[insubstantial] 01/01: remove copyrighted color definitions, target unstable
Felix Natter
fnatter-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Feb 6 16:44:54 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fnatter-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository insubstantial.
commit 2fc44c81d21c46ad538da32062943b3cefbaa39f
Author: Felix Natter <fnatter at gmx.net>
Date: Sat Feb 6 17:44:33 2016 +0100
remove copyrighted color definitions, target unstable
debian/changelog | 7 +
debian/patches/remove_color_definitions.patch | 442 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
3 files changed, 450 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 7f6e440..3aeb894 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+insubstantial (7.3+dfsg2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Remove copyrighted color definitions
+ * Upload to unstable
+ -- Felix Natter <fnatter at gmx.net> Sat, 06 Feb 2016 17:41:53 +0100
insubstantial (7.3+dfsg2-1) experimental; urgency=medium
* Initial release. (Closes: #787953)
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove_color_definitions.patch b/debian/patches/remove_color_definitions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8a3d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/remove_color_definitions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+Description: Remove copyrighted color definitions from Apple/Microsoft
+ (quaqua is only used on Mac OS X)
+Author: Felix Natter <fnatter at gmx.net>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2016-02-06
+--- a/substance/src/main/java/org/pushingpixels/substance/internal/contrib/randelshofer/quaqua/colorchooser/DefaultPalettes.java
++++ b/substance/src/main/java/org/pushingpixels/substance/internal/contrib/randelshofer/quaqua/colorchooser/DefaultPalettes.java
+@@ -22,434 +22,20 @@
+ * @version 1.0 September 18, 2005 Created.
+ */
+ public class DefaultPalettes {
+- /**
+- * Apple Crayon Colors.
+- * Copyright Apple Computer Inc., All rights reserved.
+- *
+- * The colors are listed here in a logical sequence.
+- * Do not change this sequence! Other classes depend on it.
+- */
+ public final static Color[] CRAYONS = {
+- new Color(0x800000), //Cayenne
+- new Color(0x808000), //Asparagus
+- new Color(0x008000), //Clover
+- new Color(0x008080), //Teal
+- new Color(0x000080), //Midnight
+- new Color(0x800080), //Plum
+- new Color(0x7f7f7f), //Tin
+- new Color(0x808080), //Nickel
+- new Color(0x804000), //Mocha
+- new Color(0x408000), //Fern
+- new Color(0x008040), //Moss
+- new Color(0x004080), //Ocean
+- new Color(0x400080), //Eggplant
+- new Color(0x800040), //Maroon
+- new Color(0x666666), //Steel
+- new Color(0x999999), //Aluminium
+- new Color(0xff0000), //Maraschino
+- new Color(0xffff00), //Lemon
+- new Color(0x00ff00), //Spring
+- new Color(0x00ffff), //Turquoise
+- new Color(0x0000ff), //Blueberry
+- new Color(0xff00ff), //Magenta
+- new Color(0x4c4c4c), //Iron
+- new Color(0xb3b3b3), //Magnesium
+- new Color(0xff8000), //Tangerine
+- new Color(0x80ff00), //Lime
+- new Color(0x00ff80), //Sea Foam
+- new Color(0x0080ff), //Aqua
+- new Color(0x8000ff), //Grape
+- new Color(0xff0080), //Strawberry
+- new Color(0x333333), //Tungsten
+- new Color(0xcccccc), //Silver
+- new Color(0xff6666), //Salmon
+- new Color(0xffff66), //Banana
+- new Color(0x66ff66), //Flora
+- new Color(0x66ffff), //Ice
+- new Color(0x6666ff), //Orchid
+- new Color(0xff66ff), //Bubblegum
+- new Color(0x191919), //Lead
+- new Color(0xe6e6e6), //Mercury
+- new Color(0xffcc66), //Cantaloupe
+- new Color(0xccff66), //Honeydew
+- new Color(0x66ffcc), //Spindrift
+- new Color(0x66ccff), //Sky
+- new Color(0xcc66ff), //Lavender
+- new Color(0xff6fcf), //Carnation
+- new Color(0x000000), //Licorice
+- new Color(0xffffff), //Snow
+ };
+- /**
+- * Apple Colors.
