Mon Jun 7 16:59:01 2004

I got your contact in my searching of a good reputation foreign partner to =
assist me in my late husband properties. My late husband was former distric=
t leaders of the diamond city call KENNEMA and an executive member of the D=
iamond Mining Association in he Republic of Sierra-Leone.=20

He was massacred by the president TEJAN KABBAH force in their struggle to r=
einstate him back to power, before his death he disclosed to me that he dep=
osited two trunk boxes contain sum of US$18.2 Million in a Security Company=
 in Accra, Ghana, in a neighboring country in West Africa, after all, I had=
 gave the Security Company a call and was confirmed that the boxes are inta=

I decide to solicit for your kind assistance to help me and my two children=
 invest these funds on our behalf the sum of US$18.2 Million (and to deposi=
t 20kg of Gold Alleviate in your Bank for us.) in your Business Venture for=
 a long term and pay us monthly on an agreeable terms to be worked out late=

Our lives and future of my two children depends on these funds and as such,=
 I will be grateful if you can assist us. I am seeking your assistance to i=
nvest this fund out of Africa for investment purpose.

I want you to come on board help clear this money from the deposit company,=
 open an account on your name, and transfer the funds to your designated ac=
count in your country.=20

Why I also want you is that my husband specifically put it in his will and =
advice me that I must consult a foreign partner to assist me to move the fu=
nds out of Africa, I think was to save as a check on my part so that I woul=
d not loose the money, as this is the only money left for the success of my=
 two children in this generation.=20

What I demanded from you is to assure me the safety of this money when it f=
inally gets to you. Further information and arrangement will commence as so=
on as trust, confidence and good relationship is established. I shall be mo=
st grateful if you could maintain this high level of confidentiality I repo=
se on you concerning this matter.

Please reply me through my email address.

Thanks for your personal consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Mary Manto