[Pkg-gridengine-devel] SGE on Debian Unstable

Dave Love d.love at liverpool.ac.uk
Sat Feb 23 23:24:34 UTC 2013

Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org> writes:

> Sorry, I meant the overall Debian release (wheezy) which is currently
> frozen in preparation of the release.

Is it frozen sufficiently that, say, metafiles can't be changed, e.g. to
refer to something more useful than sunsource.net as a homepage?  That
now gives Oracle hits advertising a proprietary version.

> We should upload it (either the prelease, or the final release, should
> it be released by then) to Debian's experimental component (in order
> not to interfere with the old gridengine packaging in case we need to
> update it once more for the upcoming Debian wheezy release), and it will
> then get autobuilt there by non-x86 arches.

Yes, that would be useful.  I _hope_ it will be straightforward to
address the build problems on other Linux-based arches...

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