Bug#855435: do not repeat the name in the NAME section of the man pages

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson jidanni at jidanni.org
Sat Feb 18 01:11:10 UTC 2017

Package: gdal-bin
Version: 2.1.2+dfsg-2+b1
Severity: minor

Please do not repeat the name(.py):
$ apropos gdal
gdal_utilities (1)   - GDAL Utilities A collection of GDAL related programs.
gdal2tiles (1)       - gdal2tiles.py generates directory with TMS tiles, KMLs and simple web viewers
gdal_calc (1)        - gdal_calc.py Command line raster calculator with numpy syntax
gdal_contour (1)     - gdal_contour builds vector contour lines from a raster elevation model
gdal_edit (1)        - gdal_edit.py Edit in place various information of an existing GDAL dataset
gdal_fillnodata (1)  - gdal_fillnodata.py fill raster regions by interpolation from edges
gdal_grid (1)        - gdal_grid creates regular grid from the scattered data
gdal_merge (1)       - gdal_merge.py mosaics a set of images
gdal_pansharpen (1)  - gdal_pansharpen.py Perform a pansharpen operation.
gdal_polygonize (1)  - gdal_polygonize.py produces a polygon feature layer from a raster
gdal_proximity (1)   - gdal_proximity.py produces a raster proximity map
gdal_rasterize (1)   - gdal_rasterize burns vector geometries into a raster
gdal_retile (1)      - gdal_retile.py gdal_retile.py retiles a set of tiles and/or build tiled pyramid levels
gdal_sieve (1)       - gdal_sieve.py removes small raster polygons
gdal_translate (1)   - gdal_translate converts raster data between different formats
gdaladdo (1)         - gdaladdo builds or rebuilds overview images
gdalbuildvrt (1)     - gdalbuildvrt Builds a VRT from a list of datasets. (compiled by default since GDAL 1.6.1)
gdalcompare (1)      - gdalcompare.py compare two images
gdaldem (1)          - gdaldem Tools to analyze and visualize DEMs. (since GDAL 1.7.0)
gdalinfo (1)         - gdalinfo lists information about a raster dataset
gdallocationinfo (1) - gdallocationinfo raster query tool
gdalmanage (1)       - gdalmanage Identify, delete, rename and copy raster data files
gdalmove (1)         - gdalmove.py Transform georeferencing of raster file in place
gdalsrsinfo (1)      - gdalsrsinfo lists info about a given SRS in number of formats (WKT, PROJ.4, etc.)
gdaltindex (1)       - gdaltindex Builds a shapefile as a raster tileindex
gdaltransform (1)    - gdaltransform transforms coordinates
gdalwarp (1)         - gdalwarp image reprojection and warping utility
raster2pgsql (1)     - loads GDAL supported raster formats into a PostGIS raster table

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