February 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Feb 1 07:59:47 GMT 2016
Ending: Mon Feb 29 20:56:35 GMT 2016
Messages: 970
- [aspectj] annotated tag debian/1.8.8-1 created (now c32546b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty] annotated tag debian/1%4.0.34-1 created (now 1c96a36)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-scala-plugin] branch master updated (e415606 -> 6b658e2)
Andreas Tille
- [maven-scala-plugin] 01/01: Disable Zinc server support
Andreas Tille
- [pkg-java] r18965 - in trunk/xml-maven-plugin/debian: . patches
Eugene Zhukov
- [maven-scala-plugin] branch master updated (6b658e2 -> 2c72765)
Andreas Tille
- [maven-scala-plugin] 01/01: We are actually heading for the latest version now
Andreas Tille
- [maven-scala-plugin] branch master updated (2c72765 -> 177d0bf)
Andreas Tille
- [maven-scala-plugin] 01/01: Try to follow Andrew's hint at https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2016/02/msg00003.html ... but this does not help
Andreas Tille
- [pkg-java] r18966 - in trunk/xmlgraphics-commons/debian: . upstream
Mathieu Malaterre
- [maven-scala-plugin] branch master updated (177d0bf -> 251ee59)
Andreas Tille
- [maven-scala-plugin] 01/01: Replacement rules rather need to go to maven.rules
Andreas Tille
- [cglib] branch master updated (0636a20 -> ab194ca)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cglib] 01/01: Specify that libcglib-nodep-java breaks/replaces libcglib-java (<< 3.0) (Closes: #813400)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [cglib] annotated tag debian/3.2.0-2 created (now 868ff8d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jlapack] branch master updated (88e138a -> b1fe36a)
Andreas Tille
- [jlapack] 01/03: Fix typo
Andreas Tille
- [jlapack] 02/03: Make sure we Build-Depend from f2j version in main
Andreas Tille
- [jlapack] 03/03: Upload to experimental
Andreas Tille
- [f2j] tag debian/0.8.1+dfsg-1 created (now 41a04c8)
Andreas Tille
- [pkg-java] r18967 - trunk/xml-maven-plugin/debian
Eugene Zhukov
- [libnetlib-java] branch master updated (c604bf6 -> dcfbe34)
Andreas Tille
- [libnetlib-java] 01/03: Add versioned Depends from Build-Dependencies in main (experimental)
Andreas Tille
- [libnetlib-java] 02/03: Add --no-parent
Andreas Tille
- [libnetlib-java] 03/03: For the moment drop the restriction to jlapack version in main to enable build at all.
Andreas Tille
- [lombok] branch master updated (a72be12 -> c7abdc0)
Andreas Tille
- [lombok] 01/01: Fix cut-n-pasto
Andreas Tille
- [libslf4j-java] branch master updated (a14dcec -> 7fcd6ea)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libslf4j-java] 01/01: Fixed a build failure (Closes: #813087)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libslf4j-java] annotated tag debian/1.7.14-2 created (now 8229c71)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [isorelax] branch master updated (6e44809 -> 57ed7a1)
Samuel Thibault
- [isorelax] 01/01: control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7 (no change).
Samuel Thibault
- [joptsimple] branch master updated (0214b0c -> 7e73aa6)
Samuel Thibault
- [joptsimple] 01/01: control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7 (no change).
Samuel Thibault
- [eclipse-jgit] branch master updated (d83b57b -> 0096319)
Tony Mancill
- [eclipse-jgit] 01/02: update debian/gbp.conf for xz compression used in pristine-tar
Tony Mancill
- [eclipse-jgit] 02/02: interim changelog
Tony Mancill
- [pkg-java] r18968 - in trunk/fop/debian: . patches
Mathieu Malaterre
- [pkg-java-svn2git] branch master updated (0a213fe -> f9314e9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java-svn2git] 01/01: Added an entry for stephenonelson-guest in the authors file
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java-svn2git] branch master updated (f9314e9 -> f4a7b05)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java-svn2git] 01/01: Use https URLs for the Vcs-Browser field
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] branch master created (now f919873)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 01/33: The debian folder offered already 1.2, which is now needed but was not yet uploaded. More work needs to be done to allow the parallel installation of multiple versions of libjibx.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 02/33: Introduction of versioned binary of new upstream.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 03/33: Seed for branch-1.1
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 04/33: Synchronisation with branch 1.1 of jibx
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 05/33: UNRELEASED * Team upload * New upstream release * Improve download of upstream source code. * Add Build-Depends: libjoda-time-java. * Remove Java runtime from Depends. * Add missing Depends: ${misc:Depends}. * Switch to source format 3.0. * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.1.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 06/33: release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 07/33: make orig-tar.sh executable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 08/33: set tagsUrl
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 09/33: Switch to default-jdk
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 10/33: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 11/33: Drop unneded B-D on quilt
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 12/33: Use anonymous URL for Vcs-Svn field
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 13/33: Fix version and distribution
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 14/33: release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 15/33: Provide maven artifacts Remove MIA uploaders Use copyright 1.0 file structure Update debhelper to version 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 16/33: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 17/33: tweak d/copyright and prepare for upload
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 18/33: Modified the detection of the JDK to build with Java 8
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 19/33: Wrap and sort
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 20/33: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 21/33: Moved the package to Git
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 22/33: Use XZ compression for the upstream tarball
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 23/33: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 24/33: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.4'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 25/33: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.5'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 26/33: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.6'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 27/33: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] branch pristine-tar created (now 9aa2747)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 28/33: Removed the suggested java-virtual-machine dependency from libjibx1.2-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 29/33: Removed the recommended dependency on a web browser from the doc package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 30/33: Removed the unused build dependency on antlr
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 31/33: Reworked the packages descriptions
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 32/33: Set the locale when generating the javadoc to make the build reproducible
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 33/33: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 01/03: pristine-tar data for libjibx1.2-java_1.2.4.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 02/03: pristine-tar data for libjibx1.2-java_1.2.5.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 03/03: pristine-tar data for libjibx1.2-java_1.2.6.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] annotated tag debian/1.0.1-1 created (now 56e3e06)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 01/08: Original upload.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 02/08: Adding doc-base. Modified patch to use jdom1 in classpath
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 03/08: Modified dependencies to encompass the fact that JiBX can't be built with free JVM.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 04/08: Set section of -doc to contrib/doc move changes.txt to install for policy reasons
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 05/08: Move changes.txt from .docs to .install for policy reasons.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 06/08: Discovered dh_installchangelogs... ;-)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 07/08: Set property mergeWithUpstream for svn-buildpackage.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] annotated tag debian/1.0.1-2 created (now 3e72f58)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 08/08: added a dependency against ibm's jdk so I can build it on ppc
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] 01/01: libjibx-java (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18969 - trunk/libjibx-java/branch-1.2
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjibx1.2-java] annotated tag debian/1.2.6-1 created (now 0a60969)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] branch master updated (d824372 -> b76f257)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 01/08: Merge tag 'upstream/2.4.5'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 02/08: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 03/08: Updated the poms
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] branch pristine-tar updated (1dded3c -> 7d9ad4b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 04/08: debian/rules: Replaced the hardcoded version with a variable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 05/08: Updated the path to the distribution files
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 06/08: Build with gradle-debian-helper
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 07/08: Removed the build dependency on checkstyle
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 08/08: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 01/01: pristine-tar data for groovy2_2.4.5.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] annotated tag debian/2.4.5-1 created (now dc70e2c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] annotated tag upstream/2.4.5 created (now 8aa8cc4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] branch master created (now 84ba8f3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 01/17: Initial import of the packaging
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 02/17: Ready for upload
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 03/17: New upstream release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 04/17: * Team upload. * Install jar file in /usr/share/java. (Closes: #687206). * Update copyright file. * Small changes in d/control: - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3. No changes were required. - Update Homepage field and remove spurious whitespace.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 05/17: * New upstream release * Fix the debian/watch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 06/17: * Upload to unstable * Standards-Version updated to 3.9.4
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 07/17: * New upstream release * Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 08/17: New upstream release (1.35)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] branch pristine-tar created (now 6b3c49c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 09/17: Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 10/17: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 11/17: Improved the package description
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 12/17: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 13/17: Moved the package to Git
