Bug#393079: savedefault a problem on NON RAID system, too

Maarten Verwijs mverwijs at farwise.org
Thu Dec 21 15:34:58 CET 2006

I can reproduce the exact same problem on a non-raid machine. 
update-grub generates the following: 

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
root            (hd0,0)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1 ro 

Booting this gives me Error 15: file not found. 

Removing the savedefault line boots the machine fine. 

grub:           0.97-20        GRand Unified Bootloader

Thanks and kind regards, 

|      T i p i i P r o j e c t           |        Maarten Verwijs       |
|    Sharing the Joy of Free Software    |     maarten at projectie.com    |
|      www.tipii-project.org             |                              |

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