[Git][java-team/jalview][master] 35 commits: Using version 4 in d/watch to remove files

Pierre Gruet gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Dec 15 22:07:25 GMT 2020

Pierre Gruet pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / jalview

12c64cee by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T16:58:50+01:00
Using version 4 in d/watch to remove files

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a4684803 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:02:53+01:00
New upstream version
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8778e7b5 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:03:18+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/'

Update to upstream version ''
with Debian dir c80e10fc3578965b69064981dfa73553cddd7e73
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38c143b1 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:04:31+01:00
Depending on debhelper-compat 13

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bb3a5751 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:06:10+01:00
Upstream has switched from ant to gradle

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ab9c2da2 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:16:51+01:00
Correct invocation of org.jfree

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1969b404 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:17:35+01:00
Get rid of quaqua, which cannot be distributed on a non-Mac platform

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a060eeae by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:18:43+01:00
Calling JSONObject correctly

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2ae61807 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:19:53+01:00
Deactivating getdown, which is used to update software while running

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f3a97e9d by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:20:44+01:00
classgraph is not needed for a Debian run

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0a2f4dc4 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:22:00+01:00
Deactivate a failing corner-case assertion in a test

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99421fab by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:43:47+01:00
Updating build-dependencies list and d/jalview.classpath

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47b33567 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T17:46:35+01:00
Switching from cdbs to dh

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2a77c81a by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-19T18:55:56+01:00
Making the build with Maven instead of upstream's gradle

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8106b4f5 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T10:58:45+01:00
Updating Vcs-* and Homepage fields in d/control

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58a35c24 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T11:24:21+01:00
Remove patch for Jmol and ant

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b0adab8a by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T11:26:01+01:00
Setting myself as uploader, removing former uploader who orphaned jalview

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db8b77b8 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T11:26:29+01:00
Calling dh_clean in its override in d/rules

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939cca8a by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T17:17:52+01:00
Refreshing d/copyright

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9d9046d5 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T22:50:17+01:00
Providing a FreeDesktop entry instead of former menu entry

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f8bed6dd by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T22:51:30+01:00
Rules-Requires-Root: no, and acknowledging Standards version bump to 4.5.1

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a04d9948 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-20T23:45:12+01:00
Modifying the jar launcher by setting properly the jar manifest

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4f356909 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-21T14:00:10+01:00
Updating manpage

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dd65224a by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-21T14:00:36+01:00
Adding missing libjersey1-core-java dependency

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fdc74aae by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-21T14:33:23+01:00
Including an upstream patch for a test in MemorySettingTest.java

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f258265f by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-21T14:57:23+01:00
Adding missing dependency libcommons-discovery-java

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d85f1dc4 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-21T22:08:59+01:00
Putting the documentation in the resources tm embed it into the jar

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5931eec3 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-21T22:09:48+01:00
Correcting mispellings in manpage

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67d84965 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-22T15:29:47+01:00
Using secure URI in d/watch

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7aca93e0 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-22T15:30:17+01:00
Adding metadata relative to Bug tracking and Repository

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5000b090 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-25T22:08:33+01:00
Deactivating Google Analytics, using a non-packaged and improperly licensed software

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c492894f by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-26T21:55:25+01:00
Adding a jar of libjaxws-java in the classpath for the web services

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14ef8756 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-11-27T22:50:07+01:00
Acknowledging the two licences of files in src/jalview/ext/android

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2a985843 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-15T23:06:22+01:00
Updating changelog

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8d73691b by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-15T23:06:56+01:00
Preparing files to reintegrate the examples/ folder in the source package

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30 changed files:

- JalviewApplet.jpx
- JalviewX.jpx
- + authors.props
- + build.gradle
- − build.xml
- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- − debian/jalview.classpath
- + debian/jalview.desktop
- debian/jalview.install
- debian/jalview.jlibs
- + debian/jalview.manifest
- − debian/jalview.menu
- + debian/jalview.poms
- debian/manpages/jalview.1
- + debian/maven.rules
- − debian/new-upstream
- + debian/patches/change_package_jfree.patch
- + debian/patches/correct_last_assertion_MemorySettingTest.patch

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jalview/-/compare/b26de480bf41735d88cbb412e2ec4f3ab3f7d41b...8d73691b1903ddb16327ccab04c64f46e04df730

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jalview/-/compare/b26de480bf41735d88cbb412e2ec4f3ab3f7d41b...8d73691b1903ddb16327ccab04c64f46e04df730
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