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 14/17: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 15/17: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 16/17: Merge tag 'upstream/1.48'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 17/17: New upstream release (1.48)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jcommander_1.48.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] tag debian/1.32-1 created (now b09e5a3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] tag debian/1.30-1 created (now 2bffbec)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] tag debian/1.35-1 created (now 53a94e1)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] tag debian/1.23-1 created (now 694127e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] tag debian/1.26-1 created (now 2ca4dba)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] annotated tag upstream/1.48 created (now 0a4b12c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] tag debian/1.30-1_exp1 created (now 8e90d2c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] branch master updated (20c841a -> 6a84087)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] 01/01: Depend on liblucene4.10-java instead of liblucene4-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jcommander] annotated tag debian/1.48-1 created (now 549b648)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] branch master updated (b76f257 -> 04a89be)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 01/01: Merged the changes of the unreleased 2.4.3+dfsg-4 with 2.4.5-1
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18970 - trunk/jcommander
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] branch master updated (6f023ee -> 6f4bef6)
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] 01/01: * Bump m68k to 1.8.
Matthias Klose
- [sablecc] branch master created (now 6b0699c)
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 01/08: Imported Upstream version 3.2
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 02/08: Imported Debian patch 3.2-1
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 03/08: Imported Upstream version 3.7
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 04/08: Merge tag 'upstream/3.7'
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 05/08: New upstream release.
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 06/08: debian/changelog: include changelog from sablecc pre-removal. (Closes: #679933)
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 07/08: debian/compat: bump to compat level 9.
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] annotated tag debian/3.2-1 created (now 145e1ed)
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] annotated tag upstream/3.2 created (now 37eb513)
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] annotated tag upstream/3.7 created (now c630225)
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 08/08: * debian/control: - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7. - Build-Depends on debhelper 9 for the compat level change. - Vcs-(Git|Browser) set to pkg-java git. - Move maintenance to the pkg-java team.
Mathieu Trudel
- [jetty9] annotated tag debian/9.2.14-1 created (now 3e91e96)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [assertj-core] annotated tag debian/2.3.0-1 created (now f6d89c5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [assertj-core] annotated tag upstream/2.3.0 created (now 51704ac)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18971 - in trunk/maven-site-plugin/debian: . patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18972 - trunk/maven-site-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18973 - trunk/maven-site-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18974 - trunk/maven-site-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18975 - trunk/maven-site-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libfreemarker-java] branch master updated (2ab554b -> ff5d2ce)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libfreemarker-java] 01/03: Build depend on libjetty9-java instead of libjetty8-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libfreemarker-java] 02/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libfreemarker-java] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libfreemarker-java] annotated tag debian/2.3.23-3 created (now e8f1edf)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18976 - in tags/maven-site-plugin: . 2.1-4/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] branch master updated (cfee0e2 -> 0206886)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 01/07: Wrap and sort
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 02/07: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7 (no changes)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 03/07: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 04/07: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 05/07: Ignore the dependency on maven-site-plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 06/07: Ignore the dependency on cobertura-maven-plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] 07/07: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] tag upstream/1.0.1 created (now e1ae3c8)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-enforcer] annotated tag debian/1.0.1-1 created (now 7257e24)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] annotated tag debian/6.1.1+dfsg-3 created (now 5405f86)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sablecc] branch master updated (6b0699c -> 729dd6c)
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 01/02: Fix Vcs field to use secure transports.
Mathieu Trudel
- [sablecc] 02/02: Add myself to uploaders.
Mathieu Trudel
- [checkstyle] branch master updated (b04d3e4 -> e82332f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] 01/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] branch pristine-tar updated (5c82399 -> 69bfcb4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/6.15'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] 03/03: New upstream release (6.15)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] 01/01: pristine-tar data for checkstyle_6.15.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] branch master updated (64e6912 -> ff0be02)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] branch pristine-tar updated (62593e6 -> d5b9fe0)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.33.Fork12'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 02/02: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 01/01: pristine-tar data for netty-tcnative_1.1.33.Fork12.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.54 created (now d4a155e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/0.26 created (now 8586792)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/0.27 created (now 7fadf54)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/0.25 created (now 17ee967)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_27 deleted (was 7fadf54)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_26 deleted (was 8586792)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_25 deleted (was 17ee967)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_22 at 1689 deleted (was b8489fa)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_22 deleted (was 757560e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.22 created (now b657fec)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_23 at 1689 deleted (was dead082)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_23 deleted (was 0ccf5e5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.23 created (now f8f0548)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_24 deleted (was fb32742)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/RELEASE_0_24 at 1689 deleted (was 987d7f0)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.24 created (now baa2fc4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.12 created (now 6e231f3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.16 created (now 4c72dc9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.18 created (now 26149c7)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.11 created (now e664ce2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.13 created (now a527715)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.17 created (now 3619323)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.14 created (now 9d86b8f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.15 created (now 704f660)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.10 created (now c1965d9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.19 created (now 7e706ad)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.20 created (now 7ae6014)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.21 created (now fd4f467)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.32 created (now f95174a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.7 created (now 307f3a3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.9 created (now 847b7cd)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] tag debian/0.8 created (now fd7af8b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] branch master updated (6f4bef6 -> 0021c84)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] 01/04: Fixed the name of the plugin dependency (icedtea-<n>-plugin instead of icedtea-<n>-web)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] 02/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] 03/04: Properly handle the symlink to dir conversion in gcj-native-helper (Closes: #813223)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] annotated tag upstream/1.1.33.Fork12 created (now 5725013)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] annotated tag debian/1.1.33.Fork12-1 created (now 5bc97e4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] annotated tag upstream/6.15 created (now 10427f0)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [checkstyle] annotated tag debian/6.15-1 created (now 0438d05)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/0.55 created (now a1f2f3c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jalview] branch master updated (066da38 -> 446e236)
Steffen Möller
- [jalview] 01/01: Introduced EDAM annotation for Jalview
Steffen Möller
- [insubstantial] annotated tag debian/7.3+dfsg2-1 created (now f75d4d6)
Markus Koschany
- [libnetlib-java] branch master updated (dcfbe34 -> df8c0be)
Andreas Tille
- [libnetlib-java] 01/01: libjlapack-java is now available in experimental
Andreas Tille
- [pkg-java] r18977 - trunk/batik/debian
Jakub Adam
- [pkg-java] r18978 - trunk/batik/debian
Jakub Adam
- [args4j] branch master updated (efd1dc4 -> 541c26d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] 02/04: Enabled the OSGi metadata
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.33'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] 04/04: New upstream release (2.33)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] branch pristine-tar updated (c35d59e -> 8644f8b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] 01/01: pristine-tar data for args4j_2.33.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [lombok] branch master updated (c7abdc0 -> 4c5b2b9)
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [lombok] 01/01: Ignore quilt dir
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [insubstantial] branch master updated (b91d3d4 -> 2fc44c8)
Felix Natter
- [insubstantial] 01/01: remove copyrighted color definitions, target unstable
Felix Natter
- [args4j] annotated tag debian/2.33-1 created (now cbaca6f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [args4j] annotated tag upstream/2.33 created (now dff8bd6)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [proguard] branch master updated (5eee855 -> 8e029af)
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 01/12: wrap-and-sort -sa
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 02/12: Switch from cdbs to dh sequencer.
