libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Arnaud Vandyck
Sun Jan 11 19:44:01 2004
Benoit, explanations are below, please, read carefully the whole mail. I
Cc you because I don't know if you read this list?
We are trying to put the most possible packages in main and some
packages are waiting for liblog4j1.2-java to go to main. It seems the
main problem is because of Swing.
A possiblility could be to ship log4j without swing at the moment or in
a separate package.
Takashi Okamoto <> writes:
> From: Arnaud Vandyck <>
> Subject: Re: libcommons-beanutils-java in main
> Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 16:01:17 +0100
>> > Maybe we can build a "light" version of log4j without the classes that
>> > require Swing for main?
>> That's also what I was thinking about.
> Here is it:
> log4j 1.2.8_2.1 was build by kaffe/kjc.
Takashi did built liblog4j1.2-java without Swing using kaffe, so the
package can now go to main... and then some other packages will follow.
Package: liblog4j1.2-java
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/libs
Installed-Size: 416
Maintainer: Benoit Joly <>
Architecture: all
Source: jakarta-log4j1.2
Version: 1.2.8-2
Depends: java-common
Also, I do not think this is the good dependency regarding the java
policy. It should be:
,----[ 2.4. Java libraries ]
| Java libraries must depend on the needed runtime environment
| (java1-runtime and/or java2-runtime) but should not depend (only
| suggest) java-virtual-machine.
`----[ /usr/share/doc/java-common/policy.txt.gz ]
Benoit, is there a problem if Takashi upload log4j without Swing
>> I'm not sure. I think it's a lot of work for a tiny benefice. Let's try
>> gjdoc. What about ant running gjdoc instead of javadoc? Do you have some
>> good news about it?
> I propose javadoc task to use gjdoc at ant-dev ml. My propose is
> modifing javadoc task to select javadoc implementation like javac
> task. But it is rejected because gjdoc don't implement enougth function
> to replace SUN's javadoc.
> However, if if wrote gjdoc task based no my patch, we can use gjdoc
> to replace javadoc task in build.xml.
Maybe Stefan can include your patch in the debian package of ant?! I
don't think we should make a separate package just for the patch?
Or maybe we can add the patch in the gjdoc package? Comments?
Thanks to all, I think it's really important if we can move the most
java packages to main.
: :' :rnaud
`. `'