August 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Aug 2 20:32:40 UTC 2015
Ending: Mon Aug 31 22:27:20 UTC 2015
Messages: 1214
- [azureus] branch vuze5.6 created (now 27d296a)
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 01/08: Imported Upstream version
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/'
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 03/08: Updated azureus packing for new upstream version.
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 04/08: Updating changelog for new version; Updating to latest policy version.
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 05/08: Refresh patches
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 06/08: Updated patches to remove commons lang and bouncy castle bundling
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 07/08: Exclude IDE files
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 08/08: Remove dependency on libswt-mozilla-gtk-4-jni as it is no longer included in swt
Stephen Nelson
- [netty-tcnative] branch pristine-tar created (now 530f49a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] branch master created (now ee600a5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 01/02: Initial packaging
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.33.Fork4'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 01/01: pristine-tar data for netty-tcnative_1.1.33.Fork4.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] annotated tag upstream/1.1.33.Fork4 created (now 6e70790)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] branch master created (now 7dd59f8)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/29: Initial revision
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/29: new update
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 03/29: move to main
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 04/29: initial commit
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 05/29: added debian/watch file
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 06/29: built with kaffe
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 07/29: libant1.6-java to ant transition
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 08/29: libcommons-jxpath-java (1.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 09/29: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 10/29: Update to kaffe transition upload.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 11/29: [ Emmanuel Bourg ] * Update of the URLs * Rename Jakarta Commons to Apache Commons
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 12/29: Update copyright and remove full text of the Apache license (patch from Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at>).
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 13/29: Note license switch and close bug.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 14/29: [ Niels Thykier ] * New upstream release. * Added myself to the uploaders. * Replaced Build-Depends-Indep with Build-Depends to avoid problems with the buildds. * Replace "kaffe" with "default java" packages. * Updated the encoding of debian/copyright to UTF-8. * Added Vcs-fields to debian/control. * Added missing ${misc:Depends} to dependencies.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 15/29: Bumped SV and debhelper versions, re-arranged some changelog entries, marked it as released.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 16/29: Fixed typo in debian/copyright.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 17/29: Work around upstream forgetting to bump versions.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 18/29: libcommons-jxpath-java (1.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 19/29: debian/control: Minimal dependency on -headless runtimes
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 20/29: * Switch to source format 3.0. * Remove Arnaud from uploaders list. * Update Standards-Version: 3.8.4.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 21/29: * Team upload * Install pom.xml with maven-debian-helper. * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.1.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 22/29: * Team upload. * Upload to unstable. * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.2: no changes needed. * d/libcommons-jxpath-java.poms: Ignore parent pom. * d/control: Remove Depends on JRE (per Java Policy).
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 23/29: Updated the dependencies (Commons Collections 3.x and Servlet API 3.0) Removed Michael Koch from the uploaders (Closes: #654057) Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes) Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields Improved the package description debian/rules: Improved the clean target Use mh_install instead of mh_installpoms/mh_installjar debian/copyright: Updated to the Copyright Format 1.0 Added a description to 01_build_xml.patch
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 24/29: Moved the package to Git
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 25/29: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3'
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] branch pristine-tar created (now fd4e62a)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 26/29: Add Jakub Adam to Uploaders
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 27/29: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 28/29: Use xz for orig tarball compression
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 29/29: Add OSGi metadata to JAR manifest
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libcommons-jxpath-java_1.3.orig.tar.xz
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-1 created (now f321c2f)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-2 created (now 50aba18)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-3 created (now 6980df1)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-4 created (now 1af1226)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-5 created (now d579b87)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-6 created (now 889f19a)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/DRAFT created (now 08d5935)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/03: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'avdyk'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/03: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'DRAFT'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/DRAFT at 923 created (now 8a5e0ac)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-1 created (now 6080f8d)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/DRAFT at 1689 created (now 56e280c)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 03/03: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/02: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'RELEASE_1_2-1'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/02: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-1 at 1689 created (now e264105)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-1 at 593 created (now b768a56)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-3 created (now 5fa33df)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-3 at 1689 created (now d96064c)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/02: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'RELEASE_1_2-3'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/02: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-4 at 593 created (now 1a15f00)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-5 created (now d44670a)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-4 created (now 687ea2c)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-4 at 1689 created (now 54fc073)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/02: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'RELEASE_1_2-4'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/02: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/02: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'RELEASE_1_2-5'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-6 created (now 73ea6a7)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-5 at 1689 created (now 8e988b4)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-5 at 593 created (now 8cb26b8)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/02: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/02: This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'RELEASE_1_2-6'.
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 02/02: set mergeWithUpstream=1
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-6 at 1689 created (now 41ad73f)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_2-7 created (now b017e4e)
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag upstream/1.3 created (now 2032b34)
Jakub Adam
- [cmdreader] branch master created (now 924ebf4)
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 1.5
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 02/05: Add debian directory
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 03/05: Add Expat license text
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 04/05: Add ITP bug report number in changelog
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 05/05: Add VCS url in control file
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] annotated tag upstream/1.5 created (now 51be6cb)
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] branch pristine-tar created (now 8cd3665)
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 01/01: pristine-tar data for cmdreader_1.5.orig.tar.gz
komal sukhani
- [activemq] branch jessie created (now fbdc554)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] 01/01: Fixed CVE-2014-3576 (Closes: #792857)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (924ebf4 -> 6c903b6)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 01/01: switch Vcs-* to HTTPS links
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [tomcat8] branch master updated (813040f -> 9aa252a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/01: Fixed an upgrade error when /etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml is removed (LP: #1010791)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] branch master updated (0ed0411 -> cb67361)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/01: Fixed an upgrade error when /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml is removed (LP: #1010791)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] branch master updated (9aa252a -> db7925e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/01: Changed the authbind configuration to allow IPv6 connections (LP: #1443041)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] branch master updated (cb67361 -> c5ce9bf)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/01: Changed the authbind configuration to allow IPv6 connections (LP: #1443041)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (6c903b6 -> 0b90112)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 01/03: remove Debian build products from git
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 02/03: ignore Debian build products
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 03/03: add standard git-buildpackage config
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [tomcat7] branch master updated (c5ce9bf -> 5f47aae)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/01: Fixed a minor HTML error in the default index.html file (LP: #1236132)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] branch master updated (db7925e -> 718c39f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/01: Fixed a minor HTML error in the default index.html file (LP: #1236132)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] branch master updated (5f47aae -> ee7f946)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/01: Install the missing WebSocket jars in /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/ (Closes: #787220, LP: #1326687)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [ant] branch master updated (6996864 -> 8606704)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [ant] 01/01: Restored the XSL files in /usr/share/ant/etc (LP: #563899)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (0b90112 -> 777af3b)
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 01/04: Remove empty file
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 02/04: Ignore deleted patch file
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 03/04: Add add_hamcrest_to_classpath.patch to series
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 04/04: Add ivy in build-depends
komal sukhani
- [fest-assert] tag upstream/2.0_M10 created (now f58d382)
Tim Potter
- [maven] annotated tag debian/3.3.3-3 created (now 6acb7b1)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven] branch master updated (4bcf3a9 -> 2628fdf)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven] 01/01: Update references to maven-plugin-plugin to version 3.3
Miguel Landaeta
- [jruby] branch master updated (e069e90 -> d10953e)
Miguel Landaeta
- [jruby] 01/01: Fix several issues with some Maven artifacts
Miguel Landaeta
- [pkg-java] r18805 - in trunk/batik/debian: . wrappers
Emmanuel Bourg
- [bookkeeper] annotated tag debian/4.2.4-1 created (now f86aa1c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsap] branch master created (now 4a23acb)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsap] 01/02: Initial packaging
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsap] branch pristine-tar created (now 093cf67)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsap] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsap] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jsap_2.1.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsap] annotated tag upstream/2.1 created (now dfdce21)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.0-alpha-11-1 created (now 128db67)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/15: o Committing a doxia package.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 07/15: Updated license information
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 08/15: Added maven-ant-helper to Build-Depends
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 09/15: doxia (1.0-alpha-7-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 10/15: change URL in debian/watch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 11/15: * new upstream version * Added myself to Uploaders. * Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/15: Removed hard-coded home dir / usr/local/java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 03/15: Added build-depends for libplexus-i18n-java, libplexus-velocity-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 04/15: Tidied doxia build classpath - modello