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 03/12: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 04/12: Add dh_auto_clean override
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 05/12: Use ant command instead of dh_auto_build
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 06/12: Build with maven-repo-helper
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 07/12: Add proguard.poms
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 08/12: Install proguard.jar with mh_install.
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 09/12: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 10/12: Update debian/copyright to copyright format 1.0.
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 11/12: Install proguard-base artifact.
Markus Koschany
- [proguard] 12/12: Release 5.2.1-3
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (91cbf76 -> 72e7805)
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [ivyplusplus] 01/01: Remove ide specific tasks that are not in jar
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (72e7805 -> b928ae8)
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [ivyplusplus] 01/01: Revert "remove excluded classes from ant plugin config"
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (b928ae8 -> 09851e0)
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] 01/02: Add watch file
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] 02/02: Mention changes of Hans-Christoph Steiner in changelog
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (09851e0 -> 3367b88)
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [ivyplusplus] 01/01: Linked file to ant/lib dir
Ioan Eugen Stan
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (3367b88 -> 924e646)
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] 01/03: Restore status of patches from 91cbf76fb23163f4a6c97f9db111c02a89792101
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] 02/03: Mention "Linked file to ant/lib dir" in changes
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Andreas Tille
- [ivyplusplus] tag debian/1.14-2 created (now 924e646)
Andreas Tille
- [lombok] branch master updated (4c5b2b9 -> 28d5245)
Andreas Tille
- [lombok] 01/01: Do not tweak upstream files
Andreas Tille
- [proguard] annotated tag debian/5.2.1-3 created (now c280627)
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] branch pristine-tar created (now 9f1b600)
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] branch master created (now 80687d7)
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] annotated tag upstream/12.0 created (now 2614a32)
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 12.0-1
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] 01/01: pristine-tar data for intellij-annotations_12.0.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [jalview] annotated tag upstream/2.9+dfsg created (now a9adb7e)
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 2.9+dfsg
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] branch master updated (446e236 -> b42f7b5)
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] 01/03: replace new-upstream script with Files-Excluded
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] 02/03: Imported Upstream version 2.9+dfsg
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] branch pristine-tar created (now 8f7feac)
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] 03/03: v2.9, refresh patches, add testng
Michael Crusoe
- [jalview] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jalview_2.9+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Michael Crusoe
- [ivyplusplus] tag debian/1.14-2 deleted (was 924e646)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [pkg-java] r18979 - trunk/fop/debian
Mathieu Malaterre
- [pkg-java] r18980 - trunk/fop/debian
Mathieu Malaterre
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (924e646 -> 39152bf)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] annotated tag debian/1.14-2 created (now d3e9855)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.14-2
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (39152bf -> a515851)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 01/19: Build with --parallel
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 02/19: d/rules: Use $(CURDIR) instead of pwd
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 03/19: Replace TABS with spaces
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 04/19: Add cmdreader to Build-Depends.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 05/19: d/rules: Use $(CURDIR)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 06/19: Add rule pattern for cmdreader.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 07/19: Build-Depend on libjarjar-java.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 08/19: Embed cmdreader classes into ivyplusplus and fix runtime error due to missing
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 09/19: Do not exclude createProject classes.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 10/19: Add liblombok-java to Build-Depends.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 11/19: Do not exclude mavencentral classes.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 12/19: Add bouncycastle libs to Build-Depends.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 13/19: Set source target to 1.6.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 14/19: Revert "Do not exclude mavencentral classes."
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 15/19: Revert "Add bouncycastle libs to Build-Depends."
