opencpn: 5.0.0 update

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at
Sun Dec 8 12:15:13 GMT 2019

On 12/8/19 12:39 PM, Alec Leamas wrote:
> On 08/12/2019 11:56, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> On 12/8/19 8:27 AM, Alec Leamas wrote:
>>> So, if someone has time to review and eventually upload this package I
>>> would appreciate it.
>> I've pushed a bunch of changes to fix some of the issues I encountered,
>> but the package needs more work before it can be uploaded.
> While I do appreciate remarks (really do!) I would also appreciate if I
> could do the changes myself in a review context like this. It's partly
> about having some control of the package and partly about the review as
> a learning opportunity. So, please...

If you don't want other people to commit changes to the package it
shouldn't be team maintained.

You're welcome to maintain the package outside the Debian GIS team (by
changing the Maintainer & Vcs-* control fields accordingly).

Kind Regards,


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