[java-common] annotated tag debian/0.25 created (now 17ee967)

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 4 21:15:56 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.25
in repository java-common.

        at  17ee967   (tag)
   tagging  cd7eefa4b3b2a78c822904c5d2ac09a3f035c675 (commit)
  replaces  debian/debian_version_0_2 at 4
 tagged by  Emmanuel Bourg
        on  Sat May 20 09:13:57 2006 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tag 0.25 upload

Charles Fry (1):
      set mergeWithUpstream=1

Jerry Haltom (3):
      Importing 0.23 Debian version that wasn't commited to CVS.
      New JVM selection scripts.
      Missing files.

Michael Koch (1):
      Added changes up to the 0.25 upload

Ola Nordmann (44):
      Updated maintainer and fixed some other things.
      Moved java-compiler-dummy to java-common.
      Moved java-virtual-machine-dummy to java-common.
      Merged and fixed lintian errors.
      Ignore files.
      Minor fixes to make it work good.
      Major changes to the policy and wrote simple publish script.
      Made it possible to compile it.
      Removed the dummy package code.
      Converted the policy to plain docbook.
      Added README file, added another author to the document and updated the changelog.
      Updated the publish code.
      Moved the publish code to the makefile.
      Removing dummy related files.
      Changed descriotion, closes: #118458.
      Added doc-base file, thanks to Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pena <jfs at dat.etsit.upm.es>, closes: #118459.
      Spelling things in policy, closes: #119801.
      Spelling issue in FAQ.
      Fixed doc-base problem, closes: #136994, #137022, #137031, #137063.
      Removed backup files.
      Made it able to build too.
      Fixed spaces in description, closes: #137179.
      Fixed doc-base bug, closes: #137516.
      Fixed description, closes: #141463.
      Fixed description again.
      Removed policy.sgml from source.
      Is no longer proposed, some editorial things, libraries should only suggest java-virtual-machine.
      Documentation about -gcj and -jni, closes: #146771.
      Dummy package information.
      Fixed typo, closes: #160735.
      Fixed build problem. Almost fixed publish problem.
      Updated java policy with more about JNI.
      Fixed some xml errors and reference error to debian policy, using patch from Ahmid, closes: #173033.
      Fixed Makefile so that it can produce proper txt output, closes: #162377.
      Updated java faq from cvs to fix deb source line, closes: #162733.
      Fixed doc-base file.
      Policy update as accepted by debian-java at lists.debian.org.
      Removed the last references about that this is a proposed policy. It is no longer just a proposed policy.
      JNI added, and refer to classpath url instead of listing free jvm:s.
      Added thanks to benb.
      Fixing doc section from debian to Debian.
      Rebuild no longer junk in policy.txt.
      Updated Java FAQ from CVS, closes: #192286.
      Div things that is not important anymore.

Stefan Gybas (1):
      Debian release 0.22

Stephane Bortzmeyer (12):
      * Adding the Debian-Java FAQ
      * Bug in policy HTML (wrong links)
      Java FAQ from CVS
      A few fixes (of URLs mostly).
      A typo fixed
      examples/ directory
      Add examples, new item in the FAQ, etc
      Now retrieved from the DDP CVS
      No real change, except the changelog
      Java FAQ from the DDP CVS
      Better way to retrieve the FAQ
      Also clean the FAQ


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/java-common.git

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