) Aussersihl 47.3775186979314 8.52126837042423 P PPLX CH 00 261 27273 409 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2345 2661810 Allschwil Allschwil 47.55 7.5333333 P PPL CH BL 1301 18189 311 Europe/Zurich 2008-12-23
+ 2346 2661861 Adliswil Adliswil 47.3099690123627 8.52462453218555 P PPL CH 131 15230 452 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2347 2661881 Aarau Aarau 47.3925390249618 8.04422378540039 P PPLA CH AG 15501 379 Europe/Zurich 2009-08-25
+ 2348 3206590 Riehen Riehen 47.5788417345713 7.64682769775391 P PPL CH BS 20000 303 Europe/Zurich 2009-05-15
+ 2349 6295475 Zürich (Kreis 10) / Wipkingen Zuerich (Kreis 10) / Wipkingen 47.3950250190178 8.52529182236273 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 15718 466 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2350 6295484 Zürich (Kreis 11) / Affoltern Zuerich (Kreis 11) / Affoltern 47.4181409055931 8.51219997605899 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 17241 450 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2351 6295495 Zürich (Kreis 2) / Wollishofen Zuerich (Kreis 2) / Wollishofen 47.340095218584 8.53133901585063 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 16073 426 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2352 6295498 Zürich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld Zuerich (Kreis 3) / Sihlfeld 47.3738224409803 8.51163911650705 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 20977 416 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2353 6295504 Zürich (Kreis 6) / Unterstrass Zuerich (Kreis 6) / Unterstrass 47.3952962505019 8.53721281697264 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 20045 485 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2354 6295512 Zürich (Kreis 9) / Albisrieden Zuerich (Kreis 9) / Albisrieden 47.3739795019393 8.49007391959488 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 16480 432 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2355 6295513 Zürich (Kreis 9) / Altstetten Zuerich (Kreis 9) / Altstetten 47.389455472573 8.48532907763136 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 28307 401 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-21
+ 2356 6295520 Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) Stadt Winterthur (Kreis 1) 47.4949431112733 8.71954493922975 P PPL CH ZH 110 230 16182 457 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2357 6295523 Zürich (Kreis 12) Zuerich (Kreis 12) 47.4037213736799 8.57607966027809 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 28189 428 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2358 6295531 Seen (Kreis 3) Seen (Kreis 3) 47.4764575973479 8.7699648561159 P PPL CH ZH 110 230 15434 511 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2359 6295532 Zürich (Kreis 3) Zuerich (Kreis 3) 47.3578517126203 8.50296092263551 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 46018 462 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2360 6295533 Zürich (Kreis 11) Zuerich (Kreis 11) 47.4232576444905 8.5216592643186 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 54260 450 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2361 6295534 Zürich (Kreis 9) Zuerich (Kreis 9) 47.3824492873484 8.47993151827415 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 44878 418 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2362 6295536 Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2) Oberwinterthur (Kreis 2) 47.5169195297222 8.76863470049113 P PPL CH ZH 110 230 16356 463 Europe/Zurich 2006-10-05
+ 2363 6295539 Zürich (Kreis 10) Zuerich (Kreis 10) 47.407733229225 8.50049857507036 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 36216 540 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2364 6295540 Zürich (Kreis 2) Zuerich (Kreis 2) 47.3375643505596 8.5211008815982 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 29215 434 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2365 6295542 Zürich (Kreis 8) Zuerich (Kreis 8) 47.3547980685217 8.56097284596271 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 15519 467 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2366 6295548 Zürich (Kreis 7) Zuerich (Kreis 7) 47.3732806973591 8.5803770631152 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 33820 662 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2367 6295550 Zürich (Kreis 6) Zuerich (Kreis 6) 47.3922317570829 8.54380719832027 P PPLX CH ZH 112 261 29951 530 Europe/Zurich 2009-03-12
+ 2368 6691640 Lancy Lancy 46.1898135612299 6.11440658569336 P PPLL CH GE 27291 394 Europe/Zurich 2008-04-04
+ 2369 2279172 Zuénoula Zuenoula 7.4291667 -6.0430556 P PPL CI 83 34435 209 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2370 2279755 Yamoussoukro Yamoussoukro 6.8166667 -5.2833333 P PPLC CI 81 194530 219 Africa/Abidjan 2008-10-16
+ 2371 2280045 Vavoua Vavoua 7.3819444 -6.4777778 P PPL CI 80 31250 274 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2372 2280316 Toumodi Toumodi 6.55 -5.0166667 P PPL CI 81 39005 152 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2373 2280376 Touba Touba 8.2833333 -7.6833333 P PPLA CI 75 27504 453 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2374 2280589 Tengrela Tengrela 10.4869444 -6.4097222 P PPL CI 87 39277 342 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2375 2280761 Tiassalé Tiassale 5.8983333 -4.8283333 P PPL CI 82 35090 72 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2376 2280995 Tanda Tanda 7.8063889 -3.1713889 P PPL CI 92 20161 263 Africa/Abidjan 2009-01-29
+ 2377 2281120 Tabou Tabou 4.4166667 -7.35 P PPL CI 76 17134 90 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2378 2281606 Sinfra Sinfra 6.6166667 -5.9166667 P PPL CI 92 59919 262 Africa/Abidjan 2008-10-16
+ 2379 2281951 Sassandra Sassandra 4.95 -6.0833333 P PPL CI 51 23274 86 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-22
+ 2380 2282006 San-Pédro San-Pedro 4.7333333 -6.6166667 P PPLA CI 76 196751 106 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2381 2282178 Sakassou Sakassou 7.4580556 -5.2941667 P PPL CI 90 15068 228 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2382 2282827 Oumé Oume 6.3833333 -5.4166667 P PPL CI 79 52070 153 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2383 2283016 Odienné Odienne 9.51 -7.5691667 P PPLA CI 77 49857 451 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2384 2284589 Mankono Mankono 8.0586111 -6.1897222 P PPL CI 30 19095 309 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2385 2284647 Man Man 7.4052778 -7.5475 P PPLA CI 78 139341 462 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2386 2285449 Lakota Lakota 5.8527778 -5.6883333 P PPL CI 16 38055 230 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2387 2286304 Korhogo Korhogo 9.45 -5.6333333 P PPLA CI 87 167359 427 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2388 2287298 Katiola Katiola 8.1333333 -5.1 P PPL CI 20 59641 305 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2389 2287790 Issia Issia 6.4833333 -6.5833333 P PPL CI 41 50313 283 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2390 2287958 Guiglo Guiglo 6.5402778 -7.4858333 P PPLA CI 84 39134 235 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2391 2288115 Grand-Bassam Grand-Bassam 5.2019444 -3.735 P PPL CI 89 73772 74 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2392 2288118 Affery Affery 6.315 -3.9602778 P PPL CI 67 29909 91 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2393 2288829 Gagnoa Gagnoa 6.1333333 -5.9333333 P PPLA CI 79 123184 211 Africa/Abidjan 2007-03-23
+ 2394 2289049 Ferkessédougou Ferkessedougou 9.6 -5.2 P PPL CI 17 62008 365 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2395 2289549 Duékoué Duekoue 6.7380556 -7.3430556 P PPL CI 69 47198 276 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2396 2289887 Divo Divo 5.8397222 -5.36 P PPLA CI 88 127867 152 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2397 2289983 Dimbokro Dimbokro 6.65 -4.7 P PPLA CI 86 67349 76 Africa/Abidjan 2006-05-10
+ 2398 2290412 Daoukro Daoukro 7.05910308085211 -3.96310329437256 P PPL CI 86 40175 185 Africa/Abidjan 2008-10-16
+ 2399 2290462 Danané Danane 7.2627778 -8.1597222 P PPL CI 14 53808 309 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2400 2290486 Daloa Daloa 6.8747222 -6.4519444 P PPLA CI 80 215652 308 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2401 2290582 Dabou Dabou 5.3205556 -4.3830556 P PPL CI 62 69661 80 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2402 2290836 Boundiali Boundiali 9.5216667 -6.4869444 P PPL CI 12 38878 451 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2403 2290849 Bouna Bouna 9.2666667 -3.0 P PPL CI 11 23570 324 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2404 2290956 Bouaké Bouake 7.6833333 -5.0330556 P PPLA CI 90 567481 313 Africa/Abidjan 2006-05-01
+ 2405 2290964 Bouaflé Bouafle 6.9833333 -5.75 P PPLA CI 83 60962 166 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2406 2291087 Bonoua Bonoua 5.2722222 -3.6008333 P PPL CI 70 37312 74 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2407 2291113 Bongouanou Bongouanou 6.6486111 -4.1991667 P PPL CI 67 34405 248 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2408 2291136 Bondoukou Bondoukou 8.0333333 -2.8 P PPLA CI 92 58297 344 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2409 2291580 Bingerville Bingerville 5.3558333 -3.89 P PPL CI 61 50694 75 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2410 2291666 Biankouma Biankouma 7.7369444 -7.6102778 P PPL CI 07 22868 581 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2411 2291779 Béoumi Beoumi 7.6761111 -5.5797222 P PPL CI 90 23053 219 Africa/Abidjan 2008-10-16
+ 2412 2292179 Bangolo Bangolo 7.0069444 -7.475 P PPL CI 47 17712 323 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2413 2292755 Arrah Arrah 6.6652778 -3.9722222 P PPL CI 67 37432 145 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2414 2292852 Anyama Anyama 5.4958333 -4.0547222 P PPL CI 61 100653 75 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2415 2293107 Akoupé Akoupe 6.39 -3.9002778 P PPL CI 67 35970 151 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2416 2293260 Agnibilékrou Agnibilekrou 7.1344444 -3.2047222 P PPL CI 00 43061 232 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2417 2293268 Agboville Agboville 5.9341667 -4.2213889 P PPLA CI 74 81770 76 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2418 2293342 Adzopé Adzope 6.1069444 -3.8619444 P PPL CI 05 61884 139 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2419 2293428 Adiaké Adiake 5.2863889 -3.3075 P PPL CI 63 16531 74 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2420 2293507 Aboisso Aboisso 5.4675 -3.2144444 P PPLA CI 89 37654 74 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2421 2293521 Abobo Abobo 5.4188889 -4.0205556 P PPL CI 61 900000 76 Africa/Abidjan 2007-06-19
+ 2422 2293538 Abidjan Abidjan 5.3411111 -4.0280556 P PPLA CI 82 3677115 75 Africa/Abidjan 2009-06-04
+ 2423 2293549 Abengourou Abengourou 6.7297222 -3.4963889 P PPLA CI 85 104020 205 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2424 2596934 Séguéla Seguela 7.9611111 -6.6730556 P PPLA CI 91 51157 310 Africa/Abidjan 2006-11-15
+ 2425 2598243 Soubré Soubre 5.7855556 -6.6083333 P PPL CI 76 58492 143 Africa/Abidjan 2006-01-17
+ 2426 4035715 Avarua Avarua -21.2077778 -159.775 P PPLC CK 00 13373 208 Pacific/Rarotonga 2007-10-25
+ 2427 3868121 Viña del Mar Vina del Mar -33.0229137105004 -71.5525388717651 P PPL CL 01 294551 33 America/Santiago 2009-01-10
+ 2428 3868158 Villarrica Villarrica -39.2856854912128 -72.227897644043 P PPL CL 04 31602 224 America/Santiago 2008-06-19
+ 2429 3868192 Villa Alemana Villa Alemana -33.0422222 -71.3733333 P PPL CL 01 97320 155 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2430 3868326 Victoria Victoria -38.2166667 -72.3333333 P PPL CL 04 24555 335 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2431 3868626 Valparaíso Valparaiso -33.0393201968221 -71.627254486084 P PPLA CL 01 282448 24 America/Santiago 2009-01-10
+ 2432 3868633 Vallenar Vallenar -28.5708333 -70.7580556 P PPL CL 05 44895 442 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2433 3868707 Valdivia Valdivia -39.8142226238974 -73.2458925247192 P PPLA CL 09 133419 10 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2434 3869657 Tomé Tome -36.6166667 -72.95 P PPL CL 06 46698 120 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2435 3869716 Tocopilla Tocopilla -22.0833333 -70.2 P PPL CL 03 24460 67 America/Santiago 2007-02-08
+ 2436 3870011 Temuco Temuco -38.7333333 -72.6 P PPLA CL 04 238129 128 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2437 3870282 Talcahuano Talcahuano -36.7166667 -73.1166667 P PPL CL 06 252968 1 America/Santiago 2007-02-18
+ 2438 3870294 Talca Talca -35.4333333 -71.6666667 P PPLA CL 11 197479 102 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2439 3870306 Talagante Talagante -33.6666667 -70.9333333 P PPL CL 12 51764 313 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2440 3871286 San Vicente San Vicente -34.4333333 -71.0833333 P PPL CL 08 22572 217 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2441 3871336 Santiago Santiago -33.4262838490987 -70.5665588378906 P PPLC CL 12 4837295 638 America/Santiago 2009-04-27
+ 2442 3871616 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz -34.6333333 -71.3666667 P PPL CL 08 33283 165 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2443 3872154 San Javier San Javier -35.6 -71.75 P PPL CL 11 22427 53 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2444 3872255 San Felipe San Felipe -32.75 -70.7333333 P PPL CL 01 59294 637 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2445 3872326 San Carlos San Carlos -36.4166667 -71.9666667 P PPL CL 06 31517 160 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2446 3872348 San Bernardo San Bernardo -33.6 -70.7166667 P PPL CL 12 249858 629 America/Santiago 2007-02-08
+ 2447 3872395 San Antonio San Antonio -33.5933333 -71.6216667 P PPL CL 01 85651 5 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2448 3873145 Río Bueno Rio Bueno -40.3166667 -72.9666667 P PPL CL 09 15456 40 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2449 3873441 Rengo Rengo -34.4166667 -70.8666667 P PPL CL 08 38100 288 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2450 3873775 Rancagua Rancagua -34.1666667 -70.75 P PPLA CL 08 212695 518 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2451 3874096 Quilpué Quilpue -33.045 -71.4494444 P PPL CL 01 3868623 130263 129 America/Santiago 2009-09-07
+ 2452 3874119 Quillota Quillota -32.8833333 -71.2666667 P PPL CL 01 67779 133 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2453 3874787 Punta Arenas Punta Arenas -53.15 -70.9166667 P PPLA CL 10 117430 54 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2454 3874930 Puerto Varas Puerto Varas -41.3166667 -72.9833333 P PPL CL 09 24958 88 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2455 3874958 Puerto Natales Puerto Natales -51.7236255150565 -72.4874496459961 P PPL CL CL 10 20000 41 America/Santiago 2009-02-24
+ 2456 3874960 Puerto Montt Puerto Montt -41.4716667 -72.9369444 P PPLA CL 09 160054 20 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2457 3875024 viña causiño vina causino -33.6166667 -70.5833333 P PPL CL 12 510417 673 America/Santiago 2007-03-16
+ 2458 3876664 Penco Penco -36.7333333 -72.9833333 P PPL CL 06 46091 84 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2459 3876685 Peñaflor Penaflor -33.6166667 -70.9166667 P PPL CL 12 65495 342 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2460 3877146 Parral Parral -36.15 -71.8333333 P PPL CL 11 26904 163 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2461 3877348 Panguipulli Panguipulli -39.6333333 -72.3333333 P PPL CL 09 16312 268 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2462 3877739 Paine Paine -33.8166667 -70.75 P PPL CL 12 32766 354 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2463 3877918 Ovalle Ovalle -30.5983333 -71.2002778 P PPL CL 07 77138 269 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2464 3877949 Osorno Osorno -40.5666667 -73.15 P PPL CL 09 135773 87 America/Santiago 2007-02-18
+ 2465 3878456 Nueva Imperial Nueva Imperial -38.7333333 -72.95 P PPL CL 04 18777 50 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2466 3879123 Nacimiento Nacimiento -37.5 -72.6666667 P PPL CL 06 21220 90 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2467 3879200 Mulchén Mulchen -37.7166667 -72.2333333 P PPL CL 06 22170 117 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2468 3879627 Molina Molina -35.1166667 -71.2833333 P PPL CL 11 28775 274 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2469 3880107 Melipilla Melipilla -33.7 -71.2166667 P PPL CL 12 63100 237 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2470 3881102 Machalí Machali -34.1833333 -70.6666667 P PPL CL 08 27595 555 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2471 3881276 Lota Lota -37.0833333 -73.1666667 P PPL CL 06 49763 71 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2472 3882428 Los Ángeles Los Angeles -37.4666667 -72.35 P PPL CL 06 125430 137 America/Santiago 2007-02-08
+ 2473 3882434 Los Andes Los Andes -32.8336862488161 -70.5982732772827 P PPL CL 01 56859 834 America/Santiago 2007-09-16
+ 2474 3882582 Loncoche Loncoche -39.3666667 -72.6333333 P PPL CL 04 15590 136 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2475 3883035 Llaillay Llaillay -32.85 -70.9666667 P PPL CL 01 16646 365 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2476 3883167 Linares Linares -35.85 -71.6 P PPL CL 11 69535 165 America/Santiago 2007-02-18
+ 2477 3883214 Limache Limache -33.0166667 -71.2666667 P PPL CL 01 35876 146 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2478 3883457 Lebu Lebu -37.6166667 -73.65 P PPL CL 06 22345 75 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2479 3883615 Lautaro Lautaro -38.5166667 -72.45 P PPL CL 04 21579 235 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2480 3883629 La Unión La Union -40.2833333 -73.0833333 P PPL CL 09 26298 67 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2481 3884373 La Serena La Serena -29.9077778 -71.2541667 P PPLA CL 07 154521 30 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2482 3885273 Lampa Lampa -33.2833333 -70.9 P PPL CL 12 29250 623 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2483 3885456 La Ligua La Ligua -32.4524177047744 -71.2310600280762 P PPL CL 01 24857 127 America/Santiago 2007-09-16
+ 2484 3885509 La Laja La Laja -37.2666667 -72.7 P PPL CL 06 16550 50 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2485 3887127 Iquique Iquique -20.2166667 -70.1666667 P PPLA CL 13 227499 -9999 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2486 3887344 Illapel Illapel -31.6308333 -71.1652778 P PPL CL 07 22816 320 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2487 3888214 Hacienda La Calera Hacienda La Calera -32.7833333 -71.2166667 P PPL CL 01 49106 202 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2488 3888749 Graneros Graneros -34.0666667 -70.7333333 P PPL CL 08 23301 456 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2489 3890949 El Monte El Monte -33.6833333 -71.0166667 P PPL CL 12 23090 232 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2490 3892454 Diego de Almagro Diego de Almagro -26.3666667 -70.05 P PPL CL 05 18137 923 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2491 3892870 Curicó Curico -34.9833333 -71.2333333 P PPL CL 11 102438 218 America/Santiago 2007-02-18
+ 2492 3892892 Curanilahue Curanilahue -37.4666667 -73.35 P PPL CL 06 30611 195 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2493 3893532 Coronel Coronel -37.0166667 -73.1333333 P PPL CL 06 92940 84 America/Santiago 2006-05-19
+ 2494 3893629 Coquimbo Coquimbo -29.9533333 -71.3436111 P PPL CL 07 161317 87 America/Santiago 2007-02-08
+ 2495 3893656 Copiapó Copiapo -27.3666667 -70.3333333 P PPLA CL 05 129280 381 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2496 3893726 Constitución Constitucion -35.3333333 -72.4166667 P PPL CL 11 37917 57 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2497 3893894 Concepción Concepcion -36.8269949733848 -73.0497694015503 P PPLA CL 06 215413 136 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2498 3894177 Collipulli Collipulli -37.95 -72.4333333 P PPL CL 04 16392 242 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2499 3894426 Coihaique Coihaique -45.5752397361458 -72.0661926269531 P PPLA CL 02 45787 355 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2500 3895061 Chimbarongo Chimbarongo -34.7 -71.05 P PPL CL 08 17356 305 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2501 3895088 Chillán Chillan -36.6 -72.1166667 P PPL CL 06 150396 127 America/Santiago 2007-02-08
+ 2502 3895138 Chiguayante Chiguayante -36.9166667 -73.0166667 P PPL CL 06 82545 184 America/Santiago 2006-11-15
+ 2503 3896105 Cauquenes Cauquenes -35.9666667 -72.35 P PPL CL 11 31362 136 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2504 3896218 Castro Castro -42.4720969091928 -73.773193359375 P PPL CL 09 29926 14 America/Santiago 2007-04-15
+ 2505 3896924 Cañete Canete -37.8 -73.4 P PPL CL 06 20158 144 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2506 3897347 Calama Calama -22.4666667 -68.9333333 P PPL CL 03 143084 2248 America/Santiago 2007-02-17
+ 2507 3897557 Cabrero Cabrero -37.0333333 -72.4 P PPL CL 06 18327 111 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2508 3897774 Buin Buin -33.7333333 -70.75 P PPL CL 12 55441 457 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2509 3899361 Arica Arica -18.4833333 -70.3333333 P PPL CL 13 185999 12 America/Santiago 2007-02-17
+ 2510 3899462 Arauco Arauco -37.2463009911157 -73.3175182342529 P PPL CL 06 24659 2 America/Santiago 2007-09-16
+ 2511 3899539 Antofagasta Antofagasta -23.65 -70.4 P PPLA CL 03 309832 276 America/Santiago 2008-06-17
+ 2512 3899629 Angol Angol -37.8 -72.7166667 P PPL CL 04 44856 79 America/Santiago 2006-01-17
+ 2513 3899695 Ancud Ancud -41.8697222 -73.8202778 P PPL CL 09 28020 1 America/Santiago 2007-02-10
+ 2514 6458708 Las Animas Las Animas -39.8086679095551 -73.2182121276855 P PPL CL 09 30000 10 8 America/Santiago 2007-04-15
+ 2515 2220957 Yaoundé Yaounde 3.8666667 11.5166667 P PPLC CM 11 1299369 733 Africa/Douala 2007-02-17
+ 2516 2221030 Yagoua Yagoua 10.3427778 15.2405556 P PPL CM 12 80235 312 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2517 2221053 Wum Wum 6.3833333 10.0666667 P PPL CM 07 68836 1110 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2518 2221394 Tonga Tonga 4.9666667 10.7 P PPL CM 00 16036 788 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2519 2221504 Tiko Tiko 4.0786111 9.3680556 P PPL CM 09 55914 79 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2520 2221530 Tibati Tibati 6.4666667 12.6333333 P PPL CM 10 35589 840 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2521 2221607 Tcholliré Tchollire 8.4 14.1666667 P PPL CM 13 23187 376 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2522 2222230 Sangmélima Sangmelima 2.9333333 11.9833333 P PPL CM 14 54251 542 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2523 2222623 Penja Penja 4.6363889 9.6819444 P PPL CM 05 28406 151 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2524 2223293 Obala Obala 4.1666667 11.5333333 P PPL CM 11 30012 528 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2525 2223734 Nkoteng Nkoteng 4.5166667 12.0333333 P PPL CM 00 50334 565 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2526 2223763 Nkongsamba Nkongsamba 4.9533333 9.9325 P PPL CM 05 117063 855 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2527 2224827 Ngaoundéré Ngaoundere 7.3166667 13.5833333 P PPLA CM 10 231357 1205 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2528 2225457 Nanga Eboko Nanga Eboko 4.6833333 12.3666667 P PPL CM 11 29909 632 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2529 2225726 Muyuka Muyuka 4.2972222 9.4055556 P PPL CM 09 31384 54 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2530 2225728 Mutengene Mutengene 4.0994444 9.3080556 P PPL CM 09 47478 283 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2531 2225991 Mora Mora 11.0425 14.1447222 P PPL CM 12 55216 456 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2532 2226275 Mokolo Mokolo 10.7402778 13.8027778 P PPL CM 12 275239 761 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2533 2227230 Melong Melong 5.1166667 9.95 P PPL CM 00 37086 762 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2534 2227402 Meïganga Meiganga 6.5166667 14.3 P PPL CM 10 80100 987 Africa/Douala 2007-02-08
+ 2535 2227613 Mbouda Mbouda 5.6333333 10.25 P PPL CM 08 111320 1433 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2536 2228005 Mbanga Mbanga 4.5091667 9.5680556 P PPL CM 05 42590 154 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2537 2228028 Mbandjok Mbandjok 4.45 11.9 P PPL CM 11 26947 517 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2538 2228079 Mbalmayo Mbalmayo 3.5166667 11.5 P PPL CM 11 80206 360 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2539 2228373 Maroua Maroua 10.5955556 14.3247222 P PPLA CM 12 319941 383 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2540 2228499 Manjo Manjo 4.8452778 9.8247222 P PPL CM 05 37661 579 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2541 2228675 Mamfe Mamfe 5.7666667 9.2833333 P PPL CM 09 19472 444 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2542 2229152 Loum Loum 4.7161111 9.7463889 P PPL CM 05 177429 295 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2543 2229267 Lolodorf Lolodorf 3.2333333 10.7333333 P PPL CM 14 22252 406 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2544 2229411 Limbe Limbe 4.0127778 9.2202778 P PPL CM 09 72106 137 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2545 2229681 Lagdo Lagdo 9.05 13.7333333 P PPL CM 00 24596 188 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2546 2229748 Kumbo Kumbo 6.2 10.6666667 P PPL CM 07 53970 1771 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2547 2229752 Kumba Kumba 4.6438889 9.4386111 P PPL CM 09 144413 280 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2548 2229761 Kribi Kribi 2.95 9.9166667 P PPL CM 14 55224 14 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2549 2229798 Kousséri Kousseri 12.0783333 15.0308333 P PPL CM 12 435547 276 Africa/Douala 2006-11-07
+ 2550 2230599 Kaélé Kaele 10.1091667 14.4508333 P PPL CM 12 25199 371 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2551 2230876 Guider Guider 9.9341667 13.9486111 P PPL CM 13 84647 375 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2552 2231319 Garoua Boulaï Garoua Boulai 5.8833333 14.55 P PPL CM 04 46615 997 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2553 2231320 Garoua Garoua 9.3 13.4 P PPLA CM 13 436899 166 Africa/Douala 2006-11-07
+ 2554 2231482 Fundong Fundong 6.25 10.2666667 P PPL CM 07 43509 1538 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2555 2231504 Foumbot Foumbot 5.5 10.6333333 P PPL CM 00 84065 1135 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2556 2231506 Foumban Foumban 5.7166667 10.9166667 P PPL CM 08 92673 1123 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2557 2231564 Fontem Fontem 5.4666667 9.8833333 P PPL CM 00 42689 1342 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2558 2231881 Eséka Eseka 3.65 10.7666667 P PPL CM 11 22221 246 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2559 2232239 Edéa Edea 3.8 10.1333333 P PPL CM 05 203149 22 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2560 2232283 Ébolowa Ebolowa 2.9 11.15 P PPLA CM 14 87875 637 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2561 2232444 Dschang Dschang 5.45 10.0666667 P PPL CM 08 96112 1450 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2562 2232593 Douala Douala 4.0502778 9.7 P PPLA CM 05 1338082 1 Africa/Douala 2007-02-17
+ 2563 2232997 Dizangué Dizangue 3.7666667 9.9833333 P PPL CM 00 19243 1 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2564 2233805 Bogo Bogo 10.7361111 14.6108333 P PPL CM 12 16952 341 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2565 2234359 Bertoua Bertoua 4.5833333 13.6833333 P PPLA CM 04 218111 716 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2566 2234536 Bélabo Belabo 4.9333333 13.3 P PPL CM 04 22553 611 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2567 2234663 Batouri Batouri 4.4333333 14.3666667 P PPL CM 04 43821 618 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2568 2234794 Banyo Banyo 6.75 11.8166667 P PPL CM 10 40798 1260 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2569 2234865 Bangangté Bangangte 5.15 10.5166667 P PPL CM 08 65385 1338 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2570 2234941 Bamusso Bamusso 4.4333333 8.9 P PPL CM 00 24741 1 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2571 2234974 Bamenda Bamenda 5.9333333 10.1666667 P PPLA CM 07 393835 1615 Africa/Douala 2006-11-07
+ 2572 2235029 Bali Bali 5.8833333 10.0166667 P PPL CM 00 72606 1416 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2573 2235189 Bafoussam Bafoussam 5.4666667 10.4166667 P PPLA CM 08 290768 1498 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2574 2235194 Bafia Bafia 4.75 11.2333333 P PPL CM 11 69270 473 Africa/Douala 2007-02-08
+ 2575 2235196 Bafang Bafang 5.15 10.1833333 P PPL CM 08 80688 1214 Africa/Douala 2006-11-15
+ 2576 2235776 Akonolinga Akonolinga 3.7666667 12.25 P PPL CM 11 17181 521 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2577 2594800 Idenao Idenao 4.2475 9.0047222 P PPL CM 09 17800 127 Africa/Douala 2006-01-17
+ 2578 1279715 Xigazê Xigaze 29.25 88.8833333 P PPL CN CN 14 80000 3846 Asia/Urumqi 2008-12-23
+ 2579 1279945 Suzhou Suzhou 39.7666667 98.5666667 P PPL CN 15 72732 1417 Asia/Urumqi 2006-01-17
+ 2580 1280037 Shache Shache 38.4166667 77.2405556 P PPL CN 13 82509 1229 Asia/Kashgar 2006-01-17
+ 2581 1280737 Lhasa Lhasa 29.65 91.1 P PPLA CN 14 118721 3657 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 2582 1280757 Laojunmiao Laojunmiao 39.8333333 97.7333333 P PPL CN 15 84769 2011 Asia/Urumqi 2006-01-17
+ 2583 1280849 Kashi Kashi 39.4547222 75.9797222 P PPL CN 13 274717 1279 Asia/Kashgar 2007-02-17
+ 2584 1280957 Jiayuguan Jiayuguan 39.8166667 98.3 P PPL CN 15 122396 1602 Asia/Urumqi 2006-11-15
+ 2585 1281019 Hotan Hotan 37.0997222 79.9269444 P PPL CN CN 13 114000 1391 Asia/Kashgar 2007-06-18
+ 2586 1529102 Ürümqi Urumqi 43.8 87.5833333 P PPLA CN 13 1508225 915 Asia/Urumqi 2007-03-19
+ 2587 1529114 Turpan Turpan 42.9333333 89.1666667 P PPL CN CN 13 254900 -4 Asia/Urumqi 2007-06-19
+ 2588 1529195 Shihezi Shihezi 44.3 86.0333333 P PPL CN 13 572772 461 Asia/Urumqi 2006-11-05
+ 2589 1529363 Kuqa Kuqa 41.7277778 82.9363889 P PPL CN 13 68105 1068 Asia/Urumqi 2006-11-15
+ 2590 1529376 Korla Korla 41.7597222 86.1469444 P PPL CN 13 179465 942 Asia/Urumqi 2006-11-15
+ 2591 1529484 Hami Hami 42.8 93.45 P PPL CN 13 137072 745 Asia/Urumqi 2007-02-18
+ 2592 1529569 Changji Changji 44.0166667 87.3166667 P PPL CN 13 198776 561 Asia/Urumqi 2006-01-17
+ 2593 1529626 Baijiantan Baijiantan 45.6333333 85.1833333 P PPL CN 13 93697 272 Asia/Urumqi 2006-01-17
+ 2594 1529641 Aral Aral 40.5155556 81.2636111 P PPL CN CN 13 260000 1001 Asia/Kashgar 2007-06-18
+ 2595 1529651 Altay Altay 47.8666667 88.1166667 P PPL CN 13 139341 912 Asia/Urumqi 2006-11-15
+ 2596 1529660 Aksu Aksu 41.1230556 80.2644444 P PPL CN 13 340020 1083 Asia/Kashgar 2007-02-17
+ 2597 1783621 Zunyi Zunyi 27.6866667 106.9072222 P PPL CN 18 466292 914 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2598 1783633 Zoucheng Zoucheng 35.4005556 116.9655556 P PPL CN 25 190537 69 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2599 1783683 Ziyang Ziyang 30.1166667 104.65 P PPL CN 32 87400 358 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2600 1783745 Zigong Zigong 29.4 104.7833333 P PPL CN 32 689961 456 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2601 1783763 Zhuzhou Zhuzhou 27.8333333 113.15 P PPL CN 11 709358 31 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2602 1783873 Zhumadian Zhumadian 32.9794444 114.0294444 P PPL CN 09 8263100 85 Asia/Shanghai 2009-06-07
+ 2603 1783934 Shangqiu Shangqiu 34.45 115.65 P PPL CN 09 181218 39 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2604 1783940 Zhuji Zhuji 29.7161111 120.2341667 P PPL CN 02 110721 13 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2605 1783988 Zhucheng Zhucheng 35.9947222 119.3975 P PPL CN 25 109968 79 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2606 1784055 Zhuanghe Zhuanghe 39.7008333 122.9911111 P PPL CN 19 80384 2 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2607 1784130 Zhoukou Zhoukou 33.6333333 114.6333333 P PPL CN 09 377061 46 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2608 1784178 Zhoucun Zhoucun 36.8166667 117.8166667 P PPL CN 25 122402 27 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2609 1784185 Yuxi Yuxi 24.355 102.5422222 P PPL CN 29 103829 1640 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2610 1784253 Zhongxing Zhongxing 33.7038889 118.6791667 P PPL CN 04 57338 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2611 1784310 Zhongshu Zhongshu 24.5166667 103.7666667 P PPL CN 29 91750 1693 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2612 1784553 Zhicheng Zhicheng 31.0061111 119.9036111 P PPL CN 02 63753 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2613 1784554 Zhicheng Zhicheng 30.2955556 111.5047222 P PPL CN 12 159383 52 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2614 1784580 Yizheng Yizheng 32.2691667 119.1788889 P PPL CN 04 176006 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2615 1784642 Zhenjiang Zhenjiang 32.2091667 119.4341667 P PPL CN 04 632552 13 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2616 1784647 Zhenhai Zhenhai 29.9538889 121.7136111 P PPL CN 02 61979 18 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2617 1784658 Zhengzhou Zhengzhou 34.7577778 113.6486111 P PPLA CN 09 2014125 107 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2618 1784820 Xinghua Xinghua 32.9391667 119.8341667 P PPL CN 04 105918 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2619 1784841 Zhaotong Zhaotong 27.3166667 103.7166667 P PPL CN 29 109400 1899 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2620 1784853 Zhaoqing Zhaoqing 23.05 112.45 P PPL CN 30 361969 8 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2621 1784929 Zhaogezhuang Zhaogezhuang 39.7666667 118.4 P PPL CN 10 86555 113 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2622 1784953 Zhaoyuan Zhaoyuan 37.3591667 120.3963889 P PPL CN 25 100774 69 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2623 1784990 Zhanjiang Zhanjiang 21.2 110.3833333 P PPL CN 30 637790 7 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 2624 1785018 Zhangzhou Zhangzhou 24.5133333 117.6555556 P PPL CN 07 589831 1 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2625 1785036 Zhangye Zhangye 38.9341667 100.4516667 P PPL CN 15 96228 1458 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2626 1785286 Zibo Zibo 36.7905556 118.0633333 P PPL CN 25 669770 47 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2627 1785294 Anyang Anyang 36.0994444 114.3288889 P PPL CN 09 781129 87 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2628 1785453 Zaozhuang Zaozhuang 34.8647222 117.5541667 P PPL CN 25 183665 74 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2629 1785462 Zaoyang Zaoyang 32.1272222 112.7541667 P PPL CN 12 184509 104 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2630 1785545 Yuyao Yuyao 30.05 121.1494444 P PPL CN 02 114177 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2631 1785566 Yuzhou Yuzhou 34.1627778 113.4638889 P PPL CN 09 87961 127 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2632 1785572 Yuxia Yuxia 34.0536111 108.6175 P PPL CN 26 60206 447 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2633 1785623 Kunshan Kunshan 31.3844444 120.9513889 P PPL CN 04 107986 6 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2634 1785655 Yunyang Yunyang 33.4427778 112.715 P PPL CN 09 73922 190 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2635 1785698 Yunmeng Yunmeng 31.0227778 113.7313889 P PPL CN 12 64390 41 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 2636 1785710 Yunjinghong Yunjinghong 21.9833333 100.8166667 P PPL CN 29 62105 584 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2637 1785716 Pizhou Pizhou 34.3113889 117.9502778 P PPL CN 04 82641 30 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2638 1785725 Yunfu Yunfu 22.9333333 112.0333333 P PPL CN CN 30 2612800 77 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 2639 1785738 Yuncheng Yuncheng 35.0230556 110.9927778 P PPL CN 24 201950 379 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2640 1785777 Yulin Yulin 38.2905556 109.7494444 P PPL CN 26 90870 1044 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2641 1785781 Yulin Yulin 22.6333333 110.15 P PPL CN 16 148485 73 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2642 1785964 Yudong Yudong 29.385 106.5194444 P PPL CN 33 81408 184 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2643 1785974 Yuci Yuci 37.6802778 112.7319444 P PPL CN 24 235929 788 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2644 1785980 Yucheng Yucheng 34.9288889 116.4652778 P PPL CN 25 62365 28 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2645 1786060 Yuanping Yuanping 38.7152778 112.7575 P PPL CN 24 82883 776 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2646 1786067 Yuanlin Yuanlin 30.4166667 112.85 P PPL CN 12 179079 29 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2647 1786112 Yuancheng Yuancheng 23.7333333 114.6833333 P PPL CN 30 93718 32 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2648 1786357 Yongfeng Yongfeng 27.4547222 112.1927778 P PPL CN 11 70783 115 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2649 1786378 Yongchuan Yongchuan 29.3513889 105.8947222 P PPL CN 33 94465 313 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2650 1786455 Yishui Yishui 35.7847222 118.6280556 P PPL CN 25 94115 163 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2651 1786546 Zhongxiang Zhongxiang 31.1661111 112.5830556 P PPL CN 12 108883 59 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2652 1786587 Yingshang Yingshang 32.6291667 116.2511111 P PPL CN 01 61771 27 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2653 1786640 Yingcheng Yingcheng 30.95 113.55 P PPL CN 12 265886 28 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2654 1786657 Yinchuan Yinchuan 38.4680556 106.2730556 P PPLA CN 21 475101 1117 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 2655 1786676 Yima Yima 34.7380556 111.8838889 P PPL CN 09 82509 479 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2656 1786720 Yigou Yigou 35.8113889 114.3166667 P PPL CN 09 59073 83 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2657 1786731 Qingzhou Qingzhou 36.6966667 118.4797222 P PPL CN 25 117056 112 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2658 1786746 Yichun Yichun 27.8333333 114.4 P PPL CN 03 152169 104 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2659 1786759 Yicheng Yicheng 31.7047222 112.2561111 P PPL CN 12 61027 64 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2660 1786760 Yicheng Yicheng 31.3666667 119.8333333 P PPL CN 04 95530 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2661 1786764 Yichang Yichang 30.7144444 111.2847222 P PPL CN 12 476725 65 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2662 1786770 Yibin Yibin 28.7666667 104.5666667 P PPL CN 32 242111 327 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2663 1786855 Rongcheng Rongcheng 37.15 122.3833333 P PPL CN 25 91517 45 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2664 1786867 Yashan Yashan 22.1975 109.9419444 P PPL CN 16 56629 49 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2665 1787031 Yanzhou Yanzhou 35.5527778 116.8286111 P PPL CN 25 77276 40 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2666 1787093 Yantai Yantai 37.5333333 121.4 P PPL CN 25 719332 46 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2667 1787144 Yanliang Yanliang 34.6736111 109.2125 P PPL CN 26 60891 397 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2668 1787227 Yangzhou Yangzhou 32.3972222 119.4358333 P PPL CN 04 539715 10 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-18
+ 2669 1787331 Zhangjiagang Zhangjiagang 31.865 120.5388889 P PPL CN 04 66039 12 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2670 1787351 Yangquan Yangquan 37.8575 113.5633333 P PPL CN 24 413394 756 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2671 1787437 Yangliuqing Yangliuqing 39.1375 116.9997222 P PPL CN 28 76387 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2672 1787601 Yanggu Yanggu 36.1105556 115.7752778 P PPL CN 25 74725 38 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2673 1787646 Yangcun Yangcun 39.3638889 117.0602778 P PPL CN 28 63756 6 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2674 1787746 Yancheng Yancheng 33.3855556 120.1252778 P PPL CN 04 628441 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2675 1787824 Xuzhou Xuzhou 34.2669444 117.1916667 P PPL CN 04 1199193 45 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2676 1787837 Xucheng Xucheng 20.33 110.1638889 P PPL CN 30 83267 74 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2677 1787858 Xuri Xuri 28.4666667 117.9666667 P PPL CN 03 318769 79 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2678 1787901 Xunchang Xunchang 28.4166667 104.7 P PPL CN 32 64580 575 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2679 1788046 Xuchang Xuchang 34.0166667 113.8166667 P PPL CN 09 449258 75 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2680 1788081 Xuanzhou Xuanzhou 30.9525 118.7552778 P PPL CN 01 127758 10 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2681 1788206 Xixiang Xixiang 35.1627778 112.865 P PPL CN 09 60745 113 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2682 1788268 Xiulin Xiulin 29.7166667 112.4 P PPL CN 12 122411 38 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2683 1788402 Xiongzhou Xiongzhou 25.1166667 114.3 P PPL CN 30 79050 124 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2684 1788406 Guixi Guixi 28.2833333 117.1833333 P PPL CN 03 73732 44 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2685 1788450 Xinzhou Xinzhou 38.4091667 112.7333333 P PPL CN 24 154003 787 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2686 1788452 Xinzhou Xinzhou 30.8666667 114.8 P PPL CN 12 78767 21 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2687 1788462 Xinzhi Xinzhi 36.4988889 111.7047222 P PPL CN 24 72303 503 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2688 1788508 Xinyu Xinyu 27.8 114.9333333 P PPL CN 03 97480 49 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2689 1788522 Xinye Xinye 32.5186111 112.3522222 P PPL CN 09 61633 86 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2690 1788534 Xinyang Xinyang 32.1227778 114.0655556 P PPL CN 09 1590668 73 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2691 1788572 Xinxiang Xinxiang 35.3088889 113.8672222 P PPL CN 09 743601 76 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2692 1788618 Xintai Xintai 35.9005556 117.7519444 P PPL CN 25 222459 185 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2693 1788638 Xinshi Xinshi 31.0219444 113.1030556 P PPL CN 12 98422 58 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2694 1788694 Xinpu Xinpu 34.5997222 119.1594444 P PPL CN 04 392444 28 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-17
+ 2695 1788816 Xinji Xinji 37.9027778 115.2036111 P PPL CN 10 145911 29 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2696 1788852 Xining Xining 36.6166667 101.7666667 P PPLA CN 06 767531 2252 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 2697 1788869 Shangmei Shangmei 27.7427778 111.2955556 P PPL CN 11 75233 184 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2698 1788927 Xingtai Xingtai 37.0630556 114.4941667 P PPL CN 10 611739 71 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2699 1789065 Ankang Ankang 32.68 109.0172222 P PPL CN 26 132654 317 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2700 1789118 Xindian Xindian 36.7975 118.2944444 P PPL CN 25 82555 65 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2701 1789137 Xindi Xindi 29.8166667 113.4666667 P PPL CN 12 175761 27 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2702 1789176 Feicheng Feicheng 36.2486111 116.7658333 P PPL CN 25 77606 112 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2703 1789273 Sanshui Sanshui 23.1591667 112.8836111 P PPL CN 30 153714 16 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2704 1789289 Ximei Ximei 24.9638889 118.3794444 P PPL CN 07 94326 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2705 1789427 Xihua Xihua 33.7833333 114.5166667 P PPL CN 09 66848 52 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2706 1789462 Xihe Xihe 31.6819444 113.4647222 P PPL CN 12 90422 56 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2707 1789647 Xichang Xichang 27.8983333 102.2705556 P PPL CN 32 126787 1533 Asia/Chongqing 2007-02-18
+ 2708 1789693 Xiazhuang Xiazhuang 34.9161111 118.6388889 P PPL CN 25 63285 62 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2709 1789703 Xiazhen Xiazhen 34.8022222 117.1116667 P PPL CN 25 125667 33 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2710 1789799 Haining Haining 30.5272222 120.6886111 P PPL CN 02 70171 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2711 1789897 Gongyi Gongyi 34.76 112.9713889 P PPL CN 09 56033 114 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2712 1789945 Xiaoweizhai Xiaoweizhai 26.1902778 107.5125 P PPL CN 18 58913 824 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2713 1789998 Xiaoshan Xiaoshan 30.1675 120.2588889 P PPL CN 02 95234 14 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2714 1790100 Xiaolingwei Xiaolingwei 32.0333333 118.85 P PPL CN 04 66031 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2715 1790254 Xiaogan Xiaogan 30.9166667 113.9 P PPL CN 12 160437 33 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2716 1790353 Xianyang Xianyang 34.3455556 108.7147222 P PPL CN 26 1034081 405 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2717 1790371 Xiantao Xiantao 30.3833333 113.4 P PPL CN 12 239406 28 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2718 1790379 Xianshuigu Xianshuigu 38.985 117.3827778 P PPL CN 28 74028 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2719 1790392 Jiangdu Jiangdu 32.4366667 119.5508333 P PPL CN 04 83936 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2720 1790396 Xianning Xianning 29.8833333 114.2166667 P PPL CN 12 179494 38 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2721 1790413 Xianju Xianju 28.85 120.7333333 P PPL CN 02 61532 27 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2722 1790437 Zhuhai Zhuhai 22.2769444 113.5677778 P PPL CN 30 501199 23 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2723 1790451 Wenxing Wenxing 28.6666667 112.8833333 P PPL CN 11 57117 19 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2724 1790471 Xiangxiang Xiangxiang 27.7333333 112.5333333 P PPL CN 11 87592 41 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2725 1790492 Xiangtan Xiangtan 27.85 112.9 P PPL CN 11 674189 42 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2726 1790587 Xiangfan Xiangfan 32.0416667 112.145 P PPL CN 12 462956 73 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2727 1790601 Xiangcheng Xiangcheng 33.8483333 113.4780556 P PPL CN 09 65833 85 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2728 1790630 Xi'an Xi'an 34.2583333 108.9286111 P PPLA CN 26 3225812 423 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2729 1790645 Xiamen Xiamen 24.4675 118.0930556 P PPL CN 07 578337 -9999 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2730 1790840 Wuzhou Wuzhou 23.4833333 111.3166667 P PPL CN 16 265846 66 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2731 1790885 Wuyang Wuyang 31.9925 116.2472222 P PPL CN 01 79070 28 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2732 1790894 Wuxue Wuxue 29.85 115.55 P PPL CN 12 220661 17 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2733 1790923 Wuxi Wuxi 31.5772222 120.2938889 P PPL CN 04 1108647 7 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2734 1791056 Dongyang Dongyang 29.2677778 120.2252778 P PPL CN 02 130387 77 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2735 1791121 Changde Changde 29.0322222 111.6780556 P PPL CN 11 517780 35 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2736 1791236 Wuhu Wuhu 31.35 118.3666667 P PPL CN 01 507524 13 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-18
+ 2737 1791247 Wuhan Wuhan 30.5833333 114.2666667 P PPLA CN 12 4184206 25 Asia/Shanghai 2007-03-19
+ 2738 1791249 Wuhai Wuhai 39.6647222 106.8122222 P PPL CN 20 218427 1109 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 2739 1791325 Wuda Wuda 39.4994444 106.7116667 P PPL CN 20 129922 1150 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2740 1791347 Wucheng Wucheng 29.5833333 118.1833333 P PPL CN 01 60212 336 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2741 1791388 Wenzhou Wenzhou 28.0191667 120.6544444 P PPL CN 02 865672 17 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2742 1791428 Wenshang Wenshang 35.7275 116.4961111 P PPL CN 25 59455 34 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2743 1791464 Wenling Wenling 28.3669444 121.36 P PPL CN 02 67433 11 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2744 1791536 Wendeng Wendeng 37.1936111 122.0511111 P PPL CN 25 115370 40 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2745 1791636 Weinan Weinan 34.5086111 109.5138889 P PPL CN 26 172321 351 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2746 1791673 Weihai Weihai 37.5016667 122.1136111 P PPL CN 25 152595 10 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2747 1791681 Weifang Weifang 36.71 119.1019444 P PPL CN 25 394732 54 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2748 1791748 Wanxian Wanxian 30.8038889 108.3897222 P PPL CN 33 188980 99 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-01
+ 2749 1791779 Wanning Wanning 18.8002778 110.3966667 P PPL CN 31 64954 10 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2750 1792087 Jiaonan Jiaonan 35.8786111 119.9752778 P PPL CN 25 75656 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2751 1792260 Wafangdian Wafangdian 39.6183333 122.0080556 P PPL CN 19 250591 91 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2752 1792359 Tunxi Tunxi 29.7113889 118.3125 P PPL CN 01 77000 118 Asia/Shanghai 2008-05-10
+ 2753 1792516 Loushanguan Loushanguan 28.1375 106.82 P PPL CN 18 80344 925 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2754 1792520 Tongzhou Tongzhou 39.9052778 116.5994444 P PPL CN 22 163326 31 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2755 1792585 Fuding Fuding 27.3347222 120.2163889 P PPL CN 07 63250 11 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2756 1792592 Tongren Tongren 27.7172222 109.1852778 P PPL CN 18 90593 251 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2757 1792621 Tongling Tongling 30.95 117.7833333 P PPL CN 01 312588 6 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2758 1792692 Tongchuan Tongchuan 31.0883333 105.0813889 P PPL CN 32 58346 457 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2759 1792916 Tianpeng Tianpeng 30.9833333 103.9333333 P PPL CN 32 60797 604 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2760 1792947 Tianjin Tianjin 39.1422222 117.1766667 P PPLA CN 28 3766207 8 Asia/Shanghai 2007-03-19
+ 2761 1793036 Tengzhou Tengzhou 35.0783333 117.1513889 P PPL CN 25 105456 75 Asia/Shanghai 2006-05-19
+ 2762 1793089 Taozhuang Taozhuang 34.85 117.3333333 P PPL CN 25 60137 58 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2763 1793230 Tantou Tantou 26.0313889 119.5986111 P PPL CN 07 69050 23 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2764 1793286 Tangzhai Tangzhai 34.4327778 116.5911111 P PPL CN 01 67936 31 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2765 1793346 Tangshan Tangshan 39.6333333 118.1833333 P PPL CN 10 1596949 20 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-17
+ 2766 1793364 Tangping Tangping 22.0166667 111.9333333 P PPL CN 30 81729 16 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2767 1793385 Tangjiazhuang Tangjiazhuang 39.7333333 118.45 P PPL CN 10 79489 37 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2768 1793419 Tanghe Tanghe 32.6883333 112.8275 P PPL CN 09 68514 105 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2769 1793424 Tanggu Tanggu 39.0211111 117.6469444 P PPL CN 28 535298 15 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2770 1793505 Taizhou Taizhou 32.4933333 119.9080556 P PPL CN 04 612356 6 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2771 1793511 Taiyuan Taiyuan 37.8694444 112.5602778 P PPLA CN 24 2722475 794 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2772 1793533 Taixing Taixing 32.1666667 120.0136111 P PPL CN 04 79655 16 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2773 1793700 Taishan Taishan 22.25 112.7833333 P PPL CN 30 145440 27 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 2774 1793724 Tai'an Tai'an 36.1852778 117.12 P PPL CN CN 25 5499000 160 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2775 1793743 Suzhou Suzhou 33.6361111 116.9788889 P PPL CN 01 205130 32 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2776 1793774 Suozhen Suozhen 36.9538889 118.1047222 P PPL CN 25 58766 32 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2777 1793879 Suizhou Suizhou 31.7111111 113.3630556 P PPL CN 12 323945 62 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2778 1793889 Suixi Suixi 33.9097222 116.7736111 P PPL CN 01 74172 24 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2779 1793899 Suicheng Suicheng 33.8930556 117.9433333 P PPL CN 04 61430 27 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2780 1793900 Suining Suining 30.5333333 105.5333333 P PPL CN 32 124924 354 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2781 1794140 Sishui Sishui 35.6488889 117.2758333 P PPL CN 25 90175 108 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2782 1794479 Laixi Laixi 36.8591667 120.5269444 P PPL CN 25 75849 59 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2783 1794794 Shouguang Shouguang 36.88 118.7375 P PPL CN 25 79212 38 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2784 1794806 Shizuishan Shizuishan 39.2333333 106.7694444 P PPL CN 21 136570 1111 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2785 1794825 Shizilu Shizilu 35.1711111 118.8288889 P PPL CN 25 86749 102 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2786 1794903 Shiyan Shiyan 32.6475 110.7780556 P PPL CN CN 12 3460000 247 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 2787 1794904 Shiyan Shiyan 32.5666667 110.7833333 P PPL CN 12 408055 413 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2788 1794947 Shiwan Shiwan 23.0 113.085 P PPL CN 30 82031 14 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2789 1794971 Shitanjing Shitanjing 39.2341667 106.3438889 P PPL CN 21 78765 1442 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2790 1795055 Panyu Panyu 22.9372222 113.3619444 P PPL CN 30 135308 8 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2791 1795060 Shiqi Shiqi 22.5175 113.3661111 P PPL CN 30 342306 14 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2792 1795166 Shima Shima 24.4477778 117.8111111 P PPL CN 07 68375 4 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2793 1795184 Shilong Shilong 23.1144444 113.8472222 P PPL CN 30 109733 2 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2794 1795196 Tongchuan Tongchuan 35.0805556 109.0897222 P PPL CN 26 223603 859 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2795 1795270 Shijiazhuang Shijiazhuang 38.0413889 114.4786111 P PPLA CN 10 1992474 79 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2796 1795565 Shenzhen Shenzhen 22.5455376639819 114.068298339844 P PPL CN 30 1002592 3 Asia/Chongqing 2008-02-20
+ 2797 1795579 Shenxian Shenxian 36.2411111 115.6672222 P PPL CN 25 79196 41 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2798 1795632 Shenjiamen Shenjiamen 29.9497222 122.2836111 P PPL CN 02 95433 4 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2799 1795816 Shashi Shashi 30.3072222 112.2447222 P PPLX CN 12 498780 36 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2800 1795842 Shaping Shaping 22.7666667 112.95 P PPL CN 30 107589 13 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2801 1795855 Shaoxing Shaoxing 30.0016667 120.5811111 P PPL CN 02 421283 11 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2802 1795857 Shaowu Shaowu 27.3 117.5 P PPL CN 07 112585 216 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2803 1795874 Shaoguan Shaoguan 24.8 113.5833333 P PPL CN 30 628749 61 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2804 1795919 Shancheng Shancheng 34.7952778 116.0816667 P PPL CN 25 74459 41 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2805 1795928 Shanwei Shanwei 22.7833333 115.35 P PPL CN 30 165699 14 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2806 1795940 Shantou Shantou 23.36 116.6783333 P PPL CN 30 1333973 5 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-17
+ 2807 1795941 Shanting Shanting 35.0752778 117.4577778 P PPL CN 25 80843 128 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2808 1796236 Shanghai Shanghai 31.2222222 121.4580556 P PPLA CN 23 14608512 6 Asia/Shanghai 2009-10-09
+ 2809 1796421 Shahecheng Shahecheng 36.9383333 114.5058333 P PPL CN 10 125132 76 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2810 1796556 Sanya Sanya 18.2430556 109.505 P PPL CN 31 144753 2 Asia/Chongqing 2008-05-31
+ 2811 1796663 Sanming Sanming 26.2486111 117.6186111 P PPL CN 07 209444 120 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2812 1797038 Runan Runan 33.0011111 114.3541667 P PPL CN 09 60202 54 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2813 1797118 Rongcheng Rongcheng 29.8166667 112.8833333 P PPL CN 12 108908 25 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2814 1797120 Fuqing Fuqing 25.725 119.3794444 P PPL CN 07 67397 15 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2815 1797121 Jieyang Jieyang 23.5297222 116.3655556 P PPL CN 30 1001985 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2816 1797132 Rizhao Rizhao 35.4275 119.4552778 P PPL CN 25 246387 25 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2817 1797181 Renqiu Renqiu 38.6988889 116.0936111 P PPL CN 10 98569 13 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2818 1797264 Quzhou Quzhou 28.9594444 118.8686111 P PPL CN 02 82216 48 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2819 1797318 Qujing Qujing 25.4833333 103.7833333 P PPL CN 29 146015 1902 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2820 1797333 Qufu Qufu 35.5966667 116.9911111 P PPL CN 25 85144 68 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-05
+ 2821 1797353 Quanzhou Quanzhou 24.9138889 118.5858333 P PPL CN 07 184143 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2822 1797417 Qiyang Qiyang 26.5822222 111.8586111 P PPL CN 11 66442 73 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2823 1797438 Qixia Qixia 37.2975 120.8255556 P PPL CN 25 79106 154 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2824 1797535 Qiongshan Qiongshan 20.0058333 110.3541667 P PPL CN 31 87657 22 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2825 1797543 Yuanjiang Yuanjiang 28.8511111 112.3725 P PPL CN 11 66145 35 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2826 1797551 Qinzhou Qinzhou 21.95 108.6166667 P PPL CN 16 100996 6 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2827 1797575 Qinnan Qinnan 33.2530556 119.9133333 P PPL CN 04 55975 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2828 1797595 Qinhuangdao Qinhuangdao 39.9316667 119.5883333 P PPL CN 10 759718 5 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-18
+ 2829 1797658 Jinjiang Jinjiang 24.8177778 118.5763889 P PPL CN 07 89623 21 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2830 1797793 Qingquan Qingquan 30.45 115.2166667 P PPL CN 12 76154 31 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2831 1797873 Huaiyin Huaiyin 33.5886111 119.0191667 P PPL CN 04 555230 12 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2832 1797929 Qingdao Qingdao 36.0986111 120.3719444 P PPL CN 25 1642245 32 Asia/Shanghai 2009-01-21
+ 2833 1797945 Qingyuan Qingyuan 23.7 113.0333333 P PPL CN 30 151287 15 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2834 1798082 Hongqiao Hongqiao 26.7866667 112.115 P PPL CN 11 58287 137 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2835 1798422 Puyang Puyang 35.7027778 115.0052778 P PPL CN 09 666322 52 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2836 1798425 Puyang Puyang 29.4602778 119.8861111 P PPL CN CN 02 3590000 63 Asia/Shanghai 2009-03-28
+ 2837 1798449 Putian Putian 25.4394444 119.0102778 P PPL CN 07 376558 10 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2838 1798473 Puqi Puqi 29.7166667 113.8833333 P PPL CN 12 132891 33 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2839 1798480 Pumiao Pumiao 22.75 108.4833333 P PPL CN 16 61690 68 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2840 1798490 Pulandian Pulandian 39.3952778 121.9669444 P PPL CN 19 104277 3 Asia/Harbin 2009-09-14
+ 2841 1798548 Poyang Poyang 28.9833333 116.6666667 P PPL CN 03 70787 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2842 1798632 Pingyin Pingyin 36.2830556 116.4452778 P PPL CN 25 62050 47 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2843 1798634 Pingyi Pingyi 35.5005556 117.6308333 P PPL CN 25 78254 154 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2844 1798654 Pingxiang Pingxiang 27.6166667 113.85 P PPL CN 03 372123 100 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2845 1798713 Pingshan Pingshan 22.9833333 114.7166667 P PPL CN 30 113631 34 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2846 1798733 Pingnan Pingnan 23.5391667 110.39 P PPL CN 16 62483 22 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2847 1798760 Pingliang Pingliang 35.5391667 106.6861111 P PPL CN 15 108156 1356 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2848 1798821 Pingdu Pingdu 36.7844444 119.9463889 P PPL CN 25 91077 58 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2849 1798827 Pingdingshan Pingdingshan 33.7408333 113.3063889 P PPL CN 09 889675 63 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2850 1798946 Pengcheng Pengcheng 36.4311111 114.17 P PPL CN 10 68442 152 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2851 1798998 Panzhihua Panzhihua 26.55 101.7333333 P PPL CN 32 461513 1310 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2852 1799348 Ningyang Ningyang 35.7641667 116.7913889 P PPL CN 25 82994 50 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2853 1799352 Yutan Yutan 28.25 112.55 P PPL CN 11 55312 49 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2854 1799383 Ninghai Ninghai 37.3833333 121.5833333 P PPL CN 25 56937 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2855 1799384 Ninghai Ninghai 29.2891667 121.4247222 P PPL CN 02 68330 13 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2856 1799397 Ningbo Ningbo 29.875 121.5419444 P PPL CN 02 719867 9 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-05
+ 2857 1799491 Neijiang Neijiang 29.5836111 105.0591667 P PPL CN 32 546854 318 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2858 1799552 Nanzhou Nanzhou 29.3666667 112.4166667 P PPL CN 11 54449 34 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2859 1799574 Nanzhang Nanzhang 31.7758333 111.8380556 P PPL CN 12 83604 95 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2860 1799629 Nanyang Nanyang 32.9947222 112.5327778 P PPL CN 09 251532 124 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2861 1799722 Nantong Nantong 32.0302778 120.8747222 P PPL CN 04 666251 8 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-18
+ 2862 1799832 Nanpu Nanpu 27.9233333 118.5333333 P PPL CN 07 59832 218 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2863 1799846 Nanping Nanping 26.645 118.1736111 P PPL CN 07 171674 122 Asia/Shanghai 2006-05-05
+ 2864 1799869 Nanning Nanning 22.8166667 108.3166667 P PPLA CN 16 803788 73 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 2865 1799897 Nanma Nanma 36.1816667 118.1583333 P PPL CN 25 74406 287 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2866 1799908 Nanlong Nanlong 31.3166667 106.0333333 P PPL CN 32 63405 380 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2867 1799962 Nanjing Nanjing 32.0616667 118.7777778 P PPLA CN 04 3087010 12 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2868 1800065 Nangong Nangong 37.3580556 115.3744444 P PPL CN 10 82386 34 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2869 1800088 Nanfeng Nanfeng 23.7383333 111.8086111 P PPL CN 30 86129 25 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2870 1800101 Nandu Nandu 22.8525 110.8233333 P PPL CN 16 61881 133 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2871 1800107 Nanding Nanding 36.7483333 118.0558333 P PPL CN 25 85495 53 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2872 1800146 Nanchong Nanchong 30.8 106.0666667 P PPL CN CN 32 7150000 280 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-01
+ 2873 1800163 Nanchang Nanchang 28.6833333 115.8833333 P PPLA CN 03 1871351 19 Asia/Shanghai 2007-03-19
+ 2874 1800430 Miyang Miyang 24.4041667 103.4427778 P PPL CN 29 72485 1424 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2875 1800498 Mingshui Mingshui 36.7166667 117.5 P PPL CN 25 114858 67 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2876 1800519 Mingguang Mingguang 32.7797222 117.9827778 P PPL CN 01 68351 18 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2877 1800521 Minggang Minggang 32.4586111 114.0486111 P PPL CN 09 67945 68 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2878 1800627 Mianyang Mianyang 31.4666667 104.7666667 P PPL CN 32 264136 475 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2879 1800657 Mentougou Mentougou 39.9391667 116.0916667 P PPL CN 22 197772 124 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2880 1800675 Mengyin Mengyin 35.7069444 117.9263889 P PPL CN 25 65889 181 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2881 1800764 Mengcheng Mengcheng 33.2661111 116.5511111 P PPL CN 01 69916 28 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2882 1800779 Meizhou Meizhou 24.3 116.1166667 P PPL CN 30 144212 81 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2883 1800829 Meilu Meilu 21.45 110.7833333 P PPL CN 30 104168 -9999 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2884 1801401 Majie Majie 25.0333333 102.6361111 P PPL CN 29 131696 1907 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2885 1801455 Zhijiang Zhijiang 30.4213889 111.7533333 P PPL CN 12 60169 39 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 2886 1801582 Macheng Macheng 31.1783333 115.0319444 P PPL CN 12 126366 42 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2887 1801615 Maba Maba 24.6833333 113.5833333 P PPL CN 30 113609 60 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2888 1801722 Lüshun Lushun 38.8 121.2666667 P PPL CN 19 82345 10 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-17
+ 2889 1801757 Luqiaozhen Luqiaozhen 28.5788889 121.3783333 P PPL CN 02 427890 1 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2890 1801792 Luoyang Luoyang 34.6836111 112.4536111 P PPL CN 09 1390581 133 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 2891 1801797 Luoyang Luoyang 24.9622222 118.6811111 P PPL CN 07 66188 1 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2892 1801799 Luoyang Luoyang 23.1666667 114.2666667 P PPL CN 30 123144 10 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2893 1801850 Luorong Luorong 24.4058333 109.6086111 P PPL CN 16 67593 77 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2894 1801934 Luohe Luohe 33.5716667 114.0352778 P PPL CN 09 417356 67 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2895 1801983 Luocheng Luocheng 29.3833333 104.0333333 P PPL CN 32 73581 546 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2896 1802068 Lujiang Lujiang 31.2472222 117.2866667 P PPL CN 01 89119 9 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2897 1802171 Kangding Kangding 30.0512652188889 101.960334777832 P PPL CN CN 32 100000 2563 Asia/Chongqing 2009-08-12
+ 2898 1802177 Lubu Lubu 23.1747222 112.2852778 P PPL CN 30 95820 9 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2899 1802204 Luancheng Luancheng 37.8791667 114.6516667 P PPL CN 10 597130 53 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2900 1802238 Loudi Loudi 27.7344444 111.9944444 P PPL CN 11 150684 126 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2901 1802476 Longquan Longquan 24.6686111 102.1605556 P PPL CN 29 91534 1587 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2902 1802550 Longkou Longkou 37.6508333 120.3286111 P PPL CN 25 60444 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2903 1802788 Liyang Liyang 31.4333333 119.4833333 P PPL CN 04 72276 4 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2904 1802875 Liuyang Liuyang 28.15 113.6333333 P PPL CN CN 11 1380000 66 Asia/Chongqing 2009-04-28
+ 2905 1802940 Puning Puning 23.3152778 116.1688889 P PPL CN 30 118023 12 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2906 1803245 Lishui Lishui 28.4580556 119.9138889 P PPL CN 02 98946 43 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2907 1803266 Lintong Lintong 34.3725 109.2033333 P PPL CN 26 75882 438 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2908 1803318 Linyi Linyi 35.0630556 118.3427778 P PPL CN 25 270669 76 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2909 1803331 Linxia Linxia 35.6002778 103.2063889 P PPL CN 15 202402 1889 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2910 1803334 Linxi Linxi 39.7 118.4333333 P PPL CN 10 100316 16 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2911 1803352 Linshui Linshui 36.4247222 114.2047222 P PPL CN 10 109955 142 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2912 1803364 Linqu Linqu 36.5155556 118.5397222 P PPL CN 25 77472 89 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2913 1803365 Linqiong Linqiong 30.4166667 103.4833333 P PPL CN 32 55587 528 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2914 1803367 Linqing Linqing 36.8455556 115.7116667 P PPL CN 25 110046 33 Asia/Shanghai 2006-05-19
+ 2915 1803374 Linping Linping 30.4225 120.2972222 P PPL CN 02 78180 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2916 1803422 Linhai Linhai 28.85 121.1166667 P PPL CN 02 152937 1 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2917 1803551 Lingcheng Lingcheng 22.7072222 110.3491667 P PPL CN 16 54848 96 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 2918 1803560 Lincheng Lincheng 19.9077778 109.6858333 P PPL CN 31 64874 30 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2919 1803567 Linfen Linfen 36.0888889 111.5188889 P PPL CN 24 232566 467 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2920 1803616 Liling Liling 27.6666667 113.5 P PPL CN 11 98162 73 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2921 1803782 Lichuan Lichuan 30.3 108.85 P PPL CN 12 72653 1128 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2922 1803791 Zengcheng Zengcheng 23.2833333 113.8166667 P PPL CN 30 172775 14 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2923 1803834 Liaocheng Liaocheng 36.4438889 115.9647222 P PPL CN 25 226930 50 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2924 1803841 Lianzhou Lianzhou 24.7811111 112.3825 P PPL CN 30 92827 84 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2925 1803842 Lianzhou Lianzhou 21.6833333 109.15 P PPL CN 16 71423 1 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2926 1803886 Lianran Lianran 24.9058333 102.4916667 P PPL CN 29 106795 1878 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2927 1803948 Liangxiang Liangxiang 39.7319444 116.14 P PPL CN 22 76744 48 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2928 1804120 Liancheng Liancheng 21.6 110.2666667 P PPL CN 30 100341 18 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2929 1804153 Leshan Leshan 29.5666667 103.7333333 P PPL CN 32 154477 402 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2930 1804162 Lengshuitanqu Lengshuitanqu 26.4408333 111.5780556 P PPL CN 11 88935 115 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2931 1804169 Lengshuijiang Lengshuijiang 27.6880556 111.4294444 P PPL CN 11 115399 183 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2932 1804208 Leiyang Leiyang 26.4130556 112.8491667 P PPL CN 11 129116 76 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2933 1804252 Lecheng Lecheng 25.1333333 113.3333333 P PPL CN 30 124268 104 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2934 1804386 Laohekou Laohekou 32.3858333 111.6677778 P PPL CN 12 253112 99 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2935 1804430 Lanzhou Lanzhou 36.0563889 103.7922222 P PPLA CN CN 15 3200000 1572 Asia/Chongqing 2008-04-11
+ 2936 1804442 Lanxi Lanxi 29.2136111 119.4866667 P PPL CN 02 73706 56 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2937 1804451 Lianyuan Lianyuan 27.6883333 111.6641667 P PPL CN 11 66501 148 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2938 1804540 Langfang Langfang 39.5097222 116.6947222 P PPL CN 10 720119 19 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2939 1804578 Laizhou Laizhou 37.1716667 119.9213889 P PPL CN 25 90070 44 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2940 1804586 Laiyang Laiyang 36.9758333 120.7136111 P PPL CN 25 169594 47 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2941 1804591 Laiwu Laiwu 36.1927778 117.6569444 P PPL CN 25 124108 193 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2942 1804609 Laibin Laibin 23.7 109.2666667 P PPL CN 16 59835 81 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2943 1804645 Kunyang Kunyang 27.6658333 120.5658333 P PPL CN 02 65009 102 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2944 1804651 Kunming Kunming 25.0388889 102.7183333 P PPLA CN 29 1023674 1911 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2945 1804850 Kaiyuan Kaiyuan 23.7111111 103.2461111 P PPL CN 29 198423 1070 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2946 1804874 Kaihua Kaihua 23.3719444 104.2497222 P PPL CN 29 64404 1250 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2947 1804879 Kaifeng Kaifeng 34.7911111 114.3483333 P PPL CN CN 09 4800000 77 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2948 1804892 Juye Juye 35.3947222 116.0883333 P PPL CN 25 58107 40 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2949 1804979 Juegangzhen Juegangzhen 32.3202778 121.21 P PPL CN 04 73317 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2950 1805179 Jiujiang Jiujiang 29.7333333 115.9833333 P PPL CN 03 258807 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2951 1805267 Jishui Jishui 33.7333333 115.4 P PPL CN 09 77540 50 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2952 1805270 Jishou Jishou 28.3166667 109.7166667 P PPL CN 11 102332 296 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2953 1805298 Jinzhou Jinzhou 39.1 121.7166667 P PPL CN 19 215386 19 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 2954 1805334 Jinxiangzhen Jinxiangzhen 27.4344444 120.6069444 P PPL CN 02 84231 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2955 1805379 Jinshi Jinshi 29.6333333 111.8833333 P PPL CN 11 82906 27 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2956 1805408 Jinsha Jinsha 32.0866667 121.0636111 P PPL CN 04 95647 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2957 1805505 Jinjiang Jinjiang 19.7291667 110.0063889 P PPL CN 31 68720 31 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2958 1805515 Jinji Jinji 23.2280556 110.8261111 P PPL CN 16 56816 64 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2959 1805518 Jining Jining 35.405 116.5813889 P PPL CN 25 450327 36 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 2960 1805528 Jinhua Jinhua 29.1077778 119.6547222 P PPL CN 02 142206 39 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2961 1805540 Jingzhou Jingzhou 30.3502778 112.1902778 P PPL CN 12 177878 38 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2962 1805563 Tianchang Tianchang 37.9980556 114.0155556 P PPL CN 10 61292 267 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2963 1805611 Jingmen Jingmen 31.0336111 112.2047222 P PPL CN 12 167750 93 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2964 1805618 Jingling Jingling 30.65 113.1 P PPL CN 12 224871 29 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2965 1805680 Jingdezhen Jingdezhen 29.2897222 117.2022222 P PPL CN 03 310565 38 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2966 1805733 Jinchang Jinchang 38.4952778 102.1738889 P PPL CN 15 144363 1560 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2967 1805741 Jincheng Jincheng 35.5022222 112.8327778 P PPL CN 24 332650 719 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2968 1805753 Jinan Jinan 36.6683333 116.9972222 P PPLA CN 25 2069266 29 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 2969 1805757 Jimo Jimo 36.3897222 120.4622222 P PPL CN 25 70733 25 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2970 1805798 Jiangjin Jiangjin 29.2905556 106.2541667 P PPL CN 33 61161 212 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2971 1805833 Jiexiu Jiexiu 37.0244444 111.9125 P PPL CN 24 77178 780 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2972 1805844 Jieshou Jieshou 33.263379216921 115.361080169678 P PPL CN 01 1810843 141993 58 Asia/Shanghai 2009-08-19
+ 2973 1805857 Jieshi Jieshi 22.8166667 115.8 P PPL CN 30 137444 10 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2974 1805884 Jiehu Jiehu 35.5427778 118.455 P PPL CN 25 69245 125 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2975 1805935 Jiazi Jiazi 22.8833333 116.0666667 P PPL CN 30 130298 1 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2976 1805953 Jiaxing Jiaxing 30.7655556 120.7483333 P PPL CN 02 466101 9 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 2977 1805987 Jiaozuo Jiaozuo 35.2397222 113.2330556 P PPL CN 09 517540 93 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2978 1806096 Jiaozhou Jiaozhou 36.2838889 120.0033333 P PPL CN 25 165026 14 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2979 1806097 Ningde Ningde 26.6616667 119.5227778 P PPL CN 07 65170 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2980 1806167 Jian'ou Jian'ou 27.0469444 118.3252778 P PPL CN 07 59187 132 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2981 1806218 Jiangyan Jiangyan 32.5061111 120.1427778 P PPL CN 04 70375 28 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 2982 1806248 Jianguang Jianguang 28.2 115.7666667 P PPL CN 03 61469 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-27
+ 2983 1806299 Jiangmen Jiangmen 22.5833333 113.0833333 P PPL CN 30 532419 10 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2984 1806327 Jiangkou Jiangkou 25.4872222 119.1986111 P PPL CN 07 59902 9 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2985 1806408 Yangjiang Yangjiang 21.85 111.9666667 P PPL CN 30 399735 8 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-07
+ 2986 1806445 Ji'an Ji'an 27.1333333 115.0 P PPL CN CN 03 245000 17 Asia/Shanghai 2007-06-18
+ 2987 1806466 Guangyuan Guangyuan 32.4402778 105.8213889 P PPL CN 32 213365 491 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2988 1806535 Huzhou Huzhou 30.8661111 120.0963889 P PPL CN 02 158320 10 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2989 1806591 Hutang Hutang 31.5333333 119.4833333 P PPL CN 04 56370 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2990 1806651 Huoqiu Huoqiu 32.3369444 116.2611111 P PPL CN 01 61904 41 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2991 1806696 Humen Humen 22.8266667 113.6716667 P PPL CN 30 191891 20 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 2992 1806776 Huizhou Huizhou 23.0833333 114.4 P PPL CN 30 289201 26 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 2993 1806840 Qidong Qidong 31.8111111 121.655 P PPL CN 04 74818 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2994 1806881 Huicheng Huicheng 23.0369444 116.2908333 P PPL CN 30 125919 17 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2995 1806882 Xinhui Xinhui 22.5177778 113.0402778 P PPL CN 30 195129 5 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2996 1806960 Huazhou Huazhou 21.6333333 110.5833333 P PPL CN 30 91701 27 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 2997 1807112 Huangzhou Huangzhou 30.45 114.8 P PPL CN 12 122563 25 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2998 1807143 Huangyan Huangyan 28.6477778 121.2594444 P PPL CN 02 150448 1 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 2999 1807234 Huangshi Huangshi 30.2166667 115.1 P PPL CN 12 688090 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3000 1807301 Dasha Dasha 23.1027778 113.4652778 P PPL CN 30 116307 12 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3001 1807308 Huangpi Huangpi 30.8666667 114.3666667 P PPL CN 12 57554 15 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3002 1807339 Huangmei Huangmei 30.0666667 115.9333333 P PPL CN 12 77633 12 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3003 1807508 Huanggang Huanggang 23.6752778 117.0033333 P PPL CN 30 225956 32 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3004 1807544 Daxing Daxing 39.7213889 116.3291667 P PPL CN 22 104904 33 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3005 1807553 Huangchuan Huangchuan 32.1272222 115.0394444 P PPL CN 09 72663 37 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3006 1807645 Huaiyuan Huaiyuan 32.9594444 117.1905556 P PPL CN 01 65530 27 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3007 1807681 Huainan Huainan 32.6263889 116.9969444 P PPL CN 01 1027655 43 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3008 1807687 Huaicheng Huaicheng 23.9130556 112.1788889 P PPL CN 30 89294 50 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3009 1807689 Huaihua Huaihua 27.5494444 109.9591667 P PPL CN 11 127322 250 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3010 1807695 Huaidian Huaidian 33.4333333 115.0333333 P PPL CN 09 89978 51 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3011 1807700 Huaibei Huaibei 33.9744444 116.7916667 P PPL CN 01 903039 41 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 3012 1808106 Hongjiang Hongjiang 27.11 109.9955556 P PPL CN 11 59199 230 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3013 1808198 Heze Heze 35.2430556 115.4411111 P PPL CN 25 254602 57 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3014 1808212 Hechuan Hechuan 29.9947222 106.2572222 P PPL CN 33 97575 213 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3015 1808316 Yiyang Yiyang 28.5891667 112.3283333 P PPL CN 11 202608 46 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3016 1808336 Hepo Hepo 23.4325 115.8305556 P PPL CN 30 131238 21 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3017 1808370 Hengyang Hengyang 26.8880556 112.615 P PPL CN 11 759602 36 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3018 1808392 Hengshui Hengshui 37.7322222 115.7011111 P PPL CN 10 456356 22 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 3019 1808722 Hefei Hefei 31.8638889 117.2808333 P PPLA CN 01 1388904 18 Asia/Shanghai 2008-05-10
+ 3020 1808744 Hede Hede 33.7680556 120.2516667 P PPL CN 04 89107 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3021 1808747 Hecun Hecun 36.5333333 114.1111111 P PPL CN 10 83009 252 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3022 1808770 Hebi Hebi 35.8991667 114.1925 P PPL CN 09 244662 138 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3023 1808857 Hanzhong Hanzhong 33.0727778 107.0302778 P PPL CN 26 145986 514 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3024 1808872 Fu'an Fu'an 27.0891667 119.6452778 P PPL CN 07 71053 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3025 1808879 Hanting Hanting 36.7708333 119.2108333 P PPL CN 25 90637 37 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3026 1808926 Hangzhou Hangzhou 30.2552778 120.1688889 P PPLA CN 02 1878129 18 Asia/Shanghai 2007-03-19
+ 3027 1808931 Hangu Hangu 39.2488889 117.7891667 P PPL CN 28 208369 15 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3028 1808963 Handan Handan 36.6005556 114.4677778 P PPL CN 10 1358318 69 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3029 1808977 Hanchuan Hanchuan 30.65 113.7666667 P PPL CN 12 87737 30 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3030 1808981 Hancheng Hancheng 35.4602778 110.4291667 P PPL CN 26 58049 392 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3031 1809003 Haizhou Haizhou 34.5816667 119.1288889 P PPL CN 04 59098 34 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3032 1809061 Jiaojiang Jiaojiang 28.6802778 121.4427778 P PPL CN 02 470804 4 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3033 1809062 Haimen Haimen 23.1975 116.6108333 P PPL CN 30 125427 17 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3034 1809077 Haikou Haikou 24.8069444 102.585 P PPL CN 29 112644 1956 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3035 1809078 Haikou Haikou 20.0458333 110.3416667 P PPLA CN 31 615835 8 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 3036 1809159 Guye Guye 39.7333333 118.4166667 P PPL CN 10 41484 34 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3037 1809263 Guozhen Guozhen 34.3536111 107.3752778 P PPL CN 26 85415 570 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 3038 1809412 Guli Guli 28.8833333 120.0333333 P PPL CN CN 02 536000 117 Asia/Shanghai 2007-06-19
+ 3039 1809461 Guiyang Guiyang 26.5833333 106.7166667 P PPLA CN 18 1171633 1078 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 3040 1809483 Guiren Guiren 33.6697222 118.1888889 P PPL CN 04 57446 22 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3041 1809486 Guiping Guiping 23.3925 110.0813889 P PPL CN 16 71066 45 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 3042 1809498 Guilin Guilin 25.2819444 110.2863889 P PPL CN 16 649352 148 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-05
+ 3043 1809532 Guigang Guigang 23.0963889 109.6091667 P PPL CN 16 76430 41 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3044 1809610 Gucheng Gucheng 32.2636111 111.6461111 P PPL CN 12 74038 89 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3045 1809858 Guangzhou Guangzhou 23.1166667 113.25 P PPLA CN 30 3152825 10 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 3046 1809879 Guangshui Guangshui 31.6183333 114.0 P PPL CN 12 154771 70 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3047 1810240 Gejiu Gejiu 23.3655556 103.1558333 P PPL CN 29 136135 1700 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 3048 1810295 Gaozhou Gaozhou 21.9166667 110.8666667 P PPL CN 30 166069 46 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3049 1810309 Gaoyou Gaoyou 32.7858333 119.4277778 P PPL CN 04 90911 22 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3050 1810437 Gaoping Gaoping 30.7833333 106.1333333 P PPL CN 32 204368 306 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3051 1810458 Gaomi Gaomi 36.3833333 119.7527778 P PPL CN 25 150793 19 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3052 1810553 Gaogou Gaogou 34.0175 119.1886111 P PPL CN 04 56214 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3053 1810821 Fuzhou Fuzhou 26.0613889 119.3061111 P PPLA CN 07 1179720 13 Asia/Shanghai 2007-03-19
+ 3054 1810845 Fuyang Fuyang 32.9 115.8166667 P PPL CN 01 170023 16 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 3055 1810846 Fuyang Fuyang 30.0533333 119.9519444 P PPL CN 02 70183 3 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3056 1810920 Fushan Fushan 37.4958333 121.2580556 P PPL CN 25 65622 15 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3057 1810979 Fuling Fuling 29.7022222 107.3919444 P PPL CN 33 166507 258 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-01
+ 3058 1811103 Foshan Foshan 23.0333333 113.1166667 P PPL CN 30 627348 12 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 3059 1811114 Fenyi Fenyi 27.8 114.6833333 P PPL CN 03 58478 95 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3060 1811200 Fengxian Fengxian 34.6936111 116.5952778 P PPL CN 04 57153 41 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3061 1811260 Fengrun Fengrun 39.8333333 118.1166667 P PPL CN 10 65150 18 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3062 1811305 Fengkou Fengkou 30.0833333 113.2666667 P PPL CN 12 67139 27 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3063 1811440 Feicheng Feicheng 35.2605556 117.9675 P PPL CN 25 80929 126 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3064 1811542 Fangshan Fangshan 39.6983333 115.9925 P PPL CN 22 97026 48 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3065 1811619 Ezhou Ezhou 30.4 114.8333333 P PPL CN 12 193652 21 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3066 1811720 Enshi Enshi 30.3 109.4833333 P PPL CN 12 95227 523 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3067 1811729 Enping Enping 22.1833333 112.3 P PPL CN 30 110921 17 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3068 1811764 Duyun Duyun 26.2666667 107.5166667 P PPL CN 18 91136 821 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3069 1811829 Duobaowan Duobaowan 30.65 112.6333333 P PPL CN 12 90257 19 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 3070 1811929 Ducheng Ducheng 23.2333333 111.5166667 P PPL CN 30 95525 25 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3071 1812057 Xinyi Xinyi 22.3541667 110.9394444 P PPL CN 30 98259 75 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3072 1812101 Dongying Dongying 37.4563889 118.4855556 P PPL CN 25 306450 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3073 1812228 Dongtai Dongtai 32.8405556 120.3127778 P PPL CN 04 110988 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3074 1812256 Dongsheng Dongsheng 39.8158333 109.9769444 P PPL CN 20 99809 1434 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3075 1812427 Dongkan Dongkan 33.9997222 119.8308333 P PPL CN 04 72789 6 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3076 1812521 Donghai Donghai 22.95 115.6333333 P PPL CN 30 188602 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3077 1812545 Dongguan Dongguan 23.0488889 113.7447222 P PPL CN 30 390219 21 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-10
+ 3078 1812597 Dongdu Dongdu 35.85 117.7 P PPL CN 25 72957 179 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3079 1812621 Dongcun Dongcun 36.7766667 121.1597222 P PPL CN 25 92282 37 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3080 1812728 Dingzhou Dingzhou 38.5130556 114.9955556 P PPL CN 10 152934 53 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3081 1812754 Dingtao Dingtao 35.0683333 115.5625 P PPL CN 25 58206 49 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3082 1812955 Dezhou Dezhou 37.4486111 116.2925 P PPL CN 25 379555 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-05-05
+ 3083 1812961 Deyang Deyang 31.1333333 104.4 P PPL CN 32 152194 500 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 3084 1812981 Deqing Deqing 30.5477778 120.08 P PPL CN 02 87576 23 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3085 1812988 Penglai Penglai 37.8086111 120.7508333 P PPL CN 25 85279 16 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3086 1812990 Dengzhou Dengzhou 32.6822222 112.0819444 P PPL CN 09 59338 115 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3087 1813016 Dengfeng Dengfeng 34.4552778 113.0280556 P PPL CN 09 62375 369 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3088 1813088 Dazhong Dazhong 33.2 120.4666667 P PPL CN 04 84323 4 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3089 1813171 Zhangjiajie Zhangjiajie 29.1294444 110.4783333 P PPL CN 11 86083 180 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3090 1813206 Daye Daye 30.0833333 114.95 P PPL CN 12 61847 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3091 1813253 Dayan Dayan 26.8687934220524 100.220718383789 P PPL CN CN 29 1137600 2394 Asia/Chongqing 2008-07-12
+ 3092 1813325 Daxian Daxian 31.2666667 107.5166667 P PPL CN 32 130749 314 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3093 1813344 Dawukou Dawukou 39.0419444 106.3958333 P PPL CN 21 131880 1126 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3094 1813451 Datong Datong 32.6333333 117.05 P PPL CN 01 61085 39 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3095 1813658 Daqiaozhen Daqiaozhen 29.6583333 121.4130556 P PPL CN 02 76653 2 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3096 1813775 Huaxian Huaxian 35.5638889 114.5058333 P PPL CN 09 56637 53 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3097 1813812 Danshui Danshui 22.8 114.45 P PPL CN 30 126701 14 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3098 1813828 Danjiangkou Danjiangkou 32.5427778 111.5086111 P PPL CN 12 92008 121 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3099 1813851 Dangtu Dangtu 31.5666667 118.4833333 P PPL CN 01 60335 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3100 1813892 Dancheng Dancheng 33.6333333 115.1833333 P PPL CN 09 65411 50 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3101 1814082 Daliang Daliang 22.8408333 113.2452778 P PPL CN 30 210411 7 Asia/Chongqing 2006-11-15
+ 3102 1814087 Dalian Dalian 38.9122222 121.6022222 P PPL CN 19 2035307 23 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 3103 1814093 Dali Dali 25.7 100.1833333 P PPL CN 29 134040 1981 Asia/Chongqing 2007-02-17
+ 3104 1814757 Chuzhou Chuzhou 32.3219444 118.2977778 P PPL CN 01 280582 22 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3105 1814786 Yangchun Yangchun 22.1666667 111.7833333 P PPL CN 30 153547 10 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3106 1814870 Yiwu Yiwu 29.3086111 120.0697222 P PPL CN 02 89629 46 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3107 1814906 Chongqing Chongqing 29.5627778 106.5527778 P PPLA CN 33 3967028 234 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 3108 1814919 Chonglong Chonglong 29.8 104.85 P PPL CN 32 58441 363 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 3109 1814934 Chizhou Chizhou 30.6577778 117.4830556 P PPL CN 01 148375 16 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3110 1815059 Chenzhou Chenzhou 25.8 113.0333333 P PPL CN 11 179038 160 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3111 1815184 Chengyang Chengyang 35.5794444 118.8327778 P PPL CN 25 66588 123 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3112 1815251 Jiangyin Jiangyin 31.9058333 120.2677778 P PPL CN 04 107918 13 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3113 1815286 Chengdu Chengdu 30.6666667 104.0666667 P PPLA CN 32 3950437 529 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 3114 1815302 Chenghai Chenghai 23.4647222 116.7644444 P PPL CN 30 152453 6 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3115 1815395 Chaozhou Chaozhou 23.6658333 116.64 P PPL CN 30 424787 11 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-18
+ 3116 1815427 Chaohu Chaohu 31.6 117.8666667 P PPL CN 01 138463 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-05-10
+ 3117 1815456 Changzhou Changzhou 31.7833333 119.9666667 P PPL CN 04 949018 7 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-17
+ 3118 1815463 Changzhi Changzhi 35.2088889 111.7386111 P PPL CN 24 699514 405 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3119 1815577 Changsha Changsha 28.2 112.9666667 P PPLA CN 11 2073938 46 Asia/Chongqing 2008-06-13
+ 3120 1815585 Changqing Changqing 36.5575 116.7272222 P PPL CN 25 82598 44 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3121 1815656 Changli Changli 39.7041667 119.1505556 P PPL CN 10 64476 14 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3122 1815667 Changleng Changleng 28.7 115.8166667 P PPL CN 03 56429 33 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3123 1816026 Caohe Caohe 30.2333333 115.4333333 P PPL CN 12 67370 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3124 1816028 Weining Weining 26.85 104.2333333 P PPL CN 18 56744 2166 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3125 1816080 Cangzhou Cangzhou 38.3166667 116.8666667 P PPL CN 10 527681 9 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-07
+ 3126 1816176 Caidian Caidian 30.5833333 114.0333333 P PPL CN 12 71891 22 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3127 1816221 Buhe Buhe 30.2888889 112.2372222 P PPL CN 12 106347 38 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3128 1816234 Bozhou Bozhou 33.8772222 115.7702778 P PPL CN 01 174140 34 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-10
+ 3129 1816256 Botou Botou 38.0666667 116.5666667 P PPL CN 10 63045 30 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3130 1816265 Boshan Boshan 36.4833333 117.8333333 P PPL CN 25 153596 361 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3131 1816269 Bose Bose 23.8997222 106.6133333 P PPL CN 16 90603 144 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3132 1816336 Binzhou Binzhou 37.3666667 118.0166667 P PPL CN 25 115893 18 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3133 1816338 Binzhou Binzhou 23.2 108.8 P PPL CN 16 70013 131 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3134 1816373 Bijie Bijie 27.3125 105.2941667 P PPL CN 18 77645 1530 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3135 1816406 Bianzhuang Bianzhuang 34.8486111 118.0447222 P PPL CN 25 65381 45 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3136 1816440 Bengbu Bengbu 32.9408333 117.3608333 P PPL CN 01 576648 31 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-18
+ 3137 1816670 Beijing Beijing 39.9074977414405 116.397228240967 P PPLC CN 22 7480601 63 Asia/Harbin 2008-10-31
+ 3138 1816705 Beihai Beihai 21.4833333 109.1 P PPL CN 16 289568 24 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3139 1816751 Beidao Beidao 34.5686111 105.8933333 P PPL CN 15 74767 1086 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3140 1816790 Beibei Beibei 29.8255556 106.4338889 P PPL CN 33 112019 230 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3141 1816890 Baoying Baoying 33.2291667 119.3091667 P PPL CN 04 80292 8 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3142 1816924 Langzhong Langzhong 31.5755556 105.9655556 P PPL CN 32 60542 409 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3143 1816971 Baoding Baoding 38.8511111 115.4902778 P PPL CN 10 995652 13 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-05
+ 3144 1817240 Baiyin Baiyin 36.5583333 104.2080556 P PPL CN 15 188533 1705 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3145 1817701 Baihe Baihe 22.15 107.2333333 P PPL CN 16 63629 167 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3146 1817858 Babu Babu 24.4166667 111.5166667 P PPL CN 16 65603 115 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3147 1817952 Anxiang Anxiang 29.4 112.15 P PPL CN 11 57769 30 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3148 1817968 Anshun Anshun 26.25 105.9333333 P PPL CN 18 351936 1386 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3149 1817990 Anqiu Anqiu 36.4341667 119.1925 P PPL CN 25 105665 57 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3150 1817993 Anqing Anqing 30.5091667 117.0505556 P PPL CN 01 358661 9 Asia/Shanghai 2006-11-15
+ 3151 1818004 Anping Anping 23.0333333 104.4 P PPL CN 29 63569 1394 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3152 1818016 Anlu Anlu 31.2575 113.6783333 P PPL CN 12 71198 50 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3153 1818051 Anjiang Anjiang 27.3194444 110.1030556 P PPL CN 11 55421 210 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3154 1818116 Anbu Anbu 23.4516667 116.6802778 P PPL CN 30 162964 7 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3155 1885823 Jiangyou Jiangyou 31.7666667 104.7166667 P PPL CN 32 127225 531 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-17
+ 3156 1886760 Suzhou Suzhou 31.3113889 120.6180556 P PPL CN 04 1343091 4 Asia/Shanghai 2008-06-13
+ 3157 1886762 Zhoushan Zhoushan 30.0202778 122.0980556 P PPL CN 02 84380 20 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3158 1898359 Mudu Mudu 31.2494444 120.5102778 P PPL CN 04 61902 4 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3159 1898494 Songling Songling 31.1608333 120.6391667 P PPL CN 04 77566 5 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3160 1920772 Zhoucheng Zhoucheng 35.9122222 116.3116667 P PPL CN 25 72070 37 Asia/Shanghai 2006-01-17
+ 3161 1921372 Dalianwan Dalianwan 39.0286111 121.695 P PPL CN 19 55841 37 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3162 2033128 Zhenlai Zhenlai 45.8333333 123.2 P PPL CN 05 67760 131 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3163 2033135 Shuangliao Shuangliao 43.5063889 123.5063889 P PPL CN 05 93666 114 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3164 2033147 Zhaozhou Zhaozhou 45.6833333 125.3166667 P PPL CN 08 62373 157 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3165 2033149 Zhaoyuan Zhaoyuan 45.5 125.1333333 P PPL CN 08 59370 132 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3166 2033168 Zhaodong Zhaodong 46.0833333 125.9833333 P PPL CN 08 154406 129 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3167 2033196 Zhangjiakou Zhangjiakou 40.81 114.8794444 P PPL CN 10 692602 757 Asia/Harbin 2006-11-05
+ 3168 2033225 Zalantun Zalantun 48.0 122.7166667 P PPL CN 20 132224 308 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-09
+ 3169 2033242 Yushu Yushu 44.8 126.5333333 P PPL CN 05 124736 207 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3170 2033301 Youhao Youhao 47.8666667 128.8333333 P PPL CN 08 78402 231 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3171 2033370 Yingkou Yingkou 40.6680556 122.2247222 P PPL CN 19 591159 2 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3172 2033403 Yilan Yilan 46.3166667 129.5666667 P PPL CN 08 71180 89 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3173 2033413 Yichun Yichun 47.7 128.9 P PPL CN 08 155762 490 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3174 2033423 Yebaishou Yebaishou 41.3975 119.6408333 P PPL CN 19 65536 404 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3175 2033449 Yantongshan Yantongshan 43.2919444 126.0094444 P PPL CN 05 57515 252 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3176 2033467 Yanji Yanji 42.9075 129.5077778 P PPL CN 05 326957 179 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3177 2033536 Yakeshi Yakeshi 49.2833333 120.7333333 P PPL CN 20 116284 658 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-08
+ 3178 2033574 Xuanhua Xuanhua 40.6102778 115.0447222 P PPL CN 10 373422 605 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3179 2033602 Xiuyan Xiuyan 40.2927778 123.2744444 P PPL CN 19 71614 76 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3180 2033667 Xinqing Xinqing 48.2333333 129.5 P PPL CN 08 55415 322 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3181 2033675 Xinmin Xinmin 41.9908333 122.8252778 P PPL CN 19 74139 27 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3182 2033739 Xinglongshan Xinglongshan 43.9561111 125.4661111 P PPL CN 05 58432 208 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3183 2033766 Xingcheng Xingcheng 40.6166667 120.7166667 P PPL CN 19 98968 4 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3184 2033824 Xilin Hot Xilin Hot 43.9666667 116.0333333 P PPL CN 20 120965 994 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-27
+ 3185 2033866 Xifeng Xifeng 42.7372222 124.7222222 P PPL CN 19 61087 193 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3186 2033934 Xiaoshi Xiaoshi 41.2894444 124.1319444 P PPL CN 19 68994 204 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3187 2034141 Wuchang Wuchang 44.9 127.1833333 P PPL CN 08 94786 190 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3188 2034221 Wangqing Wangqing 43.3208333 129.7580556 P PPL CN 05 88732 233 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3189 2034226 Wangou Wangou 42.0597222 126.9158333 P PPL CN 05 65298 720 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3190 2034228 Wangkui Wangkui 46.8333333 126.5 P PPL CN 08 69915 197 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3191 2034312 Ulan Hot Ulan Hot 46.0833333 122.0833333 P PPL CN 20 165846 275 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-27
+ 3192 2034340 Tumen Tumen 42.9661111 129.8425 P PPL CN 05 78719 100 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3193 2034400 Tongliao Tongliao 43.6125 122.2652778 P PPL CN 20 261110 177 Asia/Harbin 2006-11-15
+ 3194 2034439 Tieling Tieling 42.2930556 123.8413889 P PPL CN 19 333907 57 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3195 2034440 Tieli Tieli 46.95 128.05 P PPL CN 08 109636 205 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3196 2034497 Taonan Taonan 45.3333333 122.7833333 P PPL CN 05 112819 147 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3197 2034599 Tailai Tailai 46.3833333 123.4 P PPL CN 08 66623 144 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3198 2034600 Taikang Taikang 46.8333333 124.4166667 P PPL CN 08 55316 136 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3199 2034615 Tahe Tahe 52.3333333 124.7333333 P PPL CN 08 60874 395 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3200 2034638 Sujiatun Sujiatun 41.6591667 123.3391667 P PPL CN 19 148113 43 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3201 2034651 Suileng Suileng 47.25 127.0833333 P PPL CN 08 57124 143 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3202 2034655 Suihua Suihua 46.6405556 126.9969444 P PPL CN 08 252245 181 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3203 2034657 Suifenhe Suifenhe 44.4 131.1666667 P PPL CN 08 15183 558 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3204 2034691 Songjianghe Songjianghe 42.175 127.4913889 P PPL CN 05 67672 728 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3205 2034714 Siping Siping 43.1633333 124.3686111 P PPL CN 05 555609 150 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3206 2034754 Shunyi Shunyi 40.125 116.6452778 P PPL CN 22 117623 20 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3207 2034761 Shulan Shulan 44.4166667 126.95 P PPL CN 05 77420 234 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3208 2034786 Shuangyashan Shuangyashan 46.6361111 131.1538889 P PPL CN CN 08 600000 176 Asia/Harbin 2007-06-18
+ 3209 2034791 Shuangyang Shuangyang 43.5241667 125.6736111 P PPL CN 05 62137 196 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3210 2034834 Shuangcheng Shuangcheng 45.35 126.2833333 P PPL CN 08 130710 170 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3211 2034918 Xiguit Kuangqu Xiguit Kuangqu 40.7058333 110.2855556 P PPL CN 20 70357 1322 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 3212 2034937 Shenyang Shenyang 41.7922222 123.4327778 P PPLA CN 19 3512192 48 Asia/Harbin 2007-03-19
+ 3213 2034995 Shanhetun Shanhetun 44.7 127.2 P PPL CN 08 57550 195 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3214 2035002 Shangzhi Shangzhi 45.2166667 127.9666667 P PPL CN 08 82419 174 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3215 2035182 Sanchazi Sanchazi 42.0816667 126.6002778 P PPL CN 05 66576 550 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3216 2035196 Salqin Salqin 40.5413889 110.5108333 P PPL CN 20 64704 1000 Asia/Chongqing 2006-01-27
+ 3217 2035225 Ranghulu Ranghulu 46.65 124.8666667 P PPL CN 08 226298 142 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3218 2035261 Qitaihe Qitaihe 45.8 130.85 P PPL CN 08 345033 196 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3219 2035265 Qiqihar Qiqihar 47.3408333 123.9672222 P PPL CN 08 882364 147 Asia/Harbin 2006-11-05
+ 3220 2035325 Qinggang Qinggang 46.6833333 126.0833333 P PPL CN 08 64182 203 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3221 2035399 Qianguo Qianguo 45.1333333 124.8 P PPL CN 05 113611 128 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3222 2035453 Pingzhuang Pingzhuang 42.0372222 119.2888889 P PPL CN 20 67273 504 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3223 2035511 Panshi Panshi 42.9422222 126.0561111 P PPL CN 05 80200 311 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3224 2035513 Panshan Panshan 41.1880556 122.0494444 P PPL CN 19 625040 3 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-27
+ 3225 2035593 Nianzishan Nianzishan 47.5166667 122.8833333 P PPL CN 08 62131 256 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3226 2035601 Nenjiang Nenjiang 49.1833333 125.2166667 P PPL CN 08 87236 223 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3227 2035610 Nehe Nehe 48.4833333 124.8333333 P PPL CN 08 108253 207 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-09
+ 3228 2035635 Nantai Nantai 40.9166667 122.7833333 P PPL CN 19 56478 12 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3229 2035644 Nanpiao Nanpiao 41.0994444 120.7533333 P PPL CN 19 157044 94 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3230 2035669 Nancha Nancha 47.1333333 129.2666667 P PPL CN 08 121367 160 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3231 2035707 Mujiayingzi Mujiayingzi 42.1166667 118.7833333 P PPL CN 20 60627 695 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3232 2035715 Mudanjiang Mudanjiang 44.5833333 129.6 P PPL CN 08 665915 246 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-17
+ 3233 2035746 Mishan Mishan 45.55 131.8833333 P PPL CN 08 87257 112 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3234 2035754 Mingyue Mingyue 43.1069444 128.9216667 P PPL CN 05 58872 393 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3235 2035758 Mingshui Mingshui 47.1666667 125.9166667 P PPL CN 08 59369 239 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3236 2035801 Meihekou Meihekou 42.5272222 125.6752778 P PPL CN 05 99419 319 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3237 2035836 Manzhouli Manzhouli 49.6 117.4333333 P PPL CN 20 54808 630 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-09
+ 3238 2035966 Longjing Longjing 42.7713889 129.4233333 P PPL CN 05 117185 246 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3239 2035970 Longjiang Longjiang 47.3302778 123.1836111 P PPL CN 08 106384 182 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3240 2035980 Longfeng Longfeng 46.55 125.1166667 P PPL CN 08 152074 137 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3241 2036033 Liuhe Liuhe 42.2725 125.7252778 P PPL CN 05 66975 344 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3242 2036055 Lishu Lishu 43.3047222 124.3277778 P PPL CN 05 61584 165 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3243 2036066 Linkou Linkou 45.3 130.2833333 P PPL CN 08 77754 252 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3244 2036069 Linjiang Linjiang 41.8069444 126.9077778 P PPL CN 05 69149 318 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3245 2036075 Lingyuan Lingyuan 41.24 119.4011111 P PPL CN 19 91418 382 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3246 2036081 Lingdong Lingdong 46.5669444 131.1452778 P PPL CN 08 83636 170 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3247 2036106 Liaozhong Liaozhong 41.5061111 122.7241667 P PPL CN 19 54691 13 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3248 2036109 Liaoyuan Liaoyuan 42.9036111 125.1358333 P PPL CN 05 465249 265 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3249 2036113 Liaoyang Liaoyang 41.2719444 123.1730556 P PPL CN 19 687890 24 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3250 2036226 Lanxi Lanxi 46.2622222 126.2855556 P PPL CN 08 72528 152 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3251 2036237 Langxiang Langxiang 46.95 128.8833333 P PPL CN 08 57318 326 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3252 2036241 Langtou Langtou 40.0261111 124.3286111 P PPL CN 19 59046 1 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3253 2036283 Kuandian Kuandian 40.7286111 124.7847222 P PPL CN 19 70867 272 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3254 2036337 Kaiyuan Kaiyuan 42.5330556 124.0402778 P PPL CN 19 112462 93 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3255 2036338 Kaitong Kaitong 44.8 123.1 P PPL CN 05 62537 140 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3256 2036389 Jixi Jixi 45.3 130.9666667 P PPL CN 08 403759 201 Asia/Harbin 2006-11-07
+ 3257 2036401 Jiutai Jiutai 44.1525 125.8327778 P PPL CN 05 175115 170 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3258 2036403 Jiupu Jiupu 41.0666667 122.95 P PPL CN 19 123843 38 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3259 2036418 Jishu Jishu 44.3166667 126.8 P PPL CN 05 103988 245 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3260 2036427 Jinzhou Jinzhou 41.1077778 121.1416667 P PPL CN 19 604269 14 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3261 2036434 Jinxi Jinxi 40.75 120.8333333 P PPL CN 19 313247 10 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3262 2036458 Jining Jining 41.0275 113.1058333 P PPL CN 20 258757 1414 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3263 2036502 Jilin Jilin 43.8508333 126.5602778 P PPL CN 05 1881977 186 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-17
+ 3264 2036519 Jidong Jidong 45.2166667 131.0833333 P PPL CN 08 58520 243 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3265 2036536 Jiaohe Jiaohe 43.7286111 127.3447222 P PPL CN 05 123018 268 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3266 2036581 Jiamusi Jiamusi 46.8333333 130.35 P PPL CN 08 549549 61 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-17
+ 3267 2036595 Jalai Nur Jalai Nur 49.45 117.7 P PPL CN 20 107828 542 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-09
+ 3268 2036597 Jagdaqi Jagdaqi 50.4166667 124.1166667 P PPL CN 20 135760 383 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-27
+ 3269 2036619 Hushitai Hushitai 41.9322222 123.5113889 P PPL CN 19 61979 58 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3270 2036653 Hunchun Hunchun 42.8675 130.3580556 P PPL CN 05 77028 40 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3271 2036670 Hulan Ergi Hulan Ergi 47.2041667 123.6333333 P PPL CN 08 265344 151 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3272 2036671 Hulan Hulan 45.9833333 126.6 P PPL CN 08 109104 130 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3273 2036685 Huinan Huinan 42.6225 126.2613889 P PPL CN 05 66315 305 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3274 2036713 Huanren Huanren 41.2647222 125.3666667 P PPL CN 19 66147 278 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3275 2036734 Huangnihe Huangnihe 43.5583333 128.0238889 P PPL CN 05 54959 496 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3276 2036753 Huanan Huanan 46.2166667 130.5166667 P PPL CN 08 66087 163 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3277 2036776 Huadian Huadian 42.9633333 126.7477778 P PPL CN 05 139047 268 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3278 2036876 Honggang Honggang 46.4666667 124.8666667 P PPL CN 08 147977 125 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3279 2036892 Hohhot Hohhot 40.8105556 111.6522222 P PPLA CN 20 774477 1092 Asia/Chongqing 2007-03-19
+ 3280 2036920 Hengshan Hengshan 45.2 130.9166667 P PPL CN 08 164844 422 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3281 2036933 Helong Helong 42.5455556 129.0025 P PPL CN 05 85756 431 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3282 2036959 Heishan Heishan 41.6891667 122.1127778 P PPL CN 19 68603 15 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3283 2036973 Heihe Heihe 50.2666667 127.4666667 P PPL CN 08 109427 141 Asia/Harbin 2008-09-24
+ 3284 2036986 Hegang Hegang 47.4 130.3666667 P PPL CN 08 743307 207 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3285 2037013 Harbin Harbin 45.75 126.65 P PPLA CN 08 3229883 168 Asia/Harbin 2007-03-19
+ 3286 2037069 Hailun Hailun 47.45 126.9333333 P PPL CN 08 109881 227 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3287 2037075 Hailin Hailin 44.5833333 129.4166667 P PPL CN 08 85578 296 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3288 2037078 Hailar Hailar 49.2 119.7 P PPL CN 20 211066 619 Asia/Harbin 2008-04-19
+ 3289 2037086 Haicheng Haicheng 40.8519444 122.7416667 P PPL CN 19 191651 23 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3290 2037222 Gongzhuling Gongzhuling 43.5072222 124.8122222 P PPL CN 05 140909 205 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3291 2037240 Gongchangling Gongchangling 41.1166667 123.45 P PPL CN 19 70761 264 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-27
+ 3292 2037252 Genhe Genhe 50.7833333 121.5166667 P PPL CN 20 73631 706 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3293 2037311 Gannan Gannan 47.9147222 123.5030556 P PPL CN 08 59239 177 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3294 2037330 Fuyuan Fuyuan 48.3630556 134.2891667 P PPL CN 08 30000 64 Asia/Harbin 2009-03-29
+ 3295 2037331 Fuyuan Fuyuan 46.4333333 127.0833333 P PPL CN 08 72038 173 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3296 2037334 Fuyu Fuyu 47.7833333 124.45 P PPL CN 08 75147 148 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3297 2037335 Fuyu Fuyu 45.1833333 124.8166667 P PPL CN 05 138704 141 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3298 2037345 Fuxin Fuxin 42.0588889 121.745 P PPL CN 19 57356 150 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3299 2037346 Fuxin Fuxin 42.0155556 121.6588889 P PPL CN 19 689050 131 Asia/Harbin 2006-11-07
+ 3300 2037355 Fushun Fushun 41.8558333 123.9233333 P PPL CN 19 1400646 90 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3301 2037370 Fuli Fuli 46.7216667 131.1394444 P PPL CN 08 59160 108 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3302 2037375 Fujin Fujin 47.26 132.0322222 P PPL CN 08 89442 60 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3303 2037391 Fengzhen Fengzhen 40.4394444 113.1536111 P PPL CN 20 72444 1181 Asia/Harbin 2006-11-15
+ 3304 2037411 Fengcheng Fengcheng 40.4536111 124.0716667 P PPL CN 19 120514 71 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3305 2037485 Erenhot Erenhot 43.6475 111.9766667 P PPL CN 20 16427 966 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3306 2037494 Erdaojiang Erdaojiang 41.7763889 126.0319444 P PPL CN 05 60831 474 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3307 2037534 Dunhua Dunhua 43.3725 128.2425 P PPL CN 05 148844 499 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3308 2037611 Dongning Dongning 44.0627778 131.1441667 P PPL CN 08 61440 104 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3309 2037620 Dongling Dongling 41.8144444 123.5758333 P PPL CN 19 171454 43 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3310 2037658 Dongfeng Dongfeng 42.6713889 125.5252778 P PPL CN 05 67820 330 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3311 2037685 Didao Didao 45.3666667 130.8 P PPL CN 08 109561 245 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3312 2037712 Dehui Dehui 44.5333333 125.7 P PPL CN 05 108818 177 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3313 2037799 Datong Datong 40.0936111 113.2913889 P PPL CN 24 1052678 1041 Asia/Shanghai 2007-02-17
+ 3314 2037820 Dashitou Dashitou 43.3066667 128.5113889 P PPL CN 05 65683 526 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3315 2037823 Dashiqiao Dashiqiao 40.6341667 122.5080556 P PPL CN 19 80223 10 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3316 2037860 Daqing Daqing 46.5833333 125.0 P PPL CN 08 203488 142 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3317 2037886 Dandong Dandong 40.1291667 124.3947222 P PPL CN 19 631973 1 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-17
+ 3318 2037913 Linghai Linghai 41.1652778 121.3666667 P PPL CN 19 56176 25 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3319 2037930 Dalai Dalai 45.5 124.3 P PPL CN 05 93297 126 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-27
+ 3320 2038067 Chifeng Chifeng 42.2683333 118.9636111 P PPL CN 20 346654 568 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3321 2038080 Chengzihe Chengzihe 45.3333333 131.0666667 P PPL CN 08 98188 214 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3322 2038087 Chengde Chengde 40.9725 117.9361111 P PPL CN 10 449325 324 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-18
+ 3323 2038118 Chaoyang Chaoyang 42.6825 126.0330556 P PPL CN 05 75347 288 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3324 2038120 Chaoyang Chaoyang 41.5702778 120.4586111 P PPL CN 19 410005 133 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3325 2038139 Changtu Changtu 42.7752778 124.1127778 P PPL CN 19 71284 137 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3326 2038154 Changping Changping 40.2186111 116.2197222 P PPL CN 22 93174 51 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3327 2038158 Changling Changling 44.2666667 123.9666667 P PPL CN 05 55841 190 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3328 2038180 Changchun Changchun 43.88 125.3227778 P PPLA CN 05 2537421 212 Asia/Harbin 2008-06-10
+ 3329 2038198 Chaihe Chaihe 44.7666667 129.7 P PPL CN 08 67963 305 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3330 2038274 Boli Boli 45.7666667 130.5166667 P PPL CN 08 95260 224 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3331 2038283 Binzhou Binzhou 45.7333333 127.45 P PPL CN 08 62017 206 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3332 2038300 Benxi Benxi 41.2886111 123.765 P PPL CN 19 987717 156 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-18
+ 3333 2038342 Beipiao Beipiao 41.7919444 120.7791667 P PPL CN 19 154999 248 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3334 2038421 Bayan Bayan 46.0833333 127.4 P PPL CN 08 55186 125 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3335 2038432 Baotou Baotou 40.6522222 109.8222222 P PPL CN CN 20 1301768 1055 Asia/Chongqing 2007-06-18
+ 3336 2038438 Baoshan Baoshan 46.5586111 131.4244444 P PPL CN 08 123791 162 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3337 2038446 Baoqing Baoqing 46.3316667 132.2111111 P PPL CN 08 62991 90 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-09
+ 3338 2038482 Bamiantong Bamiantong 44.9333333 130.5333333 P PPL CN 08 66170 252 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3339 2038529 Baishishan Baishishan 43.5833333 127.5666667 P PPL CN 05 56992 363 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3340 2038541 Baiquan Baiquan 47.5833333 126.0833333 P PPL CN 08 70472 232 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3341 2038569 Baicheng Baicheng 45.6166667 122.8166667 P PPL CN 05 316970 146 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3342 2038584 Baishan Baishan 41.9430556 126.4286111 P PPL CN 05 183880 455 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3343 2038632 Anshan Anshan 41.1236111 122.99 P PPL CN 19 1199275 83 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3344 2038650 Anda Anda 46.4 125.3166667 P PPL CN 08 181271 145 Asia/Harbin 2006-01-17
+ 3345 2038665 Alihe Alihe 50.5666667 123.7166667 P PPL CN 20 61582 420 Asia/Harbin 2006-08-09
+ 3346 2038679 Acheng Acheng 45.5333333 126.9833333 P PPL CN 08 144665 142 Asia/Harbin 2007-02-08
+ 3347 3665542 Zipaquirá Zipaquira 5.0283333 -74.0058333 P PPL CO 33 91235 2656 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3348 3665559 Zarzal Zarzal 4.3983333 -76.0772222 P PPL CO 29 28761 693 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3349 3665566 Zaragoza Zaragoza 7.4941667 -74.8711111 P PPL CO 02 18795 56 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3350 3665657 Yumbo Yumbo 3.585 -76.4958333 P PPL CO 29 71436 991 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3351 3665688 Yopal Yopal 5.3394444 -72.3941667 P PPLA CO 32 61029 426 America/Bogota 2006-02-23
+ 3352 3665741 Yarumal Yarumal 6.9647222 -75.4202778 P PPL CO 02 22368 2192 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3353 3665851 Viterbo Viterbo 5.0636111 -75.8752778 P PPL CO 37 15216 1067 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3354 3665895 Villeta Villeta 5.0147222 -74.4747222 P PPL CO 33 20689 846 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3355 3665900 Villavicencio Villavicencio 4.1533333 -73.635 P PPLA CO 19 321717 529 America/Bogota 2007-02-18
+ 3356 3665913 Villa del Rosario Villa del Rosario 7.8338889 -72.4741667 P PPL CO 21 64951 381 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3357 3665934 Villanueva Villanueva 10.6052778 -72.98 P PPL CO 17 18699 279 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3358 3665951 Villanueva Villanueva 5.2833333 -71.9666667 P PPL CO 32 20032 179 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3359 3665973 Villamaría Villamaria 5.0477778 -75.5155556 P PPL CO 37 35302 1843 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3360 3666304 Valledupar Valledupar 10.4769444 -73.2505556 P PPLA CO 10 308237 163 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3361 3666395 Urrao Urrao 6.3197222 -76.1383333 P PPL CO 02 18846 1833 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3362 3666519 Ubaté Ubate 5.3122222 -73.8191667 P PPL CO 33 20485 2800 2704 America/Bogota 2007-02-28
+ 3363 3666570 Turbo Turbo 8.0980556 -76.7316667 P PPL CO 02 50508 7 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3364 3666577 Turbaco Turbaco 10.3294444 -75.4083333 P PPL CO 35 56171 129 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3365 3666582 Túquerres Tuquerres 1.0872222 -77.6225 P PPL CO 20 20184 3106 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3366 3666608 Tunja Tunja 5.5352778 -73.3677778 P PPLA CO 36 117479 2717 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3367 3666640 Tumaco Tumaco 1.7986111 -78.8155556 P PPL CO 20 86713 1 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3368 3666645 Tuluá Tulua 4.0866667 -76.2 P PPL CO 29 165501 766 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3369 3666939 Tolú Tolu 9.5280556 -75.5819444 P PPL CO 27 27390 3 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3370 3667158 Tierralta Tierralta 8.1736111 -76.0591667 P PPL CO 12 26242 99 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3371 3667478 Tame Tame 6.4641667 -71.7288889 P PPL CO 03 29099 297 America/Bogota 2006-02-23
+ 3372 3667728 Sucre Sucre 8.8138889 -74.7252778 P PPL CO 27 23210 22 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3373 3667820 Sonsón Sonson 5.7122222 -75.3138889 P PPL CO 02 17232 2380 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3374 3667849 Soledad Soledad 10.9172222 -74.7666667 P PPL CO 04 342556 10 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3375 3667873 Sogamoso Sogamoso 5.7205556 -72.9297222 P PPL CO 36 126551 2419 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3376 3667887 Socorro Socorro 6.4697222 -73.2616667 P PPL CO 26 17752 1277 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3377 3667905 Soacha Soacha 4.5872222 -74.2213889 P PPL CO 33 313945 2413 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3378 3667983 Sincelejo Sincelejo 9.3047222 -75.3977778 P PPLA CO 27 261187 219 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3379 3667991 Sincé Since 9.2469444 -75.1508333 P PPL CO 27 30768 120 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3380 3668087 Sibaté Sibate 4.4913889 -74.2605556 P PPL CO 33 23208 2684 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3381 3668132 Sevilla Sevilla 4.2688889 -75.9361111 P PPL CO 29 41612 1394 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3382 3668175 Segovia Segovia 7.0833333 -74.7036111 P PPL CO 02 39938 638 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3383 3668323 Santuario Santuario 6.1383333 -75.2641667 P PPL CO 02 17722 2134 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3384 3668332 Santo Tomás Santo Tomas 10.7611111 -74.75 P PPL CO 04 25847 3 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3385 3668454 Santa Rosa de Cabal Santa Rosa de Cabal 4.8680556 -75.6213889 P PPL CO 24 57928 1827 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3386 3668572 Santander de Quilichao Santander de Quilichao 3.0130556 -76.4866667 P PPL CO 09 40798 1061 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3387 3668605 Santa Marta Santa Marta 11.2472222 -74.2016667 P PPLA CO 38 431781 9 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3388 3668655 Santa Lucía Santa Lucia 10.3286111 -74.9644444 P PPL CO 04 15760 10 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3389 3669218 San Onofre San Onofre 9.74 -75.5277778 P PPL CO 27 32957 49 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3390 3669332 San Martín San Martin 3.6944444 -73.6936111 P PPL CO 19 16273 426 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3391 3669346 San Marcos San Marcos 8.6611111 -75.1347222 P PPL CO 27 36549 36 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3392 3669454 San Juan Nepomuceno San Juan Nepomuceno 9.9566667 -75.0866667 P PPL CO 35 29619 170 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3393 3669469 San Juan del Cesar San Juan del Cesar 10.7736111 -73.0083333 P PPL CO 17 26848 246 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3394 3669736 San Jacinto San Jacinto 9.8316667 -75.1263889 P PPL CO 35 20265 236 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3395 3669808 San Gil San Gil 6.5594444 -73.1361111 P PPL CO 26 33592 1277 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3396 3670038 San Benito Abad San Benito Abad 8.9316667 -75.0308333 P PPL CO 27 18181 19 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3397 3670218 San Andrés San Andres 12.5847222 -81.7005556 P PPLA CO 25 58257 -9999 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3398 3670280 Sampués Sampues 9.1836111 -75.3816667 P PPL CO 27 21204 161 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3399 3670370 Salamina Salamina 5.4083333 -75.49 P PPL CO 37 18076 1614 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3400 3670419 Sahagún Sahagun 8.9494444 -75.4477778 P PPL CO 12 59188 72 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3401 3670475 Sabaneta Sabaneta 6.15 -75.6 P PPL CO 02 34172 1803 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3402 3670502 Sabanalarga Sabanalarga 10.6377778 -74.9227778 P PPL CO 04 68535 88 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3403 3670644 Roldanillo Roldanillo 4.4147222 -76.1547222 P PPL CO 29 27561 724 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3404 3670719 Riosucio Riosucio 5.4244444 -75.7058333 P PPL CO 37 18950 1845 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3405 3670730 Rionegro Rionegro 6.1552778 -75.3888889 P PPL CO 02 62291 2058 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3406 3670745 Ríohacha Riohacha 11.5444444 -72.9072222 P PPLA CO 17 92431 5 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3407 3670874 Repelón Repelon 10.4919444 -75.1291667 P PPL CO 04 18685 20 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3408 3671098 Quimbaya Quimbaya 4.6230556 -75.7627778 P PPL CO 23 31391 1347 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3409 3671116 Quibdó Quibdo 5.6947222 -76.6611111 P PPLA CO 11 75104 67 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3410 3671315 Puerto Tejada Puerto Tejada 3.2336111 -76.4194444 P PPL CO 09 53674 847 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3411 3671325 Puerto Santander Puerto Santander 8.3636111 -72.4075 P PPL CO 21 16275 92 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3412 3671418 Puerto López Puerto Lopez 4.085 -72.9552778 P PPL CO 19 16678 210 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3413 3671497 Puerto Colombia Puerto Colombia 10.9877778 -74.9547222 P PPL CO 04 26227 11 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3414 3671531 Puerto Boyacá Puerto Boyaca 5.9780556 -74.5897222 P PPL CO 36 27310 142 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3415 3671540 Puerto Berrío Puerto Berrio 6.4944444 -74.4066667 P PPL CO 02 33983 70 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3416 3671549 Puerto Asís Puerto Asis 0.5158333 -76.495 P PPL CO 22 29782 413 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3417 3671772 Pradera Pradera 3.4211111 -76.2447222 P PPL CO 29 44630 912 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3418 3672068 Planeta Rica Planeta Rica 8.4147222 -75.5883333 P PPL CO 12 37297 113 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3419 3672093 Pivijay Pivijay 10.4666667 -74.6205556 P PPL CO 38 33492 2 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3420 3672110 Pitalito Pitalito 1.8675 -76.0563889 P PPL CO 16 53685 1319 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3421 3672328 Piedecuesta Piedecuesta 6.9894444 -73.0536111 P PPL CO 26 86387 1080 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3422 3672486 Pereira Pereira 4.8133333 -75.6961111 P PPLA CO 24 440118 1445 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3423 3672778 Pasto Pasto 1.2136111 -77.2811111 P PPLA CO 20 382236 2569 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3424 3673045 Pamplona Pamplona 7.3780556 -72.6525 P PPL CO 21 53587 2516 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3425 3673164 Palmira Palmira 3.5394444 -76.3036111 P PPL CO 29 247986 863 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3426 3673220 Palmar de Varela Palmar de Varela 10.7466667 -74.7555556 P PPL CO 04 28084 8 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3427 3673424 Pacho Pacho 5.1327778 -74.1619444 P PPL CO 33 16698 1796 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3428 3673662 Ocaña Ocana 8.2363889 -73.3577778 P PPL CO 21 83511 1272 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3429 3673899 Neiva Neiva 2.9305556 -75.3302778 P PPLA CO 16 352855 507 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3430 3674292 Mosquera Mosquera 4.7077778 -74.2327778 P PPL CO 33 27005 2291 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3431 3674453 Montería Monteria 8.7575 -75.89 P PPLA CO 12 272420 25 America/Bogota 2007-02-18
+ 3432 3674463 Montenegro Montenegro 4.5663889 -75.7511111 P PPL CO 23 36499 1264 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3433 3674597 Mompós Mompos 9.2419444 -74.4266667 P PPL CO 35 30861 20 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3434 3674654 Mocoa Mocoa 1.1488889 -76.6477778 P PPLA CO 22 22035 722 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3435 3674885 Melgar Melgar 4.2072222 -74.6455556 P PPL CO 28 25980 308 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3436 3674962 Medellín Medellin 6.2913889 -75.5361111 P PPLA CO 02 1999979 1405 2076 America/Bogota 2008-06-09
+ 3437 3675252 Mariquita Mariquita 5.2011111 -74.9127778 P PPL CO 28 23104 538 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3438 3675263 Marinilla Marinilla 6.1766667 -75.3391667 P PPL CO 02 24171 2073 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3439 3675287 María la Baja Maria la Baja 9.9847222 -75.3047222 P PPL CO 35 23401 31 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3440 3675409 Manzanares Manzanares 5.3247222 -75.1569444 P PPL CO 37 16278 2463 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3441 3675443 Manizales Manizales 5.07 -75.5205556 P PPLA CO 37 357814 1935 America/Bogota 2007-02-18
+ 3442 3675595 Malambo Malambo 10.8588889 -74.7730556 P PPL CO 04 101534 5 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3443 3675605 Málaga Malaga 6.7022222 -72.7361111 P PPL CO 26 18739 2772 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3444 3675657 Maicao Maicao 11.3841667 -72.2441667 P PPL CO 17 130348 44 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3445 3675692 Magangué Magangue 9.2413889 -74.7533333 P PPL CO 35 100313 18 America/Bogota 2006-05-19
+ 3446 3675707 Madrid Madrid 4.7344444 -74.2683333 P PPL CO 33 50437 2400 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3447 3675975 Los Patios Los Patios 7.8383333 -72.5133333 P PPL CO 21 58661 385 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3448 3676397 Lorica Lorica 9.2316667 -75.8197222 P PPL CO 12 40605 7 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3449 3676604 Líbano Libano 4.9263889 -75.0675 P PPL CO 28 28211 2012 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3450 3676623 Leticia Leticia -4.2152778 -69.9405556 P PPLA CO 01 29666 84 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3451 3676626 Lérida Lerida 4.8633333 -74.9127778 P PPL CO 28 20069 328 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3452 3676720 La Virginia La Virginia 4.8997222 -75.8825 P PPL CO 24 33835 610 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3453 3676928 La Unión La Union 4.5358333 -76.1066667 P PPL CO 29 23459 1061 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3454 3676934 La Unión La Union 1.6063889 -77.1338889 P PPL CO 20 15061 1661 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3455 3677010 La Tebaida La Tebaida 4.4552778 -75.7905556 P PPL CO 23 27098 1191 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3456 3678097 La Plata La Plata 2.3916667 -75.8916667 P PPL CO 16 19275 1302 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3457 3678674 La Jagua de Ibirico La Jagua de Ibirico 9.5641667 -73.3375 P PPL CO 10 18555 145 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3458 3679065 La Estrella La Estrella 6.1605556 -75.6469444 P PPL CO 02 49386 1887 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3459 3679277 La Dorada La Dorada 5.4522222 -74.6691667 P PPL CO 37 81950 152 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3460 3679554 La Ceja La Ceja 6.0336111 -75.4355556 P PPL CO 02 36584 2134 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3461 3680387 Jamundí Jamundi 3.2638889 -76.5444444 P PPL CO 29 44833 890 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3462 3680450 Itagüí Itagui 6.1719444 -75.6113889 P PPL CO 02 281853 1637 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3463 3680539 Ipiales Ipiales 0.8302778 -77.6444444 P PPL CO 20 77729 2954 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3464 3680656 Ibagué Ibague 4.4388889 -75.2322222 P PPLA CO 28 421685 1082 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3465 3680840 Honda Honda 5.2 -74.75 P PPL CO 28 28158 212 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3466 3681797 Guacarí Guacari 3.7694444 -76.3380556 P PPL CO 29 19637 866 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3467 3681957 Granada Granada 3.5386111 -73.7005556 P PPL CO 19 32365 328 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3468 3682018 Girón Giron 7.0708333 -73.1730556 P PPL CO 26 108466 712 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3469 3682028 Girardot Girardot 4.3030556 -74.8008333 P PPL CO 33 130289 328 America/Bogota 2006-05-10
+ 3470 3682108 Garzón Garzon 2.1991667 -75.6497222 P PPL CO 16 29451 780 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3471 3682238 Galapa Galapa 10.9058333 -74.8891667 P PPL CO 04 19732 80 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3472 3682274 Fusagasuga Fusagasuga 4.3438889 -74.3677778 P PPL CO 33 88820 1745 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3473 3682281 Funza Funza 4.7166667 -74.2166667 P PPL CO 33 54421 2276 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3474 3682292 Fundación Fundacion 10.5213889 -74.1866667 P PPL CO 38 59175 55 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3475 3682330 Fresno Fresno 5.1555556 -75.0402778 P PPL CO 28 17668 1466 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3476 3682374 Fonseca Fonseca 10.8922222 -72.8538889 P PPL CO 17 23509 175 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3477 3682385 Floridablanca Floridablanca 7.0647222 -73.0897222 P PPL CO 26 252267 1026 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3478 3682393 Florida Florida 3.3275 -76.2386111 P PPL CO 29 47173 894 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3479 3682426 Florencia Florencia 1.6175 -75.6175 P PPLA CO 08 130337 579 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3480 3682458 Flandes Flandes 4.2902778 -74.8186111 P PPL CO 28 20919 152 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3481 3682516 Facatativá Facatativa 4.8166667 -74.3666667 P PPL CO 33 94611 2816 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3482 3682573 Espinal Espinal 4.1527778 -74.8886111 P PPL CO 28 56213 329 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3483 3682631 Envigado Envigado 6.1730556 -75.5638889 P PPL CO 02 163007 1784 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3484 3683233 El Retén El Reten 10.6166667 -74.2666667 P PPL CO 38 15901 14 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3485 3684452 El Copey El Copey 10.1505556 -73.965 P PPL CO 10 18136 152 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3486 3684615 El Cerrito El Cerrito 3.6880556 -76.3166667 P PPL CO 29 38390 851 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3487 3684666 El Carmen de Bolívar El Carmen de Bolivar 9.7222222 -75.1330556 P PPL CO 35 47957 154 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3488 3684917 El Banco El Banco 9.0047222 -73.9780556 P PPL CO 38 54522 21 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3489 3684945 El Bagre El Bagre 7.5941667 -74.8119444 P PPL CO 02 40798 51 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3490 3685084 Duitama Duitama 5.8269444 -73.0202778 P PPL CO 36 92040 2501 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3491 3685095 Dos Quebradas Dos Quebradas 4.8347222 -75.6725 P PPL CO 24 179583 1500 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3492 3685335 Curumaní Curumani 9.2041667 -73.5486111 P PPL CO 10 22084 113 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3493 3685533 Cúcuta Cucuta 7.8833333 -72.5052778 P PPLA CO 21 721398 314 America/Bogota 2007-02-18
+ 3494 3685823 Corozal Corozal 9.3177778 -75.2958333 P PPL CO 27 39800 154 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3495 3685871 Corinto Corinto 3.1777778 -76.2622222 P PPL CO 09 16579 911 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3496 3685949 Copacabana Copacabana 6.3488889 -75.5130556 P PPL CO 02 49169 1498 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3497 3686233 Circasia Circasia 4.6188889 -75.6358333 P PPL CO 23 20113 1805 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3498 3686272 Ciénaga de Oro Cienaga de Oro 8.8780556 -75.6241667 P PPL CO 12 17623 56 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3499 3686279 Ciénaga Cienaga 11.0094444 -74.2541667 P PPL CO 38 88311 12 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3500 3686479 Chiriguaná Chiriguana 9.3669444 -73.6069444 P PPL CO 10 15181 63 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3501 3686513 Chiquinquirá Chiquinquira 5.6188889 -73.82 P PPL CO 36 45294 2713 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3502 3686540 Chinú Chinu 9.1086111 -75.3997222 P PPL CO 12 19596 119 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3503 3686561 Chinchiná Chinchina 4.9825 -75.6036111 P PPL CO 37 68512 1488 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3504 3686585 Chimichagua Chimichagua 9.2577778 -73.8177778 P PPL CO 10 16746 56 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3505 3686636 Chigorodó Chigorodo 7.6769444 -76.6863889 P PPL CO 02 48443 109 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3506 3686675 Chía Chia 4.8666667 -74.0666667 P PPL CO 33 64569 2325 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3507 3686793 Chaparral Chaparral 3.7269444 -75.4872222 P PPL CO 28 19982 731 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3508 3686922 Cereté Cerete 8.8855556 -75.7966667 P PPL CO 12 55513 15 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3509 3687025 Caucasia Caucasia 7.9869444 -75.1972222 P PPL CO 02 58034 65 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3510 3687230 Cartago Cartago 4.7463889 -75.9116667 P PPL CO 29 134827 722 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3511 3687238 Cartagena Cartagena 10.3997222 -75.5144444 P PPLA CO 35 952024 36 America/Bogota 2008-05-11
+ 3512 3687318 Carmen de Viboral Carmen de Viboral 6.085 -75.3386111 P PPL CO 02 21152 2131 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3513 3687644 Candelaria Candelaria 3.4130556 -76.3511111 P PPL CO 29 23989 810 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3514 3687758 Campo de la Cruz Campo de la Cruz 10.3847222 -74.8897222 P PPL CO 04 22803 12 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3515 3687806 Campoalegre Campoalegre 2.6877778 -75.3280556 P PPL CO 16 22568 542 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3516 3687925 Cali Cali 3.4372222 -76.5225 P PPLA CO 29 2392877 758 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3517 3687952 Caldas Caldas 6.09 -75.6375 P PPL CO 02 65565 1929 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3518 3687964 Calarcá Calarca 4.5325 -75.6436111 P PPL CO 23 62170 1459 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3519 3688006 Cajicá Cajica 4.9166667 -74.0333333 P PPL CO 33 24999 2366 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3520 3688071 Caicedonia Caicedonia 4.3375 -75.8322222 P PPL CO 29 32417 1463 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3521 3688256 Buga Buga 3.9022222 -76.3027778 P PPL CO 29 118004 722 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3522 3688451 Buenaventura Buenaventura 3.8933333 -77.0697222 P PPL CO 29 240387 1 America/Bogota 2007-02-18
+ 3523 3688452 Buenaventura Buenaventura 3.5833333 -77.0 P PPL CO 29 24842 7 217 America/Bogota 2009-03-24
+ 3524 3688465 Bucaramanga Bucaramanga 7.1297222 -73.1258333 P PPLA CO 26 571820 967 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3525 3688689 Bogotá Bogota 4.6 -74.0833333 P PPLC CO 34 7102602 2620 America/Bogota 2008-09-08
+ 3526 3688928 Bello Bello 6.3388889 -75.5622222 P PPL CO 02 392939 1489 America/Bogota 2006-11-07
+ 3527 3688989 Belén de Umbría Belen de Umbria 5.2036111 -75.8705556 P PPL CO 24 15698 1475 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3528 3689147 Barranquilla Barranquilla 10.9638889 -74.7963889 P PPLA CO 04 1380425 33 America/Bogota 2007-02-17
+ 3529 3689162 Barrancas Barrancas 10.9588889 -72.7908333 P PPL CO 17 17350 131 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3530 3689169 Barrancabermeja Barrancabermeja 7.0652778 -73.8547222 P PPL CO 26 191403 45 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3531 3689205 Barbosa Barbosa 6.4386111 -75.3330556 P PPL CO 02 16707 1473 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3532 3689206 Barbosa Barbosa 5.9325 -73.6211111 P PPL CO 26 20372 1576 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3533 3689235 Baranoa Baranoa 10.7997222 -74.9183333 P PPL CO 04 44078 124 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3534 3689381 Ayapel Ayapel 8.3158333 -75.1455556 P PPL CO 12 22602 32 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3535 3689560 Armenia Armenia 4.5338889 -75.6811111 P PPLA CO 23 315328 1349 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3536 3689570 Arjona Arjona 10.2544444 -75.3438889 P PPL CO 35 50405 58 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3537 3689589 Ariguaní Ariguani 10.25 -74.0 P PPL CO 38 26246 180 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3538 3689718 Arauca Arauca 7.0902778 -70.7616667 P PPLA CO 03 69264 119 America/Bogota 2007-02-18
+ 3539 3689759 Aracataca Aracataca 10.5927778 -74.1905556 P PPL CO 38 27704 38 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3540 3689798 Apartadó Apartado 7.8855556 -76.6347222 P PPL CO 02 86438 57 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3541 3689833 Anserma Anserma 5.3327778 -75.7911111 P PPL CO 37 25242 1955 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3542 3689899 Andes Andes 5.6580556 -75.8808333 P PPL CO 02 16419 1476 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3543 3689905 Andalucía Andalucia 4.1741667 -76.1702778 P PPL CO 29 17432 750 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3544 3690316 Aguazul Aguazul 5.1730556 -72.5547222 P PPL CO 32 15669 314 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3545 3690431 Aguadas Aguadas 5.6147222 -75.4597222 P PPL CO 37 19727 1858 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3546 3690465 Aguachica Aguachica 8.3125 -73.6269444 P PPL CO 10 73360 151 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3547 3690577 Acacías Acacias 3.9875 -73.7566667 P PPL CO 19 40627 579 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3548 3792375 Carepa Carepa 7.7663889 -76.6611111 P PPL CO 02 20627 82 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3549 3792376 Ciudad Bolívar Ciudad Bolivar 5.8538889 -76.0252778 P PPL CO 02 16225 1316 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3550 3792383 Agustín Codazzi Agustin Codazzi 10.0358333 -73.2388889 P PPL CO 10 51478 183 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3551 3792392 Plato Plato 9.7919444 -74.7872222 P PPL CO 38 48606 18 America/Bogota 2006-01-17
+ 3552 3828545 San José del Guaviare San Jose del Guaviare 2.5683333 -72.6416667 P PPLA CO 14 22136 301 America/Bogota 2006-11-15
+ 3553 6851692 Las Pavas Las Pavas 1.496406 -72.134913 P PPLC CO 14 0 287 America/Bogota 2009-01-05
+ 3554 3621184 Turrialba Turrialba 9.9 -83.6833333 P PPL CR 02 28955 639 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3555 3621335 Tejar Tejar 9.75 -84.2333333 P PPL CR 08 22433 999 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-27
+ 3556 3621440 Siquirres Siquirres 10.1 -83.5166667 P PPL CR 06 18231 120 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3557 3621505 San Vicente San Vicente 9.9666667 -84.05 P PPL CR 08 34447 1201 America/Costa_Rica 2007-07-31
+ 3558 3621655 San Rafael Arriba San Rafael Arriba 9.8833333 -84.0833333 P PPL CR 08 15051 1176 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3559 3621659 San Rafael Abajo San Rafael Abajo 9.8333333 -84.2833333 P PPL CR 08 27419 675 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3560 3621687 San Rafael San Rafael 9.9666667 -84.2166667 P PPL CR 01 17649 847 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3561 3621689 San Rafael San Rafael 9.9333333 -84.1333333 P PPL CR 08 25410 1059 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3562 3621717 San Pedro San Pedro 9.9333333 -84.05 P PPL CR 08 27477 1229 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3563 3621729 San Pablo San Pablo 10.0 -84.0833333 P PPL CR 04 21662 1236 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3564 3621753 San Miguel San Miguel 9.8833333 -84.0666667 P PPL CR 08 28827 1180 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3565 3621804 San Juan de Dios San Juan de Dios 9.8833333 -84.0833333 P PPL CR 08 15469 1176 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3566 3621819 San Juan San Juan 9.9666667 -84.0833333 P PPL CR 08 26047 1099 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3567 3621841 San José San Jose 10.9666667 -85.1333333 P PPL CR 01 31430 42 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3568 3621849 San José San Jose 9.9333333 -84.0833333 P PPLC CR 08 335007 1147 America/Costa_Rica 2007-02-17
+ 3569 3621889 San Isidro San Isidro 9.3833333 -83.7 P PPL CR 08 34877 752 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3570 3621911 San Francisco San Francisco 9.9833333 -84.1333333 P PPL CR 04 55923 1046 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3571 3621922 San Felipe San Felipe 9.9 -84.1 P PPL CR 08 24985 1144 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3572 3621926 San Diego San Diego 9.9 -84.0 P PPL CR 02 16991 1290 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3573 3622190 Quesada Quesada 10.3333333 -84.4333333 P PPL CR 01 27310 616 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3574 3622217 Purral Purral 9.95 -84.0333333 P PPL CR 08 30034 1292 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3575 3622228 Puntarenas Puntarenas 9.97624732116729 -84.8383569717407 P PPL CR 07 35650 1 America/Costa_Rica 2008-10-13
+ 3576 3622247 Puerto Limón Puerto Limon 10.0 -83.0333333 P PPL CR 06 63081 2 America/Costa_Rica 2007-02-17
+ 3577 3622507 Patarrá Patarra 9.8833333 -84.0333333 P PPL CR 08 23983 1271 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3578 3622547 Paraíso Paraiso 9.8333333 -83.8666667 P PPL CR 02 39702 1319 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3579 3622716 Nicoya Nicoya 10.15 -85.45 P PPL CR 03 15313 125 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3580 3622881 Mercedes Mercedes 10.0166667 -84.1333333 P PPL CR 04 26007 1152 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3581 3623076 Liberia Liberia 10.6333333 -85.4333333 P PPL CR 03 45380 176 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3582 3623394 Ipís Ipis 9.9666667 -84.0166667 P PPL CR 08 26669 1318 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3583 3623486 Heredia Heredia 10.0 -84.1166667 P PPL CR 04 21947 1155 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3584 3623580 Guápiles Guapiles 10.2166667 -83.7833333 P PPL CR 06 19092 248 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3585 3623593 Guadalupe Guadalupe 9.946111 -84.05279 P PPL CR 08 26005 1184 America/Costa_Rica 2007-07-31
+ 3586 3623781 Esparza Esparza 9.9833333 -84.6666667 P PPL CR 07 15575 145 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3587 3623977 Curridabat Curridabat 9.9166667 -84.0333333 P PPL CR 08 34586 1229 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3588 3624174 Colima Colima 9.95 -84.0833333 P PPL CR 08 15875 1138 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3589 3624288 Chacarita Chacarita 9.9833333 -84.7833333 P PPL CR 07 26354 5 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3590 3624370 Cartago Cartago 9.8666667 -83.9166667 P PPL CR 02 26594 1489 America/Costa_Rica 2006-11-19
+ 3591 3624468 Cañas Canas 10.4333333 -85.1 P PPL CR 03 20306 64 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3592 3624509 Calle Blancos Calle Blancos 9.95 -84.0666667 P PPL CR 08 20710 1155 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3593 3624848 Aserrí Aserri 9.8666667 -84.1 P PPL CR 08 25874 1331 America/Costa_Rica 2006-01-17
+ 3594 3624955 Alajuela Alajuela 10.0166667 -84.2166667 P PPL CR 01 47494 928 America/Costa_Rica 2007-02-18
+ 3595 6612154 San Vicente de Moravia San Vicente de Moravia 9.96164393568201 -84.0488004684448 P PPL CR 08 34447 1240 1227 America/Costa_Rica 2007-07-31
+ 3596 3533753 Yara Yara 20.2752778 -76.9533333 P PPL CU 09 28944 23 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3597 3533826 Yaguajay Yaguajay 22.3272222 -79.2377778 P PPL CU 14 42218 22 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3598 3534094 Viñales Vinales 22.6163889 -83.7077778 P PPL CU 01 27129 174 America/Havana 2009-03-04
+ 3599 3534363 Vertientes Vertientes 21.2594444 -78.1463889 P PPL CU 05 29704 67 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3600 3534432 Venezuela Venezuela 21.7352778 -78.7963889 P PPL CU 07 16601 22 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3601 3534632 Varadero Varadero 23.1536111 -81.2513889 P PPL CU CU 03 20000 3 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3602 3534761 Unión de Reyes Union de Reyes 22.7952778 -81.5375 P PPL CU 03 33646 53 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3603 3534915 Trinidad Trinidad 21.8019444 -79.9841667 P PPL CU 14 60206 93 America/Havana 2007-02-18
+ 3604 3536259 Sibanicú Sibanicu 21.235 -77.5263889 P PPL CU 05 16856 85 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3605 3536640 Santo Domingo Santo Domingo 22.5866667 -80.2436111 P PPL CU 16 45476 39 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3606 3536724 Santiago de las Vegas Santiago de las Vegas 22.97 -82.3869444 P PPL CU 02 35241 97 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3607 3536729 Santiago de Cuba Santiago de Cuba 20.0247222 -75.8219444 P PPL CU 15 555865 33 America/Havana 2008-04-13
+ 3608 3537840 Santa Cruz del Sur Santa Cruz del Sur 20.7147222 -77.9955556 P PPL CU 05 34601 2 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3609 3537845 Santa Cruz del Norte Santa Cruz del Norte 23.1538889 -81.9236111 P PPL CU 11 18402 6 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3610 3537906 Santa Clara Santa Clara 22.4 -79.9666667 P PPL CU 16 250512 131 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3611 3539093 San Luis San Luis 20.1875 -75.8508333 P PPL CU 15 67293 178 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3612 3539560 San José de las Lajas San Jose de las Lajas 22.9613889 -82.1511111 P PPL CU 11 54847 131 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3613 3540667 Sancti Spíritus Sancti Spiritus 21.9297222 -79.4425 P PPL CU 14 127069 55 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3614 3540680 San Cristóbal San Cristobal 22.7141667 -83.0480556 P PPL CU 01 59579 41 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3615 3540885 San Antonio de los Baños San Antonio de los Banos 22.8911111 -82.4991667 P PPL CU 11 42724 55 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3616 3541440 Sagua la Grande Sagua la Grande 22.8066667 -80.0755556 P PPL CU 16 62073 11 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3617 3541446 Sagua de Tánamo Sagua de Tanamo 20.5819444 -75.2413889 P PPL CU 12 18282 28 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3618 3541999 Rodas Rodas 22.3408333 -80.5572222 P PPL CU 08 19212 25 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3619 3542137 Río Guayabal de Yateras Rio Guayabal de Yateras 20.3666667 -75.0166667 P PPLL CU 10 25753 456 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3620 3542167 Río Cauto Rio Cauto 20.5602778 -76.9161111 P PPL CU 09 23737 9 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3621 3542455 Remedios Remedios 22.4947222 -79.5458333 P PPL CU 16 34108 26 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3622 3542744 Ranchuelo Ranchuelo 22.3772222 -80.1488889 P PPL CU 16 43695 100 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3623 3543299 Puerto Padre Puerto Padre 21.195 -76.6027778 P PPL CU 13 76838 4 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3624 3543498 Primero de Enero Primero de Enero 21.9469444 -78.4283333 P PPL CU 07 17934 23 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3625 3543961 Placetas Placetas 22.3119444 -79.6533333 P PPL CU 16 55408 197 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3626 3544091 Pinar del Río Pinar del Rio 22.4175 -83.6980556 P PPL CU 01 186990 44 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3627 3544393 Perico Perico 22.7691667 -81.0188889 P PPL CU 03 24073 33 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3628 3544607 Pedro Betancourt Pedro Betancourt 22.7272222 -81.29 P PPL CU 03 26761 15 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3629 3545040 Palmira Palmira 22.2416667 -80.3902778 P PPL CU 08 23078 65 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3630 3545064 Palma Soriano Palma Soriano 20.2172222 -75.9988889 P PPL CU 15 102826 133 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3631 3545841 Nuevitas Nuevitas 21.5452778 -77.2644444 P PPL CU 05 54022 17 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3632 3545867 Nueva Gerona Nueva Gerona 21.8833333 -82.8 P PPL CU 04 20264 18 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3633 3545981 Niquero Niquero 20.0430556 -77.5827778 P PPL CU 09 18771 8 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3634 3546434 Morón Moron 22.1094444 -78.6275 P PPL CU 07 66060 7 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3635 3546791 Moa Moa 20.6569444 -74.9402778 P PPL CU 12 92852 10 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3636 3546894 Minas Minas 21.4833333 -77.6166667 P PPL CU 05 20863 61 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3637 3547260 Media Luna Media Luna 20.1419444 -77.435 P PPL CU 09 16713 9 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3638 3547398 Matanzas Matanzas 23.0411111 -81.5775 P PPL CU 03 146733 4 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3639 3547600 Mariel Mariel 22.9875 -82.7536111 P PPL CU 11 28987 68 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3640 3547867 Manzanillo Manzanillo 20.3433333 -77.1166667 P PPL CU 09 128188 16 America/Havana 2006-05-10
+ 3641 3547976 Manicaragua Manicaragua 22.1494444 -79.9736111 P PPL CU 16 41532 152 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3642 3548529 Madruga Madruga 22.9113889 -81.8561111 P PPL CU 11 33798 135 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3643 3548993 Los Palacios Los Palacios 22.5872222 -83.2486111 P PPL CU 01 25703 34 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3644 3550598 Las Tunas Las Tunas 20.9616667 -76.9511111 P PPL CU 13 203684 88 America/Havana 2006-05-05
+ 3645 3551608 La Salud La Salud 22.8713889 -82.4238889 P PPL CU CU 11 28796 63 America/Havana 2009-06-21
+ 3646 3553478 Havana Havana 23.1319444 -82.3641667 P PPLC CU 02 2163824 5 America/Havana 2007-08-27
+ 3647 3555907 Jovellanos Jovellanos 22.8044444 -81.1944444 P PPL CU 03 47164 32 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3648 3556077 Jobabo Jobabo 20.9691667 -76.2994444 P PPLL CU 12 17804 117 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3649 3556168 Jiguaní Jiguani 20.3666667 -76.4272222 P PPL CU 09 41106 137 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3650 3556334 Jatibonico Jatibonico 21.9419444 -79.17 P PPL CU 14 19644 94 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3651 3556351 Jaruco Jaruco 23.0430556 -82.0108333 P PPL CU 11 20207 123 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3652 3556437 Jagüey Grande Jaguey Grande 22.5269444 -81.1286111 P PPL CU 03 54363 9 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3653 3556969 Holguín Holguin 20.8872222 -76.2630556 P PPL CU 12 319102 135 America/Havana 2007-02-18
+ 3654 3557332 Guisa Guisa 20.255 -76.5386111 P PPL CU 09 18408 247 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3655 3557347 Güira de Melena Guira de Melena 22.7905556 -82.5052778 P PPL CU 11 69879 14 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3656 3557378 Güines Guines 22.8361111 -82.0280556 P PPL CU 11 68935 60 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3657 3557689 Guantánamo Guantanamo 20.1444444 -75.2091667 P PPL CU 10 272801 46 America/Havana 2007-02-17
+ 3658 3557758 Guane Guane 22.2025 -84.0875 P PPL CU 01 16548 10 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3659 3557801 Guanajay Guanajay 22.9263889 -82.6875 P PPL CU 11 25258 116 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3660 3557923 Guáimaro Guaimaro 21.05 -77.35 P PPL CU 05 39358 74 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3661 3558315 Gibara Gibara 21.1097222 -76.1316667 P PPL CU 12 27603 1 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3662 3558744 Fomento Fomento 22.1038889 -79.7216667 P PPL CU 14 19991 122 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3663 3558771 Florida Florida 21.5247222 -78.2258333 P PPL CU 05 63007 62 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3664 3559318 Esmeralda Esmeralda 21.8525 -78.1169444 P PPL CU 05 20274 32 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3665 3559416 Encrucijada Encrucijada 22.6169444 -79.8711111 P PPL CU 16 26155 46 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3666 3562827 Cumanayagua Cumanayagua 22.1494444 -80.2022222 P PPL CU 08 38687 66 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3667 3562895 Cueto Cueto 20.6438889 -75.9355556 P PPL CU 12 26527 68 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3668 3563145 Cruces Cruces 22.3411111 -80.2666667 P PPL CU 08 24906 93 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3669 3563317 Corralillo Corralillo 22.9819444 -80.5855556 P PPL CU 10 51881 36 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3670 3563504 Contramaestre Contramaestre 20.2977778 -76.2413889 P PPL CU 15 70438 100 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3671 3563559 Consolación del Sur Consolacion del Sur 22.5047222 -83.5136111 P PPL CU 01 69857 64 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3672 3563609 Condado Condado 21.8766667 -79.8402778 P PPL CU 14 38248 25 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3673 3563843 Colón Colon 22.7191667 -80.9058333 P PPL CU 03 63882 55 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3674 3563856 Colombia Colombia 20.9880556 -77.4297222 P PPL CU 13 20096 59 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3675 3564114 Cifuentes Cifuentes 22.645 -80.0461111 P PPL CU 16 40142 75 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3676 3564124 Cienfuegos Cienfuegos 22.1461111 -80.4355556 P PPL CU 08 186644 22 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3677 3564178 Ciego de Ávila Ciego de Avila 21.84 -78.7619444 P PPL CU 07 142027 43 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3678 3564394 Chambas Chambas 22.1927778 -78.9136111 P PPL CU 07 24114 34 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3679 3565432 Cárdenas Cardenas 23.0375 -81.2047222 P PPL CU 03 98515 2 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3680 3565951 Campechuela Campechuela 20.2341667 -77.2788889 P PPL CU 09 25069 14 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3681 3566054 Camajuaní Camajuani 22.4833333 -79.75 P PPLL CU 16 35515 97 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3682 3566067 Camagüey Camaguey 21.3808333 -77.9169444 P PPL CU 05 347562 91 America/Havana 2008-04-11
+ 3683 3566134 Calimete Calimete 22.5333333 -80.9061111 P PPL CU 03 23255 25 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3684 3566356 Caibarién Caibarien 22.5205556 -79.4669444 P PPL CU 16 39140 3 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3685 3566603 Cabaiguán Cabaiguan 22.0788889 -79.4991667 P PPL CU 14 44515 133 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3686 3567546 Bejucal Bejucal 22.9286111 -82.3886111 P PPL CU 11 18123 144 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3687 3567597 Bayamo Bayamo 20.3791667 -76.6433333 P PPL CU 09 192632 53 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3688 3567612 Bauta Bauta 22.9827778 -82.5463889 P PPL CU 11 45768 66 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3689 3567823 Baraguá Baragua 21.6966667 -78.6327778 P PPL CU 07 15268 3 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3690 3567834 Baracoa Baracoa 20.3466667 -74.4958333 P PPL CU 10 48362 1 America/Havana 2007-02-18
+ 3691 3567869 Banes Banes 20.9625 -75.7186111 P PPL CU 12 53104 48 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3692 3567995 Bahía Honda Bahia Honda 22.9036111 -83.1591667 P PPL CU 01 19834 15 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3693 3568312 Artemisa Artemisa 22.8130556 -82.7619444 P PPL CU 11 68073 44 America/Havana 2006-11-15
+ 3694 3569136 Alquízar Alquizar 22.8058333 -82.5841667 P PPL CU 11 15275 19 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3695 3569546 Aguada de Pasajeros Aguada de Pasajeros 22.385 -80.8508333 P PPL CU 08 23606 22 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3696 3569741 Abreus Abreus 22.2775 -80.5675 P PPL CU 08 16711 12 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3697 3746938 Báguanos Baguanos 20.7516667 -76.0269444 P PPL CU 12 15176 64 America/Havana 2006-01-17
+ 3698 3374218 Santa Maria Santa Maria 16.6 -22.9 P PPL CV 00 17231 13 Atlantic/Cape_Verde 2006-01-17
+ 3699 3374333 Praia Praia 14.9166667 -23.5166667 P PPLC CV 00 113364 0 -9999 Atlantic/Cape_Verde 2007-02-17
+ 3700 3374462 Mindelo Mindelo 16.8833333 -25.0 P PPL CV 00 70611 62 Atlantic/Cape_Verde 2006-11-15
+ 3701 2078127 Flying Fish Cove Flying Fish Cove -10.4166667 105.7166667 P PPLC CX CX 00 0 -9999 Indian/Christmas 2006-11-07
+ 3702 18918 Protaras Protaras 35.0125 34.0583333 P PPL CY 01 20230 1 Asia/Nicosia 2008-10-22
+ 3703 146214 Paphos Paphos 34.7666667 32.4166667 P PPLA CY 00 35961 32 Asia/Nicosia 2009-02-17
+ 3704 146268 Nicosia Nicosia 35.1666667 33.3666667 P PPLC CY 04 200452 128 Asia/Nicosia 2007-02-17
+ 3705 146384 Limassol Limassol 34.675 33.0333333 P PPLA CY 05 154000 1 Asia/Nicosia 2009-02-17
+ 3706 146400 Larnaca Larnaca 34.9166667 33.6291667 P PPLA CY 03 48947 24 Asia/Nicosia 2009-02-17
+ 3707 146412 Kyrenia Kyrenia 35.3416667 33.3166667 P PPLA CY 02 26701 -9999 Asia/Nicosia 2009-02-17
+ 3708 146617 Famagusta Famagusta 35.125 33.95 P PPLA CY 01 42526 1 Asia/Nicosia 2009-02-17
+ 3709 3061284 Dvůr Králové nad Labem Dvur Kralove nad Labem 50.4317219575238 15.8140211533142 P PPL CZ 82 16150 286 Europe/Prague 2008-10-17
+ 3710 3061344 Znojmo Znojmo 48.8554987400152 16.0487976177613 P PPL CZ 78 35280 224 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3711 3061369 Zlín Zlin 49.2266542140525 17.6663338474031 P PPLX CZ 90 79177 247 Europe/Prague 2007-02-17
+ 3712 3061370 Zlín Zlin 49.2166667 17.6666667 P PPLA CZ 90 78759 317 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3713 3061692 Žďár nad Sázavou II Zd'ar nad Sazavou II 49.5833333 15.9333333 P PPLX CZ 00 23996 554 Europe/Prague 2006-01-27
+ 3714 3061695 Žďár nad Sázavou Zd'ar nad Sazavou 49.5626334953453 15.9392405856549 P PPL CZ CZ 80 24030 586 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3715 3061822 Žatec Zatec 50.3271690129382 13.5457730575063 P PPL CZ 89 19607 207 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3716 3062283 Vyškov Vyskov 49.2774693128421 16.9989744519083 P PPL CZ 78 22265 263 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3717 3062339 Vsetín Vsetin 49.3387088577222 17.9961902743571 P PPL CZ 90 28575 440 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3718 3063375 Varnsdorf Varnsdorf 50.9115440128806 14.6182351000096 P PPL CZ 89 15895 367 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3719 3063447 Valašské Meziříčí Valasske Mezirici 49.4718052650994 17.971127324099 P PPL CZ 90 27481 325 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3720 3063546 Ústí nad Orlicí Usti nad Orlici 49.973874525999 16.3936106383269 P PPL CZ 86 0534 15151 340 367 Europe/Prague 2007-10-01
+ 3721 3063548 Ústí nad Labem Usti nad Labem 50.660703797446 14.032272043438 P PPLA CZ 89 94105 230 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3722 3063736 Uherský Brod Uhersky Brod 49.0251299455147 17.6471505506959 P PPL CZ 90 17508 243 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3723 3063739 Uherské Hradiště Uherske Hradiste 49.0697497874571 17.4596855256959 P PPL CZ 90 26421 198 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3724 3063907 Trutnov Trutnov 50.5610066907462 15.9127037138911 P PPL CZ 82 31398 419 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3725 3064000 Třinec Trinec 49.6776323008143 18.6707797011955 P PPL CZ 00 38415 328 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3726 3064104 Třebíč Trebic 49.2149227991173 15.881657349426 P PPL CZ 80 38785 431 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3727 3064288 Teplice Teplice 50.640397510223 13.8245073075584 P PPL CZ 89 51223 240 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3728 3064379 Tábor Tabor 49.4144124595458 14.6578033918673 P PPL CZ 79 0317 36264 429 Europe/Prague 2007-11-05
+ 3729 3064454 Svitavy Svitavy 49.7559371364101 16.4682914318079 P PPL CZ 86 17427 426 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3730 3064673 Šumperk Sumperk 49.9652837581002 16.9706080314856 P PPL CZ 84 28768 336 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3731 3065067 Strakonice Strakonice 49.2614065578446 13.9023713097087 P PPL CZ 79 23545 403 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3732 3065281 Starý Bohumín Stary Bohumin 49.9166667 18.3333333 P PPLX CZ 00 23034 205 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3733 3065617 Sokolov Sokolov 50.1812978842603 12.6401021708652 P PPL CZ 81 24901 416 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3734 3065903 Slaný Slany 50.2304577292243 14.0869343595997 P PPL CZ 88 15070 261 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3735 3066651 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Roznov pod Radhostem 49.4585271201658 18.1430204521092 P PPL CZ 90 17238 418 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3736 3067051 Rakovník Rakovnik 50.1037005146725 13.7333994847126 P PPL CZ 88 16473 341 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3737 3067421 Prostějov Prostejov 49.4718783648335 17.1118396961264 P PPL CZ 84 47374 229 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3738 3067433 Prosek Prosek 50.1166667 14.5 P PPLX CZ 52 15581 272 Europe/Prague 2007-04-24
+ 3739 3067542 Příbram Pribram 49.6898773919801 14.0104252278605 P PPL CZ 88 35251 539 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3740 3067580 Přerov Prerov 49.4551090356932 17.4509019922212 P PPL CZ 84 47311 246 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3741 3067696 Praha Praha 50.0878367932108 14.4241322001241 P PPLC CZ 52 1165581 245 Europe/Prague 2007-02-17
+ 3742 3068160 Plzeň Plzen 49.7474748191057 13.3775874056586 P PPLA CZ 87 164180 315 Europe/Prague 2007-04-27
+ 3743 3068293 Písek Pisek 49.3087953307231 14.1475028622414 P PPL CZ 79 29774 386 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3744 3068445 Pelhřimov Pelhrimov 49.4313373454112 15.2233571148194 P PPL CZ 80 16541 534 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3745 3068582 Pardubice Pardubice 50.0407508429404 15.7765904463827 P PPLA CZ 86 88741 219 Europe/Prague 2008-06-18
+ 3746 3068689 Otrokovice Otrokovice 49.2166667 17.5166667 P PPL CZ 00 18745 207 Europe/Prague 2006-09-26
+ 3747 3068690 Otrokovice Otrokovice 49.2093401402688 17.5394415046589 P PPL CZ CZ 90 18857 219 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3748 3068766 Ostrov Ostrov 50.3059246628912 12.9390674164799 P PPL CZ 81 17206 445 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3749 3068799 Ostrava Ostrava 49.8346452000378 18.2820440791588 P PPLA CZ 85 313088 235 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3750 3068873 Orlová Orlova 49.8452658835466 18.430110007982 P PPL CZ 00 34282 251 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3751 3068927 Opava Opava 49.9386634950784 17.9025699627435 P PPL CZ 85 60252 273 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3752 3069011 Olomouc Olomouc 49.5955243074512 17.2517538070679 P PPLA CZ 84 101268 253 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3753 3069305 Nový Jičín Novy Jicin 49.5943755453252 18.0102758289001 P PPL CZ 85 26547 315 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3754 3069844 Neratovice Neratovice 50.2592585091495 14.5175944581422 P PPL CZ 88 16427 147 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3755 3070122 Náchod Nachod 50.416704579369 16.1628882586803 P PPL CZ 82 21263 358 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3756 3070291 Most Most 50.503006907072 13.6361740705825 P PPL CZ 89 67905 235 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3757 3070420 Modřany Modrany 50.0111589382993 14.4095993041992 P PPLX CZ CZ 52 31901 244 Europe/Prague 2007-04-24
+ 3758 3070544 Mladá Boleslav Mlada Boleslav 50.4113513240651 14.9031849587442 P PPL CZ 88 43684 232 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3759 3070862 Mělník Melnik 50.3504968399971 14.4741074259756 P PPL CZ 88 19231 182 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3760 3071507 Louny Louny 50.3569886055974 13.796674700711 P PPL CZ 89 19147 228 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3761 3071665 Litvínov Litvinov 50.6042029107139 13.6181158043948 P PPL CZ 89 27022 300 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3762 3071677 Litoměřice Litomerice 50.5334781992849 14.13180212414 P PPL CZ 89 24489 131 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3763 3071961 Liberec Liberec 50.7671119103155 15.05619157137 P PPLA CZ 83 97770 386 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3764 3071966 Libeň Liben 50.1081942040963 14.474573135376 P PPLX CZ 52 31756 195 Europe/Prague 2007-04-24
+ 3765 3072137 Letňany Letnany 50.1333333 14.5166667 P PPLX CZ CZ 52 15862 267 Europe/Prague 2007-04-24
+ 3766 3072463 Kutná Hora Kutna Hora 49.9483884776065 15.2681646520227 P PPL CZ 88 21280 230 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3767 3072649 Kroměříž Kromeriz 49.2978514420605 17.3931162562619 P PPL CZ 90 29126 215 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3768 3072656 Krnov Krnov 50.0896685232379 17.7038469156728 P PPL CZ 00 25547 333 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3769 3072929 Kralupy nad Vltavou Kralupy nad Vltavou 50.2410708867243 14.3114945827936 P PPL CZ 88 17373 179 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3770 3073254 Kopřivnice Koprivnice 49.5994713244917 18.1448005679013 P PPL CZ 00 23424 356 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3771 3073371 Kolín Kolin 50.0281361827036 15.200567805826 P PPL CZ 88 29690 194 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3772 3073660 Klatovy Klatovy 49.395520092879 13.295054908569 P PPL CZ 87 23102 434 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3773 3073668 Klášterec nad Ohří Klasterec nad Ohri 50.3844522645221 13.1712777961698 P PPL CZ 89 15695 328 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3774 3073699 Kladno Kladno 50.1473355650059 14.1028508880727 P PPL CZ 88 70003 359 Europe/Prague 2007-02-17
+ 3775 3073789 Karviná Karvina 49.8540030928613 18.5416898237575 P PPL CZ 85 63677 274 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3776 3073803 Karlovy Vary Karlovy Vary 50.2327126073114 12.8711700439453 P PPLA CZ 81 51807 399 Europe/Prague 2009-06-08
+ 3777 3074020 Kadaň Kadan 50.3833333 13.2666667 P PPL CZ 00 17648 298 Europe/Prague 2006-01-17
+ 3778 3074039 Kadaň Kadan 50.3759833153361 13.2713076662361 P PPL CZ CZ 89 17639 298 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3779 3074110 Jirkov Jirkov 50.4997929808262 13.4476897070972 P PPL CZ 89 21056 289 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3780 3074149 Jindřichův Hradec Jindrichuv Hradec 49.1440447185532 15.0030076964492 P PPL CZ 79 22812 440 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3781 3074199 Jihlava Jihlava 49.3961000790848 15.5912448518049 P PPLA CZ 80 50100 520 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3782 3074204 Jičín Jicin 50.4372262411026 15.3516248953134 P PPL CZ 82 16328 266 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3783 3074603 Jablonec nad Nisou Jablonec nad Nisou 50.7243076184822 15.1710770918757 P PPL CZ 83 44878 509 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3784 3074893 Hranice Hranice 49.5479644010909 17.7346919659728 P PPL CZ 84 19582 274 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3785 3074967 Hradec Králové Hradec Kralove 50.2092284127622 15.8327684657118 P PPLA CZ 82 95195 222 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3786 3075654 Hodonín Hodonin 48.8489342977957 17.1324442131301 P PPL CZ 78 26345 175 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3787 3075919 Havlíčkův Brod Havlickuv Brod 49.6078493183437 15.5806864273111 P PPL CZ 80 24356 464 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3788 3075921 Havířov Havirov 49.7798447859009 18.4368798566995 P PPL CZ 00 84914 267 Europe/Prague 2007-12-20
+ 3789 3076126 Frýdek-Místek Frydek-Mistek 49.6853662215733 18.34837675535 P PPL CZ 00 60290 297 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3790 3076127 Frýdek-Místek Frydek-Mistek 49.6833333 18.35 P PPL CZ 85 59416 291 304 Europe/Prague 2008-10-22
+ 3791 3077244 Děčín Decin 50.7821525182308 14.2147812600213 P PPL CZ 89 52058 155 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3792 3077539 Chrudim Chrudim 49.9510922774411 15.795575742197 P PPL CZ 86 23630 260 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3793 3077685 Chomutov Chomutov 50.4604754244385 13.4177855818421 P PPL CZ 89 50251 305 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3794 3077835 Cheb Cheb 50.0796346105607 12.3739218082858 P PPL CZ 81 33242 473 Europe/Prague 2007-02-17
+ 3795 3077882 Český Těšín Cesky Tesin 49.7461329733115 18.6261312980303 P PPL CZ 00 26159 298 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3796 3077916 Budweis Budweis 48.9744684295676 14.4743405558585 P PPLA CZ 79 96053 381 378 Europe/Prague 2009-09-17
+ 3797 3077920 Česká Třebová Ceska Trebova 49.9043647577421 16.4441299438477 P PPL CZ 86 16655 372 Europe/Prague 2008-07-08
+ 3798 3077929 Česká Lípa Ceska Lipa 50.6855131683378 14.5376416609657 P PPL CZ 83 38841 245 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3799 3078545 Bruntál Bruntal 49.9884448528902 17.464701937681 P PPL CZ 85 17686 582 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3800 3078610 Brno Brno 49.1952226735148 16.6079592704773 P PPLA CZ 78 369559 226 Europe/Prague 2008-07-14
+ 3801 3078773 Břeclav Breclav 48.7589685882257 16.8820300100541 P PPL CZ 78 25789 158 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3802 3078833 Braník Branik 50.0359736721955 14.4123458862305 P PPLX CZ 52 18740 247 Europe/Prague 2007-04-24
+ 3803 3078837 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav Brandys nad Labem-Stara Boleslav 50.1870907261513 14.6632566969647 P PPL CZ 88 15398 205 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3804 3079129 Bohumín Bohumin 49.904106220008 18.3575461977474 P PPL CZ 00 23075 216 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3805 3079273 Blansko Blansko 49.3630357333833 16.644458770752 P PPL CZ 78 20384 323 Europe/Prague 2008-06-06
+ 3806 3079346 Bílina Kyselka Bilina Kyselka 50.55 13.7666667 P PPL CZ 00 15697 227 Europe/Prague 2006-01-17
+ 3807 3079348 Bílina Bilina 50.548541415837 13.7753463546559 P PPL CZ CZ 89 15738 371 Europe/Prague 2006-11-25
+ 3808 3079467 Beroun Beroun 49.9638234117915 14.0719964887324 P PPL CZ 88 17550 215 Europe/Prague 2008-11-28
+ 3809 3079508 Benešov Benesov 49.7816247095739 14.6869674462174 P PPL CZ 88 16257 350 Europe/Prague 2007-02-18
+ 3810 6269470 Černý Most Cerny Most 50.1047536651559 14.5797371864319 P PPLX CZ 52 21500 250 229 Europe/Prague 2007-04-24
+ 3811 2803560 Zwickau Zwickau 50.7333333 12.5 P PPL DE 13 98796 302 Europe/Berlin 2007-01-29
+ 3812 2803620 Zweibrücken Zweibrucken 49.25 7.3666667 P PPL DE 08 35221 273 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 3813 2803723 Zülpich Zulpich 50.7 6.65 P PPL DE 07 20208 167 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3814 2803870 Zossen Zossen 52.2166667 13.45 P PPL DE 11 17138 37 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3815 2804008 Zittau Zittau 50.9 14.8333333 P PPL DE 13 25785 229 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3816 2804034 Zirndorf Zirndorf 49.442403257396 10.9541416168213 P PPL DE 02 25734 318 Europe/Berlin 2009-04-15
+ 3817 2804748 Zerbst Zerbst 51.9666667 12.0833333 P PPL DE 14 15680 64 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3818 2804922 Zeitz Zeitz 51.05 12.15 P PPL DE 14 29469 219 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3819 2805385 Xanten Xanten 51.6666667 6.45 P PPL DE 07 21587 18 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3820 2805597 Wurzen Wurzen 51.3666667 12.7333333 P PPL DE 13 15233 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3821 2805615 Würzburg Wurzburg 49.7877778 9.9361111 P PPL DE 02 133731 200 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3822 2805644 Würselen Wurselen 50.8166667 6.1333333 P PPL DE 07 37074 191 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3823 2805753 Wuppertal Wuppertal 51.2666667 7.1833333 P PPL DE 07 360797 175 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3824 2805761 Wunstorf Wunstorf 52.4333333 9.4166667 P PPL DE 06 42080 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3825 2805910 Wülfrath Wulfrath 51.2833333 7.05 P PPL DE 07 22355 214 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3826 2806081 Wörth am Rhein Worth am Rhein 49.0580556 8.2486111 P PPL DE 08 17272 107 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3827 2806142 Worms Worms 49.6355556 8.3597222 P PPL DE 08 81099 92 Europe/Berlin 2006-12-03
+ 3828 2806654 Wolfsburg Wolfsburg 52.4333333 10.8 P PPL DE 06 123064 57 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3829 2806768 Wolfratshausen Wolfratshausen 47.9128904243357 11.4216613769531 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 17191 575 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-30
+ 3830 2806914 Wolfenbüttel Wolfenbuttel 52.1666667 10.55 P PPL DE 06 54740 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3831 2806919 Wolfen Wolfen 51.6666667 12.2833333 P PPL DE 14 25251 73 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3832 2807184 Witzenhausen Witzenhausen 51.3333333 9.8666667 P PPL DE 05 16055 142 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3833 2807201 Wittstock Wittstock 53.1611818740557 12.4828720092773 P PPL DE 11 17361 63 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-31
+ 3834 2807218 Wittmund Wittmund 53.5666667 7.7833333 P PPL DE 06 21355 3 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3835 2807240 Wittlich Wittlich 49.9833333 6.8833333 P PPL DE 08 17887 167 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3836 2807344 Wittenberge Wittenberge 53.0 11.75 P PPL DE 11 20171 20 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3837 2807363 Witten Witten 51.4333333 7.3333333 P PPL DE 07 101247 89 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3838 2807465 Wismar Wismar 53.9 11.4666667 P PPL DE 12 45255 2 Europe/Berlin 2009-05-21
+ 3839 2807594 Wipperfürth Wipperfurth 51.1166667 7.4 P PPL DE 07 23723 285 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3840 2807845 Winsen Winsen 53.3666667 10.2166667 P PPL DE 06 32662 4 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3841 2807872 Winnenden Winnenden 48.87562853486 9.39818680286407 P PPL DE 01 27783 288 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-20
+ 3842 2808461 Wilnsdorf Wilnsdorf 50.8166667 8.1 P PPL DE 07 21505 389 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3843 2808559 Willich Willich 51.2666667 6.55 P PPL DE 07 51843 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3844 2808720 Wilhelmshaven Wilhelmshaven 53.5166667 8.1333333 P PPL DE 06 84393 -9999 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3845 2808893 Wildeshausen Wildeshausen 52.9 8.4333333 P PPL DE 06 18114 23 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3846 2809138 Wiesloch Wiesloch 49.2977778 8.7013889 P PPL DE 01 25630 145 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3847 2809346 Wiesbaden Wiesbaden 50.0833333 8.25 P PPLA DE 05 272432 182 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3848 2809517 Wiehl Wiehl 50.95 7.5333333 P PPL DE 07 26291 239 Europe/Berlin 2009-08-12
+ 3849 2809889 Wetzlar Wetzlar 50.55 8.5 P PPL DE 05 52656 218 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3850 2809984 Wetter (Ruhr) Wetter (Ruhr) 51.3833333 7.4 P PPL DE 07 29146 95 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3851 2810188 Westerstede Westerstede 53.25 7.9333333 P PPL DE 06 21902 4 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3852 2810612 Wesseling Wesseling 50.8333333 6.9833333 P PPL DE 07 35665 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3853 2810678 Wesel Wesel 51.6666667 6.6166667 P PPL DE 07 61685 25 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 3854 2810716 Wertheim Wertheim 49.7575 9.5094444 P PPL DE 01 24869 181 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3855 2810808 Wernigerode Wernigerode 51.8333333 10.7833333 P PPL DE 14 34463 264 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3856 2810833 Werne Werne 51.6644637212056 7.63421058654785 P PPL DE 07 30810 60 61 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-04
+ 3857 2810855 Wermelskirchen Wermelskirchen 51.15 7.2166667 P PPL DE 07 36816 303 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3858 2810878 Werl Werl 51.55 7.9166667 P PPL DE 07 32149 107 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3859 2810919 Werdohl Werdohl 51.2666667 7.7666667 P PPL DE 07 20366 344 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3860 2810945 Werder Werder 52.3787429528789 12.9339981079102 P PPL DE 11 DE.BB.BB 22384 29 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-17
+ 3861 2810969 Werdau Werdau 50.7333333 12.3833333 P PPL DE 13 24424 324 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3862 2811204 Wendlingen am Neckar Wendlingen am Neckar 48.6712393478684 9.37631607055664 P PPL DE 01 15728 270 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 3863 2811278 Wenden Wenden 50.9666667 7.8666667 P PPL DE 07 19924 368 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3864 2811292 Wendelstein Wendelstein 49.3536111 11.1483333 P PPL DE 02 16220 342 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3865 2811644 Weiterstadt Weiterstadt 49.9077778 8.5952778 P PPL DE 05 24253 111 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3866 2811698 Weißwasser Weisswasser 51.5166667 14.6333333 P PPL DE 13 22099 139 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3867 2811899 Weißenfels Weissenfels 51.2 11.9666667 P PPL DE 14 29792 159 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3868 2811909 Weißenburg in Bayern Weissenburg in Bayern 49.0309466015245 10.9722089767456 P PPL DE 02 17801 429 Europe/Berlin 2009-06-15
+ 3869 2812145 Weinstadt-Endersbach Weinstadt-Endersbach 48.8131094197486 9.36387062072754 P PPL DE 01 26166 238 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 3870 2812174 Weinheim Weinheim 49.5483333 8.6661111 P PPL DE 01 43325 131 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3871 2812204 Weingarten Weingarten 47.8 9.6333333 P PPL DE 01 23802 482 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3872 2812482 Weimar Weimar 50.9833333 11.3166667 P PPL DE 15 64727 208 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3873 2812515 Weilheim in Oberbayern Weilheim in Oberbayern 47.8333333 11.15 P PPL DE 02 21401 589 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3874 2812522 Weilerswist Weilerswist 50.7666667 6.8333333 P PPL DE 07 16321 109 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3875 2812625 Weil der Stadt Weil der Stadt 48.75 8.8666667 P PPL DE 01 19338 408 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3876 2812636 Weil am Rhein Weil am Rhein 47.5833333 7.6333333 P PPL DE 01 29548 268 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 3877 2813040 Weiden Weiden 49.6775 12.1566667 P PPL DE 02 42550 399 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3878 2813390 Wegberg Wegberg 51.15 6.2666667 P PPL DE 07 29622 62 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3879 2813433 Weener Weener 53.1666667 7.35 P PPL DE 06 15718 1 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3880 2813464 Wedel Wedel 53.5833333 9.7166667 P PPL DE 10 31995 14 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3881 2813786 Wassenberg Wassenberg 51.1 6.15 P PPL DE 07 16641 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3882 2814005 Warstein Warstein 51.45 8.3666667 P PPL DE 07 28532 398 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3883 2814127 Warendorf Warendorf 51.95 7.9833333 P PPL DE 07 38707 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3884 2814131 Waren Waren 53.5166667 12.6833333 P PPL DE 12 21470 63 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3885 2814146 Wardenburg Wardenburg 53.0666667 8.2 P PPL DE 06 16019 6 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3886 2814153 Warburg Warburg 51.5 9.1666667 P PPL DE 07 24317 223 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3887 2814270 Wangen im Allgäu Wangen im Allgau 47.6833333 9.8333333 P PPL DE 01 27045 563 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3888 2814305 Wandlitz Wandlitz 52.7419559246065 13.4579944610596 P PPL DE 11 19888 60 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-29
+ 3889 2814362 Waltrop Waltrop 51.6333333 7.4 P PPL DE 07 30220 55 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3890 2814462 Walsrode Walsrode 52.8666667 9.6 P PPL DE 06 24448 55 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3891 2814632 Wallenhorst Wallenhorst 52.35 8.0166667 P PPL DE 06 24201 89 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3892 2814791 Waldshut-Tiengen Waldshut-Tiengen 47.6232316190699 8.21717262268066 P PPL DE 01 22404 422 Europe/Berlin 2007-11-23
+ 3893 2814874 Waldkraiburg Waldkraiburg 48.2085449595949 12.3989295959473 P PPL DE 02 24676 434 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-19
+ 3894 2814883 Waldkirch Waldkirch 48.0958528117207 7.96371459960938 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 20155 286 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-25
+ 3895 2815137 Waldbröl Waldbrol 50.8833333 7.6166667 P PPL DE 07 19533 310 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3896 2815330 Waiblingen Waiblingen 48.8324076231399 9.31640625 P PPL DE 01 52945 230 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-20
+ 3897 2815487 Waghäusel Waghausel 49.2563889 8.5072222 P PPL DE 01 20178 101 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3898 2815559 Wadgassen Wadgassen 49.2666667 6.7833333 P PPL DE 09 18464 187 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3899 2815565 Wadern Wadern 49.5333333 6.8833333 P PPL DE 09 17282 280 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3900 2815678 Wachtberg Wachtberg 50.6333333 7.1 P PPL DE 07 20032 222 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3901 2815824 Vreden Vreden 52.0333333 6.8333333 P PPL DE 07 22412 40 Europe/Berlin 2008-06-15
+ 3902 2816630 Völklingen Volklingen 49.25 6.85 P PPL DE 09 41132 198 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3903 2817065 Voerde Voerde 51.6 6.6833333 P PPL DE 07 38759 23 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3904 2817105 Vlotho Vlotho 52.1652983729687 8.85995864868164 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 20214 125 Europe/Berlin 2006-05-10
+ 3905 2817202 Vilshofen Vilshofen 48.6333333 13.1833333 P PPL DE 02 16695 314 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3906 2817220 Villingen-Schwenningen Villingen-Schwenningen 48.0666667 8.45 P PPL DE 01 81770 726 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3907 2817311 Viersen Viersen 51.25 6.3833333 P PPL DE 07 76153 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 3908 2817324 Viernheim Viernheim 49.5416667 8.5786111 P PPL DE 05 32620 99 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3909 2817537 Versmold Versmold 52.05 8.15 P PPL DE 07 20996 72 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3910 2817576 Verl Verl 51.8833333 8.5166667 P PPL DE 07 24002 95 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3911 2817599 Verden Verden 52.9166667 9.2333333 P PPL DE 06 26924 21 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 3912 2817724 Velbert Velbert 51.3333333 7.05 P PPL DE 07 87669 247 Europe/Berlin 2006-05-19
+ 3913 2817812 Vechta Vechta 52.7166667 8.2833333 P PPL DE 06 29729 35 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3914 2817813 Vechelde Vechelde 52.2603829150897 10.3649139404297 P PPL DE 06 16219 79 Europe/Berlin 2009-04-05
+ 3915 2817818 Vaterstetten Vaterstetten 48.1053679063626 11.7682456970215 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 21007 545 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-14
+ 3916 2817873 Varel Varel 53.3969311163228 8.13621282577515 P PPL DE 06 DE.NI.WE 25212 8 Europe/Berlin 2008-03-21
+ 3917 2817927 Vaihingen an der Enz Vaihingen an der Enz 48.9333333 8.9666667 P PPL DE 01 28867 266 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3918 2818067 Uetersen Uetersen 53.6833333 9.6666667 P PPL DE 10 17921 6 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3919 2818094 Uslar Uslar 51.6666667 9.65 P PPL DE 06 15951 206 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3920 2818766 Unterschleißheim Unterschleissheim 48.2833333 11.5666667 P PPL DE 02 25567 473 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3921 2819465 Unterhaching Unterhaching 48.0604710268447 11.6187286376953 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 20852 555 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-14
+ 3922 2819974 Unter-Bad Krozingen Unter-Bad Krozingen 47.9166667 7.7 P PPLX DE 01 15908 233 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3923 2820087 Unna Unna 51.5333333 7.6833333 P PPL DE 07 66734 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 3924 2820256 Ulm Ulm 48.3984083917668 9.99155044555664 P PPL DE 01 120451 471 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-24
+ 3925 2820436 Uetze Uetze 52.4666667 10.2 P PPL DE 06 20425 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3926 2820456 Uelzen Uelzen 52.9666667 10.5666667 P PPL DE 06 34996 36 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3927 2820577 Überlingen Uberlingen 47.7666667 9.1666667 P PPL DE 01 21507 470 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3928 2820621 Übach-Palenberg Ubach-Palenberg 50.9333333 6.1166667 P PPL DE 07 25544 124 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3929 2820693 Tuttlingen Tuttlingen 47.9833333 8.8166667 P PPL DE 01 34847 677 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3930 2820860 Tübingen Tubingen 48.522658991616 9.05221939086914 P PPL DE 01 83416 338 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 3931 2820973 Trossingen Trossingen 48.0766739726533 8.64409446716309 P PPL DE 01 15040 681 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 3932 2821029 Troisdorf Troisdorf 50.8166667 7.1666667 P PPL DE 07 74749 62 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 3933 2821164 Trier Trier 49.7556525535531 6.63934707641602 P PPL DE 08 07211 100129 149 Europe/Berlin 2008-09-09
+ 3934 2821515 Traunstein Traunstein 47.8833333 12.65 P PPL DE 02 18422 610 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 3935 2821517 Traunreut Traunreut 47.9626864268616 12.592306137085 P PPL DE 02 21244 551 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-21
+ 3936 2821807 Torgau Torgau 51.5666667 13.0 P PPL DE 13 18746 80 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-13
+ 3937 2821899 Tönisvorst Tonisvorst 51.3166667 6.45 P PPL DE 07 30296 37 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3938 2823368 Tettnang Tettnang 47.6666667 9.6 P PPL DE 01 18135 535 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3939 2823533 Templin Templin 53.1186539062902 13.502197265625 P PPL DE 11 17634 59 Europe/Berlin 2009-04-03
+ 3940 2823567 Teltow Teltow 52.4 13.2666667 P PPL DE 11 19530 42 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3941 2823590 Telgte Telgte 51.9833333 7.7833333 P PPL DE 07 19389 52 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3942 2823799 Taunusstein Taunusstein 50.15 8.15 P PPL DE 05 29501 356 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3943 2823812 Taufkirchen Taufkirchen 48.0432013897493 11.6190719604492 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 17791 565 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-14
+ 3944 2824461 Syke Syke 52.9 8.8333333 P PPL DE 06 24274 34 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3945 2824655 Sundern Sundern 51.3333333 8.0 P PPL DE 07 29609 287 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3946 2824801 Sulzbach-Rosenberg Sulzbach-Rosenberg 49.4983333 11.7516667 P PPL DE 02 20780 411 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3947 2824841 Sulzbach Sulzbach 49.3 7.0666667 P PPL DE 09 18364 331 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3948 2824948 Suhl Suhl 50.6 10.7 P PPL DE 15 43509 503 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3949 2825297 Stuttgart Stuttgart 48.7823242931971 9.17701721191406 P PPLA DE 01 3214105 08111 589793 255 Europe/Berlin 2009-02-07
+ 3950 2825422 Stuhr Stuhr 53.0333333 8.75 P PPL DE 06 32507 7 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3951 2826082 Strausberg Strausberg 52.5785927440891 13.8874053955078 P PPL DE 11 26649 75 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-29
+ 3952 2826099 Straubing Straubing 48.8833333 12.5666667 P PPL DE 02 44580 323 Europe/Berlin 2008-09-17
+ 3953 2826287 Stralsund Stralsund 54.3091128582007 13.0817985534668 P PPL DE 12 58976 1 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-26
+ 3954 2826304 Straelen Straelen 51.45 6.2666667 P PPL DE 07 15325 36 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3955 2826595 Stolberg Stolberg 50.7666667 6.2333333 P PPL DE 07 58874 234 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3956 2826861 Stockelsdorf Stockelsdorf 53.9 10.65 P PPL DE 10 16562 15 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3957 2826909 Stockach Stockach 47.85 9.0166667 P PPL DE 01 16844 521 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3958 2827479 Stendal Stendal 52.6 11.85 P PPL DE 14 37722 31 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3959 2828050 Steinhagen Steinhagen 52.0 8.4 P PPL DE 07 19869 100 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3960 2828105 Steinfurt Steinfurt 52.1504493575186 7.33663558959961 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.MU 34601 62 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-09
+ 3961 2829422 Staßfurt Stassfurt 51.8666667 11.5833333 P PPL DE 14 22960 70 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3962 2829457 Starnberg Starnberg 48.0 11.35 P PPL DE 02 23086 589 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-28
+ 3963 2829758 Stadtlohn Stadtlohn 51.9833333 6.9333333 P PPL DE 07 20602 55 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3964 2829777 Stadthagen Stadthagen 52.3233273322165 9.20310974121094 P PPL DE 06 23076 76 Europe/Berlin 2009-09-07
+ 3965 2829804 Stadtallendorf Stadtallendorf 50.8333333 9.0166667 P PPL DE 05 21720 273 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3966 2829901 Stade Stade 53.6 9.4833333 P PPL DE 06 45634 10 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3967 2829998 Sprockhövel Sprockhovel 51.35 7.25 P PPL DE 07 26400 220 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3968 2830035 Springe Springe 52.2166667 9.55 P PPL DE 06 29828 122 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3969 2830582 Speyer Speyer 49.3297222 8.4277778 P PPL DE 08 50343 95 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3970 2830637 Spenge Spenge 52.1333333 8.4833333 P PPL DE 07 15625 130 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3971 2831088 Sonthofen Sonthofen 47.5166667 10.2833333 P PPL DE 02 21285 750 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3972 2831250 Sonneberg Sonneberg 50.35 11.1666667 P PPL DE 15 23908 365 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3973 2831276 Sondershausen Sondershausen 51.3666667 10.8666667 P PPL DE 15 21802 187 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3974 2831403 Sömmerda Sommerda 51.15 11.1 P PPL DE 15 20853 144 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3975 2831486 Soltau Soltau 52.9833333 9.8333333 P PPL DE 06 21945 58 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3976 2831580 Solingen Solingen 51.1833333 7.0833333 P PPL DE 07 164359 219 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3977 2831708 Soest Soest 51.5833333 8.1166667 P PPL DE 07 48037 101 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 3978 2831852 Sinzig Sinzig 50.55 7.25 P PPL DE 08 17880 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3979 2831872 Sinsheim Sinsheim 49.2552778 8.8772222 P PPL DE 01 35219 187 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3980 2831924 Singen Singen 47.7593488844417 8.84030342102051 P PPL DE 01 45696 430 Europe/Berlin 2008-08-15
+ 3981 2831948 Sindelfingen Sindelfingen 48.7 9.0166667 P PPL DE 01 61311 461 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 3982 2832023 Simmerath Simmerath 50.6 6.3 P PPL DE 07 15646 516 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3983 2832232 Sigmaringen Sigmaringen 48.0833333 9.2166667 P PPL DE 01 16592 567 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3984 2832495 Siegen Siegen 50.8666667 8.0333333 P PPL DE 07 107242 305 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 3985 2832521 Siegburg Siegburg 50.8 7.2 P PPL DE 07 39135 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-29
+ 3986 2833073 Senftenberg Senftenberg 51.5166667 14.0166667 P PPL DE 11 28988 102 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-28
+ 3987 2833079 Senden Senden 51.85 7.5 P PPL DE 07 20363 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3988 2833080 Senden Senden 48.3166667 10.0666667 P PPL DE 02 22275 520 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3989 2833170 Selm Selm 51.7 7.4666667 P PPL DE 07 27540 68 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3990 2833242 Seligenstadt Seligenstadt 50.0431951080412 8.97394180297852 P PPL DE 05 19569 105 Europe/Berlin 2009-06-08
+ 3991 2833296 Selb Selb 50.1705764252186 12.1305370330811 P PPL DE 02 17132 554 Europe/Berlin 2008-07-28
+ 3992 2833475 Sehnde Sehnde 52.3139359718776 9.96820449829102 P PPL DE 06 DE.NI.HN 22265 69 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 3993 2833564 Seevetal Seevetal 53.4 9.9666667 P PPL DE 06 41266 26 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3994 2833592 Seesen Seesen 51.9 10.1833333 P PPL DE 06 21909 223 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3995 2833641 Seelze Seelze 52.4 9.6 P PPL DE 06 32899 46 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3996 2834240 Schwetzingen Schwetzingen 49.3780556 8.5819444 P PPL DE 01 22593 102 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3997 2834265 Schwerte Schwerte 51.45 7.5666667 P PPL DE 07 50399 119 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 3998 2834282 Schwerin Schwerin 53.6333333 11.3833333 P PPLA DE 12 96641 53 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 3999 2834372 Schwelm Schwelm 51.2833333 7.2833333 P PPL DE 07 30235 267 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4000 2834498 Schweinfurt Schweinfurt 50.05 10.2333333 P PPL DE 02 54012 250 213 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-09
+ 4001 2834629 Schwedt (Oder) Schwedt (Oder) 53.0596320460371 14.2815399169922 P PPL DE 11 38001 5 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-28
+ 4002 2834978 Schwarzenberg Schwarzenberg 50.55 12.7833333 P PPL DE 13 18523 425 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4003 2835260 Schwanewede Schwanewede 53.2333333 8.6 P PPL DE 06 20015 16 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4004 2835297 Schwandorf in Bayern Schwandorf in Bayern 49.3263889 12.1097222 P PPL DE 02 28235 431 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4005 2835342 Schwalmtal Schwalmtal 51.2166667 6.2666667 P PPL DE 07 19435 61 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4006 2835345 Schwalmstadt Schwalmstadt 50.9333333 9.2166667 P PPL DE 05 19279 235 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4007 2835382 Schwalbach Schwalbach 49.3 6.8166667 P PPL DE 09 18708 250 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4008 2835481 Schwäbisch Hall Schwabisch Hall 49.1112705055637 9.73907947540283 P PPL DE 01 36543 361 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-22
+ 4009 2835482 Schwäbisch Gmünd Schwabisch Gmund 48.7994718760366 9.79808807373047 P PPL DE 01 61338 337 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-20
+ 4010 2835537 Schwabach Schwabach 49.3291667 11.0255556 P PPL DE 02 38554 328 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4011 2836084 Schrobenhausen Schrobenhausen 48.55 11.2666667 P PPL DE 02 16143 438 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4012 2836203 Schramberg Schramberg 48.223986468376 8.38582992553711 P PPL DE 01 18565 598 Europe/Berlin 2009-09-18
+ 4013 2836282 Schortens Schortens 53.5333333 7.95 P PPL DE 06 21357 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4014 2836320 Schorndorf Schorndorf 48.8053654458264 9.52720642089844 P PPL DE 01 39697 261 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4015 2836413 Schopfheim Schopfheim 47.6510501279732 7.82089233398438 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 19386 380 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-25
+ 4016 2836809 Schönebeck Schonebeck 52.0166667 11.75 P PPL DE 14 34301 48 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4017 2837291 Schneverdingen Schneverdingen 53.1166667 9.8 P PPL DE 06 19199 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4018 2837470 Schneeberg Schneeberg 50.6 12.6333333 P PPL DE 13 16784 470 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4019 2837954 Schmelz Schmelz 49.4333333 6.85 P PPL DE 09 17596 250 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4020 2838053 Schmallenberg Schmallenberg 51.15 8.3 P PPL DE 07 26132 410 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4021 2838059 Schmalkalden Schmalkalden 50.7166667 10.45 P PPL DE 15 17710 306 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4022 2838201 Schlüchtern Schluchtern 50.348911011689 9.52531814575195 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 17260 228 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4023 2838634 Schleswig Schleswig 54.5166667 9.55 P PPL DE 10 24114 20 Europe/Berlin 2006-12-03
+ 4024 2839050 Schkeuditz Schkeuditz 51.4 12.2166667 P PPL DE 13 18487 113 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4025 2839316 Schiffweiler Schiffweiler 49.3666667 7.1333333 P PPL DE 09 17454 290 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4026 2839335 Schifferstadt Schifferstadt 49.3872222 8.3747222 P PPL DE 08 19209 100 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4027 2839764 Schenefeld Schenefeld 53.6 9.8166667 P PPL DE 10 17894 21 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4028 2841125 Saulgau Saulgau 48.0166667 9.5 P PPL DE 01 17911 584 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-04
+ 4029 2841386 Sarstedt Sarstedt 52.2333333 9.85 P PPL DE 06 18718 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4030 2841463 Sankt Wendel Sankt Wendel 49.4666667 7.1666667 P PPL DE 09 26904 301 301 Europe/Berlin 2006-06-07
+ 4031 2841590 Sankt Ingbert Sankt Ingbert 49.2833333 7.1166667 P PPL DE 09 38697 258 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4032 2841648 Sankt Augustin Sankt Augustin 50.7666667 7.1833333 P PPL DE 07 56094 67 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4033 2841693 Sangerhausen Sangerhausen 51.4666667 11.3 P PPL DE 14 23347 209 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4034 2842112 Salzwedel Salzwedel 52.85 11.15 P PPL DE 14 21058 20 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4035 2842131 Salzkotten Salzkotten 51.6717034872775 8.60092163085938 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 24561 100 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-09
+ 4036 2842632 Saarlouis Saarlouis 49.3166667 6.75 P PPL DE 09 38333 181 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4037 2842647 Saarbrücken Saarbrucken 49.2333333 7.0 P PPLA DE 09 181227 200 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4038 2842688 Saalfeld Saalfeld 50.65 11.3666667 P PPL DE 15 28023 216 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4039 2842884 Rüsselsheim Russelsheim 49.9925 8.435 P PPL DE 05 59730 89 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4040 2843355 Rudolstadt Rudolstadt 50.7166667 11.3333333 P PPL DE 15 25476 191 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4041 2843636 Rottweil Rottweil 48.167831416836 8.6271858215332 P PPL DE 01 25510 577 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4042 2843729 Rottenburg Rottenburg 48.4762926934247 8.93527507781982 P PPL DE 01 42721 343 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4043 2844265 Roth Roth 49.245 11.0911111 P PPL DE 02 25083 340 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4044 2844437 Rotenburg Rotenburg 53.1166667 9.4 P PPL DE 06 22139 20 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-02
+ 4045 2844588 Rostock Rostock 54.0886975425419 12.1404933929443 P PPL DE 12 DE.MV.MV 198293 1 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-15
+ 4046 2844862 Rösrath Rosrath 50.8955896619584 7.18175411224365 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.KL 26868 81 Europe/Berlin 2006-08-29
+ 4047 2844988 Rosenheim Rosenheim 47.8563662551318 12.1224689483643 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 60167 446 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-17
+ 4048 2845222 Ronnenberg Ronnenberg 52.3166667 9.65 P PPL DE 06 23416 64 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4049 2846523 Rinteln Rinteln 52.1833333 9.0833333 P PPL DE 06 27843 74 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4050 2846843 Rietberg Rietberg 51.8 8.4333333 P PPL DE 07 28672 80 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4051 2846939 Riesa Riesa 51.3 13.3 P PPL DE 13 37156 104 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4052 2847033 Riegelsberg Riegelsberg 49.3 6.9333333 P PPL DE 09 15647 337 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4053 2847524 Ribnitz-Damgarten Ribnitz-Damgarten 54.25 12.4666667 P PPL DE 12 17152 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4054 2847639 Rheinfelden Rheinfelden 47.5666667 7.8 P PPL DE 01 32535 273 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4055 2847645 Rheine Rheine 52.2833333 7.45 P PPL DE 07 76491 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4056 2847662 Rheinberg Rheinberg 51.55 6.6 P PPL DE 07 32188 21 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4057 2847666 Rheinbach Rheinbach 50.6256175635391 6.94911003112793 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.KL 26262 174 Europe/Berlin 2006-03-28
+ 4058 2847689 Rhede Rhede 51.8333333 6.7 P PPL DE 07 19140 33 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4059 2847690 Rheda-Wiedenbrück Rheda-Wiedenbruck 51.8333333 8.3166667 P PPL DE 07 46123 74 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4060 2847736 Reutlingen Reutlingen 48.4914399843075 9.20426845550537 P PPL DE 01 112627 396 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4061 2848175 Renningen Renningen 48.7666667 8.9333333 P PPL DE 01 17442 403 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4062 2848245 Rendsburg Rendsburg 54.3 9.6666667 P PPL DE 10 28323 8 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4063 2848273 Remscheid Remscheid 51.1833333 7.2 P PPL DE 07 117118 325 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4064 2848335 Remagen Remagen 50.5666667 7.2333333 P PPL DE 08 16280 76 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4065 2848762 Reinheim Reinheim 49.8269444 8.8361111 P PPL DE 05 17841 158 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4066 2848845 Reinbek Reinbek 53.5166667 10.25 P PPL DE 10 25261 31 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4067 2849156 Reichenbach/Vogtland Reichenbach/Vogtland 50.6166667 12.3 P PPL DE 13 22530 402 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4068 2849483 Regensburg Regensburg 49.015 12.0955556 P PPL DE 02 129151 338 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4069 2849548 Rees Rees 51.7666667 6.4 P PPL DE 07 22544 16 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4070 2849647 Recklinghausen Recklinghausen 51.6166667 7.2 P PPL DE 07 122438 97 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4071 2849802 Ravensburg Ravensburg 47.7833333 9.6166667 P PPL DE 01 48825 542 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4072 2850174 Ratingen Ratingen 51.2972421332771 6.84928894042969 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DU 91606 59 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-09
+ 4073 2850213 Rathenow Rathenow 52.6 12.3333333 P PPL DE 11 27115 28 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4074 2850235 Ratekau Ratekau 53.95 10.7333333 P PPL DE 10 15921 20 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4075 2850253 Rastede Rastede 53.25 8.2 P PPL DE 06 20046 10 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4076 2850257 Rastatt Rastatt 48.85 8.2 P PPL DE 01 47906 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-29
+ 4077 2850887 Rahden Rahden 52.4333333 8.6166667 P PPL DE 07 16140 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4078 2850954 Radolfzell am Bodensee Radolfzell am Bodensee 47.7333333 8.9666667 P PPL DE 01 30096 394 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4079 2850995 Radevormwald Radevormwald 51.2 7.35 P PPL DE 07 24100 349 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4080 2851077 Radebeul Radebeul 51.1065399300272 13.6604690551758 P PPL DE 13 DE.SN.DR 32643 118 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-07
+ 4081 2851079 Radeberg Radeberg 51.1166667 13.9166667 P PPL DE 13 18747 250 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4082 2851343 Quickborn Quickborn 53.7333333 9.9 P PPL DE 10 20410 26 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4083 2851465 Quedlinburg Quedlinburg 51.7833333 11.15 P PPL DE 14 22814 130 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-24
+ 4084 2851584 Püttlingen Puttlingen 49.2833333 6.8833333 P PPL DE 09 21052 244 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4085 2851746 Pulheim Pulheim 51.0 6.8 P PPL DE 07 53762 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4086 2851782 Puchheim Puchheim 48.15 11.35 P PPL DE 02 19357 529 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4087 2852218 Prenzlau Prenzlau 53.3166667 13.8666667 P PPL DE 11 20899 34 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4088 2852280 Preetz Preetz 54.2333333 10.2833333 P PPL DE 10 15768 26 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4089 2852458 Potsdam Potsdam 52.3988578212902 13.0656623840332 P PPLA DE 11 145292 30 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4090 2852577 Porta Westfalica Porta Westfalica 52.2166667 8.9333333 P PPL DE 07 36364 119 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4091 2853209 Plettenberg Plettenberg 51.2166667 7.8833333 P PPL DE 07 28206 427 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4092 2853292 Plauen Plauen 50.5 12.1333333 P PPL DE 13 69596 363 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4093 2853572 Pirna Pirna 50.9584267233599 13.9370155334473 P PPL DE 13 DE.SN.DR 40322 113 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-03
+ 4094 2853574 Pirmasens Pirmasens 49.2014481560028 7.60528564453125 P PPL DE 08 43582 398 Europe/Berlin 2009-02-11
+ 4095 2853658 Pinneberg Pinneberg 53.65 9.8 P PPL DE 10 40577 10 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4096 2853924 Pfungstadt Pfungstadt 49.8063889 8.6069444 P PPL DE 05 25084 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4097 2853928 Pfullingen Pfullingen 48.4645842234786 9.2279577255249 P PPL DE 01 18269 487 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4098 2853969 Pforzheim Pforzheim 48.8833333 8.7 P PPL DE 01 119313 349 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4099 2854386 Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm 48.5333333 11.5166667 P PPL DE 02 23192 458 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4100 2854655 Petershagen Petershagen 52.3833333 8.9666667 P PPL DE 07 27090 42 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4101 2854923 Penzberg Penzberg 47.75 11.3833333 P PPL DE 02 16079 596 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4102 2855047 Peine Peine 52.3166667 10.2333333 P PPL DE 06 49953 66 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4103 2855328 Passau Passau 48.5711552730595 13.4489822387695 P PPL DE 02 2863622 09262 50560 307 Europe/Berlin 2009-07-03
+ 4104 2855441 Parchim Parchim 53.4263099831916 11.8487548828125 P PPL DE 12 19161 44 Europe/Berlin 2009-05-14
+ 4105 2855525 Papenburg Papenburg 53.0666667 7.4 P PPL DE 06 34117 5 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4106 2855745 Paderborn Paderborn 51.7190528115876 8.75438690185547 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 142161 119 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-09
+ 4107 2855794 Oyten Oyten 53.05 9.0166667 P PPL DE 06 15286 14 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4108 2855859 Overath Overath 50.95 7.3 P PPL DE 07 27203 110 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4109 2855917 Ottweiler Ottweiler 49.4023724831435 7.16325759887695 P PPL DE 09 DE.SL.SL 15503 284 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-22
+ 4110 2855935 Ottobrunn Ottobrunn 48.0648879107152 11.6632747650146 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 19204 558 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-15
+ 4111 2856500 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Osterholz-Scharmbeck 53.2333333 8.8 P PPL DE 06 31405 7 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4112 2856883 Osnabrück Osnabruck 52.2666667 8.05 P PPL DE 06 166462 65 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4113 2856930 Oschersleben Oschersleben 52.0333333 11.25 P PPL DE 14 17900 82 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4114 2856944 Oschatz Oschatz 51.3 13.1166667 P PPL DE 13 16000 149 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-28
+ 4115 2857129 Oranienburg Oranienburg 52.75 13.2333333 P PPL DE 11 40793 35 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4116 2857185 Opladen Opladen 51.0666667 7.0166667 P PPL DE 07 23000 77 Europe/Berlin 2009-10-01
+ 4117 2857291 Olsberg Olsberg 51.35 8.5 P PPL DE 07 15814 520 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4118 2857306 Olpe Olpe 51.0333333 7.85 P PPL DE 07 25686 356 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4119 2857458 Oldenburg Oldenburg 53.1666667 8.2 P PPL DE 06 159218 10 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4120 2857472 Olching Olching 48.2 11.3333333 P PPL DE 02 23978 510 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4121 2857565 Öhringen Ohringen 49.2016667 9.5038889 P PPL DE 01 22765 249 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4122 2857798 Offenburg Offenburg 48.4833333 7.9333333 P PPL DE 01 59238 156 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4123 2857807 Offenbach Offenbach 50.1 8.7666667 P PPL DE 05 119192 109 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4124 2857900 Oerlinghausen Oerlinghausen 51.9545279374521 8.66220474243164 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 17403 270 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-27
+ 4125 2857904 Oer-Erkenschwick Oer-Erkenschwick 51.6333333 7.25 P PPL DE 07 30409 76 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4126 2857943 Oelde Oelde 51.8166667 8.15 P PPL DE 07 29297 89 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4127 2858103 Odenthal Odenthal 51.0333333 7.1166667 P PPL DE 07 15619 150 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4128 2858245 Ochtrup Ochtrup 52.2166667 7.1833333 P PPL DE 07 19441 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4129 2858738 Oberursel Oberursel 50.2 8.5833333 P PPL DE 05 42448 183 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4130 2858763 Obertshausen Obertshausen 50.0833333 8.85 P PPL DE 05 24459 113 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4131 2859380 Ober-Ramstadt Ober-Ramstadt 49.8336111 8.7519444 P PPL DE 05 15367 254 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4132 2860080 Oberkirch Oberkirch 48.5324074352706 8.07864189147949 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 20375 201 Europe/Berlin 2007-07-14
+ 4133 2860410 Oberhausen Oberhausen 51.4666667 6.85 P PPL DE 07 219176 41 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4134 2861402 Oberasbach Oberasbach 49.4227548520645 10.9576606750488 P PPL DE 02 17306 314 Europe/Berlin 2009-04-15
+ 4135 2861632 Nürtingen Nurtingen 48.6256474088285 9.34202671051025 P PPL DE 01 40210 324 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4136 2861650 Nürnberg Nuernberg 49.4477778 11.0683333 P PPL DE 02 499237 306 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-29
+ 4137 2861677 Nümbrecht Numbrecht 50.9 7.55 P PPL DE 07 17427 315 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4138 2861733 Nottuln Nottuln 51.9333333 7.35 P PPL DE 07 20427 99 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4139 2861814 Northeim Northeim 51.7 10.0 P PPL DE 06 30894 244 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4140 2861914 Nördlingen Noerdlingen 48.8512183352182 10.4886817932129 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.SC 19492 430 428 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-07
+ 4141 2861934 Nordhorn Nordhorn 52.4333333 7.0833333 P PPL DE 06 52803 25 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4142 2861982 Nordhausen Nordhausen 51.5166667 10.8 P PPL DE 15 43912 241 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-13
+ 4143 2862026 Norderstedt Norderstedt 53.7 10.0166667 P PPL DE 10 71439 35 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4144 2862104 Nordenham Nordenham 53.5 8.4833333 P PPL DE 06 27714 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4145 2862118 Norden Norden 53.6 7.2 P PPL DE 06 25093 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4146 2862620 Nienburg Nienburg 52.6333333 9.2166667 P PPL DE 06 32629 29 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4147 2863199 Niederkrüchten Niederkruchten 51.2 6.2166667 P PPL DE 07 15487 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4148 2863223 Niederkassel Niederkassel 50.8166667 7.0333333 P PPL DE 07 36480 55 Europe/Berlin 2007-07-05
+ 4149 2863240 Nieder-Ingelheim Nieder-Ingelheim 49.9833333 8.0666667 P PPL DE 08 24596 143 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4150 2863712 Nidderau Nidderau 50.25 8.9 P PPL DE 05 20090 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4151 2863716 Nidda Nidda 50.4166667 9.0 P PPL DE 05 18241 137 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4152 2863795 Neu Wulmstorf Neu Wulmstorf 53.4666667 9.8 P PPL DE 06 20150 7 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4153 2863840 Neuwied Neuwied 50.4333333 7.4666667 P PPL DE 08 66805 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4154 2863941 Neu-Ulm Neu-Ulm 48.3927948599392 10.0111198425293 P PPL DE 02 51389 470 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-24
+ 4155 2864005 Neustrelitz Neustrelitz 53.3666667 13.0833333 P PPL DE 12 22291 77 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4156 2864034 Neustadt in Holstein Neustadt in Holstein 54.107068471023 10.8144950866699 P PPL DE 10 16176 16 Europe/Berlin 2009-10-13
+ 4157 2864053 Neustadt bei Coburg Neustadt bei Coburg 50.3166667 11.1166667 P PPL DE 02 16715 357 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4158 2864054 Neustadt an der Weinstraße Neustadt an der Weinstrasse 49.3566667 8.1377778 P PPL DE 08 53984 135 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4159 2864058 Neustadt am Rübenberge Neustadt am Rubenberge 52.5 9.4666667 P PPL DE 06 45942 37 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4160 2864072 Neustadt Neustadt 52.15 11.6333333 P PPLX DE 14 226851 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4161 2864118 Neuß Neuss 51.2 6.6833333 P PPL DE 07 152457 40 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4162 2864276 Neuruppin Neuruppin 52.9281536489032 12.8031063079834 P PPL DE 11 31901 41 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-29
+ 4163 2864435 Neunkirchen Neunkirchen 49.35 7.1833333 P PPL DE 09 49843 263 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4164 2864475 Neumünster Neumunster 54.0666667 9.9833333 P PPL DE 10 78383 23 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4165 2864549 Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz 49.2802778 11.4627778 P PPL DE 02 39557 438 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4166 2864820 Neu Isenburg Neu Isenburg 50.05 8.7 P PPL DE 05 35293 131 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4167 2865376 Neufahrn bei Freising Neufahrn bei Freising 48.3166667 11.6666667 P PPL DE 02 18255 461 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4168 2865716 Neuenhagen Neuenhagen 52.5298510748516 13.689136505127 P PPL DE 11 16170 57 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-29
+ 4169 2866070 Neuburg an der Donau Neuburg an der Donau 48.7333333 11.1833333 P PPL DE 02 28370 383 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4170 2866135 Neubrandenburg Neubrandenburg 53.5666667 13.2666667 P PPL DE 12 68082 15 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4171 2866280 Neu-Anspach Neu-Anspach 50.3166667 8.5 P PPL DE 05 15276 323 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4172 2866333 Nettetal Nettetal 51.3166667 6.2833333 P PPL DE 07 42417 52 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4173 2866375 Netphen Netphen 50.9166667 8.1 P PPL DE 07 25163 346 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4174 2866758 Neckarsulm Neckarsulm 49.1927778 9.2261111 P PPL DE 01 27413 180 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4175 2866906 Naumburg Naumburg 51.15 11.8166667 P PPL DE 14 29722 140 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4176 2866930 Nauen Nauen 52.6070090719019 12.8737449645996 P PPL DE 11 16600 34 Europe/Berlin 2009-02-27
+ 4177 2867164 Nagold Nagold 48.5497964987705 8.72365951538086 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.KR 22912 417 Europe/Berlin 2006-09-05
+ 4178 2867542 Munster Munster 52.9833333 10.0833333 P PPL DE 06 17746 82 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4179 2867543 Münster Munster 51.9623559078618 7.62571334838867 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.MU 270184 56 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4180 2867613 Hannoversch Münden Hannoversch Munden 51.4150533950965 9.65045928955078 P PPL DE 06 25073 180 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-12
+ 4181 2867714 München Muenchen 48.1374325498109 11.5754914283752 P PPLA DE 02 DE.BY.OB 1260391 512 Europe/Berlin 2009-06-22
+ 4182 2867770 Müllheim Mullheim 47.8081972718113 7.63034820556641 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 18097 281 Europe/Berlin 2007-11-23
+ 4183 2867838 Mülheim an der Ruhr Mulheim an der Ruhr 51.4333333 6.8833333 P PPL DE 07 169387 63 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4184 2867985 Mühlheim Muhlheim 50.1166667 8.8333333 P PPL DE 05 26485 102 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4185 2867996 Mühlhausen Muhlhausen 51.2166667 10.45 P PPL DE 15 38108 210 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4186 2868506 Mühldorf Muhldorf 48.25 12.5333333 P PPL DE 02 17622 402 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4187 2868788 Mühlacker Muhlacker 48.95 8.8333333 P PPL DE 01 26375 231 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4188 2868936 Much Much 50.9166667 7.4 P PPL DE 07 15231 240 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4189 2869019 Mössingen Mossingen 48.4056737188254 9.0541934967041 P PPL DE 01 20010 474 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4190 2869120 Mosbach Mosbach 49.3538889 9.1427778 P PPL DE 01 25106 196 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4191 2869449 Moosburg Moosburg 48.4666667 11.9333333 P PPL DE 02 17363 417 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4192 2869791 Monheim Monheim 51.0833333 6.8833333 P PPL DE 07 43747 41 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4193 2869894 Mönchengladbach Monchengladbach 51.2 6.4333333 P PPL DE 07 261742 60 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4194 2869994 Mölln Molln 53.6333333 10.6833333 P PPL DE 10 18469 12 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4195 2870221 Moers Moers 51.45 6.65 P PPL DE 07 107816 27 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4196 2870318 Mittweida Mittweida 50.9833333 12.9833333 P PPL DE 13 16619 272 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4197 2871039 Minden Minden 52.2833333 8.9166667 P PPL DE 07 82879 41 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4198 2871284 Michelstadt Michelstadt 49.6736111 9.0025 P PPL DE 05 17279 242 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4199 2871486 Metzingen Metzingen 48.5369541723991 9.28329706192017 P PPL DE 01 22112 346 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-22
+ 4200 2871535 Mettmann Mettmann 51.25 6.9666667 P PPL DE 07 39550 139 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4201 2871668 Meschede Meschede 51.35 8.2833333 P PPL DE 07 32224 300 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4202 2871675 Merzig Merzig 49.45 6.6333333 P PPL DE 09 31118 178 Europe/Berlin 2007-07-20
+ 4203 2871736 Merseburg Merseburg 51.3666667 12.0 P PPL DE 14 34780 84 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4204 2871845 Meppen Meppen 52.6833333 7.3166667 P PPL DE 06 34198 15 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4205 2871983 Menden Menden 51.4333333 7.8 P PPL DE 07 58451 159 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4206 2871992 Memmingen Memmingen 47.9833333 10.1666667 P PPL DE 02 41135 600 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4207 2872079 Melle Melle 52.2 8.35 P PPL DE 06 46514 77 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4208 2872155 Meißen Meissen 51.15 13.4833333 P PPL DE 13 28492 143 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4209 2872225 Meiningen Meiningen 50.5678654566919 10.415210723877 P PPL DE 15 21580 295 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-20
+ 4210 2872237 Meinerzhagen Meinerzhagen 51.1166667 7.65 P PPL DE 07 21982 481 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4211 2872504 Meerbusch Meerbusch 51.2833333 6.6666667 P PPL DE 07 54826 31 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4212 2872519 Meerane Meerane 50.85 12.4666667 P PPL DE 13 17325 271 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4213 2872582 Meckenheim Meckenheim 50.6333333 7.0166667 P PPL DE 07 25515 178 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4214 2872611 Mechernich Mechernich 50.6 6.65 P PPL DE 07 27537 306 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4215 2872649 Mayen Mayen 50.3333333 7.2166667 P PPL DE 08 19414 244 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4216 2873211 Marsberg Marsberg 51.45 8.85 P PPL DE 07 21914 292 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4217 2873263 Marl Marl 51.65 7.0833333 P PPL DE 07 91398 63 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-13
+ 4218 2873289 Marktredwitz Marktredwitz 50.005 12.0811111 P PPL DE 02 18204 546 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4219 2873291 Marktoberdorf Marktoberdorf 47.7833333 10.6166667 P PPL DE 02 18505 763 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4220 2873351 Markkleeberg West Markkleeberg West 51.2833333 12.3666667 P PPLX DE 13 23464 111 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4221 2873759 Marburg an der Lahn Marburg an der Lahn 50.8166667 8.7666667 P PPL DE 05 78895 205 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4222 2873776 Marbach am Neckar Marbach am Neckar 48.9396411813973 9.25995111465454 P PPL DE 01 15604 273 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4223 2873891 Mannheim Mannheim 49.4883333 8.4647222 P PPL DE 01 307960 95 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4224 2874225 Mainz Mainz 50.0 8.2711111 P PPLA DE 08 184997 98 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4225 2874230 Maintal Maintal 50.15 8.8333333 P PPL DE 05 38313 104 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4226 2874545 Magdeburg Magdeburg 52.1666667 11.6666667 P PPLA DE 14 229826 42 Europe/Berlin 2008-08-26
+ 4227 2875107 Lünen Lunen 51.6166667 7.5166667 P PPL DE 07 91009 54 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4228 2875115 Lüneburg Luneburg 53.25 10.4 P PPL DE 06 71260 16 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4229 2875376 Ludwigshafen am Rhein Ludwigshafen am Rhein 49.4811111 8.4352778 P PPL DE 08 163196 94 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4230 2875379 Ludwigsfelde Ludwigsfelde 52.3 13.2666667 P PPL DE 11 24164 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4231 2875392 Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburg 48.8973114014358 9.19160842895508 P PPL DE 01 87603 289 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4232 2875417 Lüdinghausen Ludinghausen 51.7666667 7.4666667 P PPL DE 07 24094 53 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4233 2875457 Lüdenscheid Ludenscheid 51.2166667 7.6166667 P PPL DE 07 79386 407 Europe/Berlin 2006-05-19
+ 4234 2875484 Luckenwalde Luckenwalde 52.0833333 13.1666667 P PPL DE 11 21616 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4235 2875601 Lübeck Lubeck 53.8689270437681 10.6872940063477 P PPL DE 10 DE.SH.SH 212207 4 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4236 2875623 Lübbenau Lubbenau 51.8666667 13.9666667 P PPL DE 11 17461 48 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4237 2875626 Lübbecke Lubbecke 52.3 8.6166667 P PPL DE 07 26310 212 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4238 2875645 Loxstedt Loxstedt 53.4666667 8.65 P PPL DE 06 16382 5 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4239 2875831 Losheim Losheim 49.5166667 6.75 P PPL DE 09 16660 332 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4240 2875881 Lörrach Lorrach 47.6149728601638 7.66457319259644 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 47002 331 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-08
+ 4241 2876147 Lohr Lohr 49.9936111 9.5783333 P PPL DE 02 16127 171 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4242 2876185 Lohne Lohne 52.6666667 8.2333333 P PPL DE 06 25111 39 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4243 2876218 Lohmar Lohmar 50.8333333 7.2166667 P PPL DE 07 31339 110 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4244 2876755 Löbau Lobau 51.1 14.6666667 P PPL DE 13 18374 258 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4245 2876865 Lippstadt Lippstadt 51.6666667 8.35 P PPL DE 07 67219 80 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-29
+ 4246 2877088 Lingen Lingen 52.5166667 7.3166667 P PPL DE 06 51310 25 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4247 2877142 Lindlar Lindlar 51.0195861811867 7.37757682800293 P PPL DE 07 22723 259 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-19
+ 4248 2877550 Lindau Lindau 47.55 9.6833333 P PPL DE 02 24518 394 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4249 2877648 Limburg an der Lahn Limburg an der Lahn 50.3833333 8.05 P PPL DE 05 33820 140 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4250 2877673 Limbach-Oberfrohna Limbach-Oberfrohna 50.8666667 12.75 P PPL DE 13 27056 356 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4251 2877709 Lilienthal Lilienthal 53.1333333 8.9166667 P PPL DE 06 18293 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4252 2878074 Lichtenfels Lichtenfels 50.1456663002208 11.0592842102051 P PPL DE 02 21336 289 Europe/Berlin 2008-08-19
+ 4253 2878234 Leverkusen Leverkusen 51.0333333 7.0 P PPL DE 07 162738 48 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4254 2878270 Leutkirch im Allgäu Leutkirch im Allgau 47.825 10.0166667 P PPL DE 01 22362 657 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4255 2878673 Leopoldshöhe Leopoldshohe 52.0124648192002 8.69833946228027 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 16219 122 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-27
+ 4256 2878695 Leonberg Leonberg 48.8 9.0166667 P PPL DE 01 45711 442 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4257 2878784 Lennestadt Lennestadt 51.1166667 8.0666667 P PPL DE 07 28102 438 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4258 2878840 Lengerich Lengerich 52.1833333 7.8666667 P PPL DE 07 22697 87 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4259 2878943 Lemgo Lemgo 52.0333333 8.9 P PPL DE 07 2937935 05766 41943 100 Europe/Berlin 2008-07-09
+ 4260 2879139 Leipzig Leipzig 51.33962 12.371292 P PPL DE 13 DE.SN.LE 504971 110 Europe/Berlin 2008-09-25
+ 4261 2879185 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Leinfelden-Echterdingen 48.7 9.15 P PPL DE 01 36672 418 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4262 2879241 Leimen Leimen 49.3511111 8.6894444 P PPL DE 01 27190 168 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4263 2879315 Leichlingen Leichlingen 51.1166667 7.0166667 P PPL DE 07 27497 132 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4264 2879367 Lehrte Lehrte 52.3833333 9.9666667 P PPL DE 06 43920 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4265 2879697 Leer Leer 53.2333333 7.4333333 P PPL DE 06 33886 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4266 2879832 Lebach Lebach 49.4 6.9166667 P PPL DE 09 21583 270 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4267 2880077 Laupheim Laupheim 48.2333333 9.8833333 P PPL DE 01 19012 517 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4268 2880144 Lauf an der Pegnitz Lauf an der Pegnitz 49.5102778 11.2775 P PPL DE 02 26403 330 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4269 2880221 Lauchhammer Lauchhammer 51.5 13.8 P PPL DE 11 18990 100 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4270 2881062 Langenhagen Langenhagen 52.45 9.75 P PPL DE 06 50439 50 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4271 2881085 Langenfeld Langenfeld 51.1 6.95 P PPL DE 07 59378 52 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4272 2881276 Langen Langen 53.605544099238 8.59508514404297 P PPL DE 03 18863 11 Europe/Berlin 2008-07-28
+ 4273 2881279 Langen Langen 49.9933333 8.6727778 P PPL DE 05 35416 140 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4274 2881485 Landshut Landshut 48.5333333 12.15 P PPL DE 02 60488 478 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4275 2881509 Landsberg am Lech Landsberg am Lech 48.0481935410569 10.8828163146973 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 27017 635 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-18
+ 4276 2881646 Landau in der Pfalz Landau in der Pfalz 49.2075 8.1133333 P PPL DE 08 41612 141 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4277 2881695 Lampertheim Lampertheim 49.6019444 8.4719444 P PPL DE 05 31635 92 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4278 2881885 Lahr Lahr 48.35 7.8666667 P PPL DE 01 43863 202 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4279 2881889 Lahnstein Lahnstein 50.3 7.6166667 P PPL DE 08 18749 204 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4280 2881956 Lage Lage 51.9922271460286 8.79301071166992 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 36097 111 Europe/Berlin 2007-07-01
+ 4281 2882087 Laatzen Laatzen 52.3166667 9.8 P PPL DE 06 40038 74 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4282 2882091 Bad Laasphe Bad Laasphe 50.9333333 8.4 P PPL DE 07 15184 334 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4283 2882318 Kürten Kurten 51.05 7.2666667 P PPL DE 07 20103 248 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4284 2882439 Künzelsau Kunzelsau 49.2819444 9.6888889 P PPL DE 01 15070 234 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4285 2882440 Künzell Kunzell 50.5441993345989 9.71792221069336 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 16124 337 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4286 2882588 Kulmbach Kulmbach 50.1 11.45 P PPL DE 02 27565 346 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4287 2883754 Kronberg Kronberg 50.1774477952383 8.51251602172852 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 17730 220 Europe/Berlin 2007-09-09
+ 4288 2883784 Kronach Kronach 50.2396299336321 11.3330841064453 P PPL DE 15 18248 320 Europe/Berlin 2008-08-02
+ 4289 2884050 Kreuztal Kreuztal 50.9666667 7.9833333 P PPL DE 07 31772 330 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4290 2884245 Kreuzau Kreuzau 50.75 6.4833333 P PPL DE 07 18400 144 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4291 2884509 Krefeld Krefeld 51.3333333 6.5666667 P PPL DE 07 237984 37 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4292 2885237 Köthen Kothen 51.75 11.9666667 P PPL DE 14 28710 85 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4293 2885397 Korschenbroich Korschenbroich 51.1913939365317 6.51351928710938 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DU 33406 44 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-17
+ 4294 2885408 Kornwestheim Kornwestheim 48.8615809787728 9.1856861114502 P PPL DE 01 31040 290 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4295 2885412 Korntal Korntal 48.8321816256985 9.12139892578125 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 18081 305 Europe/Berlin 2007-07-20
+ 4296 2885536 Korbach Korbach 51.2756087406711 8.87300491333008 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 24481 384 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-12
+ 4297 2885672 Konz Konz 49.7 6.5833333 P PPL DE 08 17879 177 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4298 2885679 Konstanz Konstanz 47.6666667 9.1833333 P PPL DE 01 81275 406 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4299 2885732 Königs Wusterhausen Konigs Wusterhausen 52.2833333 13.6166667 P PPL DE 11 32513 36 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4300 2885734 Königswinter Konigswinter 50.6833333 7.1833333 P PPL DE 07 41164 54 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4301 2885760 Königstein im Taunus Konigstein im Taunus 50.1833333 8.4666667 P PPL DE 05 15661 372 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4302 2885800 Königslutter am Elm Konigslutter am Elm 52.25 10.8166667 P PPL DE 06 16419 135 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4303 2885908 Königsbrunn Konigsbrunn 48.2666667 10.8833333 P PPL DE 02 27494 514 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4304 2886242 Köln Koeln 50.9333333 6.95 P PPL DE 07 963395 46 Europe/Berlin 2007-04-27
+ 4305 2886446 Kolbermoor Kolbermoor 47.85 12.0666667 P PPL DE 02 17941 456 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4306 2886946 Koblenz Koblenz 50.35 7.6 P PPL DE 08 107319 160 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4307 2887835 Kleve Kleve 51.7833333 6.15 P PPL DE 07 49072 13 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4308 2888523 Kleinmachnow Kleinmachnow 52.4 13.25 P PPL DE 11 17892 37 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4309 2890158 Kitzingen Kitzingen 49.7333333 10.1666667 P PPL DE 02 21387 192 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4310 2890425 Kirchlengern Kirchlengern 52.2 8.6333333 P PPL DE 07 16338 61 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4311 2890473 Kirchheim unter Teck Kirchheim unter Teck 48.6468323728564 9.45377826690674 P PPL DE 01 40206 314 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4312 2890504 Kirchhain Kirchhain 50.8166667 8.9666667 P PPL DE 05 16381 214 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4313 2891014 Kierspe Kierspe 51.1333333 7.5833333 P PPL DE 07 18188 380 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4314 2891122 Kiel Kiel 54.3213292610791 10.1348876953125 P PPLA DE 10 232758 -9999 Europe/Berlin 2008-07-18
+ 4315 2891258 Kevelaer Kevelaer 51.5833333 6.25 P PPL DE 07 28064 21 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4316 2891524 Kerpen Kerpen 50.8666667 6.7 P PPL DE 07 64226 80 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4317 2891621 Kempten (Allgäu) Kempten (Allgaeu) 47.72673854412 10.3138875961304 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.SC 61399 667 Europe/Berlin 2006-08-16
+ 4318 2891643 Kempen Kempen 51.3666667 6.4166667 P PPL DE 07 36312 35 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4319 2891832 Kelkheim (Taunus) Kelkheim (Taunus) 50.1333333 8.45 P PPL DE 05 26814 176 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4320 2891834 Kelheim Kelheim 48.9166667 11.8666667 P PPL DE 02 15723 348 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4321 2891951 Kehl Kehl 48.5833333 7.8166667 P PPL DE 01 34009 136 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-17
+ 4322 2892080 Kaufbeuren Kaufbeuren 47.8833333 10.6166667 P PPL DE 02 42505 678 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4323 2892518 Kassel Kassel 51.3166667 9.5 P PPL DE 05 2892513 06611 194501 152 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-12
+ 4324 2892786 Karlstadt Karlstadt 49.9602778 9.7722222 P PPL DE 02 15272 183 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4325 2892794 Karlsruhe Karlsruhe 49.0047222 8.3858333 P PPL DE 01 283799 116 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4326 2892874 Karlsfeld Karlsfeld 48.2166667 11.4666667 P PPL DE 02 17920 492 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4327 2892980 Karben Karben 50.2301869841185 8.77155303955078 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 21642 140 Europe/Berlin 2007-09-09
+ 4328 2893264 Kamp-Lintfort Kamp-Lintfort 51.5 6.5333333 P PPL DE 07 39490 37 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4329 2893437 Kamenz Kamenz 51.2666667 14.1 P PPL DE 13 18270 174 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-28
+ 4330 2893438 Kamen Kamen 51.6 7.6666667 P PPL DE 07 45927 61 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4331 2893544 Kaltenkirchen Kaltenkirchen 53.8333333 9.9666667 P PPL DE 10 19747 30 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4332 2894003 Kaiserslautern Kaiserslautern 49.45 7.75 P PPL DE 08 98732 246 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4333 2894375 Kaarst Kaarst 51.2333333 6.6166667 P PPL DE 07 42112 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4334 2894553 Jülich Julich 50.9333333 6.3666667 P PPL DE 07 33911 98 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4335 2894637 Jüchen Juchen 51.1 6.5 P PPL DE 07 22562 82 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4336 2895044 Jena Jena 50.9333333 11.5833333 P PPL DE 15 104712 149 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4337 2895569 Itzehoe Itzehoe 53.9166667 9.5166667 P PPL DE 10 33047 16 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4338 2895664 Isernhagen Farster Bauerschaft Isernhagen Farster Bauerschaft 52.4666667 9.8333333 P PPL DE 06 22601 76 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4339 2895669 Iserlohn Iserlohn 51.3666667 7.7 P PPL DE 07 97910 273 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4340 2895992 Ingolstadt Ingolstadt 48.7666667 11.4333333 P PPL DE 02 120658 368 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4341 2896514 Ilmenau Ilmenau 50.6833333 10.9 P PPL DE 15 27055 497 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4342 2896538 Illingen Illingen 49.3666667 7.05 P PPL DE 09 18488 290 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4343 2896546 Illertissen Illertissen 48.2166667 10.1 P PPL DE 02 16522 522 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4344 2896736 Idstein Idstein 50.2333333 8.2666667 P PPL DE 05 22810 320 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4345 2896753 Idar-Oberstein Idar-Oberstein 49.7 7.3 P PPL DE 08 31610 328 Europe/Berlin 2009-04-25
+ 4346 2896817 Ibbenbüren Ibbenburen 52.2666667 7.7333333 P PPL DE 07 50577 76 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4347 2897132 Husum Husum 54.4857962363418 9.05239105224609 P PPL DE 10 DE.SH.SH 20841 11 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-28
+ 4348 2897216 Hürth Hurth 50.8666667 6.8666667 P PPL DE 07 54678 93 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4349 2897436 Hünfeld Hunfeld 50.6796550301715 9.76727485656738 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 16323 269 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4350 2898079 Hude Hude 53.1166667 8.4666667 P PPL DE 06 15567 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4351 2898098 Hückeswagen Huckeswagen 51.15 7.35 P PPL DE 07 16369 309 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4352 2898111 Hückelhoven Huckelhoven 51.05 6.2166667 P PPL DE 07 39828 53 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4353 2898304 Hoyerswerda Hoyerswerda 51.4333333 14.25 P PPL DE 13 43681 117 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4354 2898321 Höxter Hoxter 51.7666667 9.3833333 P PPL DE 07 32713 99 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4355 2898364 Hövelhof Hovelhof 51.8166667 8.65 P PPL DE 07 15962 108 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4356 2898603 Hörstel Horstel 52.3166667 7.5833333 P PPL DE 07 19894 44 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4357 2898894 Horn-Bad Meinberg Horn-Bad Meinberg 51.8719867375601 8.94347190856934 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 18184 218 Europe/Berlin 2009-02-01
+ 4358 2899101 Horb am Neckar Horb am Neckar 48.4442337980324 8.6913013458252 P PPL DE 01 25960 404 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4359 2899449 Homburg Homburg 49.3166667 7.3333333 P PPL DE 09 44607 233 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4360 2899538 Holzwickede Holzwickede 51.5 7.6333333 P PPL DE 07 17821 140 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4361 2899601 Holzminden Holzminden 51.8166667 9.45 P PPL DE 06 20998 127 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4362 2899676 Holzkirchen Holzkirchen 47.876634556716 11.7018127441406 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 15199 679 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-18
+ 4363 2901420 Hohenstein-Ernstthal Hohenstein-Ernstthal 50.8 12.7166667 P PPL DE 13 16542 356 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4364 2901588 Hohen Neuendorf Hohen Neuendorf 52.6666667 13.2833333 P PPL DE 11 21893 51 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4365 2902533 Hofheim am Taunus Hofheim am Taunus 50.0833333 8.45 P PPL DE 05 37750 119 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4366 2902559 Hofgeismar Hofgeismar 51.4833333 9.4 P PPL DE 05 16444 174 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4367 2902768 Hof Hof 50.3166667 11.9166667 P PPL DE 02 49239 488 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4368 2902852 Hockenheim Hockenheim 49.3227778 8.5458333 P PPL DE 01 20614 101 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4369 2903175 Hochheim am Main Hochheim am Main 50.0166667 8.35 P PPL DE 05 17027 129 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4370 2904725 Hille Hille 52.3333333 8.75 P PPL DE 07 16567 51 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4371 2904789 Hildesheim Hildesheim 52.15 9.9666667 P PPL DE 06 103052 129 Europe/Berlin 2008-06-18
+ 4372 2904795 Hilden Hilden 51.1666667 6.9333333 P PPL DE 07 56565 51 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4373 2904808 Hilchenbach Hilchenbach 50.9833333 8.1 P PPL DE 07 16467 428 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4374 2904886 Hiddenhausen Hiddenhausen 52.1666667 8.6166667 P PPL DE 07 20771 94 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4375 2904985 Heusweiler Heusweiler 49.35 6.9333333 P PPL DE 09 20006 240 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4376 2904992 Heusenstamm Heusenstamm 50.0666667 8.8 P PPL DE 05 19012 118 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4377 2905206 Hettstedt Hettstedt 51.65 11.5 P PPL DE 14 15949 153 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4378 2905290 Hessisch Oldendorf Hessisch Oldendorf 52.1666667 9.25 P PPL DE 06 20129 79 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4379 2905455 Herzogenrath Herzogenrath 50.8706666877491 6.10136032104492 P PPL DE 07 2886241 05354 47381 146 Europe/Berlin 2009-08-27
+ 4380 2905457 Herzogenaurach Herzogenaurach 49.5679778589272 10.885648727417 P PPL DE 02 23319 313 Europe/Berlin 2008-10-07
+ 4381 2905560 Herten Herten 51.6 7.1333333 P PPL DE 07 65306 74 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4382 2905826 Herrenberg Herrenberg 48.5952298807231 8.86648178100586 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 31338 437 Europe/Berlin 2006-09-05
+ 4383 2905891 Herne Herne 51.55 7.2166667 P PPL DE 07 172108 61 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4384 2906121 Herford Herford 52.1333333 8.6833333 P PPL DE 07 64879 80 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4385 2906152 Herdecke Herdecke 51.4 7.4333333 P PPL DE 07 25618 101 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4386 2906199 Herborn Herborn 50.6833333 8.3166667 P PPL DE 05 21133 320 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4387 2906268 Heppenheim an der Bergstrasse Heppenheim an der Bergstrasse 49.6408333 8.6372222 P PPL DE 05 25442 122 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4388 2906331 Hennigsdorf Hennigsdorf 52.6359799526918 13.2041931152344 P PPL DE 11 DE.BB.BB 26122 33 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-13
+ 4389 2906376 Hennef Hennef 50.7833333 7.2833333 P PPL DE 07 45409 71 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4390 2906530 Hemmingen Hemmingen 52.3142507983621 9.72358703613281 P PPL DE 06 DE.NI.HN 18470 57 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4391 2906595 Hemer Hemer 51.3833333 7.7666667 P PPL DE 07 37502 260 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4392 2906676 Helmstedt Helmstedt 52.2333333 11.0 P PPL DE 06 25515 124 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4393 2907201 Heinsberg Heinsberg 51.0666667 6.0833333 P PPL DE 07 41505 39 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4394 2907545 Heilbad Heiligenstadt Heilbad Heiligenstadt 51.3833333 10.1333333 P PPL DE 15 17230 253 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4395 2907585 Heiligenhaus Heiligenhaus 51.3166667 6.9666667 P PPL DE 07 27700 168 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4396 2907669 Heilbronn Heilbronn 49.1402778 9.22 P PPL DE 01 120733 176 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4397 2907851 Heidenheim an der Brenz Heidenheim an der Brenz 48.6779839066234 10.1516246795654 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 50067 499 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-16
+ 4398 2907887 Heidenau Heidenau 50.9722108420511 13.8674068450928 P PPL DE 13 DE.SN.DR 16756 113 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-15
+ 4399 2907911 Heidelberg Heidelberg 49.4076782980183 8.69078636169434 P PPL DE 01 143345 150 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-26
+ 4400 2908032 Heide Heide 54.2 9.1 P PPL DE 10 20599 15 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4401 2908495 Hechingen Hechingen 48.3514864480739 8.96317005157471 P PPL DE 01 19400 492 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4402 2909230 Hattingen Hattingen 51.4 7.1666667 P PPL DE 07 56866 85 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4403 2909240 Hattersheim Hattersheim 50.0666667 8.4666667 P PPL DE 05 25035 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4404 2909313 Haßloch Hassloch 49.3627778 8.2580556 P PPL DE 08 20779 112 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4405 2910278 Harsewinkel Harsewinkel 51.9666667 8.2333333 P PPL DE 07 24207 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4406 2910514 Haren Haren 52.7833333 7.2333333 P PPL DE 06 22545 10 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4407 2910831 Hannover Hannover 52.3705162650448 9.73322153091431 P PPLA DE 06 DE.NI.HN 515140 54 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-05
+ 4408 2911007 Hanau am Main Hanau am Main 50.1333333 8.9166667 P PPL DE 05 88648 103 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4409 2911051 Hamminkeln Hamminkeln 51.7333333 6.5833333 P PPL DE 07 27433 22 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4410 2911240 Hamm Hamm 51.6803258163791 7.82089233398438 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.AR 185327 61 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4411 2911271 Hameln Hameln 52.1 9.35 P PPL DE 06 58666 82 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4412 2911298 Hamburg Hamburg 53.55 10.0 P PPLA DE 04 1739117 3 Europe/Berlin 2008-08-06
+ 4413 2911384 Halver Halver 51.2 7.4833333 P PPL DE 07 17650 399 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4414 2911395 Haltern Haltern 51.7333333 7.1833333 P PPL DE 07 37788 41 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4415 2911408 Halstenbek Halstenbek 53.6333333 9.85 P PPL DE 10 16212 15 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4416 2911507 Halle-Neustadt Halle-Neustadt 51.4833333 11.9333333 P PPL DE 14 240800 74 Europe/Berlin 2006-05-05
+ 4417 2911520 Halle Halle 52.0666667 8.3666667 P PPL DE 07 21071 200 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4418 2911522 Halle Halle 51.5 12.0 P PPL DE DE 14 234107 105 Europe/Berlin 2007-01-29
+ 4419 2911584 Haldensleben Haldensleben 52.3 11.4166667 P PPL DE 14 20294 55 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4420 2911665 Halberstadt Halberstadt 51.9 11.05 P PPL DE 14 39729 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4421 2911964 Haiger Haiger 50.75 8.2166667 P PPL DE 05 20218 293 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4422 2912621 Hagen Hagen 51.35 7.4666667 P PPL DE 07 198972 196 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4423 2913192 Haar Haar 48.1088066638766 11.7265319824219 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 17560 540 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-15
+ 4424 2913195 Haan Haan 51.2 7.0 P PPL DE 07 29431 159 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4425 2913366 Gütersloh Gutersloh 51.9 8.3833333 P PPL DE 07 96180 75 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4426 2913433 Güstrow Gustrow 53.8 12.1666667 P PPL DE 12 31217 6 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4427 2913537 Gunzenhausen Gunzenhausen 49.1 10.75 P PPL DE 02 16477 412 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4428 2913555 Günzburg Gunzburg 48.45 10.2666667 P PPL DE 02 19737 452 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4429 2913761 Gummersbach Gummersbach 51.0333333 7.55 P PPL DE 07 53131 271 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4430 2913922 Guben Guben 51.95 14.7166667 P PPL DE 11 21608 45 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4431 2914929 Groß-Umstadt Gross-Umstadt 49.8677778 8.9338889 P PPL DE 05 21758 204 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4432 2915196 Großostheim Grossostheim 49.9211111 9.0813889 P PPL DE 02 16346 126 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4433 2915613 Groß-Gerau Gross-Gerau 49.9238889 8.4936111 P PPL DE 05 23641 90 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4434 2916630 Großenhain Grossenhain 51.2833333 13.55 P PPL DE 13 16573 123 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4435 2917138 Gronau Gronau 52.2 7.0333333 P PPL DE 07 46161 41 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4436 2917221 Gröbenzell Grobenzell 48.2 11.3666667 P PPL DE 02 19110 505 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4437 2917325 Grimma Grimma 51.2333333 12.7166667 P PPL DE 13 17991 127 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4438 2917412 Griesheim Griesheim 49.8627778 8.5752778 P PPL DE 05 25287 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4439 2917540 Grevenbroich Grevenbroich 51.0910167515871 6.58269882202148 P PPL DE 07 2934245 05162 64779 54 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-17
+ 4440 2917544 Greven Greven 52.0936404285912 7.59395599365234 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.MU 35080 40 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-06
+ 4441 2917737 Greiz Greiz 50.65 12.2 P PPL DE 15 24147 381 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4442 2917788 Greifswald Greifswald 54.1 13.3833333 P PPL DE 12 52731 1 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4443 2917816 Grefrath Grefrath 51.3363026845774 6.34072065353394 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DU 16016 33 Europe/Berlin 2008-03-21
+ 4444 2918632 Göttingen Gottingen 51.5333333 9.9333333 P PPL DE 06 122149 154 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4445 2918752 Gotha Gotha 50.95 10.7166667 P PPL DE 15 46615 290 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4446 2918840 Goslar Goslar 51.9 10.4333333 P PPL DE 06 43560 406 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4447 2918987 Görlitz Gorlitz 51.1666667 15.0 P PPL DE 13 57751 188 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4448 2919054 Göppingen Goppingen 48.7028006396609 9.65487957000732 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 58040 326 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4449 2919625 Goch Goch 51.6666667 6.1666667 P PPL DE 07 33706 17 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4450 2919880 Glinde Glinde 53.55 10.2 P PPL DE 10 16210 28 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4451 2920020 Glauchau Glauchau 50.8166667 12.5333333 P PPL DE 13 26473 236 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4452 2920236 Gladbeck Gladbeck 51.5666667 6.9833333 P PPL DE 07 76940 59 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4453 2920329 Ginsheim-Gustavsburg Ginsheim-Gustavsburg 49.9858333 8.3425 P PPL DE 05 16043 86 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4454 2920433 Gilching Gilching 48.1166667 11.3 P PPL DE 02 16859 587 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4455 2920478 Gifhorn Gifhorn 52.4833333 10.55 P PPL DE 06 43000 53 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4456 2920512 Gießen Giessen 50.5833333 8.65 P PPL DE 05 74411 172 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-15
+ 4457 2920620 Giengen an der Brenz Giengen an der Brenz 48.6221866365082 10.2431201934814 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 20201 461 Europe/Berlin 2007-08-21
+ 4458 2920757 Gevelsberg Gevelsberg 51.3166667 7.3333333 P PPL DE 07 32664 169 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4459 2920834 Geseke Geseke 51.65 8.5166667 P PPL DE 07 20602 100 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4460 2920842 Gescher Gescher 51.95 7.0166667 P PPL DE 07 17115 61 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4461 2920891 Gersthofen Gersthofen 48.4166667 10.8833333 P PPL DE 02 20254 462 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4462 2921034 Germersheim Germersheim 49.2230556 8.3638889 P PPL DE 08 20972 107 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4463 2921039 Germering Germering 48.1333333 11.3666667 P PPL DE 02 36834 540 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4464 2921061 Gerlingen Gerlingen 48.7995425464432 9.0631628036499 P PPL DE 01 19050 363 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4465 2921139 Geretsried Geretsried 47.8577484365613 11.480541229248 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 23364 608 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-17
+ 4466 2921232 Gera Gera 50.8666667 12.0833333 P PPL DE 15 104659 218 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4467 2921242 Georgsmarienhütte Georgsmarienhutte 52.2 8.05 P PPL DE 06 32580 117 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4468 2921466 Gelsenkirchen Gelsenkirchen 51.5166667 7.05 P PPL DE 07 270028 45 Europe/Berlin 2009-05-15
+ 4469 2921473 Gelnhausen Gelnhausen 50.2 9.1833333 P PPL DE 05 21881 132 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4470 2921528 Geldern Geldern 51.5166667 6.3333333 P PPL DE 07 34013 24 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4471 2921653 Geislingen an der Steige Geislingen an der Steige 48.6242290882155 9.82735633850098 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 27962 450 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-24
+ 4472 2921837 Geilenkirchen Geilenkirchen 50.9666667 6.1166667 P PPL DE 07 28334 71 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4473 2922102 Geesthacht Geesthacht 53.4333333 10.3666667 P PPL DE 10 29487 16 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4474 2922230 Gauting Gauting 48.0691897059806 11.3770294189453 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 19216 561 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-15
+ 4475 2922530 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Garmisch-Partenkirchen 47.4920948219531 11.0957622528076 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 26022 707 Europe/Berlin 2006-10-11
+ 4476 2922582 Garching bei München Garching bei Munchen 48.25 11.65 P PPL DE 02 15303 479 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4477 2922586 Garbsen Garbsen 52.4166667 9.6 P PPL DE 06 63355 49 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4478 2922731 Ganderkesee Ganderkesee 53.0333333 8.5333333 P PPL DE 06 31141 31 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4479 2923362 Gaggenau Gaggenau 48.8 8.3333333 P PPL DE 01 29496 166 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4480 2923544 Fürth Furth 49.4759324874152 10.9885597229004 P PPL DE 02 112025 288 Europe/Berlin 2008-10-07
+ 4481 2923588 Fürstenwalde Furstenwalde 52.3666667 14.0666667 P PPL DE 11 33539 43 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4482 2923625 Fürstenfeldbruck Fuerstenfeldbruck 48.1752440899021 11.2596130371094 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 33533 517 519 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-14
+ 4483 2923822 Fulda Fulda 50.5516167249204 9.67517852783203 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 63760 281 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4484 2924206 Fröndenberg Frondenberg 51.4666667 7.7666667 P PPL DE 07 22964 125 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4485 2924360 Friesoythe Friesoythe 53.0166667 7.85 P PPL DE 06 20311 7 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4486 2924585 Friedrichshafen Friedrichshafen 47.65 9.4833333 P PPL DE 01 58403 394 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4487 2924625 Friedrichsdorf Friedrichsdorf 50.249619855397 8.64280700683594 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 24435 172 Europe/Berlin 2007-09-09
+ 4488 2924802 Friedberg Friedberg 50.35 8.7666667 P PPL DE 05 27484 141 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4489 2924803 Friedberg Friedberg 48.3569334358013 10.9846115112305 P PPL DE 02 2835521 09771 29189 514 509 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-10
+ 4490 2924894 Freudenstadt Freudenstadt 48.4333333 8.4166667 P PPL DE 01 23868 784 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4491 2924915 Freudenberg Freudenberg 50.9 7.8666667 P PPL DE 07 18601 323 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4492 2925017 Freital Freital 51.0166667 13.65 P PPL DE 13 39027 258 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4493 2925034 Freising Freising 48.4 11.7333333 P PPL DE 02 42570 445 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-24
+ 4494 2925080 Freilassing Freilassing 47.85 12.9833333 P PPL DE 02 15909 419 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4495 2925177 Freiburg Freiburg 47.9958954102206 7.85222053527832 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 215966 278 347 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-27
+ 4496 2925189 Freiberg am Neckar Freiberg am Neckar 48.9319590595762 9.20240163803101 P PPL DE 01 15235 273 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4497 2925192 Freiberg Freiberg 50.9166667 13.3666667 P PPL DE 13 43670 348 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4498 2925259 Frechen Frechen 50.9166667 6.8166667 P PPL DE 07 48733 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4499 2925533 Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main 50.1166667 8.6833333 P PPL DE 05 650000 119 Europe/Berlin 2008-10-28
+ 4500 2925535 Frankfurt (Oder) Frankfurt (Oder) 52.3471378230352 14.5506191253662 P PPL DE 11 51691 23 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-09
+ 4501 2925550 Frankenthal Frankenthal 49.5372222 8.355 P PPL DE 08 47438 91 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4502 2925629 Frankenberg Frankenberg 51.0666667 8.8 P PPL DE 05 19276 280 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4503 2925630 Frankenberg Frankenberg 50.9166667 13.0333333 P PPL DE 13 16850 252 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4504 2925832 Forst Forst 51.7333333 14.6333333 P PPL DE 11 22843 78 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4505 2925910 Forchheim Forchheim 49.7175428883214 11.0587692260742 P PPL DE 02 30442 269 Europe/Berlin 2008-10-30
+ 4506 2926120 Flörsheim Florsheim 50.0166667 8.4333333 P PPL DE 05 20023 92 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4507 2926271 Flensburg Flensburg 54.7833333 9.4333333 P PPL DE 10 85838 26 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4508 2926670 Finsterwalde Finsterwalde 51.6333333 13.7166667 P PPL DE 11 18922 108 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4509 2926716 Finnentrop Finnentrop 51.1666667 7.9666667 P PPL DE 07 18427 290 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4510 2927268 Fellbach Fellbach 48.8091245314431 9.27696704864502 P PPL DE 01 43935 278 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4511 2927930 Falkensee Falkensee 52.5666667 13.0833333 P PPL DE 11 37468 34 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4512 2928381 Eutin Eutin 54.1333333 10.6166667 P PPL DE 10 16984 44 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4513 2928396 Euskirchen Euskirchen 50.6666667 6.7833333 P PPL DE 07 54889 157 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4514 2928615 Ettlingen Ettlingen 48.95 8.4 P PPL DE 01 38942 143 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4515 2928751 Esslingen Esslingen 48.7396065824192 9.30473327636719 P PPL DE 01 92390 247 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-20
+ 4516 2928810 Essen Essen 51.45 7.0166667 P PPL DE 07 593085 107 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4517 2928874 Espelkamp Espelkamp 52.3833333 8.6166667 P PPL DE 07 26378 53 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4518 2928963 Eschweiler Eschweiler 50.8166667 6.2833333 P PPL DE 07 55778 134 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4519 2928967 Eschwege Eschwege 51.1833333 10.0666667 P PPL DE 05 21191 212 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4520 2929134 Eschborn Eschborn 50.1333333 8.55 P PPL DE 05 20383 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4521 2929247 Erwitte Erwitte 51.6166667 8.35 P PPL DE 07 16081 99 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4522 2929567 Erlangen Erlangen 49.5897222 11.0038889 P PPL DE 02 102675 282 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4523 2929600 Erkrath Erkrath 51.2166667 6.9 P PPL DE 07 47815 66 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4524 2929622 Erkelenz Erkelenz 51.0833333 6.3166667 P PPL DE 07 44650 93 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4525 2929670 Erfurt Erfurt 50.9833333 11.0333333 P PPLA DE 15 203254 194 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4526 2929671 Erftstadt Erftstadt 50.8166667 6.7666667 P PPL DE 07 51207 93 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4527 2929715 Erding Erding 48.3060341764562 11.9068622589111 P PPL DE DE 02 DE.BY.OB 33519 463 Europe/Berlin 2009-05-21
+ 4528 2929831 Eppingen Eppingen 49.1369444 8.9102778 P PPL DE 01 21179 195 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4529 2929865 Eppelborn Eppelborn 49.4 6.9666667 P PPL DE 09 18079 302 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4530 2930030 Ennigerloh Ennigerloh 51.8333333 8.0166667 P PPL DE 07 20713 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4531 2930043 Ennepetal Ennepetal 51.3 7.35 P PPL DE 07 32607 210 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4532 2930182 Enger Enger 52.1333333 8.5666667 P PPL DE 07 19852 108 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4533 2930216 Engelskirchen Engelskirchen 50.9833333 7.4 P PPL DE 07 20786 188 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4534 2930449 Emsdetten Emsdetten 52.1833333 7.5333333 P PPL DE 07 35582 41 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4535 2930509 Emmerich Emmerich 51.8333333 6.25 P PPL DE 07 29289 16 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4536 2930523 Emmendingen Emmendingen 48.120955097787 7.85359382629395 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 26222 224 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-27
+ 4537 2930596 Emden Emden 53.3666667 7.2166667 P PPL DE 06 51526 2 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4538 2930646 Eltville Eltville 50.0333333 8.1166667 P PPL DE 05 16845 97 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4539 2930778 Elsdorf Elsdorf 50.9373913062077 6.56827926635742 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.KL 21967 80 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-17
+ 4540 2930821 Elmshorn Elmshorn 53.75 9.65 P PPL DE 10 48703 6 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4541 2930889 Ellwangen Ellwangen 48.9616379277137 10.131733417511 P PPL DE 01 25276 451 Europe/Berlin 2008-10-30
+ 4542 2931361 Eitorf Eitorf 50.7666667 7.45 P PPL DE 07 19761 97 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4543 2931414 Eislingen Eislingen 48.6951529505559 9.70676422119141 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.ST 20585 338 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-29
+ 4544 2931481 Eisenhüttenstadt Eisenhuettenstadt 52.15 14.65 P PPL DE 11 32214 45 41 Europe/Berlin 2009-10-04
+ 4545 2931574 Eisenach Eisenach 50.9833333 10.3166667 P PPL DE 15 43846 215 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4546 2931804 Einbeck Einbeck 51.8166667 9.8666667 P PPL DE 06 27931 119 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4547 2931871 Eilenburg Eilenburg 51.4666667 12.6166667 P PPL DE 13 17609 105 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4548 2932924 Ehingen Ehingen 48.2825931742214 9.7274923324585 P PPL DE 01 26097 531 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-24
+ 4549 2933101 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen 49.0952778 8.3905556 P PPL DE 01 15189 107 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4550 2933364 Edewecht Edewecht 53.1333333 7.9833333 P PPL DE 06 20658 6 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4551 2933627 Eckernförde Eckernforde 54.4666667 9.8333333 P PPL DE 10 23383 4 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-28
+ 4552 2933882 Eberswalde Eberswalde 52.8349212311325 13.8195133209229 P PPLX DE 11 41980 10 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-28
+ 4553 2933959 Ebersbach an der Fils Ebersbach an der Fils 48.7159972514023 9.52360153198242 P PPL DE 01 15919 285 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4554 2934020 Eberbach Eberbach 49.4694444 8.9927778 P PPL DE 01 15624 324 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4555 2934246 Düsseldorf Dusseldorf 51.2217225723832 6.77616119384766 P PPLA DE 07 DE.NW.DU 573057 42 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-09
+ 4556 2934486 Düren Duren 50.8 6.4833333 P PPL DE 07 93440 130 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4557 2934662 Dülmen Dulmen 51.8333333 7.3 P PPL DE 07 47495 75 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4558 2934691 Duisburg Duisburg 51.4333333 6.75 P PPL DE 07 504358 33 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4559 2934728 Duderstadt Duderstadt 51.5131227382295 10.2595138549805 P PPL DE 06 DE.NI.BR 22910 184 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4560 2935022 Dresden Dresden 51.0508910809796 13.738317489624 P PPLA DE 13 DE.SN.DR 486854 110 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-19
+ 4561 2935042 Drensteinfurt Drensteinfurt 51.7953457303379 7.73815155029297 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.MU 15260 65 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-29
+ 4562 2935220 Dreieich Dreieich 50.0 8.7 P PPL DE 05 40367 172 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4563 2935517 Dortmund Dortmund 51.5166667 7.45 P PPL DE 07 588462 95 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4564 2935530 Dorsten Dorsten 51.6666667 6.9666667 P PPL DE 07 79981 34 Europe/Berlin 2006-05-19
+ 4565 2935825 Dormagen Dormagen 51.1 6.8333333 P PPL DE 07 63582 43 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4566 2936253 Donauwörth Donauworth 48.7 10.8 P PPL DE 02 18364 402 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4567 2936267 Donaueschingen Donaueschingen 47.95 8.5 P PPL DE 01 21604 677 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4568 2936658 Döbeln Dobeln 51.1166667 13.1166667 P PPL DE 13 21338 170 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4569 2936705 Ditzingen Ditzingen 48.8267150020532 9.06702518463135 P PPL DE 01 24149 307 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4570 2936871 Dinslaken Dinslaken 51.5666667 6.7333333 P PPL DE 07 70573 27 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4571 2936909 Dingolfing Dingolfing 48.6333333 12.5 P PPL DE 02 18805 388 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4572 2936974 Dillingen an der Donau Dillingen an der Donau 48.5666667 10.4833333 P PPL DE 02 18734 427 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4573 2936977 Dillingen Dillingen 49.35 6.7333333 P PPL DE 09 21526 187 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4574 2936985 Dillenburg Dillenburg 50.7333333 8.2833333 P PPL DE 05 24461 251 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4575 2937040 Dietzenbach Dietzenbach 50.0166667 8.7833333 P PPL DE 05 33256 139 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4576 2937317 Diepholz Diepholz 52.6 8.3666667 P PPL DE 06 16783 39 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4577 2937591 Dieburg Dieburg 49.8988889 8.8444444 P PPL DE 05 15168 145 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4578 2937936 Detmold Detmold 51.9385504060731 8.87317657470703 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 73680 135 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-27
+ 4579 2937959 Dessau Dessau 51.8333333 12.25 P PPL DE 14 77315 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4580 2938323 Delmenhorst Delmenhorst 53.05 8.6166667 P PPL DE 06 75893 8 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4581 2938376 Delitzsch Delitzsch 51.5333333 12.35 P PPL DE 13 24998 95 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4582 2938389 Delbrück Delbruck 51.7666667 8.5666667 P PPL DE 07 29884 100 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4583 2938540 Deggendorf Deggendorf 48.8333333 12.9666667 P PPL DE 02 31081 399 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4584 2938784 Datteln Datteln 51.6666667 7.3833333 P PPL DE 07 36338 51 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4585 2938913 Darmstadt Darmstadt 49.8705556 8.6494444 P PPL DE 05 140385 153 Europe/Berlin 2006-12-03
+ 4586 2939167 Damme Damme 52.5166667 8.2 P PPL DE 06 16024 64 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4587 2939623 Dachau Dachau 48.2666667 11.4333333 P PPL DE 02 39740 484 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-02
+ 4588 2939658 Cuxhaven Cuxhaven 53.8717610367494 8.69087219238281 P PPL DE 06 DE.NI.LU 52677 2 Europe/Berlin 2007-04-17
+ 4589 2939747 Crimmitschau Crimmitschau 50.8166667 12.3833333 P PPL DE 13 22442 249 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4590 2939797 Crailsheim Crailsheim 49.1344410305188 10.0719308853149 P PPL DE 01 32262 416 Europe/Berlin 2008-10-22
+ 4591 2939811 Cottbus Cottbus 51.7666667 14.3333333 P PPL DE 11 84754 70 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4592 2939820 Coswig Coswig 51.1333333 13.5833333 P PPL DE 13 22304 109 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4593 2939945 Coesfeld Coesfeld 51.9333333 7.15 P PPL DE 07 36631 90 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4594 2939951 Coburg Coburg 50.2666667 10.9666667 P PPL DE 02 41901 296 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4595 2939969 Cloppenburg Cloppenburg 52.85 8.0333333 P PPL DE 06 31177 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4596 2939995 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Clausthal-Zellerfeld 51.8 10.3333333 P PPL DE 06 15345 595 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4597 2940132 Chemnitz Chemnitz 50.8333333 12.9166667 P PPL DE 13 247220 297 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4598 2940204 Cham Cham 49.2255556 12.6636111 P PPL DE 02 17314 384 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4599 2940213 Celle Celle 52.6166667 10.0833333 P PPL DE 06 71010 43 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4600 2940231 Castrop-Rauxel Castrop-Rauxel 51.55 7.3166667 P PPL DE 07 77924 121 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-08
+ 4601 2940383 Calw Calw 48.7166667 8.7333333 P PPL DE 01 23740 359 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4602 2940451 Buxtehude Buxtehude 53.45 9.7 P PPL DE 06 38192 40 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4603 2940512 Butzbach Butzbach 50.433946533387 8.67121696472168 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 25156 188 Europe/Berlin 2007-08-16
+ 4604 2940938 Bürstadt Burstadt 49.6436111 8.46 P PPL DE 05 15348 90 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4605 2940942 Burscheid Burscheid 51.1 7.1166667 P PPL DE 07 19215 191 Europe/Berlin 2009-10-01
+ 4606 2941279 Burghausen Burghausen 48.1666667 12.8333333 P PPL DE 02 18263 411 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4607 2941405 Burgdorf Burgdorf 52.4462800198008 10.0063991546631 P PPL DE 06 30218 53 Europe/Berlin 2009-09-05
+ 4608 2941501 Burg bei Magdeburg Burg bei Magdeburg 52.2715188796684 11.8549346923828 P PPL DE 14 24958 49 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-15
+ 4609 2941570 Büren Buren 51.55 8.5666667 P PPL DE 07 22263 282 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4610 2941694 Bünde Buende 52.2 8.5833333 P PPL DE 07 45403 72 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-08
+ 4611 2941976 Bühl Buhl 48.7 8.15 P PPL DE 01 29193 187 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4612 2942073 Büdingen Budingen 50.3 9.1166667 P PPL DE 05 21579 161 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4613 2942159 Bückeburg Buckeburg 52.2666667 9.05 P PPL DE 06 20700 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4614 2942323 Buchholz in der Nordheide Buchholz in der Nordheide 53.3333333 9.8666667 P PPL DE 06 37404 74 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4615 2942634 Buchen Buchen 49.5238889 9.3230556 P PPL DE 01 18890 333 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4616 2943320 Brühl Bruhl 50.8333333 6.9 P PPL DE 07 44137 65 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4617 2943336 Brüggen Bruggen 51.240533492678 6.18375778198242 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DU 16105 40 Europe/Berlin 2007-12-04
+ 4618 2943408 Bruckmühl Bruckmuhl 47.8833333 11.9166667 P PPL DE 02 15851 505 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4619 2943560 Bruchsal Bruchsal 49.1280556 8.5836111 P PPL DE 01 42785 125 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4620 2943573 Bruchköbel Bruchkobel 50.1833333 8.9166667 P PPL DE 05 20892 115 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4621 2944079 Brilon Brilon 51.4 8.5833333 P PPL DE 07 27030 442 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4622 2944200 Bretten Bretten 49.0391667 8.7027778 P PPL DE 01 28144 188 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4623 2944354 Bremervörde Bremervorde 53.4833333 9.1333333 P PPL DE 06 19268 5 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4624 2944368 Bremerhaven Bremerhaven 53.55 8.5833333 P PPL DE 03 117446 3 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4625 2944388 Bremen Bremen 53.075155679403 8.80777359008789 P PPLA DE 03 DE.HB.HB 546501 3 Europe/Berlin 2007-04-26
+ 4626 2945024 Braunschweig Braunschweig 52.2666667 10.5333333 P PPL DE 06 244715 71 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4627 2945358 Brandenburg Brandenburg 52.4166667 12.55 P PPL DE 11 59826 29 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4628 2945474 Bramsche Bramsche 52.4 7.9833333 P PPL DE 06 31394 53 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4629 2945542 Brakel Brakel 51.7166667 9.1833333 P PPL DE 07 17808 136 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4630 2945591 Brackenheim Brackenheim 49.0797222 9.065 P PPL DE 01 15083 194 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4631 2945756 Bottrop Bottrop 51.5166667 6.9166667 P PPL DE 07 119909 60 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4632 2946111 Bornheim Bornheim 50.7666667 7.0 P PPL DE 07 48523 57 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4633 2946172 Borna Borna 51.1166667 12.5 P PPL DE 13 18806 158 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4634 2946228 Borken Borken 51.85 6.8666667 P PPL DE 07 40876 52 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4635 2946366 Boppard Boppard 50.2333333 7.6 P PPL DE 08 16215 76 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4636 2946447 Bonn Bonn 50.7333333 7.1 P PPL DE 07 313125 54 Europe/Berlin 2008-06-17
+ 4637 2946478 Bönen Bonen 51.6 7.7666667 P PPL DE 07 19393 95 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4638 2947416 Bochum Bochum 51.4833333 7.2166667 P PPL DE 07 385729 104 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4639 2947421 Bocholt Bocholt 51.8333333 6.6 P PPL DE 07 73943 25 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4640 2947444 Böblingen Boblingen 48.6833333 9.0166667 P PPL DE 01 46282 460 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4641 2947449 Bobingen Bobingen 48.2666667 10.8333333 P PPL DE 02 16682 520 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4642 2947641 Blomberg Blomberg 51.9433125174217 9.09067153930664 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 17183 170 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-27
+ 4643 2947739 Blieskastel Blieskastel 49.237243484786 7.25616931915283 P PPL DE 09 DE.SL.SL 23212 218 Europe/Berlin 2007-04-09
+ 4644 2948071 Blankenburg Blankenburg 51.7833333 10.95 P PPL DE 14 15963 266 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4645 2948164 Bitterfeld Bitterfeld 51.6166667 12.3166667 P PPL DE 13 15608 77 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4646 2948825 Bingen am Rhein Bingen am Rhein 49.9666667 7.9 P PPL DE 08 24657 94 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-18
+ 4647 2949012 Bietigheim-Bissingen Bietigheim-Bissingen 48.9666667 9.1333333 P PPL DE 01 41769 256 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4648 2949186 Bielefeld Bielefeld 52.0333333 8.5333333 P PPL DE 07 331906 113 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4649 2949423 Biberach an der Riß Biberach an der Riss 48.1 9.8 P PPL DE 01 32333 596 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4650 2949470 Bexbach Bexbach 49.3461515093887 7.25526809692383 P PPL DE 09 DE.SL.SL 19115 264 Europe/Berlin 2007-04-09
+ 4651 2949475 Beverungen Beverungen 51.6666667 9.3666667 P PPL DE 07 15266 102 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4652 2950073 Bernburg Bernburg 51.8 11.7333333 P PPL DE 14 32113 60 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4653 2950096 Bernau bei Berlin Bernau bei Berlin 52.6798166215418 13.5870838165283 P PPL DE 11 34866 67 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-29
+ 4654 2950159 Berlin Berlin 52.5166667 13.4 P PPLC DE 16 3426354 74 35 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-31
+ 4655 2950294 Bergneustadt Bergneustadt 51.0333333 7.65 P PPL DE 07 20567 254 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4656 2950344 Bergkamen Bergkamen 51.6333333 7.6333333 P PPL DE 07 52329 72 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4657 2950349 Bergisch Gladbach Bergisch Gladbach 50.9833333 7.1333333 P PPL DE 07 106184 93 Europe/Berlin 2007-02-17
+ 4658 2950438 Bergheim Bergheim 50.9557234753678 6.63986206054688 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.KL 63558 72 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-17
+ 4659 2950978 Bensheim Bensheim 49.6802778 8.6161111 P PPL DE 05 39439 104 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4660 2951111 Bendorf Bendorf 50.4333333 7.5666667 P PPL DE 08 17495 115 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4661 2951648 Bedburg Bedburg 50.9925822227063 6.5712833404541 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.KL 24937 71 Europe/Berlin 2008-01-17
+ 4662 2951654 Beckum Beckum 51.75 8.0333333 P PPL DE 07 37814 119 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4663 2951679 Beckingen Beckingen 49.4 6.7 P PPL DE 09 15983 209 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4664 2951825 Bayreuth Bayreuth 49.9480556 11.5783333 P PPL DE 02 75061 344 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4665 2951881 Bautzen Bautzen 51.1833333 14.4333333 P PPL DE 13 41972 206 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4666 2951923 Baunatal Baunatal 51.25 9.4166667 P PPL DE 05 28173 209 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4667 2952252 Bassum Bassum 52.85 8.7333333 P PPL DE 06 16191 45 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4668 2952406 Barsinghausen Barsinghausen 52.3 9.45 P PPL DE 06 34386 143 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4669 2952984 Bamberg Bamberg 49.8666667 10.8666667 P PPL DE 02 70047 295 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4670 2953089 Balingen Balingen 48.2752531579162 8.85463714599609 P PPL DE 01 34414 518 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-23
+ 4671 2953197 Baiersbronn Baiersbronn 48.5 8.3833333 P PPL DE 01 16248 675 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4672 2953269 Bahnhof Löhne Bahnhof Lohne 52.2 8.7166667 P PPL DE 07 41677 69 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4673 2953302 Baesweiler Baesweiler 50.9 6.1833333 P PPL DE 07 27834 137 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4674 2953310 Bad Zwischenahn Bad Zwischenahn 53.1833333 8.0 P PPL DE 06 27550 8 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4675 2953317 Bad Wildungen Bad Wildungen 51.1196335580208 9.12474632263184 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 18037 233 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-12
+ 4676 2953320 Bad Waldsee Bad Waldsee 47.9166667 9.7666667 P PPL DE 01 19840 632 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4677 2953321 Bad Vilbel Bad Vilbel 50.1786570540993 8.73756408691406 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 30736 146 Europe/Berlin 2007-09-09
+ 4678 2953324 Bad Tölz Bad Tolz 47.761108684504 11.5589046478271 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 17434 682 Europe/Berlin 2007-04-16
+ 4679 2953339 Bad Soden am Taunus Bad Soden am Taunus 50.1407982370304 8.50449085235596 P PPL DE 05 21357 138 Europe/Berlin 2009-10-11
+ 4680 2953341 Bad Segeberg Bad Segeberg 53.9333333 10.3166667 P PPL DE 10 16052 55 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4681 2953347 Bad Schwartau Bad Schwartau 53.9166667 10.7 P PPL DE 10 19722 5 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4682 2953357 Bad Salzungen Bad Salzungen 50.8166667 10.2333333 P PPL DE 15 16410 268 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4683 2953358 Bad Salzuflen Bad Salzuflen 52.0862045915423 8.74434471130371 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.DM 54899 89 Europe/Berlin 2007-03-27
+ 4684 2953363 Bad Säckingen Bad Sackingen 47.5537074341877 7.94611930847168 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 16549 291 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-03
+ 4685 2953371 Bad Reichenhall Bad Reichenhall 47.7333333 12.8833333 P PPL DE 02 16910 469 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4686 2953374 Bad Rappenau Bad Rappenau 49.2405556 9.1025 P PPL DE 01 20581 243 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4687 2953379 Bad Pyrmont Bad Pyrmont 51.9833333 9.25 P PPL DE 06 21629 98 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4688 2953385 Bad Oldesloe Bad Oldesloe 53.8166667 10.3833333 P PPL DE 10 24127 15 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4689 2953386 Bad Oeynhausen Bad Oeynhausen 52.2 8.8 P PPL DE 07 49513 79 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4690 2953389 Bad Neustadt an der Saale Bad Neustadt an der Saale 50.3333333 10.2166667 P PPL DE 02 16064 232 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4691 2953391 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 50.55 7.1 P PPL DE 08 27823 99 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4692 2953395 Bad Nauheim Bad Nauheim 50.3646272530591 8.73859405517578 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 30291 146 Europe/Berlin 2007-09-09
+ 4693 2953398 Bad Münstereifel Bad Munstereifel 50.55 6.7666667 P PPL DE 07 19051 434 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4694 2953400 Bad Münder am Deister Bad Munder am Deister 52.2 9.4666667 P PPL DE 06 18726 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4695 2953402 Bad Mergentheim Bad Mergentheim 49.4925 9.7736111 P PPL DE 01 22472 207 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4696 2953405 Bad Lippspringe Bad Lippspringe 51.7833333 8.8166667 P PPL DE 07 15175 148 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4697 2953413 Bad Langensalza Bad Langensalza 51.1 10.65 P PPL DE 15 18183 210 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4698 2953416 Bad Kreuznach Bad Kreuznach 49.8333333 7.8666667 P PPL DE 08 43213 169 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4699 2953424 Bad Kissingen Bad Kissingen 50.2 10.0833333 P PPL DE 02 21328 286 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4700 2953435 Bad Honnef am Rhein Bad Honnef am Rhein 50.6333333 7.2333333 P PPL DE 07 25348 91 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4701 2953436 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Bad Homburg vor der Hohe 50.2266728510544 8.61963272094727 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 51859 164 Europe/Berlin 2007-09-09
+ 4702 2953439 Bad Hersfeld Bad Hersfeld 50.8666667 9.7 P PPL DE 05 30725 213 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4703 2953449 Bad Harzburg Bad Harzburg 51.8833333 10.5666667 P PPL DE 06 22954 345 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4704 2953464 Bad Essen Bad Essen 52.3166667 8.3333333 P PPL DE 06 15732 62 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4705 2953504 Baden-Baden Baden-Baden 48.75 8.25 P PPL DE 01 54239 211 Europe/Berlin 2006-12-03
+ 4706 2953522 Bad Dürkheim Bad Durkheim 49.4686111 8.1663889 P PPL DE 08 18698 130 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4707 2953525 Bad Driburg Bad Driburg 51.7333333 9.0166667 P PPL DE 07 19553 200 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4708 2953545 Bad Berleburg Bad Berleburg 51.05 8.4 P PPL DE 07 20757 508 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4709 2953552 Bad Bentheim Bad Bentheim 52.3166667 7.1666667 P PPL DE 06 15508 46 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4710 2953558 Bad Aibling Bad Aibling 47.863795047089 12.0105457305908 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.OB 17672 495 Europe/Berlin 2007-06-13
+ 4711 2953568 Backnang Backnang 48.95 9.4333333 P PPL DE 01 35778 267 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4712 2953770 Babenhausen Babenhausen 49.9666667 8.9577778 P PPL DE 05 16575 129 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4713 2954006 Aurich Aurich 53.4666667 7.4833333 P PPL DE 06 40319 5 Europe/Berlin 2008-11-28
+ 4714 2954172 Augsburg Augsburg 48.3666667 10.8833333 P PPL DE 02 259196 485 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4715 2954602 Auerbach Auerbach 50.5166667 12.4 P PPL DE 13 21358 467 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4716 2954695 Aue Aue 50.5833333 12.7 P PPL DE 13 18554 439 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4717 2954932 Attendorn Attendorn 51.1264483198823 7.90333271026611 P PPL DE 07 DE.NW.AR 24773 287 Europe/Berlin 2006-09-16
+ 4718 2955168 Aschersleben Aschersleben 51.75 11.4666667 P PPL DE 14 24892 103 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-19
+ 4719 2955224 Ascheberg Ascheberg 51.7833333 7.6166667 P PPL DE 07 15184 67 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4720 2955272 Aschaffenburg Aschaffenburg 49.9738889 9.1491667 P PPL DE 02 68551 138 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4721 2955421 Bad Arolsen Bad Arolsen 51.3798168275007 9.01445388793945 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 16854 284 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-12
+ 4722 2955439 Arnstadt Arnstadt 50.8333333 10.95 P PPL DE 15 25678 300 Europe/Berlin 2006-07-29
+ 4723 2955471 Arnsberg Arnsberg 51.3833333 8.0833333 P PPL DE 07 76612 273 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-15
+ 4724 2955770 Apolda Apolda 51.0166667 11.5 P PPL DE 15 24793 179 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4725 2955936 Ansbach Ansbach 49.3 10.5833333 P PPL DE 02 31839 415 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4726 2956005 Annaberg-Buchholz Annaberg-Buchholz 50.5795305533367 13.0062675476074 P PPL DE 13 23092 653 Europe/Berlin 2008-08-01
+ 4727 2956093 Angermünde Angermunde 53.0149897914037 13.9992427825928 P PPL DE 11 15453 45 Europe/Berlin 2009-01-28
+ 4728 2956206 Andernach Andernach 50.4333333 7.4 P PPL DE 08 29599 71 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4729 2956656 Amberg Amberg 49.4413889 11.8622222 P PPL DE 02 44737 380 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4730 2956710 Alzey Alzey 49.7516667 8.1161111 P PPL DE 08 18241 179 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4731 2956715 Alzenau in Unterfranken Alzenau in Unterfranken 50.0833333 9.0666667 P PPL DE 02 18932 161 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4732 2957773 Altenburg Altenburg 50.9833333 12.45 P PPL DE 15 38568 203 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4733 2957886 Altena Altena 51.3 7.6666667 P PPL DE 07 20862 231 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4734 2958024 Altdorf Altdorf 49.3875 11.3572222 P PPL DE 02 15312 429 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4735 2958128 Alsfeld Alsfeld 50.75 9.2666667 P PPL DE 05 17771 250 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-05
+ 4736 2958141 Alsdorf Alsdorf 50.8833333 6.1666667 P PPL DE 07 46340 164 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4737 2958516 Alfter Alfter 50.7333333 7.0166667 P PPL DE 07 21814 77 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4738 2958533 Alfeld Alfeld 51.9833333 9.8333333 P PPL DE 06 21270 138 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4739 2958595 Albstadt Albstadt 48.25 9.0166667 P PPL DE 01 46664 811 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4740 2958975 Aichach Aichach 48.4575549986921 11.1341285705566 P PPL DE 02 DE.BY.SC 21042 457 Europe/Berlin 2007-05-14
+ 4741 2959083 Ahrensburg Ahrensburg 53.6833333 10.25 P PPL DE 10 30103 42 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4742 2959223 Ahlen Ahlen 51.75 7.9166667 P PPL DE 07 55280 80 Europe/Berlin 2006-11-16
+ 4743 2959279 Ahaus Ahaus 52.0666667 7.0 P PPL DE 07 38165 52 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4744 2959681 Achim Achim 53.0141636032941 9.02629852294922 P PPL DE 06 DE.NI.LU 30013 29 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-31
+ 4745 2959686 Achern Achern 48.6311501154572 8.0760669708252 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.FR 24478 150 Europe/Berlin 2007-07-14
+ 4746 2959927 Aalen Aalen 48.8377747627609 10.0933027267456 P PPL DE 01 67085 450 Europe/Berlin 2008-12-21
+ 4747 3207197 Vellmar Vellmar 51.3580615731909 9.4797420501709 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.KS 18623 176 Europe/Berlin 2007-10-12
+ 4748 3207384 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock 51.9 8.6166667 P PPL DE 07 25770 120 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4749 3207567 Rehlingen-Siersburg Rehlingen-Siersburg 49.3666667 6.6833333 P PPL DE 09 15871 179 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4750 3209083 Henstedt-Ulzburg Henstedt-Ulzburg 53.7913225889753 9.97979164123535 P PPL DE 10 DE.SH.SH 26083 35 Europe/Berlin 2008-04-15
+ 4751 3247449 Aachen Aachen 50.776635609734 6.08342170715332 P PPL DE 07 Köln 265208 266 177 Europe/Berlin 2009-03-11
+ 4752 3272460 Mörfelden-Walldorf Morfelden-Walldorf 49.9947222 8.5836111 P PPL DE 05 32753 111 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4753 3272941 Riedstadt Riedstadt 49.8341073353638 8.49620819091797 P PPL DE 05 DE.HE.DA 21362 88 Europe/Berlin 2007-12-04
+ 4754 3274966 Lauda-Königshofen Lauda-Konigshofen 49.5652778 9.7041667 P PPL DE 01 15278 196 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4755 3336891 Filderstadt Filderstadt 48.6569821206473 9.22049045562744 P PPL DE 01 43550 416 Europe/Berlin 2008-06-27
+ 4756 3336892 Ostfildern Ostfildern 48.7166667 9.2666667 P PPL DE 01 33598 373 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4757 3336893 Rodgau Rodgau 50.0166667 8.8333333 P PPL DE 05 43315 135 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4758 3337504 Seeheim-Jugenheim Seeheim-Jugenheim 49.765 8.6519444 P PPL DE 05 16395 225 Europe/Berlin 2006-01-17
+ 4759 6550659 Spremberg Spremberg 51.5697079579727 14.3735504150391 P PPL DE 11 DE.BB.BB 12071 12071372 26348 96 Europe/Berlin 2007-12-04
+ 4760 6558039 Rheinstetten Rheinstetten 48.9684984769776 8.30703735351562 P PPL DE 01 DE.BW.KR 08215 08215108 20378 116 Europe/Berlin 2007-12-04
+ 4761 6930414 Stuttgart-Ost Stuttgart-Ost 48.7836321264915 9.210324883461 P PPL DE 01 3214105 08111 47500 300 230 Europe/Berlin 2009-02-07
+ 4762 6941055 Bochum-Hordel Bochum-Hordel 51.5016753657326 7.17560112476349 P PPLX DE 07 380000 51 67 Europe/Berlin 2009-05-03
+ 4763 220782 Tadjoura Tadjoura 11.7852778 42.8844444 P PPLA DJ 05 22193 69 Africa/Djibouti 2006-11-15
+ 4764 221527 Obock Obock 11.9630556 43.2905556 P PPLA DJ 04 17776 27 Africa/Djibouti 2006-11-15
+ 4765 223817 Djibouti Djibouti 11.595 43.1480556 P PPLC DJ 07 623891 1 Africa/Djibouti 2007-02-17
+ 4766 225284 `Ali Sabieh `Ali Sabieh 11.1558333 42.7125 P PPLA DJ 01 40074 692 Africa/Djibouti 2009-03-03
+ 4767 2610319 Viborg Viborg 56.4531891019637 9.40201163291931 P PPLA DK 18 791 34831 31 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4768 2610613 Vejle Vejle 55.7092706640481 9.53570365905762 P PPLA DK 21 630 51177 5 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-05