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 16/19: build.xml: Add zipfileset src for cmdreader and include the missing
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 17/19: Remove ${java:Depends} substvar because we do not use javahelper.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 18/19: wrap-and-sort
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 19/19: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] annotated tag debian/1.14-3 created (now 4ced4d7)
Markus Koschany
- [jpathwatch] branch master updated (a8c4b49 -> 5c05b96)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jpathwatch] 01/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7 (no changes)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jpathwatch] 02/03: Fixed the build failure with OpenJDK 8 (Closes: #814146)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jpathwatch] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-osgi] branch master created (now 0c5490c)
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] branch pristine-tar created (now d77b6a6)
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] 01/03: Import debian folder, originally created by mh_make and customised outside of git
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] 02/03: Fix tests
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] 03/03: Release 0.2.0-1
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] 01/01: pristine-tar data for maven-osgi_0.2.0.orig.tar.gz
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] annotated tag debian/0.2.0-1 created (now 4718034)
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] annotated tag upstream/0.2.0 created (now 2d6f7cb)
Christopher Hoskin
- [metainf-services] branch master updated (b88d8b2 -> 6a385db)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] branch pristine-tar updated (5e7a188 -> de4da6d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 01/04: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 02/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.7'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 04/04: New upstream release (1.7)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [metainf-services] 01/01: pristine-tar data for metainf-services_1.7.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jpathwatch] annotated tag debian/0.95-4 created (now 06f29c7)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] branch master updated (0cbaacb -> 0ab1f94)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] branch pristine-tar updated (4bd707b -> e73f541)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.19'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] 03/04: Removed 01-skip-failing-tests.patch (fixed upstream)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [practicalxml-java] 01/01: pristine-tar data for practicalxml-java_1.1.19.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [omegat] branch master updated (d4003c9 -> 2edd9b5)
Tony Mancill
- [omegat] 01/05: bump standards version
Tony Mancill
- [omegat] 02/05: use https URL for Vcs-Browser
Tony Mancill
- [omegat] 03/05: remove .menu file
Tony Mancill
- [omegat] 04/05: update changelog
Tony Mancill
- [omegat] 05/05: correct typo in d/copyright
Tony Mancill
- [omegat] annotated tag debian/ created (now 13f9b8b)
Tony Mancill
- [groovy2] annotated tag debian/2.4.3+dfsg-3_bpo8+1 created (now 0f659d3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [groovy2] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Emmanuel Bourg
- [bnd] branch master updated (2abc6cf -> 61eb1e8)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [bnd] 01/03: Enabled the Java 8 compatibility patch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [bnd] 02/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [bnd] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [guice] branch master updated (385c158 -> ae739da)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [guice] 01/03: Fixed the build failure with Java 8
Emmanuel Bourg
- [guice] 02/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [guice] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [bnd] annotated tag debian/2.4.1-3 created (now 4bb6d45)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18981 - trunk/xmlbeans/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18982 - trunk/xmlbeans/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18983 - trunk/xmlbeans/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18984 - trunk/xmlbeans/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [guice] annotated tag debian/4.0-2 created (now c36bd15)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-7-jre-dcevm] branch master updated (a9b88b6 -> 4713e10)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-7-jre-dcevm] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-7-jre-dcevm] 02/04: Updated the DCEVM patches for Java 7u79 (build 8)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-7-jre-dcevm] 03/04: Replaced the hardcoded package name in debian/rules and debian/orig-tar.sh
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-7-jre-dcevm] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-7-jre-dcevm] annotated tag debian/7u79-3 created (now 1164b39)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] branch master updated (4713e10 -> 553dfc7)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] branch pristine-tar updated (e4b2ea2 -> 2ae2d92)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/8u66'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] 02/02: Switch to OpenJDK 8
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openjdk-8-jre-dcevm_8u66.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] tag upstream/8u66 created (now f4f5423)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18985 - in tags/xmlbeans: . 2.6.0-3/debian 2.6.0-3/debian/patches 2.6.0-3/debian/poms
Emmanuel Bourg
- [findbugs] branch master updated (705892d -> 7fd09d3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [findbugs] 01/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [findbugs] 02/03: Fixed a build failure with Java 8
Emmanuel Bourg
- [findbugs] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] branch master updated (0021c84 -> 48ea8ec)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] 01/01: Build default-java-plugin for the architectures supporting icedtea-web only
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] branch master updated (d18234a -> acd1216)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/8.0.32'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 02/05: New upstream release (8.0.32)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 03/05: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 04/05: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] branch pristine-tar updated (8af4104 -> a24fe0b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] 01/01: pristine-tar data for tomcat8_8.0.32.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] annotated tag debian/0.56 created (now 294e221)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [findbugs] annotated tag debian/3.0.1-2 created (now 9c10ef3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] branch master updated (f8af61a -> 2ca676c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/8.1.19'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 02/04: New build dependency on libmaven-shade-plugin-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 03/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] branch pristine-tar updated (654434a -> dea2a55)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 01/01: pristine-tar data for jetty8_8.1.19.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] annotated tag upstream/8.0.32 created (now 0162ff4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat8] annotated tag debian/8.0.32-1 created (now 605ae1f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] annotated tag debian/8.1.19-1 created (now d462494)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] annotated tag upstream/8.1.19 created (now c40a82f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] branch master updated (ad22e36 -> c82dcee)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] 01/04: Build depend on libplexus-containers1.5-java instead of libplexus-component-metadata-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] 02/04: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] 03/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openjdk-8-jre-dcevm] annotated tag debian/8u66-1 created (now e75639a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [wagon2] annotated tag debian/2.10-3 created (now 061d7b2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] branch master updated (9902736 -> 2cc96d9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] 01/06: Fixed the build failure with Java 8
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] 02/06: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] 03/06: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] 04/06: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] 05/06: Depend on libcglib-java (>= 3.2) instead of libcglib3-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] 06/06: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [sisu-guice] annotated tag debian/3.2.6-2 created (now acbb68c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18986 - trunk/fop/debian
Sylvestre Ledru
- [pkg-java] r18987 - trunk/plexus-containers/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18988 - trunk/plexus-containers/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18989 - trunk/plexus-containers/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18990 - trunk/plexus-containers/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18991 - trunk/plexus-containers/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [aether] branch master updated (81205ed -> 7a1e246)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [aether] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [aether] 02/04: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [aether] 03/04: Updated debian/watch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [aether] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18992 - in tags/plexus-containers: . 1.0~beta3.0.7-8/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [aether] annotated tag debian/1.13.1-3 created (now 99e374f)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] branch master updated (2253b8c -> 13db79b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-indexer] 01/01: Changed the Maven rules to always use the latest version of plexus-component-metadata
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] branch master updated (2df4569 -> 6e4f5a6)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 01/14: Updated the plugin descriptor
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 02/14: Fixed the short name for the MIT license in debian/copyright
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 03/14: Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 04/14: No longer build plexus-component-javadoc (never used)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 05/14: Build with maven-debian-helper
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 06/14: Moved plexus-component-annotations to its own package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 07/14: Updated the URL of the project homepage
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 08/14: Moved plexus-component-metadata to its own package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 09/14: Removed the unused -doc package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 10/14: Moved plexus-container-default to its own package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 11/14: Sort the components in the components.xml files generated by the metadata plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 12/14: Depend on libqdox2-java instead of libqdox-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 13/14: Keep the version of plexus-component-metadata at 1.5.5 to preserve the compatibility with the reverse dependencies
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 14/14: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18993 - trunk/jflex/debian
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] annotated tag upstream/0.0.2 created (now 6127ed5)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] branch pristine-tar created (now ec04142)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] branch master created (now c8c67e9)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0.0.2-1
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] 01/01: pristine-tar data for gradle-jflex-plugin_0.0.2.orig.tar.gz
Markus Koschany
- [plexus-containers1.5] branch master updated (6e4f5a6 -> 82ea314)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] 01/01: Ignore the empty-binary-package warning
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-containers1.5] annotated tag debian/1.6-2 created (now 198cc6d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libglazedlists-java] branch master updated (824c517 -> 380f6b5)
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 01/07: use DH 9
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 02/07: bump standards version to 3.9.7
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 03/07: update debian/watch file for github; update repack.stub
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 04/07: add build-dep on maven-repo-helper and pom file
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 05/07: correct typo in d/copyright
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 06/07: update changelog
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] 07/07: add mangling to d/watch
Tony Mancill
- [libglazedlists-java] annotated tag debian/1.9.0+dfsg-2 created (now 3131199)
Tony Mancill
- [sisu-mojos] branch master created (now 08b3040)
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] branch pristine-tar created (now 9569c4d)
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] 01/04: Import debian folder created by mh_make
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] 02/04: Update README.source and add upstream Chengelog
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] 03/04: Various tweaks to control, copyright and rules
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] 04/04: Release 0.3.2-1
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] 01/01: pristine-tar data for sisu-mojos_0.3.2.orig.tar.gz
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] annotated tag upstream/0.3.2 created (now 4fcc2ff)
Christopher Hoskin
- [sisu-mojos] annotated tag debian/0.3.2-1 created (now 37edd34)
Christopher Hoskin
- [pkg-java] r18994 - in trunk/fop/debian: . patches
Mathieu Malaterre
- [pkg-java] r18995 - in trunk/saxonhe/debian: . patches
Eugene Zhukov
- [intellij-annotations] branch master updated (80687d7 -> 817682d)
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] 01/04: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] 02/04: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] 03/04: Fix get-orig-pom target.
