libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Takashi Okamoto
Sun Jan 11 15:32:04 2004
From: Arnaud Vandyck <>
Subject: Re: libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 16:01:17 +0100
> > Maybe we can build a "light" version of log4j without the classes that
> > require Swing for main?
> That's also what I was thinking about.
Here is it:
log4j 1.2.8_2.1 was build by kaffe/kjc.
> I'm not sure. I think it's a lot of work for a tiny benefice. Let's try
> gjdoc. What about ant running gjdoc instead of javadoc? Do you have some
> good news about it?
I propose javadoc task to use gjdoc at ant-dev ml. My propose is
modifing javadoc task to select javadoc implementation like javac
task. But it is rejected because gjdoc don't implement enougth function
to replace SUN's javadoc.
However, if if wrote gjdoc task based no my patch, we can use gjdoc
to replace javadoc task in build.xml.
Takashi Okamoto