+ 4769 2611828 Taastrup Taastrup 55.6517326417309 12.2921562194824 P PPL DK 17 30977 16 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4770 2612045 Svendborg Svendborg 55.0598193609648 10.6067714095116 P PPL DK 21 479 27553 5 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4771 2612629 Stenløse Stenlose 55.7682812446882 12.1972274780273 P PPL DK 17 19998 17 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4772 2613102 Sønderborg Sonderborg 54.9092625383989 9.80736583471298 P PPL DK 21 540 27033 14 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4773 2613460 Slagelse Slagelse 55.4027616181201 11.3545900583267 P PPL DK 20 330 31896 50 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4774 2613731 Skive Skive 56.5666667 9.0333333 P PPL DK 18 779 20815 5 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-10
+ 4775 2614030 Silkeborg Silkeborg 56.1697004358941 9.54508066177368 P PPL DK 18 740 41674 19 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4776 2614481 Roskilde Roskilde 55.6415191517441 12.0803475379944 P PPL DK 20 265 44285 44 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4777 2614600 Rødovre Rodovre 55.6806211149001 12.4537324905396 P PPL DK 17 175 30000 16 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4778 2614764 Ringsted Ringsted 55.4425991502195 11.7901057004929 P PPL DK 20 329 20188 55 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4779 2615006 Randers Randers 56.4666667 10.05 P PPL DK 18 730 55780 10 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-10
+ 4780 2615876 Odense Odense 55.3959381271672 10.3883135318756 P PPL DK 21 461 145931 10 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4781 2615961 Nykøbing Falster Nykobing Falster 54.7690581396173 11.87424659729 P PPL DK 20 16807 5 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4782 2616015 Nyborg Nyborg 55.3127355595366 10.7896363735199 P PPL DK 21 15826 4 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4783 2616038 Næstved Naestved 55.2299178968098 11.7609179019928 P PPL DK 20 40660 18 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4784 2617658 Lillerød Lillerod 55.8749617418984 12.3457896709442 P PPL DK 17 15359 49 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4785 2618361 Korsør Korsor 55.3299256127534 11.1385703086853 P PPL DK 20 15029 -9999 Europe/Copenhagen 2008-12-16
+ 4786 2618415 Køge Koge 55.4580173891012 12.1821373701096 P PPL DK 20 259 33885 2 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4787 2618425 Copenhagen Copenhagen 55.6776812020993 12.5709342956543 P PPLC DK 17 1153615 4 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-16
+ 4788 2618528 Kolding Kolding 55.4903994823623 9.47216480970383 P PPL DK 21 621 55363 4 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4789 2619154 Kalundborg Kalundborg 55.6795443823581 11.0886383056641 P PPL DK 20 326 15939 -9999 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-05-19
+ 4790 2619377 Ishøj Ishoj 55.6154254311285 12.3518192768097 P PPL DK 17 183 19453 2 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4791 2619528 Hvidovre Hvidovre 55.657186413939 12.4736398458481 P PPL DK 17 167 49380 5 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4792 2619771 Horsens Horsens 55.8606582358663 9.85033750534058 P PPL DK 18 615 50074 9 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4793 2619856 Hørsholm Horsholm 55.8833333 12.5 P PPL DK 17 223 36670 40 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-10
+ 4794 2620046 Holstebro Holstebro 56.3600915537719 8.61607074737549 P PPL DK 18 32072 18 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4795 2620147 Holbæk Holbaek 55.7166667 11.7166667 P PPL DK 20 316 24544 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-10
+ 4796 2620214 Hjørring Hjorring 57.464169442516 9.98229146003723 P PPL DK 19 860 24634 41 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4797 2620320 Hillerød Hillerod 55.9266656211426 12.3109102249146 P PPLA DK 17 219 28313 51 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4798 2620425 Herning Herning 56.1393151149957 8.97378087043762 P PPL DK 18 657 44763 52 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4799 2620473 Helsingør Helsingor 56.0360649372914 12.6136028766632 P PPL DK 17 35048 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4800 2620964 Haderslev Haderslev 55.2537705628178 9.48982313275337 P PPL DK 21 510 20825 11 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4801 2621215 Greve Greve 55.5833333 12.3 P PPL DK 20 47671 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2008-09-12
+ 4802 2621356 Glostrup Glostrup 55.6666667 12.4 P PPL DK 17 161 20673 20 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4803 2621927 Frederikshavn Frederikshavn 57.4407346907764 10.536607503891 P PPL DK 19 813 24103 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4804 2621942 Frederiksberg Frederiksberg 55.6793750060019 12.5346279144287 P PPL DK 17 147 95029 6 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-02-16
+ 4805 2621951 Fredericia Fredericia 55.5656763280375 9.75256562232971 P PPL DK 21 607 36946 -9999 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4806 2622306 Farum Farum 55.8085814748315 12.3606598377228 P PPL DK 17 18376 31 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4807 2622447 Esbjerg Esbjerg 55.4666667 8.45 P PPL DK 21 72205 14 Europe/Copenhagen 2008-09-12
+ 4808 2623188 Charlottenlund Charlottenlund 55.75 12.5833333 P PPL DK 17 40000 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4809 2624112 Birkerød Birkerod 55.8475902458178 12.4279081821442 P PPL DK 17 18901 45 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4810 2624341 Ballerup Ballerup 55.7316456911196 12.3632830381393 P PPL DK 17 151 40000 34 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4811 2624652 Århus Arhus 56.1567365813134 10.2107620239258 P PPL DK 18 751 237551 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4812 2624886 Aalborg Aalborg 57.0479990421469 9.91870164871216 P PPLA DK 19 851 122219 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4813 2624906 Albertslund Albertslund 55.6569140460036 12.3638141155243 P PPL DK 17 165 30000 11 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4814 2625070 Aabenraa Aabenraa 55.0443426591741 9.41740751266479 P PPLA DK 21 580 16344 1 Europe/Copenhagen 2009-03-03
+ 4815 3575635 Roseau Roseau 15.3 -61.4 P PPLC DM 04 16571 -9999 America/Dominica 2007-02-17
+ 4816 3491948 Villa Bisonó Villa Bisono 19.5666667 -70.8666667 P PPL DO 25 33137 144 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4817 3491952 Villa Altagracia Villa Altagracia 18.6666667 -70.1666667 P PPL DO 33 40027 198 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4818 3492517 Tamboril Tamboril 19.4833333 -70.6 P PPL DO 25 23304 249 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4819 3492908 Santo Domingo Santo Domingo 18.4666667 -69.9 P PPLC DO 34 2201941 9 America/Santo_Domingo 2008-06-01
+ 4820 3492914 Santiago de los Caballeros Santiago de los Caballeros 19.45 -70.7 P PPL DO 25 555904 190 America/Santo_Domingo 2007-01-07
+ 4821 3492984 Santa Cruz de El Seibo Santa Cruz de El Seibo 18.7666667 -69.0333333 P PPL DO 28 23547 97 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4822 3492985 Santa Cruz de Barahona Santa Cruz de Barahona 18.2 -71.1 P PPL DO 03 77160 31 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-11-15
+ 4823 3493032 San Pedro de Macorís San Pedro de Macoris 18.45 -69.3 P PPL DO 24 217899 6 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-05-05
+ 4824 3493081 San Juan de la Maguana San Juan de la Maguana 18.8 -71.2333333 P PPL DO 23 72950 399 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4825 3493100 San José de Ocoa San Jose de Ocoa 18.55 -70.5 P PPL DO 35 21148 525 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4826 3493146 San Francisco de Macorís San Francisco de Macoris 19.3 -70.25 P PPL DO 06 124763 117 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-11-15
+ 4827 3493174 San Fernando de Monte Cristi San Fernando de Monte Cristi 19.8666667 -71.65 P PPL DO 15 17001 9 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4828 3493175 San Felipe de Puerto Plata San Felipe de Puerto Plata 19.8 -70.6833333 P PPL DO 18 119897 1 America/Santo_Domingo 2007-02-08
+ 4829 3493240 Salvaleón de Higüey Salvaleon de Higuey 18.6166667 -68.7 P PPL DO 10 123787 100 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-05-10
+ 4830 3493383 Sabaneta Sabaneta 19.4666667 -71.3333333 P PPL DO 26 16380 149 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4831 3493482 Sabana Grande de Boyá Sabana Grande de Boya 18.95 -69.8 P PPL DO 32 16834 292 America/Santo_Domingo 2007-07-14
+ 4832 3494121 Quisqueya Quisqueya 18.55 -69.4166667 P PPL DO 24 17694 27 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4833 3494242 Punta Cana Punta Cana 18.5818231484488 -68.4043121337891 P PPL DO 23 100023 18 America/Santo_Domingo 2009-04-08
+ 4834 3495857 Neiba Neiba 18.4666667 -71.4166667 P PPL DO 02 18670 1 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4835 3496021 Nagua Nagua 19.3831985986418 -69.8474049568176 P PPL DO 14 33862 1 America/Santo_Domingo 2007-07-12
+ 4836 3496134 Monte Plata Monte Plata 18.8 -69.7833333 P PPL DO 32 15532 41 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4837 3496331 Moca Moca 19.4 -70.5166667 P PPL DO 08 61834 185 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4838 3496831 Mao Mao 19.5666667 -71.0833333 P PPL DO 27 48297 63 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4839 3500370 Las Matas de Farfán Las Matas de Farfan 18.8736111 -71.5213889 P PPL DO 23 21802 445 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4840 3500957 La Romana La Romana 18.4166667 -68.9666667 P PPL DO 12 208437 12 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4841 3503889 Juan Dolio Juan Dolio 18.4166667 -69.4166667 P PPL DO 24 8581477 -9999 America/Santo_Domingo 2008-10-10
+ 4842 3504158 Jarabacoa Jarabacoa 19.1166667 -70.6333333 P PPL DO 30 29983 530 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4843 3504765 Hato Mayor del Rey Hato Mayor del Rey 18.7666667 -69.25 P PPL DO 29 35999 150 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4844 3505855 Esperanza Esperanza 19.5833333 -71.0 P PPL DO 27 42169 95 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4845 3508952 Dajabón Dajabon 19.55 -71.7 P PPL DO 04 16398 51 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4846 3509207 Cotuí Cotui 19.05 -70.15 P PPL DO 21 41641 61 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4847 3509363 Constanza Constanza 18.9166667 -70.75 P PPL DO 30 29481 1283 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4848 3509382 Concepción de La Vega Concepcion de La Vega 19.2166667 -70.5166667 P PPL DO 30 102426 77 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-11-15
+ 4849 3511233 Bonao Bonao 18.9333333 -70.4166667 P PPL DO 31 73269 181 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4850 3511540 Benemérita de San Cristóbal Benemerita de San Cristobal 18.4166667 -70.1 P PPL DO 33 154040 62 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4851 3511626 Bayaguana Bayaguana 18.75 -69.6333333 P PPL DO 32 21055 41 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4852 3512067 Baní Bani 18.2833333 -70.3333333 P PPL DO 35 66709 51 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-11-15
+ 4853 3512128 Bajos de Haina Bajos de Haina 18.4166667 -70.0333333 P PPL DO 33 66784 4 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-11-15
+ 4854 3512208 Azua de Compostela Azua de Compostela 18.45 -70.7333333 P PPL DO 01 59139 80 America/Santo_Domingo 2006-01-17
+ 4855 2474506 Zeribet el Oued Zeribet el Oued 34.6833333 6.5166667 P PPL DZ 00 23187 39 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4856 2474583 Zeralda Zeralda 36.7147222 2.8433333 P PPL DZ 01 17563 53 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4857 2474638 Zemmora Zemmora 35.7225 0.76 P PPL DZ 51 21770 273 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4858 2475475 Touggourt Touggourt 33.1 6.0666667 P PPL DZ 50 49044 167 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4859 2475612 Tolga Tolga 34.7166667 5.3833333 P PPL DZ 00 68246 249 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4860 2475687 Tlemcen Tlemcen 34.8783333 -1.315 P PPL DZ DZ 15 132341 843 Africa/Algiers 2008-04-13
+ 4861 2475740 Tizi Rached Tizi Rached 36.6833333 4.2 P PPL DZ 00 17872 317 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4862 2475752 Tizi-n-Tleta Tizi-n-Tleta 36.55 4.05 P PPL DZ 00 22404 429 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4863 2475764 Tizi Gheniff Tizi Gheniff 36.5875 3.7677778 P PPL DZ 14 27974 476 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4864 2475921 Tirmitine Tirmitine 36.6583333 3.9858333 P PPL DZ 14 26261 408 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4865 2476396 Timizart Timizart 36.8 4.2666667 P PPL DZ 00 41158 372 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-17
+ 4866 2476403 Timimoun Timimoun 29.25 0.25 P PPL DZ 00 49237 323 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4867 2476412 el hed el hed 36.65 4.7736111 P PPL DZ 18 31890 65 Africa/Algiers 2007-03-25
+ 4868 2476915 Theniet el Had Theniet el Had 35.8711111 2.0280556 P PPL DZ 35 27687 1105 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4869 2476917 Thenia Thenia 36.7277778 3.5538889 P PPL DZ 40 16180 228 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4870 2477255 Telerghma Telerghma 36.1152778 6.3641667 P PPL DZ 04 51708 753 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4871 2477462 Tebesbest Tebesbest 33.1166667 6.0833333 P PPL DZ 00 41091 170 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4872 2477528 Tazoult-Lambese Tazoult-Lambese 35.4863889 6.2552778 P PPL DZ 03 41636 1184 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4873 2478216 Tamanrasset Tamanrasset 22.785 5.5227778 P PPLA DZ 53 73128 1319 Africa/Algiers 2006-11-15
+ 4874 2478226 Tamalous Tamalous 36.8361111 6.6405556 P PPL DZ 31 32579 98 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4875 2478831 Tadmaït Tadmait 36.7394444 3.9019444 P PPL DZ 14 20952 40 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4876 2479161 Sour el Ghozlane Sour el Ghozlane 36.1502778 3.6891667 P PPL DZ 21 50204 899 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4877 2479183 Souma Souma 36.5183333 2.9052778 P PPL DZ 20 40745 135 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4878 2479247 Sougueur Sougueur 35.1913889 1.4983333 P PPL DZ 13 68654 1101 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4879 2479536 Skikda Skikda 36.8791667 6.9066667 P PPL DZ 04 162702 94 Africa/Algiers 2007-03-10
+ 4880 2479609 Sig Sig 35.5277778 -0.1952778 P PPL DZ 26 58877 32 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4881 2479916 Sidi Okba Sidi Okba 34.75 5.9 P PPL DZ 00 34985 151 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4882 2479966 Sidi Moussa Sidi Moussa 36.6044444 3.0902778 P PPL DZ 20 57928 57 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4883 2480198 Sidi Mérouane Sidi Merouane 36.5205556 6.2611111 P PPL DZ 48 25129 289 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4884 2480368 Sidi Khaled Sidi Khaled 34.3833333 5.0 P PPL DZ 00 64476 251 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4885 2480618 Sidi ech Chahmi Sidi ech Chahmi 35.6580556 -0.5202778 P PPL DZ 09 35512 98 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4886 2481007 Sidi Bel Abbès Sidi Bel Abbes 35.1938889 -0.6413889 P PPL DZ 30 191769 476 Africa/Algiers 2007-02-18
+ 4887 2481058 Sidi Amrane Sidi Amrane 33.5 6.0166667 P PPL DZ 00 29734 127 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4888 2481207 Sidi Akacha Sidi Akacha 36.4647222 1.3066667 P PPL DZ 41 26558 140 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4889 2481246 Sidi Aïssa Sidi Aissa 35.8913889 3.7711111 P PPL DZ 00 69740 672 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4890 2481389 Sidi Abdelli Sidi Abdelli 35.0708333 -1.1344444 P PPL DZ 15 23543 470 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4891 2481639 Sfizef Sfizef 35.2344444 -0.2408333 P PPL DZ 30 31081 534 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4892 2482090 Sedrata Sedrata 36.1288889 7.5280556 P PPL DZ 37 53318 821 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4893 2482159 Seddouk Seddouk 36.5472222 4.6861111 P PPL DZ 18 19884 412 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4894 2482211 Sebdou Sebdou 34.6425 -1.3330556 P PPL DZ 15 41146 886 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4895 2482390 Saoula Saoula 36.7030556 3.0236111 P PPL DZ 01 16812 151 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4896 2482447 Salah Bey Salah Bey 35.8561111 5.2875 P PPL DZ 12 23339 973 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4897 2482572 Saïda Saida 34.8333333 0.15 P PPL DZ 10 127497 869 Africa/Algiers 2006-05-10
+ 4898 2482886 Rouissat Rouissat 31.9272222 5.3497222 P PPL DZ 50 80784 151 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4899 2482908 Rouiba Rouiba 36.7391667 3.2852778 P PPL DZ 01 20742 19 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4900 2482939 Rouached Rouached 36.4547222 6.0416667 P PPL DZ 04 40263 521 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4901 2483000 Robbah Robbah 33.2666667 6.9166667 P PPL DZ 00 30446 67 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4902 2483649 Remchi Remchi 35.0611111 -1.4261111 P PPL DZ 15 51224 217 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4903 2483746 Reguiba Reguiba 33.5666667 6.7166667 P PPL DZ 00 62185 32 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4904 2483757 Reghaïa Reghaia 36.7422222 3.3413889 P PPL DZ 40 54962 16 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4905 2483761 Reggane Reggane 26.7 0.1666667 P PPL DZ 00 32974 245 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4906 2483936 Râs el Oued Ras el Oued 35.9461111 5.0327778 P PPL DZ 39 56726 1070 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4907 2483968 Râs el Aïoun Ras el Aioun 35.6752778 5.6541667 P PPL DZ 03 34167 863 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4908 2484620 Oum el Bouaghi Oum el Bouaghi 35.8775 7.1136111 P PPL DZ 29 100821 955 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4909 2484846 Ouled Mimoun Ouled Mimoun 34.9027778 -1.0363889 P PPL DZ 15 33888 650 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4910 2485572 Oued Sly Oued Sly 36.1005556 1.2016667 P PPL DZ 41 30504 92 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4911 2485582 Oued Rhiou Oued Rhiou 35.9633333 0.9136111 P PPL DZ 51 59864 99 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4912 2485618 Oued Fodda Oued Fodda 36.1841667 1.5327778 P PPL DZ 35 44523 186 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4913 2485633 Oued el Alleug Oued el Alleug 36.5552778 2.7902778 P PPL DZ 55 21146 33 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4914 2485636 Uzès-le-Duc Uzes-le-Duc 35.4547222 0.6861111 P PPL DZ 26 22819 312 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4915 2485926 Oran Oran 35.6911111 -0.6416667 P PPL DZ 09 645984 101 Africa/Algiers 2009-05-26
+ 4916 2486284 Nedroma Nedroma 35.0 -1.7333333 P PPL DZ 15 36995 974 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4917 2486505 Naciria Naciria 36.7463889 3.8302778 P PPL DZ 14 15387 300 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4918 2486825 Mouzaïa Mouzaia 36.465 2.6883333 P PPL DZ 55 32981 126 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4919 2487134 Mostaganem Mostaganem 35.9333333 0.0902778 P PPL DZ DZ 07 130000 85 Africa/Algiers 2008-10-10
+ 4920 2487452 Mila Mila 36.4502778 6.2644444 P PPL DZ 48 68831 488 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4921 2487620 Metlili Chaamba Metlili Chaamba 32.2666667 3.6333333 P PPL DZ 00 50117 489 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4922 2487772 Messaad Messaad 34.1666667 3.5 P PPL DZ 00 99485 768 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4923 2487805 Meskiana Meskiana 35.6327778 7.6691667 P PPL DZ 29 30071 832 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4924 2487852 Mers el Kebir Mers el Kebir 35.7294444 -0.7063889 P PPL DZ 09 20178 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4925 2487882 Merouana Merouana 35.6286111 5.9116667 P PPL DZ 03 47646 996 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4926 2488202 Melouza Melouza 35.9791667 4.1916667 P PPL DZ 00 25701 925 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4927 2488500 Mekla Mekla 36.6869444 4.2669444 P PPL DZ 14 29560 344 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4928 2488616 Mehdia Mehdia 35.4313889 1.7555556 P PPL DZ 13 39271 908 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4929 2488716 Megarine Megarine 33.2 6.1 P PPL DZ 00 31711 176 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4930 2488722 Meftah Meftah 36.6194444 3.2252778 P PPL DZ 20 59990 120 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4931 2488835 Médéa Medea 36.2675 2.75 P PPL DZ 06 147707 1005 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-17
+ 4932 2489987 Mazouna Mazouna 36.1183333 0.8986111 P PPL DZ 51 22366 375 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4933 2490180 Mansourah Mansourah 36.0775 4.4633333 P PPL DZ 39 22117 679 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4934 2490183 Mansoûra Mansoura 34.865 -1.3466667 P PPL DZ 15 52285 835 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4935 2490297 Makouda Makouda 36.7916667 4.0672222 P PPL DZ 14 34515 646 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4936 2491042 L'Arbaa Naït Irathen L'Arbaa Nait Irathen 36.6361111 4.2013889 P PPL DZ 14 30609 930 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4937 2491050 Larba Larba 36.5666667 3.15 P PPL DZ 20 69298 109 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4938 2491134 Lakhdaria Lakhdaria 36.5622222 3.5944444 P PPL DZ 14 56719 203 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4939 2491191 Laghouat Laghouat 33.8 2.8833333 P PPL DZ 25 113872 776 Africa/Algiers 2007-02-18
+ 4940 2491323 Ksar el Boukhari Ksar el Boukhari 35.8855556 2.7508333 P PPL DZ 06 77166 728 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4941 2491335 Ksar Chellala Ksar Chellala 35.2122222 2.3188889 P PPL DZ 13 58478 839 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4942 2491578 Kolea Kolea 36.6386111 2.7733333 P PPL DZ 55 31816 93 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4943 2491911 Khemis Miliana Khemis Miliana 36.2622222 2.2180556 P PPL DZ 35 75865 365 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4944 2491913 Khemis el Khechna Khemis el Khechna 36.6486111 3.3305556 P PPL DZ 20 49757 60 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4945 2492345 Kerkera Kerkera 36.9291667 6.5855556 P PPL DZ 31 46747 12 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4946 2492920 Jdiouia Jdiouia 35.9313889 0.8233333 P PPL DZ 51 31996 83 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4947 2492991 Isser Isser 36.7166667 3.6666667 P PPL DZ 00 17953 68 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4948 2493222 I-n-Salah I-n-Salah 27.2166667 2.4666667 P PPL DZ 00 49223 282 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4949 2493605 Ighram Ighram 36.4666667 4.5166667 P PPL DZ 00 15030 388 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4950 2493918 Hennaya Hennaya 34.9513889 -1.3680556 P PPL DZ 15 41959 440 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4951 2493956 Héliopolis Heliopolis 36.5036111 7.4427778 P PPL DZ 37 40139 214 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4952 2494548 Hammamet Hammamet 35.4488889 7.9563889 P PPL DZ 37 28536 892 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4953 2494554 Hammam Bou Hadjar Hammam Bou Hadjar 35.3788889 -0.9677778 P PPL DZ 36 35896 165 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4954 2494610 Hamma Bouziane Hamma Bouziane 36.4130556 6.5975 P PPL DZ 04 63012 410 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4955 2494962 Hadjout Hadjout 36.5138889 2.4177778 P PPL DZ 55 27549 64 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4956 2495662 Guelma Guelma 36.4661111 7.4338889 P PPL DZ 37 123590 257 Africa/Algiers 2007-02-17
+ 4957 2496232 Frenda Frenda 35.0619444 1.0422222 P PPL DZ 13 63319 1083 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4958 2496241 Freha Freha 36.7583333 4.3169444 P PPL DZ 14 31068 166 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4959 2496573 Feraoun Feraoun 36.5416667 4.8716667 P PPL DZ 18 21700 699 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4960 2497060 Es Senia Es Senia 35.6511111 -0.6341667 P PPL DZ 09 68084 91 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4961 2497714 El Malah El Malah 35.3919444 -1.0952778 P PPL DZ 36 19415 77 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4962 2497796 El Kseur El Kseur 36.6833333 4.85 P PPL DZ 18 26050 91 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4963 2497849 El Khroub El Khroub 36.2633333 6.6936111 P PPL DZ 04 83746 597 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4964 2497988 El Kala El Kala 36.8955556 8.4433333 P PPL DZ 37 35449 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4965 2498000 El Idrissia El Idrissia 34.4488889 2.5322222 P PPL DZ 22 38714 1098 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4966 2498172 El Hadjira El Hadjira 32.6161111 5.5080556 P PPL DZ 50 39744 190 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4967 2498183 El Hadjar El Hadjar 36.8047222 7.7383333 P PPL DZ 37 46656 3 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4968 2498392 El Eulma El Eulma 36.15 5.6833333 P PPL DZ 12 128351 941 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4969 2498590 El Attaf El Attaf 36.2247222 1.6727778 P PPL DZ 35 43837 141 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4970 2498667 El Aouinet El Aouinet 35.8666667 7.8944444 P PPL DZ 37 32971 626 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4971 2498704 El Amria El Amria 35.5277778 -1.0116667 P PPL DZ 36 26407 130 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4972 2498752 El Affroun El Affroun 36.4669444 2.6252778 P PPL DZ 20 42627 89 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4973 2498766 El Achir El Achir 36.0666667 4.6305556 P PPL DZ 39 158333 1003 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4974 2498775 El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh 32.8833333 0.5666667 P PPL DZ 00 39283 907 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4975 2498782 El Abadia El Abadia 36.2694444 1.6852778 P PPL DZ 35 28724 160 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4976 2498954 Ech Chettia Ech Chettia 36.1956636977836 1.25844955444336 P PPL DZ 41 167955 168 Africa/Algiers 2007-05-30
+ 4977 2499055 Drean Drean 36.6838889 7.7463889 P PPL DZ 37 55147 35 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4978 2499104 Draa el Mizan Draa el Mizan 36.535 3.8336111 P PPL DZ 14 41263 444 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4979 2499116 Draâ Ben Khedda Draa Ben Khedda 36.7366667 3.9561111 P PPL DZ 14 37443 46 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4980 2499193 Douera Douera 36.67 2.9444444 P PPL DZ 55 26926 161 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4981 2500282 Djamaa Djamaa 33.5333333 6.0 P PPL DZ 00 52882 121 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4982 2500401 Didouche Mourad Didouche Mourad 36.4525 6.6363889 P PPL DZ 04 25764 498 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4983 2500583 Dellys Dellys 36.9186111 3.8877778 P PPL DZ 40 26384 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4984 2500737 Debila Debila 33.5166667 6.95 P PPL DZ 00 36834 46 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4985 2500889 Dar el Beïda Dar el Beida 36.7133333 3.2125 P PPL DZ 01 37311 22 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4986 2500904 Dar Chioukh Dar Chioukh 34.9 3.4833333 P PPL DZ 00 54022 1114 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4987 2501152 Constantine Constantine 36.365 6.6147222 P PPL DZ 04 450097 501 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-17
+ 4988 2501289 Chorfa Chorfa 36.3686111 4.3372222 P PPL DZ 21 20556 369 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4989 2501323 Chiffa Chiffa 36.4619444 2.7419444 P PPL DZ 20 23218 98 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4990 2501362 Chetouane Chetouane 34.9205556 -1.2913889 P PPL DZ 15 39913 556 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4991 2501404 Cheria Cheria 35.2730556 7.7519444 P PPL DZ 37 72095 1093 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4992 2501465 Cheraga Cheraga 36.7669444 2.9611111 P PPL DZ 01 27835 151 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4993 2501508 Chemini Chemini 36.6 4.6166667 P PPL DZ 00 21585 726 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4994 2501541 Chelghoum el Aïd Chelghoum el Aid 36.1594444 6.165 P PPL DZ 04 71660 773 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4995 2501680 Chebli Chebli 36.5772222 3.0091667 P PPL DZ 20 19901 67 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4996 2501767 Charef Charef 34.6205556 2.8002778 P PPL DZ 22 27700 1187 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4997 2501873 Chabet el Ameur Chabet el Ameur 36.6372222 3.6938889 P PPL DZ 14 19522 273 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4998 2502034 Brezina Brezina 33.0997222 1.2569444 P PPL DZ 42 19084 826 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 4999 2502239 Bou Tlelis Bou Tlelis 35.5702778 -0.9011111 P PPL DZ 09 26144 110 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5000 2502686 Boumahra Ahmed Boumahra Ahmed 36.4583333 7.5138889 P PPL DZ 37 23022 250 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5001 2502924 Bou Kadir Bou Kadir 36.0638889 1.1286111 P PPL DZ 41 26662 77 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5002 2502939 Bou Ismaïl Bou Ismail 36.6427778 2.6963889 P PPL DZ 55 22411 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5003 2502962 Bouinan Bouinan 36.5316667 2.9919444 P PPL DZ 20 30271 115 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5004 2503033 Bou Hanifia el Hamamat Bou Hanifia el Hamamat 35.3155556 -0.0472222 P PPL DZ 26 27576 220 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5005 2503147 Bougara Bougara 36.5405556 3.0852778 P PPL DZ 20 63155 142 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5006 2503156 Bougaa Bougaa 36.3333333 5.0833333 P PPL DZ 00 38597 944 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5007 2503181 Boufarik Boufarik 36.5705556 2.9108333 P PPL DZ 20 59742 65 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5008 2503229 Boudouaou Boudouaou 36.7305556 3.4102778 P PPL DZ 40 45153 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5009 2503237 Boudjima Boudjima 36.8166667 4.15 P PPL DZ 00 20557 480 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5010 2503468 Boû Arfa Bou Arfa 36.4666667 2.8166667 P PPL DZ 00 44143 239 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5011 2503620 Bordj Zemoura Bordj Zemoura 36.2694444 4.8472222 P PPL DZ 39 19782 1031 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5012 2503654 Bordj Ghdir Bordj Ghdir 35.9011111 4.8980556 P PPL DZ 39 34136 1066 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5013 2503661 Bordj el Kiffan Bordj el Kiffan 36.7475 3.1930556 P PPL DZ 01 123246 33 Africa/Algiers 2007-03-23
+ 5014 2503755 Boghni Boghni 36.5422222 3.9530556 P PPL DZ 14 54666 344 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5015 2503847 Birkhadem Birkhadem 36.7127778 3.0616667 P PPL DZ 01 71722 134 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5016 2503852 Birine Birine 35.635 3.225 P PPL DZ 00 51209 766 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-17
+ 5017 2503874 Bir el Djir Bir el Djir 35.72 -0.545 P PPL DZ 09 68032 178 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5018 2503878 Bir el Ater Bir el Ater 34.7333333 8.05 P PPL DZ 00 68703 844 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5019 2504072 Besbes Besbes 36.7022222 7.8472222 P PPL DZ 37 66287 10 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5020 2504099 Berrouaghia Berrouaghia 36.1366667 2.9130556 P PPL DZ 06 80573 913 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5021 2504110 Berriane Berriane 32.8333333 3.7666667 P PPL DZ 00 44580 515 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5022 2504136 Berrahal Berrahal 36.8352778 7.4533333 P PPL DZ 37 19294 79 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5023 2504385 Bensekrane Bensekrane 35.0666667 -1.2166667 P PPL DZ 00 21283 344 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5024 2504486 Ben Mehidi Ben Mehidi 36.7675 7.9025 P PPL DZ 37 28398 5 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5025 2504581 Beni Saf Beni Saf 35.3036111 -1.3808333 P PPL DZ 15 46382 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5026 2504616 Beni Mester Beni Mester 34.8713889 -1.4252778 P PPL DZ 15 19808 589 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5027 2504622 Beni Mered Beni Mered 36.5230556 2.8625 P PPL DZ 20 92749 149 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5028 2504703 Beni Douala Beni Douala 36.6222222 4.0875 P PPL DZ 00 33611 551 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5029 2504739 Beni Amrane Beni Amrane 36.6666667 3.5833333 P PPL DZ 00 18414 400 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5030 2505329 Bejaïa Bejaia 36.75 5.0833333 P PPL DZ 18 164103 1 Africa/Algiers 2008-03-24
+ 5031 2505530 Béchar Bechar 31.6166667 -2.2166667 P PPL DZ 38 143382 785 Africa/Algiers 2006-11-15
+ 5032 2505572 Batna Batna 35.5559710497557 6.17414474487305 P PPL DZ 03 280798 1035 Africa/Algiers 2007-06-09
+ 5033 2505629 Barika Barika 35.3897222 5.3766667 P PPL DZ 03 98846 451 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5034 2505651 Barbacha Barbacha 36.5666667 4.9666667 P PPL DZ 00 31983 774 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5035 2505653 Baraki Baraki 36.6691667 3.0952778 P PPL DZ 01 105402 30 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5036 2505854 Bab Ezzouar Bab Ezzouar 36.7166667 3.1833333 P PPL DZ 00 275630 32 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5037 2505915 Azzaba Azzaba 36.7394444 7.1052778 P PPL DZ 04 75317 105 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5038 2506043 Azazga Azazga 36.7447222 4.3722222 P PPL DZ 14 40623 435 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5039 2506404 Arris Arris 35.2575 6.3511111 P PPL DZ 03 36641 1114 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5040 2506519 Arhribs Arhribs 36.8016667 4.3236111 P PPL DZ 14 23958 650 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5041 2506623 Arbatache Arbatache 36.6536111 3.3630556 P PPL DZ 20 17481 179 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5042 2506795 Aoulef Aoulef 26.9666667 1.0833333 P PPL DZ 00 24812 300 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5043 2506999 Annaba Annaba 36.9 7.7666667 P PPL DZ 31 206570 1 Africa/Algiers 2007-02-17
+ 5044 2507155 Ammi Moussa Ammi Moussa 35.8680556 1.1080556 P PPL DZ 51 23001 144 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5045 2507169 Amizour Amizour 36.6416667 4.9208333 P PPL DZ 18 25825 271 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5046 2507480 Algiers Algiers 36.7630556 3.0505556 P PPLC DZ 01 1977663 1 Africa/Algiers 2008-02-03
+ 5047 2507646 Akbou Akbou 36.4611111 4.5333333 P PPL DZ 18 66654 278 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5048 2507877 Aïn Touta Ain Touta 35.3766667 5.8961111 P PPL DZ 03 72280 894 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5049 2507901 'Aïn Temouchent 'Ain Temouchent 35.295 -1.1375 P PPL DZ 36 57354 224 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5050 2507912 'Aïn Taya 'Ain Taya 36.7933333 3.2869444 P PPL DZ 01 21815 33 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5051 2507926 Aïn Smara Ain Smara 36.2680556 6.5036111 P PPL DZ 04 28968 629 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5052 2507943 Aïn Sefra Ain Sefra 32.75 -0.5833333 P PPL DZ 00 63420 1082 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5053 2507972 Aïn Oussera Ain Oussera 35.4513889 2.9058333 P PPL DZ 22 118687 694 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5054 2508010 'Aïn Merane 'Ain Merane 36.1608333 0.9705556 P PPL DZ 41 34413 436 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5055 2508059 Aïn Kercha Ain Kercha 35.9247222 6.6952778 P PPL DZ 29 32497 812 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5056 2508102 Aïn Fakroun Ain Fakroun 35.9763889 6.8755556 P PPL DZ 29 68433 933 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5057 2508119 'Aïn el Turk 'Ain el Turk 35.7433333 -0.7583333 P PPL DZ 09 45323 1 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5058 2508130 'Aïn el Melh 'Ain el Melh 34.85 4.1666667 P PPL DZ 00 39798 937 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5059 2508152 'Aïn el Hammam 'Ain el Hammam 36.5694444 4.3094444 P PPL DZ 14 28029 1127 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5060 2508157 `Aïn el Hadjel `Ain el Hadjel 35.6758333 3.8822222 P PPL DZ 00 42527 533 Africa/Algiers 2009-03-03
+ 5061 2508174 Aïn el Bya Ain el Bya 35.8130556 -0.2805556 P PPL DZ 09 37241 44 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5062 2508180 'Aïn el Berd 'Ain el Berd 35.3636111 -0.5133333 P PPL DZ 30 16548 469 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5063 2508184 'Aïn el Bell 'Ain el Bell 34.35 3.2166667 P PPL DZ 00 31916 992 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5064 2508225 'Aïn Deheb 'Ain Deheb 34.8447222 1.5477778 P PPL DZ 13 36146 1110 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5065 2508268 'Aïn Bessem 'Ain Bessem 36.2933333 3.6708333 P PPL DZ 06 29461 692 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5066 2508275 'Aïn Benian 'Ain Benian 36.8025 2.9194444 P PPL DZ 01 31102 25 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5067 2508287 Aïn Beïda Ain Beida 35.7963889 7.3927778 P PPL DZ 29 105765 1021 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5068 2508297 'Aïn Arnat 'Ain Arnat 36.1836111 5.3105556 P PPL DZ 12 35088 1028 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5069 2508309 'Aïn Abid 'Ain Abid 36.2319444 6.9433333 P PPL DZ 04 29486 847 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5070 2508737 Aflou Aflou 34.1088889 2.1019444 P PPL DZ 25 84683 1372 Africa/Algiers 2006-11-15
+ 5071 2509031 Abou el Hassen Abou el Hassen 36.4166667 1.1966667 P PPL DZ 41 24022 333 Africa/Algiers 2006-01-27
+ 5072 6698360 BABOR - VILLE BABOR - VILLE 36.4899378630375 5.53929805755615 P PPL DZ 12 33000 1000 898 Africa/Algiers 2008-12-12
+ 5073 3649959 Zamora Zamora -4.0691667 -78.9566667 P PPL EC 20 15276 984 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5074 3650121 Yaguachi Yaguachi -2.1166667 -79.6833333 P PPL EC 10 27947 44 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5075 3650186 Vinces Vinces -1.55 -79.7333333 P PPL EC 13 32497 38 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5076 3650267 Ventanas Ventanas -1.45 -79.4666667 P PPL EC 13 46708 358 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5077 3650273 Velasco Ibarra Velasco Ibarra -1.05 -79.6166667 P PPL EC 10 48754 103 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5078 3650721 Tena Tena -0.9833333 -77.8166667 P PPL EC 23 17172 599 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5079 3650960 Sucre Sucre -1.2666667 -80.4333333 P PPL EC 14 15286 155 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5080 3651297 Santo Domingo de los Colorados Santo Domingo de los Colorados -0.25 -79.15 P PPL EC 18 200421 605 America/Guayaquil 2006-11-15
+ 5081 3651356 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa -3.45 -79.9666667 P PPL EC 08 41816 78 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5082 3651438 Santa Elena Santa Elena -2.2333333 -80.85 P PPL EC 10 42214 24 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5083 3651694 San Lorenzo de Esmeraldas San Lorenzo de Esmeraldas 1.2883333 -78.8369444 P PPL EC 09 20209 1 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5084 3651868 San Gabriel San Gabriel 0.6 -77.8166667 P PPL EC 05 15112 2908 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5085 3652065 Samborondón Samborondon -1.95 -79.7333333 P PPL EC 10 24118 18 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5086 3652100 Salinas Salinas -2.2166667 -80.9666667 P PPL EC 10 43862 1 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5087 3652257 Rosa Zárate Rosa Zarate 0.3333333 -79.4666667 P PPL EC 09 42121 176 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5088 3652350 Riobamba Riobamba -1.6666667 -78.6333333 P PPL EC 06 124478 2757 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-17
+ 5089 3652462 Quito Quito -0.2166667 -78.5 P PPLC EC 18 1399814 2764 America/Guayaquil 2008-08-11
+ 5090 3652567 Quevedo Quevedo -1.0333333 -79.45 P PPL EC 13 119436 113 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5091 3652584 Puyo Puyo -1.4666667 -77.9833333 P PPL EC 17 24881 981 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5092 3652684 Pujilí Pujili -0.95 -78.6833333 P PPL EC 07 16168 2848 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5093 3652881 Propicia Propicia 0.9333333 -79.6833333 P PPL EC 09 95630 9 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5094 3652941 Portoviejo Portoviejo -1.05 -80.45 P PPL EC 14 170326 118 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5095 3653015 Playas Playas -2.6333333 -80.3833333 P PPL EC 10 30564 14 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5096 3653130 Piñas Pinas -3.6666667 -79.65 P PPL EC 08 16981 877 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5097 3653287 Pelileo Pelileo -1.3166667 -78.5333333 P PPL EC 19 16572 2192 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5098 3653295 Pedro Carbo Pedro Carbo -1.8333333 -80.2333333 P PPL EC 10 23372 98 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5099 3653403 Pasaje Pasaje -3.3333333 -79.8166667 P PPL EC 08 44860 100 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5100 3653693 Otavalo Otavalo 0.2333333 -78.2666667 P PPL EC 11 32330 2666 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-18
+ 5101 3653873 Naranjito Naranjito -2.2166667 -79.4833333 P PPL EC 10 34206 161 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5102 3653882 Naranjal Naranjal -2.6666667 -79.6166667 P PPL EC 10 32045 54 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5103 3654055 Montecristi Montecristi -1.05 -80.6666667 P PPL EC 14 18351 358 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5104 3654064 Montalvo Montalvo -1.8 -79.3333333 P PPL EC 13 15547 144 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5105 3654410 Manta Manta -0.95 -80.7333333 P PPL EC 14 183166 18 America/Guayaquil 2006-11-15
+ 5106 3654533 Machala Machala -3.2666667 -79.9666667 P PPL EC 08 198123 12 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-17
+ 5107 3654536 Machachi Machachi -0.5 -78.5666667 P PPL EC 18 25742 2886 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5108 3654541 Macas Macas -2.3166667 -78.1166667 P PPL EC 15 23687 1217 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5109 3654667 Loja Loja -3.99312622512166 -79.204216003418 P PPL EC 12 117796 2119 America/Guayaquil 2008-11-22
+ 5110 3654853 La Troncal La Troncal -2.4 -79.3333333 P PPL EC 04 36353 465 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5111 3654870 Latacunga Latacunga -0.9333333 -78.6166667 P PPL EC 07 51717 2759 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-18
+ 5112 3655117 La Maná La Mana -0.9333333 -79.2166667 P PPL EC 07 16450 818 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5113 3655131 La Libertad La Libertad -2.2333333 -80.9 P PPL EC 10 75881 3 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5114 3655185 Nueva Loja Nueva Loja 0.0847222 -76.8827778 P PPL EC 22 24211 406 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5115 3655446 Jipijapa Jipijapa -1.3333333 -80.5833333 P PPL EC 14 35901 327 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5116 3655673 Ibarra Ibarra 0.35 -78.1166667 P PPL EC 11 108666 2192 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-18
+ 5117 3655720 Huaquillas Huaquillas -3.4833333 -80.2333333 P PPL EC 08 39757 16 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5118 3657509 Guayaquil Guayaquil -2.1666667 -79.9 P PPL EC 10 1952029 47 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-17
+ 5119 3657571 Guaranda Guaranda -1.6 -79.0 P PPL EC 03 22199 2739 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-18
+ 5120 3657670 Gualaceo Gualaceo -2.9 -78.7833333 P PPL EC 02 17122 2430 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5121 3658053 El Triunfo El Triunfo -1.9333333 -79.9666667 P PPL EC 10 32282 20 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5122 3658192 Durán Duran -2.2 -79.8333333 P PPL EC 10 167784 1 America/Guayaquil 2007-03-29
+ 5123 3658666 Cuenca Cuenca -2.8833333 -78.9833333 P PPL EC 02 276964 2461 America/Guayaquil 2007-02-17
+ 5124 3659139 Chone Chone -0.6833333 -80.1 P PPL EC 14 44751 127 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5125 3659578 Cayambe Cayambe 0.05 -78.1333333 P PPL EC 18 26582 3011 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5126 3659599 Catamayo Catamayo -3.9833333 -79.35 P PPL EC 12 18565 1513 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5127 3659711 Cariamanga Cariamanga -4.3333333 -79.55 P PPL EC 12 16862 2189 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5128 3659926 Calceta Calceta -0.85 -80.1666667 P PPL EC 14 17286 114 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5129 3660152 Boca Suno Boca Suno -0.7166667 -77.1333333 P PPL EC 24 20313 302 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5130 3660361 Balzar Balzar -1.3666667 -79.9 P PPL EC 10 40115 60 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5131 3660401 Bahía de Caráquez Bahia de Caraquez -0.6 -80.4166667 P PPL EC 14 37056 -9999 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5132 3660418 Babahoyo Babahoyo -1.8166667 -79.5166667 P PPL EC 13 76279 55 America/Guayaquil 2006-11-15
+ 5133 3660434 Azogues Azogues -2.7333333 -78.8333333 P PPL EC 04 34877 2966 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5134 3660478 Atuntaqui Atuntaqui 0.3333333 -78.2166667 P PPL EC 11 17456 2391 America/Guayaquil 2006-01-17
+ 5135 3660689 Ambato Ambato -1.24908088758591 -78.6167478561401 P PPL EC 19 154369 2438 America/Guayaquil 2007-01-28
+ 5136 587577 Viljandi Viljandi 58.3638889 25.59 P PPLA EE 20 20309 84 Europe/Tallinn 2008-11-23
+ 5137 588335 Tartu Tartu 58.3806247906618 26.7250907421112 P PPLA EE 18 101092 37 Europe/Tallinn 2008-12-21
+ 5138 588409 Tallinn Tallinn 59.4369583424862 24.7535276412964 P PPLC EE 01 394024 22 Europe/Tallinn 2008-12-09
+ 5139 588686 Sillamäe Sillamae 59.3997222 27.7547222 P PPL EE 03 16672 18 Europe/Tallinn 2007-02-18
+ 5140 589165 Rakvere Rakvere 59.3463889 26.3558333 P PPLA EE 08 16736 83 Europe/Tallinn 2008-11-23
+ 5141 589580 Pärnu Parnu 58.3747222 24.5136111 P PPLA EE 11 44192 10 Europe/Tallinn 2008-11-23
+ 5142 590031 Narva Narva 59.3772222 28.1902778 P PPL EE 03 66980 39 Europe/Tallinn 2008-11-23
+ 5143 590447 Maardu Maardu 59.4766667 25.025 P PPL EE 01 16630 41 Europe/Tallinn 2007-02-17
+ 5144 591260 Kohtla-Järve Kohtla-Jarve 59.3986111 27.2730556 P PPL EE 03 46060 70 Europe/Tallinn 2007-02-17
+ 5145 346030 Ziftá Zifta 30.7136111 31.2438889 P PPL EG 05 92667 19 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5146 347236 Ţūkh Tukh 30.3483333 31.1580556 P PPL EG 12 67599 7 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5147 347497 Ţanţā Tanta 30.7911111 30.9980556 P PPL EG 05 404901 22 Africa/Cairo 2006-11-05
+ 5148 347542 Ţāmiyah Tamiyah 29.4833333 30.9666667 P PPL EG 04 46866 -14 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5149 347591 Ṭalkha Talkha 31.0530556 31.3738889 P PPL EG 01 157737 4 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5150 347612 Talā Tala 30.6819444 30.9475 P PPL EG 09 51498 3 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5151 347634 Ţahţā Tahta 26.7680556 31.4938889 P PPL EG 24 90591 64 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5152 347749 Sumusţā as Sulţānī Sumusta as Sultani 28.9166667 30.85 P PPL EG 18 37260 48 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5153 347796 Sūhāj Suhaj 26.55 31.7 P PPL EG 22 209419 37 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5154 348112 Sīdī Sālim Sidi Salim 31.2719444 30.7872222 P PPL EG 21 47998 15 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5155 349114 Shirbîn Shirbin 31.1938889 31.5244444 P PPL EG 01 54676 13 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5156 349156 Shibīn al Qanāţir Shibin al Qanatir 30.3127778 31.3211111 P PPL EG 12 56872 16 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5157 349715 Samannūd Samannud 30.9627778 31.2444444 P PPL EG 05 54980 6 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5158 349717 Samālūţ Samalut 28.3 30.7 P PPL EG 10 90465 28 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5159 350203 Rosetta Rosetta 31.4044444 30.4163889 P PPL EG 03 64481 10 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-18
+ 5160 350370 Quwaysinā Quwaysina 30.5666667 31.15 P PPL EG 09 42708 22 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5161 350376 Quţūr Qutur 30.9833333 30.95 P PPL EG 05 23842 7 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5162 350422 Qūş Qus 25.9166667 32.75 P PPL EG 23 60181 79 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5163 350550 Qinā Qina 26.17 32.7272222 P PPL EG 23 235362 76 Africa/Cairo 2006-11-15
+ 5164 350789 Qalyūb Qalyub 30.1830556 31.2052778 P PPL EG 12 100495 19 Africa/Cairo 2006-05-19
+ 5165 351434 Naj` Ḩammādī Naj` Hammadi 26.0513889 32.2386111 P PPL EG 23 41184 77 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5166 352344 Minyat an Naşr Minyat an Nasr 31.1330556 31.6336111 P PPL EG 01 56951 6 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5167 352354 Minūf Minuf 30.4666667 30.9333333 P PPL EG 09 83651 8 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5168 352628 Maţāy Matay 28.4222222 30.7555556 P PPL EG 10 45215 21 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5169 352679 Mashtūl as Sūq Mashtul as Suq 30.3605556 31.3775 P PPL EG 14 45798 8 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5170 352733 Marsá Maţrūḩ Marsa Matruh 31.35 27.2333333 P PPL EG 22 62042 41 Africa/Cairo 2006-11-15
+ 5171 352913 Manfalūţ Manfalut 27.3111111 30.9694444 P PPL EG 17 78744 30 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5172 352951 Mallawī Mallawi 27.7319444 30.8411111 P PPL EG 10 142504 28 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5173 353219 Madīnat Sittah Uktūbar Madinat Sittah Uktubar 29.8166667 31.05 P PPL EG 08 41930 123 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5174 353802 Kawm Umbū Kawm Umbu 24.4791667 32.9436111 P PPL EG 16 59787 110 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5175 353828 Kawm Ḩamādah Kawm Hamadah 30.7558333 30.6988889 P PPL EG 03 36751 13 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5176 354105 Kafr Şaqr Kafr Saqr 30.7963889 31.6261111 P PPL EG 14 34967 22 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5177 354365 Kafr az Zayyāt Kafr az Zayyat 30.8205556 30.8158333 P PPL EG 05 73725 16 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5178 354502 Kafr ash Shaykh Kafr ash Shaykh 31.1113889 30.9363889 P PPL EG 21 143970 18 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5179 354775 Kafr ad Dawwār Kafr ad Dawwar 31.1397222 30.1291667 P PPL EG 03 267370 1 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5180 354981 Juhaynah Juhaynah 26.6744444 31.4916667 P PPL EG 24 47821 54 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5181 355026 Jirjā Jirja 26.3458333 31.8861111 P PPL EG 24 128250 64 Africa/Cairo 2006-05-10
+ 5182 355392 `Izbat al Burj `Izbat al Burj 31.5083333 31.8347222 P PPL EG 20 37953 7 Africa/Cairo 2009-03-03
+ 5183 355420 Iţsā Itsa 29.2372222 30.7855556 P PPL EG 04 45269 19 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5184 355449 Isnā Isna 25.2930556 32.5527778 P PPL EG 23 69335 77 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5185 355628 Idkū Idku 31.3055556 30.2991667 P PPL EG 03 105599 6 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5186 355648 Ibshawāy Ibshaway 29.3588889 30.6783333 P PPL EG 04 51173 11 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5187 355795 Ḩulwān 29.85 31.3333333 P PPL EG EG 11 230000 61 Africa/Cairo 2009-01-20
+ 5188 355939 Hihyā Hihya 30.67 31.5872222 P PPL EG 14 43432 22 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5189 356000 Ḩawsh `Īsá Hawsh `Isa 30.9127778 30.2905556 P PPL EG 03 85352 3 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5190 356806 Fuwah Fuwah 31.2025 30.5472222 P PPL EG 21 63310 19 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5191 356933 Farshūţ Farshut 26.055 32.1616667 P PPL EG 23 53851 78 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5192 356945 Fāriskūr Fariskur 31.3308333 31.7161111 P PPL EG 20 58284 4 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5193 356989 Fāqūs Faqus 30.7297222 31.7972222 P PPL EG 14 62821 20 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5194 358048 Damietta Damietta 31.4194444 31.815 P PPL EG 20 76839 34 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5195 358095 Diyarb Najm Diyarb Najm 30.7541667 31.4405556 P PPL EG 01 51841 10 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5196 358108 Disūq Disuq 31.1294444 30.6463889 P PPL EG 21 102037 17 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5197 358115 Dishnā Dishna 26.1211111 32.4652778 P PPL EG 23 54197 71 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5198 358172 Dikirnis Dikirnis 31.0883333 31.5969444 P PPL EG 01 137542 10 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5199 358269 Dayrūţ Dayrut 27.5586111 30.8077778 P PPL EG 17 67788 25 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5200 358274 Dayr Mawās Dayr Mawas 27.6413889 30.8494444 P PPL EG 10 40609 30 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5201 358448 Damanhûr Damanhur 31.0333333 30.4666667 P PPL EG 03 227943 19 Africa/Cairo 2006-11-15
+ 5202 358600 Būsh Bush 29.15 31.1333333 P PPL EG 18 86608 26 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5203 358620 Būr Safājah Bur Safajah 26.7333333 33.9333333 P PPL EG 02 32944 63 Africa/Cairo 2008-10-22
+ 5204 358821 Bilqās Qism Awwal Bilqas Qism Awwal 31.2130556 31.3575 P PPL EG 01 103596 13 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5205 358840 Bilbays Bilbays 30.4166667 31.5666667 P PPL EG 14 129211 10 Africa/Cairo 2006-11-15
+ 5206 358970 Basyūn Basyun 30.9402778 30.8138889 P PPL EG 05 55523 4 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5207 359173 Banī Suwayf Bani Suwayf 29.0638889 31.0888889 P PPL EG 18 189624 16 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5208 359212 Banī Mazār Bani Mazar 28.5036111 30.7991667 P PPL EG 10 58153 14 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5209 359280 Banhā Banha 30.4608333 31.1875 P PPL EG 12 167029 27 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5210 359493 Az Zaqāzīq Az Zaqaziq 30.5913889 31.5102778 P PPL EG 14 285097 15 Africa/Cairo 2006-11-15
+ 5211 359576 Awsīm Awsim 30.1225 31.1336111 P PPL EG 08 63862 28 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5212 359710 At Tall al Kabīr At Tall al Kabir 30.5455556 31.7780556 P PPL EG 07 51569 30 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5213 359783 Asyūţ Asyut 27.1827778 31.1827778 P PPL EG 17 420585 67 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5214 359792 Aswān Aswan 24.0875 32.8988889 P PPL EG 16 241261 79 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5215 359796 Suez Suez 29.9666667 32.55 P PPL EG 15 488125 5 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5216 359900 Aş Şaff As Saff 29.5647222 31.2811111 P PPL EG 08 38213 7 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5217 359953 Ash Shuhadā' Ash Shuhada' 30.5936111 30.9033333 P PPL EG 09 48060 8 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5218 360048 Ashmūn Ashmun 30.3 30.9666667 P PPL EG 09 82507 20 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5219 360464 Al Wāsiţah Al Wasitah 29.3377778 31.2055556 P PPL EG 04 37453 24 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5220 360502 Luxor Luxor 25.6989270387148 32.6420974731445 P PPL EG 02 422407 81 Africa/Cairo 2008-07-25
+ 5221 360526 Al Qūşīyah Al Qusiyah 27.4444444 30.8166667 P PPL EG 17 68394 36 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5222 360531 Al Quşayr Al Qusayr 26.1 34.2833333 P PPL EG 02 24653 1 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5223 360542 Al Qurayn Al Qurayn 30.6127778 31.7336111 P PPL EG 14 61730 27 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5224 360612 Al Qanāyāt Al Qanayat 30.6191667 31.4619444 P PPL EG 14 42912 22 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5225 360615 Al Qanāţir al Khayrīyah Al Qanatir al Khayriyah 30.1980556 31.1341667 P PPL EG 12 56302 27 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5226 360630 Cairo Cairo 30.05 31.25 P PPLC EG 11 7734614 23 Africa/Cairo 2009-05-27
+ 5227 360686 Al Minyā Al Minya 28.1194444 30.7444444 P PPL EG 10 227150 47 Africa/Cairo 2007-10-04
+ 5228 360716 Al Maţarīyah Al Matariyah 31.1838889 32.0305556 P PPL EG 19 99357 10 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-15
+ 5229 360754 Al Manzilah Al Manzilah 31.1583333 31.9369444 P PPL EG 01 67486 16 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5230 360761 Al Manşūrah Al Mansurah 31.0430556 31.3766667 P PPL EG 01 420195 19 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-18
+ 5231 360773 Al Manshāh Al Manshah 26.4777778 31.8013889 P PPL EG 24 61134 70 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5232 360829 Al Maḩallah al Kubrá Al Mahallah al Kubra 30.9761111 31.1669444 P PPL EG 05 431052 22 Africa/Cairo 2006-12-19
+ 5233 360928 Al Khānkah Al Khankah 30.2180556 31.3588889 P PPL EG 12 62434 9 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5234 360995 Al Jīzah Al Jizah 30.0086111 31.2122222 P PPL EG 08 2443203 26 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5235 361029 Al Jamālīyah Al Jamaliyah 31.1811111 31.8672222 P PPL EG 01 68381 10 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5236 361055 Ismailia Ismailia 30.6052778 32.2772222 P PPL EG 07 284813 14 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-15
+ 5237 361058 Alexandria Alexandria 31.1980556 29.9191667 P PPL EG 06 3811516 5 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5238 361103 Al Ibrāhīmīyah Al Ibrahimiyah 30.7108333 31.5402778 P PPL EG 14 34638 10 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5239 361179 Al Ḩawāmidīyah Al Hawamidiyah 29.9 31.25 P PPL EG 08 106841 17 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5240 361213 Al Ḩāmūl Al Hamul 31.3113889 31.1558333 P PPL EG 21 45798 8 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5241 361291 Al Ghardaqah Al Ghardaqah 27.2573764078741 33.8129138946533 P PPL EG 02 95622 20 Africa/Cairo 2008-08-07
+ 5242 361320 Al Fayyūm Al Fayyum 29.3077778 30.84 P PPL EG 04 306393 40 Africa/Cairo 2007-02-17
+ 5243 361329 Al Fashn Al Fashn 28.8227778 30.8977778 P PPL EG 18 63793 43 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5244 361435 Al Balyanā Al Balyana 26.2386111 32.0030556 P PPL EG 24 48801 56 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5245 361457 Al Bājūr Al Bajur 30.4308333 31.0344444 P PPL EG 09 36633 25 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5246 361478 Al Badārī Al Badari 26.9922222 31.4152778 P PPL EG 02 44132 49 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5247 361495 Al `Ayyāţ Al `Ayyat 29.6197222 31.2575 P PPL EG 08 34796 15 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5248 361546 Al `Arīsh Al `Arish 31.1261111 33.8019444 P PPL EG 27 128855 25 Africa/Cairo 2007-03-19
+ 5249 361661 Akhmīm Akhmim 26.5666667 31.7333333 P PPL EG 24 99446 60 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5250 361702 Ajā Aja 30.9416667 31.2922222 P PPL EG 01 34692 2 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5251 361827 Ad Dilinjāt Ad Dilinjat 30.8280556 30.5341667 P PPL EG 03 40386 18 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5252 362004 Abū Tīj Abu Tij 27.0333333 31.3166667 P PPL EG 17 71257 52 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5253 362277 Abū Qurqāş Abu Qurqas 27.9308333 30.8363889 P PPL EG 10 61182 30 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5254 362485 Abū Kabīr Abu Kabir 30.7252778 31.6683333 P PPL EG 14 100684 24 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5255 362882 Abū al Maţāmīr Abu al Matamir 30.9083333 30.1775 P PPL EG 03 41302 7 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5256 362973 Abnūb Abnub 27.2666667 31.1502778 P PPL EG 17 68749 54 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-17
+ 5257 411165 Idfu Idfu 24.9802778 32.8747222 P PPL EG 16 166102 87 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5258 419435 Az Zarqā Az Zarqa 31.2083333 31.6333333 P PPL EG 20 40010 9 Africa/Cairo 2006-01-27
+ 5259 6690765 Būr Sa`īd Bur Sa`id 31.2597699873943 32.3004913330078 P PPL EG 19 500000 3 Africa/Cairo 2008-05-04
+ 5260 2462881 Ejbei Uad el Aabd Ejbei Uad el Aabd 27.135 -13.1625 P PPL EH 00 188084 72 Africa/El_Aaiun 2007-11-18
+ 5261 2463447 Dakhla Dakhla 23.6847741668838 -15.9579849243164 P PPLA EH EH 00 75000 124 Africa/El_Aaiun 2009-05-15
+ 5262 342711 Barentu Barentu 15.1138889 37.5927778 P PPL ER 00 15891 1033 Africa/Asmara 2006-01-17
+ 5263 343300 Asmara Asmara 15.3333333 38.9333333 P PPLC ER 00 563930 2360 Africa/Asmara 2007-02-17
+ 5264 344901 Mendefera Mendefera 14.8872222 38.8152778 P PPLA ER 02 17781 1956 Africa/Asmara 2007-07-25
+ 5265 2509305 Zubia Zubia 37.1166667 -3.5833333 P PPL ES 51 GR 18084 15652 714 Europe/Madrid 2007-12-05
+ 5266 2509377 Zafra Zafra 38.4166667 -6.4166667 P PPL ES 57 BA 06158 15608 503 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5267 2509402 Yecla Yecla 38.6136513835243 -1.11468315124512 P PPL ES 31 MU 30043 33555 607 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-26
+ 5268 2509463 Villena Villena 38.6333333 -0.85 P PPL ES 60 A 03140 34293 503 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-16
+ 5269 2509491 Villarrobledo Villarrobledo 39.2666667 -2.6 P PPL ES 54 AB 02081 24735 742 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5270 2509509 Vila-real Vila-real 39.9333333 -0.1 P PPL ES 60 CS 12032 46501 29 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-06
+ 5271 2509553 Villanueva de la Serena Villanueva de la Serena 38.9666667 -5.8 P PPL ES 57 BA 06153 24506 264 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5272 2509650 Vícar Vicar 36.8315464179252 -2.64272689819336 P PPL ES 51 AL 04102 17090 222 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5273 2509769 Vélez-Málaga Velez-Malaga 36.7833333 -4.1 P PPL ES 51 MA 29094 63351 44 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-15
+ 5274 2509954 Valencia Valencia 39.4697524227712 -0.377386808395386 P PPLA ES 60 V 46250 805304 15 10 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-29
+ 5275 2509982 Valdepeñas Valdepenas 38.7666667 -3.3833333 P PPL ES 54 CR 13087 27623 709 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5276 2510073 Utrera Utrera 37.1861111 -5.7866667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41095 47373 46 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5277 2510112 Ubrique Ubrique 36.6833333 -5.45 P PPL ES 51 CA 11038 17343 306 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5278 2510116 Úbeda Ubeda 38.0166667 -3.3666667 P PPL ES 51 J 23092 33666 750 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5279 2510224 Totana Totana 37.7666667 -1.5 P PPL ES 31 MU 30039 26672 241 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5280 2510253 Torrevieja Torrevieja 37.9833333 -0.6833333 P PPL ES 60 A 03133 77272 7 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5281 2510271 Torre-Pacheco Torre-Pacheco 37.7333333 -0.95 P PPL ES 31 MU 30030 26906 21 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5282 2510279 Torrent Torrent 39.4370547617412 -0.465459823608398 P PPL ES 60 V 46244 71314 36 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-25
+ 5283 2510281 Torremolinos Torremolinos 36.6203499559161 -4.49975967407227 P PPL ES 51 MA 29901 54411 1 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-23
+ 5284 2510392 Tomelloso Tomelloso 39.1521780353147 -3.02430868148804 P PPL ES 54 CR 13019 32460 668 Europe/Madrid 2008-02-28
+ 5285 2510394 Tomares Tomares 37.3833333 -6.0333333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41093 19510 11 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5286 2510409 Toledo Toledo 39.8581006161404 -4.02262687683105 P PPLA ES 54 TO 45168 74632 507 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-29
+ 5287 2510485 Tías Tias 28.95 -13.65 P PPL ES 53 GC 35028 16246 181 Atlantic/Canary 2006-01-17
+ 5288 2510542 Telde Telde 28.0 -15.4166667 P PPL ES 53 GC 35026 96186 144 Atlantic/Canary 2006-05-19
+ 5289 2510599 Tarifa Tarifa 36.0125 -5.6055556 P PPL ES 51 CA 11035 17083 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5290 2510693 Talavera de la Reina Talavera de la Reina 39.95 -4.8333333 P PPL ES 54 TO 45165 81051 365 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-08
+ 5291 2510725 Tacoronte Tacoronte 28.4666667 -16.4 P PPL ES 53 TF 38043 22304 614 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5292 2510743 Tavernes de la Valldigna Tavernes de la Valldigna 39.0666667 -0.2666667 P PPL ES 60 V 46238 17311 16 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5293 2510764 Sueca Sueca 39.2025952491318 -0.311136245727539 P PPL ES 60 V 46235 26685 18 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-26
+ 5294 2510880 Silla Silla 39.3666667 -0.4166667 P PPL ES 60 V 46230 16358 11 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-08
+ 5295 2510911 Sevilla Sevilla 37.3772222 -5.9869444 P PPLA ES 51 SE 41091 701894 2 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-26
+ 5296 2511102 Santa Pola Santa Pola 38.1916487173562 -0.5657958984375 P PPL ES 60 A 03121 24273 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5297 2511150 Santa Lucía Santa Lucia 27.9117419617913 -15.5407083034515 P PPL ES 53 GC 35019 55292 611 Atlantic/Canary 2008-12-23
+ 5298 2511162 Santa Eulària des Riu Santa Eularia des Riu 38.9845657658528 1.53409481048584 P PPL ES 07 PM 07054 26724 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-30
+ 5299 2511174 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 28.4682385853027 -16.2546157836914 P PPLA ES 53 TF 38038 222190 10 159 Atlantic/Canary 2009-07-06
+ 5300 2511180 Santa Cruz de la Palma Santa Cruz de la Palma 28.6833333 -17.75 P PPL ES 53 TF 38037 17684 -9999 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5301 2511202 Santa Brígida Santa Brigida 28.0333333 -15.5 P PPL ES 53 GC 35021 18577 601 Atlantic/Canary 2007-02-08
+ 5302 2511239 San Roque San Roque 36.2094444 -5.3852778 P PPL ES 51 CA 11033 24623 116 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5303 2511247 San Pedro del Pinatar San Pedro del Pinatar 37.8356830446825 -0.791015625 P PPL ES 31 MU 30036 19295 11 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5304 2511306 Sanlúcar de Barrameda Sanlucar de Barrameda 36.7833333 -6.35 P PPL ES 51 CA 11032 63118 15 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5305 2511329 San Juan de Aznalfarache San Juan de Aznalfarache 37.3666667 -6.0333333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41086 20045 60 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5306 2511330 San Juan de Alicante San Juan de Alicante 38.4014782388974 -0.436234474182129 P PPL ES 60 A 03014 19932 34 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-07
+ 5307 2511352 Sant Josep de sa Talaia Sant Josep de sa Talaia 38.9166667 1.2833333 P PPL ES 07 PM 07048 18382 194 Europe/Madrid 2009-07-25
+ 5308 2511366 San Javier San Javier 37.8062577194596 -0.837364196777344 P PPL ES 31 MU 30035 26047 2 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5309 2511388 San Fernando San Fernando 36.4666667 -6.2 P PPL ES 51 CA 11031 91474 48 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5310 2511401 La Laguna La Laguna 28.4833333 -16.3166667 P PPL ES 53 TF 38023 139928 625 Atlantic/Canary 2006-05-10
+ 5311 2511440 San Bartolomé San Bartolome 27.9248056427594 -15.5732917785645 P PPL ES 53 GC 35019 44387 610 Atlantic/Canary 2008-10-10
+ 5312 2511447 San Bartolomé San Bartolome 29.0 -13.6 P PPL ES 53 GC 35018 17637 177 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5313 2511448 Sant Antoni de Portmany Sant Antoni de Portmany 38.9806793635861 1.30361795425415 P PPL ES 07 PM 07046 18366 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-30
+ 5314 2511619 Sagunto Sagunto 39.6833333 -0.2666667 P PPL ES 60 V 46220 62702 37 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-05
+ 5315 2511700 Rota Rota 36.6166667 -6.35 P PPL ES 51 CA 11030 27025 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5316 2511716 Roquetas de Mar Roquetas de Mar 36.764191773902 -2.61474609375 P PPL ES 51 AL 04079 62898 2 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-26
+ 5317 2511730 Ronda Ronda 36.742305959004 -5.16709327697754 P PPL ES 51 MA 29084 34854 536 Europe/Madrid 2008-06-07
+ 5318 2511852 Rincón de la Victoria Rincon de la Victoria 36.7171458948158 -4.27582740783691 P PPL ES 51 MA 29082 32269 43 Europe/Madrid 2008-08-02
+ 5319 2511880 Ribarroja Ribarroja 39.55 -0.5666667 P PPL ES 60 V 46111 17397 104 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-27
+ 5320 2511930 Requena Requena 39.4883435563998 -1.10043525695801 P PPL ES 60 V 46213 19849 667 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-26
+ 5321 2511994 Realejo Alto Realejo Alto 28.3666667 -16.5666667 P PPL ES 53 TF 38026 35963 427 Atlantic/Canary 2006-01-27
+ 5322 2512127 Puçol Pucol 39.6166667 -0.3 P PPL ES 60 V 46205 16018 7 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5323 2512169 Puerto Real Puerto Real 36.5281914357116 -6.19010925292969 P PPL ES 51 CA 11028 37957 17 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5324 2512177 Puertollano Puertollano 38.6871177047217 -4.10734176635742 P PPL ES 54 CR 13071 49882 712 Europe/Madrid 2006-12-17
+ 5325 2512186 Puerto del Rosario Puerto del Rosario 28.5 -13.8666667 P PPL ES 53 GC 35017 30819 142 Atlantic/Canary 2006-01-17
+ 5326 2512196 Puerto de la Cruz Puerto de la Cruz 28.4139745549772 -16.5486717224121 P PPL ES 53 TF 38028 29368 -9999 Atlantic/Canary 2008-07-25
+ 5327 2512232 Puente-Genil Puente-Genil 37.3833333 -4.7833333 P PPL ES 51 CO 14056 28594 147 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5328 2512251 La Pobla de Vallbona La Pobla de Vallbona 39.6 -0.55 P PPL ES 60 V 46202 15160 113 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5329 2512282 Priego de Córdoba Priego de Cordoba 37.4380658624888 -4.19523239135742 P PPL ES 51 CO 14055 23012 696 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-18
+ 5330 2512340 Pozoblanco Pozoblanco 38.3666667 -4.85 P PPL ES 51 CO 14054 16889 672 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5331 2512432 Pollença Pollenca 39.8767769129693 3.01626205444336 P PPL ES 07 PM 15987 47 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-29
+ 5332 2512581 Pilar de la Horadada Pilar de la Horadada 37.8659097498404 -0.792560577392578 P PPL ES 60 A 03902 17227 30 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5333 2512620 Picassent Picassent 39.3666667 -0.45 P PPL ES 60 V 46194 16943 27 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5334 2512862 Paterna Paterna 39.5 -0.4333333 P PPL ES 60 V 46190 51162 48 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5335 2512989 Palma Palma 39.5693907933761 2.65023708343506 P PPLA ES 07 PM 07040 375773 13 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-11
+ 5336 2512990 Palma del Río Palma del Rio 37.7 -5.2833333 P PPL ES 51 CO 14036 20342 61 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5337 2513026 Pájara Pajara 28.35 -14.1 P PPL ES 53 GC 35015 17756 295 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5338 2513029 Paiporta Paiporta 39.4333333 -0.4166667 P PPL ES 60 V 46186 20484 18 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5339 2513052 Osuna Osuna 37.2333333 -5.1166667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41068 17424 220 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5340 2513076 Orihuela Orihuela 38.0833333 -0.95 P PPL ES 60 A 03099 71092 20 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-05
+ 5341 2513106 Ontinyent Ontinyent 38.8166667 -0.6166667 P PPL ES 60 V 46184 35155 359 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5342 2513115 Onda Onda 39.9666667 -0.25 P PPL ES 60 CS 12084 22168 149 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5343 2513145 Oliva Oliva 38.9166667 -0.1166667 P PPL ES 60 V 46181 23591 11 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5344 2513195 Novelda Novelda 38.3833333 -0.7666667 P PPL ES 60 A 03093 25908 238 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-02
+ 5345 2513222 Níjar Nijar 36.9665493887409 -2.20594525337219 P PPL ES 51 AL 04066 22043 344 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-09
+ 5346 2513240 Nerja Nerja 36.7585532922232 -3.88727188110352 P PPL ES 51 MA 29075 19296 68 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-23
+ 5347 2513324 Navalmoral de la Mata Navalmoral de la Mata 39.9 -5.5333333 P PPL ES 57 CC 10131 17335 294 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5348 2513416 Murcia Murcia 37.9833333 -1.1166667 P PPLA ES 31 MU 30030 406807 28 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5349 2513436 Mula Mula 38.05 -1.5 P PPL ES 31 MU 30029 15838 407 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5350 2513465 Muchamiel Muchamiel 38.4158039601567 -0.445289611816406 P PPL ES 60 A 03014 18267 60 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-07
+ 5351 2513477 Motril Motril 36.75 -3.5166667 P PPL ES 51 GR 18140 56454 34 67 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5352 2513509 Morón de la Frontera Moron de la Frontera 37.1333333 -5.45 P PPL ES 51 SE 41065 27949 178 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5353 2513601 Montilla Montilla 37.5833333 -4.6333333 P PPL ES 51 CO 14042 23225 377 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5354 2513604 Montijo Montijo 38.9166667 -6.6166667 P PPL ES 57 BA 06088 15588 212 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5355 2513703 Moncada Moncada 39.5455515116495 -0.3955078125 P PPL ES 60 V 46171 20146 37 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-25
+ 5356 2513759 Molina de Segura Molina de Segura 38.05 -1.2 P PPL ES 31 MU 30027 54603 130 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5357 2513791 Moguer Moguer 37.2758333 -6.8355556 P PPL ES 51 H 21050 16720 65 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5358 2513811 Mislata Mislata 39.475226764884 -0.418252944946289 P PPL ES 60 V 46169 42689 17 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-31
+ 5359 2513882 Mijas Mijas 36.5957529473796 -4.63728189468384 P PPL ES 51 MA 29070 53555 321 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5360 2513917 Mérida Merida 38.9166667 -6.3333333 P PPLA ES 57 BA 06083 52423 225 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5361 2513947 Melilla Melilla 35.2936911652124 -2.93832778930664 P PPLA ES 67838 70 Africa/Ceuta 2008-09-22
+ 5362 2513983 Mazarrón Mazarron 37.5992041614071 -1.31492614746094 P PPL ES 31 MU 30026 27538 31 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5363 2514073 Martos Martos 37.7166667 -3.9666667 P PPL ES 51 J 23060 24432 649 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5364 2514097 Marratxí Marratxi 39.6420822101941 2.75387763977051 P PPL ES 07 PM 28552 160 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-26
+ 5365 2514158 Marchena Marchena 37.3333333 -5.4 P PPL ES 51 SE 41060 18688 101 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5366 2514169 Marbella Marbella 36.5154308484385 -4.88582611083984 P PPL ES 51 MA 29069 120008 75 Europe/Madrid 2008-06-17
+ 5367 2514176 Maracena Maracena 37.2076363489265 -3.63492965698242 P PPL ES 51 GR 18127 17751 627 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-18
+ 5368 2514190 Manzanares Manzanares 39.0 -3.3666667 P PPL ES 54 CR 13053 18499 635 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5369 2514197 Manises Manises 39.4913905376808 -0.463485717773438 P PPL ES 60 V 46159 28040 34 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-31
+ 5370 2514216 Manacor Manacor 39.5696389038101 3.20955276489258 P PPL ES 07 PM 35908 125 83 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-28
+ 5371 2514256 Málaga Malaga 36.7201559059499 -4.42034482955933 P PPL ES 51 MA 29067 550058 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-11-13
+ 5372 2514287 Mairena del Aljarafe Mairena del Aljarafe 37.3333333 -6.0666667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41059 38510 67 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5373 2514288 Mairena del Alcor Mairena del Alcor 37.3666667 -5.75 P PPL ES 51 SE 41058 17909 85 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5374 2514301 Maó Mao 39.8885334543034 4.26582813262939 P PPL ES 07 PM 07032 27669 31 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-27
+ 5375 2514392 Lucena Lucena 37.408806541595 -4.48522210121155 P PPL ES 51 CO 14038 39925 486 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-20
+ 5376 2514651 Los Llanos de Aridane Los Llanos de Aridane 28.65 -17.9 P PPL ES 53 TF 38024 19635 424 Atlantic/Canary 2006-01-17
+ 5377 2514824 Los Barrios Los Barrios 36.1848228504251 -5.49213409423828 P PPL ES 51 CA 11035 19876 47 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-27
+ 5378 2514891 Lorca Lorca 37.6666667 -1.7 P PPL ES 31 MU 30024 86119 307 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-05
+ 5379 2514893 Lora del Río Lora del Rio 37.65 -5.5333333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41055 18822 24 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5380 2514946 Loja Loja 37.1688663927115 -4.15128707885742 P PPL ES 51 GR 18122 20843 448 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-18
+ 5381 2514984 Llucmajor Llucmajor 39.4909268752299 2.89107799530029 P PPL ES 07 PM 29891 144 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-26
+ 5382 2515036 Llíria Lliria 39.6333333 -0.6 P PPL ES 60 V 46148 19172 164 Europe/Madrid 2006-08-22
+ 5383 2515045 Linares Linares 38.0833333 -3.6333333 P PPL ES 51 J 23055 59761 420 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5384 2515072 Lepe Lepe 37.25 -7.2 P PPL ES 51 H 21044 22688 35 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5385 2515096 Lebrija Lebrija 36.9166667 -6.0666667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41053 24787 37 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5386 2515151 La Unión La Union 37.6166667 -0.8666667 P PPL ES 31 MU 30041 15433 104 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5387 2515219 Las Torres de Cotillas Las Torres de Cotillas 38.0333333 -1.2333333 P PPL ES 31 MU 30038 17966 48 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5388 2515270 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 28.1 -15.4166667 P PPLA ES 53 GC 35016 378495 114 Atlantic/Canary 2007-02-17
+ 5389 2515284 La Solana La Solana 38.9333333 -3.2333333 P PPL ES 54 CR 13079 15491 731 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5390 2515562 La Rinconada La Rinconada 37.4833333 -5.9666667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41081 32578 7 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5391 2515692 La Orotava La Orotava 28.3833333 -16.5166667 P PPL ES 53 TF 38026 40143 337 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5392 2515698 La Oliva La Oliva 28.6105208019459 -13.9291191101074 P PPL ES 53 GC 35014 17335 258 Atlantic/Canary 2008-08-06
+ 5393 2515812 La Línea de la Concepción La Linea de la Concepcion 36.168091058482 -5.3477668762207 P PPL ES 51 CA 11022 62075 22 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5394 2516004 L'Eliana L'Eliana 39.5666667 -0.5333333 P PPL ES 60 V 46116 15026 100 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5395 2516088 La Carolina La Carolina 38.25 -3.6166667 P PPL ES 51 J 23021 15894 448 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5396 2516255 Jumilla Jumilla 38.4833333 -1.2833333 P PPL ES 31 MU 30022 24339 561 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-11
+ 5397 2516326 Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera 36.6833333 -6.1333333 P PPL ES 51 CA 11020 194565 50 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-23
+ 5398 2516336 Xàbia Xabia 38.7833333 0.1666667 P PPL ES 60 A 03063 26464 18 Europe/Madrid 2007-12-03
+ 5399 2516345 Xàtiva Xativa 38.9833333 -0.5166667 P PPL ES 60 V 46145 27679 197 Europe/Madrid 2008-03-19
+ 5400 2516395 Jaén Jaen 37.7666667 -3.7833333 P PPL ES 51 J 23050 116400 537 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5401 2516431 Isla Cristina Isla Cristina 37.2 -7.3166667 P PPL ES 51 H 21042 19461 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-08
+ 5402 2516443 Ingenio Ingenio 27.920862056331 -15.4405975341797 P PPL ES 53 GC 35011 27391 194 Atlantic/Canary 2008-12-20
+ 5403 2516452 Inca Inca 39.7211013321822 2.9109263420105 P PPL ES 07 PM 07027 26504 110 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-28
+ 5404 2516474 Icod de los Vinos Icod de los Vinos 28.35 -16.7 P PPL ES 53 TF 38022 24987 641 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5405 2516479 Eivissa Eivissa 38.9088342821879 1.43296480178833 P PPL ES 07 PM 07026 42797 3 Europe/Madrid 2009-06-02
+ 5406 2516480 Ibi Ibi 38.6333333 -0.5666667 P PPL ES 60 A 03079 23227 763 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5407 2516542 Huércal-Overa Huercal-Overa 37.3833333 -1.95 P PPL ES 51 AL 04053 15936 186 Europe/Madrid 2009-10-07
+ 5408 2516548 Huelva Huelva 37.2583333 -6.9508333 P PPL ES 51 H 21041 144174 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5409 2516797 Hellín Hellin 38.5166667 -1.6833333 P PPL ES 54 AB 02037 29754 609 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5410 2516852 Güimar Guimar 28.3 -16.4166667 P PPL ES 53 TF 38020 16493 641 Atlantic/Canary 2006-01-17
+ 5411 2516860 Guía de Isora Guia de Isora 28.2115416726722 -16.7794704437256 P PPL ES 53 TF 38019 18580 640 Atlantic/Canary 2008-07-28
+ 5412 2516925 Guadix Guadix 37.3 -3.1333333 P PPL ES 51 GR 18089 20125 882 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5413 2517111 Granadilla de Abona Granadilla de Abona 28.1166667 -16.5833333 P PPL ES 53 TF 38017 33259 723 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5414 2517117 Granada Granada 37.1881683871318 -3.60666990280151 P PPL ES 51 GR 18087 238248 658 Europe/Madrid 2007-12-05
+ 5415 2517367 Gandia Gandia 38.9666667 -0.1833333 P PPL ES 60 V 46131 62344 16 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5416 2517436 Gáldar Galdar 28.1470057886541 -15.6501960754395 P PPL ES 53 GC 35009 23225 133 Atlantic/Canary 2008-12-23
+ 5417 2517595 Fuengirola Fuengirola 36.5399844850583 -4.62472915649414 P PPL ES 51 MA 29054 61242 27 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-01
+ 5418 2517750 Felanitx Felanitx 39.469595060124 3.14831256866455 P PPL ES 07 PM 16080 130 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-26
+ 5419 2517816 Estepona Estepona 36.4276362248452 -5.14589309692383 P PPL ES 51 MA 29051 53245 69 43 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-14
+ 5420 2518040 El Viso del Alcor El Viso del Alcor 37.3833333 -5.7166667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41102 16986 182 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5421 2518207 El Puerto de Santa María El Puerto de Santa Maria 36.593892350365 -6.23298168182373 P PPL ES 51 CA 11027 81618 1 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-12
+ 5422 2518494 El Ejido El Ejido 36.7762924811868 -2.81455993652344 P PPL ES 51 AL 04013 66415 95 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5423 2518505 Elda Elda 38.4833333 -0.7833333 P PPL ES 60 A 03066 56955 468 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5424 2518559 Elx Elx 38.262175988873 -0.701065063476562 P PPL ES 60 A 03065 212373 96 77 Europe/Madrid 2008-03-19
+ 5425 2518729 El Arahal El Arahal 37.2666667 -5.55 P PPL ES 51 SE 41011 18615 116 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5426 2518770 Écija Ecija 37.5333333 -5.0833333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41039 38870 85 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5427 2518794 Dos Hermanas Dos Hermanas 37.2844444 -5.9241667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41038 112000 32 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5428 2518820 Don Benito Don Benito 38.95 -5.8666667 P PPL ES 57 BA 06044 33310 266 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5429 2518878 Denia Denia 38.8407772667165 0.105743408203125 P PPL ES 60 A 03063 39720 22 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-02
+ 5430 2518924 Daimiel Daimiel 39.0666667 -3.6166667 P PPL ES 54 CR 13039 17610 621 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5431 2518949 Cullera Cullera 39.1666667 -0.25 P PPL ES 60 V 46105 22544 8 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-06
+ 5432 2519068 Quart de Poblet Quart de Poblet 39.4813879901937 -0.439367294311523 P PPL ES 60 V 46102 25638 7 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-31
+ 5433 2519110 Crevillente Crevillente 38.25 -0.8 P PPL ES 60 A 03059 27066 87 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5434 2519233 Coria del Río Coria del Rio 37.2855556 -6.0516667 P PPL ES 51 SE 41034 25318 32 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5435 2519240 Córdoba Cordoba 37.8833333 -4.7666667 P PPL ES 51 CO 14021 321376 116 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-26
+ 5436 2519289 Conil de la Frontera Conil de la Frontera 36.2763889 -6.0875 P PPL ES 51 CA 11014 19288 66 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5437 2519402 Ciudad Real Ciudad Real 38.9833333 -3.9333333 P PPL ES 54 CR 13034 68953 630 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5438 2519425 Cieza Cieza 38.2333333 -1.4166667 P PPL ES 31 MU 30019 33978 136 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5439 2519466 Xirivella Xirivella 39.4658845114204 -0.425891876220703 P PPL ES 60 V 46110 28515 10 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-31
+ 5440 2519477 Chipiona Chipiona 36.7333333 -6.4333333 P PPL ES 51 CA 11016 17859 11 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5441 2519513 Chiclana de la Frontera Chiclana de la Frontera 36.4166667 -6.1333333 P PPL ES 51 CA 11015 70615 42 42 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5442 2519690 Catarroja Catarroja 39.4 -0.4 P PPL ES 60 V 46094 22904 7 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5443 2519738 Castilleja de la Cuesta Castilleja de la Cuesta 37.3833333 -6.05 P PPL ES 51 SE 41029 16877 86 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5444 2519752 Castelló de la Plana Castello de la Plana 39.9833333 -0.0333333 P PPL ES 60 CS 12040 172110 30 18 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-16
+ 5445 2520052 Cartaya Cartaya 37.2833333 -7.15 P PPL ES 51 H 21021 15359 36 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5446 2520055 Cártama Cartama 36.7106782719547 -4.63296890258789 P PPL ES 51 MA 29038 16187 215 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-14
+ 5447 2520058 Cartagena Cartagena 37.6 -0.9833333 P PPL ES 31 MU 30016 201274 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5448 2520118 Carmona Carmona 37.4666667 -5.6333333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41024 26801 253 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5449 2520150 Carcaixent Carcaixent 39.1333333 -0.45 P PPL ES 60 V 46083 21119 32 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5450 2520171 Caravaca Caravaca 38.1 -1.85 P PPL ES 31 MU 30028 24518 591 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-27
+ 5451 2520283 Candelaria Candelaria 28.35 -16.3666667 P PPL ES 53 TF 38011 21103 128 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-19
+ 5452 2520477 Camas Camas 37.4 -6.0333333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41021 25346 31 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5453 2520493 Calvià Calvia 39.5657021135431 2.50621318817139 P PPL ES 07 PM 07011 43499 100 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-25
+ 5454 2520496 Calp Calp 38.644696072546 0.0445032119750977 P PPL ES 60 A 03047 25075 5 Europe/Madrid 2009-03-19
+ 5455 2520502 Callosa de Segura Callosa de Segura 38.1249693541264 -0.878219604492188 P PPL ES 60 A 03049 16598 19 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-02
+ 5456 2520600 Cadiz Cadiz 36.5336111 -6.2994444 P PPL ES 51 CA 11012 131923 36 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5457 2520611 Cáceres Caceres 39.4764855541974 -6.37224197387695 P PPL ES 57 CC 10037 89553 403 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-26
+ 5458 2520645 Cabra Cabra 37.4666667 -4.45 P PPL ES 51 CO 14013 20923 422 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5459 2520712 Burjassot Burjassot 39.5166667 -0.4166667 P PPL ES 60 V 46078 37593 44 Europe/Madrid 2006-03-04
+ 5460 2520968 Bétera Betera 39.5833333 -0.45 P PPL ES 60 V 46070 17188 81 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5461 2521088 Benidorm Benidorm 38.5381628257925 -0.130977630615234 P PPL ES 60 A 03031 66902 1 Europe/Madrid 2009-06-03
+ 5462 2521139 Benalmádena Benalmadena 36.5954773062083 -4.56936836242676 P PPL ES 51 MA 29025 45025 292 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-01
+ 5463 2521215 Baza Baza 37.4907276571303 -2.7725887298584 P PPL ES 51 GR 18023 21833 839 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-26
+ 5464 2521335 Barbate de Franco Barbate de Franco 36.1897222 -5.9216667 P PPL ES 51 CA 11007 22613 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5465 2521410 Bailén Bailen 38.1 -3.7666667 P PPL ES 51 J 23010 18075 332 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5466 2521413 Baeza Baeza 37.9833333 -3.4666667 P PPL ES 51 J 23009 15245 590 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5467 2521415 Baena Baena 37.6166667 -4.3166667 P PPL ES 51 CO 14007 20383 423 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5468 2521420 Badajoz Badajoz 38.8833333 -6.9666667 P PPL ES 57 BA 06015 140133 168 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5469 2521456 Ayamonte Ayamonte 37.2166667 -7.4 P PPL ES 51 H 21010 17870 63 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5470 2521510 Aspe Aspe 38.35 -0.7666667 P PPL ES 60 A 03019 18227 229 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-02
+ 5471 2521519 Arucas Arucas 28.1198330923499 -15.5232524871826 P PPL ES 53 GC 35006 34003 223 Atlantic/Canary 2008-12-28
+ 5472 2521570 Arrecife Arrecife 28.95 -13.5333333 P PPL ES 53 GC 35004 52944 -9999 Atlantic/Canary 2009-10-13
+ 5473 2521582 Arona Arona 28.0833333 -16.6666667 P PPL ES 53 TF 38001 63072 374 Atlantic/Canary 2006-11-15
+ 5474 2521590 Armilla Armilla 37.1410245423073 -3.6185359954834 P PPL ES 51 GR 18021 17392 670 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-18
+ 5475 2521665 Arcos de la Frontera Arcos de la Frontera 36.75 -5.8 P PPL ES 51 CA 11006 29418 48 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5476 2521676 Archena Archena 38.1166667 -1.3 P PPL ES 31 MU 30009 15987 122 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5477 2521710 Antequera Antequera 37.0166667 -4.55 P PPL ES 51 MA 29015 42854 464 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-16
+ 5478 2521738 Andújar Andujar 38.05 -4.0666667 P PPL ES 51 J 23005 38769 185 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5479 2521804 Altea Altea 38.5988451071096 -0.0513911247253418 P PPL ES 60 A 03018 20290 1 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-11
+ 5480 2521847 Almuñécar Almunecar 36.7339316514021 -3.69071960449219 P PPL ES 51 GR 18017 23038 1 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-23
+ 5481 2521855 Almoradí Almoradi 38.1166667 -0.7666667 P PPL ES 60 A 03099 15968 9 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-02
+ 5482 2521857 Almonte Almonte 37.2646951854726 -6.51667356491089 P PPL ES 51 H 21005 19836 85 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5483 2521886 Almería Almeria 36.838141238227 -2.45973587036133 P PPL ES 51 AL 04013 179405 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5484 2521893 Almendralejo Almendralejo 38.6833333 -6.4 P PPL ES 57 BA 06011 29651 354 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5485 2521909 Almassora Almassora 39.95 -0.05 P PPL ES 60 CS 12040 19520 12 Europe/Madrid 2006-10-04
+ 5486 2521923 Almansa Almansa 38.8666667 -1.0833333 P PPL ES 54 AB 02009 24951 693 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5487 2521964 Aljaraque Aljaraque 37.2666667 -7.0166667 P PPL ES 51 H 21002 15025 41 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5488 2521978 Alacant Alacant 38.3451735357475 -0.481488704681396 P PPL ES 60 A 03014 315863 1 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-11
+ 5489 2521986 Alhaurín de la Torre Alhaurin de la Torre 36.6640126988417 -4.56138610839844 P PPLL ES 51 MA 29007 29130 87 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-01
+ 5490 2521992 Alhama de Murcia Alhama de Murcia 37.85 -1.4166667 P PPL ES 31 MU 30008 18209 153 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5491 2522012 Algemesí Algemesi 39.1833333 -0.4333333 P PPL ES 60 V 46029 26192 16 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5492 2522013 Algeciras Algeciras 36.1275 -5.4538889 P PPL ES 51 CA 11004 111027 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5493 2522057 Alfafar Alfafar 39.4166667 -0.3833333 P PPL ES 60 V 46022 19655 1 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5494 2522077 Aldaia Aldaia 39.4656857264419 -0.460052490234375 P PPL ES 60 V 46021 26442 47 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-31
+ 5495 2522091 Alcúdia Alcudia 39.8531589464559 3.12138319015503 P PPL ES 07 PM 07003 15897 13 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-30
+ 5496 2522098 Alcoi Alcoi 38.7 -0.4666667 P PPL ES 60 A 03009 61020 598 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5497 2522129 Alzira Alzira 39.15 -0.4333333 P PPL ES 60 V 46017 41920 39 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5498 2522131 Alcázar de San Juan Alcazar de San Juan 39.390106336269 -3.20826530456543 P PPL ES 54 CR 13005 29025 644 654 Europe/Madrid 2006-03-06
+ 5499 2522152 Alcantarilla Alcantarilla 37.9666667 -1.2166667 P PPL ES 31 MU 30005 37106 72 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5500 2522160 Alcalá la Real Alcala la Real 37.4666667 -3.9333333 P PPL ES 51 J 23002 21795 852 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5501 2522165 Alcalá de Guadaira Alcala de Guadaira 37.3333333 -5.8333333 P PPL ES 51 SE 41004 62263 76 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5502 2522203 Alboraya Alboraya 39.5 -0.35 P PPL ES 60 V 46013 20001 8 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5503 2522208 Albolote Albolote 37.2308750994863 -3.65509986877441 P PPL ES 51 GR 18003 15496 654 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-18
+ 5504 2522258 Albacete Albacete 38.9833333 -1.85 P PPL ES 54 AB 02003 158094 677 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5505 2522297 Alaquàs Alaquas 39.4556794822938 -0.460996627807617 P PPL ES 60 V 46005 29279 44 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-31
+ 5506 2522325 Agüimes Aguimes 27.9053896744404 -15.4460906982422 P PPL ES 53 GC 35002 25556 187 Atlantic/Canary 2008-12-20
+ 5507 2522333 Águilas Aguilas 37.4063009897941 -1.58288955688477 P PPL ES 31 MU 30003 30935 66 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5508 2522430 Adra Adra 36.7496133864251 -3.02055358886719 P PPL ES 51 AL 04003 22653 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-30
+ 5509 2522437 Adeje Adeje 28.1227096369521 -16.7259979248047 P PPL ES 53 TF 38001 33501 292 Atlantic/Canary 2008-07-24
+ 5510 2567529 Groa de Murviedro Groa de Murviedro 39.6416667 -0.2388889 P PPL ES 60 V 46220 62368 1 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-27
+ 5511 3104316 Zarautz Zarautz 43.2844440998 -2.16991671508 P PPL ES 59 SS 20079 22139 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-05
+ 5512 3104324 Zaragoza Zaragoza 41.6560643302881 -0.877339839935303 P PPLA ES 52 Z 50297 649404 183 Europe/Madrid 2008-06-20
+ 5513 3104342 Zamora Zamora 41.5 -5.75 P PPL ES 55 ZA 49275 65684 617 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5514 3104475 Viveiro Viveiro 43.6622836091532 -7.59344100952148 P PPL ES 58 LU 27066 15400 30 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-29
+ 5515 3104499 Vitoria-Gasteiz Vitoria-Gasteiz 42.85 -2.6666667 P PPLA ES 59 VI 01059 224578 516 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-15
+ 5516 3104584 Vinaròs Vinaros 40.4703267476602 0.475587844848633 P PPL ES 60 CS 12138 24682 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-08
+ 5517 3104703 Villaviciosa de Odón Villaviciosa de Odon 40.3666667 -3.9 P PPL ES 29 M 28181 24019 671 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5518 3105184 Vilanova i la Geltrú Vilanova i la Geltru 41.2239238608372 1.72511100769043 P PPL ES 56 B GAF 08307 61390 7 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-11
+ 5519 3105522 Vilalba Vilalba 43.3 -7.6833333 P PPL ES 58 LU 27065 15407 475 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-24
+ 5520 3105575 Vilagarcía de Arousa Vilagarcia de Arousa 42.5963127598328 -8.76425743103027 P PPL ES 58 PO 36060 35584 21 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-10
+ 5521 3105600 Vilafranca del Penedès Vilafranca del Penedes 41.35 1.7 P PPL ES 56 B APE 08305 36000 214 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-05
+ 5522 3105805 Vilaseca Vilaseca 42.0666667 2.25 P PPL ES 56 B OSO 08150 17305 655 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-12
+ 5523 3105935 Viladecans Viladecans 41.3140473419764 2.01427459716797 P PPL ES 56 B BLL 08089 60820 15 Europe/Madrid 2007-03-19
+ 5524 3105976 Vigo Vigo 42.2333333 -8.7166667 P PPL ES 58 PO 36057 292745 115 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-12
+ 5525 3106050 Vic Vic 41.9301237335047 2.25485801696777 P PPL ES 56 B OSO 08298 37803 490 486 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-10
+ 5526 3106180 el Vendrell el Vendrell 41.2166667 1.5333333 P PPL ES 56 T BPE 43163 29580 52 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5527 3106492 Valls Valls 41.2833333 1.25 P PPL ES 56 T ACA 43161 22831 230 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5528 3106672 Valladolid Valladolid 41.65 -4.7166667 P PPLA ES 55 VA 47186 322304 694 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-27
+ 5529 3106868 Valdemoro Valdemoro 40.1908073809437 -3.67887496948242 P PPL ES 29 M 28161 44103 589 Europe/Madrid 2006-12-21
+ 5530 3107112 Vaciamadrid Vaciamadrid 40.3333333 -3.5166667 P PPL ES 29 M 28123 50267 560 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-27
+ 5531 3107364 Tui Tui 42.0471256049718 -8.64435195922852 P PPL ES 58 PO 36055 16307 12 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-06
+ 5532 3107418 Tudela Tudela 42.0616560638355 -1.60451889038086 P PPL ES 32 NA 31232 32120 241 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-09
+ 5533 3107677 Tortosa Tortosa 40.8 0.5166667 P PPL ES 56 T BEB 43155 32826 37 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-05
+ 5534 3107765 Torrelodones Torrelodones 40.5765429044543 -3.92658233642578 P PPL ES 29 M 28152 18923 847 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-10
+ 5535 3107775 Torrelavega Torrelavega 43.35 -4.05 P PPL ES 39 S 39087 56292 48 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5536 3107784 Torrejón de Ardoz Torrejon de Ardoz 40.45 -3.4833333 P PPL ES 29 M 28148 108978 568 Europe/Madrid 2006-05-19
+ 5537 3108008 Tolosa Tolosa 43.1348402092 -2.07800648481 P PPL ES 59 SS 20071 17709 87 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-24
+ 5538 3108126 Teruel Teruel 40.3455955936874 -1.10646486282349 P PPL ES 52 TE 44216 32896 914 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5539 3108165 Teo Teo 42.75 -8.5 P PPL ES 58 C 15082 16798 142 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5540 3108286 Terrassa Terrassa 41.5666667 2.0166667 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08279 200000 313 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-07
+ 5541 3108288 Tarragona Tarragona 41.1166667 1.25 P PPL ES 56 T TAR 43148 126291 56 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-10
+ 5542 3108681 Soria Soria 41.7640137421894 -2.46883392333984 P PPL ES 55 SO 42173 36212 1049 Europe/Madrid 2006-03-18
+ 5543 3108877 Sitges Sitges 41.2350589394964 1.81192874908447 P PPL ES 56 B GAF 08270 23922 21 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-11
+ 5544 3109041 Sestao Sestao 43.3097531993977 -3.00716400146484 P PPL ES 59 BI 48084 30144 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-11-15
+ 5545 3109256 Segovia Segovia 40.95 -4.1166667 P PPL ES 55 SG 40194 55633 988 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5546 3109453 Barakaldo Barakaldo 43.2956366817153 -2.99729347229004 P PPL ES 59 BI 48013 95067 17 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-18
+ 5547 3109481 Santurtzi Santurtzi 43.3284244401457 -3.03248405456543 P PPL ES 59 BI 48082 46898 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-11-15
+ 5548 3109546 Sant Just Desvern Sant Just Desvern 41.3860179028695 2.07572937011719 P PPL ES 56 B BAR 08019 15081 109 186 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-18
+ 5549 3109642 Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela 42.880524123434 -8.54568958282471 P PPLA ES 58 C 15078 92430 267 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-22
+ 5550 3109718 Santander Santander 43.4647222 -3.8044444 P PPLA ES 39 S 39075 183288 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-18
+ 5551 3109981 Santa Coloma de Gramenet Santa Coloma de Gramenet 41.4515243040983 2.20810174942017 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08125 117025 49 Europe/Madrid 2007-12-30
+ 5552 3110040 San Sebastián de los Reyes San Sebastian de los Reyes 40.5443304830428 -3.61587524414062 P PPL ES 29 M 28134 62716 644 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-10
+ 5553 3110044 San Sebastián San Sebastian 43.3128301277 -1.97499342945 P PPL ES 59 SS 20069 183528 33 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-01
+ 5554 3110143 Sant Pere de Ribes Sant Pere de Ribes 41.2666667 1.7666667 P PPL ES 56 B GAF 08270 25906 78 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5555 3110458 San Lorenzo de El Escorial San Lorenzo de El Escorial 40.5914375361149 -4.14738178253174 P PPL ES 29 M 28131 15616 939 Europe/Madrid 2009-04-27
+ 5556 3110516 Vilassar de Mar Vilassar de Mar 41.509605687198 2.39364624023438 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08219 18854 12 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-26
+ 5557 3110610 Sanxenxo Sanxenxo 42.3999619792154 -8.80697965621948 P PPL ES 58 PO 36051 16525 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-21
+ 5558 3110627 San Fernando de Henares San Fernando de Henares 40.4333333 -3.5333333 P PPL ES 29 M 28130 40190 543 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5559 3110642 Sant Feliu de Llobregat Sant Feliu de Llobregat 41.3833333 2.05 P PPL ES 56 B BLL 08211 42410 81 81 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5560 3110643 Sant Feliu de Guíxols Sant Feliu de Guixols 41.7833333 3.0333333 P PPL ES 56 GI BEM 17160 20025 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5561 3110718 Sant Cugat del Vallès Sant Cugat del Valles 41.4666667 2.0833333 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08205 66943 120 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-26
+ 5562 3110880 San Andrés del Rabanedo San Andres del Rabanedo 42.6166667 -5.6 P PPL ES 55 LE 24089 27199 870 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5563 3110962 Sama Sama 43.2956835339868 -5.68415880203247 P PPL ES 34 O 33031 46622 214 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5564 3110983 Salt Salt 41.9748940496621 2.79280722141266 P PPL ES 56 GI GIR 17155 27386 74 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5565 3110986 Salou Salou 41.0766337271125 1.14163398742676 P PPL ES 56 T TAR 43171 19640 10 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-10
+ 5566 3111108 Salamanca Salamanca 40.9666667 -5.65 P PPL ES 55 SA 37274 162353 795 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5567 3111199 Sabadell Sabadell 41.55 2.1 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08187 195676 193 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5568 3111294 Rubí Rubi 41.4833333 2.0333333 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08184 68044 120 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-08
+ 5569 3111348 Roses Roses 42.2619861090972 3.17689418792725 P PPL ES 56 GI AEM 17152 18139 49 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-24
+ 5570 3111605 Ripollet Ripollet 41.5 2.1666667 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08180 34756 53 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-30
+ 5571 3111933 Reus Reus 41.1561203774784 1.10687255859375 P PPL ES 56 T BCA 43123 98884 126 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-18
+ 5572 3112154 Redondela Redondela 42.2833333 -8.6 P PPL ES 58 PO 36045 30000 184 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5573 3112761 Ponteareas Ponteareas 42.1833333 -8.5 P PPL ES 58 PO 36042 21683 94 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-07
+ 5574 3112866 Premià de Mar Premia de Mar 41.4920565484503 2.36523628234863 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08172 27669 2 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-20
+ 5575 3112989 Pozuelo de Alarcón Pozuelo de Alarcon 40.4333333 -3.8166667 P PPL ES 29 M 28115 77502 695 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-15
+ 5576 3113082 Portugalete Portugalete 43.3209940985639 -3.02063941955566 P PPL ES 59 BI 48078 49865 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-17
+ 5577 3113157 Porriño Porrino 42.1615584004716 -8.61980438232422 P PPL ES 58 PO 36039 16587 63 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-14
+ 5578 3113209 Pontevedra Pontevedra 42.4309957178688 -8.64435195922852 P PPL ES 58 PO 36038 79540 27 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-10
+ 5579 3113236 Ponferrada Ponferrada 42.55 -6.5833333 P PPL ES 55 LE 24115 65449 508 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5580 3113268 Pola de Siero Pola de Siero 43.3833333 -5.6666667 P PPL ES 34 O 33066 49046 286 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5581 3113415 Pinto Pinto 40.2414709805481 -3.69998931884766 P PPL ES 29 M 28113 36851 610 Europe/Madrid 2006-12-21
+ 5582 3113526 Pineda de Mar Pineda de Mar 41.627633218503 2.68890380859375 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08163 25568 4 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-19
+ 5583 3114256 Parla Parla 40.2333333 -3.7666667 P PPL ES 29 M 28106 90570 625 Europe/Madrid 2006-05-19
+ 5584 3114472 Pamplona Pamplona 42.8168735224728 -1.64322853088379 P PPLA ES 32 NA 31201 193166 460 425 Europe/Madrid 2007-07-20
+ 5585 3114531 Palencia Palencia 42.0166667 -4.5333333 P PPL ES 55 P 34120 81184 737 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5586 3114566 Palamós Palamos 41.85 3.1333333 P PPL ES 56 GI BEM 17118 16549 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5587 3114567 Palafrugell Palafrugell 41.9166667 3.1666667 P PPL ES 56 GI BEM 17117 20077 83 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5588 3114711 Oviedo Oviedo 43.3666667 -5.8333333 P PPLA ES 34 O 33044 211398 179 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-30
+ 5589 3114957 Oria Oria 43.2554050739 -2.01873082149 P PPL ES 59 SS 20069 17842 90 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-24
+ 5590 3114965 Ourense Ourense 42.3333333 -7.85 P PPL ES 58 OR 32054 108083 327 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-05
+ 5591 3115093 Olot Olot 42.1809602679324 2.49011993408203 P PPL ES 56 GI GAX 17207 31039 455 Europe/Madrid 2007-09-04
+ 5592 3115177 Oleiros Oleiros 43.3333333 -8.3166667 P PPL ES 58 C 15058 30650 66 Europe/Madrid 2006-03-24
+ 5593 3115463 Nigrán Nigran 42.1415260922251 -8.80656123161316 P PPL ES 58 PO 36035 17029 38 Europe/Madrid 2009-08-05
+ 5594 3115659 Navalcarnero Navalcarnero 40.3 -4.0 P PPL ES 29 M 28096 17043 623 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5595 3115739 Narón Naron 43.5166667 -8.1527778 P PPL ES 58 C 15054 34996 39 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5596 3116025 Móstoles Mostoles 40.3223361439669 -3.86495590209961 P PPL ES 29 M 28092 203457 651 Europe/Madrid 2006-03-03
+ 5597 3116224 Monzón Monzon 41.9108367213941 0.194063186645508 P PPL ES 52 HU 22158 15543 269 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-11
+ 5598 3116478 Monforte de Lemos Monforte de Lemos 42.5216484229683 -7.51421928405762 P PPL ES 58 LU 27031 19289 292 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-11
+ 5599 3116527 Montcada i Reixac Montcada i Reixac 41.4833333 2.1833333 P PPL ES 56 B VOC 08125 31620 34 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-15
+ 5600 3116653 Moaña Moana 42.2833333 -8.75 P PPL ES 58 PO 36029 18591 45 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5601 3116689 Miranda de Ebro Miranda de Ebro 42.6833333 -2.95 P PPL ES 55 BU 09219 37177 446 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-18
+ 5602 3116789 Mieres Mieres 43.25 -5.7666667 P PPL ES 34 O 33037 45716 449 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5603 3116963 Mejorada del Campo Mejorada del Campo 40.4 -3.4833333 P PPL ES 29 M 28084 19900 596 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5604 3117010 Medina del Campo Medina del Campo 41.3 -4.9166667 P PPL ES 55 VA 47085 20861 716 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5605 3117164 Mataró Mataro 41.5333333 2.45 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08121 116359 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5606 3117232 el Masnou el Masnou 41.4797757521449 2.31880187988281 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08118 21374 27 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-30
+ 5607 3117331 Martorell Martorell 41.4666667 1.9333333 P PPL ES 56 B BLL 08114 25543 145 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5608 3117409 Marín Marin 42.3833333 -8.7 P PPL ES 58 PO 36026 26364 96 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5609 3117533 Manresa Manresa 41.7249812991587 1.82656288146973 P PPL ES 56 B BAG 08213 69742 273 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-11
+ 5610 3117539 Manlleu Manlleu 42.0 2.2833333 P PPL ES 56 B OSO 08112 18999 452 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-19
+ 5611 3117636 Malgrat de Mar Malgrat de Mar 41.6466207556498 2.74134635925293 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08110 16729 2 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-17
+ 5612 3117667 Majadahonda Majadahonda 40.473526127799 -3.87182235717773 P PPL ES 29 M 28080 60807 712 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-28
+ 5613 3117735 Madrid Madrid 40.4165020941502 -3.70256423950195 P PPLC ES 29 M 28079 3117977 638 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-12
+ 5614 3117814 Lugo Lugo 43.0 -7.5666667 P PPL ES 58 LU 27028 91859 370 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5615 3118150 Logroño Logrono 42.4666667 -2.45 P PPLA ES 27 LO 26089 143698 364 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5616 3118212 Lloret de Mar Lloret de Mar 41.7 2.85 P PPL ES 56 GI SEL 17095 28064 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-19
+ 5617 3118228 Llodio Llodio 43.15 -2.9666667 P PPL ES 59 VI 01036 18585 147 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5618 3118514 Lleida Lleida 41.6166667 0.6166667 P PPL ES 56 L SGR 25120 124709 155 147 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-09
+ 5619 3118532 León Leon 42.6 -5.5666667 P PPL ES 55 LE 24089 136227 816 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5620 3118594 Leganés Leganes 40.3271784341697 -3.76350402832031 P PPL ES 29 M 28074 180184 628 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-29
+ 5621 3118848 Las Rozas de Madrid Las Rozas de Madrid 40.4929150268958 -3.87371063232422 P PPL ES 29 M 28127 69512 696 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-28
+ 5622 3119231 La Pineda La Pineda 41.0762455147479 1.18515014648438 P PPL ES ES 56 B BLL 08056 17305 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-11-11
+ 5623 3119536 Lalín Lalin 42.65 -8.1166667 P PPL ES 58 PO 36024 20799 567 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5624 3119631 Laguna de Duero Laguna de Duero 41.5833333 -4.7166667 P PPL ES 55 VA 47076 20802 699 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5625 3119746 A Estrada A Estrada 42.6833333 -8.4833333 P PPL ES 58 PO 36017 22099 243 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-20
+ 5626 3119841 A Coruña A Coruna 43.371349638664 -8.39600086212158 P PPL ES 58 C 15030 242619 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-16
+ 5627 3120304 Irun Irun 43.3390375398 -1.78938235873 P PPL ES 59 SS 20045 59681 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-03-09
+ 5628 3120431 Igualada Igualada 41.5833333 1.6333333 P PPL ES 56 B ANO 08250 35938 309 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-05
+ 5629 3120514 Huesca Huesca 42.1361520442496 -0.408704280853271 P PPL ES 52 HU 22125 48277 446 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-18
+ 5630 3120619 l'Hospitalet de Llobregat l'Hospitalet de Llobregat 41.359674441429 2.10027694702148 P PPL ES 56 B BAR 08019 254158 14 Europe/Madrid 2009-01-14
+ 5631 3120811 Hernani Hernani 43.2661523739 -1.97614670848 P PPL ES 59 SS 20040 18859 42 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-24
+ 5632 3121070 Guadalajara Guadalajara 40.6333333 -3.1666667 P PPL ES 54 GU 19130 72850 708 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-05
+ 5633 3121145 Granollers Granollers 41.607966242103 2.2877311706543 P PPL ES 56 B VOR 08181 57128 168 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-11
+ 5634 3121424 Gijón Gijon 43.5411111 -5.6644444 P PPL ES 34 O 33024 271452 11 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-18
+ 5635 3121437 Getafe Getafe 40.3057126677094 -3.73294830322266 P PPL ES 29 M 28065 158363 623 601 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-29
+ 5636 3121456 Girona Girona 41.9831130180372 2.82493472099304 P PPL ES 56 GI GIR 17079 89890 117 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-18
+ 5637 3121519 Gavà Gava 41.3060528660399 2.00122833251953 P PPL ES 56 B BLL 08089 44222 10 Europe/Madrid 2007-03-19
+ 5638 3121751 Galdakao Galdakao 43.2333333 -2.8333333 P PPL ES 59 BI 48036 29487 58 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-18
+ 5639 3121766 Galapagar Galapagar 40.5783030556175 -4.00425910949707 P PPL ES 29 M 28061 29598 846 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-26
+ 5640 3121881 Hondarribia Fuenterrabia 43.3720201659 -1.79447830094 P PPL ES 59 SS 20036 15949 6 Europe/Madrid 2007-03-09
+ 5641 3121960 Fuenlabrada Fuenlabrada 40.2833333 -3.8 P PPL ES 29 M 28058 196549 647 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5642 3122452 Figueras Figueras 43.5333333 -7.0166667 P PPL ES 34 O 33017 20000 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-14
+ 5643 3122453 Figueres Figueres 42.266448326545 2.96163082122803 P PPL ES 56 GI AEM 17066 39641 31 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-16
+ 5644 3123063 Ermua Ermua 43.1833333 -2.5 P PPL ES 59 BI 48034 16472 200 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-26
+ 5645 3123104 Erandio Erandio 43.307879514046 -2.94502258300781 P PPL ES 59 BI 48902 23297 10 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-17
+ 5646 3123329 el Prat de Llobregat el Prat de Llobregat 41.3333333 2.1 P PPL ES 56 B BLL 08169 63122 8 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-19
+ 5647 3123493 Ferrol Ferrol 43.4833333 -8.2333333 P PPL ES 58 C 15036 77189 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5648 3123667 El Astillero El Astillero 43.4 -3.8166667 P PPL ES 39 S 39008 16074 5 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5649 3123688 Ejea de los Caballeros Ejea de los Caballeros 42.1333333 -1.1333333 P PPL ES 52 Z 50095 16880 335 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-18
+ 5650 3123709 Eibar Eibar 43.1849337763 -2.47158130551 P PPL ES 59 SS 20030 27839 153 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-12
+ 5651 3123773 Durango Durango 43.1666667 -2.6166667 P PPL ES 59 BI 48027 26502 118 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-18
+ 5652 3124041 Culleredo Culleredo 43.2833333 -8.3833333 P PPL ES 58 C 15031 25443 21 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5653 3124132 Cuenca Cuenca 40.0666667 -2.1333333 P PPL ES 54 CU 16078 48438 1049 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5654 3124408 Coslada Coslada 40.4333333 -3.5666667 P PPL ES 29 M 28049 83007 599 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-15
+ 5655 3124432 Corvera Corvera 43.2666667 -3.95 P PPL ES 39 S 39056 15997 94 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-27
+ 5656 3124569 Cornellà de Llobregat Cornella de Llobregat 41.35 2.0833333 P PPLX ES 56 B BAR 08019 83928 13 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5657 3124765 Colmenar Viejo Colmenar Viejo 40.659089719693 -3.76762390136719 P PPL ES 29 M 28045 40325 859 Europe/Madrid 2006-12-14
+ 5658 3124794 Collado-Villalba Collado-Villalba 40.6350593829029 -4.00485992431641 P PPL ES 29 M 28047 51211 913 Europe/Madrid 2008-02-05
+ 5659 3124967 Ciutadella Ciutadella 40.0011227155279 3.84143829345703 P PPL ES 07 07 26972 23 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-29
+ 5660 3125082 Ciempozuelos Ciempozuelos 40.1591315970774 -3.62102508544922 P PPL ES 29 M 28040 17293 531 Europe/Madrid 2006-12-21
+ 5661 3125621 Castro-Urdiales Castro-Urdiales 43.3833333 -3.2166667 P PPL ES 39 S 39020 27055 1 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5662 3125723 Castrillón Castrillon 43.3978759844193 -6.79216861724854 P PPL ES 34 O 33007 23108 223 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-10
+ 5663 3125897 Castelldefels Castelldefels 41.2779354741658 1.97032928466797 P PPL ES 56 B BLL 08056 55877 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-03-19
+ 5664 3126317 Cardedeu Cardedeu 41.6333333 2.3666667 P PPL ES 56 B VOR 08181 15153 171 Europe/Madrid 2006-04-08
+ 5665 3126369 Carballo Carballo 43.2129956373749 -8.69104385375977 P PPL ES 58 C 15019 30034 91 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-24
+ 5666 3126572 Cangas del Narcea Cangas del Narcea 43.1833333 -6.55 P PPL ES 34 O 33011 15730 640 Europe/Madrid 2007-06-18
+ 5667 3126577 Cangas Cangas 42.2666667 -8.7833333 P PPL ES 58 PO 36008 24821 49 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5668 3126888 Cambrils Cambrils 41.0666667 1.05 P PPL ES 56 T BCA 43038 25740 19 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5669 3126890 Cambre Cambre 43.2833333 -8.3333333 P PPL ES 58 C 15017 21537 39 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5670 3126917 Camargo Camargo 43.4 -3.9 P PPL ES 39 S 39052 28095 101 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5671 3127007 Calella Calella 41.6166667 2.6666667 P PPL ES 56 B MAR 08035 16677 2 Europe/Madrid 2008-09-24
+ 5672 3127047 Calatayud Calatayud 41.35 -1.6333333 P PPL ES 52 Z 50067 20030 564 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5673 3127066 Calafell Calafell 41.1999689476652 1.56829833984375 P PPL ES 56 T BPE 43163 18721 28 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-11
+ 5674 3127451 Burlata Burlata 42.8166667 -1.6 P PPL ES 32 NA 31086 18178 462 Europe/Madrid 2007-01-31
+ 5675 3127461 Burgos Burgos 42.35 -3.7 P PPL ES 55 BU 09059 170183 861 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5676 3127889 Boiro Boiro 42.65 -8.9 P PPL ES 58 C 15011 18386 18 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5677 3127958 Boadilla del Monte Boadilla del Monte 40.4049999806498 -3.87834548950195 P PPL ES 29 M 28022 34783 660 Europe/Madrid 2008-10-28
+ 5678 3127978 Blanes Blanes 41.6833333 2.8 P PPL ES 56 GI SEL 17023 36856 1 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-10
+ 5679 3128026 Bilbao Bilbao 43.2627062282001 -2.9252815246582 P PPL ES 59 BI 48020 351409 33 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-11
+ 5680 3128174 Bermeo Bermeo 43.4208841482666 -2.72151947021484 P PPL ES 59 BI 48017 16879 1 Europe/Madrid 2006-06-19
+ 5681 3128201 Berga Berga 42.1042882204101 1.84628248214722 P PPL ES 56 B BER 08268 16069 678 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-10
+ 5682 3128272 Benicàssim Benicassim 40.05 0.0666667 P PPL ES 60 CS 12028 15851 -9999 Europe/Madrid 2008-04-18
+ 5683 3128273 Benicarló Benicarlo 40.4166667 0.4333333 P PPL ES 60 CS 12027 23269 1 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-16
+ 5684 3128291 Benavente Benavente 42.0 -5.6833333 P PPL ES 55 ZA 49021 18069 685 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5685 3128760 Barcelona Barcelona 41.3887868890716 2.15898513793945 P PPLA ES 56 B BAR 08019 1581595 15 41 Europe/Madrid 2009-02-11
+ 5686 3128795 Barbastro Barbastro 42.0356518419303 0.126857757568359 P PPL ES 52 HU 22048 15705 353 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-07
+ 5687 3128824 Barañáin Baranain 42.8 -1.6666667 P PPL ES 32 NA 31901 22544 425 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5688 3128885 Banyoles Banyoles 42.1166667 2.7666667 P PPL ES 56 GI PES 17015 16359 155 Europe/Madrid 2008-05-10
+ 5689 3129028 Badalona Badalona 41.4500446631785 2.24741220474243 P PPL ES 56 B BAR 08015 215879 6 Europe/Madrid 2007-12-30
+ 5690 3129046 Azuqueca de Henares Azuqueca de Henares 40.5666667 -3.2666667 P PPL ES 54 GU 19046 23982 626 Europe/Madrid 2006-02-28
+ 5691 3129135 Avilés Aviles 43.5569444 -5.9247222 P PPL ES 34 O 33004 83718 5 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5692 3129136 Ávila de los Caballeros Avila de los Caballeros 40.65 -4.7 P PPL ES 55 AV 05019 52894 1054 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5693 3129329 Arteixo Arteixo 43.3048190370917 -8.50749492645264 P PPL ES 58 C 15005 25934 85 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-11
+ 5694 3129636 Arganda Arganda 40.3 -3.4333333 P PPL ES 29 M 28014 40205 669 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-27
+ 5695 3129857 Aranjuez Aranjuez 40.0333333 -3.6 P PPL ES 29 M 28013 43036 552 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5696 3129877 Aranda de Duero Aranda de Duero 41.6704114242426 -3.68919610977173 P PPL ES 55 BU 09018 31060 803 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-20
+ 5697 3130131 Amposta Amposta 40.7130775434711 0.58103084564209 P PPL ES 56 T MON 43014 18700 3 Europe/Madrid 2007-04-20
+ 5698 3130137 Amorebieta-Etxano Amorebieta-Etxano 43.2166667 -2.7333333 P PPL ES 59 BI 48003 16782 112 Europe/Madrid 2007-03-09
+ 5699 3130155 Amés Ames 42.9 -8.6333333 P PPL ES 58 C 15013 21637 268 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5700 3130380 Algorta Algorta 43.3492744932022 -3.00939559936523 P PPLX ES 59 BI 48044 82624 30 Europe/Madrid 2007-11-15
+ 5701 3130383 Algete Algete 40.6 -3.5 P PPL ES 29 M 28009 18265 733 Europe/Madrid 2006-01-17
+ 5702 3130564 Alcorcón Alcorcon 40.3458245498207 -3.82487297058105 P PPL ES 29 M 28007 158342 668 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-29
+ 5703 3130583 Alcobendas Alcobendas 40.5474611148012 -3.6419677734375 P PPL ES 29 M 28006 102430 674 Europe/Madrid 2006-11-15
+ 5704 3130606 Alcañiz Alcaniz 41.05 -0.1333333 P PPL ES 52 TE 44013 15045 302 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-18
+ 5705 3130616 Alcalá de Henares Alcala de Henares 40.4833333 -3.3666667 P PPL ES 29 M 28005 195094 578 Europe/Madrid 2007-02-17
+ 5706 6252065 Nou Barris Nou Barris 41.4416325849831 2.17726707458496 P PPLX ES 56 B BAR 08019 164981 85 45 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-25
+ 5707 6324376 Pinar de Chamartín Pinar de Chamartin 40.4790267464665 -3.66836071014404 P PPLX ES 29 M 28079 30000 620 694 Europe/Madrid 2009-05-17
+ 5708 6354969 Playa del Ingles Playa del Ingles 27.7566967530693 -15.5786991119385 P PPL ES 53 GC 35019 17158 106 Atlantic/Canary 2008-11-24
+ 5709 6359405 Tres Cantos Tres Cantos 40.6108249195641 -3.70737075805664 P PPL ES 29 M 28903 39826 682 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-14
+ 5710 6359608 Burlada/Burlata Burlada/Burlata 42.8248384482495 -1.61521610350372 P PPL ES 32 NA 31060 18388 450 Europe/Madrid 2008-07-14
+ 5711 6362987 Ceuta Ceuta 35.8893282230678 -5.31978607177734 P PPLA ES 00 51 51001 75861 -9999 Africa/Ceuta 2008-06-07
+ 5712 6544100 Eixample Eixample 41.3889553 2.16179002 P PPLX ES 56 B BAR 08019 262485 41 Europe/Madrid 2008-01-28
+ 5713 6544105 Sant Martí Sant Marti 41.4181437653517 2.19932556152344 P PPLX ES 56 B BAR 08019 221029 13 Europe/Madrid 2008-03-13
+ 5714 6544106 Ciutat Vella Ciutat Vella 41.3802219686465 2.17319011688232 P PPLX ES 56 B BAR 08019 111290 24 Europe/Madrid 2007-05-25
+ 5715 6615440 Delicias Delicias 41.6477431544965 -0.914740562438965 P PPLX ES 52 Z 50297 110520 183 206 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-22
+ 5716 6615442 Almozara Almozara 41.6612424769909 -0.901694297790527 P PPLX ES 52 Z 50297 25767 180 183 Europe/Madrid 2008-02-12
+ 5717 6615443 Montecanal Montecanal 41.6296541176507 -0.938730239868164 P PPLX ES 52 20000 200 239 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-22
+ 5718 6615444 Oliver-Valdefierro, Oliver, Valdefierro Oliver-Valdefierro, Oliver, Valdefierro 41.6449531555427 -0.92658519744873 P PPLX ES 52 Z 50297 30228 197 210 Europe/Madrid 2007-08-22
+ 5719 6618856 Santutxu Santutxu 43.2534706300003 -2.91609764099121 P PPL ES 59 BI 60000 140 62 Europe/Madrid 2007-10-14
+ 5720 6943537 Llefià Llefia 41.438061545214 2.21949577331543 P PPL ES 56 B 43827 12 Europe/Madrid 2009-07-20
+ 5721 325579 Ziway Ziway 7.9333333 38.7166667 P PPL ET 44 49416 1643 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5722 325780 Yirga `Alem Yirga `Alem 6.75 38.4166667 P PPL ET 11 36292 1777 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5723 326036 Yabēlo Yabelo 4.8833333 38.0833333 P PPL ET 11 17819 1878 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5724 326206 Werota Werota 11.9166667 37.7 P PPL ET 02 26813 1828 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5725 326308 Wenjī Wenji 8.45 39.2833333 P PPL ET 44 17120 1584 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5726 327694 Tēpī Tepi 7.2 35.45 P PPL ET 08 24169 1097 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5727 328689 Shashemenē Shashemene 7.2 38.6 P PPL ET 44 85871 2009 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-11-15
+ 5728 328709 Shambu Shambu 9.5666667 37.1 P PPL ET 13 15354 2506 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5729 328716 Shakīso Shakiso 5.75 38.9166667 P PPL ET 11 34078 1758 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5730 329114 Sebeta Sebeta 8.9166667 38.6166667 P PPL ET 44 19533 2405 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5731 329586 Robīt Robit 12.0166667 39.6333333 P PPL ET 14 20679 1596 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5732 330120 Nejo Nejo 9.5 35.5 P PPL ET 13 20166 1821 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5733 330186 Nazrēt Nazret 8.55 39.2666667 P PPL ET 44 213995 1726 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2007-02-08
+ 5734 330491 Mojo Mojo 8.6 39.1166667 P PPL ET 44 34547 1803 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5735 330764 Metu Metu 8.3 35.5833333 P PPL ET 08 29648 1605 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5736 330811 Metahāra Metahara 8.9 39.9166667 P PPL ET 44 23403 1007 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5737 331038 Mendī Mendi 9.8 35.1 P PPL ET 13 25239 1538 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5738 331416 Maych'ew Maych'ew 12.7875 39.5422222 P PPL ET 53 27186 2340 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5739 332746 Korem Korem 12.5058333 39.5227778 P PPL ET 14 30633 2539 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5740 332880 K'olīto K'olito 7.3166667 38.0833333 P PPL ET 44 25614 1797 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5741 333103 Kibre Mengist Kibre Mengist 5.8833333 38.9833333 P PPL ET 11 27854 1752 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5742 333356 Kemisē Kemise 10.7166667 39.8666667 P PPL ET 44 23861 1437 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5743 333373 Kombolcha Kombolcha 11.0833333 39.7333333 P PPL ET 14 93605 1839 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-11-15
+ 5744 333750 Jinka Jinka 5.65 36.65 P PPL ET 05 32115 1332 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5745 333772 Jīma Jima 7.6666667 36.8333333 P PPL ET 09 128306 1767 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-07-13
+ 5746 333795 Jijiga Jijiga 9.35 42.8 P PPLA ET 52 56821 1609 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2008-11-19
+ 5747 334227 Inda Silasē Inda Silase 14.105 38.2844444 P PPL ET 53 50078 1910 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5748 335035 Hārer Harer 9.3094444 42.1258333 P PPL ET 07 90218 1861 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2007-02-18
+ 5749 335288 Hāgere Hiywet Hagere Hiywet 8.9833333 37.85 P PPL ET 44 43920 2126 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5750 336014 Gonder Gonder 12.6 37.4666667 P PPL ET 02 153914 2133 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2007-02-17
+ 5751 336350 Goba Goba 7.0166667 39.9833333 P PPL ET 03 34369 2688 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5752 336372 Giyon Giyon 8.5333333 37.9833333 P PPL ET 44 38394 2049 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5753 336454 Gīnīr Ginir 7.1333333 40.7 P PPL ET 03 16757 1877 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5754 336496 Gīmbī Gimbi 9.1666667 35.8333333 P PPL ET 13 31809 1845 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5755 336931 Genet Genet 9.0666667 38.5 P PPL ET 44 23753 2381 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5756 337010 Gelemso Gelemso 8.8166667 40.5166667 P PPL ET 07 16065 1926 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5757 337152 Gebre Guracha Gebre Guracha 9.8 38.4 P PPL ET 44 16583 2547 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5758 337405 Gambēla Gambela 8.25 34.5833333 P PPL ET 08 42366 512 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5759 337712 Finote Selam Finote Selam 10.7 37.2666667 P PPL ET 06 23463 1917 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5760 337771 Fichē Fiche 9.8 38.7333333 P PPL ET 44 25758 2853 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5761 337853 Felege Neway Felege Neway 6.3 36.8833333 P PPL ET 05 33429 1440 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5762 338554 Dubtī Dubti 11.7361111 41.0852778 P PPL ET 14 26370 355 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5763 338726 Dodola Dodola 6.9833333 39.1833333 P PPL ET 03 23116 2488 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5764 338832 Dirē Dawa Dire Dawa 9.5930556 41.8661111 P PPL ET 48 252279 1191 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2007-02-17
+ 5765 338998 Dīla Dila 6.4166667 38.3166667 P PPL ET 11 47021 1667 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5766 339219 Desē Dese 11.1333333 39.6333333 P PPL ET 14 136056 2471 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-11-15
+ 5767 339448 Dembī Dolo Dembi Dolo 8.5333333 34.8 P PPL ET 13 26748 1701 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5768 339666 Debre Zeyit Debre Zeyit 8.75 38.9833333 P PPL ET 44 104215 2006 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5769 339686 Debre Tabor Debre Tabor 11.85 38.0166667 P PPL ET 02 32659 2706 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5770 339708 Debre Mark'os Debre Mark'os 10.35 37.7333333 P PPL ET 06 59920 2437 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5771 339734 Debre Birhan Debre Birhan 9.6833333 39.5333333 P PPL ET 44 57787 2816 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5772 339823 Debark' Debark' 13.1561111 37.8980556 P PPL ET 02 24700 2845 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5773 341297 Butajīra Butajira 8.1166667 38.3666667 P PPL ET 44 30502 2123 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5774 341397 Burē Bure 10.7 37.0666667 P PPL ET 06 22038 2091 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5775 341742 Bonga Bonga 7.2833333 36.2333333 P PPL ET 09 18973 1663 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5776 341877 Bodītī Boditi 6.9666667 37.8666667 P PPL ET 11 32997 1967 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5777 342190 Bichena Bichena 10.45 38.2 P PPL ET 06 16411 2541 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5778 342559 Bedēsa Bedesa 8.9 40.7833333 P PPL ET 07 17526 1758 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5779 342567 Bedelē Bedele 8.45 36.35 P PPL ET 08 20293 2024 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5780 342641 Batī Bati 11.1833333 40.0166667 P PPL ET 14 19260 1502 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5781 342856 Bako Bako 5.7833333 36.5666667 P PPL ET 05 17872 1417 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5782 342884 Bahir Dar Bahir Dar 11.6 37.3833333 P PPL ET 06 168899 1784 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-11-15
+ 5783 343137 Āwasa Awasa 7.05 38.4666667 P PPL ET 54 133097 1680 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2008-10-17
+ 5784 343292 Āsosa Asosa 10.0666667 34.5333333 P PPL ET 13 30512 1417 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5785 343402 Āsbe Teferī Asbe Teferi 9.0833333 40.8666667 P PPL ET 07 30772 1826 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5786 343409 Asaita Asaita 11.5636111 41.4394444 P PPL ET 14 20342 340 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5787 343413 Āsasa Asasa 7.1 39.2 P PPL ET 01 23790 2367 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5788 343593 Āreka Areka 7.0666667 37.7 P PPL ET 11 33150 1751 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5789 343663 Ārba Minch' Arba Minch' 6.0333333 37.55 P PPL ET 05 69622 1285 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5790 344420 Āksum Aksum 14.1297222 38.7158333 P PPL ET 53 41249 2188 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-11-05
+ 5791 344620 Āgere Maryam Agere Maryam 5.6333333 38.2333333 P PPL ET 11 22105 1826 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5792 344661 Āgaro Agaro 7.85 36.65 P PPL ET 09 28268 1614 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5793 344923 Ādīs Zemen Adis Zemen 12.1166667 37.7833333 P PPL ET 02 22522 1996 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-27
+ 5794 344979 Addis Ababa Addis Ababa 9.0333333 38.7 P PPLC ET 44 2757729 2363 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2008-01-05
+ 5795 345353 Ādēt Adet 11.2666667 37.4833333 P PPL ET 06 22946 2238 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5796 345704 Abomsa Abomsa 9.9833333 39.9833333 P PPL ET 44 15258 1387 Africa/Addis_Ababa 2006-01-17
+ 5797 630752 Ylöjärvi Ylojarvi 61.55 23.6 P PPL FI 15 22140 107 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5798 631707 Vihti Vihti 60.4166667 24.3333333 P PPL FI 13 26280 51 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5799 632370 Varkaus Varkaus 62.3166667 27.9166667 P PPL FI 14 22365 74 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5800 632453 Vantaa Vantaa 60.2966804939514 25.0138092041016 P PPL FI FI 13 190058 16 Europe/Helsinki 2008-05-16
+ 5801 632672 Valkeakoski Valkeakoski 61.2666667 24.0333333 P PPL FI 15 20376 91 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5802 632978 Vasa Vasa 63.0960013087897 21.6157722473145 P PPL FI 15 15 57014 7 Europe/Helsinki 2008-11-28
+ 5803 633221 Uusikaupunki Uusikaupunki 60.8 21.4166667 P PPL FI 15 16226 10 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5804 633591 Tuusula Tuusula 60.4166667 25.0333333 P PPL FI 13 34725 33 Europe/Helsinki 2006-01-17
+ 5805 633679 Turku Turku 60.45 22.2833333 P PPLA FI 15 02 175945 22 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5806 634093 Tornio Tornio 65.85 24.1833333 P PPL FI 06 21236 12 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5807 634963 Tampere Tampere 61.4991132140836 23.7871170043945 P PPL FI 15 06 202687 114 Europe/Helsinki 2009-07-21
+ 5808 636947 Siilinjärvi Siilinjarvi 63.0833333 27.6666667 P PPL FI 14 20209 83 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-08
+ 5809 637067 Sibbo Sibbo 60.3666667 25.2666667 P PPL FI 13 19430 32 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-19
+ 5810 637219 Seinäjoki Seinajoki 62.8 22.8333333 P PPL FI 15 14 32149 50 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5811 637292 Savonlinna Savonlinna 61.8666667 28.8833333 P PPL FI 14 27353 75 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5812 637948 Salo Salo 60.3833333 23.1333333 P PPL FI 15 24900 20 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5813 638936 Rovaniemi Rovaniemi 66.5 25.7166667 P PPLA FI 06 19 34781 92 Europe/Helsinki 2009-07-21
+ 5814 639406 Riihimäki Riihimaki 60.75 24.7666667 P PPL FI 13 26451 109 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5815 639734 Rauma Rauma 61.1333333 21.5 P PPL FI 15 36550 14 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5816 640124 Raisio Raisio 60.4833333 22.1833333 P PPL FI 15 23597 14 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-16
+ 5817 640276 Raahe Raahe 64.6833333 24.4833333 P PPL FI 08 22217 5 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5818 640999 Pori Pori 61.4833333 21.7833333 P PPL FI 15 04 76772 19 Europe/Helsinki 2008-07-18
+ 5819 641489 Pirkkala Pirkkala 61.4612468167241 23.6322784423828 P PPL FI 15 15615 101 Europe/Helsinki 2009-10-10
+ 5820 643492 Oulu Oulu 65.0123597169644 25.4681646823883 P PPLA FI 08 17 128618 15 Europe/Helsinki 2009-07-21
+ 5821 644171 Nurmijärvi Nurmijarvi 60.4666667 24.8 P PPL FI 13 37073 86 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-19
+ 5822 644450 Nokia Nokia 61.4666667 23.5 P PPL FI 15 28676 89 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5823 646005 Mikkeli Mikkeli 61.6833333 27.25 P PPLA FI 14 10 46550 102 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5824 646723 Mäntsälä Mantsala 60.6333333 25.3166667 P PPL FI 13 18074 59 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5825 647751 Lojo Lojo 60.25 24.0833333 P PPL FI 13 35960 63 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5826 648056 Lieto Lieto 60.5 22.45 P PPL FI 15 15258 14 Europe/Helsinki 2006-01-17
+ 5827 648366 Lempäälä Lempaala 61.3166667 23.75 P PPL FI 15 18096 85 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5828 648738 Laukaa Laukaa 62.4166667 25.95 P PPL FI 15 17093 104 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5829 648900 Lappeenranta Lappeenranta 61.0666667 28.1833333 P PPL FI 13 09 59276 68 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5830 649360 Lahti Lahti 60.983267298307 25.6561660766602 P PPL FI 13 07 98826 102 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5831 649630 Kirkkonummi Kirkkonummi 60.1166667 24.4333333 P PPL FI 13 32920 16 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-19
+ 5832 649919 Kuusankoski Kuusankoski 60.9 26.6333333 P PPL FI 13 19986 85 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-16
+ 5833 649924 Kuusamo Kuusamo 65.9666667 29.1833333 P PPL FI 08 17400 262 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5834 650224 Kuopio Kuopio 62.8923822148087 27.6770281791687 P PPL FI 14 11 89104 90 Europe/Helsinki 2009-07-21
+ 5835 650859 Kouvola Kouvola 60.8666667 26.7 P PPL FI 13 08 31133 81 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5836 650946 Kotka Kotka 60.4666667 26.9166667 P PPL FI 13 54616 1 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5837 651299 Mustasaari Mustasaari 63.1166667 21.7166667 P PPL FI 15 17176 17 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5838 651943 Karleby Karleby 63.8333333 23.1166667 P PPL FI 15 16 35586 14 Europe/Helsinki 2008-12-09
+ 5839 653185 Kerava Kerava 60.4 25.1166667 P PPL FI 13 31347 57 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-16
+ 5840 653281 Kemi Kemi 65.7333333 24.5666667 P PPL FI 06 22641 9 Europe/Helsinki 2009-07-21
+ 5841 654440 Kangasala Kangasala 61.4666667 24.0833333 P PPL FI 15 24291 88 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5842 654899 Kajaani Kajaani 64.228179643707 27.7265739440918 P PPL FI 08 18 35375 145 Europe/Helsinki 2008-08-27
+ 5843 655130 Kaarina Kaarina 60.4166667 22.4166667 P PPL FI 15 21684 22 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5844 655194 Jyväskylä Jyvaskyla 62.2333333 25.7333333 P PPL FI 15 13 85026 70 Europe/Helsinki 2009-05-06
+ 5845 655808 Joensuu Joensuu 62.6 29.7666667 P PPL FI 14 12 53388 92 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5846 655958 Järvenpää Jarvenpaa 60.4666667 25.1 P PPL FI 13 38148 56 Europe/Helsinki 2006-11-19
+ 5847 656073 Janakkala Janakkala 60.9 24.6 P PPL FI 13 15698 118 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5848 656083 Jämsä Jamsa 61.8666667 25.2 P PPL FI 15 15261 106 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5849 656130 Pietarsaari Pietarsaari 63.6666667 22.7 P PPL FI 15 19238 15 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5850 656688 Imatra Imatra 61.1666667 28.7666667 P PPL FI 13 29615 72 Europe/Helsinki 2006-07-29
+ 5851 656820 Iisalmi Iisalmi 63.5666667 27.1833333 P PPL FI 14 22588 100 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5852 656913 Hyvinkää Hyvinkaa 60.6333333 24.8666667 P PPL FI 13 43515 113 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5853 657530 Hollola Hollola 61.05 25.4333333 P PPL FI 13 20405 104 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5854 658225 Helsinki Helsinki 60.1755556 24.9341667 P PPLC FI 13 01 558457 23 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5855 658288 Heinola Heinola 61.2166667 26.0333333 P PPL FI 13 20849 88 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5856 658629 Haukipudas Haukipudas 65.1833333 25.35 P PPL FI 08 17298 12 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5857 659169 Hamina Hamina 60.5666667 27.2 P PPL FI 13 21712 1 Europe/Helsinki 2008-12-05
+ 5858 659180 Hämeenlinna Hameenlinna 60.9959629685892 24.4643425941467 P PPLA FI 13 05 47261 83 Europe/Helsinki 2009-07-21
+ 5859 659935 Forssa Forssa 60.8166667 23.6333333 P PPL FI 13 17852 136 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5860 660158 Espoo Espoo 60.2166667 24.6666667 P PPL FI 13 229527 28 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-17
+ 5861 660561 Borgå Borga 60.4 25.6666667 P PPL FI 13 03 47192 37 Europe/Helsinki 2008-04-04
+ 5862 661164 Anjala Anjala 60.6833333 26.8333333 P PPL FI 13 16779 18 Europe/Helsinki 2006-08-09
+ 5863 846667 Jyväskylän Maalaiskunta Jyvaskylan Maalaiskunta 62.2833333 25.7166667 P PPL FI 15 34908 93 Europe/Helsinki 2007-02-18
+ 5864 2198148 Suva Suva -18.1333333 178.4166667 P PPLC FJ FJ 01 77366 -9999 Pacific/Fiji 2008-05-14
+ 5865 2202064 Nandi Nandi -17.8 177.4166667 P PPL FJ FJ 05 42284 2 Pacific/Fiji 2009-07-09
+ 5866 2204582 Lambasa Lambasa -16.4166667 179.3833333 P PPL FJ FJ 03 24187 -9999 Pacific/Fiji 2009-07-09
+ 5867 3426691 Stanley Stanley -51.7 -57.85 P PPLC FK 00 2213 1 Atlantic/Stanley 2007-02-17
+ 5868 2081114 Weno Weno 7.4458333 151.85 P PPLA FM 03 17624 49 Pacific/Ponape 2006-01-17
+ 5869 2081986 Palikir Palikir 6.9166667 158.15 P PPLC FM 02 4645 159 Pacific/Ponape 2007-02-17
+ 5870 2611396 Tórshavn Torshavn 62.0166667 -6.7666667 P PPLC FO ST 13200 15 Atlantic/Faroe 2007-02-17
+ 5871 2967318 Wittenheim Wittenheim 47.8166667 7.3333333 P PPL FR C1 68 684 68376 15747 226 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5872 2967421 Wattrelos Wattrelos 50.7 3.2166667 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59650 42826 22 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 5873 2967438 Wasquehal Wasquehal 50.6666667 3.15 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59646 19320 35 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5874 2967758 Voiron Voiron 45.3666667 5.5833333 P PPL FR B9 38 381 38563 22114 315 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5875 2967849 Vitry-sur-Seine Vitry-sur-Seine 48.7833333 2.4 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94081 81001 35 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5876 2967856 Vitry-le-François Vitry-le-Francois 48.7333333 4.5833333 P PPL FR A4 51 514 51649 17250 101 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5877 2967870 Vitrolles Vitrolles 43.4666667 5.25 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13117 38591 190 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5878 2967879 Vitré Vitre 48.1333333 -1.2 P PPL FR A2 35 353 35360 17266 73 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5879 2967917 Viry-Châtillon Viry-Chatillon 48.6666667 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91687 31131 33 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5880 2967934 Viroflay Viroflay 48.8 2.1666667 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78686 16137 126 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5881 2968054 Vincennes Vincennes 48.85 2.4333333 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94080 45923 53 Europe/Paris 2007-08-04
+ 5882 2968142 Villiers-sur-Marne Villiers-sur-Marne 48.8333333 2.55 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94079 30252 95 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5883 2968176 Villiers-le-Bel Villiers-le-Bel 49.0 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95680 27028 75 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5884 2968254 Villeurbanne Villeurbanne 45.7666667 4.8833333 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69266 131445 173 Europe/Paris 2007-09-27
+ 5885 2968368 Villers-lès-Nancy Villers-les-Nancy 48.6666667 6.15 P PPL FR B2 54 543 54578 15899 243 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5886 2968482 Villepinte Villepinte 48.9666667 2.5333333 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93078 37114 70 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5887 2968496 Villeparisis Villeparisis 48.9333333 2.6166667 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77514 23931 121 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5888 2968515 Villeneuve-sur-Lot Villeneuve-sur-Lot 44.4 0.7166667 P PPL FR 97 47 473 47323 25869 66 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5889 2968529 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges Villeneuve-Saint-Georges 48.7333333 2.45 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94078 30881 88 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5890 2968546 Villeneuve-le-Roi Villeneuve-le-Roi 48.7333333 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94077 17575 35 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5891 2968555 Villeneuve-la-Garenne Villeneuve-la-Garenne 48.9333333 2.3166667 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92078 22036 29 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5892 2968653 Villemomble Villemomble 48.8833333 2.5 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93077 28001 73 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5893 2968705 Villejuif Villejuif 48.8 2.3666667 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94076 48048 66 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5894 2968748 Villefranche-sur-Saône Villefranche-sur-Saone 45.9833333 4.7166667 P PPL FR B9 69 692 69264 32994 177 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5895 2968771 Villefontaine Villefontaine 45.6166667 5.15 P PPL FR B9 38 382 38553 19749 240 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5896 2969109 Vigneux-sur-Seine Vigneux-sur-Seine 48.7 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91657 26692 53 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5897 2969257 Vierzon Vierzon 47.2166667 2.0833333 P PPL FR A3 18 183 18279 29876 112 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5898 2969284 Vienne Vienne 45.5166667 4.8666667 P PPL FR B9 38 383 38544 32293 262 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5899 2969392 Vichy Vichy 46.1166667 3.4166667 P PPL FR 98 03 033 03310 27019 255 Europe/Paris 2007-02-08
+ 5900 2969562 Vesoul Vesoul 47.6333333 6.1666667 P PPL FR A6 70 702 70550 19892 236 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5901 2969612 Vertou Vertou 47.1666667 -1.4833333 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44215 22921 23 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 5902 2969679 Versailles Versailles 48.8 2.1333333 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78646 85416 135 Europe/Paris 2007-07-28
+ 5903 2969692 Verrières-le-Buisson Verrieres-le-Buisson 48.75 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91645 16789 65 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5904 2969766 Vernon Vernon 49.0833333 1.4833333 P PPL FR A7 27 273 27681 26037 55 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5905 2969796 Verneuil-sur-Seine Verneuil-sur-Seine 48.9738756706346 1.96480393409729 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78642 16790 60 Europe/Paris 2007-05-14
+ 5906 2969958 Verdun Verdun 49.1666667 5.3833333 P PPL FR B2 55 553 55545 21798 195 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 5907 2970072 Vénissieux Venissieux 45.6833333 4.8833333 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69259 57584 209 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5908 2970110 Vendôme Vendome 47.8 1.0666667 P PPL FR A3 41 412 41269 19226 80 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5909 2970148 Vence Vence 43.7166667 7.1166667 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06157 18668 220 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 5910 2970203 Vélizy-Villacoublay Velizy-Villacoublay 48.8 2.1833333 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78640 21741 114 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 5911 2970432 Vauréal Vaureal 49.0333333 2.0333333 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95637 20699 22 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5912 2970456 Vaulx-en-Velin Vaulx-en-Velin 45.7833333 4.9333333 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69256 37489 176 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5913 2970761 Vanves Vanves 48.8333333 2.3 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92075 26068 62 Europe/Paris 2007-08-04
+ 5914 2970777 Vannes Vannes 47.6666667 -2.75 P PPL FR A2 56 563 56260 54020 20 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5915 2970797 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy 48.65 6.1833333 P PPL FR B2 54 543 54547 31785 238 Europe/Paris 2007-11-21
+ 5916 2970962 Vallauris Vallauris 43.5833333 7.05 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06155 27286 130 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5917 2971041 Valenciennes Valenciennes 50.35 3.5333333 P PPL FR B4 59 596 59606 44821 33 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5918 2971053 Valence Valence 44.9333333 4.9 P PPL FR B9 26 263 26362 63864 151 Europe/Paris 2007-06-05
+ 5919 2971482 Tulle Tulle 45.2666667 1.7666667 P PPL FR B1 19 192 19272 16969 294 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5920 2971549 Troyes Troyes 48.3 4.0833333 P PPL FR A4 10 103 10387 60785 106 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5921 2972049 Trappes Trappes 48.7833333 2.0 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78621 28367 165 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5922 2972191 Tours Tours 47.3833333 0.6833333 P PPL FR A3 37 372 37261 141621 49 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5923 2972237 Tournefeuille Tournefeuille 43.5833333 1.35 P PPL FR B3 31 313 31557 29124 157 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5924 2972270 Tourlaville Tourlaville 49.6333333 -1.5666667 P PPL FR 99 50 502 50602 18273 52 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5925 2972284 Tourcoing Tourcoing 50.7166667 3.15 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59599 91574 37 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5926 2972315 Toulouse Toulouse 43.6042618680962 1.44367218017578 P PPLA FR B3 31 313 31555 433055 146 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 5927 2972328 Toulon Toulon 43.1166667 5.9333333 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83137 168701 7 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5928 2972350 Toul Toul 48.6833333 5.9 P PPL FR B2 54 544 54528 17680 205 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5929 2972444 Torcy Torcy 48.85 2.65 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77468 24386 99 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5930 2972742 Thonon-les-Bains Thonon-les-Bains 46.3666667 6.4833333 P PPL FR B9 74 744 74281 31684 437 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 5931 2972811 Thionville Thionville 49.3666667 6.1666667 P PPL FR B2 57 577 57672 44311 152 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5932 2972893 Thiais Thiais 48.7666667 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94073 29724 90 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 5933 2973146 Tergnier Tergnier 49.65 3.3 P PPL FR B6 02 022 02738 15475 47 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5934 2973258 Taverny Taverny 49.0333333 2.2166667 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95607 27271 118 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5935 2973317 Tassin-la-Demi-Lune Tassin-la-Demi-Lune 45.7666667 4.7833333 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69244 16920 211 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5936 2973385 Tarbes Tarbes 43.2333333 0.0833333 P PPL FR B3 65 653 65440 52106 313 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5937 2973495 Talence Talence 44.8166667 -0.6 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33522 42579 20 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5938 2973675 Suresnes Suresnes 48.8666667 2.2333333 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92073 44697 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5939 2973745 Sucy-en-Brie Sucy-en-Brie 48.7666667 2.5333333 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94071 25014 87 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5940 2973783 Strasbourg Strasbourg 48.5833333 7.75 P PPLA FR C1 67 678 67482 274845 140 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 5941 2973841 Stains Stains 48.95 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93072 32601 33 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5942 2974153 Sotteville-lès-Rouen Sotteville-les-Rouen 49.4166667 1.1 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76681 30619 5 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5943 2974385 Soisy-sous-Montmorency Soisy-sous-Montmorency 48.9833333 2.3 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95598 17436 57 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5944 2974389 Soissons Soissons 49.3666667 3.3333333 P PPL FR B6 02 024 02722 31100 52 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 5945 2974494 Sin-le-Noble Sin-le-Noble 50.3666667 3.1166667 P PPL FR B4 59 593 59569 17682 18 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5946 2974655 Seynod Seynod 45.8833333 6.0833333 P PPL FR B9 74 741 74268 18590 561 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5947 2974678 Sèvres Sevres 48.8166667 2.2 P PPL FR A8 92 923 92072 23724 95 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5948 2974681 Sevran Sevran 48.9333333 2.5333333 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93071 47334 59 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5949 2974733 Sète Sete 43.401755 3.696604 P PPL FR A9 34 343 34301 40736 0 -9999 Europe/Paris 2007-11-29
+ 5950 2975050 Sens Sens 48.2 3.2833333 P PPL FR A1 89 893 89387 28700 72 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 5951 2975088 Senlis Senlis 49.2 2.5833333 P PPL FR B6 60 604 60612 19160 59 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 5952 2975233 Sélestat Selestat 48.2666667 7.45 P PPL FR C1 67 675 67462 18941 172 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 5953 2975349 Sedan Sedan 49.7 4.95 P PPL FR A4 08 083 08409 20620 183 Europe/Paris 2006-07-24
+ 5954 2975446 Schiltigheim Schiltigheim 48.6 7.75 P PPL FR C1 67 676 67447 32289 140 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 5955 2975469 Sceaux Sceaux 48.7833333 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92071 21511 90 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5956 2975525 Savigny-sur-Orge Savigny-sur-Orge 48.6666667 2.35 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91589 39698 75 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5957 2975536 Savigny-le-Temple Savigny-le-Temple 48.5666667 2.5833333 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77445 25925 72 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5958 2975758 Saumur Saumur 47.2666667 -0.0833333 P PPL FR B5 49 493 49328 33229 25 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5959 2975921 Sartrouville Sartrouville 48.95 2.1833333 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78586 53980 55 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5960 2975964 Sarreguemines Sarreguemines 49.1099501618267 7.06747055053711 P PPL FR B2 57 576 57631 24446 219 Europe/Paris 2007-05-29
+ 5961 2976043 Sarcelles Sarcelles 49.0 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95585 57979 75 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5962 2976050 Saran Saran 47.95 1.8833333 P PPL FR A3 45 452 45302 16243 120 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5963 2976179 Sannois Sannois 48.9666667 2.25 P PPL FR A8 95 951 95582 26869 53 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5964 2976258 Sanary-sur-Mer Sanary-sur-Mer 43.1166667 5.8 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83123 19166 10 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5965 2976341 Salon-de-Provence Salon-de-Provence 43.6333333 5.1 P PPL FR B8 13 131 13103 41397 68 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5966 2976406 Sallanches Sallanches 45.9442268818748 6.63162231445312 P PPL FR B9 74 742 74256 16725 580 533 Europe/Paris 2006-07-03
+ 5967 2976984 Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire 47.207681804893 -1.50332450866699 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44190 29238 19 Europe/Paris 2009-09-02
+ 5968 2977246 Saint-Raphaël Saint-Raphael 43.4233153947263 6.77350044250488 P PPL FR B8 83 831 83118 34918 -9999 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 5969 2977295 Saint-Quentin Saint-Quentin 49.8488864748517 3.28757286071777 P PPL FR B6 02 023 02691 55407 82 Europe/Paris 2008-06-27
+ 5970 2977356 Saint-Priest Saint-Priest 45.7 4.95 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69290 41641 241 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5971 2977388 Saint-Pol-sur-Mer Saint-Pol-sur-Mer 51.0333333 2.35 P PPL FR B4 59 594 59540 23635 2 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5972 2977491 Saint-Pierre-des-Corps Saint-Pierre-des-Corps 47.3833333 0.7333333 P PPL FR A3 37 372 37233 15284 47 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5973 2977824 Saint-Ouen Saint-Ouen 48.9 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93070 39353 54 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5974 2977845 Saint-Omer Saint-Omer 50.75 2.25 P PPL FR B4 62 625 62765 18250 6 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 5975 2977921 Saint-Nazaire Saint-Nazaire 47.2833333 -2.2 P PPL FR B5 44 443 44184 67054 1 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 5976 2977952 Saint-Michel-sur-Orge Saint-Michel-sur-Orge 48.6333333 2.3 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91570 20824 72 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5977 2978072 Saint-Médard-en-Jalles Saint-Medard-en-Jalles 44.9 -0.7333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33449 29742 26 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5978 2978100 Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume 43.45 5.8666667 P PPL FR B8 83 833 83116 15225 300 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5979 2978179 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Saint-Maur-des-Fosses 48.8 2.5 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94068 75402 38 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5980 2978621 Saint-Mandé Saint-Mande 48.8333333 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94067 21261 54 Europe/Paris 2007-08-04
+ 5981 2978640 Saint-Malo Saint-Malo 48.65 -2.0166667 P PPL FR A2 35 354 35288 50676 5 Europe/Paris 2008-06-17
+ 5982 2978742 Saint-Louis Saint-Louis 47.5833333 7.5666667 P PPL FR C1 68 684 68297 20871 255 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 5983 2978758 Saint-Lô Saint-Lo 49.1166667 -1.0833333 P PPL FR 99 50 504 50502 21722 70 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5984 2978768 Saint-Leu-la-Forêt Saint-Leu-la-Foret 49.0166667 2.25 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95563 16075 166 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5985 2978891 Saint-Laurent-du-Var Saint-Laurent-du-Var 43.6666667 7.1833333 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06123 29516 32 45 Europe/Paris 2008-12-16
+ 5986 2979316 Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle 47.9166667 1.8666667 P PPL FR A3 45 452 45285 17522 113 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5987 2979341 Saint-Jean-de-Braye Saint-Jean-de-Braye 47.9 1.9666667 P PPL FR A3 45 452 45284 19874 95 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5988 2979590 Saint-Herblain Saint-Herblain 47.2166667 -1.65 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44162 46898 45 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 5989 2979627 Saint-Gratien Saint-Gratien 48.9666667 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95555 19737 45 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 5990 2979783 Saint-Germain-en-Laye Saint-Germain-en-Laye 48.9 2.0833333 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78551 41142 86 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5991 2979985 Saint-Genis-Laval Saint-Genis-Laval 45.6833333 4.8 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69204 20883 247 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5992 2980097 Saint-Fons Saint-Fons 45.7 4.8666667 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69199 16053 213 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 5993 2980236 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray 49.3833333 1.1 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76575 28953 5 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5994 2980291 Saint-Étienne Saint-Etienne 45.4333333 4.4 P PPL FR B9 42 423 42218 176280 598 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 5995 2980340 Saintes Saintes 45.75 -0.6333333 P PPL FR B7 17 174 17415 29512 8 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5996 2980558 Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois 48.6333333 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91549 33689 80 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5997 2980586 Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon Sainte-Foy-les-Lyon 45.7333333 4.8 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69202 21893 209 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 5998 2980636 Saint-Égrève Saint-Egreve 45.2333333 5.6833333 P PPL FR B9 38 381 38382 15904 214 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 5999 2980816 Saint-Dizier Saint-Dizier 48.6333333 4.95 P PPL FR A4 52 523 52448 31918 145 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6000 2980827 Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Saint-Die-des-Vosges 48.2833333 6.95 P PPL FR B2 88 883 88413 24628 350 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 6001 2980916 Saint-Denis Saint-Denis 48.9333333 2.3666667 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93066 96128 35 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6002 2980935 Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire 47.4 0.6666667 P PPL FR A3 37 372 37214 17337 50 Europe/Paris 2007-07-28
+ 6003 2981041 Saint-Cloud Saint-Cloud 48.8333333 2.1833333 P PPL FR A8 92 923 92064 28839 138 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6004 2981206 Saint-Chamond Saint-Chamond 45.4666667 4.5 P PPL FR B9 42 423 42207 38014 390 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6005 2981280 Saint-Brieuc Saint-Brieuc 48.5166667 -2.7833333 P PPL FR A2 22 224 22278 52774 79 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6006 2981492 Saint-Avold Saint-Avold 49.1 6.7 P PPL FR B2 57 573 57606 18281 299 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6007 2981512 Saint-Avertin Saint-Avertin 47.3666667 0.7333333 P PPL FR A3 37 372 37208 16007 49 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6008 2981839 Saint-Amand-les-Eaux Saint-Amand-les-Eaux 50.4333333 3.4333333 P PPL FR B4 59 596 59526 17808 18 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6009 2982235 Rueil-Malmaison Rueil-Malmaison 48.8833333 2.2 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92063 76616 90 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6010 2982343 Royan Royan 45.6333333 -1.0333333 P PPL FR B7 17 172 17306 19017 7 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6011 2982652 Rouen Rouen 49.44312875803 1.09931945800781 P PPLA FR A7 76 763 76540 112787 32 Europe/Paris 2008-11-21
+ 6012 2982681 Roubaix Roubaix 50.7 3.1666667 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59512 95721 32 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6013 2982757 Rosny-sous-Bois Rosny-sous-Bois 48.8666667 2.4833333 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93064 41627 74 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6014 2982944 Ronchin Ronchin 50.6 3.1 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59507 18331 43 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6015 2982967 Romorantin-Lanthenay Romorantin-Lanthenay 47.3666667 1.75 P PPL FR A3 41 413 41194 19953 95 Europe/Paris 2007-11-15
+ 6016 2983011 Romans-sur-Isère Romans-sur-Isere 45.05 5.05 P PPL FR B9 26 263 26281 35002 167 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6017 2983026 Romainville Romainville 48.8833333 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93063 24772 117 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 6018 2983074 Roissy-en-Brie Roissy-en-Brie 48.8 2.65 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77390 20933 109 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6019 2983154 Rodez Rodez 44.3542349031884 2.57766723632812 P PPL FR B3 12 122 12202 28337 556 Europe/Paris 2008-03-28
+ 6020 2983276 Rochefort Rochefort 45.9333333 -0.9833333 P PPL FR B7 17 172 17299 29427 2 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6021 2983362 Roanne Roanne 46.0333333 4.0666667 P PPL FR B9 42 422 42187 39840 270 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6022 2983440 Ris-Orangis Ris-Orangis 48.65 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91521 25082 76 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6023 2983489 Riom Riom 45.9 3.1166667 P PPL FR 98 63 634 63300 20142 329 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6024 2983536 Rillieux-la-Pape Rillieux-la-Pape 45.8166667 4.9 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69286 28076 295 Europe/Paris 2007-11-15
+ 6025 2983770 Rezé Reze 47.2 -1.5666667 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44143 39248 5 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6026 2983990 Rennes Rennes 48.0833333 -1.6833333 P PPLA FR A2 35 353 35238 209375 30 Europe/Paris 2007-12-04
+ 6027 2984114 Reims Reims 49.25 4.0333333 P PPL FR A4 51 513 51454 196565 83 Europe/Paris 2008-05-10
+ 6028 2984513 Rambouillet Rambouillet 48.65 1.8333333 P PPL FR A8 78 782 78517 26674 161 Europe/Paris 2006-07-24
+ 6029 2984701 Quimper Quimper 48.0 -4.1 P PPL FR A2 29 294 29232 63849 10 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6030 2985034 Puteaux Puteaux 48.8834145664968 2.23893642425537 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92062 40646 32 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6031 2986025 Port-de-Bouc Port-de-Bouc 43.406574 4.980897 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13077 15934 5 -9999 Europe/Paris 2007-11-29
+ 6032 2986140 Pontoise Pontoise 49.05 2.1 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95500 30290 30 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6033 2986160 Pontivy Pontivy 48.0666667 -2.9833333 P PPL FR A2 56 562 56178 16752 57 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6034 2986302 Pontarlier Pontarlier 46.903471653433 6.35541915893555 P PPL FR A6 25 253 25462 20313 837 Europe/Paris 2008-11-13
+ 6035 2986306 Pont-à-Mousson Pont-a-Mousson 48.9 6.0666667 P PPL FR B2 54 543 54431 15411 204 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6036 2986495 Poitiers Poitiers 46.5833333 0.3333333 P PPLA FR B7 86 863 86194 85960 114 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 6037 2986501 Poissy Poissy 48.9333333 2.05 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78498 36431 60 Europe/Paris 2006-07-29
+ 6038 2986732 Ploemeur Ploemeur 47.7333333 -3.4333333 P PPL FR A2 56 561 56162 20652 25 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6039 2986930 Plaisir Plaisir 48.8166667 1.95 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78490 36121 123 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6040 2986933 Plaisance-du-Touch Plaisance-du-Touch 43.5666667 1.3 P PPL FR B3 31 313 31424 18501 161 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6041 2987271 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine Pierrefitte-sur-Seine 48.9666667 2.3666667 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93059 27914 47 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6042 2987805 Pessac Pessac 44.8 -0.6166667 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33318 57944 34 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6043 2987825 Pertuis Pertuis 43.6833333 5.5 P PPL FR B8 84 841 84089 19926 193 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6044 2987914 Perpignan Perpignan 42.6976396895556 2.89541244506836 P PPL FR A9 66 662 66136 110706 45 Europe/Paris 2008-07-17
+ 6045 2987967 Périgueux Perigueux 45.1833333 0.7166667 P PPL FR 97 24 243 24322 34770 92 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6046 2988358 Pau Pau 43.3 -0.3666667 P PPL FR 97 64 643 64445 82697 203 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6047 2988507 Paris Paris 48.85341 2.3488 P PPLC FR A8 75 751 75056 2138551 30 Europe/Paris 2009-02-18
+ 6048 2988621 Pantin Pantin 48.9 2.4 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93055 52922 51 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6049 2988670 Pamiers Pamiers 43.1166667 1.6 P PPL FR B3 09 092 09225 16997 281 Europe/Paris 2006-07-29
+ 6050 2988758 Palaiseau Palaiseau 48.7166667 2.25 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91477 31987 93 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6051 2988867 Ozoir-la-Ferrière Ozoir-la-Ferriere 48.7666667 2.6666667 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77350 22530 108 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6052 2988888 Oyonnax Oyonnax 46.25 5.6666667 P PPL FR B9 01 014 01283 25697 824 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6053 2988936 Outreau Outreau 50.7 1.5833333 P PPL FR B4 62 623 62643 15648 61 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 6054 2988998 Oullins Oullins 45.7166667 4.8 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69149 25592 172 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6055 2989130 Osny Osny 49.0666667 2.0666667 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95476 16545 89 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6056 2989170 Orvault Orvault 47.2666667 -1.6166667 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44114 25338 47 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6057 2989204 Orsay Orsay 48.7 2.1833333 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91471 17817 92 Europe/Paris 2006-07-29
+ 6058 2989297 Orly Orly 48.75 2.4 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94054 20528 42 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6059 2989317 Orléans Orleans 47.9166667 1.9 P PPLA FR A3 45 452 45234 124149 120 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6060 2989460 Orange Orange 44.1333333 4.8 P PPL FR B8 84 842 84087 30530 44 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6061 2989611 Olivet Olivet 47.8666667 1.9 P PPL FR A3 45 452 45232 22604 92 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6062 2989755 Octeville Octeville 49.6166667 -1.65 P PPL FR 99 50 502 50129 16326 68 Europe/Paris 2008-07-02
+ 6063 2989877 Noyon Noyon 49.5833333 3.0 P PPL FR B6 60 603 60471 15138 48 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6064 2990187 Noisy-le-Sec Noisy-le-Sec 48.8833333 2.4666667 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93053 38955 67 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6065 2990189 Noisy-le-Grand Noisy-le-Grand 48.85 2.5666667 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93051 62420 89 Europe/Paris 2006-11-15
+ 6066 2990192 Noisiel Noisiel 48.85 2.6333333 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77337 15362 74 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6067 2990264 Nogent-sur-Oise Nogent-sur-Oise 49.2666667 2.4666667 P PPL FR B6 60 604 60463 19690 29 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6068 2990265 Nogent-sur-Marne Nogent-sur-Marne 48.8333333 2.4833333 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94052 31236 40 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6069 2990355 Niort Niort 46.3166667 -0.4666667 P PPL FR B7 79 792 79191 54660 25 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6070 2990363 Nîmes Nimes 43.8333333 4.35 P PPL FR A9 30 302 30189 148236 37 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6071 2990440 Nice Nice 43.703126104186 7.26608276367188 P PPL FR B8 06 062 06088 338620 25 -9999 Europe/Paris 2009-02-13
+ 6072 2990474 Nevers Nevers 46.9895622698031 3.15899848937988 P PPL FR A1 58 583 58194 43988 175 Europe/Paris 2007-06-20
+ 6073 2990611 Neuilly-sur-Seine Neuilly-sur-Seine 48.8833333 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92051 61300 38 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6074 2990612 Neuilly-sur-Marne Neuilly-sur-Marne 48.85 2.5333333 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93050 34465 60 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6075 2990616 Neuilly-Plaisance Neuilly-Plaisance 48.8634161007532 2.5059986114502 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93049 18725 45 Europe/Paris 2008-05-18
+ 6076 2990919 Narbonne Narbonne 43.1833333 3.0 P PPL FR A9 11 113 11262 50776 5 Europe/Paris 2009-04-07
+ 6077 2990969 Nantes Nantes 47.2172508193978 -1.55336380004883 P PPLA FR B5 44 442 44109 277269 16 Europe/Paris 2009-01-23
+ 6078 2990970 Nanterre Nanterre 48.9 2.2 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92050 86719 40 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6079 2990999 Nancy Nancy 48.6833333 6.2 P PPL FR B2 54 543 54395 105334 200 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6080 2991214 Mulhouse Mulhouse 47.75 7.3333333 P PPL FR C1 68 684 68224 111430 242 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6081 2991481 Moulins Moulins 46.5666667 3.3333333 P PPL FR 98 03 032 03190 23095 220 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6082 2991551 Mougins Mougins 43.6 7.0 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06085 18973 200 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6083 2991719 Morsang-sur-Orge Morsang-sur-Orge 48.6666667 2.35 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91434 19917 75 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6084 2991772 Morlaix Morlaix 48.5833333 -3.8333333 P PPL FR A2 29 293 29151 17516 65 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6085 2992003 Mont-Saint-Aignan Mont-Saint-Aignan 49.4666667 1.0833333 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76451 23078 153 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6086 2992017 Montrouge Montrouge 48.8166667 2.3166667 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92049 38708 75 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6087 2992090 Montreuil Montreuil 48.8666667 2.4333333 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93048 90652 108 Europe/Paris 2007-08-04
+ 6088 2992166 Montpellier Montpellier 43.6 3.8833333 P PPLA FR A9 34 343 34172 248252 25 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6089 2992229 Montmorency Montmorency 49.0 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95428 21156 119 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6090 2992292 Montluçon Montlucon 46.3333333 2.6 P PPL FR 98 03 031 03185 44960 222 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6091 2992367 Montivilliers Montivilliers 49.55 0.2 P PPL FR A7 76 762 76447 16706 70 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6092 2992402 Montigny-lès-Metz Montigny-les-Metz 49.1 6.15 P PPL FR B2 57 574 57480 26369 185 Europe/Paris 2009-09-06
+ 6093 2992404 Montigny-lès-Cormeilles Montigny-les-Cormeilles 48.9833333 2.1833333 P PPL FR A8 95 951 95424 17910 88 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6094 2992415 Montigny-le-Bretonneux Montigny-le-Bretonneux 48.7666667 2.0333333 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78423 39063 162 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6095 2992536 Montgeron Montgeron 48.7 2.45 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91421 22843 82 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6096 2992616 Montfermeil Montfermeil 48.9 2.5666667 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93047 23829 77 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6097 2992650 Montesson Montesson 48.9166667 2.15 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78418 15256 48 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6098 2992703 Montélimar Montelimar 44.5666667 4.75 P PPL FR B9 26 262 26198 35637 110 Europe/Paris 2008-07-05
+ 6099 2992771 Mont-de-Marsan Mont-de-Marsan 43.8902227965629 -0.49713134765625 P PPL FR 97 40 402 40192 36205 57 Europe/Paris 2009-04-01
+ 6100 2992863 Montceau-les-Mines Montceau-les-Mines 46.6666667 4.3666667 P PPL FR A1 71 712 71306 20221 306 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6101 2992890 Montbrison Montbrison 45.6 4.05 P PPL FR B9 42 421 42147 16164 430 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6102 2992938 Montbéliard Montbeliard 47.5166667 6.8 P PPL FR A6 25 252 25388 28865 337 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6103 2993002 Montauban Montauban 44.0166667 1.35 P PPL FR B3 82 822 82121 52434 101 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6104 2993024 Montargis Montargis 48.0 2.75 P PPL FR A3 45 451 45208 17457 104 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6105 2993207 Mons-en-Barœul Mons-en-Baroeul 50.6333333 3.1166667 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59410 23006 27 Europe/Paris 2008-04-09
+ 6106 2993572 Moissy-Cramayel Moissy-Cramayel 48.6166667 2.6 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77296 16259 88 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6107 2993679 Mitry-Mory Mitry-Mory 48.9833333 2.6166667 P PPL FR A8 77 771 77294 18562 75 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6108 2993760 Miramas Miramas 43.5833333 5.0 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13063 24173 50 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6109 2993875 Millau Millau 44.1 3.0833333 P PPL FR B3 12 121 12145 23307 354 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6110 2994048 Meyzieu Meyzieu 45.7666667 5.0 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69282 28929 203 Europe/Paris 2006-11-06
+ 6111 2994087 Meylan Meylan 45.2333333 5.7833333 P PPL FR B9 38 381 38229 20267 381 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6112 2994144 Meudon Meudon 48.8166667 2.2333333 P PPL FR A8 92 923 92048 44652 30 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6113 2994160 Metz Metz 49.1191075673371 6.17268562316895 P PPLA FR B2 57 579 57463 123914 172 Europe/Paris 2008-08-01
+ 6114 2994393 Mérignac Merignac 44.8333333 -0.6333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33281 69791 25 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6115 2994497 Menton Menton 43.7764857599282 7.50434875488281 P PPL FR B8 06 062 06083 29649 -9999 Europe/Paris 2008-06-30
+ 6116 2994651 Melun Melun 48.5333333 2.6666667 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77288 38953 71 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6117 2994798 Meaux Meaux 48.95 2.8666667 P PPL FR A8 77 771 77284 53811 66 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6118 2994935 Mayenne Mayenne 48.3 -0.6166667 P PPL FR B5 53 533 53147 15583 125 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6119 2995121 Mauguio Mauguio 43.6166667 4.0166667 P PPL FR A9 34 343 34154 18320 5 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6120 2995150 Maubeuge Maubeuge 50.2787543098535 3.9726734161377 P PPL FR B4 59 591 59392 33684 133 Europe/Paris 2009-01-18
+ 6121 2995206 Massy Massy 48.7333333 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91377 38768 84 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6122 2995387 Martigues Martigues 43.4 5.05 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13056 45749 40 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6123 2995469 Marseille Marseille 43.3 5.4 P PPLA FR B8 13 133 13055 794811 54 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6124 2995642 Marmande Marmande 44.5 0.1666667 P PPL FR 97 47 472 47157 19069 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6125 2995652 Marly-le-Roi Marly-le-Roi 48.8666667 2.0833333 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78372 17404 122 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6126 2995750 Marignane Marignane 43.4166667 5.2166667 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13054 35873 20 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6127 2995908 Marcq-en-Barœul Marcq-en-Baroeul 50.6666667 3.0833333 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59378 38629 18 Europe/Paris 2008-04-09
+ 6128 2996146 Mantes-la-Ville Mantes-la-Ville 48.9666667 1.7166667 P PPL FR A8 78 781 78362 19947 49 Europe/Paris 2009-09-06
+ 6129 2996148 Mantes-la-Jolie Mantes-la-Jolie 48.9833333 1.7166667 P PPL FR A8 78 781 78361 44263 23 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6130 2996180 Manosque Manosque 43.8333333 5.7833333 P PPL FR B8 04 044 04112 21351 355 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6131 2996255 Mandelieu-la-Napoule Mandelieu-la-Napoule 43.55 6.9333333 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06079 19292 10 Europe/Paris 2007-11-13
+ 6132 2996514 Malakoff Malakoff 48.8166667 2.3 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92046 29420 68 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6133 2996564 Maisons-Laffitte Maisons-Laffitte 48.95 2.15 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78358 22772 25 Europe/Paris 2006-07-29
+ 6134 2996568 Maisons-Alfort Maisons-Alfort 48.8 2.4333333 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94046 53964 34 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6135 2996882 Mâcon Macon 46.3 4.8333333 P PPL FR A1 71 715 71270 35484 171 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6136 2996944 Lyon Lyon 45.75 4.85 P PPLA FR B9 69 691 69123 472317 175 Europe/Paris 2007-11-22
+ 6137 2997110 Lunéville Luneville 48.6 6.5 P PPL FR B2 54 542 54329 21582 233 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6138 2997116 Lunel Lunel 43.6833333 4.1333333 P PPL FR A9 34 343 34145 26588 7 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6139 2997246 Lucé Luce 48.4333333 1.4666667 P PPL FR A3 28 281 28218 17780 141 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6140 2997336 Louviers Louviers 49.2166667 1.1666667 P PPL FR A7 27 271 27375 19220 15 Europe/Paris 2008-07-05
+ 6141 2997395 Lourdes Lourdes 43.1 -0.05 P PPL FR B3 65 651 65286 15786 401 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6142 2997556 Lormont Lormont 44.8666667 -0.5333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33249 22636 53 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6143 2997577 Lorient Lorient 47.75 -3.3666667 P PPL FR A2 56 561 56121 58112 6 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6144 2997620 Loos Loos 50.6166667 3.0166667 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59360 22107 21 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6145 2997626 Lons-le-Saunier Lons-le-Saunier 46.6666667 5.55 P PPL FR A6 39 392 39300 20678 267 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6146 2997712 Longjumeau Longjumeau 48.7 2.3 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91345 20771 49 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6147 2997803 Lomme Lomme 50.65 2.9833333 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59350 29892 40 Europe/Paris 2008-07-02
+ 6148 2997904 Lognes Lognes 48.8333333 2.6166667 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77258 15519 105 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6149 2998056 Livry-Gargan Livry-Gargan 48.9166667 2.55 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93046 39518 117 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6150 2998150 Lisieux Lisieux 49.1465977135125 0.229253768920898 P PPL FR 99 14 143 14366 24473 96 Europe/Paris 2008-11-21
+ 6151 2998224 Lingolsheim Lingolsheim 48.5815473711589 7.70244598388672 P PPL FR C1 67 676 67267 17284 145 Europe/Paris 2007-07-06
+ 6152 2998286 Limoges Limoges 45.85 1.25 P PPLA FR B1 87 872 87085 141176 298 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6153 2998305 Limeil-Brévannes Limeil-Brevannes 48.7333333 2.4833333 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94044 19104 88 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6154 2998311 Limay Limay 48.9833333 1.7333333 P PPL FR A8 78 781 78335 18559 20 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6155 2998324 Lille Lille 50.6333333 3.0666667 P PPLA FR B4 59 595 59350 228328 25 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6156 2998431 Liévin Lievin 50.4166667 2.7666667 P PPL FR B4 62 627 62510 34370 47 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6157 2998517 Libourne Libourne 44.9166667 -0.2333333 P PPL FR 97 33 335 33243 24240 20 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6158 2998854 Le Vésinet Le Vesinet 48.9 2.1166667 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78650 16740 34 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6159 2998975 Levallois-Perret Levallois-Perret 48.9 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92044 62178 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6160 3000047 Les Pennes-Mirabeau Les Pennes-Mirabeau 43.4102778 5.3130556 P PPL FR B8 13 131 13071 19871 159 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 6161 3000060 Les Pavillons-sous-Bois Les Pavillons-sous-Bois 48.9 2.5166667 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93057 19730 111 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6162 3000192 Les Mureaux Les Mureaux 49.0 1.9166667 P PPL FR A8 78 781 78440 32134 29 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6163 3000491 Les Lilas Les Lilas 48.8833333 2.4333333 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93045 21124 119 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6164 3000648 Les Herbiers Les Herbiers 46.8666667 -1.0166667 P PPL FR B5 85 852 85109 15664 109 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6165 3001402 Les Clayes-sous-Bois Les Clayes-sous-Bois 48.8166667 1.9833333 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78165 17776 128 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6166 3002465 Le Puy-en-Velay Le Puy-en-Velay 45.0333333 3.8833333 P PPL FR 98 43 432 43157 22718 713 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 6167 3002499 Le Pré-Saint-Gervais Le Pre-Saint-Gervais 48.8833333 2.4 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93061 17786 115 Europe/Paris 2007-11-13
+ 6168 3002570 Le Pontet Le Pontet 43.9666667 4.85 P PPL FR B8 84 842 84092 16182 24 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6169 3002647 Le Plessis-Trévise Le Plessis-Trevise 48.8166667 2.5666667 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94059 18618 102 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6170 3002650 Le Plessis-Robinson Le Plessis-Robinson 48.7833333 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92060 22510 97 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6171 3002880 Le Petit-Quevilly Le Petit-Quevilly 49.4333333 1.0333333 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76498 22691 5 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6172 3002965 Le Perreux-sur-Marne Le Perreux-sur-Marne 48.85 2.5 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94058 32015 40 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 6173 3002984 Le Pecq Le Pecq 48.9 2.1 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78481 16534 26 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6174 3003093 Lens Lens 50.4330171113566 2.82790660858154 P PPL FR B4 62 627 62498 38265 35 Europe/Paris 2008-10-01
+ 6175 3003481 Le Mée-sur-Seine Le Mee-sur-Seine 48.5333333 2.6333333 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77285 22058 44 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6176 3003603 Le Mans Le Mans 48.0 0.2 P PPL FR B5 72 723 72181 144515 50 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6177 3003737 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Le Kremlin-Bicetre 48.8166667 2.3666667 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94043 27867 35 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6178 3003796 Le Havre Le Havre 49.4938035056669 0.107674598693848 P PPL FR A7 76 762 76351 185972 5 Europe/Paris 2008-01-05
+ 6179 3003952 Le Grand-Quevilly Le Grand-Quevilly 49.4166667 1.0333333 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76322 26522 6 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6180 3004427 Le Creusot Le Creusot 46.8 4.4333333 P PPL FR A1 71 711 71153 25590 341 Europe/Paris 2007-11-21
+ 6181 3004630 Le Chesnay Le Chesnay 48.8333333 2.1166667 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78158 29154 137 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6182 3004871 Le Cannet Le Cannet 43.5666667 7.0166667 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06030 43353 126 Europe/Paris 2009-08-17
+ 6183 3005066 Le Bouscat Le Bouscat 44.8666667 -0.6166667 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33069 24232 17 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6184 3005269 Le Blanc-Mesnil Le Blanc-Mesnil 48.9333333 2.45 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93007 48077 44 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6185 3005417 Laxou Laxou 48.6833333 6.15 P PPL FR B2 54 543 54304 16323 233 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6186 3005825 La Valette-du-Var La Valette-du-Var 43.1333333 5.9833333 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83144 23134 50 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6187 3005866 Laval Laval 48.0666667 -0.7666667 P PPL FR B5 53 532 53130 50489 58 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6188 3006121 Lattes Lattes 43.5666667 3.9 P PPL FR A9 34 343 34129 17390 8 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6189 3006283 La Teste-de-Buch La Teste-de-Buch 44.6333333 -1.15 P PPL FR 97 33 336 33529 27253 5 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6190 3006414 La Seyne-sur-Mer La Seyne-sur-Mer 43.1 5.8833333 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83126 62330 20 Europe/Paris 2006-11-15
+ 6191 3006767 La Roche-sur-Yon La Roche-sur-Yon 46.6666667 -1.4333333 P PPL FR B5 85 852 85191 59410 56 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6192 3006787 La Rochelle La Rochelle 46.1666667 -1.15 P PPL FR B7 17 173 17300 76810 15 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6193 3007477 Laon Laon 49.5666667 3.6166667 P PPL FR B6 02 022 02408 28688 80 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6194 3007609 Lannion Lannion 48.7333333 -3.4666667 P PPL FR A2 22 223 22113 21473 10 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6195 3007794 Lanester Lanester 47.75 -3.35 P PPL FR A2 56 561 56098 24352 5 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6196 3007874 Landerneau Landerneau 48.45 -4.25 P PPL FR A2 29 291 29103 16052 86 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6197 3008218 Lambersart Lambersart 50.65 3.0333333 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59328 28613 19 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6198 3008379 La Madeleine La Madeleine 50.65 3.0666667 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59368 23572 28 Europe/Paris 2007-11-13
+ 6199 3009071 Lagny-sur-Marne Lagny-sur-Marne 48.8666667 2.7166667 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77243 20649 100 Europe/Paris 2007-04-01
+ 6200 3009169 La Garenne-Colombes La Garenne-Colombes 48.9 2.25 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92035 26385 30 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6201 3009223 La Garde La Garde 43.1166667 6.0166667 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83062 28257 26 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6202 3009443 La Flèche La Fleche 47.6981516333114 -0.075531005859375 P PPL FR B5 72 721 72154 18536 29 Europe/Paris 2007-07-04
+ 6203 3009670 La Défense La Defense 48.8918659953892 2.23897933959961 P PPL FR FR A8 92 20000 45 Europe/Paris 2009-01-12
+ 6204 3009791 La Crau La Crau 43.15 6.0666667 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83047 17905 40 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6205 3009824 La Courneuve La Courneuve 48.9166667 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93027 37287 35 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6206 3010025 La Ciotat La Ciotat 43.1747628303368 5.6044864654541 P PPL FR B8 13 133 13028 33113 -9999 Europe/Paris 2008-07-26
+ 6207 3010237 La Chapelle-sur-Erdre La Chapelle-sur-Erdre 47.3 -1.55 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44035 18481 7 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6208 3010529 La Celle-Saint-Cloud La Celle-Saint-Cloud 48.85 2.15 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78126 21539 162 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6209 3012162 Jouy-le-Moutier Jouy-le-Moutier 49.0166667 2.0333333 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95323 19087 57 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6210 3012219 Joué-lés-Tours Joue-les-Tours 47.35 0.6666667 P PPL FR A3 37 372 37122 37466 81 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6211 3012313 Joinville-le-Pont Joinville-le-Pont 48.8166667 2.4666667 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94042 18154 40 Europe/Paris 2007-04-09
+ 6212 3012621 Ivry-sur-Seine Ivry-sur-Seine 48.8166667 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94041 57897 33 Europe/Paris 2006-07-29
+ 6213 3012647 Istres Istres 43.5166667 4.9833333 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13047 44373 5 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6214 3012649 Issy-les-Moulineaux Issy-les-Moulineaux 48.8166667 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 92 923 92040 61447 60 Europe/Paris 2008-07-08
+ 6215 3012664 Issoire Issoire 45.55 3.25 P PPL FR 98 63 633 63178 15984 380 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6216 3012829 Illzach Illzach 47.7833333 7.3333333 P PPL FR C1 68 684 68154 15457 236 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6217 3012834 Illkirch-Graffenstaden Illkirch-Graffenstaden 48.5333333 7.7166667 P PPL FR C1 67 676 67218 27261 142 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6218 3012937 Hyères Hyeres 43.1166667 6.1166667 P PPL FR B8 83 832 83069 50487 42 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6219 3013097 Houilles Houilles 48.9166667 2.2 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78311 31121 27 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6220 3013403 Hérouville-Saint-Clair Herouville-Saint-Clair 49.2 -0.3166667 P PPL FR 99 14 142 14327 24258 5 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6221 3013477 Herblay Herblay 49.0 2.1666667 P PPL FR A8 95 951 95306 25153 80 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6222 3013525 Hénin-Beaumont Henin-Beaumont 50.4166667 2.9333333 P PPL FR B4 62 627 62427 25371 31 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6223 3013549 Hem Hem 50.65 3.2 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59299 19699 39 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6224 3013619 Hazebrouck Hazebrouck 50.7166667 2.5333333 P PPL FR B4 59 594 59295 23307 23 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6225 3013627 Hayange Hayange 49.3333333 6.05 P PPL FR B2 57 578 57306 15501 199 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6226 3013681 Hautmont Hautmont 50.2507724039385 3.92143249511719 P PPL FR B4 59 591 59291 15540 146 Europe/Paris 2009-01-18
+ 6227 3013701 Yutz Yutz 49.3557124936736 6.19259834289551 P PPL FR B2 57 577 57757 15659 157 Europe/Paris 2007-11-13
+ 6228 3013862 Haubourdin Haubourdin 50.6 2.9833333 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59286 15694 19 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6229 3014034 Halluin Halluin 50.7833333 3.1333333 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59279 20171 20 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 6230 3014078 Haguenau Haguenau 48.8155680226244 7.79050827026367 P PPL FR C1 67 672 67180 38721 144 Europe/Paris 2007-07-13
+ 6231 3014143 Guyancourt Guyancourt 48.7666667 2.0666667 P PPL FR A8 78 784 78297 31989 160 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6232 3014175 Gujan-Mestras Gujan-Mestras 44.6333333 -1.0666667 P PPL FR 97 33 336 33199 19184 6 Europe/Paris 2008-01-17
+ 6233 3014383 Guéret Gueret 46.1666667 1.8666667 P PPL FR B1 23 232 23096 15853 454 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6234 3014392 Guérande Guerande 47.3333333 -2.4333333 P PPL FR B5 44 443 44069 16523 47 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6235 3014646 Grigny Grigny 48.65 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91286 24940 80 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6236 3014728 Grenoble Grenoble 45.1666667 5.7166667 P PPL FR B9 38 381 38185 158552 218 215 Europe/Paris 2008-01-08
+ 6237 3014856 Grasse Grasse 43.6666667 6.9166667 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06069 47581 572 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6238 3015160 Grande-Synthe Grande-Synthe 51.0125 2.2833333 P PPL FR B4 59 594 59271 23213 2 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6239 3015419 Gradignan Gradignan 44.7666667 -0.6166667 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33192 24385 22 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6240 3015490 Goussainville Goussainville 49.0166667 2.4666667 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95280 30047 74 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6241 3015689 Gonesse Gonesse 48.9833333 2.45 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95277 26758 67 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6242 3015902 Givors Givors 45.5833333 4.7666667 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69091 18198 229 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6243 3016078 Gif-sur-Yvette Gif-sur-Yvette 48.6833333 2.1333333 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91272 23541 155 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6244 3016097 Gien Gien 47.7 2.6333333 P PPL FR A3 45 451 45155 15966 156 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6245 3016292 Gentilly Gentilly 48.8166667 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94037 15939 73 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6246 3016321 Gennevilliers Gennevilliers 48.9333333 2.3 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92036 42294 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6247 3016621 Garges-lès-Gonesse Garges-les-Gonesse 48.9679068446204 2.39780902862549 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95268 39847 61 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6248 3016667 Gardanne Gardanne 43.45 5.4666667 P PPL FR B8 13 131 13041 21140 225 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6249 3016675 Garches Garches 48.85 2.1833333 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92033 18930 129 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6250 3016702 Gap Gap 44.5666667 6.0833333 P PPL FR B8 05 052 05061 42715 780 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6251 3016830 Gagny Gagny 48.8833333 2.5333333 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93032 38134 55 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6252 3016956 Frontignan Frontignan 43.45 3.75 P PPL FR A9 34 343 34108 22251 1 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6253 3017178 Fresnes Fresnes 48.7556794940122 2.32240676879883 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94034 24803 80 Europe/Paris 2008-10-01
+ 6254 3017253 Fréjus Frejus 43.4333333 6.7333333 P PPL FR B8 83 831 83061 53098 9 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6255 3017341 Franconville Franconville 48.9833333 2.2333333 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95252 34284 68 Europe/Paris 2009-01-08
+ 6256 3017609 Fougères Fougeres 48.35 -1.2 P PPL FR A2 35 351 35115 23719 87 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6257 3017651 Fos-sur-Mer Fos-sur-Mer 43.437738 4.944567 P PPL FR B8 13 134 13039 17317 6 5 Europe/Paris 2007-11-29
+ 6258 3017805 Forbach Forbach 49.1833333 6.9 P PPL FR B2 57 573 57227 21358 268 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6259 3017910 Fontenay-sous-Bois Fontenay-sous-Bois 48.85 2.4833333 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94033 52075 82 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6260 3017921 Fontenay-le-Comte Fontenay-le-Comte 46.4666667 -0.8166667 P PPL FR B5 85 851 85092 16316 36 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6261 3017924 Fontenay-aux-Roses Fontenay-aux-Roses 48.7833333 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92032 24680 90 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6262 3018074 Fontainebleau Fontainebleau 48.4 2.7 P PPL FR A8 77 774 77186 19717 80 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6263 3018095 Fontaine Fontaine 45.1833333 5.6666667 P PPL FR B9 38 381 38169 24588 394 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6264 3018246 Floirac Floirac 44.8333333 -0.5333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33167 16497 45 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6265 3018280 Fleury-les-Aubrais Fleury-les-Aubrais 47.9333333 1.9166667 P PPL FR A3 45 452 45147 21085 123 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6266 3018339 Flers Flers 48.75 -0.5666667 P PPL FR 99 61 612 61169 17430 192 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6267 3018455 Firminy Firminy 45.3833333 4.3 P PPL FR B9 42 423 42095 17902 619 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6268 3018794 Fécamp Fecamp 49.7578705349469 0.374565124511719 P PPL FR A7 76 762 76259 22003 25 Europe/Paris 2008-07-25
+ 6269 3019153 Faches-Thumesnil Faches-Thumesnil 50.5833333 3.0666667 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59220 16163 47 Europe/Paris 2007-11-17
+ 6270 3019193 Eysines Eysines 44.8833333 -0.65 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33162 21394 28 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6271 3019265 Évreux Evreux 49.0241368602523 1.15081787109375 P PPL FR A7 27 273 27229 57795 117 Europe/Paris 2009-09-13
+ 6272 3019459 Étampes Etampes 48.4333333 2.15 P PPL FR A8 91 911 91223 23012 70 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6273 3019766 La Baule-Escoublac La Baule-Escoublac 47.292212648928 -2.36394882202148 P PPL FR B5 44 443 44055 17775 32 Europe/Paris 2008-08-20
+ 6274 3019897 Ermont Ermont 48.9833333 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95219 28117 47 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6275 3019952 Éragny Eragny 49.0166667 2.1 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95218 15385 52 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6276 3019960 Équeurdreville-Hainneville Equeurdreville-Hainneville 49.6486811107943 -1.65305614471436 P PPL FR 99 50 502 50173 18862 17 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 6277 3020020 Épinay-sur-Seine Epinay-sur-Seine 48.95 2.3166667 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93031 46145 27 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6278 3020035 Épinal Epinal 48.1833333 6.45 P PPL FR B2 88 881 88160 39518 365 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6279 3020062 Épernay Epernay 49.05 3.95 P PPL FR A4 51 512 51230 27082 74 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6280 3020307 Elbeuf Elbeuf 49.2833333 1.0 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76231 17231 28 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6281 3020310 Élancourt Elancourt 48.7833333 1.95 P PPL FR A8 78 782 78208 30831 160 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6282 3020392 Écully Ecully 45.7666667 4.7666667 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69081 19437 237 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6283 3020495 Échirolles Echirolles 45.1333333 5.7166667 P PPL FR B9 38 381 38151 33088 410 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6284 3020601 Eaubonne Eaubonne 49.0 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 95 953 95203 24096 60 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6285 3020686 Dunkerque Dunkerque 51.05 2.3666667 P PPL FR B4 59 594 59183 71287 2 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6286 3020810 Dreux Dreux 48.7333333 1.3666667 P PPL FR A3 28 283 28134 31058 117 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6287 3020832 Draveil Draveil 48.6833333 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91201 29316 82 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6288 3020839 Drancy Drancy 48.9333333 2.45 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93029 62488 44 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6289 3020850 Draguignan Draguignan 43.5333333 6.4666667 P PPL FR B8 83 831 83050 38573 190 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6290 3020996 Douarnenez Douarnenez 48.0954228712832 -4.32904243469238 P PPL FR A2 29 294 29046 16590 1 Europe/Paris 2008-01-01
+ 6291 3021000 Douai Douai 50.3666667 3.0666667 P PPL FR B4 59 593 59178 46531 26 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6292 3021150 Domont Domont 49.0333333 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95199 16684 106 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6293 3021263 Dole Dole 47.1 5.5 P PPL FR A6 39 391 39198 25878 218 Europe/Paris 2006-07-29
+ 6294 3021372 Dijon Dijon 47.3166667 5.0166667 P PPLA FR A1 21 212 21231 149782 240 Europe/Paris 2007-11-15
+ 6295 3021382 Digne-les-Bains Digne-les-Bains 44.1 6.2333333 P PPL FR B8 04 043 04070 18986 524 604 Europe/Paris 2007-09-04
+ 6296 3021411 Dieppe Dieppe 49.9333333 1.0833333 P PPL FR A7 76 761 76217 35707 7 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6297 3021516 Deuil-la-Barre Deuil-la-Barre 48.9833333 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 95 952 95197 21560 56 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6298 3021605 Denain Denain 50.3333333 3.3833333 P PPL FR B4 59 596 59172 21412 34 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6299 3021662 Décines-Charpieu Decines-Charpieu 45.75 4.9666667 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69275 24674 225 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6300 3021670 Dax Dax 43.7103234178525 -1.05365753173828 P PPL FR 97 40 401 40088 22305 7 Europe/Paris 2009-04-01
+ 6301 3021852 Dammarie-les-Lys Dammarie-les-Lys 48.5166667 2.65 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77152 21066 55 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6302 3022151 Cugnaux Cugnaux 43.5333333 1.3666667 P PPL FR B3 31 313 31157 15393 155 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6303 3022376 Croix Croix 50.6666667 3.15 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59163 21361 35 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6304 3022530 Créteil Creteil 48.7833333 2.4666667 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94028 84833 43 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6305 3022569 Crépy-en-Valois Crepy-en-Valois 49.2333333 2.9 P PPL FR B6 60 604 60176 15694 102 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6306 3022610 Creil Creil 49.2666667 2.4833333 P PPL FR B6 60 604 60175 31863 27 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6307 3022700 Cran-Gevrier Cran-Gevrier 45.9 6.1 P PPL FR B9 74 741 74093 19354 454 Europe/Paris 2007-11-20
+ 6308 3023240 Coulommiers Coulommiers 48.8166667 3.0833333 P PPL FR A8 77 771 77131 15274 97 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6309 3023324 Couëron Coueron 47.2166667 -1.7333333 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44047 19466 13 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6310 3023356 Coudekerque-Branche Coudekerque-Branche 51.0333333 2.4 P PPL FR B4 59 594 59155 25201 1 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6311 3023645 Cormeilles-en-Parisis Cormeilles-en-Parisis 48.9833333 2.2 P PPL FR A8 95 951 95176 21973 154 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6312 3023763 Corbeil-Essonnes Corbeil-Essonnes 48.6 2.4833333 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91174 40527 35 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6313 3023924 Conflans-Sainte-Honorine Conflans-Sainte-Honorine 48.9833333 2.1 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78172 36358 27 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6314 3024035 Concarneau Concarneau 47.8666667 -3.9166667 P PPL FR A2 29 294 29039 21397 1 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6315 3024066 Compiègne Compiegne 49.4179392340275 2.8260612487793 P PPL FR B6 60 603 60159 44243 42 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6316 3024107 Combs-la-Ville Combs-la-Ville 48.6666667 2.5666667 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77122 22322 55 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6317 3024223 Colomiers Colomiers 43.6166667 1.35 P PPL FR B3 31 313 31149 31363 152 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6318 3024266 Colombes Colombes 48.9166667 2.25 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92025 82300 35 Europe/Paris 2008-02-16
+ 6319 3024297 Colmar Colmar 48.0833333 7.3666667 P PPL FR C1 68 682 68066 65405 187 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6320 3024440 Cognac Cognac 45.7 -0.3333333 P PPL FR B7 16 162 16102 20868 29 Europe/Paris 2008-04-19
+ 6321 3024532 Cluses Cluses 46.0625116565922 6.57497406005859 P PPL FR B9 74 742 74081 19789 483 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6322 3024596 Clichy-sous-Bois Clichy-sous-Bois 48.9166667 2.55 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93014 29062 117 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6323 3024597 Clichy Clichy 48.9 2.3 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92024 57467 33 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6324 3024635 Clermont-Ferrand Clermont-Ferrand 45.7833333 3.0833333 P PPLA FR 98 63 632 63113 138681 391 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6325 3024783 Clamart Clamart 48.8 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92023 51400 149 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6326 3025053 Cholet Cholet 47.0666667 -0.8833333 P PPL FR B5 49 492 49099 53160 124 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6327 3025055 Choisy-le-Roi Choisy-le-Roi 48.7666667 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94022 35590 32 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6328 3025144 Chilly-Mazarin Chilly-Mazarin 48.7 2.3 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91161 18870 49 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6329 3025314 Chevilly-Larue Chevilly-Larue 48.7666667 2.35 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94021 20125 90 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6330 3025466 Cherbourg-Octeville Cherbourg-Octeville 49.6398441983912 -1.61636352539062 P PPL FR 99 50 502 50129 26655 5 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6331 3025496 Chenôve Chenove 47.2833333 5.0 P PPL FR A1 21 212 21166 15791 258 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6332 3025509 Chennevières-sur-Marne Chennevieres-sur-Marne 48.8 2.5166667 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94019 18314 89 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6333 3025622 Chelles Chelles 48.8810862925827 2.59294509887695 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77108 46947 48 Europe/Paris 2008-10-10
+ 6334 3025715 Chaville Chaville 48.8 2.2 P PPL FR A8 92 923 92022 18735 170 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 6335 3025892 Chaumont Chaumont 48.1166667 5.1333333 P PPL FR A4 52 521 52121 28981 292 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6336 3026033 Chatou Chatou 48.8833333 2.15 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78146 30091 25 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6337 3026108 Châtenay-Malabry Chatenay-Malabry 48.7666667 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92019 32715 92 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6338 3026141 Châtellerault Chatellerault 46.8 0.5333333 P PPL FR B7 86 861 86066 37210 52 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6339 3026194 Château-Thierry Chateau-Thierry 49.05 3.4 P PPL FR B6 02 021 02168 15938 62 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6340 3026204 Châteauroux Chateauroux 46.8166667 1.7 P PPL FR A3 36 362 36044 53301 146 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6341 3026285 Châteaudun Chateaudun 48.0833333 1.3333333 P PPL FR A3 28 282 28088 16006 138 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6342 3026467 Chartres Chartres 48.4468527715682 1.48924827575684 P PPL FR A3 28 281 28085 43838 128 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6343 3026613 Charleville-Mézières Charleville-Mezieres 49.7666667 4.7166667 P PPL FR A4 08 081 08105 52415 150 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6344 3026637 Charenton-le-Pont Charenton-le-Pont 48.8166667 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94018 30910 58 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6345 3027014 Champs-sur-Marne Champs-sur-Marne 48.85 2.6 P PPL FR A8 77 775 77083 27776 95 Europe/Paris 2007-11-21
+ 6346 3027105 Champigny-sur-Marne Champigny-sur-Marne 48.8166667 2.5166667 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94017 76726 74 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6347 3027422 Chambéry Chambery 45.5666667 5.9333333 P PPL FR B9 73 732 73065 61640 281 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6348 3027453 Chamalières Chamalieres 45.7833333 3.0666667 P PPL FR 98 63 632 63075 20298 383 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6349 3027484 Chalon-sur-Saône Chalon-sur-Saone 46.7833333 4.85 P PPL FR A1 71 712 71076 47251 175 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6350 3027487 Châlons-en-Champagne Chalons-en-Champagne 48.95 4.3666667 P PPLA FR A4 51 511 51108 51257 83 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 6351 3027513 Challans Challans 46.85 -1.8833333 P PPL FR B5 85 853 85047 18947 10 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6352 3027763 Cestas Cestas 44.7333333 -0.6833333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33122 18036 55 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6353 3027882 Cergy-Pontoise Cergy-Pontoise 49.0411735319079 2.08107233047485 P PPL FR A8 95 55555 45 Europe/Paris 2008-01-21
+ 6354 3027950 Cenon Cenon 44.85 -0.5333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33119 22393 61 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6355 3028134 Cavaillon Cavaillon 43.8333333 5.0333333 P PPL FR B8 84 841 84035 26689 72 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6356 3028263 Castres Castres 43.6 2.25 P PPL FR B3 81 812 81065 47275 185 Europe/Paris 2006-11-05
+ 6357 3028337 Castelnau-le-Lez Castelnau-le-Lez 43.6333333 3.9 P PPL FR A9 34 343 34057 18011 35 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6358 3028486 Carvin Carvin 50.4923541342653 2.95815467834473 P PPL FR B4 62 627 62215 18561 30 Europe/Paris 2008-05-13
+ 6359 3028521 Carrières-sous-Poissy Carrieres-sous-Poissy 48.95 2.0333333 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78123 15465 31 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6360 3028535 Carquefou Carquefou 47.3 -1.5 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44026 18056 25 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6361 3028542 Carpentras Carpentras 44.05 5.05 P PPL FR B8 84 843 84031 29709 88 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6362 3028641 Carcassonne Carcassonne 43.2166667 2.35 P PPL FR A9 11 111 11069 49600 100 Europe/Paris 2007-12-14
+ 6363 3028779 Canteleu Canteleu 49.45 1.0333333 P PPL FR A7 76 763 76157 15742 102 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6364 3028808 Cannes Cannes 43.55 7.0166667 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06029 70011 0 -9999 Europe/Paris 2007-11-29
+ 6365 3029030 Cambrai Cambrai 50.1666667 3.2333333 P PPL FR B4 59 592 59122 36492 58 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6366 3029096 Caluire-et-Cuire Caluire-et-Cuire 45.8 4.85 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69034 42763 221 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6367 3029162 Calais Calais 50.9581023419041 1.85205459594727 P PPL FR B4 62 626 62193 74433 4 Europe/Paris 2008-10-01
+ 6368 3029213 Cahors Cahors 44.4490999039812 1.4366340637207 P PPL FR B3 46 461 46042 23331 123 Europe/Paris 2007-07-16
+ 6369 3029227 Cagnes-sur-Mer Cagnes-sur-Mer 43.6666667 7.15 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06027 46923 44 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6370 3029241 Caen Caen 49.1810862367147 -0.371217727661133 P PPLA FR 99 14 142 14118 110624 5 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 6371 3029276 Cachan Cachan 48.7833333 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94016 26540 90 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 6372 3029706 Bry-sur-Marne Bry-sur-Marne 48.8333333 2.5166667 P PPL FR A8 94 942 94015 16226 92 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6373 3029748 Brunoy Brunoy 48.7 2.5 P PPL FR A8 91 912 91114 24096 48 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6374 3029825 Bruay-la-Buissière Bruay-la-Buissiere 50.4833333 2.55 P PPL FR B4 62 622 62178 24474 73 Europe/Paris 2007-11-21
+ 6375 3029931 Bron Bron 45.7333333 4.9166667 P PPL FR B9 69 691 69029 37825 200 Europe/Paris 2007-09-27
+ 6376 3029974 Brive-la-Gaillarde Brive-la-Gaillarde 45.15 1.5333333 P PPL FR B1 19 191 19031 53466 186 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6377 3030057 Brignoles Brignoles 43.4 6.0666667 P PPL FR B8 83 833 83023 15027 306 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6378 3030101 Brie-Comte-Robert Brie-Comte-Robert 48.6833333 2.6166667 P PPL FR A8 77 772 77053 15892 93 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6379 3030257 Brétigny-sur-Orge Bretigny-sur-Orge 48.6166667 2.3166667 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91103 24317 80 Europe/Paris 2006-11-16
+ 6380 3030300 Brest Brest 48.4 -4.4833333 P PPL FR A2 29 291 29019 144899 76 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6381 3030303 Bressuire Bressuire 46.85 -0.4833333 P PPL FR B7 79 791 79049 20743 187 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6382 3030960 Bourgoin Bourgoin 45.5833333 5.2833333 P PPL FR B9 38 24790 351 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6383 3030985 Bourg-lès-Valence Bourg-les-Valence 44.95 4.8833333 P PPL FR B9 26 263 26058 19770 119 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6384 3030990 Bourg-la-Reine Bourg-la-Reine 48.7833333 2.3166667 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92014 18870 49 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6385 3031005 Bourges Bourges 47.0833333 2.4 P PPL FR A3 18 181 18033 67987 140 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6386 3031009 Bourg-en-Bresse Bourg-en-Bresse 46.2 5.2166667 P PPL FR B9 01 012 01053 45340 233 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6387 3031133 Boulogne-sur-Mer Boulogne-sur-Mer 50.7166667 1.6166667 P PPL FR B4 62 623 62160 47013 74 Europe/Paris 2007-11-27
+ 6388 3031137 Boulogne-Billancourt Boulogne-Billancourt 48.8333333 2.25 P PPL FR A8 92 923 92012 108782 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6389 3031268 Bouguenais Bouguenais 47.1833333 -1.6166667 P PPL FR B5 44 442 44020 16824 5 Europe/Paris 2006-09-06
+ 6390 3031582 Bordeaux Bordeaux 44.8333333 -0.5666667 P PPLA FR 97 33 332 33063 231844 9 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6391 3031709 Bonneuil-sur-Marne Bonneuil-sur-Marne 48.7666667 2.4833333 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94011 18723 39 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6392 3031815 Bondy Bondy 48.9 2.4666667 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93010 48268 56 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6393 3031898 Boissy-Saint-Léger Boissy-Saint-Leger 48.75 2.5166667 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94004 15877 95 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6394 3032070 Bois-Colombes Bois-Colombes 48.9166667 2.2666667 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92009 24300 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6395 3032179 Bobigny Bobigny 48.9 2.45 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93008 44962 60 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6396 3032213 Blois Blois 47.5833333 1.3333333 P PPL FR A3 41 411 41018 53660 70 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6397 3032340 Blanquefort Blanquefort 44.9166667 -0.6333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33056 16636 10 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6398 3032469 Blagnac Blagnac 43.6333333 1.4 P PPL FR B3 31 313 31069 24263 130 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6399 3032551 Bischheim Bischheim 48.6166667 7.75 P PPL FR C1 67 676 67043 17434 136 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6400 3032797 Biarritz Biarritz 43.4833333 -1.5666667 P PPL FR 97 64 641 64122 33188 44 Europe/Paris 2007-08-02
+ 6401 3032824 Bezons Bezons 48.9333333 2.2166667 P PPL FR A8 95 951 95063 27570 26 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6402 3032833 Béziers Beziers 43.35 3.25 P PPL FR A9 34 341 34032 74081 53 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6403 3033002 Béthune Bethune 50.5333333 2.6333333 P PPL FR B4 62 622 62119 31568 26 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6404 3033123 Besançon Besancon 47.25 6.0333333 P PPLA FR A6 25 251 25056 128426 262 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 6405 3033391 Bergerac Bergerac 44.85 0.4833333 P PPL FR 97 24 241 24037 28317 29 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6406 3033416 Berck-Plage Berck-Plage 50.4 1.5666667 P PPL FR B4 15675 5 Europe/Paris 2006-01-17
+ 6407 3033791 Belfort Belfort 47.6333333 6.8666667 P PPL FR A6 90 901 90010 54562 412 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6408 3033881 Bègles Begles 44.8 -0.5333333 P PPL FR 97 33 332 33039 23504 1 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6409 3034006 Beauvais Beauvais 49.4333333 2.0833333 P PPL FR B6 60 601 60057 53393 65 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6410 3034126 Beaune Beaune 47.0333333 4.8333333 P PPL FR A1 21 211 21054 24162 221 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6411 3034475 Bayonne Bayonne 43.4833333 -1.4833333 P PPL FR 97 64 641 64102 44396 6 Europe/Paris 2007-02-10
+ 6412 3034483 Bayeux Bayeux 49.2666667 -0.7 P PPL FR 99 14 141 14047 15963 55 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6413 3034640 Bastia Bastia 42.7027778 9.45 P PPL FR A5 2B 2B2 2B033 41001 1 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6414 3034911 Bar-le-Duc Bar-le-Duc 48.7833333 5.1666667 P PPL FR B2 55 551 55029 18595 214 Europe/Paris 2007-07-28
+ 6415 3035204 Balma Balma 43.6166667 1.5 P PPL FR B3 31 313 31044 15553 201 Europe/Paris 2006-04-29
+ 6416 3035396 Bagnols-sur-Cèze Bagnols-sur-Ceze 44.1666667 4.6166667 P PPL FR A9 30 302 30028 19640 41 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6417 3035403 Bagnolet Bagnolet 48.8666667 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 93 931 93006 33504 111 Europe/Paris 2007-04-11
+ 6418 3035409 Bagneux Bagneux 48.8 2.3 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92007 38900 90 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6419 3035654 Avon Avon 48.4 2.7166667 P PPL FR A8 77 774 77014 15009 82 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6420 3035667 Avion Avion 50.4 2.8333333 P PPL FR B4 62 627 62065 18470 46 Europe/Paris 2008-07-05
+ 6421 3035681 Avignon Avignon 43.95 4.8166667 P PPL FR B8 84 842 84007 89769 21 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6422 3035843 Auxerre Auxerre 47.8 3.5666667 P PPL FR A1 89 891 89024 41516 100 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6423 3035883 Autun Autun 46.95 4.3 P PPL FR A1 71 711 71014 18283 345 Europe/Paris 2007-07-28
+ 6424 3036016 Aurillac Aurillac 44.9166667 2.45 P PPL FR 98 15 151 15014 34724 656 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6425 3036145 Aulnay-sous-Bois Aulnay-sous-Bois 48.95 2.5166667 P PPL FR A8 93 932 93005 80615 57 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6426 3036240 Audincourt Audincourt 47.4833333 6.8333333 P PPL FR A6 25 252 25031 15577 322 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6427 3036281 Auch Auch 43.65 0.5833333 P PPL FR B3 32 321 32013 24494 133 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6428 3036386 Aubervilliers Aubervilliers 48.9166667 2.3833333 P PPL FR A8 93 933 93001 70914 35 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6429 3036433 Aubagne Aubagne 43.2833333 5.5666667 P PPL FR B8 13 133 13005 44844 155 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6430 3036460 Athis-Mons Athis-Mons 48.7166667 2.4 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91027 31225 57 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6431 3036572 Asnières-sur-Seine Asnieres-sur-Seine 48.9166667 2.2833333 P PPL FR A8 92 922 92004 86742 30 Europe/Paris 2007-04-01
+ 6432 3036784 Arras Arras 50.2930132687055 2.78185844421387 P PPL FR B4 62 621 62041 47052 63 Europe/Paris 2008-10-01
+ 6433 3036903 Armentières Armentieres 50.6833333 2.8833333 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59017 26646 17 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6434 3036938 Arles Arles 43.6768113296983 4.63030815124512 P PPL FR B8 13 132 13004 53431 5 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6435 3037044 Argenteuil Argenteuil 48.95 2.25 P PPL FR A8 95 951 95018 101475 34 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6436 3037051 Argentan Argentan 48.75 -0.0166667 P PPL FR 99 61 612 61006 18230 159 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6437 3037157 Arcueil Arcueil 48.8 2.3333333 P PPL FR A8 94 943 94003 17308 49 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6438 3037423 Antony Antony 48.75 2.3 P PPL FR A8 92 921 92002 59845 59 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6439 3037456 Antibes Antibes 43.5833333 7.1166667 P PPL FR B8 06 061 06004 76393 1 Europe/Paris 2008-05-10
+ 6440 3037514 Annonay Annonay 45.2333333 4.6666667 P PPL FR B9 07 073 07010 18423 326 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6441 3037538 Annemasse Annemasse 46.1943885674339 6.23774528503418 P PPL FR B9 74 743 74012 28275 442 Europe/Paris 2008-04-23
+ 6442 3037540 Annecy-le-Vieux Annecy-le-Vieux 45.9166667 6.15 P PPL FR B9 74 741 74011 21521 549 Europe/Paris 2006-11-19
+ 6443 3037543 Annecy Annecy 45.9 6.1166667 P PPL FR B9 74 741 74010 49232 470 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6444 3037598 Angoulême Angouleme 45.65 0.15 P PPL FR B7 16 161 16015 49468 65 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6445 3037612 Anglet Anglet 43.4833333 -1.5333333 P PPL FR 97 64 641 64024 40658 30 Europe/Paris 2007-02-10
+ 6446 3037656 Angers Angers 47.4666667 -0.55 P PPL FR B5 49 491 49007 168279 39 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6447 3037854 Amiens Amiens 49.9 2.3 P PPLA FR B6 80 802 80021 143086 25 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6448 3038159 Allauch Allauch 43.3333333 5.4833333 P PPL FR B8 13 133 13002 21406 192 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6449 3038213 Alfortville Alfortville 48.8 2.4166667 P PPL FR A8 94 941 94002 37290 32 Europe/Paris 2007-02-18
+ 6450 3038224 Alès Ales 44.1333333 4.0833333 P PPL FR A9 30 301 30007 42410 139 Europe/Paris 2007-09-08
+ 6451 3038230 Alençon Alencon 48.4333333 0.0833333 P PPL FR 99 61 611 61001 30786 134 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6452 3038261 Albi Albi 43.9333333 2.15 P PPL FR B3 81 811 81004 52409 169 Europe/Paris 2008-07-14
+ 6453 3038266 Albertville Albertville 45.6745226194511 6.39060974121094 P PPL FR B9 73 731 73011 19113 346 Europe/Paris 2009-01-31
+ 6454 3038334 Ajaccio Ajaccio 41.9166667 8.7333333 P PPLA FR A5 2A 2A1 2A004 54364 0 -9999 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6455 3038350 Aix-les-Bains Aix-les-Bains 45.7 5.9166667 P PPL FR B9 73 732 73008 27651 360 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6456 3038354 Aix-en-Provence Aix-en-Provence 43.5282955832209 5.44973373413086 P PPL FR B8 13 131 13001 146821 200 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6457 3038634 Agen Agen 44.2 0.6333333 P PPL FR 97 47 471 47001 34367 47 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6458 3038638 Agde Agde 43.3166667 3.4666667 P PPL FR A9 34 341 34003 23001 5 Europe/Paris 2007-02-17
+ 6459 3038712 Achères Acheres 48.9666667 2.0666667 P PPL FR A8 78 783 78005 22555 25 Europe/Paris 2006-04-30
+ 6460 3038789 Abbeville Abbeville 50.1 1.8333333 P PPL FR B6 80 801 80001 26461 7 Europe/Paris 2009-09-07
+ 6461 6543862 Villeneuve-d'Ascq Villeneuve-d'Ascq 50.6166869652448 3.1666374206543 P PPL FR B4 59 595 59009 62400 28 Europe/Paris 2009-09-08
+ 6462 6615536 Les Ulis Les Ulis 48.681667 2.169444 P PPL FR A8 91 913 91692 25785 87 157 Europe/Paris 2007-11-04
+ 6463 6615539 Bourgoin-Jallieu Bourgoin-Jallieu 45.586111 5.273611 P PPL FR B9 38 382 38053 23517 210 248 Europe/Paris 2007-11-14
+ 6464 2396253 Tchibanga Tchibanga -2.85 11.0333333 P PPLA GA 05 19365 163 Africa/Libreville 2006-01-17
+ 6465 2396518 Port-Gentil Port-Gentil -0.7166667 8.7833333 P PPLA GA 08 109163 1 Africa/Libreville 2006-05-05
+ 6466 2396646 Oyem Oyem 1.6166667 11.5833333 P PPLA GA 09 30870 552 Africa/Libreville 2006-01-17
+ 6467 2398073 Mouila Mouila -1.8666667 11.0166667 P PPLA GA 04 22469 157 Africa/Libreville 2006-01-17
+ 6468 2398269 Moanda Moanda -1.5666667 13.2 P PPL GA 02 30151 331 Africa/Libreville 2006-01-17
+ 6469 2399697 Libreville Libreville 0.3833333 9.45 P PPLC GA 01 578156 -9999 Africa/Libreville 2007-02-17
+ 6470 2399888 Lambaréné Lambarene -0.7 10.2166667 P PPLA GA 03 20714 46 Africa/Libreville 2006-05-10
+ 6471 2399959 Koulamoutou Koulamoutou -1.1333333 12.4833333 P PPLA GA 07 16222 350 Africa/Libreville 2006-11-15
+ 6472 2400555 Franceville Franceville -1.6333333 13.5833333 P PPLA GA 02 42967 332 Africa/Libreville 2006-11-15
+ 6473 2633352 York York 53.9666667 -1.0833333 P PPL GB ENG Q5 144202 14 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6474 2633373 Yeovil Yeovil 50.95 -2.6333333 P PPL GB ENG M3 43733 68 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6475 2633485 Wrecsam Wrecsam 53.05 -3.0 P PPL GB WLS Z4 43649 82 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6476 2633521 Worthing Worthing 50.8114669424641 -0.371646881103516 P PPL GB ENG 00 99110 -9999 Europe/London 2007-01-10
+ 6477 2633551 Worksop Worksop 53.3 -1.1333333 P PPL GB ENG J9 40443 68 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6478 2633553 Workington Workington 54.65 -3.5666667 P PPL GB ENG C9 20618 2 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6479 2633563 Worcester Worcester 52.1893516852187 -2.22001075744629 P PPL GB ENG Q4 100023 71 Europe/London 2008-12-05
+ 6480 2633681 Wombwell Wombwell 53.5218904019798 -1.39698028564453 P PPL GB ENG 00 15518 70 Europe/London 2009-03-25
+ 6481 2633691 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton 52.5833333 -2.1333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 252791 152 Europe/London 2008-07-02
+ 6482 2633708 Wokingham Wokingham 51.4166667 -0.8333333 P PPL GB ENG Q2 41143 75 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6483 2633709 Woking Woking 51.3190262646694 -0.558929443359375 P PPL GB ENG N7 103932 40 Europe/London 2009-02-14
+ 6484 2633729 Witney Witney 51.7833333 -1.4833333 P PPL GB ENG K2 24103 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6485 2633749 Witham Witham 51.7833333 0.6333333 P PPL GB ENG E4 22995 13 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6486 2633765 Wishaw Wishaw 55.7666667 -3.9166667 P PPL GB SCT 00 27627 133 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6487 2633771 Wisbech Wisbech 52.6666667 0.1666667 P PPL GB ENG C3 20200 2 Europe/London 2008-04-08
+ 6488 2633810 Winsford Winsford 53.1833333 -2.5166667 P PPL GB ENG C5 30812 16 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6489 2633842 Windsor Windsor 51.4833333 -0.6 P PPL GB GB ENG P4 28324 29 Europe/London 2009-08-12
+ 6490 2633858 Winchester Winchester 51.0651332044118 -1.31870269775391 P PPL GB ENG F2 40000 52 Europe/London 2009-01-06
+ 6491 2633883 Wilmslow Wilmslow 53.3333333 -2.2333333 P PPL GB ENG C5 36617 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6492 2633936 Wigston Magna Wigston Magna 52.5833333 -1.1 P PPL GB ENG H5 33720 78 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6493 2633948 Wigan Wigan 53.5333333 -2.6166667 P PPL GB ENG P7 80788 64 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6494 2633954 Widnes Widnes 53.35 -2.7333333 P PPL GB ENG E9 56097 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6495 2633976 Wickford Wickford 51.6 0.5166667 P PPL GB ENG E4 32975 43 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6496 2634021 Whitstable Whitstable 51.3607 1.0257 P PPL GB ENG G5 30195 1 Europe/London 2007-08-28
+ 6497 2634032 Whitley Bay Whitley Bay 55.0508333 -1.4538889 P PPL GB ENG J5 38055 1 Europe/London 2007-07-05
+ 6498 2634096 Whitehaven Whitehaven 54.5489691633531 -3.5841178894043 P PPL GB ENG C9 24803 61 Europe/London 2008-06-20
+ 6499 2634103 Whitefield Whitefield 53.55 -2.3 P PPL GB ENG 00 23545 78 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6500 2634155 Whickham Whickham 54.9333333 -1.6833333 P PPL GB ENG 00 16625 141 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6501 2634202 Weymouth Weymouth 50.6 -2.45 P PPL GB ENG 12 50253 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6502 2634308 Weston-super-Mare Weston-super-Mare 51.3458333 -2.9677778 P PPL GB ENG J4 82903 70 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6503 2634387 Westhoughton Westhoughton 53.55 -2.5166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 22994 81 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6504 2634491 West Bromwich West Bromwich 52.5166667 -2.0 P PPL GB ENG L7 135618 154 Europe/London 2007-07-05
+ 6505 2634493 West Bridgford West Bridgford 52.9166667 -1.1166667 P PPL GB ENG J9 48314 42 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6506 2634552 Welwyn Garden City Welwyn Garden City 51.8 -0.2 P PPL GB ENG F8 44725 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6507 2634573 Wellington Wellington 52.7 -2.5166667 P PPL GB ENG L6 22816 140 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6508 2634578 Wellingborough Wellingborough 52.3 -0.7 P PPL GB ENG J1 49783 65 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6509 2634672 Wath upon Dearne Wath upon Dearne 53.5 -1.35 P PPL GB ENG 00 17161 69 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6510 2634677 Watford Watford 51.6553058894589 -0.396022796630859 P PPL GB ENG F8 125707 70 Europe/London 2007-07-17
+ 6511 2634686 Waterlooville Waterlooville 50.8806726772762 -1.03039741516113 P PPL GB ENG F2 64350 47 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6512 2634715 Washington Washington 54.9 -1.5166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 53526 49 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6513 2634725 Warwick Warwick 52.2833333 -1.5833333 P PPL GB ENG P3 24040 74 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6514 2634739 Warrington Warrington 53.3833333 -2.6 P PPL GB ENG P2 81238 18 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6515 2634755 Warminster Warminster 51.2036111 -2.1808333 P PPL GB ENG P8 17875 125 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6516 2634777 Ware Ware 51.812647760528 -0.0283241271972656 P PPL GB ENG F8 17576 58 Europe/London 2008-05-15
+ 6517 2634843 Waltham Abbey Waltham Abbey 51.6833333 0.0166667 P PPL GB ENG E4 18069 68 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6518 2634853 Walsall Walsall 52.6 -2.0 P PPL GB ENG O8 172141 142 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6519 2634864 Wallsend Wallsend 54.9911080745188 -1.53396606445312 P PPL GB ENG J5 42739 11 Europe/London 2008-09-14
+ 6520 2634873 Wallasey Wallasey 53.4333333 -3.0666667 P PPL GB ENG Q1 58794 2 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6521 2634887 Walkden Walkden 53.5239314602146 -2.3990535736084 P PPL GB ENG 00 35937 76 Europe/London 2006-11-21
+ 6522 2634910 Wakefield Wakefield 53.6833140988651 -1.49768114089966 P PPL GB ENG O7 78978 53 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6523 2635062 Urmston Urmston 53.45 -2.35 P PPL GB ENG 00 41198 42 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6524 2635243 Uckfield Uckfield 50.9694813707836 0.0958943367004395 P PPL GB ENG E2 15716 45 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6525 2635269 Tynemouth Tynemouth 55.0205556 -1.4494444 P PPL GB ENG 00 17436 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6526 2635281 Tyldesley Tyldesley 53.5166667 -2.4666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 35932 70 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6527 2635412 Truro Truro 50.2616667 -5.0433333 P PPL GB ENG C6 22044 39 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6528 2635427 Trowbridge Trowbridge 51.3188889 -2.2086111 P PPL GB ENG P8 36922 51 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6529 2635603 Totton Totton 50.9166667 -1.4833333 P PPL GB ENG F2 29260 10 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6530 2635650 Torquay Torquay 50.4638423157625 -3.51433753967285 P PPL GB ENG O4 65388 43 Europe/London 2008-06-27
+ 6531 2635703 Tonbridge Tonbridge 51.1833333 0.2833333 P PPL GB ENG G5 36894 69 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6532 2635762 Tiverton Tiverton 50.9 -3.4833333 P PPL GB ENG D4 16799 139 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6533 2636005 Thornaby on Tees Thornaby on Tees 54.5333333 -1.3 P PPL GB ENG K9 22356 29 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6534 2636049 Thatcham Thatcham 51.4 -1.2666667 P PPL GB ENG P4 24274 74 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6535 2636132 Teignmouth Teignmouth 50.55 -3.4666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 15498 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6536 2636177 Taunton Taunton 51.0211111 -3.1047222 P PPL GB ENG M3 60433 46 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6537 2636276 Tamworth Tamworth 52.6166667 -1.6833333 P PPL GB ENG M9 74129 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6538 2636333 Tadley Tadley 51.3333333 -1.1166667 P PPL GB ENG F2 15990 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6539 2636389 Swindon Swindon 51.5166667 -1.7833333 P PPL GB ENG N9 155432 153 Europe/London 2009-03-19
+ 6540 2636432 Swansea Swansea 51.6207876683235 -3.94323348999023 P PPL GB WLS Z1 170883 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6541 2636433 Swanscombe Swanscombe 51.4333333 0.3166667 P PPL GB ENG G5 15732 34 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6542 2636465 Swadlincote Swadlincote 52.7666667 -1.55 P PPL GB ENG D3 40960 130 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6543 2636484 Sutton in Ashfield Sutton in Ashfield 53.1166667 -1.2666667 P PPL GB ENG J9 43912 153 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6544 2636486 Sutton Coldfield Sutton Coldfield 52.5651863563903 -1.82235717773438 P PPL GB ENG 00 107030 128 Europe/London 2006-05-19
+ 6545 2636531 Sunderland Sunderland 54.9046457367726 -1.38221740722656 P PPL GB ENG N6 177965 9 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6546 2636534 Sunbury Sunbury 51.4 -0.4 P PPL GB ENG N7 27784 23 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6547 2636616 Stroud Stroud 51.75 -2.2 P PPL GB ENG E6 30600 158 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6548 2636619 Strood Strood 51.3959390512538 0.493612289428711 P PPL GB ENG G5 33381 6 Europe/London 2008-04-19
+ 6549 2636663 Stretford Stretford 53.45 -2.3166667 P PPL GB ENG O6 41953 45 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6550 2636713 Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon 52.1833333 -1.7 P PPL GB ENG P3 22576 72 Europe/London 2008-06-07
+ 6551 2636749 Stowmarket Stowmarket 52.1833333 0.9833333 P PPL GB ENG N5 15394 49 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6552 2636769 Stourbridge Stourbridge 52.4666667 -2.1333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 56284 118 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6553 2636841 Stoke-on-Trent Stoke-on-Trent 53.0 -2.1833333 P PPL GB ENG N4 260419 132 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6554 2636876 Stockton-on-Tees Stockton-on-Tees 54.5833333 -1.4166667 P PPL GB ENG N3 79957 46 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6555 2636882 Stockport Stockport 53.4097876669541 -2.15761184692383 P PPL GB ENG N2 139052 72 Europe/London 2008-04-09
+ 6556 2636910 Stirling Stirling 56.1166667 -3.95 P PPL GB SCT W6 33012 33 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6557 2636940 Stevenage Stevenage 51.9166667 -0.2166667 P PPL GB ENG F8 84651 79 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6558 2636995 Staveley Staveley 53.2666667 -1.35 P PPL GB ENG D3 25719 73 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6559 2637104 Stamford Stamford 52.65 -0.4833333 P PPL GB ENG H7 20526 56 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6560 2637106 Stalybridge Stalybridge 53.4833333 -2.0666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 22748 131 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6561 2637126 Staines Staines 51.4333333 -0.5166667 P PPL GB ENG N7 51040 27 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6562 2637142 Stafford Stafford 52.8 -2.1 P PPL GB ENG N1 65290 76 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6563 2637235 Spennymoor Spennymoor 54.6833333 -1.6 P PPL GB ENG D8 17655 155 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6564 2637265 Spalding Spalding 52.7870878529719 -0.151405334472656 P PPL GB ENG H7 22357 10 Europe/London 2008-06-19
+ 6565 2637329 South Shields South Shields 54.9877778 -1.4213889 P PPL GB ENG M7 83655 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6566 2637343 Southport Southport 53.6666667 -3.0 P PPL GB ENG L8 93044 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6567 2637355 South Ockendon South Ockendon 51.5079945641272 0.283327102661133 P PPL GB ENG E4 18069 11 Europe/London 2008-03-13
+ 6568 2637433 Southend-on-Sea Southend-on-Sea 51.5378206963799 0.714325904846191 P PPL GB ENG M5 163377 1 Europe/London 2008-09-09
+ 6569 2637435 South Elmsall South Elmsall 53.5970893932653 -1.28033638000488 P PPL GB ENG 00 18835 75 Europe/London 2007-04-07
+ 6570 2637476 South Benfleet South Benfleet 51.5529532550971 0.559616088867188 P PPL GB ENG E4 48824 2 Europe/London 2008-09-09
+ 6571 2637487 Southampton Southampton 50.9 -1.4 P PPL GB ENG M4 246201 -9999 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6572 2637546 Solihull Solihull 52.4166667 -1.7833333 P PPL GB ENG M2 96267 109 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6573 2637627 Slough Slough 51.5 -0.5833333 P PPL GB ENG P4 134072 34 Europe/London 2008-06-28
+ 6574 2637659 Sleaford Sleaford 52.9982563989942 -0.409412384033203 P PPL GB ENG H7 15558 48 Europe/London 2008-04-03
+ 6575 2637752 Skelmersdale Skelmersdale 53.5333333 -2.8 P PPL GB ENG H2 38944 70 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6576 2637762 Skegness Skegness 53.1333333 0.35 P PPL GB ENG H7 17072 -9999 Europe/London 2008-09-13
+ 6577 2637802 Sittingbourne Sittingbourne 51.3412826088792 0.732822418212891 P PPL GB ENG G5 41148 26 Europe/London 2009-10-14
+ 6578 2637891 Shrewsbury Shrewsbury 52.7100913371863 -2.7520751953125 P PPL GB ENG L6 69519 60 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6579 2637917 Shoreham Shoreham 51.3166667 0.1833333 P PPL GB ENG G5 17928 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6580 2637958 Shipley Shipley 53.8333333 -1.7666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 28544 126 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6581 2638077 Sheffield Sheffield 53.3829700049879 -1.46590232849121 P PPL GB ENG L9 447047 76 Europe/London 2008-03-04
+ 6582 2638187 Sevenoaks Sevenoaks 51.2666667 0.2 P PPL GB ENG G5 27871 151 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6583 2638235 Selby Selby 53.7833333 -1.0666667 P PPL GB ENG J7 16159 8 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6584 2638302 Seaham Seaham 54.8366667 -1.3380556 P PPL GB ENG D8 21170 6 Europe/London 2007-06-17
+ 6585 2638311 Seaford Seaford 50.7666667 0.1 P PPL GB ENG 00 22338 12 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6586 2638324 Scunthorpe Scunthorpe 53.5833333 -0.65 P PPL GB ENG J3 72514 3 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6587 2638419 Scarborough Scarborough 54.2796584264538 -0.404434204101562 P PPL GB ENG J7 38909 -9999 Europe/London 2009-08-26
+ 6588 2638568 Sandown Sandown 50.6564259932027 -1.15631103515625 P PPL GB ENG 00 20155 -9999 Europe/London 2006-03-03
+ 6589 2638600 Sandbach Sandbach 53.1333333 -2.3666667 P PPL GB ENG C5 18023 55 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6590 2638664 Salisbury Salisbury 51.0693132990358 -1.79568529129028 P PPL GB ENG P8 45600 51 Europe/London 2008-05-29
+ 6591 2638671 Salford Salford 53.4833333 -2.2666667 P PPL GB ENG L5 70905 53 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6592 2638678 Sale Sale 53.4166667 -2.3 P PPL GB ENG 00 55689 49 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6593 2638717 Saint Neots Saint Neots 52.2166667 -0.2666667 P PPL GB ENG C3 15270 40 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6594 2638785 Saint Helens Saint Helens 53.45 -2.7333333 P PPL GB ENG M9 102555 22 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6595 2638853 Saint Austell Saint Austell 50.3383333 -4.7658333 P PPL GB ENG C6 23432 17 Europe/London 2008-08-08
+ 6596 2638864 Saint Andrews Saint Andrews 56.3387128435965 -2.79902458190918 P PPL GB SCT V1 15435 3 Europe/London 2009-09-11
+ 6597 2638867 Saint Albans Saint Albans 51.75 -0.3333333 P PPL GB ENG F8 84561 77 Europe/London 2007-08-10
+ 6598 2638894 Ryton Ryton 52.6166667 -2.35 P PPL GB ENG L6 16093 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6599 2638911 Ryde Ryde 50.7299361339381 -1.16214752197266 P PPL GB ENG G2 24107 5 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6600 2638946 Rushden Rushden 52.2833333 -0.5833333 P PPL GB ENG J1 26307 79 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6601 2638960 Runcorn Runcorn 53.3333333 -2.75 P PPL GB ENG C5 59679 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6602 2638977 Rugeley Rugeley 52.7666667 -1.9333333 P PPL GB ENG M9 22937 73 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6603 2638978 Rugby Rugby 52.3666667 -1.25 P PPL GB ENG P3 63323 104 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6604 2639015 Royton Royton 53.5666667 -2.1166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 22848 182 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6605 2639022 Royal Tunbridge Wells Royal Tunbridge Wells 51.1324541736337 0.263328552246094 P PPL GB ENG G5 61075 96 Europe/London 2009-09-28
+ 6606 2639069 Rottingdean Rottingdean 50.8 -0.05 P PPL GB ENG 00 21756 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6607 2639093 Rotherham Rotherham 53.4333333 -1.35 P PPL GB ENG L3 117618 71 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6608 2639189 Romsey Romsey 50.9833333 -1.5 P PPL GB ENG F2 17773 38 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6609 2639265 Rochford Rochford 51.5833333 0.7166667 P PPL GB ENG E4 16739 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6610 2639268 Rochester Rochester 51.3876376188688 0.505456924438477 P PPL GB ENG I3 28671 6 Europe/London 2008-04-19
+ 6611 2639272 Rochdale Rochdale 53.6166667 -2.15 P PPL GB ENG L2 97550 140 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6612 2639317 Risca Risca 51.6144444 -3.1002778 P PPL GB WLS X4 20443 85 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6613 2639323 Ripon Ripon 54.1166667 -1.5166667 P PPL GB ENG J7 16835 48 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6614 2639409 Rhyl Rhyl 53.3166667 -3.5 P PPL GB WLS X9 25874 25 Europe/London 2007-07-05
+ 6615 2639447 Rhondda Rhondda 51.65 -3.4833333 P PPL GB WLS Y9 59450 260 Europe/London 2006-04-02
+ 6616 2639495 Renfrew Renfrew 55.8666667 -4.3666667 P PPL GB SCT 00 19894 58 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6617 2639506 Reigate Reigate 51.2333333 -0.2166667 P PPL GB ENG N7 52123 71 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6618 2639545 Redhill Redhill 51.2333333 -0.1666667 P PPL GB ENG N7 51559 71 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6619 2639557 Redditch Redditch 52.3 -1.9333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 77128 77 Europe/London 2006-11-15
+ 6620 2639563 Redcar Redcar 54.6075 -1.0594444 P PPL GB ENG K9 37203 18 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6621 2639577 Reading Reading 51.4333333 -1.0 P PPL GB ENG P4 244070 51 Europe/London 2008-07-02
+ 6622 2639586 Rawtenstall Rawtenstall 53.7 -2.2833333 P PPL GB ENG H2 22114 304 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6623 2639588 Rawmarsh Rawmarsh 53.45 -1.3333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 18616 64 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6624 2639660 Ramsgate Ramsgate 51.3357597529913 1.41551971435547 P PPL GB ENG G5 38624 1 Europe/London 2009-10-14
+ 6625 2639668 Ramsbottom Ramsbottom 53.6478940008356 -2.31682777404785 P PPL GB ENG 00 17738 153 Europe/London 2007-12-05
+ 6626 2639728 Radcliffe Radcliffe 53.55 -2.3333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 35638 78 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6627 2639866 Pudsey Pudsey 53.79537859928 -1.66133880615234 P PPL GB ENG 00 33109 148 Europe/London 2007-02-07
+ 6628 2639896 Prestwick Prestwick 55.4833333 -4.6166667 P PPL GB SCT 00 15401 6 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6629 2639897 Prestwich Prestwich 53.5333333 -2.2833333 P PPL GB ENG 00 32125 76 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6630 2639912 Preston Preston 53.7666667 -2.7166667 P PPL GB ENG H2 190687 26 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6631 2639926 Prestatyn Prestatyn 53.3333333 -3.4166667 P PPL GB WLS 00 18701 40 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6632 2639928 Prescot Prescot 53.4294807151018 -2.80031204223633 P PPL GB ENG 00 40889 76 Europe/London 2008-07-09
+ 6633 2639958 Poulton le Fylde Poulton le Fylde 53.8333333 -2.9833333 P PPL GB ENG H2 19914 6 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6634 2639970 Potters Bar Potters Bar 51.6833333 -0.1666667 P PPL GB ENG F8 22192 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6635 2639996 Portsmouth Portsmouth 50.8090805768295 -1.07142448425293 P PPL GB ENG K6 194150 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6636 2639998 Portslade Portslade 50.8333333 -0.2166667 P PPL GB ENG E2 20000 -9999 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6637 2640037 Portishead Portishead 51.4844444 -2.7702778 P PPL GB ENG J4 17512 25 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6638 2640054 Porthcawl Porthcawl 51.4797222 -3.7061111 P PPL GB WLS X3 15813 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6639 2640060 Port Glasgow Port Glasgow 55.9333333 -4.7 P PPL GB SCT 00 15543 96 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6640 2640101 Poole Poole 50.7166667 -2.0 P PPL GB ENG K5 150092 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6641 2640104 Pontypridd Pontypridd 51.6013889 -3.3447222 P PPL GB WLS Y9 30420 98 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6642 2640106 Pont-y-pŵl Pont-y-pwl 51.7011111 -3.0444444 P PPL GB WLS Z2 35686 171 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6643 2640132 Pontefract Pontefract 53.6910654242399 -1.31269454956055 P PPL GB ENG 00 28620 38 Europe/London 2007-04-07
+ 6644 2640155 Polmont Polmont 55.9833333 -3.7 P PPL GB SCT 00 20069 77 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6645 2640194 Plymouth Plymouth 50.3715254228346 -4.14304733276367 P PPL GB ENG K4 247297 10 Europe/London 2008-06-19
+ 6646 2640349 Peterlee Peterlee 54.7622222 -1.3475 P PPL GB ENG D8 29979 93 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6647 2640351 Peterhead Peterhead 57.5 -1.7833333 P PPL GB SCT T6 17627 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6648 2640354 Peterborough Peterborough 52.5833333 -0.25 P PPL GB ENG K3 140141 28 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6649 2640358 Perth Perth 56.4 -3.4333333 P PPL GB SCT W1 43633 22 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6650 2640377 Penzance Penzance 50.1186106488431 -5.53715229034424 P PPL GB ENG C6 20812 1 Europe/London 2008-10-24
+ 6651 2640465 Penicuik Penicuik 55.8316618331279 -3.22422981262207 P PPL GB SCT 00 17011 184 Europe/London 2007-06-07
+ 6652 2640496 Penarth Penarth 51.4347222 -3.18 P PPL GB WLS Z3 23437 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6653 2640677 Paisley Paisley 55.8333333 -4.4333333 P PPL GB SCT W2 73074 66 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6654 2640681 Paignton Paignton 50.4333333 -3.5666667 P PPL GB ENG D4 49886 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6655 2640729 Oxford Oxford 51.7522210025796 -1.25596046447754 P PPL GB ENG K2 154566 66 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6656 2640861 Oswestry Oswestry 52.85 -3.0333333 P PPL GB ENG L6 17031 96 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6657 2640869 Ossett Ossett 53.6797810542915 -1.58005714416504 P PPL GB ENG 00 21616 82 Europe/London 2007-01-12
+ 6658 2640908 Ormskirk Ormskirk 53.5666667 -2.9 P PPL GB ENG H2 23792 44 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6659 2640967 Omagh Omagh 54.6 -7.3 P PPL GB NIR T3 21056 78 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6660 2641022 Oldham Oldham 53.5405114130026 -2.11830139160156 P PPL GB ENG K1 104782 184 Europe/London 2008-03-29
+ 6661 2641134 Oadby Oadby 52.6 -1.0833333 P PPL GB ENG H5 23184 87 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6662 2641157 Nuneaton Nuneaton 52.5166667 -1.4666667 P PPL GB ENG P3 73555 80 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6663 2641170 Nottingham Nottingham 52.9536023000285 -1.15047454833984 P PPL GB ENG J8 246654 61 Europe/London 2008-07-01
+ 6664 2641181 Norwich Norwich 52.6278273182018 1.29833936691284 P PPL GB ENG I9 177636 9 Europe/London 2008-07-27
+ 6665 2641224 Northwich Northwich 53.2666667 -2.5 P PPL GB ENG C5 42113 10 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6666 2641267 North Shields North Shields 55.0047222 -1.4727778 P PPL GB ENG 00 39747 4 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6667 2641430 Northampton Northampton 52.25 -0.8833333 P PPL GB ENG J1 197322 80 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6668 2641435 Northallerton Northallerton 54.3333333 -1.4333333 P PPL GB ENG J7 16480 67 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6669 2641519 Newtownards Newtownards 54.5923563192324 -5.69091796875 P PPL GB NIR Q7 29363 41 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6670 2641520 Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 54.6598329202158 -5.90858459472656 P PPL GB NIR T1 63860 13 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6671 2641544 Newton Mearns Newton Mearns 55.7666667 -4.3333333 P PPL GB SCT 00 23808 129 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6672 2641546 Newton-le-Willows Newton-le-Willows 53.45 -2.6 P PPL GB ENG 00 21782 33 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6673 2641555 Newton Aycliffe Newton Aycliffe 54.6166667 -1.5666667 P PPL GB ENG D8 26269 87 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6674 2641557 Newton Abbot Newton Abbot 50.5333333 -3.6 P PPL GB ENG D4 25789 41 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6675 2641581 Newry Newry 54.1784113212102 -6.33739471435547 P PPL GB NIR S9 27757 51 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6676 2641589 Newquay Newquay 50.4131668627579 -5.08186340332031 P PPL GB ENG C6 19998 7 Europe/London 2008-05-15
+ 6677 2641591 Newport Pagnell Newport Pagnell 52.0833333 -0.7166667 P PPL GB ENG B9 15067 69 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6678 2641598 Newport Newport 51.5877363767512 -2.99835026264191 P PPL GB WLS Y6 117326 1 Europe/London 2008-07-14
+ 6679 2641599 Newport Newport 50.7014591889697 -1.29123687744141 P PPL GB ENG G2 24200 18 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6680 2641616 Newmarket Newmarket 52.25 0.4166667 P PPL GB ENG N5 17324 74 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6681 2641673 Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9732787391176 -1.61396026611328 P PPL GB ENG I7 192382 20 Europe/London 2008-06-20
+ 6682 2641674 Newcastle under Lyme Newcastle under Lyme 53.0 -2.2333333 P PPL GB ENG M9 75794 129 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6683 2641689 Newbury Newbury 51.4 -1.3166667 P PPL GB ENG P4 33065 77 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6684 2641690 Newburn Newburn 54.9666667 -1.7333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 41347 30 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6685 2641810 Nelson Nelson 53.8333333 -2.2 P PPL GB ENG H2 29317 216 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6686 2641843 Neath Neath 51.6561111 -3.8022222 P PPL GB WLS Y5 46126 82 Europe/London 2006-04-02
+ 6687 2641913 Nailsea Nailsea 51.4302778 -2.7625 P PPL GB ENG J4 16537 28 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6688 2641942 Musselburgh Musselburgh 55.9333333 -3.05 P PPL GB SCT 00 22656 28 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6689 2642135 Motherwell Motherwell 55.7833333 -4.0 P PPL GB SCT V8 29908 75 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6690 2642189 Morley Morley 53.7401324831683 -1.59876823425293 P PPL GB ENG 00 57385 135 Europe/London 2007-04-02
+ 6691 2642214 Morecambe Morecambe 54.0683542048051 -2.86108016967773 P PPL GB ENG H2 51644 2 Europe/London 2009-08-26
+ 6692 2642423 Mirfield Mirfield 53.6734259116597 -1.69635772705078 P PPL GB ENG 00 18800 67 Europe/London 2007-02-07
+ 6693 2642465 Milton Keynes Milton Keynes 52.0417219233052 -0.755825042724609 P PPL GB ENG I6 184506 78 Europe/London 2008-08-05
+ 6694 2642593 Middleton Middleton 53.55 -2.2 P PPL GB ENG 00 45589 78 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6695 2642607 Middlesbrough Middlesbrough 54.5727778 -1.1627778 P PPL GB ENG I5 142707 32 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6696 2642683 Mexborough Mexborough 53.4833333 -1.2666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 15079 69 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6697 2642705 Merthyr Tydfil Merthyr Tydfil 51.75 -3.3833333 P PPL GB WLS Y3 30821 263 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6698 2642763 Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray 52.7666667 -0.8833333 P PPL GB ENG H5 26405 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6699 2642999 Marple Marple 53.4 -2.0666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 18886 105 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6700 2643003 Marlow Marlow 51.5693345127608 -0.774149894714355 P PPL GB ENG P4 17912 34 Europe/London 2009-06-21
+ 6701 2643027 Market Harborough Market Harborough 52.4666667 -0.9166667 P PPL GB ENG H5 20575 89 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6702 2643044 Margate Margate 51.3813168088765 1.38616561889648 P PPL GB ENG G5 60134 1 Europe/London 2009-10-14
+ 6703 2643071 March March 52.55 0.0833333 P PPL GB ENG C3 18442 11 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6704 2643096 Mansfield Woodhouse Mansfield Woodhouse 53.1666667 -1.2 P PPL GB ENG J9 18330 93 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6705 2643097 Mansfield Mansfield 53.1333333 -1.2 P PPL GB ENG J9 70447 152 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6706 2643116 Mangotsfield Mangotsfield 51.4930556 -2.5086111 P PPL GB ENG M6 36427 76 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6707 2643123 Manchester Manchester 53.4809464283615 -2.23743438720703 P PPL GB ENG I2 395515 60 Europe/London 2008-03-29
+ 6708 2643144 Maltby Maltby 53.4166667 -1.2 P PPL GB ENG 00 18380 79 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6709 2643160 Maldon Maldon 51.7166667 0.6833333 P PPL GB ENG E4 21193 2 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6710 2643179 Maidstone Maidstone 51.2666667 0.5166667 P PPL GB ENG G5 90894 56 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6711 2643186 Maidenhead Maidenhead 51.522789913029 -0.71986198425293 P PPL GB ENG P9 59463 30 Europe/London 2008-04-19
+ 6712 2643218 Maesteg Maesteg 51.605 -3.6508333 P PPL GB WLS X3 17829 152 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6713 2643266 Macclesfield Macclesfield 53.25 -2.1166667 P PPL GB ENG C5 51739 222 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6714 2643339 Luton Luton 51.8833333 -0.4166667 P PPL GB ENG I1 193669 130 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6715 2643490 Lowestoft Lowestoft 52.4833333 1.75 P PPL GB ENG N5 71479 1 Europe/London 2006-11-15
+ 6716 2643553 Louth Louth 53.3666667 -0.0166667 P PPL GB ENG H7 16635 63 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6717 2643567 Loughborough Loughborough 52.7666667 -1.2 P PPL GB ENG H5 59317 59 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6718 2643696 Longfield Longfield 51.3833333 0.3166667 P PPL GB ENG G5 16808 107 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6719 2643697 Long Eaton Long Eaton 52.9 -1.2666667 P PPL GB ENG D3 47898 44 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6720 2643734 Londonderry County Borough Londonderry County Borough 54.9972135400684 -7.30916976928711 P PPLX GB NIR 00 87153 28 Europe/London 2007-04-13
+ 6721 2643736 Derry Derry 54.9980997401155 -7.30934143066406 P PPL GB GB NIR S6 83652 28 Europe/London 2009-09-30
+ 6722 2643743 London London 51.5084152563931 -0.125532746315002 P PPLC GB ENG 7421209 21 Europe/London 2008-07-31
+ 6723 2643776 Lofthouse Lofthouse 53.7294705998395 -1.49697303771973 P PPL GB ENG 00 23458 76 Europe/London 2008-06-24
+ 6724 2644100 Llanelli Llanelli 51.6761111 -4.1566667 P PPL GB WLS X7 47206 21 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6725 2644120 Llandudno Llandudno 53.3249779644723 -3.83148193359375 P PPL GB WLS Y2 15037 4 Europe/London 2008-05-15
+ 6726 2644204 Livingston Livingston 55.8833333 -3.5333333 P PPL GB SCT W9 53798 132 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6727 2644210 Liverpool Liverpool 53.410580680167 -2.97793865203857 P PPL GB ENG H8 468945 5 Europe/London 2009-09-02
+ 6728 2644319 Littlehampton Littlehampton 50.8069110477336 -0.537815093994141 P PPL GB ENG 00 58714 -9999 Europe/London 2007-01-10
+ 6729 2644386 Litherland Litherland 53.4666667 -3.0 P PPL GB ENG 00 22971 10 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6730 2644411 Lisburn Lisburn 54.5233729865059 -6.03527069091797 P PPL GB NIR S5 77506 27 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6731 2644487 Lincoln Lincoln 53.2333333 -0.5333333 P PPL GB ENG H7 89228 31 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6732 2644531 Lichfield Lichfield 52.6833333 -1.8166667 P PPL GB ENG M9 28973 81 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6733 2644547 Leyland Leyland 53.6833333 -2.7 P PPL GB ENG H2 37614 59 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6734 2644559 Lewes Lewes 50.873632150857 0.0113296508789062 P PPL GB ENG E2 16479 27 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6735 2644597 Letchworth Letchworth 51.9666667 -0.2166667 P PPL GB ENG F8 33955 77 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6736 2644652 Leighton Buzzard Leighton Buzzard 51.9166667 -0.65 P PPL GB ENG A5 33467 94 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6737 2644660 Leigh Leigh 53.4833333 -2.5166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 43626 39 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6738 2644668 Leicester Leicester 52.6333333 -1.1333333 P PPL GB ENG H4 339239 76 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6739 2644684 Leek Leek 53.1 -2.0166667 P PPL GB ENG M9 19186 192 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6740 2644688 Leeds Leeds 53.7964812592701 -1.54784917831421 P PPL GB ENG 455123 67 Europe/London 2008-08-15
+ 6741 2644726 Leatherhead Leatherhead 51.2833333 -0.3166667 P PPL GB ENG N7 43544 80 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6742 2644737 Leamington Leamington 52.3 -1.5333333 P PPL GB ENG P3 64640 75 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6743 2644849 Larne Larne 54.85 -5.8166667 P PPL GB NIR S3 18421 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6744 2644853 Larkhall Larkhall 55.7333333 -3.9666667 P PPL GB SCT 00 15410 106 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6745 2644972 Lancaster Lancaster 54.0474969742283 -2.80031204223633 P PPL GB ENG H2 47162 41 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6746 2645261 Kirkintilloch Kirkintilloch 55.9166667 -4.1666667 P PPL GB SCT U5 19489 75 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6747 2645298 Kirkcaldy Kirkcaldy 56.1166667 -3.1666667 P PPL GB SCT V1 46912 40 Europe/London 2007-05-07
+ 6748 2645309 Kirkby in Ashfield Kirkby in Ashfield 53.0833333 -1.2666667 P PPL GB ENG J9 27539 152 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6749 2645313 Kirkby Kirkby 53.4833333 -2.9 P PPL GB ENG 00 39208 24 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6750 2645418 Kingswood Kingswood 51.4527778 -2.5083333 P PPL GB ENG M6 64793 81 Europe/London 2006-11-15
+ 6751 2645425 Kingston upon Hull Kingston upon Hull 53.7445995159511 -0.335254669189453 P PPL GB ENG G6 302296 1 Europe/London 2008-09-03
+ 6752 2645456 King's Lynn King's Lynn 52.7517237593234 0.395164489746094 P PPL GB GB ENG I9 34564 4 Europe/London 2009-08-26
+ 6753 2645541 Kilwinning Kilwinning 55.65 -4.7166667 P PPL GB SCT 00 16000 12 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6754 2645605 Kilmarnock Kilmarnock 55.611711054595 -4.49581146240234 P PPL GB SCT U4 42904 57 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6755 2645721 Kidsgrove Kidsgrove 53.0833333 -2.2333333 P PPL GB ENG M9 29480 152 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6756 2645722 Kidlington Kidlington 51.8166667 -1.2833333 P PPL GB ENG K2 15278 69 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6757 2645724 Kidderminster Kidderminster 52.3833333 -2.25 P PPL GB ENG 00 56657 74 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6758 2645733 Keynsham Keynsham 51.4113889 -2.505 P PPL GB ENG A4 15879 33 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6759 2645753 Kettering Kettering 52.4 -0.7166667 P PPL GB ENG J1 53329 73 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6760 2645822 Kenilworth Kenilworth 52.35 -1.5833333 P PPL GB ENG P3 22799 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6761 2645826 Kendal Kendal 54.3166667 -2.75 P PPL GB ENG C9 29468 74 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6762 2645831 Kempston Kempston 52.1159932109009 -0.500435829162598 P PPL GB ENG A5 19873 53 Europe/London 2008-07-27
+ 6763 2645889 Keighley Keighley 53.8833333 -1.9166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 50171 108 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6764 2645951 Johnstone Johnstone 55.8333333 -4.5 P PPL GB SCT 00 15705 66 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6765 2645972 Jarrow Jarrow 54.9805556 -1.4508333 P PPL GB ENG 00 27264 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6766 2646032 Irvine Irvine 55.6 -4.6666667 P PPL GB SCT V7 32748 8 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6767 2646042 Irlam Irlam 53.4333333 -2.4166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 19442 33 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6768 2646057 Ipswich Ipswich 52.0546544307833 1.15699768066406 P PPL GB ENG N5 143767 6 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6769 2646088 Inverness Inverness 57.4666667 -4.2333333 P PPL GB SCT V3 40755 23 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6770 2646274 Ilkeston Ilkeston 52.9666667 -1.3 P PPL GB ENG D3 38587 69 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6771 2646317 Hythe Hythe 50.8666667 -1.4 P PPL GB ENG F2 20036 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6772 2646327 Hyde Hyde 53.4513050406102 -2.07943081855774 P PPL GB ENG 00 31926 139 Europe/London 2008-03-29
+ 6773 2646329 Huyton Huyton 53.4 -2.85 P PPL GB ENG 00 54738 15 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6774 2646393 Huntingdon Huntingdon 52.3333333 -0.1833333 P PPL GB ENG C3 21059 31 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6775 2646458 Huddersfield Huddersfield 53.65 -1.7833333 P PPL GB ENG G8 149017 84 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6776 2646460 Hucknall Torkard Hucknall Torkard 53.0333333 -1.2 P PPL GB ENG J9 29728 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6777 2646471 Hoyland Nether Hoyland Nether 53.5 -1.45 P PPL GB ENG 00 15842 131 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6778 2646504 Hove Hove 50.8333333 -0.1833333 P PPL GB ENG B6 75174 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6779 2646525 Houghton le Spring Houghton le Spring 54.85 -1.4666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 37840 98 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6780 2646542 Horwich Horwich 53.6 -2.55 P PPL GB ENG 00 18696 151 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6781 2646557 Horsham Horsham 51.0728997889756 -0.316200256347656 P PPL GB ENG P6 50680 73 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6782 2646558 Horsforth Horsforth 53.8333333 -1.6333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 19350 77 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6783 2646807 Hoddesdon Hoddesdon 51.7614787658347 -0.011436939239502 P PPL GB ENG E4 35174 52 Europe/London 2008-04-08
+ 6784 2646826 Hitchin Hitchin 51.95 -0.2666667 P PPL GB ENG F8 33830 74 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6785 2646862 Hindley Hindley 53.5333333 -2.5833333 P PPL GB ENG 00 24169 67 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6786 2646867 Hinckley Hinckley 52.5333333 -1.3666667 P PPL GB ENG H5 45130 95 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6787 2646914 High Wycombe High Wycombe 51.6333333 -0.7666667 P PPL GB ENG B9 80357 73 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6788 2646979 High Blantyre High Blantyre 55.7666667 -4.1 P PPL GB SCT 00 16739 133 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6789 2646996 Heywood Heywood 53.5940839997719 -2.21898078918457 P PPL GB ENG 00 28016 93 Europe/London 2008-07-03
+ 6790 2647026 Heswall Heswall 53.3166667 -3.1 P PPL GB ENG 00 30065 71 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6791 2647044 Hertford Hertford 51.8 -0.0666667 P PPL GB ENG F8 25847 66 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6792 2647057 Herne Bay Herne Bay 51.3666667 1.1333333 P PPL GB ENG G5 36642 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6793 2647074 Hereford Hereford 52.05 -2.7166667 P PPL GB ENG F7 58281 71 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6794 2647138 Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead 51.75 -0.4666667 P PPL GB ENG F8 85629 99 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6795 2647227 Heanor Heanor 53.0 -1.3 P PPL GB ENG J9 23122 74 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6796 2647248 Haywards Heath Haywards Heath 50.9833333 -0.1 P PPL GB ENG P6 29660 49 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6797 2647265 Haydock Haydock 53.4666667 -2.6666667 P PPL GB ENG 00 17333 58 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6798 2647303 Hawarden Hawarden 53.1833333 -3.0333333 P PPL GB WLS 00 25513 75 Europe/London 2006-04-02
+ 6799 2647310 Haverhill Haverhill 52.0833333 0.4333333 P PPL GB ENG N5 22500 75 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6800 2647317 Havant Havant 50.8567034565576 -0.985593795776367 P PPL GB ENG F2 45574 2 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6801 2647356 Hastings Hastings 50.8529918653483 0.564594268798828 P PPL GB ENG 00 89100 2 Europe/London 2006-11-02
+ 6802 2647363 Haslingden Haslingden 53.7 -2.3333333 P PPL GB ENG H2 15204 273 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6803 2647383 Harwich Harwich 51.941936848291 1.28437042236328 P PPL GB ENG 00 20578 -9999 Europe/London 2006-11-07
+ 6804 2647400 Hartlepool Hartlepool 54.6861111 -1.2125 P PPL GB ENG F5 86713 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6805 2647428 Harrogate Harrogate 53.9833333 -1.5333333 P PPL GB ENG J7 87024 97 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6806 2647451 Harpenden Harpenden 51.8 -0.35 P PPL GB ENG F8 28966 87 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6807 2647461 Harlow Harlow 51.7833333 0.1666667 P PPL GB ENG E4 94365 77 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6808 2647570 Hamilton Hamilton 55.7666667 -4.0333333 P PPL GB SCT W5 47615 72 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6809 2647632 Halifax Halifax 53.7166667 -1.85 P PPL GB ENG C2 82624 188 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6810 2647639 Halesowen Halesowen 52.45 -2.05 P PPL GB ENG 00 55265 152 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6811 2647644 Hale Hale 51.2166667 -0.7833333 P PPL GB ENG N7 15657 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6812 2647655 Hailsham Hailsham 50.8666667 0.2666667 P PPL GB ENG E2 19604 57 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6813 2647785 Guisborough Guisborough 54.5347787134074 -1.05606079101562 P PPL GB ENG K9 17569 130 Europe/London 2008-10-22
+ 6814 2647793 Guildford Guildford 51.2353612561628 -0.574271678924561 P PPL GB ENG N7 71873 64 Europe/London 2009-02-14
+ 6815 2647837 Grove Grove 51.6166667 -1.4166667 P PPL GB ENG K2 18312 74 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6816 2647948 Greenock Greenock 55.9333333 -4.75 P PPL GB SCT V4 43495 139 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6817 2647984 Great Yarmouth Great Yarmouth 52.6083121311388 1.73051834106445 P PPL GB ENG I9 59601 1 Europe/London 2008-05-19
+ 6818 2647985 Great Wyrley Great Wyrley 52.6833333 -2.0166667 P PPL GB ENG M9 19193 150 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6819 2648026 Great Sankey Great Sankey 53.3833333 -2.6166667 P PPL GB ENG C5 43793 6 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6820 2648063 Great Malvern Great Malvern 52.1166667 -2.3166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 37663 69 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6821 2648182 Grays Grays 51.4833333 0.3333333 P PPL GB ENG O3 70934 2 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6822 2648187 Gravesend Gravesend 51.4333333 0.3666667 P PPL GB ENG G5 54263 24 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6823 2648208 Grantham Grantham 52.9114901264566 -0.641841888427734 P PPL GB ENG H7 35720 73 Europe/London 2008-04-03
+ 6824 2648215 Grangemouth Grangemouth 56.0166667 -3.7333333 P PPL GB SCT U9 17349 5 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6825 2648272 Gosport Gosport 50.8 -1.1333333 P PPL GB ENG F2 70793 -9999 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6826 2648273 Gosforth Gosforth 55.0 -1.6166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 23975 59 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6827 2648290 Gorseinon Gorseinon 51.6655556 -4.0452778 P PPL GB WLS Z1 19478 46 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6828 2648319 Goole Goole 53.7013813681725 -0.872383117675781 P PPL GB ENG 00 19158 2 Europe/London 2007-01-04
+ 6829 2648356 Golborne Golborne 53.4666667 -2.6 P PPL GB ENG 00 24021 46 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6830 2648372 Godalming Godalming 51.1833333 -0.6 P PPL GB ENG N7 22199 79 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6831 2648404 Gloucester Gloucester 51.8656800532905 -2.24309921264648 P PPL GB ENG E6 128721 72 Europe/London 2008-05-09
+ 6832 2648405 Glossop Glossop 53.4166667 -1.9 P PPL GB ENG D3 33243 514 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6833 2648438 Glenrothes Glenrothes 56.2 -3.1833333 P PPL GB SCT V1 38734 79 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6834 2648579 Glasgow Glasgow 55.8651497187961 -4.25763130187988 P PPL GB SCT V2 610268 67 Europe/London 2009-08-03
+ 6835 2648657 Gillingham Gillingham 51.3891373439332 0.548629760742188 P PPL GB ENG G5 101187 24 Europe/London 2008-05-05
+ 6836 2648683 Giffnock Giffnock 55.8 -4.2833333 P PPL GB SCT U7 16038 73 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6837 2648728 Gelligaer Gelligaer 51.6644444 -3.2561111 P PPL GB WLS X4 17376 183 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6838 2648773 Gateshead Gateshead 54.945 -1.6175 P PPL GB ENG E5 77649 43 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6839 2648875 Garforth Garforth 53.7917282076556 -1.38067245483398 P PPL GB ENG 00 15737 76 Europe/London 2007-02-07
+ 6840 2648945 Gainsborough Gainsborough 53.3833333 -0.7666667 P PPL GB ENG H7 19871 18 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6841 2649024 Frome Frome 51.2291667 -2.3183333 P PPL GB ENG M3 24948 75 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6842 2649049 Frinton-on-Sea Frinton-on-Sea 51.8333333 1.25 P PPL GB ENG 00 16941 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-27
+ 6843 2649198 Formby Formby 53.55 -3.05 P PPL GB ENG 00 24225 3 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6844 2649258 Folkestone Folkestone 51.0833333 1.1833333 P PPL GB ENG G5 45992 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6845 2649312 Fleetwood Fleetwood 53.9166667 -3.0 P PPL GB ENG 00 27077 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6846 2649322 Fleet Fleet 51.2833333 -0.8333333 P PPL GB ENG F2 34218 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6847 2649578 Felling Felling 54.955 -1.56 P PPL GB ENG 00 34355 51 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6848 2649622 Faversham Faversham 51.3166667 0.9 P PPL GB ENG G5 18628 26 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6849 2649650 Farnworth Farnworth 53.55 -2.4 P PPL GB ENG 00 25680 71 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6850 2649660 Farnham Farnham 51.2 -0.8 P PPL GB ENG N7 36971 78 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6851 2649672 Farnborough Farnborough 51.2666667 -0.7333333 P PPL GB ENG N7 59902 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6852 2649692 Fareham Fareham 50.85 -1.1833333 P PPL GB ENG F2 57390 -9999 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6853 2649715 Falmouth Falmouth 50.1544110674607 -5.07113456726074 P PPL GB ENG C6 22222 1 Europe/London 2009-05-18
+ 6854 2649723 Falkirk Falkirk 56.0 -3.7666667 P PPL GB SCT U9 32479 53 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6855 2649750 Failsworth Failsworth 53.5166667 -2.1333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 20209 151 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6856 2649808 Exeter Exeter 50.7235979104432 -3.52750718593597 P PPL GB ENG D4 113118 43 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6857 2649833 Evesham Evesham 52.0833333 -1.9333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 22673 69 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6858 2649911 Esher Esher 51.35 -0.3666667 P PPL GB ENG N7 52392 31 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6859 2649957 Epsom Epsom 51.3166667 -0.2666667 P PPL GB ENG N7 27065 76 Europe/London 2009-06-28
+ 6860 2650004 Emsworth Emsworth 50.8477897222086 -0.936970710754395 P PPL GB ENG P6 18543 2 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6861 2650096 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port 53.2833333 -2.9 P PPL GB ENG C5 67768 2 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6862 2650122 Elgin Elgin 57.65 -3.3333333 P PPL GB SCT V6 21236 21 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6863 2650188 Egham Egham 51.4166667 -0.5666667 P PPL GB ENG N7 29663 49 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6864 2650225 Edinburgh Edinburgh 55.95 -3.2 P PPLA GB SCT U8 435791 32 Europe/London 2007-02-17
+ 6865 2650278 Eccles Eccles 53.4833333 -2.3333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 37275 45 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6866 2650285 Ebbw Vale Ebbw Vale 51.7833333 -3.2 P PPL GB WLS X2 18345 324 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6867 2650346 Retford Retford 53.3221326858452 -0.943150520324707 P PPL GB ENG J9 21897 54 Europe/London 2008-10-24
+ 6868 2650396 Eastleigh Eastleigh 50.9666667 -1.35 P PPL GB ENG F2 54225 18 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6869 2650405 East Kilbride East Kilbride 55.7666667 -4.1666667 P PPL GB SCT 00 74231 166 Europe/London 2006-11-15
+ 6870 2650435 East Grinstead East Grinstead 51.1166667 -0.0166667 P PPL GB ENG P6 26523 82 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6871 2650470 East Dereham East Dereham 52.6833333 0.9333333 P PPL GB ENG I9 18175 52 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6872 2650497 Eastbourne Eastbourne 50.7687108425654 0.284528732299805 P PPL GB ENG E2 112906 1 Europe/London 2008-06-19
+ 6873 2650628 Durham Durham 54.7666667 -1.5666667 P PPL GB ENG D8 45696 62 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6874 2650657 Dunstable Dunstable 51.8860013686483 -0.520992279052734 P PPL GB ENG A5 51973 152 Europe/London 2008-07-27
+ 6875 2650732 Dunfermline Dunfermline 56.0833333 -3.4666667 P PPL GB SCT V1 38960 118 Europe/London 2007-02-18
+ 6876 2650752 Dundee Dundee 56.5 -2.9666667 P PPL GB SCT U3 151592 76 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6877 2650802 Dumbarton Dumbarton 55.95 -4.5666667 P PPL GB SCT W7 19878 4 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6878 2650815 Dukinfield Dukinfield 53.4749699995486 -2.08808898925781 P PPL GB ENG 00 19306 121 Europe/London 2008-06-02
+ 6879 2650839 Dudley Dudley 52.5 -2.0833333 P PPL GB ENG D7 199059 152 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6880 2650962 Droylsden Droylsden 53.4833333 -2.15 P PPL GB ENG 00 23689 78 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6881 2650967 Dronfield Dronfield 53.3 -1.4666667 P PPL GB ENG D3 20942 154 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6882 2650983 Droitwich Droitwich 52.2666667 -2.15 P PPL GB ENG Q4 23588 73 Europe/London 2007-07-05
+ 6883 2651048 Dover Dover 51.1333333 1.3 P PPL GB ENG G5 28156 33 Europe/London 2008-07-15
+ 6884 2651095 Dorking Dorking 51.2166667 -0.3333333 P PPL GB ENG N7 16429 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6885 2651101 Dorchester Dorchester 50.7166667 -2.4333333 P PPL GB ENG D6 16879 76 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6886 2651123 Doncaster Doncaster 53.5333333 -1.1166667 P PPL GB ENG D5 67670 29 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6887 2651269 Didcot Didcot 51.6092757555943 -1.24214172363281 P PPL GB ENG K2 25793 72 Europe/London 2009-10-17
+ 6888 2651286 Dewsbury Dewsbury 53.6907604810264 -1.62906646728516 P PPL GB ENG 00 56640 71 Europe/London 2007-01-15
+ 6889 2651347 Derby Derby 52.9227723427478 -1.47663116455078 P PPL GB ENG D2 235029 63 Europe/London 2009-08-27
+ 6890 2651357 Denton Denton 53.4567801323764 -2.11821556091309 P PPL GB ENG 00 27464 80 Europe/London 2008-04-11
+ 6891 2651485 Daventry Daventry 52.25 -1.1666667 P PPL GB ENG J1 22215 152 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6892 2651495 Darwen Darwen 53.7 -2.4666667 P PPL GB ENG H2 32566 220 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6893 2651497 Darton Darton 53.587053600473 -1.52675628662109 P PPL GB ENG 00 15259 76 Europe/London 2007-04-07
+ 6894 2651500 Dartford Dartford 51.45 0.2166667 P PPL GB ENG G5 56694 14 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6895 2651513 Darlington Darlington 54.5333333 -1.5666667 P PPL GB ENG D1 87204 63 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6896 2651654 Cwmbran Cwmbran 51.6530556 -3.0266667 P PPL GB WLS Y4 48157 68 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6897 2651715 Cumbernauld Cumbernauld 55.95 -3.9833333 P PPL GB SCT 00 49392 128 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6898 2651831 Crowthorne Crowthorne 51.3666667 -0.8166667 P PPL GB ENG P4 25522 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6899 2651852 Crowborough Crowborough 51.05 0.15 P PPL GB ENG E2 20733 163 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6900 2652002 Crewe Crewe 53.1 -2.4333333 P PPL GB ENG C5 70455 46 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6901 2652053 Crawley Crawley 51.1166667 -0.1833333 P PPL GB ENG P6 107061 75 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6902 2652095 Cramlington Cramlington 55.0865226858582 -1.58597946166992 P PPL GB ENG J6 29985 41 Europe/London 2008-09-14
+ 6903 2652204 Cowes Cowes 50.7630581977832 -1.29771709442139 P PPL GB ENG 00 17000 -9999 Europe/London 2009-03-10
+ 6904 2652221 Coventry Coventry 52.4065556183991 -1.51216506958008 P PPL GB ENG C7 308313 76 Europe/London 2008-06-27
+ 6905 2652381 Corby Corby 52.4963685505072 -0.68939208984375 P PPL GB ENG J1 50029 83 Europe/London 2009-03-25
+ 6906 2652437 Consett Consett 54.85 -1.8333333 P PPL GB ENG D8 21016 171 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6907 2652458 Conisbrough Conisbrough 53.4833333 -1.2333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 15703 67 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6908 2652464 Congleton Congleton 53.15 -2.2 P PPL GB ENG C5 26030 152 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6909 2652513 Colwyn Bay Colwyn Bay 53.3 -3.75 P PPL GB WLS 00 30829 77 Europe/London 2006-04-02
+ 6910 2652586 Coleraine Coleraine 55.1333333 -6.6666667 P PPL GB NIR R6 25681 13 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6911 2652618 Colchester Colchester 51.8833333 0.9 P PPL GB ENG E4 109414 5 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6912 2652622 Coity Coity 51.5216667 -3.5530556 P PPL GB WLS X3 41352 71 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6913 2652689 Cobham Cobham 51.3166667 -0.4166667 P PPL GB ENG N7 16724 31 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6914 2652698 Coalville Coalville 52.7166667 -1.3666667 P PPL GB ENG H5 33288 161 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6915 2652730 Clydebank Clydebank 55.9 -4.4 P PPL GB SCT 00 29867 56 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6916 2652734 Clydach Clydach 51.6833333 -3.9 P PPL GB WLS 00 19307 54 Europe/London 2006-01-27
+ 6917 2652819 Clitheroe Clitheroe 53.8666667 -2.4 P PPL GB ENG H2 15024 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6918 2652861 Clevedon Clevedon 51.4352778 -2.8525 P PPL GB ENG J4 22413 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6919 2652885 Cleethorpes Cleethorpes 53.55 -0.0333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 32017 1 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6920 2652890 Cleckheaton Cleckheaton 53.7166667 -1.7166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 27393 112 Europe/London 2006-01-27
+ 6921 2652974 Clacton-on-Sea Clacton-on-Sea 51.7896653956038 1.15596771240234 P PPL GB ENG 00 54674 -9999 Europe/London 2007-11-12
+ 6922 2652995 Cirencester Cirencester 51.7333333 -1.9833333 P PPL GB ENG E6 16214 134 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6923 2653075 Christchurch Christchurch 50.733059936123 -1.77566528320312 P PPL GB ENG D6 42396 1 Europe/London 2007-06-17
+ 6924 2653086 Chorley Chorley 53.65 -2.6166667 P PPL GB ENG H2 33888 124 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6925 2653137 Chipping Sodbury Chipping Sodbury 51.5333333 -2.3833333 P PPL GB ENG M6 36108 137 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6926 2653144 Chippenham Chippenham 51.46 -2.1247222 P PPL GB ENG P8 36890 68 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6927 2653192 Chichester Chichester 50.8367332416275 -0.780029296875 P PPL GB ENG P6 28222 32 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6928 2653224 Chester-le-Street Chester-le-Street 54.85 -1.5666667 P PPL GB ENG D8 36917 50 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6929 2653225 Chesterfield Chesterfield 53.25 -1.4166667 P PPL GB ENG D3 70679 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6930 2653228 Chester Chester 53.2 -2.9166667 P PPL GB ENG C5 81313 12 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6931 2653232 Cheshunt Cheshunt 51.7 -0.0333333 P PPL GB ENG F8 57374 42 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6932 2653235 Chesham Chesham 51.7 -0.6 P PPL GB ENG B9 20649 132 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6933 2653261 Cheltenham Cheltenham 51.9 -2.0833333 P PPL GB ENG E6 103249 72 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6934 2653265 Chelsea Chelsea 51.4833333 -0.1833333 P PPLX GB ENG 00 60000 16 Europe/London 2008-07-10
+ 6935 2653266 Chelmsford Chelmsford 51.7333333 0.4833333 P PPL GB ENG E4 102671 38 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6936 2653305 Chatham Chatham 51.3789061005396 0.527858734130859 P PPL GB ENG G5 75509 26 Europe/London 2008-04-19
+ 6937 2653353 Chapletown Chapletown 53.465058510282 -1.47216796875 P PPL GB ENG 00 22785 99 Europe/London 2008-06-13
+ 6938 2653393 Chalfont Saint Peter Chalfont Saint Peter 51.6 -0.55 P PPL GB ENG B9 20059 80 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6939 2653558 Castlereagh Castlereagh 54.5735045022396 -5.88472366333008 P PPL GB NIR R5 56679 94 Europe/London 2008-06-20
+ 6940 2653584 Castleford Castleford 53.7258652561076 -1.36256217956543 P PPL GB ENG O7 37713 37 Europe/London 2007-01-16
+ 6941 2653680 Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 54.7158 -5.8058 P PPL GB NIR R4 29208 -9999 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6942 2653755 Carmarthen Carmarthen 51.8591667 -4.3116667 P PPL GB WLS X7 15244 22 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6943 2653775 Carlisle Carlisle 54.8833333 -2.9333333 P PPL GB ENG C9 72633 48 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6944 2653822 Cardiff Cardiff 51.48 -3.18 P PPLA GB WLS X5 302139 6 Europe/London 2009-04-15
+ 6945 2653877 Canterbury Canterbury 51.2790449973579 1.07992172241211 P PPL GB ENG G5 46978 47 Europe/London 2009-10-14
+ 6946 2653883 Cannock Cannock 52.6833333 -2.0166667 P PPL GB ENG M9 68067 150 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6947 2653941 Cambridge Cambridge 52.2 0.1166667 P PPL GB ENG C3 128488 38 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6948 2654089 Caerphilly Caerphilly 51.5833333 -3.2166667 P PPL GB WLS X4 31060 93 Europe/London 2009-06-21
+ 6949 2654141 Buxton Buxton 53.25 -1.9166667 P PPL GB ENG D3 21300 367 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6950 2654179 Bushey Bushey 51.6447614426771 -0.366239547729492 P PPL GB ENG F8 17380 77 Europe/London 2007-07-17
+ 6951 2654186 Bury Saint Edmunds Bury Saint Edmunds 52.2463013719831 0.71110725402832 P PPL GB ENG N5 38622 50 Europe/London 2007-11-27
+ 6952 2654187 Bury Bury 53.6 -2.3 P PPL GB ENG C1 61044 111 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6953 2654200 Burton upon Trent Burton upon Trent 52.8 -1.6166667 P PPL GB ENG M9 40039 75 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6954 2654252 Burntwood Burntwood 52.6807532675943 -1.92758560180664 P PPL GB ENG M9 29766 158 Europe/London 2009-10-18
+ 6955 2654264 Burnley Burnley 53.7866576922372 -2.24533081054688 P PPL GB ENG H2 73480 153 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6956 2654308 Burgess Hill Burgess Hill 50.9666667 -0.1333333 P PPL GB ENG P6 31183 58 Europe/London 2007-11-27
+ 6957 2654394 Buckley Buckley 53.1666667 -3.0833333 P PPL GB WLS 00 18471 156 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6958 2654415 Buckhaven Buckhaven 56.1666667 -3.0333333 P PPL GB SCT V1 16063 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6959 2654450 Brymbo Brymbo 53.0666667 -3.0666667 P PPL GB WLS 00 18111 197 Europe/London 2006-01-27
+ 6960 2654490 Brownhills Brownhills 52.6333333 -1.9333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 20308 153 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6961 2654635 Broadstairs Broadstairs 51.360955725155 1.42667770385742 P PPL GB ENG G5 23283 1 Europe/London 2009-10-14
+ 6962 2654663 Brixham Brixham 50.3833333 -3.5 P PPL GB ENG 00 17846 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6963 2654668 Briton Ferry Briton Ferry 51.6333333 -3.8166667 P PPL GB WLS Y5 35179 92 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6964 2654675 Bristol Bristol 51.45 -2.5833333 P PPL GB ENG B7 430713 47 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6965 2654710 Brighton Brighton 50.8283849472495 -0.139474868774414 P PPL GB ENG E2 139001 22 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6966 2654715 Brighouse Brighouse 53.7 -1.7833333 P PPL GB ENG 00 32872 72 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6967 2654728 Bridlington Bridlington 54.0830588042283 -0.191917419433594 P PPL GB ENG 00 35057 -9999 Europe/London 2007-12-19
+ 6968 2654730 Bridgwater Bridgwater 51.1297222 -3.0005556 P PPL GB ENG M3 38020 4 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6969 2654782 Brentwood Brentwood 51.6166667 0.3166667 P PPL GB ENG E4 47606 78 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6970 2654938 Braintree Braintree 51.8833333 0.5666667 P PPL GB ENG E4 46765 39 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6971 2654993 Bradford Bradford 53.7939083408637 -1.75206184387207 P PPL GB ENG B4 299310 143 Europe/London 2009-04-27
+ 6972 2655009 Bracknell Bracknell 51.4166667 -0.75 P PPL GB ENG B3 76103 73 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6973 2655095 Bournemouth Bournemouth 50.7166667 -1.8833333 P PPL GB ENG B2 163600 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6974 2655138 Boston Boston 52.9833333 -0.0166667 P PPL GB ENG H7 35859 4 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6975 2655186 Borehamwood Borehamwood 51.65 -0.2666667 P PPL GB ENG F8 32176 77 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6976 2655198 Bootle Bootle 53.4666667 -3.0166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 57791 5 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6977 2655237 Bolton Bolton 53.5833333 -2.4333333 P PPL GB ENG B1 141331 75 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6978 2655262 Bognor Regis Bognor Regis 50.7820627577217 -0.679779052734375 P PPL GB ENG 00 65391 -9999 Europe/London 2007-04-03
+ 6979 2655315 Blyth Blyth 55.1270787185835 -1.50856018066406 P PPL GB ENG J6 36355 1 Europe/London 2008-09-14
+ 6980 2655351 Bletchley Bletchley 51.9833333 -0.7333333 P PPL GB ENG B9 50193 75 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6981 2655459 Blackpool Blackpool 53.8166667 -3.05 P PPL GB ENG A9 143101 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6982 2655524 Blackburn Blackburn 53.75 -2.4833333 P PPL GB ENG A8 106154 149 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 6983 2655557 Bishopstoke Bishopstoke 50.9666667 -1.3333333 P PPL GB ENG F2 17667 24 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6984 2655562 Bishops Stortford Bishops Stortford 51.8711322071399 0.158679485321045 P PPL GB GB ENG F8 45001 76 Europe/London 2008-01-16
+ 6985 2655582 Bishopbriggs Bishopbriggs 55.9 -4.2333333 P PPL GB SCT 00 22668 76 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6986 2655583 Bishop Auckland Bishop Auckland 54.65 -1.6666667 P PPL GB ENG D8 25665 128 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6987 2655603 Birmingham Birmingham 52.4666667 -1.9166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 984333 140 Europe/London 2008-07-02
+ 6988 2655613 Birkenhead Birkenhead 53.4 -3.0333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 81805 15 Europe/London 2006-05-19
+ 6989 2655642 Bingley Bingley 53.85 -1.8333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 20327 112 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6990 2655664 Billingham Billingham 54.6 -1.3 P PPL GB ENG K9 35708 18 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6991 2655672 Billericay Billericay 51.6166667 0.4166667 P PPL GB ENG E4 34467 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6992 2655689 Biggleswade Biggleswade 52.0833333 -0.2666667 P PPL GB ENG A5 15726 56 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6993 2655707 Bideford Bideford 51.0166667 -4.2166667 P PPL GB ENG D4 16624 6 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 6994 2655708 Biddulph Biddulph 53.1166667 -2.1666667 P PPL GB ENG M9 17625 156 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6995 2655729 Bicester Bicester 51.9 -1.15 P PPL GB ENG K2 35902 74 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 6996 2655777 Bexhill Bexhill 50.85 0.4833333 P PPL GB ENG E2 40478 1 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 6997 2655785 Beverley Beverley 53.8458684135645 -0.423316955566406 P PPL GB ENG E1 31968 2 Europe/London 2009-10-06
+ 6998 2655819 Berwick-Upon-Tweed Berwick-Upon-Tweed 55.7833333 -2.0 P PPL GB ENG 00 26000 -9999 Europe/London 2006-11-18
+ 6999 2655882 Bentley Bentley 53.5333333 -1.15 P PPL GB ENG 00 34821 32 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7000 2655942 Belper Belper 53.0333333 -1.4666667 P PPL GB ENG D3 22427 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7001 2655952 Bellshill Bellshill 55.8166667 -4.0166667 P PPL GB SCT 00 20201 76 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7002 2655984 Belfast Belfast 54.5833333 -5.9333333 P PPLA GB NIR R3 274770 9 Europe/London 2007-02-17
+ 7003 2656031 Bedworth Bedworth 52.4666667 -1.4666667 P PPL GB ENG P3 29981 86 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 7004 2656039 Bedlington Bedlington 55.1306119190213 -1.59318923950195 P PPL GB ENG J6 16831 15 Europe/London 2008-09-14
+ 7005 2656046 Bedford Bedford 52.1345944105091 -0.466318130493164 P PPL GB ENG A5 86658 53 Europe/London 2008-07-27
+ 7006 2656070 Bebington Bebington 53.35 -3.0166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 56803 18 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7007 2656086 Bearsden Bearsden 55.9166667 -4.35 P PPL GB SCT 00 27839 70 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7008 2656168 Batley Batley 53.7029056774964 -1.63370132446289 P PPL GB ENG 00 50807 73 Europe/London 2007-01-15
+ 7009 2656169 Bathgate Bathgate 55.9 -3.6333333 P PPL GB SCT 00 15337 156 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7010 2656173 Bath Bath 51.3794444 -2.3655556 P PPL GB ENG A4 93238 74 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7011 2656192 Basingstoke Basingstoke 51.2666667 -1.0833333 P PPL GB ENG F2 96348 78 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7012 2656194 Basildon Basildon 51.5666667 0.4666667 P PPL GB ENG E4 101362 66 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7013 2656235 Barry Barry 51.4066667 -3.2694444 P PPL GB WLS Z3 51681 12 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7014 2656241 Barrow in Furness Barrow in Furness 54.1166667 -3.2333333 P PPL GB ENG C9 47264 3 Europe/London 2008-09-15
+ 7015 2656258 Barrhead Barrhead 55.7833333 -4.3833333 P PPL GB SCT 00 17285 108 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7016 2656281 Barnstaple Barnstaple 51.0833333 -4.05 P PPL GB ENG D4 32532 70 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7017 2656284 Barnsley Barnsley 53.55 -1.4833333 P PPL GB ENG A3 71447 92 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7018 2656396 Bangor Bangor 54.653378295775 -5.6689453125 P PPL GB NIR T2 60385 20 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7019 2656397 Bangor Bangor 53.2666667 -4.1166667 P PPL GB WLS Y2 15449 48 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 7020 2656406 Banbury Banbury 52.05 -1.3333333 P PPL GB ENG K2 46075 102 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 7021 2656407 Banbridge Banbridge 54.35 -6.2833333 P PPL GB NIR R2 16173 76 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7022 2656490 Ballymena Ballymena 54.8635677598837 -6.27628326416016 P PPL GB NIR Q9 28932 73 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7023 2656627 Baildon Baildon 53.8471089925401 -1.7878532409668 P PPL GB ENG 00 15710 106 Europe/London 2008-06-13
+ 7024 2656708 Ayr Ayr 55.45 -4.6166667 P PPL GB SCT W4 45513 32 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7025 2656719 Aylesbury Aylesbury 51.8166667 -0.8 P PPL GB ENG B9 74565 100 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7026 2656847 Atherton Atherton 53.5166667 -2.5 P PPL GB ENG 00 20149 65 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7027 2656915 Ashton-under-Lyne Ashton-under-Lyne 53.4887604882432 -2.09890365600586 P PPL GB ENG O1 43675 111 Europe/London 2008-06-02
+ 7028 2656918 Ashton in Makerfield Ashton in Makerfield 53.4833333 -2.65 P PPL GB ENG 00 29039 78 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7029 2656955 Ashford Ashford 51.1458635297781 0.872812271118164 P PPL GB ENG G5 62787 56 Europe/London 2009-10-14
+ 7030 2656992 Ascot Ascot 51.4 -0.6666667 P PPL GB ENG P4 17899 72 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 7031 2657030 Arnold Arnold 53.0 -1.1333333 P PPL GB ENG J9 37873 76 Europe/London 2007-06-16
+ 7032 2657215 Arbroath Arbroath 56.55 -2.5833333 P PPL GB SCT T7 22291 -9999 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7033 2657255 Antrim Antrim 54.7 -6.2 P PPL GB NIR Q6 19661 68 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7034 2657324 Andover Andover 51.2 -1.4833333 P PPL GB ENG F2 39951 76 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7035 2657356 Amersham Amersham 51.6666667 -0.6166667 P PPL GB ENG B9 21731 142 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7036 2657402 Altrincham Altrincham 53.3833333 -2.35 P PPL GB ENG 41548 49 Europe/London 2008-03-30
+ 7037 2657408 Alton Alton 51.1493094821095 -0.974693298339844 P PPL GB ENG F2 16584 124 Europe/London 2007-12-07
+ 7038 2657471 Alloa Alloa 56.1166667 -3.8 P PPL GB SCT U1 18885 1 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7039 2657508 Alfreton Alfreton 53.1 -1.3833333 P PPL GB ENG D3 22550 126 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7040 2657528 Aldridge Aldridge 52.6 -1.9166667 P PPL GB ENG 00 16008 152 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7041 2657540 Aldershot Aldershot 51.25 -0.7666667 P PPL GB ENG F2 61339 77 Europe/London 2007-06-15
+ 7042 2657613 Airdrie Airdrie 55.85 -3.9833333 P PPL GB SCT V8 35440 112 Europe/London 2007-07-05
+ 7043 2657770 Accrington Accrington 53.7537858975022 -2.35862731933594 P PPL GB ENG H2 35318 185 Europe/London 2009-08-26
+ 7044 2657780 Abingdon Abingdon 51.6710913459568 -1.28278255462646 P PPL GB ENG K2 37192 56 Europe/London 2008-07-21
+ 7045 2657782 Aberystwyth Aberystwyth 52.4154823334785 -4.08292293548584 P PPL GB WLS X6 18392 47 Europe/London 2009-08-20
+ 7046 2657812 Abergele Abergele 53.2833333 -3.5833333 P PPL GB WLS 00 17769 51 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7047 2657832 Aberdeen Aberdeen 57.1333333 -2.1 P PPL GB SCT T5 183790 36 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7048 2657835 Aberdare Aberdare 51.715 -3.4541667 P PPL GB WLS Y9 32756 148 Europe/London 2006-11-05
+ 7049 3209584 Crosby Crosby 53.4777778 -3.0333333 P PPL GB ENG 00 52140 4 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7050 3345317 Blackwood Blackwood 51.6677778 -3.2075 P PPL GB WLS X4 15476 167 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7051 3345432 Neston Neston 51.4122222 -2.2005556 P PPL GB ENG P8 15352 80 Europe/London 2006-01-17