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 05/15: Added skeleton copyright / author information (more to come). Added doc-base Tidied build-depends (and corrected name of "velocity" package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 06/15: debian/control: added descriptions and dependencies. debian/rules: tidied Classpath; corrected location of API docs.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 12/15: Add patch itext.diff.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 13/15: build all modules
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 14/15: upload to experimental
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 15/15: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging doxia (1.0-alpha-11-1)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.0-alpha-11-2 created (now 17fc612)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/02: install the xhtml module
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/02: Improve patch itext.diff.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.0-alpha-11-3 created (now 33f7113)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/01: * Add missing Depends: ${misc:Depends}. * Change Section: java. * Update Standards-Version: 3.8.2 (no changes). * Switch to default-jdk. (Closes: #526278)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.0-alpha-11-4 created (now 6db6cb0)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/01: Change debian/rules to really use default-jdk. (Closes: #535919)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1-1 created (now 32b44d2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/02: * New version
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/02: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging doxia (1.1-1)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1-2 created (now 56441ab)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/05: * Close bug
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/05: * Add myself to uploaders, remove duplicate ant Build-Depends
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 03/05: * Add missing Build-Depends: libcommons-lang-java. * Upload to experimental.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 04/05: Remove test dependencies from Maven POM descriptors
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 05/05: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging doxia (1.1-2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1-3 created (now 8262cbe)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/02: Remove extra Build-Depends-Indep: ant.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/02: Upload to unstable.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1.1-1 created (now 7152fe5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/04: new upstream release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/04: standards-version
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 03/04: * Build-Depends/Recommends libcommons-httpclient-java.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 04/04: doxia (1.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Build-Depends/Recommends libcommons-httpclient-java (>= 3.1-6). * Build-Depends on debhelper (>= 7). -- Michael Koch <konqueror at> Thu, 01 Oct 2009 08:03:40 +0200
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1.2-1 created (now 7ec02d2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/01: new upstream release 1.1.2
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1.4-1 created (now 8956294)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/07: Replaced classpath-doc/openjdk-6-doc with default-jdk-doc
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/07: update long description (Debian bug #612365)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 03/07: * Remove Trygve and Paul from Uploaders list. * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.2.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 04/07: Improve short descriptions.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 05/07: Newer but not newest upstream release. Add Build-Depends: libhttpcore-java and switch to httpclient 4.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 06/07: * Newer but not newest upstream release. - Add Build-Depends: libhttpcore-java and switch to httpclient 4. - Do not remove maven-plugin from orig tarball.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 07/07: * Use Maven to build the package. - Disable tests because there are issues with Maven finding a test-jar. - Add several (too many) patches.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1.4-2 created (now 4f33c8c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/02: release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/02: * Team upload. * Add --java-lib flag to install jars in /usr/share/java directory. Thanks to Sjoerd Simons for the patch. (Closes: #676332). * Remove Michael Koch from Uploaders lists. Thanks for your work on this package. (Closes: #654012). * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3. No changes were required.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/1.1.4-3 created (now 3c166f0)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/15: prepare for team upload
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 02/15: Initial upstream branch.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 03/15: Moved the package to Git
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 04/15: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 05/15: Imported Upstream version 1.1.4
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 06/15: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.4'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 07/15: Removed the build dependency libclirr-maven-plugin-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 08/15: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 09/15: Disable doxia-maven-plugin with a --ignore flag in libdoxia-java.poms instead of a patch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 10/15: Replaced the patch removing the dependency on doxia-core:test-jar with a Maven rule
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 11/15: Removed the patch setting the source/target level to 1.4
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 12/15: Wrap and sort
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag upstream/1.1.4 created (now 28a8f26)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_1_0-alpha-7-1 created (now 76f3ea3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 13/15: Moved the doxia-core, doxia-sink-api and doxia-logging-api modules to a separate libdoxia-core-java package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 14/15: No longer build and install the doxia-test-docs module
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 15/15: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [doxia] 01/01: Tag doxia_1.0-alpha-7-1
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven2-core] branch master updated (878a68b -> cf83359)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven2-core] 01/01: Depend on libdoxia-core-java instead of libdoxia-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven2-core] annotated tag debian/2.2.1-22 created (now 7b2d6a5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18806 - trunk/wagon
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18807 - trunk/maven-scm
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] branch master updated (f12fb78 -> 22bd713)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 01/07: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] branch pristine-tar created (now adfeae3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 03/07: No longer build the unused maven-scm-client and maven-scm-plugin modules
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 04/07: Reworded the package description
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 05/07: Moved the providers to libmaven-scm-providers-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 06/07: Replaced the patch disabling the vss provider with a Maven rule
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 07/07: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for maven-scm_1.3.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] branch master updated (6b0ed42 -> 9f35167)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 02/06: No longer build and install wagon-provider-test and wagon-tck-http to reduce the libwagon-java dependencies
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 03/06: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 04/06: No longer build wagon-ssh-common-test
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 05/06: No longer build wagon-scm
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] branch pristine-tar created (now 6f09a6f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 06/06: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] 01/01: pristine-tar data for wagon_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] annotated tag debian/1.0.0-6 created (now a433642)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0 created (now 120e4bc)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18808 - trunk/maven-reporting-impl/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18809 - trunk/maven-reporting-impl
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] branch master updated (1c7e9a6 -> fbf5358)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 01/06: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] branch pristine-tar created (now 1b07018)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 02/06: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 03/06: Removed Michael Koch from the uploaders (Closes: #654113)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 04/06: Wrap and sort
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 05/06: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 06/06: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] 01/01: pristine-tar data for maven-reporting-impl_2.3.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] annotated tag upstream/2.3 created (now 4c8f270)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-reporting-impl] annotated tag debian/2.3-1 created (now 4bb58c4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] annotated tag upstream/1.3 created (now 0db3376)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] annotated tag debian/1.3-6 created (now 552c21d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [gradle] branch master updated (7f2b348 -> 713a272)
Kai-Chung Yan
- [gradle] 01/02: use_local_artifacts.diff: Remove version of plexus-cipher and plexus-sec-dispatcher
Kai-Chung Yan
- [gradle] 02/02: d/ Correct typo and update version
Kai-Chung Yan
- [libxbean-java] branch master updated (3d6eada -> e6c5163)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libxbean-java] 01/03: Fixed a ClassNotFoundException in AsmParameterNameLoader (Closes: #789518)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libxbean-java] 02/03: Transition to Groovy 2 (Closes: #733099)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libxbean-java] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libxbean-java] annotated tag debian/4.3-2 created (now 0e72d3c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] branch master updated (6d5098c -> 2bc7435)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] 01/02: Removed the build dependency on libmaven-enforcer-plugin-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] 02/02: No longer build maven-scm to reduce the dependencies
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cpptasks] branch master updated (45c1ffb -> 408ba17)
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 01/07: Run cme fix dpkg-control
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 02/07: Add patch to remove Sourceforge logo
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 03/07: Add .gitignore
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 04/07: Add watch file
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 05/07: Improve description formatting
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 06/07: Update format of copyright file
Christopher Baines
- [cpptasks] 07/07: Update changelog
Christopher Baines
- [activemq] branch wheezy created (now 98963a0)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] 01/04: Disable JMX by default (Closes: #769887)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] 02/04: Fixed CVE-2014-3600 and CVE-2014-3612 (Closes: #777196)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] 03/04: Fixed CVE-2014-3576 (Closes: #792857)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] 04/04: Upload to wheezy-security
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] annotated tag debian/5.6.0+dfsg-1+deb7u1 created (now 6e448ee)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [activemq] annotated tag debian/5.6.0+dfsg1-4+deb8u1 created (now c7ee816)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] branch master updated (a9aed1f -> 510ba70)
Tony Mancill
- [zookeeper] 01/02: build-dep on liblog4cxx-dev
Tony Mancill
- [zookeeper] 02/02: prepare for upload
Tony Mancill
- [zookeeper] annotated tag debian/3.4.6-7 created (now b2b0465)
Tony Mancill
- [pkg-java] r18810 - trunk/xml-maven-plugin/debian
Eugene Zhukov
- [pkg-java] r18811 - trunk/xml-maven-plugin/debian
Eugene Zhukov
- [electric] branch master updated (5c6bf43 -> 2f7e4dd)
Markus Koschany
- [electric] 01/03: Update changelog for 9.06+dfsg
Markus Koschany
- [electric] 02/03: Readd alternative dependency on java6-runtime
Markus Koschany
- [electric] 03/03: Fix changelog line too long
Markus Koschany
- [davmail] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 78ce40b)
Alexandre Rossi
- [davmail] branch master updated (d43204d -> e60c8dc)
Alexandre Rossi
- [davmail] 01/02: depend on javamail rather than on gnumail
Alexandre Rossi
- [davmail] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/'
Alexandre Rossi
- [objenesis] branch master updated (cac5b74 -> b052447)
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] 01/05: get-orig-source: Add --download-current-version option.
