Bug#239111: Not fixed when I tested it

Robert Millan Robert Millan <rmh@debian.org>, 239111@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 01:44:46 +0200

On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 05:39:08PM -0300, Joey Hess wrote:
> Robert Millan wrote:
> > 
> > Could you try to mount / as readonly before grub-install is run?
> Doesn't grub-install copy things into /boot? My /boot was on the root
> filesystem in the test that I did.

True.  It was just me being silly.

I still don't understand why the current solution doesn't work.  xfs_freeze
suposedly puts the filesystem in a state that all write requests are blocked.

Am I missing something?

Robert Millan

(Debra and Ian) (Gnu's Not (UNiplexed Information and Computing System))/\
(kernel of *(Berkeley Software Distribution))