+ 7052 3345439 Telford Telford 52.6765902425084 -2.44926452636719 P PPL GB ENG O2 138241 152 Europe/London 2009-07-13
+ 7053 3345440 Craigavon Craigavon 54.4470869910933 -6.38700485229492 P PPL GB NIR R8 59236 112 Europe/London 2008-01-23
+ 7054 6695247 Chapel Allerton Chapel Allerton 53.8290093528847 -1.53834342956543 P PPL GB ENG H3 18206 89 Europe/London 2008-07-24
+ 7055 3579925 Saint George's Saint George's 12.05 -61.75 P PPLC GD GD 03 7500 26 America/Grenada 2008-10-10
+ 7056 610824 Zugdidi Zugdidi 42.5122222 41.8691667 P PPL GE 00 73006 128 Asia/Tbilisi 2007-04-26
+ 7057 610864 Zestap'oni Zestap'oni 42.11 43.0525 P PPLA GE GE 61 25891 233 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-05-20
+ 7058 611403 Ts'khinvali Ts'khinvali 42.2325 43.975 P PPL GE GE 22 30000 962 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-08-08
+ 7059 611583 Tqvarch'eli Tqvarch'eli 42.8513889 41.68 P PPL GE 00 17847 376 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-01-17
+ 7060 611694 T'elavi T'elavi 41.9194444 45.4852778 P PPL GE GE 00 21800 631 Asia/Tbilisi 2009-08-12
+ 7061 611717 Tbilisi Tbilisi 41.725 44.7908333 P PPLC GE 00 1049498 420 Asia/Tbilisi 2007-04-04
+ 7062 611847 Sokhumi Sokhumi 43.0033333 41.0152778 P PPL GE 00 81546 19 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-01-05
+ 7063 612053 Senaki Senaki 42.2688889 42.0791667 P PPL GE 00 27752 36 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-08-09
+ 7064 612126 Samtredia Samtredia 42.1537005417244 42.3351716995239 P PPL GE 00 28748 33 Asia/Tbilisi 2007-03-03
+ 7065 612366 P'ot'i P'ot'i 42.1419444 41.6763889 P PPL GE 00 47149 5 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-08-09
+ 7066 612652 Och'amch'ire Och'amch'ire 42.7125 41.4716667 P PPL GE 00 15517 12 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-08-09
+ 7067 613074 Marneuli Marneuli 41.4636111 44.8108333 P PPL GE 00 18755 400 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-08-09
+ 7068 613607 K'ut'aisi K'ut'aisi 42.2622222 42.7163889 P PPL GE 00 178338 183 Asia/Tbilisi 2007-02-17
+ 7069 613762 Kobuleti Kobuleti 41.82 41.7752778 P PPL GE GE 04 18600 3 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-11-04
+ 7070 613988 Khashuri Khashuri 41.9911111 43.59 P PPL GE 28 27811 695 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-08-09
+ 7071 614455 Gori Gori 41.9736111 44.1111111 P PPL GE 00 46676 576 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-11-05
+ 7072 615532 Bat'umi Bat'umi 41.6419444 41.6336111 P PPL GE GE 04 121806 6 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-07-14
+ 7073 615860 Akhalts'ikhe Akhalts'ikhe 41.6372222 42.9783333 P PPL GE 00 17298 999 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-08-09
+ 7074 615912 Stantsiya Novyy Afon Stantsiya Novyy Afon 43.0805556 40.8383333 P PPL GE GE 00 26636 22 Asia/Tbilisi 2008-09-03
+ 7075 824288 Tsqaltubo Tsqaltubo 42.3397222 42.5991667 P PPL GE 59 16736 154 Asia/Tbilisi 2006-08-09
+ 7076 3380387 Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni 5.5 -54.0333333 P PPL GF GF 973 9732 97311 24287 10 America/Cayenne 2008-03-07
+ 7077 3380892 Rémire-Montjoly Remire-Montjoly 4.9166667 -52.2666667 P PPL GF GF 973 9731 97309 19029 -9999 America/Cayenne 2008-03-07
+ 7078 3380965 Matoury Matoury 4.85 -52.3333333 P PPL GF GF 973 9731 97307 26350 44 America/Cayenne 2006-01-17
+ 7079 3381303 Kourou Kourou 5.15 -52.65 P PPL GF GF 973 9731 97304 24029 1 America/Cayenne 2006-07-06
+ 7080 3382160 Cayenne Cayenne 4.9333333 -52.3333333 P PPLC GF GF 973 9731 97302 61550 33 America/Cayenne 2007-02-17
+ 7081 3042287 Saint Peter Port Saint Peter Port 49.4561111 -2.5408333 P PPLC GG 00 16488 -9999 Europe/Guernsey 2008-05-14
+ 7082 2293801 Yendi Yendi 9.4333333 -0.0166667 P PPL GH 00 42972 157 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7083 2294034 Winneba Winneba 5.3333333 -0.6166667 P PPL GH 00 44254 -9999 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7084 2294086 Wenchi Wenchi 7.7333333 -2.1 P PPL GH 00 31411 304 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7085 2294206 Wa Wa 10.05 -2.4833333 P PPLA GH 11 78107 306 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7086 2294665 Teshi Teshi 5.5833333 -0.1 P PPL GH 00 144013 69 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7087 2294700 Tema Tema 5.6166667 -0.0166667 P PPL GH 00 155782 79 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7088 2294727 Techiman Techiman 7.5833333 -1.9333333 P PPL GH 00 69720 385 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7089 2294768 Tarkwa Tarkwa 5.3 -1.9833333 P PPL GH 00 33466 67 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7090 2294877 Tamale Tamale 9.4 -0.8333333 P PPLA GH 06 360579 152 Africa/Accra 2007-02-18
+ 7091 2294915 Takoradi Takoradi 4.8833333 -1.75 P PPL GH 00 232919 -9999 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7092 2294938 Tafo Tafo 6.7333333 -1.6166667 P PPL GH 00 50457 277 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7093 2294962 Swedru Swedru 5.5333333 -0.7 P PPL GH 00 50293 75 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7094 2295021 Sunyani Sunyani 7.3333333 -2.3333333 P PPLA GH 03 70299 304 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7095 2295065 Suhum Suhum 6.0333333 -0.45 P PPL GH 00 34995 186 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7096 2295385 Shama Junction Shama Junction 5.0 -1.65 P PPL GH 00 20946 69 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7097 2295458 Sekondi Sekondi 4.9333333 -1.7 P PPLA GH 09 138872 -9999 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7098 2295517 Savelugu Savelugu 9.6247222 -0.8277778 P PPL GH 06 29310 152 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7099 2295672 Saltpond Saltpond 5.2 -1.0666667 P PPL GH 00 18794 80 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7100 2295684 Salaga Salaga 8.55 -0.5166667 P PPL GH 00 19609 152 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7101 2295840 Prestea Prestea 5.4333333 -2.15 P PPL GH 00 31607 77 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7102 2296458 Oduponkpehe Oduponkpehe 5.5333333 -0.4166667 P PPL GH 00 44227 75 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7103 2296564 Oda Oda 5.9166667 -0.9833333 P PPL GH 00 43399 194 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7104 2296606 Obuasi Obuasi 6.2 -1.6666667 P PPL GH 00 137856 241 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7105 2296969 Nungua Nungua 5.6 -0.0666667 P PPL GH 00 70483 68 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7106 2297141 Nsawam Nsawam 5.8 -0.35 P PPL GH 00 32950 73 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7107 2297313 Nkawkaw Nkawkaw 6.55 -0.7666667 P PPL GH 00 47162 275 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7108 2297505 Navrongo Navrongo 10.895 -1.0938889 P PPL GH 10 25470 197 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7109 2298264 Mampong Mampong 7.0666667 -1.4 P PPL GH 00 35887 370 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7110 2298330 Madina Madina 5.6833333 -0.1666667 P PPL GH 00 101207 76 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7111 2298890 Kumasi Kumasi 6.6833333 -1.6166667 P PPLA GH 02 1468609 247 Africa/Accra 2007-02-17
+ 7112 2299233 Kpandu Kpandu 7.0 0.3 P PPL GH 00 22525 152 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7113 2299349 Konongo Konongo 6.6166667 -1.2166667 P PPL GH 00 32130 229 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7114 2299522 Koforidua Koforidua 6.0833333 -0.25 P PPLA GH 05 96266 239 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7115 2299625 Kintampo Kintampo 8.05 -1.7166667 P PPL GH 00 22731 286 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7116 2299645 Keta Keta 5.9166667 0.9833333 P PPL GH 00 18077 43 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7117 2300372 Hohoe Hohoe 7.15 0.4666667 P PPL GH 00 40383 170 Africa/Accra 2006-01-22
+ 7118 2300379 Ho Ho 6.6 0.4666667 P PPLA GH 08 69998 154 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7119 2300721 Gbawe Gbawe 5.5833333 -0.3 P PPL GH 00 44645 122 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7120 2300883 Foso Foso 5.7 -1.2833333 P PPL GH 00 15637 158 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7121 2301190 Elmina Elmina 5.0833333 -1.35 P PPL GH 00 25560 -9999 Africa/Accra 2007-02-18
+ 7122 2301217 Ejura Ejura 7.3833333 -1.3666667 P PPL GH 00 43403 227 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7123 2301400 Dunkwa Dunkwa 5.9666667 -1.7833333 P PPL GH 00 25410 107 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7124 2301639 Dom Dom 5.65 -0.2333333 P PPL GH 00 47260 73 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7125 2302357 Cape Coast Cape Coast 5.1 -1.25 P PPLA GH 04 143015 -9999 Africa/Accra 2007-02-08
+ 7126 2302821 Bolgatanga Bolgatanga 10.7855556 -0.8513889 P PPLA GH 10 54430 180 Africa/Accra 2006-11-15
+ 7127 2303060 Bibiani Bibiani 6.4666667 -2.3333333 P PPL GH 00 19076 250 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7128 2303125 Berekum Berekum 7.45 -2.5833333 P PPL GH 00 46287 305 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7129 2303236 Begoro Begoro 6.3833333 -0.3833333 P PPL GH 00 23759 448 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7130 2303287 Bawku Bawku 11.0580556 -0.2416667 P PPL GH 10 56830 229 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7131 2303611 Axim Axim 4.8683333 -2.2413889 P PPL GH 09 24500 71 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7132 2304220 Asamankese Asamankese 5.8666667 -0.6666667 P PPL GH 00 36589 159 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7133 2304389 Apam Apam 5.2833333 -0.7333333 P PPL GH 00 20147 -9999 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7134 2304548 Anloga Anloga 5.8 0.9 P PPL GH 00 29748 43 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7135 2304931 Akwatia Akwatia 6.05 -0.8 P PPL GH 00 20451 148 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7136 2305537 Agogo Agogo 6.8 -1.0833333 P PPL GH 00 31554 397 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7137 2306079 Achiaman Achiaman 5.7 -0.3333333 P PPL GH 00 202932 72 Africa/Accra 2006-01-27
+ 7138 2306104 Accra Accra 5.55 -0.2166667 P PPLC GH 01 1963264 104 Africa/Accra 2007-02-17
+ 7139 2306119 Aburi Aburi 5.85 -0.1833333 P PPL GH 00 15053 301 Africa/Accra 2006-01-17
+ 7140 2411585 Gibraltar Gibraltar 36.1333333 -5.35 P PPLC GI 00 26544 448 Europe/Gibraltar 2006-05-01
+ 7141 3421319 Nuuk Nuuk 64.1737722971223 -51.738395690918 P PPLC GL 03 14798 5 -9999 America/Godthab 2009-07-02
+ 7142 2411880 Sukuta Sukuta 13.4113889 -16.7088889 P PPL GM 05 15131 22 Africa/Banjul 2007-06-24
+ 7143 2412749 Lamin Lamin 13.3522222 -16.4338889 P PPL GM 05 24797 27 Africa/Banjul 2006-01-17
+ 7144 2413515 Farafenni Farafenni 13.5666667 -15.6 P PPL GM 00 29867 26 Africa/Banjul 2006-01-17
+ 7145 2413753 Brikama Brikama 13.2675 -16.6461111 P PPLA GM 05 77700 33 Africa/Banjul 2006-11-15
+ 7146 2413876 Banjul Banjul 13.4564084091133 -16.5812873840332 P PPLC GM 01 34589 5 Africa/Banjul 2008-07-01
+ 7147 2413920 Bakau Bakau 13.4780556 -16.6819444 P PPL GM 05 43098 33 Africa/Banjul 2006-01-17
+ 7148 2414545 Tougué Tougue 11.45 -11.6833333 P PPLA GN 28 25531 818 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7149 2414926 Télimélé Telimele 10.9 -13.0333333 P PPLA GN 27 30311 544 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7150 2415703 Siguiri Siguiri 11.4166667 -9.1666667 P PPLA GN 39 43601 357 Africa/Conakry 2006-01-17
+ 7151 2416443 Pita Pita 11.0833333 -12.4 P PPLA GN 25 20052 914 Africa/Conakry 2006-01-17
+ 7152 2416969 Nzérékoré Nzerekore 7.7472222 -8.8238889 P PPLA GN 38 132728 561 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7153 2417833 Mamou Mamou 10.3833333 -12.0833333 P PPLA GN 23 41619 738 Africa/Conakry 2006-01-17
+ 7154 2417988 Macenta Macenta 8.5461111 -9.4694444 P PPLA GN 21 43102 608 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7155 2418362 Labé Labe 11.3166667 -12.2833333 P PPLA GN 34 46510 927 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7156 2419472 Kissidougou Kissidougou 9.1833333 -10.1 P PPLA GN 17 47099 522 Africa/Conakry 2006-01-17
+ 7157 2419533 Kindia Kindia 10.0666667 -12.85 P PPLA GN 16 117062 322 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7158 2419992 Kankan Kankan 10.3833333 -9.3 P PPLA GN 32 114009 371 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7159 2422465 Conakry Conakry 9.5091667 -13.7122222 P PPLC GN 04 1767200 235 Africa/Conakry 2007-02-17
+ 7160 2422488 Camayenne Camayenne 9.535 -13.6877778 P PPL GN 04 1871242 324 Africa/Conakry 2006-01-17
+ 7161 2422924 Boké Boke 10.9333333 -14.3 P PPLA GN 03 15460 31 Africa/Conakry 2006-11-15
+ 7162 3578447 Sainte-Rose Sainte-Rose 16.3333333 -61.6833333 P PPL GP GP 971 9711 97129 20192 1 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7163 3578466 Sainte-Anne Sainte-Anne 16.2333333 -61.3666667 P PPL GP GP 971 9712 97128 22859 1 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7164 3578599 Pointe-à-Pitre Pointe-a-Pitre 16.2333333 -61.5166667 P PPL GP GP 971 9712 97120 18264 36 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7165 3578682 Petit-Bourg Petit-Bourg 16.1833333 -61.5833333 P PPL GP GP 971 9711 97118 24994 1 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7166 3578959 Les Abymes Les Abymes 16.2666667 -61.5 P PPL GP GP 971 9712 97101 63058 29 America/Guadeloupe 2009-09-09
+ 7167 3578967 Le Moule Le Moule 16.3333333 -61.3333333 P PPL GP GP 971 9712 97117 22692 3 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7168 3578978 Le Gosier Le Gosier 16.2 -61.4833333 P PPL GP GP 971 9712 97113 28698 -9999 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7169 3579585 Capesterre-Belle-Eau Capesterre-Belle-Eau 16.05 -61.55 P PPL GP GP 971 9711 97107 19821 -9999 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7170 3579732 Basse-Terre Basse-Terre 16.0 -61.7166667 P PPLC GP GP 971 9711 97105 11472 1 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7171 3579767 Baie-Mahault Baie-Mahault 16.2666667 -61.5833333 P PPL GP GP 971 9711 97103 30551 24 America/Guadeloupe 2008-02-29
+ 7172 2309332 Ebebiyín Ebebiyin 2.15 11.3333333 P PPLA GQ 07 24831 393 Africa/Malabo 2006-01-17
+ 7173 2309527 Malabo Malabo 3.75 8.7833333 P PPLC GQ 04 155963 111 Africa/Malabo 2008-07-10
+ 7174 2310046 Bata Bata 1.85 9.75 P PPLA GQ 08 173046 531 Africa/Malabo 2007-02-17
+ 7175 251780 Voúla Voula 37.85 23.7666667 P PPL GR 29033 89 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7176 251833 Vólos Volos 39.3666667 22.9458333 P PPLA GR ESYE14 24 84425 52 Europe/Athens 2006-11-05
+ 7177 251948 Víron Viron 37.9666667 23.75 P PPL GR 61888 155 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7178 252601 Trípolis Tripolis 37.5088889 22.3794444 P PPLA GR ESYE25 41 26561 681 Europe/Athens 2009-10-13
+ 7179 252664 Tríkala Trikala 39.5552778 21.7675 P PPLA GR ESYE14 22 49809 123 Europe/Athens 2008-10-27
+ 7180 252910 Thívai Thivai 38.325 23.3188889 P PPL GR ESYE24 33 22026 202 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7181 253394 Sparta Sparta 37.0733333 22.4297222 P PPLA GR ESYE25 42 15497 210 Europe/Athens 2008-07-20
+ 7182 254144 Salamís Salamis 37.9666667 23.4833333 P PPL GR 26964 81 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7183 254352 Réthymnon Rethymnon 35.3647222 24.4713889 P PPLA GR ESYE43 44 29907 40 Europe/Athens 2008-09-21
+ 7184 254698 Préveza Preveza 38.95 20.75 P PPLA GR ESYE21 19 17283 -9999 Europe/Athens 2008-11-11
+ 7185 255229 Pýrgos Pyrgos 37.6751252789213 21.4410209655762 P PPLA GR ESYE23 39 22399 18 Europe/Athens 2008-02-08
+ 7186 255274 Piraeus Piraeus 37.9474464019929 23.6370849609375 P PPL GR ESYE31 35 172429 -9999 Europe/Athens 2008-02-08
+ 7187 255377 Petroúpolis Petroupolis 38.05 23.6833333 P PPL GR 52609 158 Europe/Athens 2006-01-27
+ 7188 255524 Peristérion Peristerion 38.0166667 23.7 P PPL GR 137659 67 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7189 255588 Pérama Perama 37.9680556 23.565 P PPL GR ESYE31 35 26288 208 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7190 255683 Pátrai Patrai 38.2444444 21.7344444 P PPLA GR ESYE23 38 163360 52 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7191 256075 Palaión Fáliron Palaion Faliron 37.9333333 23.7 P PPL GR 66292 50 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7192 256429 Níkaia Nikaia 37.9666667 23.65 P PPL GR 94608 71 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7193 256575 Néa Smírni Nea Smirni 37.95 23.7166667 P PPL GR 75421 108 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7194 256601 Néa Liósia Nea Liosia 38.0333333 23.7 P PPL GR 81647 67 Europe/Athens 2006-05-19
+ 7195 256614 Néa Ionía Nea Ionia 38.0333333 23.75 P PPL GR 67835 155 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7196 256621 Néa Filadhélfia Nea Filadhelfia 38.0333333 23.7333333 P PPL GR 23644 89 Europe/Athens 2006-01-17
+ 7197 256622 Néa Erithraía Nea Erithraia 38.1 23.8166667 P PPL GR 16432 309 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7198 256639 Náfpaktos Nafpaktos 38.3916667 21.8275 P PPL GR GR ESYE23 31 18000 25 Europe/Athens 2009-05-15
+ 7199 256750 Moskháton Moskhaton 37.95 23.6666667 P PPL GR 23533 -9999 Europe/Athens 2008-06-23
+ 7200 256866 Mytilíni Mytilini 39.11 26.5547222 P PPLA GR ESYE41 51 28322 1 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7201 257302 Melíssia Melissia 38.05 23.8333333 P PPL GR 22385 242 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7202 257365 Mégara Megara 38.0 23.3455556 P PPL GR ESYE31 35 24047 89 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7203 258576 Lárisa Larisa 39.6372222 22.4202778 P PPLA GR ESYE14 21 128758 77 Europe/Athens 2008-11-28
+ 7204 258620 Lamía Lamia 38.9 22.4333333 P PPLA GR ESYE24 29 47246 75 Europe/Athens 2008-12-15
+ 7205 259245 Kos Kos 36.8933333 27.2888889 P PPL GR ESYE42 47 19244 1 Europe/Athens 2009-01-05
+ 7206 259251 Koropíon Koropion 37.9 23.8833333 P PPL GR 17151 111 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7207 259289 Corinth Corinth 37.9377778 22.9322222 P PPLA GR ESYE25 37 30899 29 Europe/Athens 2007-03-19
+ 7208 259824 Kifisiá Kifisia 38.0666667 23.8166667 P PPL GR 45755 320 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7209 259949 Kholargós Kholargos 38.0 23.8 P PPL GR 31545 266 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7210 259973 Chíos Chios 38.3677778 26.1358333 P PPLA GR ESYE41 50 23953 1 Europe/Athens 2008-05-26
+ 7211 260114 Chaniá Chania 35.5122222 24.0155556 P PPLA GR ESYE43 43 54565 5 Europe/Athens 2008-10-08
+ 7212 260133 Χαλκίδα 38.4636111 23.5994444 P PPLA GR ESYE24 34 54558 13 Europe/Athens 2008-06-16
+ 7213 260172 Khalándrion Khalandrion 38.0305828722339 23.7979316711426 P PPL GR 74211 187 Europe/Athens 2008-06-23
+ 7214 260204 Keratsínion Keratsinion 37.9625 23.6197222 P PPL GR ESYE31 35 77222 31 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7215 260989 Kardítsa Karditsa 39.3655556 21.9216667 P PPLA GR ESYE14 23 32789 127 Europe/Athens 2007-03-19
+ 7216 261414 Kallithéa Kallithea 37.95 23.7 P PPL GR 107767 74 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7217 261604 Kalamáta Kalamata 37.0388889 22.1141667 P PPLA GR ESYE25 40 51108 32 Europe/Athens 2007-03-19
+ 7218 261614 Kalamákion Kalamakion 37.9166667 23.7166667 P PPL GR 40490 79 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7219 261678 Kaisarianí Kaisariani 37.9666667 23.8 P PPL GR 26126 578 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7220 261743 Iráklion Iraklion 38.0666667 23.7666667 P PPL GR 47006 197 Europe/Athens 2006-01-17
+ 7221 261745 Irákleion Irakleion 35.325 25.1305556 P PPLA GR ESYE43 45 137154 70 Europe/Athens 2008-08-27
+ 7222 261779 Ioánnina Ioannina 39.6675 20.8508333 P PPLA GR ESYE21 17 64012 468 Europe/Athens 2007-03-19
+ 7223 262135 Galátsion Galatsion 38.0166667 23.75 P PPL GR 58625 158 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7224 262719 Ellinikón Ellinikon 37.8833333 23.7333333 P PPL GR 18094 -9999 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7225 262752 Elefsís Elefsis 38.0333333 23.5333333 P PPL GR ESYE31 35 27055 -9999 Europe/Athens 2006-01-17
+ 7226 264111 Ayía Varvára Ayia Varvara 37.9833333 23.6666667 P PPL GR 31218 13 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7227 264194 Ayía Paraskeví Ayia Paraskevi 38.0166667 23.8333333 P PPL GR 60662 196 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7228 264371 Athens Athens 37.9833333 23.7333333 P PPLC GR ESYE31 35 729137 70 110 Europe/Athens 2009-10-18
+ 7229 264445 Asprópirgos Aspropirgos 38.0666667 23.5833333 P PPL GR 32711 37 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7230 264559 Árta Arta 39.1605556 20.9852778 P PPL GR ESYE21 20 19540 38 Europe/Athens 2009-07-16
+ 7231 264670 Árgos Argos 37.6333333 22.7333333 P PPL GR ESYE25 36 25091 20 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7232 264888 Áno Liósia Ano Liosia 38.0833333 23.7 P PPL GR 28529 156 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7233 265243 Amaroúsion Amarousion 38.05 23.8 P PPL GR 72310 199 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7234 265252 Amaliás Amalias 37.8 21.35 P PPL GR ESYE23 39 19579 76 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7235 265488 Akharnaí Akharnai 38.0833333 23.7333333 P PPL GR 82376 170 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7236 265500 Aígion Aigion 38.2486111 22.0819444 P PPL GR ESYE23 38 20664 42 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7237 265533 Aigáleo Aigaleo 37.9833333 23.6833333 P PPL GR 72320 47 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7238 265560 Agrínion Agrinion 38.6213889 21.4077778 P PPL GR ESYE23 31 43525 80 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7239 400666 Ródos Rodos 36.4408333 28.2225 P PPLA GR ESYE42 47 56128 22 Europe/Athens 2007-06-01
+ 7240 733776 Giannitsá Giannitsa 40.7919444 22.4075 P PPL GR ESYE12 07 27817 61 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7241 733840 Xánthi Xanthi 41.1413889 24.8836111 P PPLA GR ESYE11 03 48221 36 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7242 733905 Véroia Veroia 40.5233333 22.2036111 P PPLA GR ESYE12 12 44464 79 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7243 734077 Thessaloníki Thessaloniki 40.6402778 22.9438889 P PPLA GR ESYE12 13 354290 -9999 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7244 734301 Sykéai Sykeai 40.6494444 22.9508333 P PPLX GR ESYE12 13 44955 170 Europe/Athens 2006-01-17
+ 7245 734330 Sérres Serres 41.0855556 23.5497222 P PPLA GR ESYE12 05 55886 61 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7246 734426 Ptolemaḯs Ptolemais 40.5147222 21.6786111 P PPL GR ESYE13 11 30045 594 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7247 734538 Políchni Polichni 40.6667072879853 22.9488086700439 P PPL GR 39765 69 Europe/Athens 2008-06-23
+ 7248 734643 Pylaía Pylaia 40.6005556 22.9875 P PPL GR 23494 81 Europe/Athens 2006-01-17
+ 7249 734712 Peraía Peraia 40.5002778 22.925 P PPL GR ESYE12 13 16067 11 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7250 734771 Panórama Panorama 40.5833333 23.0333333 P PPL GR 16551 263 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7251 734880 Orestiás Orestias 41.5030556 26.5297222 P PPL GR ESYE11 01 16221 29 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7252 734883 Oraiókastron Oraiokastron 40.7308333 22.9172222 P PPL GR ESYE12 13 15006 241 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7253 735030 Náousa Naousa 40.6294444 22.0680556 P PPL GR ESYE12 12 19887 240 Europe/Athens 2007-05-11
+ 7254 735215 Meneméni Menemeni 40.6569444 22.9 P PPLX GR ESYE12 13 15706 10 Europe/Athens 2006-01-17
+ 7255 735563 Kozáni Kozani 40.3011111 21.7863889 P PPLA GR ESYE13 11 36481 717 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7256 735640 Komotiní Komotini 41.1227778 25.3963889 P PPLA GR ESYE11 02 45631 19 Europe/Athens 2006-11-15
+ 7257 735736 Kilkís Kilkis 40.9919444 22.8708333 P PPLA GR ESYE12 06 19734 257 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7258 735861 Kavála Kavala 40.9397222 24.4019444 P PPLA GR ESYE11 14 59240 -9999 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7259 735914 Kateríni Katerini 40.2719444 22.5025 P PPLA GR ESYE12 16 53293 17 Europe/Athens 2006-11-15
+ 7260 736083 Kalamariá Kalamaria 40.5825 22.9502778 P PPL GR ESYE12 13 91617 -9999 Europe/Athens 2006-11-15
+ 7261 736357 Édessa Edessa 40.8005556 22.0472222 P PPLA GR ESYE12 07 18669 302 Europe/Athens 2007-02-18
+ 7262 736364 Dráma Drama 41.1544444 24.1394444 P PPLA GR ESYE11 04 44226 91 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7263 736928 Alexandroúpolis Alexandroupolis 40.8475 25.8744444 P PPLA GR ESYE11 01 52979 -9999 Europe/Athens 2007-02-17
+ 7264 2463679 Kérkyra Kerkyra 39.62 19.9197222 P PPLA GR ESYE22 25 27003 68 Europe/Athens 2008-06-17
+ 7265 6324534 Vrilissia Vrilissia 38.0338110491961 23.8296246528625 P PPL GR 74034 250 237 Europe/Athens 2007-01-22
+ 7266 6639653 Alimos Alimos 37.916667 23.716667 P PPL GR 38047 79 Europe/Athens 2008-01-24
+ 7267 6693122 Μεσολόγγι 38.3701939109843 21.4295196533203 P PPL GR 18121 19 Europe/Athens 2008-06-05
+ 7268 3426466 Grytviken Grytviken -54.2766667 -36.5116667 P PPLC GS 00 99 201 Atlantic/South_Georgia 2009-03-31
+ 7269 3587587 Zacapa Zacapa 14.9666667 -89.5333333 P PPL GT 22 36088 232 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7270 3587902 Villa Nueva Villa Nueva 14.5269444 -90.5875 P PPL GT 07 406830 1363 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7271 3587923 Villa Canales Villa Canales 14.4813889 -90.5316667 P PPL GT 07 122194 1277 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7272 3588258 Totonicapán Totonicapan 14.9166667 -91.3666667 P PPL GT 21 69734 2480 America/Guatemala 2006-11-15
+ 7273 3588476 Tecpán Guatemala Tecpan Guatemala 14.7669444 -90.9941667 P PPL GT 03 21978 2354 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7274 3588653 Sumpango Sumpango 14.6463889 -90.7338889 P PPL GT 16 20884 1880 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7275 3588698 Sololá Solola 14.7666667 -91.1833333 P PPL GT 19 45373 2136 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7276 3589101 Santiago Sacatepéquez Santiago Sacatepequez 14.6352778 -90.6763889 P PPL GT 16 24210 2013 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7277 3589105 Santiago Atitlán Santiago Atitlan 14.6382336583946 -91.2290096282959 P PPL GT 19 33309 1596 America/Guatemala 2008-03-05
+ 7278 3589253 Santa María de Jesús Santa Maria de Jesus 14.5183333 -90.7266667 P PPL GT 16 15529 1656 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7279 3589289 Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa 14.3333333 -91.0166667 P PPL GT 06 62097 356 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7280 3589404 Santa Cruz del Quiché Santa Cruz del Quiche 15.0305556 -91.1488889 P PPL GT 14 23618 1979 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7281 3589452 Santa Catarina Pinula Santa Catarina Pinula 14.5688889 -90.4952778 P PPL GT 07 67994 1520 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7282 3589626 San Pedro Sacatepéquez San Pedro Sacatepequez 14.9666667 -91.7666667 P PPL GT 17 40021 2320 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7283 3589646 San Pedro Ayampuc San Pedro Ayampuc 14.7866667 -90.4511111 P PPL GT 07 46803 1208 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7284 3589671 San Pablo Jocopilas San Pablo Jocopilas 14.5833333 -91.45 P PPL GT 20 20259 598 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7285 3589805 San Marcos San Marcos 14.9666667 -91.8 P PPL GT 17 25088 2411 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7286 3589852 San Lucas Sacatepéquez San Lucas Sacatepequez 14.6097222 -90.6569444 P PPL GT 16 17959 2087 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7287 3589885 San Juan Sacatepéquez San Juan Sacatepequez 14.7188889 -90.6441667 P PPL GT 07 136886 1802 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7288 3589977 San José Pinula San Jose Pinula 14.5461111 -90.4113889 P PPL GT 07 47247 1778 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7289 3590219 San Francisco El Alto San Francisco El Alto 14.95 -91.45 P PPL GT 21 54493 2582 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7290 3590316 San Cristóbal Verapaz San Cristobal Verapaz 15.3833333 -90.4 P PPL GT 01 19664 1460 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7291 3590389 San Benito San Benito 16.9166667 -89.9 P PPL GT 12 30764 115 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7292 3590406 Sanarate Sanarate 14.795 -90.1922222 P PPL GT 05 15843 860 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7293 3590529 San Andrés Itzapa San Andres Itzapa 14.62 -90.8441667 P PPL GT 03 18647 1858 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7294 3590858 Retalhuleu Retalhuleu 14.5333333 -91.6833333 P PPL GT 15 36656 242 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7295 3590979 Quetzaltenango Quetzaltenango 14.8333333 -91.5166667 P PPL GT 13 132230 2381 America/Guatemala 2007-02-17
+ 7296 3591060 Puerto San José Puerto San Jose 13.9255556 -90.8244444 P PPL GT 06 18655 6 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7297 3591062 Puerto Barrios Puerto Barrios 15.7166667 -88.6 P PPL GT 09 56605 5 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7298 3591093 Pueblo Nuevo Tiquisate Pueblo Nuevo Tiquisate 14.2833333 -91.3666667 P PPL GT 06 18189 64 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7299 3591181 Poptún Poptun 16.3311111 -89.4169444 P PPL GT 12 17320 530 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7300 3591415 Petapa Petapa 14.5027778 -90.5516667 P PPL GT 07 141455 1264 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7301 3591512 Patzún Patzun 14.6833333 -91.0166667 P PPL GT 03 18704 2200 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7302 3591523 Patzicía Patzicia 14.6316667 -90.9269444 P PPL GT 03 16494 2121 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7303 3591676 Panzós Panzos 15.4 -89.6666667 P PPL GT 01 25569 156 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7304 3591833 Palín Palin 14.4055556 -90.6983333 P PPL GT 06 31329 1138 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7305 3591851 Palencia Palencia 14.6647222 -90.3586111 P PPL GT 07 18574 1337 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7306 3591997 Ostuncalco Ostuncalco 14.8666667 -91.6166667 P PPL GT 13 28894 2498 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7307 3592105 Nuevo San Carlos Nuevo San Carlos 14.6 -91.7 P PPL GT 15 19162 376 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7308 3592237 Nebaj Nebaj 15.4058333 -91.1461111 P PPL GT 14 23301 2001 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7309 3592286 Nahualá Nahuala 14.85 -91.3166667 P PPL GT 19 27690 2482 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7310 3592362 Morales Morales 15.4833333 -88.8166667 P PPL GT 09 18994 29 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7311 3592483 Momostenango Momostenango 15.0436111 -91.4086111 P PPL GT 21 31739 2233 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7312 3592519 Mixco Mixco 14.6333333 -90.6063889 P PPL GT 07 473080 1692 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7313 3592609 Mazatenango Mazatenango 14.5333333 -91.5 P PPL GT 20 44132 343 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7314 3594575 La Gomera La Gomera 14.0833333 -91.05 P PPL GT 06 24001 36 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7315 3594703 La Esperanza La Esperanza 14.8666667 -91.5666667 P PPL GT 13 16461 2443 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7316 3595069 Jutiapa Jutiapa 14.2833333 -89.9 P PPL GT 11 34332 877 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7317 3595171 Jocotenango Jocotenango 14.5819444 -90.7436111 P PPL GT 16 17918 1570 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7318 3595237 Jalapa Jalapa 14.6333333 -89.9833333 P PPL GT 10 45834 1362 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7319 3595248 Jacaltenango Jacaltenango 15.6666667 -91.7333333 P PPL GT 08 34084 1342 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7320 3595416 Huehuetenango Huehuetenango 15.3197222 -91.4708333 P PPL GT 08 79426 1907 America/Guatemala 2007-02-08
+ 7321 3595560 Gualán Gualan 15.1333333 -89.3666667 P PPL GT 22 19354 136 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7322 3595714 Fraijanes Fraijanes 14.4652778 -90.4408333 P PPL GT 07 28492 1586 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7323 3595725 Flores Flores 16.9333333 -89.8833333 P PPL GT 12 20464 114 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7324 3595783 Esquipulas Esquipulas 14.5666667 -89.35 P PPL GT 04 20674 943 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7325 3595803 Escuintla Escuintla 14.305 -90.785 P PPL GT 06 103165 349 America/Guatemala 2006-05-19
+ 7326 3596041 El Tejar El Tejar 14.6477778 -90.7927778 P PPL GT 03 15770 1771 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7327 3596644 El Palmar El Palmar 14.65 -91.5833333 P PPL GT 13 15167 702 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7328 3597078 El Estor El Estor 15.5333333 -89.35 P PPL GT 09 15842 46 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7329 3597804 Cuilapa Cuilapa 14.2763889 -90.3002778 P PPL GT 18 16484 970 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7330 3598025 Comitancillo Comitancillo 15.0833333 -91.7166667 P PPL GT 17 19669 2322 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7331 3598034 Comalapa Comalapa 14.7411111 -90.8875 P PPL GT 03 20738 2107 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7332 3598073 Colomba Colomba 14.7166667 -91.7333333 P PPL GT 13 19115 1058 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7333 3598119 Cobán Coban 15.4833333 -90.3666667 P PPL GT 01 53375 1348 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7334 3598122 Coatepeque Coatepeque 14.7 -91.8666667 P PPL GT 13 45654 439 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7335 3598128 Ciudad Vieja Ciudad Vieja 14.5263889 -90.7597222 P PPL GT 16 30203 1503 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7336 3598132 Guatemala City Guatemala City 14.62111 -90.52694 P PPLC GT 07 994938 1533 America/Guatemala 2009-09-16
+ 7337 3598415 Chisec Chisec 15.8166667 -90.2833333 P PPL GT 01 17018 238 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7338 3598465 Chiquimula Chiquimula 14.8 -89.55 P PPL GT 04 41521 420 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7339 3598529 Chinautla Chinautla 14.7083333 -90.4994444 P PPL GT 07 97172 1233 America/Guatemala 2007-02-20
+ 7340 3598572 Chimaltenango Chimaltenango 14.6686111 -90.8166667 P PPL GT 03 82370 1798 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7341 3598655 Chichicastenango Chichicastenango 14.9333333 -91.1166667 P PPL GT 14 79759 2233 America/Guatemala 2006-11-15
+ 7342 3598678 Chicacao Chicacao 14.5333333 -91.3166667 P PPL GT 20 20426 475 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7343 3599069 Cantel Cantel 14.8166667 -91.45 P PPL GT 13 26063 2374 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7344 3599582 Barberena Barberena 14.3094444 -90.3611111 P PPL GT 18 30539 1233 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7345 3599639 Asunción Mita Asuncion Mita 14.3308333 -89.7108333 P PPL GT 11 15608 485 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7346 3599699 Antigua Guatemala Antigua Guatemala 14.5611111 -90.7344444 P PPL GT 16 39368 1578 America/Guatemala 2007-05-28
+ 7347 3599735 Amatitlán Amatitlan 14.4875 -90.6152778 P PPL GT 07 71836 1211 America/Guatemala 2006-11-15
+ 7348 3599788 Alotenango Alotenango 14.4802778 -90.8075 P PPL GT 16 17410 1377 America/Guatemala 2006-01-17
+ 7349 4043909 Dededo Dededo 13.5152778 144.8361111 P PPL GU 00 010 40000 98 0 Pacific/Guam 2008-10-23
+ 7350 4044012 Hagåtña Hagatna 13.4741667 144.7477778 P PPLC GU 00 010 1051 2 0 Pacific/Guam 2009-03-28
+ 7351 2374775 Bissau Bissau 11.85 -15.5833333 P PPLC GW 11 388028 -9999 Africa/Bissau 2007-02-17
+ 7352 2375254 Bafatá Bafata 12.1666667 -14.6666667 P PPLA GW 01 22521 27 Africa/Bissau 2006-01-17
+ 7353 3376762 New Amsterdam New Amsterdam 6.25 -57.5166667 P PPL GY 13 35039 1 America/Guyana 2006-01-17
+ 7354 3377408 Linden Linden 6.0 -58.3 P PPL GY 18 44690 49 America/Guyana 2006-01-17
+ 7355 3378644 Georgetown Georgetown 6.8 -58.1666667 P PPLC GY 12 235017 1 America/Guyana 2007-02-17
+ 7356 1819609 Kowloon Kowloon 22.3166667 114.1833333 P PPLX HK HK 00 2019533 26 Asia/Hong_Kong 2009-05-06
+ 7357 1819729 Hong Kong Hong Kong 22.2840136009625 114.15007352829 P PPLC HK 00 7012738 -9999 Asia/Hong_Kong 2008-06-01
+ 7358 3600026 Puerto Cortez Puerto Cortez 15.8333333 -87.95 P PPL HN 06 48013 -9999 America/Tegucigalpa 2007-07-31
+ 7359 3600195 Yoro Yoro 15.1333333 -87.1333333 P PPL HN 18 15774 661 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7360 3600327 Villanueva Villanueva 15.3166667 -88.0 P PPL HN 06 31571 101 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7361 3600704 Tocoa Tocoa 15.6833333 -86.0 P PPL HN 03 30785 54 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7362 3600931 Tela Tela 15.7833333 -87.45 P PPL HN 01 29325 3 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7363 3600949 Tegucigalpa Tegucigalpa 14.1 -87.2166667 P PPLC HN 08 850848 997 America/Tegucigalpa 2007-02-17
+ 7364 3601311 Siguatepeque Siguatepeque 14.6 -87.8333333 P PPL HN 04 43141 1067 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7365 3601494 Santa Rosa de Copán Santa Rosa de Copan 14.7666667 -88.7833333 P PPL HN 05 27753 1123 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7366 3601691 Santa Bárbara Santa Barbara 14.9166667 -88.2333333 P PPL HN 16 15119 264 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7367 3601782 San Pedro Sula San Pedro Sula 15.5 -88.0333333 P PPL HN 06 489466 84 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-11-05
+ 7368 3601977 San Lorenzo San Lorenzo 13.4241667 -87.4472222 P PPL HN 17 22289 5 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7369 3603330 Potrerillos Potrerillos 15.2333333 -87.9666667 P PPL HN 06 15707 96 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7370 3604251 Olanchito Olanchito 15.5 -86.5666667 P PPL HN 18 25969 148 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7371 3607254 La Paz La Paz 14.3166667 -87.6833333 P PPL HN 12 17555 680 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7372 3607511 La Lima La Lima 15.4333333 -87.9166667 P PPL HN 06 45955 35 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7373 3608248 La Ceiba La Ceiba 15.7833333 -86.8 P PPL HN 01 130218 8 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-11-15
+ 7374 3608503 Juticalpa Juticalpa 14.65 -86.2 P PPL HN 15 33686 411 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7375 3610613 El Progreso El Progreso 15.4 -87.8 P PPL HN 18 100810 45 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7376 3610965 El Paraíso El Paraiso 13.8666667 -86.55 P PPL HN 07 18779 820 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7377 3612907 Danlí Danli 14.0333333 -86.5833333 P PPL HN 07 44799 815 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7378 3613321 Comayagua Comayagua 14.45 -87.6333333 P PPL HN 04 58784 594 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7379 3613394 Cofradía Cofradia 15.4 -88.15 P PPL HN 06 20353 155 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7380 3613528 Ciudad Choluteca Ciudad Choluteca 13.3002778 -87.1908333 P PPL HN 02 75872 44 America/Tegucigalpa 2006-01-17
+ 7381 3613533 Choloma Choloma 15.6144400508223 -87.9530239105225 P PPL HN 06 139100 40 America/Tegucigalpa 2007-02-18
+ 7382 3186781 Zaprešić Zapresic 45.8563889 15.8077778 P PPL HR 20 17624 128 Europe/Zagreb 2006-01-17
+ 7383 3186886 Zagreb Zagreb 45.8 16.0 P PPLC HR 21 698966 131 Europe/Zagreb 2009-07-28
+ 7384 3186952 Zadar Zadar 44.1197222 15.2422222 P PPLA HR 19 71258 39 Europe/Zagreb 2007-05-14
+ 7385 3187047 Vukovar Vukovar 45.3433333 18.9997222 P PPLA HR 18 29584 103 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7386 3187694 Virovitica Virovitica 45.8319444 17.3838889 P PPLA HR 17 15665 117 Europe/Zagreb 2008-01-03
+ 7387 3187719 Vinkovci Vinkovci 45.2883333 18.8047222 P PPL HR 18 33314 87 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7388 3188244 Velika Gorica Velika Gorica 45.7125 16.0755556 P PPL HR 20 35072 114 Europe/Zagreb 2006-11-16
+ 7389 3188383 Varaždin Varazdin 46.3044444 16.3377778 P PPLA HR 16 41808 154 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7390 3190261 Split Split 43.5089077621721 16.439151763916 P PPLA HR 15 176314 20 Europe/Zagreb 2008-03-23
+ 7391 3190359 Solin Solin 43.55 16.5 P PPL HR 15 15927 75 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7392 3190586 Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod 45.1602778 18.0155556 P PPLA HR 02 60742 83 Europe/Zagreb 2006-11-05
+ 7393 3190589 Požega Pozega 45.3402778 17.6852778 P PPLA HR 11 21153 154 Europe/Zagreb 2007-12-07
+ 7394 3190813 Sisak Sisak 45.4661111 16.3783333 P PPLA HR 14 35748 116 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7395 3190941 Šibenik Sibenik 43.7272222 15.9058333 P PPLA HR 13 37112 96 Europe/Zagreb 2007-12-19
+ 7396 3190966 Sesvete Sesvete 45.8311111 16.1163889 P PPL HR 21 52411 146 Europe/Zagreb 2006-01-17
+ 7397 3191316 Samobor Samobor 45.8030556 15.7180556 P PPL HR 20 15221 138 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7398 3191648 Rijeka Rijeka 45.3430556 14.4091667 P PPLA HR 12 141172 126 Europe/Zagreb 2006-11-05
+ 7399 3192224 Pula Pula 44.8683333 13.8480556 P PPL HR 04 59078 19 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7400 3193935 Osijek Osijek 45.5511111 18.6938889 P PPLA HR 10 88140 102 Europe/Zagreb 2008-11-28
+ 7401 3197728 Koprivnica Koprivnica 46.1627778 16.8275 P PPLA HR 06 25579 118 Europe/Zagreb 2008-11-28
+ 7402 3198259 Karlovac Karlovac 45.4872222 15.5477778 P PPLA HR 05 48123 102 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7403 3201047 Dubrovnik Dubrovnik 42.6480700914655 18.0921649932861 P PPLA HR 03 28428 51 Europe/Zagreb 2008-03-25
+ 7404 3202888 Čakovec Cakovec 46.3844444 16.4338889 P PPLA HR 09 15867 168 Europe/Zagreb 2007-02-17
+ 7405 3203982 Bjelovar Bjelovar 45.8986111 16.8488889 P PPLA HR 01 28275 111 Europe/Zagreb 2006-01-17
+ 7406 6618983 Zagreb - Centar Zagreb - Centar 45.8131275535915 15.9775328636169 P PPLX HR 800000 110 Europe/Zagreb 2007-10-18
+ 7407 3716044 Verrettes Verrettes 19.05 -72.4666667 P PPLA HT 06 48724 76 America/Port-au-Prince 2007-05-17
+ 7408 3717588 Saint-Marc Saint-Marc 19.1166667 -72.7 P PPL HT 06 66226 105 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-11-15
+ 7409 3718426 Port-au-Prince Port-au-Prince 18.5391667 -72.335 P PPLC HT 11 1234742 65 America/Port-au-Prince 2007-02-17
+ 7410 3719028 Pétionville Petionville 18.5125 -72.2852778 P PPL HT 11 108227 392 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7411 3722124 Limbé Limbe 19.7 -72.4 P PPL HT 09 32645 67 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7412 3723593 Jérémie Jeremie 18.65 -74.1166667 P PPL HT 14 30917 17 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7413 3723779 Jacmel Jacmel 18.2341667 -72.5347222 P PPL HT 13 33563 29 America/Port-au-Prince 2007-02-18
+ 7414 3723841 Hinche Hinche 19.15 -72.0166667 P PPL HT 07 18590 230 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7415 3724696 Gonaïves Gonaives 19.45 -72.6833333 P PPL HT 06 84961 7 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-11-15
+ 7416 3725276 Fond Parisien Fond Parisien 18.5058333 -71.9766667 P PPL HT 11 18256 39 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7417 3726674 Désarmes Desarmes 18.9916667 -72.3888889 P PPL HT 06 15594 56 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7418 3726786 Delmas 73 Delmas 73 18.5447222 -72.3027778 P PPL HT 11 382920 127 America/Port-au-Prince 2007-04-09
+ 7419 3728097 Les Cayes Les Cayes 18.2 -73.75 P PPL HT 12 59319 1 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7420 3728338 Carrefour Carrefour 18.5411401488875 -72.3992156982422 P PPLX HT 11 442156 19 America/Port-au-Prince 2007-01-10
+ 7421 3728474 Cap-Haïtien Cap-Haitien 19.7577778 -72.2041667 P PPL HT 09 134815 1 America/Port-au-Prince 2007-02-17
+ 7422 3740016 Ti Port-de-Paix Ti Port-de-Paix 19.9333333 -72.8333333 P PPL HT 03 34657 83 America/Port-au-Prince 2006-01-17
+ 7423 714581 Törökszentmiklós Torokszentmiklos 47.1833333 20.4166667 P PPL HU 20 22770 84 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7424 714697 Tiszaújváros Tiszaujvaros 47.9333333 21.0833333 P PPL HU 04 17294 94 94 Europe/Budapest 2006-08-27
+ 7425 715126 Szolnok Szolnok 47.1833333 20.2 P PPLA HU 20 75474 69 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7426 715338 Szentes Szentes 46.65 20.2666667 P PPL HU 06 30495 84 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7427 715429 Szeged Szeged 46.2529981022004 20.1482391357422 P PPLA HU 06 164883 79 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7428 715466 Szarvas Szarvas 46.8666667 20.55 P PPL HU 03 18170 88 Europe/Budapest 2009-03-19
+ 7429 715839 Sátoraljaújhely Satoraljaujhely 48.4 21.6666667 P PPL HU 04 18052 99 Europe/Budapest 2006-11-19
+ 7430 716301 Püspökladány Puspokladany 47.3166667 21.1166667 P PPL HU 10 15990 93 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7431 716671 Ózd Ozd 48.2166667 20.3 P PPL HU 04 38476 224 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7432 716736 Orosháza Oroshaza 46.5666667 20.6666667 P PPL HU 03 31373 94 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7433 716935 Nyíregyháza Nyiregyhaza 47.9553867807568 21.7167091369629 P PPLA HU 18 116298 112 Europe/Budapest 2008-03-01
+ 7434 717582 Miskolc Miskolc 48.1 20.7833333 P PPLA HU 04 172637 141 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7435 717635 Mezőtúr Mezotur 47.0 20.6333333 P PPL HU 20 19168 83 Europe/Budapest 2006-07-06
+ 7436 717652 Mezőkövesd Mezokovesd 47.8166667 20.5833333 P PPL HU 04 17701 116 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7437 717771 Mátészalka Mateszalka 47.95 22.3333333 P PPL HU 18 18718 107 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7438 717902 Makó Mako 46.2166667 20.4833333 P PPL HU 06 25135 83 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7439 718739 Kisvárda Kisvarda 48.2166667 22.0833333 P PPL HU 18 18190 106 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7440 719311 Kazincbarcika Kazincbarcika 48.25 20.6333333 P PPL HU 04 32396 203 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7441 719404 Karcag Karcag 47.3166667 20.9333333 P PPL HU 20 22370 82 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7442 719965 Hódmezővásárhely Hodmezovasarhely 46.4166667 20.3333333 P PPL HU 06 47485 81 Europe/Budapest 2008-03-10
+ 7443 720276 Hajdúszoboszló Hajduszoboszlo 47.45 21.4 P PPL HU 10 23496 101 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7444 720284 Hajdúnánás Hajdunanas 47.85 21.4333333 P PPL HU 10 18032 100 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7445 720292 Hajdúböszörmény Hajduboszormeny 47.6666667 21.5166667 P PPL HU 10 31957 143 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7446 720334 Gyula Gyula 46.65 21.2833333 P PPL HU 03 32269 87 Europe/Budapest 2007-02-18
+ 7447 720364 Gyomaendrőd Gyomaendrod 46.9333333 20.8333333 P PPL HU 03 15194 91 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7448 721239 Eger Eger 47.9026492759859 20.3732872009277 P PPLA HU 11 56647 169 Europe/Budapest 2009-06-17
+ 7449 721472 Debrecen Debrecen 47.5333333 21.6333333 P PPLA HU 10 204124 122 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7450 721592 Csongrád Csongrad 46.7 20.15 P PPL HU 06 18580 82 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7451 722324 Berettyóújfalu Berettyoujfalu 47.2166667 21.55 P PPL HU 10 16090 96 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7452 722437 Békéscsaba Bekescsaba 46.6833333 21.1 P PPLA HU 03 65206 90 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7453 722439 Békés Bekes 46.7666667 21.1333333 P PPL HU 03 21198 85 Europe/Budapest 2007-02-17
+ 7454 722636 Balmazújváros Balmazujvaros 47.6166667 21.35 P PPL HU 10 18012 97 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7455 723030 Abony Abony 47.1833333 20.0 P PPL HU 16 16342 69 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7456 3042638 Zalaegerszeg Zalaegerszeg 46.84 16.8438889 P PPLA HU 24 61898 167 Europe/Budapest 2008-03-10
+ 7457 3042929 Veszprém Veszprem 47.0932667664035 17.911491394043 P PPLA HU 23 62023 269 Europe/Budapest 2009-05-25
+ 7458 3043019 Vecsés Vecses 47.4 19.2833333 P PPL HU 16 19327 103 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7459 3043095 Várpalota Varpalota 47.2 18.1333333 P PPL HU 23 21299 158 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7460 3043293 Vác Vac 47.7833333 19.1333333 P PPL HU 16 35108 106 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7461 3044082 Tatabánya Tatabanya 47.5666667 18.4166667 P PPLA HU 12 70541 157 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7462 3044083 Tata Tata 47.65 18.3166667 P PPL HU 12 23868 122 Europe/Budapest 2006-11-16
+ 7463 3044141 Tapolca Tapolca 46.8833333 17.4333333 P PPL HU 23 17598 129 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7464 3044310 Szombathely Szombathely 47.230876214413 16.6215527057648 P PPLA HU 22 79534 230 210 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7465 3044475 Szigetszentmiklós Szigetszentmiklos 47.35 19.05 P PPL HU 16 24874 92 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7466 3044681 Szentendre Szentendre 47.669433442209 19.0756130218506 P PPL HU 16 23606 91 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7467 3044760 Szekszárd Szekszard 46.35 18.7166667 P PPLA HU 21 34174 84 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-02
+ 7468 3044774 Székesfehérvár Szekesfehervar 47.1899457768574 18.4103393554688 P PPLA HU 08 101600 125 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7469 3044821 Százhalombatta Szazhalombatta 47.3333333 18.9333333 P PPL HU 16 17566 129 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7470 3045190 Sopron Sopron 47.6833333 16.6 P PPL HU 09 57210 198 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7471 3045332 Siófok Siofok 46.9 18.05 P PPL HU 17 23028 125 Europe/Budapest 2009-07-28
+ 7472 3045487 Sárvár Sarvar 47.2539512447665 16.9352531433105 P PPL HU 22 15343 156 Europe/Budapest 2008-07-07
+ 7473 3045643 Salgótarján Salgotarjan 48.0987189894286 19.8030281066895 P PPLA HU 14 39640 298 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-02
+ 7474 3046526 Pécs Pecs 46.0833333 18.2333333 P PPLA HU 02 156649 155 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7475 3046619 Parádsasvár Paradsasvar 47.9126027792907 19.9770927429199 P PPL HU HU 11 76000 346 Europe/Budapest 2009-03-01
+ 7476 3046686 Pápa Papa 47.3333333 17.4666667 P PPL HU 23 32990 145 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7477 3046768 Paks Paks 46.6333333 18.8666667 P PPL HU 21 20638 71 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7478 3046888 Oroszlány Oroszlany 47.4833333 18.3166667 P PPL HU 12 20271 203 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7479 3047651 Nagykőrös Nagykoros 47.0333333 19.7833333 P PPL HU 16 26711 99 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7480 3047679 Nagykanizsa Nagykanizsa 46.4534701094454 16.9910430908203 P PPL HU 24 50823 158 Europe/Budapest 2008-03-20
+ 7481 3047896 Mosonmagyaróvár Mosonmagyarovar 47.8666667 17.2833333 P PPL HU 09 30359 124 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7482 3047942 Monor Monor 47.35 19.45 P PPL HU 16 21720 127 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7483 3047967 Mohács Mohacs 45.9930556 18.6830556 P PPL HU 02 18711 81 Europe/Budapest 2007-02-18
+ 7484 3049512 Komló Komlo 46.2 18.2666667 P PPL HU 02 26924 271 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7485 3049519 Komárom Komarom 47.7333333 18.1166667 P PPL HU 12 19646 115 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7486 3049880 Kiskunhalas Kiskunhalas 46.4313889 19.4875 P PPL HU 01 29354 118 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7487 3049885 Kiskunfélegyháza Kiskunfelegyhaza 46.7136111 19.8522222 P PPL HU 01 31720 99 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7488 3049896 Kiskőrös Kiskoros 46.6205556 19.2886111 P PPL HU 01 15091 101 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7489 3050212 Keszthely Keszthely 46.7666667 17.25 P PPL HU 24 21534 126 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7490 3050434 Kecskemét Kecskemet 46.9061837801476 19.691276550293 P PPLA HU HU 01 109847 115 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-01
+ 7491 3050616 Kaposvár Kaposvar 46.3666667 17.8 P PPLA HU 17 67746 151 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7492 3050719 Kalocsa Kalocsa 46.5263889 18.9858333 P PPL HU 01 18242 80 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7493 3050907 Jászberény Jaszbereny 47.5 19.9166667 P PPL HU 20 27835 88 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7494 3051621 Hatvan Hatvan 47.6666667 19.6833333 P PPL HU 11 22710 111 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-26
+ 7495 3052009 Győr Gyor 47.6833322473398 17.6351165771484 P PPLA HU HU 09 128265 109 Europe/Budapest 2008-03-01
+ 7496 3052040 Gyöngyös Gyongyos 47.7833333 19.9333333 P PPL HU 11 32938 167 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7497 3052101 Gyál Gyal 47.3833333 19.2333333 P PPL HU 16 21937 98 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7498 3052236 Gödöllő Godollo 47.6 19.3666667 P PPL HU 16 32374 202 Europe/Budapest 2006-11-19
+ 7499 3052241 Göd God 47.7 19.1333333 P PPL HU 16 15874 109 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7500 3052542 Fót Fot 47.6166667 19.2 P PPL HU 16 16770 199 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7501 3053163 Esztergom Esztergom 47.8 18.75 P PPL HU 12 28785 261 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7502 3053281 Érd Erd 47.3666667 18.9333333 P PPL HU 16 62408 110 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-02
+ 7503 3053438 Dunaújváros Dunaujvaros 46.9833333 18.9333333 P PPL HU 08 50084 132 Europe/Budapest 2008-11-28
+ 7504 3053476 Dunakeszi Dunakeszi 47.6333333 19.1333333 P PPL HU 16 30246 112 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7505 3053485 Dunaharaszti Dunaharaszti 47.35 19.0833333 P PPL HU 16 16973 96 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7506 3053590 Dombóvár Dombovar 46.3833333 18.1166667 P PPL HU 21 20748 131 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7507 3053836 Dabas Dabas 47.1833333 19.3166667 P PPL HU 16 16590 100 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7508 3054543 Cegléd Cegled 47.1666667 19.8 P PPL HU 16 39287 86 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7509 3054643 Budapest Budapest 47.5 19.0833333 P PPLC HU 05 1696128 100 Europe/Budapest 2007-11-05
+ 7510 3054646 Budaörs Budaors 47.4618126522258 18.9584541320801 P PPL HU 16 25089 176 Europe/Budapest 2008-03-16
+ 7511 3055601 Balassagyarmat Balassagyarmat 48.0833333 19.3 P PPL HU 14 17541 136 Europe/Budapest 2006-01-17
+ 7512 3055685 Baja Baja 46.1833333 18.9666667 P PPL HU 01 37714 96 Europe/Budapest 2009-04-06
+ 7513 3056357 Ajka Ajka 47.1 17.5666667 P PPL HU 23 31407 311 Europe/Budapest 2007-02-18
+ 7514 6942354 Nagyvárad Nagyvarad 47.0605336002016 21.9273376464844 P PPL HU 201000 110 132 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-13
+ 7515 1213493 Teluknibung Teluknibung 3.0166667 99.8166667 P PPL ID 00 25146 9 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7516 1213500 Tebingtinggi Tebingtinggi 3.3333333 99.15 P PPL ID 26 117530 34 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7517 1213530 Tanjungtiram Tanjungtiram 4.05 98.3833333 P PPL ID 00 25118 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7518 1213547 Tanjungbalai Tanjungbalai 2.9666667 99.8 P PPL ID 26 142506 5 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7519 1213614 Sunggal Sunggal 3.55 98.6166667 P PPL ID 00 157914 58 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7520 1213655 Stabat Stabat 3.75 98.4666667 P PPL ID 00 26862 30 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7521 1213821 Sigli Sigli 5.3833333 95.95 P PPL ID 01 17504 3 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7522 1213855 Sibolga Sibolga 1.75 98.8 P PPL ID 26 79714 270 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7523 1214026 Sabang Sabang 5.8933333 95.3213889 P PPL ID 01 24519 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7524 1214055 Reuleuet Reuleuet 5.2166667 96.2833333 P PPL ID 00 40393 47 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7525 1214073 Rantauprapat Rantauprapat 2.1 99.8333333 P PPL ID 26 103009 45 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7526 1214189 Percut Percut 3.6833333 98.75 P PPL ID 00 311063 3 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7527 1214191 Perbaungan Perbaungan 3.5666667 98.95 P PPL ID 00 157174 14 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7528 1214204 Pematangsiantar Pematangsiantar 2.95 99.05 P PPL ID 26 209614 438 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7529 1214302 Pangkalanbrandan Pangkalanbrandan 4.0166667 98.2833333 P PPL ID 26 25542 6 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7530 1214369 Padangsidempuan Padangsidempuan 1.3666667 99.2666667 P PPL ID 26 100561 314 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7531 1214488 Meulaboh Meulaboh 4.1366667 96.1294444 P PPL ID 01 35062 1 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7532 1214520 Medan Medan 3.5833333 98.6666667 P PPLA ID 26 1750971 50 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7533 1214658 Lhokseumawe Lhokseumawe 5.1666667 97.1333333 P PPL ID 01 88974 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7534 1214724 Langsa Langsa 4.4713889 97.9663889 P PPL ID 01 54465 37 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7535 1214800 Labuhandeli Labuhandeli 3.75 98.6833333 P PPL ID 00 49668 5 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7536 1214882 Kisaran Kisaran 2.9833333 99.6166667 P PPL ID 26 129911 28 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7537 1214965 Kabanjahe Kabanjahe 3.1 98.5 P PPL ID 26 57159 1135 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7538 1215199 Delitua Delitua 3.5 98.6833333 P PPL ID 26 27940 64 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7539 1215350 Bireun Bireun 5.205 96.7016667 P PPL ID 01 25793 34 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7540 1215355 Binjai Binjai 3.6 98.5 P PPL ID 26 228763 56 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7541 1215412 Belawan Belawan 3.7833333 98.6833333 P PPL ID 26 102707 2 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7542 1215498 Bandar Bandar 2.05 99.75 P PPL ID 00 31442 78 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7543 1215502 Banda Aceh Banda Aceh 5.5616667 95.3258333 P PPLA ID 01 250757 8 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7544 1621177 Yogyakarta Yogyakarta -7.7827778 110.3608333 P PPLA ID 10 636660 162 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-05
+ 7545 1621395 Wonosobo Wonosobo -7.36 109.9025 P PPL ID 07 92990 760 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-05
+ 7546 1621416 Wonopringgo Wonopringgo -6.9833333 109.6166667 P PPL ID 00 38429 79 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7547 1621520 Wirodeso Wirodeso -6.8833333 109.6 P PPL ID 00 39407 10 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7548 1621613 Weru Weru -6.7 108.5 P PPL ID 00 139004 37 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7549 1621655 Weleri Weleri -6.9666667 110.0666667 P PPL ID 00 58448 71 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7550 1621659 Welahan Welahan -6.8 110.7166667 P PPL ID 00 26163 7 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7551 1621678 Wedi Wedi -7.7430556 110.5794444 P PPL ID 07 55300 152 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7552 1621884 Watampone Watampone -4.5386111 120.3297222 P PPL ID 38 81629 30 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7553 1622090 Wangon Wangon -7.5161111 109.0538889 P PPL ID 07 35530 118 Asia/Jakarta 2006-12-15
+ 7554 1622138 Wanaraja Wanaraja -7.1666667 107.9666667 P PPL ID 00 26240 708 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7555 1622318 Waingapu Waingapu -9.65 120.2666667 P PPL ID 18 48828 1 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7556 1622636 Ungaran Ungaran -7.1397222 110.405 P PPL ID 07 127812 319 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-24
+ 7557 1622786 Makassar Makassar -5.1463889 119.4386111 P PPLA ID 38 1321717 13 Asia/Makassar 2007-02-17
+ 7558 1622846 Ubud Ubud -8.5 115.2666667 P PPL ID 02 28373 237 Asia/Makassar 2008-05-13
+ 7559 1623080 Tulungagung Tulungagung -8.0666667 111.9 P PPL ID 08 65262 109 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7560 1623096 Tulangan Tulangan -7.4758333 112.6477778 P PPL ID 08 63889 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7561 1623180 Tuban Tuban -6.9 112.05 P PPL ID 08 76242 25 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7562 1623197 Tual Tual -5.6666667 132.75 P PPL ID 28 39502 3 Asia/Jayapura 2006-01-17
+ 7563 1623223 Trucuk Trucuk -7.7183333 110.6588889 P PPL ID 07 23584 142 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7564 1623251 Trenggalek Trenggalek -8.05 111.7166667 P PPL ID 00 29083 153 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7565 1623424 Tondano Tondano 1.3025 124.9172222 P PPL ID 31 33317 803 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7566 1623446 Tomohon Tomohon 1.3244444 124.8397222 P PPL ID 31 27624 869 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7567 1624041 Ternate Ternate 0.8 127.4 P PPL ID 28 101731 -9999 Asia/Jayapura 2007-02-17
+ 7568 1624058 Terbanggi-besar Terbanggi-besar -4.8666667 105.2333333 P PPL ID 00 52566 31 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7569 1624184 Tempeh Tempeh -8.20452430340609 113.173985481262 P PPL ID 08 26636 80 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7570 1624494 Tegal Tegal -6.8666667 109.1333333 P PPL ID 07 237084 7 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7571 1624545 Tayu Tayu -6.5333333 111.0333333 P PPL ID 00 26413 27 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7572 1624647 Tasikmalaya Tasikmalaya -7.3333333 108.2 P PPL ID 06 271143 336 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7573 1624668 Tarub Tarub -6.9333333 109.1666667 P PPL ID 00 75739 30 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7574 1624725 Tarakan Tarakan 3.3 117.6333333 P PPL ID 14 97478 1 Asia/Makassar 2007-02-08
+ 7575 1624863 Tanjungpinang Tanjungpinang 0.9166667 104.45 P PPL ID 37 125472 1 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-27
+ 7576 1624877 Tanjungpandan Tanjungpandan -2.75 107.65 P PPL ID 32 62374 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7577 1624917 Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung -5.45 105.2666667 P PPLA ID 15 800348 -9999 Asia/Jakarta 2006-05-01
+ 7578 1624987 Tanjungagung Tanjungagung -3.9333333 103.8 P PPL ID 00 53117 149 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7579 1625067 Tanggulangin Tanggulangin -7.49957875270934 112.699921131134 P PPL ID 08 32866 1 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7580 1625084 Tangerang Tangerang -6.1780556 106.63 P PPL ID 30 1372124 24 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-07
+ 7581 1625708 Tabanan Tabanan -8.54130003389049 115.125217437744 P PPL ID 02 33667 124 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7582 1625812 Surakarta Surakarta -7.5561111 110.8316667 P PPL ID 07 555308 109 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-05
+ 7583 1625822 Surabaya Surabaya -7.2491667 112.7508333 P PPLA ID 08 2374658 1 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7584 1625908 Sungairaya Sungairaya 0.7 108.9 P PPL ID 00 47735 9 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7585 1625929 Sungaipenuh Sungaipenuh -2.0833333 101.3833333 P PPL ID 05 95913 987 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7586 1625958 Sungailiat Sungailiat -1.85 106.1333333 P PPL ID 32 74719 -9999 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7587 1626099 Sumenep Sumenep -7.0166667 113.8666667 P PPL ID 08 84656 5 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7588 1626100 Sumedang Utara Sumedang Utara -6.85 107.9166667 P PPLX ID 00 206746 565 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7589 1626134 Sumberpucung Sumberpucung -8.15856250579643 112.482919692993 P PPL ID 08 35285 315 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7590 1626183 Sumber Sumber -6.7602778 108.4830556 P PPL ID 30 93420 123 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-30
+ 7591 1626185 Sumbawa Besar Sumbawa Besar -8.5 117.4333333 P PPL ID 17 52654 67 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7592 1626312 Sokaraja Sokaraja -7.4580556 109.2880556 P PPL ID 07 66482 88 Asia/Jakarta 2007-03-19
+ 7593 1626381 Sukabumi Sukabumi -6.9166667 106.9272222 P PPL ID 06 276414 610 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7594 1626486 Srono Srono -8.40002518235663 114.266610145569 P PPL ID 08 36260 66 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7595 1626493 Srandakan Srandakan -7.9386111 110.2505556 P PPL ID 10 29529 4 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7596 1626498 Sragen Sragen -7.4263889 111.0222222 P PPL ID 07 71522 101 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-23
+ 7597 1626542 Sorong Sorong -0.8833333 131.25 P PPL ID 36 125535 32 Asia/Jayapura 2006-11-15
+ 7598 1626560 Soreang Soreang -7.0330556 107.5183333 P PPL ID 30 150932 823 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7599 1626649 Solok Solok -0.8 100.65 P PPL ID 24 48372 552 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7600 1626673 Soko Soko -7.48315482291437 112.427043914795 P PPL ID 08 25494 27 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7601 1626703 Soe Soe -9.86071270808717 124.283952713013 P PPL ID 18 27717 682 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7602 1626754 Sleman Sleman -7.7155556 110.3555556 P PPL ID 10 56215 242 Asia/Jakarta 2006-04-28
+ 7603 1626758 Slawi Slawi -6.9833333 109.1333333 P PPL ID 00 61206 69 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7604 1626801 Situbondo Situbondo -7.70622857312967 114.009761810303 P PPL ID ID 08 600000 35 Asia/Jakarta 2007-12-13
+ 7605 1626895 Sinjai Sinjai -5.1166667 120.25 P PPL ID 38 40797 14 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7606 1626899 Singosari Singosari -7.8894444 112.6686111 P PPL ID 08 57793 553 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7607 1626903 Singojuruh Singojuruh -8.31667 114.23333 P PPL ID 08 29418 164 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7608 1626916 Singkawang Singkawang 0.9 109.0 P PPL ID 11 101838 28 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7609 1626921 Sengkang Sengkang -4.1263889 120.0319444 P PPL ID 38 59523 27 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7610 1626932 Singaraja Singaraja -8.11200061906755 115.088181495667 P PPL ID 02 133784 20 Asia/Jakarta 2008-06-27
+ 7611 1626936 Singaparna Singaparna -7.35 108.1 P PPL ID 00 48882 425 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7612 1627035 Simpang Simpang -1.2666667 104.0833333 P PPL ID 05 36652 4 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7613 1627185 Sijunjung Sijunjung -0.7 100.9666667 P PPL ID 00 27786 241 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7614 1627253 Sidoarjo Sidoarjo -7.4538889 112.7202778 P PPL ID 08 139189 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7615 1627267 Sidareja Sidareja -7.4833333 108.7833333 P PPL ID 00 30313 61 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7616 1627357 Sewon Sewon -7.8763889 110.3588889 P PPL ID 10 73585 59 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7617 1627459 Serpong Serpong -6.3169444 106.6641667 P PPL ID 30 80193 55 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7618 1627549 Serang Serang -6.1127778 106.1477778 P PPL ID 06 164767 47 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7619 1627610 Sepatan Sepatan -6.1188889 106.575 P PPL ID 30 118439 12 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7620 1627896 Semarang Semarang -6.9666667 110.4166667 P PPLA ID 07 1288084 22 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7621 1627969 Selogiri Selogiri -7.7833333 110.8666667 P PPL ID 00 30180 156 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7622 1628453 Sawangan Sawangan -6.4027778 106.7744444 P PPL ID 30 114069 83 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7623 1628884 Sampit Sampit -2.5333333 112.95 P PPL ID 13 66053 25 Asia/Pontianak 2006-11-15
+ 7624 1628899 Sampang Sampang -7.2 113.2333333 P PPL ID 08 53269 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7625 1629001 Samarinda Samarinda -0.5 117.15 P PPLA ID 14 355160 1 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-07
+ 7626 1629131 Salatiga Salatiga -7.3319444 110.4927778 P PPL ID 07 172645 579 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7627 1629380 Ruteng Ruteng -8.6 120.45 P PPL ID 18 34569 1178 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7628 1629710 Rengasdengklok Rengasdengklok -6.1483333 107.2830556 P PPL ID 06 201463 23 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7629 1629749 Rembang Rembang -6.7 111.3333333 P PPL ID 00 44030 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7630 1629974 Rantepao Rantepao -2.9688889 119.8988889 P PPL ID 38 40438 899 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7631 1630058 Rangkasbitung Rangkasbitung -6.3547222 106.2472222 P PPL ID 06 126910 91 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7632 1630088 Randudongkal Randudongkal -7.1 109.3166667 P PPL ID 00 28532 189 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7633 1630200 Rajapolah Rajapolah -7.2166667 108.1833333 P PPL ID 00 39840 475 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7634 1630328 Purwokerto Purwokerto -7.4213889 109.2344444 P PPL ID 07 217222 113 Asia/Jakarta 2006-12-18
+ 7635 1630333 Purwodadi Purwodadi -7.0833333 110.9 P PPL ID 07 150206 41 Asia/Jakarta 2007-04-29
+ 7636 1630341 Purwakarta Purwakarta -6.5569444 107.4388889 P PPL ID 06 215803 130 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7637 1630366 Purbalingga Purbalingga -7.3880556 109.3638889 P PPL ID 07 56903 116 Asia/Jakarta 2007-03-19
+ 7638 1630416 Pundong Pundong -7.9522222 110.3486111 P PPL ID 10 24081 23 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7639 1630634 Probolinggo Probolinggo -7.75 113.2166667 P PPL ID 08 181656 2 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7640 1630649 Prigen Prigen -7.68333 112.61667 P PPL ID 08 24164 591 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7641 1630662 Praya Praya -8.7 116.2833333 P PPL ID 17 35183 136 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7642 1630681 Candi Prambanan Candi Prambanan -7.75 110.4941667 P PPL ID 07 44925 152 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7643 1630723 Poso Poso -1.3983333 120.75 P PPL ID 21 47110 92 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7644 1630789 Pontianak Pontianak -0.0333333 109.3333333 P PPLA ID 11 455173 1 Asia/Pontianak 2007-02-15
+ 7645 1630798 Ponorogo Ponorogo -7.8666667 111.45 P PPL ID 00 79026 131 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7646 1630935 Polewali Polewali -3.4116667 119.3197222 P PPL ID 38 58190 32 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7647 1630997 Plumbon Plumbon -6.705 108.4727778 P PPL ID 30 167105 66 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-13
+ 7648 1631271 Petarukan Petarukan -6.8833333 109.4333333 P PPL ID 00 74188 20 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7649 1631393 Perabumulih Perabumulih -3.45 104.25 P PPL ID 32 103470 46 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7650 1631637 Pemangkat Pemangkat 1.1666667 108.9666667 P PPL ID 00 34029 1 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7651 1631648 Pemalang Pemalang -6.9 109.3666667 P PPL ID 07 184149 21 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7652 1631733 Pelabuhanratu Pelabuhanratu -6.9766667 106.5327778 P PPL ID 06 43001 27 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7653 1631766 Pekalongan Pekalongan -6.8833333 109.6666667 P PPL ID 07 257945 7 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7654 1631851 Pecangakan Pecangakan -6.6833333 110.7 P PPL ID 00 61046 72 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7655 1631905 Payakumbuh Payakumbuh -0.2333333 100.6333333 P PPL ID 24 121572 520 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7656 1631992 Pati Pati -6.75 111.0166667 P PPL ID 07 122785 43 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7657 1632033 Pasuruan Pasuruan -7.6333333 112.9 P PPL ID 08 158600 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7658 1632197 Paseh Paseh -7.1 107.75 P PPL ID 00 126181 920 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7659 1632228 Pasarkemis Pasarkemis -6.1702778 106.5302778 P PPL ID 30 154234 40 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7660 1632276 Parung Parung -6.4213889 106.7330556 P PPL ID 30 193898 84 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7661 1632334 Pariaman Pariaman -0.6333333 100.1333333 P PPL ID 24 92183 19 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7662 1632358 Pare Pare -7.7666667 112.1833333 P PPL ID 08 56699 134 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7663 1632566 Panji-lor Panji-lor -7.6927778 114.0425 P PPL ID 08 42789 27 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7664 1632654 Pangkalpinang Pangkalpinang -2.1333333 106.1333333 P PPL ID 00 125933 46 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7665 1632694 Pangkalanbuun Pangkalanbuun -2.6833333 111.6166667 P PPL ID 13 38057 11 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7666 1632823 Pandegelang Pandegelang -6.3091667 106.1047222 P PPL ID 06 92316 210 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7667 1632859 Pandakan Pandakan -7.65268274590694 112.687497138977 P PPL ID 08 34184 186 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7668 1632861 Pandak Pandak -7.9130556 110.2936111 P PPL ID 10 56043 29 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7669 1632903 Panarukan Panarukan -7.70180566301347 113.918437957764 P PPL ID 08 30749 25 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7670 1632937 Pamulang Pamulang -6.3427778 106.7383333 P PPL ID 30 174557 61 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7671 1632974 Pameungpeuk Pameungpeuk -7.0183333 107.6038889 P PPL ID 30 48294 764 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7672 1632978 Pamekasan Pamekasan -7.1666667 113.4666667 P PPL ID 08 92447 10 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7673 1632998 Pamanukan Pamanukan -6.2763889 107.8194444 P PPL ID 06 114290 11 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7674 1633034 Palu Palu -0.9016667 119.8597222 P PPLA ID 21 282431 16 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-15
+ 7675 1633056 Palimanan Palimanan -6.7069444 108.4241667 P PPL ID 30 92600 111 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-13
+ 7676 1633070 Palembang Palembang -2.91672533277337 104.745798110962 P PPLA ID 32 1441500 3 Asia/Jakarta 2007-06-18
+ 7677 1633182 Pakisaji Pakisaji -8.0677778 112.5922222 P PPL ID 08 30213 400 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7678 1633308 Pagaralam Pagaralam -4.0166667 103.2666667 P PPL ID 32 70386 572 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7679 1633419 Padang Padang -0.949243986848526 100.354270935059 P PPLA ID 24 840352 61 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7680 1633442 Paciran Paciran -6.87666492821222 112.37606048584 P PPL ID 08 27072 1 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7681 1633986 Ngunut Ngunut -8.10579762417984 112.015914916992 P PPL ID 08 26297 119 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7682 1634010 Ngoro Ngoro -7.68385838112645 112.258043289185 P PPL ID 08 22871 119 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7683 1634098 Ngawi Ngawi -7.4 111.4333333 P PPL ID 00 22412 55 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7684 1634131 Nganjuk Nganjuk -7.6 111.9166667 P PPL ID 00 69011 105 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7685 1634266 Negara Negara -8.3666667 114.6166667 P PPL ID 02 33191 25 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7686 1634614 Nabire Nabire -3.3666667 135.4833333 P PPL ID 36 43898 1 Asia/Jayapura 2006-01-17
+ 7687 1634678 Muntok Muntok -2.0666667 105.1833333 P PPL ID 32 26709 14 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7688 1634680 Muntilan Muntilan -7.5811111 110.2927778 P PPL ID 07 44859 360 Asia/Jakarta 2006-05-05
+ 7689 1634718 Muncar Muncar -8.43333 114.33333 P PPL ID 08 64537 1 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7690 1634954 Mranggen Mranggen -7.0280556 110.5152778 P PPL ID 07 28026 83 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7691 1635111 Mojokerto Mojokerto -7.4666667 112.4333333 P PPL ID 08 112557 24 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7692 1635116 Mojoagung Mojoagung -7.56667 112.35 P PPL ID 08 23534 66 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7693 1635164 Mlonggo Mlonggo -6.5333333 110.7 P PPL ID 00 33542 25 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7694 1635283 Metro Metro -5.1130556 105.3066667 P PPL ID 15 149526 72 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7695 1635342 Mertoyudan Mertoyudan -7.52 110.2263889 P PPL ID 07 69871 299 Asia/Jakarta 2006-05-09
+ 7696 1635660 Melati Melati -7.7333333 110.3666667 P PPL ID 00 67090 218 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7697 1635815 Maumere Maumere -8.6166667 122.2333333 P PPL ID 18 47598 -9999 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7698 1635882 Mataram Mataram -8.5833333 116.1166667 P PPLA ID 17 318674 32 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-07
+ 7699 1636022 Martapura Martapura -3.4166667 114.85 P PPL ID 12 131449 26 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7700 1636121 Margasari Margasari -7.1 109.0166667 P PPL ID 00 27814 107 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7701 1636125 Margahayu Margahayu -6.9588889 107.5663889 P PPL ID 30 83119 703 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7702 1636308 Manokwari Manokwari -0.8666667 134.0833333 P PPL ID 36 53190 1 Asia/Jayapura 2007-02-18
+ 7703 1636322 Manismata Manismata -2.4666667 111.0333333 P PPL ID 00 18888 67 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-27
+ 7704 1636426 Manggar Manggar -2.8833333 108.2666667 P PPL ID 32 34520 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7705 1636507 Mandahara Mandahara -1.0333333 103.5833333 P PPL ID 00 56268 4 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7706 1636544 Manado Manado 1.5016667 124.8441667 P PPLA ID 31 451893 14 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-07
+ 7707 1636556 Mamuju Mamuju -2.6786111 118.8933333 P PPLA ID ID 41 938254 42 Asia/Makassar 2008-10-17
+ 7708 1636722 Malang Malang -7.9777778 112.6280556 P PPL ID 08 746716 476 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-18
+ 7709 1636806 Majene Majene -3.5463889 118.96 P PPL ID 38 37715 1 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7710 1636808 Majenang Majenang -7.3 108.75 P PPL ID 00 38897 102 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7711 1636816 Majalengka Majalengka -6.8361111 108.2277778 P PPL ID 30 87732 188 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-13
+ 7712 1636884 Magelang Magelang -7.4705556 110.2177778 P PPL ID 07 111461 354 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7713 1636930 Madiun Madiun -7.6166667 111.5166667 P PPL ID 08 186099 94 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7714 1637001 Luwuk Luwuk -0.9558333 122.7886111 P PPL ID 21 47778 1 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7715 1637090 Lumajang Lumajang -8.1333333 113.2166667 P PPL ID 08 123626 98 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7716 1637158 Lubuklinggau Lubuklinggau -3.3 102.8666667 P PPL ID 32 148243 132 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7717 1637510 Loa Janan Loa Janan -0.582951978099599 117.095031738281 P PPL ID 14 212816 1 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7718 1638063 Lembang Lembang -6.8116667 107.6175 P PPL ID 30 183130 1250 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7719 1638217 Lebaksiu Lebaksiu -7.05 109.15 P PPL ID 00 33606 237 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7720 1638284 Lawang Lawang -7.8263889 112.7019444 P PPL ID 08 159380 454 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7721 1638352 Lasem Lasem -6.7 111.4333333 P PPL ID 00 28948 29 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7722 1638562 Lamongan Lamongan -7.11667 112.41667 P PPL ID 08 59224 10 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7723 1638775 Lahat Lahat -3.8 103.5333333 P PPL ID 32 65906 148 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7724 1638868 Labuhanbajo Labuhanbajo -8.4833333 119.9 P PPL ID ID 18 188724 118 Asia/Makassar 2009-03-23
+ 7725 1638870 Labuhan Labuhan -6.3666667 105.8333333 P PPL ID 06 33576 8 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7726 1638981 Kutoarjo Kutoarjo -7.7166667 109.9 P PPL ID 00 31352 59 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7727 1639002 Kuta Kuta -8.72332119947974 115.172338485718 P PPL ID 02 30012 1 Asia/Jakarta 2008-07-22
+ 7728 1639094 Kuningan Kuningan -6.9758333 108.4830556 P PPL ID 30 72085 476 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-29
+ 7729 1639215 Kudus Kudus -6.8 110.8333333 P PPL ID 00 92156 47 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7730 1639286 Kualatungkal Kualatungkal -0.8166667 103.4666667 P PPL ID 05 33683 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7731 1639304 Kualakapuas Kualakapuas -3.1 114.35 P PPL ID 13 35632 1 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7732 1639337 Kroya Kroya -7.6330556 109.2461111 P PPL ID 07 23255 29 Asia/Jakarta 2006-12-08
+ 7733 1639356 Krian Krian -7.4108333 112.5813889 P PPL ID 08 38603 20 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7734 1639362 Kresek Kresek -6.1313889 106.3797222 P PPL ID 30 110182 34 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7735 1639431 Kraksaan Kraksaan -7.75844943447315 113.396244049072 P PPL ID 08 28248 11 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7736 1639524 Kotabumi Kotabumi -4.8333333 104.9 P PPL ID 15 42366 69 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7737 1639850 Klungkung Klungkung -8.53333 115.4 P PPL ID 02 27836 92 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7738 1639900 Klaten Klaten -7.7058333 110.6063889 P PPL ID 07 126831 185 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7739 1639925 Klangenan Klangenan -6.7094444 108.44 P PPL ID 30 88378 103 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-13
+ 7740 1640044 Kijang Kijang 0.9 104.6333333 P PPL ID 00 41344 6 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7741 1640138 Ketanggungan Ketanggungan -6.9333333 108.8833333 P PPL ID 00 44288 45 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7742 1640185 Kertosono Kertosono -7.58333 112.1 P PPL ID 08 60782 60 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7743 1640296 Kepanjen Kepanjen -8.1319444 112.5727778 P PPL ID 08 51919 361 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7744 1640354 Kencong Kencong -8.28333 113.36667 P PPL ID 08 43046 36 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7745 1640576 Kefamenanu Kefamenanu -9.4466667 124.4780556 P PPL ID 18 29490 640 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7746 1640581 Kedungwuni Kedungwuni -6.9666667 109.65 P PPL ID 00 117249 82 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7747 1640585 Kedungwaru Kedungwaru -8.0666667 111.9166667 P PPL ID 00 80257 108 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7748 1640660 Kediri Kediri -7.8166667 112.0166667 P PPL ID 08 235143 94 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7749 1640755 Kebonarun Kebonarun -7.7002778 110.5630556 P PPL ID 07 21745 198 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7750 1640765 Kebomas Kebomas -7.16667 112.6333 P PPL ID 08 75982 1 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7751 1640902 Kawalu Kawalu -7.3833333 108.2 P PPL ID 00 50541 315 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7752 1640972 Katabu Katabu -4.9333 122.5167 P PPL ID 22 42750 104 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7753 1641184 Karangsembung Karangsembung -6.85 108.65 P PPL ID 00 75856 47 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7754 1641301 Karangasem Karangasem -8.45 115.61667 P PPL ID 02 31869 83 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7755 1641333 Karanganom Karanganom -7.6488889 110.625 P PPL ID 07 50670 166 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7756 1641342 Karangampel Karangampel -6.4622222 108.4519444 P PPL ID 30 31234 5 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-02
+ 7757 1641792 Kamal Kamal -7.1677778 112.7191667 P PPL ID 08 22515 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7758 1641977 Kalianget Kalianget -7.05 113.9333333 P PPL ID 08 23897 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7759 1642317 Juwana Juwana -6.7 111.15 P PPL ID 07 40177 2 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7760 1642414 Jombang Jombang -7.54595385694532 112.233066558838 P PPL ID 08 126465 57 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7761 1642437 Jogonalan Jogonalan -7.7036111 110.5361111 P PPL ID 07 28114 207 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7762 1642588 Jember Jember -8.16603909243273 113.703174591064 P PPL ID 08 298585 133 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7763 1642628 Jekulo Jekulo -6.8 110.9166667 P PPL ID 00 37521 74 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7764 1642684 Jatiwangi Jatiwangi -6.7336111 108.2627778 P PPL ID 30 57973 98 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-13
+ 7765 1642692 Jatiroto Jatiroto -7.8833333 111.1166667 P PPL ID 00 50059 292 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7766 1642726 Jatibarang Jatibarang -6.4747222 108.3152778 P PPL ID 30 73010 12 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-02
+ 7767 1642754 Jaten Jaten -7.5772222 110.8975 P PPL ID 07 32378 123 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7768 1642858 Jambi Jambi -1.6 103.6166667 P PPLA ID 05 420323 23 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7769 1642911 Jakarta Jakarta -6.1744444 106.8294444 P PPLC ID 04 8540121 2 Asia/Jakarta 2008-11-28
+ 7770 1643078 Indramayu Indramayu -6.3263889 108.32 P PPL ID 30 123263 2 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-03
+ 7771 1643761 Grogol Grogol -7.6011111 110.8186111 P PPL ID 07 100613 111 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7772 1643776 Gresik Gresik -7.1538889 112.6561111 P PPL ID 08 73629 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7773 1643837 Gorontalo Gorontalo 0.5344444 123.0616667 P PPL ID 31 144195 22 Asia/Makassar 2007-02-08
+ 7774 1643898 Gondanglegi Gondanglegi -8.1738889 112.6305556 P PPL ID 08 22468 411 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7775 1643920 Gombong Gombong -7.6072222 109.5141667 P PPL ID 07 31965 94 Asia/Jakarta 2006-12-08
+ 7776 1643981 Godean Godean -7.7697222 110.2938889 P PPL ID 10 63164 163 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7777 1644178 Genteng Genteng -8.36667 114.15 P PPL ID 08 79652 161 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7778 1644349 Gedangan Gedangan -7.3908333 112.7266667 P PPL ID 08 79230 3 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7779 1644360 Gebog Gebog -6.7333333 110.8333333 P PPL ID 00 43756 128 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7780 1644522 Gampengrejo Gampengrejo -7.7666667 112.016666 P PPL ID 08 49118 86 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7781 1644557 Gambiran Gambiran -8.4 114.15 P PPL ID 08 22525 140 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7782 1644605 Galesong Galesong -5.3183333 119.3641667 P PPL ID 38 83050 2 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7783 1644932 Ende Ende -8.8333333 121.65 P PPL ID 18 77205 397 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-15
+ 7784 1645133 Dumai Dumai 1.6833333 101.45 P PPL ID 37 143760 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7785 1645154 Dukuhturi Dukuhturi -6.9 109.0833333 P PPL ID 00 98074 38 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7786 1645220 Driorejo Driorejo -7.3652778 112.6211111 P PPL ID 08 26827 14 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7787 1645428 Diwek Diwek -7.57896649950192 112.231092453003 P PPL ID 08 41719 73 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7788 1645518 Depok Depok -7.7625 110.4316667 P PPL ID 10 104527 179 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7789 1645524 Depok Depok -6.4 106.8186111 P PPL ID 30 1198129 84 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-18
+ 7790 1645528 Denpasar Denpasar -8.65 115.2166667 P PPLA ID 02 405923 41 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-05
+ 7791 1645559 Demak Demak -6.8833333 110.6333333 P PPL ID 07 27251 11 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7792 1645565 Delanggu Delanggu -7.6166667 110.6833333 P PPL ID 00 24440 149 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7793 1645749 Dampit Dampit -8.2116667 112.7475 P PPL ID 08 23094 530 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7794 1645875 Curup Curup -3.4666667 102.5333333 P PPL ID 03 46245 714 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7795 1645895 Curug Curug -6.2658333 106.5563889 P PPL ID 30 191406 50 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7796 1645976 Comal Comal -6.9166667 109.5166667 P PPL ID 00 51092 32 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7797 1645978 Colomadu Colomadu -7.5333333 110.75 P PPL ID 00 26274 129 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7798 1646034 Citeureup Citeureup -6.4855556 106.8819444 P PPL ID 30 110155 95 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7799 1646170 Cirebon Cirebon -6.7333333 108.5666667 P PPL ID 06 254298 1 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-18
+ 7800 1646194 Ciputat Ciputat -6.2375 106.6955556 P PPL ID 30 207858 28 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7801 1646448 Cimahi Cimahi -6.8722222 107.5425 P PPL ID 30 493698 842 Asia/Jakarta 2007-10-04
+ 7802 1646492 Cileunyi Cileunyi -6.9413889 107.7486111 P PPL ID 30 111476 831 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7803 1646494 Cileungsi Cileungsi -6.3947222 106.9591667 P PPL ID 30 202190 102 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7804 1646678 Cikarang Cikarang -6.2566667 107.1561111 P PPL ID 30 106479 57 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7805 1646698 Cikampek Cikampek -6.4136111 107.4594444 P PPL ID 06 145620 67 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7806 1646893 Cicurug Cicurug -6.7833333 106.7833333 P PPL ID 00 88965 541 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7807 1647003 Cibinong Cibinong -6.4816667 106.8541667 P PPL ID 30 188663 107 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7808 1647149 Ciamis Ciamis -7.3333333 108.35 P PPL ID 06 123637 152 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7809 1647179 Cepu Cepu -7.15 111.5833333 P PPL ID 00 55055 45 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7810 1647187 Ceper Ceper -7.6741667 110.6788889 P PPL ID 07 28646 144 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7811 1647298 Caringin 2 Caringin 2 -6.7058333 106.8519444 P PPL ID 06 91845 586 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7812 1647383 Ciampea Ciampea -6.54 106.7102778 P PPL ID 06 207212 112 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7813 1647834 Bulakamba Bulakamba -6.8833333 108.9333333 P PPL ID 00 27367 22 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7814 1647866 Bukittinggi Bukittinggi -0.3166667 100.3666667 P PPL ID 24 98746 919 Asia/Jakarta 2006-05-19
+ 7815 1647936 Buduran Buduran -7.4277778 112.7230556 P PPL ID 08 48152 1 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7816 1647991 Buaran Buaran -7.05 109.55 P PPL ID 00 38770 126 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7817 1648082 Boyolangu Boyolangu -8.1166667 111.8833333 P PPL ID 00 32287 133 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7818 1648084 Boyolali Boyolali -7.5330556 110.5958333 P PPL ID 07 59851 358 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7819 1648186 Bontang Bontang 0.1333333 117.5 P PPL ID 14 101691 1 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-15
+ 7820 1648266 Bondowoso Bondowoso -7.91345769530114 113.821449279785 P PPL ID 08 69783 256 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7821 1648451 Bojonegoro Bojonegoro -7.15 111.8666667 P PPL ID 08 86568 33 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7822 1648473 Bogor Bogor -6.5897222 106.7913889 P PPL ID ID 06 800000 205 Asia/Jakarta 2007-06-19
+ 7823 1648568 Blora Blora -6.95 111.4166667 P PPL ID 07 51811 143 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7824 1648580 Blitar Blitar -8.1 112.15 P PPL ID 08 132416 162 Asia/Jakarta 2006-11-15
+ 7825 1648636 Bitung Bitung 1.4411111 125.1572222 P PPL ID 31 137364 54 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-15
+ 7826 1648759 Bima Bima -8.4666667 118.7166667 P PPL ID 17 66970 52 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-15
+ 7827 1648918 Besuki Besuki -7.73378566365486 113.697853088379 P PPL ID 08 55465 19 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7828 1649150 Bengkulu Bengkulu -3.8004430367075 102.265543341637 P PPLA ID 03 309712 6 Asia/Jakarta 2007-03-26
+ 7829 1649378 Bekasi Bekasi -6.2366667 106.9919444 P PPL ID 30 1520119 36 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-18
+ 7830 1649593 Baturaja Baturaja -4.1333333 104.1666667 P PPL ID 32 134759 115 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7831 1649595 Baturaden Baturaden -7.3 109.2166667 P PPL ID 00 42394 806 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7832 1649824 Batu Batu -7.87 112.5283333 P PPL ID 08 75631 838 Asia/Jakarta 2008-01-16
+ 7833 1649881 Batang Batang -6.9166667 109.75 P PPL ID 07 115537 57 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7834 1650064 Barabai Barabai -2.58333 115.38333 P PPL ID 12 60192 97 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7835 1650077 Banyuwangi Banyuwangi -8.2 114.35 P PPL ID 08 108166 62 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7836 1650095 Banyumas Banyumas -7.5141667 109.2941667 P PPL ID 07 48378 63 Asia/Jakarta 2006-12-08
+ 7837 1650119 Bantul Bantul -7.8880556 110.3288889 P PPL ID 10 58653 41 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7838 1650213 Banjarmasin Banjarmasin -3.32441562659633 114.59099650383 P PPLA ID 12 572837 1 Asia/Makassar 2009-06-16
+ 7839 1650227 Banjaran Banjaran -7.0452778 107.5877778 P PPL ID 30 164952 792 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7840 1650234 Banjar Banjar -7.1966667 107.43 P PPL ID 30 37263 1989 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7841 1650298 Bangkalan Bangkalan -7.0325 112.7444444 P PPL ID 08 62178 1 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7842 1650319 Bangil Bangil 7.6 112.78333 P PPL ID 00 62513 -9999 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7843 1650357 Bandung Bandung -6.9127778 107.6205556 P PPLA ID 30 1699719 815 Asia/Jakarta 2007-02-17
+ 7844 1650434 Bambanglipuro Bambanglipuro -7.95 110.2833333 P PPL ID 00 44713 10 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7845 1650460 Balung Balung -7.73333 113.91667 P PPL ID 08 47631 110 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7846 1650527 Balikpapan Balikpapan -1.26753003552354 116.828870773315 P PPL ID 14 433866 1 Asia/Makassar 2008-09-22
+ 7847 1650572 Balapulang Balapulang -7.05 109.0833333 P PPL ID 00 28483 101 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7848 1650600 Balaipungut Balaipungut 1.05 101.2833333 P PPL ID 00 56452 82 Asia/Pontianak 2006-01-17
+ 7849 1650670 Baki Baki -7.6127778 110.7838889 P PPL ID 07 58909 114 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7850 1650815 Bae Bae -6.7666667 110.8666667 P PPL ID 00 57920 89 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7851 1650888 Babat Babat -7.11281664550806 112.163543701172 P PPL ID 08 27038 16 Asia/Jakarta 2007-11-09
+ 7852 1651103 Atambua Atambua -9.1061111 124.8925 P PPL ID 18 35793 430 Asia/Makassar 2006-01-17
+ 7853 1651112 Astanajapura Astanajapura -6.8 108.6 P PPL ID 00 148047 55 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7854 1651226 Arjawinangun Arjawinangun -6.6452778 108.4102778 P PPL ID 30 105845 61 Asia/Jakarta 2007-01-13
+ 7855 1651461 Amuntai Amuntai -2.41773347831449 115.24941444397 P PPL ID 12 55560 23 Asia/Makassar 2007-11-09
+ 7856 1651531 Ambon Ambon -3.7166667 128.2 P PPLA ID 28 355596 297 Asia/Jayapura 2007-02-18
+ 7857 1651555 Ambarawa Ambarawa -7.2633333 110.3975 P PPL ID 07 84379 526 Asia/Jakarta 2006-04-28
+ 7858 1651591 Amahai Amahai -3.3333333 128.9166667 P PPL ID 28 47653 9 Asia/Jayapura 2006-01-17
+ 7859 1651887 Adiwerna Adiwerna -6.9333333 109.1166667 P PPL ID 00 134188 39 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7860 1963770 Padalarang Padalarang -6.8377778 107.4727778 P PPL ID 30 124946 876 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7861 1964032 Ciranjang-hilir Ciranjang-hilir -6.82 107.2572222 P PPL ID 30 77758 269 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7862 1985663 Cikupa Cikupa -6.2363889 106.5083333 P PPL ID 30 174041 54 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7863 1990589 Teluknaga Teluknaga -6.0988889 106.6380556 P PPL ID 30 128275 5 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7864 2002872 Wonosari Wonosari -7.9655556 110.6036111 P PPL ID 10 27458 227 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7865 2005057 Gamping Lor Gamping Lor -7.7955556 110.3263889 P PPL ID 10 66110 135 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7866 2005237 Kasihan Kasihan -7.8269444 110.3291667 P PPL ID 10 86234 88 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7867 2010971 Ngemplak Ngemplak -7.5497222 110.7163889 P PPL ID 07 23750 148 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7868 2010985 Kartasura Kartasura -7.5519444 110.7377778 P PPL ID 07 88927 135 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-27
+ 7869 2011457 Gatak Gatak -7.5908333 110.7044444 P PPL ID 07 48959 142 Asia/Jakarta 2006-01-17
+ 7870 2057087 Kupang Kupang -10.1666667 123.5833333 P PPLA ID 18 282396 62 Asia/Makassar 2006-11-15
+ 7871 2082600 Jayapura Jayapura -2.5333333 140.7 P PPLA ID 36 134895 287 Asia/Jayapura 2007-02-18
+ 7872 2082727 Abepura Abepura -2.6333333 140.5833333 P PPL ID 00 62248 249 Asia/Jayapura 2006-01-27
+ 7873 2960964 Loch Garman Loch Garman 52.3341667 -6.4575 P PPLA IE 30 17708 -9999 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-17
+ 7874 2960992 Port Láirge Port Lairge 52.2583333 -7.1119444 P PPLA IE 27 47904 8 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-16
+ 7875 2961123 Trá Lí Tra Li 52.2666667 -9.7166667 P PPLA IE 11 22941 912 37 Europe/Dublin 2008-03-15
+ 7876 2961284 Tallaght Tallaght 53.2858964761177 -6.37344360351562 P PPL IE IE 07 64282 87 Europe/Dublin 2009-04-06
+ 7877 2961297 Sord Sord 53.4597222 -6.2180556 P PPL IE 07 29816 6 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7878 2961423 Sligeach Sligeach 54.2696914981217 -8.46942901611328 P PPLA IE 25 20228 13 5 Europe/Dublin 2009-01-05
+ 7879 2962290 Droichead Nua Droichead Nua 53.1819444 -6.7966667 P PPL IE 12 18860 108 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7880 2962308 An Uaimh An Uaimh 53.6527778 -6.6813889 P PPL IE 21 24545 42 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7881 2962334 An Nás An Nas 53.2158333 -6.6669444 P PPLA IE 12 20554 108 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7882 2962361 An Muileann gCearr An Muileann gCearr 53.5333333 -7.35 P PPLA IE 29 17262 912 112 Europe/Dublin 2008-03-15
+ 7883 2962943 Limerick Limerick 52.6647222 -8.6230556 P PPLA IE 16 90054 24 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-17
+ 7884 2962961 Letterkenny Letterkenny 54.95 -7.7333333 P PPL IE 06 16901 53 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-18
+ 7885 2962974 Leixlip Leixlip 53.3658333 -6.4955556 P PPL IE 12 15729 48 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7886 2963398 Cill Chainnigh Cill Chainnigh 52.6541667 -7.2522222 P PPLA IE 13 21589 61 Europe/Dublin 2006-11-05
+ 7887 2964180 Galway Galway 53.2719444 -9.0488889 P PPLA IE 10 70686 -9999 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-17
+ 7888 2964405 Inis Inis 52.8436111 -8.9863889 P PPLA IE 03 24427 912 18 Europe/Dublin 2008-03-15
+ 7889 2964506 Dún Laoghaire Dun Laoghaire 53.293951624701 -6.1358642578125 P PPL IE IE 185400 1 Europe/Dublin 2008-07-25
+ 7890 2964540 Dún Dealgan Dun Dealgan 54.0 -6.4166667 P PPLA IE 19 33428 3 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-17
+ 7891 2964574 Dublin Dublin 53.3330556 -6.2488889 P PPLC IE 07 1024027 9 Europe/Dublin 2007-06-25
+ 7892 2964661 Drogheda Drogheda 53.7188889 -6.3477778 P PPL IE 19 33441 1 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-17
+ 7893 2965140 Cork Cork 51.8986111 -8.4958333 P PPLA IE 04 188907 57 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-17
+ 7894 2965353 Clonmel Clonmel 52.355 -7.7038889 P PPLA IE 26 17394 36 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7895 2965529 Cill Droichid Cill Droichid 53.3386111 -6.5436111 P PPL IE 12 18167 54 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7896 2965768 Ceatharlach Ceatharlach 52.8408333 -6.9261111 P PPLA IE 01 20055 47 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7897 2966022 Bray Bray 53.2027778 -6.0983333 P PPL IE 31 32317 -9999 Europe/Dublin 2007-02-06
+ 7898 2966839 Baile Átha Luain Baile Atha Luain 53.4333333 -7.95 P PPL IE 29 15951 57 Europe/Dublin 2006-01-17
+ 7899 281184 Jerusalem Jerusalem 31.7666667 35.2333333 P PPLC IL PS 06 714000 669 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-08-05
+ 7900 293100 Ẕefat Zefat 32.9666667 35.4944444 P PPL IL 03 27816 642 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-27
+ 7901 293222 Yavne Yavne 31.8763889 34.74 P PPL IL 02 31774 47 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7902 293286 Umm el Faḥm Umm el Fahm 32.5158333 35.1525 P PPL IL 04 41030 505 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7903 293308 Tirat Karmel Tirat Karmel 32.7616667 34.9719444 P PPL IL 04 18993 34 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7904 293322 Tiberias Tiberias 32.7955556 35.5286111 P PPL IL 03 39790 -39 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7905 293394 Tel Aviv-Yafo Tel Aviv-Yafo 32.0677778 34.7647222 P PPL IL 05 378358 -9999 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-07-12
+ 7906 293426 Tamra Tamra 32.8486111 35.2047222 P PPL IL 03 25917 83 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7907 293619 Sederot Sederot 31.5166667 34.5833333 P PPL IL 01 20228 134 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7908 293655 Sakhnīn Sakhnin 32.8622222 35.2933333 P PPL IL 03 24596 215 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7909 293703 Rishon LeẔiyyon Rishon LeZiyyon 31.9641667 34.8044444 P PPL IL 02 220492 78 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-03-03
+ 7910 293768 Ramla Ramla 31.9252778 34.8669444 P PPL IL 02 63860 76 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7911 293783 Ramat HaSharon Ramat HaSharon 32.1472222 34.8416667 P PPL IL 05 36137 89 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7912 293788 Ramat Gan Ramat Gan 32.0805556 34.8141667 P PPL IL 05 128095 59 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-05-21
+ 7913 293822 Qiryat Yam Qiryat Yam 32.8508333 35.0702778 P PPL IL 04 37639 -9999 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-18
+ 7914 293825 Qiryat Shemona Qiryat Shemona 33.2080556 35.5686111 P PPL IL 03 22035 91 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7915 293831 Qiryat Motzkin Qiryat Motzkin 32.8363889 35.0752778 P PPL IL 04 39404 18 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7916 293842 Qiryat Gat Qiryat Gat 31.6 34.7666667 P PPL IL 01 47450 126 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-11-19
+ 7917 293844 Qiryat Bialik Qiryat Bialik 32.8275 35.0858333 P PPL IL 04 36551 23 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7918 293845 Qiryat Ata Qiryat Ata 32.8005556 35.1063889 P PPL IL 04 48966 20 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7919 293896 Qalansuwa Qalansuwa 32.2847222 34.9797222 P PPL IL 02 16898 47 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-27
+ 7920 293962 Or Yehuda Or Yehuda 32.0311111 34.8458333 P PPL IL 05 30802 25 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7921 293992 Ofaqim Ofaqim 31.2833333 34.6166667 P PPL IL 01 24311 176 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7922 294068 Netivot Netivot 31.4166667 34.5833333 P PPL IL 01 24564 145 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7923 294071 Netanya Netanya 32.3336111 34.8577778 P PPL IL 02 171676 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7924 294078 Nesher Nesher 32.765 35.05 P PPL IL 04 21245 36 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-18
+ 7925 294098 Nazareth Nazareth 32.7036111 35.2955556 P PPL IL IL 03 64800 504 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-06-04
+ 7926 294117 Nahariyya Nahariyya 33.0058333 35.0947222 P PPL IL 03 50273 -9999 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-05-31
+ 7927 294210 Migdal Ha`Emeq Migdal Ha`Emeq 32.6713889 35.2405556 P PPL IL IL 03 24800 237 Asia/Jerusalem 2009-08-12
+ 7928 294244 Mevo Betar Mevo Betar 31.7166667 35.1 P PPL IL 06 27267 775 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-27
+ 7929 294387 Maghār Maghar 32.8869444 35.4069444 P PPL IL 03 18915 346 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-27
+ 7930 294421 Lod Lod 31.9513889 34.8952778 P PPL IL 02 66589 63 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7931 294514 Kefar Sava Kefar Sava 32.175 34.9069444 P PPL IL 02 80773 73 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-05-31
+ 7932 294577 Karmi'el Karmi'el 32.9172222 35.3041667 P PPL IL 03 44382 201 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-05-31
+ 7933 294604 Kafr Qāsim Kafr Qasim 32.1141667 34.9738889 P PPL IL 02 17303 79 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7934 294608 Kafr Mandā Kafr Manda 32.8072222 35.2602778 P PPL IL 03 15014 152 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7935 294610 Kafr Kannā Kafr Kanna 32.75 35.3416667 P PPL IL 03 17606 343 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-27
+ 7936 294622 Judeida Judeida 32.9255556 35.155 P PPL IL 03 17530 95 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-27
+ 7937 294751 H̱olon Holon 32.0113889 34.7722222 P PPL IL 05 165787 23 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-11-05
+ 7938 294760 Hod HaSharon Hod HaSharon 32.1508333 34.8883333 P PPL IL 02 43185 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-12-25
+ 7939 294778 Herzliyya Herzliyya 32.1658333 34.8366667 P PPL IL IL 05 83600 66 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-06-01
+ 7940 294801 Haifa Haifa 32.8155556 34.9891667 P PPL IL 04 267300 290 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7941 294946 H̱adera Hadera 32.4352778 34.9175 P PPL IL 04 75854 55 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-10-21
+ 7942 294999 Giv`atayim Giv`atayim 32.0697222 34.8116667 P PPL IL IL 05 48000 73 Asia/Jerusalem 2009-01-08
+ 7943 295127 Eṭ Ṭīra Et Tira 32.2327778 34.9502778 P PPL IL 02 20786 89 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7944 295130 Eṭ Ṭaiyiba Et Taiyiba 32.2647222 35.0080556 P PPL IL 02 32978 93 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7945 295174 Er Reina Er Reina 32.7236111 35.3125 P PPL IL 03 15621 312 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7946 295277 Elat Elat 29.5611111 34.9516667 P PPL IL 01 45588 72 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-10-21
+ 7947 295328 Dimona Dimona 31.0666667 35.0333333 P PPL IL 01 33558 535 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7948 295365 Dāliyat el Karmil Daliyat el Karmil 32.6936111 35.0408333 P PPL IL IL 04 25000 331 Asia/Jerusalem 2009-02-06
+ 7949 295432 Bet Shemesh Bet Shemesh 31.75 35.0 P PPL IL 06 67100 219 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-18
+ 7950 295514 Bene Beraq Bene Beraq 32.0902778 34.8397222 P PPL IL 05 144663 24 Asia/Jerusalem 2006-01-17
+ 7951 295530 Beersheba Beersheba 31.2333333 34.7833333 P PPL IL IL 01 186600 259 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-11-22
+ 7952 295548 Bat Yam Bat Yam 32.0230556 34.7502778 P PPL IL 05 128979 52 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-18
+ 7953 295620 Ashqelon Ashqelon 31.6666667 34.5833333 P PPL IL 01 105995 26 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-05-10
+ 7954 295629 Ashdod Ashdod 31.8166667 34.65 P PPL IL IL 02 224656 4 Asia/Jerusalem 2008-09-02
+ 7955 295721 `Akko `Akko 32.9236111 35.0727778 P PPL IL 03 45603 -9999 Asia/Jerusalem 2007-02-17
+ 7956 6693674 Petah Tikva Petah Tikva 32.0917371888684 34.8850250244141 P PPL IL 02 188900 29 Asia/Jerusalem 2009-06-08
+ 7957 6945291 Old City Old City 31.776667 35.234167 P PPLX IL 06 36000 760 682 Asia/Jerusalem 2009-08-10
+ 7958 3042237 Douglas Douglas 54.15 -4.4833333 P PPLC IM 00 26218 35 Europe/Isle_of_Man 2008-05-14
+ 7959 1167718 Pūnch Punch 33.7666667 74.1 P PPL IN 12 28197 1033 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7960 1252646 Kīlakarai Kilakarai 9.2333333 78.7833333 P PPL IN 25 30468 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7961 1252653 Zunheboto Zunheboto 25.9666667 94.5166667 P PPL IN 20 29499 1361 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7962 1252692 Zamānia Zamania 25.4333333 83.5666667 P PPL IN 36 32008 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7963 1252698 Zaidpur Zaidpur 26.8333333 81.3333333 P PPL IN 36 33397 110 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7964 1252699 Zahirābād Zahirabad 17.6833333 77.6166667 P PPL IN 02 46504 622 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7965 1252738 Yeola Yeola 20.0333333 74.4833333 P PPL IN 16 46762 547 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7966 1252744 Yellāpur Yellapur 14.9666667 74.7166667 P PPL IN 19 19343 521 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7967 1252745 Yellandu Yellandu 17.6 80.3333333 P PPL IN 02 43787 200 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7968 1252758 Yelahanka Yelahanka 13.1075 77.6002778 P PPL IN 19 116447 887 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 7969 1252770 Yavatmāl Yavatmal 20.4 78.1333333 P PPL IN 16 128175 451 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 7970 1252773 Yāval Yaval 21.1666667 75.7 P PPL IN 16 32881 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7971 1252795 Yanam Yanam 16.7333333 82.2166667 P PPL IN 02 36896 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7972 1252797 Yamunānagar Yamunanagar 30.1 77.2833333 P PPL IN 10 208931 254 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 7973 1252822 Yādgīr Yadgir 16.7666667 77.1333333 P PPL IN 19 65376 375 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 7974 1252840 Wokha Wokha 26.1 94.2666667 P PPL IN 20 54010 1461 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7975 1252885 Wer Wer 27.0 77.1666667 P PPL IN 24 18268 232 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7976 1252887 Wellington Wellington 11.3666667 76.8 P PPL IN 25 20254 1831 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7977 1252892 Wazīrganj Wazirganj 28.2166667 79.05 P PPL IN 36 19372 172 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7978 1252908 Wāshīm Washim 20.1 77.15 P PPL IN 16 68622 546 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7979 1252919 Warud Warud 21.4666667 78.2666667 P PPL IN 35 47817 396 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7980 1252925 Warora Warora 20.2333333 79.0 P PPL IN 16 41523 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7981 1252930 Wāris Alīganj Waris Aliganj 25.0166667 85.6333333 P PPL IN 34 35243 68 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7982 1252942 Wardha Wardha 20.75 78.6166667 P PPL IN 16 113759 287 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7983 1252946 Wārāseoni Waraseoni 21.75 80.0333333 P PPL IN 35 23800 282 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7984 1252948 Warangal Warangal 18.0 79.5833333 P PPL IN 02 557802 302 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 7985 1252950 Wāpi Wapi 20.3666667 72.9 P PPL IN 00 92195 18 Asia/Kolkata 2008-01-01
+ 7986 1252956 Wanparti Wanparti 16.3666667 78.0666667 P PPL IN 02 55182 400 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7987 1252958 Wānkāner Wankaner 22.6166667 70.9333333 P PPL IN 09 47814 79 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7988 1252960 Wani Wani 20.0666667 78.95 P PPL IN 16 57288 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7989 1252997 Wālājāpet Walajapet 12.9333333 79.3833333 P PPL IN 25 30256 154 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7990 1253013 Wai Wai 17.9333333 73.9 P PPL IN 16 32957 718 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7991 1253041 Wādi Wadi 17.0666667 76.9833333 P PPL IN 19 30602 402 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7992 1253074 Vyāra Vyara 21.1166667 73.4 P PPL IN 09 38168 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7993 1253077 Vuyyūru Vuyyuru 16.3666667 80.85 P PPL IN 02 36755 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7994 1253079 Vrindāvan Vrindavan 27.5833333 77.7 P PPL IN 36 60195 170 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7995 1253080 Vriddhāchalam Vriddhachalam 11.5 79.3333333 P PPL IN 25 61498 45 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 7996 1253084 Vizianagaram Vizianagaram 18.1166667 83.4166667 P PPL IN 02 179358 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 7997 1253091 Vite Vite 17.2833333 74.55 P PPL IN 16 45973 708 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 7998 1253095 Visnagar Visnagar 23.7 72.55 P PPL IN 09 68619 117 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 7999 1253102 Vishākhapatnam Vishakhapatnam 17.7 83.3 P PPL IN 02 1063178 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8000 1253105 Vīsāvadar Visavadar 21.3833333 70.6833333 P PPL IN 09 18382 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8001 1253113 Virudunagar Virudunagar 9.6 77.9666667 P PPL IN 25 73273 102 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8002 1253127 Viravanallūr Viravanallur 8.7 77.5333333 P PPL IN 25 19689 68 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8003 1253132 Vīrarājendrapet Virarajendrapet 12.2 75.8 P PPL IN 19 15976 910 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8004 1253133 Virār Virar 19.4666667 72.8 P PPL IN 16 150357 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8005 1253150 Vinukonda Vinukonda 16.05 79.75 P PPL IN 02 61326 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8006 1253166 Villupuram Villupuram 11.9333333 79.4833333 P PPL IN 25 97380 48 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8007 1253182 Vikārābād Vikarabad 17.3333333 77.9 P PPL IN 02 43337 639 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8008 1253184 Vijayawāda Vijayawada 16.5166667 80.6166667 P PPL IN 02 874587 12 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8009 1253193 Vijāpur Vijapur 23.5666667 72.75 P PPL IN 09 24297 117 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8010 1253200 Vidisha Vidisha 23.5333333 77.8166667 P PPL IN 35 140045 424 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8011 1253219 Vettaikkāranpudūr Vettaikkaranpudur 10.5666667 76.9333333 P PPL IN 25 18128 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8012 1253220 Vetāpālem Vetapalem 15.7833333 80.3166667 P PPL IN 02 38007 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8013 1253237 Verāval Veraval 20.9 70.3666667 P PPL IN 09 163326 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8014 1253251 Venkatagiri Venkatagiri 13.9666667 79.5833333 P PPL IN 02 32761 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8015 1253275 Vemalwāda Vemalwada 18.4666667 78.8833333 P PPL IN 02 22920 317 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8016 1253278 Velūr Velur 11.1 78.0166667 P PPL IN 25 18951 131 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8017 1253286 Vellore Vellore 12.9333333 79.1333333 P PPL IN 25 177081 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8018 1253315 Vejalpur Vejalpur 22.6833333 73.5666667 P PPL IN 09 121610 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8019 1253330 Vedāranniyam Vedaranniyam 10.3666667 79.85 P PPL IN 25 32245 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8020 1253340 Vayalār Vayalar 9.7 76.3333333 P PPL IN 13 25094 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8021 1253352 Vattalkundu Vattalkundu 10.1666667 77.7666667 P PPL IN 25 22638 282 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8022 1253357 Vāsudevanallūr Vasudevanallur 9.2333333 77.4166667 P PPL IN 25 19021 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8023 1253363 Vasind Vasind 19.4166667 73.2666667 P PPL IN 16 16970 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8024 1253374 Vasa Vasa 22.6666667 72.7333333 P PPL IN 09 15934 29 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8025 1253392 Varkkallai Varkkallai 8.7333333 76.7166667 P PPL IN 13 43276 1 Asia/Kolkata 2008-06-10
+ 8026 1253403 Varangaon Varangaon 21.0166667 75.9 P PPL IN 16 44067 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8027 1253405 Benares Benares 25.3333333 83.0 P PPL IN 36 1164404 77 Asia/Kolkata 2008-12-05
+ 8028 1253437 Vāniyambādi Vaniyambadi 12.6833333 78.6166667 P PPL IN 25 90288 363 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8029 1253452 Vandavāsi Vandavasi 12.5 79.6166667 P PPL IN 25 31530 74 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8030 1253468 Valsād Valsad 20.6333333 72.9333333 P PPL IN 09 72929 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8031 1253472 Vālpārai Valparai 10.3666667 76.9666667 P PPL IN 25 90353 1195 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8032 1253482 Vallabh Vidyanagar Vallabh Vidyanagar 22.5333333 72.9 P PPL IN 09 32581 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8033 1253512 Valabhīpur Valabhipur 21.8833333 71.8666667 P PPL IN 09 18663 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8034 1253544 Vaikam Vaikam 9.7666667 76.4 P PPL IN 13 22807 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8035 1253545 Vaijāpur Vaijapur 19.9166667 74.7333333 P PPL IN 16 40043 522 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8036 1253573 Vadodara Vadodara 22.3 73.2 P PPL IN 09 1409476 194 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8037 1253577 Vadnagar Vadnagar 23.7833333 72.6333333 P PPL IN 09 24832 141 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8038 1253578 Vadlapūdi Vadlapudi 14.3166667 79.8 P PPL IN 02 17881 33 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8039 1253579 Vādippatti Vadippatti 10.0833333 77.95 P PPL IN 25 22441 124 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8040 1253595 Vadamadurai Vadamadurai 10.4666667 78.0833333 P PPL IN 25 15886 269 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8041 1253605 Vadakku Valliyūr Vadakku Valliyur 8.3833333 77.65 P PPL IN 25 24749 82 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8042 1253610 Vāda Vada 19.65 73.1333333 P PPL IN 16 15474 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8043 1253623 Uttiramerūr Uttiramerur 12.6 79.7666667 P PPL IN 25 24315 56 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8044 1253628 Uttarkāshi Uttarkashi 30.7333333 78.45 P PPL IN 39 17123 1352 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8045 1253635 Uttamapālaiyam Uttamapalaiyam 9.8 77.3333333 P PPL IN 25 22778 379 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8046 1253638 Utraulā Utraula 27.3166667 82.4166667 P PPL IN 36 28437 96 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8047 1253671 Usilampatti Usilampatti 9.9666667 77.8 P PPL IN 25 30675 201 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8048 1253673 Usehat Usehat 27.8166667 79.25 P PPL IN 36 15068 152 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8049 1253698 Uravakonda Uravakonda 14.95 77.2666667 P PPL IN 02 33495 459 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8050 1253702 Uran Uran 18.8769444 72.9397222 P PPL IN 16 25598 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8051 1253736 Upleta Upleta 21.7333333 70.2833333 P PPL IN 09 56354 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8052 1253744 Upal Upal 17.4038889 78.5677778 P PPL IN 02 139364 462 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8053 1253747 Unnāo Unnao 26.5333333 80.5 P PPL IN 36 161671 127 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8054 1253750 Unjha Unjha 23.8 72.4 P PPL IN 09 54620 111 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8055 1253754 Unhel Unhel 23.3333333 75.5666667 P PPL IN 35 15837 495 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8056 1253782 Una Una 31.4833333 76.2833333 P PPL IN 11 17569 380 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8057 1253783 Una Una 20.8166667 71.0333333 P PPL IN 09 56545 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8058 1253785 Ūn Un 29.5847222 77.2541667 P PPL IN 36 15007 240 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8059 1253786 Un Un 23.8833333 71.7666667 P PPL IN 09 30671 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8060 1253805 Umreth Umreth 22.7 73.1166667 P PPL IN 09 32802 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8061 1253807 Umred Umred 20.85 79.3333333 P PPL IN 16 51794 291 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8062 1253860 Umarkot Umarkot 19.6666667 82.2166667 P PPL IN 37 27545 604 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8063 1253861 Umarkhed Umarkhed 19.6 77.7 P PPL IN 16 35265 416 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8064 1253863 Umariā Umaria 23.5333333 80.8333333 P PPL IN 35 29740 456 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8065 1253870 Umarga Umarga 17.8333333 76.6166667 P PPL IN 16 32181 572 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8066 1253888 Ullāl Ullal 12.8 74.85 P PPL IN 19 59116 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8067 1253894 Ulhāsnagar Ulhasnagar 19.2166667 73.15 P PPL IN 16 516584 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8068 1253914 Ujjain Ujjain 23.1833333 75.7666667 P PPL IN 35 457346 491 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 8069 1253918 Ujhāni Ujhani 28.0166667 79.0166667 P PPL IN 36 56309 171 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8070 1253944 Udumalaippettai Udumalaippettai 10.5833333 77.25 P PPL IN 25 58571 382 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8071 1253952 Udipi Udipi 13.35 74.75 P PPL IN 19 129113 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8072 1253956 Udhampur Udhampur 32.9333333 75.1333333 P PPL IN 12 80447 738 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8073 1253958 Udgīr Udgir 18.3833333 77.1166667 P PPL IN 16 101064 632 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8074 1253972 Udankudi Udankudi 8.4333333 78.0166667 P PPL IN 25 19008 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8075 1253977 Udalguri Udalguri 26.7666667 92.1333333 P PPL IN 03 15935 187 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8076 1253984 Udaipura Udaipura 23.0833333 78.5 P PPL IN 35 15473 321 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8077 1253985 Udaipur Udaipur 27.7166667 75.4833333 P PPL IN 24 30264 440 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8078 1253986 Udaipur Udaipur 24.5711674515418 73.6918258666992 P PPL IN 24 422784 580 Asia/Kolkata 2009-06-05
+ 8079 1253987 Udaipur Udaipur 23.5333333 91.4833333 P PPL IN 26 23290 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8080 1253993 Udagamandalām Udagamandalam 11.4 76.7 P PPL IN 25 98238 2214 Asia/Kolkata 2008-02-19
+ 8081 1254000 Uchāna Uchana 29.4666667 76.1666667 P PPL IN 10 15830 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8082 1254043 Turaiyūr Turaiyur 11.1666667 78.6166667 P PPL IN 25 32134 204 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8083 1254046 Tura Tura 25.5166667 90.2166667 P PPL IN 18 63645 368 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8084 1254054 Tuni Tuni 17.35 82.55 P PPL IN 02 52658 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8085 1254069 Tūndla Tundla 27.2 78.2833333 P PPL IN 36 50939 168 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8086 1254080 Tumsar Tumsar 21.3833333 79.7333333 P PPL IN 16 43218 273 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8087 1254089 Tumkūr Tumkur 13.3422222 77.1016667 P PPL IN 19 307359 816 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8088 1254102 Tulsīpur Tulsipur 27.55 82.4166667 P PPL IN 36 22486 109 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8089 1254111 Tuljāpur Tuljapur 18.0 76.0833333 P PPL IN 16 35596 660 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8090 1254131 Tufānganj Tufanganj 26.3166667 89.6666667 P PPL IN 28 20420 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8091 1254133 Tuensang Tuensang 26.2833333 94.8333333 P PPL IN 20 33748 909 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8092 1254163 Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram 8.4833333 76.9166667 P PPLA IN 13 784153 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8093 1254187 Trichūr Trichur 10.5166667 76.2166667 P PPL IN 13 325110 49 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8094 1254241 Tonk Tonk 26.1666667 75.7833333 P PPL IN 24 151331 274 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8095 1254249 Tondi Tondi 9.7333333 79.0166667 P PPL IN 25 16468 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8096 1254274 Tohāna Tohana 29.7 75.9 P PPL IN 10 59749 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8097 1254282 Toda Rāisingh Toda Raisingh 26.0166667 75.4833333 P PPL IN 24 22613 347 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8098 1254283 Toda Bhīm Toda Bhim 26.9166667 76.8166667 P PPL IN 24 22529 250 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8099 1254304 Titlāgarh Titlagarh 20.3 83.15 P PPL IN 21 28405 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8100 1254309 Titāgarh Titagarh 22.7363889 88.3736111 P PPL IN 28 127751 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8101 1254317 Tisaiyanvilai Tisaiyanvilai 8.3333333 77.8833333 P PPL IN 25 20395 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8102 1254322 Tiruvettipuram Tiruvettipuram 12.6666667 79.55 P PPL IN 25 36527 95 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8103 1254327 Tiruvannāmalai Tiruvannamalai 12.2166667 79.0666667 P PPL IN 25 138243 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8104 1254331 Tiruvallūr Tiruvallur 13.15 79.9166667 P PPL IN 25 48095 45 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8105 1254335 Tiruvalla Tiruvalla 9.3833333 76.5666667 P PPL IN 13 57223 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8106 1254342 Tiruttani Tiruttani 13.1833333 79.6333333 P PPL IN 25 39899 80 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8107 1254343 Tiruttangal Tiruttangal 9.4833333 77.8333333 P PPL IN 25 54499 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8108 1254346 Tirūr Tirur 10.9 75.9166667 P PPL IN 13 54934 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8109 1254347 Tiruppuvanam Tiruppuvanam 9.8333333 78.2666667 P PPL IN 25 22517 99 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8110 1254348 Tiruppūr Tiruppur 11.1 77.35 P PPL IN 25 397521 295 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8111 1254356 Tirupparangunram Tirupparangunram 9.8666667 78.0666667 P PPL IN 25 42696 138 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8112 1254360 Tirupati Tirupati 13.65 79.4166667 P PPL IN 02 250821 162 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8113 1254361 Tirunelveli Tirunelveli 8.7333333 77.7 P PPL IN 25 435844 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 8114 1254373 Tirumala Tirumala 13.6833333 79.35 P PPL IN 02 18013 870 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8115 1254377 Tirukkoyilūr Tirukkoyilur 11.95 79.2 P PPL IN 25 28337 73 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8116 1254385 Tiruchengodu Tiruchengodu 11.3833333 77.9333333 P PPL IN 25 87123 246 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8117 1254388 Tiruchchirāppalli Tiruchchirappalli 10.8166667 78.6833333 P PPL IN 25 775484 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8118 1254390 Tiruchchendūr Tiruchchendur 8.4833333 78.1166667 P PPL IN 25 29872 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8119 1254396 Tīrthahalli Tirthahalli 13.7 75.2333333 P PPL IN 19 15422 596 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8120 1254420 Tiptūr Tiptur 13.2586111 76.4783333 P PPL IN 19 60957 847 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8121 1254432 Tinsukia Tinsukia 27.5 95.3666667 P PPL IN 03 89373 116 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8122 1254436 Tinnanūr Tinnanur 13.1113889 80.0261111 P PPL IN 25 22125 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8123 1254444 Tindivanam Tindivanam 12.25 79.65 P PPL IN 25 69839 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8124 1254481 Tilhar Tilhar 27.9833333 79.7333333 P PPL IN 36 57043 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8125 1254534 Tīkamgarh Tikamgarh 24.7333333 78.8333333 P PPL IN 36 74724 366 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8126 1254538 Tijāra Tijara 27.9333333 76.85 P PPL IN 24 21833 291 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8127 1254570 Thoubāl Thoubal 24.6333333 94.0166667 P PPL IN 17 44493 765 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8128 1254589 Thiruvārūr Thiruvarur 10.7666667 79.65 P PPL IN 25 58777 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8129 1254624 Thāsra Thasra 22.8 73.2166667 P PPL IN 09 18337 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8130 1254638 Tharād Tharad 24.3961111 71.6266667 P PPL IN 09 24697 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8131 1254649 Thanjāvūr Thanjavur 10.8 79.15 P PPL IN 25 219571 2 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8132 1254657 Thānesar Thanesar 29.9833333 76.8166667 P PPL IN 10 138279 232 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8133 1254661 Thāne Thane 19.2 72.9666667 P PPL IN IN 16 1261517 9 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-18
+ 8134 1254673 Thāna Bhawan Thana Bhawan 29.5863889 77.4166667 P PPL IN 36 33498 245 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8135 1254675 Thān Than 22.5666667 71.1833333 P PPL IN 09 42508 130 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8136 1254694 Thākurganj Thakurganj 26.45 88.1333333 P PPL IN 34 15953 83 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8137 1254695 Thākurdwāra Thakurdwara 29.2 78.85 P PPL IN 36 39860 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8138 1254710 Tezpur Tezpur 26.6333333 92.8 P PPL IN 03 58851 48 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8139 1254727 Terdāl Terdal 16.5 75.05 P PPL IN 19 26411 536 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8140 1254732 Teonthar Teonthar 24.9833333 81.65 P PPL IN 35 16578 151 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8141 1254744 Tenkāsi Tenkasi 8.9666667 77.3 P PPL IN 25 65496 144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8142 1254745 Teni Teni 10.0 77.4833333 P PPL IN 25 1034724 303 Asia/Kolkata 2009-03-16
+ 8143 1254780 Tellicherry Tellicherry 11.75 75.5333333 P PPL IN 13 97201 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8144 1254787 Telhāra Telhara 21.0269444 76.8388889 P PPL IN 16 21146 270 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8145 1254794 Tekkali Tekkali 18.6166667 84.2333333 P PPL IN 02 24682 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8146 1254795 Tekkalakote Tekkalakote 15.5333333 76.8833333 P PPL IN 19 25530 396 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8147 1254797 Tekāri Tekari 24.9333333 84.8333333 P PPL IN 34 19063 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8148 1254808 Tehri Tehri 30.3833333 78.4833333 P PPL IN 39 27611 779 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8149 1254813 Teghra Teghra 25.4833333 85.95 P PPL IN 34 46160 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8150 1254858 Tāsgaon Tasgaon 17.0333333 74.6 P PPL IN 16 34933 560 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8151 1254868 Tarn Tāran Tarn Taran 31.45 74.9252778 P PPL IN 23 58585 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8152 1254880 Tarikere Tarikere 13.7166667 75.8166667 P PPL IN 19 37848 693 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8153 1254904 Tarangambādi Tarangambadi 11.0319444 79.8527778 P PPL IN 25 20841 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-07-25
+ 8154 1254908 Tārānagar Taranagar 28.6833333 75.0333333 P PPL IN 24 29392 234 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8155 1254909 Tarāna Tarana 23.3333333 76.0333333 P PPL IN 35 22773 491 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8156 1254910 Tāramangalam Taramangalam 11.7 77.9833333 P PPL IN 25 23788 277 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8157 1254912 Tarakeswar Tarakeswar 22.885 88.0172222 P PPL IN 28 30475 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8158 1254948 Tāoru Taoru 28.2166667 76.95 P PPL IN 10 19310 257 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8159 1254953 Tanuku Tanuku 16.75 81.7 P PPL IN 02 68290 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8160 1255004 Tāndūr Tandur 17.2333333 77.5833333 P PPL IN 02 63239 449 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8161 1255023 Tānda Tanda 28.9833333 78.9333333 P PPL IN 36 44822 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8162 1255024 Tāndā Tanda 26.55 82.65 P PPL IN 36 88073 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8163 1255027 Tanakpur Tanakpur 29.0833333 80.1166667 P PPL IN 39 16905 255 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8164 1255046 Tamlūk Tamluk 22.3 87.9166667 P PPL IN 28 48646 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8165 1255076 Talwāra Talwara 31.9486111 75.8666667 P PPL IN 23 24752 326 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8166 1255082 Talwandi Bhāi Talwandi Bhai 30.85 74.9333333 P PPL IN 23 16391 201 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8167 1255104 Taloda Taloda 21.5666667 74.2166667 P PPL IN 16 26293 118 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8168 1255121 Taliparamba Taliparamba 12.05 75.35 P PPL IN 13 69878 56 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8169 1255122 Tālīkota Talikota 16.4833333 76.3166667 P PPL IN 19 27902 509 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8170 1255131 Taleigao Taleigao 15.4666667 73.8 P PPL IN 33 17148 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8171 1255134 Talegaon Dābhāde Talegaon Dabhade 18.7166667 73.6833333 P PPL IN 16 47653 636 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8172 1255143 Tālcher Talcher 20.95 85.2166667 P PPL IN 21 38436 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8173 1255175 Talāja Talaja 21.35 72.05 P PPL IN 09 29948 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8174 1255211 Tāki Taki 22.5861111 88.9213889 P PPL IN 28 40113 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8175 1255212 Takhatpur Takhatpur 22.15 81.8666667 P PPL IN 37 17859 269 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8176 1255213 Takhatgarh Takhatgarh 25.3333333 73.0 P PPL IN 24 17285 221 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8177 1255224 Tājpur Tajpur 29.1666667 78.4833333 P PPL IN 36 17529 208 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8178 1255254 Tādpatri Tadpatri 14.9166667 78.0166667 P PPL IN 02 93044 217 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8179 1255264 Tādepallegūdem Tadepallegudem 16.8333333 81.5 P PPL IN 02 108167 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8180 1255265 Tādepalle Tadepalle 16.4833333 80.6 P PPL IN 02 34357 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8181 1255344 Suriāpet Suriapet 17.15 79.6166667 P PPL IN 02 111729 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8182 1255346 Suriānwān Surianwan 25.4666667 82.4166667 P PPL IN 36 19157 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8183 1255349 Surendranagar Surendranagar 22.7 71.6833333 P PPL IN 09 179628 71 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8184 1255361 Sūratgarh Suratgarh 29.3166667 73.9 P PPL IN 24 63153 172 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8185 1255364 Sūrat Surat 21.1666667 72.8333333 P PPL IN 09 2894504 13 Asia/Kolkata 2007-05-13
+ 8186 1255372 Sūrandai Surandai 8.9666667 77.4 P PPL IN 25 28989 134 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8187 1255383 Sūrajgarh Surajgarh 28.3166667 75.7333333 P PPL IN 24 19721 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8188 1255396 Supaul Supaul 26.1166667 86.6 P PPL IN 34 60020 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8189 1255425 Sunel Sunel 24.3666667 75.9666667 P PPL IN 24 15840 350 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8190 1255434 Sundarnagar Sundarnagar 31.5333333 76.8833333 P PPL IN 11 25338 872 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8191 1255437 Sundargarh Sundargarh 22.1166667 84.0333333 P PPL IN 21 41705 231 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8192 1255449 Sunām Sunam 30.1333333 75.8 P PPL IN 23 53647 231 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8193 1255482 Sulya Sulya 12.5666667 75.3833333 P PPL IN 19 18950 106 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8194 1255483 Sūlūru Suluru 13.7 80.0166667 P PPL IN 02 38065 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8195 1255484 Sūlūr Sulur 11.0333333 77.1333333 P PPL IN 25 26183 340 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8196 1255488 Sultānpur Sultanpur 31.2152778 75.1997222 P PPL IN 23 16344 208 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8197 1255491 Sultānpur Sultanpur 26.2666667 82.0666667 P PPL IN 36 110368 85 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8198 1255551 Suket Suket 24.65 76.0333333 P PPL IN 24 19851 325 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8199 1255597 Suār Suar 29.0333333 79.05 P PPL IN 36 28941 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8200 1255616 Srīvilliputtūr Srivilliputtur 9.5166667 77.6333333 P PPL IN 25 74370 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8201 1255619 Srīvardhan Srivardhan 18.0333333 73.0166667 P PPL IN 16 15279 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8202 1255620 Srīvaikuntam Srivaikuntam 8.6166667 77.9333333 P PPL IN 25 15665 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8203 1255621 Srīsailam Srisailam 16.0833333 78.8666667 P PPL IN 02 24142 410 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8204 1255630 Srīperumbūdūr Sriperumbudur 12.9688889 79.9488889 P PPL IN 25 17253 43 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8205 1255631 Srīnivāspur Srinivaspur 13.3333333 78.2166667 P PPL IN 19 25760 819 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8206 1255634 Srīnagar Srinagar 34.0833333 74.8166667 P PPLA IN 12 975857 1555 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8207 1255635 Srīnagar Srinagar 30.2166667 78.7833333 P PPL IN 39 20216 601 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8208 1255643 Sri Mādhopur Sri Madhopur 27.4666667 75.6 P PPL IN 24 30281 490 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8209 1255646 Sri Karanpur Sri Karanpur 29.8419444 73.4541667 P PPL IN 24 21604 160 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8210 1255647 Srīkākulam Srikakulam 18.3 83.9 P PPL IN 02 118299 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8211 1255654 Sri Dungargarh Sri Dungargarh 28.0833333 74.0166667 P PPL IN 24 48036 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8212 1255667 Soygaon Soygaon 20.6 75.6166667 P PPL IN 16 23320 375 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8213 1255704 Soron Soron 27.8833333 78.75 P PPL IN 36 28683 179 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8214 1255705 Soro Soro 21.2880556 86.6858333 P PPL IN 21 29797 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8215 1255712 Sorada Sorada 19.75 84.4333333 P PPL IN 21 15117 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8216 1255714 Sopur Sopur 34.3 74.4666667 P PPL IN 12 63035 1556 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8217 1255744 Sonīpat Sonipat 28.9833333 77.0166667 P PPL IN 10 250521 220 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8218 1255762 Songadh Songadh 21.1666667 73.5666667 P PPL IN 09 25269 101 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8219 1255763 Sonepur Sonepur 20.8333333 83.9166667 P PPL IN 21 18768 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8220 1255788 Sonāri Sonari 27.0666667 95.0333333 P PPL IN 03 19672 97 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8221 1255792 Sonāmukhi Sonamukhi 23.3 87.4166667 P PPL IN 28 28334 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8222 1255816 Sompeta Sompeta 18.9333333 84.6 P PPL IN 02 17982 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8223 1255823 Someshwar Someshwar 13.5 75.0666667 P PPL IN 19 22137 338 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8224 1255850 Solan Solan 30.9166667 77.1166667 P PPL IN 11 40283 1343 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8225 1255858 Sojītra Sojitra 22.55 72.7166667 P PPL IN 09 19403 24 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8226 1255860 Sojat Sojat 25.9166667 73.6666667 P PPL IN 24 42556 264 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8227 1255870 Sohna Sohna 28.25 77.0666667 P PPL IN 10 33361 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8228 1255884 Sohāgpur Sohagpur 22.7 78.2 P PPL IN 35 23849 323 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8229 1255925 Siwāna Siwana 25.6333333 72.4166667 P PPL IN 24 22067 185 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8230 1255927 Siwān Siwan 26.2166667 84.3666667 P PPL IN 34 119181 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8231 1255947 Sivakāsi Sivakasi 9.45 77.8166667 P PPL IN 25 74282 101 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8232 1255950 Sivagiri Sivagiri 11.1166667 77.8 P PPL IN 25 16779 197 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8233 1255951 Sivagiri Sivagiri 9.3333333 77.4333333 P PPL IN 25 20772 170 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8234 1255953 Sivaganga Sivaganga 9.8666667 78.4833333 P PPL IN 25 42785 104 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8235 1255955 Siuri Siuri 23.9166667 87.5333333 P PPL IN 28 64659 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8236 1255963 Sitārganj Sitarganj 28.9333333 79.7 P PPL IN 39 24225 198 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8237 1255969 Sītāpur Sitapur 27.5666667 80.6833333 P PPL IN 36 164435 137 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8238 1255983 Sītāmarhi Sitamarhi 26.6 85.4833333 P PPL IN 34 57095 56 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8239 1255995 Siswā Bāzār Siswa Bazar 27.15 83.7666667 P PPL IN 36 19939 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8240 1256003 Sisauli Sisauli 29.4166667 77.4666667 P PPL IN 36 15837 237 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8241 1256025 Sirūr Sirur 18.8333333 74.3833333 P PPL IN 16 31018 561 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8242 1256027 Sirumugai Sirumugai 11.3333333 77.0166667 P PPL IN 25 20066 292 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8243 1256029 Siruguppa Siruguppa 15.6333333 76.9 P PPL IN 19 47917 373 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8244 1256039 Sirsilla Sirsilla 18.3833333 78.8333333 P PPL IN 02 71499 319 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8245 1256040 Sirsi Sirsi 28.65 78.65 P PPL IN 36 22549 191 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8246 1256047 Sirsi Sirsi 14.6166667 74.85 P PPL IN 19 61607 603 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8247 1256050 Sirsāganj Sirsaganj 27.05 78.7 P PPL IN 36 29034 162 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8248 1256052 Sirsa Sirsa 29.5333333 75.0166667 P PPL IN 10 181639 205 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8249 1256064 Sironj Sironj 24.1 77.7 P PPL IN 35 45455 464 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8250 1256067 Sirohi Sirohi 24.8833333 72.8666667 P PPL IN 24 38610 321 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8251 1256075 Sīrkāzhi Sirkazhi 11.2333333 79.7333333 P PPL IN 25 33100 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8252 1256087 Sirhind Sirhind 30.6455556 76.3825 P PPL IN 23 60847 260 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8253 1256104 Sīra Sira 13.7452778 76.9091667 P PPL IN 19 57928 656 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8254 1256119 Sinnar Sinnar 19.85 74.0 P PPL IN 16 34095 651 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8255 1256124 Singur Singur 22.8091667 88.2294444 P PPL IN 28 19402 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8256 1256176 Singarāyakonda Singarayakonda 15.25 80.0333333 P PPL IN 02 17796 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8257 1256184 Singānallūr Singanallur 11.0 77.0166667 P PPL IN 25 31239 362 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8258 1256207 Sindhnūr Sindhnur 15.7833333 76.7666667 P PPL IN 19 68793 377 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8259 1256214 Sindgi Sindgi 16.9166667 76.2333333 P PPL IN 19 33770 499 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8260 1256237 Shimla Shimla 31.1 77.1666667 P PPLA IN 11 173503 1959 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8261 1256246 Simdega Simdega 22.6166667 84.5166667 P PPL IN 38 38732 424 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8262 1256259 Silvassa Silvassa 20.2666667 73.0166667 P PPLA IN 06 27359 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8263 1256269 Sillod Sillod 20.3 75.65 P PPL IN 16 51042 612 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8264 1256287 Silchar Silchar 24.8166667 92.8 P PPL IN 03 152393 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8265 1256295 Silao Silao 25.0833333 85.4166667 P PPL IN 34 21828 60 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8266 1256320 Sīkar Sikar 27.6166667 75.15 P PPL IN 24 199932 427 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8267 1256322 Sikandra Rao Sikandra Rao 27.7 78.4 P PPL IN 36 42229 175 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8268 1256328 Sikandarpur Sikandarpur 26.05 84.05 P PPL IN 36 24177 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8269 1256329 Sikandarābād Sikandarabad 28.45 77.7 P PPL IN 36 73379 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8270 1256333 Sikka Sikka 22.4333333 69.8333333 P PPL IN 09 19404 22 Asia/Kolkata 2007-03-19
+ 8271 1256335 Sijua Sijua 23.7833333 86.3166667 P PPL IN 38 31537 181 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8272 1256340 Sihorā Sihora 23.4833333 80.1166667 P PPL IN 35 41192 386 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8273 1256343 Sihor Sihor 21.7 71.9666667 P PPL IN 09 52603 60 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8274 1256363 Sidlaghatta Sidlaghatta 13.3880556 77.8627778 P PPL IN 19 49114 903 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8275 1256369 Sidhi Sidhi 24.4166667 81.8833333 P PPL IN 35 54242 266 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8276 1256372 Sidhaulī Sidhauli 27.2833333 80.8333333 P PPL IN 36 22193 137 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8277 1256377 Siddipet Siddipet 18.1 78.85 P PPL IN 02 64562 475 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8278 1256382 Siddhapur Siddhapur 23.9166667 72.3833333 P PPL IN 09 54313 125 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8279 1256388 Sibsāgar Sibsagar 26.9833333 94.6333333 P PPL IN 03 62104 94 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8280 1256418 Shujālpur Shujalpur 23.4 76.7166667 P PPL IN 35 47058 448 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8281 1256421 Shrīrangapattana Shrirangapattana 12.4136111 76.7041667 P PPL IN 19 23927 687 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8282 1256422 Shrīrāmpur Shrirampur 22.7527778 88.3422222 P PPL IN 28 226317 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8283 1256426 Shrīgonda Shrigonda 18.6166667 74.6833333 P PPL IN 16 28208 566 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8284 1256431 Shorāpur Shorapur 16.5166667 76.75 P PPL IN 19 49501 496 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8285 1256432 Shoranūr Shoranur 10.7666667 76.2833333 P PPL IN 13 42694 53 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8286 1256435 Sholinghur Sholinghur 13.1166667 79.4166667 P PPL IN 25 28645 153 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8287 1256436 Solāpur Solapur 17.6833333 75.9166667 P PPL IN 16 997281 458 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-05
+ 8288 1256451 Shivpurī Shivpuri 25.4333333 77.65 P PPL IN 35 164215 468 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8289 1256468 Shīshgarh Shishgarh 28.7166667 79.3166667 P PPL IN 36 23471 174 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8290 1256475 Shirpur Shirpur 21.35 74.8833333 P PPL IN 16 69540 150 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8291 1256483 Shirhatti Shirhatti 15.2333333 75.5833333 P PPL IN 19 16604 678 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8292 1256489 Shirdi Shirdi 19.7666667 74.4833333 P PPL IN 16 31978 504 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8293 1256515 Shimoga Shimoga 13.9166667 75.5666667 P PPL IN 19 319550 574 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8294 1256523 Shillong Shillong 25.5689237504079 91.8831253051758 P PPLA IN 18 132842 1497 Asia/Kolkata 2007-03-19
+ 8295 1256525 Shiliguri Shiliguri 26.7 88.4333333 P PPL IN 28 515574 122 Asia/Kolkata 2006-05-01
+ 8296 1256529 Shikohābād Shikohabad 27.1 78.6 P PPL IN 36 99678 163 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8297 1256532 Shikārpur Shikarpur 28.2833333 78.0166667 P PPL IN 36 34649 191 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8298 1256537 Shikārpur Shikarpur 14.2666667 75.35 P PPL IN 19 33273 607 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8299 1256539 Shiggaon Shiggaon 15.0 75.2333333 P PPL IN 19 26118 605 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8300 1256558 Shertallai Shertallai 9.7 76.3333333 P PPL IN 13 45474 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8301 1256569 Sherkot Sherkot 29.35 78.5833333 P PPL IN 36 57361 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8302 1256572 Sherghāti Sherghati 24.5666667 84.7833333 P PPL IN 34 35279 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8303 1256593 Sheopur Sheopur 25.6666667 76.7 P PPL IN 35 62416 229 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8304 1256597 Sheohar Sheohar 26.5166667 85.3 P PPL IN 34 24979 53 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8305 1256598 Sheoganj Sheoganj 25.15 73.0666667 P PPL IN 24 26804 260 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8306 1256620 Shegaon Shegaon 20.7833333 76.6833333 P PPL IN 16 56449 281 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8307 1256639 Shāntipur Shantipur 23.25 88.4666667 P PPL IN 28 149983 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8308 1256659 Shamsābād Shamsabad 27.5333333 79.4333333 P PPL IN 36 25266 148 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8309 1256660 Shamsābād Shamsabad 27.0166667 78.1333333 P PPL IN 36 31009 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8310 1256671 Shāmli Shamli 29.45 77.3166667 P PPL IN 36 97966 248 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8311 1256673 Shāmgarh Shamgarh 24.1833333 75.6333333 P PPL IN 35 23075 456 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8312 1256693 Shājāpur Shajapur 23.4333333 76.2666667 P PPL IN 35 53346 443 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8313 1256698 Shaikhpura Shaikhpura 25.15 85.85 P PPL IN 34 46718 44 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8314 1256705 Shāhpura Shahpura 27.3833333 75.9666667 P PPL IN 24 33273 430 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8315 1256706 Shāhpura Shahpura 25.6333333 74.9333333 P PPL IN 24 29259 372 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8316 1256713 Shāhpur Shahpur 29.35 77.55 P PPL IN 36 18874 237 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8317 1256715 Shāhpur Shahpur 25.5833333 84.45 P PPL IN 34 15850 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8318 1256720 Shāhpur Shahpur 21.2333333 76.2166667 P PPL IN 35 19370 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8319 1256722 Shāhpur Shahpur 16.7 76.8333333 P PPL IN 19 31422 506 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8320 1256728 Shāhjahānpur Shahjahanpur 27.8833333 79.9166667 P PPL IN 36 320434 144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8321 1256731 Shāhi Shahi 28.55 79.3166667 P PPL IN 36 16064 171 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8322 1256735 Shāhganj Shahganj 26.05 82.6833333 P PPL IN 36 26510 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8323 1256739 Shahdol Shahdol 23.2833333 81.35 P PPL IN 35 89289 464 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8324 1256750 Shāhāda Shahada 21.55 74.4666667 P PPL IN 16 58402 126 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8325 1256752 Shāhābād Shahabad 30.1683333 76.87 P PPL IN 10 39323 260 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8326 1256753 Shāhābād Shahabad 28.5666667 79.0166667 P PPL IN 36 34962 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8327 1256755 Shāhābād Shahabad 27.65 79.95 P PPL IN 36 73606 143 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8328 1256759 Shāhābād Shahabad 17.1333333 76.9333333 P PPL IN 19 52952 398 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8329 1256812 Serchhīp Serchhip 23.3 92.8333333 P PPL IN 31 20244 736 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8330 1256814 Seram Seram 17.1833333 77.2833333 P PPL IN 19 35134 408 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8331 1256823 Seonī Mālwā Seoni Malwa 22.45 77.4666667 P PPL IN 35 28334 314 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8332 1256826 Seonī Seoni 22.0833333 79.5333333 P PPL IN 35 101379 606 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8333 1256828 Seondha Seondha 26.1577778 78.7797222 P PPL IN 35 21326 157 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8334 1256832 Seohārā Seohara 29.2166667 78.5833333 P PPL IN 36 46546 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8335 1256854 Sendhwa Sendhwa 21.6833333 75.1 P PPL IN 35 54530 409 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8336 1256913 Sehore Sehore 23.2 77.0833333 P PPL IN 35 99284 502 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8337 1256929 Sāyla Sayla 22.55 71.4666667 P PPL IN 09 15376 118 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8338 1256949 Sawāi Mādhopur Sawai Madhopur 25.9833333 76.3666667 P PPL IN 24 108612 344 Asia/Kolkata 2009-10-07
+ 8339 1256959 Sāvda Savda 21.15 75.8833333 P PPL IN 16 19903 229 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8340 1256967 Savanūr Savanur 14.9666667 75.35 P PPL IN 19 37819 584 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8341 1256968 Sāvantvādi Savantvadi 15.9 73.8166667 P PPL IN 16 23384 113 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8342 1256974 Sausar Sausar 21.65 78.7833333 P PPL IN 35 26704 359 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8343 1256983 Saundatti Saundatti 15.7833333 75.1166667 P PPL IN 19 40091 611 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8344 1256989 Satyamangalam Satyamangalam 11.5166667 77.25 P PPL IN 25 34011 227 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8345 1256995 Sāttūr Sattur 9.3666667 77.9333333 P PPL IN 25 31856 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8346 1257001 Sattenapalle Sattenapalle 16.4 80.1833333 P PPL IN 02 53603 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8347 1257022 Satna Satna 24.5833333 80.8333333 P PPL IN 35 257778 318 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8348 1257055 Sātāra Satara 17.6833333 73.9833333 P PPL IN 16 112793 754 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8349 1257060 Satāna Satana 20.5833333 74.2 P PPL IN 16 34440 544 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8350 1257066 Sāsvad Sasvad 18.3333333 74.0333333 P PPL IN 16 29858 775 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8351 1257093 Sarwār Sarwar 26.0666667 75.0 P PPL IN 24 17860 337 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8352 1257149 Sarkhej Sarkhej 22.9833333 72.5 P PPL IN 09 30341 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8353 1257191 Sardulgarh Sardulgarh 29.7 75.25 P PPL IN 23 17270 210 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8354 1257196 Sardhana Sardhana 29.15 77.6166667 P PPL IN 36 49857 226 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8355 1257198 Sardārshahr Sardarshahr 28.4333333 74.4833333 P PPL IN 24 86672 246 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8356 1257219 Sarauli Sarauli 28.5 79.1 P PPL IN 36 20923 174 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8357 1257237 Sārangpur Sarangpur 23.5666667 76.4666667 P PPL IN 35 35827 410 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8358 1257259 Saraipāli Saraipali 21.3333333 83.0 P PPL IN 37 18394 248 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8359 1257260 Sarāi Mīr Sarai Mir 26.0166667 82.9166667 P PPL IN 36 17849 86 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8360 1257268 Sarāi Ākil Sarai Akil 25.3833333 81.5166667 P PPL IN 36 17443 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8361 1257307 Saoner Saoner 21.3833333 78.9 P PPL IN 16 29638 315 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8362 1257354 Sānkrāil Sankrail 22.55 88.2 P PPL IN 28 27523 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8363 1257369 Sankeshwar Sankeshwar 16.2666667 74.4833333 P PPL IN 19 34549 645 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8364 1257402 Sangrūr Sangrur 30.2333333 75.8333333 P PPL IN 23 88615 232 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8365 1257409 Sāngola Sangola 17.4333333 75.2 P PPL IN 16 31279 519 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8366 1257410 Sangod Sangod 24.9166667 76.2833333 P PPL IN 24 19842 256 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8367 1257429 Sangaria Sangaria 29.8 74.45 P PPL IN 10 38638 181 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8368 1257431 Sangāreddi Sangareddi 17.6294444 78.0916667 P PPL IN 02 59199 497 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8369 1257436 Sangamner Sangamner 19.5666667 74.2166667 P PPL IN 16 67309 551 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8370 1257456 Sandūr Sandur 15.1 76.55 P PPL IN 19 29016 565 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8371 1257459 Sandīla Sandila 27.0833333 80.5166667 P PPL IN 36 53182 142 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8372 1257461 Sāndi Sandi 27.3 79.95 P PPL IN 36 25008 134 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8373 1257476 Sancoale Sancoale 15.3666667 73.9 P PPL IN 33 16311 85 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8374 1257477 Sānchor Sanchor 24.7552778 71.7722222 P PPL IN 24 29022 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8375 1257481 Sānāwad Sanawad 22.1833333 76.0666667 P PPL IN 35 36455 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8376 1257482 Sanaur Sanaur 30.3025 76.4552778 P PPL IN 23 18401 252 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8377 1257486 Sānand Sanand 22.9833333 72.3833333 P PPL IN 09 35033 37 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8378 1257498 Samthar Samthar 25.85 78.9166667 P PPL IN 35 21582 206 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8379 1257503 Samrāla Samrala 30.8366667 76.1897222 P PPL IN 23 18623 249 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8380 1257528 Samdari Samdari 25.8166667 72.5833333 P PPL IN 24 17915 134 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8381 1257539 Sāmbhar Sambhar 26.9166667 75.2 P PPL IN 24 22828 354 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8382 1257540 Sambhal Sambhal 28.5833333 78.55 P PPL IN 36 196109 193 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8383 1257542 Sambalpur Sambalpur 21.45 83.9666667 P PPL IN 21 162887 135 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8384 1257545 Sāmba Samba 32.5666667 75.1166667 P PPL IN 12 26893 347 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8385 1257551 Samastīpur Samastipur 25.85 85.7833333 P PPL IN 34 57575 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8386 1257565 Sāmalkot Samalkot 17.05 82.1833333 P PPL IN 02 55097 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8387 1257566 Samālkha Samalkha 29.2333333 77.0166667 P PPL IN 10 35620 227 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8388 1257587 Sālūr Salur 18.5333333 83.2166667 P PPL IN 02 50206 118 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8389 1257588 Sālūmbar Salumbar 24.1333333 74.05 P PPL IN 24 16557 262 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8390 1257629 Salem Salem 11.65 78.1666667 P PPL IN 25 778396 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-05
+ 8391 1257638 Salāya Salaya 22.3166667 69.6 P PPL IN 09 30228 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8392 1257673 Sakti Sakti 22.0333333 82.9666667 P PPL IN 37 21561 237 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8393 1257698 Sakleshpur Sakleshpur 12.9666667 75.7833333 P PPL IN 19 24931 910 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8394 1257749 Saint Thomas Mount Saint Thomas Mount 12.9963889 80.2030556 P PPL IN 25 43223 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8395 1257751 Sainthia Sainthia 23.95 87.6666667 P PPL IN 28 43221 53 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8396 1257762 Sailu Sailu 19.4666667 76.4666667 P PPL IN 16 42879 410 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8397 1257771 Saiha Saiha 22.4833333 92.9666667 P PPL IN 31 22654 729 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8398 1257776 Saidpur Saidpur 25.55 83.1833333 P PPL IN 36 22904 69 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8399 1257794 Sāhibganj Sahibganj 25.25 87.65 P PPL IN 38 95890 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8400 1257799 Sahāwar Sahawar 27.8 78.85 P PPL IN 36 22201 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8401 1257800 Sahaswān Sahaswan 28.0833333 78.75 P PPL IN 36 60953 172 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8402 1257802 Sahaspur Sahaspur 29.1333333 78.6166667 P PPL IN 36 24452 197 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8403 1257804 Saharsa Saharsa 25.8833333 86.6 P PPL IN 34 145764 41 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8404 1257806 Sahāranpur Saharanpur 29.9666667 77.55 P PPL IN 36 484873 268 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8405 1257830 Sagauli Sagauli 26.7833333 84.7333333 P PPL IN 34 34622 63 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8406 1257845 Sāgar Sagar 23.8333333 78.7166667 P PPL IN 35 247333 515 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8407 1257851 Sāgar Sagar 14.1666667 75.0333333 P PPL IN 19 53150 569 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8408 1257854 Safīpur Safipur 26.7333333 80.35 P PPL IN 36 24801 129 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8409 1257855 Safidon Safidon 29.4166667 76.6666667 P PPL IN 10 30863 218 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8410 1257865 Sādri Sadri 25.1833333 73.4333333 P PPL IN 24 25632 356 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8411 1257890 Sadāseopet Sadaseopet 17.6166667 77.95 P PPL IN 02 37245 540 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8412 1257895 Sadalgi Sadalgi 16.5666667 74.55 P PPL IN 19 22135 531 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8413 1257896 Sadābād Sadabad 27.45 78.05 P PPL IN 36 36093 175 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8414 1257928 Sabalgarh Sabalgarh 26.25 77.4 P PPL IN 35 31032 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8415 1257936 Rusera Rusera 25.75 86.0333333 P PPL IN 34 28781 41 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8416 1257940 Rura Rura 26.4833333 79.9 P PPL IN 36 15908 127 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8417 1257951 Rūpnagar Rupnagar 30.9663889 76.5330556 P PPL IN 23 52313 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8418 1258012 Rūdarpur Rudarpur 26.4394444 83.6144444 P PPL IN 36 30873 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8419 1258044 Roorkee Roorkee 29.8666667 77.8833333 P PPL IN 39 103894 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8420 1258061 Ron Ron 15.6666667 75.7333333 P PPL IN 19 22593 591 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8421 1258076 Rohtak Rohtak 28.9 76.5666667 P PPL IN 10 317245 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8422 1258109 Robertsonpet Robertsonpet 12.9666667 78.2833333 P PPL IN 19 135218 842 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8423 1258111 Robertsganj Robertsganj 24.7 83.0666667 P PPL IN 36 37855 301 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8424 1258124 Risod Risod 19.9666667 76.7833333 P PPL IN 16 30131 532 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8425 1258126 Rishra Rishra 22.7141667 88.3477778 P PPL IN 28 117014 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8426 1258128 Rishīkesh Rishikesh 30.1166667 78.3166667 P PPL IN 39 66390 362 Asia/Kolkata 2006-09-10
+ 8427 1258140 Rīngas Ringas 27.35 75.5666667 P PPL IN 24 25171 457 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8428 1258164 Richha Richha 28.7 79.5166667 P PPL IN 36 19459 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8429 1258178 Rewāri Rewari 28.1833333 76.6166667 P PPL IN 10 112079 245 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8430 1258182 Rewa Rewa 24.5333333 81.3 P PPL IN 35 208461 275 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8431 1258186 Revelganj Revelganj 25.7833333 84.6666667 P PPL IN 34 37031 52 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8432 1258201 Repalle Repalle 16.0166667 80.85 P PPL IN 02 42967 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8433 1258203 Reoti Reoti 25.85 84.3833333 P PPL IN 34 23819 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8434 1258207 Renukūt Renukut 24.2 83.0333333 P PPL IN 36 62413 275 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8435 1258213 Renigunta Renigunta 13.65 79.5166667 P PPL IN 02 25895 107 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8436 1258229 Remuna Remuna 21.5261111 86.8722222 P PPL IN 21 30319 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8437 1258247 Rehlī Rehli 23.6333333 79.0833333 P PPL IN 35 27705 389 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8438 1258270 Rāzām Razam 18.4666667 83.6666667 P PPL IN 02 27832 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8439 1258278 Rāybāg Raybag 16.4833333 74.7833333 P PPL IN 19 17389 587 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8440 1258290 Rāyadrug Rayadrug 14.7 76.8666667 P PPL IN 02 59968 544 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8441 1258291 Rāyachoti Rayachoti 14.05 78.75 P PPL IN 02 81433 380 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8442 1258292 Rāya Raya 27.5666667 77.7833333 P PPL IN 36 20008 174 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8443 1258294 Raxaul Raxaul 26.9833333 84.85 P PPL IN 34 47965 69 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8444 1258295 Rāwatsār Rawatsar 29.2833333 74.3833333 P PPL IN 24 31016 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8445 1258297 Rāwatbhāta Rawatbhata 24.9333333 75.5833333 P PPL IN 24 36872 314 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8446 1258307 Rāver Raver 21.25 76.0333333 P PPL IN 16 26635 249 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8447 1258338 Ratnāgiri Ratnagiri 16.9833333 73.3 P PPL IN 16 75986 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8448 1258342 Ratlām Ratlam 23.3166667 75.0666667 P PPL IN 35 236843 491 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8449 1258347 Ratia Ratia 29.6833333 75.5833333 P PPL IN 10 26524 209 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8450 1258352 Rāth Rath 25.5833333 79.5666667 P PPL IN 36 61728 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8451 1258362 Ratanpur Ratanpur 22.3 82.1666667 P PPL IN 37 21392 306 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8452 1258366 Ratangarh Ratangarh 28.0833333 74.6 P PPL IN 24 66625 312 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8453 1258380 Rasrā Rasra 25.85 83.85 P PPL IN 36 31876 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8454 1258386 Rāsipuram Rasipuram 11.4666667 78.1666667 P PPL IN 25 48950 258 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8455 1258406 Rāpar Rapar 23.5666667 70.6333333 P PPL IN 09 21507 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8456 1258449 Rānīpur Ranipur 25.25 79.0666667 P PPL IN 36 18820 205 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8457 1258455 Rānīkhet Ranikhet 29.65 79.4166667 P PPL IN 39 19873 1869 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8458 1258470 Rānīganj Raniganj 23.6166667 87.1333333 P PPL IN 28 131261 99 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8459 1258474 Rānībennur Ranibennur 14.6166667 75.6166667 P PPL IN 19 99105 590 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8460 1258477 Rānia Rania 29.5333333 74.8333333 P PPL IN 10 22741 188 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8461 1258492 Rangia Rangia 26.4666667 91.6333333 P PPL IN 03 26388 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8462 1258501 Rangāpāra Rangapara 26.8166667 92.65 P PPL IN 03 18739 213 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8463 1258526 Rānchī Ranchi 23.35 85.3333333 P PPLA IN 38 846454 623 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-19
+ 8464 1258534 Rānāvāv Ranavav 21.6841667 69.7408333 P PPL IN 09 26011 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 8465 1258546 Rānāghāt Ranaghat 23.1833333 88.5833333 P PPL IN 28 70984 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8466 1258553 Rāmtek Ramtek 21.4 79.3333333 P PPL IN 16 23404 363 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8467 1258581 Rāmpur Hāt Rampur Hat 24.1666667 87.7833333 P PPL IN 28 53468 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8468 1258584 Rāmpura Rampura 30.25 75.2333333 P PPL IN 23 45639 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8469 1258592 Rāmpura Rampura 24.4666667 75.4333333 P PPL IN 35 18495 398 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8470 1258598 Rāmpur Rampur 29.8166667 77.45 P PPL IN 36 26257 263 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8471 1258599 Rāmpur Rampur 28.8166667 79.0333333 P PPL IN 36 296418 179 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8472 1258637 Rāmnagar Ramnagar 29.4 79.1166667 P PPL IN 39 51244 345 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8473 1258639 Rāmnagar Ramnagar 27.1666667 84.3166667 P PPL IN 34 43497 91 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8474 1258642 Rāmnagar Ramnagar 25.2833333 83.0333333 P PPL IN 36 44277 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8475 1258658 Rāmjībanpur Ramjibanpur 22.8333333 87.6166667 P PPL IN 28 18318 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8476 1258677 Rāmgarh Ramgarh 27.25 75.1833333 P PPL IN 24 29834 398 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8477 1258686 Rāmgarh Ramgarh 23.6333333 85.5166667 P PPL IN 38 83833 334 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8478 1258692 Rāmganj Mandi Ramganj Mandi 24.65 75.9333333 P PPL IN 24 35754 351 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8479 1258698 Rāmeswaram Rameswaram 9.2833333 79.3 P PPL IN 25 39960 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8480 1258726 Rāmāpuram Ramapuram 13.1166667 79.2 P PPL IN 02 31169 269 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8481 1258740 Rāmanāthapuram Ramanathapuram 9.3833333 78.8333333 P PPL IN 25 65314 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8482 1258744 Rāmanagaram Ramanagaram 12.7166667 77.3 P PPL IN 19 93528 756 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8483 1258756 Rāmachandrapuram Ramachandrapuram 16.85 82.0166667 P PPL IN 02 42977 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8484 1258786 Rājūra Rajura 19.7833333 79.3666667 P PPL IN 16 28881 181 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8485 1258795 Rājula Rajula 21.05 71.4333333 P PPL IN 09 34652 41 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8486 1258797 Rājsamand Rajsamand 25.0666667 73.8833333 P PPL IN 24 63414 547 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8487 1258803 Rājpura Rajpura 30.4830556 76.595 P PPL IN 23 86820 259 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8488 1258815 Rājpur Rajpur 22.3 74.35 P PPL IN 35 26443 297 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8489 1258816 Rājpur Rajpur 21.9333333 75.1333333 P PPL IN 35 19396 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8490 1258819 Rājpīpla Rajpipla 21.8666667 73.5 P PPL IN 09 35392 44 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8491 1258831 Rāj Nāndgaon Raj Nandgaon 21.1 81.0333333 P PPL IN 37 150755 309 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8492 1258843 Rājmahal Rajmahal 25.05 87.8333333 P PPL IN 28 19711 29 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8493 1258847 Rājkot Rajkot 22.3 70.7833333 P PPL IN 09 1177362 134 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 8494 1258859 Rājgurunagar Rajgurunagar 18.8666667 73.9 P PPL IN 16 18846 645 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8495 1258864 Rājgīr Rajgir 25.0333333 85.4166667 P PPL IN 34 38348 73 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8496 1258868 Rājgarh Rajgarh 28.6333333 75.3833333 P PPL IN 24 49583 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8497 1258869 Rājgarh Rajgarh 27.2333333 76.6333333 P PPL IN 24 26953 304 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8498 1258875 Rājgarh Rajgarh 24.0 76.7166667 P PPL IN 35 26164 376 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8499 1258876 Rājgarh Rajgarh 22.6833333 74.95 P PPL IN 35 17113 491 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8500 1258891 Rājauri Rajauri 33.3833333 74.3 P PPL IN 12 27792 915 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8501 1258916 Rājapālaiyam Rajapalaiyam 9.45 77.5666667 P PPL IN 25 124168 221 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8502 1258922 Rājampet Rajampet 14.1833333 79.1666667 P PPL IN 02 31079 139 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8503 1258928 Rājaldesar Rajaldesar 28.0333333 74.4666667 P PPL IN 24 24104 313 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8504 1258930 Rājākhera Rajakhera 26.8961111 78.1713889 P PPL IN 36 30627 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8505 1258932 Rājahmundry Rajahmundry 16.9833333 81.7833333 P PPL IN 02 304804 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8506 1258950 Rāisinghnagar Raisinghnagar 29.5358333 73.4491667 P PPL IN 24 29626 159 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8507 1258952 Raisen Raisen 23.3333333 77.8 P PPL IN 35 40977 445 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8508 1258967 Rāipur Raipur 30.3166667 78.1 P PPL IN 39 27702 669 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8509 1258972 Raipur Raipur 26.05 74.0166667 P PPL IN 24 17537 327 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8510 1258980 Raipur Raipur 21.2333333 81.6333333 P PPL IN 37 679995 285 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8511 1258993 Rāikot Raikot 30.65 75.6 P PPL IN 23 26114 235 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8512 1259005 Raigarh Raigarh 21.9 83.4 P PPL IN 37 121278 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8513 1259009 Rāiganj Raiganj 25.6166667 88.1166667 P PPL IN 28 170252 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8514 1259012 Rāichūr Raichur 16.2 77.3666667 P PPL IN 19 225962 407 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8515 1259019 Rāhuri Rahuri 19.3833333 74.65 P PPL IN 16 36885 511 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8516 1259026 Rahimatpur Rahimatpur 17.6 74.2 P PPL IN 16 17260 657 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8517 1259034 Rāhatgarh Rahatgarh 23.7833333 78.3666667 P PPL IN 35 27462 461 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8518 1259049 Raghunāthpur Raghunathpur 23.55 86.6666667 P PPL IN 28 22802 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8519 1259056 Rāghogarh Raghogarh 24.45 77.2 P PPL IN 35 63873 487 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8520 1259060 Rafiganj Rafiganj 24.8166667 84.65 P PPL IN 34 26228 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8521 1259064 Rāe Bareli Rae Bareli 26.2166667 81.2333333 P PPL IN 36 186433 111 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8522 1259069 Rādhanpur Radhanpur 23.8333333 71.6 P PPL IN 09 35457 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8523 1259083 Rabkavi Rabkavi 16.4666667 75.1 P PPL IN 19 73835 534 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8524 1259091 Quilon Quilon 8.8833333 76.6 P PPL IN 13 394163 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 8525 1259108 Qasba Qasba 25.85 87.55 P PPL IN 34 26937 37 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8526 1259110 Qādiān Qadian 31.8177778 75.3919444 P PPL IN 23 21015 250 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8527 1259123 Puttūr Puttur 13.45 79.55 P PPL IN 02 30986 144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8528 1259124 Puttūr Puttur 12.7666667 75.2166667 P PPL IN 19 53331 85 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8529 1259148 Pushkar Pushkar 26.5 74.55 P PPL IN 24 16173 510 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8530 1259154 Pusad Pusad 19.9 77.5833333 P PPL IN 16 71588 320 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8531 1259157 Purwa Purwa 26.4666667 80.7833333 P PPL IN 36 22220 123 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8532 1259163 Puruliya Puruliya 23.3333333 86.3666667 P PPL IN 28 122533 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8533 1259166 Pūrnia Purnia 25.7833333 87.4666667 P PPL IN 34 198453 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8534 1259177 Pūrna Purna 19.1833333 77.05 P PPL IN 16 34888 386 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8535 1259184 Puri Puri 19.8 85.85 P PPL IN 21 170841 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2009-08-12
+ 8536 1259190 Pūranpur Puranpur 28.5166667 80.15 P PPL IN 36 39988 180 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8537 1259210 Pupri Pupri 26.4833333 85.7166667 P PPL IN 34 15070 52 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8538 1259222 Punjai Puliyampatti Punjai Puliyampatti 11.35 77.2 P PPL IN 25 15066 313 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8539 1259228 Punganūru Punganuru 13.3666667 78.5833333 P PPL IN 02 48865 732 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8540 1259229 Pune Pune 18.5195742288075 73.8553547859192 P PPL IN 16 2935744 562 Asia/Kolkata 2009-02-17
+ 8541 1259231 Pūndri Pundri 29.75 76.55 P PPL IN 10 17533 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8542 1259239 Punāsa Punasa 22.2333333 76.4 P PPLS IN 35 350000 212 Asia/Kolkata 2007-01-20
+ 8543 1259243 Punalūr Punalur 9.0 76.9333333 P PPL IN 13 47263 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8544 1259244 Punāhāna Punahana 27.8666667 77.2 P PPL IN 10 15332 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8545 1259251 Pulwama Pulwama 33.8833333 74.9166667 P PPL IN 12 20071 1630 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8546 1259263 Puliyangudi Puliyangudi 9.1666667 77.4166667 P PPL IN 25 62494 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8547 1259264 Pulivendla Pulivendla 14.4166667 78.2333333 P PPL IN 02 33615 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8548 1259272 Pulgaon Pulgaon 20.7333333 78.3333333 P PPL IN 16 35238 277 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8549 1259283 Pukhrāyān Pukhrayan 26.2333333 79.85 P PPL IN 36 22555 124 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8550 1259297 Pudukkottai Pudukkottai 10.3833333 78.8166667 P PPL IN 25 112118 100 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8551 1259312 Proddatūr Proddatur 14.7333333 78.55 P PPL IN 02 177797 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8552 1259338 Pratāpgarh Pratapgarh 24.0333333 74.7833333 P PPL IN 24 37780 494 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8553 1259385 Port Blair Port Blair 11.6666667 92.75 P PPLA IN 01 112050 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8554 1259388 Porsa Porsa 26.67 78.3747222 P PPL IN 35 37824 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8555 1259395 Porbandar Porbandar 21.642191008607 69.6092891693115 P PPL IN 09 138872 15 Asia/Kolkata 2008-10-06
+ 8556 1259400 Poonamallee Poonamallee 13.0483333 80.1075 P PPL IN 25 48837 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8557 1259408 Ponnūru Ponnuru 16.0666667 80.5666667 P PPL IN 02 57170 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8558 1259409 Ponneri Ponneri 13.3166667 80.2 P PPL IN 25 24756 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8559 1259411 Ponnāni Ponnani 10.7666667 75.9 P PPL IN 13 105512 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8560 1259425 Pondicherry Pondicherry 11.93 79.83 P PPLA IN 22 227411 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8561 1259429 Ponda Ponda 15.4 74.0166667 P PPL IN 33 18898 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8562 1259434 Polūr Polur 12.5 79.1333333 P PPL IN 25 26290 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8563 1259440 Pollāchi Pollachi 10.6666667 77.0166667 P PPL IN 25 88214 296 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8564 1259446 Polasara Polasara 19.7 84.8166667 P PPL IN 21 20577 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8565 1259460 Pokaran Pokaran 26.9166667 71.9166667 P PPL IN 24 21014 226 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8566 1259503 Pithorāgarh Pithoragarh 29.5833333 80.2166667 P PPL IN 39 47571 1514 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8567 1259508 Pithāpuram Pithapuram 17.1166667 82.2666667 P PPL IN 02 52709 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8568 1259530 Piro Piro 25.3333333 84.4166667 P PPL IN 34 28967 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8569 1259535 Piriyāpatna Piriyapatna 12.3397222 76.0991667 P PPL IN 19 16099 845 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8570 1259541 Piravam Piravam 9.8666667 76.5 P PPL IN 13 28254 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8571 1259552 Pīpri Pipri 19.8 75.5333333 P PPL IN 16 23047 523 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8572 1259554 Pipraich Pipraich 26.8263889 83.53 P PPL IN 36 15856 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8573 1259592 Pipili Pipili 20.1166667 85.8333333 P PPL IN 21 15301 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8574 1259608 Pīpār Pipar 26.3855556 73.5377778 P PPL IN 24 34630 262 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8575 1259630 Pinjaur Pinjaur 30.7972222 76.9172222 P PPL IN 10 32162 496 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8576 1259638 Pindwāra Pindwara 24.8 73.0666667 P PPL IN 24 23229 372 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8577 1259647 Pināhat Pinahat 26.8838889 78.3780556 P PPL IN 36 19511 148 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8578 1259652 Pimpri Pimpri 18.6166667 73.8 P PPL IN 16 1284606 593 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8579 1259680 Pilkhua Pilkhua 28.7166667 77.65 P PPL IN 36 74212 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8580 1259686 Pīlībhīt Pilibhit 28.6333333 79.8 P PPL IN 36 131008 172 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8581 1259688 Pilibangan Pilibangan 29.45 74.0833333 P PPL IN 24 36755 173 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8582 1259693 Pilani Pilani 28.3666667 75.6 P PPL IN 24 28149 285 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8583 1259701 Pihāni Pihani 27.6333333 80.2 P PPL IN 36 30369 141 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8584 1259735 Phūlpur Phulpur 25.55 82.1 P PPL IN 36 22886 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8585 1259744 Phulera Phulera 26.8666667 75.2333333 P PPL IN 24 22572 373 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8586 1259756 Phulabāni Phulabani 20.4666667 84.2333333 P PPL IN 21 36613 479 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8587 1259773 Phirangipuram Phirangipuram 16.3 80.2666667 P PPL IN 02 17335 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8588 1259775 Phillaur Phillaur 31.0291667 75.7841667 P PPL IN 23 22588 234 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8589 1259784 Phek Phek 25.6666667 94.5 P PPL IN 17 15118 1646 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8590 1259801 Phaphūnd Phaphund 26.6 79.4666667 P PPL IN 36 16675 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8591 1259811 Phaltan Phaltan 17.9833333 74.4333333 P PPL IN 16 53202 576 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8592 1259813 Phalodi Phalodi 27.1333333 72.3666667 P PPL IN 24 46788 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8593 1259818 Phalauda Phalauda 29.1833333 77.8166667 P PPL IN 36 18545 221 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8594 1259827 Phagwāra Phagwara 31.2177778 75.7694444 P PPL IN 23 100146 237 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8595 1259841 Petlād Petlad 22.4666667 72.8 P PPL IN 09 51819 29 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8596 1259855 Perundurai Perundurai 11.2666667 77.5833333 P PPL IN 25 17488 290 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8597 1259857 Perumpāvūr Perumpavur 10.1333333 76.4833333 P PPL IN 13 27105 33 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8598 1259878 Periyanāyakkanpālaiyam Periyanayakkanpalaiyam 11.15 76.9333333 P PPL IN 25 24894 450 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8599 1259879 Periyakulam Periyakulam 10.1166667 77.55 P PPL IN 25 40131 276 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8600 1259890 Perāvūrani Peravurani 10.3 79.1833333 P PPL IN 25 21663 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8601 1259892 Peranāmpattu Peranampattu 12.9333333 78.7166667 P PPL IN 25 43124 452 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8602 1259896 Perambalūr Perambalur 11.2333333 78.8833333 P PPL IN 25 30799 148 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8603 1259905 Penukonda Penukonda 14.0833333 77.5833333 P PPL IN 02 20220 638 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8604 1259907 Penugonda Penugonda 16.6666667 81.7333333 P PPL IN 02 23654 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8605 1259916 Pennāgaram Pennagaram 12.1333333 77.9 P PPL IN 25 15758 493 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8606 1259917 Pennādam Pennadam 11.4 79.2333333 P PPL IN 25 17662 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8607 1259931 Pen Pen 18.75 73.0833333 P PPL IN 16 34092 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8608 1259939 Pehowa Pehowa 29.9833333 76.5833333 P PPL IN 10 39101 227 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8609 1259954 Peddāpuram Peddapuram 17.0833333 82.1333333 P PPL IN 02 45967 37 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8610 1259961 Peddapalli Peddapalli 18.6166667 79.3666667 P PPL IN 02 33582 271 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8611 1259986 Pedana Pedana 16.2666667 81.1666667 P PPL IN 02 30252 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8612 1259994 Payyannūr Payyannur 12.1 75.2 P PPL IN 13 70069 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8613 1260003 Pawāyan Pawayan 28.0666667 80.1 P PPL IN 36 25708 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8614 1260014 Pāvagada Pavagada 14.1 77.2666667 P PPL IN 19 32063 646 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8615 1260016 Pauri Pauri 30.15 78.7833333 P PPL IN 39 26514 1614 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8616 1260022 Pauni Pauni 20.7833333 79.6333333 P PPL IN 16 23450 226 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8617 1260035 Pātūr Patur 20.45 76.9333333 P PPL IN 16 21747 367 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8618 1260040 Pattukkottai Pattukkottai 10.4333333 79.3166667 P PPL IN 25 67982 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8619 1260045 Patti Patti 31.2808333 74.8572222 P PPL IN 23 37087 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8620 1260082 Patnāgarh Patnagarh 20.7166667 83.15 P PPL IN 21 19582 230 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8621 1260086 Patna Patna 25.6 85.1166667 P PPLA IN 34 1599920 50 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8622 1260107 Patiāla Patiala 30.3266667 76.4002778 P PPL IN 23 329224 251 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8623 1260120 Pāthri Pathri 19.25 76.45 P PPL IN 16 37648 423 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8624 1260129 Patharia Patharia 23.9 79.2 P PPL IN 35 18358 358 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8625 1260134 Pāthardih Pathardih 23.6666667 86.4333333 P PPL IN 38 45276 145 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8626 1260135 Pāthardi Pathardi 19.1666667 75.1833333 P PPL IN 16 24091 538 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8627 1260137 Pathānkot Pathankot 32.2833333 75.65 P PPL IN 23 174306 332 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8628 1260138 Pathanāmthitta Pathanamthitta 9.2666667 76.7833333 P PPL IN 13 38285 41 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8629 1260141 Pathalgaon Pathalgaon 22.5666667 83.4666667 P PPL IN 37 15394 546 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8630 1260156 Pataudi Pataudi 28.3166667 76.7833333 P PPL IN 10 18248 239 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8631 1260168 Patancheru Patancheru 17.5313889 78.265 P PPL IN 02 46821 516 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8632 1260173 Pātan Patan 23.8333333 72.1166667 P PPL IN 09 117863 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8633 1260178 Patāmundai Patamundai 20.5666667 86.5666667 P PPL IN 21 34400 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8634 1260206 Pāsighāt Pasighat 28.0666667 95.3333333 P PPL IN 30 25581 175 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8635 1260210 Pasān Pasan 22.85 82.2 P PPL IN 37 30928 522 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8636 1260221 Parvatsar Parvatsar 26.8833333 74.7666667 P PPL IN 24 15405 434 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8637 1260222 Pārvatīpuram Parvatipuram 18.7833333 83.4333333 P PPL IN 02 52085 123 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8638 1260228 Partūr Partur 19.6 76.2166667 P PPL IN 16 30991 439 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8639 1260274 Pārola Parola 20.8833333 75.1166667 P PPL IN 16 37001 261 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8640 1260290 Parli Vaijnāth Parli Vaijnath 18.85 76.5333333 P PPL IN 16 94863 461 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8641 1260296 Parlākimidi Parlakimidi 18.7666667 84.0833333 P PPL IN 02 45379 50 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8642 1260313 Parīchhatgarh Parichhatgarh 28.9833333 77.9333333 P PPL IN 36 18990 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8643 1260335 Pārdi Pardi 20.5166667 72.95 P PPL IN 09 27423 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8644 1260341 Parbhani Parbhani 19.2666667 76.7833333 P PPL IN 16 289629 410 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8645 1260354 Paravūr Paravur 8.7833333 76.7 P PPL IN 13 38946 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8646 1260368 Parāsia Parasia 22.2 78.7666667 P PPL IN 35 39440 774 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8647 1260387 Paramagudi Paramagudi 9.55 78.6 P PPL IN 25 85695 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8648 1260393 Parādīp Garh Paradip Garh 20.3166667 86.6166667 P PPL IN 21 85868 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8649 1260406 Pāppinisseri Pappinisseri 11.95 75.35 P PPL IN 13 34025 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8650 1260417 Papanāsam Papanasam 10.9333333 79.2833333 P PPL IN 25 16837 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8651 1260421 Pāonta Sāhib Paonta Sahib 30.45 77.6166667 P PPL IN 11 21787 389 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8652 1260434 Panvel Panvel 18.9833333 73.1 P PPL IN 16 128046 28 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8653 1260448 Panruti Panruti 11.7666667 79.55 P PPL IN 25 56586 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8654 1260454 Panna Panna 24.7166667 80.2 P PPL IN 35 46791 416 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8655 1260476 Pānīpat Panipat 29.3888889 76.9680556 P PPL IN 10 292808 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-05-05
+ 8656 1260482 Pānihāti Panihati 22.6941667 88.3744444 P PPL IN 28 378705 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8657 1260527 Pandua Pandua 23.0833333 88.2833333 P PPL IN 28 28205 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8658 1260543 Pāndhurna Pandhurna 21.6 78.5166667 P PPL IN 35 43630 474 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8659 1260546 Pandharpur Pandharpur 17.6666667 75.3333333 P PPL IN 16 95665 460 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8660 1260553 Pāndavapura Pandavapura 12.5005556 76.6733333 P PPL IN 19 19051 730 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8661 1260607 Panaji Panaji 15.4833333 73.8333333 P PPLA IN 33 65586 6 Asia/Kolkata 2008-05-10
+ 8662 1260612 Pānāgar Panagar 23.3 79.9833333 P PPL IN 35 26619 374 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8663 1260637 Palwal Palwal 28.15 77.3333333 P PPL IN 10 121965 195 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8664 1260667 Pāloncha Paloncha 17.6 80.6833333 P PPL IN 02 75224 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8665 1260671 Palni Palni 10.4666667 77.5333333 P PPL IN 25 66085 384 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8666 1260674 Palmaner Palmaner 13.2 78.75 P PPL IN 02 42179 684 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8667 1260681 Pallippatti Pallippatti 11.9333333 78.4166667 P PPL IN 25 26492 413 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8668 1260685 Pallikondai Pallikondai 12.9166667 78.9333333 P PPL IN 25 21335 264 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8669 1260692 Pallāvaram Pallavaram 12.9761111 80.1836111 P PPL IN 25 157145 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8670 1260694 Pallappatti Pallappatti 10.7 77.8833333 P PPL IN 25 20281 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8671 1260697 Palladam Palladam 10.9833333 77.3 P PPL IN 25 31935 325 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8672 1260702 Pālkonda Palkonda 18.6 83.75 P PPL IN 02 29378 45 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8673 1260707 Pālitāna Palitana 21.5166667 71.8333333 P PPL IN 09 55913 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8674 1260713 Paliā Kalān Palia Kalan 28.45 80.5833333 P PPL IN 36 38547 158 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8675 1260716 Pāli Pali 25.7666667 73.3333333 P PPL IN 24 210103 217 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8676 1260718 Pāli Pali 23.35 81.05 P PPL IN 35 21287 450 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8677 1260728 Pālghāt Palghat 10.7833333 76.65 P PPL IN 13 132728 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8678 1260730 Pālghar Palghar 19.6833333 72.75 P PPL IN 16 72335 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8679 1260734 Palera Palera 25.0166667 79.2333333 P PPL IN 35 16554 235 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8680 1260771 Palāsa Palasa 18.7666667 84.4166667 P PPL IN 02 65833 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8681 1260777 Pālanpur Palanpur 24.1666667 72.4333333 P PPL IN 09 123294 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8682 1260792 Pālakollu Palakollu 16.5333333 81.7333333 P PPL IN 02 57341 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8683 1260793 Pālakkodu Palakkodu 12.3 78.0833333 P PPL IN 25 19630 542 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8684 1260824 Pākaur Pakaur 24.6333333 87.85 P PPL IN 28 40446 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8685 1260830 Pākāla Pakala 13.4666667 79.1166667 P PPL IN 02 24680 386 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8686 1260833 Paithan Paithan 19.4833333 75.3833333 P PPL IN 16 37360 433 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8687 1260868 Pahāsu Pahasu 28.1833333 78.05 P PPL IN 36 18854 187 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8688 1260909 Padrauna Padrauna 26.9025 83.9819444 P PPL IN 36 47181 79 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8689 1260911 Padra Padra 22.2333333 73.0833333 P PPL IN 09 36499 70 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8690 1260918 Padmanābhapuram Padmanabhapuram 8.2333333 77.3333333 P PPL IN 25 20212 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8691 1260938 Padampur Padampur 29.6833333 73.6166667 P PPL IN 24 18454 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8692 1260940 Padampur Padampur 20.9833333 83.0666667 P PPL IN 21 16387 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8693 1260954 Pachperwa Pachperwa 27.5166667 82.65 P PPL IN 36 15056 98 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8694 1260959 Pāchora Pachora 20.6666667 75.35 P PPL IN 16 46823 266 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8695 1261008 Ottappālam Ottappalam 10.7666667 76.3833333 P PPL IN 13 50913 53 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8696 1261012 Osmānābād Osmanabad 18.1666667 76.05 P PPL IN 16 85521 648 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8697 1261039 Orai Orai 25.9833333 79.4666667 P PPL IN 36 158265 131 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8698 1261045 Ongole Ongole 15.5 80.05 P PPL IN 02 172872 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8699 1261066 Okha Okha 22.4694444 69.0605556 P PPL IN 09 21048 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 8700 1261068 Ojhar Ojhar 20.1 73.9333333 P PPL IN 16 44935 579 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8701 1261086 Obra Obra 24.4166667 82.9833333 P PPL IN 36 56110 170 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8702 1261110 Nūzvīd Nuzvid 16.7833333 80.85 P PPL IN 02 53391 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8703 1261122 Nūrpur Nurpur 29.15 78.4166667 P PPL IN 36 39077 210 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8704 1261181 North Lakhimpur North Lakhimpur 27.2333333 94.1166667 P PPL IN 03 59841 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8705 1261186 North Guwāhāti North Guwahati 26.2013889 91.7236111 P PPL IN 03 17516 50 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8706 1261205 Nongstoin Nongstoin 25.5166667 91.2666667 P PPL IN 18 25758 1415 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8707 1261227 Nokha Nokha 27.6 73.4166667 P PPL IN 24 55911 325 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8708 1261234 Nohar Nohar 29.1833333 74.7666667 P PPL IN 24 46360 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8709 1261242 Noāmundi Noamundi 22.15 85.5333333 P PPL IN 38 16558 508 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8710 1261258 Nizāmābād Nizamabad 18.6666667 78.1166667 P PPL IN 02 305438 377 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8711 1261285 Nirmāli Nirmali 26.3166667 86.5833333 P PPL IN 34 17102 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8712 1261288 Nirmal Nirmal 19.1 78.35 P PPL IN 02 80982 340 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8713 1261309 Nipāni Nipani 16.4 74.3833333 P PPL IN 16 60351 597 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8714 1261342 Nīm ka Thāna Nim ka Thana 27.7333333 75.8 P PPL IN 24 32690 446 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8715 1261369 Nīmbāhera Nimbahera 24.6166667 74.6833333 P PPL IN 24 58085 442 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8716 1261375 Nimāparha Nimaparha 20.0666667 86.0166667 P PPL IN 21 18222 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8717 1261378 Nīmāj Nimaj 26.1497222 74.0 P PPL IN 24 20424 316 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8718 1261382 Nilokheri Nilokheri 29.8333333 76.9166667 P PPL IN 10 17360 237 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8719 1261394 Nīleshwar Nileshwar 12.25 75.1 P PPL IN 13 25405 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8720 1261396 Nilanga Nilanga 18.1 76.7666667 P PPL IN 16 34491 583 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8721 1261401 Nilakkottai Nilakkottai 10.1666667 77.8666667 P PPL IN 25 21683 319 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8722 1261402 Nīlgiri Nilgiri 21.4580556 86.7669444 P PPL IN 21 15462 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8723 1261415 Nihtaur Nihtaur 29.3333333 78.3833333 P PPL IN 36 48389 223 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8724 1261446 Nidadavole Nidadavole 16.9166667 81.6666667 P PPL IN 02 44173 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8725 1261451 Nichlaul Nichlaul 27.3166667 83.7333333 P PPL IN 36 17567 89 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8726 1261470 Neyyāttinkara Neyyattinkara 8.4 77.0833333 P PPL IN 13 88104 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8727 1261481 New Delhi New Delhi 28.6128189621009 77.2311401367188 P PPLC IN 07 317797 205 Asia/Kolkata 2009-10-09
+ 8728 1261512 Neral Neral 19.0333333 73.3166667 P PPL IN 16 16060 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8729 1261517 Nepa Nagar Nepa Nagar 21.4666667 76.4 P PPL IN 35 32611 284 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8730 1261529 Nellore Nellore 14.4333333 79.9666667 P PPL IN 02 404158 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 8731 1261532 Nellikkuppam Nellikkuppam 11.7666667 79.6833333 P PPL IN 25 44423 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8732 1261539 Nelamangala Nelamangala 13.1022222 77.39 P PPL IN 19 28697 880 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8733 1261553 Nedumangād Nedumangad 8.6 77.0 P PPL IN 13 58278 68 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8734 1261567 Nāyudupeta Nayudupeta 13.9 79.9 P PPL IN 02 45769 32 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8735 1261580 Nayāgarh Nayagarh 20.1333333 85.1 P PPL IN 21 16001 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8736 1261598 Nawāshahr Nawashahr 31.1166667 76.1333333 P PPL IN 23 31121 283 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8737 1261613 Nawalgarh Nawalgarh 27.85 75.2666667 P PPL IN 24 58346 379 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8738 1261614 Nawai Nawai 26.35 75.9166667 P PPL IN 24 35114 307 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8739 1261631 Nawāda Nawada 24.8833333 85.5333333 P PPL IN 34 96730 81 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8740 1261639 Nawābganj Nawabganj 28.55 79.6333333 P PPL IN 36 34134 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8741 1261641 Nawābganj Nawabganj 26.9333333 81.2166667 P PPL IN 36 79246 111 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8742 1261642 Nawābganj Nawabganj 26.8666667 82.1333333 P PPL IN 36 17015 91 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8743 1261647 Nāwa Nawa 27.0166667 75.0 P PPL IN 24 20044 384 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8744 1261667 Navalgund Navalgund 15.5666667 75.3666667 P PPL IN 19 23208 579 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8745 1261669 Navadwīp Navadwip 23.4166667 88.3666667 P PPL IN 28 111123 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8746 1261672 Nautanwa Nautanwa 27.4333333 83.4166667 P PPL IN 36 32587 89 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8747 1261696 Naugachhia Naugachhia 25.4 87.1 P PPL IN 34 41247 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8748 1261705 Nattam Nattam 10.2333333 78.2333333 P PPL IN 25 21888 254 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8749 1261711 Nāthdwāra Nathdwara 24.9333333 73.8166667 P PPL IN 24 39426 585 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8750 1261721 Nasrullahganj Nasrullahganj 22.6833333 77.2666667 P PPL IN 35 18265 289 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8751 1261722 Nāsriganj Nasriganj 25.05 84.3333333 P PPL IN 34 23286 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8752 1261726 Nāspur Naspur 18.8333333 79.45 P PPL IN 02 15374 134 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8753 1261727 Nasīrābād Nasirabad 26.3 74.7333333 P PPL IN 24 51747 422 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8754 1261731 Nāsik Nasik 19.9833333 73.8 P PPL IN 16 1289497 570 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8755 1261736 Narwar Narwar 25.65 77.9 P PPL IN 35 16948 390 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8756 1261739 Narwāna Narwana 29.6166667 76.1166667 P PPL IN 10 55850 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8757 1261748 Narsīpatnam Narsipatnam 17.6666667 82.6166667 P PPL IN 02 33755 67 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8758 1261752 Narsinghgarh Narsinghgarh 23.7 77.1 P PPL IN 35 29981 483 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8759 1261754 Narsimhapur Narsimhapur 22.95 79.2 P PPL IN 35 47511 347 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8760 1261771 Nārnaund Narnaund 29.2166667 76.15 P PPL IN 10 16299 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8761 1261772 Nārnaul Narnaul 28.0444444 76.1083333 P PPL IN 10 66049 306 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8762 1261800 Nargund Nargund 15.7166667 75.3833333 P PPL IN 19 33403 609 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8763 1261810 Naregal Naregal 15.5833333 75.8166667 P PPL IN 19 17403 628 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8764 1261823 Nārāyanpet Narayanpet 16.7333333 77.5 P PPL IN 02 39041 431 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8765 1261828 Nārāyangarh Narayangarh 30.4833333 77.1333333 P PPL IN 10 20085 296 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8766 1261835 Nāravārikuppam Naravarikuppam 13.1955556 80.1741667 P PPL IN 25 18555 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8767 1261837 Naraura Naraura 28.2 78.3833333 P PPL IN 36 22432 184 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8768 1261839 Narauli Narauli 28.5 78.7166667 P PPL IN 36 17945 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8769 1261848 Narasaraopet Narasaraopet 16.25 80.0666667 P PPL IN 02 97194 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8770 1261852 Narasapur Narasapur 16.45 81.6666667 P PPL IN 02 59306 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8771 1261853 Narasannapeta Narasannapeta 18.4166667 84.05 P PPL IN 02 24267 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8772 1261871 Naraini Naraini 25.1833333 80.4833333 P PPL IN 35 15077 141 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8773 1261872 Naraina Naraina 26.7833333 75.2 P PPL IN 24 17048 355 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8774 1261882 Napāsar Napasar 27.9666667 73.55 P PPL IN 24 21750 240 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8775 1261901 Nānpāra Nanpara 27.8666667 81.5 P PPL IN 36 46280 132 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8776 1261910 Nanjangūd Nanjangud 12.1197222 76.6827778 P PPL IN 19 50243 665 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8777 1261913 Nāngloi Jāt Nangloi Jat 28.6833333 77.0666667 P PPL IN 07 194363 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8778 1261922 Nāngal Nangal 31.3666667 76.3833333 P PPL IN 23 44176 324 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8779 1261927 Nandyāl Nandyal 15.4833333 78.4833333 P PPL IN 02 165337 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8780 1261931 Nandurbār Nandurbar 21.3666667 74.25 P PPL IN 16 100703 196 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8781 1261932 Nāndūra Nandura 20.8333333 76.45 P PPL IN 16 39650 262 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8782 1261957 Nandikotkūr Nandikotkur 15.8666667 78.2666667 P PPL IN 02 45343 289 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8783 1261960 Nandigāma Nandigama 16.7833333 80.3 P PPL IN 02 38219 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8784 1261971 Nāndgaon Nandgaon 20.3166667 74.65 P PPL IN 16 24209 471 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8785 1261998 Nanauta Nanauta 29.7125 77.4158333 P PPL IN 36 18738 256 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8786 1262013 Nāmrup Namrup 27.1833333 95.3333333 P PPL IN 03 18432 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8787 1262034 Nambiyūr Nambiyur 11.3666667 77.3333333 P PPL IN 25 16126 300 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8788 1262039 Nāmakkal Namakkal 11.2212576905253 78.1652355194092 P PPL IN 25 55997 218 Asia/Kolkata 2008-02-06
+ 8789 1262040 Nāmagiripettai Namagiripettai 11.4666667 78.2666667 P PPL IN 25 22098 277 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8790 1262065 Nalhāti Nalhati 24.3 87.8166667 P PPL IN 28 25878 49 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8791 1262067 Nalgonda Nalgonda 17.05 79.2666667 P PPL IN 02 121826 421 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8792 1262073 Naldurg Naldurg 17.8166667 76.3 P PPL IN 16 17261 584 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8793 1262089 Nakūr Nakur 29.9166667 77.3 P PPL IN 36 23084 260 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8794 1262097 Nakodar Nakodar 31.1258333 75.4733333 P PPL IN 23 32405 222 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8795 1262109 Najībābād Najibabad 29.6333333 78.3333333 P PPL IN 36 84006 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8796 1262115 Nainwa Nainwa 25.7666667 75.85 P PPL IN 24 16415 299 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8797 1262116 Nainpur Nainpur 22.4333333 80.1166667 P PPL IN 35 22336 447 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8798 1262117 Naini Tāl Naini Tal 29.3974310883309 79.4468593597412 P PPL IN 39 42309 2067 Asia/Kolkata 2009-10-09
+ 8799 1262131 Naihāti Naihati 22.9027778 88.4169444 P PPL IN 28 253221 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8800 1262140 Nahorkatiya Nahorkatiya 27.2833333 95.3333333 P PPL IN 03 15548 119 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8801 1262151 Nāhan Nahan 30.55 77.3 P PPL IN 11 27544 559 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8802 1262180 Nāgpur Nagpur 21.15 79.1 P PPL IN 16 2228018 304 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8803 1262187 Nāgod Nagod 24.5666667 80.6 P PPL IN 35 21732 326 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8804 1262200 Nagīna Nagina 29.45 78.45 P PPL IN 36 76593 222 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8805 1262204 Nāgercoil Nagercoil 8.1666667 77.4333333 P PPL IN 25 213858 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8806 1262209 Nagda Nagda 23.45 75.4166667 P PPL IN 35 103501 468 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8807 1262216 Nāgaur Nagaur 27.2 73.7333333 P PPL IN 24 96847 300 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8808 1262230 Nāgar Karnūl Nagar Karnul 16.4833333 78.3333333 P PPL IN 02 29439 446 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8809 1262240 Nagari Nagari 13.3333333 79.5833333 P PPL IN 02 25933 118 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8810 1262253 Nagar Nagar 27.4333333 77.1 P PPL IN 24 23546 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8811 1262260 Nāgappattinam Nagappattinam 10.7666667 79.8333333 P PPL IN 25 94238 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8812 1262266 Nāgamangala Nagamangala 12.8155556 76.7575 P PPL IN 19 16760 774 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8813 1262292 Nadiād Nadiad 22.7 72.8666667 P PPL IN 09 202067 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8814 1262296 Nādbai Nadbai 27.2333333 77.2 P PPL IN 24 23520 205 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8815 1262302 Nādāpuram Nadapuram 11.7 75.6666667 P PPL IN 13 39512 67 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8816 1262318 Nabīnagar Nabinagar 24.6166667 84.1166667 P PPL IN 34 20848 137 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8817 1262319 Nābha Nabha 30.3747222 76.1486111 P PPL IN 23 64640 245 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8818 1262321 Mysore Mysore 12.3072222 76.6497222 P PPL IN 19 868313 754 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8819 1262330 Muzaffarpur Muzaffarpur 26.1166667 85.4 P PPL IN 34 333200 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8820 1262332 Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar 29.4666667 77.6833333 P PPL IN 36 349706 233 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8821 1262338 Mūvattupula Muvattupula 9.9666667 76.5833333 P PPL IN 13 29664 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8822 1262346 Muttupet Muttupet 10.4 79.4833333 P PPL IN 25 21568 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8823 1262374 Mussoorie Mussoorie 30.45 78.0833333 P PPL IN 39 25753 1642 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8824 1262380 Musiri Musiri 10.9333333 78.45 P PPL IN 25 30209 82 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8825 1262382 Mushābani Mushabani 22.5166667 86.45 P PPL IN 38 32761 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8826 1262395 Murwāra Murwara 23.85 80.4 P PPL IN 35 195856 373 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8827 1262410 Murtajāpur Murtajapur 20.7333333 77.3833333 P PPL IN 16 40223 306 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8828 1262412 Murshidābād Murshidabad 24.1833333 88.2666667 P PPL IN 28 39557 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8829 1262419 Murlīganj Murliganj 25.9 86.9833333 P PPL IN 34 23843 50 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8830 1262426 Morinda Morinda 30.7919444 76.4963889 P PPL IN 23 23536 266 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8831 1262444 Murbād Murbad 19.25 73.4 P PPL IN 16 17494 83 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8832 1262453 Murādnagar Muradnagar 28.7833333 77.5 P PPL IN 36 89482 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8833 1262463 Munnar Munnar 10.1 77.0666667 P PPL IN 13 68000 1604 Asia/Kolkata 2009-01-08
+ 8834 1262482 Munger Munger 25.3833333 86.4666667 P PPL IN 34 203163 43 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8835 1262484 Mungeli Mungeli 22.0666667 81.6833333 P PPL IN 37 27698 291 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8836 1262485 Mungaolī Mungaoli 24.4166667 78.1 P PPL IN 35 20081 374 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8837 1262491 Mūndwa Mundwa 27.0666667 73.8166667 P PPL IN 24 17465 327 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8838 1262497 Mundra Mundra 22.85 69.7333333 P PPL IN 09 15220 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8839 1262510 Mundgod Mundgod 14.9666667 75.0333333 P PPL IN 19 17000 555 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8840 1262516 Mundargi Mundargi 15.2166667 75.9 P PPL IN 19 21826 539 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8841 1262534 Multai Multai 21.7666667 78.25 P PPL IN 35 22029 749 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8842 1262546 Mūlki Mulki 13.1 74.8 P PPL IN 19 17259 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8843 1262553 Mulgund Mulgund 15.25 75.5333333 P PPL IN 19 18928 675 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8844 1262562 Mulbāgal Mulbagal 13.1666667 78.4 P PPL IN 19 47462 831 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8845 1262566 Mulappilangād Mulappilangad 11.8 75.45 P PPL IN 13 23030 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8846 1262574 Mūl Mul 20.0666667 79.6666667 P PPL IN 16 23984 192 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8847 1262578 Muktsar Muktsar 30.4833333 74.5166667 P PPL IN 23 89833 184 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8848 1262591 Mukher Mukher 18.7 77.3666667 P PPL IN 16 28647 425 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8849 1262596 Mukeriān Mukerian 31.9505556 75.6158333 P PPL IN 23 22751 247 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8850 1262624 Muhammadābād Muhammadabad 27.3166667 79.45 P PPL IN 36 22151 150 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8851 1262625 Muhammadābād Muhammadabad 26.0330556 83.3838889 P PPL IN 36 24146 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8852 1262626 Muhammadābād Muhammadabad 25.6333333 83.75 P PPL IN 36 33186 61 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8853 1262634 Mughal Sarāi Mughal Sarai 25.3 83.1166667 P PPL IN 36 98043 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8854 1262651 Mudkhed Mudkhed 19.1666667 77.5166667 P PPL IN 16 20776 381 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8855 1262663 Mudhol Mudhol 16.35 75.2833333 P PPL IN 19 47427 540 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8856 1262664 Mudgal Mudgal 16.0166667 76.4333333 P PPL IN 19 21006 550 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8857 1262669 Muddebihāl Muddebihal 16.3333333 76.1333333 P PPL IN 19 31895 564 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8858 1262672 Mūdbidri Mudbidri 13.0833333 74.9833333 P PPL IN 19 30632 140 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8859 1262678 Mubārakpur Mubarakpur 26.09 83.2922222 P PPL IN 36 53263 69 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8860 1262710 Motīhāri Motihari 26.65 84.9166667 P PPL IN 34 112144 62 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8861 1262734 Morwa Morwa 22.9 73.8333333 P PPL IN 09 20168 146 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8862 1262740 Morsi Morsi 21.3391667 78.0130556 P PPL IN 16 35554 349 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8863 1262771 Morena Morena 26.4969444 78.0 P PPL IN 35 152004 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8864 1262775 Morbi Morbi 22.8166667 70.8333333 P PPL IN 09 118022 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8865 1262783 Morār Morar 26.2261111 78.2261111 P PPL IN 35 44451 194 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8866 1262794 Moram Moram 17.8 76.4666667 P PPL IN 16 17696 589 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8867 1262801 Morādābād Moradabad 28.8333333 78.7833333 P PPL IN 36 721139 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8868 1262824 Mon Mon 26.75 95.1 P PPL IN 20 18742 655 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8869 1262843 Mokokchūng Mokokchung 26.3333333 94.5333333 P PPL IN 20 34021 1006 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8870 1262852 Mokāma Mokama 25.4 85.9166667 P PPL IN 34 55203 39 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8871 1262863 Moirāng Moirang 24.5 93.7666667 P PPL IN 17 17103 766 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8872 1262951 Moga Moga 30.8 75.1666667 P PPL IN 23 130549 217 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8873 1262958 Modāsa Modasa 23.4666667 73.3 P PPL IN 09 58970 198 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8874 1262988 Misrikh Misrikh 27.45 80.5166667 P PPL IN 36 15007 136 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8875 1262995 Mirzāpur Mirzapur 25.15 82.5833333 P PPL IN 36 220029 83 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-08
+ 8876 1263012 Miriālgūda Mirialguda 16.8666667 79.5833333 P PPL IN 02 101234 106 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8877 1263015 Mīrganj Mirganj 28.55 79.2 P PPL IN 36 15335 170 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8878 1263021 Mīrānpur Katra Miranpur Katra 28.0333333 79.65 P PPL IN 36 29626 152 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8879 1263022 Mīrānpur Miranpur 29.3 77.9333333 P PPL IN 36 27390 229 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8880 1263034 Mīnjūr Minjur 13.2666667 80.2666667 P PPL IN 25 24674 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8881 1263051 Milak Milak 28.6166667 79.1833333 P PPL IN 36 28505 174 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8882 1263057 Mihona Mihona 26.2844444 78.9816667 P PPL IN 35 15830 153 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8883 1263083 Mhāsvād Mhasvad 17.6333333 74.7833333 P PPL IN 16 21404 594 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8884 1263101 Mettūr Mettur 11.8 77.8 P PPL IN 25 56743 239 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8885 1263103 Mettuppālaiyam Mettuppalaiyam 11.3 76.95 P PPL IN 25 66944 315 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8886 1263120 Merta Merta 26.65 74.0333333 P PPL IN 24 43758 309 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8887 1263142 Mendarda Mendarda 21.3166667 70.4333333 P PPL IN 09 17166 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8888 1263148 Memāri Memari 23.2 88.1166667 P PPL IN 28 44448 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8889 1263151 Melūr Melur 10.05 78.3333333 P PPL IN 25 33839 145 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8890 1263185 Mehndāwal Mehndawal 26.9752778 83.1116667 P PPL IN 36 25495 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8891 1263195 Mehekar Mehekar 20.15 76.5666667 P PPL IN 16 41137 539 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8892 1263214 Meerut Meerut 28.9833333 77.7 P PPL IN 36 1223184 219 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8893 1263220 Medinīpur Medinipur 22.4333333 87.3333333 P PPL IN IN 28 153349 37 Asia/Kolkata 2009-08-12
+ 8894 1263230 Medak Medak 18.0333333 78.2666667 P PPL IN 02 44351 442 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8895 1263247 Māyilāduthurai Mayiladuthurai 11.1 79.6666667 P PPL IN 25 86660 8 Asia/Kolkata 2007-05-29
+ 8896 1263255 Mayāng Imphāl Mayang Imphal 24.6166667 93.8833333 P PPL IN 17 22159 775 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8897 1263275 Mawāna Mawana 29.1 77.9166667 P PPL IN 36 76973 221 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8898 1263280 Māvūr Mavur 11.2666667 75.9166667 P PPL IN 13 28313 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8899 1263285 Māvelikara Mavelikara 9.2666667 76.55 P PPL IN 13 28300 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8900 1263293 Maur Maur 30.0833333 75.25 P PPL IN 23 28295 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8901 1263300 Mauganj Mauganj 24.6833333 81.8833333 P PPL IN 35 25537 313 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8902 1263303 Maudaha Maudaha 25.6833333 80.1166667 P PPL IN 36 37844 120 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8903 1263306 Mau Aimma Mau Aimma 25.7 81.9166667 P PPL IN 36 20123 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8904 1263309 Mau Mau 26.2669444 78.6730556 P PPL IN 35 19299 157 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8905 1263311 Mau Mau 25.95 83.55 P PPL IN 36 246050 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8906 1263331 Mattanūr Mattanur 11.9166667 75.5833333 P PPL IN 13 45521 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8907 1263364 Mathura Mathura 27.5 77.6833333 P PPL IN 36 330511 174 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8908 1263395 Mātābhānga Matabhanga 26.3333333 89.2166667 P PPL IN 28 22642 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8909 1263427 Masaurhi Buzurg Masaurhi Buzurg 25.35 85.0333333 P PPL IN 34 53440 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8910 1263494 Marmagao Marmagao 15.4 73.8 P PPL IN 33 102345 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8911 1263504 Mārkāpur Markapur 15.7333333 79.2833333 P PPL IN 02 63982 145 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8912 1263522 Mariāni Mariani 26.6666667 94.3333333 P PPL IN 03 23640 150 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8913 1263523 Mariāhū Mariahu 25.6166667 82.6166667 P PPL IN 36 22248 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8914 1263528 Marhaura Marhaura 25.9666667 84.8666667 P PPL IN 34 26138 53 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8915 1263532 Margherita Margherita 27.2833333 95.6833333 P PPL IN 30 24428 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8916 1263564 Marakkānam Marakkanam 12.2 79.95 P PPL IN 25 19734 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8917 1263567 Mārahra Marahra 27.7333333 78.5833333 P PPL IN 36 18873 173 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8918 1263591 Mānwat Manwat 19.3 76.5 P PPL IN 16 30624 436 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8919 1263594 Mānvi Manvi 15.9833333 77.05 P PPL IN 19 41647 362 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8920 1263610 Manthani Manthani 18.65 79.6666667 P PPL IN 02 15661 130 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8921 1263622 Mānsa Mansa 29.9833333 75.3833333 P PPL IN 23 80018 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8922 1263623 Mānsa Mansa 23.4333333 72.6666667 P PPL IN 09 29551 94 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8923 1263649 Manoharpur Manoharpur 27.3 75.95 P PPL IN 24 28928 443 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8924 1263659 Mannārgudi Mannargudi 10.6666667 79.4333333 P PPL IN 25 63148 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8925 1263661 Mannārakkāt Mannarakkat 10.9833333 76.4666667 P PPL IN 13 50921 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8926 1263664 Manmād Manmad 20.25 74.45 P PPL IN 16 76722 580 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8927 1263678 Mankāchar Mankachar 25.5333333 89.8666667 P PPL IN 18 31091 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8928 1263684 Manjlegaon Manjlegaon 19.15 76.2333333 P PPL IN 16 47845 413 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8929 1263691 Manjhanpur Manjhanpur 25.5333333 81.3833333 P PPL IN 36 16939 92 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8930 1263694 Manjeri Manjeri 11.1166667 76.1166667 P PPL IN 13 89201 39 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8931 1263723 Manihāri Manihari 25.35 87.6333333 P PPL IN 34 23731 32 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8932 1263730 Maniar Maniar 25.9833333 84.1666667 P PPL IN 36 20462 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8933 1263744 Mangrūl Pīr Mangrul Pir 20.3166667 77.35 P PPL IN 16 29198 432 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8934 1263751 Māngrol Mangrol 25.3333333 76.5166667 P PPL IN 24 23896 242 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8935 1263752 Māngrol Mangrol 21.1166667 70.1166667 P PPL IN 09 58989 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8936 1263761 Manglaur Manglaur 29.8 77.8666667 P PPL IN 36 46395 260 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8937 1263780 Mangalore Mangalore 12.8666667 74.8833333 P PPL IN 19 417387 56 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 8938 1263787 Mangaldai Mangaldai 26.4333333 92.0333333 P PPL IN 03 24871 34 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8939 1263797 Mangalagiri Mangalagiri 16.4333333 80.55 P PPL IN 02 59391 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8940 1263807 Maner Maner 25.65 84.8833333 P PPL IN 34 27901 56 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8941 1263814 Mandya Mandya 12.5241667 76.8958333 P PPL IN 19 134845 678 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8942 1263824 Māndvi Mandvi 22.8333333 69.3666667 P PPL IN 09 47853 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8943 1263826 Māndvi Mandvi 21.25 73.3 P PPL IN 09 18669 24 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8944 1263834 Mandsaur Mandsaur 24.0666667 75.0666667 P PPL IN 35 124988 427 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8945 1263852 Mandlā Mandla 22.6 80.3833333 P PPL IN 35 45184 442 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8946 1263862 Mandi Mandi 31.7166667 76.9166667 P PPL IN 11 28217 1110 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8947 1263879 Mandāwar Mandawar 29.5 78.1333333 P PPL IN 36 21339 226 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8948 1263898 Mandapeta Mandapeta 16.8666667 81.9333333 P PPL IN 02 48852 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8949 1263900 Mandapam Mandapam 9.2833333 79.1166667 P PPL IN 25 15073 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8950 1263911 Māndalgarh Mandalgarh 25.2 75.1 P PPL IN 24 21569 382 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8951 1263917 Māndal Mandal 25.45 74.5666667 P PPL IN 24 23478 439 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8952 1263936 Mancherāl Mancheral 18.8666667 79.4333333 P PPL IN 02 77998 148 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8953 1263940 Manāwar Manawar 22.2333333 75.0833333 P PPL IN 35 27637 185 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8954 1263943 Mānāvadar Manavadar 21.5 70.1333333 P PPL IN 09 29105 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8955 1263949 Manāsa Manasa 24.4833333 75.15 P PPL IN 35 24078 439 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8956 1263952 Manappārai Manapparai 10.6 78.4166667 P PPL IN 25 36926 172 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8957 1263965 Mānāmadurai Manamadurai 9.7 78.4833333 P PPL IN 25 27493 72 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8958 1263968 Manali Manali 13.1666667 80.2666667 P PPL IN 25 32363 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8959 1264007 Mālvan Malvan 16.0666667 73.4666667 P PPL IN 16 18858 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8960 1264010 Mālūr Malur 13.0075 77.9377778 P PPL IN 19 30677 912 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8961 1264032 Mālpura Malpura 26.2833333 75.3833333 P PPL IN 24 28600 328 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8962 1264037 Malpe Malpe 13.35 74.7166667 P PPL IN 19 23496 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8963 1264047 Mallasamudram Mallasamudram 11.4833333 78.0333333 P PPL IN 25 18820 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8964 1264071 Malkāpur Malkapur 20.8833333 76.2 P PPL IN 16 64812 256 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8965 1264075 Mālkāngiri Malkangiri 18.35 81.9 P PPL IN 37 25054 170 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8966 1264085 Malīhābād Malihabad 26.9166667 80.7166667 P PPL IN 36 16649 129 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8967 1264111 Māler Kotla Maler Kotla 30.5166667 75.8833333 P PPL IN 23 113840 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8968 1264115 Mālegaon Malegaon 20.55 74.5333333 P PPL IN 16 435362 423 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 8969 1264136 Malavalli Malavalli 12.3833333 77.0833333 P PPL IN 19 38129 609 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8970 1264138 Malaut Malaut 30.2166667 74.4833333 P PPL IN 23 76616 181 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8971 1264154 Malappuram Malappuram 11.0666667 76.0666667 P PPL IN 13 61743 44 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8972 1264196 Mākum Makum 27.5 95.45 P PPL IN 03 16225 122 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8973 1264198 Maksi Maksi 23.2666667 76.15 P PPL IN 35 20094 478 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8974 1264206 Makrāna Makrana 27.05 74.7166667 P PPL IN 24 93904 408 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8975 1264282 Mairwa Mairwa 26.2333333 84.15 P PPL IN 34 20163 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8976 1264292 Mainpuri Mainpuri 27.2333333 79.0166667 P PPL IN 36 94619 153 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8977 1264301 Maināguri Mainaguri 26.5666667 88.8166667 P PPL IN 28 29459 85 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8978 1264317 Maihar Maihar 24.2666667 80.75 P PPL IN 35 37913 363 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8979 1264323 Mahwah Mahwah 27.05 76.9333333 P PPL IN 24 22624 233 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8980 1264344 Mahudha Mahudha 22.8166667 72.9333333 P PPL IN 09 16828 37 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8981 1264356 Maholi Maholi 27.6666667 80.4666667 P PPL IN 36 19343 146 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8982 1264359 Mahoba Mahoba 25.2833333 79.8666667 P PPL IN 36 89170 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 8983 1264363 Mahmūdābād Mahmudabad 27.3 81.1166667 P PPL IN 36 45921 136 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8984 1264368 Mahīshādal Mahishadal 22.1833333 87.9833333 P PPL IN 28 17988 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8985 1264383 Mahgawān Mahgawan 26.5 78.6041667 P PPL IN 35 16176 146 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 8986 1264385 Maheshwar Maheshwar 22.1833333 75.5833333 P PPL IN 35 21500 158 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8987 1264395 Mahendragarh Mahendragarh 28.2833333 76.15 P PPL IN 10 25728 262 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8988 1264398 Mahemdāvād Mahemdavad 22.8333333 72.7666667 P PPL IN 09 32504 33 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8989 1264403 Mahe Mahe 11.7 75.5333333 P PPL IN 13 38183 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8990 1264407 Mahbūbnagar Mahbubnagar 16.7333333 77.9833333 P PPL IN 02 136135 498 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8991 1264409 Mahbūbābād Mahbubabad 17.6166667 80.0166667 P PPL IN 02 37949 171 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8992 1264414 Mahāsamund Mahasamund 21.1 82.1 P PPL IN 37 50441 318 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8993 1264433 Mahārājganj Maharajganj 27.1333333 83.5666667 P PPL IN 36 30548 89 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8994 1264436 Mahārājganj Maharajganj 26.1166667 84.4833333 P PPL IN 34 22430 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8995 1264455 Maham Maham 28.9833333 76.3 P PPL IN 10 19383 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8996 1264457 Mahālingpur Mahalingpur 16.3833333 75.1166667 P PPL IN 19 32699 560 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8997 1264489 Mahād Mahad 18.0833333 73.4166667 P PPL IN 16 26665 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8998 1264504 Maghar Maghar 26.7572222 83.1277778 P PPL IN 36 17011 68 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 8999 1264514 Māgadi Magadi 12.9666667 77.2333333 P PPL IN 19 27213 922 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9000 1264520 Madurāntakam Madurantakam 12.5166667 79.9 P PPL IN 25 29743 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9001 1264521 Madurai Madurai 9.9333333 78.1166667 P PPL IN 25 909908 136 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9002 1264523 Madukkūr Madukkur 10.4833333 79.4 P PPL IN 25 15631 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9003 1264524 Madukkarai Madukkarai 10.9 76.9666667 P PPL IN 25 29144 311 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9004 1264527 Chennai Chennai 13.0878385345075 80.2784729003906 P PPLA IN 25 4328063 20 Asia/Kolkata 2009-09-06
+ 9005 1264540 Madikeri Madikeri 12.4166667 75.7333333 P PPL IN 19 33540 1144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9006 1264543 Madhyamgram Madhyamgram 22.7 88.45 P PPL IN 28 161126 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9007 1264551 Madhupur Madhupur 24.25 86.65 P PPL IN 38 50671 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9008 1264553 Madhugiri Madhugiri 13.6605556 77.2091667 P PPL IN 19 28124 755 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9009 1264555 Madhubani Madhubani 26.3666667 86.0833333 P PPL IN 34 71582 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9010 1264570 Madhipura Madhipura 25.9166667 86.7833333 P PPL IN 34 50570 43 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9011 1264588 Madgaon Madgaon 15.3 73.95 P PPL IN 33 86818 11 Asia/Kolkata 2009-06-18
+ 9012 1264592 Maddūr Maddur 12.6 77.0666667 P PPL IN 19 28141 663 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9013 1264621 Madanapalle Madanapalle 13.55 78.5 P PPL IN 02 108593 695 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9014 1264637 Machilīpatnam Machilipatnam 16.1666667 81.1333333 P PPL IN 02 192827 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9015 1264643 Machhlīshahr Machhlishahr 25.6833333 82.4166667 P PPL IN 36 25247 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9016 1264644 Māchhīwāra Machhiwara 30.9147222 76.1983333 P PPL IN 23 20447 259 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9017 1264647 Mācherla Macherla 16.4833333 79.4333333 P PPL IN 02 51039 136 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9018 1264688 Lunglei Lunglei 22.8833333 92.7333333 P PPL IN 31 52728 690 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9019 1264700 Lūnāvāda Lunavada 23.1333333 73.6166667 P PPL IN 09 35431 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9020 1264711 Lumding Lumding 25.75 93.1666667 P PPL IN 03 25775 125 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9021 1264728 Ludhiāna Ludhiana 30.9 75.85 P PPL IN 23 1545368 243 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9022 1264733 Lucknow Lucknow 26.85 80.9166667 P PPLA IN 36 2472011 131 Asia/Kolkata 2007-10-18
+ 9023 1264735 Luckeesarai Luckeesarai 25.1833333 86.0833333 P PPL IN 34 89500 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9024 1264756 Losal Losal 27.4 74.9166667 P PPL IN 24 27964 410 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9025 1264773 Loni Loni 28.75 77.2833333 P PPL IN 36 164810 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9026 1264793 Lonāvale Lonavale 18.75 73.4166667 P PPL IN 16 58562 624 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9027 1264794 Lonār Lonar 19.9833333 76.5333333 P PPL IN 16 21765 582 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9028 1264839 Lohārdaga Lohardaga 23.4333333 84.6833333 P PPL IN 38 53032 656 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9029 1264890 Lingsugūr Lingsugur 16.1666667 76.5166667 P PPL IN 19 29783 494 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9030 1264912 Limbdi Limbdi 22.5666667 71.8 P PPL IN 09 41740 50 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9031 1264949 Leteri Leteri 24.05 77.4 P PPL IN 35 15519 517 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9032 1264976 Leh Leh 34.1666667 77.5833333 P PPL IN 12 37475 3599 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9033 1264989 Lāwar Khās Lawar Khas 29.1166667 77.7666667 P PPL IN 36 19556 222 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9034 1265007 Laungowāl Laungowal 30.2166667 75.6833333 P PPL IN 23 21880 227 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9035 1265014 Lātūr Latur 18.4 76.5833333 P PPL IN 16 348967 636 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9036 1265022 Lāthi Lathi 21.7166667 71.3833333 P PPL IN 09 22745 142 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9037 1265025 Lātehār Latehar 23.75 84.5 P PPL IN 38 20769 387 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9038 1265053 Lār Lar 26.2038889 83.9716667 P PPL IN 36 26688 60 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9039 1265143 Lālsot Lalsot 26.5666667 76.3333333 P PPL IN 24 31480 394 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9040 1265150 Lālpur Lalpur 22.2 69.9666667 P PPL IN 09 15076 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9041 1265157 Lalitpur Lalitpur 24.6833333 78.4166667 P PPL IN 36 126475 428 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9042 1265163 Lālgudi Lalgudi 10.8666667 78.8333333 P PPL IN 25 20916 60 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9043 1265166 Lālgola Lalgola 24.4166667 88.25 P PPL IN 28 28442 29 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9044 1265169 Lālganj Lalganj 25.9333333 81.7 P PPL IN 36 23728 92 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9045 1265170 Lālganj Lalganj 25.8666667 85.1833333 P PPL IN 34 31879 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9046 1265201 Lakshmeshwar Lakshmeshwar 15.1333333 75.4666667 P PPL IN 19 35140 634 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9047 1265208 Laksar Laksar 29.7666667 78.05 P PPL IN 39 19270 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9048 1265220 Lakhyābād Lakhyabad 23.6666667 86.6666667 P PPL IN 28 33162 130 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9049 1265233 Lakhnādon Lakhnadon 22.6 79.6 P PPL IN 35 15589 607 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9050 1265242 Lakhīmpur Lakhimpur 27.95 80.7666667 P PPL IN 36 140223 147 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9051 1265246 Lākheri Lakheri 25.6666667 76.1666667 P PPL IN 24 28463 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9052 1265310 Lāharpur Laharpur 27.7166667 80.9 P PPL IN 36 55911 132 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9053 1265311 Lahār Lahar 26.1983333 78.945 P PPL IN 35 32886 153 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9054 1265323 Lādwa Ladwa 29.9944444 77.0444444 P PPL IN 10 23565 257 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9055 1265331 Lādnūn Ladnun 27.65 74.3833333 P PPL IN 24 60490 327 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9056 1265354 Lachhmangarh Sīkar Lachhmangarh Sikar 27.8166667 75.0333333 P PPL IN 24 48142 355 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9057 1265387 Kuzhittura Kuzhittura 8.3166667 77.1833333 P PPL IN 25 20611 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9058 1265400 Kūttānallūr Kuttanallur 10.7 79.5333333 P PPL IN 25 23257 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9059 1265415 Kutiyāna Kutiyana 21.6233333 69.9816667 P PPL IN 09 16877 30 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 9060 1265446 Kushtagi Kushtagi 15.7666667 76.2 P PPL IN 19 24180 637 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9061 1265504 Kurinjippādi Kurinjippadi 11.5666667 79.6 P PPL IN 25 23017 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9062 1265521 Kurduvādi Kurduvadi 18.0833333 75.4333333 P PPL IN 16 23131 501 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9063 1265539 Kurandvād Kurandvad 16.6833333 74.5833333 P PPL IN 16 21388 522 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9064 1265555 Kuppam Kuppam 12.75 78.3666667 P PPL IN 02 19854 667 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9065 1265579 Kunnamkulam Kunnamkulam 10.65 76.0833333 P PPL IN 13 63903 53 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9066 1265580 Kunnamangalam Kunnamangalam 11.3166667 75.8833333 P PPL IN 13 38372 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9067 1265591 Kunigal Kunigal 13.0222222 77.0266667 P PPL IN 19 33273 773 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9068 1265605 Kundla Kundla 21.3333333 71.3 P PPL IN 09 76809 200 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9069 1265607 Kundgol Kundgol 15.25 75.25 P PPL IN 19 17617 615 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9070 1265613 Kundarkhi Kundarkhi 28.7 78.7833333 P PPL IN 36 27197 191 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9071 1265632 Kunda Kunda 25.7166667 81.5166667 P PPL IN 36 24948 89 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9072 1265645 Kumta Kumta 14.4166667 74.4 P PPL IN 19 27999 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9073 1265655 Kūmher Kumher 27.3166667 77.3666667 P PPL IN 24 21903 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9074 1265660 Kumhāri Kumhari 21.2666667 81.5166667 P PPL IN 37 38334 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9075 1265670 Kumbhrāj Kumbhraj 24.3666667 77.05 P PPL IN 35 16391 418 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9076 1265683 Kumbakonam Kumbakonam 10.9666667 79.3833333 P PPL IN 25 139264 24 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9077 1265709 Kulu Kulu 31.9666667 77.1 P PPL IN 11 19831 1608 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9078 1265711 Kulti Kulti 23.7333333 86.85 P PPL IN 28 305405 114 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9079 1265716 Kulpahār Kulpahar 25.3166667 79.65 P PPL IN 36 18976 194 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9080 1265723 Kulittalai Kulittalai 10.9166667 78.4166667 P PPL IN 25 26822 85 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9081 1265734 Kulgām Kulgam 33.65 75.0166667 P PPL IN 12 16246 1739 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9082 1265752 Kukshi Kukshi 22.2 74.75 P PPL IN 35 26183 170 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9083 1265767 Kūkatpalli Kukatpalli 17.4833333 78.4166667 P PPL IN 02 341709 533 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9084 1265773 Kuju Kuju 23.7166667 85.5 P PPL IN 38 19390 413 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9085 1265795 Kūdligi Kudligi 14.9 76.3833333 P PPL IN 19 22975 597 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9086 1265811 Kudachi Kudachi 16.6333333 74.85 P PPL IN 19 19272 537 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9087 1265821 Kuchera Kuchera 26.9838889 73.9719444 P PPL IN 24 21796 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9088 1265828 Kuchāman Kuchaman 27.15 74.85 P PPL IN 24 56725 392 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9089 1265830 Kuchaiburi Kuchaiburi 22.2666667 86.1666667 P PPL IN 21 23072 247 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9090 1265852 Krishnarājpet Krishnarajpet 12.655 76.4883333 P PPL IN 19 24289 812 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9091 1265859 Krishnanagar Krishnanagar 23.4 88.5 P PPL IN 28 145926 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9092 1265863 Krishnagiri Krishnagiri 12.5333333 78.2333333 P PPL IN 25 66419 632 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9093 1265873 Calicut Calicut 11.25 75.7666667 P PPL IN 13 439922 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9094 1265886 Kovvūr Kovvur 17.0166667 81.7333333 P PPL IN 02 40379 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9095 1265888 Kovūr Kovur 14.4833333 79.9833333 P PPL IN 02 35600 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9096 1265891 Kovilpatti Kovilpatti 9.1666667 77.8666667 P PPL IN 25 90296 102 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9097 1265905 Kottūru Kotturu 14.8166667 76.2166667 P PPL IN 19 24004 588 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9098 1265911 Kottayam Kottayam 9.5833333 76.5166667 P PPL IN 13 59437 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9099 1265938 Kottagūdem Kottagudem 17.55 80.6333333 P PPL IN 02 79247 110 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9100 1265961 Kot Pūtli Kot Putli 27.7166667 76.2 P PPL IN 24 43651 345 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9101 1265964 Kotma Kotma 23.2 81.9666667 P PPL IN 35 31756 517 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9102 1266014 Kotdwāra Kotdwara 29.75 78.5333333 P PPL IN 39 27009 366 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9103 1266029 Kotapārh Kotaparh 19.15 82.35 P PPL IN 37 15479 552 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9104 1266031 Kotamangalam Kotamangalam 10.0666667 76.6333333 P PPL IN 13 37543 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9105 1266038 Kotagiri Kotagiri 11.4333333 76.8833333 P PPL IN 25 28848 1835 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9106 1266049 Kota Kota 25.1833333 75.8333333 P PPL IN 24 763088 249 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9107 1266051 Kota Kota 22.3 82.0333333 P PPL IN 37 15582 330 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9108 1266070 Kosigi Kosigi 15.85 77.2666667 P PPL IN 02 15455 399 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9109 1266073 Kosi Kosi 27.8 77.4333333 P PPL IN 00 52492 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9110 1266087 Kosamba Kosamba 21.4833333 72.95 P PPL IN 09 33221 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9111 1266092 Korwai Korwai 24.1333333 78.05 P PPL IN 35 15136 362 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9112 1266116 Koregaon Koregaon 18.65 74.0833333 P PPL IN 16 25846 555 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9113 1266122 Korba Korba 22.35 82.6833333 P PPL IN 37 419146 265 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 9114 1266124 Koratla Koratla 18.8166667 78.7166667 P PPL IN 02 60231 281 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9115 1266128 Koraput Koraput 18.8166667 82.7166667 P PPL IN 21 41170 856 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9116 1266154 Koppal Koppal 15.35 76.15 P PPL IN 19 60868 530 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9117 1266162 Kopargaon Kopargaon 19.8833333 74.4833333 P PPL IN 16 65116 491 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9118 1266164 Kopāganj Kopaganj 26.0233333 83.5658333 P PPL IN 36 33539 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9119 1266178 Konnūr Konnur 16.2 74.75 P PPL IN 19 19166 606 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9120 1266179 Konnagar Konnagar 22.7 88.3475 P PPL IN 28 76082 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9121 1266209 Kondapalle Kondapalle 16.6166667 80.5333333 P PPL IN 02 38714 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9122 1266216 Kondagaon Kondagaon 19.6 81.6666667 P PPL IN 37 27626 593 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9123 1266217 Konch Konch 25.9833333 79.15 P PPL IN 36 52773 141 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9124 1266220 Konārka Konarka 19.9 86.1166667 P PPL IN 21 16834 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-19
+ 9125 1266258 Kolosib Kolosib 24.2333333 92.7 P PPL IN 31 21391 249 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9126 1266267 Kollegāl Kollegal 12.15 77.1166667 P PPL IN 19 56497 588 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9127 1266285 Kolhāpur Kolhapur 16.7 74.2166667 P PPL IN 16 516142 545 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9128 1266302 Kolāras Kolaras 25.2333333 77.6 P PPL IN 35 17174 460 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9129 1266305 Kolār Kolar 13.1333333 78.1333333 P PPL IN 19 126441 847 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9130 1266322 Kolachel Kolachel 8.1666667 77.25 P PPL IN 25 23095 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9131 1266330 Kokrajhar Kokrajhar 26.4 90.2666667 P PPL IN 03 31971 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9132 1266366 Kohīma Kohima 25.6666667 94.1166667 P PPLA IN 20 92113 1419 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9133 1266372 Koelwār Koelwar 25.5833333 84.8 P PPL IN 34 25494 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9134 1266385 Kodungallūr Kodungallur 10.2166667 76.2166667 P PPL IN 13 34210 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9135 1266390 Kodoli Kodoli 16.8833333 74.2 P PPL IN 16 17537 548 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9136 1266397 Kodīnar Kodinar 20.7902778 70.7030556 P PPL IN 09 34930 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 9137 1266414 Kodarma Kodarma 24.4666667 85.6 P PPL IN 38 19180 370 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9138 1266416 Kodār Kodar 16.9833333 79.9666667 P PPL IN 02 59170 104 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9139 1266425 Kodaikānāl Kodaikanal 10.2333333 77.4833333 P PPL IN 25 35021 2100 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9140 1266436 Koch Bihār Koch Bihar 26.3166667 89.4333333 P PPL IN 28 78737 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9141 1266448 Koāth Koath 25.3166667 84.2666667 P PPL IN 34 16725 73 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9142 1266452 Kizhake Chālakudi Kizhake Chalakudi 10.3 76.35 P PPL IN 13 49330 43 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9143 1266461 Kithor Kithor 28.8666667 77.9333333 P PPL IN 36 25262 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9144 1266475 Kishtwār Kishtwar 33.3166667 75.7666667 P PPL IN 12 20553 1685 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9145 1266486 Kishangarh Kishangarh 26.5666667 74.8666667 P PPL IN 24 131749 440 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9146 1266489 Kishanganj Kishanganj 26.1166667 87.9333333 P PPL IN 28 94807 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9147 1266509 Kīratpur Kiratpur 29.5166667 78.2 P PPL IN 36 60223 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9148 1266510 Kiraoli Kiraoli 27.15 77.7833333 P PPL IN 36 21024 168 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9149 1266518 Kinwat Kinwat 19.6333333 78.2 P PPL IN 16 25956 314 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9150 1266575 Kichha Kichha 28.9166667 79.5 P PPL IN 39 34904 193 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9151 1266596 Khūtār Khutar 28.2 80.2833333 P PPL IN 36 15618 163 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9152 1266607 Khurja Khurja 28.25 77.85 P PPL IN 36 105909 197 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9153 1266616 Khurda Khurda 20.1833333 85.6166667 P PPL IN 21 42526 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9154 1266620 Khurai Khurai 24.05 78.3166667 P PPL IN 35 31613 436 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9155 1266622 Khunti Khunti 23.0833333 85.2833333 P PPL IN 38 31366 611 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9156 1266649 Khowai Khowai 24.1 91.6333333 P PPL IN 00 20046 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9157 1266666 Khopoli Khopoli 18.7833333 73.3333333 P PPL IN 16 64460 247 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9158 1266710 Khirkiān Khirkian 22.1666667 76.85 P PPL IN 35 18498 248 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9159 1266731 Khilchipur Khilchipur 24.0333333 76.5666667 P PPL IN 35 16411 394 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9160 1266744 Khetri Khetri 27.9833333 75.8 P PPL IN 24 17177 484 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9161 1266746 Khetia Khetia 21.6666667 74.5833333 P PPL IN 16 15021 201 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9162 1266762 Kheri Kheri 27.9 80.8 P PPL IN 36 26327 148 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9163 1266774 Kherālu Kheralu 23.8833333 72.6166667 P PPL IN 09 20755 149 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9164 1266794 Khekra Khekra 28.8666667 77.2833333 P PPL IN 36 42408 216 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9165 1266806 Khed Brahma Khed Brahma 24.0333333 73.05 P PPL IN 09 29402 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9166 1266809 Kheda Kheda 22.75 72.6833333 P PPL IN 09 24767 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9167 1266838 Khātra Khatra 22.9833333 86.85 P PPL IN 28 16484 154 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9168 1266843 Khatīma Khatima 28.9166667 79.9666667 P PPL IN 39 15714 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9169 1266847 Khātegaon Khategaon 22.6 76.9166667 P PPL IN 35 23405 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9170 1266849 Khatauli Khatauli 29.2833333 77.7166667 P PPL IN 36 64731 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9171 1266862 Khārupatia Kharupatia 26.5166667 92.1333333 P PPL IN 03 18599 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9172 1266872 Kharsia Kharsia 21.9666667 83.1166667 P PPL IN 37 18256 244 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9173 1266891 Kharkhauda Kharkhauda 28.8833333 76.85 P PPL IN 10 21320 208 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9174 1266928 Khargon Khargon 21.8166667 75.6 P PPL IN 35 94985 249 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9175 1266945 Khardah Khardah 22.7186111 88.3780556 P PPL IN 28 128346 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9176 1266960 Kharar Kharar 30.7444444 76.6477778 P PPL IN 23 45691 298 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9177 1266966 Kharakvasla Kharakvasla 18.4333333 73.7666667 P PPL IN 16 23677 616 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9178 1266975 Kharagpur Kharagpur 25.1166667 86.55 P PPL IN 34 27492 49 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9179 1266976 Kharagpur Kharagpur 22.3333333 87.3333333 P PPL IN 28 219665 34 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9180 1267006 Khāpa Khapa 21.4333333 78.9666667 P PPL IN 35 15175 326 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9181 1267016 Khanna Khanna 30.7044444 76.2230556 P PPL IN 23 117137 251 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9182 1267031 Khandwa Khandwa 21.8333333 76.3333333 P PPL IN 35 182841 316 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9183 1267044 Khandela Khandela 27.6 75.5 P PPL IN 24 23164 486 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9184 1267065 Khānāpur Khanapur 15.6333333 74.5166667 P PPL IN 19 17216 649 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9185 1267076 Khammam Khammam 17.25 80.15 P PPL IN 02 170503 107 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9186 1267084 Khāmgaon Khamgaon 20.6833333 76.5666667 P PPL IN 16 94604 323 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9187 1267090 Khambhāt Khambhat 22.3 72.6166667 P PPL IN 09 81328 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9188 1267091 Khambhāliya Khambhaliya 22.2072222 69.6683333 P PPL IN 09 38121 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 9189 1267097 Khamaria Khamaria 23.2166667 79.8833333 P PPLQ IN 35 15019 377 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9190 1267115 Khalīlābād Khalilabad 26.775 83.0736111 P PPL IN 36 45321 70 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9191 1267154 Khajurāho Khajuraho 24.85 79.9333333 P PPL IN 35 25662 279 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9192 1267173 Khairāgarh Khairagarh 26.95 77.8166667 P PPL IN 00 20095 169 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9193 1267174 Khairāgarh Khairagarh 21.4166667 80.9666667 P PPL IN 37 15734 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9194 1267175 Khairābād Khairabad 27.5333333 80.75 P PPL IN 36 42125 138 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9195 1267182 Khair Khair 27.95 77.8333333 P PPL IN 36 30173 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9196 1267187 Khagaul Khagaul 25.5833333 85.05 P PPL IN 34 51577 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9197 1267189 Khagaria Khagaria 25.5 86.4833333 P PPL IN 34 49982 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9198 1267195 Khadki Khadki 18.5666667 73.8666667 P PPL IN 16 75654 586 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9199 1267202 Khada Khada 27.1833333 83.8833333 P PPL IN 36 16350 91 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9200 1267203 Khāchrod Khachrod 23.4166667 75.2833333 P PPL IN 35 31825 482 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9201 1267222 Kesinga Kesinga 20.2 83.2333333 P PPL IN 21 17994 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9202 1267226 Keshorai Pātan Keshorai Patan 25.3 75.9333333 P PPL IN 24 23464 251 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9203 1267227 Keshod Keshod 21.3 70.25 P PPL IN 09 68518 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9204 1267239 Kerūr Kerur 16.0166667 75.5666667 P PPL IN 19 17928 601 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9205 1267283 Kendrāparha Kendraparha 20.5 86.4166667 P PPL IN 21 43843 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9206 1267290 Kenda Kenda 23.2 86.5333333 P PPL IN 28 15131 232 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9207 1267297 Kemri Kemri 28.8166667 79.2166667 P PPL IN 36 26726 172 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9208 1267336 Kekri Kekri 25.9666667 75.15 P PPL IN 24 37850 355 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9209 1267360 Kāyankulam Kayankulam 9.1833333 76.5 P PPL IN 13 64183 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9210 1267361 Kāyalpattinam Kayalpattinam 8.5666667 78.1166667 P PPL IN 25 36175 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9211 1267369 Kawardha Kawardha 22.0166667 81.25 P PPL IN 37 35238 347 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9212 1267394 Kāvali Kavali 14.9166667 79.9833333 P PPL IN 02 83352 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9213 1267433 Kattivākkam Kattivakkam 13.2166667 80.3166667 P PPL IN 25 34595 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9214 1267439 Kātrās Katras 23.8 86.2833333 P PPL IN 38 57349 206 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9215 1267456 Kātpādi Katpadi 12.9833333 79.1333333 P PPL IN 25 16408 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9216 1267457 Kātoya Katoya 23.65 88.1333333 P PPL IN 28 78408 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9217 1267461 Kātol Katol 21.2666667 78.5833333 P PPL IN 16 41893 415 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9218 1267480 Katihār Katihar 25.5333333 87.5833333 P PPL IN 34 192555 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9219 1267486 Kathua Kathua 32.3666667 75.5166667 P PPL IN 12 48551 311 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9220 1267492 Kāthor Kathor 21.3 72.9333333 P PPL IN 09 15311 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9221 1267517 Katghora Katghora 22.5 82.55 P PPL IN 37 20113 312 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9222 1267537 Katangi Katangi 23.45 79.7833333 P PPL IN 35 17816 547 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9223 1267538 Katāngi Katangi 21.7833333 79.7833333 P PPL IN 35 15321 452 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9224 1267558 Kasrāwad Kasrawad 22.1333333 75.6 P PPL IN 35 21484 169 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9225 1267579 Kāshīpur Kashipur 29.2166667 78.95 P PPL IN 39 103138 216 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9226 1267588 Kāsganj Kasganj 27.8166667 78.65 P PPL IN 36 99462 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9227 1267616 Kāsaragod Kasaragod 12.5 75.0 P PPL IN 13 53309 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9228 1267635 Kārwār Karwar 14.8 74.1333333 P PPL IN 19 64457 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9229 1267648 Karūr Karur 10.95 78.0833333 P PPL IN 25 76915 122 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9230 1267669 Kartārpur Kartarpur 31.44 75.4997222 P PPL IN 23 26701 230 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9231 1267675 Kārsiyāng Karsiyang 26.8833333 88.2833333 P PPL IN 28 46427 1387 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9232 1267708 Karnāl Karnal 29.6833333 76.9833333 P PPL IN 10 225049 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9233 1267716 Karmāla Karmala 18.4166667 75.2 P PPL IN 16 22809 559 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9234 1267739 Kārkāl Karkal 13.2 74.9833333 P PPL IN 19 25374 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9235 1267742 Karjat Karjat 18.9166667 73.3333333 P PPL IN 16 34554 52 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9236 1267755 Karīmnagar Karimnagar 18.4333333 79.15 P PPL IN 02 228745 265 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9237 1267758 Karīmganj Karimganj 24.8666667 92.35 P PPL IN 00 55290 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9238 1267772 Karhal Karhal 27.0002778 78.9413889 P PPL IN 36 26693 159 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9239 1267786 Karera Karera 25.4666667 78.15 P PPL IN 35 26212 304 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9240 1267794 Karelī Kareli 22.9166667 79.0666667 P PPL IN 35 27808 349 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9241 1267819 Karauli Karauli 26.5 77.0166667 P PPL IN 24 73717 275 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9242 1267853 Kāranja Karanja 20.4833333 77.4833333 P PPL IN 16 64734 427 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9243 1267862 Karamsad Karamsad 22.55 72.9 P PPL IN 09 32380 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9244 1267869 Kāramadai Karamadai 11.2666667 76.9666667 P PPL IN 25 31188 345 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9245 1267885 Kāraikkudi Karaikkudi 10.0666667 78.7833333 P PPL IN 25 91908 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9246 1267887 kāraikāl karaikal 10.9166667 79.8333333 P PPL IN 22 79653 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9247 1267904 Karād Karad 17.2833333 74.2 P PPL IN 16 55663 566 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9248 1267911 Kapūrthala Kapurthala 31.3794444 75.3847222 P PPL IN 23 92667 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-09-11
+ 9249 1267923 Kāpren Kapren 25.4166667 76.0666667 P PPL IN 24 19671 236 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9250 1267939 Kapadvanj Kapadvanj 23.0166667 73.0666667 P PPL IN 09 44764 69 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9251 1267972 Kānth Kanth 29.0666667 78.6333333 P PPL IN 36 24883 197 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9252 1267978 Kantābānji Kantabanji 20.4833333 82.9166667 P PPL IN 21 21024 298 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9253 1267979 Kānt Kant 27.8 79.8 P PPL IN 36 24430 148 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9254 1267995 Kānpur Kanpur 26.4666667 80.35 P PPL IN 36 2823249 128 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9255 1268007 Kannod Kannod 22.6666667 76.7333333 P PPL IN 35 15870 358 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9256 1268008 Kanniyākumāri Kanniyakumari 8.0833333 77.5666667 P PPL IN 25 20540 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2008-01-09
+ 9257 1268011 Kannauj Kannauj 27.0666667 79.9166667 P PPL IN 36 76714 129 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-08
+ 9258 1268015 Kānnangād Kannangad 12.3166667 75.0666667 P PPL IN 13 68450 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9259 1268020 Kannad Kannad 20.2666667 75.1333333 P PPL IN 16 42056 645 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9260 1268031 Kānker Kanker 20.2719444 81.4930556 P PPL IN 37 25984 388 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9261 1268032 Kānke Kanke 23.4333333 85.3166667 P PPL IN 38 16712 611 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9262 1268035 Kankauli Kankauli 16.2666667 73.7 P PPL IN 16 15735 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9263 1268059 Kanigiri Kanigiri 15.4 79.5166667 P PPL IN 02 25045 102 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9264 1268095 Kāngayam Kangayam 11.0 77.5666667 P PPL IN 25 31364 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9265 1268111 Kandukūr Kandukur 15.2166667 79.9166667 P PPL IN 02 53662 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9266 1268124 Kāndla Kandla 23.0333333 70.2166667 P PPL IN 09 25845 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9267 1268135 Kāndi Kandi 23.95 88.0333333 P PPL IN 28 54848 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9268 1268138 Kāndhla Kandhla 29.3166667 77.2666667 P PPL IN 36 43387 242 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9269 1268159 Kānchipuram Kanchipuram 12.8333333 79.7166667 P PPL IN 25 155029 86 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9270 1268189 Kanakapura Kanakapura 12.55 77.4166667 P PPL IN 19 50752 638 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9271 1268205 Kāmthi Kamthi 21.2333333 79.2 P PPL IN 16 86213 270 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9272 1268214 Kampli Kampli 15.4 76.6166667 P PPL IN 19 36641 414 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9273 1268246 Kambam Kambam 9.7333333 77.3 P PPL IN 25 60828 391 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9274 1268257 Kāmārhāti Kamarhati 22.6711111 88.3747222 P PPL IN 28 332965 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9275 1268259 Kāmāreddi Kamareddi 18.3166667 78.35 P PPL IN 02 71042 497 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9276 1268266 Kāman Kaman 27.65 77.2666667 P PPL IN 24 33524 189 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9277 1268276 Kamalganj Kamalganj 27.2666667 79.65 P PPL IN 36 16222 135 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9278 1268279 Kāmākhyānagar Kamakhyanagar 20.9333333 85.55 P PPL IN 21 15818 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9279 1268293 Kalyani Kalyani 22.9833333 88.4833333 P PPL IN 28 93184 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9280 1268295 Kalyān Kalyan 19.25 73.15 P PPL IN 16 1262255 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9281 1268310 Kalugumalai Kalugumalai 9.15 77.7166667 P PPL IN 25 15423 105 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9282 1268325 Kālpi Kalpi 26.1166667 79.7333333 P PPL IN 36 44339 116 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9283 1268327 Kalpetta Kalpetta 11.6105556 76.0822222 P PPL IN 13 29602 763 Asia/Kolkata 2007-07-25
+ 9284 1268339 Kālol Kalol 22.6 73.45 P PPL IN 09 25929 100 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9285 1268341 Kālna Kalna 23.2166667 88.3666667 P PPL IN 28 53964 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9286 1268344 Kalmeshwar Kalmeshwar 21.2333333 78.9 P PPL IN 16 19386 331 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9287 1268360 Kallidaikurichchi Kallidaikurichchi 8.6666667 77.4833333 P PPL IN 25 25513 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9288 1268376 Kallakkurichchi Kallakkurichchi 11.7333333 78.9666667 P PPL IN 25 40449 112 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9289 1268381 Kālka Kalka 30.8344444 76.9333333 P PPL IN 11 32205 625 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9290 1268383 Kāliyāganj Kaliyaganj 25.6333333 88.3166667 P PPL IN 28 51748 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9291 1268403 Kālimpang Kalimpang 27.0666667 88.4833333 P PPL IN 28 43000 942 Asia/Kolkata 2009-03-05
+ 9292 1268434 Kalghatgi Kalghatgi 15.1833333 74.9666667 P PPL IN 19 15428 536 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9293 1268450 Kālāvad Kalavad 22.2166667 70.3833333 P PPL IN 09 26287 87 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9294 1268469 Kālānwāli Kalanwali 29.85 74.95 P PPL IN 10 27355 194 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9295 1268476 Kalānaur Kalanaur 28.8333333 76.4 P PPL IN 10 17725 200 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9296 1268480 Kalamnūri Kalamnuri 19.6666667 77.3333333 P PPL IN 16 22708 475 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9297 1268484 Kalamb Kalamb 19.05 73.95 P PPL IN 16 27287 628 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9298 1268495 Kalakkādu Kalakkadu 8.5 77.5666667 P PPL IN 25 27845 144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9299 1268540 Kakrāla Kakrala 27.9 79.2 P PPL IN 36 35690 160 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9300 1268545 Kākori Kakori 26.8833333 80.8 P PPL IN 36 18332 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9301 1268561 Kākināda Kakinada 16.9333333 82.2166667 P PPL IN 02 292923 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9302 1268567 Kakching Kakching 24.4833333 93.9833333 P PPL IN 17 30418 780 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9303 1268593 Kaithal Kaithal 29.8 76.3833333 P PPL IN 10 140604 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9304 1268601 Kairāna Kairana 29.4 77.2 P PPL IN 36 80432 242 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9305 1268615 Kaimori Kaimori 23.3833333 79.75 P PPL IN 35 20154 373 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9306 1268616 Kaimganj Kaimganj 27.5666667 79.35 P PPL IN 36 32858 141 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9307 1268622 Kailāshahar Kailashahar 24.3333333 92.0166667 P PPL IN 26 22120 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9308 1268624 Kailāras Kailaras 26.3166667 77.6166667 P PPL IN 35 24539 181 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9309 1268627 Kaikalūr Kaikalur 16.5666667 81.2 P PPL IN 02 20763 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9310 1268651 Kāgal Kagal 16.5833333 74.3166667 P PPL IN 16 25479 553 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9311 1268662 Kadūr Kadur 13.5533333 76.0130556 P PPL IN 19 32935 777 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9312 1268667 Kadod Kadod 21.2166667 73.2333333 P PPL IN 09 16747 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9313 1268673 Kadiri Kadiri 14.1166667 78.1666667 P PPL IN 02 81498 526 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9314 1268680 Kadi Kadi 23.3 72.3333333 P PPL IN 09 58066 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9315 1268707 Kadaiyanallūr Kadaiyanallur 9.0833333 77.35 P PPL IN 25 77772 191 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9316 1268715 Kānchrāpāra Kanchrapara 22.97 88.4319444 P PPL IN 28 136954 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9317 1268722 Kachhwā Kachhwa 25.2166667 82.7166667 P PPL IN 36 15381 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9318 1268739 Kabrai Kabrai 25.4166667 80.0166667 P PPL IN 36 24771 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9319 1268761 Junnar Junnar 19.2 73.8833333 P PPL IN 16 25997 711 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9320 1268772 Jūnāgarh Junagarh 19.8666667 82.9333333 P PPL IN 37 16856 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9321 1268773 Jūnāgadh Junagadh 21.5166667 70.4666667 P PPL IN 09 184447 119 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9322 1268775 Jumri Tilaiyā Jumri Tilaiya 24.4333333 85.5166667 P PPL IN 38 76341 384 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9323 1268782 Jalandhar Jalandhar 31.3255556 75.5791667 P PPL IN 23 785178 233 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9324 1268799 Jugsālai Jugsalai 22.7666667 86.1833333 P PPLX IN 38 49410 134 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9325 1268820 Jorhāt Jorhat 26.75 94.2166667 P PPL IN 03 69033 116 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9326 1268823 Jora Jora 26.3333333 77.8166667 P PPL IN 35 26338 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9327 1268834 Jolārpettai Jolarpettai 12.5666667 78.5833333 P PPL IN 25 40959 355 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9328 1268855 Jogbani Jogbani 26.4166667 87.25 P PPL IN 00 33300 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9329 1268863 Jodiya Bandar Jodiya Bandar 22.7166667 70.2833333 P PPL IN 09 15788 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9330 1268865 Jodhpur Jodhpur 26.2866667 73.03 P PPL IN 24 921476 235 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9331 1268866 Jodhpur Jodhpur 21.8833333 70.0333333 P PPL IN 09 47329 99 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9332 1268896 Jintūr Jintur 19.6166667 76.7 P PPL IN 16 42420 445 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9333 1268907 Jīnd Jind 29.3166667 76.3166667 P PPL IN 10 161260 226 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9334 1268929 Jhūsi Jhusi 25.4333333 81.9333333 P PPL IN 36 16642 74 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9335 1268936 Jhunjhunūn Jhunjhunun 28.1333333 75.4 P PPL IN 24 113193 323 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9336 1268961 Jhinjhāna Jhinjhana 29.5166667 77.2166667 P PPL IN 36 19711 242 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9337 1268962 Jhinjhak Jhinjhak 26.5666667 79.7333333 P PPL IN 36 23499 131 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9338 1268977 Jhārsuguda Jharsuguda 21.85 84.0333333 P PPL IN 21 79492 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9339 1268988 Jharia Jharia 23.75 86.4 P PPL IN 38 86938 166 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9340 1268990 Jhārgrām Jhargram 22.45 86.9833333 P PPL IN 28 57796 81 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9341 1269006 Jhānsi Jhansi 25.4333333 78.5833333 P PPL IN 36 412927 285 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9342 1269012 Jhanjhārpur Jhanjharpur 26.2666667 86.2833333 P PPL IN 34 31283 61 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9343 1269019 Jhālū Jhalu 29.35 78.25 P PPL IN 36 20356 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9344 1269020 Jhālrapātan Jhalrapatan 24.55 76.1666667 P PPL IN 24 33121 317 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9345 1269026 Jhalida Jhalida 23.3666667 85.9666667 P PPL IN 28 18057 296 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9346 1269027 Jhālāwār Jhalawar 24.6 76.15 P PPL IN 24 51884 312 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9347 1269042 Jhajjar Jhajjar 28.6166667 76.65 P PPL IN 10 44122 220 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9348 1269046 Jhā Jhā Jha Jha 24.7666667 86.3666667 P PPL IN 34 38624 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9349 1269053 Jhābua Jhabua 22.7666667 74.6 P PPL IN 35 34135 314 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9350 1269056 Jewar Jewar 28.1333333 77.55 P PPL IN 00 29316 195 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9351 1269057 Jevargi Jevargi 17.0166667 76.7666667 P PPL IN 19 20157 391 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9352 1269065 Jetpur Jetpur 21.7333333 70.6166667 P PPL IN 09 118068 90 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9353 1269092 Jaypur Jaypur 18.85 82.5833333 P PPL IN 21 80837 588 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9354 1269093 Jaynagar Jaynagar 26.5833333 86.15 P PPL IN 34 20496 57 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9355 1269094 Jaynagar-Majilpur Jaynagar-Majilpur 22.1758333 88.4177778 P PPL IN 28 24510 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9356 1269102 Jayamkondacholapuram Jayamkondacholapuram 11.2166667 79.3666667 P PPL IN 25 32217 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9357 1269126 Jāwad Jawad 24.6 74.85 P PPL IN 00 16887 452 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9358 1269135 Jaunpur Jaunpur 25.7333333 82.6833333 P PPL IN 36 169572 80 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9359 1269153 Jatāra Jatara 25.0166667 79.05 P PPL IN 35 17002 277 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9360 1269154 Jatani Jatani 20.1666667 85.7 P PPL IN 21 56003 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9361 1269158 Jaswantnagar Jaswantnagar 26.8786111 78.9027778 P PPL IN 36 27777 130 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9362 1269168 Jaspur Jaspur 29.2833333 78.8166667 P PPL IN 39 42524 220 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9363 1269175 Jasidih Jasidih 24.5166667 86.65 P PPL IN 38 16338 252 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9364 1269177 Jashpurnagar Jashpurnagar 22.9 84.15 P PPL IN 37 22607 753 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9365 1269179 Jasdan Jasdan 22.0333333 71.2 P PPL IN 09 43861 193 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9366 1269183 Jarwal Jarwal 27.1666667 81.55 P PPL IN 36 17576 116 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9367 1269217 Jaorā Jaora 23.6333333 75.1333333 P PPL IN 35 67203 462 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9368 1269227 Jānsath Jansath 29.3333333 77.85 P PPL IN 36 19467 232 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9369 1269247 Jangipur Jangipur 24.4666667 88.0666667 P PPL IN 28 82548 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9370 1269256 Jangaon Jangaon 17.7166667 79.1833333 P PPL IN 02 47558 390 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9371 1269269 Jandiāla Jandiala 31.1666667 75.6166667 P PPL IN 23 25631 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9372 1269280 Jāmuria Jamuria 23.7 87.0833333 P PPL IN 28 160242 118 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9373 1269291 Jamūi Jamui 24.9166667 86.2166667 P PPL IN 34 78181 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9374 1269298 Jāmtāra Jamtara 23.95 86.8 P PPL IN 38 24388 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9375 1269300 Jamshedpur Jamshedpur 22.8 86.1833333 P PPL IN 38 616338 133 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9376 1269317 Jāmnagar Jamnagar 22.4666667 70.0666667 P PPL IN 09 492056 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9377 1269321 Jammu Jammu 32.7333333 74.8666667 P PPL IN 12 465567 327 Asia/Kolkata 2009-06-04
+ 9378 1269323 Jammalamadugu Jammalamadugu 14.8333333 78.4 P PPL IN 02 43870 169 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9379 1269328 Jamkhandi Jamkhandi 16.5166667 75.3 P PPL IN 19 61690 537 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9380 1269350 Jambusar Jambusar 22.05 72.8 P PPL IN 09 41594 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9381 1269374 Jamālpur Jamalpur 25.3 86.5 P PPL IN 34 100780 151 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9382 1269377 Jāmai Jamai 22.2 78.5833333 P PPL IN 35 22587 758 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9383 1269379 Jāmadoba Jamadoba 23.7166667 86.4 P PPL IN 38 34774 154 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9384 1269388 Jalpāiguri Jalpaiguri 26.5166667 88.7333333 P PPL IN 28 107832 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9385 1269392 Jalor Jalor 25.35 72.6166667 P PPL IN 24 49682 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9386 1269395 Jālna Jalna 19.8333333 75.8833333 P PPL IN 16 262034 492 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9387 1269406 Jālgaon Jalgaon 21.0486111 76.5344444 P PPL IN 16 27794 292 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9388 1269407 Jālgaon Jalgaon 21.0166667 75.5666667 P PPL IN 16 429298 200 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9389 1269413 Jaleshwar Jaleshwar 21.8166667 87.2166667 P PPL IN 21 23280 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9390 1269415 Jalesar Jalesar 27.4833333 78.3166667 P PPL IN 36 38614 173 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9391 1269422 Jālaun Jalaun 26.15 79.35 P PPL IN 36 55299 144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9392 1269435 Jalālpur Jalalpur 26.3166667 82.7333333 P PPL IN 36 31388 82 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9393 1269439 Jalālpur Jalalpur 20.9666667 72.9 P PPL IN 09 17325 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9394 1269441 Jalāli Jalali 27.8666667 78.2666667 P PPL IN 36 18177 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9395 1269445 Jalālābād Jalalabad 30.6166667 74.25 P PPL IN 23 29824 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9396 1269446 Jalālābād Jalalabad 29.6186111 77.4383333 P PPL IN 36 25302 246 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9397 1269447 Jalālābād Jalalabad 27.7166667 79.6666667 P PPL IN 36 35051 147 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9398 1269477 Jājpur Jajpur 20.85 86.3333333 P PPL IN 21 42157 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9399 1269488 Jaito Jaito 30.4666667 74.8833333 P PPL IN 23 34346 208 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9400 1269498 Jaitāran Jaitaran 26.2030556 73.9363889 P PPL IN 24 21403 315 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9401 1269502 Jaisingpur Jaisingpur 16.8 74.5666667 P PPL IN 16 46942 537 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9402 1269507 Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 26.9146846620567 70.9180784225464 P PPL IN 24 67604 223 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-22
+ 9403 1269509 Jāis Jais 26.25 81.5333333 P PPL IN 36 25726 102 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9404 1269515 Jaipur Jaipur 26.9166667 75.8166667 P PPLA IN 24 2711758 426 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9405 1269545 Jahāzpur Jahazpur 25.6166667 75.2833333 P PPL IN 24 20350 338 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9406 1269551 Jahāngīrābād Jahangirabad 28.4166667 78.1 P PPL IN 36 57363 204 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9407 1269557 Jahānābād Jahanabad 25.2166667 84.9833333 P PPL IN 34 96387 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9408 1269562 Jagtiāl Jagtial 18.8 78.9333333 P PPL IN 02 99035 258 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9409 1269564 Jagraon Jagraon 30.7833333 75.4833333 P PPL IN 23 65305 234 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9410 1269570 Jaggayyapeta Jaggayyapeta 16.9 80.1 P PPL IN 02 41180 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9411 1269573 Jagdīspur Jagdispur 25.4833333 84.4166667 P PPL IN 34 31029 62 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9412 1269578 Jagdalpur Jagdalpur 19.0666667 82.0333333 P PPL IN 37 76465 561 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9413 1269581 Jagatsinghapur Jagatsinghapur 20.2666667 86.1666667 P PPL IN 21 32945 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9414 1269602 Jagalūr Jagalur 14.5333333 76.35 P PPL IN 19 15787 668 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9415 1269633 Jabalpur Jabalpur 23.1669748590236 79.9500632286072 P PPL IN 35 1030168 403 Asia/Kolkata 2008-09-30
+ 9416 1269646 Itimādpur Itimadpur 27.25 78.2 P PPL IN 36 22697 166 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9417 1269653 Itārsi Itarsi 22.6166667 77.75 P PPL IN 35 100574 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9418 1269655 Itānagar Itanagar 27.1 93.6166667 P PPLA IN 33 44971 440 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9419 1269665 Islāmpur Islampur 26.2666667 88.2 P PPL IN 28 55691 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9420 1269666 Islāmpur Islampur 25.15 85.2 P PPL IN 34 31875 63 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9421 1269670 Islāmnagar Islamnagar 28.3333333 78.7166667 P PPL IN 36 29144 189 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9422 1269690 Irugūr Irugur 11.0166667 77.0666667 P PPL IN 25 19166 346 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9423 1269693 Irinjālakuda Irinjalakuda 10.3333333 76.2333333 P PPL IN 13 29208 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9424 1269723 Ingrāj Bāzār Ingraj Bazar 25.0 88.15 P PPL IN 28 170039 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9425 1269731 Rāmgarh Ramgarh 29.88 77.0711111 P PPL IN 10 15954 251 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9426 1269743 Indore Indore 22.7179235376322 75.8333015441895 P PPL IN 35 1837041 544 Asia/Kolkata 2008-09-30
+ 9427 1269751 Indi Indi 17.1666667 75.9666667 P PPL IN 19 34075 452 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9428 1269752 Indergarh Indergarh 26.9333333 79.6833333 P PPL IN 36 17366 136 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9429 1269761 Indāpur Indapur 18.3 73.25 P PPL IN 16 26752 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9430 1269771 Imphāl Imphal 24.8166667 93.95 P PPLA IN 17 223523 784 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9431 1269784 Ilkal Ilkal 15.9666667 76.1333333 P PPL IN 19 56937 567 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9432 1269810 Igatpuri Igatpuri 19.7 73.55 P PPL IN 16 35461 586 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9433 1269819 Idāppādi Idappadi 11.5833333 77.85 P PPL IN 25 51642 239 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9434 1269827 Ichchāpuram Ichchapuram 19.1166667 84.7 P PPL IN 02 33754 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9435 1269834 Ichalkaranji Ichalkaranji 16.7 74.4666667 P PPL IN 16 274383 539 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9436 1269843 Hyderābād Hyderabad 17.3752778 78.4744444 P PPLA IN 02 3597816 494 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-15
+ 9437 1269849 Huvinabadgalli Huvinabadgalli 15.0166667 75.95 P PPL IN 19 25311 526 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9438 1269862 Husainābād Husainabad 24.5333333 84.0166667 P PPL IN 38 26184 145 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9439 1269873 Hunsūr Hunsur 12.3075 76.2877778 P PPL IN 19 47644 776 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9440 1269876 Hungund Hungund 16.0666667 76.05 P PPL IN 19 19036 539 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9441 1269908 Hukeri Hukeri 16.2333333 74.6 P PPL IN 19 20824 631 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9442 1269910 Hugli Hugli 22.8955556 88.4025 P PPL IN 28 177005 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9443 1269920 Hubli Hubli 15.35 75.1666667 P PPL IN 19 840214 640 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9444 1269927 Howli Howli 26.4333333 90.9666667 P PPL IN 03 17354 43 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9445 1269934 Hosūr Hosur 12.7166667 77.8166667 P PPL IN 25 103724 868 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9446 1269935 Hospet Hospet 15.2666667 76.4 P PPL IN 19 197846 475 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9447 1269936 Hoskote Hoskote 13.0669444 77.7983333 P PPL IN 19 41236 891 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9448 1269937 Hoshiārpur Hoshiarpur 31.5322222 75.9172222 P PPL IN 23 158142 296 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9449 1269939 Hoshangābād Hoshangabad 22.75 77.7166667 P PPL IN 35 109358 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9450 1269943 Hosdurga Hosdurga 13.7980556 76.2861111 P PPL IN 19 24685 739 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9451 1269970 Honnāli Honnali 14.25 75.6666667 P PPL IN 19 16753 540 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9452 1269976 Honāvar Honavar 14.2833333 74.45 P PPL IN 19 18392 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9453 1269979 Homnābād Homnabad 17.7666667 77.1333333 P PPL IN 19 41485 635 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9454 1269985 Hole Narsipur Hole Narsipur 12.7827778 76.2430556 P PPL IN 19 28285 850 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9455 1269990 Holalkere Holalkere 14.0333333 76.1833333 P PPL IN 19 15480 698 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9456 1269993 Hojāi Hojai 26.0 92.8666667 P PPL IN 03 36869 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9457 1270000 Hodal Hodal 27.9 77.3666667 P PPL IN 10 44300 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9458 1270021 Hisua Hisua 24.8333333 85.4166667 P PPL IN 34 27943 93 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9459 1270022 Hisār Hisar 29.1666667 75.7166667 P PPL IN 10 296436 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9460 1270032 Hiriyūr Hiriyur 13.9455556 76.6191667 P PPL IN 19 53519 620 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9461 1270036 Hirekerūr Hirekerur 14.4666667 75.3833333 P PPL IN 19 16688 621 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9462 1270059 Hīrākūd Hirakud 21.5166667 83.8666667 P PPL IN 21 27277 168 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9463 1270066 Hinjilikatu Hinjilikatu 19.4833333 84.75 P PPL IN 21 22779 30 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9464 1270072 Hingoli Hingoli 19.7166667 77.15 P PPL IN 16 75878 459 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9465 1270077 Hinganghāt Hinganghat 20.5666667 78.8333333 P PPL IN 16 97568 220 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9466 1270079 Hindupur Hindupur 13.8288889 77.4933333 P PPL IN 02 133298 618 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9467 1270082 Hindoriā Hindoria 23.9 79.5666667 P PPL IN 35 15142 385 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9468 1270090 Hindaun Hindaun 26.7166667 77.0166667 P PPL IN 24 95593 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9469 1270099 Himatnagar Himatnagar 23.6 72.95 P PPL IN 09 60634 127 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9470 1270102 Hilsa Hilsa 25.3166667 85.2833333 P PPL IN 34 41110 50 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9471 1270164 Hazārībāg Hazaribag 23.9833333 85.35 P PPL IN 38 140063 604 Asia/Kolkata 2006-05-10
+ 9472 1270171 Hāveri Haveri 14.8 75.4 P PPL IN 19 60155 572 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9473 1270185 Hatta Hatta 24.1166667 79.6 P PPL IN 35 30854 326 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9474 1270216 Hāthras Hathras 27.6 78.05 P PPL IN 36 126882 185 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9475 1270237 Hastināpur Hastinapur 29.1666667 78.0166667 P PPL IN 36 24093 205 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9476 1270239 Hassan Hassan 13.0005556 76.0994444 P PPL IN 19 128531 952 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9477 1270251 Hasanpur Hasanpur 28.7166667 78.2833333 P PPL IN 36 57481 200 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9478 1270265 Harūr Harur 12.0666667 78.5 P PPL IN 25 20405 344 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9479 1270271 Harsūd Harsud 22.1 76.7333333 P PPL IN 35 16736 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9480 1270287 Harpanahalli Harpanahalli 14.8 75.9833333 P PPL IN 19 44977 628 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9481 1270291 Harpālpur Harpalpur 25.2833333 79.3333333 P PPL IN 36 17731 203 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9482 1270343 Hārij Harij 23.7 71.9 P PPL IN 09 18964 33 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9483 1270349 Harihar Harihar 14.5166667 75.8 P PPL IN 19 78034 543 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9484 1270351 Haridwār Haridwar 29.9666667 78.1666667 P PPL IN 39 186079 298 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9485 1270370 Hardoī Hardoi 27.4166667 80.1166667 P PPL IN 36 122635 134 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9486 1270375 Harda Harda 22.3333333 77.1 P PPL IN 35 67387 296 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9487 1270393 Hāpur Hapur 28.7166667 77.7833333 P PPL IN 36 242920 206 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9488 1270396 Hāora Haora 22.5891667 88.3102778 P PPL IN 28 1027672 12 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9489 1270407 Hanumāngarh Hanumangarh 29.5833333 74.3166667 P PPL IN 24 155687 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9490 1270417 Hānsi Hansi 29.1 75.9666667 P PPL IN 10 82407 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9491 1270435 Hāngal Hangal 14.7666667 75.1333333 P PPL IN 19 26604 573 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9492 1270437 Handiā Handia 25.3833333 82.1833333 P PPL IN 36 17861 92 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9493 1270454 Hamīrpur Hamirpur 31.6833333 76.5166667 P PPL IN 11 19280 738 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9494 1270455 Hamīrpur Hamirpur 25.95 80.15 P PPL IN 36 34144 80 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9495 1270466 Halvad Halvad 23.0166667 71.1833333 P PPL IN 09 26205 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9496 1270474 Hālol Halol 22.5 73.4666667 P PPL IN 09 45741 499 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9497 1270482 Haliyāl Haliyal 15.3333333 74.7666667 P PPL IN 19 21625 559 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9498 1270484 Hālīsahar Halisahar 22.9497222 88.4194444 P PPL IN 28 128172 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9499 1270498 Haldwani Haldwani 29.2166667 79.5166667 P PPL IN 39 139497 434 Asia/Kolkata 2006-09-15
+ 9500 1270509 Haldaur Haldaur 29.3 78.2833333 P PPL IN 36 18686 221 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9501 1270522 Hājo Hajo 26.25 91.5333333 P PPL IN 03 15977 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9502 1270525 Hājīpur Hajipur 25.6833333 85.2166667 P PPL IN 34 133606 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9503 1270530 Hailākāndi Hailakandi 24.6833333 92.5666667 P PPL IN 03 31031 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9504 1270543 Hāflong Haflong 25.1833333 93.0333333 P PPL IN 03 39982 389 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9505 1270554 Hadgaon Hadgaon 19.5 77.6666667 P PPL IN 16 26451 414 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9506 1270568 Hābra Habra 22.8344444 88.6275 P PPL IN 28 139297 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9507 1270583 Gwalior Gwalior 26.2236111 78.1791667 P PPL IN 35 882458 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9508 1270598 Guskhara Guskhara 23.5 87.75 P PPL IN 28 33780 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9509 1270603 Guruvāyūr Guruvayur 10.6 76.05 P PPL IN 13 21416 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9510 1270612 Guru Har Sahāi Guru Har Sahai 30.7166667 74.4166667 P PPL IN 23 16027 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9511 1270618 Gursarai Gursarai 25.6166667 79.1833333 P PPL IN 36 25191 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9512 1270619 Gursahāiganj Gursahaiganj 27.1166667 79.7166667 P PPL IN 36 40214 144 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9513 1270627 Gurmatkal Gurmatkal 16.8666667 77.4 P PPL IN 19 18236 599 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9514 1270642 Gurgaon Gurgaon 28.4666667 77.0333333 P PPL IN 10 197340 216 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9515 1270667 Gunupur Gunupur 19.0833333 83.8166667 P PPL IN 21 22264 83 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9516 1270668 Guntūr Guntur 16.3 80.45 P PPL IN 02 530577 33 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-08
+ 9517 1270670 Guntakal Guntakal 15.1666667 77.3833333 P PPL IN 02 120964 442 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9518 1270674 Gunnaur Gunnaur 28.25 78.4333333 P PPL IN 36 20980 169 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9519 1270686 Gundlupet Gundlupet 11.8 76.6833333 P PPL IN 19 27197 840 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9520 1270711 Guna Guna 24.65 77.3166667 P PPL IN 35 153689 474 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9521 1270718 Gummidipūndi Gummidipundi 13.4 80.15 P PPL IN 25 16605 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9522 1270722 Gumla Gumla 23.05 84.55 P PPL IN 37 44951 630 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9523 1270723 Gumia Gumia 23.7833333 85.8166667 P PPL IN 38 47121 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9524 1270750 Guledagudda Guledagudda 16.05 75.8 P PPL IN 19 33851 516 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9525 1270752 Gulbarga Gulbarga 17.3333333 76.8333333 P PPL IN 19 483615 458 Asia/Kolkata 2006-05-01
+ 9526 1270759 Gulaothi Gulaothi 28.6 77.7833333 P PPL IN 36 46647 200 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9527 1270763 Gulābpura Gulabpura 25.9 74.6666667 P PPL IN 24 26467 397 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9528 1270787 Gūduvāncheri Guduvancheri 12.8425 80.0638889 P PPL IN 25 30972 39 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9529 1270791 Gūdūr Gudur 14.1333333 79.85 P PPL IN 02 74851 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9530 1270800 Gudiyāttam Gudiyattam 12.95 78.8666667 P PPL IN 25 93973 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9531 1270801 Gudivāda Gudivada 16.45 80.9833333 P PPL IN 02 116161 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9532 1270820 Gūdalūr Gudalur 9.6833333 77.2666667 P PPL IN 25 47419 416 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9533 1270824 Gubbi Gubbi 13.3105556 76.9444444 P PPL IN 19 17983 772 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9534 1270863 Govardhan Govardhan 27.5 77.4666667 P PPL IN 36 20044 179 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9535 1270926 Gorakhpur Gorakhpur 29.45 75.6833333 P PPL IN 10 1324570 209 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-19
+ 9536 1270927 Gorakhpur Gorakhpur 26.755 83.3738889 P PPL IN 36 674246 70 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9537 1270947 Gopichettipālaiyam Gopichettipalaiyam 11.4666667 77.45 P PPL IN 25 57527 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9538 1270965 Gopālganj Gopalganj 26.4666667 84.4333333 P PPL IN 34 63725 63 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9539 1270990 Gondia Gondia 21.45 80.2 P PPL IN 16 124897 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9540 1270994 Gondal Gondal 21.9666667 70.8 P PPL IN 09 101801 135 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9541 1270996 Gonda Gonda 27.1333333 81.9333333 P PPL IN 36 133583 119 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9542 1271005 Gomoh Gomoh 23.8666667 86.1666667 P PPL IN 38 31395 265 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9543 1271049 Gola Gokarannāth Gola Gokarannath 28.0833333 80.4666667 P PPL IN 36 58986 162 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9544 1271050 Golāghāt Golaghat 26.5166667 93.9666667 P PPL IN 03 34372 93 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9545 1271064 Gokarn Gokarn 14.55 74.3166667 P PPL IN 19 25851 15 Asia/Kolkata 2008-04-22
+ 9546 1271067 Gokāk Gokak 16.1666667 74.8333333 P PPL IN 19 73478 545 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9547 1271079 Gohāna Gohana 29.1333333 76.7 P PPL IN 10 56093 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9548 1271083 Gohad Gohad 26.4261111 78.4447222 P PPL IN 35 51635 153 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9549 1271107 Godhra Godhra 22.75 73.6333333 P PPL IN 09 131913 138 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9550 1271113 Goddā Godda 24.8333333 87.2166667 P PPL IN 38 43658 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9551 1271131 Gobindpur Gobindpur 22.6333333 86.0666667 P PPL IN 38 27066 188 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9552 1271142 Gobārdānga Gobardanga 22.8747222 88.7586111 P PPL IN 28 43808 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9553 1271151 Goālpāra Goalpara 26.1666667 90.6166667 P PPL IN 03 50759 29 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9554 1271175 Girīdīh Giridih 24.1833333 86.3 P PPL IN 38 60000 289 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-18
+ 9555 1271199 Gingee Gingee 12.25 79.4166667 P PPL IN 25 21530 92 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9556 1271212 Giddarbāha Giddarbaha 30.2 74.6666667 P PPL IN 23 39243 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9557 1271213 Giddalūr Giddalur 15.35 78.9166667 P PPL IN 02 28142 254 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9558 1271244 Ghūgus Ghugus 19.9333333 79.1333333 P PPL IN 16 31859 188 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9559 1271250 Ghoti Budrukh Ghoti Budrukh 19.7166667 73.6333333 P PPL IN 16 22095 589 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9560 1271259 Ghosi Ghosi 26.1083333 83.5436111 P PPL IN 36 39138 68 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9561 1271306 Ghāzīpur Ghazipur 25.5833333 83.5666667 P PPL IN 36 103095 62 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9562 1271308 Ghāziābād Ghaziabad 28.6666667 77.4333333 P PPL IN 36 1199191 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-05-01
+ 9563 1271319 Ghātsīla Ghatsila 22.6 86.4833333 P PPL IN 38 40018 100 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9564 1271343 Ghātanji Ghatanji 20.1333333 78.3166667 P PPL IN 16 20785 274 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9565 1271345 Ghātampur Ghatampur 26.1666667 80.1666667 P PPL IN 36 40435 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9566 1271346 Ghātāl Ghatal 22.6666667 87.7166667 P PPL IN 28 54658 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9567 1271363 Gharaunda Gharaunda 29.5375 76.9716667 P PPL IN 10 34307 222 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9568 1271413 Gevrai Gevrai 19.2666667 75.75 P PPL IN 16 30406 454 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9569 1271439 Gaya Gaya 24.7833333 85.0 P PPL IN 34 423692 111 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9570 1271453 Gauripur Gauripur 26.0833333 89.9666667 P PPL IN 03 24694 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9571 1271459 Gauribidanūr Gauribidanur 13.6111111 77.5166667 P PPL IN 19 32447 691 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9572 1271476 Guwāhāti Guwahati 26.1861735774963 91.7509460449219 P PPL IN 03 899094 53 Asia/Kolkata 2008-10-06