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] 02/05: Start new changelog entry.
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] branch pristine-tar updated (bc9020a -> 5adf16e)
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] 03/05: Merge tag 'upstream/2.2'
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] 04/05: Move all build-dependencies to Build-Depends field.
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] 05/05: Update changelog. Do not upload.
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] 01/01: pristine-tar data for objenesis_2.2.orig.tar.gz
Markus Koschany
- [objenesis] annotated tag upstream/2.2 created (now de43a39)
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] branch master updated (6550961 -> da8a232)
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 01/13: Imported Upstream version
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 02/13: Imported Upstream version
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 03/13: Imported Upstream version
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 04/13: Merge tag 'upstream/'
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 05/13: Updated azureus packing for new upstream version.
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 06/13: Updating changelog for new version; Updating to latest policy version.
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 07/13: Refresh patches
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 08/13: Updated patches to remove commons lang and bouncy castle bundling
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 48b8dc8)
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 09/13: Exclude IDE files
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 10/13: Remove dependency on libswt-mozilla-gtk-4-jni as it is no longer included in swt
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 11/13: Update changelog to include policy 3.9.6. Exclude test project which contains source files without licence header
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 12/13: Refreshed patches Merged unreleased changelog
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 13/13: Fixed path to source files in copyright.
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] branch pristine-tar updated (a338517 -> 6617f22)
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 01/03: pristine-tar data for azureus_5.6.1.2.orig.tar.xz
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 02/03: pristine-tar data for azureus_5.6.2.0.orig.tar.xz
Stephen Nelson
- [azureus] 03/03: pristine-tar data for azureus_5.6.2.0.orig.tar.xz
Stephen Nelson
- [javatools] branch master updated (fa33d09 -> c37d2ec)
Tony Mancill
- [javatools] 01/04: apply patch from Raphaël Hertzog for #779895
Tony Mancill
- [javatools] 02/04: interm changelog
Tony Mancill
- [javatools] 03/04: add -c --clean to list of supported options
Tony Mancill
- [javatools] 04/04: prepare changelog for upload
Tony Mancill
- [javatools] annotated tag debian/0.53 created (now 27d6a4d)
Tony Mancill
- [electric] annotated tag debian/9.06+dfsg-1 created (now d272abc)
Markus Koschany
- [atinject-jsr330] branch master updated (32023a5 -> 9c6d661)
Jakub Adam
- [atinject-jsr330] 01/02: Add version to the package in Export-Package
Jakub Adam
- [atinject-jsr330] 02/02: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6
Jakub Adam
- [gradle] branch master updated (713a272 -> f70bfa0)
Kai-Chung Yan
- [gradle] 01/03: use_local_artifacts.diff: Use maven-repo for pegdown dependency by adding dynamic version
Kai-Chung Yan
- [gradle] 02/03: Refresh patches
Kai-Chung Yan
- [gradle] 03/03: d/changelog: Incorporate changes from 2.5-3 to 2.5-2 since 2.5-2 is never uploaded
Kai-Chung Yan
- [gradle] branch master updated (f70bfa0 -> 77d54a4)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle] annotated tag debian/2.5-2 created (now 34e762f)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle] 01/01: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [atinject-jsr330] branch master updated (9c6d661 -> 2f9907a)
Miguel Landaeta
- [atinject-jsr330] annotated tag debian/1.0+ds1-2 created (now 507c389)
Miguel Landaeta
- [atinject-jsr330] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- [jffi] branch master updated (2211539 -> 8a8381f)
Miguel Landaeta
- [jffi] annotated tag debian/1.2.7-6 created (now b2d15a9)
Miguel Landaeta
- [jffi] 01/01: Fix FTBFS for arch any binary package libjffi-jni
Miguel Landaeta
- [pkg-java] r18812 - in trunk/fop/debian: . patches
Mathieu Malaterre
- [netty-tcnative] annotated tag debian/1.1.33.Fork4-1 created (now bfba77b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18813 - trunk/fop/debian
Mathieu Malaterre
- [jffi] branch master updated (8a8381f -> 7c28c1c)
Miguel Landaeta
- [jffi] 01/01: Update Vcs-Browser field
Miguel Landaeta
- [libspring-java] branch master updated (443eeff -> 51186e2)
Miguel Landaeta
- [libspring-java] annotated tag debian/3.2.13-3 created (now 070179a)
Miguel Landaeta
- [libspring-java] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- [libgpars-groovy-java] annotated tag debian/1.2.1-3 created (now fa92a7c)
Miguel Landaeta
- [libgpars-groovy-java] branch master updated (2f35e32 -> 3e31202)
Miguel Landaeta
- [libgpars-groovy-java] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- [epubcheck] branch master updated (cbc65f8 -> bba3b5b)
Eugene Zhukov
- [epubcheck] 01/03: Add upstream source
Eugene Zhukov
- [epubcheck] 02/03: Fix Lintian warnings
Eugene Zhukov
- [epubcheck] 03/03: Switch away from CDBS build system
Eugene Zhukov
- [groovy2] branch master updated (768cef0 -> fecaba1)
Markus Koschany
- [groovy2] 01/03: Add mavenRepo.patch
Markus Koschany
- [groovy2] 02/03: Fix 02_fix_gradle_build.diff and use bnd1.50 from sid
Markus Koschany
- [groovy2] 03/03: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [groovy2] annotated tag debian/2.4.3+dfsg-2 created (now 57e92ef)
Markus Koschany
- [groovy2] branch master updated (fecaba1 -> 5914bdb)
Markus Koschany
- [groovy2] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Markus Koschany
- [gradle] annotated tag debian/2.5-3 created (now 766cabd)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle] branch master updated (77d54a4 -> 1d57c41)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Markus Koschany
- [epubcheck] branch master updated (bba3b5b -> 2f0de45)
Eugene Zhukov
- [epubcheck] 01/01: Fix version in d/changelog
Eugene Zhukov
- [epubcheck] tag 4.0.0-alpha11-2 created (now 2f0de45)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] branch master updated (cce3961 -> b09fe23)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] branch pristine-tar updated (0e85d76 -> 6194c09)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 01/04: Align with upstream repository
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 02/04: Merge branch 'upstream'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/6.9.5'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 04/04: Add gbp config
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 01/01: pristine-tar data for testng_6.9.5.orig.tar.gz
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag OpenBSD created (now 304cf29)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 01/355: Added CDATA to sample xml in section 6.2.5 for correctness/completeness
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 02/355: Merge branch 'master' of git://
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 03/355: Fixed a typo in documentation.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 04/355: testng-368 FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing Make org.testng.xml.XMLParser.m_saxParser private. ! Change on OpenAPI. And add method with synchronization.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 05/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 06/355: Update
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 07/355: fixed string from "regular exception" to "regular expression"
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 08/355: -noEmailableReporter disables the EmailableReporter.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 09/355: Merge pull request #390 from outofrange/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 10/355: Merge pull request #389 from yfarjoun/patch-1
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 11/355: Merge pull request #393 from VladRassokhin/issue-368-2
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 12/355: Merge branch 'master' of git://
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 13/355: Add intellij files to ignore list
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 14/355: Fix handling of relative paths in suite files.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 15/355: Merge pull request #137 from nullin/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 16/355: Use maven instead of ant in documentation for building
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 17/355: Add 'parent-module' property to suite
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 18/355: Upgrade to JUnit 4.11
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 19/355: .classpath update
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 20/355: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 21/355: Only load the XmlClass once from one ClassLoader
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 22/355: Merge pull request #428 from aslakknutsen/cl
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 23/355: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 24/355: Remove 1.5 from build.xml
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 25/355: Remove imports.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 26/355: Fix ResultMap.removeResult(ITestNGMethod) problem, see:!topic/testng-users/T3vn765W4mw
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 27/355: Merge pull request #434 from kalidasya/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 28/355: Upgrade to Snake YAML 1.12.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 29/355: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 30/355: Improve documentation by adding example of parent-module configuration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 31/355: Add test for guice parent-module