+- * Copyright Apple Computer Inc., All rights reserved.
+- *
+- * The colors are listed here in a logical sequence.
+- * Do not change this sequence! Other classes depend on it.
+- */
+ public final static Color[] APPLE_COLORS = {
+- new Color(0x000000), //Black
+- new Color(0x0000ff), //Blue
+- new Color(0x996633), //Brown
+- new Color(0x00ffff), //Cyan
+- new Color(0x00ff00), //Green
+- new Color(0xff00ff), //Magenta
+- new Color(0xff8000), //Orange
+- new Color(0x800080), //Purple
+- new Color(0xff0000), //Red
+- new Color(0xffff00), //Yellow
+- new Color(0xffffff), //White
+ };
+- /**
+- * Windows Basic Colors.
+- * Copyright Microsoft Inc., All rights reserved.
+- *
+- * The colors are listed here in a logical sequence.
+- * (This is the sequence used by native the Microsoft Windows color dialog.)
+- * Do not alter this sequence! Other classes depend on it.
+- */
+ public final static Color[] WINDOWS_BASIC_COLORS = {
+- new Color(0xff8080), //salmon
+- new Color(0xffff80), //pale yellow
+- new Color(0x80ff80), //pale green
+- new Color(0x00ff80), //spring green
+- new Color(0x80ffff), //pale turquoise
+- new Color(0x0080ff), //deep sky blue
+- new Color(0xff80c0), //pale rose
+- new Color(0xff80ff), //pink
+- new Color(0xff0000), //red
+- new Color(0xffff00), //yellow
+- new Color(0x80ff00), //apple green
+- new Color(0x00ff40), //light green
+- new Color(0x00ffff), //aqua
+- new Color(0x0080c0), //turquoise
+- new Color(0x8080c0), //pale slate blue
+- new Color(0xff00ff), //magenta
+- new Color(0x804040), //chocolate
+- new Color(0xff8040), //pumpkin
+- new Color(0x00ff00), //lime
+- new Color(0x008080), //teal
+- new Color(0x004080), //dark turquoise
+- new Color(0x8080ff), //medium slate blue
+- new Color(0x800040), //maroon
+- new Color(0xff0080), //rose
+- new Color(0x800000), //dark red
+- new Color(0xff8000), //dark orange
+- new Color(0x008000), //green
+- new Color(0x008040), //sea green
+- new Color(0x0000ff), //blue
+- new Color(0x0000a0), //medium blue
+- new Color(0x800080), //purple
+- new Color(0x8000ff), //blueviolet
+- new Color(0x400000), //dark brown
+- new Color(0x804000), //saddle brown
+- new Color(0x004000), //dark forest green
+- new Color(0x004040), //dark teal
+- new Color(0x000080), //navy
+- new Color(0x000040), //midnight blue
+- new Color(0x400040), //dark purple
+- new Color(0x400080), //dark blueviolet
+- new Color(0x000000), //black
+- new Color(0x808000), //olive
+- new Color(0x808040), //dark olive
+- new Color(0x808080), //grey
+- new Color(0x408080), //light teal
+- new Color(0xc0c0c0), //light grey
+- new Color(0x400040), //dark purple
+- new Color(0xffffff), //white
+ };
+- /**
+- * Web safe colors.
+- * Copyright Apple Computer Inc., All rights reserved.
+- *
+- * The colors are listed here in a logical sequence.
+- * (This is the sequence used by native NSColorPicker color dialog.)
+- * Do not alter this sequence! Other classes depend on it.