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] 04/04: Add Sascha Weinreuter to copyright holders.
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] branch master updated (c8c67e9 -> e38900a)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] 01/01: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] branch master created (now 80e6a83)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] branch pristine-tar created (now f3dd4d0)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] annotated tag debian/0.20-1 created (now d5a5fea)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] annotated tag upstream/0.20 created (now e415a8a)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0.20-1
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lombok-patcher_0.20.orig.tar.gz
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] branch pristine-tar updated (d523648 -> 0092c66)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] branch master updated (28d5245 -> 6287995)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 01/02: Imported Debian patch 1.16.6+ds-1
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 02/02: Fix typo
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lombok_1.16.6+ds.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] annotated tag upstream/1.16.6+ds created (now 4e4d49c)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (a515851 -> cfecc76)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 01/05: Drop all patches.
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 02/05: Start new changelog entry
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] annotated tag debian/1.14-4 created (now 84550fb)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 03/05: exclude unsupported classes from antlib.xml
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 04/05: Do not exclude CachedUnjar.java
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 05/05: Update changelog and patch header.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] branch master updated (6287995 -> a969a6d)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 01/02: Update build.patch and include tools.jar explicitly.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 02/02: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] annotated tag debian/1.16.6+ds-1 created (now d1d34c5)
Markus Koschany
- [jalview] branch master updated (b42f7b5 -> bf290fc)
Andreas Tille
- [jalview] 01/01: Add missing Build-Depends: libjson-simple-java
Andreas Tille
- [libjxp-java] branch master updated (4b28918 -> 38ea01b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjxp-java] 01/05: Fixed the test error on headless systems
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjxp-java] 02/05: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjxp-java] 03/05: Transition to the Servlet API 3.1
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjxp-java] 04/05: Removed the javadoc from the binary package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjxp-java] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libjxp-java] annotated tag debian/1.6.1-6 created (now 68b40b6)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [libcommons-compress-java] branch master updated (66c3b34 -> 04e009e)
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] 01/05: verbose test results
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] 02/05: add upstream patch for FTBFS w/Java8
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] 03/05: adapt changelog portion of upstream patch for #814583
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] 04/05: bump std-version to 3.9.7
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] 05/05: update changelog
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] annotated tag debian/1.10-2 created (now 7671600)
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] branch pristine-tar created (now 7b33f6c)
Tony Mancill
- [libcommons-compress-java] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libcommons-compress-java_1.10.orig.tar.gz
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] branch master updated (7e73aa6 -> 39656a0)
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 01/01: remove extraneous whitespace
Tony Mancill
- [modello] branch master updated (1f0da27 -> f8df4b1)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [modello] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [modello] 02/04: Build with maven-debian-helper
Emmanuel Bourg
- [modello] 03/04: Depend on libplexus-container-default1.5-java instead of libplexus-containers-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [modello] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [ivyplusplus] branch master updated (cfecc76 -> d29ed67)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] annotated tag debian/1.14-5 created (now 23394d6)
Markus Koschany
- [ivyplusplus] 01/01: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] branch master created (now 0f456d2)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 01/08: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.2'
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 02/08: Initial packaging (WIP)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 03/08: Updated copyright.
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 04/08: Use system aapt.
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 05/08: Imported Debian patch 2.0.2+dfsg-1
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] branch pristine-tar created (now 4bb4248)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 06/08: Add libxpp3-java to Depends.
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 07/08: Drop mindprod-non-military.patch
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 08/08: Add LEDataInputStream.java.patch
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 01/02: pristine-tar data for apktool_2.0.2.orig.tar.gz
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] annotated tag upstream/2.0.2 created (now 423792f)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] annotated tag upstream/2.0.2+dfsg created (now c5c3ba5)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 02/02: pristine-tar data for apktool_2.0.2+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] branch master updated (a969a6d -> 7bc3d73)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] annotated tag debian/1.16.6+ds-2 created (now 330b645)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 01/02: Remove maven-repo-helper.jar from runtime path.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 02/02: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] branch master updated (0f456d2 -> dd3e1e8)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 01/07: test
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 02/07: Add libcommons-lang3-java to Depends.
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 03/07: Add libxmlunit-java to B-D.
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 04/07: Revert "test"
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 05/07: Drop LEDataInputStream.java.patch
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 06/07: Add LittleEndianDataInputStream.patch
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 07/07: Update LittleEndianDataInputStream.patch
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] branch master updated (dd3e1e8 -> 2d67a40)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 01/01: Use ExtDataInput
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] branch master updated (0f8e11b -> 145f0a4)
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 01/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4+r1.3.1'
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 02/07: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 03/07: Update README.source
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 04/07: Vcs-Git: Switch to https.
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 05/07: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 06/07: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] annotated tag upstream/1.4+r1.3.1 created (now 922c774)
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] annotated tag debian/1.4+r1.3.1-1 created (now 88cf1f7)
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] annotated tag debian/1.4-1 created (now 605c6d8)
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] branch pristine-tar updated (237c41d -> 254a3af)
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 07/07: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [libhtml5parser-java] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libhtml5parser-java_1.4+r1.3.1.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [pkg-java] r18996 - trunk/xml-maven-plugin/debian
Eugene Zhukov
- [maven-repo-helper] annotated tag debian/1.8.12_bpo8+1 created (now 6878f07)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-repo-helper] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Emmanuel Bourg
- [modello] annotated tag debian/1.8.3-2 created (now 16c4c2e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [spatial4j-0.4] branch spatial-0.3 created (now 48b10c2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [spatial4j-0.4] 01/02: Imported Debian patch 0.3-1.1
Emmanuel Bourg
- [spatial4j-0.4] 02/02: Give package to Debian Java Maintainers, add Vcs-* fields, bump Standards-Version
Emmanuel Bourg
- [spatial4j-0.4] annotated tag debian/0.3-1 created (now f8f4ce9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [spatial4j-0.4] annotated tag upstream/0.3 created (now b59e6ca)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [spatial4j-0.4] annotated tag debian/0.3-1.1 created (now c481a0d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [joptsimple] branch master updated (39656a0 -> 6bf4654)
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 01/01: update get-orig-source target
Tony Mancill
- [spatial4j-0.4] annotated tag debian/0.4.1-4 created (now f2555bd)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven] branch master updated (93014bd -> cc3fe64)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven] 01/04: Removed add_dependencies.diff (no longer required)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven] 02/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven] 03/04: Build depend on libplexus-component-metadata-java (>= 1.6) instead of libplexus-containers1.5-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven] 04/04: libmaven3-core-java now depends on libplexus-component-annotations-java instead of libplexus-containers1.5-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [lombok] branch master updated (7bc3d73 -> 168769e)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 01/09: Fix typos
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 02/09: Add addtionalparam="-notimestamp" back to the build.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] annotated tag debian/1_1.16.6-1 created (now dc4e4b1)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 03/09: Delete echo lombok.version line.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 04/09: Set lombok.version to 1.16.6
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 05/09: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 06/09: Simplify override for dh_auto_build
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 07/09: Set lombok.version to 1.16.2
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 08/09: Use the first upstream tarball again and not the +ds one.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 09/09: Release
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] branch master updated (80e6a83 -> 339dce3)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 01/08: Update build.patch and readd build/packInjector
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 02/08: debian/rules: Remove include
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 03/08: d/rules: Remove -Dbasedir option. Not needed.
