[testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.21 created (now ef57cc3)
Eugene Zhukov
eugene-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 18 10:21:05 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
eugene-guest pushed a change to annotated tag testng-6.8.21
in repository testng.
at ef57cc3 (tag)
tagging 576c0a52aed1d4715da0b3c6aea675f41d8ce564 (commit)
replaces testng-6.8.20
tagged by Cedric Beust
on Mon Feb 2 09:28:14 2015 -0800
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag testng-6.8.21
Cedric Beust (2):
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.21
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 4096f05 Added CDATA to sample xml in section 6.2.5 for correctness/completeness
new 909b7bd Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
new 88e7c88 testng-368 FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing Make org.testng.xml.XMLParser.m_saxParser private. ! Change on OpenAPI. And add method with synchronization.
new cc7f0d9 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 56f1a1d Update Assert.java
new 6479ff0 fixed string from "regular exception" to "regular expression"
new 75ab0f7 -noEmailableReporter disables the EmailableReporter.
new 658225e Merge pull request #390 from outofrange/master
new de82f4f Merge pull request #389 from yfarjoun/patch-1
new aee6705 Merge pull request #393 from VladRassokhin/issue-368-2
new f8b81a5 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
new 67e4441 Add intellij files to ignore list
new a306ac2 Fix handling of relative paths in suite files.
new bd1e7d4 Merge pull request #137 from nullin/master
new 586b584 Use maven instead of ant in documentation for building
new 21c6d08 Add 'parent-module' property to suite
new bec42c6 Upgrade to JUnit 4.11
new 4d237fd .classpath update
new fbf3529 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
new f05a3af Only load the XmlClass once from one ClassLoader
new f9f69bc Merge pull request #428 from aslakknutsen/cl
new 47e5b52 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
new 2902355 Remove 1.5 from build.xml
new cfa9063 Remove com.google.inject.internal imports.
new e7db569 Fix ResultMap.removeResult(ITestNGMethod) problem, see: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/testng-users/T3vn765W4mw
new ef8811c Merge pull request #434 from kalidasya/master
new c6f04db Upgrade to Snake YAML 1.12.
new af64107 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
new 9ccb6a0 Improve documentation by adding example of parent-module configuration
new de42960 Add test for guice parent-module
new 81324f9 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.7
new 1ae6779 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new c85cc9a Make JUnit and SnakeYAML optional dependencies
new 4c66153 Tweak upload script.
new 9515333 Version.
new 7f34160 fix for Issue #394
new 1066df9 Merge pull request #464 from githubCast/master
new 4d489ba Merge pull request #418 from dluksza/master
new acfe5a0 Add aopalliances.jar for test build.
new f69437b Fix the parameter related bug
new 72b7bfa Merge pull request #479 from wutingbupt/master
new 7e5c60a Fixes issue #116: org.testng.internal.BaseTestMethod does respect general contract of Comparable
new 6a3c1a6 Merge pull request #488 from triceo/master
new 92d30a1 Preparing for release
new 41d5561 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.8
new 311b837 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 778b264 Added .ant-targets* to .gitignore, so that target caching does not show as a change.
new fb80db8 Updated GitHub project url in README to be 'https' instead of outdated 'http'.
new cfda63c Updated the snakeyaml version in build.properties to match what ivy retrieves.
new 3694592 update yaml.jar version in build.properties
new b5e338c Fixed dependencies for 4 targets in build.xml
new e5da288 Merge pull request #493 from themainfunction/master
new 57462ca Use LinkedHashMap so that the topological sort will process the nodes in the same order of collecting
new 9fba521 Merge pull request #497 from Dao007forever/master
new 33ac8cb Fixed TOC anchor collisions in documentation-main.html
new a9adb55 Fixed section heading tags (<h3>, <h4>, <h5>) so they are consistent
new fb46792 Standardized section heading HTML format for easier reading/maintenance.
new 3ada7c8 Updated version to be tested to 6.8.9-SNAPSHOT, in pom-test.xml.
new 273426a testng-496 org.testng.junit.JUnit4TestRunner handles testAssumptionFailure as a failure but it should be ignored Report test as skip. Also report as skip from #testFailure with AssumptionViolatedException as failure exception Remove unnecessary super calls. (RunListener is special not-implementation class) Fix bug when test with assumption failure reported also as passed. Add test for this case.
