libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Arnaud Vandyck
Sat Jan 10 16:02:02 2004
Stefan Gybas <> writes:
> Takashi Okamoto wrote:
>> I tried but there were problem. Most of commons-* are depend on
>> commmons-logging. commons-logging is depend on log4j1.2 but log4j is
>> contrib. Well, I looked log4j but it use Swing and it can't be
>> compiled by kaffe.
> Maybe we can build a "light" version of log4j without the classes that
> require Swing for main?
That's also what I was thinking about.
>> So, I can't put commons-logging and commons-* into main. But use kaffe
>> and cdbs iscool. I'll do it.
> The license problems are not yet solved. I think we should not build
> packages in contrib with GPL'ed core classes. :-(
IMHO it's not a problem because these packages can be linked with other
compiler, not only the specific kaffe one, so it does not really need
kaffe to be built or to run, it could be by another
implementation. Also, note that there are a lot of classes from
classpath in kaffe and they are LGPL (or GPL + linking exception, I
don't remember).
>> I think gjdoc is better because more similler to SUN's javadoc:)
> Another solution might be to spilt the source packages into lib*-java
> in main and lib*-java-doc in contrib. The number of binary packages
> would stay the same so the result for the users will not change,
> except for some more packages in main.
I'm not sure. I think it's a lot of work for a tiny benefice. Let's try
gjdoc. What about ant running gjdoc instead of javadoc? Do you have some
good news about it?
More personnal, do you come at the FOSDEM in Bruxelles 21 and 22
: :' :rnaud
`. `'