[Pkg-gridengine-devel] Status of gridengine packaging

Dave Love d.love at liverpool.ac.uk
Thu Aug 27 13:39:16 UTC 2015

Sorry for the late response.

Afif Elghraoui <afif at ghraoui.name> writes:

> Hi, all,
> I've read some of the list archives here and the request for help. It looks
> like there is quite a lot to do, but I would like to see gridengine packaged
> and backported for Stable.

I've rather forgotten the details and am not very motivated.  However,
as the packaging exists, what's the "quite a lot to do" if there was a
maintainer and it was treated like other packages with respect to

I'm not sure it's actually a good idea to include it in view of security
issues, in particular.  My experience with those hasn't been
encouraging.  The current version just shouldn't be in the archive,
providing trivial remote root, as it stands.  People can install or
build packages from the distribution easily enough.

There are some other issues involved, such as upgrades of such a
tightly-coupled distributed system, and DRMAA libraries.

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