opencpn: 5.0.0 update

Alec Leamas leamas.alec at
Sun Dec 8 11:39:06 GMT 2019

On 08/12/2019 11:56, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 12/8/19 8:27 AM, Alec Leamas wrote:

>> So, if someone has time to review and eventually upload this package I
>> would appreciate it.

> I've pushed a bunch of changes to fix some of the issues I encountered,
> but the package needs more work before it can be uploaded.

While I do appreciate remarks (really do!) I would also appreciate if I
could do the changes myself in a review context like this. It's partly
about having some control of the package and partly about the review as
a learning opportunity. So, please...


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