libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Stefan Gybas
Sat Jan 10 13:16:02 2004
Takashi Okamoto wrote:
> I tried but there were problem. Most of commons-* are depend on
> commmons-logging. commons-logging is depend on log4j1.2 but log4j is
> contrib. Well, I looked log4j but it use Swing and it can't be
> compiled by kaffe.
Maybe we can build a "light" version of log4j without the classes that
require Swing for main?
> So, I can't put commons-logging and commons-* into main. But use kaffe
> and cdbs iscool. I'll do it.
The license problems are not yet solved. I think we should not build
packages in contrib with GPL'ed core classes. :-(
> I think gjdoc is better because more similler to SUN's javadoc:)
Another solution might be to spilt the source packages into lib*-java in
main and lib*-java-doc in contrib. The number of binary packages would
stay the same so the result for the users will not change, except for
some more packages in main.