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 04/08: Install lombok.injector.jar
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 05/08: Tighten build-dependency on liblombok-java to >= 1:1.16.6
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 06/08: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 07/08: Create build/packInjector directory in debian/rules
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] annotated tag debian/0.20-2 created (now 06530e9)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 08/08: Fix installation of injector.jar
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] branch master updated (2d67a40 -> de8fac1)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] annotated tag debian/2.0.2+dfsg-1 created (now 0fa01a5)
Markus Koschany
- [apktool] 01/01: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [pkg-java] r18997 - in trunk/xslthl/debian: . patches
Eugene Zhukov
- [pkg-java] r18998 - trunk/xslthl/debian
Eugene Zhukov
- [android-platform-tools-base] branch pristine-tar created (now 9adf604)
Markus Koschany
- [android-platform-tools-base] annotated tag upstream/1.5.0 created (now dc7158f)
Markus Koschany
- [android-platform-tools-base] branch master created (now 6b8dbcb)
Markus Koschany
- [android-platform-tools-base] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.5.0-1
Markus Koschany
- [android-platform-tools-base] 01/01: pristine-tar data for android-platform-tools-base_1.5.0.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [joptsimple] annotated tag debian/4.5-3 created (now 2ee8624)
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 01/05: add missing build-dep on ant
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 02/05: bump std-ver to 3.9.7
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 03/05: remove extraneous whitespace
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 04/05: update get-orig-source target
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 05/05: update changelog
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] branch master4.5 created (now 76e5675)
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] branch master updated (6bf4654 -> dd608cc)
Tony Mancill
- [joptsimple] 01/01: merge master4.5 branch into master
Tony Mancill
- [robocode] branch master updated (01e7140 -> 90757c0)
Markus Koschany
- [robocode] 01/05: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [robocode] 02/05: Vcs-Git: Use https.
Markus Koschany
- [robocode] annotated tag debian/ created (now b7e210e)
Markus Koschany
- [robocode] 03/05: Update showJavaDocumentation.patch to use always default-jdk-doc.
Markus Koschany
- [robocode] 04/05: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [robocode] 05/05: Fix showJavaDocumentation.patch
Markus Koschany
- [android-platform-tools-base] annotated tag debian/1.5.0-1 created (now 996c9df)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat7] branch master updated (3cd5015 -> 1c5d2a2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/11: Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.65'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 02/11: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 03/11: Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.67'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 04/11: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 05/11: Use LC_ALL instead of LANG to format the date and make the documentation reproducible on the builders
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 06/11: New build dependencies on easymock, cglib and objenesis
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 07/11: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 08/11: Use secure Vcs-* URLs
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 09/11: Merge tag 'upstream/7.0.68'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 10/11: Added ASM to the test classpath (required by Easymock)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 11/11: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] branch pristine-tar updated (b546115 -> 7cae194)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 01/03: pristine-tar data for tomcat7_7.0.65.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 02/03: pristine-tar data for tomcat7_7.0.67.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] 03/03: pristine-tar data for tomcat7_7.0.68.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag upstream/7.0.65 created (now 6be42ac)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag debian/7.0.68-1 created (now 15888b5)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag upstream/7.0.67 created (now 1743454)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag upstream/7.0.68 created (now 3139016)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] branch master updated (9c3ed9c -> 23f08c2)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 01/07: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 02/07: The generated control file now specifies Standards-Version: 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 03/07: Shorter Vcs-Browser URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 04/07: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL in the generated control file
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 05/07: Updated debian/copyright
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 06/07: Move to version 2.0.5
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 07/07: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] annotated tag debian/2.0.5 created (now 46bb48d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-plugin-tools] branch master updated (f3a2f93 -> a92852a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-plugin-tools] 01/04: Removed 06-plexus-component-metadata-version.patch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-plugin-tools] 02/04: Depend on libbsh-java instead of bsh
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-plugin-tools] 03/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-plugin-tools] 04/04: Use secure Vcs-* URLs
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] branch master updated (6a84087 -> ffa9a12)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] 01/03: Depend on libbsh-java instead of bsh
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] 02/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jasperreports] 03/03: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] branch master created (now 3b91ed8)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 01/14: Creating trunk directory
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 02/14: [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 03/14: * New version
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 04/14: make sure it works with the old plexus-container-default
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 05/14: Switch to the new plexus-container package.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 06/14: release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 07/14: * Add myself to Uploaders. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2: no changes needed. * Fix FTBFS: remove version param (deprecated in debian-ant-helper) and use POM version (Closes: #628345). * Use mh_clean in clean rule. * Bump to debhelper 7 compat level. * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 08/14: Moved the package to Git
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 09/14: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 10/14: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 11/14: Build with maven-debian-helper
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 12/14: Depend on libbsh-java instead of bsh
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 13/14: Converted debian/copyright to the Copyright Format 1.0
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-bsh-factory] 14/14: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r18999 - in trunk/xmlbeans/debian: . patches
Eugene Zhukov
- [pkg-java] r19000 - trunk/xmlbeans/debian
Eugene Zhukov
- [plm] branch master updated (35c37ee -> 4a36115)
Martin Quinson
- [plm] 01/01: Build-dep on default-jdk instead of specifying the version manually
Martin Quinson
- [plm] annotated tag debian/2.6+repack-2 created (now be474e3)
Martin Quinson
- [eclipse-jgit] branch master updated (0096319 -> 273650e)
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 01/06: Vcs fields: Use canonical URI with https.
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 02/06: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] annotated tag upstream/4.2.0 created (now c345a19)
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 03/06: MANIFEST: Import unversioned slf4j package.
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 04/06: Add maven.properties and skip the tests.
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 05/06: Do not import slf4j package.
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 06/06: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 4.2.0
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] branch master updated (273650e -> d414ae1)
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] annotated tag debian/3.7.1-2 created (now a6fa00c)
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 01/05: Revert "Do not import slf4j package."
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 02/05: Import org.slf4j version 1.7.14
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 03/05: Revert "Revert "Do not import slf4j package.""
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 04/05: Close 812643
Markus Koschany
- [eclipse-jgit] 05/05: Readd Import-Package: slf4j
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] branch master updated (7fcd6ea -> 9e21955)
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] 01/05: Add slf4j-api-MANIFEST.patch
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] annotated tag debian/1.7.14-3 created (now d1957cd)
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] 02/05: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] 03/05: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] 04/05: Vcs fields: Use https.