new 0d90c6b Merge pull request #503 from VladRassokhin/fix-testng-496
new 3569736 Merge pull request #498 from themainfunction/master
new 813c539 Merge pull request #494 from dimalev/master
new 9bad50d Merge pull request #502 from drapostolos/master
new 5bd1e02 SoftAssert now uses the same auto-generated message used by Assert.
new e4607e4 Fixed comparator to satisfy the contract. In some edge cases this could cause issues with Java7+ (TimSort).
new 9a5016f Merge pull request #518 from AndreasKl/master
new 5f8941a AfterClass does not get executed when MethodInterceptor is involved.
new b64b7e3 Merge pull request #525 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan-FixAfterClassInvocationDiscrepancy
new 887f516 Merge pull request #516 from draghuram/softassert
new 871d875 testng-562 testNG not creating HTML report Fix NPE in XMLStringBuffer.java Add corresponding Nullable annotations
new 18c821d It's old test, not worked for long time. Finally fixed
new ce6799e Make test for TESTNG-387 work
new f541c2b Merge pull request #571 from VladRassokhin/testng-387
new c54669a Merge pull request #569 from VladRassokhin/fix-test-for-testng-106
new 26aefb7 Merge pull request #568 from VladRassokhin/testng-562
new 2b46b01 Improve Lists#newArrayList()
new 02f9291 Simplifications in ClassHelper
new 3fc7bda Add tests for #566
new 682452b Simplifications in Parameters
new 24e36c5 Simplifications in MethodInvocationHelper
new 6293b3b Use ITestNGMethod#getInstance instead of #getInstances around Invoker
new 3cf15f7 Simplification: use single instance instead of instances[] in Invoker
new 54ddefa Do not pass all ITestNGMethods into Invoker, use ITestContext#getAllTestMethods() instead
new d6250d6 Minor refactoring in MethodGroupsHelper
new 6671e96 Invoker: simplify skip exception checks (extract method) + minor
new dbe7292 Invoker: Simplify #collectResults; Do not use deprecated methods; invokeTestMethods now returns single ITestResult (due to migration from instances to instance) Set test result end time asap after method invoked, before any post-invocation checks
new c2a2dc9 Invoker: improve ParameterBag usage
new e919e3d Invoker: better error message in case of expected exceptions
new c8d9788 Invoker: minor in handleInvocationResults method
new 6b47dc8 Invoker: use FailureContext to pass modifiable failure count&instances. Properly invoke handleInvocationResults: do not call it twice. (from invokeMethod and invokeTestMethods) Now it called only from invokeMethod with proper FailureContext This commit fixes #566
new 6278595 Invoker: improve message when not all method dependencies satisfied
new 4bad7e6 Invoker: minor improvement
new a85a2ac Invoker: minor improvement: reorganize code.
new 4dd8f47 Invoker: simplify exception in parameters provider case of method invocation.
new 35dbfdd Prefer explicit DataProvider's name
new 667186c Merge pull request #577 from piotrturski/576-prefer_explicit_dataProvider_name
new 7afc4fd 6.8.19-SNAPSHOT
new 804455d [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.10
new 75f6fa3 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 9940022 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.11
new 51f8070 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new aa8cf39 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.12
new 9a09141 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new b316eae [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.13
new 92bf7f4 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 2f4538e Instructions updates.
new 3a1aa91 testng-562 testNG not creating HTML report Seems XMLStringBuffer#EOL is null sometimes.
new 0cf365a Merge pull request #586 from VladRassokhin/testng-562
new 25bf18c Doc fix.
new cf3f9f7 group-by-instances in toXml().
new 9ab590b .classpath/.project
new 8f7268a Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
new 4984c91 Allow to build with 1.8.
new c9a9172 Fix OutOfMemoryError: use hash codes as keys to the method map.
new 85006ab 6.8.14.
new 2e0d0ed [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.14
new cd74d4e [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 749ef1b Merge branch 'testng-566' of https://github.com/VladRassokhin/testng into VladRassokhin-testng-566
new 4568955 Merge.
new a2f7a6a Adjustments to Vlad's branch to make the tests pass.
new cfae43d Versions.
new 1a36189 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.15
new 75201af [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 8b61830 Fix bad import
new 4de193e [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.16
new 37b486e [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new cb59917 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.17
new d0fb352 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 3854247 Fix NPE in Reporter.log()
new 2dea812 Merge pull request #597 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan-FixNPEInReporterLog
new a687b11 Small fixes to the pull request.
new ebea0ad [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.18
new 351e41e [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 46eef86 6.8.20
new 344f53e [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.20
new 2551fce [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
new 576c0a5 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.21
The 137 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/testng.git
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