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 32/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.7
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 33/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 34/355: Make JUnit and SnakeYAML optional dependencies
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 35/355: Tweak upload script.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 36/355: Version.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 37/355: fix for Issue #394
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 38/355: Merge pull request #464 from githubCast/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 39/355: Merge pull request #418 from dluksza/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 40/355: Add aopalliances.jar for test build.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 41/355: Fixed typo in DTD attribute comment
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 42/355: Fix the parameter related bug
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 43/355: Merge pull request #479 from wutingbupt/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 44/355: Fixes issue #116: org.testng.internal.BaseTestMethod does respect general contract of Comparable
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 45/355: Merge pull request #488 from triceo/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 46/355: symmetric equals assertion
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 47/355: Preparing for release
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 48/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.8
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 49/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 50/355: Added .ant-targets* to .gitignore, so that target caching does not show as a change.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 51/355: Updated GitHub project url in README to be 'https' instead of outdated 'http'.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 52/355: Updated the snakeyaml version in to match what ivy retrieves.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 53/355: update yaml.jar version in
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 54/355: Fixed dependencies for 4 targets in build.xml
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 55/355: Merge pull request #493 from themainfunction/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 56/355: Use LinkedHashMap so that the topological sort will process the nodes in the same order of collecting
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 57/355: Merge pull request #497 from Dao007forever/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 58/355: Fixed TOC anchor collisions in documentation-main.html
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 59/355: Fixed section heading tags (<h3>, <h4>, <h5>) so they are consistent
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 60/355: Standardized section heading HTML format for easier reading/maintenance.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 61/355: Updated version to be tested to 6.8.9-SNAPSHOT, in pom-test.xml.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 62/355: testng-496 org.testng.junit.JUnit4TestRunner handles testAssumptionFailure as a failure but it should be ignored Report test as skip. Also report as skip from #testFailure with AssumptionViolatedException as failure exception Remove unnecessary super calls. (RunListener is special not-implementation class) Fix bug when test with assumption failure reported also as passed. Add test for this case.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 63/355: Merge pull request #503 from VladRassokhin/fix-testng-496
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 64/355: Merge pull request #498 from themainfunction/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 65/355: Merge pull request #494 from dimalev/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 66/355: Merge pull request #502 from drapostolos/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 67/355: SoftAssert now uses the same auto-generated message used by Assert.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 68/355: Fixed comparator to satisfy the contract. In some edge cases this could cause issues with Java7+ (TimSort).
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 69/355: Merge pull request #518 from AndreasKl/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 70/355: externally synchronize our use of the static SimpleDateFormat
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 71/355: AfterClass does not get executed when MethodInterceptor is involved.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 72/355: Merge pull request #525 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan-FixAfterClassInvocationDiscrepancy
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 73/355: Create the parent directory if it's missing.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 74/355: Some OSGi manifest fixes
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 75/355: Merge pull request #516 from draghuram/softassert
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 76/355: testng-562 testNG not creating HTML report Fix NPE in Add corresponding Nullable annotations
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 77/355: It's old test, not worked for long time. Finally fixed
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 78/355: Make test for TESTNG-387 work
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 79/355: Suite Listener is registered twice (#557)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 80/355: Merge pull request #571 from VladRassokhin/testng-387
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 81/355: Merge pull request #569 from VladRassokhin/fix-test-for-testng-106
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 82/355: Merge pull request #568 from VladRassokhin/testng-562
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 83/355: Improve Lists#newArrayList()
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 84/355: Simplifications in ClassHelper
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 85/355: Add tests for #566
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 86/355: Simplifications in Parameters
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 87/355: Simplifications in MethodInvocationHelper
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 88/355: Use ITestNGMethod#getInstance instead of #getInstances around Invoker
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 89/355: Simplification: use single instance instead of instances[] in Invoker
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 90/355: Do not pass all ITestNGMethods into Invoker, use ITestContext#getAllTestMethods() instead
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 91/355: Minor refactoring in MethodGroupsHelper
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 92/355: Invoker: simplify skip exception checks (extract method) + minor
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 93/355: Invoker: Simplify #collectResults; Do not use deprecated methods; invokeTestMethods now returns single ITestResult (due to migration from instances to instance) Set test result end time asap after method invoked, before any post-invocation checks
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 94/355: Invoker: improve ParameterBag usage
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 95/355: Invoker: better error message in case of expected exceptions
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 96/355: Invoker: minor in handleInvocationResults method
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 97/355: Invoker: use FailureContext to pass modifiable failure count&instances. Properly invoke handleInvocationResults: do not call it twice. (from invokeMethod and invokeTestMethods) Now it called only from invokeMethod with proper FailureContext This commit fixes #566
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 98/355: Invoker: improve message when not all method dependencies satisfied
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 99/355: Invoker: minor improvement
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 100/355: Invoker: minor improvement: reorganize code.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 101/355: Invoker: simplify exception in parameters provider case of method invocation.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 102/355: Prefer explicit DataProvider's name
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 103/355: Merge pull request #577 from piotrturski/576-prefer_explicit_dataProvider_name
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 104/355: 6.8.19-SNAPSHOT
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 105/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.10
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 106/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 107/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.11
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 108/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 109/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.12
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 110/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 111/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.13
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 112/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 113/355: Instructions updates.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 114/355: testng-562 testNG not creating HTML report Seems XMLStringBuffer#EOL is null sometimes.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 115/355: Merge pull request #586 from VladRassokhin/testng-562
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 116/355: Doc fix.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 117/355: group-by-instances in toXml().