Markus Koschany
- [libslf4j-java] 05/05: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] branch master updated (24a3ca5 -> dda4ddc)
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 01/33: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 02/33: Override Lintian error source-is-missing because those js files are
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 03/33: Convert netbean's icns icon to 128x128 png icon with icns2png and use
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 04/33: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 05/33: Permit JDK8 builds
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 06/33: Drop netbeans-svnclient.patch
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 07/33: Drop netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 08/33: Symlink svnClientAdapter.jar into libs.svnClientAdapter.javahl/external
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 09/33: Remove slf4j-dummy.jar
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 10/33: Symlink svnClientAdapter.jar to libs.svnClientAdapter.svnkit/external
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 11/33: Add netbeans-svnclientadapter.patch
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 12/33: Fix installation of netbeans.png
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 13/33: Remove PermSize=32m option from launcher script because it is obsolete.
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 14/33: Do not symlink jgit modules to system jar files for the time being until
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 22/33: Drop netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 23/33: Remove slf4j-dummy.jar
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 24/33: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 15/33: Revert "Remove slf4j-dummy.jar"
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 16/33: Revert "Drop netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch"
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 17/33: Update netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch to use the latest version of slf4j
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 18/33: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 19/33: Revert "Do not symlink jgit modules to system jar files for the time being until"
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 20/33: Release.
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 21/33: Update copyright years.
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 25/33: Use source/lintian-overrides to override source-is-missing
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 26/33: Fix changelog spelling error.
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 27/33: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 28/33: Really remove netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 29/33: Update patch header
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 30/33: Revert "Really remove netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch"
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 31/33: Revert "Remove slf4j-dummy.jar"
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 32/33: Revert "Drop netbeans-slf4j.dummy.patch"
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 33/33: Update changelog timestamp
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] annotated tag debian/8.1+dfsg2-1 created (now e5109e8)
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] branch master updated (dda4ddc -> 60ffac0)
Markus Koschany
- [netbeans] 01/01: Correct changelog entry
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] branch master updated (b668cad -> 39c1daa)
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 01/07: Start new changelog entry
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/3.6.13+dfsg'
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 03/07: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 04/07: Vcs-Git: Use https.
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 05/07: Update changelog and jlibs.
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 06/07: Update copyright years.
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 07/07: Remove e-mail address and name from README files.
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] branch pristine-tar updated (4a6710c -> c280c00)
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libjide-oss-java_3.6.13+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] annotated tag debian/3.6.13+dfsg-1 created (now 2178e80)
Markus Koschany
- [libjide-oss-java] annotated tag upstream/3.6.13+dfsg created (now bb0da20)
Markus Koschany
- [intellij-annotations] annotated tag debian/12.0-1 created (now 4560c08)
Markus Koschany
- [gradle-jflex-plugin] annotated tag debian/0.0.2-1 created (now d39a096)
Markus Koschany
- [netty-tcnative] branch master updated (ff0be02 -> 4843c1d)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 01/06: Fixed the build failure when building the architecture dependent package only (Closes: #815649)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.33.Fork14'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 03/06: Ignore the new *-static modules and build only openssl-dynamic
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 04/06: Updated the paths in debian/rules according to the code reorganization
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] branch pristine-tar updated (d5b9fe0 -> 80b3329)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 05/06: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 06/06: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] 01/01: pristine-tar data for netty-tcnative_1.1.33.Fork14.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] annotated tag upstream/1.1.33.Fork14 created (now 357faa9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [netty-tcnative] annotated tag debian/1.1.33.Fork14-1 created (now 469fb37)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] annotated tag debian/8.1.19-1_bpo8+1 created (now 4708307)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jetty8] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jakarta-taglibs-standard] annotated tag debian/1.1.2-4_bpo8+1 created (now a313524)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [jakarta-taglibs-standard] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] branch master updated (48ea8ec -> 0c5191b)
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] 01/01: * Build a default-jdk-headless package.
Matthias Klose
- [lombok-patcher] branch master updated (339dce3 -> 125514a)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 01/07: Update versioned build-dependency on liblombok-java
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 02/07: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 03/07: Update versioned B-D on lombok
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 04/07: Remove versioned dependency on liblombok-java
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 05/07: Remove ivy from B-D
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] annotated tag debian/0.20-3 created (now 2643863)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 06/07: Update build.patch
Markus Koschany
- [lombok-patcher] 07/07: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [java-common] branch master updated (0c5191b -> ef65103)
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] 01/01: * java_defaults.mk: Fix jvm_archdir macro (Jonas Smedegaard). Closes: #814783.
Matthias Klose
- [lombok] annotated tag debian/1_1.16.6-1 deleted (was dc4e4b1)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] branch master updated (168769e -> 38316ec)
Markus Koschany
- [lombok] 01/01: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [maven-invoker] branch master updated (e6f398f -> 23a5f6c)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-invoker] 01/05: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-invoker] 02/05: Use secure Vcs-* URLs
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-invoker] 03/05: Build depend on libplexus-component-metadata-java (>= 1.6) instead of libplexus-containers1.5-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-invoker] 04/05: Fixed the build failure caused by the plexus-component-metadata upgrade (Closes: #815651)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-invoker] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] branch master updated (aff78d8 -> 8f6dc83)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] 01/05: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] 02/05: Build depend on libplexus-component-metadata-java (>= 1.6) instead of libplexus-containers1.5-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] 03/05: Use secure Vcs-* URLs
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] 04/05: Fixed the build failure caused by the plexus-component-metadata upgrade (Closes: #814877)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] branch master updated (1ad97c2 -> 02e4825)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] 01/04: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] 02/04: Fixed the build failure when building only libsnappy-jni (with debuild -B)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] 03/04: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] 04/04: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-dependency-analyzer] annotated tag debian/1.6-2 created (now c625e58)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-invoker] annotated tag debian/2.2-2 created (now 42265f1)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [snappy-java] annotated tag debian/ created (now 3a75308)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] branch master updated (4c5bcfd -> e3c42c9)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 01/07: Use secure Vcs-* URLs
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/3.4.8'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] branch pristine-tar updated (46a5c88 -> 5c62c65)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 03/07: Refreshed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 04/07: Updated debian/pom.xml
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 05/07: Build with ivy-debian-helper
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 06/07: Reindexed the patches
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 07/07: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] 01/01: pristine-tar data for zookeeper_3.4.8.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [java-common] branch master updated (ef65103 -> f228fa1)
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] 01/02: * Just remove the gcj-native-helper doc symlink on upgrade. Closes: #813223.
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] 02/02: * Remove Torsten Werner from uploaders.