+ 9573 1271493 Garwa Garwa 24.1833333 83.8166667 P PPL IN 38 40662 197 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9574 1271495 Garui Garui 22.6333333 88.4 P PPL IN 28 16499 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9575 1271533 Gariadhar Gariadhar 21.5333333 71.5833333 P PPL IN 09 35692 83 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9576 1271538 Garhshankar Garhshankar 31.2166667 76.1333333 P PPL IN 23 16470 270 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9577 1271543 Garhmuktesar Garhmuktesar 28.8 78.1 P PPL IN 36 37043 201 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9578 1271563 Garhākotā Garhakota 23.7666667 79.15 P PPL IN 35 28114 372 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9579 1271613 Gannavaram Gannavaram 16.5333333 80.8 P PPL IN 02 19410 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9580 1271631 Gangtok Gangtok 27.3333333 88.6166667 P PPLA IN 29 30700 1437 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9581 1271642 Gangolli Gangolli 13.65 74.6666667 P PPL IN 19 15200 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9582 1271644 Gangoh Gangoh 29.7666667 77.25 P PPL IN 36 59519 252 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9583 1271662 Gangāwati Gangawati 15.4333333 76.5333333 P PPL IN 19 106250 410 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9584 1271670 Gangārāmpur Gangarampur 25.4 88.5166667 P PPL IN 28 65316 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9585 1271675 Gangāpur Gangapur 26.4833333 76.7166667 P PPL IN 24 120115 270 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9586 1271676 Gangāpur Gangapur 25.2166667 74.2666667 P PPL IN 24 17661 487 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9587 1271680 Gangāpur Gangapur 19.6833333 75.0166667 P PPL IN 16 24118 479 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9588 1271685 Gangānagar Ganganagar 29.9166667 73.8833333 P PPL IN 24 231838 167 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9589 1271688 Gangākher Gangakher 18.95 76.75 P PPL IN 16 46366 382 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9590 1271722 Gandevi Gandevi 20.8166667 72.9833333 P PPL IN 09 16240 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9591 1271729 Gāndarbal Gandarbal 34.2333333 74.7833333 P PPL IN 12 16271 1572 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9592 1271780 Gajraula Gajraula 28.85 78.2333333 P PPL IN 36 50380 206 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9593 1271789 Gajendragarh Gajendragarh 15.7333333 75.9833333 P PPL IN 19 29749 637 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9594 1271819 Gadwāl Gadwal 16.2333333 77.8 P PPL IN 02 55952 325 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9595 1271834 Gadhinglaj Gadhinglaj 16.2333333 74.35 P PPL IN 16 26449 623 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9596 1271839 Gadhada Gadhada 21.9666667 71.5666667 P PPL IN 09 28611 104 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9597 1271847 Gādarwāra Gadarwara 22.9166667 78.7833333 P PPL IN 35 41420 344 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9598 1271850 Gadag Gadag 15.4166667 75.6166667 P PPL IN 19 162569 656 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9599 1271871 Fort Gloster Fort Gloster 22.5044444 88.1833333 P PPL IN 28 18350 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9600 1271874 Forbesganj Forbesganj 26.3 87.25 P PPL IN 34 45098 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9601 1271881 Fīrozpur Jhirka Firozpur Jhirka 27.8 76.95 P PPL IN 10 20195 205 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9602 1271883 Fīrozpur Firozpur 30.9166667 74.6 P PPL IN 23 102130 186 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9603 1271885 Fīrozābād Firozabad 27.15 78.4166667 P PPL IN 36 306409 164 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9604 1271888 Ferokh Ferokh 11.1833333 75.85 P PPL IN 13 30229 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9605 1271891 Fāzilka Fazilka 30.4 74.0333333 P PPL IN 23 70887 168 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9606 1271892 Fatwa Fatwa 25.5166667 85.3166667 P PPL IN 34 41647 56 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9607 1271900 Fatehpur Sīkri Fatehpur Sikri 27.1 77.6666667 P PPL IN 00 30026 178 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9608 1271910 Fatehpur Fatehpur 27.9833333 74.95 P PPL IN 24 83170 325 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9609 1271911 Fatehpur Fatehpur 27.1666667 81.2166667 P PPL IN 36 34010 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9610 1271912 Fatehpur Fatehpur 25.9333333 80.8 P PPL IN 36 166480 110 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9611 1271923 Fatehgarh Chūriān Fatehgarh Churian 31.8644444 74.9511111 P PPL IN 23 18051 229 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9612 1271929 Fatehganj West Fatehganj West 28.4666667 79.3 P PPL IN 36 23810 173 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9613 1271934 Fatehābād Fatehabad 29.5166667 75.45 P PPL IN 10 66013 205 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9614 1271936 Fatehābād Fatehabad 27.0166667 78.3166667 P PPL IN 36 21957 163 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9615 1271940 Farrukhnagar Farrukhnagar 17.0777778 78.2011111 P PPL IN 02 39766 638 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9616 1271942 Farrukhābād Farrukhabad 27.4 79.5666667 P PPL IN 36 241152 151 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9617 1271947 Farīdpur Faridpur 28.2166667 79.55 P PPL IN 36 71783 161 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9618 1271949 Farīdkot Faridkot 30.6666667 74.75 P PPL IN 23 77450 203 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9619 1271951 Farīdābād Faridabad 28.4333333 77.3166667 P PPL IN 10 1220229 198 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-18
+ 9620 1271954 Farakka Farakka 24.8166667 87.9 P PPL IN 28 21834 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9621 1271965 Fālākāta Falakata 26.5333333 89.2 P PPL IN 28 20119 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9622 1271975 Faizpur Faizpur 21.1666667 75.85 P PPL IN 16 24534 236 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9623 1271976 Faizābād Faizabad 26.7833333 82.1333333 P PPL IN 36 153047 97 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9624 1271987 Etāwah Etawah 26.7666667 79.0333333 P PPL IN 36 257448 126 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9625 1272008 Erraguntla Erraguntla 14.6333333 78.5333333 P PPL IN 02 27874 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9626 1272013 Erode Erode 11.35 77.7333333 P PPL IN 25 147270 186 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9627 1272022 Erāttupetta Erattupetta 9.7 76.7833333 P PPL IN 13 33408 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9628 1272025 Erandol Erandol 20.9166667 75.3333333 P PPL IN 16 30931 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9629 1272045 Emmiganūru Emmiganuru 15.7333333 77.4833333 P PPL IN 02 80933 394 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9630 1272051 Elūru Eluru 16.7 81.1 P PPL IN 02 183387 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9631 1272052 Elūr Elur 10.0666667 76.2833333 P PPL IN 13 30832 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9632 1272061 Ellenābād Ellenabad 29.45 74.65 P PPL IN 10 37680 189 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9633 1272084 Elamanchili Elamanchili 17.55 82.8666667 P PPL IN 02 26176 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9634 1272101 Egra Egra 21.9 87.5333333 P PPL IN 28 32832 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9635 1272140 Dwārka Dwarka 22.2394444 68.9677778 P PPL IN 09 35837 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 9636 1272175 Durgāpur Durgapur 23.4833333 87.3166667 P PPL IN 28 518872 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9637 1272177 Durgāpur Durgapur 20.0 79.3 P PPL IN 16 18561 204 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9638 1272181 Durg Durg 21.1833333 81.2833333 P PPL IN 37 255283 288 Asia/Kolkata 2009-09-30
+ 9639 1272201 Dūngarpur Dungarpur 23.8333333 73.7166667 P PPL IN 24 45195 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9640 1272207 Dundwārāganj Dundwaraganj 27.7333333 78.95 P PPL IN 36 46314 167 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9641 1272225 Dumraon Dumraon 25.55 84.15 P PPL IN 34 50524 61 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9642 1272229 Dumra Dumra 26.5666667 85.5166667 P PPL IN 34 15778 57 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9643 1272237 Dumka Dumka 24.2666667 87.25 P PPL IN 38 47663 141 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9644 1272242 Dum Duma Dum Duma 27.5666667 95.5666667 P PPL IN 03 21706 112 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9645 1272243 Dam Dam Dam Dam 22.6222222 88.4169444 P PPL IN 28 122719 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9646 1272259 Duliāgaon Duliagaon 27.3666667 95.3166667 P PPL IN 03 23528 111 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9647 1272277 Dugda Dugda 23.75 86.1666667 P PPL IN 38 20400 218 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9648 1272320 Dubrājpur Dubrajpur 23.8 87.3833333 P PPL IN 28 35087 82 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9649 1272367 Dornakal Dornakal 17.45 80.1666667 P PPL IN 02 15350 161 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9650 1272375 Dorāha Doraha 30.8166667 76.0166667 P PPL IN 23 23545 252 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9651 1272396 Dongargarh Dongargarh 21.2 80.7333333 P PPL IN 00 35508 355 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9652 1272411 Dondaicha Dondaicha 21.3333333 74.5666667 P PPL IN 16 46018 152 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9653 1272473 Dod Ballāpur Dod Ballapur 13.2919444 77.5430556 P PPL IN 19 78676 878 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9654 1272476 Doda Doda 33.1333333 75.5666667 P PPL IN 12 17748 1107 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9655 1272502 Diu Diu 20.714051760229 70.9822368621826 P PPL IN 32 23779 13 Asia/Kolkata 2008-10-06
+ 9656 1272513 Dīsa Disa 24.25 72.1666667 P PPL IN 09 92224 118 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9657 1272525 Diphu Diphu 25.8333333 93.4333333 P PPL IN 03 57097 173 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9658 1272532 Dīnhāta Dinhata 26.1333333 89.4666667 P PPL IN 28 42381 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9659 1272540 Dindori Dindori 22.95 81.0833333 P PPL IN 35 19263 639 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9660 1272543 Dindigul Dindigul 10.35 77.95 P PPL IN 25 200797 268 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9661 1272546 Dīnānagar Dinanagar 32.15 75.4666667 P PPL IN 23 23339 258 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9662 1272552 Dimāpur Dimapur 25.9 93.7333333 P PPL IN 03 135860 135 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9663 1272596 Digras Digras 20.1166667 77.7166667 P PPL IN 16 41554 359 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9664 1272606 Dīglūr Diglur 18.55 77.6 P PPL IN 16 52596 369 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9665 1272610 Dighwāra Dighwara 25.7333333 85.0 P PPL IN 34 29270 43 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9666 1272629 Digboi Digboi 27.3833333 95.6333333 P PPL IN 03 20685 159 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9667 1272639 Dīg Dig 27.4666667 77.3333333 P PPL IN 24 43486 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9668 1272640 Dīdwāna Didwana 27.4 74.5666667 P PPL IN 24 49852 336 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9669 1272646 Dicholi Dicholi 15.6 73.95 P PPL IN 33 15315 22 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9670 1272648 Dibrugarh Dibrugarh 27.4833333 94.9 P PPL IN 03 122155 94 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9671 1272653 Dibai Dibai 28.2166667 78.25 P PPL IN 36 37873 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9672 1272657 Diamond Harbour Diamond Harbour 22.1916667 88.1847222 P PPL IN 28 40095 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9673 1272670 Dhūri Dhuri 30.3666667 75.8666667 P PPL IN 23 54302 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9674 1272674 Dhupgāri Dhupgari 26.6 89.0166667 P PPL IN 28 41168 80 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9675 1272689 Dhuliān Dhulian 24.6833333 87.9666667 P PPL IN 28 77070 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9676 1272691 Dhule Dhule 20.9 74.7833333 P PPL IN 16 366980 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9677 1272694 Dhuburi Dhuburi 26.0333333 89.9666667 P PPL IN 03 62525 24 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9678 1272699 Dhrol Dhrol 22.5666667 70.4166667 P PPL IN 09 26496 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9679 1272701 Dhrāngadhra Dhrangadhra 22.9833333 71.4666667 P PPL IN 09 75578 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9680 1272720 Dhorāji Dhoraji 21.7333333 70.45 P PPL IN 09 81445 73 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9681 1272722 Dhone Dhone 15.4166667 77.8833333 P PPL IN 02 39689 403 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9682 1272733 Dholka Dholka 22.7166667 72.4666667 P PPL IN 09 54977 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9683 1272768 Dhing Dhing 26.4666667 92.4666667 P PPL IN 03 20826 56 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9684 1272780 Dhenkānāl Dhenkanal 20.6666667 85.6 P PPL IN 21 62230 69 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9685 1272790 Dhekiajuli Dhekiajuli 26.7 92.5 P PPL IN 03 21271 100 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9686 1272802 Dhaurahra Dhaurahra 28.0 81.0833333 P PPL IN 36 20098 126 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9687 1272805 Dhaulpur Dhaulpur 26.7 77.9 P PPL IN 24 102462 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9688 1272819 Dhārūr Dharur 18.8166667 76.1166667 P PPL IN 16 19060 732 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9689 1272822 Dhāruhera Dharuhera 28.2166667 76.7833333 P PPL IN 10 23132 237 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9690 1272832 Dharmsāla Dharmsala 32.2166667 76.3166667 P PPL IN 11 19540 1574 Asia/Kolkata 2007-12-18
+ 9691 1272842 Dharmavaram Dharmavaram 14.4333333 77.7166667 P PPL IN 02 114050 345 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9692 1272847 Dharmapuri Dharmapuri 12.1333333 78.1666667 P PPL IN 25 66017 468 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9693 1272852 Dharmanagar Dharmanagar 24.3666667 92.1666667 P PPL IN 26 32912 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9694 1272856 Dharmadam Dharmadam 11.7833333 75.4333333 P PPL IN 13 29943 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9695 1272857 Dharmābād Dharmabad 18.9 77.85 P PPL IN 16 32351 359 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9696 1272860 Dhāriwāl Dhariwal 31.9541667 75.3191667 P PPL IN 23 20604 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9697 1272861 Dhāri Dhari 21.3333333 71.0166667 P PPL IN 09 29346 216 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9698 1272873 Dhārāpuram Dharapuram 10.7333333 77.5166667 P PPL IN 25 72291 245 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9699 1272874 Dharangaon Dharangaon 21.0166667 75.2666667 P PPL IN 16 33718 208 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9700 1272881 Dharampur Dharampur 20.5333333 73.1833333 P PPL IN 09 21207 74 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9701 1272892 Dhār Dhar 22.6 75.3 P PPL IN 35 82438 559 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9702 1272962 Dhanera Dhanera 24.5166667 72.0166667 P PPL IN 09 23656 124 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9703 1272970 Dhandhuka Dhandhuka 22.3666667 71.9833333 P PPL IN 09 30049 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9704 1272979 Dhanbād Dhanbad 23.8 86.45 P PPL IN 38 219636 222 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9705 1272983 Dhanaura Dhanaura 28.9666667 78.25 P PPL IN 36 28285 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9706 1272985 Dhanaula Dhanaula 30.2833333 75.5833333 P PPL IN 23 19281 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9707 1272997 Dhamtari Dhamtari 20.7072222 81.5497222 P PPL IN 37 87151 318 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9708 1273002 Dhāmpur Dhampur 29.3166667 78.5166667 P PPL IN 36 49973 217 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9709 1273006 Dhāmnod Dhamnod 22.2166667 75.4666667 P PPL IN 35 29681 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9710 1273043 Dhāka Dhaka 26.6833333 85.1666667 P PPL IN 34 36111 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9711 1273066 Dewās Dewas 22.9666667 76.0666667 P PPL IN 35 261218 588 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9712 1273083 Devli Devli 25.75 75.3833333 P PPL IN 24 21298 331 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9713 1273098 Devgarh Devgarh 25.5333333 73.9 P PPL IN 24 17500 638 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9714 1273104 Devgadh Bāriya Devgadh Bariya 22.7 73.9 P PPL IN 09 19703 169 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9715 1273109 Devarkonda Devarkonda 16.7 78.9333333 P PPL IN 02 29726 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9716 1273123 Devanhalli Devanhalli 13.2325 77.6991667 P PPL IN 19 25228 882 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9717 1273128 Devakottai Devakottai 9.95 78.8166667 P PPL IN 25 41568 52 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9718 1273136 Deūlgaon Rāja Deulgaon Raja 20.0166667 76.0333333 P PPL IN 16 26688 571 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9719 1273153 Deshnoke Deshnoke 27.8 73.35 P PPL IN 24 16720 265 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9720 1273181 Depālpur Depalpur 22.85 75.55 P PPL IN 35 16936 533 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9721 1273191 Deorī Khās Deori Khas 23.4 79.0166667 P PPL IN 35 24934 422 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9722 1273193 Deoria Deoria 26.5047222 83.7872222 P PPL IN 36 113627 68 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9723 1273206 Deoraniān Deoranian 28.6333333 79.4833333 P PPL IN 36 19788 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9724 1273228 Deoli Deoli 20.6666667 78.4833333 P PPL IN 16 16685 263 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9725 1273232 Deolāli Deolali 19.95 73.8333333 P PPL IN 16 52958 550 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9726 1273246 Deogarh Deogarh 21.5333333 84.7333333 P PPL IN 21 21134 187 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9727 1273265 Deoband Deoband 29.7 77.6833333 P PPL IN 36 88171 251 Asia/Kolkata 2006-05-19
+ 9728 1273272 Denkanikota Denkanikota 12.5333333 77.8 P PPL IN 25 19358 872 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9729 1273294 Delhi Delhi 28.6666667 77.2166667 P PPL IN 07 10927986 213 Asia/Kolkata 2007-03-23
+ 9730 1273309 Dehri Dehri 24.8666667 84.1833333 P PPL IN 34 129938 99 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9731 1273313 Dehra Dūn Dehra Dun 30.3166667 78.0333333 P PPL IN 39 522081 652 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9732 1273369 Dausa Dausa 26.8833333 76.3333333 P PPL IN 24 73034 326 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9733 1273374 Daund Daund 18.4666667 74.6 P PPL IN 16 45440 510 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9734 1273390 Daudnagar Daudnagar 25.0333333 84.4 P PPL IN 34 41236 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9735 1273397 Dattāpur Dattapur 20.7666667 78.1666667 P PPL IN 16 21763 286 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9736 1273403 Datia Datia 25.6666667 78.4666667 P PPL IN 35 90628 302 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9737 1273409 Dātāganj Dataganj 28.0333333 79.4 P PPL IN 36 24562 158 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9738 1273410 Dasūa Dasua 31.8183333 75.6597222 P PPL IN 23 20697 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9739 1273416 Dāsna Dasna 28.6833333 77.5333333 P PPL IN 36 27926 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9740 1273434 Daryāpur Daryapur 20.9333333 77.3333333 P PPL IN 16 35782 286 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9741 1273440 Dārwhā Darwha 20.3166667 77.7666667 P PPL IN 16 23062 358 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9742 1273467 Dārjiling Darjiling 27.0333333 88.2666667 P PPL IN 28 123797 2038 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9743 1273491 Darbhanga Darbhanga 26.1666667 85.9 P PPL IN 34 287150 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9744 1273574 Dandeli Dandeli 15.2666667 74.6166667 P PPL IN 19 52295 477 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9745 1273581 Dānāpur Danapur 25.6333333 85.05 P PPL IN 34 152940 50 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9746 1273587 Damoh Damoh 23.8333333 79.45 P PPL IN 35 118776 354 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9747 1273593 Dāmnagar Damnagar 21.7 71.5166667 P PPL IN 09 17766 136 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9748 1273618 Damān Daman 20.4166667 72.85 P PPL IN 32 39737 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9749 1273626 Dāltenganj Daltenganj 24.0333333 84.0666667 P PPL IN 38 77704 215 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9750 1273628 Dalsingh Sarai Dalsingh Sarai 25.6666667 85.8333333 P PPL IN 34 21611 44 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9751 1273642 Dālkola Dalkola 25.85 87.85 P PPL IN 28 15285 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9752 1273665 Dākor Dakor 22.75 73.15 P PPL IN 09 25019 49 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9753 1273687 Dāhod Dahod 22.8333333 74.2666667 P PPL IN 09 83966 280 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9754 1273704 Dahegām Dahegam 23.1666667 72.8166667 P PPL IN 09 40671 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9755 1273708 Dāhānu Dahanu 19.9666667 72.7333333 P PPL IN 16 49048 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9756 1273724 Dādri Dadri 28.5666667 77.55 P PPL IN 36 70609 201 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9757 1273745 Dabwāli Dabwali 29.95 74.7333333 P PPL IN 10 62113 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9758 1273751 Dabra Dabra 25.9 78.3333333 P PPL IN 35 60836 204 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9759 1273756 Daboh Daboh 26.0025 78.8761111 P PPL IN 35 18298 163 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9760 1273766 Dabhoi Dabhoi 22.1833333 73.4333333 P PPL IN 09 56253 96 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9761 1273780 Cuttack Cuttack 20.464972713141 85.8792686462402 P PPL IN 21 580000 33 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-19
+ 9762 1273788 Curchorem Curchorem 15.25 74.1 P PPL IN 33 22510 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9763 1273793 Cuncolim Cuncolim 15.1666667 73.9833333 P PPL IN 33 16122 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9764 1273795 Cumbum Cumbum 15.5666667 79.1166667 P PPL IN 02 22653 186 Asia/Kolkata 2007-12-25
+ 9765 1273800 Cuddapah Cuddapah 14.4666667 78.8166667 P PPL IN 02 127010 138 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9766 1273802 Cuddalore Cuddalore 11.75 79.75 P PPL IN IN 25 158569 1 Asia/Kolkata 2007-06-18
+ 9767 1273834 Coondapoor Coondapoor 13.6333333 74.7 P PPL IN 19 28491 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9768 1273850 Colonelganj Colonelganj 27.1333333 81.7 P PPL IN 36 25503 119 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9769 1273856 Colgong Colgong 25.2666667 87.2166667 P PPL IN 34 24081 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9770 1273858 Calangute Calangute 15.5438956557379 73.7552976608276 P PPL IN 33 17446 1 Asia/Kolkata 2008-10-07
+ 9771 1273865 Coimbatore Coimbatore 11.0 76.9666667 P PPL IN 25 959823 380 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9772 1273874 Cochin Cochin 9.9666667 76.2333333 P PPL IN 13 604696 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9773 1273880 Clement Town Clement Town 30.2666667 78.0666667 P PPL IN 39 20806 626 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9774 1273892 Chūru Churu 28.3 74.95 P PPL IN 24 103533 292 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9775 1273909 Churāchāndpur Churachandpur 24.3333333 93.6666667 P PPL IN 17 47774 922 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9776 1273923 Chunār Chunar 25.1333333 82.9 P PPL IN 36 36459 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9777 1273960 Chotila Chotila 22.4166667 71.1833333 P PPL IN 09 15197 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9778 1273992 Chopda Chopda 21.25 75.3 P PPL IN 16 65598 190 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9779 1274020 Chodavaram Chodavaram 17.8333333 82.95 P PPL IN 02 29000 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9780 1274021 Chodavaram Chodavaram 17.45 81.7666667 P PPL IN 02 25074 163 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9781 1274032 Chittūr Chittur 10.7 76.75 P PPL IN 13 31608 131 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9782 1274040 Chittaurgarh Chittaurgarh 24.8833333 74.6333333 P PPL IN 24 106710 392 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9783 1274043 Chittaranjan Chittaranjan 23.8666667 86.8666667 P PPL IN 28 45305 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9784 1274056 Chitradurga Chitradurga 14.2333333 76.4 P PPL IN 19 138587 732 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9785 1274077 Chītāpur Chitapur 17.1166667 77.0833333 P PPL IN 19 30139 398 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9786 1274102 Chirāwa Chirawa 28.25 75.6333333 P PPL IN 24 41319 297 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9787 1274106 Chīrāla Chirala 15.8166667 80.35 P PPL IN 02 87001 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9788 1274116 Chīpurupalle Chipurupalle 18.3 83.5666667 P PPL IN 02 25898 84 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9789 1274119 Chiplūn Chiplun 17.5333333 73.5166667 P PPL IN 16 51437 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9790 1274129 Chintāmani Chintamani 13.4 78.0666667 P PPL IN 19 71798 865 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9791 1274146 Chinna Salem Chinna Salem 11.65 78.9 P PPL IN 25 20111 126 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9792 1274151 Chinnamanūr Chinnamanur 9.8333333 77.3833333 P PPL IN 25 39213 371 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9793 1274169 Chincholi Chincholi 17.4666667 77.4333333 P PPL IN 19 20447 460 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9794 1274195 Chillūpār Chillupar 26.2822222 83.5083333 P PPL IN 36 20518 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9795 1274213 Chilakalūrupet Chilakalurupet 16.0833333 80.1666667 P PPL IN 02 94011 37 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9796 1274218 Chikodi Chikodi 16.4333333 74.6 P PPL IN 19 34984 683 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9797 1274219 Chiknāyakanhalli Chiknayakanhalli 13.4172222 76.6227778 P PPL IN 19 24292 801 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9798 1274220 Chikmagalūr Chikmagalur 13.3166667 75.7833333 P PPL IN 19 121484 1041 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9799 1274237 Chikhli Chikhli 20.35 76.25 P PPL IN 16 52841 596 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9800 1274243 Chik Ballāpur Chik Ballapur 13.4341667 77.7241667 P PPL IN 19 57831 923 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9801 1274256 Chidambaram Chidambaram 11.4 79.7 P PPL IN 25 58650 3 Asia/Kolkata 2008-06-10
+ 9802 1274265 Chīcholi Chicholi 21.4666667 79.6833333 P PPL IN 16 18864 297 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9803 1274284 Chhoti Sādri Chhoti Sadri 24.3833333 74.7 P PPL IN 24 17335 485 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9804 1274285 Chhota Udepur Chhota Udepur 22.3166667 74.0166667 P PPL IN 09 24517 135 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9805 1274304 Chhindwāra Chhindwara 22.0666667 78.9333333 P PPL IN 35 134847 676 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9806 1274315 Chhibrāmau Chhibramau 27.15 79.5166667 P PPL IN 36 57071 152 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9807 1274337 Chhatarpur Chhatarpur 24.9 79.6 P PPL IN 35 111594 305 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9808 1274342 Chhātāpur Chhatapur 26.2166667 87.0166667 P PPL IN 34 23425 48 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9809 1274343 Chhāta Chhata 27.7166667 77.5 P PPL IN 36 21260 185 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9810 1274346 Chharra Chharra 27.9333333 78.4166667 P PPL IN 36 24535 176 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9811 1274351 Chhaprauli Chhaprauli 29.2166667 77.1833333 P PPL IN 00 19224 234 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9812 1274359 Chhāpar Chhapar 27.8166667 74.4 P PPL IN 24 18727 301 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9813 1274369 Chhala Chhala 23.3 72.7666667 P PPL IN 09 17323 98 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9814 1274381 Chhabra Chhabra 24.6666667 76.8333333 P PPL IN 24 25676 322 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9815 1274389 Chettipālaiyam Chettipalaiyam 10.9 77.0666667 P PPL IN 25 24080 334 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9816 1274394 Chetput Chetput 13.07 80.2408333 P PPLX IN 25 18326 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9817 1274422 Chennimalai Chennimalai 11.1666667 77.6166667 P PPL IN 25 16268 346 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9818 1274428 Chengannūr Chengannur 9.3333333 76.6333333 P PPL IN 13 25043 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9819 1274429 Chengam Chengam 12.3 78.8 P PPL IN 25 23904 272 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9820 1274430 Chengalpattu Chengalpattu 12.7 79.9833333 P PPL IN 25 65689 46 Asia/Kolkata 2008-12-05
+ 9821 1274468 Chāvakkād Chavakkad 10.5333333 76.05 P PPL IN 13 38011 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9822 1274532 Chātsu Chatsu 26.6 75.95 P PPL IN 24 33098 297 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9823 1274533 Chatrapur Chatrapur 19.35 84.9833333 P PPL IN 21 21123 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9824 1274536 Chatra Chatra 24.2166667 84.8666667 P PPL IN 38 46844 414 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9825 1274553 Chās Chas 23.6333333 86.1666667 P PPL IN 38 112141 210 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9826 1274560 Charthāwāl Charthawal 29.55 77.5833333 P PPL IN 36 19942 242 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9827 1274571 Charkhi Dādri Charkhi Dadri 28.6 76.2666667 P PPL IN 10 50558 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9828 1274574 Charkhāri Charkhari 25.4 79.75 P PPL IN 36 24881 184 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9829 1274618 Chāpar Chapar 26.2666667 90.4666667 P PPL IN 03 19301 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9830 1274640 Channarāyapatna Channarayapatna 12.9044444 76.3916667 P PPL IN 19 37681 828 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9831 1274641 Channapatna Channapatna 12.65 77.2166667 P PPL IN 19 66647 739 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9832 1274642 Channagiri Channagiri 14.0333333 75.9333333 P PPL IN 19 20376 668 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9833 1274664 Changanācheri Changanacheri 9.4666667 76.55 P PPL IN 13 51430 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9834 1274673 Chāndvad Chandvad 20.3333333 74.25 P PPL IN 16 19592 858 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9835 1274674 Chāndūr Bāzār Chandur Bazar 21.2416667 77.7455556 P PPL IN 16 18780 363 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9836 1274675 Chāndur Chandur 20.8166667 77.9666667 P PPL IN 16 19163 334 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9837 1274676 Chāndur Chandur 19.7333333 79.1833333 P PPL IN 16 23125 231 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9838 1274693 Chandrapur Chandrapur 19.95 79.3 P PPL IN 16 328351 189 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9839 1274699 Chandrakona Chandrakona 22.7333333 87.5166667 P PPL IN 28 21855 28 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9840 1274714 Chāndpur Chandpur 29.15 78.2666667 P PPL IN 36 73555 210 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9841 1274746 Chandīgarh Chandigarh 30.7372222 76.7872222 P PPLA IN 05 914371 326 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9842 1274755 Chanderi Chanderi 24.7166667 78.1333333 P PPL IN 35 32549 453 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9843 1274767 Chandausi Chandausi 28.45 78.7666667 P PPL IN 36 112635 184 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9844 1274770 Chandauli Chandauli 25.2666667 83.2666667 P PPL IN 36 25035 69 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9845 1274784 Chandannagar Chandannagar 22.8691667 88.3772222 P PPL IN 28 180623 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9846 1274807 Chānasma Chanasma 23.7166667 72.1166667 P PPL IN 09 15572 61 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9847 1274821 Chāmrājnagar Chamrajnagar 11.9166667 76.95 P PPL IN 19 67992 651 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9848 1274837 Chāmpa Champa 22.05 82.65 P PPL IN 37 41252 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9849 1274848 Chamba Chamba 32.5666667 76.1333333 P PPL IN 11 21502 1047 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9850 1274861 Challapalle Challapalle 16.1166667 80.9333333 P PPL IN 02 16841 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9851 1274862 Challakere Challakere 14.3166667 76.65 P PPL IN 19 53506 581 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9852 1274868 Chālisgaon Chalisgaon 20.4666667 75.0166667 P PPL IN 16 96381 339 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9853 1274874 Chalāla Chalala 21.4166667 71.1666667 P PPL IN 09 17081 159 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9854 1274890 Chakradharpur Chakradharpur 22.7 85.6333333 P PPL IN 38 40599 228 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9855 1274896 Chaklāsi Chaklasi 22.65 72.9333333 P PPL IN 09 38435 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9856 1274899 Chākia Chakia 26.4166667 85.05 P PPL IN 34 17831 52 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9857 1274914 Chākan Chakan 18.75 73.85 P PPL IN 16 23161 646 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9858 1274928 Chāībāsa Chaibasa 22.5666667 85.8166667 P PPL IN 38 66252 218 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9859 1274984 Canning Canning 22.3188889 88.6713889 P PPL IN 28 42132 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9860 1274987 Cannanore Cannanore 11.85 75.3666667 P PPL IN 13 62836 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9861 1275004 Calcutta Calcutta 22.5697222 88.3697222 P PPLA IN 28 4631392 16 Asia/Kolkata 2009-09-04
+ 9862 1275016 Byādgi Byadgi 14.6833333 75.4833333 P PPL IN 19 27719 597 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9863 1275019 Buxar Buxar 25.5833333 83.9833333 P PPL IN 34 96120 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9864 1275050 Burla Burla 21.5 83.8666667 P PPL IN 21 40816 173 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9865 1275066 Burhar Burhar 23.2166667 81.5333333 P PPL IN 35 18191 476 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9866 1275068 Burhānpur Burhanpur 21.3 76.2333333 P PPL IN 35 202695 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9867 1275097 Būndu Bundu 23.1833333 85.5833333 P PPL IN 38 19467 360 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9868 1275103 Būndi Bundi 25.4416667 75.6416667 P PPL IN 24 98569 291 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9869 1275117 Buldāna Buldana 20.5333333 76.1833333 P PPL IN 16 66991 652 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9870 1275120 Bulandshahr Bulandshahr 28.4 77.85 P PPL IN 36 198612 196 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9871 1275147 Budhlāda Budhlada 29.9333333 75.5666667 P PPL IN 23 25431 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9872 1275152 Budhāna Budhana 29.2833333 77.4666667 P PPL IN 36 35442 231 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9873 1275163 Budaun Budaun 28.05 79.1166667 P PPL IN 36 161555 169 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9874 1275194 Brājarājnagar Brajarajnagar 21.8166667 83.9166667 P PPL IN 21 79421 201 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9875 1275198 Brahmapur Brahmapur 19.3166667 84.7833333 P PPL IN 21 324726 31 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9876 1275218 Botād Botad 22.1666667 71.6666667 P PPL IN 09 117053 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9877 1275230 Borsad Borsad 22.4166667 72.9 P PPL IN 09 60271 30 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9878 1275321 Bongaigaon Bongaigaon 26.4666667 90.5666667 P PPL IN 03 64902 67 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9879 1275339 Mumbai Mumbai 19.0144100168904 72.8479385375977 P PPLA IN 16 12691836 12 Asia/Kolkata 2009-03-02
+ 9880 1275346 Bolpur Bolpur 23.6666667 87.7166667 P PPL IN 28 70998 60 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9881 1275362 Bokāro Bokaro 23.7833333 85.9666667 P PPL IN 38 418533 234 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9882 1275364 Bokajān Bokajan 26.0166667 93.7833333 P PPL IN 03 16561 125 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9883 1275368 Boisar Boisar 19.8 72.75 P PPL IN 16 15692 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9884 1275388 Bodināyakkanūr Bodinayakkanur 10.0166667 77.35 P PPL IN 25 75680 365 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9885 1275389 Bodh Gaya Bodh Gaya 24.7 84.9833333 P PPL IN 34 35188 108 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9886 1275391 Bodhan Bodhan 18.6666667 77.9 P PPL IN 02 73938 350 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9887 1275406 Bobbili Bobbili 18.5666667 83.3666667 P PPL IN 02 52843 108 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9888 1275435 Biswān Biswan 27.5 81.0 P PPL IN 36 52516 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9889 1275441 Bissau Bissau 28.25 75.0833333 P PPL IN 24 22620 294 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9890 1275462 Bishnupur Bishnupur 23.0833333 87.3166667 P PPL IN 28 64041 59 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9891 1275476 Bisauli Bisauli 28.3166667 78.9333333 P PPL IN 36 32154 181 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9892 1275481 Bīsalpur Bisalpur 28.3 79.8 P PPL IN 36 68355 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9893 1275488 Birūr Birur 13.6166667 75.9666667 P PPL IN 19 23493 822 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9894 1275499 Bīrpur Birpur 26.5166667 87.0166667 P PPL IN 34 18968 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9895 1275506 Birmitrapur Birmitrapur 22.4 84.7666667 P PPL IN 21 27879 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9896 1275558 Binika Binika 21.0333333 83.8 P PPL IN 21 15095 122 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9897 1275572 Bindki Bindki 26.0333333 80.6 P PPL IN 36 36058 125 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9898 1275582 Bīna-Etāwa Bina-Etawa 24.2 78.2 P PPL IN 35 55185 385 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9899 1275589 Belthara Belthara 26.1230556 83.8688889 P PPL IN 36 17228 64 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9900 1275590 Bilsi Bilsi 28.1333333 78.9166667 P PPL IN 36 26320 180 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9901 1275593 Bilsanda Bilsanda 28.25 79.95 P PPL IN 36 15538 161 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9902 1275614 Bilhaur Bilhaur 26.85 80.0833333 P PPL IN 36 19333 116 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9903 1275618 Bilgrām Bilgram 27.1833333 80.0333333 P PPL IN 36 27173 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9904 1275619 Bilgi Bilgi 16.35 75.6166667 P PPL IN 19 16257 565 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9905 1275634 Bilāspur Bilaspur 28.8833333 79.2666667 P PPL IN 36 39873 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9906 1275637 Bilāspur Bilaspur 22.0833333 82.15 P PPL IN 37 282705 264 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9907 1275641 Bilāsipāra Bilasipara 26.2333333 90.2333333 P PPL IN 03 37739 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9908 1275646 Bilāri Bilari 28.6333333 78.8 P PPL IN 36 29666 185 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9909 1275647 Bilāra Bilara 26.1791667 73.7055556 P PPL IN 24 41710 274 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9910 1275655 Bikramganj Bikramganj 25.2 84.25 P PPL IN 34 42626 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9911 1275665 Bīkāner Bikaner 28.0166667 73.3 P PPL IN 24 576015 226 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9912 1275679 Bijnor Bijnor 29.3666667 78.1333333 P PPL IN 36 84593 223 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9913 1275692 Bijbiāra Bijbiara 33.8 75.1 P PPL IN 12 24590 1592 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9914 1275694 Bijāwar Bijawar 24.6333333 79.5 P PPL IN 35 19468 398 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9915 1275701 Bijāpur Bijapur 16.8333333 75.7 P PPL IN 19 271064 606 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9916 1275716 Bihār Sharīf Bihar Sharif 25.1833333 85.5166667 P PPL IN 34 244230 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9917 1275719 Bihārīganj Bihariganj 25.7333333 86.9833333 P PPL IN 34 32805 39 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9918 1275732 Bidhūna Bidhuna 26.8166667 79.5166667 P PPL IN 36 27158 133 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9919 1275738 Bīdar Bidar 17.9 77.55 P PPL IN 19 204071 615 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9920 1275762 Biaora Biaora 23.8666667 76.9166667 P PPL IN 35 41989 415 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9921 1275768 Bhuvanagiri Bhuvanagiri 11.4666667 79.6333333 P PPL IN 25 20656 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9922 1275778 Bhusāwal Bhusawal 21.05 75.7666667 P PPL IN 16 183001 209 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9923 1275804 Bhūm Bhum 18.4666667 75.6666667 P PPL IN 16 18543 602 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9924 1275812 Bhuj Bhuj 23.2666667 69.6666667 P PPL IN 09 133459 104 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9925 1275814 Bhudgaon Bhudgaon 16.9 74.6 P PPL IN 16 15738 553 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9926 1275817 Bhubaneshwar Bhubaneshwar 20.2333333 85.8333333 P PPLA IN 21 762243 27 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9927 1275818 Bhuban Bhuban 20.8833333 85.8333333 P PPL IN 21 20478 66 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9928 1275836 Bhor Bhor 18.1666667 73.85 P PPL IN 16 18982 596 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9929 1275841 Bhopāl Bhopal 23.2666667 77.4 P PPLA IN 35 1599914 487 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 9930 1275848 Bhongīr Bhongir 17.5108333 78.8888889 P PPL IN 02 50094 448 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9931 1275849 Bhongaon Bhongaon 27.25 79.1833333 P PPL IN 36 29911 152 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9932 1275882 Bhogpur Bhogpur 31.55 75.6325 P PPL IN 23 18008 231 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9933 1275899 Bhiwāni Bhiwani 28.7833333 76.1333333 P PPL IN 10 190855 222 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9934 1275901 Bhiwandi Bhiwandi 19.3 73.0666667 P PPL IN 16 707035 24 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 9935 1275905 Bhitarwār Bhitarwar 25.8 78.1166667 P PPL IN 35 17679 199 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9936 1275920 Bhīnmāl Bhinmal 25.0 72.25 P PPL IN 24 42863 146 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9937 1275921 Bhinga Bhinga 27.7166667 81.9333333 P PPL IN 36 22016 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9938 1275925 Bhīndar Bhindar 24.5 74.1833333 P PPL IN 24 16945 476 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9939 1275926 Bhind Bhind 26.5641667 78.7883333 P PPL IN 35 174035 142 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9940 1275930 Bhīmunipatnam Bhimunipatnam 17.8833333 83.4333333 P PPL IN 02 44843 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9941 1275947 Bhīmavaram Bhimavaram 16.5333333 81.5333333 P PPL IN 02 142967 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9942 1275960 Bhīlwāra Bhilwara 25.35 74.6333333 P PPL IN 24 326431 425 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9943 1275971 Bhilai Bhilai 21.2166667 81.4333333 P PPL IN 37 625138 288 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 9944 1275977 Bhīkhi Bhikhi 30.0666667 75.5333333 P PPL IN 23 15961 218 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9945 1275978 Bhikangaon Bhikangaon 21.8666667 75.95 P PPL IN 35 15321 275 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9946 1276013 Bhāyāvadar Bhayavadar 21.85 70.25 P PPL IN 09 19458 71 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9947 1276023 Bhawānipatna Bhawanipatna 19.9 83.1666667 P PPL IN 21 64468 248 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9948 1276026 Bhawānīgarh Bhawanigarh 30.2666667 76.035 P PPL IN 23 19376 242 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9949 1276027 Bhawāniganj Bhawaniganj 24.4166667 75.8333333 P PPL IN 35 38030 377 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9950 1276032 Bhāvnagar Bhavnagar 21.7666667 72.15 P PPL IN 09 554978 25 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-07
+ 9951 1276037 Bhavāni Bhavani 11.45 77.6833333 P PPL IN 25 39744 194 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9952 1276054 Bhattiprolu Bhattiprolu 16.1 80.7833333 P PPL IN 02 18001 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9953 1276058 Bhātpāra Bhatpara 22.8713889 88.4088889 P PPL IN 28 483129 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9954 1276067 Bhatkal Bhatkal 13.9666667 74.5666667 P PPL IN 19 31735 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9955 1276070 Bhatinda Bhatinda 30.2 74.95 P PPL IN 23 242800 202 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9956 1276084 Bhātāpāra Bhatapara 21.7333333 81.9333333 P PPL IN 37 51751 259 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9957 1276092 Bhasāwar Bhasawar 27.0333333 77.0333333 P PPL IN 24 18996 232 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9958 1276095 Bharwāri Bharwari 25.55 81.5 P PPL IN 36 16411 88 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9959 1276100 Bharūch Bharuch 21.7 72.9666667 P PPL IN 09 153528 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9960 1276103 Bharthana Bharthana 26.75 79.2333333 P PPL IN 36 41055 135 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9961 1276128 Bharatpur Bharatpur 27.2166667 77.4833333 P PPL IN 24 229384 177 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9962 1276147 Bhānvad Bhanvad 21.9263889 69.7736111 P PPL IN 09 20823 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 9963 1276151 Bhānpuri Bhanpuri 21.1 80.9166667 P PPL IN 37 17270 301 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9964 1276152 Bhānpura Bhanpura 24.5166667 75.7333333 P PPL IN 35 17082 385 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9965 1276159 Bhanjanagar Bhanjanagar 19.9333333 84.5833333 P PPL IN 21 20647 77 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9966 1276178 Bhānder Bhander 25.7333333 78.75 P PPL IN 35 22482 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9967 1276191 Bhandāra Bhandara 21.1666667 79.65 P PPL IN 16 90183 247 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9968 1276219 Bhālki Bhalki 18.0333333 77.2166667 P PPL IN 19 38583 587 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9969 1276249 Bhaisa Bhaisa 19.1 77.9666667 P PPL IN 02 46120 364 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9970 1276265 Bhainsdehi Bhainsdehi 21.6466667 77.6325 P PPL IN 35 16400 753 Asia/Kolkata 2008-09-30
+ 9971 1276300 Bhāgalpur Bhagalpur 25.25 87.0 P PPL IN 34 361548 41 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9972 1276320 Bhadreswar Bhadreswar 22.8244444 88.3505556 P PPL IN 28 121662 2 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9973 1276321 Bhadrāvati Bhadravati 13.8666667 75.7166667 P PPL IN 19 163903 594 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9974 1276325 Bhadrakh Bhadrakh 21.0527778 86.52 P PPL IN 21 98648 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9975 1276328 Bhadrāchalam Bhadrachalam 17.6666667 80.8833333 P PPL IN 02 45656 32 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9976 1276330 Bhādra Bhadra 29.1166667 75.1666667 P PPL IN 24 37629 189 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9977 1276335 Bhadohī Bhadohi 25.4166667 82.5666667 P PPL IN 36 78568 80 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9978 1276353 Bhadaur Bhadaur 30.4833333 75.3166667 P PPL IN 23 17532 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9979 1276355 Bhādāsar Bhadasar 28.2833333 74.3166667 P PPL IN 24 33006 263 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9980 1276370 Bhachāu Bhachau 23.2833333 70.35 P PPL IN 09 24044 41 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9981 1276371 Bhabua Bhabua 25.05 83.6166667 P PPL IN 34 48641 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9982 1276378 Beypore Beypore 11.1833333 75.8166667 P PPL IN 13 70751 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 9983 1276381 Bewar Bewar 27.2166667 79.3 P PPL IN 36 23280 153 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9984 1276389 Betūl Betul 21.9152778 77.8961111 P PPL IN 35 91953 660 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9985 1276393 Bettiah Bettiah 26.8 84.5 P PPL IN 34 127008 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9986 1276416 Betamcherla Betamcherla 15.4666667 78.1666667 P PPL IN 02 35417 397 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9987 1276437 Beri Khās Beri Khas 28.7 76.5833333 P PPL IN 10 16727 210 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9988 1276449 Berasia Berasia 23.6333333 77.4333333 P PPL IN 35 27091 492 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9989 1276455 Beohāri Beohari 24.05 81.3833333 P PPL IN 35 22107 338 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9990 1276478 Bemetāra Bemetara 21.7 81.5333333 P PPL IN 37 24910 273 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9991 1276486 Belūr Belur 13.1666667 75.8666667 P PPL IN 19 21551 963 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9992 1276495 Belsand Belsand 26.45 85.4 P PPL IN 34 19396 55 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9993 1276502 Belonia Belonia 23.2527778 91.4513889 P PPL IN 26 16735 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9994 1276509 Bellary Bellary 15.15 76.9333333 P PPL IN 19 336681 451 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9995 1276533 Belgaum Belgaum 15.8666667 74.5 P PPL IN 19 428720 768 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 9996 1276548 Beldānga Beldanga 23.9333333 88.25 P PPL IN 28 27489 20 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9997 1276574 Bela Bela 25.9333333 81.9833333 P PPL IN 36 73992 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 9998 1276589 Behror Behror 27.8833333 76.2833333 P PPL IN 24 25815 309 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 9999 1276600 Behat Behat 30.1666667 77.6166667 P PPL IN 36 18223 279 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10000 1276609 Begusarai Begusarai 25.4166667 86.1333333 P PPL IN 34 103060 42 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10001 1276615 Begūn Begun 24.9833333 75.0 P PPL IN 24 20836 412 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10002 1276621 Begamganj Begamganj 23.6 78.3333333 P PPL IN 35 33467 493 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10003 1276627 Bedi Bedi 22.5 70.05 P PPL IN 09 21327 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10004 1276634 Beāwar Beawar 26.1 74.3166667 P PPL IN 24 130777 439 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10005 1276642 Bāzpur Bazpur 29.15 79.1166667 P PPL IN 39 23900 227 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10006 1276652 Bayāna Bayana 26.9 77.2833333 P PPL IN 24 36399 273 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10007 1276663 Bawāna Bawana 28.8 77.0333333 P PPL IN 07 24906 213 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10008 1276686 Bauda Bauda 20.8333333 84.3166667 P PPL IN 21 18945 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10009 1276720 Batāla Batala 31.8186111 75.2027778 P PPL IN 23 145468 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10010 1276724 Baswa Baswa 27.15 76.5833333 P PPL IN 24 22515 290 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10011 1276731 Bāsudebpur Basudebpur 21.1352778 86.7386111 P PPL IN 21 31827 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10012 1276736 Basti Basti 26.8 82.7166667 P PPL IN 36 115115 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10013 1276752 Bāsoda Basoda 23.85 77.9333333 P PPL IN 35 69278 406 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10014 1276754 Basni Basni 27.1666667 73.65 P PPL IN 24 23414 292 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10015 1276757 Basmat Basmat 19.3166667 77.1666667 P PPL IN 16 63972 383 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10016 1276764 Basi Basi 30.6916667 76.3986111 P PPL IN 23 18591 262 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10017 1276765 Dera Bassi Dera Bassi 30.5872222 76.8427778 P PPL IN 23 18739 298 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10018 1276767 Basi Basi 26.8333333 76.0333333 P PPL IN 24 21096 340 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10019 1276782 Basavana Bāgevādi Basavana Bagevadi 16.5833333 75.9666667 P PPL IN 19 30827 608 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10020 1276783 Basavakalyān Basavakalyan 17.8666667 76.95 P PPL IN 19 65805 616 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10021 1276810 Barwāni Barwani 22.0333333 74.9 P PPL IN 35 47343 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10022 1276815 Barwāla Barwala 29.3833333 75.9166667 P PPL IN 10 36694 214 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10023 1276829 Bāruni Baruni 25.4833333 85.9833333 P PPL IN 34 84888 48 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10024 1276832 Bāruipur Baruipur 22.3497222 88.4391667 P PPL IN 28 47874 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10025 1276856 Bārsi Barsi 18.2333333 75.7 P PPL IN 16 110983 516 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10026 1276867 Barpeta Barpeta 26.3166667 91.0 P PPL IN 03 48824 30 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10027 1276870 Barpāli Barpali 21.2 83.5833333 P PPL IN 21 20202 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10028 1276895 Barnāla Barnala 30.3833333 75.55 P PPL IN 23 105016 227 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10029 1276901 Bārmer Barmer 25.75 71.3833333 P PPL IN 24 89487 296 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10030 1276919 Barki Saria Barki Saria 24.1666667 85.8833333 P PPL IN 38 24134 325 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10031 1276927 Barka Kāna Barka Kana 23.6166667 85.4833333 P PPL IN 38 18182 366 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10032 1276938 Barjala Barjala 23.6166667 91.3666667 P PPL IN 26 17998 48 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10033 1276939 Bari Sādri Bari Sadri 24.4166667 74.4666667 P PPL IN 24 15616 474 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10034 1276948 Bāri Bari 26.65 77.6 P PPL IN 24 56136 216 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10035 1276954 Barhiya Barhiya 25.2833333 86.0333333 P PPL IN 34 43045 34 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10036 1276977 Bārh Barh 25.4833333 85.7166667 P PPL IN 34 49557 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10037 1276982 Bargi Bargi 22.9833333 79.8666667 P PPL IN 35 17588 393 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10038 1276988 Bargarh Bargarh 21.3333333 83.6166667 P PPL IN 21 68670 171 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10039 1277013 Bareilly Bareilly 28.35 79.4166667 P PPL IN 36 745435 166 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10040 1277022 Bārdoli Bardoli 21.1166667 73.1166667 P PPL IN 09 57810 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10041 1277029 Barddhamān Barddhaman 23.25 87.85 P PPL IN 28 301725 40 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-08
+ 10042 1277038 Bar Bigha Bar Bigha 25.2166667 85.7333333 P PPL IN 34 41758 44 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10043 1277044 Baraut Baraut 29.1 77.2666667 P PPL IN 36 93544 231 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10044 1277053 Barauli Barauli 26.4 84.5833333 P PPL IN 34 37302 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10045 1277065 Bārāsat Barasat 22.7166667 88.5166667 P PPL IN 28 298127 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10046 1277082 Baranagar Baranagar 22.6433333 88.3652778 P PPLX IN 28 260072 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10047 1277084 Bārān Baran 25.1 76.5166667 P PPL IN 24 87478 262 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10048 1277085 Bāramūla Baramula 34.2 74.35 P PPL IN 12 77276 1593 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10049 1277091 Bārāmati Baramati 18.15 74.5833333 P PPL IN 16 53919 542 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10050 1277100 Bārākpur Barakpur 22.7613889 88.3719444 P PPL IN 28 148174 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10051 1277183 Bāpatla Bapatla 15.9 80.4666667 P PPL IN 02 70117 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10052 1277200 Banūr Banur 30.5555556 76.7183333 P PPL IN 23 17349 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10053 1277201 Bantvāl Bantval 12.9 75.0333333 P PPL IN 19 37619 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10054 1277202 Bāntva Bantva 21.4863889 70.0688889 P PPL IN 09 15051 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-12-13
+ 10055 1277214 Bānswāra Banswara 23.55 74.45 P PPL IN 24 93648 302 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10056 1277216 Bānswāda Banswada 18.3833333 77.8833333 P PPL IN 02 22665 371 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10057 1277232 Bānsi Bansi 27.1833333 82.9333333 P PPL IN 36 39926 86 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10058 1277238 Bānsdīh Bansdih 25.8833333 84.2166667 P PPL IN 34 21457 54 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10059 1277240 Bānsbāria Bansbaria 22.9719444 88.3994444 P PPL IN 28 108474 16 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10060 1277255 Bannūr Bannur 12.3308333 76.8630556 P PPL IN 19 25455 665 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10061 1277263 Banmankhi Banmankhi 25.8833333 87.1833333 P PPL IN 34 26806 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10062 1277264 Bānkura Bankura 23.25 87.0666667 P PPL IN 28 133966 78 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10063 1277273 Bānki Banki 20.3833333 85.5333333 P PPL IN 21 16555 48 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10064 1277289 Bānka Banka 24.8833333 86.9166667 P PPL IN 34 38939 79 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10065 1277318 Bāngarmau Bangarmau 26.9 80.2166667 P PPL IN 36 37425 122 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10066 1277320 Bangārapet Bangarapet 12.9666667 78.2 P PPL IN 19 42789 843 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10067 1277324 Bangaon Bangaon 23.0666667 88.8166667 P PPL IN 28 111693 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10068 1277330 Banganapalle Banganapalle 15.3166667 78.2333333 P PPL IN 02 25325 219 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10069 1277333 Bengaluru Bengaluru 12.9762266976805 77.6032912731171 P PPL IN 19 5104047 920 914 Asia/Kolkata 2009-04-20
+ 10070 1277338 Banga Banga 31.1869444 75.9922222 P PPL IN 23 19234 238 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10071 1277358 Bandipura Bandipura 34.4166667 74.65 P PPL IN 12 31978 1826 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10072 1277362 Bāndīkūi Bandikui 27.05 76.5666667 P PPL IN 24 16165 280 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10073 1277397 Bānda Banda 25.4833333 80.3333333 P PPL IN 36 152218 124 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10074 1277398 Banda Banda 24.05 78.95 P PPL IN 35 28978 502 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10075 1277409 Banat Banat 29.4666667 77.35 P PPL IN 36 21580 243 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10076 1277426 Bānapur Banapur 19.7833333 85.1833333 P PPL IN 21 17499 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10077 1277442 Bāmor Kalān Bamor Kalan 24.9 78.15 P PPL IN 35 27860 354 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10078 1277508 Bālurghāt Balurghat 25.2166667 88.7666667 P PPL IN 28 141404 27 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10079 1277514 Bālugaon Balugaon 20.1666667 85.1 P PPL IN 21 17238 93 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10080 1277525 Balrāmpur Balrampur 27.4333333 82.1833333 P PPL IN 36 77396 105 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10081 1277527 Bālotra Balotra 25.8333333 72.2333333 P PPL IN 24 68120 104 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10082 1277530 Baloda Bāzār Baloda Bazar 21.6666667 82.1666667 P PPL IN 37 25235 249 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10083 1277535 Balod Balod 20.73 81.2047222 P PPL IN 37 22275 326 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10084 1277539 Bāli Bali 22.6461111 88.3402778 P PPL IN 28 296973 14 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10085 1277557 Ballālpur Ballalpur 19.8333333 79.35 P PPLX IN 16 92146 175 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10086 1277590 Bāli Bali 25.1833333 73.2833333 P PPL IN 24 19259 304 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10087 1277599 Balasore Balasore 21.4941667 86.9316667 P PPL IN 21 114321 23 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10088 1277634 Balarāmpur Balarampur 23.1166667 86.2166667 P PPL IN 28 22847 298 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10089 1277636 Bālāpur Balapur 20.6666667 76.7666667 P PPL IN 16 42401 268 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10090 1277643 Balāngīr Balangir 20.7166667 83.4833333 P PPL IN 21 91241 184 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10091 1277661 Bālāghāt Balaghat 21.8 80.1833333 P PPL IN 35 80360 281 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10092 1277666 Bālāchor Balachor 31.0666667 76.3166667 P PPL IN 23 19166 261 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10093 1277684 Bakhtiyārpur Bakhtiyarpur 25.4666667 85.5166667 P PPL IN 34 34533 40 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10094 1277723 Baj Baj Baj Baj 22.4747222 88.1702778 P PPL IN 28 76159 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10095 1277748 Bairāgnia Bairagnia 26.75 85.2833333 P PPL IN 34 37465 60 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10096 1277759 Baindūru Bainduru 13.8666667 74.6333333 P PPL IN 19 20323 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10097 1277765 Bail Hongal Bail Hongal 15.8166667 74.8666667 P PPL IN 19 47063 684 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10098 1277776 Baihar Baihar 22.1 80.55 P PPL IN 35 16168 567 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10099 1277780 Baidyabāti Baidyabati 22.785 88.3247222 P PPL IN 28 115504 15 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10100 1277799 Bahraich Bahraich 27.5833333 81.6 P PPL IN 36 182218 126 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10101 1277808 Bahjoi Bahjoi 28.4 78.6166667 P PPL IN 36 33752 192 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10102 1277814 Baheri Baheri 28.7833333 79.5 P PPL IN 36 63953 183 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10103 1277820 Baharampur Baharampur 24.1 88.25 P PPL IN 28 180547 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10104 1277835 Bahādurgarh Bahadurgarh 28.6833333 76.9166667 P PPL IN 10 153613 206 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10105 1277836 Bahādurganj Bahadurganj 26.2666667 87.8166667 P PPL IN 34 31405 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10106 1277841 Bāh Bah 26.87 78.5975 P PPL IN 36 15359 147 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10107 1277844 Bagulā Bagula 23.3166667 88.65 P PPL IN 28 20999 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10108 1277882 Bāghpat Baghpat 28.95 77.2166667 P PPL IN 00 41766 223 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10109 1277897 Bāghdogra Baghdogra 26.7 88.3166667 P PPL IN 28 17372 131 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10110 1277902 Bāgha Purāna Bagha Purana 30.6833333 75.1 P PPL IN 23 23360 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10111 1277909 Bāgepalli Bagepalli 13.7847222 77.7930556 P PPL IN 19 24031 714 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10112 1277924 Bagasra Bagasra 21.4833333 70.95 P PPL IN 09 32944 156 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10113 1277930 Bagar Bagar 28.1833333 75.5 P PPL IN 24 15670 315 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10114 1277936 Bāgalkot Bagalkot 16.1833333 75.7 P PPL IN 19 97269 533 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10115 1277939 Bagaha Bagaha 27.1 84.0833333 P PPL IN 34 103855 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10116 1277949 Badvel Badvel 14.75 79.05 P PPL IN 02 16238 127 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10117 1277950 Badūria Baduria 22.7416667 88.7858333 P PPL IN 28 49547 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10118 1277970 Badnāwar Badnawar 23.0166667 75.2166667 P PPL IN 35 18790 505 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10119 1277976 Badlapur Badlapur 19.15 73.2666667 P PPL IN 16 104636 44 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10120 1278017 Bādāmi Badami 15.9166667 75.6833333 P PPL IN 19 28314 567 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10121 1278023 Badagara Badagara 11.6 75.5833333 P PPL IN 13 76493 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10122 1278026 Bada Barabīl Bada Barabil 22.1166667 85.4 P PPL IN 21 56870 461 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10123 1278036 Bachhraon Bachhraon 28.9333333 78.2166667 P PPL IN 36 29232 209 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10124 1278052 Babrāla Babrala 28.2666667 78.4 P PPL IN 36 16670 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10125 1278054 Bābra Babra 21.85 71.3 P PPL IN 09 18993 158 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10126 1278058 Babīna Babina 25.25 78.4666667 P PPL IN 36 35538 303 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10127 1278064 Baberu Baberu 25.55 80.7166667 P PPL IN 36 15607 112 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10128 1278073 Bābai Babai 22.7 77.9333333 P PPL IN 35 16176 297 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10129 1278083 Āzamgarh Azamgarh 26.06 83.1861111 P PPL IN 36 116644 65 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10130 1278094 Ayodhya Ayodhya 26.8 82.2 P PPL IN 36 53293 93 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10131 1278100 Ayakkudi Ayakkudi 10.45 77.55 P PPL IN 25 24120 403 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10132 1278122 Avanigadda Avanigadda 16.0166667 80.9166667 P PPL IN 02 25761 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10133 1278124 Avanāshi Avanashi 11.2 77.2833333 P PPL IN 25 24327 315 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10134 1278130 Āvadi Avadi 13.1155556 80.1016667 P PPL IN 25 250044 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10135 1278139 Ausa Ausa 18.25 76.5 P PPL IN 16 34161 634 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10136 1278148 Aurangābād Aurangabad 24.75 84.3666667 P PPL IN 34 95929 108 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10137 1278149 Aurangābād Aurangabad 19.8833333 75.3333333 P PPL IN 16 1016441 572 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10138 1278152 Auraiya Auraiya 26.4666667 79.5166667 P PPL IN 36 70508 137 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10139 1278156 Aurād Aurad 18.25 77.4333333 P PPL IN 19 17019 558 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10140 1278173 Āttūr Attur 11.6 78.6166667 P PPL IN 25 58702 212 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10141 1278176 Attingal Attingal 8.6833333 76.8333333 P PPL IN 13 36595 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10142 1278190 Atrauli Atrauli 28.0333333 78.2833333 P PPL IN 36 47512 182 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-08
+ 10143 1278201 Atmakūr Atmakur 15.8833333 78.5833333 P PPL IN 02 35137 278 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10144 1278204 Atirāmpattinam Atirampattinam 10.35 79.4 P PPL IN 25 27909 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10145 1278208 Athni Athni 16.7333333 75.0666667 P PPL IN 19 42047 554 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10146 1278216 Āthagarh Athagarh 20.5333333 85.6166667 P PPL IN 21 16665 63 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10147 1278228 Atarra Atarra 25.2833333 80.5666667 P PPL IN 36 46168 124 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10148 1278278 Āsind Asind 25.7333333 74.3333333 P PPL IN 24 15389 466 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10149 1278279 Āsika Asika 19.6 84.65 P PPL IN 21 21134 30 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10150 1278282 Asifābād Asifabad 19.3666667 79.2833333 P PPL IN 02 21213 225 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10151 1278294 Ashta Ashta 23.0166667 76.7166667 P PPL IN 35 45365 518 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10152 1278296 Ashta Ashta 16.95 74.4 P PPL IN 16 35497 567 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10153 1278297 Ashoknagar Ashoknagar 24.5666667 77.7166667 P PPL IN 35 64722 511 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10154 1278314 Āsansol Asansol 23.6833333 86.9833333 P PPL IN 28 504271 96 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 10155 1278320 Asandh Asandh 29.5166667 76.6 P PPL IN 10 25323 224 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10156 1278335 Arvi Arvi 20.9833333 78.2333333 P PPL IN 16 41837 304 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10157 1278340 Aruppukkottai Aruppukkottai 9.5166667 78.1 P PPL IN 25 85369 97 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10158 1278343 Arumuganeri Arumuganeri 8.5666667 78.1166667 P PPL IN 25 25151 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10159 1278345 Arukutti Arukutti 9.8666667 76.35 P PPL IN 13 17944 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10160 1278354 Arsikere Arsikere 13.3138889 76.2561111 P PPL IN 19 44269 820 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10161 1278365 Āron Aron 24.3833333 77.4166667 P PPL IN 35 24274 505 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10162 1278393 Arkalgūd Arkalgud 12.765 76.0569444 P PPL IN 19 15802 922 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10163 1278405 Ariyalūr Ariyalur 11.1333333 79.0833333 P PPL IN 25 29144 75 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10164 1278432 Arcot Arcot 12.9 79.3333333 P PPL IN 25 51943 165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10165 1278446 Arāria Araria 26.15 87.5166667 P PPL IN 34 67474 47 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10166 1278448 Arantāngi Arantangi 10.1666667 78.9833333 P PPL IN 25 35621 46 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10167 1278454 Ārani Arani 12.6666667 79.2833333 P PPL IN 25 62858 152 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10168 1278455 Ārangaon Arangaon 18.6666667 75.1833333 P PPL IN 16 29591 547 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10169 1278458 Arang Arang 21.2 81.9666667 P PPL IN 37 17503 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10170 1278466 Arāmbāgh Arambagh 22.8833333 87.7833333 P PPL IN 28 60639 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10171 1278471 Arakkonam Arakkonam 13.1 79.6666667 P PPL IN 25 79080 81 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10172 1278483 Ara Ara 25.5666667 84.6666667 P PPL IN 34 223676 51 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10173 1278498 Aonla Aonla 28.2833333 79.15 P PPL IN 36 50011 167 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10174 1278507 Anūpshahr Anupshahr 28.3666667 78.2666667 P PPL IN 36 25306 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10175 1278508 Anūppur Anuppur 23.1 81.6833333 P PPL IN 35 18122 493 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10176 1278510 Anūpgarh Anupgarh 29.1911111 73.2086111 P PPL IN 24 33309 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10177 1278532 Anta Anta 25.15 76.3 P PPL IN 24 30598 253 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10178 1278534 Ansing Ansing 20.0333333 77.3166667 P PPL IN IN 16 19000 541 Asia/Kolkata 2008-12-05
+ 10179 1278539 Annūr Annur 11.2333333 77.1333333 P PPL IN 25 19962 341 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10180 1278540 Annigeri Annigeri 15.4333333 75.4333333 P PPL IN 19 25753 630 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10181 1278553 Ankleshwar Ankleshwar 21.6 73.0 P PPL IN 09 74742 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10182 1278573 Anjār Anjar 23.1333333 70.0166667 P PPL IN 09 66888 81 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10183 1278580 Anjangaon Anjangaon 21.1630556 77.3094444 P PPL IN 16 54999 374 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10184 1278588 Anjad Anjad 22.0333333 75.05 P PPL IN 35 24286 151 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10185 1278593 Angul Angul 20.85 85.1 P PPL IN 21 44386 195 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10186 1278602 Angamāli Angamali 10.2 76.4 P PPL IN 13 34399 32 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10187 1278609 Anekal Anekal 12.7 77.7 P PPL IN 19 36693 915 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10188 1278621 Andol Andol 17.8130556 78.0772222 P PPL IN 02 24645 495 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10189 1278622 Andiyūr Andiyur 11.5833333 77.6 P PPL IN 25 20436 251 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10190 1278625 Āndippatti Andippatti 9.9833333 77.6333333 P PPL IN 25 24448 308 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10191 1278667 Anantnāg Anantnag 33.7333333 75.15 P PPL IN 12 79821 1601 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10192 1278672 Anantapur Anantapur 14.6833333 77.6 P PPL IN 02 240442 335 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10193 1278676 Anandpur Sāhib Anandpur Sahib 31.25 76.5 P PPL IN 23 15229 287 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10194 1278685 Ānand Anand 22.5666667 72.9333333 P PPL IN 09 138009 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10195 1278688 Anakāpalle Anakapalle 17.6833333 83.0166667 P PPL IN 02 84357 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10196 1278692 Anaimalai Anaimalai 10.5833333 76.9333333 P PPL IN 25 16131 265 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10197 1278698 Amudālavalasa Amudalavalasa 18.4166667 83.9 P PPL IN 02 39124 35 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10198 1278703 Āmta Amta 22.58 88.0083333 P PPL IN 28 16753 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10199 1278707 Amroli Amroli 21.3 72.85 P PPL IN 09 17082 12 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10200 1278708 Amroha Amroha 28.9166667 78.4666667 P PPL IN 36 176253 207 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10201 1278710 Amritsar Amritsar 31.6330556 74.8655556 P PPL IN 23 1092450 218 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10202 1278715 Amreli Amreli 21.6166667 71.2333333 P PPL IN 09 99742 129 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10203 1278718 Amrāvati Amravati 20.9333333 77.75 P PPL IN 16 603837 343 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10204 1278742 Amod Amod 21.9833333 72.9 P PPL IN 09 18742 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10205 1278768 Āmli Amli 20.2833333 73.0166667 P PPL IN 06 33369 26 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10206 1278774 Āmlāgora Amlagora 22.8333333 87.3333333 P PPL IN 28 19038 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10207 1278775 Amla Amla 21.9333333 78.1166667 P PPL IN 35 29995 738 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10208 1278808 Amet Amet 25.3 73.9333333 P PPL IN 24 17434 576 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10209 1278815 Āmbūr Ambur 12.7833333 78.7 P PPL IN 25 109873 316 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10210 1278827 Ambikāpur Ambikapur 23.1166667 83.2 P PPL IN 37 72821 612 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10211 1278840 Ambattūr Ambattur 13.0983333 80.1622222 P PPL IN 25 341049 17 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10212 1278841 Ambāsamudram Ambasamudram 8.7 77.4666667 P PPL IN 25 32020 76 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10213 1278860 Ambāla Ambala 30.3783333 76.7808333 P PPL IN 10 146787 267 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10214 1278862 Ambājogāi Ambajogai 18.7333333 76.3833333 P PPL IN 16 74114 642 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10215 1278868 Ambāh Ambah 26.7075 78.2261111 P PPL IN 35 40523 161 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10216 1278871 Ambad Ambad 19.6166667 75.8 P PPL IN 16 29846 507 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10217 1278895 Amarpur Amarpur 25.0333333 86.9 P PPL IN 34 22796 58 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10218 1278899 Amarpātan Amarpatan 24.3166667 80.9833333 P PPL IN 35 16858 361 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10219 1278903 Amarnāth Amarnath 19.2 73.1666667 P PPL IN 16 217780 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10220 1278931 Amalner Amalner 21.05 75.0666667 P PPL IN 16 97369 182 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10221 1278935 Amalāpuram Amalapuram 16.5833333 82.0166667 P PPL IN 02 52690 3 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10222 1278941 Alwaye Alwaye 10.1166667 76.35 P PPL IN 13 23703 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10223 1278946 Alwar Alwar 27.5666667 76.6 P PPL IN 24 283228 270 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 10224 1278964 Alot Alot 23.7666667 75.55 P PPL IN 35 23134 432 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10225 1278969 Along Along 28.1666667 94.7666667 P PPL IN 30 18425 421 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10226 1278973 Alnāvar Alnavar 15.4333333 74.7333333 P PPL IN 19 16926 555 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10227 1278974 Almora Almora 29.6166667 79.6666667 P PPL IN 39 32442 1668 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10228 1278985 Alleppey Alleppey 9.4833333 76.3166667 P PPL IN 13 176783 1 Asia/Kolkata 2008-04-18
+ 10229 1278994 Allahābād Allahabad 25.45 81.85 P PPL IN 36 1073438 72 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10230 1279005 Alīpur Alipur 28.8 77.15 P PPL IN 07 20736 210 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10231 1279017 Alīgarh Aligarh 27.8833333 78.0833333 P PPL IN 36 753207 180 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 10232 1279023 Alīganj Aliganj 27.5 79.1833333 P PPL IN 36 26652 155 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10233 1279027 Alībāg Alibag 18.6411111 72.8791667 P PPL IN 16 20752 -9999 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10234 1279058 Ālangulam Alangulam 8.8666667 77.5 P PPL IN 25 28558 121 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10235 1279061 Ālangāyam Alangayam 12.6 78.75 P PPL IN 25 17357 572 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10236 1279064 Alandur Alandur 13.0025 80.2061111 P PPLX IN 25 153775 21 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10237 1279066 Alandi Alandi 18.6666667 73.9 P PPL IN 16 21383 581 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10238 1279068 Aland Aland 17.5666667 76.5666667 P PPL IN 19 39064 488 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10239 1279094 Akot Akot 21.0963889 77.0586111 P PPL IN 16 86917 345 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10240 1279105 Akola Akola 20.7333333 77.0 P PPL IN 16 428857 283 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10241 1279115 Aklera Aklera 24.4166667 76.5666667 P PPL IN 24 19683 306 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10242 1279123 Ākivīdu Akividu 16.6 81.3833333 P PPL IN 02 40413 1 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10243 1279134 Akbarpur Akbarpur 26.4166667 82.55 P PPL IN 36 36865 82 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10244 1279135 Akbarpur Akbarpur 26.3833333 79.95 P PPL IN 36 18835 127 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10245 1279144 Akaltara Akaltara 22.0166667 82.4333333 P PPL IN 37 21333 281 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10246 1279147 Akalkot Akalkot 17.5333333 76.2166667 P PPL IN 16 39226 444 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10247 1279154 Ajra Ajra 16.1166667 74.2 P PPL IN 16 15864 668 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10248 1279158 Ajnāla Ajnala 31.8425 74.7588889 P PPL IN 23 19691 209 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10249 1279159 Ajmer Ajmer 26.45 74.6333333 P PPL IN 24 517911 517 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-18
+ 10250 1279186 Āīzawl Aizawl 23.7333333 92.7166667 P PPLA IN 31 265331 1018 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10251 1279219 Ahraurā Ahraura 25.0166667 83.0166667 P PPL IN 36 25075 83 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10252 1279227 Ahmadpur Ahmadpur 18.7 76.9333333 P PPL IN 16 40218 506 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10253 1279228 Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar 19.0833333 74.7333333 P PPL IN 16 367140 646 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10254 1279233 Ahmadābād Ahmadabad 23.0333333 72.6166667 P PPL IN 09 3719710 66 Asia/Kolkata 2007-01-31
+ 10255 1279259 Āgra Agra 27.1833333 78.0166667 P PPL IN 36 1430055 171 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10256 1279290 Agartala Agartala 23.8363889 91.275 P PPLA IN 26 203264 18 Asia/Kolkata 2007-02-17
+ 10257 1279299 Agar Agar 23.7 76.0166667 P PPL IN 35 34532 505 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10258 1279306 Afzalpur Afzalpur 17.2 76.35 P PPL IN 19 20094 408 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10259 1279307 Afzalgarh Afzalgarh 29.4 78.6833333 P PPL IN 36 27753 211 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10260 1279323 Adūr Adur 9.1666667 76.7333333 P PPL IN 13 29652 57 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10261 1279334 Ādra Adra 23.5 86.6666667 P PPL IN 28 22159 154 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10262 1279335 Ādoni Adoni 15.6333333 77.2833333 P PPL IN 02 163631 432 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10263 1279344 Ādilābād Adilabad 19.6666667 78.5333333 P PPL IN 02 118526 259 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10264 1279356 Addanki Addanki 15.8166667 79.9833333 P PPL IN 02 28547 34 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10265 1279382 Achhnera Achhnera 27.1833333 77.7666667 P PPL IN 36 20532 167 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10266 1279390 Achalpur Achalpur 21.2572222 77.5086111 P PPL IN 16 111278 369 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10267 1279394 Ābu Road Abu Road 24.4833333 72.7833333 P PPL IN 24 50262 257 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10268 1279396 Ābu Abu 24.6 72.7 P PPL IN 24 24981 1165 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10269 1279403 Abohar Abohar 30.15 74.1833333 P PPL IN 23 130603 178 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10270 1279407 Abhayāpuri Abhayapuri 26.3333333 90.6666667 P PPL IN 03 15802 36 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10271 1344069 Contai Contai 21.7786111 87.7536111 P PPL IN 28 88702 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-11-15
+ 10272 1348562 Srirāmpur Srirampur 22.9488889 88.0188889 P PPL IN 28 18682 19 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10273 1348739 Dumjor Dumjor 22.6408333 88.2202778 P PPL IN 28 17972 11 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10274 1348747 Bankra Bankra 22.6275 88.2980556 P PPL IN 28 56273 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10275 1348753 Chakapara Chakapara 22.6322222 88.3486111 P PPL IN 28 27320 13 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10276 1348775 Mahiari Mahiari 22.5922222 88.2377778 P PPL IN 28 17051 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10277 1348780 Dhulagari Dhulagari 22.5869444 88.1730556 P PPL IN 28 21080 9 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10278 1348785 Pānchla Panchla 22.5438889 88.1380556 P PPL IN 28 23526 7 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10279 1348818 Nangi Nangi 22.5083333 88.2152778 P PPL IN 28 440894 8 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10280 1348820 Pujali Pujali 22.4652778 88.1516667 P PPL IN 28 45379 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10281 1349041 Monoharpur Monoharpur 22.1083333 88.0788889 P PPL IN 28 23362 4 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10282 1349357 Nabagrām Nabagram 22.2880556 88.5091667 P PPL IN 28 34728 6 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10283 1445156 Singāpur Singapur 17.4697222 78.1275 P PPL IN 02 24457 582 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10284 1445378 Ghatkesar Ghatkesar 17.4494444 78.6852778 P PPL IN 02 19243 470 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10285 1462711 Vijayapura Vijayapura 13.2936111 77.8016667 P PPL IN 19 31558 888 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10286 1462733 Ādampur Adampur 31.4327778 75.7175 P PPL IN 23 17027 233 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10287 1465622 Porur Porur 13.0319444 80.1575 P PPL IN 25 33060 18 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10288 1465825 Madipakkam Madipakkam 12.9725 80.2091667 P PPL IN 25 16396 5 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-27
+ 10289 1465828 Perungudi Perungudi 12.9713889 80.2472222 P PPLX IN 25 30363 10 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10290 1465910 Madambakkam Madambakkam 12.8525 80.0466667 P PPL IN 25 17058 38 Asia/Kolkata 2006-01-17
+ 10291 6943660 Shivaji Nagar Shivaji Nagar 18.5301744219804 73.8526296615601 P PPL IN 16 1000000 1000 564 Asia/Kolkata 2009-07-22
+ 10292 89570 Zakho Zakho 37.1441667 42.6872222 P PPL IQ 08 95052 428 Asia/Baghdad 2006-05-19
+ 10293 90026 Tozkhurmato Tozkhurmato 34.8830556 44.6219444 P PPL IQ 18 59886 198 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10294 90150 Tikrīt Tikrit 34.5966667 43.6769444 P PPL IQ 18 42477 116 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10295 90353 Tall Kayf Tall Kayf 36.4894444 43.1191667 P PPL IQ 15 23524 302 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10296 90708 Sīnā Sina 36.8086111 43.0386111 P PPL IQ 08 128776 669 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10297 91597 Sāmarrā' Samarra' 34.1958333 43.8758333 P PPL IQ 18 158508 82 Asia/Baghdad 2009-04-15
+ 10298 91812 Saddat al Hindīyah Saddat al Hindiyah 32.7147222 44.2802778 P PPL IQ 06 30622 23 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10299 92002 Rawandoz Rawandoz 36.6113889 44.5225 P PPL IQ 11 22943 827 Asia/Baghdad 2007-06-03
+ 10300 92004 Rāwah Rawah 34.4686111 41.9169444 P PPL IQ 01 20580 119 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10301 92430 Qarah Qūsh Qarah Qush 36.2694444 43.3772222 P PPL IQ 15 28448 274 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10302 93709 Mandalī Mandali 33.7436111 45.5463889 P PPL IQ 10 29785 138 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10303 94220 Koi Sanjaq Koi Sanjaq 36.0838889 44.6277778 P PPL IQ 11 44987 582 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10304 94298 Kifrī Kifri 34.6913889 44.9608333 P PPL IQ 10 30143 219 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10305 94787 Kirkuk Kirkuk 35.4680556 44.3922222 P PPL IQ 13 601433 354 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10306 94824 Karbalā' Karbala' 32.5977778 44.0161111 P PPL IQ 12 434450 24 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10307 95446 Arbīl Arbil 36.19 44.0088889 P PPL IQ 11 932800 429 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10308 95788 Hīt Hit 33.6366667 42.8225 P PPL IQ 01 31901 89 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10309 96205 Ḩalabjah Halabjah 35.1777778 45.9861111 P PPLW IQ 05 57333 721 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10310 96309 Ḩadīthah Hadithah 34.1397222 42.3780556 P PPL IQ 01 30925 149 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10311 97417 Chamchamal Chamchamal 35.5366667 44.8319444 P PPL IQ 05 75634 706 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10312 97783 Bayjī Bayji 34.925 43.4875 P PPL IQ 18 36454 124 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10313 97990 Ba`qūbah Ba`qubah 33.75 44.6411111 P PPL IQ 10 152550 41 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-18
+ 10314 98012 Pēnjwīn Penjwin 35.6202778 45.9472222 P PPL IQ 05 27116 1256 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10315 98112 Balad Balad 34.0163889 44.1463889 P PPL IQ 18 42088 53 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10316 98182 Baghdad Baghdad 33.3386111 44.3938889 P PPLC IQ 07 5672513 41 Asia/Baghdad 2009-05-27
+ 10317 98245 Az Zubayr Az Zubayr 30.3891667 47.7080556 P PPL IQ 02 122676 23 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10318 98459 Aş Şuwayrah As Suwayrah 32.9255556 44.7758333 P PPL IQ 16 42354 25 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10319 98463 As Sulaymānīyah As Sulaymaniyah 35.5616667 45.4408333 P PPL IQ 05 723170 830 Asia/Baghdad 2008-11-21
+ 10320 98530 As Samāwah As Samawah 31.3094444 45.2802778 P PPL IQ 03 152890 8 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10321 98589 Ash Shināfīyah Ash Shinafiyah 31.5822222 44.6455556 P PPL IQ 04 22643 8 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10322 98622 Ash Shaţrah Ash Shatrah 31.4175 46.1772222 P PPL IQ 09 82732 2 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10323 98629 Ash Shāmīyah Ash Shamiyah 31.9630556 44.5977778 P PPL IQ 04 57661 5 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10324 98677 Ar Ruţbah Ar Rutbah 33.0380556 40.2844444 P PPL IQ 01 22370 618 Asia/Baghdad 2006-07-08
+ 10325 98685 Ar Rumaythah Ar Rumaythah 31.5261111 45.2063889 P PPL IQ 03 47248 9 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10326 98717 Ar Ramādī Ar Ramadi 33.423537 43.309295 P PPL IQ 01 274539 51 Asia/Baghdad 2009-01-01
+ 10327 98854 An Nāşirīyah An Nasiriyah 31.0541667 46.2594444 P PPL IQ 09 400249 4 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10328 98860 An Najaf An Najaf 31.9961111 44.3147222 P PPL IQ 17 482576 51 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-17
+ 10329 98885 `Ānah `Anah 34.4666667 41.9308333 P PPLW IQ 01 19719 119 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10330 99010 Al Qāsim Al Qasim 32.3077778 44.6788889 P PPL IQ 06 36992 20 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10331 99039 Al Musayyib Al Musayyib 32.7786111 44.29 P PPL IQ 06 42901 28 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10332 99060 Al Mishkhāb Al Mishkhab 31.8016667 44.4902778 P PPL IQ 17 23189 13 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10333 99062 Al Miqdādīyah Al Miqdadiyah 33.9786111 44.9369444 P PPL IQ 10 50698 67 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10334 99071 Al Mawşil al Jadīdah Al Mawsil al Jadidah 36.3291667 43.0861111 P PPLX IQ 15 2065597 283 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10335 99072 Mosul Mosul 36.335 43.1188889 P PPL IQ IQ 15 1739800 260 Asia/Baghdad 2007-06-18
+ 10336 99097 Al Majarr al Kabīr Al Majarr al Kabir 31.575 47.1580556 P PPL IQ 14 35515 3 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10337 99131 Al Kūt Al Kut 32.4975 45.8291667 P PPL IQ 16 315162 23 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-18
+ 10338 99169 Al Khāliş Al Khalis 33.8183333 44.5244444 P PPL IQ 10 70046 42 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10339 99306 `Alī al Gharbī `Ali al Gharbi 32.4641667 46.6786111 P PPL IQ 14 19711 12 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10340 99344 Al Hindīyah Al Hindiyah 32.5433333 44.2225 P PPL IQ 00 57490 16 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10341 99347 Al Ḩillah Al Hillah 32.4794444 44.4327778 P PPL IQ 06 289709 26 Asia/Baghdad 2006-11-15
+ 10342 99350 Al Ḩayy Al Hayy 32.1769444 46.0447222 P PPL IQ 16 78272 8 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10343 99369 Al Hārithah Al Harithah 30.7186111 47.7208333 P PPL IQ 02 92395 19 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10344 99434 Ghammās Ghammas 31.7352778 44.6075 P PPL IQ 04 30909 23 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10345 99439 Nāḩiyat al Fuhūd Nahiyat al Fuhud 30.9697222 46.7227778 P PPL IQ 09 21551 7 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10346 99446 Al Fāw Al Faw 29.9680556 48.4672222 P PPL IQ 02 104569 7 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10347 99454 Al Fallūjah Al Fallujah 33.3561111 43.7827778 P PPL IQ 01 190159 39 Asia/Baghdad 2006-07-03
+ 10348 99532 Al Başrah Al Basrah 30.4941667 47.8191667 P PPL IQ IQ 02 2600000 6 Asia/Baghdad 2007-06-18
+ 10349 99548 Al `Azīzīyah Al `Aziziyah 32.9083333 45.0666667 P PPL IQ 16 44751 32 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10350 99608 Al `Amārah Al `Amarah 31.8452778 47.1752778 P PPL IQ 14 323302 5 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10351 99738 `Afak `Afak 32.0625 45.2427778 P PPL IQ 04 21888 23 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10352 99759 Ad Dujayl Ad Dujayl 33.8466667 44.2344444 P PPL IQ 18 26362 51 Asia/Baghdad 2007-02-18
+ 10353 99762 Ad Dīwānīyah Ad Diwaniyah 31.9877778 44.9255556 P PPL IQ 04 318801 17 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-27
+ 10354 100077 Abū Ghurayb Abu Ghurayb 33.3083333 44.185 P PPL IQ 01 900000 32 Asia/Baghdad 2007-06-19
+ 10355 388349 Al Başrah al Qadīmah Al Basrah al Qadimah 30.4955556 47.8175 P PPLX IQ 02 2015483 6 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10356 448149 Sinjār Sinjar 36.3166667 41.85 P PPL IQ 15 38294 506 Asia/Baghdad 2006-01-17
+ 10357 14256 Āzādshahr Azadshahr 34.8 48.55 P PPL IR 09 514102 1873 Asia/Tehran 2007-01-29
+ 10358 23814 Kahrīz Kahriz 34.3877778 47.0580556 P PPL IR 13 766706 1298 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10359 24851 Nūrābād Nurabad 34.0734 47.9725 P PPL IR 23 73528 1832 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10360 32723 Īstgāh-e RāhĀhan-e Garmsār Istgah-e RahAhan-e Garmsar 35.2358333 52.3141667 P PPL IR 25 49491 859 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-20
+ 10361 32767 Qarchak Qarchak 35.4394444 51.5688889 P PPL IR 26 251834 966 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-20
+ 10362 41210 Khorram Darreh Khorram Darreh 36.213 49.196 P PPL IR 36 50528 1570 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10363 110831 Āzād Shahr Azad Shahr 37.0858333 55.1722222 P PPL IR 35 47590 143 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10364 111421 Zarand Zarand 30.8108333 56.5672222 P PPL IR 29 58983 1651 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10365 111453 Zanjān Zanjan 36.6736 48.4787 P PPL IR 36 357471 1639 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10366 111822 Yazd Yazd 31.8972222 54.3675 P PPL IR 40 477905 1229 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10367 112214 Varāmīn Varamin 35.3252778 51.6455556 P PPL IR 26 179603 916 Asia/Tehran 2007-04-26
+ 10368 112646 Torbat-e Ḩeydarīyeh Torbat-e Heydariyeh 35.2736111 59.22 P PPL IR 30 125633 1330 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10369 112656 Tonekābon Tonekabon 36.8086111 50.8819444 P PPL IR 35 37501 8 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10370 112931 Tehrān Tehran 35.6719444 51.4244444 P PPLC IR 26 7153309 1149 Asia/Tehran 2008-01-05
+ 10371 113343 Hashtpar Hashtpar 37.7975 48.8988889 P PPL IR 08 45305 101 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10372 113491 Tākestān Takestan 36.0696 49.6959 P PPL IR 38 71499 1275 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10373 113508 Takāb Takab 36.4055556 47.1183333 P PPL IR 02 51541 1744 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10374 113632 Taft Taft 31.7475 54.2041667 P PPL IR 40 19394 1524 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10375 113646 Tabrīz Tabriz 38.08 46.2919444 P PPL IR 01 1424641 1395 Asia/Tehran 2007-04-28
+ 10376 113659 Ţabas Tabas 33.5883333 56.9225 P PPL IR 40 49993 668 Asia/Tehran 2009-03-19
+ 10377 114049 Sonqor Sonqor 34.7827778 47.5980556 P PPL IR 13 43174 1719 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10378 114259 Sīrjān Sirjan 29.4513889 55.6716667 P PPL IR 29 207645 1749 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10379 114584 Shūshtar Shushtar 32.0436111 48.8569444 P PPL IR 15 77507 60 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10380 114593 Shūsh Shush 32.1941667 48.2436111 P PPL IR 15 52284 63 Asia/Tehran 2007-04-27
+ 10381 115019 Shīrāz Shiraz 29.615 52.5383333 P PPL IR 07 1249942 1531 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10382 115770 Shahr-e Kord Shahr-e Kord 32.3255556 50.8644444 P PPL IR 03 129153 2061 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10383 115781 Shahr-e Bābak Shahr-e Babak 30.1077778 55.1227778 P PPL IR 29 52409 1847 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10384 116102 Shādegān Shadegan 30.6497222 48.6647222 P PPL IR 15 37220 20 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10385 116402 Semnān Semnan 35.5752778 53.3941667 P PPL IR 25 124826 1137 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10386 116406 Semīrom Semirom 31.4166667 51.5666667 P PPL IR 28 27220 2659 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10387 116667 Sāveh Saveh 35.0213 50.3566 P PPL IR 24 175533 1009 Asia/Tehran 2007-10-04
+ 10388 116996 Sārī Sari 36.5677778 53.0586111 P PPL IR 35 255396 52 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10389 117392 Saqqez Saqqez 36.2499189630273 46.2734967470169 P PPL IR 16 151237 1480 Asia/Tehran 2009-03-03
+ 10390 117574 Sanandaj Sanandaj 35.3172222 46.9988889 P PPL IR 16 349176 1487 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-05
+ 10391 117656 Salmās Salmas 38.1975 44.7680556 P PPL IR 02 81606 1397 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10392 117793 Shāhīn Dezh Shahin Dezh 36.6691667 46.5672222 P PPL IR 02 41442 1372 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10393 118063 Sabzevār Sabzevar 36.2144444 57.6797222 P PPL IR 30 226183 999 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10394 118191 Rūdsar Rudsar 37.1361111 50.2866667 P PPL IR 08 47502 -4 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10395 118367 Robāţ Karīm Robat Karim 35.4846 51.0829 P PPL IR 26 62753 1032 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10396 118704 Rāvar Ravar 31.2722222 56.8147222 P PPL IR 29 40167 1179 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10397 118743 Rasht Rasht 37.2794444 49.5858333 P PPL IR 08 594590 5 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10398 118805 Rāmshīr Ramshir 30.8911111 49.4058333 P PPL IR 15 19454 23 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10399 118826 Rāmhormoz Ramhormoz 31.2783333 49.6063889 P PPL IR 15 38821 179 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10400 118994 Rafsanjān Rafsanjan 30.4066667 55.9938889 P PPL IR 29 147680 1517 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10401 119115 Qūchān Quchan 37.1069444 58.5097222 P PPL IR 30 111752 1318 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10402 119161 Qorveh Qorveh 35.1664 47.8045 P PPL IR 16 87953 1907 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10403 119208 Qom Qom 34.6452778 50.8808333 P PPL IR IR 24 900000 925 Asia/Tehran 2007-06-18
+ 10404 119374 Qeshm Qeshm 26.9581 56.2719 P PPL IR 11 95000 39 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-12
+ 10405 119505 Qazvīn Qazvin 36.2622222 50.0169444 P PPL IR 36 333635 1290 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-18
+ 10406 119730 Qareh Ẕīā' od Dīn Qareh Zia' od Din 38.8936111 45.0225 P PPL IR 02 31947 1122 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10407 120678 Farrokhshahr Farrokhshahr 32.2727778 50.9822222 P PPL IR 03 32391 2084 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10408 120694 Qā'en Qa'en 33.7277778 59.1916667 P PPL IR 30 40157 1445 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10409 120931 Sarpol-e Z̄ahāb Sarpol-e Zahab 34.4613889 45.8647222 P PPL IR 13 51611 536 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10410 120972 Pīshvā Pishva 35.3094444 51.7255556 P PPL IR 26 53856 964 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10411 121240 Pāveh Paveh 35.0444444 46.3583333 P PPL IR 13 17779 1730 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10412 121380 Pārsābād Parsabad 39.6482 47.9174 P PPL IR 32 101661 33 Asia/Tehran 2008-03-14
+ 10413 121795 Oshnavīyeh Oshnaviyeh 37.0491667 45.1227778 P PPL IR 02 50661 1432 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10414 121861 Omīdīyeh Omidiyeh 30.7597222 49.705 P PPL IR 15 46983 23 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10415 121925 Nūrābād Nurabad 30.1252778 51.5383333 P PPL IR 07 64041 958 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10416 122285 Neyshābūr Neyshabur 36.2097222 58.7988889 P PPL IR 30 220929 1220 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10417 122289 Neyrīz Neyriz 29.1986111 54.3263889 P PPL IR 07 45506 1610 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10418 122397 Nekā Neka 36.6513889 53.2969444 P PPL IR 35 48847 34 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10419 122438 Naz̧arābād Nazarabad 35.9521 50.6075 P PPL IR 26 213388 1180 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10420 122698 Naqadeh Naqadeh 36.9563889 45.3880556 P PPL IR 01 73528 1324 Asia/Tehran 2009-03-19
+ 10421 122915 Nahāvand Nahavand 34.1919444 48.3658333 P PPL IR 09 76250 1626 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10422 123941 Mīnāb Minab 27.1467 57.0801 P PPL IR 11 70790 48 Asia/Tehran 2007-10-02
+ 10423 124085 Mīāndoāb Miandoab 36.9611111 46.1091667 P PPL IR 02 132819 1305 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10424 124193 Meybod Meybod 32.2313889 54.0133333 P PPL IR 40 51874 1102 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10425 124274 Mehrīz Mehriz 31.5838889 54.4280556 P PPL IR 40 36720 1483 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10426 124620 Masjed-e Soleymān Masjed-e Soleyman 31.9363889 49.3038889 P PPL IR 15 111510 288 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10427 124647 Bardsīr Bardsir 29.9263889 56.575 P PPL IR 29 37192 2032 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10428 124665 Mashhad Mashhad 36.2958333 59.6119444 P PPL IR 30 2307177 1015 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10429 124862 Marand Marand 38.4329 45.7749 P PPL IR 33 124191 1344 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10430 125185 Malāyer Malayer 34.2941667 48.82 P PPL IR 09 176573 1729 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10431 125188 Malārd Malard 35.6659 50.9767 P PPL IR 26 56745 1153 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10432 125446 Mahābād Mahabad 36.7631 45.7222 P PPL IR 01 162434 1304 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10433 125897 Langerūd Langerud 37.1952778 50.1491667 P PPL IR 08 68148 -1 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10434 126409 Kūhdasht Kuhdasht 33.535 47.6061 P PPL IR 23 100208 1193 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10435 126914 Kīsh Kish 26.5577778 54.0194444 P PPL IR 11 20922 1 Asia/Tehran 2008-10-23
+ 10436 126972 Khvoy Khvoy 38.5525 44.9477778 P PPL IR 02 175370 1138 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10437 127033 Khvānsār Khvansar 33.2194444 50.3113889 P PPL IR 28 21146 2224 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10438 127319 Khorramshahr Khorramshahr 30.4391667 48.1791667 P PPL IR 15 330606 18 Asia/Tehran 2006-05-05
+ 10439 127349 Khorramābād Khorramabad 33.4877778 48.3558333 P PPL IR 23 329825 1246 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10440 127403 Khomeyn Khomeyn 33.6436111 50.0780556 P PPL IR 24 77425 1798 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10441 128008 Herowābād Herowabad 37.6189 48.5258 P PPL IR 32 51024 1770 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10442 128226 Kermānshāh Kermanshah 34.3141667 47.065 P PPL IR IR 13 621100 1389 Asia/Tehran 2009-02-09
+ 10443 128234 Kermān Kerman 30.2938889 57.0841667 P PPL IR 29 577514 1764 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10444 128321 Kāzerūn Kazerun 29.6183333 51.6583333 P PPL IR 07 94511 851 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10445 128447 Kāshmar Kashmar 35.2363889 58.4819444 P PPL IR 30 96151 1072 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10446 128747 Karaj Karaj 35.8287611261052 50.9982025623322 P PPL IR 26 1448075 1360 Asia/Tehran 2007-01-28
+ 10447 128831 Kangāvar Kangavar 34.5038889 47.9677778 P PPL IR 13 53414 1457 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10448 128905 Kāmyārān Kamyaran 34.7956 46.9355 P PPL IR 16 61642 1433 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-03
+ 10449 129512 Kalāleh Kalaleh 37.3705556 55.4994444 P PPL IR 35 33700 163 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10450 129933 Jūybār Juybar 36.6380556 52.9119444 P PPL IR 35 28404 -1 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10451 130245 Javānrūd Javanrud 34.7961111 46.5172222 P PPL IR 13 38657 1346 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10452 130802 Īlām Ilam 33.6374 46.4227 P PPL IR 10 140940 1381 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10453 131962 Harsīn Harsin 34.2719444 47.5805556 P PPL IR 13 57647 1651 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10454 132144 Hamadān Hamadan 34.7961111 48.5158333 P PPLA IR IR 09 528256 1824 Asia/Tehran 2009-05-15
+ 10455 132892 Gorgān Gorgan 36.8394444 54.4361111 P PPL IR 37 244937 175 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10456 132938 Gonbad-e Kāvūs Gonbad-e Kavus 37.255 55.1713889 P PPL IR 37 131416 57 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10457 132961 Gonābād Gonabad 34.3388889 58.7008333 P PPL IR 30 43465 1100 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10458 133037 Golpāyegān Golpayegan 33.4533333 50.2872222 P PPL IR 28 44916 1812 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10459 133595 Gerāsh Gerash 27.6697222 54.1383333 P PPL IR 07 25316 1046 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10460 134217 Bandar-e Ganāveh Bandar-e Ganaveh 29.5791 50.517 P PPL IR 22 52750 14 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10461 134518 Fīrūzābād Firuzabad 28.8461111 52.5713889 P PPL IR 07 66558 1316 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10462 134602 Fereydūn Kenār Fereydun Kenar 36.6888889 52.5358333 P PPL IR 35 34097 -14 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10463 134721 Fasā Fasa 28.9394444 53.65 P PPL IR 07 98061 1366 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10464 134762 Fārsān Farsan 32.2569444 50.5641667 P PPL IR 03 25071 2030 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10465 135172 Eslāmshahr Eslamshahr 35.5644444 51.2558333 P PPL IR 26 318824 1046 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10466 135298 Esfarāyen Esfarayen 37.0733333 57.5072222 P PPL IR 30 59678 1246 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10467 135423 Shāhrūd Shahrud 36.43 54.9477778 P PPL IR 25 131889 1615 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10468 136014 Do Gonbadān Do Gonbadan 30.3586 50.7981 P PPL IR 05 94638 739 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10469 136399 Delījān Delijan 33.9905 50.6838 P PPL IR 24 33508 1542 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10470 136702 Dehlorān Dehloran 32.6941 47.2679 P PPL IR 10 46002 200 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10471 136987 Deh Dasht Deh Dasht 30.7936111 50.565 P PPL IR 05 69726 806 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10472 137268 Sūsangerd Susangerd 31.5608333 48.1830556 P PPL IR 15 41443 19 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10473 137956 Dārāb Darab 28.7519444 54.5444444 P PPL IR 07 63319 1146 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10474 138025 Dāmghān Damghan 36.1666667 54.3438889 P PPL IR 25 67694 1192 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10475 138042 Damāvand Damavand 35.7177778 52.065 P PPL IR 26 29144 1961 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10476 138742 Chenārān Chenaran 36.6513889 59.1247222 P PPL IR 30 46940 1221 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10477 139223 Chālūs Chalus 36.6547222 51.4219444 P PPL IR 35 69638 9 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10478 139817 Bandar-e Būshehr Bandar-e Bushehr 28.9684 50.8385 P PPL IR 22 165377 9 Asia/Tehran 2008-05-11
+ 10479 139889 Būkān Bukan 36.5219444 46.215 P PPL IR 02 213331 1372 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10480 140044 Borūjerd Borujerd 33.8973 48.7516 P PPL IR 23 251958 1564 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-01
+ 10481 140046 Borūjen Borujen 31.9683333 51.2894444 P PPL IR 03 52654 2223 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10482 140097 Borāzjān Borazjan 29.2622222 51.2052778 P PPL IR 22 86059 69 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10483 140380 Bojnūrd Bojnurd 37.4775 57.3244444 P PPL IR 30 192041 1070 Asia/Tehran 2008-01-05
+ 10484 140463 Bīrjand Birjand 32.8738889 59.2144444 P PPL IR 30 196982 1445 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10485 140521 Bījār Bijar 35.8667954174903 47.6050579547882 P PPL IR 16 53871 1912 Asia/Tehran 2006-10-08
+ 10486 140889 Bonāb Bonab 37.3404 46.0561 P PPL IR 33 80359 1282 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-02
+ 10487 140918 Behshahr Behshahr 36.6944444 53.5425 P PPL IR 35 93500 1 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10488 140951 Behbahān Behbahan 30.5983333 50.245 P PPL IR 15 79327 326 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10489 141584 Bāneh Baneh 35.9975 45.8853 P PPL IR 16 104799 1503 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10490 141665 Bandar-e Lengeh Bandar-e Lengeh 26.5561111 54.8808333 P PPL IR 11 22768 12 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10491 141668 Bandar-e-Emām Khomeynī Bandar-e-Emam Khomeyni 30.4355556 49.1055556 P PPL IR 15 48061 1 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10492 141679 Bandar-e Anzalī Bandar-e Anzali 37.4711111 49.4622222 P PPL IR 08 110826 -16 Asia/Tehran 2006-05-19
+ 10493 141736 Bam Bam 29.1077778 58.3619444 P PPL IR 29 99268 1057 Asia/Tehran 2007-04-27
+ 10494 142000 Bahār Bahar 34.9072222 48.4413889 P PPL IR 09 28645 1729 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10495 142255 Bāfq Bafq 31.6052778 55.4027778 P PPL IR 40 31215 995 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10496 142358 Bābol Sar Babol Sar 36.7008333 52.6455556 P PPL IR 35 48051 -13 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10497 142363 Bābol Babol 36.5441667 52.6788889 P PPL IR 35 202796 1 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10498 142496 Aznā Azna 33.6095 48.9307 P PPL IR 23 47482 1528 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-02
+ 10499 142547 Āz̄ar Shahr Azar Shahr 37.7641667 46.0005556 P PPL IR 01 37346 1443 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10500 142554 Hashtrūd Hashtrud 37.4686111 47.0688889 P PPL IR 02 16888 1601 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10501 142676 Āstārā Astara 38.4122222 48.8761111 P PPL IR 08 39065 -28 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10502 142679 Āstāneh Astaneh 37.265 49.9444444 P PPL IR 08 42784 -8 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10503 142872 Asadābād Asadabad 34.7827778 48.1233333 P PPL IR 09 59617 1570 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10504 143052 Ardestān Ardestan 33.3725 52.375 P PPL IR 28 16058 1207 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10505 143073 Ardakān Ardakan 32.3211111 54.0208333 P PPL IR 40 58834 1016 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10506 143083 Ardabīl Ardabil 38.2494444 48.3013889 P PPLA IR 32 410753 1333 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-05
+ 10507 143127 Arāk Arak 34.0855556 49.6838889 P PPL IR 24 503647 1724 Asia/Tehran 2007-02-17
+ 10508 143534 Āmol Amol 36.4708333 52.3633333 P PPL IR 35 199382 90 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10509 143748 Alvand Alvand 36.3187 49.1678 P PPL IR 36 74889 1871 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-02
+ 10510 143860 Shahrīār Shahriar 35.6596 51.0593 P PPL IR 26 58849 1140 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10511 143921 Alīgūdarz Aligudarz 33.3836111 49.6963889 P PPL IR 23 91041 2032 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-15
+ 10512 144269 Aleshtar Aleshtar 33.8633 48.2619 P PPL IR 23 27701 1649 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-02
+ 10513 144410 Akbarābād Akbarabad 29.245 52.7755556 P PPL IR 07 98342 1505 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10514 144443 ‘Ajab Shīr `Ajab Shir 37.4776 45.8943 P PPL IR 33 29675 1301 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10515 144448 Ahvāz Ahvaz 31.3291667 48.6911111 P PPL IR IR 15 841145 43 Asia/Tehran 2007-06-18
+ 10516 144616 Ahar Ahar 38.4774 47.0699 P PPL IR 33 94348 1342 Asia/Tehran 2008-02-09
+ 10517 144696 Āghā Jārī Agha Jari 30.6986111 49.8325 P PPL IR 15 21785 147 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10518 144794 Ābyek Abyek 36.0666667 50.55 P PPL IR 34 55128 1495 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-21
+ 10519 145034 Abhar Abhar 36.1468 49.218 P PPL IR 36 69889 1543 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-02
+ 10520 145233 Ābdānān Abdanan 32.9926 47.4198 P PPL IR 10 19360 861 Asia/Tehran 2009-01-02
+ 10521 145449 Ābādeh Abadeh 31.1608333 52.6505556 P PPL IR 07 56988 1992 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10522 145459 Ābādān Abadan 30.3525 48.2958333 P PPL IR 15 370180 12 Asia/Tehran 2006-11-05
+ 10523 406993 Eqbālīyeh Eqbaliyeh 35.3030556 51.5361111 P PPL IR 26 36709 887 Asia/Tehran 2006-08-23
+ 10524 417594 Shāhreẕā Shahreza 32.0338889 51.8794444 P PPL IR 28 100790 1785 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10525 418521 Rehnān Rehnan 32.685 51.6044444 P PPL IR 28 49143 1572 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10526 418571 Qahderījān Qahderijan 32.5766667 51.455 P PPL IR 28 29392 1617 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10527 418606 Najafābād Najafabad 32.6330556 51.3658333 P PPL IR 28 223450 1655 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10528 418710 Homāyūnshahr Homayunshahr 32.6861111 51.5319444 P PPL IR 28 277334 1589 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10529 418723 Kelīshād-e Vasūderjān Kelishad-e Vasuderjan 32.5411111 51.5313889 P PPL IR 28 33630 1608 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10530 418851 Felāvarjān Felavarjan 32.5563889 51.51 P PPL IR 28 49843 1613 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10531 418863 Eşfahān Esfahan 32.6597222 51.6713889 P PPL IR 28 1547164 1566 Asia/Tehran 2007-04-27
+ 10532 418868 Dowlatābād Dowlatabad 32.8013889 51.6947222 P PPL IR 28 33607 1563 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10533 418896 Dorcheh Pīāz Dorcheh Piaz 32.6152778 51.5555556 P PPL IR 28 37462 1598 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-27
+ 10534 1113217 Zābol Zabol 31.0297222 61.4977778 P PPL IR 04 121989 478 Asia/Tehran 2006-05-10
+ 10535 1159301 Zāhedān Zahedan 29.4977778 60.8727778 P PPL IR 04 551980 1350 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10536 1159362 Torbat-e Jām Torbat-e Jam 35.2408333 60.6219444 P PPL IR 30 58928 907 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10537 1159384 Tāybād Taybad 34.74 60.7755556 P PPL IR 30 37513 807 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10538 1159716 Sarakhs Sarakhs 36.5347222 61.1611111 P PPL IR 30 46499 279 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10539 1160571 Khāsh Khash 28.2197222 61.2130556 P PPL IR 04 69603 1409 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10540 1160939 Īrānshahr Iranshahr 27.2038889 60.6919444 P PPL IR 04 131232 560 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10541 1161724 Chābahār Chabahar 25.2955556 60.6338889 P PPL IR 04 47287 14 Asia/Tehran 2006-01-17
+ 10542 2633274 Akureyri Akureyri 65.6835305998405 -18.0877983570099 P PPLA IS 40 16563 -9999 Atlantic/Reykjavik 2009-07-20
+ 10543 3413829 Reykjavík Reykjavik 64.146027916677 -21.9422721862793 P PPLC IS 39 113906 16 Atlantic/Reykjavik 2009-07-16
+ 10544 3415212 Kópavogur Kopavogur 64.1123354633857 -21.9129824638367 P PPL IS 39 26157 37 Atlantic/Reykjavik 2009-07-16
+ 10545 3416706 Hafnarfjörður Hafnarfjordur 64.0671046248028 -21.9377446174622 P PPL IS 39 22289 39 Atlantic/Reykjavik 2009-07-16
+ 10546 2522713 Vittoria Vittoria 36.95374 14.533182 P PPL IT 15 RG 088012 55317 165 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10547 2522767 Villabate Villabate 38.076251 13.444847 P PPL IT 15 PA 082079 18371 63 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10548 2522776 Vibo Valentia Vibo Valentia 38.67428 16.095097 P PPL IT 03 VV 102047 33957 472 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10549 2522857 Tricase Tricase 39.93042 18.355332 P PPL IT 13 LE 075088 17386 96 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10550 2522876 Trapani Trapani 38.0158430004484 12.5107669830322 P PPL IT 15 TP 081021 68346 1 Europe/Rome 2008-03-23
+ 10551 2522960 Termini Imerese Termini Imerese 37.983651 13.695554 P PPL IT 15 PA 082070 26958 48 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10552 2522971 Taurianova Taurianova 38.356274 16.010898 P PPL IT 03 RC 080093 15799 213 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10553 2523083 Siracusa Siracusa 37.085147 15.272996 P PPL IT 15 SR 089017 123657 53 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10554 2523087 Sinnai Sinnai 39.3022222 9.2030556 P PPL IT 14 CA 092080 15235 139 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10555 2523112 Siderno Superiore Siderno Superiore 38.2833333 16.2666667 P PPL IT 03 RC 17523 58 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10556 2523113 Siderno Siderno Marina 38.277875 16.302005 P PPL IT IT 03 RC 080088 16734 22 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10557 2523136 Sestu Sestu 39.3005556 9.0908333 P PPL IT 14 CA 092074 15233 55 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10558 2523166 Selargius Selargius 39.2566667 9.1675 P PPL IT 14 CA 092068 27440 26 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10559 2523180 Scordia Scordia 37.298047 14.840785 P PPL IT 15 CT 087049 17022 187 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10560 2523192 Scicli Scicli 36.790238 14.701388 P PPL IT 15 RG 088011 25614 161 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10561 2523194 Sciacca Sciacca 37.5069342978262 13.0839872360229 P PPL IT 15 AG 084041 40240 1 Europe/Rome 2008-03-24
+ 10562 2523460 San Giovanni la Punta San Giovanni la Punta 37.576054 15.098088 P PPL IT 15 CT 087041 20850 365 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10563 2523461 San Giovanni in Fiore San Giovanni in Fiore 39.263296 16.699603 P PPL IT 03 CS 078119 18566 978 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10564 2523513 San Cataldo San Cataldo 37.4841214207429 13.985424041748 P PPL IT 15 CL 085016 23154 647 Europe/Rome 2008-04-16
+ 10565 2523578 Rossano Rossano 39.575101 16.634898 P PPL IT 03 CS 078108 35835 155 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10566 2523581 Rosolini Rosolini 36.82424 14.947792 P PPL IT 15 SR 089016 20152 151 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10567 2523585 Rosarno Rosarno 38.484076 15.978996 P PPL IT 03 RC 080069 15051 34 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10568 2523619 Ribera Ribera 37.49844 13.26415 P PPL IT 15 AG 084033 20186 196 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10569 2523623 Rende Rende 39.331993 16.184391 P PPL IT 03 CS 078102 34421 285 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10570 2523630 Reggio di Calabria Reggio di Calabria 38.110467 15.661294 P PPL IT 03 RC 080063 180353 145 Europe/Rome 2008-08-04
+ 10571 2523650 Ragusa Ragusa 36.92824 14.717187 P PPL IT 15 RG 088009 68956 591 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10572 2523665 Quartu Sant'Elena Quartu Sant'Elena 39.2419444 9.1838889 P PPL IT IT 14 CA 092051 68040 18 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10573 2523693 Pozzallo Pozzallo 36.730538 14.849891 P PPL IT 15 RG 088008 17936 1 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10574 2523705 Porto Empedocle Porto Empedocle 37.293438 13.526358 P PPL IT 15 AG 084028 15957 97 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10575 2523796 Piazza Armerina Piazza Armerina 37.385946 14.367174 P PPL IT 15 EN 086014 21038 691 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10576 2523866 Paternò Paterno 37.570952 14.902683 P PPL IT 15 CT 087033 45725 223 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10577 2523871 Partinico Partinico 38.043948 13.120041 P PPL IT 15 PA 082054 31003 261 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10578 2523888 Paola Paola 39.359893 16.039588 P PPL IT 03 CS 078091 17195 132 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10579 2523902 Palmi Palmi 38.365273 15.861495 P PPL IT 03 RC 080057 19435 242 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10580 2523908 Palma di Montechiaro Palma di Montechiaro 37.192638 13.764964 P PPL IT 15 AG 084027 21563 226 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10581 2523920 Palermo Palermo 38.115819808927 13.3597612380981 P PPLA IT 15 PA 082053 672175 20 20 Europe/Rome 2008-12-04
+ 10582 2523927 Palagonia Palagonia 37.328247 14.744783 P PPL IT 15 CT 087032 16568 144 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10583 2523938 Pachino Pachino 36.71864 15.090697 P PPL IT 15 SR 089014 21324 44 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10584 2523964 Oristano Oristano 39.9030556 8.5919444 P PPL IT 14 OR 095038 31169 15 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10585 2523998 Noto Noto 36.890142 15.069294 P PPL IT 15 SR 089013 23065 47 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10586 2524006 Niscemi Niscemi 37.148642 14.391277 P PPL IT 15 CL 085013 27641 325 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10587 2524013 Nicastro Nicastro 38.9833333 16.3166667 P PPL IT 03 CZ 70288 289 Europe/Rome 2006-11-15
+ 10588 2524076 Montalto Uffugo Montalto Uffugo 39.404795 16.15799 P PPL IT 03 CS 078081 17382 364 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10589 2524084 Monserrato Monserrato 39.2561111 9.1397222 P PPL IT 14 CA 092109 20829 16 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10590 2524085 Monreale Monreale 38.08005 13.288544 P PPL IT 15 PA 082049 31964 199 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10591 2524119 Modica Modica 36.845939 14.773989 P PPL IT 15 RG 088006 52639 418 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10592 2524123 Misterbianco Misterbianco 37.518152 15.030887 P PPL IT 15 CT 087029 43995 162 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10593 2524126 Misilmeri Misilmeri 38.03385 13.451748 P PPL IT 15 PA 082048 23109 121 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10594 2524155 Milazzo Milazzo 38.221166 15.238283 P PPL IT 15 ME 083049 32108 25 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10595 2524170 Messina Messina 38.193268 15.54969 P PPL IT 15 ME 083048 252026 59 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10596 2524205 Mazara del Vallo Mazara del Vallo 37.664138 12.588035 P PPL IT 15 TP 081012 50377 2 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10597 2524236 Mascalucia Mascalucia 37.592154 15.029886 P PPL IT 15 CT 087024 24483 557 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10598 2524245 Marsala Marsala 37.7966360094862 12.4351823329926 P PPL IT 15 TP 081011 77784 7 Europe/Rome 2009-08-11
+ 10599 2524393 Licata Licata 37.107138 13.946069 P PPL IT 15 AG 084021 37976 24 Europe/Rome 2008-03-24
+ 10600 2524410 Lentini Lentini 37.285448 14.999589 P PPL IT 15 SR 089011 24748 51 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10601 2524533 Iglesias Iglesias 39.3113889 8.535 P PPL IT 14 CI 107009 28170 185 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10602 2524606 Gioia Tauro Gioia Tauro 38.423974 15.898995 P PPL IT 03 RC 080038 17762 38 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10603 2524618 Giarre Giarre 37.726857 15.187688 P PPL IT 15 CT 087017 26357 64 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10604 2524653 Gela Gela 37.08034 14.230675 P PPL IT 15 CL 085007 72774 49 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10605 2524734 Floridia Floridia 37.086946 15.151894 P PPL IT 15 SR 089009 20675 131 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10606 2524786 Favara Favara 37.31754 13.662261 P PPL IT 15 AG 084017 31098 351 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10607 2524815 Erice Erice 38.037044 12.58653 P PPL IT 15 TP 081008 29338 580 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10608 2524819 Enna Enna 37.558848 14.289171 P PPL IT 15 EN 086009 28983 895 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10609 2524881 Crotone Crotone 39.085095 17.117814 P PPL IT 03 KR 101010 60010 1 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10610 2524907 Cosenza Cosenza 39.309993 16.250193 P PPL IT 03 CS 078045 72998 204 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10611 2524929 Corigliano Calabro Corigliano Calabro 39.595001 16.517695 P PPL IT 03 CS 078044 38241 179 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10612 2524955 Comiso Comiso 36.95134 14.610184 P PPL IT 15 RG 088003 29076 185 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10613 2525059 Catanzaro Catanzaro 38.890788 16.598705 P PPLA IT 03 CZ 079023 95251 136 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10614 2525068 Catania Catania 37.5021339578821 15.0871896743774 P PPL IT 15 CT 087015 313110 19 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10615 2525070 Castrovillari Castrovillari 39.820303 16.212286 P PPL IT 03 CS 078033 22389 325 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10616 2525083 Castelvetrano Castelvetrano 37.682639 12.791639 P PPL IT 15 TP 081006 30518 167 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10617 2525110 Cassano allo Ionio Cassano al Ionio 39.783003 16.318189 P PPL IT IT 03 CS 078029 17565 177 Europe/Rome 1993-12-10
+ 10618 2525207 Casarano Casarano 40.01502 18.163027 P PPL IT 13 LE 075016 20579 126 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10619 2525349 Carlentini Carlentini 37.269548 15.012589 P PPL IT 15 SR 089006 16879 187 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10620 2525350 Carini Carini 38.15665 13.177641 P PPL IT 15 PA 082021 25730 62 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10621 2525362 Carbonia Carbonia 39.1672222 8.5222222 P PPL IT 14 CI 107003 30447 123 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10622 2525379 Capoterra Capoterra 39.1744444 8.9711111 P PPL IT 14 CA 092011 21391 32 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10623 2525405 Canicattì Canicatti 37.358942 13.850364 P PPL IT 15 AG 084011 31713 496 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10624 2525448 Caltanissetta Caltanissetta 37.487745 14.044967 P PPL IT 15 CL 085004 61438 597 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10625 2525450 Caltagirone Caltagirone 37.217644 14.515579 P PPL IT 15 CT 087011 37373 514 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10626 2525473 Cagliari Cagliari 39.2073839183411 9.13461685180664 P PPLA IT 14 CA 092009 164249 17 Europe/Rome 2008-03-24
+ 10627 2525498 Bronte Bronte 37.789456 14.83418 P PPL IT 15 CT 087009 18512 836 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10628 2525560 Biancavilla Biancavilla 37.645154 14.867082 P PPL IT 15 CT 087008 22477 497 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10629 2525571 Belpasso Belpasso 37.594653 14.983385 P PPL IT 15 CT 087007 20358 560 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10630 2525597 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Barcellona-Pozzo di Gotto 38.147565 15.210484 P PPL IT 15 ME 083005 41258 69 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10631 2525628 Bagheria Bagheria 38.079351 13.509349 P PPL IT 15 PA 082006 50854 71 Europe/Rome 2007-01-06
+ 10632 2525643 Avola Avola 36.911343 15.139496 P PPL IT 15 SR 089002 31289 22 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10633 2525646 Augusta Augusta 37.236549 15.219694 P PPL IT 15 SR 089001 33820 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10634 2525655 Assemini Assemini 39.2905556 8.9969444 P PPL IT 14 CA 092003 23973 14 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10635 2525755 Alcamo Alcamo 37.998346 12.956538 P PPL IT 15 TP 081001 43890 152 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10636 2525764 Agrigento Agrigento 37.320839 13.588759 P PPL IT 15 AG 084001 54619 296 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10637 2525769 Adrano Adrano 37.661754 14.834781 P PPL IT 15 CT 087006 34490 513 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10638 2525772 Acri Acri 39.492898 16.383794 P PPL IT 03 CS 078003 21891 733 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10639 2525789 Aci Sant'Antonio Aci Sant'Antonio 37.606155 15.120188 P PPL IT 15 CT 087005 15389 314 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10640 2525790 Acireale Acireale 37.606655 15.162789 P PPL IT 15 CT 087004 50190 147 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10641 2525791 Aci Catena Aci Catena 37.595955 15.140188 P PPL IT 15 CT 087003 27058 187 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10642 2525792 Aci Castello Aci Castello 37.558254 15.134588 P PPL IT 15 CT 087002 18272 130 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10643 3163853 Zola Predosa Zola Predosa 44.489665 11.218309 P PPL IT 05 BO 037060 15965 67 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10644 3163995 Voghera Voghera 44.9946686888458 9.00861740112305 P PPL IT 09 PV 018182 38183 78 Europe/Rome 2008-07-01
+ 10645 3164028 Vittorio Veneto Vittorio Veneto 45.9766667 12.3033333 P PPL IT 20 TV 026092 29184 122 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10646 3164039 Viterbo Viterbo 42.417826 12.108562 P PPL IT 07 VT 056059 59308 387 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10647 3164083 Vimercate Vimercate 45.611876 9.367048 P PPL IT 09 MI 015241 25536 179 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10648 3164090 Villorba Villorba 45.7383333 12.2336111 P PPL IT 20 TV 026091 16921 32 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10649 3164153 Villaricca Villaricca 40.921611 14.189828 P PPL IT 04 NA 063087 26175 121 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10650 3164241 Villafranca di Verona Villafranca di Verona 45.352383 10.840186 P PPL IT 20 VR 023096 29353 51 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10651 3164318 Vigonza Vigonza 45.427595 11.95941 P PPL IT 20 PD 028100 19458 6 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10652 3164342 Vignola Vignola 44.482963 11.004805 P PPL IT 05 MO 036046 21178 105 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10653 3164376 Vigevano Vigevano 45.311664 8.861143 P PPL IT 09 PV 018177 57450 96 Europe/Rome 2006-07-13
+ 10654 3164407 Vico Equense Vico Equense 40.659807 14.431737 P PPL IT 04 NA 063086 20048 214 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10655 3164419 Vicenza Vicenza 45.557294 11.540898 P PPL IT 20 VI 024116 107223 27 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10656 3164433 Viareggio Viareggio 43.873543 10.255799 P PPL IT 16 LU 046033 61103 3 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10657 3164440 Viadana Viadana 44.92947 10.518586 P PPL IT 09 MN 020066 16933 16 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10658 3164527 Verona Verona 45.434186 10.997788 P PPL IT 20 VR 023091 253208 71 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10659 3164528 Veroli Veroli 41.6823996157897 13.4177398681641 P PPL IT 07 FR 060085 19818 396 Europe/Rome 2006-08-26
+ 10660 3164565 Vercelli Vercelli 45.32306 8.415333 P PPL IT 12 VC 002158 45132 120 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10661 3164582 Ventimiglia Ventimiglia 43.7895607497757 7.60871887207031 P PPL IT 08 IM 008065 24665 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 10662 3164603 Venice Venice 45.4386111 12.3266667 P PPLA IT 20 VE 027042 270816 1 Europe/Rome 2009-03-14
+ 10663 3164617 Venaria Reale Venaria Reale 45.123848 7.63542 P PPL IT 12 TO 001292 35660 240 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10664 3164630 Velletri Velletri 41.669215 12.779287 P PPL IT 07 RM 058111 48236 227 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10665 3164672 Vasto Vasto 42.12434 14.705923 P PPL IT 01 CH 069099 35362 96 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10666 3164699 Varese Varese 45.829076 8.821932 P PPL IT 09 VA 012133 80511 390 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10667 3164919 Valenzano Valenzano 41.045333 16.885086 P PPL IT 13 BA 072048 17164 77 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10668 3164920 Valenza Valenza 45.014055 8.641444 P PPL IT 12 AL 006177 20339 100 Europe/Rome 2008-10-09
+ 10669 3164954 Valdagno Valdagno 45.648295 11.306391 P PPL IT 20 VI 024111 27193 303 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10670 3165035 Urbino Urbino 43.72976 12.635553 P PPL IT 10 PU 041067 15270 388 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10671 3165052 Umbertide Umbertide 43.305547 12.336553 P PPL IT 18 PG 054056 15254 269 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10672 3165072 Udine Udine 46.0619444 13.2422222 P PPL IT 06 UD 030129 95030 98 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 10673 3165178 Triggiano Triggiano 41.066734 16.925987 P PPL IT 13 BA 072046 26312 44 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10674 3165185 Trieste Trieste 45.6486111 13.78 P PPLA IT 06 TS 032006 211184 53 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10675 3165198 Trezzano sul Naviglio Trezzano sul Naviglio 45.423069 9.066445 P PPL IT 09 MI 015220 18114 110 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10676 3165201 Treviso Treviso 45.6666667 12.245 P PPL IT 20 TV 026086 80144 7 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10677 3165207 Treviglio Treviglio 45.523776 9.589455 P PPL IT 09 BG 016219 25736 116 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10678 3165243 Trento Trento 46.0678714011874 11.1210823059082 P PPLA IT 17 TN 022205 104946 195 218 Europe/Rome 2008-09-16
+ 10679 3165275 Trecate Trecate 45.434766 8.736838 P PPL IT 12 NO 003149 16915 120 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10680 3165322 Trani Trani 41.272734 16.415373 P PPL IT 13 BA 072045 53139 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10681 3165340 Tradate Tradate 45.710974 8.907636 P PPL IT 09 VA 012127 15960 301 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10682 3165370 Tortona Tortona 44.8978358242747 8.86373519897461 P PPL IT 12 AL 006174 25227 150 Europe/Rome 2008-07-01
+ 10683 3165435 Torremaggiore Torre Maggiore 41.690735 15.296342 P PPL IT 13 FG 071056 17021 111 Europe/Rome 2006-01-27
+ 10684 3165456 Torre del Greco Torre del Greco 40.7839209532791 14.3708038330078 P PPL IT 04 NA 063084 90607 72 Europe/Rome 2009-06-04
+ 10685 3165475 Torre Annunziata Torre Annunziata 40.749709 14.464636 P PPL IT 04 NA 063083 48011 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10686 3165524 Torino Torino 45.0704898496472 7.68682479858398 P PPLA IT 12 TO 001272 865263 240 205 Europe/Rome 2008-12-18
+ 10687 3165595 Tolentino Tolentino 43.212553 13.290076 P PPL IT 10 MC 043053 18649 191 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10688 3165612 Todi Todi 42.779936 12.404563 P PPL IT 18 PG 054052 16704 311 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10689 3165624 Tivoli Tivoli 41.960922 12.798884 P PPL IT 07 RM 058104 49342 155 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10690 3165698 Thiene Thiene 45.708798 11.479594 P PPL IT 20 VI 024105 20977 143 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10691 3165737 Terzigno Terzigno 40.812211 14.496436 P PPL IT 04 NA 063082 15870 90 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10692 3165762 Terracina Terracina 41.2896740241171 13.2412719726562 P PPL IT 07 LT 059032 36633 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 10693 3165771 Terni Terni 42.567133 12.649871 P PPL IT 18 TR 055032 105018 173 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10694 3165773 Termoli Termoli 41.988839 14.989531 P PPL IT 11 CB 070078 30255 33 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10695 3165788 Terlizzi Terlizzi 41.131132 16.545278 P PPL IT 13 BA 072043 27532 174 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10696 3165803 Teramo Teramo 42.664944 13.717894 P PPL IT 01 TE 067041 51023 191 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10697 3165919 Tarquinia Tarquinia 42.2541883803546 11.7565727233887 P PPL IT 07 VT 056050 15162 108 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 10698 3165926 Taranto Taranto 40.4761111 17.2297222 P PPL IT 13 TA 073027 202033 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10699 3166006 Suzzara Suzzara 44.991873 10.74309 P PPL IT 09 MN 020065 17643 11 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10700 3166034 Sulmona Sulmona 42.047932 13.929107 P PPL IT 01 AQ 066098 25304 419 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10701 3166224 Squinzano Squinzano 40.436528 18.04182 P PPL IT 13 LE 075079 15355 45 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10702 3166235 Spoltore Spoltore 42.453443 14.141006 P PPL IT 01 PE 068041 15417 101 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10703 3166236 Spoleto Spoleto 42.744838 12.737371 P PPL IT 18 PG 054051 37889 374 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10704 3166350 Sorrento Sorrento 40.6260050612863 14.3744087219238 P PPL IT 04 NA 063080 16536 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10705 3166387 Sora Sora 41.715723 13.614105 P PPL IT 07 FR 060074 26029 271 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10706 3166397 Sondrio Sondrio 46.168995 9.869149 P PPL IT 09 SO 014061 21642 303 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10707 3166404 Somma Vesuviana Somma Vesuviana 40.871611 14.436134 P PPL IT 04 NA 063079 33261 181 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10708 3166409 Somma Lombardo Somma Lombardo 45.682972 8.708733 P PPL IT 09 VA 012123 16247 262 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10709 3166540 Signa Signa 43.792348 11.097918 P PPL IT 16 FI 048044 15433 27 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10710 3166548 Siena Siena 43.320039 11.332831 P PPL IT 16 SI 052032 52625 295 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10711 3166571 Sezze Sezze 41.503314 13.064096 P PPL IT 07 LT 059028 21935 269 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10712 3166574 Seveso Seveso 45.6601273027219 9.16028022766113 P PPL IT 09 MI 015212 18728 226 217 Europe/Rome 2007-03-11
+ 10713 3166576 Settimo Torinese Settimo Torinese 45.14025 7.768022 P PPL IT 12 TO 001265 46982 186 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10714 3166595 Sestri Levante Sestri Levante 44.2731683596262 9.39682960510254 P PPL IT 08 GE 010059 19084 40 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 10715 3166598 Sesto San Giovanni Sesto San Giovanni 45.5344913455404 9.2340087890625 P PPL IT 09 MI 015209 78850 130 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10716 3166601 Sesto Fiorentino Sesto Fiorentino 43.83455 11.19522 P PPL IT 16 FI 048043 46054 77 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10717 3166614 Sessa Aurunca Sessa Aurunca 41.240815 13.932818 P PPL IT 04 CE 061088 22825 139 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10718 3166706 Seriate Seriate 45.683381 9.722855 P PPL IT 09 BG 016198 20320 238 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10719 3166711 Seregno Seregno 45.652376 9.200344 P PPL IT 09 MI 015208 39206 216 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10720 3166740 Senigallia Senigallia 43.709264 13.216667 P PPL IT 10 AN 042045 41550 18 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10721 3166753 Senago Senago 45.576273 9.124544 P PPL IT 09 MI 015206 18899 170 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10722 3166766 Selvazzano Dentro Selvazzano Dentro 45.391392 11.800507 P PPL IT 20 PD 028086 19753 11 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10723 3166808 Segrate Segrate 45.4962403331821 9.29323196411133 P PPL IT 09 MI 015205 33199 110 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10724 3166866 Scorzè Scorze 45.5736111 12.1061111 P PPL IT 20 VE 027037 17295 6 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10725 3166917 Schio Schio 45.712397 11.357391 P PPL IT 20 VI 024100 37444 185 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10726 3166988 Scandicci Scandicci 43.766048 11.15472 P PPL IT 16 FI 048041 50136 27 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10727 3166989 Scandiano Scandiano 44.596463 10.690696 P PPL IT 05 RE 035040 22839 98 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10728 3167010 Scafati Scafati 40.75281 14.533838 P PPL IT 04 SA 065137 47082 10 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10729 3167022 Savona Savona 44.30904797611 8.47715377807617 P PPL IT 08 SV 009056 62167 15 Europe/Rome 2009-08-18
+ 10730 3167034 Savigliano Savigliano 44.644037 7.655929 P PPL IT 12 CN 004215 19884 299 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10731 3167044 Sava Sava 40.403424 17.558409 P PPL IT 13 TA 073026 16163 93 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10732 3167053 Sassuolo Sassuolo 44.550863 10.784699 P PPL IT 05 MO 036040 39852 108 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10733 3167096 Sassari Sassari 40.7272222 8.5602778 P PPL IT 14 SS 090064 120729 248 Europe/Rome 2008-03-24
+ 10734 3167104 Sarzana Sarzana 44.111446 9.958588 P PPL IT 08 SP 011027 20059 36 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10735 3167113 Saronno Saronno 45.627873 9.034641 P PPL IT 09 VA 012119 36895 203 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10736 3167116 Sarno Sarno 40.810811 14.619839 P PPL IT 04 SA 065135 31059 150 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10737 3167184 San Vito dei Normanni San Vito dei Normanni 40.65733 17.707209 P PPL IT 13 BR 074017 20070 102 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10738 3167327 Santeramo in Colle Santeramo in Colle 40.793027 16.755286 P PPL IT 13 BA 072041 26050 473 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10739 3167333 Sant'Elpidio a Mare Sant'Elpidio a Mare 43.229857 13.686085 P PPL IT IT 10 AP 044068 15332 167 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10740 3167373 Santarcangelo di Romagna Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna 44.0708333 12.4358333 P PPL IT 05 RN 099018 18943 12 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10741 3167393 Sant'Antonio Abate Sant'Antonio Abate 40.723709 14.546538 P PPL IT 04 NA 063074 18124 50 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10742 3167419 Sant'Antimo Sant'Antimo 40.945711 14.231429 P PPL IT 04 NA 063073 31672 58 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10743 3167509 Sant'Anastasia Sant'Anastasia 40.866911 14.404833 P PPL IT 04 NA 063072 28023 164 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10744 3167561 Santa Maria Capua Vetere Santa Maria Capua Vetere 41.080214 14.256527 P PPL IT 04 CE 061083 30745 22 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10745 3167731 San Severo San Severo 41.689736 15.376044 P PPL IT 13 FG 071051 55861 72 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10746 3167736 Sansepolcro Sansepolcro 43.574652 12.143045 P PPL IT 16 AR 051034 15693 374 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10747 3167751 San Salvo San Salvo 42.043338 14.727225 P PPL IT 01 CH 069083 17254 38 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10748 3167777 San Remo San Remo 43.8172504528109 7.7772045135498 P PPL IT 08 IM 008055 50608 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 10749 3167811 San Pietro Vernotico San Pietro Vernotico 40.4852778 17.9997222 P PPL IT 13 BR 074016 15004 42 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10750 3167940 San Nicandro Garganico Sannicandro Garganico 41.83844 15.565346 P PPL IT 13 FG 071049 18074 201 Europe/Rome 1993-12-10
+ 10751 3167954 San Miniato San Miniato 43.689943 10.817414 P PPL IT 16 PI 050032 26365 42 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10752 3167978 San Mauro Torinese San Mauro Torinese 45.105849 7.754523 P PPL IT 12 TO 001249 17817 193 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10753 3168075 San Marco in Lamis San Marco in Lamis 41.713138 15.63985 P PPL IT 13 FG 071047 15739 643 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10754 3168175 San Lazzaro di Savena San Lazzaro di Savena 44.467767 11.414014 P PPL IT 05 BO 037054 29446 66 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10755 3168209 San Giuseppe Vesuviano San Giuseppe Vesuviano 40.829811 14.504436 P PPL IT 04 NA 063068 24531 84 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10756 3168221 San Giuliano Terme San Giuliano Terme 43.761642 10.440404 P PPL IT 16 PI 050031 30392 62 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10757 3168222 San Giuliano Milanese San Giuliano Milanese 45.3957378542225 9.28756713867188 P PPL IT 09 MI 015195 31295 80 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 10758 3168231 San Giovanni Valdarno San Giovanni Valdarno 43.5666667 11.5333333 P PPL IT 16 AR 051033 17085 143 Europe/Rome 2007-05-02
+ 10759 3168234 San Giovanni Rotondo San Giovanni Rotondo 41.704938 15.719052 P PPL IT 13 FG 071046 26106 566 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10760 3168236 San Giovanni Lupatoto San Giovanni Lupatoto 45.387886 11.03799 P PPL IT 20 VR 023071 21298 32 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10761 3168239 San Giovanni in Persiceto San Giovanni in Persiceto 44.639969 11.184106 P PPL IT 05 BO 037053 24007 16 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10762 3168295 San Giorgio Ionico San Giorgio Ionico 40.456624 17.378704 P PPL IT 13 TA 073024 15613 84 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10763 3168309 San Giorgio a Cremano San Giorgio a Cremano 40.83071 14.337632 P PPL IT 04 NA 063067 50763 70 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10764 3168414 San Donato Milanese San Donato Milanese 45.4199012871198 9.26628112792969 P PPL IT 09 MI 015192 32354 99 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 10765 3168429 San Donà di Piave San Dona di Piave 45.6316667 12.5694444 P PPL IT 20 VE 027033 35417 3 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10766 3168498 San Casciano in Val di Pesa San Casciano in Val di Pesa 43.659046 11.189522 P PPL IT 16 FI 048038 16615 267 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10767 3168514 San Bonifacio San Bonifacio 45.396888 11.284395 P PPL IT 20 VR 023069 17513 32 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10768 3168550 San Benedetto del Tronto San Benedetto del Tronto 42.9456170222702 13.8815689086914 P PPL IT 10 AP 044066 45054 4 Europe/Rome 2008-08-29
+ 10769 3168599 Samarate Samarate 45.625371 8.783435 P PPL IT 09 VA 012118 15350 215 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10770 3168609 Saluzzo Saluzzo 44.646435 7.486226 P PPL IT 12 CN 004203 15647 332 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10771 3168627 Salsomaggiore Terme Salsomaggiore Terme 44.814762 9.979576 P PPL IT 05 PR 034032 17906 190 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10772 3168673 Salerno Salerno 40.66321 14.803745 P PPL IT 04 SA 065116 138188 66 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10773 3168730 Sacile Sacile 45.9552778 12.5019444 P PPL IT 06 PN 093037 18215 23 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 10774 3168764 Sabaudia Sabaudia 41.3002498098682 13.0281543731689 P PPL IT 07 LT 059024 16229 9 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 10775 3168770 Ruvo di Puglia Ruvo di Puglia 41.113631 16.487776 P PPL IT 13 BA 072038 25741 221 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10776 3168775 Rutigliano Rutigliano 41.011133 17.005489 P PPL IT 13 BA 072037 17559 120 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10777 3168837 Rozzano Rozzano 45.381869 9.160548 P PPL IT 09 MI 015189 37207 92 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10778 3168843 Rovigo Rovigo 45.079985 11.793012 P PPL IT 20 RO 029041 50289 5 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10779 3168854 Rovereto Rovereto 45.889598 11.038681 P PPL IT 17 TN 022161 33422 219 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10780 3168931 Rosignano Marittimo Rosignano Marittimo 43.407934 10.472911 P PPL IT 16 LI 049017 30581 92 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10781 3168936 Roseto degli Abruzzi Roseto degli Abruzzi 42.666347 14.0227 P PPL IT 01 TE 067037 22978 8 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10782 3169056 Romano di Lombardia Romano di Lombardia 45.524577 9.748358 P PPL IT 09 BG 016183 15634 117 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10783 3169070 Roma Roma 41.9 12.4833333 P PPLC IT 07 RM 058091 2563241 14 Europe/Rome 2009-05-27
+ 10784 3169231 Rivoli Rivoli 45.071546 7.526219 P PPL IT 12 TO 001219 49792 321 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10785 3169262 Rivalta di Torino Rivalta di Torino 45.034045 7.518419 P PPL IT 12 TO 001214 17565 286 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10786 3169361 Rimini Rimini 44.0633333 12.5808333 P PPL IT 05 RN 099014 128656 5 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10787 3169412 Rieti Rieti 42.407232 12.859178 P PPL IT 07 RI 057059 43785 390 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10788 3169424 Riccione Riccione Marina 43.9994212657662 12.6568937301636 P PPL IT 05 RN 099013 33887 18 Europe/Rome 2008-09-03
+ 10789 3169447 Rho Rho 45.530871 9.040143 P PPL IT 09 MI 015182 50246 149 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10790 3169522 Reggio nell'Emilia Reggio nell'Emilia 44.698250405038 10.6312465667725 P PPL IT 05 RE 035033 141877 54 Europe/Rome 2009-04-03
+ 10791 3169540 Recanati Recanati 43.40386 13.559779 P PPL IT 10 MC 043044 20050 142 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10792 3169561 Ravenna Ravenna 44.4175 12.2011111 P PPL IT 05 RA 039014 134631 3 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10793 3169602 Rapallo Rapallo 44.3496011619761 9.2279577255249 P PPL IT 08 GE 010046 29159 1 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 10794 3169713 Quarrata Quarrata 43.849848 10.980715 P PPL IT 16 PT 047017 22683 42 Europe/Rome 1993-12-10
+ 10795 3169724 Qualiano Qualiano 40.92261 14.150127 P PPL IT 04 NA 063062 24542 115 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10796 3169742 Putignano Putignano 40.85183 17.121294 P PPL IT 13 BA 072036 28176 351 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10797 3169921 Prato Prato 43.88425 11.090917 P PPL IT 16 PO 100005 172499 58 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10798 3169984 Pozzuoli Pozzuoli 40.8319630347963 14.1100072860718 P PPL IT 04 NA 063060 78754 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 10799 3170027 Potenza Potenza 40.644317 15.808567 P PPLA IT 02 PZ 076063 69060 698 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10800 3170069 Porto Torres Porto Torres 40.835 8.3972222 P PPL IT 14 SS 090058 21064 -9999 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10801 3170072 Porto Sant'Elpidio Porto Sant'Elpidio 43.258258 13.758286 P PPL IT IT 10 AP 044061 22752 24 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10802 3170073 Porto San Giorgio Porto San Giorgio 43.182656 13.793388 P PPL IT 10 AP 044060 15869 1 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10803 3170086 Portogruaro Portogruaro 45.7752778 12.8386111 P PPL IT 20 VE 027029 24571 10 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10804 3170102 Civitanova Marche Civitanova Marche 43.306959 13.720584 P PPL IT 10 MC 043013 38299 8 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10805 3170116 Portici Portici 40.8156280824969 14.337158203125 P PPL IT 04 NA 063059 60218 45 Europe/Rome 2009-04-01
+ 10806 3170147 Pordenone Pordenone 45.9638889 12.6575 P PPL IT 06 PN 093033 49122 24 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10807 3170272 Pontedera Pontedera 43.661641 10.63171 P PPL IT 16 PI 050029 24971 12 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10808 3170293 Pontecagnano Faiano Pontecagnano 40.64251 14.873447 P PPL IT 04 SA 065099 22730 37 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10809 3170317 Pontassieve Pontassieve 43.773651 11.428226 P PPL IT 16 FI 048033 20610 92 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10810 3170335 Pompei Pompei 40.746109 14.497337 P PPL IT 04 NA 063058 25751 10 Europe/Rome 2008-12-05
+ 10811 3170341 Pomigliano d'Arco Pomigliano d'Arco 40.907912 14.386233 P PPL IT 04 NA 063057 40519 43 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10812 3170342 Pomezia Pomezia 41.667013 12.505181 P PPL IT 07 RM 058079 43960 87 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10813 3170382 Polignano a Mare Polignano a Mare 40.995934 17.215894 P PPL IT 13 BA 072035 16367 -9999 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10814 3170384 Policoro Policoro 40.211514 16.672592 P PPL IT 02 MT 077021 15096 23 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10815 3170457 Poggiomarino Poggiomarino 40.803111 14.539037 P PPL IT 04 NA 063055 19653 20 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10816 3170504 Poggibonsi Poggibonsi 43.472441 11.145625 P PPL IT 16 SI 052022 27420 97 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10817 3170621 Pistoia Pistoia 43.92125 10.923612 P PPL IT 16 PT 047014 84274 46 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10818 3170622 Pisticci Pisticci 40.390617 16.556787 P PPL IT 02 MT 077020 17811 250 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10819 3170647 Pisa Pisa 43.7175198673308 10.3964996337891 P PPL IT 16 PI 050026 89694 1 Europe/Rome 2008-01-04
+ 10820 3170657 Piove di Sacco Piove di Sacco 45.2975 12.0427778 P PPL IT 20 PD 028065 17517 5 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10821 3170659 Piossasco Piossasco 44.990543 7.463719 P PPL IT 12 TO 001194 16138 280 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10822 3170674 Piombino Piombino 42.934824 10.52212 P PPL IT 16 LI 049012 33925 48 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10823 3170676 Pioltello Pioltello 45.5050235251848 9.33151245117188 P PPL IT 09 MI 015175 31936 119 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10824 3170688 Pinocchio di Ancona Pinocchio di Ancona 43.5833333 13.5 P PPL IT 10 AN 102117 80 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10825 3170694 Pinerolo Pinerolo 44.8833333 7.35 P PPL IT 12 TO 001191 34360 323 Europe/Rome 2007-04-09
+ 10826 3170778 Pietrasanta Pietrasanta 43.952244 10.224797 P PPL IT 16 LU 046024 24409 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10827 3170937 Pianoro Pianoro 44.392964 11.342314 P PPL IT 05 BO 037047 16181 190 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10828 3171058 Piacenza Piacenza 45.046765 9.699366 P PPL IT 05 PC 033032 95594 44 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10829 3171148 Pescia Pescia 43.897047 10.690408 P PPL IT 16 PT 047012 17428 64 Europe/Rome 2006-07-13
+ 10830 3171155 Peschiera Borromeo Peschiera 45.4308 9.3087 P PPL IT 09 MI 015171 20264 89 Europe/Rome 2006-01-27
+ 10831 3171168 Pescara Pescara 42.460244 14.210207 P PPL IT 01 PE 068028 116286 9 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10832 3171173 Pesaro Pesaro 43.903566 12.890256 P PPL IT 10 PU 041044 91086 12 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10833 3171180 Perugia Perugia 43.096743 12.382858 P PPLA IT 18 PG 054039 149125 336 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10834 3171214 Pergine Valsugana Pergine Valsugana 46.065004 11.237982 P PPL IT 17 TN 022139 16901 490 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10835 3171355 Pavullo nel Frignano Pavullo nel Frignano 44.331458 10.835004 P PPL IT 05 MO 036030 15119 688 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10836 3171366 Pavia Pavia 45.184464 9.161452 P PPL IT 09 PV 018110 71214 60 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10837 3171457 Parma Parma 44.802665 10.328984 P PPL IT 05 PR 034027 163457 48 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10838 3171484 Parabiago Parabiago 45.554971 8.94564 P PPL IT 09 MI 015168 23950 169 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10839 3171562 Palo del Colle Palo del Colle 41.057532 16.700782 P PPL IT 13 BA 072033 20852 144 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10840 3171586 Palazzolo sull'Oglio Pallazzolo sull'Oglio 45.603681 9.89716 P PPL IT IT 09 BS 017133 17330 163 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10841 3171606 Palestrina Palestrina 41.83552 12.888987 P PPL IT IT 07 RM 058074 17234 477 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10842 3171664 Palagiano Palagiano 40.5788889 17.0386111 P PPL IT 13 TA 073021 15815 33 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10843 3171703 Pagani Pagani 40.75151 14.61334 P PPL IT 04 SA 065088 32349 35 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10844 3171710 Paese Paese 45.6741667 12.1638889 P PPL IT 20 TV 026055 18407 22 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10845 3171728 Padova Padova 45.415194 11.881808 P PPL IT 20 PD 028060 204870 11 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10846 3171737 Paderno Dugnano Paderno Dugnano 45.5689911640653 9.16482925415039 P PPL IT 09 MI 015166 45444 154 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10847 3171778 Ottaviano Ottaviano 40.849811 14.490136 P PPL IT 04 NA 063051 22670 133 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10848 3171786 Ostuni Ostuni 40.727631 17.576406 P PPL IT 13 BR 074012 32901 193 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10849 3171848 Osimo Osimo 43.482761 13.487476 P PPL IT 10 AN 042034 29431 88 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10850 3171874 Orvieto Orvieto 42.719532 12.111557 P PPL IT 18 TR 055023 20705 201 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10851 3171886 Ortona Ortona 42.349643 14.403913 P PPL IT 01 CH 069058 22694 3 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10852 3171900 Orta Nova Orta Nova 41.32993 15.710656 P PPL IT 13 FG 071036 17665 70 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10853 3171961 Oria Oria 40.497327 17.64131 P PPL IT 13 BR 074011 15209 115 Europe/Rome 2007-02-08
+ 10854 3171986 Orbassano Orbassano 45.003844 7.53992 P PPL IT 12 TO 001171 21581 252 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10855 3172023 Omegna Omegna 45.879774 8.408022 P PPL IT 12 VB 103050 15373 276 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10856 3172087 Olbia Olbia 40.921373 9.485629 P PPL IT IT 14 OT 104017 45366 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-07-16
+ 10857 3172116 Oderzo Oderzo 45.78 12.4880556 P PPL IT 20 TV 026051 17316 8 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10858 3172154 Nuoro Nuoro 40.32106 9.329734 P PPL IT 14 NU 091051 36678 541 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10859 3172170 Novi Ligure Novi Ligure 44.76085 8.789551 P PPL IT 12 AL 006114 27223 186 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10860 3172184 Novate Milanese Novate Milanese 45.530972 9.134745 P PPL IT 09 MI 015157 19889 130 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10861 3172189 Novara Novara 45.440565 8.616835 P PPL IT 12 NO 003106 100910 150 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10862 3172191 Nova Milanese Nova Milanese 45.590374 9.199545 P PPL IT 09 MI 015156 21999 167 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10863 3172227 Nola Nola 40.922013 14.532936 P PPL IT 04 NA 063050 32730 45 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10864 3172228 Noicattaro Noicattaro 41.033833 16.989589 P PPL IT 13 BA 072032 23686 82 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10865 3172240 Noci Noci 40.790729 17.131695 P PPL IT 13 BA 072031 19564 393 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10866 3172243 Nocera Superiore Nocera Superiore 40.74211 14.672941 P PPL IT 04 SA 065079 23837 94 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10867 3172244 Nocera Inferiore Nocera Inferiore 40.75221 14.64014 P PPL IT 04 SA 065078 46540 85 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10868 3172269 Nichelino Nichelino 44.994045 7.641823 P PPL IT 12 TO 001164 47791 214 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10869 3172287 Nettuno Nettuno 41.4590667316345 12.6603698730469 P PPL IT 07 RM 058072 36080 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 10870 3172297 Nerviano Nerviano 45.556671 8.977741 P PPL IT 09 MI 015154 16810 160 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10871 3172338 Negrar Negrar 45.528788 10.937985 P PPL IT 20 VR 023052 16184 188 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10872 3172377 Narni Narni 42.517131 12.523069 P PPL IT 18 TR 055022 20070 130 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10873 3172379 Nardò Nardo 40.175123 18.029722 P PPL IT 13 LE 075052 30520 46 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10874 3172394 Napoli Napoli 40.8333333 14.25 P PPLA IT 04 NA 063049 988972 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-04-27
+ 10875 3172472 Mugnano di Napoli Mugnano di Napoli 40.91131 14.205129 P PPL IT 04 NA 063048 30069 125 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10876 3172479 Muggiò Muggio 45.588374 9.226246 P PPL IT 09 MI 015152 21207 163 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10877 3172499 Mottola Mottola 40.6352778 17.0352778 P PPL IT 13 TA 073019 16575 293 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10878 3172629 Monza Monza 45.582475 9.274847 P PPL IT 09 MI 015149 120204 162 156 Europe/Rome 2008-11-17
+ 10879 3172681 Montichiari Montichiari 45.415181 10.390675 P PPL IT 09 BS 017113 19101 81 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10880 3172718 Montevarchi Montevarchi 43.527646 11.568933 P PPL IT 16 AR 051026 22239 192 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10881 3172730 Montesilvano Montesilvano 42.503944 14.138005 P PPL IT 01 PE 068024 40700 52 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10882 3172768 Monterotondo Monterotondo 42.052522 12.618678 P PPL IT 07 RM 058065 34376 150 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10883 3172828 Montemurlo Montemurlo 43.921651 11.031115 P PPL IT 16 PO 100003 17502 62 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10884 3172979 Montecchio Maggiore Montecchio Maggiore 45.503692 11.411996 P PPL IT 20 VI 024061 21061 88 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10885 3172996 Montecatini-Terme Montecatini Terme 43.883547 10.77361 P PPL IT 16 PT 047011 19900 33 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10886 3173029 Montebelluna Montebelluna 45.7752778 12.0388889 P PPL IT 20 TV 026046 27539 116 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10887 3173122 Monsummano Terme Monsummano 43.870347 10.812311 P PPL IT 16 PT 047009 19906 77 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10888 3173124 Monselice Monselice 45.242388 11.749008 P PPL IT 20 PD 028055 17458 37 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10889 3173131 Monopoli Monopoli 40.955934 17.289596 P PPL IT 13 BA 072030 46708 11 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10890 3173153 Monfalcone Monfalcone 45.8072222 13.5341667 P PPL IT 06 GO 031012 26393 5 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10891 3173160 Mondragone Mondragone 41.114112 13.893519 P PPL IT 04 CE 061052 24155 5 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10892 3173162 Mondovì Mondovi 44.396033 7.817637 P PPL IT 12 CN 004130 21880 411 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10893 3173180 Moncalieri Moncalieri 44.996246 7.690323 P PPL IT 12 TO 001156 53350 211 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10894 3173287 Molfetta Molfetta 41.200234 16.597478 P PPL IT 13 BA 072029 62546 -9999 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10895 3173302 Mola di Bari Mola di Bari 41.060935 17.087291 P PPL IT 13 BA 072028 25919 -9999 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10896 3173314 Mogliano Veneto Mogliano Veneto 45.565 12.235 P PPL IT 20 TV 026043 26322 10 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10897 3173326 Modugno Modugno 41.097433 16.777983 P PPL IT 13 BA 072027 35980 56 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10898 3173331 Modena Modena 44.6478340072451 10.9253883361816 P PPL IT 05 MO 036023 175502 25 Europe/Rome 2008-07-24
+ 10899 3173369 Mirano Mirano 45.4944444 12.1047222 P PPL IT 20 VE 027024 26206 10 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10900 3173370 Mirandola Mirandola 44.886774 11.066199 P PPL IT 05 MO 036022 22068 6 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10901 3173385 Mira Mira 45.43 12.1197222 P PPL IT 20 VE 027023 35355 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10902 3173391 Minturno Minturno 41.257614 13.723713 P PPL IT 07 LT 059014 17814 11 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10903 3173435 Milano Milano 45.4642693810258 9.1895055770874 P PPLA IT 09 MI 015146 1306661 120 108 Europe/Rome 2008-11-17
+ 10904 3173529 Mestre Mestre 45.4902778 12.2425 P PPL IT 20 VE 176000 4 Europe/Rome 2009-03-12
+ 10905 3173537 Mesagne Mesagne 40.558829 17.808313 P PPL IT 13 BR 074010 27587 56 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10906 3173560 Mercato San Severino Mercato San Severino 40.781212 14.756942 P PPL IT 04 SA 065067 20362 161 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10907 3173577 Merano Merano 46.6681692761016 11.1595344543457 P PPL IT 17 BZ 021051 35505 348 Europe/Rome 2007-03-30
+ 10908 3173582 Mentana Mentana 42.034922 12.642379 P PPL IT 07 RM 058059 16288 158 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10909 3173599 Melzo Melzo 45.501274 9.425252 P PPL IT 09 MI 015142 18546 110 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10910 3173614 Melito di Napoli Melito di Napoli 40.920511 14.230029 P PPL IT 04 NA 063045 34208 88 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10911 3173615 Melfi Melfi 40.996523 15.651359 P PPL IT 02 PZ 076048 16110 497 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10912 3173631 Melegnano Melegnano 45.35877 9.323952 P PPL IT 09 MI 015140 15761 79 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10913 3173671 Meda Meda 45.658175 9.159743 P PPL IT 09 MI 015138 21266 211 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10914 3173721 Matera Matera 40.668523 16.601585 P PPL IT 02 MT 077014 57785 294 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10915 3173754 Massarosa Massarosa 43.867643 10.3397 P PPL IT 16 LU 046018 20548 42 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10916 3173762 Massafra Massafra 40.5919444 17.1152778 P PPL IT 13 TA 073015 30923 118 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10917 3173775 Massa Massa 44.022045 10.114093 P PPL IT 16 MS 045010 66769 12 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10918 3173841 Martina Franca Martina Franca 40.703129 17.333901 P PPL IT 13 TA 073013 48756 396 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10919 3173852 Martellago Martellago 45.5475 12.15 P PPL IT 20 VE 027021 19476 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10920 3173870 Marsciano Marsciano 42.905938 12.335859 P PPL IT 18 PG 054027 16336 167 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10921 3173914 Marino Marino 41.762416 12.644383 P PPL IT 07 RM 058057 32706 299 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10922 3173935 Marina di Carrara Marina di Carrara 44.0383676973447 10.0414180755615 P PPL IT 16 25000 1 Europe/Rome 2008-10-10
+ 10923 3173945 Marigliano Marigliano 40.926313 14.458134 P PPL IT 04 NA 063043 30083 39 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10924 3173949 Mariano Comense Mariano Comense 45.692076 9.179743 P PPL IT 09 CO 013143 20282 246 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10925 3173995 Marcianise Marcianise 41.032214 14.300929 P PPL IT 04 CE 061049 39876 21 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10926 3174021 Marano di Napoli Marano di Napoli 40.89761 14.190528 P PPL IT 04 NA 063041 57448 195 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10927 3174032 Maranello Maranello 44.524763 10.865501 P PPL IT 05 MO 036019 15912 151 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10928 3174051 Mantova Mantova 45.152078 10.773788 P PPL IT 09 MN 020030 47790 17 Europe/Rome 2009-03-23
+ 10929 3174092 Manfredonia Manfredonia 41.625938 15.909357 P PPL IT 13 FG 071029 57704 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-03-23
+ 10930 3174096 Manduria Manduria 40.401825 17.633511 P PPL IT 13 TA 073012 31747 85 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10931 3174141 Malnate Malnate 45.790776 8.881934 P PPL IT 09 VA 012096 15192 338 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10932 3174254 Maglie Maglie 40.118423 18.298929 P PPL IT 13 LE 075039 15255 85 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 10933 3174295 Magenta Magenta 45.464568 8.88264 P PPL IT 09 MI 015130 22839 125 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10934 3174358 Maddaloni Maddaloni 41.040014 14.376831 P PPL IT 04 CE 061048 37546 77 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 10935 3174380 Macerata Macerata 43.298156 13.441078 P PPL IT 10 MC 043023 40875 221 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10936 3174494 Lugo Lugo 44.42707 11.907626 P PPL IT 05 RA 039012 31603 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10937 3174526 Lucera Lucera 41.508231 15.335046 P PPL IT 13 FG 071028 35162 193 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10938 3174530 Lucca Lucca 43.8435654491906 10.5058479309082 P PPL IT 16 LU 046017 81862 7 Europe/Rome 2007-09-14
+ 10939 3174638 Lodi Lodi 45.31357 9.502857 P PPL IT 09 LO 098031 40805 64 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10940 3174659 Livorno Livorno 43.542636 10.316005 P PPL IT 16 LI 049009 156274 5 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10941 3174679 Lissone Lissone 45.6123563344708 9.23984527587891 P PPL IT 09 MI 015123 34450 179 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10942 3174719 Limbiate Limbiate 45.596774 9.129043 P PPL IT 09 MI 015121 31551 175 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10943 3174741 Lido di Roma Lido di Roma 41.7321235440187 12.2765350341797 P PPL IT IT 07 RM 90000 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 10944 3174921 Legnano Legnano 45.595971 8.907839 P PPL IT 09 MI 015118 53797 191 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10945 3174922 Legnago Legnago 45.183183 11.309099 P PPL IT 20 VR 023044 24274 6 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10946 3174945 Lecco Lecco 45.8531653603081 9.39004898071289 P PPL IT 09 LC 097042 46723 239 Europe/Rome 2008-10-01
+ 10947 3174953 Lecce Lecce 40.357027 18.172023 P PPL IT 13 LE 075035 83303 53 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 10948 3175058 Latina Latina 41.4661419856605 12.9043006896973 P PPL IT 07 LT 059011 107898 20 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 10949 3175061 Latiano Latiano 40.552928 17.720511 P PPL IT 13 BR 074009 15371 96 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10950 3175074 Lastra a Signa Lastra a Signa 43.771348 11.102819 P PPL IT 16 FI 048024 17938 29 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10951 3175081 La Spezia La Spezia 44.110545 9.843386 P PPL IT 08 SP 011015 91391 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10952 3175121 L'Aquila L'Aquila 42.3505519866732 13.399543762207 P PPLA IT 01 AQ 066049 68503 691 Europe/Rome 2008-07-31
+ 10953 3175173 Lanciano Lanciano 42.21674 14.388215 P PPL IT 01 CH 069046 35798 283 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10954 3175235 Laives - Leifers Laives - Leifers 46.4267948272853 11.3384056091309 P PPL IT 17 BZ 021040 15069 245 312 Europe/Rome 2008-09-16
+ 10955 3175238 Lainate Lainate 45.571755041306 9.02681350708008 P PPL IT 09 MI 015116 23660 165 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10956 3175298 Ladispoli Ladispoli 41.953716 12.073468 P PPL IT 07 RM 058116 29968 10 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10957 3175384 Ivrea Ivrea 45.458058 7.871919 P PPL IT 12 TO 001125 23536 222 Europe/Rome 2009-04-02
+ 10958 3175445 Isernia Isernia 41.600225 14.23822 P PPL IT 11 IS 094023 21152 440 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10959 3175453 Ischia Porto Ischia Porto 40.7333333 13.95 P PPL IT 04 NA 18192 -9999 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10960 3175458 Ischia Ischia 40.73522624861 13.948130607605 P PPL IT IT 04 NA 063037 18253 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-10-01
+ 10961 3175532 Imperia Imperia 43.8875010900454 8.03083419799805 P PPL IT 08 IM 008031 39458 1 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 10962 3175537 Imola Imola 44.352267 11.715823 P PPL IT 05 BO 037032 64348 30 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10963 3175627 Iesolo Iesolo 45.5331085073389 12.6447486877441 P PPL IT IT 20 VE 027019 23988 2 Europe/Rome 2009-06-03
+ 10964 3175628 Jesi Iesi 43.52876 13.24017 P PPL IT 10 AN 042021 39224 79 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10965 3175678 Guidonia Guidonia 42.0166667 12.75 P PPL IT 07 RM 75025 149 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 10966 3175687 Gubbio Gubbio 43.35445 12.572458 P PPL IT 18 PG 054024 31616 487 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10967 3175722 Gualdo Tadino Gualdo Tadino 43.231649 12.780964 P PPL IT 18 PG 054023 15064 497 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10968 3175743 Grumo Nevano Grumo Nevano 40.935911 14.259829 P PPL IT 04 NA 063036 18644 50 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10969 3175755 Grugliasco Grugliasco 45.068046 7.57762 P PPL IT 12 TO 001120 38725 277 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10970 3175773 Grottaglie Grottaglie 40.539226 17.433705 P PPL IT 13 TA 073008 31894 138 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10971 3175775 Grottaferrata Grottaferrata 41.783617 12.675683 P PPL IT 07 RM 058046 17663 399 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 10972 3175786 Grosseto Grosseto 42.771425 11.107935 P PPL IT 16 GR 053011 71263 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-08
+ 10973 3175860 Gravina in Puglia Gravina in Puglia 40.819725 16.422779 P PPL IT 13 BA 072023 42154 358 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10974 3175952 Gragnano Gragnano 40.695608 14.512338 P PPL IT 04 NA 063035 29553 99 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10975 3175986 Gorizia Gorizia 45.945 13.5977778 P PPL IT 06 GO 031007 35667 43 Europe/Rome 2008-11-28
+ 10976 3175990 Gorgonzola Gorgonzola 45.531574 9.404651 P PPL IT 09 MI 015108 17674 119 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10977 3176041 Giussano Giussano 45.694077 9.211243 P PPL IT 09 MI 015107 21775 262 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10978 3176053 Giulianova Giulianova 42.761148 13.953697 P PPL IT 01 TE 067025 21400 20 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 10979 3176059 Giugliano in Campania Giugliano in Campania 40.927411 14.191028 P PPL IT 04 NA 063034 97999 100 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10980 3176072 Giovinazzo Giovinazzo 41.186434 16.66738 P PPL IT 13 BA 072022 20300 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10981 3176090 Gioia del Colle Gioia del Colle 40.796728 16.92359 P PPL IT 13 BA 072021 27655 344 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10982 3176097 Ginosa Ginosa 40.580122 16.756089 P PPL IT 13 TA 073007 22146 193 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10983 3176177 Ghedi Ghedi 45.401079 10.279272 P PPL IT 09 BS 017078 15627 81 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10984 3176203 Genzano di Roma Genzano di Roma 41.701315 12.691785 P PPL IT 07 RM 058043 22178 399 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10985 3176219 Genova Genova 44.4063162526614 8.93385887145996 P PPLA IT 08 GE 010025 601951 32 Europe/Rome 2009-03-02
+ 10986 3176322 Garbagnate Milanese Garbagnate Milanese 45.576473 9.071743 P PPL IT 09 MI 015105 27276 170 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10987 3176366 Gallipoli Gallipoli 40.0555556 17.9763889 P PPL IT 13 LE 075031 20266 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 10988 3176391 Gallarate Gallarate 45.6601872908887 8.7916374206543 P PPL IT 09 VA 012070 46361 233 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 10989 3176406 Galatone Galatone 40.142922 18.070424 P PPL IT 13 LE 075030 15895 67 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10990 3176407 Galatina Galatina 40.174024 18.168225 P PPL IT 13 LE 075029 28081 73 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 10991 3176438 Gaeta Gaeta 41.2140782264604 13.570818901062 P PPL IT 07 LT 059009 21179 10 -9999 Europe/Rome 2009-10-01
+ 10992 3176504 Fucecchio Fucecchio 43.727844 10.810113 P PPL IT 16 FI 048019 21139 18 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10993 3176515 Frosinone Frosinone 41.640019 13.3401 P PPL IT 07 FR 060038 48636 183 Europe/Rome 2006-07-13
+ 10994 3176560 Frattaminore Frattaminore 40.955512 14.272729 P PPL IT 04 NA 063033 15072 39 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 10995 3176561 Frattamaggiore Frattamaggiore 40.939312 14.27403 P PPL IT 04 NA 063032 32731 46 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10996 3176589 Frascati Frascati 41.816317 12.668683 P PPL IT 07 RM 058039 19314 278 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 10997 3176603 Francavilla Fontana Francavilla Fontana 40.530627 17.585208 P PPL IT 13 BR 074008 36274 134 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 10998 3176605 Francavilla al Mare Francavilla al Mare 42.420643 14.28701 P PPL IT 01 CH 069035 22883 4 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 10999 3176639 Fossano Fossano 44.548935 7.720132 P PPL IT 12 CN 004089 23865 315 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11000 3176733 Formigine Formigine 44.572964 10.847 P PPL IT 05 MO 036015 30073 78 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11001 3176738 Formia Formia 41.2562587576293 13.6058807373047 P PPL IT 07 LT 059008 34931 10 -9999 Europe/Rome 2009-09-14
+ 11002 3176746 Forlì Forli 44.2236111 12.0527778 P PPL IT 05 FC 040012 108335 25 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11003 3176843 Fondi Fondi 41.354114 13.431306 P PPL IT 07 LT 059007 31023 2 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11004 3176849 Follonica Follonica 42.926326 10.761625 P PPL IT 16 GR 053009 21091 6 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11005 3176854 Foligno Foligno 42.944042 12.701067 P PPL IT 18 PG 054018 51130 266 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11006 3176885 Foggia Foggia 41.460932 15.549251 P PPL IT 13 FG 071024 155203 60 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11007 3176923 Fiumicino Fiumicino 41.7674707634729 12.2290706634521 P PPL IT 07 RM 058120 50535 3 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 11008 3176959 Florence Florence 43.7666667 11.25 P PPLA IT 16 FI 048017 371517 87 Europe/Rome 2008-12-03
+ 11009 3176970 Fiorano Modenese Fiorano Modenese 44.535963 10.8218 P PPL IT 05 MO 036013 16137 132 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11010 3176983 Finale Emilia Finale Emilia 44.834574 11.293905 P PPL IT 05 MO 036012 15141 6 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11011 3177009 Figline Valdarno Figline Valdarno 43.619547 11.469329 P PPL IT 16 FI 048016 16301 186 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11012 3177029 Fidenza Fidenza 44.863964 10.066677 P PPL IT 05 PR 034014 23424 71 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11013 3177090 Ferrara Ferrara 44.826777 11.620713 P PPL IT 05 FE 038008 130992 9 Europe/Rome 2007-10-17
+ 11014 3177099 Fermo Fermo 43.164656 13.723286 P PPL IT 10 AP 044019 35502 189 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11015 3177102 Ferentino Ferentino 41.695319 13.256397 P PPL IT 07 FR 060033 20103 292 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11016 3177120 Feltre Feltre 46.023509 11.906998 P PPL IT 20 BL 025021 19240 275 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11017 3177171 Fasano Fasano 40.834432 17.358399 P PPL IT 13 BR 074007 38667 86 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11018 3177219 Fano Fano 43.820365 13.01206 P PPL IT 10 PU 041013 57529 15 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11019 3177250 Falconara Marittima Falconara Marittima 43.623263 13.403072 P PPL IT 10 AN 042018 28349 68 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11020 3177300 Faenza Faenza 44.285704141367 11.8833446502686 P PPL IT 05 RA 039010 53641 21 Europe/Rome 2008-07-02
+ 11021 3177315 Fabriano Fabriano 43.340653 12.907265 P PPL IT 10 AN 042017 30019 337 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11022 3177337 Este Este 45.222887 11.658707 P PPL IT 20 PD 028037 16704 11 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11023 3177363 Ercolano Ercolano 40.806309 14.360933 P PPL IT 04 NA 063064 56738 135 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11024 3177372 Erba Erba 45.80958 9.231242 P PPL IT 09 CO 013095 16374 282 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11025 3177400 Empoli Empoli 43.717545 10.941416 P PPL IT 16 FI 048014 44094 15 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11026 3177438 Eboli Eboli 40.614211 15.057851 P PPL IT 04 SA 065050 35842 85 Europe/Rome 1993-12-10
+ 11027 3177532 Domodossola Domodossola 46.1165021691068 8.29313278198242 P PPL IT 12 VB 103028 18466 262 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 11028 3177608 Desio Desio 45.620175 9.204245 P PPL IT 09 MI 015100 35069 188 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11029 3177610 Desenzano del Garda Desenzano del Garda 45.467983 10.533977 P PPL IT 09 BS 017067 23651 81 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11030 3177650 Dalmine Dalmine 45.649279 9.603953 P PPL IT 09 BG 016091 21459 188 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11031 3177664 Cusano Milanino Cusano Milanino 45.553073 9.183445 P PPL IT 09 MI 015098 19850 136 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11032 3177700 Cuneo Cuneo 44.39733 7.544531 P PPL IT 12 CN 004078 52334 484 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11033 3177838 Cremona Cremona 45.136171 10.027972 P PPL IT 09 CR 019036 70887 31 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11034 3177841 Crema Crema 45.358773 9.66826 P PPL IT 09 CR 019035 32981 70 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11035 3177924 Cossato Cossato 45.573864 8.181723 P PPL IT 12 BI 096020 15266 243 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11036 3177948 Cortona Cortona 43.2746744791424 11.9853329658508 P PPL IT 16 AR 051017 22707 419 Europe/Rome 2007-04-26
+ 11037 3178004 Corsico Corsico 45.4309852879642 9.11092758178711 P PPL IT 09 MI 015093 33273 106 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 11038 3178019 Correggio Correggio 44.769768 10.782295 P PPL IT 05 RE 035020 20604 17 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11039 3178074 Cornaredo Cornaredo 45.49697 9.026143 P PPL IT 09 MI 015087 19928 130 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11040 3178087 Cormano Cormano 45.539573 9.170945 P PPL IT 09 MI 015086 18056 130 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11041 3178112 Cordenons Cordenons 45.9897222 12.7019444 P PPL IT 06 PN 093017 16991 35 Europe/Rome 2007-02-10
+ 11042 3178117 Corciano Corciano 43.129043 12.287355 P PPL IT 18 PG 054015 15256 370 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11043 3178131 Corato Corato 41.145532 16.413874 P PPL IT 13 BA 072020 44971 217 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11044 3178137 Copparo Copparo 44.89298 11.824916 P PPL IT 05 FE 038007 18057 5 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 11045 3178141 Copertino Copertino 40.271525 18.056522 P PPL IT 13 LE 075022 22294 50 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11046 3178147 Conversano Conversano 40.966233 17.114792 P PPL IT 13 BA 072019 24071 191 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11047 3178197 Conegliano Conegliano 45.8905556 12.2925 P PPL IT 20 TV 026021 35100 56 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11048 3178229 Como Como 45.809978 9.087438 P PPL IT 09 CO 013075 78680 283 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11049 3178245 Comacchio Comacchio 44.6975 12.1858333 P PPL IT 05 FE 038006 20320 2 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11050 3178283 Cologno Monzese Cologno Monzese 45.5300420926445 9.2779541015625 P PPL IT 09 MI 015081 48262 119 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11051 3178349 Collesalvetti Colle Salvetti 43.588838 10.474808 P PPL IT 16 LI 049008 15871 38 Europe/Rome 2006-01-27
+ 11052 3178388 Collegno Collegno 45.077546 7.572419 P PPL IT 12 TO 001090 46641 282 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11053 3178398 Colleferro Colleferro 41.726218 13.003591 P PPL IT 07 RM 058034 20723 243 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11054 3178402 Colle di Val d'Elsa Colle di Val d'Elsa 43.41514 11.131425 P PPL IT IT 16 SI 052012 19521 154 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11055 3178587 Civitavecchia Civitavecchia 42.0932547021932 11.7967414855957 P PPL IT 07 RM 058032 50032 34 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 11056 3178595 Civita Castellana Civita Castellana 42.295226 12.40917 P PPL IT 07 VT 056021 15219 100 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11057 3178619 Città di Castello Citta di Castello 43.46905 12.230448 P PPL IT 18 PG 054013 37889 283 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11058 3178622 Cittadella Cittadella 45.649999 11.784202 P PPL IT 20 PD 028032 18743 36 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11059 3178631 Cisterna di Latina Cisterna di Latina 41.590796851056 12.8280830383301 P PPL IT IT 07 LT 059005 32584 71 Europe/Rome 2008-12-29
+ 11060 3178650 Ciriè Cirie 45.23505 7.598817 P PPL IT 12 TO 001086 18188 332 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11061 3178671 Cinisello Balsamo Cinisello Balsamo 45.557073 9.221846 P PPL IT 09 MI 015077 72050 146 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11062 3178738 Ciampino Ciampino 41.801617 12.606582 P PPL IT 07 RM 058118 36074 127 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11063 3178745 Chivasso Chivasso 45.189352 7.887224 P PPL IT 12 TO 001082 23648 168 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11064 3178784 Chioggia Chioggia 45.2255556 12.2888889 P PPL IT 20 VE 027008 51779 -9999 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11065 3178796 Chieti Chieti 42.360941 14.138007 P PPL IT 01 CH 069022 52486 38 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11066 3178818 Chieri Chieri 45.013947 7.822326 P PPL IT 12 TO 001078 32868 273 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11067 3178832 Chiavari Chiavari 44.3177074067743 9.32241439819336 P PPL IT 08 GE 010015 27476 42 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 11068 3178850 Chiari Chiari 45.535879 9.930362 P PPL IT 09 BS 017052 17393 130 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11069 3178956 Cesenatico Cesenatico 44.1998665955448 12.3991012573242 P PPL IT 05 FC 040008 21716 2 Europe/Rome 2008-07-03
+ 11070 3178957 Cesena Cesena 44.1391021540682 12.2431468963623 P PPL IT 05 FC 040007 90948 38 Europe/Rome 2008-07-02
+ 11071 3178972 Cesano Maderno Cesano Maderno 45.630375 9.152243 P PPL IT 09 MI 015075 33094 193 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11072 3178998 Cervia Cervia 44.2620436865785 12.3481178283691 P PPL IT 05 RA 039007 25892 2 Europe/Rome 2008-07-03
+ 11073 3178999 Cerveteri Cerveteri 41.992617 12.092368 P PPL IT 07 RM 058029 26772 78 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11074 3179024 Certaldo Certaldo 43.547042 11.040221 P PPL IT 16 FI 048012 15670 83 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11075 3179066 Cernusco sul Naviglio Cernusco sul Naviglio 45.5271559025619 9.33340072631836 P PPL IT 09 MI 015070 26958 129 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11076 3179075 Cerignola Cerignola 41.26403 15.900461 P PPL IT 13 FG 071020 57366 119 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11077 3179106 Cerea Cerea 45.192082 11.210297 P PPL IT 20 VR 023025 15254 11 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11078 3179109 Cercola Cercola 40.85661 14.357733 P PPL IT 04 NA 063026 18876 100 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11079 3179162 Cento Cento 44.725972 11.288207 P PPL IT 05 FE 038004 29297 6 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11080 3179218 Ceglie Messapica Ceglie Messapico 40.643929 17.515505 P PPL IT 13 BR 074003 21370 258 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11081 3179235 Cecina Cecina 43.312832 10.524014 P PPL IT 16 LI 049007 26515 7 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11082 3179243 Ceccano Ceccano 41.567717 13.333301 P PPL IT 07 FR 060024 22334 114 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11083 3179294 Cavarzere Cavarzere 45.1355556 12.0816667 P PPL IT 20 VE 027006 15504 5 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11084 3179337 Cava de' Tirreni Cava de' Tirreni 40.70091 14.705642 P PPL IT 04 SA 065037 52616 180 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11085 3179347 Cattolica Cattolica 43.957466 12.737552 P PPL IT 05 RN 099002 15743 27 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11086 3179415 Castiglione delle Stiviere Castiglione delle Stiviere 45.390581 10.485277 P PPL IT 09 MN 020017 18428 101 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11087 3179443 Castel Volturno Castel Volturno 41.0335281586061 13.9421653747559 P PPL IT 04 CE 061027 18639 2 Europe/Rome 2008-02-05
+ 11088 3179479 Castel San Pietro Terme Castel San Pietro Terme 44.398566 11.584819 P PPL IT 05 BO 037020 19153 63 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11089 3179560 Castel Maggiore Castel Maggiore 44.577069 11.360711 P PPL IT 05 BO 037019 16068 19 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11090 3179655 Castellaneta Castellaneta 40.627224 16.936893 P PPL IT 13 TA 073003 17393 175 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11091 3179656 Castellana Grotte Castellana Grotte 40.886431 17.165495 P PPL IT 13 BA 072017 18276 282 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11092 3179661 Castellammare di Stabia Castellammare di Stabia 40.715509 14.489137 P PPL IT 04 NA 063024 66929 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11093 3179684 Castelfranco Veneto Castelfranco Veneto 45.676101 11.926005 P PPL IT 20 TV 026012 31486 34 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11094 3179686 Castelfranco Emilia Castelfranco Emilia 44.595767 11.052004 P PPL IT 05 MO 036006 25096 22 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11095 3179696 Castelfiorentino Castelfiorentino 43.610043 10.969218 P PPL IT 16 FI 048010 17012 92 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11096 3179697 Castelfidardo Castelfidardo 43.463161 13.545178 P PPL IT 10 AN 042010 16917 116 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11097 3179781 Cassino Cassino 41.48762 13.831513 P PPL IT 07 FR 060019 32762 32 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11098 3179795 Cassano d'Adda Cassano d'Adda 45.523575 9.513953 P PPL IT 09 MI 015059 16665 113 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11099 3179806 Casoria Casoria 40.9066368287736 14.2958736419678 P PPL IT 04 NA 063023 81888 58 Europe/Rome 2008-04-28
+ 11100 3179866 Caserta Caserta 41.083215 14.334929 P PPL IT 04 CE 061022 75208 81 Europe/Rome 2006-07-13
+ 11101 3179911 Caselle Torinese Caselle Torinese 45.177849 7.642619 P PPL IT 12 TO 001063 15857 261 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11102 3179977 Cascina Cascina 43.67914 10.499407 P PPL IT 16 PI 050008 38359 2 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11103 3180133 Casamassima Casamassima 40.957131 16.920388 P PPL IT 13 BA 072015 16734 207 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 11104 3180172 Casalnuovo di Napoli Casalnuovo di Napoli 40.909211 14.345732 P PPL IT 04 NA 063017 47940 40 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11105 3180208 Casale Monferrato Casale Monferrato 45.133356 8.457137 P PPL IT 12 AL 006039 35244 110 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11106 3180224 Casalecchio di Reno Casalecchio di Reno 44.475566 11.275911 P PPL IT 05 BO 037011 33029 49 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11107 3180240 Casal di Principe Casal di Principe 41.011412 14.124825 P PPL IT 04 CE 061019 19859 14 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11108 3180423 Carrara Carrara 44.062945 10.060691 P PPL IT 16 MS 045003 65034 23 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11109 3180445 Carpi Carpi 44.78237 10.877697 P PPL IT 05 MO 036005 61476 16 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11110 3180496 Carmagnola Carmagnola 44.847042 7.718027 P PPL IT 12 TO 001059 24911 225 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11111 3180541 Cardito Cardito 40.942012 14.29943 P PPL IT 04 NA 063016 20683 39 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11112 3180581 Carate Brianza Carate Brianza 45.673676 9.235944 P PPL IT 09 MI 015048 16119 224 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11113 3180601 Capua Capua 41.099714 14.220126 P PPL IT 04 CE 061015 19041 9 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11114 3180733 Capannori Capannori 43.874745 10.572805 P PPL IT 16 LU 046007 42454 15 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11115 3180746 Capaccio Capaccio 40.424407 15.080854 P PPL IT 04 SA 065025 20238 397 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 11116 3180758 Cantù Cantu 45.729377 9.140541 P PPL IT 09 CO 013041 35153 314 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11117 3180792 Canosa di Puglia Canosa di Puglia 41.219631 16.067466 P PPL IT 13 BA 072013 31445 145 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11118 3180991 Campobasso Campobasso 41.560027 14.66753 P PPLA IT 11 CB 070006 50762 630 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11119 3181018 Campi Bisenzio Campi Bisenzio 43.824549 11.132419 P PPL IT 16 FI 048006 37249 27 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11120 3181065 Campagna Campagna 40.6666667 15.1166667 P PPL IT 04 SA 15707 612 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11121 3181066 Campagna Campagna 40.665312 15.105851 P PPL IT 04 SA 065022 15311 297 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11122 3181125 Camaiore Camaiore 43.909743 10.241898 P PPL IT 16 LU 046005 30206 2 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11123 3181199 Calenzano Calenzano 43.85595 11.162719 P PPL IT 16 FI 048005 15042 75 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11124 3181258 Caivano Caivano 40.957112 14.31023 P PPL IT 04 NA 063011 36966 36 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11125 3181355 Busto Arsizio Busto Arsizio 45.6112756155815 8.84914398193359 P PPL IT 09 VA 012026 75916 211 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11126 3181359 Bussolengo Bussolengo 45.469186 10.850584 P PPL IT 20 VR 023015 16986 93 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11127 3181443 Budrio Budrio 44.537069 11.533616 P PPL IT 05 BO 037008 15403 15 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11128 3181471 Brusciano Brusciano 40.923212 14.423933 P PPL IT 04 NA 063010 15309 39 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11129 3181495 Brugherio Brugherio 45.5530060763059 9.29906845092773 P PPL IT 09 MI 015034 31470 129 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11130 3181528 Brindisi Brindisi 40.627731 17.936815 P PPL IT 13 BR 074001 89081 16 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11131 3181548 Bresso Bresso 45.537918232792 9.18920516967773 P PPL IT 09 MI 015032 27132 130 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11132 3181550 Bressanone - Brixen Bressanone 46.708925 11.65638 P PPL IT 17 BZ 021011 18359 560 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11133 3181554 Brescia Brescia 45.524782 10.227269 P PPL IT 09 BS 017029 187567 131 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11134 3181631 Bra Bra 44.70304 7.855632 P PPL IT 12 CN 004029 27988 280 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11135 3181683 Boscoreale Boscoreale 40.77561 14.499437 P PPL IT 04 NA 063008 27618 40 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11136 3181754 Borgo San Lorenzo Borgo San Lorenzo 43.955354 11.383522 P PPL IT 16 FI 048004 15825 187 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11137 3181790 Borgomanero Borgomanero 45.70237 8.458127 P PPL IT 12 NO 003024 19315 300 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11138 3181891 Bondeno Bondeno 44.886177 11.410807 P PPL IT 05 FE 038003 15741 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11139 3181913 Bolzano - Bozen Bolzano 46.492716 11.333576 P PPL IT 17 BZ 021008 94989 260 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11140 3181928 Bologna Bologna 44.4938114812334 11.3387489318848 P PPLA IT 05 BO 037006 371217 54 Europe/Rome 2008-08-04
+ 11141 3181931 Bollate Bollate 45.546472 9.120544 P PPL IT 09 MI 015027 46781 149 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11142 3181995 Bitonto Bitonto 41.110833 16.689381 P PPL IT 13 BA 072011 56929 99 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11143 3182007 Bisceglie Bisceglie 41.242034 16.504375 P PPL IT 13 BA 072009 51718 -9999 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11144 3182043 Biella Biella 45.559863 8.050021 P PPL IT 12 BI 096004 45740 390 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11145 3182164 Bergamo Bergamo 45.697981 9.668953 P PPL IT 09 BG 016024 113143 264 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11146 3182179 Benevento Benevento 41.129519 14.786138 P PPL IT 04 BN 062008 61791 165 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11147 3182210 Belluno Belluno 46.145 12.2213889 P PPL IT 20 BL 025006 35050 376 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11148 3182245 Beinasco Beinasco 45.023145 7.583921 P PPL IT 12 TO 001024 18198 237 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11149 3182272 Battipaglia Battipaglia 40.61091 14.985149 P PPL IT 04 SA 065014 50359 92 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 11150 3182289 Bastia Umbra Bastia 43.067944 12.545562 P PPL IT 18 PG 054002 18400 205 Europe/Rome 1993-12-10
+ 11151 3182297 Bassano del Grappa Bassano del Grappa 45.767601 11.735699 P PPL IT 20 VI 024012 40736 116 Europe/Rome 2006-01-17
+ 11152 3182337 Baronissi Baronissi 40.747711 14.770843 P PPL IT 04 SA 065013 15226 221 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 11153 3182340 Barletta Barletta 41.311834 16.29077 P PPL IT 13 BA 072007 92094 7 Europe/Rome 2006-07-13
+ 11154 3182351 Bari Bari 41.117734 16.851185 P PPLA IT 13 BA 072006 316532 8 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11155 3182361 Bareggio Bareggio 45.4750587842994 8.997802734375 P PPL IT 09 MI 015012 15759 120 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11156 3182522 Bagno a Ripoli Bagno a Ripoli 43.751149 11.322524 P PPL IT 16 FI 048001 25232 95 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11157 3182552 Bagnacavallo Bagnacavallo 44.41247 11.977128 P PPL IT 05 RA 039002 16122 11 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11158 3182599 Bacoli Bacoli 40.7992566200523 14.0784645080566 P PPL IT 04 NA 063006 26507 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 11159 3182636 Avezzano Avezzano 42.040228 13.438796 P PPL IT 01 AQ 066006 38337 658 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11160 3182640 Aversa Aversa 40.973212 14.204928 P PPL IT 04 CE 061005 53369 39 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11161 3182650 Avellino Avellino 40.914415 14.788741 P PPL IT 04 AV 064008 52703 356 Europe/Rome 2006-07-13
+ 11162 3182714 Asti Asti 44.897948 8.206836 P PPL IT 12 AT 005005 71276 122 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11163 3182722 Assisi Assisi 43.069144 12.616463 P PPL IT 18 PG 054001 25304 392 Europe/Rome 2008-04-11
+ 11164 3182749 Ascoli Piceno Ascoli Piceno 42.854826363641 13.5748958587646 P PPL IT 10 AP 044007 51375 165 Europe/Rome 2009-08-11
+ 11165 3182757 Arzignano Arzignano 45.519292 11.338594 P PPL IT 20 VI 024008 23085 139 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11166 3182765 Arzano Arzano 40.914411 14.26713 P PPL IT 04 NA 063005 38510 75 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11167 3182851 Ariccia Ariccia 41.720115 12.675884 P PPL IT 07 RM 058009 17865 487 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11168 3182854 Ariano Irpino Ariano Irpino 41.148922 15.083345 P PPL IT 04 AV 064005 23505 595 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11169 3182878 Argenta Argenta 44.612374 11.835621 P PPL IT 05 FE 038001 21648 6 Europe/Rome 2006-07-29
+ 11170 3182884 Arezzo Arezzo 43.4613921755683 11.8769073486328 P PPL IT 16 AR 051002 91589 256 Europe/Rome 2007-05-17
+ 11171 3182886 Arese Arese 45.552272 9.076543 P PPL IT 09 MI 015009 18771 159 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11172 3182897 Ardea Ardea 41.6122979835058 12.514328956604 P PPL IT 07 RM 058117 26711 31 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 11173 3182904 Arcore Arcore 45.626676 9.325547 P PPL IT 09 MI 015008 16663 181 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11174 3182957 Aprilia Aprilia 41.589512 12.650086 P PPL IT 07 LT 059001 56028 65 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11175 3182997 Aosta Aosta 45.73736 7.316601 P PPLA IT 19 AO 007003 34062 585 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11176 3183005 Anzio Anzio 41.447487378113 12.627067565918 P PPL IT 07 RM 058007 36952 -9999 Europe/Rome 2008-07-29
+ 11177 3183063 Angri Angri 40.74271 14.571439 P PPL IT 04 SA 065007 29761 19 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11178 3183072 Andria Andria 41.230632 16.290871 P PPL IT 13 BA 072005 95653 131 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11179 3183089 Ancona Ancona 43.598164 13.510075 P PPLA IT 10 AN 042002 100507 87 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11180 3183098 Anagni Anagni 41.74472 13.152694 P PPL IT 07 FR 060006 19134 392 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11181 3183178 Altamura Altamura 40.829226 16.553681 P PPL IT 13 BA 072004 64167 411 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11182 3183187 Alpignano Alpignano 45.101947 7.526618 P PPL IT 12 TO 001008 16648 309 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11183 3183284 Alghero Alghero 40.5588889 8.3180556 P PPL IT 14 SS 090003 44000 15 Europe/Rome 2009-04-10
+ 11184 3183299 Alessandria Alessandria 44.912452 8.618945 P PPL IT 12 AL 006003 85438 78 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11185 3183316 Albino Albino 45.763784 9.796355 P PPL IT 09 BG 016004 16394 343 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11186 3183319 Albignasego Albignasego 45.347492 11.867209 P PPL IT 20 PD 028003 19147 6 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11187 3183343 Albenga Albenga 44.0499664420635 8.21828842163086 P PPL IT 08 SV 009002 22690 1 Europe/Rome 2008-06-30
+ 11188 3183356 Albano Laziale Albano Laziale 41.7287286746239 12.6607990264893 P PPL IT 07 RM 058003 33692 456 Europe/Rome 2008-07-25
+ 11189 3183364 Alba Alba 44.6998976584032 8.03469657897949 P PPL IT 12 CN 004003 29910 185 Europe/Rome 2008-07-28
+ 11190 3183365 Alatri Alatri 41.730621 13.340199 P PPL IT 07 FR 060003 27068 425 Europe/Rome 2006-11-19
+ 11191 3183412 Agropoli Agropoli 40.346905 14.996553 P PPL IT 04 SA 065002 19949 52 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11192 3183455 Afragola Afragola 40.926012 14.310831 P PPL IT 04 NA 063002 62319 40 Europe/Rome 2006-07-24
+ 11193 3183466 Adria Adria 45.0563889 12.0577778 P PPL IT 20 RO 029001 20640 3 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11194 3183472 Adelfia Adelfia 41.004232 16.871686 P PPL IT 13 BA 072002 16245 144 Europe/Rome 2006-11-16
+ 11195 3183490 Acqui Terme Acqui Terme 44.675145 8.467546 P PPL IT 12 AL 006001 19184 179 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11196 3183494 Acquaviva delle Fonti Acquaviva delle Fonti 40.897829 16.842487 P PPL IT 13 BA 072001 21613 286 Europe/Rome 2006-11-05
+ 11197 3183541 Acerra Acerra 40.950713 14.376232 P PPL IT 04 NA 063001 45688 30 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11198 3183573 Abbiategrasso Abbiategrasso 45.3982089040569 8.91677856445312 P PPL IT 09 MI 015002 27739 105 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11199 3183587 Abano Terme Abano Terme 45.360992 11.791407 P PPL IT 20 PD 028001 18206 21 Europe/Rome 2007-02-17
+ 11200 3219114 Spinea Spinea 45.4930556 12.1605556 P PPL IT 20 VE 027038 24517 10 Europe/Rome 2007-02-18
+ 11201 6534212 Pieve Emanuele Pieve Emanuele 45.3505166552533 9.20268058776855 P PPL IT 09 MI 015173 15759 80 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11202 6534216 Lumezzane Lumezzane 45.647885 10.264868 P PPL IT 09 BS 017096 23712 472 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11203 6534226 Buccinasco Buccinasco 45.4161659705383 9.10783767700195 P PPL IT 09 MI 015036 24877 101 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 11204 6534228 Guidonia Montecelio Guidonia Montecelio 41.993622 12.722381 P PPL IT 07 RM 058047 67516 94 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11205 6534232 Lamezia Terme Lamezia Terme 38.965887 16.309198 P PPL IT 03 CZ 079160 70501 158 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11206 6534235 Cassano Magnago Cassano Magnago 45.6697245918752 8.81996154785156 P PPL IT 09 VA 012040 20668 255 Europe/Rome 2008-06-29
+ 11207 6534240 Settimo Milanese Settimo Milanese 45.477706913466 9.05573844909668 P PPL IT 09 MI 015211 17134 120 Europe/Rome 2008-06-28
+ 11208 6534252 San Felice a Cancello San Felice a Cancello 41.005814 14.455833 P PPL IT 04 CE 061075 16769 193 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11209 6534253 San Nicola la Strada San Nicola la Strada 41.051814 14.331329 P PPL IT 04 CE 061078 18724 47 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11210 6534256 Quarto Quarto 40.876809 14.139428 P PPL IT 04 NA 063063 36543 95 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11211 6534257 Tremestieri Etneo Tremestieri Etneo 37.581254 15.070887 P PPL IT 15 CT 087051 20442 397 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11212 6534267 Casavatore Casavatore 40.899211 14.27663 P PPL IT 04 NA 063021 20087 76 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11213 6534268 Volla Volla 40.878411 14.342932 P PPL IT 04 NA 063089 21574 41 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11214 6534275 Gravina di Catania Gravina di Catania 37.555553 15.062987 P PPL IT 15 CT 087019 27343 269 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11215 6534280 Cesano Boscone Cesano Boscone 45.442069 9.094446 P PPL IT 09 MI 015074 23593 110 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11216 6534284 Fonte Nuova Fonte Nuova 42.001667 12.621944 P PPL IT 07 RM 058122 22676 121 Europe/Rome 2007-05-13
+ 11217 3042091 Saint Helier Saint Helier 49.1833333 -2.1 P PPLC JE 00 28000 -9999 Europe/Jersey 2008-05-14
+ 11218 3488465 Spanish Town Spanish Town 17.9833333 -76.95 P PPL JM 10 145018 24 America/Jamaica 2007-02-18
+ 11219 3488981 Portmore Portmore 17.9702423652632 -76.8672180175781 P PPL JM 10 102861 1 America/Jamaica 2007-05-12
+ 11220 3489227 Old Harbour Old Harbour 17.9333333 -77.1166667 P PPL JM 10 26024 20 America/Jamaica 2006-01-17
+ 11221 3489297 New Kingston New Kingston 18.007467921353 -76.7831897735596 P PPLX JM 08 583958 114 America/Jamaica 2008-03-10
+ 11222 3489460 Montego Bay Montego Bay 18.4666667 -77.9166667 P PPL JM 12 82867 53 America/Jamaica 2007-02-18
+ 11223 3489523 May Pen May Pen 17.9666667 -77.2333333 P PPL JM 01 44755 69 America/Jamaica 2006-01-17
+ 11224 3489577 Mandeville Mandeville 18.0333333 -77.5 P PPL JM 04 47115 619 America/Jamaica 2007-07-09
+ 11225 3489760 Linstead Linstead 18.1368287366628 -77.0317125320435 P PPL JM 10 20660 131 America/Jamaica 2008-02-22
+ 11226 3489854 Kingston Kingston 17.9970194353704 -76.7935752868652 P PPLC JM 08 937700 54 America/Jamaica 2008-03-10
+ 11227 3490165 Half Way Tree Half Way Tree 18.0 -76.8 P PPLX JM 08 18552 54 America/Jamaica 2006-01-17
+ 11228 246013 Wādī as Sīr Wadi as Sir 31.95 35.8166667 P PPL JO 11 181212 929 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11229 246314 Umm as Summāq Umm as Summaq 31.8833333 35.85 P PPL JO 11 18274 968 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11230 247105 Saḩāb Sahab 31.8786111 36.0044444 P PPL JO 11 40241 858 Asia/Amman 2006-01-27
+ 11231 248370 Mādabā Madaba 31.7166667 35.8 P PPLA JO 23 82335 745 Asia/Amman 2008-10-17
+ 11232 248414 Kurayyimah Kurayyimah 32.2791667 35.5977778 P PPL JO 18 17837 -209 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11233 248875 Jarash Jarash 32.2805556 35.8952778 P PPL JO 18 27046 528 Asia/Amman 2007-02-18
+ 11234 248923 `Izrā `Izra 31.1588889 35.6927778 P PPL JO 09 22756 1123 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11235 248946 Irbid Irbid 32.5555556 35.85 P PPL JO 18 307480 584 Asia/Amman 2006-05-05
+ 11236 250090 Az Zarqā' Az Zarqa' 32.0833333 36.1 P PPL JO JO 13 792665 569 Asia/Amman 2008-09-21
+ 11237 250152 Aydūn Aydun 32.5072222 35.8575 P PPL JO 18 18376 646 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11238 250198 Aţ Ţafīlah At Tafilah 30.8333333 35.6 P PPL JO 11 25429 986 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11239 250258 As Salţ As Salt 32.0391667 35.7272222 P PPL JO 02 80189 759 Asia/Amman 2006-11-15
+ 11240 250336 Ar Ramthā Ar Ramtha 32.5591667 36.0069444 P PPL JO 18 74901 491 Asia/Amman 2006-11-15
+ 11241 250420 `Anjarah `Anjarah 32.3069444 35.7536111 P PPL JO 18 17634 845 Asia/Amman 2006-01-27
+ 11242 250441 Amman Amman 31.95 35.9333333 P PPLC JO 11 1275857 765 Asia/Amman 2009-05-26
+ 11243 250461 Al Quwaysimah Al Quwaysimah 31.9166667 35.95 P PPL JO 11 32396 951 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11244 250582 Al Mafraq Al Mafraq 32.35 36.2 P PPL JO 10 57118 696 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11245 250624 Qīr Moāv Qir Moav 31.1847222 35.7047222 P PPL JO JO 19 20000 1000 1016 Asia/Amman 2008-03-10
+ 11246 250637 Al Jubayhah Al Jubayhah 32.0166667 35.8666667 P PPL JO 11 46834 1000 Asia/Amman 2006-01-17
+ 11247 250774 Al `Aqabah Al `Aqabah 29.5266667 35.0077778 P PPL JO 16 89252 38 Asia/Amman 2007-02-17
+ 11248 250799 `Ajlūn `Ajlun 32.3338889 35.7508333 P PPL JO JO 18 125557 786 Asia/Amman 2009-03-03
+ 11249 6946409 Karak City Karak City 31.1668377845997 35.760326385498 P PPL JO 09 21678 930 981 Asia/Amman 2009-08-18
+ 11250 1847947 Shingū Shingu 33.7333333 135.9833333 P PPL JP 43 31619 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11251 1847963 Atsugi Atsugi 35.4388889 139.3597222 P PPL JP 19 229199 34 Asia/Tokyo 2007-05-27
+ 11252 1847966 Akashi Akashi 34.6333333 134.9833333 P PPL JP 13 297279 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11253 1847968 Zushi Zushi 35.2916667 139.5855556 P PPL JP 19 60055 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11254 1848004 Zama Zama 35.4888889 139.3886111 P PPL JP 19 134671 43 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11255 1848016 Yuza Yuza 39.0 139.9166667 P PPL JP 44 17082 71 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11256 1848087 Yukuhashi Yukuhashi 33.7333333 130.9833333 P PPL JP 07 71277 13 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11257 1848096 Yūki Yuki 36.3 139.8833333 P PPL JP 14 51574 38 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11258 1848113 Yugawara Yugawara 35.15 139.0666667 P PPL JP 19 27567 174 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11259 1848188 Yoshikawa Yoshikawa 35.8852778 139.8394444 P PPL JP 34 60510 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11260 1848194 Yoshii Yoshii 36.25 138.9833333 P PPL JP 10 25655 145 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11261 1848210 Yoshida Yoshida 37.6833333 138.8833333 P PPL JP 29 25500 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11262 1848243 Yorii Yorii 36.1166667 139.2 P PPL JP 34 38717 86 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11263 1848254 Yono Yono 35.8833333 139.6333333 P PPL JP 34 1077730 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11264 1848277 Yonago Yonago 35.4333333 133.3333333 P PPL JP 41 141368 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11265 1848313 Yokosuka Yokosuka 35.2836111 139.6672222 P PPL JP 19 428992 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11266 1848354 Yokohama Yokohama 35.45 139.65 P PPLA JP 19 3574443 1 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11267 1848373 Yokkaichi Yokkaichi 34.9666667 136.6166667 P PPL JP 23 295841 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11268 1848382 Youkaichi Youkaichi 35.1162578187692 136.197681427002 P PPL JP 35 45338 193 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-29
+ 11269 1848439 Yawata Yawata 34.8700880062114 135.702695846558 P PPL JP 22 71656 72 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11270 1848445 Yatsushiro Yatsushiro 32.5 130.6 P PPL JP 21 104341 22 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11271 1848447 Yatsuo Yatsuo 36.5666667 137.1333333 P PPL JP 42 22205 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11272 1848482 Yasugi Yasugi 35.4333333 133.25 P PPL JP 36 29368 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11273 1848489 Yasu Yasu 35.0680104104386 136.023273468018 P PPL JP 35 37587 96 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-29
+ 11274 1848498 Yashiro Yashiro 34.9166667 134.9666667 P PPL JP 13 21554 70 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11275 1848522 Yao Yao 34.6166667 135.6 P PPL JP 32 273213 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11276 1848550 Yanai Yanai 33.9666667 132.1166667 P PPL JP 45 32229 77 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11277 1848573 Yanagawa Yanagawa 33.1666667 130.4 P PPL JP 07 40386 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11278 1848633 Yamasaki Yamasaki 35.0 134.55 P PPL JP 13 25115 98 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11279 1848689 Yamaguchi Yamaguchi 34.1666667 131.4833333 P PPLA JP 45 145515 51 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-05
+ 11280 1848705 Yamaga Yamaga 33.0166667 130.6833333 P PPL JP 21 32298 47 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11281 1848774 Yaizu Yaizu 34.8666667 138.3333333 P PPL JP 37 121057 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11282 1848776 Yaita Yaita 36.8 139.9333333 P PPL JP 38 36275 187 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11283 1848903 Warabi Warabi 35.8263889 139.7044444 P PPL JP 34 69646 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11284 1848933 Waki Waki 34.0666667 134.15 P PPL JP 39 17659 83 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11285 1849053 Utsunomiya Utsunomiya 36.55 139.8666667 P PPLA JP 38 449865 116 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-05
+ 11286 1849069 Uto Uto 32.6833333 130.6666667 P PPL JP 21 39234 56 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11287 1849094 Usuki Usuki 33.1080556 131.7877778 P PPL JP 30 35001 97 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11288 1849154 Ushibuka Ushibuka 32.1905556 130.0227778 P PPL JP 21 16667 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11289 1849183 Ureshino Ureshino 33.1 129.9833333 P PPL JP 33 18953 85 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11290 1849186 Urayasu Urayasu 35.6705556 139.8886111 P PPL JP 40 143758 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11291 1849237 Uozu Uozu 36.8 137.4 P PPL JP 42 45848 34 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11292 1849299 Umi Umi 33.5666667 130.5 P PPL JP 07 39772 53 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11293 1849367 Ujiie Ujiie 36.6833333 139.9666667 P PPL JP 38 30366 159 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11294 1849372 Uji Uji 34.8833333 135.8 P PPL JP 22 192925 100 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11295 1849407 Uenohara Uenohara 35.6166667 139.1166667 P PPL JP 46 27840 219 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11296 1849414 Ueno Ueno 34.75 136.1333333 P PPL JP 23 61598 157 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-02
+ 11297 1849424 Ueki Ueki 32.9 130.6833333 P PPL JP 21 31688 97 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11298 1849429 Ueda Ueda 36.4 138.2666667 P PPL JP 26 126606 500 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11299 1849498 Ube Ube 33.9430556 131.2511111 P PPL JP 45 173733 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11300 1849519 Tsuyama Tsuyama 35.05 134.0 P PPL JP 31 89717 208 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11301 1849539 Tsushima Tsushima 35.1666667 136.7166667 P PPL JP 01 67658 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11302 1849563 Tsuruoka Tsuruoka 38.7216667 139.8216667 P PPL JP 44 99820 47 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11303 1849584 Tsurugi Tsurugi 36.45 136.6333333 P PPL JP 15 22042 86 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11304 1849592 Tsuruga Tsuruga 35.6454746130043 136.05580329895 P PPL JP 06 68482 24 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-25
+ 11305 1849647 Tsuma Tsuma 32.1 131.4 P PPL JP 25 34318 51 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11306 1849661 Tsukumi Tsukumi 33.0705556 131.8572222 P PPL JP 30 21658 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11307 1849706 Tsukawaki Tsukawaki 33.2666667 131.15 P PPL JP 30 18371 368 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11308 1849782 Tsubata Tsubata 36.6666667 136.7333333 P PPL JP 15 38644 24 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11309 1849788 Tsubame Tsubame 37.65 138.9333333 P PPL JP 29 44284 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11310 1849796 Tsu Tsu 34.7166667 136.5166667 P PPLA JP 23 163461 2 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11311 1849814 Toyota Toyota 35.0833333 137.15 P PPL JP 01 362383 48 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11312 1849817 Toyoshina Toyoshina 36.2999084708383 137.901077270508 P PPL JP 26 27834 560 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-24
+ 11313 1849831 Toyooka Toyooka 35.5333333 134.8333333 P PPL JP 13 46500 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11314 1849837 Toyonaka Toyonaka 34.782439091238 135.46932220459 P PPL JP 32 384459 14 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11315 1849845 Toyokawa Toyokawa 34.8166667 137.4 P PPL JP 01 120537 51 Asia/Tokyo 2006-05-10
+ 11316 1849846 Toyohashi Toyohashi 34.7666667 137.3833333 P PPL JP 01 378374 19 Asia/Tokyo 2007-06-12
+ 11317 1849850 Toyohama Toyohama 34.7 136.9333333 P PPL JP 01 21917 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11318 1849876 Toyama Toyama 36.6833333 137.2166667 P PPLA JP 42 325532 29 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11319 1849892 Tottori Tottori 35.5 134.2333333 P PPL JP 41 154098 36 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11320 1849904 Tosu Tosu 33.3666667 130.5166667 P PPL JP 33 63595 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11321 1850004 Tonoshō Tonosho 34.4833333 134.1833333 P PPL JP 17 16514 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11322 1850034 Tondabayashi Tondabayashi 34.5 135.6 P PPL JP 32 132873 63 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11323 1850091 Tomioka Tomioka 36.25 138.9 P PPL JP 10 49281 170 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11324 1850108 Tomigusuku Tomigusuku 26.185 127.675 P PPL JP 47 55715 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11325 1850147 Tokyo Tokyo 35.6895265930799 139.691677093506 P PPLC JP 40 8336599 40 Asia/Tokyo 2009-09-09
+ 11326 1850152 Tokuyama Tokuyama 34.05 131.8166667 P PPL JP 45 101133 34 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11327 1850158 Tokushima Tokushima 34.0666667 134.5666667 P PPLA JP 39 267345 10 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11328 1850181 Tokorozawa Tokorozawa 35.7991585554375 139.469032287598 P PPL JP 34 339435 68 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-05
+ 11329 1850185 Tokoname Tokoname 34.8833333 136.85 P PPL JP 01 49554 9 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-23
+ 11330 1850207 Toki Toki 35.35 137.1833333 P PPL JP 09 61394 144 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11331 1850217 Tōkamachi Tokamachi 37.1333333 138.7666667 P PPL JP 29 41136 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11332 1850269 Togitsu Togitsu 32.8333333 129.85 P PPL JP 27 29364 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11333 1850307 Tochio Tochio 37.4666667 139.0 P PPL JP 29 23045 96 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11334 1850311 Tochigi Tochigi 36.3833333 139.7333333 P PPL JP 38 82133 43 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11335 1850345 Toba Toba 34.4833333 136.85 P PPL JP 23 23303 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11336 1850396 Tenri Tenri 34.5833333 135.8333333 P PPL JP 28 71052 50 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11337 1850405 Tennō Tenno 39.9 139.9666667 P PPL JP 02 22740 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11338 1850472 Tawaramoto Tawaramoto 34.55 135.8 P PPL JP 28 32659 47 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11339 1850498 Tatsuno Tatsuno 35.9842571394694 137.997207641602 P PPL JP 26 21499 779 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-20
+ 11340 1850499 Tatsuno Tatsuno 34.8666667 134.55 P PPL JP 13 40011 64 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11341 1850523 Tateyama Tateyama 34.9833333 139.8666667 P PPL JP 04 50064 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11342 1850559 Tatebayashi Tatebayashi 36.25 139.5333333 P PPL JP 10 81274 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11343 1850589 Tarumizu Tarumizu 31.4833333 130.7 P PPL JP 18 19146 23 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11344 1850600 Tarui Tarui 35.3666667 136.5333333 P PPL JP 09 29070 49 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11345 1850627 Tanushimaru Tanushimaru 33.35 130.6833333 P PPL JP 07 21156 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11346 1850630 Tanuma Tanuma 36.3666667 139.5833333 P PPL JP 38 28723 80 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11347 1850693 Tanashi Tanashi 35.7238889 139.5222222 P PPL JP 40 82112 63 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11348 1850707 Tanabe Tanabe 34.8166667 135.7666667 P PPL JP 22 65903 60 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11349 1850708 Tanabe Tanabe 33.7333333 135.3666667 P PPL JP 43 69563 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11350 1850742 Tamano Tamano 34.4833333 133.95 P PPL JP 31 67786 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11351 1850745 Tamana Tamana 32.9166667 130.5666667 P PPL JP 21 45661 24 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11352 1850746 Tamamura Tamamura 36.3 139.1166667 P PPL JP 10 42566 63 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11353 1850818 Taketoyo Taketoyo 34.85 136.9166667 P PPL JP 01 41679 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11354 1850834 Takeo Takeo 33.2 130.0166667 P PPL JP 33 34230 95 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11355 1850860 Takehara Takehara 34.3383333 132.9166667 P PPL JP 11 30506 88 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11356 1850872 Takefu Takefu 35.9039293954824 136.166868209839 P PPL JP 06 75753 78 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-25
+ 11357 1850878 Takedamachi Takedamachi 32.9666667 131.4 P PPLX JP 30 16361 267 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11358 1850892 Takayama Takayama 36.1333333 137.25 P PPL JP 09 66636 591 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-28
+ 11359 1850910 Takatsuki Takatsuki 34.848325400396 135.616779327393 P PPL JP 32 354468 22 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11360 1851002 Takasaki Takasaki 36.3333333 139.0166667 P PPL JP 10 240857 91 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11361 1851012 Takarazuka Takarazuka 34.7993561110666 135.356969833374 P PPL JP 13 219789 49 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11362 1851032 Takaoka Takaoka 36.75 137.0166667 P PPL JP 42 170077 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11363 1851068 Takanabe Takanabe 32.1333333 131.5 P PPL JP 25 22513 38 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11364 1851100 Takamatsu Takamatsu 34.3333333 134.05 P PPLA JP 17 334223 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-05
+ 11365 1851125 Takaishi Takaishi 34.5166667 135.4333333 P PPL JP 32 60511 3 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11366 1851137 Takahashi Takahashi 34.7833333 133.6166667 P PPL JP 31 24819 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11367 1851155 Takahama Takahama 34.9166667 136.9833333 P PPL JP 01 40501 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11368 1851170 Takada Takada 33.55 131.45 P PPL JP 30 17931 63 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11369 1851193 Tajimi Tajimi 35.3166667 137.1333333 P PPL JP 09 107818 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11370 1851259 Tahara Tahara 34.6666667 137.2666667 P PPL JP 01 38177 34 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11371 1851273 Tagawa Tagawa 33.6333333 130.8 P PPL JP 07 51608 90 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11372 1851282 Tadotsu Tadotsu 34.275 133.75 P PPL JP 17 23514 13 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-30
+ 11373 1851307 Tachikawa Tachikawa 35.6927778 139.4180556 P PPL JP 40 173695 65 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11374 1851348 Suzuka Suzuka 34.8833333 136.5833333 P PPL JP 23 191477 21 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-24
+ 11375 1851357 Suzaka Suzaka 36.65 138.3166667 P PPL JP 26 54022 420 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11376 1851368 Suwa Suwa 36.0379949396366 138.113079071045 P PPL JP 26 54735 753 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-20
+ 11377 1851390 Susaki Susaki 33.3666667 133.2833333 P PPL JP 20 26195 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11378 1851426 Sumoto Sumoto 34.35 134.9 P PPL JP 13 39546 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11379 1851462 Sukumo Sukumo 32.9333333 132.7333333 P PPL JP 20 25784 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11380 1851483 Suita Suita 34.7614289625356 135.515670776367 P PPL JP 32 351630 10 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11381 1851494 Suibara Suibara 37.8333333 139.2333333 P PPL JP 29 20392 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11382 1851504 Sugito Sugito 36.0333333 139.7333333 P PPL JP 34 49817 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11383 1851542 Sueyoshi Sueyoshi 31.65 131.0166667 P PPL JP 18 19986 193 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11384 1851604 Sōka Soka 35.8202778 139.8044444 P PPL JP 34 231445 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11385 1851606 Sōja Soja 34.6666667 133.75 P PPL JP 31 57469 96 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11386 1851622 Sobue Sobue 35.25 136.7166667 P PPL JP 01 23372 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11387 1851711 Shōbu Shobu 36.0666667 139.6 P PPL JP 34 22156 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11388 1851713 Shōbara Shobara 34.85 133.0166667 P PPL JP 11 20527 283 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11389 1851717 Shizuoka Shizuoka 34.9666667 138.3833333 P PPLA JP 37 701561 22 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11390 1851813 Shirone Shirone 37.7666667 139.0166667 P PPL JP 29 41406 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11391 1851883 Shiraoka Shiraoka 36.0166667 139.6666667 P PPL JP 34 50974 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11392 1851935 Shirahama Shirahama 34.7833333 134.7166667 P PPL JP JP 13 23180 10 Asia/Tokyo 2008-12-14
+ 11393 1851952 Shiozawa Shiozawa 37.0333333 138.85 P PPL JP 29 20178 185 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11394 1852003 Shiojiri Shiojiri 36.1 137.9666667 P PPL JP 26 67159 782 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11395 1852046 Shinshiro Shinshiro 34.9 137.5 P PPL JP 01 36069 50 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11396 1852102 Shinichi Shinichi 34.55 133.2666667 P PPL JP 11 21030 99 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11397 1852109 Shingū Shingu 33.7166667 130.4333333 P PPL JP 07 25991 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11398 1852225 Shimonoseki Shimonoseki 33.95 130.95 P PPL JP 45 245786 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11399 1852347 Shimodate Shimodate 36.3 139.9833333 P PPL JP 14 63666 32 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11400 1852357 Shimoda Shimoda 34.6666667 138.95 P PPL JP 37 26704 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11401 1852383 Shimminatochō Shimminatocho 34.1833333 135.2 P PPLX JP 43 375339 65 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11402 1852385 Shimminato Shimminato 36.7833333 137.0666667 P PPL JP 42 35994 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11403 1852472 Shimada Shimada 34.8166667 138.1833333 P PPL JP 37 75781 50 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11404 1852479 Shimabara Shimabara 32.7833333 130.3666667 P PPL JP 27 38113 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11405 1852502 Shiki Shiki 35.8333333 139.5833333 P PPL JP 34 65411 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11406 1852561 Shido Shido 34.3233333 134.1733333 P PPL JP 17 22859 28 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-30
+ 11407 1852588 Shibushi Shibushi 31.4666667 131.105 P PPL JP 18 18349 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11408 1852595 Shibukawa Shibukawa 36.4833333 139.0 P PPL JP 10 48322 188 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11409 1852607 Shibata Shibata 37.95 139.3333333 P PPL JP 29 80793 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11410 1852663 Seto Seto 35.2333333 137.1 P PPL JP 01 134246 124 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11411 1852673 Setaka Setaka 33.15 130.4666667 P PPL JP 07 23985 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11412 1852736 Sendai Sendai 31.8166667 130.3 P PPL JP 18 73132 14 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11413 1852849 Satte Satte 36.0666667 139.7166667 P PPL JP 34 55286 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11414 1852899 Sasebo Sasebo 33.1591667 129.7227778 P PPL JP 27 237444 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11415 1852901 Sasayama Sasayama 35.0666667 135.2166667 P PPL JP 13 47204 210 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11416 1852915 Sasaguri Sasaguri 33.6166667 130.5333333 P PPL JP 07 32588 70 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11417 1852964 Sano Sano 36.3166667 139.5833333 P PPL JP 38 82535 35 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11418 1852984 Sanjō Sanjo 37.6166667 138.95 P PPL JP 29 82893 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11419 1853008 Sanda Sanda 34.8833333 135.2333333 P PPL JP 13 132858 170 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11420 1853066 Sakurai Sakurai 34.5 135.85 P PPL JP 28 62964 175 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11421 1853081 Saku Saku 36.2166667 138.4833333 P PPL JP 26 68885 679 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11422 1853140 Sakata Sakata 38.9166667 139.855 P PPL JP 44 100446 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11423 1853174 Sakaiminato Sakaiminato 35.55 133.2333333 P PPL JP 41 36324 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11424 1853190 Sakaide Sakaide 34.3166667 133.85 P PPL JP 17 57090 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11425 1853192 Sakai Sakai 36.2666667 139.25 P PPL JP 10 31268 41 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11426 1853193 Sakai Sakai 36.1 139.8 P PPL JP 14 26918 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11427 1853195 Sakai Sakai 34.5833333 135.4666667 P PPL JP 32 782339 4 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11428 1853209 Sakado Sakado 35.9569444 139.3888889 P PPL JP 34 96656 34 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11429 1853237 Saiki Saiki 32.95 131.9 P PPL JP 30 49065 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11430 1853280 Sagara Sagara 34.6833333 138.2 P PPL JP 37 25922 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11431 1853295 Sagamihara Sagamihara 35.5530556 139.3544444 P PPL JP 19 648801 86 Asia/Tokyo 2006-05-09
+ 11432 1853303 Saga Saga 33.25 130.3 P PPLA JP 33 165236 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11433 1853338 Sabae Sabae 35.9464660197234 136.184978485107 P PPL JP 06 66291 73 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-24
+ 11434 1853354 Ryūō Ryuo 35.65 138.5 P PPL JP 46 43180 279 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11435 1853371 Ryōtsu Ryotsu 38.0833333 138.4333333 P PPL JP 29 16359 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11436 1853433 Ōzu Ozu 32.8666667 130.8666667 P PPL JP 21 29820 127 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11437 1853483 Oyama Oyama 36.3 139.8 P PPL JP 38 159936 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11438 1853486 Ōyama Oyama 34.6 138.2166667 P PPL JP 37 21744 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11439 1853514 Owase Owase 34.0666667 136.2 P PPL JP 23 22038 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11440 1853564 Ōtsuki Otsuki 35.6 138.9333333 P PPL JP 46 31226 397 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11441 1853574 Ōtsu Otsu 35.0 135.8666667 P PPLA JP 35 298164 163 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11442 1853662 Ōtake Otake 34.2 132.2166667 P PPL JP 45 30151 105 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11443 1853677 Ōta Ota 36.3 139.3666667 P PPL JP 10 152104 52 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11444 1853909 Ōsaka Osaka 34.6937398415059 135.502181947231 P PPLA JP 32 2592413 4 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-30
+ 11445 1853992 Onomichi Onomichi 34.4166667 133.2 P PPL JP 11 90936 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11446 1854018 Onoda Onoda 34.0013889 131.1836111 P PPL JP 45 44295 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11447 1854022 Ono Ono 35.9810622669292 136.487274169922 P PPL JP 06 37469 187 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-26
+ 11448 1854026 Ono Ono 34.85 134.9333333 P PPL JP 13 50230 45 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11449 1854028 Ōno Ono 34.2833333 132.2666667 P PPL JP 11 26190 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11450 1854083 Ōmuta Omuta 33.0333333 130.45 P PPL JP 07 131974 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11451 1854093 Ōmura Omura 32.9213889 129.9538889 P PPL JP 27 89918 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11452 1854162 Ōme Ome 35.7838889 139.2430556 P PPL JP 40 149323 190 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11453 1854177 Ōmama Omama 36.4333333 139.2833333 P PPL JP 10 21286 171 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11454 1854186 Ōmachi Omachi 36.5 137.8666667 P PPL JP 26 30599 778 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-28
+ 11455 1854246 Ōkuchi Okuchi 32.0666667 130.6166667 P PPL JP 18 22425 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11456 1854371 Okegawa Okegawa 36.0 139.5572222 P PPL JP 34 75062 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11457 1854376 Okazaki Okazaki 34.95 137.1666667 P PPL JP 01 352361 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11458 1854383 Okayama Okayama 34.65 133.9166667 P PPLA JP 31 639652 30 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-23
+ 11459 1854384 Okaya Okaya 36.0565932868553 138.045101165771 P PPL JP 26 54286 757 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-20
+ 11460 1854405 Ōkawa Okawa 33.2 130.35 P PPL JP 33 39223 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11461 1854444 Ojiya Ojiya 37.3 138.8 P PPL JP 29 40549 80 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11462 1854487 Ōita Oita 33.2372222 131.6044444 P PPLA JP 30 448907 41 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11463 1854492 Ōiso Oiso 35.3030556 139.3027778 P PPL JP 19 32595 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11464 1854530 Ōi Oi 35.8511111 139.5166667 P PPL JP 34 50593 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11465 1854629 Ogōri Ogori 34.1 131.4 P PPL JP 45 23516 23 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11466 1854665 Ogawa Ogawa 36.05 139.2666667 P PPL JP 34 37443 142 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11467 1854703 Ōgaki Ogaki 35.35 136.6166667 P PPL JP 09 150570 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11468 1854747 Odawara Odawara 35.2555556 139.1597222 P PPL JP 19 203035 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11469 1854774 Ōda Oda 35.1833333 132.5 P PPL JP 36 31867 76 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11470 1854803 Ōbu Obu 35.0 136.9666667 P PPL JP 01 77864 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11471 1854807 Obita Obita 32.8166667 129.8833333 P PPL JP 27 45293 41 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11472 1854849 Obama Obama 35.4957572617629 135.746040344238 P PPL JP 06 32896 64 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-25
+ 11473 1854868 Nyūzen Nyuzen 36.9333333 137.5 P PPL JP 42 27585 38 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11474 1854902 Numazu Numazu 35.1 138.8666667 P PPL JP 37 204318 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11475 1854905 Numata Numata 36.6333333 139.05 P PPL JP 10 45526 323 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11476 1854979 Nonoichi Nonoichi 36.5333333 136.6166667 P PPL JP 15 48354 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11477 1855066 Nōgata Nogata 33.7333333 130.7333333 P PPL JP 07 56821 49 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11478 1855078 Noda Noda 35.9411111 139.8580556 P PPL JP 04 121411 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11479 1855095 Nobeoka Nobeoka 32.5833333 131.6666667 P PPL JP 25 121949 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11480 1855134 Nishiwaki Nishiwaki 34.9833333 134.9666667 P PPL JP 13 36953 73 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11481 1855189 Nishio Nishio 34.8666667 137.05 P PPL JP 01 103337 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11482 1855203 Nishinoomote Nishinoomote 30.7333333 131.0 P PPL JP 18 17832 77 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11483 1855207 Nishinomiya Nishinomiya 34.7166667 135.3333333 P PPL JP 13 468925 1 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11484 1855363 Nirasaki Nirasaki 35.7 138.45 P PPL JP 46 33263 346 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11485 1855380 Ninomiya Ninomiya 35.3033333 139.2533333 P PPL JP 19 31412 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11486 1855395 Nikkō Nikko 36.75 139.6166667 P PPL JP 38 16041 572 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11487 1855410 Niitsu Niitsu 37.8 139.1166667 P PPL JP 29 65910 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11488 1855416 Niimi Niimi 34.9833333 133.4666667 P PPL JP 31 23787 199 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11489 1855425 Niihama Niihama 33.9666667 133.2666667 P PPL JP 00 123059 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11490 1855431 Niigata Niigata 37.9166667 139.05 P PPLA JP 29 505272 1 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11491 1855476 Nichinan Nichinan 31.6 131.3666667 P PPL JP 25 44243 57 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11492 1855503 Nerima Nerima 35.7333333 139.65 P PPL JP JP 40 686237 39 Asia/Tokyo 2007-06-19
+ 11493 1855540 Naze Naze 28.3666667 129.4833333 P PPL JP 18 41365 173 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11494 1855580 Naruto Naruto 34.1833333 134.6166667 P PPL JP 39 64082 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11495 1855612 Nara Nara 34.6850548003686 135.804850459099 P PPLA JP 28 367353 81 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-30
+ 11496 1855670 Nanao Nanao 37.05 136.9666667 P PPL JP 15 45309 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11497 1855694 Namerikawa Namerikawa 36.7666667 137.3333333 P PPL JP 42 34638 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11498 1855753 Nakatsugawa Nakatsugawa 35.4833333 137.5 P PPL JP 09 55011 373 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11499 1855757 Nakatsu Nakatsu 33.6013889 131.1841667 P PPL JP 07 67372 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11500 1855852 Nakanojō Nakanojo 36.5833333 138.85 P PPL JP 10 17741 340 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11501 1855863 Nakano Nakano 36.75 138.3666667 P PPL JP 26 42708 359 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11502 1855891 Nakamura Nakamura 32.9833333 132.9333333 P PPL JP 20 34559 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11503 1855907 Nakama Nakama 33.8166667 130.7 P PPL JP 07 46745 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11504 1856035 Naha Naha 26.2072222 127.6733333 P PPLA JP 47 300795 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11505 1856057 Nagoya Nagoya 35.1814727966958 136.906409561634 P PPLA JP 01 2191279 14 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-30
+ 11506 1856068 Nago Nago 26.5880556 127.9761111 P PPL JP 47 59587 38 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11507 1856177 Nagasaki Nagasaki 32.755 129.8683333 P PPLA JP 27 410204 18 Asia/Tokyo 2008-08-04
+ 11508 1856184 Nagareyama Nagareyama 35.856304871294 139.902659654617 P PPL JP 04 156000 10 Asia/Tokyo 2009-01-08
+ 11509 1856199 Nagaoka Nagaoka 37.45 138.85 P PPL JP 29 195318 36 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11510 1856215 Nagano Nagano 36.65 138.1833333 P PPLA JP 26 360176 373 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-28
+ 11511 1856243 Nagahama Nagahama 35.3833333 136.2666667 P PPL JP 35 62089 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11512 1856293 Nabari Nabari 34.6166667 136.0833333 P PPL JP 23 88128 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11513 1856367 Musashino Musashino 35.7061111 139.5594444 P PPL JP 40 137479 60 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11514 1856392 Muroto Muroto 33.2833333 134.15 P PPL JP 20 17601 3 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11515 1856426 Muramatsu Muramatsu 37.6833333 139.1833333 P PPL JP 29 19712 46 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11516 1856434 Murakami Murakami 38.2333333 139.4833333 P PPL JP 29 31334 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11517 1856456 Mukō Muko 34.9654514840763 135.704154968262 P PPL JP 22 53222 71 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11518 1856476 Muikamachi Muikamachi 37.0666667 138.8833333 P PPL JP 29 29123 167 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11519 1856560 Morohongō Morohongo 35.9355556 139.3044444 P PPL JP 34 39693 96 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11520 1856569 Moriyama Moriyama 35.0666667 135.9833333 P PPL JP 35 68584 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11521 1856584 Moriguchi Moriguchi 34.7333333 135.5666667 P PPL JP 32 148350 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11522 1856586 Mori Mori 34.8333333 137.9333333 P PPL JP 37 20280 47 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11523 1856667 Mizunami Mizunami 35.3666667 137.25 P PPL JP 09 42617 184 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11524 1856697 Miyoshi Miyoshi 35.0833333 137.0666667 P PPL JP 01 56957 45 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11525 1856698 Miyoshi Miyoshi 34.8 132.85 P PPL JP 11 39257 197 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11526 1856703 Miyazu Miyazu 35.5333333 135.1833333 P PPL JP 22 21632 176 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11527 1856717 Miyazaki Miyazaki 31.9 131.4333333 P PPLA JP 25 311203 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11528 1856775 Miyakonojō Miyakonojo 31.7333333 131.0666667 P PPL JP 25 130994 172 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11529 1856828 Miyada Miyada 33.7166667 130.6666667 P PPL JP 07 20421 77 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11530 1856878 Mitsuke Mitsuke 37.5333333 138.9333333 P PPL JP 29 43180 43 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11531 1856881 Mitsukaidō Mitsukaido 36.0166667 139.9833333 P PPL JP 14 41147 11 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11532 1856938 Mitake Mitake 35.4166667 137.1333333 P PPL JP 09 19340 199 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11533 1856977 Mishima Mishima 35.1166667 138.9166667 P PPL JP 37 113479 72 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11534 1857062 Mino Mino 35.5333333 136.9166667 P PPL JP 09 23566 120 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11535 1857144 Minami-rinkan Minami-rinkan 35.4833333 139.45 P PPL JP 19 224015 61 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11536 1857208 Minamata Minamata 32.2166667 130.4 P PPL JP 21 29428 57 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11537 1857209 Minakuchi Minakuchi 34.9666667 136.1666667 P PPL JP 35 38986 190 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11538 1857260 Mikuni Mikuni 36.2170639030027 136.151847839355 P PPL JP 06 23480 33 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-24
+ 11539 1857276 Miki Miki 34.8 134.9833333 P PPL JP 13 74701 56 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11540 1857334 Mihara Mihara 34.4 133.0833333 P PPL JP 11 80387 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11541 1857379 Mibu Mibu 36.4166667 139.8 P PPL JP 38 39728 60 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11542 1857403 Menuma Menuma 36.2166667 139.3833333 P PPL JP 34 27684 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11543 1857470 Matsutō Matsuto 36.5166667 136.5666667 P PPL JP 15 68159 27 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11544 1857496 Matsuzaka Matsuzaka 34.5666667 136.5333333 P PPL JP 23 124613 43 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11545 1857519 Matsumoto Matsumoto 36.2333333 137.9666667 P PPL JP 26 210667 590 Asia/Tokyo 2007-03-02
+ 11546 1857550 Matsue Matsue 35.4666667 133.0666667 P PPLA JP 36 156811 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11547 1857553 Matsudo Matsudo 35.7833333 139.9 P PPL JP 04 470277 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-05-09
+ 11548 1857560 Matsubase Matsubase 32.65 130.6666667 P PPL JP 21 26163 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11549 1857568 Matsubara Matsubara 34.5666667 135.55 P PPL JP 32 130855 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11550 1857594 Masuda Masuda 34.6666667 131.85 P PPL JP 36 48576 66 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11551 1857651 Maruoka Maruoka 36.1534001638919 136.270294189453 P PPL JP 06 33563 35 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-25
+ 11552 1857659 Maruko Maruko 36.3166667 138.2666667 P PPL JP 26 25403 569 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11553 1857665 Marugame Marugame 34.2833333 133.7833333 P PPL JP 17 82090 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11554 1857712 Makurazaki Makurazaki 31.2666667 130.3166667 P PPL JP 18 24971 146 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11555 1857751 Maki Maki 37.75 138.8833333 P PPL JP 29 29041 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11556 1857766 Maizuru Maizuru 35.45 135.3333333 P PPL JP 22 92465 28 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11557 1857843 Maebashi Maebashi 36.3833333 139.0666667 P PPLA JP 10 282711 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-05
+ 11558 1857844 Maebaru Maebaru 33.55 130.2 P PPL JP 07 70339 42 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11559 1857871 Machida Machida 35.5402778 139.4508333 P PPL JP 40 399969 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-07
+ 11560 1857910 Kyoto Kyoto 35.02106999142 135.75385093689 P PPLA JP 22 1459640 86 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11561 1857968 Kuwana Kuwana 35.0666667 136.7 P PPL JP 23 113107 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11562 1858041 Kushikino Kushikino 31.7166667 130.2666667 P PPL JP 18 25744 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11563 1858067 Kusatsu Kusatsu 35.0166667 135.9666667 P PPL JP 35 127680 98 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11564 1858088 Kurume Kurume 33.3166667 130.5166667 P PPL JP 07 238197 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11565 1858249 Kuroda Kuroda 35.35 136.7833333 P PPL JP 01 32586 11 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11566 1858283 Kurihashi Kurihashi 36.1333333 139.7 P PPL JP 34 27813 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11567 1858296 Kure Kure 34.2333333 132.5666667 P PPL JP 11 196624 271 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11568 1858301 Kurayoshi Kurayoshi 35.4333333 133.8166667 P PPL JP 41 48347 92 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11569 1858311 Kurashiki Kurashiki 34.5833333 133.7666667 P PPL JP 31 437581 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-07
+ 11570 1858421 Kumamoto Kumamoto 32.8 130.7166667 P PPLA JP 21 680423 23 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11571 1858428 Kumagaya Kumagaya 36.1333333 139.3833333 P PPL JP 34 155813 29 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11572 1858445 Kuki Kuki 36.0666667 139.6666667 P PPL JP 34 73373 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11573 1858498 Kudamatsu Kudamatsu 34.0 131.8666667 P PPL JP 45 52772 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11574 1858591 Kozakai Kozakai 34.8 137.3666667 P PPL JP 01 22064 23 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11575 1858695 Kosugi Kosugi 36.7166667 137.1 P PPL JP 42 33200 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11576 1858729 Koshigaya Koshigaya 35.8833333 139.7833333 P PPL JP 34 317437 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11577 1858794 Kōnosu Konosu 36.05 139.5166667 P PPL JP 34 88493 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11578 1858836 Kōnan Konan 35.3316521285777 136.870422363281 P PPL JP 01 100389 20 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-29
+ 11579 1858858 Komoro Komoro 36.3166667 138.4333333 P PPL JP 26 46272 671 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11580 1858866 Komono Komono 35.0 136.5166667 P PPL JP 23 40740 83 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11581 1858902 Komatsushima Komatsushima 34.0 134.5833333 P PPL JP 39 42598 58 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11582 1858910 Komatsu Komatsu 36.4026324752716 136.450881958008 P PPL JP 15 109045 23 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-26
+ 11583 1858926 Komaki Komaki 35.2833333 136.9166667 P PPL JP 01 151025 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11584 1858964 Kokubunji Kokubunji 35.7022222 139.4755556 P PPL JP 40 118682 66 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11585 1858972 Kokubu Kokubu 31.7333333 130.7666667 P PPL JP 18 57896 48 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11586 1859088 Koganei Koganei 35.6913889 139.5011111 P PPL JP 40 115967 50 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11587 1859093 Koga Koga 36.1833333 139.7166667 P PPL JP 14 58004 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11588 1859094 Koga Koga 33.7333333 130.4666667 P PPL JP 07 60045 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11589 1859100 Kōfu Kofu 35.65 138.5833333 P PPLA JP 46 190000 285 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11590 1859113 Kodama Kodama 36.1833333 139.1333333 P PPL JP 34 21544 99 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11591 1859116 Kodaira Kodaira 35.7263889 139.4838889 P PPL JP 40 187368 74 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11592 1859146 Kōchi Kochi 33.55 133.55 P PPLA JP 20 335570 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11593 1859171 Kōbe Kobe 34.6833333 135.1666667 P PPLA JP 13 1528478 29 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-05
+ 11594 1859175 Kobayashi Kobayashi 31.9833333 130.9833333 P PPL JP 25 39747 196 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11595 1859234 Kitsuki Kitsuki 33.4166667 131.6166667 P PPL JP 30 23353 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11596 1859307 Kitakyūshū Kitakyushu 33.8333333 130.8333333 P PPL JP 07 997536 218 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11597 1859319 Kitakata Kitakata 37.65 139.8666667 P PPL JP 08 37140 208 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11598 1859335 Kitahama Kitahama 35.1666667 135.9166667 P PPL JP 35 23836 79 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11599 1859383 Kishiwada Kishiwada 34.4666667 135.3666667 P PPL JP 32 205561 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11600 1859393 Kisarazu Kisarazu 35.3747222 139.9225 P PPL JP 04 122524 3 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11601 1859400 Kisai Kisai 36.1 139.5833333 P PPL JP 34 20850 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11602 1859405 Kiryū Kiryu 36.4 139.3333333 P PPL JP 10 110219 103 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11603 1859492 Kikuchi Kikuchi 32.9833333 130.8166667 P PPL JP 21 26677 98 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11604 1859586 Kazo Kazo 36.1166667 139.6 P PPL JP 34 71291 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11605 1859642 Kawasaki Kawasaki 35.5205556 139.7172222 P PPL JP 19 1306785 5 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11606 1859647 Kawasaki Kawasaki 33.5833333 130.8333333 P PPL JP 07 19141 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11607 1859675 Kawanishi Kawanishi 34.8166667 135.4166667 P PPL JP 13 160520 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11608 1859730 Kawaguchi Kawaguchi 35.805 139.7205556 P PPL JP 34 468565 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-07
+ 11609 1859740 Kawagoe Kawagoe 35.9086111 139.4852778 P PPL JP 34 337931 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11610 1859765 Katsuyama Katsuyama 36.0617278772404 136.501007080078 P PPL JP 06 27088 153 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-25
+ 11611 1859884 Kasukabe Kasukabe 35.9763889 139.7536111 P PPL JP 34 206915 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11612 1859891 Kasugai Kasugai 35.2476212063209 136.972292661667 P PPL JP 01 298589 44 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-30
+ 11613 1859908 Kashiwazaki Kashiwazaki 37.3666667 138.55 P PPL JP 29 86183 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11614 1859924 Kashiwa Kashiwa 35.8544444 139.9688889 P PPL JP 04 340221 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11615 1859941 Kashima Kashima 33.1061111 130.0905556 P PPL JP 33 32410 58 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11616 1859952 Kashihara Kashihara 34.5833333 135.6166667 P PPL JP 32 79058 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11617 1859964 Kaseda Kaseda 31.4166667 130.3166667 P PPL JP 18 23710 37 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11618 1859990 Kasaoka Kasaoka 34.5 133.5 P PPL JP 31 58461 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11619 1859998 Kasamatsuchō Kasamatsucho 35.3666667 136.7666667 P PPL JP 09 22671 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11620 1860034 Kariya Kariya 34.9833333 136.9833333 P PPL JP 01 139159 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11621 1860063 Karatsu Karatsu 33.4425 129.9697222 P PPL JP 33 78330 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11622 1860095 Kanzaki Kanzaki 33.3 130.3666667 P PPL JP 33 20172 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11623 1860098 Kanuma Kanuma 36.55 139.7333333 P PPL JP 38 94903 189 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11624 1860112 Kanoya Kanoya 31.3833333 130.85 P PPL JP 18 82335 54 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11625 1860122 Kanonji Kanonji 34.1166667 133.65 P PPL JP 17 44363 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11626 1860176 Kannabe Kannabe 34.5333333 133.3833333 P PPL JP 11 40766 98 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11627 1860191 Kanie Kanie 35.1333333 136.8 P PPL JP 01 36592 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11628 1860211 Kaneko Kaneko 36.4 139.0 P PPL JP 10 37107 156 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11629 1860234 Kanda Kanda 33.7833333 130.9833333 P PPL JP 07 36122 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11630 1860243 Kanazawa Kanazawa 36.5666667 136.65 P PPLA JP 15 458937 36 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11631 1860256 Kanaya Kanaya 34.8166667 138.1333333 P PPL JP 37 20286 85 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11632 1860321 Kamojima Kamojima 34.0666667 134.35 P PPL JP 39 24374 46 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11633 1860335 Kamogata Kamogata 34.5333333 133.5833333 P PPL JP 31 18412 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11634 1860341 Kamo Kamo 37.65 139.05 P PPL JP 29 32129 49 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11635 1860437 Kami-renjaku Kami-renjaku 35.6833333 139.55 P PPL JP 40 178739 51 Asia/Tokyo 2008-05-12
+ 11636 1860458 Kaminokawa Kaminokawa 36.4333333 139.9166667 P PPL JP 38 30827 63 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11637 1860563 Kamiichi Kamiichi 36.7 137.3666667 P PPL JP 42 23004 53 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11638 1860626 Kameyama Kameyama 34.85 136.45 P PPL JP 23 39899 70 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11639 1860635 Kameoka Kameoka 35.0 135.5833333 P PPL JP 22 97181 171 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11640 1860648 Kameda Kameda 37.8666667 139.1166667 P PPL JP 29 32765 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11641 1860672 Kamakura Kamakura 35.3088889 139.5502778 P PPL JP 19 166016 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-05-10
+ 11642 1860704 Kakogawa Kakogawa 34.7666667 134.85 P PPL JP 13 271634 23 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11643 1860728 Kakegawa Kakegawa 34.7666667 138.0166667 P PPL JP 37 84004 34 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11644 1860735 Kakamigahara Kakamigahara 35.4166667 136.8666667 P PPL JP 09 132241 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11645 1860750 Kajiki Kajiki 31.7333333 130.6666667 P PPL JP 18 22997 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11646 1860765 Kaizuka Kaizuka 34.45 135.35 P PPL JP 32 92632 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11647 1860785 Kainan Kainan 34.15 135.2 P PPL JP 43 43369 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11648 1860827 Kagoshima Kagoshima 31.6 130.55 P PPLA JP 18 555352 58 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11649 1860871 Kadoma Kadoma 34.7333333 135.5833333 P PPL JP 32 131727 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11650 1861084 Izumo Izumo 35.3666667 132.7666667 P PPL JP 36 89286 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11651 1861095 Izumiōtsu Izumiotsu 34.5 135.4 P PPL JP 32 80772 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11652 1861107 Izumi Izumi 34.4833333 135.4333333 P PPL JP 32 189085 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11653 1861108 Izumi Izumi 32.0833333 130.3666667 P PPL JP 18 39217 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11654 1861164 Iwatsuki Iwatsuki 35.9427778 139.6919444 P PPL JP 34 108833 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11655 1861171 Iwata Iwata 34.7 137.85 P PPL JP 37 88509 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11656 1861207 Iwakura Iwakura 35.2833333 136.8666667 P PPL JP 01 48007 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11657 1861212 Iwakuni Iwakuni 34.15 132.1833333 P PPL JP 45 104004 94 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11658 1861223 Iwai Iwai 36.05 139.9 P PPL JP 14 42497 11 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11659 1861244 Iwade Iwade 34.25 135.3166667 P PPL JP 43 55633 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11660 1861261 Itsukaichi Itsukaichi 35.7252778 139.2177778 P PPL JP 40 24954 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11661 1861280 Itoman Itoman 26.1247222 127.6694444 P PPL JP 47 57184 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11662 1861285 Itoigawa Itoigawa 37.0333333 137.85 P PPL JP 29 30865 42 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11663 1861290 Itō Ito 34.9666667 139.0833333 P PPL JP 37 71578 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11664 1861310 Itami Itami 34.7842719359946 135.401258468628 P PPL JP 13 193524 14 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11665 1861383 Ishiki Ishiki 34.8 137.0166667 P PPL JP 01 23966 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11666 1861393 Ishikawa Ishikawa 26.4233333 127.8213889 P PPL JP 47 22412 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11667 1861400 Ishii Ishii 34.0666667 134.4333333 P PPL JP 39 26394 68 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11668 1861406 Ishige Ishige 36.1166667 139.9666667 P PPL JP 14 24948 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11669 1861416 Ishigaki Ishigaki 24.3333333 124.15 P PPL JP 47 44802 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2007-01-23
+ 11670 1861436 Isesaki Isesaki 36.3166667 139.2 P PPL JP 10 130692 62 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11671 1861449 Isehara Isehara 35.3905556 139.3077778 P PPL JP 19 103401 48 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11672 1861450 Ise Ise 34.4833333 136.7 P PPL JP 23 97314 53 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11673 1861454 Isawa Isawa 35.65 138.6333333 P PPL JP 46 29616 283 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11674 1861464 Isahaya Isahaya 32.8411111 130.0430556 P PPL JP 27 97371 41 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11675 1861528 Inuyama Inuyama 35.3799530314696 136.942949295044 P PPL JP 09 73995 70 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-29
+ 11676 1861584 Ino Ino 33.55 133.4333333 P PPL JP 20 24123 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11677 1861586 Innoshima Innoshima 34.2833333 133.1833333 P PPL JP 11 26141 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11678 1861602 Inazawa Inazawa 35.25 136.7833333 P PPL JP 01 102130 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11679 1861641 Ina Ina 35.8275563581887 137.953777313232 P PPL JP 26 62104 628 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-23
+ 11680 1861677 Imari Imari 33.2666667 129.8833333 P PPL JP 33 57940 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11681 1861699 Imaichi Imaichi 36.7166667 139.6833333 P PPL JP 38 64323 405 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11682 1861749 Ikoma Ikoma 34.6833333 135.7 P PPL JP 28 117601 147 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11683 1861795 Ikeda Ikeda 34.8166667 135.4166667 P PPL JP 13 99476 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11684 1861799 Ikeda Ikeda 34.0166667 133.8 P PPL JP 39 15895 250 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11685 1861825 Ijūin Ijuin 31.6166667 130.4 P PPL JP 18 25217 70 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11686 1861835 Iizuka Iizuka 33.6333333 130.6833333 P PPL JP 07 78206 73 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11687 1861838 Iiyama Iiyama 36.85 138.3666667 P PPL JP 26 25281 314 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11688 1861864 Iida Iida 35.5196525935524 137.820739746094 P PPL JP 26 107111 516 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-23
+ 11689 1861949 Ichinomiya Ichinomiya 35.3 136.8 P PPL JP 01 280331 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11690 1861968 Ichikawa Ichikawa 35.7197222 139.9247222 P PPL JP 04 458240 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-07-24
+ 11691 1862010 Ibusuki Ibusuki 31.2333333 130.65 P PPL JP 18 29710 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11692 1862033 Ibaraki Ibaraki 34.8164105918169 135.568284988403 P PPL JP 32 263405 17 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11693 1862034 Ibara Ibara 34.6 133.4666667 P PPL JP 31 34424 85 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11694 1862098 Hotaka Hotaka 36.3396039296023 137.882537841797 P PPL JP 26 33195 552 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-24
+ 11695 1862198 Honjō Honjo 36.2333333 139.1833333 P PPL JP 34 61868 67 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11696 1862230 Hondo Hondo 32.45 130.2 P PPL JP 21 40787 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11697 1862302 Hōfu Hofu 34.05 131.5666667 P PPL JP 45 116925 58 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11698 1862352 Hitoyoshi Hitoyoshi 32.2166667 130.75 P PPL JP 21 38006 132 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11699 1862373 Hita Hita 33.3166667 130.9333333 P PPL JP 30 61481 88 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11700 1862389 Hisai Hisai 34.6666667 136.4666667 P PPL JP 23 41642 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11701 1862415 Hiroshima Hiroshima 34.4 132.45 P PPLA JP 11 1143841 26 Asia/Tokyo 2008-03-10
+ 11702 1862462 Hiratsuka Hiratsuka 35.3230556 139.3422222 P PPL JP 19 259052 3 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11703 1862471 Hirata Hirata 35.4333333 132.8166667 P PPL JP 36 28154 30 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11704 1862505 Hirara Hirara 24.8 125.2833333 P PPL JP 47 34354 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11705 1862540 Hirakata Hirakata 34.8135214446356 135.649137496948 P PPL JP 32 406331 8 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-27
+ 11706 1862555 Hirado Hirado 33.3597222 129.5530556 P PPL JP 27 22516 51 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11707 1862599 Hino Hino 35.6730556 139.4002778 P PPL JP 40 171777 62 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11708 1862601 Hino Hino 35.0 136.25 P PPL JP 35 22767 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11709 1862612 Himi Himi 36.85 136.9833333 P PPL JP 42 54510 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11710 1862627 Himeji Himeji 34.8166667 134.7 P PPL JP 13 481493 22 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-07
+ 11711 1862636 Hikone Hikone 35.25 136.25 P PPL JP 35 110925 106 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11712 1862689 Hiji Hiji 33.3666667 131.5333333 P PPL JP 30 27864 26 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11713 1862912 Hekinan Hekinan 34.8833333 136.9833333 P PPL JP 01 68872 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11714 1862992 Hayama Hayama 35.2666667 139.5833333 P PPL JP 19 31136 45 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11715 1863018 Hatsukaichi Hatsukaichi 34.35 132.3333333 P PPL JP 11 77341 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11716 1863023 Hatogaya Hatogaya 35.8341667 139.7363889 P PPL JP 34 53062 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11717 1863082 Hashimoto Hashimoto 34.3166667 135.6166667 P PPL JP 43 57115 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11718 1863173 Hanyū Hanyu 36.1666667 139.5333333 P PPL JP 34 58686 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11719 1863183 Hannō Hanno 35.8519444 139.3180556 P PPL JP 34 86262 117 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11720 1863209 Handa Handa 34.8833333 136.9333333 P PPL JP 01 116119 3 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11721 1863279 Hamanoichi Hamanoichi 31.7166667 130.7333333 P PPL JP 18 39475 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11722 1863289 Hamamatsu Hamamatsu 34.7 137.7333333 P PPL JP 37 605098 12 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11723 1863293 Hamakita Hamakita 34.8 137.7833333 P PPL JP 37 86502 37 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11724 1863310 Hamada Hamada 34.8833333 132.0833333 P PPL JP 36 45750 145 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11725 1863341 Hakui Hakui 36.8833333 136.7833333 P PPL JP 15 24529 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11726 1863398 Haibara Haibara 34.5333333 135.95 P PPL JP 28 18472 357 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11727 1863418 Hagi Hagi 34.4 131.4166667 P PPL JP 45 43826 84 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11728 1863426 Haebaru Haebaru 26.3369444 127.8719444 P PPL JP 47 34239 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11729 1863431 Hadano Hadano 35.3711111 139.2236111 P PPL JP 19 174281 102 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11730 1863440 Hachiōji Hachioji 35.6558333 139.3238889 P PPL JP 40 579399 130 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11731 1863482 Gyōda Gyoda 36.1333333 139.45 P PPL JP 34 86343 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11732 1863495 Gushikawa Gushikawa 26.3544444 127.8686111 P PPL JP 47 65251 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11733 1863521 Gōtsu Gotsu 35.0 132.2166667 P PPL JP 36 24597 99 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11734 1863528 Gotemba Gotemba 35.3 138.9333333 P PPL JP 37 83794 450 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11735 1863540 Gosen Gosen 37.7333333 139.1666667 P PPL JP 29 37360 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11736 1863541 Gose Gose 34.45 135.7333333 P PPL JP 28 32870 127 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11737 1863592 Gojō Gojo 34.35 135.7 P PPL JP 28 34342 130 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11738 1863611 Gōdo Godo 35.4166667 136.6 P PPL JP 09 20758 34 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11739 1863614 Gobō Gobo 33.8833333 135.15 P PPL JP 43 27169 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11740 1863627 Ginowan Ginowan 26.25 127.75 P PPL JP 47 91800 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11741 1863641 Gifu Gifu 35.4229095364828 136.760387420654 P PPLA JP 09 397714 58 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-29
+ 11742 1863693 Gamagōri Gamagori 34.8333333 137.2333333 P PPL JP 01 80786 36 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11743 1863713 Futtsu Futtsu 35.3052778 139.8186111 P PPL JP 04 51650 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11744 1863905 Funabashi Funabashi 35.6930556 139.9833333 P PPL JP 04 560743 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-07
+ 11745 1863917 Fukuyama Fukuyama 34.4833333 133.3666667 P PPL JP 11 383298 49 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11746 1863945 Fukuroi Fukuroi 34.75 137.9166667 P PPL JP 37 63045 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11747 1863953 Fukura Fukura 34.25 134.7166667 P PPL JP 13 18721 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11748 1863967 Fukuoka Fukuoka 33.5833333 130.4 P PPLA JP 07 1392289 10 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11749 1863973 Fukumitsu Fukumitsu 36.55 136.8666667 P PPL JP 42 19535 95 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11750 1863978 Fukuma Fukuma 33.7666667 130.4666667 P PPL JP 07 43154 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11751 1863985 Fukui Fukui 36.0644338103271 136.22257232666 P PPLA JP 06 248707 17 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-25
+ 11752 1863997 Fukue Fukue 32.6880556 128.8419444 P PPL JP 27 26636 24 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11753 1864009 Fukuchiyama Fukuchiyama 35.3 135.1166667 P PPL JP 22 68735 72 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11754 1864025 Fukiage Fukiage 36.1 139.45 P PPL JP 34 28334 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11755 1864031 Fukaya Fukaya 36.2 139.2833333 P PPL JP 34 106595 40 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11756 1864092 Fujisawa Fujisawa 35.3419444 139.47 P PPL JP 19 394624 18 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11757 1864098 Fujioka Fujioka 36.25 139.65 P PPL JP 38 18335 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11758 1864099 Fujioka Fujioka 36.25 139.0833333 P PPL JP 10 63358 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11759 1864105 Fujinomiya Fujinomiya 35.2166667 138.6166667 P PPL JP 37 121515 97 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11760 1864132 Fujieda Fujieda 34.8666667 138.2666667 P PPL JP 37 132859 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11761 1864134 Fuji Fuji 35.1666667 138.6833333 P PPL JP 37 240014 67 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11762 1864154 Fuchū Fuchu 35.6666667 139.4833333 P PPL JP 40 240081 45 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11763 1864155 Fuchū Fuchu 34.5666667 133.2333333 P PPL JP 11 50746 62 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11764 1864180 Enzan Enzan 35.7 138.7333333 P PPL JP 46 25142 384 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11765 1864416 Daitō Daito 34.7 135.6166667 P PPL JP 32 129521 36 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11766 1864518 Chōfu Chofu 35.6555556 139.5522222 P PPL JP 40 212977 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11767 1864549 Chiryū Chiryu 35.0 137.0333333 P PPL JP 01 67062 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11768 1864557 Chino Chino 35.9943965302631 138.154277801514 P PPL JP 26 56567 785 Asia/Tokyo 2008-11-20
+ 11769 1864624 Chigasaki Chigasaki 35.3261111 139.4038889 P PPL JP 19 231657 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-05-09
+ 11770 1864637 Chichibu Chichibu 35.9902778 139.0763889 P PPL JP 34 58507 254 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11771 1864652 Chatan Chatan 26.3094444 127.7702778 P PPL JP 47 27844 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11772 1864750 Beppu Beppu 33.2736111 131.4919444 P PPL JP 30 125065 84 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11773 1864873 Ayabe Ayabe 35.3 135.25 P PPL JP 22 37612 98 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11774 1864945 Atami Atami 35.0894444 139.0686111 P PPL JP 37 40687 91 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11775 1864985 Ashiya Ashiya 34.7280696898723 135.302639007568 P PPL JP 13 88573 25 Asia/Tokyo 2008-12-04
+ 11776 1865005 Ashikaga Ashikaga 36.3333333 139.45 P PPL JP 38 159671 30 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11777 1865207 Arai Arai 37.0166667 138.25 P PPL JP 29 27481 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11778 1865290 Annaka Annaka 36.3166667 138.9 P PPL JP 10 48235 184 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11779 1865309 Anan Anan 33.9166667 134.65 P PPL JP 39 55421 23 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11780 1865375 Amagi Amagi 33.4166667 130.65 P PPL JP 07 42312 35 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11781 1865387 Amagasaki Amagasaki 34.7166667 135.4166667 P PPL JP 13 442173 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-07
+ 11782 1865401 Akune Akune 32.0166667 130.2 P PPL JP 18 25089 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11783 1865412 Akō Ako 34.75 134.4 P PPL JP 13 52015 51 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11784 1865449 Aki Aki 33.5 133.9 P PPL JP 20 20117 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11785 1865661 Aioi Aioi 34.8 134.4666667 P PPL JP 13 32394 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11786 1865714 Ageo Ageo 35.9697222 139.5886111 P PPL JP 34 219401 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11787 1894616 Okinawa Okinawa 26.3358333 127.8013889 P PPL JP 47 125483 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11788 1895695 Kushima Kushima 31.4583333 131.2333333 P PPL JP 25 22102 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11789 1896348 Hikari Hikari 33.955 131.95 P PPL JP 45 45885 63 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11790 1897590 Kaita Kaita 34.3666667 132.55 P PPL JP 11 29901 78 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11791 1899102 Nagato Nagato 34.3833333 131.2 P PPL JP 45 23101 37 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11792 1907123 Hasuda Hasuda 35.9755556 139.6508333 P PPL JP 34 65161 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11793 1907125 Kamifukuoka Kamifukuoka 35.8725 139.5097222 P PPL JP 34 52323 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11794 1907146 Sayama Sayama 35.852952646944 139.412123858929 P PPL JP 34 160843 65 Asia/Tokyo 2008-10-30
+ 11795 1907148 Fussa Fussa 35.7366667 139.3236111 P PPL JP 40 62296 134 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11796 1907165 Kunitachi Kunitachi 35.6744444 139.435 P PPL JP 40 78062 44 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11797 1907299 Asaka Asaka 35.8047222 139.6019444 P PPL JP 34 128058 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11798 1907300 Wako Wako 35.7894444 139.6233333 P PPL JP 34 77435 24 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-08
+ 11799 1907301 Toda Toda 35.8094444 139.6925 P PPL JP 34 118731 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11800 1907306 Komae Komae 35.6363889 139.5744444 P PPL JP 40 77642 27 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11801 1907307 Kimitsu Kimitsu 35.3252778 139.8911111 P PPL JP 04 92126 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11802 1907309 Miura Miura 35.14 139.6191667 P PPL JP 19 51483 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11803 1926004 Wakayama Wakayama 34.0902778 135.09 P PPLA JP 43 351000 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2009-05-15
+ 11804 1926006 Iyo Iyo 33.7513889 132.7013889 P PPL JP 05 30760 22 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11805 1926020 Uwajima Uwajima 33.2237542847493 132.560005187988 P PPL JP 05 58971 17 Asia/Tokyo 2008-04-04
+ 11806 1926054 Saijō Saijo 33.9166667 133.1833333 P PPL JP 05 58823 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11807 1926055 Ōzu Ozu 33.5 132.55 P PPL JP 05 38833 133 Asia/Tokyo 2008-04-04
+ 11808 1926116 Kawanoe Kawanoe 34.0166667 133.5666667 P PPL JP 05 37641 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11809 1926142 Hōjō Hojo 33.976605848508 132.777671813965 P PPL JP 05 27992 15 Asia/Tokyo 2008-04-04
+ 11810 2110460 Yuzawa Yuzawa 39.1666667 140.5 P PPL JP 02 33536 187 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11811 2110480 Yotsukaidō Yotsukaido 35.65 140.1666667 P PPL JP 04 86701 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11812 2110498 Yonezawa Yonezawa 37.9166667 140.1166667 P PPL JP 44 94486 267 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11813 2110506 Yokote Yokote 39.3 140.5666667 P PPL JP 02 39178 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11814 2110518 Yōkaichiba Yokaichiba 35.7 140.55 P PPL JP 04 32651 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11815 2110538 Yanagawa Yanagawa 37.85 140.6 P PPL JP 08 20807 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11816 2110541 Yamoto Yamoto 38.4166667 141.2166667 P PPL JP 24 32028 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11817 2110556 Yamagata Yamagata 38.2527778 140.3375 P PPLA JP 44 254538 177 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11818 2110560 Yamada Yamada 39.4666667 141.95 P PPL JP 16 20144 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11819 2110579 Yachimata Yachimata 35.65 140.3166667 P PPL JP 04 83322 44 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11820 2110586 Watari Watari 38.035 140.8511111 P PPL JP 24 36321 30 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11821 2110596 Wakuya Wakuya 38.5333333 141.1333333 P PPL JP 24 18334 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11822 2110629 Ushiku Ushiku 35.9666667 140.1333333 P PPL JP 14 80020 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11823 2110683 Tsukuba Tsukuba 36.2 140.1 P PPL JP 14 175589 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11824 2110729 Toride Toride 35.8833333 140.0666667 P PPL JP 04 80716 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11825 2110735 Tōno Tono 39.3166667 141.5333333 P PPL JP 16 26781 300 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11826 2110743 Tomobe Tomobe 36.35 140.3 P PPL JP 14 37146 42 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11827 2110744 Tomiya Tomiya 38.3930556 140.8861111 P PPL JP 24 42500 67 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11828 2110774 Tōgane Togane 35.55 140.3666667 P PPL JP 04 66332 13 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11829 2110793 Tendō Tendo 38.3536111 140.3697222 P PPL JP 44 65393 128 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11830 2110891 Takahata Takahata 38.0025 140.1911111 P PPL JP 44 26347 260 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11831 2110893 Takahagi Takahagi 36.7166667 140.7166667 P PPL JP 14 33576 11 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11832 2110959 Sukagawa Sukagawa 37.2833333 140.3833333 P PPL JP 08 68790 259 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11833 2110994 Shizukuishi Shizukuishi 39.6833333 140.9833333 P PPL JP 16 19866 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11834 2111008 Shisui Shisui 35.7166667 140.2666667 P PPL JP 04 19903 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11835 2111016 Shiroishi Shiroishi 38.0033333 140.6183333 P PPL JP 24 39481 91 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11836 2111018 Shiroi Shiroi 35.8 140.0666667 P PPL JP 04 55314 17 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11837 2111049 Shiogama Shiogama 38.3166667 141.0333333 P PPL JP 24 59526 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11838 2111065 Shinjō Shinjo 38.7586111 140.3008333 P PPL JP 44 41140 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11839 2111149 Sendai Sendai 38.2547222 140.8847222 P PPLA JP 24 1037562 55 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11840 2111173 Sawara Sawara 35.8833333 140.5 P PPL JP 04 47199 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11841 2111220 Sakura Sakura 35.7166667 140.2333333 P PPL JP 04 182549 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11842 2111248 Sagae Sagae 38.3725 140.2725 P PPL JP 44 43544 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11843 2111258 Ryūgasaki Ryugasaki 35.9 140.1833333 P PPL JP 14 85761 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11844 2111277 Rifu Rifu 38.3236111 140.9744444 P PPL JP 24 35037 42 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11845 2111310 Ōtsuchi Otsuchi 39.3666667 141.9 P PPL JP 16 16497 77 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11846 2111325 Ōtawara Otawara 36.8666667 140.0333333 P PPL JP 38 58888 219 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11847 2111425 Ōmiya Omiya 36.55 140.4166667 P PPL JP 14 27588 53 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11848 2111429 Omigawa Omigawa 35.85 140.6166667 P PPL JP 04 25763 3 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11849 2111435 Ōmagari Omagari 39.45 140.4833333 P PPL JP 02 38805 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11850 2111441 Okunoya Okunoya 36.2833333 140.4166667 P PPL JP 14 34627 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11851 2111461 Ōkawara Okawara 38.05 140.7336111 P PPL JP 24 23340 64 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11852 2111495 Ōhara Ohara 35.25 140.3833333 P PPL JP 04 20226 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11853 2111530 Ōfunato Ofunato 39.0716667 141.7166667 P PPL JP 16 35418 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11854 2111559 Obanazawa Obanazawa 38.6033333 140.4019444 P PPL JP 44 20821 97 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11855 2111567 Ōarai Oarai 36.3166667 140.6 P PPL JP 14 19326 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11856 2111568 Ōami Oami 35.5166667 140.3166667 P PPL JP 04 53239 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11857 2111656 Nihommatsu Nihommatsu 37.5833333 140.4333333 P PPL JP 08 36287 200 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11858 2111677 Narutō Naruto 35.6 140.4166667 P PPL JP 04 25696 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11859 2111684 Narita Narita 35.7833333 140.3166667 P PPL JP 04 100641 17 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11860 2111687 Narashino Narashino 35.6833333 140.0333333 P PPL JP 04 156082 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11861 2111704 Namie Namie 37.4833333 141.0 P PPL JP 08 21866 35 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11862 2111749 Naka Naka 36.05 140.1666667 P PPL JP 14 46760 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11863 2111781 Nagai Nagai 38.1036111 140.035 P PPL JP 44 31026 201 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11864 2111824 Motomiya Motomiya 37.5166667 140.4 P PPL JP 08 22705 210 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11865 2111827 Motegi Motegi 36.5166667 140.1833333 P PPL JP 38 19575 114 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11866 2111831 Moriya Moriya 35.9333333 140.0 P PPL JP 14 56566 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11867 2111834 Morioka Morioka 39.7 141.15 P PPLA JP 16 295172 136 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-05
+ 11868 2111836 Mooka Mooka 36.4333333 140.0166667 P PPL JP 38 65717 61 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11869 2111855 Mobara Mobara 35.4166667 140.3 P PPL JP 04 97315 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11870 2111859 Mizusawa Mizusawa 39.1333333 141.1333333 P PPL JP 16 61281 74 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11871 2111884 Miyako Miyako 39.6366667 141.9525 P PPL JP 16 51721 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11872 2111901 Mito Mito 36.3666667 140.4666667 P PPLA JP 14 246538 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11873 2111943 Miharu Miharu 37.4333333 140.4833333 P PPL JP 08 19708 372 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11874 2111999 Mashiko Mashiko 36.4666667 140.1 P PPL JP 38 26045 78 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11875 2112008 Marumori Marumori 37.9166667 140.7666667 P PPL JP 24 16752 70 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11876 2112019 Makabe Makabe 36.2666667 140.1 P PPL JP 14 19293 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11877 2112077 Kuroiso Kuroiso 36.9666667 140.05 P PPL JP 38 61230 301 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11878 2112141 Kōriyama Koriyama 37.4 140.3833333 P PPL JP 08 340560 242 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11879 2112182 Kogota Kogota 38.55 141.05 P PPL JP 24 19760 30 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11880 2112227 Kitakami Kitakami 39.2833333 141.1166667 P PPL JP 16 93854 61 Asia/Tokyo 2006-05-19
+ 11881 2112232 Kitaibaraki Kitaibaraki 36.7833333 140.75 P PPL JP 14 50843 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11882 2112297 Kawaguchi Kawaguchi 35.1 140.1 P PPL JP 04 29119 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11883 2112309 Katsuura Katsuura 35.1333333 140.3 P PPL JP 04 22307 -9999 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11884 2112312 Katsuta Katsuta 36.3833333 140.5333333 P PPL JP 14 155968 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11885 2112337 Kashima Kashima 35.9666667 140.6333333 P PPL JP 14 65935 35 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11886 2112343 Kasama Kasama 36.3833333 140.2666667 P PPL JP 14 29477 82 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11887 2112354 Karasuyama Karasuyama 36.65 140.15 P PPL JP 38 18488 100 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11888 2112409 Kaminoyama Kaminoyama 38.1538889 140.2736111 P PPL JP 44 35593 193 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11889 2112444 Kamaishi Kamaishi 39.2666667 141.8833333 P PPL JP 16 43107 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11890 2112455 Kakuda Kakuda 37.9666667 140.7833333 P PPL JP 24 33221 60 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11891 2112521 Iwase Iwase 36.35 140.1 P PPL JP 14 21980 92 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11892 2112527 Iwanuma Iwanuma 38.1047222 140.8594444 P PPL JP 24 42411 36 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11893 2112539 Iwaki Iwaki 37.05 140.8833333 P PPL JP 08 357309 45 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11894 2112555 Itako Itako 35.9333333 140.55 P PPL JP 14 25791 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11895 2112571 Ishioka Ishioka 36.1833333 140.2666667 P PPL JP 14 52304 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11896 2112576 Ishinomaki Ishinomaki 38.4166667 141.3 P PPL JP 24 117233 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11897 2112583 Ishikawa Ishikawa 37.15 140.45 P PPL JP 08 18817 300 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11898 2112615 Inawashiro Inawashiro 37.5666667 140.1166667 P PPL JP 08 17413 561 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11899 2112656 Ichinoseki Ichinoseki 38.9166667 141.1333333 P PPL JP 16 62970 78 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11900 2112664 Ichihara Ichihara 35.5166667 140.0833333 P PPL JP 04 283531 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11901 2112692 Hobara Hobara 37.8166667 140.55 P PPL JP 08 24515 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11902 2112708 Hitachi Hitachi 36.6 140.65 P PPL JP 14 186307 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11903 2112758 Higashine Higashine 38.4388889 140.4005556 P PPL JP 44 45779 136 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11904 2112802 Hasaki Hasaki 35.7333333 140.8333333 P PPL JP 04 39209 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11905 2112823 Hanamaki Hanamaki 39.3833333 141.1166667 P PPL JP 16 73115 77 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11906 2112899 Furukawa Furukawa 38.5716667 140.9555556 P PPL JP 24 76312 28 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11907 2112903 Funehiki Funehiki 37.4333333 140.5833333 P PPL JP 08 23524 488 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11908 2112913 Funaishikawa Funaishikawa 36.4666667 140.5666667 P PPL JP 14 35318 27 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11909 2112923 Fukushima Fukushima 37.75 140.4666667 P PPLA JP 08 294237 89 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11910 2112940 Fujishiro Fujishiro 35.9166667 140.1166667 P PPL JP 14 33148 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11911 2112963 Edosaki Edosaki 35.95 140.3166667 P PPL JP 14 20800 15 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11912 2112989 Daigo Daigo 36.7666667 140.35 P PPL JP 14 22310 115 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11913 2113015 Chiba Chiba 35.6 140.1166667 P PPLA JP 04 919729 2 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11914 2113077 Asahi Asahi 35.7166667 140.65 P PPL JP 04 41720 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11915 2113115 Ami Ami 36.0333333 140.2 P PPL JP 14 48256 21 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11916 2113126 Akita Akita 39.7166667 140.1166667 P PPL JP 02 320069 23 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11917 2113164 Abiko Abiko 35.8666667 140.0166667 P PPL JP 04 131771 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11918 2127383 Bihoro Bihoro 43.8227778 144.1044444 P PPL JP 12 22972 33 Asia/Tokyo 2006-03-05
+ 11919 2127515 Wakkanai Wakkanai 45.4094444 141.6738889 P PPL JP 12 41556 49 Asia/Tokyo 2008-04-19
+ 11920 2127733 Tomakomai Tomakomai 42.6369444 141.6033333 P PPL JP 12 174806 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11921 2127802 Tōbetsu Tobetsu 43.2169444 141.5169444 P PPL JP 12 21818 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11922 2127878 Mutsu Mutsu 41.2894444 141.2169444 P PPL JP 03 49220 6 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11923 2127896 Takikawa Takikawa 43.5527778 141.9063889 P PPL JP 12 45131 30 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11924 2127910 Takanosu Takanosu 40.2219444 140.3694444 P PPL JP 02 20542 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11925 2127955 Sunagawa Sunagawa 43.4863889 141.9055556 P PPL JP 12 20102 19 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11926 2128025 Shizunai Shizunai 42.3338889 142.3669444 P PPL JP 12 22436 4 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11927 2128072 Shiraoi Shiraoi 42.55 141.35 P PPL JP 12 20804 2 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11928 2128147 Shimo-furano Shimo-furano 43.35 142.3833333 P PPL JP 12 25872 168 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11929 2128206 Shibetsu Shibetsu 43.6589926541187 145.131969451904 P PPL JP 12 21744 5 Asia/Tokyo 2009-04-26
+ 11930 2128295 Sapporo Sapporo 43.0547222 141.3538889 P PPLA JP 12 1883027 26 Asia/Tokyo 2007-04-04
+ 11931 2128382 Rumoi Rumoi 43.9344444 141.6427778 P PPL JP 12 26454 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11932 2128558 Otofuke Otofuke 42.9916667 143.2002778 P PPL JP 12 40944 76 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11933 2128574 Otaru Otaru 43.1894444 141.0022222 P PPL JP 12 143792 23 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11934 2128787 Ōdate Odate 40.2686111 140.5683333 P PPL JP 02 64543 77 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11935 2128815 Obihiro Obihiro 42.9172222 143.2044444 P PPL JP 12 173890 40 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11936 2128867 Noshiro Noshiro 40.2038889 140.0241667 P PPL JP 02 51079 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11937 2128975 Nemuro Nemuro 43.3236111 145.575 P PPL JP 12 31223 20 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11938 2128983 Nayoro Nayoro 44.3505556 142.4577778 P PPL JP 12 26457 94 Asia/Tokyo 2006-08-09
+ 11939 2129003 Nanae Nanae 41.8833333 140.6833333 P PPL JP 12 30008 14 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11940 2129005 Namioka Namioka 40.7072222 140.5894444 P PPL JP 03 20681 25 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11941 2129101 Muroran Muroran 42.3172222 140.9880556 P PPL JP 12 96197 11 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11942 2129163 Mombetsu Mombetsu 44.3525 143.3525 P PPL JP 12 26895 18 Asia/Tokyo 2008-04-19
+ 11943 2129211 Misawa Misawa 40.6836111 141.3597222 P PPL JP 03 42805 39 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11944 2129218 Yoichi Yoichi 43.2038889 140.7702778 P PPL JP 12 22788 8 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11945 2129324 Makubetsu Makubetsu 45.3713889 141.8211111 P PPL JP 12 25935 12 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11946 2129376 Kushiro Kushiro 42.975 144.3747222 P PPL JP 12 183612 3 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-18
+ 11947 2129395 Kuroishi Kuroishi 40.6388889 140.5922222 P PPL JP 03 38615 44 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11948 2129513 Kizukuri Kizukuri 40.8061111 140.3861111 P PPL JP 03 18907 7 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11949 2129537 Kitami Kitami 43.8030556 143.8908333 P PPL JP 12 113137 80 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11950 2129766 Kamiiso Kamiiso 41.8166667 140.65 P PPL JP 12 38098 1 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11951 2129868 Iwanai Iwanai 42.9744444 140.5088889 P PPL JP 12 15584 16 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11952 2129870 Iwamizawa Iwamizawa 43.2002778 141.7597222 P PPL JP 12 85107 18 Asia/Tokyo 2008-08-27
+ 11953 2129909 Ishikari Ishikari 43.2397222 141.3538889 P PPL JP 12 57301 1 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-08
+ 11954 2129961 Ichinohe Ichinohe 40.2069444 141.3016667 P PPL JP 16 15825 167 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11955 2130054 Hiroshima Hiroshima 42.9758333 141.5672222 P PPL JP 12 62370 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-27
+ 11956 2130057 Hirosaki Hirosaki 40.5930556 140.4725 P PPL JP 03 174972 38 Asia/Tokyo 2006-11-15
+ 11957 2130146 Kazuno Kazuno 40.1836111 140.7872222 P PPL JP 02 36925 142 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11958 2130188 Hakodate Hakodate 41.7758333 140.7366667 P PPL JP 12 275730 9 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11959 2130203 Hachinohe Hachinohe 40.5 141.5 P PPL JP 03 239046 20 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11960 2130332 Fukagawa Fukagawa 43.7080556 142.0391667 P PPL JP 12 26152 45 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11961 2130404 Ebetsu Ebetsu 43.1080556 141.5505556 P PPL JP 12 133953 10 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11962 2130421 Date Date 42.4680556 140.8680556 P PPL JP 12 35301 9 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11963 2130452 Chitose Chitose 42.8194444 141.6522222 P PPL JP 12 92942 11 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11964 2130534 Bibai Bibai 43.3247222 141.8586111 P PPL JP 12 29028 35 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11965 2130612 Ashibetsu Ashibetsu 43.5097222 142.1855556 P PPL JP 12 19108 155 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11966 2130629 Asahikawa Asahikawa 43.7677778 142.3702778 P PPL JP 12 356612 112 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11967 2130658 Aomori Aomori 40.8211111 140.7511111 P PPLA JP 03 298394 3 Asia/Tokyo 2007-02-17
+ 11968 2130741 Abashiri Abashiri 44.0212739195278 144.269714355469 P PPL JP 12 42498 8 Asia/Tokyo 2009-04-26
+ 11969 2131612 Goshogawara Goshogawara 40.8044444 140.4413889 P PPL JP 03 49110 5 Asia/Tokyo 2006-01-17
+ 11970 6694821 Nanto-shi Nanto-shi 36.5692179 136.911621 P PPL JP 58813 69 Asia/Tokyo 2008-07-09
+ 11971 6696932 Kawage Kawage 34.8044657782556 136.546454429626 P PPL JP 17948 20 13 Asia/Tokyo 2008-09-25
+ 11972 6940394 Saitama Saitama 35.9080659046769 139.656572341919 P PPL JP 34 1193350 10 Asia/Tokyo 2009-07-09
+ 11973 178202 Webuye Webuye 0.6166667 34.7666667 P PPL KE 09 22507 1552 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11974 178443 Wajir Wajir 1.7472222 40.0688889 P PPL KE 06 45771 251 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11975 178522 Voi Voi -3.3833333 38.5666667 P PPL KE 02 19624 608 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11976 179330 Thika Thika -1.03325964835886 37.0693302154541 P PPL KE 01 99322 1495 Africa/Nairobi 2007-01-26
+ 11977 181135 Rongai Rongai -0.1666667 35.85 P PPL KE 08 30471 1912 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11978 182701 Nyeri Nyeri -0.4166667 36.95 P PPLA KE 01 51084 1769 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 11979 183027 Nyahururu Nyahururu 0.0333333 36.3666667 P PPL KE 01 31978 2304 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11980 184379 Narok Narok -1.0833333 35.8666667 P PPL KE 08 36061 1848 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11981 184433 Nanyuki Nanyuki 0.0166667 37.0666667 P PPL KE 08 36142 1975 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11982 184622 Nakuru Nakuru -0.2833333 36.0666667 P PPLA KE 08 259903 2017 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 11983 184707 Naivasha Naivasha -0.7166667 36.4333333 P PPL KE 08 38366 2086 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11984 184745 Nairobi Nairobi -1.2833333 36.8166667 P PPLC KE 05 2750547 1724 Africa/Nairobi 2007-02-17
+ 11985 185702 Mumias Mumias 0.3363889 34.4891667 P PPL KE 09 45485 1258 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11986 185939 Muhoroni Muhoroni -0.15 35.2 P PPL KE 07 15217 1476 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11987 186180 Moyale Moyale 3.5163889 39.0691667 P PPL KE 03 16243 936 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11988 186301 Mombasa Mombasa -4.05 39.6666667 P PPLA KE 02 799668 1 Africa/Nairobi 2007-02-17
+ 11989 186315 Molo Molo -0.25 35.7333333 P PPL KE 08 27896 2534 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11990 186731 Migori Migori -1.0666667 34.4666667 P PPL KE 07 35240 1323 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11991 186827 Meru Meru 0.05 37.65 P PPL KE 03 47226 1582 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11992 187585 Marsabit Marsabit 2.3333333 37.9833333 P PPL KE 03 15361 1344 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11993 187725 Maralal Maralal 1.1 36.7 P PPL KE 08 20841 1966 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11994 187896 Mandera Mandera 3.9261111 41.8461111 P PPL KE 06 36076 219 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11995 187968 Malindi Malindi -3.2166667 40.1166667 P PPL KE 02 68304 1 Africa/Nairobi 2007-02-18
+ 11996 188080 Makueni Makueni -1.8 37.6166667 P PPL KE 03 20681 1219 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11997 188492 Machakos Machakos -1.5166667 37.2666667 P PPL KE 03 31971 1715 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11998 188657 Lugulu Lugulu 0.3936111 34.3052778 P PPL KE 09 40894 1220 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 11999 189280 Lodwar Lodwar 3.1166667 35.6 P PPL KE 08 20219 507 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12000 189741 Lamu Lamu -2.2783333 40.9033333 P PPL KE 02 24525 1 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12001 191038 Kitui Kitui -1.3666667 38.0166667 P PPL KE 03 15954 1152 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12002 191220 Kitale Kitale 1.0166667 35.0 P PPL KE 08 75123 1901 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 12003 191245 Kisumu Kisumu -0.1 34.75 P PPLA KE 07 216479 1132 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 12004 191299 Kisii Kisii -0.6833333 34.7666667 P PPL KE 07 28547 1805 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12005 192067 Kilifi Kilifi -3.6333333 39.85 P PPL KE 02 46118 -9999 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12006 192710 Kiambu Kiambu -1.1666667 36.8333333 P PPL KE 01 21234 1734 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12007 192859 Keruguya Keruguya -0.5 37.2833333 P PPL KE 01 15287 1548 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12008 192900 Kericho Kericho -0.3666667 35.2833333 P PPL KE 08 35748 2096 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12009 193627 Karuri Karuri -0.7 37.1833333 P PPL KE 01 21476 1209 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12010 195272 Kakamega Kakamega 0.2833333 34.75 P PPLA KE 09 63426 1524 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 12011 196231 Isiolo Isiolo 0.35 37.5833333 P PPL KE 03 33207 1148 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12012 196742 Homa Bay Homa Bay -0.5166667 34.45 P PPL KE 07 40319 1166 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12013 197745 Garissa Garissa -0.4569444 39.6583333 P PPLA KE 06 67861 152 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 12014 198476 Embu Embu -0.5333333 37.45 P PPLA KE 03 34922 1324 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 12015 198629 Eldoret Eldoret 0.5166667 35.2833333 P PPL KE 08 218446 2116 Africa/Nairobi 2006-11-15
+ 12016 200067 Bungoma Bungoma 0.5666667 34.5666667 P PPL KE 09 55962 1384 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12017 200787 Athi River Athi River -1.45 36.9833333 P PPL KE 03 24530 1532 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-27
+ 12018 383388 Siaya Siaya 0.06 34.2861111 P PPL KE 07 15354 1224 Africa/Nairobi 2006-01-17
+ 12019 1222562 Sülüktü Suluktu 39.9302778 69.5697222 P PPL KG 09 15019 1313 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12020 1222662 Isfana Isfana 39.8333333 69.5166667 P PPL KG 00 16952 1310 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12021 1527004 Balykchy Balykchy 42.4611111 76.1802778 P PPL KG KG 07 40000 1647 Asia/Bishkek 2009-06-03
+ 12022 1527199 Tokmok Tokmok 42.8413889 75.2883333 P PPL KG 02 63047 797 Asia/Bishkek 2007-02-15
+ 12023 1527260 Tash-Kumyr Tash-Kumyr 41.3458333 72.21 P PPL KG 03 23594 627 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-27
