Desmond Koen
Mon Jun 7 05:58:01 2004
<font size=3D"1">It was an opportunity for him to talk, and for me to hear=
, that old language of Rabelais, which is still in use in some Canadian pr=
<a href=3D""><img src=3D"ht=
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<a href=3D"">No more msgs</a=
<font size=3D"1">There, a mile and a half from the frigate, a long blackis=
h body emerged a yard above the waves. And the sea is precisely their best=
vehicle, the only medium through which these giants (against which terres=
trial animals, such as elephants or rhinoceroses, are as nothing) can be p=
roduced or developed; an hour -- a considerable speed, but, nevertheless, =
insufficient to grapple with this gigantic cetacean;=20</font><font size=3D=
"1" color=3D"#FFFFCC">barth</font>