Bug#479478: grub: Xen kernels not included in menu.lst

Evan Broder broder at MIT.EDU
Mon May 5 00:40:27 UTC 2008

Package: grub
Version: 0.97-38
Tags: patch
Severity: normal

The update-grub script currently attempts to determine whether it is running
in a domU or dom0 environment by examining /proc/xen/capabilities. This,
however, has an unfortunate failure mode which my group has run into.

We are using PyGrub, which extracts the kernel and initrd from the guest at
boot time by processing grub's menu.lst. If this VM image is created either
from an HVM environment (by using the Debian installer) or in dom0 (using
something like xen-create-image), update-grub will detect that the 
machine is
not currently running in domU, and not add the Xen kernels.

I suggest that an additional option in the menu.lst be added specifying
whether to output a menu.lst appropriate for a domU, a non-virtualized
environment, or the current environment as detected. I have attached my 

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