+ 12024 1527299 Talas Talas 42.5222222 72.2419444 P PPLA KG 06 35172 1262 Asia/Bishkek 2006-07-13
+ 12025 1527497 Kyzyl-Suu Kyzyl-Suu 42.3408333 77.9980556 P PPL KG 07 16927 1739 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12026 1527513 Özgön Ozgon 40.7666667 73.3 P PPL KG 00 40360 1010 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12027 1527534 Osh Osh 40.5294444 72.79 P PPL KG KG 08 200000 1018 Asia/Bishkek 2008-11-24
+ 12028 1527719 Kyzyl-Kiya Kyzyl-Kiya 40.2538889 72.1227778 P PPL KG KG 08 32000 989 Asia/Bishkek 2009-01-06
+ 12029 1528091 Kara-Su Kara-Su 40.7 72.8666667 P PPL KG 00 17800 748 Asia/Bishkek 2009-10-13
+ 12030 1528121 Karakol Karakol 42.4833333 78.4 P PPLA KG 07 70171 1793 Asia/Bishkek 2007-02-18
+ 12031 1528182 Kara-Balta Kara-Balta 42.8261111 73.8441667 P PPL KG 02 62796 749 Asia/Bishkek 2007-01-25
+ 12032 1528193 Kant Kant 42.8875 74.8472222 P PPL KG 00 20181 723 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12033 1528249 Jalal-Abad Jalal-Abad 40.9333333 73.0 P PPLA KG KG 03 75700 754 Asia/Bishkek 2009-05-15
+ 12034 1528512 Cholpon-Ata Cholpon-Ata 42.6563889 77.0822222 P PPL KG 07 18595 1666 Asia/Bishkek 2008-05-11
+ 12035 1528675 Bishkek Bishkek 42.8730556 74.6002778 P PPLC KG KG 01 900000 772 Asia/Bishkek 2008-11-28
+ 12036 1528717 Bazar-Kurgan Bazar-Kurgan 41.0333333 72.75 P PPL KG 00 27704 732 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-27
+ 12037 1528796 At-Bashy At-Bashy 41.1697222 75.8102778 P PPL KG 04 15226 2062 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12038 1538648 Toktogul Toktogul 41.9033333 72.9455556 P PPL KG 03 19336 1142 Asia/Bishkek 2006-01-17
+ 12039 1821306 Phnom Penh Phnom Penh 11.55 104.9166667 P PPLC KH 00 1573544 16 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2008-10-17
+ 12040 1821935 Ta Khmau Ta Khmau 11.4833333 104.95 P PPL KH 07 52066 1 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12041 1822207 Sisŏphŏn Sisophon 13.5833333 102.9833333 P PPL KH 00 23218 17 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12042 1822214 Siĕmréab Siemreab 13.3666667 103.85 P PPL KH KH 16 85000 15 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2008-05-10
+ 12043 1822768 Poŭthĭsăt Pouthisat 12.5333333 103.9166667 P PPL KH 12 52476 18 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12044 1822906 Phumĭ Véal Srê Phumi Veal Sre 10.9833333 104.7833333 P PPL KH 19 44270 8 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-27
+ 12045 1830098 Phnum Tbêng Méanchey Phnum Tbeng Meanchey 13.8166667 104.9666667 P PPL KH 13 24380 47 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-27
+ 12046 1830205 Pailĭn Pailin 12.8505556 102.6097222 P PPL KH 20 17850 170 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2007-02-18
+ 12047 1830377 Lumphăt Lumphat 13.5 106.9833333 P PPL KH 15 19205 113 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12048 1830468 Krŏng Kaôh Kŏng Krong Kaoh Kong 11.6175 102.9805556 P PPL KH 08 33134 1 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2009-03-30
+ 12049 1830564 Krâchéh Kracheh 12.4833333 106.0166667 P PPL KH 09 19975 18 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2008-04-07
+ 12050 1831112 Kâmpôt Kampot 10.6166667 104.1833333 P PPL KH 06 22691 7 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12051 1831125 Kâmpóng Thum Kampong Thum 12.7 104.9 P PPL KH 05 19951 11 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12052 1831133 Kâmpóng Spœ Kampong Spoe 11.45 104.5333333 P PPL KH 04 33231 38 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-27
+ 12053 1831142 Kâmpóng Saôm Kampong Saom 10.6333333 103.5 P PPL KH 06 156691 20 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2009-02-07
+ 12054 1831167 Kâmpóng Chhnăng Kampong Chhnang 12.25 104.6666667 P PPL KH 03 75244 17 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12055 1831173 Kâmpóng Cham Kampong Cham 12.0 105.45 P PPL KH 02 61750 21 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2006-01-17
+ 12056 1831797 Bătdâmbâng Batdambang 13.1 103.2 P PPL KH 01 150444 40 Asia/Phnom_Penh 2007-02-17
+ 12057 2110079 Tarawa Tarawa -0.869216953903984 169.540629386902 P PPL KI KI 00 28802 1 Pacific/Tarawa 2008-05-14
+ 12058 2110257 Bairiki Bairiki 1.32914064540393 172.978019714355 P PPLC KI 00 44429 -9999 Pacific/Tarawa 2008-02-11
+ 12059 921753 Moutsamoudou Moutsamoudou -12.1627778 44.3963889 P PPL KM 01 23594 -9999 Indian/Comoro 2006-01-17
+ 12060 921772 Moroni Moroni -11.7041667 43.2402778 P PPLC KM 02 42872 35 Indian/Comoro 2007-02-17
+ 12061 3575551 Basseterre Basseterre 17.3 -62.7166667 P PPLC KN 03 12920 1 America/St_Kitts 2007-02-17
+ 12062 1866569 Yŏnan-ŭp Yonan-up 37.9088889 126.1611111 P PPL KP 06 Yŏnan-gun 22665 36 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-07-15
+ 12063 1866923 Wŏnsan Wonsan 39.1527778 127.4436111 P PPLA KP 09 329207 -9999 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-02-18
+ 12064 1867927 T’ongch’ŏn-ŭp T'ongch'on-up 38.9538889 127.8916667 P PPL KP 09 T’ongch’űn-gun 20575 2 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-08-22
+ 12065 1868998 Sŭngho 1-tong Sungho 1-tong 38.9913889 125.9777778 P PPL KP 12 39841 25 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-03-19
+ 12066 1869021 Sunan Sunan 39.1983333 125.69 P PPL KP 12 36671 17 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-07-15
+ 12067 1869446 Songnim Songnim 38.7541667 125.645 P PPL KP 07 152425 14 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-08-22
+ 12068 1870413 Sil-li Sil-li 39.4947222 125.4736111 P PPL KP 15 Mundŏk-kun 19463 3 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-07-15
+ 12069 1870434 Sinmak Sinmak 38.4166667 126.2333333 P PPL KP 00 18669 115 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12070 1870742 Sinanju Sinanju 39.5980556 125.6097222 P PPL KP 15 15693 11 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-07-25
+ 12071 1870883 Sariwŏn Sariwon 38.5072222 125.7558333 P PPLA KP 07 154942 15 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-05-05
+ 12072 1871484 Samho-rodongjagu Samho-rodongjagu 39.9475 127.8711111 P PPL KP 03 19025 1 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-08-22
+ 12073 1871859 Pyongyang Pyongyang 39.0194444 125.7547222 P PPLC KP 12 3222000 13 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-02-17
+ 12074 1873172 Ongjin Ongjin 37.9347222 125.3619444 P PPL KP 06 64247 20 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-03-19
+ 12075 1873757 Namp’o Namp'o 38.7375 125.4077778 P PPLA KP 14 455000 10 Asia/Pyongyang 2009-06-23
+ 12076 1875107 Kusŏng Kusong 39.9811111 125.2447222 P PPL KP 11 30902 86 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-05-31
+ 12077 1875506 Kujang-ŭp Kujang-up 39.8672222 126.0302778 P PPL KP 11 19522 27 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12078 1875588 Kowŏn-ŭp Kowon-up 39.4380556 127.2430556 P PPL KP 03 21490 2 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12079 1875632 Kosan-ŭp Kosan-up 38.8558333 127.4180556 P PPL KP 09 24822 192 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-07-25
+ 12080 1876153 Kangdong-ŭp Kangdong-up 39.1425 126.0961111 P PPL KP 12 28922 29 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12081 1876373 Kaesŏng Kaesong 37.9708333 126.5544444 P PPLA KP 08 338155 39 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-02-18
+ 12082 1876873 Hwangju-ŭp Hwangju-up 38.6702778 125.7761111 P PPL KP 07 35641 25 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12083 1877030 Hŭngnam Hungnam 39.8316667 127.6186111 P PPL KP 03 346082 1 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12084 1877046 Hŭkkyo-ri Hukkyo-ri 38.7986111 125.7919444 P PPL KP 07 25437 21 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-03-19
+ 12085 1877148 Hoeyang Hoeyang 38.7102778 127.5983333 P PPL KP 09 21111 359 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-03-19
+ 12086 1877449 Hamhŭng Hamhung 39.9183333 127.5363889 P PPLA KP 03 559056 11 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-02-17
+ 12087 1877615 Haeju Haeju 38.0405556 125.7147222 P PPLA KP 06 222396 46 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-02-08
+ 12088 1877872 Chunghwa-ŭp Chunghwa-up 38.8638889 125.8 P PPL KP 12 19346 35 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-03-19
+ 12089 1878389 Chŏngju-ŭp Chongju-up 39.6933333 125.2102778 P PPL KP 11 29065 30 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12090 1879029 Changyŏn Changyon 38.2508333 125.0961111 P PPL KP 06 39368 25 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-08-22
+ 12091 1879487 Chaeryŏng-ŭp Chaeryong-up 38.3991667 125.6155556 P PPL KP 06 53330 11 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12092 1879544 Ayang-ni Ayang-ni 38.2430556 125.78 P PPL KP 06 16104 104 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12093 1879613 Anju Anju 39.6177778 125.6647222 P PPL KP 15 50196 6 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12094 1879672 Anbyŏn-ŭp Anbyon-up 39.0425 127.5238889 P PPL KP 09 31845 9 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12095 1879682 Anak Anak 38.5108333 125.4941667 P PPL KP 07 19995 21 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-03-19
+ 12096 2038854 Yuktae-dong Yuktae-dong 40.0247222 128.1597222 P PPL KP 03 76427 2 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-27
+ 12097 2039623 Ŭiju Uiju 40.1994444 124.5316667 P PPL KP 11 50081 12 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-08-22
+ 12098 2040674 Sŏnbong Sonbong 42.3422222 130.3966667 P PPL KP 18 27331 29 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12099 2040748 Sŏkko-dong Sokko-dong 40.9561111 126.5819444 P PPL KP 01 89047 359 Asia/Pyongyang 2009-02-03
+ 12100 2040893 Sinŭiju Sinuiju 40.1005556 124.3980556 P PPLA KP 11 288112 1 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-02-17
+ 12101 2041533 Sakchu-ŭp Sakchu-up 40.3894444 125.0466667 P PPL KP 11 18001 132 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12102 2042249 Yŏnggwang-ŭp Yonggwang-up 40.0183333 127.4547222 P PPL KP 03 21882 31 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12103 2042267 Onsŏng Onsong 42.9572222 129.9933333 P PPL KP 17 19806 84 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12104 2042498 Nanam Nanam 41.7136111 129.6844444 P PPL KP 17 34055 26 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12105 2042503 Namyang-dong Namyang-dong 42.95 129.8666667 P PPL KP 17 22218 184 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12106 2042645 Najin Najin 42.2488889 130.3002778 P PPLA KP 18 66224 9 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12107 2042738 Musan-ŭp Musan-up 42.2294444 129.2130556 P PPL KP 17 21739 488 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12108 2042987 Kyŏngsŏng Kyongsong 41.5877778 129.6061111 P PPL KP 17 35604 11 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12109 2043484 Kilju Kilju 40.9641667 129.3277778 P PPL KP 17 63652 134 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12110 2043531 Kapsan-ŭp Kapsan-up 41.0902778 128.2933333 P PPL KP 13 20406 810 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12111 2043572 Kanggye Kanggye 40.9872222 126.6113889 P PPL KP 01 209530 311 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-08-21
+ 12112 2043677 Iwŏn-ŭp Iwon-up 40.3230556 128.6552778 P PPL KP 03 26364 1 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12113 2043835 Hyesan-dong Hyesan-dong 41.4 128.1833333 P PPL KP 13 97794 753 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-01-17
+ 12114 2044050 Hongwŏn Hongwon 40.0252778 127.9558333 P PPL KP 03 70923 12 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12115 2044091 Hoeryŏng Hoeryong 42.4427778 129.7508333 P PPLL KP 17 43831 218 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12116 2044757 Chongjin Chongjin 41.7955556 129.7758333 P PPLA KP 17 327000 4 Asia/Pyongyang 2007-07-04
+ 12117 2045311 Aoji-ri Aoji-ri 42.5205556 130.3952778 P PPL KP 17 34248 30 Asia/Pyongyang 2006-12-03
+ 12118 1832015 Hŭnghae Hunghae 36.1125 129.3522222 P PPL KR 14 36080 9 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12119 1832157 Yŏsu Yosu 34.7441667 127.7377778 P PPL KR 16 341994 51 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12120 1832215 Yŏnil Yonil 35.9941667 129.345 P PPL KR 14 40852 2 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12121 1832257 Yŏngwŏl Yongwol 37.1872222 128.4733333 P PPL KR 06 25413 215 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12122 1832384 Yŏngju Yongju 36.8216667 128.6308333 P PPL KR 14 84625 136 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12123 1832501 Yŏnggwang Yonggwang 35.275 126.5094444 P PPL KR 16 19909 42 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12124 1832566 Yŏngdong Yongdong 36.175 127.7763889 P PPL KR 05 24154 126 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12125 1832617 Yŏngch'ŏn Yongch'on 35.9675 128.9308333 P PPL KR 14 56006 98 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-27
+ 12126 1832743 Yŏju Yoju 37.2938889 127.6377778 P PPL KR 13 37490 45 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12127 1832771 Yesan Yesan 36.6791667 126.845 P PPL KR 17 39409 23 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12128 1832828 Yangsan Yangsan 35.3386111 129.0386111 P PPL KR 20 71936 11 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12129 1833105 Wŏnju Wonju 37.3513889 127.9452778 P PPL KR 06 243387 131 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12130 1833514 Waegwan Waegwan 35.9888889 128.3972222 P PPL KR 14 29691 28 Asia/Seoul 2007-04-29
+ 12131 1833747 Ulsan Ulsan 35.5372222 129.3166667 P PPLA KR 21 962865 6 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-05
+ 12132 1833788 Ŭijŏngbu Uijongbu 37.7486111 127.0388889 P PPL KR 13 479141 45 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12133 1834885 Tangjin Tangjin 36.8944444 126.6297222 P PPL KR 17 32778 8 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12134 1835096 Taesan Taesan 36.9388889 126.435 P PPL KR 17 23149 31 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12135 1835235 Taejŏn Taejon 36.3213889 127.4197222 P PPLA KR 19 1475221 55 Asia/Seoul 2007-04-20
+ 12136 1835329 Taegu Taegu 35.8702778 128.5911111 P PPLA KR 15 2566540 41 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-05
+ 12137 1835447 Poryŏng Poryong 36.3466667 126.6047222 P PPL KR 17 62039 12 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12138 1835515 Taebaek Taebaek 37.1730556 128.9861111 P PPL KR 06 48962 735 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12139 1835553 Suwŏn Suwon 37.2841667 127.0191667 P PPLA KR 13 1242724 61 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-17
+ 12140 1835648 Sunch'ŏn Sunch'on 34.9511111 127.4883333 P PPL KR 16 230796 7 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-27
+ 12141 1835848 Seoul Seoul 37.5663889 126.9997222 P PPLC KR 11 10349312 46 Asia/Seoul 2008-07-31
+ 12142 1835895 Sŏsan Sosan 36.7816667 126.4522222 P PPL KR 17 74208 19 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12143 1835967 Sŏnsan Sonsan 36.2408333 128.2975 P PPL KR 14 20673 41 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12144 1836208 Sŏnghwan Songhwan 36.9155556 127.1313889 P PPL KR 17 29239 9 Asia/Seoul 2007-04-19
+ 12145 1837706 Sangju Sangju 36.4152778 128.1605556 P PPL KR 14 55640 57 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12146 1838069 Samch'ŏk Samch'ok 37.4405556 129.1708333 P PPL KR 06 42145 13 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-27
+ 12147 1838508 Puyŏ Puyo 36.2819444 126.9125 P PPL KR 17 32642 8 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12148 1838524 Pusan Pusan 35.1027778 129.0402778 P PPLA KR 10 3678555 7 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-17
+ 12149 1838716 Puch'ŏn Puch'on 37.4988889 126.7830556 P PPL KR KR 13 850731 11 Asia/Seoul 2007-06-19
+ 12150 1838722 Puan Puan 35.7280556 126.7319444 P PPL KR 03 22267 7 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12151 1839011 Pŏlgyo Polgyo 34.8430556 127.3433333 P PPL KR 16 19842 7 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12152 1839652 Osan Osan 37.145 127.0694444 P PPL KR 13 158978 17 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12153 1839726 Asan Asan 36.7836111 127.0041667 P PPL KR 17 97749 15 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12154 1840211 Nonsan Nonsan 36.2038889 127.0847222 P PPL KR 17 43845 1 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-16
+ 12155 1840379 Namwŏn Namwon 35.41 127.3858333 P PPL KR 03 58057 93 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-27
+ 12156 1840536 Naju Naju 35.0283333 126.7175 P PPL KR 16 42459 17 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12157 1840862 Munsan Munsan 37.8594444 126.785 P PPL KR 13 43208 10 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12158 1841066 Mokp'o Mokp'o 34.7936111 126.3886111 P PPL KR 16 268402 6 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-27
+ 12159 1841149 Miryang Miryang 35.4933333 128.7488889 P PPL KR 20 53103 18 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12160 1841245 Masan Masan 35.2080556 128.5725 P PPL KR 20 349706 19 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-17
+ 12161 1841598 Kyŏngsan Kyongsan 35.8233333 128.7377778 P PPL KR 14 129903 58 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12162 1841603 Kyŏngju Kyongju 35.8427778 129.2116667 P PPL KR 14 155237 43 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-17
+ 12163 1841775 Kwangyang Kwangyang 34.9752778 127.5891667 P PPL KR 16 89281 8 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12164 1841810 Kwangju Kwangju 37.4091667 127.2591667 P PPL KR 13 81780 42 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12165 1841811 Kwangju Kwangju 35.1547222 126.9155556 P PPLA KR 18 1416938 31 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-05
+ 12166 1841988 Kuri Kuri 37.5947222 127.1427778 P PPL KR 13 195236 21 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12167 1842025 Kunsan Kunsan 35.9786111 126.7113889 P PPL KR 03 243406 14 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12168 1842153 Kŭmsan Kumsan 36.1030556 127.4888889 P PPL KR 17 25243 146 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12169 1842225 Kumi Kumi 36.1272222 128.3447222 P PPL KR 14 291006 33 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12170 1842518 Kosŏng Kosong 34.9727778 128.3236111 P PPL KR 20 26704 4 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12171 1842616 Kongju Kongju 36.4555556 127.1247222 P PPL KR 17 72435 27 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12172 1842754 Kŏje Koje 34.8502778 128.5886111 P PPL KR 20 72124 3 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12173 1842939 Kimje Kimje 35.8016667 126.8888889 P PPL KR 03 44894 13 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12174 1842943 Kimhae Kimhae 35.2341667 128.8811111 P PPL KR 20 356242 21 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12175 1842966 Kijang Kijang 35.2441667 129.2138889 P PPL KR 10 43064 27 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12176 1843137 Kangnŭng Kangnung 37.7555556 128.8961111 P PPL KR 06 180611 15 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12177 1843163 Kanghwa Kanghwa 37.7472222 126.4855556 P PPL KR 12 25535 12 Asia/Seoul 2006-08-22
+ 12178 1843491 Iksan Iksan 35.9438889 126.9544444 P PPL KR 03 283501 10 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12179 1843564 Inch'ŏn Inch'on 37.4536111 126.7316667 P PPLA KR KR 12 2628000 22 Asia/Seoul 2009-05-09
+ 12180 1843841 Hwasun Hwasun 35.0594444 126.985 P PPL KR 16 59914 69 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12181 1844174 Hongsŏng Hongsong 36.5994444 126.6627778 P PPL KR 17 37985 22 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12182 1844308 Hayang Hayang 35.9133333 128.82 P PPL KR 14 40423 52 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12183 1844751 Haenam Haenam 34.5711111 126.5988889 P PPL KR 16 23928 24 Asia/Seoul 2007-03-19
+ 12184 1845136 Ch'unch'ŏn Ch'unch'on 37.8747222 127.7341667 P PPLA KR 06 209746 100 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-05
+ 12185 1845457 Chŏnju Chonju 35.8219444 127.1488889 P PPLA KR 03 711424 29 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-05
+ 12186 1845604 Ch'ŏngju Ch'ongju 36.6372222 127.4897222 P PPLA KR 05 634596 35 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-17
+ 12187 1845759 Ch'ŏnan Ch'onan 36.8063889 127.1522222 P PPL KR 17 365114 23 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-18
+ 12188 1846007 Chinyŏng Chinyong 35.3041667 128.7316667 P PPL KR 20 28565 20 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12189 1846052 Chinju Chinju 35.1927778 128.0847222 P PPL KR 20 307242 38 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-05
+ 12190 1846069 Chinhae Chinhae 35.1494444 128.6597222 P PPL KR 20 134889 29 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12191 1846266 Cheju Cheju 33.5097222 126.5219444 P PPLA KR 01 408364 8 Asia/Seoul 2009-08-14
+ 12192 1846326 Ch'angwŏn Ch'angwon 35.2280556 128.6811111 P PPLA KR KR 20 550000 30 Asia/Seoul 2007-06-19
+ 12193 1846898 Anyang Anyang 37.3925 126.9269444 P PPL KR 13 634367 32 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-18
+ 12194 1846912 Ansŏng Ansong 37.0108333 127.2702778 P PPL KR 13 Ansŏng-si 69255 38 Asia/Seoul 2007-03-19
+ 12195 1846918 Ansan Ansan 37.3236111 126.8219444 P PPL KR 13 650728 8 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-17
+ 12196 1846986 Andong Andong 36.5655556 128.725 P PPL KR 14 129319 94 Asia/Seoul 2007-02-08
+ 12197 1847050 Aewŏl-li Aewol-li 33.4644444 126.3183333 P PPL KR 01 23717 6 Asia/Seoul 2006-02-23
+ 12198 1882056 Sinhyŏn Sinhyon 34.8825 128.6266667 P PPL KR 20 82560 10 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12199 1886598 Yŏnmu Yonmu 36.1294444 127.1 P PPL KR 17 25015 14 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12200 1892823 Tonghae Tonghae 37.5438889 129.1069444 P PPL KR 06 101128 30 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12201 1896953 Pubal Pubal 37.2916667 127.5077778 P PPL KR 13 63026 49 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12202 1897000 Sŏngnam Songnam 37.4386111 127.1377778 P PPL KR 13 1031935 50 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12203 1897007 Hanam Hanam 37.54 127.2055556 P PPL KR 13 134902 31 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12204 1897118 Hwado Hwado 37.6525 127.3075 P PPL KR 13 106358 83 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12205 1897122 Namyangju Namyangju 37.6366667 127.2141667 P PPL KR 13 90798 56 Asia/Seoul 2006-11-15
+ 12206 1912205 Ungsang Ungsang 35.4061111 129.1686111 P PPL KR 20 83360 115 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12207 1912209 Wabu Wabu 37.5897222 127.2202778 P PPL KR 13 96775 24 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12208 1925936 Naesŏ Naeso 35.2497222 128.52 P PPL KR 20 80987 136 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12209 1925943 Hwawŏn Hwawon 35.8016667 128.5008333 P PPL KR 15 64718 44 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12210 1948005 Kwangmyŏng Kwangmyong 37.4772222 126.8663889 P PPL KR 13 357545 29 Asia/Seoul 2006-01-17
+ 12211 285603 Janūb as Surrah Janub as Surrah 29.2691667 47.9780556 P PPLX KW 00 18496 51 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12212 285663 Bayān Bayan 29.3180556 48.0391667 P PPLX KW 00 30635 28 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12213 285704 As Sālimīyah As Salimiyah 29.3338889 48.0761111 P PPLX KW 00 147649 7 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12214 285728 Ar Riqqah Ar Riqqah 29.1458333 48.0947222 P PPL KW 00 52068 39 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12215 285778 Al Manqaf Al Manqaf 29.0961111 48.1327778 P PPL KW 00 39025 25 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12216 285782 Al Mahbūlah Al Mahbulah 29.145 48.1302778 P PPL KW 00 18178 5 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12217 285787 Kuwait Kuwait 29.3697222 47.9783333 P PPLC KW 00 60064 12 Asia/Kuwait 2007-02-17
+ 12218 285811 Al Fuḩayḩīl Al Fuhayhil 29.0825 48.1302778 P PPL KW 00 68290 9 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12219 285812 Al Finţās Al Fintas 29.1738889 48.1211111 P PPL KW 00 23071 17 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12220 285815 Al Farwānīyah Al Farwaniyah 29.2775 47.9586111 P PPL KW 00 86525 47 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12221 285856 Ad Dasmah Ad Dasmah 29.365 48.0013889 P PPLX KW 02 17585 8 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12222 387958 Salwá Salwa 29.2958333 48.0786111 P PPLX KW 00 40945 12 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12223 388065 Ar Rābiyah Ar Rabiyah 29.295 47.9330556 P PPLX KW 00 36447 25 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-22
+ 12224 412800 Şabāḩ as Sālim Sabah as Salim 29.2572222 48.0572222 P PPLX KW 00 139163 45 Asia/Kuwait 2006-08-23
+ 12225 3580661 George Town George Town 19.3 -81.3833333 P PPLC KY 00 29370 4 America/Cayman 2007-02-17
+ 12226 608668 Oral Oral 51.2333333 51.3666667 P PPLA KZ KZ 07 200000 33 Asia/Oral 2009-05-15
+ 12227 608679 Oktyabr'sk Oktyabr'sk 49.4744444 57.4233333 P PPL KZ 04 28196 277 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-08-09
+ 12228 609404 Khromtaū Khromtau 50.2502778 58.4347222 P PPL KZ 04 23715 416 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-08-09
+ 12229 609655 Karagandy Karagandy 50.0666667 54.8666667 P PPL KZ KZ 00 451800 127 Asia/Aqtobe 2008-04-11
+ 12230 609924 Emba Emba 48.8263889 58.1441667 P PPL KZ 04 18760 249 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-08-09
+ 12231 610445 Balyqshy Balyqshy 47.0666667 51.8666667 P PPL KZ 06 19260 -17 Asia/Aqtau 2006-08-09
+ 12232 610529 Atyrau Atyrau 47.1166667 51.8833333 P PPLA KZ 06 180000 -25 Asia/Aqtau 2009-04-23
+ 12233 610611 Aqtöbe Aqtobe 50.2796867569293 57.2071838378906 P PPLA KZ 04 262457 224 Asia/Aqtobe 2008-09-16
+ 12234 610612 Aktau Aktau 43.65 51.2 P PPLA KZ KZ 09 147443 -9 Asia/Aqtau 2009-04-10
+ 12235 610613 Aksay Aksay 51.1677778 52.995 P PPL KZ 07 34799 62 Asia/Oral 2006-08-09
+ 12236 1516438 Zyryanovsk Zyryanovsk 49.7386111 84.2719444 P PPL KZ 15 44929 456 Asia/Almaty 2007-06-13
+ 12237 1516519 Dzhusaly Dzhusaly 45.4877778 64.0780556 P PPL KZ 14 20065 102 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-01-17
+ 12238 1516589 Zhezqazghan Zhezqazghan 47.7833333 67.7666667 P PPL KZ 12 104357 339 Asia/Qyzylorda 2007-05-07
+ 12239 1516601 Dzhetygara Dzhetygara 52.1908333 61.2005556 P PPL KZ 13 43104 254 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-08-09
+ 12240 1516788 Zhangatas Zhangatas 43.5666667 69.75 P PPL KZ 17 33492 536 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12241 1516789 Ayteke Bi Ayteke Bi 45.8536111 62.1561111 P PPL KZ 14 35883 59 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-01-17
+ 12242 1516905 Taraz Taraz 42.9 71.3666667 P PPLA KZ 17 358153 611 Asia/Almaty 2008-05-11
+ 12243 1517060 Zaysan Zaysan 47.4666667 84.8666667 P PPL KZ 15 17600 638 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12244 1517323 Zhangaqorghan Zhangaqorghan 43.915 67.2480556 P PPL KZ 14 21339 167 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-01-17
+ 12245 1517501 Turar Ryskulov Turar Ryskulov 42.5333333 70.3333333 P PPL KZ 10 18421 764 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12246 1517637 Üshtöbe Ushtobe 45.2422222 77.9822222 P PPL KZ 01 20492 420 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12247 1517945 Turkestan Turkestan 43.3333333 68.25 P PPL KZ 10 97360 224 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12248 1518262 Temirtau Temirtau 50.0544444 72.9483333 P PPL KZ KZ 12 170600 511 Asia/Qyzylorda 2008-12-12
+ 12249 1518296 Tekeli Tekeli 44.83 78.8238889 P PPL KZ 01 22468 1286 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12250 1518431 Tasböget Tasboget 44.7727778 65.5525 P PPL KZ 14 16455 135 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-01-17
+ 12251 1518518 Talghar Talghar 43.3044444 77.2327778 P PPL KZ 01 42194 988 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-27
+ 12252 1518543 Taldyqorghan Taldyqorghan 45.0 77.9166667 P PPL KZ KZ 00 200000 452 Asia/Almaty 2009-01-10
+ 12253 1518980 Shymkent Shymkent 42.3 69.6 P PPLA KZ 10 414032 533 Asia/Qyzylorda 2007-02-18
+ 12254 1519030 Shu Shu 43.5983333 73.7613889 P PPL KZ 17 39785 461 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12255 1519226 Shemonaīkha Shemonaikha 50.6327778 81.9055556 P PPL KZ 15 20087 297 Asia/Almaty 2006-08-09
+ 12256 1519244 Shchūchīnsk Shchuchinsk 52.9333333 70.2 P PPL KZ 16 47290 390 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-08-09
+ 12257 1519422 Semipalatinsk Semipalatinsk 50.4111111 80.2275 P PPL KZ 15 292780 186 Asia/Almaty 2006-11-05
+ 12258 1519673 Saryagash Saryagash 41.45 69.1666667 P PPL KZ 10 25139 419 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12259 1519691 Sarkand Sarkand 45.41 79.9186111 P PPL KZ 01 76919 780 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-27
+ 12260 1519843 Rudnyy Rudnyy 52.9594444 63.1205556 P PPL KZ KZ 13 124000 160 Asia/Aqtobe 2008-07-08
+ 12261 1519922 Kyzylorda Kyzylorda 44.8527778 65.5091667 P PPLA KZ KZ 14 300000 138 Asia/Aqtobe 2008-09-20
+ 12262 1519928 Qostanay Qostanay 53.1666667 63.5833333 P PPLA KZ KZ 13 210000 161 Asia/Aqtobe 2008-07-08
+ 12263 1519938 Qarataū Qaratau 43.1666667 70.4666667 P PPL KZ 17 37881 528 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-27
+ 12264 1519942 Qaraghandy Qaraghandy 49.7988889 73.0994444 P PPLA KZ KZ 12 451800 526 Asia/Almaty 2009-05-15
+ 12265 1519948 Kapchagai Kapchagai 43.8833333 77.0833333 P PPL KZ 01 42167 492 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-27
+ 12266 1520172 Petropavlovsk Petropavlovsk 54.8752778 69.1627778 P PPLA KZ 16 200920 139 Asia/Qyzylorda 2007-02-18
+ 12267 1520240 Pavlodar Pavlodar 52.3 76.95 P PPLA KZ 11 329002 132 Asia/Almaty 2007-02-17
+ 12268 1520253 Zharkent Zharkent 44.1627778 80.0 P PPL KZ 01 34422 628 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12269 1520316 Ust'-Kamenogorsk Ust'-Kamenogorsk 49.9788889 82.6102778 P PPLA KZ 15 319067 293 Asia/Almaty 2006-11-15
+ 12270 1520947 Sarykemer Sarykemer 43.0 71.5 P PPL KZ 17 15132 547 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12271 1520969 Merke Merke 42.8727778 73.1786111 P PPL KZ 17 15934 683 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12272 1521230 Makīnsk Makinsk 52.6291667 70.4169444 P PPL KZ 03 17711 381 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-08-08
+ 12273 1521315 Līsakovsk Lisakovsk 52.5369444 62.4936111 P PPL KZ KZ 13 40000 208 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-08-09
+ 12274 1521368 Baykonyr Baykonyr 45.616667 63.316667 P PPL KZ KZ 14 70000 77 Asia/Aqtobe 2008-10-17
+ 12275 1521370 Ridder Ridder 50.355 83.5133333 P PPL KZ 15 52664 720 Asia/Almaty 2006-08-09
+ 12276 1521379 Lenger Lenger 42.2 69.9 P PPL KZ 10 21238 826 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12277 1522203 Kökshetaū Kokshetau 53.2775 69.3883333 P PPLA KZ 16 124444 232 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-08-08
+ 12278 1522751 Kentaū Kentau 43.5219444 68.5108333 P PPL KZ 10 57408 446 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12279 1523741 Yesik Yesik 43.355 77.4633333 P PPL KZ 01 26447 1055 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12280 1524245 Georgīevka Georgievka 49.3313889 81.5761111 P PPL KZ 15 22047 413 Asia/Almaty 2006-08-09
+ 12281 1524298 Aqsū Aqsu 52.0333333 76.9166667 P PPL KZ 11 44808 123 Asia/Almaty 2006-08-09
+ 12282 1524308 Energeticheskiy Energeticheskiy 43.4277778 77.0222222 P PPL KZ KZ 01 18864 629 Asia/Almaty 2009-05-14
+ 12283 1524325 Ekibastuz Ekibastuz 51.6666667 75.3666667 P PPL KZ KZ 11 121470 199 Asia/Almaty 2009-03-19
+ 12284 1524801 Shīeli Shieli 44.1666667 66.75 P PPL KZ 14 29832 144 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-01-17
+ 12285 1524889 Shardara Shardara 41.2547222 67.9691667 P PPL KZ 10 25356 291 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12286 1524958 Burunday Burunday 43.3602778 76.8577778 P PPL KZ 01 20996 682 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12287 1525462 Aksu Aksu 42.4166667 69.8333333 P PPL KZ 10 26115 639 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12288 1525798 Balkhash Balkhash 46.8480556 74.995 P PPL KZ 12 81364 361 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12289 1525988 Ayaköz Ayakoz 47.9713889 80.4391667 P PPL KZ 15 33479 654 Asia/Almaty 2006-01-17
+ 12290 1526038 Atbasar Atbasar 51.8 68.3333333 P PPL KZ 03 34797 282 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12291 1526168 Arys' Arys' 42.4333333 68.8 P PPL KZ 10 36285 237 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12292 1526193 Arqalyq Arqalyq 50.2486111 66.9113889 P PPL KZ KZ 13 42000 334 Asia/Qyzylorda 2008-12-01
+ 12293 1526265 Aral Aral 46.8 61.6666667 P PPL KZ 14 33017 54 Asia/Aqtobe 2006-01-27
+ 12294 1526273 Astana Astana 51.1811111 71.4277778 P PPLC KZ 05 345604 339 Asia/Qyzylorda 2008-11-28
+ 12295 1526384 Almaty Almaty 43.25 76.95 P PPL KZ KZ 02 2000900 862 Asia/Almaty 2009-09-04
+ 12296 1526797 Akkol' Akkol' 53.2925 69.6011111 P PPL KZ 00 16773 252 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-08-09
+ 12297 1526970 Abay Abay 49.6311111 72.8538889 P PPL KZ 12 35454 505 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-01-17
+ 12298 1537939 Stepnogorsk Stepnogorsk 52.3544444 71.8869444 P PPL KZ 03 46736 300 Asia/Qyzylorda 2006-08-09
+ 12299 1651944 Vientiane Vientiane 17.9666667 102.6 P PPLC LA 27 196731 174 Asia/Vientiane 2008-07-06
+ 12300 1652203 Xam Nua Xam Nua 20.4197222 104.0438889 P PPLA LA 03 38992 972 Asia/Vientiane 2006-01-17
+ 12301 1653316 Savannakhét Savannakhet 16.55 104.75 P PPLA LA 20 66553 144 Asia/Vientiane 2007-02-18
+ 12302 1654379 Pakxé Pakxe 15.1166667 105.7833333 P PPLA LA 02 88332 86 Asia/Vientiane 2006-11-15
+ 12303 1655087 Muang Vangviang Muang Vangviang 18.9333333 102.45 P PPL LA LA 24 25000 245 Asia/Vientiane 2009-01-29
+ 12304 1655123 Muang Phônsavan Muang Phonsavan 19.45 103.216667 P PPLC LA 14 0 1138 Asia/Vientiane 2009-01-02
+ 12305 1655140 Muang Pakxan Muang Pakxan 18.3666667 103.65 P PPLA LA 23 21967 134 Asia/Vientiane 2006-01-17
+ 12306 1655199 Muang Khammouan Muang Khammouan 17.4 104.8 P PPLA LA 15 26200 144 Asia/Vientiane 2006-11-15
+ 12307 1655559 Louangphrabang Louangphrabang 19.8855556 102.1347222 P PPLA LA 17 47378 315 Asia/Vientiane 2007-04-10
+ 12308 1904391 Ban Houakhoua Ban Houakhoua 20.2452778 100.4547222 P PPL LA 00 15500 349 Asia/Vientiane 2008-10-27
+ 12309 266045 Zahlé Zahle 33.8497222 35.9041667 P PPLA LB 08 78145 952 Asia/Beirut 2008-03-15
+ 12310 266826 Tripoli Tripoli 34.4366667 35.8497222 P PPLA LB 09 229398 31 Asia/Beirut 2008-03-15
+ 12311 267008 Tyre Tyre 33.2733333 35.1938889 P PPL LB 06 135204 -9999 Asia/Beirut 2007-02-17
+ 12312 268064 Sidon Sidon 33.5630556 35.3688889 P PPLA LB 06 163554 -9999 Asia/Beirut 2008-03-15
+ 12313 268743 Ra's Bayrūt Ra's Bayrut 33.9 35.4833333 P PPLX LB 04 1251739 83 Asia/Beirut 2006-01-17
+ 12314 273140 Joünié Jounie 33.9808333 35.6177778 P PPL LB 05 96315 74 Asia/Beirut 2006-01-27
+ 12315 273203 Jbail Jbail 34.1211111 35.6480556 P PPL LB 05 20784 -9999 Asia/Beirut 2007-02-17
+ 12316 274874 Habboûch Habbouch 33.4075 35.4827778 P PPL LB 07 98433 404 Asia/Beirut 2006-08-16
+ 12317 276359 Bcharré Bcharre 34.250833 36.010556 P PPL LB 09 20000 1393 Asia/Beirut 2009-05-16
+ 12318 276781 Beirut Beirut 33.8719444 35.5097222 P PPLC LB 04 1916100 56 Asia/Beirut 2007-01-25
+ 12319 277130 Baalbek Baalbek 34.0058333 36.2180556 P PPL LB 11 30916 1220 Asia/Beirut 2006-11-05
+ 12320 3576812 Castries Castries 14.0 -61.0 P PPLC LC LC 03 0 205 America/St_Lucia 2007-02-17
+ 12321 3042030 Vaduz Vaduz 47.1415114854053 9.52154159545898 P PPLC LI 11 5197 711 Europe/Vaduz 2008-07-25
+ 12322 1223648 Welisara Welisara 7.0333333 79.9 P PPL LK 36 41306 7 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12323 1223738 Weligama Weligama 5.9666667 80.4166667 P PPL LK 34 22179 9 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12324 1224085 Wattala Wattala 6.9897222 79.8933333 P PPL LK 36 30725 2 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12325 1225018 Vavuniya Vavuniya 8.75 80.5 P PPL LK 31 60176 89 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12326 1225142 Valvedditturai Valvedditturai 9.8166667 80.1666667 P PPL LK 31 78205 1 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12327 1226260 Trincomalee Trincomalee 8.5666667 81.2333333 P PPL LK 31 108420 1 Asia/Colombo 2006-11-05
+ 12328 1228730 Ratnapura Ratnapura 6.6827778 80.3991667 P PPL LK 33 47832 128 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12329 1229293 Puttalam Puttalam 8.0333333 79.8166667 P PPL LK 32 45661 -9999 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12330 1229989 Point Pedro Point Pedro 9.8166667 80.2333333 P PPL LK 31 89810 1 Asia/Colombo 2006-11-15
+ 12331 1230089 Pita Kotte Pita Kotte 6.8833333 79.9 P PPL LK 36 118179 37 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12332 1230613 Peliyagoda Peliyagoda 6.95 79.9 P PPL LK 36 30717 3 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12333 1231410 Panadura Panadura 6.7133333 79.9041667 P PPL LK 36 33735 1 Asia/Colombo 2007-07-10
+ 12334 1232783 Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya 6.97077891069617 80.7828569412231 P PPL LK 29 25775 1868 2085 Asia/Colombo 2009-02-23
+ 12335 1233369 Negombo Negombo 7.2086111 79.8358333 P PPL LK 36 137223 2 Asia/Colombo 2007-04-19
+ 12336 1234378 Mulleriyawa Mulleriyawa 6.9333333 79.9333333 P PPL LK 36 33540 23 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12337 1234633 Moratuwa Moratuwa 6.7733333 79.8825 P PPL LK 36 185031 -9999 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12338 1236854 Maharagama Maharagama 6.8461111 79.9280556 P PPL LK 36 66576 49 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12339 1237980 Kurunegala Kurunegala 7.4866667 80.3647222 P PPL LK 32 28571 161 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12340 1238992 Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte 6.9027778 79.9083333 P PPL LK 36 115826 35 Asia/Colombo 2007-06-02
+ 12341 1239047 Kotikawatta Kotikawatta 6.9333333 79.9166667 P PPL LK 36 64565 22 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12342 1239593 Kolonnawa Kolonnawa 6.9316667 79.8944444 P PPL LK 36 58076 19 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12343 1240622 Kelaniya Kelaniya 6.96 79.8977778 P PPL LK 36 28846 4 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12344 1240935 Katunayaka Katunayaka 7.1647222 79.8730556 P PPL LK 36 84643 2 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12345 1241622 Kandy Kandy 7.2963889 80.635 P PPL LK 29 111701 473 Asia/Colombo 2007-02-17
+ 12346 1241750 Kandana Kandana 7.0477778 79.8938889 P PPL LK 36 33424 6 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12347 1241964 Kalutara Kalutara 6.5761111 79.9658333 P PPL LK 36 38000 3 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12348 1242110 Kalmunai Kalmunai 7.4166667 81.8166667 P PPL LK 31 100171 1 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12349 1242833 Jaffna Jaffna 9.6666667 80.0 P PPL LK 31 169102 1 Asia/Colombo 2007-02-18
+ 12350 1242835 Ja-Ela Ja-Ela 7.0844444 79.8947222 P PPL LK 36 32175 5 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12351 1243936 Homagama Homagama 6.8408333 80.0138889 P PPL LK 36 34664 112 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12352 1244397 Hendala Hendala 6.9838889 79.8763889 P PPL LK 36 56978 1 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12353 1244596 Hatton Hatton 6.8972222 80.5958333 P PPL LK 29 15073 1187 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12354 1244773 Hanwella Ihala Hanwella Ihala 6.9 80.0833333 P PPL LK 36 22918 81 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12355 1246000 Gampola Gampola 7.1647222 80.5766667 P PPL LK 29 24730 568 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12356 1246294 Galle Galle 6.0536111 80.2116667 P PPL LK 34 93118 13 Asia/Colombo 2006-11-05
+ 12357 1246321 Galkissa Galkissa 6.8333333 79.8666667 P PPL LK 36 215941 3 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12358 1246924 Eravur Eravur 7.7666667 81.6 P PPL LK 31 22982 14 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12359 1248749 Dambulla Dambulla 7.86 80.6516667 P PPL LK 29 66716 213 Asia/Colombo 2007-02-18
+ 12360 1248991 Colombo Colombo 6.9319444 79.8477778 P PPLC LK 36 648034 1 Asia/Colombo 2007-02-17
+ 12361 1249145 Chilaw Chilaw 7.5758333 79.7952778 P PPL LK 32 24712 3 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12362 1249931 Beruwala Beruwala 6.4738889 79.9841667 P PPL LK 36 34250 2 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12363 1249978 Bentota Bentota 6.4211111 79.9988889 P PPL LK 34 37000 -9999 Asia/Colombo 2009-03-01
+ 12364 1250161 Batticaloa Batticaloa 7.7166667 81.7 P PPL LK 31 86742 1 Asia/Colombo 2006-11-15
+ 12365 1250164 Battaramulla Battaramulla 6.9 79.9166667 P PPL LK 36 75633 47 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12366 1250615 Badulla Badulla 6.9833333 81.05 P PPL LK 35 42230 774 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12367 1251081 Anuradhapura Anuradhapura 8.35647456744206 80.4172611236572 P PPL LK 30 60943 79 Asia/Colombo 2007-11-28
+ 12368 1251459 Ampara Ampara 7.2833333 81.6666667 P PPL LK 31 18348 68 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-17
+ 12369 1251574 Ambalangoda Ambalangoda 6.225 80.0566667 P PPL LK 34 20133 -9999 Asia/Colombo 2006-01-27
+ 12370 2272491 Zwedru Zwedru 6.0666667 -8.1280556 P PPLA LR 19 25678 275 Africa/Monrovia 2007-02-08
+ 12371 2272790 New Yekepa New Yekepa 7.5794444 -8.5377778 P PPL LR 09 24695 585 Africa/Monrovia 2006-01-17
+ 12372 2274895 Monrovia Monrovia 6.3105556 -10.8047222 P PPLC LR 14 939524 30 Africa/Monrovia 2007-02-17
+ 12373 2276492 Harper Harper 4.375 -7.7169444 P PPLA LR 13 32661 -9999 Africa/Monrovia 2007-02-08
+ 12374 2277060 Gbarnga Gbarnga 6.9955556 -9.4722222 P PPLA LR 01 45835 275 Africa/Monrovia 2007-05-31
+ 12375 2278158 Buchanan Buchanan 5.8808333 -10.0466667 P PPLA LR 11 25731 78 Africa/Monrovia 2006-01-17
+ 12376 2278682 Bensonville Bensonville 6.4461111 -10.6125 P PPL LR 14 33188 97 Africa/Monrovia 2006-01-17
+ 12377 932183 Quthing Quthing -30.4 27.7166667 P PPLA LS 18 24130 1669 Africa/Maseru 2006-11-15
+ 12378 932218 Qacha's Nek Qacha's Nek -30.1166667 28.6833333 P PPLA LS 17 25573 1839 Africa/Maseru 2006-11-15
+ 12379 932505 Maseru Maseru -29.3166667 27.4833333 P PPLC LS 14 118355 1482 Africa/Maseru 2007-02-17
+ 12380 932521 Maputsoe Maputsoe -28.8833333 27.9 P PPL LS 12 32117 1523 Africa/Maseru 2008-10-17
+ 12381 932614 Mafeteng Mafeteng -29.8166667 27.25 P PPLA LS 13 57059 1652 Africa/Maseru 2006-11-15
+ 12382 932698 Leribe Leribe -28.8833333 28.05 P PPLA LS 12 47675 1642 Africa/Maseru 2006-11-15
+ 12383 932886 Butha-Buthe Butha-Buthe -28.7833333 28.2333333 P PPLA LS 11 16330 1780 Africa/Maseru 2006-11-15
+ 12384 593063 Visaginas Visaginas 55.6 26.4166667 P PPL LT 00 28348 164 Europe/Vilnius 2007-02-17
+ 12385 593116 Vilnius Vilnius 54.6833333 25.3166667 P PPLC LT 65 542366 125 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12386 593672 Utena Utena 55.5 25.6 P PPLA LT 64 33240 113 Europe/Vilnius 2006-11-05
+ 12387 593733 Ukmergė Ukmerge 55.25 24.75 P PPL LT 00 28659 64 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12388 593926 Telšiai Telsiai 55.9813889 22.2472222 P PPLA LT 63 30098 123 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12389 593959 Tauragė Taurage 55.2522222 22.2897222 P PPLA LT 62 27662 44 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12390 594656 Šilutė Silute 55.3488889 21.4830556 P PPL LT 00 21760 11 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12391 594739 Šiauliai Siauliai 55.9333333 23.3166667 P PPLA LT 61 130587 107 Europe/Vilnius 2006-11-05
+ 12392 595213 Rokiškis Rokiskis 55.9666667 25.5833333 P PPL LT 00 16255 133 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12393 595449 Radviliškis Radviliskis 55.8166667 23.5333333 P PPL LT 00 19914 117 Europe/Vilnius 2006-11-16
+ 12394 595689 Plungė Plunge 55.9113889 21.8441667 P PPL LT 00 23381 119 Europe/Vilnius 2006-08-09
+ 12395 596128 Panevėžys Panevezys 55.7333333 24.35 P PPLA LT 60 117395 61 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12396 596238 Palanga Palanga 55.9175 21.0686111 P PPL LT 00 17796 7 Europe/Vilnius 2007-05-14
+ 12397 597188 Mažeikiai Mazeikiai 56.3166667 22.3333333 P PPL LT 00 41309 81 Europe/Vilnius 2007-02-17
+ 12398 597231 Marijampolė Marijampole 54.5666667 23.35 P PPLA LT 59 47613 86 Europe/Vilnius 2007-02-17
+ 12399 597989 Kretinga Kretinga 55.8758333 21.2508333 P PPL LT 00 22236 31 Europe/Vilnius 2006-11-05
+ 12400 598098 Klaipėda Klaipeda 55.7172222 21.1175 P PPLA LT 58 192307 8 Europe/Vilnius 2008-11-25
+ 12401 598272 Kėdainiai Kedainiai 55.2883333 23.9747222 P PPL LT 00 31980 39 Europe/Vilnius 2007-02-17
+ 12402 598316 Kaunas Kaunas 54.9 23.9 P PPLA LT 57 374643 48 Europe/Vilnius 2009-03-09
+ 12403 598818 Jonava Jonava 55.0833333 24.2833333 P PPL LT 00 34993 65 Europe/Vilnius 2006-08-09
+ 12404 599506 Gargždai Gargzdai 55.7127778 21.4033333 P PPL LT 00 15949 10 Europe/Vilnius 2006-11-19
+ 12405 599757 Druskininkai Druskininkai 54.0166667 23.9666667 P PPL LT 00 17791 110 Europe/Vilnius 2007-02-18
+ 12406 601084 Alytus Alytus 54.4 24.05 P PPLA LT 56 70747 93 Europe/Vilnius 2007-02-17
+ 12407 6618486 Dainava (Kaunas) Dainava (Kaunas) 54.9152540304598 23.9683055877686 P LT 130000 100 85 Europe/Vilnius 2007-09-22
+ 12408 2960316 Luxembourg Luxembourg 49.6116667 6.13 P PPLC LU 03 76684 259 Europe/Luxembourg 2007-03-23
+ 12409 2960596 Esch-sur-Alzette Esch-sur-Alzette 49.4958333 5.9805556 P PPL LU 03 03 04 28228 300 Europe/Luxembourg 2007-02-17
+ 12410 2960634 Dudelange Dudelange 49.4805556 6.0875 P PPL LU 03 03 03 18013 321 Europe/Luxembourg 2006-11-19
+ 12411 453754 Valmiera Valmiera 57.5359155355062 25.4244232177734 P PPL LV 31 26963 45 33 Europe/Riga 2008-04-19
+ 12412 454310 Ventspils Ventspils 57.3894444 21.5605556 P PPLA LV 32 42644 11 Europe/Riga 2008-11-25
+ 12413 454432 Vec-Liepāja Vec-Liepaja 56.5333333 21.0166667 P PPLX LV 16 85260 14 Europe/Riga 2006-01-17
+ 12414 454768 Tukums Tukums 56.9669444 23.1552778 P PPL LV 00 18348 69 Europe/Riga 2006-11-19
+ 12415 455898 Salaspils Salaspils 56.8611111 24.3494444 P PPL LV 26 17606 17 Europe/Riga 2007-02-17
+ 12416 456172 Rīga Riga 56.95 24.1 P PPLC LV 25 742572 9 Europe/Riga 2007-03-16
+ 12417 456202 Rēzekne Rezekne 56.5 27.3166667 P PPL LV 23 38340 152 Europe/Riga 2007-02-17
+ 12418 457065 Ogre Ogre 56.8166667 24.6 P PPL LV 21 25818 40 Europe/Riga 2007-02-18
+ 12419 457954 Liepāja Liepaja 56.5166667 21.0166667 P PPL LV LV 16 85132 12 Europe/Riga 2008-06-01
+ 12420 459201 Jūrmala Jurmala 56.9608333 23.75 P PPL LV 00 54088 6 Europe/Riga 2008-11-25
+ 12421 459279 Jelgava Jelgava 56.65 23.7127778 P PPL LV 00 61791 17 Europe/Riga 2008-11-25
+ 12422 459283 Jēkabpils Jekabpils 56.4833333 25.85 P PPL LV 10 27078 78 Europe/Riga 2007-02-18
+ 12423 460413 Daugavpils Daugavpils 55.8833333 26.5333333 P PPL LV 06 111564 102 Europe/Riga 2008-11-25
+ 12424 460570 Cēsis Cesis 57.3 25.25 P PPL LV 05 18198 120 Europe/Riga 2008-11-25
+ 12425 81302 Tobruk Tobruk 32.0836111 23.9763889 P PPL LY 42 121052 11 Africa/Tripoli 2007-02-17
+ 12426 81604 Sulūq Suluq 31.6686111 20.25 P PPL LY 54 15543 50 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12427 87205 Darnah Darnah 32.765 22.6391667 P PPL LY 55 78782 76 Africa/Tripoli 2006-11-15
+ 12428 88319 Banghāzī Banghazi 32.1166667 20.0666667 P PPL LY 54 650629 15 Africa/Tripoli 2007-02-17
+ 12429 88380 Az Zuwaytīnah Az Zuwaytinah 30.9538889 20.1216667 P PPL LY 47 21015 1 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12430 88562 At Tāj At Taj 24.2166667 23.3 P PPL LY 08 46050 428 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12431 88834 Al `Āqūrīyah Al `Aquriyah 32.5333333 20.5666667 P PPL LY 43 23164 31 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-27
+ 12432 88835 Al Qubbah Al Qubbah 32.7666667 22.25 P PPL LY 11 53064 549 Africa/Tripoli 2006-06-06
+ 12433 88903 Al Marj Al Marj 32.5 20.8333333 P PPL LY 09 85315 334 Africa/Tripoli 2006-11-15
+ 12434 89087 Al Abyār Al Abyar 32.1833333 20.6 P PPL LY 02 31248 277 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12435 89113 Ajdābiyā Ajdabiya 30.7591667 20.2230556 P PPL LY 47 134358 10 Africa/Tripoli 2006-11-15
+ 12436 2208425 Zuwārah Zuwarah 32.9344444 12.0791667 P PPL LY 51 180310 1 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12437 2208655 Zalţan Zaltan 32.95 11.8666667 P PPL LY 06 16291 5 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12438 2208791 Yafran Yafran 32.0630556 12.5269444 P PPL LY 62 67638 700 Africa/Tripoli 2006-11-15
+ 12439 2209055 Waddān Waddan 29.1666667 16.1333333 P PPL LY 05 27590 263 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12440 2210221 Tarhūnah Tarhunah 32.4333333 13.6333333 P PPL LY 41 210697 398 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12441 2210247 Tripoli Tripoli 32.8925 13.18 P PPLC LY 61 1150989 1 Africa/Tripoli 2006-08-21
+ 12442 2210554 Surt Surt 31.2061111 16.5947222 P PPL LY 60 128123 37 Africa/Tripoli 2007-02-18
+ 12443 2210560 Şurmān Surman 32.7563889 12.575 P PPL LY 53 25235 16 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12444 2212771 Şabrātah Sabratah 32.7919444 12.4847222 P PPL LY 51 102038 7 Africa/Tripoli 2007-02-08
+ 12445 2214433 Nālūt Nalut 31.8683333 10.9827778 P PPL LY 56 66228 631 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12446 2214603 Murzuq Murzuq 25.9044444 13.8972222 P PPLA LY 30 43732 506 Africa/Tripoli 2006-11-15
+ 12447 2214827 Mizdah Mizdah 31.4333333 12.9833333 P PPL LY 29 26107 432 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12448 2214846 Mişrātah Misratah 32.3783333 15.0905556 P PPL LY 58 386120 29 Africa/Tripoli 2007-02-18
+ 12449 2215163 Masallātah Masallatah 32.6166667 14.0 P PPL LY 27 23702 298 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12450 2216645 Hūn Hun 29.1166667 15.9333333 P PPL LY 05 18878 279 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12451 2216885 Ḩārat az Zāwiyah Harat az Zawiyah 32.7630556 12.715 P PPL LY 53 186123 18 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12452 2217351 Ghāt Ghat 24.9647222 10.1727778 P PPL LY 30 24347 658 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-27
+ 12453 2217362 Gasr Gariàn Gasr Garian 32.1722222 13.0202778 P PPL LY 57 85219 694 Africa/Tripoli 2007-06-20
+ 12454 2218478 Birāk Birak 27.5333333 14.2833333 P PPL LY 13 39444 345 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-27
+ 12455 2218840 Banī Walīd Bani Walid 31.7666667 13.9833333 P PPL LY 18 46350 283 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12456 2219235 Awbārī Awbari 26.5833333 12.7666667 P PPL LY 52 42975 471 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-27
+ 12457 2219905 Al Khums Al Khums 32.65 14.2666667 P PPL LY 50 201943 23 Africa/Tripoli 2006-11-15
+ 12458 2219960 Al Jadīd Al Jadid 27.05 14.4 P PPL LY 34 126386 423 Africa/Tripoli 2006-01-17
+ 12459 2526435 Zaïo Zaio 34.93 -2.73 P PPL MA 54 30008 156 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12460 2526452 Zagora Zagora 30.31 -5.83 P PPL MA 55 35154 725 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12461 2526488 Youssoufia Youssoufia 32.25 -8.53 P PPL MA 51 64910 299 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12462 2527089 Tiznit Tiznit 29.71 -9.71 P PPL MA 55 55092 245 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12463 2527645 Tirhanimîne Tirhanimine 35.23 -3.96 P PPL MA 58 55827 362 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12464 2527915 Tineghir Tineghir 31.51 -5.53 P PPL MA 55 36795 1257 Africa/Casablanca 2007-05-19
+ 12465 2528659 Tiflet Tiflet 33.9 -6.33 P PPL MA 49 70010 351 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12466 2528910 Tetouan Tetouan 35.57 -5.37 P PPL MA 57 326261 167 Africa/Casablanca 2007-01-30
+ 12467 2529317 Taza Taza 34.21 -4.01 P PPLA MA 58 561 1556101111 141890 599 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12468 2529649 Taroudant Taroudant 30.48 -8.86 P PPL MA 55 71133 239 Africa/Casablanca 2007-01-30
+ 12469 2530048 Taourirt Taourirt 34.41 -2.89 P PPL MA 54 82518 423 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12470 2530155 Taounate Taounate 34.55 -4.65 P PPL MA 58 32802 567 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12471 2530241 Tan-Tan Tan-Tan 28.43 -11.1 P PPL MA 53 61924 31 Africa/Casablanca 2007-06-02
+ 12472 2530335 Tangier Tangier 35.78 -5.81 P PPLA MA 57 511 1651101071 688356 80 Africa/Casablanca 2009-05-26
+ 12473 2531480 Tahala Tahala 34.05 -4.41 P PPL MA 58 25761 573 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-27
+ 12474 2532394 Souq Larb'a al Gharb Souq Larb'a al Gharb 34.68 -5.98 P PPL MA 52 44059 38 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12475 2532822 Sidi Yahia el Gharb Sidi Yahia el Gharb 34.3 -6.31 P PPL MA 52 32202 13 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12476 2532945 Sidi Slimane Sidi Slimane 34.26 -5.93 P PPL MA 52 79437 42 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12477 2533191 Sidi Qacem Sidi Qacem 34.21 -5.7 P PPL MA 52 74755 195 Africa/Casablanca 2006-11-15
+ 12478 2534515 Sidi Ifni Sidi Ifni 29.38 -10.16 P PPL MA MA 55 20000 156 Africa/Casablanca 2009-02-09
+ 12479 2536074 Sidi Bennour Sidi Bennour 32.65 -8.43 P PPL MA 51 40044 184 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12480 2537406 Settat Settat 33.0 -7.61 P PPLA MA 50 461 0646101151 119082 403 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12481 2537545 Sefrou Sefrou 33.83 -4.83 P PPL MA 46 65150 801 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12482 2537881 Safi Safi 32.3 -9.23 P PPLA MA 51 431 1143101031 288163 87 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12483 2538475 Rabat Rabat 34.02 -6.83 P PPLC MA 49 421 1655753 54 Africa/Casablanca 2009-05-26
+ 12484 2539134 Oulad Teïma Oulad Teima 30.4 -9.21 P PPL MA 55 66832 131 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12485 2540483 Oujda Oujda 34.68 -1.91 P PPLA MA 54 411 0841101231 405253 557 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12486 2540689 Oued Zem Oued Zem 32.86 -6.56 P PPL MA 50 84910 779 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12487 2540810 Ouazzane Ouazzane 34.8 -5.6 P PPL MA 52 58684 221 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-27
+ 12488 2540850 Ouarzazat Ouarzazat 30.92 -6.91 P PPL MA 55 57245 1152 Africa/Casablanca 2007-04-26
+ 12489 2541479 Nador Nador 35.17 -2.93 P PPL MA 54 129260 62 Africa/Casablanca 2007-02-17
+ 12490 2542227 Midelt Midelt 32.68 -4.74 P PPL MA 48 45159 1465 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12491 2542715 Meknès Meknes 33.9 -5.55 P PPLA MA 48 061 1306101011 545705 548 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12492 2542866 Mechrá Belqsiri Mechra Belqsiri 34.56 -5.95 P PPL MA 52 27802 16 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12493 2542987 Martil Martil 35.61 -5.27 P PPL MA 57 39738 1 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12494 2542997 Marrakech Marrakech 31.63 -8.0 P PPLA MA 47 351 0735101071 839296 451 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12495 2543549 Larache Larache 35.19 -6.15 P PPL MA 57 109294 56 Africa/Casablanca 2007-02-18
+ 12496 2544001 Ksar el Kebir Ksar el Kebir 35.0 -5.9 P PPL MA 57 108753 25 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12497 2544248 Khouribga Khouribga 32.88 -6.9 P PPL MA 50 167673 787 Africa/Casablanca 2006-11-15
+ 12498 2544333 Khenifra Khenifra 32.93 -5.66 P PPL MA 48 73906 880 Africa/Casablanca 2007-02-08
+ 12499 2544571 Kenitra Kenitra 34.26 -6.57 P PPLA MA 52 281 0528101011 366570 31 Africa/Casablanca 2008-09-25
+ 12500 2544720 Kasba Tadla Kasba Tadla 32.6 -6.26 P PPL MA 56 41199 464 Africa/Casablanca 2007-01-30
+ 12501 2545017 Jerada Jerada 34.31 -2.16 P PPL MA 54 43696 1131 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12502 2545985 Imzoûrene Imzourene 35.15 -3.86 P PPL MA 58 26650 130 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12503 2548489 Guercif Guercif 34.23 -3.36 P PPL MA 58 57544 379 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12504 2548526 Guelmim Guelmim 28.98 -10.06 P PPLA MA 53 261 0326101031 98229 286 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12505 2548830 Fkih Ben Salah Fkih Ben Salah 32.5 -6.7 P PPL MA 56 84072 430 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-27
+ 12506 2548885 Fès Fes 34.05 -4.98 P PPLA MA 46 231 1423101071 964891 448 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12507 2549263 Essaouira Essaouira 31.51 -9.76 P PPL MA 47 70634 12 Africa/Casablanca 2007-02-20
+ 12508 2550078 El Jadida El Jadida 33.25 -8.5 P PPL MA 51 147549 1 Africa/Casablanca 2007-04-13
+ 12509 2550252 El Hajeb El Hajeb 33.7 -5.36 P PPL MA 48 28126 933 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12510 2550806 El Aïoun El Aioun 34.58 -2.5 P PPL MA 54 35196 643 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12511 2553455 Chefchaouene Chefchaouene 35.17 -5.26 P PPL MA 57 36280 565 Africa/Casablanca 2007-02-05
+ 12512 2553604 Casablanca Casablanca 33.59 -7.61 P PPLA MA 45 141 3144909 17 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12513 2553751 Bouznika Bouznika 33.78 -7.15 P PPL MA 50 27283 40 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12514 2555467 Berkane Berkane 34.92 -2.32 P PPL MA 54 80721 185 Africa/Casablanca 2006-11-15
+ 12515 2555745 Beni Mellal Beni Mellal 32.33 -6.35 P PPLA MA 56 091 1209109012 166399 621 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12516 2556150 mohammed boulaich el habate ksar sghir mohammed boulaich el habate ksar sghir 35.7 -5.7 P PPLR MA 51 50000 209 Africa/Casablanca 2007-06-26
+ 12517 2556272 Berrechid Berrechid 33.26 -7.58 P PPL MA 50 93954 214 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12518 2556464 Azrou Azrou 33.43 -5.21 P PPL MA 48 48249 1509 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12519 2556657 Azemmour Azemmour 33.28 -8.34 P PPL MA 51 37140 9 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12520 2557055 Asilah Asilah 35.46 -6.04 P PPL MA 57 28861 32 Africa/Casablanca 2006-11-19
+ 12521 2558470 Khemisset Khemisset 33.81 -6.06 P PPL MA 49 106991 410 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12522 2561124 Ahfir Ahfir 34.95 -2.1 P PPL MA 54 19611 269 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12523 2561668 Agadir Agadir 30.4 -9.6 P PPLA MA 55 001 0400101011 698310 31 Africa/Casablanca 2008-03-13
+ 12524 2562055 Skhirat Skhirat 33.85 -7.03 P PPL MA 49 44850 62 Africa/Casablanca 2006-01-17
+ 12525 2992741 Monte-Carlo Monte-Carlo 43.7333333 7.4166667 P PPLX MC 00 16012 -9999 Europe/Monaco 2009-02-13
+ 12526 2993458 Monaco Monaco 43.7333333 7.4166667 P PPLC MC 1020 -9999 Europe/Monaco 2009-02-13
+ 12527 617076 Edineţ Edinet 48.1680556 27.305 P PPLA MD 73 22872 209 Europe/Chisinau 2006-11-15
+ 12528 617180 Ungheni Ungheni 47.2041667 27.7958333 P PPLA MD 92 34422 74 Europe/Chisinau 2006-11-15
+ 12529 617239 Tiraspol Tiraspol 46.8402778 29.6433333 P PPL MD MD 58 157000 8 Europe/Chisinau 2008-10-09
+ 12530 617284 Ştefan-Vodă Stefan-Voda 46.5152778 29.6630556 P PPL MD MD 88 70620 162 Europe/Chisinau 2007-12-12
+ 12531 617302 Străşeni Straseni 47.1413889 28.6102778 P PPL MD 89 19225 108 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-17
+ 12532 617345 Bilicenii Vechi Bilicenii Vechi 47.6563889 28.0472222 P PPL MD 85 15479 129 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-17
+ 12533 617367 Soroca Soroca 48.1558333 28.2975 P PPLA MD 87 27423 45 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-17
+ 12534 617381 Slobozia Slobozia 46.7280556 29.7077778 P PPL MD 58 15356 18 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-17
+ 12535 617486 Rîbniţa Ribnita 47.7663889 29.0011111 P PPL MD 58 55455 61 Europe/Chisinau 2007-02-17
+ 12536 617638 Orhei Orhei 47.3830556 28.8230556 P PPLA MD 82 24918 68 Europe/Chisinau 2006-05-10
+ 12537 618120 Căuşeni Causeni 46.6441667 29.4138889 P PPLA MD 67 21690 7 Europe/Chisinau 2006-11-15
+ 12538 618329 Floreşti Floresti 47.8933333 28.3013889 P PPL MD 75 16759 111 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-17
+ 12539 618365 Dubăsari Dubasari 47.2630556 29.1608333 P PPLA MD 58 23254 38 Europe/Chisinau 2006-11-15
+ 12540 618370 Drochia Drochia 48.035 27.8161111 P PPL MD 71 16080 226 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-17
+ 12541 618405 Comrat Comrat 46.3002778 28.6572222 P PPLA MD 51 22911 33 Europe/Chisinau 2007-02-17
+ 12542 618426 Chişinău Chisinau 47.0055556 28.8575 P PPLC MD 57 635994 52 Europe/Chisinau 2007-02-17
+ 12543 618450 Ceadîr-Lunga Ceadir-Lunga 46.055 28.8302778 P PPL MD 51 19579 45 Europe/Chisinau 2006-01-27
+ 12544 618456 Cahul Cahul 45.9075 28.1944444 P PPLA MD 64 34492 27 Europe/Chisinau 2006-05-10
+ 12545 618577 Tighina Tighina 46.8305556 29.4711111 P PPL MD 62 110175 15 Europe/Chisinau 2007-02-17
+ 12546 618605 Bălţi Balti 47.7616667 27.9288889 P PPLA MD 60 118690 128 Europe/Chisinau 2006-11-05
+ 12547 3193044 Podgorica Podgorica 42.4411111 19.2636111 P PPLC ME YU 00 136473 58 Europe/Podgorica 2008-11-28
+ 12548 3202641 Cetinje Cetinje 42.3922222 18.9225 P PPL ME YU 00 15137 675 Europe/Podgorica 2008-08-03
+ 12549 1053384 Toamasina Toamasina -18.1666667 49.3833333 P PPLA MG 04 206373 28 Indian/Antananarivo 2007-02-17
+ 12550 1053507 Vondrozo Vondrozo -22.8166667 47.2833333 P PPL MG 02 19949 726 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12551 1054035 Vohibinany Vohibinany -17.35 49.0333333 P PPL MG 04 25311 299 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12552 1054192 Vavatenina Vavatenina -17.4666667 49.2 P PPL MG 04 36916 131 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12553 1054329 Vangaindrano Vangaindrano -23.35 47.6 P PPL MG 02 23523 39 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12554 1054463 Tsiroanomandidy Tsiroanomandidy -18.7666667 46.0333333 P PPL MG 05 27060 807 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12555 1054500 Tsiombe Tsiombe -25.3 45.4833333 P PPL MG 06 29825 70 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12556 1055059 Tsaratanana Tsaratanana -16.7833333 47.65 P PPL MG 03 16761 418 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12557 1055429 Toliara Toliara -23.35 43.6666667 P PPLA MG 06 115319 21 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12558 1055433 Fort Dauphin Fort Dauphin -25.0318335249379 46.9998121261597 P PPL MG 06 45141 12 Indian/Antananarivo 2008-07-27
+ 12559 1056151 Soavinandriana Soavinandriana -19.1666667 46.7333333 P PPL MG 05 40453 1533 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12560 1056386 Soanierana Ivongo Soanierana Ivongo -16.9166667 49.5833333 P PPL MG 04 39271 117 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12561 1056899 Sambava Sambava -14.2666667 50.1666667 P PPL MG 01 31522 97 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12562 1057095 Sakaraha Sakaraha -22.9 44.5333333 P PPL MG 06 21826 499 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12563 1058080 Nosy Varika Nosy Varika -20.5833333 48.5333333 P PPL MG 02 37152 1 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12564 1058381 Morondava Morondava -20.2833333 44.2833333 P PPL MG 06 36803 -9999 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12565 1058532 Moramanga Moramanga -18.9333333 48.2 P PPL MG 04 29212 909 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12566 1059051 Miandrivazo Miandrivazo -19.5166667 45.4666667 P PPL MG 06 20631 152 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12567 1059507 Marovoay Marovoay -16.1 46.6333333 P PPL MG 03 31253 83 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12568 1060007 Marolambo Marolambo -20.05 48.1166667 P PPL MG 04 26160 494 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12569 1060283 Maroantsetra Maroantsetra -15.4333333 49.7333333 P PPL MG 04 23859 166 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12570 1060673 Manjakandriana Manjakandriana -18.9166667 47.8 P PPL MG 05 31840 1516 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12571 1061335 Mananjary Mananjary -21.2166667 48.3333333 P PPL MG 02 27686 20 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12572 1061412 Mananara Avaratra Mananara Avaratra -16.1666667 49.7666667 P PPL MG 04 41209 127 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12573 1061605 Manakara Manakara -22.1333333 48.0166667 P PPL MG 02 35499 29 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12574 1062553 Mahanoro Mahanoro -19.9 48.8 P PPL MG 04 39879 7 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12575 1062663 Mahajanga Mahajanga -15.7166667 46.3166667 P PPLA MG 03 154657 125 Indian/Antananarivo 2007-02-17
+ 12576 1064234 Ikongo Ikongo -21.8833333 47.4333333 P PPL MG 02 32374 377 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12577 1064258 Ikalamavony Ikalamavony -21.15 46.5833333 P PPL MG 02 15601 829 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12578 1064275 Ihosy Ihosy -22.4 46.1166667 P PPL MG 02 16990 760 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12579 1064366 Ifanadiana Ifanadiana -21.3 47.6333333 P PPL MG 02 17543 553 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12580 1064890 Fianarantsoa Fianarantsoa -21.4333333 47.0833333 P PPLA MG 02 167227 1139 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-11-15
+ 12581 1064978 Fenoarivo Be Fenoarivo Be -18.4333333 46.5666667 P PPL MG 05 19605 1046 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12582 1064980 Fenoarivo Atsinanana Fenoarivo Atsinanana -17.3666667 49.4166667 P PPL MG 04 21036 -9999 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12583 1065140 Faratsiho Faratsiho -19.4 46.95 P PPL MG 05 37563 1824 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12584 1065158 Farafangana Farafangana -22.8166667 47.8333333 P PPL MG 02 24764 15 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12585 1065222 Fandriana Fandriana -20.2333333 47.3833333 P PPL MG 02 31437 1417 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12586 1066310 Betioky Betioky -23.7166667 44.3833333 P PPL MG 06 31102 271 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12587 1066514 Betafo Betafo -19.8333333 46.85 P PPL MG 05 29785 1433 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12588 1066831 Beroroha Beroroha -21.6666667 45.1666667 P PPL MG 06 18632 242 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12589 1067531 Belo Tsiribihina Belo Tsiribihina -19.7 44.55 P PPL MG 06 23900 27 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-27
+ 12590 1067565 Beloha Beloha -25.1666667 45.05 P PPL MG 06 23021 161 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12591 1068670 Bealanana Bealanana -14.55 48.7333333 P PPL MG 01 16948 1109 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12592 1068865 Arivonimamo Arivonimamo -19.0166667 47.1833333 P PPL MG 05 21982 1386 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12593 1068971 Antsohihy Antsohihy -14.8666667 47.9833333 P PPL MG 03 21290 145 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12594 1069129 AntsiraḤana Antsiranana -12.2666667 49.2833333 P PPLA MG 01 82937 -9999 Indian/Antananarivo 2007-02-18
+ 12595 1070661 Antanifotsy Antanifotsy -19.65 47.3166667 P PPL MG 05 70626 1638 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12596 1070940 Antananarivo Antananarivo -18.9166667 47.5166667 P PPLC MG 05 1391433 1289 Indian/Antananarivo 2007-02-17
+ 12597 1071296 Antalaha Antalaha -14.8833333 50.2833333 P PPL MG 01 34112 -9999 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12598 1072849 Ankazobe Ankazobe -18.3166667 47.1166667 P PPL MG 05 15722 1207 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12599 1072879 Ankazoabo Ankazoabo -22.2833333 44.5166667 P PPL MG 06 25961 423 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12600 1073482 Anjozorobe Anjozorobe -18.4 47.8666667 P PPL MG 05 19027 1253 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12601 1076105 Andoany Andoany -13.4 48.2666667 P PPL MG 01 22680 -9999 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-27
+ 12602 1076194 Andilamena Andilamena -17.0166667 48.5833333 P PPL MG 04 19750 970 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12603 1076454 Andapa Andapa -14.65 49.65 P PPL MG 01 20798 628 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12604 1078446 Amparafaravola Amparafaravola -17.5833333 48.2166667 P PPL MG 04 51519 813 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12605 1078553 Ampanihy Ampanihy -24.7 44.75 P PPL MG 06 25686 233 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12606 1079048 Ambovombe Ambovombe -25.1666667 46.0833333 P PPL MG 06 66818 150 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12607 1079088 Ambositra Ambositra -20.5166667 47.25 P PPL MG 02 30353 1297 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12608 1081790 Amboasary Amboasary -25.0333333 46.3833333 P PPL MG 06 36082 4 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12609 1082639 Ambatondrazaka Ambatondrazaka -17.8333333 48.4166667 P PPL MG 04 43134 835 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12610 1082992 Ambatolampy Ambatolampy -19.3833333 47.4166667 P PPL MG 05 28461 1644 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12611 1083239 Ambatofinandrahana Ambatofinandrahana -20.55 46.8 P PPL MG 02 25997 1454 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12612 1083257 Ambato Boeny Ambato Boeny -16.4666667 46.7166667 P PPL MG 03 22529 88 Indian/Antananarivo 2007-05-03
+ 12613 1083724 Ambanja Ambanja -13.6833333 48.45 P PPL MG 01 30621 149 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12614 1083968 Ambalavao Ambalavao -21.8333333 46.9333333 P PPL MG 02 28027 983 Indian/Antananarivo 2006-01-17
+ 12615 2113779 Majuro Majuro 7.1 171.3833333 P PPLC MH 00 20500 1 Pacific/Majuro 2007-02-08
+ 12616 783926 Желино Zhelino 41.9802778 21.0641667 P PPLA MK C3 25422 584 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12617 784424 Виница Vinica 41.8827778 22.5091667 P PPLA MK 00 18218 458 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12618 785058 Велес Veles 41.7155556 21.7755556 P PPLA MK B1 57873 208 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12619 785082 Тетово Tetovo 42.0105556 20.9713889 P PPLA MK A6 72944 458 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12620 785113 Теарце Tearce 42.0744444 21.0525 P PPLA MK A5 23096 481 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12621 785345 Студеничани Studenichani 41.9158333 21.5305556 P PPLA MK A2 18219 360 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-06
+ 12622 785380 Струмица Strumica 41.4375 22.6433333 P PPLA MK A1 45508 203 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12623 785387 Struga Struga 41.1780556 20.6761111 P PPLA MK 99 37387 681 Europe/Skopje 2007-10-15
+ 12624 785482 Штип Shtip 41.7458333 22.1958333 P PPLA MK 98 48279 340 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12625 785842 Скопје Skopje 42.0 21.4333333 P PPLC MK 00 474889 246 Europe/Skopje 2007-07-30
+ 12626 786093 Сарај Saraj 42.0 21.3277778 P PPLA MK 90 25379 269 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-06
+ 12627 786341 Ресен Resen 41.0888889 21.0122222 P PPLA MK 86 16539 866 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12628 786565 Радовиш Radovish 41.6383333 22.4647222 P PPLA MK 84 24984 405 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12629 786735 Прилеп Prilep 41.3463889 21.5544444 P PPLA MK 82 73814 655 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12630 787487 Ohrid Ohrid 41.1172222 20.8019444 P PPLA MK 74 54908 699 Europe/Skopje 2007-10-15
+ 12631 787715 Неготино Negotino 41.8786111 20.8838889 P PPLA MK 70 17518 554 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12632 787716 Неготино Negotino 41.4838889 22.0891667 P PPLA MK 69 19515 145 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12633 788654 Липково Lipkovo 42.1563889 21.5852778 P PPLA MK 59 28102 449 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12634 788886 Куманово Kumanovo 42.1322222 21.7144444 P PPLA MK 57 108471 352 Europe/Skopje 2007-02-17
+ 12635 789045 Крива Паланка Kriva Palanka 42.2019444 22.3319444 P PPLA MK 52 20820 661 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12636 789403 Кочани Kochani 41.9163889 22.4127778 P PPLA MK 46 34258 339 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12637 789527 Kičevo Kicevo 41.5144444 20.9633333 P PPLA MK 43 31123 716 Europe/Skopje 2007-05-11
+ 12638 789541 Кавадарци Kavadarci 41.4330556 22.0119444 P PPLA MK 42 38799 286 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12639 789611 Kamenjane Kamenjane 41.9444444 20.9266667 P PPLA MK 39 15376 474 Europe/Skopje 2008-03-27
+ 12640 790295 Гостивар Gostivar 41.7972222 20.9083333 P PPLA MK 34 50974 532 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12641 790744 Гевгелија Gevgelija 41.1391667 22.5025 P PPLA MK 33 20664 25 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12642 791559 Делчево Delchevo 41.9672222 22.7694444 P PPLA MK 22 17415 603 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12643 791606 Дебар Debar 41.525 20.5275 P PPLA MK 21 18074 764 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12644 792227 Brvenica Brvenica 41.9672222 20.9808333 P PPLA MK 12 16267 462 Europe/Skopje 2007-05-11
+ 12645 792501 Bogovinje Bogovinje 41.9236111 20.9136111 P PPLA MK 10 15166 520 Europe/Skopje 2008-03-27
+ 12646 792578 Битола Bitola 41.0311111 21.3402778 P PPLA MK 06 86528 583 Europe/Skopje 2007-08-11
+ 12647 833357 Илинден Ilinden 41.9961111 21.5822222 P PPLA MK 36 16406 231 Europe/Skopje 2006-10-04
+ 12648 2448442 Yorosso Yorosso 12.3666667 -4.7833333 P PPL ML 00 17447 380 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12649 2449067 Tombouctou Tombouctou 16.7734800047963 -3.00742149353027 P PPLA ML 08 32460 259 Africa/Bamako 2007-03-01
+ 12650 2451185 Sikasso Sikasso 11.3166667 -5.6666667 P PPLA ML 06 144786 412 Africa/Bamako 2006-11-15
+ 12651 2451478 Ségou Segou 13.45 -6.2666667 P PPLA ML 05 92552 272 Africa/Bamako 2007-02-08
+ 12652 2451778 San San 13.3 -4.9 P PPL ML 00 24811 277 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12653 2453348 Mopti Mopti 14.493023657266 -4.1942024230957 P PPLA ML 04 108456 276 Africa/Bamako 2007-03-01
+ 12654 2453662 Markala Markala 13.6833333 -6.0833333 P PPL ML 00 53738 268 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12655 2454268 Koutiala Koutiala 12.3833333 -5.4666667 P PPL ML 00 99353 325 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12656 2454530 Koulikoro Koulikoro 12.8661111 -7.5605556 P PPLA ML 07 23919 345 Africa/Bamako 2007-02-18
+ 12657 2454955 Kolokani Kolokani 13.5833333 -8.0333333 P PPL ML 00 48774 380 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12658 2455516 Kayes Ndi Kayes Ndi 14.4666667 -11.4333333 P PPL ML 00 97464 48 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12659 2455558 Kati Kati 12.7466667 -8.0713889 P PPL ML 07 42922 440 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12660 2455735 Kangaba Kangaba 11.9333333 -8.4166667 P PPL ML 00 17232 347 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12661 2457163 Gao Gao -0.0447222 16.2716667 P PPLA ML 09 38190 227 Africa/Bamako 2006-07-13
+ 12662 2458589 Djénné Djenne 13.9060750107604 -4.55331802368164 P PPL ML 04 22382 274 Africa/Bamako 2007-03-01
+ 12663 2459775 Bougouni Bougouni 11.4166667 -7.4833333 P PPL ML 00 35450 333 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12664 2460546 Banamba Banamba 13.55 -7.45 P PPL ML 00 30591 373 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12665 2460596 Bamako Bamako 12.65 -8.0 P PPLC ML 01 1297281 350 Africa/Bamako 2007-02-17
+ 12666 2460755 Bafoulabé Bafoulabe 13.8 -10.8333333 P PPL ML 00 26823 84 Africa/Bamako 2006-01-17
+ 12667 6692158 Gao Gao 16.2740055459091 -0.0415420532226562 P PPLA ML 09 57978 226 227 Africa/Bamako 2008-04-30
+ 12668 1285173 Yenangyaung Yenangyaung 20.4666667 94.8833333 P PPL MM 15 110553 65 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12669 1285871 Nyaungdon Nyaungdon 17.0333333 95.65 P PPL MM 03 40092 16 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12670 1285899 Yamethin Yamethin 20.4333333 96.15 P PPL MM 08 59867 178 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12671 1289828 Wakema Wakema 16.6 95.1833333 P PPL MM 03 42705 5 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12672 1290374 Twante Twante 16.7166667 95.9333333 P PPL MM 09 46516 13 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12673 1290596 Taungoo Taungoo 18.9333333 96.4333333 P PPL MM 16 106945 28 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12674 1291193 Thongwa Thongwa 16.7619444 96.5277778 P PPL MM 17 52496 5 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12675 1292037 Thayetmyo Thayetmyo 19.3166667 95.1833333 P PPL MM 07 98185 52 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12676 1292288 Thaton Thaton 16.9205556 97.3713889 P PPL MM 13 123727 20 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12677 1292313 Tharyarwady Tharyarwady 17.65 95.8 P PPL MM 16 54386 21 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12678 1292579 Thanatpin Thanatpin 17.3 96.5833333 P PPL MM 09 38059 6 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12679 1292580 Thanatpin Thanatpin 17.2119444 96.3033333 P PPLL MM 09 39000 10 8 Asia/Rangoon 2007-08-04
+ 12680 1293625 Dawei Dawei 14.0833333 98.2 P PPLA MM 12 136783 5 Asia/Rangoon 2006-05-05
+ 12681 1293960 Taunggyi Taunggyi 20.7833333 97.0333333 P PPLA MM 11 160115 1420 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12682 1294041 Taungdwingyi Taungdwingyi 20.0166667 95.55 P PPL MM 15 70094 138 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12683 1295395 Syriam Syriam 16.7722222 96.2377778 P PPL MM 17 69448 -9999 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12684 1295765 Akyab Akyab 20.15 92.9 P PPLA MM 01 177743 1 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12685 1296736 Shwebo Shwebo 22.5666667 95.7 P PPL MM 10 88914 89 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12686 1298482 Sagaing Sagaing 21.8787038944772 95.9796524047852 P PPLA MM 10 78739 60 Asia/Rangoon 2008-10-02
+ 12687 1298824 Rangoon Rangoon 16.8052778 96.1561111 P PPLC MM 17 4477638 13 Asia/Rangoon 2008-03-05
+ 12688 1298911 Pyu Pyu 18.4833333 96.4333333 P PPL MM 09 40386 40 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12689 1298987 Pyinmana Pyinmana 19.7333333 96.2166667 P PPL MM 08 97409 78 Asia/Rangoon 2007-02-17
+ 12690 1299154 Prome Prome 18.8166667 95.2166667 P PPL MM 16 135308 21 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12691 1299237 Pyapon Pyapon 16.2833333 95.6833333 P PPL MM 03 65601 17 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12692 1300466 Bago Bago 17.3366667 96.4797222 P PPLA MM 16 244376 3 Asia/Rangoon 2009-06-04
+ 12693 1300969 Paungde Paungde 18.4833333 95.5 P PPL MM 16 36971 26 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12694 1302439 Pakokku Pakokku 21.3333333 95.1 P PPL MM 15 126938 40 Asia/Rangoon 2006-05-10
+ 12695 1303406 Nyaunglebin Nyaunglebin 17.95 96.7333333 P PPL MM 16 89626 11 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12696 1307741 Myitkyinā Myitkyina 25.3833333 97.4 P PPLA MM 04 90894 158 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12697 1307835 Myingyan Myingyan 21.4666667 95.3833333 P PPL MM 08 141713 46 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12698 1308204 Myanaung Myanaung 18.2833333 95.3166667 P PPL MM 03 42252 27 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12699 1308415 Mudon Mudon 16.2577778 97.7163889 P PPL MM 13 89123 19 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12700 1308464 Mawlamyinegyunn Mawlamyinegyunn 16.3833333 95.2666667 P PPL MM 03 39115 7 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12701 1308465 Mawlamyine Mawlamyine 16.4913889 97.6255556 P PPLA MM 13 438861 30 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12702 1308522 Monywa Monywa 22.1166667 95.1333333 P PPL MM 10 182011 81 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12703 1308937 Mogok Mogok 22.9166667 96.5 P PPL MM 10 90843 1079 Asia/Rangoon 2008-10-15
+ 12704 1309289 Minbu Minbu 20.1833333 94.8833333 P PPL MM 15 57342 39 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12705 1309611 Myeik Myeik 12.4333333 98.6 P PPL MM 12 173298 11 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12706 1309793 Meiktila Meiktila 20.8666667 95.8666667 P PPL MM 08 177442 225 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12707 1309937 Maymyo Maymyo 22.0333333 96.4666667 P PPL MM 08 117303 1090 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12708 1310120 Mawlaik Mawlaik 23.6333333 94.4166667 P PPL MM 10 44540 84 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12709 1310362 Maubin Maubin 16.7333333 95.65 P PPL MM 03 51542 13 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12710 1310460 Martaban Martaban 16.5313889 97.6111111 P PPL MM 13 48629 43 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12711 1311874 Mandalay Mandalay 22.0 96.0833333 P PPLA MM 08 1208099 75 Asia/Rangoon 2007-02-17
+ 12712 1312609 Magway Magway 20.15 94.9166667 P PPLA MM 15 96954 50 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12713 1313479 Loikaw Loikaw 19.6741667 97.2094444 P PPLA MM 06 17293 872 Asia/Rangoon 2008-03-14
+ 12714 1314042 Letpandan Letpandan 17.7833333 95.75 P PPL MM 16 38936 6 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12715 1314759 Lashio Lashio 22.9333333 97.75 P PPL MM 11 131016 837 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12716 1316703 Kyaukse Kyaukse 21.6 96.1333333 P PPL MM 08 50480 77 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12717 1317375 Kyaikto Kyaikto 17.3 97.0166667 P PPL MM 00 48658 11 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12718 1317397 Kyaiklat Kyaiklat 16.4333333 95.7333333 P PPL MM 03 52425 8 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12719 1317402 Kyaikkami Kyaikkami 16.08 97.5675 P PPL MM 13 48100 24 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12720 1319533 Kayan Kayan 16.9055556 96.5630556 P PPL MM 17 40322 5 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12721 1320944 Kanbe Kanbe 16.7052778 96.0016667 P PPL MM 10 58146 17 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12722 1325211 Hinthada Hinthada 17.6333333 95.4666667 P PPL MM 03 134947 8 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12723 1327659 Chauk Chauk 20.8833333 94.8166667 P PPL MM 15 90870 62 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12724 1328121 Bogale Bogale 16.2833333 95.4 P PPL MM 03 68938 21 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12725 1328218 Bhamo Bhamo 24.2666667 97.2333333 P PPL MM 04 47920 110 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12726 1328421 Pathein Pathein 16.7833333 94.7333333 P PPLA MM 03 237089 12 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12727 1329239 Myaydo Myaydo 19.3666667 95.2166667 P PPL MM 15 57897 56 Asia/Rangoon 2006-01-17
+ 12728 1515029 Ulaangom Ulaangom 49.9811111 92.0666667 P PPLA MN 19 28085 933 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2008-04-19
+ 12729 1515436 Ölgiy OElgiy 48.9683333 89.9625 P PPLA MN 03 28400 1719 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2009-02-25
+ 12730 1516048 Hovd Hovd 48.0055556 91.6419444 P PPLA MN 12 30500 1385 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2009-02-25
+ 12731 2028462 Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar 47.9166667 106.9166667 P PPLC MN 20 844818 1299 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2008-01-06
+ 12732 2029156 Sühbaatar Suhbaatar 50.2313889 106.2077778 P PPLA MN 16 24235 602 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2006-08-09
+ 12733 2029945 Mörön Moron 49.6341667 100.1625 P PPLA MN 13 27690 1273 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2008-04-19
+ 12734 2030065 Mandalgovĭ Mandalgovi 45.7625 106.2708333 P PPLA MN 08 15430 1417 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2006-02-23
+ 12735 2030474 Hovd Hovd 44.6702399277175 102.174911499023 P PPL MN 15 27924 1503 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2007-10-21
+ 12736 2031405 Erdenet Erdenet 49.0333333 104.0833333 P PPLA MN 25 79647 1290 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2007-02-17
+ 12737 2031517 Dzuunmod Dzuunmod 47.7069444 106.9527778 P PPLA MN 18 17738 1510 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2006-02-23
+ 12738 2031533 Dzüünharaa Dzuunharaa 48.8522914060438 106.457862854004 P PPL MN 16 18830 871 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2007-10-14
+ 12739 2031964 Darhan Darhan 49.4866667 105.9227778 P PPLA MN 23 74300 678 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2009-02-25
+ 12740 2032007 Dalandzadgad Dalandzadgad 43.5708333 104.425 P PPLA MN 14 15093 1468 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2006-02-23
+ 12741 2032201 Bulgan Bulgan 48.8125 103.5347222 P PPLA MN 21 17348 1182 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2008-04-19
+ 12742 2032532 Bayanhongor Bayanhongor 46.7166667 100.1166667 P PPL MN 02 23234 2197 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2006-01-27
+ 12743 2032614 Baruun-Urt Baruun-Urt 46.6805556 113.2791667 P PPLA MN 17 15805 1002 Asia/Ulaanbaatar 2009-06-30
+ 12744 1821274 Aomen Aomen 22.2005556 113.5461111 P PPLC MO 00 520400 28 Asia/Macau 2008-05-12
+ 12745 3569915 Saint-Joseph Saint-Joseph 14.6666667 -61.0333333 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9721 97224 16974 122 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12746 3569926 Sainte-Marie Sainte-Marie 14.7833333 -60.9833333 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9722 97228 20380 -9999 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12747 3570166 Petite Rivière Salée Petite Riviere Salee 14.75 -60.9666667 P PPL MQ 00 15152 5 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12748 3570412 Le Robert Le Robert 14.6775102763555 -60.9422779083252 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9722 97222 23814 32 America/Martinique 2009-09-05
+ 12749 3570428 Le Lamentin Le Lamentin 14.6 -61.0 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9721 97213 39229 19 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12750 3570429 Le François Le Francois 14.6 -60.9 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9723 97210 19682 66 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12751 3570446 La Trinité La Trinite 14.7333333 -60.9666667 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9722 97230 15040 33 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12752 3570675 Fort-de-France Fort-de-France 14.6 -61.0833333 P PPLC MQ MQ 972 9721 97209 89995 1 America/Martinique 2009-09-09
+ 12753 3570785 Ducos Ducos 14.5666667 -60.9833333 P PPL MQ MQ 972 9723 97207 17394 64 America/Martinique 2006-01-17
+ 12754 2377450 Nouakchott Nouakchott 18.1194444 -16.0405556 P PPLC MR 06 661400 -9999 Africa/Nouakchott 2007-02-17
+ 12755 2377457 Nouâdhibou Nouadhibou 20.9025 -17.0422222 P PPLA MR MR 08 72337 28 Africa/Nouakchott 2009-02-01
+ 12756 3578069 Plymouth Plymouth 16.7 -62.2166667 P PPLC MS 01 0 -9999 America/Montserrat 2006-07-28
+ 12757 2562266 Żabbar Zabbar 35.8761111 14.535 P PPL MT 00 15030 30 Europe/Malta 2006-01-17
+ 12758 2562305 Valletta Valletta 35.8997222 14.5147222 P PPLC MT 00 6794 90 Europe/Malta 2008-08-11
+ 12759 2562629 Qormi Qormi 35.876010996854 14.4719982147217 P PPL MT 00 18230 16 Europe/Malta 2007-03-11
+ 12760 2562704 Mosta Mosta 35.9091667 14.4255556 P PPL MT 00 17789 113 Europe/Malta 2006-11-19
+ 12761 2563191 Birkirkara Birkirkara 35.8972222 14.4611111 P PPL MT 00 21676 36 Europe/Malta 2007-02-17
+ 12762 933945 Vacoas Vacoas -20.2980556 57.4783333 P PPL MU MU 17 110000 369 Indian/Mauritius 2009-03-23
+ 12763 933959 Triolet Triolet -20.0547222 57.5452778 P PPL MU 16 23269 134 Indian/Mauritius 2006-01-17
+ 12764 934032 Saint Pierre Saint Pierre -20.2175 57.5208333 P PPL MU 15 16414 243 Indian/Mauritius 2006-01-17
+ 12765 934131 Quatre Bornes Quatre Bornes -20.2644444 57.4719444 P PPL MU 17 80961 313 Indian/Mauritius 2006-11-15
+ 12766 934154 Port Louis Port Louis -20.1619444 57.4988889 P PPLC MU 18 155226 133 Indian/Mauritius 2007-02-17
+ 12767 934322 Mahébourg Mahebourg -20.4080556 57.7 P PPL MU 14 17042 152 Indian/Mauritius 2006-01-17
+ 12768 934488 Goodlands Goodlands -20.035 57.6430556 P PPL MU 19 20910 40 Indian/Mauritius 2006-01-17
+ 12769 934570 Curepipe Curepipe -20.3147222 57.5202778 P PPL MU 17 84200 403 Indian/Mauritius 2006-11-15
+ 12770 934631 Centre de Flacq Centre de Flacq -20.1897222 57.7144444 P PPLA MU 13 17710 39 Indian/Mauritius 2008-03-15
+ 12771 934750 Bel Air Bel Air -20.2541667 57.7452778 P PPL MU 13 17671 65 Indian/Mauritius 2006-01-17
+ 12772 1106809 Le Hochet Le Hochet -20.135 57.5211111 P PPL MU 16 15197 130 Indian/Mauritius 2006-01-17
+ 12773 1282027 Male Male 4.17710766624821 73.5098648071289 P PPLC MV 40 84972 -9999 Indian/Maldives 2007-09-18
+ 12774 235715 Karonga Karonga -9.9333333 33.9333333 P PPLA MW 08 34207 482 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12775 923295 Zomba Zomba -15.3833333 35.3333333 P PPLA MW 23 80932 910 Africa/Blantyre 2007-02-18
+ 12776 924055 Salima Salima -13.7833333 34.4333333 P PPLA MW 22 30052 540 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12777 924102 Rumphi Rumphi -11.0166667 33.8666667 P PPLA MW 21 20727 1225 Africa/Blantyre 2006-01-17
+ 12778 924572 Nsanje Nsanje -16.9166667 35.2666667 P PPLA MW 19 21774 15 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12779 924705 Nkhotakota Nkhotakota -12.9166667 34.3 P PPLA MW 18 24865 472 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12780 925498 Mzimba Mzimba -11.9 33.6 P PPLA MW 15 19308 1379 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12781 925789 Mulanje Mulanje -16.0333333 35.5 P PPLA MW 29 16483 640 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12782 926747 Mchinji Mchinji -13.8 32.9 P PPLA MW 13 18305 1182 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12783 927246 Mangochi Mangochi -14.4666667 35.2666667 P PPLA MW 12 40236 470 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12784 927834 Liwonde Liwonde -15.0666667 35.2166667 P PPL MW 00 22469 508 Africa/Blantyre 2006-01-17
+ 12785 927967 Lilongwe Lilongwe -13.9833333 33.7833333 P PPLC MW 11 646750 1025 Africa/Blantyre 2007-02-17
+ 12786 928534 Kasungu Kasungu -13.0333333 33.4833333 P PPLA MW 09 42555 1327 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12787 930025 Dedza Dedza -14.3666667 34.3333333 P PPLA MW 06 15608 1759 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12788 931755 Blantyre Blantyre -15.7833333 35.0 P PPLA MW 24 584877 1069 Africa/Blantyre 2007-02-17
+ 12789 931865 Balaka Balaka -14.9833333 34.95 P PPLA MW 26 18902 616 Africa/Blantyre 2006-11-15
+ 12790 3483197 San Fernando San Fernando 24.85 -98.15 P PPL MX 28 29171 48 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12791 3513966 Zumpango de Ocampo Zumpango de Ocampo 19.7977778 -99.1016667 P PPL MX 15 47509 2248 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12792 3513967 Zumpango del Río Zumpango del Rio 17.65 -99.5 P PPL MX 12 21143 1097 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12793 3514134 Zacualtipán Zacualtipan 20.65 -98.6 P PPL MX 13 17090 1769 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12794 3514148 Zacatlán Zacatlan 19.9333333 -97.9666667 P PPL MX 21 31707 2081 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12795 3514163 Zacatepec Zacatepec 18.65 -99.2 P PPL MX 17 21533 932 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12796 3514321 Yautepec Yautepec 18.8818840849315 -99.0671539306641 P PPL MX 17 41386 1213 America/Mexico_City 2007-01-23
+ 12797 3514398 Xoxocotla Xoxocotla 18.6833333 -99.25 P PPL MX 17 19790 1017 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12798 3514409 Xonacatlán Xonacatlan 19.4022222 -99.5325 P PPL MX 15 19687 2580 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12799 3514437 Xochitepec Xochitepec 18.7833333 -99.2333333 P PPL MX 17 16768 1103 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12800 3514510 Xicotepec de Juárez Xicotepec de Juarez 20.3 -97.9666667 P PPL MX 21 37424 853 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-08
+ 12801 3514518 Xico Xico 19.4166667 -97.0 P PPL MX 30 15292 1256 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12802 3514519 Xico Xico 19.2666667 -98.9333333 P PPL MX 15 365777 2239 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12803 3514670 Villahermosa Villahermosa 17.9833333 -92.9166667 P PPL MX 27 362401 9 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 12804 3514683 Villa Cuauhtémoc Villa Cuauhtemoc 19.4152778 -99.5616667 P PPL MX 15 18303 2572 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-27
+ 12805 3514783 Veracruz Veracruz 19.2 -96.1333333 P PPL MX 30 568313 1 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-16
+ 12806 3514785 Venustiano Carranza Venustiano Carranza 16.35 -92.55 P PPL MX 05 15074 789 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12807 3514868 Valle Hermoso Valle Hermoso 25.6666667 -97.8333333 P PPL MX 28 47831 17 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12808 3514876 Valladolid Valladolid 20.6833333 -88.2 P PPL MX 31 39663 41 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12809 3514929 Umán Uman 20.8833333 -89.75 P PPL MX 31 28472 15 America/Merida 2007-01-22
+ 12810 3515001 Tuxtla Gutiérrez Tuxtla Gutierrez 16.75 -93.1166667 P PPL MX 05 481128 571 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-07
+ 12811 3515042 Tultitlán Tultitlan 19.6472222 -99.1708333 P PPL MX 15 24387 2248 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12812 3515044 Tultepec Tultepec 19.6847222 -99.1291667 P PPL MX 15 54778 2238 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12813 3515062 Tulancingo Tulancingo 20.0833333 -98.3666667 P PPL MX 13 102383 2183 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12814 3515064 Tula de Allende Tula de Allende 20.05 -99.35 P PPL MX 13 27677 2095 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12815 3515302 Toluca Toluca 19.2883333 -99.6672222 P PPL MX 15 505881 2686 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-05
+ 12816 3515358 Tlaxcalancingo Tlaxcalancingo 19.0333333 -98.2666667 P PPL MX 21 20363 2119 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12817 3515373 Tlaquiltenango Tlaquiltenango 18.6333333 -99.1666667 P PPL MX 17 19056 911 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12818 3515384 Tlapa de Comonfort Tlapa de Comonfort 17.55 -98.55 P PPL MX 12 36873 1205 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12819 3515386 Tlapacoyan Tlapacoyan 19.9666667 -97.2166667 P PPL MX 30 33667 405 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12820 3515431 Tlalnepantla Tlalnepantla 19.5269444 -99.2216667 P PPL MX 15 715767 2277 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12821 3515504 Tizimín Tizimin 21.15 -88.15 P PPL MX 31 41993 21 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12822 3515505 Tizayuca Tizayuca 19.8333333 -98.9833333 P PPL MX 13 39323 2284 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12823 3515510 Tixtla de Guerrero Tixtla de Guerrero 17.5673247462628 -99.397988319397 P PPL MX 12 21130 1376 America/Mexico_City 2008-04-21
+ 12824 3515665 Ticul Ticul 20.4 -89.5333333 P PPL MX 31 30282 38 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12825 3515679 Tianguistenco Tianguistenco 19.1797222 -99.4705556 P PPL MX 15 20104 2627 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12826 3515690 Tezontepec de Aldama Tezontepec de Aldama 20.2 -99.2666667 P PPL MX 13 25511 2000 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12827 3515696 Teziutlán Teziutlan 19.8166667 -97.35 P PPL MX 21 70819 1861 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12828 3515715 Texcoco de Mora Texcoco de Mora 19.5166667 -98.8833333 P PPL MX 15 115378 2254 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 12829 3515794 Tequixquiac Tequixquiac 19.9080556 -99.1475 P PPL MX 15 20975 2206 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12830 3515796 Tequisquiapan Tequisquiapan 20.5166667 -99.8666667 P PPL MX 22 28963 1900 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12831 3515807 Cuautitlán Izcalli Cuautitlan Izcalli 19.6469444 -99.2466667 P PPL MX 15 475179 2300 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-07
+ 12832 3515811 Tepoztlán Tepoztlan 18.9833333 -99.1 P PPL MX 17 15963 1682 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12833 3515827 Tepotzotlán Tepotzotlan 19.7138889 -99.2244444 P PPL MX 15 44517 2272 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12834 3515887 Tepeji de Ocampo Tepeji de Ocampo 19.9052778 -99.3438889 P PPL MX 13 33196 2150 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12835 3515904 Tepeaca Tepeaca 18.9666667 -97.9 P PPL MX 21 24956 2243 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12836 3515906 Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo 19.0674719920919 -97.9659461975098 P PPL MX 21 15084 2358 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-02
+ 12837 3515942 Teoloyucan Teoloyucan 19.7455556 -99.1833333 P PPL MX 15 61376 2250 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12838 3515956 Tenosique de Pino Suárez Tenosique de Pino Suarez 17.4833333 -91.4333333 P PPL MX 27 32415 19 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12839 3515993 Tenango de Arista Tenango de Arista 19.1016667 -99.5930556 P PPL MX 15 20969 2700 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12840 3516006 Tenancingo de Degollado Tenancingo de Degollado 18.9666667 -99.6 P PPL MX 15 34273 2214 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12841 3516035 Temixco Temixco 18.85 -99.2333333 P PPL MX 17 91059 1272 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12842 3516060 Teloloapan Teloloapan 18.35 -99.85 P PPL MX 12 21244 1581 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12843 3516076 Tekax de Álvaro Obregón Tekax de Alvaro Obregon 20.2 -89.2833333 P PPL MX 31 22806 49 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12844 3516109 Tehuacán Tehuacan 18.45 -97.3833333 P PPL MX 21 241429 1555 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12845 3516188 Tecamachalco Tecamachalco 18.8833333 -97.7333333 P PPL MX 21 26227 2029 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12846 3516210 Teapa Teapa 17.55 -92.95 P PPL MX 27 26331 96 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12847 3516225 Taxco de Alarcón Taxco de Alarcon 18.55 -99.6 P PPL MX 12 53217 1620 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 12848 3516266 Tapachula Tapachula 14.9 -92.2833333 P PPL MX 05 197961 135 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12849 3516271 Tantoyuca Tantoyuca 21.35 -98.2333333 P PPL MX 30 26929 188 America/Mexico_City 2009-03-28
+ 12850 3516355 Tampico Tampico 22.2166667 -97.85 P PPL MX 28 309003 4 America/Monterrey 2007-02-17
+ 12851 3516385 Tamazunchale Tamazunchale 21.2666667 -98.7833333 P PPL MX 24 21532 271 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12852 3516843 Santo Domingo Tehuantepec Santo Domingo Tehuantepec 16.3333333 -95.2333333 P PPL MX 20 37389 100 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12853 3516912 Santiago Tuxtla Santiago Tuxtla 18.4666667 -95.3 P PPL MX 30 15681 200 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12854 3516926 Santiago Pinotepa Nacional Santiago Pinotepa Nacional 16.3166667 -98.0166667 P PPL MX 20 25669 159 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12855 3516982 Santiago Tulantepec Santiago Tulantepec 20.0333333 -98.35 P PPL MX 13 15625 2204 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12856 3517231 Santa María Moyotzingo Santa Maria Moyotzingo 19.25 -98.4 P PPL MX 21 24555 2235 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12857 3517293 Santa María Ajoloapan Santa Maria Ajoloapan 19.9786111 -99.0472222 P PPL MX 15 15905 2353 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12858 3517517 Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán Santa Cruz Xoxocotlan 17.0166667 -96.7333333 P PPL MX 20 61846 1540 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12859 3517524 Santa Cruz Tecamac Santa Cruz Tecamac 19.7333333 -98.9666667 P PPL MX 15 15244 2247 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12860 3517742 Santa Ana Chiautempan Santa Ana Chiautempan 19.3166667 -98.1833333 P PPL MX 29 48322 2298 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12861 3517831 San Salvador el Seco San Salvador el Seco 19.1333333 -97.65 P PPL MX 21 15271 2396 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12862 3517832 San Salvador Atenco San Salvador Atenco 19.5166667 -98.9166667 P PPL MX 15 16159 2233 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12863 3518135 San Pablo de las Salinas San Pablo de las Salinas 19.6658333 -99.0963889 P PPL MX 15 173557 2237 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12864 3518138 San Pablo Autopan San Pablo Autopan 19.3561111 -99.6625 P PPL MX 15 30417 2625 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12865 3518221 San Miguel Zinacantepec San Miguel Zinacantepec 19.2819444 -99.7386111 P PPL MX 15 54220 2780 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12866 3518277 San Miguel Coatlinchán San Miguel Coatlinchan 19.45 -98.8666667 P PPL MX 15 21498 2296 America/Mexico_City 2009-08-18
+ 12867 3518387 San Mateo Atenco San Mateo Atenco 19.2616667 -99.5352778 P PPL MX 15 68602 2580 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12868 3518407 San Martín Texmelucan de Labastida San Martin Texmelucan de Labastida 19.2833333 -98.4333333 P PPL MX 21 75903 2237 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12869 3518475 San Luis Teolocholco San Luis Teolocholco 19.25 -98.1833333 P PPL MX 29 15690 2370 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12870 3518618 San Juan Teotihuacán San Juan Teotihuacan 19.6833333 -98.8666667 P PPL MX 15 22541 2278 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12871 3518692 San Juan del Río San Juan del Rio 20.3833333 -100.0 P PPL MX 22 118173 1970 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12872 3518723 San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec 18.1 -96.1166667 P PPL MX 20 92121 35 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12873 3519290 San Francisco Acuautla San Francisco Acuautla 19.3333333 -98.85 P PPL MX 15 21905 2305 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12874 3519531 Sanctórum Sanctorum 19.1 -98.25 P PPL MX 21 22936 2125 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12875 3519537 San Cristóbal de Las Casas San Cristobal de Las Casas 16.75 -92.6333333 P PPL MX 05 128996 2190 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-05
+ 12876 3519907 San Andrés Tuxtla San Andres Tuxtla 18.45 -95.2166667 P PPL MX 30 55697 291 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12877 3520064 Salina Cruz Salina Cruz 16.1666667 -95.2 P PPL MX 20 73648 1 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12878 3520235 Río Verde Rio Verde 21.9333333 -99.9833333 P PPL MX 24 48854 972 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-27
+ 12879 3520271 Río Bravo Rio Bravo 25.9833333 -98.1 P PPL MX 28 85481 27 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12880 3520274 Río Blanco Rio Blanco 18.8333333 -97.15 P PPL MX 30 39543 1300 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12881 3520339 Reynosa Reynosa 26.0833333 -98.2833333 P PPL MX 28 498654 35 America/Monterrey 2006-11-07
+ 12882 3520994 Puerto Escondido Puerto Escondido 15.85 -97.0666667 P PPL MX 20 19488 1 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12883 3521051 Puente de Ixtla Puente de Ixtla 18.6147222 -99.318055 P PPLG MX 17 20668 900 893 America/Mexico_City 2009-09-30
+ 12884 3521081 Puebla de Zaragoza Puebla de Zaragoza 19.05 -98.2 P PPL MX 21 1392099 2175 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 12885 3521103 Progreso de Obregón Progreso de Obregon 20.25 -99.2 P PPL MX 13 16548 1907 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12886 3521108 Progreso Progreso 21.2833333 -89.6666667 P PPL MX 31 47124 1 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12887 3521168 Poza Rica de Hidalgo Poza Rica de Hidalgo 20.5331482715623 -97.4594593048096 P PPL MX 30 174526 72 America/Mexico_City 2008-07-18
+ 12888 3521342 Playa del Carmen Playa del Carmen 20.6355152874971 -87.0700836181641 P PPL MX 23 54346 1 America/Cancun 2009-06-08
+ 12889 3521476 Pijijiapan Pijijiapan 15.7010526312934 -93.22998046875 P PPL MX 05 15101 91 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-12
+ 12890 3521596 Peto Peto 20.1333333 -88.9166667 P PPL MX 31 17607 36 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12891 3521628 Perote Perote 19.5666667 -97.2333333 P PPL MX 30 32559 2414 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12892 3521912 Paraíso Paraiso 18.4 -93.2333333 P PPL MX 27 23830 2 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12893 3521922 Papantla de Olarte Papantla de Olarte 20.45 -97.3166667 P PPL MX 30 47958 195 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12894 3521941 Pánuco Panuco 22.05 -98.1666667 P PPL MX 30 35316 9 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12895 3522118 Palmarito Tochapán Palmarito Tochapan 18.9 -97.6166667 P PPL MX 21 15690 2176 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12896 3522164 Palenque Palenque 17.5166667 -91.9666667 P PPL MX 05 36669 92 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-05
+ 12897 3522210 Pachuca de Soto Pachuca de Soto 20.1169732434711 -98.7332940101624 P PPL MX 13 319581 2409 America/Mexico_City 2007-01-28
+ 12898 3522232 Ozumba de Alzate Ozumba de Alzate 19.05 -98.8 P PPL MX 15 19929 2353 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12899 3522251 Oxkutzcab Oxkutzcab 20.3 -89.4166667 P PPL MX 31 21508 50 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12900 3522307 Orizaba Orizaba 18.85 -97.1 P PPL MX 30 121348 1216 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12901 3522343 Ometepec Ometepec 16.6833333 -98.4166667 P PPL MX 12 17801 307 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12902 3522444 Ocozocuautla Ocozocuautla 16.7666667 -93.3666667 P PPL MX 05 31596 950 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12903 3522445 Ocoyoacac Ocoyoacac 19.2719444 -99.4588889 P PPL MX 15 24647 2597 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12904 3522484 Ocosingo Ocosingo 17.0666667 -92.25 P PPL MX 05 28721 1037 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12905 3522507 Oaxaca de Juárez Oaxaca de Juarez 17.05 -96.7166667 P PPL MX 20 262566 1550 America/Mexico_City 2007-01-25
+ 12906 3522551 Nuevo Laredo Nuevo Laredo 27.5 -99.5166667 P PPL MX 28 349550 110 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 12907 3522696 Nogales Nogales 18.8166667 -97.1666667 P PPL MX 30 19903 1400 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12908 3522732 Nicolás Romero Nicolas Romero 19.6219444 -99.3130556 P PPL MX 15 245383 2371 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12909 3522790 Naucalpan de Juárez Naucalpan de Juarez 19.4785078914381 -99.2396306991577 P PPL MX 15 846185 2290 America/Mexico_City 2007-01-08
+ 12910 3522804 Naranjos Naranjos 21.35 -97.6833333 P PPL MX 30 19689 45 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12911 3522845 Nanchital Nanchital 18.0666667 -94.4 P PPL MX 30 25982 13 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12912 3522924 Motul de Felipe Carrillo Puerto Motul de Felipe Carrillo Puerto 21.1 -89.2833333 P PPL MX 31 21109 4 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12913 3522926 Motozintla de Mendoza Motozintla de Mendoza 15.3666667 -92.2333333 P PPL MX 05 19092 1427 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12914 3523011 Montemorelos Montemorelos 25.2 -99.8166667 P PPL MX 19 37694 408 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12915 3523061 Momoxpan Momoxpan 19.0666667 -98.2333333 P PPL MX 21 16675 2156 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12916 3523127 Mixquiahuala Mixquiahuala 20.2333333 -99.2166667 P PPL MX 13 22610 2005 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12917 3523141 Misantla Misantla 19.9333333 -96.8333333 P PPL MX 30 23242 393 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12918 3523149 Miramar Miramar 22.3333333 -97.8666667 P PPL MX 28 67689 7 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12919 3523183 Minatitlán Minatitlan 17.9833333 -94.5166667 P PPL MX 30 150895 4 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12920 3523240 Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz Miahuatlan de Porfirio Diaz 16.3333333 -96.6 P PPL MX 20 17632 1552 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12921 3523303 Metepec Metepec 19.2536111 -99.6077778 P PPL MX 15 172982 2627 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12922 3523349 Mérida Merida 20.9666667 -89.6166667 P PPL MX 31 717175 10 America/Merida 2006-11-05
+ 12923 3523450 Matías Romero Matias Romero 16.8833333 -95.0333333 P PPL MX 20 21064 183 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12924 3523466 Matamoros Matamoros 25.8833333 -97.5 P PPL MX 28 435145 6 America/Monterrey 2006-11-07
+ 12925 3523513 Martínez de La Torre Martinez de La Torre 20.0666667 -97.05 P PPL MX 30 55660 82 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12926 3523590 Mapastepec Mapastepec 15.4333333 -92.9 P PPL MX 05 16082 80 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12927 3523791 Macuspana Macuspana 17.7666667 -92.6 P PPL MX 27 30409 32 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12928 3523900 Los Reyes Acozac Los Reyes Acozac 19.7666667 -98.9833333 P PPL MX 15 22133 2249 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12929 3523908 Los Reyes Los Reyes 19.35 -98.9666667 P PPL MX 15 251168 2340 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12930 3524348 Linares Linares 24.8577778 -99.5677778 P PPL MX 19 57731 351 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12931 3524389 Lerma de Villada Lerma de Villada 19.285 -99.5155556 P PPL MX 15 18145 2579 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12932 3524391 Lerdo de Tejada Lerdo de Tejada 18.6166667 -95.5166667 P PPL MX 30 18941 7 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12933 3524744 Las Margaritas Las Margaritas 16.3166667 -91.9833333 P PPL MX 05 16201 1503 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12934 3524903 Las Choapas Las Choapas 17.9333333 -94.0833333 P PPL MX 30 40304 12 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12935 3525158 La Poza La Poza 20.1166667 -96.9666667 P PPL MX 30 16286 50 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12936 3525596 La Isla La Isla 18.6 -96.15 P PPL MX 30 24558 19 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12937 3526323 Kanasín Kanasin 20.9333333 -89.5666667 P PPL MX 31 40027 12 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12938 3526357 Juchitán de Zaragoza Juchitan de Zaragoza 16.4333333 -95.0166667 P PPL MX 20 67637 25 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12939 3526467 Jojutla de Juárez Jojutla de Juarez 18.6166667 -99.1833333 P PPL MX 17 20539 894 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12940 3526485 Jiutepec Jiutepec 18.8666667 -99.1833333 P PPL MX 17 166331 1430 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-05
+ 12941 3526603 Jalpa de Méndez Jalpa de Mendez 18.1333333 -93.0833333 P PPL MX 27 15320 7 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12942 3526617 Jalapa Enríquez Jalapa Enriquez 19.5333333 -96.9166667 P PPL MX 30 425148 1397 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-05
+ 12943 3526657 Izúcar de Matamoros Izucar de Matamoros 18.6 -98.4666667 P PPL MX 21 42936 1284 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12944 3526674 San Jerónimo Ixtepec San Jeronimo Ixtepec 16.578554962463 -95.1022267341614 P PPL MX 20 23150 84 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-10
+ 12945 3526681 Ixtapan de la Sal Ixtapan de la Sal 18.8333333 -99.6833333 P PPL MX 15 17648 1792 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12946 3526682 Ixtapaluca Ixtapaluca 19.3166667 -98.8833333 P PPL MX 15 351001 2252 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12947 3526696 Ixtaczoquitlán Ixtaczoquitlan 18.85 -97.0666667 P PPL MX 30 23522 1091 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12948 3526708 Ixmiquilpan Ixmiquilpan 20.4833333 -99.2333333 P PPL MX 13 32474 1695 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12949 3526798 Iguala de la Independencia Iguala de la Independencia 18.35 -99.5333333 P PPL MX 12 112106 761 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12950 3526838 Hunucmá Hunucma 21.0166667 -89.8666667 P PPL MX 31 22288 7 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12951 3526855 Huixtla Huixtla 15.15 -92.4666667 P PPL MX 05 29257 75 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12952 3526864 Huitzuco de los Figueroa Huitzuco de los Figueroa 18.3 -99.35 P PPL MX 12 16238 1020 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12953 3526908 Huimanguillo Huimanguillo 17.85 -93.3833333 P PPL MX 27 26602 31 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12954 3526952 Huejutla de Reyes Huejutla de Reyes 21.1333333 -98.4166667 P PPL MX 13 38489 233 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12955 3526953 Huejotzingo Huejotzingo 19.15 -98.4 P PPL MX 21 21763 2262 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12956 3526992 Huauchinango Huauchinango 20.1833333 -98.05 P PPL MX 21 49852 1504 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12957 3526993 Huatusco de Chicuellar Huatusco de Chicuellar 19.15 -96.95 P PPL MX 30 29387 1178 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12958 3527023 Huajuapan de León Huajuapan de Leon 17.8 -97.7666667 P PPL MX 20 47844 1600 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12959 3527545 Frontera Frontera 18.5833333 -92.65 P PPL MX 27 22621 2 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 12960 3527596 Fortín de las Flores Fortin de las Flores 18.9 -97.0 P PPL MX 30 20668 976 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12961 3527639 Felipe Carrillo Puerto Felipe Carrillo Puerto 19.5833333 -88.05 P PPL MX 23 23109 11 America/Cancun 2006-01-17
+ 12962 3527795 Escárcega Escarcega 18.6089126409127 -90.7454395294189 P PPL MX 04 28159 91 America/Merida 2009-07-02
+ 12963 3527879 Emiliano Zapata Emiliano Zapata 18.8333333 -99.1833333 P PPL MX 17 37724 1247 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12964 3527880 Emiliano Zapata Emiliano Zapata 17.75 -91.7666667 P PPL MX 27 18608 13 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12965 3528756 El Mante El Mante 22.7333333 -98.9666667 P PPL MX 28 79981 81 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 12966 3529612 Ecatepec Ecatepec 19.6011111 -99.0525 P PPL MX 15 1806226 2259 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-07
+ 12967 3529886 Cunduacán Cunduacan 18.0666667 -93.1666667 P PPL MX 27 17904 11 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12968 3529947 Cuernavaca Cuernavaca 18.9166667 -99.25 P PPL MX 17 343769 1510 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 12969 3529981 Cuautlancingo Cuautlancingo 19.0833333 -98.2666667 P PPL MX 21 17729 2140 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12970 3529982 Cuautla Morelos Cuautla Morelos 18.8 -98.95 P PPL MX 17 146178 1313 America/Mexico_City 2006-05-10
+ 12971 3529986 Cuautitlán Cuautitlan 19.6711111 -99.1827778 P PPL MX 15 84737 2247 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12972 3529989 Cuautepec de Hinojosa Cuautepec de Hinojosa 20.0333333 -98.3 P PPL MX 13 16543 2288 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12973 3530103 San Miguel de Cozumel San Miguel de Cozumel 20.5083333 -86.9458333 P PPL MX 23 73934 1 America/Cancun 2006-11-15
+ 12974 3530123 Coyotepec Coyotepec 19.775 -99.2072222 P PPL MX 15 35793 2284 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12975 3530167 Cosoleacaque Cosoleacaque 18.0 -94.6166667 P PPL MX 30 20371 41 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12976 3530177 Cosamaloapan de Carpio Cosamaloapan de Carpio 18.3666667 -95.8 P PPL MX 30 28768 7 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12977 3530240 Córdoba Cordoba 18.8833333 -96.9333333 P PPL MX 30 134403 824 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12978 3530276 Contla Contla 19.3333333 -98.1666667 P PPL MX 29 24569 2310 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12979 3530367 Comitán de Domínguez Comitan de Dominguez 16.25 -92.1333333 P PPL MX 05 79944 1598 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12980 3530385 Comalcalco Comalcalco 18.2666667 -93.2166667 P PPL MX 27 40992 9 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12981 3530513 Coatzintla Coatzintla 20.4833333 -97.45 P PPL MX 30 30607 97 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12982 3530517 Coatzacoalcos Coatzacoalcos 18.15 -94.4166667 P PPL MX 30 230717 1 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 12983 3530531 Coatepec Coatepec 19.45 -96.9666667 P PPL MX 30 48453 1203 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12984 3530569 Coacalco Coacalco 19.6316667 -99.1102778 P PPL MX 15 313405 2264 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12985 3530580 Ciudad Victoria Ciudad Victoria 23.7333333 -99.1333333 P PPL MX 28 269923 298 America/Monterrey 2007-02-17
+ 12986 3530582 Ciudad Valles Ciudad Valles 21.9833333 -99.0166667 P PPL MX 24 109504 66 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12987 3530584 Ciudad Serdán Ciudad Serdan 18.9833333 -97.45 P PPL MX 21 22128 2586 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12988 3530587 Ciudad Sahagún Ciudad Sahagun 19.7666667 -98.5833333 P PPL MX 13 28647 2442 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12989 3530589 Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl 19.4136111 -99.0330556 P PPL MX 15 1232220 2214 America/Mexico_City 2007-01-13
+ 12990 3530590 Ciudad Miguel Alemán Ciudad Miguel Aleman 26.35 -99.1 P PPL MX 28 19857 91 America/Monterrey 2007-05-23
+ 12991 3530592 Ciudad Mendoza Ciudad Mendoza 18.8 -97.1833333 P PPL MX 30 35546 1377 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12992 3530594 Ciudad Madero Ciudad Madero 22.2666667 -97.8333333 P PPL MX 28 192736 10 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 12993 3530596 Ciudad Fernández Ciudad Fernandez 21.95 -100.0 P PPL MX 24 29671 976 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12994 3530597 Mexico City Mexico City 19.4341667 -99.1386111 P PPLC MX 09 11285654 2216 America/Mexico_City 2008-10-02
+ 12995 3530599 Ciudad del Carmen Ciudad del Carmen 18.6333333 -91.8333333 P PPL MX 04 141308 1 America/Merida 2006-11-15
+ 12996 3530617 Cintalapa de Figueroa Cintalapa de Figueroa 16.7333333 -93.7166667 P PPL MX 05 33464 702 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 12997 3530757 Cholula Cholula 19.064064852094 -98.3035182952881 P PPL MX 21 151667 2156 America/Mexico_City 2008-09-04
+ 12998 3530870 Chilpancingo de los Bravos Chilpancingo de los Bravos 17.55 -99.5 P PPL MX 12 165250 1262 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 12999 3530886 Chilapa de Alvarez Chilapa de Alvarez 17.6 -99.1666667 P PPL MX 12 23665 1430 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13000 3530908 Chignahuapan Chignahuapan 19.8333333 -98.0333333 P PPL MX 21 16138 2289 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13001 3530932 Chiconcuac Chiconcuac 19.55 -98.9 P PPL MX 15 19047 2244 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13002 3530937 Chicoloapan de Juárez Chicoloapan de Juarez 19.4166667 -98.9 P PPL MX 15 84440 2250 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13003 3530978 Chichén-Itzá Chichen-Itza 20.6666667 -88.5666667 P PPL MX 31 18000 30 America/Merida 2009-02-25
+ 13004 3531013 Chiapa de Corzo Chiapa de Corzo 16.7 -93.0 P PPL MX 05 32182 431 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13005 3531023 Chetumal Chetumal 18.5 -88.3 P PPL MX 23 134412 1 America/Cancun 2007-02-18
+ 13006 3531177 Champotón Champoton 19.35 -90.7166667 P PPL MX 04 24809 3 America/Merida 2006-01-17
+ 13007 3531200 Chalco de Díaz Covarrubias Chalco de Diaz Covarrubias 19.2666667 -98.9 P PPL MX 15 163996 2243 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13008 3531321 Cerro Azul Cerro Azul 21.2 -97.7333333 P PPL MX 30 19632 147 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13009 3531416 Catemaco Catemaco 18.4166667 -95.1166667 P PPL MX 30 24257 350 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13010 3531556 Carlos A. Carrillo Carlos A. Carrillo 18.3666667 -95.75 P PPL MX 30 17990 5 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13011 3531574 Cárdenas Cardenas 22.0 -99.6666667 P PPL MX 24 15331 1271 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13012 3531576 Cárdenas Cardenas 17.9833333 -93.3666667 P PPL MX 27 85350 20 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13013 3531598 Capulhuac Capulhuac 19.1913889 -99.4669444 P PPL MX 15 20517 2618 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13014 3531673 Cancún Cancun 21.1742875657158 -86.846559047699 P PPL MX 23 542043 5 America/Cancun 2007-02-06
+ 13015 3531732 Campeche Campeche 19.85 -90.5333333 P PPL MX 04 205212 1 America/Merida 2007-02-17
+ 13016 3531784 Calpulalpan Calpulalpan 19.5833333 -98.5833333 P PPL MX 29 29320 2607 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13017 3531865 Cadereyta Cadereyta 25.5833333 -99.9833333 P PPL MX 19 67994 323 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13018 3532254 Berriozábal Berriozabal 16.8 -93.2666667 P PPL MX 05 20952 881 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13019 3532414 Banderilla Banderilla 19.5833333 -96.9333333 P PPL MX 30 15757 1437 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13020 3532545 Axochiapan Axochiapan 18.5 -98.7666667 P PPL MX 17 17568 1017 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13021 3532592 Atlixco Atlixco 18.9081540879414 -98.4361267089844 P PPL MX 21 85891 1840 America/Mexico_City 2008-07-03
+ 13022 3532617 Atlacomulco Atlacomulco 19.7988889 -99.8744444 P PPL MX 15 22247 2556 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13023 3532624 Ciudad López Mateos Ciudad Lopez Mateos 19.5583333 -99.2613889 P PPL MX 15 521034 2326 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13024 3532792 Apizaco Apizaco 19.4166667 -98.15 P PPL MX 29 46459 2450 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13025 3532815 Apan Apan 19.7166667 -98.4166667 P PPL MX 13 26385 2646 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13026 3532881 Amozoc de Mota Amozoc de Mota 19.0333333 -98.05 P PPL MX 21 57362 2375 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13027 3532899 Amecameca de Juárez Amecameca de Juarez 19.1166667 -98.7666667 P PPL MX 15 31718 2485 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13028 3532964 Alvarado Alvarado 18.7666667 -95.7666667 P PPL MX 30 21518 -9999 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13029 3532969 Altotonga Altotonga 19.7666667 -97.2333333 P PPL MX 30 15800 1782 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13030 3532989 Altepexi Altepexi 18.35 -97.3166667 P PPL MX 21 16587 1291 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13031 3533005 Altamira Altamira 22.4 -97.9166667 P PPL MX 28 54954 20 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13032 3533056 Allende Allende 18.15 -94.4 P PPL MX 30 21398 2 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13033 3533107 Álamo Alamo 20.9166667 -97.6833333 P PPL MX 30 22740 33 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13034 3533126 Ajalpan Ajalpan 18.3666667 -97.25 P PPL MX 21 24218 1188 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13035 3533269 Agua Dulce Agua Dulce 18.1333333 -94.1333333 P PPL MX 30 36119 18 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13036 3533389 Actopan Actopan 20.2666667 -98.9333333 P PPL MX 13 26705 2000 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13037 3533426 Acayucan Acayucan 17.95 -94.9166667 P PPL MX 30 46990 91 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13038 3533433 Acatzingo de Hidalgo Acatzingo de Hidalgo 18.9833333 -97.7833333 P PPL MX 21 22386 2135 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13039 3533440 Acatlán de Osorio Acatlan de Osorio 18.2 -98.05 P PPL MX 21 16292 1170 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13040 3533462 Acapulco de Juárez Acapulco de Juarez 16.8633623899124 -99.8900985717773 P PPL MX 12 652136 37 America/Mazatlan 2008-08-01
+ 13041 3533486 Acajete Acajete 19.1 -97.95 P PPL MX 21 18068 2398 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13042 3762770 San Antonio de la Cal San Antonio de la Cal 17.0308333 -96.6975 P PPL MX 20 15673 1588 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13043 3792044 Hidalgo Hidalgo 25.8425 -99.6161111 P PPL MX 19 15227 204 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13044 3802739 Río de Teapa Rio de Teapa 17.7875 -92.8958333 P PPL MX 27 26500 23 America/Mexico_City 2006-06-14
+ 13045 3815324 Huamantla Huamantla 19.3152778 -97.925 P PPL MX 29 45903 2496 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13046 3815392 Zacatelco Zacatelco 19.2152778 -98.2388889 P PPL MX 29 32571 2223 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13047 3815415 Tlaxcala Tlaxcala 19.3138889 -98.2416667 P PPL MX 29 84670 2256 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13048 3815447 Papalotla Papalotla 19.1625 -98.2041667 P PPL MX 29 20759 2252 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13049 3815453 Vicente Guerrero Vicente Guerrero 19.1194444 -98.1708333 P PPL MX 29 52591 2292 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13050 3816721 Tonalá Tonala 16.0833333 -93.75 P PPL MX 05 32855 84 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13051 3816739 Arriaga Arriaga 16.2333333 -93.9 P PPL MX 05 22820 78 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13052 3827254 San Mateo Otzacatipan San Mateo Otzacatipan 19.3272222 -99.6066667 P PPL MX 15 18823 2595 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13053 3827256 San María Totoltepec San Maria Totoltepec 19.305 -99.5925 P PPL MX 15 18779 2596 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13054 3827414 Huixquilucan Huixquilucan 19.3602778 -99.3513889 P PPL MX 15 124846 2694 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13055 3827586 Melchor Ocampo Melchor Ocampo 19.6997222 -99.1475 P PPL MX 15 34489 2239 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13056 3827588 Huilango Huilango 19.6869444 -99.25 P PPL MX 15 15551 2290 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13057 3827596 Santiago Teyahualco Santiago Teyahualco 19.6588889 -99.1269444 P PPL MX 15 41757 2239 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13058 3976775 Gabriel Leyva Solano Gabriel Leyva Solano 25.6666667 -108.6416667 P PPL MX 25 27536 22 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13059 3976999 Cihuatlán Cihuatlan 19.2366049501405 -104.565124511719 P PPL MX 14 16520 39 America/Mexico_City 2008-07-18
+ 13060 3979505 Guadalupe Victoria Guadalupe Victoria 32.2869444 -115.105 P PPL MX 02 18244 12 America/Tijuana 2006-01-17
+ 13061 3979673 Zihuatanejo Zihuatanejo 17.6333333 -101.55 P PPL MX 12 61308 1 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13062 3979717 Zapotlanejo Zapotlanejo 20.6333333 -103.0666667 P PPL MX 14 29055 1505 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13063 3979727 Zapotiltic Zapotiltic 19.6166667 -103.4333333 P PPL MX 14 22199 1343 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13064 3979770 Zapopan Zapopan 20.7166667 -103.4 P PPL MX 14 987516 1571 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-18
+ 13065 3979802 Zamora de Hidalgo Zamora de Hidalgo 19.9833333 -102.2666667 P PPL MX 16 124916 1590 America/Mexico_City 2006-05-10
+ 13066 3979822 Zacoalco de Torres Zacoalco de Torres 20.2333333 -103.5833333 P PPL MX 14 16468 1363 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13067 3979844 Zacatecas Zacatecas 22.7755879690282 -102.572178840637 P PPL MX 32 118562 2483 America/Mexico_City 2007-03-20
+ 13068 3979846 Zacapú Zacapu 19.8333333 -101.7166667 P PPL MX 16 50112 1973 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13069 3979855 Yuriria Yuriria 20.2 -101.15 P PPL MX 11 21775 1797 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13070 3979856 Yurécuaro Yurecuaro 20.3333333 -102.3 P PPL MX 16 20833 1579 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13071 3980174 Villagrán Villagran 20.5166667 -100.9833333 P PPL MX 11 24155 1773 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13072 3980180 Villa Frontera Villa Frontera 26.9333333 -101.45 P PPL MX 07 64976 577 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13073 3980190 Villa de García Villa de Garcia 25.8166667 -100.5833333 P PPL MX 19 26950 703 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13074 3980194 Villa de Alvarez Villa de Alvarez 19.25 -103.7333333 P PPL MX 08 95048 496 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13075 3980605 Valle de Santiago Valle de Santiago 20.3833333 -101.2 P PPL MX 11 60528 1795 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13076 3980621 Valle de Bravo Valle de Bravo 19.1833333 -100.1333333 P PPL MX 15 28280 1780 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13077 3980760 Uruapan del Progreso Uruapan del Progreso 19.4166667 -102.0666667 P PPL MX 16 237308 1664 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13078 3980777 Uriangato Uriangato 20.15 -101.1833333 P PPL MX 11 49745 1801 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13079 3980844 Tuxpan Tuxpan 19.55 -103.4 P PPL MX 14 25662 1157 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13080 3981254 Torreón Torreon 25.55 -103.4333333 P PPL MX 07 524066 1129 America/Monterrey 2006-11-05
+ 13081 3981369 Tonalá Tonala 20.6166667 -103.2333333 P PPL MX 14 401509 1595 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13082 3981461 Tlaquepaque Tlaquepaque 20.65 -103.3166667 P PPL MX 14 493646 1572 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-07
+ 13083 3981467 Tlajomulco de Zúñiga Tlajomulco de Zuniga 20.4666667 -103.45 P PPL MX 14 17025 1587 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13084 3981609 Tijuana Tijuana 32.5333333 -117.0166667 P PPL MX 02 1376457 32 America/Tijuana 2007-09-05
+ 13085 3981791 Tesistán Tesistan 20.7833333 -103.4833333 P PPL MX 14 29253 1591 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13086 3981885 Tequila Tequila 20.8833333 -103.8333333 P PPL MX 14 25283 1226 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13087 3981941 Tepic Tepic 21.5 -104.9 P PPL MX 18 280592 966 America/Mazatlan 2006-11-05
+ 13088 3981984 Tepatitlán de Morelos Tepatitlan de Morelos 20.8166667 -102.7333333 P PPL MX 14 83694 1836 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13089 3982007 Tepalcatepec Tepalcatepec 19.1833333 -102.85 P PPL MX 16 15281 380 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13090 3982034 Teocaltiche Teocaltiche 21.4333333 -102.5833333 P PPL MX 14 22646 1749 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13091 3982121 Tejupilco de Hidalgo Tejupilco de Hidalgo 18.9 -100.15 P PPL MX 15 25036 1295 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13092 3982213 Tecomán Tecoman 18.9166667 -103.8833333 P PPL MX 08 79579 31 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13093 3982266 Tecate Tecate 32.5666667 -116.6333333 P PPL MX 02 58300 521 America/Tijuana 2006-01-17
+ 13094 3982545 Tangancícuaro de Arista Tangancicuaro de Arista 19.9 -102.1333333 P PPL MX 16 15182 1759 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13095 3982567 Tamazula de Gordiano Tamazula de Gordiano 19.6333333 -103.25 P PPL MX 14 18397 1203 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13096 3982616 Tala Tala 20.6666667 -103.7 P PPL MX 14 30942 1355 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13097 3982693 Tacámbaro de Codallos Tacambaro de Codallos 19.2333333 -101.4666667 P PPL MX 16 21059 1603 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13098 3982887 Sombrerete Sombrerete 23.6333333 -103.65 P PPL MX 32 18805 2299 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13099 3982912 Soledad Díez Gutiérrez Soledad Diez Gutierrez 22.2 -100.95 P PPL MX 24 194006 1851 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13100 3983058 Silao Silao 20.9333333 -101.4333333 P PPL MX 11 65195 1793 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13101 3983216 Sayula Sayula 19.8666667 -103.6166667 P PPL MX 14 25312 1553 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13102 3983636 Santiago Ixcuintla Santiago Ixcuintla 21.8166667 -105.2166667 P PPL MX 18 18365 15 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13103 3983671 Santiago Santiago 25.4166667 -100.15 P PPL MX 19 35968 486 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13104 3983820 Santa Rosa de Jáuregui Santa Rosa de Jauregui 20.7333333 -100.45 P PPL MX 22 17091 1976 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13105 3984237 Santa Isabel Santa Isabel 28.3833333 -113.35 P PPL MX 02 21152 746 America/Tijuana 2006-01-17
+ 13106 3984583 Santa Catarina Santa Catarina 25.6833333 -100.4666667 P PPL MX 19 254472 699 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13107 3984791 San Sebastián el Grande San Sebastian el Grande 20.5166667 -103.4166667 P PPL MX 14 15465 1593 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13108 3985129 San Pedro San Pedro 25.4333333 -103.2166667 P PPL MX 07 41165 1141 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13109 3985241 San Nicolás de los Garzas San Nicolas de los Garzas 25.75 -100.3 P PPL MX 19 507816 501 America/Monterrey 2006-11-07
+ 13110 3985323 San Miguel el Alto San Miguel el Alto 21.0166667 -102.35 P PPL MX 14 22204 1890 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13111 3985327 San Miguel Papasquiaro San Miguel Papasquiaro 24.8325 -105.3363889 P PPL MX 10 22750 1843 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13112 3985344 San Miguel de Allende San Miguel de Allende 20.9166667 -100.75 P PPL MX 11 66311 1889 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13113 3985604 San Luis Río Colorado San Luis Rio Colorado 32.4630556 -114.7766667 P PPL MX 26 139254 34 America/Hermosillo 2006-11-15
+ 13114 3985606 San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosi 22.15 -100.9833333 P PPL MX 24 677704 1893 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-18
+ 13115 3985621 San Luis de la Paz San Luis de la Paz 21.3 -100.5166667 P PPL MX 12 47321 2014 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13116 3985710 San Lucas San Lucas 22.8908832500286 -109.912376403809 P PPL MX 03 42601 30 America/Mazatlan 2009-06-05
+ 13117 3985865 San Juan de los Lagos San Juan de los Lagos 21.25 -102.3 P PPL MX 14 45671 1770 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13118 3986088 San José Iturbide San Jose Iturbide 21.0 -100.3833333 P PPL MX 11 16702 2105 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13119 3986172 San José del Cabo San Jose del Cabo 23.05 -109.6833333 P PPL MX 03 48518 -9999 America/Mazatlan 2009-06-05
+ 13120 3986984 San Francisco del Rincón San Francisco del Rincon 21.0166667 -101.85 P PPL MX 11 66949 1751 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13121 3987224 San Felipe San Felipe 31.0 -114.8666667 P PPL MX 02 15386 65 America/Tijuana 2006-01-17
+ 13122 3987246 San Felipe San Felipe 21.4833333 -101.2166667 P PPL MX 11 26072 2092 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13123 3987500 San Buenaventura San Buenaventura 27.0833333 -101.5333333 P PPL MX 07 18822 489 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13124 3988025 San Agustín San Agustin 20.5333333 -103.4666667 P PPL MX 14 15107 1592 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13125 3988050 Salvatierra Salvatierra 20.2166667 -100.8833333 P PPL MX 11 32972 1795 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13126 3988086 Saltillo Saltillo 25.4166667 -101.0 P PPL MX 07 621250 1596 America/Monterrey 2007-02-17
+ 13127 3988214 Salamanca Salamanca 20.5666667 -101.2 P PPL MX 11 138614 1715 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13128 3988258 Sahuayo de José María Morelos Sahuayo de Jose Maria Morelos 20.0666667 -102.7166667 P PPL MX 16 58513 1589 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13129 3988327 Sabinas Hidalgo Sabinas Hidalgo 26.5 -100.1666667 P PPL MX 19 32047 298 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13130 3988333 Sabinas Sabinas 27.85 -101.1166667 P PPL MX 07 49199 336 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13131 3988392 Rosarito Rosarito 32.3333333 -117.0333333 P PPL MX 02 66020 105 America/Tijuana 2009-06-29
+ 13132 3988462 Romita Romita 20.8666667 -101.5166667 P PPL MX 11 19351 1788 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13133 3988594 Río Grande Rio Grande 23.8333333 -103.0333333 P PPL MX 32 29841 1864 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13134 3988651 Rincón de Romos Rincon de Romos 22.2333333 -102.3 P PPL MX 01 24683 1947 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13135 3991043 Ramos Arizpe Ramos Arizpe 25.55 -100.9666667 P PPL MX 07 38258 1402 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13136 3991164 Querétaro Queretaro 20.6 -100.3833333 P PPL MX 22 611785 1868 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13137 3991219 Puruándiro Puruandiro 20.0833333 -101.5 P PPL MX 16 28350 1941 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13138 3991328 Puerto Vallarta Puerto Vallarta 20.620413645052 -105.230655670166 P PPL MX 14 187134 32 America/Mexico_City 2008-05-14
+ 13139 3991347 Puerto Peñasco Puerto Penasco 31.3166667 -113.5333333 P PPL MX 26 33875 5 America/Hermosillo 2006-01-17
+ 13140 3992619 Piedras Negras Piedras Negras 28.7 -100.5166667 P PPL MX 07 139619 222 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 13141 3992842 Petatlán Petatlan 17.5166667 -101.2666667 P PPL MX 12 21038 60 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13142 3992986 Pénjamo Penjamo 20.4333333 -101.7333333 P PPL MX 11 33509 1788 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13143 3993179 Pátzcuaro Patzcuaro 19.5166667 -101.6 P PPL MX 16 49016 2188 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13144 3993335 Parras de la Fuente Parras de la Fuente 25.4166667 -102.1833333 P PPL MX 07 32253 1605 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13145 3993457 Paracho de Verduzco Paracho de Verduzco 19.65 -102.0666667 P PPL MX 16 15965 2238 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13146 3993893 Palau Palau 27.9166667 -101.4166667 P PPL MX 07 16904 402 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13147 3994469 Ojinaga Ojinaga 29.5666667 -104.4166667 P PPL MX 06 22128 782 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13148 3994489 Ocotlán Ocotlan 20.35 -102.7666667 P PPL MX 14 81527 1550 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13149 3994604 Nuevo México Nuevo Mexico 20.75 -103.4333333 P PPL MX 14 28135 1638 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13150 3994616 Nuevo Casas Grandes Nuevo Casas Grandes 30.4166667 -107.9166667 P PPL MX 06 51356 1457 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13151 3994667 Nueva Rosita Nueva Rosita 27.95 -101.2166667 P PPL MX 07 36642 385 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13152 3994674 Nueva Italia de Ruiz Nueva Italia de Ruiz 19.0166667 -102.1 P PPL MX 16 31424 403 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13153 3994912 Nochistlán Nochistlan 21.3666667 -102.85 P PPL MX 32 15613 1871 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13154 3995017 Navolato Navolato 24.7672222 -107.6944444 P PPL MX 25 28457 17 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13155 3995050 Nava Nava 28.4166667 -100.7666667 P PPL MX 07 18639 325 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13156 3995343 Moroleón Moroleon 20.1333333 -101.2 P PPL MX 11 40063 1829 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13157 3995402 Morelia Morelia 19.700778906133 -101.184425354004 P PPL MX 16 592797 1906 America/Mexico_City 2008-09-05
+ 13158 3995465 Monterrey Monterrey 25.6666667 -100.3166667 P PPL MX 19 1122874 563 America/Monterrey 2008-05-10
+ 13159 3995523 Monclova Monclova 26.9 -101.4166667 P PPL MX 07 195764 614 America/Monterrey 2006-05-05
+ 13160 3996069 Mexicali Mexicali 32.6519444 -115.4683333 P PPL MX 02 597099 2 America/Tijuana 2007-02-17
+ 13161 3996234 Meoqui Meoqui 28.2833333 -105.4833333 P PPL MX 06 21179 1148 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13162 3996271 Melchor Múzquiz Melchor Muzquiz 27.8833333 -101.5166667 P PPL MX 07 32799 491 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13163 3996322 Mazatlán Mazatlan 23.2166667 -106.4166667 P PPL MX 25 354717 1 America/Mazatlan 2009-08-07
+ 13164 3996387 Matehuala Matehuala 23.65 -100.65 P PPL MX 24 67717 1583 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13165 3996426 Matamoros Matamoros 25.5333333 -103.25 P PPL MX 07 46282 1123 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13166 3996595 Marfil Marfil 21.0 -101.2833333 P PPL MX 11 15241 1983 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13167 3996626 Maravatío Maravatio 19.9 -100.45 P PPL MX 16 30412 2057 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13168 3996663 Manzanillo Manzanillo 19.0501110721812 -104.318790435791 P PPL MX 08 110735 70 America/Mexico_City 2008-11-12
+ 13169 3996737 Maneadero Maneadero 31.7166667 -116.5666667 P PPL MX 02 17861 47 America/Tijuana 2006-01-17
+ 13170 3996893 Magdalena de Kino Magdalena de Kino 30.6333333 -110.95 P PPL MX 26 23359 798 America/Hermosillo 2006-01-17
+ 13171 3996956 Madera Madera 29.2 -108.1166667 P PPL MX 06 16087 2049 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13172 3997220 Los Reyes Los Reyes 19.7333333 -100.2666667 P PPL MX 16 37439 2826 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13173 3997479 Los Mochis Los Mochis 25.7666667 -108.9666667 P PPL MX 25 214601 15 America/Mazatlan 2006-05-05
+ 13174 3998291 Loreto Loreto 22.2666667 -101.9666667 P PPL MX 32 19779 2082 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13175 3998655 León Leon 21.1166667 -101.6666667 P PPL MX 11 1114626 1801 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 13176 3999325 Las Pintas de Arriba Las Pintas de Arriba 20.5666667 -103.3166667 P PPL MX 14 16503 1578 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13177 4000821 La Piedad Cavadas La Piedad Cavadas 20.35 -102.0 P PPL MX 16 70238 1646 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13178 4000900 La Paz La Paz 24.1666667 -110.3 P PPL MX 03 171485 42 America/Mazatlan 2006-05-10
+ 13179 4001056 La Orilla La Orilla 17.9833333 -102.2333333 P PPL MX 16 16178 25 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13180 4002224 Lagos de Moreno Lagos de Moreno 21.35 -101.9166667 P PPL MX 14 84677 1873 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13181 4003526 La Barca La Barca 20.2833333 -102.5666667 P PPL MX 14 34449 1555 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13182 4003662 Juventino Rosas Juventino Rosas 20.65 -101.0 P PPL MX 11 38198 1787 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13183 4003908 Jocotepec Jocotepec 20.3 -103.4333333 P PPL MX 14 16459 1716 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13184 4003923 Jiquilpan de Juárez Jiquilpan de Juarez 19.9833333 -102.7166667 P PPL MX 16 25620 1606 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13185 4003938 Jiménez Jimenez 28.3333333 -105.4 P PPL MX 06 31054 1130 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13186 4004024 Jerez de García Salinas Jerez de Garcia Salinas 22.65 -103.0 P PPL MX 32 37835 1997 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13187 4004092 Jaral del Progreso Jaral del Progreso 20.3666667 -101.0666667 P PPL MX 11 17748 1788 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13188 4004126 Jamay Jamay 20.3 -102.7166667 P PPL MX 14 16310 1594 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13189 4004153 Jalostotitlán Jalostotitlan 21.2 -102.4666667 P PPL MX 14 22407 1777 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13190 4004267 Ixtlán del Río Ixtlan del Rio 21.0333333 -104.3666667 P PPL MX 18 21646 1082 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13191 4004293 Ixtapa Ixtapa 20.7 -105.2 P PPL MX 14 18717 78 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13192 4004330 Irapuato Irapuato 20.6833333 -101.35 P PPL MX 11 339554 1755 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13193 4004555 Huetamo de Núñez Huetamo de Nunez 18.5833333 -100.8833333 P PPL MX 16 21899 278 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13194 4004647 Huatabampo Huatabampo 26.8333333 -109.6333333 P PPL MX 26 30426 8 America/Hermosillo 2006-01-17
+ 13195 4004867 Hidalgo del Parral Hidalgo del Parral 26.9333333 -105.6666667 P PPL MX 06 101768 1726 America/Chihuahua 2006-11-15
+ 13196 4004885 Heroica Zitácuaro Heroica Zitacuaro 19.4 -100.3666667 P PPL MX 16 78950 1994 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13197 4004886 Heroica Nogales Heroica Nogales 31.3333333 -110.9333333 P PPL MX 26 185882 1273 America/Phoenix 2006-11-15
+ 13198 4004887 Heroica Caborca Heroica Caborca 30.7166667 -112.15 P PPL MX 26 52896 289 America/Hermosillo 2006-01-17
+ 13199 4004898 Hermosillo Hermosillo 29.0666667 -110.9666667 P PPL MX 26 595811 195 America/Hermosillo 2007-02-17
+ 13200 4005143 Guaymas Guaymas 27.9333333 -110.9 P PPL MX 26 103449 118 America/Hermosillo 2006-05-19
+ 13201 4005219 Guasave Guasave 25.5666667 -108.45 P PPL MX 25 68449 19 America/Mazatlan 2006-11-15
+ 13202 4005270 Guanajuato Guanajuato 21.0166667 -101.25 P PPL MX 11 78364 2142 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 13203 4005297 Guamúchil Guamuchil 25.4666667 -108.1 P PPL MX 25 59276 47 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13204 4005492 Guadalupe Guadalupe 25.6833333 -100.25 P PPL MX 19 724921 488 America/Monterrey 2006-11-07
+ 13205 4005509 Guadalupe Guadalupe 22.75 -102.5166667 P PPL MX 32 94089 2292 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13206 4005539 Guadalajara Guadalajara 20.6666667 -103.3333333 P PPL MX 14 1640589 1545 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-17
+ 13207 4005775 Gómez Palacio Gomez Palacio 25.5666667 -103.5 P PPL MX 10 228577 1139 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13208 4005864 General Juan José Ríos General Juan Jose Rios 25.75 -108.8333333 P PPL MX 25 26380 3 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13209 4005867 General Escobedo General Escobedo 25.8166667 -100.3333333 P PPL MX 19 308206 505 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 13210 4005937 Garza García Garza Garcia 25.6666667 -100.4 P PPL MX 19 130646 614 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13211 4006163 Fresnillo de González Echeverría Fresnillo de Gonzalez Echeverria 23.1666667 -102.8833333 P PPL MX 32 105488 2197 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13212 4006622 Escuinapa de Hidalgo Escuinapa de Hidalgo 22.85 -105.8 P PPL MX 25 28248 30 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13213 4006702 Ensenada Ensenada 31.8666667 -116.6166667 P PPL MX 02 256565 27 America/Tijuana 2007-02-17
+ 13214 4006783 Encarnación de Díaz Encarnacion de Diaz 21.5166667 -102.2333333 P PPL MX 14 21861 1820 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13215 4006806 Empalme Empalme 27.9666667 -110.8166667 P PPL MX 26 38599 23 America/Hermosillo 2006-01-17
+ 13216 4007676 El Salto El Salto 23.3833333 -105.3833333 P PPL MX 10 19363 1801 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13217 4007684 El Salto El Salto 20.3333333 -104.5 P PPL MX 14 22550 1537 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13218 4008303 El Pueblito El Pueblito 20.5333333 -100.45 P PPL MX 22 47201 1873 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13219 4009697 El Grullo El Grullo 19.8 -104.2166667 P PPL MX 14 21031 843 America/Mexico_City 2007-01-28
+ 13220 4011743 Durango Durango 24.0333333 -104.6666667 P PPL MX 10 457140 1895 America/Monterrey 2007-02-17
+ 13221 4012176 Culiacán Culiacan 24.7994444 -107.3897222 P PPL MX 25 582469 71 America/Mazatlan 2007-02-17
+ 13222 4012406 Cuauhtémoc Cuauhtemoc 28.4166667 -106.8666667 P PPL MX 06 90835 2034 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13223 4012693 Costa Rica Costa Rica 24.5875 -107.3875 P PPL MX 25 21662 30 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13224 4012721 Cortazar Cortazar 20.4833333 -100.9333333 P PPL MX 11 56360 1796 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13225 4013085 Compostela Compostela 21.2333333 -104.9166667 P PPL MX 18 16162 890 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13226 4013094 Comonfort Comonfort 20.7166667 -100.7666667 P PPL MX 11 22300 1793 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13227 4013516 Colima Colima 19.2333333 -103.7166667 P PPL MX 08 127235 482 America/Mexico_City 2007-02-18
+ 13228 4013704 Ciudad Obregón Ciudad Obregon 27.4833333 -109.9333333 P PPL MX 26 258162 38 America/Hermosillo 2006-05-05
+ 13229 4013706 Ciudad Lerdo Ciudad Lerdo 25.5333333 -103.5333333 P PPL MX 10 63530 1167 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 13230 4013708 Ciudad Juárez Ciudad Juarez 31.7333333 -106.4833333 P PPL MX MX 06 1512354 1144 America/Chihuahua 2009-04-07
+ 13231 4013712 Ciudad Hidalgo Ciudad Hidalgo 19.6833333 -100.5666667 P PPL MX 16 54993 2086 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13232 4013714 Ciudad Guzmán Ciudad Guzman 19.6833333 -103.4833333 P PPL MX 14 88799 1572 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13233 4013720 Ciudad Delicias Ciudad Delicias 28.190134905189 -105.470123291016 P PPL MX 06 102969 1178 America/Chihuahua 2008-07-26
+ 13234 4013723 Ciudad Constitución Ciudad Constitucion 25.0369444 -111.6644444 P PPL MX 03 39915 60 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13235 4013724 Ciudad Camargo Ciudad Camargo 27.6666667 -105.1666667 P PPL MX 06 37743 1240 America/Chihuahua 2006-01-17
+ 13236 4013726 Ciudad Anáhuac Ciudad Anahuac 27.2333333 -100.15 P PPL MX 19 17181 192 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13237 4013727 Ciudad Altamirano Ciudad Altamirano 18.3166667 -100.65 P PPL MX 12 24533 246 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13238 4013728 Ciudad Acuña Ciudad Acuna 29.3 -100.9166667 P PPL MX 07 144669 294 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 13239 4014338 Chihuahua Chihuahua 28.6333333 -106.0833333 P PPL MX 06 708267 1434 America/Chihuahua 2007-02-17
+ 13240 4014553 Chapala Chapala 20.3 -103.2 P PPL MX 14 20323 1564 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13241 4014875 Celaya Celaya 20.5166667 -100.8166667 P PPL MX 11 305901 1765 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13242 4015022 Castaños Castanos 26.7833333 -101.4166667 P PPL MX 07 20809 745 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13243 4015700 Cananea Cananea 30.95 -110.3 P PPL MX 26 33433 1576 America/Hermosillo 2006-01-17
+ 13244 4015938 Campo Gobierno Campo Gobierno 24.6536111 -107.5411111 P PPL MX 25 20985 20 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13245 4016086 Calvillo Calvillo 21.85 -102.7166667 P PPL MX 01 19663 1656 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13246 4016132 Calera Víctor Rosales Calera Victor Rosales 22.95 -102.7 P PPL MX 32 25898 2149 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13247 4017957 Autlán de Navarro Autlan de Navarro 19.7666667 -104.3666667 P PPL MX 14 42155 961 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13248 4017984 Atoyac de Alvarez Atoyac de Alvarez 17.2 -100.4333333 P PPL MX 12 20515 78 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13249 4017992 Atotonilco el Alto Atotonilco el Alto 20.55 -102.5166667 P PPL MX 14 27010 1596 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13250 4018227 Armería Armeria 18.9333333 -103.9666667 P PPL MX 08 16953 44 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13251 4018320 Arcelia Arcelia 18.2833333 -100.2666667 P PPL MX 12 16940 493 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13252 4018348 Arandas Arandas 20.7 -102.35 P PPL MX 14 43342 2051 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13253 4018390 Apodaca Apodaca 25.7666667 -100.2 P PPL MX 19 352064 435 America/Monterrey 2006-11-15
+ 13254 4018400 Apatzingán de la Constitución Apatzingan de la Constitucion 19.0833333 -102.35 P PPL MX 16 98422 365 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13255 4018403 Apaseo el Grande Apaseo el Grande 20.5666667 -100.7 P PPL MX 11 22636 1790 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13256 4018404 Apaseo el Alto Apaseo el Alto 20.45 -100.6166667 P PPL MX 11 25577 1889 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13257 4018582 Ameca Ameca 20.55 -104.0333333 P PPL MX 14 35867 1244 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13258 4018761 Allende Allende 28.3333333 -100.85 P PPL MX 07 19636 382 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13259 4018762 Allende Allende 25.2833333 -100.0166667 P PPL MX 19 22609 469 America/Monterrey 2006-01-17
+ 13260 4019233 Aguascalientes Aguascalientes 21.8833333 -102.3 P PPL MX 01 658179 1879 America/Mexico_City 2006-07-13
+ 13261 4019260 Agua Prieta Agua Prieta 31.3 -109.5666667 P PPL MX 26 68446 1150 America/Hermosillo 2006-11-15
+ 13262 4019819 Acaponeta Acaponeta 22.4963889 -105.3594444 P PPL MX 18 18564 54 America/Mazatlan 2006-01-17
+ 13263 4019827 Acámbaro Acambaro 20.0333333 -100.7333333 P PPL MX 11 56263 1865 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13264 4019869 Abasolo Abasolo 20.45 -101.5166667 P PPL MX 11 25821 1790 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13265 4023117 Dolores Hidalgo Dolores Hidalgo 21.1561111 -100.9308333 P PPL MX 11 55138 1925 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13266 4026075 Las Guacamayas Las Guacamayas 18.0166667 -102.2166667 P PPL MX 16 39447 59 America/Mexico_City 2006-01-17
+ 13267 4026082 Lázaro Cárdenas Lazaro Cardenas 17.9583333 -102.2 P PPL MX 16 84001 4 America/Mexico_City 2006-11-15
+ 13268 1222396 Kuah Kuah 6.3166667 99.85 P PPL MY 02 30212 80 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13269 1732602 Jerantut Jerantut 3.9333333 102.3666667 P PPL MY 06 33606 109 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13270 1732663 Raub Raub 3.8 101.8666667 P PPL MY 06 40024 222 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13271 1732687 Batu Pahat Batu Pahat 1.85 102.9333333 P PPL MY 01 156236 2 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13272 1732698 Parit Raja Parit Raja 1.8666667 103.1166667 P PPL MY 01 17441 3 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13273 1732706 Pekan Nanas Pekan Nanas 1.5166667 103.5166667 P PPL MY 01 23292 15 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13274 1732711 Pontian Kecil Pontian Kecil 1.4833333 103.3833333 P PPL MY 01 50836 -9999 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13275 1732721 Kampung Pasir Gudang Kampung Pasir Gudang 1.45 103.8833333 P PPL MY 01 145639 -9999 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13276 1732738 Kota Tinggi Kota Tinggi 1.7333333 103.9 P PPL MY 01 52743 6 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13277 1732741 Senai Senai 1.6 103.65 P PPL MY 01 73176 13 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13278 1732742 Kulai Kulai 1.6666667 103.6 P PPL MY 01 63762 27 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13279 1732745 Sekudai Sekudai 1.5333333 103.6666667 P PPL MY 01 159733 9 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13280 1732752 Johor Bahru Johor Bahru 1.4666667 103.75 P PPLA MY 01 802489 5 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-02-17
+ 13281 1732811 Keluang Keluang 2.0333333 103.3166667 P PPL MY 01 169828 29 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-05-09
+ 13282 1732814 Yong Peng Yong Peng 2.0166667 103.0666667 P PPL MY 06 27138 12 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13283 1732826 Mersing Mersing 2.4333333 103.8333333 P PPL MY 01 22007 12 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13284 1732846 Segamat Segamat 2.5 102.8166667 P PPL MY 01 69816 14 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13285 1732857 Tangkak Tangkak 2.2666667 102.55 P PPL MY 01 35109 30 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13286 1732869 Muar Muar 2.0333333 102.5666667 P PPL MY 01 127897 4 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-05-10
+ 13287 1732871 Bakri Bakri 2.05 102.6666667 P PPL MY 01 30280 25 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13288 1732877 Labis Labis 2.3833333 103.0333333 P PPL MY 01 21906 56 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13289 1732891 Kuala Selangor Kuala Selangor 3.35 101.25 P PPL MY 12 55887 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13290 1732892 Batang Berjuntai Batang Berjuntai 3.3833333 101.4166667 P PPL MY 00 20001 27 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13291 1732893 Batu Arang Batu Arang 3.3166667 101.4666667 P PPL MY 00 22579 76 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13292 1732903 Shah Alam Shah Alam 3.08506558481303 101.53281211853 P PPL MY 12 481654 76 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-04-19
+ 13293 1732905 Klang Klang 3.0333333 101.45 P PPLA MY 12 879867 6 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-01-01
+ 13294 1732945 Cukai Cukai 4.25 103.4166667 P PPL MY 13 82425 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13295 1733023 Kuala Lipis Kuala Lipis 4.1833333 102.05 P PPL MY 06 15448 75 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13296 1733353 Papar Papar 5.7333333 115.9333333 P PPL MY 16 19278 11 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13297 1733432 Kota Kinabalu Kota Kinabalu 5.9833333 116.0666667 P PPLA MY 16 457326 9 Asia/Kuching 2007-02-17
+ 13298 1733438 Donggongon Donggongon 5.9166667 116.0833333 P PPL MY 16 71585 114 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13299 1733440 Putatan Putatan 5.8833333 116.05 P PPL MY 16 78340 17 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13300 1733449 Kinarut Kinarut 5.8166667 116.05 P PPL MY 16 15716 150 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13301 1733502 Ranau Ranau 5.9666667 116.6833333 P PPL MY 16 19294 1373 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13302 1733697 Semporna Semporna 4.4811111 118.6158333 P PPL MY 16 62641 2 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13303 1733782 Victoria Victoria 5.2766667 115.2416667 P PPLA MY 15 73653 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13304 1733874 Beaufort Beaufort 5.3333333 115.75 P PPL MY 16 15855 96 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13305 1733953 Lahad Datu Lahad Datu 5.0333333 118.3166667 P PPL MY 00 105622 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13306 1734052 Sandakan Sandakan 5.8333333 118.1166667 P PPL MY 16 392288 -9999 Asia/Kuching 2006-11-07
+ 13307 1734098 Keningau Keningau 5.3333333 116.1666667 P PPL MY 16 77650 389 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13308 1734199 Tawau Tawau 4.25 117.9 P PPL MY 16 306462 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13309 1734313 Paka Paka 4.65 103.4333333 P PPL MY 13 21044 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13310 1734316 Kertih Kertih 4.5166667 103.45 P PPL MY 13 24401 37 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13311 1734393 Kulim Kulim 5.3666667 100.5666667 P PPL MY 02 170889 60 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13312 1734409 Bagan Serai Bagan Serai 5.0166667 100.5333333 P PPL MY 07 20476 111 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13313 1734439 Bedung Bedung 5.7333333 100.5166667 P PPL MY 02 47585 54 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13314 1734576 Simpang Empat Simpang Empat 4.95 100.6333333 P PPL MY 07 58004 206 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13315 1734586 Taiping Taiping 4.85 100.7333333 P PPL MY 07 217647 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13316 1734599 Kuala Kangsar Kuala Kangsar 4.7666667 100.9333333 P PPL MY 07 39331 55 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13317 1734634 Ipoh Ipoh 4.5833333 101.0833333 P PPLA MY 07 673318 47 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-02-17
+ 13318 1734651 Gua Musang Gua Musang 4.8833333 101.9666667 P PPL MY 03 19731 148 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13319 1734705 Kuala Terengganu Kuala Terengganu 5.3333333 103.1333333 P PPLA MY 13 285065 -9999 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13320 1734715 Marang Marang 5.2 103.2166667 P PPL MY 13 21410 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13321 1734738 Tampin Tampin 2.4666667 102.2333333 P PPL MY 05 28238 64 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13322 1734745 Alur Gajah Alur Gajah 2.3833333 102.2166667 P PPL MY 04 20163 30 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13323 1734753 Air Keruh Air Keruh 2.2666667 102.2833333 P PPL MY 04 37716 14 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13324 1734757 Sungai Udang Sungai Udang 2.2666667 102.15 P PPL MY 04 26044 12 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13325 1734759 Melaka Melaka 2.1969444 102.2480556 P PPLA MY 04 180671 -9999 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-02-17
+ 13326 1734781 Banting Banting 2.8166667 101.5 P PPL MY 00 75454 15 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13327 1734793 Jenjarum Jenjarum 2.8833333 101.5 P PPL MY 12 24857 11 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13328 1734798 Semenyih Semenyih 2.95 101.85 P PPL MY 00 80574 44 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13329 1734810 Seremban Seremban 2.7166667 101.9333333 P PPLA MY 05 372917 89 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-07
+ 13330 1734815 Port Dickson Port Dickson 2.5166667 101.8 P PPL MY 05 89198 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13331 1734839 Bahau Bahau 2.8166667 102.4166667 P PPL MY 05 31273 62 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13332 1734841 Kuala Pilah Kuala Pilah 2.7333333 102.25 P PPL MY 05 19510 99 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-08-02
+ 13333 1734971 Pekan Pekan 3.5 103.4166667 P PPL MY 06 31826 -9999 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13334 1735018 Mentekab Mentekab 3.4833333 102.35 P PPL MY 06 42171 61 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13335 1735022 Temerluh Temerluh 3.45 102.4166667 P PPL MY 06 59916 34 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13336 1735076 Butterworth Butterworth 5.4166667 100.4 P PPL MY 09 107591 8 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13337 1735077 Perai Perai 5.3833333 100.3833333 P PPL MY 09 65301 3 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13338 1735079 Bukit Mertajam Bukit Mertajam 5.3666667 100.4666667 P PPL MY 09 212329 90 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13339 1735086 Nibung Tebal Nibung Tebal 5.1666667 100.4833333 P PPL MY 09 40072 8 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13340 1735089 Parit Buntar Parit Buntar 5.1166667 100.5 P PPL MY 07 27313 4 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13341 1735093 Tasek Gelugur Tasek Gelugur 5.4833333 100.5 P PPL MY 09 135786 35 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13342 1735106 George Town George Town 5.4166667 100.3333333 P PPLA MY 09 178304 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-02-17
+ 13343 1735148 Serendah Serendah 3.3666667 101.6166667 P PPL MY 00 28484 78 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13344 1735150 Rawang Rawang 3.3166667 101.5833333 P PPL MY 00 120447 76 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13345 1735158 Petaling Jaya Petaling Jaya 3.10726328338124 101.606712341309 P PPL MY 00 520698 58 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2008-10-14
+ 13346 1735161 Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur 3.1666667 101.7 P PPLC MY 14 1453975 62 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2008-03-05
+ 13347 1735195 Sobak Bernam Sobak Bernam 3.7666667 100.9833333 P PPL MY 00 17251 6 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13348 1735199 Sungai Besar Sungai Besar 3.6666667 100.9833333 P PPL MY 00 26939 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13349 1735227 Kuantan Kuantan 3.8 103.3333333 P PPLA MY 06 366229 2 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13350 1735268 Batu Gajah Batu Gajah 4.4666667 101.05 P PPL MY 07 46183 44 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13351 1735274 Kampar Kampar 4.3 101.15 P PPL MY 07 19056 63 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13352 1735282 Tapah Road Tapah Road 4.1666667 101.2 P PPL MY 07 27863 58 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13353 1735287 Bidur Bidur 4.1166667 101.2833333 P PPL MY 07 30016 59 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13354 1735450 Lumut Lumut 4.2333333 100.6333333 P PPL MY 07 39595 51 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13355 1735459 Teluk Intan Teluk Intan 4.0333333 101.0166667 P PPL MY 07 63353 7 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13356 1735485 Kampung Gurun Kampung Gurun 5.8166667 100.4833333 P PPL MY 02 15964 55 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13357 1735498 Sungai Petani Sungai Petani 5.65 100.5 P PPL MY 02 228843 41 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13358 1735506 Kepala Batas Kepala Batas 5.5166667 100.4333333 P PPL MY 09 17131 15 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13359 1735553 Tanah Merah Tanah Merah 5.8 102.15 P PPL MY 03 29116 25 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13360 1735634 Kuching Kuching 1.55 110.3333333 P PPLA MY 11 570407 5 Asia/Kuching 2007-02-17
+ 13361 1735799 Simanggang Simanggang 1.2472222 111.4527778 P PPL MY 11 27207 36 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13362 1735837 Sarikei Sarikei 2.1166667 111.5166667 P PPL MY 11 29281 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-27
+ 13363 1735902 Sibu Sibu 2.3 111.8166667 P PPL MY 11 198239 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13364 1736278 Kangar Kangar 6.4333333 100.2 P PPLA MY 08 63869 18 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13365 1736302 Jitra Jitra 6.2666667 100.4166667 P PPL MY 02 63489 26 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13366 1736305 Kuala Kedah Kuala Kedah 6.1 100.3 P PPL MY 02 19231 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13367 1736309 Alor Setar Alor Setar 6.1166667 100.3666667 P PPLA MY 02 217368 2 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-02-18
+ 13368 1736372 Pasir Mas Pasir Mas 6.0333333 102.1333333 P PPL MY 03 19017 26 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13369 1736376 Kota Baharu Kota Baharu 6.1333333 102.25 P PPLA MY 03 279316 1 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-11-15
+ 13370 1736458 Kudat Kudat 6.8833333 116.8333333 P PPL MY 16 32393 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13371 1737185 Kapit Kapit 2.0166667 112.9333333 P PPL MY 11 15771 41 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13372 1737486 Bintulu Bintulu 3.1666667 113.0333333 P PPL MY 11 151617 1 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13373 1737714 Limbang Limbang 4.75 115.0 P PPL MY 11 26199 9 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13374 1738050 Miri Miri 4.3833333 113.9833333 P PPL MY 11 228212 3 Asia/Kuching 2006-01-17
+ 13375 1738294 Ulu Tiram Ulu Tiram 1.6 103.8166667 P PPL MY 01 75350 45 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13376 1741550 Tanjong Tokong Tanjong Tokong 5.4666667 100.3 P PPL MY 09 24071 -9999 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13377 1741562 Tanjong Sepat Tanjong Sepat 2.6666667 101.5666667 P PPL MY 00 22340 3 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13378 1750500 Permatang Kuching Permatang Kuching 5.4833333 100.4 P PPL MY 09 27191 13 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13379 1750582 Peringat Peringat 6.0333333 102.2833333 P PPL MY 03 23288 4 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13380 1750974 Pengkalan Kundang Pengkalan Kundang 3.2833333 101.5166667 P PPL MY 00 23307 66 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13381 1752256 Pantai Remis Pantai Remis 4.45 100.6333333 P PPL MY 07 16317 11 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13382 1759486 Kuang Kuang 3.25 101.55 P PPL MY 00 21185 64 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13383 1761242 Kelebang Besar Kelebang Besar 2.2166667 102.2 P PPL MY 04 38643 2 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13384 1763412 Kampung Tanjung Karang Kampung Tanjung Karang 3.4166667 101.1833333 P PPL MY 12 16393 2 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13385 1764160 Kampong Sungai Ara Kampong Sungai Ara 5.3333333 100.2666667 P PPL MY 09 140849 60 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13386 1764318 Kampong Simpang Rengam Kampong Simpang Rengam 1.8333333 103.3 P PPL MY 01 17528 17 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13387 1766249 Kampong Pangkal Kalong Kampong Pangkal Kalong 5.9166667 102.2166667 P PPL MY 03 39904 29 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13388 1767021 Kampong Masjid Tanah Kampong Masjid Tanah 2.35 102.1166667 P PPL MY 04 29185 21 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13389 1768664 Kampong Kadok Kampong Kadok 6.0 102.25 P PPL MY 03 19233 6 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13390 1769612 Kampong Dungun Kampong Dungun 3.2166667 101.3166667 P PPL MY 00 58674 46 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13391 1770351 Kampong Bukit Baru Kampong Bukit Baru 2.2166667 102.2833333 P PPL MY 04 55656 37 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13392 1771023 Kampung Baru Subang Kampung Baru Subang 3.15 101.5333333 P PPL MY 00 833571 80 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2007-01-31
+ 13393 1771287 Kampong Baharu Nilai Kampong Baharu Nilai 2.8166667 101.8 P PPL MY 05 36720 59 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13394 1771304 Kampong Baharu Balakong Kampong Baharu Balakong 3.0333333 101.75 P PPL MY 00 69302 76 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13395 1771485 Kampong Ayer Molek Kampong Ayer Molek 2.2166667 102.3333333 P PPL MY 04 15497 13 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13396 1778290 Bukit Rambai Bukit Rambai 2.25 102.1833333 P PPL MY 04 17391 9 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13397 1779790 Bentong Town Bentong Town 3.5166667 101.9 P PPL MY 06 49213 146 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13398 1780890 Batu Berendam Batu Berendam 2.25 102.25 P PPL MY 04 25028 5 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2006-01-17
+ 13399 6697380 Putrajaya Putrajaya 2.93527273603817 101.691116094589 P PPLG MY 17 50000 30 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 2008-10-17
+ 13400 1024552 Xai-Xai Xai-Xai -25.0519444 33.6441667 P PPLA MZ 02 127366 10 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-05
+ 13401 1024696 Dondo Dondo -19.6094444 34.7430556 P PPL MZ 05 78648 57 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13402 1024701 Macia Macia -25.0269444 33.0988889 P PPL MZ 02 23156 79 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13403 1026014 Tete Tete -16.1563889 33.5866667 P PPLA MZ 08 129316 103 Africa/Maputo 2008-03-05
+ 13404 1028434 Quelimane Quelimane -17.8786111 36.8883333 P PPLA MZ 09 188964 1 Africa/Maputo 2007-03-01
+ 13405 1028918 Pemba Pemba -12.9608333 40.5077778 P PPLA MZ 01 108737 2 Africa/Maputo 2007-02-08
+ 13406 1033356 Nampula Nampula -15.1197222 39.2647222 P PPLA MZ 06 388526 363 Africa/Maputo 2007-02-17
+ 13407 1035025 Cidade de Nacala Cidade de Nacala -14.5427778 40.6727778 P PPL MZ 06 224795 -9999 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13408 1037125 Montepuez Montepuez -13.1255556 38.9997222 P PPL MZ 01 72279 555 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13409 1037336 Mocuba Mocuba -16.8402778 38.2569444 P PPL MZ 09 68984 56 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13410 1037370 Mocímboa Mocimboa -11.3166667 40.35 P PPL MZ 00 27909 1 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13411 1037390 Ilha de Moçambique Ilha de Mocambique -15.0341667 40.7358333 P PPL MZ 06 54315 1 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13412 1039536 Maxixe Maxixe -23.8597222 35.3472222 P PPL MZ 03 119868 31 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13413 1039854 Matola Matola -25.9622222 32.4588889 P PPL MZ 04 543907 4 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-07
+ 13414 1040652 Maputo Maputo -25.9652778 32.5891667 P PPLC MZ 11 1191613 47 Africa/Maputo 2008-10-17
+ 13415 1040938 Manjacaze Manjacaze -24.7116667 33.8827778 P PPL MZ 02 25541 86 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13416 1043893 Lichinga Lichinga -13.3127778 35.2405556 P PPLA MZ 07 109839 1289 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13417 1045114 Inhambane Inhambane -23.865 35.3833333 P PPLA MZ 03 73884 -9999 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13418 1047660 Cuamba Cuamba -14.8030556 36.5372222 P PPL MZ 07 73268 576 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13419 1048364 Chokwé Chokwe -24.5333333 32.9833333 P PPL MZ 02 63695 30 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13420 1049261 Chimoio Chimoio -19.1163889 33.4833333 P PPLA MZ 10 256936 716 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13421 1049861 Chibuto Chibuto -24.6866667 33.5305556 P PPL MZ 02 59165 107 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13422 1052373 Beira Beira -19.8436111 34.8388889 P PPLA MZ 05 530604 14 Africa/Maputo 2007-03-15
+ 13423 1052944 António Enes Antonio Enes -16.2325 39.9086111 P PPL MZ 06 74624 2 Africa/Maputo 2006-11-15
+ 13424 1088155 Mutuáli Mutuali -14.8705556 37.0044444 P PPL MZ 06 30523 577 Africa/Maputo 2006-01-17
+ 13425 877178 Katima Mulilo Katima Mulilo -17.5 24.2666667 P PPL NA 28 25027 804 Africa/Windhoek 2006-07-29
+ 13426 3352136 Windhoek Windhoek -22.57 17.0836111 P PPLC NA 21 268132 1722 Africa/Windhoek 2007-02-17
+ 13427 3352844 Swakopmund Swakopmund -22.6833333 14.5333333 P PPL NA 29 25047 -9999 Africa/Windhoek 2007-02-17
+ 13428 3353383 Rundu Rundu -17.9333333 19.7666667 P PPL NA 34 58172 1084 Africa/Windhoek 2006-01-17
+ 13429 3353540 Rehoboth Rehoboth -23.3166667 17.0833333 P PPL NA 30 21377 1376 Africa/Windhoek 2006-01-17
+ 13430 3353811 Otjiwarongo Otjiwarongo -20.4636860904718 16.6477203369141 P PPL NA 13 21224 1487 Africa/Windhoek 2008-01-20
+ 13431 3354021 Oshakati Oshakati -17.7833333 15.6833333 P PPL NA 37 33618 1080 Africa/Windhoek 2006-01-17
+ 13432 3354898 Okahandja Okahandja -21.9833333 16.9166667 P PPL NA 39 20879 1349 Africa/Windhoek 2006-11-19
+ 13433 3355672 Lüderitz Luderitz -26.6480556 15.1594444 P PPL NA 31 15137 59 Africa/Windhoek 2007-02-17
+ 13434 3356264 Keetmanshoop Keetmanshoop -26.5833333 18.1333333 P PPL NA 31 15608 966 Africa/Windhoek 2006-07-29
+ 13435 3357114 Grootfontein Grootfontein -19.5666667 18.1166667 P PPL NA 39 24099 1415 Africa/Windhoek 2006-01-17
+ 13436 3357247 Gobabis Gobabis -22.45 18.9666667 P PPL NA 35 16321 1448 Africa/Windhoek 2006-01-17
+ 13437 3359638 Walvisbaai Walvisbaai -22.9575 14.5052778 P PPL NA 29 52058 24 Africa/Windhoek 2006-11-05
+ 13438 2139521 Nouméa Noumea -22.2666667 166.45 P PPLC NC 00 93060 1 Pacific/Noumea 2007-02-17
+ 13439 2140066 Mont-Dore Mont-Dore -22.2833333 166.5833333 P PPL NC 00 24680 369 Pacific/Noumea 2006-01-27
+ 13440 2141394 Dumbéa Dumbea -22.15 166.45 P PPL NC 00 19346 191 Pacific/Noumea 2006-01-17
+ 13441 2437732 Birnin Konni Birnin Konni 13.8 5.25 P PPL NE 06 48103 258 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-27
+ 13442 2437798 Zinder Zinder 13.8 8.9833333 P PPLA NE 07 191424 467 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13443 2438678 Tillabéri Tillaberi 14.2116667 1.4530556 P PPLA NE 09 19262 239 Africa/Niamey 2006-11-15
+ 13444 2438774 Tibiri Tibiri 13.5705556 7.0444444 P PPL NE 04 20019 343 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13445 2438823 Tessaoua Tessaoua 13.7533333 7.9863889 P PPL NE 04 35775 409 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13446 2438855 Téra Tera 14.0105556 0.7530556 P PPL NE 09 21095 231 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13447 2439155 Tanout Tanout 14.9702778 8.8916667 P PPL NE 07 15204 533 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13448 2439376 Tahoua Tahoua 14.8902778 5.2677778 P PPLA NE 06 80425 382 Africa/Niamey 2006-11-15
+ 13449 2440485 Niamey Niamey 13.5166667 2.1166667 P PPLC NE 08 774235 203 Africa/Niamey 2007-02-17
+ 13450 2440495 Nguigmi Nguigmi 14.2527778 13.1108333 P PPL NE 02 17897 310 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-27
+ 13451 2440921 Miria Miria 13.7141667 9.1505556 P PPL NE 07 20724 406 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-27
+ 13452 2441194 Mayahi Mayahi 13.9577778 7.6683333 P PPL NE 04 22183 385 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13453 2441217 Matamey Matamey 13.4238889 8.4777778 P PPL NE 07 16844 427 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13454 2441291 Maradi Maradi 13.4916667 7.0963889 P PPLA NE 04 163487 374 Africa/Niamey 2006-11-15
+ 13455 2441482 Magaria Magaria 12.9975 8.9105556 P PPL NE 07 19419 396 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13456 2441530 Madaoua Madaoua 14.0758333 5.9586111 P PPL NE 06 24804 320 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13457 2443304 Illéla Illela 14.4616667 5.2475 P PPL NE 06 16678 300 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13458 2444489 Gaya Gaya 11.8877778 3.4466667 P PPL NE 03 33051 173 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13459 2445488 Dosso Dosso 13.0444444 3.1947222 P PPLA NE 03 49750 229 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13460 2445553 Dogondoutchi Dogondoutchi 13.6461111 4.0288889 P PPL NE 03 31767 228 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13461 2445704 Diffa Diffa 13.3155556 12.6088889 P PPLA NE 02 27948 286 Africa/Niamey 2006-11-15
+ 13462 2446267 Dakoro Dakoro 14.5105556 6.765 P PPL NE 04 19798 403 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13463 2447416 Ayorou Ayorou 14.7313889 0.9194444 P PPL NE 09 26290 225 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13464 2447938 Alarsas Alarsas 17.0166667 8.0 P PPL NE 01 88561 537 Africa/Niamey 2006-01-17
+ 13465 2161314 Kingston Kingston -29.05 167.95 P PPLC NF 00 0 -9999 Pacific/Norfolk 2009-03-31
+ 13466 2317548 Zuru Zuru 11.4302778 5.2375 P PPL NG 40 24338 418 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13467 2317569 Zungeru Zungeru 9.8127778 6.1558333 P PPL NG 31 24447 147 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13468 2317765 Zaria Zaria 11.0666667 7.7 P PPL NG 00 975153 675 Africa/Lagos 2006-07-13
+ 13469 2318044 Yola Yola 9.2 12.4833333 P PPLA NG 35 96006 163 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13470 2318123 Yenagoa Yenagoa 4.9247222 6.2641667 P PPLA NG 52 24335 86 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13471 2318921 Wukari Wukari 7.85 9.7833333 P PPL NG 00 92933 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13472 2318933 Wudil Wudil 11.8166667 8.85 P PPL NG 00 23066 395 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13473 2319133 Warri Warri 5.5166667 5.75 P PPL NG 00 536023 21 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13474 2319257 Wamba Wamba 8.9333333 8.6 P PPL NG 00 27137 319 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13475 2319668 Uromi Uromi 6.7 6.3333333 P PPL NG 00 108608 361 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13476 2320576 Umuahia Umuahia 5.5333333 7.4833333 P PPLA NG 45 264662 151 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13477 2320829 Ughelli Ughelli 5.5 5.9833333 P PPL NG 00 79986 26 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13478 2320831 Ugep Ugep 5.8 8.0833333 P PPL NG 00 200276 105 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13479 2320920 Uga Uga 5.9333333 7.0833333 P PPL NG 00 64179 213 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13480 2321031 Ubiaja Ubiaja 6.65 6.3833333 P PPL NG 00 21782 232 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13481 2322263 Tegina Tegina 10.0666667 6.1833333 P PPL NG 31 24037 313 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13482 2322495 Tambawel Tambawel 12.4041667 4.6622222 P PPL NG 51 20932 280 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13483 2322529 Talata-Mafara Talata-Mafara 12.5644444 6.0669444 P PPL NG 57 39045 320 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13484 2322552 Takum Takum 7.2666667 9.9833333 P PPL NG 00 24822 300 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13485 2322794 Abuja Abuja 9.1758333 7.1808333 P PPL NG 00 162135 339 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13486 2322911 Sokoto Sokoto 13.0513889 5.2313889 P PPLA NG 51 563861 279 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13487 2322957 Soba Soba 10.9833333 8.0666667 P PPL NG 00 15715 643 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13488 2323390 Saki Saki 8.6666667 3.3833333 P PPL NG 18 178677 457 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13489 2323411 Sagamu Sagamu 6.85 3.65 P PPL NG 16 214558 64 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13490 2323675 Sapele Sapele 5.9166667 5.7 P PPL NG 00 161686 35 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13491 2324504 Rijau Rijau 11.1136111 5.2613889 P PPL NG 31 16613 312 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13492 2324575 Rano Rano 11.55 8.5833333 P PPL NG 00 17972 545 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13493 2324767 Potiskum Potiskum 11.7119444 11.0697222 P PPL NG 44 86002 475 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13494 2324774 Port Harcourt Port Harcourt 4.7891667 6.9986111 P PPLA NG 50 1148665 459 Africa/Lagos 2007-02-17
+ 13495 2324857 Pindiga Pindiga 9.9833333 10.9333333 P PPL NG 55 106322 541 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13496 2324960 Pategi Pategi 8.7333333 5.75 P PPL NG 00 28285 81 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13497 2325060 Pankshin Pankshin 9.3333333 9.45 P PPL NG 00 31516 1371 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13498 2325161 Ozubulu Ozubulu 5.95 6.85 P PPL NG 00 73812 134 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13499 2325200 Oyo Oyo 7.85 3.9333333 P PPL NG 00 736072 287 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13500 2325249 Oyan Oyan 8.05 4.7666667 P PPL NG 00 73622 456 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13501 2325314 Owo Owo 7.1833333 5.5833333 P PPL NG 00 276574 306 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13502 2325330 Owerri Owerri 5.4833333 7.0333333 P PPLA NG 28 215038 159 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13503 2325437 Otukpa Otukpa 7.0833333 7.6666667 P PPL NG 00 21686 215 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13504 2325733 Orita Eruwa Orita Eruwa 7.55 3.4333333 P PPL NG 00 71027 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13505 2326016 Onitsha Onitsha 6.1666667 6.7833333 P PPL NG 00 561066 59 Africa/Lagos 2006-05-01
+ 13506 2326171 Ondo Ondo 7.1 4.8333333 P PPL NG 00 257005 277 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13507 2326302 Olupona Olupona 7.6 4.1833333 P PPL NG 00 95002 224 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13508 2326811 Okuta Okuta 9.2166667 3.1833333 P PPL NG 00 26589 450 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13509 2326899 Okrika Okrika 4.7333333 7.0833333 P PPL NG 00 133271 452 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13510 2327143 Okigwi Okigwi 5.8166667 7.35 P PPL NG 00 115499 154 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13511 2327220 Okene Okene 7.55 6.2333333 P PPL NG 00 479178 386 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13512 2327223 Oke Mesi Oke Mesi 7.8166667 4.9166667 P PPL NG 00 79563 541 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13513 2327494 Ohafia Ifigh Ohafia Ifigh 5.6166667 7.8 P PPL NG 00 73355 146 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13514 2327513 Ogwashi Uku Ogwashi Uku 6.1666667 6.5166667 P PPL NG 00 26137 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13515 2327521 Oguta Oguta 5.7 6.8 P PPL NG 00 21639 118 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13516 2327650 Ogoja Ogoja 6.6666667 8.8 P PPL NG 00 37466 127 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13517 2327827 Ogaminan Ogaminan 7.6 6.2333333 P PPL NG 00 84373 281 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13518 2327879 Offa Offa 8.15 4.7166667 P PPL NG 00 113830 436 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13519 2328090 Ode Ode 7.7833333 5.7166667 P PPL NG 00 75463 459 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13520 2328151 Obudu Obudu 6.6666667 9.1666667 P PPL NG 00 19668 144 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13521 2328185 Obonoma Obonoma 4.7111111 6.7911111 P PPL NG 00 68584 276 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13522 2328617 Numan Numan 9.4666667 12.0333333 P PPL NG 00 77617 137 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13523 2328684 Nsukka Nsukka 6.8666667 7.3833333 P PPL NG 00 111017 405 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13524 2328765 Nnewi Nnewi 6.0166667 6.9166667 P PPL NG 00 193987 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13525 2328790 Nkwerre Nkwerre 5.75 7.1166667 P PPL NG 00 62973 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13526 2328811 Nkpor Nkpor 6.15 6.8333333 P PPL NG 00 103733 96 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13527 2328952 Nguru Nguru 12.8775 10.4513889 P PPL NG 44 111014 321 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13528 2329451 Nassarawa Nassarawa 8.5294444 7.7241667 P PPL NG 56 30949 305 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13529 2329562 Nafada Nafada 11.0927778 11.3288889 P PPL NG 55 22920 309 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13530 2329821 Mubi Mubi 10.2688889 13.2705556 P PPL NG 35 225705 592 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13531 2329920 Moriki Moriki 12.8763889 6.4872222 P PPL NG 57 28735 355 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13532 2329946 Monguno Monguno 12.6705556 13.6141667 P PPL NG 27 20297 282 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13533 2329981 Mokwa Mokwa 9.2833333 5.05 P PPL NG 00 21128 88 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13534 2330028 Modakeke Modakeke 7.3833333 4.2666667 P PPL NG 00 119529 230 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13535 2330100 Minna Minna 9.6138889 6.5569444 P PPLA NG 31 291905 299 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13536 2330719 Marte Marte 12.3669444 13.8275 P PPL NG 27 15707 289 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13537 2331005 Malumfashi Malumfashi 11.8 7.6166667 P PPL NG 00 70709 608 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13538 2331140 Makurdi Makurdi 7.7333333 8.5333333 P PPLA NG 26 292645 106 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13539 2331447 Maiduguri Maiduguri 11.845 13.16 P PPLA NG 27 1112449 300 Africa/Lagos 2007-02-17
+ 13540 2331528 Magumeri Magumeri 12.1155556 12.8275 P PPL NG 27 19363 325 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13541 2331939 Lokoja Lokoja 7.8 6.7333333 P PPLA NG 41 60579 113 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13542 2332079 Lere Lere 10.3833333 8.5833333 P PPL NG 00 93290 705 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13543 2332249 Lapai Lapai 9.05 6.5666667 P PPL NG 00 16442 162 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13544 2332357 Lalupon Lalupon 7.4666667 4.0666667 P PPL NG 00 81130 223 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13545 2332459 Lagos Lagos 6.4530556 3.3958333 P PPL NG NG 05 9000000 35 Africa/Lagos 2007-06-18
+ 13546 2332504 Lafiagi Lafiagi 8.8666667 5.4166667 P PPL NG 00 102779 99 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13547 2332515 Lafia Lafia 8.4833333 8.5166667 P PPLA NG 56 127236 290 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13548 2332871 Kwale Station Kwale Station 5.7166667 6.45 P PPL NG 00 20226 124 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13549 2333451 Kumo Kumo 10.0452778 11.2130556 P PPL NG 55 35712 521 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13550 2333490 Kumaganum Kumaganum 13.1561111 10.6333333 P PPL NG 44 16557 342 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13551 2333563 Kukawa Kukawa 12.9258333 13.57 P PPL NG 27 16077 276 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13552 2334008 Kontagora Kontagora 10.4002778 5.4697222 P PPL NG 31 98754 335 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13553 2334327 Kishi Kishi 9.0833333 3.85 P PPL NG 00 155510 373 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13554 2334652 Keffi Keffi 8.8486111 7.8736111 P PPL NG 56 85911 338 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13555 2334756 Kaura-Namoda Kaura-Namoda 12.6 6.5897222 P PPL NG 57 69725 391 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13556 2334801 Katsina Ala Katsina Ala 7.1666667 9.2833333 P PPL NG 00 36722 140 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13557 2334802 Katsina Katsina 12.9977778 7.5994444 P PPLA NG 24 432149 465 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13558 2335015 Kari Kari 11.2441667 10.5597222 P PPL NG 46 18812 401 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13559 2335204 Kano Kano 11.9963889 8.5166667 P PPLA NG 29 3626068 477 Africa/Lagos 2008-04-18
+ 13560 2335333 Kamba Kamba 11.8497222 3.6569444 P PPL NG 40 25568 169 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13561 2335596 Kaiama Kaiama 9.6225 3.9480556 P PPL NG 30 21897 314 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13562 2335614 Kagoro Kagoro 9.6 8.3833333 P PPL NG 00 77008 853 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13563 2335713 Kafachan Kafachan 9.5833333 8.3 P PPL NG 23 79522 740 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13564 2335727 Kaduna Kaduna 10.5230556 7.4402778 P PPLA NG 23 1582102 614 Africa/Lagos 2007-02-18
+ 13565 2335798 Kachia Kachia 9.8666667 7.95 P PPL NG 00 30893 706 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13566 2335843 Kabba Kabba 7.8333333 6.0666667 P PPL NG 00 49869 435 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13567 2335953 Jos Jos 9.9166667 8.9 P PPLA NG 49 816824 1208 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13568 2336056 Jimeta Jimeta 9.2833333 12.4666667 P PPL NG 00 248148 136 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13569 2336237 Jega Jega 12.2175 4.3791667 P PPL NG 40 73495 242 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13570 2336251 Jebba Jebba 9.1333333 4.8333333 P PPL NG 00 21488 52 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13571 2336589 Jalingo Jalingo 8.8833333 11.3666667 P PPLA NG 43 117757 351 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13572 2336905 Iwo Iwo 7.6333333 4.1833333 P PPL NG 00 250443 231 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13573 2336985 Itu Itu 5.2 7.9833333 P PPL NG 00 36358 99 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13574 2337148 Isieke Isieke 6.3833333 8.0333333 P PPL NG 00 89990 127 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13575 2337207 Ise Ekiti Ise Ekiti 7.4666667 5.4333333 P PPL NG 00 190063 393 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13576 2337235 Isanlu Itedoijowa Isanlu Itedoijowa 8.2666667 5.8333333 P PPL NG 00 15087 313 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13577 2337352 Ipoti Ipoti 7.8666667 5.0666667 P PPL NG 00 82113 475 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13578 2337379 Iperu Iperu 6.9166667 3.6666667 P PPL NG 00 15935 78 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13579 2337490 Inisa Inisa 7.85 4.3333333 P PPL NG 00 164161 366 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13580 2337639 Ilorin Ilorin 8.5 4.55 P PPLA NG 30 814192 290 Africa/Lagos 2006-05-01
+ 13581 2337659 Ilobu Ilobu 7.8333333 4.4833333 P PPL NG 00 118089 331 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13582 2337680 Illela Illela 13.7325 5.3002778 P PPL NG 51 17461 258 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13583 2337704 Ilesa Ilesa 7.6166667 4.7333333 P PPL NG 18 277904 462 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13584 2337759 Ilaro Ilaro 6.8833333 3.0166667 P PPL NG 00 46999 68 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13585 2337765 Ila Orangun Ila Orangun 8.0166667 4.9 P PPL NG 00 179192 454 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13586 2338106 Ikot Ekpene Ikot Ekpene 5.1666667 7.7166667 P PPL NG 00 254806 161 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13587 2338242 Ikom Ikom 5.9666667 8.7 P PPL NG 00 79103 122 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13588 2338269 Ikirun Ikirun 7.9166667 4.6666667 P PPL NG 00 134240 446 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13589 2338273 Ikire Ikire 7.35 4.1833333 P PPL NG 00 222160 228 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13590 2338287 Ikerre Ikerre 7.5 5.2333333 P PPL NG 00 103054 446 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13591 2338385 Ijero Ekiti Ijero Ekiti 7.8166667 5.0833333 P PPL NG 00 167632 465 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13592 2338400 Ijebu Ode Ijebu Ode 6.8166667 3.9333333 P PPL NG 00 209175 74 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13593 2338401 Ijebu Ijesha Ijebu Ijesha 7.6833333 4.8166667 P PPL NG 00 51730 477 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13594 2338403 Ijebu Igbo Ijebu Igbo 6.9666667 4.0 P PPL NG 00 109261 75 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13595 2338497 Ihiala Ihiala 5.85 6.85 P PPL NG 00 83265 143 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13596 2338630 Igede Ekiti Igede Ekiti 7.65 5.1166667 P PPL NG 00 87282 460 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13597 2338640 Igbo Ukwu Igbo Ukwu 6.0166667 7.0166667 P PPL NG 00 75224 341 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13598 2338660 Igbor Igbor 7.45 8.6166667 P PPL NG 00 17666 196 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13599 2338669 Igbo Ora Igbo Ora 7.4333333 3.2833333 P PPL NG 00 92719 140 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13600 2338711 Igboho Igboho 8.8333333 3.75 P PPL NG 00 136764 445 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13601 2338772 Igbeti Igbeti 8.75 4.1333333 P PPL NG 18 24690 456 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13602 2338810 Igbara Odo Igbara Odo 7.5 5.0666667 P PPL NG 00 74121 445 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13603 2338876 Ifo Ifo 6.8166667 3.2 P PPL NG 00 88272 75 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13604 2339150 Idanre Idanre 7.1 5.1 P PPL NG 00 86468 453 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13605 2339156 Idah Idah 7.1 6.7333333 P PPL NG 00 68703 62 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13606 2339287 Ibi Ibi 8.1833333 9.75 P PPL NG 00 22757 112 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13607 2339293 Ibeto Ibeto 10.4866667 5.1441667 P PPL NG 31 15565 334 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13608 2339354 Ibadan Ibadan 7.3877778 3.8963889 P PPLA NG 32 3565108 239 Africa/Lagos 2008-04-18
+ 13609 2339631 Hadejia Hadejia 12.4480556 10.0436111 P PPL NG 39 110753 337 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13610 2339665 Gwoza Gwoza 11.0836111 13.6977778 P PPL NG 27 15176 467 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13611 2339756 Gwarzo Gwarzo 11.9166667 7.9333333 P PPL NG 00 16303 610 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13612 2339786 Gwaram Gwaram 11.2763889 9.8858333 P PPL NG 39 15806 432 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13613 2339892 Gwada-Bawa Gwada-Bawa 13.3597222 5.2422222 P PPL NG 51 17486 267 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13614 2339937 Gusau Gusau 12.1641667 6.6666667 P PPLA NG 57 226857 420 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13615 2340086 Gunmi Gunmi 12.1416667 5.1238889 P PPL NG 57 38744 267 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13616 2340091 Gumel Gumel 12.6308333 9.3933333 P PPL NG 39 42742 356 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13617 2340446 Gombi Gombi 10.1622222 12.74 P PPL NG 35 19616 751 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13618 2340451 Gombe Gombe 10.2894444 11.1716667 P PPLA NG 55 250258 449 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13619 2341275 Gembu Gembu 6.7 11.2666667 P PPL NG 00 19881 1349 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13620 2341294 Geidam Geidam 12.8966667 11.9213889 P PPL NG 44 41367 289 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13621 2341355 Gbongan Gbongan 7.4666667 4.35 P PPL NG 00 139485 228 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13622 2341580 Gaya Gaya 11.8680556 9.0011111 P PPL NG 29 20959 415 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13623 2341656 Gashua Gashua 12.8680556 11.0463889 P PPL NG 44 125817 299 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13624 2341758 Garko Garko 10.1669444 11.1716667 P PPL NG 55 21141 398 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13625 2341955 Ganye Ganye 8.4333333 12.0666667 P PPL NG 00 15178 569 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13626 2342192 Gambaru Gambaru 12.3666667 14.2166667 P PPL NG 00 84672 270 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13627 2342490 Funtua Funtua 11.5333333 7.3166667 P PPL NG 00 136811 615 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13628 2342628 Fiditi Fiditi 7.7136111 3.9172222 P PPL NG 32 71461 302 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13629 2342883 Ezza Ohu Ezza Ohu 6.45 8.0833333 P PPL NG 00 67414 133 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13630 2343093 Esuk Oron Esuk Oron 4.8 8.2666667 P PPL NG 00 112033 125 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13631 2343252 Epe Epe 6.5833333 3.9833333 P PPL NG 00 84711 42 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13632 2343270 Enugu Ukwu Enugu Ukwu 6.1666667 7.0 P PPL NG 00 68785 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13633 2343273 Enugu Ezike Enugu Ezike 6.9833333 7.45 P PPL NG 00 18989 384 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13634 2343279 Enugu Enugu 6.4333333 7.4833333 P PPLA NG NG 47 688862 284 Africa/Lagos 2007-06-19
+ 13635 2343299 Emure Ekiti Emure Ekiti 7.45 5.4666667 P PPL NG 00 90645 366 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13636 2343512 Elele Elele 5.1016667 6.8141667 P PPL NG 10 20620 352 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13637 2343641 Ekpoma Ekpoma 6.75 6.1333333 P PPL NG 00 59618 330 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13638 2343720 Eket Eket 4.65 7.9333333 P PPL NG 00 25569 155 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13639 2343784 Ejigbo Ejigbo 7.9 4.3166667 P PPL NG 00 138357 426 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13640 2343822 Eha Amufu Eha Amufu 6.6666667 7.7666667 P PPL NG 00 70779 143 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13641 2343943 Egbe Egbe 8.2166667 5.5166667 P PPL NG 00 17612 417 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13642 2343983 Effon Alaiye Effon Alaiye 7.65 4.9166667 P PPL NG 00 279319 611 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13643 2343985 Effium Effium 6.6333333 8.0666667 P PPL NG 00 86945 155 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13644 2344082 Ebute Ikorodu Ebute Ikorodu 6.6027778 3.4911111 P PPL NG 05 313439 39 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13645 2344229 Dutsen Wai Dutsen Wai 10.85 8.2 P PPL NG 00 22062 737 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13646 2344245 Dutse Dutse 11.7775 9.3341667 P PPLA NG 39 17129 408 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13647 2344418 Dukku Dukku 10.8230556 10.7716667 P PPL NG 55 16961 608 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13648 2344600 Doma Doma 8.3833333 8.35 P PPL NG 00 15097 341 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13649 2344854 Dikwa Dikwa 12.0375 13.9216667 P PPL NG 27 29026 301 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13650 2345029 Deba Deba 10.2127778 11.3877778 P PPL NG 55 17671 250 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13651 2345094 Daura Daura 13.0363889 8.3177778 P PPL NG 24 25289 474 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13652 2345096 Daura Daura 11.55 11.4166667 P PPL NG 00 78277 466 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-22
+ 13653 2345152 Darazo Darazo 10.9952778 10.4133333 P PPL NG 46 18415 499 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13654 2345498 Damboa Damboa 11.1572222 12.7544444 P PPL NG 27 21571 401 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13655 2345521 Damaturu Damaturu 11.7486111 11.9638889 P PPLA NG 44 255895 456 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13656 2346229 Calabar Calabar 4.95 8.3166667 P PPLA NG 22 461796 98 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-07
+ 13657 2346317 Burutu Burutu 5.35 5.5166667 P PPL NG 00 16410 1 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13658 2346561 Bukuru Bukuru 9.8 8.8666667 P PPL NG 00 15540 1237 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13659 2346615 Buguma Buguma 4.7358333 6.8636111 P PPL NG 00 135404 378 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13660 2346812 Bonny Bonny 4.4333333 7.1666667 P PPL NG 00 16868 423 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13661 2346951 Bode Sadu Bode Sadu 8.9333333 4.7833333 P PPL NG 00 16619 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-27
+ 13662 2346995 Biu Biu 10.6111111 12.195 P PPL NG 27 95005 626 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13663 2347057 Birnin-Kudu Birnin-Kudu 11.45 9.5 P PPL NG 39 26565 461 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13664 2347059 Birnin-Kebbi Birnin-Kebbi 12.4538889 4.1975 P PPLA NG 40 108164 235 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13665 2347061 Birnin-Gwari Birnin-Gwari 11.0261111 6.7897222 P PPL NG 23 22380 555 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13666 2347155 Biliri Biliri 9.8647222 11.2252778 P PPL NG 55 15976 564 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13667 2347209 Bida Bida 9.0833333 6.0166667 P PPL NG 00 171656 151 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13668 2347283 Benin-City Benin-City 6.3333333 5.6333333 P PPLA NG 37 1125058 79 Africa/Lagos 2007-02-18
+ 13669 2347303 Bende Bende 5.5666667 7.6333333 P PPL NG 00 79618 141 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13670 2347330 Beli Beli 7.85868422308672 10.9718656539917 P PPL NG 43 17467 236 Africa/Lagos 2008-10-17
+ 13671 2347470 Bauchi Bauchi 10.3158333 9.8441667 P PPLA NG 46 316149 616 Africa/Lagos 2006-05-01
+ 13672 2347592 Baro Baro 8.6 6.4166667 P PPL NG 00 26821 119 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13673 2347954 Bama Bama 11.5183333 13.6891667 P PPL NG 27 118121 302 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13674 2348395 Badagry Badagry 6.4166667 2.8833333 P PPL NG 05 26383 36 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13675 2348507 Babana Babana 10.4325 3.8161111 P PPL NG 31 17617 295 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13676 2348595 Azare Azare 11.6783333 10.1919444 P PPL NG 46 105687 436 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13677 2348773 Awka Awka 6.2100945 7.0741145 P PPLA NG 25 167738 136 Africa/Lagos 2008-10-08
+ 13678 2348783 Awgu Awgu 6.0666667 7.4833333 P PPL NG 00 23175 122 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13679 2348892 Auchi Auchi 7.0666667 6.2666667 P PPL NG 00 62907 164 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13680 2349276 Asaba Asaba 6.1833333 6.75 P PPLA NG 36 73374 55 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13681 2349431 Argungu Argungu 12.7397222 4.515 P PPL NG 40 45584 207 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13682 2349529 Aramoko Ekiti Aramoko Ekiti 7.7166667 5.05 P PPL NG 00 74491 460 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13683 2349558 Apomu Apomu 7.3333333 4.1833333 P PPL NG 00 71656 234 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13684 2349951 Anchau Anchau 10.9666667 8.4 P PPL NG 00 15538 687 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13685 2350249 Amaigbo Amaigbo 5.7833333 7.8333333 P PPL NG 00 127300 152 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13686 2350806 Akwanga Akwanga 8.9166667 8.3833333 P PPL NG 00 15985 359 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13687 2350841 Akure Akure 7.25 5.2 P PPLA NG 48 420594 385 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13688 2350886 Aku Aku 6.7 7.3333333 P PPL NG 00 73742 317 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13689 2351470 Ajaokuta Ajaokuta 7.4666667 6.7 P PPL NG 00 15144 55 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13690 2351740 Agulu Agulu 6.1 7.05 P PPL NG 00 79021 193 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13691 2351979 Agbor Agbor 6.2666667 6.2 P PPL NG 00 67610 141 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13692 2352250 Afikpo Afikpo 5.8833333 7.9166667 P PPL NG 00 71866 127 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13693 2352356 Ado Odo Ado Odo 6.6 2.9333333 P PPL NG 00 15442 36 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13694 2352778 Abuja Abuja 9.0833333 7.5333333 P PPLC NG 11 590400 705 Africa/Lagos 2007-02-17
+ 13695 2352947 Abeokuta Abeokuta 7.15 3.35 P PPLA NG 16 593100 67 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-05
+ 13696 2353099 Abakaliki Abakaliki 6.3333333 8.1 P PPLA NG 53 134102 118 Africa/Lagos 2006-11-15
+ 13697 2353151 Aba Aba 5.1166667 7.3666667 P PPL NG 00 897560 205 Africa/Lagos 2007-02-17
+ 13698 2591159 Degema Hulk Degema Hulk 4.7625 6.75 P PPL NG 10 19223 177 Africa/Lagos 2006-01-17
+ 13699 3616035 Tipitapa Tipitapa 12.2005556 -86.0938889 P PPL NI 10 127153 53 America/Managua 2006-11-15
+ 13700 3616232 Somoto Somoto 13.4833333 -86.5833333 P PPL NI 09 20316 706 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13701 3616234 Somotillo Somotillo 13.0333333 -86.9166667 P PPL NI 03 15385 34 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13702 3616253 Siuna Siuna 13.7333333 -84.7666667 P PPL NI 17 16056 196 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13703 3616594 San Rafael del Sur San Rafael del Sur 11.85 -86.45 P PPL NI 10 29836 109 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13704 3616682 San Marcos San Marcos 11.9166667 -86.2 P PPL NI 02 23347 510 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13705 3617052 Rivas Rivas 11.4333333 -85.8333333 P PPL NI 15 30293 70 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13706 3617069 Río Blanco Rio Blanco 12.9333333 -85.2166667 P PPL NI 12 17018 262 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13707 3617095 Rama Rama 12.15 -84.2166667 P PPL NI 18 20456 26 America/Managua 2006-01-27
+ 13708 3617154 Puerto Cabezas Puerto Cabezas 14.0333333 -83.3833333 P PPL NI 17 33635 8 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13709 3617448 Ocotal Ocotal 13.6333333 -86.4833333 P PPL NI 13 33928 599 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13710 3617459 Nueva Guinea Nueva Guinea 11.6833333 -84.45 P PPL NI 18 52929 185 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13711 3617513 Nandaime Nandaime 11.75 -86.05 P PPL NI 06 20810 119 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13712 3617522 Nagarote Nagarote 12.2675 -86.5652778 P PPL NI 08 26270 89 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13713 3617708 Matagalpa Matagalpa 12.9166667 -85.9166667 P PPL NI 12 109089 682 America/Managua 2006-11-05
+ 13714 3617723 Masaya Masaya 11.9666667 -86.1 P PPL NI 11 130113 242 America/Managua 2007-02-08
+ 13715 3617725 Masatepe Masatepe 11.9166667 -86.15 P PPL NI 11 21452 434 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13716 3617763 Managua Managua 12.1508333 -86.2683333 P PPLC NI 10 973087 59 America/Managua 2007-02-17
+ 13717 3618030 León Leon 12.4355556 -86.8794444 P PPL NI 08 144538 102 America/Managua 2007-02-18
+ 13718 3618411 La Paz Centro La Paz Centro 12.34 -86.6752778 P PPL NI 08 23481 71 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13719 3618908 Juigalpa Juigalpa 12.0833333 -85.4 P PPL NI 04 54731 84 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13720 3618926 Jinotepe Jinotepe 11.85 -86.2 P PPL NI 02 29507 551 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13721 3618929 Jinotega Jinotega 13.1 -86.0 P PPL NI 07 51073 1040 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13722 3618954 Jalapa Jalapa 13.9166667 -86.1333333 P PPL NI 13 24037 694 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13723 3619136 Granada Granada 11.9333333 -85.95 P PPL NI 06 89409 47 America/Managua 2006-11-05
+ 13724 3619194 Estelí Esteli 13.0833333 -86.35 P PPL NI 05 96422 857 America/Managua 2007-02-08
+ 13725 3619267 El Viejo El Viejo 12.6666667 -87.1666667 P PPL NI 03 53504 50 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13726 3619853 El Crucero El Crucero 11.9833333 -86.3166667 P PPL NI 10 16469 763 America/Managua 2007-08-21
+ 13727 3620170 Diriamba Diriamba 11.85 -86.2333333 P PPL NI 02 35008 533 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13728 3620269 Corinto Corinto 12.4833333 -87.1666667 P PPL NI 03 19183 11 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13729 3620381 Chinandega Chinandega 12.6166667 -87.15 P PPL NI 03 126387 50 America/Managua 2007-02-08
+ 13730 3620390 Chichigalpa Chichigalpa 12.5666667 -87.0333333 P PPL NI 03 33137 76 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13731 3620544 Camoapa Camoapa 12.3833333 -85.5166667 P PPL NI 01 16653 541 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13732 3620674 Boaco Boaco 12.4666667 -85.6666667 P PPL NI 01 29046 402 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13733 3620680 Bluefields Bluefields 12.0 -83.75 P PPL NI 18 44373 -9999 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13734 3828262 Ciudad Sandino Ciudad Sandino 12.1588889 -86.3441667 P PPL NI 10 70013 101 America/Managua 2006-01-17
+ 13735 2743477 Zwolle Zwolle 52.5125 6.094444 P PPLA NL 15 0193 111805 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13736 2743493 Zwijndrecht Zwijndrecht 51.8175 4.633333 P PPL NL 11 0642 45696 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13737 2743608 Zutphen Zutphen 52.138333 6.201389 P PPL NL 03 0301 36188 7 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13738 2743619 Zundert Zundert 51.471667 4.655556 P PPL NL 06 0879 20476 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13739 2743856 Zoetermeer Zoetermeer 52.0575 4.493056 P PPL NL 11 0637 115845 -4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13740 2743949 Zevenaar Zevenaar 51.93 6.070833 P PPL NL 03 0299 26063 12 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13741 2743977 Zeist Zeist 52.09 5.233333 P PPL NL 09 0355 60949 4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13742 2743997 Zeewolde Zeewolde 52.33 5.541667 P PPL NL 16 0050 19022 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13743 2744042 Zandvoort Zandvoort 52.3725 4.529167 P PPL NL 07 0473 16868 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13744 2744102 Zaltbommel Zaltbommel 51.81 5.244444 P PPL NL 03 0297 26383 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13745 2744114 Zaanstad Zaanstad 52.45 4.8333333 P PPLS NL 07 0479 140085 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-21
+ 13746 2744118 Zaandam Zaandam 52.44 4.825 P PPL NL 07 0479 71708 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-29
+ 13747 2744194 Wolvega Wolvega 52.8833333 6.0 P PPL NL 02 0098 25500 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-02-09
+ 13748 2744248 Woerden Woerden 52.085 4.883333 P PPL NL 09 0632 48431 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13749 2744257 Woensdrecht Woensdrecht 51.43 4.302778 P PPL NL 06 0873 21276 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13750 2744324 Wisch Wisch 51.9264841280506 6.41704559326172 P PPL NL 03 19496 18 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-26
+ 13751 2744332 Winterswijk Winterswijk 51.9725 6.719444 P PPL NL 03 0294 29623 35 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13752 2744344 Winschoten Winschoten 53.144167 7.034722 P PPL NL 04 0052 18506 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13753 2744483 Wijk bij Duurstede Wijk bij Duurstede 51.974167 5.341667 P PPL NL 09 0352 23693 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13754 2744514 Wijchen Wijchen 51.809167 5.725 P PPL NL 03 0296 32693 9 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-21
+ 13755 2744549 Wierden Wierden 52.359167 6.593056 P PPL NL 15 0189 23244 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13756 2744675 Westervoort Westervoort 51.955833 5.972222 P PPL NL 03 0293 15976 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13757 2744827 Werkendam Werkendam 51.81 4.894444 P PPL NL 06 0870 26362 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13758 2744904 Weesp Weesp 52.3075 5.041667 P PPL NL 07 0457 17802 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13759 2744911 Weert Weert 51.251667 5.706944 P PPL NL 05 0988 48662 31 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13760 2744991 Wassenaar Wassenaar 52.145833 4.402778 P PPL NL 11 0629 25353 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13761 2745088 Wageningen Wageningen 51.97 5.666667 P PPL NL 03 0289 35433 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13762 2745096 Waddinxveen Waddinxveen 52.045 4.651389 P PPL NL NL 11 0627 25338 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-09-06
+ 13763 2745123 Waalwijk Waalwijk 51.6825 5.070833 P PPL NL 06 0867 45610 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13764 2745127 Waalre Waalre 51.386667 5.444444 P PPL NL 06 0866 16665 21 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13765 2745154 Vught Vught 51.653333 5.2875 P PPL NL 06 0865 25043 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-04
+ 13766 2745297 Voorst Voorst 52.17 6.141667 P PPL NL 03 0285 23676 7 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13767 2745301 Voorschoten Voorschoten 52.1275 4.448611 P PPL NL 11 0626 22468 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13768 2745311 Voorhout Voorhout 52.221667 4.484722 P PPL NL 11 1525 15145 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13769 2745321 Voorburg Voorburg 52.074167 4.359722 P PPL NL 11 1916 38000 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-08-12
+ 13770 2745340 Volendam Volendam 52.495 5.070833 P PPL NL 07 0385 22000 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-11-01
+ 13771 2745392 Vlissingen Vlissingen 51.4425 3.573611 P PPL NL 10 0718 45273 -9999 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13772 2745461 Vlagtwedde Vlagtwedde 53.0275 7.108333 P PPL NL 04 0048 17286 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13773 2745467 Vlaardingen Vlaardingen 51.9125 4.341667 P PPL NL 11 0622 73798 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13774 2745580 Vianen Vianen 51.9925 5.091667 P PPL NL 09 0620 19931 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13775 2745634 Venray Venray 51.525 5.975 P PPL NL 05 0984 39047 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13776 2745641 Venlo Venlo 51.37 6.168056 P PPL NL 05 0983 92403 22 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13777 2745673 Velsen-Zuid Velsen-Zuid 52.46 4.65 P PPL NL 07 0453 67758 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13778 2745677 Velp Velp 51.995 5.973611 P PPL NL 03 0275 17669 16 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-09-03
+ 13779 2745726 Veghel Veghel 51.616667 5.548611 P PPL NL 06 0860 25352 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-09
+ 13780 2745739 Veere Veere 51.548333 3.666667 P PPL NL 10 0717 22173 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13781 2745774 Veenendaal Veenendaal 52.0286272466419 5.55891036987305 P PPL NL 09 0345 61271 6 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-02
+ 13782 2745783 Veendam Veendam 53.106667 6.879167 P PPL NL 04 0047 28155 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13783 2745860 Valkenswaard Valkenswaard 51.350833 5.459722 P PPL NL 06 0858 31071 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13784 2745912 Utrecht Utrecht 52.090833 5.122222 P PPLA NL 09 0344 290529 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-11-29
+ 13785 2745932 Urk Urk 52.6625 5.601389 P PPL NL 16 0184 17345 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13786 2745973 Uithoorn Uithoorn 52.2375 4.826389 P PPL NL 07 0451 26846 -4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13787 2746005 Uden Uden 51.660833 5.619444 P PPL NL 06 0856 34601 18 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-05
+ 13788 2746133 Tubbergen Tubbergen 52.4075 6.784722 P PPL NL 15 0183 20334 22 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13789 2746215 Tongelre Tongelre 51.45 5.5166667 P PPLX NL 06 0772 19680 19 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-11
+ 13790 2746301 Tilburg Tilburg 51.555514883268 5.09130477905273 P PPL NL 06 0855 199613 13 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-21
+ 13791 2746331 Tiel Tiel 51.886667 5.429167 P PPL NL 03 0281 40702 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13792 2746351 Tholen Tholen 51.531667 4.220833 P PPL NL 10 0716 24784 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13793 2746420 Terneuzen Terneuzen 51.335833 3.827778 P PPL NL 10 0715 27930 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-05-02
+ 13794 2746504 Tegelen Tegelen 51.344167 6.136111 P PPL NL 05 0983 20190 20 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-10-12
+ 13795 2746766 Steenwijk Steenwijk 52.7875 6.120833 P PPL NL 15 1708 17138 4 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-26
+ 13796 2746804 Steenbergen Steenbergen 51.584167 4.319444 P PPL NL 06 0851 23582 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13797 2746839 Staphorst Staphorst 52.645 6.211111 P PPL NL 15 0180 15765 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13798 2746932 Spijkenisse Spijkenisse 51.845 4.329167 P PPL NL 11 0612 74988 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13799 2747021 Someren Someren 51.385 5.711111 P PPL NL 06 0847 18037 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13800 2747034 Soest Soest 52.173333 5.291667 P PPL NL 09 0342 45021 13 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13801 2747063 Sneek Sneek 53.0329715991745 5.65890312194824 P PPL NL 02 0091 32811 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-08-20
+ 13802 2747169 Sliedrecht Sliedrecht 51.820833 4.776389 P PPL NL 11 0610 23854 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13803 2747203 Sittard Sittard 50.998333 5.869444 P PPL NL 05 1883 48400 53 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-05
+ 13804 2747227 Sint-Oedenrode Sint-Oedenrode 51.5675 5.459722 P PPL NL 06 0846 16931 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13805 2747351 s-Hertogenbosch 's-Hertogenbosch 51.699167 5.304167 P PPLA NL 06 0796 134520 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-08-01
+ 13806 2747364 s-Gravenzande s-Gravenzande 52.001667 4.165278 P PPL NL 11 1783 19190 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-06
+ 13807 2747373 Den Haag Den Haag 52.076667 4.298611 P PPL NL 11 0518 474292 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-08-13
+ 13808 2747584 Schijndel Schijndel 51.6225 5.431944 P PPL NL 06 0844 23239 8 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13809 2747596 Schiedam Schiedam 51.919167 4.388889 P PPL NL 11 0606 75438 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13810 2747720 Schagen Schagen 52.7875 4.798611 P PPL NL 07 0441 18930 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13811 2747858 Rucphen Rucphen 51.531667 4.558333 P PPL NL 06 0840 22641 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13812 2747891 Rotterdam Rotterdam 51.9225 4.479167 P PPL NL 11 0599 598199 -4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13813 2747930 Roosendaal Roosendaal 51.530833 4.465278 P PPL NL 06 1674 77725 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13814 2748000 Roermond Roermond 51.194167 5.9875 P PPL NL 05 0957 44975 21 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13815 2748076 Rijswijk Rijswijk 52.0363366738444 4.32500839233398 P PPL NL 11 0603 47299 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-21
+ 13816 2748172 Ridderkerk Ridderkerk 51.8725 4.602778 P PPL NL 11 0597 45189 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13817 2748178 Rhoon Rhoon 51.8575 4.422222 P PPL NL NL 11 0613 18250 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-11-01
+ 13818 2748185 Rhenen Rhenen 51.959167 5.568056 P PPL NL 09 0340 18061 32 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13819 2748371 Raalte Raalte 52.385833 6.275 P PPL NL 15 0177 20015 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-22
+ 13820 2748392 Putten Putten 52.259167 5.606944 P PPL NL 03 0273 23168 18 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13821 2748413 Purmerend Purmerend 52.505 4.959722 P PPL NL 07 0439 76745 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13822 2748591 Pijnacker Pijnacker 52.0195432022308 4.42946434020996 P PPL NL NL 11 1926 18695 -4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-11-01
+ 13823 2748729 Papendrecht Papendrecht 51.831667 4.6875 P PPL NL 11 0590 31621 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-22
+ 13824 2749182 Oud-Beijerland Oud-Beijerland 51.824167 4.4125 P PPL NL 11 0584 23569 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13825 2749234 Oss Oss 51.765 5.518056 P PPL NL 06 0828 76430 6 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13826 2749450 Oosterhout Oosterhout 51.645 4.859722 P PPL NL 06 0826 53107 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13827 2749644 Oldenzaal Oldenzaal 52.313333 6.929167 P PPL NL 15 0173 31410 52 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13828 2749668 Oldebroek Oldebroek 52.445 5.901389 P PPL NL 03 0269 23010 4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13829 2749680 Oisterwijk Oisterwijk 51.579167 5.188889 P PPL NL 06 0824 25980 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13830 2749723 Oegstgeest Oegstgeest 52.18 4.469444 P PPL NL 11 0579 21149 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13831 2749753 Nuth Nuth 50.9175 5.886111 P PPL NL 05 0951 15748 79 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13832 2749756 Nunspeet Nunspeet 52.379167 5.786111 P PPL NL 03 0302 19496 7 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-02
+ 13833 2749780 Nuenen Nuenen 51.47 5.552778 P PPL NL 06 0820 23223 16 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13834 2749811 Noordwijkerhout Noordwijkerhout 52.261667 4.493056 P PPL NL 11 0576 15071 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13835 2749812 Noordwijk-Binnen Noordwijk-Binnen 52.235833 4.447222 P PPL NL 11 0575 24363 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13836 2750053 Nijmegen Nijmegen 51.8425 5.852778 P PPL NL 03 0268 158732 13 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13837 2750065 Nijkerk Nijkerk 52.22 5.486111 P PPL NL 03 0267 38335 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13838 2750325 Nieuwegein Nieuwegein 52.029167 5.080556 P PPL NL 09 0356 61489 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13839 2750467 Nederweert Nederweert 51.285833 5.748611 P PPL NL 05 0946 16095 30 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13840 2750521 Naarden Naarden 52.295833 5.1625 P PPL NL 07 0425 17115 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13841 2750523 Naaldwijk Naaldwijk 51.994167 4.209722 P PPL NL 11 1783 17753 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-06
+ 13842 2750815 Mijdrecht Mijdrecht 52.206667 4.8625 P PPL NL 09 0736 34377 -5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13843 2750884 Middelharnis Middelharnis 51.7575 4.165278 P PPL NL 11 0559 17554 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13844 2750896 Middelburg Middelburg 51.5 3.613889 P PPLA NL 10 0687 46485 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13845 2750947 Meppel Meppel 52.695833 6.194444 P PPL NL 01 0119 30697 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13846 2751037 Meerssen Meerssen 50.8875 5.75 P PPL NL 05 0938 19933 101 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13847 2751283 Maastricht Maastricht 50.848333 5.688889 P PPLA NL 05 0935 122378 64 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-09-09
+ 13848 2751285 Maassluis Maassluis 51.923333 4.25 P PPL NL 11 0556 32780 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13849 2751316 Maarssen Maarssen 52.139167 5.041667 P PPL NL 09 0333 39675 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13850 2751424 Losser Losser 52.260833 7.004167 P PPL NL 15 0168 22431 33 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13851 2751456 Loon op Zand Loon op Zand 51.6275 5.075 P PPL NL 06 0809 23000 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13852 2751547 Lisse Lisse 52.26 4.556944 P PPL NL 11 0553 22096 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13853 2751582 Lindenholt Lindenholt 51.8327013105963 5.79339981079102 P PPLX NL 03 0268 16121 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-17
+ 13854 2751651 Lichtenvoorde Lichtenvoorde 51.986667 6.566667 P PPL NL 03 1586 19590 21 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13855 2751687 Leusden Leusden 52.1325 5.431944 P PPL NL 09 0327 29215 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-06
+ 13856 2751738 Lelystad Lelystad 52.508333 5.475 P PPLA NL 16 0995 70741 -4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13857 2751771 Leiderdorp Leiderdorp 52.158333 4.529167 P PPL NL 11 0547 25966 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13858 2751773 Leiden Leiden 52.158333 4.493056 P PPL NL 11 0546 119713 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13859 2751792 Leeuwarden Leeuwarden 53.2 5.7833333 P PPLA NL 02 0080 91424 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-24
+ 13860 2751834 Leek Leek 53.1625 6.376389 P PPL NL 04 0022 19651 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13861 2752264 Krimpen aan den IJssel Krimpen aan den IJssel 51.916667 4.602778 P PPL NL 11 0542 29017 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13862 2752420 Korrewegwijk Korrewegwijk 53.2333333 6.5666667 P PPLX NL 04 0014 16710 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-17
+ 13863 2752923 Kerkrade Kerkrade 50.865833 6.0625 P PPL NL 05 0928 49777 160 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-08-01
+ 13864 2753013 Katwijk Katwijk 51.75 5.870833 P PPL NL 06 1684 60910 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-26
+ 13865 2753106 Kampen Kampen 52.555 5.911111 P PPL NL 15 0166 48980 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13866 2753355 IJsselstein IJsselstein 52.02 5.043056 P PPL NL 09 0353 33886 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13867 2753587 Horst Horst 52.308333 5.581944 P PPL NL 03 0233 28845 6 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-11-13
+ 13868 2753638 Hoorn Hoorn 52.6425 5.059722 P PPL NL 07 0405 68852 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-11-13
+ 13869 2753706 Hoogezand Hoogezand 53.161667 6.761111 P PPL NL 04 0018 21480 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-09
+ 13870 2753719 Hoogeveen Hoogeveen 52.7225 6.476389 P PPL NL 01 0118 38754 11 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-05-06
+ 13871 2753801 Hoofddorp Hoofddorp 52.3025 4.688889 P PPL NL 07 0394 132734 -5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13872 2754064 Hilversum Hilversum 52.223333 5.176389 P PPL NL NL 07 0402 83640 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-06-03
+ 13873 2754066 Hilvarenbeek Hilvarenbeek 51.485833 5.1375 P PPL NL 06 0798 15113 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-11-01
+ 13874 2754454 Hellevoetsluis Hellevoetsluis 51.83333 4.13333 P PPL NL 11 0530 21927 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-06
+ 13875 2754635 Heesch Heesch 51.7336200471311 5.52672386169434 P PPL NL 06 1721 28888 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-26
+ 13876 2754652 Heerlen Heerlen 50.883651041327 5.98154067993164 P PPL NL 05 0917 93084 130 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-12-22
+ 13877 2754659 Heerhugowaard Heerhugowaard 52.6666667 4.85 P PPL NL 07 0398 47580 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-21
+ 13878 2754669 Heerenveen Heerenveen 52.9592899918889 5.91854095458984 P PPL NL 02 0074 43094 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-21
+ 13879 2754681 Heerde Heerde 52.3872300307912 6.04016304016113 P PPL NL 03 0246 18428 6 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-02
+ 13880 2754692 Heemstede Heemstede 52.345833 4.620833 P PPL NL 07 0397 25562 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13881 2754697 Heemskerk Heemskerk 52.5166667 4.6666667 P PPL NL 07 0396 36170 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-21
+ 13882 2754817 Harlingen Harlingen 53.1747654701346 5.42243957519531 P PPL NL 02 0072 16119 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-23
+ 13883 2754837 Harenkarspel Harenkarspel 52.734160868909 4.77682113647461 P PPL NL 07 0395 15941 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-26
+ 13884 2754841 Haren Haren 53.1666667 6.6 P PPL NL 04 0017 19088 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-26
+ 13885 2754848 Harderwijk Harderwijk 52.341667 5.620833 P PPL NL 03 0243 40516 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13886 2754861 Hardenberg Hardenberg 52.575833 6.619444 P PPL NL 15 0160 57909 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13887 2755003 Haarlem Haarlem 52.3808386793563 4.63683128356934 P PPLA NL 07 0392 147590 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-24
+ 13888 2755030 Haaksbergen Haaksbergen 52.156667 6.738889 P PPL NL 15 0158 24137 27 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13889 2755251 Groningen Groningen 53.219167 6.566667 P PPLA NL 04 0014 181194 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13890 2755272 Groesbeek Groesbeek 51.776667 5.936111 P PPL NL 03 0241 18741 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-06
+ 13891 2755420 Gouda Gouda 52.016667 4.708333 P PPL NL 11 0513 71952 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13892 2755434 Gorinchem Gorinchem 51.8325 4.975 P PPL NL 11 0512 34736 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13893 2755464 Goirle Goirle 51.520833 5.066667 P PPL NL 06 0785 22646 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13894 2755476 Goes Goes 51.504167 3.888889 P PPL NL 10 0664 36931 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13895 2755584 Gennep Gennep 51.698333 5.973611 P PPL NL 05 0907 16642 11 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13896 2755599 Gendringen Gendringen 51.873333 6.376389 P PPL NL 03 1509 20718 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13897 2755619 Geldrop Geldrop 51.421667 5.559722 P PPL NL 06 1771 27900 20 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-11
+ 13898 2755633 Geldermalsen Geldermalsen 51.880833 5.288889 P PPL NL 03 0236 25734 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13899 2755669 Geertruidenberg Geertruidenberg 51.701667 4.856944 P PPL NL 06 0779 20941 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13900 2756039 Ermelo Ermelo 52.298333 5.622222 P PPL NL 03 0233 26428 17 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13901 2756059 Epe Epe 52.3475 5.983333 P PPL NL 03 0232 33385 12 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13902 2756071 Enschede Enschede 52.218333 6.895833 P PPL NL 15 0153 153655 45 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-02-16
+ 13903 2756077 Enkhuizen Enkhuizen 52.703333 5.291667 P PPL NL 07 0388 17365 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13904 2756136 Emmen Emmen 52.779167 6.906944 P PPL NL 01 0114 57010 20 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-25
+ 13905 2756139 Emmeloord Emmeloord 52.710833 5.748611 P PPL NL 16 0171 46409 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13906 2756161 Elst Elst 51.919167 5.841667 P PPL NL 03 1734 20488 9 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-09-03
+ 13907 2756232 Elburg Elburg 52.4475 5.843056 P PPL NL 03 0230 21844 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13908 2756253 Eindhoven Eindhoven 51.440833 5.477778 P PPL NL 06 0772 209620 19 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13909 2756295 Eibergen Eibergen 52.1 6.648611 P PPL NL 03 1859 16493 24 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13910 2756342 Eersel Eersel 51.3575 5.318056 P PPL NL 06 0770 18185 30 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13911 2756429 Ede Ede 52.033333 5.658333 P PPL NL 03 0228 67670 18 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-02
+ 13912 2756507 Duiven Duiven 51.946667 6.013889 P PPL NL 03 0226 25469 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13913 2756539 Druten Druten 51.888333 5.605556 P PPL NL 03 0225 18003 7 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13914 2756559 Dronten Dronten 52.525 5.718056 P PPL NL 16 0303 38415 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13915 2756569 Drimmelen Drimmelen 51.706667 4.804167 P PPL NL 06 1719 26580 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13916 2756619 Driebergen-Rijsenburg Driebergen-Rijsenburg 52.053333 5.280556 P PPL NL 09 1581 18553 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-25
+ 13917 2756644 Drachten Drachten 53.1 6.1 P PPL NL 02 0090 44537 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-02
+ 13918 2756669 Dordrecht Dordrecht 51.81 4.673611 P PPL NL 11 0505 119260 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13919 2756723 Dongen Dongen 51.626667 4.938889 P PPL NL 06 0766 25464 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13920 2756767 Doetinchem Doetinchem 51.965 6.288889 P PPL NL 03 0222 49906 13 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13921 2756987 Deventer Deventer 52.255 6.163889 P PPL NL 15 0150 97331 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-05-04
+ 13922 2757220 Den Helder Den Helder 52.953333 4.759722 P PPL NL 07 0400 59569 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13923 2757340 Delfzijl Delfzijl 53.33 6.918056 P PPL NL 04 0010 28649 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13924 2757345 Delft Delft 52.006667 4.355556 P PPL NL 11 0503 95060 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13925 2757347 Delfshaven Delfshaven 51.9048837424215 4.45315361022949 P PPLX NL 11 0599 70290 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-09-25
+ 13926 2757783 De Bilt De Bilt 52.11 5.180556 P PPL NL 09 0310 42111 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13927 2757850 Dalfsen Dalfsen 52.511667 6.256944 P PPL NL 15 0148 26575 4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13928 2757872 Culemborg Culemborg 51.955 5.227778 P PPL NL 03 0216 26826 2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13929 2757874 Cuijk Cuijk 51.730833 5.879167 P PPL NL 06 1684 24032 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13930 2757890 Cranendonck Cranendonck 51.304167 5.588889 P PPL NL 06 1706 19966 29 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13931 2757937 Coevorden Coevorden 52.6625 6.741667 P PPL NL 01 0109 36411 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13932 2757991 Castricum Castricum 52.548333 4.669444 P PPL NL 07 0383 35256 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13933 2758007 Capelle-West Capelle-West 51.9166667 4.5666667 P PPLX NL 11 0502 65390 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-26
+ 13934 2758064 Bussum Bussum 52.273333 5.161111 P PPL NL 07 0381 31334 5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13935 2758174 Brunssum Brunssum 50.946667 5.970833 P PPL NL 05 0899 29254 80 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13936 2758177 Brummen Brummen 52.09 6.155556 P PPL NL 03 0213 21344 9 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13937 2758245 Broek op Langedijk Broek op Langedijk 52.674167 4.805556 P PPL NL 07 0416 25548 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13938 2758258 Broek in Waterland Broek in Waterland 52.434167 4.995833 P PPL NL 07 0852 17382 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13939 2758401 Breda Breda 51.5865631469705 4.77596282958984 P PPL NL 06 0758 167673 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-25
+ 13940 2758460 Boxtel Boxtel 51.590833 5.329167 P PPL NL 06 0757 29511 8 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13941 2758462 Boxmeer Boxmeer 51.646667 5.947222 P PPL NL 06 0756 29438 12 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13942 2758547 Boskoop Boskoop 52.075 4.655556 P PPL NL 11 0499 15222 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13943 2758587 Borssele Borssele 51.423333 3.734722 P PPL NL 10 0654 22285 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13944 2758598 Borne Borne 52.3 6.75 P PPL NL 15 0147 20550 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13945 2758602 Born Born 51.031667 5.809722 P PPL NL 05 1883 97169 35 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13946 2758621 Borger Borger 52.923333 6.793056 P PPL NL 01 1681 26267 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13947 2758765 Bodegraven Bodegraven 52.0825 4.75 P PPL NL 11 0497 19395 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13948 2758804 Bloemendaal Bloemendaal 52.4025 4.622222 P PPL NL 07 0377 16802 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13949 2758878 Bladel Bladel 51.368333 5.220833 P PPL NL 06 1728 19214 29 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13950 2758998 Beverwijk Beverwijk 52.483333 4.656944 P PPL NL 07 0375 37585 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13951 2759016 Beuningen Beuningen 51.860833 5.766667 P PPL NL 03 0209 25557 9 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13952 2759040 Best Best 51.5075 5.390278 P PPL NL 06 0753 29074 16 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13953 2759113 Bergschenhoek Bergschenhoek 51.99 4.498611 P PPL NL 11 1621 16579 -6 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13954 2759132 Bergeijk Bergeyk 51.319167 5.358333 P PPL NL 06 1724 18181 30 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13955 2759145 Bergen op Zoom Bergen op Zoom 51.495 4.291667 P PPL NL 06 0748 66256 7 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13956 2759178 Benthuizen Benthuizen 52.0775 4.544444 P PPL NL 11 1672 18959 -5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13957 2759350 Beek Beek 50.940833 5.797222 P PPL NL 05 0888 17144 82 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13958 2759407 Barneveld Barneveld 52.14 5.584722 P PPL NL 03 0203 28640 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-06
+ 13959 2759426 Barendrecht Barendrecht 51.856667 4.534722 P PPL NL 11 0489 38672 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13960 2759544 Baarn Baarn 52.211667 5.2875 P PPL NL 09 0308 24584 3 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13961 2759621 Asten Asten 51.404167 5.748611 P PPL NL 06 0743 16185 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13962 2759633 Assen Assen 52.996667 6.5625 P PPLA NL 01 0106 62237 10 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13963 2759661 Arnhem Arnhem 51.98 5.911111 P PPLA NL 03 0202 141674 13 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13964 2759706 Apeldoorn Apeldoorn 52.21 5.969444 P PPL NL 03 0200 136670 12 12 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-12
+ 13965 2759746 Anloo Anloo 53.044167 6.701389 P PPL NL 01 1680 25118 15 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13966 2759794 Amsterdam Amsterdam 52.3730839945403 4.89990234375 P PPLC NL 07 0363 741636 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-02-15
+ 13967 2759798 Amstelveen Amstelveen 52.300833 4.863889 P PPL NL 07 0362 79639 -5 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13968 2759821 Amersfoort Amersfoort 52.155 5.3875 P PPL NL 09 0307 139914 4 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-01-25
+ 13969 2759875 Alphen aan den Rijn Alphen aan den Rijn 52.1291676672482 4.65545654296875 P PPL NL 11 0484 70251 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-05-02
+ 13970 2759879 Almere Stad Almere Stad 52.3702542434377 5.2141284942627 P PPL NL 16 0034 176432 -3 Europe/Amsterdam 2008-03-13
+ 13971 2759887 Almelo Almelo 52.356667 6.6625 P PPL NL 15 0141 72725 12 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13972 2759899 Alkmaar Alkmaar 52.631667 4.748611 P PPL NL 07 0361 94853 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13973 2759915 Alblasserdam Alblasserdam 51.865833 4.661111 P PPL NL 11 0482 18348 -1 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13974 2760123 Aalten Aalten 51.925 6.580556 P PPL NL 03 0197 19141 25 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13975 2760134 Aalsmeer Aalsmeer 52.259167 4.759722 P PPL NL 07 0358 22991 -4 Europe/Amsterdam 2007-06-03
+ 13976 6544881 Amsterdam-Zuidoost Amsterdam-Zuidoost 52.3075 4.972222 P PPLX NL 07 0363 84811 -2 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-15
+ 13977 6929992 Berkel en Rodenrijs Berkel en Rodenrijs 51.9931256180116 4.47864532470703 P PPLS NL 11 1621 20189 -5 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-01-13
+ 13978 6941548 Ypenburg Ypenburg 52.0409828098305 4.36981201171875 P PPL NL 11 0518 30000 0 1 Europe/Amsterdam 2009-09-06
+ 13979 3133880 Trondheim Trondheim 63.4305242970809 10.3949761390686 P PPLA NO 16 147139 18 Europe/Oslo 2008-12-09
+ 13980 3133895 Tromsø Tromso 69.6536247817996 18.9606857299805 P PPLA NO 18 52436 -9999 Europe/Oslo 2009-02-01
+ 13981 3134331 Tønsberg Tonsberg 59.2676461161931 10.4074537754059 P PPLA NO 20 38914 20 Europe/Oslo 2009-09-13
+ 13982 3137115 Stavanger Stavanger 58.9666667 5.75 P PPLA NO 14 173132 1 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 13983 3140390 Sandefjord Sandefjord 59.1333333 10.2333333 P PPL NO 20 42654 20 Europe/Oslo 2009-09-13
+ 13984 3142657 Porsgrunn Porsgrunn 59.15 9.6666667 P PPL NO NO 17 34377 19 Europe/Oslo 2009-10-12
+ 13985 3143244 Oslo Oslo 59.9132457671591 10.7389211654663 P PPLC NO 12 580000 11 Europe/Oslo 2009-09-14
+ 13986 3145375 Moss Moss 59.4366667 10.6691667 P PPLA NO 13 34492 25 Europe/Oslo 2006-11-05
+ 13987 3145580 Molde Molde 62.7333333 7.1833333 P PPLA NO 08 18594 -9999 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 13988 3145614 Mo i Rana Mo i Rana 66.3166667 14.1666667 P PPL NO 09 17853 28 Europe/Oslo 2006-11-16
+ 13989 3147474 Lillehammer Lillehammer 61.1308056810914 10.4497146606445 P PPLA NO 11 19096 210 Europe/Oslo 2008-01-08
+ 13990 3148129 Larvik Larvik 59.0566229107461 10.0373840332031 P PPL NO 20 23113 53 Europe/Oslo 2008-01-16
+ 13991 3149312 Kristiansund Kristiansund 63.1204978385145 7.71283149719238 P PPL NO 08 16785 40 Europe/Oslo 2008-01-31
+ 13992 3149318 Kristiansand Kristiansand 58.1473827114828 7.9995059967041 P PPLA NO 19 63814 3 Europe/Oslo 2009-07-20
+ 13993 3149563 Kongsberg Kongsberg 59.65 9.65 P PPL NO 04 17667 200 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 13994 3151770 Horten Horten 59.4136111 10.4669444 P PPL NO 20 17660 27 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 13995 3153623 Haugesund Haugesund 59.4119444 5.2775 P PPL NO 14 40321 38 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 13996 3153823 Harstad Harstad 68.8025 16.5455556 P PPL NO 18 19433 -9999 Europe/Oslo 2007-03-16
+ 13997 3154084 Hamar Hamar 60.8 11.1 P PPLA NO 06 29479 123 Europe/Oslo 2007-07-05
+ 13998 3154209 Halden Halden 59.15 11.3833333 P PPL NO 13 21970 120 Europe/Oslo 2007-05-24
+ 13999 3155573 Gjøvik Gjovik 60.8 10.7 P PPL NO 11 17596 123 Europe/Oslo 2006-07-24
+ 14000 3156529 Fredrikstad Fredrikstad 59.2181 10.9298 P PPL NO NO 13 72760 20 Europe/Oslo 2009-07-20
+ 14001 3159016 Drammen Drammen 59.7439367975026 10.204493701458 P PPLA NO 04 90722 20 Europe/Oslo 2009-07-20
+ 14002 3160881 Bodø Bodo 67.2833333 14.3833333 P PPLA NO 09 34073 13 Europe/Oslo 2006-11-05
+ 14003 3161732 Bergen Bergen 60.3931603404213 5.3242814540863 P PPLA NO 07 213585 20 Europe/Oslo 2008-12-09
+ 14004 3162955 Arendal Arendal 58.4602778 8.7666667 P PPLA NO 02 30916 3 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 14005 3163392 Ålesund Alesund 62.4708311316135 6.15212917327881 P PPL NO 08 44096 3 Europe/Oslo 2008-12-09
+ 14006 3336587 Askøy Askoy 60.4 5.1833333 P PPL NO 07 17224 1 Europe/Oslo 2007-02-17
+ 14007 6697344 Ytrebygda Ytrebygda 60.3050365466497 5.28236389160156 P PPLX NO 07 24044 60 Europe/Oslo 2008-10-16
+ 14008 1282616 Wāling Waling 27.9833333 83.7666667 P PPL NP 00 21867 804 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14009 1282635 Tulsīpur Tulsipur 28.1333333 82.3 P PPL NP 00 39058 685 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14010 1282666 Tīkāpur Tikapur 28.5 81.1333333 P PPL NP 00 44758 152 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14011 1282714 Tānsen Tansen 27.8666667 83.55 P PPL NP NP 00 23693 1304 Asia/Kathmandu 2009-05-21
+ 14012 1282770 Sirāhā Siraha 26.65 86.2 P PPL NP 00 24657 65 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14013 1282884 Rājbirāj Rajbiraj 26.5333333 86.75 P PPL NP 00 33061 76 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14014 1282898 Pokhara Pokhara 28.2333333 83.9833333 P PPL NP NP 00 200000 922 Asia/Kathmandu 2008-11-25
+ 14015 1282931 Pātan Patan 27.6666667 85.3333333 P PPL NP 00 183310 1309 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-11-15
+ 14016 1282950 Panaoti Panaoti 27.5833333 85.5166667 P PPL NP 00 27602 1437 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14017 1283082 Malangwa Malangwa 26.8666667 85.5666667 P PPL NP 00 20284 81 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14018 1283095 Mahendranagar Mahendranagar 28.9166667 80.3333333 P PPL NP 00 88381 199 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-11-15
+ 14019 1283161 Lahān Lahan 26.7166667 86.4833333 P PPL NP 00 31495 111 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14020 1283190 Kirtipur Kirtipur 27.6666667 85.2833333 P PPL NP 00 44632 1342 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14021 1283217 Khāndbāri Khandbari 27.3666667 87.2166667 P PPL NP 00 22903 833 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14022 1283240 Kathmandu Kathmandu 27.7166667 85.3166667 P PPLC NP 00 1442271 1317 1304 Asia/Kathmandu 2008-08-05
+ 14023 1283318 Janakpur Janakpur 26.7 85.9166667 P PPL NP 00 93767 66 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14024 1283323 Jaleswar Jaleswar 26.6333333 85.8 P PPL NP 00 23573 54 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-27
+ 14025 1283329 Ithari Ithari 26.6666667 87.2833333 P PPL NP 00 47984 107 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14026 1283333 Ilām Ilam 26.9 87.9333333 P PPL NP 00 17491 670 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14027 1283339 Heṭauḍā Hetauda 27.4166667 85.0333333 P PPL NP 00 84775 459 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14028 1283368 Gulariyā Gulariya 28.2333333 81.3333333 P PPL NP 00 53107 143 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14029 1283401 Gaur Gaur 26.7666667 85.2666667 P PPL NP 00 27325 67 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14030 1283460 Dharān Bāzār Dharan Bazar 26.8166667 87.2833333 P PPL NP 00 108600 366 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14031 1283465 Dhankutā Dhankuta 26.9833333 87.3333333 P PPL NP 00 22084 960 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14032 1283467 Dhangarhi Dhangarhi 28.6833333 80.6 P PPL NP 00 92294 165 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-11-15
+ 14033 1283484 Dārchulā Darchula 29.85 80.55 P PPL NP 00 18317 977 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-27
+ 14034 1283496 Dailekh Dailekh 28.8333333 81.7333333 P PPL NP 00 20908 1090 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-27
+ 14035 1283499 Dadeldhurā Dadeldhura 29.3 80.5833333 P PPL NP 00 19014 1699 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-27
+ 14036 1283562 Butwāl Butwal 27.7 83.45 P PPL NP 00 91733 150 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14037 1283581 Bīrganj Birganj 27.0 84.8666667 P PPL NP 00 133238 67 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-11-15
+ 14038 1283582 Birātnagar Biratnagar 26.4833333 87.2833333 P PPL NP 00 182324 70 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14039 1283613 Bharatpur Bharatpur 27.6833333 84.4333333 P PPL NP 00 107157 203 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14040 1283618 Bhaktapur Bhaktapur 27.6673377313517 85.41672706604 P PPL NP 00 76886 1319 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-08-03
+ 14041 1283621 Bhairāhawā Bhairahawa 27.5 83.45 P PPL NP 00 63367 88 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-11-15
+ 14042 1283628 Bhadrapur Bhadrapur 26.5333333 88.0833333 P PPL NP 00 19523 101 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14043 1283679 Banepa Banepa 27.6333333 85.5166667 P PPL NP 00 17153 1439 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14044 1283711 Bāglung Baglung 28.2666667 83.6 P PPL NP 00 23296 948 Asia/Kathmandu 2006-01-17
+ 14045 4036284 Alofi Alofi -19.0166667 -169.9166667 P PPLC NU 00 624 2 Pacific/Niue 2007-02-17
+ 14046 2179537 Wellington Wellington -41.2785361586459 174.776639342308 P PPLC NZ G2 381900 51 Pacific/Auckland 2009-03-23
+ 14047 2179670 Wanganui Wanganui -39.9333333 175.05 P PPL NZ 00 40268 31 Pacific/Auckland 2006-01-17
+ 14048 2179867 Waitakere Waitakere -36.85 174.55 P PPL NZ E7 166237 66 Pacific/Auckland 2008-07-02
+ 14049 2181133 Timaru Timaru -44.4 171.25 P PPL NZ 00 28007 1 Pacific/Auckland 2006-11-19
+ 14050 2181742 Taupo Taupo -38.6833333 176.0833333 P PPL NZ G1 22469 384 Pacific/Auckland 2008-08-28
+ 14051 2184155 Pukekohe East Pukekohe East -37.2 174.95 P PPL NZ 00 21438 141 Pacific/Auckland 2006-01-17
+ 14052 2184397 Porirua Porirua -41.1333333 174.85 P PPL NZ 00 50914 27 Pacific/Auckland 2006-01-17
+ 14053 2185018 Palmerston North Palmerston North -40.35 175.6166667 P PPL NZ 00 75996 30 Pacific/Auckland 2007-02-18
+ 14054 2185964 North Shore North Shore -36.8 174.75 P PPLX NZ E7 207865 8 Pacific/Auckland 2008-07-06
+ 14055 2186239 New Plymouth New Plymouth -39.0666667 174.0833333 P PPL NZ 00 49168 27 Pacific/Auckland 2006-11-16
+ 14056 2186313 Napier Napier -39.4833333 176.9166667 P PPLA NZ F2 56787 -9999 Pacific/Auckland 2008-03-23
+ 14057 2187404 Manukau City Manukau City -36.9817120959048 174.870758056641 P PPL NZ 362000 7 Pacific/Auckland 2009-05-06
+ 14058 2188164 Lower Hutt Lower Hutt -41.2166667 174.9166667 P PPL NZ 00 101194 15 Pacific/Auckland 2006-11-15
+ 14059 2189529 Invercargill Invercargill -46.4 168.35 P PPLA NZ F8 47287 9 Pacific/Auckland 2008-03-23
+ 14060 2190224 Hastings Hastings -39.6380999633232 176.849176883698 P PPL NZ F2 61696 11 Pacific/Auckland 2008-09-25
+ 14061 2190324 Hamilton Hamilton -37.7833333 175.2833333 P PPLA NZ G1 152641 28 Pacific/Auckland 2008-03-23
+ 14062 2191562 Dunedin Dunedin -45.8741594858349 170.503612160683 P PPLA NZ F7 114347 94 Pacific/Auckland 2008-09-25
+ 14063 2192362 Christchurch Christchurch -43.5333333 172.6333333 P PPLA NZ E9 363926 7 Pacific/Auckland 2008-05-10
+ 14064 2193733 Auckland Auckland -36.8666667 174.7666667 P PPL NZ E7 417910 26 Pacific/Auckland 2008-05-10
+ 14065 2206371 Levin Levin -40.6333333 175.275 P PPL NZ 00 19789 24 Pacific/Auckland 2006-01-17
+ 14066 2206854 Gisborne Gisborne -38.6533333 178.0041667 P PPLA NZ F1 34274 19 Pacific/Auckland 2008-03-23
+ 14067 2206890 Masterton Masterton -40.9597222 175.6575 P PPL NZ 00 20698 121 Pacific/Auckland 2006-01-17
+ 14068 2208032 Tauranga Tauranga -37.6861111 176.1666667 P PPL NZ E8 110338 1 Pacific/Auckland 2007-12-08
+ 14069 2208330 Whakatane Whakatane -37.9585457306399 176.985454559326 P PPL NZ 00 18602 14 Pacific/Auckland 2009-06-03
+ 14070 6230919 Whangarei Whangarei -35.7316730827802 174.323909282684 P PPLA NZ F6 50900 50 Pacific/Auckland 2008-09-26
+ 14071 6241325 Rotorua Rotorua -38.1387421526934 176.245164871216 P PPL NZ E8 65901 269 Pacific/Auckland 2008-08-21
+ 14072 6243926 Blenheim Blenheim -41.5160327530779 173.952798843384 P PPL NZ 26550 6 Pacific/Auckland 2008-06-27
+ 14073 6244895 Upper Hutt Upper Hutt -41.138271166 175.050196755 P PPL NZ G2 38400 57 Pacific/Auckland 2008-09-25
+ 14074 286245 Şūr Sur 22.5666667 59.5288889 P PPL OM 04 71152 15 Asia/Muscat 2006-11-15
+ 14075 286282 Şuḩār Suhar 24.3688889 56.7438889 P PPL OM 02 108274 4 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14076 286293 Sufālat Samā'il Sufalat Sama'il 23.3166667 58.0166667 P PPLS OM 00 47718 345 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14077 286402 Shināş Shinas 24.7433333 56.4658333 P PPL OM 02 48009 9 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14078 286621 Şalālah Salalah 17.0175 54.0827778 P PPL OM 08 163140 21 Asia/Muscat 2007-02-18
+ 14079 286647 Şaḩam Saham 24.1722222 56.8886111 P PPL OM 02 89327 12 Asia/Muscat 2006-05-19
+ 14080 286987 Nizwá Nizwa 22.9333333 57.5333333 P PPL OM 00 72076 516 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14081 287286 Muscat Muscat 23.6133333 58.5933333 P PPLC OM 06 797000 69 Asia/Muscat 2007-02-17
+ 14082 287614 Khaşab Khasab 26.1916667 56.2436111 P PPL OM 07 17904 81 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14083 287814 Izkī Izki 22.9333333 57.7666667 P PPL OM 00 36203 519 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14084 287830 `Ibrī `Ibri 23.2257298001787 56.5157210826874 P PPL OM 00 101640 377 Asia/Muscat 2009-03-03
+ 14085 287832 Ibrā Ibra 22.6902778 58.5469444 P PPL OM 00 25265 458 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14086 288721 Bidbid Bidbid 23.4063889 58.1263889 P PPL OM 00 21188 247 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14087 288764 Bawshar Bawshar 23.5316667 58.3894444 P PPL OM 06 159487 110 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14088 288789 Barkā' Barka' 23.7091667 57.8869444 P PPL OM 00 81647 -9999 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14089 288899 Bahlā' Bahla' 22.9666667 57.3 P PPL OM 00 54338 619 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14090 288902 Badīyah Badiyah 22.45 58.8 P PPLS OM 00 18479 291 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14091 288955 As Suwayq As Suwayq 23.8494444 57.4386111 P PPL OM 02 107143 18 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14092 288967 As Sīb As Sib 23.6802778 58.1825 P PPL OM 06 237816 13 Asia/Muscat 2007-02-08
+ 14093 289011 Rustāq Rustaq 23.3908333 57.4244444 P PPL OM 00 79383 367 Asia/Muscat 2006-05-19
+ 14094 289174 Al Liwā' Al Liwa' 24.5361111 56.5655556 P PPL OM 02 26372 12 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14095 289199 Al Khābūrah Al Khaburah 23.9811111 57.1044444 P PPL OM 02 50223 4 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-27
+ 14096 289317 Al Buraymī Al Buraymi 24.25 55.75 P PPL OM 00 73670 285 Asia/Muscat 2006-11-15
+ 14097 289433 Ādam Adam 22.3833333 57.5333333 P PPL OM 00 17283 274 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14098 411849 Yanqul Yanqul 23.5855556 56.5408333 P PPL OM 00 16599 684 Asia/Muscat 2006-01-17
+ 14099 3700038 Vista Alegre Vista Alegre 8.9333333 -79.7 P PPL PA 08 41786 38 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14100 3700164 Veracruz Veracruz 8.8833333 -79.6333333 P PPL PA 08 16172 -9999 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14101 3700563 Tocumen Tocumen 9.0833333 -79.3833333 P PPL PA 08 88543 16 America/Panama 2006-05-19
+ 14102 3701117 Santiago Santiago 8.1 -80.9833333 P PPLA PA 10 45355 88 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14103 3701329 San Miguelito San Miguelito 9.0333333 -79.5 P PPL PA 08 321501 35 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14104 3702431 Puerto Armuelles Puerto Armuelles 8.2833333 -82.8666667 P PPL PA 02 18795 12 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14105 3703229 Pedregal Pedregal 8.3666667 -82.4333333 P PPL PA 02 16285 2 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14106 3703443 Panamá Panama 8.9666667 -79.5333333 P PPLC PA 08 408168 2 America/Panama 2007-02-17
+ 14107 3703647 Pacora Pacora 9.0833333 -79.2833333 P PPL PA 08 55530 21 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14108 3703833 Nuevo Arraiján Nuevo Arraijan 8.9166667 -79.7166667 P PPL PA 08 23594 11 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14109 3706567 Las Cumbres Las Cumbres 9.0833333 -79.5333333 P PPL PA 08 69102 113 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14110 3707899 La Concepción La Concepcion 8.5166667 -82.6166667 P PPL PA 02 16910 239 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14111 3707961 La Chorrera La Chorrera 8.8802778 -79.7833333 P PPL PA 08 61232 70 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14112 3708066 La Cabima La Cabima 9.1333333 -79.5333333 P PPL PA 08 17544 151 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14113 3711668 David David 8.4333333 -82.4333333 P PPLA PA 02 82859 56 America/Panama 2006-11-15
+ 14114 3712076 Colón Colon 9.3591667 -79.9013889 P PPLA PA 04 76643 2 America/Panama 2007-02-17
+ 14115 3712384 Chitré Chitre 7.9666667 -80.4333333 P PPLA PA 06 43966 20 America/Panama 2006-11-15
+ 14116 3712455 Chilibre Chilibre 9.15 -79.6166667 P PPL PA 08 33536 49 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14117 3712505 Chepo Chepo 9.1666667 -79.1 P PPL PA 08 15335 34 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14118 3712560 Changuinola Changuinola 9.4333333 -82.5166667 P PPL PA 01 22900 24 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14119 3712884 Cativá Cativa 9.3605556 -79.8436111 P PPL PA 04 29607 22 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14120 3714637 Arraiján Arraijan 8.95 -79.65 P PPL PA 08 76815 142 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14121 3714932 Alcaldedíaz Alcaldediaz 9.1166667 -79.55 P PPL PA 08 19782 132 America/Panama 2006-01-27
+ 14122 3715042 Aguadulce Aguadulce 8.25 -80.55 P PPL PA 03 17237 29 America/Panama 2006-01-17
+ 14123 3690654 Yurimaguas Yurimaguas -5.9 -76.0833333 P PPL PE 16 41827 185 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14124 3690875 Virú Viru -8.4166667 -78.75 P PPL PE 13 20774 65 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14125 3691094 Uchiza Uchiza -8.4591667 -76.4633333 P PPL PE 22 17742 615 America/Lima 2006-12-28
+ 14126 3691148 Tumbes Tumbes -3.5666667 -80.4413889 P PPLA PE 24 109223 8 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14127 3691175 Trujillo Trujillo -8.1159942774572 -79.0299797058105 P PPLA PE 13 747450 36 America/Lima 2007-05-12
+ 14128 3691324 Tocache Nuevo Tocache Nuevo -8.1841667 -76.5125 P PPL PE 22 29029 457 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14129 3691348 Tingo María Tingo Maria -9.3 -75.9833333 P PPL PE 10 53177 706 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14130 3691530 Tambo Grande Tambo Grande -4.9269444 -80.3447222 P PPL PE 20 30033 96 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14131 3691582 Talara Talara -4.5772222 -81.2719444 P PPL PE 20 99074 14 America/Lima 2006-05-19
+ 14132 3691674 Sullana Sullana -4.9038889 -80.6852778 P PPL PE 20 160789 67 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14133 3691954 Sechura Sechura -5.5569444 -80.8222222 P PPL PE 20 23020 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14134 3692073 Santiago de Cao Santiago de Cao -7.9588889 -79.2391667 P PPL PE 13 21982 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14135 3692310 San Pedro de Lloc San Pedro de Lloc -7.4327778 -79.5058333 P PPL PE 13 16250 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14136 3692667 Zaña Zana -6.9222222 -79.5841667 P PPL PE 14 39200 95 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14137 3692863 Rioja Rioja -6.0586111 -77.165 P PPL PE 22 25057 789 America/Lima 2006-12-18
+ 14138 3693057 Querecotillo Querecotillo -4.8377778 -80.6455556 P PPL PE 20 25396 76 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14139 3693345 Pucallpa Pucallpa -8.3791473945826 -74.5538663864136 P PPLA PE 25 310750 158 America/Lima 2007-06-08
+ 14140 3693528 Piura Piura -5.2 -80.6333333 P PPLA PE 20 325466 25 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14141 3693584 Pimentel Pimentel -6.8366667 -79.9341667 P PPL PE 14 15552 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14142 3693645 Picsi Picsi -6.7177778 -79.7697222 P PPL PE 14 43610 60 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14143 3694112 Paita Paita -5.0891667 -81.1144444 P PPL PE 20 56151 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14144 3694119 Paiján Paijan -7.7333333 -79.3022222 P PPL PE 13 21128 117 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14145 3694178 Pacasmayo Pacasmayo -7.4005556 -79.5713889 P PPL PE 13 29165 3 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14146 3694564 Moyobamba Moyobamba -6.05 -76.9666667 P PPLA PE 22 44276 760 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14147 3694666 Monsefú Monsefu -6.8780556 -79.8722222 P PPL PE 14 25707 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14148 3694725 Moche Moche -8.1711111 -79.0091667 P PPL PE 13 22581 109 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14149 3694939 Marcavelica Marcavelica -4.8777778 -80.7052778 P PPL PE 20 25645 65 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14150 3695466 La Unión La Union -5.4 -80.75 P PPL PE 20 34834 6 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14151 3695617 Laredo Laredo -8.1 -78.95 P PPL PE 13 24691 83 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14152 3695675 La Peca La Peca -5.6111111 -78.435 P PPL PE 01 27045 1143 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14153 3695754 Lambayeque Lambayeque -6.7011111 -79.9061111 P PPL PE 14 43710 2 America/Lima 2006-12-04
+ 14154 3696057 Juanjuí Juanjui -7.1833333 -76.75 P PPL PE 22 37715 328 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14155 3696150 Jaén Jaen -5.7080556 -78.8047222 P PPL PE 06 52493 840 America/Lima 2007-01-30
+ 14156 3696183 Iquitos Iquitos -3.7480556 -73.2472222 P PPLA PE 16 437620 107 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14157 3696378 Huaraz Huaraz -9.5333333 -77.5333333 P PPLA PE 02 86934 2829 America/Lima 2008-05-18
+ 14158 3696417 Huánuco Huanuco -9.9166667 -76.2333333 P PPLA PE 10 147959 1794 America/Lima 2007-02-18
+ 14159 3696509 Huamachuco Huamachuco -7.8 -78.0666667 P PPL PE 13 21768 3072 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14160 3696847 Guadalupe Guadalupe -7.25 -79.4833333 P PPL PE 13 25376 83 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14161 3697033 Ferreñafe Ferrenafe -6.6388889 -79.7888889 P PPL PE 14 34357 127 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14162 3697990 Coishco Coishco -9.0230556 -78.6155556 P PPL PE 02 15083 157 America/Lima 2006-02-23
+ 14163 3698105 Chulucanas Chulucanas -5.0925 -80.1625 P PPL PE 20 68835 120 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14164 3698176 Chongoyape Chongoyape -6.6405556 -79.3891667 P PPL PE 14 16061 53 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14165 3698194 Chocope Chocope -7.7913889 -79.2216667 P PPL PE 13 32370 119 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14166 3698304 Chimbote Chimbote -9.0852778 -78.5783333 P PPL PE 02 316966 1 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14167 3698350 Chiclayo Chiclayo -6.7736111 -79.8416667 P PPLA PE 14 577375 1 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14168 3698390 Chepén Chepen -7.2166667 -79.45 P PPL PE 13 41992 77 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14169 3698540 Chachapoyas Chachapoyas -6.23168817866145 -77.8690338134766 P PPLA PE 01 20279 1851 America/Lima 2007-02-18
+ 14170 3698658 Catacaos Catacaos -5.2666667 -80.6833333 P PPL PE 20 57304 11 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14171 3699088 Cajamarca Cajamarca -7.16377750398564 -78.5002702474594 P PPLA PE 06 135000 2700 2609 America/Lima 2007-07-25
+ 14172 3699364 Bellavista Bellavista -7.0666667 -76.5333333 P PPL PE 22 15231 295 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14173 3699484 Bagua Grande Bagua Grande -5.7561111 -78.4411111 P PPL PE 01 20382 746 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14174 3814568 La Breita La Breita -4.2608333 -80.8875 P PPL PE 20 17693 291 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14175 3818398 Zarumilla Zarumilla -3.5030556 -80.2730556 P PPL PE 24 16907 35 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14176 3925476 Yunguyo Yunguyo -16.25 -69.0833333 P PPL PE 21 16140 3826 America/Lima 2008-05-28
+ 14177 3925863 Yanacancha Yanacancha -10.2411111 -76.6455556 P PPL PE 10 23175 3986 America/Lima 2007-02-01
+ 14178 3927758 Tarma Tarma -11.4197222 -75.6908333 P PPL PE 12 51350 4058 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14179 3927942 Tambopata Tambopata -12.7333333 -69.1833333 P PPL PE 17 38966 200 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14180 3928128 Tacna Tacna -18.0055556 -70.2483333 P PPLA PE 23 280098 601 America/Lima 2008-06-23
+ 14181 3928679 Sicuani Sicuani -14.2694444 -71.2261111 P PPL PE 08 33575 3716 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14182 3928924 Satipo Satipo -11.2522222 -74.6386111 P PPL PE 12 15532 627 America/Lima 2006-08-22
+ 14183 3928993 San Vicente de Cañete San Vicente de Canete -13.0833333 -76.4 P PPL PE 15 25517 36 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14184 3929295 Santa Ana Santa Ana -12.8666667 -72.7166667 P PPL PE 08 25145 857 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14185 3929768 San Clemente San Clemente -13.6666667 -76.15 P PPL PE 11 15815 72 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14186 3931276 Puno Puno -15.8333333 -70.0333333 P PPLA PE 21 116552 3792 America/Lima 2008-05-16
+ 14187 3931470 Puerto Maldonado Puerto Maldonado -12.6 -69.1833333 P PPLA PE 17 37543 193 America/Lima 2007-02-18
+ 14188 3932145 Pisco Pisco -13.7 -76.2166667 P PPL PE 11 61869 3 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14189 3933024 Paramonga Paramonga -10.6666667 -77.8333333 P PPL PE 15 27631 41 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14190 3934239 Nuevo Imperial Nuevo Imperial -13.0833333 -76.3333333 P PPL PE 15 32344 141 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14191 3934356 Nazca Nazca -14.8333333 -74.95 P PPL PE 11 23556 595 America/Lima 2006-11-05
+ 14192 3934608 Moquegua Moquegua -17.1955556 -70.9352778 P PPLA PE 18 54517 1481 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14193 3934707 Mollendo Mollendo -17.0230556 -72.0147222 P PPL PE 04 28953 1 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14194 3935288 Minas de Marcona Minas de Marcona -15.2119444 -75.1102778 P PPL PE 11 15478 789 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14195 3935572 Mala Mala -12.6580556 -76.6308333 P PPL PE 15 17260 130 America/Lima 2006-08-22
+ 14196 3936456 Lima Lima -12.05 -77.05 P PPLC PE 15 7737002 108 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14197 3936952 La Oroya La Oroya -11.5333333 -75.9 P PPL PE 12 33345 3990 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14198 3937486 Junín Junin -11.1588889 -75.9930556 P PPL PE 12 15320 3999 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14199 3937513 Juliaca Juliaca -15.5 -70.1333333 P PPL PE 21 245675 3894 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14200 3937733 Jauja Jauja -11.8 -75.5 P PPL PE 12 21057 3860 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14201 3938396 Imperial Imperial -13.0666667 -76.35 P PPL PE 15 32344 111 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14202 3938415 Ilo Ilo -17.6394444 -71.3375 P PPL PE 18 53476 117 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14203 3938451 Ilave Ilave -16.0833333 -69.6666667 P PPL PE 21 16033 3844 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14204 3938527 Ica Ica -14.0680556 -75.7255556 P PPLA PE 11 246844 421 America/Lima 2007-02-18
+ 14205 3939023 Huaura Huaura -11.07 -77.5994444 P PPL PE 15 20723 42 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14206 3939168 Huarmey Huarmey -10.0680556 -78.1522222 P PPL PE 02 16172 105 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14207 3939285 Huaral Huaral -11.495 -77.2077778 P PPL PE 15 62174 221 America/Lima 2007-02-02
+ 14208 3939386 Huanta Huanta -12.9333333 -74.25 P PPL PE 05 18627 2943 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14209 3939459 Huancayo Huancayo -12.0666667 -75.2333333 P PPLA PE 12 376657 3496 America/Lima 2007-02-18
+ 14210 3939470 Huancavelica Huancavelica -12.7666667 -74.9833333 P PPLA PE 09 41576 3981 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14211 3939761 Hualmay Hualmay -11.0963889 -77.6138889 P PPL PE 15 26658 40 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14212 3940002 Huacho Huacho -11.1066667 -77.605 P PPL PE 15 54545 61 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14213 3941584 Cusco Cusco -13.5183333 -71.9780556 P PPLA PE 08 312140 3360 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14214 3943423 Chosica Chosica -11.9430556 -76.7094444 P PPL PE 15 88606 923 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14215 3943789 Chincha Alta Chincha Alta -13.45 -76.1333333 P PPL PE 11 153076 72 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14216 3944179 Chaupimarca Chaupimarca -10.4333333 -76.5333333 P PPL PE 19 28666 3456 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14217 3944399 Chancay Chancay -11.5713889 -77.2672222 P PPL PE 15 26958 77 America/Lima 2006-03-13
+ 14218 3944797 Cerro de Pasco Cerro de Pasco -10.6833333 -76.2666667 P PPLA PE 19 78910 4363 America/Lima 2006-11-15
+ 14219 3945985 Camaná Camana -16.6227778 -72.7111111 P PPL PE 04 16434 52 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14220 3946083 Callao Callao -12.0666667 -77.15 P PPLA PE 07 813264 1 America/Lima 2007-06-19
+ 14221 3946820 Barranca Barranca -10.75 -77.7666667 P PPL PE 15 46290 64 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14222 3946985 Ayaviri Ayaviri -14.8863889 -70.5888889 P PPL PE 21 19310 3919 America/Lima 2006-01-17
+ 14223 3947019 Ayacucho Ayacucho -13.1583333 -74.2238889 P PPLA PE 05 140033 2819 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14224 3947322 Arequipa Arequipa -16.3988889 -71.535 P PPLA PE 04 841130 2397 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14225 3947740 Andahuaylas Andahuaylas -13.6555556 -73.3872222 P PPL PE 03 17444 3052 America/Lima 2006-10-17
+ 14226 3948642 Abancay Abancay -13.6338889 -72.8813889 P PPLA PE 03 55111 2690 America/Lima 2007-02-17
+ 14227 4033779 Punaauia Punaauia -17.6333333 -149.6 P PPL PF 00 25750 299 Pacific/Tahiti 2006-01-17
+ 14228 4033936 Papeete Papeete -17.5333333 -149.5666667 P PPLC PF 00 26357 10 Pacific/Tahiti 2006-11-05
+ 14229 4034561 Faaa Faaa -17.55 -149.6 P PPL PF 00 29388 57 Pacific/Tahiti 2006-01-17
+ 14230 2083537 Wewak Wewak -3.55 143.6333333 P PPL PG 11 18230 -9999 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14231 2088122 Port Moresby Port Moresby -9.4647222 147.1925 P PPLC PG 20 283733 50 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2007-02-17
+ 14232 2088163 Popondetta Popondetta -8.7666667 148.2333333 P PPL PG 04 28198 161 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14233 2090409 Mount Hagen Mount Hagen -5.8666667 144.2166667 P PPL PG 16 33623 1997 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14234 2090990 Mendi Mendi -6.15 143.65 P PPL PG 05 26252 1850 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14235 2091996 Madang Madang -5.2166667 145.8 P PPL PG 12 27419 1 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14236 2092740 Lae Lae -6.7333333 147.0 P PPL PG 14 76255 5 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-11-15
+ 14237 2093685 Kokopo Kokopo -4.35 152.2666667 P PPL PG 10 26273 1 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14238 2093967 Kimbe Kimbe -5.55 150.15 P PPL PG 17 18847 217 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14239 2096742 Goroka Goroka -6.0833333 145.3833333 P PPL PG 09 18503 1515 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14240 2098329 Daru Daru -9.0833333 143.2 P PPL PG 06 15214 1 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14241 2098869 Bulolo Bulolo -7.2 146.65 P PPL PG 14 16042 794 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14242 2100633 Arawa Arawa -6.2166667 155.55 P PPL PG 07 40266 6 Pacific/Port_Moresby 2006-01-17
+ 14243 1679432 Zamboanga Zamboanga 6.9102778 122.0738889 P PPL PH G7 457623 2 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14244 1679678 Wao Wao 7.6833333 124.6666667 P PPL PH 35 17845 1191 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14245 1679802 Virac Virac 13.5786111 124.2305556 P PPL PH 19 15079 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14246 1679980 Vigan Vigan 17.5747222 120.3869444 P PPL PH 29 48545 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14247 1680007 Victorias City Victorias City 10.9 123.0777778 P PPL PH H3 86510 5 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14248 1680018 Victoria Victoria 14.2269444 121.3275 P PPL PH 33 24456 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14249 1680040 Veruela Veruela 8.0725 125.9547222 P PPL PH 03 18114 30 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14250 1680116 Valencia Valencia 7.9063889 125.0941667 P PPL PH 12 83591 270 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14251 1680197 Urdaneta Urdaneta 15.9761111 120.5711111 P PPL PH 51 101037 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14252 1680505 Ualog Ualog 10.5666667 123.4 P PPL PH F4 60548 116 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14253 1680613 Tupi Tupi 6.3344444 124.9527778 P PPL PH 70 16518 325 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14254 1680932 Tuguegarao City Tuguegarao City 17.6130556 121.7269444 P PPL PH 14 115105 58 Asia/Manila 2006-05-19
+ 14255 1681333 Trento Trento 8.0458333 126.0636111 P PPL PH 03 15916 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14256 1681602 Toledo Toledo 10.3791667 123.6419444 P PPL PH G5 156916 24 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14257 1681676 Tiwi Tiwi 13.4588889 123.6827778 P PPL PH 05 16826 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14258 1682472 Ternate Ternate 14.2855556 120.7188889 P PPL PH 20 20049 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14259 1682478 Teresa Teresa 14.5586111 121.2083333 P PPL PH 53 34716 108 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14260 1682537 Telabastagan Telabastagan 15.1166667 120.6166667 P PPL PH 50 25935 59 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14261 1682598 Taytay Taytay 14.5691667 121.1325 P PPL PH 53 231460 37 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14262 1682659 Tayabas Tayabas 14.0288889 121.5911111 P PPL PH H2 37330 215 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14263 1682812 Tarlac Tarlac 15.4888889 120.5986111 P PPL PH 63 183930 42 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14264 1683013 Tanza Tanza 14.6752778 120.9388889 P PPL PH B4 105510 2 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14265 1683088 Tanjay Tanjay 9.5152778 123.1583333 P PPL PH 46 39151 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14266 1683116 Tangub Tangub 8.06 123.75 P PPL PH G4 29721 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14267 1683302 Tandag Tandag 9.0783333 126.1986111 P PPL PH 62 29011 2 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14268 1683319 Tanay Tanay 14.4972222 121.2863889 P PPL PH 53 59950 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14269 1683340 Tanauan Tanauan 14.0827778 121.1505556 P PPL PH 09 68456 150 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14270 1683342 Tanauan Tanauan 11.1094444 125.0155556 P PPL PH 37 16567 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14271 1683800 Taloc Taloc 10.5722222 122.8966667 P PPL PH 45 20409 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14272 1683860 Talisay Talisay 14.0925 121.0219444 P PPL PH 09 24969 86 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14273 1683877 Talisay Talisay 10.7372222 122.9663889 P PPL PH H3 65265 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14274 1683881 Talisay Talisay 10.2447222 123.8494444 P PPL PH 21 133148 5 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14275 1684016 Talavera Talavera 15.5844444 120.9194444 P PPL PH 47 64610 38 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14276 1684137 Talacogon Talacogon 8.4561111 125.7841667 P PPL PH 03 15581 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14277 1684379 Tagoloan Tagoloan 8.5388889 124.7569444 P PPL PH 43 30390 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14278 1684497 Tagbilaran Tagbilaran 9.6475 123.8555556 P PPL PH G3 86411 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14279 1684577 Tagas Tagas 13.1666667 123.7166667 P PPL PH D5 15292 28 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14280 1684681 Tacurong Tacurong 6.6925 124.6763889 P PPL PH 71 54648 41 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14281 1684803 Tabuk Tabuk 17.4188889 121.4458333 P PPL PH 32 27048 173 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14282 1685117 Tabaco Tabaco 13.3586111 123.7336111 P PPL PH 05 57860 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14283 1685146 Taal Taal 13.8794444 120.9252778 P PPL PH 09 39745 32 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14284 1685218 Surigao Surigao 9.7838889 125.4888889 P PPL PH F9 87832 6 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14285 1685230 Surallah Surallah 6.3666667 124.7333333 P PPL PH 70 31089 191 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14286 1685577 Subic Subic 14.8797222 120.2333333 P PPL PH 64 67664 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14287 1685622 Suay Suay 10.0630556 122.8552778 P PPL PH 45 19672 38 Asia/Manila 2006-01-27
+ 14288 1685755 Sorsogon Sorsogon 12.9738889 123.9933333 P PPL PH 58 82730 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14289 1685875 Solano Solano 16.5244444 121.1922222 P PPL PH 48 36222 289 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14290 1686004 Sitangkai Sitangkai 4.6627778 119.3927778 P PPL PH 72 17200 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14291 1686102 Sipalay Sipalay 9.7519444 122.4041667 P PPL PH H3 24029 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14292 1686547 Silang Silang 14.2305556 120.975 P PPL PH 20 119475 299 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14293 1686728 Sibulan Sibulan 9.3597222 123.285 P PPL PH 46 28079 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14294 1686933 Sasmuan Sasmuan 14.9386111 120.6161111 P PPL PH 50 21124 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14295 1687029 Sebu Sebu 6.22 124.6936111 P PPL PH 70 21767 685 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14296 1687164 Sariaya Sariaya 13.9644444 121.53 P PPL PH H2 44977 157 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14297 1687409 San Vicente San Vicente 15.3 120.65 P PPL PH 63 16116 37 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14298 1687529 Santo Tomas Santo Tomas 14.9911111 120.7430556 P PPL PH 50 23988 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14299 1687534 Santo Tomas Santo Tomas 14.1091667 121.1419444 P PPL PH 09 57438 135 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14300 1687687 Santol Santol 15.1622222 120.5675 P PPL PH A1 298976 120 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14301 1687801 Santiago Santiago 16.68808 121.5487 P PPL PH 14 108414 78 78 Asia/Manila 2008-03-05
+ 14302 1687894 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa 14.3122222 121.1113889 P PPL PH 33 216650 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14303 1687937 Santa Rita Santa Rita 14.9952778 120.6152778 P PPL PH 50 19937 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14304 1688058 Santa Maria Santa Maria 6.5536111 125.4708333 P PPL PH 25 16758 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14305 1688232 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 15.7669444 119.9091667 P PPL PH 64 26429 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14306 1688248 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 14.9102778 120.5619444 P PPL PH 50 15408 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14307 1688253 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 14.2786111 121.4155556 P PPL PH 33 108145 15 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14308 1688363 Santa Catalina Santa Catalina 9.3330556 122.8658333 P PPL PH 46 26457 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14309 1688372 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 16.0063889 120.4102778 P PPL PH 51 15445 14 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14310 1688398 Santa Ana Santa Ana 15.0944444 120.7677778 P PPL PH 50 47158 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14311 1688425 San Simon San Simon 14.9930556 120.7766667 P PPL PH 50 29049 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14312 1688749 San Pedro San Pedro 14.3647222 121.0555556 P PPL PH 33 270216 16 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14313 1688795 San Pascual San Pascual 13.7975 121.0341667 P PPL PH 09 39395 33 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14314 1688830 San Pablo San Pablo 14.0669444 121.3258333 P PPL PH F7 207577 101 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14315 1688859 San Nicolas San Nicolas 18.1725 120.5958333 P PPL PH 28 19899 28 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14316 1688912 San Narciso San Narciso 15.0158333 120.0788889 P PPL PH 64 15636 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14317 1688949 San Miguel San Miguel 15.4219444 120.6005556 P PPL PH 63 18582 50 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14318 1688954 San Miguel San Miguel 15.1458333 120.9783333 P PPL PH 13 65661 17 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14319 1689052 San Mateo San Mateo 16.8830556 121.5877778 P PPL PH 31 16233 77 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14320 1689056 San Mateo San Mateo 14.6969444 121.1219444 P PPL PH 53 134327 47 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14321 1689087 San Mariano San Mariano 7.5 126.0 P PPL PH 24 18668 299 Asia/Manila 2006-01-27
+ 14322 1689099 San Marcelino San Marcelino 14.9738889 120.1583333 P PPL PH 64 18721 47 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14323 1689129 San Luis San Luis 15.04 120.7922222 P PPL PH 50 33467 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14324 1689171 San Leonardo San Leonardo 15.3597222 120.9613889 P PPL PH 47 34743 21 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14325 1689395 San Jose del Monte San Jose del Monte 14.8138889 121.0452778 P PPL PH 13 357828 48 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14326 1689832 San Ildefonso San Ildefonso 15.0788889 120.9419444 P PPL PH 13 65669 20 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14327 1689973 San Francisco San Francisco 15.3575 120.835 P PPL PH 47 19570 21 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14328 1689994 San Francisco San Francisco 13.3480556 122.5205556 P PPL PH H2 16178 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14329 1690019 San Francisco San Francisco 8.5355556 125.95 P PPL PH 03 18542 38 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14330 1690033 San Fernando San Fernando 16.6186111 120.3194444 P PPL PH 36 83003 72 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14331 1690039 San Fernando San Fernando 15.0302778 120.6855556 P PPL PH 50 251248 16 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14332 1690060 San Fernando San Fernando 10.1638889 123.7058333 P PPL PH 21 23706 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14333 1690313 San Antonio San Antonio 15.3072222 120.8572222 P PPL PH 47 26247 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14334 1690324 San Antonio San Antonio 14.94 120.1472222 P PPL PH 64 21495 41 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14335 1690570 Sampaloc Sampaloc 14.5577778 121.3461111 P PPL PH 53 20157 340 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14336 1690664 Samal Samal 14.7677778 120.5430556 P PPL PH 07 29729 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14337 1690666 Samal Samal 7.0744444 125.7083333 P PPL PH 24 43526 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14338 1691150 Sagay Sagay 10.9447222 123.4241667 P PPL PH H3 72153 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14339 1691280 Sablayan Sablayan 12.8377778 120.7713889 P PPL PH 40 38383 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14340 1691441 Roxas Roxas 17.1205556 121.6197222 P PPL PH 31 16618 70 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14341 1691444 Roxas City Roxas City 11.5852778 122.7511111 P PPL PH F3 102688 8 Asia/Manila 2007-02-08
+ 14342 1691446 Roxas Roxas 10.325 119.3455556 P PPL PH 49 15242 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14343 1691538 Romblon Romblon 12.5761111 122.2711111 P PPL PH 54 15316 14 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14344 1691606 Rizal Rizal 15.7086111 121.1033333 P PPL PH 47 26201 72 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14345 1691804 Recodo Recodo 6.9519444 121.9636111 P PPL PH 66 42788 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14346 1691904 Ramos Ramos 15.6647222 120.6405556 P PPL PH 63 15066 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14347 1691911 Ramon Ramon 16.7833333 121.5333333 P PPL PH 31 36307 100 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14348 1692199 Quezon Quezon 15.5511111 120.8155556 P PPL PH 47 18451 26 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14349 1692214 Quezon Quezon 7.7302778 125.0988889 P PPL PH 12 27212 276 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14350 1692489 Pulupandan Pulupandan 10.5211111 122.7969444 P PPL PH H3 27363 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14351 1692565 Pulilan Pulilan 14.9016667 120.8491667 P PPL PH 13 77186 16 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14352 1692685 Puerto Princesa Puerto Princesa 9.7391667 118.7352778 P PPL PH F1 157144 8 Asia/Manila 2007-02-18
+ 14353 1692914 Porac Porac 15.0722222 120.5422222 P PPL PH 50 21660 87 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14354 1693077 Polomolok Polomolok 6.2219444 125.0602778 P PPL PH 70 63987 291 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14355 1693239 Plaridel Plaridel 14.8872222 120.8572222 P PPL PH 13 70781 14 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14356 1693401 Pio Pio 15.0475 120.5197222 P PPL PH 50 24345 50 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14357 1693574 Pinamungahan Pinamungahan 10.2663889 123.5858333 P PPL PH 21 23068 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14358 1693618 Pinamalayan Pinamalayan 13.0355556 121.4886111 P PPL PH 41 43521 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14359 1693778 Pililla Pililla 14.4822222 121.3055556 P PPL PH 53 30408 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14360 1693795 Pili Pili 13.5575 123.2763889 P PPL PH 16 23178 29 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14361 1693839 Pilar Pilar 14.66 120.5652778 P PPL PH 07 17831 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14362 1693870 Pila Pila 14.2330556 121.3638889 P PPL PH 33 34383 35 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14363 1694075 Peñaranda Penaranda 15.3519444 121.0033333 P PPL PH 47 27465 28 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14364 1694290 Patuto Patuto 14.1166667 120.9666667 P PPL PH G2 52883 506 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14365 1694498 Passi Passi 11.1077778 122.6419444 P PPL PH 30 42794 25 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14366 1694775 Parang Parang 7.3711111 124.2672222 P PPL PH 56 44930 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14367 1694791 Paraiso Paraiso 10.8833333 123.3666667 P PPL PH 45 30494 41 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14368 1694861 Paombong Paombong 14.8311111 120.7891667 P PPL PH 13 41384 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14369 1694909 Pantukan Pantukan 7.1352778 125.8897222 P PPL PH 24 36520 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14370 1694914 Pantubig Pantubig 14.9680556 120.9547222 P PPL PH 13 39285 36 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14371 1695097 Paniqui Paniqui 15.6688889 120.5805556 P PPL PH 63 48261 20 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14372 1695283 Pangil Pangil 14.4030556 121.4661111 P PPL PH 33 19726 57 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14373 1695462 Pandi Pandi 14.865 120.9572222 P PPL PH 13 34927 30 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14374 1695583 Pandacaqui Pandacaqui 15.1833333 120.65 P PPL PH 50 28603 45 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14375 1695743 Panalanoy Panalanoy 11.2511111 125.0063889 P PPL PH G1 189090 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14376 1695804 Panabo Panabo 7.3080556 125.6841667 P PPL PH 24 84749 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14377 1696041 Palo Palo 11.1575 124.9908333 P PPL PH 37 17534 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14378 1696165 Palayan City Palayan City 15.5413889 121.0861111 P PPL PH E8 23742 48 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14379 1696614 Pagbilao Pagbilao 13.975 121.6919444 P PPL PH H2 40818 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14380 1696718 Paete Paete 14.3627778 121.4836111 P PPL PH 33 26855 94 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14381 1696814 Pacol Pacol 10.45 122.8166667 P PPL PH 45 19839 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14382 1696899 Ozamis Ozamis 8.1458333 123.8444444 P PPL PH E6 93082 2 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14383 1697006 Oroquieta Oroquieta 8.4858333 123.8044444 P PPL PH E5 39279 2 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14384 1697018 Ormoc Ormoc 11.0063889 124.6075 P PPL PH E4 92345 1 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14385 1697023 Orion Orion 14.6205556 120.5816667 P PPL PH 07 46991 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14386 1697046 Orani Orani 14.8008333 120.5363889 P PPL PH 07 44877 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14387 1697175 Olongapo Olongapo 14.8291667 120.2827778 P PPL PH E3 220021 17 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14388 1697376 Obando Obando 14.7069444 120.93 P PPL PH 13 59929 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14389 1697486 Noveleta Noveleta 14.4319444 120.8802778 P PPL PH 20 37299 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14390 1697497 Norzagaray Norzagaray 14.9105556 121.0488889 P PPL PH 13 79508 56 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14391 1697773 New Corella New Corella 7.5891667 125.8272222 P PPL PH 24 20574 35 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14392 1698030 Nasugbu Nasugbu 14.0738889 120.6336111 P PPL PH 09 62857 13 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14393 1698103 Narra Narra 9.2852778 118.4208333 P PPL PH 49 28342 20 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14394 1698548 Naic Naic 14.3202778 120.7675 P PPL PH 20 55195 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14395 1698740 Nagcarlan Nagcarlan 14.1366667 121.4161111 P PPL PH 33 24560 192 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14396 1698829 Naga Naga 13.6191667 123.1813889 P PPL PH E2 147097 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14397 1698839 Naga Naga 10.2113889 123.7583333 P PPL PH 21 28571 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14398 1698887 Nabunturan Nabunturan 7.6077778 125.9663889 P PPL PH 24 16671 80 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14399 1698921 Nabua Nabua 13.4013889 123.3763889 P PPL PH 16 25687 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14400 1699054 Muricay Muricay 7.8263889 123.4797222 P PPL PH E7 132094 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14401 1699060 Murcia Murcia 10.6058333 123.0388889 P PPL PH H3 17448 134 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14402 1699088 Muñoz Munoz 15.7161111 120.9030556 P PPL PH 47 37141 57 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14403 1699204 Morong Morong 14.6788889 120.2661111 P PPL PH 07 16117 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14404 1699205 Morong Morong 14.5122222 121.2388889 P PPL PH 53 49589 41 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14405 1699296 Rodriguez Rodriguez 14.7325 121.145 P PPL PH 53 134432 49 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14406 1699323 Monkayo Monkayo 7.8152778 126.0544444 P PPL PH 24 51393 58 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14407 1699388 Molave Molave 8.0908333 123.4883333 P PPL PH 66 21088 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14408 1699572 Minglanilla Minglanilla 10.2458333 123.7822222 P PPL PH 21 62058 40 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14409 1699755 Midsayap Midsayap 7.1908333 124.5302778 P PPL PH 57 32932 20 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14410 1699802 Meycauayan Meycauayan 14.7369444 120.9608333 P PPL PH 13 184839 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14411 1699805 Mexico Mexico 15.0655556 120.7216667 P PPL PH 50 43694 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14412 1699833 Mercedes Mercedes 14.1105556 123.0125 P PPL PH 15 16991 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14413 1699858 Mendez-Nuñez Mendez-Nunez 14.1286111 120.9058333 P PPL PH 20 22081 513 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14414 1700179 Mauban Mauban 14.1911111 121.7311111 P PPL PH H2 32739 27 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14415 1700360 Mati Mati 6.9527778 126.2158333 P PPL PH 26 72641 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14416 1700665 Masinloc Masinloc 15.5372222 119.9511111 P PPL PH 64 28041 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14417 1700712 Masbate Masbate 12.3666667 123.6166667 P PPL PH 39 47490 21 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14418 1700753 Masantol Masantol 14.8936111 120.7138889 P PPL PH 50 41278 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14419 1700868 Mariveles Mariveles 14.4336111 120.4852778 P PPL PH 07 84567 13 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14420 1700917 Marilao Marilao 14.7577778 120.9483333 P PPL PH 13 83276 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14421 1700980 Mariano Mariano 8.8333333 125.1166667 P PPL PH C7 70516 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14422 1701054 Marawi Marawi 7.9986111 124.2927778 P PPL PH E1 143568 700 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14423 1701124 Maramag Maramag 7.7633333 125.0052778 P PPL PH 12 33844 264 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14424 1701149 Maragondon Maragondon 14.2733333 120.7383333 P PPL PH 20 22973 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14425 1701472 Mantampay Mantampay 8.1666667 124.2166667 P PPL PH C8 265032 248 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14426 1701500 Mansilingan Mansilingan 10.6311111 122.9788889 P PPL PH A2 454150 50 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14427 1701516 Mansalay Mansalay 12.5202778 121.4394444 P PPL PH 41 23044 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14428 1701537 Manolo Fortich Manolo Fortich 8.3697222 124.8644444 P PPL PH 12 27064 509 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14429 1701668 Manila Manila 14.6041667 120.9822222 P PPLC PH D9 10444527 4 Asia/Manila 2008-03-05
+ 14430 1701692 Manibaug Pasig Manibaug Pasig 15.0994444 120.56 P PPL PH 50 24618 100 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14431 1701872 Mangaldan Mangaldan 16.0691667 120.4063889 P PPL PH 51 88818 32 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14432 1701947 Mandaue City Mandaue City 10.3236111 123.9222222 P PPL PH D8 288892 6 Asia/Manila 2007-04-27
+ 14433 1702002 Mankayan Mankayan 16.8641667 120.7822222 P PPL PH 10 15886 1084 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14434 1702032 Manay Manay 7.215 126.5397222 P PPL PH 26 20336 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14435 1702077 Manapla Manapla 10.9575 123.125 P PPL PH H3 34312 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14436 1702096 Manaoag Manaoag 16.0430556 120.4908333 P PPL PH 51 59115 39 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14437 1702263 Mamburao Mamburao 13.2280556 120.5936111 P PPL PH 40 23892 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14438 1702372 Mamatid Mamatid 14.2341667 121.1580556 P PPL PH 33 40271 21 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14439 1702413 Malvar Malvar 14.0447222 121.1586111 P PPL PH 09 29880 202 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14440 1702425 Maluso Maluso 6.5422222 121.8769444 P PPL PH 22 31374 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14441 1702442 Malungun Malungun 6.2788889 125.2838889 P PPL PH 70 52248 200 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14442 1702540 Malolos Malolos 14.8419444 120.8116667 P PPL PH 13 198748 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14443 1702649 Malita Malita 6.4147222 125.6141667 P PPL PH 25 41114 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14444 1702763 Malilipot Malilipot 13.3211111 123.7402778 P PPL PH 05 19450 17 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14445 1702934 Malaybalay Malaybalay 8.15 125.0833333 P PPL PH 12 61524 857 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14446 1703051 Malapatan Malapatan 5.9675 125.2880556 P PPL PH 70 19439 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14447 1703116 Malanday Malanday 14.6463889 121.0947222 P PPL PH 53 21901 40 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14448 1703355 Malabanban Malabanban 13.9333333 121.4666667 P PPL PH H2 19471 90 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14449 1703598 Mahayag Mahayag 8.1130556 123.4525 P PPL PH 66 17144 32 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14450 1703773 Magsaysay Magsaysay 6.7666667 125.1833333 P PPL PH 25 16592 102 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14451 1704002 Magarao Magarao 13.66 123.1833333 P PPL PH 16 15205 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14452 1704021 Maganoy Maganoy 6.8647222 124.4416667 P PPL PH 56 17394 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14453 1704067 Magalang Magalang 15.215 120.6619444 P PPL PH 50 68988 39 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14454 1704703 Mabalacat Mabalacat 15.2233333 120.5791667 P PPL PH 50 188050 96 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14455 1704758 Maasin Maasin 10.1336111 124.8447222 P PPL PH 59 18313 36 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14456 1704781 Ma-ao Ma-ao 10.4833333 122.9833333 P PPL PH 45 25837 53 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14457 1704968 Lupon Lupon 6.9 126.0022222 P PPL PH 26 27247 2 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14458 1705190 Lumban Lumban 14.2980556 121.4597222 P PPL PH 33 30269 44 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14459 1705357 Lucena Lucena 13.9313889 121.6172222 P PPL PH D7 228758 15 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14460 1705367 Lucban Lucban 14.1133333 121.5569444 P PPL PH H2 30992 435 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14461 1705440 Lubao Lubao 14.9352778 120.6011111 P PPL PH 50 55645 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14462 1705536 Los Baños Los Banos 14.1788889 121.2255556 P PPL PH 33 95750 28 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14463 1705572 Lopez Lopez 13.8844444 122.2641667 P PPL PH H2 25752 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14464 1705771 Loma de Gato Loma de Gato 14.7833333 121.0 P PPL PH 13 21990 20 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14465 1706090 Lipa Lipa 13.9394444 121.1738889 P PPL PH D6 212287 288 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14466 1706188 Lingayen Lingayen 16.0166667 120.2333333 P PPL PH 51 56580 30 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14467 1706361 Limay Limay 14.5619444 120.5983333 P PPL PH 07 52824 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14468 1706393 Liloan Liloan 10.4 123.9833333 P PPL PH 21 49198 49 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14469 1706402 Liliw Liliw 14.1319444 121.4355556 P PPL PH 33 15246 265 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14470 1706684 Libertad Libertad 8.9441667 125.5019444 P PPL PH A8 250353 17 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14471 1706880 Legaspi Port Legaspi Port 13.1466667 123.7558333 P PPL PH D5 143301 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14472 1707049 Laur Laur 15.5841667 121.1836111 P PPL PH 47 19206 54 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14473 1707123 La Trinidad La Trinidad 16.455 120.5875 P PPL PH 10 41258 1350 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14474 1707267 Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City 10.3102778 123.9494444 P PPL PH D4 241374 1 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14475 1707324 La Paz La Paz 15.4425 120.7286111 P PPL PH 63 25801 20 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14476 1707398 Laoang Laoang 12.5666667 125.0 P PPL PH 67 16725 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14477 1707404 Laoag Laoag 18.1988889 120.5936111 P PPL PH D3 102105 18 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14478 1708056 Laguilayan Laguilayan 6.6525 124.5211111 P PPL PH 71 17764 65 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14479 1708217 La Castellana La Castellana 10.3238889 123.0208333 P PPL PH H3 24407 49 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14480 1708226 La Carlota La Carlota 10.4233333 122.9208333 P PPL PH D2 41157 79 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14481 1708291 Labo Labo 14.1608333 122.8286111 P PPL PH 15 18105 39 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14482 1708522 Koronadal Koronadal 6.5030556 124.8469444 P PPL PH 70 125502 50 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14483 1708824 Kidapawan Kidapawan 7.0083333 125.0894444 P PPL PH 57 79652 263 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14484 1709003 Kawit Kawit 14.4455556 120.905 P PPL PH 20 73210 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14485 1709632 Kalibo (poblacion) Kalibo (poblacion) 11.7061111 122.3644444 P PPL PH 04 56845 3 4 Asia/Manila 2007-02-28
+ 14486 1709968 Kabankalan Kabankalan 9.9888889 122.8122222 P PPL PH H3 136483 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14487 1710011 Kabacan Kabacan 7.1066667 124.8291667 P PPL PH 57 31769 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14488 1710103 Jose Panganiban Jose Panganiban 14.2966667 122.6938889 P PPL PH 15 21236 59 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14489 1710141 Jolo Jolo 6.0522222 121.0022222 P PPL PH 60 101002 21 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14490 1710258 Jasaan Jasaan 8.6541667 124.7555556 P PPL PH 43 16435 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14491 1710357 Jalajala Jalajala 14.3525 121.3230556 P PPL PH 53 16400 7 Asia/Manila 2006-01-27