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] branch master updated (f228fa1 -> 099a0af)
Matthias Klose
- [java-common] 01/01: - 0.57 upload
Matthias Klose
- [zookeeper] annotated tag upstream/3.4.8 created (now f514f6e)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [zookeeper] annotated tag debian/3.4.8-1 created (now ecfefb4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [h2database] branch master updated (45593c7 -> 1737dda)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [h2database] 01/03: Set the locale when generating the javadoc to improve the reproducibility
Emmanuel Bourg
- [h2database] 02/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [h2database] 03/03: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] branch master updated (822629a -> 1d3a87b)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 01/15: Use XZ compression for the upstream tarball
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 02/15: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 03/15: Switch to debhelper level 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 04/15: Do not remove the jar files used by the tests
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 05/15: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 06/15: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 07/15: Wrap and sort
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] branch pristine-tar updated (570806b -> 6efc8ad)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 08/15: Use secure URLs for the Vcs-* fields
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 09/15: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 10/15: Removed 0001-add-missing-dependency.patch
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 11/15: New dependency on libmaven-shared-utils-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 12/15: Updated the Maven rule for bcel
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 13/15: Replaced the build dependency on libplexus-maven-plugin-java with libplexus-component-metadata-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 14/15: New build dependency on junit
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 15/15: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] 01/01: pristine-tar data for maven-shared-jar_1.2.orig.tar.xz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] annotated tag debian/1.2-1 created (now 59363fa)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-shared-jar] annotated tag upstream/1.2 created (now ba5f2a7)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r19001 - trunk/plexus-maven-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r19002 - trunk/plexus-maven-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java] r19003 - trunk/plexus-maven-plugin/debian
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat6] branch master updated (55be6bb -> 102b014)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 01/06: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 02/06: Vcs-fields: Use https.
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 03/06: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.45'
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 04/06: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 05/06: Fix changelog line too long
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] branch pristine-tar updated (1bb193e -> ca36346)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] annotated tag upstream/6.0.45 created (now c4c8393)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] annotated tag debian/6.0.45-1 created (now e557427)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 06/06: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.45'
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 01/02: pristine-tar data for tomcat6_6.0.45.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 02/02: pristine-tar data for tomcat6_6.0.45.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] branch squeeze-security updated (f4cb9e7 -> c65b5ed)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 01/02: Imported Debian patch 6.0.45-1~deb6u1
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 02/02: Merge branch 'master' into squeeze-security
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] annotated tag debian/6.0.45-1_deb6u1 created (now 978968c)
Markus Koschany
- [maven-osgi] branch master updated (0c5490c -> 071ad39)
Christopher Hoskin
- [maven-osgi] 01/01: Add DEP-3 headers to debian/patches/test.patch.
Christopher Hoskin
- [tomcat6] annotated tag debian/6.0.45-1 deleted (was e557427)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] branch master updated (102b014 -> 63217f9)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.45+dfsg'
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 02/03: Update changelog
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] annotated tag debian/6.0.45+dfsg-1 created (now cd7883c)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] annotated tag upstream/6.0.45+dfsg created (now 0fe2393)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] branch pristine-tar updated (ca36346 -> b6edc2f)
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 03/03: Mangle the version correctly.
Markus Koschany
- [tomcat6] 01/01: pristine-tar data for tomcat6_6.0.45+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
Markus Koschany
- [pkg-java-svn2git] branch master updated (f4a7b05 -> b455c66)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [pkg-java-svn2git] 01/01: Use https URLs for the Vcs-Git field
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] branch master created (now 46fd135)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 01/23: new package plexus-maven-plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 02/23: package is (almost) ready for upload
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 03/23: close ITP
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 04/23: release
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 05/23: Change Depends: default-java to default-jre.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 06/23: * Change section to java, bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.1 * Add a Build-Depends-Indep dependency on maven-repo-helper * Use mh_installpom and mh_installjar to install the POM and the jar to the Maven repository * Remove the patch for the POM as it's no longer needed * Change the build dependency on openjdk-6-jdk to default-jdk * Use cdbs-ant instead of cdbs-maven for the build, as this plugin is used to build Maven or some of its build dependencies. * Remove the dependencies on Java runtimes as it is a library.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 07/23: * New version
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 08/23: Fix component descriptors
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 09/23: upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 10/23: * Add myself to Uploaders * Rebuild with plexus-cdc >= 1.0~alpha14-4 to get fixed SourceComponentDescriptorExtractor.class (Closes: #545631) * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.3: - Add debian/README.source to describe patch system * Bump debhelper version to 7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 11/23: Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no change
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 12/23: * Switch to source format 3.0. * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.2.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 13/23: * Use Maven to build the package. * Add a documentation package.
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 14/23: Updated the watch file Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes) Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields Build depend on debhelper >= 9
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 15/23: Replaced 0004-set-source-and-target-version.patch with build properties
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 16/23: Added a patch to fix the default value of the fileName parameter
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 17/23: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 18/23: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 19/23: Removed the javadoc package
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 20/23: Moved the package to Git
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] branch pristine-tar created (now 33a5731)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 21/23: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.8'
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 22/23: Sort the components in the components.xml files generated by the plugin
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 23/23: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 01/01: pristine-tar data for plexus-maven-plugin_1.3.8.orig.tar.gz
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-4 created (now 7da3fad)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-1 created (now 343c057)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-2 created (now e6f5e77)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-3 created (now 3c1c868)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 01/01: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging plexus-maven-plugin (1.3.8-3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] 01/01: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging plexus-maven-plugin (1.3.8-4)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag upstream/1.3.8 created (now 8c7abad)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-5 created (now ee9c86a)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-6 created (now 29c1a95)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-8 created (now a2895ee)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-7 created (now 50d54ae)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [plexus-maven-plugin] annotated tag debian/1.3.8-10 created (now 6e65257)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [openid4java] branch master updated (7bfb1db -> 579aee5)
Tony Mancill
- [openid4java] 01/03: update upstream URL
Tony Mancill
- [openid4java] 02/03: bump standards version
Tony Mancill
- [openid4java] 03/03: interim changelog
Tony Mancill
- [pkg-java] r19004 - in trunk/bsh/debian: . patches
Markus Koschany
- [htrace] branch master updated (26c4ea9 -> a60e419)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 01/05: Removed the unused build dependency on libjetty-java
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 02/05: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 03/05: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 04/05: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [avro-java] branch master updated (ba2a673 -> 5ec9e10)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [avro-java] 01/03: Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Emmanuel Bourg
- [avro-java] 02/03: Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
Emmanuel Bourg
- [avro-java] 03/03: Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
Emmanuel Bourg
- [htrace] annotated tag debian/3.1.0-2 created (now 4540d99)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] branch master updated (23f08c2 -> 1f64bf3)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 01/05: Inject plexus-utils 2.x instead of 1.1 in the dependency graph of the plugins not depending on it already (Closes: #813287)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 02/05: Build the plugin metadata for the com.thoughtworks.paranamer group when copying the Maven repository
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 03/05: Move to version 2.0.6
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 04/05: mh_make now recognizes the EPL-1.0 license (Closes: #814632)
Emmanuel Bourg
- [maven-debian-helper] 05/05: Upload to unstable
Emmanuel Bourg
- [tomcat7] annotated tag debian/7.0.56-3+deb8u1 created (now ec9ff88)
Emmanuel Bourg
Last message date:
Mon Feb 29 20:56:35 GMT 2016
Archived on: Tue Apr 17 09:09:17 BST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).