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 118/355: .classpath/.project
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 119/355: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 120/355: Allow to build with 1.8.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 121/355: Fix OutOfMemoryError: use hash codes as keys to the method map.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 122/355: 6.8.14.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 123/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.14
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 124/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 125/355: Merge branch 'testng-566' of into VladRassokhin-testng-566
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 126/355: Merge.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 127/355: Adjustments to Vlad's branch to make the tests pass.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 128/355: Versions.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 129/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.15
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 130/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 131/355: Fix bad import
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 132/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.16
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 133/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 134/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.17
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 135/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 136/355: Initial commit for reporting JUnit Parameterized tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 137/355: Fix NPE in Reporter.log()
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 138/355: Merge pull request #597 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan-FixNPEInReporterLog
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 139/355: Small fixes to the pull request.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 140/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.18
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 141/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 142/355: 6.8.20
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 143/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.20
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 144/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 145/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.8.21
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 146/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 147/355: fix for
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 148/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 149/355: Fix for retryanalyser running in endless loop
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 150/355: Merge pull request #606 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan_FixRetryAnalyserChurn
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 151/355: Updates to CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 152/355: Merge pull request #607 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan_update_Release_Notes_For_PR_606
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 153/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 154/355: Merge pull request #552 from volkovs/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 155/355: CustomizedSuites must be saved using utf-8 encoding
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 156/355: Merge pull request #610 from chuvoks/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 157/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 158/355: Add comments
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 159/355: parent-module could receive ITestContext
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 160/355: Typo
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 161/355: Use Java7
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 162/355: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 163/355: Merge pull request #617 from juherr/inject-parent-module
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 164/355: fix jar scanning for <packages> element in testng.xml suite description (do not include subpackages if not recursive)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 165/355: Merge pull request #618 from kullfar/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 166/355: add changelog record for prev pull request (fix jar scanning for <packages> element in testng.xml...)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 167/355: Merge pull request #620 from kullfar/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 168/355: Fixed failure/error inversion in JUnitReportReporter
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 169/355: Merge pull request #624 from jerome-jacob/fix/JUnitReporter_failure_error_inversion
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 170/355: TestNG support Java7 and more
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 171/355: Fix maven configuration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 172/355: Accept non static external provider
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 173/355: Update documentation
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 174/355: Allow Guice injection in external DataProvider
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 175/355: Add documentation
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 176/355: Add constructor injection for DataProvider
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 177/355: Merge pull request #631 from juherr/data-provider
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 178/355: Remove duplicated Sets util class
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 179/355: Use diamond operator in collections package
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 180/355: Protect util classes from collections
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 181/355: Remove commented code
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 182/355: Use "new" Java6 method
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 183/355: Fit with Java and/or Guava API
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 184/355: Remove usage of deprecated methods
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 185/355: Use inheritance for collections classes
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 186/355: Merge pull request #634 from juherr/improve-collections-package
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 187/355: TestNG for tests is configurable
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 188/355: Use Travis as CI
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 189/355: Use Markdown for README
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 190/355: Update url to official repository
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 191/355: Merge pull request #638 from juherr/travis-ci
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 192/355: README
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 193/355: README
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 194/355: README
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 195/355: Generate Version from Maven version
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 196/355: Use Java7 for tests too
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 197/355: Fix compilation issue on Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 198/355: Set version to helper maven plugin
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 199/355: Fix #639
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 200/355: Fix #632
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 201/355: Add test case for issue #629
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 202/355: Typo
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 203/355: Fix #629
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 204/355: Remove unused parameters and methods
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 205/355: Fix #615
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 206/355: Merge pull request #616 from juherr/update-version
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 207/355: Merge pull request #640 from juherr/issue-639
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 208/355: Merge pull request #641 from juherr/issue-632
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 209/355: Merge pull request #642 from juherr/issue-629
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 210/355: Merge pull request #643 from juherr/issue-615
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 211/355: Fix #605
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 212/355: Close InputStream and OuputStream after use
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 213/355: Merge pull request #644 from juherr/issue-605
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 214/355: Merge pull request #603 from aanno/issue-602
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 215/355: Merge pull request #611 from jdillet/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 216/355: Merge pull request #529 from andrewgaul/close-streams
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 217/355: Add some hipster badges
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 218/355: Use a daily updated url for dependency status
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 219/355: Update CHANGES since 6.8.21 release date
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 220/355: Merge pull request #648 from juherr/hipster-badges
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 221/355: Merge pull request #649 from juherr/update-changes
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 222/355: Merge pull request #532 from isavin/fix_xml_reporter_missing_output_dir
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 223/355: Merge pull request #541 from ezhuravlev/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 224/355: Remove preserveOrderAnna from PreserveOrderTest
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 225/355: Merge pull request #654 from rschmitt/order
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 226/355: Upgrade to JCommander 1.48
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 227/355: Merge pull request #656 from rschmitt/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 228/355: Fix OSGI Import-Package to make jUnit4 dependency optional
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 229/355: Merge pull request #657 from xfournet/junit_optional
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 230/355: Merge pull request #353 from jan-swiecki/patch-1
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 231/355: Merge pull request #477 from kamilszymanski/dtd_typo
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 232/355: Merge pull request #523 from mcosby/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 233/355: Build fix.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 234/355: Update CHANGES since previous update
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 235/355: Test against OpenJDK7, OracleJDK7 & 8
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 236/355: Merge pull request #661 from juherr/update-changes
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 237/355: Merge pull request #662 from juherr/jdk8
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 238/355: Use Stage.DEVELOPMENT when creating injector
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 239/355: Fix #93
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 240/355: Fix #310
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 241/355: Merge pull request #665 from juherr/issue-93
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 242/355: Merge pull request #666 from juherr/issue-310
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 243/355: Add test for @Test(enable) feature
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 244/355: Add test in list
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 245/355: Add test for #87
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 246/355: Fix #87
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 247/355: Merge pull request #668 from juherr/enable-tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 248/355: Merge pull request #667 from juherr/issue-87
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 249/355: Update pom-test.xml.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 250/355: Don't test on OpenJDK
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 251/355: Revert "Don't test on OpenJDK"
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 252/355: Remove log level from test
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 253/355: Rework failed test
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 254/355: Fix regression shown by tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 255/355: Revert some changes that helped to debug
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 256/355: Merge pull request #671 from juherr/issue-travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 257/355: Fix cast.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 258/355: Warnings.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 259/355: Warnings.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 260/355: Fix failing test on Windows.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 261/355: Remove unnecessary reflection.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 262/355: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 263/355: Rework invocationcount tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 264/355: Fix #425 Wrong invocation order with lastTimeOnly
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 265/355: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 266/355: Merge pull request #675 from juherr/update-changes
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 267/355: Merge branch 'issue-425' of into juherr-issue-425
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 268/355: Merge branch 'juherr-issue-425'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 269/355: 6.9.0-SNAPSHOT.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 270/355: Fix #392
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 271/355: Fix #417 Expected Exceptions Message fails to match multi-line messages
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 272/355: Use generics for assertions
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 273/355: Merge pull request #678 from juherr/issue-417
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 274/355: Remove duplicate code
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 275/355: Add test in the suite
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 276/355: Merge pull request #677 from juherr/issue-392
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 277/355: Merge pull request #490 from dennisbyrne/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 278/355: Test fix:
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 279/355: .classpath.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 280/355: Add test
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 281/355: make guice stage configurable in suite xml tag
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 282/355: Merge pull request #682 from guillaumecle/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 283/355: Add #420 test case
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 284/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.0
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 285/355: Add debug log
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 286/355: Javadoc fixes.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 287/355: .gitignore
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 288/355: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 289/355: Remove println.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 290/355: SNAPSHOT.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 291/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.0
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 292/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 293/355: pom.xml
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 294/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.0
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 295/355: pom.xml
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 296/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.1
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 297/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 298/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.2
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 299/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 300/355: 6.9.3.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 301/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.3
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 302/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 303/355: Fix javadoc plug-in.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 304/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-6.9.4
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 305/355: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 306/355: Doc updates.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 307/355: add doc for guice stage
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 308/355: Doc tweaks.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 309/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 310/355: add doc for others guice Stage values
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 311/355: put default stage value in dtd
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 312/355: Check in.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 313/355: Build and tests working.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 314/355: Build Travis with Gradle
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 315/355: +x for gradlew
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 316/355: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 317/355: Merge pull request #680 from juherr/generic-assert
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 318/355: Delete files.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 319/355: .gitignore.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 320/355: Build clean up.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 321/355: .travis.yml.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 322/355: Add test for #686
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 323/355: Fix #686 IAnnotationTransformer.transform is called for methods with testClass populated