+ 14492 1710389 Jaen Jaen 15.3272222 120.9058333 P PPL PH 47 39700 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14493 1710441 Itogon Itogon 16.3638889 120.6769444 P PPL PH 10 28407 700 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14494 1710470 Isulan Isulan 6.6294444 124.605 P PPL PH 71 31717 67 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14495 1710518 Isabela Isabela 10.2044444 122.9894444 P PPL PH H3 15897 47 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14496 1710519 Isabela Isabela 6.7063889 121.9713889 P PPL PH 22 67336 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14497 1710531 Irosin Irosin 12.7013889 124.0386111 P PPL PH 58 20716 75 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14498 1710544 Iriga Iriga 13.425 123.4177778 P PPL PH D1 94846 27 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14499 1710612 Ipil Ipil 7.7844444 122.5861111 P PPL PH 66 19195 17 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14500 1710770 Indang Indang 14.1952778 120.8769444 P PPL PH 20 41159 299 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14501 1710914 Imus Imus 14.4297222 120.9366667 P PPL PH 20 216099 16 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14502 1711005 Iloilo Iloilo 10.6969444 122.5644444 P PPL PH C9 387681 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14503 1711146 Ilagan Ilagan 17.1480556 121.8908333 P PPL PH 31 72363 63 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14504 1711437 Iba Iba 15.3236111 119.9802778 P PPL PH 64 26935 22 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14505 1711621 Hinigaran Hinigaran 10.2730556 122.8522222 P PPL PH H3 39636 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14506 1711718 Himamaylan Himamaylan 10.0988889 122.8705556 P PPL PH H3 25089 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14507 1711829 Hermosa Hermosa 14.8316667 120.5063889 P PPL PH 07 33714 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14508 1711982 Hagonoy Hagonoy 14.8325 120.7333333 P PPL PH 13 123531 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14509 1712051 Guyong Guyong 14.8386111 120.9797222 P PPL PH 13 155391 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14510 1712162 Gumaca Gumaca 13.9197222 122.1002778 P PPL PH H2 22496 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14511 1712232 Guiset East Guiset East 16.0666667 120.6833333 P PPL PH 51 21994 72 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14512 1712488 Guimba Guimba 15.6575 120.7686111 P PPL PH 47 32306 35 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14513 1712520 Guihulngan Guihulngan 10.1202778 123.2711111 P PPL PH 46 22931 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14514 1712531 Guiguinto Guiguinto 14.8333333 120.8833333 P PPL PH 13 76613 11 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14515 1712808 Goa Goa 13.6969444 123.4933333 P PPL PH 16 20936 48 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14516 1712819 Glan Glan 5.8230556 125.2041667 P PPL PH 70 24256 31 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14517 1713004 Gerona Gerona 15.6063889 120.6 P PPL PH 63 40914 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14518 1713014 General Trias General Trias 14.3869444 120.8816667 P PPL PH 20 96022 21 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14519 1713018 General Tinio General Tinio 15.3491667 121.0477778 P PPL PH 47 32875 48 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14520 1713027 General Mamerto Natividad General Mamerto Natividad 15.6030556 121.0519444 P PPL PH 47 18393 45 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14521 1713226 Gapan Gapan 15.3075 120.9452778 P PPL PH 47 79064 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14522 1713818 Escalante Escalante 10.8402778 123.4991667 P PPL PH H3 39177 28 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14523 1713857 Enrique B. Magalona Enrique B. Magalona 10.8758333 122.9686111 P PPL PH H3 19060 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14524 1714201 Dumaguete Dumaguete 9.3102778 123.3080556 P PPL PH C5 113541 13 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14525 1714441 Don Carlos Don Carlos 7.68 125.005 P PPL PH 12 20468 301 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14526 1714482 Domalandan Domalandan 16.0166667 120.1833333 P PPL PH 51 15108 36 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14527 1714519 Dologon Dologon 7.8408333 125.0444444 P PPL PH 12 15128 317 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14528 1714674 Dipolog Dipolog 8.5894444 123.3413889 P PPL PH C4 93549 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14529 1714766 Dinalupihan Dinalupihan 14.8761111 120.4625 P PPL PH 07 66670 34 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14530 1714956 Digos Digos 6.7497222 125.3572222 P PPL PH 25 116122 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14531 1715169 Del Pilar Del Pilar 15.0333333 120.7 P PPL PH 50 37329 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14532 1715348 Davao Davao 7.0730556 125.6127778 P PPL PH C3 1212504 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14533 1715430 Dasmariñas Dasmarinas 14.3294444 120.9366667 P PPL PH 20 441876 78 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14534 1715542 Dapitan Dapitan 8.6463889 123.4208333 P PPL PH C2 50514 14 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14535 1715804 Danao Danao 10.5208333 124.0272222 P PPL PH C1 70270 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14536 1716287 Daet Daet 14.1127778 122.9558333 P PPL PH 15 78142 8 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14537 1716618 Cuenca Cuenca 13.8988889 121.0461111 P PPL PH 09 21558 258 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14538 1716771 Cotabato Cotabato 7.2236111 124.2463889 P PPL PH B8 179433 4 Asia/Manila 2006-05-05
+ 14539 1716858 Cordova Cordova 10.2519444 123.9494444 P PPL PH 21 29289 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14540 1716924 Consolacion Consolacion 10.3794444 123.9563889 P PPL PH 21 48638 27 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14541 1716995 Concepcion Concepcion 15.3252778 120.6569444 P PPL PH 63 64402 35 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14542 1717008 Concepcion Ibaba Concepcion Ibaba 13.9266667 121.4933333 P PPL PH H2 25628 87 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14543 1717051 Compostela Compostela 10.45 124.0 P PPL PH 21 18727 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14544 1717053 Compostela Compostela 7.6730556 126.0888889 P PPL PH 24 42563 67 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14545 1717512 Cebu City Cebu City 10.3111111 123.8916667 P PPL PH B7 798634 27 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14546 1717641 Cavite Cavite 14.4825 120.9169444 P PPL PH B6 115932 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14547 1717911 Catbalogan Catbalogan 11.7752778 124.8861111 P PPL PH 55 68081 81 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14548 1717926 Catarman Catarman 12.4961111 124.6386111 P PPL PH 67 47449 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14549 1717960 Catanauan Catanauan 13.5919444 122.3230556 P PPL PH H2 26804 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14550 1718078 Castillejos Castillejos 14.9302778 120.2022222 P PPL PH 64 27301 80 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14551 1718306 Carmona Carmona 14.3119444 121.0544444 P PPL PH 20 55887 38 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14552 1718328 Carmen Carmen 10.5930556 124.0177778 P PPL PH 21 21898 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14553 1718393 Carigara Carigara 11.2991667 124.6755556 P PPL PH 37 17495 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14554 1718426 Cardona Cardona 14.4863889 121.2294444 P PPL PH 53 30222 40 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14555 1718436 Carcar Carcar 10.0988889 123.6408333 P PPL PH 21 40739 26 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14556 1718722 Capas Capas 15.3275 120.5908333 P PPL PH 63 72070 43 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14557 1719053 Canlaon Canlaon 10.3863889 123.1963889 P PPL PH B5 44851 503 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14558 1719274 Candelaria Candelaria 13.9311111 121.4233333 P PPL PH H2 60881 61 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14559 1719329 Candaba Candaba 15.0933333 120.8283333 P PPL PH 50 47326 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14560 1719683 Camiling Camiling 15.6877778 120.4130556 P PPL PH 63 39655 30 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14561 1720034 Calumpit Calumpit 14.9163889 120.7658333 P PPL PH 13 91815 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14562 1720402 Calbayog Calbayog 12.0672222 124.6041667 P PPL PH B3 67921 21 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14563 1720464 Calauan Calauan 14.1455556 121.315 P PPL PH 33 36580 65 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14564 1720472 Calauag Calauag 13.9575 122.2875 P PPL PH H2 20837 9 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14565 1720499 Calatagan Calatagan 13.8305556 120.635 P PPL PH 09 16110 28 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14566 1720508 Calasiao Calasiao 16.0094444 120.3633333 P PPL PH 51 24276 32 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14567 1720561 Calapan Calapan 13.4191667 121.1925 P PPL PH 41 66008 17 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14568 1720681 Calamba Calamba 14.2116667 121.1652778 P PPL PH 33 316612 29 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14569 1720751 Calaca Calaca 13.9311111 120.8144444 P PPL PH 09 37443 16 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14570 1720793 Calabanga Calabanga 13.7083333 123.2205556 P PPL PH 16 26798 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14571 1720840 Cainta Cainta 14.58 121.1169444 P PPL PH 53 283172 38 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14572 1721080 Cagayan de Oro Cagayan de Oro 8.4822222 124.6472222 P PPL PH B2 445103 8 Asia/Manila 2007-02-08
+ 14573 1721168 Cadiz Viejo Cadiz Viejo 10.9505556 123.2855556 P PPL PH H3 129053 14 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14574 1721636 Cabiao Cabiao 15.2513889 120.8572222 P PPL PH 47 49980 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14575 1721695 Cabayangan Cabayangan 7.4072222 125.7330556 P PPL PH 24 16539 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14576 1721906 Cabanatuan Cabanatuan 15.4869444 120.9675 P PPL PH A9 220250 34 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14577 1722005 Cabagan Cabagan 17.4261111 121.7625 P PPL PH 31 25304 43 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14578 1722032 Cabadbaran Cabadbaran 9.1236111 125.5344444 P PPL PH 02 31114 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14579 1722267 Bustos Bustos 14.9580556 120.9177778 P PPL PH 13 42139 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14580 1722356 Boroon Boroon 8.1877778 124.1769444 P PPL PH C8 15490 63 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14581 1722433 Burgos Burgos 15.7333333 120.5833333 P PPL PH 63 28178 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14582 1722731 Bunawan Bunawan 8.1672222 125.9908333 P PPL PH 03 15471 19 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14583 1722818 Buluan Buluan 6.7202778 124.8019444 P PPL PH 56 28025 14 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14584 1722930 Bulaon Bulaon 15.0883333 120.6672222 P PPL PH 50 131818 27 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14585 1722985 Bulan Bulan 12.6713889 123.875 P PPL PH 58 28529 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14586 1723066 Bulacan Bulacan 14.7927778 120.8788889 P PPL PH 13 71274 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14587 1723166 Buhi Buhi 13.4283333 123.52 P PPL PH 16 30126 91 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14588 1723257 Bugo Bugo 8.5083333 124.7594444 P PPL PH B2 45787 49 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14589 1723481 Buenavista Buenavista 8.9769444 125.4088889 P PPL PH 02 18668 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14590 1723822 Botolan Botolan 15.2886111 120.0244444 P PPL PH 64 22994 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14591 1723893 Borongan Borongan 11.6080556 125.4319444 P PPL PH 23 16484 27 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14592 1724088 Bongao Bongao 5.0291667 119.7730556 P PPL PH 72 26518 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14593 1724106 Bongabon Bongabon 15.6311111 121.1441667 P PPL PH 47 36168 54 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14594 1724435 Bogo Bogo 11.0494444 124.0069444 P PPL PH 21 23562 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14595 1724489 Bocaue Bocaue 14.7983333 120.9261111 P PPL PH 13 98649 14 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14596 1724767 Bislig Bislig 8.2152778 126.3163889 P PPL PH 62 67567 4 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14597 1724933 Binonga Binonga 10.7730556 122.9827778 P PPL PH F8 83980 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14598 1724956 Binmaley Binmaley 16.0325 120.2711111 P PPL PH 51 44026 30 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14599 1725094 Binangonan Binangonan 14.4655556 121.1919444 P PPL PH 53 219204 15 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14600 1725157 Binalbagan Binalbagan 10.1927778 122.8508333 P PPL PH H3 38587 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14601 1725359 Bignay Bignay 13.8627778 121.4894444 P PPL PH H2 22401 17 Asia/Manila 2006-01-27
+ 14602 1725684 Bayugan Bayugan 8.7561111 125.7675 P PPL PH 03 40561 207 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14603 1725729 Bayombong Bayombong 16.4827778 121.1525 P PPL PH 48 48199 263 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14604 1725799 Baybay Baybay 10.6769444 124.7991667 P PPL PH 37 17668 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14605 1725804 Bayawan Bayawan 9.3636111 122.8011111 P PPL PH 46 36063 3 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14606 1725863 Bayambang Bayambang 15.8105556 120.4547222 P PPL PH 51 15859 18 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14607 1725919 Bay Bay 14.1827778 121.2847222 P PPL PH 33 33547 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14608 1725983 Bauang Bauang 16.5308333 120.3330556 P PPL PH 36 17109 39 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14609 1725991 Bauan Bauan 13.8019444 121.0130556 P PPL PH 09 33560 43 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14610 1726156 Bato Bato 13.3555556 123.3636111 P PPL PH 16 16939 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14611 1726280 Batangas Batangas 13.7594444 121.06 P PPL PH A7 237370 13 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14612 1726339 Batac City Batac City 18.0553964886205 120.564887523651 P PPL PH 50675 29 Asia/Manila 2008-08-06
+ 14613 1726765 Baras Baras 14.5216667 121.2666667 P PPL PH 53 20250 30 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14614 1727043 Bantayan Bantayan 11.1683333 123.7191667 P PPL PH 21 18984 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14615 1727080 Bansalan Bansalan 6.7861111 125.2133333 P PPL PH 25 21391 149 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14616 1727400 Bañga Banga 6.4238889 124.7783333 P PPL PH 70 58855 164 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14617 1727522 Banaybanay Banaybanay 13.85 121.2 P PPL PH 09 39452 168 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14618 1727663 Bambang Bambang 16.3825 121.11 P PPL PH 48 22831 397 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14619 1727995 Baliuag Baliuag 14.9547222 120.8969444 P PPL PH 13 135679 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14620 1728336 Balayan Balayan 13.9402778 120.7336111 P PPL PH 09 50115 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14621 1728523 Balanga Balanga 14.6761111 120.5361111 P PPL PH 07 72954 23 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14622 1728546 Balamban Balamban 10.5061111 123.7152778 P PPL PH 21 22283 6 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14623 1728584 Balagtas Balagtas 14.8166667 120.8666667 P PPL PH 13 59826 10 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14624 1728772 Bais Bais 9.5911111 123.1227778 P PPL PH 46 65594 9 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14625 1728825 Bah-Bah Bah-Bah 8.6072222 125.9144444 P PPL PH 03 28643 74 Asia/Manila 2006-01-27
+ 14626 1728930 Baguio Baguio 16.4163889 120.5930556 P PPL PH A4 272714 1448 Asia/Manila 2007-02-18
+ 14627 1729094 Bago Bago 10.5377778 122.8333333 P PPL PH A3 76708 1 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14628 1729324 Bagabag Bagabag 16.5 121.1833333 P PPL PH 48 24967 261 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14629 1729524 Bacoor Bacoor 14.4577778 120.9425 P PPL PH 20 356974 5 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14630 1729734 Babo-Pangulo Babo-Pangulo 15.0833333 120.5166667 P PPLL PH 50 15066 125 Asia/Manila 2006-08-09
+ 14631 1729814 Baao Baao 13.4563889 123.3641667 P PPL PH 16 19612 12 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14632 1729987 Atimonan Atimonan 13.9958333 121.905 P PPL PH H2 29356 8 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14633 1730097 Asia Asia 9.5516667 122.5175 P PPL PH H3 23546 26 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14634 1730171 Aringay Aringay 16.3963889 120.3591667 P PPL PH 36 29825 39 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14635 1730225 Arayat Arayat 15.1508333 120.7730556 P PPL PH 50 87987 9 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14636 1730398 Aparri Aparri 18.3561111 121.6408333 P PPL PH 14 33230 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14637 1730413 Apalit Apalit 14.9533333 120.77 P PPL PH 50 77418 9 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14638 1730501 Antipolo Antipolo 14.5863889 121.1752778 P PPL PH 53 549543 200 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14639 1730713 Angono Angono 14.5255556 121.1497222 P PPL PH 53 87199 19 Asia/Manila 2006-11-15
+ 14640 1730749 Angat Angat 14.9280556 121.0305556 P PPL PH 13 41235 50 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14641 1731212 Amadeo Amadeo 14.1705556 120.9236111 P PPL PH 20 16618 413 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14642 1731486 Alicia Alicia 16.7780556 121.7013889 P PPL PH 31 24732 55 55 Asia/Manila 2006-07-09
+ 14643 1731528 Aliaga Aliaga 15.5 120.8444444 P PPL PH 47 34020 24 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14644 1731686 Alaminos Alaminos 14.0627778 121.2480556 P PPL PH 33 31427 153 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14645 1731744 Alabel Alabel 6.0894444 125.2755556 P PPL PH 70 43312 11 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14646 1731959 Agoo Agoo 16.0833333 120.1 P PPL PH 51 28972 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14647 1732312 Abuyog Abuyog 10.7352778 125.0213889 P PPL PH 37 15632 1 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14648 1732354 Abucay Abucay 14.7222222 120.5383333 P PPL PH 07 35508 -9999 Asia/Manila 2006-01-17
+ 14649 1108161 Chuhar Jamāli Chuhar Jamali 24.3888889 67.9930556 P PPL PK 05 15781 13 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14650 1161983 Rāwala Kot Rawala Kot 33.8666667 73.7666667 P PPL PK PK 06 50000 1567 Asia/Karachi 2008-08-28
+ 14651 1161991 Pīr jo Goth Pir jo Goth 27.6 68.6166667 P PPL PK 05 35537 54 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14652 1162004 Khairpur Khairpur 27.5333333 68.7666667 P PPL PK 05 124602 50 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14653 1162105 Zhob Zhob 31.3411111 69.4480556 P PPL PK 02 50537 1415 Asia/Karachi 2006-09-05
+ 14654 1162261 Zaida Zaida 34.0602778 72.4677778 P PPL PK 03 26787 307 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14655 1162275 Zāhir Pīr Zahir Pir 28.8166667 70.5166667 P PPL PK 04 34121 89 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14656 1162285 Zafarwāl Zafarwal 32.35 74.9 P PPL PK 04 23078 269 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14657 1162316 Yazmān Yazman 29.1333333 71.75 P PPL PK 04 24580 116 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14658 1162456 Wazīrābād Wazirabad 32.45 74.1166667 P PPL PK 04 102444 222 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14659 1162572 Warburton Warburton 31.55 73.8333333 P PPL PK 04 24295 201 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14660 1162589 Wārāh Warah 27.45 67.8 P PPL PK 05 18724 31 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14661 1162813 Vihāri Vihari 30.0333333 72.35 P PPL PK 04 112840 136 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-15
+ 14662 1162855 Utmānzai Utmanzai 34.1858333 71.7633333 P PPL PK 03 29423 292 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14663 1162862 Uthal Uthal 25.8072222 66.6219444 P PPL PK 02 16483 24 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14664 1162868 Usta Muhammad Usta Muhammad 28.1833333 68.05 P PPL PK 02 43983 51 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14665 1162959 Umarkot Umarkot 25.3666667 69.7333333 P PPL PK 05 42074 3 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14666 1163021 Ubauro Ubauro 28.1666667 69.7333333 P PPL PK 05 23462 67 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14667 1163054 Turbat Turbat 26.0027778 63.0505556 P PPL PK 02 75694 142 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14668 1163224 Topi Topi 34.0688889 72.6244444 P PPL PK 03 36340 351 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14669 1163272 Toba Tek Singh Toba Tek Singh 30.9666667 72.4833333 P PPL PK 04 69064 155 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14670 1163414 Thul Thul 28.2333333 68.7666667 P PPL PK 05 34472 60 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14671 1163582 Thatta Thatta 24.7469444 67.9241667 P PPL PK 05 44302 8 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14672 1163595 Thāru Shāh Tharu Shah 26.95 68.1166667 P PPL PK 05 17698 39 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14673 1163724 Taunsa Taunsa 30.7 70.65 P PPL PK 04 44869 158 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14674 1163905 Tānk Tank 32.2216667 70.3802778 P PPL PK 03 38488 259 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14675 1163927 Tangi Tangi 34.3005556 71.6536111 P PPL PK 03 29444 334 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14676 1163952 Tando Muhammad Khān Tando Muhammad Khan 25.1333333 68.5333333 P PPL PK 05 72659 12 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14677 1163958 Tando Jām Tando Jam 25.4333333 68.5333333 P PPL PK 05 31612 14 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14678 1163965 Tando Allāhyār Tando Allahyar 25.4666667 68.7166667 P PPL PK 05 127202 17 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14679 1163967 Tando Ādam Tando Adam 25.7666667 68.6666667 P PPL PK 05 125598 23 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14680 1163968 Tāndliānwāla Tandlianwala 31.0333333 73.1333333 P PPL PK 04 38285 165 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14681 1164045 Talhār Talhar 24.8833333 68.8166667 P PPL PK 05 21154 10 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14682 1164064 Talamba Talamba 30.5333333 72.2333333 P PPL PK 04 28151 139 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14683 1164069 Talagang Talagang 32.9166667 72.4166667 P PPL PK 04 44960 457 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14684 1164076 Thal Thal 35.4783333 72.2425 P PPL PK 03 29331 2058 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14685 1164216 Swābi Swabi 34.12 72.4722222 P PPL PK 03 97363 321 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14686 1164408 Sukkur Sukkur 27.7 68.8666667 P PPL PK 05 417767 79 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14687 1164419 Sukheke Sukheke 31.8666667 73.5 P PPL PK 04 32836 198 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14688 1164429 Sujāwal Sujawal 24.6 68.0833333 P PPL PK 05 27598 5 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14689 1164679 Sodhra Sodhra 32.4666667 74.1833333 P PPL PK 04 15977 220 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14690 1164716 Sīta Road Sita Road 27.0333333 67.85 P PPL PK 05 27587 30 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14691 1164776 Sinjhoro Sinjhoro 26.0333333 68.8 P PPL PK 05 15970 15 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14692 1164825 Sillānwāli Sillanwali 31.8291667 72.5394444 P PPL PK 04 27023 173 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14693 1164896 Sibi Sibi 29.55 67.8833333 P PPL PK 02 64069 129 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-15
+ 14694 1164909 Siālkot Sialkot 32.5 74.5166667 P PPL PK 04 477396 256 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-07
+ 14695 1164970 Shujāābād Shujaabad 29.8833333 71.3 P PPL PK 04 65952 107 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14696 1164987 Shorko Shorko 31.9102778 70.8777778 P PPL PK 03 67439 170 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14697 1165108 Shikārpur Shikarpur 27.95 68.6333333 P PPL PK 05 156901 63 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14698 1165221 Shekhūpura Shekhupura 31.7130556 73.9783333 P PPL PK 04 361303 214 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14699 1165260 Sharqpur Sharqpur 31.4633333 74.1 P PPL PK 04 31855 200 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14700 1165388 Shakargarr Shakargarr 32.2666667 75.1666667 P PPL PK 04 64304 264 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14701 1165486 Shahr Sultān Shahr Sultan 29.5666667 71.0166667 P PPL PK 04 16166 100 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14702 1165507 Shāhpur Chākar Shahpur Chakar 26.15 68.65 P PPL PK 05 21446 18 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14703 1165635 Shāhdādpur Shahdadpur 25.9333333 68.6166667 P PPL PK 05 67249 16 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14704 1165638 Shāhdādkot Shahdadkot 27.85 67.9 P PPL PK 05 75411 48 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14705 1165744 Shabqadar Shabqadar 34.2152778 71.5552778 P PPL PK 03 66541 312 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14706 1165789 Sehwān Sehwan 26.4333333 67.8666667 P PPL PK 05 41150 19 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14707 1166000 Sargodha Sargodha 32.0836111 72.6711111 P PPL PK 04 542603 193 Asia/Karachi 2006-05-01
+ 14708 1166062 Sarāi Sidhu Sarai Sidhu 30.6 71.9666667 P PPL PK 04 15632 130 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14709 1166066 Sarāi Naurang Sarai Naurang 32.8261111 70.7819444 P PPL PK 03 19694 286 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14710 1166073 Sarāi Ālamgīr Sarai Alamgir 32.9 73.75 P PPL PK 04 44120 227 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14711 1166146 Sāngla Sangla 31.7166667 73.3833333 P PPL PK 04 57002 189 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14712 1166164 Sānghar Sanghar 26.0333333 68.95 P PPL PK 05 62033 15 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14713 1166265 Sambriāl Sambrial 32.4666667 74.35 P PPL PK 04 62874 229 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14714 1166273 Samasata Samasata 29.35 71.55 P PPL PK 04 24363 107 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14715 1166381 Sakrand Sakrand 26.1333333 68.2666667 P PPL PK 05 31630 18 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14716 1166547 Sāhīwāl Sahiwal 31.9730556 72.3255556 P PPL PK 04 37186 166 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14717 1166548 Sāhīwāl Sahiwal 30.6666667 73.1 P PPL PK 04 235695 172 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14718 1166652 Sādiqābād Sadiqabad 28.3 70.1333333 P PPL PK 04 189876 76 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14719 1166827 Rohri Rohri 27.6833333 68.9 P PPL PK 05 50649 66 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14720 1166933 Renāla Khurd Renala Khurd 30.8833333 73.6 P PPL PK 04 37111 174 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14721 1166993 Rāwalpindi Rawalpindi 33.6 73.0666667 P PPL PK 04 1743101 484 Asia/Karachi 2008-04-01
+ 14722 1167031 Ratodero Ratodero 27.8 68.3 P PPL PK 05 47819 50 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14723 1167142 Rānīpur Ranipur 27.2888889 68.5044444 P PPL PK 05 22495 49 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14724 1167380 Rājanpur Rajanpur 29.1 70.3166667 P PPL PK 04 50682 94 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14725 1167386 Rāja Jang Raja Jang 31.2208333 74.2519444 P PPL PK 04 24407 198 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14726 1167398 Rāiwind Raiwind 31.2544444 74.2177778 P PPL PK 04 31592 204 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14727 1167501 Rādhan Radhan 27.1833333 67.95 P PPL PK 05 16786 29 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14728 1167528 Quetta Quetta 30.1872222 67.0125 P PPL PK 02 733675 1671 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-05
+ 14729 1167622 Kambar Kambar 27.6 68.0 P PPL PK 05 77481 41 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14730 1167648 Qādirpur Rān Qadirpur Ran 30.2833333 71.6666667 P PPL PK 04 20407 127 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14731 1167821 Pishin Pishin 30.580278 66.996111 P PPL PK 02 24239 1536 Asia/Karachi 2008-02-09
+ 14732 1167873 Pīr Mahal Pir Mahal 30.7666667 72.4333333 P PPL PK 04 35343 151 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14733 1168015 Pindi Gheb Pindi Gheb 33.2402778 72.2636111 P PPL PK 04 34301 302 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14734 1168021 Pindi Bhattiān Pindi Bhattian 31.9 73.2666667 P PPL PK 04 35088 185 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14735 1168036 Pind Dādan Khān Pind Dadan Khan 32.5833333 73.05 P PPL PK 04 22001 206 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14736 1168166 Phālia Phalia 32.4333333 73.5833333 P PPL PK 04 24789 204 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14737 1168197 Peshāwar Peshawar 34.0077778 71.5733333 P PPL PK 03 1218773 315 Asia/Karachi 2007-02-17
+ 14738 1168226 Pattoki Pattoki 31.0166667 73.85 P PPL PK 04 70436 191 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14739 1168307 Pasrūr Pasrur 32.2666667 74.6666667 P PPL PK 04 53364 237 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14740 1168312 Pasni Pasni 25.2638889 63.4744444 P PPL PK 02 33110 11 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14741 1168412 Pāno Āqil Pano Aqil 27.85 69.1166667 P PPL PK 05 72881 61 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14742 1168555 Pākpattan Pakpattan 30.35 73.4 P PPL PK 04 126706 155 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14743 1168633 Pahārpur Paharpur 32.1022222 70.97 P PPL PK 03 17294 177 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14744 1168652 Pad Īdan Pad Idan 26.7833333 68.3 P PPL PK 05 20919 46 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14745 1168680 Pabbi Pabbi 34.0105556 71.7988889 P PPL PK 03 37307 280 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14746 1168718 Okāra Okara 30.8080556 73.4458333 P PPL PK 04 223648 174 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14747 1168749 Nushki Nushki 29.55 66.0166667 P PPL PK 02 27680 993 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14748 1169116 Nawābshāh Nawabshah 26.25 68.4166667 P PPL PK 05 229504 20 Asia/Karachi 2008-04-01
+ 14749 1169143 Naushahro Fīroz Naushahro Firoz 26.8333333 68.1166667 P PPL PK 05 17631 39 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14750 1169145 Naushahra Virkhan Naushahra Virkhan 31.9611111 73.9733333 P PPL PK 04 40853 215 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14751 1169187 Naudero Naudero 27.6666667 68.3666667 P PPL PK 05 33455 50 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14752 1169254 Nasīrābād Nasirabad 27.3833333 67.9166667 P PPL PK 05 27809 31 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14753 1169278 Nārowāl Narowal 32.1 74.8833333 P PPL PK 04 68291 229 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14754 1169334 Nārang Narang 31.9102778 74.5136111 P PPL PK 04 34778 214 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14755 1169367 Naokot Naokot 24.85 69.45 P PPL PK 05 22081 10 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14756 1169372 Nankāna Sāhib Nankana Sahib 31.4475 73.6972222 P PPL PK 04 56366 188 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14757 1169605 Muzaffargarh Muzaffargarh 30.0666667 71.2 P PPL PK 04 165192 114 Asia/Karachi 2007-04-20
+ 14758 1169607 Muzaffarābād Muzaffarabad 34.37 73.4711111 P PPLA PK 06 19750 737 Asia/Karachi 2006-12-13
+ 14759 1169620 Mustafābād Mustafabad 30.8922222 73.4988889 P PPL PK 04 45795 162 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14760 1169684 Murree Murree 33.9 73.4 P PPL PK 04 25247 1756 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14761 1169692 Murīdke Muridke 31.8025 74.2616667 P PPL PK 04 164246 211 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14762 1169825 Multān Multan 30.1955556 71.4752778 P PPL PK 04 1437230 125 Asia/Karachi 2008-04-01
+ 14763 1170013 Moro Moro 26.6666667 68.0 P PPL PK 05 76765 34 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14764 1170219 Mithi Mithi 24.7333333 69.8 P PPL PK 05 23431 28 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14765 1170222 Mitha Tiwāna Mitha Tiwana 32.2486111 72.1108333 P PPL PK 04 26390 175 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14766 1170294 Mīrpur Māthelo Mirpur Mathelo 28.0333333 69.55 P PPL PK 05 49311 77 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14767 1170295 Mīrpur Khās Mirpur Khas 25.5333333 69.0 P PPL PK 05 215657 14 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14768 1170395 Mingāora Mingaora 34.7761111 72.3611111 P PPL PK 03 227331 921 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14769 1170398 Minchinābād Minchinabad 30.1666667 73.5666667 P PPL PK 04 29253 157 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14770 1170425 Miānwāli Mianwali 32.5833333 71.55 P PPL PK 04 89570 212 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14771 1170486 Miān Channūn Mian Channun 30.45 72.3666667 P PPL PK 04 76226 148 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-15
+ 14772 1170564 Mehrābpur Mehrabpur 28.1 68.0166667 P PPL PK 02 35263 46 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14773 1170584 Mehar Mehar 27.1833333 67.8166667 P PPL PK 05 30429 41 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14774 1170667 Mātli Matli 25.0333333 68.65 P PPL PK 05 50398 10 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14775 1170677 Matiāri Matiari 25.6 68.45 P PPL PK 05 18929 13 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14776 1170706 Mastung Mastung 29.8 66.85 P PPL PK 02 29082 1702 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14777 1170880 Mardān Mardan 34.1983333 72.0458333 P PPL PK 03 300424 285 Asia/Karachi 2006-05-05
+ 14778 1170951 Mānsehra Mansehra 34.3333333 73.2 P PPL PK 03 66486 1067 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14779 1171050 Mangla Mangla 31.8930556 72.3816667 P PPL PK 04 16264 164 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14780 1171123 Mandi Bahāuddīn Mandi Bahauddin 32.5833333 73.5 P PPL PK 04 129733 223 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14781 1171165 Mānānwāla Mananwala 31.5841667 73.6877778 P PPL PK 04 28432 197 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14782 1171198 Māmu Kānjan Mamu Kanjan 30.8333333 72.8 P PPL PK 04 31914 155 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14783 1171376 Malakwāl Malakwal 32.5666667 73.2166667 P PPL PK 04 34589 195 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14784 1171502 Mailsi Mailsi 29.8002778 72.1758333 P PPL PK 04 64545 123 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14785 1171757 Mach Mach 29.8666667 67.3333333 P PPL PK 02 16930 995 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14786 1171868 Loralai Loralai 30.3666667 68.6 P PPL PK 02 37787 1452 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14787 1171965 Lodhrān Lodhran 29.5333333 71.6333333 P PPL PK 04 97249 111 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14788 1172035 Leiah Leiah 30.9666667 70.9333333 P PPL PK 04 78954 141 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14789 1172128 Lārkāna Larkana 27.55 68.2166667 P PPL PK 05 364033 45 Asia/Karachi 2008-04-01
+ 14790 1172295 Lāliān Lalian 31.8225 72.7972222 P PPL PK 04 31355 172 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14791 1172318 Lāla Mūsa Lala Musa 32.7 73.9666667 P PPL PK 04 65197 254 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14792 1172339 Lakki Marwat Lakki Marwat 32.6075 70.9125 P PPL PK 03 36391 262 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14793 1172451 Lahore Lahore 31.5497222 74.3436111 P PPL PK 04 6310888 210 Asia/Karachi 2007-02-17
+ 14794 1172488 Ladhewāla Warāich Ladhewala Waraich 32.15 74.1166667 P PPL PK 04 39757 223 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14795 1172513 Lāchi Lachi 33.3833333 71.3333333 P PPL PK 03 18537 457 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14796 1172657 Kunri Kunri 25.1833333 69.5666667 P PPL PK 05 26773 10 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14797 1172663 Kunjāh Kunjah 32.5333333 73.9833333 P PPL PK 04 28103 223 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14798 1172682 Kundiān Kundian 32.45 71.4666667 P PPL PK 04 35406 196 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14799 1172779 Kulāchi Kulachi 31.9286111 70.4591667 P PPL PK 03 22376 210 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14800 1172888 Kot Samāba Kot Samaba 28.55 70.4666667 P PPL PK 04 22953 77 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14801 1172904 Kotri Kotri 25.3666667 68.3 P PPL PK 05 72672 17 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14802 1172915 Kot Rādha Kishan Kot Radha Kishan 31.1725 74.0997222 P PPL PK 04 45938 194 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14803 1172964 Kot Mūmin Kot Mumin 32.1833333 73.0333333 P PPL PK 04 38355 190 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14804 1172993 Kot Malik Kot Malik 30.1958333 66.9975 P PPLX PK 02 69359 1659 Asia/Karachi 2006-08-25
+ 14805 1173025 Kotli Lohārān Kotli Loharan 32.5833333 74.4833333 P PPL PK 04 21463 228 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14806 1173272 Kot Ghulām Muhammad Kot Ghulam Muhammad 32.3333333 74.55 P PPL PK 04 20897 239 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14807 1173302 Kot Diji Kot Diji 27.3433333 68.7088889 P PPL PK 05 25616 55 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14808 1173378 Kot Addu Kot Addu 30.47 70.9644444 P PPL PK 04 104217 134 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14809 1173491 Kohāt Kohat 33.5869444 71.4422222 P PPL PK 03 151427 508 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14810 1173664 Khuzdār Khuzdar 27.8 66.6166667 P PPL PK 02 141227 1211 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14811 1173687 Khushāb Khushab 32.2966667 72.3525 P PPL PK 04 102793 174 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14812 1173692 Khurriānwāla Khurrianwala 31.5005556 73.2666667 P PPL PK 04 35292 178 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14813 1173889 Khipro Khipro 25.8333333 69.3666667 P PPL PK 05 28729 14 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14814 1173920 Khewra Khewra 32.65 73.0166667 P PPL PK 04 32620 333 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14815 1174042 Khāriān Kharian 32.8166667 73.8666667 P PPL PK 04 81435 287 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14816 1174062 Khārān Kharan 28.5833333 65.4166667 P PPL PK 02 30841 693 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14817 1174167 Khānpur Khanpur 28.65 70.65 P PPL PK 04 142426 88 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14818 1174171 Khānpur Khanpur 27.8333333 69.4166667 P PPL PK 05 22273 62 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14819 1174211 Khāngarh Khangarh 29.9166667 71.1666667 P PPL PK 04 19698 107 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14820 1174217 Khāngāh Dogrān Khangah Dogran 31.8316667 73.6230556 P PPL PK 04 30314 200 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14821 1174301 Khalābat Khalabat 34.06 72.8894444 P PPL PK 03 39148 424 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14822 1174344 Khairpur Nathan Shāh Khairpur Nathan Shah 27.1 67.7333333 P PPL PK 05 30286 29 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14823 1174355 Khairpur Khairpur 29.5811111 72.2363889 P PPL PK 04 30967 117 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14824 1174357 Khairpur Khairpur 28.05 69.7 P PPL PK 05 40083 67 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14825 1174625 Kasūr Kasur 31.1155556 74.4466667 P PPL PK 04 290643 201 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14826 1174653 Kashmor Kashmor 28.4333333 69.5833333 P PPL PK 05 33732 69 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14827 1174720 Karor Karor 31.2236111 70.9519444 P PPL PK 04 25634 151 Asia/Karachi 2006-12-11
+ 14828 1174872 Karāchi Karachi 24.8666667 67.05 P PPL PK 05 11624219 14 Asia/Karachi 2007-02-17
+ 14829 1174984 Kanganpur Kanganpur 30.7666667 74.1333333 P PPL PK 04 21788 179 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14830 1175010 Kandiāro Kandiaro 27.0666667 68.2166667 P PPL PK 05 26807 35 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14831 1175021 Kandhkot Kandhkot 28.2333333 69.1833333 P PPL PK 05 88468 71 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14832 1175082 Kāmra Kamra 33.75 73.5166667 P PPL PK 04 43779 1197 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14833 1175088 Kāmoke Kamoke 31.9744444 74.2244444 P PPL PK 04 199531 226 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14834 1175098 Kamīr Kamir 30.4333333 73.05 P PPL PK 04 24053 144 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14835 1175125 Kamar Mushāni Kamar Mushani 32.8438889 71.3669444 P PPL PK 04 15867 203 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14836 1175156 Kamālia Kamalia 30.7333333 72.65 P PPL PK 04 112426 153 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14837 1175180 Kalūr Kot Kalur Kot 32.1563889 71.2594444 P PPL PK 04 25574 187 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14838 1175283 Kāleke Kaleke 31.9794444 73.5872222 P PPL PK 04 16361 198 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14839 1175296 Kalāt Kalat 29.0333333 66.5833333 P PPL PK 02 26701 2015 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14840 1175365 Kālābāgh Kalabagh 32.9666667 71.5666667 P PPL PK 04 15976 335 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14841 1175436 Kahūta Kahuta 33.5833333 73.3833333 P PPL PK 04 22551 596 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14842 1175446 Kahror Pakka Kahror Pakka 29.6166667 71.9166667 P PPL PK 04 69743 117 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14843 1175453 Kāhna Kahna 31.3691667 74.3652778 P PPL PK 04 45888 205 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14844 1175560 Kabīrwāla Kabirwala 30.4 71.8666667 P PPL PK 04 60782 137 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14845 1175678 Johi Johi 26.6833333 67.6166667 P PPL PK 05 16311 25 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14846 1175712 Jīwani Jiwani 25.05 61.7416667 P PPL PK 02 16322 14 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14847 1175748 Jhumra Jhumra 31.5666667 73.1833333 P PPL PK 04 37214 179 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14848 1175762 Jhol Jhol 25.95 68.8833333 P PPL PK 05 16067 21 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14849 1175864 Jhelum Jhelum 32.9333333 73.7333333 P PPL PK 04 164080 222 Asia/Karachi 2007-02-08
+ 14850 1175870 Jhawāriān Jhawarian 32.3613889 72.6227778 P PPL PK 04 27893 180 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14851 1175892 Jhang Sadr Jhang Sadr 31.2741667 72.3119444 P PPL PK 04 341210 158 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14852 1176022 Jauharābād Jauharabad 32.2841667 72.2786111 P PPL PK 04 46545 171 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14853 1176035 Jatoi Shimāli Jatoi Shimali 29.5166667 70.85 P PPL PK 04 47144 105 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14854 1176106 Jarānwāla Jaranwala 31.3333333 73.4333333 P PPL PK 04 119785 183 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14855 1176218 Jand Jand 33.4288889 72.02 P PPL PK 04 18170 333 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14856 1176241 Jāmpur Jampur 29.6422222 70.5958333 P PPL PK 04 63791 106 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14857 1176358 Jalālpur Pīrwāla Jalalpur Pirwala 29.5 71.2166667 P PPL PK 04 37393 101 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14858 1176368 Jalālpur Jalalpur 32.6333333 74.2 P PPL PK 04 93883 233 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14859 1176444 Jahāniān Shāh Jahanian Shah 31.8052778 72.2772222 P PPL PK 04 29095 160 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14860 1176515 Jacobābād Jacobabad 28.2838889 68.4361111 P PPL PK 05 170588 59 Asia/Karachi 2007-02-08
+ 14861 1176615 Islamabad Islamabad 33.6100445736956 73.05908203125 P PPLC PK 08 601600 497 Asia/Karachi 2009-09-04
+ 14862 1176734 Hyderābād Hyderabad 25.3666667 68.3666667 P PPL PK 05 1386330 13 Asia/Karachi 2008-04-01
+ 14863 1176800 Hujra Hujra 30.7333333 73.8166667 P PPL PK 04 61546 175 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14864 1176889 Hingorja Hingorja 27.2166667 68.4166667 P PPL PK 05 22263 31 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14865 1176948 Hazro Hazro 33.9097222 72.4927778 P PPL PK 04 26309 300 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14866 1176995 Haveliān Havelian 34.05 73.1666667 P PPL PK 03 40481 868 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14867 1176997 Haveli Haveli 30.45 73.7 P PPL PK 04 65289 165 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14868 1177042 Hāsilpur Hasilpur 29.7122222 72.5552778 P PPL PK 04 88031 123 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14869 1177064 Hasan Abdāl Hasan Abdal 30.4333333 72.7 P PPL PK 04 45665 155 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14870 1177073 Hārūnābād Harunabad 29.6133333 73.1388889 P PPL PK 04 72432 151 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14871 1177089 Harnoli Harnoli 32.2791667 71.5538889 P PPL PK 04 15669 189 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14872 1177107 Harīpur Haripur 33.9972222 72.9336111 P PPL PK 03 56977 516 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14873 1177203 Hangu Hangu 33.5286111 71.0583333 P PPL PK 03 36150 858 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14874 1177278 Hāla Hala 25.8166667 68.4166667 P PPL PK 02 47915 16 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14875 1177384 Hāfizābād Hafizabad 32.0666667 73.6833333 P PPL PK 04 153656 207 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14876 1177397 Hadāli Hadali 32.6333333 74.5666667 P PPL PK 04 49663 247 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14877 1177446 Gwādar Gwadar 25.1155556 62.3283333 P PPL PK 02 51901 9 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-19
+ 14878 1177654 Gujrāt Gujrat 32.5666667 74.0833333 P PPL PK 04 301506 228 Asia/Karachi 2007-01-08
+ 14879 1177662 Gujrānwāla Gujranwala 32.15 74.1833333 P PPL PK 04 1384471 223 Asia/Karachi 2007-05-09
+ 14880 1177682 Gūjar Khān Gujar Khan 33.2666667 73.3166667 P PPL PK 04 69374 438 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14881 1178231 Gojra Gojra 31.15 72.6833333 P PPL PK 04 139726 165 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14882 1178456 Ghotki Ghotki 28.0166667 69.3166667 P PPL PK 05 64295 72 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-15
+ 14883 1178560 Ghauspur Ghauspur 28.1333333 69.0833333 P PPL PK 05 29767 69 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14884 1178587 Gharo Gharo 24.7413889 67.5858333 P PPL PK 05 19524 6 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14885 1178841 Garh Mahārāja Garh Maharaja 30.8333333 71.9 P PPL PK 04 29153 133 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14886 1179061 Gambat Gambat 27.3513889 68.52 P PPL PK 05 34005 52 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14887 1179223 Fort Abbās Fort Abbas 29.1925 72.8536111 P PPL PK 04 40626 143 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14888 1179255 Fazalpur Fazalpur 32.1833333 75.0666667 P PPL PK 04 28213 246 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14889 1179305 Fatehpur Fatehpur 31.1666667 71.2166667 P PPL PK 04 18126 149 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14890 1179346 Faruka Faruka 31.8883333 72.4108333 P PPL PK 04 21747 164 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14891 1179377 Faqīrwāli Faqirwali 29.4694444 73.0311111 P PPL PK 04 25186 148 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14892 1179400 Faisalābād Faisalabad 31.4166667 73.0833333 P PPL PK 04 2506595 175 Asia/Karachi 2008-04-01
+ 14893 1179406 Eminābād Eminabad 32.0333333 74.2666667 P PPL PK 04 22679 223 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14894 1179450 Dunyāpur Dunyapur 29.8 71.7333333 P PPL PK 04 34044 115 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14895 1179463 Dunga Bunga Dunga Bunga 29.75 73.25 P PPL PK 04 25893 155 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14896 1179496 Dullewāla Dullewala 31.8333333 71.4333333 P PPL PK 04 48682 179 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14897 1179757 Dīr Dir 35.2058333 71.8755556 P PPL PK 03 29869 1399 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14898 1179760 Dīpālpur Dipalpur 30.6666667 73.65 P PPL PK 04 74640 169 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14899 1179790 Dinga Dinga 32.6333333 73.7166667 P PPL PK 04 39784 218 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14900 1179834 Dijkot Dijkot 31.2166667 72.9833333 P PPL PK 04 27469 171 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14901 1179837 Digri Digri 25.1666667 69.1166667 P PPL PK 05 31842 9 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14902 1179902 Dhoro Nāro Dhoro Naro 25.5 69.5666667 P PPL PK 05 19907 9 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14903 1180133 Dhanot Dhanot 29.5666667 71.7666667 P PPL PK 04 18729 114 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14904 1180281 Dera Ismāīl Khān Dera Ismail Khan 31.8327778 70.9025 P PPLX PK 03 101616 166 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-27
+ 14905 1180289 Dera Ghāzi Khān Dera Ghazi Khan 30.0561111 70.6344444 P PPL PK 04 236093 121 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14906 1180295 Dera Bugti Dera Bugti 29.0333333 69.15 P PPL PK 02 18120 452 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14907 1180374 Daur Daur 26.45 68.3166667 P PPL PK 05 17577 26 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14908 1180419 Dāūd Khel Daud Khel 32.8833333 71.5666667 P PPL PK 04 26395 208 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14909 1180436 Daska Daska 32.3333333 74.35 P PPL PK 04 126924 235 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14910 1180454 Darya Khān Darya Khan 31.8 71.1 P PPL PK 04 15048 184 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14911 1180752 Dājal Dajal 29.55 70.3833333 P PPL PK 04 17630 122 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14912 1180809 Dādu Dadu 26.7333333 67.7833333 P PPL PK 05 139784 24 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14913 1180825 Dādhar Dadhar 29.4666667 67.65 P PPL PK 02 15090 133 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14914 1180942 Chūniān Chunian 30.9666667 73.9833333 P PPL PK 04 57312 195 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14915 1180983 Chūhar Kāna Chuhar Kana 31.75 73.8 P PPL PK 04 69321 205 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14916 1181022 Chor Chor 25.5166667 69.7666667 P PPL PK 05 16301 12 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14917 1181053 Choa Saidān Shāh Choa Saidan Shah 32.7166667 72.9833333 P PPL PK 04 15344 625 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14918 1181073 Chishtiān Mandi Chishtian Mandi 29.8 72.8666667 P PPL PK 04 122199 147 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14919 1181096 Chiniot Chiniot 31.72 72.9788889 P PPL PK 04 201781 179 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14920 1181163 Chīchāwatni Chichawatni 30.5333333 72.7 P PPL PK 04 82762 159 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14921 1181352 Chawinda Chawinda 32.35 74.7 P PPL PK 04 23599 255 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14922 1181439 Chārsadda Charsadda 34.1452778 71.7313889 P PPL PK 03 95319 282 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14923 1181611 Chaman Chaman 30.9169444 66.4597222 P PPL PK 02 88568 1336 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-21
+ 14924 1181636 Chakwāl Chakwal 32.9333333 72.8666667 P PPL PK 04 101200 499 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14925 1181887 Chak Āzam Saffo Chak Azam Saffo 30.75 73.0333333 P PPL PK 04 38216 161 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14926 1182092 Būrewāla Burewala 30.1666667 72.65 P PPL PK 04 183915 132 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14927 1182577 Bhopālwāla Bhopalwala 32.4333333 74.3666667 P PPL PK 04 17341 234 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14928 1182607 Bhit Shāh Bhit Shah 25.8 68.5 P PPL PK 05 19325 17 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14929 1182665 Bhera Bhera 32.4819444 72.91 P PPL PK 04 31781 186 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14930 1182682 Bhawāna Bhawana 31.5661111 72.6461111 P PPL PK 04 16218 157 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14931 1182775 Bhān Bhan 26.55 67.7166667 P PPL PK 05 16961 21 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14932 1182787 Bhalwāl Bhalwal 32.2658333 72.9008333 P PPL PK 04 74744 184 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14933 1182815 Bhakkar Bhakkar 31.6333333 71.0666667 P PPL PK 04 81950 160 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-15
+ 14934 1182998 Bela Bela 26.2333333 66.3166667 P PPL PK 02 20119 75 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14935 1183090 Bat Khela Bat Khela 34.6166667 71.9713889 P PPL PK 03 46079 647 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14936 1183224 Basīrpur Basirpur 30.5833333 73.8333333 P PPL PK 04 41617 167 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14937 1183460 Bannu Bannu 32.9894444 70.6058333 P PPL PK 03 49008 371 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14938 1183880 Bahāwalpur Bahawalpur 29.4 71.6833333 P PPL PK 04 552607 116 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14939 1183883 Bahāwalnagar Bahawalnagar 29.9833333 73.2666667 P PPL PK 04 126617 144 Asia/Karachi 2007-02-18
+ 14940 1184055 Badīn Badin 24.65 68.8333333 P PPL PK 05 73569 4 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14941 1184075 Baddomalhi Baddomalhi 31.9833333 74.6666667 P PPL PK 04 18435 218 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14942 1184249 Attock City Attock City 33.7722222 72.3683333 P PPL PK 04 85479 349 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14943 1184370 Ārifwāla Arifwala 30.2833333 73.0666667 P PPL PK 04 87360 148 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14944 1184569 Amangarh Amangarh 34.0058333 71.93 P PPL PK 03 25723 284 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14945 1184655 Alīpur Alipur 29.3833333 70.9166667 P PPL PK 04 33601 101 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14946 1184752 Akora Akora 34.0036111 72.1261111 P PPL PK 03 23288 276 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14947 1184845 Ahmadpur East Ahmadpur East 29.15 71.2666667 P PPL PK 04 116579 103 Asia/Karachi 2006-11-15
+ 14948 1341204 Nowshera Cantonment Nowshera Cantonment 33.9966667 72.0130556 P PPL PK 03 96766 294 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14949 1356491 Ahmadpur Siāl Ahmadpur Sial 30.675 71.7430556 P PPL PK 04 24889 118 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14950 1357699 New Bādāh New Badah 27.3416667 68.0319444 P PPL PK 05 38855 33 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14951 1360491 Tando Ghulām Ali Tando Ghulam Ali 25.1305556 68.8666667 P PPL PK 05 16299 11 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14952 1412008 Sethārja Old Setharja Old 27.2111111 68.4694444 P PPL PK 05 32651 28 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14953 1448637 Risālpur Risalpur 34.0633333 71.9936111 P PPL PK 03 37084 285 Asia/Karachi 2006-01-17
+ 14954 6457378 Malakwal City Malakwal City 32.5549161382447 73.2122039794922 P PPL PK 04 35000 452 205 Asia/Karachi 2007-04-07
+ 14955 752967 Żyrardów Zyrardow 52.0510125929927 20.4433250427246 P PPL PL 78 41179 104 Europe/Warsaw 2009-09-12
+ 14956 753276 Zielonka Zielonka 52.3 21.1666667 P PPL PL 78 17518 92 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14957 753866 Zamość Zamosc 50.7166667 23.25 P PPL PL 75 66034 223 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 14958 753895 Zambrów Zambrow 52.9833333 22.25 P PPL PL 81 22857 120 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14959 754351 Ząbki Zabki 52.2833333 21.1166667 P PPL PL 78 23473 79 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14960 754454 Wyszków Wyszkow 52.6 21.4666667 P PPL PL 78 26628 97 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14961 754800 Wołomin Wolomin 52.35 21.25 P PPL PL 78 36592 95 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14962 755889 Wieliczka Wieliczka 49.9879041766801 20.0792741775513 P PPL PL 77 18677 244 Europe/Warsaw 2008-05-21
+ 14963 756135 Warsaw Warsaw 52.25 21.0 P PPLC PL 78 1702139 94 Europe/Warsaw 2008-08-06
+ 14964 756867 Tomaszów Mazowiecki Tomaszow Mazowiecki 51.5333333 20.0166667 P PPL PL 74 67197 160 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 14965 756868 Tomaszów Lubelski Tomaszow Lubelski 50.4533508836017 23.4190857410431 P PPL PL 75 20261 275 262 Europe/Warsaw 2008-02-23
+ 14966 757026 Tarnów Tarnow 50.0166667 20.9833333 P PPL PL 77 117799 213 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 14967 757033 Tarnobrzeg Tarnobrzeg 50.5833333 21.6833333 P PPL PL 80 50459 151 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 14968 757357 Szczytno Szczytno 53.5666667 21.0 P PPL PL 85 26044 162 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 14969 757718 Suwałki Suwalki 54.0994444 22.9330556 P PPL PL 81 69222 175 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 14970 757809 Sulejówek Sulejowek 52.2522918284442 21.2690162658691 P PPL PL 78 18414 100 Europe/Warsaw 2008-10-08
+ 14971 758252 Staszów Staszow 50.55 21.1666667 P PPL PL 80 15553 177 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 14972 758390 Starachowice Starachowice 51.0666667 21.0666667 P PPL PL 84 53739 259 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-25
+ 14973 758445 Stalowa Wola Stalowa Wola 50.5666667 22.05 P PPL PL 80 66495 155 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 14974 758626 Sokołów Podlaski Sokolow Podlaski 52.4 22.25 P PPL PL 78 18241 188 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14975 758651 Sokółka Sokolka 53.4166667 23.5 P PPL PL 81 19079 200 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14976 758682 Sochaczew Sochaczew 52.2293240190527 20.238618850708 P PPL PL 78 38267 82 Europe/Warsaw 2009-08-26
+ 14977 759123 Skierniewice Skierniewice 51.9666667 20.15 P PPL PL 74 49042 122 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 14978 759141 Skarżysko-Kamienna Skarzysko-Kamienna 51.1166667 20.9 P PPL PL 84 49410 237 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 14979 759320 Siemiatycze Siemiatycze 52.45 22.8833333 P PPL PL 81 15421 174 Europe/Warsaw 2008-06-21
+ 14980 759412 Siedlce Siedlce 52.1666667 22.3 P PPL PL 78 76772 160 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 14981 759591 Sanok Sanok 49.5666667 22.2 P PPL PL 80 39684 278 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 14982 759603 Sandomierz Sandomierz 50.6833333 21.75 P PPL PL 80 25087 123 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 14983 759734 Rzeszów Rzeszow 50.05 22.0 P PPLA PL 80 158382 206 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 14984 760584 Rawa Mazowiecka Rawa Mazowiecka 51.7666667 20.25 P PPL PL 74 17770 148 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 14985 760680 Radzyń Podlaski Radzyn Podlaski 51.7833333 22.6166667 P PPL PL 75 16071 153 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 14986 760778 Radom Radom 51.4166667 21.15 P PPL PL 78 226794 158 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 14987 760917 Pułtusk Pultusk 52.7166667 21.1 P PPL PL 78 19039 73 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 14988 760924 Puławy Pulawy 51.4166667 21.9666667 P PPL PL 75 49759 151 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 14989 761131 Przeworsk Przeworsk 50.0666667 22.5 P PPL PL 80 15805 202 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 14990 761168 Przemyśl Przemysl 49.7833333 22.7833333 P PPL PL 80 67013 194 Europe/Warsaw 2008-01-18
+ 14991 761218 Przasnysz Przasnysz 53.0333333 20.8833333 P PPL PL 78 16718 120 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 14992 761228 Pruszków Pruszkow 52.1716156005234 20.8063888549805 P PPL PL PL 78 55371 89 Europe/Warsaw 2008-08-05
+ 14993 762021 Płońsk Plonsk 52.6333333 20.3833333 P PPL PL 78 22217 100 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 14994 762120 Pisz Pisz 53.6333333 21.8 P PPL PL 85 19232 117 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-16
+ 14995 762199 Pionki Pionki 51.4833333 21.45 P PPL PL 78 19966 160 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 14996 762381 Piastów Piastow 52.1843526146269 20.8395195007324 P PPL PL 78 23290 97 Europe/Warsaw 2008-08-05
+ 14997 762423 Piaseczno Piaseczno 52.0809829441828 21.0249137878418 P PPL PL 78 36278 106 Europe/Warsaw 2008-08-06
+ 14998 762788 Otwock Otwock 52.1057671490049 21.2612915039062 P PPL PL PL 78 43388 93 Europe/Warsaw 2009-04-25
+ 14999 762850 Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrow Mazowiecka 52.8 21.9 P PPL PL 78 22653 131 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15000 762863 Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski 50.9333333 21.4 P PPL PL 84 73989 166 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 15001 762909 Ostrołęka Ostroleka 53.0833333 21.5666667 P PPL PL 78 53740 92 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15002 763111 Opoczno Opoczno 51.3666667 20.2833333 P PPL PL 74 22592 189 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15003 763166 Olsztyn Olsztyn 53.7833333 20.4833333 P PPLA PL 85 171803 147 Europe/Warsaw 2007-11-19
+ 15004 763291 Olecko Olecko 54.0337375628356 22.5070381164551 P PPL PL 85 15923 154 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15005 763523 Nowy Targ Nowy Targ 49.4833333 20.0333333 P PPL PL 77 33763 592 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15006 763534 Nowy Sącz Nowy Sacz 49.6333333 20.7166667 P PPL PL 77 84376 337 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15007 763556 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki 52.4333333 20.7166667 P PPL PL 78 27633 57 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15008 763829 Nisko Nisko 50.5333333 22.15 P PPL PL 80 15573 152 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15009 764312 Mrągowo Mragowo 53.8671177424694 21.2995505332947 P PPL PL 85 21965 142 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15010 764634 Mława Mlawa 53.1166667 20.3833333 P PPL PL 78 29398 158 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15011 764679 Mińsk Mazowiecki Minsk Mazowiecki 52.1833333 21.5666667 P PPL PL 78 37027 166 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15012 764749 Milanówek Milanowek 52.1240037444552 20.6669998168945 P PPL PL 78 15784 85 Europe/Warsaw 2008-08-05
+ 15013 764849 Mielec Mielec 50.2833333 21.4166667 P PPL PL 80 60993 171 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15014 764862 Międzyrzec Podlaski Miedzyrzec Podlaski 51.9833333 22.7833333 P PPL PL 75 17158 151 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15015 765191 Marki Marki 52.3206517845312 21.104736328125 P PPL PL 78 23177 80 Europe/Warsaw 2009-08-21
+ 15016 765749 Łuków Lukow 51.9166667 22.3833333 P PPL PL 78 30551 172 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15017 765876 Lublin Lublin 51.25 22.5666667 P PPLA PL 75 360044 170 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15018 765927 Lubartów Lubartow 51.4666667 22.6333333 P PPL PL 75 22839 157 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15019 766027 Łomża Lomza 53.1833333 22.0833333 P PPL PL 81 63723 99 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15020 766042 Łomianki Lomianki 52.35 20.9 P PPL PL 78 15315 69 Europe/Warsaw 2007-11-19
+ 15021 766307 Lidzbark Warmiński Lidzbark Warminski 54.1225 20.5877778 P PPL PL 85 16540 84 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15022 766555 Legionowo Legionowo 52.4 20.9333333 P PPL PL 78 50786 71 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-16
+ 15023 766583 Łęczna Leczna 51.2833333 22.8666667 P PPL PL 75 21719 163 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15024 766783 Łapy Lapy 52.9833333 22.8666667 P PPL PL 81 16434 125 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15025 766810 Łańcut Lancut 50.0666667 22.2333333 P PPL PL 80 18266 237 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15026 767470 Krosno Krosno 49.6833333 21.7833333 P PPL PL 80 47784 267 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15027 767605 Krasnystaw Krasnystaw 50.9833333 23.1833333 P PPL PL 75 19532 201 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15028 767623 Kraśnik Krasnik 50.9166667 22.2333333 P PPL PL 75 35834 214 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15029 767814 Kozienice Kozienice 51.5833333 21.5666667 P PPL PL 78 18677 122 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15030 768216 Konstancin-Jeziorna Konstancin-Jeziorna 52.0932185702864 21.1177825927734 P PPL PL 78 16548 84 Europe/Warsaw 2008-10-08
+ 15031 768218 Końskie Konskie 51.2 20.4166667 P PPL PL 84 20756 235 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15032 768905 Kobyłka Kobylka 52.3333333 21.1833333 P PPL PL 78 17659 91 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15033 769250 Kielce Kielce 50.8333333 20.6666667 P PPLA PL 84 208598 262 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15034 769274 Kętrzyn Ketrzyn 54.0780556 21.3763889 P PPL PL 85 28171 116 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15035 769981 Józefów Jozefow 52.1370704717876 21.2358856201172 P PPL PL 78 17910 93 Europe/Warsaw 2008-10-08
+ 15036 770157 Jędrzejów Jedrzejow 50.6403166835876 20.3059959411621 P PPL PL 84 16792 246 Europe/Warsaw 2009-08-16
+ 15037 770293 Jasło Jaslo 49.75 21.4666667 P PPL PL 80 37851 221 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15038 770380 Jarosław Jaroslaw 50.0166667 22.6833333 P PPL PL 80 40134 208 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15039 770966 Hrubieszów Hrubieszow 50.8 23.9166667 P PPL PL 75 18605 190 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15040 771158 Hajnówka Hajnowka 52.7333333 23.5833333 P PPL PL 81 22157 177 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15041 771401 Grodzisk Mazowiecki Grodzisk Mazowiecki 52.1100897912294 20.624942779541 P PPL PL 78 26684 97 Europe/Warsaw 2008-08-04
+ 15042 771506 Grajewo Grajewo 53.65 22.45 P PPL PL 81 22803 125 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15043 771804 Gorlice Gorlice 49.6666667 21.1666667 P PPL PL 77 28609 269 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15044 772195 Giżycko Gizycko 54.0425 21.7694444 P PPL PL 85 29972 147 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-16
+ 15045 772227 Gierłoż Gierloz 54.0833333 21.4833333 P PPL PL PL 85 28351 143 Europe/Warsaw 2009-01-06
+ 15046 772339 Garwolin Garwolin 51.9 21.6333333 P PPL PL 78 15912 146 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15047 772621 Ełk Elk 53.8288257207968 22.364559173584 P PPL PL 85 55769 144 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15048 772748 Działdowo Dzialdowo 53.2333333 20.1833333 P PPL PL 78 21127 168 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-08
+ 15049 773357 Dęblin Deblin 51.5666667 21.8333333 P PPL PL 75 19561 129 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15050 773380 Dębica Debica 50.05 21.4166667 P PPL PL 77 47366 217 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15051 774208 Ciechanów Ciechanow 52.8833333 20.6166667 P PPL PL 78 46438 119 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15052 774558 Chełm Chelm 51.1333333 23.5 P PPL PL 75 68043 199 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15053 774747 Busko-Zdrój Busko-Zdroj 50.4666667 20.7166667 P PPL PL 84 17095 277 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15054 775183 Brzesko Brzesko 49.9666667 20.6166667 P PPL PL 77 16866 201 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15055 775758 Bochnia Bochnia 49.9666667 20.4333333 P PPL PL 77 29184 222 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15056 775922 Biłgoraj Bilgoraj 50.55 22.7 P PPL PL 75 26987 209 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15057 776069 Białystok Bialystok 53.1333333 23.15 P PPLA PL 81 291855 168 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15058 776175 Biała Podlaska Biala Podlaska 52.0333333 23.1333333 P PPL PL 75 57541 158 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15059 776337 Bartoszyce Bartoszyce 54.2558333 20.8113889 P PPL PL 85 25660 55 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15060 776597 Augustów Augustow 53.8432099062476 22.979793548584 P PPL PL 81 29752 123 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-16
+ 15061 3080004 Żory Zory 50.05 18.7 P PPL PL 83 63174 259 Europe/Warsaw 2007-12-20
+ 15062 3080071 Złotów Zlotow 53.35 17.05 P PPL PL 86 18395 120 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15063 3080074 Złotoryja Zlotoryja 51.1166667 15.9166667 P PPL PL 72 16612 240 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15064 3080165 Zielona Góra Zielona Gora 51.9333333 15.5 P PPLA PL 76 118433 166 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15065 3080231 Zgorzelec Zgorzelec 51.15 15.0166667 P PPL PL 72 33247 210 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15066 3080251 Zgierz Zgierz 51.85 19.4166667 P PPL PL 74 58036 195 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15067 3080414 Zduńska Wola Zdunska Wola 51.6 18.9333333 P PPL PL 74 44515 173 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15068 3080526 Zawiercie Zawiercie 50.5 19.4333333 P PPL PL 83 53159 354 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15069 3080644 Żary Zary 51.6333333 15.15 P PPL PL 76 38779 154 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15070 3080866 Zakopane Zakopane 49.3 19.9666667 P PPL PL 77 27580 886 Europe/Warsaw 2008-02-13
+ 15071 3080944 Żagań Zagan 51.6166667 15.3166667 P PPL PL 76 26251 103 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15072 3080985 Zabrze Zabrze 50.3166667 18.7833333 P PPL PL 83 192177 257 Europe/Warsaw 2007-11-09
+ 15073 3081046 Ząbkowice Śląskie Zabkowice Slaskie 50.5833333 16.8 P PPL PL 72 16321 276 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15074 3081324 Września Wrzesnia 52.3166667 17.5833333 P PPL PL 86 28703 98 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15075 3081368 Wrocław Wroclaw 51.1 17.0333333 P PPLA PL 72 634893 118 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15076 3081677 Wodzisław Śląski Wodzislaw Slaski 50.0 18.4666667 P PPL PL 83 49521 264 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15077 3081741 Włocławek Wloclawek 52.65 19.0333333 P PPL PL 73 120339 50 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15078 3082197 Wieluń Wielun 51.2166667 18.55 P PPL PL 74 24384 173 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15079 3082473 Wejherowo Wejherowo 54.6 18.2333333 P PPL PL 82 46820 55 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-16
+ 15080 3082704 Wałcz Walcz 53.2666667 16.4666667 P PPL PL 87 25971 103 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-20
+ 15081 3082707 Wałbrzych Walbrzych 50.7666667 16.2833333 P PPL PL 72 127431 465 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15082 3082712 Wągrowiec Wagrowiec 52.8 17.2 P PPL PL 86 24428 74 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15083 3082722 Wadowice Wadowice 49.8833333 19.4833333 P PPL PL 77 19238 305 Europe/Warsaw 2008-02-13
+ 15084 3082751 Ustroń Ustron 49.7166667 18.8 P PPL PL 83 15637 367 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15085 3082756 Ustka Ustka 54.5833333 16.85 P PPL PL 82 16250 6 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15086 3082998 Turek Turek 52.0333333 18.5 P PPL PL 86 29533 111 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-08
+ 15087 3083111 Trzebinia Trzebinia 50.1666667 19.4833333 P PPL PL 83 18828 389 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15088 3083185 Trzcianka Trzcianka 53.0333333 16.45 P PPL PL 86 16914 75 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15089 3083271 Toruń Torun 53.0333333 18.6 P PPL PL 73 208717 80 Europe/Warsaw 2008-04-15
+ 15090 3083426 Tczew Tczew 54.1 18.8 P PPL PL 82 60133 3 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15091 3083440 Tarnowskie Góry Tarnowskie Gory 50.45 18.8666667 P PPL PL 83 60938 275 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15092 3083826 Szczecinek Szczecinek 53.7166667 16.7 P PPL PL 87 38496 132 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15093 3083829 Szczecin Szczecin 53.4293784371188 14.5529365539551 P PPLA PL PL 87 407811 149 1 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-20
+ 15094 3083878 Szamotuły Szamotuly 52.6166667 16.5833333 P PPL PL 86 18588 71 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15095 3083955 Świnoujście Swinoujscie 53.9100011507215 14.2480659484863 P PPL PL 87 40919 1 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-16
+ 15096 3083988 Świętochłowice Swietochlowice 50.2833333 18.9166667 P PPL PL 83 55600 285 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15097 3084062 Świedbodzin Swiedbodzin 52.25 15.5333333 P PPL PL PL 76 21757 86 Europe/Warsaw 2009-06-23
+ 15098 3084074 Świecie Swiecie 53.4166667 18.45 P PPL PL 73 25843 71 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15099 3084084 Świebodzice Swiebodzice 50.8666667 16.3333333 P PPL PL 72 23228 268 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15100 3084085 Świdwin Swidwin 53.7666667 15.7833333 P PPL PL 87 16076 111 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15101 3084093 Świdnica Swidnica 50.85 16.5 P PPL PL 72 60351 209 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15102 3084130 Swarzędz Swarzedz 52.4166667 17.0833333 P PPL PL 86 29010 74 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15103 3084241 Sulechów Sulechow 52.0833333 15.6166667 P PPL PL 76 18055 82 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15104 3084415 Strzelce Opolskie Strzelce Opolskie 50.5166667 18.3 P PPL PL 79 20241 208 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15105 3084440 Strzegom Strzegom 50.9666667 16.35 P PPL PL 72 17004 216 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15106 3084826 Starogard Gdański Starogard Gdanski 53.9666667 18.55 P PPL PL 82 48202 95 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15107 3084840 Stargard Szczeciński Stargard Szczecinski 53.3333333 15.05 P PPL PL 87 71224 21 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15108 3085045 Środa Wielkopolska Sroda Wielkopolska 52.2333333 17.2833333 P PPL PL 86 21757 79 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15109 3085056 Śrem Srem 52.0833333 17.0166667 P PPL PL 86 30404 70 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15110 3085128 Sosnowiec Sosnowiec 50.3 19.1666667 P PPL PL 83 227295 331 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15111 3085151 Sopot Sopot 54.4422956729625 18.5668087005615 P PPL PL 82 40142 1 Europe/Warsaw 2008-07-25
+ 15112 3085172 Solec Kujawski Solec Kujawski 53.0833333 18.2166667 P PPL PL 73 15125 44 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15113 3085450 Słupsk Slupsk 54.45 17.0333333 P PPL PL 82 98608 21 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15114 3085495 Słubice Slubice 52.350912758496 14.5605754852295 P PPL PL 76 17567 22 Europe/Warsaw 2009-08-31
+ 15115 3085807 Skawina Skawina 49.9833333 19.8333333 P PPL PL 77 23647 220 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15116 3085941 Sierpc Sierpc 52.8833333 19.6666667 P PPL PL 78 18866 118 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15117 3085978 Sieradz Sieradz 51.6 18.75 P PPL PL 74 44436 125 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15118 3086024 Siemianowice Śląskie Siemianowice Slaskie 50.3 19.0333333 P PPL PL 83 73121 267 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 15119 3086511 Rypin Rypin 53.0666667 19.45 P PPL PL 73 16589 128 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15120 3086531 Rydułtowy Rydultowy 50.0666667 18.4333333 P PPLX PL 83 21887 276 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-16
+ 15121 3086706 Rumia Rumia 54.5833333 18.4 P PPL PL 82 44791 22 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15122 3086800 Ruda Śląska Ruda Slaska 50.3166667 18.85 P PPL PL 83 146189 253 Europe/Warsaw 2009-06-14
+ 15123 3087281 Reda Reda 54.6166667 18.35 P PPL PL 82 18116 8 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15124 3087307 Rawicz Rawicz 51.6166667 16.8666667 P PPL PL 86 21380 122 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-16
+ 15125 3087417 Radzionków Nowy Radzionkow Nowy 50.3833333 18.9 P PPL PL 83 17167 275 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15126 3087497 Radomsko Radomsko 51.0666667 19.45 P PPL PL 74 49175 236 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15127 3087529 Radlin Radlin 50.0333333 18.4666667 P PPLX PL 83 17479 258 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15128 3087584 Racibórz Raciborz 50.0833333 18.2 P PPL PL 83 58464 189 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15129 3087628 Pyskowice Pyskowice 50.4 18.6333333 P PPL PL 83 19018 213 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15130 3087705 Pszczyna Pszczyna 49.9666667 18.95 P PPL PL 83 25288 259 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15131 3088034 Pruszcz Gdański Pruszcz Gdanski 54.2666667 18.6333333 P PPL PL 82 23618 30 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15132 3088065 Prudnik Prudnik 50.3166667 17.5833333 P PPL PL 79 23343 265 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15133 3088171 Poznań Poznan 52.4166667 16.9666667 P PPLA PL 86 570352 50 Europe/Warsaw 2008-06-01
+ 15134 3088435 Polkowice Polkowice 51.5 16.0666667 P PPL PL 72 21565 174 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15135 3088461 Police Police 53.55 14.5666667 P PPL PL 87 34350 8 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15136 3088825 Płock Plock 52.55 19.7 P PPL PL 78 127474 95 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15137 3088848 Pleszew Pleszew 51.9 17.8 P PPL PL 86 17640 130 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15138 3088972 Piotrków Trybunalski Piotrkow Trybunalski 51.4 19.6833333 P PPL PL 74 80128 206 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15139 3089033 Piła Pila 53.15 16.75 P PPL PL 86 75532 55 Europe/Warsaw 2008-04-15
+ 15140 3089125 Piekary Śląskie Piekary Slaskie 50.4 18.95 P PPL PL 83 59757 258 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15141 3089578 Pabianice Pabianice 51.6666667 19.3666667 P PPL PL 74 70542 183 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-26
+ 15142 3089582 Ozorków Ozorkow 51.9666667 19.2833333 P PPL PL 74 20608 116 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15143 3089658 Oświęcim Oswiecim 50.0333333 19.2333333 P PPL PL 83 41143 254 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15144 3089684 Ostrów Wielkopolski Ostrow Wielkopolski 51.65 17.8166667 P PPL PL 86 72898 139 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15145 3089779 Ostróda Ostroda 53.7 19.9833333 P PPL PL 85 33524 113 Europe/Warsaw 2007-11-09
+ 15146 3089965 Orzesze Orzesze 50.15 18.7833333 P PPL PL 83 18438 307 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15147 3089966 Rybnik Rybnik 50.1018634214486 18.5466384887695 P PPL PL 83 140000 237 Europe/Warsaw 2009-02-24
+ 15148 3090048 Opole Opole 50.6666667 17.95 P PPLA PL 79 127676 177 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15149 3090146 Olkusz Olkusz 50.2833333 19.5666667 P PPL PL 83 37744 398 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15150 3090170 Oleśnica Olesnica 51.2 17.3833333 P PPL PL 72 36956 145 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15151 3090205 Oława Olawa 50.9333333 17.3 P PPL PL 72 31036 134 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15152 3090403 Oborniki Oborniki 52.65 16.8166667 P PPL PL 86 17915 61 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15153 3090433 Nysa Zamłmie Nysa Zamlmie 50.4666667 17.3166667 P PPL PL 79 47954 189 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15154 3090452 Nowy Tomyśl Nowy Tomysl 52.3166667 16.15 P PPL PL 86 15179 60 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15155 3090558 Nowogard Nowogard 53.6742394234249 15.1164150238037 P PPL PL 87 16703 49 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-20
+ 15156 3090592 Nowe Tychy Nowe Tychy 50.15 19.0 P PPL PL 83 131696 266 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15157 3090764 Nowa Sól Nowa Sol 51.8 15.7166667 P PPL PL 76 40354 64 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15158 3090768 Nowa Ruda Nowa Ruda 50.5833333 16.5 P PPL PL 72 24753 431 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15159 3091141 Namysłów Namyslow 51.0833333 17.7166667 P PPL PL 79 16376 147 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15160 3091150 Nakło nad Notecią Naklo nad Notecia 53.15 17.6 P PPL PL 73 19565 95 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15161 3091217 Myszków Myszkow 50.5833333 19.35 P PPL PL 83 33273 318 Europe/Warsaw 2006-12-17
+ 15162 3091232 Mysłowice Myslowice 50.2422648415709 19.1392135620117 P PPL PL 83 75281 336 272 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 15163 3091256 Myślenice Myslenice 49.8333333 19.9333333 P PPL PL 77 17686 321 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15164 3091969 Międzyrzecz Miedzyrzecz 52.4333333 15.5833333 P PPL PL 77 18669 49 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15165 3092472 Malbork Malbork 54.0333333 19.05 P PPL PL 85 38655 22 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15166 3092856 Luboń Lubon 52.35 16.9 P PPL PL 86 26431 44 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15167 3092906 Lubliniec Lubliniec 50.6666667 18.6833333 P PPL PL 83 24133 254 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15168 3092931 Lubin Lubin 51.4 16.2 P PPL PL 72 77532 128 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-15
+ 15169 3093040 Lubań Luban 51.1166667 15.2833333 P PPL PL 72 22245 226 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15170 3093066 Łowicz Lowicz 52.1062943229309 19.9453353881836 P PPL PL 74 30397 71 Europe/Warsaw 2009-04-28
+ 15171 3093133 Łódź Lodz 51.75 19.4666667 P PPLA PL 74 768755 198 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15172 3093457 Libiąż Libiaz 50.1 19.3166667 P PPL PL 83 17834 310 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15173 3093524 Leszno Leszno 51.85 16.5833333 P PPL PL 86 63565 90 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15174 3093692 Legnica Legnica 51.2 16.2 P PPL PL 72 106033 109 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15175 3093726 Łęczyca Leczyca 52.0596680695809 19.1998529434204 P PPL PL 74 15528 83 Europe/Warsaw 2009-08-26
+ 15176 3093739 Lębork Lebork 54.55 17.75 P PPL PL 82 35161 34 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15177 3093902 Łask Lask 51.5833333 19.1333333 P PPL PL 74 18577 176 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15178 3094086 Kwidzyn Kwidzyn 53.7333333 18.9166667 P PPL PL 85 37601 62 Europe/Warsaw 2006-08-09
+ 15179 3094170 Kutno Kutno 52.2333333 19.3666667 P PPL PL 78 48323 98 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-16
+ 15180 3094625 Krotoszyn Krotoszyn 51.7 17.45 P PPL PL 86 29231 139 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15181 3094788 Krapkowice Krapkowice 50.4833333 17.9666667 P PPL PL 79 18275 164 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15182 3094802 Kraków Krakow 50.0833333 19.9166667 P PPLA PL 77 755050 233 Europe/Warsaw 2008-10-08
+ 15183 3095049 Koszalin Koszalin 54.2 16.1833333 P PPL PL 87 107450 32 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15184 3095057 Kostrzyn nad Odrą Kostrzyn nad Odra 52.5870935040453 14.6494960784912 P PPL PL 77 18099 15 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15185 3095126 Kościerzyna Koscierzyna 54.1166667 17.9833333 P PPL PL 82 23361 165 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15186 3095151 Kościan Koscian 52.1 16.6333333 P PPL PL 86 24096 51 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15187 3095277 Konstantynów Łódzki Konstantynow Lodzki 51.75 19.3333333 P PPL PL 74 17415 164 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15188 3095321 Konin Konin 52.2166667 18.2666667 P PPL PL 86 81258 88 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15189 3095795 Kołobrzeg Kolobrzeg 54.1756483838593 15.5834197998047 P PPL PL 87 44377 1 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-16
+ 15190 3095797 Koło Kolo 52.1833333 18.6166667 P PPL PL 86 23493 82 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15191 3095971 Knurów Knurow 50.2166667 18.6666667 P PPL PL 83 39744 247 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15192 3096003 Kluczbork Kluczbork 50.9833333 18.2166667 P PPL PL 79 25978 181 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15193 3096053 Kłodzko Klodzko 50.4333333 16.65 P PPL PL 72 28627 295 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15194 3096328 Kęty Kety 49.8833333 19.2333333 P PPL PL 83 19249 287 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15195 3096372 Kędzierzyn-Koźle Kedzierzyn-Kozle 50.35 18.2 P PPL PL 79 65636 168 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15196 3096472 Katowice Katowice 50.2666667 19.0166667 P PPLA PL 83 317316 293 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15197 3096525 Kartuzy Kartuzy 54.3333333 18.2 P PPL PL 82 15002 226 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15198 3096779 Kamienna Góra Kamienna Gora 50.7833333 16.0333333 P PPL PL 72 21743 444 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15199 3096880 Kalisz Kalisz 51.75 18.0833333 P PPL PL 86 108759 141 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15200 3097257 Jelenia Góra Jelenia Gora 50.9008333 15.7252778 P PPL PL 72 87310 342 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-05
+ 15201 3097271 Jelcz Jelcz 51.0333333 17.3166667 P PPL PL 72 15308 131 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-27
+ 15202 3097333 Jaworzno Jaworzno 50.2053079404687 19.2749977111816 P PPL PL 83 96541 342 Europe/Warsaw 2008-01-28
+ 15203 3097367 Jawor Jawor 51.05 16.1833333 P PPL PL 72 24269 179 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15204 3097391 Jastrzębie Zdrój Jastrzebie Zdroj 49.95 18.5833333 P PPL PL 83 95813 260 255 Europe/Warsaw 2007-12-20
+ 15205 3097528 Jarocin Jarocin 51.9666667 17.5166667 P PPL PL 86 25665 113 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15206 3097872 Inowrocław Inowroclaw 52.8 18.2666667 P PPL PL 73 77597 76 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15207 3097902 Iława Ilawa 53.6 19.5666667 P PPL PL 85 32557 110 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15208 3098130 Gubin Gubin 51.95 14.7166667 P PPL PL 76 16629 45 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15209 3098200 Gryfino Gryfino 53.2524282692882 14.4883060455322 P PPL PL 87 21270 30 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-20
+ 15210 3098201 Gryfice Gryfice 53.9163711017837 15.2004432678223 P PPL PL 87 16720 24 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-20
+ 15211 3098218 Grudziądz Grudziadz 53.4833333 18.7666667 P PPL PL 73 99486 28 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15212 3098625 Gostyń Gostyn 51.8833333 17.0166667 P PPL PL 86 20771 92 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15213 3098722 Gorzów Wielkopolski Gorzow Wielkopolski 52.7333333 15.2333333 P PPL PL 77 124430 18 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15214 3098966 Goleniów Goleniow 53.5639163510808 14.8287105560303 P PPL PL 87 22505 13 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-20
+ 15215 3099112 Gniezno Gniezno 52.55 17.6 P PPL PL 86 70269 120 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15216 3099169 Głuchołazy Glucholazy 50.3166667 17.3666667 P PPL PL 79 15120 289 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15217 3099180 Głowno Glowno 51.9666667 19.7333333 P PPL PL 74 15103 135 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15218 3099213 Głogów Glogow 51.6661672996671 16.0844993591309 P PPL PL 72 68530 90 Europe/Warsaw 2008-01-28
+ 15219 3099230 Gliwice Gliwice 50.2833333 18.6666667 P PPL PL 83 198835 200 226 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15220 3099424 Gdynia Gdynia 54.5 18.55 P PPL PL 82 253730 34 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15221 3099434 Gdańsk Gdansk 54.35 18.6666667 P PPLA PL 82 461865 15 Europe/Warsaw 2008-04-04
+ 15222 3099759 Elblag Elblag 54.1666667 19.3833333 P PPL PL 85 127558 10 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15223 3099828 Dzierżoniów Dzierzoniow 50.7166667 16.65 P PPL PL 72 34888 260 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15224 3100796 Dąbrowa Górnicza Dabrowa Gornicza 50.3333333 19.2 P PPL PL 83 130601 288 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15225 3100946 Częstochowa Czestochowa 50.8 19.1166667 P PPL PL 83 248125 257 Europe/Warsaw 2008-11-28
+ 15226 3100974 Czerwionka Czerwionka 50.1666667 18.6833333 P PPL PL 83 28740 259 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-27
+ 15227 3101057 Czeladź Czeladz 50.3166667 19.1 P PPL PL 83 34308 273 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15228 3101076 Czechowice-Dziedzice Czechowice-Dziedzice 49.9166667 19.0166667 P PPL PL 83 34703 245 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15229 3101321 Cieszyn Cieszyn 49.7513271980458 18.6321258544922 P PPL PL 83 35586 300 Europe/Warsaw 2007-12-20
+ 15230 3101547 Chrzanów Chrzanow 50.1333333 19.4 P PPL PL 83 39973 300 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15231 3101613 Choszczno Choszczno 53.1666667 15.4166667 P PPL PL 87 15733 51 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15232 3101619 Chorzów Chorzow 50.3 18.9666667 P PPL PL 83 113430 274 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15233 3101672 Chojnice Chojnice 53.7 17.5666667 P PPL PL 73 39407 172 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15234 3101680 Chodzież Chodziez 52.9833333 16.9166667 P PPL PL 86 19776 81 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15235 3101787 Chełmża Chelmza 53.1833333 18.6166667 P PPL PL 73 15403 93 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15236 3101795 Chełmno Chelmno 53.35 18.4333333 P PPL PL 73 20576 57 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15237 3101943 Bytów Bytow 54.1666667 17.5 P PPL PL 82 16724 163 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15238 3101950 Bytom Bytom 50.35 18.9666667 P PPL PL 83 189186 269 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15239 3102014 Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz 53.15 18.0 P PPLA PL 73 366452 65 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15240 3102459 Brzeg Brzeg 50.85 17.4666667 P PPL PL 79 38259 155 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15241 3102627 Brodnica Brodnica 53.25 19.4 P PPL PL 73 27341 96 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15242 3102677 Braniewo Braniewo 54.3797222 19.82 P PPL PL 85 18356 35 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15243 3102987 Bolesławiec Boleslawiec 51.2666667 15.5666667 P PPL PL 72 40682 195 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-17
+ 15244 3103034 Boguszów-Gorce Boguszow-Gorce 50.75 16.2 P PPL PL 72 16726 532 Europe/Warsaw 2006-11-19
+ 15245 3103096 Bogatynia Bogatynia 50.9166667 14.95 P PPL PL 72 19221 272 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15246 3103365 Bieruń Stary Bierun Stary 50.1 19.1 P PPL PL 83 19659 259 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15247 3103402 Bielsko-Biała Bielsko-Biala 49.8166667 19.0333333 P PPL PL 83 176515 330 361 Europe/Warsaw 2008-04-17
+ 15248 3103476 Bielawa Bielawa 50.6833333 16.6166667 P PPL PL 72 30824 310 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15249 3103556 Białogard Bialogard 54.0 16.0 P PPL PL 87 24265 32 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15250 3103709 Bełchatów Belchatow 51.3666667 19.3833333 P PPL PL 74 62896 216 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15251 3103719 Będzin Bedzin 50.3236555649346 19.1322612762451 P PPL PL 83 58236 1200 293 Europe/Warsaw 2008-02-13
+ 15252 3104115 Andrychów Andrychow 49.85 19.35 P PPL PL 83 21954 385 Europe/Warsaw 2006-01-17
+ 15253 3104132 Aleksandrów Łódzki Aleksandrow Lodzki 51.8166667 19.3 P PPL PL 74 20292 181 Europe/Warsaw 2007-02-18
+ 15254 3424934 Saint-Pierre Saint-Pierre 46.7666667 -56.1833333 P PPLC PM 975 97502 6200 1 America/Miquelon 2009-09-18
+ 15255 4030723 Adamstown Adamstown -25.0659693010556 -130.101470947266 P PPLC PN 0 4 Pacific/Pitcairn 2008-07-06
+ 15256 4562506 Aguadilla Aguadilla 18.4274454 -67.1540698 P PPL PR 00 005 16073 7 92 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15257 4562635 Arecibo Arecibo 18.472445 -66.7157306 P PPL PR 00 013 49318 7 2 America/Puerto_Rico 2007-02-16
+ 15258 4562831 Bayamón Bayamon 18.3985595 -66.1557224 P PPL PR 00 021 203499 16 11 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-11-15
+ 15259 4563008 Caguas Caguas 18.2341217 -66.0484989 P PPL PR 00 025 86804 65 61 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15260 4563122 Candelaria Candelaria 18.4168343546816 -66.2178611755371 P PPL PR 00 137 17631 72 37 America/Puerto_Rico 2007-05-25
+ 15261 4563243 Carolina Carolina 18.3807819 -65.9573872 P PPL PR 00 031 170404 16 12 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15262 4563298 Cataño Catano 18.4413351 -66.1182218 P PPL PR 00 033 28093 3 1 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15263 4563308 Cayey Cayey 18.1119051 -66.166 P PPL PR 00 035 18494 397 432 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15264 4564946 Fajardo Fajardo 18.3257869 -65.6523838 P PPL PR 00 053 34068 10 9 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15265 4565105 Guayama Guayama 17.9841328 -66.1137767 P PPL PR 00 057 21575 73 99 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15266 4565119 Guaynabo Guaynabo 18.3574502 -66.1109998 P PPL PR 00 061 81360 47 50 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15267 4565564 Humacao Humacao 18.1496828 -65.8273847 P PPL PR 00 069 20387 22 16 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15268 4566002 Levittown Levittown 18.4499458 -66.1815558 P PPL PR 00 137 29785 3 2 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15269 4566137 Manatí Manati 18.4294257370854 -66.487455368042 P PPL PR 00 091 16092 33 54 America/Puerto_Rico 2007-05-20
+ 15270 4566385 Mayagüez Mayagueez 18.201066 -67.139624 P PPL PR 00 097 78647 21 30 America/Puerto_Rico 2007-02-08
+ 15271 4566880 Ponce Ponce 18.0110768 -66.6140616 P PPL PR 00 113 152634 15 14 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-11-15
+ 15272 4568127 San Juan San Juan 18.4663338 -66.1057217 P PPLC PR 00 418140 7 4 America/Puerto_Rico 2009-02-04
+ 15273 4568451 Trujillo Alto Trujillo Alto 18.3546719 -66.0073876 P PPL PR 00 139 54189 20 51 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15274 4568533 Vega Baja Vega Baja 18.4443909 -66.38767 P PPL PR 00 145 29325 10 15 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15275 4568917 Yauco Yauco 18.034964 -66.8498983 P PPL PR 00 153 20295 40 87 America/Puerto_Rico 2006-01-22
+ 15276 281102 Rafaḩ Rafah 31.2841667 34.2508333 P PPL PS GZ 126305 77 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15277 281124 Khān Yūnis Khan Yunis 31.3438889 34.3025 P PPL PS GZ 173183 29 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15278 281129 Jabāliyā Jabaliya 31.5333333 34.4833333 P PPL PS GZ 168568 19 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15279 281133 Gaza Gaza 31.5 34.4666667 P PPLA PS PS GZ 410000 35 Asia/Gaza 2009-07-02
+ 15280 281141 Dayr al Balaḩ Dayr al Balah 31.4255556 34.3402778 P PPL PS GZ 59504 -9999 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15281 281145 Bayt Lāhiyah Bayt Lahiyah 31.55 34.5 P PPL PS GZ 56919 17 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15282 281161 Al Burayj Al Burayj 31.4394444 34.4030556 P PPL PS GZ 34951 50 Asia/Gaza 2007-02-12
+ 15283 281292 Yaţţah Yattah 31.45 35.0833333 P PPL PS WE 41425 818 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15284 281577 Ţūlkarm Tulkarm 32.3108333 35.0258333 P PPL PS WE 44169 138 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15285 281581 Ţūbās Tubas 32.3213889 35.3691667 P PPL PS WE 15591 407 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15286 282239 Rām Allāh Ram Allah 31.9 35.2 P PPL PS WE 24599 900 Asia/Gaza 2007-02-17
+ 15287 282457 Qalqīlyah Qalqilyah 32.1863889 34.9630556 P PPL PS WE 43212 44 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15288 282476 Qabāţīyah Qabatiyah 32.4086111 35.28 P PPL PS WE 19127 268 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-27
+ 15289 282615 Nablus Nablus 32.2211111 35.2544444 P PPL PS WE 130326 490 Asia/Gaza 2008-11-04
+ 15290 283506 Janīn Janin 32.4563889 35.2958333 P PPL PS WE 34730 267 Asia/Gaza 2007-02-18
+ 15291 283806 Ḩalḩūl Halhul 31.5833333 35.1166667 P PPL PS WE 21076 1005 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-27
+ 15292 284011 Dūrā Dura 31.5 35.0333333 P PPL PS WE 20835 888 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15293 284315 Bethlehem Bethlehem 31.7166667 35.2 P PPL PS WE 29019 791 Asia/Gaza 2007-11-18
+ 15294 284324 Bayt Jālā Bayt Jala 31.7166667 35.1833333 P PPL PS WE 16183 702 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15295 284446 Balāţah Balatah 32.205 35.2847222 P PPL PS WE 17146 465 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15296 284486 Az̧ Z̧āhirīyah Az Zahiriyah 31.4166667 34.9666667 P PPL PS WE 27616 659 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-27
+ 15297 284890 Ar Rām Ar Ram 31.85 35.2333333 P PPL PS WE 24838 717 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15298 284899 Jericho Jericho 31.8666667 35.45 P PPLA PS WE 19783 -227 Asia/Gaza 2007-07-16
+ 15299 284999 Al Yāmūn Al Yamun 32.4825 35.2275 P PPL PS WE 16164 256 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15300 285066 Hebron Hebron 31.5333333 35.1 P PPL PS WE 160470 876 Asia/Gaza 2007-02-17
+ 15301 285108 Al Bīrah Al Birah 31.9 35.2166667 P PPL PS WE 38192 770 Asia/Gaza 2006-01-17
+ 15302 2261639 Vila Franca de Xira Vila Franca de Xira 38.95 -8.9833333 P PPL PT 14 18355 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15303 2261697 Vialonga Vialonga 38.8666667 -9.0833333 P PPL PT 14 16088 50 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15304 2262581 Torres Vedras Torres Vedras 39.1 -9.2666667 P PPL PT 14 24443 24 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15305 2262644 Tomar Tomar 39.6 -8.4166667 P PPL PT 18 19168 107 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15306 2262912 Sintra Sintra 38.8 -9.3833333 P PPL PT 14 26193 272 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15307 2262957 Sesimbra Sesimbra 38.4445141058695 -9.10148620605469 P PPL PT 19 41134 42 Europe/Lisbon 2008-02-01
+ 15308 2262963 Setúbal Setubal 38.5243985895361 -8.88819694519043 P PPLA PT 19 117110 1 Europe/Lisbon 2008-07-10
+ 15309 2263326 São João da Talha Sao Joao da Talha 38.8166667 -9.0833333 P PPL PT 14 18925 2 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15310 2263352 São Domingos de Rana Sao Domingos de Rana 38.7 -9.3333333 P PPL PT 14 46718 39 Europe/Lisbon 2007-05-18
+ 15311 2263480 Santarém Santarem 39.2333333 -8.6833333 P PPLA PT 18 29385 15 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15312 2263523 Santa Iria da Azóia Santa Iria da Azoia 38.85 -9.0833333 P PPL PT 14 18573 1 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15313 2263667 Sacavém Sacavem 38.7833333 -9.1 P PPL PT 14 17718 1 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15314 2263827 Rio de Mouro Rio de Mouro 38.7666667 -9.3333333 P PPL PT 14 54695 142 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15315 2264087 Ramada Ramada 38.8 -9.1833333 P PPL PT 14 17535 38 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15316 2264268 Queluz Queluz 38.75 -9.25 P PPL PT 14 103399 161 Europe/Lisbon 2006-05-19
+ 15317 2264299 Quarteira Quarteira 37.0666667 -8.1 P PPL PT 09 18783 31 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15318 2264359 Póvoa de Santa Iria Povoa de Santa Iria 38.85 -9.0666667 P PPL PT 14 28901 1 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15319 2264456 Portimão Portimao 37.1385613789851 -8.53775024414062 P PPL PT 09 38487 16 Europe/Lisbon 2008-07-07
+ 15320 2264508 Portalegre Portalegre 39.2937898260305 -7.43122100830078 P PPLA PT 16 15581 557 Europe/Lisbon 2009-02-14
+ 15321 2264526 Pontinha Pontinha 38.7666667 -9.2 P PPL PT 14 23249 110 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15322 2264575 Pombal Pombal 39.9166667 -8.6333333 P PPL PT 13 17355 76 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15323 2264718 Pinhal Novo Pinhal Novo 38.6333333 -8.9166667 P PPL PT 19 23510 42 Europe/Lisbon 2006-10-10
+ 15324 2264736 Cova da Piedade Cova da Piedade 38.6666667 -9.15 P PPL PT 19 19472 1 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15325 2264923 Peniche Peniche 39.35 -9.3833333 P PPL PT 13 15662 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15326 2265169 Parede Parede 38.6833333 -9.35 P PPL PT 14 17212 1 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15327 2265223 Palmela Palmela 38.5666667 -8.9 P PPL PT 19 16934 109 Europe/Lisbon 2007-04-11
+ 15328 2265326 Paço de Arcos Paco de Arcos 38.6956927995545 -9.29142951965332 P PPL PT 14 25974 1 Europe/Lisbon 2008-01-28
+ 15329 2265447 Olhão Olhao 37.0333333 -7.8333333 P PPL PT 09 29239 8 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15330 2265467 Odivelas Odivelas 38.7926938558719 -9.18379783630371 P PPL PT 14 54624 71 Europe/Lisbon 2009-04-27
+ 15331 2265788 Montijo Montijo 38.7 -8.9666667 P PPL PT 19 30011 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15332 2265927 Monte Estoril Monte Estoril 38.7027932718891 -9.41605567932129 P PPL PT 14 23375 13 Europe/Lisbon 2008-05-13
+ 15333 2266249 Monsanto Monsanto 39.4666667 -8.7166667 P PPL PT 18 50000 192 Europe/Lisbon 2009-01-13
+ 15334 2266319 Moita Moita 38.65 -8.9833333 P PPL PT 19 17795 29 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15335 2266703 Marinha Grande Marinha Grande 39.75 -8.9333333 P PPL PT 13 28916 114 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15336 2266977 Loures Loures 38.8309147477172 -9.1684502363205 P PPL PT 14 66231 23 Europe/Lisbon 2009-02-03
+ 15337 2266988 Loulé Loule 37.1333333 -8.0333333 P PPL PT 09 23109 89 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15338 2267057 Lisbon Lisbon 38.7166667 -9.1333333 P PPLC PT 14 517802 56 Europe/Lisbon 2009-01-23
+ 15339 2267067 Linda-a-Velha Linda-a-Velha 38.7166667 -9.25 P PPL PT 14 20895 90 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15340 2267095 Leiria Leiria 39.75 -8.8 P PPLA PT 13 45112 79 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15341 2267131 Laranjeiro Laranjeiro 37.0666667 -7.8 P PPL PT 09 20473 51 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15342 2267226 Lagos Lagos 37.1020150394582 -8.67422103881836 P PPL PT 09 18831 1 Europe/Lisbon 2008-11-06
+ 15343 2267827 Funchal Funchal 32.6333333 -16.9 P PPLA PT 10 100847 -9999 Atlantic/Madeira 2009-04-16
+ 15344 2268339 Faro Faro 37.0166667 -7.9333333 P PPLA PT 09 41355 12 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15345 2268406 Évora Evora 38.5666667 -7.9 P PPLA PT PT 08 55620 247 Europe/Lisbon 2008-09-17
+ 15346 2268436 Estoril Estoril 38.7057069409603 -9.39773082733154 P PPL PT PT 14 23700 24 Europe/Lisbon 2009-03-24
+ 15347 2268575 Entroncamento Entroncamento 39.4666667 -8.4666667 P PPL PT 18 19887 49 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15348 2269041 Corroios Corroios 38.6333333 -9.15 P PPL PT 19 52520 26 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15349 2269282 Charneca Charneca 38.6166667 -9.1833333 P PPL PT 19 23714 55 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15350 2269514 Castelo Branco Castelo Branco 39.8166667 -7.5 P PPLA PT 06 33479 384 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15351 2269594 Cascais Cascais 38.6979033995304 -9.42146301269531 P PPL PT 14 36436 7 Europe/Lisbon 2008-05-13
+ 15352 2270157 Carnaxide Carnaxide 38.7166667 -9.25 P PPL PT 14 23698 90 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15353 2270184 Carcavelos Carcavelos 38.6833333 -9.3333333 P PPL PT 14 20366 17 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15354 2270229 Caparica Caparica 38.6666667 -9.2 P PPL PT 19 21167 101 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15355 2270377 Camarate Camarate 38.8 -9.1333333 P PPL PT 14 20177 85 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15356 2270380 Câmara de Lobos Camara de Lobos 32.6333333 -16.9666667 P PPL PT 10 32209 -9999 Atlantic/Madeira 2006-07-24
+ 15357 2270437 Caldas da Rainha Caldas da Rainha 39.4 -9.1333333 P PPL PT 13 26647 110 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15358 2270503 Cacém Cacem 38.7666667 -9.3 P PPL PT 14 93982 173 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-27
+ 15359 2270981 Belas Belas 38.7666667 -9.2666667 P PPL PT 14 21019 177 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15360 2271071 Barreiro Barreiro 38.6666667 -9.0666667 P PPL PT 19 51280 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15361 2271473 Arrentela Arrentela 38.6166667 -9.1 P PPL PT 19 30156 36 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15362 2271680 Amora Amora 38.6166667 -9.1166667 P PPL PT 19 52577 24 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15363 2271772 Amadora Amadora 38.7538155385163 -9.23083305358887 P PPL PT 14 178858 103 Europe/Lisbon 2007-03-10
+ 15364 2271961 Almada Almada 38.6833333 -9.15 P PPL PT 19 34008 1 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15365 2271985 Algés Alges 38.7 -9.2333333 P PPL PT 14 19327 11 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15366 2272215 Alcabideche Alcabideche 38.7333333 -9.4166667 P PPL PT 14 33315 119 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15367 2272222 Albufeira Albufeira 37.0881857953501 -8.25030326843262 P PPL PT 09 15851 8 Europe/Lisbon 2008-05-13
+ 15368 2732265 Viseu Viseu 40.65 -7.9166667 P PPLA PT 22 26364 483 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15369 2732438 Vila Real Vila Real 41.3 -7.75 P PPLA PT 21 17001 431 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15370 2732475 Vilar de Andorinho Vilar de Andorinho 41.1 -8.5666667 P PPL PT 17 18944 81 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15371 2732544 Vila Nova de Gaia Vila Nova de Gaia 41.1333333 -8.6166667 P PPL PT 17 70811 91 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15372 2732649 Vila do Conde Vila do Conde 41.35 -8.75 P PPL PT 17 27642 17 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15373 2732773 Viana do Castelo Viana do Castelo 41.7 -8.8333333 P PPLA PT 20 15555 2 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15374 2732978 Valongo Valongo 41.1833333 -8.5 P PPL PT 17 21328 184 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15375 2734106 Sequeira Sequeira 40.55 -7.2333333 P PPL PT 11 28502 815 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15376 2734140 Senhora da Hora Senhora da Hora 41.1833333 -8.65 P PPL PT 17 28930 83 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15377 2734363 São Pedro da Cova Sao Pedro da Cova 41.15 -8.5166667 P PPL PT 17 17011 116 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15378 2734434 São Mamede de Infesta Sao Mamede de Infesta 41.2 -8.6 P PPL PT 17 25940 113 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15379 2734484 São João da Madeira Sao Joao da Madeira 40.9022904687336 -8.48968505859375 P PPL PT 02 22079 204 Europe/Lisbon 2008-10-13
+ 15380 2735083 Rio Tinto Rio Tinto 41.1833333 -8.5666667 P PPL PT 17 49966 81 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15381 2735787 Póvoa de Varzim Povoa de Varzim 41.3833333 -8.7666667 P PPL PT 17 29044 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15382 2735943 Porto Porto 41.15 -8.6166667 P PPLA PT 17 249633 74 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15383 2736041 Ponte do Lima Ponte do Lima 41.7666667 -8.5833333 P PPL PT PT 20 44667 29 Europe/Lisbon 2008-09-22
+ 15384 2736521 Pedroso Pedroso 41.4166667 -8.75 P PPL PT 17 18963 54 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15385 2736930 Ovar Ovar 40.8666667 -8.6333333 P PPL PT 02 18452 21 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15386 2737039 Oliveira do Douro Oliveira do Douro 41.1166667 -8.5833333 P PPL PT 17 24407 26 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15387 2737523 Monção Moncao 42.0789225922598 -8.48075866699219 P PPL PT PT 20 19738 28 Europe/Lisbon 2008-10-17
+ 15388 2737824 Matosinhos Matosinhos 41.1833333 -8.7 P PPL PT 17 28070 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15389 2738014 Maia Maia 41.2333333 -8.6166667 P PPL PT 17 36426 77 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15390 2738347 Leça do Bailio Leca do Bailio 41.2 -8.6166667 P PPL PT 17 16103 101 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15391 2738348 Leça da Palmeira Leca da Palmeira 41.2 -8.7 P PPL PT 17 17996 18 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15392 2738707 Ílhavo Ilhavo 40.6 -8.6666667 P PPL PT 02 17236 16 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15393 2738752 Guimarães Guimaraes 41.45 -8.3 P PPL PT 04 40604 198 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15394 2738925 Gondomar Gondomar 41.15 -8.5333333 P PPL PT 17 27691 164 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15395 2739723 Feira Feira 40.9166667 -8.55 P PPL PT 02 16376 182 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15396 2739756 Fânzeres Fanzeres 41.1666667 -8.5333333 P PPL PT 17 23916 166 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15397 2739788 Fafe Fafe 41.45 -8.1666667 P PPL PT 04 16868 332 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15398 2739848 Esposende Esposende 41.5333333 -8.8 P PPL PT 04 34625 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2008-08-29
+ 15399 2739849 Esposende Esposende 41.5333333 -8.7833333 P PPL PT PT 04 34625 -9999 Europe/Lisbon 2008-08-29
+ 15400 2739997 Ermesinde Ermesinde 41.2166667 -8.55 P PPL PT 17 39420 113 Europe/Lisbon 2006-08-06
+ 15401 2740174 Custoias Custoias 41.1 -7.3166667 P PPL PT 11 19406 624 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15402 2740313 Covilhã Covilha 40.2833333 -7.5 P PPL PT 06 17610 205 491 Europe/Lisbon 2008-09-02
+ 15403 2740637 Coimbra Coimbra 40.2 -8.4166667 P PPLA PT 07 106582 44 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15404 2741551 Canidelo Canidelo 41.1166667 -8.65 P PPL PT 17 26431 83 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15405 2742032 Braga Braga 41.55 -8.4333333 P PPLA PT 04 121394 168 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15406 2742051 Bougado Bougado 41.3333333 -8.55 P PPL PT 17 21680 99 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15407 2742416 Barcelos Barcelos 41.5333333 -8.6166667 P PPL PT 04 19085 24 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15408 2742506 Baguim do Monte Baguim do Monte 41.1833333 -8.5333333 P PPL PT 17 15850 169 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15409 2742611 Aveiro Aveiro 40.6333333 -8.65 P PPLA PT 02 54162 26 Europe/Lisbon 2007-02-17
+ 15410 2743304 Águas Santas Aguas Santas 41.2 -8.5833333 P PPL PT 17 27686 138 Europe/Lisbon 2006-01-17
+ 15411 3372783 Ponta Delgada Ponta Delgada 37.7333333 -25.6666667 P PPLA PT 23 20056 -9999 Atlantic/Azores 2006-01-17
+ 15412 1559446 Koror Koror 7.3405556 134.4708333 P PPLC PW PW 00 0 1 Pacific/Palau 2009-03-31
+ 15413 1559804 Melekeok Melekeok 7.4933333 134.6341667 P PPLC PW 00 217 1 Pacific/Palau 2007-06-02
+ 15414 3436714 Villarrica Villarrica -25.75 -56.4333333 P PPL PY 10 41157 126 America/Asuncion 2007-05-16
+ 15415 3436728 Villa Elisa Villa Elisa -25.3666667 -57.6166667 P PPL PY 06 64099 97 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15416 3437056 San Lorenzo San Lorenzo -25.3333333 -57.5333333 P PPL PY 06 227876 146 America/Asuncion 2006-11-15
+ 15417 3437127 San Antonio San Antonio -25.3833333 -57.6333333 P PPL PY 06 55754 48 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15418 3437444 Presidente Franco Presidente Franco -25.5333333 -54.6166667 P PPL PY 01 54292 201 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15419 3437665 Nemby Nemby -25.3666667 -57.6 P PPL PY 06 94641 131 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15420 3437842 Limpio Limpio -25.1833333 -57.5333333 P PPL PY 06 96143 71 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15421 3437863 Lambaré Lambare -25.35 -57.65 P PPL PY 06 126377 48 America/Asuncion 2006-05-10
+ 15422 3437918 Itauguá Itaugua -25.3833333 -57.3333333 P PPL PY 06 64997 120 America/Asuncion 2007-05-11
+ 15423 3437954 Itá Ita -25.4833333 -57.35 P PPL PY 06 18459 131 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15424 3438115 Fernando de la Mora Fernando de la Mora -25.3166667 -57.6 P PPL PY 06 120167 144 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15425 3438735 Encarnación Encarnacion -27.3333333 -55.9 P PPL PY 11 74983 60 America/Asuncion 2006-11-05
+ 15426 3438819 Coronel Oviedo Coronel Oviedo -25.4166667 -56.45 P PPL PY 04 51286 171 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15427 3438834 Concepción Concepcion -23.4063889 -57.4344444 P PPL PY 07 48123 44 America/Asuncion 2006-11-19
+ 15428 3438995 Colonia Mariano Roque Alonso Colonia Mariano Roque Alonso -25.1666667 -57.55 P PPL PY 06 72008 56 America/Asuncion 2008-12-05
+ 15429 3439214 Capiatá Capiata -25.35 -57.4166667 P PPL PY 06 198553 112 America/Asuncion 2006-05-05
+ 15430 3439317 Caaguazú Caaguazu -25.45 -56.0166667 P PPL PY 04 54808 324 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15431 3439320 Caacupé Caacupe -25.3833333 -57.15 P PPL PY 08 21696 188 America/Asuncion 2006-01-17
+ 15432 3439389 Asunción Asuncion -25.2666667 -57.6666667 P PPLC PY 06 1482200 55 America/Asuncion 2007-02-17
+ 15433 289523 Umm Şalāl Muḩammad Umm Salal Muhammad 25.4169444 51.4038889 P PPL QA 00 29391 21 Asia/Qatar 2006-08-22
+ 15434 289888 Ar Rayyān Ar Rayyan 25.2919444 51.4244444 P PPLA QA 06 272465 23 Asia/Qatar 2008-10-17
+ 15435 289915 Al Wakrah Al Wakrah 25.1677778 51.6069444 P PPLA QA 10 26436 14 Asia/Qatar 2008-10-17
+ 15436 289962 Al Khawr Al Khawr 25.6838889 51.5058333 P PPL QA 04 18923 1 Asia/Qatar 2006-08-22
+ 15437 290030 Doha Doha 25.2866667 51.5333333 P PPLC QA 01 344939 21 Asia/Qatar 2007-02-17
+ 15438 935214 Saint-Pierre Saint-Pierre -21.3166667 55.4833333 P PPL RE RE 974 9742 97416 76655 91 Indian/Reunion 2009-09-09
+ 15439 935221 Saint-Paul Saint-Paul -21.0 55.2666667 P PPL RE RE 974 9744 97415 99307 128 Indian/Reunion 2009-09-09
+ 15440 935223 Saint-Louis Saint-Louis -21.2666667 55.4166667 P PPL RE RE 974 9742 97414 47881 48 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15441 935225 Saint-Leu Saint-Leu -21.15 55.2833333 P PPL RE RE 974 9744 97413 28278 -9999 Indian/Reunion 2009-09-09
+ 15442 935227 Saint-Joseph Saint-Joseph -21.3666667 55.6166667 P PPL RE RE 974 9742 97412 33694 -9999 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15443 935248 Sainte-Suzanne Sainte-Suzanne -20.9 55.6166667 P PPL RE RE 974 9741 97420 20530 92 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15444 935255 Sainte-Marie Sainte-Marie -20.8833333 55.55 P PPL RE RE 974 9741 97418 31636 84 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15445 935264 Saint-Denis Saint-Denis -20.8666667 55.4666667 P PPLC RE RE 974 9741 97411 137195 113 Indian/Reunion 2009-09-09
+ 15446 935267 Saint-Benoît Saint-Benoit -21.0333333 55.7166667 P PPL RE RE 974 9743 97410 35310 46 Indian/Reunion 2009-09-09
+ 15447 935268 Saint-André Saint-Andre -20.95 55.65 P PPL RE RE 974 9743 97409 48674 88 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15448 935582 Le Tampon Le Tampon -21.2666667 55.5166667 P PPL RE RE 974 9742 97422 69986 476 Indian/Reunion 2009-09-09
+ 15449 935616 Le Port Le Port -20.9166667 55.3 P PPL RE RE 974 9744 97407 40771 1 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15450 935691 La Possession La Possession -20.9166667 55.3333333 P PPL RE RE 974 9744 97408 26865 54 Indian/Reunion 2008-02-28
+ 15451 662187 Zimnicea Zimnicea 43.6666667 25.3666667 P PPL RO 00 15228 26 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15452 662334 Zalău Zalau 47.2 23.05 P PPLA RO 31 63232 263 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-18
+ 15453 662432 Vulcan Vulcan 45.3833333 23.2666667 P PPL RO 00 28869 637 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15454 662476 Voluntari Voluntari 44.4666667 26.1333333 P PPL RO 00 30323 57 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15455 662699 Vişeu de Sus Viseu de Sus 47.7166667 24.4333333 P PPL RO 00 16321 547 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15456 663100 Vatra Dornei Vatra Dornei 47.35 25.3666667 P PPL RO 00 16054 805 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15457 663118 Vaslui Vaslui 46.6333333 27.7333333 P PPLA RO 38 69225 78 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-18
+ 15458 664074 Urziceni Urziceni 44.7166667 26.6333333 P PPL RO 00 16770 46 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15459 664437 Turnu Măgurele Turnu Magurele 43.75 24.8666667 P PPL RO 00 28783 30 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15460 664460 Turda Turda 46.5666667 23.7833333 P PPL RO 00 54586 318 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-18
+ 15461 664518 Tulcea Tulcea 45.1666667 28.8 P PPLA RO 37 92475 35 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-05
+ 15462 665000 Tîrgu Secuiesc Tirgu Secuiesc 46.0 26.1333333 P PPL RO 00 20067 583 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-29
+ 15463 665003 Tîrgu Neamţ Tirgu Neamt 47.2 26.3666667 P PPL RO 00 20473 338 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-27
+ 15464 665004 Târgu-Mureş Targu-Mures 46.542450830618 24.5574688911438 P PPLA RO 27 146863 314 Europe/Bucharest 2009-05-04
+ 15465 665010 Târgu Jiu Targu Jiu 45.05 23.2833333 P PPLA RO 19 97179 194 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-05
+ 15466 665024 Târgovişte Targoviste 44.9333333 25.45 P PPLA RO 16 88435 286 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15467 665087 Timişoara / Temesvár Timisoara / Temesvar 45.7494444 21.2272222 P PPLA RO 36 315053 91 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-13
+ 15468 665355 Tecuci Tecuci 45.8666667 27.4166667 P PPL RO 00 41154 29 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15469 665850 Suceava Suceava 47.6333333 26.25 P PPLA RO 34 105796 385 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-05
+ 15470 666715 Slobozia Slobozia 44.5666667 27.3666667 P PPLA RO 22 52693 27 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-15
+ 15471 666767 Slatina Slatina 44.4333333 24.3666667 P PPLA RO 29 78988 165 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-05
+ 15472 667101 Şimleu Silvaniei Simleu Silvaniei 47.2333333 22.8 P PPL RO 00 15721 194 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15473 667223 Sighişoara Sighisoara 46.2166667 24.8 P PPL RO 00 31428 385 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15474 667227 Sighetu Marmaţiei Sighetu Marmatiei 47.9333333 23.8833333 P PPL RO 00 40653 269 Europe/Bucharest 2007-08-06
+ 15475 667268 Sibiu Sibiu 45.8 24.15 P PPLA RO 33 151894 401 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15476 667303 Sfântu-Gheorghe Sfantu-Gheorghe 45.8666667 25.7833333 P PPLA RO 15 60677 537 Europe/Bucharest 2009-05-06
+ 15477 667526 Sebeş Sebes 45.9666667 23.5666667 P PPL RO 00 27246 258 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15478 667873 Satu Mare Satu Mare 47.8 22.8833333 P PPLA RO 32 112490 98 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15479 668129 Salonta Salonta 46.8 21.65 P PPL RO 00 17561 94 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15480 668314 Săcele Sacele 45.6173994139396 25.6942749023438 P PPL RO 15 29918 634 Europe/Bucharest 2008-07-21
+ 15481 668605 Roşiori de Vede Rosiori de Vede 44.1166667 24.9833333 P PPL RO 00 30774 77 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15482 668732 Roman Roman 46.9166667 26.9166667 P PPL RO 00 67819 199 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-15
+ 15483 668828 Rîşnov Risnov 45.5833333 25.45 P PPL RO 00 15253 684 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-29
+ 15484 668872 Râmnicu Vâlcea Ramnicu Valcea 45.1 24.3666667 P PPLA RO 39 107558 179 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-15
+ 15485 668873 Rîmnicu Sărat Rimnicu Sarat 45.3833333 27.05 P PPL RO 00 38526 107 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15486 668954 Reşiţa Resita 45.3008333 21.8891667 P PPLA RO 12 81228 258 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15487 668995 Reghin-Sat Reghin-Sat 46.7833333 24.7166667 P PPLX RO 00 35490 366 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15488 669289 Rădăuţi Radauti 47.85 25.9166667 P PPL RO 00 27241 368 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-19
+ 15489 669870 Popeşti-Leordeni Popesti-Leordeni 44.3833333 26.1666667 P PPL RO 00 15279 59 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15490 670474 Ploieşti Ploiesti 44.95 26.0166667 P PPLA RO 30 228851 161 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15491 670609 Piteşti Pitesti 44.85 24.8666667 P PPLA RO 03 167669 290 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15492 670889 Piatra Neamţ Piatra Neamt 46.9166667 26.3333333 P PPLA RO 28 102688 522 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15493 670938 Petroşani Petrosani 45.4166667 23.3666667 P PPL RO 00 44187 689 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-19
+ 15494 670969 Petrila Petrila 45.45 23.4166667 P PPL RO 00 25234 717 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15495 671382 Pantelimon Pantelimon 44.45 26.2 P PPL RO 00 16206 56 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15496 671757 Orăştie Orastie 45.8333333 23.2 P PPL RO 00 20763 246 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15497 671768 Oradea Oradea 47.0666667 21.9333333 P PPLA RO 05 206614 126 148 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-14
+ 15498 671832 Olteniţa Oltenita 44.0833333 26.6333333 P PPL RO 00 26356 7 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15499 671964 Odorheiu Secuiesc Odorheiu Secuiesc 46.3 25.3 P PPL RO 20 36532 521 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-14
+ 15500 672024 Ocna Mureş Ocna Mures 46.3833333 23.85 P PPL RO 00 15316 282 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15501 672486 Năvodari Navodari 44.3166667 28.6 P PPL RO 00 33106 31 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15502 672757 Motru Motru 44.8033333 22.9719444 P PPL RO 19 22319 192 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15503 672862 Moreni Moreni 44.9833333 25.65 P PPL RO 00 20596 317 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15504 672926 Moineşti Moinesti 46.4666667 26.4833333 P PPL RO 00 23981 493 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15505 673033 Mizil Mizil 45.0166667 26.45 P PPL RO 00 15532 115 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15506 673161 Mioveni Mioveni 44.95 24.95 P PPL RO 00 36338 418 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15507 673441 Miercurea-Ciuc Miercurea-Ciuc 46.35 25.8 P PPL RO 00 41282 664 Europe/Bucharest 2009-05-06
+ 15508 673634 Mediaş Medias 46.1666667 24.35 P PPL RO 00 53040 268 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15509 673636 Medgidia Medgidia 44.25 28.2833333 P PPL RO 00 43315 9 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-27
+ 15510 673816 Margita Margita 47.35 22.3333333 P PPL RO 00 18935 122 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-14
+ 15511 673921 Mangalia Mangalia 43.8 28.5833333 P PPL RO 00 39619 1 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-16
+ 15512 674295 Lupeni Lupeni 45.35 23.2333333 P PPL RO 00 30488 823 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15513 674531 Lugoj Lugoj 45.6886111 21.9030556 P PPL RO 36 43243 120 Europe/Bucharest 2006-07-24
+ 15514 674541 Luduş Ludus 46.4833333 24.1 P PPL RO 00 17165 322 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15515 675810 Jászvásár Jaszvasar 47.1666667 27.6 P PPL RO 23 318012 84 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-13
+ 15516 675892 Huşi Husi 46.6736111 28.0594444 P PPL RO 38 29129 71 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15517 675918 Hunedoara Hunedoara 45.75 22.9 P PPLA RO 21 69136 287 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-18
+ 15518 676527 Gura Humorului Gura Humorului 47.55 25.9 P PPL RO 00 15728 509 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15519 677106 Giurgiu Giurgiu 43.8833333 25.9666667 P PPLA RO 42 69067 11 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15520 677429 Gherla Gherla 47.0333333 23.9166667 P PPL RO 00 23741 257 Europe/Bucharest 2007-05-01
+ 15521 677458 Gheorgheni Gheorgheni 46.7166667 25.6166667 P PPL RO 00 19777 832 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15522 677697 Galaţi Galati 45.45 28.05 P PPLA RO 18 294087 2 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15523 677742 Găeşti Gaesti 44.7166667 25.3166667 P PPL RO 00 15037 171 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15524 678015 Focşani Focsani 45.7 27.1833333 P PPLA RO 40 105112 49 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-05
+ 15525 678261 Filiaşi Filiasi 44.55 23.5166667 P PPL RO 00 18995 107 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15526 678306 Feteşti Fetesti 44.3833333 27.8333333 P PPL RO 00 32866 25 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15527 678459 Fălticeni Falticeni 47.45 26.3 P PPL RO 00 29576 309 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15528 678499 Făgăraş Fagaras 45.85 24.9666667 P PPL RO 00 34034 416 Europe/Bucharest 2009-05-06
+ 15529 678817 Drobeta-Turnu Severin Drobeta-Turnu Severin 44.6319444 22.6561111 P PPLA RO 26 102346 61 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15530 678978 Drăgăşani Dragasani 44.65 24.2666667 P PPL RO 00 20630 158 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15531 679065 Dorohoi Dorohoi 47.95 26.4 P PPL RO 00 30776 165 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15532 679452 Deva Deva 45.8833333 22.9 P PPL RO 00 67802 202 Europe/Bucharest 2006-07-24
+ 15533 679550 Dej Dej 47.15 23.8666667 P PPL RO 00 38033 217 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-05
+ 15534 679907 Curtea de Argeş Curtea de Arges 45.1333333 24.6833333 P PPL RO 00 32178 543 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-16
+ 15535 679995 Cugir Cugir 45.8333333 23.3666667 P PPL RO 00 24734 439 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15536 680332 Craiova Craiova 44.3166667 23.8 P PPLA RO 17 304142 108 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15537 680897 Corabia Corabia 43.7833333 24.5 P PPL RO 00 20047 54 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15538 680963 Constanţa Constanta 44.1833333 28.65 P PPL RO 14 303399 1 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15539 681017 Comăneşti Comanesti 46.4166667 26.4333333 P PPL RO 00 23729 402 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15540 681179 Codlea Codlea 45.7 25.45 P PPL RO 00 24188 546 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-29
+ 15541 681290 Cluj-Napoca / Kolozsvár Cluj-Napoca / Kolozsvar 46.7666667 23.6 P PPLA RO 13 316748 335 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-13
+ 15542 681502 Cisnădie Cisnadie 45.7166667 24.15 P PPL RO 00 15042 464 Europe/Bucharest 2006-12-23
+ 15543 681845 Câmpulung Moldovenesc Campulung Moldovenesc 47.5333333 25.5666667 P PPL RO 00 19765 626 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15544 681865 Cîmpia Turzii Cimpia Turzii 46.55 23.8833333 P PPL RO 00 26457 287 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15545 682321 Cernavodă Cernavoda 44.3666667 28.0166667 P PPL RO 00 18502 1 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-18
+ 15546 682685 Carei / Nagykároly / Großkarol Carei / Nagykaroly / Grosskarol 47.6833333 22.4666667 P PPL RO 00 22583 130 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-13
+ 15547 682729 Caransebeş Caransebes 45.4166667 22.2166667 P PPL RO 00 27521 198 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15548 682747 Caracal Caracal 44.1166667 24.35 P PPL RO 00 33761 106 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15549 683022 Călăraşi Calarasi 44.2 27.3333333 P PPLA RO 41 69167 14 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-18
+ 15550 683034 Calafat Calafat 43.9911111 22.9327778 P PPL RO 17 18643 44 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15551 683123 Buzău Buzau 45.15 26.8333333 P PPLA RO 11 130954 83 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15552 683365 Buhuşi Buhusi 46.7166667 26.7 P PPL RO 00 18395 269 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15553 683394 Buftea Buftea 44.5613889 25.9488889 P PPL RO 43 20691 90 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15554 683506 Bucureşti Bucuresti 44.4333333 26.1 P PPLC RO 10 1877155 71 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-13
+ 15555 683760 Breaza Breaza 45.1833333 25.6666667 P PPL RO 00 17949 498 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15556 683844 Brassó Brasso 45.6486083838803 25.6061267852783 P PPLA RO 09 276088 629 Europe/Bucharest 2009-07-01
+ 15557 683902 Brăila Braila 45.2666667 27.9833333 P PPLA RO 08 213569 4 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15558 683974 Brad Brad 46.1333333 22.7833333 P PPL RO 00 15988 251 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15559 684039 Botoşani Botosani 47.75 26.6666667 P PPLA RO 07 114783 163 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15560 684156 Borşa Borsa 47.65 24.6666667 P PPL RO 00 26966 761 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15561 684490 Bocşa Bocsa 45.3733333 21.7091667 P PPL RO 00 16349 180 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15562 684612 Blaj Blaj 46.1833333 23.9166667 P PPL RO 00 20371 256 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15563 684657 Bistriţa Bistrita 47.1333333 24.4833333 P PPLA RO 06 81318 329 Europe/Bucharest 2007-04-06
+ 15564 684802 Bîrlad Birlad 46.2333333 27.6666667 P PPL RO 00 67818 69 Europe/Bucharest 2006-11-15
+ 15565 685586 Balş Bals 44.35 24.1 P PPL RO 00 20626 136 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15566 685785 Băileşti Bailesti 44.0166667 23.35 P PPL RO 00 19599 53 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15567 685811 Băicoi Baicoi 45.0333333 25.85 P PPL RO 00 19869 284 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15568 685823 Baia Sprie Baia Sprie 47.6618901294108 23.6921453475952 P PPL RO 00 16746 395 Europe/Bucharest 2009-08-19
+ 15569 685826 Baia Mare Baia Mare 47.6572942436054 23.5680770874023 P PPLA RO 25 136553 228 Europe/Bucharest 2009-05-06
+ 15570 685948 Bacău Bacau 46.5666667 26.9 P PPLA RO 04 171396 160 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15571 686254 Arad Arad 46.1833333 21.3166667 P PPLA RO 02 169065 109 Europe/Bucharest 2007-02-17
+ 15572 686502 Alexandria Alexandria 43.9833333 25.3333333 P PPLA RO 35 49346 34 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15573 686578 Alba Iulia Alba Iulia 46.0666667 23.5833333 P PPLA RO 01 66085 203 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-28
+ 15574 686590 Aiud Aiud 46.3 23.7166667 P PPL RO 00 28341 228 Europe/Bucharest 2009-05-06
+ 15575 686669 Adjud Adjud 46.1 27.1666667 P PPL RO 00 17298 102 Europe/Bucharest 2006-01-17
+ 15576 6697993 Baia Mare Baia Mare 47.6533050336362 23.5794925689697 P PPL RO 32 137976 228 233 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-18
+ 15577 6697994 Targoviste Targoviste 44.9214212239078 25.4557514190674 P PPL RO 16 90000 280 282 Europe/Bucharest 2008-11-18
+ 15578 6942372 Miercurea Ciuc Miercurea Ciuc 46.357946640628 25.8040523529053 P PPLA RO 20 42030 684 Europe/Bucharest 2009-06-14
+ 15579 6945426 PASCANI CITY CENTER PASCANI CITY CENTER 47.2469016073661 26.7229127883911 P PPL RO 23 45000 230 198 Europe/Bucharest 2009-08-11
+ 15580 783920 Zemun Zemun 44.8430556 20.4011111 P PPL RS YU 00 155591 88 Europe/Belgrade 2006-09-30
+ 15581 784136 Vršac Vrsac 45.1166667 21.3036111 P PPL RS YU 00 Vojvodina 36300 101 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15582 784227 Vranje Vranje 42.5513889 21.9002778 P PPL RS YU 00 56199 451 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15583 785238 Suva Reka Suva Reka 42.3586111 20.825 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 72229 402 Europe/Belgrade 2008-03-07
+ 15584 785485 Štimlje Stimlje 42.4330556 21.0397222 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 35000 599 Europe/Belgrade 2008-03-07
+ 15585 785559 Stara Pazova Stara Pazova 44.985 20.1608333 P PPL RS YU 00 16217 84 Europe/Belgrade 2006-09-30
+ 15586 785615 Sremčica Sremcica 44.6765266818288 20.3923201560974 P PPL RS 00 23000 187 Europe/Belgrade 2007-07-11
+ 15587 785753 Smederevska Palanka Smederevska Palanka 44.3654801751495 20.958845615387 P PPL RS YU 00 27000 128 Europe/Belgrade 2008-11-24
+ 15588 785756 Smederevo Smederevo 44.6627778 20.93 P PPL RS YU 00 77808 79 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15589 785965 Senta Senta 45.9275 20.0772222 P PPL RS YU 00 Vojvodina 20302 95 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-08
+ 15590 786712 Prizren Prizren 42.2138889 20.7397222 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 171464 464 Europe/Belgrade 2008-11-21
+ 15591 786714 Pristina Pristina 42.6666667 21.1666667 P PPLA RS YU 01 550000 668 Europe/Belgrade 2009-01-23
+ 15592 786950 Podujevo Podujevo 42.9105556 21.1930556 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 35000 638 Europe/Belgrade 2009-08-12
+ 15593 787157 Pejë Peje 42.6591328074955 20.2882826328278 P PPL RS 01 Kosovo-17 81800 516 505 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-27
+ 15594 787237 Pančevo Pancevo 44.8708333 20.6402778 P PPL RS YU 00 76654 80 Europe/Belgrade 2009-10-12
+ 15595 787516 Obrenovac Obrenovac 44.6548558674757 20.2001667022705 P PPL RS 00 16821 73 Europe/Belgrade 2007-03-19
+ 15596 787595 Novi Pazar Novi Pazar 43.1366667 20.5122222 P PPL RS YU 00 85996 462 Europe/Belgrade 2007-07-25
+ 15597 787615 bar bar 44.9436604364602 20.2193069458008 P PPL RS YU 00 15488 89 Europe/Belgrade 2007-07-06
+ 15598 787657 Niš Nis 43.3247222 21.9033333 P PPL RS YU 00 250000 193 Europe/Belgrade 2008-10-01
+ 15599 787718 Negotin Negotin 44.2263889 22.5308333 P PPL RS YU 00 17612 85 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15600 788470 Loznica Loznica 42.5552778 20.7633333 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 19863 655 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15601 788731 Leposavić Leposavic 43.1038889 20.8027778 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 19000 591 Europe/Belgrade 2008-11-21
+ 15602 788975 Kruševac Krusevac 43.58 21.3338889 P PPL RS 00 75256 163 Europe/Belgrade 2008-02-27
+ 15603 789107 Kraljevo Kraljevo 43.7258333 20.6894444 P PPL RS YU 00 82846 198 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15604 789128 Kragujevac Kragujevac 44.0166667 20.9166667 P PPL RS YU 00 147473 164 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15605 789225 Kosovska Mitrovica Kosovska Mitrovica 42.8833333 20.8666667 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 107045 501 Europe/Belgrade 2009-08-12
+ 15606 789923 Jagodina Jagodina 43.9813889 21.2622222 P PPL RS YU 00 35589 112 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15607 791580 Deçan Decan 42.5401805922008 20.2879285812378 P PPL RS YU 00 Kosovo 50500 612 599 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-27
+ 15608 792078 Čačak Cacak 43.8913889 20.3497222 P PPL RS 00 117072 227 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15609 792680 Belgrade Belgrade 44.8186111 20.4680556 P PPLC RS 00 1273651 90 Europe/Belgrade 2008-11-28
+ 15610 3188402 Valjevo Valjevo 44.2751349336275 19.89821434021 P PPL RS 00 61035 185 Europe/Belgrade 2007-11-20
+ 15611 3188434 Užice Uzice 43.85860622186 19.8487758636475 P PPL RS YU 00 63577 482 Europe/Belgrade 2007-11-20
+ 15612 3189595 Subotica Subotica 46.1 19.6666667 P PPL RS YU 00 100000 110 Europe/Belgrade 2009-01-26
+ 15613 3190342 Sombor Sombor 45.7741667 19.1122222 P PPL RS YU 00 Vojvodina 48454 90 Europe/Belgrade 2007-02-18
+ 15614 3191376 Šabac Sabac 44.7466667 19.69 P PPL RS YU 00 55114 64 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15615 3194360 Novi Sad Novi Sad 45.2516667 19.8369444 P PPLA RS YU 00 Vojvodina 215400 88 Europe/Belgrade 2008-10-01
+ 15616 3204672 Bačka Topola Backa Topola 45.8151615345158 19.6317958831787 P PPL RS YU 02 Vojvodina 16154 108 Europe/Belgrade 2007-11-20
+ 15617 3204793 Apatin Apatin 45.6711111 18.9847222 P PPL RS YU 00 18320 86 Europe/Belgrade 2007-02-18
+ 15618 3305316 Pec Pec 43.5797222 19.5213889 P PPL RS 00 170000 427 Europe/Belgrade 2009-07-31
+ 15619 6619277 Knjazevac Knjazevac 43.5648447432272 22.2502326965332 P PPL RS 25000 217 260 Europe/Belgrade 2007-11-02
+ 15620 452949 Udomlya Udomlya 57.8794444 34.9925 P PPL RU 77 32373 165 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15621 461699 Sasovo Sasovo 54.3483333 41.9127778 P PPL RU 62 29858 105 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15622 461910 Zverevo Zverevo 48.0205556 40.1225 P PPL RU 61 24978 229 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15623 462444 Zlatoust Zlatoust 55.1711111 59.6508333 P PPL RU 13 191366 466 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-08-09
+ 15624 462522 Zimovniki Zimovniki 47.1483333 42.4633333 P PPL RU 61 17678 59 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15625 462755 Zhukovskiy Zhukovskiy 55.5952778 38.1202778 P PPL RU RU 47 97200 142 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15626 462822 Zhukovka Zhukovka 53.5333333 33.7277778 P PPL RU 10 19690 188 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15627 462984 Zhirnovsk Zhirnovsk 50.9833333 44.7666667 P PPL RU 84 17887 126 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15628 463082 Zhigulevsk Zhigulevsk 53.3997222 49.4952778 P PPL RU RU 65 57094 115 Europe/Samara 2009-06-03
+ 15629 463217 Zherdevka Zherdevka 51.8486111 41.4605556 P PPL RU 72 16019 125 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15630 463340 Zheleznovodsk Zheleznovodsk 44.1394444 43.0197222 P PPL RU 70 24632 693 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15631 463343 Zheleznogorsk Zheleznogorsk 52.3375 35.3611111 P PPL RU 41 97900 182 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15632 463355 Zheleznodorozhnyy Zheleznodorozhnyy 55.7502778 38.0041667 P PPL RU RU 47 100000 152 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15633 463637 Zernograd Zernograd 46.8477778 40.3066667 P PPL RU 61 29268 80 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15634 463824 Zelenokumsk Zelenokumsk 44.4069444 43.8805556 P PPL RU 70 41306 155 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15635 463829 Zelenograd Zelenograd 55.9825 37.1813889 P PPL RU 48 215727 229 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15636 463835 Zelënodol'sk Zelenodol'sk 55.8455556 48.5180556 P PPL RU RU 73 Zelenodol'skiy Rayon 99600 109 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15637 463885 Zelenchukskaya Zelenchukskaya 43.8583333 41.5911111 P PPL RU 27 21117 931 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15638 464101 Zavolzh'ye Zavolzh'ye 56.6427778 43.3936111 P PPL RU RU 51 42900 77 Europe/Moscow 2008-12-18
+ 15639 464687 Zaraysk Zaraysk 54.7652778 38.8836111 P PPL RU 47 24637 158 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15640 464790 Zapolyarnyy Zapolyarnyy 69.4136111 30.7952778 P PPL RU 49 17789 116 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15641 465543 Zainsk Zainsk 55.3191667 52.0625 P PPL RU 73 42044 122 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15642 466215 Yur'yev-Pol'skiy Yur'yev-Pol'skiy 56.5 39.6833333 P PPL RU RU 83 19906 137 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15643 466806 Yoshkar-Ola Yoshkar-Ola 56.6387666659091 47.8907775878906 P PPLA RU 45 279100 99 Europe/Moscow 2008-04-11
+ 15644 466885 Yeysk Yeysk 46.6988889 38.2791667 P PPL RU 38 87814 20 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15645 466989 Yessentukskaya Yessentukskaya 44.0258333 42.8736111 P PPL RU 70 19956 630 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15646 466990 Yessentuki Yessentuki 44.0444444 42.8605556 P PPL RU 70 81015 616 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15647 467120 Yershov Yershov 51.3333333 48.2833333 P PPL RU 67 23681 111 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15648 467525 Yemva Yemva 62.5788889 50.8477778 P PPL RU 34 16404 102 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15649 467854 Yelizavetinskaya Yelizavetinskaya 45.0441667 38.8019444 P PPL RU 38 19306 31 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15650 467978 Yelets Yelets 52.6133333 38.5202778 P PPL RU 43 115688 131 Europe/Moscow 2006-08-09
+ 15651 468063 Yelan' Yelan' 50.95 43.7333333 P PPL RU 84 15181 129 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15652 468082 Yelabuga Yelabuga 55.7588889 52.0733333 P PPL RU 73 72643 69 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 15653 468250 Yegor'yevsk Yegor'yevsk 55.3783333 39.0411111 P PPL RU RU 47 85200 152 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15654 468307 Yegorlykskaya Yegorlykskaya 46.5655556 40.6591667 P PPL RU 61 17978 91 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15655 468390 Yefremov Yefremov 53.1530556 38.0947222 P PPL RU 76 45497 187 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15656 468657 Yasnyy Yasnyy 51.0280556 59.8791667 P PPL RU 55 17359 334 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15657 468671 Yasnogorsk Yasnogorsk 54.4802778 37.6975 P PPL RU 76 18022 264 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15658 468866 Yartsevo Yartsevo 55.0666667 32.6963889 P PPL RU 69 52706 186 Europe/Moscow 2009-01-13
+ 15659 468902 Yaroslavl' Yaroslavl' 57.6298720116535 39.8736763000488 P PPLA RU 88 606730 105 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-09
+ 15660 469005 Yaransk Yaransk 57.2994444 47.8822222 P PPL RU 33 19557 140 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 15661 469178 Yanaul Yanaul 56.2666667 54.9333333 P PPL RU 08 27963 90 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15662 469844 Yablonovskiy Yablonovskiy 44.9855556 38.9430556 P PPL RU 01 25078 29 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15663 470252 Vyshniy Volochëk Vyshniy Volochek 57.5825 34.5572222 P PPL RU RU 77 53800 158 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15664 470338 Vyselki Vyselki 45.5794444 39.6597222 P PPL RU 38 18746 76 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15665 470444 Vyksa Vyksa 55.3175 42.1744444 P PPL RU 51 61664 113 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15666 470546 Vyborg Vyborg 60.7 28.75 P PPL RU 42 78633 26 Europe/Moscow 2009-07-21
+ 15667 470666 Vyazniki Vyazniki 56.25 42.1666667 P PPL RU 83 39243 87 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15668 470676 Vyaz'ma Vyaz'ma 55.205 34.2922222 P PPL RU RU 69 55500 244 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15669 470734 Vyatskiye Polyany Vyatskiye Polyany 56.2238889 51.0633333 P PPL RU 33 39534 106 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 15670 471101 Vsevolozhsk Vsevolozhsk 60.0152778 30.6755556 P PPL RU 42 48224 26 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15671 471430 Votkinsk Votkinsk 57.0441667 53.9872222 P PPL RU 80 98633 121 Europe/Samara 2007-02-17
+ 15672 471457 Vostryakovo Vostryakovo 55.4005556 37.8111111 P PPL RU 47 16509 169 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15673 471656 Voskresensk Voskresensk 55.3125 38.6636111 P PPL RU 47 77086 114 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 15674 472045 Voronezh Voronezh 51.6663889 39.17 P PPLA RU RU 86 848752 155 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-06
+ 15675 472231 Volzhskiy Volzhskiy 48.7905556 44.7716667 P PPL RU 84 323293 23 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15676 472234 Volzhsk Volzhsk 55.8833333 48.3333333 P PPL RU RU 45 58000 68 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15677 472278 Vol'sk Vol'sk 52.0333333 47.3833333 P PPL RU RU 67 70500 20 Europe/Volgograd 2008-12-23
+ 15678 472433 Volokolamsk Volokolamsk 56.0336111 35.9694444 P PPL RU 47 16276 189 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15679 472459 Vologda Vologda 59.2166667 39.9 P PPLA RU 85 294889 108 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15680 472722 Volkhov Volkhov 59.9222222 32.3380556 P PPL RU 42 45673 7 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-16
+ 15681 472750 Volgorechensk Volgorechensk 57.4419444 41.1594444 P PPL RU 37 17700 93 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15682 472757 Volgograd Volgograd 48.8047222 44.5858333 P PPLA RU RU 84 1011417 52 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15683 472761 Volgodonsk Volgodonsk 47.5136111 42.1513889 P PPL RU 61 167731 61 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15684 473021 Vnukovo Vnukovo 55.615 37.2191667 P PPLX RU 48 20592 171 Europe/Moscow 2006-12-13
+ 15685 473247 Vladimir Vladimir 56.1427778 40.3980556 P PPLA RU 83 310024 143 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15686 473249 Vladikavkaz Vladikavkaz 43.0366667 44.6677778 P PPLA RU 68 317370 681 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-28
+ 15687 473778 Vidnoye Vidnoye 55.5541667 37.7105556 P PPL RU 47 51721 189 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15688 473788 Vichuga Vichuga 57.2161111 41.9183333 P PPL RU 21 39071 152 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15689 475777 Vereshchagino Vereshchagino 58.0683333 54.6458333 P PPL RU 90 22451 228 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15690 475881 Venëv Venev 54.3527778 38.2716667 P PPL RU 76 15700 164 Europe/Moscow 2009-01-19
+ 15691 475938 Vel'sk Vel'sk 61.07 42.0988889 P PPL RU RU 06 26300 94 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15692 476062 Velikiy Ustyug Velikiy Ustyug 60.7644444 46.3105556 P PPL RU 85 32642 72 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15693 476077 Velikiye Luki Velikiye Luki 56.34 30.5347222 P PPL RU 60 103149 89 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-05
+ 15694 477192 Valuyki Valuyki 50.2105556 38.1016667 P PPL RU 09 35887 144 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15695 477301 Valday Valday 57.9747222 33.2525 P PPL RU 52 18549 217 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-05
+ 15696 477494 Uzlovaya Uzlovaya 53.9847222 38.1705556 P PPL RU 76 58458 217 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15697 477626 Uvarovo Uvarovo 51.985 42.2602778 P PPL RU 72 28771 134 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15698 477656 Uva Uva 56.985 52.1886111 P PPL RU 80 19143 128 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15699 478044 Ust'-Labinsk Ust'-Labinsk 45.2125 39.6863889 P PPL RU 38 44088 66 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15700 478071 Ust'-Katav Ust'-Katav 54.9369444 58.1655556 P PPL RU 13 25046 347 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15701 478130 Ust'-Dzheguta Ust'-Dzheguta 44.0872222 41.9733333 P PPL RU 27 34001 637 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15702 478317 Usman' Usman' 52.0469444 39.7194444 P PPL RU 43 19910 175 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15703 478544 Uryupinsk Uryupinsk 50.7833333 42.0 P PPL RU 84 41644 77 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15704 478581 Urus-Martan Urus-Martan 43.1286111 45.5430556 P PPL RU CI 41480 242 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15705 479028 Unecha Unecha 52.8461111 32.6766667 P PPL RU 10 29028 200 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15706 479123 Ul'yanovsk Ul'yanovsk 54.3333333 48.4 P PPLA RU 81 640680 135 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-28
+ 15707 479411 Ukhta Ukhta 63.5580556 53.6888889 P PPL RU 34 102187 89 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15708 479532 Uglich Uglich 57.5275 38.3316667 P PPL RU 88 37732 117 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-24
+ 15709 479561 Ufa Ufa 54.775 56.0375 P PPLA RU 08 1033338 102 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-17
+ 15710 479687 Uchkeken Uchkeken 43.9333333 42.5111111 P PPL RU 27 15118 1000 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15711 479704 Uchaly Uchaly 54.2966667 59.4558333 P PPL RU 08 45687 545 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15712 479933 Tyrnyauz Tyrnyauz 43.3780556 42.9066667 P PPL RU 22 20104 1304 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15713 480060 Tver' Tver' 56.8619444 35.8930556 P PPLA RU 77 400212 126 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15714 480089 Tuymazy Tuymazy 54.6 53.7 P PPL RU 08 68829 127 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 15715 480122 Tutayev Tutayev 57.8819444 39.5447222 P PPL RU 88 43828 133 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15716 480562 Tula Tula 54.2044444 37.6111111 P PPLA RU 76 468825 171 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15717 480685 Tuchkovo Tuchkovo 55.6011111 36.4680556 P PPL RU 47 16826 205 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15718 480716 Tuapse Tuapse 44.1125 39.0741667 P PPL RU 38 64234 149 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15719 480876 Tsimlyansk Tsimlyansk 47.6461111 42.1019444 P PPL RU 61 15341 76 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15720 481350 Trubchëvsk Trubchevsk 52.5811111 33.7713889 P PPL RU RU 10 16100 156 Europe/Moscow 2009-01-18
+ 15721 481605 Troitskaya Troitskaya 43.3055556 44.9788889 P PPL RU CI 23745 356 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15722 481608 Troitsk Troitsk 55.4791667 37.3086111 P PPL RU 47 33783 187 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15723 481964 Tosno Tosno 59.54 30.8775 P PPL RU 42 40198 35 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15724 481985 Torzhok Torzhok 57.0433333 34.9722222 P PPL RU 77 48546 161 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15725 482260 Tomilino Tomilino 55.6552778 37.9252778 P PPL RU 47 28310 139 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15726 482283 Tol'yatti Tol'yatti 53.5233333 49.4125 P PPL RU 65 702879 42 118 Europe/Samara 2008-11-28
+ 15727 483019 Tikhvin Tikhvin 59.6436111 33.5094444 P PPL RU 42 62075 43 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15728 483029 Tikhoretsk Tikhoretsk 45.8547222 40.1252778 P PPL RU 38 64387 81 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15729 483137 Teykovo Teykovo 56.8547222 40.5380556 P PPL RU 21 36015 124 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15730 483495 Terek Terek 43.4833333 44.1361111 P PPL RU 22 21180 259 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15731 483661 Temryuk Temryuk 45.2722222 37.3811111 P PPL RU 38 36546 48 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15732 483883 Tbilisskaya Tbilisskaya 45.3633333 40.19 P PPL RU 38 24446 103 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15733 484646 Tambov Tambov 52.7316667 41.4338889 P PPLA RU 72 290933 132 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15734 484856 Agidel’ Agidel' 55.87 53.93 P PPL RU 08 19217 72 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 15735 484907 Taganrog Taganrog 47.2213889 38.9094444 P PPL RU 61 279056 29 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15736 484972 Syzran' Syzran' 53.1730556 48.4744444 P PPL RU 65 189338 71 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15737 485239 Syktyvkar Syktyvkar 61.6666667 50.8122222 P PPLA RU 34 230139 154 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15738 485432 Svobody Svobody 44.0255556 43.0502778 P PPL RU 70 17661 498 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15739 485639 Svetogorsk Svetogorsk 61.1166667 28.85 P PPL RU 42 15733 46 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15740 485660 Svetlyy Svetlyy 54.6775 20.1316667 P PPL RU 23 22119 5 Europe/Kaliningrad 2008-11-29
+ 15741 485698 Svetlograd Svetlograd 45.3352778 42.8547222 P PPL RU 70 39727 146 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15742 485871 Suvorovskaya Suvorovskaya 44.1941667 42.6538889 P PPL RU 70 17261 455 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15743 485888 Suvorov Suvorov 54.1233333 36.4927778 P PPL RU 76 21059 197 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15744 486071 Surovikino Surovikino 48.6077778 42.8486111 P PPL RU 84 20677 30 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15745 486110 Surkhakhi Surkhakhi 43.1875 44.9019444 P PPL RU 68 16215 701 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15746 486665 Sukhinichi Sukhinichi 54.1 35.3388889 P PPL RU 25 16100 225 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15747 486968 Stupino Stupino 54.9008333 38.0708333 P PPL RU 47 60999 186 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15748 487095 Strunino Strunino 56.3833333 38.5666667 P PPL RU 83 15483 185 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15749 487147 Stroitel' Stroitel' 50.7852778 36.4833333 P PPL RU 09 18636 244 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15750 487495 Sterlitamak Sterlitamak 53.6330556 55.9463889 P PPL RU 08 267231 148 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-17
+ 15751 487846 Stavropol' Stavropol' 45.0427778 41.9733333 P PPLA RU 70 363064 553 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15752 487928 Staryy Oskol Staryy Oskol 51.2966667 37.8416667 P PPL RU 09 226977 137 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-07
+ 15753 488635 Staroshcherbinovskaya Staroshcherbinovskaya 46.6288889 38.6713889 P PPL RU 38 18785 18 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15754 488742 Starominskaya Starominskaya 46.53 39.0497222 P PPL RU 38 30461 21 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15755 488852 Starodub Starodub 52.5844444 32.7633333 P PPL RU 10 18539 194 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15756 489088 Staraya Russa Staraya Russa 57.9913889 31.3611111 P PPL RU 52 34303 27 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15757 489162 Staraya Kupavna Staraya Kupavna 55.8036111 38.185 P PPL RU 47 21256 145 Europe/Moscow 2007-05-11
+ 15758 490067 Sovetsk Sovetsk 57.5863889 48.9569444 P PPL RU 33 17869 109 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 15759 490068 Sovetsk Sovetsk 55.0713889 21.8819444 P PPL RU 23 43309 25 Europe/Kaliningrad 2008-11-29
+ 15760 490172 Sosnovyy Bor Sosnovyy Bor 59.9 29.1166667 P PPL RU 42 68563 2 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15761 490391 Sosnogorsk Sosnogorsk 63.5994444 53.8827778 P PPL RU 34 29343 104 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15762 490466 Sortavala Sortavala 61.7 30.6833333 P PPL RU 28 20760 7 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15763 490554 Sorochinsk Sorochinsk 52.4333333 53.1666667 P PPL RU 55 30731 82 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15764 490996 Solnechnogorsk Solnechnogorsk 56.1833333 36.9833333 P PPL RU 47 58891 204 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15765 491019 Sol'-Iletsk Sol'-Iletsk 51.1569444 54.9952778 P PPL RU 55 27419 122 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15766 491023 Solikamsk Solikamsk 59.6433333 56.75 P PPL RU 90 100812 143 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-18
+ 15767 491281 Sokol Sokol 59.4616667 40.1205556 P PPL RU 85 42174 124 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15768 491351 Sofrino Sofrino 56.15 37.9666667 P PPL RU 47 15353 197 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15769 491422 Sochi Sochi 43.6 39.7302778 P PPL RU 38 327608 65 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15770 491480 Sobinka Sobinka 55.9833333 40.0166667 P PPL RU 83 20458 99 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15771 491687 Smolensk Smolensk 54.7816667 32.04 P PPLA RU 69 320991 243 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15772 491882 Slobodskoy Slobodskoy 58.7322222 50.1772222 P PPL RU 33 32361 143 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 15773 492094 Slavyansk-na-Kubani Slavyansk-na-Kubani 45.2519444 38.1180556 P PPL RU 38 65196 10 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 15774 492162 Slantsy Slantsy 59.1 28.0666667 P PPL RU 42 36209 48 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15775 492376 Skopin Skopin 53.8275 39.5752778 P PPL RU 62 24357 177 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15776 492448 Skhodnya Skhodnya 55.9558333 37.2972222 P PPL RU 47 18897 198 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15777 492944 Sim Sim 54.9958333 57.6916667 P PPL RU 13 15632 208 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15778 493160 Sibay Sibay 52.7180556 58.6658333 P PPL RU 08 61590 373 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 15779 493231 Shuya Shuya 56.8552778 41.3586111 P PPL RU 21 60705 98 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-12
+ 15780 493316 Shushary Shushary 59.8091667 30.3816667 P PPL RU 66 15503 4 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15781 493463 Shumerlya Shumerlya 55.4944444 46.4236111 P PPL RU 16 35220 122 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15782 493702 Mikhaylovsk Mikhaylovsk 45.1283333 42.0255556 P PPL RU 70 59198 428 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15783 494427 Shilovo Shilovo 54.3213889 40.8783333 P PPL RU 62 16159 121 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15784 495062 Sheksna Sheksna 59.2166667 38.5 P PPL RU 85 21197 114 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15785 495112 Shebekino Shebekino 50.4111111 36.9022222 P PPL RU 09 45194 115 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15786 495206 Shchigry Shchigry 51.8722222 36.9086111 P PPL RU 41 19198 204 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15787 495260 Shcherbinka Shcherbinka 55.4958333 37.5461111 P PPL RU 47 28065 168 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15788 495344 Shchelkovo Shchelkovo 55.9216667 37.9913889 P PPL RU 47 113000 143 Europe/Moscow 2008-10-09
+ 15789 495394 Shchëkino Shchekino 54.0091667 37.5119444 P PPL RU RU 76 60700 244 Europe/Moscow 2008-09-17
+ 15790 495518 Shatura Shatura 55.5761111 39.5441667 P PPL RU 47 30069 124 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15791 495619 Shar'ya Shar'ya 58.3686111 45.5144444 P PPL RU 37 29800 137 Europe/Moscow 2009-07-13
+ 15792 496012 Shakhun'ya Shakhun'ya 57.6730556 46.6238889 P PPL RU 51 22400 152 Europe/Moscow 2008-12-09
+ 15793 496015 Shakhty Shakhty 47.7122222 40.2058333 P PPL RU 61 221312 126 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15794 496267 Severskaya Severskaya 44.8505556 38.6761111 P PPL RU 38 22849 53 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15795 496269 Severo-Zadonsk Severo-Zadonsk 54.0294444 38.3958333 P PPL RU 76 16569 244 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15796 496275 Severoural'sk Severoural'sk 60.1547222 59.9563889 P PPL RU RU 71 33500 173 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-06-03
+ 15797 496278 Severomorsk Severomorsk 69.0694444 33.4166667 P PPL RU 49 53921 8 Europe/Moscow 2006-08-09
+ 15798 496285 Severodvinsk Severodvinsk 64.5722222 39.8475 P PPL RU 06 194292 8 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15799 496478 Sestroretsk Sestroretsk 60.0941667 29.9536111 P PPL RU 66 41281 5 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15800 496519 Sertolovo Sertolovo 60.145 30.2044444 P PPL RU 42 43622 48 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15801 496527 Serpukhov Serpukhov 54.9213889 37.4108333 P PPL RU 47 128158 176 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15802 496638 Sergiyev Posad Sergiyev Posad 56.3 38.1333333 P PPL RU 47 109252 199 Europe/Moscow 2009-04-30
+ 15803 496802 Sergach Sergach 55.5275 45.4697222 P PPL RU 51 22361 133 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15804 496934 Serdobsk Serdobsk 52.4666667 44.2166667 P PPL RU 57 36652 204 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15805 497206 Semiluki Semiluki 51.6883333 39.0238889 P PPL RU 86 26257 121 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15806 497218 Semikarakorsk Semikarakorsk 47.5163889 40.8108333 P PPL RU 61 23583 24 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15807 497450 Semënov Semenov 56.795 44.4983333 P PPL RU 51 24300 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15808 497610 Sel'tso Sel'tso 53.3675 34.1 P PPL RU 10 18167 159 Europe/Moscow 2009-04-25
+ 15809 497927 Segezha Segezha 63.7333333 34.3166667 P PPL RU 28 33354 78 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15810 498418 Satka Satka 55.0425 59.04 P PPL RU 13 49384 429 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15811 498525 Sarov Sarov 54.9355094 43.3229449 P PPL RU 51 88000 151 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15812 498677 Saratov Saratov 51.5666667 46.0333333 P PPLA RU 67 863725 145 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15813 498687 Sarapul Sarapul 56.4666667 53.8038889 P PPL RU 80 101344 93 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15814 498698 Saransk Saransk 54.1833333 45.1833333 P PPLA RU 46 303394 145 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15815 498708 Saraktash Saraktash 51.7886111 56.3580556 P PPL RU 55 17413 145 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15816 498817 Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg 59.8944444 30.2641667 P PPLA RU 66 4039745 5 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-23
+ 15817 499099 Samara Samara 53.2 50.15 P PPLA RU 65 1134730 128 Europe/Samara 2008-11-28
+ 15818 499161 Sal'sk Sal'sk 46.4725 41.5427778 P PPL RU RU 61 61000 49 Europe/Moscow 2009-01-26
+ 15819 499292 Salavat Salavat 53.3716667 55.9211111 P PPL RU 08 159893 156 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 15820 499452 Safonovo Safonovo 55.15 33.2166667 P PPL RU 69 46637 221 Europe/Moscow 2006-01-17
+ 15821 499717 Rzhev Rzhev 56.2627778 34.3305556 P PPL RU 77 62246 202 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 15822 499975 Rybnoye Rybnoye 54.7255556 39.5119444 P PPL RU 62 19159 107 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15823 500004 Rybinsk Rybinsk 58.05 38.8333333 P PPL RU 88 216724 107 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-28
+ 15824 500047 Ryazhsk Ryazhsk 53.7075 40.0686111 P PPL RU 62 22041 107 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15825 500096 Ryazan' Ryazan' 54.6197222 39.74 P PPLA RU 62 520173 139 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15826 500299 Ruzayevka Ruzayevka 54.0666667 44.9333333 P PPL RU 46 49311 243 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15827 500843 Rublëvo Rublevo 55.7855556 37.3558333 P PPLX RU 48 20000 148 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15828 500886 Rtishchevo Rtishchevo 52.2597222 43.7877778 P PPL RU 67 44013 238 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15829 501175 Rostov-na-Donu Rostov-na-Donu 47.2363889 39.7138889 P PPLA RU 61 1074482 86 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15830 501183 Rostov Rostov 57.1883333 39.4152778 P PPL RU 88 33803 103 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-06
+ 15831 501215 Rossosh' Rossosh' 51.135 38.5136111 P PPL RU 86 64323 116 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15832 501231 Rossoh' Rossoh' 50.2063889 39.5286111 P PPL RU RU 86 62000 76 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15833 501283 Roslavl' Roslavl' 53.9527778 32.8638889 P PPL RU 69 56971 207 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15834 501320 Roshal' Roshal' 55.6716667 39.8780556 P PPL RU 47 21951 118 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15835 501730 Rodniki Rodniki 57.1052778 41.7325 P PPL RU 21 27681 155 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15836 502011 Revda Revda 56.7991667 59.9169444 P PPL RU 71 61785 287 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 15837 502018 Reutov Reutov 55.7594444 37.8616667 P PPL RU 47 78370 167 Europe/Moscow 2006-12-13
+ 15838 502400 Razumnoye Razumnoye 50.5413889 36.7027778 P PPL RU 09 15529 146 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15839 502540 Rayevskiy Rayevskiy 54.0666667 54.9333333 P PPL RU 08 20060 106 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15840 502793 Rasskazovo Rasskazovo 52.6713889 41.9033333 P PPL RU 72 45957 153 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15841 503550 Pyatigorsk Pyatigorsk 44.0486111 43.0594444 P PPL RU 70 142865 567 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15842 503977 Pushkino Pushkino 56.0172222 37.8666667 P PPL RU 47 71652 171 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15843 504003 Pushkin Pushkin 59.6873271003873 30.340461730957 P PPL RU 66 82416 71 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15844 504042 Pushchino Pushchino 54.8338889 37.6263889 P PPL RU 47 20072 180 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15845 504341 Pskov Pskov 57.8333333 28.3333333 P PPLA RU 60 201990 39 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15846 504576 Protvino Protvino 54.8663889 37.2177778 P PPL RU 47 37329 140 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15847 504831 Proletarsk Proletarsk 46.7030556 41.7191667 P PPL RU 61 19493 26 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15848 504935 Prokhladnyy Prokhladnyy 43.7555556 44.0380556 P PPL RU RU 22 60800 201 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15849 505014 Priyutovo Priyutovo 53.9 53.9333333 P PPL RU 08 20847 304 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15850 505057 Privolzhskiy Privolzhskiy 51.4 46.0333333 P PPL RU 67 31849 42 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15851 505060 Privolzhsk Privolzhsk 57.3808333 41.2886111 P PPL RU 21 17864 118 Europe/Moscow 2006-08-21
+ 15852 505230 Priozërsk Priozersk 61.0333333 30.1166667 P PPL RU RU 42 18300 2 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15853 505259 Primorsko-Akhtarsk Primorsko-Akhtarsk 46.0433333 38.1763889 P PPL RU 38 33102 6 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15854 505421 Pridonskoy Pridonskoy 51.6833333 39.0586111 P PPL RU 86 16896 94 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15855 505806 Povorino Povorino 51.1991667 42.2463889 P PPL RU 86 18004 122 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15856 506762 Polyarnyye Zori Polyarnyye Zori 67.3661111 32.4980556 P PPL RU 49 15092 112 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15857 506763 Polyarnyy Polyarnyy 69.1988889 33.4477778 P PPL RU 49 17332 15 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15858 507599 Pokrov Pokrov 55.92 39.1769444 P PPL RU 83 15867 123 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15859 507624 Pokhvistnevo Pokhvistnevo 53.6333333 52.1333333 P PPL RU 65 27913 99 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15860 508034 Podporozh'ye Podporozh'ye 60.9127778 34.1619444 P PPL RU RU 42 19600 55 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15861 508101 Podol’sk Podol'sk 55.4311111 37.5461111 P PPL RU 47 179400 165 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15862 508656 Pochëp Pochep 52.9344444 33.4605556 P PPL RU RU 10 15100 145 Europe/Moscow 2009-01-18
+ 15863 509052 Plavsk Plavsk 53.7094444 37.2919444 P PPL RU 76 16763 184 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15864 509598 Pikalëvo Pikalevo 59.5183333 34.1663889 P PPL RU 42 22072 181 Europe/Moscow 2009-02-23
+ 15865 509697 Petushki Petushki 55.9311111 39.4658333 P PPL RU 83 15866 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15866 509820 Petrozavodsk Petrozavodsk 61.7849134039575 34.3469095230103 P PPLA RU 28 265025 73 Europe/Moscow 2008-10-07
+ 15867 509987 Petrovsk Petrovsk 52.3063889 45.3916667 P PPL RU 67 33622 189 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15868 510225 Petrodvorets Petrodvorets 59.885 29.8958333 P PPL RU 66 61973 4 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15869 510364 Pestovo Pestovo 58.6 35.8 P PPL RU 52 15910 119 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15870 510808 Pervoural'sk Pervoural'sk 56.9052778 59.9436111 P PPL RU 71 133600 337 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 15871 511196 Perm' Perm' 58.0 56.25 P PPLA RU 90 982419 153 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15872 511359 Pereslavl'-Zalesskiy Pereslavl'-Zalesskiy 56.7333333 38.85 P PPL RU 88 43489 143 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15873 511565 Penza Penza 53.1958333 45.0 P PPLA RU 57 512602 164 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15874 511794 Pechora Pechora 65.145 57.2163889 P PPL RU 34 46113 59 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15875 512023 Pavlovskiy Posad Pavlovskiy Posad 55.7847222 38.6505556 P PPL RU 47 60051 127 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15876 512051 Pavlovskaya Pavlovskaya 46.1327778 39.7855556 P PPL RU 38 31133 43 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15877 512053 Pavlovsk Pavlovsk 50.4577778 40.1080556 P PPL RU 86 26565 80 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15878 512382 Pashkovskiy Pashkovskiy 45.0230556 39.1061111 P PPL RU 38 43634 44 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15879 513042 Pallasovka Pallasovka 50.05 46.8833333 P PPL RU 84 17139 17 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15880 513378 Ozëry Ozery 54.86 38.5516667 P PPL RU RU 47 25900 138 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15881 513883 Otradnyy Otradnyy 53.3666667 51.35 P PPL RU 65 50127 74 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15882 513898 Otradnoye Otradnoye 59.7775 30.8180556 P PPL RU 42 21397 10 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15883 513911 Otradnaya Otradnaya 44.3933333 41.5205556 P PPL RU 38 22985 431 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15884 514171 Ostrov Ostrov 57.3333333 28.3666667 P PPL RU 60 24500 54 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15885 514198 Ostrogozhsk Ostrogozhsk 50.8669444 39.0838889 P PPL RU 86 34403 111 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15886 514259 Ostashkov Ostashkov 57.1397222 33.1222222 P PPL RU 77 19563 217 Europe/Moscow 2009-01-22
+ 15887 514706 Osa Osa 57.2855556 55.4569444 P PPL RU 90 23292 101 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15888 514734 Orsk Orsk 51.2252778 58.57 P PPL RU 55 246836 200 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-05
+ 15889 514796 Orlovskiy Orlovskiy 46.8713889 42.0591667 P PPL RU 61 19325 121 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15890 515003 Orenburg Orenburg 51.7847222 55.0986111 P PPLA RU 55 550204 107 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15891 515012 Orël Orel 52.9658333 36.0802778 P PPLA RU RU 56 324200 182 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15892 515024 Orekhovo-Zuyevo Orekhovo-Zuyevo 55.8108333 38.9719444 P PPL RU 47 120000 124 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15893 515083 Ordzhonikidzevskaya Ordzhonikidzevskaya 43.3211111 45.0522222 P PPL RU CI 71841 317 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15894 515246 Onega Onega 63.92 38.0791667 P PPL RU 06 22693 23 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15895 515267 Omutninsk Omutninsk 58.6702778 52.1847222 P PPL RU 33 25364 183 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 15896 515698 Olenegorsk Olenegorsk 68.15 33.3 P PPL RU 49 23670 151 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15897 515804 Tsotsin-Yurt Tsotsin-Yurt 43.2380556 46.0016667 P PPL RU CI 15970 138 Europe/Moscow 2007-05-11
+ 15898 515879 Oktyabr'skiy Oktyabr'skiy 54.4666667 53.4666667 P PPL RU RU 08 108200 166 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-05-02
+ 15899 516215 Odintsovo Odintsovo 55.6769444 37.2730556 P PPL RU 47 137041 192 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15900 516256 Ocher Ocher 57.8833333 54.7 P PPL RU 90 15395 119 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15901 516436 Obninsk Obninsk 55.0969444 36.6102778 P PPL RU 25 107392 174 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-05
+ 15902 516576 Nytva Nytva 57.9394444 55.3372222 P PPL RU 90 20525 122 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15903 516647 Nyandoma Nyandoma 61.6658333 40.1969444 P PPL RU 06 22179 229 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15904 516716 Nurlat Nurlat 54.4333333 50.7666667 P PPL RU 73 34451 135 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15905 516931 Novyy Oskol Novyy Oskol 50.7583333 37.8736111 P PPL RU 09 21035 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15906 517269 Novozybkov Novozybkov 52.5363889 31.9333333 P PPL RU 10 42571 150 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15907 517716 Novovoronezh Novovoronezh 51.3163889 39.2191667 P PPL RU 86 37392 135 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15908 517739 Novouzensk Novouzensk 50.4591667 48.1430556 P PPL RU 67 16932 35 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15909 517766 Novoul’yanovsk Novoul'yanovsk 54.147222 48.387222 P PPL RU 81 17139 78 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15910 517836 Novotroitsk Novotroitsk 51.2016667 58.3202778 P PPL RU 55 106186 208 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-18
+ 15911 517842 Novotitarovskaya Novotitarovskaya 45.2355556 38.9791667 P PPL RU 38 22630 37 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15912 517963 Novoshakhtinsk Novoshakhtinsk 47.7544444 39.9358333 P PPL RU 61 99478 128 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15913 518255 Novorossiysk Novorossiysk 44.7238889 37.7708333 P PPL RU 38 241856 8 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15914 518325 Novopokrovskaya Novopokrovskaya 45.9513889 40.7005556 P PPL RU 38 19342 69 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15915 518383 Novopavlovsk Novopavlovsk 43.9644444 43.6530556 P PPL RU 70 24408 314 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15916 518557 Novomoskovsk Novomoskovsk 54.0869444 38.2202778 P PPL RU 76 130982 209 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-28
+ 15917 518602 Novomichurinsk Novomichurinsk 54.0377778 39.7802778 P PPL RU 62 20821 113 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15918 518659 Novokuybyshevsk Novokuybyshevsk 53.1072222 49.9252778 P PPL RU RU 65 111800 93 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15919 518682 Novokubansk Novokubansk 45.1038889 41.0494444 P PPL RU 38 36401 151 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15920 518909 Novodvinsk Novodvinsk 64.4241667 40.8091667 P PPL RU 06 42900 27 Europe/Moscow 2008-09-02
+ 15921 518970 Novocherkassk Novocherkassk 47.4180556 40.0938889 P PPL RU 61 166974 94 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15922 518976 Novocheboksarsk Novocheboksarsk 56.1105556 47.4777778 P PPL RU 16 128468 115 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15923 519062 Novoanninskiy Novoanninskiy 50.5333333 42.6833333 P PPL RU 84 19231 106 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15924 519106 Novoaleksandrovsk Novoaleksandrovsk 45.4944444 41.2211111 P PPL RU 70 27610 116 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15925 519336 Velikiy Novgorod Velikiy Novgorod 58.5166667 31.2833333 P PPLA RU 52 215062 32 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15926 519447 Novaya Usman' Novaya Usman' 51.6425 39.4152778 P PPL RU 86 22165 112 Europe/Moscow 2007-05-11
+ 15927 520068 Noginsk Noginsk 55.8536111 38.4411111 P PPL RU 47 115979 155 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 15928 520494 Nizhniy Tagil Nizhniy Tagil 57.9194444 59.965 P PPL RU 71 381116 207 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 15929 520555 Nizhniy Novgorod Nizhniy Novgorod 56.3286733202717 44.002046585083 P PPLA RU 51 1284164 135 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15930 520574 Nizhniy Lomov Nizhniy Lomov 53.52 43.6761111 P PPL RU 57 23835 149 Europe/Moscow 2007-05-11
+ 15931 521118 Nizhnekamsk Nizhnekamsk 55.6383333 51.8169444 P PPL RU 73 234297 121 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15932 521776 Nikol'sk Nikol'sk 53.7097222 46.0813889 P PPL RU RU 57 24300 242 Europe/Moscow 2008-12-26
+ 15933 521874 Nikolayevsk Nikolayevsk 50.0166667 45.4333333 P PPL RU 84 16044 25 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15934 522260 Nikel' Nikel' 69.4083333 30.2208333 P PPL RU 49 15596 140 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15935 522301 Nezlobnaya Nezlobnaya 44.1180556 43.4027778 P PPL RU 70 18412 323 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15936 522377 Nevinnomyssk Nevinnomyssk 44.6266667 41.9452778 P PPL RU 70 134345 336 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15937 522410 Nevel' Nevel' 56.0333333 29.9166667 P PPL RU 60 17832 157 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15938 522470 Nesterovskaya Nesterovskaya 43.2386111 45.0502778 P PPL RU CI 19186 398 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15939 522594 Nerekhta Nerekhta 57.4552778 40.5661111 P PPL RU 37 25352 108 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15940 522775 Nelidovo Nelidovo 56.2219444 32.775 P PPL RU 77 25349 196 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15941 522941 Neftekumsk Neftekumsk 44.6666667 44.9166667 P PPL RU 70 28463 51 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15942 522942 Neftekamsk Neftekamsk 56.0833333 54.2666667 P PPL RU 08 126805 96 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-08-09
+ 15943 522945 Neftegorsk Neftegorsk 52.8166667 51.2 P PPL RU 65 19542 53 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15944 523064 Nazran’ Nazran' 43.2261111 44.765 P PPL RU 19 164131 527 Europe/Moscow 2008-10-17
+ 15945 523198 Navashino Navashino 55.5291667 42.2002778 P PPL RU 51 17551 85 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15946 523392 Nar'yan-Mar Nar'yan-Mar 67.6480556 53.0472222 P PPLA RU 50 18041 10 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15947 523426 Naro-Fominsk Naro-Fominsk 55.3833333 36.7166667 P PPL RU 47 72632 187 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15948 523523 Nal’chik Nal'chik 43.5016667 43.6147222 P PPLA RU 22 272800 464 Europe/Moscow 2008-06-17
+ 15949 523553 Nakhabino Nakhabino 55.8513889 37.1813889 P PPL RU 47 31715 175 Europe/Moscow 2008-12-22
+ 15950 523750 Naberezhnyye Chelny Naberezhnyye Chelny 55.7561111 52.4288889 P PPL RU RU 73 Tukayevskiy Rayon 509870 132 Europe/Moscow 2007-06-19
+ 15951 523812 Mytishchi Mytishchi 55.9088889 37.7338889 P PPL RU 47 160542 154 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15952 524294 Murom Murom 55.5655556 42.0416667 P PPL RU 83 126931 122 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15953 524305 Murmansk Murmansk 68.9716667 33.0819444 P PPLA RU 49 319263 19 Europe/Moscow 2008-05-29
+ 15954 524640 Mtsensk Mtsensk 53.27 36.5547222 P PPL RU 56 47609 157 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15955 524699 Mozhga Mozhga 56.4438889 52.2158333 P PPL RU 80 47270 148 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 15956 524712 Mozhaysk Mozhaysk 55.5019444 36.0272222 P PPL RU 47 524708 31557 227 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 15957 524736 Mozdok Mozdok 43.7491667 44.6880556 P PPL RU RU 68 40823 125 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15958 524809 Mostovskoy Mostovskoy 44.4122222 40.7936111 P PPL RU 38 25188 386 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15959 524901 Moscow Moscow 55.7522222 37.6155556 P PPLC RU 48 10381222 151 Europe/Moscow 2009-08-25
+ 15960 525138 Morshansk Morshansk 53.4461111 41.81 P PPL RU 72 43311 120 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15961 525162 Morozovsk Morozovsk 48.3538889 41.8261111 P PPL RU 61 29289 41 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15962 525396 Monino Monino 55.8380556 38.1944444 P PPL RU 47 19852 155 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15963 525404 Monchegorsk Monchegorsk 67.9397222 32.8738889 P PPL RU 49 49868 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15964 526346 Mirnyy Mirnyy 61.3333333 44.5394444 P PPL RU 06 29341 110 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15965 526480 Mineral'nyye Vody Mineral'nyye Vody 44.2102778 43.1352778 P PPL RU 70 76280 310 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15966 526558 Millerovo Millerovo 48.9213889 40.3944444 P PPL RU 61 38527 142 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15967 527012 Mikhaylovka Mikhaylovka 50.0666667 43.25 P PPL RU RU 84 58898 75 Europe/Volgograd 2009-03-09
+ 15968 527191 Michurinsk Michurinsk 52.8966667 40.4994444 P PPL RU 72 93499 139 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 15969 527361 Metallostroy Metallostroy 59.8008333 30.5477778 P PPL RU 66 25123 6 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15970 527529 Menzelinsk Menzelinsk 55.7227778 53.0963889 P PPL RU 73 16858 112 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15971 527579 Mendeleyevsk Mendeleyevsk 55.8905556 52.3188889 P PPL RU 73 22969 91 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15972 527717 Meleuz Meleuz 52.9666667 55.9166667 P PPL RU 08 65362 169 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 15973 527740 Melenki Melenki 55.3375 41.6263889 P PPL RU 83 15902 139 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15974 527888 Medvezh'yegorsk Medvezh'yegorsk 62.9166667 34.4666667 P PPL RU RU 28 16551 37 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15975 527968 Medvedovskaya Medvedovskaya 45.4530556 39.0258333 P PPL RU 38 16941 26 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15976 528056 Medvedevo Medvedevo 56.6336111 47.8038889 P PPL RU 45 16407 114 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15977 528109 Mednogorsk Mednogorsk 51.4177778 57.5833333 P PPL RU 55 30676 375 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 15978 528293 Maykop Maykop 44.6077778 40.1058333 P PPLA RU 01 158451 228 Europe/Moscow 2008-06-05
+ 15979 529073 Marks Marks 51.711111 46.748611 P PPL RU 67 32929 20 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 15980 529505 Manturovo Manturovo 58.3352778 44.7619444 P PPL RU 37 18817 132 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15981 530849 Maloyaroslavets Maloyaroslavets 55.0138889 36.4725 P PPL RU 25 32669 205 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15982 531129 Malgobek Malgobek 43.5091667 44.5930556 P PPL RU 19 43400 376 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15983 531820 Malakhovka Malakhovka 55.6436111 38.0261111 P PPL RU 47 18399 139 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15984 532096 Makhachkala Makhachkala 42.9752778 47.5022222 P PPLA RU 17 497959 -10 Europe/Moscow 2008-06-05
+ 15985 532288 Magnitogorsk Magnitogorsk 53.4186111 59.0472222 P PPL RU 13 413351 352 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-17
+ 15986 532459 Lyudinovo Lyudinovo 53.8663889 34.4477778 P PPL RU 25 41392 177 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15987 532615 Lyubertsy Lyubertsy 55.6777778 37.8833333 P PPL RU 47 154650 149 Europe/Moscow 2006-12-13
+ 15988 532657 Lytkarino Lytkarino 55.5813889 37.9058333 P PPL RU 47 50619 169 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15989 532675 Lys'va Lys'va 58.1086111 57.8052778 P PPL RU 90 68660 177 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-09
+ 15990 532715 Lyskovo Lyskovo 56.0288889 45.0361111 P PPL RU 51 23570 100 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15991 533543 Lukhovitsy Lukhovitsy 54.9727778 39.0361111 P PPL RU 47 32387 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15992 533690 Luga Luga 58.7372222 29.8452778 P PPL RU 42 40114 40 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15993 534015 Losino-Petrovskiy Losino-Petrovskiy 55.8744444 38.2016667 P PPL RU 47 22116 139 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15994 534341 Lomonosov Lomonosov 59.9119444 29.745 P PPL RU 66 36778 10 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 15995 534560 Lodeynoye Pole Lodeynoye Pole 60.7302778 33.5580556 P PPL RU 42 22164 21 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15996 534595 Lobnya Lobnya 56.0097222 37.4819444 P PPL RU 47 61772 205 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 15997 534701 Livny Livny 52.4238889 37.5997222 P PPL RU 56 52915 158 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 15998 534838 Liski Liski 50.9791667 39.4941667 P PPL RU 86 55939 114 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 15999 535121 Lipetsk Lipetsk 52.6186111 39.5688889 P PPLA RU 43 515655 178 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16000 535243 Likino-Dulevo Likino-Dulevo 55.7116667 38.9544444 P PPL RU RU 47 31100 136 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16001 535334 L'govskiy L'govskiy 51.6327778 35.2775 P PPL RU 41 23500 191 Europe/Moscow 2009-04-25
+ 16002 535886 Lermontov Lermontov 44.1066667 42.9733333 P PPL RU 70 23369 694 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16003 536156 Leninsk Leninsk 48.7119444 45.1994444 P PPL RU 84 15167 5 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16004 536162 Leninogorsk Leninogorsk 54.6 52.5 P PPL RU 73 66263 199 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16005 536200 Leningradskaya Leningradskaya 46.3141667 39.3902778 P PPL RU 38 38712 29 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16006 536206 Yubileyny Yubileyny 55.9333333 37.8333333 P PPL RU 47 32324 160 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-09
+ 16007 536518 Lebedyan' Lebedyan' 53.0138889 39.1405556 P PPL RU 43 22970 133 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16008 536625 Lazarevskoye Lazarevskoye 43.9061111 39.3330556 P PPL RU RU 38 30000 -9999 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16009 537107 Lakinsk Lakinsk 56.0166667 39.95 P PPL RU 83 16706 126 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16010 537281 Labinsk Labinsk 44.6341667 40.7355556 P PPL RU 38 61945 277 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 16011 537345 Dugulubgey Dugulubgey 43.6625 43.5305556 P PPL RU 22 20965 452 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16012 537737 Kuznetsk Kuznetsk 53.1175 46.6041667 P PPL RU 57 90480 236 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 16013 538138 Kuvandyk Kuvandyk 51.4761111 57.3519444 P PPL RU 55 28706 227 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16014 538340 Kushva Kushva 58.2922222 59.7527778 P PPL RU 71 34058 252 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16015 538416 Kushchëvskaya Kushchevskaya 46.5563889 39.6386111 P PPL RU 38 29915 23 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16016 538442 Kusa Kusa 55.3383333 59.4405556 P PPL RU 13 19818 342 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16017 538560 Kursk Kursk 51.7302778 36.1938889 P PPLA RU 41 409431 184 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16018 538601 Kurovskoye Kurovskoye 55.5783333 38.9108333 P PPL RU 47 19173 123 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16019 538836 Kurganinsk Kurganinsk 44.88 40.5986111 P PPL RU 38 47681 169 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16020 538908 Kurchatov Kurchatov 51.6613889 35.6569444 P PPL RU 41 46600 163 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16021 538913 Kurchaloy Kurchaloy 43.2030556 46.0925 P PPL RU CI 20903 164 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16022 539147 Kungur Kungur 57.4316667 56.9444444 P PPL RU 90 66389 142 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-18
+ 16023 539283 Kumertau Kumertau 52.7666667 55.7833333 P PPL RU 08 65321 266 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 16024 539555 Kulebaki Kulebaki 55.4133333 42.5325 P PPL RU 51 37622 114 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16025 539689 Kukmor Kukmor 56.1816667 50.8897222 P PPL RU 73 16795 97 Europe/Moscow 2006-08-09
+ 16026 539817 Kudymkar Kudymkar 59.0130556 54.6555556 P PPLA RU 90 31596 175 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-06
+ 16027 540030 Kubinka Kubinka 55.5838889 36.69 P PPL RU 47 25942 180 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16028 540103 Kstovo Kstovo 56.1697222 44.1830556 P PPL RU 51 67242 103 Europe/Moscow 2006-12-04
+ 16029 540251 Krymsk Krymsk 44.9233333 37.9805556 P PPL RU 38 57555 33 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16030 540761 Kropotkin Kropotkin 45.4375 40.5755556 P PPL RU 38 79599 77 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16031 540771 Kronshtadt Kronshtadt 59.9936111 29.7736111 P PPL RU 66 42987 3 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16032 541404 Krasnyy Sulin Krasnyy Sulin 47.8913889 40.0758333 P PPL RU 61 44133 140 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16033 542000 Krasnoye Selo Krasnoye Selo 59.7383333 30.0894444 P PPLX RU 66 43134 77 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16034 542184 Krasnovishersk Krasnovishersk 60.4027778 57.0813889 P PPL RU 90 18185 132 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16035 542199 Krasnoufimsk Krasnoufimsk 56.6047222 57.7558333 P PPL RU 71 43121 212 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16036 542327 Krasnokamsk Krasnokamsk 58.0713889 55.7452778 P PPL RU 90 52689 116 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16037 542334 Krasnogvardeyskoye Krasnogvardeyskoye 45.8455556 41.5186111 P PPL RU 70 16169 49 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16038 542374 Krasnogorsk Krasnogorsk 55.8225 37.3180556 P PPL RU 47 92932 160 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16039 542420 Krasnodar Krasnodar 45.0327778 38.9769444 P PPLA RU 38 649851 36 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16040 542461 Krasnoarmeyskaya Krasnoarmeyskaya 45.3586111 38.2133333 P PPL RU 38 29009 11 Europe/Moscow 2007-05-11
+ 16041 542463 Krasnoarmeysk Krasnoarmeysk 56.1 38.1333333 P PPL RU 47 25688 162 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16042 542464 Krasnoarmeysk Krasnoarmeysk 51.0238889 45.6969444 P PPL RU 67 25841 211 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16043 543018 Koz'modem'yansk Koz'modem'yansk 56.3366667 46.5711111 P PPL RU RU 45 22700 78 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16044 543348 Kozel’sk Kozel'sk 54.0369444 35.775 P PPL RU 25 19500 150 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16045 543436 Kovylkino Kovylkino 54.0354861 43.9209372 P PPL RU 46 21400 149 Europe/Moscow 2008-10-09
+ 16046 543460 Kovrov Kovrov 56.3572222 41.3191667 P PPL RU 83 154224 143 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16047 543508 Kovdor Kovdor 67.5597222 30.4666667 P PPL RU 49 19518 236 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16048 543605 Kotovsk Kotovsk 52.5886111 41.5094444 P PPL RU 72 33077 151 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16049 543633 Kotovo Kotovo 50.3 44.8166667 P PPL RU 84 26981 128 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16050 543704 Kotlas Kotlas 61.2611111 46.6555556 P PPL RU 06 59180 76 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 16051 543728 Kotel'nikovo Kotel'nikovo 47.6316667 43.1461111 P PPL RU RU 84 19622 49 Europe/Volgograd 2008-12-28
+ 16052 543731 Kotel’niki Kotel'niki 55.6508333 37.8644444 P PPL RU 47 18300 140 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16053 543878 Kostroma Kostroma 57.7708333 40.9344444 P PPLA RU 37 277656 112 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16054 543899 Kostomuksha Kostomuksha 64.5710047622041 30.5766677856445 P PPL RU 28 30135 212 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16055 544370 Koryazhma Koryazhma 61.3133333 47.1286111 P PPL RU 06 42627 83 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16056 544896 Korenovsk Korenovsk 45.4686111 39.4519444 P PPL RU 38 41665 28 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16057 545277 Konstantinovsk Konstantinovsk 47.5827778 41.0922222 P PPL RU 61 18876 57 Europe/Moscow 2008-09-11
+ 16058 545575 Kondrovo Kondrovo 54.8036111 35.9305556 P PPL RU 25 17151 140 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16059 545626 Kondopoga Kondopoga 62.2 34.2833333 P PPL RU 28 34360 60 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16060 545673 Konakovo Konakovo 56.7 36.7666667 P PPL RU 77 42239 137 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16061 545788 Kommunar Kommunar 59.6205556 30.39 P PPL RU 42 17358 60 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16062 546105 Kolpino Kolpino 59.7506880710518 30.5885553359985 P PPL RU 66 136076 5 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16063 546230 Kolomna Kolomna 55.0794444 38.7783333 P PPL RU 47 147690 144 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16064 546521 Kol'chugino Kol'chugino 56.3 39.3833333 P PPL RU RU 83 45912 168 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16065 546672 Kokhma Kokhma 56.9311111 41.0888889 P PPL RU 21 28984 109 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16066 547475 Klintsy Klintsy 52.7630556 32.2344444 P PPL RU 10 66336 176 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 16067 547523 Klin Klin 56.3333333 36.7333333 P PPL RU 47 80778 168 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 16068 547560 Klimovsk Klimovsk 55.3647222 37.525 P PPL RU 47 55206 186 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16069 547840 Kizlyar Kizlyar 43.8469444 46.715 P PPL RU 17 50564 1 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 16070 547875 Kizel Kizel 59.0563889 57.6425 P PPL RU 90 21807 257 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16071 548114 Kislovodsk Kislovodsk 43.9147222 42.7225 P PPL RU 70 132771 840 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16072 548278 Kirzhach Kirzhach 56.15 38.8666667 P PPL RU 83 30566 145 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-21
+ 16073 548330 Kirsanov Kirsanov 52.6561111 42.7138889 P PPL RU 72 17975 157 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16074 548391 Kirovsk Kirovsk 67.6144444 33.6719444 P PPL RU 49 29605 387 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16075 548392 Kirovsk Kirovsk 59.8772222 30.9897222 P PPL RU 42 24678 13 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16076 548395 Kirovo-Chepetsk Kirovo-Chepetsk 58.5491667 50.0455556 P PPL RU 33 90252 127 Europe/Volgograd 2006-11-15
+ 16077 548408 Kirov Kirov 58.5969444 49.6583333 P PPLA RU 33 457383 179 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 16078 548410 Kirov Kirov 54.0747222 34.2975 P PPL RU 25 39319 213 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16079 548442 Kirishi Kirishi 59.45 32.0211111 P PPL RU 42 56190 29 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16080 548506 Kireyevsk Kireyevsk 53.9352778 37.9230556 P PPL RU 76 25513 228 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16081 548602 Kingisepp Kingisepp 59.3666667 28.6 P PPL RU 42 50566 27 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 16082 548605 Kineshma Kineshma 57.4516667 42.1163889 P PPL RU 21 92983 123 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-20
+ 16083 548622 Kinel'-Cherkassy Kinel'-Cherkassy 53.4666667 51.5 P PPL RU 65 18393 71 Europe/Samara 2006-01-17
+ 16084 548625 Kinel' Kinel' 53.2333333 50.65 P PPL RU 65 34336 43 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 16085 548652 Kimry Kimry 56.8666667 37.35 P PPL RU 77 52070 98 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16086 548658 Kimovsk Kimovsk 53.9730556 38.5336111 P PPL RU 76 31947 218 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16087 549373 Khot'kovo Khot'kovo 56.2569877668015 37.9954433441162 P PPL RU 47 20872 202 Europe/Moscow 2008-05-07
+ 16088 549424 Khosta Khosta 43.5147222 39.8688889 P PPL RU 38 20000 151 Europe/Moscow 2008-12-22
+ 16089 549741 Kholmskiy Kholmskiy 44.8469444 38.385 P PPL RU 38 17494 53 Europe/Moscow 2007-05-11
+ 16090 550280 Khimki Khimki 55.9016667 37.4375 P PPL RU 48 142618 193 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 16091 550478 Khasavyurt Khasavyurt 43.25 46.5880556 P PPL RU RU 17 Gorod Khasavyurt 126829 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16092 550671 Kharabali Kharabali 47.405 47.2555556 P PPL RU 07 18223 -8 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 16093 550846 Khadyzhensk Khadyzhensk 44.4255556 39.5319444 P PPL RU 38 21685 117 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16094 551487 Kazan' Kazan' 55.75 49.1333333 P PPLA RU 73 1104738 66 Europe/Moscow 2008-04-18
+ 16095 551794 Katav-Ivanovsk Katav-Ivanovsk 54.7530556 58.1955556 P PPL RU 13 19339 439 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16096 551847 Kaspiysk Kaspiysk 42.8802778 47.6383333 P PPL RU 17 81752 -19 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 16097 551891 Kasimov Kasimov 54.9411111 41.3952778 P PPL RU 62 35355 142 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16098 551964 Kashira Kashira 54.8444444 38.1669444 P PPL RU 47 40084 163 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16099 551986 Kashin Kashin 57.3591667 37.6080556 P PPL RU 77 16598 132 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16100 552920 Karachev Karachev 53.1230556 34.9875 P PPL RU 10 19757 214 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16101 552924 Karachayevsk Karachayevsk 43.7730556 41.9169444 P PPL RU RU 27 20264 1085 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16102 552951 Karabulak Karabulak 43.3036111 44.8963889 P PPL RU 19 34511 417 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16103 552977 Karabanovo Karabanovo 56.3166667 38.7 P PPL RU 83 15615 175 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16104 553092 Kantyshevo Kantyshevo 43.2263889 44.6380556 P PPL RU CI 17363 536 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16105 553152 Kanevskaya Kanevskaya 46.1005556 38.8975 P PPL RU 38 45334 28 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16106 553190 Kandalaksha Kandalaksha 67.1572222 32.4119444 P PPL RU 49 38431 29 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16107 553216 Kanash Kanash 55.5086111 47.4955556 P PPL RU 16 49886 198 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16108 553248 Kamyzyak Kamyzyak 46.1133333 48.0719444 P PPL RU 07 16191 -13 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 16109 553287 Kamyshin Kamyshin 50.1 45.4 P PPL RU 84 128626 78 Europe/Volgograd 2006-11-15
+ 16110 553399 Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy 48.3205556 40.2611111 P PPL RU 61 75814 68 Europe/Moscow 2008-09-11
+ 16111 553915 Kaluga Kaluga 54.5358333 36.2705556 P PPLA RU 25 338978 214 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16112 554199 Kalininsk Kalininsk 51.4977778 44.4705556 P PPL RU 67 18685 152 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16113 554233 Korolëv Korolev 55.9197222 37.8280556 P PPL RU 47 139798 159 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16114 554234 Kaliningrad Kaliningrad 54.71 20.5 P PPLA RU 23 434954 15 Europe/Kaliningrad 2009-03-15
+ 16115 554397 Kalach-na-Donu Kalach-na-Donu 48.6827778 43.5375 P PPL RU 84 27522 39 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16116 554410 Kalach Kalach 50.4286111 41.0147222 P PPL RU RU 86 20449 87 Europe/Moscow 2008-12-12
+ 16117 554599 Kachkanar Kachkanar 58.6994444 59.49 P PPL RU 71 43983 319 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16118 554840 Izhevsk Izhevsk 56.85 53.2333333 P PPLA RU 80 631038 133 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 16119 554894 Izberbash Izberbash 42.5633333 47.8636111 P PPL RU 17 42121 -2 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16120 555111 Ivanteyevka Ivanteyevka 55.9722222 37.9305556 P PPL RU 47 51085 160 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16121 555312 Ivanovo Ivanovo 56.9941667 40.9858333 P PPLA RU 21 420839 119 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 16122 555746 Istra Istra 55.9177778 36.8641667 P PPL RU 47 33390 172 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16123 555980 Ishimbay Ishimbay 53.4555556 56.0358333 P PPL RU 08 70421 166 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-18
+ 16124 556230 Ipatovo Ipatovo 45.7180556 42.9036111 P PPL RU 70 29073 105 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16125 556283 Inza Inza 53.8533333 46.3586111 P PPL RU 81 19737 152 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16126 556951 Il'skiy Il'skiy 44.8436111 38.575 P PPL RU RU 38 22970 72 Europe/Moscow 2009-05-05
+ 16127 557469 Igra Igra 57.5558333 53.0547222 P PPL RU 80 22033 151 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 16128 557710 Gvardeysk Gvardeysk 54.6502778 21.0686111 P PPL RU 23 15098 21 Europe/Kaliningrad 2008-11-23
+ 16129 557775 Gus'-Khrustal'nyy Gus'-Khrustal'nyy 55.6166667 40.6666667 P PPL RU RU 83 62746 135 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16130 557882 Gusev Gusev 54.5922222 22.1997222 P PPL RU 23 28690 53 Europe/Kaliningrad 2008-11-23
+ 16131 558082 Gukovo Gukovo 48.0591667 39.9361111 P PPL RU 61 66079 255 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16132 558118 Gudermes Gudermes 43.3569444 46.1052778 P PPL RU CI 32769 56 Europe/Moscow 2007-01-29
+ 16133 558146 Gubkin Gubkin 51.2816667 37.5458333 P PPL RU RU 09 87000 162 Europe/Moscow 2009-02-05
+ 16134 558209 Gubakha Gubakha 58.8705556 57.5933333 P PPL RU 90 31424 194 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-01-02
+ 16135 558236 Gryazovets Gryazovets 58.88 40.2525 P PPL RU 85 16133 181 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16136 558312 Gryazi Gryazi 52.4916667 39.9436111 P PPL RU 43 47413 114 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16137 558418 Groznyy Groznyy 43.3083333 45.7002778 P PPLA RU RU CI 226100 131 Europe/Moscow 2008-07-10
+ 16138 558799 Gribanovskiy Gribanovskiy 51.4616667 41.9702778 P PPL RU 86 17220 160 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16139 559317 Goryachiy Klyuch Goryachiy Klyuch 44.6308333 39.13 P PPL RU 38 28078 83 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16140 559320 Goryachevodskiy Goryachevodskiy 44.0236111 43.0922222 P PPL RU 70 35075 506 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16141 559654 Gorodishche Gorodishche 48.8069444 44.5133333 P PPL RU 84 19509 62 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16142 559678 Gorodets Gorodets 56.6513889 43.475 P PPL RU 51 31788 124 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16143 560756 Golitsyno Golitsyno 55.6122222 36.9833333 P PPL RU 47 16056 186 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16144 561347 Glazov Glazov 58.135 52.6558333 P PPL RU 80 100676 151 Europe/Samara 2007-02-17
+ 16145 561515 Giaginskaya Giaginskaya 44.8686111 40.0669444 P PPL RU 01 15169 132 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16146 561627 Georgiyevsk Georgiyevsk 44.1519444 43.4697222 P PPL RU 70 72649 308 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16147 561667 Gelendzhik Gelendzhik 44.5730556 38.0747222 P PPL RU 38 50715 -9999 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16148 561731 Gay Gay 51.4738889 58.4569444 P PPL RU 55 41619 378 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16149 561762 Gavrilov-Yam Gavrilov-Yam 57.3022222 39.8541667 P PPL RU 88 18618 101 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16150 561887 Gatchina Gatchina 59.5763889 30.1283333 P PPL RU 42 89761 87 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-05
+ 16151 562161 Galich Galich 58.3797222 42.3475 P PPL RU 37 18594 134 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16152 562237 Gagarin Gagarin 55.5458333 34.9966667 P PPL RU 69 28879 176 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-19
+ 16153 562309 Furmanov Furmanov 57.2508333 41.1058333 P PPL RU 21 38380 130 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16154 562319 Fryazino Fryazino 55.9605556 38.0455556 P PPL RU 47 52255 171 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16155 562389 Frolovo Frolovo 49.7730556 43.6516667 P PPL RU 84 40882 125 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16156 563379 Ezhva Ezhva 61.8061111 50.7375 P PPL RU RU 34 56000 131 Europe/Moscow 2009-10-08
+ 16157 563464 Engel's Engel's 51.5 46.1166667 P PPL RU 67 196011 20 Europe/Volgograd 2009-03-06
+ 16158 563472 Enem Enem 44.9319444 38.9025 P PPL RU 01 17665 36 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16159 563514 Elista Elista 46.3077778 44.2558333 P PPLA RU 24 106971 109 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16160 563522 Elektrougli Elektrougli 55.7172222 38.2077778 P PPL RU 47 20000 153 Europe/Moscow 2008-08-07
+ 16161 563523 Elektrostal' Elektrostal' 55.7919444 38.4422222 P PPL RU 47 144387 166 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 16162 563524 Elektrogorsk Elektrogorsk 55.8794444 38.7919444 P PPL RU 47 20724 134 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16163 563551 Ekazhevo Ekazhevo 43.2122222 44.8230556 P PPL RU CI 25549 558 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16164 563705 Dzerzhinskiy Dzerzhinskiy 55.6286111 37.8469444 P PPL RU 47 41146 164 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16165 563708 Dzerzhinsk Dzerzhinsk 56.2388889 43.4630556 P PPL RU 51 256537 95 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16166 563719 Dyurtyuli Dyurtyuli 55.4877778 54.8694444 P PPL RU 08 31087 81 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16167 563822 Dyat’kovo Dyat'kovo 53.6 34.3388889 P PPL RU 10 33200 203 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16168 564654 Dubovka Dubovka 49.0588889 44.8236111 P PPL RU 84 15217 81 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-30
+ 16169 564719 Dubna Dubna 56.7333333 37.1666667 P PPL RU 47 60604 117 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16170 565289 Donskoye Donskoye 45.4283333 41.9780556 P PPL RU 70 15469 138 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16171 565290 Donskoy Donskoy 53.9658333 38.3247222 P PPL RU 76 31968 209 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16172 565348 Donetsk Donetsk 48.3402778 39.9558333 P PPL RU RU 61 50850 87 Europe/Moscow 2009-02-01
+ 16173 565381 Domodedovo Domodedovo 55.4422222 37.7583333 P PPL RU 47 53887 167 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16174 565614 Dolgoprudnyy Dolgoprudnyy 55.9372222 37.5152778 P PPL RU 47 68259 197 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16175 565778 Dobryanka Dobryanka 58.4608333 56.4122222 P PPL RU 90 36972 115 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16176 565955 Dmitrov Dmitrov 56.35 37.5166667 P PPL RU 47 61607 157 Europe/Moscow 2006-08-09
+ 16177 566155 Divnoye Divnoye 45.9088889 43.3547222 P PPL RU 70 15700 60 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16178 566181 Dinskaya Dinskaya 45.215 39.2313889 P PPL RU 38 34573 45 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16179 566199 Dimitrovgrad Dimitrovgrad 54.2138610006449 49.6183776855469 P PPL RU 81 132226 75 Europe/Volgograd 2009-03-06
+ 16180 566384 Desnogorsk Desnogorsk 54.15 33.2833333 P PPL RU 69 32451 206 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16181 566532 Derbent Derbent 42.0558333 48.2902778 P PPL RU 17 105965 -7 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16182 566854 Dedovsk Dedovsk 55.8613889 37.1255556 P PPL RU 47 27001 183 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16183 567006 Davlekanovo Davlekanovo 54.2166667 55.05 P PPL RU 08 23952 117 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16184 567109 Dankov Dankov 53.2516667 39.1477778 P PPL RU 43 22913 147 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16185 567183 Danilov Danilov 58.1852778 40.1788889 P PPL RU 88 16808 151 Europe/Moscow 2006-08-28
+ 16186 567290 Dagestanskiye Ogni Dagestanskiye Ogni 42.1133333 48.1891667 P PPL RU 17 27835 31 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16187 567434 Chusovoy Chusovoy 58.2947222 57.8227778 P PPL RU 90 50205 146 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16188 567774 Chudovo Chudovo 59.1166667 31.6833333 P PPL RU 52 17377 12 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16189 567990 Chistopol' Chistopol' 55.3647222 50.6422222 P PPL RU 73 Chistopol'skiy Rayon 62200 112 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16190 568012 Chishmy Chishmy 54.5833333 55.3833333 P PPL RU 08 22000 103 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-05
+ 16191 568587 Chernyanka Chernyanka 50.9394444 37.8102778 P PPL RU 09 15261 139 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16192 568595 Chernyakhovsk Chernyakhovsk 54.6316667 21.8108333 P PPL RU 23 45187 45 Europe/Kaliningrad 2008-11-23
+ 16193 568608 Chernushka Chernushka 56.5063889 56.0713889 P PPL RU 90 35942 143 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16194 568808 Chernogolovka Chernogolovka 56.0 38.3666667 P PPL RU 47 20117 155 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16195 569154 Cherkessk Cherkessk 44.2233333 42.0577778 P PPLA RU RU 27 116224 543 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16196 569223 Cherepovets Cherepovets 59.1333333 37.9 P PPL RU 85 311850 138 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16197 569591 Chekhov Chekhov 55.1430556 37.4711111 P PPL RU 47 75643 187 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16198 569639 Chegem Chegem 43.2833333 43.1333333 P PPL RU 22 18429 1912 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16199 569696 Cheboksary Cheboksary 56.1322222 47.2519444 P PPLA RU 16 446781 140 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 16200 569742 Chaykovskiy Chaykovskiy 56.7833333 54.15 P PPL RU 90 86712 84 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16201 569955 Chapayevsk Chapayevsk 52.9780556 49.7197222 P PPL RU 65 70147 50 Europe/Samara 2008-11-30
+ 16202 570427 Buzuluk Buzuluk 52.7833333 52.25 P PPL RU 55 87714 75 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 16203 570479 Buynaksk Buynaksk 42.8255556 47.1227778 P PPL RU 17 62689 448 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 16204 570508 Buy Buy 58.4786111 41.53 P PPL RU 37 26486 107 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16205 570563 Buturlinovka Buturlinovka 50.8238889 40.6091667 P PPL RU 86 28581 121 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16206 571155 Buinsk Buinsk 54.95 48.2833333 P PPL RU 73 20266 85 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16207 571159 Buguruslan Buguruslan 53.65 52.4333333 P PPL RU 55 53511 72 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-19
+ 16208 571170 Bugul'ma Bugul'ma 54.55 52.8 P PPL RU RU 73 Bugul'minskiy Rayon 91900 321 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16209 571306 Budënnovsk Budennovsk 44.7838889 44.1658333 P PPL RU 70 67962 119 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16210 571420 Bryukhovetskaya Bryukhovetskaya 45.8044444 39.0013889 P PPL RU 38 22309 11 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16211 571476 Bryansk Bryansk 53.2875 34.3805556 P PPLA RU 10 427236 151 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16212 571557 Bronnitsy Bronnitsy 55.4194444 38.2708333 P PPL RU 47 18645 126 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16213 572154 Borovichi Borovichi 58.4 33.9166667 P PPL RU 52 56571 78 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16214 572525 Borisoglebsk Borisoglebsk 51.3686111 42.0905556 P PPL RU 86 68597 100 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-18
+ 16215 572665 Bor Bor 56.3566667 44.0669444 P PPL RU 51 60647 83 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-19
+ 16216 575349 Bologoye Bologoye 57.8783333 34.0780556 P PPL RU 77 25142 160 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16217 575410 Boksitogorsk Boksitogorsk 59.4752778 33.8508333 P PPL RU 42 17366 109 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16218 575457 Boguchar Boguchar 49.9355556 40.5577778 P PPL RU 86 15048 77 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16219 575560 Bogorodsk Bogorodsk 56.1033333 43.5158333 P PPL RU 51 36652 140 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16220 575591 Bogoroditsk Bogoroditsk 53.7727778 38.1216667 P PPL RU 76 30216 217 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16221 575948 Bobrov Bobrov 51.0961111 40.0333333 P PPL RU 86 20587 145 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16222 576116 Blagoveshchensk Blagoveshchensk 55.035 55.9780556 P PPL RU 08 34238 118 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16223 576172 Blagodarnyy Blagodarnyy 45.0977778 43.4363889 P PPL RU 70 35995 152 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16224 576317 Birsk Birsk 55.4211111 55.5427778 P PPL RU 08 41014 137 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16225 576566 Bezhetsk Bezhetsk 57.77 36.69 P PPL RU 77 28114 116 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16226 576590 Bezenchuk Bezenchuk 52.98 49.42 P PPL RU 65 23736 44 Europe/Samara 2007-05-11
+ 16227 576697 Beslan Beslan 43.1919028 44.5387853 P PPL RU 68 35604 488 Europe/Moscow 2008-07-18
+ 16228 577206 Berezniki Berezniki 59.4 56.79 P PPL RU 90 167748 141 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16229 577881 Beloretsk Beloretsk 53.96 58.39 P PPL RU 08 70468 481 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16230 577893 Belorechensk Belorechensk 44.76 39.87 P PPL RU 38 54526 135 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16231 577901 Beloozërskiy Beloozerskiy 55.45 38.43 P PPL RU 47 18007 109 Europe/Moscow 2009-10-01
+ 16232 578072 Belgorod Belgorod 50.61 36.58 P PPLA RU 09 345289 189 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-06
+ 16233 578091 Belëv Belev 53.81 36.13 P PPL RU 76 15300 193 Europe/Moscow 2009-05-02
+ 16234 578120 Belebey Belebey 54.11 54.11 P PPL RU 08 62582 294 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16235 578155 Belaya Kalitva Belaya Kalitva 48.17 40.78 P PPL RU 61 47521 38 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16236 578169 Belaya Glina Belaya Glina 46.07 40.86 P PPL RU 38 17997 88 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16237 578534 Baymak Baymak 52.59 58.32 P PPL RU 08 17493 489 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16238 578638 Bavly Bavly 54.38 53.28 P PPL RU 73 Bavlinskiy Rayon 22982 186 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16239 578740 Bataysk Bataysk 47.13 39.74 P PPL RU 61 109962 9 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16240 578931 Barysh Barysh 53.64 47.12 P PPL RU 81 18547 221 Europe/Volgograd 2007-03-19
+ 16241 579432 Balezino Balezino 57.97 53.0 P PPL RU 80 16618 145 Europe/Samara 2007-03-19
+ 16242 579460 Balashov Balashov 51.54 43.17 P PPL RU 67 98107 164 Europe/Volgograd 2007-03-19
+ 16243 579464 Balashikha Balashikha 55.8 37.94 P PPL RU 47 150103 145 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 16244 579492 Balakovo Balakovo 52.0246617 47.7941067 P PPL RU 67 199572 23 Europe/Volgograd 2008-02-09
+ 16245 579514 Balakhna Balakhna 56.4905556 43.5919444 P PPL RU 51 63083 84 Europe/Moscow 2006-11-15
+ 16246 579529 Balabanovo Balabanovo 55.17 36.65 P PPL RU 25 24232 164 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16247 579574 Baksan Baksan 43.6852778 43.5363889 P PPL RU 22 37519 453 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16248 579738 Bakal Bakal 54.94 58.8 P PPL RU 13 21762 661 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16249 579771 Bagayevskaya Bagayevskaya 47.32 40.38 P PPL RU 61 15300 21 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-09
+ 16250 580054 Azov Azov 47.11 39.41 P PPL RU 61 82133 43 Europe/Moscow 2009-03-05
+ 16251 580218 Avtury Avtury 43.16 46.0 P PPL RU CI Shalinskiy Rayon 18370 238 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16252 580420 Atkarsk Atkarsk 51.87 45.0 P PPL RU 67 27554 175 Europe/Volgograd 2007-03-19
+ 16253 580497 Astrakhan’ Astrakhan' 46.34 48.04 P PPLA RU 07 502533 -13 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 16254 580660 Asha Asha 55.0 57.26 P PPL RU 13 33006 132 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16255 580716 Arzgir Arzgir 45.37 44.22 P PPL RU 70 15838 88 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16256 580724 Arzamas Arzamas 55.38 43.82 P PPL RU 51 109479 126 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16257 580850 Arsk Arsk 56.08 49.87 P PPL RU 73 Arskiy Rayon 17243 96 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16258 580922 Armavir Armavir 44.98 41.12 P PPL RU 38 199548 213 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16259 581049 Arkhangel’sk Arkhangel'sk 64.54 40.54 P PPLA RU 356051 7 Europe/Moscow 2008-10-21
+ 16260 581126 Argun Argun 43.29 45.87 P PPL RU CI 28100 124 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16261 581179 Ardon Ardon 43.17 44.29 P PPL RU 68 18313 423 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16262 581313 Apsheronsk Apsheronsk 44.46 39.73 P PPL RU 38 40451 203 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16263 581321 Aprelevka Aprelevka 55.53 37.06 P PPL RU 47 17780 170 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16264 581357 Apatity Apatity 67.56 33.39 P PPL RU 49 61186 169 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16265 581671 Anna Anna 51.48 40.42 P PPL RU 86 19148 159 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16266 582182 Anapa Anapa 44.89 37.32 P PPL RU 38 53600 27 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16267 582432 Al’met’yevsk Al'met'yevsk 54.88 52.33 P PPL RU 73 Al’met’yevskiy Rayon 140437 154 Europe/Moscow 2008-04-16
+ 16268 582750 Aleksin Aleksin 54.51 37.08 P PPL RU 76 66885 108 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16269 582956 Alekseyevka Alekseyevka 50.63 38.7 P PPL RU 09 39848 107 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16270 582993 Aleksandrovskoye Aleksandrovskoye 44.71 43.0 P PPL RU 70 28006 295 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16271 583041 Aleksandrovsk Aleksandrovsk 59.15 57.56 P PPL RU 90 15486 148 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16272 583350 Aleksandrov Aleksandrov 56.4 38.71 P PPL RU 83 64088 191 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-30
+ 16273 583437 Alatyr’ Alatyr' 54.85 46.6 P PPL RU 16 42156 87 Europe/Moscow 2009-02-13
+ 16274 583673 Aksay Aksay 47.26 39.87 P PPL RU 61 38871 90 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16275 583785 Akhtyrskiy Akhtyrskiy 44.84 38.29 P PPL RU 38 19468 52 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16276 583798 Akhtubinsk Akhtubinsk 48.27 46.17 P PPL RU 07 44551 -10 Europe/Volgograd 2007-03-19
+ 16277 583983 Agryz Agryz 56.5192112 52.9964237 P PPL RU 73 18601 101 Europe/Moscow 2008-02-09
+ 16278 584126 Afipskiy Afipskiy 44.9 38.84 P PPL RU 38 18209 32 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16279 584243 Adler Adler 43.43 39.92 P PPL RU 38 70200 11 Europe/Moscow 2008-04-08
+ 16280 584298 Achkhoy-Martan Achkhoy-Martan 43.19 45.28 P PPL RU CI 16779 254 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16281 584441 Abinsk Abinsk 44.86 38.16 P PPL RU 38 34668 36 Europe/Moscow 2009-04-21
+ 16282 584471 Abdulino Abdulino 53.7 53.66 P PPL RU 55 21195 224 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16283 611182 Vasil'yevo Vasil'yevo 55.8330556 48.6572222 P PPL RU RU 73 Zelenodol'skiy Rayon 16800 66 Europe/Moscow 2009-05-16
+ 16284 695019 Ryl'sk Ryl'sk 51.5663889 34.6775 P PPL RU 41 17007 164 Europe/Moscow 2009-04-25
+ 16285 802078 Alagir Alagir 43.042222 44.222222 P PPLA RU 68 19665 610 Europe/Moscow 2009-04-06
+ 16286 802714 Persianovka Persianovka 47.5297222 39.4183333 P PPL RU 61 15730 44 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16287 823674 Dagomys Dagomys 43.6702778 39.6688889 P PPL RU 38 20000 81 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16288 827329 Pavlovo Pavlovo 55.9575 43.0747222 P PPL RU 51 63338 90 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16289 828055 Belidzhi Belidzhi 41.89 48.41 P PPL RU 17 16078 -1 Europe/Moscow 2007-03-19
+ 16290 829005 Lesnoy Lesnoy 58.6477778 59.7975 P PPL RU 71 23834 203 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-01-17
+ 16291 830844 Trëkhgornyy Trekhgornyy 54.815 58.4591667 P PPL RU RU 13 34500 397 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-09
+ 16292 831129 Mirnyy Mirnyy 62.7611111 40.3397222 P PPL RU 06 28000 114 Europe/Moscow 2009-02-24
+ 16293 831130 Znamensk Znamensk 48.5833333 45.75 P PPL RU 07 31922 14 Europe/Volgograd 2008-11-29
+ 16294 831165 Zarechnyy Zarechnyy 53.1333333 46.5833333 P PPL RU 57 62139 233 Europe/Moscow 2006-01-17
+ 16295 841006 Kochubeyevskoye Kochubeyevskoye 44.6441667 41.8452778 P PPL RU 70 28491 355 Europe/Moscow 2006-01-17
+ 16296 857689 Vnukovo Vnukovo 55.6119444 37.2961111 P PPL RU 47 20000 183 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16297 857690 Moskovskiy Moskovskiy 55.6030556 37.3516667 P PPL RU 47 15435 183 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16298 863061 Usinsk Usinsk 65.9938889 57.5280556 P PPL RU 34 44078 78 Europe/Moscow 2008-11-29
+ 16299 874045 Staryy Malgobek Staryy Malgobek 43.5441667 44.5894444 P PPL RU CI 46334 610 Europe/Moscow 2006-01-17
+ 16300 1485357 Zavodoukovsk Zavodoukovsk 56.5080556 66.5419444 P PPL RU 78 25682 78 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16301 1485439 Zarinsk Zarinsk 53.7275 84.93 P PPL RU 04 52209 170 Asia/Omsk 2008-09-11
+ 16302 1485445 Zarechnyy Zarechnyy 56.8133333 61.3333333 P PPL RU 71 27758 234 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16303 1485627 Yuzhnyy Yuzhnyy 53.2541667 83.6936111 P PPL RU 04 19515 218 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16304 1485634 Yuzhnoural'sk Yuzhnoural'sk 54.4438889 61.2563889 P PPL RU RU 13 39200 246 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16305 1485724 Yurga Yurga 55.7230556 84.8861111 P PPL RU 29 84220 175 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2006-11-15
+ 16306 1485997 Yeniseysk Yeniseysk 58.4497222 92.1702778 P PPL RU 39 19920 87 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-02-17
+ 16307 1486039 Yemanzhelinsk Yemanzhelinsk 54.7547222 61.3208333 P PPL RU 13 29849 248 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-05-11
+ 16308 1486209 Yekaterinburg Yekaterinburg 56.8575 60.6125 P PPL RU 71 1287573 278 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-04-09
+ 16309 1486298 Yashkino Yashkino 55.8766667 85.4275 P PPL RU 29 15197 255 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2006-01-17
+ 16310 1486340 Yarovoy Yarovoy 52.9 78.5833333 P PPL RU 04 21195 78 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16311 1486468 Yalutorovsk Yalutorovsk 56.6666667 66.3 P PPL RU 78 35892 59 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16312 1486910 Vorkuta Vorkuta 67.5 64.0 P PPL RU 34 80039 170 Europe/Moscow 2007-02-17
+ 16313 1487277 Verkhnyaya Salda Verkhnyaya Salda 58.0455556 60.5533333 P PPL RU 71 48992 188 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16314 1487281 Verkhnyaya Pyshma Verkhnyaya Pyshma 56.9666667 60.5808333 P PPL RU 71 59061 272 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-05-11
+ 16315 1487394 Verkhniy Ufaley Verkhniy Ufaley 56.0566667 60.2305556 P PPL RU 13 33245 360 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16316 1487882 Uzhur Uzhur 55.3036111 89.8338889 P PPL RU 39 15637 374 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16317 1488253 Zelenogorsk Zelenogorsk 56.1147222 94.5861111 P PPL RU 39 71354 187 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2009-03-07
+ 16318 1488429 Uray Uray 60.1247222 64.7758333 P PPL RU 32 39878 55 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-04-18
+ 16319 1488754 Tyumen' Tyumen' 57.1522222 65.5272222 P PPLA RU 78 519119 80 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16320 1488933 Turinsk Turinsk 58.0452778 63.6975 P PPL RU 71 18555 94 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16321 1489246 Troitsk Troitsk 54.0958333 61.5727778 P PPL RU 13 82338 160 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16322 1489425 Tomsk Tomsk 56.5 84.9666667 P PPLA RU 75 485519 115 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-05-31
+ 16323 1489508 Toguchin Toguchin 55.2352778 84.3858333 P PPL RU 53 21886 135 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16324 1489530 Tobol'sk Tobol'sk 58.2 68.2666667 P PPL RU 78 113800 99 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16325 1489870 Tayshet Tayshet 55.9269444 97.9933333 P PPL RU 20 37766 327 Asia/Irkutsk 2006-11-16
+ 16326 1489907 Tayga Tayga 56.06 85.6197222 P PPL RU 29 24328 249 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16327 1489962 Tavda Tavda 58.05 65.2616667 P PPL RU 71 39480 73 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16328 1490003 Tatarsk Tatarsk 55.2166667 75.9666667 P PPL RU 53 25150 95 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16329 1490042 Tashtagol Tashtagol 52.7833333 87.8833333 P PPL RU 29 22779 551 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16330 1490085 Tarko-Sale Tarko-Sale 64.9225 77.785 P PPL RU 87 18568 25 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16331 1490140 Tara Tara 56.9 74.3666667 P PPL RU 54 26986 71 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16332 1490256 Talnakh Talnakh 69.4994444 88.3722222 P PPL RU 39 59051 64 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16333 1490281 Talitsa Talitsa 57.01 63.7269444 P PPL RU 71 18602 87 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16334 1490402 Sysert' Sysert' 56.4952778 60.8191667 P PPL RU 71 21942 216 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16335 1490551 Suzun Suzun 53.7836111 82.3119444 P PPL RU 53 15365 143 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16336 1490624 Surgut Surgut 61.25 73.4166667 P PPL RU 32 300367 37 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-17
+ 16337 1490686 Sukhoy Log Sukhoy Log 56.9144444 62.0263889 P PPL RU 71 36329 166 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-09-11
+ 16338 1490796 Strezhevoy Strezhevoy 60.7283333 77.5927778 P PPL RU 75 44784 42 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-30
+ 16339 1491230 Sovetskiy Sovetskiy 61.3613889 63.5841667 P PPL RU 32 23685 111 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16340 1491291 Sosnovoborsk Sosnovoborsk 56.1325 93.3588889 P PPL RU 39 31632 172 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16341 1491706 Slavgorod Slavgorod 53.0 78.6666667 P PPL RU 04 34141 115 Asia/Omsk 2006-08-09
+ 16342 1491953 Shushenskoye Shushenskoye 53.325 91.9355556 P PPL RU 39 18770 278 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16343 1491999 Shumikha Shumikha 55.2261111 63.2961111 P PPL RU 40 18499 185 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16344 1492401 Sharypovo Sharypovo 55.5402778 89.2008333 P PPL RU 39 42773 310 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16345 1492517 Shadrinsk Shadrinsk 56.0825 63.6436111 P PPL RU 40 79479 83 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16346 1492663 Serov Serov 59.6055556 60.5741667 P PPL RU 71 98438 130 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16347 1492893 Sayanogorsk Sayanogorsk 53.0875 91.3997222 P PPL RU 31 49939 323 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16348 1493197 Salekhard Salekhard 66.53 66.6019444 P PPLA RU 87 38025 26 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-28
+ 16349 1493467 Rubtsovsk Rubtsovsk 51.5 81.25 P PPL RU 04 161065 203 Asia/Omsk 2006-08-09
+ 16350 1493648 Rezh Rezh 57.3688889 61.4030556 P PPL RU 71 39216 177 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16351 1493687 Reftinskiy Reftinskiy 57.0925 61.6808333 P PPL RU 71 17673 172 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16352 1494091 Promyshlennaya Promyshlennaya 54.9161111 85.6425 P PPL RU 29 17216 164 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16353 1494114 Prokop'yevsk Prokop'yevsk 53.8833333 86.75 P PPL RU RU 29 219000 280 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16354 1494276 Poykovskiy Poykovskiy 61.2333333 73.3333333 P PPL RU 32 28080 23 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16355 1494456 Polysayevo Polysayevo 54.6013889 86.2486111 P PPL RU 29 28026 210 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16356 1494573 Polevskoy Polevskoy 56.4422222 60.1877778 P PPL RU 71 65770 350 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16357 1494907 Plast Plast 54.3694444 60.8125 P PPL RU 13 17050 300 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16358 1495974 Osinniki Osinniki 53.6166667 87.35 P PPL RU 29 48919 308 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16359 1496153 Omsk Omsk 55.0 73.4 P PPLA RU 54 1129281 81 Asia/Omsk 2008-05-29
+ 16360 1496421 Ob’ Ob' 54.9913889 82.7175 P PPL RU 53 24238 93 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16361 1496476 Nyagan' Nyagan' 62.1405556 65.3936111 P PPL RU 32 52137 41 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16362 1496503 Noyabr'sk Noyabr'sk 63.1666667 75.6166667 P PPL RU 87 110000 128 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-10-10
+ 16363 1496511 Novyy Urengoy Novyy Urengoy 66.0833333 76.6333333 P PPL RU 87 94212 45 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-09-11
+ 16364 1496739 Novosilikatnyy Novosilikatnyy 53.3097222 83.6238889 P PPL RU 04 15241 201 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16365 1496747 Novosibirsk Novosibirsk 55.0411111 82.9344444 P PPLA RU 53 1419007 145 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-28
+ 16366 1496990 Novokuznetsk Novokuznetsk 53.75 87.1 P PPL RU 29 539616 250 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2009-01-09
+ 16367 1497173 Novoaltaysk Novoaltaysk 53.3916667 83.9366667 P PPL RU 04 61050 149 Asia/Omsk 2006-11-15
+ 16368 1497337 Noril'sk Noril'sk 69.3405556 88.2205556 P PPL RU RU 39 140800 114 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-04-18
+ 16369 1497393 Nizhnyaya Salda Nizhnyaya Salda 58.0763889 60.7258333 P PPL RU 71 17473 176 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16370 1497543 Nizhnevartovsk Nizhnevartovsk 60.9333333 76.5666667 P PPL RU 32 244937 45 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-17
+ 16371 1497549 Nizhneudinsk Nizhneudinsk 54.9008333 99.0336111 P PPL RU 20 38723 412 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16372 1497795 Nev'yansk Nev'yansk 57.4919444 60.2086111 P PPL RU 71 25900 229 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-01-05
+ 16373 1497917 Nefteyugansk Nefteyugansk 61.0833333 72.7 P PPL RU 32 112632 34 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 16374 1497951 Nazarovo Nazarovo 56.0063889 90.3913889 P PPL RU 39 55252 258 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16375 1498087 Nadym Nadym 65.5333333 72.5166667 P PPL RU 87 46339 7 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-04-18
+ 16376 1498129 Myski Myski 53.7 87.8 P PPL RU 29 44082 285 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16377 1498693 Minusinsk Minusinsk 53.7102778 91.6875 P PPL RU 39 72781 263 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2006-11-15
+ 16378 1498894 Miass Miass 55.045 60.1083333 P PPL RU 13 167500 356 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16379 1498920 Mezhdurechensk Mezhdurechensk 53.6941667 88.0602778 P PPL RU 29 101026 242 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16380 1499053 Megion Megion 61.05 76.1 P PPL RU 32 48691 45 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-18
+ 16381 1499163 Mayma Mayma 52.05 85.9166667 P PPL RU 03 15428 256 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16382 1499350 Mariinsk Mariinsk 56.2138889 87.7472222 P PPL RU 29 43122 144 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16383 1500607 Lesosibirsk Lesosibirsk 58.2358333 92.4827778 P PPL RU 39 65945 103 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2006-11-15
+ 16384 1500665 Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Leninsk-Kuznetskiy 54.6575 86.1616667 P PPL RU 29 109023 232 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16385 1500933 Labytnangi Labytnangi 66.6572222 66.4183333 P PPL RU 87 27067 1 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16386 1500973 Kyzyl Kyzyl 51.7 94.45 P PPLA RU 79 108240 632 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-02-17
+ 16387 1500997 Kyshtym Kyshtym 55.7044444 60.5566667 P PPL RU 13 41625 272 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16388 1501141 Kuybyshev Kuybyshev 55.4502778 78.3163889 P PPL RU 53 48308 98 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16389 1501255 Kurtamysh Kurtamysh 54.9102778 64.4319444 P PPL RU 40 17936 116 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16390 1501321 Kurgan Kurgan 55.45 65.3333333 P PPLA RU 40 343129 72 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16391 1501365 Kupino Kupino 54.3616667 77.2825 P PPL RU 53 16333 124 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16392 1501460 Kulunda Kulunda 52.5833333 78.95 P PPL RU 04 15345 130 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16393 1502026 Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk 56.0097222 92.7916667 P PPLA RU 39 927200 232 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16394 1502061 Krasnotur'insk Krasnotur'insk 59.7733333 60.1852778 P PPL RU RU 71 62600 201 209 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16395 1502091 Krasnoobsk Krasnoobsk 54.9269444 82.9922222 P PPL RU 53 16894 99 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16396 1502536 Korkino Korkino 54.8938889 61.3963889 P PPL RU 13 40046 249 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16397 1502603 Kopeysk Kopeysk 55.1116667 61.6469444 P PPL RU 13 70780 208 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-09-28
+ 16398 1502725 Yugorsk Yugorsk 61.3133333 63.3319444 P PPL RU 32 30878 114 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-05-11
+ 16399 1502862 Kolpashevo Kolpashevo 58.3130556 82.9088889 P PPL RU 75 27876 64 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-30
+ 16400 1503037 Kodinsk Kodinsk 58.6880556 99.1844444 P PPL RU 39 15670 176 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-05-11
+ 16401 1503082 Kochenëvo Kochenevo 55.0180556 82.2033333 P PPL RU 53 16446 153 Asia/Novosibirsk 2009-05-02
+ 16402 1503277 Kiselëvsk Kiselevsk 53.9899 86.6624 P PPL RU 29 104000 323 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2009-01-18
+ 16403 1503335 Kirovgrad Kirovgrad 57.435 60.0561111 P PPL RU 71 22685 264 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16404 1503772 Khanty-Mansiysk Khanty-Mansiysk 61.0041667 69.0019444 P PPLA RU RU 32 67800 50 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16405 1503901 Kemerovo Kemerovo 55.3333333 86.0833333 P PPLA RU 29 477090 131 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16406 1503940 Kedrovka Kedrovka 55.5333333 86.05 P PPL RU 29 17752 168 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16407 1504139 Kayyerkan Kayyerkan 69.3786111 87.7438889 P PPL RU 39 27295 62 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16408 1504212 Kataysk Kataysk 56.2855556 62.5791667 P PPL RU 40 15619 120 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16409 1504251 Kasli Kasli 55.8905556 60.7619444 P PPL RU 13 17911 244 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16410 1504317 Kartaly Kartaly 53.0522222 60.6466667 P PPL RU 13 28503 295 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16411 1504343 Karpinsk Karpinsk 59.7575 60.0111111 P PPL RU 71 30070 178 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16412 1504489 Karasuk Karasuk 53.7333333 78.0333333 P PPL RU 53 28589 111 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16413 1504636 Karabash Karabash 55.4805556 60.2158333 P PPL RU 13 15630 345 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16414 1504682 Kansk Kansk 56.2016667 95.7175 P PPL RU 39 101502 204 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-02-18
+ 16415 1504769 Kamyshlov Kamyshlov 56.8427778 62.7111111 P PPL RU 71 28006 109 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16416 1504826 Kamensk-Ural'skiy Kamensk-Ural'skiy 56.4055556 61.9277778 P PPL RU RU 71 182500 153 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16417 1504871 Kamen'-na-Obi Kamen'-na-Obi 53.7933333 81.34 P PPL RU 04 44564 123 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16418 1504972 Kaltan Kaltan 53.5 87.2833333 P PPL RU 29 25903 292 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16419 1505074 Kalachinsk Kalachinsk 55.05 74.5666667 P PPL RU 54 24059 109 Asia/Omsk 2006-11-19
+ 16420 1505260 Ivdel' Ivdel' 60.6911111 60.4205556 P PPL RU 71 19379 82 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-05-11
+ 16421 1505429 Iskitim Iskitim 54.6386111 83.2916667 P PPL RU 53 61827 111 Asia/Novosibirsk 2006-09-18
+ 16422 1505453 Ishim Ishim 56.15 69.45 P PPL RU 78 67762 85 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2006-11-15
+ 16423 1505526 Irbit Irbit 57.6711111 63.0561111 P PPL RU 71 41647 79 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-02-18
+ 16424 1505933 Ilanskiy Ilanskiy 56.2358333 96.065 P PPL RU 39 16668 281 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16425 1506073 Gur'yevsk Gur'yevsk 54.2833333 85.9333333 P PPL RU RU 29 25000 227 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2009-02-08
+ 16426 1506260 Gornyak Gornyak 50.9941667 81.4661111 P PPL RU 04 15668 268 Asia/Omsk 2008-11-29
+ 16427 1506271 Gorno-Altaysk Gorno-Altaysk 51.9561111 85.955 P PPLA RU 03 54917 281 Asia/Omsk 2007-02-17
+ 16428 1507116 Dudinka Dudinka 69.4058333 86.1777778 P PPLA RU 74 23619 24 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-30
+ 16429 1507379 Divnogorsk Divnogorsk 55.9594444 92.3619444 P PPL RU 39 30018 215 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16430 1507488 Degtyarsk Degtyarsk 56.6961111 60.0980556 P PPL RU 71 15294 357 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16431 1507636 Chunskiy Chunskiy 56.0883333 99.6502778 P PPL RU 20 16199 304 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16432 1508054 Chernogorsk Chernogorsk 53.8236111 91.2841667 P PPL RU 31 71582 278 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2006-11-15
+ 16433 1508161 Cherepanovo Cherepanovo 54.2252778 83.3736111 P PPL RU 53 20125 279 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16434 1508291 Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk 55.1544444 61.4297222 P PPLA RU 13 1062919 237 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16435 1508350 Chebarkul' Chebarkul' 54.9775 60.3719444 P PPL RU 13 46502 344 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16436 1508879 Borovskiy Borovskiy 57.0380556 65.7288889 P PPL RU 78 15406 53 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16437 1508943 Borodino Borodino 55.9105556 94.8983333 P PPL RU 39 19602 288 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16438 1509819 Bolotnoye Bolotnoye 55.6716667 84.3980556 P PPL RU 53 17704 208 Asia/Novosibirsk 2008-11-29
+ 16439 1509852 Bogotol Bogotol 56.2077778 89.5341667 P PPL RU 39 23622 292 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16440 1509888 Bogdanovich Bogdanovich 56.7802778 62.0494444 P PPL RU 71 32270 163 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16441 1510018 Biysk Biysk 52.5666667 85.25 P PPL RU 04 215430 230 Asia/Omsk 2007-02-17
+ 16442 1510203 Berëzovskiy Berezovskiy 56.9 60.79 P PPL RU 71 47000 247 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-09
+ 16443 1510350 Berdsk Berdsk 54.75 83.09 P PPL RU 53 90250 138 Asia/Novosibirsk 2007-03-19
+ 16444 1510450 Beloyarskiy Beloyarskiy 63.71 66.67 P PPL RU 32 20087 23 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-12-04
+ 16445 1510469 Belovo Belovo 54.4165 86.2976 P PPL RU 29 75764 209 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2009-03-04
+ 16446 1510853 Barnaul Barnaul 53.36 83.76 P PPLA RU 04 599579 190 Asia/Omsk 2007-03-19
+ 16447 1510916 Barabinsk Barabinsk 55.35 78.35 P PPL RU 53 31508 128 Asia/Novosibirsk 2007-03-19
+ 16448 1511309 Asino Asino 57.0 86.14 P PPL RU 75 27070 94 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-03-19
+ 16449 1511330 Asbest Asbest 57.01 61.45 P PPL RU 71 74583 216 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16450 1511368 Artëmovskiy Artemovskiy 57.35 61.87 P PPL RU 71 33700 160 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-10-16
+ 16451 1511466 Aramil’ Aramil' 56.7 60.83 P PPL RU 71 15237 208 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-03-19
+ 16452 1511494 Anzhero-Sudzhensk Anzhero-Sudzhensk 56.07 86.03 P PPL RU 29 82526 235 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-03-19
+ 16453 1511783 Aleysk Aleysk 52.49 82.77 P PPL RU 04 28019 178 Asia/Omsk 2007-03-19
+ 16454 1511954 Alapayevsk Alapayevsk 57.85 61.69 P PPL RU 71 44000 105 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2007-06-18
+ 16455 1512165 Achinsk Achinsk 56.2694 90.4993 P PPL RU 39 117634 207 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-12-05
+ 16456 1512205 Abaza Abaza 52.65 90.09 P PPL RU 31 18094 448 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-03-19
+ 16457 1512236 Abakan Abakan 53.71 91.42 P PPLA RU 31 167289 247 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2007-03-19
+ 16458 1536289 Snezhinsk Snezhinsk 56.085 60.7313889 P PPL RU 13 50086 256 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-09-11
+ 16459 1538634 Ozërsk Ozersk 55.7555556 60.7027778 P PPL RU RU 13 100000 239 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16460 1538635 Zheleznogorsk Zheleznogorsk 56.2511111 93.5319444 P PPL RU 39 93834 165 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-29
+ 16461 1538636 Novoural'sk Novoural'sk 57.25 60.0833333 P PPL RU 71 93849 303 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-09
+ 16462 1538637 Seversk Seversk 56.6133333 84.8327778 P PPL RU 75 109844 85 Asia/Krasnoyarsk 2008-11-30
+ 16463 1539209 Gubkinskiy Gubkinskiy 64.4552778 76.6169444 P PPL RU 87 20463 56 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16464 1540356 Raduzhnyy Raduzhnyy 62.0961111 77.475 P PPL RU 32 47679 72 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-27
+ 16465 1540711 Muravlenko Muravlenko 63.7833333 73.5 P PPL RU 87 39137 106 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-30
+ 16466 1541359 Lyantor Lyantor 61.4166667 72.5166667 P PPL RU RU 32 38200 55 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16467 2012484 Zima Zima 53.9280556 102.0441667 P PPL RU 20 33323 455 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16468 2012557 Zheleznogorsk-Ilimskiy Zheleznogorsk-Ilimskiy 56.5738889 104.1238889 P PPL RU 20 28456 459 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16469 2012593 Zeya Zeya 53.75 127.2666667 P PPL RU 05 26999 220 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16470 2013159 Yakutsk Yakutsk 62.0338889 129.7330556 P PPLA RU RU 63 235600 126 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-05-25
+ 16471 2013229 Vyazemskiy Vyazemskiy 47.5377778 134.7525 P PPL RU 30 15247 76 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16472 2013348 Vladivostok Vladivostok 43.1056202305923 131.873531341553 P PPLA RU 59 587022 5 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16473 2013923 Ust'-Kut Ust'-Kut 56.7658333 105.6483333 P PPL RU 20 48202 286 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16474 2013952 Ust'-Ilimsk Ust'-Ilimsk 58.0005556 102.6619444 P PPL RU 20 100271 264 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16475 2014006 Ussuriysk Ussuriysk 43.7986111 131.9508333 P PPL RU 59 157068 31 Asia/Vladivostok 2007-03-19
+ 16476 2014022 Usol’ye-Sibirskoye Usol'ye-Sibirskoye 52.7536111 103.6483333 P PPL RU 20 85900 447 Asia/Irkutsk 2009-01-05
+ 16477 2014407 Ulan-Ude Ulan-Ude 51.8333333 107.6166667 P PPLA RU 11 360278 531 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16478 2014624 Udachnyy Udachnyy 66.4166667 112.4 P PPL RU 63 15266 294 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-30
+ 16479 2014718 Tynda Tynda 55.1666667 124.7166667 P PPL RU 05 37335 524 Asia/Yakutsk 2009-03-06
+ 16480 2014927 Tulun Tulun 54.5611111 100.5791667 P PPL RU 20 51330 464 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16481 2015051 Trudovoye Trudovoye 43.3 132.0741667 P PPL RU 59 18484 16 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16482 2015310 Fokino Fokino 42.9836111 132.4047222 P PPL RU 59 25827 36 Asia/Vladivostok 2007-02-17
+ 16483 2015833 Svobodnyy Svobodnyy 51.4 128.1333333 P PPL RU 05 61017 184 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16484 2016187 Spassk-Dal’niy Spassk-Dal'niy 44.5977778 132.8211111 P PPL RU 59 45900 111 Asia/Vladivostok 2009-07-23
+ 16485 2016422 Slyudyanka Slyudyanka 51.6594444 103.7061111 P PPL RU 20 18809 482 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16486 2016701 Shimanovsk Shimanovsk 52.0 127.7 P PPL RU 05 21466 271 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16487 2016764 Shelekhov Shelekhov 52.2138889 104.0952778 P PPL RU 20 47459 448 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16488 2016910 Severobaykal'sk Severobaykal'sk 55.65 109.3166667 P PPL RU 11 25800 573 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16489 2017487 Raychikhinsk Raychikhinsk 49.7666667 129.4166667 P PPL RU 05 23745 199 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16490 2017945 Petrovsk-Zabaykal'skiy Petrovsk-Zabaykal'skiy 51.2833333 108.8333333 P PPL RU RU 14 19713 800 Asia/Yakutsk 2009-10-13
+ 16491 2018116 Partizansk Partizansk 43.1258333 133.1338889 P PPL RU 59 42489 148 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16492 2019309 Neryungri Neryungri 56.6733333 124.7141667 P PPL RU 63 66320 811 Asia/Yakutsk 2007-02-18
+ 16493 2019326 Nerchinsk Nerchinsk 51.9833333 116.5833333 P PPL RU 14 15360 472 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16494 2019528 Nakhodka Nakhodka 42.8333333 132.8947222 P PPL RU 59 146920 3 Asia/Vladivostok 2007-02-17
+ 16495 2019951 Mirnyy Mirnyy 62.5352778 113.9611111 P PPL RU 63 40308 352 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-04-18
+ 16496 2020689 Luchegorsk Luchegorsk 46.4763889 134.2569444 P PPL RU 59 21833 96 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16497 2020812 Lesozavodsk Lesozavodsk 45.4794444 133.4244444 P PPL RU 59 41778 68 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16498 2020838 Lensk Lensk 60.7252778 114.9277778 P PPL RU 63 23694 197 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-30
+ 16499 2021066 Kyakhta Kyakhta 50.3508333 106.4494444 P PPL RU 11 18431 763 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16500 2021618 Krasnokamensk Krasnokamensk 50.05 118.0166667 P PPL RU 14 54316 635 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16501 2021851 Komsomol’sk-na-Amure Komsomol'sk-na-Amure 50.5519855 137.0152435 P PPLA RU 30 275908 47 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16502 2022890 Khabarovsk Khabarovsk 48.4808333 135.0927778 P PPLA RU 30 579000 81 Asia/Vladivostok 2007-06-19
+ 16503 2023058 Kavalerovo Kavalerovo 44.2705556 135.0547222 P PPL RU 59 16945 203 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16504 2023469 Irkutsk Irkutsk 52.2977778 104.2963889 P PPLA RU 20 586695 426 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-05-29
+ 16505 2025159 Dal'nerechensk Dal'nerechensk 45.9338889 133.7225 P PPL RU RU 59 28300 57 Asia/Vladivostok 2009-02-11
+ 16506 2025339 Chita Chita 52.0333333 113.55 P PPLA RU RU 14 308500 873 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16507 2025527 Cheremkhovo Cheremkhovo 53.1561111 103.0675 P PPL RU 20 57395 583 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16508 2026126 Borzya Borzya 50.3833333 116.5166667 P PPL RU 14 30421 710 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16509 2026303 Bol’shoy Kamen’ Bol'shoy Kamen' 43.1136111 132.3597222 P PPL RU 59 38100 27 Asia/Vladivostok 2009-05-06
+ 16510 2026583 Bodaybo Bodaybo 57.8505556 114.1933333 P PPL RU 20 15933 318 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16511 2026609 Blagoveshchensk Blagoveshchensk 50.2666667 127.5333333 P PPLA RU 05 221296 133 Asia/Yakutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16512 2026643 Birobidzhan Birobidzhan 48.8 132.95 P PPLA RU 89 76146 69 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-30
+ 16513 2026696 Bikin Bikin 46.8161111 134.26 P PPL RU 30 19659 67 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16514 2026895 Belogorsk Belogorsk 50.915833 128.461111 P PPL RU 05 67911 175 Asia/Yakutsk 2007-06-12
+ 16515 2026979 Baykal’sk Baykal'sk 51.5 104.14 P PPL RU 20 15600 650 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-11-29
+ 16516 2027296 Aykhal Aykhal 66.0 111.5 P PPL RU 63 15267 457 Asia/Yakutsk 2007-03-19
+ 16517 2027456 Artëm Artem 43.36 132.19 P PPL RU 59 102300 39 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-10-01
+ 16518 2027468 Arsen’yev Arsen'yev 44.16 133.27 P PPL RU 59 58700 171 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-09-24
+ 16519 2027667 Angarsk Angarsk 52.53 103.88 P PPL RU 20 243158 431 Asia/Irkutsk 2007-03-19
+ 16520 2027749 Amursk Amursk 50.226111 136.899444 P PPL RU 30 46993 45 Asia/Vladivostok 2007-06-12
+ 16521 2027968 Aldan Aldan 58.6 125.38 P PPL RU 63 24426 678 Asia/Yakutsk 2007-03-19
+ 16522 2051523 Bratsk Bratsk 56.1325 101.6141667 P PPL RU 20 256600 434 Asia/Irkutsk 2008-04-18
+ 16523 2055166 Sayansk Sayansk 54.1088 102.1648 P PPL RU 20 43949 549 Asia/Irkutsk 2009-10-12
+ 16524 2056752 Khabarovsk Vtoroy Khabarovsk Vtoroy 48.4430556 135.1355556 P PPLX RU 30 578303 49 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16525 2119441 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 46.9522222 142.7405556 P PPLA RU 64 176484 45 Asia/Sakhalin 2008-11-30
+ 16526 2119538 Yelizovo Yelizovo 53.1833333 158.3833333 P PPL RU 26 40692 11 Asia/Kamchatka 2008-11-29
+ 16527 2119932 Vanino Vanino 49.0833333 140.25 P PPL RU 30 18618 28 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16528 2121052 Sovetskaya Gavan' Sovetskaya Gavan' 48.9666667 140.3 P PPL RU 30 29740 30 Asia/Vladivostok 2008-11-29
+ 16529 2121909 Poronaysk Poronaysk 49.2166667 143.1166667 P PPL RU 64 16677 -9999 Asia/Magadan 2008-11-30
+ 16530 2122104 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 53.0166667 158.65 P PPLA RU 26 187282 108 Asia/Kamchatka 2008-11-29
+ 16531 2122614 Okha Okha 53.5738889 142.9477778 P PPL RU 64 26560 28 Asia/Sakhalin 2008-11-30
+ 16532 2122850 Nikolayevsk-na-Amure Nikolayevsk-na-Amure 53.1405556 140.73 P PPL RU 30 27152 23 Asia/Vladivostok 2007-02-17
+ 16533 2122894 Nevel'sk Nevel'sk 46.6733333 141.8633333 P PPL RU RU 64 17000 59 Asia/Sakhalin 2008-11-30
+ 16534 2123628 Magadan Magadan 59.5666667 150.8 P PPLA RU 44 95282 43 Asia/Magadan 2008-05-31
+ 16535 2124286 Korsakov Korsakov 46.6363889 142.7794444 P PPL RU 64 35091 61 Asia/Sakhalin 2008-11-30
+ 16536 2124615 Kholmsk Kholmsk 47.0511111 142.0569444 P PPL RU 64 32681 55 Asia/Sakhalin 2008-11-30
+ 16537 2609906 Baltiysk Baltiysk 54.65 19.9 P PPL RU 23 34540 24 Europe/Kaliningrad 2008-11-29
+ 16538 6417459 Krasnoznamensk Krasnoznamensk 55.5994444 37.0386111 P PPL RU 47 33700 204 Europe/Moscow 2008-10-25
+ 16539 6695754 Kogalym Kogalym 62.2653663448141 74.4790649414062 P PPL RU 32 57800 93 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-09
+ 16540 6696686 Pyt-Yakh Pyt-Yakh 60.7498504186713 72.8582382202148 P PPL RU 32 41500 67 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2009-03-03
+ 16541 6696767 Langepas Langepas 61.2543860974645 75.21240234375 P PPL RU 32 40000 50 Asia/Yekaterinburg 2008-11-29
+ 16542 201521 Ruhengeri Ruhengeri -1.5041667 29.6358333 P PPLA RW 10 86685 1843 Africa/Kigali 2006-11-15
+ 16543 201865 Nzega Nzega -2.4833333 29.5666667 P PPLL RW 04 33832 1734 Africa/Kigali 2006-01-17
+ 16544 202061 Kigali Kigali -1.9536111 30.0605556 P PPLC RW 09 745261 1568 Africa/Kigali 2007-02-17
+ 16545 202065 Kibuye Kibuye -2.0555556 29.3497222 P PPLA RW 08 48024 1463 Africa/Kigali 2006-11-15
+ 16546 202068 Kibungo Kibungo -2.1644444 30.5419444 P PPLA RW 07 46240 1585 Africa/Kigali 2006-01-17
+ 16547 202217 Gitarama Gitarama -2.0744444 29.7566667 P PPLA RW 06 87613 1788 Africa/Kigali 2006-11-15
+ 16548 202326 Cyangugu Cyangugu -2.4833333 28.8966667 P PPLA RW 03 63883 1487 Africa/Kigali 2006-01-17
+ 16549 202905 Gisenyi Gisenyi -1.7027778 29.2563889 P PPLA RW 05 83623 1462 Africa/Kigali 2006-11-15
+ 16550 203104 Byumba Byumba -1.5775 30.0625 P PPLA RW 02 70593 2253 Africa/Kigali 2006-11-15
+ 16551 203112 Butare Butare -2.5966667 29.7394444 P PPL RW 01 89600 1772 Africa/Kigali 2007-02-18
+ 16552 384529 Rwamagana Rwamagana -1.9525 30.4377778 P PPL RW 07 50081 1557 Africa/Kigali 2006-01-17
+ 16553 100425 Yanbu` al Baḩr Yanbu` al Bahr 24.0852778 38.0486111 P PPL SA 05 200161 34 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16554 100926 Umm Lajj Umm Lajj 25.0241667 37.2688889 P PPL SA 00 33874 62 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16555 101312 Ţurayf Turayf 31.6775 38.6530556 P PPL SA 00 40819 828 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16556 101322 Turabah Turabah 21.2172222 41.6355556 P PPL SA 14 23235 1190 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16557 101554 Tārūt Tarut 26.5725 50.065 P PPL SA 00 85371 3 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16558 101628 Tabūk Tabuk 28.3833333 36.5833333 P PPLA SA 19 455450 773 Asia/Riyadh 2007-07-05
+ 16559 101631 Ţubarjal Tubarjal 30.4977778 38.2194444 P PPL SA 00 40019 550 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16560 101760 Sulţānah Sultanah 24.5 39.5833333 P PPL SA 05 946697 622 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16561 102318 Sayhāt Sayhat 26.4794444 50.045 P PPL SA 06 66702 6 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16562 102451 Şāmitah Samitah 16.5972222 42.9438889 P PPL SA 17 26945 59 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16563 102527 Sakākā Sakaka 29.9702778 40.2086111 P PPL SA 00 128332 560 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16564 102585 Şafwá Safwa 26.6508333 49.9558333 P PPL SA 06 45876 16 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16565 102651 Şabyā Sabya 17.15 42.6166667 P PPL SA 00 54108 36 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16566 102985 Raḩīmah Rahimah 26.7058333 50.0588889 P PPL SA 06 41188 4 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16567 103035 Rābigh Rabigh 22.7986111 39.0322222 P PPL SA 14 41759 4 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16568 103369 Qal`at Bīshah Qal`at Bishah 20.0 42.6 P PPL SA 00 81828 1172 Asia/Riyadh 2006-05-19
+ 16569 103630 Najrān Najran 17.5055556 44.1841667 P PPL SA 00 258573 1264 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16570 104515 Mecca Mecca 21.4266667 39.8261111 P PPL SA 14 1323624 307 Asia/Riyadh 2007-02-17
+ 16571 105072 Khamīs Mushayt Khamis Mushayt 18.3063889 42.7291667 P PPL SA 00 387553 1965 Asia/Riyadh 2006-11-15
+ 16572 105299 Jīzān Jizan 16.8891667 42.5511111 P PPL SA 17 105198 43 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16573 105343 Jiddah Jiddah 21.5169444 39.2191667 P PPL SA 14 2867446 34 Asia/Riyadh 2007-02-17
+ 16574 107304 Buraydah Buraydah 26.3316667 43.9716667 P PPL SA 00 391336 608 Asia/Riyadh 2006-11-07
+ 16575 107312 Abqaiq Abqaiq 25.9355556 49.6683333 P PPL SA 00 29474 101 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16576 107744 Badr Ḩunayn Badr Hunayn 23.78 38.7905556 P PPL SA 05 27257 123 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16577 107781 Az Zulfi Az Zulfi 26.2966667 44.8036111 P PPL SA 00 53144 623 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16578 107797 Dhahran Dhahran 26.3041667 50.1325 P PPL SA 06 99540 91 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16579 107959 Aţ Ţaraf At Taraf 25.3588889 49.7219444 P PPL SA 00 21386 132 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16580 107968 Aţ Ţā'if At Ta'if 21.2702778 40.4158333 P PPL SA 14 530848 1721 Asia/Riyadh 2008-09-13
+ 16581 108048 As Sulayyil As Sulayyil 20.4597222 45.5744444 P PPL SA 10 24097 608 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16582 108410 Riyadh Riyadh 24.6408333 46.7727778 P PPLC SA 10 4205961 618 Asia/Riyadh 2007-02-17
+ 16583 108435 Ar Rass Ar Rass 25.8697222 43.5022222 P PPL SA 00 81728 677 Asia/Riyadh 2006-11-15
+ 16584 108512 `Ar`ar `Ar`ar 30.985 41.0205556 P PPL SA 15 148540 548 Asia/Riyadh 2009-03-03
+ 16585 108617 An Nimāş An Nimas 19.1166667 42.1333333 P PPL SA 00 24153 2384 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16586 108648 Al Qurayyāt Al Qurayyat 31.3333333 37.3419444 P PPL SA 20 102903 505 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16587 108773 Al Wajh Al Wajh 26.2333333 36.4666667 P PPL SA 19 26636 1 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16588 108918 Al Qayşūmah Al Qaysumah 28.3097222 46.1275 P PPL SA 00 20685 358 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16589 108927 Al Qaţīf Al Qatif 26.52 50.0247222 P PPL SA 00 98259 5 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16590 109059 Al Munayzilah Al Munayzilah 25.3833333 49.6666667 P PPL SA 00 16296 150 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16591 109101 Al Mubarraz Al Mubarraz 25.41 49.5808333 P PPL SA 00 290802 162 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16592 109223 Medina Medina 24.4686111 39.6141667 P PPLA SA SA 05 1300000 628 Asia/Riyadh 2007-06-19
+ 16593 109323 Al Khubar Al Khubar 26.2794444 50.2083333 P PPL SA SA 06 165799 10 Asia/Riyadh 2008-08-25
+ 16594 109380 Al Khafjī Al Khafji 28.4130556 48.4841667 P PPL SA 06 54857 10 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16595 109417 Al Jumūm Al Jumum 21.6169444 39.6980556 P PPL SA 14 22207 190 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16596 109435 Al Jubayl Al Jubayl 27.0047222 49.6613889 P PPL SA 06 237274 12 Asia/Riyadh 2006-11-15
+ 16597 109571 Al Hufūf Al Hufuf 25.3783333 49.5866667 P PPL SA 00 293179 149 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16598 109878 Al Bukayrīyah Al Bukayriyah 26.1505556 43.66 P PPL SA 00 25153 659 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16599 109915 Al Baţţālīyah Al Battaliyah 25.4333333 49.6333333 P PPL SA 00 16606 152 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16600 109953 Al Bāḩah Al Bahah 20.0166667 41.4666667 P PPL SA 00 88419 2135 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16601 110250 `Afīf `Afif 23.9166667 42.9333333 P PPL SA 00 40648 1102 Asia/Riyadh 2009-03-03
+ 16602 110314 Ad Dilam Ad Dilam 23.9969444 47.165 P PPL SA 10 35371 453 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16603 110325 Ad Dawādimī Ad Dawadimi 24.4941667 44.3833333 P PPL SA 00 54474 980 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-17
+ 16604 110336 Ad Dammām Ad Dammam 26.4258333 50.1141667 P PPL SA 06 768602 5 Asia/Riyadh 2006-11-05
+ 16605 110619 Abū `Arīsh Abu `Arish 16.9677778 42.8294444 P PPL SA 17 49171 62 Asia/Riyadh 2006-01-27
+ 16606 110690 Abhā Abha 18.2163889 42.5052778 P PPL SA 00 210886 2271 Asia/Riyadh 2006-11-15
+ 16607 2108502 Honiara Honiara -9.4333333 159.95 P PPLC SB 00 56298 12 Pacific/Guadalcanal 2007-02-17
+ 16608 241131 Victoria Victoria -4.6166667 55.45 P PPLC SC 00 22881 -9999 Indian/Mahe 2007-02-17
+ 16609 363533 Zalingei Zalingei 12.9 23.4833333 P PPL SD 33 28687 880 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16610 363619 Yei Yei 4.0913889 30.6786111 P PPL SD 28 40382 831 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16611 363656 Yambio Yambio 4.5705556 28.4163889 P PPLA SD 45 40382 632 Africa/Khartoum 2006-11-15
+ 16612 363885 Wāw Waw 7.7 28.0 P PPLA SD 46 127384 430 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-09
+ 16613 364103 Wad Madanī Wad Madani 14.4 33.5333333 P PPLA SD 38 332714 412 Africa/Khartoum 2006-11-07
+ 16614 364367 Uwayl Uwayl 8.7666667 27.4 P PPLA SD 54 38745 473 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16615 364706 Umm Ruwābah Umm Ruwabah 12.9 31.2166667 P PPL SD 34 55742 447 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16616 365137 Omdurman Omdurman 15.6361111 32.4372222 P PPL SD SD 29 1200000 389 Africa/Khartoum 2007-06-18
+ 16617 365742 Torit Torit 4.4133333 32.5677778 P PPL SD 28 20048 830 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16618 365763 Tonj Tonj 7.2733333 28.6838889 P PPL SD 32 17338 428 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16619 366323 Ţawkar Tawkar 18.4333333 37.7333333 P PPL SD 31 22250 31 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16620 366426 Tandaltī Tandalti 13.0166667 31.8666667 P PPL SD 27 27275 409 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16621 366847 Sinjah Sinjah 13.15 33.9333333 P PPLA SD 58 44626 407 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16622 367308 Shendi Shendi 16.6913889 33.4341667 P PPL SD 53 53568 377 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16623 367544 Sawākin Sawakin 19.1038889 37.33 P PPL SD 36 28570 64 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16624 367644 Sannār Sannar 13.55 33.6333333 P PPL SD 27 130122 396 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-10
+ 16625 367927 Rumbek Rumbek 6.8 29.6833333 P PPLA SD 37 32083 407 Africa/Khartoum 2006-11-15
+ 16626 368277 Rabak Rabak 13.15 32.7333333 P PPLA SD 41 135281 362 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-05
+ 16627 370737 Malakāl Malakal 9.5369444 31.6561111 P PPLA SD 35 160765 277 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-05
+ 16628 370838 Maiurno Maiurno 13.4166667 33.6666667 P PPL SD 27 28727 399 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16629 371760 Kūstī Kusti 13.1666667 32.6666667 P PPL SD 27 345068 378 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-05
+ 16630 371870 Kuraymah Kuraymah 18.55 31.85 P PPL SD 30 19593 242 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16631 372386 Kinānah Kinanah 14.0333333 33.1666667 P PPL SD 27 26233 433 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16632 372753 Kassala Kassala 15.4558333 36.3988889 P PPLA SD 52 401477 532 Africa/Khartoum 2007-05-03
+ 16633 373141 Kāduglī Kadugli 11.0166667 29.7166667 P PPLA SD 50 87666 493 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-05
+ 16634 374739 Gogrial Gogrial 8.5333333 28.1166667 P PPL SD 32 38572 398 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16635 376332 Doka Doka 13.5166667 35.7666667 P PPL SD 31 19821 683 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16636 376450 Dilling Dilling 12.05 29.65 P PPL SD 34 37113 688 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16637 377039 Port Sudan Port Sudan 19.6158333 37.2163889 P PPLA SD SD 36 489725 66 Africa/Khartoum 2009-04-01
+ 16638 377241 Bor Bor 6.2072222 31.5591667 P PPLA SD 51 26782 407 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16639 377690 Barbar Barbar 18.0166667 33.9833333 P PPL SD 30 22395 334 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16640 377724 Bārah Barah 13.7 30.3666667 P PPL SD 34 16969 614 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16641 378231 Atbara Atbara 17.6972222 33.9783333 P PPL SD 53 107930 357 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-19
+ 16642 378271 As Sūkī As Suki 13.3166667 33.8833333 P PPL SD 27 33524 399 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16643 378459 Ar Ruşayriş Ar Rusayris 11.85 34.3833333 P PPL SD 27 28862 459 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16644 378493 Ar Rahad Ar Rahad 12.7166667 30.65 P PPL SD 34 26273 490 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16645 378699 An Nuhūd An Nuhud 12.7 28.4333333 P PPL SD 34 108008 570 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16646 379003 Al Ubayyiḑ Al Ubayyid 13.1833333 30.2166667 P PPLA SD 56 393311 610 Africa/Khartoum 2009-02-02
+ 16647 379014 Al Quţaynah Al Qutaynah 14.8666667 32.35 P PPL SD 27 18321 390 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16648 379102 Al Mijlad Al Mijlad 11.0333333 27.7333333 P PPL SD 34 19997 428 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16649 379149 Al Manāqil Al Manaqil 14.25 32.9833333 P PPL SD 27 128297 412 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16650 379252 Khartoum Khartoum 15.5880556 32.5341667 P PPLC SD 29 1974647 378 Africa/Khartoum 2007-02-17
+ 16651 379303 Al Junaynah Al Junaynah 13.45 22.45 P PPLA SD 47 162981 757 Africa/Khartoum 2007-02-26
+ 16652 379406 Al Hilālīyah Al Hilaliyah 14.9333333 33.2333333 P PPL SD 27 17345 400 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16653 379416 Al Ḩawātah Al Hawatah 13.4166667 34.6333333 P PPL SD 31 24513 431 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16654 379427 Al Ḩaşāḩīşā Al Hasahisa 14.7333333 33.3 P PPL SD 27 28735 402 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16655 379555 Al Fāshir Al Fashir 13.6333333 25.35 P PPLA SD 55 252609 753 Africa/Khartoum 2006-11-15
+ 16656 379630 Al Bauga Al Bauga 18.2666667 33.9166667 P PPL SD 30 19141 320 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-27
+ 16657 380129 Ad Duwaym Ad Duwaym 14.0 32.3166667 P PPL SD 27 87068 377 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16658 380151 Ad Dindar Ad Dindar 13.2 34.1666667 P PPL SD 27 15144 398 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16659 380173 Ad-Damar Ad-Damar 17.5927778 33.9591667 P PPLA SD 53 103941 362 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-05
+ 16660 380174 Ad Damazīn Ad Damazin 11.7666667 34.35 P PPLA SD 42 186051 493 Africa/Khartoum 2006-05-05
+ 16661 380348 Abū Zabad Abu Zabad 12.35 29.25 P PPL SD 34 15304 544 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16662 380757 Abū Jubayhah Abu Jubayhah 11.45 31.2333333 P PPL SD 34 21790 564 Africa/Khartoum 2006-01-17
+ 16663 602150 Umeå Umea 63.8284245148275 20.2597224712372 P PPLA SE 23 74005 24 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-16
+ 16664 602913 Skellefteå Skelleftea 64.7506673477998 20.9527945518494 P PPL SE 23 30839 34 Europe/Stockholm 2009-07-13
+ 16665 603570 Piteå Pitea 65.3171748005942 21.4794409275055 P PPL SE 14 22044 6 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16666 604490 Luleå Lulea 65.5841501400082 22.1546494960785 P PPLA SE 14 45551 17 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16667 605155 Kiruna Kiruna 67.8557214092242 20.2251327037811 P PPL SE 14 18154 579 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16668 606531 Boden Boden 65.8251808128697 21.6886425018311 P PPL SE 14 18225 10 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16669 2662149 Ystad Ystad 55.4296587570793 13.8204145431519 P PPL SE 27 17266 8 Europe/Stockholm 2008-12-16
+ 16670 2662689 Visby Visby 57.640893217405 18.296023607254 P PPLA SE 05 21970 46 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16671 2663536 Växjö Vaexjoe 56.8776684010093 14.8090553283691 P PPLA SE 12 59600 185 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16672 2664203 Västervik Vaestervik 57.7583973769965 16.6373348236084 P PPL SE 09 20694 5 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16673 2664454 Västerås Vasteras 59.616173803592 16.5527594089508 P PPLA SE 25 107194 17 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-16
+ 16674 2664855 Värnamo Varnamo 57.1860415073981 14.0400123596191 P PPL SE 08 17950 162 Europe/Stockholm 2006-03-09
+ 16675 2664996 Varberg Varberg 57.1055683326331 12.2507750988007 P PPL SE 06 25816 31 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-14
+ 16676 2665171 Vänersborg Vanersborg 58.380748537116 12.3233985900879 P PPL SE 28 21835 60 Europe/Stockholm 2007-11-25
+ 16677 2665452 Vallentuna Vallentuna 59.534361519131 18.0775845050812 P PPL SE 26 26733 15 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16678 2666199 Uppsala Uppsala 59.8585015378697 17.6454269886017 P PPLA SE 21 127734 10 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16679 2666238 Upplands-Väsby Upplands-Vasby 59.5204002275619 17.9082727432251 P PPL SE 26 36534 8 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16680 2666670 Uddevalla Uddevalla 58.3478391976088 11.9423961639404 P PPL SE 28 30282 25 Europe/Stockholm 2008-12-16
+ 16681 2667094 Tumba Tumba 59.1985759218083 17.8331708908081 P PPL SE 26 35780 48 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16682 2667303 Trollhättan Trollhattan 58.2836544016735 12.2886371612549 P PPL SE 28 44522 56 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16683 2667402 Trelleborg Trelleborg 55.3751359681059 13.1569111347198 P PPL SE 27 25494 9 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16684 2669772 Täby Taby 59.44389698102 18.068722486496 P PPL SE 26 58123 8 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16685 2670781 Sundsvall Sundsvall 62.3912892857008 17.3062992095947 P PPL SE 24 48463 26 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-16
+ 16686 2670879 Sundbyberg Sundbyberg 59.3612774861513 17.9711437225342 P PPL SE SE 26 34529 27 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16687 2673730 Stockholm Stockholm 59.3325765361753 18.0649030208588 P PPLC SE 26 1253309 20 Europe/Stockholm 2009-06-24
+ 16688 2675408 Sollentuna Sollentuna 59.4280429400739 17.9509305953979 P PPL SE 26 58897 10 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16689 2676176 Södertälje Soedertaelje 59.1955376859823 17.6252460479736 P PPL SE 26 60279 35 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16690 2677234 Skövde Skoevde 58.3911810517813 13.8450586795807 P PPL SE 28 33119 139 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16691 2680075 Sandviken Sandviken 60.6166667 16.7666667 P PPL SE 03 22111 66 Europe/Stockholm 2006-01-17
+ 16692 2684395 Partille Partille 57.7394983956665 12.1064186096191 P PPL SE 28 28648 29 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16693 2685750 Östersund Ostersund 63.1792043345253 14.6356558799744 P PPLA SE 07 42940 328 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16694 2686162 Oskarshamn Oskarshamn 57.2645528836129 16.4483678340912 P PPL SE 09 16613 25 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16695 2686469 Örnsköldsvik Ornskoldsvik 63.2909139950822 18.7152528762817 P PPL SE 24 27749 1 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-16
+ 16696 2686657 Örebro Orebro 59.2741206163838 15.2066016197205 P PPLA SE 15 98573 30 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16697 2687700 Nyköping Nykoping 58.7530045044744 17.0078766345978 P PPLA SE 18 27582 17 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16698 2688250 Norrtälje Norrtalje 59.7579891541312 18.7049639225006 P PPL SE 26 16914 26 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16699 2688368 Norrköping Norrkoping 58.5941863187648 16.1826038360596 P PPL SE 16 82903 2 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16700 2690170 Nässjö Nassjo 57.6530706585944 14.6967566013336 P PPL SE 08 15954 307 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16701 2690580 Nacka Nacka 59.3105270200989 18.1637156009674 P PPL SE 26 25170 57 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16702 2690960 Motala Motala 58.5370581111513 15.0364851951599 P PPL SE 16 29715 94 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16703 2691459 Mölndal Moelndal 57.6553954480324 12.0137751102448 P PPL SE 28 59430 6 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16704 2692475 Märsta Marsta 59.6166667 17.85 P PPL SE 26 23194 24 Europe/Stockholm 2006-01-17
+ 16705 2692969 Malmö Malmoe 55.6058691373243 13.0007314682007 P PPLA SE 27 261548 10 10 Europe/Stockholm 2008-09-15
+ 16706 2693678 Lund Lund 55.702802466167 13.1927347183228 P PPL SE 27 76263 47 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16707 2694762 Linköping Linkoping 58.4166667 15.6166667 P PPLA SE 16 96732 33 Europe/Stockholm 2007-09-11
+ 16708 2696329 Lidköping Lidkoping 58.5051746867893 13.157651424408 P PPL SE 28 24586 45 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16709 2696334 Lidingö Lidingoe 59.3666667 18.1333333 P PPL SE 26 43000 22 Europe/Stockholm 2009-08-13
+ 16710 2696503 Lerum Lerum 57.7705067661548 12.269035577774 P PPL SE 28 15949 48 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16711 2697720 Landskrona Landskrona 55.8707964496359 12.8301644325256 P PPL SE 27 27889 7 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16712 2698729 Kungsbacka Kungsbacka 57.4871855176012 12.0761203765869 P PPL SE 06 18698 17 Europe/Stockholm 2007-11-27
+ 16713 2698739 Kungälv Kungalv 57.8709619979096 11.9805371761322 P PPL SE 28 21262 52 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16714 2699282 Kristinehamn Kristinehamn 59.3097768222623 14.1080760955811 P PPL SE 22 17836 43 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16715 2699310 Kristianstad Kristianstad 56.0312875120412 14.1524183750153 P PPL SE 27 32188 5 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16716 2699791 Köping Koping 59.514037924667 15.9925532341003 P PPL SE 25 16617 22 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-16
+ 16717 2700791 Kista Kista 59.4031612432974 17.9447937011719 P PPL SE 26 0180 120000 24 Europe/Stockholm 2008-10-10
+ 16718 2701223 Katrineholm Katrineholm 58.9958693611026 16.2072050571442 P PPL SE 18 21108 51 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16719 2701680 Karlstad Karlstad 59.3792995799137 13.5035705566406 P PPL SE 22 1780 59266 49 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16720 2701713 Karlskrona Karlskrona 56.1615641868496 15.5866062641144 P PPLA SE 02 32309 1 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16721 2701715 Karlskoga Karlskoga 59.3266659540876 14.5238614082336 P PPL SE 15 26949 106 Europe/Stockholm 2008-12-16
+ 16722 2701727 Karlshamn Karlshamn 56.1706023661773 14.8618841171265 P PPL SE 02 18161 14 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16723 2702261 Kalmar Kalmar 56.661574897128 16.3616251945496 P PPLA SE 09 34744 6 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16724 2702979 Jönköping Jonkoping 57.7814509394211 14.1561841964722 P PPLA SE 08 83202 114 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16725 2703396 Jakobsberg Jakobsberg 59.422678380954 17.8350806236267 P PPL SE 26 24046 27 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16726 2704620 Huddinge Huddinge 59.2370496626595 17.981915473938 P PPL SE 26 90182 28 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16727 2706767 Helsingborg Helsingborg 56.0467265929671 12.6943695545197 P PPL SE 27 91025 28 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16728 2707399 Hässleholm Hassleholm 56.1590548636482 13.7663841247559 P PPL SE 27 17050 77 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16729 2707684 Härnösand Harnosand 62.6322752369078 17.9379379749298 P PPLA SE 24 17016 25 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-16
+ 16730 2708365 Halmstad Halmstad 56.674462198176 12.8567612171173 P PPLA SE 06 55657 4 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16731 2711537 Göteborg Goteborg 57.7071623103656 11.9667935371399 P PPLA SE 28 1480 515252 6 Europe/Stockholm 2008-09-06
+ 16732 2712414 Gävle Gavle 60.674523787859 17.141740322113 P PPLA SE 03 68635 3 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16733 2715459 Falun Falun 60.6035655434417 15.6259703636169 P PPLA SE 10 36477 97 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16734 2715568 Falköping Falkoeping 58.1734749346596 13.5506808757782 P PPL SE 28 15821 229 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16735 2715573 Falkenberg Falkenberg 56.905516816767 12.4911761283875 P PPL SE 06 18407 3 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16736 2715946 Eslöv Eslov 55.8392774406088 13.3039283752441 P PPL SE 27 15898 56 Europe/Stockholm 2008-10-30
+ 16737 2715953 Eskilstuna Eskilstuna 59.3666080377397 16.5076982975006 P PPL SE 18 59016 22 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16738 2716166 Enköping Enkoping 59.636067036095 17.0776784420013 P PPL SE 21 0381 19733 15 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16739 2720383 Borlänge Borlaenge 60.485803502429 15.4371428489685 P PPL SE 10 39422 124 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16740 2720501 Borås Boras 57.7210078002873 12.9401028156281 P PPL SE 28 63223 166 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16741 2725901 Ängelholm Angelholm 56.242801447706 12.8621900081635 P PPL SE 27 22385 7 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16742 2726756 Alingsås Alingsas 57.9303341269407 12.5334477424622 P PPL SE 28 24826 79 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16743 2727234 Åkersberga Akersberga 59.4794351725879 18.2996714115143 P PPL SE 26 26785 10 Europe/Stockholm 2009-02-15
+ 16744 6619708 Majorna Majorna 57.6919467979011 11.9160461425781 P PPLX SE 28 1480 29254 10 21 Europe/Stockholm 2007-11-22
+ 16745 1880252 Singapore Singapore 1.2930556 103.8558333 P PPLC SG 00 3547809 1 Asia/Singapore 2008-11-10
+ 16746 3370903 Jamestown Jamestown -15.9253463905963 -5.71784734725952 P PPLC SH 637 10 304 Atlantic/St_Helena 2009-01-20
+ 16747 3188915 Trbovlje Trbovlje 46.155 15.0533333 P PPL SI 00 15994 409 Europe/Ljubljana 2006-07-29
+ 16748 3189075 Velenje Velenje 46.3591667 15.1102778 P PPL SI 00 26426 407 Europe/Ljubljana 2007-02-17
+ 16749 3192241 Ptuj Ptuj 46.4213889 15.8697222 P PPL SI 00 18141 221 Europe/Ljubljana 2008-11-26
+ 16750 3194351 Novo Mesto Novo Mesto 45.7925 15.1647222 P PPL SI 00 22417 187 Europe/Ljubljana 2008-11-26
+ 16751 3195506 Maribor Maribor 46.5547222 15.6466667 P PPL SI 00 89056 262 Europe/Ljubljana 2008-11-26
+ 16752 3196359 Ljubljana Ljubljana 46.0552778 14.5144444 P PPLC SI 61 255115 284 Europe/Ljubljana 2008-11-25
+ 16753 3197378 Kranj Kranj 46.2411111 14.3616667 P PPL SI 00 35587 380 Europe/Ljubljana 2008-05-11
+ 16754 3197753 Koper Koper 45.5469444 13.7294444 P PPL SI 00 23273 12 Europe/Ljubljana 2007-02-17
+ 16755 3202781 Celje Celje 46.2361111 15.2675 P PPL SI 00 37115 239 Europe/Ljubljana 2006-11-05
+ 16756 2729907 Longyearbyen Longyearbyen 78.2166667 15.6333333 P PPLC SJ 00 1232 8 Arctic/Longyearbyen 2009-04-10
+ 16757 723195 Vranov nad Topľou Vranov nad Topl'ou 48.9 21.6833333 P PPL SK 00 23246 188 Europe/Bratislava 2006-07-29
+ 16758 723358 Trebišov Trebisov 48.6333333 21.7166667 P PPL SK 00 22947 110 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-05
+ 16759 723505 Stará ľubovňa Stara lubovna 49.3 20.7 P PPL SK 05 16000 557 Europe/Bratislava 2009-01-18
+ 16760 723526 Spišská Nová Ves Spisska Nova Ves 48.95 20.5666667 P PPL SK 03 39195 452 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16761 723559 Snina Snina 48.9833333 22.15 P PPL SK 00 22221 262 Europe/Bratislava 2007-02-18
+ 16762 723713 Rožňava Roznava 48.6666667 20.5333333 P PPL SK 00 19261 385 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16763 723736 Rimavská Sobota Rimavska Sobota 48.3833333 20.0333333 P PPL SK 00 25235 193 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-16
+ 16764 723819 Prešov Presov 49.0 21.25 P PPLA SK 05 94718 227 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-05
+ 16765 723846 Poprad Poprad 49.05 20.3 P PPL SK 05 57431 687 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16766 724144 Michalovce Michalovce 48.75 21.9333333 P PPL SK 00 40360 103 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16767 724443 Košice Kosice 48.7166667 21.25 P PPLA SK 03 236563 207 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16768 724503 Kežmarok Kezmarok 49.1333333 20.4333333 P PPL SK 05 21391 630 600 Europe/Bratislava 2009-06-28
+ 16769 724627 Humenné Humenne 48.9333333 21.9166667 P PPL SK 00 35367 139 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-16
+ 16770 725168 Bardejov Bardejov 49.2833333 21.2833333 P PPL SK 00 34209 353 Europe/Bratislava 2007-12-20
+ 16771 3056459 Zvolen Zvolen 48.5833333 19.1333333 P PPL SK 00 44502 297 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16772 3056495 Zlaté Moravce Zlate Moravce 48.3833333 18.4 P PPL SK 00 15618 229 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16773 3056508 Žilina Zilina 49.2231470882137 18.7394142150879 P PPLA SK 08 85985 349 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16774 3056523 Žiar nad Hronom Ziar nad Hronom 48.5833333 18.8666667 P PPL SK 00 19392 253 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16775 3057124 Trnava Trnava 48.3666667 17.6 P PPLA SK 07 69785 163 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-05
+ 16776 3057140 Trenčín Trencin 48.8945182361582 18.0443572998047 P PPLA SK 06 58278 204 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16777 3057630 Skalica Skalica 48.85 17.2333333 P PPL SK 00 15013 173 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16778 3057691 Senica Senica 48.6833333 17.3666667 P PPL SK 00 21741 208 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16779 3057769 Šaľa Sal'a 48.15 17.8833333 P PPL SK 00 24513 124 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-29
+ 16780 3057789 Ružomberok Ruzomberok 49.0833333 19.3166667 P PPL SK 00 30806 463 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16781 3057963 Púchov Puchov 49.1333333 18.3333333 P PPL SK 00 18833 264 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-16
+ 16782 3058000 Prievidza Prievidza 48.7666667 18.6333333 P PPL SK 00 52987 266 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-05
+ 16783 3058060 Považská Bystrica Povazska Bystrica 49.1166667 18.45 P PPL SK 00 43936 322 Europe/Bratislava 2007-02-18
+ 16784 3058202 Piešťany Piestany 48.6 17.833333 P PPL SK 07 30000 158 Europe/Bratislava 2009-01-09
+ 16785 3058210 Pezinok Pezinok 48.2833333 17.2666667 P PPL SK 00 21343 132 Europe/Bratislava 2009-04-02
+ 16786 3058268 Partizánske Partizanske 48.6333333 18.3833333 P PPL SK 00 24370 180 Europe/Bratislava 2006-12-29
+ 16787 3058472 Nové Zámky Nove Zamky 47.9854409064742 18.1619453430176 P PPL SK 00 42044 128 Europe/Bratislava 2009-03-23
+ 16788 3058477 Nové Mesto nad Váhom Nove Mesto nad Vahom 48.7576316630171 17.8308963775635 P PPL SK 21527 167 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-16
+ 16789 3058531 Nitra Nitra 48.3076326834596 18.0845260620117 P PPLA SK 04 86329 149 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16790 3058780 Martin Martin 49.0666667 18.9333333 P PPL SK 00 60817 411 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16791 3058897 Malacky Malacky 48.4333333 17.0166667 P PPL SK 00 17773 167 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-19
+ 16792 3058986 Lučenec Lucenec 48.3333333 19.6666667 P PPL SK 00 28159 168 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-16
+ 16793 3059050 Liptovský Mikuláš Liptovsky Mikulas 49.0806126159273 19.6221828460693 P PPL SK 33509 561 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16794 3059101 Levice Levice 48.2166667 18.6 P PPL SK 00 37574 172 Europe/Bratislava 2008-05-10
+ 16795 3059179 Kysucké Nové Mesto Kysucke Nove Mesto 49.3 18.7833333 P PPL SK 00 16558 366 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-19
+ 16796 3059436 Komárno Komarno 47.7635607656541 18.1226348876953 P PPL SK 00 37365 111 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16797 3060095 Hlohovec Hlohovec 48.4333333 17.8 P PPL SK 00 23930 146 Europe/Bratislava 2006-07-29
+ 16798 3060139 Handlová Handlova 48.7333333 18.7666667 P PPL SK 00 18018 489 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16799 3060219 Galanta Galanta 48.1900090014493 17.7274703979492 P PPL SK 00 16365 115 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-29
+ 16800 3060308 Dunajská Streda Dunajska Streda 47.9926788654112 17.6121139526367 P PPL SK 00 23639 119 Europe/Bratislava 2007-03-23
+ 16801 3060346 Dubnica nad Váhom Dubnica nad Vahom 48.9666667 18.1833333 P PPL SK 00 26617 243 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-19
+ 16802 3060405 Dolný Kubín Dolny Kubin 49.2 19.3 P PPL SK 00 20401 596 Europe/Bratislava 2006-11-19
+ 16803 3060835 Čadca Cadca 49.4333333 18.7833333 P PPL SK 00 27281 475 Europe/Bratislava 2007-02-18
+ 16804 3060950 Brezno Brezno 48.8166667 19.65 P PPL SK 00 23055 541 Europe/Bratislava 2007-02-18
+ 16805 3060972 Bratislava Bratislava 48.15 17.1166667 P PPLC SK 02 423737 132 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16806 3061186 Banská Bystrica Banska Bystrica 48.7333333 19.15 P PPLA SK 01 82336 332 Europe/Bratislava 2008-11-28
+ 16807 3061188 Bánovce nad Bebravou Banovce nad Bebravou 48.7166667 18.2666667 P PPL SK 00 21328 219 Europe/Bratislava 2006-01-17
+ 16808 2403094 Waterloo Waterloo 8.3383333 -13.0719444 P PPL SL 04 19750 40 Africa/Freetown 2006-01-17
+ 16809 2404433 Port Loko Port Loko 8.7666667 -12.7833333 P PPL SL 02 21308 8 Africa/Freetown 2006-01-17
+ 16810 2406407 Makeni Makeni 8.8833333 -12.05 P PPLA SL 02 87679 93 Africa/Freetown 2006-01-17
+ 16811 2406916 Lunsar Lunsar 8.6833333 -12.5333333 P PPL SL 02 22461 53 Africa/Freetown 2006-01-17
+ 16812 2407660 Koidu Koidu 8.4166667 -10.8333333 P PPL SL 01 87539 284 Africa/Freetown 2006-01-17
+ 16813 2407790 Kenema Kenema 7.8766667 -11.1875 P PPLA SL 01 143137 238 Africa/Freetown 2006-11-15
+ 16814 2408329 Kabala Kabala 9.5833333 -11.55 P PPL SL 02 17948 457 Africa/Freetown 2006-01-17
+ 16815 2409306 Freetown Freetown 8.49 -13.2341667 P PPLC SL 04 802639 21 Africa/Freetown 2007-02-17
+ 16816 2410048 Bo Bo 7.9647222 -11.7383333 P PPLA SL 03 174354 149 Africa/Freetown 2006-11-15
+ 16817 3168070 San Marino San Marino 43.9333333 12.45 P PPLC SM 07 29000 377 Europe/San_Marino 2008-10-23
+ 16818 2243940 Ziguinchor Ziguinchor 12.5833333 -16.2719444 P PPLA SN 12 159778 16 Africa/Dakar 2006-11-15
+ 16819 2244177 Vélingara Velingara 13.15 -14.1166667 P PPL SN 11 22441 42 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16820 2244616 Tiébo Tiebo 14.6333333 -16.2333333 P PPL SN 03 100289 15 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16821 2244799 Thiès Nones Thies Nones 14.7833333 -16.9666667 P PPL SN 07 252320 101 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16822 2245704 Sédhiou Sedhiou 12.7080556 -15.5569444 P PPL SN 11 19702 34 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16823 2246452 Saint-Louis Saint-Louis 16.0179309620427 -16.4896202087402 P PPLA SN SN 14 176000 24 Africa/Dakar 2009-05-15
+ 16824 2246544 Richard Toll Richard Toll 16.4666667 -15.6833333 P PPL SN 14 44752 11 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16825 2246606 Pout Pout 14.7738889 -17.0602778 P PPL SN 07 17752 17 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16826 2246608 Pourham Pourham 14.35 -16.4166667 P PPL SN 09 24146 14 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16827 2246678 Pikine Pikine 14.75 -17.4 P PPL SN 01 874062 16 Africa/Dakar 2009-08-12
+ 16828 2247157 Nioro du Rip Nioro du Rip 13.75 -15.8 P PPL SN 10 20711 29 Africa/Dakar 2007-05-18
+ 16829 2247381 Nguékokh Nguekokh 14.5127778 -17.005 P PPL SN 07 17885 24 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-27
+ 16830 2247813 Ndibène Dahra Ndibene Dahra 15.3333333 -15.4833333 P PPL SN 13 27741 61 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16831 2248409 Mékhé Mekhe 15.1166667 -16.6333333 P PPL SN 07 19242 43 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16832 2248698 Mbaké Mbake 14.7903186039453 -15.908031463623 P PPL SN SN 03 74100 43 Africa/Dakar 2007-11-01
+ 16833 2249782 Kolda Kolda 12.8833333 -14.95 P PPLA SN 11 58809 1 Africa/Dakar 2006-11-15
+ 16834 2250645 Kédougou Kedougou 12.55 -12.1833333 P PPL SN 05 17922 100 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16835 2250677 Kayar Kayar 14.9191667 -17.1211111 P PPL SN 07 17193 1 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16836 2251084 Joal-Fadiout Joal-Fadiout 14.1666667 -16.8333333 P PPL SN 07 36735 1 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-22
+ 16837 2251230 Guinguinéo Guinguineo 14.2666667 -15.95 P PPL SN 09 15395 23 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16838 2251339 Grand Dakar Grand Dakar 14.7088889 -17.4552778 P PPL SN 01 2352057 33 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16839 2253277 Dara Dara 15.3484447734099 -15.4799294471741 P PPL SN SN 13 30000 62 Africa/Dakar 2007-10-04
+ 16840 2253354 Dakar Dakar 14.6951118854684 -17.4438858032227 P PPLC SN 01 2476400 14 Africa/Dakar 2009-09-04
+ 16841 2253901 Bignona Bignona 12.8102778 -16.2263889 P PPL SN 12 26237 29 Africa/Dakar 2006-01-17
+ 16842 50672 Wanlaweyn Wanlaweyn 2.6166667 44.9 P PPL SO 14 22022 92 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-17
+ 16843 52867 Qoryooley Qoryooley 1.7833333 44.5333333 P PPL SO 14 51720 65 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16844 53157 Qandala Qandala 11.4711111 49.8738889 P PPL SO 03 15923 7 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-17
+ 16845 53654 Mogadishu Mogadishu 2.03913722186582 45.3419172763824 P PPLC SO 02 2587183 39 Africa/Mogadishu 2009-05-18
+ 16846 54715 Luuq Luuq 3.8 42.55 P PPL SO 06 33820 155 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16847 55671 Chisimayu Chisimayu -0.3666667 42.5333333 P PPL SO 09 234852 -9999 Africa/Mogadishu 2007-02-17
+ 16848 56166 Jilib Jilib 0.4958333 42.7727778 P PPL SO 08 43694 17 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-17
+ 16849 56335 Giohar Giohar 2.7666667 45.5166667 P PPL SO 13 47086 100 Africa/Mogadishu 2007-01-29
+ 16850 56399 Jamaame Jamaame 0.0722222 42.7505556 P PPL SO 09 185270 11 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-11-15
+ 16851 57289 Hargeysa Hargeysa 9.56 44.065 P PPLA SO 20 477876 1247 Africa/Mogadishu 2007-05-09
+ 16852 59611 Galcaio Galcaio 6.7697222 47.4308333 P PPLA SO 10 61200 293 Africa/Mogadishu 2008-09-17
+ 16853 60019 Eyl Eyl 7.9833333 49.8166667 P PPL SO 18 18904 22 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-17
+ 16854 62691 Erigavo Erigavo 10.6180556 47.37 P PPL SO 12 33853 1776 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16855 62788 Ceeldheere Ceeldheere 3.85 47.2 P PPL SO 05 26562 121 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16856 63571 Buurhakaba Buurhakaba 2.7833333 44.0833333 P PPL SO 04 27792 199 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16857 63689 Buulobarde Buulobarde 3.85 45.5666667 P PPL SO 07 16928 127 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16858 63795 Burao Burao 9.5166667 45.5333333 P PPL SO 19 99270 1039 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-11-15
+ 16859 64013 Bender Cassim Bender Cassim 11.2847222 49.1825 P PPL SO 03 74287 1 Africa/Mogadishu 2007-10-03
+ 16860 64435 Berbera Berbera 10.4355556 45.0163889 P PPL SO 20 242344 21 Africa/Mogadishu 2007-02-17
+ 16861 64460 Beledweyne Beledweyne 4.7358333 45.2036111 P PPL SO 07 55410 174 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-12-03
+ 16862 64536 Baidoa Baidoa 3.1166667 43.65 P PPL SO 04 129839 446 Africa/Mogadishu 2007-02-18
+ 16863 65170 Baardheere Baardheere 2.35 42.2666667 P PPLL SO 06 42240 102 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-01-27
+ 16864 65785 Afgooye Afgooye 2.15 45.1166667 P PPL SO 14 65461 78 Africa/Mogadishu 2006-12-17
+ 16865 400769 Laascaanood Laascaanood 8.4755556 47.3577778 P PPL SO 22 60100 722 Africa/Mogadishu 2008-10-02
+ 16866 3383330 Paramaribo Paramaribo 5.8333333 -55.1666667 P PPLC SR 16 223757 3 America/Paramaribo 2007-02-17
+ 16867 3383714 Lelydorp Lelydorp 5.7 -55.2333333 P PPL SR 19 18223 9 America/Paramaribo 2006-01-17
+ 16868 2410763 São Tomé Sao Tome 0.3333333 6.7333333 P PPLC ST 02 53300 137 Africa/Sao_Tome 2007-02-17
+ 16869 3582805 Zacatecoluca Zacatecoluca 13.5 -88.8666667 P PPL SV 06 39613 149 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16870 3582883 Usulután Usulutan 13.35 -88.45 P PPL SV 14 51910 92 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16871 3583096 Soyapango Soyapango 13.7347222 -89.1513889 P PPL SV 10 329708 601 America/El_Salvador 2006-11-15
+ 16872 3583098 Sonzacate Sonzacate 13.7341667 -89.7147222 P PPL SV 13 15446 281 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16873 3583102 Sonsonate Sonsonate 13.7188889 -89.7241667 P PPL SV 13 59468 245 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16874 3583158 Sensuntepeque Sensuntepeque 13.8666667 -88.6333333 P PPL SV 02 20386 704 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16875 3583178 San Vicente San Vicente 13.6333333 -88.8 P PPL SV 12 37326 574 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16876 3583199 Santiago de María Santiago de Maria 13.4833333 -88.4666667 P PPL SV 14 15032 936 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16877 3583334 Santa Ana Santa Ana 13.9941667 -89.5597222 P PPL SV 11 176661 655 America/El_Salvador 2006-11-15
+ 16878 3583361 San Salvador San Salvador 13.7086111 -89.2030556 P PPLC SV 10 525990 699 America/El_Salvador 2007-02-17
+ 16879 3583379 San Rafael Oriente San Rafael Oriente 13.3833333 -88.35 P PPL SV 09 19095 199 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16880 3583446 San Miquel San Miquel 13.4833333 -88.1833333 P PPL SV 09 161880 130 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16881 3583471 San Martín San Martin 13.7833333 -88.9166667 P PPL SV 04 39361 603 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16882 3583480 San Marcos San Marcos 13.6588889 -89.1830556 P PPL SV 10 54615 809 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16883 3583747 San Francisco San Francisco 13.7 -88.1 P PPL SV 08 16152 302 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16884 3583981 Quezaltepeque Quezaltepeque 13.835 -89.2744444 P PPL SV 05 28886 407 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16885 3584003 Puerto El Triunfo Puerto El Triunfo 13.2833333 -88.55 P PPL SV 14 19074 20 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16886 3584257 Nueva San Salvador Nueva San Salvador 13.6769444 -89.2797222 P PPL SV 05 124694 921 America/El_Salvador 2006-11-15
+ 16887 3584384 Metapán Metapan 14.3333333 -89.45 P PPL SV 11 19143 478 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16888 3584399 Mejicanos Mejicanos 13.7402778 -89.2130556 P PPL SV 10 160317 713 America/El_Salvador 2006-11-15
+ 16889 3584772 La Unión La Union 13.3369444 -87.8438889 P PPL SV 07 26807 10 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16890 3585157 La Libertad La Libertad 13.4883333 -89.3222222 P PPL SV 05 16855 31 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16891 3585473 Izalco Izalco 13.7447222 -89.6730556 P PPL SV 13 19197 442 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16892 3585484 Ilopango Ilopango 13.7016667 -89.1094444 P PPL SV 10 38890 602 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16893 3586814 Delgado Delgado 13.7241667 -89.1702778 P PPL SV 10 71594 599 America/El_Salvador 2006-11-15
+ 16894 3586833 Cuscatancingo Cuscatancingo 13.7361111 -89.1813889 P PPL SV 10 44369 603 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16895 3586977 Cojutepeque Cojutepeque 13.7166667 -88.9333333 P PPL SV 04 48411 836 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16896 3587086 Chalchuapa Chalchuapa 13.9866667 -89.6811111 P PPL SV 11 32282 678 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16897 3587091 Chalatenango Chalatenango 14.0333333 -88.9333333 P PPL SV 03 19364 397 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16898 3587308 Ayutuxtepeque Ayutuxtepeque 13.7455556 -89.2063889 P PPL SV 10 25426 647 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16899 3587345 Apopa Apopa 13.8072222 -89.1791667 P PPL SV 10 112158 405 America/El_Salvador 2006-11-15
+ 16900 3587362 Antiguo Cuscatlán Antiguo Cuscatlan 13.6730556 -89.2408333 P PPL SV 05 33767 850 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16901 3587426 Ahuachapán Ahuachapan 13.9213889 -89.845 P PPL SV 01 34102 770 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16902 3587428 Aguilares Aguilares 13.9572222 -89.1897222 P PPL SV 10 21445 300 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16903 3587498 Acajutla Acajutla 13.5927778 -89.8275 P PPL SV 13 22763 8 America/El_Salvador 2006-01-17
+ 16904 162627 Yabrūd Yabrud 33.9666667 36.6666667 P PPL SY 08 40502 1367 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16905 163270 Ţayyibat al Imām Tayyibat al Imam 35.2666667 36.7166667 P PPL SY 10 29259 329 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16906 163345 Ţarţūs Tartus 34.8833333 35.8833333 P PPL SY 14 89457 -9999 Asia/Damascus 2007-02-18
+ 16907 163476 Tall Rif`at Tall Rif`at 36.4666667 37.1 P PPL SY 09 25658 446 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16908 163533 Tall Kalakh Tall Kalakh 34.6666667 36.25 P PPL SY 11 29754 313 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16909 163779 Talbīsah Talbisah 34.8333333 36.7333333 P PPL SY 11 38491 462 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16910 163806 Ţafas Tafas 32.7380556 36.0686111 P PPL SY 06 31249 493 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16911 163808 Tadmur Tadmur 34.55 38.2833333 P PPL SY 11 51015 411 Asia/Damascus 2007-02-17
+ 16912 163811 Tādif Tadif 36.3333333 37.5333333 P PPL SY 09 34670 438 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16913 163915 Şūrān Suran 35.2833333 36.75 P PPL SY 10 30716 351 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16914 164025 Subaykhān Subaykhan 34.8544444 40.6083333 P PPL SY 07 25514 167 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16915 164328 Shaykh Miskīn Shaykh Miskin 32.8166667 36.15 P PPL SY 06 25920 529 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16916 164816 Sarāqib Saraqib 35.8636111 36.8005556 P PPL SY 12 34231 371 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16917 164898 Salqīn Salqin 36.1372222 36.4541667 P PPL SY 12 31608 448 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16918 164947 Salamīyah Salamiyah 35.0166667 37.05 P PPL SY 10 94887 463 Asia/Damascus 2006-05-19
+ 16919 165060 Şāfītā Safita 34.8166667 36.1166667 P PPL SY 14 27815 349 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16920 165929 Qaţanā Qatana 33.4333333 36.0833333 P PPL SY 08 18511 875 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16921 165997 Qāsim Qasim 32.9833333 36.0833333 P PPL SY 06 30283 650 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16922 166111 Qārah Qarah 34.15 36.7333333 P PPL SY 08 20656 1294 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16923 166331 Nubl Nubl 36.3666667 36.9833333 P PPL SY 09 25546 457 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16924 167046 Maşyāf Masyaf 35.05 36.35 P PPL SY 10 32262 432 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16925 167357 Manbij Manbij 36.5266667 37.9563889 P PPL SY 09 68888 472 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16926 167605 Ma`arrat Mişrīn Ma`arrat Misrin 36.0166667 36.6666667 P PPL SY 12 32163 322 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16927 168325 Khān Shaykhūn Khan Shaykhun 35.4333333 36.6333333 P PPL SY 12 48975 350 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16928 168620 Kafr Zaytā Kafr Zayta 35.3666667 36.5833333 P PPL SY 10 21845 289 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16929 168629 Kafr Takhārīm Kafr Takharim 36.1166667 36.5166667 P PPL SY 12 22436 587 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16930 168661 Kafr Nabl Kafr Nabl 35.6 36.5666667 P PPL SY 12 24754 637 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16931 168668 Kafr Lāḩah Kafr Lahah 34.8833333 36.5 P PPL SY 11 21819 378 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16932 169023 Jisr ash Shughūr Jisr ash Shughur 35.8155556 36.3175 P PPL SY 12 39311 129 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16933 169113 Jayrūd Jayrud 33.8166667 36.7333333 P PPL SY 08 32352 804 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16934 169179 Jarābulus Jarabulus 36.8175 38.0111111 P PPL SY 09 24997 356 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16935 169304 Jablah Jablah 35.35 35.9166667 P PPL SY 02 65915 -9999 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16936 169372 `Irbīn `Irbin 33.5333333 36.3666667 P PPL SY 13 42474 671 Asia/Damascus 2009-03-03
+ 16937 169375 Inkhil Inkhil 33.0 36.1166667 P PPL SY 06 29076 629 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16938 169389 Idlib Idlib 35.9297222 36.6316667 P PPL SY 12 128840 449 Asia/Damascus 2006-11-15
+ 16939 169577 Ḩimş Hims 34.7333333 36.7166667 P PPL SY 11 775404 510 Asia/Damascus 2007-02-17
+ 16940 169897 Ḩarastā al Başal Harasta al Basal 33.5666667 36.3666667 P PPL SY 08 37348 686 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16941 170017 Ḩamāh Hamah 35.1333333 36.75 P PPL SY 10 460602 264 Asia/Damascus 2008-01-28
+ 16942 170044 Ḩalfāyā Halfaya 35.2666667 36.6 P PPL SY 10 23403 226 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16943 170063 Aleppo Aleppo 36.2027778 37.1586111 P PPL SY 09 1602264 380 Asia/Damascus 2007-02-17
+ 16944 170592 Dūmā Duma 33.5833333 36.4 P PPL SY 08 111864 661 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16945 170654 Damascus Damascus 33.5 36.3 P PPLC SY 13 1569394 692 Asia/Damascus 2009-05-26
+ 16946 170785 Dayr Ḩāfir Dayr Hafir 36.1536111 37.7066667 P PPL SY 09 28905 355 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16947 170794 Dayr az Zawr Dayr az Zawr 35.3333333 40.15 P PPL SY 07 242565 194 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16948 170887 Darbāsīyah Darbasiyah 37.07 40.6525 P PPL SY 01 21481 478 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16949 170892 Dārayyā Darayya 33.45 36.25 P PPL SY 13 71596 690 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16950 171451 Binnish Binnish 35.9333333 36.7166667 P PPL SY 12 30354 352 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16951 171830 Bāniyās Baniyas 35.1833333 35.95 P PPL SY 14 39066 10 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16952 172059 Az Zabadānī Az Zabadani 33.7166667 36.0833333 P PPL SY 08 29549 1234 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16953 172349 At Tall At Tall 33.6 36.3 P PPL SY 08 55561 914 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16954 172374 Ath Thawrah Ath Thawrah 35.8366667 38.5480556 P PPL SY 04 87880 343 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16955 172408 As Suwaydā' As Suwayda' 32.7 36.5666667 P PPL SY 05 59052 1090 Asia/Damascus 2007-12-05
+ 16956 172469 Aş Şanamayn As Sanamayn 33.0833333 36.1666667 P PPL SY 06 25702 641 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16957 172503 As Safīrah As Safirah 36.0666667 37.3666667 P PPL SY 09 95832 341 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16958 172946 Ar Rastan Ar Rastan 34.9166667 36.7333333 P PPL SY 11 53152 394 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16959 172955 Ar Raqqah Ar Raqqah 35.95 39.0166667 P PPL SY 04 177636 226 Asia/Damascus 2007-05-04
+ 16960 173193 An Nabk An Nabk 34.0166667 36.7333333 P PPL SY 08 49372 1266 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16961 173312 Al Quţayfah Al Qutayfah 33.75 36.6 P PPL SY 08 16118 927 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16962 173322 Al Quşayr Al Qusayr 34.5166667 36.5833333 P PPL SY 11 41062 544 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16963 173334 Al Qunayţirah Al Qunaytirah 33.1252778 35.8236111 P PPL SY 03 36143 928 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16964 173361 Al Qaryatayn Al Qaryatayn 34.2333333 37.2333333 P PPL SY 11 31748 752 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16965 173480 Al Mayādīn Al Mayadin 35.0166667 40.45 P PPL SY 07 54534 193 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16966 173576 Latakia Latakia 35.5166667 35.7833333 P PPL SY 02 340181 -9999 Asia/Damascus 2007-02-17
+ 16967 173598 Al Kiswah Al Kiswah 33.35 36.2333333 P PPL SY 08 23526 728 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16968 173811 Al Ḩasakah Al Hasakah 36.4833333 40.75 P PPL SY 01 81539 314 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16969 173819 Al Ḩarāk Al Harak 32.7333333 36.3002778 P PPL SY 06 23784 650 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-27
+ 16970 174018 Al Bāb Al Bab 36.3725 37.5177778 P PPL SY 09 130745 472 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16971 174186 `Afrīn `Afrin 36.5166667 36.8666667 P PPL SY 09 48693 223 Asia/Damascus 2009-03-03
+ 16972 174259 Ad Dānā Ad Dana 36.2166667 36.7666667 P PPL SY 12 21987 383 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16973 174448 Abū Kamāl Abu Kamal 34.45 40.9186111 P PPL SY 07 57572 175 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16974 174506 Hajīn Hajin 34.6897222 40.83 P PPL SY 07 29237 169 Asia/Damascus 2006-01-17
+ 16975 934985 Mbabane Mbabane -26.3166667 31.1333333 P PPLC SZ 01 76218 1156 Africa/Mbabane 2007-02-17
+ 16976 934995 Manzini Manzini -26.4833333 31.3666667 P PPLA SZ 03 110537 617 Africa/Mbabane 2006-11-15
+ 16977 935048 Lobamba Lobamba -26.4666667 31.2 P PPLC SZ 00 4557 651 Africa/Mbabane 2006-11-07
+ 16978 3576994 Grand Turk Grand Turk 21.4666667 -71.1333333 P PPLC TC 00 3720 1 America/Grand_Turk 2007-07-25
+ 16979 245338 Am Timan Am Timan 11.0333333 20.2833333 P PPLA TD 13 28885 416 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 16980 245785 Abéché Abeche 13.8291624391986 20.8323955535889 P PPLA TD 12 74188 542 Africa/Ndjamena 2008-09-16
+ 16981 2425791 Sarh Sarh 9.15 18.3833333 P PPLA TD 11 102528 342 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 16982 2426240 Pala Pala 9.3666667 14.9 P PPL TD 10 35466 446 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16983 2426370 Oum Hadjer Oum Hadjer 13.3 19.6833333 P PPL TD 01 19271 358 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16984 2427123 N'Djamena N'Djamena 12.1130556 15.0491667 P PPLC TD 04 721081 290 Africa/Ndjamena 2007-02-17
+ 16985 2427336 Moussoro Moussoro 13.6425 16.4888889 P PPL TD 06 15190 293 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16986 2427455 Moundou Moundou 8.5666667 16.0833333 P PPLA TD 08 135167 415 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 16987 2427637 Mongo Mongo 12.1833333 18.7 P PPLA TD 05 27763 395 Africa/Ndjamena 2007-02-08
+ 16988 2428042 Mboursou Léré Mboursou Lere 9.7666667 14.15 P PPL TD 10 17132 304 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16989 2428228 Massakory Massakory 12.9980556 15.7375 P PPL TD 04 15406 259 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16990 2428231 Massaguet Massaguet 12.4741667 15.4427778 P PPL TD 04 17906 289 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16991 2428394 Mao Mao 14.1194444 15.3133333 P PPLA TD 06 18031 352 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 16992 2429296 Laï Lai 9.4 16.3 P PPLA TD 14 19382 362 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 16993 2429344 Kyabé Kyabe 9.45 18.95 P PPL TD 11 16177 367 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16994 2429605 Koumra Koumra 8.9166667 17.55 P PPL TD 11 36263 419 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16995 2430506 Kélo Kelo 9.3166667 15.8 P PPL TD 14 42533 429 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16996 2433055 Dourbali Dourbali 11.8094444 15.8611111 P PPL TD 04 17682 305 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 16997 2433437 Doba Doba 8.65 16.85 P PPLA TD 09 24336 398 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-05-10
+ 16998 2434910 Bongor Bongor 10.2805556 15.3722222 P PPLA TD 10 27770 316 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 16999 2435124 Bitkine Bitkine 11.9816667 18.2127778 P PPL TD 05 18495 682 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 17000 2435508 Bénoy Benoy 8.9833333 16.3166667 P PPL TD 08 15717 448 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-01-17
+ 17001 2436400 Ati Ati 13.2166667 18.3333333 P PPLA TD 01 24074 297 Africa/Ndjamena 2006-11-15
+ 17002 2363490 Vogan Vogan 6.3333333 1.5333333 P PPL TG 24 20569 67 Africa/Lome 2008-10-17
+ 17003 2363534 Tsévié Tsevie 6.4261111 1.2133333 P PPL TG 18 55775 77 Africa/Lome 2006-01-17
+ 17004 2363908 Tchamba Tchamba 9.0333333 1.4166667 P PPL TG 22 25668 320 Africa/Lome 2008-10-17
+ 17005 2364079 Sotouboua Sotouboua 8.5666667 0.9833333 P PPL TG 22 21054 374 Africa/Lome 2009-01-30