+- */
+ public final static Color[] WEB_SAFE_COLORS = {
+- new Color(0xffffff),
+- new Color(0xcccccc),
+- new Color(0x999999),
+- new Color(0x666666),
+- new Color(0x333333),
+- new Color(0x000000),
+- new Color(0xffcccc),
+- new Color(0xcc9999),
+- new Color(0x996666),
+- new Color(0x663333),
+- new Color(0x330000),
+- new Color(0xff9999),
+- new Color(0xcc6666),
+- new Color(0xcc3333),
+- new Color(0x993333),
+- new Color(0x660000),
+- new Color(0xff6666),
+- new Color(0xff3333),
+- new Color(0xff0000),
+- new Color(0xcc0000),
+- new Color(0x990000),
+- new Color(0xff9966),
+- new Color(0xff6633),
+- new Color(0xff3300),
+- new Color(0xcc3300),
+- new Color(0x993300),
+- new Color(0xffcc99),
+- new Color(0xcc9966),
+- new Color(0xcc6633),
+- new Color(0x996633),
+- new Color(0x663300),
+- new Color(0xff9933),
+- new Color(0xff6600),
+- new Color(0xff9900),
+- new Color(0xcc6600),
+- new Color(0xcc9933),
+- new Color(0xffcc66),
+- new Color(0xffcc33),
+- new Color(0xffcc00),
+- new Color(0xcc9900),
+- new Color(0x996600),
+- new Color(0xffffcc),
+- new Color(0xcccc99),
+- new Color(0x999966),
+- new Color(0x666633),
+- new Color(0x333300),
+- new Color(0xffff99),
+- new Color(0xcccc66),
+- new Color(0xcccc33),
+- new Color(0x999933),
+- new Color(0x666600),
+- new Color(0xffff66),
+- new Color(0xffff33),
+- new Color(0xffff00),
+- new Color(0xcccc00),
+- new Color(0x999900),
+- new Color(0xccff66),
+- new Color(0xccff33),
+- new Color(0xccff00),
+- new Color(0x99cc00),
+- new Color(0x669900),
+- new Color(0xccff99),
+- new Color(0x99cc66),
+- new Color(0x99cc33),
+- new Color(0x669933),
+- new Color(0x336600),
+- new Color(0x99ff33),
+- new Color(0x99ff00),
+- new Color(0x66ff00),
+- new Color(0x66cc00),
+- new Color(0x66cc33),
+- new Color(0x99ff66),
+- new Color(0x66ff33),
+- new Color(0x33ff00),
+- new Color(0x33cc00),
+- new Color(0x339900),
+- new Color(0xccffcc),
+- new Color(0x99cc99),
+- new Color(0x669966),
+- new Color(0x336633),
+- new Color(0x003300),
+- new Color(0x99ff99),
+- new Color(0x66cc66),
+- new Color(0x33cc33),
+- new Color(0x339933),
+- new Color(0x006600),
+- new Color(0x66ff66),
+- new Color(0x33ff33),
+- new Color(0x00ff00),
+- new Color(0x00cc00),
+- new Color(0x009900),
+- new Color(0x66ff99),
+- new Color(0x33ff66),
+- new Color(0x00ff33),
+- new Color(0x00cc33),
+- new Color(0x009933),
+- new Color(0x99ffcc),
+- new Color(0x66cc99),
+- new Color(0x33cc66),
+- new Color(0x339966),
+- new Color(0x006633),
+- new Color(0x33ff99),
+- new Color(0x00ff66),
+- new Color(0x00ff99),
+- new Color(0x00cc66),
+- new Color(0x33cc99),
+- new Color(0x66ffcc),
+- new Color(0x33ffcc),
+- new Color(0x00ffcc),
+- new Color(0x00cc99),
+- new Color(0x009966),
+- new Color(0xccffff),
+- new Color(0x99cccc),
+- new Color(0x669999),
+- new Color(0x336666),
+- new Color(0x003333),
+- new Color(0x99ffff),
+- new Color(0x66cccc),
+- new Color(0x33cccc),
+- new Color(0x339999),
+- new Color(0x006666),