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 324/355: Show stack traces to debug test failures
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 325/355: Merge branch 'master' into gradle
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 326/355: Fix build failures for gradle tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 327/355: Merge pull request #688 from krmahadevan/fix_build
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 328/355: Rework test
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 329/355: Keep order in map
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 330/355: Fix #420
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 331/355: Rework test
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 332/355: Add test cases for AfterSuite
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 333/355: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 334/355: Merge branch 'gradle' of into gradle
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 335/355: Fix classloading issue when using JMockit
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 336/355: Update CHANGES.txt
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 337/355: Merge pull request #691 from msebire/issue_classloading_jmockit
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 338/355: Merge branch 'master' into gradle
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 339/355: Fix the ServiceLoaderTest.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 340/355: Merge branch 'gradle'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 341/355: Update the CHANGES file.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 342/355: Add rename plugin to change VersionTemplate name
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 343/355: Merge pull request #693 from wutingbupt/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 344/355: Merge pull request #684 from guillaumecle/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 345/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue-420
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 346/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue-420
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 347/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue-686
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 348/355: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 349/355: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue-420
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 350/355: Remove old projects
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 351/355: Merge pull request #683 from juherr/issue-420
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 352/355: Merge pull request #695 from juherr/remove-old-projects
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 353/355: CHANGES update.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 354/355: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 355/355: Include Version.class in the jar.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.10 created (now 68f74fc)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.11 created (now 869a2a8)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.12 created (now 25a641c)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.13 created (now a99517e)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.14 created (now 321d125)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.15 created (now 048dec3)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.16 created (now 15a96aa)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.17 created (now fc7eba3)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.18 created (now ec3c114)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.20 created (now 923e204)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.21 created (now ef57cc3)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.7 created (now 3af5191)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.8.8 created (now 9f49095)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.9.0 created (now bf0e516)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.9.1 created (now f0c1d77)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.9.2 created (now 3dc33cb)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.9.3 created (now bc90086)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.9.4 created (now 13b3456)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag testng-6.9.5 created (now 06ccc14)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 01/160: #Fixed testng-453 Encoding issue with XMLReporter +Nullable annotations +Possible NPE fix
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 02/160: allow '-testnames' option to work with '-xmlpathinjar'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 03/160: Fix #onAssertSuccess called after #onAssertFailure in SoftAssert Improve failure message in SoftAssert#assertAll
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 04/160: Introduce availability of multiple custom interceptors
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 05/160: Resolved Issue #465
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 06/160: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 07/160: Adding a test for ServiceLoader functionality
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 08/160: Gradle support for snapshots on jfrog.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 09/160: Delete maven directory.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 10/160: Remove old and and maven build files.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 11/160: Fix travis build with environment variables.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 12/160: Fix Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 13/160: Move pom.xml back to the top directory.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 14/160: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue-465
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 15/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 16/160: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 17/160: Travis.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 18/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 19/160: Travis.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 20/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 21/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 22/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 23/160: Only sign if explicitly requested.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 24/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 25/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 26/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 27/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 28/160: Fix TestCommandLineArgs
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 29/160: Travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 30/160: Merge pull request #696 from rschmitt/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 31/160: Make addFailedInvocationNumber thread-safe
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 32/160: Report retriable failures as SKIP
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 33/160: RetryAnalyzerCount: Use AtomicInteger properly
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 34/160: Exit with status code 0 if all retries succeed
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 35/160: Merge pull request #697 from rschmitt/testng-387
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 36/160: Merge pull request #698 from rschmitt/retry
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 37/160: Update CHANGES.txt
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 38/160: Merge pull request #699 from rschmitt/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 39/160: JDK7 migration: Use diamond syntax everywhere
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 40/160: JDK7 migration: Remove unnecessary (un)boxing
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 41/160: JDK7 migration: Collapse identical catch blocks
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 42/160: JDK7 migration: Replace for loop with foreach
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 43/160: Remove examples
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 44/160: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue-465
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 45/160: Merge pull request #701 from juherr/move-examples
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 46/160: Merge pull request #679 from cbeust/issue-465
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 47/160: Merge pull request #700 from rschmitt/refactor
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 48/160: Not used.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 49/160: Eclipse source path.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 50/160: Travis: Compile and run the test suite as part of CI
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 51/160: Merge pull request #704 from rschmitt/travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 52/160: Remove redundant cleanTest; use gradle daemon
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 53/160: Merge pull request #705 from rschmitt/gradle
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 54/160: Move to the Ant ossuary
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 55/160: Turn off the stupidly verbose Javadoc warnings for Java 8.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 56/160: Upgrade to SnakeYAML 1.15
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 57/160: Move more files that are only used by Ant
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 58/160: Merge pull request #707 from rschmitt/ant
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 59/160: Ignore
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 60/160: Use AppVeyor as Windows CI
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 61/160: Merge pull request #710 from juherr/appveyor
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 62/160: Merge branch 'rschmitt-yaml'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 63/160: Merge pull request #694 from krmahadevan/krmahadevan_AddTestForServiceLoaderWithNullClassLoader
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 64/160: Stop copying the javadocs
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 65/160: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 66/160: Fix Javadocs.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 67/160: Merge pull request #706 from rschmitt/local-props
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 68/160: Replace indexOf() with contains()
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 69/160: Merge pull request #718 from rschmitt/refactor
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 70/160: Look for parser in a List
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 71/160: Create dedicated interface SuiteParser
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 72/160: Use service loader to find suite parsers
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 73/160: Move expected exceptions holder logic methods to ExpectedExceptionsHolder
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 74/160: Refactor ExpectedExceptionsHolder
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 75/160: Fix SkipAndExpectedTest
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 76/160: Hide private method
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 77/160: Extract generic concept
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 78/160: Add more logic in ExceptionsHolder
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 79/160: Refactor
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 80/160: Useless check
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 81/160: Fix tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 82/160: Typo
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 83/160: Use composition instead of inheritance
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 84/160: Add expectThrows
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 85/160: Merge pull request #717 from rschmitt/assert-throws
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 86/160: Upload snapshots to maven automatically.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 87/160: Document the automatic snapshot uploading.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 88/160: Display JDK_HOME.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 89/160: Test JDK_HOME.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 90/160: JDK.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 91/160: JDK.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 92/160: Uploading snapshot.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 93/160: Comment.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 94/160: Test.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 95/160: Bad directory.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 96/160: Permissions.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 97/160: Testing.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 98/160: Restore automatic upload for now.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 99/160: Follow the naming convention
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 100/160: Only deploy when it is not a PR and with Oracle JDK7
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 101/160: Add test for #599
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 102/160: Fix #599 IHookable ignored when a timeout is set
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 103/160: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 104/160: Merge pull request #728 from juherr/fix-travis
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 105/160: Add assertThrows(Class, ThrowingRunnable)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 106/160: Follow current naming convention
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 107/160: Test each parallel mode
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 108/160: Add test for #575
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 109/160: Rework timeout tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 110/160: Fix compilation error
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 111/160: Merge pull request #729 from juherr/issue-599
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 112/160: Merge pull request #722 from juherr/issue-716
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 113/160: Merge branch 'fix-testng-453' of into VladRassokhin-fix-testng-453
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 114/160: Merge pull request #735 from juherr/issue-575
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 115/160: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 116/160: Merge branch 'issue-712' of into juherr-issue-712
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 117/160: Merge pull request #530 from earthling/master
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 118/160: Update CHANGES.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 119/160: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into improve-SoftAssert
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 120/160: Merge pull request #732 from rschmitt/assert-throws
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 121/160: Rework after review
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 122/160: Add use case for #739
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 123/160: Fix #739
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 124/160: Fix #234
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 125/160: Move #234 test case
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 126/160: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 127/160: Merge branch 'issue-739' into issue-471
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 128/160: Add use case for #471
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 129/160: Add #471 test in suite
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 130/160: Update CHANGES
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 131/160: Merge pull request #741 from juherr/improve-SoftAssert
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 132/160: Merge pull request #743 from juherr/issue-471
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 133/160: Merge branch 'my-testng' of into tremes-my-testng
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 134/160: Merge branch 'tremes-my-testng'
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 135/160: Add setDescription on ITestNGMethod
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 136/160: Rework multiple interceptors tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 137/160: Add test case for #521
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 138/160: Display log for tests
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 139/160: Change directory path
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 140/160: Small fix for the commit: "Merge branch 'tremes-my-testng'"
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 141/160: Merge pull request #746 from juherr/fix-625-test
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 142/160: Don't shw stdout.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 143/160: Unused import.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 144/160: Reformat.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 145/160: Merge pull request #747 from iushankin/small-fix
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 146/160: Merge pull request #745 from juherr/issue-521
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 147/160: Fix #408: Add Java9 badge
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 148/160: Merge pull request #750 from juherr/java9
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 149/160: Use ConcurrentHashMap.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 150/160: Merge branch 'master' of
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 151/160: ConcurrentHashMap doesn't accept null values.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 152/160: Update CHANGES.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 153/160: Fixes for Nexus publishing.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 154/160: Fix comment.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 155/160: Update to artifactory-plugin 3.1.1.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag upstream/6.9.5 created (now 2984f7e)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 156/160: Break the publish build in multiple files.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 157/160: A few comments.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 158/160: CHANGES.