+ 17006 2364104 Sokodé Sokode 8.9833333 1.1333333 P PPLA TG 22 117811 417 Africa/Lome 2006-11-15
+ 17007 2364752 Notsé Notse 6.95 1.1666667 P PPL TG 25 22017 147 Africa/Lome 2008-10-17
+ 17008 2364812 Niamtougou Niamtougou 9.7680556 1.1052778 P PPL TG 23 23261 391 Africa/Lome 2006-01-17
+ 17009 2365190 Sansanné-Mango Sansanne-Mango 10.3591667 0.4708333 P PPL TG 26 37748 143 Africa/Lome 2006-01-17
+ 17010 2365267 Lomé Lome 6.1319444 1.2227778 P PPLC TG 24 749700 64 Africa/Lome 2007-02-17
+ 17011 2365560 Kpalimé Kpalime 6.9 0.6333333 P PPL TG 00 95974 246 Africa/Lome 2006-11-15
+ 17012 2366152 Kara Kara 9.5511111 1.1861111 P PPLA TG 23 104207 321 Africa/Lome 2007-02-08
+ 17013 2367164 Dapaong Dapaong 10.8638889 0.205 P PPLA TG 26 33324 305 Africa/Lome 2007-02-22
+ 17014 2367568 Bassar Bassar 9.25 0.7833333 P PPL TG 05 61845 463 Africa/Lome 2006-11-15
+ 17015 2367656 Bafilo Bafilo 9.35 1.2666667 P PPL TG 23 22543 454 Africa/Lome 2008-10-17
+ 17016 2367660 Badou Badou 7.5833333 0.6 P PPL TG 00 20029 361 Africa/Lome 2006-01-17
+ 17017 2367886 Atakpamé Atakpame 7.5333333 1.1333333 P PPLA TG 25 80683 425 Africa/Lome 2006-01-17
+ 17018 2367990 Aného Aneho 6.2333333 1.6 P PPL TG 02 47579 64 Africa/Lome 2006-01-17
+ 17019 1117823 Ban Sam Roi Yot Ban Sam Roi Yot 12.2 99.8833333 P PPL TH 57 19709 19 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17020 1149698 Phetchaburi Phetchaburi 13.1 99.95 P PPLA TH 56 46601 5 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17021 1150007 Trang Trang 7.5563343929518 99.6114063262939 P PPLA TH 65 66713 33 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-02
+ 17022 1150085 Thung Song Thung Song 8.15 99.7333333 P PPL TH 64 28223 65 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17023 1150154 Thoen Thoen 17.6025 99.2138889 P PPL TH 06 18459 153 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17024 1150210 Thap Than Thap Than 15.4594444 99.8925 P PPL TH 15 16615 42 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17025 1150246 Tha Muang Tha Muang 13.9666667 99.6333333 P PPL TH 50 26746 22 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17026 1150275 Tha Maka Tha Maka 13.9 99.7666667 P PPL TH 50 52907 20 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17027 1150490 Tak Tak 16.8666667 99.1333333 P PPLA TH 08 24149 109 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-08
+ 17028 1150515 Surat Thani Surat Thani 9.1333333 99.3166667 P PPLA TH 60 127201 2 Asia/Bangkok 2009-10-01
+ 17029 1150624 Si Satchanalai Si Satchanalai 17.5166667 99.7666667 P PPL TH 09 25942 57 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17030 1150681 Sawankhalok Sawankhalok 17.3086111 99.8341667 P PPL TH 09 19805 52 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17031 1150728 San Pa Tong San Pa Tong 18.6247222 98.8944444 P PPL TH 02 17773 291 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17032 1150732 San Kamphaeng San Kamphaeng 18.7422222 99.1225 P PPL TH 02 32950 296 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17033 1150921 Ron Phibun Ron Phibun 8.15 99.85 P PPL TH 64 26621 14 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17034 1150954 Ratchaburi Ratchaburi 13.5333333 99.8 P PPLA TH 52 92448 6 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17035 1150965 Ranong Ranong 9.9666667 98.6333333 P PPLA TH 59 24561 -9999 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17036 1151063 Pran Buri Pran Buri 12.3833333 99.9166667 P PPL TH 57 47293 3 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17037 1151074 Prachuap Khiri Khan Prachuap Khiri Khan 11.8209810873193 99.7840976715088 P PPLA TH 57 33521 13 Asia/Bangkok 2008-04-15
+ 17038 1151211 Phun Phin Phun Phin 9.1166667 99.2 P PPL TH 60 25810 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17039 1151254 Phuket Phuket 7.8833333 98.4 P PPLA TH 62 89072 9 Asia/Bangkok 2009-09-24
+ 17040 1151340 Photharam Photharam 13.6833333 99.85 P PPL TH 52 36248 8 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17041 1151426 Phayao Phayao 19.1666667 99.9166667 P PPLA TH 41 21058 384 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17042 1151528 Pa Sang Pa Sang 18.5244444 98.9386111 P PPL TH 05 15607 273 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17043 1151933 Nakhon Si Thammarat Nakhon Si Thammarat 8.4333333 99.9666667 P PPLA TH 64 120836 10 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17044 1152188 Mae Sot Mae Sot 16.7166667 98.5666667 P PPL TH 08 44563 208 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17045 1152194 Mae Sai Mae Sai 20.43 99.8858333 P PPL TH 03 27520 393 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17046 1152202 Mae Ramat Mae Ramat 16.9666667 98.5166667 P PPL TH 08 17316 179 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17047 1152227 Ban Mae Chan Ban Mae Chan 20.1472222 99.8538889 P PPL TH 03 37672 420 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17048 1152233 Mae Ai Mae Ai 20.0333333 99.3166667 P PPL TH 02 15681 460 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17049 1152377 Lat Yao Lat Yao 15.7505556 99.7902778 P PPL TH 16 17506 54 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17050 1152432 Lang Suan Lang Suan 9.95 99.0666667 P PPL TH 58 16142 21 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17051 1152473 Lampang Lampang 18.2983333 99.5072222 P PPLA TH 06 156139 224 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17052 1152562 Kui Buri Kui Buri 12.05 99.8666667 P PPL TH 57 19046 12 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17053 1152633 Krabi Krabi 8.0666667 98.9166667 P PPLA TH 63 31219 2 Asia/Bangkok 2009-10-01
+ 17054 1152647 Ko Samui Ko Samui 9.53422538982584 99.9353742599487 P PPL TH 64 39681 17 Asia/Bangkok 2008-06-30
+ 17055 1152919 Khao Yoi Khao Yoi 13.2333333 99.8333333 P PPL TH 56 18506 16 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17056 1152953 Khanu Woralaksaburi Khanu Woralaksaburi 16.0666667 99.8666667 P PPL TH 11 21889 44 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17057 1153035 Kathu Kathu 7.9166667 98.35 P PPL TH 62 34835 159 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17058 1153081 Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi 14.0041160350935 99.5483207702637 P PPL TH 50 63699 21 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-01
+ 17059 1153090 Kamphaeng Phet Kamphaeng Phet 16.4666667 99.5 P PPLA TH 11 58787 72 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17060 1153241 Huai Yot Huai Yot 7.75 99.6166667 P PPL TH 65 16586 60 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17061 1153269 Hua Hin Hua Hin 12.570648483963 99.9587631225586 P PPL TH 57 50456 -9999 Asia/Bangkok 2009-10-01
+ 17062 1153386 Hang Dong Hang Dong 18.6872222 98.9166667 P PPL TH 02 17931 300 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17063 1153464 Dok Kham Tai Dok Kham Tai 19.1666667 99.9833333 P PPL TH 03 23824 386 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17064 1153513 Damnoen Saduak Damnoen Saduak 13.5166667 99.9333333 P PPL TH 52 23296 7 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17065 1153557 Chumphon Chumphon 10.5 99.1666667 P PPLA TH 58 55835 11 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17066 1153646 Chom Bung Chom Bung 13.6166667 99.6 P PPL TH 52 15143 87 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17067 1153669 Chiang Rai Chiang Rai 19.9 99.8333333 P PPLA TH 03 78756 386 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-17
+ 17068 1153671 Chiang Mai Chiang Mai 18.7902778 98.9816667 P PPLA TH 02 200952 312 Asia/Bangkok 2009-10-10
+ 17069 1153807 Cha-am Cha-am 12.8 99.9666667 P PPL TH 56 49375 8 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17070 1153850 Bo Phloi Bo Phloi 14.3236111 99.5161111 P PPL TH 50 16786 98 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17071 1154677 Ban Tak Ban Tak 17.0405556 99.0630556 P PPL TH 08 18384 105 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17072 1155139 Ban Pong Ban Pong 13.8166667 99.8833333 P PPL TH 52 57559 19 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17073 1156046 Ban Na San Ban Na San 8.8 99.3666667 P PPL TH 60 21900 35 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17074 1156257 Ban Na Ban Na 17.0305556 99.7525 P PPL TH 09 40174 54 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17075 1157662 Bang Saphan Bang Saphan 11.2125860042522 99.5116710662842 P PPL TH 57 15134 21 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-01
+ 17076 1157683 Bang Phae Bang Phae 13.7 99.9333333 P PPL TH 52 29548 6 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17077 1595239 Changwat Rayong Changwat Rayong 12.6833333 101.2833333 P PPL TH 47 119080 8 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17078 1595679 Nong Kung Si Nong Kung Si 16.65 103.3 P PPL TH 23 17001 189 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17079 1599640 Ban Nong Wua So Ban Nong Wua So 17.2675 103.2247222 P PPL TH 19 21722 182 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17080 1601579 Ban Mai Ban Mai 7.2 100.55 P PPL TH 68 86899 181 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17081 1603235 Ban Huai Thalaeng Ban Huai Thalaeng 14.9833333 102.65 P PPL TH 27 15352 191 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17082 1604452 Ban Bang Sao Thong Ban Bang Sao Thong 13.6666667 100.8166667 P PPL TH 42 31153 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17083 1604654 Amphoe Na Klang Amphoe Na Klang 17.3075 102.1794444 P PPL TH 79 31024 254 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17084 1604769 Yasothon Yasothon 15.7952778 104.1494444 P PPLA TH 72 21643 128 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17085 1604771 Yaring Yaring 6.8616667 101.365 P PPL TH 69 31111 1 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17086 1604870 Yala Yala 6.5427778 101.2836111 P PPLA TH 70 93558 33 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17087 1605018 Wiset Chai Chan Wiset Chai Chan 14.5833333 100.35 P PPL TH 35 19129 6 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17088 1605024 Wichian Buri Wichian Buri 15.6588889 101.1125 P PPL TH 14 39272 107 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17089 1605069 Warin Chamrap Warin Chamrap 15.2 104.8833333 P PPL TH 75 43102 138 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17090 1605102 Wang Saphung Wang Saphung 17.3 101.7666667 P PPL TH 18 15747 248 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17091 1605118 Wang Noi Wang Noi 14.2166667 100.7333333 P PPL TH 36 15865 14 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17092 1605119 Wang Nam Yen Wang Nam Yen 13.5 102.1666667 P PPL TH 45 16299 100 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17093 1605215 Uttaradit Uttaradit 17.6311111 100.1008333 P PPLA TH 10 58313 75 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17094 1605221 Uthai Thani Uthai Thani 15.3666667 100.05 P PPLA TH 15 22219 19 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17095 1605239 Udon Thani Udon Thani 17.4075 102.7930556 P PPLA TH 76 247231 175 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-18
+ 17096 1605245 Ubon Ratchathani Ubon Ratchathani 15.2330556 104.8630556 P PPLA TH 75 122533 128 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17097 1605279 Trat Trat 12.2436431410592 102.515144348145 P PPLA TH 49 21590 15 Asia/Bangkok 2008-04-15
+ 17098 1605467 Tha Yang Tha Yang 12.9577209121584 99.9055480957031 P PPL TH 56 42602 13 Asia/Bangkok 2008-09-24
+ 17099 1605509 Tha Rua Tha Rua 14.5666667 100.7333333 P PPL TH 36 19116 9 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17100 1605538 Thap Khlo Thap Khlo 16.1666667 100.5666667 P PPL TH 13 15528 53 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17101 1605601 Tha Mai Tha Mai 12.6166667 102.0166667 P PPL TH 48 22445 22 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17102 1605677 Amphoe Tha Bo Amphoe Tha Bo 17.845 102.5841667 P PPL TH 17 35292 149 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17103 1605754 Taphan Hin Taphan Hin 16.2166667 100.4333333 P PPL TH 13 21895 41 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17104 1605957 Tak Bai Tak Bai 6.2666667 102.05 P PPL TH 31 17241 1 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17105 1606030 Surin Surin 14.8833333 103.4833333 P PPLA TH 29 46673 158 Asia/Bangkok 2009-10-01
+ 17106 1606033 Suphan Buri Suphan Buri 14.4666667 100.1166667 P PPLA TH 51 53399 10 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17107 1606050 Sungai Kolok Sungai Kolok 6.0266667 101.9677778 P PPL TH 31 42776 54 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17108 1606239 Si Sa Ket Si Sa Ket 15.1166667 104.3333333 P PPLA TH 30 44751 120 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17109 1606250 Si Racha Si Racha 13.1666667 100.9333333 P PPL TH 46 178916 -9999 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17110 1606270 Sing Buri Sing Buri 14.8833333 100.4166667 P PPLA TH 33 20046 4 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17111 1606343 Seka Seka 17.9333333 103.95 P PPL TH 17 16493 158 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17112 1606350 Amphoe Sawang Daen Din Amphoe Sawang Daen Din 17.4719444 103.4583333 P PPL TH 20 16825 181 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17113 1606376 Satun Satun 6.6166667 100.0666667 P PPLA TH 67 34544 18 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17114 1606386 Sattahip Sattahip 12.6666667 100.9 P PPL TH 46 65444 13 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17115 1606586 Samut Songkhram Samut Songkhram 13.4 100.0 P PPLA TH 54 35065 5 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17116 1606588 Samut Sakhon Samut Sakhon 13.5333333 100.2833333 P PPLA TH 55 63498 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17117 1606590 Samut Prakan Samut Prakan 13.5993363664207 100.596753358841 P PPLA TH 42 388920 2 Asia/Bangkok 2008-07-09
+ 17118 1606638 Sam Phran Sam Phran 13.7166667 100.2166667 P PPL TH 53 37115 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17119 1606790 Sakon Nakhon Sakon Nakhon 17.1666667 104.15 P PPLA TH 20 76237 174 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17120 1606807 Sa Kaeo Sa Kaeo 13.8166667 102.0666667 P PPLA TH 80 28497 39 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17121 1606939 Sadao Sadao 6.6333333 100.4333333 P PPL TH 68 46236 71 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17122 1607001 Roi Et Roi Et 16.0567014150353 103.653087615967 P PPLA TH 25 39328 149 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-14
+ 17123 1607068 Ranot Ranot 7.7666667 100.3166667 P PPL TH 68 19780 7 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17124 1607083 Rangae Rangae 6.2908333 101.7119444 P PPL TH 31 16862 30 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17125 1607257 Prakhon Chai Prakhon Chai 14.6166667 103.0833333 P PPL TH 28 15564 159 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17126 1607280 Prachin Buri Prachin Buri 14.0502778 101.3702778 P PPLA TH 74 32600 23 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-17
+ 17127 1607435 Phu Kradung Phu Kradung 16.8833333 101.8833333 P PPL TH 18 16079 252 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17128 1607439 Phu Khieo Phu Khieo 16.3666667 102.1333333 P PPL TH 26 17122 229 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17129 1607508 Phra Pradaeng Phra Pradaeng 13.6666667 100.5333333 P PPL TH 42 171333 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17130 1607512 Phra Phutthabat Phra Phutthabat 14.7166667 100.8 P PPL TH 37 57008 51 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17131 1607532 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 14.35 100.55 P PPLA TH 36 81962 14 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-17
+ 17132 1607552 Phrae Phrae 18.15 100.1333333 P PPLA TH 07 38538 154 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17133 1607615 Phon Charoen Phon Charoen 18.0333333 103.1666667 P PPL TH 17 15208 175 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17134 1607708 Phitsanulok Phitsanulok 16.8333333 100.25 P PPLA TH 12 103427 41 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-08
+ 17135 1607725 Phichit Phichit 16.4333333 100.3666667 P PPLA TH 13 35760 42 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-08
+ 17136 1607730 Phibun Mangsahan Phibun Mangsahan 15.2333333 105.2333333 P PPL TH 75 19883 118 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17137 1607737 Phetchabun Phetchabun 16.4190435046506 101.160564422607 P PPLA TH 14 50656 122 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-06
+ 17138 1607779 Phatthalung Phatthalung 7.6166667 100.0833333 P PPLA TH 66 43522 77 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17139 1607793 Phan Thong Phan Thong 13.4666667 101.1 P PPL TH 46 18708 9 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17140 1607801 Phanom Sarakham Phanom Sarakham 13.75 101.35 P PPL TH 44 16057 7 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17141 1607838 Phanat Nikhom Phanat Nikhom 13.45 101.1833333 P PPL TH 46 21924 13 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17142 1607865 Phak Hai Phak Hai 14.45 100.3666667 P PPL TH 36 19386 11 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17143 1608033 Pak Phanang Pak Phanang 8.35 100.2 P PPL TH 64 25014 4 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17144 1608048 Pak Kret Pak Kret 13.9166667 100.5 P PPL TH 38 182926 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17145 1608057 Pak Chong Pak Chong 14.7041667 101.4130556 P PPL TH 27 48999 319 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17146 1608136 Non Sung Non Sung 15.1833333 102.2666667 P PPL TH 27 18399 164 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17147 1608191 Nong Phai Nong Phai 15.9825 101.0622222 P PPL TH 14 27756 126 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17148 1608232 Nong Khai Nong Khai 17.8761111 102.7444444 P PPLA TH 17 63609 164 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-18
+ 17149 1608239 Nong Khae Nong Khae 14.3333333 100.8666667 P PPL TH 37 41067 8 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17150 1608409 Narathiwat Narathiwat 6.4244444 101.8236111 P PPLA TH 31 47771 1 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17151 1608424 Nang Rong Nang Rong 14.6333333 102.8 P PPL TH 28 21961 182 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17152 1608452 Nan Nan 18.7833333 100.7833333 P PPLA TH 04 24670 200 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17153 1608462 Amphoe Nam Som Amphoe Nam Som 17.7697222 102.1902778 P PPL TH 19 19324 232 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17154 1608529 Nakhon Ratchasima Nakhon Ratchasima 14.9706566787813 102.101955413818 P PPLA TH 27 208781 183 Asia/Bangkok 2008-10-02
+ 17155 1608531 Nakhon Phanom Nakhon Phanom 17.4 104.7833333 P PPLA TH 73 34595 140 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17156 1608534 Nakhon Pathom Nakhon Pathom 13.8166667 100.05 P PPLA TH 53 117927 4 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-05
+ 17157 1608539 Nakhon Nayok Nakhon Nayok 14.2030556 101.2147222 P PPLA TH 43 21309 26 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17158 1608541 Nakhon Luang Nakhon Luang 14.45 100.6166667 P PPL TH 36 15008 7 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17159 1608597 Mukdahan Mukdahan 16.5333333 104.7166667 P PPLA TH 78 40480 154 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17160 1608900 Maha Sarakham Maha Sarakham 16.1833333 103.3 P PPLA TH 24 51584 143 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17161 1609032 Lop Buri Lop Buri 14.8 100.6166667 P PPLA TH 34 57761 6 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17162 1609043 Lom Sak Lom Sak 16.7833333 101.25 P PPL TH 14 17309 150 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17163 1609071 Loei Loei 17.4833333 101.7166667 P PPLA TH 18 35273 254 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17164 1609278 Laem Sing Laem Sing 12.4833333 102.0666667 P PPL TH 48 16066 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17165 1609324 Amphoe Kut Chap Amphoe Kut Chap 17.4233333 102.5663889 P PPL TH 19 24696 197 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17166 1609345 Kuchinarai Kuchinarai 16.5333333 104.0666667 P PPL TH 23 20532 175 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17167 1609350 Bangkok Bangkok 13.75 100.5166667 P PPLC TH 40 5104476 2 Asia/Bangkok 2009-10-09
+ 17168 1609395 Krathum Baen Krathum Baen 13.65 100.2666667 P PPL TH 55 72819 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17169 1609610 Klaeng Klaeng 12.7833333 101.65 P PPL TH 47 55619 9 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17170 1609776 Khon Kaen Khon Kaen 16.4333333 102.8333333 P PPLA TH 22 147579 162 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-08
+ 17171 1609795 Khon Buri Khon Buri 14.5166667 102.25 P PPL TH 27 18596 218 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17172 1609899 Khlong Luang Khlong Luang 14.0666667 100.65 P PPL TH 39 118551 8 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17173 1609990 Khao Wong Khao Wong 16.7 104.1 P PPL TH 23 15184 201 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17174 1610185 Kaset Wisai Kaset Wisai 15.65 103.5833333 P PPL TH 25 18569 139 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17175 1610187 Kaset Sombun Kaset Sombun 16.2833333 101.95 P PPL TH 26 16996 241 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17176 1610227 Kantharalak Kantharalak 14.65 104.65 P PPL TH 30 36621 147 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17177 1610459 Kamalasai Kamalasai 16.3333333 103.5833333 P PPL TH 23 23393 147 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17178 1610469 Kalasin Kalasin 16.4333333 103.5 P PPLA TH 23 55102 152 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17179 1610503 Kaeng Khoi Kaeng Khoi 14.5880556 101.0030556 P PPL TH 37 30332 27 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17180 1610505 Kaeng Khlo Kaeng Khlo 16.1 102.2666667 P PPL TH 26 29056 194 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17181 1610538 Kabin Buri Kabin Buri 13.9833333 101.7166667 P PPL TH 45 20212 11 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17182 1610780 Hat Yai Hat Yai 7.0166667 100.4666667 P PPL TH 68 191696 71 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-17
+ 17183 1610940 Det Udom Det Udom 14.905 105.0772222 P PPL TH 71 35669 140 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17184 1610943 Den Chai Den Chai 17.9794444 100.0533333 P PPL TH 07 17019 150 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17185 1610963 Dan Khun Thot Dan Khun Thot 15.2063889 101.8058333 P PPL TH 27 15580 214 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17186 1611026 Chum Phae Chum Phae 16.5333333 102.1 P PPL TH 22 46335 217 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17187 1611106 Chon Daen Chon Daen 16.1833333 100.85 P PPL TH 14 17567 111 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17188 1611110 Chon Buri Chon Buri 13.3666667 100.9833333 P PPLA TH 46 219164 -9999 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17189 1611135 Chok Chai Chok Chai 14.7333333 102.1666667 P PPL TH 27 23337 196 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17190 1611269 Chanthaburi Chanthaburi 12.6 102.15 P PPLA TH 48 99819 6 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-08
+ 17191 1611407 Chaiyaphum Chaiyaphum 15.8 102.0333333 P PPLA TH 26 58350 198 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-15
+ 17192 1611416 Chai Nat Chai Nat 15.1833333 100.1333333 P PPLA TH 32 15469 20 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17193 1611424 Chai Badan Chai Badan 15.2 101.1333333 P PPL TH 34 25196 50 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17194 1611439 Chachoengsao Chachoengsao 13.7 101.0833333 P PPLA TH 44 49741 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-05-10
+ 17195 1611492 Bua Yai Bua Yai 15.5833333 102.4166667 P PPL TH 27 16832 167 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17196 1611635 Betong Betong 5.75 101.0833333 P PPL TH 70 29604 284 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17197 1613284 Ban Selaphum Ban Selaphum 16.0166667 103.95 P PPL TH 25 17412 127 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17198 1613769 Ban Rangsit Ban Rangsit 14.0166667 100.7333333 P PPL TH 39 123382 10 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17199 1614295 Ban Phattha Ya Ban Phattha Ya 12.9333333 100.8833333 P PPL TH 46 97296 8 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-17
+ 17200 1614336 Ban Phan Don Ban Phan Don 17.1336111 102.9675 P PPL TH 76 29211 185 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17201 1614455 Ban Phai Ban Phai 16.0666667 102.7333333 P PPL TH 22 35583 173 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17202 1614465 Ban Phaeo Ban Phaeo 13.5833333 100.1166667 P PPL TH 55 41904 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17203 1616658 Ban Mo Ban Mo 14.6166667 100.7333333 P PPL TH 37 15959 8 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17204 1617111 Ban Lam Luk Ka Ban Lam Luk Ka 13.9773817102919 100.777759552002 P PPL TH 39 60700 2 Asia/Bangkok 2008-07-11
+ 17205 1619276 Bang Rakam Bang Rakam 16.75 100.1166667 P PPL TH 12 16841 44 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17206 1619281 Bang Racham Bang Racham 14.8833333 100.3166667 P PPL TH 33 15313 6 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17207 1619363 Bang Pakong Bang Pakong 13.55 101.0 P PPL TH 44 25620 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17208 1619369 Bang Pa-in Bang Pa-in 14.2333333 100.5833333 P PPL TH 36 20484 9 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17209 1619400 Bang Mun Nak Bang Mun Nak 16.0333333 100.3833333 P PPL TH 13 15616 43 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17210 1619415 Bang Len Bang Len 14.0166667 100.1666667 P PPL TH 53 17914 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17211 1619423 Bang Lamung Bang Lamung 13.0470377972775 100.928907394409 P PPL TH 46 39620 4 Asia/Bangkok 2008-09-18
+ 17212 1619434 Bang Kruai Bang Kruai 13.8 100.4833333 P PPL TH 38 78305 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17213 1619437 Bang Krathum Bang Krathum 16.5666667 100.3 P PPL TH 12 18874 39 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17214 1619602 Bang Bua Thong Bang Bua Thong 13.9166667 100.4333333 P PPL TH 38 41567 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-27
+ 17215 1619616 Bang Ban Bang Ban 14.4166667 100.4666667 P PPL TH 36 16588 13 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17216 1619650 Amphoe Ban Dung Amphoe Ban Dung 17.7047222 103.2541667 P PPL TH 19 19479 171 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17217 1620254 Ban Chang Ban Chang 12.7166667 101.0666667 P PPL TH 47 28204 46 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17218 1620442 Ban Bung Ban Bung 13.0666667 101.0 P PPL TH 46 26113 41 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17219 1620875 Ban Bang Kadi Pathum Thani Ban Bang Kadi Pathum Thani 13.9990359197741 100.549621582031 P PPL TH 36 27911 2 Asia/Bangkok 2008-07-21
+ 17220 1620919 Ban Bang Bo (1) Ban Bang Bo (1) 13.5833333 100.8166667 P PPL TH 42 28376 2 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17221 1621020 Aranyaprathet Aranyaprathet 13.6833333 102.5 P PPL TH 80 20236 42 Asia/Bangkok 2006-11-19
+ 17222 1621060 Amnat Charoen Amnat Charoen 15.85 104.6333333 P PPLA TH 77 34769 149 Asia/Bangkok 2007-02-28
+ 17223 1948015 Amphoe Sikhiu Amphoe Sikhiu 14.8994444 101.7083333 P PPL TH 27 28681 225 Asia/Bangkok 2006-01-17
+ 17224 1220112 Yovan Yovan 38.3130556 69.0430556 P PPL TJ 02 17471 699 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17225 1220163 Vose' Vose' 37.8025 69.6441667 P PPL TJ 02 21736 468 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17226 1220219 Vakhsh Vakhsh 37.7108333 68.8311111 P PPL TJ 02 15215 425 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17227 1220253 Istaravshan Istaravshan 39.9108333 69.0063889 P PPL TJ 03 52851 1013 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17228 1220301 Tursunzoda Tursunzoda 38.5108333 68.2302778 P PPL TJ 00 37995 715 Asia/Dushanbe 2007-07-16
+ 17229 1220747 Qŭrghonteppa Qurghonteppa 37.8363889 68.7802778 P PPL TJ TJ 02 65000 415 Asia/Dushanbe 2009-02-22
+ 17230 1220798 Panjakent Panjakent 39.5030556 67.615 P PPL TJ 03 35085 964 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17231 1220826 Farkhor Farkhor 37.4922222 69.4016667 P PPL TJ 02 21736 469 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17232 1220855 Kofarnihon Kofarnihon 38.5530556 69.0197222 P PPL TJ 00 42904 881 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17233 1220905 Norak Norak 38.3883333 69.325 P PPL TJ 00 18122 670 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-27
+ 17234 1221194 Kŭlob Kulob 37.9091667 69.7819444 P PPL TJ 02 78786 631 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17235 1221259 Kolkhozobod Kolkhozobod 37.5894444 68.6608333 P PPL TJ 02 18476 396 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17236 1221328 Khorugh Khorugh 37.4916667 71.5558333 P PPLA TJ TJ 01 30000 2152 Asia/Dushanbe 2008-10-10
+ 17237 1221614 Ishkashim Ishkashim 36.7272222 71.6116667 P PPL TJ TJ 01 26000 2562 Asia/Dushanbe 2008-10-10
+ 17238 1221714 Hisor Hisor 38.5247222 68.5513889 P PPL TJ 00 23978 794 Asia/Dushanbe 2007-05-04
+ 17239 1221874 Dushanbe Dushanbe 38.56 68.7738889 P PPLC TJ 00 543107 808 Asia/Dushanbe 2008-11-28
+ 17240 1221965 Danghara Danghara 38.0963889 69.3355556 P PPL TJ 02 22824 659 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17241 1221997 Chubek Chubek 37.6127778 69.7061111 P PPL TJ 02 19563 506 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17242 1222107 Boshkengash Boshkengash 38.4647222 68.8036111 P PPL TJ 00 23696 755 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17243 1514839 Proletarsk Proletarsk 40.1686111 69.5083333 P PPL TJ 00 16441 354 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17244 1514879 Khujand Khujand 40.28 69.6316667 P PPLA TJ 03 144865 321 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-11-05
+ 17245 1514891 Konibodom Konibodom 40.2833333 70.4166667 P PPL TJ 00 50359 388 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17246 1514896 Isfara Isfara 40.1166667 70.6333333 P PPL TJ 00 37738 825 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17247 1538311 Chkalovsk Chkalovsk 40.2386111 69.6966667 P PPL TJ 00 21537 370 Asia/Dushanbe 2006-01-17
+ 17248 1645457 Dili Dili -8.5586111 125.5736111 P PPLC TL TL 00 150000 9 Asia/Dili 2008-02-11
+ 17249 161616 Balkanabat Balkanabat 39.5119444 54.365 P PPLA TM 02 87822 21 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-11-15
+ 17250 161901 Kaka Kaka 37.35 59.6 P PPL TM 00 18545 308 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17251 161943 Gumdag Gumdag 39.2061111 54.5905556 P PPL TM 02 24312 14 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17252 161974 Gazanjyk Gazanjyk 39.2430556 55.5169444 P PPL TM 02 21090 76 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17253 162099 Büzmeýin Buzmeyin 38.0516667 58.21 P PPL TM 01 39481 218 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17254 162158 Bäherden Baherden 38.4302778 57.4369444 P PPL TM 01 22991 155 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17255 162183 Ashgabat Ashgabat 37.95 58.3833333 P PPLC TM 01 727700 219 Asia/Ashgabat 2008-11-25
+ 17256 162199 Änew Anew 37.8883333 58.5280556 P PPL TM 00 27526 244 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17257 601475 Tagta Tagta 41.65 59.9 P PPL TM 00 16635 89 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-27
+ 17258 601594 Türkmenbaşy Turkmenbasy 40.0230556 52.9697222 P PPL TM 02 68292 26 Asia/Ashgabat 2007-02-17
+ 17259 601608 Köneürgench Koeneuergench 42.3166667 59.1666667 P PPL TM TM 00 30000 64 Asia/Ashgabat 2008-12-12
+ 17260 601661 Boldumsaz Boldumsaz 42.1333333 59.6666667 P PPL TM 00 21159 81 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17261 601734 Daşoguz Dasoguz 41.8333333 59.9666667 P PPLA TM TM 03 166500 86 Asia/Ashgabat 2009-08-15
+ 17262 1218021 Yolöten Yoloten 37.3 62.35 P PPL TM 00 32706 244 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-27
+ 17263 1218239 Tejen Tejen 37.3786111 60.4961111 P PPL TM 01 67294 201 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-11-15
+ 17264 1218420 Seydi Seydi 39.4166667 62.9 P PPL TM 00 17762 160 Asia/Ashgabat 2008-05-17
+ 17265 1218436 Saýat Sayat 38.7811111 63.8866667 P PPL TM 04 17762 199 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17266 1218667 Mary Mary 37.6 61.8333333 P PPLA TM 05 114680 226 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-11-15
+ 17267 1219002 Atamyrat Atamyrat 37.8344444 65.2097222 P PPL TM 04 33242 242 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17268 1219392 Gowurdak Gowurdak 37.8069444 66.0566667 P PPL TM 04 34745 431 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-27
+ 17269 1219649 Türkmenabat Turkmenabat 39.1013889 63.575 P PPLA TM 04 234817 188 Asia/Ashgabat 2008-11-25
+ 17270 1219762 Bayramaly Bayramaly 37.6166667 62.1666667 P PPL TM 00 75797 230 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-27
+ 17271 1514792 Gazojak Gazojak 41.1833333 61.4 P PPL TM 00 21021 118 Asia/Ashgabat 2006-01-17
+ 17272 2464041 Zaghouan Zaghouan 36.4 10.15 P PPL TN 37 16911 198 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17273 2464168 Oued Lill Oued Lill 36.8341667 10.0422222 P PPL TN 36 47101 65 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17274 2464470 Tunis Tunis 36.8027778 10.1797222 P PPLC TN 38 693210 13 Africa/Tunis 2007-02-17
+ 17275 2464648 Tozeur Tozeur 33.9205556 8.1333333 P PPL TN 35 34943 42 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17276 2464701 Tataouine Tataouine 32.9333333 10.45 P PPL TN 34 62577 247 Africa/Tunis 2006-11-15
+ 17277 2464795 Thala Thala 35.5744444 8.6722222 P PPL TN 02 16068 969 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17278 2464804 Tāklisah Taklisah 36.7833333 10.6333333 P PPL TN 00 20659 103 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17279 2464809 Tajerouine Tajerouine 35.8913889 8.5555556 P PPL TN 14 18909 688 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17280 2464915 Sousse Sousse 35.8255556 10.6411111 P PPL TN 23 164123 25 Africa/Tunis 2008-04-19
+ 17281 2465030 Siliana Siliana 36.0833333 9.3666667 P PPL TN 22 26960 420 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17282 2465840 Sidi Bouzid Sidi Bouzid 35.0402778 9.4936111 P PPL TN 33 42098 313 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17283 2467246 Şaqānis Saqanis 35.7833333 10.8 P PPL TN 16 64222 26 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17284 2467454 Sfax Sfax 34.7405556 10.7602778 P PPL TN 32 277278 13 Africa/Tunis 2008-04-19
+ 17285 2467521 La Sebala du Mornag La Sebala du Mornag 36.6816667 10.2888889 P PPL TN 36 33421 26 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17286 2467815 Radès Rades 36.7680556 10.2752778 P PPL TN 36 44298 4 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17287 2467856 Ksour Essaf Ksour Essaf 35.4202778 10.9980556 P PPL TN 15 27936 1 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17288 2467920 Korba Korba 36.5786111 10.8586111 P PPL TN 00 33589 1 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17289 2468018 Kebili Kebili 33.7019444 8.9736111 P PPL TN 31 19875 49 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17290 2468106 Qaşr Hallāl Qasr Hallal 35.65 10.9 P PPL TN 16 39792 21 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17291 2468285 El Fahs El Fahs 36.3669444 9.905 P PPL TN 38 18083 170 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17292 2468353 Gafsa Gafsa 34.425 8.7841667 P PPL TN 30 81232 298 Africa/Tunis 2008-04-19
+ 17293 2468369 Gabès Gabes 33.8833333 10.1166667 P PPL TN 29 110075 1 Africa/Tunis 2007-02-18
+ 17294 2468561 Nefta Nefta 33.8741667 7.8797222 P PPL TN 35 21720 43 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17295 2468925 Midoun Midoun 33.8083333 10.9938889 P PPL TN TN 28 120000 18 Africa/Tunis 2008-12-04
+ 17296 2469088 Mateur Mateur 37.04 9.6663889 P PPL TN 18 31005 51 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17297 2469140 Masākin Masakin 35.7333333 10.5833333 P PPL TN 23 64563 44 Africa/Tunis 2006-11-15
+ 17298 2469256 Menzel Jemil Menzel Jemil 37.2358333 9.9175 P PPL TN 18 21542 50 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17299 2469262 Manzil Bū Zalafah Manzil Bu Zalafah 36.6833333 10.5833333 P PPL TN 00 16231 43 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17300 2469264 Menzel Bourguiba Menzel Bourguiba 37.1558333 9.7936111 P PPL TN 18 46245 32 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17301 2469268 Menzel Abderhaman Menzel Abderhaman 37.2336111 9.8633333 P PPL TN 18 15769 47 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17302 2469274 Manouba Manouba 36.8077778 10.1011111 P PPL TN 38 24948 32 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17303 2469386 Majāz al Bāb Majaz al Bab 36.65 9.6166667 P PPL TN 00 20118 42 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17304 2470088 Jendouba Jendouba 36.5011111 8.7794444 P PPL TN 06 51408 141 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17305 2470173 Zarzis Zarzis 33.5 11.1166667 P PPL TN 28 79316 4 Africa/Tunis 2006-11-15
+ 17306 2470191 Jammāl Jammal 35.6333333 10.7666667 P PPL TN 16 39990 24 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17307 2470384 Houmt Souk Houmt Souk 33.8747222 10.8591667 P PPL TN 28 62583 7 Africa/Tunis 2007-02-08
+ 17308 2470579 Hammam Sousse Hammam Sousse 35.8588889 10.5938889 P PPL TN 23 33834 5 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17309 2470588 Hammam-Lif Hammam-Lif 36.7330556 10.3361111 P PPL TN 36 47760 1 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17310 2470656 La Goulette La Goulette 36.8180556 10.305 P PPL TN 36 79795 1 Africa/Tunis 2006-11-15
+ 17311 2471287 Douz Douz 33.4575 9.0216667 P PPL TN 31 28127 64 Africa/Tunis 2008-05-18
+ 17312 2471475 Dawwār Tīnjah Dawwar Tinjah 37.1666667 9.75 P PPL TN 00 18551 66 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17313 2471637 Dar Chabanne Dar Chabanne 36.4694444 10.7511111 P PPL TN 00 33953 19 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17314 2472706 Bizerte Bizerte 37.2744444 9.8738889 P PPL TN 18 115268 33 Africa/Tunis 2007-02-17
+ 17315 2472722 Beni Khiar Beni Khiar 36.4691667 10.7822222 P PPL TN 00 18011 33 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17316 2472774 Béja Beja 36.7333333 9.1833333 P PPL TN 17 57233 222 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17317 2472833 Zouila Zouila 35.5005556 11.0605556 P PPLX TN 15 44349 13 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17318 2473229 Chebba Chebba 35.2372222 11.115 P PPL TN 15 21559 14 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17319 2473257 Ar Rudayyif Ar Rudayyif 34.3833333 8.15 P PPL TN 30 30048 575 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17320 2473420 Al Wardānīn Al Wardanin 35.7166667 10.6666667 P PPL TN 16 18287 54 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17321 2473449 Kairouan Kairouan 35.6744444 10.1016667 P PPL TN 03 119794 67 Africa/Tunis 2007-02-17
+ 17322 2473457 Kasserine Kasserine 35.1672222 8.8288889 P PPL TN 02 81987 657 Africa/Tunis 2006-11-15
+ 17323 2473470 Al Qarmadah Al Qarmadah 34.75 10.7833333 P PPL TN 32 33744 -9999 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17324 2473493 Monastir Monastir 35.7833333 10.8333333 P PPL TN TN 16 71546 1 Africa/Tunis 2008-12-12
+ 17325 2473499 La Mohammedia La Mohammedia 36.6769444 10.1555556 P PPL TN 36 66593 79 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17326 2473517 Al Metlaoui Al Metlaoui 34.3333333 8.4 P PPL TN 30 41899 231 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17327 2473540 Al Marsá Al Marsa 36.8781788193936 10.3246593475342 P PPL TN 19 65640 8 Africa/Tunis 2008-07-28
+ 17328 2473634 El Kef El Kef 36.1822222 8.7147222 P PPL TN 14 47979 684 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17329 2473654 El Jem El Jem 35.3 10.7166667 P PPL TN 15 20029 107 Africa/Tunis 2008-05-16
+ 17330 2473744 Al Ḩammāmāt Al Hammamat 36.4 10.6166667 P PPL TN 19 53733 -9999 Africa/Tunis 2008-10-21
+ 17331 2473747 El Hamma El Hamma 33.9 9.8 P PPL TN 29 36458 59 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17332 2473826 Al Baqāliţah Al Baqalitah 35.6166667 11.0 P PPL TN 16 15937 13 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17333 2473876 Al `Āliyah Al `Aliyah 37.1666667 10.0333333 P PPL TN 00 16083 54 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17334 2473913 Akouda Akouda 35.8708333 10.5683333 P PPL TN 23 20027 13 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-27
+ 17335 2581754 Douane Douane 36.4447222 10.7508333 P PPL TN 19 60192 1 Africa/Tunis 2006-01-17
+ 17336 4032402 Nuku`alofa Nuku`alofa -21.1333333 -175.2 P PPLC TO TO 02 22400 -9999 Pacific/Tongatapu 2009-01-27
+ 17337 295982 Zara Zara 39.8977778 37.7583333 P PPL TR 58 19797 1337 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17338 296173 Yüksekova Yuksekova 37.5716667 44.2833333 P PPL TR 00 71729 1941 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17339 296562 Yozgat Yozgat 39.82 34.8044444 P PPL TR 66 87881 1297 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17340 296832 Yeşilli Yesilli 37.3397222 40.8261111 P PPL TR 72 32072 779 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17341 296852 Erzin Erzin 36.9538889 36.2022222 P PPL TR 31 26316 160 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17342 296895 Yerköy Yerkoy 39.6380556 34.4672222 P PPL TR 66 35294 772 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17343 297090 Didim Didim 37.3755556 27.2677778 P PPL TR TR 09 26000 37 Europe/Istanbul 2009-03-08
+ 17344 297564 Yatağan Yatagan 37.3477778 28.1377778 P PPL TR 48 19020 474 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17345 297789 Yalvaç Yalvac 38.2955556 31.1777778 P PPL TR 33 39145 1116 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17346 297917 Yahyalı Yahyali 38.1 35.3608333 P PPL TR 38 25019 1341 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17347 298033 Viranşehir Viransehir 37.2352778 39.7630556 P PPL TR 63 154163 578 Europe/Istanbul 2007-04-29
+ 17348 298088 Varto Varto 39.1697222 41.4555556 P PPL TR 49 18691 1523 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17349 298117 Van Van 38.4941667 43.38 P PPL TR 65 371713 1720 Europe/Istanbul 2007-04-28
+ 17350 298230 Üzümlü Uzumlu 39.7166667 39.7333333 P PPL TR 24 39591 2284 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17351 298299 Uşak Usak 38.68 29.4080556 P PPL TR 64 152862 914 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17352 298316 Urla Urla 38.3222222 26.7647222 P PPL TR 35 45199 124 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17353 298326 Ürgüp Urgup 38.6313889 34.9130556 P PPL TR 50 16642 1045 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17354 298333 Şanlıurfa Sanliurfa 37.1511111 38.7927778 P PPL TR 63 449549 484 Europe/Istanbul 2008-12-29
+ 17355 298806 Turgutlu Turgutlu 38.5008333 27.7058333 P PPL TR 45 103292 56 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17356 298846 Tunceli Tunceli 39.1088889 39.5461111 P PPL TR 62 29062 1087 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17357 298935 Torbalı Torbali 38.1544444 27.3616667 P PPL TR 35 50303 49 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-29
+ 17358 299137 Tire Tire 38.0863889 27.7377778 P PPL TR 35 47220 158 Europe/Istanbul 2008-01-10
+ 17359 299445 Tekirova Tekirova 36.5017022457222 30.527229309082 P PPL TR TR 07 20000 63 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-15
+ 17360 299545 Tavşanlı Tavsanli 39.5461111 29.4877778 P PPL TR 43 52182 861 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17361 299582 Tatvan Tatvan 38.5066667 42.2816667 P PPL TR 13 73222 1647 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17362 299817 Tarsus Tarsus 36.9177778 34.8916667 P PPL TR 32 256482 38 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17363 299900 Talas Talas 38.6877778 35.56 P PPL TR 38 36890 1228 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17364 300058 Susurluk Susurluk 39.9136111 28.1577778 P PPL TR 10 24816 41 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17365 300075 Suruç Suruc 36.9763889 38.4227778 P PPL TR 63 46694 503 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17366 300352 Sorgun Sorgun 39.8144444 35.1902778 P PPL TR 66 62862 1065 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17367 300371 Soma Soma 39.1883333 27.6088889 P PPL TR 45 65934 162 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17368 300377 Solhan Solhan 38.9680556 41.0558333 P PPL TR 12 15303 1406 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17369 300399 Söke Soke 37.7508333 27.4102778 P PPL TR 09 68230 33 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17370 300614 Siverek Siverek 37.75 39.3166667 P PPL TR 63 175341 767 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17371 300619 Sivas Sivas 39.7483333 37.0161111 P PPLA TR 58 264022 1276 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17372 300791 Simav Simav 39.0897222 28.9794444 P PPL TR 43 34909 838 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17373 300796 Silvan Silvan 38.1419444 41.0080556 P PPL TR 21 65956 845 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17374 300797 Silopi Silopi 37.2497222 42.4694444 P PPL TR 80 74798 475 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17375 300808 Silifke Silifke 36.3777778 33.9344444 P PPL TR 32 75315 33 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17376 300822 Siirt Siirt 37.9272222 41.9452778 P PPLA TR 74 114034 866 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-05
+ 17377 301010 Seydişehir Seydisehir 37.4183333 31.8505556 P PPL TR 00 51089 1111 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17378 301101 Serik Serik 36.9169444 31.0988889 P PPL TR 07 36925 12 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17379 301116 Şereflikoçhisar Sereflikochisar 38.9444444 33.5419444 P PPL TR 00 44101 1067 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17380 301172 Senirkent Senirkent 38.1044444 30.5486111 P PPL TR 33 15919 1000 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17381 301209 Şemdinli Semdinli 37.3 44.5663889 P PPL TR 00 18978 1289 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17382 301256 Selçuk Selcuk 37.951371965992 27.3684883117676 P PPL TR 35 29101 63 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-29
+ 17383 301350 Seferihisar Seferihisar 38.1988889 26.8408333 P PPL TR 35 19596 46 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17384 301537 Şarkışla Sarkisla 39.3544444 36.4075 P PPL TR 58 23800 1265 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17385 301539 Şarkîkaraağaç Sarkikaraagac 38.0794444 31.3663889 P PPL TR 33 32771 1177 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17386 301827 Sarayköy Saraykoy 37.9222222 28.9252778 P PPL TR 20 18937 153 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17387 301911 Sandıklı Sandikli 38.4633333 30.2733333 P PPL TR 03 42981 1127 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17388 302043 Salihli Salihli 38.4833333 28.1383333 P PPL TR 45 88906 99 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17389 302355 Reyhanlı Reyhanli 36.2691667 36.5672222 P PPL TR 31 56995 103 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17390 302525 Polatlı Polatli 39.5841667 32.1472222 P PPL TR 68 93262 900 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17391 302800 Pazarcık Pazarcik 37.4868457127166 37.2996139526367 P PPL TR 46 23850 815 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-25
+ 17392 302819 Patnos Patnos 39.2347222 42.8675 P PPL TR 04 87451 1667 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17393 302824 Pasinler Pasinler 39.9822222 41.6830556 P PPL TR 55 24553 1672 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17394 303195 Osmaniye Osmaniye 37.0741667 36.2477778 P PPL TR 00 202837 125 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17395 303290 Ortaköy Ortakoy 38.7361111 34.0402778 P PPL TR 00 31144 1215 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17396 303354 Ortaca Ortaca 36.8294444 28.7708333 P PPL TR 48 19741 52 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17397 303700 Ödemiş Odemis 38.2305556 27.9716667 P PPL TR 35 67153 152 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17398 303750 Nusaybin Nusaybin 37.07 41.2172222 P PPL TR 72 88977 483 Europe/Istanbul 2006-05-19
+ 17399 303798 Nizip Nizip 37.0097222 37.7941667 P PPL TR 83 82308 530 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17400 303827 Niğde Nigde 37.9691667 34.6825 P PPLA TR 73 91039 1269 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17401 303831 Nevşehir Nevsehir 38.625 34.7122222 P PPL TR 50 75527 1225 Europe/Istanbul 2008-03-12
+ 17402 303873 Nazilli Nazilli 37.9125 28.3205556 P PPL TR 09 119370 94 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17403 304013 Mut Mut 36.6463889 33.4375 P PPL TR 32 49397 305 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17404 304081 Muş Mus 38.7486111 41.4969444 P PPL TR 44 82536 1315 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17405 304184 Muğla Mugla 37.2163889 28.3638889 P PPL TR 48 48183 644 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17406 304196 Mucur Mucur 39.0636111 34.3783333 P PPL TR 40 16522 1101 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17407 304355 Milas Milas 37.3163889 27.7838889 P PPL TR 48 43193 59 Europe/Istanbul 2008-05-02
+ 17408 304382 Midyat Midyat 37.4261111 41.3375 P PPL TR 72 76268 909 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17409 304531 Mercin Mercin 36.7952647442859 34.617919921875 P PPLA TR TR 32 537842 6 Europe/Istanbul 2009-08-03
+ 17410 304612 Menemen Menemen 38.6066667 27.07 P PPL TR 35 53489 45 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17411 304782 Marmaris Marmaris 36.855 28.2741667 P PPL TR 48 33731 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-05
+ 17412 304797 Mardin Mardin 37.3127778 40.7386111 P PPLA TR 72 71373 1187 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-05
+ 17413 304827 Manisa Manisa 38.6130556 27.4261111 P PPLA TR 45 243971 81 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17414 304854 Manavgat Manavgat 36.7866667 31.4430556 P PPL TR 07 96052 3 Europe/Istanbul 2008-06-17
+ 17415 304916 Malazgirt Malazgirt 39.1488889 42.5377778 P PPL TR 49 26108 1516 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17416 304922 Malatya Malatya 38.3533333 38.3119444 P PPL TR 44 441805 954 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-05
+ 17417 305089 Lice Lice 38.4588889 40.6516667 P PPL TR 21 16336 987 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17418 305268 Kütahya Kutahya 39.4241667 29.9833333 P PPL TR 43 185008 947 Europe/Istanbul 2006-05-05
+ 17419 305359 Kuşadası Kusadasi 37.8575 27.2611111 P PPL TR 35 63177 12 Europe/Istanbul 2008-06-06
+ 17420 305532 Kurtalan Kurtalan 37.9266667 41.6980556 P PPL TR 74 32114 665 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17421 305680 Kumluca Kumluca 36.3666667 30.3 P PPL TR 07 30339 113 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17422 305742 Kulu Kulu 39.0891667 33.0805556 P PPL TR 00 47037 976 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17423 305750 Kulp Kulp 38.4972222 41.0122222 P PPL TR 21 26569 909 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17424 305810 Kula Kula 38.5458333 28.6494444 P PPL TR 45 31100 644 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17425 306041 Kozluk Kozluk 38.2 41.5 P PPL TR 00 29502 725 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17426 306112 Kozan Kozan 37.4505556 35.8163889 P PPL TR 81 88115 117 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17427 306207 Kovancılar Kovancilar 38.7213889 39.8680556 P PPL TR 23 22976 926 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17428 306474 Korkuteli Korkuteli 37.0830556 30.2041667 P PPL TR 07 20465 1028 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17429 306571 Konya Konya 37.8655556 32.4825 P PPLA TR 71 875530 1031 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17430 307084 Kızıltepe Kiziltepe 37.1933333 40.585 P PPL TR 72 150174 472 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17431 307211 Serinhisar Serinhisar 37.5808333 29.2619444 P PPL TR 20 17169 974 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17432 307515 Kırşehir Kirsehir 39.1458333 34.1638889 P PPL TR 40 94336 1014 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17433 307623 Kırkağaç Kirkagac 39.1038889 27.67 P PPL TR 45 27053 167 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17434 307654 Kırıkkale Kirikkale 39.8452778 33.5063889 P PPL TR 00 211138 740 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-08
+ 17435 307657 Kırıkhan Kirikhan 36.4988889 36.3530556 P PPL TR 31 60916 179 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17436 307864 Kilis Kilis 36.7161111 37.115 P PPLA TR 90 82301 644 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17437 308024 Keskin Keskin 39.6730556 33.6136111 P PPL TR 00 49679 1112 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17438 308220 Kemer Kemer 36.5977778 30.5605556 P PPL TR TR 07 17300 24 Europe/Istanbul 2008-06-01
+ 17439 308224 Kemalpaşa Kemalpasa 38.4269444 27.4180556 P PPL TR 35 30411 192 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17440 308464 Kayseri Kayseri 38.7322222 35.4852778 P PPL TR 38 592840 1055 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17441 309415 Karapınar Karapinar 37.7147222 33.5508333 P PPL TR 71 49509 988 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17442 309527 Karaman Karaman 37.1811111 33.215 P PPLA TR 78 120399 1020 Europe/Istanbul 2007-01-04
+ 17443 309647 Ağrı Agri 39.7194444 43.0513889 P PPL TR 04 92022 1635 Europe/Istanbul 2007-03-08
+ 17444 309663 Karakoçan Karakocan 38.9558333 40.0386111 P PPL TR 23 29735 1090 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17445 310004 Karaçoban Karacoban 39.3508333 42.1122222 P PPL TR 25 20467 1535 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17446 310641 Kaman Kaman 39.3575 33.7238889 P PPL TR 40 28605 1127 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17447 310855 Kâhta Kahta 37.7797222 38.6205556 P PPL TR 02 73105 725 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17448 310859 Kahramanmaraş Kahramanmaras 37.5875 36.9316667 P PPL TR 46 376045 561 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17449 310892 Kadirli Kadirli 37.3738889 36.0961111 P PPL TR 00 70248 77 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17450 310907 Kadınhanı Kadinhani 38.2397222 32.2113889 P PPL TR 00 15301 1127 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-13
+ 17451 311046 İzmir Izmir 38.4072222 27.1502778 P PPLA TR 35 2500603 132 Europe/Istanbul 2007-03-30
+ 17452 311073 Isparta Isparta 37.7644444 30.5522222 P PPLA TR 33 172334 1084 Europe/Istanbul 2008-10-24
+ 17453 311111 İskenderun Iskenderun 36.5816667 36.165 P PPL TR 31 159965 2 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17454 311314 İncirliova Incirliova 37.8522222 27.7236111 P PPL TR 09 18572 44 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17455 311453 İmamoğlu Imamoglu 37.2577778 35.6725 P PPL TR 81 31916 65 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17456 311553 Ilgın Ilgin 38.2791667 31.9138889 P PPL TR 00 27423 1031 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17457 311704 İdil Idil 37.3386111 41.8936111 P PPL TR 80 22960 755 Europe/Istanbul 2007-01-21
+ 17458 312024 Hizan Hizan 38.2166667 42.4333333 P PPL TR 13 15302 1488 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17459 312114 Hınıs Hinis 39.3583333 41.7022222 P PPL TR 25 35472 1683 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17460 312134 Hilvan Hilvan 37.5891667 38.9536111 P PPL TR 63 16990 564 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17461 312899 Hadım Hadim 36.9883333 32.4569444 P PPL TR 00 20110 1493 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17462 313013 Hacılar Hacilar 38.6497222 35.4502778 P PPL TR 38 21167 1407 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17463 313331 Güroymak Guroymak 38.5597222 42.0397222 P PPL TR 13 25826 1348 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17464 314136 Gölbaşı Golbasi 37.7836111 37.6366667 P PPL TR 02 28078 895 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17465 314188 Göksun Goksun 38.0208333 36.4938889 P PPL TR 46 34243 1336 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17466 314648 Genç Genc 38.7666667 40.5833333 P PPL TR 12 22493 969 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17467 314665 Gemerek Gemerek 39.1844444 36.0691667 P PPL TR 58 16916 1189 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17468 314716 Gediz Gediz 39.0416667 29.41 P PPL TR 43 22058 857 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17469 314812 Gazipaşa Gazipasa 36.2713889 32.3186111 P PPL TR 07 18371 4 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17470 314830 Gaziantep Gaziantep 37.0594444 37.3825 P PPL TR 83 1065975 859 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17471 314903 Foça Foca 38.6705556 26.7566667 P PPL TR 35 15189 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17472 314967 Fethiye Fethiye 36.6216667 29.1163889 P PPL TR 48 60437 1 Europe/Istanbul 2008-05-03
+ 17473 315061 Ezine Ezine 39.79 26.3325 P PPL TR 17 15677 43 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17474 315202 Eskişehir Eskisehir 39.7766667 30.5205556 P PPLA TR 26 514869 799 Europe/Istanbul 2007-07-05
+ 17475 315368 Erzurum Erzurum 39.9086111 41.2769444 P PPLA TR 25 420691 1913 Europe/Istanbul 2007-01-19
+ 17476 315373 Erzincan Erzincan 39.7522222 39.4927778 P PPL TR 24 114027 1202 Europe/Istanbul 2008-10-21
+ 17477 315401 Ermenek Ermenek 36.6388889 32.8925 P PPL TR 00 16986 1197 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17478 315468 Ergani Ergani 38.2663889 39.7588889 P PPL TR 21 52684 892 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17479 315498 Ereğli Eregli 37.5133342709422 34.0467166900635 P PPL TR 71 92117 1043 Europe/Istanbul 2007-07-24
+ 17480 315515 Erdemli Erdemli 36.6222222 34.3191667 P PPL TR 32 46570 3 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17481 315530 Erciş Ercis 39.0238889 43.3616667 P PPL TR 65 91915 1670 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17482 315621 Emirdağ Emirdag 39.0197222 31.15 P PPL TR 03 20063 960 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17483 315639 Emet Emet 39.3416667 29.2605556 P PPL TR 43 23812 988 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17484 315697 Elmalı Elmali 36.7358333 29.9188889 P PPL TR 07 16587 1093 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17485 315720 Elmadağ Elmadag 39.9208333 33.2308333 P PPL TR 00 25394 1170 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17486 315758 Eleşkirt Eleskirt 39.8033333 42.6736111 P PPL TR 04 18769 1804 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17487 315795 Elbistan Elbistan 38.2019444 37.1927778 P PPL TR 46 80456 1141 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17488 315808 Elazığ Elazig 38.6752778 39.2205556 P PPLA TR 23 298004 1088 Europe/Istanbul 2008-10-22
+ 17489 315905 Eğirdir Egirdir 37.8694444 30.8491667 P PPL TR 33 17228 1307 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17490 315985 Edremit Edremit 39.5961111 27.0244444 P PPL TR 10 40777 32 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17491 316102 Dursunbey Dursunbey 39.5877778 28.6275 P PPL TR 10 17532 597 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17492 316284 Dörtyol Dortyol 36.8452778 36.2227778 P PPL TR 31 56513 37 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17493 316411 Doğubayazıt Dogubayazit 39.5469444 44.0841667 P PPL TR 04 70171 1528 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17494 316541 Diyarbakır Diyarbakir 37.9188889 40.2105556 P PPLA TR 21 644763 676 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17495 316542 Diyadin Diyadin 39.5394444 43.6788889 P PPL TR 00 18172 1959 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17496 316634 Dinar Dinar 38.0652778 30.1694444 P PPL TR 03 35359 957 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17497 316795 Develi Develi 38.3905556 35.4922222 P PPL TR 38 35868 1275 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17498 317109 Denizli Denizli 37.7741667 29.0875 P PPL TR 20 313238 403 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17499 317241 Demirci Demirci 39.045 28.6580556 P PPL TR 45 21378 908 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17500 317587 Dargeçit Dargecit 37.5452778 41.7247222 P PPL TR 72 20793 890 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17501 317588 Darende Darende 38.5458333 37.5058333 P PPL TR 44 20388 1019 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17502 317844 Çumra Cumra 37.575 32.7747222 P PPL TR 71 45657 1022 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17503 317851 Menderes Menderes 38.2538889 27.1336111 P PPL TR 35 21965 145 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17504 318137 Hakkari Hakkari 37.5744444 43.7408333 P PPLA TR 70 77699 1639 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-08
+ 17505 318253 Cizre Cizre 37.3272222 42.1902778 P PPL TR 80 80992 356 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17506 318372 Çine Cine 37.6116667 28.0613889 P PPL TR 09 21327 94 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17507 318668 Ceylanpınar Ceylanpinar 36.8472222 40.05 P PPL TR 63 31488 363 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17508 318675 Ceyhan Ceyhan 37.0247222 35.8175 P PPL TR 81 96303 25 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17509 318755 Çeşme Cesme 38.3227778 26.3063889 P PPL TR 35 21316 34 Europe/Istanbul 2008-03-12
+ 17510 318766 Çermik Cermik 38.1344444 39.4519444 P PPL TR 21 20975 733 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17511 319104 Çay Cay 38.5916667 31.0286111 P PPL TR 03 34215 1022 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17512 320004 Çağlayancerit Caglayancerit 37.7508333 37.2922222 P PPL TR 46 15530 1090 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17513 320369 Burhaniye Burhaniye 39.5041667 26.9783333 P PPL TR 10 38083 30 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17514 320392 Burdur Burdur 37.7202778 30.2908333 P PPL TR 15 66158 937 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17515 320448 Bulanık Bulanik 39.0922222 42.2752778 P PPL TR 49 31430 1467 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17516 320533 Bucak Bucak 37.4591667 30.595 P PPL TR 15 29234 808 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17517 320552 Bozyazı Bozyazi 36.1082014841298 32.9611301422119 P PPL TR 32 28456 6 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-21
+ 17518 320557 Bozüyük Bozuyuk 39.9077778 30.0366667 P PPL TR 11 55365 754 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17519 320581 Bozova Bozova 37.3625 38.5266667 P PPL TR 63 21502 569 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17520 320871 Bor Bor 37.8905556 34.5588889 P PPL TR 73 32435 1116 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17521 320879 Bolvadin Bolvadin 38.7111111 31.0486111 P PPL TR 03 55870 996 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-27
+ 17522 320995 Bodrum Bodrum 37.0383333 27.4291667 P PPL TR 48 39317 1 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17523 321031 Bismil Bismil 37.8486111 40.6658333 P PPL TR 21 74493 546 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17524 321062 Birecik Birecik 37.0294444 37.9902778 P PPL TR 63 44284 381 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17525 321082 Bingöl Bingol 38.8847222 40.4963889 P PPL TR 12 80568 1117 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17526 321136 Bigadiç Bigadic 39.3925 28.1311111 P PPL TR 10 15242 196 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17527 321191 Beyşehir Beysehir 37.6763889 31.7261111 P PPL TR 00 44460 1134 Europe/Istanbul 2008-12-10
+ 17528 321337 Besni Besni 37.6927778 37.8611111 P PPL TR 02 41892 942 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-27
+ 17529 321426 Bergama Bergama 39.1207383989506 27.1805191040039 P PPL TR 35 57200 40 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-29
+ 17530 321572 Belen Belen 36.4927778 36.1933333 P PPL TR 31 20113 725 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17531 321580 Belek Belek 36.8627778 31.0555556 P PPL TR TR 07 73260 10 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-25
+ 17532 321786 Bayındır Bayindir 38.2174132571408 27.6474380493164 P PPL TR 35 16850 98 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-29
+ 17533 321836 Batman Batman 37.8827778 41.1205556 P PPLA TR 76 302074 603 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17534 321929 Baskil Baskil 38.5675 38.8213889 P PPL TR 23 15922 1226 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17535 322051 Banaz Banaz 38.7363889 29.755 P PPL TR 64 17080 916 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17536 322165 Balıkesir Balikesir 39.6491667 27.8861111 P PPL TR 10 238151 118 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17537 322391 Bahçe Bahce 37.1972449448531 36.5765762329102 P PPL TR 01 19566 660 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-24
+ 17538 322673 Ayvalık Ayvalik 39.3208333 26.6952778 P PPL TR 10 35193 63 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-10
+ 17539 322830 Aydın Aydin 37.8444444 27.8458333 P PPLA TR 09 163022 78 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17540 323094 Aşkale Askale 39.9208333 40.695 P PPL TR 25 15462 1649 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17541 323777 Antalya Antalya 36.9125 30.6897222 P PPLA TR 07 758188 115 Europe/Istanbul 2009-09-04
+ 17542 323779 Antioch Antioch 36.1988889 36.1605556 P PPLA TR 31 154803 68 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17543 323786 Ankara Ankara 39.9272222 32.8644444 P PPLC TR 68 3517182 850 889 Europe/Istanbul 2008-06-09
+ 17544 323828 Anamur Anamur 36.0783333 32.8341667 P PPL TR 32 57128 54 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17545 324106 Aliağa Aliaga 38.7994444 26.9741667 P PPL TR 35 44883 83 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17546 324172 Alaşehir Alasehir 38.3508333 28.5202778 P PPL TR 45 40735 162 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17547 324190 Alanya Alanya 36.5525 32.0025 P PPL TR 07 112969 10 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17548 324490 Akşehir Aksehir 38.3575 31.4163889 P PPL TR 00 64446 1059 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17549 324496 Aksaray Aksaray 38.3741667 34.0288889 P PPL TR 75 152201 961 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-14
+ 17550 324698 Akhisar Akhisar 38.9219444 27.8375 P PPL TR 45 84659 111 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17551 324768 Akdağmadeni Akdagmadeni 39.6602778 35.8836111 P PPL TR 66 23048 1371 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17552 325103 Ahlat Ahlat 38.7552778 42.4938889 P PPL TR 13 64695 1649 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17553 325303 Afyonkarahisar Afyonkarahisar 38.7566667 30.5433333 P PPL TR 03 146136 1017 Europe/Istanbul 2008-10-28
+ 17554 325304 Afşin Afsin 38.2458333 36.9152778 P PPL TR 46 39613 1215 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17555 325330 Adıyaman Adiyaman 37.7591667 38.2783333 P PPL TR 02 223744 685 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17556 325336 Adilcevaz Adilcevaz 38.8036111 42.7444444 P PPL TR 13 52781 1684 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-05
+ 17557 325363 Adana Adana 37.0016667 35.3288889 P PPLA TR 01 1248988 27 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-14
+ 17558 442301 Batikent Batikent 39.9683333 32.7308333 P PPL TR 68 300000 866 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-30
+ 17559 447273 Dalaman Dalaman 36.765 28.8041667 P PPL TR 48 19292 27 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17560 737022 Zonguldak Zonguldak 41.4555556 31.7897222 P PPL TR 00 100229 56 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17561 737054 Zile Zile 40.3030556 35.8863889 P PPL TR 60 55680 726 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17562 737421 Yomra Yomra 40.9666667 39.9 P PPL TR 61 19770 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17563 737611 Yenişehir Yenisehir 40.2644444 29.6530556 P PPL TR 16 28656 225 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17564 737961 Körfez Korfez 40.7766667 29.7297222 P PPL TR 41 90580 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17565 738025 Yalova Yalova 40.6536111 29.2847222 P PPL TR 92 71289 7 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17566 738064 Yakuplu Yakuplu 40.9833333 28.65 P PPL TR 34 28811 129 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17567 738167 Vezirköprü Vezirkopru 41.1436111 35.4547222 P PPL TR 55 25155 348 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-11
+ 17568 738228 Vakfıkebir Vakfikebir 41.0458333 39.2763889 P PPL TR 61 37728 68 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17569 738251 Uzunköprü Uzunkopru 41.2694444 26.6861111 P PPL TR 22 36470 7 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17570 738349 Ünye Unye 41.1313889 37.2825 P PPL TR 52 77585 1 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17571 738618 Turhal Turhal 40.3875 36.0811111 P PPL TR 60 110884 543 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17572 738648 Trabzon Trabzon 41.005 39.7269444 P PPL TR 61 244083 1 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-19
+ 17573 738662 Tosya Tosya 41.0097222 34.0369444 P PPL TR 37 24013 810 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17574 738743 Tokat Tokat 40.3138889 36.5544444 P PPL TR 60 129702 705 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17575 738753 Tirebolu Tirebolu 41.0069444 38.8138889 P PPL TR 28 17124 67 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17576 738803 Terme Terme 41.2091667 36.9738889 P PPL TR 55 28397 10 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17577 738858 Tepecik Tepecik 41.0330556 28.5441667 P PPL TR 34 21699 6 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17578 738907 Tekkeköy Tekkekoy 41.2116667 36.46 P PPL TR 55 17226 14 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17579 738927 Tekirdağ Tekirdag 40.9805556 27.515 P PPL TR 59 122287 2 Europe/Istanbul 2007-10-25
+ 17580 739015 Taşova Tasova 40.7597222 36.3225 P PPL TR 05 19253 258 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17581 739061 Taşköprü Taskopru 41.5138889 34.2147222 P PPL TR 37 17491 545 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17582 739209 Suşehri Susehri 40.1644444 38.0866667 P PPL TR 58 25820 1019 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-08
+ 17583 739215 Sürmene Surmene 40.9097222 40.1058333 P PPL TR 61 20039 40 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17584 739236 Sungurlu Sungurlu 40.1675 34.3738889 P PPL TR 19 37526 766 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17585 739251 Suluova Suluova 40.8363889 35.6427778 P PPL TR 05 47572 580 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17586 739600 Sinop Sinop 42.0269444 35.1575 P PPL TR 57 34834 88 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17587 739634 Silivri Silivri 41.0763889 28.2583333 P PPL TR 34 53167 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2007-11-26
+ 17588 739914 Şebinkarahisar Sebinkarahisar 40.2883333 38.4236111 P PPL TR 28 47360 1373 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-20
+ 17589 740088 Sarıkamış Sarikamis 40.3380556 42.5730556 P PPL TR 84 23665 2069 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-12
+ 17590 740230 Sapanca Sapanca 40.6905556 30.2702778 P PPL TR 54 25224 71 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17591 740264 Samsun Samsun 41.2866667 36.33 P PPL TR 55 394050 14 Europe/Istanbul 2008-04-19
+ 17592 740430 Safranbolu Safranbolu 41.2508333 32.6941667 P PPL TR 00 35242 519 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17593 740483 Rize Rize 41.0208333 40.5219444 P PPL TR 53 92772 53 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17594 740881 Osmaneli Osmaneli 40.3572222 30.0141667 P PPL TR 11 15708 186 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17595 740883 Osmancık Osmancik 40.9713889 34.7980556 P PPL TR 19 36443 430 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17596 741045 Orhangazi Orhangazi 40.4891667 29.3088889 P PPL TR 16 51792 105 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17597 741100 Ordu Ordu 40.9847222 37.8788889 P PPL TR 52 116788 1 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17598 741160 Oltu Oltu 40.55 41.9833333 P PPL TR 25 23504 1297 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-08
+ 17599 741240 Of Of 40.95 40.2666667 P PPL TR 61 31951 131 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17600 741304 Niksar Niksar 40.5916667 36.9516667 P PPL TR 60 49865 444 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17601 741347 Nallıhan Nallihan 40.1836111 31.3505556 P PPL TR 00 19106 679 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17602 741487 Mudanya Mudanya 40.3752778 28.8822222 P PPL TR 16 23161 1 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17603 741529 Mimarsinan Mimarsinan 41.0169444 28.5555556 P PPL TR 34 31002 1 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17604 741609 Merzifon Merzifon 40.8733333 35.4630556 P PPL TR 05 50658 694 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17605 741771 Malkara Malkara 40.89 26.9011111 P PPL TR 59 27427 188 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17606 741855 Lüleburgaz Luleburgaz 41.4066667 27.3552778 P PPL TR 39 90899 76 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17607 742238 Kumru Kumru 40.8744444 37.2638889 P PPL TR 52 32174 554 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17608 742658 Korgan Korgan 40.8247222 37.3466667 P PPL TR 52 16733 724 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17609 742902 Kocaali Kocaali 41.0547222 30.8502778 P PPL TR 54 15076 45 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17610 743051 Kızılcahamam Kizilcahamam 40.4697222 32.6505556 P PPL TR 00 17975 982 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17611 743166 Kırklareli Kirklareli 41.7316667 27.2247222 P PPL TR 39 58223 190 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17612 743404 Kestel Kestel 40.1980556 29.2080556 P PPL TR 16 36185 129 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17613 743439 Keşan Kesan 40.8558333 26.6302778 P PPL TR 22 44644 105 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17614 743537 Kelkit Kelkit 40.1286111 39.4383333 P PPL TR 00 23870 1373 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17615 743615 Kazan Kazan 40.2316667 32.6838889 P PPL TR 00 23889 893 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17616 743818 Kavaklı Kavakli 41.095 28.3411111 P PPL TR 34 50502 87 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17617 743882 Kastamonu Kastamonu 41.3722222 33.7711111 P PPL TR 37 70402 874 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17618 743952 Kars Kars 40.6080556 43.0975 P PPL TR 84 77486 1746 Europe/Istanbul 2009-06-03
+ 17619 744093 Karasu Karasu 41.0702778 30.7836111 P PPL TR 54 39508 7 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17620 744168 Karamürsel Karamursel 40.6891667 29.615 P PPL TR 41 30525 62 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17621 744537 Karacabey Karacabey 40.2138889 28.3561111 P PPL TR 16 44256 26 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17622 744562 Karabük Karabuk 41.1963889 32.6255556 P PPL TR 00 97481 355 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-18
+ 17623 744873 Kağızman Kagizman 40.1580556 43.1352778 P PPL TR 84 25157 1321 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17624 745026 İznik Iznik 40.4286111 29.7211111 P PPL TR 16 22230 77 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17625 745028 Kocaeli Kocaeli 40.7669444 29.9169444 P PPLA TR 41 196571 95 Europe/Istanbul 2007-07-04
+ 17626 745044 İstanbul Istanbul 41.0138429552247 28.9496612548828 P PPLA TR 34 11174257 28 Europe/Istanbul 2009-05-11
+ 17627 745076 İskilip Iskilip 40.7352778 34.4738889 P PPL TR 19 19829 778 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17628 745169 İnegöl Inegol 40.0780556 29.5133333 P PPL TR 16 133959 292 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17629 745527 Horasan Horasan 40.0458333 42.1727778 P PPL TR 25 17067 1539 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17630 745530 Hopa Hopa 41.4069444 41.4355556 P PPL TR 08 17519 216 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17631 745664 Hendek Hendek 40.7994444 30.7480556 P PPL TR 54 35257 200 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17632 745697 Hayrabolu Hayrabolu 41.2116667 27.1086111 P PPL TR 59 19793 18 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17633 745714 Havza Havza 40.9705556 35.6622222 P PPL TR 55 21500 643 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17634 746232 Gürsu Gursu 40.2144444 29.1930556 P PPL TR 16 24510 108 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17635 746234 Gürpınar Gurpinar 40.9902778 28.6152778 P PPL TR 34 29411 122 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17636 746252 Gürgentepe Gurgentepe 40.7883333 37.6016667 P PPL TR 52 18771 1121 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17637 746425 Gümüşhane Gumushane 40.4602778 39.4813889 P PPL TR 69 32250 1289 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-14
+ 17638 746565 Görele Gorele 41.0308333 39.0030556 P PPL TR 28 30381 80 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17639 746574 Gönen Gonen 40.1013889 27.6513889 P PPL TR 10 40763 34 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17640 746666 Gölcük Golcuk 40.7166667 29.8286111 P PPL TR 41 56189 5 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17641 746881 Giresun Giresun 40.9166667 38.4 P PPL TR 28 98864 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17642 746898 Geyve Geyve 40.5075 30.2925 P PPL TR 54 20199 86 Europe/Istanbul 2008-12-11
+ 17643 746940 Gerede Gerede 40.8008333 32.1969444 P PPL TR 14 28582 1358 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17644 746958 Gemlik Gemlik 40.4330556 29.1566667 P PPL TR 16 71063 11 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17645 746983 Gelibolu Gelibolu 40.4102778 26.6708333 P PPL TR 17 25178 41 Europe/Istanbul 2009-02-06
+ 17646 747014 Gebze Gebze 40.7977778 29.4305556 P PPL TR 41 281436 162 Europe/Istanbul 2008-10-23
+ 17647 747135 Ferizli Ferizli 40.9333333 30.4833333 P PPL TR 54 23740 29 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17648 747155 Fatsa Fatsa 41.0277778 37.5013889 P PPL TR 52 82160 1 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17649 747323 Esenyurt Esenyurt 41.0333333 28.6752778 P PPL TR 34 211330 111 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17650 747471 Ereğli Eregli 41.2894444 31.4180556 P PPL TR 00 88848 49 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17651 747482 Erdek Erdek 40.3977778 27.7955556 P PPL TR 10 22678 -9999 Europe/Istanbul 2008-07-31
+ 17652 747489 Erbaa Erbaa 40.6688889 36.5675 P PPL TR 60 52185 235 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17653 747712 Edirne Edirne 41.6771911170571 26.5559720993042 P PPL TR 22 126470 50 Europe/Istanbul 2007-08-27
+ 17654 747764 Düzce Duzce 40.8388889 31.1638889 P PPL TR 93 57739 165 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-14
+ 17655 748167 Devrek Devrek 41.2191667 31.9558333 P PPL TR 00 24559 95 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17656 748870 Çubuk Cubuk 40.2386111 33.0330556 P PPL TR 00 62602 1011 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17657 748879 Çorum Corum 40.5488889 34.9533333 P PPL TR 19 183418 821 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17658 748893 Çorlu Corlu 41.1591667 27.8 P PPL TR 59 202578 161 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17659 749274 Çerkezköy Cerkezkoy 41.285 28.0002778 P PPL TR 59 67078 155 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17660 749279 Çerkeş Cerkes 40.8105556 32.8925 P PPL TR 00 17802 1163 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17661 749502 Çayeli Cayeli 41.0894444 40.7305556 P PPL TR 53 24556 100 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17662 749508 Çaycuma Caycuma 41.4263889 32.0755556 P PPL TR 00 21773 11 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17663 749644 Çatalca Catalca 41.1411111 28.4672222 P PPLX TR 34 19316 30 Europe/Istanbul 2009-08-26
+ 17664 749704 Çarşamba Carsamba 41.1988889 36.7219444 P PPL TR 55 50459 16 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17665 749748 Çankırı Cankiri 40.5966667 33.6144444 P PPL TR 00 71379 723 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17666 749780 Çanakkale Canakkale 40.1455556 26.4063889 P PPL TR 17 87791 18 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17667 749795 Çan Can 40.0275 27.0475 P PPL TR 17 26201 62 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17668 750269 Bursa Bursa 40.1916667 29.0611111 P PPL TR 16 1412701 155 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17669 750317 Bulancak Bulancak 40.9386111 38.2416667 P PPL TR 28 36863 112 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-08
+ 17670 750468 Boyabat Boyabat 41.4688889 34.7666667 P PPL TR 57 27717 335 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17671 750516 Bolu Bolu 40.7358333 31.6061111 P PPL TR 14 96629 760 Europe/Istanbul 2006-11-15
+ 17672 750598 Bilecik Bilecik 40.1455556 29.98 P PPL TR 11 40285 447 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17673 750605 Biga Biga 40.2280556 27.2422222 P PPL TR 17 30852 17 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17674 750637 Beypazarı Beypazari 40.1675 31.9211111 P PPL TR 00 38769 840 704 Europe/Istanbul 2007-03-08
+ 17675 750735 Beşikdüzü Besikduzu 41.0494444 39.2352778 P PPL TR 61 36987 35 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17676 750938 Bayburt Bayburt 40.2588889 40.2277778 P PPL TR 77 31258 1680 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-14
+ 17677 751057 Bartın Bartin 41.6358333 32.3375 P PPL TR 87 37427 12 Europe/Istanbul 2008-11-14
+ 17678 751077 Bandırma Bandirma 40.3522222 27.9766667 P PPL TR 10 107631 72 Europe/Istanbul 2006-07-13
+ 17679 751335 Bafra Bafra 41.5677778 35.9069444 P PPL TR 55 92944 10 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17680 751371 Babaeski Babaeski 41.4325 27.0930556 P PPL TR 39 26724 56 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17681 751817 Artvin Artvin 41.1822222 41.8194444 P PPL TR 08 24266 346 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17682 751838 Arsin Arsin 40.9494444 39.9266667 P PPL TR 61 16148 121 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17683 751931 Arhavi Arhavi 41.3491667 41.3069444 P PPL TR 08 16217 52 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17684 751949 Ardeşen Ardesen 41.1911111 40.9875 P PPL TR 53 67965 78 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17685 751952 Ardahan Ardahan 41.1122222 42.7022222 P PPL TR 86 21020 1805 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17686 751971 Araklı Arakli 40.9333333 40.0547222 P PPL TR 61 29917 73 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17687 752015 Amasya Amasya 40.6533333 35.8330556 P PPL TR 05 82896 409 Europe/Istanbul 2007-02-17
+ 17688 752184 Alaplı Alapli 41.1813889 31.3858333 P PPL TR 00 20890 79 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17689 752278 Alaca Alaca 40.1683333 34.8425 P PPL TR 19 27019 920 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17690 752288 Akyazı Akyazi 40.685 30.6222222 P PPL TR 54 25068 55 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17691 752584 Akçakoca Akcakoca 41.0855556 31.1138889 P PPL TR 14 35151 47 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17692 752627 Akçaabat Akcaabat 41.0188889 39.5738889 P PPL TR 61 45105 1 Europe/Istanbul 2006-08-09
+ 17693 752850 Sakarya Sakarya 40.7805556 30.4033333 P PPL TR 54 286787 48 Europe/Istanbul 2006-05-05
+ 17694 831432 Espiye Espiye 40.95 38.7166667 P PPL TR 28 15058 11 Europe/Istanbul 2006-01-17
+ 17695 6354984 merter keresteciler merter keresteciler 41.0129524492085 28.885931968689 P PPLX TR 34 50000 350 20 Europe/Istanbul 2007-03-08
+ 17696 6354985 güngören merter guengoeren merter 41.0155267882462 28.8863396644592 P PPLX TR 34 50000 340 20 Europe/Istanbul 2007-03-08
+ 17697 6692524 Sarigerme Sarigerme 36.7154946386106 28.7043571472168 P PPL TR 48 16000 6 Europe/Istanbul 2009-01-05
+ 17698 3573576 Tunapuna Tunapuna 10.6333333 -61.3833333 P PPL TT 08 17758 21 America/Port_of_Spain 2006-01-17
+ 17699 3573643 Paradise Paradise 10.6347116273073 -61.3667106628418 P PPLX TT 08 15067 34 America/Port_of_Spain 2007-03-06
+ 17700 3573732 Sangre Grande Sangre Grande 10.5833333 -61.1166667 P PPL TT 06 15968 31 America/Port_of_Spain 2006-01-17
+ 17701 3573890 Port-of-Spain Port-of-Spain 10.65 -61.5166667 P PPLC TT 05 49657 -9999 America/Port_of_Spain 2008-01-30
+ 17702 3573899 Point Fortin Point Fortin 10.1833333 -61.6833333 P PPL TT 09 18917 9 America/Port_of_Spain 2006-01-17
+ 17703 3574116 Mon Repos Mon Repos 10.2666667 -61.45 P PPL TT 10 56380 8 America/Port_of_Spain 2006-01-17
+ 17704 3574194 Marabella Marabella 10.3 -61.45 P PPL TT 10 26700 3 America/Port_of_Spain 2006-01-17
+ 17705 3574810 Chaguanas Chaguanas 10.5166667 -61.4166667 P PPL TT 02 72159 48 America/Port_of_Spain 2007-03-26
+ 17706 3575051 Arima Arima 10.6333333 -61.2833333 P PPL TT 01 34997 68 America/Port_of_Spain 2006-01-17
+ 17707 2110394 Funafuti Funafuti -8.5166667 179.2166667 P PPLC TV 00 4749 -9999 Pacific/Funafuti 2006-11-05
+ 17708 1665196 Yün-lin Yun-lin 23.7091667 120.5422222 P PPL TW 04 104723 50 Asia/Taipei 2006-01-27
+ 17709 1665357 Yü-ching Yue-ching 23.124926 120.4613755 P PPL TW 04 16597 77 Asia/Taipei 2009-09-19
+ 17710 1668341 Taipei Taipei 25.0391667 121.525 P PPLC TW 03 7871900 10 Asia/Taipei 2007-02-17
+ 17711 1668399 T'ai-chung-shih T'ai-chung-shih 24.1483333 120.6866667 P PPL TW TW 04 1040725 84 Asia/Taipei 2008-01-18
+ 17712 1668467 Ta-hsi-chen Ta-hsi-chen 24.8833333 121.2833333 P PPL TW 04 84549 99 Asia/Taipei 2006-01-27
+ 17713 1670310 Pu-li Pu-li 23.9663917 120.9695231 P PPL TW 04 86406 492 Asia/Taipei 2009-08-14
+ 17714 1673820 Kao-hsiung Kao-hsiung 22.6177778 120.3013889 P PPL TW TW 02 1519711 10 Asia/Taipei 2009-05-19
+ 17715 1674199 I-lan I-lan 24.757 121.753 P PPL TW 04 94188 7 Asia/Taipei 2009-09-19
+ 17716 1674504 Hualian Hualian 23.9769444 121.6044444 P PPLA TW 04 350468 1 Asia/Taipei 2008-03-27
+ 17717 1676242 Heng-ch'un Heng-ch'un 22.0041667 120.7438889 P PPL TW 04 31288 16 Asia/Taipei 2009-09-19
+ 17718 1678228 Chi-lung Chi-lung 25.1313889 121.7375 P PPL TW 04 397515 19 Asia/Taipei 2007-02-18
+ 17719 6695168 Tainan City Tainan City 23.0247638077913 120.168113708496 P PPL TW 764147 12 Asia/Taipei 2008-07-18
+ 17720 6949678 Taitung City Taitung City 22.7583 121.1444 P PPL TW 110941 18 Asia/Taipei 2009-09-19
+ 17721 148730 Zanzibar Zanzibar -6.16393694437713 39.1979312896729 P PPLA TZ 25 403658 2 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2008-04-18
+ 17722 148842 Wete Wete -5.0666667 39.7166667 P PPLA TZ 13 26450 -9999 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17723 148942 Vwawa Vwawa -9.1166667 32.9333333 P PPL TZ 00 40145 1229 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17724 148987 Vikindu Vikindu -6.9833333 39.2833333 P PPL TZ 00 23307 25 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17725 149027 Uyovu Uyovu -3.2833333 31.5258333 P PPL TZ 15 60849 1233 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17726 149050 Uvinza Uvinza -5.1036111 30.3911111 P PPL TZ 05 24650 971 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17727 149129 Ushirombo Ushirombo -3.4919444 31.9638889 P PPL TZ 15 95052 1233 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17728 149132 Usevia Usevia -7.1 31.2333333 P PPL TZ 00 17742 942 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17729 149151 Usagara Usagara -2.6833333 33.0 P PPL TZ 00 15514 1301 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17730 149155 Usa Usa -3.3666667 36.85 P PPL TZ 00 18726 1167 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17731 149172 Urambo Urambo -5.0666667 32.05 P PPL TZ 00 23724 1109 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17732 149402 Tunduma Tunduma -9.3 32.7666667 P PPL TZ 00 36556 1302 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17733 149418 Tumbi Tumbi -5.0666667 32.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 32900 1160 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17734 149437 Tukuyu Tukuyu -9.25 33.65 P PPL TZ 00 28398 1297 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17735 149512 Tinde Tinde -3.8833333 33.2 P PPL TZ 00 22082 1135 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17736 149581 Tarime Tarime -1.35 34.3666667 P PPL TZ 00 33094 1531 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17737 149606 Tanga Tanga -5.0666667 39.1 P PPLA TZ 18 224876 1 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2007-02-18
+ 17738 149658 Tabora Tabora -5.0166667 32.8 P PPLA TZ 17 145292 1213 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17739 149703 Sumbawanga Sumbawanga -7.9666667 31.6166667 P PPLA TZ 24 89161 1769 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17740 149775 Songwa Songwa -3.5166667 33.5166667 P PPL TZ 00 23618 1157 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17741 149792 Somanda Somanda -3.3666667 33.95 P PPL TZ 00 33932 1224 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17742 149812 Sokoni Sokoni -6.4333333 39.55 P PPL TZ 00 25821 1 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17743 149854 Sirari Sirari -1.2333333 34.4333333 P PPL TZ 00 24317 1518 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17744 149879 Singida Singida -4.8166667 34.75 P PPLA TZ 16 62432 1547 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17745 149929 Sikonge Sikonge -5.6333333 32.7666667 P PPL TZ 00 27113 1167 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17746 150006 Shinyanga Shinyanga -3.6666667 33.4333333 P PPLA TZ 15 107362 1135 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17747 150037 Shelui Shelui -4.3666667 34.2 P PPL TZ 00 24817 1080 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17748 150099 Sepuka Sepuka -4.75 34.5333333 P PPL TZ 00 25657 1494 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17749 150276 Same Same -4.0666667 37.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 17455 864 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17750 150436 Rulenge Rulenge -2.7175 30.6325 P PPL TZ 19 22069 1388 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17751 150453 Rujewa Rujewa -8.7 34.3833333 P PPL TZ 00 29228 1138 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17752 150634 Puma Puma -5.0 34.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 17092 1596 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17753 150885 Old Shinyanga Old Shinyanga -3.55 33.4 P PPL TZ 00 23747 1187 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17754 150930 Nzega Nzega -4.2166667 33.1833333 P PPL TZ 00 26584 1210 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17755 151108 Nyamuswa Nyamuswa -1.9 34.0166667 P PPL TZ 00 16507 1438 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17756 151211 Nyalikungu Nyalikungu -3.1833333 33.7833333 P PPL TZ 00 24648 1374 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17757 151266 Nyakabindi Nyakabindi -2.6333333 33.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 18428 1295 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17758 151363 Nsunga Nsunga -1.1438889 31.3947222 P PPL TZ 19 20049 1221 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17759 151373 Nshamba Nshamba -1.7983333 31.5511111 P PPL TZ 19 19815 1492 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17760 151479 Njombe Njombe -9.3333333 34.7666667 P PPL TZ 00 46724 1581 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17761 151567 Nguruka Nguruka -5.1091667 31.0419444 P PPL TZ 05 39135 1063 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17762 151599 Ngudu Ngudu -2.9666667 33.3333333 P PPL TZ 00 22658 1247 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17763 151678 Ngerengere Ngerengere -6.75 38.1166667 P PPL TZ 00 17181 230 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17764 151711 Ngara Ngara -2.5122222 30.6558333 P PPL TZ 19 16890 1812 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17765 151929 Nangwa Nangwa -4.4666667 35.45 P PPL TZ 00 18595 1737 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17766 151986 Namanyere Namanyere -7.5166667 31.05 P PPL TZ 00 28218 1588 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17767 152224 Mwanza Mwanza -2.5166667 32.9 P PPLA TZ 12 436801 1210 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2007-02-18
+ 17768 152376 Mwadui Mwadui -3.55 33.6 P PPL TZ 00 23296 1205 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17769 152403 Mvomero Mvomero -6.25 38.6666667 P PPL TZ 00 31324 54 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17770 152451 Musoma Musoma -1.5 33.8 P PPLA TZ 08 121119 1173 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-05-05
+ 17771 152497 Muriti Muriti -1.9833333 32.9166667 P PPL TZ 00 20254 1140 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17772 152546 Mungaa Mungaa -4.9666667 34.8833333 P PPL TZ 00 16715 1583 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17773 152632 Muheza Muheza -5.1666667 38.7833333 P PPL TZ 00 17000 275 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17774 152663 Mugumu Mugumu -1.85 34.7 P PPL TZ 00 18431 1524 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17775 152718 Mtwango Mtwango -9.0166667 34.8 P PPL TZ 00 19040 1733 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17776 152743 Mto wa Mbu Mto wa Mbu -3.35 35.85 P PPL TZ 00 17754 1171 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17777 152781 Mtinko Mtinko -4.55 34.85 P PPL TZ 00 26725 1588 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17778 152933 Msowero Msowero -6.5333333 37.2 P PPL TZ 00 17861 530 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17779 153094 Mpwapwa Mpwapwa -6.35 36.4833333 P PPL TZ 00 19806 948 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17780 153176 Mpanda Mpanda -6.3666667 31.0333333 P PPL TZ 00 73338 1161 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17781 153209 Moshi Moshi -3.35 37.3333333 P PPLA TZ 06 156959 888 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17782 153220 Morogoro Morogoro -6.8166667 37.6666667 P PPLA TZ 10 250902 511 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17783 153352 Mlowo Mlowo -9.0 32.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 18737 1663 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17784 153384 Mlimba Mlimba -8.8 35.8166667 P PPL TZ 00 34970 304 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17785 153408 Mlangali Mlangali -9.7833333 34.5166667 P PPL TZ 00 15168 1068 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17786 153412 Mlandizi Mlandizi -6.7 38.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 29394 73 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17787 153423 Mlalo Mlalo -4.9333333 38.9333333 P PPL TZ 00 15576 95 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17788 153482 Mkuranga Mkuranga -7.1166667 39.2 P PPL TZ 00 28037 48 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17789 153709 Mwandiga Mwandiga -4.83 29.6580556 P PPL TZ 05 16822 831 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17790 153759 Missungwi Missungwi -2.85 33.0833333 P PPL TZ 00 35530 1150 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17791 153871 Mikumi Mikumi -7.4 36.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 16780 506 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17792 154002 Mhango Mhango -3.2833333 32.85 P PPL TZ 00 21553 1229 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17793 154097 Mgandu Mgandu -5.95 34.1333333 P PPL TZ 00 23718 1454 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17794 154321 Mbuguni Mbuguni -3.5666667 36.95 P PPL TZ 00 16442 918 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17795 154380 Mbeya Mbeya -8.9 33.45 P PPLA TZ 09 291649 1662 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-05-05
+ 17796 154470 Mazinde Mazinde -4.8 38.2166667 P PPL TZ 00 20534 571 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17797 154566 Matui Matui -4.8 38.25 P PPL TZ 00 20241 1183 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17798 154638 Matai Matai -8.3 31.5166667 P PPL TZ 00 24070 1670 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17799 154648 Maswa Maswa -2.6833333 33.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 22025 1277 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17800 154654 Masumbwe Masumbwe -3.6333333 32.1833333 P PPL TZ 00 34780 1198 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17801 154780 Maramba Maramba -5.05 38.6166667 P PPL TZ 00 26531 877 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17802 155016 Malinyi Malinyi -8.9333333 36.1333333 P PPL TZ 00 27041 275 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17803 155056 Malampaka Malampaka -3.1333333 33.5333333 P PPL TZ 00 16916 1254 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17804 155076 Makuyuni Makuyuni -4.7333333 38.1 P PPL TZ 00 15516 468 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17805 155101 Makumbako Makumbako -8.85 34.8333333 P PPL TZ 00 53003 1723 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17806 155285 Mahanje Mahanje -9.9333333 35.3333333 P PPL TZ 00 15009 897 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17807 155307 Magu Kahangara Magu Kahangara -2.5833333 33.35 P PPL TZ 00 19082 1245 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17808 155310 Magugu Magugu -4.0166667 35.7666667 P PPL TZ 00 26131 1177 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17809 155321 Magomeni Magomeni -6.8 39.25 P PPLX TZ 00 19086 2 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17810 155334 Magole Magole -6.3666667 37.3666667 P PPL TZ 00 18753 508 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17811 155405 Mafinga Mafinga -7.25 35.0666667 P PPL TZ 00 34958 907 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17812 155515 Mabama Mabama -5.1333333 32.5333333 P PPL TZ 00 15320 1155 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17813 155569 Lushoto Lushoto -4.7833333 38.2833333 P PPL TZ 00 24197 1498 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17814 155743 Lugoba Lugoba -6.45 38.3333333 P PPL TZ 00 16902 253 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17815 155921 Liwale Liwale -9.7666667 37.9333333 P PPL TZ 00 19296 471 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17816 156025 Lembeni Lembeni -3.7833333 37.6166667 P PPL TZ 00 16008 1132 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17817 156080 Lalago Lalago -3.45 33.95 P PPL TZ 00 22551 1156 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-27
+ 17818 156098 Laela Laela -8.5666667 32.05 P PPL TZ 00 19185 1414 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17819 156111 Kyela Kyela -9.5833333 33.85 P PPL TZ 00 30684 505 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17820 156510 Kondoa Kondoa -4.9 35.7833333 P PPL TZ 00 23518 1400 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17821 156627 Kiwira Kiwira -9.1666667 33.5333333 P PPL TZ 00 21342 1355 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17822 156963 Kishapu Kishapu -3.6166667 33.8666667 P PPL TZ 00 16371 1171 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17823 156974 Kisesa Kisesa -3.0833333 34.15 P PPL TZ 00 29804 1356 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17824 157107 Kirando Kirando -7.4166667 30.6 P PPL TZ 00 33111 769 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17825 157198 Kiomboi Kiomboi -4.2666667 34.3666667 P PPL TZ 00 23519 1528 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17826 157268 Kingori Kingori -3.2833333 36.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 22839 1199 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17827 157403 Kilosa Kilosa -6.8333333 36.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 91889 584 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17828 157738 Kigoma Kigoma -4.8769444 29.6266667 P PPLA TZ 05 164268 776 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2007-02-17
+ 17829 157826 Kidodi Kidodi -7.6 36.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 35953 472 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17830 157863 Kidatu Kidatu -7.7 36.95 P PPL TZ 00 37542 295 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-27
+ 17831 157960 Kibondo Kibondo -3.5863889 30.7202778 P PPL TZ 05 28666 1456 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17832 157977 Kibiti Kibiti -7.7333333 38.95 P PPL TZ 00 30163 152 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17833 158016 Kibara Kibara -2.15 33.45 P PPL TZ 00 17211 1138 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17834 158024 Kibakwe Kibakwe -6.7166667 36.3666667 P PPL TZ 00 19526 1177 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17835 158027 Kibaha Kibaha -6.7666667 38.9166667 P PPL TZ 00 23651 156 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17836 158151 Katumba Katumba -9.2333333 33.6166667 P PPL TZ 00 108558 1364 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17837 158160 Katoro Katoro -3.0202778 31.8958333 P PPL TZ 19 49691 1253 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17838 158179 Katerero Katerero -1.4 31.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 18430 1218 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17839 158214 Kasulu Kasulu -4.5766667 30.1025 P PPL TZ 05 37349 1459 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17840 158289 Kasamwa Kasamwa -2.85 32.4333333 P PPL TZ 00 27681 1227 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17841 158324 Karatu Karatu -3.3333333 35.6666667 P PPL TZ 00 19803 1522 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17842 158492 Kamachumu Kamachumu -1.6186111 31.62 P PPL TZ 00 15701 1444 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17843 158563 Kakonko Kakonko -3.2827778 30.9641667 P PPL TZ 05 24688 1497 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17844 158597 Kahama Kahama -3.8333333 32.6 P PPL TZ 00 36014 1220 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17845 158684 Kabanga Kabanga -2.6386111 30.4677778 P PPL TZ 19 19421 1585 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17846 158825 Izazi Izazi -7.2 35.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 18010 737 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17847 158904 Itigi Itigi -5.7 34.4833333 P PPL TZ 00 19711 1302 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17848 159045 Isaka Isaka -3.9 32.9333333 P PPL TZ 00 21094 1173 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17849 159071 Iringa Iringa -7.7666667 35.7 P PPLA TZ 04 111820 1575 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-05-05
+ 17850 159107 Ipinda Ipinda -9.4833333 33.9 P PPL TZ 00 17775 581 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17851 159179 Ilula Ilula -7.6833333 36.0333333 P PPL TZ 00 29193 1505 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17852 159186 Ilongero Ilongero -4.6666667 34.8666667 P PPL TZ 00 17342 1618 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17853 159218 Ilembula Ilembula -8.9 34.5833333 P PPL TZ 00 18870 1367 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17854 159267 Ikungi Ikungi -5.1333333 34.7666667 P PPL TZ 00 19692 1540 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17855 159380 Igurusi Igurusi -8.85 33.85 P PPL TZ 00 24895 1291 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17856 159386 Igunga Igunga -4.2833333 33.8833333 P PPL TZ 00 35644 1083 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17857 159398 Igugunu Igugunu -4.5666667 34.6333333 P PPL TZ 00 22810 1366 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17858 159492 Ifakara Ifakara -8.1333333 36.6833333 P PPL TZ 00 49528 199 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17859 159647 Hedaru Hedaru -4.5 37.9 P PPL TZ 00 20231 756 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17860 159909 Geiro Geiro -6.15 36.8666667 P PPL TZ 00 37909 1467 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17861 159951 Galappo Galappo -4.2666667 35.85 P PPL TZ 00 18528 1394 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-27
+ 17862 160172 Dongobesh Dongobesh -4.0666667 35.3833333 P PPL TZ 00 18864 2086 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17863 160196 Dodoma Dodoma -6.1833333 35.75 P PPLC TZ 03 180541 1129 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2009-01-27
+ 17864 160263 Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam -6.8 39.2833333 P PPLG TZ 23 2698652 -9999 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2009-01-27
+ 17865 160266 Dareda Dareda -4.2166667 35.55 P PPL TZ 00 19876 1643 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17866 160464 Chimala Chimala -8.85 34.0166667 P PPL TZ 00 24817 1201 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17867 160552 Chato Chato -2.6377778 31.7669444 P PPL TZ 19 27776 1138 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17868 160592 Chanika Chanika -5.4166667 38.0166667 P PPL TZ 00 30905 722 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17869 160660 Chalinze Chalinze -6.6 38.35 P PPL TZ 00 34335 157 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17870 160670 Chala Chala -7.5833333 31.2666667 P PPL TZ 00 22624 1937 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17871 160677 Chake Chake Chake Chake -5.24284550876783 39.7745418548584 P PPLA TZ 20 21686 -9999 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2007-03-08
+ 17872 160798 Butiama Butiama -1.7666667 33.9666667 P PPL TZ 00 16376 1524 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17873 160833 Buseresere Buseresere -3.0236111 31.8747222 P PPL TZ 19 52870 1238 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17874 160877 Bungu Bungu -7.6333333 39.05 P PPL TZ 00 27873 153 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17875 160892 Bunda Bunda -2.05 33.8666667 P PPL TZ 00 50944 1142 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17876 160961 Bukoba Bukoba -1.3316667 31.8122222 P PPLA TZ 19 70628 1160 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-05-09
+ 17877 161023 Bugarama Bugarama -2.8705556 30.5280556 P PPL TZ 19 32494 1471 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17878 161154 Biharamulo Biharamulo -2.6319444 31.3088889 P PPL TZ 19 34038 1492 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17879 161197 Basotu Basotu -4.3666667 35.0833333 P PPL TZ 00 20937 1628 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-27
+ 17880 161204 Bashanet Bashanet -4.2333333 35.4166667 P PPL TZ 00 19087 2134 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-27
+ 17881 161218 Bariadi Bariadi -2.8 33.9833333 P PPL TZ 00 33865 1272 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17882 161290 Bagamoyo Bagamoyo -6.4333333 38.9 P PPL TZ 00 82426 1 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17883 161312 Babati Babati -4.2166667 35.75 P PPLA TZ 27 34291 1392 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17884 161325 Arusha Arusha -3.3666667 36.6833333 P PPLA TZ 26 341136 1265 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2008-04-18
+ 17885 877384 Tingi Tingi -11.3 35.0333333 P PPL TZ 00 16315 1026 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17886 877391 Tandahimba Tandahimba -10.75 39.6333333 P PPL TZ 00 17041 281 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17887 877401 Songea Songea -10.6833333 35.65 P PPLA TZ 14 126449 1166 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-05-05
+ 17888 877471 Nyangao Nyangao -10.3333333 39.2833333 P PPL TZ 00 16343 173 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17889 877532 Newala Kisimani Newala Kisimani -10.95 39.2833333 P PPL TZ 00 38099 624 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17890 877581 Nanyamba Nanyamba -10.6833333 39.8333333 P PPL TZ 00 19555 218 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17891 877597 Nangomba Nangomba -10.9 38.5 P PPL TZ 00 23028 281 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17892 877605 Nanganga Nanganga -10.3833333 39.15 P PPL TZ 00 17468 233 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17893 877702 Nachingwea Nachingwea -10.3833333 38.7666667 P PPL TZ 00 18058 393 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17894 877747 Mtwara Mtwara -10.2666667 40.1833333 P PPLA TZ 11 96602 6 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17895 877998 Mbinga Mbinga -10.9333333 35.0166667 P PPL TZ 00 25192 1483 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17896 878041 Matiri Matiri -10.75 34.9 P PPL TZ 00 18830 1220 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17897 878058 Masasi Masasi -10.7166667 38.8 P PPL TZ 00 36032 504 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17898 878073 Maposeni Maposeni -10.5833333 35.4 P PPL TZ 00 19472 910 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17899 878195 Lukuledi Lukuledi -10.5666667 38.8 P PPL TZ 00 29699 310 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17900 878223 Luchingu Luchingu -10.9 39.3333333 P PPL TZ 00 25145 587 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17901 878281 Lindi Lindi -10.0 39.7166667 P PPLA TZ 07 41912 1 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-11-15
+ 17902 878367 Kitama Kitama -10.7166667 39.7333333 P PPL TZ 00 16232 237 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17903 878400 Kigonsera Kigonsera -10.8 35.05 P PPL TZ 00 22155 1499 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2006-01-17
+ 17904 6640202 Merelani Merelani -3.56182297707393 36.9789505004883 P PPL TZ 26 50000 914 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2008-02-03
+ 17905 613273 Lebedyn Lebedyn 50.5880556 34.4802778 P PPL UA 21 27695 138 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 17906 616743 Druzhkovka Druzhkovka 48.6166667 37.55 P PPL UA 05 62315 82 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 17907 686729 Vasylivka Vasylivka 47.4369444 35.2741667 P PPL UA 26 15012 32 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17908 686803 Zvenyhorodka Zvenyhorodka 49.0833333 30.9666667 P PPL UA 01 19161 149 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 17909 686818 Zuhres Zuhres 48.0163889 38.2694444 P PPL UA 05 19121 162 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17910 686875 Zolotonosha Zolotonosha 49.6666667 32.0333333 P PPL UA 01 27722 102 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 17911 686896 Zolochiv Zolochiv 49.8 24.9 P PPL UA 15 22608 280 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 17912 686919 Znam”yanka Znam”yanka 48.7127778 32.6647222 P PPL UA 10 28318 197 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 17913 686928 Zmiyiv Zmiyiv 49.7025 36.3769444 P PPL UA 07 16095 108 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17914 686967 Zhytomyr Zhytomyr 50.25 28.6666667 P PPL UA 27 282192 222 Europe/Kiev 2007-02-17
+ 17915 687116 Zhmerynka Zhmerynka 49.0333333 28.1 P PPL UA 23 35960 303 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17916 687196 Zhovti Vody Zhovti Vody 48.3436111 33.5077778 P PPL UA 04 51559 173 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-07-07
+ 17917 687245 Zhashkiv Zhashkiv 49.25 30.1 P PPL UA 01 15264 230 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17918 687432 Zdolbuniv Zdolbuniv 50.5166667 26.25 P PPL UA 19 23697 182 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17919 687700 Zaporizhzhya Zaporizhzhya 47.8166667 35.1833333 P PPLA UA 26 796217 97 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-05-06
+ 17920 687997 Yuzhne Yuzhne 46.6221054063855 31.1013078689575 P PPL UA 17 25000 10 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 17921 688105 Yevpatoriya Yevpatoriya 45.1972222 33.3558333 P PPL UA 11 105223 7 Europe/Simferopol 2008-04-21
+ 17922 688148 Yenakiyeve Yenakiyeve 48.2322222 38.2161111 P PPL UA UA 05 104101 184 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-10-10
+ 17923 688373 Yasinovataya Yasinovataya 48.135 37.8502778 P PPL UA UA 05 37600 236 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-03-24
+ 17924 688533 Yalta Yalta 44.5 34.1666667 P PPL UA 11 79509 14 Europe/Simferopol 2008-03-17
+ 17925 688587 Yahotyn Yahotyn 50.2833333 31.7666667 P PPL UA 13 22779 114 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 17926 688723 Vyshhorod Vyshhorod 50.5833333 30.5 P PPL UA 13 22080 86 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17927 689198 Volnovakha Volnovakha 47.6 37.5 P PPL UA 05 23731 276 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 17928 689304 Vovchans'k Vovchans'k 50.3002778 36.9466667 P PPL UA 07 19486 121 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17929 689378 Volodymyr-Volyns'kyy Volodymyr-Volyns'kyy 50.85 24.3333333 P PPL UA UA 24 38256 188 Europe/Uzhgorod 2009-06-03
+ 17930 689487 Vyshneve Vyshneve 50.3833333 30.3666667 P PPL UA 13 33183 171 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17931 689558 Vinnytsya Vinnytsya 49.2333333 28.4833333 P PPLA UA 23 352115 245 Europe/Kiev 2008-03-03
+ 17932 690312 Vatutine Vatutine 49.0177778 31.0622222 P PPL UA 01 19407 137 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17933 690412 Vasyl'kiv Vasyl'kiv 50.1833333 30.3166667 P PPL UA UA 13 39700 165 Europe/Kiev 2008-10-10
+ 17934 690548 Uzhhorod Uzhhorod 48.6166667 22.3 P PPLA UA 25 117878 118 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-01-18
+ 17935 690688 Uman' Uman' 48.75 30.2222222 P PPL UA 01 87658 178 Europe/Kiev 2008-06-17
+ 17936 691037 Tsyurupyns'k Tsyurupyns'k 46.6163889 32.7113889 P PPL UA UA 08 28800 1 Europe/Simferopol 2009-02-24
+ 17937 691179 Truskavets Truskavets 49.2833333 23.5 P PPL UA UA 15 26600 361 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-07-20
+ 17938 691374 Torez Torez 48.0383333 38.5877778 P PPL UA 05 68037 258 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17939 691469 Tokmak Tokmak 47.2513889 35.7058333 P PPL UA 26 34926 47 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17940 691650 Ternopil' Ternopil' 49.55 25.5833333 P PPLA UA 22 235676 297 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-11-28
+ 17941 691999 Syeverodonets'k Syeverodonets'k 48.9455556 38.5022222 P PPL UA UA 14 130000 84 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-08-13
+ 17942 692087 Svitlovods'k Svitlovods'k 49.0833333 33.25 P PPL UA 18 47946 55 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 17943 692105 Sverdlovs'k Sverdlovs'k 48.0766667 39.6533333 P PPL UA UA 14 68000 290 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-02-01
+ 17944 692118 Svatove Svatove 49.4122222 38.1508333 P PPL UA 14 18770 97 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17945 692129 Svalyava Svalyava 48.55 22.9833333 P PPL UA 25 16507 196 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 17946 692194 Sumy Sumy 50.9197222 34.7819444 P PPLA UA 21 294456 156 Europe/Kiev 2007-02-17
+ 17947 692372 Stryy Stryy 49.25 23.85 P PPL UA 15 61404 292 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 17948 692632 Stebnik Stebnik 49.3 23.5666667 P PPL UA 15 20087 329 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 17949 692818 Starokostyantyniv Starokostyantyniv 49.75 27.2166667 P PPL UA 09 33897 270 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17950 692832 Starobil's'k Starobil's'k 49.2763889 38.9058333 P PPL UA UA 14 22000 59 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-10-10
+ 17951 692975 Stakhanov Stakhanov 48.5633333 38.6508333 P PPL UA 14 84425 178 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-11-15
+ 17952 693381 Snizhne Snizhne 48.0169444 38.7658333 P PPL UA 05 55587 281 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17953 693457 Smila Smila 49.2333333 31.8833333 P PPL UA 01 67530 62 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17954 693468 Slov”yans'k 48.8666667 37.6166667 P PPL UA UA 05 124800 55 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-01-05
+ 17955 693581 Slavuta Slavuta 50.3 26.8666667 P PPL UA 09 33080 203 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17956 693615 Skvyra Skvyra 49.7333333 29.6666667 P PPL UA 13 17452 198 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17957 693709 Skadovs'k Skadovs'k 46.1166667 32.9166667 P PPL UA UA 08 19404 2 Europe/Simferopol 2008-09-03
+ 17958 693796 Synel'nykove Synel'nykove 48.3333333 35.5166667 P PPL UA UA 04 31900 191 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-07-23
+ 17959 693805 Simferopol' Simferopol' 44.95 34.1 P PPL UA UA 11 358108 248 Europe/Simferopol 2008-03-07
+ 17960 693920 Shpola Shpola 49.0038889 31.3916667 P PPL UA 01 18689 152 Europe/Kiev 2008-09-23
+ 17961 693942 Shostka Shostka 51.8666667 33.4833333 P PPL UA 21 85432 172 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 17962 694216 Shepetivka Shepetivka 50.1833333 27.0666667 P PPL UA 09 46419 242 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17963 694382 Shakhtërsk Shakhtersk 48.0469444 38.4686111 P PPL UA UA 05 71700 277 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-06-07
+ 17964 694423 Sevastopol' Sevastopol' 44.6 33.5333333 P PPL UA UA 20 379200 109 Europe/Simferopol 2007-07-20
+ 17965 694792 Sarny Sarny 51.3333333 26.6 P PPL UA 19 27097 147 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17966 694864 Sambir Sambir 49.5166667 23.2 P PPL UA 15 35197 290 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 17967 694910 Saky Saky 45.1355556 33.6030556 P PPL UA 11 28322 17 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 17968 695274 Rubizhne Rubizhne 49.0158333 38.3669444 P PPL UA 14 62993 88 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17969 695379 Roven'ki Roven'ki 48.0822222 39.3669444 P PPL UA UA 14 53600 247 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-02-01
+ 17970 695464 Romny Romny 50.75 33.4666667 P PPL UA 21 48570 157 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17971 695594 Rivne Rivne 50.6166667 26.25 P PPL UA 19 255106 205 Europe/Kiev 2007-02-17
+ 17972 695670 Reni Reni 45.45 28.2833333 P PPL UA 17 19719 8 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 17973 695912 Radomyshl' Radomyshl' 50.5 29.2333333 P PPL UA UA 27 15252 141 Europe/Kiev 2008-10-10
+ 17974 695965 Piatykhatky Piatykhatky 48.4133333 33.7105556 P PPL UA UA 04 20459 173 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-10-01
+ 17975 696108 Pryluky Pryluky 50.6 32.4 P PPL UA 02 62823 115 Europe/Kiev 2006-11-15
+ 17976 696566 Popasnaya Popasnaya 48.6291667 38.3833333 P PPL UA UA 14 25442 258 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-01-19
+ 17977 696643 Poltava Poltava 49.5833333 34.5666667 P PPLA UA 18 317847 78 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-02-17
+ 17978 696660 Polonne Polonne 50.1166667 27.5166667 P PPL UA 09 22348 229 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17979 696677 Polohy Polohy 47.4844444 36.2536111 P PPL UA 26 21380 102 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 17980 696943 Pidhorodne Pidhorodne 48.5833333 35.1166667 P PPL UA 04 17103 51 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17981 697183 Pyryatyn Pyryatyn 50.25 32.5166667 P PPL UA 18 16089 90 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 17982 697592 Pervomaysk Pervomaysk 48.6283333 38.5558333 P PPL UA 14 41480 88 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-12-04
+ 17983 697637 Pereyaslav-Khmel'nyts'kyy Pereyaslav-Khmel'nyts'kyy 50.0833333 31.4666667 P PPL UA UA 13 36527 92 Europe/Kiev 2008-09-03
+ 17984 697650 Pereval'sk Pereval'sk 48.4391667 38.8155556 P PPL UA 14 29220 249 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-10-10
+ 17985 697889 Pavlohrad Pavlohrad 48.5166667 35.8666667 P PPL UA 04 115932 62 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 17986 698131 Ovruch Ovruch 51.3166667 28.8 P PPL UA 27 16398 156 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17987 698428 Orikhiv Orikhiv 47.5655556 35.7886111 P PPL UA 26 17287 59 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17988 698625 Oleksandriya Oleksandriya 48.6697222 33.1205556 P PPL UA UA 10 103000 113 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-10-10
+ 17989 698740 Odesa Odesa 46.4774726081453 30.7326221466064 P PPLA UA 17 1001558 47 Europe/Simferopol 2008-11-28
+ 17990 698770 Ochakiv Ochakiv 46.6166667 31.55 P PPL UA 16 16300 39 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 17991 698782 Obukhiv Obukhiv 50.1 30.6333333 P PPL UA 13 31557 179 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17992 698953 Novyy Buh Novyy Buh 47.6833333 32.5 P PPL UA 16 15646 86 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17993 699078 Novoukrayinka Novoukrayinka 48.3216667 31.5202778 P PPL UA 10 18633 132 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17994 699445 Novomoskovs'k Novomoskovs'k 48.6166667 35.2 P PPL UA 04 73100 55 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-12-15
+ 17995 699553 Novohrad-Volyns'kyy Novohrad-Volyns'kyy 50.6 27.6166667 P PPL UA UA 27 55925 199 Europe/Kiev 2008-07-15
+ 17996 699839 Nova Kakhovka Nova Kakhovka 46.7508333 33.3802778 P PPL UA 08 50672 19 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 17997 699917 Nosivka Nosivka 50.9333333 31.5833333 P PPL UA 02 15164 119 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 17998 699942 Nizhyn Nizhyn 51.05 31.8833333 P PPL UA 02 75499 118 Europe/Kiev 2009-05-21
+ 17999 700051 Nikopol' Nikopol' 47.5666667 34.4 P PPL UA 04 130500 55 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-11-19
+ 18000 700261 Netishyn Netishyn 50.35 26.6333333 P PPL UA 09 33063 203 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18001 700507 Nadvirna Nadvirna 48.63 24.5769444 P PPL UA 06 20154 428 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-11-28
+ 18002 700569 Mykolayiv Mykolayiv 46.9666667 32.0 P PPLA UA 16 510840 46 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-05-16
+ 18003 700646 Mukacheve Mukacheve 48.45 22.7166667 P PPL UA 25 81633 123 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18004 700829 Molodogvardeysk Molodogvardeysk 48.3497222 39.7277778 P PPL UA UA 14 25654 197 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-02-05
+ 18005 700997 Miskhor Miskhor 44.4333333 34.0833333 P PPL UA 11 30000 115 Europe/Simferopol 2008-10-14
+ 18006 701075 Myrhorod Myrhorod 49.9666667 33.6 P PPL UA 18 41377 103 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-08
+ 18007 701347 Merefa Merefa 49.8197222 36.0519444 P PPL UA 07 23679 128 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18008 701404 Melitopol' Melitopol' 46.8422222 35.3730556 P PPL UA 26 158000 42 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-08-27
+ 18009 701822 Mariupol' Mariupol' 47.0666667 37.5 P PPL UA 05 481626 44 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-04-21
+ 18010 701855 Marhanets' Marhanets' 47.6397222 34.6363889 P PPL UA UA 04 50443 76 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-08-12
+ 18011 702116 Malyn Malyn 50.7666667 29.2333333 P PPL UA 27 27068 161 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18012 702320 Makiyivka Makiyivka 48.0333333 37.9666667 P PPL UA 05 376610 156 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18013 702417 Lyubotyn Lyubotyn 49.95 35.9666667 P PPL UA 07 22545 202 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18014 702550 L'viv L'viv 49.8382592353251 24.0232372283936 P PPLA UA 15 717803 273 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-01-15
+ 18015 702563 Lutugino Lutugino 48.4019444 39.2102778 P PPL UA UA 14 18830 127 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-02-01
+ 18016 702569 Luts'k Luts'k 50.75 25.3333333 P PPLA UA 24 213661 174 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-02-17
+ 18017 702658 Luhans'k Luhans'k 48.5666667 39.3333333 P PPLA UA 14 452000 69 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-11-28
+ 18018 702723 Lubny Lubny 50.0166667 33.0 P PPL UA UA 18 52600 166 Europe/Kiev 2007-07-20
+ 18019 702760 Lozova Lozova 48.8833333 36.3833333 P PPL UA 07 62311 155 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18020 702972 Lisichansk Lisichansk 48.9191667 38.4158333 P PPL UA 14 111600 167 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18021 703428 Ladyzhyn Ladyzhyn 48.6666667 29.25 P PPL UA 23 21393 168 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18022 703448 Kiev Kiev 50.4333333 30.5166667 P PPLC UA 12 2514227 169 Europe/Kiev 2008-10-17
+ 18023 703464 Kuznetsovs'k Kuznetsovs'k 51.6833333 25.8666667 P PPL UA 19 40000 140 Europe/Kiev 2009-02-08
+ 18024 703646 Kurakhovo Kurakhovo 47.9833333 37.2666667 P PPL UA UA 05 20700 150 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-08-12
+ 18025 703845 Kryvyy Rih Kryvyy Rih 47.9166667 33.35 P PPL UA 04 652380 81 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-07-10
+ 18026 704000 Krolevets Krolevets 51.55 33.3833333 P PPL UA UA 21 24115 169 Europe/Kiev 2009-10-13
+ 18027 704138 Kreminna Kreminna 49.0494444 38.2197222 P PPL UA 14 23538 67 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18028 704143 Kremenets' Kremenets' 50.1 25.7166667 P PPL UA UA 22 21000 328 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-10-10
+ 18029 704147 Kremenchuk Kremenchuk 49.0666667 33.4166667 P PPL UA 18 232742 70 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18030 704202 Krasnyy Luch Krasnyy Luch 48.1330556 38.9325 P PPL UA 14 90005 234 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18031 704204 Krasnyy Liman Krasnyy Liman 48.9833333 37.8166667 P PPL UA UA 05 28200 108 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-01-05
+ 18032 704362 Krasnoperekops'k Krasnoperekops'k 45.955 33.7922222 P PPL UA 11 30700 3 Europe/Simferopol 2008-09-24
+ 18033 704388 Krasnohrad Krasnohrad 49.3666667 35.45 P PPL UA 07 21426 137 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18034 704403 Krasnodon Krasnodon 48.295 39.74 P PPL UA 14 49352 130 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18035 704422 Krasnoarmiys'k Krasnoarmiys'k 48.2833333 37.1833333 P PPL UA 05 68263 204 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18036 704492 Krasyliv Krasyliv 49.65 26.9666667 P PPL UA 09 19815 294 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18037 704508 Kramators'k Kramators'k 48.7166667 37.5333333 P PPL UA UA 05 173700 68 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-11-13
+ 18038 704608 Kivsharivka Kivsharivka 49.6213889 37.7030556 P PPL UA 07 19738 110 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18039 704617 Kovel' Kovel' 51.2166667 24.7166667 P PPL UA UA 24 66400 170 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-11-26
+ 18040 704679 Kotovs'k Kotovs'k 47.75 29.5330556 P PPL UA UA 17 40664 258 Europe/Kiev 2009-10-12
+ 18041 704858 Korsun'-Shevchenkivs'kyy Korsun'-Shevchenkivs'kyy 49.4333333 31.25 P PPL UA UA 01 19000 106 Europe/Kiev 2008-10-10
+ 18042 704885 Korostyshiv Korostyshiv 50.3166667 29.0666667 P PPL UA 27 25099 170 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18043 704901 Korosten' Korosten' 50.95 28.65 P PPL UA 27 65000 162 Europe/Kiev 2008-11-05
+ 18044 705104 Kostyantynivka Kostyantynivka 48.5333333 37.7166667 P PPL UA 05 91259 124 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18045 705135 Konotop Konotop 51.2333333 33.2 P PPL UA 21 91798 150 Europe/Kiev 2006-11-15
+ 18046 705183 Komsomol's'ke Komsomol's'ke 49.5947222 36.5252778 P PPL UA UA 07 15825 109 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-06-26
+ 18047 705392 Kolomyya Kolomyya 48.5305556 25.0402778 P PPL UA 06 61781 279 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-11-28
+ 18048 705730 Kivertsy Kivertsy 50.8333333 25.4666667 P PPL UA 24 16509 185 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18049 705809 Kirovsk Kirovsk 48.6419444 38.6527778 P PPL UA UA 14 40000 195 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-10-10
+ 18050 705812 Kirovohrad Kirovohrad 48.5041667 32.2630556 P PPLA UA 10 249454 119 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-11-28
+ 18051 705883 Kiliya Kiliya 45.45 29.2666667 P PPL UA 17 21754 1 Europe/Simferopol 2008-11-28
+ 18052 706165 Khust Khust 48.1813889 23.2977778 P PPL UA 25 27999 161 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18053 706369 Khmel'nyts'kyy Khmel'nyts'kyy 49.4166667 27.0 P PPLA UA UA 09 398346 280 Europe/Kiev 2008-07-15
+ 18054 706448 Kherson Kherson 46.6333333 32.6 P PPLA UA 08 320477 17 Europe/Simferopol 2007-02-17
+ 18055 706466 Khartsyzsk Khartsyzsk 48.0352778 38.155 P PPL UA UA 05 64000 250 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-03-10
+ 18056 706483 Kharkiv Kharkiv 50.0 36.25 P PPLA UA 07 1430885 114 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-02-17
+ 18057 706524 Kerch Kerch 45.3583333 36.4758333 P PPL UA 11 152195 1 Europe/Simferopol 2008-05-29
+ 18058 706571 Kozyatyn Kozyatyn 49.7166667 28.8333333 P PPL UA 23 25645 288 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18059 706749 Karlivka Karlivka 49.45 35.1333333 P PPL UA 18 17226 143 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18060 706900 Kaniv Kaniv 49.75 31.4666667 P PPL UA 01 25666 102 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18061 706950 Kam”yanets'-Podil's'kyy 48.6666667 26.5666667 P PPL UA UA 09 100000 189 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-08-30
+ 18062 707099 Kalush Kalush 49.0166667 24.3666667 P PPL UA 06 67698 283 Europe/Uzhgorod 2006-11-15
+ 18063 707155 Kalynivka Kalynivka 49.4666667 28.5333333 P PPL UA 23 19315 265 Europe/Kiev 2009-03-04
+ 18064 707244 Kakhovka Kakhovka 46.8102778 33.4766667 P PPL UA 08 36816 31 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18065 707292 Izyum Izyum 49.2127778 37.2569444 P PPL UA 07 53778 81 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-08
+ 18066 707296 Izyaslav Izyaslav 50.1166667 26.8 P PPL UA 09 17758 217 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18067 707308 Izmayil Izmayil 45.35 28.8333333 P PPL UA 17 82485 32 Europe/Simferopol 2009-02-17
+ 18068 707471 Ivano-Frankivs'k Ivano-Frankivs'k 48.9172222 24.7072222 P PPLA UA UA 06 204200 252 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-06-18
+ 18069 707565 Irpin' Irpin' 50.5166667 30.25 P PPL UA 13 40789 98 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-08
+ 18070 707679 Ilovays'k Ilovays'k 47.9277778 38.1933333 P PPL UA UA 05 17621 212 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-08-12
+ 18071 707688 Illichivs'k Illichivs'k 46.3 30.6666667 P PPL UA UA 17 54102 -9999 Europe/Simferopol 2008-06-18
+ 18072 707752 Horodok Horodok 49.1666667 26.5666667 P PPL UA 09 17086 277 Europe/Kiev 2006-01-17
+ 18073 707753 Horlivka Horlivka 48.3 38.05 P PPL UA 05 278550 236 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18074 707758 Hlukhiv Hlukhiv 51.6833333 33.9166667 P PPL UA 21 35387 178 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18075 707898 Hulyaypole Hulyaypole 47.6652778 36.2577778 P PPL UA 26 16442 115 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-08
+ 18076 708313 Gorodok Gorodok 49.7833333 23.65 P PPL UA UA 15 15993 265 Europe/Uzhgorod 2009-10-13
+ 18077 708366 Horodyshche Horodyshche 49.2833333 31.45 P PPL UA 01 15063 97 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 18078 708632 Hola Prystan' Hola Prystan' 46.5205556 32.5258333 P PPL UA UA 08 16102 4 Europe/Simferopol 2009-05-04
+ 18079 708878 Heniches'k Heniches'k 46.1761111 34.8058333 P PPL UA UA 08 21663 13 Europe/Simferopol 2008-12-12
+ 18080 708898 Hayvoron Hayvoron 48.35 29.85 P PPL UA 10 15526 152 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18081 708901 Haysyn Haysyn 48.8 29.4 P PPL UA 23 24687 205 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18082 709161 Feodosiya Feodosiya 45.0333333 35.3833333 P PPL UA 11 72052 1 Europe/Simferopol 2008-11-28
+ 18083 709248 Fastiv Fastiv 50.0833333 29.9166667 P PPL UA 13 51143 217 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18084 709276 Energodar Energodar 47.5 34.4666667 P PPL UA 26 58825 21 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-01-27
+ 18085 709334 Dzhankoy Dzhankoy 45.7166667 34.4 P PPL UA 11 41731 12 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 18086 709354 Dzerzhyns'k Dzerzhyns'k 48.4047222 37.8327778 P PPL UA 05 41758 181 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18087 709429 Dunaivtsi Dunaivtsi 48.9 26.8333333 P PPL UA 09 15836 265 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18088 709540 Dubno Dubno 50.4166667 25.75 P PPL UA 19 37690 210 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18089 709611 Drogobych Drogobych 49.35 23.5 P PPL UA 15 79406 296 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18090 709717 Donets'k Donets'k 48.0 37.8 P PPLA UA UA 05 1024700 170 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-11-28
+ 18091 709755 Dolyna Dolyna 48.9705556 24.0111111 P PPL UA UA 06 20696 372 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-12-28
+ 18092 709835 Dokuchayevsk Dokuchayevsk 47.7333333 37.6666667 P PPL UA UA 05 23900 164 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-06-03
+ 18093 709900 Dobropol'ye Dobropol'ye 48.4833333 37.1 P PPL UA UA 05 35977 169 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-10-13
+ 18094 709930 Dnipropetrovsk Dnipropetrovsk 48.45 34.9833333 P PPLA UA 04 1032822 146 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-10-08
+ 18095 709932 Dniprodzerzhyns'k Dniprodzerzhyns'k 48.5 34.6166667 P PPL UA 04 248575 119 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-07-07
+ 18096 709960 Dniprorudne Dniprorudne 47.41 35.0197222 P PPL UA 26 20271 58 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18097 710098 Derhachi Derhachi 50.1094444 36.1208333 P PPL UA 07 19322 140 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18098 710229 Debal'tsevo Debal'tsevo 48.3369444 38.4002778 P PPL UA UA 05 30200 315 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-02-01
+ 18099 710374 Chuhuyiv Chuhuyiv 49.8355556 36.6863889 P PPL UA 07 36519 137 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18100 710400 Chortkiv Chortkiv 49.0166667 25.8 P PPL UA 22 27977 318 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18101 710554 Chervonograd Chervonograd 50.3833333 24.2333333 P PPL UA UA 15 83000 165 Europe/Uzhgorod 2009-03-19
+ 18102 710719 Chernivtsi Chernivtsi 48.3 25.9333333 P PPLA UA 03 236250 216 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-11-28
+ 18103 710735 Chernihiv Chernihiv 51.5 31.3 P PPL UA 02 307684 107 Europe/Kiev 2007-02-17
+ 18104 710791 Cherkasy Cherkasy 49.4333333 32.0666667 P PPLA UA 01 297568 95 Europe/Kiev 2007-02-17
+ 18105 711350 Bucha Bucha 50.5666667 30.2166667 P PPL UA UA 13 42279 105 Europe/Kiev 2008-11-26
+ 18106 711369 Bryanka Bryanka 48.5069444 38.6616667 P PPL UA 14 51921 201 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18107 711390 Brovary Brovary 50.5 30.7666667 P PPL UA 13 88506 107 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18108 711416 Brody Brody 50.0833333 25.15 P PPL UA 15 22375 221 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18109 711515 Boyarka Boyarka 50.3166667 30.3166667 P PPL UA 13 34631 161 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 18110 711660 Boryspil' Boryspil' 50.35 30.95 P PPL UA UA 13 55000 107 Europe/Kiev 2009-02-08
+ 18111 711669 Boryslav Boryslav 49.2833333 23.4166667 P PPL UA 15 36704 386 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18112 711841 Bolhrad Bolhrad 45.6833333 28.6108333 P PPL UA 17 16708 48 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 18113 711867 Bohuslav Bohuslav 49.55 30.8833333 P PPL UA 13 16498 156 Europe/Kiev 2006-08-09
+ 18114 711894 Bohodukhiv Bohodukhiv 50.1608333 35.5163889 P PPL UA 07 17818 149 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18115 712160 Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyy Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyy 46.2 30.35 P PPL UA 17 50201 1 Europe/Simferopol 2008-11-28
+ 18116 712165 Bila Tserkva Bila Tserkva 49.7833333 30.1166667 P PPL UA 13 199163 149 Europe/Kiev 2008-05-22
+ 18117 712374 Бережани Berezhani 49.45 24.9333333 P PPL UA 22 16962 269 Europe/Uzhgorod 2008-06-02
+ 18118 712423 Berehove Berehove 48.2166667 22.65 P PPL UA 25 25741 149 Europe/Uzhgorod 2007-05-11
+ 18119 712441 Berdychiv Berdychiv 49.9 28.5833333 P PPL UA 27 86250 242 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18120 712451 Berdyans'k Berdyans'k 46.7502778 36.7944444 P PPL UA 26 118284 14 Europe/Zaporozhye 2006-08-09
+ 18121 712559 Bilopillya Bilopillya 51.1483333 34.3008333 P PPL UA 21 17824 163 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18122 712587 Bilohirs'k Bilohirs'k 45.05 34.6 P PPL UA 11 18091 216 Europe/Simferopol 2006-01-27
+ 18123 712861 Bar Bar 49.0666667 27.6666667 P PPL UA 23 16641 283 Europe/Kiev 2006-01-17
+ 18124 712886 Balta Balta 47.9372222 29.6194444 P PPL UA 17 19220 113 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18125 712926 Balakliya Balakliya 49.47 36.8638889 P PPL UA 07 31156 94 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18126 712930 Balaklava Balaklava 44.5 33.6 P PPLX UA UA 11 20000 205 Europe/Simferopol 2009-05-15
+ 18127 712967 Bakhmach Bakhmach 51.1833333 32.7833333 P PPL UA 02 23379 147 Europe/Kiev 2007-05-11
+ 18128 712969 Bakhchysaray Bakhchysaray 44.75 33.8666667 P PPL UA 11 26525 228 Europe/Simferopol 2007-02-17
+ 18129 713122 Avdeyevka Avdeyevka 48.1383333 37.7369444 P PPL UA 05 35826 209 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18130 713163 Artsyz Artsyz 45.9833333 29.4166667 P PPL UA 17 15761 18 Europe/Simferopol 2007-05-11
+ 18131 713174 Artemivs'k Artemivs'k 48.5913889 38.0080556 P PPL UA UA 05 80500 95 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-10-10
+ 18132 713203 Armyans'k Armyans'k 46.1075 33.6969444 P PPL UA UA 11 26000 8 Europe/Simferopol 2008-11-10
+ 18133 713245 Apostolove Apostolove 47.6666667 33.7333333 P PPL UA 04 15828 89 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18134 713259 Antratsit Antratsit 48.1191667 39.09 P PPL UA UA 14 61600 250 Europe/Zaporozhye 2009-01-19
+ 18135 713504 Amvrosiyivka Amvrosiyivka 47.7922222 38.4788889 P PPL UA 05 21307 171 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18136 713513 Alushta Alushta 44.6666667 34.4166667 P PPL UA 11 30271 -9999 Europe/Simferopol 2006-11-19
+ 18137 713716 Alchevs'k Alchevs'k 48.4727778 38.7997222 P PPL UA UA 14 116000 215 Europe/Zaporozhye 2008-12-14
+ 18138 713749 Okhtyrka Okhtyrka 50.3086111 34.8941667 P PPL UA 21 49818 125 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-05-11
+ 18139 6559559 Komsomolsk Komsomolsk 49.0097264019762 33.6454582214355 P PPL UA 18 51740 77 Europe/Zaporozhye 2007-07-20
+ 18140 6930327 Славутич Slavutich 51.5196389599133 30.734338760376 P PPL UA 13 25000 139 Europe/Kiev 2009-02-28
+ 18141 225858 Wobulenzi Wobulenzi 0.7283333 32.5122222 P PPL UG 70 24415 1107 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18142 225964 Wakiso Wakiso 0.4044444 32.4594444 P PPLA UG 96 20530 1218 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18143 226823 Pallisa Pallisa 1.145 33.7094444 P PPLA UG 60 30745 1043 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18144 226853 Paidha Paidha 2.4166667 30.9833333 P PPL UG 00 28348 1438 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18145 227592 Ntungamo Ntungamo -0.8833333 29.65 P PPL UG 00 16915 1179 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18146 227812 Njeru Njeru 0.4186111 33.1730556 P PPL UG 90 61952 1267 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18147 227904 Nebbi Nebbi 2.4758333 31.1025 P PPLA UG 58 30354 1002 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18148 228227 Namasuba Namasuba 0.6894444 32.4213889 P PPL UG 00 22507 1207 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18149 228853 Mukono Mukono 0.3533333 32.7552778 P PPLA UG 90 67290 1246 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18150 228971 Mubende Mubende 0.5891667 31.36 P PPLA UG 56 18936 1324 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18151 229139 Mityana Mityana 0.4175 32.0227778 P PPL UG 56 41131 1209 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18152 229278 Mbale Mbale 1.0644444 34.1794444 P PPLA UG 87 76493 1161 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18153 229362 Masindi Masindi 1.6744444 31.715 P PPLA UG 50 31486 1227 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18154 229380 Masaka Masaka -0.3127778 31.7130556 P PPLA UG 71 65373 1329 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18155 229746 Luwero Luwero 0.8491667 32.4730556 P PPLA UG 70 28338 1086 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18156 229911 Lugazi Lugazi 0.3772222 32.9197222 P PPL UG 18 35036 1204 Africa/Kampala 2009-01-30
+ 18157 230166 Lira Lira 2.235 32.9097222 P PPLA UG 47 119323 1063 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18158 230893 Kitgum Kitgum 3.2783333 32.8866667 P PPLA UG 84 56891 929 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18159 231139 Kireka Kireka 0.3475 32.6491667 P PPL UG 00 17947 1155 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18160 231696 Kayunga Kayunga 0.7025 32.8886111 P PPLA UG 83 21704 1063 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18161 232066 Kasese Kasese 0.23 29.9883333 P PPLA UG 40 67269 1780 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18162 232371 Kamwenge Kamwenge 0.2111111 30.4208333 P PPLA UG 81 17169 1227 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18163 232422 Kampala Kampala 0.3155556 32.5655556 P PPLC UG 18 1353189 1206 Africa/Kampala 2009-01-30
+ 18164 233114 Jinja Jinja 0.4244444 33.2041667 P PPLA UG 33 93061 1192 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18165 233275 Iganga Iganga 0.6091667 33.4686111 P PPLA UG 78 45024 1082 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18166 233312 Hoima Hoima 1.4355556 31.3436111 P PPLA UG 31 39625 1139 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18167 233346 Gulu Gulu 2.7666667 32.3055556 P PPLA UG 30 146858 1104 Africa/Kampala 2007-02-08
+ 18168 233476 Fort Portal Fort Portal 0.6938889 30.2663889 P PPLA UG 79 42670 1535 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18169 233508 Entebbe Entebbe 0.0644444 32.4469444 P PPL UG 36 62969 1133 Africa/Kampala 2007-04-15
+ 18170 233730 Bwizibwera Bwizibwera -0.5916667 30.6286111 P PPL UG 52 79157 1442 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18171 233886 Buwenge Buwenge 0.6422222 33.1744444 P PPL UG 33 15130 1136 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18172 234092 Busembatia Busembatia 0.7697222 33.6130556 P PPL UG 78 15889 1122 Africa/Kampala 2006-01-17
+ 18173 234178 Bundibugyo Bundibugyo 0.7413889 30.0416667 P PPLA UG 28 16919 778 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18174 235039 Arua Arua 3.0191667 30.9308333 P PPLA UG 77 55585 1157 Africa/Kampala 2006-11-15
+ 18175 4048023 Bessemer Bessemer 33.4017766 -86.954437 P PPL US AL 073 28628 155 159 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18176 4048662 Paducah Paducah 37.0833893 -88.6000478 P PPL US KY 145 26307 104 100 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18177 4049979 Birmingham Birmingham 33.5206608 -86.80249 P PPL US AL 073 231621 187 173 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18178 4054378 Center Point Center Point 33.6456583 -86.6836001 P PPL US AL 073 22784 253 249 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18179 4058219 Daphne Daphne 30.6035255 -87.9036047 P PPL US AL 003 18581 48 48 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18180 4058553 Decatur Decatur 34.6059254 -86.9833417 P PPL US AL 103 54621 171 175 America/Chicago 2006-11-19
+ 18181 4059102 Dothan Dothan 31.2232313 -85.3904889 P PPL US AL 069 61741 98 100 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18182 4059870 East Florence East Florence 34.8095319 -87.6494725 P PPL US AL 077 35733 167 171 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18183 4060791 Enterprise Enterprise 31.3151708 -85.8552161 P PPL US AL 031 22572 109 107 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18184 4061234 Fairhope Fairhope 30.5229719 -87.9033261 P PPL US AL 003 15419 37 44 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18185 4062577 Florence Florence 34.79981 -87.677251 P PPL US AL 077 36264 167 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18186 4063619 Gadsden Gadsden 34.014264 -86.0066386 P PPL US AL 055 36821 165 170 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18187 4067927 Homewood Homewood 33.4717732 -86.8008228 P PPL US AL 073 23815 203 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18188 4067994 Hoover Hoover 33.4053867 -86.8113782 P PPL US AL 073 66752 176 158 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18189 4068446 Hueytown Hueytown 33.4512197 -86.9966606 P PPL US AL 073 15308 183 181 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18190 4068590 Huntsville Huntsville 34.7303688 -86.5861037 P PPL US AL 089 158216 193 187 America/Chicago 2006-11-05
+ 18191 4074267 Madison Madison 34.6992579 -86.7483318 P PPL US AL 089 37652 215 209 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18192 4076598 Mobile Mobile 30.6943566 -88.0430541 P PPL US AL 097 190274 3 3 America/Chicago 2006-07-24
+ 18193 4076784 Montgomery Montgomery 32.3668052 -86.2999689 P PPLA US AL 101 198325 73 76 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18194 4078646 Mountain Brook Mountain Brook 33.5009384 -86.7522107 P PPL US AL 073 19509 234 220 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18195 4080555 Northport Northport 33.229007 -87.5772293 P PPL US AL 125 20574 67 63 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18196 4081644 Opelika Opelika 32.6454116 -85.3782795 P PPL US AL 081 23625 246 242 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18197 4081914 Oxford Oxford 33.6142714 -85.8349648 P PPL US AL 015 16058 200 212 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18198 4082569 Pelham Pelham 33.2856687 -86.8099885 P PPL US AL 117 19438 153 146 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18199 4082866 Phenix City Phenix City 32.4709761 -85.0007653 P PPL US AL 113 28427 74 75 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18200 4084796 Prattville Prattville 32.4640245 -86.4596966 P PPL US AL 001 28265 100 74 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18201 4084888 Prichard Prichard 30.7387998 -88.0788889 P PPL US AL 097 28633 9 8 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18202 4089114 Selma Selma 32.4073589 -87.0211007 P PPL US AL 047 18980 38 24 America/Chicago 2006-11-19
+ 18203 4090684 Smiths Station Smiths Station 32.5401393 -85.0985473 P PPL US AL 081 25897 161 148 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18204 4092788 Talladega Talladega 33.4359416 -86.1058048 P PPL US AL 121 19408 170 177 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18205 4094212 Trussville Trussville 33.6198251 -86.6088756 P PPL US AL 073 15903 213 240 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18206 4094455 Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa 33.2098407 -87.5691735 P PPL US AL 125 79816 68 54 America/Chicago 2006-11-05
+ 18207 4095415 Vestavia Hills Vestavia Hills 33.4487183 -86.7877668 P PPL US AL 073 37988 290 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18208 4101114 Bella Vista Bella Vista 36.42952 -94.2315959 P PPL US AR 007 16582 315 313 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18209 4101115 Bella Vista Bella Vista 36.4814641 -94.2732642 P PPL US AR 007 21436 377 365 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18210 4101241 Benton Benton 34.5645372 -92.586828 P PPL US AR 125 24689 124 121 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18211 4101260 Bentonville Bentonville 36.3728538 -94.2088172 P PPL US AR 007 31470 395 395 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18212 4102412 Blytheville Blytheville 35.9272953 -89.9189754 P PPL US AR 093 16315 78 78 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18213 4103448 Bryant Bryant 34.5959265 -92.4890469 P PPL US AR 125 15065 126 121 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18214 4103957 Cabot Cabot 34.974532 -92.0165336 P PPL US AR 085 20555 91 91 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18215 4106458 Conway Conway 35.0886963 -92.4421011 P PPL US AR 045 51524 95 102 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18216 4109785 El Dorado El Dorado 33.20763 -92.6662674 P PPL US AR 139 20353 82 75 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18217 4110486 Fayetteville Fayetteville 36.0625795 -94.1574263 P PPL US AR 143 64864 427 426 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18218 4111410 Fort Smith Fort Smith 35.3859242 -94.3985475 P PPL US AR 131 81985 134 145 America/Chicago 2008-02-04
+ 18219 4115412 Hot Springs Hot Springs 34.5037004 -93.0551795 P PPL US AR 051 37470 182 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18220 4116315 Jacksonville Jacksonville 34.8662005 -92.1101458 P PPL US AR 119 30520 87 84 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18221 4116834 Jonesboro Jonesboro 35.8422967 -90.7042791 P PPL US AR 031 58619 99 90 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18222 4119403 Little Rock Little Rock 34.7464809 -92.2895948 P PPLA US AR 119 184217 102 92 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18223 4124112 North Little Rock North Little Rock 34.769536 -92.2670941 P PPL US AR 119 59078 81 85 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18224 4125388 Paragould Paragould 36.0584021 -90.4973286 P PPL US AR 055 23450 92 89 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18225 4126226 Pine Bluff Pine Bluff 34.2284312 -92.0031955 P PPL US AR 069 53217 67 61 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18226 4128894 Rogers Rogers 36.3320197 -94.1185366 P PPL US AR 007 45524 417 419 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18227 4129397 Russellville Russellville 35.2784173 -93.1337856 P PPL US AR 115 24972 106 118 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18228 4130430 Searcy Searcy 35.2506406 -91.7362488 P PPL US AR 145 20154 80 71 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18229 4132093 Springdale Springdale 36.1867442 -94.1288142 P PPL US AR 143 56402 403 396 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18230 4133367 Texarkana Texarkana 33.4417915 -94.0376881 P PPL US AR 091 29924 110 108 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18231 4134716 Van Buren Van Buren 35.436756 -94.348268 P PPL US AR 033 20932 126 134 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18232 4135865 West Memphis West Memphis 35.1464797 -90.1845388 P PPL US AR 035 28065 64 64 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18233 4140963 Washington Washington 38.8951118 -77.0363658 P PPLC US DC 001 552433 7 11 America/New_York 2009-01-20
+ 18234 4141363 Bear Bear 39.6292788 -75.6582628 P PPL US DE 003 18827 21 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18235 4142290 Dover Dover 39.158168 -75.5243682 P PPLA US DE 001 33286 9 6 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 18236 4143861 Newark Newark 39.6837226 -75.7496572 P PPL US DE 003 30238 38 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18237 4144100 Pike Creek Pike Creek 39.7309451 -75.7040991 P PPL US DE 003 25752 38 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18238 4145381 Wilmington Wilmington 39.7459467 -75.5465889 P PPL US DE 003 71356 28 24 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18239 4145941 Altamonte Springs Altamonte Springs 28.6611089 -81.3656243 P PPL US FL 117 40819 26 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18240 4146166 Apopka Apopka 28.6805529 -81.5095165 P PPL US FL 095 33216 40 44 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18241 4146429 Aventura Aventura 25.9564812 -80.1392121 P PPL US FL 086 27892 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18242 4146723 Bartow Bartow 27.8964147 -81.8431374 P PPL US FL 105 15718 37 33 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18243 4146901 Bayonet Point Bayonet Point 28.3266726 -82.6834337 P PPL US FL 101 24618 9 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18244 4146934 Bayshore Gardens Bayshore Gardens 27.4253195 -82.5903757 P PPL US FL 081 17622 4 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18245 4147241 Belle Glade Belle Glade 26.6845104 -80.6675577 P PPL US FL 099 15269 5 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18246 4147290 Bellview Bellview 30.4615858 -87.3149742 P PPL US FL 033 22282 27 24 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18247 4148207 Bloomingdale Bloomingdale 27.893636 -82.2403682 P PPL US FL 057 23618 16 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18248 4148399 Boca Del Mar Boca Del Mar 26.345078 -80.1467115 P PPL US FL 099 24244 4 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18249 4148411 Boca Raton Boca Raton 26.3586885 -80.0830984 P PPL US FL 099 80689 4 3 America/New_York 2007-10-11
+ 18250 4148533 Bonita Springs Bonita Springs 26.339806 -81.7786972 P PPL US FL 071 41840 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18251 4148677 Boynton Beach Boynton Beach 26.5253491 -80.0664309 P PPL US FL 099 66442 6 4 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18252 4148708 Bradenton Bradenton 27.4989278 -82.5748194 P PPL US FL 081 54608 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18253 4148757 Brandon Brandon 27.937801 -82.2859247 P PPL US FL 057 90165 14 14 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18254 4148803 Brent Brent 30.4688079 -87.2360826 P PPL US FL 033 22735 34 25 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18255 4149962 Cape Coral Cape Coral 26.5628537 -81.9495331 P PPL US FL 071 102286 1 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18256 4150066 Carol City Carol City 25.9406488 -80.2456045 P PPL US FL 086 63031 2 2 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18257 4150118 Carrollwood Village Carrollwood Village 28.0675167 -82.5209292 P PPL US FL 057 40949 14 14 America/New_York 2006-01-27
+ 18258 4150190 Casselberry Casselberry 28.677775 -81.3278455 P PPL US FL 117 23821 17 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18259 4151157 Citrus Park Citrus Park 28.0783497 -82.5698192 P PPL US FL 057 22364 13 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18260 4151316 Clearwater Clearwater 27.9658533 -82.8001026 P PPL US FL 103 108064 9 1 America/New_York 2006-11-19
+ 18261 4151440 Cocoa Cocoa 28.3861159 -80.7419984 P PPL US FL 009 16433 11 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18262 4151455 Coconut Creek Coconut Creek 26.2517482 -80.1789351 P PPL US FL 011 50326 2 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18263 4151745 Conway Conway 28.5027809 -81.3306246 P PPL US FL 095 15129 33 31 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18264 4151824 Cooper City Cooper City 26.0573112 -80.271716 P PPL US FL 011 29172 2 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18265 4151871 Coral Gables Coral Gables 25.72149 -80.2683838 P PPL US FL 086 42485 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18266 4151909 Coral Springs Coral Springs 26.271192 -80.2706044 P PPL US FL 011 131674 3 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18267 4151921 Coral Terrace Coral Terrace 25.7459338 -80.3044957 P PPL US FL 086 25120 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18268 4152093 Country Club Country Club 25.9481487 -80.3169953 P PPL US FL 086 53746 1 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18269 4152311 Crestview Crestview 30.7621326 -86.5705084 P PPL US FL 091 16702 72 76 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18270 4152564 Cutler Cutler 25.615105 -80.3106078 P PPL US FL 086 18117 3 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18271 4152574 Cutler Ridge Cutler Ridge 25.580662 -80.34672 P PPL US FL 086 26831 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18272 4152772 Dania Beach Dania Beach 26.052311 -80.1439343 P PPL US FL 011 28826 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18273 4152820 Davie Davie 26.0628665 -80.2331038 P PPL US FL 011 82605 1 3 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18274 4152872 Daytona Beach Daytona Beach 29.2108147 -81.0228331 P PPL US FL 127 64661 4 2 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18275 4152890 De Land De Land 29.028318 -81.3031179 P PPL US FL 127 22721 12 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18276 4152926 DeBary DeBary 28.8830452 -81.3086755 P PPL US FL 127 16638 22 22 America/New_York 2006-01-27
+ 18277 4153071 Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach 26.3184123 -80.0997657 P PPL US FL 011 66239 4 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18278 4153132 Delray Beach Delray Beach 26.4614625 -80.0728201 P PPL US FL 099 65511 5 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18279 4153146 Deltona Deltona 28.9005446 -81.2636738 P PPL US FL 127 82008 9 15 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18280 4153471 Doral Doral 25.8195424 -80.3553302 P PPL US FL 086 29449 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18281 4153759 Dunedin Dunedin 28.0197404 -82.7717684 P PPL US FL 103 37020 9 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18282 4154008 East Lake East Lake 28.1108485 -82.6948221 P PPL US FL 103 29394 4 6 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18283 4154047 East Pensacola Heights East Pensacola Heights 30.4288089 -87.1799695 P PPL US FL 033 54104 21 11 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18284 4154205 Edgewater Edgewater 28.9888754 -80.9022758 P PPL US FL 127 21209 1 1 America/Kentucky/Monticello 2006-01-17
+ 18285 4154280 Egypt Lake-Leto Egypt Lake-Leto 28.0169633 -82.495373 P PPL US FL 057 46140 13 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18286 4154465 Englewood Englewood 26.9620053 -82.3525952 P PPL US FL 115 16907 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18287 4154489 Ensley Ensley 30.5188067 -87.2727509 P PPL US FL 033 20146 40 44 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18288 4154606 Eustis Eustis 28.8527675 -81.6853534 P PPL US FL 069 17071 21 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18289 4155017 Ferry Pass Ferry Pass 30.5101959 -87.2124711 P PPL US FL 033 27810 40 36 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18290 4155726 Florida Ridge Florida Ridge 27.5803121 -80.3867179 P PPL US FL 061 16999 6 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18291 4155966 Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale 26.1223084 -80.1433786 P PPL US FL 011 170510 1 3 America/New_York 2009-01-17
+ 18292 4155995 Fort Myers Fort Myers 26.6216798851156 -81.8405914306641 P PPL US FL 071 53015 3 2 America/New_York 2008-10-14
+ 18293 4156018 Fort Pierce Fort Pierce 27.4467056 -80.3256056 P PPL US FL 111 37723 5 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18294 4156042 Fort Walton Beach Fort Walton Beach 30.4057552 -86.618842 P PPL US FL 091 19731 2 5 America/Indiana/Tell_City 2006-01-17
+ 18295 4156091 Fountainbleau Fountainbleau 25.7728774 -80.3478301 P PPL US FL 086 65842 1 2 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18296 4156331 Fruit Cove Fruit Cove 30.1110746 -81.641758 P PPL US FL 109 24208 3 1 America/Kentucky/Monticello 2006-01-17
+ 18297 4156404 Gainesville Gainesville 29.6516344 -82.3248262 P PPL US FL 001 125684 54 38 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18298 4156857 Glenvar Heights Glenvar Heights 25.7076018 -80.3256076 P PPL US FL 086 17087 4 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18299 4156920 Golden Gate Golden Gate 26.1878667 -81.6950853 P PPL US FL 021 25388 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18300 4156931 Golden Glades Golden Glades 25.9117608 -80.2003254 P PPL US FL 086 36924 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18301 4157404 Greater Sun Center Greater Sun Center 27.718086 -82.351759 P PPL US FL 057 16321 15 13 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18302 4157467 Greenacres City Greenacres City 26.623679 -80.1253213 P PPL US FL 099 32963 5 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18303 4157898 Hallandale Beach Hallandale Beach 25.9812025 -80.148379 P PPL US FL 011 35761 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18304 4158476 Hialeah Hialeah 25.8575963 -80.2781057 P PPL US FL 086 224840 2 2 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 18305 4158482 Hialeah Gardens Hialeah Gardens 25.8650961 -80.3244958 P PPL US FL 086 20241 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18306 4158865 Holiday Holiday 28.18779 -82.7395454 P PPL US FL 101 23391 5 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18307 4158928 Hollywood Hollywood 26.0112014 -80.1494901 P PPL US FL 011 144821 3 3 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 18308 4159050 Homestead Homestead 25.4687224 -80.4775569 P PPL US FL 086 35379 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18309 4159077 Homosassa Springs Homosassa Springs 28.8035939 -82.5759329 P PPL US FL 017 17334 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18310 4159335 Hudson Hudson 28.3644485 -82.6934343 P PPL US FL 101 16679 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18311 4159553 Immokalee Immokalee 26.4186898 -81.4172993 P PPL US FL 021 23322 10 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18312 4159896 Ives Estates Ives Estates 25.9623144 -80.1767133 P PPL US FL 086 20043 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18313 4160021 Jacksonville Jacksonville 30.3321838 -81.655651 P PPL US FL 031 797557 5 7 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18314 4160023 Jacksonville Beach Jacksonville Beach 30.2946859 -81.3931396 P PPL US FL 031 21552 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18315 4160100 Jasmine Estates Jasmine Estates 28.2930632 -82.6901003 P PPL US FL 101 18887 1 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18316 4160610 Jupiter Jupiter 26.9342246 -80.0942087 P PPL US FL 099 48974 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18317 4160705 Kendale Lakes Kendale Lakes 25.7081577 -80.4069986 P PPL US FL 086 61791 1 2 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18318 4160711 Kendall Kendall 25.6792695 -80.3172743 P PPL US FL 086 83026 4 2 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18319 4160812 Key West Key West 24.5557025 -81.7825914 P PPL US FL 087 24646 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18320 4160822 Keystone Keystone 28.1558467 -82.6212093 P PPL US FL 057 16173 12 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18321 4160983 Kissimmee Kissimmee 28.3046829579976 -81.4166736602783 P PPL US FL 097 63685 20 22 America/New_York 2008-10-14
+ 18322 4161313 Lake Magdalene Lake Magdalene 28.0741832 -82.4717613 P PPL US FL 057 38195 14 13 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18323 4161422 Lake Worth Lake Worth 26.6159015 -80.056986 P PPL US FL 099 35817 5 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18324 4161424 Lake Worth Corridor Lake Worth Corridor 26.6184015 -80.1011539 P PPL US FL 099 20635 4 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18325 4161438 Lakeland Lakeland 28.0394654 -81.9498042 P PPL US FL 105 90761 60 55 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18326 4161461 Lakeside Lakeside 30.1299623 -81.7681528 P PPL US FL 019 32051 20 18 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18327 4161534 Land O' Lakes Land O' Lakes 28.2188992 -82.4575938 P PPL US FL 101 20971 23 22 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18328 4161580 Largo Largo 27.9094665 -82.7873244 P PPL US FL 103 71666 10 11 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18329 4161616 Lauderdale Lakes Lauderdale Lakes 26.1664736 -80.2083806 P PPL US FL 011 31589 2 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18330 4161625 Lauderhill Lauderhill 26.1403635 -80.2133808 P PPL US FL 011 59861 1 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18331 4161771 Leesburg Leesburg 28.810823 -81.8778582 P PPL US FL 069 18284 29 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18332 4161785 Lehigh Acres Lehigh Acres 26.6253497 -81.6248026 P PPL US FL 071 48534 6 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18333 4161797 Leisure City Leisure City 25.4953878 -80.4292223 P PPL US FL 086 23770 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18334 4163033 Lutz Lutz 28.1511243 -82.4614831 P PPL US FL 057 21583 21 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18335 4163049 Lynn Haven Lynn Haven 30.2454776 -85.648261 P PPL US FL 005 15945 4 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18336 4163407 Margate Margate 26.2445263 -80.206436 P PPL US FL 011 55510 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18337 4163918 Meadow Woods Meadow Woods 28.3855632 -81.366459 P PPL US FL 095 16050 23 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18338 4163971 Melbourne Melbourne 28.0836269 -80.6081089 P PPL US FL 009 76326 6 1 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18339 4164092 Merritt Island Merritt Island 28.5391651 -80.6719958 P PPL US FL 009 36090 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18340 4164138 Miami Miami 25.7742658 -80.1936589 P PPL US FL 086 382894 2 2 America/New_York 2007-01-29
+ 18341 4164143 Miami Beach Miami Beach 25.790654 -80.1300455 P PPL US FL 086 89326 1 1 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18342 4164186 Miami Lakes Miami Lakes 25.9087056 -80.3086619 P PPL US FL 086 22582 1 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18343 4164601 Miramar Miramar 25.9873137 -80.2322706 P PPL US FL 011 72739 2 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18344 4165519 Myrtle Grove Myrtle Grove 30.4210312 -87.3074736 P PPL US FL 033 17255 23 15 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18345 4165565 Naples Naples 26.1420358 -81.7948103 P PPL US FL 021 21498 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18346 4165869 New Port Richey New Port Richey 28.2441768 -82.7192671 P PPL US FL 101 17154 5 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18347 4165913 New Smyrna Beach New Smyrna Beach 29.0258191 -80.9269984 P PPL US FL 127 21234 2 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18348 4166066 Norland Norland 25.9489817 -80.2122701 P PPL US FL 086 23604 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18349 4166195 North Fort Myers North Fort Myers 26.6672935 -81.8800862 P PPL US FL 071 46482 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18350 4166222 North Lauderdale North Lauderdale 26.217305 -80.2258811 P PPL US FL 011 34267 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18351 4166232 North Miami North Miami 25.8900949 -80.1867138 P PPL US FL 086 58472 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18352 4166233 North Miami Beach North Miami Beach 25.9331488 -80.1625463 P PPL US FL 086 39735 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18353 4166274 North Port North Port 27.044224 -82.2359254 P PPL US FL 115 38054 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18354 4166583 Oak Ridge Oak Ridge 28.4711157 -81.4245155 P PPL US FL 095 26836 27 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18355 4166638 Oakland Park Oakland Park 26.1723065 -80.1319893 P PPL US FL 011 31605 1 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18356 4166673 Ocala Ocala 29.1871986 -82.1400923 P PPL US FL 083 49558 21 26 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18357 4166776 Ocoee Ocoee 28.5691677 -81.5439619 P PPL US FL 095 28570 37 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18358 4166805 Ojus Ojus 25.948426 -80.1506014 P PPL US FL 086 17330 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18359 4166936 Oldsmar Oldsmar 28.0341847 -82.6650992 P PPL US FL 103 15172 2 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18360 4167147 Orlando Orlando 28.5383355 -81.3792365 P PPL US FL 095 207970 30 34 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 18361 4167178 Ormond Beach Ormond Beach 29.2858129 -81.0558894 P PPL US FL 127 38455 2 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18362 4167348 Oviedo Oviedo 28.669997 -81.2081203 P PPL US FL 117 29056 15 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18363 4167499 Palm Bay Palm Bay 28.0344621 -80.5886646 P PPL US FL 009 79413 5 2 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18364 4167519 Palm Beach Gardens Palm Beach Gardens 26.8233946 -80.1386547 P PPL US FL 099 48140 5 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18365 4167536 Palm City Palm City 27.1678268 -80.2661591 P PPL US FL 085 28165 2 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18366 4167538 Palm Coast Palm Coast 29.5849736 -81.2078411 P PPL US FL 035 41483 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18367 4167545 Palm Harbor Palm Harbor 28.0780718 -82.7637127 P PPL US FL 103 64502 15 11 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18368 4167601 Palm Valley Palm Valley 30.1774649 -81.3875817 P PPL US FL 109 27680 2 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18369 4167694 Panama City Panama City 30.1588129 -85.6602058 P PPL US FL 005 37633 8 7 America/Chicago 2009-03-25
+ 18370 4167829 Parkland Parkland 26.3100794 -80.23727 P PPL US FL 011 24693 4 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18371 4168139 Pembroke Pines Pembroke Pines 26.0031465 -80.223937 P PPL US FL 011 137427 2 3 America/New_York 2006-05-10
+ 18372 4168228 Pensacola Pensacola 30.421309 -87.2169149 P PPL US FL 033 56255 31 13 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18373 4168459 Pine Hills Pine Hills 28.5577794 -81.4534046 P PPL US FL 095 45530 35 41 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18374 4168590 Pinecrest Pinecrest 25.6670476 -80.3081074 P PPL US FL 086 19720 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18375 4168630 Pinellas Park Pinellas Park 27.8428025 -82.6995444 P PPL US FL 103 46495 4 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18376 4168659 Pinewood Pinewood 25.8689846 -80.2169927 P PPL US FL 086 17149 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18377 4168773 Plant City Plant City 28.0186323 -82.1128641 P PPL US FL 057 31675 39 37 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18378 4168782 Plantation Plantation 26.1275862 -80.2331036 P PPL US FL 011 85739 1 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18379 4168930 Poinciana Poinciana 28.1402939 -81.4584058 P PPL US FL 097 19565 20 18 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18380 4169014 Pompano Beach Pompano Beach 26.2378597 -80.1247667 P PPL US FL 011 89715 4 4 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18381 4169130 Port Charlotte Port Charlotte 26.9761707 -82.0906448 P PPL US FL 015 49333 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18382 4169156 Port Orange Port Orange 29.1383165 -80.9956105 P PPL US FL 127 54209 2 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18383 4169171 Port Saint Lucie Port Saint Lucie 27.2939333 -80.3503283 P PPL US FL 111 119371 5 4 America/New_York 2009-01-17
+ 18384 4169455 Punta Gorda Isles Punta Gorda Isles 26.917562 -82.0784227 P PPL US FL 015 18306 0 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18385 4170005 Richmond West Richmond West 25.6103836 -80.4294996 P PPL US FL 086 28082 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18386 4170156 Riverview Riverview 27.8661364 -82.3264809 P PPL US FL 057 16226 5 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18387 4170174 Riviera Beach Riviera Beach 26.7753405 -80.0580969 P PPL US FL 099 33678 4 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18388 4170358 Rockledge Rockledge 28.3508396 -80.7253317 P PPL US FL 009 23511 7 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18389 4170617 Royal Palm Beach Royal Palm Beach 26.7083984 -80.2306019 P PPL US FL 099 34750 5 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18390 4170797 Safety Harbor Safety Harbor 27.9908529 -82.6931553 P PPL US FL 103 17528 6 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18391 4170965 Saint Cloud Saint Cloud 28.2489016 -81.2811801 P PPL US FL 097 22947 23 17 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18392 4171563 Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg 27.7708606 -82.6792661 P PPL US FL 103 246316 13 14 America/New_York 2009-08-02
+ 18393 4171782 San Carlos Park San Carlos Park 26.4673016 -81.8014742 P PPL US FL 071 19158 5 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18394 4171972 Sandalfoot Cove Sandalfoot Cove 26.339245 -80.1875461 P PPL US FL 099 17964 4 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18395 4172086 Sanford Sanford 28.8005484 -81.2731203 P PPL US FL 117 45289 9 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18396 4172131 Sarasota Sarasota 27.3364347 -82.5306527 P PPL US FL 115 53327 7 7 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18397 4172150 Sarasota Springs Sarasota Springs 27.308936 -82.4795406 P PPL US FL 115 15898 7 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18398 4172372 Sebastian Sebastian 27.816415 -80.4706078 P PPL US FL 061 18953 6 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18399 4172434 Seminole Seminole 27.8397466 -82.7912134 P PPL US FL 103 16758 11 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18400 4173392 South Bradenton South Bradenton 27.4630959 -82.5817641 P PPL US FL 081 22340 6 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18401 4173497 South Miami Heights South Miami Heights 25.597606 -80.3806096 P PPL US FL 086 35571 3 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18402 4173838 Spring Hill Spring Hill 28.5558273 -82.4503732 P PPL US FL 053 69078 65 50 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18403 4174201 Stuart Stuart 27.197548 -80.2528257 P PPL US FL 085 15112 3 1 America/Kentucky/Monticello 2006-01-17
+ 18404 4174317 Sun City Center Sun City Center 27.718086 -82.351759 P PPL US FL 057 22566 15 13 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18405 4174383 Sunny Isles Beach Sunny Isles Beach 25.9506481 -80.1228227 P PPL US FL 086 15315 1 2 America/New_York 2007-02-14
+ 18406 4174402 Sunrise Sunrise 26.1339746 -80.1130998 P PPL US FL 011 85779 0 1 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18407 4174425 Sunset Sunset 25.7059354 -80.352275 P PPL US FL 086 17956 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18408 4174715 Tallahassee Tallahassee 30.4382559 -84.2807329 P PPLA US FL 073 153583 62 54 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 18409 4174738 Tamarac Tamarac 26.2128609 -80.2497707 P PPL US FL 011 59268 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18410 4174744 Tamiami Tamiami 25.7587114 -80.3983871 P PPL US FL 086 69225 1 1 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18411 4174757 Tampa Tampa 27.9475216 -82.4584279 P PPL US FL 057 324465 1 1 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18412 4174855 Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs 28.1461248 -82.756768 P PPL US FL 103 22935 7 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18413 4174969 Temple Terrace Temple Terrace 28.0352964 -82.3892596 P PPL US FL 057 22036 18 17 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18414 4175091 The Crossings The Crossings 25.6706591 -80.4011654 P PPL US FL 086 26047 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18415 4175117 The Hammocks The Hammocks 25.6714925 -80.4444997 P PPL US FL 086 69604 1 2 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18416 4175437 Titusville Titusville 28.6122187 -80.8075538 P PPL US FL 009 42700 3 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18417 4175538 Town 'n' Country Town 'n' Country 28.0105745 -82.5773193 P PPL US FL 057 72523 1 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18418 4176217 University Park University Park 25.7464895 -80.367553 P PPL US FL 086 26538 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18419 4176380 Venice Venice 27.0997775 -82.4542633 P PPL US FL 115 20457 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18420 4176409 Vero Beach Vero Beach 27.6386434 -80.3972736 P PPL US FL 061 17262 4 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18421 4177671 Wekiwa Springs Wekiwa Springs 28.6986077 -81.4256255 P PPL US FL 117 23416 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18422 4177679 Wekiva Springs Wekiva Springs 28.6986077 -81.4256255 P PPL US FL 117 23416 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18423 4177703 Wellington Wellington 26.6586779 -80.2414357 P PPL US FL 099 53164 5 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18424 4177865 West Little River West Little River 25.8570407 -80.2369934 P PPL US FL 086 32252 2 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18425 4177887 West Palm Beach West Palm Beach 26.7153425 -80.0533746 P PPL US FL 099 82103 4 3 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18426 4177908 West Pensacola West Pensacola 30.4265866 -87.2796948 P PPL US FL 033 22030 27 27 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18427 4177960 West and East Lealman West and East Lealman 27.8211366 -82.6792661 P PPL US FL 103 21924 15 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18428 4177965 Westchester Westchester 25.7548224 -80.3272741 P PPL US FL 086 30690 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18429 4178003 Weston Weston 26.1003654 -80.3997748 P PPL US FL 011 68254 1 3 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18430 4178550 Winter Garden Winter Garden 28.5652787 -81.5861847 P PPL US FL 095 24774 38 40 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18431 4178552 Winter Haven Winter Haven 28.0222435 -81.7328568 P PPL US FL 105 27938 51 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18432 4178560 Winter Park Winter Park 28.5999998 -81.3392352 P PPL US FL 095 28530 28 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18433 4178573 Winter Springs Winter Springs 28.6988853 -81.3081226 P PPL US FL 117 32658 16 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18434 4178775 Wright Wright 30.4557539 -86.6382869 P PPL US FL 091 23302 13 20 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18435 4178857 Yeehaw Junction Yeehaw Junction 27.7003087 -80.9042284 P PPL US FL 097 24080 19 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18436 4179074 Acworth Acworth 34.0659329 -84.6768796 P PPL US GA 067 19852 276 268 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18437 4179320 Albany Albany 31.5785074 -84.155741 P PPL US GA 095 75794 62 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18438 4179574 Alpharetta Alpharetta 34.0753762 -84.2940899 P PPL US GA 121 34869 346 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18439 4179667 Americus Americus 32.0723862 -84.2326876 P PPL US GA 261 16817 146 122 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18440 4180386 Athens Athens 33.960948 -83.3779358 P PPL US GA 059 45734 228 233 America/New_York 2008-06-20
+ 18441 4180439 Atlanta Atlanta 33.7489954 -84.3879824 P PPLA US GA 121 422908 320 305 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 18442 4180531 Augusta Augusta 33.4709702 -81.9748379 P PPL US GA 245 43459 43 41 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18443 4181936 Belvedere Park Belvedere Park 33.7548277 -84.2674222 P PPL US GA 089 19149 304 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18444 4184845 Brunswick Brunswick 31.1499528 -81.4914894 P PPL US GA 127 16486 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18445 4186213 Canton Canton 34.2367621 -84.4907621 P PPL US GA 057 17850 295 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18446 4186416 Carrollton Carrollton 33.5801103 -85.0766113 P PPL US GA 045 21353 336 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18447 4186531 Cartersville Cartersville 34.1650972 -84.7999383 P PPL US GA 015 17703 234 240 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18448 4188815 College Park College Park 33.6534427 -84.4493725 P PPL US GA 121 17957 320 314 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18449 4188985 Columbus Columbus 32.4609764 -84.9877094 P PPL US GA 215 186470 82 68 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18450 4190581 Dalton Dalton 34.7698021 -84.9702228 P PPL US GA 313 31598 232 244 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18451 4191124 Decatur Decatur 33.7748275 -84.2963123 P PPL US GA 089 17458 318 323 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18452 4191955 Douglasville Douglasville 33.7514966 -84.7477136 P PPL US GA 097 31791 366 368 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18453 4192205 Dublin Dublin 32.5404447 -82.903754 P PPL US GA 175 15894 67 79 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18454 4192289 Duluth Duluth 34.0028787 -84.1446376 P PPL US GA 135 25213 334 318 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18455 4192375 Dunwoody Dunwoody 33.9462125 -84.3346473 P PPL US GA 089 35997 344 350 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18456 4192674 East Point East Point 33.6795531 -84.4393724 P PPL US GA 121 35786 320 308 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18457 4193699 Evans Evans 33.5337464 -82.1306747 P PPL US GA 073 17727 127 122 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18458 4195701 Forest Park Forest Park 33.6220542 -84.3690918 P PPL US GA 063 21153 301 302 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18459 4196586 Gainesville Gainesville 34.2978794 -83.8240663 P PPL US GA 139 33297 381 385 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18460 4198322 Griffin Griffin 33.2467807 -84.2640904 P PPL US GA 255 23820 298 286 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18461 4200671 Hinesville Hinesville 31.846877 -81.5959453 P PPL US GA 179 28066 23 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18462 4203696 Kennesaw Kennesaw 34.0234337 -84.6154897 P PPL US GA 067 28439 332 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18463 4204230 La Grange La Grange 33.039291 -85.0313269 P PPL US GA 285 25998 238 237 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18464 4205196 Lawrenceville Lawrenceville 33.9562149 -83.9879625 P PPL US GA 135 29368 325 328 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18465 4207226 Mableton Mableton 33.815737619584 -84.561939239502 P PPL US GA 067 31476 298 322 America/New_York 2008-05-09
+ 18466 4207400 Macon Macon 32.8406946 -83.6324022 P PPL US GA 021 94273 112 101 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18467 4207783 Marietta Marietta 33.952602 -84.5499327 P PPL US GA 067 61360 344 339 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18468 4207981 Martinez Martinez 33.5173577 -82.0756734 P PPL US GA 073 27195 110 101 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18469 4209448 Milledgeville Milledgeville 33.0801429 -83.2320991 P PPL US GA 009 19682 101 94 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18470 4212684 Newnan Newnan 33.3806716 -84.7996573 P PPL US GA 077 23409 296 291 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18471 4212937 North Atlanta North Atlanta 33.8651033 -84.3365918 P PPL US GA 089 44493 306 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18472 4212992 North Decatur North Decatur 33.7903828 -84.3060349 P PPL US GA 089 15765 303 300 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18473 4212995 North Druid Hills North Druid Hills 33.8167711 -84.3132574 P PPL US GA 089 21320 309 305 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18474 4215110 Peachtree City Peachtree City 33.3967829 -84.5957629 P PPL US GA 113 34215 274 275 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18475 4218165 Redan Redan 33.745385 -84.1315839 P PPL US GA 089 39044 299 283 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18476 4219001 Riverdale Riverdale 33.5726113 -84.4132594 P PPL US GA 063 16090 282 285 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18477 4219762 Rome Rome 34.257038 -85.1646726 P PPL US GA 115 35452 187 183 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18478 4219934 Roswell Roswell 34.0231553 -84.3615928 P PPL US GA 121 77218 328 304 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18479 4221333 Sandy Springs Sandy Springs 33.9242688 -84.3785379 P PPL US GA 121 94717 333 328 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18480 4221552 Savannah Savannah 32.0835407 -81.0998342 P PPL US GA 051 131510 6 1 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18481 4223379 Smyrna Smyrna 33.8839926 -84.5143761 P PPL US GA 067 46561 323 340 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18482 4223413 Snellville Snellville 33.857328 -84.0199108 P PPL US GA 135 18687 323 311 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18483 4224413 Statesboro Statesboro 32.4487877 -81.7831674 P PPL US GA 031 24558 77 68 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18484 4225039 Sugar Hill Sugar Hill 34.1064895 -84.0335197 P PPL US GA 135 15348 350 357 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18485 4226348 Thomasville Thomasville 30.8365815 -83.9787808 P PPL US GA 275 18528 85 92 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18486 4226552 Tifton Tifton 31.4504629 -83.5084973 P PPL US GA 277 15902 108 114 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18487 4227213 Tucker Tucker 33.8545479 -84.2171424 P PPL US GA 089 26597 342 347 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18488 4228147 Valdosta Valdosta 30.8327022 -83.2784851 P PPL US GA 185 45661 67 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18489 4229476 Warner Robins Warner Robins 32.6209775 -83.5999048 P PPL US GA 153 57764 93 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18490 4229763 Waycross Waycross 31.2135511 -82.3540178 P PPL US GA 299 15067 40 46 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18491 4231354 Wilmington Island Wilmington Island 32.0035477 -80.973723 P PPL US GA 051 15702 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18492 4231874 Woodstock Woodstock 34.1014873 -84.5193754 P PPL US GA 057 18902 295 296 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18493 4232679 Alton Alton 38.8906038 -90.1842764 P PPL US IL 119 30496 152 124 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18494 4233813 Belleville Belleville 38.5200504 -89.9839935 P PPL US IL 163 40919 157 144 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18495 4234969 Cahokia Cahokia 38.5708849 -90.1901113 P PPL US IL 163 15761 124 124 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18496 4235193 Carbondale Carbondale 37.7272727 -89.2167501 P PPL US IL 077 24502 126 125 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18497 4235668 Charleston Charleston 39.4961458 -88.1761521 P PPL US IL 029 19399 204 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18498 4236191 Collinsville Collinsville 38.6703267 -89.9845476 P PPL US IL 119 25491 171 168 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18499 4236895 Decatur Decatur 39.8403147 -88.9548001 P PPL US IL 115 77868 205 203 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18500 4237579 East Saint Louis East Saint Louis 38.6244952 -90.1509428 P PPL US IL 163 29773 127 124 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18501 4237717 Edwardsville Edwardsville 38.8114364 -89.953157 P PPL US IL 119 24551 165 163 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18502 4238132 Fairview Heights Fairview Heights 38.5889386 -89.990382 P PPL US IL 163 15362 178 170 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18503 4239509 Godfrey Godfrey 38.9556031 -90.1867765 P PPL US IL 119 16844 186 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18504 4239714 Granite City Granite City 38.7014389 -90.1487199 P PPL US IL 119 30732 129 125 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18505 4241704 Jacksonville Jacksonville 39.733936 -90.2290098 P PPL US IL 137 19479 186 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18506 4243899 Marion Marion 37.7306054 -88.9331256 P PPL US IL 199 17265 129 139 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18507 4244099 Mattoon Mattoon 39.4830897 -88.3728255 P PPL US IL 029 17711 224 216 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18508 4245152 Mount Vernon Mount Vernon 38.3172715 -88.9031201 P PPL US IL 081 16505 156 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18509 4245926 O'Fallon O'Fallon 38.5922715 -89.9112124 P PPL US IL 163 21910 167 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18510 4247703 Quincy Quincy 39.9356016 -91.4098727 P PPL US IL 001 39731 173 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18511 4250542 Springfield Springfield 39.8017171 -89.6437107 P PPLA US IL 167 115975 182 183 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18512 4251841 Upper Alton Upper Alton 38.9114366 -90.1506643 P PPL US IL 119 29251 166 163 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18513 4254679 Bloomington Bloomington 39.165325 -86.5263857 P PPL US IN 105 71253 235 228 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-11-15
+ 18514 4255056 Brownsburg Brownsburg 39.8433769 -86.3977736 P PPL US IN 063 18528 268 274 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18515 4255466 Carmel Carmel 39.9783711 -86.1180435 P PPL US IN 057 47219 260 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18516 4255836 Clarksville Clarksville 38.2967362 -85.7599631 P PPL US IN 019 21114 139 134 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18517 4256038 Columbus Columbus 39.2014405 -85.9213796 P PPL US IN 005 39395 192 183 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18518 4257227 Evansville Evansville 37.9747644 -87.5558482 P PPL US IN 163 115474 118 110 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18519 4257494 Fishers Fishers 39.9555928 -86.0138729 P PPL US IN 057 54829 249 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18520 4258285 Greenfield Greenfield 39.785043 -85.7694226 P PPL US IN 059 16257 269 274 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18521 4258313 Greenwood Greenwood 39.6136578 -86.1066526 P PPL US IN 081 41244 245 247 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18522 4259418 Indianapolis Indianapolis 39.7683765 -86.1580423 P PPLA US IN 097 773283 218 222 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2007-06-02
+ 18523 4259671 Jeffersonville Jeffersonville 38.2775702 -85.7371847 P PPL US IN 019 28465 136 125 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18524 4260210 Lawrence Lawrence 39.8386516 -86.0252612 P PPL US IN 097 41821 266 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18525 4262045 New Albany New Albany 38.2856247 -85.8241312 P PPL US IN 043 36138 137 121 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18526 4262072 New Castle New Castle 39.9289351 -85.3702477 P PPL US IN 065 18812 326 309 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18527 4263108 Plainfield Plainfield 39.7042123 -86.3994387 P PPL US IN 063 23135 222 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18528 4263681 Richmond Richmond 39.8289369 -84.8902383 P PPL US IN 177 37631 299 285 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18529 4264617 Seymour Seymour 38.9592201 -85.8902547 P PPL US IN 071 18730 184 183 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18530 4264688 Shelbyville Shelbyville 39.5214373 -85.7769238 P PPL US IN 145 17815 233 236 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18531 4265737 Terre Haute Terre Haute 39.4667034 -87.4139092 P PPL US IN 167 57063 152 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 18532 4266307 Vincennes Vincennes 38.6772691 -87.5286325 P PPL US IN 083 18257 128 133 America/Indiana/Vincennes 2006-01-17
+ 18533 4270356 Derby Derby 37.5455735 -97.2689331 P PPL US KS 173 19843 394 395 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18534 4271086 Emporia Emporia 38.403903 -96.1816626 P PPL US KS 111 26545 348 359 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18535 4272782 Hays Hays 38.8791783 -99.3267702 P PPL US KS 051 19883 616 611 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18536 4273299 Hutchinson Hutchinson 38.0608445 -97.9297743 P PPL US KS 155 40596 468 471 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18537 4273680 Junction City Junction City 39.0286093 -96.8313978 P PPL US KS 061 17215 336 331 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18538 4273837 Kansas City Kansas City 39.1141708 -94.627457 P PPL US KS 209 146866 266 273 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18539 4274277 Lawrence Lawrence 38.9716689 -95.2352501 P PPL US KS 045 83314 263 259 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18540 4274305 Leavenworth Leavenworth 39.3111112 -94.9224637 P PPL US KS 103 34880 256 267 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18541 4274317 Leawood Leawood 38.966673 -94.6169012 P PPL US KS 091 27656 287 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18542 4274356 Lenexa Lenexa 38.9536174 -94.7335709 P PPL US KS 091 43331 315 313 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18543 4274994 Manhattan Manhattan 39.1836082 -96.5716694 P PPL US KS 161 45629 311 317 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18544 4276248 Newton Newton 38.0466779 -97.3450365 P PPL US KS 079 18113 441 441 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18545 4276614 Olathe Olathe 38.8813958 -94.8191285 P PPL US KS 091 113647 315 315 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18546 4276873 Overland Park Overland Park 38.9822282 -94.6707917 P PPL US KS 091 149080 329 335 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18547 4277241 Pittsburg Pittsburg 37.4108841 -94.70496 P PPL US KS 037 19476 287 276 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18548 4277718 Prairie Village Prairie Village 38.9916726 -94.6335684 P PPL US KS 091 21564 301 300 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18549 4278890 Salina Salina 38.8402805 -97.6114237 P PPL US KS 169 45723 373 377 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18550 4279247 Shawnee Shawnee 39.0416718 -94.7202376 P PPL US KS 091 47996 325 307 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18551 4280539 Topeka Topeka 39.0483336 -95.6780371 P PPLA US KS 177 121570 288 279 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18552 4281730 Wichita Wichita 37.6922361 -97.3375448 P PPL US KS 173 355244 396 402 America/Chicago 2006-11-05
+ 18553 4282757 Ashland Ashland 38.4784144 -82.6379387 P PPL US KY 019 21209 168 155 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18554 4285268 Bowling Green Bowling Green 36.9903199 -86.4436018 P PPL US KY 227 51558 161 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18555 4288809 Covington Covington 39.0836712 -84.5085537 P PPL US KY 117 43370 155 152 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18556 4289445 Danville Danville 37.6456329 -84.7721702 P PPL US KY 021 15164 300 291 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18557 4290988 Elizabethtown Elizabethtown 37.693952 -85.8591285 P PPL US KY 093 23636 221 216 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18558 4291255 Erlanger Erlanger 39.0167275 -84.6007773 P PPL US KY 117 16895 278 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18559 4291620 Fern Creek Fern Creek 38.15979 -85.5877362 P PPL US KY 111 18409 216 213 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18560 4291945 Florence Florence 38.9989499 -84.6266111 P PPL US KY 015 25487 282 278 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18561 4292071 Fort Thomas Fort Thomas 39.0750607 -84.4471633 P PPL US KY 037 15654 262 244 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18562 4292188 Frankfort Frankfort 38.2009055 -84.8732836 P PPLA US KY 073 27051 155 183 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18563 4292686 Georgetown Georgetown 38.2097967 -84.5588311 P PPL US KY 209 20347 258 251 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18564 4294494 Henderson Henderson 37.8361538 -87.5900134 P PPL US KY 101 27495 124 122 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18565 4294799 Highview Highview 38.1428455 -85.6241254 P PPL US KY 111 15167 205 208 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18566 4295251 Hopkinsville Hopkinsville 36.8656009 -87.4886186 P PPL US KY 047 27656 161 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18567 4295776 Independence Independence 38.9431183 -84.544109 P PPL US KY 117 18596 274 262 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18568 4296218 Jeffersontown Jeffersontown 38.1942356 -85.5644033 P PPL US KY 111 26464 214 186 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18569 4297983 Lexington Lexington 37.9886892 -84.4777153 P PPL US KY 067 225366 295 298 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18570 4297999 Lexington-Fayette Lexington-Fayette 38.0497996 -84.4585485 P PPL US KY 067 272079 305 312 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18571 4299276 Louisville Louisville 38.2542376 -85.759407 P PPL US KY 111 243639 142 128 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2007-02-17
+ 18572 4299670 Madisonville Madisonville 37.3281005 -87.4988882 P PPL US KY 107 19423 144 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18573 4302035 Murray Murray 36.6103334 -88.314761 P PPL US KY 035 15626 163 158 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18574 4302504 Newburg Newburg 38.1600687 -85.659682 P PPL US KY 111 19967 148 152 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18575 4302529 Newport Newport 39.091449 -84.4957757 P PPL US KY 037 15674 156 153 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18576 4302561 Nicholasville Nicholasville 37.8806341 -84.5729961 P PPL US KY 113 24004 286 287 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18577 4303012 Okolona Okolona 38.1411796 -85.6877379 P PPL US KY 111 17134 141 145 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18578 4303436 Owensboro Owensboro 37.7742152 -87.1133304 P PPL US KY 059 54478 120 122 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18579 4304713 Pleasure Ridge Park Pleasure Ridge Park 38.1453477 -85.858297 P PPLX US KY 111 25813 139 128 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18580 4305504 Radcliff Radcliff 37.8403456 -85.9491298 P PPL US KY 093 21783 235 214 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18581 4305974 Richmond Richmond 37.7478572 -84.2946539 P PPL US KY 151 30697 289 291 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18582 4307238 Saint Matthews Saint Matthews 38.2528489 -85.6557947 P PPL US KY 111 17503 168 158 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18583 4308225 Shively Shively 38.2000701 -85.8227413 P PPL US KY 111 15426 139 128 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18584 4311963 Valley Station Valley Station 38.1111811 -85.8702413 P PPL US KY 111 22756 136 128 America/Kentucky/Louisville 2006-01-17
+ 18585 4313697 Winchester Winchester 37.990079 -84.1796503 P PPL US KY 049 16201 303 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18586 4314550 Alexandria Alexandria 31.3112936 -92.4451371 P PPL US LA 079 45187 23 14 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18587 4315588 Baton Rouge Baton Rouge 30.4507462 -91.154551 P PPLA US LA 033 223349 14 0 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18588 4315768 Bayou Cane Bayou Cane 29.624102 -90.7512023 P PPL US LA 109 17368 2 2 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18589 4317639 Bossier City Bossier City 32.5159852 -93.7321229 P PPL US LA 015 59580 53 47 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18590 4319518 Chalmette Chalmette 29.9427037 -89.9634017 P PPL US LA 087 31698 1 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18591 4323873 Estelle Estelle 29.8457628 -90.1067399 P PPL US LA 051 16553 0 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18592 4326575 Gretna Gretna 29.9146493 -90.0539604 P PPL US LA 051 17106 0 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18593 4326868 Hammond Hammond 30.5043583 -90.4611995 P PPL US LA 105 17812 13 13 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18594 4327047 Harvey Harvey 29.9035387 -90.0772944 P PPL US LA 051 22383 1 2 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18595 4328010 Houma Houma 29.5957696 -90.7195348 P PPL US LA 109 31800 3 3 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18596 4329753 Kenner Kenner 29.9940924 -90.2417434 P PPL US LA 051 69721 0 1 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18597 4330145 Lafayette Lafayette 30.2240897 -92.0198427 P PPL US LA 055 112197 11 10 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18598 4330236 Lake Charles Lake Charles 30.213091663685 -93.204402923584 P PPL US LA 019 70309 4 4 America/Chicago 2008-10-14
+ 18599 4330525 Laplace Laplace 30.0665907 -90.4800848 P PPL US LA 095 29064 3 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18600 4332628 Marrero Marrero 29.8993723 -90.1003506 P PPL US LA 051 35405 1 2 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18601 4333177 Metairie Metairie 29.9840922 -90.1528519 P PPL US LA 051 146136 1 1 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18602 4333190 Metairie Terrace Metairie Terrace 29.9785368 -90.1639634 P PPL US LA 051 142489 1 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18603 4333669 Monroe Monroe 32.5093109 -92.1193012 P PPL US LA 073 51625 22 23 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18604 4334720 Natchitoches Natchitoches 31.7607195 -93.0862749 P PPL US LA 069 18598 36 32 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18605 4334971 New Iberia New Iberia 30.0035365 -91.8187285 P PPL US LA 045 32430 6 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18606 4335045 New Orleans New Orleans 29.9546482 -90.075072 P PPL US LA 071 484674 0 0 America/Chicago 2009-01-09
+ 18607 4336153 Opelousas Opelousas 30.5335302 -92.081509 P PPL US LA 097 22835 21 18 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18608 4339348 Ruston Ruston 32.5232053 -92.637927 P PPL US LA 061 20686 101 106 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18609 4341378 Shenandoah Shenandoah 30.4013028 -91.0009354 P PPL US LA 033 18829 12 8 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18610 4341513 Shreveport Shreveport 32.5251516 -93.7501789 P PPL US LA 017 200145 44 48 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18611 4341727 Slidell Slidell 30.2751945 -89.7811745 P PPL US LA 103 27799 1 3 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18612 4342816 Sulphur Sulphur 30.2365943 -93.3773783 P PPL US LA 019 19570 5 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18613 4343327 Terrytown Terrytown 29.910205 -90.0325709 P PPL US LA 051 25858 -1 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18614 4346991 Adelphi Adelphi 39.0031656 -76.97192 P PPL US MD 033 15988 52 49 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18615 4347242 Annapolis Annapolis 38.9784453 -76.4921829 P PPLA US MD 003 36252 12 1 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 18616 4347371 Arbutus Arbutus 39.2545512 -76.6999702 P PPL US MD 005 20603 46 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18617 4347426 Arnold Arnold 39.0320554 -76.5027395 P PPL US MD 003 25460 39 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18618 4347553 Aspen Hill Aspen Hill 39.0795529 -77.0730338 P PPL US MD 031 53430 100 92 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18619 4347778 Baltimore Baltimore 39.2903848 -76.6121893 P PPL US MD 510 610892 10 2 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18620 4347839 Ballenger Creek Ballenger Creek 39.3726023 -77.4352637 P PPL US MD 021 19245 92 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18621 4348353 Beltsville Beltsville 39.0348317 -76.9074739 P PPL US MD 033 16546 41 32 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18622 4348599 Bethesda Bethesda 38.9806658 -77.100256 P PPL US MD 031 52801 97 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18623 4349159 Bowie Bowie 39.0067768 -76.7791365 P PPL US MD 033 50269 47 45 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18624 4350288 Camp Springs Camp Springs 38.8040027 -76.9066396 P PPL US MD 033 19049 81 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18625 4350413 Carney Carney 39.3942737 -76.523576 P PPL US MD 005 30078 108 106 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18626 4350635 Catonsville Catonsville 39.2720509 -76.7319161 P PPL US MD 005 42827 146 138 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18627 4351383 Chillum Chillum 38.9637218 -76.9908093 P PPL US MD 033 36280 45 41 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18628 4351871 Clinton Clinton 38.7651145 -76.8983059 P PPL US MD 033 29982 76 75 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18629 4351887 Cockeysville Cockeysville 39.4812172 -76.6438598 P PPL US MD 005 20040 94 90 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18630 4351951 Colesville Colesville 39.0756643 -77.0019212 P PPL US MD 031 20606 133 137 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18631 4351977 College Park College Park 38.980666 -76.9369189 P PPL US MD 033 25539 21 28 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18632 4352053 Columbia Columbia 39.2403841 -76.8394184 P PPL US MD 027 96201 124 108 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18633 4352539 Crofton Crofton 39.0017772 -76.6874671 P PPL US MD 003 25233 30 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18634 4352681 Cumberland Cumberland 39.6528654 -78.7625185 P PPL US MD 001 20347 191 211 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18635 4353765 Dundalk Dundalk 39.2506633 -76.5205184 P PPL US MD 005 61659 5 1 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18636 4353925 East Riverdale East Riverdale 38.9620552 -76.9219184 P PPL US MD 033 15576 11 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18637 4354087 Edgewood Edgewood 39.4187194 -76.2944016 P PPL US MD 025 23492 14 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18638 4354163 Eldersburg Eldersburg 39.4037147 -76.9502567 P PPL US MD 013 38366 196 196 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18639 4354256 Elkridge Elkridge 39.2126073 -76.7135814 P PPL US MD 027 22042 28 41 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18640 4354265 Ellicott City Ellicott City 39.2673284 -76.7983067 P PPL US MD 027 66215 55 62 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18641 4354428 Essex Essex 39.3092743 -76.474962 P PPL US MD 005 38851 12 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18642 4354573 Fairland Fairland 39.0762198 -76.9577534 P PPL US MD 031 23048 126 122 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18643 4354821 Ferndale Ferndale 39.1831637 -76.640245 P PPL US MD 003 16163 24 16 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18644 4355355 Fort Washington Fort Washington 38.7073379 -77.0230314 P PPL US MD 033 23845 32 6 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18645 4355585 Frederick Frederick 39.4142688 -77.4105409 P PPL US MD 021 57297 87 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18646 4355843 Gaithersburg Gaithersburg 39.1434406 -77.2013705 P PPL US MD 031 60062 155 145 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18647 4356050 Germantown Germantown 39.1731621 -77.2716502 P PPL US MD 031 64720 135 137 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18648 4356188 Glen Burnie Glen Burnie 39.1626084 -76.6246886 P PPL US MD 003 40317 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18649 4356783 Green Haven Green Haven 39.1395536 -76.5477413 P PPL US MD 003 19326 15 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18650 4356847 Greenbelt Greenbelt 39.0045544 -76.8755282 P PPL US MD 033 22390 48 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18651 4357141 Hagerstown Hagerstown 39.6417629 -77.7199932 P PPL US MD 043 37313 164 167 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18652 4358082 Hillcrest Heights Hillcrest Heights 38.8328909 -76.9594189 P PPL US MD 033 16253 85 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18653 4358821 Hyattsville Hyattsville 38.9559442 -76.9455301 P PPL US MD 033 15323 32 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18654 4360314 Langley Park Langley Park 38.9887213 -76.9813647 P PPL US MD 033 15895 46 43 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18655 4360369 Laurel Laurel 39.0992752 -76.8483061 P PPL US MD 033 20860 50 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18656 4360954 Lochearn Lochearn 39.3406619 -76.7221944 P PPL US MD 005 25672 126 121 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18657 4362344 Middle River Middle River 39.3342744 -76.4394056 P PPL US MD 005 24019 8 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18658 4362438 Milford Mill Milford Mill 39.3478838 -76.7699739 P PPL US MD 005 29074 151 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18659 4362743 Montgomery Village Montgomery Village 39.1767734 -77.1952597 P PPL US MD 031 41721 113 121 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18660 4363836 North Bel Air North Bel Air 39.5398294 -76.35496 P PPLX US MD 025 33925 124 113 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18661 4363843 North Bethesda North Bethesda 39.0445535 -77.1188678 P PPL US MD 031 44379 120 113 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18662 4363964 North Laurel North Laurel 39.1389968 -76.8705293 P PPL US MD 027 24046 91 99 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18663 4363990 North Potomac North Potomac 39.082886 -77.2649824 P PPL US MD 031 25972 79 99 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18664 4364362 Odenton Odenton 39.0839981 -76.7002462 P PPL US MD 003 26005 48 46 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18665 4364537 Olney Olney 39.1531628 -77.066923 P PPL US MD 031 36957 165 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18666 4364727 Owings Mills Owings Mills 39.4195499 -76.7802529 P PPL US MD 005 27415 152 154 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18667 4364946 Parkville Parkville 39.3773292 -76.5396875 P PPL US MD 005 31362 101 93 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18668 4364964 Parole Parole 38.9795562 -76.5305174 P PPL US MD 003 16664 21 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18669 4365227 Perry Hall Perry Hall 39.4126073 -76.463574 P PPL US MD 005 32530 77 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18670 4365387 Pikesville Pikesville 39.3742729 -76.7224727 P PPL US MD 005 31882 155 148 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18671 4366001 Potomac Potomac 39.0181651 -77.2085914 P PPL US MD 031 45129 110 105 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18672 4366476 Randallstown Randallstown 39.3673278 -76.7952525 P PPL US MD 005 33811 176 167 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18673 4366593 Redland Redland 39.1453851 -77.144147 P PPLX US MD 031 17683 150 142 America/New_York 2009-03-20
+ 18674 4366647 Reisterstown Reisterstown 39.4695489 -76.8294213 P PPL US MD 005 24447 221 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18675 4367175 Rockville Rockville 39.0839973 -77.1527578 P PPL US MD 031 60646 137 136 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18676 4367372 Rosedale Rosedale 39.3201074 -76.5155191 P PPL US MD 005 19736 6 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18677 4367734 Saint Charles Saint Charles 38.6031746 -76.9385839 P PPL US MD 017 36376 61 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18678 4368711 Salisbury Salisbury 38.3606736 -75.5993692 P PPL US MD 045 26352 8 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18679 4369190 Severn Severn 39.1370528 -76.6983022 P PPL US MD 003 42157 49 47 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18680 4369224 Severna Park Severna Park 39.070388 -76.5452409 P PPL US MD 003 30292 12 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18681 4369596 Silver Spring Silver Spring 38.9906657 -77.026088 P PPL US MD 031 77951 104 101 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18682 4369928 South Bel Air South Bel Air 39.533163 -76.3374594 P PPLX US MD 025 48828 116 106 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18683 4369964 South Gate South Gate 39.1289978 -76.6257995 P PPL US MD 003 29658 20 16 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18684 4369978 South Laurel South Laurel 39.0698312 -76.8502504 P PPL US MD 033 21762 49 58 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18685 4370890 Takoma Park Takoma Park 38.9778882 -77.0074765 P PPL US MD 031 17860 89 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18686 4371582 Towson Towson 39.4014955 -76.6019125 P PPL US MD 005 53749 141 137 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18687 4372599 Waldorf Waldorf 38.6245628 -76.9391395 P PPL US MD 017 27254 63 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18688 4373104 West Elkridge West Elkridge 39.2070517 -76.7269151 P PPL US MD 027 28734 68 55 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18689 4373238 Westminster Westminster 39.5753791 -76.9958149 P PPL US MD 013 17862 233 228 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18690 4373449 White Oak White Oak 39.0398315 -76.9930319 P PPL US MD 031 22492 113 109 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18691 4374054 Woodlawn Woodlawn 39.3228841 -76.7280277 P PPL US MD 005 36079 103 106 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18692 4374056 Woodlawn Woodlawn 38.9495554 -76.8913619 P PPL US MD 033 38254 47 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18693 4374513 Affton Affton 38.5506084 -90.3331719 P PPL US MO 189 20092 188 178 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18694 4375087 Arnold Arnold 38.4328317 -90.3776187 P PPL US MO 099 20203 184 171 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18695 4375663 Ballwin Ballwin 38.5950533 -90.5462339 P PPL US MO 189 30744 192 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18696 4376482 Belton Belton 38.8119527 -94.5318982 P PPL US MO 037 24522 337 340 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18697 4377664 Blue Springs Blue Springs 39.0169509 -94.2816148 P PPL US MO 095 49767 297 293 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18698 4378391 Bridgeton Bridgeton 38.7669954 -90.4115057 P PPL US MO 189 15421 178 157 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18699 4379966 Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau 37.3058839 -89.5181476 P PPL US MO 031 35904 107 120 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18700 4381072 Chesterfield Chesterfield 38.6631083 -90.5770675 P PPL US MO 189 47128 146 147 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18701 4381478 Clayton Clayton 38.6425518 -90.3237263 P PPL US MO 189 15915 173 173 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18702 4381982 Columbia Columbia 38.9517053 -92.3340724 P PPL US MO 019 91415 215 232 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18703 4382072 Concord Concord 38.5244976 -90.3573395 P PPL US MO 189 15243 190 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18704 4382837 Creve Coeur Creve Coeur 38.6608855 -90.4226181 P PPL US MO 189 16695 184 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18705 4385018 East Independence East Independence 39.0955608 -94.3552275 P PPL US MO 095 110675 255 249 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18706 4386387 Ferguson Ferguson 38.7442175 -90.3053915 P PPL US MO 189 21519 153 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18707 4386802 Florissant Florissant 38.789217 -90.322614 P PPL US MO 189 51786 175 165 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18708 4387990 Gladstone Gladstone 39.2038918 -94.554677 P PPL US MO 047 27601 286 294 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18709 4388460 Grandview Grandview 38.8858407 -94.5330096 P PPL US MO 095 24945 320 315 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18710 4389418 Hannibal Hannibal 39.7083789 -91.3584816 P PPL US MO 127 17568 153 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18711 4389967 Hazelwood Hazelwood 38.7714396 -90.3709489 P PPL US MO 189 25661 171 181 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18712 4391812 Independence Independence 39.0911161 -94.4155068 P PPL US MO 095 113288 315 306 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18713 4392388 Jefferson City Jefferson City 38.5767017 -92.1735164 P PPLA US MO 051 35883 192 174 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18714 4392768 Joplin Joplin 37.0842271 -94.513281 P PPL US MO 097 46818 306 301 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18715 4393217 Kansas City Kansas City 39.0997266 -94.5785667 P PPL US MO 095 441545 274 271 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18716 4393739 Kirkwood Kirkwood 38.5833862 -90.406785 P PPL US MO 189 27126 201 197 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18717 4394870 Lees Summit Lees Summit 38.9108408 -94.3821724 P PPL US MO 095 70700 316 308 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18718 4394905 Lemay Lemay 38.533386 -90.2792814 P PPL US MO 189 16706 144 137 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18719 4395052 Liberty Liberty 39.2461138 -94.4191177 P PPL US MO 047 29027 270 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18720 4396915 Manchester Manchester 38.5969977 -90.5092882 P PPL US MO 189 19235 176 170 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18721 4397340 Maryland Heights Maryland Heights 38.7131073 -90.4298401 P PPL US MO 189 25311 161 158 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18722 4397962 Mehlville Mehlville 38.5083865 -90.3228941 P PPL US MO 189 29175 184 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18723 4400860 North Kansas City North Kansas City 39.130004 -94.5621773 P PPL US MO 047 442028 226 223 America/Chicago 2006-05-09
+ 18724 4401242 O'Fallon O'Fallon 38.8106075 -90.6998477 P PPL US MO 183 46169 165 165 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18725 4401618 Oakville Oakville 38.4700533 -90.3045605 P PPL US MO 189 35309 183 170 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18726 4402178 Overland Overland 38.7011626 -90.3623381 P PPL US MO 189 16130 195 186 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18727 4402245 Ozark Ozark 37.0208865 -93.2060163 P PPL US MO 043 15951 356 358 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18728 4404233 Poplar Bluff Poplar Bluff 36.7569994 -90.3928881 P PPL US MO 023 16488 110 97 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18729 4405188 Raytown Raytown 39.0086171 -94.4635638 P PPL US MO 095 29219 309 308 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18730 4406282 Rolla Rolla 37.9514304 -91.7712691 P PPL US MO 161 17865 342 338 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18731 4406831 Saint Charles Saint Charles 38.78394 -90.4812298 P PPL US MO 183 62011 147 145 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18732 4407010 Saint Joseph Saint Joseph 39.7686055 -94.8466322 P PPL US MO 021 71745 270 274 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18733 4407066 Saint Louis Saint Louis 38.6272733 -90.1978889 P PPL US MO 510 320916 142 135 America/Chicago 2009-10-09
+ 18734 4407237 Saint Peters Saint Peters 38.8003294 -90.6265121 P PPL US MO 183 53779 134 128 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18735 4408000 Sedalia Sedalia 38.7044609 -93.2282613 P PPL US MO 159 19772 277 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18736 4408672 Sikeston Sikeston 36.876719 -89.5878579 P PPL US MO 201 17026 100 101 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18737 4409591 Spanish Lake Spanish Lake 38.7878275 -90.2159441 P PPL US MO 189 21637 165 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18738 4409896 Springfield Springfield 37.215326 -93.2982436 P PPL US MO 077 150443 396 395 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18739 4412697 University City University City 38.6558849 -90.3092813 P PPL US MO 189 37634 161 161 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18740 4413595 Warrensburg Warrensburg 38.7627893 -93.7360498 P PPL US MO 101 17431 263 250 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18741 4413872 Webster Groves Webster Groves 38.5925525 -90.3573389 P PPL US MO 189 22875 170 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18742 4414001 Wentzville Wentzville 38.81144 -90.8529107 P PPL US MO 183 17610 190 191 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18743 4414749 Wildwood Wildwood 38.582831 -90.6629047 P PPL US MO 189 32884 230 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18744 4418478 Biloxi Biloxi 30.3960318 -88.8853078 P PPL US MS 047 50644 6 9 America/Chicago 2006-07-24
+ 18745 4419290 Brandon Brandon 32.2732024 -89.9859158 P PPL US MS 121 19239 147 137 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18746 4421935 Clarksdale Clarksdale 34.2001086 -90.5709323 P PPL US MS 027 19143 53 45 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18747 4422133 Clinton Clinton 32.3415342 -90.3217585 P PPL US MS 049 24583 109 106 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18748 4422442 Columbus Columbus 33.4956744 -88.4272627 P PPL US MS 087 24386 66 61 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18749 4427569 Gautier Gautier 30.385755 -88.6116855 P PPL US MS 059 24891 2 3 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18750 4428475 Greenville Greenville 33.4101161 -91.0617735 P PPL US MS 151 38107 40 35 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18751 4428495 Greenwood Greenwood 33.5162315 -90.1795281 P PPL US MS 083 17162 40 39 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18752 4428667 Gulfport Gulfport 30.3674198 -89.0928155 P PPL US MS 047 71127 6 9 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18753 4429295 Hattiesburg Hattiesburg 31.3271189 -89.2903392 P PPL US MS 035 48123 52 47 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18754 4430400 Horn Lake Horn Lake 34.9553719 -90.0348139 P PPL US MS 033 16036 91 90 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18755 4431410 Jackson Jackson 32.2987573 -90.1848103 P PPLA US MS 049 176696 85 80 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18756 4433039 Laurel Laurel 31.6940509 -89.1306124 P PPL US MS 067 17891 82 69 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18757 4434069 Long Beach Long Beach 30.3504751 -89.1528176 P PPL US MS 047 16763 8 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18758 4434663 Madison Madison 32.4618086 -90.1153638 P PPL US MS 089 16786 103 103 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18759 4435764 Meridian Meridian 32.3643098 -88.703656 P PPL US MS 075 39437 105 99 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18760 4437982 Natchez Natchez 31.5604442 -91.403171 P PPL US MS 001 17118 66 60 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18761 4439506 Ocean Springs Ocean Springs 30.4113097 -88.8278058 P PPL US MS 059 17659 7 3 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18762 4439869 Olive Branch Olive Branch 34.9617605 -89.8295315 P PPL US MS 033 27748 118 117 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18763 4440397 Pascagoula Pascagoula 30.3657552 -88.5561272 P PPL US MS 059 25621 3 2 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18764 4440559 Pearl Pearl 32.2745912 -90.1320311 P PPL US MS 121 23272 84 86 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18765 4443296 Ridgeland Ridgeland 32.4284761 -90.1323087 P PPL US MS 089 22714 109 106 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18766 4446675 Southaven Southaven 34.9889818 -90.0125913 P PPL US MS 033 38578 94 91 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18767 4447161 Starkville Starkville 33.4503998 -88.8183872 P PPL US MS 105 22820 102 106 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18768 4448903 Tupelo Tupelo 34.2576067 -88.7033859 P PPL US MS 081 35956 85 83 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18769 4449620 Vicksburg Vicksburg 32.3526457 -90.8778821 P PPL US MS 149 25701 73 36 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18770 4450687 West Gulfport West Gulfport 30.4040859 -89.0942049 P PPL US MS 047 71329 8 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18771 4452303 Albemarle Albemarle 35.3501426 -80.2000578 P PPL US NC 167 15281 152 134 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18772 4452808 Apex Apex 35.732652 -78.8502856 P PPL US NC 183 30873 152 134 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18773 4453035 Asheboro Asheboro 35.7079146 -79.8136446 P PPL US NC 151 23443 255 245 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18774 4453066 Asheville Asheville 35.6009452 -82.554015 P PPL US NC 021 68795 650 650 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18775 4458228 Burlington Burlington 36.0956918 -79.4377991 P PPL US NC 001 46921 202 223 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18776 4459343 Carrboro Carrboro 35.9101438 -79.0752895 P PPL US NC 135 16626 141 140 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18777 4459467 Cary Cary 35.79154 -78.7811169 P PPL US NC 183 103945 152 152 America/New_York 2006-07-13
+ 18778 4460162 Chapel Hill Chapel Hill 35.9131996 -79.0558445 P PPL US NC 135 47529 148 151 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18779 4460243 Charlotte Charlotte 35.2270869 -80.8431268 P PPL US NC 119 598351 229 229 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18780 4461015 Clemmons Clemmons 36.0215258 -80.3819984 P PPL US NC 067 16319 259 246 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18781 4461574 Concord Concord 35.4087517 -80.579511 P PPL US NC 025 60592 228 204 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18782 4461941 Cornelius Cornelius 35.4868032 -80.8600736 P PPL US NC 119 21284 245 246 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18783 4464368 Durham Durham 35.9940329 -78.898619 P PPL US NC 063 204734 123 122 America/New_York 2006-05-09
+ 18784 4464873 Eden Eden 36.4884715 -79.7667026 P PPL US NC 157 15908 180 176 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18785 4465088 Elizabeth City Elizabeth City 36.2946008 -76.2510461 P PPL US NC 139 18015 1 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18786 4466033 Fayetteville Fayetteville 35.0526641 -78.8783585 P PPL US NC 051 124775 29 29 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18787 4467657 Garner Garner 35.7112642 -78.6141709 P PPL US NC 183 21959 110 96 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18788 4467732 Gastonia Gastonia 35.262082 -81.1873005 P PPL US NC 071 67869 243 244 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18789 4468261 Goldsboro Goldsboro 35.3848841 -77.9927651 P PPL US NC 191 38243 32 47 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18790 4469146 Greensboro Greensboro 36.0726355 -79.7919754 P PPL US NC 081 231769 266 244 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 18791 4469160 Greenville Greenville 35.612661 -77.3663538 P PPL US NC 147 70757 18 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18792 4470244 Havelock Havelock 34.8790492 -76.9013301 P PPL US NC 049 22442 7 4 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18793 4470566 Henderson Henderson 36.3295905 -78.3991638 P PPL US NC 181 16134 154 145 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18794 4470778 Hickory Hickory 35.7331878 -81.3411974 P PPL US NC 035 40334 350 355 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18795 4471025 High Point High Point 35.9556924 -80.0053176 P PPL US NC 081 94281 307 275 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18796 4472370 Huntersville Huntersville 35.410694 -80.8428504 P PPL US NC 119 40342 252 243 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18797 4472687 Indian Trail Indian Trail 35.0768141 -80.6692352 P PPL US NC 179 15226 218 215 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18798 4473083 Jacksonville Jacksonville 34.7540524 -77.4302415 P PPL US NC 133 68015 4 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18799 4474040 Kannapolis Kannapolis 35.4873613 -80.6217341 P PPL US NC 025 38748 253 238 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18800 4474221 Kernersville Kernersville 36.1198589 -80.0736533 P PPL US NC 067 21007 317 319 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18801 4474436 Kinston Kinston 35.2626635 -77.5816353 P PPL US NC 107 22475 13 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18802 4475347 Laurinburg Laurinburg 34.7740495 -79.4628248 P PPL US NC 165 15268 69 67 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18803 4475640 Lenoir Lenoir 35.9140196 -81.5389849 P PPL US NC 027 17806 356 365 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18804 4475773 Lexington Lexington 35.8240265 -80.2533838 P PPL US NC 057 20784 258 244 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18805 4477525 Lumberton Lumberton 34.6182199 -79.0086425 P PPL US NC 155 21314 40 40 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18806 4478334 Matthews Matthews 35.1168131 -80.7236804 P PPL US NC 119 23716 229 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18807 4479759 Mint Hill Mint Hill 35.1795892 -80.6472904 P PPL US NC 119 15772 239 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18808 4479946 Monroe Monroe 34.9854275 -80.5495112 P PPL US NC 179 29681 180 183 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18809 4480125 Mooresville Mooresville 35.5848596 -80.8100724 P PPL US NC 097 20223 282 277 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18810 4480219 Morganton Morganton 35.7454071 -81.6848188 P PPL US NC 023 17191 354 365 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18811 4481682 New Bern New Bern 35.1084931 -77.0441143 P PPL US NC 049 23623 3 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18812 4487042 Raleigh Raleigh 35.772096 -78.6386145 P PPLA US NC 183 276093 96 91 America/New_York 2009-05-15
+ 18813 4488232 Roanoke Rapids Roanoke Rapids 36.4615395 -77.6541464 P PPL US NC 083 16299 47 50 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18814 4488762 Rocky Mount Rocky Mount 35.9382103 -77.790534 P PPL US NC 127 55997 30 31 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18815 4489985 Salisbury Salisbury 35.6709727 -80.4742261 P PPL US NC 159 26462 241 222 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18816 4490329 Sanford Sanford 35.4798757 -79.1802994 P PPL US NC 105 23473 108 113 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18817 4491180 Shelby Shelby 35.2923513 -81.5356463 P PPL US NC 045 23235 265 263 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18818 4493316 Statesville Statesville 35.7826363 -80.8872959 P PPL US NC 097 24709 280 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18819 4494942 Thomasville Thomasville 35.8826369 -80.0819879 P PPL US NC 057 30857 264 267 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18820 4497290 Wake Forest Wake Forest 35.9798734 -78.5097228 P PPL US NC 183 18832 118 122 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18821 4498303 West Raleigh West Raleigh 35.7868182 -78.6638927 P PPLX US NC 183 338759 122 122 America/New_York 2009-02-18
+ 18822 4499379 Wilmington Wilmington 34.2257256 -77.9447102 P PPL US NC 129 92424 9 6 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18823 4499389 Wilson Wilson 35.7212689 -77.9155395 P PPL US NC 195 46748 33 36 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18824 4499612 Winston-Salem Winston-Salem 36.0998596 -80.244216 P PPL US NC 067 193300 293 274 America/New_York 2009-01-17
+ 18825 4500546 Atlantic City Atlantic City 39.3642834 -74.4229266 P PPL US NJ 001 40554 2 2 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18826 4500942 Bridgeton Bridgeton 39.427337 -75.2340768 P PPL US NJ 011 22945 3 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18827 4501018 Camden Camden 39.9259463 -75.1196199 P PPL US NJ 007 80412 6 2 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 18828 4501198 Cherry Hill Cherry Hill 39.9348351 -75.0307264 P PPL US NJ 007 70475 17 3 America/New_York 2006-01-22
+ 18829 4501931 Glassboro Glassboro 39.7028923 -75.1118422 P PPL US NJ 015 19166 44 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18830 4502687 Lindenwold Lindenwold 39.8242808 -74.9976673 P PPL US NJ 007 17320 29 28 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18831 4502901 Maple Shade Maple Shade 39.9526127 -74.9923915 P PPL US NJ 005 19077 17 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18832 4503078 Millville Millville 39.4020596 -75.0393438 P PPL US NJ 011 27390 12 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18833 4503346 Ocean Acres Ocean Acres 39.7434529 -74.2809758 P PPL US NJ 029 18183 39 37 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18834 4503351 Ocean City Ocean City 39.2776156 -74.5746001 P PPL US NJ 009 15637 3 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18835 4503548 Pennsauken Pennsauken 39.9562238 -75.0579502 P PPL US NJ 007 36332 19 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18836 4503646 Pleasantville Pleasantville 39.3898388 -74.5240422 P PPL US NJ 001 19039 6 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18837 4504225 South Vineland South Vineland 39.4459487 -75.0287873 P PPL US NJ 011 58122 28 26 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18838 4504476 Toms River Toms River 39.9537291 -74.1979192 P PPL US NJ 029 119088 6 5 America/New_York 2006-05-10
+ 18839 4504621 Vineland Vineland 39.4862267 -75.0257313 P PPL US NJ 011 56271 33 30 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18840 4505542 Athens Athens 39.3292396 -82.1012555 P PPL US OH 009 23180 219 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18841 4506008 Beavercreek Beavercreek 39.7092262 -84.0632685 P PPL US OH 057 40788 266 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18842 4508204 Centerville Centerville 39.6283928 -84.1593818 P PPL US OH 113 23222 311 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18843 4508722 Cincinnati Cincinnati 39.1620036 -84.4568863 P PPL US OH 061 306382 191 203 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18844 4509177 Columbus Columbus 39.9611755 -82.9987942 P PPLA US OH 049 736836 235 237 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 18845 4509884 Dayton Dayton 39.7589478 -84.1916069 P PPL US OH 113 159134 225 239 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18846 4511263 Fairborn Fairborn 39.8208925 -84.0193789 P PPL US OH 057 32586 255 246 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18847 4511283 Fairfield Fairfield 39.34589 -84.5605016 P PPL US OH 017 43121 180 196 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18848 4512060 Forest Park Forest Park 39.2903353 -84.5041108 P PPL US OH 061 18106 255 247 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18849 4513409 Grove City Grove City 39.8814519 -83.0929645 P PPL US OH 049 30035 259 245 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18850 4513575 Hamilton Hamilton 39.3995008 -84.5613355 P PPL US OH 017 61445 181 183 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18851 4514746 Huber Heights Huber Heights 39.843947 -84.1246608 P PPL US OH 113 38391 284 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18852 4515843 Kettering Kettering 39.6895036 -84.1688274 P PPL US OH 113 55880 307 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18853 4516233 Lancaster Lancaster 39.7136754 -82.5993294 P PPL US OH 045 35883 268 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18854 4516412 Lebanon Lebanon 39.4353373 -84.2029922 P PPL US OH 165 20345 234 243 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18855 4517698 Mason Mason 39.3600586 -84.309939 P PPL US OH 165 30988 247 233 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18856 4518188 Miamisburg Miamisburg 39.6428362 -84.2866083 P PPL US OH 113 20031 213 242 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18857 4518264 Middletown Middletown 39.5150576 -84.3982763 P PPL US OH 017 52834 200 223 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18858 4519995 Norwood Norwood 39.1556149 -84.4596641 P PPL US OH 061 20288 200 198 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18859 4520760 Oxford Oxford 39.5069974 -84.745231 P PPL US OH 017 20875 283 275 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18860 4521209 Pickerington Pickerington 39.8842304 -82.7535049 P PPL US OH 045 15408 255 267 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18861 4521816 Portsmouth Portsmouth 38.7317431 -82.9976742 P PPL US OH 145 20909 162 152 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18862 4522411 Reynoldsburg Reynoldsburg 39.9547861 -82.8121191 P PPL US OH 049 33237 268 269 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18863 4522586 Riverside Riverside 39.779781 -84.1241047 P PPL US OH 113 23545 238 243 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18864 4525304 Springboro Springboro 39.5522815 -84.2332718 P PPL US OH 165 16947 236 243 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18865 4525353 Springfield Springfield 39.9242266 -83.8088172 P PPL US OH 023 64325 298 305 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 18866 4526576 Trotwood Trotwood 39.7972788 -84.3113334 P PPL US OH 113 27197 256 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18867 4526993 Upper Arlington Upper Arlington 39.9945084 -83.0624078 P PPL US OH 049 33686 247 254 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18868 4528291 Whitehall Whitehall 39.9667308 -82.8854559 P PPL US OH 049 18173 242 237 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18869 4528810 Xenia Xenia 39.6847822 -83.9296526 P PPL US OH 057 23351 284 280 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18870 4528923 Zanesville Zanesville 39.9403453 -82.0131924 P PPL US OH 119 24976 206 212 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18871 4529096 Ada Ada 34.774531 -96.678345 P PPL US OK 123 16144 308 312 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18872 4529292 Altus Altus 34.6381255 -99.3339754 P PPL US OK 065 20278 426 422 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18873 4529469 Ardmore Ardmore 34.1742611 -97.1436254 P PPL US OK 019 23975 266 276 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18874 4529987 Bartlesville Bartlesville 36.7473114 -95.9808179 P PPL US OK 147 34610 215 202 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18875 4530372 Bethany Bethany 35.5186678 -97.6322639 P PPL US OK 109 19673 399 404 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18876 4530801 Bixby Bixby 35.9420431 -95.8833235 P PPL US OK 143 18949 183 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18877 4531405 Broken Arrow Broken Arrow 36.0525993 -95.7908195 P PPL US OK 143 85535 230 224 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 18878 4533029 Chickasha Chickasha 35.052565 -97.9364326 P PPL US OK 051 16772 333 329 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18879 4533580 Claremore Claremore 36.3125964 -95.61609 P PPL US OK 131 17258 182 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18880 4534934 Del City Del City 35.4420062 -97.4408698 P PPL US OK 109 22135 366 364 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18881 4535389 Duncan Duncan 34.5023029 -97.9578129 P PPL US OK 137 21788 342 349 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18882 4535414 Durant Durant 33.9939861 -96.370824 P PPL US OK 013 15483 194 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18883 4535740 Edmond Edmond 35.6528323 -97.4780954 P PPL US OK 109 73915 367 356 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18884 4535783 El Reno El Reno 35.5322741 -97.9550494 P PPL US OK 017 15643 414 413 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18885 4535961 Enid Enid 36.3955891 -97.8783911 P PPL US OK 047 46138 378 382 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18886 4540737 Lawton Lawton 34.6086854 -98.3903305 P PPL US OK 031 91752 338 336 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18887 4542367 McAlester McAlester 34.9334298 -95.7697131 P PPL US OK 121 18120 224 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-27
+ 18888 4542765 Midwest City Midwest City 35.4495065 -97.3967019 P PPL US OK 109 54958 382 380 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18889 4542975 Moore Moore 35.3395079 -97.4867028 P PPL US OK 027 47475 382 377 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18890 4543338 Muskogee Muskogee 35.7478769 -95.3696909 P PPL US OK 101 38696 184 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18891 4543352 Mustang Mustang 35.384226 -97.7244868 P PPL US OK 017 15612 411 426 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18892 4543762 Norman Norman 35.2225668 -97.4394777 P PPL US OK 027 95694 357 356 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 18893 4544349 Oklahoma City Oklahoma City 35.4675602 -97.5164276 P PPLA US OK 109 532950 366 364 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18894 4547407 Owasso Owasso 36.2695388 -95.8547119 P PPL US OK 143 23923 186 186 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18895 4548267 Ponca City Ponca City 36.706981 -97.0855948 P PPL US OK 071 25273 308 311 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18896 4550659 Sand Springs Sand Springs 36.1398102 -96.1088911 P PPL US OK 143 17826 205 210 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18897 4550881 Sapulpa Sapulpa 35.9987007 -96.1141664 P PPL US OK 037 19825 218 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18898 4551177 Shawnee Shawnee 35.3272928 -96.9253004 P PPL US OK 125 28692 323 314 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18899 4552215 Stillwater Stillwater 36.1156071 -97.0583681 P PPL US OK 119 42757 273 275 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18900 4552707 Tahlequah Tahlequah 35.91537 -94.969956 P PPL US OK 021 16146 243 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18901 4553433 Tulsa Tulsa 36.1539816 -95.992775 P PPL US OK 143 393049 220 213 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18902 4556165 Yukon Yukon 35.5067215 -97.7625442 P PPL US OK 017 21196 393 396 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18903 4557109 Chambersburg Chambersburg 39.9375911 -77.6611022 P PPL US PA 055 17884 188 183 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18904 4557137 Chester Chester 39.849557 -75.3557458 P PPL US PA 045 36938 4 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18905 4557606 Drexel Hill Drexel Hill 39.9470567 -75.2921301 P PPL US PA 045 29075 75 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18906 4558475 Hanover Hanover 39.8006554 -76.9830358 P PPL US PA 133 15036 183 184 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18907 4560349 Philadelphia Philadelphia 39.952335 -75.163789 P PPL US PA 101 1517550 12 8 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18908 4561407 Springfield Springfield 39.9306677 -75.3201879 P PPL US PA 045 23363 76 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18909 4562144 West Chester West Chester 39.9606643 -75.6054882 P PPL US PA 029 17545 140 121 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18910 4562407 York York 39.9625984 -76.727745 P PPL US PA 133 39587 118 122 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18911 4569067 Aiken Aiken 33.5604168 -81.7195533 P PPL US SC 003 27237 157 157 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18912 4569298 Anderson Anderson 34.5034394 -82.6501333 P PPL US SC 007 25393 240 223 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18913 4574324 Charleston Charleston 32.7765656 -79.9309216 P PPL US SC 019 96650 6 2 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 18914 4575352 Columbia Columbia 34.0007104 -81.0348144 P PPLA US SC 079 116278 89 91 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 18915 4577263 Easley Easley 34.829838 -82.6015206 P PPL US SC 077 18767 329 339 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18916 4578737 Florence Florence 34.1954331 -79.7625625 P PPL US SC 041 30517 42 37 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18917 4580098 Goose Creek Goose Creek 32.9810059 -80.0325867 P PPL US SC 015 29208 14 9 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18918 4580543 Greenville Greenville 34.8526176 -82.3940105 P PPL US SC 045 55559 307 284 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18919 4580569 Greenwood Greenwood 34.1954001 -82.1617883 P PPL US SC 047 22316 202 194 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18920 4580599 Greer Greer 34.9387279 -82.2270569 P PPL US SC 045 20703 312 305 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18921 4581833 Hilton Head Island Hilton Head Island 32.216316 -80.752608 P PPL US SC 013 34457 3 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18922 4586523 Mauldin Mauldin 34.77873 -82.310119 P PPL US SC 045 19513 290 279 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18923 4588165 Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant 32.7940651 -79.8625851 P PPL US SC 019 59105 3 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18924 4588718 Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach 33.6890603 -78.8866943 P PPL US SC 051 25310 8 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18925 4589368 North Augusta North Augusta 33.5018026 -81.9651153 P PPL US SC 003 19030 118 128 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18926 4589387 North Charleston North Charleston 32.8885608973779 -80.0075054168701 P PPL US SC 019 79641 6 5 America/New_York 2008-07-02
+ 18927 4593142 Rock Hill Rock Hill 34.9248667 -81.0250784 P PPL US SC 091 59766 207 194 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18928 4593724 Saint Andrews Saint Andrews 34.0454289 -81.1292614 P PPL US SC 063 21151 92 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18929 4595374 Seven Oaks Seven Oaks 34.0487617 -81.1464842 P PPL US SC 063 15629 66 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18930 4596208 Socastee Socastee 33.683504 -78.9983676 P PPL US SC 051 16431 5 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18931 4597200 Spartanburg Spartanburg 34.9495672 -81.9320482 P PPL US SC 083 37992 246 223 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18932 4597499 Saint Andrews Saint Andrews 34.0487628 -81.1031494 P PPL US SC 079 21814 98 92 America/New_York 2007-02-14
+ 18933 4597919 Summerville Summerville 33.0185039 -80.1756481 P PPL US SC 035 34958 27 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18934 4598353 Taylors Taylors 34.9203946 -82.2962269 P PPL US SC 045 20184 284 277 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18935 4599937 Wade Hampton Wade Hampton 34.9037282 -82.3331733 P PPL US SC 045 20484 314 305 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18936 4604183 Bartlett Bartlett 35.2045329 -89.8739753 P PPL US TN 157 43264 85 83 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18937 4608408 Brentwood Brentwood 36.0331164 -86.7827772 P PPL US TN 187 23445 227 239 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18938 4608418 Brentwood Estates Brentwood Estates 36.025061 -86.7791661 P PPLX US TN 187 31279 223 239 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18939 4608657 Bristol Bristol 36.5951059 -82.1887444 P PPL US TN 163 25110 511 508 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18940 4612862 Chattanooga Chattanooga 35.0456297 -85.3096801 P PPL US TN 065 155554 206 211 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 18941 4613868 Clarksville Clarksville 36.5297706 -87.3594529 P PPL US TN 125 111694 145 116 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18942 4614088 Cleveland Cleveland 35.1595182 -84.8766115 P PPL US TN 011 37443 265 264 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18943 4614748 Collierville Collierville 35.042036 -89.6645266 P PPL US TN 157 37854 116 112 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18944 4614867 Columbia Columbia 35.6150716 -87.0352831 P PPL US TN 119 33641 196 196 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18945 4615145 Cookeville Cookeville 36.162839 -85.5016423 P PPL US TN 141 28668 334 335 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18946 4619800 Dyersburg Dyersburg 36.0345159 -89.3856281 P PPL US TN 045 17329 89 104 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18947 4619943 East Brainerd East Brainerd 34.9959085 -85.1502302 P PPL US TN 065 15114 224 214 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18948 4619947 East Chattanooga East Chattanooga 35.0653508 -85.2491233 P PPL US TN 065 154024 208 269 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18949 4620131 East Ridge East Ridge 35.0142412 -85.2519003 P PPL US TN 065 19588 237 244 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18950 4621846 Farragut Farragut 35.8845238 -84.1535261 P PPL US TN 093 19312 269 263 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18951 4623560 Franklin Franklin 35.9250637 -86.86889 P PPL US TN 187 49706 196 189 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18952 4624180 Gallatin Gallatin 36.3883809 -86.4466599 P PPL US TN 165 26200 164 155 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18953 4624601 Germantown Germantown 35.0867577 -89.8100858 P PPL US TN 157 37361 115 106 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18954 4626334 Greeneville Greeneville 36.1631575 -82.8309861 P PPL US TN 059 15207 463 468 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18955 4628735 Hendersonville Hendersonville 36.3047735 -86.6199957 P PPL US TN 165 44598 147 147 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18956 4632595 Jackson Jackson 35.6145169 -88.8139469 P PPL US TN 113 62080 125 122 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18957 4633419 Johnson City Johnson City 36.3134397 -82.3534727 P PPL US TN 179 58603 498 502 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18958 4634662 Kingsport Kingsport 36.548434 -82.5618186 P PPL US TN 163 43952 369 372 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18959 4634946 Knoxville Knoxville 35.9606384 -83.9207392 P PPL US TN 093 172474 276 276 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 18960 4635031 La Vergne La Vergne 36.0156178 -86.5819394 P PPL US TN 149 26412 177 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18961 4636045 Lebanon Lebanon 36.2081098 -86.2911024 P PPL US TN 189 22370 161 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18962 4639848 Maryville Maryville 35.7564719 -83.9704593 P PPL US TN 009 26719 285 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18963 4641239 Memphis Memphis 35.1495343 -90.0489801 P PPL US TN 157 650100 78 75 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18964 4642938 Morristown Morristown 36.2139814 -83.2948922 P PPL US TN 063 25204 397 397 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18965 4643336 Mount Juliet Mount Juliet 36.200055 -86.5186054 P PPL US TN 189 18586 168 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18966 4644312 Murfreesboro Murfreesboro 35.8456213 -86.39027 P PPL US TN 149 84700 186 186 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 18967 4644585 Nashville Nashville 36.1658899 -86.7844432 P PPLA US TN 037 530852 170 151 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18968 4645421 New South Memphis New South Memphis 35.0867579 -90.0567584 P PPL US TN 157 641608 79 74 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18969 4646571 Oak Ridge Oak Ridge 36.0103561 -84.2696449 P PPL US TN 001 27387 259 265 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 18970 4656585 Sevierville Sevierville 35.8681455 -83.561835 P PPL US TN 155 15655 275 273 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 18971 4657077 Shelbyville Shelbyville 35.483406 -86.4602717 P PPL US TN 003 18317 230 226 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18972 4658590 Smyrna Smyrna 35.9828413 -86.5186045 P PPL US TN 149 32963 166 155 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18973 4659446 Spring Hill Spring Hill 35.751179 -86.9300023 P PPL US TN 119 15788 229 225 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18974 4659557 Springfield Springfield 36.5092119 -86.8849984 P PPL US TN 147 15509 203 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18975 4663494 Tullahoma Tullahoma 35.3620235 -86.2094342 P PPL US TN 031 18692 326 320 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18976 4669635 Abilene Abilene 32.4487364 -99.7331439 P PPL US TX 441 114247 524 519 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 18977 4670074 Alamo Alamo 26.1836854 -98.1230638 P PPL US TX 215 16319 30 30 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18978 4670146 Aldine Aldine 29.932445 -95.3802149 P PPL US TX 201 15596 24 24 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18979 4670234 Alice Alice 27.7522487 -98.0697249 P PPL US TX 249 19589 61 65 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18980 4670300 Allen Allen 33.1031744 -96.6705503 P PPL US TX 085 75868 201 206 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18981 4670592 Alvin Alvin 29.4238472 -95.2441009 P PPL US TX 039 22103 13 13 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18982 4670866 Angleton Angleton 29.16941 -95.4318847 P PPL US TX 039 18856 9 7 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18983 4671240 Arlington Arlington 32.735687 -97.1080656 P PPL US TX 439 332969 184 184 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18984 4671524 Atascocita Atascocita 29.9988306 -95.1765978 P PPL US TX 201 35102 22 21 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18985 4671654 Austin Austin 30.267153 -97.7430608 P PPLA US TX 453 678368 149 163 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 18986 4672059 Balch Springs Balch Springs 32.7287413 -96.6227714 P PPL US TX 113 19401 152 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18987 4672731 Baytown Baytown 29.7355047 -94.9774274 P PPL US TX 201 67341 8 7 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18988 4672989 Beaumont Beaumont 30.0860459 -94.1018461 P PPL US TX 245 111485 5 7 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18989 4673094 Bedford Bedford 32.844017 -97.1430671 P PPL US TX 439 49185 182 185 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18990 4673353 Bellaire Bellaire 29.7057858 -95.4588299 P PPL US TX 201 17436 17 17 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18991 4673425 Belton Belton 31.0560132 -97.464453 P PPL US TX 027 15177 155 164 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18992 4673482 Benbrook Benbrook 32.673188 -97.4605759 P PPL US TX 439 21590 210 219 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18993 4676740 Brownsville Brownsville 25.9017472 -97.4974838 P PPL US TX 061 168015 10 8 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 18994 4676798 Brownwood Brownwood 31.7093197 -98.9911611 P PPL US TX 049 19534 416 413 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18995 4676920 Brushy Creek Brushy Creek 30.513532 -97.7397313 P PPL US TX 491 15371 252 258 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 18996 4677008 Bryan Bryan 30.6743643 -96.3699632 P PPL US TX 041 69621 114 110 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 18997 4677551 Burleson Burleson 32.5420821 -97.3208492 P PPL US TX 251 28534 217 216 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18998 4678901 Canyon Lake Canyon Lake 29.8752177 -98.2625127 P PPL US TX 091 21649 294 289 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 18999 4679195 Carrollton Carrollton 32.9537349 -96.8902816 P PPL US TX 113 120792 161 168 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19000 4679803 Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 32.5884689 -96.9561152 P PPL US TX 113 44049 253 252 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19001 4679867 Cedar Park Cedar Park 30.505198 -97.8202888 P PPL US TX 491 51695 276 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19002 4680388 Channelview Channelview 29.7760599 -95.1146533 P PPL US TX 201 31924 9 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19003 4681976 Cleburne Cleburne 32.3476438 -97.3866837 P PPL US TX 251 28981 233 228 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19004 4682127 Cloverleaf Cloverleaf 29.7782823 -95.1718772 P PPL US TX 201 26557 8 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19005 4682464 College Station College Station 30.627977 -96.3344068 P PPL US TX 041 78533 103 97 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19006 4682478 Colleyville Colleyville 32.8809603 -97.155012 P PPL US TX 439 22325 187 184 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19007 4682991 Conroe Conroe 30.3118769 -95.4560512 P PPL US TX 339 41643 67 64 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19008 4683217 Coppell Coppell 32.9545687 -97.0150078 P PPL US TX 113 39574 158 164 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19009 4683244 Copperas Cove Copperas Cove 31.124062 -97.9030785 P PPL US TX 099 30546 333 335 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19010 4683317 Corinth Corinth 33.1540091 -97.0647322 P PPL US TX 121 19892 185 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19011 4683416 Corpus Christi Corpus Christi 27.8005828 -97.396381 P PPL US TX 355 277454 2 6 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19012 4683462 Corsicana Corsicana 32.0954304 -96.4688727 P PPL US TX 349 26037 135 125 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19013 4684888 Dallas Dallas 32.7830556 -96.8066667 P PPL US TX 113 1211704 128 137 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19014 4685524 DeSoto DeSoto 32.5898577 -96.8569451 P PPL US TX 113 45541 203 195 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19015 4685737 Deer Park Deer Park 29.7052284 -95.1238204 P PPL US TX 201 28772 9 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19016 4685892 Denison Denison 33.7556593 -96.536658 P PPL US TX 181 23680 222 225 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19017 4685907 Denton Denton 33.2148412 -97.1330683 P PPL US TX 121 100975 201 186 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19018 4686163 Dickinson Dickinson 29.4607876 -95.0513173 P PPL US TX 167 18348 5 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19019 4686593 Donna Donna 26.1703525 -98.05195 P PPL US TX 215 15879 28 27 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19020 4687331 Duncanville Duncanville 32.6518004 -96.9083366 P PPL US TX 113 34991 221 228 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19021 4688275 Edinburg Edinburg 26.3017374 -98.1633433 P PPL US TX 215 60509 29 31 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19022 4689311 Ennis Ennis 32.3293111 -96.6252679 P PPL US TX 139 19518 164 168 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19023 4689550 Euless Euless 32.8370727 -97.0819541 P PPL US TX 439 53221 179 175 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19024 4690198 Farmers Branch Farmers Branch 32.9265137 -96.8961151 P PPL US TX 113 26468 141 149 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19025 4691585 Flower Mound Flower Mound 33.0145673 -97.0969552 P PPL US TX 121 66618 184 167 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19026 4691930 Fort Worth Fort Worth 32.725409 -97.3208496 P PPL US TX 439 618119 199 199 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19027 4692521 Friendswood Friendswood 29.5293998 -95.2010447 P PPL US TX 167 34622 10 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19028 4692559 Frisco Frisco 33.1506744 -96.8236116 P PPL US TX 085 71025 212 213 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19029 4692746 Gainesville Gainesville 33.6259414 -97.1333453 P PPL US TX 097 16301 229 227 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19030 4692883 Galveston Galveston 29.3013479 -94.7976959 P PPL US TX 167 56420 2 1 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19031 4693003 Garland Garland 32.912624 -96.6388833 P PPL US TX 113 217219 168 165 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19032 4693150 Gatesville Gatesville 31.4351645 -97.743911 P PPL US TX 099 15489 246 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19033 4693342 Georgetown Georgetown 30.6326942 -97.6772311 P PPL US TX 491 38895 230 233 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19034 4694482 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 32.7459645 -96.9977846 P PPL US TX 113 141122 157 160 America/Chicago 2006-05-10
+ 19035 4694568 Grapevine Grapevine 32.9342919 -97.0780654 P PPL US TX 439 49666 195 185 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19036 4695066 Greenville Greenville 33.1384488 -96.1108066 P PPL US TX 231 25382 165 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19037 4695317 Groves Groves 29.9482695 -93.9171155 P PPL US TX 245 15119 3 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19038 4695912 Haltom City Haltom City 32.7995738 -97.2691817 P PPL US TX 439 41556 163 157 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19039 4696202 Harker Heights Harker Heights 31.0835102 -97.6597377 P PPL US TX 027 19049 233 238 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19040 4696233 Harlingen Harlingen 26.1906306 -97.6961026 P PPL US TX 061 63159 12 12 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19041 4697645 Highland Village Highland Village 33.091788 -97.0466759 P PPL US TX 121 15365 169 163 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19042 4699066 Houston Houston 29.7632836 -95.3632715 P PPL US TX 201 2027712 12 15 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19043 4699540 Huntsville Huntsville 30.7235263 -95.5507771 P PPL US TX 471 35590 113 106 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19044 4699575 Hurst Hurst 32.8234621 -97.1705678 P PPL US TX 439 37749 169 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19045 4700168 Irving Irving 32.8140177 -96.9488945 P PPL US TX 113 193825 147 152 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19046 4701458 Jollyville Jollyville 30.4427011 -97.7750088 P PPL US TX 491 16148 286 273 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19047 4702828 Keller Keller 32.9345701 -97.251682 P PPL US TX 439 37487 216 219 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19048 4703078 Kerrville Kerrville 30.0474332 -99.1403189 P PPL US TX 265 21894 499 491 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19049 4703223 Killeen Killeen 31.1171194 -97.7277959 P PPL US TX 027 103009 252 256 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 19050 4703384 Kingsville Kingsville 27.5158689 -97.856109 P PPL US TX 273 25264 18 16 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19051 4703811 Kyle Kyle 29.998354389674 -97.8715324401855 P PPL US TX 209 18035 222 217 America/Chicago 2008-10-20
+ 19052 4704108 La Porte La Porte 29.6657838 -95.0193729 P PPL US TX 201 33740 6 7 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19053 4704628 Lake Jackson Lake Jackson 29.0338575 -95.4343859 P PPL US TX 039 27127 4 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19054 4705191 Lancaster Lancaster 32.5920798 -96.7561083 P PPL US TX 113 29201 159 162 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19055 4705349 Laredo Laredo 27.506407 -99.5075421 P PPL US TX 479 210769 126 115 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 19056 4705692 League City League City 29.5074538 -95.0949303 P PPL US TX 167 61894 6 7 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19057 4705708 Leander Leander 30.5788055 -97.8530686 P PPL US TX 491 19321 298 292 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19058 4706057 Lewisville Lewisville 33.046233 -96.994174 P PPL US TX 121 93907 160 162 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 19059 4706736 Little Elm Little Elm 33.1626194 -96.9375051 P PPL US TX 121 19991 166 166 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19060 4707814 Longview Longview 32.5007038 -94.7404891 P PPL US TX 183 75920 113 94 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19061 4708308 Lufkin Lufkin 31.3382406 -94.729097 P PPL US TX 005 33667 95 91 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19062 4709013 Mansfield Mansfield 32.5631924 -97.1416768 P PPL US TX 439 36613 184 190 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19063 4709272 Marshall Marshall 32.5448714 -94.3674184 P PPL US TX 203 23882 126 121 America/Chicago 2006-07-13
+ 19064 4709796 McAllen McAllen 26.2034071 -98.2300124 P PPL US TX 215 122578 37 34 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19065 4710178 McKinney McKinney 33.1976164 -96.6152693 P PPL US TX 085 97651 192 182 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 19066 4710826 Mesquite Mesquite 32.7667955 -96.5991593 P PPL US TX 113 131337 151 154 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19067 4711647 Mineral Wells Mineral Wells 32.8084605 -98.1128223 P PPL US TX 363 16993 269 295 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19068 4711725 Mission Mission 26.2159066 -98.3252932 P PPL US TX 215 61486 43 38 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19069 4711729 Mission Bend Mission Bend 29.6938429 -95.6649468 P PPL US TX 157 34143 29 27 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19070 4711801 Missouri City Missouri City 29.6185669 -95.5377215 P PPL US TX 157 69715 24 23 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19071 4713735 Nacogdoches Nacogdoches 31.6035129 -94.6554874 P PPL US TX 347 30691 92 91 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19072 4713932 Nederland Nederland 29.9743803 -93.9923965 P PPL US TX 245 16679 5 4 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19073 4714131 New Braunfels New Braunfels 29.7030024 -98.1244531 P PPL US TX 091 45840 192 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19074 4714582 New Territory New Territory 29.5941245 -95.680781 P PPL US TX 157 15206 23 22 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19075 4716805 Orange Orange 30.0929879 -93.7365549 P PPL US TX 361 17767 2 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19076 4717232 Palestine Palestine 31.7621153 -95.6307891 P PPL US TX 001 17930 147 149 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19077 4717560 Paris Paris 33.6609389 -95.555513 P PPL US TX 277 27022 183 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19078 4717782 Pasadena Pasadena 29.6910625 -95.2091006 P PPL US TX 201 144696 9 8 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19079 4718097 Pearland Pearland 29.5635666 -95.2860474 P PPL US TX 039 55233 15 15 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19080 4718209 Pecan Grove Pecan Grove 29.6260681 -95.7316156 P PPL US TX 157 16050 25 24 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19081 4718711 Pflugerville Pflugerville 30.4393696 -97.6200043 P PPL US TX 453 29541 219 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19082 4718721 Pharr Pharr 26.1947962 -98.1836216 P PPL US TX 215 60687 34 32 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19083 4719457 Plano Plano 33.0198431 -96.6988856 P PPL US TX 085 253372 203 200 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19084 4720039 Port Arthur Port Arthur 29.8988258 -93.9287815 P PPL US TX 245 56945 2 1 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19085 4720131 Portland Portland 27.8772463 -97.3238805 P PPL US TX 409 15772 13 9 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19086 4722625 Richardson Richardson 32.9481789 -96.7297206 P PPL US TX 113 104791 192 195 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 19087 4723406 Rockwall Rockwall 32.9312336 -96.4597089 P PPL US TX 397 29930 180 167 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19088 4723914 Rosenberg Rosenberg 29.5571825 -95.8085623 P PPL US TX 157 29753 32 30 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19089 4724129 Round Rock Round Rock 30.5082551 -97.678896 P PPL US TX 491 88653 224 213 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 19090 4724194 Rowlett Rowlett 32.9029017 -96.56388 P PPL US TX 113 54785 154 152 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19091 4724564 Sachse Sachse 32.9762327 -96.5952703 P PPL US TX 113 18239 167 170 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19092 4724642 Saginaw Saginaw 32.8601275 -97.3639068 P PPL US TX 439 18317 222 228 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19093 4726206 San Antonio San Antonio 29.4241219 -98.4936282 P PPL US TX 029 1256810 198 196 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19094 4726290 San Benito San Benito 26.132576 -97.6311006 P PPL US TX 061 24506 11 10 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19095 4726440 San Juan San Juan 26.1892409 -98.1552872 P PPL US TX 215 30647 32 31 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19096 4726491 San Marcos San Marcos 29.8832749 -97.9413941 P PPL US TX 209 46736 188 176 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19097 4727326 Schertz Schertz 29.5521737 -98.2697341 P PPL US TX 187 28417 217 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19098 4727756 Seguin Seguin 29.5688411 -97.9647269 P PPL US TX 187 24000 159 155 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19099 4728328 Sherman Sherman 33.6356618 -96.6088805 P PPL US TX 181 37108 224 214 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19100 4733042 South Houston South Houston 29.663008 -95.2354902 P PPL US TX 201 16041 9 10 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19101 4733313 Southlake Southlake 32.9412363 -97.1341783 P PPL US TX 439 25755 195 196 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19102 4733624 Spring Spring 30.0799405 -95.4171601 P PPL US TX 201 36385 37 35 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19103 4734005 Stafford Stafford 29.6160671 -95.5577221 P PPL US TX 157 19625 26 24 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19104 4734350 Stephenville Stephenville 32.2206958 -98.2022633 P PPL US TX 143 15637 388 391 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19105 4734825 Sugar Land Sugar Land 29.6196787 -95.6349463 P PPL US TX 157 75777 23 23 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19106 4734909 Sulphur Springs Sulphur Springs 33.138448 -95.6010668 P PPL US TX 223 15029 153 155 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19107 4735966 Temple Temple 31.0982344 -97.342782 P PPL US TX 027 55703 219 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19108 4736028 Terrell Terrell 32.7359626 -96.2752569 P PPL US TX 257 17150 155 157 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19109 4736096 Texarkana Texarkana 33.425125 -94.0476882 P PPL US TX 037 35315 91 91 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19110 4736134 Texas City Texas City 29.383845 -94.9027002 P PPL US TX 167 41521 3 2 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19111 4736388 The Colony The Colony 33.0890094 -96.8863922 P PPL US TX 121 41769 180 170 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19112 4736476 The Woodlands The Woodlands 30.1579935 -95.4893845 P PPL US TX 339 75527 43 51 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19113 4738214 Tyler Tyler 32.3512601 -95.3010624 P PPL US TX 423 90878 164 165 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19114 4738574 Universal City Universal City 29.5480071 -98.2911235 P PPL US TX 029 15983 233 234 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19115 4738606 University Park University Park 32.8501269 -96.8002789 P PPL US TX 113 23785 167 177 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19116 4738721 Uvalde Uvalde 29.2096836 -99.7861679 P PPL US TX 463 17904 277 277 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19117 4739157 Victoria Victoria 28.8052674 -97.0035982 P PPL US TX 469 62044 29 25 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19118 4739526 Waco Waco 31.549333 -97.1466695 P PPL US TX 309 118967 143 144 America/Chicago 2006-11-05
+ 19119 4740214 Watauga Watauga 32.8579056 -97.2547371 P PPL US TX 439 24333 185 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19120 4740328 Waxahachie Waxahachie 32.3865312 -96.8483311 P PPL US TX 139 25612 170 174 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19121 4740364 Weatherford Weatherford 32.7592955 -97.7972545 P PPL US TX 367 23051 321 304 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19122 4740629 Weslaco Weslaco 26.1595195 -97.9908366 P PPL US TX 215 32732 24 23 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19123 4741100 West University Place West University Place 29.7180075 -95.4338292 P PPL US TX 201 15107 15 17 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19124 4741616 White Settlement White Settlement 32.7595737 -97.4583538 P PPL US TX 439 16174 203 206 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19125 4741752 Wichita Falls Wichita Falls 33.9137085 -98.4933873 P PPL US TX 485 101212 289 289 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19126 4743275 Wylie Wylie 33.0151201 -96.5388789 P PPL US TX 085 15132 170 168 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19127 4744091 Alexandria Alexandria 38.8048356 -77.0469214 P PPL US VA 510 127273 12 1 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19128 4744468 Annandale Annandale 38.8303905 -77.1963703 P PPL US VA 059 57512 110 104 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19129 4744709 Arlington Arlington 38.8810112826588 -77.1042823791504 P PPL US VA 013 185360 71 76 America/New_York 2009-09-11
+ 19130 4745272 Baileys Crossroads Baileys Crossroads 38.8503902 -77.1297016 P PPL US VA 059 19507 78 76 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19131 4747845 Blacksburg Blacksburg 37.2295733 -80.4139393 P PPL US VA 121 40183 633 640 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19132 4748305 Bon Air Bon Air 37.5248695 -77.5577654 P PPL US VA 041 16268 100 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19133 4748993 Bristol Bristol 36.5964948 -82.1884666 P PPL US VA 520 17226 512 508 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19134 4749854 Bull Run Bull Run 38.783726 -77.5205454 P PPL US VA 153 15203 87 81 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19135 4749950 Burke Burke 38.7934466 -77.2716505 P PPL US VA 059 58265 78 82 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19136 4751421 Cave Spring Cave Spring 37.2276369 -80.0128158 P PPL US VA 161 25602 335 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19137 4751839 Centreville Centreville 38.8403909 -77.4288769 P PPL US VA 059 65225 108 109 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19138 4751935 Chantilly Chantilly 38.8942786 -77.4310992 P PPL US VA 059 48492 98 92 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19139 4752031 Charlottesville Charlottesville 38.0293059 -78.4766781 P PPL US VA 540 34703 142 122 America/New_York 2006-11-19
+ 19140 4752186 Chesapeake Chesapeake 36.8190369 -76.2749399 P PPL US VA 550 199184 3 4 America/New_York 2006-05-05
+ 19141 4752229 Chester Chester 37.3568157 -77.4416505 P PPL US VA 041 19621 53 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19142 4752665 Christiansburg Christiansburg 37.1298517 -80.4089389 P PPL US VA 121 18223 638 640 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19143 4753671 Colonial Heights Colonial Heights 37.2680422066589 -77.4072647094727 P PPL US VA 570 17626 29 23 America/New_York 2008-01-29
+ 19144 4755158 Dale City Dale City 38.6370622 -77.3110946 P PPL US VA 153 61211 70 60 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19145 4755280 Danville Danville 36.5859718 -79.3950228 P PPL US VA 590 45894 162 151 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19146 4756955 East Hampton East Hampton 37.0373684 -76.33161 P PPL US VA 650 147993 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19147 4758023 Fairfax Fairfax 38.8462236 -77.3063733 P PPL US VA 600 22162 131 122 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19148 4759968 Franconia Franconia 38.782058 -77.1463691 P PPL US VA 059 40213 76 65 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19149 4760059 Fredericksburg Fredericksburg 38.3031837 -77.4605399 P PPL US VA 630 20562 17 15 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19150 4762493 Groveton Groveton 38.7673362 -77.0847004 P PPL US VA 059 22136 60 67 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19151 4762894 Hampton Hampton 37.0298687 -76.3452218 P PPL US VA 650 146437 1 1 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19152 4763231 Harrisonburg Harrisonburg 38.4495688 -78.8689156 P PPL US VA 660 41725 404 405 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19153 4763793 Herndon Herndon 38.9695545 -77.3860976 P PPL US VA 059 21499 110 108 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19154 4764127 Highland Springs Highland Springs 37.5459791 -77.3277568 P PPL US VA 087 15942 52 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19155 4764826 Hopewell Hopewell 37.3043154 -77.2872001 P PPL US VA 670 22260 15 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19156 4765520 Hybla Valley Hybla Valley 38.7476143 -77.0830337 P PPL US VA 059 17491 10 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19157 4765553 Idylwood Idylwood 38.8951115 -77.2116478 P PPL US VA 059 16805 141 137 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19158 4766586 Jefferson Jefferson 38.8645565 -77.1877587 P PPL US VA 059 28487 101 106 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19159 4768351 Lake Ridge Lake Ridge 38.687894 -77.2977618 P PPL US VA 153 34382 85 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19160 4768678 Laurel Laurel 37.6429229 -77.5088741 P PPL US VA 087 15986 74 64 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19161 4769125 Leesburg Leesburg 39.1156615 -77.5636015 P PPL US VA 107 37053 104 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19162 4769608 Lincolnia Lincolnia 38.8184463 -77.1433132 P PPL US VA 059 17430 75 67 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19163 4770714 Lorton Lorton 38.704282 -77.2277604 P PPL US VA 059 19215 44 38 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19164 4771075 Lynchburg Lynchburg 37.4137536 -79.1422464 P PPL US VA 680 65269 192 213 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19165 4771401 Manassas Manassas 38.7509488 -77.4752667 P PPL US VA 683 37699 93 88 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19166 4772354 McLean McLean 38.9342776 -77.1774801 P PPL US VA 059 39651 87 91 America/New_York 2006-01-27
+ 19167 4772566 Mechanicsville Mechanicsville 37.6087561 -77.373314 P PPL US VA 085 35803 51 37 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19168 4773677 Montclair Montclair 38.6109522 -77.3397058 P PPL US VA 153 18465 38 48 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19169 4775981 Newington Newington 38.7384477 -77.1849816 P PPL US VA 059 20891 33 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19170 4776024 Newport News Newport News 36.9787588 -76.428003 P PPL US VA 700 180150 6 7 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19171 4776222 Norfolk Norfolk 36.8468146 -76.2852183 P PPL US VA 710 234403 2 3 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19172 4776970 Oakton Oakton 38.8809451 -77.3008172 P PPL US VA 059 32171 126 122 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19173 4778626 Petersburg Petersburg 37.2279279 -77.4019267 P PPL US VA 730 33740 22 25 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19174 4779999 Portsmouth Portsmouth 36.8354258 -76.2982742 P PPL US VA 740 100565 3 1 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19175 4780011 Portsmouth Heights Portsmouth Heights 36.8209817 -76.3688324 P PPL US VA 740 99049 3 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19176 4781530 Reston Reston 38.9687213 -77.3410958 P PPL US VA 059 61076 100 115 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19177 4781708 Richmond Richmond 37.5537575 -77.4602617 P PPLA US VA 760 190886 64 60 America/New_York 2007-02-15
+ 19178 4782167 Roanoke Roanoke 37.2709704 -79.9414267 P PPL US VA 770 91168 285 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19179 4782864 Rose Hill Rose Hill 38.7887246 -77.1127569 P PPL US VA 059 16477 72 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19180 4784112 Salem Salem 37.2934681 -80.0547626 P PPL US VA 775 24314 325 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19181 4786714 South Suffolk South Suffolk 36.7170944 -76.590229 P PPL US VA 800 80690 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19182 4787117 Springfield Springfield 38.7892801 -77.1872036 P PPL US VA 059 34510 75 77 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19183 4787440 Staunton Staunton 38.149576 -79.0716958 P PPL US VA 790 24040 432 426 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19184 4787534 Sterling Sterling 39.0062204 -77.4285992 P PPL US VA 107 53319 89 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19185 4788158 Suffolk Suffolk 36.7282054 -76.5835621 P PPL US VA 800 63677 15 15 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19186 4790207 Tuckahoe Tuckahoe 37.5901463 -77.5563761 P PPL US VA 087 43931 66 62 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19187 4790534 Tysons Corner Tysons Corner 38.9187222 -77.2310925 P PPL US VA 059 22008 148 151 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19188 4791259 Virginia Beach Virginia Beach 36.8529263 -75.977985 P PPL US VA 810 425257 3 3 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 19189 4792522 Waynesboro Waynesboro 38.0684693 -78.8894682 P PPL US VA 820 20904 392 396 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19190 4792867 West Lynchburg West Lynchburg 37.4031979 -79.1780803 P PPL US VA 680 65517 226 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19191 4792901 West Springfield West Springfield 38.7726136 -77.2210938 P PPL US VA 059 28758 83 78 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19192 4794120 Winchester Winchester 39.1856597 -78.1633341 P PPL US VA 840 24895 216 223 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19193 4794457 Woodbridge Woodbridge 38.6581723 -77.2497049 P PPL US VA 153 35252 23 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19194 4798308 Beckley Beckley 37.7781702 -81.1881557 P PPL US WV 081 16880 738 731 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19195 4801859 Charleston Charleston 38.3498195 -81.6326235 P PPLA US WV 039 50427 182 175 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 19196 4802316 Clarksburg Clarksburg 39.2806451 -80.3445341 P PPL US WV 033 16232 303 319 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19197 4805404 Fairmont Fairmont 39.4850848 -80.1425781 P PPL US WV 049 18820 300 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19198 4809537 Huntington Huntington 38.4192496 -82.445154 P PPL US WV 011 48518 173 158 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19199 4813878 Martinsburg Martinsburg 39.4562099 -77.9638869 P PPL US WV 003 15616 138 125 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19200 4815352 Morgantown Morgantown 39.629526 -79.9558968 P PPL US WV 061 28957 271 261 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19201 4817641 Parkersburg Parkersburg 39.2667418 -81.5615135 P PPL US WV 107 31564 187 183 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19202 4824469 Teays Valley Teays Valley 38.4500905 -81.9293008 P PPL US WV 079 15427 203 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19203 4828193 Sherwood Sherwood 34.8150907 -92.2243153 P PPL US AR 119 22495 100 99 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19204 4828382 Franklin Franklin 39.4806056 -86.0549863 P PPL US IN 081 21653 221 229 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19205 4828890 Chillicothe Chillicothe 39.3331197 -82.9824019 P PPL US OH 141 22180 192 192 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19206 4829307 Bay City Bay City 28.9827565 -95.969402 P PPL US TX 321 18663 16 15 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19207 4829762 Alabaster Alabaster 33.2442813 -86.8163773 P PPL US AL 117 26738 153 163 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19208 4829791 Albertville Albertville 34.2675937 -86.2088669 P PPL US AL 095 18368 332 328 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19209 4830198 Anniston Anniston 33.6598257 -85.8316318 P PPL US AL 015 23423 219 235 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19210 4830668 Athens Athens 34.8028661 -86.9716741 P PPL US AL 083 20470 220 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19211 4830796 Auburn Auburn 32.6098566 -85.4807825 P PPL US AL 081 49833 214 222 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19212 4832038 Glendale Heights Glendale Heights 41.9103068 -88.0717353 P PPL US IL 043 33047 232 233 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19213 4832272 North Andover North Andover 42.6987024 -71.1350575 P PPL US MA 009 28222 30 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19214 4832294 Revere Revere 42.4084302 -71.0119948 P PPL US MA 025 46420 2 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19215 4832353 Danbury Danbury 41.394817 -73.4540111 P PPL US CT 001 78565 121 118 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19216 4832425 Darien Darien 41.0787079 -73.4692873 P PPL US CT 001 20753 14 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19217 4832554 Inkster Inkster 42.2942045 -83.3099303 P PPL US MI 163 28844 190 185 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19218 4833320 Cleveland Heights Cleveland Heights 41.5200518 -81.556235 P PPL US OH 035 47726 285 277 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19219 4833403 East Hartford East Hartford 41.7823216 -72.6120346 P PPL US CT 003 50160 16 19 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19220 4833425 East Haven East Haven 41.2762081 -72.8684337 P PPL US CT 009 29006 7 13 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19221 4833505 East Norwalk East Norwalk 41.1056523 -73.398452 P PPL US CT 001 84530 10 24 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19222 4834157 Fairfield Fairfield 41.1412078 -73.2637258 P PPL US CT 001 59052 10 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19223 4834272 Farmington Farmington 41.7198216 -72.8320435 P PPL US CT 003 25000 74 67 America/New_York 2009-01-30
+ 19224 4835003 Glastonbury Glastonbury 41.7123218 -72.608146 P PPL US CT 003 31876 19 15 America/New_York 2009-04-02
+ 19225 4835395 Greenwich Greenwich 41.0264862 -73.6284598 P PPL US CT 001 61101 28 30 America/New_York 2009-04-10
+ 19226 4835512 Guilford Guilford 41.2889866 -72.6817616 P PPL US CT 009 22498 14 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19227 4835654 Hamden Hamden 41.3959304 -72.8967684 P PPL US CT 009 59847 31 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19228 4835797 Hartford Hartford 41.7637111 -72.6850932 P PPLA US CT 003 124019 18 15 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 19229 4837278 Killingly Center Killingly Center 41.8387095 -71.8692383 P PPL US CT 015 17282 103 94 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19230 4837648 Ledyard Center Ledyard Center 41.4398205 -72.0142421 P PPL US CT 011 15212 89 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19231 4838116 Madison Madison 41.279543 -72.5984258 P PPL US CT 009 19100 7 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19232 4838174 Manchester Manchester 41.7759324 -72.5214755 P PPL US CT 003 54740 83 70 America/New_York 2009-04-02
+ 19233 4838204 Mansfield City Mansfield City 41.7659319 -72.2336896 P PPL US CT 013 26439 151 153 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19234 4838524 Meriden Meriden 41.5381535 -72.8070435 P PPL US CT 009 59395 54 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19235 4838633 Middletown Middletown 41.5623209 -72.6506488 P PPL US CT 007 50362 12 26 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19236 4838652 Milford Milford 41.2223194 -73.0564953 P PPL US CT 009 51195 8 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19237 4838887 Montville Center Montville Center 41.4789871 -72.1511897 P PPL US CT 011 20180 114 121 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19238 4839222 Naugatuck Naugatuck 41.48593 -73.0506632 P PPL US CT 009 32161 63 59 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19239 4839292 New Britain New Britain 41.6612104 -72.7795419 P PPL US CT 003 71455 51 57 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19240 4839366 New Haven New Haven 41.3081527 -72.9281578 P PPL US CT 009 124922 18 9 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19241 4839416 New London New London 41.3556539 -72.0995209 P PPL US CT 011 26294 17 3 America/New_York 2006-06-29
+ 19242 4839435 New Milford New Milford 41.5770391 -73.4084542 P PPL US CT 005 42421 73 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19243 4839497 Newington Newington 41.6978777 -72.7237063 P PPL US CT 003 29945 35 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19244 4839704 North Haven North Haven 41.3909305 -72.859545 P PPL US CT 009 23960 21 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19245 4839745 North Stamford North Stamford 41.1381518 -73.5434574 P PPL US CT 001 121230 75 86 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19246 4839822 Norwalk Norwalk 41.1175966 -73.4078968 P PPL US CT 001 82951 11 28 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19247 4839843 Norwich Norwich 41.5242649 -72.0759105 P PPL US CT 011 36441 17 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19248 4839983 Old Greenwich Old Greenwich 41.022875 -73.564846 P PPL US CT 001 63652 8 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19249 4840755 Plainfield Plainfield 41.6764876 -71.915073 P PPL US CT 015 15498 60 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19250 4840767 Plainville Plainville 41.6745432 -72.8581558 P PPL US CT 003 17328 58 51 America/New_York 2009-01-30
+ 19251 4842818 Seymour Seymour 41.3967634 -73.0759416 P PPL US CT 009 16562 31 42 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19252 4842898 Shelton Shelton 41.3164856 -73.0931641 P PPL US CT 001 39695 19 35 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19253 4843353 South Windsor South Windsor 41.8237099 -72.6212015 P PPL US CT 003 24412 10 18 America/New_York 2009-04-02
+ 19254 4843362 Southbury Southbury 41.4814848 -73.2131693 P PPL US CT 009 19836 77 70 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19255 4843564 Stamford Stamford 41.0534302 -73.5387341 P PPL US CT 001 117083 7 17 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19256 4843811 Stratford Stratford 41.1845415 -73.1331651 P PPL US CT 001 51268 7 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19257 4844309 Torrington Torrington 41.8006523 -73.1212214 P PPL US CT 005 35202 165 181 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19258 4844459 Trumbull Trumbull 41.2428742 -73.2006687 P PPL US CT 001 36065 71 81 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19259 4845056 Wallingford Wallingford 41.4570418 -72.8231552 P PPL US CT 009 17712 27 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19260 4845193 Waterbury Waterbury 41.5581525 -73.0514966 P PPL US CT 009 108507 82 91 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19261 4845245 Watertown Watertown 41.6062078 -73.1181658 P PPL US CT 005 22391 178 186 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19262 4845411 West Hartford West Hartford 41.7620447 -72.7420399 P PPL US CT 003 66610 40 39 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19263 4845419 West Haven West Haven 41.2706527 -72.9470471 P PPL US CT 009 53401 10 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19264 4845519 West Torrington West Torrington 41.8184296 -73.1437223 P PPL US CT 005 36000 193 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19265 4845585 Westport Westport 41.1414855 -73.3578955 P PPL US CT 001 26938 9 25 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19266 4845612 Wethersfield Wethersfield 41.7142665 -72.6525922 P PPL US CT 003 27104 25 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19267 4845823 Willimantic Willimantic 41.7106543 -72.2081338 P PPL US CT 015 16686 68 72 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19268 4845898 Windham Windham 41.6998208 -72.1570219 P PPL US CT 015 23072 86 88 America/New_York 2006-01-22
+ 19269 4845984 Wolcott Wolcott 41.6023196 -72.9867718 P PPL US CT 009 16639 199 225 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19270 4846834 Ames Ames 42.0347081 -93.6199402 P PPL US IA 169 56606 287 290 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 19271 4846960 Ankeny Ankeny 41.7297102 -93.6057734 P PPL US IA 153 33916 302 304 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19272 4848489 Bettendorf Bettendorf 41.5244777 -90.51569 P PPL US IA 163 31421 174 171 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19273 4849826 Burlington Burlington 40.8075391 -91.1129233 P PPL US IA 057 25608 185 193 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19274 4850699 Cedar Falls Cedar Falls 42.5277622 -92.4454654 P PPL US IA 013 36258 268 271 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19275 4850751 Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids 42.0083328 -91.6440683 P PPL US IA 113 128056 247 244 America/Chicago 2009-10-03
+ 19276 4852022 Clinton Clinton 41.8444735 -90.1887379 P PPL US IA 045 27772 182 177 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19277 4852052 Clinton Stock Yards Clinton Stock Yards 41.8166966 -90.2226277 P PPL US IA 045 27294 187 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19278 4852640 Coralville Coralville 41.6764044 -91.5804475 P PPL US IA 103 17645 208 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19279 4852832 Council Bluffs Council Bluffs 41.2619426 -95.8611232 P PPL US IA 155 58764 301 298 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19280 4853423 Davenport Davenport 41.5236437 -90.5776367 P PPL US IA 163 100827 180 175 America/Chicago 2009-10-03
+ 19281 4853828 Des Moines Des Moines 41.6005448 -93.6091064 P PPLA US IA 153 193180 266 235 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 19282 4854529 Dubuque Dubuque 42.5005583 -90.6645718 P PPL US IA 061 57185 188 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19283 4857486 Fort Dodge Fort Dodge 42.4974694 -94.1680158 P PPL US IA 187 26879 340 337 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19284 4862034 Iowa City Iowa City 41.6611277 -91.5301683 P PPL US IA 103 64170 204 211 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19285 4866263 Marion Marion 42.0341658 -91.5976773 P PPL US IA 113 30785 259 245 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19286 4866371 Marshalltown Marshalltown 42.0494323 -92.9079774 P PPL US IA 127 25554 287 273 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19287 4866445 Mason City Mason City 43.1535728 -93.2010367 P PPL US IA 033 27802 344 344 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19288 4868404 Muscatine Muscatine 41.424473 -91.0432051 P PPL US IA 139 22529 177 178 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19289 4868907 Newton Newton 41.6997129 -93.0479756 P PPL US IA 099 16028 290 291 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19290 4870380 Ottumwa Ottumwa 41.0200145 -92.4112963 P PPL US IA 179 24593 205 208 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19291 4876523 Sioux City Sioux City 42.4999942 -96.4003069 P PPL US IA 193 83248 366 344 America/Chicago 2007-02-08
+ 19292 4879890 Urbandale Urbandale 41.6266555 -93.7121656 P PPL US IA 153 33528 288 289 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19293 4880889 Waterloo Waterloo 42.4927641 -92.3429631 P PPL US IA 013 65836 261 259 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19294 4881346 West Des Moines West Des Moines 41.5719855101226 -93.7453079223633 P PPL US IA 153 55279 252 274 America/Chicago 2008-03-05
+ 19295 4882920 Addison Addison 41.931696 -87.9889556 P PPL US IL 043 37394 210 206 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19296 4883078 Algonquin Algonquin 42.1655801 -88.2942493 P PPL US IL 111 30394 226 224 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19297 4883207 Alsip Alsip 41.6689223 -87.7386619 P PPL US IL 031 19302 190 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19298 4883555 Arlington Heights Arlington Heights 42.0883603 -87.9806265 P PPL US IL 031 74995 214 213 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19299 4883817 Aurora Aurora 41.7605849 -88.3200715 P PPL US IL 089 174276 207 201 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19300 4884141 Bartlett Bartlett 41.9950276 -88.1856301 P PPL US IL 031 38269 247 246 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19301 4884192 Batavia Batavia 41.8500284 -88.3125738 P PPL US IL 089 28175 218 215 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19302 4884434 Bellwood Bellwood 41.8814197 -87.883117 P PPL US IL 031 19751 193 195 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19303 4884453 Belvidere Belvidere 42.2639098 -88.8442674 P PPL US IL 007 24547 238 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19304 4884509 Bensenville Bensenville 41.9550296 -87.9400657 P PPL US IL 043 20496 207 206 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19305 4884597 Berwyn Berwyn 41.8505874 -87.7936685 P PPL US IL 031 51376 188 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19306 4885156 Bloomingdale Bloomingdale 41.9575285 -88.0809036 P PPL US IL 043 21747 233 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19307 4885164 Bloomington Bloomington 40.4842027 -88.9936873 P PPL US IL 113 70706 243 243 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19308 4885186 Blue Island Blue Island 41.6572562 -87.6800486 P PPL US IL 031 22923 195 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19309 4885265 Bolingbrook Bolingbrook 41.6986416 -88.0683955 P PPL US IL 197 73220 214 213 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19310 4885342 Bourbonnais Bourbonnais 41.1416991 -87.8750429 P PPL US IL 091 16495 198 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19311 4885573 Bridgeview Bridgeview 41.7500323 -87.8042216 P PPL US IL 031 15126 189 187 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19312 4885689 Brookfield Brookfield 41.8239203 -87.8517253 P PPL US IL 031 18908 190 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19313 4885955 Buffalo Grove Buffalo Grove 42.1514146 -87.959794 P PPL US IL 031 43281 207 206 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19314 4885983 Burbank Burbank 41.7339215 -87.7794981 P PPL US IL 031 28020 189 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19315 4886255 Calumet City Calumet City 41.6155909 -87.5294871 P PPL US IL 031 38388 180 179 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19316 4886662 Carol Stream Carol Stream 41.9125286 -88.1347927 P PPL US IL 043 39839 231 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19317 4886676 Carpentersville Carpentersville 42.1211364 -88.2578582 P PPL US IL 089 36834 271 275 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19318 4886738 Cary Cary 42.2119684 -88.2381381 P PPL US IL 111 20315 251 255 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19319 4887158 Champaign Champaign 40.1164205 -88.2433829 P PPL US IL 019 75670 225 228 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 19320 4887398 Chicago Chicago 41.850033 -87.6500523 P PPL US IL 031 2841952 179 181 America/Chicago 2007-03-30
+ 19321 4887442 Chicago Heights Chicago Heights 41.506146 -87.6355995 P PPL US IL 031 31806 201 201 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19322 4888015 Cicero Cicero 41.8455878 -87.7539448 P PPL US IL 031 81184 184 185 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19323 4888892 Country Club Hills Country Club Hills 41.5680898 -87.7203257 P PPL US IL 031 16350 208 210 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19324 4889107 Crest Hill Crest Hill 41.554753 -88.0986709 P PPL US IL 197 16776 196 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19325 4889229 Crystal Lake Crystal Lake 42.2411344 -88.3161965 P PPL US IL 111 41188 279 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19326 4889426 Danville Danville 40.124481 -87.6300207 P PPL US IL 183 32587 183 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19327 4889447 Darien Darien 41.7519754 -87.9739494 P PPL US IL 043 22677 231 228 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19328 4889553 DeKalb DeKalb 41.9294736 -88.7503647 P PPL US IL 037 43383 268 260 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19329 4889668 Deerfield Deerfield 42.1711365 -87.8445119 P PPL US IL 097 19618 209 206 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19330 4889772 Des Plaines Des Plaines 42.0333623 -87.8833991 P PPL US IL 031 54067 193 192 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19331 4890009 Dolton Dolton 41.6389236 -87.607268 P PPL US IL 031 24779 184 179 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19332 4890119 Downers Grove Downers Grove 41.8089191 -88.0111746 P PPL US IL 043 49504 226 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19333 4890536 East Moline East Moline 41.5008673 -90.4442979 P PPL US IL 161 21058 214 199 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19334 4890549 East Peoria East Peoria 40.666149 -89.5800978 P PPL US IL 179 22352 141 156 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19335 4890864 Elgin Elgin 42.0372487 -88.2811895 P PPL US IL 089 98586 227 229 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 19336 4890925 Elk Grove Village Elk Grove Village 42.0039178 -87.9703461 P PPL US IL 031 34261 209 210 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19337 4891010 Elmhurst Elmhurst 41.8994745 -87.9403418 P PPL US IL 043 45060 209 209 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19338 4891051 Elmwood Park Elmwood Park 41.9211423 -87.8092266 P PPL US IL 031 24418 196 191 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19339 4891382 Evanston Evanston 42.0411414 -87.6900587 P PPL US IL 031 75311 187 185 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19340 4891431 Evergreen Park Evergreen Park 41.720589 -87.7017175 P PPL US IL 031 20139 190 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19341 4892775 Forest Park Forest Park 41.8794758 -87.81367 P PPL US IL 031 15171 190 189 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19342 4893037 Frankfort Frankfort 41.4958665 -87.8486613 P PPL US IL 197 15611 232 230 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19343 4893070 Franklin Park Franklin Park 41.9353084 -87.865618 P PPL US IL 031 18728 196 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19344 4893171 Freeport Freeport 42.2966861 -89.6212271 P PPL US IL 177 25619 237 232 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19345 4893392 Galesburg Galesburg 40.9478158 -90.3712395 P PPL US IL 095 32094 235 237 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19346 4893591 Geneva Geneva 41.8875281 -88.3053525 P PPL US IL 089 23974 217 215 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19347 4893811 Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn 41.8775293 -88.0670118 P PPL US IL 043 27276 226 234 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19348 4893886 Glenview Glenview 42.0697509 -87.7878408 P PPL US IL 031 46539 199 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19349 4894061 Goodings Grove Goodings Grove 41.6291984 -87.9308893 P PPL US IL 197 18569 231 227 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19350 4894465 Grayslake Grayslake 42.3444664 -88.041746 P PPL US IL 097 22768 239 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19351 4894861 Gurnee Gurnee 42.3702996 -87.9020186 P PPL US IL 097 31346 207 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19352 4895066 Hanover Park Hanover Park 41.9994722 -88.1450735 P PPL US IL 043 37083 245 247 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19353 4895298 Harvey Harvey 41.6100344 -87.6467132 P PPL US IL 031 28812 184 184 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19354 4895876 Highland Park Highland Park 42.1816919 -87.8003438 P PPL US IL 097 31403 212 199 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19355 4896012 Hinsdale Hinsdale 41.8008642 -87.9370052 P PPL US IL 043 18229 213 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19356 4896075 Hoffman Estates Hoffman Estates 42.0428052 -88.079795 P PPL US IL 031 50541 239 235 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19357 4896353 Homewood Homewood 41.5572567 -87.6656015 P PPL US IL 031 19082 201 200 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19358 4896691 Huntley Huntley 42.1680796 -88.4281415 P PPL US IL 111 16700 271 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19359 4898015 Joliet Joliet 41.525031 -88.0817252 P PPL US IL 197 134957 165 162 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 19360 4898182 Kankakee Kankakee 41.1200325 -87.8611531 P PPL US IL 091 26623 200 196 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19361 4898846 La Grange La Grange 41.8050314 -87.8692254 P PPL US IL 031 15608 197 199 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19362 4898850 La Grange Park La Grange Park 41.8347535 -87.861726 P PPL US IL 031 15717 190 187 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19363 4899012 Lake Forest Lake Forest 42.2586342 -87.840625 P PPL US IL 097 21014 210 204 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19364 4899170 Lake Zurich Lake Zurich 42.1969689 -88.0934108 P PPL US IL 097 19903 267 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19365 4899184 Lake in the Hills Lake in the Hills 42.1816908 -88.3303618 P PPL US IL 111 28541 264 269 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19366 4899340 Lansing Lansing 41.5647575 -87.538931 P PPL US IL 031 27667 192 190 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19367 4899581 Lemont Lemont 41.673642 -88.0017261 P PPL US IL 031 15042 185 184 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19368 4899739 Libertyville Libertyville 42.2830786 -87.9531303 P PPL US IL 097 21236 213 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19369 4900013 Lindenhurst Lindenhurst 42.4105765 -88.0261911 P PPL US IL 097 15038 243 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19370 4900080 Lisle Lisle 41.801141 -88.0747875 P PPL US IL 043 21665 205 208 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19371 4900292 Lockport Lockport 41.5894753 -88.057837 P PPL US IL 197 22146 181 189 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19372 4900373 Lombard Lombard 41.8800296 -88.0078435 P PPL US IL 043 42836 219 225 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19373 4900579 Loves Park Loves Park 42.3200189 -89.0581621 P PPL US IL 201 22650 222 219 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19374 4900801 Machesney Park Machesney Park 42.3472406 -89.0389956 P PPL US IL 201 21494 226 223 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19375 4900817 Macomb Macomb 40.4592076 -90.6717971 P PPL US IL 109 19234 215 215 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19376 4901445 Matteson Matteson 41.5039235 -87.7131018 P PPL US IL 031 15209 211 211 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19377 4901514 Maywood Maywood 41.8791979 -87.8431155 P PPL US IL 031 25872 191 190 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19378 4901663 McHenry McHenry 42.333355 -88.2667534 P PPL US IL 111 24169 243 233 America/Chicago 2006-01-27
