Bug#274111: Ah, found a possible cause for this bug...
Tim Carr
"Tim Carr" <tcarr@rim.com>, 274111@bugs.debian.org
Thu Sep 30 07:54:03 2004
All of the commons packages (commons-dbcp/pool/etc) were all put into
/usr/share/java by the dependency packages that 'apt-get install
tomcat4-admin' installed.
So, looks like someone isn't creating symlinks, or forgot to include
/usr/share/java in the CLASSPATH.=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Gybas [mailto:sgybas@debian.org]=20
Sent: September 30, 2004 5:23 AM
To: Tim Carr; 274111@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#274111: Ah, found a possible cause for this bug...
Could you please check if it is present on your system in server/lib?
The admin web application is running fine on my system on a fresh=20
installation. Maybe commons-pool is added to the class path somehow.
Does adding a symlink to commons-pool.jar in server/lib solve the=20
problem for you? If not, does adding symlinks to commons-dbcp.jar and=20
commons-pool.jar in common/lib help?