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 159/160: Update ant.html
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 160/160: Merge pull request #753 from asashour/patch-1
Eugene Zhukov
- [lucene-solr] branch master updated (ff3b2a9 -> 3602f19)
Jakub Adam
- [lucene-solr] 01/03: Add OSGi metadata to JAR manifests
Jakub Adam
- [lucene-solr] 02/03: Add Jakub Adam to Uploaders
Jakub Adam
- [lucene-solr] 03/03: Update file paths in d/copyright
Jakub Adam
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] branch master updated (7dd59f8 -> c059a78)
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] 01/01: use gzip for compression
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-jxpath-java] annotated tag debian/1.3-7 created (now 2de1e14)
Tony Mancill
- [proguard] branch master updated (50c5ea9 -> 8e8fdd5)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [proguard] 01/01: add Komal to Uploaders: since she updated the package
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] annotated tag debian/2.5.1-1 created (now cb1472e)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] branch master updated (5bdf207 -> be2b1da)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] 01/04: fix URLs for Vcs-*
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] 02/04: add Apache-2.0 license blurb and fix copyright dates
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] 03/04: update debian/changelog for uploading
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] 04/04: git-buildpackage: require signed tags and pristine-tar
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [testng] branch master updated (b09fe23 -> e8d95af)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 01/02: Add patch for
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 02/02: Switch away from CDBS build system
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] branch master updated (e8d95af -> a897bc2)
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] 01/01: Prepare for upload to unstable
Eugene Zhukov
- [testng] annotated tag debian/6.9.5-1 created (now eb6f4ce)
Eugene Zhukov
- [sisu-inject] branch master updated (cad2a29 -> a7d4067)
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-inject] 01/02: add build-dep on junit4
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-inject] 02/02: prepare for upload
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-inject] annotated tag debian/0.3.1-2 created (now 0bfa7c2)
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-plexus] branch master updated (22e9472 -> 3063f85)
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-plexus] 01/02: add build-dep on junit4
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-plexus] 02/02: prepare for upload
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-plexus] annotated tag debian/0.3.1-2 created (now e49745e)
Tony Mancill
- [azureus] branch master updated (da8a232 -> 840a019)
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 01/01: Vcs-Browser: Use https and cgit.
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] branch master updated (840a019 -> 0e1cd1d)
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 01/04: vuze.desktop: Add keywords and remove encoding key.
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 02/04: Remove trailing whitespace
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 03/04: Remove Adrian Perez from Uploaders.
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 04/04: Add copyright_TODO file
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] branch master updated (0e1cd1d -> 7e04fc5)
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 01/01: Install icons to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] branch master updated (7e04fc5 -> 6e95036)
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 01/02: Resize Azureus.png icon to 125x128 pixel.
Markus Koschany
- [azureus] 02/02: Add include-binaries file
Markus Koschany
- [lucene-solr] branch master updated (3602f19 -> 486a9a6)
Miguel Landaeta
- [lucene-solr] annotated tag debian/3.6.2+dfsg-7 created (now fd57a24)
Miguel Landaeta
- [lucene-solr] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- [pkg-java] r18814 - trunk/maven-invoker-plugin
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] branch master created (now 21de0d1)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 01/17: Creating trunk directory
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 02/17: [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 03/17: * New version
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 04/17: * New version
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 05/17: Fix FTBFS: add libjline-java to Build-Depends
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 06/17: New upstream release
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 07/17: * Team upload. * New upstream release. * Bump Standards-Versions to 3.9.2. No changes were required. * Migrate to source format 3.0 (quilt). * Make copyright file DEP-5 compliant. * Add versioned Build-Depends on libmaven-invoker-java (>= 2.0.11~).
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 08/17: set distribution to unstable for sponsored upload
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 09/17: Add Build-Depends on libmaven-plugin-tools-java
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 10/17: set distribution to unstable for sponsored upload
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 11/17: Upload to unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3-1 created (now 5b39fe8)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 12/17: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 13/17: Switch to debhelper level 9
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 14/17: Wrap and sort
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 15/17: Fixed the build failure with modello-maven-plugin 1.8
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 16/17: Upload to unstable
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 17/17: Moved the package to Git
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3-2 created (now 0707d74)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.5-2 created (now 5d40f62)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.5-3 created (now dd8ca35)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] 01/01: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging maven-invoker-plugin (1.3-2)
Miguel Landaeta
- [maven-invoker-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.5-4 created (now 73b419e)
Miguel Landaeta
- [openjfx] branch master updated (4ed66c5 -> cd7cf1c)
Markus Koschany
- [openjfx] 01/02: Add gradle-2.x.patch
Markus Koschany
- [openjfx] 02/02: Set COMPILE_WEBKIT = false
Markus Koschany
- [jnr-x86asm] branch master updated (be8f11d -> 58faecd)
Tony Mancill
- [jnr-x86asm] 01/02: build-dep on junit4
Tony Mancill
- [jnr-x86asm] 02/02: update debian/watch
Tony Mancill
- [jnr-x86asm] annotated tag debian/1.0.2-4 created (now cdc6fdc)
Tony Mancill
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (777af3b -> 655c3a0)
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 01/01: Provide location of ivy.jar to ant
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (655c3a0 -> 4f19a4a)
komal sukhani
- [cmdreader] 01/01: Added my name in uploader field
komal sukhani
- [sacjava] branch master created (now 0d431f8)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 01/28: actually commit sacjava
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 02/28: actually commit sacjava
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 03/28: oops, wanted to commit 1.3-1 first..
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 04/28: use default-jdk-builddep
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 05/28: dirs was gone in 1.3-2...
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 06/28: * Depend on default-jre-headless.
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 07/28: * debian/watch: Added.
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 08/28: * Team upload. * Add pom.xml and install it with maven-repo-helper. (Closes: #576256) * Add missing Depends: ${misc:Depends}. * Switch to source format 3.0. * Add Vcs-* and Homepage headers. * Update Standards-Version: 3.8.4. * Convert debian/copyright to UTF-8. * Change Section: java.
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 09/28: add missing format file
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 10/28: Bump S-V + dh compat, added build-{arch, indep} and split default-jdk-builddep
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 11/28: Set dist to unstable
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 12/28: Pass -source and -target to javac
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 13/28: Set dist to unstable
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 14/28: Fix FTBFS with gcj and add missing mh_clean target
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 15/28: Improve install target
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 16/28: Set dist to unstable
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 17/28: Moved the package to Git
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 18/28: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3'
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 19/28: Add Jakub Adam to Uploaders
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 20/28: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3+dfsg'
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 21/28: Update d/changelog with new upstream tarball version
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 22/28: Use xz for upstream tarball compression
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 23/28: Add OSGi metadata to JAR manifest
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 24/28: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3-1 created (now 029b0f9)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] branch pristine-tar created (now 05debf2)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3-2 created (now dcb7512)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 25/28: Fix needless-dependency-on-jre Lintian warning
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 26/28: Convert d/copyright into machine-readable format
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 27/28: Add get-orig-source target
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 28/28: Fix possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration Lintian warning
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 01/01: pristine-tar data for sacjava_1.3+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] 01/01: tag 1.3-2
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3-4 created (now d4a70ca)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3-3 created (now 576c9a1)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3-5 created (now 6467842)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3-6 created (now c24abc7)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] tag upstream/1.3+dfsg created (now f4eb50a)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] annotated tag upstream/1.3 created (now c7d6a51)
Jakub Adam
- [sacjava] branch master updated (0d431f8 -> 7cf6c70)
Tony Mancill
- [sacjava] 01/01: prepare for upload
Tony Mancill
- [sacjava] annotated tag debian/1.3+dfsg-1 created (now caa6ee9)
Tony Mancill
- [bookkeeper] branch master updated (a8ae1f6 -> 986eaaa)
Tony Mancill
- [bookkeeper] 01/01: use libnetty-3.9-java
Tony Mancill
- [bookkeeper] annotated tag debian/4.2.4-2 created (now 13a1559)
Tony Mancill
- [jetty8] branch master updated (3af7ebf -> 45e6fef)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 01/01: Added the missing build dependency on libjetty-java (Closes: #796441)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] annotated tag debian/8.1.17-2 created (now 898eb64)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] branch master updated (718c39f -> 3e83223)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/8.0.26'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 02/03: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] branch pristine-tar updated (f0b320d -> c89fd46)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/01: pristine-tar data for tomcat8_8.0.26.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (4f19a4a -> 6a92402)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 01/05: update debian/changelog for updating
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 02/05: list Build-Depends one-per-line for readability
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 03/05: Build-Depends: ant-optional for JUnit support
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] annotated tag debian/1.5-1 created (now b0f7983)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 04/05: "Architecture: all" since this package produces a plain Java .jar
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 05/05: remove defaults from debian/gbp.conf
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] annotated tag debian/1.5-1 deleted (was b0f7983)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] annotated tag debian/1.5-1 created (now b0f7983)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [htrace] branch master updated (3737d48 -> 26c4ea9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 01/09: Updated debian/watch to watch the new incubator repository
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 02/09: Removed the generated files from the upstream tarball