+ 19379 4901868 Melrose Park Melrose Park 41.9005865 -87.8567277 P PPL US IL 031 23054 193 192 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19380 4902475 Mokena Mokena 41.5261437 -87.8892189 P PPL US IL 197 19210 215 219 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19381 4902476 Moline Moline 41.5067003 -90.5151342 P PPL US IL 161 42668 176 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19382 4902754 Morton Morton 40.6128161 -89.4592609 P PPL US IL 179 15483 218 219 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19383 4902763 Morton Grove Morton Grove 42.0405853 -87.7825621 P PPL US IL 031 22968 190 190 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19384 4903024 Mount Prospect Mount Prospect 42.0664167 -87.9372908 P PPL US IL 031 55303 204 206 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19385 4903184 Mundelein Mundelein 42.263079 -88.0039653 P PPL US IL 097 33012 224 244 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19386 4903279 Naperville Naperville 41.7858629 -88.1472893 P PPL US IL 043 143850 216 217 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19387 4903535 New Lenox New Lenox 41.5119761 -87.9656098 P PPL US IL 197 24315 204 194 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19388 4903730 Niles Niles 42.0189191 -87.8028402 P PPL US IL 031 29765 194 193 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19389 4903780 Normal Normal 40.5142026 -88.9906312 P PPL US IL 113 51331 244 244 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19390 4903862 North Chicago North Chicago 42.325578 -87.8411818 P PPL US IL 097 37301 201 204 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19391 4903976 North Peoria North Peoria 40.7175374 -89.5842635 P PPL US IL 143 113004 193 193 America/Chicago 2006-01-22
+ 19392 4904056 Northbrook Northbrook 42.1275267 -87.8289548 P PPL US IL 031 34322 197 197 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19393 4904286 Oak Forest Oak Forest 41.6028116 -87.7439384 P PPL US IL 031 28122 205 202 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19394 4904365 Oak Lawn Oak Lawn 41.7108662 -87.7581081 P PPL US IL 031 54767 182 187 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19395 4904381 Oak Park Oak Park 41.8850317 -87.7845025 P PPL US IL 031 49509 189 191 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19396 4904937 Orland Park Orland Park 41.6303103 -87.8539425 P PPL US IL 031 55741 215 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19397 4904996 Oswego Oswego 41.6828074 -88.3514596 P PPL US IL 093 21547 195 195 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19398 4905006 Ottawa Ottawa 41.3455892 -88.8425769 P PPL US IL 099 18897 147 145 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19399 4905211 Palatine Palatine 42.1103041 -88.03424 P PPL US IL 031 67828 226 229 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19400 4905263 Palos Hills Palos Hills 41.6966992 -87.8169984 P PPL US IL 031 17501 182 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19401 4905337 Park Forest Park Forest 41.4914236 -87.6744891 P PPL US IL 031 23401 217 216 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19402 4905367 Park Ridge Park Ridge 42.0111412 -87.8406192 P PPL US IL 031 37034 196 192 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19403 4905599 Pekin Pekin 40.5675388 -89.640658 P PPL US IL 179 32743 153 158 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19404 4905687 Peoria Peoria 40.6936488 -89.5889864 P PPL US IL 143 112936 153 158 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 19405 4906125 Plainfield Plainfield 41.6269745 -88.2039539 P PPL US IL 197 26488 188 185 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19406 4906882 Prospect Heights Prospect Heights 42.0953049 -87.9375694 P PPL US IL 031 16562 204 207 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19407 4907907 Rock Island Rock Island 41.5094771 -90.5787477 P PPL US IL 161 38383 171 168 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19408 4907959 Rockford Rockford 42.2711311 -89.0939952 P PPL US IL 201 152765 218 214 America/Chicago 2006-11-05
+ 19409 4908052 Rolling Meadows Rolling Meadows 42.0841936 -88.0131275 P PPL US IL 031 24003 219 227 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19410 4908068 Romeoville Romeoville 41.6475306 -88.0895061 P PPL US IL 197 41420 188 197 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19411 4908173 Roselle Roselle 41.9847505 -88.0797933 P PPL US IL 043 23119 235 234 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19412 4908737 Saint Charles Saint Charles 41.9141945 -88.3086867 P PPL US IL 089 34485 223 208 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19413 4910713 Schaumburg Schaumburg 42.0333608 -88.0834059 P PPL US IL 031 73451 242 246 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19414 4911600 Skokie Skokie 42.0333636 -87.7333934 P PPL US IL 031 64227 185 185 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19415 4911893 South Elgin South Elgin 41.9941938 -88.2922996 P PPL US IL 089 22341 216 215 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19416 4911934 South Holland South Holland 41.6008681 -87.6069894 P PPL US IL 031 21937 183 179 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19417 4912499 Sterling Sterling 41.788642 -89.6962194 P PPL US IL 195 15106 201 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19418 4912691 Streamwood Streamwood 42.0255827 -88.1784085 P PPL US IL 031 37625 246 248 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19419 4913723 Tinley Park Tinley Park 41.5733669 -87.7844944 P PPL US IL 031 57244 213 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19420 4914570 Urbana Urbana 40.1105875 -88.2072697 P PPL US IL 019 39511 222 223 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 19421 4914738 Vernon Hills Vernon Hills 42.2411000047487 -87.9650402069092 P PPL US IL 000 23510 224 213 America/Chicago 2008-08-22
+ 19422 4914830 Villa Park Villa Park 41.8897519 -87.9889543 P PPL US IL 043 22868 214 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19423 4915734 Waukegan Waukegan 42.3636331 -87.8447938 P PPL US IL 097 92695 199 204 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19424 4915963 West Chicago West Chicago 41.8847507 -88.2039607 P PPL US IL 043 26014 239 241 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19425 4916140 Westchester Westchester 41.8505866 -87.8820048 P PPL US IL 031 16434 194 191 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19426 4916207 Westmont Westmont 41.7958639 -87.9756175 P PPL US IL 043 24552 228 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19427 4916288 Wheaton Wheaton 41.8661403 -88.1070127 P PPL US IL 043 54545 231 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19428 4916311 Wheeling Wheeling 42.1391928 -87.9289591 P PPL US IL 031 35815 198 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19429 4916732 Wilmette Wilmette 42.0722513 -87.7228384 P PPL US IL 031 26871 194 190 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19430 4917089 Woodridge Woodridge 41.7469749 -88.0503406 P PPL US IL 043 34500 223 214 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19431 4917123 Woodstock Woodstock 42.3147436 -88.4487021 P PPL US IL 111 21769 288 287 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19432 4917358 Zion Zion 42.4461322 -87.8328505 P PPL US IL 097 24316 198 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19433 4917592 Anderson Anderson 40.1053196 -85.6802541 P PPL US IN 095 57496 268 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19434 4919381 Crawfordsville Crawfordsville 40.0411536 -86.8744516 P PPL US IN 107 15066 240 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19435 4919451 Crown Point Crown Point 41.4169806 -87.3653136 P PPL US IN 089 21914 223 218 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19436 4919820 Dyer Dyer 41.4942021 -87.5217068 P PPL US IN 089 15143 195 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19437 4919857 East Chicago East Chicago 41.6392024 -87.4547635 P PPL US IN 089 30662 180 179 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19438 4919987 Elkhart Elkhart 41.6819935 -85.9766671 P PPL US IN 039 51400 228 227 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19439 4920423 Fort Wayne Fort Wayne 41.1306041 -85.1288597 P PPL US IN 003 229715 247 243 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-05-09
+ 19440 4920473 Frankfort Frankfort 40.2794809 -86.5108355 P PPL US IN 023 16315 259 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19441 4920607 Gary Gary 41.5933696 -87.3464271 P PPL US IN 089 97966 183 179 America/Chicago 2006-11-05
+ 19442 4920808 Goshen Goshen 41.5822716 -85.8344383 P PPL US IN 039 30045 244 243 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19443 4920869 Granger Granger 41.7481346597607 -86.1256885528564 P PPL US IN 141 32749 244 244 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2008-05-23
+ 19444 4920986 Griffith Griffith 41.5283693 -87.4236497 P PPL US IN 089 16684 192 187 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19445 4921100 Hammond Hammond 41.5833688 -87.5000412 P PPL US IN 089 78883 183 183 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19446 4921402 Highland Highland 41.5536469 -87.451984 P PPL US IN 089 23244 190 187 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19447 4921476 Hobart Hobart 41.5322592 -87.2550353 P PPL US IN 089 28008 190 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19448 4921725 Huntington Huntington 40.8831011 -85.497476 P PPL US IN 069 16932 228 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19449 4922388 Kokomo Kokomo 40.486427 -86.1336033 P PPL US IN 067 46227 247 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19450 4922459 LaPorte LaPorte 41.6105983 -86.7225227 P PPL US IN 091 21621 248 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19451 4922462 Lafayette Lafayette 40.4167022 -86.8752869 P PPL US IN 157 62231 211 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-11-15
+ 19452 4922968 Logansport Logansport 40.7544843 -86.3566659 P PPL US IN 017 19064 193 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19453 4923210 Marion Marion 40.5583739 -85.6591442 P PPL US IN 053 30201 247 243 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19454 4923482 Merrillville Merrillville 41.4828144 -87.3328139 P PPL US IN 089 31168 200 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19455 4923531 Michigan City Michigan City 41.7075394 -86.8950297 P PPL US IN 091 31903 191 188 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19456 4923670 Mishawaka Mishawaka 41.6619927 -86.1586156 P PPL US IN 141 49055 219 215 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19457 4924006 Muncie Muncie 40.1933767 -85.3863599 P PPL US IN 035 65327 284 285 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-11-15
+ 19458 4924014 Munster Munster 41.5644798 -87.5125412 P PPL US IN 089 22586 186 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19459 4924198 Noblesville Noblesville 40.0455918 -86.0085955 P PPL US IN 057 35840 235 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19460 4925006 Portage Portage 41.5758708 -87.1761455 P PPL US IN 127 35787 194 191 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19461 4926170 Schererville Schererville 41.4789246 -87.4547605 P PPL US IN 089 27157 204 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19462 4926563 South Bend South Bend 41.6833813 -86.2500066 P PPL US IN 141 103760 211 208 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2007-02-17
+ 19463 4927537 Valparaiso Valparaiso 41.4730948 -87.0611412 P PPL US IN 127 28787 242 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19464 4928096 West Lafayette West Lafayette 40.4258686 -86.9080655 P PPL US IN 157 30950 187 0 America/Indiana/Indianapolis 2006-01-17
+ 19465 4928662 Abington Abington 42.1048228 -70.9453218 P PPL US MA 023 17374 32 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19466 4928703 Acton Acton 42.4850931 -71.43284 P PPL US MA 017 20897 81 65 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19467 4928788 Agawam Agawam 42.0695391 -72.6148117 P PPL US MA 013 28761 25 28 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19468 4929004 Amesbury Amesbury 42.8584235 -70.9300548 P PPL US MA 009 18313 17 17 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19469 4929023 Amherst Center Amherst Center 42.3753677 -72.519254 P PPL US MA 015 34618 94 89 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19470 4929055 Andover Andover 42.6584254 -71.1370012 P PPL US MA 009 48286 56 49 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19471 4929180 Arlington Arlington 42.4153739 -71.1564428 P PPL US MA 017 41461 20 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19472 4929283 Ashland Ashland 42.2612067 -71.4633956 P PPL US MA 017 15802 57 54 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19473 4929399 Attleboro Attleboro 41.9445441 -71.2856082 P PPL US MA 005 44271 35 36 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19474 4929417 Auburn Auburn 42.1945385 -71.8356271 P PPL US MA 027 16724 186 173 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19475 4929771 Barnstable Barnstable 41.7001095 -70.2994664 P PPL US MA 001 47821 11 3 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19476 4930231 Belchertown Belchertown 42.2770362 -72.4009176 P PPL US MA 015 22391 185 179 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19477 4930266 Bellingham Bellingham 42.0867641 -71.4745055 P PPL US MA 021 22734 90 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19478 4930282 Belmont Belmont 42.3959296 -71.1786655 P PPL US MA 017 23546 21 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19479 4930505 Beverly Beverly 42.5584284 -70.8800491 P PPL US MA 009 39862 11 14 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19480 4930511 Beverly Cove Beverly Cove 42.5534285 -70.8536595 P PPL US MA 009 40365 10 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19481 4930577 Billerica Billerica 42.5584264 -71.268947 P PPL US MA 017 39904 74 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19482 4930956 Boston Boston 42.3584308 -71.0597732 P PPLA US MA 025 589141 13 11 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19483 4931050 Bourne Bourne 41.7412166 -70.5989196 P PPL US MA 001 34065 8 13 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19484 4931181 Braintree Braintree 42.2223218 -70.999492 P PPL US MA 021 33509 28 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19485 4931273 Brewster Brewster 41.7601093 -70.082796 P PPL US MA 001 37107 9 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19486 4931303 Bridgewater Bridgewater 41.9903787 -70.9750426 P PPL US MA 023 36525 30 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19487 4931429 Brockton Brockton 42.0834335 -71.0183787 P PPL US MA 023 94881 35 38 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19488 4931482 Brookline Brookline 42.3317642 -71.1211635 P PPL US MA 021 56079 10 22 America/New_York 2006-11-16
+ 19489 4931737 Burlington Burlington 42.5048167 -71.1956111 P PPL US MA 017 22739 67 63 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19490 4931972 Cambridge Cambridge 42.375097 -71.1056079 P PPL US MA 017 101382 5 13 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 19491 4932214 Canton Canton 42.1584324 -71.1447732 P PPL US MA 021 21679 36 40 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19492 4932869 Chelmsford Chelmsford 42.5998139 -71.3672838 P PPL US MA 017 33925 75 72 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19493 4932879 Chelsea Chelsea 42.3917638 -71.0328284 P PPL US MA 025 33062 12 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19494 4933002 Chicopee Chicopee 42.1725641246165 -72.5949096679688 P PPL US MA 013 54653 26 60 America/New_York 2008-06-27
+ 19495 4933426 Clinton Clinton 42.416759 -71.6828468 P PPL US MA 027 16317 112 106 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19496 4933743 Concord Concord 42.4603719 -71.3489484 P PPL US MA 017 16810 40 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19497 4934500 Danvers Danvers 42.5750946 -70.9300507 P PPL US MA 009 25829 9 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19498 4934664 Dedham Dedham 42.2417653 -71.166164 P PPL US MA 021 23019 34 32 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19499 4934749 Dennis Dennis 41.7353872 -70.1939087 P PPL US MA 001 26780 5 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19500 4935038 Dracut Dracut 42.6703687 -71.3020052 P PPL US MA 017 28831 47 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19501 4935211 Duxbury Duxbury 42.0417695 -70.672259 P PPL US MA 023 27695 5 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19502 4935434 East Longmeadow East Longmeadow 42.0645396 -72.5125863 P PPL US MA 013 15102 67 74 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19503 4935582 Easthampton Easthampton 42.266757 -72.66898 P PPL US MA 015 16611 49 54 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19504 4935623 Easton Easton 42.0245442 -71.1286594 P PPL US MA 005 23459 34 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19505 4936008 Everett Everett 42.40843 -71.0536625 P PPL US MA 017 37148 20 33 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19506 4936087 Fairhaven Fairhaven 41.6376043 -70.9036487 P PPL US MA 005 16453 6 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19507 4936159 Fall River Fall River 41.7014912 -71.1550451 P PPL US MA 005 93000 33 43 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19508 4936174 Falmouth Falmouth 41.5514979 -70.6147519 P PPL US MA 001 59431 2 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19509 4936812 Fitchburg Fitchburg 42.5834228 -71.8022956 P PPL US MA 027 40363 143 151 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19510 4937222 Foxborough Foxborough 42.0653768 -71.2478308 P PPL US MA 021 22733 88 88 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19511 4937230 Framingham Framingham 42.2792625 -71.416172 P PPL US MA 017 66910 52 51 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19512 4937232 Framingham Center Framingham Center 42.2973176 -71.437006 P PPL US MA 017 65413 78 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19513 4937276 Franklin Franklin 42.0834313 -71.396725 P PPL US MA 021 30636 92 98 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19514 4937557 Gardner Gardner 42.5750883 -71.998133 P PPL US MA 027 21175 324 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19515 4937829 Gloucester Gloucester 42.6159286 -70.6619888 P PPL US MA 009 30916 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19516 4938048 Grafton Grafton 42.2070392 -71.6856237 P PPL US MA 027 16583 145 137 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19517 4938378 Greenfield Greenfield 42.5875857 -72.5995339 P PPL US MA 011 19753 73 84 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19518 4938829 Hanson Hanson 42.0751013 -70.8800423 P PPL US MA 023 15315 30 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19519 4938836 Hanover Hanover 42.1131572 -70.8119859 P PPL US MA 023 16906 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19520 4939085 Haverhill Haverhill 42.7762015 -71.0772796 P PPL US MA 009 61465 16 29 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19521 4939549 Hingham Hingham 42.2417669 -70.8897676 P PPL US MA 023 30151 5 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19522 4939647 Holden Holden 42.3517586 -71.8634062 P PPL US MA 027 17016 250 247 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19523 4939783 Holyoke Holyoke 42.2042587 -72.6162009 P PPL US MA 013 40141 58 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19524 4939881 Hopkinton Hopkinton 42.2287065 -71.5225638 P PPL US MA 017 22601 132 136 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19525 4940094 Hudson Hudson 42.3917599 -71.5661769 P PPL US MA 017 19697 66 78 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19526 4940625 Ipswich Ipswich 42.6792602 -70.8411612 P PPL US MA 009 18768 8 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19527 4941383 Kingston Kingston 41.9945473 -70.7244822 P PPL US MA 023 15658 18 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19528 4941720 Lawrence Lawrence 42.7070354 -71.1631137 P PPL US MA 009 72609 14 12 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19529 4941873 Leominster Leominster 42.5250906 -71.759794 P PPL US MA 027 42301 123 131 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19530 4941935 Lexington Lexington 42.4473175 -71.2245003 P PPL US MA 017 30661 65 63 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19531 4942508 Longmeadow Longmeadow 42.0500953 -72.5828662 P PPL US MA 013 15699 49 34 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19532 4942618 Lowell Lowell 42.6334247 -71.3161718 P PPL US MA 017 103469 36 30 America/New_York 2006-11-16
+ 19533 4942744 Ludlow Ludlow 42.1600936 -72.475919 P PPL US MA 013 22201 76 69 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19534 4942767 Lunenburg Lunenburg 42.5945342 -71.724516 P PPL US MA 027 16520 174 160 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19535 4942807 Lynn Lynn 42.466763 -70.9494939 P PPL US MA 009 89691 12 33 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19536 4942939 Malden Malden 42.4250964 -71.066163 P PPL US MA 017 55290 5 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19537 4943021 Mansfield Mansfield 42.0334326 -71.2189405 P PPL US MA 005 23380 51 55 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19538 4943097 Marblehead Marblehead 42.500096 -70.8578253 P PPL US MA 009 20424 19 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19539 4943170 Marlborough Marlborough 42.3490930324696 -71.5454578399658 P PPL US MA 017 38334 119 120 America/New_York 2007-12-21
+ 19540 4943204 Marshfield Marshfield 42.091769 -70.7055941 P PPL US MA 023 40849 5 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19541 4943629 Medford Medford 42.4184296 -71.1061639 P PPL US MA 017 53963 5 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19542 4943677 Melrose Melrose 42.4584292 -71.0661633 P PPL US MA 017 26466 18 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19543 4943828 Methuen Methuen 42.7262016 -71.1908924 P PPL US MA 009 45372 35 39 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19544 4943958 Milford Milford 42.1398188 -71.516174 P PPL US MA 027 28631 79 76 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19545 4944193 Milton Milton 42.2495435 -71.0661612 P PPL US MA 021 25586 36 39 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19546 4944994 Natick Natick 42.2834298 -71.3495032 P PPL US MA 017 32276 53 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19547 4945055 Needham Needham 42.283431 -71.2328329 P PPL US MA 021 29125 53 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19548 4945121 New Bedford New Bedford 41.6362152 -70.934205 P PPL US MA 005 94083 29 33 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19549 4945256 Newburyport Newburyport 42.8125913 -70.8772751 P PPL US MA 009 17575 11 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19550 4945283 Newton Newton 42.3370414 -71.2092214 P PPL US MA 017 84851 30 43 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19551 4945588 North Chicopee North Chicopee 42.1834258 -72.5995337 P PPL US MA 013 55179 47 40 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19552 4945700 North Pembroke North Pembroke 42.0931574 -70.7925408 P PPL US MA 023 18041 14 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19553 4945819 Northampton Northampton 42.3250896 -72.6412013 P PPL US MA 015 29665 76 56 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19554 4945840 Northborough Northborough 42.319538 -71.6411786 P PPL US MA 027 18304 92 84 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19555 4945911 Norton Norton 41.9667666 -71.1869939 P PPL US MA 005 19808 32 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19556 4945952 Norwood Norwood 42.194543 -71.1994976 P PPL US MA 021 28625 38 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19557 4946546 Oxford Oxford 42.1167621 -71.8647941 P PPL US MA 027 17746 154 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19558 4946620 Palmer Palmer 42.158427 -72.3286928 P PPL US MA 013 18261 105 125 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19559 4946863 Peabody Peabody 42.5278731 -70.9286609 P PPL US MA 009 48129 7 15 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19560 4946990 Pepperell Pepperell 42.6659227 -71.5884018 P PPL US MA 017 17453 73 73 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19561 4947459 Pittsfield Pittsfield 42.4500846 -73.2453824 P PPL US MA 003 44174 305 310 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19562 4947597 Plymouth Plymouth 41.9584367 -70.6672577 P PPL US MA 023 90615 23 2 America/New_York 2007-02-08
+ 19563 4948247 Quincy Quincy 42.2528772 -71.0022705 P PPL US MA 021 89168 10 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19564 4948403 Randolph Randolph 42.1625997 -71.0411588 P PPL US MA 021 30768 67 51 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19565 4948462 Reading Reading 42.5256502 -71.0953314 P PPL US MA 017 23441 29 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19566 4948924 Rockland Rockland 42.1306563 -70.9161551 P PPL US MA 023 17982 49 42 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19567 4950065 Salem Salem 42.51954 -70.8967155 P PPL US MA 009 42455 6 1 America/New_York 2006-11-16
+ 19568 4950191 Sandwich Sandwich 41.7589954 -70.4939163 P PPL US MA 001 34886 4 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19569 4950267 Saugus Saugus 42.4648183 -71.010051 P PPL US MA 009 26668 8 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19570 4950395 Scituate Scituate 42.1959348 -70.725874 P PPL US MA 023 26400 11 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19571 4950654 Sharon Sharon 42.1237102 -71.1786627 P PPL US MA 021 24066 90 81 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19572 4950898 Shrewsbury Shrewsbury 42.2959267 -71.7128471 P PPL US MA 027 33893 198 194 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19573 4951248 Somerset Somerset 41.7695463 -71.128656 P PPL US MA 005 18943 13 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19574 4951257 Somerville Somerville 42.3875968 -71.0994968 P PPL US MA 017 75261 28 14 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19575 4951305 South Boston South Boston 42.3334312 -71.0494949 P PPL US MA 025 571281 15 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19576 4951397 South Hadley South Hadley 42.2584245 -72.5745332 P PPL US MA 015 17652 75 70 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19577 4951473 South Peabody South Peabody 42.5098178 -70.9494945 P PPL US MA 009 50293 20 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19578 4951594 Southbridge Southbridge 42.0750954 -72.0334084 P PPL US MA 027 19030 149 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19579 4951788 Springfield Springfield 42.1014831 -72.589811 P PPL US MA 013 152227 25 28 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19580 4952121 Stoneham Stoneham 42.4800954 -71.0994976 P PPL US MA 017 21796 47 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19581 4952206 Stoughton Stoughton 42.1250995 -71.1022712 P PPL US MA 021 26915 71 72 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19582 4952320 Sudbury Sudbury 42.3834278 -71.4161725 P PPL US MA 017 17343 55 59 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19583 4952487 Swansea Swansea 41.7481575 -71.1897684 P PPL US MA 005 16525 11 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19584 4952629 Taunton Taunton 41.900101 -71.0897675 P PPL US MA 005 57160 5 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19585 4952762 Tewksbury Tewksbury 42.6106479 -71.2342248 P PPL US MA 017 29326 37 40 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19586 4953221 Townsend Townsend 42.6667555 -71.7050718 P PPL US MA 017 16933 96 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19587 4954265 Wakefield Wakefield 42.506484 -71.0728306 P PPL US MA 017 24712 31 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19588 4954364 Walpole Walpole 42.1417653 -71.2494985 P PPL US MA 021 32670 45 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19589 4954380 Waltham Waltham 42.3764852 -71.2356113 P PPL US MA 017 58570 20 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19590 4954486 Wareham Center Wareham Center 41.7667703 -70.7261464 P PPL US MA 023 21478 11 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19591 4954611 Watertown Watertown 42.3709299 -71.1828321 P PPL US MA 017 32918 19 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19592 4954677 Webster Webster 42.0500965 -71.880072 P PPL US MA 027 19028 141 128 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19593 4954738 Wellesley Wellesley 42.2964859 -71.2925571 P PPL US MA 021 26446 38 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19594 4955089 West Springfield West Springfield 42.1070383 -72.6203675 P PPL US MA 013 27912 24 30 America/New_York 2007-07-18
+ 19595 4955149 Westborough Westborough 42.2695387 -71.6161777 P PPL US MA 027 29313 93 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19596 4955190 Westfield Westfield 42.1250929 -72.749538 P PPL US MA 013 40932 43 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19597 4955219 Westford Westford 42.5792583 -71.4378411 P PPL US MA 017 21587 121 121 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19598 4955336 Weymouth Weymouth 42.2209333 -70.9397684 P PPL US MA 021 54395 31 28 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19599 4955635 Wilbraham Wilbraham 42.1237053 -72.4314731 P PPL US MA 013 20883 85 89 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19600 4955840 Wilmington Wilmington 42.5464828 -71.1736669 P PPL US MA 017 21704 27 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19601 4955884 Winchester Winchester 42.4523178 -71.1369982 P PPL US MA 017 21366 6 13 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19602 4955993 Winthrop Winthrop 42.3750976 -70.982827 P PPL US MA 025 17618 9 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19603 4956032 Woburn Woburn 42.4792618 -71.1522766 P PPL US MA 017 37746 30 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19604 4956184 Worcester Worcester 42.2625932 -71.8022934 P PPL US MA 027 177216 147 155 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19605 4956335 Yarmouth Yarmouth 41.7056656 -70.2286314 P PPL US MA 001 25243 10 12 America/New_York 2006-01-22
+ 19606 4956976 Auburn Auburn 44.0978509 -70.2311655 P PPL US ME 001 23488 58 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19607 4957003 Augusta Augusta 44.3106241 -69.7794897 P PPLA US ME 011 18560 38 36 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 19608 4957280 Bangor Bangor 44.8011821 -68.7778138 P PPL US ME 019 31473 36 46 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19609 4958141 Biddeford Biddeford 43.4925843 -70.4533844 P PPL US ME 031 21885 21 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19610 4959473 Brunswick Brunswick 43.9145244 -69.9653278 P PPL US ME 005 24206 19 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19611 4965481 Gorham Gorham 43.6795245 -70.4442187 P PPL US ME 005 22308 73 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19612 4969398 Lewiston Lewiston 44.100351 -70.2147764 P PPL US ME 001 35690 66 74 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19613 4973717 North Windham North Windham 43.8342433 -70.4383871 P PPL US ME 005 15881 93 97 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19614 4975802 Portland Portland 43.661471 -70.2553259 P PPL US ME 005 63142 19 4 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19615 4977222 Saco Saco 43.5009176 -70.4428286 P PPL US ME 031 18447 20 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19616 4977762 Sanford Sanford 43.439249 -70.7742246 P PPL US ME 031 27201 92 88 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19617 4979244 South Portland South Portland 43.6414716 -70.2408811 P PPL US ME 005 23324 7 19 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19618 4979245 South Portland Gardens South Portland Gardens 43.638971 -70.3153269 P PPL US ME 005 23893 15 28 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19619 4982236 Waterville Waterville 44.5520105 -69.6317121 P PPL US ME 011 15906 33 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19620 4982720 West Scarborough West Scarborough 43.5703609 -70.3878279 P PPL US ME 005 27706 18 16 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19621 4982753 Westbrook Westbrook 43.6770252 -70.3711617 P PPL US ME 005 15956 23 28 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19622 4983811 Adrian Adrian 41.8975471 -84.0371659 P PPL US MI 091 22704 240 243 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19623 4984016 Allen Park Allen Park 42.2575385 -83.2110375 P PPL US MI 163 28157 181 182 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19624 4984247 Ann Arbor Ann Arbor 42.277562797398 -83.7408828735352 P PPL US MI 161 113810 269 264 America/Detroit 2007-06-03
+ 19625 4984565 Auburn Hills Auburn Hills 42.6875323 -83.2341028 P PPL US MI 125 20816 293 297 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19626 4985153 Battle Creek Battle Creek 42.3211522 -85.1797142 P PPL US MI 025 54088 256 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19627 4985180 Bay City Bay City 43.5944677 -83.8888648 P PPL US MI 017 34568 182 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19628 4986172 Birmingham Birmingham 42.5467012 -83.2113192 P PPL US MI 125 18977 237 231 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19629 4987482 Burton Burton 42.9994718 -83.6163424 P PPL US MI 049 31587 235 233 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19630 4987990 Canton Canton 42.3086486 -83.4821579 P PPL US MI 163 86825 207 208 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19631 4989133 Clinton Clinton 42.5869787 -82.9199212 P PPL US MI 099 99753 183 182 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19632 4990242 Cutlerville Cutlerville 42.8408622 -85.663638 P PPL US MI 081 17231 206 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19633 4990510 Dearborn Dearborn 42.3222599 -83.1763145 P PPL US MI 163 95170 180 181 America/Detroit 2007-02-18
+ 19634 4990512 Dearborn Heights Dearborn Heights 42.3369816 -83.2732627 P PPL US MI 163 56359 189 183 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19635 4990729 Detroit Detroit 42.331427 -83.0457538 P PPL US MI 163 951270 183 181 America/Detroit 2007-03-30
+ 19636 4991640 East Lansing East Lansing 42.7369792 -84.4838654 P PPL US MI 065 48371 261 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19637 4991735 Eastpointe Eastpointe 42.4683698 -82.9554746 P PPL US MI 099 32682 187 187 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19638 4992523 Farmington Hills Farmington Hills 42.4853125 -83.3771553 P PPL US MI 125 79955 262 253 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19639 4992635 Ferndale Ferndale 42.4605917 -83.1346478 P PPL US MI 125 21361 197 198 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19640 4992982 Flint Flint 43.0125274 -83.6874562 P PPL US MI 049 117258 229 0 America/Detroit 2006-11-05
+ 19641 4993125 Forest Hills Forest Hills 42.9594739 -85.4897456 P PPL US MI 081 23099 192 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19642 4993659 Garden City Garden City 42.3255929 -83.3310422 P PPL US MI 163 29023 193 191 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19643 4994358 Grand Rapids Grand Rapids 42.9633599 -85.6680863 P PPL US MI 081 193852 195 0 America/Detroit 2007-02-17
+ 19644 4994391 Grandville Grandville 42.9097484 -85.7630885 P PPL US MI 081 16741 184 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19645 4994871 Grosse Pointe Woods Grosse Pointe Woods 42.4436478 -82.9068603 P PPL US MI 163 16364 178 178 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19646 4995197 Hamtramck Hamtramck 42.3928151 -83.0496438 P PPL US MI 163 21994 192 192 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19647 4995664 Hazel Park Hazel Park 42.4625362 -83.1040913 P PPL US MI 125 18261 192 194 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19648 4996017 Highland Park Highland Park 42.4055925 -83.096868 P PPL US MI 163 15568 194 195 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19649 4996248 Holland Holland 42.7875235 -86.1089301 P PPL US MI 139 34544 186 0 America/Detroit 2006-11-19
+ 19650 4997384 Jackson Jackson 42.245869 -84.4013462 P PPL US MI 075 34416 284 285 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19651 4997500 Jenison Jenison 42.9072481 -85.7919784 P PPL US MI 139 16758 184 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19652 4997787 Kalamazoo Kalamazoo 42.2917069 -85.5872286 P PPL US MI 077 74138 239 0 America/Detroit 2006-11-15
+ 19653 4998018 Kentwood Kentwood 42.8694731 -85.6447492 P PPL US MI 081 47059 210 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19654 4998830 Lansing Lansing 42.732535 -84.5555347 P PPLA US MI 065 117691 260 0 America/Detroit 2007-06-02
+ 19655 4999311 Lincoln Park Lincoln Park 42.2505943 -83.1785361 P PPL US MI 163 38297 179 179 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19656 4999837 Livonia Livonia 42.36837 -83.3527097 P PPL US MI 163 98218 195 196 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19657 5000500 Madison Heights Madison Heights 42.4858692 -83.1052028 P PPL US MI 125 30004 193 193 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19658 5000947 Marquette Marquette 46.5435442 -87.395417 P PPL US MI 103 20831 203 213 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19659 5001929 Midland Midland 43.6155825 -84.2472117 P PPL US MI 111 42400 191 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19660 5002344 Monroe Monroe 41.9164343 -83.3977101 P PPL US MI 115 21076 182 180 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19661 5002656 Mount Clemens Mount Clemens 42.5972563 -82.8779754 P PPL US MI 099 16776 184 183 America/Detroit 2009-01-20
+ 19662 5002714 Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant 43.5978075 -84.7675139 P PPL US MI 073 25281 235 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19663 5003132 Muskegon Muskegon 43.2341813 -86.2483921 P PPL US MI 121 40112 188 183 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19664 5003952 Northview Northview 43.0455825 -85.6005862 P PPL US MI 081 15103 226 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19665 5004005 Norton Shores Norton Shores 43.1689044 -86.2639461 P PPL US MI 121 23486 187 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19666 5004062 Novi Novi 42.48059 -83.4754913 P PPL US MI 125 53754 277 274 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19667 5004188 Oak Park Oak Park 42.4594803 -83.1827051 P PPL US MI 125 28644 203 204 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19668 5004359 Okemos Okemos 42.722257 -84.4274744 P PPL US MI 065 23926 256 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19669 5004792 Owosso Owosso 42.9978049 -84.1766359 P PPL US MI 155 15373 222 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19670 5006166 Pontiac Pontiac 42.6389216 -83.2910468 P PPL US MI 125 67994 281 283 America/Detroit 2006-11-15
+ 19671 5006233 Port Huron Port Huron 42.9708634 -82.4249142 P PPL US MI 147 30978 184 176 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19672 5006250 Portage Portage 42.2011538 -85.5800022 P PPL US MI 077 46403 268 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19673 5006917 Redford Redford 42.3833698 -83.2965971 P PPL US MI 163 49936 191 186 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19674 5007402 Rochester Hills Rochester Hills 42.6583661 -83.1499322 P PPL US MI 125 68895 250 248 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19675 5007531 Romulus Romulus 42.2222614 -83.3965995 P PPL US MI 163 24018 201 198 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19676 5007655 Roseville Roseville 42.4972583 -82.9371409 P PPL US MI 099 47372 187 186 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19677 5007804 Royal Oak Royal Oak 42.4894801 -83.1446485 P PPL US MI 125 57570 202 199 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19678 5007989 Saginaw Saginaw 43.4194699 -83.9508068 P PPL US MI 145 57536 178 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19679 5009004 Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie 46.4952997 -84.3453169 P PPL US MI 033 16542 188 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-15
+ 19680 5009586 Shelby Shelby 42.6708659 -83.0329844 P PPL US MI 099 74099 207 208 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19681 5010636 Southfield Southfield 42.4733689 -83.2218731 P PPL US MI 125 76828 208 207 America/Detroit 2006-11-15
+ 19682 5010646 Southgate Southgate 42.2139284 -83.1938147 P PPL US MI 163 29669 180 180 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19683 5010978 Saint Clair Shores Saint Clair Shores 42.4969805 -82.8888054 P PPL US MI 099 63096 176 176 America/Detroit 2007-02-14
+ 19684 5011148 Sterling Heights Sterling Heights 42.5803122 -83.0302033 P PPL US MI 099 126657 187 187 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19685 5011908 Taylor Taylor 42.240872 -83.2696509 P PPL US MI 163 65088 187 189 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19686 5012521 Trenton Trenton 42.1394859 -83.1782587 P PPL US MI 163 19604 182 174 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19687 5012639 Troy Troy 42.6055893 -83.1499304 P PPL US MI 125 81269 228 222 America/Detroit 2006-05-19
+ 19688 5013924 Walker Walker 43.0014133 -85.7680915 P PPL US MI 081 23824 227 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19689 5014051 Warren Warren 42.4775363 -83.0277 P PPL US MI 099 133517 191 191 America/Detroit 2006-05-10
+ 19690 5014130 Waterford Waterford 42.7022527 -83.402718 P PPL US MI 125 75737 294 302 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19691 5014208 Waverly Waverly 42.7392018 -84.620815 P PPL US MI 045 16332 262 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19692 5014224 Wayne Wayne 42.2814269 -83.3863215 P PPL US MI 163 18785 200 198 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19693 5014681 Westland Westland 42.324204 -83.400211 P PPL US MI 163 84801 203 201 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19694 5015599 Wyandotte Wyandotte 42.2142064 -83.1499239 P PPL US MI 163 26802 177 174 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19695 5015618 Wyoming Wyoming 42.9133602 -85.7053085 P PPL US MI 081 70308 196 0 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19696 5015688 Ypsilanti Ypsilanti 42.2411499 -83.6129939 P PPL US MI 161 22191 219 215 America/Detroit 2006-01-17
+ 19697 5016024 Albert Lea Albert Lea 43.6480127 -93.3682656 P PPL US MN 047 17605 379 373 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19698 5016374 Andover Andover 45.2332985 -93.2913405 P PPL US MN 003 30209 271 266 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19699 5016450 Anoka Anoka 45.1977428 -93.3871758 P PPL US MN 003 17706 268 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19700 5016494 Apple Valley Apple Valley 44.7319094 -93.21772 P PPL US MN 037 50540 291 298 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19701 5016884 Austin Austin 43.6666296 -92.9746367 P PPL US MN 099 23451 368 361 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19702 5018651 Blaine Blaine 45.1607987 -93.2349489 P PPL US MN 003 54207 276 276 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19703 5018739 Bloomington Bloomington 44.840798 -93.2982799 P PPL US MN 053 81383 252 259 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19704 5019330 Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Center 45.076076 -93.3327284 P PPL US MN 053 27718 260 261 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19705 5019335 Brooklyn Park Brooklyn Park 45.0941315 -93.3563405 P PPL US MN 053 67595 265 266 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19706 5019767 Burnsville Burnsville 44.7677424 -93.2777226 P PPL US MN 037 59492 296 290 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19707 5020859 Champlin Champlin 45.1888539 -93.3974538 P PPL US MN 053 23364 260 260 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19708 5020881 Chanhassen Chanhassen 44.8621853 -93.5307883 P PPL US MN 019 23551 297 298 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19709 5020938 Chaska Chaska 44.7894072 -93.6021791 P PPL US MN 019 23176 223 225 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19710 5021828 Columbia Heights Columbia Heights 45.0407987 -93.2630037 P PPL US MN 003 18235 281 277 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19711 5022025 Coon Rapids Coon Rapids 45.1199652 -93.2877277 P PPL US MN 003 61607 262 260 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19712 5022134 Cottage Grove Cottage Grove 44.8277446 -92.9438218 P PPL US MN 163 32975 248 259 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19713 5023571 Crystal Crystal 45.0327425 -93.3602287 P PPL US MN 053 21834 272 272 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19714 5024719 Duluth Duluth 46.7832731 -92.1065787 P PPL US MN 137 84800 214 192 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19715 5024825 Eagan Eagan 44.8041322 -93.1668858 P PPL US MN 037 64218 292 290 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19716 5025219 Eden Prairie Eden Prairie 44.8546856 -93.470786 P PPL US MN 053 63319 270 280 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 19717 5025264 Edina Edina 44.8896866 -93.3499489 P PPL US MN 053 45945 281 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19718 5025471 Elk River Elk River 45.3038538 -93.5671825 P PPL US MN 141 20377 273 277 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19719 5026291 Faribault Faribault 44.2949637 -93.268827 P PPL US MN 131 22633 303 312 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19720 5026321 Farmington Farmington 44.6402434 -93.1435497 P PPL US MN 037 18954 275 283 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19721 5027117 Forest Lake Forest Lake 45.2788561 -92.9852184 P PPL US MN 163 17449 278 278 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19722 5027482 Fridley Fridley 45.0860765 -93.2632821 P PPL US MN 003 26834 262 260 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19723 5028163 Golden Valley Golden Valley 45.0096869 -93.349117 P PPL US MN 053 20325 261 271 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19724 5029500 Hastings Hastings 44.7433008 -92.8524273 P PPL US MN 037 20833 221 212 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19725 5030005 Hibbing Hibbing 47.4271546 -92.9376887 P PPL US MN 137 16638 455 455 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19726 5030670 Hopkins Hopkins 44.9249636 -93.4627309 P PPL US MN 053 17073 314 322 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19727 5031412 Inver Grove Heights Inver Grove Heights 44.8480218 -93.0427153 P PPL US MN 037 32363 268 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19728 5034059 Lakeville Lakeville 44.6496868 -93.24272 P PPL US MN 037 50994 296 299 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19729 5034767 Lino Lakes Lino Lakes 45.1602442 -93.0888324 P PPL US MN 003 20095 270 269 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19730 5036420 Mankato Mankato 44.1635775 -93.9993996 P PPL US MN 013 35138 253 298 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19731 5036493 Maple Grove Maple Grove 45.0724642 -93.4557877 P PPL US MN 053 59902 287 290 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19732 5036588 Maplewood Maplewood 44.9530215 -92.9952153 P PPL US MN 123 34947 298 310 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19733 5037649 Minneapolis Minneapolis 44.9799654 -93.2638361 P PPL US MN 053 367773 253 259 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19734 5037784 Minnetonka Minnetonka 44.9132965 -93.5032877 P PPL US MN 053 51301 275 290 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19735 5037790 Minnetonka Mills Minnetonka Mills 44.9410749 -93.441897 P PPL US MN 053 50117 288 294 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19736 5038108 Moorhead Moorhead 46.8738524 -96.7675807 P PPL US MN 027 33137 276 275 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19737 5039080 New Brighton New Brighton 45.0655212 -93.2018908 P PPL US MN 123 21295 268 273 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19738 5039094 New Hope New Hope 45.0380201 -93.3866185 P PPL US MN 053 19851 284 286 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19739 5039675 Northfield Northfield 44.4582983 -93.161604 P PPL US MN 131 18900 278 276 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19740 5039978 Oakdale Oakdale 44.9630216 -92.9649361 P PPL US MN 163 28143 326 327 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19741 5040647 Owatonna Owatonna 44.0838517 -93.226044 P PPL US MN 147 23955 351 343 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19742 5041926 Plymouth Plymouth 45.0105194 -93.4555093 P PPL US MN 053 72239 296 300 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19743 5042373 Prior Lake Prior Lake 44.7132969 -93.4227274 P PPL US MN 139 23790 289 286 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19744 5042561 Ramsey Ramsey 45.2611 -93.45 P PPL US MN 003 20362 268 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19745 5042773 Red Wing Red Wing 44.5624676 -92.5338013 P PPL US MN 049 16116 226 225 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 19746 5043193 Richfield Richfield 44.8832982 -93.2830021 P PPL US MN 053 33349 256 259 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19747 5043473 Rochester Rochester 44.0216306 -92.4698992 P PPL US MN 109 96355 312 322 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19748 5043779 Rosemount Rosemount 44.7394103 -93.1257723 P PPL US MN 037 18593 294 301 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19749 5043799 Roseville Roseville 45.0060767 -93.1566107 P PPL US MN 123 32563 292 292 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19750 5044407 Saint Cloud Saint Cloud 45.5607986 -94.1624895 P PPL US MN 145 59154 314 304 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19751 5045021 Saint Louis Park Saint Louis Park 44.9482979 -93.3480051 P PPL US MN 053 44071 274 0 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19752 5045258 Saint Michael Saint Michael 45.209964 -93.6649642 P PPL US MN 171 15516 294 289 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19753 5045360 Saint Paul Saint Paul 44.9444101 -93.0932742 P PPLA US MN 123 274792 242 235 America/Chicago 2009-01-05
+ 19754 5046063 Savage Savage 44.7791309 -93.336336 P PPL US MN 139 27096 220 222 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19755 5046997 Shakopee Shakopee 44.7980186 -93.5268986 P PPL US MN 139 30384 229 233 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19756 5047234 Shoreview Shoreview 45.0791325 -93.1471668 P PPL US MN 123 27622 289 290 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19757 5048033 South Saint Paul South Saint Paul 44.8927439 -93.034938 P PPL US MN 037 19338 219 221 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19758 5048814 Stillwater Stillwater 45.0563558 -92.8060408 P PPL US MN 163 17746 212 214 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19759 5052361 West Coon Rapids West Coon Rapids 45.1596872 -93.3496744 P PPL US MN 053 62528 260 259 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19760 5052467 West Saint Paul West Saint Paul 44.9160768 -93.1016074 P PPL US MN 037 19195 313 317 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19761 5052658 White Bear Lake White Bear Lake 45.0846885 -93.0099398 P PPL US MN 123 24301 287 288 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19762 5052916 Willmar Willmar 45.1219075 -95.0433424 P PPL US MN 067 18473 348 348 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19763 5053156 Winona Winona 44.049963 -91.6393152 P PPL US MN 169 26618 203 201 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19764 5053358 Woodbury Woodbury 44.9238552 -92.9593797 P PPL US MN 163 50955 324 320 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19765 5055787 Kirksville Kirksville 40.1947539 -92.5832496 P PPL US MO 001 16973 299 294 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19766 5059163 Fargo Fargo 46.8771863 -96.7898034 P PPL US ND 017 92103 276 274 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19767 5059429 Grand Forks Grand Forks 47.9252568 -97.0328547 P PPL US ND 035 48426 253 244 America/Chicago 2006-11-19
+ 19768 5059836 Jamestown Jamestown 46.9105438 -98.7084357 P PPL US ND 093 15081 429 431 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19769 5062458 West Fargo West Fargo 46.8749671 -96.900362 P PPL US ND 017 17590 273 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19770 5063805 Bellevue Bellevue 41.1366656 -95.8908446 P PPL US NE 153 48099 315 301 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19771 5066001 Columbus Columbus 41.4297341 -97.3683753 P PPL US NE 141 20823 441 443 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19772 5068725 Fremont Fremont 41.4333328 -96.4980807 P PPL US NE 053 25197 365 364 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19773 5069297 Grand Island Grand Island 40.9250123 -98.3420068 P PPL US NE 079 44766 567 566 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19774 5069802 Hastings Hastings 40.5861246 -98.388393 P PPL US NE 001 23001 587 589 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19775 5071348 Kearney Kearney 40.699457 -99.0814767 P PPL US NE 019 28758 656 659 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19776 5071665 La Vista La Vista 41.1838878 -96.031127 P PPL US NE 153 15695 338 335 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19777 5072006 Lincoln Lincoln 40.8000011 -96.6669599 P PPLA US NE 109 242072 367 382 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 19778 5073965 Norfolk Norfolk 42.0283379 -97.4169964 P PPL US NE 119 24094 464 471 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19779 5074472 Omaha Omaha 41.2586096 -95.937792 P PPL US NE 055 390007 323 0 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 19780 5074792 Papillion Papillion 41.1544433 -96.0422378 P PPL US NE 153 18755 308 313 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 19781 5083221 Bedford Bedford 42.9464737 -71.5159015 P PPL US NH 011 21188 94 90 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19782 5084868 Concord Concord 43.2081366 -71.5375718 P PPLA US NH 013 40687 83 85 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 19783 5085374 Derry Derry 42.8806425 -71.3272856 P PPL US NH 015 22661 84 85 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19784 5085382 Derry Village Derry Village 42.8917534 -71.3120076 P PPL US NH 015 34539 76 93 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19785 5085520 Dover Dover 43.1978624 -70.8736698 P PPL US NH 017 29061 19 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19786 5085688 East Concord East Concord 43.242025 -71.5381278 P PPL US NH 013 42605 95 97 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19787 5086628 Goffstown Goffstown 43.0203609 -71.600349 P PPL US NH 011 17602 95 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19788 5087110 Hampton Hampton 42.9375899 -70.8389421 P PPL US NH 015 15514 12 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19789 5087752 Hudson Hudson 42.7648108 -71.4397876 P PPL US NH 011 24474 46 35 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19790 5088262 Keene Keene 42.933692 -72.2781409 P PPL US NH 005 22891 148 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19791 5088438 Laconia Laconia 43.5278546 -71.470351 P PPL US NH 001 17533 153 0 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19792 5088905 Londonderry Londonderry 42.8650869 -71.3739532 P PPL US NH 015 24474 128 121 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19793 5089178 Manchester Manchester 42.9956397 -71.4547891 P PPL US NH 011 109877 80 75 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19794 5089478 Merrimack Merrimack 42.8650864 -71.4934004 P PPL US NH 011 26726 48 55 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19795 5090046 Nashua Nashua 42.7653662 -71.467566 P PPL US NH 011 87039 49 38 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19796 5091383 Portsmouth Portsmouth 43.0717552 -70.7625532 P PPL US NH 015 20954 6 4 America/New_York 2006-11-19
+ 19797 5091872 Rochester Rochester 43.3045261 -70.9756186 P PPL US NH 017 30317 70 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19798 5092268 Salem Salem 42.7884226 -71.2008933 P PPL US NH 015 29549 40 42 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19799 5095281 Asbury Park Asbury Park 40.2203907 -74.0120817 P PPL US NJ 025 16507 6 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19800 5095325 Avenel Avenel 40.5803818 -74.2851469 P PPL US NJ 023 18664 26 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19801 5095445 Bayonne Bayonne 40.6687141 -74.1143091 P PPL US NJ 017 59878 12 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19802 5095549 Belleville Belleville 40.7937116 -74.1501438 P PPL US NJ 013 36878 16 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19803 5095611 Bergenfield Bergenfield 40.9275987 -73.9973608 P PPL US NJ 003 26120 20 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19804 5095779 Bloomfield Bloomfield 40.806767 -74.1854226 P PPL US NJ 013 49120 45 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19805 5096316 Carteret Carteret 40.5773266 -74.2282005 P PPL US NJ 023 21944 4 3 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19806 5096686 Cliffside Park Cliffside Park 40.8214894 -73.9876388 P PPL US NJ 003 22801 79 89 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19807 5096699 Clifton Clifton 40.8584328 -74.1637553 P PPL US NJ 031 80245 57 51 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 19808 5096798 Colonia Colonia 40.5745485 -74.3020918 P PPL US NJ 023 17669 24 26 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19809 5097017 Cranford Cranford 40.6584358 -74.2995923 P PPL US NJ 039 22627 19 24 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19810 5097315 Dover Dover 40.883988 -74.5621025 P PPL US NJ 027 18717 176 181 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19811 5097357 Dumont Dumont 40.9406541 -73.9968051 P PPL US NJ 003 17505 25 25 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19812 5097402 East Brunswick East Brunswick 40.4278841 -74.415984 P PPL US NJ 023 48495 40 34 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19813 5097441 East Orange East Orange 40.767323 -74.2048677 P PPL US NJ 013 68390 48 41 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19814 5097529 Edison Edison 40.5187154 -74.4120953 P PPL US NJ 023 102548 27 30 America/New_York 2006-05-19
+ 19815 5097598 Elizabeth Elizabeth 40.6639916 -74.2107006 P PPL US NJ 039 123913 6 9 America/New_York 2006-05-10
+ 19816 5097627 Elmwood Park Elmwood Park 40.9039878 -74.118476 P PPL US NJ 003 18973 14 26 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19817 5097672 Englewood Englewood 40.8928771 -73.9726381 P PPL US NJ 003 26012 14 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19818 5097751 Ewing Ewing 40.2698302 -74.7998848 P PPL US NJ 021 36559 45 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19819 5097773 Fair Lawn Fair Lawn 40.9403762 -74.1318096 P PPL US NJ 003 31503 30 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19820 5098109 Fords Fords 40.5292715 -74.3159809 P PPL US NJ 023 15391 35 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19821 5098135 Fort Lee Fort Lee 40.8509333 -73.9701382 P PPL US NJ 003 37839 87 90 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19822 5098343 Garfield Garfield 40.8814882 -74.113198 P PPL US NJ 003 29614 9 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19823 5098706 Hackensack Hackensack 40.8859326 -74.0434736 P PPL US NJ 003 43716 6 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19824 5098909 Hawthorne Hawthorne 40.9492649 -74.1537549 P PPL US NJ 031 18413 25 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19825 5099093 Hillside Hillside 40.701213 -74.2301459 P PPL US NJ 039 22155 30 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19826 5099133 Hoboken Hoboken 40.7439906 -74.0323626 P PPL US NJ 017 39738 2 7 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19827 5099289 Hopatcong Hopatcong 40.9328763 -74.6593281 P PPL US NJ 037 15888 310 306 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19828 5099292 Hopatcong Hills Hopatcong Hills 40.9439872 -74.6707174 P PPL US NJ 037 16267 336 334 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19829 5099724 Irvington Irvington 40.7323235 -74.2348684 P PPL US NJ 013 61323 47 55 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19830 5099738 Iselin Iselin 40.5753817 -74.3223703 P PPL US NJ 023 17019 19 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19831 5099836 Jersey City Jersey City 40.7281575 -74.0776417 P PPL US NJ 017 237681 9 14 America/New_York 2007-02-08
+ 19832 5099967 Kearny Kearny 40.7684342 -74.1454214 P PPL US NJ 017 39234 32 32 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19833 5100280 Lakewood Lakewood 40.0978929 -74.2176435 P PPL US NJ 029 42120 23 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19834 5100506 Linden Linden 40.6220478 -74.2445902 P PPL US NJ 039 39878 5 13 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19835 5100572 Livingston Livingston 40.7959335 -74.3148713 P PPL US NJ 013 27853 96 94 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19836 5100604 Lodi Lodi 40.8823215 -74.0831971 P PPL US NJ 003 24278 9 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19837 5100619 Long Branch Long Branch 40.3042778 -73.9923596 P PPL US NJ 025 31524 6 6 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19838 5100706 Lyndhurst Lyndhurst 40.8120447 -74.1243096 P PPL US NJ 003 19996 10 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19839 5100748 Madison Madison 40.7598227 -74.417097 P PPL US NJ 027 15299 79 90 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19840 5100854 Maplewood Maplewood 40.7312123 -74.2734808 P PPL US NJ 013 25008 32 52 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19841 5101334 Montclair Montclair 40.8259332 -74.2090344 P PPL US NJ 013 39701 93 105 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19842 5101427 Morristown Morristown 40.7967667 -74.4815438 P PPL US NJ 027 18886 110 112 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19843 5101717 New Brunswick New Brunswick 40.4862158 -74.4518188 P PPL US NJ 023 50633 26 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19844 5101766 New Milford New Milford 40.93267656848 -74.0178537368774 P PPL US NJ 003 16326 9 11 America/New_York 2008-03-14
+ 19845 5101798 Newark Newark 40.735657 -74.1723667 P PPL US NJ 013 280123 9 16 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 19846 5101873 North Arlington North Arlington 40.788434 -74.1331988 P PPL US NJ 003 15205 42 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19847 5101879 North Bergen North Bergen 40.8042674 -74.012084 P PPL US NJ 017 63484 64 62 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19848 5101938 North Plainfield North Plainfield 40.6301025 -74.4273743 P PPL US NJ 035 20991 35 34 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19849 5102076 Nutley Nutley 40.8223223 -74.1598663 P PPL US NJ 013 27572 43 36 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19850 5102162 Old Bridge Old Bridge 40.4148291 -74.3654267 P PPL US NJ 023 22833 4 7 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19851 5102213 Orange Orange 40.7706562 -74.2326463 P PPL US NJ 013 34457 59 59 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19852 5102369 Palisades Park Palisades Park 40.8481556 -73.997639 P PPL US NJ 003 18513 29 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19853 5102387 Paramus Paramus 40.9445428 -74.0754189 P PPL US NJ 003 26947 20 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19854 5102427 Parsippany Parsippany 40.8578772 -74.4259866 P PPL US NJ 027 51144 101 87 America/New_York 2009-05-16
+ 19855 5102443 Passaic Passaic 40.8567663 -74.1284764 P PPL US NJ 031 68845 34 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19856 5102466 Paterson Paterson 40.9167654 -74.171811 P PPL US NJ 031 151205 26 30 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19857 5102578 Perth Amboy Perth Amboy 40.5067723 -74.2654234 P PPL US NJ 023 49107 17 -9999 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19858 5102615 Phillipsburg Phillipsburg 40.6937099 -75.1901761 P PPL US NJ 041 15091 96 93 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19859 5102720 Plainfield Plainfield 40.6168192073713 -74.4172668457031 P PPL US NJ 039 47795 34 30 America/New_York 2008-05-23
+ 19860 5102796 Point Pleasant Point Pleasant 40.0831714 -74.0681931 P PPL US NJ 029 20156 6 14 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19861 5103055 Rahway Rahway 40.6081591 -74.2776468 P PPL US NJ 039 26713 5 10 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19862 5103269 Ridgewood Ridgewood 40.9792645 -74.1165313 P PPL US NJ 003 24738 35 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19863 5103500 Roselle Roselle 40.6642692 -74.2632022 P PPL US NJ 039 21337 23 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19864 5103580 Rutherford Rutherford 40.826489 -74.1068091 P PPL US NJ 003 17952 28 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19865 5104404 Sayreville Sayreville 40.4592726 -74.3609822 P PPL US NJ 023 40377 18 18 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19866 5104405 Sayreville Junction Sayreville Junction 40.4653838 -74.3304256 P PPL US NJ 023 42890 27 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19867 5104473 Scotch Plains Scotch Plains 40.65538 -74.3898732 P PPL US NJ 039 23584 50 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19868 5104504 Secaucus Secaucus 40.7967225804424 -74.0553188323975 P PPL US NJ 017 15534 4 1 America/New_York 2009-05-04
+ 19869 5104755 Somerset Somerset 40.4976041 -74.4884868 P PPL US NJ 035 23584 28 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19870 5104835 South Old Bridge South Old Bridge 40.4081628 -74.3543153 P PPL US NJ 023 23233 8 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19871 5104836 South Orange South Orange 40.7489898 -74.2612583 P PPL US NJ 013 17295 45 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19872 5104844 South Plainfield South Plainfield 40.5792701 -74.4115401 P PPL US NJ 023 23373 18 25 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19873 5104853 South River South River 40.446495 -74.3859831 P PPL US NJ 023 16480 25 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19874 5105127 Summit Summit 40.7414897 -74.3595949 P PPL US NJ 039 21131 61 68 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19875 5105262 Teaneck Teaneck 40.8975992 -74.0159727 P PPL US NJ 003 40078 35 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19876 5105433 Tinton Falls Tinton Falls 40.3042774 -74.1004185 P PPL US NJ 025 16549 12 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19877 5105496 Trenton Trenton 40.2170534 -74.7429385 P PPLA US NJ 021 84833 17 11 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 19878 5105608 Union Union 40.6976019 -74.2632024 P PPL US NJ 039 56771 30 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19879 5105634 Union City Union City 40.7795455 -74.0237512 P PPL US NJ 017 66121 53 48 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19880 5106160 Wayne Wayne 40.9253763 -74.2765368 P PPL US NJ 031 57915 53 53 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19881 5106279 West Milford West Milford 41.1312069 -74.3673748 P PPL US NJ 031 26968 212 214 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19882 5106292 West New York West New York 40.7878788 -74.0143064 P PPL US NJ 017 46010 53 50 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19883 5106298 West Orange West Orange 40.7987113 -74.2390353 P PPL US NJ 013 48131 135 95 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19884 5106331 Westfield Westfield 40.6589912 -74.3473717 P PPL US NJ 039 29940 39 43 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19885 5106453 Willingboro Willingboro 40.0278894 -74.8690542 P PPL US NJ 005 31668 11 16 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19886 5106529 Woodbridge Woodbridge 40.5576045 -74.2845911 P PPL US NJ 023 18794 9 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19887 5106615 Wyckoff Wyckoff 41.0095417 -74.1729222 P PPL US NJ 003 17124 107 113 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19888 5106834 Albany Albany 42.6525793 -73.7562317 P PPLA US NY 001 95658 45 31 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 19889 5107152 Amsterdam Amsterdam 42.9386856 -74.1881858 P PPL US NY 057 17735 110 116 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19890 5107505 Auburn Auburn 42.9317335 -76.5660529 P PPL US NY 011 27873 209 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19891 5107760 Baldwin Baldwin 40.6564913 -73.6092953 P PPL US NY 059 23622 7 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19892 5108093 Batavia Batavia 42.9981156 -78.1875167 P PPL US NY 037 15831 272 271 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19893 5108169 Bay Shore Bay Shore 40.7250986 -73.2453946 P PPL US NY 103 24969 5 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19894 5108219 Beacon Beacon 41.5048159 -73.9695832 P PPL US NY 027 18644 42 41 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19895 5108707 Bellmore Bellmore 40.6687125 -73.5270709 P PPL US NY 059 16313 5 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19896 5108955 Bethpage Bethpage 40.7442664 -73.4820687 P PPL US NY 059 16791 32 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19897 5109177 Binghamton Binghamton 42.0986867 -75.9179738 P PPL US NY 007 45480 264 274 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 19898 5110077 Brentwood Brentwood 40.7812093 -73.2462273 P PPL US NY 103 58107 24 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19899 5110159 Brighton Brighton 43.1475626 -77.5505543 P PPL US NY 055 35584 136 147 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19900 5110302 Brooklyn Brooklyn 40.6501038 -73.9495823 P PPL US NY 047 2300664 15 15 America/New_York 2009-06-06
+ 19901 5110629 Buffalo Buffalo 42.8864468 -78.8783689 P PPL US NY 029 279557 183 183 America/New_York 2009-09-04
+ 19902 5112035 Centereach Centereach 40.8584316 -73.0995539 P PPL US NY 103 27338 30 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19903 5112078 Central Islip Central Islip 40.7906538 -73.2017811 P PPL US NY 103 34907 26 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19904 5112375 Cheektowaga Cheektowaga 42.9033917 -78.7547536 P PPL US NY 029 77387 198 195 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19905 5113142 Cohoes Cohoes 42.7742446 -73.7001187 P PPL US NY 001 15183 30 52 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19906 5113412 Commack Commack 40.8428759 -73.2928943 P PPL US NY 103 36195 40 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19907 5113683 Copiague Copiague 40.6814892 -73.3998445 P PPL US NY 103 22309 7 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19908 5113694 Coram Coram 40.8687097 -73.0014946 P PPL US NY 103 37150 29 29 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19909 5113790 Cortland Cortland 42.6011813 -76.1804843 P PPL US NY 023 18017 344 365 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19910 5114731 Deer Park Deer Park 40.7617653 -73.3292858 P PPL US NY 103 27853 26 19 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19911 5114900 Depew Depew 42.9039476 -78.6922515 P PPL US NY 029 15892 205 204 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19912 5115107 Dix Hills Dix Hills 40.8048207 -73.3362298 P PPL US NY 103 25902 62 71 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19913 5115960 East Meadow East Meadow 40.7139898 -73.5590157 P PPL US NY 059 37427 22 16 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19914 5115962 East Massapequa East Massapequa 40.673434 -73.4365124 P PPL US NY 059 19418 4 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19915 5115985 East New York East New York 40.6667702 -73.8823583 P PPLX US NY 047 173198 6 8 America/New_York 2007-06-19
+ 19916 5115989 East Northport East Northport 40.8767648 -73.3245614 P PPL US NY 103 20887 68 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19917 5116004 East Patchogue East Patchogue 40.7670427 -72.9962189 P PPL US NY 103 20961 7 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19918 5116060 East Setauket East Setauket 40.9414873 -73.1059414 P PPL US NY 103 17006 20 23 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19919 5116119 Eastchester Eastchester 40.8875996 -73.8329119 P PPL US NY 119 18564 16 16 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19920 5116497 Elmira Elmira 42.0897965 -76.8077338 P PPL US NY 015 30026 260 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19921 5116508 Elmont Elmont 40.700936 -73.712909 P PPL US NY 059 34479 12 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19922 5116937 Farmingville Farmingville 40.8312096 -73.029552 P PPL US NY 103 17142 32 32 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19923 5117438 Floral Park Floral Park 40.7237133 -73.7048532 P PPL US NY 059 15702 27 25 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19924 5117891 Franklin Square Franklin Square 40.7073244 -73.6759635 P PPL US NY 059 29658 20 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19925 5117949 Freeport Freeport 40.6576022 -73.5831835 P PPL US NY 059 43447 6 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19926 5118226 Garden City Garden City 40.7267682 -73.6342955 P PPL US NY 059 21887 27 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19927 5118626 Glen Cove Glen Cove 40.8623217 -73.6337389 P PPL US NY 059 26622 7 15 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19928 5118743 Gloversville Gloversville 43.0528506 -74.3437467 P PPL US NY 035 15120 250 247 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19929 5120095 Harrison Harrison 40.9689871 -73.71263 P PPL US NY 119 24154 21 17 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19930 5120228 Hauppauge Hauppauge 40.8256537 -73.2026138 P PPL US NY 103 20108 19 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19931 5120478 Hempstead Hempstead 40.7062128 -73.6187397 P PPL US NY 059 52837 17 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19932 5120656 Hicksville Hicksville 40.7684331 -73.5251253 P PPL US NY 059 41453 45 46 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19933 5120987 Holbrook Holbrook 40.8123205 -73.078443 P PPL US NY 103 28407 36 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19934 5121163 Holtsville Holtsville 40.8153762 -73.0451085 P PPL US NY 103 17914 32 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19935 5121636 Huntington Huntington 40.868154 -73.425676 P PPL US NY 103 18334 23 20 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19936 5121650 Huntington Station Huntington Station 40.8534318 -73.4115091 P PPL US NY 103 30484 66 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19937 5122331 Irondequoit Irondequoit 43.2133955 -77.5797226 P PPL US NY 055 51958 116 112 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19938 5122413 Islip Islip 40.7298207 -73.2103934 P PPL US NY 103 21232 4 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19939 5122432 Ithaca Ithaca 42.4406284 -76.4966071 P PPL US NY 109 31159 125 137 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19940 5122534 Jamestown Jamestown 42.0970023 -79.2353259 P PPL US NY 013 30077 420 408 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19941 5122794 Johnson City Johnson City 42.1156308 -75.9588092 P PPL US NY 007 15006 266 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19942 5123247 Kenmore Kenmore 42.9658907 -78.8700361 P PPL US NY 029 15603 187 207 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19943 5123456 Kings Park Kings Park 40.886209 -73.2573369 P PPL US NY 103 15313 53 56 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19944 5123477 Kingston Kingston 41.9270367 -73.9973608 P PPL US NY 111 23174 60 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19945 5123533 Kiryas Joel Kiryas Joel 41.3420381 -74.1679241 P PPL US NY 071 19382 209 240 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19946 5123718 Lackawanna Lackawanna 42.8256142 -78.8233664 P PPL US NY 029 18293 190 183 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19947 5123840 Lake Ronkonkoma Lake Ronkonkoma 40.8350983 -73.1312222 P PPL US NY 103 19884 22 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19948 5124276 Levittown Levittown 40.7259336 -73.5142921 P PPL US NY 059 52548 25 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19949 5124497 Lindenhurst Lindenhurst 40.6867667 -73.3734547 P PPL US NY 103 29081 9 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19950 5125011 Lockport Lockport 43.1706128 -78.6903098 P PPL US NY 063 21191 187 181 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19951 5125086 Long Beach Long Beach 40.5884374 -73.657908 P PPL US NY 059 35203 0 -9999 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19952 5125523 Lynbrook Lynbrook 40.6548253 -73.6717969 P PPL US NY 059 19626 6 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19953 5125738 Mamaroneck Mamaroneck 40.9487097 -73.7326309 P PPL US NY 119 18153 0 2 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19954 5126183 Massapequa Massapequa 40.6806564 -73.4742914 P PPL US NY 059 22776 8 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19955 5126187 Massapequa Park Massapequa Park 40.6803785 -73.4551241 P PPL US NY 059 17313 7 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19956 5126208 Mastic Mastic 40.8020431 -72.8409359 P PPL US NY 103 16155 9 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19957 5126518 Medford Medford 40.8175985 -73.0001068 P PPL US NY 103 22152 27 27 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19958 5126555 Melville Melville 40.7934322 -73.4151214 P PPL US NY 103 15428 41 43 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19959 5126630 Merrick Merrick 40.6628796 -73.551516 P PPL US NY 059 22457 4 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19960 5126842 Middletown Middletown 41.4459271 -74.4229341 P PPL US NY 071 26096 170 176 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19961 5127134 Mineola Mineola 40.7492678 -73.6406845 P PPL US NY 059 19006 33 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19962 5127835 Mount Vernon Mount Vernon 40.9125992 -73.8370786 P PPL US NY 119 68137 33 45 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19963 5128266 Nanuet Nanuet 41.0887073 -74.013473 P PPL US NY 087 17973 91 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19964 5128481 New City New City 41.1475954 -73.9893061 P PPL US NY 087 33942 48 55 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19965 5128549 New Rochelle New Rochelle 40.9114882 -73.7823549 P PPL US NY 119 72786 26 16 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 19966 5128581 New York City New York City 40.7142691 -74.0059729 P PPL US NY 061 8008278 10 2 America/New_York 2008-10-18
+ 19967 5128654 Newburgh Newburgh 41.5034271 -74.0104179 P PPL US NY 071 28476 39 45 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19968 5128723 Niagara Falls Niagara Falls 43.0944999 -79.0567111 P PPL US NY 063 53054 187 182 America/New_York 2007-07-01
+ 19969 5128886 North Babylon North Babylon 40.7164881 -73.3217861 P PPL US NY 103 17642 7 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19970 5128898 North Bay Shore North Bay Shore 40.7362096 -73.2626174 P PPL US NY 103 16023 11 12 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19971 5128904 North Bellmore North Bellmore 40.69149 -73.5334597 P PPL US NY 059 20097 14 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19972 5129050 North Gates North Gates 43.1764506 -77.7013936 P PPL US NY 055 15086 160 160 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19973 5129134 North Massapequa North Massapequa 40.7009337 -73.4620685 P PPL US NY 059 18903 14 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19974 5129245 North Tonawanda North Tonawanda 43.038668 -78.8642034 P PPL US NY 063 31825 175 176 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19975 5129248 North Valley Stream North Valley Stream 40.6851028 -73.7017976 P PPL US NY 059 35934 11 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19976 5129603 Oceanside Oceanside 40.6387141 -73.6401296 P PPL US NY 059 32622 3 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19977 5130045 Ossining Ossining 41.1628731 -73.8615246 P PPL US NY 119 24376 49 43 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19978 5130081 Oswego Oswego 43.4553461 -76.5104973 P PPL US NY 075 18434 87 86 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19979 5130780 Pearl River Pearl River 41.0589855 -74.0218063 P PPL US NY 087 15544 73 88 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19980 5130831 Peekskill Peekskill 41.2900939 -73.9204158 P PPL US NY 119 24117 39 40 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19981 5131638 Plainview Plainview 40.7764882 -73.4673455 P PPL US NY 059 25174 46 52 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19982 5131692 Plattsburgh Plattsburgh 44.6994873 -73.4529124 P PPL US NY 019 19229 42 37 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19983 5132002 Port Chester Port Chester 41.0017643 -73.6656834 P PPL US NY 119 27990 13 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19984 5132029 Port Washington Port Washington 40.8256561 -73.6981858 P PPL US NY 059 15016 30 22 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19985 5132143 Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie 41.7003713 -73.9209701 P PPL US NY 027 30345 62 39 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19986 5134086 Rochester Rochester 43.1547845 -77.6155568 P PPL US NY 055 211354 154 155 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 19987 5134203 Rockville Centre Rockville Centre 40.6587138 -73.6412406 P PPL US NY 059 24568 9 8 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19988 5134295 Rome Rome 43.2128473 -75.4557304 P PPL US NY 065 34950 139 138 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 19989 5134316 Ronkonkoma Ronkonkoma 40.8153761 -73.112333 P PPL US NY 103 19705 34 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19990 5134323 Roosevelt Roosevelt 40.678713 -73.5890168 P PPL US NY 059 16129 12 9 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19991 5134453 Rotterdam Rotterdam 42.7870209 -73.9709583 P PPL US NY 093 20060 103 97 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19992 5134693 Rye Rye 40.9806536 -73.6837399 P PPL US NY 119 15056 8 14 America/New_York 2006-01-22
+ 19993 5136334 Saratoga Springs Saratoga Springs 43.0831301 -73.7845651 P PPL US NY 091 27989 91 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19994 5136421 Sayville Sayville 40.7359317 -73.0820556 P PPL US NY 103 16691 6 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19995 5136433 Scarsdale Scarsdale 41.0050977 -73.7845768 P PPL US NY 119 17920 66 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19996 5136454 Schenectady Schenectady 42.8142432 -73.9395687 P PPL US NY 093 60280 74 87 America/New_York 2006-11-19
+ 19997 5137507 Seaford Seaford 40.6659344 -73.4881809 P PPL US NY 059 15758 3 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19998 5137600 Selden Selden 40.8664874 -73.0356625 P PPL US NY 103 22300 27 35 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 19999 5138022 Shirley Shirley 40.8014876 -72.8676033 P PPL US NY 103 26431 16 17 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20000 5138539 Smithtown Smithtown 40.8559314 -73.2006687 P PPL US NY 103 27300 18 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20001 5139301 Spring Valley Spring Valley 41.1131514 -74.0437521 P PPL US NY 087 25469 135 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20002 5140402 Syosset Syosset 40.8262101 -73.502068 P PPL US NY 059 18204 66 70 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20003 5140405 Syracuse Syracuse 43.0481221 -76.1474244 P PPL US NY 067 141830 121 122 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20004 5141175 Tonawanda Tonawanda 43.0203347 -78.880315 P PPL US NY 029 15401 175 182 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20005 5141502 Troy Troy 42.7284117 -73.6917851 P PPL US NY 083 48232 10 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20006 5141927 Uniondale Uniondale 40.7003793 -73.5929056 P PPL US NY 059 24201 16 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20007 5142056 Utica Utica 43.1009031 -75.2326641 P PPL US NY 065 58590 139 139 America/New_York 2006-11-19
+ 20008 5142109 Valley Stream Valley Stream 40.6642699 -73.7084645 P PPL US NY 059 36368 5 1 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20009 5143198 Wantagh Wantagh 40.6837121 -73.5101258 P PPL US NY 059 19014 7 7 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20010 5143396 Watertown Watertown 43.9747838 -75.9107565 P PPL US NY 045 28055 142 149 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20011 5143620 West Albany West Albany 42.6831344 -73.7784543 P PPL US NY 001 93794 61 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20012 5143630 West Babylon West Babylon 40.718155 -73.3542871 P PPL US NY 103 43606 12 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20013 5143832 West Hempstead West Hempstead 40.7048242 -73.6501295 P PPL US NY 059 19064 20 15 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20014 5143866 West Islip West Islip 40.7062104 -73.3062302 P PPL US NY 103 28911 6 8 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20015 5143992 West Seneca West Seneca 42.8500585 -78.7997547 P PPL US NY 029 44712 182 182 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20016 5144336 White Plains White Plains 41.0339862 -73.7629097 P PPL US NY 119 57260 65 62 America/New_York 2006-11-19
+ 20017 5145028 Woodmere Woodmere 40.6320482 -73.7126314 P PPL US NY 059 16740 7 4 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20018 5145215 Yonkers Yonkers 40.9312099 -73.8987469 P PPL US NY 119 197818 25 30 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20019 5145476 Akron Akron 41.0814447 -81.5190053 P PPL US OH 153 208414 291 290 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 20020 5145607 Alliance Alliance 40.9153362 -81.1059309 P PPL US OH 151 22676 353 348 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20021 5146055 Ashland Ashland 40.8686675 -82.3182178 P PPL US OH 005 21827 325 330 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20022 5146089 Ashtabula Ashtabula 41.8650534 -80.7898089 P PPL US OH 007 20027 205 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20023 5146256 Austintown Austintown 41.1017247 -80.7645239 P PPL US OH 099 30969 344 344 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20024 5146282 Avon Avon 41.4597645 -82.0195883 P PPL US OH 093 15724 209 199 America/New_York 2008-09-14
+ 20025 5146286 Avon Lake Avon Lake 41.5053178 -82.0282001 P PPL US OH 093 21004 185 183 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20026 5146491 Barberton Barberton 41.012833 -81.6051221 P PPL US OH 153 27099 297 297 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20027 5146675 Bay Village Bay Village 41.4847663 -81.9220845 P PPL US OH 035 15461 193 181 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20028 5147097 Berea Berea 41.3661614 -81.8543026 P PPL US OH 035 18108 233 231 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20029 5147784 Boardman Boardman 41.0242256 -80.6628528 P PPL US OH 099 36216 339 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20030 5147968 Bowling Green Bowling Green 41.3747744 -83.6513229 P PPL US OH 173 29215 212 211 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20031 5148273 Broadview Heights Broadview Heights 41.3139426 -81.6851271 P PPL US OH 035 17374 365 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20032 5148326 Brook Park Brook Park 41.3983838 -81.8045788 P PPL US OH 035 20232 243 245 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20033 5148480 Brunswick Brunswick 41.2381096 -81.8418007 P PPL US OH 103 34790 357 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20034 5149222 Canton Canton 40.7989473 -81.378447 P PPL US OH 151 78160 323 332 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20035 5150529 Cleveland Cleveland 41.4994954 -81.6954088 P PPL US OH 035 449514 199 185 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20036 5151613 Cuyahoga Falls Cuyahoga Falls 41.1339449 -81.4845585 P PPL US OH 153 51824 312 318 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20037 5151861 Defiance Defiance 41.2844933 -84.3557802 P PPL US OH 039 15926 206 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20038 5151891 Delaware Delaware 40.2986724 -83.067965 P PPL US OH 041 31457 265 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20039 5152333 Dublin Dublin 40.0992294 -83.1140771 P PPL US OH 049 35237 253 244 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20040 5152599 East Cleveland East Cleveland 41.5331066 -81.5790137 P PPL US OH 035 25513 210 212 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20041 5152833 Eastlake Eastlake 41.6539359 -81.4503924 P PPL US OH 085 19747 189 184 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20042 5153207 Elyria Elyria 41.3683798 -82.1076486 P PPL US OH 093 55873 218 209 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20043 5153420 Euclid Euclid 41.5931049 -81.5267873 P PPL US OH 035 50123 188 188 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20044 5153680 Fairview Park Fairview Park 41.4414366 -81.8643039 P PPL US OH 035 16709 228 228 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20045 5153924 Findlay Findlay 41.0442201 -83.6499321 P PPL US OH 063 40354 237 239 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20046 5155207 Fremont Fremont 41.3503303 -83.1218634 P PPL US OH 143 17280 191 185 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20047 5155393 Gahanna Gahanna 40.0192307 -82.8793446 P PPL US OH 049 33127 242 243 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20048 5155499 Garfield Heights Garfield Heights 41.4169974 -81.6059581 P PPL US OH 035 29218 291 276 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20049 5156371 Green Green 40.9458898 -81.4831714 P PPL US OH 153 23894 347 363 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20050 5157588 Hilliard Hilliard 40.0333961 -83.1582451 P PPL US OH 049 26893 285 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20051 5158164 Hudson Hudson 41.240056 -81.440667 P PPL US OH 153 23368 325 333 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20052 5159537 Kent Kent 41.1536674 -81.357886 P PPL US OH 133 28387 325 335 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20053 5160315 Lakewood Lakewood 41.4819932 -81.7981908 P PPL US OH 035 52756 215 214 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20054 5160783 Lima Lima 40.742551 -84.1052256 P PPL US OH 003 39906 268 258 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20055 5161262 Lorain Lorain 41.452819 -82.1823746 P PPL US OH 093 67920 186 186 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20056 5161723 Mansfield Mansfield 40.75839 -82.5154471 P PPL US OH 139 50310 379 365 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20057 5161803 Maple Heights Maple Heights 41.4153313 -81.565956 P PPL US OH 035 24961 274 275 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20058 5161902 Marion Marion 40.5886699 -83.1285242 P PPL US OH 101 37482 299 292 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20059 5162077 Marysville Marysville 40.2364486 -83.3671432 P PPL US OH 159 16396 302 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20060 5162097 Massillon Massillon 40.7967244 -81.5215093 P PPL US OH 151 31526 289 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20061 5162188 Mayfield Heights Mayfield Heights 41.5192189 -81.457896 P PPL US OH 035 18567 332 325 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20062 5162512 Medina Medina 41.1383878 -81.8637474 P PPL US OH 103 27358 332 328 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20063 5162645 Mentor Mentor 41.6661573 -81.339552 P PPL US OH 085 49726 211 214 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20064 5162851 Middleburg Heights Middleburg Heights 41.3614401 -81.812912 P PPL US OH 035 15681 259 258 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20065 5163799 Mount Vernon Mount Vernon 40.3933956 -82.4857181 P PPL US OH 083 16965 305 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20066 5164390 New Philadelphia New Philadelphia 40.4897871 -81.4456706 P PPL US OH 157 17472 276 273 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20067 5164466 Newark Newark 40.0581205 -82.4012643 P PPL US OH 089 46812 254 245 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20068 5164582 Niles Niles 41.1828353 -80.765358 P PPL US OH 155 19902 268 263 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20069 5164706 North Canton North Canton 40.875891 -81.4023356 P PPL US OH 151 16886 354 352 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20070 5164862 North Olmsted North Olmsted 41.4156025 -81.9234726 P PPL US OH 035 32958 232 229 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20071 5164903 North Ridgeville North Ridgeville 41.3894905 -82.0190321 P PPL US OH 093 25851 222 217 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20072 5164916 North Royalton North Royalton 41.3136644 -81.7245739 P PPL US OH 035 28920 366 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20073 5165101 Norwalk Norwalk 41.2425531 -82.6157331 P PPL US OH 077 16396 219 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20074 5165734 Oregon Oregon 41.6436603 -83.4868768 P PPL US OH 095 19355 183 180 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20075 5166009 Painesville Painesville 41.7244885 -81.245657 P PPL US OH 085 17251 206 205 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20076 5166177 Parma Parma 41.4047742 -81.7229086 P PPL US OH 035 82565 264 260 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20077 5166184 Parma Heights Parma Heights 41.3900518 -81.7595769 P PPL US OH 035 20886 261 259 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20078 5166516 Perrysburg Perrysburg 41.556996 -83.627157 P PPL US OH 173 16793 192 191 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20079 5166819 Piqua Piqua 40.1447732 -84.2424449 P PPL US OH 109 20731 266 274 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20080 5168491 Rocky River Rocky River 41.4756031 -81.8393034 P PPL US OH 035 19774 210 200 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20081 5170691 Sandusky Sandusky 41.4489397 -82.7079605 P PPL US OH 043 26428 182 178 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20082 5171728 Shaker Heights Shaker Heights 41.4739419 -81.5370671 P PPL US OH 035 27755 320 317 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20083 5172078 Sidney Sidney 40.2842164 -84.1554987 P PPL US OH 149 20161 290 289 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20084 5172387 Solon Solon 41.3897764 -81.4412259 P PPL US OH 035 22451 317 316 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20085 5172485 South Euclid South Euclid 41.5231076 -81.5184553 P PPL US OH 035 22350 292 293 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20086 5173048 Steubenville Steubenville 40.3697905 -80.6339638 P PPL US OH 081 19312 319 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20087 5173171 Stow Stow 41.1595005 -81.4403898 P PPL US OH 153 35349 333 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20088 5173210 Streetsboro Streetsboro 41.2392227 -81.3459405 P PPL US OH 133 15787 345 339 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20089 5173237 Strongsville Strongsville 41.3144966 -81.83569 P PPL US OH 035 44863 284 279 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20090 5173572 Sylvania Sylvania 41.7189392 -83.7129935 P PPL US OH 095 19141 202 200 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20091 5173623 Tallmadge Tallmadge 41.1014451 -81.441779 P PPL US OH 153 17537 340 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20092 5173930 Tiffin Tiffin 41.1144992 -83.1779747 P PPL US OH 147 17013 227 221 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20093 5174035 Toledo Toledo 41.6639383 -83.555212 P PPL US OH 095 306974 187 191 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20094 5174358 Troy Troy 40.0394982 -84.2032767 P PPL US OH 109 22336 252 265 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20095 5174550 Twinsburg Twinsburg 41.3125552 -81.4401129 P PPL US OH 153 17352 305 300 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20096 5175496 Wadsworth Wadsworth 41.0256101 -81.7298519 P PPL US OH 103 20187 356 320 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20097 5175865 Warren Warren 41.2375569 -80.8184166 P PPL US OH 155 45475 272 270 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20098 5176472 Westerville Westerville 40.1261743 -82.9290696 P PPL US OH 049 34226 265 263 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20099 5176517 Westlake Westlake 41.4553232 -81.9179174 P PPL US OH 035 31990 216 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20100 5176937 Willoughby Willoughby 41.6397696 -81.4065011 P PPL US OH 085 22352 201 198 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20101 5177358 Wooster Wooster 40.8050565 -81.935143 P PPL US OH 169 25725 304 299 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20102 5177568 Youngstown Youngstown 41.0997803 -80.6495194 P PPL US OH 099 77540 259 258 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20103 5178127 Allentown Allentown 40.6084305 -75.4901833 P PPL US PA 077 105519 103 92 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 20104 5178195 Altoona Altoona 40.5186809 -78.3947359 P PPL US PA 013 46962 355 363 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20105 5178800 Back Mountain Back Mountain 41.3359134 -75.9963114 P PPL US PA 079 26973 389 367 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20106 5178940 Baldwin Baldwin 40.3381252 -79.9789405 P PPL US PA 003 18991 349 340 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20107 5180199 Bethel Park Bethel Park 40.3275697 -80.0394977 P PPL US PA 003 32474 365 364 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20108 5180225 Bethlehem Bethlehem 40.6259316 -75.3704579 P PPL US PA 095 73710 109 97 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20109 5183234 Carlisle Carlisle 40.2014771 -77.1888704 P PPL US PA 041 18204 146 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20110 5188140 Easton Easton 40.688432 -75.2207323 P PPL US PA 095 26192 97 72 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20111 5188843 Erie Erie 42.1292241 -80.085059 P PPL US PA 049 99801 199 196 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20112 5192029 Greensburg Greensburg 40.3014581 -79.5389289 P PPL US PA 129 15309 313 324 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20113 5192726 Harrisburg Harrisburg 40.2737002 -76.8844179 P PPLA US PA 043 47840 102 98 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20114 5193011 Hazleton Hazleton 40.9584181 -75.9746472 P PPL US PA 079 21961 505 510 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20115 5193309 Hermitage Hermitage 41.2333897 -80.44868 P PPL US PA 085 16784 328 327 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20116 5195561 Johnstown Johnstown 40.3267407 -78.9219698 P PPL US PA 021 22357 356 365 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20117 5196220 King of Prussia King of Prussia 40.0892746 -75.3960211 P PPL US PA 091 18489 61 60 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20118 5197079 Lancaster Lancaster 40.0378755 -76.3055144 P PPL US PA 071 54735 110 92 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20119 5197159 Lansdale Lansdale 40.2414952 -75.2837862 P PPL US PA 091 16094 109 106 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20120 5197517 Lebanon Lebanon 40.3409251 -76.4113497 P PPL US PA 075 23581 143 152 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20121 5197796 Levittown Levittown 40.1551097 -74.8287747 P PPL US PA 017 53117 9 17 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20122 5200499 McKeesport McKeesport 40.3478472 -79.864215 P PPL US PA 003 22820 233 247 America/New_York 2006-01-27
+ 20123 5201734 Monroeville Monroeville 40.4211798 -79.7881025 P PPL US PA 003 29349 375 365 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20124 5202215 Mount Lebanon Mount Lebanon 40.3553473 -80.0494982 P PPL US PA 003 32730 323 340 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20125 5202534 Mountain Top Mountain Top 40.1067654 -75.9527208 P PPL US PA 071 15431 281 279 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20126 5202535 Mountain Top Mountain Top 41.1695269 -75.877419 P PPL US PA 079 15269 477 488 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20127 5202765 Murrysville Murrysville 40.4284015 -79.697545 P PPL US PA 129 18872 274 280 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20128 5203127 New Castle New Castle 41.0036719 -80.3470091 P PPL US PA 073 24652 260 266 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20129 5203506 Norristown Norristown 40.121497 -75.3399048 P PPL US PA 091 30735 48 34 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20130 5205377 Penn Hills Penn Hills 40.5011794 -79.8392158 P PPLX US PA 003 44610 287 276 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20131 5206379 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 40.4406248 -79.9958864 P PPL US PA 003 319494 233 235 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20132 5206606 Plum Plum 40.5003457 -79.7494911 P PPL US PA 003 26550 347 329 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20133 5207069 Pottstown Pottstown 40.2453741 -75.6496302 P PPL US PA 091 21720 46 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20134 5207490 Radnor Radnor 40.0462208 -75.3599105 P PPL US PA 045 30878 132 121 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20135 5207728 Reading Reading 40.3356483 -75.9268747 P PPL US PA 011 79799 93 76 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20136 5211303 Scranton Scranton 41.408969 -75.6624122 P PPL US PA 069 73206 230 217 America/New_York 2007-02-18
+ 20137 5211683 Sharon Sharon 41.2331116 -80.4934035 P PPL US PA 085 15415 305 304 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20138 5213681 State College State College 40.793395 -77.8600013 P PPL US PA 027 41835 355 359 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20139 5216895 Upper Sainte Clair Upper Sainte Clair 40.3359029 -80.083388 P PPL US PA 003 20147 335 348 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20140 5218802 West Mifflin West Mifflin 40.3634026 -79.8664375 P PPL US PA 003 21454 334 330 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20141 5219488 Wilkes-Barre Wilkes-Barre 41.2459149 -75.8813075 P PPL US PA 079 40736 163 183 America/New_York 2009-09-09
+ 20142 5219501 Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg 40.4417355 -79.8819942 P PPL US PA 003 18036 287 331 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20143 5219585 Williamsport Williamsport 41.2411897 -77.0010787 P PPL US PA 081 30706 158 154 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20144 5219619 Willow Grove Willow Grove 40.1439985 -75.1157286 P PPL US PA 091 16129 82 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20145 5220798 Barrington Barrington 41.740657 -71.3086618 P PPL US RI 001 16669 7 5 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20146 5221077 Bristol Bristol 41.6770463 -71.2661597 P PPL US RI 001 22795 35 41 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20147 5221341 Central Falls Central Falls 41.8906553 -71.3922785 P PPL US RI 007 19509 27 19 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20148 5221637 Coventry Coventry 41.7000996 -71.6828444 P PPL US RI 003 35525 129 113 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20149 5221659 Cranston Cranston 41.7798226 -71.4372796 P PPL US RI 007 82926 19 20 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20150 5221703 Cumberland Cumberland 41.9667656 -71.4328363 P PPL US RI 007 34843 81 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20151 5221931 East Providence East Providence 41.8137116 -71.3700545 P PPL US RI 007 50453 19 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20152 5223358 Middletown Middletown 41.5456578 -71.2914388 P PPL US RI 005 17303 56 39 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20153 5223525 Narragansett Pier Narragansett Pier 41.4323244 -71.4564448 P PPL US RI 009 17236 1 1 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20154 5223593 Newport Newport 41.4901024 -71.3128285 P PPL US RI 005 25818 9 8 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 20155 5223672 North Kingstown North Kingstown 41.5501013 -71.4661691 P PPL US RI 009 28042 25 11 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20156 5223681 North Providence North Providence 41.8500997 -71.4661703 P PPL US RI 007 33835 56 67 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20157 5223869 Pawtucket Pawtucket 41.878711 -71.3825558 P PPL US RI 007 74965 11 9 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20158 5224082 Portsmouth Portsmouth 41.6023245 -71.2503257 P PPL US RI 005 17756 43 30 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20159 5224151 Providence Providence 41.8239891 -71.4128343 P PPLA US RI 007 177595 2 3 America/New_York 2007-06-02
+ 20160 5224949 Smithfield Smithfield 41.9220433 -71.549507 P PPL US RI 007 21872 84 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20161 5225245 Tiverton Tiverton 41.6259357 -71.2133801 P PPL US RI 005 19432 3 -9999 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20162 5225507 Warwick Warwick 41.700101 -71.4161671 P PPL US RI 003 88071 11 8 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20163 5225627 West Warwick West Warwick 41.6968850382191 -71.5219402313232 P PPL US RI 003 30146 49 43 America/New_York 2008-05-05
+ 20164 5225631 Westerly Westerly 41.3775996 -71.8272911 P PPL US RI 009 17682 11 8 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20165 5225809 Woonsocket Woonsocket 42.0028761 -71.5147839 P PPL US RI 007 45839 56 46 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20166 5225857 Aberdeen Aberdeen 45.4646985 -98.4864829 P PPL US SD 013 23667 397 397 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20167 5226534 Brookings Brookings 44.3113573 -96.7983877 P PPL US SD 011 18216 494 499 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20168 5231851 Sioux Falls Sioux Falls 43.5499749 -96.700327 P PPL US SD 099 140336 448 444 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 20169 5232741 Watertown Watertown 44.8994088 -97.1150732 P PPL US SD 029 20185 528 528 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20170 5233742 Bennington Bennington 42.8781345 -73.1967741 P PPL US VT 003 18272 207 213 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20171 5234372 Burlington Burlington 44.4758825 -73.212072 P PPL US VT 007 38601 61 68 America/New_York 2007-02-17
+ 20172 5235024 Colchester Colchester 44.5439375 -73.1479068 P PPL US VT 007 16986 84 79 America/New_York 2007-10-04
+ 20173 5235952 Essex Junction Essex Junction 44.4906054 -73.1109604 P PPL US VT 007 19064 105 99 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20174 5240509 Rutland Rutland 43.6106237 -72.9726065 P PPL US VT 021 17043 197 194 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20175 5241248 South Burlington South Burlington 44.4669941 -73.1709604 P PPL US VT 007 17185 100 91 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20176 5244080 Appleton Appleton 44.2619309 -88.4153847 P PPL US WI 087 70112 242 233 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 20177 5244267 Ashwaubenon Ashwaubenon 44.4822137 -88.0701034 P PPL US WI 009 16842 185 182 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20178 5245387 Beloit Beloit 42.5083482 -89.0317765 P PPL US WI 105 35210 229 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20179 5246835 Brookfield Brookfield 43.0605671 -88.1064787 P PPL US WI 133 40056 252 248 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20180 5247415 Caledonia Caledonia 42.8077958 -87.924248 P PPL US WI 101 24282 220 220 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20181 5249871 Cudahy Cudahy 42.959738 -87.861471 P PPL US WI 079 18099 220 213 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20182 5250201 De Pere De Pere 44.4488805 -88.0603806 P PPL US WI 009 23419 183 179 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20183 5251436 Eau Claire Eau Claire 44.811349 -91.4984941 P PPL US WI 035 62852 240 243 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 20184 5253219 Fitchburg Fitchburg 42.9608322 -89.469843 P PPL US WI 025 22586 310 314 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20185 5253352 Fond du Lac Fond du Lac 43.7749983761625 -88.4388256072998 P PPL US WI 039 41860 232 235 America/Chicago 2007-02-21
+ 20186 5253710 Franklin Franklin 42.888627 -88.0384195 P PPL US WI 079 33272 244 240 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20187 5254218 Germantown Germantown 43.2286174 -88.1103691 P PPL US WI 131 19465 264 267 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20188 5254962 Green Bay Green Bay 44.519159 -88.019826 P PPL US WI 009 101012 180 178 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 20189 5255068 Greenfield Greenfield 42.9614039 -88.0125865 P PPL US WI 079 36493 242 239 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20190 5257754 Janesville Janesville 42.6827885 -89.0187223 P PPL US WI 105 61675 255 236 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 20191 5258393 Kenosha Kenosha 42.5847425 -87.8211854 P PPL US WI 059 93982 184 181 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 20192 5258957 La Crosse La Crosse 43.8013556 -91.2395807 P PPL US WI 063 51818 204 197 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 20193 5261457 Madison Madison 43.0730517 -89.4012302 P PPLA US WI 025 224625 267 270 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 20194 5261585 Manitowoc Manitowoc 44.0886059 -87.6575841 P PPL US WI 071 33939 184 180 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20195 5261969 Marshfield Marshfield 44.6688524 -90.1717987 P PPL US WI 141 18670 392 383 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20196 5262596 Menasha Menasha 44.2022084 -88.4464973 P PPL US WI 139 16621 230 229 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20197 5262630 Menomonee Falls Menomonee Falls 43.1788967 -88.1173132 P PPL US WI 133 34515 261 262 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20198 5262634 Menomonie Menomonie 44.8755183 -91.9193422 P PPL US WI 033 15361 271 242 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20199 5262649 Mequon Mequon 43.2363956 -87.9845335 P PPL US WI 089 23902 204 195 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20200 5262838 Middleton Middleton 43.0972174 -89.5042876 P PPL US WI 025 16288 286 289 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20201 5263045 Milwaukee Milwaukee 43.0389025 -87.9064736 P PPL US WI 079 579180 188 195 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 20202 5264049 Muskego Muskego 42.905848 -88.1389779 P PPL US WI 133 22889 244 243 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20203 5264223 Neenah Neenah 44.1858193 -88.462609 P PPL US WI 139 24810 229 228 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20204 5264381 New Berlin New Berlin 42.9764027 -88.1084224 P PPL US WI 133 38735 281 274 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20205 5264870 North La Crosse North La Crosse 43.8463545 -91.2481938 P PPL US WI 063 50470 198 194 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20206 5265228 Oak Creek Oak Creek 42.8858503 -87.8631362 P PPL US WI 079 34755 214 215 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20207 5265702 Onalaska Onalaska 43.8844092 -91.2351393 P PPL US WI 063 15924 216 201 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20208 5265838 Oshkosh Oshkosh 44.0247062 -88.5426136 P PPL US WI 139 63017 234 229 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 20209 5267403 Pleasant Prairie Pleasant Prairie 42.5530753 -87.9334118 P PPL US WI 059 16136 212 207 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 20210 5268249 Racine Racine 42.7261309 -87.7828523 P PPL US WI 101 79263 188 180 America/Chicago 2007-02-18
+ 20211 5272893 Sheboygan Sheboygan 43.7508284 -87.71453 P PPL US WI 117 48591 193 183 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20212 5273812 South Milwaukee South Milwaukee 42.9105722 -87.8606367 P PPL US WI 079 21059 204 203 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20213 5274644 Stevens Point Stevens Point 44.5235792 -89.574563 P PPL US WI 097 24408 332 329 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20214 5275020 Sun Prairie Sun Prairie 43.1836046 -89.2137254 P PPL US WI 025 25561 292 300 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20215 5275191 Superior Superior 46.7207737 -92.1040796 P PPL US WI 031 27368 196 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-15
+ 20216 5278005 Watertown Watertown 43.1947212 -88.7289918 P PPL US WI 055 23323 260 259 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20217 5278052 Waukesha Waukesha 43.0116784 -88.2314813 P PPL US WI 133 68112 248 257 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 20218 5278120 Wausau Wausau 44.9591352 -89.6301221 P PPL US WI 073 36779 368 365 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20219 5278159 Wauwatosa Wauwatosa 43.0494572 -88.0075875 P PPL US WI 079 45453 205 198 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20220 5278420 West Allis West Allis 43.0166806 -88.0070315 P PPL US WI 079 59363 222 228 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20221 5278422 West Bend West Bend 43.4252776 -88.1834277 P PPL US WI 131 29431 272 271 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20222 5279436 Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin Rapids 44.3835763 -89.8173466 P PPL US WI 141 17724 313 310 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20223 5280814 Weirton Weirton 40.4189566 -80.5895167 P PPL US WV 029 20411 230 253 America/New_York 2006-01-15
+ 20224 5280822 Weirton Heights Weirton Heights 40.4084014 -80.5392365 P PPL US WV 029 19450 365 324 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20225 5280854 Wheeling Wheeling 40.0639616 -80.7209149 P PPL US WV 069 29388 203 212 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20226 5281020 Groton Groton 42.6112014 -71.574512 P PPL US MA 017 18772 101 101 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20227 5281551 Ansonia Ansonia 41.3462078 -73.0789969 P PPL US CT 009 18959 25 21 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20228 5282804 Bridgeport Bridgeport 41.1670412 -73.2048348 P PPL US CT 001 139090 1 12 America/New_York 2006-11-05
+ 20229 5282835 Bristol Bristol 41.6717648 -72.9492703 P PPL US CT 003 61033 93 100 America/New_York 2006-11-15
+ 20230 5283054 Branford Branford 41.2795414 -72.8150989 P PPL US CT 009 29438 14 16 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20231 5283837 Cheshire Cheshire 41.4989861 -72.900658 P PPL US CT 009 29443 78 61 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20232 5284283 Colchester Colchester 41.5756543 -72.3320269 P PPL US CT 011 15502 144 142 America/New_York 2006-01-17
+ 20233 5284756 Fillmore Fillmore 34.3991639 -118.918154 P PPL US CA 111 15386 139 169 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20234 5287565 Bullhead City Bullhead City 35.1477774 -114.5682983 P PPL US AZ 015 37989 170 218 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20235 5288636 Casa Grande Casa Grande 32.8795022 -111.7573521 P PPL US AZ 021 32138 426 421 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20236 5288661 Casas Adobes Casas Adobes 32.3234078 -110.9950966 P PPL US AZ 019 77904 735 719 America/Phoenix 2006-11-15
+ 20237 5288786 Catalina Foothills Catalina Foothills 32.297853 -110.9187037 P PPL US AZ 019 77408 785 791 America/Phoenix 2006-11-15
+ 20238 5289282 Chandler Chandler 33.3061605 -111.8412502 P PPL US AZ 013 234297 370 380 America/Phoenix 2006-05-09
+ 20239 5293083 Douglas Douglas 31.3445471 -109.5453447 P PPL US AZ 003 16692 1221 1219 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20240 5293183 Drexel Heights Drexel Heights 32.1411888 -111.028427 P PPL US AZ 019 35743 770 785 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20241 5293996 El Mirage El Mirage 33.6130942 -112.3246042 P PPL US AZ 013 32308 349 357 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20242 5294810 Flagstaff Flagstaff 35.1980671 -111.6512725 P PPL US AZ 005 57566 2104 2128 America/Phoenix 2007-02-17
+ 20243 5294902 Florence Florence 33.0314508 -111.3873431 P PPL US AZ 021 15482 454 462 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20244 5294937 Flowing Wells Flowing Wells 32.2939638 -111.0098178 P PPL US AZ 019 15339 692 707 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20245 5295143 Fortuna Foothills Fortuna Foothills 32.6578265 -114.4118901 P PPL US AZ 027 30680 102 95 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20246 5295177 Fountain Hills Fountain Hills 33.6117105 -111.7173613 P PPL US AZ 013 23116 489 494 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20247 5295903 Gilbert Gilbert 33.3528264 -111.789027 P PPL US AZ 013 170829 377 388 America/Phoenix 2006-05-09
+ 20248 5295985 Glendale Glendale 33.5386523 -112.1859866 P PPL US AZ 013 240112 351 336 America/Phoenix 2007-02-18
+ 20249 5296266 Goodyear Goodyear 33.4353199 -112.3582135 P PPL US AZ 013 18911 295 304 America/Phoenix 2006-01-15
+ 20250 5296802 Green Valley Green Valley 31.8542511 -110.9937019 P PPL US AZ 019 19310 885 880 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20251 5301067 Kingman Kingman 35.189443 -114.0530065 P PPL US AZ 015 24431 1021 1016 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20252 5301388 Lake Havasu City Lake Havasu City 34.483901 -114.3224548 P PPL US AZ 015 54752 225 232 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20253 5304391 Mesa Mesa 33.4222685 -111.8226402 P PPL US AZ 013 396375 378 386 America/Phoenix 2007-02-17
+ 20254 5305230 Mohave Valley Mohave Valley 34.9330585 -114.5888533 P PPL US AZ 015 18542 143 152 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20255 5306611 Nogales Nogales 31.3403775 -110.9342532 P PPL US AZ 023 20707 1168 1183 America/Phoenix 2006-11-19
+ 20256 5307540 Oro Valley Oro Valley 32.3909071 -110.966488 P PPL US AZ 019 37221 775 793 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20257 5308480 Peoria Peoria 33.5805955 -112.2373779 P PPL US AZ 013 108364 348 348 America/Phoenix 2006-05-19
+ 20258 5308655 Phoenix Phoenix 33.4483771 -112.0740373 P PPLA US AZ 013 1321045 331 0 America/Phoenix 2007-06-02
+ 20259 5309842 Prescott Prescott 34.5400242 -112.4685025 P PPL US AZ 025 40136 1638 1646 America/Phoenix 2006-01-22
+ 20260 5309858 Prescott Valley Prescott Valley 34.5894106548787 -112.325248718262 P PPL US AZ 025 32415 1532 1524 America/Phoenix 2008-05-21
+ 20261 5312913 San Luis San Luis 32.4869996 -114.7821796 P PPL US AZ 027 21793 40 31 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20262 5313457 Scottsdale Scottsdale 33.5092103 -111.8990327 P PPL US AZ 013 202705 383 386 America/Phoenix 2006-11-05
+ 20263 5314328 Sierra Vista Sierra Vista 31.5545394 -110.3036912 P PPL US AZ 003 41378 1412 1405 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20264 5316201 Sun City Sun City 33.5975393 -112.2718239 P PPL US AZ 013 41078 348 348 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20265 5316205 Sun City West Sun City West 33.6619819 -112.3412726 P PPL US AZ 013 32813 376 372 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20266 5316209 Sun Lakes Sun Lakes 33.2111623 -111.8754166 P PPL US AZ 013 15561 364 361 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20267 5316428 Surprise Surprise 33.6305938 -112.333216 P PPL US AZ 013 30848 358 365 America/Phoenix 2006-01-15
+ 20268 5316890 Tanque Verde Tanque Verde 32.2517423 -110.7373056 P PPL US AZ 019 18509 814 822 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20269 5317058 Tempe Tempe 33.414768 -111.9093095 P PPL US AZ 013 158625 360 364 America/Phoenix 2006-05-10
+ 20270 5317071 Tempe Junction Tempe Junction 33.4142123 -111.9434772 P PPL US AZ 013 158368 354 361 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20271 5318313 Tucson Tucson 32.2217429 -110.926479 P PPL US AZ 019 518907 759 751 America/Phoenix 2007-02-17
+ 20272 5318320 Tucson Estates Tucson Estates 32.1875769 -111.0909295 P PPL US AZ 019 15361 807 820 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20273 5322053 Yuma Yuma 32.7253249 -114.624397 P PPL US AZ 027 84316 43 36 America/Phoenix 2007-02-18
+ 20274 5322400 Adelanto Adelanto 34.5827699 -117.409215 P PPL US CA 071 18130 875 881 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20275 5322551 Agoura Agoura 34.1430611 -118.7378669 P PPL US CA 037 20537 281 304 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20276 5322553 Agoura Hills Agoura Hills 34.1363945 -118.7745348 P PPL US CA 037 22222 513 490 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20277 5322737 Alameda Alameda 37.7652065 -122.2416355 P PPL US CA 001 70443 10 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20278 5322794 Alamo Alamo 37.8502033 -122.032184 P PPL US CA 013 17764 79 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20279 5322850 Albany Albany 37.88687 -122.2977475 P PPL US CA 001 16144 13 32 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20280 5323060 Alhambra Alhambra 34.095287 -118.1270146 P PPL US CA 037 88386 150 140 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20281 5323163 Aliso Viejo Aliso Viejo 33.6083566 -117.7453312 P PPL US CA 059 41314 127 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20282 5323401 Alpine Alpine 32.8350521 -116.7664109 P PPL US CA 073 15391 561 583 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20283 5323525 Altadena Altadena 34.1897275 -118.1311819 P PPL US CA 037 43226 414 400 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20284 5323694 American Canyon American Canyon 38.1749179 -122.2608044 P PPL US CA 055 15513 14 11 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20285 5323810 Anaheim Anaheim 33.8352932 -117.9145036 P PPL US CA 059 328014 48 40 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20286 5324200 Antioch Antioch 38.0049214 -121.805789 P PPL US CA 013 106038 13 11 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20287 5324363 Apple Valley Apple Valley 34.5008311 -117.1858759 P PPL US CA 071 64271 898 901 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20288 5324477 Arcadia Arcadia 34.1397292 -118.0353449 P PPL US CA 037 56716 147 148 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20289 5324802 Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande 35.1185869 -120.5907252 P PPL US CA 079 16613 36 37 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20290 5324862 Artesia Artesia 33.8658484 -118.0831212 P PPL US CA 037 16992 16 3 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20291 5325011 Ashland Ashland 37.6946528 -122.1138531 P PPL US CA 001 23467 14 52 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20292 5325111 Atascadero Atascadero 35.4894169 -120.6707255 P PPL US CA 079 27308 268 300 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20293 5325187 Atwater Atwater 37.3477174 -120.609084 P PPL US CA 047 29686 46 50 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20294 5325327 Avenal Avenal 36.0041223 -120.1290272 P PPL US CA 031 16727 246 245 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20295 5325372 Avocado Heights Avocado Heights 34.0361217 -117.9911765 P PPL US CA 037 15832 103 88 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20296 5325423 Azusa Azusa 34.1336186 -117.9075627 P PPL US CA 037 48297 186 190 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20297 5325738 Bakersfield Bakersfield 35.3732921 -119.0187125 P PPL US CA 029 291389 123 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-05
+ 20298 5325866 Baldwin Park Baldwin Park 34.0852868 -117.9608978 P PPL US CA 037 80566 114 112 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20299 5326032 Banning Banning 33.9255713 -116.8764103 P PPL US CA 065 30411 716 728 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20300 5326297 Barstow Barstow 34.8985937 -117.022818 P PPL US CA 071 21119 664 669 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20301 5326305 Barstow Heights Barstow Heights 34.8697057 -117.0561522 P PPL US CA 071 24202 780 769 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20302 5326561 Bay Point Bay Point 38.0290872 -121.9616274 P PPL US CA 013 21534 27 25 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20303 5327098 Beaumont Beaumont 33.9294606 -116.977248 P PPL US CA 065 18593 796 792 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20304 5327298 Bell Bell 33.9775142 -118.1870156 P PPL US CA 037 38335 43 31 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20305 5327319 Bell Gardens Bell Gardens 33.9652918 -118.1514588 P PPL US CA 037 46119 37 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20306 5327422 Bellflower Bellflower 33.8816819 -118.1170117 P PPL US CA 037 75847 22 8 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20307 5327455 Belmont Belmont 37.5202145 -122.2758008 P PPL US CA 081 23998 13 58 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20308 5327550 Benicia Benicia 38.049365 -122.1585777 P PPL US CA 095 26742 8 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20309 5327684 Berkeley Berkeley 37.8715926 -122.272747 P PPL US CA 001 100158 52 56 America/Los_Angeles 2008-05-04
+ 20310 5328041 Beverly Hills Beverly Hills 34.0736204 -118.4003563 P PPL US CA 037 35355 79 78 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20311 5329408 Bloomington Bloomington 34.07029 -117.3958797 P PPL US CA 071 22003 335 338 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20312 5329649 Blythe Blythe 33.6103022 -114.5963456 P PPL US CA 065 22483 83 82 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20313 5330167 Bostonia Bostonia 32.8075509 -116.9364153 P PPL US CA 073 16168 148 153 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20314 5330567 Brawley Brawley 32.9786566 -115.530267 P PPL US CA 025 22185 -34 -35 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20315 5330582 Brea Brea 33.9166805 -117.9000604 P PPL US CA 059 39542 110 106 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20316 5330642 Brentwood Brentwood 37.9268676014813 -121.725769042969 P PPL US CA 013 46669 24 32 America/Los_Angeles 2009-08-19
+ 20317 5331575 Buena Park Buena Park 33.8675143 -117.9981181 P PPL US CA 059 79157 23 22 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20318 5331835 Burbank Burbank 34.1808392 -118.3089661 P PPL US CA 037 104690 185 174 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20319 5331920 Burlingame Burlingame 37.5841026 -122.3660825 P PPL US CA 081 26777 12 10 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20320 5332593 Calabasas Calabasas 34.1577833 -118.6384203 P PPL US CA 037 21368 283 295 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20321 5332698 Calexico Calexico 32.6789476 -115.4988834 P PPL US CA 025 36389 2 3 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20322 5333180 Camarillo Camarillo 34.2163937 -119.0376023 P PPL US CA 111 62500 54 38 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20323 5333282 Cameron Park Cameron Park 38.6687929 -120.9871643 P PPL US CA 017 16232 365 366 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20324 5333689 Campbell Campbell 37.2871651 -121.9499568 P PPL US CA 085 36529 60 56 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20325 5334223 Carlsbad Carlsbad 33.1580933 -117.3505939 P PPL US CA 073 78247 16 -9999 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20326 5334336 Carmichael Carmichael 38.617127 -121.3282843 P PPL US CA 067 50992 37 36 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20327 5334519 Carson Carson 33.8314058 -118.2820165 P PPL US CA 037 95767 12 13 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20328 5334928 Castro Valley Castro Valley 37.6940973 -122.0863522 P PPL US CA 001 62813 50 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20329 5335006 Cathedral City Cathedral City 33.7797426 -116.4652911 P PPL US CA 065 52991 100 91 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20330 5335650 Ceres Ceres 37.5949316 -120.9577098 P PPL US CA 099 40082 28 21 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20331 5335663 Cerritos Cerritos 33.8583484 -118.0647871 P PPL US CA 037 53305 14 2 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20332 5336190 Cherryland Cherryland 37.6793756 -122.1032971 P PPL US CA 001 15585 20 46 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20333 5336269 Chico Chico 39.7284945 -121.8374777 P PPL US CA 007 70565 60 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20334 5336537 Chino Chino 34.0122346 -117.688944 P PPL US CA 071 75494 222 222 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20335 5336545 Chino Hills Chino Hills 33.8936261 -117.7272766 P PPL US CA 071 66787 326 363 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20336 5336899 Chula Vista Chula Vista 32.6400541 -117.0841955 P PPL US CA 073 213032 21 23 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20337 5337561 Citrus Heights Citrus Heights 38.7071247 -121.2810611 P PPL US CA 067 89430 50 48 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20338 5337696 Claremont Claremont 34.0966764 -117.7197785 P PPL US CA 037 35368 356 358 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20339 5338122 Clovis Clovis 36.8252277 -119.7029194 P PPL US CA 019 86324 110 95 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20340 5338166 Coachella Coachella 33.6803003 -116.173894 P PPL US CA 065 30755 -20 -23 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20341 5338196 Coalinga Coalinga 36.139678 -120.3601496 P PPL US CA 019 16331 205 207 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20342 5338783 Colton Colton 34.0739016 -117.3136547 P PPL US CA 071 52335 306 310 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20343 5339066 Compton Compton 33.8958492 -118.2200712 P PPL US CA 037 96749 21 29 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20344 5339111 Concord Concord 37.9779777 -122.0310733 P PPL US CA 013 125626 23 49 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20345 5339539 Corcoran Corcoran 36.098007 -119.5604015 P PPL US CA 031 22587 63 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20346 5339631 Corona Corona 33.8752935 -117.5664384 P PPL US CA 065 152954 207 193 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20347 5339663 Coronado Coronado 32.6858854 -117.1830891 P PPL US CA 073 24100 6 3 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20348 5339840 Costa Mesa Costa Mesa 33.6411316 -117.9186689 P PPL US CA 059 108724 30 18 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20349 5339873 Coto De Caza Coto De Caza 33.6041895 -117.5869923 P PPL US CA 059 18613 216 240 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20350 5340175 Covina Covina 34.0900091 -117.8903397 P PPL US CA 037 48688 170 168 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20351 5341051 Cudahy Cudahy 33.9605701 -118.1853486 P PPL US CA 037 25606 37 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20352 5341114 Culver City Culver City 34.0211224 -118.3964665 P PPL US CA 037 40129 29 28 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20353 5341145 Cupertino Cupertino 37.3229978 -122.0321823 P PPL US CA 085 50934 72 73 America/Los_Angeles 2006-07-24
+ 20354 5341256 Cypress Cypress 33.8169599 -118.0372852 P PPL US CA 059 47371 12 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20355 5341430 Daly City Daly City 37.7057657 -122.4619166 P PPL US CA 081 98959 124 113 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20356 5341483 Dana Point Dana Point 33.4669721 -117.6981075 P PPL US CA 059 35870 44 53 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20357 5341531 Danville Danville 37.8215929 -121.9999606 P PPL US CA 013 42852 109 112 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20358 5341704 Davis Davis 38.5449065 -121.7405167 P PPL US CA 113 65806 16 15 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20359 5342485 Delano Delano 35.7688425 -119.2470536 P PPL US CA 029 44757 96 94 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20360 5342710 Desert Hot Springs Desert Hot Springs 33.961124 -116.5016784 P PPL US CA 065 18991 328 338 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20361 5342992 Diamond Bar Diamond Bar 34.0286226 -117.8103367 P PPL US CA 037 58935 212 215 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20362 5343171 Dinuba Dinuba 36.5432837 -119.3870656 P PPL US CA 107 18511 102 93 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20363 5343303 Dixon Dixon 38.4454641 -121.8232958 P PPL US CA 095 16244 19 18 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20364 5343858 Downey Downey 33.9400143 -118.1325688 P PPL US CA 037 111862 36 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20365 5344147 Duarte Duarte 34.1394513 -117.9772873 P PPL US CA 037 22521 156 149 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20366 5344157 Dublin Dublin 37.7021521 -121.9357918 P PPL US CA 001 38805 112 116 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20367 5344994 East Los Angeles East Los Angeles 34.0239015 -118.1720157 P PPL US CA 037 125157 61 57 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20368 5345032 East Palo Alto East Palo Alto 37.4688273 -122.1410751 P PPL US CA 081 32906 6 8 America/Los_Angeles 2006-09-02
+ 20369 5345071 East San Gabriel East San Gabriel 34.0916759 -118.09118 P PPLX US CA 037 15661 115 115 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20370 5345529 El Cajon El Cajon 32.7947731 -116.9625269 P PPL US CA 073 94807 133 145 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20371 5345609 El Centro El Centro 32.792 -115.5630514 P PPL US CA 025 38323 -12 -12 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20372 5345623 El Cerrito El Cerrito 37.9157581 -122.3116367 P PPL US CA 013 23192 21 32 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20373 5345679 El Dorado Hills El Dorado Hills 38.6857367 -121.082167 P PPL US CA 017 25106 233 243 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20374 5345743 El Monte El Monte 34.0686207 -118.0275667 P PPL US CA 037 125372 91 83 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20375 5345860 El Segundo El Segundo 33.9191799 -118.4164652 P PPL US CA 037 16710 35 38 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20376 5346111 Elk Grove Elk Grove 38.4087993 -121.3716178 P PPL US CA 067 94497 14 12 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20377 5346646 Encinitas Encinitas 33.0369867 -117.2919818 P PPL US CA 073 58014 25 -9999 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20378 5346827 Escondido Escondido 33.1192068 -117.086421 P PPL US CA 073 137119 197 236 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20379 5347287 Fair Oaks Fair Oaks 38.6446264 -121.2721718 P PPL US CA 067 28989 53 54 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20380 5347335 Fairfield Fairfield 38.2493581 -122.0399663 P PPL US CA 095 105741 4 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20381 5347578 Fallbrook Fallbrook 33.3764196 -117.2511466 P PPL US CA 073 33617 208 230 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20382 5349613 Florin Florin 38.4960187 -121.4088416 P PPL US CA 067 29808 10 8 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20383 5349705 Folsom Folsom 38.6779591 -121.1760583 P PPL US CA 067 67953 67 49 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20384 5349755 Fontana Fontana 34.0922335 -117.435048 P PPL US CA 071 169160 377 383 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-09
+ 20385 5349803 Foothill Farms Foothill Farms 38.6762921 -121.3363403 P PPL US CA 067 17828 41 42 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20386 5350159 Foster City Foster City 37.5585465 -122.2710788 P PPL US CA 081 28532 2 6 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20387 5350207 Fountain Valley Fountain Valley 33.7091847 -117.9536697 P PPL US CA 059 56133 10 2 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20388 5350734 Fremont Fremont 37.5482697 -121.9885719 P PPL US CA 001 202615 17 15 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20389 5350937 Fresno Fresno 36.7477272 -119.7723661 P PPL US CA 019 465183 94 91 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20390 5351247 Fullerton Fullerton 33.8702924 -117.925338 P PPL US CA 059 135353 50 56 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20391 5351428 Galt Galt 38.2546373 -121.2999485 P PPL US CA 067 23997 16 15 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20392 5351515 Garden Grove Garden Grove 33.7739053 -117.9414477 P PPL US CA 059 167232 27 21 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20393 5351549 Gardena Gardena 33.8883487 -118.3089624 P PPL US CA 037 60915 15 17 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20394 5352214 Gilroy Gilroy 37.0057816 -121.5682751 P PPL US CA 085 45309 61 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20395 5352350 Glen Avon Glen Avon 34.0116799 -117.4847714 P PPL US CA 065 16249 230 231 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20396 5352423 Glendale Glendale 34.1425078 -118.255075 P PPL US CA 037 194973 159 162 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-05
+ 20397 5352439 Glendora Glendora 34.1361187 -117.865339 P PPL US CA 037 51541 236 243 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20398 5352963 Goleta Goleta 34.4358295 -119.8276389 P PPL US CA 083 28351 6 22 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20399 5353530 Granite Bay Granite Bay 38.7632346 -121.1638361 P PPL US CA 061 20809 131 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20400 5354819 Hacienda Heights Hacienda Heights 33.9930677 -117.9686755 P PPL US CA 037 54289 138 132 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20401 5355180 Hanford Hanford 36.3274502 -119.6456844 P PPL US CA 031 47648 76 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20402 5355782 Hawaiian Gardens Hawaiian Gardens 33.8314045 -118.0728424 P PPL US CA 037 15652 10 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20403 5355828 Hawthorne Hawthorne 33.9164032 -118.3525748 P PPL US CA 037 87083 22 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20404 5355933 Hayward Hayward 37.6688205 -122.0807964 P PPL US CA 001 140494 34 59 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20405 5356277 Hemet Hemet 33.7475203 -116.9719684 P PPL US CA 065 69039 486 485 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20406 5356451 Hercules Hercules 38.0171441 -122.2885808 P PPL US CA 013 23819 24 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20407 5356521 Hermosa Beach Hermosa Beach 33.8622367 -118.3995194 P PPL US CA 037 19825 8 13 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20408 5356576 Hesperia Hesperia 34.4263886 -117.3008784 P PPL US CA 071 73640 971 964 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20409 5356868 Highland Highland 34.1283442 -117.2086513 P PPL US CA 071 51312 399 395 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20410 5357499 Hollister Hollister 36.8524545 -121.4016021 P PPL US CA 069 37485 88 0 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20411 5357527 Hollywood Hollywood 34.0983425 -118.3267434 P PPLX US CA 037 167664 108 110 America/Los_Angeles 2008-07-13
+ 20412 5358705 Huntington Beach Huntington Beach 33.660297 -117.9992265 P PPL US CA 059 195968 12 1 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20413 5358736 Huntington Park Huntington Park 33.9816812 -118.2250725 P PPL US CA 037 63831 52 38 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20414 5359054 Imperial Beach Imperial Beach 32.5839444 -117.1130849 P PPL US CA 073 27091 6 7 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20415 5359446 Indio Indio 33.7205771 -116.2155619 P PPL US CA 065 65955 -4 -4 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20416 5359488 Inglewood Inglewood 33.9616801 -118.3531311 P PPL US CA 037 116158 40 32 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20417 5359777 Irvine Irvine 33.6694649 -117.8231107 P PPL US CA 059 189297 17 17 America/Los_Angeles 2008-04-21
+ 20418 5359864 Isla Vista Isla Vista 34.4133292 -119.8609718 P PPL US CA 083 17716 14 3 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20419 5363859 La Cañada Flintridge La Canada Flintridge 34.1991718 -118.1878507 P PPL US CA 037 21293 362 365 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20420 5363922 La Habra La Habra 33.9319578 -117.9461734 P PPL US CA 059 59654 91 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20421 5363990 La Mesa La Mesa 32.7678288 -117.0230839 P PPL US CA 073 54087 161 154 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20422 5364007 La Mirada La Mirada 33.9172357 -118.0120086 P PPL US CA 037 49963 59 59 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20423 5364022 La Palma La Palma 33.846404 -118.0467306 P PPL US CA 059 16169 14 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20424 5364059 La Presa La Presa 32.7081085 -116.9972487 P PPL US CA 073 35119 107 82 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20425 5364066 La Puente La Puente 34.0200114 -117.9495083 P PPL US CA 037 42605 107 102 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20426 5364079 La Quinta La Quinta 33.6633573 -116.3100095 P PPL US CA 065 37690 41 50 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20427 5364134 La Verne La Verne 34.1008426 -117.7678355 P PPL US CA 037 33698 323 331 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20428 5364226 Lafayette Lafayette 37.8857582 -122.1180201 P PPL US CA 013 24780 94 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20429 5364271 Laguna Laguna 38.4210209 -121.4238414 P PPL US CA 067 46621 9 8 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20430 5364275 Laguna Beach Laguna Beach 33.5422475 -117.7831104 P PPL US CA 059 24181 6 56 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20431 5364306 Laguna Hills Laguna Hills 33.59560402562 -117.700309753418 P PPL US CA 059 30843 113 118 America/Los_Angeles 2008-02-12
+ 20432 5364329 Laguna Niguel Laguna Niguel 33.5225261 -117.7075526 P PPL US CA 059 66291 121 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20433 5364369 Laguna Woods Laguna Woods 33.6103009 -117.7253305 P PPL US CA 059 19862 116 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20434 5364499 Lake Elsinore Lake Elsinore 33.6680772 -117.3272615 P PPL US CA 065 40630 395 418 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20435 5364514 Lake Forest Lake Forest 33.6469661 -117.689218 P PPL US CA 059 76733 148 148 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20436 5364782 Lakeside Lakeside 32.8572718 -116.9222488 P PPL US CA 073 19293 126 125 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20437 5364855 Lakewood Lakewood 33.8536269 -118.1339563 P PPL US CA 037 82115 14 17 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20438 5364940 Lancaster Lancaster 34.6980406 -118.1367393 P PPL US CA 037 129548 719 717 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20439 5365603 Lawndale Lawndale 33.887237 -118.3525744 P PPL US CA 037 32841 18 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20440 5365893 Lemon Grove Lemon Grove 32.7425516 -117.0314172 P PPL US CA 073 24802 136 180 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20441 5365918 Lemoore Lemoore 36.3007835 -119.7829107 P PPL US CA 031 22763 69 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20442 5365937 Lennox Lennox 33.9380695 -118.3525752 P PPL US CA 037 23387 22 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20443 5366375 Lincoln Lincoln 38.891565 -121.2930079 P PPL US CA 061 33242 51 47 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20444 5367314 Live Oak Live Oak 36.9835612 -121.9805165 P PPL US CA 087 17598 32 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20445 5367440 Livermore Livermore 37.6818745 -121.7680088 P PPL US CA 001 80347 150 151 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20446 5367565 Lodi Lodi 38.1301968 -121.2724473 P PPL US CA 077 62778 15 14 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20447 5367696 Loma Linda Loma Linda 34.0483474 -117.2611527 P PPL US CA 071 20802 355 357 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20448 5367767 Lomita Lomita 33.7922392 -118.3150722 P PPL US CA 037 20751 29 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20449 5367788 Lompoc Lompoc 34.6391501 -120.4579409 P PPL US CA 083 40957 32 59 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20450 5367929 Long Beach Long Beach 33.7669623 -118.1892348 P PPL US CA 037 482618 9 1 America/Los_Angeles 2008-04-21
+ 20451 5368335 Los Altos Los Altos 37.3852183 -122.1141298 P PPL US CA 085 26871 48 56 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20452 5368361 Los Angeles Los Angeles 34.0522342 -118.2436849 P PPL US CA 037 3694820 89 115 America/Los_Angeles 2009-03-25
+ 20453 5368453 Los Banos Los Banos 37.0582786 -120.8499151 P PPL US CA 047 33317 36 37 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20454 5368518 Los Gatos Los Gatos 37.226611 -121.9746797 P PPL US CA 085 27551 105 102 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20455 5369367 Lynwood Lynwood 33.930293 -118.2114603 P PPL US CA 037 72397 28 23 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20456 5369568 Madera Madera 36.9613356 -120.0607176 P PPL US CA 039 51451 83 82 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20457 5370082 Manhattan Beach Manhattan Beach 33.8847361 -118.4109089 P PPL US CA 037 37174 20 -9999 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20458 5370164 Manteca Manteca 37.7974273 -121.2160526 P PPL US CA 077 65820 11 10 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20459 5370493 Marina Marina 36.6844029 -121.802173 P PPL US CA 053 16957 13 10 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20460 5370868 Martinez Martinez 38.0193657 -122.1341321 P PPL US CA 013 36702 7 2 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20461 5371261 Maywood Maywood 33.9866807 -118.185349 P PPL US CA 037 28965 46 34 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20462 5372223 Menlo Park Menlo Park 37.4538274 -122.1821871 P PPL US CA 081 29071 22 25 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-19
+ 20463 5372253 Merced Merced 37.3021633 -120.4829677 P PPL US CA 047 72619 52 56 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20464 5373129 Millbrae Millbrae 37.5985468 -122.3871942 P PPL US CA 081 19557 10 36 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20465 5373327 Milpitas Milpitas 37.4282724 -121.9066238 P PPL US CA 085 62636 5 5 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20466 5373492 Mira Loma Mira Loma 33.9925135 -117.5164389 P PPL US CA 065 18827 220 227 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20467 5373763 Mission Viejo Mission Viejo 33.6000233 -117.6719953 P PPL US CA 059 96287 121 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20468 5373900 Modesto Modesto 37.6390972 -120.9968782 P PPL US CA 099 216008 28 12 America/Los_Angeles 2008-07-22
+ 20469 5374175 Monrovia Monrovia 34.1480621 -117.9989548 P PPL US CA 037 38439 174 173 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20470 5374232 Montclair Montclair 34.0775104 -117.6897776 P PPL US CA 071 35729 325 332 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20471 5374322 Montebello Montebello 34.009457 -118.1053467 P PPL US CA 037 64327 61 61 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20472 5374361 Monterey Monterey 36.6002378 -121.8946761 P PPL US CA 053 30307 8 23 America/Los_Angeles 2008-04-18
+ 20473 5374406 Monterey Park Monterey Park 34.0625106 -118.1228476 P PPL US CA 037 63193 117 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20474 5374648 Moorpark Moorpark 34.285558 -118.8820414 P PPL US CA 111 37010 157 181 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20475 5374671 Moraga Moraga 37.8349263 -122.1296871 P PPL US CA 013 16826 152 182 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20476 5374732 Moreno Valley Moreno Valley 33.937517 -117.2305944 P PPL US CA 065 168629 497 506 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20477 5374764 Morgan Hill Morgan Hill 37.1305012 -121.6543901 P PPL US CA 085 34719 108 105 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20478 5375480 Mountain View Mountain View 37.3860517 -122.0838511 P PPL US CA 085 68268 32 37 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20479 5375911 Murrieta Murrieta 33.5539143 -117.2139232 P PPL US CA 065 88714 334 365 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20480 5376095 Napa Napa 38.2971367 -122.2855293 P PPL US CA 055 77015 6 6 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20481 5376200 National City National City 32.6781085 -117.0991967 P PPL US CA 073 62490 21 27 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20482 5376803 Newark Newark 37.5296593 -122.0402399 P PPL US CA 001 42922 6 17 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20483 5376890 Newport Beach Newport Beach 33.6189101 -117.9289469 P PPL US CA 059 78702 3 3 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20484 5377100 Nipomo Nipomo 35.0427547 -120.4759986 P PPL US CA 079 16790 101 102 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20485 5377199 Norco Norco 33.9311257 -117.548661 P PPL US CA 065 27346 195 205 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20486 5377389 North Fair Oaks North Fair Oaks 37.4743823 -122.1966319 P PPLX US CA 081 16458 8 22 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20487 5377613 North Glendale North Glendale 34.1605626 -118.2645198 P PPL US CA 037 203201 161 174 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20488 5377640 North Highlands North Highlands 38.6857362 -121.3721745 P PPL US CA 067 45878 28 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20489 5377995 Norwalk Norwalk 33.9022367 -118.081733 P PPL US CA 037 109111 28 25 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20490 5378044 Novato Novato 38.1074199 -122.5697032 P PPL US CA 041 48817 9 10 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20491 5378500 Oakdale Oakdale 37.7665947 -120.8471545 P PPL US CA 099 18668 48 41 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20492 5378538 Oakland Oakland 37.8043722 -122.2708026 P PPL US CA 001 399484 13 0 America/Los_Angeles 2006-07-03
+ 20493 5378566 Oakley Oakley 37.9974219 -121.7124536 P PPL US CA 013 26774 6 6 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20494 5378771 Oceanside Oceanside 33.1958696 -117.3794834 P PPL US CA 073 161029 20 10 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20495 5378870 Oildale Oildale 35.4196799 -119.0195452 P PPL US CA 029 28962 143 165 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20496 5379439 Ontario Ontario 34.0633443 -117.6508876 P PPL US CA 071 172808 306 304 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-09
+ 20497 5379513 Orange Orange 33.7877945 -117.8531119 P PPL US CA 059 128821 58 51 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20498 5379566 Orangevale Orangevale 38.6785145 -121.2257818 P PPL US CA 067 27318 73 78 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20499 5379609 Orcutt Orcutt 34.8652574 -120.4359966 P PPL US CA 083 28830 109 119 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20500 5379678 Orinda Orinda 37.8771476 -122.1796888 P PPL US CA 013 18251 151 182 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20501 5380184 Oxnard Oxnard 34.1975048 -119.1770516 P PPL US CA 111 170358 16 1 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20502 5380202 Oxnard Shores Oxnard Shores 34.1908379 -119.2414984 P PPL US CA 111 187235 3 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20503 5380420 Pacifica Pacifica 37.6138253 -122.4869194 P PPL US CA 081 36472 25 59 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20504 5380437 Pacific Grove Pacific Grove 36.6177375 -121.9166215 P PPL US CA 053 15196 47 17 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20505 5380626 Palm Desert Palm Desert 33.7222445 -116.3744556 P PPL US CA 065 48531 67 77 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20506 5380668 Palm Springs Palm Springs 33.8302961 -116.5452921 P PPL US CA 065 42807 146 171 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20507 5380698 Palmdale Palmdale 34.5794343 -118.1164613 P PPL US CA 037 135294 810 807 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20508 5380748 Palo Alto Palo Alto 37.4418834 -122.1430195 P PPL US CA 085 56508 9 29 America/Los_Angeles 2008-04-16
+ 20509 5381002 Paradise Paradise 39.7596061 -121.6219177 P PPL US CA 007 26949 542 547 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20510 5381110 Paramount Paramount 33.8894598 -118.1597911 P PPL US CA 037 57275 21 29 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20511 5381396 Pasadena Pasadena 34.1477849 -118.1445155 P PPL US CA 037 144618 263 245 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-05
+ 20512 5381438 Paso Robles Paso Robles 35.6266369 -120.6910043 P PPL US CA 079 27157 223 221 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-27
+ 20513 5381515 Patterson Patterson 37.4716001 -121.129656 P PPL US CA 099 15957 31 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20514 5382146 Perris Perris 33.7825194 -117.2286478 P PPL US CA 065 46318 443 426 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20515 5382232 Petaluma Petaluma 38.232417 -122.6366524 P PPL US CA 097 55352 9 12 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20516 5382496 Pico Rivera Pico Rivera 33.9830688 -118.096735 P PPL US CA 037 66332 50 39 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20517 5383187 Pinole Pinole 38.0043667 -122.2988587 P PPL US CA 013 19540 31 38 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20518 5383465 Pittsburg Pittsburg 38.0279762 -121.8846806 P PPL US CA 013 62838 8 5 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20519 5383527 Placentia Placentia 33.8722371 -117.8703363 P PPL US CA 059 49160 83 77 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20520 5383720 Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill 37.9479786 -122.0607963 P PPL US CA 013 34477 16 52 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20521 5383777 Pleasanton Pleasanton 37.6624312 -121.8746789 P PPL US CA 001 66532 106 109 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20522 5384170 Pomona Pomona 34.0552886 -117.7522793 P PPL US CA 037 156183 259 264 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20523 5384339 Port Hueneme Port Hueneme 34.1477829 -119.1951074 P PPL US CA 111 21417 4 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20524 5384471 Porterville Porterville 36.06523 -119.0167679 P PPL US CA 107 44674 139 146 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20525 5384690 Poway Poway 32.9628233 -117.0358646 P PPL US CA 073 48044 157 167 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20526 5385082 Prunedale Prunedale 36.7757907 -121.6696689 P PPL US CA 053 22771 28 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20527 5385793 Ramona Ramona 33.0417111 -116.868082 P PPL US CA 073 17373 436 455 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20528 5385941 Rancho Cordova Rancho Cordova 38.5890723 -121.302728 P PPL US CA 067 59185 27 25 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20529 5385955 Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga 34.1063989 -117.5931084 P PPL US CA 071 168557 368 373 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20530 5386015 Rancho Mirage Rancho Mirage 33.739744 -116.41279 P PPL US CA 065 16742 83 105 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20531 5386035 Rancho Palos Verdes Rancho Palos Verdes 33.7444613 -118.3870173 P PPL US CA 037 42693 67 88 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20532 5386053 Rancho San Diego Rancho San Diego 32.7472748 -116.9353032 P PPL US CA 073 28267 111 120 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20533 5386082 Rancho Santa Margarita Rancho Santa Margarita 33.640855 -117.603104 P PPL US CA 059 51344 290 302 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20534 5386754 Redlands Redlands 34.0555693 -117.1825381 P PPL US CA 071 70287 414 420 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20535 5386785 Redondo Beach Redondo Beach 33.8491816 -118.3884078 P PPL US CA 037 67791 19 16 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20536 5386834 Redwood City Redwood City 37.4852152 -122.2363548 P PPL US CA 081 71969 6 17 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20537 5386984 Reedley Reedley 36.5963395 -119.4504029 P PPL US CA 019 22156 106 91 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20538 5387288 Rialto Rialto 34.1064001 -117.3703235 P PPL US CA 071 101523 383 381 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20539 5387428 Richmond Richmond 37.9357576 -122.3477486 P PPL US CA 013 103041 14 26 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20540 5387494 Ridgecrest Ridgecrest 35.6224561 -117.6708966 P PPL US CA 029 26110 698 694 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20541 5387844 Riverbank Riverbank 37.7360396 -120.9354895 P PPL US CA 099 18775 43 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20542 5387877 Riverside Riverside 33.9533487 -117.3961564 P PPL US CA 065 297554 252 262 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20543 5388319 Rocklin Rocklin 38.7907339 -121.2357828 P PPL US CA 061 55007 79 78 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20544 5388564 Rohnert Park Rohnert Park 38.3396367 -122.7010984 P PPL US CA 097 41314 32 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20545 5388735 Rosamond Rosamond 34.8641446 -118.1634075 P PPL US CA 029 18925 714 721 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20546 5388867 Rosemead Rosemead 34.0805651 -118.072846 P PPL US CA 037 56066 97 91 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20547 5388873 Rosemont Rosemont 38.5518508 -121.3646739 P PPL US CA 067 23273 15 14 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20548 5388881 Roseville Roseville 38.7521235 -121.2880059 P PPL US CA 061 112647 50 42 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20549 5389126 Rowland Heights Rowland Heights 33.9761238 -117.9053395 P PPL US CA 037 52377 160 171 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20550 5389213 Rubidoux Rubidoux 33.9961256 -117.4056018 P PPL US CA 065 32235 236 237 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20551 5389489 Sacramento Sacramento 38.5815719 -121.4943996 P PPLA US CA 067 467898 9 5 America/Los_Angeles 2007-06-02
+ 20552 5391291 Salida Salida 37.7057623 -121.0849369 P PPL US CA 099 17463 21 20 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20553 5391295 Salinas Salinas 36.6777372 -121.6555013 P PPL US CA 053 148691 16 15 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20554 5391710 San Bernardino San Bernardino 34.1083449 -117.2897652 P PPL US CA 071 202381 321 331 America/Los_Angeles 2006-07-24
+ 20555 5391749 San Bruno San Bruno 37.6304904 -122.4110835 P PPL US CA 081 39662 5 37 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20556 5391760 San Carlos San Carlos 37.5071591 -122.2605222 P PPL US CA 081 26630 10 44 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20557 5391791 San Clemente San Clemente 33.4269728 -117.6119925 P PPL US CA 059 62272 71 86 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20558 5391811 San Diego San Diego 32.7153292 -117.1572551 P PPL US CA 073 1223400 20 26 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20559 5391891 San Dimas San Dimas 34.1066756 -117.8067257 P PPL US CA 037 36422 291 298 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20560 5391945 San Fernando San Fernando 34.2819461 -118.4389719 P PPL US CA 037 24524 326 322 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20561 5391959 San Francisco San Francisco 37.7749295 -122.4194155 P PPL US CA 075 732072 16 60 America/Los_Angeles 2009-03-25
+ 20562 5392034 San Gabriel San Gabriel 34.0961202 -118.1059028 P PPL US CA 037 41535 128 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20563 5392090 San Jacinto San Jacinto 33.7839084 -116.958635 P PPL US CA 065 29376 477 473 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20564 5392171 San Jose San Jose 37.3393857 -121.8949555 P PPL US CA 085 894943 26 24 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20565 5392229 San Juan Capistrano San Juan Capistrano 33.5016932 -117.6625509 P PPL US CA 059 35301 37 58 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20566 5392263 San Leandro San Leandro 37.7249296 -122.1560768 P PPL US CA 001 79904 15 32 America/Los_Angeles 2006-07-13
+ 20567 5392281 San Lorenzo San Lorenzo 37.6810422 -122.1244088 P PPL US CA 001 23201 13 34 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20568 5392323 San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo 35.2827524 -120.6596156 P PPL US CA 079 44132 71 66 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20569 5392368 San Marcos San Marcos 33.1433723 -117.1661449 P PPL US CA 073 69697 177 182 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20570 5392423 San Mateo San Mateo 37.5629917 -122.3255254 P PPL US CA 081 89982 13 33 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20571 5392508 San Pablo San Pablo 37.9621457 -122.3455263 P PPL US CA 013 31351 16 35 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20572 5392567 San Rafael San Rafael 37.9735346 -122.5310874 P PPL US CA 041 55270 13 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20573 5392593 San Ramon San Ramon 37.7799273 -121.9780153 P PPL US CA 013 44722 148 146 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20574 5392868 Sanger Sanger 36.708006 -119.5559652 P PPL US CA 019 20772 113 91 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20575 5392900 Santa Ana Santa Ana 33.7455731 -117.8678338 P PPL US CA 059 343054 35 30 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20576 5392952 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 34.4208305 -119.6981901 P PPL US CA 083 86681 15 42 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20577 5393015 Santa Clara Santa Clara 37.354108 -121.9552356 P PPL US CA 085 102250 23 23 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20578 5393049 Santa Clarita Santa Clarita 34.3916641 -118.542586 P PPL US CA 037 168927 368 383 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20579 5393052 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 36.9741171 -122.0307963 P PPL US CA 087 54617 11 21 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20580 5393128 Santa Fe Springs Santa Fe Springs 33.9472359 -118.0853451 P PPL US CA 037 16330 41 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20581 5393180 Santa Maria Santa Maria 34.9530337 -120.4357191 P PPL US CA 083 85480 67 67 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20582 5393212 Santa Monica Santa Monica 34.0194543 -118.4911912 P PPL US CA 037 88338 32 32 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-05
+ 20583 5393245 Santa Paula Santa Paula 34.3541659 -119.0592705 P PPL US CA 111 29015 85 101 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20584 5393287 Santa Rosa Santa Rosa 38.4404675 -122.7144314 P PPL US CA 097 155118 50 48 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20585 5393429 Santee Santee 32.8383828 -116.9739167 P PPL US CA 073 52600 107 111 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20586 5393485 Saratoga Saratoga 37.2638324 -122.0230146 P PPL US CA 085 28956 125 132 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20587 5394086 Seal Beach Seal Beach 33.7414065 -118.1047866 P PPL US CA 059 24157 4 -9999 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20588 5394136 Seaside Seaside 36.6110709 -121.851619 P PPL US CA 053 35762 7 3 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20589 5394329 Selma Selma 36.5707838 -119.6120765 P PPL US CA 019 22426 94 91 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20590 5396003 Simi Valley Simi Valley 34.2694474 -118.781482 P PPL US CA 111 119417 234 243 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20591 5397018 Soledad Soledad 36.424687 -121.3263187 P PPL US CA 053 28140 58 55 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20592 5397376 South El Monte South El Monte 34.0519548 -118.0467339 P PPL US CA 037 22049 76 72 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20593 5397603 South Gate South Gate 33.954737 -118.2120161 P PPL US CA 037 99922 35 32 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20594 5397664 South Lake Tahoe South Lake Tahoe 38.9332411 -119.9843482 P PPL US CA 017 23925 1901 1919 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20595 5397717 South Pasadena South Pasadena 34.1161196 -118.1503488 P PPL US CA 037 24994 201 208 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20596 5397765 South San Francisco South San Francisco 37.654656 -122.4077498 P PPL US CA 081 58555 4 39 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20597 5397777 South San Jose Hills South San Jose Hills 34.0127895 -117.9047845 P PPL US CA 037 21779 127 127 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20598 5397841 South Whittier South Whittier 33.9608463 -118.0417328 P PPL US CA 037 58952 54 53 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20599 5397851 South Yuba City South Yuba City 39.1165591 -121.6391332 P PPL US CA 101 15217 16 14 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20600 5398277 Spring Valley Spring Valley 32.744774 -116.998916 P PPL US CA 073 26180 119 126 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20601 5398630 Stanton Stanton 33.8025155 -117.9931165 P PPL US CA 059 37914 20 21 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20602 5399020 Stockton Stockton 37.9577016 -121.2907796 P PPL US CA 077 289580 4 4 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20603 5399629 Suisun City Suisun City 38.2382474 -122.040244 P PPL US CA 095 27219 2 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20604 5399901 Sun City Sun City 33.7091878 -117.1972566 P PPL US CA 065 19579 434 467 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20605 5400075 Sunnyvale Sunnyvale 37.3688301 -122.0363496 P PPL US CA 085 126499 39 41 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-18
+ 20606 5401395 Temecula Temecula 33.4936391 -117.1483648 P PPL US CA 065 85145 310 314 America/Los_Angeles 2006-07-13
+ 20607 5401469 Temple City Temple City 34.1072305 -118.0578456 P PPL US CA 037 37973 122 112 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20608 5402405 Thousand Oaks Thousand Oaks 34.1705609 -118.8375937 P PPL US CA 111 127942 270 303 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20609 5403022 Torrance Torrance 33.8358492 -118.3406288 P PPL US CA 037 144963 27 29 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-10
+ 20610 5403191 Tracy Tracy 37.7396513 -121.4252227 P PPL US CA 077 83216 16 16 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20611 5403676 Truckee Truckee 39.327962 -120.1832533 P PPL US CA 057 15771 1773 1767 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20612 5403783 Tulare Tulare 36.2077288 -119.3473379 P PPL US CA 107 50103 88 72 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20613 5404024 Turlock Turlock 37.4946568 -120.8465941 P PPL US CA 099 67940 31 31 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20614 5404119 Tustin Tustin 33.7458511 -117.826166 P PPL US CA 059 68728 43 34 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20615 5404122 North Tustin North Tustin 33.764462 -117.7939431 P PPL US CA 059 24257 78 86 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20616 5404198 Twentynine Palms Twentynine Palms 34.1355582 -116.0541689 P PPL US CA 071 22642 607 610 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20617 5404476 Ukiah Ukiah 39.1501709 -123.2077831 P PPL US CA 045 15825 193 189 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20618 5404554 Union City Union City 37.5963232 -122.0816297 P PPL US CA 001 66869 3 52 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20619 5404555 Union City Union City 37.5957678 -122.0191282 P PPL US CA 001 69530 21 54 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20620 5404915 Upland Upland 34.09751 -117.6483876 P PPL US CA 071 74230 377 375 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20621 5405228 Vacaville Vacaville 38.3565773 -121.9877444 P PPL US CA 095 96469 53 51 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20622 5405326 Valinda Valinda 34.0452883 -117.9436749 P PPL US CA 037 23721 106 99 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20623 5405380 Vallejo Vallejo 38.1040864 -122.2566367 P PPL US CA 095 120446 21 11 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20624 5405878 Ventura Ventura 34.2783352 -119.2931676 P PPL US CA 111 96769 11 32 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-08
+ 20625 5406222 Victorville Victorville 34.5361067 -117.2911565 P PPL US CA 071 83496 832 832 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20626 5406421 Vincent Vincent 34.5005487 -118.1164615 P PPL US CA 037 15097 983 1035 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20627 5406567 Visalia Visalia 36.3302284 -119.2920585 P PPL US CA 107 107431 101 91 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20628 5406602 Vista Vista 33.2000368 -117.2425355 P PPL US CA 073 92707 100 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20629 5406976 Walnut Walnut 34.0202894 -117.8653386 P PPL US CA 037 31720 171 170 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-10
+ 20630 5406990 Walnut Creek Walnut Creek 37.9063131 -122.064963 P PPL US CA 013 65179 52 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20631 5407030 Walnut Park Walnut Park 33.9680703 -118.2250723 P PPL US CA 037 17168 45 34 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20632 5407529 Watsonville Watsonville 36.910231 -121.7568946 P PPL US CA 087 45724 10 10 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20633 5407908 West Carson West Carson 33.8216836 -118.2925722 P PPL US CA 037 21947 13 22 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20634 5407933 West Covina West Covina 34.0686208 -117.9389526 P PPL US CA 037 109756 117 114 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20635 5408076 West Hollywood West Hollywood 34.0900091 -118.3617443 P PPL US CA 037 37031 86 88 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20636 5408191 West Puente Valley West Puente Valley 34.0516769 -117.968398 P PPL US CA 037 24134 98 96 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20637 5408211 West Sacramento West Sacramento 38.5804609 -121.530234 P PPL US CA 113 41446 6 5 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20638 5408406 Westminster Westminster 33.759183 -118.0067271 P PPL US CA 059 89868 12 11 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20639 5408431 Westmont Westmont 33.9414035 -118.3022963 P PPL US CA 037 32377 66 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20640 5409059 Whittier Whittier 33.9791793 -118.032844 P PPL US CA 037 85778 112 119 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-10
+ 20641 5409260 Wildomar Wildomar 33.5989126 -117.2800372 P PPL US CA 065 16442 387 426 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20642 5409768 Willowbrook Willowbrook 33.9169602 -118.2550726 P PPL US CA 037 35321 29 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20643 5410004 Windsor Windsor 38.5471327 -122.8163802 P PPL US CA 097 25262 36 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20644 5410129 Winter Gardens Winter Gardens 32.8311613 -116.9333599 P PPL US CA 073 21220 206 244 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20645 5410430 Woodland Woodland 38.6785157 -121.7732971 P PPL US CA 113 51731 21 18 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20646 5410902 Yorba Linda Yorba Linda 33.8886259 -117.8131125 P PPL US CA 059 64778 116 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20647 5411015 Yuba City Yuba City 39.1404477 -121.6169108 P PPL US CA 101 52432 18 17 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20648 5411046 Yucaipa Yucaipa 34.033625 -117.0430865 P PPL US CA 071 50392 798 806 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20649 5411079 Yucca Valley Yucca Valley 34.1141743 -116.432235 P PPL US CA 071 19344 1027 1030 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20650 5412199 Arvada Arvada 39.8027644 -105.0874842 P PPL US CO 059 101732 1629 1632 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20651 5412347 Aurora Aurora 39.7294319 -104.8319195 P PPL US CO 001 276393 1648 1647 America/Denver 2006-05-05
+ 20652 5414069 Black Forest Black Forest 39.0130484 -104.7008083 P PPL US CO 041 16096 2246 2234 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20653 5414941 Brighton Brighton 39.9852617 -104.8205283 P PPL US CO 001 29328 1519 1515 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20654 5415035 Broomfield Broomfield 39.9205411 -105.0866504 P PPL US CO 014 44692 1644 1645 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20655 5416005 Cañon City Canon City 38.3999988 -105.2172123 P PPL US CO 043 15972 1708 1726 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20656 5416329 Castle Rock Castle Rock 39.3722121 -104.8560902 P PPL US CO 035 38814 1897 1933 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20657 5416357 Castlewood Castlewood 39.5847104 -104.9010903 P PPL US CO 005 25271 1746 1737 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20658 5416541 Centennial Centennial 39.579155 -104.8769227 P PPL US CO 005 96930 1777 1767 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20659 5417041 Cimarron Hills Cimarron Hills 38.8586057 -104.6988617 P PPL US CO 041 16981 1965 1950 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20660 5417258 Clifton Clifton 39.0919256 -108.4489784 P PPL US CO 077 19435 1440 1449 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20661 5417598 Colorado Springs Colorado Springs 38.8338816 -104.8213634 P PPL US CO 041 360890 1832 1829 America/Denver 2007-02-17
+ 20662 5417657 Columbine Columbine 39.5877657 -105.0694295 P PPL US CO 059 23353 1688 1682 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20663 5417737 Commerce City Commerce City 39.8083196 -104.9338675 P PPL US CO 001 20991 1574 1574 America/Denver 2006-01-15
+ 20664 5419384 Denver Denver 39.7391536 -104.9847034 P PPLA US CO 031 554636 1609 1598 America/Denver 2007-06-02
+ 20665 5420241 Durango Durango 37.27528 -107.8800667 P PPL US CO 067 15022 1991 2011 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20666 5421250 Englewood Englewood 39.6477653 -104.9877597 P PPL US CO 005 32860 1637 1637 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20667 5422191 Fountain Fountain 38.682219 -104.7008056 P PPL US CO 041 15925 1690 1678 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20668 5423294 Golden Golden 39.755543 -105.2210997 P PPL US CO 059 17887 1730 1767 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20669 5423573 Grand Junction Grand Junction 39.0638705 -108.5506486 P PPL US CO 077 45938 1400 1403 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20670 5425043 Highlands Ranch Highlands Ranch 39.5538771 -104.9694264 P PPL US CO 035 101565 1732 1737 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20671 5427207 Ken Caryl Ken Caryl 39.5772637315188 -105.116865634918 P PPL US CO 059 33365 1756 1767 America/Denver 2008-06-23
+ 20672 5427771 Lafayette Lafayette 39.9935959 -105.0897058 P PPL US CO 013 23716 1588 1585 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20673 5427946 Lakewood Lakewood 39.7047095 -105.0813734 P PPL US CO 059 140772 1682 1664 America/Denver 2006-05-10
+ 20674 5429032 Littleton Littleton 39.613321 -105.0166498 P PPL US CO 005 40947 1631 1644 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20675 5429522 Louisville Louisville 39.977763 -105.1319296 P PPL US CO 013 17965 1626 1625 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20676 5431710 Montrose Montrose 38.4783198 -107.8761738 P PPL US CO 085 15138 1770 1767 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20677 5433124 Northglenn Northglenn 39.885541 -104.9872026 P PPL US CO 001 32656 1639 1631 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20678 5434006 Parker Parker 39.5186002 -104.7613634 P PPL US CO 035 41059 1789 1805 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20679 5435464 Pueblo Pueblo 38.2544472 -104.609141 P PPL US CO 101 104293 1430 1450 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20680 5435477 Pueblo West Pueblo West 38.3500016 -104.7227546 P PPL US CO 101 25608 1544 1544 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20681 5438567 Sherrelwood Sherrelwood 39.8377637 -105.0013701 P PPL US CO 001 17556 1613 1616 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20682 5439752 Southglenn Southglenn 39.5872103 -104.9527588 P PPL US CO 005 42268 1705 1706 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20683 5441492 Thornton Thornton 39.8680412 -104.9719243 P PPL US CO 001 104658 1631 1628 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20684 5443910 Westminster Westminster 39.8366528 -105.0372046 P PPL US CO 001 104037 1641 1640 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20685 5443948 Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge 39.766098 -105.0772063 P PPL US CO 059 30978 1664 1649 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20686 5445298 Dodge City Dodge City 37.7527982 -100.0170787 P PPL US KS 057 25932 760 760 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20687 5445439 Garden City Garden City 37.9716898 -100.8726618 P PPL US KS 055 26425 865 863 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20688 5445820 Liberal Liberal 37.0430812 -100.920999 P PPL US KS 175 20182 864 874 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20689 5454627 Alamogordo Alamogordo 32.8995325 -105.960265 P PPL US NM 035 36058 1323 1323 America/Denver 2006-11-19
+ 20690 5454711 Albuquerque Albuquerque 35.0844909 -106.6511367 P PPL US NM 001 487378 1511 1510 America/Denver 2009-04-23
+ 20691 5460459 Carlsbad Carlsbad 32.4206736 -104.2288375 P PPL US NM 015 25302 945 951 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20692 5462393 Clovis Clovis 34.4047987 -103.2052272 P PPL US NM 009 33163 1301 1305 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20693 5467328 Farmington Farmington 36.7280583 -108.2186856 P PPL US NM 045 43278 1615 1612 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20694 5468773 Gallup Gallup 35.5280783 -108.7425843 P PPL US NM 031 19454 1985 2006 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20695 5471578 Hobbs Hobbs 32.7026116 -103.1360403 P PPL US NM 025 28013 1104 1112 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20696 5475352 Las Cruces Las Cruces 32.3123157 -106.7783374 P PPL US NM 013 80184 1191 1188 America/Denver 2006-11-15
+ 20697 5487811 Rio Rancho Rio Rancho 35.233375 -106.6644716 P PPL US NM 043 64090 1610 1601 America/Denver 2006-11-15
+ 20698 5488441 Roswell Roswell 33.3942655 -104.5230242 P PPL US NM 005 44069 1090 1090 America/Denver 2007-02-17
+ 20699 5490263 Santa Fe Santa Fe 35.6869752 -105.937799 P PPLA US NM 049 69205 2132 2133 America/Denver 2008-04-18
+ 20700 5492450 South Valley South Valley 35.0100487 -106.6780809 P PPL US NM 001 39508 1501 1502 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20701 5500539 Boulder City Boulder City 35.9785912 -114.8324851 P PPL US NV 003 15479 765 791 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20702 5501344 Carson City Carson City 39.1637984 -119.7674034 P PPLA US NV 510 57341 1427 1463 America/Los_Angeles 2007-06-02
+ 20703 5503766 Enterprise Enterprise 36.0252503 -115.2419419 P PPL US NV 003 20766 778 786 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20704 5505411 Henderson Henderson 36.0396988 -114.9819368 P PPL US NV 003 239757 569 580 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20705 5506956 Las Vegas Las Vegas 36.1749705 -115.137223 P PPL US NV 003 478434 610 609 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20706 5509403 North Las Vegas North Las Vegas 36.1988592 -115.1175013 P PPL US NV 003 115488 565 566 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20707 5509851 Pahrump Pahrump 36.2082943 -115.9839147 P PPL US NV 023 40349 822 822 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20708 5509952 Paradise Paradise 36.0971945 -115.1466648 P PPL US NV 003 215120 627 626 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20709 5511077 Reno Reno 39.5296329 -119.8138027 P PPL US NV 031 202142 1373 1402 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20710 5512862 Sparks Sparks 39.5349112 -119.7526886 P PPL US NV 031 84662 1345 1354 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20711 5512909 Spring Valley Spring Valley 36.1080258 -115.2450006 P PPL US NV 003 165015 721 731 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20712 5513307 Sun Valley Sun Valley 39.5962993 -119.7760234 P PPL US NV 031 24009 1440 1463 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20713 5513343 Sunrise Manor Sunrise Manor 36.2110819 -115.0730563 P PPL US NV 003 188608 555 554 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20714 5515110 Whitney Whitney 36.0708074 -115.0841626 P PPL US NV 003 22167 592 594 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20715 5515345 Winchester Winchester 36.129972 -115.1188877 P PPL US NV 003 30743 585 587 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20716 5516233 Amarillo Amarillo 35.2219971 -101.8312969 P PPL US TX 375 181766 1118 1112 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 20717 5517061 Big Spring Big Spring 32.250398 -101.4787356 P PPL US TX 227 24122 744 736 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20718 5520076 Del Rio Del Rio 29.3627296 -100.896761 P PPL US TX 465 36068 295 292 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20719 5520677 Eagle Pass Eagle Pass 28.7091433 -100.4995214 P PPL US TX 323 26090 223 235 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20720 5520993 El Paso El Paso 31.7587198 -106.4869314 P PPL US TX 141 563662 1133 1147 America/Denver 2007-02-17
+ 20721 5525577 Lubbock Lubbock 33.5778631 -101.8551665 P PPL US TX 303 211387 976 976 America/Chicago 2007-02-17
+ 20722 5526337 Midland Midland 31.9973456 -102.0779147 P PPL US TX 329 97782 848 848 America/Chicago 2006-11-15
+ 20723 5527554 Odessa Odessa 31.8456816 -102.3676431 P PPL US TX 135 91256 884 885 America/Chicago 2008-04-14
+ 20724 5527953 Pampa Pampa 35.5361559 -100.9598709 P PPL US TX 179 16257 987 977 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20725 5528450 Plainview Plainview 34.1847936 -101.7068417 P PPL US TX 189 21723 1026 1027 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20726 5530022 San Angelo San Angelo 31.4637723 -100.4370375 P PPL US TX 451 88256 562 551 America/Chicago 2006-05-19
+ 20727 5530058 San Elizario San Elizario 31.5851146 -106.2727573 P PPL US TX 141 16073 1110 1110 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20728 5530932 Socorro Socorro 31.654557 -106.3033146 P PPL US TX 141 27152 1116 1118 America/Denver 2006-01-15
+ 20729 5530937 Socorro Mission Number 1 Colonia Socorro Mission Number 1 Colonia 31.6362242 -106.2905362 P PPL US TX 141 28637 1115 1114 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20730 5533366 West Odessa West Odessa 31.8423472 -102.498757 P PPL US TX 135 18455 903 905 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20731 5536630 Cedar City Cedar City 37.6774769 -113.0618931 P PPL US UT 021 23005 1782 1775 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20732 5546220 Saint George Saint George 37.1041476 -113.5841233 P PPL US UT 053 61338 823 826 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20733 5550368 Wasco Wasco 35.5941238 -119.3409457 P PPL US CA 029 22813 100 96 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20734 5551535 Apache Junction Apache Junction 33.4150485 -111.5495777 P PPL US AZ 021 34904 525 523 America/Phoenix 2006-01-17
+ 20735 5552301 Avondale Avondale 33.4355977 -112.3496021 P PPL US AZ 013 69679 297 304 America/Phoenix 2006-11-15
+ 20736 5554072 Juneau Juneau 58.3019444 -134.4197222 P PPLA US AK 110 30711 17 0 America/Juneau 2007-06-02
+ 20737 5558953 Arcata Arcata 40.8665166 -124.0828396 P PPL US CA 023 17199 7 38 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20738 5563397 Eureka Eureka 40.8020712 -124.1636729 P PPL US CA 023 25626 12 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20739 5567770 McKinleyville McKinleyville 40.9465152 -124.1006205 P PPL US CA 023 15416 43 51 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-27
+ 20740 5570160 Redding Redding 40.5865396 -122.3916754 P PPL US CA 089 91685 172 183 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20741 5572400 Susanville Susanville 40.4162842 -120.6530063 P PPL US CA 035 17641 1276 1280 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20742 5574991 Boulder Boulder 40.0149856 -105.2705456 P PPL US CO 013 91521 1624 1646 America/Denver 2007-02-17
+ 20743 5576909 Evans Evans 40.3763701 -104.6921874 P PPL US CO 123 19623 1418 1425 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20744 5577147 Fort Collins Fort Collins 40.5852602 -105.084423 P PPL US CO 069 129252 1525 1525 America/Denver 2007-02-18
+ 20745 5577592 Greeley Greeley 40.4233142 -104.7091322 P PPL US CO 123 86875 1425 1433 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20746 5579276 Longmont Longmont 40.1672069 -105.1019275 P PPL US CO 013 83291 1519 1524 America/Denver 2006-11-15
+ 20747 5579368 Loveland Loveland 40.3977612 -105.0749801 P PPL US CO 069 59618 1519 1515 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20748 5586437 Boise Boise 43.6135002 -116.2034505 P PPLA US ID 001 145987 823 827 America/Boise 2007-06-02
+ 20749 5587698 Caldwell Caldwell 43.6629384 -116.6873596 P PPL US ID 027 34330 724 727 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20750 5589173 Coeur d'Alene Coeur d'Alene 47.6776832 -116.7804664 P PPL US ID 055 34514 667 670 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20751 5591778 Eagle Eagle 43.6954424 -116.3540138 P PPL US ID 001 18351 782 792 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20752 5596475 Idaho Falls Idaho Falls 43.4665809 -112.0341374 P PPL US ID 019 52175 1434 1431 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20753 5598538 Lewiston Lewiston 46.4165506 -117.0176569 P PPL US ID 069 30904 227 247 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20754 5598542 Lewiston Orchards Lewiston Orchards 46.3804395 -116.9754323 P PPL US ID 069 31422 439 453 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20755 5600685 Meridian Meridian 43.6121087 -116.3915131 P PPL US ID 001 45803 794 794 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20756 5601538 Moscow Moscow 46.7323875 -117.0001651 P PPL US ID 057 21865 786 778 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20757 5601933 Nampa Nampa 43.5407172 -116.5634624 P PPL US ID 027 73064 767 776 America/Boise 2006-11-15
+ 20758 5604045 Pocatello Pocatello 42.8713032 -112.4455344 P PPL US ID 005 50656 1360 1362 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20759 5604353 Post Falls Post Falls 47.7179578 -116.9515856 P PPL US ID 055 22287 665 670 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20760 5605242 Rexburg Rexburg 43.8260227 -111.7896876 P PPL US ID 065 29439 1483 1488 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20761 5610810 Twin Falls Twin Falls 42.5629668 -114.4608711 P PPL US ID 083 38602 1138 1127 America/Boise 2006-01-17
+ 20762 5640350 Billings Billings 45.7832856 -108.5006904 P PPL US MT 111 99751 952 963 America/Denver 2007-02-17
+ 20763 5641727 Bozeman Bozeman 45.6796526 -111.0385582 P PPL US MT 031 33178 1468 1468 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20764 5642934 Butte Butte 46.0038153 -112.5347447 P PPL US MT 093 34190 1688 1694 America/Denver 2006-01-15
+ 20765 5655240 Great Falls Great Falls 47.5002354 -111.3008083 P PPL US MT 013 56075 1015 1036 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20766 5656882 Helena Helena 46.5927122 -112.036109 P PPLA US MT 049 27340 1237 1223 America/Denver 2007-06-02
+ 20767 5660340 Kalispell Kalispell 48.1957925 -114.3129081 P PPL US MT 029 18018 901 910 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20768 5666639 Missoula Missoula 46.872146 -113.9939982 P PPL US MT 063 63164 978 976 America/Denver 2007-02-08
+ 20769 5688025 Bismarck Bismarck 46.8083268 -100.7837392 P PPLA US ND 015 56706 514 516 America/Chicago 2007-06-02
+ 20770 5688789 Dickinson Dickinson 46.8791756 -102.7896242 P PPL US ND 089 15576 735 734 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20771 5690366 Mandan Mandan 46.8266603 -100.8895762 P PPL US ND 059 16809 502 522 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem 2006-01-17
+ 20772 5690532 Minot Minot 48.2325095 -101.2962732 P PPL US ND 101 34885 494 515 America/Chicago 2007-02-08
+ 20773 5697939 North Platte North Platte 41.1238873 -100.7654232 P PPL US NE 111 24172 854 851 America/Chicago 2006-01-17
+ 20774 5703670 Elko Elko 40.8324211 -115.7631232 P PPL US NV 007 15822 1544 1552 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20775 5710756 Albany Albany 44.6365107 -123.1059282 P PPL US OR 043 44757 65 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20776 5711099 Aloha Aloha 45.4942838 -122.8670454 P PPL US OR 067 44915 65 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20777 5711149 Altamont Altamont 42.2068123 -121.737224 P PPL US OR 035 19716 1263 1272 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20778 5711789 Ashland Ashland 42.1945759 -122.7094767 P PPL US OR 029 20888 593 596 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20779 5713376 Beaverton Beaverton 45.487062 -122.8037102 P PPL US OR 067 82648 58 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20780 5713587 Bend Bend 44.0581728 -121.3153096 P PPL US OR 017 65756 1106 1098 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20781 5717758 Canby Canby 45.2628986 -122.6925923 P PPL US OR 005 15459 48 42 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20782 5718601 Central Point Central Point 42.3759586 -122.9164307 P PPL US OR 029 16270 388 393 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20783 5720495 Coos Bay Coos Bay 43.3665007 -124.2178903 P PPL US OR 011 15394 7 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20784 5720727 Corvallis Corvallis 44.5645659 -123.2620435 P PPL US OR 003 50701 71 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-16
+ 20785 5725846 Eugene Eugene 44.0520691 -123.0867536 P PPL US OR 039 145208 131 133 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20786 5727190 Forest Grove Forest Grove 45.5198364 -123.1106631 P PPL US OR 067 19427 62 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20787 5729080 Grants Pass Grants Pass 42.439007 -123.3283925 P PPL US OR 033 27191 288 304 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20788 5729485 Gresham Gresham 45.4981757 -122.4314796 P PPL US OR 051 98851 97 116 America/Los_Angeles 2006-05-19
+ 20789 5730675 Hayesville Hayesville 44.985953 -122.9828732 P PPL US OR 047 20021 56 40 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20790 5731371 Hillsboro Hillsboro 45.5228939 -122.989827 P PPL US OR 067 82320 59 41 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20791 5734711 Keizer Keizer 44.9901194 -123.0262077 P PPL US OR 047 35537 42 41 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20792 5735238 Klamath Falls Klamath Falls 42.224867 -121.7816704 P PPL US OR 035 19203 1252 1251 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20793 5735724 Lake Oswego Lake Oswego 45.4206749 -122.6706498 P PPL US OR 005 36597 55 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20794 5739936 McMinnville McMinnville 45.2101162 -123.1987163 P PPL US OR 071 29759 47 37 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-27
+ 20795 5740099 Medford Medford 42.3265153 -122.8755949 P PPL US OR 029 69638 421 422 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20796 5740900 Milwaukie Milwaukie 45.4462305 -122.6392606 P PPL US OR 005 20759 14 59 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20797 5742726 Newberg Newberg 45.3001179 -122.9731565 P PPL US OR 071 20790 54 53 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20798 5744253 Oregon City Oregon City 45.3573429 -122.6067583 P PPL US OR 005 29984 42 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20799 5745380 Pendleton Pendleton 45.672075 -118.7885967 P PPL US OR 059 16539 325 365 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20800 5746545 Portland Portland 45.5234515 -122.6762071 P PPL US OR 051 540513 12 61 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20801 5747882 Redmond Redmond 44.2726203 -121.1739212 P PPL US OR 017 18807 916 911 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20802 5749352 Roseburg Roseburg 43.216505 -123.3417381 P PPL US OR 019 20430 147 136 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20803 5750162 Salem Salem 44.9428975 -123.0350963 P PPLA US OR 047 146922 49 59 America/Los_Angeles 2007-06-02
+ 20804 5751632 Sherwood Sherwood 45.3565074 -122.840098 P PPL US OR 067 15157 60 72 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20805 5754005 Springfield Springfield 44.0462362 -123.0220289 P PPL US OR 039 56032 140 157 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20806 5756758 Tigard Tigard 45.4312294 -122.7714861 P PPL US OR 067 47068 50 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20807 5757477 Troutdale Troutdale 45.5392862 -122.3873133 P PPL US OR 051 15205 39 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20808 5757506 Tualatin Tualatin 45.3840077 -122.7639851 P PPL US OR 067 26476 38 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20809 5760009 West Linn West Linn 45.3656761 -122.6123141 P PPL US OR 005 26067 41 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20810 5761287 Wilsonville Wilsonville 45.2998418 -122.7737062 P PPL US OR 005 16134 47 31 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20811 5761708 Woodburn Woodburn 45.143731 -122.8553725 P PPL US OR 047 22866 57 43 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20812 5768233 Rapid City Rapid City 44.0805434 -103.2310149 P PPL US SD 103 61888 988 993 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20813 5771826 Bountiful Bountiful 40.8893895 -111.880771 P PPL US UT 011 41581 1333 1336 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20814 5771960 Brigham City Brigham City 41.5102129 -112.0155015 P PPL US UT 003 17261 1352 1337 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20815 5772959 Clearfield Clearfield 41.1107771 -112.0260538 P PPL US UT 011 28424 1361 1344 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20816 5773001 Clinton Clinton 41.139666 -112.0504983 P PPL US UT 011 17295 1339 1328 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20817 5773304 Cottonwood Heights Cottonwood Heights 40.6196702 -111.8102104 P PPL US UT 035 28021 1470 1453 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20818 5774001 Draper Draper 40.5246711 -111.8638226 P PPL US UT 035 35186 1373 1397 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20819 5774301 East Millcreek East Millcreek 40.6999471 -111.8104888 P PPL US UT 035 20816 1454 1434 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20820 5776008 Holladay Holladay 40.6688363 -111.8246557 P PPL US UT 035 29737 1361 1374 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20821 5776715 Kaysville Kaysville 41.0352216 -111.9385521 P PPL US UT 011 22211 1328 1337 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20822 5776727 Kearns Kearns 40.6599468 -111.9963275 P PPL US UT 035 35345 1380 1362 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20823 5777107 Layton Layton 41.0602216 -111.9710529 P PPL US UT 011 62308 1326 1337 America/Denver 2006-11-15
+ 20824 5777224 Lehi Lehi 40.3916172 -111.8507662 P PPL US UT 049 26401 1391 1387 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20825 5777544 Logan Logan 41.7354862 -111.834388 P PPL US UT 005 44838 1382 1397 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20826 5777793 Magna Magna 40.7091121 -112.1016088 P PPL US UT 035 24755 1304 1288 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20827 5778244 Midvale Midvale 40.6110589 -111.8999353 P PPL US UT 035 27264 1336 1309 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20828 5778352 Millcreek Millcreek 40.6868914 -111.8754907 P PPL US UT 035 30696 1306 1295 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20829 5778755 Murray Murray 40.6668916 -111.8879909 P PPL US UT 035 54991 1311 1294 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20830 5779036 North Ogden North Ogden 41.3071645 -111.9602196 P PPL US UT 057 16717 1372 1348 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20831 5779206 Ogden Ogden 41.223 -111.9738304 P PPL US UT 057 78324 1311 1333 America/Denver 2006-11-15
+ 20832 5779334 Orem Orem 40.2968979 -111.6946475 P PPL US UT 049 93060 1455 1434 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20833 5779548 Payson Payson 40.0443989 -111.7321518 P PPL US UT 049 15912 1418 1417 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20834 5779816 Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove 40.3641184 -111.73854 P PPL US UT 049 24449 1409 1401 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20835 5780026 Provo Provo 40.2338438 -111.6585337 P PPL US UT 049 105764 1387 1390 America/Denver 2007-02-18
+ 20836 5780557 Riverton Riverton 40.521893 -111.9391023 P PPL US UT 035 31855 1353 1362 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20837 5780802 Roy Roy 41.1616108 -112.0263313 P PPL US UT 057 36265 1384 1367 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20838 5780993 Salt Lake City Salt Lake City 40.7607794 -111.8910474 P PPLA US UT 035 178026 1299 1317 America/Denver 2007-06-02
+ 20839 5781061 Sandy City Sandy City 40.5916147 -111.8841013 P PPL US UT 035 85406 1361 1348 America/Denver 2006-01-15
+ 20840 5781070 Sandy Hills Sandy Hills 40.5810594 -111.850767 P PPLX US UT 035 89575 1452 1408 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20841 5781765 South Jordan Heights South Jordan Heights 40.563837 -111.9493808 P PPLX US UT 035 37141 1377 1372 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20842 5781770 South Jordan South Jordan 40.5621704 -111.929658 P PPL US UT 035 29437 1353 1348 America/Denver 2006-01-15
+ 20843 5781783 South Ogden South Ogden 41.1918886 -111.9713304 P PPL US UT 057 15524 1356 1345 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20844 5781794 South Salt Lake South Salt Lake 40.7188354 -111.8882691 P PPL US UT 035 21598 1297 1303 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20845 5781860 Spanish Fork Spanish Fork 40.114955 -111.654923 P PPL US UT 049 24613 1395 1397 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20846 5781993 Springville Springville 40.1652335 -111.6107526 P PPL US UT 049 22867 1395 1401 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20847 5782391 Syracuse Syracuse 41.0893878 -112.0646657 P PPL US UT 011 18206 1306 1292 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20848 5782476 Taylorsville Taylorsville 40.6677248 -111.9388258 P PPL US UT 035 58284 1309 1304 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20849 5783695 Tooele Tooele 40.5307776 -112.29828 P PPL US UT 045 29851 1537 1541 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20850 5784549 West Jordan West Jordan 40.6096698 -111.9391031 P PPL US UT 035 101031 1333 1321 America/Denver 2006-05-19
+ 20851 5784607 West Valley City West Valley City 40.6916132 -112.0010501 P PPL US UT 035 113112 1312 1305 America/Denver 2008-07-14
+ 20852 5785243 Aberdeen Aberdeen 46.9753708 -123.8157218 P PPL US WA 027 16055 7 42 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20853 5785453 Alderwood Manor Alderwood Manor 47.8220414 -122.2820746 P PPL US WA 061 16875 129 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20854 5785657 Anacortes Anacortes 48.5126045 -122.6126718 P PPL US WA 057 16061 7 13 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20855 5785868 Arlington Arlington 48.1987118 -122.1251418 P PPL US WA 061 15242 35 39 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20856 5785965 Auburn Auburn 47.3073228 -122.2284532 P PPL US WA 033 45650 25 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20857 5786485 Battle Ground Battle Ground 45.7809491 -122.5334307 P PPL US WA 011 18061 90 87 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20858 5786882 Bellevue Bellevue 47.610377 -122.2006786 P PPL US WA 033 111927 26 43 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20859 5786899 Bellingham Bellingham 48.7595529 -122.4882249 P PPL US WA 073 73469 21 20 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20860 5787829 Bothell Bothell 47.7623204 -122.2054035 P PPL US WA 033 30615 23 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20861 5788054 Bremerton Bremerton 47.5673176 -122.6326391 P PPL US WA 035 37259 12 11 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20862 5788516 Burien Burien 47.4703768 -122.3467918 P PPL US WA 033 30611 115 102 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20863 5788822 Camas Camas 45.5870631 -122.3995363 P PPL US WA 011 17040 23 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20864 5789683 Centralia Centralia 46.7162136 -122.9542972 P PPL US WA 041 15107 57 60 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20865 5790971 Cottage Lake Cottage Lake 47.7442656 -122.077346 P PPL US WA 033 25889 72 87 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20866 5791159 Covington Covington 47.3481563 -122.1148396 P PPL US WA 033 16841 116 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20867 5792244 Des Moines Des Moines 47.4017661 -122.3242902 P PPL US WA 033 28668 28 41 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20868 5793427 Edmonds Edmonds 47.8106521 -122.3773552 P PPL US WA 061 39917 20 20 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20869 5793609 Elk Plain Elk Plain 47.0531551 -122.39762 P PPL US WA 053 17279 132 127 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20870 5793639 Ellensburg Ellensburg 46.9965144 -120.5478474 P PPL US WA 037 17049 470 470 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20871 5793933 Everett Everett 47.9789848 -122.2020794 P PPL US WA 061 96993 25 50 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20872 5794245 Federal Way Federal Way 47.3223221 -122.3126222 P PPL US WA 033 80815 141 144 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20873 5798487 Issaquah Issaquah 47.5301011 -122.0326191 P PPL US WA 033 16853 33 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20874 5799587 Kenmore Kenmore 47.7573202 -122.2440148 P PPL US WA 033 19284 9 28 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20875 5799610 Kennewick Kennewick 46.2112458 -119.1372338 P PPL US WA 005 62158 124 120 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20876 5799625 Kent Kent 47.3809335 -122.2348431 P PPL US WA 033 82276 13 50 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20877 5799841 Kirkland Kirkland 47.6814876 -122.2087353 P PPL US WA 033 45778 55 5 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20878 5800112 Lacey Lacey 47.0342629 -122.8231915 P PPL US WA 067 33755 62 56 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20879 5800420 Lakewood Lakewood 47.1717649 -122.518458 P PPL US WA 053 58912 80 78 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20880 5801617 Longview Longview 46.1381677 -122.9381672 P PPL US WA 015 36349 6 52 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20881 5802049 Lynnwood Lynnwood 47.8209301 -122.3151313 P PPL US WA 061 33478 120 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20882 5802570 Marysville Marysville 48.0517637 -122.1770818 P PPL US WA 061 29824 6 6 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20883 5803139 Mercer Island Mercer Island 47.5706548 -122.2220673 P PPL US WA 033 22476 103 75 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20884 5803786 Monroe Monroe 47.8553772 -121.9709579 P PPL US WA 061 15554 22 57 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20885 5803990 Moses Lake Moses Lake 47.1301417 -119.2780771 P PPL US WA 025 16626 326 324 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20886 5804127 Mount Vernon Mount Vernon 48.421216 -122.3340474 P PPL US WA 057 29312 29 7 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20887 5804191 Mountlake Terrace Mountlake Terrace 47.7881528 -122.3087405 P PPL US WA 061 20445 139 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20888 5804306 Mukilteo Mukilteo 47.9445396 -122.3045815 P PPL US WA 061 19927 33 26 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20889 5804953 North Creek North Creek 47.8195422 -122.1762388 P PPL US WA 061 26410 110 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20890 5805218 North Marysville North Marysville 48.099265 -122.1487495 P PPL US WA 061 21922 25 35 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20891 5805441 Oak Harbor Oak Harbor 48.2931559 -122.6432245 P PPL US WA 029 22031 28 28 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20892 5805687 Olympia Olympia 47.0378741 -122.9006951 P PPLA US WA 067 44916 29 30 America/Los_Angeles 2007-06-02
+ 20893 5805782 Opportunity Opportunity 47.6573949 -117.2399296 P PPL US WA 063 25877 611 633 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20894 5805815 Orchards Orchards 45.6665063 -122.560929 P PPL US WA 011 16773 69 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20895 5806253 Parkland Parkland 47.1553769 -122.4340113 P PPL US WA 053 25133 115 104 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20896 5806298 Pasco Pasco 46.2395793 -119.1005657 P PPL US WA 021 43390 118 116 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20897 5807212 Port Angeles Port Angeles 48.118146 -123.4307413 P PPL US WA 009 18397 17 1 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20898 5807540 Pullman Pullman 46.7312745 -117.1796158 P PPL US WA 075 25636 717 762 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20899 5807575 Puyallup Puyallup 47.1853785 -122.2928974 P PPL US WA 053 36675 14 30 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20900 5808079 Redmond Redmond 47.6739882 -122.121512 P PPL US WA 033 47264 13 61 America/Los_Angeles 2008-06-17
+ 20901 5808189 Renton Renton 47.4828776 -122.2170661 P PPL US WA 033 56141 14 57 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20902 5808276 Richland Richland 46.2856907 -119.2844621 P PPL US WA 005 44869 117 113 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20903 5809333 Salmon Creek Salmon Creek 45.7106718 -122.6489869 P PPL US WA 011 19192 50 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20904 5809402 Sammamish Sammamish 47.6417664 -122.0803998 P PPL US WA 033 34104 18 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-15
+ 20905 5809805 SeaTac SeaTac 47.448464394713 -122.292165756226 P PPL US WA 033 24663 80 120 America/Los_Angeles 2008-02-15
+ 20906 5809844 Seattle Seattle 47.6062095 -122.3320708 P PPL US WA 033 569369 56 60 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20907 5810301 Shoreline Shoreline 47.7556531 -122.3415178 P PPL US WA 033 51657 145 122 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20908 5810490 Silverdale Silverdale 47.6445386 -122.6948697 P PPL US WA 035 20828 5 15 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20909 5811456 South Hill South Hill 47.1412122 -122.2701183 P PPL US WA 053 44139 163 156 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20910 5811581 Spanaway Spanaway 47.103988 -122.4345661 P PPL US WA 053 25045 116 111 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20911 5811696 Spokane Spokane 47.6587803 -117.4260466 P PPL US WA 063 197262 571 562 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20912 5812944 Tacoma Tacoma 47.2528769 -122.4442906 P PPL US WA 053 196957 74 75 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-05
+ 20913 5814043 Tukwila Tukwila 47.4739884 -122.2609558 P PPL US WA 033 17022 42 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20914 5814450 University Place University Place 47.2356536 -122.5504041 P PPL US WA 053 30873 61 51 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20915 5814616 Vancouver Vancouver 45.6387281 -122.6614861 P PPL US WA 011 157517 52 52 America/Los_Angeles 2007-02-17
+ 20916 5814916 Walla Walla Walla Walla 46.0645809 -118.3430209 P PPL US WA 071 30578 287 286 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20917 5815342 Wenatchee Wenatchee 47.4234599 -120.3103494 P PPL US WA 007 29159 203 202 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20918 5815538 West Lake Sammamish West Lake Sammamish 47.5776002 -122.1012322 P PPL US WA 033 33929 9 61 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20919 5815539 West Lake Stevens West Lake Stevens 47.9934305 -122.1017987 P PPL US WA 061 21047 112 100 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20920 5815759 White Center White Center 47.5173209 -122.3548482 P PPL US WA 033 20716 116 121 America/Los_Angeles 2006-01-17
+ 20921 5816605 Yakima Yakima 46.6020711 -120.5058987 P PPL US WA 077 88405 326 343 America/Los_Angeles 2006-11-15
+ 20922 5820705 Casper Casper 42.866632 -106.313081 P PPL US WY 025 51507 1560 1561 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20923 5821086 Cheyenne Cheyenne 41.1399814 -104.8202462 P PPLA US WY 021 55443 1856 1864 America/Denver 2007-06-02
+ 20924 5826027 Gillette Gillette 44.2910915 -105.5022205 P PPL US WY 005 23101 1388 1402 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20925 5830062 Laramie Laramie 41.3113669 -105.5911007 P PPL US WY 001 26934 2184 2194 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20926 5836898 Rock Springs Rock Springs 41.5874644 -109.2029043 P PPL US WY 037 18226 1947 1940 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20927 5838198 Sheridan Sheridan 44.7971939 -106.9561792 P PPL US WY 033 16154 1141 1152 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20928 5844096 American Fork American Fork 40.3768954 -111.7957645 P PPL US UT 049 23582 1404 1400 America/Denver 2006-01-17
+ 20929 5847411 Kahului Kahului 20.8947222 -156.47 P PPL US HI 009 22315 0 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20930 5847486 Kailua Kailua 21.4022222 -157.7394444 P PPL US HI 003 37079 10 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20931 5848189 Kāne‘ohe Kane'ohe 21.4180556 -157.8036111 P PPL US HI 003 34970 28 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2009-03-07
+ 20932 5849297 Kīhei Kihei 20.785 -156.4655556 P PPL US HI 009 20707 1 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20933 5850554 Makakilo City Makakilo City 21.3469444 -158.0858333 P PPL US HI 003 15383 131 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20934 5851030 Mililani Town Mililani Town 21.45 -158.0011111 P PPL US HI 003 28812 207 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20935 5852275 Pearl City Pearl City 21.3972222 -157.9733333 P PPL US HI 003 31572 27 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20936 5853992 Wahiawā Wahiawa 21.5027778 -158.0236111 P PPL US HI 003 15906 287 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20937 5854530 Waimalu Waimalu 21.4047222 -157.9433333 P PPL US HI 003 29662 115 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20938 5854686 Waipahu Waipahu 21.3866667 -158.0091667 P PPL US HI 003 34588 19 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2006-01-17
+ 20939 5855051 ‘Ewa Beach 'Ewa Beach 21.3155556 -158.0072222 P PPL US HI 003 15100 3 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2009-03-07
+ 20940 5855927 Hilo Hilo 19.7297222 -155.09 P PPL US HI 001 43050 18 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2009-06-04
+ 20941 5856195 Honolulu Honolulu 21.3069444 -157.8583333 P PPLA US HI 003 371657 5 0 Pacific/Honolulu 2007-06-02
+ 20942 5861897 Fairbanks Fairbanks 64.8377778 -147.7163889 P PPL US AK 090 30224 136 0 America/Juneau 2007-02-17
+ 20943 5879400 Anchorage Anchorage 61.2180556 -149.9002778 P PPL US AK 020 260283 31 0 America/Juneau 2007-02-17
+ 20944 3439525 Young Young -32.6833333 -57.6333333 P PPL UY 12 15924 63 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20945 3439749 Trinidad Trinidad -33.5388889 -56.8886111 P PPL UY 06 21093 134 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20946 3439781 Treinta y Tres Treinta y Tres -33.2333333 -54.3833333 P PPL UY 19 25653 63 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20947 3440034 Tacuarembó Tacuarembo -31.7333333 -55.9833333 P PPL UY 18 51854 140 America/Montevideo 2006-11-19
+ 20948 3440571 Santa Lucía Santa Lucia -34.4533333 -56.3905556 P PPL UY 02 16438 35 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20949 3440639 San José de Mayo San Jose de Mayo -34.3375 -56.7136111 P PPL UY 16 36529 53 America/Montevideo 2007-02-08
+ 20950 3440696 San Carlos San Carlos -34.8 -54.9166667 P PPL UY 09 24938 2 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20951 3440714 Salto Salto -31.3833333 -57.9666667 P PPL UY 15 99823 47 America/Montevideo 2006-11-15
+ 20952 3440777 Rocha Rocha -34.4833333 -54.3333333 P PPL UY 14 25515 8 America/Montevideo 2007-02-08
+ 20953 3440781 Rivera Rivera -30.9 -55.5166667 P PPL UY 13 64631 204 America/Montevideo 2007-02-18
+ 20954 3440963 Progreso Progreso -34.665 -56.2194444 P PPL UY 02 15973 53 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20955 3441243 Paysandú Paysandu -32.3213889 -58.0755556 P PPL UY 11 73249 50 America/Montevideo 2006-11-15
+ 20956 3441292 Paso de Carrasco Paso de Carrasco -34.8602778 -56.0522222 P PPL UY 02 15393 20 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20957 3441354 Pando Pando -34.7166667 -55.95 P PPL UY 02 24047 11 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20958 3441575 Montevideo Montevideo -34.8580556 -56.1708333 P PPLC UY 10 1270737 78 America/Montevideo 2007-02-17
+ 20959 3441665 Minas Minas -34.37 -55.225 P PPL UY 08 38025 148 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20960 3441684 Mercedes Mercedes -33.2558333 -58.0191667 P PPL UY 17 42359 41 America/Montevideo 2006-11-19
+ 20961 3441702 Melo Melo -32.3666667 -54.1833333 P PPL UY 03 51023 81 America/Montevideo 2007-02-18
+ 20962 3441894 Maldonado Maldonado -34.9 -54.95 P PPL UY 09 55478 21 America/Montevideo 2007-02-18
+ 20963 3442057 Las Piedras Las Piedras -34.7263889 -56.22 P PPL UY 02 69682 81 America/Montevideo 2006-11-15
+ 20964 3442098 La Paz La Paz -34.7616667 -56.2236111 P PPL UY 02 19913 50 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20965 3442568 Fray Bentos Fray Bentos -33.1325 -58.2955556 P PPL UY 12 23279 43 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20966 3442585 Florida Florida -34.0955556 -56.2141667 P PPL UY 07 32234 74 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20967 3442727 Durazno Durazno -33.4130556 -56.5005556 P PPL UY 05 33926 91 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20968 3442750 Dolores Dolores -33.5441667 -58.1972222 P PPL UY 17 15880 30 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20969 3442778 Delta del Tigre Delta del Tigre -34.7633333 -56.3852778 P PPL UY 16 17973 19 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20970 3443013 Colonia del Sacramento Colonia del Sacramento -34.4666667 -57.85 P PPL UY 04 21714 28 America/Montevideo 2007-02-17
+ 20971 3443341 Carmelo Carmelo -33.9891667 -58.2855556 P PPL UY 04 16921 19 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20972 3443413 Canelones Canelones -34.5227778 -56.2777778 P PPL UY 02 19698 29 America/Montevideo 2006-01-17
+ 20973 3443758 Artigas Artigas -30.4 -56.4666667 P PPL UY 01 41909 151 America/Montevideo 2006-11-19
+ 20974 601294 Nukus Nukus 42.4530556 59.6102778 P PPLA UZ 09 230006 71 Asia/Samarkand 2007-02-17
+ 20975 601339 Khŭjayli Khujayli 42.4047222 59.4516667 P PPL UZ UZ 09 50000 72 Asia/Samarkand 2009-04-07
+ 20976 601395 Chimboy Chimboy 42.9358333 59.7752778 P PPL UZ 09 36917 64 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20977 601417 Oltinkŭl Oltinkul 43.0744444 58.8933333 P PPL UZ 09 59122 57 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 20978 1215694 Zomin Zomin 39.9605556 68.3958333 P PPL UZ 15 27077 630 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 20979 1215839 Urgut Urgut 39.4022222 67.2430556 P PPL UZ 10 47373 1003 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20980 1215957 Termiz Termiz 37.2241667 67.2783333 P PPLA UZ 12 140385 294 Asia/Samarkand 2007-02-17
+ 20981 1216115 Sho'rchi Sho'rchi 37.9994444 67.7875 P PPL UZ 12 24900 445 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 20982 1216187 Shahrisabz Shahrisabz 39.0577778 66.8341667 P PPL UZ 08 57051 623 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20983 1216265 Samarqand Samarqand 39.6541667 66.9597222 P PPLA UZ 10 319366 703 Asia/Samarkand 2007-02-17
+ 20984 1216311 Qarshi Qarshi 38.8633333 65.7977778 P PPLA UZ 08 222898 371 Asia/Samarkand 2006-11-15
+ 20985 1216475 Muborak Muborak 39.2552778 65.1527778 P PPL UZ 08 29180 278 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20986 1216787 Kitob Kitob 39.1180556 66.8755556 P PPL UZ 08 41938 643 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20987 1216982 Kattaqo'rg'on Kattaqo'rg'on 39.8988889 66.2561111 P PPL UZ 10 59382 504 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 20988 1217007 Koson Koson 39.0375 65.585 P PPL UZ 08 59681 334 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20989 1217084 Karakul' Karakul' 39.5333333 63.8333333 P PPL UZ 00 22487 191 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 20990 1217145 Qamashi Qamashi 38.8241667 66.4608333 P PPL UZ 08 32700 521 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20991 1217180 Kogon Kogon 39.7227778 64.5516667 P PPL UZ 02 62620 213 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20992 1217262 G'uzor G'uzor 38.6208333 66.2480556 P PPL UZ 08 25368 516 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 20993 1217340 Galaosiyo Galaosiyo 39.8577778 64.4483333 P PPL UZ 02 15620 219 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20994 1217362 Juma Juma 39.7161111 66.6641667 P PPL UZ 10 19920 623 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20995 1217474 Denov Denov 38.2666667 67.9 P PPL UZ 12 68994 514 Asia/Samarkand 2006-11-15
+ 20996 1217540 Chiroqchi Chiroqchi 39.0336111 66.5722222 P PPL UZ 08 19356 519 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20997 1217569 Chelak Chelak 39.9202778 66.8611111 P PPL UZ 10 16727 596 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 20998 1217658 Bulung'ur Bulung'ur 39.7647222 67.2713889 P PPL UZ 10 26815 752 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 20999 1217662 Buxoro Buxoro 39.7747222 64.4286111 P PPLA UZ 02 247644 220 Asia/Samarkand 2007-02-17
+ 21000 1217703 Beshkent Beshkent 38.8213889 65.6530556 P PPL UZ 08 17010 341 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21001 1217734 Boysun Boysun 38.2061111 67.1986111 P PPL UZ 12 25050 1218 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21002 1217926 Oqtosh Oqtosh 39.9213889 65.9252778 P PPL UZ 10 38307 446 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21003 1512281 Zarafshon Zarafshon 41.5791667 64.2075 P PPL UZ 07 63543 425 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21004 1512287 Zafar Zafar 40.9833333 68.9 P PPL UZ 00 24781 292 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21005 1512320 Yaypan Yaypan 40.3758333 70.8155556 P PPL UZ 03 20332 432 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21006 1512342 Yangiyer Yangiyer 40.275 68.8225 P PPL UZ 16 32636 311 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21007 1512348 Yangirabod Yangirabod 40.03 65.9608333 P PPL UZ 07 25027 410 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 21008 1512350 Yangiqŭrghon Yangiqurghon 41.1872222 71.7333333 P PPL UZ 06 28422 728 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21009 1512423 Wobkent Wobkent 40.0302778 64.515 P PPL UZ 02 16697 234 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 21010 1512449 Uychi Uychi 41.0263889 71.8561111 P PPL UZ 06 29683 461 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21011 1512473 Urganch Urganch 41.55 60.6333333 P PPLA UZ 05 150110 90 Asia/Samarkand 2006-11-15
+ 21012 1512480 Dashtobod Dashtobod 40.1269444 68.4944444 P PPL UZ 15 19718 395 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21013 1512501 Uchqŭrghon Uchqurghon 41.1127778 72.0788889 P PPL UZ 06 33323 485 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21014 1512549 Tŭragŭrghon Turagurghon 41.0 71.5158333 P PPL UZ 06 27862 545 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21015 1512568 Toshloq Toshloq 40.4772222 71.7677778 P PPL UZ 03 26686 483 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21016 1512569 Tashkent Tashkent 41.3166667 69.25 P PPLC UZ 13 1978028 460 Asia/Tashkent 2007-02-17
+ 21017 1512658 Toshbuloq Toshbuloq 40.92 71.58 P PPL UZ 06 28562 403 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21018 1512770 Sirdaryo Sirdaryo 40.8436111 68.6616667 P PPL UZ 16 26816 253 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21019 1512790 Showot Showot 41.6558333 60.3025 P PPL UZ 05 26950 82 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21020 1512838 Shofirkon Shofirkon 40.12 64.5013889 P PPL UZ 02 26527 236 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21021 1512934 Salor Salor 41.3722222 69.3816667 P PPL UZ 14 26494 522 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21022 1512978 Qŭshkŭpir Qushkupir 41.535 60.3455556 P PPL UZ 05 16948 78 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 21023 1512979 Qo`qon Qo`qon 40.5286111 70.9425 P PPL UZ 03 187477 405 Asia/Tashkent 2007-02-17
+ 21024 1512986 Piskent Piskent 40.8972222 69.3505556 P PPL UZ 14 27865 406 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21025 1513011 Payshanba Payshanba 40.0077778 66.2369444 P PPL UZ 10 24772 461 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21026 1513017 Parkent Parkent 41.2944444 69.6763889 P PPL UZ 14 35973 790 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21027 1513023 Pop Pop 40.8736111 71.1088889 P PPL UZ 06 22122 426 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21028 1513038 Paxtakor Paxtakor 40.3152778 67.9544444 P PPL UZ 15 21384 305 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21029 1513064 Olmaliq Olmaliq 40.8447222 69.5983333 P PPL UZ 14 121207 565 Asia/Tashkent 2009-03-05
+ 21030 1513072 Ohangaron Ohangaron 40.9063889 69.6383333 P PPL UZ 14 35516 562 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21031 1513087 Nurota Nurota 40.5613889 65.6886111 P PPL UZ 07 29403 481 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21032 1513092 Novyy Turtkul' Novyy Turtkul' 41.55 61.0166667 P PPL UZ 00 48908 89 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 21033 1513131 Navoiy Navoiy 40.0844444 65.3791667 P PPLA UZ 07 129725 375 Asia/Samarkand 2006-11-15
+ 21034 1513157 Namangan Namangan 40.9982978489732 71.6725730895996 P PPLA UZ 06 432456 433 Asia/Tashkent 2007-05-23
+ 21035 1513243 Marg`ilon Marg`ilon 40.4711111 71.7247222 P PPL UZ 03 133490 487 Asia/Tashkent 2006-11-15
+ 21036 1513245 Manghit Manghit 42.1155556 60.0597222 P PPL UZ 09 30854 71 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 21037 1513271 Asaka Asaka 40.6413889 72.2372222 P PPL UZ 01 56736 495 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21038 1513331 Quvasoy Quvasoy 40.3022222 71.9744444 P PPL UZ 03 32024 797 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21039 1513364 Qŭrghontepa Qurghontepa 40.7266667 72.7591667 P PPL UZ 01 25861 703 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21040 1513555 Kirgili Kirgili 40.4358333 71.7672222 P PPL UZ 03 20459 542 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21041 1513567 Qibray Qibray 41.3897222 69.465 P PPL UZ 14 27750 526 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21042 1513600 Khŭjaobod Khujaobod 40.6694444 72.5597222 P PPL UZ 01 16889 671 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21043 1513604 Khiwa Khiwa 41.3783333 60.3638889 P PPL UZ 05 55567 86 Asia/Samarkand 2006-11-05
+ 21044 1513655 Haqqulobod Haqqulobod 40.9166667 72.1166667 P PPL UZ 06 26257 437 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21045 1513714 Kosonsoy Kosonsoy 41.2561111 71.5508333 P PPL UZ 06 43684 886 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21046 1513886 Jizzax Jizzax 40.1158333 67.8422222 P PPLA UZ 15 152642 379 Asia/Tashkent 2006-11-15
+ 21047 1513900 Iskandar Iskandar 41.5538889 69.7008333 P PPL UZ 14 27636 647 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21048 1513957 Hazorasp Hazorasp 41.3194444 61.0741667 P PPL UZ 05 17643 98 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21049 1513962 Gurlan Gurlan 41.8447222 60.3919444 P PPL UZ 05 27506 82 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21050 1513966 Guliston Guliston 40.4897222 68.7841667 P PPLA UZ 16 53373 273 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21051 1513983 Ghijduwon Ghijduwon 40.1 64.6833333 P PPL UZ 02 41070 253 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-27
+ 21052 1514011 Gagarin Gagarin 40.6619444 68.1722222 P PPL UZ 15 24856 273 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21053 1514019 Farg`ona Farg`ona 40.3933333 71.7794444 P PPLA UZ 03 164322 566 Asia/Tashkent 2007-03-13
+ 21054 1514125 Dŭstlik Dustlik 40.5247222 68.0358333 P PPL UZ 15 16524 267 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21055 1514192 Chust Chust 41.0 71.2391667 P PPL UZ 06 64966 633 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21056 1514210 Chirchiq Chirchiq 41.4688889 69.5822222 P PPL UZ 14 167842 595 Asia/Tashkent 2006-11-15
+ 21057 1514215 Chinoz Chinoz 40.9363889 68.7697222 P PPL UZ 14 24553 255 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21058 1514258 Chortoq Chortoq 41.0722222 71.8211111 P PPL UZ 06 49844 509 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21059 1514330 Bŭka Buka 40.8108333 69.1986111 P PPL UZ 14 19642 340 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-27
+ 21060 1514382 Beshariq Beshariq 40.4358333 70.6102778 P PPL UZ 03 21984 379 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21061 1514387 Beruniy Beruniy 41.6911111 60.7525 P PPL UZ 09 50929 87 Asia/Samarkand 2006-01-17
+ 21062 1514396 Bektemir Bektemir 41.2097222 69.3341667 P PPL UZ 13 26380 423 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21063 1514402 Bekobod Bekobod 40.2208333 69.2697222 P PPL UZ 14 86259 284 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21064 1514581 Angren Angren 41.0166667 70.1436111 P PPL UZ 14 126957 927 Asia/Tashkent 2006-11-15
+ 21065 1514588 Andijon Andijon 40.7830556 72.3438889 P PPLA UZ 01 318419 492 Asia/Tashkent 2006-11-05
+ 21066 1514615 Oltiariq Oltiariq 40.3919444 71.4741667 P PPL UZ 03 25543 451 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21067 1526979 Quva Quva 40.5236111 72.0616667 P PPL UZ 03 33167 488 Asia/Tashkent 2006-01-17
+ 21068 6691831 Vatican City Vatican City 41.90225 12.4533 P PPLC VA 921 17 Europe/Vatican 2009-03-31
+ 21069 3577887 Kingstown Kingstown 13.1333333 -61.2166667 P PPLC VC 04 24518 1 America/St_Vincent 2008-10-10
+ 21070 3748726 Kingstown Park Kingstown Park 13.1583333 -61.235 P PPLX VC 04 17994 1 America/St_Vincent 2006-01-17
+ 21071 3480908 La Asunción La Asuncion 11.0333333 -63.8627778 P PPL VE 17 35084 67 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21072 3486270 Anaco Anaco 9.4388889 -64.4727778 P PPL VE 02 117596 205 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21073 3487903 Alto Barinas Alto Barinas 8.5944444 -70.2222222 P PPL VE 05 284289 207 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21074 3625066 Zaraza Zaraza 9.35 -65.3166667 P PPL VE 12 41483 52 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21075 3625207 Yaritagua Yaritagua 10.08 -69.1261111 P PPL VE 22 89662 506 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21076 3625341 Villa de Cura Villa de Cura 10.0333333 -67.4833333 P PPL VE 04 76614 556 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21077 3625346 Villa Bruzual Villa Bruzual 9.3327778 -69.1208333 P PPL VE 18 27993 122 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21078 3625515 Valle de La Pascua Valle de La Pascua 9.2166667 -66.0 P PPL VE 12 89080 154 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21079 3625542 Valera Valera 9.3177778 -70.6036111 P PPL VE 21 93756 537 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21080 3625549 Valencia Valencia 10.1805556 -68.0038889 P PPL VE 07 1385083 558 America/Caracas 2007-02-17
+ 21081 3625710 Upata Upata 8.0086111 -62.3988889 P PPL VE 06 53685 326 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21082 3625829 Turmero Turmero 10.2333333 -67.4833333 P PPL VE 04 344700 602 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21083 3625929 Tucupita Tucupita 9.0686111 -62.0491667 P PPL VE 09 51534 1 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21084 3625979 Trujillo Trujillo 9.3666667 -70.4333333 P PPL VE 21 38110 1170 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21085 3626219 Tinaquillo Tinaquillo 9.9186111 -68.3047222 P PPL VE 08 82145 510 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21086 3626402 Táriba Tariba 7.8236111 -72.2213889 P PPL VE 20 27432 910 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21087 3627047 Santa Teresa Santa Teresa 10.2313889 -66.6636111 P PPL VE 15 278890 135 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21088 3627186 Santa Rita Santa Rita 10.5380556 -71.5169444 P PPL VE 23 31810 1 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21089 3627968 San Mateo San Mateo 10.2166667 -67.4166667 P PPL VE 04 50401 620 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21090 3628053 San Juan de los Morros San Juan de los Morros 9.9111111 -67.3583333 P PPL VE 12 87739 512 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21091 3628060 San Juan de Colón San Juan de Colon 8.0377778 -72.2519444 P PPL VE 20 38233 809 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21092 3628142 San José de Guanipa San Jose de Guanipa 8.8933333 -64.1591667 P PPL VE 02 62128 248 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21093 3628267 San Joaquín San Joaquin 10.2625 -67.7922222 P PPL VE 07 41630 533 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21094 3628423 San Felipe San Felipe 10.3405556 -68.7372222 P PPL VE 22 76766 207 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21095 3628473 San Cristóbal San Cristobal 7.7669444 -72.225 P PPL VE 20 246583 881 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21096 3628489 San Carlos del Zulia San Carlos del Zulia 9.0041667 -71.9163889 P PPL VE 23 56582 6 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21097 3628503 San Carlos San Carlos 9.6666667 -68.6 P PPL VE 08 77192 138 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21098 3628549 San Antonio del Táchira San Antonio del Tachira 7.8177778 -72.4425 P PPL VE 20 32458 610 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21099 3628550 San Antonio de Los Altos San Antonio de Los Altos 10.3666667 -66.9333333 P PPL VE 15 63873 1220 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21100 3628952 Rubio Rubio 7.7072222 -72.3538889 P PPL VE 20 51568 869 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21101 3628966 Rosario Rosario 10.3166667 -72.3166667 P PPL VE 23 65011 101 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21102 3629419 Quíbor Quibor 9.9255556 -69.6202778 P PPL VE 13 41526 799 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21103 3629576 Punto Fijo Punto Fijo 11.6997222 -70.1991667 P PPL VE 11 131784 4 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21104 3629614 Punta Cardón Punta Cardon 11.6580556 -70.215 P PPL VE 11 58926 4 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21105 3629672 Puerto La Cruz Puerto La Cruz 10.2166667 -64.6166667 P PPL VE VE 02 370000 64 America/Caracas 2009-02-02
+ 21106 3629706 Puerto Cabello Puerto Cabello 10.4730556 -68.0125 P PPL VE 07 174000 49 America/Caracas 2008-12-18
+ 21107 3629710 Puerto Ayacucho Puerto Ayacucho 5.6638889 -67.6236111 P PPLA VE 01 52526 69 America/Caracas 2007-07-05
+ 21108 3629965 Porlamar Porlamar 10.95 -63.85 P PPL VE 17 87120 -9999 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21109 3630297 Petare Petare 10.4833333 -66.8166667 P PPL VE 15 364684 867 America/Caracas 2007-04-03
+ 21110 3630932 Palo Negro Palo Negro 10.1738889 -67.5419444 P PPL VE 04 128875 593 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21111 3631412 Ocumare del Tuy Ocumare del Tuy 10.1216667 -66.7716667 P PPL VE 15 166072 178 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21112 3631507 Nirgua Nirgua 10.155 -68.5630556 P PPL VE 22 30188 874 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21113 3631741 Mucumpiz Mucumpiz 8.4166667 -71.1333333 P PPL VE 14 215259 2163 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21114 3631878 Morón Moron 10.4888889 -68.2002778 P PPL VE 07 44308 19 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21115 3632308 Mérida Merida 8.5983333 -71.145 P PPL VE 14 300000 1473 America/Caracas 2009-02-24
+ 21116 3632929 Mariara Mariara 10.2983333 -67.7161111 P PPL VE 07 105486 608 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21117 3633009 Maracaibo Maracaibo 10.6316667 -71.6405556 P PPL VE 23 2225000 3 America/Caracas 2007-06-18
+ 21118 3633341 Maiquetía Maiquetia 10.6 -66.95 P PPL VE 26 52564 105 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21119 3633444 Machiques Machiques 10.0644444 -72.545 P PPL VE 23 62968 130 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21120 3633677 Los Rastrojos Los Rastrojos 10.0227778 -69.2444444 P PPL VE 13 34636 467 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21121 3634184 Los Dos Caminos Los Dos Caminos 10.5166667 -66.8333333 P PPL VE 15 58168 1466 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21122 3634922 La Victoria La Victoria 10.2333333 -67.3333333 P PPL VE 04 87045 612 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21123 3635325 Las Tejerías Las Tejerias 10.25 -67.1666667 P PPL VE 04 33320 496 America/Caracas 2006-01-27
+ 21124 3637623 Lagunillas Lagunillas 10.1408333 -71.2613889 P PPL VE 23 44257 1 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21125 3637721 La Guaira La Guaira 10.5990109516222 -66.9346010684967 P PPL VE 26 25259 150 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21126 3639747 Güigüe Guigue 10.0852778 -67.7791667 P PPL VE 07 71530 590 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21127 3639898 Guatire Guatire 10.4666667 -66.5333333 P PPL VE 15 191903 408 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21128 3640049 Guarenas Guarenas 10.4666667 -66.6166667 P PPL VE 15 181612 523 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21129 3640226 Guanare Guanare 9.05 -69.75 P PPL VE 18 112286 173 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21130 3640465 Guacara Guacara 10.2297222 -67.8738889 P PPL VE 07 151752 581 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21131 3641099 El Vigía El Vigia 8.6219444 -71.6505556 P PPL VE 14 59092 152 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21132 3641275 El Tocuyo El Tocuyo 9.7861111 -69.7894444 P PPL VE 13 53099 690 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21133 3641351 El Tigre El Tigre 8.8925 -64.2527778 P PPL VE 02 150999 276 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21134 3642833 El Limón El Limon 10.3091667 -67.6325 P PPL VE 04 148247 597 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21135 3643031 El Hatillo El Hatillo 10.4333333 -66.8166667 P PPL VE 15 57591 1211 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21136 3644417 Ejido Ejido 8.5513889 -71.2375 P PPL VE 14 106915 1163 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21137 3644768 Cumaná Cumana 10.4666667 -64.1666667 P PPL VE 19 257783 4 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21138 3644918 Cúa Cua 10.1622222 -66.8852778 P PPL VE 15 182558 246 America/Caracas 2007-02-08
+ 21139 3645213 Coro Coro 11.4091667 -69.6672222 P PPL VE 11 195227 28 America/Caracas 2007-02-17
+ 21140 3645528 Ciudad Guayana Ciudad Guayana 8.3533333 -62.6527778 P PPL VE 06 746535 7 America/Caracas 2009-02-24
+ 21141 3645532 Ciudad Bolívar Ciudad Bolivar 8.1222222 -63.5497222 P PPL VE VE 06 338000 73 America/Caracas 2009-02-24
+ 21142 3645671 Chivacoa Chivacoa 10.1602778 -68.895 P PPL VE 22 45904 305 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21143 3645854 Charallave Charallave 10.2483333 -66.8566667 P PPL VE 15 129182 405 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21144 3645981 Chacao Chacao 10.5 -66.85 P PPL VE 15 64609 898 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21145 3646062 Tacarigua Tacarigua 10.09 -67.9197222 P PPL VE 07 39205 596 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21146 3646169 Caucagüito Caucaguito 10.4833333 -66.7333333 P PPL VE 15 52556 570 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21147 3646190 Catia La Mar Catia La Mar 10.6 -67.0333333 P PPL VE 26 106822 82 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21148 3646382 Carúpano Carupano 10.6697222 -63.2491667 P PPL VE 19 112082 38 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21149 3646451 Carrizal Carrizal 10.35 -66.9833333 P PPL VE 15 40618 1161 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21150 3646487 Carora Carora 10.1777778 -70.0805556 P PPL VE 13 93788 508 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21151 3646738 Caracas Caracas 10.5 -66.9166667 P PPLC VE 25 1815679 920 America/Caracas 2007-02-17
+ 21152 3646767 Caraballeda Caraballeda 10.6166667 -66.8333333 P PPL VE 26 37824 -9999 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21153 3646869 Cantaura Cantaura 9.3105556 -64.3594444 P PPL VE 02 33040 248 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21154 3647444 Calabozo Calabozo 8.9344444 -67.4266667 P PPL VE 12 117132 78 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21155 3647549 Cagua Cagua 10.1833333 -67.45 P PPL VE 04 119033 576 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21156 3647651 Cabimas Cabimas 10.4019444 -71.4461111 P PPL VE 23 200818 11 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21157 3648439 Baruta Baruta 10.4333333 -66.8833333 P PPL VE 15 244216 1179 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21158 3648522 Barquisimeto Barquisimeto 10.0738889 -69.3227778 P PPL VE 13 809490 573 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21159 3648540 Barinitas Barinitas 8.7622222 -70.4111111 P PPL VE 05 34397 463 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21160 3648559 Barcelona Barcelona 10.1333333 -64.7 P PPL VE 02 424795 3 America/Caracas 2007-02-18
+ 21161 3649017 Araure Araure 9.5666667 -69.2166667 P PPL VE 18 73054 207 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21162 3649408 Altagracia de Orituco Altagracia de Orituco 9.8622222 -66.3805556 P PPL VE 12 40052 499 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21163 3649833 Acarigua Acarigua 9.5597222 -69.2019444 P PPL VE 18 143704 199 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21164 3778045 Maturín Maturin 9.75 -63.1766667 P PPL VE 16 410972 55 America/Caracas 2007-02-17
+ 21165 3795152 La Fría La Fria 8.2188889 -72.2483333 P PPL VE 20 27077 152 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21166 3803449 El Cafetal El Cafetal 10.4666667 -66.8277778 P PPLX VE 15 80029 874 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21167 3803651 La Dolorita La Dolorita 10.4905556 -66.7833333 P PPLX VE 15 56846 973 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21168 3804949 Guasdalito Guasdalito 7.2472222 -70.7294444 P PPL VE 03 30860 125 America/Caracas 2006-01-17
+ 21169 3805673 San Fernando Apure San Fernando Apure 7.8966667 -67.4672222 P PPL VE 03 78779 27 America/Caracas 2006-11-15
+ 21170 3577430 Road Town Road Town 18.4166667 -64.6166667 P PPLC VG 00 8449 1 America/Tortola 2007-02-17
+ 21171 4795467 Charlotte Amalie Charlotte Amalie 18.3419004 -64.9307007 P PPL VI 00 030 20000 6 124 America/St_Thomas 2009-02-08
+ 21172 1560037 Yên Vinh Yen Vinh 18.6666667 105.6666667 P PPL VN 26 107082 10 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21173 1560349 Yên Bái Yen Bai 21.7 104.8666667 P PPLA VN 70 96540 46 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21174 1562414 Vũng Tàu Vung Tau 10.35 107.0666667 P PPLA VN 45 209683 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-05
+ 21175 1562548 Vĩnh Yên Vinh Yen 21.31 105.5966667 P PPLA VN 86 17876 18 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21176 1562693 Vĩnh Long Vinh Long 10.25 105.9666667 P PPLA VN 69 103314 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21177 1562820 Việt Trì Viet Tri 21.3019444 105.4308333 P PPLA VN 83 93475 20 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21178 1563241 Uông Bí Uong Bi 21.0333333 106.7833333 P PPL VN 30 63829 37 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21179 1563281 Tuy Hòa Tuy Hoa 13.0833333 109.3 P PPLA VN 61 69596 2 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-03-31
+ 21180 1563287 Tuyên Quang Tuyen Quang 21.8233333 105.2180556 P PPLA VN 68 36430 30 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21181 1563926 Trà Vinh Tra Vinh 9.9347222 106.3452778 P PPLA VN 67 57408 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21182 1566083 Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh 10.75 106.6666667 P PPLA VN 20 3467331 4 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-06-17
+ 21183 1566166 Thanh Hóa Thanh Hoa 19.8 105.7666667 P PPLA VN 34 112473 18 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21184 1566319 Thái Nguyên Thai Nguyen 21.5927778 105.8441667 P PPLA VN 85 133877 32 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21185 1566346 Thái Bình Thai Binh 20.45 106.3333333 P PPLA VN 35 53071 3 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21186 1567069 Tân An Tan An 10.5333333 106.4166667 P PPLA VN 24 64801 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21187 1567148 Tam Kỳ Tam Ky 15.5666667 108.4833333 P PPLA VN 84 59000 14 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21188 1567621 Sơn Tây Son Tay 21.1377778 105.505 P PPL VN 51 40636 23 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21189 1567681 Sơn La Son La 21.3166667 103.9 P PPLA VN 32 19054 673 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21190 1567723 Sông Cầu Song Cầu 13.45 109.2166667 P PPL VN VN 61 94066 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-03-30
+ 21191 1567788 Sóc Trăng Soc Trang 9.6033333 105.98 P PPLA VN 65 114453 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21192 1568043 Sa Pá Sa Pa 22.3402319799166 103.844146728516 P PPL VN VN 64 138622 1542 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-10-13
+ 21193 1568212 Sa Ðéc Sa Dec 10.3 105.7666667 P PPL VN 09 60073 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21194 1568510 Rạch Giá Rach Gia 10.0166667 105.0833333 P PPLA VN 21 228356 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21195 1568574 Quy Nhơn Quy Nhon 13.7666667 109.2333333 P PPLA VN 46 210338 8 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21196 1568770 Quảng Ngãi Quang Ngai 15.1166667 108.8 P PPLA VN 63 32992 14 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21197 1569684 Pleiku Pleiku 13.9833333 108.0 P PPLA VN 49 114225 756 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21198 1570449 Phủ Lý Phu Ly 20.5411111 105.9138889 P PPLA VN 80 31801 22 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21199 1570549 Phú Khương Phu Khuong 11.2833333 106.1333333 P PPL VN 33 47966 19 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21200 1571058 Phan Thiết Phan Thiet 10.9333333 108.1 P PPLA VN 47 160652 10 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21201 1571067 Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm Phan Rang-Thap Cham 11.5666667 108.9833333 P PPLA VN 60 91520 6 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21202 1571968 Ninh Bình Ninh Binh 20.2538889 105.975 P PPLA VN 59 36864 12 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21203 1572151 Nha Trang Nha Trang 12.25 109.1833333 P PPLA VN 54 283441 3 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2007-02-18
+ 21204 1573517 Nam Ðịnh Nam Dinh 20.4166667 106.1666667 P PPLA VN 82 193499 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21205 1574023 Mỹ Tho My Tho 10.35 106.35 P PPLA VN 37 122310 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21206 1575627 Long Xuyên Long Xuyen 10.3833333 105.4166667 P PPLA VN 01 158153 2 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21207 1576303 Lào Cai Lao Cai 22.4833333 103.95 P PPLA VN 56 36502 233 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21208 1578500 Kon Tum Kon Tum 14.35 108.0 P PPLA VN 55 47409 530 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21209 1580240 Huế Hue 16.4666667 107.6 P PPLA VN 66 287217 3 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-05
+ 21210 1580410 Hạ Long Ha Long 20.9511111 107.08 P PPLA VN 30 148066 70 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2008-05-16
+ 21211 1580541 Hội An Hoi An 15.8794444 108.335 P PPL VN 84 32757 13 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-05
+ 21212 1580830 Hòa Bình Hoa Binh 20.8133333 105.3383333 P PPLA VN 53 105260 23 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21213 1581130 Hà Nội Ha Noi 21.0333333 105.85 P PPLC VN 44 1431270 26 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-01-23
+ 21214 1581298 Haiphong Haiphong 20.8561111 106.6822222 P PPLA VN 13 602695 3 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2007-02-17
+ 21215 1581326 Hải Dương Hai Duong 20.9333333 106.3166667 P PPLA VN 79 58030 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21216 1581349 Hà Giang Ha Giang 22.8333333 104.9833333 P PPLA VN 50 32690 143 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21217 1581364 Hà Ðông Ha Dong 20.9725 105.7772222 P PPLA VN 51 50877 27 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21218 1582436 Dồng Xoài Dong Xoai 11.5333333 106.9166667 P PPLA VN 76 23978 85 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21219 1582886 Ðồng Hới Dong Hoi 17.4833333 106.6 P PPLA VN 62 31040 13 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-05
+ 21220 1582926 Ðông Hà Dong Ha 16.8166667 107.1333333 P PPLA VN 64 17662 6 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21221 1583477 Diện Biên Phủ Dien Bien Phu 21.3833333 103.0166667 P PPLA VN 22 40282 490 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-05
+ 21222 1583992 Da Nang Da Nang 16.0677778 108.2208333 P PPLA VN VN 78 752493 7 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2007-07-04
+ 21223 1584071 Ðà Lạt Da Lat 11.9333333 108.4166667 P PPLA VN 23 131377 1464 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2008-02-18
+ 21224 1585660 Châu Ðốc Chau Doc 10.7 105.1166667 P PPL VN 01 70239 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21225 1586185 Cao Bằng Cao Bang 22.6666667 106.25 P PPLA VN 05 41112 197 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21226 1586203 Cần Thơ Can Tho 10.0333333 105.7833333 P PPLA VN 48 259598 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2007-02-17
+ 21227 1586288 Cần Giờ Cần Giờ 10.4166667 106.9666667 P PPL VN 20 55137 -9999 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-03-30
+ 21228 1586296 Cần Duộc Cần Duoc 10.6166667 106.6666667 P PPL VN VN 24 152200 2 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2009-03-30
+ 21229 1586350 Cam Ranh Cam Ranh 11.9214390723434 109.159126281738 P PPL VN 54 146771 20 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2008-10-07
+ 21230 1586357 Cẩm Phả Mines Cam Pha Mines 21.0166667 107.3 P PPL VN 30 135477 306 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21231 1586443 Cà Mau Ca Mau 9.1769444 105.15 P PPLA VN 77 111894 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21232 1586896 Buôn Ma Thuột Buon Ma Thuot 12.6666667 108.05 P PPLA VN 07 146975 467 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21233 1587919 Bỉm Sơn Bim Son 20.0780556 105.8602778 P PPL VN 34 53754 9 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-27
+ 21234 1587923 Biên Hòa Bien Hoa 10.95 106.8166667 P PPLA VN 43 407208 16 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21235 1587976 Bến Tre Ben Tre 10.2333333 106.3833333 P PPLA VN 03 59442 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-11-15
+ 21236 1591449 Bắc Ninh Bac Ninh 21.1833333 106.05 P PPLA VN 74 43564 13 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21237 1591474 Bạc Liêu Bac Lieu 9.285 105.7244444 P PPLA VN 73 107911 1 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21238 1591527 Bắc Giang Bac Giang 21.2666667 106.2 P PPLA VN 71 53728 29 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 2006-01-17
+ 21239 2135171 Port-Vila Port-Vila -17.7333333 168.3166667 P PPLC VU 08 35901 7 Pacific/Efate 2007-02-17
+ 21240 4035413 Apia Apia -13.8333333 -171.7333333 P PPLC WS 00 40407 -9999 Pacific/Apia 2006-07-28
+ 21241 69500 Zabīd Zabid 14.195 43.3152778 P PPL YE 08 52590 80 Asia/Aden 2006-02-23
+ 21242 69559 Yarīm Yarim 14.2972222 44.3802778 P PPL YE 13 1102 33050 2623 Asia/Aden 2006-01-17
+ 21243 70225 Ta`izz Ta`izz 13.5666667 44.0333333 P PPLA YE 25 1520 615222 1400 1455 Asia/Aden 2007-07-03
+ 21244 70979 Sayyān Sayyan 15.1713889 44.3247222 P PPL YE 16 2305 69404 2452 Asia/Aden 2006-01-17
+ 21245 71137 Sanaa Sanaa 15.3547222 44.2066667 P PPLC YE 16 1301 1937451 2245 Asia/Aden 2009-04-21
+ 21246 71273 Saḩār Sahar 15.3155556 44.3097222 P PPL YE 16 2305 31859 2379 Asia/Aden 2006-01-27
+ 21247 73560 Laḩij Lahij 13.0566667 44.8819444 P PPL YE 16 2514 23375 145 Asia/Aden 2006-01-17
+ 21248 74477 Ibb Ibb 13.9666667 44.1833333 P PPL YE 23 1118 234837 1929 Asia/Aden 2006-01-17
+ 21249 75337 Ḩajjah Hajjah 15.695 43.5975 P PPL YE 12 1728 43549 1717 Asia/Aden 2006-01-27
+ 21250 76154 Dhī as Sufāl Dhi as Sufal 13.85 44.1166667 P PPL YE 23 1116 37997 2192 Asia/Aden 2006-01-27
+ 21251 76991 Bayt al Faqīh Bayt al Faqih 14.5161111 43.3244444 P PPL YE 08 1817 34204 125 Asia/Aden 2006-01-17
+ 21252 77408 Bājil Bajil 15.0666667 43.2833333 P PPL YE 08 1810 48218 191 Asia/Aden 2006-01-17
+ 21253 78754 Al Mukallā Al Mukalla 14.53 49.1313889 P PPL YE 04 1929 258132 1 Asia/Aden 2006-11-15
+ 21254 79415 Al Ḩudaydah Al Hudaydah 14.7977778 42.9522222 P PPL YE 08 1821 617871 18 Asia/Aden 2008-11-19
+ 21255 79836 Al Bayḑā' Al Bayda' 13.9827778 45.575 P PPL YE 20 1409 37821 1979 Asia/Aden 2006-01-27
+ 21256 415189 `Adan `Adan 12.7794444 45.0366667 P PPL YE 02 2407 550602 7 Asia/Aden 2008-01-06
+ 21257 921815 Mamoudzou Mamoudzou -12.7794444 45.2272222 P PPLC YT 00 54831 420 Indian/Mayotte 2009-09-17
+ 21258 1090225 Koungou Koungou -12.7336111 45.2041667 P PPL YT 00 18118 323 Indian/Mayotte 2009-09-17
+ 21259 937136 Zeerust Zeerust -25.5333333 26.0833333 P PPL ZA 10 17708 1262 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21260 938457 Wolmaransstad Wolmaransstad -27.2 25.9666667 P PPL ZA 10 49366 1349 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21261 938694 White River White River -25.3166667 31.0166667 P PPL ZA 07 15954 858 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21262 939270 Witbank Witbank -25.8666667 29.2333333 P PPL ZA 07 262491 1635 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21263 940316 Westonaria Westonaria -26.3166667 27.65 P PPL ZA 06 156831 1573 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21264 940424 Wesselsbron Wesselsbron -27.85 26.3666667 P PPL ZA 03 42552 1310 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21265 940909 Welkom Welkom -27.9833333 26.7333333 P PPL ZA 03 431944 1365 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21266 941931 Warrenton Warrenton -28.1166667 24.85 P PPL ZA 08 17946 1182 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21267 941966 Warmbaths Warmbaths -24.8833333 28.2833333 P PPL ZA 09 90210 1151 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21268 942470 Vryheid Vryheid -27.7666667 30.8 P PPL ZA 02 150012 1113 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21269 942511 Vryburg Vryburg -26.95 24.7333333 P PPL ZA 10 49588 1214 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21270 943032 Volksrust Volksrust -27.3666667 29.8833333 P PPL ZA 07 43378 1661 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21271 943882 Virginia Virginia -28.1166667 26.9 P PPL ZA 03 122502 1319 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21272 943960 Viljoenskroon Viljoenskroon -27.2166667 26.95 P PPL ZA 03 54955 1336 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21273 944385 Vereeniging Vereeniging -26.6666667 27.9333333 P PPL ZA 06 474681 1436 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21274 944986 Vanderbijlpark Vanderbijlpark -26.7 27.8166667 P PPL ZA 06 246754 1469 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21275 945945 Upington Upington -28.45 21.25 P PPL ZA 08 71373 812 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21276 946058 Umtata Umtata -31.5833333 28.7833333 P PPL ZA 05 78663 693 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21277 946128 Umkomaas Umkomaas -30.2 30.8 P PPL ZA 02 20410 37 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21278 946257 Ulundi Ulundi -28.3333333 31.4166667 P PPL ZA 02 20753 467 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21279 946877 Uitenhage Uitenhage -33.7652778 25.4022222 P PPL ZA 05 228912 115 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21280 946973 Tzaneen Tzaneen -23.8333333 30.1666667 P PPL ZA 09 16954 726 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21281 949224 Thohoyandou Thohoyandou -22.95 30.4833333 P PPL ZA 09 44046 734 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21282 949282 Theunissen Theunissen -28.4 26.7166667 P PPL ZA 03 34718 1414 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21283 949703 Thaba Nchu Thaba Nchu -29.2166667 26.8333333 P PPL ZA 03 38616 1532 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21284 949880 Tembisa Tembisa -25.9988889 28.2269444 P PPL ZA 06 511655 1578 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21285 951650 Stutterheim Stutterheim -32.5666667 27.4166667 P PPL ZA 05 35510 857 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21286 952192 Stilfontein Stilfontein -26.85 26.7833333 P PPL ZA 10 93110 1349 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21287 952734 Stanger Stanger -29.3333333 31.3 P PPL ZA 02 59899 118 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21288 952747 Standerton Standerton -26.95 29.25 P PPL ZA 07 74021 1499 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21289 952865 Springs Springs -26.25 28.4 P PPLX ZA 06 186394 1626 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21290 953781 Soweto Soweto -26.2666667 27.8666667 P PPL ZA 06 1695047 1620 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-18
+ 21291 954161 Somerset East Somerset East -32.7166667 25.5833333 P PPL ZA 05 16155 710 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21292 955313 Siyabuswa Siyabuswa -25.1166667 29.05 P PPL ZA 07 26236 879 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21293 956507 Senekal Senekal -28.3166667 27.6 P PPL ZA 03 39584 1446 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21294 956767 Secunda Secunda -26.55 29.1666667 P PPL ZA 07 20418 1599 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21295 956878 Scottburgh Scottburgh -30.2833333 30.75 P PPL ZA 02 23949 1 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21296 956907 Schweizer-Reineke Schweizer-Reineke -27.1833333 25.3333333 P PPL ZA 10 70214 1335 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21297 957487 Sasolburg Sasolburg -26.8135767809105 27.8169536590576 P PPL ZA 03 77016 1476 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-07-18
+ 21298 958724 Rustenburg Rustenburg -25.6666667 27.25 P PPL ZA 10 124064 1154 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21299 962330 Richmond Richmond -29.8666667 30.2666667 P PPL ZA 02 32445 925 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21300 962367 Richards Bay Richards Bay -28.8 32.1 P PPL ZA 02 252968 -9999 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21301 962847 Reitz Reitz -27.8 28.4333333 P PPL ZA 03 16637 1633 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21302 963230 Randfontein Randfontein -26.1666667 27.7 P PPL ZA 06 133654 1690 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21303 963516 Queenstown Queenstown -31.9 26.8833333 P PPL ZA 05 105309 1076 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21304 963525 Queensdale Queensdale -31.8666667 26.9833333 P PPL ZA 05 20009 1167 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-27
+ 21305 964137 Pretoria Pretoria -25.7069444 28.2294444 P PPLC ZA 06 1619438 1282 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-08-17
+ 21306 964315 Potgietersrus Potgietersrus -24.1833333 29.0166667 P PPL ZA 09 101090 1191 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21307 964349 Potchefstroom Potchefstroom -26.7166667 27.1 P PPL ZA 10 123669 1322 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-18
+ 21308 964406 Port Shepstone Port Shepstone -30.75 30.45 P PPL ZA 02 52793 -9999 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21309 964420 Port Elizabeth Port Elizabeth -33.9666667 25.5833333 P PPL ZA 05 967677 35 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-05
+ 21310 964432 Port Alfred Port Alfred -33.6 26.9 P PPL ZA 05 17959 1 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21311 964712 Plettenberg Bay Plettenberg Bay -34.05 23.3666667 P PPL ZA 11 19445 118 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21312 965241 Piet Retief Piet Retief -27.0 30.8 P PPL ZA 07 84349 1269 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21313 965289 Polokwane Polokwane -23.9 29.45 P PPLA ZA 09 123749 1282 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-18
+ 21314 965301 Pietermaritzburg Pietermaritzburg -29.6166667 30.3833333 P PPLA ZA 02 750845 596 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-17
+ 21315 965401 Phuthaditjhaba Phuthaditjhaba -28.5333333 28.8166667 P PPL ZA 03 84258 1622 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21316 965528 Phalaborwa Phalaborwa -23.95 31.1166667 P PPL ZA 09 109468 394 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21317 966166 Parys Parys -26.9 27.45 P PPL ZA 03 71319 1383 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21318 966380 Pampierstad Pampierstad -27.7833333 24.6833333 P PPL ZA 10 21800 1082 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21319 967106 Oudtshoorn Oudtshoorn -33.5906708090695 22.20139503479 P PPL ZA 11 76708 329 Africa/Johannesburg 2008-05-21
+ 21320 967476 Orkney Orkney -26.9833333 26.6666667 P PPL ZA 10 145801 1320 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21321 968665 Nylstroom Nylstroom -24.7 28.4 P PPL ZA 09 20527 1179 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21322 970341 Nkowakowa Nkowakowa -23.8833333 30.2833333 P PPL ZA 09 30138 570 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21323 970566 Nigel Nigel -26.4166667 28.4666667 P PPL ZA 06 140644 1553 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21324 971421 Newcastle Newcastle -27.75 29.9333333 P PPL ZA 02 404838 1165 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21325 971534 Nelspruit Nelspruit -25.4666667 30.9666667 P PPLA ZA 07 110159 677 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-17
+ 21326 973111 Mpumalanga Mpumalanga -29.8166667 30.6166667 P PPL ZA 02 140121 494 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-27
+ 21327 973139 Mpophomeni Mpophomeni -29.5666667 30.2 P PPL ZA 02 26229 1348 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21328 974670 Mondlo Mondlo -27.9833333 30.7166667 P PPL ZA 02 44922 1089 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21329 975436 Mmabatho Mmabatho -25.85 25.6333333 P PPLA ZA 10 76754 1260 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21330 976358 Middelburg Middelburg -31.4833333 25.0166667 P PPL ZA 05 18164 1265 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21331 976361 Middelburg Middelburg -25.7833333 29.4666667 P PPL ZA 07 154706 1448 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21332 976885 Messina Messina -22.35 30.05 P PPL ZA 09 20191 531 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21333 978895 Margate Margate -30.85 30.3666667 P PPL ZA 02 34407 3 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21334 980921 Mabopane Mabopane -25.5072222 28.1075 P PPL ZA 06 97417 1304 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21335 981158 Lydenburg Lydenburg -25.1 30.45 P PPL ZA 07 21695 1364 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21336 981827 Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt -23.05 29.9 P PPL ZA 09 86854 955 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21337 982899 Lichtenburg Lichtenburg -26.15 26.1666667 P PPL ZA 10 65863 1453 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21338 984087 Lebowakgomo Lebowakgomo -24.2 29.5 P PPL ZA 09 33308 1196 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21339 985011 Lady Frere Lady Frere -31.7 27.2333333 P PPL ZA 05 25041 1021 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21340 985015 Ladybrand Ladybrand -29.2 27.45 P PPL ZA 03 17228 1578 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21341 986083 Kutloanong Kutloanong -27.8333333 26.75 P PPL ZA 03 95008 1328 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-27
+ 21342 986717 Kruisfontein Kruisfontein -34.0 24.7333333 P PPL ZA 05 18991 233 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21343 986822 Krugersdorp Krugersdorp -26.1 27.7666667 P PPL ZA 06 378821 1713 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21344 986846 Kroonstad Kroonstad -27.65 27.2333333 P PPL ZA 03 103992 1343 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21345 987202 Kriel Kriel -26.2666667 29.2333333 P PPL ZA 07 15055 1513 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21346 988290 Komatipoort Komatipoort -25.4333333 31.9333333 P PPL ZA 07 20508 145 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21347 988356 Kokstad Kokstad -30.55 29.4166667 P PPL ZA 02 25373 1229 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21348 988698 Knysna Knysna -34.03626635409 23.0471277236938 P PPL ZA 11 63106 6 Africa/Johannesburg 2009-02-03
+ 21349 989921 Klerksdorp Klerksdorp -26.8666667 26.6666667 P PPL ZA 10 178921 1334 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21350 990930 Kimberley Kimberley -28.7333333 24.7666667 P PPLA ZA 08 142089 1219 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-17
+ 21351 993800 Johannesburg Johannesburg -26.2 28.0833333 P PPLA ZA 06 2026469 1775 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-11-07
+ 21352 995202 Howick Howick -29.4666667 30.2333333 P PPL ZA 02 28725 1121 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21353 996918 Hennenman Hennenman -27.9666667 27.0333333 P PPL ZA 03 22847 1398 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21354 996930 Hendrina Hendrina -26.15 29.7166667 P PPL ZA 07 15871 1677 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21355 997140 Heilbron Heilbron -27.2833333 27.9666667 P PPL ZA 03 55196 1552 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21356 997151 Heidelberg Heidelberg -26.5 28.35 P PPL ZA 06 64199 1482 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21357 997751 Harrismith Harrismith -28.2833333 29.1333333 P PPL ZA 03 35108 1661 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21358 1000501 Grahamstown Grahamstown -33.3 26.5333333 P PPL ZA 05 91548 507 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21359 1000543 Graaff-Reinet Graaff-Reinet -32.2521521124 24.5307540893555 P PPL ZA 05 62896 768 Africa/Johannesburg 2008-01-20
+ 21360 1001860 Giyani Giyani -23.3166667 30.7166667 P PPL ZA 09 37024 472 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21361 1002145 George George -33.9666667 22.45 P PPL ZA 11 174582 178 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21362 1002851 Ga-Rankuwa Ga-Rankuwa -25.6166667 27.9833333 P PPL ZA 10 68767 1247 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-27
+ 21363 1003764 Frankfort Frankfort -27.2666667 28.4833333 P PPL ZA 03 38006 1589 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21364 1003953 Fort Beaufort Fort Beaufort -32.7833333 26.6333333 P PPL ZA 05 58419 399 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21365 1004109 Fochville Fochville -26.4833333 27.5 P PPL ZA 10 62416 1499 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21366 1005029 eSikhawini eSikhawini -28.8833333 31.9 P PPL ZA 02 49265 36 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21367 1005125 Ermelo Ermelo -26.5333333 29.9833333 P PPL ZA 07 41124 1667 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21368 1005544 Empangeni Empangeni -28.75 31.9 P PPL ZA 02 28093 70 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21369 1005646 eMbalenhle eMbalenhle -26.5333333 29.0666667 P PPL ZA 07 141741 1585 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21370 1005768 Ellisras Ellisras -23.6666667 27.7333333 P PPL ZA 09 15360 829 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21371 1007311 Durban Durban -29.85 31.0166667 P PPL ZA 02 3120282 28 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-17
+ 21372 1007400 Dundee Dundee -28.1666667 30.2333333 P PPL ZA 02 84413 1258 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-05-19
+ 21373 1007514 Duiwelskloof Duiwelskloof -23.7 30.1333333 P PPL ZA 09 24572 986 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21374 1008261 Driefontein Driefontein -27.0166667 30.45 P PPL ZA 07 28127 1343 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-27
+ 21375 1011031 Delmas Delmas -26.15 28.6833333 P PPL ZA 07 92046 1560 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21376 1011632 De Aar De Aar -30.65 24.0166667 P PPL ZA 08 32318 1240 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21377 1012413 Cullinan Cullinan -25.6755556 28.5222222 P PPL ZA 06 25490 1351 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21378 1012600 Cradock Cradock -32.1833333 25.6166667 P PPL ZA 05 32898 852 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21379 1013550 Christiana Christiana -27.9166667 25.1666667 P PPL ZA 10 17523 1207 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21380 1014073 Carletonville Carletonville -26.3666667 27.4 P PPL ZA 06 182304 1541 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21381 1014489 Butterworth Butterworth -32.3333333 28.15 P PPL ZA 05 34353 574 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21382 1015504 Bronkhorstspruit Bronkhorstspruit -25.8083333 28.7405556 P PPL ZA 06 27343 1364 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21383 1015621 Brits Brits -25.6333333 27.7833333 P PPL ZA 10 122497 1105 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21384 1016181 Brakpan Brakpan -26.2333333 28.3666667 P PPL ZA 06 305692 1616 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21385 1016670 Botshabelo Botshabelo -29.2333333 26.7333333 P PPL ZA 03 309714 1609 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21386 1016698 Bothaville Bothaville -27.3666667 26.6166667 P PPL ZA 03 71934 1276 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21387 1017780 Boksburg Boksburg -26.2166667 28.25 P PPL ZA 06 445168 1591 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-07
+ 21388 1018673 Bloemhof Bloemhof -27.65 25.6 P PPL ZA 10 17122 1232 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21389 1018725 Bloemfontein Bloemfontein -29.1333333 26.2 P PPLA ZA 03 463064 1398 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-17
+ 21390 1019330 Bisho Bisho -32.8666667 27.4333333 P PPLA ZA 05 137287 435 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-17
+ 21391 1019704 Bethlehem Bethlehem -28.2333333 28.3 P PPL ZA 03 83654 1666 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21392 1019760 Bethal Bethal -26.45 29.4666667 P PPL ZA 07 101919 1614 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21393 1020098 Benoni Benoni -26.1833333 28.3166667 P PPL ZA 06 605344 1596 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21394 1020641 Beaufort West Beaufort West -32.35 22.5833333 P PPL ZA 11 44737 828 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21395 1021086 Barberton Barberton -25.7833333 31.05 P PPL ZA 07 67927 764 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21396 1021360 Ballitoville Ballitoville -29.55 31.2 P PPL ZA 02 17218 135 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21397 1021396 Balfour Balfour -26.65 28.5833333 P PPL ZA 07 46008 1572 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21398 1023287 Allanridge Allanridge -27.75 26.6666667 P PPL ZA 03 31700 1315 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21399 1023309 Aliwal North Aliwal North -30.7 26.7 P PPL ZA 05 44436 1361 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21400 1105726 Ekangala Ekangala -25.6944444 28.7483333 P PPL ZA 06 37650 1498 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21401 1105776 Midrand Midrand -25.9636111 28.1377778 P PPL ZA 06 173009 1559 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21402 1105777 Centurion Centurion -25.8744444 28.1705556 P PPL ZA 06 233386 1455 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-11-15
+ 21403 3359041 Worcester Worcester -33.65 19.4333333 P PPL ZA 11 127597 222 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21404 3361025 Stellenbosch Stellenbosch -33.9333333 18.85 P PPL ZA 11 94263 97 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-04-25
+ 21405 3361934 Saldanha Saldanha -33.0166667 17.95 P PPL ZA 11 68284 1 Africa/Johannesburg 2007-02-08
+ 21406 3363613 Noorder-Paarl Noorder-Paarl -33.7166667 18.9666667 P PPL ZA 11 187865 94 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21407 3364346 Malmesbury Malmesbury -33.4608045136871 18.7271404266357 P PPL ZA 34991 102 Africa/Johannesburg 2008-08-01
+ 21408 3366880 Hermanus Hermanus -34.4166667 19.2333333 P PPL ZA 11 25153 45 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21409 3367513 Grabouw Grabouw -34.15 19.0166667 P PPL ZA 11 29885 265 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21410 3369129 Ceres Ceres -33.3666667 19.3166667 P PPL ZA 11 41596 462 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21411 3369157 Cape Town Cape Town -33.9166667 18.4166667 P PPLA ZA 11 3433441 7 Africa/Johannesburg 2008-08-04
+ 21412 3370352 Atlantis Atlantis -33.5666667 18.4833333 P PPL ZA 11 60266 190 Africa/Johannesburg 2006-01-17
+ 21413 175499 Nchelenge Nchelenge -9.35 28.7333333 P PPL ZM 08 23693 919 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21414 176146 Mbala Mbala -8.8333333 31.3833333 P PPL ZM 07 20570 1622 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21415 176555 Kawambwa Kawambwa -9.7833333 29.0833333 P PPL ZM 08 20589 1308 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21416 898188 Siavonga Siavonga -16.5333333 28.7166667 P PPL ZM 04 18638 481 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21417 898905 Sesheke Sesheke -17.4666667 24.3 P PPL ZM 03 20149 800 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21418 899274 Samfya Samfya -11.35 29.55 P PPL ZM 08 20470 1155 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21419 899825 Petauke Petauke -14.25 31.3333333 P PPL ZM 06 19296 939 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21420 901344 Ndola Ndola -12.9666667 28.6333333 P PPLA ZM 02 394518 1269 Africa/Lusaka 2007-02-18
+ 21421 904422 Mumbwa Mumbwa -14.9833333 27.0666667 P PPL ZM 05 19086 1158 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21422 905395 Mufulira Mufulira -12.55 28.2333333 P PPL ZM 02 120500 1250 Africa/Lusaka 2006-05-10
+ 21423 905846 Mpika Mpika -11.8333333 31.45 P PPL ZM 07 28445 1520 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21424 906044 Monze Monze -16.2833333 27.4833333 P PPL ZM 04 30257 1103 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21425 906054 Mongu Mongu -15.25 23.1333333 P PPLA ZM 03 52534 1018 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21426 907111 Mazabuka Mazabuka -15.8666667 27.7666667 P PPL ZM 04 64006 1102 Africa/Lusaka 2006-11-15
+ 21427 907770 Mansa Mansa -11.2 28.8833333 P PPLA ZM 08 42277 1228 Africa/Lusaka 2006-11-15
+ 21428 909137 Lusaka Lusaka -15.4166667 28.2833333 P PPLC ZM 09 1267440 1277 Africa/Lusaka 2007-02-17
+ 21429 909863 Luanshya Luanshya -13.1333333 28.4 P PPL ZM 02 113365 1246 Africa/Lusaka 2006-11-15
+ 21430 910111 Livingstone Livingstone -17.85 25.8666667 P PPLA ZM 04 109203 897 Africa/Lusaka 2006-07-13
+ 21431 911148 Kitwe Kitwe -12.8166667 28.2 P PPL ZM 02 400914 1213 Africa/Lusaka 2007-02-18
+ 21432 912764 Kasama Kasama -10.2 31.2 P PPLA ZM 07 91056 1241 Africa/Lusaka 2006-11-15
+ 21433 913029 Kapiri Mposhi Kapiri Mposhi -13.9666667 28.6833333 P PPL ZM 05 37942 1286 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21434 913613 Kansanshi Kansanshi -12.1 26.4333333 P PPL ZM 01 40705 1444 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21435 914959 Kalulushi Kalulushi -12.8333333 28.0833333 P PPL ZM 02 66575 1270 Africa/Lusaka 2006-11-15
+ 21436 915883 Kafue Kafue -15.7666667 28.1833333 P PPL ZM 09 47554 1008 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21437 916095 Kabwe Kabwe -14.4357192281775 28.4442043304443 P PPLA ZM 02 188979 1203 Africa/Lusaka 2007-01-14
+ 21438 917748 Choma Choma -16.8166667 26.9833333 P PPL ZM 04 46746 1325 Africa/Lusaka 2006-01-17
+ 21439 918702 Chipata Chipata -13.6333333 32.65 P PPLA ZM 06 85963 1181 Africa/Lusaka 2006-11-15
+ 21440 919009 Chingola Chingola -12.5333333 27.85 P PPL ZM 02 148564 1363 Africa/Lusaka 2006-05-10
+ 21441 919544 Chililabombwe Chililabombwe -12.3666667 27.8333333 P PPL ZM 02 57328 1353 Africa/Lusaka 2007-06-18
+ 21442 878549 Zvishavane Zvishavane -20.3333333 30.0333333 P PPL ZW 00 35896 912 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21443 879431 Victoria Falls Victoria Falls -17.9333333 25.8333333 P PPL ZW 00 35761 983 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21444 881164 Shurugwi Shurugwi -19.6666667 30.0 P PPL ZW 00 17075 1502 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21445 882100 Rusape Rusape -18.5333333 32.1166667 P PPL ZW 00 29292 1350 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21446 882599 Redcliff Redcliff -19.0333333 29.7833333 P PPL ZW 00 33197 1211 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21447 884141 Norton Norton -17.8833333 30.7 P PPL ZW 00 52054 1360 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21448 884979 Mutare Mutare -18.9666667 32.6666667 P PPLA ZW 00 184205 1095 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21449 886763 Masvingo Masvingo -20.0833333 30.8333333 P PPLA ZW 08 76290 1029 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21450 886990 Marondera Marondera -18.1833333 31.55 P PPLA ZW 04 57082 1692 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21451 888710 Kwekwe Kwekwe -18.9166667 29.8166667 P PPL ZW 00 99149 1197 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21452 889191 Karoi Karoi -16.8166667 29.6833333 P PPL ZW 00 25030 1241 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21453 889215 Kariba Kariba -16.5166667 28.8 P PPL ZW 05 25531 619 Africa/Harare 2008-10-17
+ 21454 889453 Kadoma Kadoma -18.35 29.9166667 P PPL ZW 05 79174 1126 Africa/Harare 2008-10-17
+ 21455 889942 Hwange Hwange -18.3666667 26.4833333 P PPL ZW 00 33210 780 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21456 890299 Harare Harare -17.8177778 31.0447222 P PPLC ZW 10 1542813 1481 Africa/Harare 2008-01-06
+ 21457 890422 Gweru Gweru -19.45 29.8166667 P PPLA ZW 02 146073 1425 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21458 890983 Gokwe Gokwe -18.2166667 28.9333333 P PPL ZW 00 18942 1227 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21459 893485 Chiredzi Chiredzi -21.05 31.6666667 P PPL ZW 00 28205 438 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21460 893549 Chipinge Chipinge -20.2 32.6166667 P PPL ZW 00 18860 1016 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21461 893697 Chinhoyi Chinhoyi -17.3666667 30.2 P PPLA ZW 05 61739 1187 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21462 894239 Chegutu Chegutu -18.1333333 30.15 P PPL ZW 05 47294 1166 Africa/Harare 2008-10-17
+ 21463 894701 Bulawayo Bulawayo -20.15 28.5833333 P PPLA ZW 09 699385 1353 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21464 895061 Bindura Bindura -17.2963889 31.3297222 P PPLA ZW 03 37423 1130 Africa/Harare 2009-06-30
+ 21465 895269 Beitbridge Beitbridge -22.2166667 30.0 P PPL ZW 00 26459 468 Africa/Harare 2006-01-17
+ 21466 1085510 Epworth Epworth -17.89 31.1475 P PPLX ZW 04 123250 1473 Africa/Harare 2006-11-15
+ 21467 1106542 Chitungwiza Chitungwiza -17.9938889 31.0480556 P PPL ZW 04 340360 1413 Africa/Harare 2006-11-15
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index 0000000..a30c00a
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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index 0000000..a30c00a
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index 0000000..a30c00a
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..4130ca7
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..dc4ef19
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..332dae2
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index 0000000..a9dd198
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index 0000000..37698e4
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index 0000000..a30c00a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..cd70e91
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index 0000000..86ad28d
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index 0000000..5c157d1
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index 0000000..6c64175
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index 0000000..adcaf55
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index 0000000..739039f
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index 0000000..dc2b831
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index 0000000..fc5b02d
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index 0000000..74ea083
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index 0000000..a8d703b
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index 0000000..f45cbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.prj
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..343469c
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index 0000000..ea2f86e
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index 0000000..152784e
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index 0000000..7fe6bf2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f916a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This data is preliminary.
+We await permission from the data provider
+to include these shapes in pycoast testing.
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.dbf b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.dbf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0bde71
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index 0000000..279c0fe
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index 0000000..b53ae2d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eca8e7
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b6ee9f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1faa9f
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fb401
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e413b7
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.shp differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b74a01
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f39ee2e
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.dbf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0aa70
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7d633
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shx differ
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/divisao_politica.txt b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/divisao_politica.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8075663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/divisao_politica.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+GISMAPS - www.gismaps.com.br
+Mapas Tem�ticos - Geoprocessamento
+* Grupo: Divis�o Pol�tica
+* T�tulo: Divis�o Pol�tica do Brasil
+* Descri��o: Mapas apresentando a divis�o pol�tica-administrativa do Brasil, incluindo as
+ capitais, estados e grandes regi�es.
+* Ano/Revis�o: 2000.3
+* Data de atualiza��o: 21/06/2005
+* Fonte: IBGE
+* Conte�do:
+**************** BR_Capitais.dbf ****************
+UF -sigla da Unidade da Federa��o
+NOME -nome da capital
+**************** BR_Contorno.dbf ****************
+NOME -nome do Brasil
+**************** BR_Regioes.dbf ****************
+SIGLA -sigla da regi�o
+NOME -nome da regi�o
+**************** BRASIL.dbf ****************
+UF -sigla da Unidade da Federa��o
+ESTADO -nome da Unidade da Federa��o
+REGIAO -sigla da regi�o
+GISMAPS - www.gismaps.com.br
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/leia.txt b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/leia.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b8c2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/leia.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Data que o arquivo foi baixado: 27/05/2013.
+Mapas apresentando a divisão política-administrativa do Brasil, incluindo as capitais, estados e grandes regiões.
+Fonte: IBGE
+Versão: 2000.2
+Tamanho: 244 Kb
+Formato: Shape
+fonte: http://gismaps.com.br/divpol/divpol.htm
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.gsf b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.gsf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f328160
Binary files /dev/null and b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.gsf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9be4aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ 8 -28.600 -36.000 -43.000 -53.370 -33.730 -53.370
+ -36.000 -48.000 -31.000 -43.000 -28.600 -48.817
+ 6 -23.017 -31.000 -38.001 -43.000 -31.000 -43.000
+ -26.000 -38.001 -23.017 -42.000
+ 4 -23.017 -28.600 -42.000 -48.817 -23.017 -42.000
+ -28.600 -48.817
+ 6 -17.767 -26.000 -33.000 -39.201 -26.000 -38.001
+ -21.017 -33.000 -17.767 -39.201
+ 6 -13.017 -21.017 -33.000 -38.533 -21.017 -33.000
+ -15.000 -33.001 -13.017 -38.533
+ 8 -3.000 -15.000 -29.000 -35.200 -15.000 -33.001
+ -10.000 -29.000 -3.000 -29.000 -5.750 -35.200
+ 6 2.000 -3.000 -29.000 -44.300 -3.000 -29.000
+ 2.000 -38.000 -2.483 -44.300
+ 6 7.000 2.000 -38.000 -51.550 2.000 -38.000
+ 7.000 -48.000 4.433 -51.550
+ 10 7.001 -36.001 -20.000 -48.000 7.000 -48.000
+ 7.001 -20.003 -15.000 -20.000 -36.001 -20.002 -36.000 -48.000
+ 4 -15.000 -15.000 -20.000 -33.001 -15.000 -20.000
+ -15.000 -33.001
diff --git a/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl.info b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97db9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl.info
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+��^� 0 0.00 29203114330065886001496064.00 -36.00 -53.37 7.00 -20.00 10
+ 3 -36.00 -53.37 -28.60 -43.00 4
+ 131 -31.00 -43.00 -23.02 -38.00 3
+ 241 -28.60 -48.82 -23.02 -42.00 2
+ 333 -26.00 -39.20 -17.77 -33.00 3
+ 443 -21.02 -38.53 -13.02 -33.00 3
+ 553 -15.00 -35.20 -3.00 -29.00 4
+ 681 -3.00 -44.30 2.00 -29.00 3
+ 791 2.00 -51.55 7.00 -38.00 3
+ 901 -36.00 -48.00 7.00 -20.00 5
+ 1047 -15.00 -33.00 -15.00 -20.00 2
diff --git a/test/test_pycoast.py b/pycoast/tests/test_pycoast.py
similarity index 53%
rename from test/test_pycoast.py
rename to pycoast/tests/test_pycoast.py
index 073e491..8675a58 100644
--- a/test/test_pycoast.py
+++ b/pycoast/tests/test_pycoast.py
@@ -1,230 +1,234 @@
-#pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
+# pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
-#Copyright (C) 2011 Esben S. Nielsen
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Esben S. Nielsen
-#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#(at your option) any later version.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
-#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#GNU General Public License for more details.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
-#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import unittest
-from PIL import Image, ImageFont
import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image, ImageFont
from pycoast import ContourWriter
def tmp(f):
f.tmp = True
return f
def fft_proj_rms(a1, a2):
"""Compute the RMS of differences between FFT vectors of a1
and projection of FFT vectors of a2.
This metric is sensitive to large scale changes and image noise but
insensitive to small rendering differences.
- ms = 0
+ ms = 0
for i in range(3):
fr1 = np.fft.fft2(a1[:, :, i])
fr2 = np.fft.fft2(a2[:, :, i])
ps1 = np.log10(fr1 * fr1.conj()).real
ps2 = np.log10(fr2 * fr2.conj()).real
p1 = np.arctan2(fr1.imag, fr1.real)
p2 = np.arctan2(fr2.imag, fr2.real)
theta = p2 - p1
l = ps2 * np.cos(theta)
- ms += ((l - ps1)**2).sum() / float(ps1.size)
- rms = np.sqrt(ms)
+ ms += ((l - ps1) ** 2).sum() / float(ps1.size)
+ rms = np.sqrt(ms)
return rms
def fft_metric(data1, data2, max_value=0.1):
"""Execute FFT metric
rms = fft_proj_rms(data1, data2)
return rms <= max_value
gshhs_root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'gshhs')
test_file = 'test_image.png'
grid_file = 'test_grid.png'
-class TestPycoast(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestPycoast(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
- def tearDown(self):
+ def tearDown(self):
-class TestPIL(TestPycoast):
+class TestPIL(TestPycoast):
def test_europe(self):
- euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'contours_europe.png'))
+ euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'contours_europe.png'))
euro_data = np.array(euro_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
cw.add_rivers(img, area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(euro_data, res), 'Writing of contours failed')
def test_europe_file(self):
- euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'contours_europe.png'))
+ euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'contours_europe.png'))
euro_data = np.array(euro_img)
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines_to_file(test_file, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
cw.add_rivers_to_file(test_file, area_def, level=5, outline='blue')
cw.add_borders_to_file(test_file, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0))
img = Image.open(test_file)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(euro_data, res), 'Writing of contours failed')
def test_geos(self):
- geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'contours_geos.png'))
+ geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'contours_geos.png'))
geos_data = np.array(geos_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(geos_data, res), 'Writing of geos contours failed')
def test_grid(self):
- grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_europe.png'))
- grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_europe.png'))
+ grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), 16)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
outline='blue', minor_outline='blue')
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of grid failed')
def test_grid_geos(self):
geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'grid_geos.png'))
- geos_data = np.array(geos_img)
+ geos_data = np.array(geos_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), fill='blue', outline='blue', minor_outline='blue', write_text=False)
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), fill='blue', outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
+ write_text=False)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(geos_data, res), 'Writing of geos contours failed')
def test_grid_file(self):
- grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_europe.png'))
- grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_europe.png'))
+ grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines_to_file(grid_file, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), 16)
- cw.add_grid_to_file(grid_file, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
- outline='blue', minor_outline='blue')
+ cw.add_grid_to_file(grid_file, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ outline='blue', minor_outline='blue')
img = Image.open(grid_file)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of grid failed')
def test_dateline_cross(self):
- dl_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'dateline_cross.png'))
- dl_data = np.array(dl_img)
+ dl_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'dateline_cross.png'))
+ dl_data = np.array(dl_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=-170.00 +lat_0=60.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), 16)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
lon_placement='b', lat_placement='lr')
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(dl_data, res), 'Writing of dateline crossing data failed')
def test_dateline_boundary_cross(self):
- dl_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'dateline_boundary_cross.png'))
+ dl_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'dateline_boundary_cross.png'))
dl_data = np.array(dl_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=140.00 +lat_0=60.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), 16)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
lon_placement='b', lat_placement='lr')
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(dl_data, res), 'Writing of dateline boundary crossing data failed')
def test_grid_nh(self):
- grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_nh.png'))
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_nh.png'))
grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
@@ -235,24 +239,82 @@ class TestPIL(TestPycoast):
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), 10)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
lon_placement='tblr', lat_placement='')
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of nh grid failed')
-class TestPILAGG(TestPycoast):
+ def test_add_polygon(self):
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'nh_polygons.png'))
+ grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
+ img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
+ area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
+ polygons = {
+ 'REYKJAVIK_ATC_A': ((-20.0, 73.0), (0.0, 73.0), (0.0, 61.0), (-30.0, 61.0), (-39.0, 63.5), (-20, 70)),
+ (-39, 63.5), (-55 + 4 / 6.0, 63.5), (-57 + 45 / 60.0, 65), (-76, 76), (-75, 78), (-60, 82), (0, 90),
+ (30, 82), (0, 82), (0, 73), (-20, 73), (-20,
+ 70)),
+ (0.0, 73.0), (0.0, 61.0), (-30.0, 61.0), (-39, 63.5), (-55 + 4 / 6.0, 63.5), (-57 + 45 / 60.0, 65),
+ (-76, 76), (-75, 78), (-60, 82), (0, 90), (30, 82), (0, 82)),
+ 'ICELAND_BOX': ((-25, 62.5), (-25, 67), (-13, 67), (-13, 62.5))
+ }
+ cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, polygons['REYKJAVIK_ATC'], outline='red')
+ cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, polygons['ICELAND_BOX'], outline='green', fill='gray')
+ cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ res = np.array(img)
+ self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of nh polygons failed')
+ def test_add_shapefile_shapes(self):
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'brazil_shapefiles.png'))
+ grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
+ img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ proj4_string = '+proj=merc +lon_0=-60 +lat_ts=-30.0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ area_extent = (-2000000.0, -5000000.0, 5000000.0, 2000000.0)
+ area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ cw = ContourWriter(gshhs_root_dir)
+ cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ cw.add_shapefile_shapes(img, area_def,
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp'),
+ outline='red')
+ cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp'), 3,
+ outline='blue')
+ cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp'), 4,
+ outline='blue', fill='green')
+ res = np.array(img)
+ self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of Brazil shapefiles failed')
+class TestPILAGG(TestPycoast):
def test_europe_agg(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'contours_europe_agg.png'))
+ euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'contours_europe_agg.png'))
euro_data = np.array(euro_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
@@ -260,34 +322,33 @@ class TestPILAGG(TestPycoast):
cw.add_borders(img, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=3, outline_opacity=32)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(euro_data, res), 'Writing of contours failed for AGG')
def test_europe_agg_file(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'contours_europe_agg.png'))
+ euro_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'contours_europe_agg.png'))
euro_data = np.array(euro_img)
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines_to_file(test_file, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- cw.add_rivers_to_file(test_file, area_def, level=5, outline='blue',
+ cw.add_rivers_to_file(test_file, area_def, level=5, outline='blue',
width=0.5, outline_opacity=127)
- cw.add_borders_to_file(test_file, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=3,
+ cw.add_borders_to_file(test_file, area_def, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=3,
img = Image.open(test_file)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(euro_data, res), 'Writing of contours failed for AGG')
def test_geos_agg(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'contours_geos_agg.png'))
+ geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'contours_geos_agg.png'))
geos_data = np.array(geos_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
@@ -296,94 +357,96 @@ class TestPILAGG(TestPycoast):
cw.add_coastlines(img, (proj4_string, area_extent), resolution='l', width=0.5)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(geos_data, res), 'Writing of geos contours failed for AGG')
def test_grid_agg(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_europe_agg.png'))
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_europe_agg.png'))
grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), write_text=False,
- outline='blue',outline_opacity=255,width=1.0,
- minor_outline='lightblue',minor_outline_opacity=255,minor_width=0.5,
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), write_text=False,
+ outline='blue', outline_opacity=255, width=1.0,
+ minor_outline='white', minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_width=0.5,
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of grid failed for AGG')
def test_grid_agg_txt(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
import aggdraw
grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_europe_agg_txt.png'))
+ 'grid_europe_agg_txt.png'))
grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (640, 480))
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- font = aggdraw.Font('blue', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), size=16, opacity=200)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font,
- outline='blue',outline_opacity=255,width=1.0,
- minor_outline='lightblue',minor_outline_opacity=255,minor_width=0.5,
+ font = aggdraw.Font('blue', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), size=16,
+ opacity=200)
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font,
+ outline='blue', outline_opacity=255, width=1.0,
+ minor_outline='white', minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_width=0.5,
res = np.array(img)
- self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of grid failed for AGG')
+ self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of grid failed for AGG')
def test_grid_geos_agg(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_geos_agg.png'))
- geos_data = np.array(geos_img)
+ geos_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_geos_agg.png'))
+ geos_data = np.array(geos_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
proj4_string = '+proj=geos +lon_0=0.0 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0'
area_extent = (-5570248.4773392612, -5567248.074173444, 5567248.074173444, 5570248.4773392612)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l')
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), fill='blue', outline='blue', minor_outline='blue', write_text=False)
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), fill='blue', outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
+ write_text=False)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(geos_data, res), 'Writing of geos contours failed')
def test_grid_agg_file(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
- grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_europe_agg.png'))
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_europe_agg.png'))
grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84'
- area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1)
+ area_extent = (-3363403.31, -2291879.85, 2630596.69, 2203620.1)
area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
cw.add_coastlines_to_file(grid_file, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
- cw.add_grid_to_file(grid_file, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), write_text=False,
- outline='blue',outline_opacity=255,width=1.0,
- minor_outline='lightblue',minor_outline_opacity=255,minor_width=0.5,
- minor_is_tick=False)
+ cw.add_grid_to_file(grid_file, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), write_text=False,
+ outline='blue', outline_opacity=255, width=1.0,
+ minor_outline='white', minor_outline_opacity=255, minor_width=0.5,
+ minor_is_tick=False)
img = Image.open(grid_file)
res = np.array(img)
self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of grid failed for AGG')
- def test_grid_nh(self):
+ def test_grid_nh_agg(self):
from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
import aggdraw
- grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'grid_nh_agg.png'))
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'grid_nh_agg.png'))
grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
@@ -394,9 +457,80 @@ class TestPILAGG(TestPycoast):
cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
font = aggdraw.Font('blue', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'), size=10)
- cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0,10.0),(2.0,2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
+ cw.add_grid(img, area_def, (10.0, 10.0), (2.0, 2.0), font=font, fill='blue',
outline='blue', minor_outline='blue',
lon_placement='tblr', lat_placement='')
res = np.array(img)
- self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of nh grid failed for AGG')
\ No newline at end of file
+ ## NOTE: Experience inconsistency in ttf font writing between systems.
+ ## Still trying to figure out why this test sometimes fails to write correct font markings.
+ self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of nh grid failed for AGG')
+ def test_add_polygon_agg(self):
+ from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'nh_polygons_agg.png'))
+ grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
+ img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ proj4_string = '+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ area_extent = (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
+ area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
+ polygons = {
+ 'REYKJAVIK_ATC_A': ((-20.0, 73.0), (0.0, 73.0), (0.0, 61.0), (-30.0, 61.0), (-39.0, 63.5), (-20, 70)),
+ (-39, 63.5), (-55 + 4 / 6.0, 63.5), (-57 + 45 / 60.0, 65), (-76, 76), (-75, 78), (-60, 82), (0, 90),
+ (30, 82), (0, 82), (0, 73), (-20, 73), (-20,
+ 70)),
+ (0.0, 73.0), (0.0, 61.0), (-30.0, 61.0), (-39, 63.5), (-55 + 4 / 6.0, 63.5), (-57 + 45 / 60.0, 65),
+ (-76, 76), (-75, 78), (-60, 82), (0, 90), (30, 82), (0, 82)),
+ 'ICELAND_BOX': ((-25, 62.5), (-25, 67), (-13, 67), (-13, 62.5))
+ }
+ cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, polygons['REYKJAVIK_ATC'], outline='red', width=2)
+ cw.add_polygon(img, area_def, polygons['ICELAND_BOX'], outline='green', fill='gray', width=2)
+ cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ res = np.array(img)
+ self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of nh polygons failed')
+ def test_add_shapefile_shapes_agg(self):
+ from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG
+ grid_img = Image.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'brazil_shapefiles_agg.png'))
+ grid_data = np.array(grid_img)
+ img = Image.new('RGB', (425, 425))
+ proj4_string = '+proj=merc +lon_0=-60 +lat_ts=-30.0 +a=6371228.0 +units=m'
+ area_extent = (-2000000.0, -5000000.0, 5000000.0, 2000000.0)
+ area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent)
+ cw = ContourWriterAGG(gshhs_root_dir)
+ cw.add_coastlines(img, area_def, resolution='l', level=4)
+ cw.add_shapefile_shapes(img, area_def,
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp'),
+ outline='red', width=2)
+ cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp'), 3,
+ outline='blue')
+ cw.add_shapefile_shape(img, area_def,
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp'), 4,
+ outline='blue', fill='green')
+ res = np.array(img)
+ self.failUnless(fft_metric(grid_data, res), 'Writing of Brazil shapefiles failed')
+def suite():
+ loader = unittest.TestLoader()
+ mysuite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ mysuite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestPIL))
+ mysuite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestPILAGG))
+ return mysuite
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pycoast/version.py b/pycoast/version.py
index 1d321d7..88dcbf0 100644
--- a/pycoast/version.py
+++ b/pycoast/version.py
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-__version__ = '0.5.2'
+__version__ = '0.5.4'
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 861a9f5..530f8a4 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-tag_build =
-tag_date = 0
-tag_svn_revision = 0
+requires=pyshp python-pillow aggdraw
+doc_files = docs/Makefile docs/source/*.rst
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 213e1f5..75f8666 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pycoast, Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python
-#Copyright (C) 2011 Esben S. Nielsen
+#Copyright (C) 2011, 2014 Esben S. Nielsen
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -21,13 +21,21 @@ import imp
version = imp.load_source('pycoast.version', 'pycoast/version.py')
+requires = ["pyshp", 'numpy', 'pyproj']
+ from PIL import Image
+except ImportError:
+ requires.append("pillow")
description='Writing of coastlines, borders and rivers to images in Python',
author='Esben S. Nielsen',
author_email='esn at dmi.dk',
- packages = ['pycoast'],
- install_requires=['PIL', 'pyshp'],
+ packages = ['pycoast', 'pycoast.tests'],
+ install_requires=requires,
+ test_suite='pycoast.tests.test_pycoast.suite',
zip_safe = False,
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
diff --git a/test/dateline_boundary_cross.png b/test/dateline_boundary_cross.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e4a2e..0000000
Binary files a/test/dateline_boundary_cross.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/dateline_cross.png b/test/dateline_cross.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ef7ea..0000000
Binary files a/test/dateline_cross.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/grid_europe.png b/test/grid_europe.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9707140..0000000
Binary files a/test/grid_europe.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/grid_europe_agg.png b/test/grid_europe_agg.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c3ffebd..0000000
Binary files a/test/grid_europe_agg.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/grid_europe_agg_txt.png b/test/grid_europe_agg_txt.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f094ea..0000000
Binary files a/test/grid_europe_agg_txt.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/grid_nh.png b/test/grid_nh.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 90ede25..0000000
Binary files a/test/grid_nh.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/test/grid_nh_agg.png b/test/grid_nh_agg.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b954a..0000000
Binary files a/test/grid_nh_agg.png and /dev/null differ
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