[pycoast] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.4'

Antonio Valentino a_valentino-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 3 08:04:40 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

a_valentino-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pycoast.

commit 204441391da777e4bf8f83085c46db9e17f84182
Merge: 8d3242d 170a219
Author: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
Date:   Sat Jul 2 17:58:55 2016 +0000

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.4'
    Upstream version 0.5.4

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 .../gshhs/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_river_c_L3.shx         |   Bin 0 -> 60092 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.dbf        |   Bin 0 -> 136 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.mxd        |   Bin 0 -> 268288 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.prj        |     1 +
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.sbn        |   Bin 0 -> 236 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.sbx        |   Bin 0 -> 132 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shp        |   Bin 0 -> 1172 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/Metareas.shx        |   Bin 0 -> 180 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/README              |     3 +
 .../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.dbf   |   Bin 0 -> 1129 bytes
 .../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.shp   |   Bin 0 -> 150884 bytes
 .../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/BRASIL.shx   |   Bin 0 -> 316 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Capitais.dbf        |   Bin 0 -> 854 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Capitais.shp        |   Bin 0 -> 1828 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Capitais.shx        |   Bin 0 -> 316 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.dbf        |   Bin 0 -> 78 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.shp        |   Bin 0 -> 61280 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Contorno.shx        |   Bin 0 -> 108 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.dbf         |   Bin 0 -> 393 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shp         |   Bin 0 -> 94208 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/BR_Regioes.shx         |   Bin 0 -> 140 bytes
 .../shapes/divisao_politica/divisao_politica.txt   |    40 +
 .../test_data/shapes/divisao_politica/leia.txt     |     9 +
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.gsf        |   Bin 0 -> 2048 bytes
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl        |    21 +
 pycoast/tests/test_data/shapes/metarea5.tbl.info   |    25 +
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 pycoast/version.py                                 |     2 +-
 setup.cfg                                          |     8 +-
 setup.py                                           |    14 +-
 test/dateline_boundary_cross.png                   |   Bin 28250 -> 0 bytes
 test/dateline_cross.png                            |   Bin 28871 -> 0 bytes
 test/grid_europe.png                               |   Bin 32942 -> 0 bytes
 test/grid_europe_agg.png                           |   Bin 259673 -> 0 bytes
 test/grid_europe_agg_txt.png                       |   Bin 264540 -> 0 bytes
 test/grid_nh.png                                   |   Bin 36665 -> 0 bytes
 test/grid_nh_agg.png                               |   Bin 161605 -> 0 bytes
 254 files changed, 40120 insertions(+), 1799 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/pycoast.git

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