[testng] 03/04: Revert "switched to orig-tar.sh in d/watch"

Eugene Zhukov jevgeni.zh at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 13:19:35 GMT 2014

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org> wrote:
> Eugene,
> As I understand you removed the minified file and added the full one in
> debian/missing-sources only. Could you add it to the resources directory
> and patch src/main/java/org/testng/reporters/jq/Main.java too?
No, I didn't remove the minified file, I cannot do that without new
source upload (which means new upstream release). I just added
non-minified to d/missing-sources.
I will add the minified .js back to git repo too. I will also request
upstream to use non-minified .js in future releases.


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