+- new Color(0x66ffff),
+- new Color(0x33ffff),
+- new Color(0x00ffff),
+- new Color(0x00cccc),
+- new Color(0x009999),
+- new Color(0x66ccff),
+- new Color(0x33ccff),
+- new Color(0x00ccff),
+- new Color(0x0099cc),
+- new Color(0x006699),
+- new Color(0x99ccff),
+- new Color(0x6699cc),
+- new Color(0x3399cc),
+- new Color(0x336699),
+- new Color(0x003366),
+- new Color(0x3399ff),
+- new Color(0x0099ff),
+- new Color(0x0066ff),
+- new Color(0x0066cc),
+- new Color(0x3366cc),
+- new Color(0x6699ff),
+- new Color(0x3366ff),
+- new Color(0x0033ff),
+- new Color(0x0033cc),
+- new Color(0x003399),
+- new Color(0xccccff),
+- new Color(0x9999cc),
+- new Color(0x666699),
+- new Color(0x333366),
+- new Color(0x003333),
+- new Color(0x9999ff),
+- new Color(0x6666cc),
+- new Color(0x3333cc),
+- new Color(0x333399),
+- new Color(0x000066),
+- new Color(0x6666ff),
+- new Color(0x3333ff),
+- new Color(0x0000ff),
+- new Color(0x0000cc),
+- new Color(0x000099),
+- new Color(0x9966ff),
+- new Color(0x6633ff),
+- new Color(0x3300ff),
+- new Color(0x3300cc),
+- new Color(0x330099),
+- new Color(0xcc99ff),
+- new Color(0x9966cc),
+- new Color(0x6633cc),
+- new Color(0x663399),
+- new Color(0x330066),
+- new Color(0x9933ff),
+- new Color(0x6600ff),
+- new Color(0x9900ff),
+- new Color(0x6600cc),
+- new Color(0x9933cc),
+- new Color(0xcc66ff),
+- new Color(0xcc33ff),
+- new Color(0xcc00ff),
+- new Color(0x9900cc),
+- new Color(0x660099),
+- new Color(0xffccff),
+- new Color(0xcc99cc),
+- new Color(0x996699),
+- new Color(0x663366),
+- new Color(0x330033),
+- new Color(0xff99ff),
+- new Color(0xcc66cc),
+- new Color(0xcc33cc),
+- new Color(0x993399),
+- new Color(0x660066),
+- new Color(0xff66ff),
+- new Color(0xff33ff),
+- new Color(0xff00ff),
+- new Color(0xcc00cc),
+- new Color(0x990099),
+- new Color(0xff66cc),
+- new Color(0xff33cc),
+- new Color(0xff00cc),
+- new Color(0xcc0099),
+- new Color(0x990066),
+- new Color(0xff99cc),
+- new Color(0xcc6699),
+- new Color(0xcc3399),
+- new Color(0x993366),
+- new Color(0x660033),
+- new Color(0xff3399),
+- new Color(0xff0099),
+- new Color(0xff0066),
+- new Color(0xcc0066),
+- new Color(0xcc3366),
+- new Color(0xff6699),
+- new Color(0xff3366),
+- new Color(0xff0033),
+- new Color(0xcc0033),
+- new Color(0x990033),
+ };
+- /**
+- * Microsoft Office Colors.
+- * Copyright Microsoft Inc., All rights reserved.
+- *
+- * The colors are listed here in a logical sequence.
+- * (This is the sequence used by native the Microsoft Office color dialog.)
+- * Do not alter this sequence! Other classes depend on it.
+- */
+ public final static Color[] MS_OFFICE_COLORS = {
+- new Color(0x000000), //Black
+ };
+ /**
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index acb3604..888c63f 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ no_android.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/insubstantial.git
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