[Pkg-gridengine-devel] Status of gridengine packaging

Afif Elghraoui afif at ghraoui.name
Fri Aug 28 08:15:35 UTC 2015

On الخميس 27 آب 2015 06:39, Dave Love wrote:
> Sorry for the late response.

I appreciate the reply.

> Afif Elghraoui <afif at ghraoui.name> writes:
>> Hi, all,
>> I've read some of the list archives here and the request for help. It looks
>> like there is quite a lot to do, but I would like to see gridengine packaged
>> and backported for Stable.
> I've rather forgotten the details and am not very motivated.  However,
> as the packaging exists, what's the "quite a lot to do" if there was a
> maintainer and it was treated like other packages with respect to
> copyright?

I meant that it seems that way to me. I have not looked into it too
closely (I first wanted to make sure there was a pulse on the mailing
list), but if it's doable by one person, I'm happy to look into it.

> I'm not sure it's actually a good idea to include it in view of security
> issues, in particular.  My experience with those hasn't been
> encouraging. The current version just shouldn't be in the archive,
> providing trivial remote root, as it stands.  People can install or
> build packages from the distribution easily enough.

I think there's still significant value to having an official Debian
package for gridengine. I'd like to work towards a Debian HPC pure blend
that would simplify deployment of a cluster (perhaps based on
DebianLAN). Something like Rocks, but without all the duplicate software
installations, having the consistency of a Debian system.

> There are some other issues involved, such as upgrades of such a
> tightly-coupled distributed system, and DRMAA libraries.

I don't think coordinated upgrades are our concern in the packaging. I
think all we can do in this regard is provide some kind of script to
test that the versions/configuration of gridengine is consistent across
the nodes.

DRMAA seems to me like something that should be handled by the
alternatives system. I don't have experience with that, but I can look
into it.

Thanks and regards

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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