Bug#239111: Not fixed when I tested it

Joey Hess Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>, 239111@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 14 Aug 2004 23:22:45 -0300

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Robert Millan wrote:
> I still don't understand why the current solution doesn't work.  xfs_free=
> suposedly puts the filesystem in a state that all write requests are bloc=
> Am I missing something?

xfs_freeze is definitly causing all write to block. Apparently something
in grub-installer must then be doing a write while the filesystem is
frozen. I don't know for sure what it is; I suspect it may be more than
one thing. One place that seems likely to write and block is the
redirection of $grub_shell to $log_file. Since removing that one doesn't
fix it, I'm left assuming that running $grub_shell itself somehow causes
a write, and thus a freeze. Maybe getting strace on there and stracing
it would help.

see shy jo

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