Bug#461442: detection of other OSes in update-grub

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Tue Jan 22 12:46:42 UTC 2008

reopen 461442

On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 10:15:33AM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Robert Millan schrieb:
> >- os-prober is hooked in /etc/grub.d/ to run every time.
> >  
> I'll go this way.
> >Patches welcome...
> I am nearly done. All I need is an algorithm to convert device names 
> into GRUB devices, since os-prober returns partitions like '/dev/hda2'.
> It's a pity that grub-probe can only return this information for mounted 
> devices. The partitions were allready mounted by os-prober and I do not 
> want to mount them again only to receive their GRUB device name. Is 
> there a better solution?

Sure, we can fix grub-probe.  This was already needed for something else
(but I forgot what ;-)).

Can you propose a CLI by which grub-probe would be told to process devices
rather than mount points (in grub-devel)?  The hard part here is not the code,
but coming up with a consistent interface (the code is rather trivial, since
the conversion operation is completely isolated).

Robert Millan

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