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 03/09: Imported Upstream version 3.1.0
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] branch pristine-tar updated (f2179c3 -> 29de7ba)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 04/09: Added a dependency on libjackson2-databind-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 05/09: Ignore the modules htrace-flume and htrace-hbase
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 06/09: Unshade the dependencies in htrace-core
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 07/09: Ignore the maven-assembly-plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 08/09: Added the missing build dependency on junit4
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 09/09: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 01/01: pristine-tar data for htrace_3.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] annotated tag upstream/8.0.26 created (now 7a28b99)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] annotated tag debian/8.0.26-1 created (now 2167a24)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [swt-gtk] branch master-4.3 updated (a0e2ee8 -> 0ba58c1)
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 01/10: Merge tag 'upstream/4.5.0' into master-4.3
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 02/10: Bumped version
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 03/10: Removed Niels Thykier from Uploaders
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 04/10: Refresh d/patches/01-make_linux.patch
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 05/10: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 06/10: Fix wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright Lintian warning
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 07/10: Enable gtk 3.0
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 08/10: Streamline build dependencies
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 09/10: Don't suggest nonexistent libswt-gtk-4-java-gcj
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 10/10: Updated d/watch
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] branch pristine-tar updated (ce03157 -> 15785c2)
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] 01/01: pristine-tar data for swt4-gtk_4.5.0.orig.tar.xz
Jakub Adam
- [swt-gtk] annotated tag upstream/4.5.0 created (now 85e85fb)
Jakub Adam
- [tomcat7] branch master updated (ee7f946 -> 3cd5015)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.64'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 02/03: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] branch pristine-tar updated (77a61cc -> b546115)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/01: pristine-tar data for tomcat7_7.0.64.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag debian/7.0.64-1 created (now 7dcdec8)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag upstream/7.0.64 created (now 6e9fdae)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag debian/7.0.63-1_bpo8+1 created (now 3850f24)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] annotated tag debian/8.0.24-1_bpo8+1 created (now e802436)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] annotated tag upstream/3.1.0 created (now 7cc9901)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] annotated tag debian/3.1.0-1 created (now 566f056)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18815 - trunk/maven-assembly-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18816 - trunk/libajaxtags-java/debian
Tony Mancill
- [pkg-java] r18817 - in tags/libajaxtags-java: . 1.5.1-3/debian
Tony Mancill
- [swt-gtk] annotated tag debian/4.5.0-1 created (now 04ecdc2)
Tony Mancill
- [swt-gtk] 01/01: prepare for upload
Tony Mancill
- [swt-gtk] branch master-4.3 updated (0ba58c1 -> 77b6d3d)
Tony Mancill
- [jsoup] branch master updated (f92de13 -> 021c5d2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.3'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] 02/04: Refreshed the patch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] 03/04: Ignore the maven-release-plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] branch pristine-tar updated (0427368 -> e704a7f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jsoup_1.8.3.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] annotated tag upstream/1.8.3 created (now c714cec)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jsoup] annotated tag debian/1.8.3-1 created (now 8bfa4f3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [msv] branch master updated (8bb0e6a -> 28aa7ba)
Tony Mancill
- [msv] 01/04: add junit4 to build-deps
Tony Mancill
- [msv] 02/04: prepapre for upload
Tony Mancill
- [msv] 03/04: bump std-ver to 3.9.6
Tony Mancill
- [msv] 04/04: use DEP5 shortname
Tony Mancill
- [msv] annotated tag debian/2009.1+dfsg1-5 created (now fe19167)
Tony Mancill
- [libhibernate3-java] branch master updated (068f3ba -> 1eaa577)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libhibernate3-java] 01/03: Ignore the dependencies on wagon and maven-scm (Closes: #797439)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libhibernate3-java] 02/03: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libhibernate3-java] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] branch master updated (e442115 -> b88d8b2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 01/07: Fixed the watch file
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.6'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 03/07: Ignore the new parent pom
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 04/07: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 05/07: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] branch pristine-tar updated (d20c33c -> 5e7a188)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 06/07: Marked bug #797456 as fixed by the new release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 07/07: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 01/01: pristine-tar data for metainf-services_1.6.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] annotated tag debian/1.6-1 created (now 719482d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] annotated tag upstream/1.6 created (now db7f670)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libhibernate3-java] annotated tag debian/3.6.10.Final-4 created (now 9448f28)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] branch master updated (f36d8b8 -> db1e5d8)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] 01/05: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] 02/05: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] 03/05: Added the missing build dependency on junit4 (Closes: #797488)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] 04/05: Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] branch master updated (d8f4564 -> d90d56a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] 01/06: Removed the deprecated DM-Upload-Allowed field
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] 02/06: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] 03/06: Fixed the watch file
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] 04/06: Ignore the dependency on maven-scm (Closes: #797487)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] 05/06: Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] 06/06: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jatl] branch master updated (f9ed639 -> 7d9c853)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jatl] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jatl] 02/04: debian/watch: Track the release tags on GitHub
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jatl] 03/04: Ignore the dependency on maven-scm (Closes: #797457)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jatl] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasypt] branch master updated (58b7144 -> 1349b8b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasypt] 01/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasypt] 02/03: Added the missing build dependency on junit4 (Closes: #797458)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasypt] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jellydoc] annotated tag debian/1.5-4 created (now 6dccc10)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jatl] annotated tag debian/0.2.2-2 created (now c73b368)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasypt] annotated tag debian/1.8-3 created (now 58e034e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [proguard] branch master updated (8e8fdd5 -> 220b76f)
komal sukhani
- [proguard] 01/02: Use OpenJDK-8 for buidling the package
komal sukhani
- [proguard] 02/02: Add patch file to resolve conflict caused by openJDK8
komal sukhani
- [proguard] branch master updated (220b76f -> 2b9f87e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [proguard] 01/02: Reverting to the default JDK for building
Emmanuel Bourg
- [proguard] 02/02: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libsequence-library-java] annotated tag debian/1.0.2-2 created (now cda145e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18818 - trunk/commons-vfs/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18819 - trunk/commons-vfs/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18820 - trunk/commons-vfs/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18821 - trunk/commons-vfs/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18822 - trunk/commons-vfs/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18823 - trunk/commons-vfs/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [proguard] annotated tag debian/5.2.1-1 created (now 25c5d8c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] branch master updated (3fdeec3 -> c9838c4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] 01/01: Fix the build with ld --as-needed (Closes: #797558)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] branch master updated (1986883 -> 36bce67)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 01/06: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 02/06: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 03/06: Wrap and sort
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 04/06: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 05/06: Added the missing dependency on libregexp-java (Closes: #797436)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 06/06: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] branch master updated (0cb8ba3 -> 79a6214)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 01/07: Removed the deprecated DM-Upload-Allowed field
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 02/07: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 03/07: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 04/07: Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 05/07: Ignore the dependency on maven-scm (Closes: #797286)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 06/07: Fixed the watch file
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] 07/07: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] annotated tag debian/5.1.1-2 created (now 3214050)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] annotated tag debian/ created (now 30077c2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18824 - in tags/commons-vfs: . 2.0-4/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [robust-http-client] annotated tag debian/1.2-3 created (now ac00957)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jline2] branch master updated (aea64c8 -> af53bc9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jline2] 01/01: Ignore the dependency on maven-scm
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jline2] annotated tag debian/2.11-4 created (now 06f118c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cmdreader] branch master updated (6a92402 -> fc365c3)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] 01/01: switch me to sponsor and Komal to maintainer
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] branch master updated (be2b1da -> 3481842)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [javawriter] 01/01: switch me to sponsor and Komal to maintainer
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [maven-scm] branch master updated (22bd713 -> fdad7a4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 01/02: Marked bug #641298 as fixed in the version 1.3-6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] 02/02: Fixed the build failure when generating the javadoc (Closes: #794897)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [javawriter] annotated tag debian/2.5.1-1 updated (cb1472e -> 541d587)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [cmdreader] annotated tag debian/1.5-1 updated (b0f7983 -> e715dd1)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [libcommons-compress-java] branch master updated (adfd530 -> 66c3b34)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-compress-java] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.10'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-compress-java] 02/03: Updated the OSGi metadata
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-compress-java] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scm] annotated tag debian/1.3-7 created (now 854b3a5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-compress-java] annotated tag debian/1.10-1 created (now 482f97c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-compress-java] annotated tag upstream/1.10 created (now 6f0d9fc)
Emmanuel Bourg
Last message date:
Mon Aug 31 22:27:20 UTC 2015
Archived on: Mon Aug 31 22:27:23 UTC 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).