Support with jetty packages
Dalibor Topic
Tue Oct 5 07:26:03 2004
Philipp Meier wrote:
> Hello,
Hallo Philipp,
> I'm the the maintainer of the jetty package which I'm using successfully
> on several production machines. Currently I'm working on packaging jetty
> 5 which is released since a couple of days. At the moment my day job
> doesn't let me spend much time on this, though. Is there any interest in
> co-maintaining jetty? I'd appreciate to convert jetty into a pkg-java
> maintained package.
That sounds like a good idea to me.
> Some weeks ago I made some tests running jetty with kaffe on debian
> which were prospecting. IMHO, it would be a big step for debian to a
> provide state-of-the-art java webapplication server which can be used
> with kaffe.
Ah yes! Definitely! I have to wrap up another incremental kaffe
pre-1.1.5 for Avdyk later today, and then I hope to give Jetty a try on
it. How does one go about testing it? Are there test suites to see how
well it behaves?
dalibor topic