[Pkg-gridengine-devel] manual setup not successful

Michael Banck mbanck at gmx.net
Fri Apr 27 17:01:53 UTC 2007

On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 06:33:40PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> The following commands seem to fail:
>  * init global configuration:
>    # /usr/lib/gridengine/spooldefaults configuration
> /var/lib/gridengine/default/common/configuration

> - spooldefaults exits with exit code 1
> - there is no output at all
> - there are no files created in /var/{lib,spool}/gridengine

Hrm, yeah, those are rather voodoo; probably you need to set $SGE_ROOT
first, maybe, and it might be that $SGE_ROOT/default/common/bootstrap
should be available (which contains the SPOOL_DIR).

If you did that, maybe running "strace -f ..." might give some insight
on which files spoolinit wants to unsuccessfully open.  Optionally you
can also set SGE_DEBUG_LEVEL="1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" (or increasingly more 1
or 2's instead of the 0's), but that'll get you a lot of output.


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